#he caught me today loool
eccentricverbicide · 5 months
I overslept today and woke up at 11am to messages from my boss at 9am in which he 1. called me out for sleeping in, and 2. gave me a promotion
wild day
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
HII OMG EVER SINCE I FOUND OUT U TOO WERE A FILO I CANT HELP BUT THINK ABT HOSHINA TAMPUHIN MOMENTS WHERE READER IS EQUAL PARTS FOND AND EXASPERATED 😭😭😭 if its ok to request it i would like to request uhh how reader and hoshina deal with each others tampo moments HAHSHAHA and if possible it ends with fluff and just them being cute tgthr and rllllyyy weird req: u know how u get cuteness aggression…. this but w hoshina and he bites his partner’s cheeks 😭😭 OK BYE
ANON as a playful biter and someone who experiences a lot of gigil this is so cute loool! Here's your reminder to playfully bite your loved ones every once in a while. ✨
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cw: established relationship + playful biting
There were days when it felt like you and the Vice Captain were the only two people in the world. That was true at times, but perhaps the people at base were also getting better at gossiping much more quietly. Today was the former.
With the rookies now assigned to their respective platoons, and with most of them currently off-duty, it truly felt like you and the Vice Captain were the only two people in the world. (In the base, at least.) Your platoon's days off won't be until next week, so you and your crew ran the scene at the base, along with Vice Captain Hoshina, who just happened to be the person in charge at that time.
Everyone at the base knew of your relationship with the Vice Captain, especially your platoon, so they weren't entirely surprised by the pleasant coincidence that he definitely did not orchestrate.
"Vice Captain! You promised you'd have lunch with me today!"
Though if it was supposed to be a coincidence, that didn't sound like the case by the way you irritatedly evaded Soshiro's attempts at cornering you. You were excited all morning but it died out when you found out that the Vice Captain had lunch with your Operations Leaders.
It certainly was a treat for your platoon members to see their usually cool superior play catch and tag with you at the canteen, even though that wasn't exactly what you two were doing at the moment.
"I know you're only saying you already ate because you want me to get off your case!" You stated as you slid to the other end of a long table. "I want you to eat right!"
"But I have been eatin' right!" Soshiro replied as he tried to catch you from another end of another long table. The younger officers paid you no mind as they carried on with their meals, shaking their heads, chuckling and sighing to themselves because it was just another day at work.
"Coffee and sweets aren't a meal!" You shot back at him across the floor, another long table parting you from his reach.
"I said get over here! It's an order!" He paused in his tracks, only for you to be caught off-guard as he slid under the table and grabbed you by the ankle.
"You can't order me around today! Ack!—"
The dull thud as you hit the floor did not arouse any reaction from your officers, and you contemplated if you could even trust them with your life if they weren't even going to do anything about what was happening to you right now.
Then again, they were smart enough to recognise a playful lovers' spat...
The two of you sat on the floor, your Vice Captain holding you in a lock with his arms now, but the way he held you felt more like boyfriend than superior at present.
"There we go. Now that yer seated, we can finally talk."
"You're insufferable!" You squirmed in his arms, only for him to retaliate in a way that wasn't new but was totally unexpected given your current location.
Soshiro sank his teeth into your warm cheek, with just enough force to render you stiff in his embrace. It was a playful and loving little bite that still left a light ring in the shape of his mouth on your embarrassed visage.
"You BIT me! You bit me, you little shi—"
The sound of his tender and pleased laughter reverberated in your chest, the kind that made you forget all about why you were mad in the first place. "Uh-uh. You better watch whatever name you call me, my dearest Platoon Leader."
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here.
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quinloki · 1 year
Hii I'm a little late but if you still wanted us to gush about OC/Canon ships in your asks 👉👈
I have an embarrassing amount of lore for him but my boy's a pirate captain and his crew is allied with Law's (they're more or less the same crew but just split off into two, the Hearts and Hiraishin are family) - Kirin doesn't have a devil fruit but his mother is from a sky island of people who have electricity and/or wind abilities, a lot of people from that island have wings but since Kirin was born on the blue sea he doesn't
I'm still ironing out the kinks but the story I have now is that one of Kirin's crew members used to work in a tattoo shop with one of Law's crew members and was the one to give Law his bigger tats, something happened to their workplace and Law offered to take them both in (Izzy agreed to travel with them for a while because Hake was his friend but not to join the crew) Kirin's crew runs into them and Izzy joins him instead because they're all childhood friends and grew up on the same ship, Law is fine with that but doesn't really trust Kirin because it's another pirate crew even if they seem friendly
From there the crews keep running into each other even though Law insists they shouldn't get too buddy-buddy (the crews end up befriending each other quickly while Law remained grumpy about it lol) and with lots of shared hardship and helping each other when trouble appeared (Law said that whenever their crew helped it was only to 'back the debt back' to Kirin's but it just kept on happening loool) And eventually before Law realized it they were all close friends, two years after meeting Kirin as well they also realized that they might have caught feelings for him and were NOT happy about it (falling in love, the vulnerability of it all, uuuu 🥺) Kirin was already dating his other Reiji partner at that time but they end up as a polycule anyway because he has two hands <3 They met each other for the first time five years ago from the present! When Kirin was 22 and just having left Baroque
This is just scratching the surface but aaaaa I didn't want to ramble on too long if you weren't interested this is so embarrassing skdfsjhdg
The boys- 🤲
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T-T Oh I love it - you can tell me more if you want \o/ I was enjoying it - YOUR OC broke off from Baroque Works?!? I love how you just slipped that detail in there at the end XD
I love the art too! - the style is fantastic, and I love the vibe of everything =3 (do you do commissions? I'd love to have you draw some things for me in your style, it's just so cute!)
I'm glad you shared everything despite being embarrassed \o/ I loved reading it. I'mma poke at your blog more later, I was just scrolling through and enjoying the art real quick while I wake up today. (Monday mornings get away from me so fast it's not fair T-T )
Thank you for sharing \o/ Please feel free to share more - or if you have something you already wrote that I can read you can send me a link too =D I love it!!
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azsdiary · 1 year
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More of me hanging with men - tonight I hung w a different one and got to share Christ with him again. He cool fr. He said the gospel music I played relaxed him.
He said he wants to see me w a man loooool (amen) we chilling it’s 12am :) I feel relaxed. I was so overwhelmed. The guy I spent time w at the beach party said I should unlearn that service = burning out attending everything. Even Jesus didn’t heal every person He came across and took time alone. Lol.
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Oh y’all want reciepts!? Sure.
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I think I’ll vlog in my new life :)
Idk today was a lot ppl tryna stress me but GOD? He said:
“you will walk safely in your way,
And your foot will not stumble.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
Do not be afraid of sudden terror,
Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;
For the LORD will be your confidence,
And will keep your foot from being caught.”
- Proverbs 3
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corvuserpens · 2 years
I’m gonna try to make it make sense bc there were some weird bits to it, but here goes the gist of it:
It began at a nerd shop that used to exist in my town (which closed down a couple of months ago, actually). The clerk was closing up for the night, giving the big window a wash and all that, when the Corinthian, in all white and beige clothes, black shades and everything, shows up. He doesn’t walk in through the door, just pop! He’s there, and he starts going through the books at the counter, like he’s searching for something. There was also a cat, a yellow tortie, who slipped in through the open door, but idk what the cat’s deal was. Anyway.
The clerk notices he’s there and tells him he can’t be there, that they’re closed. The Corinthian turns to him slowly, like he knew the guy was there the whole time and ignored him, until he made the mistake of speaking up. He smiles, you know the smile. Charming but in a creepy way, the kind that gives you chills down your spine. He starts toward the clerk, but before he can say anything, I’m there. 
I don’t know how it happened, I was watching the scene unfold and suddenly I was part of it. Maybe I was the cat? No idea. 
Point is, I’m there, I turn to the clerk and I tell him: “I’ll take care of this. You should probably go home.”
The clerk leaves without protest, he’s out the door in a flash and who can blame him? I wouldn’t want the Corinthian giving me that hungry smile like he can taste my eyeballs already, either. It’s just me and him in the shop now, and he looks a bit annoyed that I interrupted any interaction with the poor clerk. He goes back to rummaging through the books (no idea why, I never found out). Meanwhile, I go to the window and push the blinds down so we can have privacy from any on-lookers outside. 
I go up to him and I say: “Corinthian. You know I’ll have to report this to Lord Morpheus, don’t you?”
He turns to me then, that rebellious smirk on his face, and shrugs. “Go ahead. I don’t care anymore. In fact...”
We hear a buzzing sound: it’s his phone going off. He pulls it out from his pocket and shows me the screen. It’s Dream. 
(Side note, I don’t know HOW DREAM GOT A PHONE or how he’s using it, but it’s him, I know it in my soul).
The Corinthian slides to answer, but he doesn’t put it on speaker, or even brings it to his ear, he just holds the phone in his hand. I can’t hear anyone speaking from the other side, and neither him nor I say anything. We simply stare at each other, as if we’re challenging one another to talk first. He ends the call without a single word being spoken, steps up to me in that deliberately slow gait of a predator (ngl he towered over me and it was scary af) and he says: “I don’t give a fuck anymore whether he knows where I am or not. Go on and report. Makes no difference to me.”
And with that, he turns his back on me and walks out the door.
NOW HERE’S THE REAL KICKER OF THE DREAM, Y’ALL ARE GONNA LOVE THIS: I watch him go, I hesitate, but decide to go after him. It’s pouring rain outside, and it’s freezing, but there’s a cover over the shop’s front so it’s fine. I call out to the Corinthian, and I remember feeling so determined, so resolute in my conviction to what I’m about to do next, and also burning with curiosity. 
He stops in his tracks, looks back at me... And I ask, rather incredulously: “You never told me, does your heart beat?”
He returns to my side, stares down at me and opens his arms. “See for yourself.”
So I step up (cautiously) to him, I put my right ear RIGHT ON HIS CHEST, and there it is: a heart beat, strong and calm and strangely soothing, I remember feeling so instantly at peace and good while listening to it that I even closed my eyes and leaned fully against him. He was so warm and it was so cold out in the street, I swear I could have stayed there listening to his heart for the whole night. I think I was a little bit in love with him for a second, LOOOL. But then I caught myself, stood back and looked up at him with wide eyes, I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed, and he gives me this smile that is just so... sad. No joy at all, just an empty smile, and he asks me: “Do you understand, now?”
I can’t think of anything to say.
He starts to walk away in the rain, and I stand there for a long ass moment weighting my options, torn between reporting back to Dream because I’m loyal to him (was I a dream myself, I wonder?) and following the Corinthian. I want to know more, I want to go with him and help him find whatever he’s looking for, but just as I start running to catch up to him and reach out to grab his arm, like literal miliseconds away from my fingers touching the sleeve of his coat, MY FUCKING ALARM GOES OFF AND I WOKE UP. SMH.
It was such an amazing dream, I wish it could have gone on for longer. And it’s giving me so many fic ideas, ohhh yes!
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aideshou · 2 years
So sometime last year my 7th fire prophecy hoodie got a small burn on the back where it said “fire” and last week my 20 yr bullets anniversary hoodie (w the Ferris wheel on fire on the back) caught fire at work ! (Don’t ask how) but point is. They were both fire related texts and resulted in physical fires. (It has been ETCHED?!) but what was even more interesting about this was that...my secret Santa at work said “your present is on back order even though it said it was available so I’ll let you know when it ships finally!!” And they’ve been talking about how it finally shipped two weeks ago, then, on Friday they said “your order is finally here but it’s at my house over town so I’ll give it to you on Monday!” And then....the fire happened. And I was so sad (thought it burned in a great spot so I’m just gonna sew on my old three cheers logo from an old shirt that I’ve been saving) and my co worker was like “oh my god...this is crazy..” and they showed me what they ordered for me on their phone. An MCR hoodie from hot topic 😭 loool and it looks like if you combined my 7th fire prophecy hoodie my bullets hoodie in some sort of sacrifice in order to make this jacket. Like, if my jacket didn’t burn, would he had gotten me something different (as the universe does) or is it that I’m just not allowed to have two mcr hoodies at once ?! Also one of the only person who listens to MCR (trans ofc :9) said they liked my hoodie one hour before it burned. I noticed in the documentary I posted yesterday that he was wearing an MCR shirt while working!!! I love the generational pull MCR has! Anyways I only thought to post this because my Bf pointed out today how the last design ken block dropped for hoonigan featured a back coat with things like “just don’t die”, broken bones, and a ghost on the back. Words. Sigils. They -can- break your bones.
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bbugyu · 2 years
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jeonghan had spent his whole life imprisoned, but being in your service is what finally set him free.
bewitched | coming soon
wc.25.2k | vampire!jeonghan x gn witch!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, horror comedy, band au ?, mentions of past trauma (details under cut), contractual servitude, mentions of blood, minor injuries (just cuts and scratches really), drinking, swearing, smoking, can i write jeonghan without argumentive flirting, vampire kisses (both kinds)
hi everyone! i, once again, have caught up with jeonghan age wise 😎 as of today we are the same age until october. to celebrate, here is an insanely long vampire au i created after this past january when i was hyperfixating HARD on a webtoon called bloody sweet (available to read here!). the circumstances of jeonghan and the mc's relationship and some major plot points (keyword: some) were inspired heavily by that original comic, so i want to give credit where credit is due! though i changed quiiiite a lot, so it's definitely not the same story loool. please enjoy a long burn vampy witchy jeonghan au!
thanks to @sichengtual and @babiemingoo for beta reading!
taglist (send me an ask to be added!): @soobin-chois
the following possibly triggering events happen in flashbacks or are mentioned in dialogue: familial death, suicide attempts, kidnapping/imprisonment, and murder
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"c'mon, it's not that big of a deal," hyejin laughed, tugging your arm. "don't tell me you have a weird feeling, i know that's bullshit."
you swallowed harshly as she dragged you into the main cathedral. her, along with several of your other friends, decided that the only way to properly celebrate halloween would be to find an old abandoned church in the woods and get drunk in the rotting pews, but all the hair on your neck stood on end as soon as you entered the building. you looked around, the light streaming vaguely in through the warped stained glass windows inlaid in stone, and you wondered how long it took for such things to fall apart. how long a place like this could exist in a country where christianity had only arrived in the late 1800s. how quickly it must have been abandoned to have come to this state.
mingyu and jihoon were ahead of you, kicking aside broken wood from the altar to clear space for you all to sit, and your eyes ran up the cross hanging over them. something here didn't feel right, but there wasn't much you could say as you were pulled to join your bandmates.
"did you bring your tarot cards?" hyejin asked, and you just shook your head. "aw, c'mon, hex! you aren't gonna give us fortunes on halloween?"
"not here," you said, rolling your eyes at the nickname as you sat on the pew in the front row, eyes catching mingyu's for a second. "i'm not trying to invite bad juju on my deck."
"hey!" wonpil called, and you looked up behind you, to the choir balcony railing he was leaning over. "check it out, i found an organ!"
hyejin squealed, and you looked to her. "your guitars are in the van, right?"
jihoon laughed. "what am i supposed to do, find a chair to slap?"
"whatever keeps the beat," hyejin teased, rushing up the altar to grab his arm, and you exhaled, glad that her attention was off you. "you have the keys? help me grab them."
"should we really unload the van?" you asked. "what if we need to make a quick escape?"
mingyu looked at you. "weird feeling?"
"oh, shut up," hyejin rolled her eyes, tugging jihoon - the car key keeper - with her back to the entrance. "stop being a baby, we'll get the beers, too."
you watched after them, and jumped when the sound of the organ echoed through the cathedral. hyejin squealed again, giggling, telling jihoon to hurry up while he complained about the two non-guitar players having to go retrieve the guitars.
"i wonder how close that balcony is to falling," mingyu joked, and you looked at him with big eyes. he chuckled. "don't take it too seriously."
you nodded, standing and taking jihoon's place exploring the altar, eyes wandering across the plastered walls. "where's changyoon?"
"who knows," he said, shrugging. "him and wonpil decided they wanted to explore."
your eyes went back to the source of the haunting melody of the organ, and you wondered if your foster brother had joined wonpil, or if he was off in some other back room of the church. you squatted, looking through the debris on floor - there were offering trays, hymnal books, and you spotted a small silver cross half under a sheet of paper. you pushed the paper aside to inspect and felt a jolt of pain.
"ow!" you jumped, instinctively shoving your injured index finger in your mouth.
mingyu looked at you. "you good?"
"yeah," you muttered around the finger, standing and nudging the paper aside with your shoe, revealing green glass under it. you pulled your finger out of your mouth, watching the blood gather on your first knuckle again. "watch your step, there's broken bottles."
mingyu grabbed a larger piece of wood to push aside debris, making space for the others to join later, when someone suddenly jumped out from a doorway to the left of the altar.
"fuck, hyung!" mingyu threw the slab of wood in changyoon's direction, making him laugh and pick up his foot to dodge the splintering wood. "this place is already creepy, cut it out!"
changyoon grinned at you both. "come with me, i found something insane."
you looked at mingyu, who looked back at you, and you both abandoned your post at the altar to follow the self appointed manager of your band through the doorway he appeared from.
in all honestly, you wished you weren't as in tune with your surroundings as you were. it was unavoidable, the way certain places and situations made you feel on edge. you were generally a calm person, but those places and the feeling you got in them had a way of turning you into an anxious wreck. you were able to make it through the haunted house hyejin had dragged the band to the previous week without issue, letting mingyu hide behind you with his hands on your shoulders every time you had to enter a new room, but the back hallways of this church put a weird feeling in your stomach, and it was near impossible to ignore as you stepped over splintering wood.
when you were younger, changyoon had called you a scaredy cat for refusing to go under a bridge near where the two of you had grown up, where a dead body had been found a week later, strapped to cinder blocks in the river. you had believed his words for most of your life, despite the coincidence, but that didn't explain all the dreams you had that depicted natural disasters the night before they occured, or the vivid memories in your head that weren't yours. that hyejin would tell you to bet on which figurines she was going to pull from her blindboxes as a joke, only for you to be right every time. they called you lucky, but you were pretty sure it wasn't luck, especially with the way you would get pushed in the mud in primary school before changyoon had started defending you.
mingyu was the only one that ever believed you when you said something felt off, when you said that you felt like something bad was going to happen. your other bandmates usually rolled their eyes and backed down to appease you, to keep the peace. but mingyu would make eye contact with you, and he was always able to see that you were genuinely shaken, especially because it didn't happen often.
"i don't like this," you said, as soon as changyoon walked through another doorway, his phone flashlight shining in the darkness. "i don't like that room."
mingyu looked at the back of your head, then at changyoon, and the older just sighed and grabbed your hand. "hey, we're all going in together, okay? you'll be fine. c'mon."
you chewed your lip, looking past him into the room. "changyoon, there's something wrong in there."
"impressive, hex," he said, grinning. you had earned the nickname over the years for the express trait that you were displaying in this moment - your sense, and your luck, that your friends always equated to some kind of witchcraft. "aren't you curious why it feels wrong?"
you cursed under your breath, looking away from him. changyoon knew you the best out of anyone in your life - you grew up with him, and his family took you in when you had no one else, making him your closest friend by far. his sly question was the same thing that had gotten you to go under that bridge back in middle school, and he knew you were too easy to convince as soon as your curiosity was piqued.
"hey," mingyu interrupted. "we don't have to-"
"it's fine," you said, looking back at him. his brows creased at you. "i'll be fine. let's check it out."
he eyed you, and agreed as changyoon pulled you through the doorway by your hand, following behind.
"hey, hex," changyoon prompted, directing his light at the wardrobe stood against the wall. "what does that look like to you?"
you gulped. the tall wooden wardrobe looked old, but seemed to be perfectly maintained in the general wreckage that occupied the rest of the church, and you saw two yellow sheets plastered over the seam of the doors with red calligraphy.
you could feel mingyu fidgeting beside you. "aren't those talismans?"
"protective," you agreed, wondering what they were doing in a christian church, then looked at changyoon. "can we get out of here, now?"
"hey," he said, brows knitting when he looked between you both. "if it's sealed, then we're safe, right? unless one of us happens to break the seal…"
"not funny, hyung," mingyu said, eyes stern. "i don't like this either."
changyoon laughed. "you two are too superstitious. c'mon, don't you wanna see what's in it?"
while entering the room had felt wrong, and staying in it felt worse, you almost felt a siren song coming from the wardrobe, unable to pull your gaze from it. you wanted to shake yourself awake, fully aware of the importance of such symbols. someone had placed them there for a reason, and they probably had a better understanding of the beyond than you did, but something in your heart tugged you towards it. "kinda-"
"what?" mingyu looked at you. "you can't be serious."
when you looked back at him, you realized how stupid you were being. "we shouldn't," you agreed, but your eyes caught the talismans again. "but aren't you just a little curious?"
"rock paper scissors," changyoon said, holding out a fist in front of you. "winner opens it."
you looked at him, eyes wide. "winner?"
"not fair," mingyu said, running a hand up his arm, and you wondered if he had the same goosebumps you did. "you know they always win."
he shrugged. "maybe if they didn't cheat-"
"i don't cheat," you argued. "i just-"
"-know what we're gonna throw," changyoon finished for you, teasing. "then you should be able to lose, too, if you don't wanna open it so bad."
"i'm not playing," mingyu said, annoyed. "this is stupid. i'm gonna go find wonpil. you coming?"
you hadn't even realized that the organ had stopped playing when you looked at mingyu. you slowly raised a fist. "after this. you go ahead."
changyoon grinned victoriously when mingyu exhaled, recognizing your need to prove yourself right as he exited the room. "if you guys open that thing, you're idiots."
"play or you lose, rock paper-"
you looked at changyoon's grin, and instantly, you could see his hand with a thumb and finger out. as he yelled bo and threw out his play, you spread your fingers, despite the urge to keep them clenched. he was staring at your hand, and when you looked down, you saw his hand playing the exact way you had predicted.
"i guess you were right," you said, a smile slowly creeping across your lips. "i can lose when i want to."
"you cheated," he accused, muttering about how annoying the situation was, but straightened his spine and looked at the wardrobe. "whatever. deal's a deal."
"you're really gonna open it?" you asked, shocked. "changyoon, those talismans-"
he rolled his eyes, approaching the wooden wardrobe. "you know i don't believe in that stuff."
"and you know that i do," you said, slightly annoyed when you grabbed the back of his shirt. he looked back at you, and you swallowed, eyes going to the seals, and you felt goosebumps on your arms. "changyoon, i really d-don't think this is a good idea. i have a r-really bad feeling."
"relax, hex," he said, looking back at you when he noticed the return of your childhood stutter. you swallowed, and watched as he bent his neck until it popped, holding his flashlight towards the wardrobe and pulling a utility knife out of his pocket. "just stay behind me."
your fist tightened on his shirt, wanting desperately to stop him, but knowing there was nothing you could do when he set his mind on something. he had spent your entire shared youth doing whatever he wanted without heeding much warning from anyone, and all you could do was hope to some higher power that whatever was in that wardrobe wasn't as dangerous as the talismans suggested while he sliced the knife through the yellow sheets sealing the wardrobe.
the room felt suddenly colder than before, and changyoon paused, flipping the knife shut and depositing it back in his pocket as he swallowed. "am i imagining it, or-"
you both spun, towards the door, when mingyu suddenly appeared with his own phone flashlight.
"wonpil fell, we should get out of here."
your stomach sank. your bad feelings were never wrong. "fell?"
changyoon immediately grabbed your arm, guiding you as he headed towards mingyu. "from where? is he okay?"
"he says he's fine," the guitarist explained, and you looked back at the broken seals upon the wardrobe as you were pulled out of the room. "the stairs down from the balcony broke under him. i think it's just a sprain, but he has a couple scratches and hyejin wants to get him to a hospital. we figured you could check him out."
"okay, yeah. good idea," changyoon said, letting go of you as you all entered the main cathedral again, turning off his phone flashlight. you stopped, looking down the hall towards the room you had just come from.
"you good, hex?"
you looked at mingyu, who had worry painted over his face, and you consciously adjusted your expression, smiling back. "yeah, i'm fine. we just didn't get to open the wardrobe."
he exhaled, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you into his side as the two of you followed your manager down the aisle. "good, that shit creeped me out."
you peeked over his shoulder at the doorway. "me, too."
the rest of your band was out front, gathered around the passenger seat of the van.
"i'm fine," wonpil insisted, whining. "stop babying me."
"it's swollen, pil," hyejin said, pressing a beer against his ankle in place of an ice pack, and he hissed at the cold can.
jihoon spotted you, waving as you walked up. "where did you guys disappear off to?"
"exploring," changyoon said, squatting in front of wonpil, inspecting his ankle. with how reckless and rebellious he acted, you sometimes forgot he was studying medicine. "yeah, that's definitely a sprain. we should get you to a hospital so you can get wrapped up proper."
"told you," hyejin said, shutting the cooler of beers, and wonpil stuck his tongue out at her. "mingyu, can you stick this in the trunk?"
he nodded and exhaled, picking it up, and you followed him to the back of the van where the trunk was hanging open to scan over the contents.
"hey-" you peeked around to the group. "where's my bass?"
"shit," hyejin said, looking back at the church. "i must have left it by the altar, sorry. we were in a rush to get out."
you rolled your eyes, stopping yourself from saying i told you so, closing the trunk before heading back to the entrance of the church. "don't leave without me."
"you good to go alone?"
you looked at mingyu, then nodded shortly, giving him a small smile. "i'll be fine. be right back."
you pulled open the heavy doors, looking around as you headed back up the aisle to the altar. you spotted your guitar case just where hyejin had said she left it, picking it up with your right hand and feeling a sting. you adjusted it to your other hand, pulling your finger into your vision, and you cursed when you noticed the blood gathered on the digit, the cut opening back up, about to stick it in your mouth before someone grabbed your wrist.
you jolted, expecting mingyu or changyoon to have followed you back in despite not hearing them, but you froze when you were suddenly face to face with a man you had never seen before. skin pale as the moon and hair dark as night, his hand wrapped around your wrist colder than the beer on wonpil's ankle. but the most chilling feature were his eyes - one a pinkish red, the other glowing amber, and you almost felt hypnotized by his gaze. he wore a clean suit, shirt tucked neatly into his dark slacks but unbuttoned enough to reveal his equally pale collar bones.
he breathed in heavily, eyes shutting briefly, before they opened again, hooded as he stared you down. "i'll take that," he said, his voice smooth and low, and you could only watch as he slotted your bleeding finger between his lips. you felt every hair on your body stand on end, his eyes shutting again, and you tried to make your body move. run. anything.
"delicious," he muttered, making eye contact again, his lips parting into a smirk. "thanks for letting me out of that tiny closet, i was getting bored."
you watched him lick his teeth, noticing how particularly sharp his canines were, and suddenly snapped out of it, doing the only thing you could think of, swinging your guitar case and clocking him as firmly as you could in the side of the head before sprinting as fast as you could.
