#fromis_9 fanfic
erospandemos · 2 years
Impromptu Sleepover
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Happy Valentine, my friends. For the little of you who already have a special someone, show them how much you love them! For the brave ones who have yet to make a confession, do it! Be prepared for rejection but don’t fear it: you miss all the shots you don’t take.
As for all the others who are lonely in the pink and red holiday, we’re in this together: here’s a little story to cheer you up. I hope you’ll enjoy.
Signed,  Eros
Three hours and sixteen minutes. 
That’s how long you’ve been stealing glances back and forth between two lovers and your dream girl, in this small apartment that smells faintly like cherry and cookies and Hayoung’s soft, delicious scent. And that’s how long you two have been silent. Wholeheartedly silent.
You were sitting beside your best friend as you watched her softly lit face by the movie playing in the background. A cinema wasn’t necessary when you already had the best seat, shoulder-to-shoulder with Hayoung. If you were looking at her every ten minutes, Hayoung was every eight, casually meeting your eyes at times and turning around to the screen like it was just by chance, flustered.
You did this a lot of times before but why was your heart beating so fast? You were sure she didn’t notice how your cheeks flushed whenever her hands brushed against yours, whenever your shoulders touched, whenever your legs met, and whenever her star eyes lit up your dark pupils. 
Actually, maybe she noticed—you swear you saw her grin when you jolted up from embarrassment at her face being too close to yours. 
“I need to get some water,” you said and run to the kitchen. 
Hayoung lets herself fall on the warm spot you left on the couch and kept following the movie.
You bet she isn’t even thinking about it. 
You bet she doesn’t care. 
You bet you were the only one in distress, nervously fiddling with your fingers, sulking to the vintage notes of  “The Portrait” while she’s excitedly rooting for the two lovebirds to kiss, completely entranced. 
What do girls even think about all the time? 
What does she think about? 
Food? Puppies? Songs?
Does Hayoung even fall in love? Or was it just the guy falling for her? 
She might not have realized it, but maybe some other boy quietly took a liking to her and maybe, in the smallest chance, microscopic probability, unlikeliest percentage, she also—sort of—maybe liked him?
You shiver, wondering who that might have been. Wondering whether the crush she might not even have would be extraordinarily lucky or—
“It’s so good, isn't it?”
You turn so fast, you feel a muscle pull. “What?”
“I can't believe you've never watched this movie before,” she says.
“Oh, the movie you mean.” 
You massage your neck. She stares at you with glittering eyes.
“It's such a classic, I just... Well, I'm glad you decided to watch it with me, even though, you know, you didn't have much of a choice. It's all good, at least you can say that you've watched it now and people won't laugh at you.”
“I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.” 
You think she’s biting the inside of her cheek to avoid bursting out laughing. 
“I don't think I've had a Saturday night as lovely as this in so long. I know we went out last weekend but that was different, you know.”
“The aquarium was really fascinating,” you nod. “The dolphin show was really cool.”
“Yeah, I had so much fun. I did have a great time but it wasn't lovely, you know.”
“It’s because you had to leave your home right?” You shake your head in disappointment. “And now because you’re hibernated in your house, you’re having so much more fun.”
“Yes, I don't like going out much. Yes, I'd much rather stay inside and watch movies.”
“That makes you sob.”
“Yeah, movies that make me cry. The ones that make you feel like they're the best ones.”
You snort. “Just because it’s a little sad?”
“I just think Titanic has got such a bad reputation and it's gone down as like a cheesy love story but when you actually sit down and watch it, I mean, how can you not become invested in their story? Yeah, it's so sweet and it's based on a historical story.” You think about the situation you’re in. It’s not a date. But if it were—which it isn’t—it would be the best date of your life.
Of course, it wasn’t. But. If it were. Even when, you must admit, it almost feels like one. You had to remind yourself you were just hanging out… as friends.
“It was interesting,” you say as if you remembered even a single moment from the movie.
“Yeah, no it is, it's super interesting. And like they had an actual team that had to go and do all the diving too, you know, get all the shipwreck footage and all that kind of stuff.” Hayoung puckers her lips. “Oh yeah, and did you know that Rose was based on a real passenger from the Titanic?”
“What a geek.”
“How can you say that that's geeky? It's like general knowledge I'm sure it is. Oh my gosh, you're just being salty because you lost the bet that you wouldn’t enjoy it.” Hayoung puffs her cheeks and furrows her eyebrows in such a way that reminds you of a little bear. You don’t have the force to disagree with her.
“You are? Oh, you're such a geek.” She rolls her eyes.
“It's so nice and warm. I can hear the radiators coming on again. It's gonna be like boiling in here. Let me just stretch my legs.” Hayoung strokes her feet to collect some heat and pushes her legs onto the blankets sitting on your lap, not caring if you’d take offense at her pink rabbit-covered socks. 
“Get off me.”
Hayoung whines. “Come on, we've been in the same position for like, I don't even know how long or what time is it?”
You look at the clock on the wall. “It’s 2 am.”
“It's not 2 am.” She noticed the clock. “It is. How did it get so late?”
“Maybe because the movie was so damn long.”
“Oh yeah, I guess it was a three-hour movie.” 
“I should go home now,” you say. She stretches and her legs take more of your space but both of you then noticed the noise from outside. You look out the window and see the whole sky coming down in a thunderstorm. You thought Zeus was playing with you, after you had to suffer and try not to go insane for three hours. It was far from a blessing.
“Wow, oh my gosh, look at the rain,” Hayoung said, standing up. “Wow, that is so heavy.”
“No big deal, I can walk home.” 
“Oh, there's no way I can let you walk home in this.”
“It’s fine.” 
“No, no way.”
“It won’t kill me.” 
“No, just stay. Please. Please, just stay. Please, are you gonna make me beg you?” Hayoung whines in an adorable way. “Please don't make me beg. Oh, do you know what, I'm not even gonna ask you anymore? I'm just gonna block the door if you try to leave.” And then she got mad, pinching her eyes like how red pandas furrow their fur.
“Oh, you think you could?”
“I could take you on. I could. I'm so much stronger than I look, thank you very much.”
“Even though you’re this small?” 
“Yes, even though I'm that short,” she says. “I can't say that forever, you know. But for real, you are staying and that is that. Don't even try and argue with me, I am being completely serious right now. I am not letting you walk home in the rain, in the cold, really late at night. I'm not doing it.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Of course I'm sure, don't be silly. What kind of friend would I be if I let you walk out in that rain? If you go out, you are going to catch a cold.”
Suddenly her eyes spark again and she speaks furiously without catching a single breath. “Oh my gosh, you know what this is gonna be. I think this is gonna be like a sleepover. Yeah, a sleepover? Wow, I haven't had one of these since I was like maybe eight, or nine? I can't even remember what you do at a sleepover.”
“Well, we can either watch another movie, but I’m tired, or just talk there.”
“Okay right I'm gonna go put my jammers on and I'll grab you some extra blankets as well.” Hayoung jumped out off the couch in excitement, buzzing and jumping around like a little kid. “Okay. This is so crazy I can't believe you are actually stopping over.”
“We get to talk about the sleep things that you do at sleepovers. I can't remember but, um, what do you think? Oh, truth dare. Or we could talk about gossip. I'm not really a gossip person but we could gossip about school.”
“Nothing happens in my college. It’s just a bunch of nerds like me studying and… studying.”
“Oh, well you’ll find something or I’ll just talk the whole time.” Hayoung looked around to think and hummed. “Would that even work? Oh yeah, that would be a no.”
Your friend signaled you to come to her and you walked to her bedroom. It was just like how you expected it to be—very feminine, with plushies and small decorations. There was also pretty stationary, the kind girls use, on the desk together with all her notebooks. “
Okay. Here's your blanket,” she says, throwing it to your face. “And you can have this pillow. It's the comfiest one that I've got. I'm sure you can have it of course. You are my guest.” 
“So I sleep on the couch…?” 
“Oh well, I thought you could just sleep here if you wanted to. Well, it's really chilly downstairs so like you're free on the sofa if you sleep there and there's no way I'm gonna let you sleep on the floor,” Hayoung says not paying much attention to you because she was busy taking everything out of her closet. Things that she didn’t see for the past three years and things that sat there since she bought them. She turned around, “Well would you let me sleep on the floor if you had a sleepover at yours?”
“Oh god.” Hayoung pouted. “You are just so mean to me.” Then she flopped on the bed, patting the place beside her. “Just get in here silly. Well, this is the bed that I've been bragging about.”
“Wow, it’s soft,” you say, sitting on the bed and bouncing a few times to test the firmness of the mattress. The way you two looked next to each other was almost comical. Your friend was there in a cute pajamas while you had black jeans and an old uni hoodie.
“Yeah? Oh, it's just so comfy. So comfy. It is warm. You're gonna warm up so quickly I promise. Yeah especially with all these extra blankets and pillows as well. Body heat. Do you need any extra pillows or are you sure you don't want some socks?”
“No, I’m good.” 
“Okay. Okay. I'm just gonna get comfy then. Hmm, that's so good.” Hayoung lays with her chin on the pillow, it was a big fat one, and she looked like a cat rolling on a ball. When she closed her eyes and relaxed, her face naturally came down to look like gudetama. She was calm and looking at her calmed you. 
“Is that how you sleep?” you ask. “Won’t you get back pain?”
“Yes, I really sleep like this. You don't snore too loud do you?”
“No, I don’t,” you hum. Hayoung seemed a little slow. Her energy was starting to leave her body.
“I'm so sleepy. Tell me something.”
“I’m really happy I can spend time with you.”
Hayoung giggles with happiness. “I'm really glad I get to spend some more time with you too. Even though we're going to be asleep for most of it. But you know, I'm really glad that you're staying tonight.”
“I really appreciate you being in my life,” you admit. “I never felt this way with any other friend before and I'm at a point where I wouldn't want to spend time with anyone else. I'm not bothered about spending time with anyone else.”
The silence lingers for a moment. The two of you expressed your feelings clearly but now, there was something on your chest that you couldn’t ignore. You were just waiting for who would say it first. And it was her.
“You want to know something really silly.” Hayoung forces her face into a smile. Her heart was doing something weird in her chest. Beating a little too quickly. “Maybe I shouldn't say it. Okay, well I'm gonna get close so I can whisper it. Because then maybe you won't hear it. Um, okay. Well, I get so jealous when I know that you've been spending time with someone else.” 
When you say embarrassing things, you only realize them after they come out of your mouth. “Did you hear that?” Hayoung blurted out. “Yes,” you said, and Hayoung felt like she was about to disintegrate into a puddle of sand. She wanted you to take it back, “No, what?” She wanted you to simply rewind as if nothing happened but it was too late now.
“I don't mean that in a weird way,” she quickly corrected herself. “That came out weird.”
You nodded, this time slowly. Trying to understand what she was talking about.
“It’s okay.” You offered her a reassuring smile but she couldn’t possibly look at you. Not a second longer. 
“I just mean... I mean, I'm so happy that you've been meeting other girls,” she murmured, feeling herself sinking deeper into the bed quicksand. “I really, I love to hear that you're so excited and you're happy and I'm so happy for you. But a part of me just hates it. I'm sorry. Oh, so stupid. You're just amazing. You are, you are.” 
You knew you were any of those things. Not by a long shot. But you think that your sweet friend only knows how to say the best of you and not anything else.
“You have this way that you look at me sometimes and it just makes you so fuzzy inside.” Hayoung is embarrassed. She rolls herself into a small ball under the blankets to protect herself, but can’t stop speaking, it was too late now. 
“Like, I can feel how much you care about me just from the way that you smile at me. It makes me melt. It makes me feel so special.” She wets her lips. “I don't know if you feel it too, but... Ever since we met, I just, I feel like I already know you. I feel like I already did know you. And every new thing that I learn about you just... I feel like I already knew it. And that, um, as you say, I just remember it.” 
You can’t believe what she’s saying. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. A part of your brain hopes that it goes where you’d like it to go but you can’t believe Hayoung was that person.
