#he WANTS to be w/ Yoichi
mishy-mashy · 4 months
Kudo is actually such a kind, soft-hearted guy that had to toughen up because he cared too much
He looked at AFO's rule, and even though he was weak, he had that glint in his eye that has been referred to as the "will of a hero" to oppose him. A hopeful glint shared with Midoriya, Bakugo, and Hawks
He even parallels Hawks when they talk about that particular look in their eye
From a glimmer in the eye, to which eye is shown, how much of the face, a similar angle of the face, and placement of text questioning the existence of that light,
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He stormed to kill Yoichi with Bruce, but couldn't, once he saw the state Yoichi was in. Even knowing he was the enemy, he still reached out his hand and never let go, even when they were running
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When Yoichi died, even though they'd only been together for two months, Kudo still cried and froze up.
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This is a reaction from a man who repeatedly used lives as a stepping stone for his own goal.
Kudo said himself, that victory was life, and defeat was death. He had killed and seen his friends killed over and over, but still cries when it happens again. And to someone he only knew for two months, at that.
Kudo gathered allies under his cause, and they were loyal enough to die for him. Bruce cries (still smiling tho) facing AFO, tried protecting Kudo when he froze up at Yoichi's death, and we see all Kudo's comrades dead in the end. Maybe Bruce was suicidal when he went to face AFO, knowing he'd die, but most of his comrades (and Kudo) were already gone. Their cause was snuffed out, but the will persisted.
Kudo is a bit like Aizawa.
A bit crass and blunt, doesn't like beating around the bush, but he can clearly see what kind of person you are. He's not openly kind, but you know he cares so much, but has also lost too much once. He's seen his friend(s) die, and shouldn't it have been him in that spot? Shouldn't he have died instead, but was forced to continue living for that dead person's sake?
His speech about why we call Abilities "Quirks", recognizing people's intent over raw power is the real power. (Ch 369)
He's blunt and goes straight to the results rather than beat around the bush, but it doesn't mean his heart is frozen and he doesn't care about you. (Ch 408)
He cares so much, and that's why he has to do so much. (His whole Resistance thing, figuring out how Yoichi's Factor works to make sure Yoichi and his will can live on in some way)
He recognizes that Midoriya isn't driven by duty, but that he genuinely adores Quirks too much. (Ch 414) He could look at Midoriya, read that immediately, and even though he looked through his memories, Midoriya's character was his takeaway. Not that Midoriya is an idiot for letting himself be stepped on, or that this kid was bullied, but that Midoriya could see the goodness in others.
Like how Aizawa saw that Midoriya was relying on the reason [It can't be helped] whenever OFA broke his bones and told him he can't always break himself just because he could be fixed (Midoriya's recklessness that showed itself on the first day of school). He called out something that was an underlying, innate belief to Midoriya, that was so normal to the teen, and no one else had brought up as wrong to him.
The first thing they perceive is a person's character.
When Aizawa tied up Midoriya on the first day of school, he wasn't telling him off over his Quirk destroying him being a PR thing or too gruesome for the public. It was out of the fact that his Quirk shouldn't destroy him, because it's dangerous for Midoriya.
Aizawa came off antagonistic, but he was looking out for Midoriya. He didn't want him to keep breaking his whole arm, he didn't want him to get stuck in the mindset that he had to get hurt to use his Quirk, he was looking out for his wellbeing from the start. A kid he didn't know personally until that day.
Kudo did a similar thing. He turned his back, and refused to help, because they were putting their hopes in a delusional boy who would go too far. When the vestiges realized their gathered Abilities and Quirks were letting Midoriya have the freedom to do as he wished, Kudo already knew, only saying "His path is the right one". He could relate to having to run full-sprint to see your goal realized, even if everything opposed him, but didn't want Midoriya to go through that same path alone.
If he were alone, he'd be like Nagant. He had to have comrades to be like Kudo, able to continue and stand for their beliefs, but having comrades to fall back on, or pull him back when it's too much. That's why he follows up in that moment with, "But, if there's something Midoriya does need..."
Kudo and Aizawa could see themselves or their comrades in others, and knew how to approach those character flaws that were normalized to others and said person.
Kudo could see others for who they were, and I think it's this, and his caring nature, that he gathered so many allies with him. He knew when to be blunt, when to show kindness, that the truth hurts but needs to be seen, was actually very logical and witty, and when to step aside and let people do their thing, even if it wasn't the best move (like saving All Might). Because that was what was best for that person.
It's not like people would join someone so wholeheartedly without conviction and being left unseen by that person. So many people were willing to die with and for Kudo, and Bruce believes in him so much.
When All Might's vestige was fading and becoming more solid, Kudo had to look away. They knew it meant All Might was dying in the real world.
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Kudo was telling Midoriya not to intervene with Gearshift there. But once he saw All Might genuinely dying out, he couldn't look at him, and kept quiet. He stopped hanging onto battlefield logic of necessity, shut up, let Midoriya do his thing, and it saved All Might. It saved Midoriya from seeing his idol die in front of him, and Kudo didn't have to see another ally die beside him.
The chapter is literally called [We Love You All Might!!]. Even if it's just meant to focus in Bakugo and Midoriya, and only has 2 exclamation marks, it can't discount the world is watching. The vestiges care about All Might too.
When the vestiges come up with the plan to forcibly transfer themselves to deal damage, Kudo volunteers himself as the test dummy. Sure, he backs it with a lot of reason too, but he didn't want anyone else to go first as a test drive
He, with a Gearshift Ability that resembled a manual car, was the test drive. Ha ha pun- *gets shot*
En tried going first. Kudo rejected him, saying he would go first.
"Part ways with Gearshift [me], and you'll be free of the crippling recoil too."
Too. TOO.
I'd cut the image so it looks better, and I can use Bruce's words elsewhere, but this is an image limit, so,
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- Kudo refused to let anyone else go first. This was before giving reasons to convince them he should leave first
- En gives reason to why it can't be Kudo. Kudo just says, "Listen." and reminds them of now.
- Look at Kudo's face when he says that. The guy knows what he's doing when he cuts off En, and would probably be a horrible liar. He might as well be pulling this out of his ass.
He's said "The world will end" "You have to or else" "Five minutes" "You're going to die" a few times in this fight already. DUDE STOPPP
(Terrible liar and a guy who purposely eggs you to torment? What a great friend he would be [yknow, when u make ur friends freak out by being ominous or reminding them of stuff. Like Toast to Lilypichu in a game of Observation Duty])
- "Too."
- Bruce's trust in him, but knowing when to pull Kudo back from going too far
Also, when he's transferred, he smiles to Midoriya. He knows he's about to die again, but the last thing he does for Midoriya is
1) Take away the recoil of his existence as a Factor on the boy
2) Reassure him that it's okay, so it doesn't weigh on his conscience
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Even if only in thought, STILL!
I bet Kudo is suuuch a sentimental fool
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> [Be me and watch your new friend die]
> [I have Yoichi's Factor]
> [It's like I carry his will now]
> [Have a glint of opposition in my eye that drives the Demon Lord and my comrades (Bruce) crazy]
> [Hey Bruce, let's figure out how it transfers]
> [Bruce's common sense VS my rabid ideas]
> [I win]
> [Bruce was unwilling the whole time and still ends up with the Factor]
> [The Factor is named One For All, after something in Yoichi's favorite comic book series]
> [We pass it on to the future to carry forward]
> [Even as everyone else and me dies, I make sure Yoichi and his will are safe from his Demon Lord brother that locked him up]
> [Decades later, my sweet vaulted friend reminds me of when we met]
> [I turn around and give my whole-hearted support to believe in some 15-year old boy because Yoichi believes in him too]
When Shinomori was stolen by AFO, Shinomori pushed everyone away before they could really notice the invader. Kudo called out for him.
Everyone is in shock, but I don't think it's a mistake that the text bubble calling out for Shinomori is pointing from Kudo.
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All For One made it through and is ready to steal them, but the first thing Kudo did was call out for the one at the very front.
[On the post I made that mentions Shinomori pushing everyone away] What if Kudo wasn't pushed away? What if this was him at the front, realizing the danger and turning around, but being unable to do anything for Shinomori when he saw?
Like Bruce, Kudo communicates. He doesn't expect you to just follow or understand him. He actually lays it out and makes sure you keep up.
He explains
- the transfer of vestiges, and why he should go first
- his Quirk
- why Quirks are Quirks
- reports to Midoriya what's happening and what's next
- to Yoichi why they couldn't trust in a delusional boy. In a way that wasn't Bruce's roundabout "we lived in a terrible era and a leader gathered us"
When En panics, he barks at En to keep up. By barking at him, rather than any other way he could've used his tone, it shuts up En in his frantic babbling. Kudo also lets Vestige Might put in his thoughts to understand better, and uses it.
Eye reflection. Kudo can really see people for who they are, and understands others, and himself.
I can't repeat the pics cuz image limit, but look at previous panels here. For example, Kudo saying Yoichi's will lives in him, and when AFO reflected in his eyes
It's something I learned from Re:Zero. When a person in reflected in one's eye, something something that person can see the true core of you, of what you really are underneath everything. The eyes are the window and mirror [glass] of the soul. I finally see the true you.
AFO never reflected anyone.
But Kudo reflected AFO when the man accidentally killed Yoichi. He saw that AFO wasn't seeing anything, so later, Kudo smiled and mocked AFO at his own death.
"He's gone."
"You killed him, Demon Lord."
And AFO hated that reminder.
Kudo was reminding him of what the truth was. Kudo saw it himself, and AFO blocked it out from the get-go. Kudo already knew what AFO was, what he was seeing, what he was doing to himself by blaming Kudo instead of himself.
And then, Kudo's eyes reflected his own hand when he realized Yoichi's Factor was in him.
Kudo clearly saw himself, and in himself, Yoichi. Nothing distorted it. It really was a clear mirror.
He really perceived Yoichi's will was living on, and was right. Otherwise, his eyes wouldn't have shown it.
Kudo was right about AFO. It's even implied back when he and Bruce had their backs turned; Kudo knew what AFO's real goal was. That was back when AFO preached unity and division under him.
Kudo could always see right through AFO. He really understood people from the start. And he never tried making up truths to justify what he was seeing, facing it head-on.
Kudo's lying about the world being black and white.
Kudo and Bruce saw the world as black and white. This was mentioned in the void.
Kudo also says, "Victory meant life. Defeat meant death."
But it's the Resistance. It's when Japan and the world was at their lowest. The world wasn't black and white; there's lots of gray.
Kudo and Bruce would've seen this. Kudo even admits that there's gray, just not directly.
Kudo says Yoichi knows, how he killed and trampled so many lives, to get back at AFO. He knows it wasn't right, or an amazing choice. Later, he says that when your back is against the wall, you have to make callous judgements. These hint at gray moments.
Kudo and Bruce have faced and been in the gray. But it's too hard to make the right choices, and there are times there is no right answer.
Historically, soldiers would convince themselves the enemy were monsters. They wouldn't be able to fight and kill them otherwise. They wouldn't be able to live with themselves without believing in this so badly.
Kudo and Bruce had to have been the same way. They were Meta Humans [Monsters] in a time they were viewed as diseased humans. The monsters were real. And they had a Demon Lord. Kudo and Bruce literally dressed up as soldiers.
Even if they were monsters to society, being Meta, Kudo and Bruce were still human. They knew this. The ones who tried believing in only black and white were inhabitants of the gray itself.
But they have to protect themselves. Kudo is so adamant that the world is only black and white, because he can't stand the gray. What it makes him do, what it means, that he's too weak to do anything.
Yoichi is an example of that gray area. The mortal enemy's younger brother, was actually locked up and sickly. He's just a comic book nerd. And it humanized the other side Kudo opposed so vehemently.
Kudo says victory is life and defeat is death. And Yoichi asked why he reached out to him then. He reminded Kudo of that gray area, and Kudo opened up.
Kudo might avoid the gray area because it's a matter of the heart and a moral dilemma, but it's what makes him human. When there's no right answer in the battlefield, he decides on his feelings instead.
He wishes the world was black and white, because it'd be so easy. But it's not.
Yoichi reminded him of how entering that gray area led to OFA ("when you reached out your hand to me"), and it had been the best choice in the end. The gray area is real, and Kudo's left a bare man with only his emotions when he's there.
