#he clearly doesnt want to be associated with that name so why do we keep calling him that
yakysanny · 10 months
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can y'all stop
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notzawzark · 2 years
GHOST (mw2) X MALE READER (platonic)
NOT ROMANCE, uh, reader kinda already had a backstory, so kinda bordering on oc, but things like his hight/skincolor/appearance in general is kept blank.
its kinda dogshit looking back on it, so dont expect it to be like.. good, in any sense of the word, its riddled with plot holes and like. writting inconsistency. and also the writting as a whole is just.. mid
TW/CW's: torture, implications towards past abuse, maybe other stuff, but you get the gist, if you your not for any of this, dont read, keep yourself safe
“so..” I break the silence that had once held the room hostage. “you're ghost.” I didn't expect him to actually get captured, let alone get captured alive. Looking through all the intel we have on him, by all means we shouldn’t have been able to get him alive.
I doubt doing this will prove fruitfull.
Were both sat In an “interrogation” room. Only recently was it promoted as such. It used to be more of a “torture and kill” room. Its empty for the most part, only a metal table, two old wood chairs sitting across from each other, and a few pieces of paper with a pencil on my side of the table.
A door behind me, no windows, walls made of some bleak concrete. There are two guards outside the room blocking the door. Not for me. For him. Hes tied up, the boss was never one to take chances. Neither would I with the record and reputation this man has racked up.
“you probably know why you’re here..” I look around “ in this… room.”  He doesn’t budge. The mask makes this infinitely harder. “you should probably get comfortable.. I don’t see you leaving anytime soon.” I sigh. I don’t see him leaving ever. Hell probably get killed before he ever gets that luxury. 
“ill be completely honest with you. My.. boss, along with all my associates think that what im doing is pointless. They all want to tear into that skin of yours.” I put my feet onto the table. Taking a deep breath in trying to figure out how to word my next sentence. 
“I don’t think any of that will work.” Its blunt, but its true. “I think” I pick up the pencil on the table and start tapping it absentmindedly. “that no amount of pain, or threatening of your life, or humiliation will make you to tell them what they want to hear.” I look him dead in the eyes, trying to gage how he reacts. “I think that shit just brews spite.”
 Nothing. Honestly its kind of uncomfortable. Staring into his unblinking eyes. They always kinda look glazed over, and red, like he doesn’t sleep much. “I hope you can help me prove them wrong. Because once im done here today theyre going to start torturing you.” I look away. The eye contact is to uncomfortable. “so, whats your real name, ghost?” he doesn’t respond. “what is it.. jack? Is it.. jason?” (I wrote this at 2 am, and thought that jason was ghosts brothers kid, im pretty sure that isnt right, but ignore it, his name is jason now) theres something in his eyes when I say the name jason, but I don’t think its his name. maybe someone he knows. Or knew. “ill be honest im trying to think of british sounding names, and I cant find any.” I crack a joke. Obviously, he doesnt respond.
I sigh. This is going to take awhile. I suggest a few more names. Jason was the only thing that he reacted at. A small reaction however. It could have just been my mind playing tricks. “what about your family?” hopefully this gives me more. “what was your mom like?” nothing. “your dad?” an eye dart. There. That. That is what I needed. I hum, its low, its clearly satisfied. He picks up on it. “your dad, was he a good man,”
Shit. Nothing. Hes either correcting himself now because He knows what im doing. That im trying to get a stir out of him. Or I was mistaken about his reaction. I continue. “was he a bad man?” nothing. Im going to kill myself. “my dad was a bad man.” He shows a hint of confusion. I assume he wasn’t expecting me to talk about myself. “I mean he wasn’t a horrible man from what Ive heard. But he left me and my mom.” I get up from my spot on my chair, and hop up, sitting on the edge of the table to his right. I can see his face better now.
“and a good person doesn’t leave their family, now do they?”
He shifts his focus over to my new spot. He wants to talk. I don’t know what he wants to say, but I can feel his eagerness in the air. “from what I hear you have a dead brother.” Surprise, then anger, then sadness. He looks away. Off to his left. That makes things harder. “how old are you?” he looks to the table as he asks me a question. He seems genuinely curious. “well your definitely British, Jesus.” I remark on his accent. He looks up at me, unamused with my observation.
“im 20.” He doesn’t buy it at all. “19” he seems even less convinced. “17” his eyes narrow. “fine, 16..” I mumble looking at the ground. I don’t see his reaction, but it doesn’t matter. “what is someone your age doing workin’ for a group like this?” I side eye him. “and what is someone of your status doing getting caught by a group like this?” he grunts and goes back to looking to his left.
I sigh, I probably shouldn’t have retorted with that. I might just have sent myself back to square one. “what do you do with your free time, mr. ghost?” he doesn’t respond yet again. I definitely sent myself back to square one. I get off of the table, back into my seat across from him, “have you ever had any pets?” I look up at him, to see his reaction.
It’s a very telling reaction. Hes uncomfortable. “yes? No?” nothing. I look back down, grabbing a piece of paper, and the pencil, I start drawing him. He doesn’t know that though, or at least I assume he doesn’t. I might be a bit more obvious then I want to be. “whats your favorite animal?” I look up again. Hes uncomfortable, less then before, but that’s probably just him regulating it. “mine are snakes.”
He closes his eyes. Ive definitely found something. Theres a moment of silence. “I like the big yellow ones.” He opens his eyes. “I also like the folklore and stories behind snakes.” Hes disengaged. Fuck.
I back down. “who is your favorite artist.” Safer. “music, painting, writing it doesn’t matter.” I focus on my drawing. Im not looking to get a reaction. ”don’t have one.”  He answers. “why not?” a genuine question. “don’t have time to have one.” 
“well I mean, you cant be working all the time, you get a few weeks off after each mission right?”
I hum a response. High pitched. Acknowledging what he said. I begin to get more focused on my drawing, talking less and less. Eventually were both sitting in silence, the only noise in the room being my pencil scratching against the paper.
“you like art?” he nods to the drawings in front of me.
“it passes the time.”
He doesn’t say anything after that. An hour passes by. Im done. Well. As done as ill ever be. I stand up, pushing my chair back. Eyes fixated on my art. Analyzing it to no end. I pick it up, and place it infront of ghost, while I stand close beside him.