"ow!" the man said, grabbing the side of his head as you ran from him. "i bit my tongue!" he watched you fly out the front door, in no real rush to catch you when he knew he could track that sweet smell anywhere, but suddenly felt a weight around his neck. his hand went to it, confused.
"let's get out of here," you said urgently to mingyu, who had been looking at his phone and leaning against the van while he waited for you to return. you quickly climbed through the door, hugging your guitar case between your knees as you buckled in.
"where's the fire, hex?" changyoon asked, laughing as he looked at you through the rearview mirror.
"can we just go?" you said, looking out the door as it closed behind mingyu, watching the church doors.
mingyu's hand found yours when the van started moving. "you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost."
"i-" you paused, swallowing as you considered what you had seen, what you had felt. and while you were pretty sure of what it had been, you were unsure of how to explain it to your friends. maybe a ghost was an easier explanation, only second to calling him a pervert. "maybe."
"you serious?" wonpil asked, spine twisting in the front seat to look at you. "you saw a ghost?"
hyejin laughed behind you. "there goes hex again, always connected to the beyond."
"i don't know what i saw," you huffed, indignant. "but i'm never going back there again."
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jeonghan approached the temple he knew well, not far from the church he had been trapped in, hands tucked into his slack pockets. his eyes scanned the courtyard, searching for the man that had locked him away. "shaman, you around?"
"how did you get out?"
jeonghan jumped, spinning, finding the traditionally dressed man behind him. "how do you sneak up on me if you're just human?"
minghao whacked jeonghan in the arm with his stick, eyebrows furrowed, and the vampire flinched, letting out an annoyed ow! "you were in timeout, who let you out?"
"i dunno, some kid!" jeonghan said, rubbing his arm. "these kids were messing around in the church, one of them cut the seals."
"some kid?" minghao frowned. "don't they know how important talismans are? you were being punished." 
"punished for killing a chicken because i was hungry."
minghao stuck the stick in jeonghan's face, making him jolt back. "all life is precious."
the vampire swallowed thickly. "can you explain this?"
minghao squinted at what jeonghan pointed to - the black leather buckled around his neck, silver spikes protruding. "a dog collar?"
jeonghan huffed, annoyed that someone else had confirmed his suspicion on what it was. "it just appeared. why?"
minghao leaned in, tugging at it, and jeonghan gulped as the shaman studied it closely. "it has strong energy. when? how?"
"when those kids were there, one-" he swallowed again when minghao released the collar to walk around him, studying it from all angles. "one of them had a cut on their finger."
minghao stopped, directly behind him. "you drank human blood?"
"barely!" jeonghan whined, turning to the shaman. "i just licked off what was already on the finger. i was starving, and it smelled too sweet, i couldn't resist!"
he tutted, hand rubbing over his face. "i think you may have found a witch."
jeonghan's eyes lit up, mind swimming as he thought of the implication. "a witch?"
minghao nodded, walking toward the temple. "i did some research when you arrived here. when a vampire consumes the blood of a witch, a servant-master contract is made."
jeonghan followed. "i get a blood servant?"
minghao looked at him. "you're the one with the collar, what makes you think you're the master?"
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after wonpil got wrapped up at a hospital, your friends ended up back at his and changyoon's place to finish out the night, but you couldn't shake your encounter at the church, the eerie feeling you had that you had met something not quite of your world. you had a hard time even believing yourself, but every detail of that man - pale, hypnotizing eyes, sharp teeth - it all seemed too directed towards one answer.
pervert, you decided. because every other option gave you a headache.
"i'm gonna head home," you announced, grabbing your bass and shoving it back into its case. you were too distracted to have fun, and being alone sounded like a better choice at this point.
"lame," hyejin said flatly, tossing her sock in your direction from where she was lounging on the couch, mingyu nodding in and out of sleep next to her. you laughed.
"careful out there," changyoon nagged from the kitchen, making up some drink. "who knows what kinda crazies are out there for halloween."
you gave him a weak smile, waving goodbye, but not saying that you were pretty sure you were one of the crazies people should be worried about.
as soon as you stepped out onto the streetlight lit night, you dug into the inner pocket of your denim jacket as you walked down the sidewalk. you leaned your instrument against the concrete planter that you used to stop by frequently, a decent enough distance from the entrance of the apartment building, extracting a cigarette from the carton and sticking the end in your mouth before flicking your lighter on.
you sat on the edge of the planter as you took a deep drag, eyes shutting as you exhaled, trying to process the day as you shoved the lighter back into your pocket now that you were finally alone. you looked down at your hand, at the index finger that kept bleeding, and realized that it hadn't since you left the church. you inspected it closer, sticking the cigarette between you lips to pull apart the skin with both thumbs, unable to find a hint of the injury.
"hey, sweet thing."
you looked up, gasping, and pulled the cigarette from your lips to choke out the smoke. "y-you-"
he grinned, showing his sharp teeth, and your voice caught in your throat. the man you had been caught thinking about all evening was standing before you, one hand resting on a roller suitcase and the other tucked into the pocket of his slacks, a leather jacket draped over his suit coat, and wearing sunglasses despite the sun being long gone. "those things'll kill you, y'know."
you looked at the cigarette between your fingers, then back at him. "isn't that the point?"
"oh, great, they're dramatic," he said, a chuckle falling out of his lips. "i've been looking for you, by the way. you couldn't have cut yourself again to be a little easier to track?"
"why?" you said, staring at him, unsure of why you felt more at ease now than you had when you first encountered him. before, his gaze sent chills up your spine, put a rock in the pit of your stomach, but now… you couldn't explain it, but his presence felt warmer, despite knowing his skin was cold to the touch. you had always been able to read people's auras - it's what made you keep your current friend group close, knowing that despite their teasing and playful jokes, they would always have your back. this man's aura had changed completely since you ran from him in the church, and that in itself grabbed your curiosity enough to hear him out.
"because," he started. you watched him pull the hand from his jacket pocket, a long finger pulling at the black leather collar around his neck. "that little drop of blood of yours formed a contract, and i plan on making sure you fulfill it."
your eyes stayed on the collar for too long before you blinked. "what?"
he appraised you gently. "you've guessed what i am, right?" you looked away, bringing the cigarette to your lips again to take a drag, and he took the avoidance as a confirmation before continuing. "i've been trying to become human for almost three hundred years, and you're my ticket."
he sighed out a laugh. "are you capable of doing anything other than asking single word questions?"
you huffed, shoving your free hand into a pocket and adjusting on the concrete. "yeah, but you're not making any sense. you're trying to tell me you've been alive for three hundred years."
"i've been alive for four hundred," he corrected, head cocking at you with a tired expression. he looked away, brows furrowing. "not-alive. i dunno, it's complicated to explain."
"four hundred years," you scoffed. "and you need me for what?"
he sighed, abandoning his roller case to sit beside you on the planter as he took off his sunglasses, tucking them away in his jacket, and you stiffened at his presence. "witch blood is like poison to vampires," he said, and your fingers clenched in your pocket at the blunt verification of your outlandish theory. "it takes away their power, and the more they drink, the more human they become-" he looked at you, and you kept your eyes forward as you felt his gaze on your profile. "when even the smallest drop is drank," he said, eyes landing on your knuckle. "a contract is formed. in return for the witch's blood, the vampire must offer their life in service until the contract is broken, when the witch dies or the vampire becomes human."
"vampires aren't real," you said, staring at your hands, mind reeling. "there's no way. vampires?"
his hand found yours, goosebumps running up your arm at his cold touch. "do i feel real?"
"honestly?" you let out a smileless chuckle. "not really."
he rolled his eyes, pulling your hand up to his face, placing your palm on his cheek, and you couldn't keep your eyes from him any longer. he leaned into your palm, and you were forced to reckon with the fact that he was incredibly handsome, with round eyes and a perfectly sloped nose, and you tried not to stare at his pouty lips when he spoke again. "you're being rude."
you studied him, eyes frantic as you tried to accept this new truth. "are you gonna tell me goblins and werewolves are real, too?"
he sighed, dropping your hand from his face. "maybe, but i've never met any. what about you, sweet witch? ever seen a man howl at the moon?"
you blinked again. "i'm not a witch."
"oh, contraire, master," he grinned, nudging you, shoving his hands into his pockets. "i wouldn't have this collar if you weren't."
"but i'm not," you argued, turning to him. "i get… feelings sometimes, but i don't, like-" you waved your cigarette in the air like a wand, ashing it with a flick. "cast spells, or whatever."
his eyes went to your lips as you spoke, and you tried to ignore the way your stomach flipped, taking another drag to disguise it. "there's lots of different types of witches."
you blinked at him, about to ask him to elaborate when the apartment building door swung open behind him, and you hurriedly threw your cigarette on the ground to stomp it out when you spotted who was coming out of it, waving away the smoke as you blew it out in the opposite direction. mingyu appeared in the night, sniffing at the air and looking around, immediately spotting the roller case, then you, and his eyebrow creased when he saw the man sitting by your side.
"hex?" he asked, long legs allowing him to approach quickly. "who's this?"
your eyes flicked to the vampire sat beside you, and you cleared your throat to stall. "uh-"
"jeonghan," he said, smiling up at the tall guitarist, and you stared at him. jeonghan. "and you?"
mingyu's expression was stern. "i'm their friend." he shifted his attention to you. "you want me to walk you home?"
your lips pursed before looking back at mingyu, and you gave him a close mouthed smile. the same one you always gave him when you wanted to avoid talking. "i'm okay. i left so i could chat with him for a bit."
he nodded slowly, then looked jeonghan up and down. his eyes went back to you. "call me if you need anything."
you gave him a small wave. "g'night, mingyu."
you watched mingyu stalk off, glancing back at the two of you once, and you exhaled when he was out of earshot.
"you're not a witch, but your friends call you hex?"
you planted your palms over your eyes. "it's a nickname."
"and?" jeonghan asked, smirk on his lips when you slowly revealed your eyes to look at him. "how'd you get the nickname?"
you swallowed. you usually hated explaining this to people, hated the way they looked at you like you were crazy, but considering he was claiming to be a monster of the night and that you were his witchy master, you figured there were few people that would understand better than him. "i get these feelings sometimes," you said, sighing. "like, vibes? i guess."
"vibes," jeonghan repeated, a short laugh escaping him. "kids talk so funny these days."
your eyes found his again, remembering that he had said he'd been trying to become human for hundreds of years. "premonitions," you clarified. "i can predict things easily, and i can tell when bad things are going to happen. i see things in my dreams, even."
he nodded. "is that why you always win rock paper scissors?"
you flinched, brows scrunching at him. "you heard that?"
"i mean, i was in the room," he said, pulling his hands out of his pockets. "sounds to me like you would be burned at the stake if you were from my era."
you considered that, staring down at your hands, wishing your cigarette wasn't under the sole of your boot as you remembered how you had been treated in primary school for being different. "i got burned at the stake in this era, too."
jeonghan ran his tongue over his teeth, inspecting your profile. then, he reached across you, and you were too caught off guard to say anything as he pulled the lapel of your denim jacket forward, reaching into your inner pocket. he put a cigarette between his lips as you watched, shoving the carton into his own coat before lighting it. he exhaled the smoke, away from you, then held it out for you. "three puffs, then you put it out. you're no good to me dead."
you took it, staring at him. "thanks."
he coughed shortly, sniffing and shoving his hands back into his pockets, looking away as you took a long drag. "your friends don't know you smoke?"
you watched the cherry burn as you sucked, exhaling harshly and tapping the ash away. "they think i quit a while back, but…" you thought a second, not wanting to fully get into your personal trauma with someone you met minutes before. "i've been trying, but it's been a hard month. i thought he was gonna stay longer, or else i would have waited til i got home."
"well, he definitely smelled it," jeonghan said, and you let out a short laugh. he looked at you, smiling at your giggle. "he probably thought it was me."
you looked down the street to where mingyu had walked off. "probably."
"well, master," he nudged you again. "i'll hang on to the pack. let me know when you really need one, we can pretend i'm the one with the disgusting habit."
you sucked on your cheek, inspecting his two toned eyes. "you are the one with a disgusting habit."
"what, the blood thing?" he asked, the smile on his lips being replaced by a pout, kicking out a foot and looking away from you. "it's not that disgusting."
you let out another short laugh, and he peeked back at you to watch the way your eyes curved. "you sucked my finger before you even knew my name."
his gaze ran over your face. "and what is it?"
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"you said it was small!"
jeonghan had practically tripped out of his shoes to look around your loft after politely asking if he could come in, and you laughed as you pulled off your coat, pushing his roller case aside in your entry. "it is small!"
he looked back at you, eyes wide. "i've been sleeping in closets for the last fifty years."
you pursed your lips, stifling another laugh as he curiously inspected your bookshelf. you brought your guitar case into the living area, leaning it against the wall next to its stand to be dealt with later. "you were stuck in there for fifty years?"
"oh, no," jeonghan said, eyes still scanning your shelves. "i was in there for three weeks. but there's not many places someone like me can hide out during the day."
you sat down on your couch, exhaling as you watched him move on to your kitchen, touching most of the contents on the counter before leaning over to squint at the pictures on your fridge. "who sealed you in that wardrobe?"
"some stupid shaman," jeonghan muttered, glancing over to you before pulling a photostrip off the fridge. "he's been feeding me mugwort and garlic for a year. one evening with you and i'm closer to becoming human than i ever was with him. who are these people?"
you squinted, recognizing the colors of the familiar strip when he displayed it for you despite the distance. "changyoon is my foster brother, hyejin is our friend from high school. they're both in mine and mingyu's band."
"ah," jeonghan nodded slowly, wanting to ask about your foster brother, but knowing it wasn't the right time as he replaced the strip under its magnet on the fridge. "you're in a band."
"did you think i carried around a bass guitar for fun?"
he shrugged, opening cabinets to peek at the contents. "you smoke cigarettes to die and you brought a vampire slave to your apartment, so i can't be sure of any of your choices."
you sighed, unable to argue, and pulled your phone out of your pocket to check your notifications. 
minnie gyugyu: did you get home okay? minnie gyugyu: who was that guy?? his eyes gave me the creeps ;; were they contacts? minnie gyugyu: where did you even meet him?
"tell him we met on bumble."
you jumped out of your skin, yelping and falling back on the couch with your limbs sprawled when you found jeonghan leaning over you, both his leather jacket and suit coat removed. "jesus christ, announce yourself!"
he stood straight, wincing and putting up his hands. "i'd appreciate it if you didn't mention him."
you stared at him, then laughed out loud when you realized what you had said, sitting up again. "don't sneak up on me!"
"i can't help it," he whined, plopping down on the couch next to you, one foot tucked under him to face you. "i have light footfall. like a cat, or something."
you eyed his pout. "you act more like a dog."
his hand when to his throat, slipping a finger into his collar. "that explains this."
you blinked at him for a moment. "how do you know what bumble is?"
he almost laughed. "i'm dead, not unaware."
"why would i tell him we met on a dating app?" you asked, leaning back on your sofa.
his lips pouted out again, crossing his arms as his eyes went across your high ceilings. "is that not the easiest explanation? a strange man suddenly enters your life and pledges to do everything you ask." he looked at you. "sounds like dating."
"wow," you breathed out. "you're four hundred years old, and you're trying to date someone in their twenties? for shame."
he laughed at that, and you caught yourself smiling at the way his fangs showed. "three hundred and ninety nine, actually," he corrected. "freshly, it was my birthday this month. and admit it, i look good for my age."
you paused. "how old were you?"
his eyes found yours, and he adjusted his posture at the question. "about as old as you are now."
"how did it happen?" you asked, studying him.
jeonghan sighed, letting his head roll back against the sofa, slyly scooting closer to you. "do we have to do this now? i'm starving."
you eyed him. "are you asking to bite me right now?"
"just a nibble," he begged, curling his legs up on the couch, grabbing your hand. "you smell so delicious, just a tiny-"
you yanked your hand from him. "are you serious? i met you today, how do i know you won't just drain me right now?"
he looked hurt, but you knew better than to fall for it. "i don't kill people. it's not my style."
"you're a vampire," you pointed out.
"you're stereotyping!" he argued, eyes big. "besides, i'm trying to become human. that's the whole point of the blood contract."
you studied him. "do you know how much you need?"
his eyes wandered. "i'm not sure, actually. someone once told me it would take a full one to kill a vampire."
"a full person's worth of blood?" you asked, shocked. 
"a full witch's worth of blood."
you swallowed, still having a hard time believing that you could be such a thing. "who told you that?"
he looked at you, and you could tell he was hesitating to answer, even though he spoke with conviction. "the shaman."
you squinted. "you're lying."
"who cares who said it to me," he sighed, collapsing into the cushions. he pouted, eyes shut as he whined. "i can't believe i have to sit next to the tastiest meal i'll ever get and i'm not even allowed to have one bite."
you studied his pouting face, keeping your smile at bay. "tastiest, huh?"
he let one eye peek open, a sliver of amber watching you. "don't get a big head."
"you said it, not me." you adjusted, settling with a shoulder against the back of your couch, sitting sideways to face him. "is... witch blood that special?"
both eyes were open now, and jeonghan stared at you intently. "you have no idea."
you paused. "enlighten me."
you almost flinched when his hand reached out, fingers tangling gently with yours as he pulled it close to his face. he was inspecting the finger you had cut - the finger that had formed your contract - absentmindedly as he spoke. "i haven't been tempted by human blood in three hundred years."
you could feel your heart thumping in your chest, and you pushed down the feeling as he continued pulling your hand closer with both of his. you swallowed harshly. "what about before then?"
his eyes met yours as your palm made contact with his lips. "i don't think you're ready for that."
heat rose up your neck as he inhaled deeply. "jeonghan-"
"i'm sorry," he chuckled, and placed a kiss upon your palm before he pulled you towards him. "you smell so sweet, it's enough to make me go insane."
"i-" your eyes were wide, but you only cowered when he leaned into you. his eyes were different now. darker, and his piercing gaze made you feel small. you suddenly realized you were the prey here - even if he claimed you were his master, he was the powerful beast - strong, silent, fast - and you were but a lamb brought to slaughter.
he was only inches from you at this point, and his eyes flicked down to your mouth. "if you keep biting your lip like that, it'll bleed. and then i really won't be able to help myself."
you gasped, planting your hand over your mouth and furiously running your tongue over your bottom lip, making sure you hadn't broken skin, even if he made it very clear that you would know if you had. he smirked at you, leaning back.
"i'll stop," he said finally, stretching his back and exhaling heavily. "before that poor little heart of yours explodes."
you scoffed, indignant, avoiding his eyes as you crossed your arms and planted your back on the couch, sitting as far from him as you could. did he hear your heartbeat? had he always been able to? you cursed internally. "you're mean."
"guilty as charged," he grinned, watching you kick your feet around with a scowl on your face. "you're obviously not ready. i can wait."
you rolled your eyes, standing from the couch, feeling his eyes follow you, and you hoped he couldn't tell how hot your face felt. "i'm going to the store."
"what are you getting?" he asked.
you exhaled, gathering yourself. "pork blood. or is oxblood better?"
he jumped up, his expression completely changed. "both, please!" his hands were in fists by his face, excited, before he reached out for your hand again. "you're the best master ever."
you couldn't help but smile as you rolled your eyes again, pulling away from him. he was annoying, you thought, and he teased you too easily, but he was still cute sometimes. "you wanna come? i might be a bit, i need to get some other groceries, too."
"okay!" he chirped, rushing over to the door to pull his shoes back onto his feet, and you couldn't help but imagine him with a wagging tail, excited to go on a walk. a giggle escaped you, and he looked at you as he pushed his roller case further into the apartment to get it out of the way. "why are you laughing?"
you shook your head, grabbing your jacket again as you approached the entry to slip your own shoes on. "your mood switched so fast."
"trust me, i still want the gourmet meal," he said, and you stopped in your tracks, looking at him. the entry to your apartment was small, only leaving half a foot between the two of you as he gave you a sideways smile. "but instant ramyeon is good sometimes, too, right?"
you chewed on your cheek, trying to control your heart beat with a subtly deep breath. "give me until february."
his eyebrow quirked. "february? why so long?"
"that's when i graduate university," you said, shoving your feet into your shoes. "i need blood in my brain to pass finals, and we're playing a bunch of gigs all through winter break, but you can have some after my graduation ceremony. only a little at a time, though," you said, pointing a finger in his face. "i'm already anemic, i don't need you making me sickly."
"you're in school?" jeonghan asked, and you giggled at his shocked expression. "why didn't you say so sooner?"
"you didn't ask," you said matter of factly, opening your door. "i also have a job."
he followed you out the door, brows furrowed. "i thought you were in a band?"
"so?" you asked, making sure it locked before heading to the elevator. "i have to make money to live. i can't just bum off a shaman in the woods like some people."
jeonghan scowled at you. "not by choice," he said, crossing his arms and pouting. "so i have to be your slave with no reward until february? how humiliating."
"i didn't ask you to suck my finger," you pointed out. "it's not my fault you have bad timing."
he sighed dramatically, seemingly ignoring your accusation. "you'll be gone all day and asleep all night. how am i supposed to occupy myself?"
you stifled a laugh. "i'm sure you'll think of something."
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"why haven't you come out sooner?" hyejin whined, her brows furrowed at you. "we haven't seen you since halloween."
it had been a while, you thought, at least longer than usual. ten days, maybe? you usually went out to eat with your friends at least twice a week, and you had even shown up late tonight, apologizing profusely, but it was impossible to think of an excuse that wasn't i have a vampire at home that's as needy as a puppy. "work. and school."
changyoon laughed as he grabbed another spoonful of cup noodle fried rice from the center of the table. "don't believe that for a second. did you get yourself a boyfriend?"
"hyung," mingyu warned, the back of his hand hitting the older.
you pushed your lips to one side, grabbing some of the fries that had been ordered before you arrived and shoving them in your mouth, only for hyejin to gasp.
"you did, didn't you?" she asked, grabbing your arm. "is he handsome?"
"i-" you swallowed, looking at her, then at the two boys across from you. mingyu's eyes were wide, and changyoon had a smile sneaking onto his face. "i don't-"
"holy shit," changyoon said, leaning back. "i was just teasing, but hex actually found a man."
mingyu's brows creased at you, and you cursed internally. "is it that guy?"
"what guy?" hyejin immediately asked, looking at him. she looked back at you. "there's a guy?"
"it's not-" you nearly choked, reaching for the jug of water in the center of the table to pour yourself some. "it's really not like that."
"c'mon, hex," changyoon prodded. "aren't we your friends?"
you swallowed down the water, trying to breathe. you looked around the table, and everyone was staring at you with mixed expressions. "it's just... really new."
hyejin smacked your arm. "and you didn't tell me?"
"us," changyoon corrected.
she rolled her eyes. "us, whatever."
"is it that guy?" mingyu repeated. you looked at him, and you thought he almost looked hurt.
you looked down, fiddling with a paper napkin on the table, thinking about how jeonghan had said that dating was probably the easiest explanation. "yeah, it's that guy," you said finally, voice small.
"what guy?" changyoon asked, and hyejin immediately asked mingyu if he was handsome.
"on halloween, hex was outside with some guy when i was leaving your place." mingyu leaned back in his seat, his spoon clattering on his plate when he abandoned it in favor of his beer.
"that's why you left," hyejin said, using her chopsticks to pick out fries. "where'd he take you on the first date?"
you pursed your lips. "we mostly just hang out at my place."
mingyu choked on his beer, nearly spitting it across the table as changyoon laughed at him, and hyejin whacked your arm. "you fox! i can't believe you didn't tell me!"
"not like that!" you wailed, indignant. "god, you guys are so annoying. this is why i didn't want to say anything."
"how can it not be like that?" changyoon asked, rubbing mingyu's shoulder as he recovered. "you say it's new, but you hang out at home? what else are we supposed to assume?"
you huffed, crossing your arms, looking away from them. "assume whatever you want," you pouted. "but we mostly just talk."
"what about?" hyejin asked.
you looked at her, knowing you couldn't say that you mostly talked about the last three hundred years of his life, but you tried to play off the hesitation as being offended rather than floundering for a way to not outright lie. "he asks a lot about the band. and school, because he never went to uni," you started, clearing your throat lightly. "he traveled, instead. he tells me about europe, sometimes."
"he's been to europe?" she asked. "is he foreign?"
"nah," mingyu said finally. you looked at him, and he avoided your eyes. "he's korean. jeonghan."
you blinked at him, remembering that jeonghan had given his name on halloween. you looked down. "yeah, he's korean."
"and why didn't you say anything?" changyoon asked, shoving mingyu's shoulder. "you saw them and didn't mention it once?"
"hex said it was nothing," he said, clearing his throat and looking around the restaurant. "i believed them."
that stuck with you for most of the meal, even though the other two moved on fairly quickly. and while mingyu went on to act normal for the rest of the night, he avoided looking at you, and you struggled to focus on anything else. hyejin was telling a story, something ridiculous that happened at her work, and she gesticulated too widely, knocking an empty bottle off the table.
she gasped when it shattered between the two of you, and you jumped in your seat. "shit, sorry!"
a staff member came over to clean it up right away, and when you stood to get out of the way, you noticed a thin, red string coming from your pant leg. your eyes followed it across the restaurant, where it seemingly went through the wall. your eyebrows creased, leaning over and pulling up the leg of your loose pants to inspect the source, and hyejin whined.
"oh, gosh, hex, you're bleeding! i'm so sorry."
she was right. there was a small cut on the side of your calf from the broken glass, where your pants lifted whenever you sat, and the string came directly from it. you looked up at her, her eyes focused on your leg, and you concluded that you must be the only one that could see it. "it's fine, it's barely anything," you said, and you noticed the string was moving across the wall.
"lemme see," changyoon said, leaning out of the wall booth. you rolled your eyes, but displayed your leg for him nonetheless, and he wet a napkin to wipe it clean, the string going through his hand as he did. "you'll live. should we call your boyfriend?"
"you have a boyfriend?"
your foot landed on the floor as you spun, shoulders raised. "jeonghan?"
and there he was, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket that he wore over a shirt and black jeans, and you saw the little red string tied to his collar. he had his sunglasses on again, but you could still see his round, two-toned eyes through them as he pouted at you. "when were you gonna tell me?"
hyejin laughed out loud, hands covering her face. "oh my gosh, he is handsome."
"what are you doing here?" you asked, hushed, pushing on his chest, and he grinned as he let you move him backwards, away from the table.
"got the feeling my master was hurt," he teased, winking at you as he tugged the string in his collar, and you stared at it for a moment before looking down at where it connected to your leg. "you okay?"
"i'm fine," you sighed. pulling your hands from his chest. "you can go home."
