#hd bsd
tachimichishrine · 8 months
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hunting dogs x gn!barista!reader hcs
warnings: none!!
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jouno saigiku
oh dear
harasses everyone
harasses his partner
harasses his mf FOOD
by this, I mean he sends things back, not bc he isn't satisfied but bc he can
ESPECIALLY if his partner is on their shift, he'll be extra nasty
"what can I get you today, Jouno?"
"an iced coffee, with specifically 5 cubes of ice 2cm by 2cm, 1 pack sweetener, a drizzle of chocolate and 25ml of 3% milk and, oh, do you have chocolate sprinkles? yeah, I want some of that on top, add some whipped cream too and-"
orders the longest thing and then sends it back because "there were incomplete sprinkles" while staring down the barista with a huge grin
his partner is literally on the verge of breaking up with him for this
however, sometimes he gets bored of toying with them and just orders a coffee
he likes to observe people
it's kinda creepy but he'll pick a seat in the corner and listen as his partner writes down orders and smiles at other people, and then gets somewhat internally offended when they laugh at the random customer's dumb jokes
he narrows his eyes (even more, if that's possible?) at them at wonders why he doesn't make them laugh as loudly as that
takes it as a challenge
now you've got a clingy af jouno who sticks around the desk and seduces his way into the kitchen by flirting with the manager (his partner's boss)
his partner wants to YELL at him that they have to work, but he just places his hands on their hips and kisses their forehead and gives them the slightest hug and tells them how much he loves them, so their partner reluctantly tolerates his presence around their work
he may not know how to cook but he smells every single ingredient and is a surprisingly fast learner so the manager is lowkey trying to recruit him bc of his undeniable talent 👹
overall, he does help in the end, but his partner has to put up with a lot of teasing and nastiness. occasional jokes and cute little pranks where jouno would place a heavily powdered donut under their nose to make them sneeze and eventually messing up the ENTIRE place
but damn, those perfect milkshakes he made are worth it all
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tecchou suehiro
he is easily distracted
asks his partner all sorts of things
"hey, how do they make coffee?"
"well, you put the beans in the machine-"
"yes??? coffee beans???"
"yes, tecch, it does u adorable idiot 🙄"
"does that mean you can make coffee out of the beans they put in burritos and stuff?"
"no- wait I don't think so- actually, maybe-"
other customers overhear the discussion and chip in and the entire thing escalates to the WEIRDEST topics
the manager is pretty impartial as to his presence, given that he doesn't disturb anyone and usually just orders and silently observes his partner with a faint smile on his lips
his partner turns, notices his gaze and bites the inside of their cheek to prevent themselves from blushing/grinning at him, then get back to work
they do, however, like to blow him little kisses while on their shift, or to leave a small note on Tecchou's orders like "ily <3" or "you're so cute 💕"
he is a gentleman omg
he once spent the entire time his partner was on their shift holding the door for the people who entered
gets asked if he works there, and he automatically replies yes and helps everyone with their stuff, whether it's a broken glass or spill or if they need sweetener in their drink
nvm the manager now loves him
he makes it a point to visit his s/o as often as possible when they're working, even if they live together or have a date planned for later that day. he might not say much, but he loves to be in their presence as often as possible
a literal GOD at taking care of angry customers
whereas jouno would probably subtly threaten them, Tecchou is just gonna walk up to their face and be rly straight-forward about it
"sir, what's your problem?"
"sir, just take a breath. the employee over here is going to make it for you right away, and free of charge, right?"
