#ac rogue fic
gococogo · 3 months
Congrates on 100 follows. Would i be able to suggest a shaytham fic with a sappy but angsty vibe with the prompts,
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"You said you wouldn't fall in love with me" "I lied"
Thank you
Prompt 4 / Shaytham
Synopsis: Shay is reckless in battle and always ends up finding himself in trouble. And so Haytham has to be the one to save him.
Word Count: 2.4K
Warning: Violence. Blood.
Notes: I combined two asks together because you guys basically asked for the same thing. So here you guys are! Finally. Enjoy!!
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Canon fire deafens Haytham’s ears as a chorus of booms sounds off on the starboard side. He holds onto his tricorn with one hand and a firm, white knuckled grip on the railing in front of him as the harsh salty wind whips into his face. The Morrigan creaks and groans as her captain turns her towards the enemy ship. Canon smoke is thick in the air and it’s hard to even see where the other ship is.
But Shay steers with confidence, shouting orders with his accent thickening. On deck, Gist relays them to whomever hasn’t heard them. Even slapping a few men on the back of the head that aren’t moving quick enough. In the heat of battle, everything can go wrong on the open ocean.
Sailing with Shay, it makes Haytham wonder if this is what it would have been like with his father.  
A round of enemy canon fire are thrown across the Morrigan’s deck. Within the smoke, Haytham can make out a couple of men being thrown off the side of the ship. Wood and splinters fly up and some even come Haytham’s way. That is the least of his worries as the entire ship shakes with such force that it sends Haytham halfway across the poop deck.
He regains his footing quickly even though his head spins. His hat is somewhere that isn’t his head, but that’s the least of his worries. Shay is nowhere to be seen on deck and the enemy ship looms over the Morrigan, a dark shadow in the smoke the curls into the grey sky. Hooks and anchors connect the two ships, pulling them together. Everything happen quickly that for a split second, he’s engrossed by the size of everything.
Haytham scowls to himself as he stands to his feet, his chest constricting at the thought that Shay isn’t in his line of sight. As if he’s some child that Haytham has to look after and he’s not a grown man himself. But it wouldn’t be akin to that. No. No, something much worse that is something closer to affection.
One of the crew members from the other ship climb up and over the railing. As quick as anything, Haytham has already crossed the deck to drive his sword into the stomach of the man. With a gasp and a silent cry, Haytham pushes him back over the side of the ship into the warm River Valley water.
The canon smoke begins to disperse and Haytham is able to see the pure chaos that has erupted on deck. Shay’s crew fight with tooth and sword, clashing and fending themselves against their attackers. He spots Gist in the mist of it all, his hat blown off somewhere. His wet hair flings into his face as he fights but he can’t let that get in his way when his life is on the lines.  
A scrawny man comes rushing up the stairs to Haytham, his teeth all black and missing. He strikes with a machete but misses enterally and swings again. This time Haytham meets his own sword with his blade and throws the scrawny man off balance. His sword to his neck is what sends the scrawny man tumbling back down the stairs.
He almost feels sorry for Shay’s deck. That blood is going to take some scrubbing to get out.
Gunshots pierce through the already tense air and Haytham’s head whips towards the commotion. Near the front of the Morrigan, Shay holds onto a man by the nape of his coat. The man tries to scramble away and kick and thrash, only for all of it to end with a hidden blade in his chest. Shay throws him aside without a second thought, advancing onto the next.
Shay takes down two more men, one with his hidden blade, the other with a bullet through the liver. All done in quick succession that Haytham can’t seem to draw his eyes away. He can pick up the assassin training still burnt into his muscles and bones. How he moves. How he’s light on his feet even for a six foot man.
But even trained assassins make mistakes sometimes. Shay turns too slowly towards his next target. The man’s knife stabs straight into his shoulder, snarling into the captain’s face. He pushes Shay back, twisting and driving the knife in deeper. Shay shouts loudly, trying to push the other off but to no avail. They tussle and try to overthrow the other until the hefty man decides enough is enough, and throws both of them over the side of the Morrigan.
Haytham moves quick, slashing and driving his sword into any man that isn’t of the Morrigan’s. He pushes a man aside, uncaring who they are as he finally reaches the side of the ship. He looks over, almost hauling himself over at how desperate he’s moving. His heart is in his in his throat and it hammers loudly within his ears. He finds himself not thinking straight as he looks down.
And holding on by one of the canon windows is Shay. He meets eyes with Haytham and can’t help but smile up to him. Haytham can only frown though, his heart still racing in his chest. What an idiot. An absolute fool! Haytham scowls to himself before pushing off the railing. He goes to speak to Shay, but instead pushes his way through the crowd once more to get to the lower decks. All to save this man from falling into the River Valley himself.
By the time Haytham is able to drag Shay back aboard and make sure he is uninjured, the fighting above has all but subsided. Gist’s voice can be heard barking and snapping orders around to the crew, telling them to tie up the ones they’ve captured and to throw the dead overboard. Not their dead though, the Morrigan’s dead will be given a proper funeral before being cast over to the sea.
The knife still sticks out of the Irishman’s shoulder as he sits within the confines of his quarters with the ship medic. He’s a large burly man that goes by the name, Cassidy. For a man his size, his fingers are nimble as they get to work. Haytham flinches inwardly as the knife is pulled from Shay’s shoulder.
The butcher has Shay sitting in front of his war map table. Everything that was displayed has been put aside to make room for the medical supplies. His coat and shirt are quickly torn down to his waist as soon as the knife is out. Shay’s face is screwed up in pain, but he holds his tongue. Only because Haytham stands on the other side of the table with his arms crossed over his chest. A deep-set frown on his feature that is akin to a disappointed parent.
Shay tries his best to avoid looking in the direction of the Grandmaster. But he can’t help himself. Even through his squinted and scowled ridden face, he peers in Haytham’s direction. Shay will have to admit to himself, he’s never seen the man so terrified in his life. That the expression that he saw plain as day on the Grandmaster’s face, an expression that has truly sent a pit of something heavy deep within his chest that flutters every so often.
When the first stitch goes through, a deep groan escapes Shay’s throat. He squeezes his eyes shut, hoping that Cassidy works quickly so this is over and done with. When he opens his eyes again, a short glass of golden whiskey is being held out to him. He stares at it a moment, looking up at the owner of the hand even though he knows who stands before him.
How long was he holding himself still for? Long enough for Haytham to pour him a drink?
Haytham raises a brow, as if asking if he even wants it. Shay takes it with some urgency and downs it in one go. Haytham watches him grimaces at the burn of the whiskey with a satisfied look before moving away to pour a second glass. This one he takes himself. A need to try and calm his still bristling nerves that buzz under his skin. He pours a third, handing this one out to Shay again. And like before, the Irishman downs it in one go. Haytham moves off satisfied.
The whiskey seems to dull the pull and poke of the needle and stitches but a few groans still escape Shay’s mouth. Haytham can’t seem to drag his eyes away from the other man. Hair a mess, skin bruised and battered with the strong smell of sweat and blood in the air.
Cassidy bites the last stitch off and wipes his bloody mouth with the back of his hand. It isn’t sanitary in the slightest, but he guesses it will do with the rest of the golden whiskey being poured over the wound. Shay bites back a yowl deep within his throat, his eyes looking as if they’re about to pop out of their sockets. He sits back in the chair heavily, pushing Cassidy’s hand away with the whiskey. The butcher looks to him with a glare before drawing the last mouthful of whiskey left out of the bottle.
“I know you won’t listen to me you buffoon,” Cassidy starts as he stands. “but don’t put any strain on those stitches,” he scowls.
“Aye, aye,” Shay mocks.
Cassidy rolls his eyes as he packs up his things. He leaves the cabin with a short nod towards Haytham, bidding him fair well. Haytham looks back to Shay who shrugs on his shirt with a wince. There’s something on Shay’s mind. His gaze a far and anywhere but here.
“That was foolish of you,” Haytham comments.
The words don’t seem to register with Shay until a few passing moments later. His brown eyes land on Haytham with a raised brow and slight hum coming from his lips. He catches the Grandmaster’s gaze flickering down to his gut where his stomach is still exposed. It’s only for a moment, but he catches it all the same.
“Getting stabbed?” Shay asks.
“Letting your guard down,” Haytham corrects with a flick of his finger.
He moves around the table to Shay and leans down slightly so that he can undo the last button of his vest. He takes it off Shay without a word, patting it down before holding an arm out to him. Shay eyes him, as if something clicking behind those dark eyes. He takes the gesture, placing one arm through the hole as Haytham helps him dress again.
It silent for a moment as Shay does up the buttons to his vest. Haytham finds himself watching, making sure that the captain is decent again. Or maybe he wants to make sure that Shay is able to do it just fine. When Shay does up the last button, he finally moves off with a satisfied nod.
“You said you wouldn’t fall in love with me,” Shay says abruptly.
Haytham movements pause for a moment, his eyes distancing themselves for a second before refocusing back down on Shay. The Irishman looks up to him, a scarred brow raised. Haytham frowns softly on the verge of disgust. But it isn’t quite that.
They talked about this months ago. About how dangerous it would be for the both of them. About how that if they did find themselves falling, they’d stop. But here Haytham is, the Grandmaster of the Templars, falling in love for a former Assassin.
“I lied,” Haytham bites back. But there’s no real maliciousness in his words.
Shay can’t help but chuckle softly, shaking his head lightly as he looks away. His cheeks blush a soft red that has Haytham wanting to reach out and touch. To see just how hot his face becomes when he turns as bright as a tomato. But instead he stands up straight, placing a hand on the table.
“We talked about this Haytham. You’re the one that talked about it,” Shay speaks firmly now. “Insisted even.”
