#hayoung fanfic
erospandemos · 2 years
Impromptu Sleepover
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Happy Valentine, my friends. For the little of you who already have a special someone, show them how much you love them! For the brave ones who have yet to make a confession, do it! Be prepared for rejection but don’t fear it: you miss all the shots you don’t take.
As for all the others who are lonely in the pink and red holiday, we’re in this together: here’s a little story to cheer you up. I hope you’ll enjoy.
Signed,  Eros
Three hours and sixteen minutes. 
That’s how long you’ve been stealing glances back and forth between two lovers and your dream girl, in this small apartment that smells faintly like cherry and cookies and Hayoung’s soft, delicious scent. And that’s how long you two have been silent. Wholeheartedly silent.
You were sitting beside your best friend as you watched her softly lit face by the movie playing in the background. A cinema wasn’t necessary when you already had the best seat, shoulder-to-shoulder with Hayoung. If you were looking at her every ten minutes, Hayoung was every eight, casually meeting your eyes at times and turning around to the screen like it was just by chance, flustered.
You did this a lot of times before but why was your heart beating so fast? You were sure she didn’t notice how your cheeks flushed whenever her hands brushed against yours, whenever your shoulders touched, whenever your legs met, and whenever her star eyes lit up your dark pupils. 
Actually, maybe she noticed—you swear you saw her grin when you jolted up from embarrassment at her face being too close to yours. 
“I need to get some water,” you said and run to the kitchen. 
Hayoung lets herself fall on the warm spot you left on the couch and kept following the movie.
You bet she isn’t even thinking about it. 
You bet she doesn’t care. 
You bet you were the only one in distress, nervously fiddling with your fingers, sulking to the vintage notes of  “The Portrait” while she’s excitedly rooting for the two lovebirds to kiss, completely entranced. 
What do girls even think about all the time? 
What does she think about? 
Food? Puppies? Songs?
Does Hayoung even fall in love? Or was it just the guy falling for her? 
She might not have realized it, but maybe some other boy quietly took a liking to her and maybe, in the smallest chance, microscopic probability, unlikeliest percentage, she also—sort of—maybe liked him?
You shiver, wondering who that might have been. Wondering whether the crush she might not even have would be extraordinarily lucky or—
“It’s so good, isn't it?”
You turn so fast, you feel a muscle pull. “What?”
“I can't believe you've never watched this movie before,” she says.
“Oh, the movie you mean.” 
You massage your neck. She stares at you with glittering eyes.
“It's such a classic, I just... Well, I'm glad you decided to watch it with me, even though, you know, you didn't have much of a choice. It's all good, at least you can say that you've watched it now and people won't laugh at you.”
“I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.” 
You think she’s biting the inside of her cheek to avoid bursting out laughing. 
“I don't think I've had a Saturday night as lovely as this in so long. I know we went out last weekend but that was different, you know.”
“The aquarium was really fascinating,” you nod. “The dolphin show was really cool.”
“Yeah, I had so much fun. I did have a great time but it wasn't lovely, you know.”
“It’s because you had to leave your home right?” You shake your head in disappointment. “And now because you’re hibernated in your house, you’re having so much more fun.”
“Yes, I don't like going out much. Yes, I'd much rather stay inside and watch movies.”
“That makes you sob.”
“Yeah, movies that make me cry. The ones that make you feel like they're the best ones.”
You snort. “Just because it’s a little sad?”
“I just think Titanic has got such a bad reputation and it's gone down as like a cheesy love story but when you actually sit down and watch it, I mean, how can you not become invested in their story? Yeah, it's so sweet and it's based on a historical story.” You think about the situation you’re in. It’s not a date. But if it were—which it isn’t—it would be the best date of your life.
Of course, it wasn’t. But. If it were. Even when, you must admit, it almost feels like one. You had to remind yourself you were just hanging out… as friends.
“It was interesting,” you say as if you remembered even a single moment from the movie.
“Yeah, no it is, it's super interesting. And like they had an actual team that had to go and do all the diving too, you know, get all the shipwreck footage and all that kind of stuff.” Hayoung puckers her lips. “Oh yeah, and did you know that Rose was based on a real passenger from the Titanic?”
“What a geek.”
“How can you say that that's geeky? It's like general knowledge I'm sure it is. Oh my gosh, you're just being salty because you lost the bet that you wouldn’t enjoy it.” Hayoung puffs her cheeks and furrows her eyebrows in such a way that reminds you of a little bear. You don’t have the force to disagree with her.
“You are? Oh, you're such a geek.” She rolls her eyes.
“It's so nice and warm. I can hear the radiators coming on again. It's gonna be like boiling in here. Let me just stretch my legs.” Hayoung strokes her feet to collect some heat and pushes her legs onto the blankets sitting on your lap, not caring if you’d take offense at her pink rabbit-covered socks. 
“Get off me.”
Hayoung whines. “Come on, we've been in the same position for like, I don't even know how long or what time is it?”
You look at the clock on the wall. “It’s 2 am.”
“It's not 2 am.” She noticed the clock. “It is. How did it get so late?”
“Maybe because the movie was so damn long.”
“Oh yeah, I guess it was a three-hour movie.” 
“I should go home now,” you say. She stretches and her legs take more of your space but both of you then noticed the noise from outside. You look out the window and see the whole sky coming down in a thunderstorm. You thought Zeus was playing with you, after you had to suffer and try not to go insane for three hours. It was far from a blessing.
“Wow, oh my gosh, look at the rain,” Hayoung said, standing up. “Wow, that is so heavy.”
“No big deal, I can walk home.” 
“Oh, there's no way I can let you walk home in this.”
“It’s fine.” 
“No, no way.”
“It won’t kill me.” 
“No, just stay. Please. Please, just stay. Please, are you gonna make me beg you?” Hayoung whines in an adorable way. “Please don't make me beg. Oh, do you know what, I'm not even gonna ask you anymore? I'm just gonna block the door if you try to leave.” And then she got mad, pinching her eyes like how red pandas furrow their fur.
“Oh, you think you could?”
“I could take you on. I could. I'm so much stronger than I look, thank you very much.”
“Even though you’re this small?” 
“Yes, even though I'm that short,” she says. “I can't say that forever, you know. But for real, you are staying and that is that. Don't even try and argue with me, I am being completely serious right now. I am not letting you walk home in the rain, in the cold, really late at night. I'm not doing it.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Of course I'm sure, don't be silly. What kind of friend would I be if I let you walk out in that rain? If you go out, you are going to catch a cold.”
Suddenly her eyes spark again and she speaks furiously without catching a single breath. “Oh my gosh, you know what this is gonna be. I think this is gonna be like a sleepover. Yeah, a sleepover? Wow, I haven't had one of these since I was like maybe eight, or nine? I can't even remember what you do at a sleepover.”
“Well, we can either watch another movie, but I’m tired, or just talk there.”
“Okay right I'm gonna go put my jammers on and I'll grab you some extra blankets as well.” Hayoung jumped out off the couch in excitement, buzzing and jumping around like a little kid. “Okay. This is so crazy I can't believe you are actually stopping over.”
