#hd fan fair 2020
cailynwrites · 10 months
Harry Potter Rec Fest Day 10 - Fest Fics
Outside of @etl-echo-audiobooks fests (see Winter Wonderfics 2022 and Draco's Quarter Life Crisis Fest 2023), this is my first year participating in fests, including @hprecfest. I've had so much fun and met some really lovely people. I'm so grateful to this fandom for being so welcoming and constantly coming up with new, fun ideas for fests. And of course to all the participating authors, artists, podficcers, and endlessly patient and hardworking mods for shepherding all these new works out into the universe.
Amorous As This Lovely Green written by @annanother-thing for @hd-fan-fair Career Fair Pairing: Lingerie Designer Draco x Unwilling Celebrity Harry Word count: 14,646 Rating: E
This fic just flies by. The descriptions are so great, I could picture every lacy frill of the lingerie that Harry models. It's hot and sweet and has typically great banter. Thank you @annanother-thing! And an additional thank you to @hd-fan-fair; they've really developed something special. Besides the more than a decade's worth of fics they've collected, they have a competitive reading contest to encourage commenting and reccing during the anonymous posting period. It was so much fun to participate and I encourage everyone to join in next year! And read everything from this year's fest; it's a treasure trove of really interesting and diverse fics.
Rainfall written by Saras_Girl Podfic by @semperfiona recorded for @hpdrizzle 2019 Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 4,420 Length: 30:09 Rating: T
No one who has been in the Drarry world for a while needs me to rec them Saras_Girl, who would be on the Mt. Rushmore of Drarry writers, if that were a thing that existed. So this rec is really for @semperfiona, who is an exemplary podficcer with over 50 podfics under her belt. This fic is very sweet (part of Saras_Girl's Fluffy!Verse) and @semperfiona renders it perfectly in audio form.
And a couple of little self-recs ...
Only Happy When It Rains written by @pineau-noir for @hpdrizzle 2020 Podfic read by Cailynwrites for @hpdrizzle 2023 Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 13,604 Length: 1:29:25 Rating: T
@pineau-noir's summary is too perfect not to include:
Weather-Be's, the up-and coming business of Draco Malfoy, guarantees* perfect weather for your event! If you need warm sunshine, Weather-Be's will provide it. If you want atmospheric fog, we can make that happen. We have a 100%** success rate at giving you the weather you want. *guarantee invalid if Harry Potter is in attendance **success rate drops to 97% when Harry Potter's attendance at events is counted
Draco is hilarious in this fic and so is little Scorpius! I love Draco with an interesting job, especially when Harry manages to screw it up somehow.
Out of Place written by faelyee for @snarryauctoberfest 2021 Podfic read by Cailynwrites for @snarryauctoberfest 2023 Pairing: Harry x Severus Word count: 28,102 Length: 3:08:01 (11 chapters) Rating: T
I was excited when I found this fic, because it's not just one AU, it's a bunch. Harry is traveling through various alternative universes trying to get back to his own. There's one common thread throughout: Severus. This fic is heartbreaking and sad because not all AUs are bad for Harry. When I decided to record this, I hadn't really thought about the number of characters I would need to voice, including some original characters. I think it's worth a listen or a read on the strength of the writing alone.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 years
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I was so excited to invite @caroll-in for our March Happy Hour! I did it as a little treat for myself - I've loved and been a fan of her art for such a long time (I love the bold lines, bright smiles, and the way she does hair. My favorite part is how she draws people who look like they're having a good time with each other! Partners look happy together.) I've been so excited to see what recommendation she'd come up with. She did such a lovely job, and even was able to find a rec that I hadn't read yet! I fell in love with her recommendation and I think you will too! Without making you wait any longer - here is the lovely @caroll-in!
I can't even describe the joy I felt upon receiving an invitation from @thedrarrylibrarian to be the guest of the March Happy Hour! It's an honour to be able to contribute a rec to this fantastic blog!
I'm gonna take this opportunity and rec a fic I’ve always wanted to do a proper post about as it's one of my all-time favorite long fics in the drarry fandom. Written for the @hd-fan-fair fest of 2021, it was the very first fic by Romaine that I have ever read and, most importantly, Romaine's comeback to the fandom after an almost decade-long break. And what an epic comeback it was!
This Ain't the Garden of Eden by @romaine2424 (131,466 words, rated E)
In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids.
Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores.
This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. The assumption is that 'all is well' in the British Magical world, and that Hermione Granger-Weasley will easily be voted in as the next Minister for Magic. However, Draco knows better. He knows she has a strong competitor who is wooing those who live in Knockturn. And if he wins, the Ministry, and all that has been accomplished the previous twenty odd years, will be destroyed.
"This Ain't the Garden of Eden'' is a brilliant political fic following Harry's campaign to become the Minister for Magic. What I feel is the most important thing to point out here are his motivations to become a candidate in the first place. This Harry is one we all know and love but since he's in his forties, he's also more mature and has had a chance to figure himself out throughout the years. Even though he very much still enjoys the thrill and action (which he has plenty of, working as a Hit Wizard when we first meet him in the story) he also still cares and is ready to step up and help however he can—this time without being manipulated. Everything he does is done through his own decisions. I love how well Romaine executed that part because after people pulling the strings behind his back for half his life, it's really heartwarming to see Harry still wanting to save the Wizarding World, on his own terms. He won't take the risk of losing everything he and his friends worked for after the War—especially when he realizes how much still can and should be improved. His main political opponent (I hope it won't be too much of a spoiler to say this) is based on Trump and brilliantly so, making the reader root all the more for Harry's success. And for those of you worried it might be too much politics for your taste, please note the "case fic" and "action/adventure" tags on the story which very much *deliver*.
