#haytham kenway x shay cormac fic
gococogo · 4 months
Congrates on 100 follows. Would i be able to suggest a shaytham fic with a sappy but angsty vibe with the prompts,
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"You said you wouldn't fall in love with me" "I lied"
Thank you
Prompt 4 / Shaytham
Synopsis: Shay is reckless in battle and always ends up finding himself in trouble. And so Haytham has to be the one to save him.
Word Count: 2.4K
Warning: Violence. Blood.
Notes: I combined two asks together because you guys basically asked for the same thing. So here you guys are! Finally. Enjoy!!
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Canon fire deafens Haytham’s ears as a chorus of booms sounds off on the starboard side. He holds onto his tricorn with one hand and a firm, white knuckled grip on the railing in front of him as the harsh salty wind whips into his face. The Morrigan creaks and groans as her captain turns her towards the enemy ship. Canon smoke is thick in the air and it’s hard to even see where the other ship is.
But Shay steers with confidence, shouting orders with his accent thickening. On deck, Gist relays them to whomever hasn’t heard them. Even slapping a few men on the back of the head that aren’t moving quick enough. In the heat of battle, everything can go wrong on the open ocean.
Sailing with Shay, it makes Haytham wonder if this is what it would have been like with his father.  
A round of enemy canon fire are thrown across the Morrigan’s deck. Within the smoke, Haytham can make out a couple of men being thrown off the side of the ship. Wood and splinters fly up and some even come Haytham’s way. That is the least of his worries as the entire ship shakes with such force that it sends Haytham halfway across the poop deck.
He regains his footing quickly even though his head spins. His hat is somewhere that isn’t his head, but that’s the least of his worries. Shay is nowhere to be seen on deck and the enemy ship looms over the Morrigan, a dark shadow in the smoke the curls into the grey sky. Hooks and anchors connect the two ships, pulling them together. Everything happen quickly that for a split second, he’s engrossed by the size of everything.
Haytham scowls to himself as he stands to his feet, his chest constricting at the thought that Shay isn’t in his line of sight. As if he’s some child that Haytham has to look after and he’s not a grown man himself. But it wouldn’t be akin to that. No. No, something much worse that is something closer to affection.
One of the crew members from the other ship climb up and over the railing. As quick as anything, Haytham has already crossed the deck to drive his sword into the stomach of the man. With a gasp and a silent cry, Haytham pushes him back over the side of the ship into the warm River Valley water.
The canon smoke begins to disperse and Haytham is able to see the pure chaos that has erupted on deck. Shay’s crew fight with tooth and sword, clashing and fending themselves against their attackers. He spots Gist in the mist of it all, his hat blown off somewhere. His wet hair flings into his face as he fights but he can’t let that get in his way when his life is on the lines.  
A scrawny man comes rushing up the stairs to Haytham, his teeth all black and missing. He strikes with a machete but misses enterally and swings again. This time Haytham meets his own sword with his blade and throws the scrawny man off balance. His sword to his neck is what sends the scrawny man tumbling back down the stairs.
He almost feels sorry for Shay’s deck. That blood is going to take some scrubbing to get out.
Gunshots pierce through the already tense air and Haytham’s head whips towards the commotion. Near the front of the Morrigan, Shay holds onto a man by the nape of his coat. The man tries to scramble away and kick and thrash, only for all of it to end with a hidden blade in his chest. Shay throws him aside without a second thought, advancing onto the next.
Shay takes down two more men, one with his hidden blade, the other with a bullet through the liver. All done in quick succession that Haytham can’t seem to draw his eyes away. He can pick up the assassin training still burnt into his muscles and bones. How he moves. How he’s light on his feet even for a six foot man.
But even trained assassins make mistakes sometimes. Shay turns too slowly towards his next target. The man’s knife stabs straight into his shoulder, snarling into the captain’s face. He pushes Shay back, twisting and driving the knife in deeper. Shay shouts loudly, trying to push the other off but to no avail. They tussle and try to overthrow the other until the hefty man decides enough is enough, and throws both of them over the side of the Morrigan.
Haytham moves quick, slashing and driving his sword into any man that isn’t of the Morrigan’s. He pushes a man aside, uncaring who they are as he finally reaches the side of the ship. He looks over, almost hauling himself over at how desperate he’s moving. His heart is in his in his throat and it hammers loudly within his ears. He finds himself not thinking straight as he looks down.
And holding on by one of the canon windows is Shay. He meets eyes with Haytham and can’t help but smile up to him. Haytham can only frown though, his heart still racing in his chest. What an idiot. An absolute fool! Haytham scowls to himself before pushing off the railing. He goes to speak to Shay, but instead pushes his way through the crowd once more to get to the lower decks. All to save this man from falling into the River Valley himself.
By the time Haytham is able to drag Shay back aboard and make sure he is uninjured, the fighting above has all but subsided. Gist’s voice can be heard barking and snapping orders around to the crew, telling them to tie up the ones they’ve captured and to throw the dead overboard. Not their dead though, the Morrigan’s dead will be given a proper funeral before being cast over to the sea.
The knife still sticks out of the Irishman’s shoulder as he sits within the confines of his quarters with the ship medic. He’s a large burly man that goes by the name, Cassidy. For a man his size, his fingers are nimble as they get to work. Haytham flinches inwardly as the knife is pulled from Shay’s shoulder.
The butcher has Shay sitting in front of his war map table. Everything that was displayed has been put aside to make room for the medical supplies. His coat and shirt are quickly torn down to his waist as soon as the knife is out. Shay’s face is screwed up in pain, but he holds his tongue. Only because Haytham stands on the other side of the table with his arms crossed over his chest. A deep-set frown on his feature that is akin to a disappointed parent.
Shay tries his best to avoid looking in the direction of the Grandmaster. But he can’t help himself. Even through his squinted and scowled ridden face, he peers in Haytham’s direction. Shay will have to admit to himself, he’s never seen the man so terrified in his life. That the expression that he saw plain as day on the Grandmaster’s face, an expression that has truly sent a pit of something heavy deep within his chest that flutters every so often.
When the first stitch goes through, a deep groan escapes Shay’s throat. He squeezes his eyes shut, hoping that Cassidy works quickly so this is over and done with. When he opens his eyes again, a short glass of golden whiskey is being held out to him. He stares at it a moment, looking up at the owner of the hand even though he knows who stands before him.
How long was he holding himself still for? Long enough for Haytham to pour him a drink?
Haytham raises a brow, as if asking if he even wants it. Shay takes it with some urgency and downs it in one go. Haytham watches him grimaces at the burn of the whiskey with a satisfied look before moving away to pour a second glass. This one he takes himself. A need to try and calm his still bristling nerves that buzz under his skin. He pours a third, handing this one out to Shay again. And like before, the Irishman downs it in one go. Haytham moves off satisfied.
The whiskey seems to dull the pull and poke of the needle and stitches but a few groans still escape Shay’s mouth. Haytham can’t seem to drag his eyes away from the other man. Hair a mess, skin bruised and battered with the strong smell of sweat and blood in the air.
Cassidy bites the last stitch off and wipes his bloody mouth with the back of his hand. It isn’t sanitary in the slightest, but he guesses it will do with the rest of the golden whiskey being poured over the wound. Shay bites back a yowl deep within his throat, his eyes looking as if they’re about to pop out of their sockets. He sits back in the chair heavily, pushing Cassidy’s hand away with the whiskey. The butcher looks to him with a glare before drawing the last mouthful of whiskey left out of the bottle.
“I know you won’t listen to me you buffoon,” Cassidy starts as he stands. “but don’t put any strain on those stitches,” he scowls.
“Aye, aye,” Shay mocks.
Cassidy rolls his eyes as he packs up his things. He leaves the cabin with a short nod towards Haytham, bidding him fair well. Haytham looks back to Shay who shrugs on his shirt with a wince. There’s something on Shay’s mind. His gaze a far and anywhere but here.
“That was foolish of you,” Haytham comments.
The words don’t seem to register with Shay until a few passing moments later. His brown eyes land on Haytham with a raised brow and slight hum coming from his lips. He catches the Grandmaster’s gaze flickering down to his gut where his stomach is still exposed. It’s only for a moment, but he catches it all the same.
“Getting stabbed?” Shay asks.
“Letting your guard down,” Haytham corrects with a flick of his finger.
He moves around the table to Shay and leans down slightly so that he can undo the last button of his vest. He takes it off Shay without a word, patting it down before holding an arm out to him. Shay eyes him, as if something clicking behind those dark eyes. He takes the gesture, placing one arm through the hole as Haytham helps him dress again.
It silent for a moment as Shay does up the buttons to his vest. Haytham finds himself watching, making sure that the captain is decent again. Or maybe he wants to make sure that Shay is able to do it just fine. When Shay does up the last button, he finally moves off with a satisfied nod.
“You said you wouldn’t fall in love with me,” Shay says abruptly.
Haytham movements pause for a moment, his eyes distancing themselves for a second before refocusing back down on Shay. The Irishman looks up to him, a scarred brow raised. Haytham frowns softly on the verge of disgust. But it isn’t quite that.
They talked about this months ago. About how dangerous it would be for the both of them. About how that if they did find themselves falling, they’d stop. But here Haytham is, the Grandmaster of the Templars, falling in love for a former Assassin.
“I lied,” Haytham bites back. But there’s no real maliciousness in his words.
Shay can’t help but chuckle softly, shaking his head lightly as he looks away. His cheeks blush a soft red that has Haytham wanting to reach out and touch. To see just how hot his face becomes when he turns as bright as a tomato. But instead he stands up straight, placing a hand on the table.
“We talked about this Haytham. You’re the one that talked about it,” Shay speaks firmly now. “Insisted even.”
But Haytham changes the subject, turning his back, “I’ll inform Gist that he will be taking the helm until we arrive back in New York,” Haytham walks around to the other side of the table and picks up his tricorn that he found on the deck, “You are to stay in here until you’ve healed enough,” He orders as he places his hat upon his head.
Shay clears his throat loudly causing the other man to stop in his tracks. He turns slowly, dark blue eyes filled with curiosity.
“Gist already knows what he’s doing,” Shay says as he stands. “And this is all but a nick, sir.”
He adds a roll of his shoulder which is the worst decision he could have made. He hisses in pain as he pulls the stitches, coddling his arm close to his chest. Haytham raises his brows, looking Shay up and down.
“Maybe just one night then,” Shay chuckles as he leans against the table.
“Good,” is all Haytham says. He turns again but like the perviously, is interrupted before he can even get a hand on the doorknob.
Haytham turns his full attention to Shay this time, the tone of such a simple word having beckoned him. Shay walks over to his liquor cabinet and grabs out a half empty bottle of a dark golden whiskey. The strong stuff. He turns back around his heels, holding the bottle in his good arm. He looks at Haytham for a moment before snapping back to reality.
He asks a question as he wonders back over to the table, “If I asked you to stay, Haytham, would you?”