ofc, they'd nod and do as he said bc the person is no longer fuming
the biggest issue with having tecchou in the café is his orders
he asks for the oddest things, including, but not limited to, sugar on rice and a hard-boiled egg with the shell still on
his partner makes sure to explain to their boss that this isn't anything abnormal for him, and that they'll make sure to take care of the order themselves
after all, putting together a weird food combo in order to get a chubby-cheeked tecchou stuffing his face with sugary rice is very worthwhile
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teruko okura (aged up?? ig??? bc children running around a café is odd i think?? wtf is her real age-)
she is NOT made to be in a café with a serene vibe
no bc she picks up fights with everyone who breathes
"hey, idiot, stop breathing so loudly or else i'll come over there and shut you up myself-"
her partner thus keeps a stall in the very corner specifically for her that's far away from the other people 😐
teruko loves sugary and spicy flavors all in one, like a strong cinnamon or ginger, any type of warm drink that smells strongly rly
her partner does that mystical thing with the milk that creates a heart on the surface of the drink that looks so cute 
teruko chugs down the drink without even looking at it 💀
she isn't one for those kinds of gestures, and would much rather physically cling to her partner's side instead
sneaks up from under the counter and then pops up like a weasel with a HUGE smile on her face, the kind of cute smile that is like, showing all of her teeth and SUPER contagious and makes you wanna pat her on the head and hug her
the manager DOES NOT agree with this tho and kicks her out repeatedly. teruko is so close to snapping the manager's neck but her partner intervenes and reminds her that they still need their job
the entire café, teruko concludes, is against her
the powdered sugar gets thrown into her face by an unknown force
salt gets dumped on her hair
she slips on a puddle in the corner
the milkshake machine explodes in her face
it's just NOT her scene
that is the last time she visited her partner while at work, telling them that she's going to be waiting outside once their shift is over bc the pain is NOT worth it
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fukuchi ochi
fukuchi barely has time to spend with his s/o, given how much of a busy man he is
so, he'll support them by financing the café itself and making sure they get high-quality ingredients and that the working conditions are acceptable
he does make it a point to ONLY get his coffee from there, tho, but doesn't use it as an excuse to talk to his partner. he's in he gets the coffee, then he's out
for this reason, his partner - who is not an idiot and needs human affection just like the rest of the planet - "suddenly and mysteriously" becomes a klutz
"accidentally" drops the coffee on him as they're serving his order, which leads him to freak out, and then rush to the bathroom to wash it off
apologizing profusely, his partner will follow him to the bathroom and help him out, using this as an opportunity to 1) get him to take off his shirt 😌 2) talk to him
this happens for about 3 weeks before his dense ass realizes that they just want some love
tries this out, showing up and ordering his usual coffee, and then asks them how their day has been
they BEAM at him, and gush about the tiniest things
he won't admit to himself that he loves seeing them so happy like that and that it makes his heart flutter a bit, instead telling himself the next time he stays that he's doing it "out of convenience" or some bs like that
eventually finds himself spending hours in the café just talking to his partner about random things, whether that is during their break or while the s/o is supposed to be working
the manager doesn't have the balls to tell him that they're supposed to be working bc fukuchi supplies like half the financial funds for the place 😍
he might start to be showing up late to hunting dogs' meetings for the next while, but spending the time with his partner has been shown to be more than worth.
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tachihara michizou
It's very likely that the café is the place he met his partner, or at least has some kind of emotional value to him
either it's where they first asked him out (bc there's no way he'd make the first move) or maybe he was caught in the rain and his future partner, walking out of the café while holding an umbrella, offered it to him with a bright smile
for this reason, he likes to meet them here as much as possible
HOWEVER, there's an issue with dating tachihara, a big one at that
mid-way through the relationship, he had to go undercover and work for the mafia
since his partner had met him and knew only of his work as being "dangerous" and "top-secret", they understood a bit when he said that he had to go on a business trip of sorts and things would get complicated
tachihara lowkey went into a full-on breakdown bc he had never been loved like that before and felt sick at the idea of leaving, but his partner assured him that they'll be waiting for the day he comes back, and held him in their arms for the entire night, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear and gently kissing his forehead
eventually, he did have to leave. in the beginning, he teared up every night while in the port mafia thinking of his love
so, once he got the mafia's trust and moved along in the ranks, he got more freedom to move around and stuff. eventually, he got so heartsick he found himself subconsciously wandering right in front of the café out of habit