“This isn't making sense,” she laughs awkwardly. “It's just so strange. And if I'm being honest, I'm not really sure what this feeling is. Like, this feeling which is being connected.” 
“Um, I know that I'm saying all this…” She looks at you, serious and earnest like she rarely does but you know she had every intention to be so. “I don't want anything to change between us. Like, not ever. I would never want that to happen because I can't imagine not having you in my life.” 
Something surges into her as she lets these words come out of her. Something painful and delightful and confusing. Something breathtaking, rich, and frightening. Not a fully formed feeling, but an early draft of it. She wants to get a grasp of its taste before it’s gone. She reaches out, letting her words flow out.
“...which is why I'm so nervous right now, I think, but it just feels so right to say what I'm feeling. I always wonder how things could be different.” Hayoung’s skin is even redder than usual now that you notice, and she retreats farther into her little blanket nest. “And I keep having dreams about me and you. Dreams were more than this. And we're just so incomparably happy and I just can't help but wonder if it means what I feel it means, whether it means…” 
She glances at you. Your face is a blank void. Not because you were unconscious but because you were sweating balls and didn’t know what to do.
“No, I don't know. I don't know if you're asleep yet. And I'm 99% sure I'm dreaming anyway, otherwise, I wouldn't be saying any of this,” she admits. Her voice quiets down to only a whisper. “So guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you.”
“I love you,” she says again, to make sure she did. “Being with you is just so special and you are so wonderful. The way that you take the time to be joking if I'm okay. The way that you're just so in tune with who I am. The way it takes my breath away every time you say my name. I love the way that you make me feel. So many times I've just sat quietly trying to keep myself together when all I want to do is hold you.”
Hayoung hugs the pillow in front of her, tight enough to make her contain herself.
“Am I dreaming? Are we dreaming? This has got to be a dream. It's got to be.”
You were holding back until now but you couldn’t anymore and you smile. And she smiles. The smiles linger, warm, and honest, and you hear her speak again, in her soft smooth tone.
“I feel so peaceful and complete right now. I'm so glad I even my eyes and because you've got the cutest smile on your face. I can't believe I just told you all that. And you know if you don't feel the same, I completely, completely understand, you know.”
“But I do…” Your throat works miraculously. “I love you too.”
“Oh, you do. Oh, really? Wow, um, wow. And now I don't know what to say.” Hayoung makes room for you, and with a few tentative lumbering steps, you’re both under the same blanket. You feel small around her, although she’s obviously shorter than you. What made you so vulnerable? You didn’t know. She looks around, playing with her hair.
“Oh, wow. Um, um, um, can I, can I kiss you?” she asks. She holds her breath as she waits for you to speak. She’s so nervous—she keeps swallowing, and it sounds loud to her ears. Even her breathing sounds loud, even her heartbeat. “Is that okay?”
Your pupils are dilated looking at her so hard. You’re staring at her like you’ve never seen Hayoung before.
Her heart is pounding like a million trillion beats a minute as she scoots closer to you. She raises her head up and presses her lips against yours, and feels your jolt of surprise. And then you’re kissing her back, open-mouthed, soft-lipped, and at first, she’s nervous, but then you put your hand on the back of her head, and stroke her hair in a reassuring way, and she’s not so nervous anymore. It’s a good thing that she’s laying down on the bed because she is weak in the knees.
“This is just so perfect,” she says as soon as she lets you go.
“It really is,” you admit.
“I'm lying in my bed with you and I told you how I feel and you haven't run up screaming. Oh, my gosh, I never want to leave. This is the best feeling ever. I, I love you. I love you.”
“I love you too Hayoung, I’ve been holding it back for I don’t know so long but now I can say it as honestly as I can,” you say back. And she smiles.
“You are just incredible and I've always secretly felt just so lucky that you want to spend your time with me and that you care about me. It's just so, so wonderful. You are the best. And I love you. I love you. 
It just feels so nice to say. Well, I hope you have really sweet dreams. I don't need to dream anymore.” Hayoung quickly pecks you another time. Just for good measure. 
“Good night. I love you.” 
5 February 2023 - 14 February 2023
Thank you @capslocked​ and @midnightdancingsol for editing this little story. 
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co-reborn · 2 years
Saerom x Male Reader
view in AFF
2,149 Words
Part 4.1 of Conquered Odds, written in collaboration with @worldsover​
A/N: It’s about time a new part is released. No plot, just an extension of Control.
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You might have fallen asleep after an intense fucking with one of the hottest women you have known, though the night has definitely not ended. You and Saerom have made promises to each other that you still intend to keep. 
You are stirred awake by the quick strokes of her hands, an unusual coldness persisting through the warmth building up in your loins. Your eyes gradually adjust to the brightness, and you are greeted by the sight of Saerom lying between your legs; there's that sly smile from earlier in the evening. One hand holds your hardening shaft while the other squeezes more lube from its bottle. You sit up, content to watch her do her thing for a moment. She rushes the job, haphazardly spreading the fluid across your length as the emptiness in her holes makes her impatient. 
Deeming you well-lubed up, she shifts onto your lap, choosing to face you this time, and aims your cock perfectly towards her puckered hole. Her body slowly sinks onto you and you're reintroduced to her asshole. Just a mere few hours after you fucked her, she has become insanely tight once more.
While your brain is still trying to adjust to the sharp pleasure, your muscle memory begins to kick in. Your hips start to thrust upwards while your hands grope her butt as well as give it the occasional slap. She tosses her head back and the chorus of moans intensifies. Saerom wraps her arms around you to pull you close and your mouth kisses and sucks the flesh at her neck and shoulder. With each passing second, your mind comes up with more vile thoughts and different ways to enjoy the women’s body.
Before you’re able to leave a mark, she pushes you away and then leans back, giving you a perfect view of her in complete ecstasy. She bounces messily on your cock as she works towards her own orgasm. Her fingers assist her, immediately finding her clit and rubbing it intensely. Her eyes are completely shut, her mouth mumbles incomprehensible words, and her body quivers. You stifle your groans and try your hardest to hold your cum back, hoping to see Saerom hit that peak before you do. 
“Come on, Saerom. Just cum right now.”
You hit the mark with your words. Her ass clenches harder around you, her suppressed whines unleashes in the form of a sharp cry and her fingers rub her pussy incessantly, making a mess all over. Her juices splashes onto your abs and as her orgasm subsides, they begin to flow down the side of your bodies and stain the bed sheet. 
For a minute or so, the room is filled with Saerom’s soft panting as she recovers from her climax. However, you’re still not satisfied. She loves to be in control, choosing when and how she fucks, but it’s about time you pull in the reins. Her body becomes limp and she falls back onto the bed. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to fuck her the way you like. 
You tower over her and immediately resume fucking her ass. You push through the tightness without worry about how rough you’re pounding Saerom. She’s completely drowned in pleasure once again and she clutches onto the sheets, desperate to ground herself from the euphoric high. Her body arches and she struggles to maintain eye contact with you. 
You tug onto her hair and pull her head up. The sting snaps her out of her trance and she lays helpless, only able to stare at your dishevelled self enjoying the depths of her body. 
You pull her head lower to give her a clearer view of your cock ploughing her ass. “Look at yourself. Look at how well you’re taking my cock up your ass.”
Saerom does as prompted, her gaze unwavering as she stares at your thick shaft stretching her out. She subconsciously clenches around you, her hips rock back and forth in tandem with your thrusts. You let go of her head and let it fall onto the bed, and both hands take their positions on her waist. Your grip strengthens when your thrusts become faster and more erratic. You don’t care about the bruises you might leave on her, only the orgasm that is within your reach.
She feels your cock twitching in her and she weakly wraps her legs around you to pull you deeper into her and hold you in place. “God, please cum in me! I want you to fill my ass again.”
You mirror that sly smile she loves to put on. “No.”
Before your words completely register in her head, you overpower her and pull away from her. A few strokes later, you spray your load all over her toned stomach. While your cum is not where Saerom wants, she still appreciates the warmth staining her body and lets out a soft moan of appreciation. 
You watch as her chest rises and falls and her eyes begin to shut. With her remaining strength, she scoops up a glob of your cum and brings it up to her face. As she’s about to lick it off, you grab her hand and deny her want, instead choosing to spread it across her cheek. Still holding her wrist, you pull her limp body off the bed. 
“I’m not waking up in the middle of the night just to fuck you once.”
It’s a miracle that Saerom managed to stumble into the living room with you. With Joon out for the night, nothing is off limits. To be fair, his presence shouldn’t be stopping you. You’ve done worse with him around several times.
You drag her in front of the same mirror she used to tease you earlier in the night. Your cock rests between her cheeks and Saerom instinctively grinds her butt back to you. The cock-drunk look has never left her, emphasised by the stray strands of hair across her face. 
The need to shove your cock up Saerom’s ass surges again, and your erection quickly returns. You hastily nudge your swollen tip against the slightly gaping hole and a push later, you’re hilt deep inside her asshole once again. 
The sudden penetration catches the light-headed woman off guard. Her legs buckle and she almost falls onto her knees. You stare into her reflection and watch every slight change of her expressions as you withdraw your shaft for a few seconds before harshly thrusting back in. The daze she was in is interrupted, then immediately replaced by disappointment when she feels you leave her body. She lacks the strength to push back onto you but fortunately, she is quickly filled with your cock and relief washes over her.
Saerom leans against your chest while you fuck her, and her only movement is rocking back and forth with you. There’s nothing else she can do but soak in the pleasure of your cock. 
While your cock is buried inside her ass, you feel up the other parts of her body. Her bouncing breasts are the first to capture your attention and you toy with them. Grope them, squeeze them, slap them. With such a killer ass, her immaculate tits are often overlooked. You tweak her nipples and her body immediately reacts. Saerom lets out a strangled cry as the sharp pain gets her off even more. She clenches around you and you let out a deep groan in response. 
While you’re groggy from being woken up, the sinful part of you is always awake. Lust-driven, you wrap an arm around Saerom’s neck and slowly squeeze. Just as you choke her, she chokes you too, her asshole somehow even tighter around your shaft. If not for the previous session mere moments ago, you would have cum there and then. 
You pause your thrusts and opt to grind against her instead. While you maintain your chokehold, your other hand is free to roam her body. Your cum still stains her abs, so you scoop some up and toy with them in front of her. 
“You want my cum, right?” You put just a little more pressure onto her neck, enough to elicit a gasp from her, and you shove your cum-stained fingers into her mouth. “Come and have it.”
She closes her mouth and her tongue desperately licks whatever cum there is on your fingers. When she’s done, you clean off her saliva off her face and make a bigger mess.  You repeat, collecting more cum from her abs. Instead of feeding her again, you hold it in front of her eyes for a few seconds. Her head bobs forward and her tongue darts out. You deprive her of licking off your cum once more. As your hand lowers, Saerom’s eyes follow. In an instant, you bury your fingers into her pussy. 
Her body tenses up in surprise for a second before it relaxes. Taking it slow, your fingers lightly drag and scrape her inner walls as they enter and exit her pussy. Saerom continuously squirms, her limbs growing weaker by the minute from your torturous teasing. It doesn’t help when your thumb goes for her clit. Unlike her roughness earlier, you treat it like it’s the most fragile thing in the world. Stroke it with small circles, then rub it up and down. You blow lightly into her ear and send shivers down her spine. She arches her back away from you, but you pull her back to you immediately. You keep this up for minutes to allow the aching in her body to build up. You’re simply waiting for her to surrender herself to you, to give up any last bit of control she’s clinging on to. 
Finally, it happens. Saerom weakly begs, “Please, please. Just let me cum. I need to cum.” 
The sudden change of pace sends the initial shockwave across her body. What comes after is the heightened pleasure in her pussy. You resume fucking her ass and eventually, it becomes too much for her. You stare at her reflection. It looks like her soul has left her body. Whatever is left of the cum on her midriff now runs down her thighs and stains the floor underneath you. 