Kudo is actually really kind and understanding. He's too soft for his own good. Thanks if you made it this far, I hope it makes sense (tag and image limit)
#KUDO IS UNDERRATED NEEDS MORE CONTENT RECOGNITION HES THE KINDEST WITTLE BOY EVER#my thoughts#i think ppl who write resistance stuff should also consider that not everything was black and white#there will be moral arguments where you cant decide. and the resistance has faced those sorts of things where There Is No Right Answer.#kudo is really kind tho. exactly because he cares so much he does all these things and tries to harden himself#but like exoskeletons work - its only an armor to protect the soft squishy insides and keep them from drying out#i woke up and had to put this stuff down#me: *picks up a sentence note in my fic notes* *puts it down here and elaborates*#the line was in relation to putting down stuff about the vestiges to remember dynamics#[Kudo is the kindest despite appearances]#kudo seems like he would be fiercely protective over ppl he cares about. exactly because hes seen so many of his comrades die over and over#kudo#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#spoilers#ofa#one for all#bruce#bruce is the meme of “*chuckles* I'm in danger” and its just. Kudo w/ his new crazy idea chasing him down with Gearshift and Yoichis Factor#hikage shinomori#en tayutai#yoichi shigaraki#ive been thinking he was kind for a long time but never elaborated why. if u look at his actions words and thoughts it all makes sense#theres underlying kindness in there. he wants to be kind but the world would scorch him if he didnt have a stick up his ass#also adding on to the prev tag of kudo and fiercely protective- because in their times comrades were everything. otherwise you were alone#the world sucks resources are limited and youre a diseased human [Meta]. but you have someone willing to walk with you.#also about the [Kudo is the kindest] note among the vestiges- i dont think any of the other vestiges would do what kudo did#calmly volunteering himself rather than it being in panic. extending a hand and saving what shouldve been his mortal enemy. yknow
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ph4ngz · 2 years
w/ isagi, chigiri, bachira, rin and sae :D reo, nagi and kunigami version here <3
Isagi Yoichi fucks you with ultimate passion. He loves to see his best and beautiful girl bouncing up and down each time he forces his hard cock inside of your— no, his perfect pussy. With his forearms resting beside your head, he'll murmur sweet nothings into your open mouth as he shakes his head so that your noses touch a few times. "Let it all go..." he'll grant you a long, fiery kiss when you're about to cum just to hear and watch you gasp for air as he thumbs your pulsing clit, "you're so gorgeous when you cum on my cock, such a pretty girl". Most of the time, Isagi won't let himself cum until you're incapable of moaning anything but his name and his name only.
"C'mon baby, moan my name. Hell, fuckin' scream it if you want to. F-Fuck!" he'll pry it out of you, he always does. It's not like you can help it when he's making you feel so good, its the only name you'll ever be thinking of no matter what situation you're in.
Chigiri Hyoma fucks you with unrivalled speed. He never fails to leave you unable to form a coherent sentence, your brain turning to mush throughout your fuck sessions every single time. "Hngh, what a view," he'll moan and kiss one of your calves laid upon his shoulders whilst drilling into your sopping cunt, having your asscheeks propped up on his knees so his arms can wrap around your limp thighs. Whenever you're trying to speak, Chigiri will change pace to fuck you faster. He can't get enough of your futile attempts at speaking, revelling in the cute, long-winded whimpers that jump along with his thrusts.
"Fuuuuck... a-almost too fast for this pretty pussy to handle..." he'll stutter, leaning his warm forehead into your raised leg before the soft walls gripping at his dick begin to constrict again, opening his clenched eyes to witness you cum without warning. "One more time, atta girl. Don't pass out on me, dumbass."
Bachira Meguru fucks you with eager fascination. There's no such thing as a boring sex life with him around. Your noises and expressions are what he thrives off of, so you can forget trying to keep anything from him as he will, without a doubt, succeed in getting the reaction he wants from you. He loves getting you all embarrassed with his unpredictable antics, like the times when he'll land a swift slap upon your swollen clit right after caressing you so gently. "Mmph!" he'll bite his lip playfully at the sharp impact and grin sinfully at your bowed brows, "my, myyyy~ you liked that, didn't you?".
Bachira will treat sex like a damn guessing game, you don't understand why though, seeing as he knows you like the back of his hand. Maybe it's to show you how amazing he is in bed without sounding so egotistical. "Are you going to cum? No? A-Agh, how about now? Just kidding. Cum all over me..." he'll joke whilst relentlessly slamming his hips against your ass, observing your body jolt uncontrollably in his lap. "That's it, that's my slutty little monster."
Itoshi Rin fucks you with intense craving. He's utterly obsessed with you. You're the one segment of his life that big brother Sae cannot touch, and he likes to keep it that way. He'll never get over the sensation of security your tight, wet pussy brings forth, his loud sighs and possessive gripping at your thighs giving him away every time. Everything about your existence stokes a desire within him, making him crave that particular, heart-melting expression that Sae could never achieve. "Huh, huh..." he'll pant into your neck whilst ruthlessly humping you against the wall, "only I can make you feel like this, only me...". He'll have your entire body quivering, convulsing under his expert touch in seconds, and its when you do reach your high that he pays more attention than he would during a fucking soccer match.
Rin would rather die than not be able to see you cum for him. For him to be content, he has to etch the memory into his brain. "Good girl, good girl," he'll lovingly caress your contorting face and angle his hips perfectly, "I want you to cum s-so hard for me, so hard for me that you forget your own name." Sometimes the rewarding sight ends up being too much for his poor heart to take in, ropes of white releasing inside of you unexpectedly.
Itoshi Sae fucks you with utmost confidence. He knows damn well that nobody can have the control that he has over you. You'd do anything for him. "Now, bend over and fucking take it for me." he'll demand whilst tapping his bare cock upon your asscheek, not a single worry about your obedience faltering because... its him, of course you'll obey. When he fucks you from behind, he loves to gently grab you by the neck and pull your back into his chest. He'll praise you for your best behaviour, heavy balls thumping against your clit with his brutal thrusting. "Like a fucking champion..." with a hand brushing stray hairs away from your heated face.
Out of all the trophies he's racked up over the past, you're by far his most treasured. Sae is reminded of this once he sees your plumped lips open in a silent scream, spongy walls vice-like around his length as your release hits you like a brick. "There you go, cream on my fat cock." he'll groan into your sensitive ear, the hand around your neck coiling tighter like a deadly constricter snake.
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sanaexus · 4 months
social's as bachira's girlfriend
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-liked by kuniisuke, chigi.who and 117.4k others
yourusername: i caught the l-o-v-e
tagged: megubachi
isaichii: yeah and i caught the f-l-u ↳yourusername: don't be so dramatic
isaichii: PHOTO CREDITS WOULD BE NICE SINCE I WENT OUT 2 IN THE NIGHT TO TAKE THIS STUPID PICTURE ↳mikka.kaiser: it's actually 2 in the morning ↳isaichii: shut 😭the😭actual😭fuck😭up😭 ↳yourusername: mb bro
yourusername: the photographer (and part time bachira lover) behind this amazing beautiful picture was none other than isagi yoichi ↳yourusername: that enough photo credit for you? ↳isaichii: yes also tfym part time bachira lover that's weird ↳megubachi: loving me is weird? ☹ ↳isaichii: nO NO NO WDYM OFC NOT I'M A FULL TIME BACHIRA LOVER ↳megubachi: I LOVE YOU TOO ↳yourusername: sigh
megubachi: we're so cute ↳yourusername: you're so cute ↳megubachi: you got me giggling blushing kicking my feet curling my toes twirling my hair 😝 ↳hiyori: what the actual
reo.miikage: did this mf fr take a wine glass outside to take this picture ↳megubachi: I DIDN'T MEAN TO ↳reo.miikage: how do you accidently take a wine glass outside ↳yourusername: he's js a girl 🎀🎀 ↳reo.miikage: why did i even ask
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-liked by kunii.suke, chigi.who and 132.6k others
yourusername: meet my boyfriend and my boyfriend's boyfriend
tagged: megubachi, isaichii
isaichii: we're js two bros tfym boyfriend? ↳megubachi: not what u said last night 💔🤬😢 ↳isaichii: sorry baby
karasu_tabito: biggest surprise in this post that you went to the gym w those two ↳yourusername: BYE UR SO RUDE I HOPE U KNOW EITA LIKES ME BETTER ↳karasu_tabito: @/eita.otoya is this true 💔💔 ↳eita.otoya: i'm sorry i didn't want you to find out this way 💔💔 ↳karasu_tabito: wow 💔💔 ↳eita.otoya: WAIT I JS READ HIS COMMENT NO WAIT FR DID Y/N GO TO THE GYM?? ↳yourusername: bye i hate you
nikkoki: who the fuck took the second pic 💀 ↳yourusername: that wasn't me i swear it was @/chigi.who ↳chigi.who: NO BC I WALK INTO FIX MY HAIR AND I SEE THAT WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO ↳hiyori: WELL U SURE AS FUCK WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TAKE A PICTURE?? ↳julian.loki: you should have joined them ↳yourusername: BEO??
user1: the way loki came, told chigiri he should have join with isagi and bachira while they were pissing and then left without any further explanation is just such a loki thing to do ↳julian.loki: i'm a man of few words
megubachi: i swear ily ↳isaichii: who? ↳yourusername: who? ↳megubachi: YOU OFC UR SUCH A SILLY LIL GOOF BALL
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-liked by yourusername, isaichii and 142.6k others
megubachi: believe it or not i do love y/n and isagi doesn't always third wheel us
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: SROP ILYSM I'M GONNA KISS YoU ↳megubachi: do it no balls ↳shiidoryu: she would have balls but you keep kicking them ↳hiyori: FOR FUCKS SAKE MATE YOU DON'T NEED TO DESCRIBE SOCCER LIKE THAT ↳mikka.kaiser: FOR GODS (me i am god) SAKE IT ISN'T SOCCER IT'S FUCKING FOOTBALL ↳yourusername: SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UP I GOT A POST ALL TO MYSELF AND YALL HAVE TO RUIN IT
nikkoki: i thought this was a y/n appreciation post what's up the the third picture? ↳yourusername: i'll just have to accpet the fact that isagi will always be there ↳megubachi: ily 🥰 ↳yourusername: ihy 🥰
user2: fuck romeo and juilet i want what these bitches have ↳user3: no bc fr both of them seem so happy despite the questionable moments the pictures were taken
rin.itoshi: that outfit ruined my entire halloween party btw ↳user4: WAIT WHAT RIN THROWING A PART?? ↳yourusername: srop it's been like 9 months since then ↳rin.itoshi: and i'll never move on from him twerking in a maid costume. ↳megubachi: I HAVE A GOOD ASS OK STAFU ↳kuniisuke: w h a t .
nagi.seishiro: so the fourth picture is the reason why he couldn't come over to my house the next day ↳yourusername: sorry not sorry
shiidoryu: when's our sleepover y/n 💔💔 ↳yourusername: OMG COME OVER TODAY !! I'LL BRAID UR HAIR !! ↳megubachi: my monster says no ↳yourusername: tell your monster to fuck off ↳megubachi: he didn't like that ↳yourusername: i'm sorry for the bad and for telling him to frick off
user5: context behind the last picture? ↳yourusername: he tried creeping up on me i got scared shitless so i kicked his lower titties, he fell bc it hurt sm i i fell bc i was laughing so much ↳hiyori: did you js call his balls lower tittes ↳yourusername: yes and? ↳kenyu.yukimiya: SAY THAT SHIT W UR CHEST AND ↳reo.miikage: BE YOUR OWN FUCKING BESTFRIEND ↳megubachi: SAY THAT SHIT W UR CHEST ↳megubachi: that fr hurt, the kids inside my balls didn't like it ↳yourusername: well deserved<3
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bye this was so fun to write but i dont rlly feel it was very girlfriend like but it was it is
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naokyunnn · 1 year
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isagi x f!reader, reader has vagina, isagi here is 20+
CW‼️: based on that tiktok audio 🤭 face sitting, pissed isagi, use of word “slut” (isagi gets called a slut). ass slapping, hair pulling. not proofread lol
in where isagi got so pissed when you won’t put your whole body weight down when he told you to sit on his face.
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“sit on my face” these are the words that came out of isagi’s mouth after pulling away from the little make out session that you guys been doing for the past 20 minutes. this came out of isagi’s mouth as if it’s a demand while looking straight into your eyes and letting you know that he’s down to suffocate between those pretty lips and around your thighs.