“your eyes are expressive.” It sounds creepier then I meant it to. He looks down at it. He really looks at it. Not just a glance over. taking a few minutes. for a bit I think hes fallen asleep until he speaks. “impressive.” 
That’s all he has to say? He looks at a drawing for three minutes in silence, and all he has to say is one word? ‘impressive????’ that’s it????? This guy is gonna make me shoot myself. “thank you.” I try my best to make it sound earnest. A very difficult task. 
I sit back down at my chair. Hes still looking at the art. “theyre probably gonna come soon.” He looks confused at first, but then it clicks. Hes gonna meet those associates i mentioned earlier. “but if you give me as much as a hint of what they want to hear, I can probably stop him.” Ghost doesn’t respond. Quiet as always. I sigh and lean back in my chair. He looks down to the drawing again. “you ever been drawn before?” I ask
What freak talks like that? Negative??? I get hes in the military but Jesus fucking christ. “you can keep it if you get out of here alive.” I laugh at my own joke under my breath. 
“hold onto it. I don’t want it getting bloody.” He looks up from the drawing. Completely deadpan. I cant tell wether hes joking or not. 
The door behind me opens, I get up off my chair. “heyyy.” I greet the man at the door from my spot. Hes big. Big big. Probably 6’7-6’8. Sturdy build. Hes always been scary, but I guess that’s a part of the magic. He rolls in a cart im unpleasantly familiar with. It has an assortment of metal tools. For all sorts of different things.
“(reader).”he acknowledges me. his voice always finding a way to unsettle me. He walks past me, dragging his cart of goodies with him. He stops. Grabbing onto ghosts chair, the wood making a shrill sound as he trudges it to the back wall. He takes his cart with him. Ghosts breathing has gone rapid. Mine probably would too. Scratch that. Mine definitely would too.
I grab my drawing off the table. I don’t want to be in here. I start to leave. “(reader), leaving so soon?” the big man turns around, some horrible device already in his hands. Im quiet. I have to watch what I say around him. “yeah.” I search for the right words. “you know I don’t like loud sounds.” Its true, I don’t. theres a tenseness in the room. Like a twig bending before it finally snaps. 
He turns his normal sick expression into a hallow smile. “how forgetful of me.” He turns back to ghost. Whose eyes are darting around the room. Probably looking for a way out. He closes them shut tightly, and I find that my queue to leave. I quickly walk through the door, past the guards, and out into the hallway. 
That night wasn’t a very restful one. the concrete walls might as well have been made of paper.
boom, you made it to the end, wow thats rad, heres an emoji : 🤯
ALSO if i do continue this, ghost and reader are prob gonna have like a father/son or older/younger brother bond. but yeah. uh i hoped you liked the fanfic.
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
cancelled (1) | myg, jjk
summary: you cheated on your boyfriend, one of the most sought after boys on campus, with the nerd from the back of the lecture hall. that’s not the whole story, but only you know that. now a video has leaked across and everyone is turning against you for hurting such a perfect s/o.
pairing: yoongi x reader, jungkook x reader
wordcount: 3k
genre: yandere!yoongi and nerd!jungkook exyandere!jungkook
established-relationship!au college!au cheating!au
warnings: reader discretion is advised. cheating, mentions of past dubcon activity, yandere behavior, guilt, slight oral (f and m receiving), reverse cowgirl, soft smut in a not so soft situation, manipulation, jungkook calls you his pretty baby, sexual harassment, yoongi is lowkey a creep in this, prostitution i guess but like...its not how you'd think, mentions of rape fantasy but it doesnt happen
twoshot: part 1 | part 2 | masterlist
They say that you let a good thing be. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Well in your almost perfect life, that hand was Min Yoongi. Your boyfriend of 2 years now. You met through family, he was an heir, and you were the daughter of a wealthy associate. He used to spend his spring breaks with your family back in high school. You recall fondly how he sneak out, begging you to cover for him, end up passed out drunk in some alley and calling you, scared for his life.
You saw the way he grew—no, blossomed into the amazing man he is. You both got accepted to the same prestigious university program, and it is here your love story truly began. Straight out of a movie, Yoongi did not realize how much he adored you until he saw you grinding your ass up on some random guy at a frat party. A few months of drama gave way to pure happiness.
Yoongi made quite a name for himself on campus. He was incredibly charming, was impressive in his studies, and was always around for a good time. He treated everyone with respect and had no enemies. You felt proud to be his girlfriend, by his side as he made his mark.
And he was so so good to you. While your start may have been driven by jealousy and rage, he made up for it entirely by taking you on weekend getaways, loving you sweetly, holding you while you cry and buying you food. You two were freakishly domestic, and you loved it. You were ready for the ring whenever he was. So blessed that you could wake up every morning in a pair of arms that held you like you were their whole world.
Unfortunately, paradise tends to be a destination never quite reached. You sat, curled up into your knees, trembling as you watched cruel comments pop up on a video.
ungrateful whore.
Yoongi deserves so much better
why would you even want to cheat on a catch like yoongi? jfc
You didn’t know what bothered you the most. Was it the comments? Was it your fucked out face in the video? You moans that clearly indicated pleasure? Was it the fact that you hurt a man you loved? Or was it the fact that he was still there, sitting right next to you and kissing your damp cheeks every time he saw a tear, mumbling into your neck that it was okay, that he wasn’t mad. Did you deserve someone so perfect?
“Aw baby” He coos at you, stroking your hair as your sobs got louder. You fell into his embrace, unsure of what to think or do. “Ssh…I’m not mad baby. It’s my fault I wasn’t there”
You didn’t know how true his words were. You didn’t know just how at fault he was.
Yoongi had been doing his work in your shared apartment in his private study which even you weren’t allowed to enter. The security footage of your lecture played on his monitor, but he was barely paying attention. He kept an eye on you, but it was getting unnecessary. You had been together for so long, he could trust you now. He sighed and zoomed into where you sat, whispering something to the person seated next to you. They giggled and slid their hand onto your thigh. Yoongi simply watched, a smirk playing on his lips. The whole campus knew you were his. No one would dare make a move on you. He made sure of it. It was the whole reason he made your relationship so visible. He had people’s respect, and so they would respect that you belonged to him.
The hand trailed up your thin yoga pants, cupping your core. You slapped the hand away and Yoongi grinned wider. He liked to test you every now and then.