You don’t let up on fucking her. While she is still savouring her high, you push her forward and against the mirror. Grit your teeth and put all your strength into your hips. Pressed against the mirror, Saerom is helpless, desperately clawing against the smooth surface but to no avail. Once again, you’re too focused on your own pleasure. You lack the energy to think about anything else. No concern for the pain you might be inflicting on the woman in front of you. 
No, there’s only lust. 
She miraculously has an ounce of energy left to scream. Your annoyance makes you push her harder against the mirror. You’ve spent the night pleasuring her and now it’s your turn. Slap her butt, watch the flesh ripple. You grab her butt, spread the cheeks even further, and fuck her ass even harder. 
Through sheer determination, you hold back your peak further. You want to prolong this session as much as you can. While she said she is down for future sessions, a small part of you know that it is extremely unlikely. The need to savour her body skyrockets as you feel the need to cum creeping into you. Any distraction that forms in your head is easily disrupted by Saerom’s sweet moans, her begs tempting you to just let it go. 
So you do. 
After letting out a loud grunt, give a few more thrusts into the tight ass. You slam yourself against her back, and your body freezes as you let yourself loose. Your head becomes lighter, and all you can feel is the pressure in your loins releasing and spurts of cum leaving your body. You wish you could stay this way forever, orgasmic high coursing through your veins. Your hips mindlessly thrusts, as if it will extend your orgasm. 
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. When your softening cock eventually slips out of her ass, Saerom turns around to face you before you collapse onto her body. You rest your head on her shoulder for a few moments and when you raise your head to look at her, she has the same look of post-sex bliss plastered on her as you. Although lacking the intensity compared to the start of the night, your kiss is still passionate when you thank her for the mind-blowing night. 
On wobbly legs, the two of you make your way back to the bedroom. Audible squelches are made from each step, the floor now stained by your cum that leaks out of her ass and her juices that were sprayed all over. 
Whatever, that sounds like a problem for tomorrow’s you. 
Or Joon.
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unique-high · 10 months
How would it be to be Saerom's girlfriend.
requested @iamflawless303
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these are things I think being saerom's girlfriend would include.
How would it be to be Saerom's girlfriend would included...
🦊 listening to jazz music with her on lazy rainy Saturday afternoons while cuddled up in bed together.
🦊 she spoils you a lot then complains about you being a spoiled brat.
🦊 she'll cook for you. because seeing you eat makes her happy. she's the type of girlfriend that'll get upset if you told her the only thing you had today was an Ice coffee.
🦊 your her baby. saerom loves loving on you. she enjoys touching you a lot. whenever given the chance she would touch you.
🦊 lots of kissing. she loves kissing you. when she comes back after a long tour she kisses you in the places she misses you most telling you how much she misses you.
🦊 saerom loves dancing for you. even sexy dancing she likes when you get flustered when she teases you with a little strip tease.
🦊 saerom always sings hoody songs to you. she just really likes singing to you in general. she will even sing you to sleep.
🦊 lot's of late night drives together and finding hidden little hole in the wall restaurants and bars.
🦊 though saerom may not get overly jealous. she DOES get jealous. She's the quiet type of jealous that lets you feel how jealous she was once you are in the bedroom.
🦊 she loves to adore you. when she gets the chance to talk about you, it's like bright sunshine on a winter's day.
🦊 saerom has playlist of songs that remind her of you.
🦊 she loves doing your hair and makeup.
🦊 if you're anxious about something she'll calm you down the way you like.
🦊 honey, babe, and baby girl is what she likes to call you.
🦊 she paints her nails your favorite color.
🦊 matching couple rings. That would later turn into wedding rings.
🦊she loves leaving hickies on your neck and breast.
🦊 she watches your favorite movie/tv shows with you.
a/n: gosh I hope you liked it. I had to do some research on saerom to get a feel of her. 🥺
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defrosted69 · 2 years
My Roomate Bestie
  Jiheon x reader fluff
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You exhaled a heavy sigh. You were staring at the Verenda of your apartment as your eyes observe the busy night street.
It was always peaceful whenever the night arrives in the city and your view of your apartment dorm was perfect.
Well it was almost perfect because another person would fill the room. At first you were shocked by this fact because you applied for a single room dorm but because of the lack of funding and the sudden demand for a room, the landlord had no other choice but to make the single dorm room a shared dorm.
You tried to look for another dorm to apply too but because of a new school year, everything was booked and no single dorm was available for you.
In the end you had to accept it that you'll have a new roommate by force.
"Fuck.. I just hope that person isn't someone I hate the most.."
You took a sip from your tea as you continued to watch the night street.
You were Y/n Park. A 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student. Your cozy apartment will be invaded tomorrow and you didn't like it but you have to accept it.
With a sigh, you decided to rest for tomorrow's the weekends and it means its your rest day. Also, the weekends you were pertaining too was just sunday.
You headed to your room and closed your eyes as sleep took over.
It really feel like it was only 5 minutes of shut eye as the sun peaked through your window and it didn't help that someone was already knocking on your door.
You woke yourself up first as you put on some cologne just in case the new tenant is a woman. You can never known.
Once you look tidy and neat, You took a deep breath before opening the door and your eyes widen when the person infront of you looked....cute.
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"Oh... Umm.. H-Hello.. I'm Baek Jiheon. Umm.. I'm moving in?"
The first thing you saw was her bright smile which was brighter than the sun itself. She was also quite tall but you were visibly taller than her.
You saw a few boxes near her and was surprised she carried all that by herself.
"Ah, You must be my new Roomate. Well the monthly pay is 150$."
Her eyes widen as she was visibly shocked.
You chuckled seeing her reaction.
"I'm just joking."
She calmed down upon hearing your words as you carried her boxes which surprised her.
"Woah, these are heavy boxes. You carried all of them?"
"Ah, No.. My.. My brother helped me up."
You entered your dorm with her box as you gently placed them on the spare room next to your own room.
Jiheon was slowly feeling comfortable with you as she wasn't expecting a good guy like you to be her roommate.
She was also a bit anxious from the start because she was an Idol and very known too. She was afraid that her roommate would just be an annoyance or would do something weird to her.
But seeing you upclose and witnessing you carry her stuff, her worry slowly dissappeared but there was still one question that lingered around her brain.
"Does he know me?"
Once you were done carrying her boxes you stretched your arms out as you didn't expect that you had to do an exercise first thing in the morning.
You looked over at her as she inspect her room.
"This room isn't much used. If you find andy dent on the wall or find anything wrong with your room. Just tell me and I'll speak with the landlord. He's an old rich man but can't fix shit..."
You sighted as Jiheon laughed softly at your joke.
"Come on, give him a break. He's an old man after all."
"Well I guess your right. Ah, I'm Y/N Park by the way. Nice to meet you Jiheon."
You offered a handshake to her which she happily accepted. Maybe it was because you just woke up as her hand was soft as a baby's skin and this made your heart skip a beat.
For the entirety of the day, you helped her with her stuff and along the way, you got to know her more as she got to know you as well.
Though she left out the part where she was an Idol as she wasn't that confident about it sharing with you.
"So you're gonna be a teacher huh?"
She enthusiastically nodded her head.
"Sounds nice to be honest. My dream is preety boring. Just fixing cars and all that."
Jiheon shook her head at you. She placed her hands on her hips and said
"It's good that you have dream you know. Even if its boring, it's still a dream."
Her pose towards you Almost looked like a mother scolding her son for misbehaving.
"Not many people at our age know what they want once they reach our age. It's a good thing you have goal in life you know."
"Uhuh, well I'm already 20 anyway so I guess that's normal."
Jiheon was quiet as she looked at you like she has seen a ghost. This made you look confused at her.
"You're 20?"
"Yeah. I just turned 20 a few months ago."
She immediately bowed her head at you as this suprised you.
"I'm so sorry Oppa, I didn't know you were older than me."
"Uhh It's alright Jiheon. Just call me Y/n. No need to be formal though."
You laughed whole heartedly as it felt nice that someone called you an Oppa. You never got a girl say that to you unless they were asking for directions.
This time, a cute girl like Jiheon called you that word which skyrocketed your confidence.
Jiheon blushed from embarrassment but smiled nonetheless as you were cool with her calling you by your name.
Some people Jiheon encountered would often like them being called Oppa just because. Jiheon of course has no problem about it but she would be lying when she said she's not getting tired of it.
Luckily for her, she didn't have to formal with you as you were a cool person.
"Oh yeah, we haven't had dinner yet. Let me see if we have ingredients for-"
"Ah no it's okay Y/n. I actually ordered us some Pizza and drinks. It's my way of saying thanks for welcoming me. Hehehe~"
She shyly chuckled as a small tint of red appeared on her face. Seeing a flustered Jiheon was making you melt as Jiheon was starting to have a soft spot for you in your heart.
"I.. I couldn't be more happy meeting such a thoughtful junior. Huhuhu"
You faked your crying as Jiheon's shy demeanor immediately dissappeared and changed to a laughing mess.
It's been a few weeks since Jiheon moved and it was actually quite fun with her around.
You remember the times when you returned to your dorm and you were greeted with a quiet ambiance which wasn't that bad at all. Back then, You had all the time for yourself but now with Jiheon around. It was actually quite fun.
There was no dull moment with Jiheon around as she would immediately talk to you the moment you return home.
Her school was very close to yours but the problem is that it was an all girls school and they are very strict when it comes to boys.
You have no problems there since there was no way you would go to her school-
"Hey, Y/n? Can you do me a favor? I..forgot to bring my handout which I needed today but I can't leave school cause my schedule is packed. Is it okay for you to bring it to my school and give me my handout? I'll buy you  Dinner later.
Welp, I guess you jinxed yourself.
"Sure why not? Where is it anyway?
"It's just around my study table. You'll see it cause it has a label on it.
"Alright. Bring it to you
"Thank you so much Y/n. I'll treat you to Dinner tonight.
You just chuckled at her and ended the call. Finding her handout was easy as her room was very organized. She was after all, a very organized compared to you who fixes their room whenever they want too.
Getting her papers was the easy part. The real journey was just starting as you walked to her university.
Her university was Seoul Women's university. It was prestigious school for the best young women in the country. So it was normal to see some prestigious looking people there.
Their attire was completely different from you but that didn't bother you as you entered the campus not knowing what kind of den you entered.
Once you entered the campus, You noticed the stares they were giving you as this made you a little tense but shrugged it off as you looked for Jiheon.
"Oh shit, I forgot to ask her where her class is."
You were about to call her when a girl approached you.
"Hello~ are you looking for something?"
"Ah, Do you know Jiheon? I need to give her something."
"Ah, Baek Jiheon? The princess of the school."
You smirked at her comment as you find her nickname childish and funny.
"Ah yeah, her. Do you know what her class is Miss?"
"I think she has class in that building."
"Oh okay, Thank you."
You smiled at her as you walked away and headed to the building she pointed out. Even though it was just a few seconds of conversation, the girl's heart was beating so fast and her cheeks were red.
"Well, their building looks more cleaner than my school so I give them that."
You thought as you eyed each classroom looking for a cute smiling girl. Some girls in class began murmuring to themselves as they discuss how a handsome guy was eyeing their class.
You on the other hand wasn't able to find Jiheon and was about to wait for her when Jiheon came running towards you.
"Oh, Jiheon."
"Y/n..you…have it..?"
She asked you as her words were cut off with her heavy breathing. This made you sigh as you pulled out your water bottle and gave it to her.
"Drink first. You're dehydrated as fuck."
Jiheon blushed a little as she accepted your offer. Though she hesitated at first as her mind was conflicted with her own thoughts.
"Aish those 2 girls really. If they didn't say those words maybe I didn't have to make this a big deal. Besides, It's not like were kissing....it's just... An.. Inderect kiss..."
Once again Jiheon blushed as this confuses you. Jiheon looked redder than normal as a small sense of worry started to fill your thought.
"Hey you alright?"
"H-Huh? Y-yeah I'm fine."
"Hmm…you sure?"
"I'm sure-"
Your hand touched her forehead as this only made her blush even more.
"Sheesh, You're burning up. Keep my water bottle for now. You should rest after today. Don't worry about dinner. I'll buy you some soup later alright?"