“w-wha— well i don’t know yoichi…. i don’t wanna suffocate you—” of course you’re a bit hesitant about it, its your first time sitting on someone’s face, especially on isagi’s pretty face, but something in you is very curious if how would your lover look under you, lost in the taste of you and giving himself pleasure by just giving it all to you. you gulp, as your thoughts run wild.
isagi on the other hand is already laying down comfortably, face ready to be sit on. “c’mon baby, it won’t kill me i swear, and if it does then im a happy dead man, now sit” he gave your thighs some rubs and light squeezes as a form of assurance, i breathy laugh came out of you because of his words. you thought about it for a second but you can’t help but to look at his face and wonder just how pretty he would look under you, with how your juices will be all over his face.
you took off your panties and hovered over his head, pussy facing his face very close but not yet close and, oh lord that eat shitting grin he has right now, like he won the prize he always wanted. he put his arms around your thighs to pull you closer to his face “sit now, love” isagi looks up to you with those puppy eyes of his, you can’t stand it. you lower yourself into his face as he started to kiss and lick on your folds.
yet isagi feels like its not enough, he kept on pulling you down more with his arms around your thighs but you keep coming back up for some reason. it didn’t satisfy isagi, so he stopped licking on your pussy and looked at you with such gaze that completely gave you goosebumps. “baby, i told you to sit down on my face” he never sounded more serious than he is right now. “but i am sitting, hun” your little innocence play won’t do it for isagi, but then he slapped your ass. earning a moan from you, he speaks again “use me like a chair, don’t give a fuck if i can’t breathe, i asked for this, fucking suffocate me, can you fucking do that?!” he has a bit of a tone in his voice, he’s mad you thought, it also angers you that he has to talk to you this way.
you grabbed a handful of his hair and sit completely on his face, all your weight sitting right on his face, just like how we wants to. you can feel the smile that he has on against your pussy and lick it like a mad man, like he hasn’t eaten anything in eternity. isagi can’t help but to moan against your pussy, his shorts are becoming more and more tighter now, he could cum right here and now because of the treatment that he’s experiencing , arms still hugging your thighs and squeezing the fat of it. “mmffuuhhck” his moans are muffled by your juices and pussy, “aah fuck isagi keep lickin’ you man slut. make this worth my time” you moaned. isagi didn’t let you down and started licking faster, and slurping all that juice and just let it mess up his face.
“mhhfhhhmmmhhf” isagi moans from below you, the sight of him under you gotta be the most prettiest and hottest thing you ever saw, “you look so beautiful down there yoichi— ahh— g’nna make me cum already” you threw your head back as you started gripping his hair tightly and grinds on his face, chasing your own high.
he grips on your ass fat as he went on and on, he wants to see you cum, he wants to see what kind of face that you’re gonna make when he makes you. nails digging deep to your flesh as isagi is really devoted on making you cum sooner, he tried his best to look at you and see your face but you’re now riding his face desperate for some release “yes—yes—ahhhh yoichi—hah fuck g’nna cum” with a few more flicks of his tongue on your clit and riding the fuck out of his face, you came right on his face.
i few more heavy breaths to gain back your senses right after that orgasm but you remembered that you’re still sitting on isagi’s face. you got off quickly and there he is, smiling like a happy man, his chin, cheeks, neck and even the pillow under him is all wet with the mix of your juices and his saliva, but there he is smiling like an idiot.
“yochan, you look fucking dumb right now” you joked but then he gets up and crashes his lips to your mouth. surprised by his sudden actions but you still kissed back, and tasting yourself in his mouth.
he pulled away while still grinning “taste good right?” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head and wipe his face with it.
he got up from the bed and removed his shorts “how about sit there and be pretty and let me fuck your mouth now?”
ah shit, it’s payback time
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thanks for reading my good stuff 😋
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nicxl333 · 1 year
Could you write about bllk boy accidentally hurting their s/o badly.
It's okay if you're too busy. No pressure
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characters: isagi yoichi, mikage reo, nagi seishiro, barou shouei, itoshi rin
content: major angst, reader is female coded (wears a dress, heels and makeup), mentions of smut in barou’s part but nothing actually happens (lol), vulgar language
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“you think you know better than me? do me a favour and go find someone else who has the time to put up with your bullshit. ‘cause it won’t be me.”
you lay in your cold, desolate bed for the umpteenth time this week alone, which, considering it was only wednesday showed just how often isagi trained past late hours. as much as you understood his passion to climb to the top, it was simply neglect at this point. to you and to himself. you woke up, he was gone. you went to sleep, he wasn’t beside you.
of course, things were never like this in the beginning. he used to be around, take you out, nurture you and show you devoted love for you each and every time.
until he wasn’t.
once his team reached the quarterfinals of the champions league a while back, he changed. 2 hour training sessions in the evening turned into 4, and the time he spent with you halved as a result. it made you feel lonely and simply put, abandoned.
your texts querying his location and when he was coming home lay unanswered and unopened, probably within the confinement of his phone which lay in his bag during training. so you went to bed alone like you always did, missing what your relationship used to be.
as you stared at the pristine, bare white ceiling you heard a key in the lock of the front door. a few moments passed and the door pushed open, pads of feet resounding in the apartment.
you decided to go meet him in the living room, wanting to know if he’s at least okay.
as you entered the room, you were met with his figure, donned in black sweatpants paired with a black compression shirt. his normal post-training gear. the same gear that never failed to make you melt each and every time. he glanced at you in your nightwear and weary expression, due to him returning back so late.
“hey ‘ichi, how was training?”
you immediately frowned. outside the pitch he was never so curt and void of language. especially with you.
you ventured closer towards him, trying to debunk his guarded persona.
“are you sure? did anything happen to you?” you stepped closer still, till you were right in front of him, immediately noticing his dark circles, even in the dim lighting of the living room from the hallway light. you attempted to give him a hug, shrinking back in disappointment once he shrugged you off.
“i said it was alright. i’m fine, just go back to bed, i’ll join in a bit.”
bullshit. you knew full and well he would just retire to the sofa, watching playbacks of his games to further evaluate his performance. even when he wasn’t working physically he would somehow manage to work himself further mentally.
“yoichi. what’s wrong baby?”
“y/n, i won’t repeat myself again. go to bed.”
you stood there in disbelief. as far as you were concerned, you hadn’t done anything wrong, so it’s quite unbelievable that he would take whatever happened today out on you.
“isagi,” you made sure to use his last name to make aware you weren’t fucking around. “come correct with me please. i haven’t done anything to you and i’m concerned for your well-being. you’ve been going to sleep late, training until ungodly hours. this isn’t good for you and i’m now on the receiving end of your misery, god knows why.”
the tone in the room shifted, isagi, now displaying a scowl across his features at your rebuttal. yes, he was well aware he was maltreating himself, but to have you acknowledge his moment of weakness gave him an displeasing itch of anger that no one could scratch, not even you.
before he could think, the next words that flew out of his mouth changed the status of your relationship, whether he meant to or not.
“you think you know better than me? do me a favour and go find someone else who has the time to put up with your bullshit. ‘cause it won’t be me.”
you instantaneously drew back, his words punching you in the gut and twisting your insides. your heart leapt and fell, never expecting those words, out of isagi’s mouth of all people.
it was deathly silent for a moment, both parties having a staring match. you fought back tears, trying so damn hard to not allow him to see how his words affected you. alas, your emotions got the best of you.
you lightly sniffled, before balling your hands into fists. “you know what yoichi? fuck you, i’m done.”
you turned on your heel and made a beeline towards your shared bedroom, grabbing your biggest duffel and shoving clothes into them, not minding what it was that you picked up. only once isagi was the only individual in the living room did he snap out of his state, realising the weight of his words. he listened to the loud shuffling, registering that he may have just fucked his relationship over for good.
he swiftly followed you, watching you in a frenzy, having just changed into an outfit suitable enough for outside. it was then that he grasped you were serious, and slipped into full panic mode.
“y/n! y/n please baby, i didn’t mean any of that! don’t leave me.” he reached for your arm, falling apart, the same way you did moments before, when you pulled away from his touch. you knew if you succumbed to his pleas you might— might just stay. but you couldn’t. his words resonated within you and made you accept that fact that you needed space at the most, before your relationship delved into something irreparable.
you stood, duffel bag slung on your shoulder, tears running down each cheek, until they conjoined at your chin.
“isagi, i can’t. not right now. not when emotions are running this high. i need space. we should probably talk when we’re both calmed down. i’ll be at meguru’s house so you don’t need to worry about where i am.”
he respected your wishes, he had no choice. if he wanted this relationship to survive he had to.
so he let you go.
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“you’re very much subpar, do you think i need to keep you around? my name alone will help find me someone better than you.”
one thing about mikage reo that really ticked you off was his obsession over his best friend, nagi. simply put,
he was always there.
when you were chilling together, when you went out, even after date nights he would come to your shared condo, playing video games with your boyfriend until who knows what time in the morning. it always felt like you had to share and fight for reo’s attention, which was pretty much a losing battle considering reo gave nagi as much of his attention to nagi as he did.
you did your best to not voice your concerns to him, withholding your true feelings, that you did. but sometimes there’s just moments where you can’t help but snap.
and that moment came at your first year anniversary dinner with reo. hell, you should’ve called it your first year anniversary dinner with yourself, considering the fucker didn’t even show up.
you had dolled yourself up so nicely, a sexy silk black dress (purchased with your own money, you didn’t like to depend on reo too much) with matching heels. your makeup was done flawlessly and not a hair out of place.
you sat at an expensive table at an expensive restaurant, sipping over-expensive wine while you waited for him to show up. you hadn’t seen him since this morning, due to him training all day today, but you had planned this dinner with him together a month ago, reservations and all, with reminders here and there about the upcoming date.
you had waited for about an hour, taking into consideration that there could be traffic, although you hadn’t experienced any on the way here, thus giving him the benefit of the doubt.
however, when no signs showed of him arriving you turned to a waiter and excused yourself, paying the bill and walking out to collect your car from the valet.
once it was brought to you and you were seated, ready to drive off, the first thing you did was call reo via the bluetooth feature, beyond pissed off.
after a few rings he picked up, the sounds of video game gunfire audible in the background.
“y/n? what’s up? where are you?”
you scoffed incredulously, ignoring the city lights whizzing past you as you drove on the highway.
“what’s up? where am i? reo, do you know what day it is today?”
“no, why?”
you gripped the leather of your steering wheel, your frustration hitting a boiling point. “you cannot be serious. does our one year anniversary ring any bells, huh? the fact that i’ve reminded you, time and time again? you stood me up reo! what could you have possibly been doing that was more important than remembering a big milestone in our relationship?!”
he didn’t even have to answer for you, because the answer came in the form of a “reo, why did you stop? our team just lost.”
nagi seishiro.
if you weren’t angry before, you were absolutely livid now.
“reo, so you mean to tell me that spending time with your friend was more important than remembering your one year anniversary with your girlfriend? do i mean nothing to you?”
“y/n it’s not that deep, we can just reschedule for tomorrow or something.” you could hear his exasperation through the phone. the audacity of him, considering he was completely at fault here.
“not that deep? not that deep?! you let me sit there for over an hour in an upscale restaurant by myself and didn’t even think to worry about where i was! why is it not getting through to you that you missed our anniversary to play games? you see nagi everyday, whether it’s at training or at home. you mean to tell me that you couldn’t bear to not see him for one singular day out of the week?”
there were probably a ton of possibilities and explanations for why he said what he said next, but if you had to choose, it would probably be the fact that nagi could most likely hear the argument over the phone, which lead reo to attempt to regain control over the situation, by any means possible, to not appear weak.
“you’re very much subpar, do you think i need to keep you around? my name alone will help find me someone better than you.”
oh. you see how it is.
his words stunned you into silence, knocking the wind out of you. the only sounds that could be heard was the continuous tapping from reo’s controller and the low hum of your engine as you drove.
“look y/n i’m busy now, so we can talk later when you’re ho-”
you didn’t wanna hear what else he had to say, hanging up the call via the steering wheel and letting out a deep breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
without fail you indicated to turn off the highway, making your way to the nearest hotel. nevermind the fact that you didn’t have any clothes, you simply couldn’t handle seeing reo after the way he just wounded you.
once at the hotel and settled in your room you lay swaddled in the crisp white blankets. without any external eyes being able to see your state you let all walls crumble, tears cascading down in waves as you let all the previous bottled emotions fly free.
unbeknownst to you, your phone lay on the side table, softly vibrating whilst the screen lit up to show a picture of you and reo at a theme park, a call coming though from him.
it lay unanswered.
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“being in a relationship is a hassle already, i shouldn’t have to deal with you bitching and whining on top of that.”
you awoke to the sounds of rapid gunfire emanating from the living room, sighing to yourself. once again, nagi was devoting himself to a night of endless gaming.
it was a never-ending cycle. when he wasn't gaming, he was training and vice versa. as much as you loved and embraced the fact that nagi was lazy, he could at least make some effort to give you attention every once in a while.
rubbing the sleep away from your eyes you trudged your way through the apartment wearily, before being met with his figure, hunched on the sofa, eyes glued to the screen in front of him.
"sei, when are you coming to bed? i miss you."
"in a bit y/n."
"sei baby you said that last night, and i came back to you passed out on the sofa. the bluelight isn't good for you, especially so late."
he barely was around as it is, but when he was, he either slept, or was parked on the sofa.
it made you feel unappreciated, and majorly unloved. he never made the effort to take you out, tell you that you ever looked pretty or even acknowledge you anymore. to you at this point he was practically a roommate with a shoddy title that really shouldn't apply to the both of you.
"y/n, just leave me alone for now. i'm too tired to get into it with you."
"so you're too tired to argue with me being concerned for your wellbeing, but not too tired to invest your time into games, which ultimately drains your thought processes more? really sei?"
he was still focusing on the tv instead of your words, which ticked you off. so, determined to get his full attention, for once, you walked towards the tv and stood directly in front of it, blocking his vision, arms crossed and frowning.
"what the hell y/n? you made me lose."