Yoongi wired money to that man’s bank account through his phone. Now all you had to do was tell him what happened. There was no room for secrets between you two.
“I’m home babe” He heard you walk in. He popped a Xanax and gulped down a glass of water. He smiled at you sweetly, taking your bag and setting it down before attacking your neck with soft, breathless kisses.
“How was your day?” He asked quietly, “Anything interesting happen?”
“Nah. Pretty uneventful” He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh. Nothing at all?”
“Well” Yoongi’s eyes perked. Tell me someone harassed you baby. Just tell me. “I did try this amazing latte at the cafe in the Literature building.”
Why were you lying to him? Yoongi tilted his head. It wasn’t that big of a deal, it just made him wonder what else you hid from him. The little things. The little things that pile up.
Yoongi realized it had gone too far when he heard you gossiping with a few of your girl friends in the hallway of the Science Institute. “I just can’t believe he won’t fuck you. Doesn’t he know how many people would if they had a chance?”
“He seems so perfect but it’s almost like he’s just lacking the one key thing. Dick” They giggled. You rolled your eyes. You had confessed that you really did want to have sex. Yoongi wanted to save himself for marriage, but it was getting hard for you. When you brought this up with Yoongi he shut you down immediately.
“Baby” He fingered the purity ring on his pinky finger, “You know I can’t”
You had been frequently meeting with someone from one of your lab classes, a certain Jeon Jungkook. Yoongi didn’t love this, but he was acquainted with Jungkook, and knew that he likely was not a threat. The boy was not your type at all—his clunky glasses and sweater vests and his hair long and swept back, unlike Yoongi’s fresh blonde cut. Sometimes you wouldn’t tell him that you were with Jungkook, but he still knew. Nothing happened. But he still got irritated.
Unfortunately it was impossible to truly watch you all the time. After all, Yoongi was a social guy and had to make appearances frequently. He often wondered if you knew he watched you, so you waited to run off fuck yourself on Jungkook when he wasn't looking. He bit his lip until blood came out, raging at the prospect.
He wasn’t entirely wrong about you though. You did always feel pressure of behaving in a way that reflected well on him. So when everyone was looking at Yoongi, you were able to slouch your shoulders and relax. You would go to Jungkook’s house for a drink, with no ulterior motive on either of your end. You loved Yoongi. Jungkook respected him, and you. There was no issue.
So when Yoongi showed up at Jungkook’s doorstep a week later with a bag full of cash asking him to fuck his girlfriend, he was disgusted at first.
“E…excuse me?” He stammered, blushing. Yoongi squinted at him.
“Have sex with y/n the next time she is over.” He put on a show, “I just feel bad I cannot give her what she desires. I don’t want to deprive her of anything. I know she is fond of you so if you wouldn’t mind…she is very beautiful I can tell you that”
“I…that’s not…do you realize how insane this is?”
Yoongi shrugged, “It’s twenty-thousand dollars to fuck a pretty girl. What’s so bad?”
“Does she want this? D…do you have her consent to be asking me this?”
“Of course.” He chuckled giving a charming smile, “In fact, she has a bit of a fantasy that I was hoping you could indulge. I am not sure if she will go through with it but, she might try to resist at first, but really she wants to be used like a whore. She will love it, really.”
Jungkook gave him a skeptical look. “What the fuck? You want me to indulge your girlfriend’s rape fantasy? I’m not a fucking sadist”
“It’s not a rape fantasy. She just likes to struggle a bit but then she will get into it. She will want it”
“I can’t believe I am even entertaining this conversation, you need to leave”
“Fuck off Yoongi. First of all, I am not even into y/n…” He paused.
“Oh please, she’s the finest thing in miles of here, you just haven’t considered her as available. That’s how I know I can trust you to do this for me.”
Jungkook gulped. That’s not quite it. He thought to himself. But the thought passed when Yoongi took off his watch and handed it to him.
“This is worth half a million dollars. Are we good?”
Jungkook just gaped at him.
“You have had sex before right?”
Oh yes he had. Once. He nodded slowly.
“Okay good. Please show her a good time and keep this between us”
“She knows right? She knows you’re asking me to do this?”
Yoongi grinned and pat Jungkook’s shoulder, “Oh baby boy, she’s the one who suggested it”
Jungkook found that a bit hard to believe.
What Yoongi didn’t know was that Jungkook already has had sex. With you. You didn’t know it was him, and it was long before you began dating Yoongi.
Jungkook had been obsessed with you as a high schooler, your pictures collaging the back of his bathroom door, a variety of your things—forgotten hoodies, dropped pens— messily shoved into the drawer of his desk.
It was an innocent phase at first. You were just so pretty. He couldn’t help the way his blood would rush between his legs every time you would glance in his general direction. He couldn’t help watching the way you outgrew your uniform skirt, almost breaking down in tears when you replaced it with a larger size. He would sneak out of class when you had PE to watch you run, and the way your breasts bounced in the tight top you wore.
You didn’t know him. Why would you? He was no way near your league. He worked extremely hard, dreaming to get into the same university as you on a full ride because his family could never afford it.
Jungkook would normally follow you home, obviously he just wanted to make sure you reached safe. You had been crying the entire walk home. Jungkook had to gather every ounce of self restraint not to go hug you and kiss you until you smiled again. He hated seeing you cry, and it made him want to die.
He was worried about you. You entered your beautiful home, but no one was there. What if you tried to harm yourself? Who would protect you?
He had snuck in through the back.
If anyone had been around, they may have heard a scream. But more likely the would have heard the cries of pleasure that followed.
That evening you told Yoongi you were going to work on stuff with Jungkook. You dressed modestly, not bothering to freshen up much. He watched through his cameras as you arrived into Jungkook’s tiny apartment. So much smaller than his, probably in more ways than one, he clicked his tongue in amusement.
“Hey Jungkook!” You hugged him lightly. He looked extremely uncomfortable which made Yoongi all the more amused.
Two people fucking who both don’t want to. What do you call that? Yoongi chuckled darkly.
“Listen y/n…I know that…I know I agreed but I just wanna make sure…” Jungkook could barely look you in the eye. As destiny would have it, you chose that moment to pull your hoodie off, giving Jungkook a flash of the underside of your breasts. He gulped. “You really don’t remember me do you…”
“What do you mean?” You were so confused. Jungkook licked his lips and crawled over where you were sitting on his couch, causing you to lay on your back. “What…hey what the fuck are you doing?”