"It's alright. It's not like I have no money you know? Hahaha."
You have no money.
You were broke. Well not technically but you were saving money just for keepsake. But you didn't mind spending a few for Jiheon.
You handed her the papers and left leaving a very confused Jiheon.
Her heart was racing and her breath started to feel heavy. Her cheeks were also turning pink rather than red.
"What's this feeling?"
It was a new feeling for her. She felt like there was a knot on her stomach for some reason. And when you were away from her vision, that knot feeling dissappeared immediately. It was a mix of anxiety and joy and a little of excitement.
She couldn't figure out what it was but she was also curious about it. This was something that intrigue her and who's better to ask than her members.
"You're in love Jiheon."
"Yup, Totally."
Saerom and Hayoung said as this made Jiheon shocked. She didn't expect those words to come out from the 2 eldest in the group.
"Wait! That sounds impossible though. How can I fall in love with him when it's only a few days of meeting him?"
"Well has he always been there for you?"
Jiheon began to think about that question, were you always there for her?
She looked back at the beginning where you welcomed her warmly. You helped her move in and both of you enjoy each other's presence.
Next, she looked back when you were always there whenever she had a problem. The latest was a few days ago when you gave her assignment papers. Even though she offered you dinner, you declined it and even made you soup which she enjoyed by the way.
Last is how much she started seeking you whenever you arrive home. Her life has always been an idol and a student but being with you made her feel like she was just an ordinary girl. She can have fun like a normal person and even be sad like a normal person.
Maybe it was because you didn't know she was an Idol that you didn't react to her at all. Or it could be you were just hiding the fact that you know that she is an Idol.
Either way, it all pointed to you leaving a positive impact on her which in turn made her feel like this.
The feeling of love.
Jiheon blushed as she realized what has happened to her. Hayoung smirked at their Maknae as Saerom looked a little troubled.
"Guys! Jiheon has a crush on someone!"
Her voice alerted everyone as they all rushed towards her. Some smiling while the others with a stern look.
Chaeyoung, Hayoung and Nagyung were the ones smiling while Saerom, Jiwon, Jisun and Seoyeon were the ones with a stern look.
"Ohh our Maknae is all grown up. All in love uwu"
Chaeyoung teased her as this only made her embarrassed even more.
"Yah, who's the guy? Is he nice? Does he have a hobby? Does he drink? Smoke?"
Saerom was straight up intirogating the Maknae of the group as Hayoung had to pull her away.
"Ah, No I'm going home. See you guys tomorrow."
Jiheon avoided all their question as she stood up and grabbed her bag and zoomed away from their practice room. Her action made them chuckle at her.
"Ah, she's so cute when she's flustered."
Saerom smiled proudly but that didn't last long.
"Now I wanna have a nice talk with the guy."
Saerom's cold stare could kill someone as Hayoung calmed her down.
"Unnie, I think talking doesn't require a bat. Where did you even get that?"
"Oh? This? I don't know. Maybe it magical appeared here"
Jiheon returned to your dorm as she quietly made her way to her bed not wanting to wake you up.
She knew that if she faced you now, her soft fragile heart can’t handle it. You already killed the lights off the place and since Jiheon didn't want to make any noise, she walked to the dark and unfortunately for her, she tripped and made a huge loud sound.
"Shit! I better-"
"Jiheon! Are you okay!"
That voice. Your voice alone send butterflies to her stomach as she could feel her heart beating so fast.
You hurriedly made your way to help her up as Jiheon was Quiet. Unknown to her she got an ankle sprain as she immediately winced in pain when she put weight on her feet. Once again, you were their to catch her as your face was full of worry.
"Hold on tight."
With one scoop, You were carrying her princess style. If you think Jiheon wasn't red enough, think again.
She was redder than a Tomato now but she also liked how your strong arms carried her with no effort.
You gently placed her on her bed as you left and returned immediately with some ointment and something to patch her ankle.
"Sheesh Ji, just tell me if it hurt alright?"
She could only nod her head as she was embarrassed that the person she liked was tending to her injury.
You gently applied the ointment and gently massaged her ankle. Jiheon was surprised and shocked that you were actually preety good when it comes to massaging her ankle.
She felt so relaxed and at peace but once she felt the patch wrap around her ankle, she knows you were already leaving.
"If you can't walk, just call me alright. I'll help you out."
Jiheon now was more tempted to say something to you.
"Why are you so nice to me?"
You stayed silent for a few seconds before you smiled at her.
"Because kindness is the best thing to do."
Jiheon widen her eyes as she looked suprised at you.
"I believe being kind to others is the best way of showing someone you appreciate them."
"You appriciate me?"
"Of course. Being with you made it more fun for me. Not only that, but I actually like it when you smile. It also make me smile you know. It's very preety too."
Jiheon couldn't help it. Her heart was racing to the max and she was slowly falling deeper and deeper for you. Then it hit her. This was now or never. She needed to get this out of his system. So with all the courage she had left, she decided to say it.
"I wanna apologize to you for not telling you this."
This confused you as your eyebrows raised a little.
"What do you mean?"
Nervousness was starting to eat her up but she clenched her fist as there was no turning back now. She has already started it and she needed to go and finish it right. 
With one deep breath, she said
"I'm actually an Idol. Fromis_9 to be exact."
"Oh your an idol.….........wait an Idol?!"
It took you a few seconds to realize what she said as your shocked expression turned into a smiling one.
"That's so cool!!"
Your eyes were bright and full of excitement as Jiheon couldn't help but smile. This in turn only added more confidence in her.
"What do you think of me dating someone?"
"Ohhh, Do you like someone?"
You got closer to her as this only made her blush as her cheeks turned redder.
"I.. I do.."
"Oh? Who?"
"Well... For starters, he's very kind. Like he is always ready to help anyone. Also he likes to make me smile all the time."
"Damn, he's a lucky bastard."
You grumbled those words as you couldn't believe an Idol like Jiheon actually like someone. In your perspective he was a really lucky bastard because he was able to capture the cute smiling preety girl Jiheon.
But you were her friend,so in some sort of way you won something.
Jiheon on the other hand chuckled as she describe you, the person she likes....
The person she fell in love with.
"He also tends to my needs even though he doesn't have too. He also was my Roommate bestie when I first moved to my dorm."
At this point, your eyes widen as you immediately looked at Jiheon. Jiheon looked so calm and happy towards you. Her smile was something you never saw before.
It has that same shine you always see but this time, it had another flavor mixed in.
 It was love.
"Right now he tended my ankle and is staring at me surprised. And I'm about to tell him..."
Jiheon slowly made her way towards you as she closes the gap between you.
"That I..."
She was leaning closer to you.
Jiheon stopped as both of you were close to each other's gazes.
"I love you."
Jiheon finally said 3 words that she wanted to say. She has never expected to say those 3 words in her life to someone other than her family and members but here you are, making her say it.
Your heart was racing as you could swear you can hear your own heartbeat. Your cheeks were turning red as well.
Because you didn't expect the girl you fell in love the moment you met her, was confessing to you.
You held your emotion away as you felt that you manage to build a friendly bond with her. Besides, you realized that Jiheon's beauty was waaaay beyond your league. There was no way she will give you a chance.
But fate sure knows how to play with your feelings.
"I'm..sorry Jiheon."
Jiheon already knew what those words means. She looked down defeated knowing you dissmised he-
"I also liked you the moment I saw you but was afraid to confess because we became good friends. I'm sorry I'm a cowa-"
Jiheon didn't want to hear your pathetic words anymore as she shut your mouth with hers. Her soft plump lips tasted so sweet.
Her strawberry flavored lips was what your brain was processing. Her stomach who was filled with butterflies was removed and was replaced with passion and excitement.
A few seconds passed by as Jiheon pulled away as both you managed to wake yourself up from the euphoric experience.
"You didn't have to apologize Y/n. Why do you need to apologize? I love you and you love me. Isn't that what matter right now?"
You adjusted a stray of hair behind her ear and gave her the sweetest smile you could give her. In your arms was the most beautiful and preetiest girl in the world.
You kissed her forehead as Jiheon wrapped her arms around you.
"Yeah, I love you too my roommate bestie."
She giggled as both of you snuggled in her bed. You gave her head a pat and said
"I should probably meet your members first. To get their approval you know?."
"Ah, you might want to avoid my leader if you value your life."
"But isn't the leader the first one I should meet first? Don't worry I-"
"She'll kill you on sight."
"So how long were you in a idol group?"
Jiheon wholeheartedly laughed at how fast you changed the topic. This was one of the many reasons why she fell for you.
"Well I first started at...."
The entirety of the night, both of you just admired each other's presence and eventually fell asleep in each other's embrace. Both of your hearts were at calm and peace as they felt safe and loved.
Because their hearts was with their roommate bestie.
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
What you're getting into.
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Welcome it's your least to your least favorite writer’s blog. This blog started out as a simple venture as a way to get me to write more and actually finish some of my stories before it grew. The rules of this blog are simple:
Be cool
Be courteous
Be courageous
Don't be Disingenuous
Don't be a dick
Don't be depraved (we gotta have some morals at least)
That's it. I write fanfics on this blog *mostly about K-pop gg with male readers in mind.
Bias list
Jeewon (cignature)
Jiheon (Fromis_9)
Jihyo but also all of twice as well
Jiu but honestly OT 7 for Dreamcacther
Sakura Miyawaki
Sejeong (Actress Ult)
My nsfw Master list is
My sfw master list is
Reflections Masterlist
My Gathering Master list will be
Cowboys and Ninjas Master list will be
My Beastmaster’s Bond Series Masterlist
Gathering Cedh Edition
So take a load off make some hot chocolate and chill with me for a while or don't it's your choice really
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vampnoopy · 21 days
welcome to my blog! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
i'm zee (he/vamp/star) ^_^ i'm here to share and talk about my favorite interests, as well as life in general. i enjoy many different things (cartoons, anime, kpop and emo music, etc) and probably will talk about all of them at once. i also enjoy writing, editing and doodling silly stuff. i'm brazilian, and will post in eng + pt/br. please do not follow if you are under 16 or if you are a proshipper! other links!! ao3 | pronouny | last.fm
+ click keep reading for interests + tags!
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fav music!! loona, stayc, fromis_9, chungha, bts, my chemical romance, paramore, sleeping with sirens, mitski, aespa, chappell roan, olivia rodrigo. other media i like!! avatar the last airbender (zuko <3), legend of korra, lord of the rings, steve harrington (& steddie), bungou stray dogs, haikyuu (kghn!!), genshin (sometimes), alice in borderline, ghibli movies, horror movies, five nights at freddy's. other things!! black + red color combo, cats and bats <3, rainy days, funky makeup looks, poetry, reading fanfic at 2am, calligraphy, embroidery, long youtube videos, the song demoliton lovers, snoopy and vampires. my silly tags!! personal stuff: zeecore | venting/oversharing: zeelore | my writing: zz fics | miscellaneous: zz ramblings | music related: zee-j (get it? like dj) | untagged cue | fandom stuff tagged accordingly.
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notravensblog · 2 months
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ദ്ദി ≽^⎚˕⎚^≼ .ᐟ
hey guys, I’m raven… sorta kinda new to tumblr. Don’t know how it works but I’ll figure it out. I like to write and would love to get my work out to the audience. Mostly fanfics, I just hope people like them and see my writing evolve by time. Thank you!!
ദ്ദി ≽^⎚˕⎚^≼ .ᐟ
What my books include most of the time:
Smut, Angst, Fluff, Probably violence and Profanity.
╰┈➤ Insta: __notraven__
╰┈➤ Wattpad:__notraven__
╰┈➤ Tiktok: __notraven__
╰┈➤ Discord: __notraven__
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I also love anime, mangas, webtoons, and music like k-pop. So if you wanna introduce me to new stuff I’m fully open to learn. I love listening.
new jeans
wave to earth
kiss of life
probably more but this is all i remember from the top of my head😭.