"but you're still bleeding," he said, hand grabbing your arm to keep you close, and you saw his eyes deepen before he leaned into you. he practically purred against your ear when he said "i could take care of you 'round back-"
your face burned, and you pushed him away, mortified at the way hyejin practically choked as changyoon held in his laughter. jeonghan's smile faltered for a second, doing his best to ignore your smell, the way your heart thumped, trying not to slip in front of your friends. "no, thank you! go home!"
"aw, he came all this way!" changyoon said, grabbing his beer. "you're sending him home?"
"yeah!" hyejin grinned up at you two. "why don't you join us, jeonghan! i'd love to hear about europe!"
he quirked a brow at you. "you told them i went to france?"
"i-" you swallowed. "they asked what we talk about."
"here," changyoon said, standing. "i'll take your chair, love birds can sit in the booth."
"love birds," jeonghan repeated, smirking at you as changyoon sat in your chair, swapping your utensils and glasses. "well, go ahead, sweet thing. take a seat."
you ducked your head and slid into the booth next to mingyu, who stiffened when jeonghan joined you, casually throwing an arm over your shoulder. you gave quick introductions, to which jeonghan said i know, i've seen all their pictures, which made hyejin giggle and changyoon eye you curiously. you exhaled, hands on your knees, as hyejin immediately launched into her expected interrogation.
"so, how old are you?"
"almost four hundred," jeonghan replied quickly, and you gave him a look as changyoon laughed.
"wow, hex. older men?"
"ha ha," you joked, grabbing jeonghan's knee, trying to think of a believable and acceptable age. "he's kidding. twenty-seven. can we get more soju?"
"no way," hyejin said, grinning. "born in '95?"
jeonghan blinked at her. "sure?"
"same age!" she said, holding up a hand for a high five, which jeonghan hesitantly gave her as changyoon flagged down a waiter for the soju you requested. "how did you end up going to france?"
"uh," jeonghan rubbed his chin, glancing at you. he had told you a lot about his time out of the country, but never explained how he ended up there. "kind of a long story. this foreigner sponsored me, i guess. hoping i would follow in his footsteps."
"like an apprenticeship?" she asked, fascinated. "what kind of work?"
"not really supposed to talk about it," he said, giving an apologetic smile. "sworn to secrecy. i worked for him for a while, but i didn't agree with the ethics, so i came back home."
you studied him, wondering how much of the truth was laced in his answer, and changyoon whistled.
"must have been bad if you gave up europe for it," he said.
"it…" jeonghan's eyes went across the ceiling before settling on you. he adjusted in his seat. "it was pretty bad. sometimes i wish i had never gone in the first place."
"but it was worth it, right?" hyejin asked. "i mean, you did things other than work?"
"yeah," he shrugged. "i learned french."
you looked at him. "you can speak french?"
he eyed you, a soft smile on his lips. "yeah. te rencontrer était un autre avantage."
you chewed your cheek. "what does that mean?"
"getting to meet you was also a bonus."
your eyes widened and you looked down, flustered, and hyejin squealed about how romantic it all was. mingyu scoffed beside you, leaning over his plate. you chewed your cheek. "you didn't meet me in europe."
"yeah, but i wouldn't have come to seoul if i hadn't gone there first," he said, swirling your water cup with a gentle grip of his fingers. "i would still be in my little farm town," he mused, not mentioning that he would also be long dead.
"okay, i gotta ask," changyoon said, leaning forward. "don't take this the wrong way. what's up with your eyes?"
"changyoon," you hissed, and jeonghan just put up a hand to tell you it was fine.
"i don't mind," he said, smiling at your foster brother. "my mom was albino, i got my eyes from her."
"wow," changyoon leaned back again. "albinism is pretty rare. to what extent?"
jeonghan snapped his fingers, pointing at him. "that's right, you're studying to be a doctor," he said, and changyoon gave you an impressed look as jeonghan thought for a moment. "well, she was pale, and her hair was blonde, red eyes - like me. beautiful, though. she was treated poorly because of her condition, but she's always been one of the prettiest people i've ever seen."
you studied jeonghan's profile, thinking about how he must have not just gotten his eyes from her. no one asked or clarified, for which you were grateful, but you could tell by the expressions across the table that they understood why he spoke about her in past tense, and you realized the table had fallen into silence.
"no wonder you're so good-looking," you said finally, trying to lighten the mood, grabbing your chopsticks to pick at the remaining fries. you didn't look back at him, but you could feel jeonghan smiling at you.
"you think so?" he asked teasingly, arm squeezing over your shoulder. "you always call me a dog, i figured you thought i was ugly."
changyoon laughed as you rolled your eyes. you knew he was baiting you, but you felt the need to indulge him. "you're pretty," you said succinctly, going back to eating fries as jeonghan grinned at you.
"what about work?" hyejin asked. "what do you do?"
"i'm…" jeonghan scratched the back of his head. "i'm actually in between jobs right now."
you nearly choked on your fries. you knew jeonghan hadn't worked a proper job a single day in his damned eternal life, and even though you couldn't say that to your friends, the suggestion that he had just been in between jobs made you laugh.
"stop," he whined, pulling his arm from your shoulder to push you gently. "i'm already embarrassed."
"there's no shame in that!" hyejin said, trying to defend him. "it took me ages to find my current job."
you gathered yourself, inhaling and exhaling slowly. "sorry," you said, wiping your eyes. "i wasn't expecting you to answer honestly."
he crossed his arms, pouting. "i've been honest so far, why wouldn't i be now?"
you giggled, patting his leg. your eyes flicked to the string at his collar again, unable to help the smile on your face. "sorry, jeonghan. forgive me?"
he glared at you, then exhaled, looking away. "i thought you were just stuck with me, but i guess i'm stuck with you, too."
changyoon ended up calling a cab for hyejin so she wouldn't have to take the subway slightly tipsy and alone, and after the four of you waved her off on the street, he looked at you. "band practice day after tomorrow?"
you nodded, smiling. "already have it in my schedule."
"good, i had to play bass for you last week."
you groaned, remembering how annoying changyoon acted when he had to fill in for any of you. you poked at mingyu. "sorry. i won't miss another."
he barely looked up from his phone, giving you a weak smile. "s'fine."
changyoon exhaled, throwing his arm over his shoulder "ready, big guy?"
he nodded, eyes glued to his phone. "yeah, let's go."
jeonghan ran his tongue over his teeth, studying mingyu for a moment before he put up a hand. "nice to meet you guys."
"you, too," changyoon said as they turned. "come hang out more, if you're serious about hex."
jeonghan looked at you as you waved. you peeked at him, then exhaled before spinning on your heels, heading back in the direction of your apartment. "i can't believe you came out."
"you were bleeding," he reminded you, falling into step beside you with his hands in his pockets. "you're my master, i'm supposed to protect you from danger."
"i wasn't in danger," you pouted. "it was just a soju bottle."
"but what if it had been worse," he pointed out, and you sighed when he stuck out his elbow, giving you room to link your arm with his. you had enough drinks to accept the offer, and your cheek landed on his shoulder for a moment as the two of you walked. "no matter what, if you get hurt, i'll come running."
you smiled lightly, pulling him down an offshoot in the pavement to walk through a park instead of on the commercial street. "just because you want a taste."
"okay, maybe," he said, and you laughed. he smiled along with you. "but against my better judgment, i'm also starting to really care about you."
you considered that a moment, thinking about how he had mentioned things tonight that he hadn't yet in your lengthy conversations about his long life. how he had never told you about his mother, even when you had told him about yours. how your parents had been taken from you too young, even if you hadn't revealed details, and how changyoon's family had fostered you until you came of age. "i care about you, too, y'know." you looked over to him. "you don't have to now, but i hope you'll be able to share more of your burden with me in the future."
he studied you in the moonlight when you looked forward, then let out a light chuckle. "you're a sixteenth my age, how did you learn to be so kind?"
you sighed. "when you spend most of your life feeling alone," you said, voice small, squeezing his arm gently. "i suppose you can tell when others feel that way, too."
jeonghan looked down at his feet, and you both allowed the silence, taking in the mixed sounds of city and nature as you wandered the park path that served as a shortcut to your apartment building.
"can i have a smoke?"
he looked at you, fishing in his pocket. "do i stress you out?"
"yes," you giggled, taking a cigarette from the pack as he held it open for you. "nah, drinking always makes me wanna smoke. old habits, i guess."
you held your hand out for the lighter after putting the cigarette between your lips, but jeonghan flicked it himself, cupping his hand next to your face to keep the wind from blowing out the flame as he lit it for you. you looked at his face as you puffed, then down at the tip to make sure it lit fully before pulling it from your lips, blowing the smoke away.
"thank you," you said, bringing it to your lips again to pull a real drag, exhaling happily as he shoved the lighter back in his pocket. you made a face down at the cigarette. "these don't taste as good as i remember."
"that's a good sign," jeonghan said, nudging you with his elbow, and you gave him a suspicious look. he laughed. "you're getting used to not smoking them."
you thought about that. you had asked him for one since halloween, when you had come home late from work and needed to rant about a shitty customer, and he sat dutifully beside you outside your apartment as you sucked it down, practically in tears over how frustrated you were. tonight, though, it was just habitual - the many times you had stepped out of bars into cool nights to have a smoke gave you a pavlovian response of some sorts, leaving you to succumb to your oral fixation whenever you were tipsy in the cold. you looked at jeonghan again, thinking about how many times you had tried to quit smoking in the months prior to his appearance in your life, but this felt the most promising, and it had only been ten days. you hooked your arm in his again, looking out to the night.
"hey," you prompted suddenly, blowing smoke away. "why can't you go in the sun?"
he eyed you. "it hurts," he said. "like a sunburn, but worse and more immediate."
you squinted. "are you sure it's not because you sparkle?"
"oh-kay," he said, dropping your arm from his as you giggled, trying to keep your hold on him. "you did not just compare me to that shitty book."
"so you've read it," you accused, and he looked at you, annoyed.
"absolutely not. why would i read sensationalist teen fiction fetishizing my kind written by a white woman?"
you laughed even harder at that, and jeonghan caught himself smiling at the way you had to cling to him to stay upright, your cigarette barely staying between your fingers as you lost motor control.
"there's only three vampires of color in that book, by the way," he continued, and while he sounded annoyed, you could tell he enjoyed having someone to complain to about it, and he especially liked your reaction. "one of them is evil. that's pretty fucked up."
"you're right," you agreed, eyebrows knit as you looked at him, clutching his arm. you took a quick puff. "that is fucked up. where's the asian vampire heartthrob representation? screw edward cullen, i wanna see chwe eunwool."
he laughed with you that time, and you almost started to feel lightheaded with laughter, though the nicotine and alcohol in your system surely didn't help. jeonghan noticed, not because you showed it outwardly, but because your blood was pumping harder than before, and he let his gaze run to the red string coming from your leg. the scent of your blood had been difficult to ignore at the restaurant, but it had stopped bleeding by now. even so, he stared at it for a long moment, remembering that first taste he had gotten of your sweet blood, and he had to swallow before he spoke. "i should take care of that."
you looked to him, then followed his gaze down. you sighed. "you can't wait til we get home?"
"i've waited this long," he teased, grinning at you, and you just rolled your eyes. "no one's around."
you looked around in the dark. "how do you know?"
"i can hear," he said, as though it were obvious. "there's a bench, if you wanna take a seat."
you pouted at him a moment, then unhooked your arm to march over to the bench, taking one last drag, and he laughed as he followed. you put out your cigarette in the sand pit on the trash bin by the bench and plopped down onto the wood, head spinning slightly at the sudden altitude change, and jeonghan put a cold hand on your forehead. you sighed.
"feel good?" he asked, and you just nodded. "you're warm."
"i may hold it well," you said, dragging his hand down to your hot cheek to look up at him. "but i drank a lot."
he smiled at you fondly, his thumb stroking over your cheekbone. "you are holding it very well."
you sucked on your teeth. "if you drank my blood right now, would you get drunk, too?"
jeonghan laughed, kneeling in front of you. "maybe. shall i check?"
"i thought you were just gonna help it heal," you said, pouting.
he exhaled a chuckle. "i'm just teasing. i said i'd wait until you graduate, i'll keep my word." he placed a gentle kiss on your knee, and even through your loose pants, you could feel the cold touch of his lips. 
"you could have a little," you offered quietly, and he looked up at you as he pulled the leg of your pants up, studying your expression.
"wow, you must have drank a lot."
you huffed, looking away. "nevermind, then."
he chuckled, the exhale of his breath sending chills up your body when it landed on your calf as he brought it up to his lips. sometimes, you were able to forget that he stuck around because he needed your blood - wanted it, too, it seemed. sometimes it felt like he actually spent time with you just for your company, but you winced when you felt his tongue run against the cut, and you were reminded again that there was a contract that kept him tethered to you, even when the string between the two of you faded as your small injury sealed itself with his kiss.
he hummed, looking up to you slowly. "having a taste out in the open like this," he said, licking his bottom lip. "you're even more delicious than before."
you jolted, your foot landing on the ground as you sat up straight, heat rushing to your face. "my first impression of you was right," you huffed, crossing your arms and looking away. "you are a pervert."
he couldn't help the laugh that exploded out of him, and his eyes looked dreamy as he inspected your face. "and now your blood is rushing to the surface," he said, moving to sit beside you on the bench and pulling you toward him. you faltered, suddenly face to face, his cold fingers curled around your jaw. his eyes closed and his forehead landed on yours as he controlled his breathing. "you're lucky i have great self control."
your heart pounded in your chest, and you wondered if that was adding to his struggle. you silently thought that with all he put you through, he deserved the difficulty he caused himself. "you're the one that makes it beat like that."
his eyes opened, and you looked at him sheepishly, your eyes landing on his lips. he winced, pulling away suddenly, and you blinked yourself out of your trance. "we should get home," he said, and you hid your disappointment as well as you could as he pulled you to your feet, wondering if he was only ever tempted by you for your blood. if it was okay for you to feel this way about a man like him, who only needed you for what ran through your veins.
jeonghan said nothing, but without the distraction of your sweet scent, he noticed a new smell, not too far off - the familiar stench of blood being spilt in excess, and he put an arm around your shoulders the entire way back to your apartment, senses on high alert.
you were in a cold, dark room, curled up on the stone floor. your body ached, and your wrists felt heavy. you looked around, seeing bandages across them, and while they weren't bloodsoaked, you could feel the injury they covered, and you wondered if you had done that to yourself, or if someone else had tried to kill you. your skin felt tight against bone - dehydrated, you were pretty sure. a door suddenly opened, and you winced at the candle light, shielding your eyes from the tall man that entered. he was a foreigner and notably well off, you could tell, with long blonde hair tied back neatly. or perhaps you were the foreigner in this dream?
"have you changed your mind yet?"
you choked, unable to answer. your throat was dry, parched, and your stomach hurt in a way you had never experienced. how long had you been starving before this point?
the man tossed a loaf of bread your way, and though you wanted to reach for it, your body didn't move. you looked down, hiding your eyes from his gaze, and realized your body wasn't your own, nor were your actions. was this someone else's memory? it must have been, you thought, and you willed yourself to keep your eyes from him, but he reached down and grabbed you by your jaw.
"don't ignore me, darling," he hissed, and you saw that his eyes glowed amber, a color you had only seen on jeonghan. "you can't ignore your fate."
"just let me die," you choked out, and your heart sank when you recognized the voice. tears welled in your eyes when his grip grew firmer.
"admit it," the man spat. "you don't want to die. you just want to kill them, like they killed her." his sharp teeth shone behind curled lips. "i can help you."
you jolted awake, gasping for air, and your hand immediately went to your throat, expecting the cold touch that had been there only moments before. there was a weight on you, and you sat up, finding that jeonghan had curled himself around you in your sleep. he mumbled and stirred with your movement.
you stared at him. "i thought you slept standing."
he stretched. "nights are too long in the winter, i wanted a nap and you always smell so goo-" he interrupted himself with a yawn and smacked his lips twice, then furrowed his brows when he focused on your face. he sat up immediately. "what's wrong? nightmare?"
you didn't realize you were crying until his hand went to your face, his cold thumbs wiping away the tears. he had been with you for nearly a month now, hiding away in your apartment while you went about your daily life, and it would be a flat out lie if you said coming home to him wasn't the best part of your day. but with his increased presence in your life, it was no wonder you had tapped into his past. you swallowed. "i think it was a memory."
"a memory?" he asked, studying your eyes. "yours?"
you shook your head, and he must have realized what that meant. his shoulder slumped slightly, and you grabbed his hand from your cheek. "it was in a cell. who-" you paused, swallowing. you had so many questions. "he said he could h-help you kill..."
jeonghan turned from you completely, hand dropping to your lap, eyes scanning across your duvet. "is this what you meant when you said you saw things in your dreams?"
"i'm sorry," you choked, and you wrapped your arms around him, your cheek landing on his shoulder. "you don't have to talk about it. i'm sorry."
"he's my sire," he said flatly, and you froze against him. "he found me bleeding out in the woods of my hometown and took me prisoner."
your thumb made circular motions on his arm, not letting go of your grip around him. the foreigner that wanted him to follow in his footsteps. "how long?"
"i don't know," he admitted. "it felt like so long, but i don't know. months? a year, maybe?"
your grip around him tightened. "i'm so sorry."
"how much did you see?" he asked softly, his hand finding your knee through the blankets.
"enough to know it was hell," you said, pulling away finally. you sniffed harshly, wiping at your face. his eyes met yours, and you chewed your lip. "he turned you against your will, didn't he?"
jeonghan looked away again, exhaling, grateful that you hadn't seen the answer for yourself. "he did."
you looked down at his hand, watching it grip you gently. "is that why you want to turn back? because you didn't want it in the first place?"
he paused. "partly."
your eyes went back to his profile. "who was he talking-"
"that's enough," he said, sniffing harshly. "we can discuss it another time."
"o-of course," you said hastily. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to push-"
"it's not your fault," he said, glancing at you. "you saw it, you're right to have questions. i just don't think i can answer any more right now."
you nodded, landing your forehead on his shoulder. "take your time. if you can wait for me, i can wait for you."
jeonghan exhaled, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you back down into your bed. you adjusted, squirming until you could comfortably curl into his side, and he put his cheek on your head. he wondered if he could just hear your heart beating, or if his was, too. "you're so special," he said finally.
you paused, unable to think of a response for a moment. "i'm not that special."
"but you are," he said, hand running up your arm. his eyes shut as he tried to remember if he had ever felt this comforted before, even before he had turned. even before she had been taken from him. "i'm nothing but a cold blooded monster, and yet you make my chest warm."
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you came home later than usual, caught up at the library with changyoon studying for your finals without the distraction of your new vampire roommate, and the first thing you noticed when you opened your door was the sound of your bass.
"i'm home," you announced as you entered the living room, and jeonghan smiled at you from his cross legged seat on the couch when he paused his playing.
"welcome back," he said, setting your bass on its stand as he approached you, wrapping you in a hug. "done studying for today?"
you nodded, exhaling into the embrace. "i didn't know you played."
"i tried it back in the seventies," he said when he pulled away. "it's been a while, so i'm a little rusty."
"you sounded good," you said, smiling as you went to the kitchen to wash your hands. you looked at the tv, on but muted, and read the lower third on the news report - something about the body of a murder suspect waiting for trial being found. you squinted at it. "what's that?"
jeonghan glanced at the screen. "that guy," he said, looking back at you. "the one that killed that kid in gangnam. he was found dead in his apartment."
your brow ruffled, remembering the case - he had been from an affluent enough family to pay bail, and it seemed like he was going to get charged for manslaughter instead of murder, despite the general public believing otherwise. "suicide?"
he cocked his head at the tv. "not sure."
you sighed, deciding to maintain your appetite by changing the subject. you had just spent the last four hours studying your criminal pathology practice test, you didn't need it to be your focus at home, too. "have you eaten?"
he shook his head as he followed. "i was waiting to eat with you."
you hummed, opening up your fridge. "i'm craving kimchi stew. are you willing to wait for soondae?"
his eyes got big, and you giggled when he said of course. you set a large pot of water to boil on the back burner of your induction cooktop and your small earthware on the front, and jeonghan chatted with you, asking about your day as he watched you cook.
you had spent so long living alone, it had been an adjustment to have someone home with you every day. but these days, you barely remembered what it was like before jeonghan was in your life, leaning against your wall or sat at your kitchen counter as he made you laugh. 
you were quickly chopping green onions when you nicked the tip of your thumb, and you had barely pulled it to your face to check it before jeonghan's gentle grip was on your wrist, naturally spinning you until your back was to the counter, and you stared at him as he inspected the cut. this was normal at this point, his immediate appearance whenever you got little cuts or scratches, but your chest still fluttered when he was this close to you.
"dessert before breakfast?" he asked, his eyes meeting yours as he pressed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "you should really be more careful, you'll spoil me rotten."
you could only watch as he placed your thumb in his mouth, and you were overly conscious of the way his hands landed on the counter at your hips. you let your fingers rest on his cheek as you felt his tongue swipe against the cut, the familiar sting before his saliva healed it, and you were left studying his hooded eyes as you lifted your other hand to his face.
your thumb pulled from his lips with a pop, and he licked them before saying, "yes, master?"
you swallowed. "would it be wrong for me to like you?"
jeonghan faltered for just a moment, wondering if it was better to let you believe that he was just drunk on your taste, your smell. if he would be able to admit to even himself that his heart beat for you the same way yours did for him. and while he wasn't sure he could, he leaned into you, watching your eyes flutter shut as he approached, and he paused only to say, "we would probably both be in the wrong."
then, his lips were on yours, and your hands skated to his nape as his found your hips, his cold body flush against your hot one. when he pulled back, leaving only for him to stare at your soft, warm lips, you chased after him, leaving gentle pecks against him, and his chest swelled in a way that almost hurt - unfamiliar, a feeling he wasn't even sure he was capable of the last time he had been this close to someone.
"you're too sweet," he muttered, practically panting and his eyes shutting as his forehead landed on yours, trying to control the urge to sink his teeth into you, to drink the color from your lips. "i might be addicted."
you studied him, your fingers combing against his scalp as he exhaled. "at least you have an excuse."
his eyes opened, and you thought you could see the slightest tinge of red at the top of his amber iris, but you were soon distracted when he kissed you again, gentler, sweeter. and when his lips slowly pulled from yours, he ran a hand up your back as he said, "i think this is different."
it snowed the next day, and you stared out the window as jeonghan slept in your bed instead of his usual place in your closet. you decided to stay home that day, too endeared by the way he curled up on your mattress to tell him you were headed back to the library, but you had taken a quick break from studying to watch the snow drift to the ground through a foot tall gap in the window covering, lost in thought over what he had meant by different.
you finally finished your finals. you had pulled an all nighter studying before grabbing a coffee and heading off to your last two exams at nine in the morning, promptly passing out as soon as you got home six hours later.
jeonghan woke up around eight, stretching as he stepped out of your floor to ceiling wardrobe, eyes immediately catching you in bed. he checked the clock, about to approach you so you didn't ruin your sleep schedule, but when he saw the way your cheek squished against your pillow, phone haphazardly thrown on the mattress beside you, he just chewed his cheek and pulled your duvet up to cover you better. you adjusted, letting out a little noise followed by a soft sigh, and jeonghan had to turn away and cover his face to avoid blurting out how cute you were.
he took his time selecting a book off your bookshelf, reading the synopsis and quickly nodding. he had always enjoyed reading - once as an escape, but now, it was a hobby he had picked up to fill the time while you were gone or asleep, and the books you had were much more enjoyable than anything he had gotten his hands on back in the day. he made his way back up the stairs and snuck his way into the empty space beside you on your bed, laying with his head on your spare pillow. his eyes were on you as he flipped open the book, the pages slipping from his thumb and slapping against each other louder than he intended, and he froze when you adjusted. but you just scooted closer to him, your fingers gently resting on his arm as you snuggled down into your duvet, and he, again, struggled to keep a straight face.
he read for a couple hours, and when you adjusted again, inhaling, he set the book aside and rolled over, asking you how you thought your exams went.
"i'm confident," you exhaled, rubbing your face. "i was worried about chemistry going in, but it was easier than i expected."
he grinned, his torso fully on top of yours. "i knew you had it in the bag."
you smiled, hands landing on his cheeks. "thanks."
"so," he said, fingers gently running across your jaw, and you adjusted to cock your head as you looked up at him. his gaze ran across your features, settling on your eyes as his lip caught between his teeth. "since you don't have anything going on tomorrow…"
"don't tell me you want a drink."
jeonghan scoffed, indignant, making you giggle. "i said i would wait!"
you cupped his cheeks with your hands, the laughter still on your lips. "you were making that face. the one you always make when you're hungry."
"i'm not hungry," he pouted, then looked to the side. "well, i am, but that's not what i was gonna ask."
that made you giggle again. "what is it, then?"
he stared at you a minute, then looked away again. "i thought we could go somewhere tonight. to celebrate."
"go somewhere?" you asked, a sideways smile on your lips. "are you asking me out?"
he sighed, annoyed, and rolled off you. "i'm gonna go eat."
you giggled, flipping off your covers and stretching before you followed him down your stairs. "i moved some pork blood from the freezer before i left this morning."
he glanced up at you, trying to hide his reaction. "that was nice of you."
"you're allowed to say thank you," you said, skipping down the steps and throwing your arms over his shoulders, letting your feet drag behind you as you clung to him. he barely faltered as he walked to the fridge, but his hands went to your arms to keep them in place as he did. despite looking thin (and fragile, though he would probably kill you if you said it out loud), his occult nature made him stronger than anyone you had met, allowing him to carry your weight without even exerting himself on many occasions, much to your surprise.
he exhaled as he opened the fridge, spotting the jelly-like blood. "if you're gonna do this, jump on. it's hard to balance when you're dead weight."
"rude," you said, standing upright and letting go of him. he watched you as you grabbed a ramen pot out of your cupboard to fill with water, and he tried not to smile when you muttered "you're the dead one."
after getting a dish and a spoon, he placed a kiss on your cheek as he walked by, headed to the table in your living room. "thanks for the meal."
you smiled after him as you tore open a packet of instant ramen. "eat well."
you did, too, slurping down your celebratory ramen as jeonghan ate the congealed red jelly across from you. he let his spoon linger in his mouth a second after he finished, watching you drink the broth. you exhaled happily, dropping your chopsticks into the pot and leaned back on your hands.
"where would you wanna go?"
his eyebrow quirked, and he dropped the spoon from his mouth. "where?"