He didn’t like your tone. It awoke a protective instinct in him. He stroked your hair and gazed deeply into your eyes. “How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”
You blushed furiously, face heating up dangerously fast at the sudden question. You shifted your neck away from him uncomfortably. “Um…I guess…3, maybe 4 years?”
“Tsk, poor girl.” He cooed, his finger grazed your cheek, “Alright, I’ll play along. You can let me know if you want me to stop okay?” He lowered himself enough to let his lips trace travel down the veins on your neck. He inhaled you, memories of innocent years coming back to him in floods.
You were frozen. His body radiated heat, his scent was giving you a high you couldn’t quite explain. You shouldn’t feel this way. You had sweet sweet Yoongi waiting for you at home. Sweet Yoongi who loved you, and was saving himself for you like the pure angel he is.
You looked up at the soft dark eyes of the man above you now. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu.
“Jungkook” You exhaled as his lips began kissing over your shirt, down the valley of your breasts, lifting your shirt so he could kiss your stomach. “I…I have a boyfriend”
“You’re really committed to this huh?” He chuckled, taking some of his fingers and slowly circling under the waistline of your shorts. You blinked a few times to try to react to what was happening but your body was overwhelmed. It had been so long since you were touched like this.
“Please” You said loudly, so loudly that Jungkook barely hears the “don’t do this” that followed in a whisper.
Jungkook thought back to the night you took his virginity. It hadn’t been on his agenda, he was content following you around and jacking off to your social media accounts every night. That night had changed him. He had realized then that he was messed up. He realized he needed help and he sought it out. A few years of therapy had done him good. He felt guilty about it for a while, but eventually had to grow and move on. He would never act like that again.
But here he was.
And there you were. Below him again. Begging for him through your actions and pushing him away with your words.
Emotions overwhelmed you. Your heart wrenched at the bitter guilt that you were doing the unthinkable. They very thing that you would condemn about other couples. How could you? How could you cheat? But your body was whimpering.
“I have a boyfriend. He’s so good to me. He’s so amazing, and I…I love” You let out a sob as he allowed his hips to roll into you, giving you friction you had craved for so long, “Jungkook…please” You knew he was reading between the lines. You knew he heard your consent, and that disgusted you.
“Mmm I know baby. I know you love him” Jungkook sighed as he pulled down your shorts, “Tell me about him baby. Tell me how much you love him” He began kissing your thighs, burying his face into your cunt.
“He’s so—ahhh” Jungkook took his tongue and pushed aside your underwear to lick a long stripe between your legs. “So good. So fucking…mmmmhhh” You squealed as Jungkook shoved his tongue inside you. The sensation was heavy in your core, but the sensation drove you wild. He flicked his tongue around, almost too easily being able to find all the right places to make you twitch and moan his name.
“Do you want my cock pretty baby? Hmm?” He whispered teasingly, his voice muffling against you as he continued to eat you out. You yelped as he sucked on your clit and nodded your head dumbly. “My little girl so desperate for cock she’d cheat on her boyfriend hm?” He came up for air, your juices messily spread across his lips, his eyes shot with lust.
“Don’t…don’t say that” You whined. Jungkook nodded before pulling off his sweater. You traced his muscles with your fingers, so defined and beautifully tan as he shrugged off his jeans. He took his glasses off and folded them carefully but you grabbed his hand.
“Keep them on…your glasses…” Jungkook’s eyes widened in amusement.
“Why” He teased.
“I like them. I like them a lot. You remind me of someone I used to like” Jungkook’s blood ran cold.
Did you remember?
Did you remember the way he had pinned you up against your kitchen wall back then? The way he left hickies all over your body, marking you as his. The way he had entered you for the first time, with you sprawled out across your dining table, then again on the counter tops, then again from behind pressed up against the window.
Did you remember how many times you both came? It was like a sex fest of hours and hours. In your mouth, on your face, on your tits and buried deep in your cunt, the condom barely surviving the pressure of his seed.
Did you remember the way you cried after in his arms, unable to walk? The way he held you and kissed you softly, apologizing.
Did you remember how he had given you pills so you would forget, hoping that you wouldn’t be sad any longer?
Jungkook had been too lost in thought to notice that you had pulled your own shirt off, leaving you in a sports bra, pulling his neck down so you could kiss him.
“Jungkook” You gasped as he finally regained consciousness and dragged his fingers across your pussy.
“Will you ride me baby?” His eyes twinkled in his request and you were more than happy to indulge him. Jungkook switched positions with you. You reverse cowgirled him, unknowingly, the perfect position for Yoongi to see all of you as you fucked yourself silly onto Jungkook’s cock.
You lowered yourself down on him slowly, savoring the stretch that you had almost forgotten you could ever feel. Your fingers could never give you a sensation quite like this. Jungkook shut his eyes and tried to savor the feeling.
“Pretty…pretty baby” He cooed, sitting up so he could nibble your shoulder and hold your hips as he bounced you slowly on his cock.
“Tell me something” He exhaled, feeling himself slowly approaching his orgasm, the feeling of your soft, warm walls around him too much to bear, “Did you want this because of me…or did you just need cock?”
You continued thrusting yourself back into him, the firm hold of his hands on you giving you an arousing sense of comfort. You wiggled your ass, liking the way he would grunt when you did.
“Did you want me baby? Did you do this for me?”
You cried out suddenly, feeling a long awaited orgasm overwhelming your senses. Jungkook’s grip on you tightened as he tried to keep fucking you through it, your body going limp, twitching erraticly.
“So pretty…my sweet sweet girl” He turned your head to kiss your lips, slipping his tongue in and relishing in the love you poured in through your actions. He caressed your breasts and continued to thrust up into you.
“Come inside me” You exhaled softly.
“No y/n…that wouldn’t be right” Jungkook was reminded of the eerily intimidating presence of the man who was paying him to do this. He slowly brought his thrusts to a halt before helping you up off of him, his cock still painfully erect. “I can finish myself”
You pouted, watching him drill his graze into your naked presence, violently stroking his cock. He licked his lips shamelessly.