Haytham watches Shay for few heart beats. Watching him pour whiskey into one glass before placing a second on the table. The bottle hovers over the second, Shay waiting for an answer. He doesn’t like to waste good liquor.
The Grandmaster sighs a little defeated. He takes off his tricorn and places it on the table once more. Whiskey is poured into the second glass.
“If only it keeps you from heading out and tearing out your stitches,” Haytham comments lowly.
Shay holds out the glass with a smile. “Oh, I think you’re one of, if not the best distractions around.”
Haytham takes the whiskey with a grumble of, “Now don’t go pushing your luck.”
To that, Shay’s grin only grows wider.
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How the Assassins (and some Templars) would be on your birthday:
Ezio Auditore
He'd likely wake you up with some morning "exercises", and take you on a stroll/ride through your favorite places
A candlelit dinner atop a building overlooking the sunset to finish the day with some fancy wine
Would give you anything you'd wanted, including but not limited to a portrait of the two of you done by Leonardo (you'd thank the little artist later)
Rose petals leading up to your room
Leonardo Da Vinci
Honestly, he's the type to just let you lead the day. Shopping? He's there with you paying for what he can. A boat ride? Of course!
Would be sweet the whole day, holding your hand with a dopey little grin as he followed you
Flowers, your favorite chocolates, art supplies if you're that way inclined
Connor Kenway
You're very special to him, and he makes you feel it on your birthday
He'd get someone to make you a cake (he tried and nearly burnt the house down in the process)
Flowers by your bedside as he woke you up with sweet kisses
He'd go to town with you if you really wanted to go
Or ride around the homestead all day and show you some beautiful places he's found
Wouldn't let you do any work for the day
He'd end it all by holding you close as he gifted you a little carved animal (your favorite), and a necklace he'd bought one day with your favorite stone set in it
Edward Kenway
Would also wake you up with "exercise"
He'd sail around with you, letting you tell him where to go
He may even let you steer the Jackdaw for a bit
You'll likely not remember much, as you'll be drunk for most of the night
Would give you all kinds of jewelry the he's obtained on his voyages
James Kidd/Mary Read
They're a romantic through and through. And extravagant
Would wake you up sweetly, but it'd turn spicy
Down to do whatever you want, be it a picnic or drinking at a pub, they're happy
Gifts would be thoughtful, plus some jewelry and the like
Shay Patrick Cormac
See morning "exercise"
A romantic, Shay would have the whole day planned out for you
He'd sail you somewhere nice, and have a home-cooked meal awaiting somewhere quiet
Would take you back to the fort for a surprise party with a small band of folk playing music
Liam O'Brien
Assuming he isn't gone off on a mission, he'd likely take you shooting with him
He'd buy you sweets and just be sweet the whole day
Would dance with you in a clearing somewhere
His gifts would probably be practical, like some new gloves or something
Haytham Kenway
Prepare to feel like royalty for a day
He'd spare no expense for your birthday
The best food, the finest imported wine, best clothing he could find, all of it's yours
Don't think about lifting a finger, either
Breakfast in bed, followed by an extravagant ball in your honor
Jacob Frye
CHAOS from the moment your eyes opened
Tried to make you breakfast, set it on fire
Takes you around London
A surprise dinner (the Rooks set it up for him) on top of Big Ben
Would get Evie to help him with some flowers
You'd end up drunk, laughing, and happy
My birthday is the 28th this month (December), so this is my gift to myself. If you want anyone added, let me know. These are all kinda short, sorry. I've got a heck of a migraine at the moment. Probably doing some for the Red Dead boys next. And yes, I used gender neutral pronouns for James/Mary. Sue me
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bookworm-with-coffee · 2 months
WIP Game!!!
Thank you for the tag, @ladysaturnsdust and apologies for the lateness!! ♡♡♡
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Here are the main ones I'm attempting to work on! Life has been super busy this past year so I've not been writing as often, but I'm still doing as much as I can!
( This excludes my forgotten and abandoned drafts. I have more WIP's, believe me )
♡♡♡♡ ◇ ♡♡♡♡ ◇ ♡♡♡♡ ◇ ♡♡♡♡ ◇
1. The Love That Binds Us (Frye Twins x Reader) [PLATONIC/FAMILY] - Set in 1888 (Jack the Ripper era), you may be the only one who can save London from the man you once considered a brother. < STATUS: complete, unpublished >
2. Beautiful Things (Vex x Reader) [ROMANTIC] - A Grimm and Lost Girl crossover and enemies to lovers fic centered around Vex and an unlikely foe, soon turned friend. < STATUS: incomplete, unpublished >
3. The Call (Assassin's Creed) - Set in the modern day, based on AURORA's song for the franchise's 15th Anniversary, "Hunting Shadows" < STATUS: planning/brainstorming >
4. ~Untitled~ (Jacob Frye x Reader) [ROMANTIC] - Jacob reunites with his childhood friend in London after some years of being apart. < STATUS: incomplete, unpublished >
5. Just a Kiss This Christmas (AC 3, Rogue and Syndicate Boys x Reader) [ROMANTIC] - Individual Christmas themed imagines centered around our favourites: Haytham Kenway, Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton, Shay Cormac, Liam O'Brien and Jacob Frye. < STATUS: almost complete, unpublished >
6. ~Untitled~ (Vex x Reader) [ROMANTIC] - More Vex appreciation, centers around his redemption arc and "supposedly" non-existent heart. < STATUS: incomplete, brainstorming >
♡♡♡♡ ◇ ♡♡♡♡ ◇ ♡♡♡♡ ◇ ♡♡♡♡ ◇
Send asks for more information or a short snippet! 😉💖
Six tags for six WIP's!
@fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @wyyvernn @demigoddessqueens @6lostgirl6 @deadlymistletoe 💖💖💖
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
This was a Discord anniversary gift for @straight-into-the-animus and I wanted to share it on here as well!
Arno & Jacob
Peony – Good fortune, happy marriage, everlasting prosperity
Being in his husband’s arms unburdened Arno from so much doubt that he carried. He still remembers his wedding day, how both of them were so hesitant and afraid. It all seemed so silly now after the years of life they built together. Jacob was....many things, Arno knew that as much when he first met him, but the love of his life was a full guarantee. There was no one, and nothing, that he would trade Jacob for. Holding him in his arms, reminiscing on the mirthful ceremony that just took place hours ago, Arno felt as if he was floating. Maybe he was a bit of a sap as his sister liked to tease so very often, but he didn't care. Seems as if the sap of the family didn't turn out too bad making a life for himself.
Malik & Altair
Sunflower – happiness and vitality
If a stranger were to tell either men that they were meant to be, both would have scoffed at the latter and at each other. Yet, denial was the first step in what led to a tumultuous courtship and eventual union. Both men, prideful and arrogant in their own way, who never wanted to give the latter the higher ground. Neither would push or pull. It spoke in between their kisses, fleeting touches in their brief intimacy, and in the few times where they let their walls down amongst each other. Malik was not one to admit such soft and yearning feelings, but that hardened exterior was only shed for one individual, even if it was sometimes due to Altair's cockiness (damn him). Altair didn't just see Malik as one who just called him "novice" or as another Assassin. His heart beat for this man, yearned and longed for him during the long missions, and craved for more time whenever it could be found. Amidst their strife and work, there was an unspoken truth between both men: that their love, no matter how brief it could last, gave a new sense of life. Something else besides just being an Assassin.
Ezio & Leonardo
Aster – Wisdom, royalty, devotion, purity, faith
Ezio was a man who had lost much in his life. Members of family, sense of self, hope, anything a man can list when they are being chased by a vengeful bloodline. It was miracle that he never lost the love in his heart and his life. He wasn't much a man of faith after the loss of his father and brothers, but Ezio was grateful to a higher power for sending Leonardo. Leo, who was caught up in his art and inventions, was a rock and cornerstone for the Auditore male heir. Through the toils and troubles of becoming an Assassin in the Brotherhood to avenging his deceased through the Borgias, Leonardo was there. Be it at any secret rendezvous or meeting at the villa for any respite, he was there with open arms for the weary Ezio.
Connor (based on From the Children)
Lavendar – healing, devotion, luck
He felt immense pity for the given situation. Such a young boy who had to endure a life that was not entirely meant for him. Connor didn't know whether to blame himself or the Assassin's, but one thing was certain: such a lad deserved better. Maybe it was the way Shay started to take charge, or how he was steadfast at the helm of the ship, but there was a foreign feeling that overcame him. Pride? Ambition? A sense of hope? He realized he did not children of his own, but now it seemed to be something of a reality he wanted to create. Though Haytham was the boy's father, it was safe to say that the only relation was through blood. Come what may, the vengeful Assassin's and those he used to call friends or the Templars who felt entitled to everything else, Connor was not one to go down without a fight. Hell or highwater would not come for this young boy's life, and the potential new beginning that laid ahead.
Alexios, Lykaon,Thaletas
Dahlia – commitment, discovery
Coming back home was more than just returning to the country side. It meant reuniting with a sister, and the two other individuals he wanted in his life. Alexios and his fellow Greeks had heard of the philosophers and wise people say that beauty was terror. It was a terror to find someone, or something, as beautiful and stunning as Lykaon and Thaletas were. It meant to let them in, to tell them of what he had endured on his voyage, and to come back a changed man. Alexios didn't want to admit, but underneath the battle worn exterior, his heart quickened when he returned home. Would they see him as different? Accept him? His answer came in the form of open, welcoming arms. The tears of relief fell down Alexios's face in gentle streams. Yes, this is what it meant when beauty is terror. It's the fear that one wouldn't accept their other half, but for Alexios, he would never have to face his fears alone anymore.
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thero0ks · 4 years
A list of all of the fics I’ve wrote, so you don’t have to scroll through my blog to find them.
I take SFW and NSFW requests. Just send me an ask, or message me. I’m also always happy to chat! 