"you said you wanted to go somewhere tonight," you said, grabbing the roll of tissue you left on the table to wipe your mouth clean. "where were you thinking?"
his fist landed gently on the table, the metal spoon in it making a soft clanking noise against the wood, and he rubbed his face with the other hand. "i had a couple ideas."
you waited for him to look back at you, his fingers twirling the spoon in his grasp. "go ahead," you prompted.
he studied you, then let a smile sneak across his lips. "aren't surprises more fun?"
you agreed, but after you had cleaned up your place, taken a shower, and gotten dressed - warm, as was his request - he dragged you to the roof of your building, and you faltered. "jeonghan, i tend to avoid rooftops-"
he held your hand, giving you his biggest puppy eyes. "trust me?"
you stuttered, trying to figure out how to explain that it had nothing to do with your trust in him and everything to do with your trust in yourself, and you yelped when he scooped you into his arms and stepped to the edge of the building.
"don't look down," he warned, and you could only stare at him in shock as two bat-like wings folded out from his back.
"wait wait-wait!" you squealed as he leaped off the building, and your arms wrapped around his neck as your eyes squeezed shut, legs curling into your chest with his arm securely under your knees. "jeonghan!"
he laughed, and you could feel the wind whipping past. "you're not scared of heights, are you?"
you pushed your face into his neck. "it's falling that scares me."
"i won't let you fall," he muttered into your ear, and you slowly pried your eyes open. "relax a little, you're harder to carry when you're tense.
you took a deep breath, focusing on him as you tried to loosen your muscles, and he gave you a quick smile. the air was cleaner up here, you realized - cold, but refreshing, and it almost felt like you had been trapped inside for days with how good it made you feel. "you didn't tell me you could fly."
"you didn't ask," he said, and you would have smacked him if you weren't so focused on keeping your grip around his neck. "the city's pretty from up here, if you think you can handle it."
"i'll keep my eyes on you, thanks."
when jeonghan finally landed, it was on an unoccupied terrace of a hotel, close to the coast. "we'll have to walk the rest of the way," he said, setting you down on your feet. "it's usually busy out there during the weekends."
your knees wobbled slightly, and you grabbed his arm as you breathed. "warn me next time."
"yes, master," he said, grinning at you as he pulled open the door to the elevators, gesturing for you to enter before him. 
by the time the two of you were on the street, you had fully gathered yourself, and jeonghan nudged you.
"you okay?"
you noticed his hand turning something over in his pocket, and you realized it had been over a week since you had asked him for a cigarette. you exhaled slowly, grabbing his elbow and pulling his hand from his pocket, where he abandoned your lighter. "yeah, i'm okay."
he laced his fingers with yours, still studying you. "sorry for scaring you."
you shook your head, smiling at him. "you don't scare me, jeonghan." 
"right," he said, squeezing your hand. "it's falling that scares you."
you thought for a second, tempted to correct him, say that it was actually yourself that scared you the most, but you looked up at the night sky as the two of you walked to the pier, and exhaled with a smile on your lips. "in that case, maybe you do scare me."
jeonghan didn't say anything, but he thought that if he had a fear of falling, the feeling of your warm hand in his would trigger that in him, too. he always hesitated to admit such things to you, because the first and last time he thought he might have been in love, his judgment had been clouded by other factors, some of the same factors that drew him to you. deep down, he knew it must have been real this time, but his only true fear was that this feeling he had for you would end in a worse tragedy than the one previous.
the ocean air felt healing, and you exhaled happily as the two of you leaned against the railing on the boardwalk. there was a moment of silence, and suddenly you yelled out to the ocean.
jeonghan jumped, laughing at your meaningless wail, and looked around briefly at the attention you had garnered. "what was that for?"
you giggled, looking at him. "i've been too stressed lately. this felt like the right place to let it out."
he rolled his eyes. "have you always been like this?"
"unfortunately," you said, sighing, and you turned your head slightly when you heard someone talking about jeonghan. you didn't look, but they said something about that handsome guy, asking their friend do you think they're a couple? only to get a response of no way, he's too good looking.
you pursed your lips, scooting slightly closer to where his arms were crossed over the railing, and he let out another laugh. "wanna show off that i'm yours?"
you looked the opposite direction. "no."
"aw, master's so cute," he cooed, wrapping his arms around you and smooching your cheek. "don't listen to them, they're just jealous of how delicious you look."
of course he had heard them, too, and you tried to hide the heat on your face at the realization that you had been caught acting jealous, when you weren't even in a relationship. sure, he took care of you, but he did that because you were his master, and offering his hand or arm for you to hold felt more like an excuse to keep you from wandering off than anything else. even the kiss you had shared, and the few times he pressed his lips against your cheek… you weren't sure of his intentions. if he was just obsessed with your blood - his most frequent compliments were that you smelled good and looked delicious - or if there was the possibility that he saw you the same way you saw him, with rose tinted glasses and a bokeh effect, fracturing lights into hearts in your vision every time you looked at him. were vampires even capable of such complex human emotions?
"stop thinking about me, unless you want me to lower your blood pressure for you."
you puffed out your cheeks and glared at him, making him laugh. you looked away, out to the ocean, as you grabbed his hands and pressed them to your face, trying to cool it. he held back another laugh, studying the way your cheeks were cupped in his cold hands, and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. you sighed, finally catching his gaze as you chewed your lip.
he smiled when he overheard another whisper. "they think i'm your boyfriend now."
a tiny smile snuck onto your face before you could catch it, and jeonghan grinned at you when you consciously changed your expression, pulling from his grasp to put your arms on the railing, staring out at the ocean again. "you aren't."
"but everyone thinks i am," he said, an arm casually draping over your shoulder as he stood beside you. "even your brother."
"foster brother," you corrected, and looked down at the surface of the water. it was far, and though it wasn't deep just below you, it went all the way out to sea. you knew china was on the other side of this particular body of water, but if you swam far enough, you would end up in the pacific. you remembered how often that thought floated through your mind when you were younger. "i wish i could tell him the truth, but he doesn't believe in this kinda stuff."
jeonghan sucked on his cheek. "you didn't either, when i first spoke to you."
"i didn't believe in vampires," you agreed. "but he doesn't even believe my premonitions."
"your vibes," jeonghan nodded. you let out a short laugh, and he smiled at your profile, eyes following your gaze to the water. "why are you lost in thought?"
you shook your head, taking a breath and moving your eyes to the horizon. "i used to come here a lot in high school. fantasize about swimming out to sea and never coming back."
he took your hand in his, pulling it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "you had a hard time, i'm sorry."
you usually minimized how much you struggled when you were young, played it off, pretended you were okay, even when you lost your parents. the flood of those memories brought on by your night made your eyes well slightly, and you thought you wouldn't be able to hide it from jeonghan even if you tried. "i did."
he studied you, placing another kiss on the back of your hand. "do you want to talk about it?"
you inhaled, looking around the boardwalk and spotting a bench in a mostly unoccupied area. you looked at jeonghan, nodding your head towards it. "shall we sit?"
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primary school was hard for you. you were too young to understand that people ostracized those who were different. that many parents passed on the learned behavior of judgment and shame onto their children, and the smarter they were, the faster they caught on. your mother had always had dreams she couldn't explain, visions of things before they happened, and oftentimes, it allowed your parents to steer your family towards fortune. she told you that your differences were what made you beautiful, and you had believed her. but when you told a girl at school that she should stop chasing after a boy, having a bad feeling about what would happen when she confessed, she accused you of having a crush on him, too.
"n-no," you said, backing up slightly. "i j-just don't want you t-to get hurt."
"a stutter, too?" she scoffed at you. "worry about yourself, you weirdo. he'll never like you back, leave it alone."
children were cruel. and when that boy you had a bad feeling about pushed her down into the mud, she blamed you. and so did her friends. and soon, so did the rest of your class, the opinion becoming fact, and the fact becoming legacy.
you were ten when that same girl was shoving you down onto the pavement after school, when you were just trying to walk home. you hissed, your knees bloodied from the fall, and her friend kicked you to your side, telling you to look at them when they spoke to you.
"look how pathetic, sooah," she laughed. "can't even make eye contact."
you swallowed, looking up after you managed to sit on the pavement, your hands behind you for support. "y-yes i c-can."
sooah laughed at you, kicking aside your bookbag and letting the contents spill over the pavement. "ugly and a stutter. no wonder your parents never show up to school fairs, they must be embarrassed by you."
"th-they-" you swallowed. "my dad, h-he travels-"
"whatever, stutter," sooah said. "tell whatever lies keep you alive, that way we can keep kicking you to the curb."
"hey!" you winced, shoulders curling at the new voice. "leave them alone!"
"let's get out of here," sooah said, grabbing the arm of one of her friends before stepping on your notebooks as they ran off.
"you fuckin punks! jesus christ. are you okay?"
you looked up at the hand extended in front of you, then at the boy it was connected to. he wore a middle school uniform, and you were stuck blinking up at him.
"are you deaf?" he asked, crouching in front of you.
you shook your head. "s-sorry-"
"those stupid girls are the ones that should be sorry," he said, starting to gather your things. you moved to grab your bag, holding it open as he brushed the dirt off your notebooks and deposited them into it. "are you okay?"
you sniffed, rubbing the tears off your face. "yeah."
"i'm changyoon," he said after he helped you to your feet as you told him your name. "don't you have anyone to walk home with? friends? siblings?"
you shook your head, kneading your hands together, and he looked around before sighing
"i'll walk you home," he decided, putting an arm over your shoulder. "i'll be your big brother, okay? tell me if anyone's bugging you, and i'll beat them up."
the bullying never stopped, but he made it easier to deal with, walking home with you most days. he wasn't able to protect you in class, though, and your bullies took note.
changyoon's family was kind to you, taking care of you when your parents were away for business. your father was professionally successful, and with his job, he often had to attend dinners and meetings late into the night. your mother would appear as his wife, of course, and she once asked if you had any friends that you could have a sleepover with while they went out.
"i-i have one," you said sheepishly, and when she pressed, you told her about changyoon.
"a boy?" she asked. "is he in your class?"
you shook your head. "he g-goes to the middle school n-nearby."
she studied you, thinking about all the times you had come home with bruises and scrapes, insisting that you had fallen on your own, even though both of you knew she knew the truth. that she saw those girls in her dreams the same way you did. "does he take good care of you?"
you nodded, and she put a kiss on the top of your head, asking if you knew his mother's phone number.
on nights where your parents were unsure of when they would come home, they sent you to the kim household with some folded cash, and you always dutifully told changyoon's mother that your parents said it was for the trouble. she would call your mother to let you know that you arrived, but send you up to changyoon's room without taking the money from you with a wink and a finger over her lips.
you hated feeling alone, so even when you were old enough to stay home when they had dinners, you usually asked changyoon if you could come over anyways. on one such night, while the two of you attended the same high school, you sat straight up in bed, trying to catch your breath, your face already stained with tears. you looked over the edge of changyoon's bed, crawling off it to where he was laying on the cot in the middle of his room, blankets haphazard around his sprawled body.
"changyoon!" you cried, shaking him awake, and he blinked the sleep out of his eyes as he registered your choked sobs. "c-changyoon, i-i think something happened…"
changyoon's mother held your hand at the funeral. a car crash - they got t-boned at an intersection by a drunk driver. your mother died on impact, but your father died in hospital, and he wasn't even able to speak to you before he passed. people you didn't know offered you their condolences - people your father worked with, surely, but you had never met - and you felt numb as you accepted them, waiting for the day to end so you could crawl into bed and let yourself cry until the sun rose again.
you were laying on changyoon's bed a week later with his dog asleep at your feet, officially moved into his home after you were left alone in yours, staring at the ceiling as he played some game on his computer. you chewed your cheek. "changyoon?"
he glanced over at you as he played. "yeah?"
you took a deep breath, eyes trained on the ceiling as tears welled in them. "do you think i'm cursed?"
he instantly moved from his computer, abandoning the game. "i don't believe in that stuff."
you looked at him as he approached, nudging your side with the back of his hand so you would scoot over to make room for him. "what do you mean?"
"curses, and whatever," he said, laying out next to you. "i don't believe that stuff. things just happen sometimes, and it's out of our control."
you thought about that a moment, and you figured that was one way to find comfort.
it took you a month or so to run out of patience. the outright bullying had turned to an abundance of whispers, always too close and too loud to be out of earshot. that you were an orphan, rumors about how your parents would run off regularly to avoid staying with you. hints that you were at fault. if they can see the future, why didn't they save their parents?
you left in the middle of class with the excuse that you needed to use the restroom, but walked in the opposite direction, headed to the stairs that led to the roof. the air was cold and refreshing, and you felt a kind of clarity for the first time since your parents had died, staring out over the edge of the building.
changyoon was heading back to his class from the bathroom with the hall pass spinning around his finger when he spotted you all the way down the hall, going up the stairs. his brow ruffled, catching the carved wood pass and looking around before deciding to follow you.
he was glad he did when he found you standing on the raised edge of the roof, instantly running towards you and yelling out your name.
you spun, face puffy from crying, and he grabbed your hand, pulling you off the ledge before you could fall back.
"i'm sorry," he said, catching you in his arms and hugging you close as you both shook with sobs. "i'm so sorry."
you choked, hands grasping the back of his uniform as you buried your face in his shoulder. "i'm so tired, changyoon. i can't do this anymore."
"i know," he cried, not letting go. "i'm sorry, i'm being selfish, but please," he tightened his hold. "please, even if you feel like you can't continue, please keep living for me."
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jeonghan's hand was clasped tight around yours, and you inhaled sharply, staring out at the water. "he made me promise. we don't break promises."
he watched you, almost shocked that the tears in your eyes hadn't fallen. "i'm glad you have him."
a small smile found your face, and you turned towards jeonghan. "me, too. he ended up introducing me to hyejin, and her and mingyu's families are neighbors. we all got pretty close." you sighed, thumb running over the back of jeonghan's hand. "then he had the idea to form the band after he made some more friends in college."
"what about you?"
you gave him a puzzled look. "what about me?"
"you made more friends?" he asked. "the other guys in your band, i know, but anyone else?"
you blinked. "not really," you admitted. "but i'm okay with that. they're practically my family," you said, smiling. "they make it easier. less lonely."
jeonghan looked down, eyes running over your hand in his. "i'm sorry about your parents."
you exhaled. "thank you."
"you only stayed with changyoon's family until you came of age," he remembered, and you looked to him, realizing he had recalled the information from one of your earliest conversations. "where did you go after that?"
"well," you started, looking out to the water again. "i got access to my inheritance, so i used a little for a deposit on an officetel, but i honestly didn't want to touch most of it." you swallowed, peeking at him. "then i decided to work for a while because i bombed my college entrance exam."
jeonghan stifled a laugh, and you let go of his hand to punch his thigh repeatedly. "sorr- ow! sorry!" 
you giggled. "have you even tried to go to uni?" you asked, accusatory. "it's hard!"
"i haven't," he said, laughing and taking your hand again. "i don't really have a way to apply even if i wanted to. no identity."
you stared at him. "i didn't think about that."
he sighed, a smile on his lips. "just a drifter. but i like it this way, not being on record. it's true freedom."
"that's an interesting perspective," you decided, then studied him. he gave your hand a squeeze and looked out to the ocean.
"i lost someone, too. back when i was human."
you swallowed. "i'm sorry."
he shook his head. "it's been so long, i've done my healing. but my love for her will never fade."
you looked down, chastising yourself for feeling some kind of jealousy over his statement. "it's kind of beautiful," you said, finally sorting out your feelings. "if you stay a vampire, someone will love her forever."
jeonghan leaned back on the bench, pulling his hand from yours and draping his arm over your shoulders instead. "my sister has been loved for almost four hundred years, now. i'm sure that was longer than she was expecting."
your eyes snapped to his. "sister?"
he had a vague smirk on his lips. "did you think it was someone else?"
"n-no," you said, embarrassed. "i'm sorry, i just didn't even know you had-"
"i'm teasing," he said, pulling you into his side. "yeah, i have a sister. she was smart. beautiful, too, just like my mother. even had her blonde hair."
"how-" you hesitated, before remembering all you had just shared with him. "how did she die?"
he studied you a second. "she was like you. different. sometimes when you tell me about your premonitions, it reminds me of things she would say." you watched him as he turned towards the ocean. "it was a time when witches were deemed evil. there were white men back then," he said, adjusting his posture. "traders from france and portugal. they had their own beliefs about witches, and their own ways of dealing with them." he paused. "they took her from me."
your hand went to your mouth. "jeonghan-"
"like i said," he looked at you. "i've done my healing. but back then, i struggled with it just as much as you did."
you remembered the dream you had suddenly, the weight of the injuries on his wrists when that man held him prisoner. "before that man turned you," you said quietly. "you said you were bleeding out."
he nodded. "people are cruel. i thought the pain would stop if i made it."
you looked down, your hands knitting in your lap, then placed one on his thigh. "it does eventually, though."
"it does," he agreed. he smiled at you when you met his gaze, studying his two toned eyes. "though it took me about three hundred years longer to learn that having friends makes it easier."
he insisted that you could take the subway home instead of the method he had used to bring you there, but you brushed him off. you had stayed out too late - by the time the two of you had even thought about heading home, it was long past midnight, and you told him flying would be faster. he studied you closely, hoping you weren't just saying so for his sake.
"i'll be fine," you said, hands on his chest, and he exhaled when you smiled at him. "i trust you."
the trip home was easier, and you enjoyed it, even - he had been right when he said the view was beautiful from above. the city was all twinkling lights and toy cars, bustling with life despite it being too late into the night. there was a christmas tree lit with strands of white lights in the park that the two of you often walked through together, and you had to blink yourself out of your daze when he landed on the roof of your building again.
your knees shook less when he let you down. "you're okay?"
you nodded, grinning at him. "i think i can get used to it."
when you were back in your apartment, outer layers shed and lights turned on, you flopped onto your couch, sighing happily. you felt refreshed by your trip to the ocean, from revealing your past to jeonghan - weight had been lifted from your shoulders, and you felt lighter than ever when a smile snuck onto your lips. "i don't have school anymore."
jeonghan smiled at you from where he was hanging your coats, shutting the closet door before walking towards you. "how's it feel?"
"amazing," you said, sitting up and holding out your arms, gesturing for him to join you. "how about you? you excited for my graduation?"
"of course i am," he said, placing his hands in yours, and you let out a surprised noise when he pulled you to your feet. "only a month away from sinking my teeth into that pretty neck of yours."
you giggled when his hand went to the back of your head, and you instinctively tipped your head back as he put his lips on your throat, his teeth gently nibbling at the vein on the side of your neck. you breathed out. "that tickles."
he hummed against you, his hand flat against your spine to hold you close. "i hope it only tickles when i bite you for real, too."
you pulled back slightly, but his hold on you landed your forehead on his, and you stared at him a moment. "jeonghan, i'm curious…"
his eyes skated over your face. "yes, master?"
you hesitated. "do you think i'd be okay if-" you bit your lip. "if you had a little today?"
jeonghan stared at you, and he thought it was your heart thumping against his chest before he realized it was his own. "don't tease me."
"i'm not," you said quietly. "i don't have any plans til practice next week, and i'm curious if it…" you paused, glancing at his lips. "if it will actually tickle."
"it won't," he warned, immediately exposing his flirtatious lie. "it'll hurt."
your eyes met his, and he wondered if this is how you had felt all those times he made your heart beat fast, made your blood rush to your face. "sometimes pain tickles a little."
he couldn't stop himself from pressing his lips against your forehead gently. "are you sure?"
your hands went to his face, cupping his cheeks, and you nodded. "i promise."
he hoisted you up onto his hips, and you yelped into a giggle as your legs settled around him. you ran your hands through his hair, grinning at him, and he nearly tripped on the first stair with the distraction of your fingers threading against his scalp, but managed to make it into your lofted bedroom without too much trouble. when he kneeled in front of your bed, gingerly seating you on it, he took your hand in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles before he looked up at you. "you can change your mind."
you shook your head at him. "i'm ready."
jeonghan bowed his head, then rose to place a knee between yours, his hand finding your nape as you stared up at him. "thank you for the meal."
you smiled gently and tipped your head as he laid you back onto your bed, his lips placing kisses down your neck before he settled in one spot. your hands ran up his back, one clenching at his shirt when he tentatively placed his fangs at your pulse - the same gentle nibble he had done before - and you put the other in his hair as silent reassurance before he sank his teeth into you.
he was right - it did hurt, but only a small, sharp pain of him breaking skin before he began to draw blood. you stopped yourself from gasping by biting your lip, your fingers digging into his scalp at the almost numbing sensation, and jeonghan was grateful he had fed himself already after his first gulp. your sweet taste on his tongue, your warm blood running down his throat, he was forced to pause before continuing, your plasma pooling on his tongue, his eyes fluttering open to catch the way you craned your neck for him. he ran his hand under your spine, pulling you up off the mattress to let your head fall back naturally before he drank again, three more gulps, but stopped himself short when he felt your heartbeat quicken, your grip on his shirt loosen slightly, worried he would take too much. he was hyper aware of your hold on his head, your scent, your taste, and he knew he could lose himself to you too easily.
he knew what it felt like to lose himself. and he wasn't going to let you reap those consequences.
you felt his tongue lap against the puncture wounds, and you muttered his name. he placed you gently back on your mattress as he pulled away, hovering over you, and you stared up at him a moment. his lips were stained red, and his tongue darted out to clean them. your hand went to his cheek. "thank you for finding me."
he put his hand over yours. "you found me," he corrected, and you noticed more red in his amber iris as you studied him.
"i like you, jeonghan," you said, and you saw his eyes dart between yours before he gave you a wide smile and plopped down next to you on the mattress.
"i like you, too, master!" he said giddily, rubbing his cheek on your shoulder as he hugged you, and you suddenly felt lightheaded from the blood loss. "you're so delicious!"
your hand went to the thigh that was hooked over your leg, the only part of him you could comfortably reach with the arm he was snuggling. "stop squirming, i'm dizzy-"
he kissed you on the cheek and rolled onto his back. "i feel like i could take on the world."
you turned your head, the motion making you aware of the soreness in your neck, but you couldn't help the giggle that fell out of you when you noticed him practically glowing with glee. "you're drunk."
he grinned at you. "because you're so sweet. oh-" he leaned over again, holding your jaw forward to inspect your cheek. "you have a kiss mark."
"are you gonna clean it?" you asked, and his lip caught in his teeth as he wiped away the blood stain with his thumb, sticking it in his mouth. you winced, hand landing on your forehead. "can you get me-"
jeonghan leaped up before you could finish the thought, giving you an on it as he ran down the stairs. you found yourself laughing again, his earnesty putting a smile on your lips, but you wondered if he understood the earnesty behind your confession, as well.
"okay," he said, returning too quickly for anyone else to have completed the task. "water and buttercream bread."
he placed the little tray of goodies on the bed beside you as he pulled you to sit up, and your hand went to your neck as you winced, one eye closed and your mouth gaping. "ow."
he pouted at you, kneeling before you again. "i'm sorry."
"no, it's okay," you assured, slowly stretching your neck. "just sore."
"it looks like it'll bruise," he said, running his fingers over the bite mark - sealed, but still visible, and the reddened skin around it where he had sucked.
you exhaled at his touch, unsure if your mind was swirling from his gentleness or from the low blood pressure. "i'll be fine," you said, taking the glass of water he had brought for you and sipping at it. "thank you."
he sat fully on the floor, wrapping his arms around your calf and placing his chin on your knee as he smiled up at you, and you imagined him with a wagging tail again, begging for your attention. "anything for my master."
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you stirred when you heard knocking on your door, and jeonghan sat up before you managed to make your brain work. you felt groggy, almost like you were hungover, and your eyes found jeonghan's as he listened intently.
"i can't tell who it is," he said, leaning over you and placing a kiss on your forehead. "should i go answer it?"
you blinked, looking around, realizing it was light in the room. "i left the blinds open," you said sleepily, gesturing for him to help you up. "i'll get it."
he watched you slowly go down the stairs, mumbling when the knocking repeated, and he got out of bed to lean over the railing as you stumbled across your living room, listening closely when you disappeared below him to get the door.
you swung the door open, squinting and rubbing your face. "changyoon?"
he stared at you, then laughed out loud. "party too hard?"
you just turned around, leaving the door open for him as you walked back into your apartment, flopping onto your couch.
"why haven't you been answering your phone?" he asked, flipping off his shoes and following you. "we've been trying to contact you all day."
you blinked at him. "i stayed out late last night."
"yeah, i can tell," he said, his hands in his pockets as he gave you a sideways smile. he looked back at the door, trying to remember if he saw another pair of shoes. "gnarly hickey, by the way. is jeonghan around?"
your hand slapped over your neck, and you winced slightly at the soreness before you sat up straight. your eyes went up to the loft, where jeonghan was peeking out over the railing, but ducked behind it when changyoon turned to look himself.
he laughed, looking back at you. "got it. hope you have concealer, i booked a gig for tonight, i'm here to take you to last minute practice."
"tonight?" you whined, falling back into the cushioned seat. "i thought we weren't playing til next weekend."
"wonpil got us a last minute spot as an opening act for some punk band," he said, kicking your foot where it hung off the arm of your couch. "his friend knows the manager, and their last act fell through."
you groaned. "can't you play for me?"
"c'mon, hex," he said, grabbing your ankle and swinging it around, making you groan again. "this is a good opportunity, and they aren't a band without you. drink some water and get ready, we can get you a morning recovery shot on the way."
you huffed, rubbing your face again. "god, i was really hoping to sleep all day."
"you basically did," changyoon said, glancing at his phone. "it's already four, you go on stage at 9:30." you whined again, kicking your feet around. "you can bring jeonghan," he said, a lilt in his voice as he tried to convince you, and you dragged your hands off your face to glare at him.
you exhaled, standing finally, and headed to your stairs. "you're the worst."
"only for you," he said, grinning after you as he plopped down on your sofa, pulling out his phone to let the others know that he had awoken you from the dead.
jeonghan watched you from where he hid behind the loft railing, and you exhaled a laugh at the way he was squatting to stay out of sight. "i'm sorry," he said quietly, crawling over your bed as you headed to your closet. "i shouldn't have-"
"shush," you sighed, smiling at him. "i offered. and i'm only a little sore, i can play a half hour set."
"i can hear you guys," changyoon announced from your couch.
"then shut your ears," you yelled back, pushing aside clothes in your wardrobe. you looked around, searching for a turtleneck as jeonghan approached you from behind. "would you wanna come?"
he was in the middle of wrapping his arms around your waist when he paused. "i don't wanna intrude."
"i'm inviting you," you said, finding the turtleneck you had been looking for and putting the hanger on the knob of the wardrobe and looking for a punk rock enough tee to layer over it. "but you can say no."
he pressed his lips to your shoulder, thinking about how he had only heard you practice bass at home, without the accompaniment of your band. "it would be nice to keep an eye on you as you recover," he said, as though that were the only reason he would tag along.
you threw a pair of distressed black jeans onto your bed, along with the shirts you had picked out. "yoonie, did you drive the van?" you yelled out, then looked at jeonghan when you didn't get a response. you put your hands on the railing and glared at the man on your couch. "changyoon."
he looked up. "sorry, my ears were shut."
you rolled your eyes, pushing away from the rail as you started to get changed. "the van?"
