#he being marazhai
proffbon · 5 months
How it started:
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How it's going:
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indosentia · 8 days
If the branding scene is meant to be a proverbial equivalent to marriage for the Drukhari, does that mean rejecting it completely is akin to leaving Marazhai at the alter?
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mathlann · 5 months
The entire talk with Marazhai before the final battle lives in my head rent free but I absolutely love his opening pep talk to Cas where he's like, "I've taught you well, you're going to go out there, you're going to have so much fun destroying your enemies. And even if you eat shit and die, know you're still better than any other human out here." Which is....deeply funny to me but also 🥰
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jackals-ships · 10 days
marazhai thoughts im gonna say something unhinged again no one look at me
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cawyden-gaming · 4 months
Rogue Trader - Party Banter
Unfortunately, party banter in the game is kind of broken - it hardly triggers and I had several cases where the timing/trigger was bad as I had already clicked on an exit or other item what then interrupted the banter. There is also banter for events that haven't happened (yet) or with companions not even present (or recruited).
But there is quite a lot banter in voiced and unvoiced form in the game.
For the voiced banter there are two videos online that you can find here:
Part 1
Part 2
I have gone through the videos and banters and wrote down the timestamps and dialog that features Heinrix (as speaker or if companions speak about him).
You can find it here. (-> opens excel in google drive)
Please keep in mind that I am not a native speaker and while I used the help of (generated) subtitles there were words that I did not really understand (especially with Ulfar). I added a ? in these cases.
Still, it should give you an overview about the (voiced) banter available and where to jump to in the video if you want to listen to it.
There is of course the unvoiced banter too, but that is not featured here.
There is a lot of romance related banter in video 1 and more act/main story related ones in video 2.
There is also a mentioning of absent Achilleas, a master of ceremonies with memory issues, Abelard scolding Heinrix for being interested in the RT, sassy Heinrix everywhere...
Some examples:
Party banter video 2 - time 00:08:09
Ulfar: *growling at Heinrix*
Thank you, my Lord Ulfar. I'm in good health and I hope you are as well. I am pleased that we are starting to get along.
Party banter video 2 - time 00:41:40
My mere presence makes you shake with rage – I do not even have to do anything to you... delightful.
Yes, I … you... damn it! I'm so angry, I can't even speak! Enough! I'll deal with you later.
(-> the VA is evenf more incredible here, you can hear him shaking)
Regarding Heinrix in Commoragh / healing:
Party banter video 2 - time 00:24:32
Lady Cassia, there is no need to look at me like that. I assure you, I am perfectly fine.
Do I not deserve the truth from you even in this place master van Calox? I can see the flashes of scarlet that accompany your every movement.
Party banter video 2 - time 00:35:12
Why are you limping like that? Haven't you healed yourself?
It is a long process. I could try to hide my infirmity I suppose, but I'm not as accomplished an actor as you are, Shereen
Party banter video 2 - time 00:35:25
Those crazy screams in the lab the whole time I was there, that was you, wasn't it iceman? How did you survive that?
My fervent desire to boil a few hundred xenos in their skin on my way out of here, proved stronger than death.
So, while he says he healed himself and is fine, he really isn't...
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n1m3ria · 4 months
Marazhai Aezyrraesh - Romance with a perfect evil character
Oh how I'm in love with the story between RT and Marazhai. After the boring affairs in BG3 (Gale, Halsin, Astarion's both routes), Marazhai is like a breath of fresh bloody air.
"Madness, as you know, is like gravity… all it takes is a little push" (Joker)
He is so chaotically evil that he completely corrupts an already depraved RT. Marazhai is the perfect villain with a beautifully written romance. When RT captivates him with her true black passion - he's obsessed with RT, afraid of losing her. And if, after Marazhai's sincere confession of his feelings, the RT decides to leave him - Marazhai almost kills her.