"seishiro, can you stop being an ass for just a second and focus on me and what i have to say?”
faced with no way out, he had to oblige, placing the controller down with a heavy sigh, letting you know he was agitated. you couldn’t give a flying fuck though. you’d had enough of being neglected by nagi, and weren’t going to let him off this time.
“you don’t spend time with me anymore. you never take me out, we don’t ever talk to each other anymore. is it so bad for me to want to spend time with my boyfriend? is a game really more important than me? or is being with me detrimental to you in some way?”
he rolled his eyes, sinking back into the soft material of the sofa, irises piercing into yours. you shrunk back at his change in demeanour.
“being in a relationship is a hassle already, i shouldn’t have to deal with you bitching and whining on top of that.”
“nagi, where is this coming from? what do you mean being in a relationship is a hassl- i’m a hassle?”
he shrugged while rising to his feet, placing a hand behind his head and massaging his neck.
“i said what i said didn’t i? look, i’m going to bed, happy now? i don’t wanna argue with you, you’re too loud when you’re angry.”
you stood in shock, registering his words fully before swallowing and deeply inhaling.
“forget it nagi, i’m leaving. lose my number.”
“leaving to go where?” he watched as you briskly walked to the bedroom, following you in as you changed, grabbing your phone and keys.
“that’s none of your concern anymore. i’m breaking up with you.”
he said nothing as you walked to the front door, leaving with a final slam.
he should’ve stopped you, he really should’ve, for he would come to realise soon enough that allowing you to go,
would be one of the worst decisions he ever made.
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“oi, i didn’t get into a relationship with you just so you can make my life harder. fix up or leave.”
when you asked barou out, you knew damn well what you were signing up for. considering he was so headstrong, particularly when it came to football, there would be moments where he might be nonchalant or absent.
what you didn’t anticipate, would be just how bad he would get.
once his mind was focused on football, specifically climbing his way to the top, there were no distractions, especially from his girlfriend, who at times he deemed his biggest distraction.
you did try to help and aid him every way you could, cooking him meals to eat after late night practices, tending to his injuries he may obtain after over-intensive sessions, cleaning up the apartment flawlessly so he wouldn’t be tempted to do it himself. all you really wanted in return was love.
surely that wasn’t too much to ask for, right?
even after 7 months of dating, public outings with attempts to hold his hand resulted in subtle swatting away, instead opting to walk side by side. laying in bed together? don’t expect any cuddles from him. quite laughable actually that you’d ever think he’d be willing to do that. don’t think movie nights will be any different either. you’d better be keeping your hands to yourself.
fucking was a rarity, only really when he was very much pent up with frustration from football, libido overflowing from lack of release. and even then, while you were able to cum, that’s pretty much all there was to it. no making love or anything like that. he wouldn’t display his emotions to you enough in the first place for that to ever happen.
when you asked barou out, you knew damn well what you were signing up for. but you didn’t know it would be this hard. you figured he would loosen up eventually, getting used to at least some form of affection towards you. a little peck on the lips, or a hug from behind every once in a while would be nice.
one day, you simply grew tired. you were sitting on the dining table with him, having just finished dinner. barou stood up, ready to leave the table to shower.
he stopped in his tracks, pivoting on one heel to turn and face you. his face remained blank, save for his usual signature eyebrow, arched in waiting.
“i-” you suddenly grew self conscious, afraid to voice your concerns to him. if you wanted things to change however, this conversation had to happen sooner rather than later.
“can we do more stuff together?”
his face now contorted into utter confusion, genuinely puzzled by what you were trying to say.
“what do you mean? i do enough with you do i not?”
“no, not that that sho’, i mean more couples stuff. like…couldn’t you just be more affectionate? i just— i don’t know how you feel about me at certain points, you don’t tell me anything as it is.”
he looked at you, playing with your hands, trying to look anywhere but him, clearly uncomfortable about this conversation.
“cmon y/n, you know how it goes already, i’m not into shit like that. i may like you and all, but all that lovey-dovey stuff? that ain’t me. never has and never will be. surely you should understand how i feel about you? the fact that i’ve kept you around this long should say more than enough.”
damn. fucking cold. either way, you weren’t backing down. you stood there, holding a firm staring competition with him before opening your mouth to speak.
“shouei, it’s been 7 months and news flash! it doesn’t. when you do shit like this, it makes me feel fucking inadequate. like i’m not deserving of you. long story short, you make me feel like shit. i’m tired of it sho’.”
“y/n, regardless of how you feel, i told you how i feel, and that ain’t gonna change.”
you couldn’t accept what he was telling you, believing that what you were saying weren’t getting through to his thick skull. his stance was too relaxed for your liking, arms simply crossed over the other, looking slightly bored.
“you’re not getting it shouei!” you raised your voice slightly, not quite shouting, but about two thirds of the way there. “you’re not understan-”
“oi, i didn’t get into a relationship with you just so you can make my life harder. fix up or leave.”
you halted, making sure you heard him correctly. to hear that he basically wouldn’t fight for 7 months worth of memories and time with each other left you in denial that it would be so easy for him to let go.
“excuse me?”
“did i stutter? fix up, or leave. two choices, one answer. it’s up to you but whatever you pick is your business.”
he gave you an out, an out from what you were currently going through. and as much as you did love and care for barou, you’d be a fool not to take it. things would only get worse.
you chose the latter, opting to leave, considering how little value your relationship held to barou. weeks passed, and the items you once held in the apartment decreased, leaving a half completed house, just like your heart.
he continued as normal at first, trying to get used to the newfound ‘freedom’. but as days passed on, the emptiness of the household became more apparent. the meals you used to cook were no more, barou having to take on the tasks himself. his injuries were taken care of in a subpar manner. while he could do it adequately, they weren’t bandaged or plastered as well as you used to do it. yes he would clean, but having it done already when he came back from training and to his standard…made him start to realise just how much you really did for him.
and maybe— maybe you weren’t so bad to have around. you did give him a sense of comfort that he could not achieve on his own, filling him on things that happened during your day gave him a sense of normalcy which alternately gave him that balance from his meticulous life as a quickly rising footballer.
he missed you, he missed what you had,
it’s a pity he realised only when it was too late.
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“honestly i don’t understand why i got with you in the first place. you’re so lukewarm it hurts.”
you were both busy. you both knew and understood that. rin was constantly abroad on travels for football and you had your own stuff going on at work, often leaving the office late at night.
when your schedules would occasionally match up and you’d both be home, most of the time it would still be you alone. rin would go off on his own to his usual training ground and work himself to the bone. he wouldn’t even tell you he was leaving, disregarding your worries or concerns that may surface.
you jolted awake randomly, looking to your left to see disturbed duvet covers, but an empty side. yet again. next you turned to your phone, squinting at the light from the screen which temporarily blinded you.
you could take a guess or two at where rin was. specifically because you knew he lost his last match abroad and was pissed off about it, meaning double the training he usually did. you threw on some clothes, splashed water on your face and grabbed your car keys to drive to the open football field.
the massive stadium style lights lit up the field, illuminating it in a cool white, as you pulled up next to rin’s car. even from the car park you could hear the discernible sounds of rin’s foot booting a ball repeatedly. once closer, you could see him in his normal training gear, sweating profusely, enough to fill a small bucket.
he stopped, just short of making the next ball his victim, making eye contact with you, not expecting to see you there of all places this late.
he waited until you had crossed the distance between you, and stood in front of him to speak.
“y/n, why are you out here this early? i thought you were sleeping.”
“rin, i should be asking you that. it’s too early to be this active my love. come home please, i’m worried for you.”
all was silent for a moment, the only audible sounds on the pitch being a crow cawing in the distance, and rin’s heavy breathing.
“…i’m fine. just go back home. it’s too early for you to be up.”
you stood, hand on hip, showing your determination to get him to give up, not taking no for an answer.
“rin, you need to sleep. you’re overworking yourself. what happens when you’re fatigued and you leave yourself open for mistakes to happen? it’ll be worse for you in the long run.”
“tch, i wouldn’t expect someone who does office work all day to know the inner workings of an athlete. you don’t understand y/n.”
you sighed exasperatingly at his attempts to disarm you. he could be so stubborn when it was really for his own good.
“rin, i don’t need to be an athlete to understand that this isn’t good for you. anyone with two working brain cells can understand that constant working out and lack of sleep isn’t healthy.”
he rolled his eyes and turned back to the football in front of him.
“fine. whether or not you leave isn’t my problem, but i’m not leaving. stay or go, the outcome is the same either way.”
he took position, aiming and shooting flawlessly at the top left corner of the goal, the ball spinning against the net before falling to the ground.
he grabbed another ball, ready to complete the same procedure before you interrupted him once more.
“rin, just please come home, you can come back tomorrow. just because you lost your match doesn’t mean you should overwork yourself like this.”
this time when he turned back towards you, the tone had shifted. his face immediately darkened, eyes thinning into dark slits, eyebrows forming a crease on his forehead. his teal eyes shot daggers into yours.
“listen. we may be together, but that doesn’t mean you get to talk to me like you know what i’m going through. i’m going to be the best football player out there, and if i need to work double to make that happen, then so. be. it. i don’t need someone like you telling me about what i should or should not be doing.”
you stood in silence, effectively stunned and insulted simultaneously. you couldn’t say anything to counter yourself, rin’s harsh words opening up a side to him you’ve never seen before. that wasn’t the worst of it though.
“honestly i don’t understand why i got with you in the first place. you’re so lukewarm it hurts.”
your heart shattered, face hung in desolation and disheartenment.
after not hearing you argue back for a while he scoffed, walking to the side to collect his training bag. “whatever, i’m leaving now.”
he left you there, standing while the gears turned in your head to make some semblance of his words.
you didn’t even register you were crying until the cold nipped at your cheeks, decreasing the temperature of the liquid against your face. you pulled yourself together, just about enough to shakily make your way back to your car and press the ignition button.
you spent the whole car ride crying your eyes out, before wiping your eyes as you arrived back home. rin’s car was nowhere to be seen.
you walked up to the front door, slotting your key in and twisting your wrist to align with the lock.
pushing the door open, you stepped in to see the lights off and the aura dark.
“rin, are you there?”
you sighed, tossing your keys on the table next to the door, making a beeline to your shared bedroom. it was empty, no signs of life present.
you stripped out of your outside clothes and slipped under the covers,
leaving you to cry yourself to sleep, wondering when it all went wrong.
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baby you sold me a dream pt.2
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cubffections · 6 months
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𑁥౿ 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓇𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 — isagi y.
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۫ ּ 𓂅⋆ cw. nsfw 18+ ! fem, sub! reader、profanity & dirty talkin'、pussydrunk! yoichi、use of nicknames、adult isagi & reader. revised reupload frm old acc ᵔᴗᵔ happy (belated) birthday yoichi 🧸 ❤︎‪
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"c'mon baby, you're better than this. move those hips." isagi grunted, fingers molding around at your hips like a starved man . .
his navy blue's sparkling at how adorable your ass looked all marked up, only to look further at how hungrily your pussy clinged to him. "fuck . . you were doing so well pretty, don't tell me that's ya got?" he taunted, his voice all hot and breathy as his hips rolled punishingly into your heat. yoichi’s head replaying every hushed moan and desperate whimpers that escaped those plush lips.
"haah, f—fuck.. yoichi, m’ trying . . !" you squeaked, genuinely struggling to keep up because how could you? he looked like a dream. his pretty midnight hair sticking to his forehead as he peered down at you with nothing but desire, not sure if it was the humidity of the shower or his mean glare that had you breathless. he was eyeing down at you as if you were pathetic for even suggesting helping him release his stress. it’s so unlike the sweet, considerate yoichi you were used to.
well, not that you minded.
infact, it was the last thing on your mind when yoichi was feverishly bullying his cock into your pussy. the force of his pelvis pounding at your hips made it as if he was using you as his personal fleshlight, made solely to milk his cock. his bruised lips peppering down your neck, latching his mouth at spots that he knew raised a reaction out of you. it was as if he was in a daze, caressing your neck and tilting your neck until his kisses trailed up onto your lips before he met you with a sloppy kiss. rewarding you for the way your pussy clamped around his cock at every thrust he gave, hugging him like you couldn't live without him balls deep into your sweet pussy.
“there we go . . shit, can't pull out if i wanted to, taking me so fucking well.” isagi whispered on top of your lips. “you're too good f'me . ." he praised, his punishing thrusts shifting to slow rocks of your hips back and forth on his cock. "ah. . yoi— ngh. . sso much . ." you slurred, reaching your climax for the second time. savored moans falling out your lips as you felt his thumb circling our clit, causing your eyebrows to scrunch and lower-half tense at the overstimulation. "yoichi . .”