Romaine takes the well-known canon world and expands it, making it so full of details and innovative magical theory (which I bet y'all are fans of as much as I am!) and introduces us to many new magical places, not only in the UK. It might not be a fic about Wizarding Houses and Grimmauld Place per se, but I promise you—those of you who enjoy this trope won't be disappointed either as the fic features a stellar subplot catering to it. We also get a new take on the Knockturn community and their culture and meet many new brilliantly-written original characters who I couldn't help but fall in love with (and I am sure you will too!). Of course, I also have a lot of love for Romaine's characterisations of the characters we know from canon—from Ron, Hermione and the Potters' kids to Scorpius and Narcissa. And Kingsley Shacklebolt, who very much deserves his own shoutout here—I can honestly say it's my very favourite take on him and I'm not being dramatic, he *is* fantastic in this story and I can't wait for you guys to meet him!
And finally: DRARRY. I deliberately saved the most important aspect of this fic for last and I hope I didn't give you the impression this story isn't about them! The main plot circles around the elections and is super captivating on its own, but it's Harry and Draco's relationship we're all here for and the way Romaine wrote them is honestly perfect! As I already mentioned, they're in their forties and, therefore, more experienced and more mature, willing to calmly take a look at the other to see and appreciate how much they changed throughout the years. Thanks to that we can skip the drama unnecessary for this story and have them form a fantastic partnership—both for the cause and as lovers. The pace of their relationship is so well-written and we get to see it develop as the story progresses. Don't think, however, that it's all smooth and easy—their trademark jealousy and banter are very much present to spice things up a bit! Romaine was generous to give both Harry and Draco many quirks and habits that the reader gets to discover along with them but I don't want to spoil your fun by listing them here—you need to trust me, you're in for a treat! One more thing, because it actually might be my favourite: remember the classic fanfic trope of a character recognizing the scent of their love interest's hair? Romaine's take on it is simply stellar and takes it to a brand new level. Everything from their first kiss (!!!!!!), through the smut scenes, to the moment they're finally ready to confess their love is a pleasure to read and I envy those of you who will get to read it for the first time!
And if, after finishing this fic, you won't be quite ready to leave the universe Romaine created just yet, I have great news for you: for the 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2021, she wrote "25 Additional Scenes for This Ain't the Garden of Eden" which features extra scenes from the main story (also a huge rec!).
Once again, many many thanks to @thedrarrylibrarian for having me here and for giving me an opportunity to give some extra love to one of my fave drarry stories! <3
Thank you again @caroll-in for taking the time to join us and write this wonderful recommendation!
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Friday!
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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H/D Career Fair 2022 : (fics only)
@hd-fan-fair || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 35 works (art, fic, podfic) The Mods : @phoenix-acid & @sassy-cissa Banner © :
@pygmy-puffy (official banner)
@chamomileteafuel's Qui Vivra Verra
@beanomatica's once more, with feeling
The Beau-tea Of It All by @poison-literature [T, 7k] (food) Loose leaf tea | (travel) Worldwide
The Best Cup Noodle by @deliciousblizzardshark [T, 4k] (food) Cup noodles | (travel) Attending an American university
Both Feet in the Grape by Enchanted_Jae [T, 1k] (food) Wine grape-stomping | (travel) Italian countryside vineyard
Chicken Parmi and a Lager by @captateur [T, 3k] (food) Chef/Pub Owner!Harry & Draco | (travel) Australia
Chocolate Cocks and How to Make Them by @drarryruinedme7 [E, 9k] (food) Edible sex toys, chocolate factory owner!Draco | (travel) Switzerland
Contentious Confections by tigersilver [M, 17k] (food) Bertie Bott’s every flavour beans | (travel) Worldwide
The Final Frontier by @themightyflynn08 [T, 3k] (food) Cooking in space | (travel) Space
Hope's Only Promise by @bluesyquill [E, 86k] (food) Oranges/mangoes/papaya | (travel) Cuba
Hunc Draco Dormiens Amat Titillari by @lalalaartje [M, 15k] (food) Chocolatier!Draco | (travel) Belgium
I Want Your Heart To Be For Me by @thebooktopus [E, 4k] (food) Picnic | (travel) Paris, France
it is not a house by @brightluminae [E, 43k] (food) People eating house | (travel) Arctic
The Least Expected by momatu [G, 17k] (food) Chef!Draco | (travel) Mallorca, Spain
on your heart by @maziktheli [T, 9k] (food) Palestinian | (travel) Palestinian restaurant
Peerless by dysonrules [T, 14k] (food) Catching food to survive | (travel) South Pacific desert island
Preserving Lemons by @saintgarbanzo [E, 17k] --- ART by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (food) Palestinian, chef!Harry | (travel) Italy & Palestine
Qui Vivra Verra by @chamomileteafuel [E, 22k] (food) Café waiter!Draco | (travel) Paris, tourist!Harry
That Time I Was Possessed By a Norse God by @drwhoisginnyholmes [E, 8k] (food) Hunger for the unknown | (travel) Nordic countries
The Thief and the Throne (Fallen Kingdom) by @gnarf [M, 26k] (food) Food thief!Harry | (travel) Fairytale AU, Nordic countries
This is not a love song by @enjale [G, 12k] (food) Food empath!Harry | (travel) Horchata
Through Worlds by @rainbees [M, 42k] (food) Restaurant meet cutes, discovering new dishes | (travel) Japan
True Love is Priceless, Finding True Love is Expensive by @meloflavor [T, 4k] (food) Japanese (uni don/mochi) | (travel) Blind date dining experience
✔ other fests in 2022 ✔ fests in other years ✔ H/D Fan Fair : Career Fair 2021 | Sex Fair 2020 | Fan Fair 2019 | Food Fair 2018 | Career Fair 2017 | Pet Fair 2016 | Pottermore Fair 2015 | Career Fair 2014 | Book Fair 2013 | Career Fair 2012 | Travel Fair 2010 | Career Fair 2009
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ver-juego-limpio-amika · 11 months
¡Ver! Juego limpio Online Gratis en Español Latino
Aquí puedes ver la película Juego limpio / Fair Play (2023) online gratis en español y latino o con subtitulado en calidad HD. ¡Descubre dónde ver películas completas online!