“I don’t love you anymore y/n” He whispered too softly for you to hear, “I’m over you. I’m over this. This doesn’t mean anything—AAAAhhh” Your mouth was on his cock and that was all it took for him to come harder than he ever had.
He took you into his arms, wrapping them around you and kissing your face over and over again, caressing your hips and trying to relax your muscles so you wouldn’t be sore.
You reached for your phone as Jungkook began to fill the silence.
“Yoongi seems really great. He clearly cares about you a lot. I’m really happy for you, genuinely” He says softly, “I’m honestly really impressed he let this happen”
But you didn’t hear him, all you could hear was your heart drumming loudly in your ears as you saw the stream of notifications on your phone. Your heart dropping like a bomb when you saw the single message you dreaded more than anything.
yoongi: what’s this? <link>
And linked was a live stream of the events that had just transpired.
masterlist                                                       next----->
A/N: im just cackling at #y/nisoverparty HAHA um stream film out! woohoo
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myhackerbuddy · 4 years
This is a a bit of a spoiler. This won’t explain all but it might help you understand the story between 707 and Unknown as well as a bit of Rika and V’s story.
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Rika founded the RFA (Rika’s Fundraising Association) and was V’s fiancee. Behind those beauty and sweet smile lies a dark past.
Rika was adopted, and was abused (I haven’t read her behind story so I’m sorry if this is what I can tell you). Volunteering to help people is therapeutic for her depression and paranoia. Her way to cope up is to be busy in helping others.
What’s their relationship with the Choi twins?
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The twins were the illegitimate child of the prime minister. Their mother used them to get money but she’s not really a nice mother to them. She would beat them to pulp, and often tie Saeran while Saeyoung does errand for her (Since Saeran’s weaker, he’s been the subject of abuse especially when Saeyoung’s away)
Because they are the fruit of accident, their father wants them dead. Their appearance may tarnish his reputation. That made Saeyoung scared for their life. So as he does errands he would go to the cathedral to attend mass. And that’s when he met V and Rika. He discovered his ability and use it for escape, however it’s not easy as he need to leave Saeran behind because it’s very dangerous.
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707 or Seven, is one of the member of RFA and is responsible on security and clasified information. A very secretive guy, who hides behind his quirky and funny self.
The idea of being a secret agent was from V. Since Seven is an intelligent kid, V saw the potential and offered to help him so he can earn money. It was a hard decision but V promised that he’ll take care of Saeran while he’s away. After endless persuasion, Seven agreed and asked for his help to change his name to Luciel. Seven then swore to always serve and help V for he own him a lot.
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In Seven’s route, he got to meet Unknown when he went to the apartment where MC stays. Their reunion is not something to be excited about, because it seems that his brother became avery different person now. The Unknown who continues to infiltrate his codes, and the one who lead the MC (Main Character: Player) to the RFA, is no other than his brother. Not only that, his brother seems to have a big grudge against him. His appearance and attitude change, the reason why Seven became a complete a-hole in his route. He was confuse and tried to push away MC.
This made Seven furious against V. Clearly, V didn’t fulfill his promise to take care of his brother. V didn’t exactly explain the situation, for he is also hiding Rika that time. Instead, he ask Seven not to open the drawer in the apartment. Hurt because V doesn’t trust him, Seven poured out his anger and revealed his brother on the chatroom. V swiftly dodged his questions, that made Seven more furious and swore not to trust him anymore.
Another revelation after opening the drawer because they found blueprints and planner about this cult group - Mint Eye. They found out that Rika’s been involved with the organization for a long time, and guessed that she’s also involve in the foundation. This made Yoosung, her cousin, confused for he have known her as a nice person who can’t do such thing. To find the truth, MC and Seven went to Mint Eye and got to meet Saeran. Seven tried to explain why he needed to be away, but Saeran’s badly hurt and close minded because of Rika’s endless brainwashing. He ended up fleeing and MC and Seven got stuck in the room.
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Unknown is the person who lead the MC to RFA. In Casual and Deep story, you’ll see his as an effective antagonist but in his route, you can finally see the person behind his personality.
In able to play his route, you have to be in Another Story. Saeran will introduce himself as Ray. He will let you believe that you are just going to try his new game where you’ll chat AI characters and act as a party coordinator.
Before we proceed, let me tell you more about Saeran.
He is the twin brother of Seven who was abused and had split personality. I don’t know if Seven’s aware (probably not) because he acquired it when he was being abuse by their mother. I think his other self was triggered when Seven’s nowhere to be found.
After sending Seven to the private agency, V and Rika did everything to get Saeran out of the house. He was completely saved when his mother died. I guess the twins aren’t aware of the real reason behind her death, but Rika’s the one who killed her.
Saeran became better. Seven treated V as his father and Saeran seems to treat him the same. But behind V, Rika secretly meets up with Saeran and shower him lies to get him study the books that Seven used. Saeran did as she told because he wants to know Seven more and by studying the same, he feels attached and somewhat close to his twin.
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Rika and V’s relationship was very toxic. How could you still love a person who hurted you, blinded you? Rika thought she could do everything to help others.. there came a point were she feels that what she’s doing wasn’t enough. That’s why she founded Mint Eye. A cult who recruit believers and the way they cleanse is through drinking elixir. A very deadly solution (mixture of peyote cactus, methanol, unspecified mushroom) which taste bitter and nonexistent. Imagine how awful it taste and Saeran’s been fed with it since he’s a kid.
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They kidnapped Saeran and made him drink Elixir.. everyday. They tortured and brainwashed him to force him to wake his other personality, so that Rika can control him better.
Talking to him on the phone is like a rollercoaster ride. Ray is a soft, sweet boy and Saeran’s always irritated at you, calling you a toy and hurting you with his sharp words.
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But behind that is just a lonely boy who misses his brother. Imagine how cruel it is for him to be used and fed with lies. He experiences massive headache, deprived of sleep (because he’s working nonstop. He sleep 3-4 hours only) and is very loyal to the Saviour. He devoted himself to the Savior that he forgot who to love. All he know is he wanted revenge to the one who abandoned him.
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Ever wonder why he had white to grayish hair instead of red hair like Saeyoung? How about his eyes? It’s because he had Marie Antoinette Syndrome.
"Marie Antoinette syndrome occurs when people lose their hair color after receiving a great shock, undergoing a grievous loss or surviving a life-threatening situation."