But Haytham changes the subject, turning his back, “I’ll inform Gist that he will be taking the helm until we arrive back in New York,” Haytham walks around to the other side of the table and picks up his tricorn that he found on the deck, “You are to stay in here until you’ve healed enough,” He orders as he places his hat upon his head.
Shay clears his throat loudly causing the other man to stop in his tracks. He turns slowly, dark blue eyes filled with curiosity.
“Gist already knows what he’s doing,” Shay says as he stands. “And this is all but a nick, sir.”
He adds a roll of his shoulder which is the worst decision he could have made. He hisses in pain as he pulls the stitches, coddling his arm close to his chest. Haytham raises his brows, looking Shay up and down.
“Maybe just one night then,” Shay chuckles as he leans against the table.
“Good,” is all Haytham says. He turns again but like the perviously, is interrupted before he can even get a hand on the doorknob.
Haytham turns his full attention to Shay this time, the tone of such a simple word having beckoned him. Shay walks over to his liquor cabinet and grabs out a half empty bottle of a dark golden whiskey. The strong stuff. He turns back around his heels, holding the bottle in his good arm. He looks at Haytham for a moment before snapping back to reality.
He asks a question as he wonders back over to the table, “If I asked you to stay, Haytham, would you?”
Haytham watches Shay for few heart beats. Watching him pour whiskey into one glass before placing a second on the table. The bottle hovers over the second, Shay waiting for an answer. He doesn’t like to waste good liquor.
The Grandmaster sighs a little defeated. He takes off his tricorn and places it on the table once more. Whiskey is poured into the second glass.
“If only it keeps you from heading out and tearing out your stitches,” Haytham comments lowly.
Shay holds out the glass with a smile. “Oh, I think you’re one of, if not the best distractions around.”
Haytham takes the whiskey with a grumble of, “Now don’t go pushing your luck.”
To that, Shay’s grin only grows wider.
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How the Assassins (and some Templars) would be on your birthday:
Ezio Auditore
He'd likely wake you up with some morning "exercises", and take you on a stroll/ride through your favorite places
A candlelit dinner atop a building overlooking the sunset to finish the day with some fancy wine
Would give you anything you'd wanted, including but not limited to a portrait of the two of you done by Leonardo (you'd thank the little artist later)
Rose petals leading up to your room
Leonardo Da Vinci
Honestly, he's the type to just let you lead the day. Shopping? He's there with you paying for what he can. A boat ride? Of course!
Would be sweet the whole day, holding your hand with a dopey little grin as he followed you
Flowers, your favorite chocolates, art supplies if you're that way inclined
Connor Kenway
You're very special to him, and he makes you feel it on your birthday
He'd get someone to make you a cake (he tried and nearly burnt the house down in the process)
Flowers by your bedside as he woke you up with sweet kisses
He'd go to town with you if you really wanted to go
Or ride around the homestead all day and show you some beautiful places he's found
Wouldn't let you do any work for the day
He'd end it all by holding you close as he gifted you a little carved animal (your favorite), and a necklace he'd bought one day with your favorite stone set in it
Edward Kenway
Would also wake you up with "exercise"
He'd sail around with you, letting you tell him where to go
He may even let you steer the Jackdaw for a bit
You'll likely not remember much, as you'll be drunk for most of the night
Would give you all kinds of jewelry the he's obtained on his voyages
James Kidd/Mary Read
They're a romantic through and through. And extravagant
Would wake you up sweetly, but it'd turn spicy
Down to do whatever you want, be it a picnic or drinking at a pub, they're happy
Gifts would be thoughtful, plus some jewelry and the like
Shay Patrick Cormac
See morning "exercise"
A romantic, Shay would have the whole day planned out for you
He'd sail you somewhere nice, and have a home-cooked meal awaiting somewhere quiet
Would take you back to the fort for a surprise party with a small band of folk playing music
Liam O'Brien
Assuming he isn't gone off on a mission, he'd likely take you shooting with him
He'd buy you sweets and just be sweet the whole day
Would dance with you in a clearing somewhere
His gifts would probably be practical, like some new gloves or something
Haytham Kenway
Prepare to feel like royalty for a day
He'd spare no expense for your birthday
The best food, the finest imported wine, best clothing he could find, all of it's yours
Don't think about lifting a finger, either
Breakfast in bed, followed by an extravagant ball in your honor
Jacob Frye
CHAOS from the moment your eyes opened
Tried to make you breakfast, set it on fire
Takes you around London
A surprise dinner (the Rooks set it up for him) on top of Big Ben
Would get Evie to help him with some flowers
You'd end up drunk, laughing, and happy
My birthday is the 28th this month (December), so this is my gift to myself. If you want anyone added, let me know. These are all kinda short, sorry. I've got a heck of a migraine at the moment. Probably doing some for the Red Dead boys next. And yes, I used gender neutral pronouns for James/Mary. Sue me
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hello! I just discovered you recently, dived headfirst into several your fics and am so in love with them. I'm also incredibly grateful because I'm in the middle of putting a house on the market and your fics are saving my sanity. My most recent read is 'Ouverture', and I love bitter, slightly elitist and secretly disdainful Desmond. Now I have so many questions about Unity cannon (that you've cannonballed) if you wouldn't mind just head cannoning some future what if answers?
Does Arno return to France and get caught up in the revolution? Does Des come with and keep out of sight? IS Des considered a traitor by the Paris Assassins? Arno have an opinion on the Parisian Brotherhood? Does he have better Eagle vision since Des trained him? Do Paris Assassins read blue or white to him? Does he meet Elise again? What has become of the de la Serre family?
The French Revolution:
*random rooftop after absurdly flashy physics breaking move that avoided the lookout of five Paris Assassins*
Pierre: "Pisspot."
*arrogant eyebrow game at max and full permission from Des to be an asshole*
Arno: "0uncle Pierre."
Pierre. "Figured. Only one other who could hold eagle vision that easily to evade everyone with that stunt without breaking his neck. He would have kicked me as he flipped over my head."
Much love and thanks! And sorry for the long submission!
Hello! I’m so happy my fics were able to help you during such a hard time and please don't apologize. I love getting submissions and asks, no matter how long or short they are (although I am quite late in answering them TTATT). I hope selling your home is going well!
Okay, so let’s talk about the possible future of Ouverture and A New Way To Do Things in relation to Arno.
Arno will, of course, grow up in the homestead in this one. Unity officially starts 5 years after the end of AC3 when Arno is around 21 years old. Arno returns to France because he actually followed Desmond back to France (while Ratonhnhaké:ton and Clay had to stay behind for the Brotherhood and tells Desmond that they’ll catch up to him instead). Desmond returns because Lafayette requested their aid (he and Lafayette talked a lot during the American Revolutions as two French dudes doing whatever they can) and Desmond agreed to help his ‘motherland’.
This means that Desmond and Arno went back to France without the Parisian Brotherhood’s ‘approval’ so they’re going rogue (although Charlotte gets a visit and she cries because of how much Arno has grown).
Arno now calls Desmond ‘dad’ in this one too although he still calls Charles Dorian ‘father’ and they become embroiled in AC Unity’s plot as well, with Desmond having bad feelings because there’s something in Paris that just makes his skin crawl.
Desmond is sorta in a very precarious position in the Parisian Brotherhood, especially now that Sophie Trenet is a council member. A lot of the council members have a more forgiving stance on Desmond, especially after they hear how he helped Ratonhnhaké:ton take back the ‘colonies’ from the Templars but they’re not necessarily happy that he’s back. Sophie’s the one who is pushing for him to regain his old rank (not that Desmond wants it) though because she remembers him as being a good man and a great Assassin.
Desmond and Arno actually visits Bellec in prison and that’s how they reunite. Well…
That and the cannonball that ‘started’ the prison break…
Arno is officially a member of the American Brotherhood of Assassins (like Desmond) so he’s not thought of as a traitor but more like an outsider. Arno doesn’t mind though because his memory of France felt more like a distant dream. He doesn’t like to go to Versailles though.
Arno’s opinion of the Parisian Brotherhood is pretty much nonexistent. Desmond doesn’t like to talk about them, not even to complain about them. Other than say their ranking system is ridiculously long but Arno is pretty sure Desmond was being sarcastic (he was not).
Because of this, the Parisian Assassins appear as either blue (Bellec and Sophie) or white to him. They’re polite to him but also sorta cagey because he is not one of them as far as the Brotherhood is concern.
He does have a better Eagle Vision, one of the more advanced ones, actually, considering Desmond, Clay and Ratonhnhaké:ton trained him (and that means his Assassin style is a combination of his three instructors). The whole “I see their memories” thing Arno is also theorized by Clay as being a mutation caused by Arno’s close proximity to whatever Charles Dorian was carrying with him before he handed it off to another Assassin then returned to France to get his next (and last) mission. Clay believes that it’s some kind of POE and that it sorta mutated Arno’s Isu genes to be more prevalent in this case because he was still young when he was in it’s area of ‘influence’. Of course, that’s all guesswork and Arno just uses it to get more information.
Arno does meet Élise once more and it’s… well… it’s complicated.
While it’s highly possible that Arno would still hold a torch for Élise during that time, it is also highly possible that she would just be a distant memory, the kind girl whose parents may have had a hand on the death of his father (or so Desmond believed). Hell, if you want to add more drama in that front, it could be that Élise and Arno sees each other as ‘enemies’ this time around, their childhood memories being nothing more than the innocence of children that they could no longer go back to (especially with them no longer having any long history with one another so Arno sees Élise as a Templar gone rogue and Élise sees Arno as just another Assassin). (If you want to make it hurt, have Élise be the one to actually carry a torch for Arno while Arno had already fallen in love or may have already gotten married by the time he returns to Paris. To who? Ellen’s daughter Maria who becomes Arno’s childhood friend in the Davenport Homestead). Also, he’s seen as the older brother of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s children as well so, in many ways, Arno feels more at home at Davenport than he is in Paris while Élise’s father died because he couldn’t get the letter meant to warn him in time and she’s just full of anger and the burning desire for vengeance right now, with no one she can trust at all.