When the RT doesn't pass Marazhai's tests, he mocks and torments her. This is nicely shown with different answers and events that reveal the character (screens below). When RT admits that their relationship was not a game to her - Marazhai brings her back down to earth and feeds on her broken feelings, but he has no intention of breaking the game with RT. Why should he? When he gets bored again, it's a great way for him to have a slaughter of mon-keigh on RT's ship. That's all he needs, as he'll say himself: it's the only way we can be close while still being who we are. His game will remain a game, whether it suits RT or not - the choice is hers alone, Marazhai will offer her nothing more.
If RT fails and does not become obsessed with the dark passions of the true Aeldari, Marazhai openly mocks her. Their bloody feasts are nothing more than a game to him:
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But when RT becomes obsessed with their mutual dark passion and ecstasy:
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And most importantly, he says everything directly, hiding nothing. If RT is not satisfied with their relationship - he does not hold RT and easily breaks off the romance. But if Marazhai is obsessed with RT and sees her as his equal and she wants to leave him, then we realise that he values RT and is not ready to lose her.
He warns RT directly of another dirty trick on his part:
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And he doesn't keep RT waiting:
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Corruption - successful. I like this answer even more than their first real kiss:
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Larian, you could learn a lot from Owlcat's writers. Ascended Astarion is the first romanceable character my Dark Urge dumped without regret.
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jaal-ama-daravv · 4 months
The man that is Heinrix van Calox
Alright we need to talk about this man because a) i can't stop thinking about him, and b) i don't want to.
Heinrix has this deep, tormented past. He has been tortured multiple times (to extremes), he has struggled for god knows how long to form any sense of security or emotional attachment due to the nature of his job, and he was mutilated then tormented by his colleagues for his appearance (when I saw this in game I was induced with rage in my bones). In saying that it is no wonder he is so afront about his appearance and candor.
This man is a huge ass SOFTY to the core, he's touch starved, love starved, word starved, and probably just starved. He chooses you over his duty if he trusts you wholeheartedly and I can't put into words just how lonely he must be. To find love in such a universe, and its so fucking obvious this man is down as bad as von valancius is and i love it.
I also headcanon the fact that Heinrix will of seen my commisar rogue trader's posters and heard of her feats and had a huge crush ( like a celebrity crush, 'oh ill never meet them') then bam, starstruck. I live for it.
also you will have to pry my opinion that they tried to have heirs at some point after the conclusion of rogue trader from my dead body
thanks for coming to my heinrix ted talk
note: i initially went into this game being like ha ha, ill just romance heinrix till I meet marazhai because damn, and then, well, here we are. heinrix forever, I love pixels
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spawnofbhaal · 4 months
Was just thinking about the whole Marazhai trial mess and thinking . . . why was Marazhai so determined to get the Rogue Trader there to "testify," other than just being obsessed with them?
Do Drukhari really care that much if a human witness is a mere inquisitorial servant (like Achilleas) or a Rogue Trader? Couldn't Marazhai have just snatched up Achilleas that day on Dargonus and gone ahead with his plan?
But no. No, Marazhai has to take the Rogue Trader specifically, even though doing so got many of his kabal's forces killed at Dargonus (by making them stay so he could sit on the RT's throne and gloat at them instead of just leaving once the RT showed up) and required him to make dangerous, expensive deals with a haemonculus and mandrakes. Rogue Traders are powerful and well protected, so the cost/benefit analysis of abducting one ends up on the side of very costly. As Abelard notes in Act 1, the RT's life (by Imperium standards) is worth more than an entire populated planet.
Marazhai kind of betrays his personal obsession when, if you choose certain dialogue options during the capture and before the trial, he seems excited about keeping the RT as his "pet" once he is Archon. While becoming Archon is no doubt the foremost of his desires, I think he has a fixation on the RT as well, from the beginning. His actions even mirror (darkly) a courtship where he gives the RT what he calls "gifts" (the opportunity to kill Tazarra and the specially designed poison).