“We get to talk about the sleep things that you do at sleepovers. I can't remember but, um, what do you think? Oh, truth dare. Or we could talk about gossip. I'm not really a gossip person but we could gossip about school.”
“Nothing happens in my college. It’s just a bunch of nerds like me studying and… studying.”
“Oh, well you’ll find something or I’ll just talk the whole time.” Hayoung looked around to think and hummed. “Would that even work? Oh yeah, that would be a no.”
Your friend signaled you to come to her and you walked to her bedroom. It was just like how you expected it to be—very feminine, with plushies and small decorations. There was also pretty stationary, the kind girls use, on the desk together with all her notebooks. “
Okay. Here's your blanket,” she says, throwing it to your face. “And you can have this pillow. It's the comfiest one that I've got. I'm sure you can have it of course. You are my guest.” 
“So I sleep on the couch…?” 
“Oh well, I thought you could just sleep here if you wanted to. Well, it's really chilly downstairs so like you're free on the sofa if you sleep there and there's no way I'm gonna let you sleep on the floor,” Hayoung says not paying much attention to you because she was busy taking everything out of her closet. Things that she didn’t see for the past three years and things that sat there since she bought them. She turned around, “Well would you let me sleep on the floor if you had a sleepover at yours?”
“Oh god.” Hayoung pouted. “You are just so mean to me.” Then she flopped on the bed, patting the place beside her. “Just get in here silly. Well, this is the bed that I've been bragging about.”
“Wow, it’s soft,” you say, sitting on the bed and bouncing a few times to test the firmness of the mattress. The way you two looked next to each other was almost comical. Your friend was there in a cute pajamas while you had black jeans and an old uni hoodie.
“Yeah? Oh, it's just so comfy. So comfy. It is warm. You're gonna warm up so quickly I promise. Yeah especially with all these extra blankets and pillows as well. Body heat. Do you need any extra pillows or are you sure you don't want some socks?”
“No, I’m good.” 
“Okay. Okay. I'm just gonna get comfy then. Hmm, that's so good.” Hayoung lays with her chin on the pillow, it was a big fat one, and she looked like a cat rolling on a ball. When she closed her eyes and relaxed, her face naturally came down to look like gudetama. She was calm and looking at her calmed you. 
“Is that how you sleep?” you ask. “Won’t you get back pain?”
“Yes, I really sleep like this. You don't snore too loud do you?”
“No, I don’t,” you hum. Hayoung seemed a little slow. Her energy was starting to leave her body.
“I'm so sleepy. Tell me something.”
“I’m really happy I can spend time with you.”
Hayoung giggles with happiness. “I'm really glad I get to spend some more time with you too. Even though we're going to be asleep for most of it. But you know, I'm really glad that you're staying tonight.”
“I really appreciate you being in my life,” you admit. “I never felt this way with any other friend before and I'm at a point where I wouldn't want to spend time with anyone else. I'm not bothered about spending time with anyone else.”
The silence lingers for a moment. The two of you expressed your feelings clearly but now, there was something on your chest that you couldn’t ignore. You were just waiting for who would say it first. And it was her.
“You want to know something really silly.” Hayoung forces her face into a smile. Her heart was doing something weird in her chest. Beating a little too quickly. “Maybe I shouldn't say it. Okay, well I'm gonna get close so I can whisper it. Because then maybe you won't hear it. Um, okay. Well, I get so jealous when I know that you've been spending time with someone else.” 
When you say embarrassing things, you only realize them after they come out of your mouth. “Did you hear that?” Hayoung blurted out. “Yes,” you said, and Hayoung felt like she was about to disintegrate into a puddle of sand. She wanted you to take it back, “No, what?” She wanted you to simply rewind as if nothing happened but it was too late now.
“I don't mean that in a weird way,” she quickly corrected herself. “That came out weird.”
You nodded, this time slowly. Trying to understand what she was talking about.
“It’s okay.” You offered her a reassuring smile but she couldn’t possibly look at you. Not a second longer. 
“I just mean... I mean, I'm so happy that you've been meeting other girls,” she murmured, feeling herself sinking deeper into the bed quicksand. “I really, I love to hear that you're so excited and you're happy and I'm so happy for you. But a part of me just hates it. I'm sorry. Oh, so stupid. You're just amazing. You are, you are.” 
You knew you were any of those things. Not by a long shot. But you think that your sweet friend only knows how to say the best of you and not anything else.
“You have this way that you look at me sometimes and it just makes you so fuzzy inside.” Hayoung is embarrassed. She rolls herself into a small ball under the blankets to protect herself, but can’t stop speaking, it was too late now. 
“Like, I can feel how much you care about me just from the way that you smile at me. It makes me melt. It makes me feel so special.” She wets her lips. “I don't know if you feel it too, but... Ever since we met, I just, I feel like I already know you. I feel like I already did know you. And every new thing that I learn about you just... I feel like I already knew it. And that, um, as you say, I just remember it.” 
You can’t believe what she’s saying. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. A part of your brain hopes that it goes where you’d like it to go but you can’t believe Hayoung was that person.
“This isn't making sense,” she laughs awkwardly. “It's just so strange. And if I'm being honest, I'm not really sure what this feeling is. Like, this feeling which is being connected.” 
“Um, I know that I'm saying all this…” She looks at you, serious and earnest like she rarely does but you know she had every intention to be so. “I don't want anything to change between us. Like, not ever. I would never want that to happen because I can't imagine not having you in my life.” 
Something surges into her as she lets these words come out of her. Something painful and delightful and confusing. Something breathtaking, rich, and frightening. Not a fully formed feeling, but an early draft of it. She wants to get a grasp of its taste before it’s gone. She reaches out, letting her words flow out.
“...which is why I'm so nervous right now, I think, but it just feels so right to say what I'm feeling. I always wonder how things could be different.” Hayoung’s skin is even redder than usual now that you notice, and she retreats farther into her little blanket nest. “And I keep having dreams about me and you. Dreams were more than this. And we're just so incomparably happy and I just can't help but wonder if it means what I feel it means, whether it means…” 
She glances at you. Your face is a blank void. Not because you were unconscious but because you were sweating balls and didn’t know what to do.
“No, I don't know. I don't know if you're asleep yet. And I'm 99% sure I'm dreaming anyway, otherwise, I wouldn't be saying any of this,” she admits. Her voice quiets down to only a whisper. “So guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you.”
“I love you,” she says again, to make sure she did. “Being with you is just so special and you are so wonderful. The way that you take the time to be joking if I'm okay. The way that you're just so in tune with who I am. The way it takes my breath away every time you say my name. I love the way that you make me feel. So many times I've just sat quietly trying to keep myself together when all I want to do is hold you.”
Hayoung hugs the pillow in front of her, tight enough to make her contain herself.
“Am I dreaming? Are we dreaming? This has got to be a dream. It's got to be.”
You were holding back until now but you couldn’t anymore and you smile. And she smiles. The smiles linger, warm, and honest, and you hear her speak again, in her soft smooth tone.
“I feel so peaceful and complete right now. I'm so glad I even my eyes and because you've got the cutest smile on your face. I can't believe I just told you all that. And you know if you don't feel the same, I completely, completely understand, you know.”