Also, also… Desmond has a reunion of his own to rival Arno’s Templar-connection past.
His aunt…
Madame Flavigny.
(Yeah, that’s right. The only person who knew Desmond as Antoine Faroy and his only living blood relative is a Templar, to be more exact, a Templar from the Radical Faction.)
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babbiebooc · 4 months
One Piece X X-Men: Evolution Crossover Idea
I came up with the thought of a One Piece X X-Men: Evolution crossover. Where the Ace and Luffy during the Marineford arc get transported to the X-Men Universe by an unknown force.
Rogue comes across Ace first and after seeing him use his powers and, thinking that he’s a fellow mutant, invites him back to the X Mansion. My “Crack Ship Brain” likes to imagine with Ace being a Logia Devil Fruit type, Rogue’s absorption powers don’t work on Ace and that sparks a slow-burn (no pun intended) romance between them. (I just think they look cute together 🥰) (Sorry Romy Fans)
Luffy is found by Ace and the X-Men the next day after being seen using his powers in public (either getting into a fight with the Brotherhood or stopping a robbery idk), which Professor X has to wipe the memories of anyone in the area who saw.
Speaking of the Professor, after listening to Ace and Luffy explain their fantastical stories and everyone not being sure what to make of them, Professor X does read both of their minds to learn that they are in fact telling the truth. It's after some more talking that the brothers fully realize that they're in a completely different world! So, the first order of business for Ace and Luffy is to find a way back home, and the Professor offers to let them stay at the mansion until they find a way back; on the conditions that, 1. Don't Use Your Powers Openly as to protect the safety of everyone else at the mansion, and 2. Luffy (being 17) has to enroll at Bayville High School to avoid suspicion. (Because the idea of Luffy having to go to Public High School, while Trying and Failing to not use his Powers, while running circles around Scott Summers the older kids who are desperately trying rein the rubber-boy in, just basically writes itself.)
Title idea is "I Don't Think We're on The Grand Line Anymore", but I think that might be a little cheesy.
Anyway, might add more to this later. But I want to know what other's think, so feel free to share your thoughts.
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waywardsalt · 5 months
so. i've had an idea for a warrior cats fanfiction story, and have spent the last few years hammering out characters, the clans, how they work, the story... a whole lot of stuff. i've tried writing it before, and right now i don't have a current draft of early chapters, but I did recently write out a scene from much later in the story, and i'm pretty happy with it, soooo... here! a warrior cats fic scene i wrote in like an hour a week ago
By the time she led ShadeClan to the Gathering site, Emberstar felt her anxieties lessen. Her foreleg ached from the effort of the journey, but she kept her head high. Beside her, Acornfall glanced back at their clan, then nodded over to Emberstar. He led the clan down into the Gathering hollow, and Emberstar padded over to the slope up to the leader’s perch. PineClan and CliffClan cats were already quietly milling about in the hollow, and up on the overhang she could see Lakestar and Wolfstar waiting. There was no MoorClan scent among the gathered cats.
              Emberstar made her way up the slope she’d seen Gorsestar and Froststar before her traverse. It was a thin path, slowly becoming steeper and steeper as she slunk closer to the overhang, finally reaching the steep, gravelly slope that led up to the leaders’ perch. Down at the base of the cliff, she could see Acornfall joining the other deputies with a polite nod of his head, and Troutfoot was carefully weaving her way through the crowd to meet with the other healers. Emberstar twitched her whiskers when Lakestar and Wolfstar noticed her. She crouched and tensed her back legs and leapt up the slope.
              It wasn’t enough to reach the top, but she reached out with her forepaw and sunk her claws into the loose gravel and dug her back paws into the ground to keep from slithering back down. She slowly inched forward, moving a kittenstep at a time, but she kept her eyes fixed on the other leaders, more determined than ashamed of herself. Emberstar forced herself up the slope, but her heart skipped a beat when the gravel under her paw proved too loose to get a good enough grip- so close to the top, too. What a shame she had no other forepaw to lash out and find a grip with.
              Emberstar felt herself begin to slide back down the slope, but a pair of jaws grasped her by the scruff and hoisted her up onto the overhang. She clawed at the grass and stumbled a step when let go and turned to meet Wolfstar’s amused gaze. “Careful there, three-paw,” the CliffClan leader gruffly purred. “It’s bad luck to fall at your first Gathering as leader.” She brushed past Emberstar to sit back down next to Lakestar.
              With a huff, Emberstar followed her with a shake of her pelt. “I appreciate your help, but I would have been fine on my own. I suppose I owe you now?”
              Wolfstar’s whiskers twitched. “Are you saying ShadeClan is now in CliffClan’s debt?”
              The young leaders stared at each other, then broke out into amused purrs. Lakestar rolled her eyes and wrapped her tail around her paws. “So, you are ShadeClan’s leader now, Emberstar? Or is it still Emberblaze?”
              “It is Emberstar now. I visited the Moon Cavern for my lives only a few sunrises ago.”
              “May StarClan light your path as leader, then.” Lakestar stiffly dipped her head. Despite the brusque words, there was genuine respect in her pale eyes.
              Wolfstar’s own eyes were still bright with humor. “You’ll be great, I know it. What happened to Froststar, then?”
              Emberstar narrowed her eyes and turned her gaze to the gathered cats. “I’ll explain that once the Gathering begins. MoorClan is late tonight.” She surveyed the crowd of cats, peering straight down at the huddled healers. Sitting with her back to her PineClan clanmates, Flarelight was sitting close to Troutfrost. After a moment, she gazed up at the overhang, and her eyes met Emberstar’s. Her eyes grew wide and she stared at her littermate for a long moment until another healer got her attention. Then, as if she’d seen nothing, Flarelight flicked her tail and joined the conversation. Her twitching tail-tip was the only hint that she was distracted. Emberstar blinked. She’d become leader so recently that not even the other healers knew, much less the other clans’ warriors. In the crowd of CliffClan cats, she spotted Sunscorch, sitting with his fur brushing Moonwhisper’s, his eyes wide and his body stiff while he stared at his sister up on the overhang.
              Poor Sunscorch, so softhearted under those honed claws and strong limbs- he was likely to take the news of Froststar’s death the hardest. Emberstar held his gaze, blinked slowly, and turned her head to the sky. The moon was nearly overhead, and still MoorClan was absent.
              “You ought to start the Gathering now,” Wolfstar growled to Lakestar. “It’s newleaf, after all, and if MoorClan’s late then they’re late.”
              “We should wait,” Emberstar sharply mewed. “This is my first Gathering as leader, so it would be disrespectful to me as well as MoorClan if we begin without them. It may anger StarClan as well,” she finished in a murmur, flicking her tail-tip up at the sky. Wolfstar just bushed out her stormy gray fur and huffed.
              Lakestar gazed up at the sky. Emberstar looked over at her. For so long, as an apprentice, as a warrior, as the deputy, she’d never dared to be so close to the cold PineClan leader. But now, she was barely a tail-length from the sleek silver tabby, and they sat as equals in standing. Lakestar was likely at less than nine lives and Emberstar was without a right foreleg, but they were equals nonetheless.
              She was knocked from her thoughts by Wolfstar headbutting her. The larger cat nearly shoved her off-balance. “Glad to see that we’re both finally up here. I was waiting to see when you’d catch up, three-paw.”
              Emberstar licked Wolfstar’s ear. “You know I must take things slower than you.”
              “Who’d you pick as deputy?” Wolfstar leaned over the edge to inspect the group of deputies. “Hm- Acornfall?”
              “He’s a good warrior. Older than me by four seasons, so I trust his advice and his skill.”
              “I thought you would have picked Lavenderflash. Or maybe Darknose, you two always seemed close.”
              Emberstar gazed down at Lavenderflash, spotting the pure-black molly quickly- she was almost certain there was obvious fondness in her eyes as she looked at her former apprentice. “Lavenderflash is… young and still training her first apprentice. She is a good, loyal warrior, but not fit to be deputy or eventual leader in my mind. And Darknose…” The tom was sitting at the edge of the crowd, alone. “He is a possibility, but he still mourns his brother even all these moons later, so I don’t know if he would be the best choice.”
              Wolfstar made a sniff of approval, then her gaze snapped to the far hill. A yowl rang out, and the three leaders pricked their ears and the cats in the hollow turned to see MoorClan finally arrive, led by Applestar. Emberstar sat stiffly until she spotted Glowflame in the crowd, side-by-side with Orangeclaw. He joined the cats in the hollow with his clan while Applestar broke off to climb up to the overhang, and he seemed to murmur something to Orangeclaw before she angled her ears up at Emberstar. Glowflame looked up and spotted her, and his jaw dropped open. Emberstar couldn’t help but let out a purr of affection for her brother as he gaped in amazement at her.
              Applestar greeted the other leaders when he finally joined them, nodding briefly at Emberstar, and hurriedly sat down next to Lakestar, his mottled fur standing up along his spine. The leaders gave the cats in the hollow a few moments to settle down. In that time, Emberstar saw her littermates make their ways through the crowd towards each other. By the time Lakestar threw back her head and yowled to signify the beginning of the Gathering, Flarelight, Sunscorch, and Glowflame sat huddled together with their eyes trained on their sister. Emberstar met their gazes for just a heartbeat and felt the final icicles of her anxiety melt away.