"yup," he said, still on his phone. "wonpil and mingyu are already at jihoon's, but we gotta pick up hyejin at the nail salon."
you stripped off the shirt you had worn to sleep, flicking out the turtleneck before pulling it over your arms and looking up at jeonghan, his eyes immediately going to the ceiling. you pursed your lips to hold back a laugh. "the van has tinted windows," you told him, pulling the shirt over your head and adjusting the collar, looking in the mirror next to your wardrobe to make sure it covered the bruise on your neck - though going on stage with a hickey would probably be on brand for a punk show. "we can bring an umbrella, too."
jeonghan sat on your bed, fiddling with the hem of the fuzzy pajama pants he wore, looking at your phone. "sun sets in an hour anyways," he said, looking up at you. "i guess i'll change, too."
you nodded at him, then inspected your face in the mirror, rubbing it again. "ugh, i should wash up. see you downstairs?"
he let out a noise of agreement, but before you could grab the rest of your clothes and trot downstairs, he grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him. you looked at him with wide eyes as he studied your neck, where he knew his bite mark was just beyond the fabric of your shirt. you swallowed and he blinked, refocusing on your eyes, and his lips quirked into a sideways smile before he pressed them against yours. "see you downstairs."
changyoon said nothing as you avoided his gaze, rushing to your bathroom, but he silently wondered how serious the two of you had gotten for jeonghan to be staying the night often enough to have clothes in your closet, and why you hadn't told him anything about your boyfriend.
"oh, jeonghan-ah!" hyejin laughed, climbing into the front passenger seat of the van, looking back at the two of you. "you're coming to the show?"
jeonghan looked confused at the casual address before he remembered they were supposed to be the same age, and adjusted his expression accordingly. "yeah, can't wait to hear you guys play."
hyejin grinned, nudging changyoon. "told you they were serious. when has hex ever brought a boy around?"
changyoon looked at her as he pulled away from the curb. "when has hex ever had a boy to bring around?"
"alright," you said, annoyed. "we don't have to discuss my love life right now, do we?"
"i'm curious," jeonghan said, giving you a teasing smile. "no boyfriends before me?"
"oh!" hyejin laughed again. "boyfriend! straight from the source!"
"you guys act like i'm some kind of prude," you huffed, folding your arms over your chest and leaning back in your seat. "it's not like i've never dated."
changyoon looked at you in the mirror. "you sure about that?"
"just because i didn't tell you, doesn't mean it didn't happen," you said pointedly, then leaned forward to poke hyejin's shoulder. "right?"
she agreed, her lips pouting out, and changyoon looked at her in shock. "what? are you two keeping secrets from me?"
"you're the annoyingly protective older brother," hyejin said, smacking his arm. "i'm the cool older sister. i'm the one they can talk to about boys."
"i'm not annoying," changyoon argued, making the face he always did when hyejin teased him, and you pursed your lips in the back seat to avoid laughing. they were continuing their bickering when you felt a touch on your thigh, and you looked down to find jeonghan walking two fingers across your lap, glancing up at him as he looked out the window, and you let out a stifled giggle when he laid his hand over your thigh, palm up, expectantly. you laced your fingers with his, and he couldn't help his smile after he adjusted in his seat to roll his head towards you, finding you with your tongue out at him playfully. he wondered, briefly, why it had taken him so long to find someone that made him smile like you did.
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"drinks on me!" wonpil announced, holding his keyboard over his head after you had all run off stage, the lights dimming to prepare for the main act. you pulled your strap over your head, breathing heavy and grinning up at mingyu.
"dude, you killed it!" you shoved his arm, and he laughed pulling off his guitar. "i'm so glad we played the girl from jupiter, your solo in that song fucks so hard."
mingyu rolled his eyes, then looked behind him as someone had to scoot by, making him step closer to you in the narrow wing of the stage. he looked at you, then immediately redirected his gaze, swallowing. "if you came to practice, you'd get to hear it more often."
you pouted, walking off towards where there was more space, finding your case to put away your guitar. "sorry, i've been insanely busy lately." you crouched down to feel around for the zipper. "i'm finally done with school, so i'll be better now."
"congrats, by the way," he said, tapping your shoe with his. "you forensic expert, you. what now, you gonna be a detective?"
you sighed, standing as you zipped your case closed. "well, i gotta start applying."
"hey!" you both looked over to changyoon. "hurry up and throw your shit in the van so we can get drunk."
mingyu laughed and rolled his eyes, and you ran up behind jihoon, throwing your arm over his shoulder as you all exited the stage doors to the alley you were parked in. he had to use the main act's kit to save stage change time, leaving him to carry wonpil's keyboard stand, and you all stood around the trunk as changyoon arranged the instruments in the way he had decided was most efficient. you were laughing with jihoon as he tried to catch his breath, rubbing his sweaty face with his shirt when you heard a familiar voice call for his sweet thing.
you spun, grinning as you practically skipped towards him. "hey!"
jeonghan smiled at you, putting his sunglasses on the crown of his head and catching you in his arms. "you didn't tell me you guys were good!"
your eyes were big when you pulled away, and he shrugged off his leather jacket to drape over your shoulders, leaving him in the hoodie he had worn to protect himself from the sun, though it was long gone by now. "really? you think so?"
"of course he thinks so," hyejin said, winking at jeonghan and poking at your back. you spun towards her. "i saw him in the crowd. he couldn't take his eyes off you, looking all dopey."
you looked back at jeonghan, whose eyes were pointed at the sky, and you chewed your lip to stop yourself from giggling. "you should come to more of our shows, if you think we're so good."
"maybe i will," he said, pouting, but when his eyes landed on your face, he couldn't stop his smile. "do you get to hang out now?"
"hell yeah, we do," wonpil said, slapping your back as he headed back to the door, making you laugh. "i'm gonna go open a tab at the bar, come find me when you get back in." he pointed at jeonghan. "you, too, mr. hex."
he laughed, waving his hand. "i don't drink," he said, but wonpil had already moved on to try and convince jihoon to have at least one shot with him, to celebrate a successful show.
"you don't drink?" changyoon asked, shutting the van, and you watched hyejin hook her arm with mingyu's, smiling after them as they headed back into the venue. "how long are you guys planning on staying?"
"we'll hang out for the rest of the show," you said, checking jeonghan's expression for confirmation. he nodded, and you looked back at changyoon. "band bonding."
changyoon laughed, pushing his knuckle into your cheek. "good deal. jeonghan, do you drive?"
"uh," he looked at the van, and you hissed out changyoon's name in annoyance. "i can?"
"band bonding," changyoon grinned, depositing the van keys in his hand. "get us all home safe and you can date my kid."
you groaned, about to argue when jeonghan just pulled you into his side by your waist.
"consider it done," he said, and you blinked at him as changyoon grinned, gesturing for you to follow him back into the venue. it was loud and dark inside, and in the time it had taken you to load your things back into the van, the main act had made their way on stage, leaving the bar mostly clear as everyone swarmed to the pit. spotting the rest of your bandmates was easy, crowded in one space at the bar, and jihoon was talking about some article on his phone.
"another one?" wonpil asked, tugging the screen to face him. "isn't that the third one this week?"
changyoon peeked over a shoulder, looking. "good, they're cleaning up the streets."
"what are they talking about," you asked mingyu, and he tapped his palm against the bar.
"another body was found this morning, and they just released his identity. turns out he was a serial rapist."
you looked at jeonghan, remembering that news report you had seen with him a while back. "do you know the cause of death?" you asked, looking at jihoon.
"uh," he stalled, eyes scanning the article. "the throat was slit? seems to be," he quoted. "unconfirmed injury causing blood loss."
hyejin shivered visibly. "aren't we supposed to be celebrating?" she asked, looking around. "can we stop talking about dead creeps?"
"yeah," wonpil said, slamming jihoon's phone on the bar, making the drummer let out an annoyed noise. "shots all around. what's everyone getting?"
hyejin looked at you, her freshly manicured hand grabbing your arm. "take tequila with me?"
you blinked. "sure?"
"great," she grinned. "what about you, jeonghan?"
"he's dd," changyoon said, then pointed at jihoon. "which means you have no excuse."
"what?" jihoon looked around, wonpil already cheering in his face. "i'm always dd!"
changyoon grinned, landing a hand on his shoulder. "it's a haze, bud. he wants to date hex, so he has to pass the test."
jeonghan held up the keys for everyone to see, his lips pursed, and hyejin and wonpil cheered again as he slipped them into his jeans pocket, jihoon leaning over the bar heavily. hyejin ordered the tequila, making mingyu take one too, while the other guys ordered something less insane, in wonpil's words, then a round of beers for everyone. jeonghan stood beside you, leaning against the bar as hyejin excitedly watched the bartender prepare the salt rims for you.
"how much are you planning on drinking?" he asked, lips by your ear to keep it between the two of you. "i'm a little worried."
"why," you started, bringing his hand up to your neck. "because of this?"
he smiled, his thumb running over your jaw as his hand rested against your clothed neck, still sensitive to touch. "yeah, because of that."
"i'll just have the one shot," you assured, fiddling with the strings of his sweatshirt and tipping your head to the side. "then i'll nurse the beer til we leave."
"you might get drunk faster," he warned, glancing at where your shots were being poured. "if you need me to find you food, let me know. i'll keep an eye on you."
you chewed your cheek, hiding a smile as you turned back towards your friends. "yessir."
his hand went to your back, under his jacket that hung over your shoulders, and you exhaled heavily when hyejin doled out the shots, pushing the plate of limes towards you after mingyu grabbed his.
"ready?" she asked, looking around. "changyoon?"
"alright, gang," he said, speaking up over the music playing on stage. "thank you to wonpil for this opportunity-" he nodded, raising his shot in acknowledgement. "-thank you jihoon, for being the best songwriting companion a man could ask for-"
"our jihoonie!" you shouted out, slamming your hand on the bar repeatedly as a replacement for applause, mingyu howling with you. 
"and welcome mr. jeonghan, let's hope you stick around. it'll be nice to get jihoon drunk more often."
you couldn't help but laugh at the toast, and hyejin let out an extended yaaaay, clapping and giving jeonghan a double thumbs up before picking her shot up.
"to the band. i'm proud to manage such a cool act. let's blow this year up!" changyoon shouted, grinning, holding his shot out, and everyone happily pushed their glasses against his and cheered. 
jeonghan watched, a sideways smile on his face as the six of you drank together, mingyu, hyejin, and yourself having to lick your rims before knocking back the alcohol. you made a face, squinting as you shoved the lime wedge into your mouth, biting into it, and jeonghan couldn't help but laugh at your reaction.
"blech." you smacked your lips, dropping your spent wedge back onto the plate as hyejin laughed at mingyu's similar reaction. "how do you drink this stuff?"
"tequila's fun!" she grinned, then looked at jeonghan. "it'll be fun for you, too, if they keep taking them. thank me later."
his eyebrows raised, looking at you. "is that so?"
"speaking of," changyoon said, stacking his shot glass onto wonpil's before grabbing his beer and pushing off the bar. he pointed at jeonghan. "you, come with me. we need to chat."
"changyoon," you warned, pushing your shot glass towards the bartender, but jeonghan just grinned and pulled his hand from your back. you looked at him.
"you'll be okay without me for a second?" he asked, running a thumb over your brow to check your eyes. you stared at him, then nodded, and he smiled, gently pulling you in to place a kiss on your lips. "i'll be right back."
you watched them walk off together, claiming a standing table in the dark lounge area of the venue, and put your beer against your cheek to cool it. hyejin nudged you.
"you two are super cute," she said, giggling. "right, gyu?"
he sighed heavily. "even i can't deny it," he said, giving you a small smile. "you seem happy."
you looked between them a moment, putting your beer back down on the bar. "i guess i am happy," you said, a smile sneaking across your lips, lost in the fantasy of being half of a cute couple. "thanks."
jihoon grabbed mingyu's attention for some argument, and you giggled as you watched wonpil fight with both of them in the way only friends could, sipping gently at your beer.
"excuse me?"
you spun towards the voice, finding a woman smiling at you. her beauty distracted you from the chill on your arms - foreign, with a head of curly red hair, and you thought she could be a model with her petite figure. you blinked, confused by the flicker of worry in your mind when you met her bright eyes. "yes?"
"you guys rocked," she said, glancing at hyejin behind you before focusing on you again. "i've been trying to learn bass, and you looked so cool up there!"
you were taken aback slightly, but a smile snuck onto your lips. "thank you so much," you said, laughing lightly, your immediate reaction being to promote the band. "do you live around here? we're gonna be doing a bunch of shows in the new year."
her eyes lit up, and you realized your uneasy feeling had been recognition, her amber eyes sparkling at you. "i just moved, actually! i'd love to see you guys again!"
you faltered, unsure if you should give her more information, and you suddenly had the thought that she might have waited until jeonghan had left to approach you. she seemed harmless, but so did he, most of the time, and you hesitated to give her an ability to find you again. she looked behind you briefly and then grabbed your arm.
"hey, i'll catch you another time," she said quietly, then winked. "promise." she flashed a sharp smile before disappearing into the crowd, and you stared after her, leaning your back against the bar, trying to decide if you were just a magnet for vampires.
"holy shit, she was gorgeous," hyejin whistled, sipping her beer and looking at you. "do you think she was flirting?"
"i-" you paused, looking at your friend. "i can never tell with her type."
she giggled. "her type? what does that mean?"
you didn't explain it further, letting hyejin get distracted when mingyu took out his phone to take pictures and pulled her off to where the lighting was better, but you just sipped your beer and wondered if she, too, was looking to become human again. jeonghan walked in front of you, catching your attention, and he smiled at you.
"miss me?"
you smirked at him. "barely noticed your absence."
"ouch," he said, putting a hand over his heart, then planted an elbow on the bar, leaning against it and staring at your profile. "you okay?"
you pouted out your lips, thinking, then smiled at him, deciding it was a conversation for later. "yeah. how about you? changyoon wasn't too mean, right?"
"just the right amount of mean," jeonghan said, then sighed, adjusting the jacket on your shoulder where it was slipping off. "wanted to make sure we were using protection. i told him we haven't gotten there yet, but i didn't have the heart to tell him i shoot blanks anyways."
you sputtered out a laugh, hand planting over your mouth to quiet it. you looked at him, dropping your hand to say, "i'm so sorry."
jeonghan laughed, too. "nah, it's fine. it was kinda refreshing, i could tell he really cares about you." he tipped his head to one side. "i knew he did, from what you've told me, but it was nice to see it myself."
you bit at your lip to hide a smile. "he's a good guy."
"he is," jeonghan agreed, then exhaled dramatically. "weird that someone over three hundred years younger than me told me to call him hyung, though."
you almost snorted. "in his defense, he thinks you're hyejin's age."
"and who's fault is that?" he said, furrowing his brows at you, smiling when you giggled and hit your hand against his chest. "ah, he also threatened to kill me if i did anything to hurt you."
your eyes widened as you looked away. "that's my brother."
"foster brother," he corrected, and your eyes snapped to his at the parrot of your words the night before - less than 24 hours before, you realized, and you smiled. he smiled back. "he plays your brother well. i hope i can play your boyfriend well, too."
you glanced at the collar around his neck before you looked away, taking a sip of your beer and swallowing it harshly, reminding yourself that he wasn't with you for fun. that you had a contract. "just playing, huh?"
"hey," jeonghan put a hand on your chin, turning you back towards him. you swallowed, his eyes darting between yours before flicking down to your lips, and you felt your breath hitch. "only as long as that's what you want, master."
you stared at him. "what if i want more?" you asked, putting down your beer as you turned towards him. "what if playing isn't enough for me anymore? what if i want you to see me as more than your master?"
he adjusted, his hand running back over the sore spot on your neck, and you let your head tip to the side when it landed at your nape. "are you sure?"
"why wouldn't i be sure?" you asked, huffing lightly, and his eyes flicked to your beer on the bar. you rolled your eyes, pushing his hand away when you realized what he meant, trying to not show how hurt you felt. maybe he was right. maybe you were tipsy, and maybe you said more than you would normally, but that didn't change the truth behind your words. "whatever. nevermind."
"master," jeonghan exhaled, recognizing his mistake immediately. "i'm sorry, i didn't-"
"it's fine," you said, turning away from him, knowing the beer would taste bitter now and choosing to leave it on the counter. you thought of the night before, when you had admitted your feelings for him, and how he had completely brushed you off. you almost felt like crying, but glanced over at your friends to make sure they were properly distracted and exhaled instead. "you only want me for one thing, anyways."
"that's not-" he hesitated, his eyes shutting briefly. four hundred years of tricks and schemes, and somehow he had managed to play himself. "that's not true."
"isn't it?" you asked, looking at him. "you look delicious. you smell good. i get it, jeonghan. you're a vampire trying to become human, and i'm a witch that can help you. we can't be anything more than that, but i just wish you had thought about my feelings before you made me fall in love with you."
jeonghan pulled you towards him, his brows furrowed when he studied you, your face between his palms. "you're wrong."
you stared at him. "about what, exactly?"
"i thought about your feelings every day, and we can be more, but i've been scared of the danger that might put you in." he paused, his fingers buried against your scalp, wondering if it was your blood in his veins that made his heart beat so fast, or if it was just the way your hands ran up his chest. "and how dare you not notice that you made me fall in love with you first."
your eyes softened, flicking between his. "don't tease me."
"i'm not," he assured you, and when his lips found yours, your heart soared, his mouth kneading against yours in a way that made you melt onto his chest. he adjusted, moving so your back was against the bar again, and his palm landed on the edge just beside you, your hands running up his chest to grip at the neck of his hoodie. it felt familiar, all too similar to when he kissed you in your kitchen, but new life sewn into his lips on yours with the confession of reciprocated feelings, and you thought the butterflies in your stomach could make you float away if he didn't hold you down.
"get a room!" wonpil yelled, and you broke away for just a second to spot the rest of your band further down the bar, changyoon pointedly looking in a different direction and jihoon laughing hysterically at his expression. you just grinned, looking back at jeonghan, and the way his eyes were hooded as he gazed at you, the sideways smile on his lips never leaving, you just slipped two fingers under the dog collar around his neck, pulling him into you again.
after jeonghan had driven your properly drunken bandmates home, ending the car ride at changyoon and wonpil's place, he carried your guitar case in one hand and held yours with the other as the two of you walked to your apartment, the same route you had taken the first night you had invited him into your home. it had always been a familiar walk for you, but jeonghan smiled as he looked around, enjoying that, instead of a healthy meter away from him, you were right by his side. he had even asked if you wanted a cigarette when you left changyoon's, remembering what you had said about drinking making you crave them, but you had shaken your head, tugging on the strings of his hoodie, saying you had a different way of satisfying your oral fixation now, and he could only grin before he was drawn into you.
"do you…" you paused, looking over to him as you walked hand in hand, and he gave you a questioning look. "do you know of any other vampires in korea?"
"of course," he said casually. "celebrities that died young, entrepreneurs, scientists… we live long, so a lot of my kind spent the last hundred years building empires. some of the richest people in the world are vampires, korea's no exception."
you blinked, registering that fact. "so how come i ended up with a broke bum?"
"hey," he laughed, and you giggled along with him. "i enjoy my life of freedom. why do you ask?"
"i think i met one tonight," you said, and his hand clenched in yours, making you look at him.
his brows furrowed. "you saw a vampire?"
you faltered. "y-yeah. she seemed nice, though. i thought maybe she could tell i was a witch."
jeonghan said your name, and you nearly jumped out of your skin - it almost sounded foreign coming from his lips, in his voice. he stopped walking, and you turned towards him. "if you ever see another vampire, find me immediately."
you flinched. "jeonghan, you're scaring me."
"good," he said, stepping closer. "other vampires aren't like me, master. they're bloodthirsty and cold, and they won't stop once they start." his eyes were dark, brows knit together, expression stern, and you got chills with his words. "if you bleed in front of them, they won't be able to resist you, and they'll suck you dry."
you blinked at him, studying his eyes. you remembered the last time you had studied them on this street - one blood red and the other amber - but now, his amber eye had red bleeding into it, and you thought of how that had differed from the vampire you had seen tonight. you thought about how he had said his mother had red eyes, just like him. "you were part human when i met you, weren't you?"
he looked away, exhaling. "why do you have to be so into mysteries?" he asked. "it's impossible to keep things over your head."
"does that mean-" you paused, swallowing, unsure if you wanted the answer. "was there another-"
"yeah," he said succinctly. and your eyes met his before he spoke again. "there was another witch before you, but she's dead. i killed her."
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Out of Time
Oliver Wood x gn!reader
summary: Oliver keeps putting quidditch first and forgetting about you; It feels like you’re running out of time.
warnings: pet name ‘angel’? ig? and it’s sad
a/n: i’ve just been listening to blur all day and had this idea - at least i’m writing something I DONT LIKE IT ANYMORE😭
Inspired by Out of time ~ Blur <3
And watch the world spinning
Gently out of time
Tell me I'm not dreaming
But are we out of time?
You always admired and supported Oliver’s passion for quidditch; Watching every game, listening to every ramble and even ignoring all of those missed date nights. He was at practice after all. Though they stung, you let them slide.
“If we stop dreaming now, we’ll never succeed y/n!” He’d say with such vigour, such triumph, you couldn’t stay mad.
But then it started to build. Soon you were sitting in the library for hours, waiting for him, running out of time; “What are you doing in here?” Percy startled you from your light snooze, his cold prefect voice rumbling through the library.
“Sorry Percy, I was waiting for Oliver,” You replied lazily, “Have you seen him?” There was a hint of hope in your tone.
Percy sighed, his stern look softening slightly. “Last time I saw him, he was leaving the dorm— broom in hand.”
Feeling dejected, you gathered your books in your arms, “I’ll head to my dorm, sorry again.”
As you left the library you watched the clock hit 10. Out of time.
At least you’d see Oliver in the mornings, in the Great Hall; “Morning, angel” He said with a smile, a charming smile, a smile that was oblivious to the pain you had felt mere hours before. You returned the gesture, hopeful that today he wouldn’t miss your study date again.
“Date tonight, in the library, am I correct?” His sweet accent pulling you out of your slight trance, charming smile still directed at you.
“Hm? Oh! Yes, tonight,” You answered, unaware that you would be trudging back from the library at 8pm having been stood up— again.
You knocked firmly on Oliver’s door.
“Hey y/n, what are you-?” He breathed as he opened it, pausing when he noticed the book in your hand, “Oh- Angel I completely forgot! I’ve just-“
“You‘ve been so busy lately that you haven’t found the time — for me,” You weren’t entirely sure what you were saying, or what you were trying to achieve.
“I know, I’m sorry about missing tonight, I swear I’ll-“
Tonight. Just tonight.
“Oliver, do you know how many dates you’ve missed?” He stared at you blankly; You felt tears forming as you reeled off the multiple missed meet ups from that fortnight alone, though you didn’t dare let them fall yet.
“I can just feel the world spinning - I’m spinning - gently out of time,” You spoke softly, “Because of you, and I don’t think I can let it happen anymore Ollie.” Your voice broke as the tears threatened to fall.
“No- please,” He looked to you; Sympathy, sadness and hope painted his features.
“I think we’re out of time,” You suggested, taking a shallow breath in.
“Out of time?” He returned, a tear rolling down his cheek. You stepped forward to embrace him; You still admired him.
“Out of time.” You repeated, stepping away.
Perhaps he was the right person, but you caught him at the wrong time. Maybe he wasn’t the right person at all.
Whatever it was, you were out of time.
loool sad </3
ty @velvetcloxds for reading this for me
tagging; @sheraayasher and @mirclealignr ily both for asking to be tagged in stuff <3
205 notes · View notes
bluemusickid · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well 🥰 Can you I request one where Steve breaks reader's arm or leg by mistake during training and has to take care of her afterwards? Definitely won't mind if some smut is added 😅 Thank you!!
OMFGGGG MY FAV WRITER SENT AN ASK ASDFGHJKL (Also full disclosure: this has been one of my kinks for a while :P)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: slow burn (just a tad), 18+, SMUTTTT, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), did I mention NSFW? Read at your own risk.
A/N: I would like to thank @imdarkinme for sending in this AMAZING ask! She’s a doll and I’ve been a fan of her writing for so long!! I would also like to thank @donutloverxo for converting me to a Steve Stan loool. I wanted him to be a bit dark here, but in the end his dorky side won. :P Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!! Send in your requests here and you can join my taglist here (or you could just send an ask lmao)! Thanks!
I post my stuff only on AO3 and here, nowhere else. 
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The Learning Curve
You groaned as you got up from the mat, yet again. It was dumb of you to ask Captain Rogers to train with you. As a new recruit, you’d obviously wanted to impress him; he was the leader of the Avengers after all. There was only one tiny problem you forgot to factor in: the man was a Super Soldier, while you were...not.
“Come on, get up! We still have two rounds to go!” a voice bellowed from above you.
You mentally cursed at the voice. You’d tried to not let it affect you, but like many others, you had a bit of a crush on the Captain. But it wasn’t solely because of his looks, it was more about his passion to help and save and to protect. He was always so passionate, it was hard to keep away(which was a fiercely guarded secret). You felt like Icarus, when you were with him.
Getting up, you tried to block his punches, while getting in a few yourself. It was impossible, the man was a champ. You saw your opening, however, when he seemed to be distracted by someone approaching him from behind you. Seeing this as a golden opportunity to catch him off guard, you threw a punch aiming for his face. Unfortunately, he blocked the punch and pushed you, to ward you off. It seemed as if he too, forgot that he was a Super Soldier, pushing you a bit too hard.
You screamed as you fell to the ground, twisting to save your face, your arm breaking your fall. Your suspicions were confirmed as you tried to move your arm but couldn’t. Steve heard you yelp and rushed to your side, carefully inspecting your injured appendage. You squealed as he touched your arm, the pain indescribable. Steve whispered his apologies a million times, trying to haul you up by your waist, in vain. Finally, he gave up and picked you up bridal style, like you weighed nothing.
You gasped, partially out of pain, but mostly out of surprise at the sudden move. 
“Umm...Cap..tain..I..can..walk..” you stuttered, unable to keep the pain out of your voice.
He looked into your eyes and smiled, shaking his head. Oh dear lord. This man truly was gorgeous. Nearing the MedBay, he slowly placed you on the bed, his mouth tantalisingly close to yours as he lowered you onto the surface. You never realised how blue his eyes were, which at the moment were filled to the brim with anxiety and some other emotion; which you couldn’t quite place your finger on. Deciding you were probably delirious from the pain, you tried to focus on what the doctor was telling you.
“...so you’ll have to be on constant bedrest for the next two weeks before we can check again to see if you need a rod put in.” 
