#hc time :)
lyrichi · 2 months
mc: you remind me of that one mean girls song...
mammon, side eyeing mc: ......which one..?
mc: oh shit what's the name of it.. Uh... da-da-da-da-da -- stupid with- Stupid with love!
mammon, offended: I- no- how dare you compare me with Cady-
mc: it's cause your stupid and in love
mammon: what??
mc, dramatically: and I'm Aaron, the camera is revolving around me
mc, being more dramatic: and then I dip you and kiss you like in that other song from the new movie
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cannibalmapleshade · 6 months
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eve, first woman
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Just imagine them out there, in the festival, running from stall to stall and competing in every little thing that comes their way. Rin has won an Iwatobi-chan plushie for Haru and on impulse, Haruka has bought enough Takoyaki to feed an army (Rin tells him that no one could eat that amount of Takoyaki and Haru only replies that he bets someone who has spent so much time abroad is now unable to handle a simple Takoyaki eating competition.)
They are just in their own world, making up for time lost by the separation of Australia, they hold hands, they watch the fireworks with the others and they end up only leaving when they realize (after finally finishing a competition in one of those fish catching games in which both have failed miserably) that their other friends have already left because it's almost time for the activities to end and the festival is now almost deserted...
They are happy.
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froganni · 3 months
For your consideration: Pearl panics when she gets cold because of lingering DL trauma. (Powdered snow, yippee!)
In Secret Life she wakes up with a start because she accidentally kicked off her blankets and woke up freezing. She goes to check on the Mounders to make sure they're still there and she's not alone.
And maybe they have a cuddle pile where she can make sure they're all warm and safe. That's all she needed really, a little warmth.
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kikimary · 2 years
Sukuna and nicknames…
Y'know, I always had this feeling that Sukuna would never call you conventionally romantic nicknames. He would never call you for things like 'honey', 'flower' or things like that, but go for more things like 'brat', 'woman', 'human', 'girl', etc. The closest thing to something affectionate could be that he calls you by your name. Make no mistake though, this man (curse? Demon? God??) let you be by his side for a reason, and while he doesn't do it in the usual way, he definitely loves you and is glad you're around in his life, even if he don't always show it. ;)
Edit: what i’m trying to say here is that he would be the literal definition of “that little bitch” (affectionate) and you would be the only one who could get the true intentions of his words
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babygirlmickey · 1 year
Hey cam ✨ today I’m thinking about prison boyfriends I&M… do you have any headcanons about their time in prison?
ohhh hi bestie! first of all im sure this has been said already but Ian was literally working in the infirmary, I am 100% certain he could have and would have stolen some lube packets at some point. the mayo thing was so foul and for WHAT. also perhaps slightly more controversial: I feel like during their prison era is probably when Mickey realized for sure he wanted to marry Ian. like yeah they gave each other a ton of shit constantly but I think coexisting like that with him even in a cell was probably the closest Mickey had been to feeling at home in a long long time. as much as it may seem like a no-brainer to us third parties, I don't think we fully appreciate what a huge sacrifice it was for Mickey to encourage Ian to try to get released before him, especially after Mickey turned himself in and got locked away specifically to be with him. and that's ANOTHER THING. I really want to know if they ever actually discussed what happened at the border & after. I think their time being literally locked in a room together could have been utilized to talk through a lot of shit they never had a chance to discuss before. at that point in canon they both owe each other a lot of apologies and explanations. I like to think they decided to put on their big boy pants and talk about their feelings before jumping right back into a relationship, y'know? maybe I just have a healthy communication kink tho. oh and on the same note, Ian definitely made sure to visit mickey every fuckin day after he got released.
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kirby-madness · 2 years
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 aw thank ya! and as for hcs yes i do! as you see i have to use this section just so i can be able to answer it in full bc hough boy. FVGBHNJ<L:> so in terms of meta knight i like to think Nightmare made him out of a need to have a weapon that is the strongest in the galaxy. so. he sought out the strongest being IN the galaxy and that being Galacta knight. and then proceeded to make a copy, and while its not as perfect its still strong on its own. that thing being Meta. for a time Meta knight did as he was told with little or no resistance. But eventually being stationed to fight along with the other monsters. But being spared by a star warrior made him start to question if they were the heroes or the villains, eventually leading to his resentment towards his creator. and eventually escaping out on his own. eventually residing in Popstar, to where he vowed to help dreamland protect itself from threats. by ANY means necessary.
He NEVER brings it up unless youre like super close and he trusts you  to tell you about this side to himself. Of course sooner or later dedede and kirby come to understand this side of him and they still care and love him no matter what
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lalasknives · 1 year
Bose is studying to be a therapist/psychologist
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missfreija · 5 months
a louis piacciono rimbaud e mallarmé
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healerelowen · 2 years
Chaoscule angst art! It’s snowing where I am right now so that’s why I made it snowy. Image under the cut!
TW: Slight injury
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‘A lonesome wanderer’
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kuschelkissen · 2 years
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OK so. Headcanon time 😁
I read this chapter recently and couldn't stop thinking about it. So it's Canon that Kansuke can cook. His red bean rice cakes are 'the best' and he got the recipe from his granny. I assume this isn't the only thing she taught him, but even if it were, I don't think they'd be 'the best' if his other cooking was shit.
We also know that Yui makes 'shitty coffee'. I'm not sure what exactly that means, maybe it's more obvious in Japanese, but it's mentioned more than once. Entering hc terrain now, but she's probably not that great of a cook then either.
And lastly we know about Taka'aki that he likes pasta (I can't recall on top of my head if it's been mentioned more than once, but it's left at least enough impact on the fans that I've seen it mentioned in several artworks/doujinshi by now 😅) and that he tends to forget the world around him once he puts on his 'thinking cap' (Kansuke's words, not mine).
So in my head we have Yui who can't cook at all and Taka'aki who can cook pasta (because it's quick and easy), but who just forgets to eat when he's too immersed in something, and we have Kansuke who takes care of both of them.
K: "Have you eaten today?"
T: "Yes."
Y: "Of course!"
K: "... something besides plain pasta and shitty coffee?"
Y/T: "..."
K: "Thought so... let's go home, I'll cook a real meal for you. You need to take better care of yourselves!!"
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ilostmycommunicator · 2 years
HC When Chrissy wants to break up with Jason because she fell for Eddie, she listens to this song on repeat!
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m00r3-starzz · 2 years
Cookies who (maybe) have hypnosis
Black pearl
Clotted cream
(Maybe cream unicorn)
Black raven cookie
@rebuilding-paradise @r0gu3f0rt-c00ki3-simp @kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares @mac-and-chihuahua
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emily-lotus · 11 months
Emily by the times she is six months into being the assistant to well...genesis lets say, she becomes his pr manager too.
Needless to say she doesn't get paid enough for that shit
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theballadofdrjekyll · 2 years
Clotted is scared of big dogs
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partypanic · 1 year
Darnold is on good terms with Gordon (not exactly friends. More like awkward friends when need be), but darnold is still semi-wary of Gordon
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