"mhm ? talk to me baby . ." he panted, the shower's heat catching up to him— more drunk on your pussy than ever. he was going mad, you don't know how your pussy flutters on his dick right after you cum and it’s giving him a absolute rush. oh he's so sure, he can't hold back anymore, he was gonna blow a load soon, and shit— he's gna fuck his cum soo fucking deep in you. it was the only thought he had left as he pinched at your clit, the groans leaving his lips becoming more exasperated and whiny.
catching onto this desperation, your habit of spurring him on was screaming at you to push him even further. "w—wan' ur cum, need it so— so bad!" you mewled, looking back at him as you meet his thrusts. your words babbling when his speed picked up again, adoring the hungry way he dragged his cock in you.
"shit . . need my cum huh? how greedy.” isagi grinned, tilting your face to the mirror across the shower. “look at you, tryna make the number one striker a daddy."
face flushing at the sight of yourself as your embarrassment left as soon as your knees buckled at his words. "mhm, yes ! let me daddy . . i’ve been soo good, g. . gimme m’ reward.” you panted out, a pleased noise leaving you as he quickened his pace once more, bending himself over you as his hair tickled your neck as he whispered. “ your reward ‘s right here pup, don't let any of it waste okay?" he coaxed, placing a light kiss on top of your ear.
a mix of breathless moans left both of your lips as you felt him empty himself, ruining your spoiled cunt. hushed curses leaving him as bucked his hips a couple of times into you before a new ring of your cum formed around his dick, soft whispers of affection leaving him but barely able to be heard due to the pitter-patter of the water droplets decorating on the floor.
"yoichi, baby. ." you cooed first after catching your breath, laying back against his chest, eyes closed as you blindly switched the water to a colder temperature, hand crawling up to scratch at his head. "you with me. . ?"
wrapping his hands around your waist, head following at the tranquilizing feeling of your fingers after letting out a affirmative huff. "yeah . . mm i'm right here." isagi cooed back, pressing more tender kisses on your shoulder. "thanks angel, needed that." he cooed, massaging at your curves lovingly with adoration.
"mmhm . . anything for you . .”
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lehguru · 2 years
characters: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi, bachira meguru + michael kaiser
warnings: this is a request! not proofread (we die like men right where we stand), gender neutral + requests are open ! check pinned post for requesting rules
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itoshi sae raises his eyebrows as soon as the words leave your lips. you notice he is about to leave your shared apartment and you give him a soft kiss; "don't go too hard on yourself, my love". while the rest of his expression remained the same, the way his eyebrows shoot up was so obvious you noticed it immediately. sae wrapped one of his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. 'don' worry, baby... can you call me like that again?'
itoshi rin would never expect you to say that. he was having some struggles; his body was exhausted, but he felt like he didn't practice enough that day. when you found him in the treadmill, not even five minutes after he arrived home, your heart immediately stopped. he looked like he could pass out at any moment. "are you okay, my love?!" you exclaimed, running up to him. he tripped softly, making you even more worried, and his wide eyes looked at you. 'w-what?' his breathless self held your hands that pressed against his sweaty face. 'i'm...your love?'
isagi yoichi have the sweetest pet names for you. he's always calling you cute things, a big smile on his face whenever he does it, so you thought you could give him a soft pet name too. that day, he and his friends organized a small meet up and your boyfriend seemed so hyped for it. before he left, he walked to you and pressed kisses all over your face, his arms wrapping you in a big bear hug. "have fun, my love!" you murmured between giggles. the smile he gave you was enough to make you melt in his embrace. he pressed a kiss on the tip of your nose and 'i love you so much!'
bachira meguru gives you the biggest and brightest smile as soon as the pet name leaves your lips. "my love, can you come here?" you say and, when you blink, he is immediately jumping in front of you, almost doing a little dance out of happiness. before you can say what you wanted to, he throws himself in your arms, burying his face on your neck. 'my love? hm, i really reaaaaally like that! i am your love, after all!'
calling michael kaiser with any pet name wouldn't be a good idea. that man already have a big inflated ego, his beloved partner giving him such sweet names would only inflate it even more. "my love! you were amazing today!" you say when he arrives home after a game. the smirk that he wore on his lips grew larger as he hugged you tight against his body. 'of course. your husband will always be the best man in the field. can i get a kiss as a reward, my love?'
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used on them belong to their respective creators!!
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cactuscoolerr · 9 months
thinking abt titfucking n teasing bachira/isagi/rin(?) …(⸝⸝⸝- ᴗ -⸝⸝⸝ ;)
(characters r totally optional since i love all ur works and am in love w all the of them, just thought it would be most in character for the ones i mentioned ! ♡)
⋆。˚. tit fucking - bachira meguru, isagi yoichi, itoshi rin
• nsfw
• notes: im in love with this idea omg.. i headcanon rin as one of the biggest titty boys in blue lock (´⌣`ʃƪ)
• (more) notes: i wrote this while watching saltburn so its kind of a bit more extra than I originally thought it'd be (¬、¬)
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. ˚ 。⋆ bachira meguru
small whimpers sounded from above you as you pressed your tits together around your boyfriends red and thick cock. "you okay..?" you asked softly, gently begging to move your tits up and down his cock, bachira eliciting more whimpers.
"i-im okay.." bachira gasped as you wrapped your pretty lips around the flushed tip of his cock. "just feels so.. ah- so fucking good.." a moan ripped through his body, bachira nearly collapsing from the pleasure you were giving him. "p-please don't stop.. ngh~"
you laughed softly, looking up at your adorable boyfriend with complete admiration in your eyes. "my sweet boy. just taking it so well for me, aren't you" your gentle coos sent shivers down bachira's spine, his hips bucking upwards, fucking into the tightness of your tits pressed together.
the feeling of your soft tits against his cock was like heaven to him. he didn't know how long he would last, but it sure wasn't long. bachira could feel his balls tightening and his reddened cock growing more and more sensitive as he stared at your face, gasping and gripping the sheets underneath him.
"so so close.." bachira whined, moaning loudly right after he watched your tongue flick out to lick at the precum leaking from his slit. you moaned at the taste of him, leaning down to suck on his cock head once more in hopes of tasting more. "taste so good, baby boy.." your eyes met his desperate ones. "just give me more, meguru. give me everything, sweet boy"
and how could bachira resist your sultry voice. with a gasp, the first spurt of cum fell against the fat of your tits, the rest of it dropping on your face and spilling all over his cock.
you helped him ride out his high by slowly moving your tits up and down his cock, watching with your legs rubbing together as he teared up and moaned, closing his eyes shut tightly.
"you did so good.." your words came out breathily, slightly gasping before gently kissing the tip of his cock. slowly opening his eyes, bachira looked down at you to see you licking the cum that splattered around your lips, moaning as if you wanted to taste only him for the rest of your life. "tastes to fucking good, baby. gonna give me more, right..?"
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. ˚ 。⋆ isagi yoichi
"no teasing me though.." isagi sighed, looking down at you with his hand caressing your cheek as you sat on your knees in front of him with your hands on his thighs.
with a small nod, you reached for his belt, beginning to undo it only to be stopped by isagi's hands. "im serious about this, you know" his words were stern but you took them lightly and with another small nod.
"you don't trust me..?" you leaned forward in between his spread legs, resting your cheek against his thigh and nosing against his hardening cock. "think i can't follow my boyfriends directions? im very hurt, yoichi.."
isagi sighed, holding onto your chin and lifting your face upwards to bring you in for a loving kiss. "do what you want to then, sweet girl. i'll take whatever you give me" he spoke, gazing into your eyes with slight desperation and a need for his gorgeous girlfriend.
proceeding with your actions, you reached for his belt, allowing for isagi to unbutton your baby doll tank top, pulling down the straps of your shirt and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "so perfect.." isagi whispered, lifting his hips to pull his pants and boxers down.
you nearly moaned at the sight of his erect cock. it was hard to resist not wrapping your lips around the head of his cock, instead letting your spit fall against his cock and pressing your tits together against his length. yoichi moaned at the feeling, throwing his head back with a loud groan.
"does that feel good..?" you asked, pressing your tits tighter around his cock and fighting off the smile that threatened your lips when he slightly glared down at you, moaning just from the sight of your gorgeous face and perfect tits. "I said-" he hissed and bucked his hips, one of isagi's hands raising to your head and softly grasping at your hair. "no fucking teasing.." he gasped, wanting to pull you up onto his lap and fuck into your tight cunt as if you were his own personal toy.
"so god damn perfect" isagi groaned, his fingers gently raking through your hair as he closed his eyes. "my sweet girl.."
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. ˚ 。⋆ itoshi rin
"just- fuck.. let me fuck you already" rin groaned, thumbing at your erect nipples as he fucked up into your tits. even though he was complaining, he couldn't deny that he was in love with the way you looked, kneeling in front of him with your tits on full display for only him to see.
"a little bit more.." you said softly, thumbing at his slit and licking his precum off of your finger. "i just wanna make my baby feel good" a small whine fell passed your lips as he pinched at your nipple. "love you so much and only want the best for you.."
rin watched your expressions, your soft gasps as he tweaked your nipple and pinched, wanting to paint your skin with his marks, his claim.
a soft moan slipped passed rin's lips, thrusting faster with his release getting closer. "cum for me, rin rin" you breathed out, licking at his slit and reaching to fondle as his balls. "please.. just cum for me"
"ah.. fuck-" he moaned, closing his eyes and immersing himself in the pleasure only you could give him. "so fucking good.. shit.."
you could tell rin was close so you wrapped your lips around his cock head, suckling softly and moving your tongue around his sensitivity until you tasted the familiarity of your boyfriends cum. you moaned softly around his cock, making rin jolt from the vibrations. "so good.." you moaned around him, cum spilling from your lips, rins thumbs finding purchase on the corner of your mouth and gently wiping it away.
"fuck.." rin said shakily and pulled you up, needing to feel your pussy around his cock, grasping at you with desperation.
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chateaaa · 4 months
☆ How the Blue lock characters confess to their crush! pt 2
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synopsis: Blue lock characters confessing
pairing: Nagi Seishiro, Isagi Yoichi, Yukimiya Kenyu x fem! reader
warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
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Nagi Seishiro
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- he would confess through games, probably in minecraft and will build a heart house for you, him and your cats
- will ask "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend? i have this bubbly feeling when i see you, and i feel safe around you."
- i know, hes so corny but like you're the only girl he likes (he tries okay 😭)
- asked help from reo, but didn't use that advice (he wanted to be true to you)
- would be a cute and lazy bf, his socials are full of your face
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Isagi Yoichi
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- This guy would be soooo romantic confessing lol, typical flowers and teddy bear
- would be a stuttering mess
- "Y-Y/n,, w-will you b-be my girlfriend?!?"
- literally shouts his confession to you
- wouldn't believe it if you accepted his confession, would "Are you sure?!? really?!?"
- would smile like an idiot
- the type of bf to share everything with you.
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Yukimiya Kenyu
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- would probably be the boyfriend in school
- would confess in a sakura tree, on the last day of school
- he would give you his second button on his uniform, then confess to you (In japan, The significance of the second button is that it is located closest to one's heart, giving your crush the second button conveys the message that you think of her as the most precious person to you.)
- "Hey Y/n, i really really like you, can you be mine ;)"
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Hey guys! so sorry for late upload, here's part 2!!!
tysm for reading, luv u all!
(would probably post about kny, i've been addicted to that show for a while, please leave suggestions about what i will write!)
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arinzu · 4 months
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My Headcannons for Yoichi Isagi, Rin itoshi and Alexis Ness💕
Part 1 l part 2
Might not be accurate
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Yoichi Isagi :
✿He took a photo once of his hair slick back and his fan went absolutely feral.
✿He time to time stalks Rin to observe what he does.
✿Isagi probably stares at the ceiling when he's about to sleep and think about all of the opportunities he missed.
✿If he played any other sports it would be chess, since his vision is great for mental games.
✿Tbh is he was a sin he would be greed/gluttony.
✿If he could ask anything from his parents, it would be to have a little sis.
✿Does skin, body and hair care every few days.
✿Swears in videos games often. Those little brats think they're so gOoD but once isagi finishes his puzzle he'll devour them
✿Tried to hit Kaiser in the head with the ball after a practice match, but Noel Noah was there
✿Gossips with kurona and hiori about kaiser and ness, It's perfect since kurona doesn't know what they're doing but hiori has a lot of dirt on them.
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Plays football w/ u and teaches you by beating you, not even to destroy your self esteem.
♡ such a sweetheart while you are on your menstrual cycle (if you're a girl)
♡ gossip about every teammate with you, like a whole book of players he wants to gossip to you about
♡ once you were sick, he drove to the local store at 2 am just for you. He's so sweet.
♡ Cooks very well like he'll cook food decently
♡ Not that toxic? Maybe that's probably up for debate
♡tells you about his problems like it's the national news to be discuss
♡ Has that romantic playlist he made just for you and him to enjoy.
♡Due to being in blue lock he hasn't texted you often so in return he tries to send gifts every month
♡ Calls you darling and sweetheart multiple times a day
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Rin itoshi
✿Drools in his sleep (Me too Rin)
✿I feel like he'll stand awkwardly in a party not even interacting with anyone
✿Is good at cleaning, not barou level but up there
✿Perfect grammar, also TOP at his English
✿Never uses any gen-z/alpha slangs or any type of slang infact
✿Dry ass texter...