“But I do…” Your throat works miraculously. “I love you too.”
“Oh, you do. Oh, really? Wow, um, wow. And now I don't know what to say.” Hayoung makes room for you, and with a few tentative lumbering steps, you’re both under the same blanket. You feel small around her, although she’s obviously shorter than you. What made you so vulnerable? You didn’t know. She looks around, playing with her hair.
“Oh, wow. Um, um, um, can I, can I kiss you?” she asks. She holds her breath as she waits for you to speak. She’s so nervous—she keeps swallowing, and it sounds loud to her ears. Even her breathing sounds loud, even her heartbeat. “Is that okay?”
Your pupils are dilated looking at her so hard. You’re staring at her like you’ve never seen Hayoung before.
Her heart is pounding like a million trillion beats a minute as she scoots closer to you. She raises her head up and presses her lips against yours, and feels your jolt of surprise. And then you’re kissing her back, open-mouthed, soft-lipped, and at first, she’s nervous, but then you put your hand on the back of her head, and stroke her hair in a reassuring way, and she’s not so nervous anymore. It’s a good thing that she’s laying down on the bed because she is weak in the knees.
“This is just so perfect,” she says as soon as she lets you go.
“It really is,” you admit.
“I'm lying in my bed with you and I told you how I feel and you haven't run up screaming. Oh, my gosh, I never want to leave. This is the best feeling ever. I, I love you. I love you.”
“I love you too Hayoung, I’ve been holding it back for I don’t know so long but now I can say it as honestly as I can,” you say back. And she smiles.
“You are just incredible and I've always secretly felt just so lucky that you want to spend your time with me and that you care about me. It's just so, so wonderful. You are the best. And I love you. I love you. 
It just feels so nice to say. Well, I hope you have really sweet dreams. I don't need to dream anymore.” Hayoung quickly pecks you another time. Just for good measure. 
“Good night. I love you.” 
5 February 2023 - 14 February 2023
Thank you @capslocked​ and @midnightdancingsol for editing this little story. 
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
Winners and Losers (NSFW) FT Song Hayoung
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Author's note: Partial Part 2 to Snow Day
I arrived home to see Hayoung smiling. She waved happily and said, "Hey Danzo, how was your day?"
"Pretty calm, just long," I replied, kicking off my shoes and setting my bag down.
Hayoung grinned and said, "Well, come here and hug me." I walked over and embraced her, feeling her warmth chase away my fatigue.
"So, how is the comeback prep going?" I asked, still holding her.
"It's great!" Hayoung exclaimed with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling.
As I pat her head I say, "Oh that's fantastic. I look forward to seeing the final product of what you have been working on." Hayoung smiles brightly at me. Her energy was infectious, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Hey, why are you laughing?" she pouted, pushing out her bottom lip in an adorable way.
"Because you're endearing and I love you," I said, leaning in for another hug and kissing her forehead.
She smiled up at me, her eyes softening, before breaking the hug. "Okay, enough cuddling. It's time to play," she said confidently, a playful challenge in her voice.
"Oh, right. Let me grab my deck," I responded as I tried to mentally prepare to play magic.
I went to my bag and pulled out my Nadu Temur Prowess deck. Hayoung smiled as she went to grab her deck: Jeskai Prowess. We sat across from each other at the table, and she smiled brightly. I set up everything, and she mirrored my actions. I rolled out my Fromis_9 playmat, which always made Hayoung smile. She’d point to her face and say, "It's me," happily before unfurling hers.
I started my first turn with a Dragon's Rage Channeler off of a fetch land. Hayoung went first and started with Esper Sentinel off of a Hallowed Fountain. My next land was Shifting Woodland. I swung the DRC at Hayoung. She didn’t block, making me consider casting Mutagenic Growth and the Bolt I had in hand to maximize damage, but I decided to hold off. When it was her turn, she smiled.
“You are going to get it now, babe,” she said confidently before slamming down a Monastery Swiftspear. She played a cantrip to maximize damage after blocks, so I lost the DRC. She smiled before passing, clearly enjoying the upper hand.
I laughed and shook my head. “You’re getting better every time we play.”
The cards I saw would set up a sequence for me to win, but as I looked at them and then at Hayoung, I decided to ease off and played Ledger Shredder, then land and two spells before passing. She smiled and then played her favorite otter from Bloomburrow, named Bria. I smiled and said, "You know Bria reminds me of you."
Hayoung smiles, "Really?" she asks jubilant. shortly after Hayoung's eyes narrowed playfully, and she said, "Now you won't distract me."
"It's not a distraction," I replied as she built her storm turn. She swung at me for lethal, and I smiled, not minding the loss.
"Yes!" Hayoung exclaimed, having finally beaten me. She began a cute little dance to signify her win, making me smile. As I watched her, I silently appreciated this adorkable girl whom I had met in a music writing group. The memory of our first meeting flashed through my mind—how shy and serious she had seemed until we started talking about our favorite songs and bonded over our shared passion for music. As I sat there, I forgot that the cards in my hand were visible. As Hayoung danced, she looked in my area and noticed the cards. Her eyes went wide before she said,
"You had these in your hand?" Realizing my mistake, I quickly tried to cover them, but it was too late. Hayoung saw my hand and said, "Wait, these were in your hand?" She noticed the plethora of Mutagenic Growths and other protection/pump spells.
Hayoung's eyes narrowed at first, which was a bit scary, but then they softened. She slinked over to me, her voice deepening with a familiar husk.
“You know what? I think you let me win,” Hayoung said suspiciously.
I looked at her, feigning innocence, and asked, “Why would you think that?”
Hayoung's eyes narrowed as she tried to read my expression. “I don't know, but I do know how to get an answer out of you,” she declared, tickling my sides until I was laughing uncontrollably.
"Did you let me win?" she asked and in between laughs I remained steadfast.
"I have been kicking you but for weeks why would you think I would just let you win out of nowhere?"
Hayoung’s eyes narrow as she stops tickling me and she lowers herself to my crotch.
Confused I ask hesitant “Ugh, what are you doing?”
Hayoung smiled mischievously as she undid my zipper with her teeth, and fished my cock out, “Getting to the truth,” she said before taking me into her mouth. Her lips parted as she took me in before and an overwhelming amount of saliva covered my shaft. I moaned as we locked eyes. hers were intense. She smiled around my cock as she made two slow tortuous journeys along my shaft.
"Ah Fuck" I gasped, as she broke the chain before saying.
"Tell me what I want to know and I'll let you cum." she says seductively. Her gray hair was tied in two twin-tails that I reached out for but Hayoung swatted my hands away.
“Come on babe tell me the truth, and I’ll let you cum and ruin me,” she says firmly. I groan as she continues her slow tortuous blowjob. She knew all the tricks to have me leaking and begging her to cum. As she sucked I felt myself get close and when I was about to cum she stopped.
“Did you let me win?” she said with a shit-eating grin as she lightly lapped at my cock while staring at me. Her big gorgeous eyes were too much,
“Fuck Hayoung yes I let you win,” I said. Hayoung smiled as she dove back in.
“See that wasn't so hard,” she said, but at that point, it was too late. I picked Hayoung up and impaled her on my cock after yanking her sweatpants down. She moaned as I thrust into her while she was in the full Nelson position.