Attack on Titan (will always be my favorite)
kimi ni todoke
demon slayer
jujutsu kaisen
wanting to watch blue lock..
komi can’t communicate
and more
I think that’s all imma be saying for now BUT thank ou again if you reached to the end. I’ll be posting soon here and on my wattpad account. Lowkey don’t wanna post on Ao3 I’m scared of the curse. 💀🙏🏽
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uriekukistan · 3 months
Hiii 💐 for the ask game
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Also, I've seen you like newjeans 👀👀 What are your favorite songs and what other Kpop groups do you like? If you don't mind answering 🤍
Sending hugs 🫂
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hiiii thank you for the ask :D hope you're doing well !!!
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
aside from jjk, usually im inspired by various songs that i hear, both lyrics and vibes. at least whenever i have writer's block that's where i turn
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
technically my first fanfic was when i was 7, i wrote a lion king fanfic that was nala's pov while simba was away 💀 cant say it was good, or that i knew what fanfic was but that was how it started...im not sure how i found fanfic when i got online, but how i just recently started writing again was there was a song that really inspired me to write something, so i did :) and now i have opened the floodgates and cant stop
 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
yuuji taught megumi how to make the meatballs after megumi tried to cook yuuji something in return for all the times yuuji cooked for him...and it did not go as planned. where yuuji did most of the cooking while his grandfather was sick, tsumiki used to do most of the cooking for megumi, so he's a bit of a mess in the kitchen T_T
as for my fav kpop, my ult groups are stray kids, enhypen, and seventeen, but my fav songs rn are bills by enhypen, do what we like by twice, light by wanna one, attitude by fromis_9, & lucky girl syndrome by illit! also i like le sserafim, itzy, and some others, but in a more casual way lol i've been into kpop since like 2012 so theres a lot :')
have a good rest of your day/night !!
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erospandemos · 1 year
Last minute birthday
Jiheon x Reader
Length: 2.2k
Tags: birthday, fluff, first kiss, dancing, low-key, late night
I really wrote this last minute because I had no time and for that reason, it’s unedited so it’s kind of rough, sorry guys.
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It was 00:34 and everyone was sleeping. Everyone but Jiheon. She was on her phone, trying to call her boyfriend who wasn’t answering at all. It was her birthday today. So why weren’t you answering any of her calls? It’s been 24 hours, she started calling you in the morning—deciding that waking you up at 3 AM was acceptable since it was her day—but you didn’t answer, and it was understandable, the problem was that you did not answer even one of the 29 following calls. 
To be honest, Jiheon didn’t know if she should’ve been mad or worried but when it was her phone that rang, and you were calling now, she settled with mad. Jiheon sighs angrily and rolls her eyes, she snuggles into her bedsheets and answers the phone.
“What?” she says drily.
“30 missed calls? Were you trying to set a record?” you softly chuckle on the other end.
Jiheon did not find it funny. You were wholeheartedly laughing while she was worried sick and just fuming mad. Jiheon scoffs. Unbelievable. “Are you serious right now?” she asks, glaring at her phone. If your face was on the screen she would’ve slapped it.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” you reply.
“What’s wrong?” Jiheon slowly repeats emphasizing every letter. “What’s wrong is that you barely spoke to me for the past week—which I can understand—but now, when you do, it’s so dry as if I’m actually bothering you. That’s right? I am a bother.”
“Jiheon, no, no,” you rush to correct her. “It’s just that I’ve been so busy all week.”
“No. It isn’t that. I know you’re always busy but when you’d reply late, you’d do it with a long-ass message but now—now, you can’t even reply with three letters.” 
“Honie, not now,” you groan.
“And yesterday, you ghosted me! You didn’t even read my messages. We talked about this already. That’s wrong. I don’t care how big your problem is, just tell me, dump it on me,” she says with frustration. 
“I know, I know… Heonie, please, just—”
“No.” Jiheon ignores you. “And don’t tell me you actually forgot what day it is today.”
“Uhh, Monday,” you say. “Jiheon, please. I’m sorry. Whatever it is, I’m sorry. I—It’s just… It’s not a good day today, okay?”
Jiheon huffs and lets her head fall into the bed. She couldn’t help it. “Today’s the worst,” she agrees with you for once. “So tell me…” she starts, “What are you mad about today?”
You sigh and slump against the cold plastic wall of the station. “My bus got delayed and now, my girlfriend’s mad at me,” you uttered. Jiheon, at those words, softens.
“Bus?” Jiheon asks and you hum. “To where?”
“To my girlfriend,” you answer. “It’s her birthday.”
Jiheon jumps out of her bed. She doesn’t even change clothes and just grabs her coat. “Where are you?” she asks as she rushes to the living room to grab her keys and purse. She runs down the stairs and out to the cold. Her breath fogs the air while she confirms your location. To her, and your, luck, you’re just twenty minutes away from her.
She drives and quickly finds you in a lonely bus station under a semi-broken lamp. There you were, with a cake box between your arm and chest while you were holding your phone between your neck. You smile when you recognize her behind the car window.
Jiheon parks in front of the cubicle and runs to you.
You smile and put your phone away. Jiheon smiles as well but tears stream down her face while she hugs you tight. You hug her back and clean her tears with your thumbs. You chuckle softly. “What has gotten into you?”
“I’m so sorry,” Jiheon says, pulling you in tighter, and wrapping her arms around your shoulders and back. She was still in her pajamas and slippers, her coat was half open, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t even cold. She missed you more than anything and was waiting this exact moment for the whole week.
“Happy birthday, love,” you barely mumble with her coat muffling your voice. Jiheon squeezes you one last time and pulls away. In a flick, you catch the box that was sliding down until now and put it on the seat.
“Phew…” you sigh. “As I was saying,” you start again, “Happy birthday to my sweetest baby.” You cup her cheeks, creased for her wide smile and look into her humid eyes, reddened but happy. “I love you. I know I couldn’t express it well this past week, you deserved more than that, but today and for the next couple days I have all my time for you. I really appreciate you. It’s been hard but you kept my spirit high and I am extremely grateful for you.”
Jiheon tries her hardest to hold it in. She bites her lips and sniffs, contracting her face in a frown in discomfort. You were going to laugh but she busted in tears. “Darling…” she pleaded between hiccups. “I wuv you sho much, ish my fault sorwy…”
“It’s okay, it’s my fault too,” you laugh. “Don’t be crying now.” You get some tissues from your pocket and wipe her tears away. Jiheon continues to cry, with her arms dangling, while you frantically wipe it down. After a minute she stops and blows her nose with the remaining tissues.
“Let’s go home,” Jiheon says. You make to grab your bag but Jiheon takes it for you and puts it inside. You hold the cake and seat in the passenger seat beside her. You take the time of the ride home to catch up with her. Some fun things happened at work and you had to let her know. You also told her about every chance you had to boast about your girlfriend, who was the best in the world and everyone had to know it.
Once home, you set up the cake, putting the candles on and the little plate with her age. 20 years old. It’s been almost a year since you two started dating. Time sure flies. You look at Jiheon. She wasn’t the immature girl you knew back then anymore. She was mature now, in her features and mannerism but deep inside nothing changed. Her heart was still as kind as always, as joyful and happy. Her smile was still as bright and her eyes still as beautiful. You swore the day when you gave yourself to her that you’d protect that innocence everyday.
You remember everything and chuckle.
“You have to make a wish,” you tell Jiheon.
Jiheon nods, holds her breath and, “Iwishthatmyparentswillbealwayshealthymyboyfriendtooandthathelovesmealwaysandneverleavemeformyfriendstobebymysideandforustobesuccesfuland—”
“Wait! Only one,” you laugh in disbelief. “Also you don’t have to say it, but think it.”
“Oh, okay…” 
Jiheon looks at the cake, brings her hands together, closes her eyes and blows the candle. She tears again a little. You smile and look at her. You cup her cheeks once again, a habit you two developed together, and softly whisper to her, “Again, I’m sorry, Heonie.”
She shakes her, smiling happily. “It’s just that I’m very happy darling,” she says and you hum, kissing her nose. 
“Oh, wait, I remember I have the present,” you say, eyeing at the paper bag wrapped up in tape. 
“What did you get me?” Jiheon asked you.
“Not telling you.”
“Awww, come on! I’ve been waiting all dayyyy,” she pouted. She always gave you that look when you didn’t want to buy her something. But this time she was especially annoyed because she was kicking her legs up and down like a little kid throwing a tantrum. She continued until you finally gave in. 
“Okay! Okay, I will get it jeez…”
You ripped the little bag open to reveal a square box, a cd case and a notebook. The cd case said on the front "songs that remind me of you" and a little heart next to it. You and Jiheon had similar taste in music and you had this conversation before, love songs that are perfect for both of you. On the notebook, instead, there was written “reasons why I love you” because Jiheon has always been a little bit insecure, with being an idol and everything. You thought it could help her.
You then handed her the box and left the other things on the table.
“Open it,” you said with a smile. 
As Jiheon opened the box her face seemed to be going through twenty different emotions in three seconds. Then she finally looked at you with teary eyes. Saerom would definitely tell Jiheon has cried many times that night and kill you tomorrow when she finds out.
It was a gold necklace with your and her first initials engraved on a gold plate. It was something you wanted to get for a while now. She said a while back that she wanted to have something to keep that would represent your relationship. You only started to work recently part-time to pay for it. You were glad she liked it.
Next thing you know Jiheon is on top of you tackling you in hugs and kisses, pretty much suffocating you. “Thank you so much, baby! I love it! I love it!” You let her do it and laughed, then in that position, you put your hands behind her back. Closing your eyes, you started swaying, Jiheon chuckled and followed you. 
Laughing, you pulled Jiheon into the kitchen along the side of the wall. “Loosen up, Heonie! You know how to dance, don’t you? Imagine it’s raining… wouldn’t it be amazing?”
Jiheon raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Amazing? You wanna play in the rain? What are you? A kid?”
“Wouldn’t it be romantic?” you ask, continuing to sway together. “Us together, alone, away from every distraction, every needless sadness and problem. Under the rain, that’d clean us of everything, the dirt of everyday city life, leaving us wet and anew. We’d dance like nothing exists, not a care in the world. My arms on your waist, your hands on my shoulders, my eyes into yours.”
Jiheon lifted both of her hands and rested them near your neck and tilted her head towards Sanemi to briefly rest it on your shoulder. “Yes, that would be romantic. It’d be amazing… I really do have the best boyfriend in the world,” Jiheon says honestly. 
Even under the cold temperature of the weather, you could feel your cheeks heat up. And when she gave you a peck on the cheek, you realized that you didn’t feel so cold anymore.
Your arm fell from Jiheon’s waist, and you took her hand into yours. For a moment, you walked hand in hand around the rainy room. Neither of you said anything; they just enjoyed being in each other’s presence. 
For a moment, there were dark clouds in those ceilings. Having you by her side, having Jiheon with you, was enough to make you forget you were even in an apartment. The rain showering down onto your body was more real than anything.
“There’s no music,” said Jiheon quietly.
“We make our own music.”
Jiheon let out a soft laugh. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right.”
So, you and Jiheon slow-danced under the rain. You didn’t care, you just didn’t. All that mattered right now was how happy Jiheon looked while dancing with you. You were glad that even if they couldn’t have a grand event for her birthday, at least she was able to make Jiheon happy with this.
You didn’t know for how long they danced under the rain. They danced for so long that their slow dance had evolved into a frolic, and they were now laughing heartily together as they danced. You had lost track of time. 
“We should get some sleep now—you still have work tomorrow,” you told Jiheon quietly. “You don’t want to walk like a zombie during practice, right?”
“It was fun, though,” said Jiheon, gazing at you with a soft expression.
“Yeah, it was,” you agreed. Despite the fact that your ignorance did piss Jiheon off a little and darken her mood in the beginning, she had to admit that you were able to improve her mood considerably. It had been a difficult week for her as well.
You let go of each other.  “I have to admit, even if it wasn’t the real thing, it was still romantic. You always see this in movies and dramas. I didn’t think I’d actually ever do it.” 
You chuckled to yourself. “Well you always watch dramas, you must have got a couple of ideas every once in a while, right?”