If you want to be added to the tag list, just comment on one of the stories, message me, or send me an ask :D
Assassins Creed:
In Our Next Life: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/639072276492566528/in-our-next-life-desmond-miles
Frozen Buildings:
Bonfire Night: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/620470329803931648/bonfire-night-connor-kenwayratohnhak%C3%A9ton-modern
Study Hall: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/188217664511/study-hall-modern-au-connor-kenway
The Courier: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/636982217494724608/the-courier-haytham-kenway-x-reader-the-leather
Consequences: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/185890817836/consequences-haytham-kenway
Like a Son: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/188269587151/like-a-son-shay-cormac
Confessions on the Sea:
In The Flesh: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/638080842045014016/in-the-flesh-shay-cormac
Broken Dishes:
A Rose From Starrick’s Garden:
Train Cars & Letters (Part 2 of A Rose From Starrick’s Garden):
A Decade of Loneliness:
Tea Talk: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/188028925416/tea-talk-jacob-frye
London Fog: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/185801053341/london-fog
The Weaver: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/187746648751/the-weaver
Carnations and Constellations NSFW: 
Complicated Friendships (Shay or Haytham)
Part 1: https://thero0ks.tumblr.com/post/188016855601/complicated-friendships-haytham-or-shay
Attack on Titan:
Invisible Strings Masterlist Link NSFW! (Marco x Reiner x Jean x Bertholdt): 
Miche Zacharius/MikeZacharias:
Fanfics and Coffee Shops Slight NSFW!:
Like Gin & Dewdrops:
Just the Fools in Love with Her Slight NSFW!:
The Ghost of You:
In this Life and In the Next NSFW!:
Revealing Light NSFW!:
Erwin Smith:
Would You Want to Start Tonight? NSFW!:
Couldn’t Utter My Love When It Counted (Request):
Reiner Braun:
Anything For You:
My Most Treasured Items:
Reiner Headcanons:
Bertholdt Hoover:
It’s Going to Rain NSFW!:
Jean Kirstein:
505 NSFW!:
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
She’s Kinda Punny
A Shay Cormac x Reader Flash-Fic
Word Count: 630 Warnings: Suggestive Themes, Explicit Language
Author’s Note: I hope this makes you laugh! Enjoy! -Thorne
           She shifted her gaze from the Assassin-Hunter to the Grandmaster walking over to her. A pleasant smile crossed her lips at seeing her dearest friend. “Haytham. Fancy seeing you here this early. Figured you’d be sporting your morning tea.”
           His steel eyes narrowed in irritation, but a small smile crossed his lips. “I’ve already had my morning tea.”
           (Y/N) nodded. “Ah, so afternoon tea then?”
           “You’re not as funny as you’ve been eluded to believe.”
           “Still funnier than you.”
           He settled beside her against the wall, watching her eyes shift back to the other man. “Why aren’t you training with Shay?”
           (Y/N) snorted. “Oh, I was. But then I pissed him off, so he told me to piss off.” She grinned. “Not as politely as that though.”
           Haytham let out a sigh. “You’re supposed to be training with our newest member, not annoying him.”
           She cocked her head to the side and stared at him. “Would you rather I be annoying you, old friend?”
           His mouth opened, but after a moment he snapped it shut and nodded. “That’s a fair point, (Y/N).”
           “Thought so.”
           They stood in silence, simply watching Shay until the latter noticed the presence of the Grandmaster. He set the wooden training sword down and walked over. “Afternoon Master Kenway. Didn’t expect to see you this early.”
           (Y/N) grinned. “Funny, I said the same.”
           Shay merely grunted at her response and Haytham couldn’t help but remark, “Dear God (Y/N). What did you do to him? He’s typically happy when he’s around you.”
           She looked Shay over and crossed her arms over her chest. “I know, like a puppy who wants to play.” A devilish glint appeared in her eye and she feigned, “I guess he just got…dog tired of me.”
           Shay’s eye twitched and he cursed. “How have you not run out of damn puns already!” He turned his attention to Haytham, pointing at her. “It’s been nonstop puns since we got here! She’s managed to make one out of everything I’ve said! It’s ridiculous!”
           (Y/N) tutted at him. “So testy, Shay. However will you learn patience if you can’t take a simple joke.”
           He glowered at her. "I am this close, lass.”
           “Perhaps we should sail to the North Atlantic, Shay.” She offered. “You know, so you can…chill out.”
           Something snapped and he jerked towards her, but she was quick to hide behind Haytham, who was completely exasperated at their childish antics, keeping him between them. “Get back here!”
           She giggled and shoved Haytham towards the Irish Templar, who caught him, but now meant that she had two men running after her. She spun on her heel and took off for the door. “I think you should stop hunting sea life, Shay! It seems that it’s making you…over-whale-med!” His cry of anger made her cackle.
           “I am going to shoot you with your own gun, (Y/N)!”
           “You’re not going to shoot me with yours?” She flung the door open and turned to look at him with a salacious grin. “Trying to tell me I don’t cock your hammer back? Make your gun smoke?”
           Seeming to have lost all sense, he chased after her, leaving Haytham behind to sigh at them. “You’re gonna get it when I get my hands on you!”
           “Oh! I get to be your…handful, huh?”
           “STOP MAKING PUNS!”
           “Why? Are you gonna…punish me?”
           “OH MY GOD.”
           “So, Grandmaster, have you heard the news around New York?”
           Haytham didn’t even take his eyes off the book he was reading to answer Gist. “About the two colonists who were taken into custody by Regulars in Greenwich for public disturbance?”
           “That would be the news, sir.”
           “Hmm…” Haytham thought about it a moment then shook his head. “Nope. Haven’t heard a word about it.”
97 notes · View notes
Assassin’s Creed Mobile Masterlist
23/04/2020: Hey! So basically, I finally got round to help you mobile users with one of these -- I’m doing it with the RDR2 one and The Witcher, which are embarrassingly short in comparison. I also thought it was time for a bio makeover, y’know? It’s a bit cluttered over there.
If there’s anything wrong with the links, please let me know so I can fix them haha.
Reblogs would be greatly appreciated (I don’t know whether Tumblr’s ban on links in search is just for outside sources or not, but better safe than sorry)!
Grab some snacks, a drink, a massive blanket, a pair of those really fluffy socks, and enjoy!
This is definitely me not procrastinating through admin btw
Last updated: 12/09/2022 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Bullet points indicate two shots or series.
Indents show corresponding links.
[NEW] indicates fics added since last update
Acceptance (Evie Frye x F!Reader)
A New Mission (Ezio Auditore x Spanish!F!Reader)
A Midnight Bathe (Alexios of Sparta x GN!Reader) 
Arrows & Accidents (Ezio Auditore x M!Reader) 
Babysitting (ModernAU!Connor x F!Reader)
Comfort (Ezio Auditore x GN!Reader)
Confessions (Arno Dorian x GN!Reader)
Death and Danger (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby  (Sick!Jacob Frye x Reader)
Don’t Be a Baby: The Sequel (Jacob Frye x Sick!Reader)
Don’t Care  (Ezio Auditore x M!Reader)
Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
DOWN UNDER (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
Fox-Trot (Malik Al-Sayf x F!Reader)
Hai Scelto Me (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Helping Hand (Connor Kenway x GN!Reader)
Hold On (Part 1)
Don’t Let Go (Part 2)  
Hunted (Shay Cormac x GN!Reader)
Interrogation (Jacob Frye x F!Reader) 
Liar (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Le Langage Des Fleurs (Evie Frye x GN!Reader)
Lost (Connor Kenway x GN!Reader)
Meglio (Ezio Auditore x GN!Reader)
(Part 1)
(Part 2) 
(Part 3)
Out of Place (Ezio Auditore x F!Reader)
Secret Admirer (Malik Al-Sayf x F!Reader)  
Sculptin’ Skillz (ModernAU!Connor x GN!Reader) [bit of a Crack!fic tbh]
SHAMELESS (Various x GN!Reader)
Arno Version
Ezio Version
The Challenger Beats The Champion (Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
This is New (Edward Kenway x F!Reader)
Through The Ages (Jacob Frye x GN!Reader)
TRUST ME (Edward Kenway x F!Reader)
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
Two Reasons (Evie Frye x F!Reader)
White Noise (Connor x GN!Reader)
Would You Care to Dance? (Jacob Frye x F!Reader) 
THE PREADATOR AND THE PREY (DetectiveAU!Jacob Frye x F!Reader)
HEADCANONS (some specified in fic)
Being Ezio’s twin sister would include… (F!Reader)
Modern!Altair and Lazy Days would Include… (GN!Reader)
Malik Dating Altair’s Twin Sister would Include... (F!Reader)
Being Mary Read/James Kidd’s Twin Sister would Include… (F!Reader)
Haytham Comforting His S/O (GN!Reader)
[Haytham, Connor + Desmond] Reacting to their S/O Being Killed by Their Enemy (GN!Reader)
Haytham and Shay Getting Jealous (GN!Reader)
Connor’s Reaction to Having a Half-Sister (F!Reader)
Haytham Finding Out of Your Involvement with Connor (F!Reader)
Connor With a Really Talkative S/O (GN!Reader)
Jacob and Alexios Reacting to You Losing Your Job (GN!Reader)
Mechanic!Jacob and Mechanic!Reader Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jacob with a Short, Weak (not physically strong) F!Reader
Shay Being Soft With His S/O (GN!Reader)
[Ezio + Jacob] With Autistic S/O (GN!Reader)
The Assassins and Their Secret Admirers [+ Altair, Ezio, Arno, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
How The Assassins Would React to Their S/O Confessing to Them [ + Altaïr, Ezio, Jacob]
[+ Connor, Arno]
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O As A Vigilante [+ Shay, Arno, Connor, Edward] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Returning After a Long Term Mission [+ Haytham, Connor, Evie, Jacob, Shay] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Being Badly Injured [+ Ezio, Connor, Shay, Shaun, Desmond] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassin’s React to Being Betrayed by Their S/O [+ Alexios, Ezio, Haytham, Connor, Shay, Edward, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Look after Their Children (Alone) [+ Alexios, Kassandra, Ezio, Edward, Arno, Jacob, Evie] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would Teach Their Children to Climb [ + All - Evie] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Talking Back [+ All] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Becoming The Leader of a Gang [+ Haytham, Jacob, Arno, Altair, Connor, Ezio] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Being a Talented Artist [+ Connor, Altair, Alexios] (GN!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Waking Up From a Nightmare [+ Haytham, Connor, Edward, Arno, Evie] (explicit F!reader in some, otherwise not referenced/GN)
How the Assassins Would React to Their Child Asking Where Babies Come From [+ Ezio, Connor, Jacob, Desmond] (Implied F!Reader)
How the Assassins Would React to Their S/O Being Pregnant and Their Baby Kicking For The First Time [+ Haytham, Shay, Arno, Jacob] (F!Reader)
Intro (possibly to be followed by drabbles) [ + All] (GN!Reader)
Field Medicine [+ Altair, Connor, Jacob] (F!Reader)
Safe (Part 1) [+ All? Jacob x Reader] (F!Reader/M!Reader/GN!Reader)
How The Assassins Comfort You Before Surgey [+ Ezio, Edward, Jacob] (GN!Reader)
Jacob Frye Flangst Headcanons (GN!Reader)
Jacob Frye Planning your Surprise Birthday (GN!Reader)
Edward Kenway’s First: Fight, Kill, Sparring Match (F!Reader)
Edward Kenway: Health to the Company (F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: His S/O’s Child Falls Over (F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: His Children Sparring -- “Winner Gets Ice Cream!” (Heavily implied F!Reader)
Jacob Frye: A Rough Day (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: After a Hard Day at Work (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: Unexpected Anguish (GN!Reader)
Ezio Auditore: Unrequited (GN!Reader)
Wishful Thinking
Brave Advances
Happy Halloween
Golden Lullaby 
617 notes · View notes
marshmallow--3 · 4 years
Marshmallow's Masterlist
[Under Construction]
Readers and Assassins can be read as any gender unless specified.