“Fuck Danzo Deeper,” she moaned as I continued to spear her. My cock was embedded in her tight pussy as I thrust in and out. Using my off hand I slid under her shirt before groping her right breast. Despite her modest dress and temperament, Hayoung's body was built for sin. As I massage her breast and continue fucking her I feel her pussy convulse before she screamed “Ah Danzo I'm Cumming,” her orgasms as always were intense. Her pussy coiled itself around my snake like a good snake. As I felt the intensity I came too. I heard Hayoung moan as I set her down. When we finished cumming she smiled before saying,” I guess we're both winners and losers tonight,”
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orv aladdin au! with kim dokja as aladdin (conman supreme), han sooyoung as fellow thief (also aladdin), yoo sangah as jasmine (trapped by her family), yoo joonghyuk as ysh's bodyguard
kdj 'cons' yjh into being distracted while hsy sneaks into ysh's room to steal jewellery and then ends up panic-flirting with ysh
jhw and lhs are there too! heewon is a robin hood steal-from-rich-to-give-to-poor and hyunsung is the guard that sort of lets her but also doesnt because its for a good cause. (poor guy has 'turns a blind eye to injustice' attribute canonically). on the other hand sooyoung is absolutely DECKED in the face when she tries to get into the treasury or any other place.
they're all friends and sort-of not, especially after hsy flirts her way into becoming co-queens with ysh.
lee jihye and kim namwoon! jihye is joonghyuk's squire (officially) and namwoon is also his squire (not officially) - dokja is some sort of weird uncle to namwoon (the aus where theyre distantly related are always funny to me) and if bribed at the right time, knw is swayed pretty easily into letting his weird-ass uncle get into the royal palace.
yjh actually knows about this - hes always the one being sent to go after kdj - but kdj somehow always escapes the cells and manages to reclaim whatever loot he'd been trying to steal when yjh sometimes catches him.
the kids (gilyoung, yoosung, biyoo) are all kdj's little apprentice minions that hsy begrudgingly helps train and look after as well. yoosung actually wants to be a knight (of some sort, more about just protecting people) and kdj indulges her on it by introducing her to jihye through namwoon.
gilyoung and biyoo very much want to follow in kdj's footsteps, on the other hand and have a fun little dynamic where biyoo for a while echoes a lot of what gilyoung does and in an older brother kind of way gilyoung is SO angry at this.
jang hayoung is also in the web of kim dokja's weird-ass long distance relatives, but is a NOBLE?! very funny, hayoung finds out she has a weird uncle and cousin in the city and forces them both to visit sangah with her at some point, and its very awkward when the infamous conman of your kingdom and the kid he bribes to let him into your palace - who is also a KNIGHT of your palace, are talking over tea.
through a series of events that involve saving sangah from some ransomer (yjh is indisposed), kdj gets a badge of HONOUR and also a queen's pardon for most of his crimes before he disappears back into the shadows. he and sangah are now besties but hsy WILL NOT let him ever live it down that he ever went that 'good.' kdj goes on a crime spree at his nearest convenience to bump back up his tally of crimes and wanted-ness.
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mode-lfy · 1 year
Hayoung - Delivery
A/N: Inspired by a TikTok clip I watched
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“Hello? Where is my order? I ordered jajangmyeon like an hour ago.” You asked, when the call was connected to the delivery person.
“I’m on my way!” A voice answered.
The sound of traffic could be heard in the background.
“Where are you-” The call ended before you could ask where the person was.
“What the…?” You sighed in disbelief and frustration as the person hung up on you.
Within 15 minutes, there was a knock at the door and you opened the door to see someone bowing deeply with your food and money in your face.
“I’m sorry! I will refund your money. Please don’t report me!” The girl said.
You looked up and rolled your eyes, sighing but controlling your temper.
She looked up and tried showing her cute eyes to you.
“Keep the money. Thanks for delivering the food.” You took the food and sighed again before closing the door.
You went back to your living room and sat down, taking out the bowl of jajangmyeon that took an hour plus to arrive.
As you unwrap the plastic, and prepare to enjoy your meal. You see the sad scene of your noodles, you held your chopsticks and used it to held up the noodles, it was frozen into a clump. You tried reheating it but the noodle by then was too soggy when reheated.
You sighed once again and ate as much as you could handle before throwing away around half of the incredibly soggy noodles.
“Digusting.” You shook your head as you threw away the soggy noodles.
You decided to just sleep for the night after waiting a long time for a bad meal.
The next day, you woke up and started to work on a project that you have been working on for awhile now. You worked for a few hours before starting to feel your stomach growling, then you looked at the time and it was now noon. You decided to go down and buy lunch from a nearby convenience store.
Hayoung meanwhile was trying to stop her mom from going up the lift. “Don’t your boyfriend stay here?” She asked.
‘... How do I tell mom that I broke up with my boyfriend and he doesn’t live here…’ Hayoung thought to herself as they waited for the lift.
Soon the lift opened and you walked out of the lift.
“Oh!” You recognised Hayoung, the girl who delivered your food last night.
“Oh! Kim Son-in-law. You didn’t have to come down and fetch us. Did Hayoung tell you I was coming?” Her mom came, happy to see youl.
You were stunned, as you looked at how happy the older lady was looking at you.
You looked over at Hayoung, ‘???’ you made a confused face at her.
She looked back at you, don’t know what to do.
The older lady, you assuming her mother, entered the lift and asked you two to come in as well.
“What floor are you staying?” She asked you.
“Well, eomma… actually… I…” Hayoung tried to tell the truth.
“It’s the 6th floor, mother.” You replied politely, pressing the 7th floor button.
“Your face look slightly different, did you lose weight?” Her mom asked.
“Yes, I did.” You said, bowing a little and smiling.
Hayoung look at you surprised as you continued to play along. You looked at her, staring for a spilt second before taking the gift package from her, helping Hayoung carry the gift package.
Her mom saw the action and smiled to herself, approving of you.
Once inside your apartment, you took out the apples that Hayoung’s mom took out and peeled, cutting it before serving it on a plate to them.
“Wow~~~, you are so good in peeling and cutting the apples. Completely different from our Hayoung!” The older lady joked, praising you as you handed an apple on a fork to her.
“Take one.” You said, handing one to Hayoung.
“So, what do you like about my Hayoung?” Her mom asked, as she bites into the apple slice you handed to her.
“Well, she is a strong, brave girl and…” You looked at Hayoung, not knowing what else to come up with.
She looked at you, making gestures. ‘Say one more good thing about me please.’ She pleaded.
“Pretty and cute.” You praised Hayoung.
“Ah! You are really in love with my daughter.” Her mom said, happy with you.
“You got lied to by Hayoung, but you can’t get rid of her tho.” She said laughing, earning a weird look from Hayoung.
After a short conversation with Hayoung’s mom, she prepared to leave.
“It was nice meeting you, Kim Son-in-law.” She held your hand.
You and Hayoung looked at each other, she looked at you, giving you a slight nod and smile as thanks.
“I will let you two talk for a while.” Her mom said, giving you two a short time to talk and waiting at the lift area.