“Err, I’m sorry doc, what?” you mumbled apologetically, embarrassed by your thoughts.
“As I was telling Captain Rogers, you seem to have a hairline fracture in your ulna, which could require support. You need to rest and take it easy for at least two weeks. Training will have to be put on hold, and I suggest you call a family member to take care of you in the meantime.” the doctor said, scribbling notes.
“Oh, that..won’t be necessary. I can do stuff on my own, I’ll be very careful.” you said with a grimace, not wanting to seem weaker in front of Steve.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Steve said, firmly. “She’ll stay in my quarters. It’s the least I can do after breaking her arm.”
You stared at him, a million things going through your head. You and him, in the confines of a room, alone. Oh no. This was going to be torturous in more way than one.
“Oh no no no, Captain. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t like to impose. Plus, I’m feeling better already! I’m sure it’s more than manageable. Please..I..I’ll be okay, really.” you rushed, pretty sure that your voice was betraying just how fast your heart was beating.
Steve smirked. “This isn’t up for debate. Plus, I’m sure it would be easier for the others to check up on you when we’re away on missions.” he said, taking the prescription from the doctor.
You winced as he helped you up from the bed, the warmth of his hand making you hyperaware about what your life was gonna be like for 2 weeks. You sighed. It was gonna be a loooong two weeks.
You realised after a week that your worries had all been for naught. Steve was an excellent caretaker. He made sure you took all your medicines at the right time, ate properly and rested enough. He was also a thorough gentleman, always calling a lady nurse when you needed to take a shower or get dressed; really respected your boundaries. But you couldn’t deny the shift in his behaviour towards you. At first, you felt like you were reading into it too much, but then it started to get more noticeable. They were little things, but it meant so much. He would insist on having lunch with you, no matter if you were quiet or chatty; Steve always was there. He brought your favourite blanket from your chambers to make sure you felt more comfortable. At night, he would make sure you were comfortable, get you hot chocolate, maybe even sit next to you till you fell asleep. One time, he held your hand till you drifted off; but you were sure that you felt him leave a small peck on your cheek as you nodded off.
If you weren’t falling for him earlier, you sure as hell were now.
After hitting the two week mark, you went to the doctor again for a checkup. All seemed well, there was no need for a rod to be put in but the cast would have to stay on. Steve was there throughout the appointment, listening intently at everything the doctor said with his full focus. It was quite distracting and kinda hot, and you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him periodically. On one occasion, he caught your eye and grinned, catching you in the act. You wished the ground would swallow you up just then: this man fully well knew that you had a crush on him and was enjoying messing with you.
You nearly gasped as you felt his hand on your shoulder, guiding you to the lift. Something was different today. Steve seemed buoyant, which was very out of character for him.
“The nurse isn’t available today, she had some prior commitments. If it’s ok with you, I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” he said, softly. You gulped, his tone messing with your train of thought.
“Uh, that’s ok, I can manage things for a night. I’ve already imposed on you quite a bit and don’t want to create more of a hassle.”
Steve smiled. “Sweetheart, you’ve not been a hassle, trust me. It felt nice having you around, I enjoy your companionship. Just a few weeks more and you can get rid of me.” he said, with a mischievous grin. You groaned inwardly; this man was driving you nuts.
“Oh no, I really liked staying with you. You’re great company! I don’t think I want to get rid of you, ha.” you said in a flourish, mentally cursing yourself for being such a blabbering fool around him.
Steve looked at you, his eyes darkening. He stepped closer to you, opening his mouth to say something, but the elevator seemed to sense the tension rife in the air and opened at that exact moment. You both snapped out of the haze you were in with Steve beckoning you to his quarters, his hand resting softly on your back.
Back in your room, you realised you needed to take your nightly shower. You were about to call for the nurse, when you remembered that she wasn’t gonna come. Shit. You’d have to call Steve to help with your sling. Closing your eyes, you sighed before you walked to his room, praying to God that you would get through this. Just go in, get the brace off, and get out, you whispered to yourself. With that mantra in mind, you hesitantly knocked on his door. A muffled ‘come in’ reached you, and you timidly entered the lion’s den.
Steve was tinkering with the laptop, clearly engrossed in some work. You felt guilty disturbing him, but it was kind of an emergency. 
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes, I..just needed some help with my sling; I tried to take it off, but it’s not coming off. Can you..unfasten it? I’ll be out of your hair in no time..”
Wordlessly, Steve sauntered over to you, turning you around to face the wall. Softly, his fingers undid the clasp of the sling, pulling the straps off your neck, his fingers grazing over your skin gently. You jerked, surprised by the small currents you felt with these small touches. Turning you around, he helped you take your arm out of the sling, his hands accidentally brushing the sides of your breasts. You didn’t dare make eye contact with him; you were sure you would say or do something you would regret later on. 
“All done.” he whispered, his eyes not leaving yours. You realised he was merely inches away from your lips; the proximity driving you crazy.
“Thanks.” you mumbled, wanting to run out of the room.
“Are you going to bed? Do you need anything to drink?” 
“Yes, I was just gonna head to bed after my shower.”
“You can shower here. I’d be able to keep an eye on you then and you won’t have to worry about any mishaps. See? Win-win.” he said with a grin.
You were about to decline his offer but stopped when he held up his hand. “You need to stop thinking that you’re a burden on me. I like doing things for you, it makes me feel like I’m not totally alone. These two weeks have undoubtedly been one of the best weeks in my life. I like you, and I know you like me. I just want to show you how much I care for you in my own, peculiar ways.” he said, taking your hand in his, drawing patterns on your knuckles softly.
Your mind raced with all the information. You never knew Steve felt this way, he was always so taciturn. Your gaze flitted to his face, his eyes darkening the way they did in the morning. He didn’t need words to convey what his eyes said; he felt the same way you did about him.
You melted as he raised your hand to his lips, placing a kiss which felt like petals grazing your skin. Leaning down, his lips inched closer to yours, his breath tickling your face.
“Tell me if I should stop, and I will.” he whispered.
You waited a beat before making your decision. Raising your lips to his, you touched his lips slightly before murmuring, “don’t stop.”
And that was it. You were lost in the maelstrom of emotions that was Steve kissing you. It started off sweet, with Steve engulfing your lips within his, taking his time to make sure you were enjoying. It turned heated the moment you ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging on it. Steve ran his tongue over you, begging for entrance. You moaned and opened your mouth, prompting him to unite his tongue with yours, as if to memorise every inch of you. You broke apart, the need for air greater than your desire. 
He picked you up and carried you to the bed, placing you on it carefully. Being extremely careful, he pulled off your tee, eyes widening as he took in your bare chest. Kneeling in front of you, he took off your sweatpants and your underwear, leaving soft but searing kisses at every inch of skin he exposed. You sharply inhaled, already feeling yourself get wet even though he hadn’t even touched you properly.
Lowering you to the bed tenderly, he made sure your arm was resting comfortably, placing a pillow underneath the appendage. Placing his hand next to your head, he kissed you deeply, pouring every emotion he felt into that kiss. You moaned as you felt his lips trail lower, leaving kisses along your neck, laving your pulse point. Moving lower, he kissed your breasts, leaving small bites along the way. Taking a swollen nub in his mouth, he sucked on it while massaging the other, prompting you to groan and run your uninjured hand through his hair, wanting him inside you.
While he moved his attention to your other breast, he trailed his fingers down your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He finally reached his destination, his fingers soft against your wet nether region. 
“Steve, please..I need you..” you whispered in urgency. His intrepid fingers found your swollen nub and circled; gently at first, and then with more intensity. Moving lower, his digits swirled around your wet lips, before plunging into your tight channel. You gasped as he began thrusting, his knuckles bumping along your front wall, hitting your sweet spot. You had to refrain from arching your back, instead relegating to pulling his head down for a kiss. He increased his speed, adding another finger once he sensed how close you were. You shrieked as you reached your peak, breaking apart from the kiss. 
As you opened your eyes, recovering from your orgasm, you saw Steve look at you, an unspoken question in his deep blue eyes. You nodded, cupping his cheek, running your thumb over his soft, soft skin. You don’t know what power he wielded over you, but it didn’t matter. You had no qualms being caught in this spell he wove.
Shedding his clothes, he returned to his place, widening your spread legs with his torso. Sitting back on his heels, he took in your body, his gaze running over every curve, every stretch mark, every beauty spot on your body. Taking his hard member in his hand, he gave a few strokes before lowering himself, running his nose against yours. He ran his tip along your wet folds before plunging into you in one swift move. You gasped and closed your eyes, your head falling back against the pillow. He gave you time to adjust to his size, your walls snug against him. After a moment, he began moving, careful to not move your arm. He started off slow, making sure you felt every inch of him. You hooked your legs around his hips, urging him to move faster. He took the hint, his pace increasing with each thrust. The coil in your belly was tightening and you could feel yourself hurtling towards completion for the second time. Running your hand along his back, your hand made it’s way to his ass, pushing down, begging him for more. Steve held himself up, looking deeply into your eyes, as he sped up his thrusts. You could feel him within you, each thrust hitting your weak spot over and over again.
You screamed his name as you reached your peak, your legs tightening around him; wrapping yourself around him like a vine. He was close too, his thrusts now becoming frantic as he was chasing his end. Your walls contracting around him set off his orgasm as he moaned, spilling every last drop of himself inside you. You both panted, as he dropped his head on your chest, trying to catch his breath. You both stayed like that for a while as you ran your fingers through his scalp, enjoying the feel of his weight on yours. 
There were many things to talk about, sure.
But for now, this was more than enough.
Tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @donutloverxo @worksby-d @gotnofucks @imdarkinme @chris-butt @ozarkthedog
572 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 15]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, softdom!seungcheol, blowjob, cum swallowing, restraints/blindfold, daddy!kink, dirty talk, v little hair pulling, orgasm control, squirting, sex toys 😗💕 hope y’all are having a good weekend! As you can see, with this chapter comes the decided amount of chapters 😭 which means! cherry bomb ends on jan. 1st! 😭😭😭 I’m sad about it but!! excited to start the new year with some new projects too!! and I promise it won't be the last of this au either (I'll upload and talk abt a new schedule when it gets closer to time)💕💕 Thank you, as always, for your support with Cherry Bomb and I’m glad some of us have had pavlovian responses when we hear the term now LOOOL😩💕 Enjoy ch15 and have a great weekend! see u tomorrow for the last intro post! 💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - x - x - x - x - x 
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Seungcheol takes it as a blessing that he doesn’t work on the weekends.
You do your camshow on Friday and upload prerecorded content on Saturday which leaves two whole days of relaxation that the two of you enjoy.
But Monday comes quicker than you anticipate and Seungcheol drops you off to work before he heads back to the roller rink; ignoring the multitudes of texts it seems Jeongguk is sending.
I’ll be at work in 30 minutes, he thinks.
“I’ll be back to pick you up after work, baby!”
You nod back, blowing Seungcheol a kiss through the window before you turn to leave.
Seungcheol’s phone rings 3 more times, brows furrowed.
‘It can wait.’
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“Hyung, we’re in trouble… Maybe?”
Jeongguk’s big puppy eyes stare back at the older male and he can already feel the blood draining from his face at the potential reasons that the younger male would even say that. “Um… is---is this pertaining to why you tried calling like 14 times?” Jeongguk nods, tugging on Seungcheol’s shirt and pulling him in closer.
“Before you say anything… Namjoon-hyung didn’t find out, did he?”
“Find out about what?”
“That I… cam… I don’t want to get fired because I--”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes, “Listen, I’m gonna be real, I don’t think he cares. The problem is… remember that dude that came in? A couple weeks ago. Lookin’ for a job.”
Seungcheol nods slowly; trying to remember the male’s name. “Seok--something, right?” Jeongguk nods.
“Apparently, he came back, and at the right time too. Namjoon hired his ass on the spot and he starts tomorrow. I heard from Seokjin.” Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features as he stares and waits for Jeongguk to continue. “... And? How is that trouble for us?”
Jeongguk lets out an over dramatic sigh, hands on Seungcheol’s shoulders. “Nevermind, I forgot you’re making bank on those videos. I was gonna say, we might get a pay cut! Or maybe Joon-hyung’s trying to replace us but I guess that’s not a ‘you’ problem.”
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, shaking his head before patting Jeongguk’s hands.
“You’ll be okay. I don’t think anyone is coming for your concession stand job.”
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The next day when Seungcheol makes it to work, he can’t help but have a weird feeling in his gut.
Much like the time when he first met Jun, there’s an indescribable feeling bubbling up in his body that he can’t seem to shake off once he arrives at the roller rink and the sight of Jeongguk with the new employee doesn’t help to settle the feeling at all.
Just before he can make his escape, the younger male waves him over; a cheery smile plastered on his face when Seungcheol starts walking over.
“Hyung! It’s the new employee!”
So much for panicking about being replaced, Jeongguk.
Seungcheol smiles at the other male, introducing himself swiftly before extending a hand to shake. “Ah! I remember you! I’m Seokmin! I’m the same age as Jeongguk!” Seungcheol’s lips part as he nods in understanding; that had been why Jeongguk seemed so okay with it all of a sudden.
Seokmin’s eyes form crescents when he smiles and Seungcheol takes a second to do a once over of the other male; noting the pins tacked to his denim jacket. His eyes hone in on a specific one, narrowing once he realized what it was.
It’d been a while ago now, but when you’d hit 5k subscribers to your camming channel, you had made only three of the same pin, which you had raffled and only gave to three winners.
By nature, Seungcheol was one of them, and the other two were ‘xcaliburDK’ and ‘gentleman_josh95’. Seungcheol could deduce from usernames alone that this wasn’t ‘Josh’ so it only left one option left; albeit Seokmin didn’t add up to the username either.
“Hyung? Hyung, are you okay? You’re spacing out.” Jeongguk waves a hand in the elder’s face as Seungcheol shakes himself from his thoughts.
He’d just have to figure it out later.
Although, he can already feel the groan spilling from his lips.
Why was everyone popping up now?
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When he picks you up from work, later that afternoon, he can already tell something is off about you too.
You slink into the passenger’s seat of his car, quiet and a little jittery. “You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He comments, watching as you fumble with the seatbelt.
“Yeah it’s just… Can we talk about it when we get home? I think I’m still recovering from the weird experience I had earlier.”
Nodding, Seungcheol reaches over, placing his palm in yours in a means of comforting you; even just a little.
“Guess we both have had weird days, huh?”
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You can’t thank Seungcheol enough for how patient he is.
He doesn’t say a word in the car and lets you have your quiet, cool down time before you get home.
But when the lock slides into place and you finally plop down onto the bed, you know it’s finally time to have the talk that you knew was brewing.
“I met another one of my regulars at the diner today.” You mumble; beating Seungcheol to the punch of him asking.
“Weird, I think I ran into one of your regulars at the roller rink today too. He works there now, by the way.”
The two of you share an awkward laugh as Seungcheol lays down next to you; neither of you bothering to change out of your outside clothes as you bask in the oddly similar occurrences. “Wouldn’t happen to be ‘universe_WZ’ would it? He came by the diner earlier, ‘just passing through town’ he said. It was so weird though, y’know? Him and Jun kinda got along ‘cause apparently they’re born in the same year.” You smile at the memory, despite how odd it was at first. “He was quiet and Jun is very much not. I think he bailed earlier than he wanted ‘cause his ear was getting talked off. But he asked me for an autograph on the way out and some old lady stared at me. It was just… a little weird.”
Seungcheol laughs; somewhat glad that your experience hadn’t been as bad as he was expecting.
“How ‘bout you, ‘Cheol? What was that about him working with you?”
The male groans, sliding a hand down his features. “It was… somethin’ else.” You turn on your side to face him, raising a brow.
“Couldn’t be that bad, could it?”
Seungcheol laughs, but only in the way he knows that the next words out of his mouth will sound ridiculous, even to you.
“I’m not going to say who it is because I don’t want you to be extra weirded out. He’s an okay guy, very diligent about his work. But let’s just say I caught a glimpse of his wallpaper, which was you by the way. And when I asked him, ‘hey, is that your girlfriend?’, the fucker lied and said yes!”
It takes a second before you’re letting out a boisterous laugh; tears springing to your eyes at the hilarious encounter Seungcheol had experienced.
“You’re not mad!?” He comments, eyes wide as saucers as he watches you curl up in laughter. “I thought you’d be mad!” You wipe a tear from your eye, catching your breath before you turn back to Seungcheol who watches you in confusion.
“No way, that’s fuckin’ hilarious! And let’s be real, probably not the first time someone’s lied about me being their girlfriend, right? But I--he doesn’t know, does he? That you’re… y’know, ‘dom.cheol’?” Seungcheol blushes, cheeks blooming a pale pink when he thinks about it.
Would his voice be enough to give it away?
“I don’t… know? He didn’t say anything but neither did I, honestly. It was just… weird. And now I work with him so that’ll be fun. Can’t wait for him to tell me how cute his girlfriend is.” He grumbles.
“Awww, is widdol Swungcheol jealous?” You blink cutely back at him; a teasing smirk on your lips when you see him narrowing his eyes back at you.
“Watch it, brat. You know I can punish you at any time, right?”
“Try me, then~”
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Seungcheol mentally logs into his brain and waits until your Wednesday show before he makes a move.
He brings his favorite silk ties from his closet and places them on the bed while you get changed; a sly smirk on his face.
“‘Okay, ‘Cheol I’m--whoa.” You bite your lip when you step out and see the array of ties and the vibrator already sitting on the bed. “Um… I take it that these are part of the show tonight?” You end with a shy giggle; body already warm at the way Seungcheol looks at you.
“Mmhmm. For the ‘lil jealous comment you made. What was it that you said? ‘Try me, then’?” He grins in a way that you know you’re screwed and you saunter up to him in hopes of maybe pacifying him a little.
“Too late to say that I take it back?”
“Waaaay too late, baby. Now, let’s get started.”
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chwenon has donated $50
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
artist8hao: she’s so pretty with her hands tied behind her back like that
angelhan: shibari next time???
universe_WZ: she’d be so pretty all tied up
universe_WZ: rly nice seeing u btw ;)
therealchan99: where tf are all of u seeing her!?!?? I need to go out more im lackin bro
alphagyu97: its the way u walk into every set up for me
Seungcheol chuckles under his breath, reading the comments with his hand tangled in your hair and your arms tied behind your back as you work your mouth up and down on his cock.
Before the show had even started, he had quickly rearranged the setup so that the camera was angled down towards the space in front of the bed instead of where it usually faced which was on top of the bed. You were a little confused at first when he had nodded and told you to start your camshow from the rug placed underneath you but it soon made sense when he had tied your arms behind your back and made you suck him off with your knees digging into the rug and a silk tie tied into a bow around your eyes to prevent you from seeing.
“Shibari, huh? Ooh, wouldn’t it be a treat for your viewers if you did a show where you were all tied up? I’d have to start it for you, or maybe they’d like to watch the process and see how quickly I can get you to fall apart.” Seungcheol pauses; hips canting up slightly into your mouth as you swallow and gag around him. “We can make it an extra long camshow… Maybe a pay-per-view situation. They can watch you squirm and cum all night long while I keep a vibrator pressed against your clit until your cute body is trembling.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head even if Seungcheol can’t see it and you moan around his cock when you feel him throbbing in your mouth.
The sound of donations and comments is all you can go off of with your back towards the camera and your vision taken away; noting that the viewers must’ve liked the idea.
j__min has donated $150
j__min: popping in to say if u need help buying ropes, i know a guy ;)
alphagyu97: wait is this rly happening
alphagyu97: i’ll clear my schedule gentleman_josh95: yea same
xcaliburDK: i just started a new job i cant have any sick days plz… at least reupload it for me 😭😭
Seungcheol smirks when he reads that particular comment; fingertips massaging your skull when he hears you whining. “I know, baby. You wanna be fucked, huh? It isn’t nice being teased, right? So now you know how I feel~” In a blink of an eye, ‘xcaliburDK’s comment is buried and Seungcheol is thankful that you didn’t see it. He’d just have to keep it a secret for now while he played along and listened to what else Seokmin had to say about his so-called ‘girlfriend’.
You rub your thighs together; already feeling the slickness on them from how wet you already were and how long you’d been teasing and sucking his cock.
“Fuck, I could cum down your pretty ‘lil throat and then make you work for my cock. Drag your punishment out even longer than your viewers would see.” You moan around his cock in response and Seungcheol can only take it as a whiny ‘no’ before he’s pulling you off of him by the hair; soft sputters and coughs spilling from your wet lips as you catch your breath.
“But I think you’ve earned your orgasm, hmm? What do you say, princess?”
Your throat feels hoarse and your body feel obscenely hot at the way Seungcheol doesn’t seem to want to take off your restraints just yet. “Y-yes, daddy I--I want to c-cum… pl--please.”
tangerine_kwan: ahhh shes so cute
tangerine_kwan: petition for baby pink ties next time i think they suit her
sleepy_wonu: if that shibari show is happening, yes
“We’ll talk about it later, although I don’t think she’ll be opposed to it~” You furrow your brows; wondering what Seungcheok was referring to. 
You’d ask later.
Seungcheol tugs you slightly by your hair, urging you up as you slowly stand on shaky legs. You let him take the reins as he unties your arms and repositions you until you’re bent over the edge of the bed; left leg folded atop the bedsheets while your right leg keeps you upright. He keeps your blindfold on but lets you keep your arms loose; which you find out fairly quickly, is for good reason.
The buzzing of the vibrator makes you bite your bottom lip and soon enough, Seungcheol places the toy in your clammy hand.
“You’re gonna slide your hand under your body and keep that vibrator pressed against your clit while I fuck you. And you’re not allowed to cum unless I say so. Am I understood, baby?” You feel Seungcheol teasing you as he slides his cock through your soaking folds before circling the tip around your entrance.
“I expect a response when I ask you a question, sweetheart.”
“Y--yes, daddy, I--ah!”
Seungcheol grins as he slides his cock into your tight cunt; watching as you slowly sandwich your arm between your body and the bed sheets to place the vibrator against your clit. You cry out, a mess of sharp whines and jumbled words spilling off your lips with the combination of Seungcheol’s thrusts and the vibrations on your clit.
“Ngh, d--daddy! Fuck me m-more!”
Your other hand digs into the sheets, fingers tight around the fabric as Seungcheol fucks you from behind. He knows your body like the back of his hand and he quickly already has you on the verge of an orgasm despite only having started fucking you, moments prior.
“Don’t cum, princess~” Teasingly, he alternates from quick snaps of his hips that have his cock slamming into your g-spot to slow thrusts that have you remembering every groove and vein of his cock when he pulls out. And when he fucks you like this, it’s easy to forget the camera was even on and that people were watching; if not for the constant pinging of comments and donations that mix in with your moans, Seungcheol’s harsh breaths and the sound of the vibrator against your clit.
hoshi_tiger_xx: hmm but shes obv being punished and we all kno good girls dont get creampies
therealchan99: ur right,,, where should he cum then?
kitty_junjun: my votes on her tits
kitty_junjun has donated $75
sleepy_wonu: maybe all over her back and then post the pics in the private room
xcaliburDK: or raffle them!! I want them
chwenon: ooo cum in her mouth but dont let her swallow
chwenon: then u can raffle those pics or sth
Neither you nor Seungcheol are even paying attention to the comments that fly past on the screen and the only thing Seungcheol even turns slightly for, is to check to make sure he’s still properly out of frame.
He can already feel you tightening up around him and with the vibrator on your clit, he knows for a fact you won’t last much longer before you’re cumming.
“Hmm, princess, I can feel you getting so tight around me. Bet you wanna cum already, huh?”
“D-daddy, I dunno, ah, how--how much longer I can h-hold off…” You mumble; already feeling the tension in your body ready to snap at any second.
“Be a good girl. I said you earned your orgasm but you need to be patient.” You nod to the best of your ability; head feeling heavy and fuzzy as you try to stave off your orgasm for a little longer. “Y--yes, daddy…” He slows down his thrusts in order to help you a little and the soft praises that fall from his lips have the warmth blooming in your chest.
But it doesn’t last long because despite Seungcheol’s valiant efforts, you’re already too close to cumming to stop yourself when you feel the pressure building up too fast.
“Oh, d-daddy, I---I can’t, I---I can’t, I have, ah, to---to c-cum! Fuh--fuck, ‘m s--sorry!”
Seungcheol can’t even manage a word in before he feels his cock being forced out of your pussy and the wetness that squirts all over his cock and lower half. Loud cries and whines are all you can manage in the thrums of pleasure and the grip you have on the vibrator only tightens as you grind against the toy to ride out your high.
Seungcheol takes the time to wrap a hand around his cock as he strokes himself; body turned halfway towards the laptop to see what everyone was saying.
hoshi_tiger_xx: uh ohhh pretty baby came without permission
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
hoshi_tiger_xx: donation for squirting tho
alphagyu97: ugh look at her cute lil hole begging to be filled up
angelhan: bet she’s feeling empty rn huh
Your soft mewls have Seungcheol turning back to face you; eyes trained on your twitching body when the pleasure starts to ebb away and the overstimulation from the vibrator starts to bite. “Daddy… the---the, mmh, toy…”
“You can turn it off, sweetheart.” His tone is clipped and you already know you’re in for it once you manage to find the switch on the silicone toy. You turn it off and slide your hand from underneath you; palms flat against the sheets as you sniffle.
“I--I’m really s-sorry, I--I couldn’t--”
“I want you on your knees again, princess.”
Nodding shakily, you ease your bent leg down as you maneuver yourself onto your knees; hands already searching for Seungcheol before you hear his small ‘ah, ah, ah’s.  “Hands behind your back and tongue out, baby.” You follow his orders as you clasp your hands behind your back and diligently open your mouth and stick your tongue out as far as you can.
He brings his cock towards your face, tapping his cock head against your tongue before he starts to jerk himself off over your mouth and face. “I gotta hand it to you, princess. At least you apologized.” Seungcheol laughs under his breath, “But next time though? I won’t even let you have my cock.”
You whimper in return, brows furrowed under the silk tie.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum all over this pretty face.” His grip on his cock tightens and he thrusts into his palm quicker as he chases his high. “Don’t worry. I’ll take pretty pictures of your cum stained face.”
Seungcheol groans as he feels the coil in his body snapping and not a second later do you feel warm rivulets of cum hitting your cheeks and your tongue. Some of it manages to catch on the silk tie as you moan. The donations and comments pour in like water as Seungcheol continues to cover your face in cum and for the umpteeth time, you’re reassured that this was a path that worked out for you.
It was so silly that you’d thought of quitting camming earlier. 
Although, you never brought it up to Seungcheol.
In actuality, there were quite a few things that you’d never brought up to Seungcheol.