Desmond Miles
"On The Run" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Desmond Miles
Edward Kenway
Evie Frye
"Making Love" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Evie Frye
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Jacob Frye
"Morning Sex" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Mirror" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Comfort" [Reader Discretion - murder]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Who's a Good Girl?" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"The Red Tie" [NSFW]
Male!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Submission" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Mothering Sunday" [SFW - vague sex mention at the very end] TW - marriage, motherhood, pregnancy, children
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
Kassandra of Sparta
"Pancakes" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Kassandra of Sparta
"Yassou" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Kassandra of Sparta
"Connor's First Time" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Konnorónhkhwa" [SFW] TW - mention of death
Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Reader
"Words of Solace" [Reader Discretion - nudity] TW - mention of death, mourning
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"A Lazy Afternoon" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Camping Trip" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
Shaun Hastings
Shay Cormac
"Shanties" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"A Captain's Welcome" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Midnight on The Morrigan" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Afternoon Delight" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
Choose Your Assassin/Misc
"Oral" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Assassin
"Home From Work" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Male!Assassin
"Boyfriend or Oversized Cat?" [SFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Sex with Assassins" [NSFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Valentine's Day" [NSFW]
(Features Ezio Auditore)
"Valentine's Day" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Fluffy Moments" [Reader Discretion - nudity]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké: ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Jacob as a Father" [SFW] TW - children
(Features Jacob Frye)
"Pregnant" [SFW] TW - pregnancy, children
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Date Night" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ezio Auditore, Desmond Miles, Edward Kenway, Kassandra of Sparta)
"Date Night" [NSFW]
(Features Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor)
"Adult Musings" [NSFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"Pregnant Sweetheart" [NSFW]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor)
"Underwear" [Reader Discretion - nudity and sex mention]
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
"So What Do You Do For a Living?" [SFW]
(Features Kassandra of Sparta, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Jacob Frye, Desmond Miles, Rebecca Crane, Shaun Hastings)
"Mothering Sunday" [SFW] TW - motherhood, children
(Features Evie Frye)
"How the Assassins React to Seeing You In Shorts for the First Time" [SFW]
(Features Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Desmond Miles, Shaun Hastings)
"Ratonhnhaké:ton's Birthday" [NSFW]
(Features Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor)
"Cuddle Aesthetics" [NSFW] TW - mention of children
(Features Jacob Frye, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Shay Cormac)
Edward Kenway
"Afterglow Banter" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Female!Reader x Edward Kenway
"Spilt Rum" [NSFW]
Reader x Edward Kenway
"Surprise" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Edward Kenway
Haytham Kenway
"Exhibition Tendencies" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Haytham Kenway
Jacob Frye
"Daughter of a Templar" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Happy Valentine's Day, Love" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Fealty" [Reader Discretion - finger amputation] TW: depression
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Hotel Room" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Older!Jacob Frye
"Phone Sex" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Gatecrash" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Good Morning" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Lewd Maid" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Welcome Home" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Day at the Park" [SFW] TW: children, marriage
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Slow and Sensual" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Older Man" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"First Date" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Attagirl" [NSFW]
Female! Reader x Jacob Frye
"Home Alone" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Anvil" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"A Painful Goodbye" [Reader Discretion - injury]
No ship
"Home Sweet Home" [SFW] TW - marriage, children
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Bad Weather" [SFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"I-Spy" [SFW] TW - children
No ship
"Squirt" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Relaxing Night" [Reader Discretion - making out]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Tucking the Kids In" [SFW] TW - children
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Waking Up" [SFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Post-coital Cuddles" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Older!Jacob Frye
Kassandra of Sparta
"Long Night of Passion" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Kassandra of Sparta
"I Heard You" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Dirty Dreams" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Sweet Dreams" [SFW]
Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
"Virgin Connor" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor
Shay Cormac
"Storm Sex" [NSFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"A Walk by the Docks" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Penguins" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Shay Cormac
"Shower Cuddles" [SFW]
Reader x Shay Cormac
Choose Your Assassin/Misc
"Storm Fluff" [Reader Discretion - nudity]
Reader x Male!Assassin
"Worship" [NSFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Winter Rain" [Reader Discretion - nudity]
Reader x Male!Assassin
"Childhood Sweethearts" [SFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Relationship Angst" [Reader Discretion - injury]
Reader x Assassin
"Polyamory" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Reader x Assassin x Assassin
"Ice Cubes & Blindfolds" [NSFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Eagle Vision" [SFW]
No ship
"Carnival" [SFW] TW - misogyny, catcalling
Female! Reader x Male!Assassin
"Housebound" [SFW]
Reader x Assassin
"Finished Chores" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Reader x Assassin
"Train Nap" [SFW]
Reader x Assassin
Jacob Frye
"You Did This" [SFW] TW: pregnancy
Pregnant!Reader x Jacob Frye
"The Walls Are Thin, Dearie" [Reader Discretion - sex mention]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Sparring Banter" [SFW]
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye
"Top Hat" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
"Which One?" [NSFW]
Reader x Jacob Frye
These are ideas that I submitted to other writers. I want to make this perfectly clear that I am not the author of these and this is in no way me trying to claim credit. Full permission has been attained by each author.
Jacob Frye
Female!Reader x Jacob Frye [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
Jacob, Reader and their child are at the park
Female!Reader x Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
Connor tries to babysit Reader's child
How the Assassins react to their child talking back [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
(Features Alexios & Kassandra of Sparta, Bayek of Siwa, Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditor, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Edward Kenway, Arno Dorian, Jacob & Evie Frye)
"Papa, where do babies come from?" [SFW] by @assassins-and-hidden-blades
(Features Ezio Auditore, Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor, Jacob Frye and Desmond Miles)
137 notes · View notes
gococogo · 2 months
Shaytham + " please" for the milestone prompt? 🙏 👀 and congrats!! I absolutely adore your fics!!!
Prompt 7 | Shaytham
Synopsis: Haytham enjoys seeing the Captain of the Morrigan come undone
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: Violence. Roughness. Biting. Marking. Grinding. Begging.
Note: This is the last fic of the Lil Milestone Event!! Thank you everyone for sending in requests and I do apologize just how long it took me to spit all these out. Life has been very stressful and this year has taken quite a turn haha. I hope you enjoy this last fic!!!
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The Morrigan groans as mortar fire crashes down around her like shooting stars falling from the heavens. One tears through the main sails and ropes snap apart like thunder, slashing across men’s chest and face. Some come out unharmed while some others are less fortunate and thrown backwards into the churning, cold sea. Shay Cormac grinds his teeth as he veers the Morrigan to port so that her cannons are facing the fort. The one that bears it teeth at them with its mortars and cannons.
“FIRE!” Shay cries out above all the chaos.
The boom of the cannons rings in his ear as the ship groans under the pressure. She’ll take it. She always does. The cannon balls hit their mark and a fort tower falls, crumbling into the sea below in a foam of white and blue. The satisfied swell that rises in him is quickly shut down as the destroyed stone reminds him of an all too familiar memory. He looks away, pushing it down and locking it away. He can’t get distracted, not now. Now while his men need him.
It’s not until now, snapping out of the trance he gets lost into that he notices Haytham. The Grandmaster is crouched down behind the railing, holding on for dear life all while holding onto his hat. It’s almost a humorous sight if it wasn’t for Haytham glaring daggers his way. It’s an expression that brings Shay back to himself. Reminding him of why he’s here. Why they’ve travelled so far up the River Valley to take on the fort with the foreshadow of losing men or even themselves.
Shay brings the Morrigan around again, facing her starboard side this time to the fort. Another volley of cannon balls are fired out with the sound of his booming voice shouting the order to do so. This time, only half of them hit their mark. Some strike the mountainous rock behind the fort and others in the water. Shay curses, shouting out to his men once more to reload the cannons as quick as possible. They’ll get this done. The fort will fall today!
With four more rounds of cannon fire and some quick thinking on Shay’s part, the fort groans in ache as the last of her mortars are destroyed. But the fight is far from over. Shay knows that all too well. Docking the Morrigan is a difficult challenge. Survivors of the fort fire their rifles and muskets toward the Morrigan as she docks. They hide behind the rubble of the fort, ducking in and out like groundhogs when they come out to yip before disappearing again.
Before Shay can race into battle, Haytham is quick to grab at his shoulder and drag him to face is intense stare. “We’ll go around the side of the fort! Up to the top!” He bellow over the retuning gunfire of Shy’s crew. “It’ll be quicker to get to the war room that way!”
Shay’s dark brown eyes dart up to the fort, quickly accessing the way up. “Lead the way,” he grins.
Shay doesn’t hesitate to follow his Grandmaster up and over the side of the Morrigan. Gist is quick to clear the way for the two, a bullet shooting one man clean through the eye. Shay praises his first mate under his breath, but doesn’t let himself get too distracted as he follows Haytham up the side of the fort.
The stone walls would normally be impossible to scale up. But with half of the tone tumbled and destroyed, it’s easy to get a grip on stone and bricks that jut out. Haytham rises to the top first and offers a hand down to Shay. He takes it eagerly, letting Haytham help him up over the ledge.
Shay spots the war room easily. It’s just a hop and skip away to their left. The only thing in the way is a guard staring down his rifle at the two in his watch tower. Shay pushes Haytham away as the rifle cracks. The bullet pierces through the collar of Shay’s coat. Too close to call.
The Irishman is quick to pull is own gun on the guard. He can see the fear in the white’s of the man’s eyes before Shay pulls the trigger. He dead before he even hits the ground. Shay swallows thickly as he sets his gun back into it’s holster. He stares at the guard tower, where the man lays dead. Haytham brushes a hand over his elbow, snapping him from his oncoming thoughts.
“On with it,” Haytham snaps.
Getting to the war room is easy enough. It’s the man inside that has both Templars stopping just inside the door. A man armed with two swords grins at them. Shay draws his own, ready for the fight.
But Haytham rolls his eyes. And as the man charges with a vicious shout. He clashes swords with Shay quicker than either Templar would have liked. Shay is pushed back against the door, a fist smashing against his mouth. More taunting than anything else. Shay’s eyes widen with a fierceness akin to bloodlust. But he doesn’t get the sweet taste of killing the man or even hurting him a little.
The man barks out a choked cry as Haytham’s sword is thrust through his back. The tip sticks out of his chest, glinting at Shay. The Grandmaster doesn’t waste time to push the man off of his sword and down onto the ground. He has better things to do than to bother about a man that he doesn’t even know.  
“I do hate the theatrics some men possess,” Haytham drawls out as he reloads his gun.
“What about mine?” Shay asks.
His Grandmaster quirks an eyebrow his way with a frown on his lips. He points his bloody sword towards him. “I tolerate you on good days,” he quips out darkly.
But Shay grins at that as he sheathes his sword. Haytham returns his antics with the slightest of a smile before turning towards the war room’s desk. He’s quick to look over the many papers and reports spread out on the wooden table. He plucks up three pieces of paper before rolling them up in his hand. Tucking them under his arm, he deems this mission a success with a curt nod of his head.