“Thank you.” Hayoung whispered once her mom was at a distance.
“It’s okay. Your mom is interesting.” You smiled.
“Well…” Hayoung, blushed.
“I don’t actually have a boyfriend, maybe… Can I have your number?” She asked, looking down and away.
You thought of it as cute and gave your number to her.
“Hayoung-ah, the lift is here. Give a hug to Kim Son-in-law and then come over.” Her mom said.
Hayoung gave you a small hug before leaving with her mom.
“Damn, I ordered a jajangmyeon and somehow got a girl for a date??” You joked to yourself as you went back to your apartment.
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shykpop · 1 year
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Hayoung icons
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co-reborn · 2 years
Please or Please
Hayoung & Tzuyu x Male Reader
view in AFF
3,178 Words
A/N: Another Twice and fromis student smut! This story (maybe) takes place in the same school as Bust or Bust, but it’s definitely a different oc.
A/N2: Thank you @worldsover​ for editing this fic and making it better than my initial draft. Also glad that you’ve shown interest in the premise for a long long while and sorry it took so long to finish :)
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The library is your silent sanctuary. You have always loved the peace and quiet that comes with it. 
While the room is big enough that you need to get up from your desk to give the shelves a light circuit every hour or so, the job itself isn’t too stressful. All the students who come in here are either passing by quickly, retrieving a textbook for research, or diligently learning, too focused on their studies to be rowdy. The rest of the day, you can just stay seated, crack open the next novel in your reading list, and get the lovely scent of fresh paper in your nose as you get lost in a new world.
After operating hours, the library is locked and most students have left, leaving only you and two of your students to the tranquil reading space. Hayoung, the library club’s secretary, is instructing the new secretary about her duties. You trail behind the two of them, supervising and jumping in with information when necessary.
“And that’s about it for what to take note of in the library,” Hayoung says, bouncing in her step. 
Notebook in hand, Tzuyu nods while she finishes jotting down the last bits of information. Meticulous as always, one of the reasons she’s selected for the important role.
“I won’t disappoint you, unnie.” Tzuyu puts her notebook away in her bag. “I’ll do my very best.” 
“Are you sure that’s everything, Hayoung?” you ask. “You seem to be missing the most important bit.” 
Tzuyu toys with the hem of her skirt. While her earlier concentration made her stoic, now she quickly becomes giddy with excitement. 
Hayoung stands on her tiptoes, leaning closer to you. “Yes, daddy. I told Tzuyu all about it during lunch break earlier.”
You give Hayoung a pat on the head. “Good little kitten.” 
Pull out a chair and sit in front of your two students. With a twinkle in her eyes, Hayoung pulls Tzuyu closer to you. The nervous girl takes a deep gulp, unsure what she should do next. Thankfully, her unnie is there to help her.
Seeing Hayoung unbuttoning her blouse, Tzuyu does the same. You salivate at the sight of your students stripping for you, especially when Hayoung pulls off her shirt to reveal her bare breasts; she never wears a bra knowing that you don’t like it in the way. Meanwhile, Tzuyu is in a simple hot pink bra. 
“Tzuyu! I told you daddy doesn’t want to see any underwear.” 
“W-what? I…” Tzuyu looks down in shame. “Sorry da-daddy.”
You smile. Tzuyu’s a natural at this. 
“It’s okay, baby girl,” you say, though your voice is firm. “It’s your first time. I’ll just confiscate them.” 
In fact, it’s even better this way since it’s Tzuyu’s first time serving you, but no need to admit that.
Hayoung drops her skirt to the floor, then reaches behind Tzuyu to undo her bra. Tzuyu unzips her skirt too before stepping out of it. Upon the sight of Tzuyu’s matching pink panties, Hayoung kneels behind her. Slowly pulling down the undergarment, she plants light kisses down from Tzuyu’s butt down to her feet. You would express your jealousy if you didn't know what was coming next.
Folding the bra and panties neatly, Hayoung presents them to you. “Here, daddy. Keep them well.” 
“Thank you, kitten.” 
The small wet spot on Tzuyu’s panties entices you to take a lewd sniff, which doubles your already high excitement to fuck her. 
Hayoung motions for Tzuyu to get on her knees, and the two students shift closer to you. You switch your attention away from the underwear to the two naked girls kneeling between your legs, their eyes looking up as they yearn for more.
After a nudge from Hayoung, Tzuyu speaks up. “May I please take out… take out y-your c-cock daddy?”
At your nod, Tzuyu's hands move with eager speed, unbuckling your belt and pulling down your pants. The tent in your boxers makes evident your intense arousal. Since Tzuyu is stunned at the mere sight of your bulge, Hayoung swiftly moves in and pulls down your boxers, fully exposing your shaft.
Though Tzuyu holds back her gasp, she exclaims anyway: “Daddy is so big!” Her enthusiasm makes your erection twitch in excitement.
Mindlessly, Tzuyu’s hand moves towards your cock to gently grab it. The warmth from her fingers sends the first electrifying sensation of the evening up your spine. 
With a sweet, encouraging smile from Hayoung, Tzuyu carefully strokes your shaft. “Am I doing this right, daddy?”
“Almost, baby girl.” Through pursed lips, your inhalations are becoming sharper. “Go faster.”
Tzuyu’s hand speeds up as per request, and the pleasure in your loins grows. She picks up fast, especially with Hayoung giving some tips from the sidelines.
While Tzuyu continues her handjob, Hayoung stands up and shifts to your side. She holds your chin and turns your head to face her, before making out with you with more passion than before. 
Breaking the kiss, Hayoung whispers, “Give my thoat the best fuck ever, daddy. Your little kitten needs to be rewarded after a year of hard work.” 
Hayoung gets back onto her knees, hands resting on her thighs as she waits for your next move. You signal for Tzuyu to move aside before you step in front of Hayoung. Your cock an inch away from her mouth, Hayoung looks up with doe eyes, pleading for it to ruin her. 
You don’t hesitate to give her what she wants. Grasp the sides of her head and push your cock into her mouth. After remaining hilt-deep inside her snug mouth for several seconds, you let Hayoung do all the work. Her tongue goes around your shaft over and over again, clenching with soft gags every so often. The uncomfortable situation doesn’t deter Hayoung; she’s perfectly accustomed to it already. 
Yet, you desire more. Rock your hips back and forth, and you begin to truly fuck her mouth. Start off with strong and hard thrusts into Hayoung’s slick, drooling hole, consistently hitting the back of her throat. 
Hayoung holds on to your hips for stability as she gets overwhelmed by your cock. Tears form in her eyes, but it doesn’t matter. You know that Hayoung enjoys your roughness and that she gets off from it. Slick drips out of her pussy and stains her thighs as always. Tzuyu can clean up the mess later. 
Your throat-filled secretary is not the only one getting pleasure from this. Ever the studious one, Tzuyu watches closely, admiring the face-fucking her unnie is taking from you. Some of her fingers have unknowingly gone down her body and began to explore her dripping pussy.  She must be imagining herself getting face-fucked. However inexperienced she is, Tzuyu wants to try and feel having her mouth stuffed with cock. Most importantly, she wants to make daddy happy—she has admitted as much to Hayoung in private. Tzuyu’s fingers thrust in faster and deeper, keeping up with the pace of your cock entering Hayoung’s mouth. From your peripheral vision, you see Tzuyu squirming by the side while pleasure wrecks her young body. You’ll get to her eventually. 