Estas plataformas permiten ver la película Juego limpio / Fair Play online gratis en español y latino de forma legal y segura:
➤ Cliq aquí: https://max.topstream10.com/es/910571/fair-play.html
¡Ver la película Juego limpio / Fair Play online y manera legal es posible! Aquí puedes ver películas vía streaming de manera gratuita y segura, sin tener que descargar nada. Entre los títulos de reciente estreno aquí ya podemos encontrar “Juego limpio”.
¿Cómo y dónde ver Juego limpio / Fair Play online en español y latino?
En este artículo, te vamos a describir algunas formas de ver “Juego limpio película completa” gratis de manera legal utilizando tu conexión a internet.
Ya puedes encontrar la película disponible para ver online por Internet. Este sitio web ofrece la película Juego limpio en digital, 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray y DVD.
Mantenernos entretenidos en nuestro PC o portátil es simple, sobre todo si nos gusta ver películas, ya que existen varias alternativas para disfrutar de Juego limpio película completa, sin tener que recurrir a las descargas piratas o a los servidores de almacenamiento de contenido penado por la ley.
Juego limpio película completa 2023: fecha de estreno, cómo ver online y personajes qué estarán presentes
Juego limpio (conocida como Resistencia en Hispanoamérica) es una película de ciencia ficción estadounidense de 2023 producida y dirigida por Gareth Edwards, quien coescribió el guion con Chris Weitz. La película está protagonizada por John David Washington, Gemma Chan, Ken Watanabe, Sturgill Simpson, Allison Janney y Madeleine Yuna Voyles (en su debut cinematográfico). Ambientada en 2055, tras una detonación nuclear en Los Ángeles y una guerra contra la inteligencia artificial, un ex agente de las fuerzas especiales es reclutado para cazar y matar al “Creador”, quien ha desarrollado un arma misteriosa con el poder de poner fin a la guerra.
El desarrollo comenzó en noviembre de 2019 cuando Edwards firmó para dirigir y escribir un proyecto de ciencia ficción sin título para New Regency y se anunció oficialmente en febrero de 2020. La filmación comenzó el 17 de enero de 2022 y concluyó el 30 de mayo de 2022.
Juego limpio se estrenó en Estados Unidos el 29 de septiembre de 2023, por 20th Century Studios. La película recibió críticas generalmente positivas de los críticos, que elogiaron la dirección de Edwards, las imágenes ambiciosas, el valor de producción y la construcción del mundo, con críticas dirigidas al guión. Sin embargo, fue un fracaso de taquilla, recaudando $65 millones de dólares frente a un presupuesto de $80 millones de dólares.
¿Cómo ver “Juego limpio”?
Juego limpio se estrenará en cines el próximo 29 de junio de 2023. Debido a que se trata de un gran estreno (uno de los más importantes del verano), estará en la inmensa mayoría de salas, así que no creemos que tengas problemas en encontrar una sesión en tu cine habitual favorito a partir de esa fecha.
Dónde ver Juego limpio
Si quieres ponerte al día con las aventuras ya estrenadas de Juego limpio, tienes varias opciones. Si estás suscrito a Netflix, puedes ver las películas de Juego limpio en la plataforma de forma gratuita. Si no tienes ese servicio de streaming, también puedes alquilar o comprar las películas en Amazon Prime Video o Netflix.
¿Cuándo “Juego limpio” estará disponible en streaming?
Juego limpio se estrenará en la plataforma de Netflix a finales de agosto. Es probable que, además de la suscripción mensual, haya que pagar un extra por tratarse de un estreno.
Si eres fan de las películas de Marvel, Netflix será tu plataforma favorita. Tiene un precio de 8,99 € al mes (algo más caro que otras plataformas) o 89,90 € al año.
¿Merece la pena pagar por Netflix? Depende mucho del tipo de uso que quieras darle. Si solo vas a ver una película, puede que no merezca la pena su precio. Tal vez puedas pedirle prestada la cuenta a un familiar o amiga. Sin embargo, si eres fan de Marvel o si disfrutas viendo películas y series con regularidad, los 8,99 euros de coste mensual merecerán la pena sin ninguna duda.
¿Cómo ver Juego limpio (2023) online en español?
¿Se te hace difícil pagar Netflix o buscas algo más? Descuida. Puedes ver Juego limpio online en español, dobladas o subtituladas.
Para ver la película Juego limpio online y gratis, en español latino o con subtítulos y en su idioma original en HD, solo necesita ir al enlace que proporcioné arriba. Es así de fácil, ¿verdad?
Si eres un auténtico movielover, nos gustaría que te sumaras a la comunidad ¡Prueba los botones sociales en pantalla y acompáñanos en las diferentes plataformas!
Si te has preguntado ¿dónde puedo ver la película Juego limpio online gratis sin registrarme?
Estas plataformas permiten ver Juego limpio la película online gratis en español y latino de forma legal y segura. Recuerda que ver películas gratis sin límite de tiempo es más fácil de lo que piensas. Incluso, estamos convencidos, no te has dado cuenta de que muchas de las páginas que utilizas a diario te permiten esta alternativa.
¿En qué plataforma se puede ver la película Juego limpio?
La nueva película de Chris Hemsworth “Juego limpio”, que se estrenó el pasado 7 de julio en cines. Sin embargo, para quienes no tuvieron la oportunidad de verla, podrán disfrutarla a partir de aquí en adelante a través del servicio de streaming cuevana-online.com, prueba gratis durante 14 días.
¿Cuáles son exactamente estas webs?
A continuación te detallamos todo lo que debes saber para ver las mejores pelis cuando quieras, donde quieras y con quien quieras. Incluso aprenderás a ver películas gratis online de forma absolutamente legal y segura este , sin necesidad de pagar mensualmente una suscripción a servicios de streaming la película Juego limpio premium como Netflix, HBO GO, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Claro Video, Fox Premium, Movistar Play, DirecTV, Crackle o Blim, o de bajar apps de Google Play o App Store que no te ayudarán mucho a satisfacer esa sed cinéfila y seriéfila.