✿Gets really weirded out by any of his THOSE fangirls/fanboys... Like wdym you wanna have the reproduction LIKE HE'S ONLY 16
✿Knows knife play at some point, don't ask him why (he doesn't know)
✿Artistic in secret... Like he'll paint the beach or anything that shows the happy times of him and sae
✿Gets nightmares of that day... (Pretty sure everyone has that headcannon by now)
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Cuddles every time he gets a chance with you. That kinda prevents him from getting those dreams....
♡ even if he's not as romantic as the others, you guys still go on weekly dates and THEY are expensive or just casual date like movie date🫶
♡After getting traumatized by sae, he almost broke up with you, Thank goodness, that you manage to make him snap out of it.
♡ After getting convinced by your and his parents he went to couple counseling and saw his mistakes
♡One of his favorite things to do with you is Playing football, I mean two things he loves in one? Count him in!
♡ Bring extra clothes with him whenever you're around, just in case it gets cold and he doesn't need to give you his hoodie.
♡Does not have much of a soft spot for you BUT, his eyes sparkle whenever he sees you like the good old times
♡ Almost made you cry when you both were on a movie date, it was those scary ahh movies that you don't know what's coming next.
♡Has a separate Love notebook from his early days of middle school that he reads when he misses you.
♡Calls you lukewarm as a word of affection when he sees you
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Alexis ness
✿Would probably be in good terms with isagi if it didn't end like this
✿Has a mental breakdown every few days because of kaiser paying too much attention to isagi
✿Makes Kaiser a birthday cake every year and even bought him EXPENSIVE stuff from his hometown
✿Keeps the magician outfit he had when he was just a child, he cherish it like it's the most valuable thing in the whole universe
✿Would be friends w/ Charles if they interacted more, I mean like opposite friends, Ya'k
✿If richer than his awful siblings back home, if not then... It's because of the plot.
✿If he didn't met kaiser he'll probably be better than what he is now.
✿Has surprisingly good fashion taste, It's better than most blue lockers I can tell you
✿Has that changing color book lamp at the side of his bed he use when he's upset or just sad
✿He would like science if it weren't for the fact of his childhood
Boyfriend Headcannons 💕
♡Is actually quite the gentleman to you and your family members, since he a very toxic household
♡Always makes your favorite dish, if he doesn't know the recipes he'll find it by your guardian/ by how you like it.
♡Gives you a lot of gifts, I MEAN A LOT like everyday you'll find things that you enjoy at your doorstep
♡Due to being away from blue lock, he gets awfully jealous of the boys around you. Even if it's just a friend
♡Husband material frfr
♡ Punch a dude that was making you uncomfortable, and then ran with you to flee the scene.
♡Prefers the value of affection than the materialistic value of a gift you give him
♡ Loves being the small spoon but if you want, he can be the big spoon, anything for his precious angel.
♡Yandere tendency!!! Whether a girl or boy, he will get jealous if you spend more attention on them than him!
♡Call you angel or any kind of German words of affection, he will use it
That's it y'all💋
Thank you for reading this! It too me longer than expected!
So thank you for staying till the end even tho it was just 3 blue lock characters!
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tigreblvnc · 22 days
Oh lord.
*clears throat*
HI. 😃
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*inhales deeply*
What do you think are isagi's kink? Y'know...in bed.
why are you making me do this sob sob
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warning: pervert!isagi, sub!isagi, also dom!isagi, unprotected sex, body worship, somnophilia, penetration, nipple play, blowjob, breeding kink, oral sex, masturbation, mention of pregnancy.
w. count: 1010.
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✦ boyfriend!isagi wasn't the most confident boyfriend at first and had no experience with women, but from the moment you were the one who took his virginity, oh my god, he wasn't the same anymore.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is starving.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is also a good boy. Well, most of the time.
✦ boyfriend!isagi seems always sweet and discreet in public, but then goes totally wild once you're in private.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves snaking under the blankets, lifting your shirt and sucking your bloated tits while you're still sleeping. He licks them so well, the sounds of him sucking your sensitive nipples even awakes you. Eyes opened, you find him on your boobs, lapping like a naughty little puppy who doesn't know how to stop. Poor baby.
✦ boyfriend!isagi adores when you rub his cock. That makes him cum hard and loves to see all his cum splattered all over your hands. Of course, he comes to clean up all his mess like a good boy.
✦ boyfriend!isagi's favorite position is cowgirl. It's so comfortable for you and pleasant for him because he can see you as you bounce on his stiff, swollen cock. Damn, he loves rubbing your tits while he thrusts deeper and deeper into you.
✦ boyfriend!isagi educated himself a lot on the internet to learn new positions and ways to please you. When you want to try something else, he will ask either his experienced friends or the internet to provide him with the most exciting positions or accessories if you like that. Know that tying you is one of his favorite thing.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is a panty thief and can't help but steal yours when you leave him home alone, they are his comforting stuffed animals when you're not around. But when you come back, you surprise him with your precious underwear and punish the boy by fucking him hard on the couch. The fact that you're not even wearing panties makes him cum in two seconds and he apologizes.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves it when you're strict and demanding. You're so sexy when you're mad at him that he can't help but do stupid things on purpose just to see you get savage on him.
✦ boyfriend!isagi's best reward after a match he wins is when you join him in the facility to suck his dick until there's no more dripping. His cum is warm and clear, always coming out in thick, fast spurts. It also tastes a little sweet. The first time you sucked him, you were surprised by the amount that came out. The boy was so embarrassed and blushing, it was so damn adorable.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is always up for a quickie even if it's between sessions. The boy never rushes you, adapts to your pace, goes faster or slower. The main goal is to feel your velvet walls close around his aching and sensitive cock. You know what's the best? Making love to you while wearing his jersey. Because when he's on the field, he thinks about you and it makes his balls twitching.
✦ boyfriend!isagi collects all the nudes you sent him. And you're so beautiful, he can't count all the times he jerked off while looking at your perfect body. You don't even realize all the pictures stocked in his computer. As an organization freak, the boy named each file correctly and by date. That way, when he wants to jerk off to a specific picture of you, Isagi knows exactly where to find it.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves to eat you. No matter what time is it. Whether you shave or not, he praises your precious little pussy and never misses a chance to sneak in to honor this wonderful treasure of yours. He takes good care of this sensitive bud you hide and swallows it between his warm lips. Oh my god, he can stay here for hours, licking between your spread legs like a wild and hungry man.
✦ boyfriend!isagi once made love with you with his unprotected cock, and then accidentally cum inside you. He apologized, ashamed, but smiled knowing he did it perfectly on purpose.
✦ boyfriend!isagi often feels the urge to fuck you first thing in the morning because his balls have already gotten too heavy since last night. So while you open the window, he sneaks up behind you and takes you to the balcony, putting his hand over your mouth to prevent the moans from alerting the neighborhood.
✦ boyfriend!isagi sends you a text when he just finished his workout. He doesn't have much times since his schedule is busy, so he only has time to bang you in the bathroom. You try to be silent because someone entered at the same time but when Isagi ends up cumming loudly, the world knows.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is very vocal and even though you scolded him for that, he can't stop. But his moans are so deep and so delightful to hear, how to blame him.
✦ boyfriend!isagi always blushes when you cum with him.
✦ boyfriend!isagi won't be able to see you much with the soccer tournament so he makes sure you have the best night of your life right before he goes on his world tour. Tonight, he goes so deep inside you that he can't even pull out once he cums.
✦ boyfriend!isagi is clearly the best at aftercare, making sure you're well, if you need something or putting the blanket on you. And of course, if you're ready for a second round.
✦ boyfriend!isagi doesn't know about the gift he left in your belly before he left, but will hear the good news from you once he returns. He will be so proud to see his children growing in your belly and this thought alone makes him hard and happy.
✦ boyfriend!isagi loves you and can't wait to see you soon.
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sonder-paradise · 1 year
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞 — 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤
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◊ ft. isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishiro, reo mikage, gn!reader
◊ genre. fluffy fluff, potentially ooc, don't perceive me this is pretty on-brand
◊ shoutout to @planetxiao @starglow-xx @my-neighbor-todoro for enabling this 🤭
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— 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢
there's something about the way he hyper focuses on the screen in front of him. his lips purse in a sort of frustrated pout and his eyes analyze each and every one of the little players running back and forth on the laptop.
nothing. you repeat his name once more before he pries his eyes away. he blinks at you as if readjusting to the way you stood there.
but he flashes you this nervous, silly, little grin that has you filling with this horridly giddy feeling in the confines of your chest.
"sorry. what's up?"
"oh, you're so cute."
the words tumble from your lips just as quickly as you thought them and isagi stares at you, red-faced and unsure what exactly he did to illicit such a reply.
"w-wait, what??"
you scoop his face up in your hands which only makes his blush worsen. beaming at the poor boy, you give him a peck on the top of his head.
"nothing. what do you want for dinner?"
"no, no! let's go back!"
— 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
when he comes speeding back into the apartment with a wide grin on his face, you don't have a choice but to be the 'okokok' to his 'lalala.' if you get what i mean.
whatever it is he's found, he's bouncing and abound all while telling you about his little shopping trip.
"look, i found us matching cardigans!"
he puffs his chest, whipping out the two toffee-colored cardigan with pretty little stitches and flowers decorating the sleeves. you can practically see the stars in his eyes.
"do you like 'em?"
you laugh, "god, you're so cute."
without missing a beat, bachira smiles even more, offering one of the cardigans to you. "yeah, i know, but we could be cute together if you wear the cardigan!"
"alright, alright."
you take one off his arm and slip it on over your shoulders. the fabric eases onto your body and it envelops you in a plush hug. "how do i look?"
he nods, clinging onto you now. "see, now you look cute too."
— 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐇𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐚
tumbling back into chigiri's arms, you drunkenly grin at the way he simply rolls his eyes at your behavior. after a splendorous night out, it seems you've come back a little more than tipsy.
"what did i tell you about pacing yourself?"
"pacing, smacing. i'm alive, that's what matters."
he sighs, smiling at you while you sunk down on the couch. bending down on one knee, he slips your shoes off one by one.
you find it a little amusing that the princess is the one taking off the shoes rather than trying them on.
at your giggling, he looks back up at you, reaching up to cusp your cheek gently.
you take his hand in your own, smiling mischievously. "has anyone ever told you, you're the prettiest in the world?"
he pauses, turning as red as his hair. his eyes can no longer meet yours especially when you start peppering kisses on his fingertips.
"cause you are~"
"alright, alright, i get it! now let's get you some water...!"
he swears, you're going to be the death of him.
— 𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
his breath falls gently against your skin. his arms envelop you in this warm bubble. with his chin resting atop your head, he's watching some video just behind you.
you shift, squirming underneath his arms and readjusting yourself just a bit away from his chest. he takes note of your actions, pausing the video to look down at you.
"something wrong?"
shaking your head, you take his face into the palms of your hands. a serious look crosses your face and he raises an eyebrow at you.
"i just realized something."
"you... are incredibly cute."
no reaction appears from his sleepy expression and simply he stares at you before plopping his chin back on your head and unpausing his video.
"sei!! you're suffocating me!"
of course, he'd rather have you buried away while the pink in his cheeks fades.
— 𝐑𝐞𝐨 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞
what a peculiar sight. you stand at the entrance of the doorway, blinking at the figure currently wrapped up in a frilly apron and leaning against the counter.
it seems there's something in the oven that's enraptured reo's attention since he doesn't even notice your arrival. but you slink towards him anyways.
he jumps, backing up and immediately going into defense mode. but upon noticing your grinning expression, he flattens his own.
"why didn't you say you were home?"
"i did." he flushes a light pink upon hearing that.
"where'd you get the apron?"
he glances away, crossing his arms over his chest as if to cover the little cutesy logo printed across it. the pink and white apron somehow matches him rather... perfectly.
you lean closer to him, foreheads kissing as he avoids your line of sight.
"it's cute." and just as he spots the teasing look in your eyes reo immediately snatches the apron off him.
"aw, wait no! put it back on, please!"
"nope! nope!"
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
The Pudding
Barou Shouei x FemReader (Ft Isagi Yoichi)
Barou was acting like you’d been winding him up to brat tame, however you’d been on your best behaviour since Isagi came to crash with you guys for awhile, who knew he’d be such a homewrecker and not even release it was his fault. That pudding Barou was obsessed with do be good though!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • DomBarou • smut • Barou being Barou. • dirty talk -filth • this do be spicy get your face fans out• 5 years after Blue Lock • Isagi temporary house mate causing arguments • crack • established relationship • the ending tho 💀 isagi you homewrecker.
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Frantic, aggressive and a borderline bully -Barou Shouei was showing all these traits when he’d stomped his way over to you, red eyes glowing as his figured shadow drew closer.