First, you have to finish the job with Hayoung. You don’t hold back your first orgasm of the afternoon, pumping hot white cum into her mouth—plenty more to give to your new secretary, both today and in the future. Pull out to admire the mess you made of your little kitten. Saliva drips down the side of her chin from your face-fucking and her cheeks are puffed as it holds all your cum.
Hayoung pulls Tzuyu over and mashes her lips against her. Your two students give you a lustful show. After Hayoung deposits some of your thick, creamy seed into Tzuyu’s mouth, they  both turn to you. Hayoung opens her mouth, showing your cum on her tongue, and Tzuyu cluelessly follows suit seconds later. They then take an audible gulp before releasing a soft moan. With a sultry lick of her lips, Hayoung opens her mouth, showing that she has drunk every single drop of your seed while Tzuyu bursts into a wide smile and exclaims, “Daddy tastes so good.”
“Good girls.” You ruffle their heads before pulling each of them onto their feet and to a nearby table. 
Don’t wait any longer to savor your new baby girl. Bend Tzuyu over and press yourself against her bare backside. Rub your erection up and down between her butt cheeks. She gasps and pushes back to feel more of your length pressing against her meaty behind. 
“Be a good girl,” Hayoung says. “Beg for daddy’s cock.”
“Please! Please fuck me, daddy. Hayoung unnie says it makes her feel so good and I want to feel good too.” Tzuyu turns around and bites her lips. “I’ll be your good little fucktoy whenever you want, daddy.”
You’re pleased with her desperate, shaky words and give in to your lustful desires. Hold onto your cock and push it straight into Tzuyu's cunt, and she lets out a scream of mixed pain and pleasure across the library. You stay hilt deep inside Tzuyu, letting her pussy adjust to your length and thickness. 
Meanwhile, Hayoung moves to Tzuyu’s side and comforts her. “Don’t worry, Tzu. It only hurts for now. But daddy will take good care of you.” 
Tzuyu takes deep breaths and calmly nods, signalling for you to begin fucking her. Withdraw your cock until just your tip is left inside, then bottom yourself out once more. Tzuyu’s pussy gets wetter and wetter as it pulsates around your shaft. 
“I-I love your cock, daddy! Keep fucking me, please!”
Of course, you keep going. With a harsher hold on Tzuyu’s hips, you channel more energy into your lower body, plowing your new secretary with your might. After all, she needs to become acclimated to her new role and duties.
Tzuyu begins to roll her body in time with yours, trying her best to drive your cock deep inside her. Hayoung continues to encourage her younger counterpart as she strokes Tzuyu’s hair and rubs her shoulders. 
You don’t want to leave Hayoung without action for too long. When you motion for her to join in, she bursts into an excited smile. Hayoung climbs onto the table and spreads her legs wide open. Her soaking pussy glistens under the library lights but it quickly gets blocked by Tzuyu’s head.
Hayoung lightly pulls Tzuyu’s hair towards her dripping core, and a cock-drunk Tzuyu begins to rapidly lick her unnie’s slick off her thighs and pussy. Her moans become muffled as it slowly gets replaced by sounds of deep slurps across Hayoung’s slit. 
With the younger girl now sandwiched between the two of you, her body is rocked back and forth in time with your thrusts. As you thrust forward, Tzuyu is buried deeper between Hayoung’s thighs. Hayoung grips Tzuyu even harder, using the younger girl to push herself to orgasm. 
Like the fast learner that she is, Tzuyu quickly improves in her task of orally pleasing Hayoung as her sunbae’s moans intensify whenever her mouth hits the right spots. With a few more licks, Hayoung’s orgasm catches Tzuyu off guard and she sprays her juices across Tzuyu’s face, puddling on the table as if there were a spill of water.
Tzuyu is already out of breath getting dicked down so intensely, but it gets even harder for her when Hayoung's juices flood her mouth. You keep up the pace of cock’s pounding, overwhelming Tzuyu’s senses. Spank her a few times, don’t give her any second of rest. Her body shakes and her pussy tightens. You tug her hair and pull her upright. Snake a hand between her thighs, find her clit, and give it a pinch.
You whisper directly into her ear, “Cum for daddy, baby girl. Cum all over daddy’s cock.”
Tzuyu can only focus on the pleasure in her lower body, her brain unable to register anything other than your thick, pistoning shaft. The friction, the intense fullness, the more intense emptiness. Her body grows limp, and she falls back onto your chest. You nibble her ear and stroke her hips, ensuring she’s fine before you restart your thrusts once more, driving yourself to your second orgasm.
Hayoung sits on the table, watching you go and encouraging you. “Fuck her harder, daddy. Use your baby girl’s body. Fill her up with your hot cum, just like every time you did with me.” 
“Yes!” Tzuyu’s mouth and eyes are wide-open, her eyes crossing as she goes dumb with the overt stimulation.  “I love daddy’s cock. Please keep fucking me. I want daddy’s cum in my pussy.” 
The urge to fill Tzuyu’s cunt for the first time is at an all-time high. You push Tzuyu away from you and back onto the table, your hands fiercely gripping her sides. Every sense other than touch shuts down. With a few more deep thrusts, grazing her inner depths, you thoroughly enjoy Tzuyu’s slick walls until the very end.
Your balls tighten. You toss your head back as you unload your cum into Tzuyu. She lays limp on the table, mewling and moaning, more and more of your seed flooding her tight body. You remain buried inside Tzuyu, adding a couple of short thrusts every few seconds to ensure your cum won’t leak out.
With your energy drained, you withdraw from Tzuyu and fall back onto a nearby chair. The girl lays limp on the table, gasping for air from the intense fucking she received from you. You rub your hands across her ass to comfort her. “That’s daddy’s good baby girl.”
“Thank you, daddy. I’ll be your perfect baby girl.”
Hayoung walks over and straddles you, sitting on your lap. “Don’t forget your little kitten, daddy. I remember you mentioned something about rewarding me.”
“Of course, my little kitten.” 
You tap your lap, and Hayoung hops on like an obedient pet. She purrs before she presses her lips against yours. There’s a frantic energy in the kiss, tongues needy for each other. One whole year of sex with Hayoung has made you familiar with every inch of her body, though knowing the sensation very well doesn’t stop you from fondling her tits and squeezing her perky butt carelessly. With the way your fingers dig into her body, this truly feels like the last time.
“Don’t worry, daddy. I think Tzuyu will be a good replacement for me.”
You lift Hayoung up and plant her on the table with her legs resting on your shoulders. You lean forward, her chest pressing against yours. Your cock lays across Hayoung’s fir abs, and Tzuyu is wide-eyed at the fact all that length even went inside of her. 
“Daddy is going to fill kitten’s pretty little asshole with cum,” you say.
“Fuck.” Hayoung wiggles until your tip is pushing against the tight ring below her pussy lips, shiny with wetness. “Please, daddy. I want you to pound my ass one last time.”