before he could snap out of his trance and get tf out of there, his partner noticed him and pulled him into the tightest hug in existence while sobbing their heart out
tachihara couldn't imagine the pain of saying goodbye for good again
so, he made it a rule to come and visit them on his shifts as often as possible, discreetly for their safety
they a b a n d o n their job and run over to hug him every single time he appears bc they never know if it'll be the last time they'll see him
the manager doesn't really follow the story, but tachihara's partner is one of the harder workers in the café, and the café itself isn't that popular anyways, so there's no point in yelling at them
tachihara isn't picky about what food he eats or what drinks he sips, so long as he gets to hear his partner's voice and be near them (I strongly hc that he has attachment issues)
he orders hot chocolate, even in the summer, and still hasn't shaken off that child-like tendency of chugging it down aggressively and ending up with a chocolate milk mustache, which his partner teases him about every single time
one time, he wasn't vigilant enough and gin - who was supposed to deliver a message from the boss about one thing or another - followed tachihara all the way to the café
saw tachihara kissing some stranger 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
she walked up to him, and his eyes went WIDE. his partner didn't recognize gin for obvious reasons, and thus got embarrassed, climbed off of tachihara and stood back at the counter, and asked her what her order was, since technically the shop was still operating
gin was confused af
she creased her brows at them, shook her head then turned towards tachihara
oh boy tachihara is screwed
at first, his partner thought he'd been cheating on them or something, then thought about it twice and realized that he wasn't the type to cheat on people. so they (not-so-)gently shoved gin out of the way and told tachihara that they "needed a smoke", a codeword for "outside. now. we need to talk"
he told gin that he'd received the message, and to tell the boss that he'll deal with it tomorrow, and then the mafiosa went on her way. 
his s/o demanded an explanation as to who tf that was, and tachihara reluctantly explained that it was someone he worked with
his partner isn't an idiot, they knew that his work was dangerous and that "someone he worked with" would be equally so, and thus they realized by the way he was perspirating with cold sweat and seemed pretty shocked that the girl had shown up
eventually, things were sorted out and no harm was done. tachihara made gin swear she wouldn't tell anyone about his dating situation, and like the frikkin amazing person she is, she agreed.
even though he slipped up that time, he couldn't stop himself from heading back to the café and meeting up with his partner as often as possible
in the end, the risk was clearly worth it
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
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mythuna · 1 year
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justplaggin · 4 months
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bsd volume 25 cover
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tunamayuuu · 3 months
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all for me? all for you.
concept below the cut <3
i initially just wanted to do like an eye thing fanart for the hd (minus tachi by my sketchbook Small) and i thought it’d be real silly to position them in slightly diff angles!
while lining, i noticed that i made fukuchi and jouno look more ominous and calculating, while tecchou and teruko more vulnerable and in distress at first, teruko was looking down, but i changed it to her looking up like tecchou, while fukuchi and jouno are looking down
“all for me” - jouno and fukuchi
throughout the arc, they’ve been calculating in how they can succeed for their own personal benefit and ideals, looking down on the world as if they are chess pieces
“all for you” - tecchou and teruko
they have done nothing more than serving the people, always ensuring the safety of innocent civilians and focusing on enacting justice on those “guilty”. their only weaknesses (leading to their downfall) in upholding that justice are those they loved dearly, jouno and fukuchi
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zinniapetals · 11 months
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needed an upscaled version of this official art and thought I'd share ~
also some transparent pngs of skk + sskk + kyouka (+ oda)
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tachiharastanacc · 4 months
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Son looks to father for advice seconds before everything goes horribly wrong (he blames himself)
(Fair warning: yapping in tags)
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meepmeep19 · 11 months
Out of all the Hunting Dogs members, Tachihara rly seems to be the closest to Jouno (after Teruko ofc) But why is that the case?
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I mean just LOOK at how proud Tachihara looks in this panel after receiving that praise from Jouno! It’s sooo cute I-😭 But why is Tachihara so close to Jouno of all people?
Well I HC that when Tachihara first joins the HD, his criminal background makes him understandably very distrustful/fearful of everyone else. It feels less like the HD are his coworkers and more like they’re just cops keeping an eye on him, just waiting for when he’ll inevitably slip up so they can finally lock his ass away. He just can’t get that criminal-cop mindset out of his head yet.