Of course this fixation doesn't become something more lasting and serious unless the RT ends up on the "true romance" path, but I think Marazhai's personal interest in the RT starts pretty much from the moment he first sees them on Vhaebos VI. (Which is pretty in character for a Drukhari "romance" according to the Mistress Baeda's Gift short story). Which, IMO, also explains why he's immediately down for flirting with the RT just after he's recruited.
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indosentia · 13 days
If I stare at the Marazhai/Bill ship long enough I’m sure to be able to churn out some kind of religious symbology or something akin to it
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mathlann · 4 months
Requisite Disclaimer: I don't see the point in keeping this OC specific but, my game isn't your game etc. etc. I'm coming from a Sub! Marazhai perspective for context but just my interpretation.
So I've been rotating that Act 5 Kiss in my head for too long but I think I've pinned down what makes the Act 5 Kiss work, for me at least. Because inasmuch as the "Marazhai hates kissing" thing is fun, I don't think the actual Act of kissing (with or without teeth) is really what he's objecting to that first time. It's that the Rogue Trader is messing up the Game (ie, the terms of their fling/him teaching them how to be more Drukhari). And I think the Act 5 Kiss, or rather how you get it, is a fun bookend on ending the Game/re-balancing the dynamic?
Long-ass ramble under the cut
So, like I was saying above, the RT and Marazhai's relationship is pretty explicitly a Game that he's playing out of boredom. The Rogue Trader receives "[an education on] the true Aeldari soul" he receives "a fleeting titillation" until it's time for him to become Archon/become a Merc/join the clown show, whatever. He initiates the proposition, and he's the one setting the terms through the whole thing. It's up to the Rogue Trader to stay in their role and meet his standards, or they give up, or he gets bored and leaves. And a major part of his romance is that he's very action over words in regards to what he wants and how he feels.
As far as the first two kisses go, it's not the act itself it's the context imo. The first (bitey) kiss, he initiates, and it's during the lust/murder-high part of the Feast, which is what he invited the Rogue Trader to do. The Kiss Attempt™ by the Rogue Trader is the next morning after all that's worn off. And, granted the scene itself is pretty cozy, considering (he's literally leaning over the RT and telling them not to keep him waiting ie, next hookup) so it makes sense why the Rogue Trader might decide a goodbye kiss is appropriate. But it's a misstep I think because it's too intimate, bordering on sentimental, which is very much not the Drukhari way of doing things (it shows weakness). You aren't lovers in that way, the Rogue Trader is a toy/a pet, fun time is over and he's headed out. To try to pretend more than that is past the Game and an expression of weakness that needs to be put in its place as a "mon-keigh absurdity" as he'd say.
Compare that to the Branding, which is much more his style. It is, for all intents and purposes, a commitment scene, but he doesn't actually say "I want this," he's decided that the Rogue Trader has earned it from him. He talks around, but doesn't even explicitly say, he wants the RT to brand him either, (if asked, best he gives is "well....I mean after I've been so ~submissive~ you would let me just walk around without???? 👀"). And he threatens to walk out if the Rogue Trader keeps asking too many questions because again, he's the lead here and to say so would be to play his hand, which is a major no. If he grabs the RT like he's going to brand them....and it just so happens they have a mighty easy time grabbing that knife from him....well, there's the answer, no words needed. And if the Rogue Trader doesn't grab the knife, well, there's his answer. Y'all don't need to see each other anymore.
Which also makes the final Feast/Big confession hit the way it does because it is the first and only time he's being very direct in how he feels and what he wants, ie. they're equals and he wants the to keep up *all of this* for as long as they've got. And...that's a slip up irt his control of the situation/the Game that the Rogue Trader can exploit. To see:
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And for extra juice, the actual threaten to break up line after this is "I am not interested. I think I have played enough with you" which is a nice reversal ie. "testing the limits of who is running the Game." Because if Marazhai's confession is a test, accepting fails it, they were too sentimental. Except he's not actually testing them and he gets genuinely upset and scared at the idea that the Rogue Trader would just leave him like that. Also, (at time of writing iirc), you can't get The Kiss™ if you didn't attempt it earlier at the first Feast. I think it's interesting if, perhaps, that bit of sentimentality made him assume the Rogue Trader was the one who was down bad/being sappy this whole time. Which was fun to play around with before, but now he's caught feelings and the Rogue Trader potentially out-manipulating him on that front only to "abandon" him now is a major blow to his, being, frankly.