Do you imagine how sad their story is? It’s very heartbreaking and cruel. To think that all of them are just a victim. One mistake and it’ll pass with another. I don’t know much about Rika’s story, but I know Mika is the one responsible to Rika’s mental state. V’s love wasn’t enough to save Rika. V hid the truth to the RFA members causing them to hate V.
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To be honest V sacrificed a lot for the RFA members. Rika told him he’s a traitor because he doesn’t approve to her ideas. He failed to stop her so he ended up sacrificing. He’s alone as he keep an eye to Mint Eye, while his vision became worst.
He said he wanted to live up with his mistake, that’s why he doesnt want to fix his vision. He knew it’s his fault for not trying enough to stop her, but it’s understandable. It’s hard to handle her. He should have ask for help with his friend.
He shouldn’t suffer alone.
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ditheringluminary · 4 years
I checked your writings for Witch of Rage and did not find an analysis of it. I loved your dialogue about witches being under represented and would like to see a top 5 least explored characters. How would you describe a Witch Of Rage. Derse moon, leiborn , if you wanted to know.
Oh my, two requests in one! Well i’ll do your classpect first!
Witch of Rage Leiborn: Sign of The Paradox!
A Witch of Rage would be someone who manipulates and breaks the rules of Rage, which is confusion, negative emotions, and truth. Essentially a Witch of Rage would be able to alter and break the rules of reality itself, or at least a part of it. The phrase “bending the truth” comes to mind. As we see with the Rage-bound, they are often the ones to know their entire lives are a stage, or some sort of narrative that they fit into. Especially being a Dersite, they would be well aware of their “role” in the “play” of life. A Witch of Rage would use their role to alter the way the script is written. Rage players are known to be associated with plot contrivances, often appearing in places they’re not supposed to or able to use things they shouldn’t be. The Witch would 1. be scarily good at altering how one perceives reality or how reality IS, and 2. most likely WOULD do this to further what they feel is right. This can be emphasized under the Leo sign class, who fit under the Heart aspect. Because of Heart’s gut-instincts and actions based on feelings, they would be very adamant in why they are altering reality the way they are. This sounds very overpowered, but a powerful Witch would have some kind of powerful familiar to keep them at bay and challenge their power.
Now! As for those least explored characters, and surprise surprise they’re like all the trolls that were turned into sprites.
5. Eridan Ampora: Eridan is so low on the list because he at the very least did plot relevant things and we got to see him actually use his aspect. We also got to see him attempt several romantic relationships and just generally got a pretty decent understanding of him. However, he gave Princes an extremely bad name and never got a redemption (though I guess he was never planned to). I can certainly see one happening, similar to how Vriska was able to be “redeemed” to certain people despite her awful actions. Still, after he was killed he was barely mentioned, and then only shown in a joke in Erisol sprite.
4.  Nepeta Leijon: This isn’t just cause I love Nepeta I promise. I just think that she didn’t really get an “arc” and while she definitely looked cool and stuff, she ultimately stayed sidelined for the whole comic. Even Equius was able to come back in the form of Equius sprite and subsequently Arquius sprite. However, she is at the bottom of this list because we at least saw her relationship with Equius, which was like a shining example of moirallegence, and really im not sure how much development she could’ve gotten since we didn’t see much of her personality besides being a cute rp chick.
3. Sollux Captor: Got an arc, but it was really short and even during it he got barely any screentime. Even when hes hanging around Aradia in the dreambubbles, most of the time he just doesn’t say anything or he only gives off one liners. Yes he powers the meteor, and yes he TRIED to kill Eridan but after that hes basically an afterthought. Another character that does 1-2 things that, in retrospect could be done by someone else (Aradia had telekinesis that, while not as powerful as Sollux’s was still very strong, for example).
2. Feferi Peixes: Of course! The whole reason why this list was started was that Witches were pretty shafted. Feferi clearly HAS a personality, we even get to see her greater goals and ambitions. But those never amounted to anything. Worse than Sollux, she got even less screentime and did only ONE thing, which was telling the horrorterrors to glub up dream bubbles. Then she died and nothing happened from it. I GUESS I can’t see much in her future arc-wise, but her character was still tossed away after it did the one thing no one else really could. Not saying she was completely useless but character-wise but she was left on a pretty lame note.
1. Gamzee goddamn Makara. Listen. I hate Gamzee. Ok hate is pretty strong. I dont care much for Gamzee. He’s basically just one big weed 420 joke for like the longest time, he was an amazing antagonist on the meteor and then he was nothing for a long while. A kismesis with Terezi was started and did some damage that all happened offscreen. He appears in places that he has no business being in and generally is just... confusing. That’s how i’d describe his character. Yes there was a reason for his turning but... after he turned pretty evil it was never explored again. After Horrorstuck on the meteor he rarely spoke and just generally acts as Hussie’s hand to make things he wants to happen happen. Not only that but he never dies. He’s just always around. To me that’s WORSE than being unexplored or killed off than the other characters. Because very panel that Gamzee is alive in its another chance to sully his character. Or what little character he had. I get that this is all the point. He’s the Bard of Rage. He’s supposed to be confusing and weird and a little irritating. But that sucks. Like really bad. Especially when, even in a narrative as meta as homestucks, he’s the only character shown to know the world is a stage. That’s a lot of potential wasted on a clown used for whatever plot contrivance Hussie used him for. And no, just because “it’s SUPPOSED to be contrived” or like “he’s just a clown” that doesnt make it ok. You’re never supposed to just lose respect for your story like that and have characters just do whatever. If you don’t care about your story and its rules why should we. All he does is “forward” the plot but like... Doc Scratch did that. His ENTIRE purpose was just to forward the plot so LE could be born and he did it so much cooler.