Take it slow and steady, pressing your cock inch by inch into Hayoung’s ass. Such an incomparable, all-enveloping feeling of warmth. Her back arches, and her body writhes as she gets accustomed to anal with you once more. Once you feel her ass relax, you begin pounding her. So hot, so tight, so familiar. 
While you will definitely savor Tzuyu for the next year, a part of you will miss Hayoung’s body too. All the different times you fucked her across the library, staining books with both your fluids, or even other places in the school—the bathrooms, under the stairs, the rooftop.
Hayoung moans even louder as your assault on her body gets more intense. If this were any other student, you’d scold them for their inappropriate volume. The table creaks too. You latch yourself onto Hayoung’s neck, pinch her sensitive nipples and plunge into her plush pussy even harder. 
Tzuyu, while sitting at the side, is fingering herself at the sight of your lustful session. Will daddy fuck her this hard one day? She definitely hopes so. Stained with mixed cum, Tzuyu takes her fingers and brings them to her unnie’s mouth. Hayoung’s tongue wraps around them and desperately licks it clean. 
While Hayoung is distracted, your hand travels down her chest to her pussy. You find her clit and rub it hard. That is the last straw for her. Hayoung cries out in immense pleasure, her moans echoing across the large library. At that moment, you wouldn’t have cared if the whole school population was around to witness the sinful sight. Her pussy leaks more of her cum, lubricating her ass to ease your continuous fucking even if her hole tightens and restricts your cock. After Hayoung’s moans come to a stop, her mouth gapes for air, and she looks at you with the same pleading eyes as always.
Hayoung pouts through her whimpers. “Is daddy going to cum for me? Put all that thick load in my tight hole?”
“Yes, daddy." Tzuyu hisses. "Cum in unnie’s ass. Fill her up.”
The two girls drive you insane and you let your lust control your brain one last time for the afternoon. What starts as a boring and mediocre day in the library ends when you erupt balls deep inside Hayoung’s ass. 
“Fuck, so much cum. Daddy, thank you, thank you. It’s so warm and creamy inside me.” Hayoung rubs her toned tummy. You bring your fingers, drenched in her pussy juices, and give Hayoung a taste of herself; her lips wrap around your digits eagerly.
For what seems like an eternity, you both lay on the table, recovering and catching your breath. Even after you pull out and slowly begin to get dressed, the two girls still have some energy remaining. Tzuyu replaces you between Hayoung’s legs. She begins to clean her up, licking her pussy clean and catching any of the cum leaking out of Hayoung’s ass. 
“Daddy. Ahh.” Tzuyu shows off just how willing she is to eat your cum, even if it spills out of Hayoung’s raw fucked hole.
The way you stroke the side of Tzuyu’s cheek is so tender compared to the obscenity of her swallowing the load. “Such a good girl.”
It takes a while longer to persuade your two girls to dress up and leave as well. Though you’re drained, you appreciate the entertainment of Tzuyu and Hayoung making out longer than either of them expected it. You want to save this moment forever. Take a video, maybe write it down in a journal. But you’re satisfied with keeping just the memory of the two nude secretaries twisting tongues, leaking cum from between their thick thighs. After they bring each other to orgasm one more time, they finally give in when you tell them it’s time to go. As they head to the school gate, you remain behind for a final sweep and to lock the doors.
The library is your sex sanctuary. You have always loved the sin and debauchery that comes with it.
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strawberryya · 2 years
.°❀ fromis9’s rosebush ❀°.
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I will say it again: if you are a minor do not read what you are not supposed to read here. anything labeled as smut or 18+ means mdni no matter what.
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🌱 saerom
◆ can I do anything for you? ➺ 0.8k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: reader has a cold and saerom is there to care for them.
◆ all night parking ➺ 5k ➺ smut, college au, threesome: svt seungcheol x reader x fromis saerom ➺ synopsis: You and your girlfriend invite one of your college coursemates along for the night, and my god, he was a good choice.
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🌱 hayoung
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🌱 jiwon
◆ co-parenting ➺ 3.8k ➺ fluff, strangerst to lovers ➺ synopsis: You adopt a fish, but you do so with a stranger that you just met and will now co-parent said fish with. It goes pretty well, especially since your co-parent is gorgeous and hilarious...
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🌱 jisun
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🌱 seoyeon
◆ five more minutes ➺ 1k ➺ fluff, established relationship ➺ synopsis: it’s a rainy Wednesday, and you must go to work. your girlfriend seoyeon disagrees. work will not be happening on this day.
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🌱 chaeyoung
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🌱 nagyung
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🌱 jiheon
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can't find what you're searching for in the garden? plant a seed in my letterbox! both requests and little thoughts are more than welcome ofc.
[navigation post!]
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xuggistuff · 3 years
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⌗ whisky a go go.
— pessoal ‹𝟹
⎙ 25.10.21
[abra para visualizar com qualidade]
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lelecoresworld · 2 years
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ゲ! ⸃⸃ random 𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳𝑺 icons!¡
♡ 𓂃 se pegar curta/reblog! créditos não são obrigatórios.
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Snow-Day FT: Song Hayoung
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Authors note: A cute little fluff for one of my favorite Fromis_9 girls
"Babe, wake up! It's snowing outside," Hayoung, your girlfriend, exclaims with excitement. Slowly, you pry open your eyes to find her beaming face hovering above you, her big brown eyes filled with elation. With a gentle push, you coax her off you, the warmth of her presence lingering as you rise from bed. As you stand, your gaze falls upon Hayoung, dressed in a cozy gray sweater, a sleek black leather jacket, and her beloved beret perched atop her head, perfectly complementing her cute black skirt. With a contented sigh, you gather her into a hug, reveling in the affectionate exchange until her restless energy prompts her to squirm with excitement.
"Come on, get a shower and get dressed so we can enjoy the snow," Hayoung urges eagerly, her words tumbling out in rapid succession. Smiling at her infectious enthusiasm, you acquiesce, moving to fulfill her request.
You proceed with your morning routine, enjoying a leisurely shower, selecting warm clothing, and indulging in a light breakfast before joining Hayoung outside. However, your peaceful transition to the snowy outdoors is abruptly interrupted as a snowball smacks into you just three steps beyond the threshold. Letting out a resigned sigh, you brush the frozen remnants off your vibrant red scarf, your beanie snugly affixed to your head.
Turning towards Hayoung, you playfully quip, "Oh, is that how it's going to be?" With a mischievous grin, you begin crafting a snowball of your own, gloved hands expertly molding the icy ammunition. As you ready your retaliatory strike, Hayoung forms another snowball, poised for action. With a swift toss, you launch your snowball towards her, causing her to flinch and drop hers in surprise. She returns your gaze with an excited yet competitive glint in her eye, fully embracing the challenge.
What follows is a spirited snowball skirmish, initially lighthearted but swiftly escalating in intensity as both you and Hayoung immerse yourselves in the fray. Each throw becomes more strategic, each dodge more calculated, fueled by the competitive fire that burns within both of you. However, as the battle rages on, the realization dawns that there are other obligations awaiting you both beyond this playful snowbound duel.