And if the Rogue Trader pushes further with the "I do not hear enough pleading in your voice" line, the narration notes he's stuck between "despair and pride" while still refusing to say more because it's not in him to say what he wants with that kind of honesty. And again, like, he's Drukhari so you're never going to get an "I love you" out of him, and he wouldn't accept that from the Rogue Trader in turn, but he doesn't know how to otherwise show that because Drukhari aren't big on straightforward lovey dovey kiss stuff even when they actually feel it. So the Kiss™, a real (romantic) one is an olive branch in the "you don't have to say it but I'll believe you're being honest if you do this" sense but also the Rogue Trader winning irt "the Game is over, show me we're equals, I met you on your level (see: his bullshit), meet me on mine (mon-keigh absurdities)."
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adozentothedawn · 3 months
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I am obsessed with this banter. Marazhai is such a little shit, he throws back everything else he gets thrown at his head. He keeps insulting people and being an asshole, not giving a shit about all the worthless lifeforms around him. Except when Idira calls him ugly. Then he immediatly starts sulking with the lamest comeback of them all.
The only thing that can possibly tell me is that he's insecure about his looks to the degree where he even takes it personally from a human. He is how he is not only cause he's drukhari or a younger sibling (though do make note of that, he is absolutely a bratty younger brother), he is that way because he's considered kinda ugly in his culture and is over-compensating. This explains so much. Also it's hilarious.
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rats-and-robots · 3 months
I think what I like most about the Marazhai romance is that it's one of the better expressions of a bdsm relationship in a video game that I've seen--at least, in the true 'love' ending with him. Because no matter if you're dominant or submissive, you are, in the end, his equal. You stand beside him, not above or below. Despite the roles you play, you play together, match each other. Whether he's your plaything or you're his, you are equal. Being his pet doesn't make you lesser than him--though you were at first--and I really, really like that.
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n1m3ria · 3 months
A rough guide on how to turn sub!Marazhai into an Archon
Just finished my second playthrough and managed to make sub!Marazhai an Archon. I used Toy Box only to check Tempest points and how the developers changed all the incorrect etudes with dom/sub roles.
I don't know what exactly influenced it, as Tempest points were added and lost without any flags or etudes, although I only started watching closely in the branding scene and before the meeting with Kharael.
In this playthrough, I had the quest to kill Yremeryss in the journal properly displayed, which wasn't the case on the first run (I didn't have Argenta, Heinrix and Ulfar in the party on my first run before that notorious scene in the Pit. :D And as a result, I didn't get any Tempest points at all for killing her ). It was hilarious to see only Argenta (!) trying to kill Marazhai on the second run;
In Commorragh, 'killed' Tervantias and destroyed his star-powered construct;
Took an Agoniser (though it didn't show up in the bedroom and the dialogues, which is clearly a bug);
Marazhai finished off Yremeryss with a final strike (I doubt it's critical, but just in case) and he took her soul.
There were 2 Tempest points on the way from Commorragh to Janus.
After the first warp jump, let him hunt wherever he wanted (not so dom!rt style, eh?);
Going on the main quest, his personal quest and gaining ascension points and dom!points;
He let me brand him!
At this point Tempest's points went to zero, which was very confusing.
In Chapter 5, Kharael commented that Marazhai looked great for being in realspace for so long, and then noticed the branding. By the end of the dialogue, Tempest's points went up to 3.