“Well, do you know what else they do in the dramas in the rain?” she asked, sending you a small hopeful glance. 
You smiled, answering, “They kiss” 
“Then do you wanna—” 
“Yes.” She was a little stunned to hear you answer so fast, but nonetheless, she couldn’t hide her cheeky smile when you leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her lips. Nothing crazy, just a short peck, but it left you both a blushing mess.
“You were always scared to hug me in the beginning, I remember,” she started. “It really took almost a year for you to kiss me.”
“Sorry,” you replied. “I’ll try harder.” She just laughed.
“Thank you for dancing with me, Darling,” Jiheon said, smiling.
You grinned back at her. “Not a problem at all. It always warms my heart and delights me to see you happy.”
Jiheon chuckled softly. “I am always happy with you. You make me happy,” she told you. “I love you.”
Written, 16 April 2023 (It’s already 17 of April in Korea)
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co-reborn · 2 years
Doesn’t Matter
Nagyung x Male Reader
view in AFF
3,529 Words
Part 1 of Come With Me Now, written in collaboration with @ehbeeseedih and @fillinforlater
A/N: Holy shit this fic has been in the making since 17 Feb and was a huge struggle to write. Hope you guys enjoy reading this ;)
A/N2: Thank you @worldsover​ for helping edit this despite your heavy schedule <3
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Home sweet home. 
While this is your home, it isn't really yours. You look around the house—photo frames, none of which includes you; simple decorations, none of which you like—doesn't seem so sweet at all. Despite these, it's still a sweet, sweet home because of the people you stay with. You could be staying in the grandest of mansions and things wouldn't be the same without them. 
Your friend is such a great help. You're grateful to Yunmin for offering you a place to stay upon your return to town after years away, even more so for helping you reconnect with several of your other friends. There's almost nothing you would give up your friendship for.
Reaching soon
Any moment now, so you're on the couch, naked and ready to go. When keys ring in the corridor and two distant voices echo in excitement, you get on your feet and unlock the door, interrupting the conversation.
You warm Nagyung up from the cold corridor by pulling her into your embrace and kissing her deeply. The surprise on her face fades away quickly as she melts into the kiss. Yunmin walks behind her with a disapproving smile. 
“Hey, hey… We just got back and you’re eager to start!”
You turn Nagyung around, pull off her top, and begin to work on her shorts. You can’t help yourself ever since you got into this arrangement nearly a month ago. 
“Of course!” While her shorts drop to the floor, you push a few fingers past the waistband of her panties and run them across her slit. You rest your chin on her shoulder. “She’s so fucking wet and ready to go too.”
While you pull Nagyung away from the door and towards the couch, Yunmin undresses himself to the same state of nakedness as you. Nagyung takes a seat, and you immediately lean towards her chest. You flick and circle a nipple with your tongue several times before latching to it. Your following sucks push Nagyung in a haze, certainly the first of many tonight.
Yunmin sits next to Nagyung, adjusts her face towards him, and captures her lips. Unlike your heated makeout, his is soft and sensual as if Nagyung is the most delicate thing in the world. His hands caress her toned tummy, then slide up to her other breast, fondling it gently.
Unsatisfied with Yunmin’s intimacy, she spices things up by reaching for his cock. He gasps into the kiss when he feels the warmth of Nagyung’s hand, then groans when she begins to stroke him. Not wanting to leave you unattended, she reaches for yours and starts stroking you too. Nagyung works both cocks at the same time, rubbing your full lengths from the base up to the tip. Her thumbs play with your tips, spreading leaking precum all over.
The room gradually heats up, and you and Yunmin grow more aggressive. Your suction on her stiff nub becomes much harsher and your hand sneaks down between her thighs. Rub it up and down her slick labia before stuffing two fingers deep in. Yunmin turns it up a notch too, squeezing her chest harder and pinching her nipple while inserting his tongue into her mouth. Nagyung squirms in place at your ministrations on her body and she stiffens whenever a new peak of pleasure is reached. Her thighs continuously clench your hand which makes fingering her difficult. 
You have a simple solution though. 
After detaching yourself from her tits, you get onto your knees and spread her legs as wide as possible. Nagyung’s already staining the couch. Dip yourself into her pussy as the need to taste more of her envelops you. 
“Mmph!” she cries at your skilful tonguing. Her hips jerk towards you, her thighs squeeze your head in place, and her leg locks around your neck.
Nagyung quickly pulls away from Yunmin to vocalise her pleasure. She grabs his hair and pushes him down her body where he latches onto her other nipple. He’s always a step behind, not able to keep up with your pace.
While you continue to eat Nagyung out, Yunmin’s hand rubs over her abs. With a sigh, she makes him assist you by directing those digits down to rub her clit. She lets out a satisfying hum as her thighs clench tightly around your face. The smooth skin of her legs feels incredible on your cheeks, and you lick faster to make her feel incredible as well. 
Further up, Yunmin gently bites down on Nagyung’s nipple and caresses her clit in between his two fingers. Overwhelmed by the stimulation on her most sensitive parts, she moans deeply and thrusts her cunt onto your face with vigour. Splashes of her juice cover the corners of your mouth and reach the tip of your nose. Nagyung does not care about your well-being. Luckily, you don’t either. You only care about the pink flesh of her pussy, pressing on and smearing your features. 
Yunmin returns to her lips and Nagyung’s moans get stifled by his tongue pushing into her mouth further. It’s not enough, so she pulls him even deeper. If you were in his position, she would not need to give you assistance. Her lips are luscious; why wait to ravage them? As an onlooker, you should not complain, but bloody hell, the list of annoyances is long.
“I’m close,” she says as she groans into the kiss. The fingers of her free hand dive into your messy hair and tug it roughly. It stings, but you get more of her sweet pussy in return. Your tongue quickly swoops over her labia, before you push it in and out in a quick fucking motion. Yunmin right above you still carefully plays with her clit. At this pace, it’s not going to be enough. 
Nagyung’s pull gets stronger. Your scalp is about to lose its grip on your hair. The situation is getting dire. 
Suddenly, an opening. Yunmin, oblivious to the pain you’re going through between Nagyung's legs, removes his hand from her clit to play with her nipples. In a split second, you move upwards an inch and suck at the hard, sensitive nub. Nagyung immediately throws her head back, the wave of an orgasm hitting her. 
“Fuck! Don’t stop, please!”
She jerks her hips in no rhythm, just faster and faster. Yunmin looks shocked as if he’s never seen someone this out of control through sheer pleasure. Nagyung’s entire body shivers and contorts one final time, and then she screams out. The bliss of her climax comes out in a stream of clear, delicious liquid, right into your mouth. You try to drink up everything, to no avail. The couch will have to be cleaned thoroughly after this. Does it though? It’ll just get stained again in the future.
“Are you okay?” Yunmin asks in a concerned voice, the girl still on her high.
“Yes!” she shouts out. Her fingers finally let loose of your hair and you can finally breathe fresh air instead of her cunt’s scent. There are worse ways to pass out than in between Nagyung’s heavenly thighs and in front of her holy entrance.
As her orgasm subsides, Nagyung pushes the two of you off and stands up swiftly. Her still shaky pointer points at a door. You follow it with your eyes, and both you and Yunmin grin back at her. Your erection twitches when Nagyung’s sultry voice announces:
“Bedroom, boys. Come with me, now.”
In the bedroom, Nagyung wastes no time. She jumps on the cushions, the bed creaking as she sets herself up. Her legs spread seductively, and she becomes entirely irresistible when she spreads her pussy lips further apart. The girl cum, which you drank with all your passion, now stains the sheets.
“Turn around, please,” Yunmin groans, his voice disgustingly desperate, “I want your ass tonight.”
“No~” Nagyung responds mockingly. She points at the far end of the bed and whispers: “I want to suck you off. I thought you like it when I do?”
Yunmin nods hastily and with even more haste, he climbs next to Nagyung and sits down. He spreads his legs and from the corner of her eyes, you see a glint of something. Disappointment. How can someone be disappointed if one is following her every order? Or maybe, it is the reason she is disappointed.
Nagyung wraps her finger around Yunmin’s stiff cock and gives it one exaggerated lick from tip to base. The young man throws his head back and releases a small groan. Nagyung is eager to make the groans louder and louder because she doesn’t hesitate and takes the length into her mouth. 
Yunmin’s enjoyment must be excellent, but your viewpoint is nothing to complain about: Nagyung has her ass raised towards you, her skin is firm and smooth all over, and her hole is twitching in need. To make it even better, she sways her gorgeous, round ass cheeks from side to side, slowly, mesmerizingly; they send you into a trance. 
He once again groans, and this time Nagyung joins him as she continues to spread her saliva over the tip and sensitive bottom side. Sloppily, she swallows his entire cock and gags twice. Yunmin caresses her hair, his hands sweaty and trembling. Nagyung giggles and speaks with the tip still parting her precum-stained lips.
“Don’t you love my mouth on your cock?”
Fuck it, you tell yourself. Asking now is beyond your patience. You get behind Nagyung on the bed, ready to finally fuck the pussy you put so much strength into satisfying. It will feel like a great reward, the incredible texture of a tight hole wrapping around you. Pounding her while she sucks someone else’s cock—
“No, not my pussy,” Nagyung interrupts, giving Yunmin’s cock a hard kiss, making him wince, “I’m not safe today.”
If she looked disappointed moments ago, it was nothing compared to how disappointed you are now. It’s a reasonable request, of course, but you are so close to not even caring at this point. All you want is to fuck her and to fuck her now. 
Her hand reaches behind to give her own butt cheek a slap, and your disappointment turns into absolute glee when she pulls it apart to reveal her asshole. You catch on to her intentions quickly and shift your cock up to her puckered hole. 
You spit onto your tip a few times and spread whatever wetness you can around the area. Holding on to Nagyung’s hip, your dick struggles to enter her tight hole. Push through the resistance, ignore the pain you’re inflicting on the girl. From her muffled moans, she’s probably getting off from it. 
At long last, your swollen tip enters Nagyung’s ass and immediately, you’re overwhelmed by its sheer tightness. Her lips let go of Yunmin's dick, and she turns to look at you. Her face visibly winces but as you lock eyes with her, you see that familiar look of overflowing lust. 
Nagyung needs this as bad as you do. 
Bit by bit, you insert your cock deeper into her asshole. When you reach her inner depths, you give her butt a harsh slap, eliciting a deep moan. She mouths the words “Fuck me hard” before turning back to Yunmin and attending to his cock. 
The mere act of withdrawing your shaft from her body is difficult. Nagyung clutches onto you with all her might and her hips jerk back to keep you inside her. You grip her waist in place and slowly pull out of her ass, leaving just your tip inside. Give her a slap on the ass before you thrust yourself back into the tight hole. It becomes easier each time you thrust yourself back into her ass. Her body adapts and stretches just enough to ease your entrance back into her hole. 
Meanwhile, Yunmin relishes in Nagyung’s expert mouth and tongue pleasuring him, the constant moans into his cock doubling his glee. He strokes her hair and shifts it out of the way. He lightly grabs onto her scalp and bobs her up and down his own shaft faster. Receiving oral from the girl was rare for him, so he would fully immerse himself in it whenever she obliges him. So immersed is he that he pays no attention to the sheer enthusiasm between you and Nagyung. Even if he does, so what? It’s no surprise that she is thoroughly enjoying this threesome. 
You snake a hand down her body and begin to toy with her dripping pussy. She squirms at your touch but there’s nothing she can do. Why would she? The aching in her core intensifies as another of her hole is filled, this time by your fingers. You thumb her clit relentlessly and forgo deep and hard thrusts for speed.
Nagyung’s small body rocks back and forth at your quick rhythm. Her mouth takes in more and more of Yunmin’s cock, and his groans begin to mix with your grunts to fill the room with the music of unbridled lust. His eyes shut as he easily loses more and more self control. Another hand holds her head, and he fucks her mouth harder onto his cock. Yunmin barely manages to mumble out a soft “cumming” before he tumbles past the point of no return. 