¿No te es suficiente? ¿Quieres más trucos? También te enseñaremos a usar los sitios premium de Juego limpio película completa, sin pagar absolutamente nada.
Sí, es posible. ¿Y los códigos secretos de Netflix? También. ¿En cuanto a series? Podrás ver series de acción, terror, aventura, telenovelas mexicanas y turcas, doramas, anime y más, mucho más, como las más recientes novedades: Narcos: México, The Sinner 2 y La reina del flow. Incluso te contaremos qué películas están en la cartelera de los cines del Perú, México, España, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Argentina, Español y demás países del mundo. Sí, ¡los últimos estrenos!
¿Por ejemplo? ¡Juego limpio película completa! y Juego limpio película completa ya están disponibles en las mejores salas.
¿Dónde se puede ver Juego limpio en línea?
¿Puedo transmitir Juego limpio en Netflix? Juego limpio no está disponible actualmente para transmitir en Netflix.
¿Puedo transmitir Juego limpio en Netflix? Juego limpio no está disponible actualmente para transmitir en Netflix.
¿Puedo transmitir Juego limpio en Amazon Prime Video? Juego limpio no está disponible actualmente para transmitir en Amazon Prime Video.
¿Puedo transmitir Juego limpio en Disney+? Juego limpio no está disponible actualmente para transmitir en Disney+.
¿Puedo transmitir Juego limpio en Paramount Plus? Juego limpio no está disponible actualmente para transmitir en Paramount Plus.
¿Puedo comprar o alquilar Juego limpio en iTunes? Juego limpio no está disponible para alquilar o comprar en iTunes.
0 notes
afactaday · 1 year
#240: apparently in the asteroid chase scene near the start of Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back theres a hidden potato somewhere in the asteroids. ive looked through the main scene and i think i spotted it altho im not sure.
what i also find slightly interesting is theres been several remakes of each of the original movies:
1) the original theatrical releases ('77, '80 and '83)
2) the 1997 theatrical specialised edition, re-released in theatres, where Lucas introduced several changes to improve them since at the time of original release he didnt have time
3) the 2006 DVD release
4) the 2011 Blu-Ray release
5) the 2011 Harmy's Despecialized Edition, which was a fan made recreation of the original release, which was commercially unobtainable and certainly not HD. its basically the original but HD, publicly available, fanmade, and exactly how you remember it back in the day.
this could be useful if i ever got a bit peckish while on the star wars set - just look in the asteroid field for a potato hidden somewhere
a surprising amount of the asteroids look like potatoes, come to think of it
oops i think i missed one:
TeamNegativeOne's Renegade Grindhouse Edition - basically a Technicolour version of the 1997 (i think, i couldnt find much info on this one)
but all the versions look different - the BluRay is quite aptly bluer, the TN1 is oranger, the Harmys looks older xD and all the special effects (like lightsabers, blaster bullets etc) are slightly different
_ _
and another few versions:
the Special Edition Disney - an edited version by Disney in 2019. pretty much everythings been slightly tweaked :P
the 2020 BluRay version - nothing much was changed to my knowledge...
the Adywan Revisited - some very notable changes by a fan, to make it more accurate, including the following: Han actually does shoot first in the cantina; lightsaber activations are smoother; completely redone scene in the Death Star debriefing in A New Hope, including holograms ooOOooh!; Yoda moves more naturally (he was a puppet to be fair); CHEWIE GETS A MEDAL :DDD
thats 8 remakes altogether xD
0 notes
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4 janvier 2023 en salle / 1h 40min / Drame, Historique, Guerre De Mathieu Vadepied Par Mathieu Vadepied, Mathieu Vadepied Avec Omar Sy, Alassane Diong, Jonas Bloquet
Bakary Diallo s'enrôle dans l'armée française pour rejoindre Thierno, son fils de 17 ans, qui a été recruté de force. Envoyés sur le front, père et fils vont devoir affronter la guerre ensemble. Galvanisé par la fougue de son officier qui veut le conduire au cœur de la bataille, Thierno va s'affranchir et apprendre à devenir un homme, tandis que Bakary va tout faire pour l'arracher aux combats et le ramener sain et sauf.
Un troisième film Spider-Man MCU était prévu dès 2017, lors de la production de Homecoming. En août 2019, les négociations entre Sony et Marvel Studios pour modifier leur accord, dans lequel ils produisent conjointement les films Spider-Man, ont abouti à l'abandon du projet par Marvel Studios ; Cependant, une réaction négative des fans a conduit à un nouvel accord entre les deux sociétés un mois plus tard. Watts, McKenna, Sommers et Holland étaient censés revenir à ce moment-là. Le tournage a commencé en octobre 2020 à New York, avant de déménager à Atlanta le même mois. Pendant le tournage, il a été révélé que Foxx et Molina apparaîtraient dans le film, répétant les personnages des séries de films Spider-Man passées, avec plus d'acteurs du passé et le concept multivers du film révélé plus tard. Le titre a été révélé en février 2023, avant la fin du tournage fin mars.
Tirailleurs devrait sortir aux États-Unis le 17 décembre 2023, dans le cadre de la phase quatre du MCU. Une deuxième trilogie de films Spider-Man MCU est prévue, mais n'a pas encore été officiellement annoncée.
Tony Revolori dans le rôle d'Eugene "Flash" Thompson, le camarade de classe de Parker et rival Angourie Rice dans le rôle de Betty Brant, la camarade de classe de Parker et l'ex-petite amie de Leeds, Jorge, reprennent leurs rôles des précédents films de MCU Spider-Man. Lendeborg Jr., dans le rôle de Jason Ionello, le camarade de classe de Parker, Hannibal Buress. comme Coach Wilson, professeur de gym à la Midtown School of Science and Technology et JK Simmons comme J. Jonah Jameson, hôte de TheDailyBugle.net. De plus, le frère de Holland, Harry, fait une apparition en tant que trafiquant de drogue, après avoir fait la même chose dans Cherry, tandis que Paula Newsome et Arian Moayed ont été choisis pour des rôles inconnus.