His dark blue eyes land upon Shay’s lip and the cut that bleeds slowly. He steps around the desk and Shay stays where he is, watching Haytham with a curiosity. His Grandmaster swipes a thumb at the blood on his lip, pondering a thought to himself before wiping it on the front of Shay’s coat. Shay watches him intensely, leaning forward a bit as his chest tightens. But Haytham hums to himself, as if satisfied before passing Shay.
“Let’s get out of here,” Haytham concludes.
And Shay follows like some lost pup.
Shay unfolds the papers out over his fleet reports for Haytham, letting the Grandmaster look over them first. He hums in satisfaction, his eyes flicking over the coordinates and the set dates for each cargo ship. Shay sits down in his chair with a groan, his face aching every time he clicks his jaw. He tries to get that right spot, but no matter what he does nothing works. The pops of his jaw are loud in the quiet cabin and slowly, they draw the attention of the Grandmaster.
He stops immediately. Instead he leans over the table to pick up a half empty bottle of whiskey without a word. He flicks the top off and he draws over two glasses near him as well. Haytham watches with interest as both glasses are poured with the golden liquid. Shay pushes one glass over to Haytham before he leans back in the chair and nurses his own.
Haytham takes it as his gaze returns back to the reports. Shay tries to make sense of them, his eyes skimming over the words. But he has never been a strong reader having lived on the streets nearly his entire life. Liam tried to teach him, but it took forever to crack it into his brain. He can read per say, it’s just that Gist normally takes over to make things go quicker. It always brings a bound of shame within his chest that makes him angry and frustrated at no one but himself.
“So was all this worth it for the papers?” Shay asks.
“Yes,” Haytham quickly answers. “Routes of their trade and cargo. Supplies we can obtain to keep out of their hands.”
Why his Grandmaster needs these supplies? He won’t ask any further right now. He doesn’t feel all too chatty after having bellowed his throat raw on deck. He clears his throat, feeling the painful scratchiness that only the whiskey seems to smooth over for a few seconds. So he fills his glass once more for that few seconds of relief.
Shay looks to Haytham deep in thought. Wondering what plans and other whatnots are going on up in that head of his. Has he already thought of a plan to take the Morrigan out to intercept these ships? Does he know that they’ll have to stop somewhere to repair the old girl?
Haytham catches him staring, meeting Shay with a raised brow. The Irishman only smiles as he takes another swig of his drink. He pops his jaw again.
“Are you here to distract me?” Haytham asks.
Shay looks around dramatically, suddenly sitting up right in the chair. “Last time I checked this was my quarters,” he remarks cockily.
Suddenly, Haytham’s hand comes to Shay’s thigh, squeezing lightly. He leans over into the Irishman’s space, his eyes on his lips the entire time. Hooded, dark and filled with ill intent.
“And what makes you think I can’t just make you leave?” Haytham asks lowly.
Shay swallows deeply. The adrenaline of the battle hasn’t fully worn off yet and he will admit he is a bit riled up. Shay licks his dry lips and bites it lightly, not missing that Haytham’s gaze watch the action. His Grandmaster must be feeling the same.  
“Because you enjoy my charismatic comments too much,” Shay grins around the lip of the glass before he takes another swig.
Haytham takes the glass from Shay to down the rest of the amber liquid. He sets the glass aside, forgetting about the fleet report for the moment to capture the Irishman’s busted lip in a deep kiss. Shay’s hands are quick to grab a hold of Haytham, unclasping clips and buckles. He doesn’t hesitate to try and get these stupid bulky clothes off of the man. They always hide the Grandmaster’s body and it always annoys Shay to no end. His heavy cloak falls to the floor, his coat coming off shortly after.
Haytham breaks the kiss to bring Shay out of the chair to his feet roughly with his hands fisted into the front of his coat. Shay grins wildly as he’s spun around to be thrown atop of the table. Neither of them care about he many papers and reports that litter the table top. Some of them are pushed aside and they shower to the floor.
None of them take notice as Shay’s groans fill the quarters as Haytham kneads a palm roughly to his groin. It’s a delicious sound that has Haytham palming more to milk them out of the man under him. Shay’s hip rut up into his hand, trying to get more friction than he’s being given. But Haytham stops all together.
“Please,” Shay breathes out.
Haytham hums at that, loving the view before him. Knowing he can have Shay like this at a simple touch. It’s almost intoxicating. He’s quick to undo Shay’s belt and throws it aside without a care. He pushes the man’s vest and shirt up his torso to reveal the body that’s been made with years of hard work and discipline. Haytham’s runs his hands over Shay’s hard stomach, earning him a shaky exhale from him. Beautiful.
“Hmm?” Haytham finally questions.
“Please, I need you,” Shay whines out.
That commanding Captain that was once on deck is gone for the moment. He looks to Haytham with only want and need. Begging for his Grandmaster to do something, anything.
So, Haytham gives him something. He leans forward to plant a kiss to the man’s stomach. His skin is salty with sweat and he can taste gunpowder on him as well. He kiss and laps at his skin all the same, sucking and biting lightly to hitch those noises from Shay’s busted lips. Haytham hooks his fingers into the hem of Shay’s pants as he ventures lower into the man’s snail trail. He bites lightly at the v of the man’s torso, Shay’s hips bucking up lightly with a groan from his throat.
Haytham grins into his pale skin before pulling his pants down to his knees in one swift movement. Shay’s cock is already hard and red. Haytham doesn’t mind it though, he stands up to lean over Shay. He towers over Shay to grab his face so that the man’s dark brown gaze is looking at him and only him. He wedges himself in between Shay’s thighs so that the only touch he’s receiving is the harsh friction of his closing.
He closes the gap to kiss Shay deeply, his tongue invading his mouth to taste the cheap whiskey. Shay moans into the kiss, his hips rutting upwards into Haytham’s crotch to try and earn himself some friction. But a firm hand on his hip holds him down, a thumb digging painfully into the soft skin.
Haytham breaks the kiss to only mouth at Shay’s prickly jaw. He ventures downwards, biting and kissing the Irishman’s neck, collarbones, chest and back down his stomach. Leaving purple and red marks of different shades. And with each one Shay whines and groans, his hooded eyes watching Haytham in a haze.
“Please,” Shay breathes out again, quieter this time.
Haytham smiles as he hovers over the man’s half hard cock. His deep blue eyes look to Shay with adoration. Only because Shay asked so nicely. He does love it when his best man begs like this. It just as delicious as he tastes.
Reblog, like and share ;)
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vigilante7657 · 8 years
Honeymoon Pleasure
Guess what, a Shay Cormac x Reader fic! A request from a wattpad user.
There is Lemon, for once....
New York looks sacred, out on the patio in the bedroom upstairs. The New York air blows your (your hair color) hair, it dances in the wind and sunset. The rays on the light gleam on to your beautiful (Color of your wedding dress) wedding dress, it shakes into the wind. You look at your hand, your symbol of commitment rests on your ring finger. It shines and twinkles, just like the twinkle of your husband, as he kissed at the ceremony. Your husband said he had a surprise for you, as much as he didn’t want to keep you waiting, he insisted he get it for you. Your husband was none other than the broad shouldered and muscled, Shay Patrick Cormac. His tux was nicely tailored, marrying in front of a beautiful lake with rose petals and water lilies. You two had been the worst of times, and even the best, and the two of you have never grown apart. So, when Shay presented the ring that now sits on your finger, you knew you couldn’t tell him no. You felt a destiny with the Colonial Templar. When you two met at the dinner party, when he first saved your life from the thugs in the alley, tp when you needed a place to stay away from your abusive former husband.
Your mind replays back to the wedding. Your mind keeps replaying your new identity: Mrs. Cormac. The wedding was in white color, the traditional standard. All of Shay’s “contacts” where there. Haytham Kenway was Shay’s best man, he led him down the aisle. You were nervous, but your sister kept you calm, you didn’t want to embarrass the man in front of his boss. You watched as Shay’s friend, Charles Lee struggled to get the other Templars to behave themselves, they wanted to already get drunk. Or, at least Thomas Hickey wanted to get drunk, Shay hated him. You and Shay eventually laughed it off. Who invited that drunkard anyway? You laughed as he William Johnson eventually kicked Hickey out. John Pitcairn arranging the vows with the clergyman. The two of you eventually met, face to face. Shay smiled, trying to make sure you were calm. Today was a big day for you. “Do you, Shay Patrick Cormac, take (Your full name.) as you loving wife? To be there for her, in sickness and in health?” You looked at Shay, you were a little nervous. He smiled, and held your hand, “I do.” You take Shay’s hand as well. “And do you, (your name), do you take Shay Patrick Cormac, as your beloved husband. And to be with him, through sickness and in health?” You smile, Shay’s brown eyes gleam. “I do.” “You may now kiss.” Hickey whistled. Johnson literally throws the man out, shoves him down the creek. The two of you share a laugh, and you kiss. The kiss is out of affection, not of of desperation and need. It is gentle, and soft. Unlike your last husband.
You hear the door open and close behind you, you pick your head out of the clouds. “Shay?” “Hello beloved.” He’s excited, like a child. It’s why you feel in love with him. The look of a man, but the heart of a loving child. He’s hiding something behind his back. “Close your eyes, beautiful.” You tilt your head confused, but you close your eyes, trying to sneak a peek though. “No peeking, sweet (your first name).” He chuckles. Then he places something in your hands, it’s light, and it has a handle. He then kisses you on the lips, his tongue swirling with yours. He pulls out, and you open your eyes. It’s a fine handbag, the one you sold to afford money for a stay. You remember it well, kicked out by your divorced ex, staying on the streets, selling your belongings to stay alive and have food. It’s the same purse. “Do you like it? You told me you sold your grandmother’s purse for the money, I know it’s a family tradition. Well, I found a man with the purse, and I bought it from him. “In all honesty, I haven’t actually been on missions for the Order lately, I’ve been trying to look for the purse for you, because I know it means a lot to you. You're in disbelieve, you’ve been constantly on Shay’s mind that he temporarily stopped doing his duties as a Templar? “Shay,” you gasp, “It’s so beautiful, but this must have cost a fortune. How do I accept this?” “Just be at my side, dear, like you’ve always had.” The two of you start kissing, day has turned to night now. The stars twinkle and dance. Shay deepens the kiss, it is soft and smooth. For an aggressive and masculine templar, Shay sure was delicate and gentle with you. You kissed back, you needed the man. Especially on your honeymoon.
Shay interrupts this kiss, there’s a bright light and a loud boom. “Pitcairn pulled through! Go look outside, I have another surprise for you!” The two of you rush outside on the patio, lights burst in the sky. They’re fireworks from China. “Fireworks?!?” You always loved seeing the lights at fancy dinner parties, you remember first meeting Shay at the ball, where you ex husband left you. “Hello Ms. but it looks like you might be lost here without a guide.” Those where Shay’s first words to you. The sky erupts with bursts of blue, green, red, and lavender. “I love you so much, (your name).” His eyes sparkle as bright as the fireworks themselves.