A mutual understanding ensues, and the intensity gradually ebbs, leading to a truce—a stalemate born not of surrender, but of mutual respect and the recognition of other responsibilities that beckon. As you both reluctantly set aside your snowy rivalry, the memory of this spirited encounter lingers, a testament to the boundless joy and camaraderie shared between you and Hayoung amidst the winter wonderland. your lovely girlfriend latches onto you as the two of you head for her Label.
Before stepping inside, you pause and lean in to whisper to Hayoung, "Gosh, I can't wait until you're free from Pledis so you can do what you want."
Her reaction is immediate, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face.
"I know this hasn't been ideal, but they've been good to me. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk badly about them," Hayoung responds, her tone firm.
You let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging her perspective.
"It never fails to amaze me how you can put up with them," you remark to her with a mix of admiration and bewilderment.
"Well, without Pledis, I wouldn't have met my favorite English tutor and boyfriend," Hayoung retorts, her gaze fixed on you. Your smile is genuine as you meet her eyes.
"Okay, fair point," you concede, recognizing the positive outcomes amidst the challenges.
As Hayoung clings to your arm tightly, you both ascend to the office. After dropping her off at her practice room, you set off to fetch food for the two of you. While outside, you encounter Le Sserafim. Sakura, noticing you as she usually does due to your resemblance to her boyfriend Daigo, greets you warmly.
"Hey guys," you greet them politely, receiving smiles from the Le Sserafim members. Sakura is the only one who seems to register your presence, her attention momentarily diverted from her companions.
"How are you, Danzabourou-san?" Sakura inquires.
"I'm good. And how about you? Are you and Daihirou still doing well?" you ask. Sakura nods with a smile.
"He's currently waiting for me at the hotel. He's here for a couple more days before he goes back to the States," Sakura explains.
"That's nice of him to come out for your birthday," you remark warmly. Sakura nods emphatically before bidding farewell as the rest of the Le Sserafim girls depart.
After grabbing food from a nearby noodle shop, you return to the practice area and distribute the meals. Seoyeon and Chaeyoung express their gratitude with cheerful thanks, to which you respond with a silent thumbs up before seeking out a quiet spot to enjoy your meal. You find a secluded spot with a panoramic view of the cityscape, the snowflakes descending gracefully against the urban backdrop. As you savor your meal, the rhythmic tapping of footsteps interrupts the tranquil ambiance.
"Yo, Hayoung, you did?" you inquire casually without turning around, captivated by the serene scene unfolding before you.
"Yeah, we just needed to work on a couple of dance practices and film some TikToks," Hayoung responds, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. Intrigued, you swivel around to face her, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Ah, so that means we'll finally be able to settle our unfinished snowball battle," you declare with a wicked grin. However, your playful anticipation is cut short by a sudden sneeze from Hayoung, causing your expression to shift instantly into concern. Your protective instincts kick in as you enter "overprotective significant other mode," a role you and Hayoung seamlessly slip in and out of. You watch as the tip of her nose becomes red, your decision is swift and unwavering.
"Nope, young lady, we're going back home," you assert firmly, your tone brooking no argument.
"No, I'm fine," Hayoung protests weakly, but you remain resolute, knowing the consequences of her falling ill.
"I don't want you getting sick on my watch. Gyuri and Saerom would never let me hear the end of it. So, we're going home to do that thing you like," you insist, a plan already forming in your mind.
Hayoung's eyes light up with anticipation as she catches on to your hint. "Bubble bath?" she ventures excitedly, seeking confirmation. With a nod from you, the decision is made, and together you head home.
Before entering, however, you veer off to the side, a mischievous spark igniting within you. Craftily, you gather some snow, forming it into a compact snowball. As Hayoung comes looking for you, unsuspecting, you launch an icy surprise at her with a playful grin. Her laughter fills the air as the two of you engage in another impromptu snowball skirmish.
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venuslogy-icons · 2 years
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hayoung (fromis_9)
��� like or reblog if u save  ♥︎
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ladyyblue · 3 years
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“sob meu próprio prisma”
fanfic por @halfhope 
edit por @ladyyblue
caso se inspire, me credite
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seidooreiki · 3 years
Through The Darkness Eps 10 (contain spoiler, stop reading if you haven't watch this drama so far)
Actually I accidentally see the preview of eps 11 in my youtube channel (damn you, youtube algorithm) before I watch the eps 10 so I know that something BAD will happen to my dear Detective Song Ha Young.
But seriously, I didn't-- wow, I didn't expect that this drama will have a climax about THAT.
Yeah I know that the show has been hinting that Song Ha Young is slowly being pushed to the corner. It is done sooo subtly that I almost missing all the hints. At first I thought Ha Young simply is a workaholic. That he always come home late, even when he is home, he is still busy with his work. That his life is depicted as 100% work only. And it is NORMAL for him to be like that.
Yes he has several down moments throughout the drama, several times he was near having a mental breakdown but managed to pushed it aside. Captain Kook and his mom are trying to console and comfort him in their own ways, and I thought, that would be enough. And I thought, he will be okay because everytime that happened, in the next scene, Ha Young will be okay again.
But I noticed it now, even after all of that, Ha Young never changed his way of life, he never changed.
I love it. I mean, in most of fictions usually... The problem will be resolved once the characters said some keywords like "You have me, you aren't alone" or things like that and suddenly their problem evaporated away and they are happy. While in reality, it doesn't work like that.
No matter how much Captain Kook talked and scolded Ha Young, trying to break through his wall, it is Ha Young's choice to whether accept his words and let Captain Kook in.
And, he didn't.
Maybe because he didn't know how.
Ha Young is used to be alone, he has a bond with Captain Kook but sadly, not that deep yet. He has no where to vent out his stress (sometimes to Captain Kook, but by how the drama depicts it, it is somewhat a "slip up" moment and Ha Young usually realize it fast then close himself again). He has no real close friend or lover, Ha Young doesn't want to trouble his mother or his boss. And not many people notice that Ha Young is slowly breaking down, since he always looks perfectly okay on the outside.
Ha Young himself doesn't notice that what he is doing is unhealthy and harming himself.
And I love it.
I love this climax oh my gosh, this is so perfect. Ha Young gets overwhelmed by his stress and he notices it too late, and my dear Detective is so stupid because rather than trying to find help to other people, he is still trying to deal with everything alone. But well, that's Ha Young for you. And that's perfect for his character.
With this, I guess, many people will notice that Ha Young isn't alright. That he isn't this stoic superhuman who can endure everything thrown at him. I hope Ha Young will learn to depend to other people, that he has people who genuinely care for him.
I love this drama and I don't want this to end yet... Aaaaaahhhh
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chanyouchan · 3 years
Mais vale um plot na mão do que dois voando
⠀⠀📌 Capinha para o projeto Fantasyisland;
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⠀⠀ 📅 21/04/2021
⠀ ⠀🗝 Créditos: venue e fairyixing (DeviantArt). Demais png's feitos por mim.
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artsiwat · 3 years
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❝ capa para fanfic  — song hayoung [fromis_9] ❞
୧ — Venus Arcade
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springluvies · 4 years
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palavras doces sem sinceridade  ♡࿐
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