Lors de la production de Spider-Man : Homecoming (2017), Marvel Studios et Sony Pictures prévoyaient deux suites. En juin 2017, la star Tom Holland a déclaré que le troisième film aurait lieu pendant la dernière année de lycée de Peter Parker / Spider-Man. En juillet 2019, le président de Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, a déclaré que le troisième film mettrait en vedette une histoire de Peter Parker qui n'avait jamais été transformée en film auparavant en raison de la fin du deuxième film, Spider-Man : loin de chez soi. (2019), qui a révélé publiquement que Parker est Spider-Man. Le réalisateur de Homecoming et Far From Home, Jon Watts, a exprimé son intérêt pour Kraven the Hunter en tant qu'antagoniste principal du troisième film.
En août 2019, le développement de deux nouveaux films Spider-Man avait commencé avec Sony dans l'espoir que Watts et Holland reviendraient, car ils avaient tous deux un contrat pour revenir pour un autre film, tandis que Watts avait terminé son contrat pour deux. films et aurait dû s'inscrire. pour d'autres films. À l'époque, Marvel Studios et sa société mère, The Walt Disney Studios, avaient passé plusieurs mois à discuter de l'extension de leur accord avec Sony. L'accord existant exigeait que Marvel et Feige produisent les films Spider-Man pour Sony et reçoivent 5% de leurs revenus. Sony souhaitait étendre l'accord pour inclure plus de films que ce qui avait été initialement convenu, en conservant les mêmes conditions que l'accord initial. Disney a fait part de ses inquiétudes concernant la charge de travail de Feige produisant déjà la franchise Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) et a demandé une participation de 25 à 50 % dans tous les futurs films que Feige produira pour Sony. Incapable de parvenir à un accord, Sony a annoncé qu'il irait de l'avant avec le prochain film Spider-Man sans la participation de Feige ou Marvel. Sa déclaration a reconnu que cela pourrait changer à l'avenir, a remercié Feige pour son travail sur les deux premiers films et a déclaré qu'ils appréciaient le chemin que Feige nous a aidé à prendre, que nous continuerons.
Chris McKenna et Erik Sommers écrivaient le scénario du troisième film au moment de l'annonce de Sony, et l'avaient également fait pour Far From Home, mais Watts recevait des offres pour réaliser de grands films pour d'autres studios plutôt que de revenir à la franchise. , ce qui pourrait inclure le travail sur une propriété différente pour Marvel Studios et Feige. En septembre, le président de Sony Pictures Entertainment, Tony Vinciquerra, a déclaré que la porte était fermée au retour de Spider-Man dans le MCU et a confirmé que le personnage serait intégré à l'univers partagé de Sony : l'univers de Spider-Man de Sony. Homme. Aller de l'avant. Répondant à la réaction des fans après l'annonce, Vinciquerra a ajouté que les gens de Marvel sont des gens formidables, nous avons beaucoup de respect pour eux, mais d'un autre côté, nous avons des gens vraiment formidables. Feige n'a pas fait tout le travail. Nous sommes suffisamment capables. Pour faire ce que nous avons à faire ici. Cependant, après que cette réaction des fans s'est poursuivie lors de la convention biennale de Disney et à la demande pressante de Holland, qui s'est entretenu personnellement avec le PDG de Disney, Bob Iger et le président de Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group, Tom Rothman, les sociétés ont repris les négociations.
Sony et Disney ont annoncé fin septembre 2019 un nouvel accord qui permettrait à Marvel Studios et Feige de produire un autre film Spider-Man pour Sony avec Amy Pascal, prévu pour le 16 juillet 2023, tout en gardant le personnage dans le MCU. Disney cofinancerait 25 % du film en échange de 25 % des bénéfices du film, tout en conservant les droits marketing du personnage. L'accord a également permis à Holland's Spider-Man d'apparaître dans un futur film de Marvel Studios. Feige a déclaré: Je suis ravi que le voyage de Spidey vers le MCU se poursuive, et moi et nous tous chez Marvel Studios sommes très heureux de pouvoir continuer à travailler dessus. Il a ajouté qu'à l'avenir, le Spider-Man du MCU pourra traverser des univers cinématographiques et apparaître également dans l'univers partagé de Sony. Cette interaction aurait été un appel et une réponse entre les deux franchises, car elles reconnaissent les détails entre les deux dans ce qui serait vaguement décrit comme un univers détaillé partagé. Sony a décrit leurs films précédents avec Marvel Studios comme une excellente collaboration et a déclaré que notre désir mutuel de continuer était le même que celui de nombreux fans. Au moment du nouvel accord, Watts était en négociations finales pour réaliser le film.
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❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name ”Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.
A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little. If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order. Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure, while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.
In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film. Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: ”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching ❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie.
Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today.
I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited.
Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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creeeee · 4 years
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my @hd-fan-fair prompt was: Witch Weekly is putting out a sexy calendar for charity. Draco and Harry have so much chemistry they end up in an extra cover shoot - styled together.
so glad I can finally post this!! this was so much fun to draw :’) on ao3
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caroll-in · 4 years
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Harry and Draco have to stay over at their friends' places for a few weeks, since the renovation of the Grimmauld Place hadn't been completed by the time they were back from their honeymoon. That creates a slight issue with being intimate but the newlyweds are nothing if not creative...
Taking part in the @hd-fan-fair was such a fantastic experience for me, I had great fun reading and commenting on all the entries ;u; I even guessed some of the authors right and that’s a first haha Thank you SO MUCH to the Mods who made this fest possible and to all my EE teammates and to everyone who took part and shared their awesome creations, left comments and basically made these last two months as great as they were - you are all THE BEST <3
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fic claim: i just want your extra time and your...