You don’t know what happened then, but you quickly found yourself on the bed, seemingly grappling with Shay. Moaning and kissing filling the room with the sound of elaborate passion and lust. The Butler would be having a field day when he came to clean the room. As Shay positions himself above you, his smooth and yet firm hands crest your cheek. The tender hand brushed into your hair, it is delicate, yet with a hint of dominance. You need Shay, more than you ever thought you would. “Please, Shay.” You moan, as Shay starts sucking on your neck. “OH,” you moan, Shay starts rubbing and feeling your legs. He places a kiss on your right leg. The bed starts creaking, and bouncing as the frame want to fly away. “I want a family with you, (your name), let me be like home to you.” Shay begs. “Please, Shay.” You moan. “Shay’s already undressed, your clothes ripped and thrown on the floor. Shay enters inside you, your walls closing in on you. “So tight,” Shay moans. He starts thrusting, and rocking back and forth. You’ve never felt so much pleasure, he goes in deep and all the way. You grasp his hips, pulling him in closer.  Your hair is all directions. He thrusts slow, and deep. Your breath is quick and uncontrollable. Shay kisses your neck, your sweet spot. Shay then clutches your shoulders, and deepens his kiss. Shay doesn’t want to have sex, he wants to make love to you. Shay feels your torso, and kissed your bosom. You moan as Shay slowly slides his tongue in your mouth. Shay speeds up, your moans coming out as moans of pleasure. “I’m close,” you shriek, as Shay hits your g-spot. “Please, Shay, right there!” Shay smiles, and sucks on your breasts, he thrusts in the same spot, over and over and over. Slow, and deep. You don’t know how much more you can take. “Shay!” You scream as you have your orgasm. Shay fills you with his seed soon after.
By the morning, when Shay brings you breakfast in bed. You slightly struggle to get to your feet. Shay blushes, knowing to be mostly responsible.
@shay-makes-my-luck@waterbird-loves-pasteis@imakemyownblog@freedomaboveallelse@bunnyyumyum@afterglowingassassin@liamobrienswife @thefangirl-that-waited @rooks-and-blighters@writingsofawaywardnerd@callingalltrash@ladysokolov@katey76762
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☆ * • * • * • * • * • * • * ☆
The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings 🍃
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• Excuses - (Thorin Oakenshield x Child!Reader) Part One, Part Two & Part Three
• LOTR/TH Characters as wrong number texts! - Part One, Part Two & Part Three
• Sleepless Nights - (Fili x Reader)
• Insecurities - (Kili x Reader)
• Softly - (Kili x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Assassin's Creed 🗡
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(*mainly writing for Assassin's Creed III, Rogue & Syndicate )
• Aesthetics - Evie Frye , Jacob Frye , Henry Green , Jacob + Evie , Lydia Frye , Shay Cormac , Haytham Kenway , Liam O'Brien & Chevalier de la Verendrye
• Torn - (Liam O'Brien x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Lost Girl 💋
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• Stay - (Vex x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Hogwarts Legacy 🪄
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• Incorrect Quotes - Punch in the Crotch
• Aesthetics - Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow
• The Greatest Heist of All - (Slytherin Boys x Reader)
* • * • * • *
Van Helsing 🦇
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• Night Terrors - (Van Helsing Boys x Reader Imagines)
* • * • * • *
Being Human 🩸
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• Dancing With Death - (John Mitchell x Reader) Part One, Part Two & Part Three - COMING SOON
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Star Trek 🪐
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(*mainly writing for AOS movie series - 2009-16)
Writing requests status - CLOSED.
(PLEASE NOTE ! - This is both a writing and personal blog. To be tagged in any fics I may write in future from the fandoms above*, let me know and specify which fandoms, characters, etc. you'd be interested in. Thank you 🥰❤).
(*more fandoms may be added/removed at any time).
(DISCLAIMER! - Any writing or other works published above are mine, based on their franchises which I do not own. At no time can my works be published/reposted on other platforms, replicated, rewritten, translated, placed into a writing generator or be used for AI. I take no ownership of gifs or images that I use in this post (or any I make), unless I specify my ownership. All credits for gifs and images go to their creators).
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Upcoming fics
Living On A Prayer (Edward Kenway x reader) (requested by @amarabliss ) (edited, needs to be published) Bleeding Love (Shay Cormac x reader) (requested by @writingsofawaywardnerd ) (edited, needs to be published) The Mission (Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x reader) (requested by anon) (edited, needs to be published) A Lovely Night (Shay Cormac x reader) (requested by the 'Not Katy' anon) (needs to be written) In The Shadows (Connor Kenway x reader) (requested by @imakemyownblog ) (needs to be written) Spy (Haytham Kenway x reader) (requested by @imakemyownblog ) (needs to be written)
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gococogo · 1 month
✩Lil' Milestone Masterlist✩
As said in the title, this is just a small lil' masterlist for all the fics I wrote for said event. Just to make things easier in finding them since there were so many haha
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✯Prompt 1: Destiel - "I've missed your touch/Just like me promised"
Word Count: 2.9K
Synopsis: Dean has been out on a hunt for over a month and hasn't called Cas at all. He's still getting use to this whole fucking an angel thing.
✯Prompt 2: SilverV - "You blush so beautifully"
Word Count: 1.3K
Synopsis: Johnny has come to a realization that he likes how the merc blushes more than he thought.
✯Prompt 3: Haytham Kenway/Male Reader - "I've missed your touch"
Word Count: 2.2K
Synopsis: You've been away for far too long and you come back realizing that Haytham wants you more than you realize.
✯Prompt 4: Shaytham - "If I asked you to stay, would you?/You said wouldn't fall in love with me. I lied"
Word Count: 2.4K
Synopsis: Shay is reckless in battle and always ends up finding himself in trouble. And so Haytham has to be the one to save him.
✯Prompt 5: Sambucky - "Another nightmare?/Can I kiss you?"
Word Count: 1.8K
Synopsis: Bucky wakes from a nightmare and Sam is there to help him through it.
✯Prompt 6: Crossroads Demon Dean/Male Reader - "Take it off/Are you afraid of me?"
Word Count: 3.7K
Synopsis: You finally bring yourself to summon a crossroads demon to strike a deal. But you quickly find out that this crossroads demon does things a lil differently to seal a deal.
✯Prompt 7: Shaytham - "Please."
Word Count: 2.3K
Synopsis: Haytham enjoys seeing the Captain of the Morrigan come undone
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gococogo · 11 months
Childlike Innocence | Shaytham | Pt. 3
Pt. 2 | Pt. 4
Synopsis: After two more weeks, Haytham runs into Shay unexpectedly. Shouldn't he be far out at sea? What is he doing back in New York?
Word Count: 1.8K
Genre: Assassin's Creed Rogue/Coming of Age/Young Love
Pairing: Shay Cormac/Haytham Kenway
Warnings: Underaged drinking
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Birch never found out about that little outing. After Haytham had written in his journal, he went and cleaned himself up. He tried his best but he got it done before Birch came back. He had been looking for Haytham and so on the spot, the boy had lied.
“I wasn’t anywhere,” Haytham had responded. “I was here.”
Birch had not liked that answer. The next two weeks Haytham was not let out of Birch’s sight. Everywhere he went, every room he walked into, Haytham had to be at his side. It was worse than before.
It’s a Saturday night at the Greenwich Tavern and it is filled to the brim with drunkards. But apparently this is a perfect place for Birch to talk to some acquaintances about business. Haytham sits at a separate table to himself though, but he is still within Birch’s sight.
He kicks his feet under the chair with his face in his palms. They’ve only just started talking so it’s probably going to be all night that he’s stuck here. From where he’s sitting, Haytham has a good view of what the bar tender is doing behind the counter.
How there’s also a pistol sticking from under the bar. How there’s some special looking drinks that aren’t on the shelf behind the counter as well. And how there’s a little boy down there stealing a bottle from the bar.
Haytham sits up straight as he watches a hand wrap around a bottle and take it down. Then, a boy he knows, sneaks out from behind the bar, past the tender and into the tavern. He rushes past tables before sneaking under one, then shooting for the back door to the tavern. He knows the boy. He just can’t place where he’s seen him before.
A quick glance towards Birch’s way and Haytham is jumping from his seat. What has him so rebellious suddenly when he was never like this in London? Haytham will never know. But it may be the new atmosphere and the different people. And curiosity will run deep in Haytham until he comes of age.
He rushes past the same tables and out the back door where the boy went. Out in the dark, it’s quite hard to see. But Haytham spots the boy sitting next to a tree stump quite easily. Slowly, he walks over until the other notices him.
Once closer, Haytham can spot the bruises and cuts all over Shay’s tattered form. Is clothes are not the ones he left in, hand me downs that look as if they’ve gone through worse than him. Isn’t he meant to be on a voyage with his father? They should be out far at sea at this point in time. Not here in New York.
Shay looks to him with a little uncertainty, as if he doesn’t know who he is at first. But realization widens his eyes before he frowns in annoyance within the same second.
“Are you okay?” Haytham asks.
Shay pops open the bottle of whatever he has and takes a quick swig of it. He scowls and snarls at the taste.
“No,” Shay sniffles, sounding like he’s on the verge of tears.
A pit of worry settles into Haytham gut. He stands there watching as Shay takes another disgusted swig from the bottle.
“What happened?” Haytham asks as his eyes never leave the bottle.
Shay’s lip quivers as his glassy eyes stare at him. “My father is-“ His voice chokes off into a sob.
He goes for another drink but Haytham snatches the bottle from Shay’s hand. He holds it to his chest so the other can’t reach out and grab it. But Shay only stares at him again with tears flowing down his face.
“This isn’t right,” Haytham says.
“I don’t care,” Shay cries out.
He stands up suddenly and gets into Haytham’s personal space, trying to pry the bottle form his hands.
“Stop it!” Haytham snaps as he pushes Shay away easily.
Shay stumbles backwards but doesn’t fall over. Haytham does the only thing he can think of at current. And that’s to throw the bottle into the side of the stump. Glass and liquor splash everywhere and Shay is speechless. Haytham may have exaggerated a bit, but it got his point across. But Shay doesn’t shout or argue. He turns bleak, his eyes becoming glazed over.
He sits on the stump and cries into his hands. Haytham swallows thickly. Honestly, he doesn’t know what to do in these predicaments. Anytime he has had to cry to himself, he does it alone in his room. Birch doesn’t need to see that, and he’s never seen him cry either.
Haytham sits on the stump next to Shay instead. He looks down at the ground as he grips the edge of the wood.
“What happened?” He asks again.
Only because he heard somewhere that talking about things helped. His neighbours next door said such a thing, but not to his face. He overheard them talking about it, how it’s relieving and refreshing. How it’s meant to take a weight off your shoulders. Writing into his journal helps him. It’s almost like talking to someone but not as quite.