His head remains tossed back for a few seconds as he finishes unloading into Nagyung’s mouth. Her ass clenches harder around you as she swallows the shots of cum. You groan at the increased tightness and put more strength into your hips to maintain the hard and deep thrusts.
Yunmin’s softening cock slips out and Nagyung darts her tongue out to clean whatever globs of cum remain. He collapses onto his back, and you sense some dissatisfaction from the girl for a split second. Yunmin basically shuts down immediately after finishing. What a loser.
However, she doesn’t pay any more attention to Yunmin as she refocuses on your thick cock ploughing her asshole. Her body trembles in pure euphoria, almost hitting the peak she craves for. 
You tug onto her hair and pull her away from Yunmin’s crotch, allowing her to vocalise her pleasure. Your dick twitches under the heat and pressure. Moans turn into screams as Nagyung senses your impending orgasm.
“Cum in me, fill my ass. I’m, I’m going to cum too!”
Right as her sentence ends, both of you hit your orgasms. Nagyung leaks all over her thighs and drips onto the sheets. Her body goes limp as it is completely wrecked by your cock. You fill her ass with your thick cum, her clenching hole causes you to grunt with each mindless thrust. Even post-orgasm, you keep your shaft in her, ensuring none of it leaks out. Nonetheless, you eventually slip out of her ass when you soften and fall backwards while Nagyung remains laid on her stomach. The room is filled with deep breaths as you two recover from the intense sex session.
You momentarily look over towards Yunmin. Now completely asleep, he’s clearly too tired for more rounds with the insatiable girl. You’re not like Yunmin though. You’re still rock hard and ready for more. One round isn’t enough for Nagyung either. She sits up. With a seductive giggle, she pulls you into her bathroom.
When you arrive, she immediately positions herself in front of the mirror and bends over the sink. Tempting you further, she pushes her butt out and shakes it. You can’t resist giving it a loud slap before pressing yourself against her.
Hungry for more, Nagyung turns and looks at you. “What are you waiting for? Fuck me.” 
Your cock stirs and you nudge yourself against her still leaking and gaping asshole, but she stops you. ”No no! Not my ass. I want you to fill my pussy, baby.”
You smile, never deterred by the promise of some hot pussy, and shift her hips higher for access to her cunt. A few strokes across her soaking lips have her begging.
“Fuck me, baby. I need your cock deep inside me.”
Your hips jerk forward, and you end up hilt deep inside Nagyung. You rest your head on her shoulder and look at her lust-drunk face through the mirror, a reflection of her inner desires.
“You’re such an insatiable slut, aren’t you?” you ask. “So needy to be filled with cocks.”
All she could do is rapidly nod her head, mouth gasping for air as she begs for you to continue fucking her. You engage in another torrid kiss and begin moving your hips. Already overwhelmed, Nagyung writhes in your grasp and rocks her body in tandem with yours. The pain from your harsh grip doesn’t matter to her as pleasure fills her head. Such is the cost of a good fucking.
“You love my cock, don’t you?” 
With no hesitation, Nagyung exclaims, “I do! You know I do! Fuck me harder!”
Her pussy tightens and her eyes begin to roll back. Just push her a little more; she’s going to cum soon. You lean in close once again and a hand finds her core once again. Rubbing her clit, you whisper, “I’m a better fuck than Yunmin, right?”
“Fu-Fuck. You fuck me, mmm… better than Yunmin. Oh, oh! You fuck me better than my boyfriend does!”
Her mind goes into a lust-filled haze, and it fixates on your shaft going in and out of her pussy. Thoughts of her boyfriend sleeping so soundly in their bedroom are completely gone. All Nagyung wants so desperately is to cum.
Almost there. 
She shuts her eyes and lets out a chorus of moans. As your cock hits her particularly deep, her body goes limp and her pussy tightens. Melting under the pleasure, she cums all over your cock. 
With the additional juices, you continue your intense fucking. Nagyung shuts her eyes and lets out a deep sigh. Her body rests on your chest and you toy with her breasts as she comes down from her high. 
As she recovers, she gives a coy smile, “Hope you have more than that, baby.”
You withdraw from Nagyung's body and turn her around. As she leans against the sink, you wait no further to re-enter her body. With the same intensity as before, you give Nagyung a good hard fucking, chasing your own orgasm this time.
“I can feel you throbbing and shaking inside me. Cum inside. I know you want to. Dump all the cum you’ve been holding in these days into this slutty pussy. Make my pussy your personal cumdump and fill me up.”
“Didn’t you say you’re ovulating today?”
“Doesn’t matter.” She sits on the sink and wraps her legs around you. “All I want is for you to breed me.”
It’s hard holding back the need to cum when fucking a hot nympho like her, and the context makes it even more difficult. Not long ago, you were engaged in a hot threesome with her and her boyfriend. Now, you’re having mind-blowing sex with her behind his back, and she’s even begging to be filled with your cum and be bred by you.
You bury your head into her neck to stifle your groans. Her tight body feels perfectly moulded for you and her pussy repeatedly squeezes around you as if it's saying “Fuck me. Cum in me. Breed me.”
Well, you’re about to. 
Your thrusts turn erratic and you try your best to prolong the pleasure before orgasm. With all your remaining strength, you lift Nagyung off the sink, slam her back against the glass wall, and fuck her against it.
“You love fucking my pussy? My boyfriend does, but I don’t let him cum in me. Only you get to cum in me. Breed me while my boyfriend sleeps in his room. Breed me, Daddy.” 
One thrust. Two thrusts. Three thrusts. Four.
You lose it at the fourth thrust. Remaining still while hilt deep inside Nagyung, you pump spurts and spurts of cum into her pussy. Pleasure coursing through your veins feels endless. You hope this arrangement never ends. 
Even after you’ve completely filled her and have no more cum to give the vixen, you remain inside her body, plugging her hole and preventing any of your cum from seeping out. If she is serious about being bred, this will surely do the trick.
Unfortunately, you can’t stay in her heavenly hole forever and eventually, your sore cock slips out of her body, and both of you collapse to the nearby wall. Nagyung giggles when she notices your stunned expression. 
You can’t help but stare at her every movement. A hand gradually glides down her body. It passes a heaving chest, toned abs, sweaty crotch—you know them all too well—and she ends at her core. Two fingers dig into her cum-filled pussy, and you catch her dazed face as soft squelches fill the steaming bathroom.
“‘Mmm… You filled me real good, Daddy.”
Nagyung turns and gets ready to leave, cum dripping from both her fucked holes. You get ready to start the shower, but she turns around a final time and whispers: 
“He’ll never know.”
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skygraced · 9 months
People I'd like to know better!
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1. alias  /  name:  xion rinn but you can just call me rinn 2. birth:  october 25 3. zodiac:  scorpio 4. height:  5′8″ 5. hobbies: video games, writing and collecting 6. fav colour:  a very deep red color & a dusty blue 7. fav book:  the mysterious benedict society 8. last song ?: fun by fromis_9 9. last show ?: uhh... i'm trying to remember when i last watched something... i think it was ohsama sentai king-ohger... 10. recent reads: does fanfic count?   11. inspiration: everywhere? i can get inspiration just by talking to people or reading something or seeing the smallest things.   12. story behind url: sky (she's from the sky / skyloft) + graced ( from her grace / goddess ) = skygraced 13. fun fact: i've played every single zelda game to 100% at least once.
tagged by: @spiritmaiden & @bravelink (thank you!) tagging: anyone who wants to do it!! do it!!!
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haechannabelle · 2 years
get to know me! tagged by: new pal @seunievrse <33 ❥ name: annabelle ❥ sign: sagittarius sun/aquarius moon+rising ❥ height: 5'7 ❥ time: 10:42pm ❥ birthday: november 28 '95 ❥ fav band/artist: nct-127, stray kids, seventeen (kpop faves)/radiohead, noisia, anderson paak, kaytranada, flatbush zombies (non kpop) ❥ last movie: probably some hallmark movie because my fiance and i like to roast them, but last in theaters was everything everywhere all at once ❥ last show: severance (i'm OBSESSED it's so good) ❥ when i created this blog: 2011 for my main, this sideblog was probably 2018 ? but it only became a kpop blog in like, september of this year ❥ what i post: i reblog gifs and photos mostly, i won't list all the groups i post because it's already written in my pinned post and there are like. sooo many. i plan to start sharing my own content soon ! i'm writing my first ever fanfic, and i have pledged that i WILL learn how to make gifs eventually ! there's so many moments i wanna capture, you know ?? ❥ other blogs? my main blog is @theloserphenomenon (memes + reference + personal), and i have an art/aesthetic blog @eastover-wives as well ~ ❥ do i get asks? occasionally. i'm always excited to get them ! ❥ followers: honestly? i'd rather keep an air of mystery. but it's like, not a lot. but slowly growing ! ❥ average hours of sleep: maybe 7 ? 8 ? i get a good amount, but i'm still always tired somehow ❥ instruments: very basic guitar skills. there was a time (high school/early college) that i was pretty good though ❥ what i'm wearing: a red tank top that says "athletic sports club" that i bought at a vintage store (i don't play sports nor am i athletic), and grey joggers with obscenely deep pockets (i can literally fit my 28oz water bottle in there). also fuzzy socks with gingerbread men on them that say "bite me" ❥ dream trip: tbh traveling gives me so much anxiety it's hard to answer this, but if i DIDN'T have debilitating anxiety i would say maybe...japan and/or korea ? go back to amsterdam ? somewhere in the caribbean ? greece ? vietnam ? one of those ❥ fav songs: ok i'll give some of my current faves - kpop: ⭒ stray kids - taste ⭒ fromis_9 - escape room ⭒ seventeen - ash ⭒ nct dream - go ⭒ enhypen - blessed-cursed - non-kpop: ⭒ araatan - effervesce ⭒ knower - time traveler ⭒ dr. apollo/reid speed/evil dom - electrotherapy ⭒ fidel castrato (actually an internet friend of mine) - hedonist ⭒ dub phizix/DRS - do one
okay i will tag... @neonarcher, @atinystraykid, @pinkhaech, @bunnysrage, @cecetonin, and @kimsmingyu if any of y'all want to do this too !!
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
about me !!
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august she/her 18 lesbian sagi filo infj
nicknames gus, or anything u can come up w/ the name august
kpop groups only stan lesserafim, aespa, bts, twice, itzy, fromis_9, & txt
fav colors sage green, beige, black
hobbies writing and reading
fav foods chicken curry, pizza, burger, fries, chicken
fav animes twin star exorcists, haikyuu!, the world god only knows, tba
about this blog is a safe space, no matter your race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age are (unless you’re a minor who interacts with my smut/suggestive fanfics/oneshots).
other accs reblog: @citizenaugust
anyone is welcome here, so feel free to interact with me. this is a no judgment zone, i can assure you.
anon list
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angelcloves · 2 years
sending you a shitload of emojis to answer; sorry in advance: 😅 🥺 😈 🛒 🎢 🎶 ⛔ 🙋‍♀️ 💖 ❌ 🧐 🎯 🎨 🦅 🤗 🤩 ✅ 📚 ⌛ 🤯 💔 💥
goodness gracious! alright lets get this show on the road
😅 What’s a story or scene you’ve created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists? - all of sleep tight. i rewrote it for a reason hehe
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? - YES. tender reunions give me the biggest feelies in the world and ive got a couple in store for later
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers? - i dont think so. when i write i try to do it very purposefully
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. - yearning honestly. it was a big thing in hand in hand and is coming back HARD for sticks and stones
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? - the coven head au is set up to be batshit insane but currently im gonna put down last minute arrangements just because darius is such a fucking mess
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? - i do! the current mood has been love bomb by fromis_9
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? - colonizer slime. i might finish it someday if i have time
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic? - yes lmfao cloud if youre reading this this one is dedicated to you
💖 What made you start writing? - teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012 no i am not kidding
❌ What’s a trope you will never write? - thats hard to say. i cant name any off the top of my head because i love leaning into and finding ways to subvert tropes
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories? - yes one time i spent an hour researching mushroom species native to connecticut for a bestiefest piece
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which? - not yet ;)
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories? - if you make fanart i will give you the next chapter of s&s a week in advance this is a promise as long as you dont leak it
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? - the outline for s&s is like ten pages long. i cannot not know where im going with my fics it gets on my nerves
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started? - be consistent and find a schedule that works for you
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? - come on now. hunter
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to? - characters with low self esteem
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career? - yes i am currently pursuing a degree in creative writing
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter? - depends. when i was doing s&s i was pumping out a chapter a day at my peak
🤯 What’s a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)? - i feel like im a fairly well rounded author!