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my prompt for this year’s @hd-fan-fair was: Draco ends up in a fuck or die scenario with [insert single male friend of Harry's]. Harry expects his friend to be horrified in the aftermath, but when instead he raves about how great a lay Draco was, it starts to bring up some new feelings in Harry. i had a total blast writing this, and i hope you enjoy it!
big thanks as always to @tackytigerfic @shealwaysreads @maesterchill for cheering me over the finish line and their constant, unending loveliness. u da best guys <3
Summary: Ron should know better than to speak Latin in a magical library. If he’d just left well enough alone, instead of trying to badger Malfoy for the details of his newest novel, Harry wouldn’t have to listen to all of this chatter about how bloody decent Malfoy is, and he wouldn’t be dealing with all of these...feelings.Really, it’s all Ron’s fault that Harry’s mind is stuck on Malfoy like this again.
Tags: spell accidents, fuck-or-die, jealousy, sexuality crisis. oh, and draco writes romance novels.
“Merlin,” drawls an exceptionally irritated-sounding voice from a few tables down. “Potter, as fascinating as your deranged romantic fantasies undoubtedly are to a certain subset of the population, this is a library, and some of us are attempting to work. Is it too much to ask for a bit of quiet?”
“Shit!” Harry says, too loud, as he spins around to meet Draco Malfoy’s annoyed grey gaze. “Merlin, Malfoy, you scared me. And I wasn’t— That wasn’t— Urgh. Never mind, yes, we’ll try to keep it down.”
Ron punctuates that statement by dumping all the books onto the table with an almighty crash. Harry winces, and Malfoy closes his eyes as if he’s in pain.
read it here on Ao3!
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pineau-noir · 4 years
Fic Claim: Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright)
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Author: Pineau_noir (me!)
Rated: Explicit
Warnings/tags: no archive warnings apply, drunken flirting, divorced Harry Potter, Widowed Draco Malfoy, Background Ginsey
Length: 9.1k
Sex is hard to come by when you're 40 and have kids.
Or: Five times Harry and Draco tried and failed to have sex and one time they were successful.
Authors notes: Thank you to everyone involved in this! To my beta reader @gallifrey1sburning thank you so much for the last minute, speedy and comprehensive beta. It was really great working with you. To the mods, omg @hd-fan-fair is so amazing, thank you so much for running it! I really appreciate all the work you do every year for this outstanding fest. To the Drarry community, thank you so much for being so fun and welcoming.
Y'all, I'm terrible at this
Read it here
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softlystarstruck · 2 years
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✩ softly reading april 11 - 30 ✩
backstreet’s back, baby. except only kind of, because im doing these monthly now! this one is just belatedly filling in the rest of april. welcome to softly reading, in which i list every single drarry fic i’ve read this month in hopes that you, dear reader, find a fic you like too!
✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | 🌼 - gentle read
longer reads
✩ Once More With Feeling by InnerLilith [E, 28k] 🔥
Draco is dosed with a consummation-compelling potion, with Harry Potter as his intended. It’s a cruel irony, because he’s wanted Potter for years. But not like this.
✩ Offer Up Our Hearts by @tackytigerfic [M, 23k]
Harry Potter has a very nice life, thank you very much. He's a top Curse-Breaker with a lucrative Ministry contract, and exciting prospects ahead. Sometimes he does wish that he had time to pursue something official with Draco Malfoy - they're half in love with each other, after all, and a great team (in and out of bed), though Draco is still one of the most infuriating people he knows. And when Draco asks Harry to accompany him on a diplomatic mission to the mysterious Sidhe fairies in Ireland, Harry agrees to lend his expertise. [HD Tropes Exchange Fest 2019] Recced to me by @the-starryknight
✩ The shape of my love by @orange-peony [E, 23k] 🏳️‍⚧️🔥🌼
Harry’s happy — happier than he’s ever been in his life, really. He loves living with Draco, studying with him and cooking together. Draco is still oddly mysterious about the potion he takes every day, even though Harry is a bloody Healer in training, and he still never changes in front of him, but that’s fine. Harry respects his boundaries, because he has his own too. And he is probably - or most likely - a little enamoured with the blond git, if he has to admit it to himself, but it’s fine. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
✩ all my love’s wrapped in shades of red by asininemind [T, 15k]
Ron and Hermione are moving out - so, naturally, Harry does the responsible adult-thing: Stalk Visit Draco Malfoy at his job at a costume store.
Strings Attached by daisymondays [E, 14k] 🔥
Draco Malfoy's never been interested in dating, and he'll be damned if that changes because of Harry Potter in joggers. [HP Joggers Fest]
✩ To Tame A Kitten (is to love) by @tsauergrass [G, 13k] 🌼
After the war, Harry finds solace in fostering orphaned kittens. One day, a kitten appears on his door step without explanation—and attacks him! Taking it in, he quickly finds that this kitten is nothing ordinary. [H/D Fan Fair 2019]
Kissed by @potteresque-ire [M, 12k]
Draco Malfoy was attacked by a rogue Dementor on the night of his Azkaban release. He self-exiled to Muggle London and opened a late-night chocolate shop called Kissed. [H/D Erised 2015]
short & sweet (< 10k)
hear me (with your whole body) by @teacup-tai [E, 9k]
It was a sexy idea, exploring other bodies with Draco, engaging in sex with other people to spice things up. Something inside of him was excited about the prospect, but the nagging fear, the feeling of abandonment that follows each image that pops in his head is throwing him off. He would give it a go. See what it was like. He could always say no, right? [H/D Hurt Fest 2020]
✩ Worth It by @april-thelightfury115 [T, 8.7k] 🏳️‍⚧️
After a friendly quidditch match, Harry's sure he's the only one left in the changing room. But then Malfoy—a naked Malfoy—stands before him, and Harry instantly knows two things. 1. He's fucked. 2. Malfoy knows he's trans. The only thing that might save him? Draco Malfoy is trans too. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
✩ Everything About You by @nv-md [E, 2.5k] 🔥🏳️‍⚧️
Draco's in love with his best friend, and he's resigned himself to being roommates and nothing more. Until he rescues Harry from a drunk arsehole and in a moment of weakness, confesses everything. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
✩ All the Time in the World (to stay just like this) by @stargazing-enby [E, 2.3k] 🏳️‍⚧️🌼🔥
Draco and Harry spend a lazy afternoon in Harry's dorm, and Draco seizes the opportunity to steal some of Harry's clothes. What starts off as a cuddle session soon turns into something more. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
art gallery
✩ Kintsugi Kisses by @amaisart [E] 🔥🏳️‍⚧️
Harry worships Draco, scars and all. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
✩ Mirror of Ytilaer by OkaySky [M] 🏳️‍⚧️🌼
"You're so beautiful," Harry murmured in Draco's ear. Draco suppressed a shiver; he could feel Harry's heavy-lidded gaze across his body just as tangibly as he could feel the gentle touch of his fingertips across his scars. "Shut it, Potter," Draco grumbled back. [HP Trans Fest 2022]
previous softly reading lists
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sitp-recs · 2 years
H/D Fests Recs
I just noticed that I never saved the links for my fest recs in one place, I haven’t done many but here they are. These are now linked on my pinned post, and I might add a belated list for Suds Fest 2021 later this week. Enjoy!