She then turned her head to watch Lakestar as she began to announce her clan’s news for the moon, and reminded herself of what she had to announce when it was her turn. She was ShadeClan’s leader, now. StarClan had approved of her. Emberstar lifted her chin and, with a deep breath, finally settled into her place at the head of her clan.
#woe warrior cats fanfiction be upon ye#my writing#fanfiction#warrior cats#hmmm...#waywardsalt's warrior cats#yeahhhh#anyways a few things abt this related specifically to whats in here#emberstar and wolfstar are not in any kind of relationship theyre just longtime friends n rivals tho at some point wolfstar had a crush#emberstar is meant to be aro/ace and otherwise has no interest in taking a mate at all but she loves her clanmates#glowflame and orangeclaw are mates and sunscorch and moonwhisper are mates idk if flarelight will be in a relationship#the map for this fic (clan territories and camp layouts and moon cavern/gathering spot) is based on a minecraft world i have its v helpful#i have a full alliances list for the living cats at the very beginning of the story but it lacks cats outside the clan bc uhhhh i dont#think there are too many that are present that early and also loners arent usually a big thing its mostly cats passing through#emberstar is mostly dark ginger and black flarelight is mostly just dark ginger sunscorch is gold/yellow and glowflame is yellow and white#all four of them have ice blue eyes and black ear tips i am getting funky with cat designs i do not care. they have teh most unique designs#calling med cats healers bc of. reasons you may know why. and she cats are mollies bc like. why not#emberstar is a tripod cat she is missing a foreleg and she is the primary primary protag she is the most frequent pov#so i have thought a lot abt how she would need to be trained and assessed differently and what she cannot do and how she does warrior dutie#ember flare sun and glow all grew up together but separated into the different clans for Reasons ember stayed in shadeclan bc she was deput#it was also for those Reasons but dw abt it. sunscorch is gay glowflame is bi flarelight is a lesbian#gorsestar and froststar (the previous shadeclan leaders emberstar thinks of) were both mollies and were mates. frost mentored emberstar#its a little bit of nepotism but ember was frost's like. third deputy so its whatever. i picked acornfall as deputy as a placeholder#and bc i couldnt fucking remember anyone else except nobodies in shadeclan but now that i think about it he's actually a good choice#aaaand emberstar is my oldest warrior cats rp character shes been with me a long time- second oldest is sunscorch#emberstar began as emberheart and sunscorch was an edgy murder rogue named sun i roleplayed them in a specific mc server
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krankittoeleven · 1 year
I need to know about the Templar Geezers Dance Club from the WIP game 😭
heheh. It's definitely a working title because I don't know what to call it yet. It's still in mostly brainstorming phase at the moment, so I don't have a snippet for you but I can definitely tell you about it.
It is an AC Rogue fic, eventual Haytham/Shay, and it was inspired by a question I answered for a ship ask game not long ago, having to do with whether or not they are into dancing.
The story starts with Shay walking in on Haytham while he is "practicing" his ballroom dancing with an invisible/nonexistent partner explaining that he feels out of practice and he is expected at some fancy ball where he will have to dance. He pulls Shay in to be his practice partner, mostly because he's trying to get him flustered, which it does. Haytham knows Shay is crushing on him. :D It becomes a regular occurrence in between various events of the game, and Haytham just ends up teaching Shay how to ballroom dance most of the time, which was something Shay really hadn't been that fond of in the beginning.
Also woven into this is Shay convincing Haytham to accompany him to bars/pubs where he in turn teaches Haytham various folk dances and such that he prefers.
There are some other things I might weave in, like Shay employing his assassin skills to watch Haytham while he is at these balls...because, you know, he just wants to make sure his is...safe. Yeah. XD
It's 100% meant to be a silly, fluffy, chill fic. I just need to find my Shay voice.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
What do you think Daemon's path to the throne would have been if Laena had survived and he was still married to her? Would he have allied with Corlys and went to war as a third faction? Joined Rhaenyra anyway and "got rid of" Laena? I would love your view point!
Hi there!
I am very flattered about you wanting my opinion on that but that is not an AU or scenario I have the least bit of interest about. Like this is on my bio:
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I wrote more than 1million words about Daemon and Rhaenyra, actually I wrote more about these two both in my fic and here than anyone else - and btw happy anniversary to "The Blacks & the Greens" Happy 4 years baby!
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I know I answered something similar before (though I can't find it in my blog at the moment) and I am not doing it again, sorry. I just... I don't care I want Daemon and Rhaenyra together. That's it.
Dear Anon, the moment Laena and Laenor were gone and Daemon and Rhaenyra finally married was my fav since their affair in 112 AC mk? XD
It's like... Daemon and Rhaenyra together are just crystal yet many of you insist on drinking rain water 🙄
No problem if it's not your thing but why come to me then? Could my blog be any clearer?
Let me know!
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carissimipaixao · 2 years
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Though, it was as if God had heard your prayers. Because, one day, as you walked along the shores, trying to think of your father’s success overseas, trying to pray for his health, you found yourself stopping in your tracks — your eyes fixated on a foreign spot of gray and brown in the sand. Your heart raced as your feet stomped on the ground, your hands holding up your skirt. And, as you neared the body, feeling for the worst, you just barely caught the dazed and disoriented gaze of the man before his eyes closed and his head fell back onto the sand.
— healing spirits (shay cormac)
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greenvertumna · 2 years
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How is this possible
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gococogo · 7 months
Childlike Innocence | Shaytham | Pt. 6
Pt. 5 | Pt. 7
Synopsis: Haytham goes out looking for Shay and only finds trouble
Word Count: 1.8K
Genre: Coming of age/Young Love
Pairing: Haytham Kenway / Shay Cormac
Warnings: Violence
Notes: I am actually so sorry for not updating this series since goddamn November. It's just been wild since Christmas and I've been kicking myself for not finishing this series. I'm literally a couple of chapters from completing this series as well haha. I know this chapter is short, but there will be more shortly
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The next morning on the hotel stairs, Haytham tells Birch of Shay and Liam. He doesn’t tell him of their nights out beforehand. But he also mentions the white robed figure he saw with Liam, not thinking twice of it. Only because he’s afraid that if Birch finds out he’s lied to him, he won’t have free reign anymore.
Yet it wouldn’t exactly be lying per say. It would just be not telling stuff to Birch. Like the tin of tea he has stuffed in the back of his pants.
“That boy from the tavern?” Birch quickly as he puts two and two together.
Haytham swallows thickly. “Yes, sir.”
“Alright. And this robed man. Did he look dangerous?” Birch asks.
“I didn’t feel in danger,” he confesses.
“Hmm.” Birch thinks of it.
He walks up the stairs halfway before turning back to Haytham, as if reminding himself the boy is there. He looks at Haytham as if there’s a million things going on in his head. But he doesn’t speak a word of either of those thoughts. Haytham wonders to himself sometimes what truly goes on in his head. Then other times, he couldn’t give two shits what Birch thinks, it’s only what he says that matters.
“Go off. Just be careful is all,” Birch inquires before leaving, hiding his smirk from the boy.
But with that, Haytham is off successfully hiding the tin of tea in his pants. How? He doesn’t know. Maybe Birch noticed and didn’t say anything or maybe he got caught up thinking about the robed man. Maybe Haytham should keep an eye on him if Birch is interested. Or maybe he should mind his own business and worry about himself? Haytham moves on from those thoughts as quick as he makes his way out on the street.
He remembers the way Liam took him to Aunt Bridgette’s. She was a lovely woman and Haytham had found out she had used the last of her tea on the boys yesterday. So, being the gentleman Haytham is, he’s giving her his own supply. Birch won’t care. They have much more back home and can simply purchase more without a bat of their eye. Unlike Bridgette who has to keep a close watch on her spendings.
He gets to the small apartment no problem and doesn’t hesitate to go inside. He may have only been here once, but he shouldn’t be afraid to wonder around. Especially of one that looks like him. A little first class boy would be easy to rob.
Lightly, Haytham knocks on her door.
After a moment, similar to yesterday it opens and Bridgette stands there. She looks down to Haytham and it takes her a second to recognise him.
“Oh, Haytham my dear boy. What are you doing here?” Bridgette asks sweetly.
“Is Shay about?” He responds softly.
She shakes her head. “Oh. No sorry, dear. He’s at the docks with Liam and his father.”
“Thank you, miss.”
Haytham goes to run off but he stops at the top of the stairs and quickly turns around. He holds out the tin of tea for Bridgette.
“I noticed you ran out of tea yesterday. So, I brought you some more,” Haytham offers with a shy smile. “It’s from London.”
This gets a hearty laugh from the old woman. One that has Haytham’s heart swelling. She takes the tea and looks at the patterns on the tin. It’s a lovely pattern of flowers and plants. Something often seen in London in the high class stores.
“Oh, this is lovely. Thank you, Haytham,” she says with a wide smile. “You truly shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted to,” he interjects. “But I best be off now ma’am. I don’t want to be late to catch, Shay.”
“Be well!”
With the goodbye, Haytham is rushing down the stairs and out the building. Without even thinking he begins sprinting to the docks. He doesn’t want to miss Shay. His feet move quicker than his body at times and he almost slips over while weaving in between people on the street. Last thing he wants to do his get his fine clothes dirty.
When he arrives at the docks, he doesn’t spot the Irish boy straight away. There’s quite a crowd on the Greenwich docks today and it seems as if everyone has decided to be out. Haytham pushes and shoves through people to try and get a better look but, everywhere he goes there’s no sign of Shay nor Liam.
It begins to worry him. Last thing he wants is to get lost in a place like this. He must admit it isn’t entirely all that smart to come out here alone and he was hardly thinking. He blushes when he realizes all he was thinking of was Shay. He rubs a hand over his face, hoping to wash away the red.