“Fuck…” He mutters from above you and it’s enough to bring you out of your thoughts as you hold still. Seungcheol takes the hint, using a sticky cum covered hand to reach for his phone to snap pictures of you; he’d just clean it up later.
“Say cheese~” He laughs, taking a couple photos before tossing his phone onto the bed as you draw your tongue back into your mouth and swallow down the warm salty substance that managed to hit your tongue.
Seungcheol helps you up from the floor, pouting when he sees how red your knees have gotten. “Hmm, think I need to take care of my princess after this.” He helps take your blindfold off and you’re quick to blink the fogginess away as  you try to focus on Seungcheol’s face before peering over to the laptop’s screen.
Your cheeks burn hot at the cum that still stains your cheeks when you see  yourself but the comments that flood in calling you pretty make you giggle.
“Ooookay. I think daddy is gonna get all cleaned up and I’ll wrap up here?” You check in with Seungcheol, who shoots you a nod and a small thumbs up before slinking completely out of the camera’s view.
“Okay guys, now what were you all talking about while I was on my knees?”
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You get out of the shower feeling refreshed; tossing on a loose shirt before skipping out of the bathroom.
Seungcheol is cozied up on the sofa, waiting on the food that the two of you had ordered right after you ended your show. “‘Cheollie~” He turns to you as you plop down next to him and he’s quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders as he tugs you into his side.
“Feeling better?”
“Mmhmm~ A ‘lil sleepy but I can go for that food and then sleep.”
The two of you share a laugh, eyes focused on the movie that plays on the TV. “Say…” You start, “Someone asked a good question in the comments after you stepped out.” You gulp; palms a little clammy.
You just had to know.
“Yeah? Was it about the shibari camshow again?”
“No, actually…” You take a deep breath, telling yourself it’d be okay regardless of what he said.
“Seungcheol, am I your girlfriend?”
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Jercy and 12 please <3
loool that’s a well-fitting one--
12: an incredibly loud and painful high-five
Part of what had brought them first together was the compatibility of their powers. That day they had brewed a storm with each other. Rain and thunder and lightning. It had been electric, pun so very much intended by the both of them. There were few who could match either of them in powers, which led to them more often going all out with each other when they sparred. Because to train, they needed someone who could hold their own ground. With most sparring partners, they had to hold back to avoid serious injuries. But with each other? There was no holding back.
It was pure and raw and a literal natural disaster (on more than one occasion had Annabeth come screaming at them because they had accidentally caused a heavy storm that had done actual damage to camp). They didn't mean to, they just had so much fun sparring. Swords, hand-to-hand, powers.
Percy was singed and shirtless – lightning had hit him earlier and his shirt had caught fire, so he had to quickly get rid of it (he was 95% sure that Jason had done that on purpose to get him out of his shirt. Jason didn't deny it, he just grinned smugly). Jason all the while was soaked to the bone, which was also a very good look, because his shirt was nearly see-through at this wetness, nicely clinging to his chest. And yes, Percy had absolutely done that on purpose, both the drenching his boyfriend and the picking a white shirt for Jason to wear today.
“Do you give up, Grace?” Percy's voice was a husky whisper, his throat raw after hours of fighting.
“As much as I love having you on top like this, Perce-” Jason started and rolled them over, effectively pinning Percy onto the ground. “-I also love having you beneath me.”
He knew that and he also knew how to use that to his advantage, because Jason was so weak for him. Controlling the water that had gathered after the last rain show he had summoned, he formed it into large hands and just lifted Jason off himself. The blonde blinked surprised and then laughed, tense muscles relaxing and indicating that they were done for the day. Percy released the water and let his boyfriend down once more. When he approached him, Jason already had his hand raised high for a high-five and, as excited and enthusiastic as his boyfriend, Percy slapped his hand against Jason's. Only that Jason was slightly over-excited – and in that case, he sometimes lost control, especially after a long, exhausting fight of using their powers. As their hands collided, thunder accompanied the sound – and electricity went from Jason over into Percy, making him buzz.
“Stop electrocuting your boyfriend,” requested Percy, trying to smooth his hair back down.
“I'm sorry, babe!” Jason put on the most apologetic puppy-pout as he kissed Percy.
“Yeah, yeah,” Percy huffed out a fond laugh. “Let's get showered and you can make it up to me.”
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leavaloo · 5 years
Yo i'm back and i can't get enough of raihan loool. If you don't mind, can i request raihan proposing to his s/o please? Thanks and keep up all the good work!! :)
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Pfft, what a cute idea~
This was not how Raihan was expecting this to go.
As he nervously thumbed the tiny box in his hoodie pocket, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pledge his entire life to you, every possible time that he might be able to do it was interrupted. His initial plan was to propose to you outside of the Hammerlocke stadium, where he had staked his entire career on battling, but that was so rudely broken up when a swarm of fans quickly followed Leon and his brisk stride. Apparently Leon was just “in the area” and wanted to “talk about the upcoming season”, prompting Raihan to note that he would “kick his ass into a pile of rubble” and that Leon “didn’t stand a single god damn chance.”
Leon just laughed it off, proceeding to not understand that the death glare Raihan was sending his way was borderline serious. You just snicked at Raihan’s side, cuddled up close beside him and enjoying the continuous banter between the two. The dragon had to admit, even though he was annoyed, your cute snorts were a gift from god.
Finally, you two got some peace and quiet to sit down and eat at the local dinner. Just as you two had finished your meal, and Raihan started to work up the courage to get down on one knee again, Hop came bursting through the door.
“Raihan! There you are!” he practically squealed. Raihan was about ready to punch the kid, but he put on a fake smile for him.
“Hey Hop, what can I do for you?”
“I can’t find my brother, do you know where he is?”
This single question lead to a four hour escapade to find Leon, who had somehow gone from Hammerlocke to Stow-in-Side. You were smiling and holding hands the whole way, totally okay with being dragged along in Raihan’s gym leader duties. Even if those duties consisted of finding the unbeatable champ.
With the sun glinting beautifully off of the warm and weathered rocks in Stow-in-Side, at the broken mural was when he tried again. But from behind him, Bede called out to him, Piers in tow. Marnie was apparently going to have a concert, and they wanted to ask if the two of you wanted to come. Raihan would have said no if you weren’t so excited to see her perform.
The concert was great, and a lot of people he knew were there, and the same went for you. You and Marnie ended up getting into a long winded conversation before Bede pulled Raihan aside for a seemingly meaningless conversation. Raihan could see it in the little punks face that he was onto Raihan’s emotions, and was simply toying with him at that point. But at that point, Raihan just felt defeated.
As he stepped outside to get some fresh air, the chilly air of Spikemuth gave him a little bit of clarity. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, leaning against the cold metal. He had been trying so much today. So much so that it felt like some force was trying to fight his decision. That thought process was broken off by the sudden feeling of warmth from his torso, and you had cuddled into his chest.
Your eyes were closed, a happy expression on your face, and grip tight. Raihan chuckled a little, holding you close. “Sorry...” he started. He wasn’t able to finish it with the tears threatening to pool from his eyes.
“Don’t be, Raihan. I had fun.”
Raihan just breathlessly laughed. “Fun, huh? How so? It just seemed like a lot of running around and what not.”
“I’ve never had a proper family before,” you said, snuggling closer into his chest. “So all of this running around, with you at my side through the whole thing... It made me feel like I really belonged here. It really honed in on the fact that I never want to leave.”
“...Would you want a real family?” Raihan quietly asked into your ear.
The question took you by surprise, causing you to let go for a little bit. Raihan took that opportunity to finally pull out the ring and kneel down. The audible gasp is what made everyone look towards the two of you, causing a surprised silence to fall over the crowd.
The ring was beautiful, made with real gold for the interwoven leaves that made the binding, with two dragons spiraling around it, only meeting in the middle with two, pure gems in their mouths. One was an amethyst, and the other was a sapphire.
“...Yes! Y-Yes of course!” Tears streamed down your face, and a smile that Raihan had never seen before made his own tears wet his cheeks. You tackled him, and he picked you up, spinning you around. For once, Raihan didn’t want to take a picture of this moment. He just wanted to hug his new fiance tightly in his arms for the rest of the night. Though, he failed to think of the amount of people who caught that on camera, and for the rest of the night, his social media page was going nuts.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 244: Have You Read This Book
Previously on BnHA: Deku visited his mom on New Year’s Eve and was all “here’s a new letter from my ever-expanding fanclub of adorable preschoolers whom I saved from trauma” and Inko was all, “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU IZUKU I FEEL LIKE I DON’T HAVE TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE” because she doesn’t watch the news at all or keep track of ominous plot developments I guess. The next morning, a.k.a. New Year’s Fucking Day, while other kids their age visited shrines or sat at home watching TV, Izuku, Shouto, and Katsuki were bussed off to go be child soldiers at Endeavor’s hero agency. Katsuki was all “HEY ENDEAVOR YOU’RE KIND OF A DICK,” and Endeavor was all “SHOUTO IS THIS VULGAR AND PUGNACIOUS YOUTH REALLY YOUR FRIEND” and Shouto was all “TOO LATE DAD, YOU SAID!!” and Endeavor hmmphed and booked it out of there and the kids all followed him and there was this old dude with a beard floating around screaming about END TIMES!! and Hawks was there and, what?? Seriously does anyone actually know what’s going on?
Today on BnHA: Endeavor chases down the old man (who may in fact be an actual prophet, though? Horikoshi what games are you playing) and sets him on fire and tackles him and it’s all very violent. Hawks then appears out of nowhere and breaks up BakuDeku’s tag team effort all “SAVE IT FOR THE MOVIE YOU TWO!” and is then all “hi Shouto” and “hi, you must be Midoriya, Tokoyami told me all about you, I wanted to work with you too, BUT -- [stares off angstily into the distance].” Then, because I forgot that Hawks never shuts up, he’s all, “Hey Endeavor have you ever heard of this book, ‘Paranormal Liberation Front’? Don’t let the really dumb-sounding title put you off, it’s actually a rousing tale full of hidden clues about all the bullshit I’m actually up to. I highlighted the relevant portions if you can’t be assed to read it, well anyways, Hail Hydra.” “Well that was a strange conversation,” Endeavor thinks to himself as he stares uncomprehendingly into the void. Sob someone please help them why are they so bad at this oh god.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so thanks to that little stunt Horikoshi pulled two weeks ago, our chances of finding out Bakugou’s hero name any time within the next dozen chapters are slimmer than ever. probably he’ll reveal it at the end of the arc instead. it’s like he doesn’t even care about the databook. whatever I’ll have plenty of time to sulk more about it after I get to readin’
anyway the title of the new chapter is “Recommendation”, so... actually that does sound fairly promising, though? am I just eternally doomed to get my hopes up? is this referring to Shouto pestering his dad to take on his two best friends as fellow interns? what’s going on here
anyway so we’re opening with this
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I love that it’s the two supposed goody-two-shoes kids who are actually being vocal about blatantly disregarding Endeavor’s orders. Shouto is just not having it to begin with, whereas Deku at least is trying to rationalize his own reckless behavior. Katsuki meanwhile is too focused on doing this fancy kick move to switch his suitcase from his left hand to his right to bother talking right now. reminds me of him playing with the soccer ball as a youngling
also the fact that his case is number 17 and Deku’s is number 18. have I talked about this before? I think I have but it was with some other numbered thing. anyways love the symbolism of him trying to stay one step ahead of him and Deku always being right on his heels. or maybe I’m reading too much into it but anyways rivals, yay
damn Endeavor is really determined to get ahead of them though
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uh oh Horikoshi how much action did you pack into this chapter. starting to run out of time to finish all your panels again huh. you had a whole extra week! how fucking insane is this arc going to be holy shit
anyways Endeavor way to leave your brand new interns behind minutes after meeting them for the first time smdh. this is exactly how it went down with Hawks and Tokoyami
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okay so like, I know a flash fire is an actual thing, but for a second I started wondering if in this kind of context (with him speeding off), it might also be a reference to the DC hero. then I remembered that the name of Endeavor’s technique is different in Japanese and the pun probably doesn’t translate. ah well
anyways dude is fast. but I wouldn’t count the kids out yet, they’re all pretty fast too!
so now we’re back downtown with Old Man Doom And Gloom, and oddly enough it seems that this isn’t actually an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence?
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fucking quirk society. you guys are just so desensitized to the most bizarre fucking things. but I guess we in the 21st century are hardly ones to talk ourselves sigh
anyway now he’s being a bit more extra than usual and they’re starting to worry
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?? the fuck is that? that sure as hell isn’t Hawks or Endeavor lmao. IF IT’S SLIDIN’ GO I SWEAR TO GOD
or wait, is it still the old man talking? should I actually be paying attention to his ramblings, my bad
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is that a fucking Spirit Bomb
(ETA: in truth this is the most badass attack name that has ever existed or will ever exist and I should give it its proper due actually.)
so now I guess he’s hurtling it at them??
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...hold up one sec
“revelations from the universe, I have received. flee, flee good citizens. the Dark Lord’s lips curl into a wicked crescent” -- holy shit, this all tracks?? IS THIS DOOMSDAY CRACKPOT MOTHERFUCKER ACTUALLY RIGHT ON THE FUCKING MONEY HOLY SHIT. ARE YOU A WITCH GOOD SIR. DID YOU WRITE A BOOK OF HIGHLY ACCURATE AND DEVASTATINGLY WITTY PROPHECIES BY ANY CHANCE
“the end is nigh! the wicked stars are conspiring against us! we must stop them! the earth is on the verge of being engulfed by darkness! flee, my fellow citizens! I am the one who shall destroy this source of darkness! be revealed! servants of the dark lord, come forth!”
okay listen. if he’s aiming this fucking thing at Hawks, though, after a speech like that? fuck it, I’m a believer. I’m sorry old man, I wrote you off without a second thought and here you are being the only one who’s actually like “HELLO!!!? PEOPLE!!!? THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!!?! THEY HAVE AN ARMY!!? AND NOUMUS!??! FUUUUUUUUCK”
and I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but those are some legit-ass universe revelations. fucking even talks about the “Dark Lord” specifically only describing his lips. because he doesn’t have anything else to describe nowadays, face-wise. shit that is spooky
anyway so that sure was unexpected. let’s see what shenanigans Master Roshi here is gonna get himself into next
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did my boy just get fucking flashfired. jesus Endeavor show some fucking mercy
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someone want to explain to this man the concept of a proportionate response? anyone? ...
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fucking Todorokis I swear to god. if they weren’t all so good at being amazing superheroes, they could easily fall back on a career of being dramatic bitches for hire instead
anyways when did Endeavor change his clothes. this dude was wearing a turtleneck and slacks thirty seconds ago. did he literally just burn them off. how. what. fucking plot holes left and right
lol imagine if like on the next page the interns finally catch up and they’re like holding his fucking jacket and looking peeved
-- holy fucking shit, Endeavor
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not cool, dude!! what the fuck. this isn’t a fucking Noumu for fuck’s sake THAT IS A HUMAN PERSON
(ETA: I guess he ended up being okay, but shit, for a moment it looked like we were going full blown Raiders of the Lost Ark over here. anyways the moral of this story is that Endeavor is terrifying, fuck.)
so now of course Nostradamus is trying to get the fuck out of there, because if he sticks around Endeavor apparently has no qualms about burning him alive. fuck me Endeavor, I’m still rooting for your redemption arc my dude, but tbh if Dabi happens to pop up out of nowhere here looking for some revenge I’m not gonna say no to it right now. quit burning people alive!!
so now 12/21/2012 is zooming down an alley and Endeavor is zooming after him and telling some extra with a sword to stay and lead the evacuation
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Endeavor have you flown yourself right into a trap?
oh my god what the fuck is this
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it’s like Dabi VS the Liberation Army all over again. fucking check all these motherfuckers who apparently want to get themselves deep fried. this one guy really thinks he’s going to clock the Number One with a piece of fucking PVC pipe
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LOOKS LIKE WE GOT OURSELVES A RUCKUS, BOYS! you better believe I have the Powerpuff Girls theme song playing in my head right now
-- !!!
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pour one out for these poor sobs who somehow got themselves caught up in an accidental pincer attack between the dynamic fucking duo and fucking Angry Bird here. where the fuck is Shouto btw. or is he the one that got stuck carrying Endeavor’s jacket
loool look at Hawks out here making friends
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oh my god though you guys look at this??
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1. Bakugou and Deku IN PERFECT SYNC, not even thinking about it. just effortless. that was an amazing tag team thing you guys had going on before SOMEONE stepped in and ruined it all omg. do you want me to talk to Hawks for you. I’ve been meaning to discuss some other things with him anyway so it’s not like it’d be going out of my way. can you believe this fucking pigeon blocked my number. WHERE IS JEANIST YOU BASTARD
anyways 2. “I thought Endeavor might have been in a tough spot” that’s a funny way of saying “I was lonely and missed my angry arson dad”! and fucking look at this ridiculous bantering between them. “did it look like I was in a tough spot?” I FUCKING CAN’T YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP
and 3. Shouto just watching. is he impressed by his dad? or just trying to figure out whether Hawks is his dad’s adopted son or boyfriend. I’m pretty sure it’s the former, Shouto, but I don’t blame you for being confused, Hawks just has that kind of energy with everyone
oh my god
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somebody arrest this man. I can’t fucking deal with your cheeky fucking face Hawks
is Skeptic getting all of this?? are they sitting there with bowls of popcorn back at the League of Pliff HQ trying to figure out whether Endeavor and Hawks are dating
...and shit, I just realized the League officially knows now that the disaster trio is interning with the number one. so that’s fucking great. not that it would have been a secret for long, but still, things are officially starting to get real. in hindsight, after the Kamino arc we had a nice long stretch of chapters in which Deku, Kacchan, and Shouto were not in immediate danger from the main fucking villains, so that was nice while it lasted I guess. those days will soon be behind us
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fucking shit Hawks could you be any more ominous. oh my god this arc really is going to kill me
so now we’re cutting away to somewhere. Pliff?
-- oh, nope, still in the same place, we just fast-forwarded to the part where the police came to haul all the bad guys away
and now the manga is being all clever and foreshadowing-y and would you look at this
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BUT IS HE TALKING ABOUT ENDEAVOR, OR HAWKS omg. or hell, he could even be talking about Deku. or AFO even though he’s not actually there. point is, you know he’s not actually wrong. but what is he actually trying to tell us ahhhhhh Servant of the Stars please reveal your secrets
(ETA: in all seriousness you guys, I’m fully down for counting this as a prophecy. it’s already canon that future-seeing quirks are a thing, so. the only problem is that this is some Game of Thrones-level ambiguity as far as who he’s actually talking about. it seriously could be anyone. anyways at least we’ve got some shiny new theory material to play around with here so that’s nice.)
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how does every single person Deku meets not greet him this way?? I sure as hell would. “well if it isn’t the kid who just. fuckin blew up his own hands on live television, multiple times. salutations”
anyways where’s Katsuki, the boy whose previous hero mentor you murdered in cold blood but he doesn’t actually know that yet. when are we gonna start in on that?
Hawks says he’s heard about Deku from Tokoyami. and he even says he would have liked to work with Deku too, wow. that’s high praise
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is this entire arc just going to consist of Hawks saying cryptic things with double meanings known only to him and then glancing sideways at the camera all broodingly omg
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Katsuki’s natural instinct to dislike 100% of newcomers on sight might work out to his advantage here. Hawks’s maxed-out Charisma stats VS Katsuki’s middling Perception stats which nonetheless have a tendency to land high whenever he performs an ability check! I might need to back off from this metaphor though before it becomes really obvious that I don’t actually play D&D
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omg Endeavor can’t a guy just drop in on his grumpy pal out of the blue to make sure he’s doing okay without having some sort of ulterior motive? why are you so sure that Hawks showing up means that plot must be happening. because you’re not wrong, is the thing. but he’s probably just being standoffish for show
holy shit and now Hawks is just pulling out the Liberation Army’s book just like that?? IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT
(ETA: “let’s see, what’s a subtle way I can try and clue Endeavor in on the fact that I’ve become an undercover agent in the Paranormal Villain League of Liberation Front Armies. ... ...shit I’m not good at this.”)
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and since when was this book called “Paranormal Liberation Front”?? did they change the title to match the new name?
and what’s Hawks’s game here, though? is he going to play it as though he’s secretly investigating Pliff? you know, like he actually is doing? is this some kind of hiding in plain sight thing or what
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guys. is Hawks just... actually really bad at being a secret agent. omg
so he’s all “DESTRO’S IDEALS ARE EVERYTHING WE COULD ASK FOR” and lol what. fucking look at Endeavor’s face though
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this motherfucker could use a boost of his own wisdom stats, fff
(ETA: swear to god he’s two seconds away from a Katsuki-style “hah?!”)
oh my god
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fucking fuck me. he better have highlighted a really obvious section of that book, because otherwise I’m not gonna hold out hope for this message getting across at all. at least we know what that “recommendation” title was referring to now I guess
(ETA: Endeavor: [reading the highlighted section backwards] “‘‘it’s fun to smoke marijuana’!? what in the --”)
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at least Endeavor now has some nerdy interns who fucking love to read. hell, Deku has probably already read the book. please help this dumb jock to understand his bird son’s coded message, Deku-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope
and that’s the end of the chapter! except that I heard there was a new poster for Heroes Rising that was released as well! how come it wasn’t included here now I have to go hunt it down
son of a bitch is this really the best quality that’s available? damn
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well all right. not really much going on here that’s a big revelation or anything, aside from the surprise inclusion of Hawks in the upper right hand corner. did we know he was going to be in this? and like, even if the anime does make it as far as his debut in season 4, will it have reached that point by the time the movie premieres in December? glad I caught up beforehand if they’re gonna start spoiling things like this
so that’s all she wrote for this week! databook is due out next week so that should be fun! we’re finally going to get Hawks’s real name from what I understand. so I can start yelling at him using his full name like a disappointed mom. I have a feeling that’s going to come in handy a lot during this arc. go to your room young man
(ETA: and just watch it be the Japanese equivalent of “Judas McMurder” or some shit. smh. y’all. we stan a shady bitch.)
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Moth Work Intro + False Idol | Writing Update
Hey People of Earth! 
Today I thought I’d do a writing update on a project I’ve mentioned a lot in my vlogs but haven’t mentioned as of yet on here! This is a personal ‘passion project’ that I’ve been picking away at since January and have recently taken on as my transition project from Rewired to my next book.
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So yee! MOTH WORK (or ‘boys on a boat’ for those who keep up with the vlogs lols) has been my current project for the last few weeks since finishing REWIRED. I didn’t really mean to expand it as much as I have as it simply started off as a spinoff story of my boys Lonan and Harrison which I write every few months when I’m having a breakdown and need something to cheer me up. :-)
I’ve mentioned a few of these stories in the past (like Fishbowl and Mandarin), though this story is a bit different, as I’ve expanded it quite a lot more than I intended to! If you aren’t super caught up with Rewired, I’d definitely scroll through a few of my last updates so this one will make more sense! 
What’s it about? 
Moth Work is a FOSTERED spinoff story following Lonan and Harrison (dumb+dumber) at the peak of their relationship. I *was saying* that the plot went loosely as follows: after finding a photograph of a woman in Lonan’s father’s dark room, they set out to find her, HOWEVER, because I never stick to plans, I have yet to follow through with this main plot thread, lol. Vaguely, I’d just say the most important part of this story is their relationship at its most fragile because who is plot I don’t know her. 
Moth Work follows the events after REWIRED, and is a bit of a bridge between it and the next book. This makes it kind of hard to explain because a) it’s in a different POV, and b) context, but hopefully that makes sense! In essence: Lonan + Harrison’s relationship is big sad and Harrison tries to make it less big sad and it gets even more big sad. 
I’ll share a very quick profile of both of the boys so there’s some context for the following excerpts I’ll share!
My boy
Generally very outgoing, tho around Lonan this fizzles. Only wants the best for Lonan despite their history. He’s the ‘main’ narrator of the piece (third limited to him though I’m guilty of head hopping lol), so the work has a softer tone than I’m used to. Though Harrison tries to be a Macho Man, around Lonan he’s most himself--mellow, a lil stupidly romantic, and vulnerable. 
My problematic son/probably should be cancelled 
The “issue” in the relationship loool. He’s emotionally immature and lacks accountability, but because of his past, lacks the ability to recognize these faults and work on them. Because of this, he’s fundamentally stayed the same for the last few works he’s been in (if not gotten worse). Lonan requires a lot of emotional assistance, though he isn’t self-aware enough to recognize this. This is often the cause of much conflict. 
Like I mentioned, I often write short spinoff stories following these boys because it’s a safe happy place for when I’m feeling stressed. This is basically how this piece started, though I’ve continued it for different reasons which I’ll get into. I don’t remember how the first scene was brainstormed, but I do know when I started writing this a few months ago, I wanted it to be a lot longer than my previous stories--a place where I could just dump my writing, even when it wasn’t good. I think I did this to cope with the stress of my writing class honestly, lol, I think I needed a break from ‘serious’ writing AKA a place I could just goof off and have some fun. 
The writing bit: 
Writing this story has been a bit inconsistent. I’ve been drafting it in little pieces since the beginning of the year, and only recently picked it up as more of a ‘full-time’ work. This is subject to change depending on whether or not I get more of book 7 done. I’ve gone from writing 20 words a day to 0 to 1000--there’s really no consistency with the drafting process here. 
I have recently decided that I’ll most likely expand this into either a novella or novel itself because there is literally so much tea left to explore and it’s surpassed 10k words. Drafting Moth Work has been so helpful in easing me back into the world of FOSTERED and piecing together the huge time gap from the end of book 6 to the start of book 7. I’ve been a bit anxious to really dive into book 7 for the fear of the unknown, so inching myself closer to that timeline through this project has been very helpful!
The editing bit:
I recently did an edit around the line level for this entire piece (it’s about 12k words right now) because a) it really needed it b) I was losing steam/starting to get embarrassed and c) I needed a refresher of what had happened because je suis tres forgetful. This edit made me feel so much better about the project. It initially started off as a work where the writing didn’t actually matter and this mentality was working until I got so embarrassed of the prose I found it difficult to read through old scenes to refresh myself and thus couldn’t productively draft. 
This project isn’t written exactly in my usual style--it’s pretty stripped back and actually reminds me a lot of how my style would’ve been in book 3 had I been a better writer four years ago lol. I think the looser style works for the voice/the story itself but I def wouldn’t categorize this as litfic (what I usually write). Although the prose isn’t very complex, it took me a really long time to get comfortable enough to edit?? But once I got into the rhythm of it a few days ago, I completed the edit fairly quickly, and I’m 100% feeling better about the project overall! Though the prose is still not my top priority I’m not as embarrassed of it currently lols. 
I also divided the project into chapters because it was getting pretty long to just be one mass of text. I currently have 3 chapters. This update will cover chapter 1. 