Jouno was the only person that could understand and relate to Tachihara considering he was also a formal criminal (tho I don’t think he was ever scared of the HD, he still felt that same distrust in his first couple years as well)
And so to make Tachihara feel more comfortable/calm (cuz he’s actually starting to care for the boy getting sick of constantly hearing Tachihara’s too fast heart beat) Jouno decides to casually bring up all the stupidly profitable crimes Tachihara could’ve committed with his ability, going into suspiciously criminal amounts of detail. Most of the heists that he brings up r stuff that he himself was planning to do in the mafia before he got arrested. Jouno talks about this to help remove the whole ‘HD-dangerous-cop’ association that Tachihara has made.
At first Tachihara is very suspicious and hesitant to answer, assuming this must be some sort twisted way to set him up. But then he realizes Jouno just genuinely enjoys talking about crimes as if they aren’t surrounded by Japan’s elite police force. And yet no one ever actually does anything to Jouno, even tho everything he says is so illegal, that he should’ve already gone to prison 20 times over just for even uttering half that stuff lol.
These conversations rly help Tachihara to stop seeing the HD as just ‘cops’ and he immediately begins to open up. Soon he and Jouno r having like hour long conversations, literally just discussing various heists in great detail.
They make Tetchou slightly uncomfortable with their blase view of big time crime so every time they start talking about this stuff, Tetchou just silently walks out of the room lol (Jouno 100% teases him for that, constantly inviting him to join their conversations, to which Tetchou always politely declines lol)
Ofc, to remind Tachihara that at the end of the day, they ARE still just only coworkers (not friends), Jouno likes to end their conversations laughing, saying ‘Of course, if you were to actually try any of this, I would not hesitate to gouge your eyes out and feed them to the dogs’ which always keeps Tachihara from being too casual.
Despite that tho, Tachihara can’t help but still see Jouno as older brother figure. A terrifying brother figure, but a brother figure nonetheless. In some ways, he actually somewhat prefers his relationship with Jouno than that with his actual brother. Don’t get me wrong: he still loves his brother but… unlike with his brother, no one pressures him to be like Jouno; if anything, they actually discourage Tachihara from becoming too much like him lol.
The HD never make him feel like he HAS to live up to anyone. Instead they actually want him to become his own person so he can add something unique to the team. They never make him feel like he’s not enough. And that just means so much to someone like Tachihara, who spent his whole life feeling so inadequate compared to perfection of the dead.
So yeah, that’s how Jouno and the Hunting Dogs became Tachihara’s found family
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soulfullofstarx · 1 year
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bonus wallpapers here ✨
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karmicpunishment · 6 months
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thinking about hunting dog surgeries again
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sskk-manifesto · 2 years
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tachimichishrine · 8 months
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"high school"
doa + hunting dogs {high school AU! hcs}
warnings: none!! just keep in mind this isn't an xreader!!
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decay of angels
nikolai is, without question, the class clown, and head of the drama club
the teachers HATE him
he asks waaaaaay too many questions, and all the time, too
and they're so random???
they'll be in the middle of a test and he'll ask the teacher "how's your marriage doing right now? how's your partner, are they doing well?"
lowkey gets kicked out of the class daily
now spends most of his time playing cards with the secretary in the office
bram sometimes gets sent there as well, just because he's in the mood to take a nap
however, he doesn't really say that, he'll make up some kind of excuse like "oh it's my medical condition, I have limited energy" because he's paraplegic, even if it's bs
he's also that one edgy kid who sits in the back of the class discussing the end of the world
"death cometh for thou," like dude okay no need to talk like that???
the only person who actually understands what he says is fyodor, the reigning chess champ in the school
he's also very tired all the time, but he doesn't sleep, he'll just answer a few questions here and there if he's forced to, just to shut up the teacher
does the absolute bare minimum effort to pass class because he thinks it's all useless
"you have great potential, and I'm sure you understand all the material, fyodor, so with just a bit of effort-"
"thank you for the advice."