Birch doesn’t pry into there, letting him have that privacy for the boy. Which Haytham is very thankful of. Otherwise he would have never of been able to come to America with him if he found out about all the things he’s done in London.
Haytham waits patiently for Shay. The boy hiccups and wipes away his tears the best he can but his face is still a wet mess. He looks much younger than he is, a small, hurt boy that just wants a hug or a shirt to cry on. 
“Our ship crashed,” he finally answers.  “All lost to the sea.”
“Your father?”
The bluntness of the word strikes something in Haytham, he isn’t too sure of. Later down the line he finds it that it was because of his owner father’s passing. Something he hadn’t spoken of much or thought of.
“Oh,” is all Haytham is able to admit out.
It’s not at all grand when the conversation comes to a stand still. Shay sniffles and he seems to retreat to his head as he stares off in space. Haytham tries to think of something to say. Anything really. He knows a similar pain to what Shay is feeling right now. Haytham may not of acted out as such when his own father had died, but his feelings were as strong.  
“A boy shouldn’t have to lose to his father. I know what you’re going through,” he says quietly, Haytham’s voice all but a whisper.
But in the night, in the little back court they are in, the sound travels to Shay’s ears. Wet brown eyes look to him. Haytham only nods as he fiddles with his sleeves.
Yet, before Haytham can say another thing. Go on a spew of what he thinks will help Shay, he hears a commotion from inside. Haytham is quick to his feet.
He waits for Birch to come barging out the back door, shouting and screaming his name. He waits for Birch to come up to him and pinch his ear, dragging him all the way back to their motel like those maids do back home. But no one comes through that door, and the yelling and shouting continues.
Shay is on his feet now, already walking back towards the tavern. Haytham follows, his curiosity snatching him back up like a hawk on a rabbit and taking him to that door.
Luckily, the both aren’t noticed re-entering the tavern from the back door. To Haytham’s knowledge.
All eyes are on a pair of fools shouting at each other in the middle of the building. The scrawnier of the pair is being held up to his tippy toes by the much larger man. But he isn’t backing down, shouting his head off. His words slur so badly that Haytham doesn’t think he’s even speaking the King’s English.
Haytham and Shay get caught up in standing out in the middle of the tavern that they don’t see the storm coming their way. Birch grabs Haytham by the upper arm and pulls him away suddenly from Shay. Just like he did with those boys when they first arrived. Haytham shouts out in protest, instantly grabbing onto Birch to try and pry his fingers from digging into his bones. But it only causes him to hold on tighter.
He holds on so tight it brings tears to Haytham’s eyes. He knows there will be a bruise there in the morning to come.
Birch opens his mouth to shout but his face turns up into a scowl. As if something dead just travelled up his nose and died. He sniffs Haytham’s sleeve and recoils with a snarl. Like a dog would to something sour. Whatever he was going to say before, only comes out tenfold.
“Haytham. I am truly disappointed in you,” Birch seethes.
He’s smelt the alcohol on him. Some of it must have splashed onto him without him even noticing.
“Sir, I-“
“Shut it!” Birch hisses through clenched teeth.
Glass shatters behind Birch as the fight between the two break out. But the man isn’t paying them any mind. His full attention is on Haytham and all the Kenway wants to do is go back home. Home to London and sleep in his own bed.
Haytham looks to Shay and unlike the other boys, he hasn’t ran off. Nor does he have a look of fear upon his dirty features. He looks to Birch with a fire that is pure determination. One that has Birch taken off guard for a mere split second.
“You taking him out to drink some?” Birch snaps.
“No,” Shay says darkly.
“I didn’t drink a drop, sir,” Haytham protests, wanting to take the tension off of Shay.
But Birch doesn’t budge. Shay’s energy turns to something of a cornered dog. Ready to bite. And Birch isn’t playing with that. He pulls Haytham more to his side, away from Shay.
“If I see you around this part of town again, I’ll have you arrested and hung boy,” Birch threatens deeply.
Shay screws up his face and throws his hands up in surrender. He plays along, giving a fake smile that doesn’t meet his eyes. This isn’t the boy that was sobbing on the tree trunk a minute ago. A darker side to this boy, like a switch is flipped in his head.
“You won’t,” he seethes.
Then Shay is leaving through the back door. The ruckus going in the tavern feels a lot like the inside of Haytham’s mind. He yanks himself from Birch’s hold and pouts his way back to his table with only one thought on his mind.
That this entire trip is going to be one long living hell and he’ll never be able to make any sort of friends. That he might have to give a listen to Birch’s conversations and business to get some sort of entertainment out of this business trip. But to a boy his age, that all seems proper boring.   
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
All The Reassurance
A Shay Cormac x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 1,824 Warnings: Explicit Language, Slightly Mature Themes
Author’s Note: This is the one fic I’ve actually managed to brain in the past few days, and I am super happy about it! Enjoy! -Thorne
“Where in God’s name is she!” His hiss could’ve been heard all the way down the street as he looked around for her. The man beside him resisted the urge to chuckle, opting for,
           “Relax, Master Kenway. She probably got caught up in a fight.” Haytham grunted, crossing his arms over his chest.
           “A barfight no less.” He looked at the other man. “Shay, did you see her before you left?” The other shook his head, matching Haytham’s stance, resting his back against the gate.
           “No sir. She was gone ‘fore I woke up this morning.” An eyebrow arched on the Grandmaster’s face.
           “I do believe that’s the first time you’ve ever been open about your relationship with her.” Shay shrugged, coffee eyes staring off down the street.
           “She told me you knew. I don’t see a reason to hide it anymore.” He cleared his throat, quietly inquiring, “Do you approve?” Haytham regarded the new templar carefully, asking,
           “Why should I?” Shay eyed him.
           “You two are close like siblings. As much as I’m asking for your professional approval, it’s also personal.”
           “Do people truly assume we act like siblings?” The Irishman snorted, countering,
           “I think it’s actually that people assume you’re in a relationship together.”
A Few Months Ago:
           He watched as she wrenched her saber free, grunting as she stumbled backwards. She stood straight, letting out a huff. “God, what I wouldn’t give for one mission where I don’t have to take out my weapons.” Wiping her brow, she looked over at him, flashing him a smile that made his heart hammer in his chest. “You okay?” For a moment, he didn’t respond, and the smile began to falter as she took a step towards him. “Shay? Are you injured?” Immediately, he shook his head, giving a rather unconvincing laugh.
           “No, I’m not injured. I’m fine.” She arched an eyebrow but sheathed her sword.
           “Alright. But if you aren’t, we really should get to a doctor.” He nodded, responding,
           “Really, I’m alright (Y/N). No wounds.” She cleared her throat, eyes directing to the sun setting across the water.
           “Well…since we’ve taken care of the gang here, why don’t we go and get a drink at the tavern? I could certainly use one.” Shay nodded almost too eagerly, holstering his pistols.
           “That sounds wonderful. A few pints would do us good.” (Y/N) chuckled and started walking, him following beside her.
           “A man after my own heart.” Her words gave him pause, and he wanted to ask, but couldn’t piece together the right questions. By the time he did, they’d already arrived at the tavern, (Y/N) holding the door for them. He frowned, raising a hand over her head to grip the door.
           “Ladies first.” She flashed him another heartwarming smile, quipping,
           “Such a gentleman.” He gave her a smirk of his own, countering,
           “Only for you lass.” (Y/N) gave a laugh that made him think of tinkling bells, and they moved to the bar, taking seats next to each other.
Pint after pint, they knocked them back, sharing stories and laughter, and for once since he’d started his journey with the templars, he felt at peace. (Y/N) hummed as she set her tankard down, wiping her mouth with the napkin the bartender had given her with her food. “Looking at you now, I can’t even begin to imagine you like that.” Shay chuckled, taking a sip from his beer.
           “Believe it or not I was rather a mess when I first started out in the assassins.” She huffed, grinning widely.
           “That I can believe, but messing up on a Leap of Faith and getting stuck on a church spire by your under…by your-” (Y/N) cut herself off she was laughing so hard, and as much as Shay enjoyed her laughter, he felt his cheeks warm.
           “Oh, laugh it up why don’t you.” She reached up, wiping tears from her eyes.
           “I will, thank you.” When she calmed, he asked,
           “Alright, I’ve told you an embarrassing story of mine. Tell me one of yours.” (Y/N) hummed softly, eyes diverting to the wooden bar as she thought back, then she smiled.
           “When Haytham and I first got over to the colonies, he went off with Lee and I started on gathering information on the city. I didn’t get very far because I found a litter of puppies and I dropped my ass in the dirt and played with them for a few hours until Haytham found me.” She brought a hand up to muffle her laughter. “God, you should’ve seen his face when he found me. I mean, it was no different from his normal face, but lemme tell you, I could see the exasperation in his eyes.” While she seemed to enjoy the recount, Shay felt his mood darken at the mention of their Grandmaster, especially from how happy she seemed when she talked about him. A hand rested on his thigh and his head shot up, wide eyed as he stared at her, her own face filled with concern. “Shay? Are you sure you’re feeling alright? You look unhappy.” He shook his head, clearing his throat as he replied,
           “No…just thinking…” (Y/N) nodded, seeming to understand, offering,
           “Are you thinking about George?” She squeezed his thigh. “I know he meant a lot to you…my own heart is heavy with his loss. He was a good templar, but an even better man.” Shay swallowed, gently removing her hand from his thigh to rest on the bar, but he didn’t let go, brushing his thumb over her armored knuckles.
           “He was a good man.” (Y/N) squeezed the fingers that were in hers.
           “And I’m sure he’s very proud of you Shay. Not just what you’ve done for the cause, but for what you’ve done for the people.” She looked around, seeing the happy patrons. “Shay, what you’ve done for New York and for the other cities?” She shook her head, admiring, “It’s nothing short of amazing.” (Y/N) bent down, catching his eyes as she assured, “You…are amazing. And a good man.” Before he knew what he was doing, his free hand had risen and cupped her cheek. He leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to hers. She didn’t pull away, raising her own hand to cover his. When they did pull away, she smiled at him and it sent his heart soaring, but it was short lived as he suddenly remembered something. He jerked away from her, apologizing,
           “I am so sorry.” (Y/N)’s face fell, and she seemed to recoil as well.
           “No, it’s-I’m sorry. I just thought-I thought we were-” Struggling to find the words, she forced out, “Affirming something here.” Shay sighed, reaching up to run a hand through is hair.
           “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just…Master Haytham.” (Y/N)’s cocked an eyebrow, questioning,
           “Haytham? What about him?” Before he could speak, she added, “I mean if you’re worried about him finding out about a relationship, it’s not that big a deal. I mean, it is, he’s our boss. Well, he’s your boss, not exactly mine, but he’s not going to bar us from seeing each other.” Shay pulled a confused look, his voice just as puzzled as he asked,
           “Wait, but aren’t you two-” He crossed two of his fingers together and said, “You know, together?” She put a finger to her chest.