Haytham grunts as he runs into a crate near the docks, his right arm now aching where the edges of the wood dug in. He rubs it as he glares at the crate, swearing it off in his head. But in the midst of his frustration, an idea comes along. He can get a better view from up there. With a huff, he pulls himself up on the crate and is looking about the docks from a new found height. Up here, he can see everyone. What they’re doing, who they’re talking with and much more.
He spots Liam first. Next to a small, docked ship that looks a bit battered around the edges. His bald head tall over others. Hard to miss such a man like him. If Liam is there, then Shay should be as well.
Haytham hops off the crate and begins pushing his way towards the direction of Liam. He just hopes that he doesn’t move on and such.
Yet, the closer Haytham gets, the louder yelling becomes.
“This ain’t your dock, O’Brien!” Another man shouts back.
“I know it ain’t mine but you’re interrupting our flow of traffic here!” The young irish man seethes back, his voice raising with each word.
“Bah! We are merely using the dock as it’s intended to,” the other man exclaims as he gestures up and down the walkway with two hands. “We can dock our ship here because we paid for it!”
Liam swings and lands the first punch. The sound of fist striking jaw is loud enough that it has Haytham’s own jaw hurting. Then, chaos reigns. Men shout, more fists are thrown.
Haytham becomes caught in the middle of it as both sides of this fight come head on. The boy is pushed aside to the edge of the dock. His foot slips and he nearly falls ass over head. He flails his arms about like some blabbering chicken when someone grabs the front of his vest.
Shay holds onto with both hands, straining as he has to use his entire body weight to hold Haytham up. It always feels like this Irish boy pops out of nowhere. Haytham laughs out a smile as Shay gives a strained one back. It’s a balancing act and Haytham doesn’t know how much longer Shay can keep this up.
“What are you doing here?” Shay wheezes out.
“I came to find you,” Haytham says truthfully.
Shay’s eyes widen something soft, his ears turning a bright red. He tries to pull Haytham up, but from behind a sailor is pushed their way. The sailor knocks into Shay, tipping the balancing act and sending both boys into the drink. Shay lands on Haytham heavily in the water, his elbow digging into his hip.
Haytham gasps to the surface and Shay follows too long after. The fighting ensues up on the dock and Haytham can’t help but laugh. What on earth was Liam thinking. He looks to Shay who has the widest grin on his face. His hair sticks to his face, showing just how long it is.
“What was going on?” Haytham asks.
Shay flicks his hair from his face with a small grunt. “I’ll tell you when we get out.” He looks up to the dock. “And I guess once they’ve all settled down.”
“Okay,” Haytham nods as he begins swimming.
Once out of the water, soaking wet and dripping all over the docks, the boys watch from a far as red coats break up the fighting. Some red coats get punched in the process and dragged into the fight. A gun shot rings out, a bullet being fired into the air and the chaos stops. Men flee that aren’t in cuffs and some even dive into the water and begin swimming away.
On a dock across from the fighting, Haytham and Shay sit on the edge, dangling their feet over the water. Liam is nowhere to be seen within the crowd as sailors are arrested for public disturbance and violence on the street. He must of run off somewhere. Lucky bastard.  
“So, why was Liam fighting?” Haytham asks without taking his eyes off the crowd.
Shay wrings his shirt of water the best he can as he answers back, “Liam’s father, good man… I think. His crew like to pick fights for the crew that shares that dock. British. But like, stupid British if you get my meaning.”
Haytham nods, not being offended at the slightest.
 “I don’t see the fuss in it all when they can just move out of each other’s way. But Liam has become caught in the middle and for some reason, he shares the same hatred towards the other’s crew.”
“Oh. It’s a, ‘oh you hate him so I must hate him as well, even though I don’t know why,’ type of thing,” Haytham mocks.
Shay chuckles brightly, “Yeah!”
This has a laugh from Haytham has well. Something so innocent. But, after a few passing moments, Haytham groans into his hands.
“I can’t go home like this,” the British boy grumbles.
So much for his clothes.
“Like what?” Shay asks a little oblivious.
Haytham stands as he gestures to himself. “Like this. A soaked rat!”
Shay looks the other up and down with a little, “Ooh.”
“Can’t you sneak in?” Shay asks with a cocked eyebrow.
Haytham only shakes his head. “I won’t make it as far as the front desk.”
“What if, I try?” The irishboy grins from ear to ear.
He stands up as well as he pushes his long shaggy locks out of his face. Haytham only stares at him with furrowed brows. He doesn’t think that would work.
“You?” Haytham asks.
Shay nods. “I’m the sneakiest boy you’ve ever known!”
“I don’t know many people.”
Shay slaps his chest with a loud, “Exactly!”
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created to enjoy good indie games doomed to forever be haunted by a fucking ubisoft character
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teecupangel · 2 years
Hi there, Alamut!Bonnie with non-Alamut question here. If Lucy wasn't killed when she was, and reported the oncoming Catastrophe to Templars, do you think they would have thrown in their lot to help access the Temple, or tried to turn it into opportunity that grab more influence?
Alamut!Nonny! It's nice to hear/read from you again!
Oh man. I read this one and my brain immediately went "HEY, LISTEN!" so buckle up 'cause this is half-me rambling on how it could work and half-actual short fic. (with my personal headcanon at the bottom)
First of all, we'll have to look over what needs to change so that Lucy isn't killed in the end. For this one, do we go for:
Desmond manages to fight off Juno's control
Desmond still stabs Lucy but she survives (the others managed to administer first aid and get her to a hospital perhaps? Maybe Desmond manages to resist just enough to hit her somewhere less fatal?)
Either way, I personally think we should still put Desmond in a coma because:
Desmond fighting Juno/the Apple is canon, whether he wins or not doesn't change that fact
AC Revelations deserve to exist for Clay, Ezio, and Altaïr
Desmond learns of the Grand Temple because of Tinia's message that Ezio got from Altaïr's last memory seal
(Altaïr is my blorbo and I will find ways to throw him into anything I write regardless of what it is, no, I am not sorry)
Lucy's survival will have a butterfly effect, that's for sure.
For one, everyone will be wondering why the hell Desmond just tried to kill Lucy? Was he being controlled? Did he learn something?
And Bill will step in because Desmond is in a coma, the leader of their cell was just targeted by his son and something fishy is going on, that's for damn sure.
And the target of his suspicion is Lucy.
Rebecca and Shaun will side with Lucy, of course, because they've known her for a while.
Bill will not.
Bill will remember Daniel Cross. Of how Abstergo managed to use him as a sleeper agent and how the carefully built foundations of the Modern Brotherhood collapsed because of everything Daniel Cross gave Abstergo after killing the last mentor.
Bill was there. Bill lost so many people during the Great Purge. Friends, allies, colleagues. Every day, he would look at his phone and try to tell himself that his wife hasn't called him meant that the Farm was safe.
That Desmond was safe.
But, now, Desmond is in a coma after trying to kill Lucy.
Was it the Apple? Was it Desmond himself?
Regardless of which is true, Bill knows what must be done.
Lucy is kept in a locked room. No windows, nothing in the room itself that could be used to escape or worse. She is stripped of all her gadgets and her clothes are replaced with a hospital gown that they stole on the way.
Rebecca and Shaun will protest, of course. So Bill issues them an order.
Find out if Lucy Stillman has been compromised.
But Bill doesn't end it there. He calls an Assassin he trusted more than anybody else. He calls up Gavin Banks and orders his crew to do the same.
And he adds another order.
Find out if Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings have been compromised as well.
Rebecca and Shaun try to prove her innocence but they're not stupid. They start seeing the inconsistencies. They start seeing information Lucy kept from her reports.
They start to think that there's more to Clay's death than what Lucy wrote in her report.
And then...
They find out the emails she sent to Vidic with the fake William Miles email address.
Shaun is the one who tries to say it must be a mistake, maybe Lucy got duped by similar email addresses. Rebecca is the one who doesn't believe that because they both know Lucy isn't that stupid. The timestamps made it clear that Lucy was in contact with both email addresses at the same time.
It's not a smoking gun.
But it's damning enough. And they're both loyal to the Brotherhood enough to present it to Bill.
Gavin and his crews find more evidence. More inconsistencies.
Not with Shaun and Rebecca, of course. (Although, the number of crazy conspiracies Shaun has written was a bit worrying.)
All of these were to Lucy alone.
Everything they find points at one thing.
Lucy Stillman is a traitor.
So when Bill interrogates Lucy with Rebecca, Shaun and the entirety of Gavin's crew listening in, they're not surprised when Lucy finally admits it. Shaun and Rebecca don't want to believe it but they also know they need to face the truth.
Lucy betrayed them all.
Against everything they got, Lucy has no other choice but to admit it.
She will try to deny at first, of course, but the isolation made her realize something important.
Everyone is ignoring the most important thing right now:
The impending catastrophe that destroyed a civilization more advanced than they were right now.
So she pleads with Bill and tells him that, right now, the best chance they all have of saving the world is to join forces. To use Abstergo's resources to find whatever it is that Minerva wanted Desmond to find.
The supposed Temples...
That's when Bill reminds her.
"You already told Vidic about it, didn't you? About Minerva's warning to Desmond. So..."
"Why hasn't the Templars done anything? Why hasn't the Templars reach out to us by using you?"
That makes Lucy pause.
Why haven't they?
Lucy did manage to send word to Vidic beforehand about Minerva's warning and they took pictures of everything Clay drew and wrote before he died. Someone must be in charge of checking what they all mean.
So... the Templars must have known. Must have had an idea of what was going to happen.
Even before Lucy sent them Minerva's message to Desmond.