List of HP Fests
H/D Sex Fair 2020
H/D Wireless 2021
H/D Fan Fair 2021: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
H/D Big Bang 2021
H/D Suds Fest 2021
H/D Erised 2021
H/D Cluefest 2022
H/D Wireless 2022
H/D Erised 2022
Dronarry Fest 2023
HP Wedding Fest 2023
HD Mpreg Fest 2023
HD Wireless 2023
LCDrarry 2023
HD Career Fair 2023
HP Law of Attraction 2023
HP Rec Fest 2023
H/D Erised 2023
Dronarry Fest 2024
LCDrarry 2024
HD Wireless 2024
HD Hurt/Comfort 2024
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bridenore · 3 years
HD Fan Fair 2021 recs
Here are some of my favorite fics from @hd-fan-fair 2021. Listed in alphabetical order.
At the end of our world by gnarf [61k]
It took three days before the first hints were on the news, and a week before Harry spotted the first Infected on his own street. A month until there was no chance of stopping the panic, and six weeks until the government and Ministry fell. Then the TV stopped airing anything but a standby with the message ‘Stay safe’, and the world as he'd known it ended forever.
Ten weeks later he got an answer from Hermione. "It spread. There's no way back. We love you, Harry. Take care."
Call Me, Won't You? by @aelys-althea [38k]
Draco's sentence seemed a never-ending drag of groundhog days and melancholy. Ten years of isolation as a means of punishment hadn't sounded nearly as bad as the threat of Azkaban, but he hadn't considered just what that entailed.
Phone call after phone call invariably ended with a sigh and a extended series of beeps. Until one call, one unexpected call, hauled Draco from his monotony and back to life for the first time in years.
Develop, Stop and Fix by @onbeinganangel  [15k]
In his five years in New York City, James Black has earned significant fame as a photographer. In fact, he's attracted the attention of London curator D. Black. Harry Potter uses a fake name and runs away. In a way, so does Draco Malfoy.
How do these stories connect? It's quite simple: they're one and the same.
Fighting fire with fire by azyxy [11k]
As Deputy Director of the Ministry’s Fire Brigade, Draco Malfoy is an expert firefighter. But after things get out of hand in what should have been a routine operation and Harry Potter arrives to help, Draco finds himself getting hot and bothered for totally unprofessional reasons.
Safe As Houses by @xanthippe74  [24k]
After five years abroad, Harry’s thrilled to be home and working at the most prestigious ward-building firm in Britain. But everything gets turned upside down when he's assigned to work for Draco Malfoy—who somehow grew up to be just the sort of sexy bastard Harry goes for. As if that isn’t enough, Malfoy seems strangely on edge, his wards are a mess, and Harry keeps feeling like he’s being watched in the garden. It’s going to take all of Harry’s ward-crafting skills—and self-restraint—to help Malfoy feel safe in his own home again.
Take A Chance On Me by mintaminta [41k]
There's a DJ on RareFM with a secret.
Or: the one with all the ABBA in it.
This Ain't the Garden of Eden by Romaine [131k]
In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids.
Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores.
This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. The assumption is that 'all is well' in the British Magical world, and that Hermione Granger-Weasley will easily be voted in as the next Minister for Magic. However, Draco knows better. He knows she has a strong competitor who is wooing those who live in Knockturn. And if he wins, the Ministry, and all that has been accomplished the previous twenty odd years, will be destroyed.
What Shall Not Be Unearthed by @iero0 [49k]
At the northernmost point of Shetland, surrounded by pointed cliffs, towers the Ootsta Lighthouse on a small isle in the middle of the open sea. Little does Harry know that he's not the only new lighthouse keeper. Draco Malfoy is as obnoxious as he always was, with his posh tone of voice and his luxury yacht jumpers. Harry tries his best to avoid the git—who knows what he's up to anyway?
While working hard on keeping the remote island and his mental health in good condition, Harry tries to fight against increasingly conflicted opinions about Malfoy. He doesn't like to think about the weirdly tangible dreams that he keeps having and especially the fact that Draco keeps appearing naked in them.
The answers, a confusion of denied attractions and macabre horror, lie buried in a riptide of emotions, dormant in the deep.