Sorry for the big rant but that’s all! Hope that classpect helped you out and you enjoyed reading my... .LONG opinion. :B
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asianjeremyheere · 6 years
who wants to hear me analyze brooke and chloe’s friendship based off of like four (4) lines... under the cut.....
i think it really speaks to the toxicity of brooke and chloe's friendship that jake and brooke are portrayed as friends in more than survive, and yet she's so quick to trash him in the scene before 'guy that i'd kind of be into'. during the bus scene, they're clearly shown to be at the very least on pretty good terms with each other, when jake steadies her as she tips forward and idk they just seem like theyre on decent terms at the very least and yet, when jake and chloe break up, brooke is suddenly very against him- see: "he is so gross", also "he's a legend- i mean dumpster fire" from off bway. even if they're best friends, chloe and jake broke up on decent terms and in a healthy friendship, that shouldnt stop brooke from interacting with jake if she wants to/if they're still friends (and i say this from experience because i had a lot of friends ask me if it was okay to still keep talking to my ex after we broke up and i was. very confused because it isnt my decision to make whether or not people talk to him and chloe can't make that decision for brooke either, and technically she doesn't but her relationship with brooke/how she makes brooke feel, does.)
also, looking at how she interacts with jeremy in more than survive through to upgrade? in the off-broadway production it seemed like she was lingering in the background as if she wanted to approach him, but never did because michael showed up. in the broadway production, at the lockers in more than survive, she tells chloe that she’s “never even seen him before”. however, during sync up, she tells him her outfit is “hella retro” and “très bonsoir” because all the appears to know about him is that he dated madeline, who was apparently french (and brooke probably thinks this is significant because jeremy specifically points out that madeline in french) and that he likes retro things? this is presumably because he hangs out with michael, but how does she know michael likes retro when jeremy literally just mentions him one (1) time before dywr and then leaves? it isnt like she waited for jeremy to leave and then went to talk to michael about what jeremy liked (also, its unlikely that chloe would let her and that michael would actually respond, especially if he thinks that jeremy’s ditched him). also, michael is a pretty common name and i refuse to believe that michael mell is the only michael at middleborough. conclusion? she’s seen jeremy around enough to associate him specifically with the michael who likes retro stuff, or to just straight up associate jeremy with liking retro things, hence why she brings it up during sync up- but only when chloe isn’t there. she says shes never seen him before in mts but then approaches him by herself, says a bunch of things that she thinks will make him interested in her because she’s trying to associate herself with the things she thinks he likes (french and retro....) and then apologizes and leaves as soon as chloe arrives. 
taking into account brooke's feelings about being second best to chloe, i think it's safe to say that she would rather be second best to chloe than not with her at all. she doesnt like being chloes "attachment", per se, but its better than the alternative. shes interested in jeremy but only pursues him when a) he actively greets her first, instead of chloe, and b) he’s on their radar. chloe notices him, knows who he is, and he’s gaining popularity, so brooke won’t lose her status or risk sacrificing chloe’s by association if she tries to date him, and that’s when she starts trying to get with him, despite it being implied that she at least noticed him beforehand, when he was still a loser. she wants to be looked at first but she'll still pander to chloe and put aside her own interests and wants because at least with chloe she still gets that attention and validation that she wants, just to a lesser extent (and possibly to a worse one, but to brooke, who is literally described as insecure in the script, at least she’s getting validation at all, at least people are still paying attention to her.) 
and maybe chloe doesnt even realize it. brooke isnt exactly vocal around chloe, at least not about her feelings. she's vocal about things she thinks chloe will agree with. she's vocal about things that are safe to discuss, like literally any time that she just agrees with whatever chloe says because anything else gets her yelled at/snapped at/scorned.
anyway tldr brooke is very dependent on chloe and its very toxic and that isnt to say that they have no hope because they do but both of them need to step it up and sort stuff out because brooke needs to be more willing to communicate/stand up for herself and chloe needs to be more aware of how her reactions make brooke feel and make an effort to do less of that/be less harsh
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baconpal · 7 years
so heres the long super paper mario post
strap in for why super paper mario is fucking bizarre and why that’s pretty much awesome
gonna be a good amounts of spoilers, so if you’re on desktop then hit that read more, and if your on mobile, then here’s your punishment for using this god awful app
super paper mario is a game that is incredibly difficult to put into words, but it leaves such a powerful, lasting impression on me and i can’t come to say anything first other than I love it so much, and if you havent played the game, please just go do it now, even if you have to pirate or emulate or something, just let yourself play this game. It’s one of those games that I really feel I can just recommend to anybody
it’s difficult to think of where to start with dissecting this thing so i’ll just start with the art since lookin at things is pretty easy
every world in SPM is completely unique, not just in what type of environment, but it’s art style, and this is premised with the fact that none of these worlds are capable of existing together and are completely separate, and NOT part of a cohesive universe (LOOKIN AT YOU ODYSSEY I STILL THINK YOU LOOK STUPID)
The hub and the first 2 worlds are mostly just slight variants on the same general style of simplistic shapes and colors, with world 1 delving into more linework type aesthetics, and 2 focusing more on impressions and silhouettes, 
world 3 changes this completely with what is obviously an 8 bit kind of style, but instead of jarring over sized pixels, the world is composed of detailed tiles arranged to look like pixel art that imply a more real world, and not a gamey one, 
world 4 focuses on patterns and big patches of color to give the impression of the vast emptiness of both space and the surface of a barren planet, before giving you the “Whoa Zone”, with a striking mix of wire frame and futuristic UI style to it
world 5 takes the idea of nature being crude and simplistic and humanity being sharp, angular, and extreme and flips that on its head, with humanity and the space they occupy being these absolute memes with no sense of depth, and the plant life existing in a system of clean cut caves with futuristic technology and elegant historic values
world 6 simplifies a kind of colored Japanese painting aesthetic, down to the funny cylindrical cloud clusters and brushstroke trees
world 7 depicts what is essentially hell (yes there’s hell in this game keep your pants on) as a squarish blur of bright greens and warm reds and purples, and depicts heaven as fluffy land of clouds and Greek temples
and lastly, world 8 is inverted greyscale, where light is black and darkness is white, its simplistic and striking and i couldn’t think of a better style for the final area of a game so focused on the concept of light and dark
I’ll just try and keep it simple, the musics fucking cash money
The game makes great use of motifs when it needs to, where specific themes and instruments are used in other songs to suggest relationships and put battles and travels into perspective
And when it ISNT doing that, it’s just fucking funky stuff, with a weird trend of BOING and PLOP and SPLISH noises in the percussion because fuck you i guess
There’s a lot of good songs that do lots of interesting things, any of the like 5 final battle songs are great things to point to, but i’ll just go ahead and say the main theme of world 8 “Castle Bleck” is one of my favorites that isn’t super highly rated. It brings in the types of instruments that have been associated with the villain the entire game, but also throws in 2 very important things; a sudden triumphant burst of almost JRPG styled chiptune that pushes away the constantly building tension, which is then followed by the sound of a clock ticking, which is a musical motif only present in the songs “Memory” and “Promise” which is played whenever the memories of the player’s little guide thing and the main villain’s past lives together are alluded to. This one song holds a lot of weight, as well as simply being a fucking cool song.