So why haven't they done anything?
Someone might say that maybe they're doing something. Maybe they're racing to find POEs that would save the world.
Maybe they never bothered to suggest a truce with the Assassins because they knew the Assassins would never agree to it. Not after everything that had happened in the past years. Not after the Great Purge.
At this point, there will be a debate among everyone who heard Lucy's interrogation. Some will argue that a truce could be possible, that they should try for the sake of the world. Another side would focus on everything Abstergo (and the Templars) had done and how they cannot be trusted.
And that's when Desmond will wake up and tell them about the Grand Temple.
====== Ending Rambling ======
Yeah, I'm 'ending' it there. Sorry? XD
But here are some of my notes concerning Abstergo and how possible this what-if scenario is (headcanon-wise).
First of all: there's no way the Templars don't know about the Catastrophe. At the very least, they should have an idea about it and, with the lax security Desmond's cell had considering Lucy is in charge of it, Lucy had ample time in AC: Brotherhood to send them a message.
This email pretty much tell us that Vidic (and the Templars) did know about it. (from AC wiki)
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They had 'suspicions for years' and they had 'decades'. Whether they knew the entire sun going whoosh at them, that's debatable but they knew that something big and dangerous is going to happen on Dec 21 2022. The short amount of time left implies that (or, to be a devil's advocate in my own writing, it could actually pertain to the deadline that Rikkin gave Vidic in AC1 XD)
This means that they kept it a secret for a reason.
The Templars want total control of the world for different reasons. Some like the Borgias wanted it because they believed it was their birthright or because they wanted power/riches. Others like Sofia Rikkin believe in the Templar cause because they believe humanity is imperfect and that imperfection must be changed so that the world could achieve true everlasting peace. Others like Robert de Sablé and Haytham Kenway pushed for control because they believed that humanity needs to be controlled as they are too stupid or powerless on their own. Then there are those like Berg and Cross who had no choice but to join and stay with the Templars for personal reasons (Berg's daughter, Cross' brainwashing and dependency on the Animus to keep his mind intact, etc)
The Templars as they are now, as Abstergo, are united by their desire for control and to profit from it but their reasoning behind that desire vary depending on the person.
However, all of them are under the Inner Sanctum. The Inner Sanctum has the final say in Templar (and Abstergo) activities.
And you know who is a member of the Inner Sanctum?
Warren Vidic.
The same Vidic who sent the email above to Lucy just weeks before the incident with Juno.
The same Vidic who told Desmond in AC1 that he agreed with the Assassins' way of killing a few evil people to save thousands but believed that they didn't go far enough and that the entire human race needs to be 're-educated'.
This meant that Vidic did everything in AC3 knowing that the world would end on December 21. He would rather spend months searching for Desmond than suggest a truce between their two warring factions.
And the other members of the Inner Sanctum either supported him (Rikkin and Cross) or did not make any attempts to stop him.
When you asked if they would help the Assasins or not?
Honestly, they could have had. Lucy didn't need to survive for that. She already gave them enough inside information about what's going to happen.
And they still decided to continue this whole Assassins versus Templars.
My best guess is that they already had a plan in motion and the Assassins weren't needed in it or would not agree with the plan.
Either their 'The Eye' project (not the Isu's The Eye) where they shoot out an Apple to space was not just meant to 'reprogram humanity' but also provide some kind of protection (kinda like how Abbas in AC Revelations got the Apple to send out waves of energy every few seconds that will throw Altaïr off)
There was already an alternative plan that didn't involve any POE at all. A plan that will not save the world but will let them (and their 'chosen people') survive the catastrophe. In the same way Minerva and Juno informed Desmond that the Grand Temple can protect them from it and how there will be other people who survived too in their 'alternate future', it's highly plausible that Abstergo also had a similar idea. Bunkers perhaps or they may use Temples they already have under their 'protection'. Something that would keep them safe from the sun and help them survive the aftermath.
Either way, the Templars would have never joined forces with the Assassins to save the world. Warren Vidic's actions from AC1 to AC3 showed where the Templars stand in that scenario.
... Unless... someone in the Inner Sanctum says "fuck Vidic and fuck this shit" and go behind the other Inner Sanctum members' back to contact the Assassins.
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cozage · 11 months
Your current Ace fics have me craving domestic bliss! Could you do an ace x fem!reader where their baby is getting vaccines and poor ace is just falling apart and Marco and reader are trying to comfort the baby and ace
OH Domestic bliss indeed. This is a great comfort moment in the midst of all the angst. Characters: Ace x fem reader Cw: vaccinations, needles, and clinics. Total word count: 1.3k
“Ace, please-”
“I’m just saying she doesn’t look good!” He argued. “We can always hold off another day! What if the vaccines just make her body exhausted and she gets more sick?”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s not how vaccines work.”
“I’m just looking out for her!”
You shot him a look as the two of you entered into the clinic. “Rogue is fine, Ace. Just behave, or I’ll ask Marco about your vaccine updates too.”
Ace’s eyes got wide and he nodded, keeping his mouth shut as the two of you walked into the small waiting room. You knew it was unfair to threaten him with vaccinations. He was terrified of needles. But this was going to be hard enough with one crybaby. You didn’t need two of them. 
“Marco!” you called back to him. “We’re here!”
“Come on back!” he called, and the three of you went back to the small examination room. 
Marco’s eyes lit up when you walked in holding your baby. 
“There she is,” he cooed, reaching out to take her from you. “How is my little princess?”
“She didn’t sleep great last night,” you admitted, handing her off easily. “She’s been pretty fussy the past few days.”
Marco held Rogue up, making faces and funny sounds to get her laughing. She instantly obliged, giggling and shrieking with joy. 
You smiled watching the two play together. “You’re so good with her,” you said. “How do you do it?”
“It’s the hair,” Ace joked, still standing in the doorway. He refused to come in any further than that. 
You laughed at his cheap shot and beckoned him over to you. You knew clinics were scary for Ace, but this was Marco. He was one of the most trustworthy people on the ship. 
Ace came reluctantly, and you interlaced your fingers with his to give him support. You could feel him relax just a bit, which made you feel a bit better. 
“Alright,” Marco said, finally bringing Rogue back down onto his lap. “6 month check up, right? And vaccinations. Anything else?”
“Check to see if she’s sick first-” Ace started, but quickly grew quiet when you squeezed his hand. 
“Right, right,” Marco said, pulling out his stethoscope. “Mom, I’m gonna have you take the baby back if that’s okay. I think she’ll respond best if she’s in your hands.”
“Sure,” you said, unclasping your hand from Ace’s and reaching for Rogue. You scooped her up and blew a raspberry at her, causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles. 
“Ah, she likes that, huh?” Marco grinned. 
“It’s her new favorite thing.” You sat on the cold examination table and plopped Rogue in your lap. 
Ace was still awkwardly standing in the middle of the room where you had left him. You beckoned him over once again, but this time he looked around nervously, refusing to join you. 
“Ace,” you said gently. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I think maybe we should wait on the vaccinations,” Ace said, looking at Rogue with a concerned gaze. 
“She’ll be okay,” you said, waving your hand again to try and get him to join you. 
“She probably won’t even feel it,” Marco agreed. “The cold stethoscope will be more jarring for her than the vaccines.”
“I just think-”
“Ace.” Your voice wasn’t hostile, but it was stern. The two of you had talked about this. You lived on a giant ship in the middle of the sea with hundreds of other pirates. Rogue needed her vaccines. 
“One day isn’t going to make a big difference,” Ace argued. 
“Exactly,” you said back. “Which is why we’re doing them today.”
Marco watched the two of you with an amused look. It was clear to him you both had had this discussion several times already. 
“Why don’t we do the exam first, just to make sure everything is okay,” Marco offered. 
Ace seemed to be okay with that, and finally joined you all at the exam table. 
Marco put his stethoscope up over his ears and held the other part out as you raised Rogue’s shirt. He tickled her stomach a few times to get her smiling, and you could see Ace relax a little bit in the corner of your eye. 
Ace was always at such ease when Rogue was smiling. His emotions seemed to be an amplified version of whatever she was feeling. When she couldn’t sleep well, he tossed and turned in your bed. Whenever she cried, it took him hours to calm down. He was so in tune to your all’s daughter that you were almost jealous. 
“Do you want to listen?” Marco asked, looking to Ace.
“Me?” Ace asked. “Oh..oh no, I couldn’t.”
“Go ahead.” Marco handed off the stethoscope to his fellow commander, and you saw Ace actually smile for the first time today as he listened to his daughter’s heartbeat. 
“Now we’re going to check her ears, nose, and throat.” Marco took back his stethoscope and pulled out another piece of equipment, showing Ace how it worked and allowing him to look when he could. 
“Just about everything looks good,” Marco said, rolling back to his desk on his stool to make some notes. 
“Just about?” you and Ace asked in synchronicity. Your grip involuntarily tightened around your daughter, concerned by Marco’s words.
“She’s got a minor ear infection.” Marco grabbed a small container from a cabinet and rolled back to you. “Put two drops of this in her left ear every morning and every night for a week. It’s nothing to be concerned about, I promise.”
You nodded and took the ear medication, but Ace looked like he was going to be sick. 
“What if it gets worse?” He asked. You could hear his breathing start to grow more rapid. 
“Then come see me, man.” Marco laughed and patted Ace on the shoulder. “You guys know your kid, and you know you can come see me anytime. But it’s minor. It would probably go away on its own, but we want to keep the little princess as comfortable as possible, right?”
“Right,” Ace agreed, but you could see his mind was racing with worst-case scenarios already. 
“Now for the not-so-fun part,” Marco said, opening a drawer and grabbing three containers and three needles. He smiled at your child in your lap. “Ready, Roguey?”