The Work of Our Life by @rain-beee [65k]
Something is wrong with Hogwarts. Harry can feel it in his bones. It’s his duty as caretaker to find out what it is, and fix it before it’s too late. But first- he has to deal with the fact that the new tapestry restorer hired to complete the last of the repairs is the last person he'd expect: Draco Malfoy.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
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HP/DRARRY Fic Fests 2021
★ Sources : potterfests & @hpfests || Banner © : @capipuff || as of 2022.02
H/D Mistletoe Exchange 2020/2021 @gwbexchange : AO3
HP Kinkuary 2021 @hpkinkuary : AO3
H/D Domesticity Fest @hd-domesticityfest : AO3
Seven Shades of Romance @sevenshadesofdrarry : AO3
My Bloody Valentine 2021 @hpdarkarts : AO3
Valentine's day gift fic exchange 2021 : AO3
H/D Cluefest @hd-cluefest : AO3
HP Animagus Fest 2021 @hpanimagusfest : AO3
HP Pop Punk Fest 2021 @hppoppunkfest : AO3
HP TransFest @hptransfest : AO3
HP Scarry Fest @hp-scarryfest : AO3
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2021 @dracotops-harry : AO3
HP Triad!Fest 2020/21 @hptriadfest : AO3
Owlery Exchange: Love Conquers All @gameofdrarry : AO3
Lights, Camera, Drarry Fest 2021 @lcdrarry​: AO3
H/D Mpreg Fest 2021 @harrydracompreg : AO3
Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange : AO3
Dralbus Fest 2021 @dralbusfest : AO3
Drarry Strugglefest 2021 @drarrystrugglefest : AO3
Exploding Snap: A Drarry Game/Fest @gameofdrarry : AO3
HP Somebody To Love Fest @hpsomebodytolovefest : AO3
H/D Wireless 2021 @hd-wireless : AO3
HP Queer Fest 2021 @hpqueerfest : AO3
HP Daddy Fest 2021 @hpdaddyfest : AO3
2021 Summer Writin' : AO3
Seven Shades of Virtue @sevenshadesofdrarry​ : AO3
Drarry 'Round the World : AO3
Harry/Draco Big Bang 2021 @harrydracobang : AO3
H/D Summer Vibes 2021 @gwbexchange : AO3
Quidditch Fest @quidditchfest : AO3
HP Make It Musical Fest 2021 @hp-make-it-musical-fest : AO3
HP Fluff Fest 2021 @hpfluff-fest : AO3
HP Crack!Fic Fest 2021 @hpcrackficfest : AO3
H/D Career Fair 2021 @hd-fan-fair : AO3
H/D Remix Challenge 2021 @hd-remix : AO3
HP Kinktober 2021 @hpkinktober : AO3
HP Creature Kinktober @creature-kinktober : AO3
HP FearFest 2021 @hp-fearfest : AO3
Drarropoly 2021: International Edition @gameofdrarry : AO3
H/D Sudsfest 2021 @hdsudsfest : AO3
Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange : AO3
H/D Erised 2021 @hd-erised : AO3
H/D Owlpost 2021 @hdowlpost : AO3
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2021 @slythindor100 : AO3
H/D Mistletoe Exchange 2021 @gwbexchange : AO3
Gay Juice Secret Santa Exchange : AO3
HP De-stress December 2021 @hpdestress : AO3
HP Trans Comfort Fest @magicaltrans : AO3
Seven Shades of Weasley @sevenshadesofdrarry​ : AO3
Wireless goes Cinema @wireless-festive-minifest : AO3
✔ previous year • next year ✔ other years
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Flowers and Stars by @ununquadius [T, 1k]
►What starts as another one of Draco’s complains about his pregnancy ends with him and Harry choosing a name for their daughter.
2. Let's keep Draco by @siriuslywolfish-pg9 [T, 2k]
►where Draco spends the summers with Harry at the Black-Lupin household because things are tense at the Malfoy Manor. It's all going good until one day someone pays them a visit.
1. The Other Cottage by @corvuscrowned [T, 6k]
►[...] But when a strange comet passes overhead, things start to get even weirder than usual.As the night unfolds, Harry and Draco are forced to grapple with strange realities, reckon with new sides of themselves, and find their way back before the comet finishes crossing the sky. ★ All Hallows Challenge 2021 | @hp-fearfest
2. This Ain't the Garden of Eden by Anonymous [E, 131k]
►In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids. Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores. This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. [...] ★ Harry/Draco Career Fair 2021 | @hd-fan-fair
3. When Harry Met Sally by @drarrymybeloved [G, 17k]
►He’s looking into slate grey eyes obscured by a few wind-tousled strands of platinum blond hair, at cheekbones that could cut glass, a sharp nose, and pointed chin. Harry’s looking at Draco sodding Malfoy. [...] ★ HP Fluff Fest 2021 | @hpfluff-fest
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xanthippe74 · 3 years
First Lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
Thank you for tagging me, @maesterchill! I loved reading your first lines and all the posts from other writers with theirs. It made me appreciate how many approaches there are—grab the reader’s attention with something startling; plunge them right into the middle of the action; a single sentence of dialogue or a simple statement of fact. I’ve definitely been inspired by this game to experiment!
I’m going to bend the rules and count down my top five favorites from AO3, since I only have sixteen fics posted there anyway.
[5] Somewhere between closing the front door of the Burrow, shutting out the clamour of another Sunday roast, and opening the creaky garden gate, Harry realises that he doesn’t want to go home just yet.
—Follow the Water (38K, rated T, HD Wireless Fest 2020)
[4] It was autumn when I found myself at the end of the road.
—The Last of What the World Left You (25K, rated T, HP Animagus Fest 2021)
[3] The first time that Draco sees Harry Potter after the war, he’s huddled against the wall in the exercise yard at Azkaban, shivering in his grey prison robes with his hands pushed into the opposite sleeves and the hood pulled low over his shorn head.
—Vortex (20K, rated T, 2020)
[2] It’s Friday afternoon and Harry has washed up on Draco Malfoy’s doorstep again.
—On Your Shore (35K, rated M, HD Fan Fair 2020)
[1] If anyone asked him how he’d spend the first New Year’s Eve after the war, Draco is certain he’d never guess it would be like this—more than half-frozen and less than half-drunk at a party where everyone is ignoring him.
—This Heart Shut Wide (4K, rated T, 2019)
Tagging @april-thelightfury115, @pineau-noir, and @glittering-git if they want to play and haven’t done this already.
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