Normally you’d do something to warrant this kind of a reaction from him, brat taming you was something he enjoyed and something you found amusing to draw out in him.
Today however? You hadn’t done anything, in fact since Isagi came to crash a couple of days ago with you both for a few weeks you’d been pretty good. Barou only allowed it because Isagi was easy to live with, he knew this from his days in blue lock, collecting laundry and at least trying to aid his level of OCD with cleaning. He was respectful and he, unknowingly to you or anyone else owed Isagi a favour.
Why? That secret would die with Barou -and with Isagi if he kept his word on not telling anyone. Barou had actually asked him to try find out your ring sizes, which he had successfully done -fuck knows how he pulled it off and fuck knows how Barou bit his pride to ask. He wanted someone outside to get the job done, he himself or his sisters would be way too obvious. Apparently he took you shopping with Bachira who you had a soft spot for, the guys eccentric personality made it easy to fall for, he made you try on a load of stacking rings and Isagi remembered the one for your ring finger, clever little shit Barou had to give him that.
“W-wait Barou, s-slow down-“
You tried to tighten your thighs together in an attempt to block him but he’d only pushed his weight by his hips further into you causing you to spread them.
Normally Barou would prep you, much needed considering how thick and long this guy was, he was built like a god head to toe and taking him was always a stretch.
You were actually a little worried at how fired up he was, but equally excited by his sudden attitude shift, he was fine this morning but he was borderline feral at the moment.
Barou snorted a laugh, red eyes looking up to you as he held himself over you. Hands planted by your sides as you gripped onto his forearms to brace yourself, his huge biceps bulging as he held his own weight above you. His shoulders looked fucking huge, pure muscle hovering over you as sweat dripped from his body from his wound up he was getting not even cooling down after he finished a work out. His cock rested hard on your stomach, leaking at the tip.
“Huh? Where’s that cocky attitude gone, girl?”
Eyes returning down he watch himself as he lifted his hips, flexing his thick, heavy cock to hit his stomach watching the pre cum link between him, before dropping it down to press the thick tip to your entrance. You clenched around nothing as he pressed against you, easing the head in.
His deep voice making bumps rise on your skin, there was nothing unmanly about this guy, he oozes testosterone and gruffness, but that voice? God it got you every time, especially when he was threatening you.
“I’ll warn you now-“ he glanced up at you, his gaze harsh as he kept eye contact “-I’d find something to hold onto if I were you. You’re getting devoured, teach you to stop pissing me off.”
You swallowed and he was drinking in how vulnerable you looked under him, eyes glazed and doe like, it sent his ego soaring. The growl that left his chest was feral, eyes flashing as he tried to control himself from pushing himself in with one thrust.
Barou was mean, but not a complete sadist.
You moved a hand to press against the headboard behind you, the other remaining on his forearm.
He felt the tight ring of your cunt protest as he pushed the head in, you were so tight he couldn’t pull the head back as it gripped onto him and it was game over for you when he felt it sucking his cock in.
He pushed through to the hilt, bullying this thick cock through your velvety walls as they gripped him, milking any precum he had crawling up his dick.
“Fucking hell s’fucking warm, how you stay this tight huh? This cock not fucked you enough times?” he breathed out, not once dropping that gruffness his voice carried. He pressed his forehead against yours looking down at his cock buried in you. Barou was big, he had the length and the thickness but this man knew how to roll his cock into you.
“B-Barou s’too much please just -“
“Tch, thought you knew what you were in for? Acting cocky and now whinin’ cause you can’t take me? Suck it up princess, wanna help yourself? Reach down and play with your clit as I fuck you, it’s the only mercy you’re getting.”
You whimpered under him, your hips twitching to try angle yourself better as your pussy clenched around him.
Despite years of being together he was still a stretch to take especially when he’d been away for a few weeks for soccer and you’d not had him. This time, it was because he’d remained rather tame while Isagi was crashing at your place whilst he moved into his new one.
You had no idea why Barou was so pissed off, he only got like this when you’d been teasing him or winding him up until he entered his brat taming mode.
This time though -you hadn’t.
You pussy was soaking, drooling to your ass and over his cock and balls, he tilted his hips so the hilt of his dick rubbed your clit and you threw your head back with an unholy moan.
He withdrew slowly, a deep groan leaving him as he watched his thick dick slide from you covered in slick.
“You’re a mess, acting like you can’t handle it but she’s drooling for me-“ he thrust sharply, hitting that spot in you that made your breath hitch, your mouth fell open as you looked down in slight worry, your hand on his forearm quickly pressed against his six pack.
“Found it already huh? Tch, too easy thought you’d put up more of a fight.”
He rolled his hips beautifully into you, setting a pace that was borderline cruel -hard but not quiet fast enough to build your orgasm as quick as you’d want it.
Barou watched your tits bounce with each thrust into your pussy, hugging him begging it to fill you with his cum, but he wasn’t done yet.
Your vision blurred as he shifted you, only to focus again as he looked down on you folded beneath him. He had hooked both arms under your knees to push you upwards under him, folding you in half as his hands grip the head board behind you to stabilise himself.
Your eyes widened at what he was about to do, tears gathering in your eyes as he moulded you into his own version of a mating press. Mounting you like some animal as he stared down at his prey.
“You’re fucked now, woman.”
His first thrust hit so deep you almost seen stars, head kissing your cervix as he pushed to the hilt whilst rotating his hips in circles.
“Your safe word, you got it?” You nodded dumbly and he pressed a kiss to your leg, a fleeting moment of showing his softness before his annoyance for whatever triggered this took him over again.
Your hand moved to press a finger to your clit and Barou’s eyes followed to watch you rub circles into it, matching his pace to each round.
He was impossibly deep even he could feel resistance to how deeply he’d managed to bury himself into you -actual pride swelling in his chest at you being such a champ and taking him like this. Your clit was hard and burning under the pad of your finger as you eased towards cumming for him. Each squelch of his cock bullying into you, each slap of his skin as his balls hit your ass every moan that left your throat as you begged and spurred him.
Slurring words of adoration for him as he drank everything you gave him, his ego soaring with his heart as he started to rut into you violently. Knuckles turning white as his gripped the head board, sweat dripping from him onto you under him as he pushed himself physically.
“Fuck,” a frustrated growl left him, “-fuck you’re too fucking good.” His words through grunts as he kept up a feral pace. “-you’re fucking made for me.”
“Yeah? You made for this king? Made to take this dick?”
“M-made for you- Ngh-Barou I’m gonna- hah- please I’m cumming, Barou- y-yes there, please-“
“Yeah? Keep fucking begging n slurring all dumb like that, makes me wanna devour you.”
He felt you start to roll your hips under him, your spare hand blinded reaching for his on the head board, finding it you gripped it, fingers laying over his. The finger on your clit started stuttering, picking up a fast messy pace.
“Cummin’ f’you- Bar-King, fuckfuckfuck!”
He smugly watched you lose it under him, body tightening and your toes curling, feeling your pussy clamp around him made him buckle slightly, edging him towards his own release. He didn’t ease you down, instead Barou shifted another gear as his pace turned fast and hard.
“S’Kings gonna fill that pretty cunt up-“
He flipped his hand, twisting it to lace his fingers through yours and planting beside your head, letting one of your legs lower. Barou pressed his lips to your leg still held up by his other, placing wet kisses between bites, panting through his nose as he groan into your skin holding between his teeth.
His thrusts turned sloppy but kept their hardness fucking into you like an alpha fucking his mate through a rut.
“Take it all -fuuuuuck!”
He hunched over you pressing his hips to yours as he spilled into you, cock flexing inside you as he moaned into your leg, red eyes half hooded and glazed. His hips twitched against you as you clenched around him, stomach muscles flexing in little spasms as he came hard emptying into you.
The room was filled with both your panting, coming down from your highs and Barou released you, sitting back onto his folded legs spread. You whimpered as his cock pulled from you now half hard as he softened. Your legs bent up and still spread, shaking as you felt the tremors start to inch up your body. Hands shaking you sat up onto your elbows, Barou was still breathing heavy, red eyes fixed on your swollen pussy starting to leak out his cum and he groaned again. It was the only kind of mess he deemed somewhat acceptable. Running a hand through his hair you could see him shaking lightly, a smug smirk made it’s way to your face.
“The fuck is with that smug smile? Knock it off,”
“You’re shaking.”
“I fucking wouldn’t be if you hadn’t ate the last pudding!”
“What?” You deadpanned at him, “-I didn’t.”
“Don’t bullshit me, I didn’t eat it and it was there this morning.”
“-wait, Barou did you just fuck me like that cause you thought I ate your last pudding?!”
“Hardly the first time, you act like a brat to get fucked like one. Got what you wanted now go out and replace it!”
“I can’t fucking walk! You literally just beat my pussy up!”
“Yeah? I’ll do it again until you stop stealing my shit!”
“I didn’t eat it Barou!”
Meanwhile Isagi sat in the spare room listening to you both from across the hall. -completely forgotten about that he was currently residing with you guys and was actually in the building.
An impressively raging hard on at the inspirational rough sex he’d just heard whilst looking down at his hands, one with a spoon and the other holding an empty container for pudding. He’d been eating it whilst you guys fucked like animals in your bedroom. Like popcorn at a cinema.
Man, Barou really liked his damn pudding, Isagi didn’t think he’d heard him that angry since he called the king a donkey back in Blue Lock 5 years ago.
He shrugged and cleaned the spoon off, ah well Barou didn’t know it was actually him who’d stolen the last pudding, ‘sides it was worth it listening to that.
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
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queenofallimagines · 6 months
Blue Lock boys and having a S/O who has a sex toy collection
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A/N: This is extremely self indulgent and came to me while browsing the internet. Part one of 2 and These are also all real toys so if you know exactly what I’m talking about lmao kudos to you✌🏿
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- lmao oh boy
- Brand new to this world
- Only has the blue flesh light you got him as a joke for Christmas
- He uses it more often than he’d like to admit…
- So when he comes to your place and he’s in the mood to get nasty
- You gotta hold his hand bc he’s gunna be a little nervous
- You ask him if he’s cool with toys and he’s like ofc
- Very excited to see what you use to make yourself feel good
- Then he is taken aback to see a box of sex toys ORGANIZED BY COLOR
- “We in for a more rough mood today or like a quick thing?”
- Let him take a look through your treasure chest(pun intended)
- And he’s like 🙂 bc how does he use that
- “So whats this?? It’s like flat but it has silicone flowers on the top??”
- “Oh that’s a grinder you strap it to a pillow”
- “….and it’s supposed to be green and blue?”
- “The colors on this one were pretty 😤 aesthetic matters too!”
- Best way is to just dive in and let him test out each one
- His favorite so far is this pretty little one called CLAUDETTE and he likes grinding on it while he kisses you and fucking into it
- Likes how the colors look all funky and fun
- “Is that-“
- “A football colored one yes it is.”
- “…..you didn’t have this before you met me did you?”
- “Listen it’s not MY fault that you be away on games a lot and this just so happened to be in your girth!”
- He will indulge you and do those dick mold cast things and will demand to see videos of you fucking yourself with it when he’s away
- Nothing would make him rush home faster than seeing a video of you moaning all pretty in nothing but a spare jersey of his bounding up and down on an exact replica of his cock begging him to hurry home
- Fuck the game he’s on the first fight back to Japan IMMEDIATELY
- LOVES to use them in punishments!
- When you’re acting all bratty he’ll pretend he’s not on his very last nerve
- Not super good at controlling his true emotions but when he’s calling you pet names making you feel all flustered can you really tell he’s upset?
- So when he flips a switch and tells you to “hold fucking still or I’ll tie your hands to the headboard” and he’s in between your legs holding you down it’s definitely a surprise
- Has one of the vibes that are controlled by phone
- He’s not so cruel as take you for a stroll in public
- (Also he really doesn’t want to get slammed with a public indecency charge because you can’t keep quiet)
- He’ll make you wear it as he goes about his business in the house
- Ignoring you without a care in the world as he’s relaxing on the couch and you’re begging him to bend you over anything
- “Hm? I didn’t hear a ‘I’m sorry for being a brat Yoichi’ so all that crying ain’t doing nothing”
- He has really good control when he’s pissed
- Usually that glassy eyed look while begging him to ruin you would be enough to have him on you like a dog in heat
- Buuuuuy unfortunate for you upset yoichi is some cold
- He’s literally not even flinching as you grind in his thigh making a mess all over his pants
- Rolling his eyes before shooting you the most annoyed look
- “You gunna keep making a mess on my pants or you going to fucking apologize already?”
- “I-I’m sorry Yoichi… please I need you so bad.”
- “Fucking finally.”
- Throws your legs over his shoulders but he’s still mad so he’s gunna edge and then overstimulate you before he even pulls his cock out
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- oh he’s so silly
- Like he’s definitely like??
- Probably accidentally finds your stash before YOU show him
- “Oi, what’s this thing over here?”