Ace looked panicked. “Marco, if she’s sick-”
“Won’t harm her at all,” Marco hummed, opening the sterile packaging and filling the needle with the first vaccination. 
“But if she’s already in pain-”
You reached your hand out and grabbed Ace’s, holding it tightly. He finally resigned himself to being the minority in this argument, and grew quiet. 
“Roguey, Roguey,” Marco sang, poking at her body with his finger and making her giggle. He continued to give her funny faces and sing to her, and then quickly slid the needle under her skin and pushed the vaccine into her system. 
Rogue stiffened in your lap for a moment, and you braced yourself for her tears, but Marco continued to sing and poke at her body, and she quickly forgot about whatever strange sensation she had just felt. 
Marco administered the second and third vaccine in a very similar way, keeping her so occupied she wasn’t even sure what had happened. When it was all over, he placed a hot pink bandage across her arm and nodded in satisfaction. 
“You’re girl is a total badass,” Marco said. “Normally the kids start crying by the second one, but look at that. No tears here.”
“I think Ace is crying enough for both of them,” you grumbled, but you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. 
Ace hastily wiped his tears from his eyes and shook his head. “I’m not crying!” he said, though his voice was watery. “She did so well! I’m proud, that’s all.”
“Yeah well,” Marco winked at Rogue, a big smile on his face. “That’s what happens when you have two badass parents.”
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wangxianficfinder · 28 days
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In the mood for...
Aug 26th
1. hi, this is for itmf! pls rec me trans wangxian fics :3c no modern au tho pls, thank you!!
In Reflection, Truth by Shadaras (T, 55k, WangXian, WWX is summoned into a woman’s body, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Gore, this is a story about being transgender, Dysphoria, Misogynistic Slurs, Ableist Language, it’s not slow burn if it’s going to be faster than canon, Trans Male Character, Trans wish fulfillment, Canon Divergence - Yunmeng Brothers Have A Real Conversation) has wwx reincarnated as a women and trans!lwj if i remember correctly
You might be able to find a few in our Trans Wangxian Compilation
The waters and the wild by SecretStorm (T, 62k, WIP, WangXian, Alternate Universe, Fairy Tale Elements, Pied Piper WWX, Trans LWJ, Many juniors, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Kid Fic, Sexual Tension) It's a wip that hasn't been updated in a few years, but really good! Trans LWJ in a canon-adjacent setting.
try author 🔒withbroombefore; they write a bunch of canon-era trans lan zhan and it's all *really good*
🔒 Water Sweeter by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 8k, WangXian, Historical, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Some kind of fairy or spirit or something LWJ, Intersex LWJ, Intersex Character, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Thirst Trap WWX, Topping from the Bottom, WWX’s Canonical Cottage-core Fantasy, First Time, Domestic Fluff, Vaginal Sex)
hold her where you want her by damnslippyplanet (E, 6k, WangXian, Gender Changes, Trans Female LWJ, Female WWX, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
scarcely trust my candid heart by Deastar (E, 6k, WangXian, A/B/O, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Beta/Beta, Demisexual LWJ, Trans WWX, Fluff and Smut, Female WangXian, Partial Cisswap, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, poor LQR is just trying to be a supportive ace elder and doing a great job actually, too bad it goes right over his niece's head)
you can always find me here by ScarlettStorm (E, 15k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Genderswap, Cisswap, yes it's BOTH, trans woman LWJ, cis woman WWX, they're lesbians harold, the excuciating beauty of night hunting with your bestie, who you're very much in love with, and hoping they love you back, (spoiler: they do), First Time, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, gratuitous descriptions of summer weather)
2. Hi! This is for ITMF. I want a semi-serious (?) And slice-of-life fic. I dont know how to explain it. Just an example like WWX in his yiling laozu ers tells people in yiling that that person who sells talisman from yiling laozu is a fraud. And then it snowballed to people ask his service to banish monster or something and WWX reputation gets better. But the story focus on WWX everyday life like he make new inventation or trying to describe his cultivation. An example maybe something like Just as the Snow Melts by draechaeli or if a modern fic it is something like I Don't Want to Debut! By countingcr0ws or Anything For Wei Ying by panda_desu. Thanks! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Grave dirt by esama (T, 92k, WangXian, canon divergence, yiling wei sect au, demonic cultivation, farming, found family, pre-slash, politics, fix-it of sorts) is one that focuses on basically the life in burial mounds
🔒 the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 93k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, /Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Disability, Scheming NHS, Disabled Character)
3. Hii!! for the next itmf can I please request some dark lwj?? sugar daddy vibes or just possessive lwj? i read a few mafia fics and I'm craving this trope a bit more now .thank you!!!
🔒 At heart by apathyinreverie (M, 36k, WangXian, WIP, Dark LWJ(Ish), Amnesia, WWX gets to be Not Okay after the BM, Hurt WWX, Recovery, Caring, Protective LWJ, Possessive LWJ, some definite manipulation, but not everything is as it seems, not nearly as dark as the tags make it sound, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Revea, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, kind of, Domestic WangXian, Fluff, WWX Goes to Gusu, Possessive WWX, WWX happily atticwifing away, Sunshot Campaign, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ)
🔒 As good as by apathyinreverie (T, 6k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, not a good uncle LQR story, but also not not?, Golden Core Reveal, Kind Of, Golden Core Fix-It, Also kind of, Addiction, Manipulation, not between wangxian, just...War politics, Sunshot Campaign, Not As Dark As The Tags Make It Sound, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ, Tired WWX, Genius WWX, Dual Cultivation, LQR is too old for teenage drama, Developing Relationship)
golden when the day met the night by glitteringmoonlight (Not rated, 95k, slow burn, sugar daddy LWJ, light, angst, fluff, developing relationship, eventual smut, WIP)
4. Hi! For any future I'm In The Mood For, i'm looking for Wangxian fics that are cozy, like being wrapped up in a warm hug. @emrinalex
crystalized by gusuvibes (M, 25k, WangXian, Modern, Bakery, Pining, Getting Together, Baker LWJ, Nurse WWX, OYZZ in a STARRING ROLE, Bunnies With Bad Names, Elaborate Descriptions of Delicious Baked Goods, Frottage, Eventual Smut, Sexy, Baking, Time) is all cafe, cakes and kisses
🔒 and in the spring i shed my skin by wvlfqveen (T, 11k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Professors, Shapeshifter LWJ, Not Quite Necromancer WWX, Mutual Pining, WWX being an oblivious idiot, Fluff, Love Confessions, yunmeng trio, Family Feels, get JC therapy 2020, Kissing)
i’ll have you and you’ll have me by sundiscus (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, fluff with a sprinkling of angst (for flavor), Podfic Available)
Love Cats by so_shhy series (T, 14k, WangXian, Modern, Meet-Cute, Fluff, WWX is wet and adorable in a tree, With a Cat, LWJ had no chance, Don't Try This At Home, First Dates, LWJ likes ducks, WWX does not like dogs, They just have a nice date, picnic dates, Falling In Love, LWJ is briefly less than graceful, there is a spider, but like barely there and totally harmless, LWJ Loves Rabbits, Office Party, LXC is a Good Big Brother, WWX is an excellent boyfriend, POV Outsider, they are in love the world is full of joy, Everything is Beautiful except for baby coots)
The Late Great Custody Debate by stiltonbasket (G, 9k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, LXC/NMJ, JC & WWX & JYL, modern, Domestic Fluff, baby a-yuan, Single Parent WWX, LWJ is a confused rabbit owner, nielan are married, nhs is: xoxo gossip girl, Custody Arrangements, engagement, Confused WWX, WWX voice: if i’m the one with the kid why are you suing ME for child support?, LWJ kills his own love life in the worst way, Happy Ending)
Pigtail Pulling by protos_metazu_ison (G, 3k, WangXian, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans)
Just Say Yes Series by edenwolfie (T/M, 338k, WangXian, Matchmaking, Pining, Getting Together, Canon Divergence, POV Alternating, Fluff, First Kiss, Declarations Of Love, Humor, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Good Uncle LQR, Engagement, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It)
🔒 yearned for by spookykingdomstarlight (G, 3k, WangXian, LXC & LWJ, Future Fic, Pining, Rabbits, Fluff, Kissing, Family)
If your heart is in your dream (No request is too extreme) by Spodumene (G, 1k, WangXIan, LWJ's Birthday, Fluff, Modern Setting)
Oh, your love is sunlight by feyburner (M, 9k, WangXian, Drabble Collection, Tags specified in each chapter, But it's all pretty soft and goofy)
5. I love your blog so much! It helps me find fics i sometimes unknowingly overlook, so...thank you so much! Itmf fics in Lan Wangji's POV, any AU works but if its canonverse, may I request it be novel or donghua canon please? Also have another request for wangxian recs...jealous Lan Wangji because Lan Xichen flirted with/dated/fucked Wei Wuxian in the past (could be a rumour but I'd prefer him to have heard/seen it happen and decide he wants Wei Wuxian for himself)...any AU!
🔒 The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide) Retelling of the novel from LWJ's pov
6. hii this is for itmf!! modern au or not but just anything where wwx gets pregnant with lwj's child and runs away for whatever reason without lwj knowing that they have a child together and then years after they will have a reunion and the big reveal. I just love tropes like this and idk what tags i have to place to get these results (so if anyone can kindly guide me on what tags are the best to look for these fics, i will be so grateful!!) Thank you!!!
The Winner Takes It All by YilingSani (M, 46k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, Old Friends, One Night Stands, No Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Forgiveness, Second Chances, Inspired by Mamma Mia! (Movies) Teen Pregnancy, Mpreg, mention of miscarriage, Birth Trauma, amniotic fluid embolism) Both feature Wei Ying leaving because he's led to believe that Lan Zhan wants nothing to do with him.