gets up and leaves 💀
fukuchi is the gym teacher that yells all the time and tells students to do pushups just because he feels like their face is mocking him
everyone either loves his class or dreads it
nikolai is fine, he's not all that athletic but he can run pretty decently and, worst case scenario, he just needs to bug the teacher and get sent to the office again to complete his game of poker with the secretary
fyodor hates gym class
with a burning passion
hides under any large object and waits it out
bram is in a wheelchair so he just smugly looks at coach like "haha sucker!", only to be given dumbbells and told to do upper body workouts
now, fyodor and bram are hide-from-gym-class buddies
sigma is in preschool
yk since he's like 3 years old-
he's so precious unlike all the other toddlers, but he does cry a lot
"sigma, you have to share your blocks with our friends, okay?"
the caretakers still love him tho
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hunting dogs
jouno and tecchou are the upperclassmen, which is surprising given how many braincells they share between them
jouno is hands down the pretty popular jock on campus and all the girls FALL TO THEIR KNEES
he does get in trouble every once in a while for bullying people or threatening them, but he has practically seduced the principal at this point, so it's no biggie
tecchou is that one kid who raises their hand in class and gets everything wrong
he's great in gym class, though, seeing as he likes to work out in his spare time
some girls try to approach him while he's doing his own thing and staring at the ground but he's like "wait."
"...wait? for what?"
"the ants"
"...the ants???"
"you were about to step on them."
girls have now stopped trying to approach him
tachihara is the Bad Boy™ with Family Issues™ and Inferiority Complex™
he gets in trouble A LOT
unlike Nikolai, it isn't for harmless questions or disturbing the class, it's for beating up someone else and egging someone's locker and placing a pin on the teacher's chair and-
needless to say, the teachers hate him with a burning passion
he's taking teruko as his apprentice in chaos, given she'd be around two year younger than him
she doesn't get in trouble bc (assuming this is a different school and everything) the gym coach fukuchi defends her in front of the school staff ALL THE TIME since she's his favorite student
she's surprisingly good at most subjects, except...
m a t h 
she screams and throws a full-on tantrum by tossing her math book outside the window then setting it on fire because this girl CANNOT survive variables and constants and graphs and parabolas
fly high, math notebook 😞✊🕊
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
BSD Official Guidebook Gongeroku - characters profiles
Finally stopped procrastinating Got around to arranging the profiles from the fifth official guidebook Gongeroku. Thank you so so much @justplaggin for helping out fix my messy translations, your help was immeasurable (╥﹏╥) Except for young Oda, I didn't include profiles that only listed age / height / weight since they didn't feature any info we didn't know already.
Other guidebooks profiles by @/looking-for-stray-dogs (listing here for easy access / having them all in one place): second guidebook Shinkaroku; DEAD APPLE guidebook.
Untold Origins arc
Ranpo Edogawa Age: 14 years old Height: 160cm Weight: Unknown First thing he does when he wakes up in the morning: Praise himself for being a great detective A habit he can't help: The marbles in Ramune are so pretty, he has to take them home If he wasn't at the detective agency, what would he be doing now?: Can't even imagine Where does he see himself in 10 years?: Supporting the president, just like he is now
Yukichi Fukuzawa Age: 32 years old Height: 186cm Weight: Unknown First thing he does when he wakes up in the morning: Take a deep breath and let the energy flow to his abdomen A habit he can't help: Walking by sliding his feet, keeping the unwavering figure of a swordsman A moment recently that made you feel just how much Ranpo has grown?: The average number of candies he eats went from 18 to 17. Where does he see himself in 10 years?: Thanks to his subordinates' efforts, the city will have become peaceful, increasing his spare time a little.