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? - s&s
💥 How do you feel about criticism? - it only makes me stronger
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defrosted69 · 2 years
My Sweet Zone
Lee Saerom x reader
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That one word where everyone can be relayed too.
Being an adult was far more worse than being a kid.
But you gotta continue this for the next few years of your life.
Every morning as the sunlight shines in your eyes, you were reminded by your daily routine and endless cycle of the day.
Eat, shower, work, lunch, work, overtime, eat, and sleep.
But sometimes that sleep changes to work. It was basically the same process everyday with no changes happening except if the weather started to act up.
Other than that, it will still be your old boring day.
Adults carry heavy burden on them as each day passes by.
The constant society stress add in the daily life struggles make it hard for every adults.
Sometimes they just wish that they never turned adults and remained as kids with much freedom and happiness.
But they didn't have the power to go back as they are just regular human beings.
You drove home as the city lights and rain was the only thing that comforted you at the moment.
With such atmosphere comes a relaxing vibe and you yearn nothing more right now than sleep.
Sometimes sleeping is the gateway to leaving reality and going to dreamland where we can all be happy.
The sight of your house couldn't have made you more happier as you immediately parked your car in the garage.
This was one of the few rare moments where you really yearned nothing more than sleep.
The familiar door you always see never looked so pleasant to you as you unlocked it with your key and with the clicking sound, you opened the door.
Your eyes immediately saw a standing angel smiling sweetly at you.
"Welcome home Honey~"
That smile you always wanted to see was finally infront of you.
You were shocked and couldn't react properly as you didn't expect your wife to stand infront of you.
Lee Saerom, The leader of the famous group Fromis_9.
They had always was been busy considering their popularity and you hardly had time to see each other but both of you were able to sneak late night video calls which ends in about 2 hours or even 4 hours.
It was quite a story how you 2 meet in the first place.
You were just an intern when it comes to editing photos during that time and your agency was called out to work with the group.
During that time, Fromis_9 wasn't that known as they are now but a few of their songs was getting recognized.
When you first worked with them, everyone was suprised and shocked how they all look so preety and beautiful.
But you were mesmerized by one girl. Lee Saerom.
Her smile was something you have never seen before and it just captivates you.
And working with them was an enjoyable time as everyone in the group were nice and friendly and really cheerful.
After their photoshoots were done, they were suppose to leave the area but you and Saerom accidentally met on a vending machine.
"Oh, do you like that drink too?"
She asked you as you nodded your head.
"Yeah, it's a good drink. It wakes me up since I edit a lot at night."
She chuckled which brought tingles down your spine. You wished to hear her laugh everyday.
"Oh that's nice. I also edit for a bit but I'm not good."
"I'm really not good either. I just try to make the photo clean to be honest."
"Well here are some of my simple edits."
She grabbed her phone and showed you the pictures she edit.
You weren't gonna lie, some of them were amazing and appropriate for the scenery but most of them were out place and needed a lot of work.
But since she's not a professional like you, you could say she did a good job.
"That's actually good. You might have a knack for this."
That compliment made her blush in embarrassment but she liked hearing your comment.
You didn't know but Saerom had always been secretly glancing at you not knowing. Ever since her eyes landed on you, she was captivated by you.
Your professional attitude was something she liked and your small smile was making her smile as well.
But she wanted to know you more. A simple glance wasn't enough so she decided to ask you after the photoshoot. But unfortunately they had to leave early.
She though it would be over but it wasn't.
It's as if the universe wanted you 2 together so destiny made its move.
Nagyung wanted an iced coffee but it was only available in the vending machine so she went one and she didn't expect to see you there as well.
"Well, I'm still trying to learn on how to edit well but thank you."
She smiled at you and you could hear your cheeks turning bright red. You wanted to talk to her more but she was running on a schedule.
"Well I gotta go. But before that, can I borrow your hand?"
"Oh umm... Sure?"
You were confused on why she would ask for your hand but as soon as she pulled out her market from her pocket, you already knew what it was.
"Call me when you're free... Uhh.."
"Y/n. Y/n L/n."
"Call me when you're free Y/n. See you around~"
And with that she smiled and walked away leaving you speechless as you couldn't help but smile seeing what was on your hand.
"Here's my number, Call me when you're free"
And from there on you two started seeing each other.
Everytime you two meet, sparkles was just everywhere and soon feelings was out and both of you started dating after 3 months of meeting up.
When Searom introduced you to her members you were embarrassed as hell but soon the members welcomed you in open arms.
But und for Saerom, she would get the end of the sticks as all her embarrassing moments was shared to you by them.
She would immediately whine and pout which you find adorable as you hug her to comfort her.
Jiwon would immediately ask for a hug from chaeyoung as Chaeyoung would look at her with disgust.
As time goes by, you would eventually move to a bigger agency which is where you work at and you were tasked on their MV editing.
Of course you didn't tell Saerom or any of the girls as you wanted to suprise them and that suprise was worth the wait.
Their song eventually got their fame to start rising and from their on, it was just straight up for them.
You didn't told her that the editing that was the main praise of the MV was made by you. They only knew about after their manager told them about it.
Saerom immediately invited you to their get together to celebrate for the success but you decline.
Wrong decision.
Her members barged into your apartment room at that time and kinda kidnapped you in some way as they insisted on asking to come.
In the end you had to agree because they weren't gonna leave making Saerom alone if that happened.
That night was special as Saerom made sure the credit was due to you as everyone gave you an applause.
That night was also the night Saerom showed her mother side as she took care of you, fed you, sang to you, and even drank with you.
It was then and there you know Saerom was the one for you.
Even though there was hardship along the way, your love prevailed and with 6 years of dating, you finally proposed to her on a beautiful night scenery at the beach.
She didn't expect that the trip you planned was a proposal as everyone even her members were on board of you proposing to her.
Everyone in the company of hers know about your relationship with her and was supportive of you two.
When you showed that beautiful silver ring, she was moved to tears and immediately said yes.
She wanted to be with you as you wanted to be with her.
Both of you promised to pass through the hardship and smile through the happiest days of not of your life.
Now that both of you were married to each other for the past 2 years, everything was the same except both of you loved each other.
Her members kept bugging her about having a baby as Saerom would mime blush about it and tried to avoid the topic.
She wasn't ready to be a mother yet considering their fame was still rising and she didn't want to get pregnant under stress which could cause problems for the baby.
You didn't mind her decision as you were okay with it and understood her situation. There was no reason for both of you rush to parent hood when both of you were not ready.
But from time to time both of you would have some *Privacy* as both of you enjoys each other's touch.
"Hey you okay Honey?"
Saerom hugged you as this snapped you out of your trance.
Your wife was back and it took a whole before you processed it as you hugged her tight.
You have missed her presence and everything about her.
Saerom chuckled as she snuggled in your chest.
"Did I suprise you too much Honey?"
"Absolutely Love. This was the best suprise for me"
Those words immediately made Saerom blush as she looked up to your eyes as she leaned in closer and gave you a loving kiss.
That kiss was what you yearned for as her plump cherry flavored lips intoxinate you.
You pulled away from her as she giggled at you.
"Looks like my Honey is tired. Wanna cuddle in bed?"
You immediately nod your head as she lead the way to your room as she hold your hand tightly.
She missed everything about you and right now, all that mattered to her was you and you alone.
Once arriving at your room, she removed your bussines coat and shoes as you lazily landed on your bed.
"Ah, that's not your pillow."
Saerom easily slid on the bed as she gently placed your head on her lap as she stroked your hair playfully.
A sense of euphoria and calmness washed over your body as every touch she would do to your hair triggered a sense of relief in you.
"Did my Honey overworked himself again?"
Her calm voice made you so relaxed and sleepy as you couldn't speak as you only nod your head.
"Omo, my Honey baby shouldn't be this tired. Tsk, I shall complain to the company."
That sentence made you chuckle as Saerom smiled.
"Tell me, what did you do today?"
"Just the regular. It's just that we had to work overtime and I'm exhausted because of it."
"Omo, do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"
"Yes please."
She coughed first before showing you her amazing vocals.
You were experiencing cloud 9 right now as everything around you sounded and feel so relaxing.
Saerom knew exactly what she was doing as she giggled and played with your ear.
"I didn't realize how small your ear is."
"Stop, I'm getting embarrassed."
She chuckled cheerfully before returning to stroking your hair.
"Love, I feel tired these past few days."
This made Saerom frown a little.
"Each day feel the same repetitive process and it bores me and it also exhaust me. At most I sometimes think there wasn't worth seeing."
This made Saerom sad as she felt bad for leaving you as she was busy working as an Idol.
"I keep asking myself, was this really what I wanted? Am I even happy right now? I feel like my efforts are just going to waste"
Saerom really felt the sadness and dissapointment in your voice as she had enough.
"You don't have to worry about it."
She stopped playing with your hair as you sat up seeing each other eye to eye.
Her small smile made you feel curious as she said
"From here on out, I'll be on your side."
"You mean..."
"I mean I won't leave you. It seems like you needed some cheering up so I think I should stay here with you more."
"But what about your work? Your fans would look for you."
She chuckled and shook her head.
"Flovers will understand amd besides, PD-nim said that we deserve a break for a while so why not spend time here with my beloved."
Her hands caressed your cheeks as she held it and squished it.
"I don't want to see you tired ever again okay? I'm your wife Saerom. I'll do everything to cheer you up because I love you so much okay?"
You could only nod your head.
"Don't ever think that nothing will come out from your hardwork. Have you seen the postive comments of your edits with the pictures of the idols who did photoshoot with your agency? They were all praise and worship on you. They admire your work because you're that good. "
You didn't want to look at comments because it could be an edge sword sometimes.
Some may make you smile while others just annoy you and ruins your day.
"But I'm just an average-"
"Absolutely not!"
You were suprised by how Saerom glared at you. Saerom was rarely angry at you and seeing her glare at you was a rare occasion.
"Your an amazing editor. Heck, our group wouldn't probably been famous if it weren't for your amazing Video editing. Also haven't you heard or seen in the news how IU thanked you in TV. She thanked you because the photos came out amazing and she was even nominated in some award show because of it."
"Honey, don't ever think you're worse when you're the best. I know that telling you that you're doing your best wouldn't help so instead I say, surpass your best and be the best of the best that no one can achieve cause you're a unique star."
"Think of it like this. I said that not as an encouragement but as a challenge on to yourself. Will you stop at your best or will you surpass your best and be a different beast than the rest?"
You already know why Saerom was given the leader position because of things like this.
She wanted the best out of you and she wants you to be motived as well because of the many praise you get.
She made you feel a fire ignited within you.
A challenge you want to surpass.
"To be the best than the rest. I like it"
Saerom released her hands on your cheeks as she hugs you warmly.
"No ma what happens I'll always be here for you Y/n. I love you and will forever love you till time stops."
You hugged her back.
This was what you needed, she was what you needed.
Saerom always brings the best out of you amd right now it worked. You finally saw a goal to reach at the end of the dull dark tunnel.
Everyday was gonna be a challenge for you and you were up for it.
"I love you so much."
"I love you even more."
Both of you chuckled as both of you laid on your bed cuddled in each other's embrace.
The atmosphere maybe cold but the warmth and love between you two overtook it and slept comfortably in each other's presence.
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jenniessbody · 3 years
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Lar, doce e assombrado lar. insp. @busan-jimin
capa doada, 23.09.21
abra para uma qualidade melhor.
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