All The Years Lost by UseMyMuse (T, 26k, WangXian, Teen Pregnancy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Single Parent AU, Forced misunderstandings, Forced miscommunication, Mpreg) Both feature Wei Ying leaving because he's led to believe that Lan Zhan wants nothing to do with him.
Family Pictures (Or: “Mark Rothko is very, very dead, Wei Ying.”) by belleweather (M, 37k, WangXian, Kid Fic, Post Mpreg, Modern AU, Cindarella Story, Mistaken Identity, Mistaken for Being in a Relationship, art conservator lwj, idiot WWX, (he gets better slowly), shockingly little actual sex omg what happened to me, fake/mistaken cheating, no actual infidelity)
Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink)
7. Hello, for itmf id like ask for work in modern premises where lxc and others accidentally or semi intentionally killed wwx and conspired to never talk about it. Lwj is relentless in searching for wwx. Canon period is ok if there is no canon conflict as the reason @best-before-end
8. Hi! For the ITMF, I wanted to ask if there are any fics where WWX died at the end of the war? I don't know if it's hc or canon but I keep having the thought that he didn't expect to survive the war without a core. I was wondering how it would have been if WWX over did it or something and died. I'm looking specifically for him dying at the end when the sun shot campaign isn't hindered by it, I suppose. Thanks to everyone in advance! @hikato-chan
9. heyo! can you rec me a canon compliant/canon divergence wangxian fic that
A) has one of them explore his sexuality, identity, all that good stuff
B) has both of them explore the above together
basically i just want fics where wangxian explores and accepts their own queerness and sexualities and it's a verh lovely time, hehe
10. Itmf fics that highlight how sweet wen ning is, and his friendship with wwx. (Also any sweet-yet-badass wen ning stories, esp if wen ning gets the recognition he deserves, with a good title/respect etc.)
11. For the next imtf, can you recommend me some of your favorite non English FFs on Ao3
I’m sorry, Good bye by NHaraki (M, 35k, WWX/WRH, WIP, Jiang Family Bashing, Time Travel Fix-It, YZY Bashing) I translated it via Google Chrome and it was fine. It's an WWX/WRH fic where WWX returns to his childhood after the Siege. Stuff happens, YZY throws him into the burial mounts and WRH finds him. It's a lot of healing and hiding WWX. Found family. WC is raised better. It's adorable
12. I recently finished reading a wangxian fic told from Jingyi's POV and in that post-canon fic, everyone loves and lusts for wei wuxian to the point many believe its not even possible for his original body to have been better in terms of attractiveness. So itmf of wangxian fics with like...sorta similar premise in the way everyone loves/lusts for/is awed by wei wuxian to the point of hero-worshipping/using him as a standard for future spouse, etc. Lots of wei wuxian swooning and sighing about not finding someone better than him and so on please!
13. any truth spell/potion fics for itmf? as long as it’s not a sad ending i’m game for anything involving the truth being revealed in some manner like this!
🔒 in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 56k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Cloud Recesses, LWJ & NHS Friendship, Developing Relationship, POV LWJ, Minor Injuries, Autistic LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, aka the Madam Yu warning, Genius WWX, Light Angst And Hurt/Comfort, WWX Protection Squad, Gusu Lan Sect, Slow Burn, Protective LWJ, LWJ-centric) is not quite the ask but its about lwj who can tell lie apart from truth because of a spell his mother gave him
the breaking of your soul (upon my lips) by sunsandships (M, 40k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Mutual Pining, Golden Core Reveal, Happy Ending) Not sure if these fit for 13, but Wei Wing develops a talisman to trace curses back to their caster
The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts) Not sure if these fit for 13, but Wei Wing develops a talisman to trace curses back to their caster
when you’re doing all the leaving (then it’s never your love lost) by tardigradeschool (T, 26k, wangxian, canon divergence, hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, sharing clothes, sharing a bed, fix-it, golden core transfer) Not sure if these fit for 13, but Wei Wing develops a talisman to trace curses back to their caster
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 65k, WRH & WWX, wangxian, WN & WWX, Wen WWX, abuse, whipping, manipulations, smart WWX, possessive behavior, implied/Referenced rape/non-con, past rape/non-con, WIP) Wei Ying develops a way to show blood relations/family members
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 138k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) Wei Ying develops a way to show blood relations/family members
Debts of a Child Part 2 by Hauntcats (M, 111k, WangXian, YZY Bashing, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Angst and Feels, lots of anger, JC Bashing, not Jiang friendly, Angst with a Happy Ending, Content warning for icky spiders in later chapters., hurt no comfort for Jiang siblings.) Wei Ying develops a way to show blood relations/family members
🔒 this body yet survives by RoseThorne (T, 57k, WangXian, WIP, No War AU, Recovery, Trauma, Dissociation, Courtship, Courting Rituals, Near Death Experiences, Attempted Murder, Eventual Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Vomiting, Siblings, Protective Siblings, Soup, Triggers, Protective LWJ, Protective LQR, Yúnmèng Siblings Dynamics, Bad Parent YZY, POV Third Person, POV LWJ, reference to poisoning, reference to assassination, Reference to chronic illness, reference to infanticide, Depression, Minor Injuries, Painting, Gift Giving, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Good Sibling JC, Good Sibling JYL, BAMF WWX,, Jealous SS, WWX Protection Squad) Wei Ying develops a way to show blood relations/family members
14. Looking for a fic where it’s like “we just did something super duper gay what happened”
15. I always see fics about people falling for lan wangji’s cold beauty but for the next itmf, do you have any fics for people are crushing on wei wuxian for his looks or charms? it can be existing characters or ocs, idm!
Endgame wangxian though, please!
16. Hello! ITMF Jin Guangshan surviving until Wei Wuxian comes back to life, so that Wei Wuxian can take revenge/get justice from Jin Guangshan himself. Thank you!
17. Based on one of Kay's commentaries on a fic rec, I was wondering if anyone had any fics that put Wei Wuxian through an "emotional blender" lmao.
Silenced by Tasharene (M, 63k, WangXian, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Temporary Blindness, Aversion to touch, Fear of crowds, Panic Attacks, Post-Canon, WWX Whump, Hurt WWX, Whump, Angst with a Happy Ending, world-class troll LXC, see the archive Warnings BEFORE you accuse me of not tagging things!!!) warning- ALOT of angst like alot lot but its a happy ending
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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spacedace · 2 years
I've been working on a dp x dc fic that has rather quickly become the home of the "Jazz is Gotham's Favorite Psychiatrist" au I posted about a few days ago and I've just really fell in love with the idea of Queer Platonic Murder Gremlins Damian & Dani/Elle being absolute terrors to their family and deciding to get married when they turn 18 for the sake of avoiding various people trying to date/marry them to get to their family's respective shit (the Wayne's money & social standing in Gotham as billionaire socialites, the Nightingale's massive power and influence over the Infinite Realms as the royal family).
Damien casually mentions he and his demon beastie Elle got married the day before without even glancing up from his food and completely derailing what was actually turning out to be a pretty calm family dinner for once. His siblings are losing their shit because what the fuck Damian, Bruce is having a crisis - he didn’t even know they were dating??? And he just found out Elle's sister/guardian is the mysterious doctor that he thinks is making some of his rogues disappear??? Damian didn’t even invite them to the wedding has he completely failed as a father?? - meanwhile Alfred is just there knowing full well that the two kids are little Aro/Ace menaces - he bought them each their first Ace ring for Pride this year he knows what's up - and deciding "actually I have something to do in the kitchen" and letting the chaos reign.
The Nightingales are fully aware of what's up (Danny was the one who had to do the presiding over everything in the Ghost Zone side of things and Jazz is a notary on top of everything else and signed off on all the paperwork on the human side) and are just enjoying all the various entities that were pushing for an arranged marriage between themselves and Elle for power or whatever bullshit having hissy fits over losing to some human kid. They're especially having fun not telling Constantine the specifics of the whole thing and letting him sweat it out over the fact that the Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms apparently just married the "Demon Heir" whoever in - literal - hell that is and she now is in possession of all his soul contracts.
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polaris-likethestar · 20 days
sexuality hc for some of the xmen<3
(note this is js my personal opinion kinda just a joke tbh its meant for my fanfictions like how i write them/their ships and its not based on canon soooo yeah)
logan - bi, (more into guys), i think its either comic canon or basically canon idk
charles - pan, (more into guys that man flirts w/ every living walking breathing being yall cannot say hes straight idgaf
wade - pan, (more into guys) literally canon
erik - gay, yes i know he canon had a thing w/ raven. i choose to ignore that. i know he had that thing with rogue...which ew i feel like as society we moved on from that way too quick. my hc is him in the 60s had interalized homophobia so therefore all the straight sex and his kids who he adores:)
scott - bi, (slightly more into girls) bc thats js the vibe i got idk, and trans ftm, idk i just wrote a fanfic with him once and thats kinda how it ended up going, go argue with the wall
raven - bi, (more into girls) she's canon into guys and girls soooo yeah
emma - lesbian, no u cant chnage my mind
lorna - bi, (slightly more into girls) bc vibes okay im bad at explaining things
gambit - pan, (equally into both) idk i js love that for him alright
rogue - pan, (more into guys) and in non-powered fics/hcs shes ace to me to kinda coinside with her in powered fics/hcs
bobby - gay, literally canon so yeah
john - also gay, no real explanation just gay
peter - bi, (more into guys) a good portion of the tumblr fandom agrees soooo
alex - bi, (slightly more into girls) idk it fits okay
(also logan, wade, scott, gambit and emma are poly but sometimes i'd write individual ships)
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