Yo this is literally the best part of writing this project, lol, I get to listen to so much different music?? I’ve made a comprehensive playlist for this story with a character by character breakdown (if anyone wants to see that/highlights, let me know!). This playlist pulls from every song from my library, so we span genres and artists like crazy. Nothing But Thieves has been the primary artist for this story (specifically their self-titled album). These songs (all NBT oop) are the most relevant if you want to get the general tone lol (anything with a star has explicitly inspired the project):
Excuse Me*
Honey Whiskey*
Tempt You (Evocatio)*
If I Get High (II)
Lover, Please Stay*
I Was Just A Kid*
Get Better
Hell, Yeah*
Reset Me
Number 13
I don’t have *many* because prose hasn’t really been a top priority for this project, but I’ll try to include at least one per scene. 
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This is one of the opening paragraphs from chapter one which I’ve titled ‘False Idol’. In short, the chapter follows the boys first attempting to destroy the dark room and then getting distracted and eventually not pulling through after Harrison finds a picture of Ominous Lady. 
The chapter’s chronology is wild so we can break it up as follows:
Scene A
The boys enter the dark room with the intention of burning it down
Harrison reaches for his lighter and drops it which prompts him to find the photograph of Ominous Lady
Him and Lonan mildly argue about Ominous Lady until Lonan takes it too seriously and throws a tantrum :-DD
Scene B
Not really a full scene, just a bridge between scene A and C.
Harrison has been waiting for Lonan to return to their campsite for the entire day and he decides to at the very last moment
“hey so i’m unable to apologize for anything but also! cigarette! let’s share it! lungs!” 
Scene C
The boys exercising their canoeing skills
This leads us to our first “beat”.
Lonan interrupts Harrison’s peaceful evening by having a mild crisis
This takes place right after the events of Lolita, Lolita (chapter 16 of REWIRED). We then jump back to the fictive present.
 This alternates like 5 more times lol then the chapter is done!
The following excerpt describes their entry into the dark room. Don’t know how smart it is to be smoking in a room full of highly flammable material but we out here.
I don’t think she’s particularly special but I also don’t hate her so!! hoping an aesthetic photo will make it read better :’)) I ! don’t ! think ! it does ! but !
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Harrison shoulders the door first, traps it open with the clip of his boot. Dust and streaks of light rake behind him as he pushes through cardboard boxes, mountains of photo paper on the ground. Lonan follows silently, still wearing Harrison’s jacket. Trails of smoke from his cigarette catch in the negatives hanging by the clothespins, chemical peel between the layers of ink. In one hand he tends to his cigarette, and in the next, lugs in the canister of gasoline they found in the cabin’s cellar. As Harrison fumbles for his flashlight, Lonan sets it down by the table so it sloshes like the Pacific. 
This is a bit of when Harrison finds the photograph of Ominous Lady:
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He turns the photograph over, and shines the flashlight on it. It’s scratched and developed wrong, little bits of orange obscuring the woman’s face, but it’s very much a woman. A dark bob and bangs in her eyes, jewelry hanging from her septum. Sunshades enough to reflect the European street behind her. The discreet jet of ink on her skin, blues and greens peeking out from under her sleeve. Izzy, he recognizes. Lonan’s mother. 
Nudging Lonan with an elbow, “I didn’t know your mom has tattoos.” 
Lonan takes the photograph cautiously, holding it by the corners like it’ll burn him. His brow trembles, but it takes him only seconds to say, “That’s not my mom.” He takes the flashlight from Harrison and examines it closer, fingers nimble and tracing the edges. In the grey light of the dark room, he looks nullified. Just a monochromatic hum of chromosomes and skin. 
that’s not my MOM
After the boys find the photograph, Lonan gets triggered at Harrison’s suggestion to find the woman (he presumes her to be someone involved with his father) and promptly has a tantrum and exits. This leads us into the next scene where the boys! actually! get! on! boat! In this scene Lonan tries to say sorry for his tantrum by offering Harrison a cigarette (lol) and because Harrison is hopelessly romantic and also hopelessly dumb, says yeeeees sir! They go for a canoe ride on the water. Thought it was going to be sweet, ended up being a shitstorm but!
This paragraph is kind of toast but:
The canoe isn’t hard to get into the water. After a few nudges from the dock into the slow dip of tide, it stabilizes easily. Harrison is convinced it will capsize but Lonan knows it won’t. They take one ore each, and ignore the life jackets at the back of the shed.
The moon is large and mesmerizing. As Harrison and Lonan take turns pushing the canoe into the water, mast first, then its entire belly, it colours them silver. Lonan’s protected the cigarette in the pocket of his shirt. Harrison stares at its faint outline stretched under the fabric. Lonan steps into the canoe first, rocking with the current, and extends a hand for Harrison. He pulls him in and they row until the cabin is the size of a fingernail, the wave steady and dense. Each cut of the paddle feels like plunging a scalpel into flesh and Harrison watches Lonan do it easily. In the distance, the cabin doesn’t look so menacing. Reeve has left the lamp on by the loft, and it glimmers back like an eyeball, effervescent and tiny. Nothing but a reflective penny in the distance.
Here’s some Harrison being lame:
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The water laps at the base of the canoe, and Ris reaches over and touches it like it’s holy. He makes the sign of the cross and it feels perverse, cold water dripping from forehead to chin.
For a while it’s quiet. Just the distant hum of crickets, the slash of the paddle, and the off-chance flash of something in the distance; an animal, a flashlight. Ris tries not to think about Lonan’s dad, like a dead man slithering through the water, following their boat. He picks at a saltine, sucks it between his tongue meditatively. Against the sky, Lonan is backlit and lovely and flecks of his hair peek up from around the jacket’s collar. Harrison wonders if as a child, everyone said he looked just like his father. 
On top of lacking accountability, Lonan is also a professional canoeist so he takes over while Harrison eats saltines and reminisces about an encounter they had weeks prior. This leads into the solid chunk of backstory that I weirdly jump in an out of for the entire chapter. :)
Backstory consists of drunk Lonan having a crisis while Harrison tries to have a peaceful evening of taping up his drawings to his bedroom ceiling. The following excerpt describes the moment right after Lonan enters the room.
Harrison’s lips secured around his cigarette, his hand mid-air with packing tape and line drawings of the moon. A tinny country song dribbled through the radio. The minute-meal he’d heat up in the microwave lying forgotten and cold on his desk. Harrison set the pile of drawings down and turned off the music.
“Emily left?” Lonan asked. He kept his face upward, stared clumsily at the ceiling. Harrison watched his eyes trace the new drawings, following the uncalculated pattern. 
This paragraph is made up of 5 similes and this is the only reason I’m sharing it :)))):
Lonan has stopped paddling. The canoe sits in the middle of the lake, lifeless, like a bone in the water. He’s turned so Harrison can see him in profile, and Ris can’t tell if it’s relieving or worrying to see his face. Lonan’s jaw is taut, like there are words he wants to say there but can’t. Filling up the hollow bone. He blinks slowly, like he’s trying to re-centre himself, his chest quivering with breaths meant to steady him. The water laps at the base of the canoe, whirling. Dark hair tangles down his cheeks like the fingers of a poltergeist. 
I think that’s a pretty good way to end this post lol! How many similes have you put in one paragraph? What’s your record lol this is probably mine!
Hope y’all enjoy the intro to MOTH WORK. I have two other chapters already written which I’ll update on in a separate post! For now I hope you like this more laid back project, let me know what you think!
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Chemicals (MurphyxOC Chapter 1/3)
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This was originally a short three part fic I posted on Ao3 as a gift for a friend over there. Since I’m currently sick I figured I’d post it here for you guys to give you something to read. Instead of posting the three chapters once a day, I’m posting them all now back to back. It seems silly to make you guys wait for the chapters since there are only three parts, sorry if that's weird looool
It’s Murphy/OC, I feel weird about it just being Murphy, it’s so foreign to me now loool.
The name of this fic was once again inspired by a song; St Patrick - Pvris.
‘I know it's chemicals that make me cling to you
And I need a miracle to get away from you
I know it's chemicals
and I need a miracle
And I'm not spiritual
But please stay
'Cause I think you're a saint and I think you're an angel’
Katie pushed through the people warily as she made her way to the T. She had just finished work at the hospital, she was a porter, and now she needed to get home. The issue was the fact a creepy guy had been following her since she left work and it was making her worry. She’d never really been in this situation before, she didn’t consider herself stalker-worthy. She was a bit of a plain jane; shoulder length blonde hair that was almost always in a ponytail and her clothes were just standard jeans and a shirt. She would wear scrubs at work but she would change when she was there, and currently, she was wearing beat up black converse with her jeans and a black shirt. She had no idea why this guy had decided to follow her instead of anyone else, but it didn’t make her worry any less. She hoped he wouldn't get on the train and end up following her home.
She had just moved, the 23-year-old wanted to spread her wings and it lead her to South Boston, where her cousin Jenny lived. She had found a new apartment, if it could be called that, but it was dirt cheap and was better than nothing. As she got to the terminal, her train wasn’t there yet and when she glanced back, the man was still trailing behind her, making the hairs on her neck prickle up. She glanced around, trying to find someone to ask for help but there weren't many people around. Her eyes settled on a young guy who didn’t look much older than her. He had messy brown hair and one thing she noticed instantly was the tattoo on his neck of the Virgin Mary and what appeared to be rosary beads poking out the top of his long sleeve black shirt. 
She hoped his tattoo meant he was devout and maybe he would help her, Christian charity and all of that, it beat standing around on her own with the weird guy following her. She took a deep breath and went over, sitting next to him and angling her body towards him like she knew him. It caught the guys attention and he turned to look at her curiously, quirking a brow.
“Hi, I know you don’t know me, but there's a creepy dude that’s been following me from the hospital, so if you could just pretend we know each other that would be great.” She was smiling, just for show, but her eyes were pleading and the man seemed to pick up on this, realisation crossing his face. His eyes darted over her shoulder before they settled on her with a warm smile, like they were friends greeting each other.
“The creepy bald fuck wit’ the paedo tache?” He asked with a wry smile, making her snort a little.
“Yep, that's the one.” She grinned, glad the stranger was helping her. 
He nodded and she was a little surprised when he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, but she relaxed and sat with him.
“Thank you.” She smiled softly, making him beam a grin at her.
“Ain’t a problem love.” He smiled back, making her blush ever so slightly at his Irish brogue. It was quite attractive, like the man himself. She tried to relax as she sat with him, waiting for her train, but when she glanced over, the man was still watching them both and it made her nervous. She shifted a little and the Irish man looked over, seeing what she was seeing. 
“Don’t freak out.” He muttered as he looked at her, making her look at him questionably, but she didn’t have time to ask what he was on about before he cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. It wasn’t anything crazy, but it was still a kiss and she tensed a little. She caught on to what he was doing and she kissed him back, hoping it would be enough to make the creepy fucker go away and not follow her home.
When he moved away she was breathless and her cheeks were crimson, she hadn't really expected a handsome Irish stranger to kiss her today, but she couldn't complain. She almost felt like she should thank the creepy guy. 
“Aye, he’s gone.” The man smirked as he watched the creeper walk away. Katie looked over, relief flooding her body as she saw the man skulk off. The Irish man's arm left her then and she gave him a grateful smile.
“Thank you, I really mean it. I was scared he would follow me back to my place.”  She said sincerely, making him smile at her again.
“Like I said, it ain’t a problem, glad I could help.” He replied breezily, like kissing a stranger was no big deal. Before she could reply again, the train pulled up. She stood up and noticed the stranger get up to, seemingly getting on the same train as her. She followed behind him as he got on and when he sat down, she wondered if she should sit next to him. She didn't want to seem like she was following him or being weird. He had helped her and he seemed nice, but she didn’t want to be annoying him. He looked over at her though and gestured with his head for her to go over, so she did. 
She sat next to him and the journey home was full of small talk. She learnt his name was Murphy, he had a twin brother called Connor and he worked at a meat packing plant.
“It was really nice meeting you, but my stop is next. Thanks again Murphy.” Katie said softly as she stood up, her hand clasping the strap of her bag. 
“It’s my stop too. I’ll walk ye home if ye want, just to be safe.” He suggested with a warm smile as he stood up too. 
“You don’t have to do that, you’ve already done enough.” She protested weakly. She wasn't averse to the idea of him walking her home, she still felt a little shook up at being followed and she didn't feel very safe.
“I want te, so hush.” He grinned, walking past her as the train stopped. She once again followed him and she started leading them back to her place. They made some more small talk again as they walked but when they were just outside of her building, he stopped and looked at her looking somewhat amused.
“What?” She asked with a quirked brow.
“Ye live here?” He asked, still looking amused and she blushed. It wasn’t the best, it was illegal loft housing after all but it was a roof over her head and was dirt cheap. She felt embarrassed like he was calling her out. 
As if sensing her embarrassment, he shook his head with a light laugh.
“Nay lass, it’s not that. This is where I live. Yer the new neighbour on the second floor?” He smirked, making her eyes widen in surprise. What were the fucking chances that the guy she went to for help lived in the same building as she did?
“Yeah, that’s fucking weird.” She snorted, making him bark out a laugh. He seemed even happier now, somehow lighter as his eyes lit up.
“C’mon, Ye’ve gotta meet Connor.” He left no room for discussion as he took her hand and practically dragged her inside. He only let go once they were in the elevator.
“I can’t believe you live here.” Katie huffed a laugh as the elevator ascended. Murphy flashed her a sly grin, seemingly pleased with the news. He lead her to their apartment and for some reason, he stood behind her as he told her to go in first. She opened the door and was greeted with an eye full of someone's ass in the shower.
She squeaked, turning around as she blushed furiously and Murphy burst out laughing, she wondered if Murphy had planned this since he was adamant she went in first.
“Fuckin’ Christ Murph!” The man yelled, making her blush even more. She was just glad he had his back to her or she would have got an eyeful of something else. She heard the water turn off and Murphy smirked at her, gripping her shoulders and spinning her around. This time when she came face to face with the man, he had a towel slung around him.
“This is Katie.” Murphy grinned, stood behind her with his hands still firmly on her shoulders as she blinked up at the blonde man. Connor quirked a brow at her curiously before looking back to his brother.
“Pickin’ up strays again brother? Could have at least warned me.” He huffed a little. Katie squinted slightly at him, not liking being referred to as a stray or his attitude. Murphy had told her all about Connor and this didn’t seem like the good guy Murphy had been banging on about to her. It also unsettled her that it seemed it wasn’t abnormal for Murphy to just bring strange girls back. She wasn't sure why she felt a pang of envy and she tried to ignore it.
“She’s not a stray, ye fuck. She’s our new neighbour.” Murphy glared, giving his brother a pointed look over his shoulder.
Connors' eyes widened as he looked at her again and he actually looked contrite this time.
“Fuckin’ hell lass, I’m sorry. Murph’s a bit o’ a slut, can’t blame me for presumin’.” He snorted, making Murphy grumble behind her as he finally released her shoulders and went to the fridge. Katie was left with the lighter haired brother and she was glad he wasn’t being rude anymore.
“It’s okay I guess.” She smiled awkwardly, feeling out of place and weird.
“I’m Connor, it’s a pleasure te meet ye.” He smiled charmingly at her, taking her hand. She thought he would shake it, so she was a little taken aback when he kissed it instead and she blushed just a little. 
“Hey, hands off. I’ve already claimed her.” Murphy piped up with a grin as he sat on the couch, making Katie’s cheeks flush even more as she glanced to him. He did what now? Connor raised a brow and smirked at his brother.
“Did ye now? And how exactly did ye do that?” He asked looking thoroughly amused.
“I’ve already kissed her.” Murphy smiled smugly, again making Katie blush. Maybe she would just stay red forever if she kept blushing this much. 
“Fuckin’ hell Murph. Can’t ye go a day without harassin’ some poor girl.” Connor laughed as went over to a pile of clothes. She turned around the second the towel dropped and she got a second eye full of his ass and Murphy snorted at her, he seemed to enjoy her discomfort, the little asshole. He held his hand out and she went over, sitting on the couch with him. He casually slung an arm around her shoulder and she wasn’t really sure what the fuck was going on with him. He had kissed her, yes, but he had done so to make a creepy dude go away. But now he was saying shit like he had claimed her and she didn’t really know what to think about the whole thing. She figured she’d just go along with it and see what happened.
“Some fucker followed her from work te the T.” Murphy stated seriously. Connor was dressed now and moved to sit at the table looking at them. He shared a dark look with his brother and nodded, scratching the scruff on his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmm, aye. We’ll need te keep an eye on that then.” He murmured, making Murphy make a noise in agreement. Katie wasn't really sure what that meant but she felt good they were looking out for her. Living here with them, she felt a little safer now and it made her feel better to actually know people here in the building if she ever needed help.
“Alright then, McGinty’s?” Connor asked Murphy with a grin.
“What’s that?” Katie asked curiously, glancing to Murphy who still had his arm around her.
“Irish pub love, ye comin’?” He asked with a smile. He was beautiful, she couldn't deny that, especially when he smiled at her like that.
“Why not?” She replied with a smile of her own. This was a new start for her after all, maybe it was time she let her hair down and just went with the flow and lived a little.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag
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nocvil · 5 years
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*            ‐            ․            ↺            𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙍𝙊𝘿𝙐𝘾𝙄𝙉𝙂 . . .  soo bogum . hitman        .        caretaker        .        the heel        .        a masked hell        .
❝   my love     ,     my love     ,     my love     ,     won't you stay a while     ?   ❞
possible tw’s below: parental death mention, illness mentions, murder for hire mentions, and uh m,,, i think that’s it rlly. just warning ok.
full name: soo bogum ( 수 보검 ). nickname(s): bo, sweetie pie to his mother (: gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him. sexual & romantic orientation: aromantic, demisexual. age & dob: twenty-five, november 8th, 19-- birthplace/hometown: seoul, sk. parents/siblings: only child, deceased father, living mother. pet(s): absolutely not LOL. astrological sign: scorpio. >:-) dominant hand: both! handwriting style: mostly writes in very slanted cursive. i feel like when you see things like royal documents signed or very important letters written back in the day with that vintage cursive ... that would be bogum. language(s) known/spoken: spanish, english, korean. religion: LOL. ok. current living arrangements: a two-bedroom, two bath apartment complex with his older, npc mother. it is pretty spacious given they both have their own room, a kitchen, dining space, their own bathrooms, and a patio. bo has the money if you kno what i mean ... (: occupation/major: hitman.
picture reference: uhh... this? this look rlly gives off bogum vibes so (: blood type: type O. nationality: korean. skin tone/color: lighter tanned. birthmarks & scars: heheh wouldn’t u like to kno ??? height: five-foot ten inches. 5′10″. build: pretty average, more on the lean/athletic side though. hair color: red. hair length: uhm ,, look at reference photo? eye color: brown. diet: uhm ... bo has a pretty average diet probably. he would eat just about anything, not very picky. i think he probably has his favorites when it comes to chips and candy but he doesn’t have a special diet. exercise & level of fitness: LOOOL. let me not make a bad joke here ): how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )?: bogum probably has really good posture! i think standing tall with a straight back probably adds to his uh... authoritative look?  typical style of dress: ( from his stats page ) dresses a bit old school, vintage?, almost plain. likes wearing tucked in and cuffed shirts, rolled up pants, boots, baseball caps, at least three rings on one hand, gold bracelets. the following outfits aren’t specific to him but they are probably kinda similar. it’s hard to rlly find exact examples ): (  1  /  2  /  3  /  4  ) body modifications: none, surprisingly. probably pierced ears that he never puts earrings in. that’s really it though. he would prob like a tattoos but wouldn’t do it for the sake of his career ( because tattoos are distinguishing features ).
how does your muse walk?: def with a bit of power in his step. very protective when he is with his mother. mostly, he would walk like he calculates every single step he takes. how does your muse talk?: HAHA i just talked about this with myungok’s mun ,, he would talk very plain and probably without a lot of emotion. this would make things that are usually out of pocket probably sound kinda weird.  what accent/dialect does your muse talk with?: he is from seoul and according to google, they speak with a gyeonggi dialect there (: how would you describe the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?: QUIET... shh... if you speak too loud you won’t hear bogum speaking with such monotoned you could probably fall asleep. bogum asmr when?  what does their laugh sound like?: bogum? LAUGHING? i feel like bogum chuckles. so he would have like a short, quiet laugh. how does your muse typically smell?: either like smoke from a cigarette or like his mom’s perfume. what kind of air do they carry?: well jinae’s mun said he would have a dark and heavy presence and honestly that rlly fits the bill. do they have a(ny) catchphrase(s)?: time to die. what are their nervous ticks?: um.. not sure. probably knuckle cracking and finger tapping.
what makes your muse happiest?: his mommy! seeing his mom thrive and gain her confidence back, even momentarily, makes him so happy. what upsets them the most?: ugh. listen. i talked abt this with some of y’all but the thought that if he ever got exposed or arrested ... how everyone in his life, including his mother, would just abandon him ... CRIES. was this supposed to be a general question? does your muse have any quirks?: i think his tendency to just be way too lax in certain situations would be his infamous quirk. what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them?: bogum is definitely a simple man. he would totally like puzzles, word searches, watching the news, scrapbooking ( YES, SCRAPBOOKING ), taking walks, shopping with his mom, writing, idk, he doesn’t do anything OD or over the top. shrug. do they have any guilty pleasures?: is your muse an extrovert or an introvert? neither?: 10000% introverted otl. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: uhm... bogum probably has an average amount of confidence/self-esteem. he’s a realist, definitely. if he look ugly he look ugly. if he look good he look good. ‘nuff said. are they easily stressed and how do they normally respond to it?: stressed? bogum could be in the midst of a bank robbery and be sitting there like ok, y’all done yet? what is your muses worst fear?: his mother finding out about his job. what is your muses biggest dream?: to either escape his job for good or to be able to heal his mother of all her injuries and illnesses. but of course, neither of those will ever happen! is your muse a morning person or a night dragon?: a night dragon? ok. anyway he is probably both. i can see bogum getting like four hours of sleep and waking up like (: let’s fuckin go! how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: OH BOGUM has street smarts but definitely probably not book smarts. at least, not a great amount of book smarts. how can he be a hitman if he’s DUMM?! describe their sense of humor: LMAO. the real question is how can someone as funny as ME play someone as BORING as bogum?
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: HELL NO. luuuul. what is their experience with relationships?: to really think about it, bo probably had feelings for people here and there and most likely dated short term in high school but after he moved and began doing that he kind of lost all his effort to pursue romance. how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one? would they ever?: another hell naw to that sis. how important is sex to your muse?: not important at all. bogum could care less. what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: see above pls. does your muse find it easy to make friends?: i say yes, only because most of his friends are through his mother. how important is friendship to them?: veRY IMPORTANT if bogum didn’t have the friends he has today, he probably would be a lot more sad and maybe more than just a hitman ): quantity or quality of friends?: quality! how important is family?: VERY IMPORTANT AGAIN bogum would give his life for his mother and to have his father back. are they close to their family? why or why not ?: YES. obviously asdfasdf everyone probably knows why. although bogum is now the one who runs the house, he still really values his mother because she ultimately has nobody but him in the end if she gets worse. his parents were always really good to him and when his father died, he knew that he and his mother had to stick together through it. he also knew that that he had to step up to provide for his mother because of her injuries and dementia. she is his life, really.
activity: haha. you really wanna kno?... he likes word searches a lot. animal: idk. probably like. idk.  beverage: mmmm some piping hot tea. book: - color: is red cliche to say? designer: - food:  flower:  water lilies, pansies, lilies, peonies, idk, he would love all kinds of flowers. gem: i googled these. if he had a favorite it would be garnet, smoked topaz, and morion. holiday: christmas! his mother’s favorite too, probably. mode of transportation: walking, usually. movie: -  musical artist: oh boy, uhm,, i bet bogum likes indie kpop. like dean, suran, hyukoh, but i dont rlly know a lot to give you more details. quote / saying: - scenery: hm. probably night time in the living room, mom is put to bed already, he’s watching a rerun episode of a crime drama on television and thinking about how it’s so unrealistic. he’s got a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other though he puts it out halfway through because he loses interest. (: scent: i think he’d like the smell of cleaning products, flower scents ( bc it would remind him of his mom ), and metal (: obviously. weather: cloudy or rainy weather. anything that let’s him stay inside for the day. vacation destination: UM. i bet bogum would like to travel out of country to places like europe.
greatest dream: to finally have a peaceful life with his mother by his side, healthy or not. he wants to stop being a hitman, really, but it’s kind of like an addiction, plus he’s good at it, and it brings in the bacon. greatest fear: being caught and leaving his mother by herself -- it would be like the ultimate let down since he doesn’t trust anyone with her. most at east when: pls see scenery in section above. least as ease when: out in public by himself. he doesn’t have his mom as his cover. worst possible thing that could happen: PLS SEE GREATEST FEAR. ajdfkjasdfskf biggest achievement: moving to seoul safely with his mom! biggest regret: falling back into the crime life. most embarrassing moment: idk i feel like bogum isn’t embarrassing. he’s too ,, plain. biggest secret: LMAO well ... i think we all know. top priorities: keeping his mom safe, alive, healthy, and her bills paid for. also keeping himself undercover for the most part and making sure neither him or his mother are overwhelmed.
001. bogum is an unhealthy smoker but a social drinker. he never smokes around his mother though.
002. whenever bogum’s mother is around, he is on his own best behavior. he always does his best to be nice and keep up an image of her sweet son although by himself he can be different.
003. so far the only person who knows about his job is sangwoo because he sort of saw him in the act during his first hit. the two joke about it but bogum would take him out in a heartbeat if he spills.
004. i think it’s funny because i always pictured bogum as that person would give the shirt off of his back for you if you were in trouble. but he also wouldn’t hesitate to threaten to make you disappear.
005. his mom doesn’t know how he gets the money to pay for everything but bogum has her believing he “has his ways” and to “just trust him” although she asks about it every now and then.
006. though he stays inside a lot, some of the places you might see bogum outside of his apartment, are grocery stores close to his place, bars around town, museums, little cafes picking up things for his mother, dawon’s flower shop, and very occasionally places where there are a lot of drug activity.
007. here is smth: bogum is a hitman because his father was killed in a hit!
008. despite his mom questioning where he earns his money, his family has always been pretty well off but that was because of his father. so now that his father isn’t alive, it’s kind of ... fishy.
009. lmao probably your very typical scorpio minus the s*xual stuff.
010. my brain stopped working.
a card hand full of royals. empty, dark hospital hallways. dirty hands under black leather gloves. an empty, lonely wheelchair. old black and white photographs. an ashtray full of half smoked cigarettes. ripped up diary pages. rolled up fifty dollar bills. two expensive rings on each finger. responding “k” to a paragraph long text message. tri-folded letters written in the upmost calligraphy. roman numeral clocks.
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