           “Me and him?” He nodded and she made an exaggerated retching sound. “Oh god no! Ew! Gross! No!” Shay tipped his head down.
           “So, you two aren’t together.”
           “Absolutely not. We might seem like we are, but no, we’re not together.”
           “But…you’re so close?” (Y/N) nodded.
           “I’m the only person from Haytham’s past that knows all about his life. We’ve been close since we were kids.” She reached over, taking his hand again. “Obviously you like me, and I like you, so lemme clear this up. Haytham Kenway and I are not in a relationship, we’re just best friends.” Shay felt all the tension in his muscles fade, and he remarked,
           “You have no idea how reassuring that is.” (Y/N)’s face turned downright evil as she smirked,
           “It’ll be a lot more reassuring after we get back to the captain’s cabin.” Something shifted in the air and he growled,
           “You’re playing with fire lass.” She slid a sack of coins on the bar, rising from her seat, challenging,
           “I love fire.” Before he could respond, she took off for the door, listening as his chair scratched against the floor as he followed her.
           “And that’s pretty much what happened.” Haytham grunted, shifting his footing.
           “I could’ve done without learning what happened after the tavern visit.” Shay snorted, placing a hand on the hilt of his rapier.
           “Just figured you should know it all.” The Grandmaster glared at the hunter.
           “My god, you’re just like her.” Before he could respond, a voice sounded from beside them.
           “No! Go on! Go home! I don’t have anymore treats!” The two bent forward, eyes directing down the street to see (Y/N) being followed by a pack of dogs, all jumping around for her attention. The two let out sighs as she walked up to them and exclaimed, “I stop and feed one dog and this is what happens!” Shay reached over, scratching the chin of the kitten that had perched itself up on her shoulder.
           “He come along too?” (Y/N) hummed, scratching the kitten’s ears.
           “Little guy was all alone on the side of the street.”
           “And so you picked him up?” She looked at Haytham, pulling a pout at his exasperation.
           “But Haytham he was all alone!” Her friend turned away, stalking off down the street, but they could still hear him as he sighed,
           “Can’t take either of you anywhere.” (Y/N) giggled as he walked off and she glanced at Shay who was petting the dogs.
           “See, you get it darling.” He stood upright, meeting her gaze.
           “I do, but we really need to get going.” She pulled the kitten off her shoulder, pressing it to her cheek as she begged,
           “But Shay~”
           “No. We’re not keeping a cat.” (Y/N) took a step forward, shoving the kitten in his face, pulling the best pout she could, going as far to stick her bottom lip out.
           “But look how cute he is! He’s just a baby, Shay! He’ll get hurt if we leave him!” The Irishman looked between the kitten and his lover before sighing, but it turned into a groan as he conceded.
           “Alright! You can keep the cat!” She smiled evilly, moving past him.
           “Works every time.”
           “You’re a witch, you know that don’t you?” (Y/N) nodded happily.
           “Of course I do. How do you think I’ve gotten this far in life?” Shay chuckled, and when they’d caught up with Haytham, he asked,
           “So, what’s its name?” She snorted and quipped,
           “Haytham.” The two men simply shouted in unison, one in offense, the other in shock.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Forged From The Fiercest Fires PT. 1
A Shay Cormac x Reader One-Shot
Warnings: Explicit Language Author’s Note: TBH, I’m not even sure if this is gonna be a ship type of fic??? It probably will be. With Shay. Because I love him to pieces. Enjoy! -Thorne
The ache in her side seemed to pulse with each step she took, but she didn’t slow in her sprint, too worried that if she did stop, she’d collapse on the spot. Thoughts raced through her mind as the dock came into view, and as she raced up the walkway, she was met with the first mate. His smile faltered as he took in her panting form. “You alright there Blair?” For a moment, her eyebrows furrowed at the name, but then she remembered why. She nodded, chest heaving as she responded lowly,
           “Fine, Gist.” Her eyes darted to the vacant wheel. “Where’s Captain Cormac?” Gist thrust a thumb back towards the stairs.
           “He’s with Master Kenway going over some business.” He took a step towards her, carefully regarding her. “You sure you’re alright boy? You look like you’re going to keel over.” She swallowed thickly, pressing a hand to her side as she countered,
           “I’m alright sir. The assassin made me run all over New York before I caught him.” She gave a tight smile as she passed by. “Just plum tuckered out.” His concern never left his face as she walked by, descending the stairs, fist rapping against the door harshly. A calm voice came from within.
           “Enter.” She gripped the door handle and entered, offering,
           “Apologies for being late Captain Cormac. Ran into trouble with the mission.” She nodded at the leader of their order. “Master Kenway, sir.” Nodding, his steel eyes narrowed as he observed her walking up to them. She reached in her coat and pulled out a thick booklet. Handing it to her captain, she said, “The target didn’t have anything on precursor sights on him, but he did have this.” Shay unwound the tie around the booklet, flipping though it before passing it to Haytham. “It’s smuggling routes between the ships and where they’re keeping goods between runs.” When Haytham had stopped on a page, she leaned over pressing her pointer to a spot on the map. “That’s where they’re keeping some arms and ammunition. If we get there between the next few days before they know we’ve got the routes, we should be able to take it for ourselves.” Shay nodded, looking over at her. Furrowing his brows, he asked,
           “Are you alright lad? You’ve gone a bit pale in the face.” Shaking her head, she waved a hand, ignoring the warmth seeping through her shirt.
           “You and Master Gist both said the same thing sir. Don’t worry about me. I’m just worn out and tired.” Finally, the Grandmaster turned to speak to her, inquiring,
           “What trouble did you run into on the mission, Blair?” She met his gaze and stated,
           “I made a miscalculation and the target spotted me. He took off and I spent about two hours chasing the bastard down until I finally caught up to him.” She paused, tipping her head side to side. “Despite being run into the ground, he put up a decent fight. Took a few punches to the gut.” She looked back at Shay. “If that’s everything sir, I think I’d like to retire for the night.” Shay nodded, but the worry was still evident. She bowed slightly to the Grandmaster, clenching her jaw as another painful throb echoed in her side. “Master Kenway, sir.” He gave her a nod and she turned on her heel, heading for the door. A few feet away from the doors, the world seemed to flip on her, and before she knew it, her knees buckled, sending her to the floor. Behind her, she could hear the distressed voices of her superiors, but even in such a short distance, they seemed so far away. Dark spots entered her vision and a wave of nausea sent her falling forward, rolling onto her back. As she tried to focus on the ceiling above her, Shay came into sight, blurry but apprehensive. Haytham appeared on her other side and he said something to the other Templar, but she couldn’t make it out. Shay looked between them, then his eyes seemed to widen as he gripped her shoulder, speaking quickly. All she could see were his lips moving before her vision went black.
Some Time Later:
           Warmth stretched across her face and she inhaled deeply as she cracked her eyes open. Blinking the sleep away, the ceiling of the Captain’s Quarters cleared, and she took another breath in, this time from fear instead of awakening. Just as she was about to move, she heard an accented voice from beside her. “You’re finally awake.” Turning her head, she saw Shay sitting in a chair beside the bed, eyes narrowed as he watched her. “I was beginning to wonder how long you were going to sleep.” For a moment, she didn’t respond, then she dropped her gaze, hands shifting in the covers that stopped just above her breasts. It didn’t take a savant to realize that her cover had been blown straight out of the water. Choosing to let it go, she looked back at him, murmuring,
           “How long was I out?” He uncrossed his legs and leant forward, propping his elbows on his knees.
           “About two days. You were completely delirious when we were patching you up.” She drew her eyes back to the covers, pulling them up enough so she could cast a glance down to the bandages around her torso. Meeting his coffee eyes, she asked,
           “I say anything important?” An eyebrow quirked on his face and he recounted,
           “You kept repeating, ‘Please don’t tell them I’m a woman. They’ll kick me out if they know.’.” A tightness crossed her chest and she looked away, gritting her teeth. Shay opened his mouth to question her when the door opened, and a man slipped inside.
           “Is she awake?” She turned her head to the door and immediately sat up but hissed as a burning ache spread through her side. Shay brought a hand to her shoulder, gently pushing her back.
           “Lay down. You’re not ready to be up and fighting yet.” Ignoring him, she pushed through the pain, sitting up straight, the covers bunched up in her hands as she reported,
           “Master Kenway, sir.” He strode over, standing at the edge of the bed, demanding,
           “Who are you?” She opened her mouth, but a glare from him made her snap it shut as he added, “And be honest this time, Blair.” She couldn’t hide that the spat made her heart hurt, but she nodded, admitting,
           “My name is (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).” His steely gaze didn’t shift as he asked,
           “Why lie?” (Y/N) dropped her eyes, feeling the shame creep up her spine as she answered,
           “I thought that if I tried to join the Order as I was, you wouldn’t accept me. So…I found another way.”
           “By dressing up as a man?” She jerked her head up and glowered at Shay, countering,
           “You men have no idea what it’s like to be turned down from jobs solely because you’re a woman. To be told that,” Her voice turned downright self-loathing as she repeated, “‘This is a man’s job and women like you need to be at home.’ I have fought for years to be seen by business owners, only to be turned away because I’m a woman. Go figure that the moment I hide my femininity in favor of masculinity, suddenly, jobs are everywhere for the taking.” (Y/N) turned her glare to the Grandmaster. “I’m sorry I hid who I was, but I will not apologize for everything else. I have worked my ass off to get where I am now, and I will not let anyone take that from me.” Haytham pondered her words for a moment then raised a hand, holding something between his pointer and thumb. The glint caught her eye and she realized it was her Templar signet ring he was holding; he saw the realization cross her face and he corrected,
           “Actually, I am the one person who can take it from you.” Turning, he made his way to the door, continuing, “Shay, when she’s recovered, see her off the ship.” The Templar made a sound of acknowledgement, but it quickly dissolved into one of worry as he watched (Y/N) shove the covers off and fly from the bed, stumbling to the floor. He reached for her to help her, but she shoved his hands away, clambering to her feet, ignoring the ache in her side. He’d reached the door when she called out,
           “I’ll fight you for my spot in the Order!” Haytham’s hand stopped on the handle and Shay exclaimed,
           “Lass, you can’t be serious!” (Y/N) didn’t look at him and challenged,
           “You want to kick me out because I lied? Fine. But if you do that, then I want to fight to save my place. I challenge you to a duel of blades.” The Grandmaster turned, staring her down.
           “You want to fight me? For your position?” (Y/N) nodded, and after a moment, he shrugged. “As you wish. Let’s go.” She started after him, listening to Shay cry,
           “Sir, you have to be joking! She’s still recovering!” Haytham didn’t turn, simply calling over his shoulder,
           “If she’s challenged me to a duel, then I’m honor bound to accept it.”
           “This is a terrible resolution to this problem!” (Y/N) whirled around, holding a hand to her side.
           “Captain Cormac, with all due respect sir, shut the hell up and find me some clothes.” She watched Haytham ascend the stairs, adding, “I’ve got a duel to win.”
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