- And you walk in and he’s messing w a silicone octopus cockring
- Boy if you don’t stay out my mf closet-
- Wants you to show him all the cool weird stuff you have
- “How do you even use this?”
- “Like any other toy???”
- “This tentacle is NOT like a regular sex toy.”
- Does it again by laying down on some of your stuffies and sees one w a obvious zipper
- Opens it to see a dildo inside
- “Why is this IN here?”
- “So nosey mfs like YOU don’t just come in my room and find my shit.”
- “…..that’s fair.”
- His fav for you to use on him is this gold and grey silicone stroker that has skin like texture
- When he’s too lazy to move he likes you being on top of him kissing and biting his neck while you slowly move the toy on his cock
- Will have him squirming and moaning loud as hell like you’ve never seen before
- Nagi isn’t the most vocal but he’s moaning like a pornstar
- “Ohhhh fuuuck pretty keep stroking me like that.”
- No better way to get him to fuck you like you want then to slow stroke him with a fleshlight or stroker
- Asks you to make a cast of your pussy
- When you actually make him one it’s like never brought up again until one night you get a text around 2am a few hours before nagi is set to touchdown back in Japan
- Of him fucking it like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do
- Not sure who the fuck recorded that for him🤨 bc it’s too good and so are the angles to be a shaky one handed quick video
- Moans about how he can’t wait to feel you cream on his cock
- As the most obscene noises play from your speakers with the image of seishiro fucking into a fleshlight of your likeness all messy with lube and cum
- From the way the video starts off he had to have been at it for a while already
- You catch a glimpse of his hazy eyes as he’s mercilessly pounding into the toy
- When the video ends you get another text from him
- ‘Just got out the airport be home in 25’
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- you’d think he’d be like weirded out
- Or confused
- Nah
- He’s seen all the gamer porn there is to see
- Monster and fantasy themed sex toys are a walk in the park
- “Woah, they like make dragon dicks that you can actually ride?”
- Favorites are Ophiuchus the Forgotten, Spyro Slim, and the twilight Moon
- He likes textures so anything with more ridges and bumps the better!
- Likes ones that seem normal. He’s a sneaky fucker so hidden in plain sight is great
- Like oh you thought this was a regular lipstick? Nope! A bullet vibe
- Has like 6 of these in your purse at all times
- Annoying as will pull a “hey can I talk to ya for a sec?”
- And then lead you into a secluded area and shove a toy in you while having his mouth do the heavy lifting
- “Mmm~ taste better when you’re this scared.”
- Someone get his ass 🙄😒
- Let’s you fuck him but like you’re a service top at most
- Not very try willing to give up power because that means he looses the game
- Will tie you up and ride you
- Puts on his most slutty performance and really lets himself get whiny
- As soon as he unties you it’s a chance to get him
- Like oh so anyway we’re not done🥰 now you can’t touch
- Will send you links to stores asking you what you think
- “Check out this dark souls one”
- “Yo, baby who the FUCK is that going to fit inside”
- “:((( but it glows in the dark”
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mariaace · 4 months
gut wrenching angst. rin. insecure rin. do it. PLEASEEEEE 😭😭😭
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Warnings:angst (w/comfort); insecure Rin; established relationship
Genre:Angst (w/comfort) Type:one-shot
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'Was it really worth it?' 'What if i never make it?' 'What if Yoichi is actually better?' 'What if...' What if. Those were the thoughts running through Rin's mind right now. Did he often think about that? Yes. Does anyone know? No, well at least he didn't want anyone to know. But at the same time...
Ugh he couldn't keep up like this anymore. *Can you come over?* Was the texts you got from him. *Yeah, sure.* Rin is currently sitting with his legs crossed on his bed thinking and thinking and thinking...
What if things don't turn out the right way? What if Sae hates him forever? What if he fails to be become the best??? What if?? What if... "Breathe." He said to himself. He took a deep breath, bust still couldn't get these thoughts out of his head.
They just kept going. It was like he was having flashbacks. Was he all alone? Against everything and everyone? No. He had you- he thought and suddenly his eyes widened. What if you leave him? What if you think he can't be good enough? What if he isn't good enough?
This wasn't the first time he have these kind of thoughts. About soccer. But now it about you. You, who were with him all the time. You, who always spend your time with him. You, who supported him in everything at every moment. So what if he loses you know?? What will he do?? What if... He started panicking. His hands started to shake, his breathing got heavily. Oh no-
"Rin!!" You quickly shut the door, when you saw your boyfriend in that state. What was happening with him? He got up and walked up to as soon as he heard your voice. You were suddenly wrapped in his arms, that were still shaking. His head rested on your shoulder, he was squeezing you tightly.
As you putted your hands around him, still in shock of the situation, you heard him. Was he... crying? What happened? You knew Rin tho. Things should not be punched with him. He will tell you once he is calmed. "Let's sit on the bed, okay?" He nodded as you both sat and you took his hands, that were still a little shaking.
"Rin?" "Yes?" "Do you want to talk?" You asked hesitant. If he didn't want to, you wouldn't force him to, but how could you help him without knowing what's happening?
Rin took a deep breath and he started explaining the situation. All the times he had different thoughts, about everything that could happen, about soccer, his competition, Sae... How he didn't know what to do, how he was scared of what might happen. His voice was shaky as he spoke, eyes watery.
"Now the thoughts were even about you." Your eyes widened. "Me? But..." You would never hurt Rin, you would never leave him. And he knew it. "I can't control it. There are just some times i can't stop thinking about things." You suddenly pulled him into a hug. "Things like this would never happen, okay? I will always be here with you." "You promise?" "I promise."
He smiled as you kissed him. "Never hesitate to tell me when you think about this, okay?" Rin nodded and you smiled.
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I don't know girly what do we think? @sanaexus
© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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byalexisness · 1 year
☆virgin killer
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Isagi Yoichi x fem! reader
this man and the virgin killer trope haunts my mind. also, thank you for over 100 followers <3 i love each of you.
content warning: detailed smut, dom! isagi, overstimulation, dirty talking, corruption kink, virginity loss, inexperienced! reader, fingering, oral (f reciving), established relationship
outside the field, everyone saw isagi as a sweet, caring boyfriend. he was nothing but gentle with you.
i mean, how couldn't he? you were so precious to him, so innocent and needing to be protected. you were so cute, adorable even, with your tiny pleated skirt and short, tight and cropped tops that revealed a little of your tummy. your knee socks hugging your thighs oh-so perfectly, you looked like a princess.
his princess.
don't get him wrong, isagi loved you and he wished to protect and be with you every second of his life. he was a true sweetheart, hiding his true intentions behind gentle caresses and kisses.
truly, from the second his eyes met yours back in highschool, he wanted to do nothing but have you dumb on his cock.
however, he knew you were scared of losing your purity. and while it was understandable, it was hard keeping his composure.
unlike you, isagi was experienced. he has been through multiple girls, since most of his fans gave themselves to him freely. however, the ones he loved the most were the virgin ones.
he absolutely loved the feeling of a tight, untouched cunt sucking his cock in with every push. the way all of them would go stupid and cry that "it hurts", only to beg for more and more once he hit the sweet spots.
however, when he stopped his one-night stands with random fangirls the moment you became his girlfriend. it didn't matter how desperate he was, how much you would unwillingly and unknowingly tease him by sitting on his lap or kissing his neck, he wouldn't resume into cheating on you.
the day you finally agreed to let him touch you in your special place, isagi was in heaven. after four long years of waiting and only fucking his fist or a fleshlight, he could finally touch you.
isagi started slow, with a make out session, his lips refusing to live yours, even when both yours and his lungs ached with the need for oxygen.
then, he went down to your neck, peppering it with kisses and love bites. nothing unusual for now, since he always placed hickeys on your neck, collarbone or shoulders. to show everyone you were taken, that you were his and his alone.
slowly taking off your top, teasing you, making you want him more, his lips traveled down your to your shoulders and chest area while his hands massaged your waist. your trembling hands took off his t-shirt, wanting to feel his skin.
you were already a whining mess when a skilled hand undid your bra and threw it away and his greedy mouth attached to your right breast. his tongue swirled around your areola, flicking your nipple from time to time. isagi's hand massaged your left breast, groping it and caressing it, not giving you a single second of a break.
little mewls and whimpers fell from your mouth as he gave his full attention to your breasts. "y-yoichi...p-please" you whined lowly, getting impatient.
"patience, doll." he said lovingly and switched to your left breast, giving it the same treatment as he gave to your right one. after he decided it was enough, he peppered kisses down to the beginning of your shorts. "may i?"
with a small nod from you, isagi took off your shorts, a proud smirk on his face when he saw the wet patch on your cute panties. "aww, is my princess already wet f'r me?" he teased, earning a whine from you.
"w-what will you do now?" you asked as you shyly squirmed when his fingers touched your clothed pussy.
"shh, darling. 'mma take good care of you. gonna eat this pussy out until you can't breathe anymore."
you shivered at his filthy words and a shaky breath escaped past your lips when the cold air hit your hot cunt.
"look at you...so wet, i can't wait to taste you." he whispered and you heard an unknown hunger in his voice. without wasting more time, isagi's mouth attached to your pussy, licking a long stripe with his tongue.
his lips sucked on your clit and then, you felt his hot muscle penetrating you. he moved his tongue in and out, making you see stars only from it.
after a few minutes of eating you out like you were a full course meal, you felt another intruder stretching you out. his middle finger entered you slowly and carefully, moving in a calm pace.
it felt...way different from your fingers. his finger was longer and thicker and it made you whine out his name. "y-yoiii"
he smirked, sucking on your clit. his ring finger soon joined his middle one, giving you another stretch. the lewd squelching sounds made by his fingers thrusting in your wet pussy made you whine. he was soon scrissoring you open, preparing you for the big stretch.
you can't even process when you came, you only knew that you did when your lower body jolted upwards and you cried out loudly. however, isagi didn't stop, slurping your juices like a starved man.
your hips involuntary tried jerking away from his mouth, overstimulated by the intensity of your orgasm. you babbled brainlessly, trying to get him to give you a break. he didn't.
he kept going, soon making you cum twice, thrice even.
when he decided it was enough, he separated his mouth from your vagina, your slick making his chin shine in the dim light of the room. his fingers left your pussy too, making you whine at the emptiness.
you already looked fucked out, breathing heavily as your eyes lustfully watched him. yoichi pulled you into a sweet kiss and you could taste yourself on his lips. "are you ready, my love?" he whispered after he pulled away from the kiss.
his hands were already on his belt, unbuckling it. if you wanted to, he would stop, he would...even if his cock ached in his pants.
"mhm...y-you can keep going..." you whispered and, when he finally took off his pants, your eyes widened. he was a little below average in length, but his girth compensated.
your cheeks flushed pink as you looked at the angry red tip, already laced in precum. "t-there's...no way this will fit, y-yoichi..."
"it will, trust me." he said, trying to reassure you as he started to rub his cock between your folds, making both himself and you moan.
slowly but surely, he coated his length with your slick. after a few more moments, he aligned his cock with your entrance. "i'll enter now, okay?" isagi said softly as he took your hand in his and you nodded nervously.
the second he pushed his tip in, you gasped loudly and isagi had to use all of his willpower to not thrust into you all the way. with every inch, blue eyes watched as your face twist into a painful expression, your hand squeezing his in a deathly grip.
with each inch he pushed in, slowly and carefully to not hurt you, your whines got louder since it felt like he was splitting you open. to shush you and comfort you, he pulled your lips into a kiss as his free hand massaged your breast while he bottomed out.
ragged breaths could be heard from both of you while he stilled inside you. even if it killed him inside, as he wanted nothing more than to demolish you right there, he waited patiently for the signal.
and it came soon, as your body relaxed under his and you gave him a nod. "b-be gentle, please.."
isagi groaned loudly at your words and he started thrusting slowly and gently in you. however, as soon as your moans picked up in intensity, the beast inside isagi yoichi unleashed.
he started thrusting into you like there was no tomorrow, hard and fast, making your eyes roll back as you basically screamed his name.
" 'ichi, y-yoi....yoichi! s-slow down!" you cried out, but isagi couldn't. he could only groan and moan and pound into you, fucking your brains out.
quite literally, since you soon went dumb on his cock, just like he dreamed of. your eyes were closed as tears of pleasure streamed down your cheeks.
"look at you, such a pretty slut..taking my cock so-mgh- well. so fucking good for me." he spoke lowly besides your ear. "c'mon, make a mess on my cock, won't ya?" he groaned as he could feel you clenching around him.
in response, you could only babble out about how good it feels, about how you wanted more and more. almost in an instant, you creamed around his cock and your walls gripped him tightly, suffocating his length.
isagi couldn't hold it anymore and, with a loud moan, he spilled his cum inside you, painting your walls white, filling you to the brim. your eyes rolled back and your mouth was left agape.
his body fell on top of yours and he breathed heavily, hugging you tightly as he whispered in your ear.
"i could fuck you like this every single day."
and who were you to refuse?
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