In the encounter with the Black Heart, through passing-skill, we bend Kharael to our side.
Does everyone have this bug in this scene? I reloaded my old save with another dom!RT and the scene plays similarly: Marazhai descends from the throne instead of bowing, even though the dialogue is correct:
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And finally… 'here we are':
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I hope you can make him an Archon too and it's not a game bug.
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fulgrimsrefuse · 4 months
Marazhai's dom romance is killing me. One of his romantic gifts is a fucking Wych. She'll just hang out in your bedroom and like...
Imagine your boss being like, "ay I gotta get my girlfriend a present and you are it."
it turns out your boss is Gonzo dating a chicken, and your job is to cut up Camilla while he touches himself
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poxinox · 5 months
Take on Sub Marazhai where his affection for the Rogue Trader steadily manifests as unhealthy obsession, stalking and even viewing them as a divinity of sorts.
Deeply possessive/protective to the point he'll hiss at someone if they even so much as give the Rogue Trader a dirty look.
He waits on baited breath for the Rogue to sic him on their enemies.
The Rogue Trader begins to use this to their advantage. Marazhai's mere presence is itself a intimidation tactic.
He's forsaken ever rejoining his Kabal because he simply revels to much in being someone's toy and instrument of torment.
He longs for the Rogue Trader's praise, presenting his kills, gesturing to the battlefield and asking if they are pleased with him.
Desperate to assert the Rogue Trader's place over him.
On his knees till the Rogue Trader's dying breath.
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holylustration · 2 months
Aurelia x Marazhai #24
Skipping the queue a bit to answer a more recent kiss prompt for my OG Pair! List of prompts is here, list of completed prompts is in my Index of Works.
#24: ...in danger.
Every time she stumbled with the spinning of the world, Marazhai cursed at her. He dragged her by her wrist, then the ruined collar of her dress, and then finally by the dirty rope that was her braid as they darted through the underbelly of that foul and sunless place.
Her feet slipped along the streets; she was still slick with gore from the arena and light headed from stim withdrawal, for she'd been too careless in sharing it. Jae needed it and Abelard needed it, too, but if they were to get out of this place, Aurelia needed it more, and the cold truth of it was starting to worm its way into the place the mind maggot had left behind.
"Why are we running?" she asked, her throat sore from screaming.
"We are being hunted," was the clipped reply.
"Everything in this place hunts." Aurelia was on her knee again, but so close to the ground, she could see the approaching shadows. She did not even wince as a tug on her braid brought her to her feet.
"Then stop being such easy prey, my - " Marazhai hissed as the momentum sent her sprawling into him.
Blood flowed on Aurelia's clothing as her skin scraped and was pierced by the spikes on his armor. She was too numb to care.
"Kae morag!"
The sickly green light of the street faded into deep shadows as Marazhai wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing her further onto the sharp spikes, and hoisted her in the air.
Aurelia caught glimpses of their surroundings over a shoulder plate: ruined, crumbling buildings. Some figures shambled, collecting garbage from piles. Other figures were propped over barrels or pushed against walls, their bodies obscured by leering, lean forms.
The distant sound of wings, of rushed footsteps, followed, mingling with the drugged moans and cries of the lowest of the low.
Marazhai pushed Aurelia into a corner, blocking her from view. His face was cast in shadow as he loomed above her.
"It is time for another game now, my pet," he whispered. "And if you break the rules, it will not be by my hand that you suffer." He took her face between his fingers, lifting her chin up as he brought his mouth to hers.
His lips were surprisingly soft and tasted of blood. He kissed her hungrily - no, urgently - as though it might be their last time, stealing the very breath from her lungs as he nipped at her mouth and let his tongue glide against hers. There was no way, even in the dark and with her eyes closed, that she could pretend she was anywhere else or with anyone else, not when she had become the center of his entire world.
The commands of the search party drew closer, but Aurelia scarcely heard them. The poisoned chalice of his affections had likely doomed them both.
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