Sakunosuke Oda Age: 14 years old Height: 165cm Weight: Unknown
Osamu Dazai Age: 22 years old Height: 181cm Weight: 67kg What color would you compare yourself with?: Colorless and transparent. Because I don't see any value either in living or in wearing colors. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Hopefully passing away
Atsushi Nakajima Age: 18 years old Height: 170cm Weight: 55kg What color would you compare yourself with?: White. My hair is white, and Akutagawa's is black, so, a color as different as possible. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: I wonder if I'll still be alive in this bewildering city…
Kyouka Izumi Age: 14 years old Height: 148cm Weight: 40kg What color would you compare yourself with?: Gray, rather than white. It was black before, and now I want it to be white, but the past still has meaning in itself. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Continuing to support Atsushi
Doppo Kunikida Age: 22 years old Height: 189cm Weight: 78kg What color would you compare yourself with?: The color of steel. The materialization of flawlessness and unshakeable ideals, steel. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: According to my notebook, my salary will have increased by 47%, my subordinates by 4, my medals for contrubuting to peace by 3… (explanation continues for 30 minutes)
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa Age: 20 years old Height: 172cm Weight: 50kg What color would you compare yourself with?: Black. It's the color of the overcoat that Dazai-san gave me. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Becoming the strongest ability user in Yokohama
Chuuya Nakahara Age: 22 years old Height: 160cm Weight: 60kg What color would you compare yourself with?: Red. Kajii once said that the fastest forward-moving things appear red from behind. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Expanding the mafia's territory to cover the whole country
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Age: Unknown Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown What do you want to eat now?: Appetite… I do not experience something like that. Something you always do before going to bed?: Pray to God What color would you compare yourself with?: The white of snow from my hometown If you could be born again, what would you want to become?: Most things, I've already become. A reward for hard work would be... : Listening to classical music all day
Saigiku Jouno Age: Unknown Height: 181cm Weight: Unknown What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: His strength is his good hearing, his weakness is that he can't see. Motto: Send Tetchou flying Something he wants right now: Not being held responsible even if he torments a criminal to death Something that recently made him laugh: The captain was able to quietly approach and tickle him
Tetchou Suehiro Age: Unknown Height: 184cm Weight: Unknown What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: His strengths are that he is the embodiment of justice and has a will of steel, his weakness is that he can't read people's true intentions. Motto: Justice of steel Something he wants right now: Enough space at home to put his weight training machine Something that recently made him laugh: The last time he laughed was when he was a baby, so he doesn't remember.
Michizou Tachihara Age: 19 years old Height: 176cm Weight: 62kg What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: His strength is that he has a strong ability, his weakness is that he's not very smart Motto: Orders make me who I am Something he wants right now: A cool motorbike like Chuuya-san's, for commuting to work Something that recently made him laugh: Unintentionally giving the military police internal audit department a mafia-style glare
Teruko Ookura Age: Unknown Height: Indefinite Weight: Indefinite What she believes are her strengths and weaknesses: Her strength is her love for the captain, her weakness is that she can't see anyone but the captain. Motto: The society's dog, the strongest dog Something she wants right now: The captain's used socks Something that recently made her laugh: During practice, Jouno and Tetchou challenged the captain at the same time, but were beaten at their own game
Ouchi Fukuchi Age: 45 years old Height: 190cm Weight: Unknown What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: His strength is being physically strong. His weakness is that he is too strong, and didn't develop a habit of delegating things to his subordinates. Motto: World peace Something he wants right now: A comfortable disguise (because people ask for his autograph wherever he goes) Something that recently made him laugh: All five of them (Hunting Dogs) having a pleasant talk
Nikolai Gogol Age: 26 years old Height: 184cm Weight: 68kg What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: His strength is his talent for magic, his weakness is his fickle nature. Motto: Be as free as a bird Something he wants right now: Someone who understands him A reward for hard work would be... : Applause and praise from a crowd of people
Sigma Age: Unknown Height: 177cm Weight: 62kg What he believes are his strengths and weaknesses: Strength: being someone who battles on even in difficult circumstances. Weakness: everything else other than that. Motto: Ordinary people have their own, ordinary ways of fighting. Something he wants right now: A home to return to A reward for hard work would be... : Patting himself on the shoulder and saying “good job.”
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someone remind me, is it canon that the terrorist sadists turned whores for good gossip about their little gremlins' war crimes while taking the munchkins for their nature walk???
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justplaggin · 1 year
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new bsd character illustrations - mochocho series
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skylarstarlight · 8 months
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*Dusts off my pokemon AU* Guys I think there's a new hyperfixation lurking over the horizon send me some help
Fairy Type Elite 4 Jouno <3
Reblog > Like Don't repost without credit!!
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