This is, sadly, the one place I’ll not mince any words and say the gameplay is not amazing by any standard, it’s pretty much a classic mario game if it had RPG stats, items, and random abilities granted through the character and partner systems. The 3D flipping mechanic is nothing astounding, though it is very interesting to see how worlds are constructed
One of the biggest flaws people will mark the game for in its gameplay is that it’s tedious, and while I have to agree, that’s because I’ve already played the game before, and the tedium only comes from not being completely invested in the experience anymore. I’ll get some specific examples in a bit, but there’s a few cases of “tedium” that i believe are 100% intentional and drive the story in an interesting way
Thats a fuckin broad section, but its pretty much everything else i have to say on the game, and where the most spoilers and random praise is gonna be
I’m not actually gonna talk about the whole story, more just the strong parts of it, under the assumption you’ve already played it or understand a story as simple as “villain wants to destroy world, hero wants that to not happen”
The writing and characters are just flawless, everyone is fun to be around, especially the bad guys, who you see more antics of than your own party. There’s goofy running plotlines about O’chunks and mimi essentially getting grounded and being forced to write essays about why they fucked up at beating mario, and big stinky brother dimentio teasting and bullying them and sneaking them out to do his bidding when The big Count Bleck is away
The game is full of referential humor to not just mario itself but all kinds of games, there’s skeletons in hell who are clearly just Marios from the mainline games who died in stupid ways, there’s an actual dragon quest turn based boss battle in hell too, and chapter 3 has an otaku villain who tried to get with peach in a simulated visual novel
but the humor exists not just in references, but in simple good scenarios, with things like “Having a game show in a bathroom when everyone's life is at stake” and “locating an ancient manuscript to use as toilet paper” or “flying through black holes to find a convenience store” and things of that nature
It also interacts with the players emotions in many interesting ways, one of the more lauded being chapter 2-3, where mario is forced into working off a massive debt of fictional money, and is required to do hard, boring labor. There isn’t anyway to avoid doing both the hitting a block 100 times and the running on a treadmill for a few minutes thing, but the constant feeling of “there has to be a faster way to do this” drives the player to prod around, find the secrets, and slowly discover how to break the system wide open and get to the end, and i love it for that
This entire game is some sort of bait and switch, to put it simply, while it’s already a bit of a departure from both mario itself and the paper series, the first 5 worlds are pretty fucking tame stuff, other than the void, which is a giant black and purple spot that sits in the sky, always, every single world has the void growing in its sky, and it does grow, every chapter it gets bigger and bigger and takes up the sky, but where this truly culminates into the “switch” part is chapter 6, which starts itself by presenting you with the most TEDIUS sounding chapter possible, fight 100 enemies in a row, and nothing else, and for 25 straight fights, that is all it is, so you’ve locked yourself into it at this point, you know whats up, but the void in the background begins to grow to the point of being the entire fucking background, and every enemy you face speaks as if they know they’re all going to die, and by the 30th fight, one of the villains comes to stall for time as the void completely swallows the world, and the party is sent back to the hub. When they decide to go back in to world 6, its empty, the entire world is a white void with a single black line making up the ground, and colorless destroyed structures occasionally peaking out of the ground.
and you walk on this white void for so long and you just feel nothing but regret and fear and no matter how fast you make yourself go you feel like you’ll never find anything, but you do eventually get your plot item and escape
then, Dimentio, one of the villains you’ve seen the least of, appears in the hub world, the safest place in the universe, and kills mario
he just fucking kills him
he puts mario in a box and fills the box with explosions and mario fucking dies and goes to hell because fuck you mario
then you go through all of chapter 7 just to escape hell (called the Underwhere cus how could we possibly be allowed to take hell seriously) and join up with your full party before confronting the final world, which i’ve already stated i just love the design off
the game just takes the comfortable ride you’re on and throws it into the fucking sun and burns you alive and i love it so much, even the very end of the game doesnt let up, where the main villain is overtaken by that absolute madman Dimentio (Whose name is a play on both Dimension and dementia), who clearly was powerful enough to have done the whole “ending of the world” himself, but did it this way for the theatrics of it
there’s a lot i could still say about the game, but this post is absolute rambling and its 2 in the morning but as usual, i just wanted to shit my thoughts onto the internet to people could maybe learn somethin about either the game or me and how i think and look at and respond to stuff, and as always, anybody who read this whole thing is cool and i love you a whole heck of a lot
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smoliboops · 7 years
hey idk if you care anymore or if im just bothering you but i wanted to talk about this n get it off my chest? ok here goes-
basically an extension of the cranbersher thing that happened yesterday
also this is gonna get v v long, sorry.
heres a link to the post made abt this: booperdoopcr.tumblr.com/post/166157910781/writeasoph-booperdoopcr-so-like-i-know
basically cranbersher/oliver beale- a stop-motion animator (and musician of sorts), who is best known for working for several youtubers- most notably several of marks older animations + a more recent reboot and one of jacks old outros- had a very cryptic message on his twitter (@cranbersher) yesterday.
his twitter header changed to black, his profile picture was a dark n glitched photo (seemingly of a face), his name changed to 6 black boxes and his description link changed to cranbersher.com/secrets.
he tweeted out a short video with no caption (i believe around 20-30s) of a black screen with glitched n garbled noises, with one bright flash near the middle.
he replied to people’s confused replies to the post with cryptic, short messages written in a small unicode text
shortly after this, he deleted the tweets n changed his twitter back to normal and set up a stream for cuphead.
this is all the clues there are cus oliver is a cryptic shit.
heres some stuff ive deduced/know?
the 6 black boxes he had as his name match up directly with the amount of letters in oliver- his real name. someone in the replies also noted this.
the strange video seems very similar to the cryptic videos mark posted lately on his twitter: 3 and 2.
the /secrets link in his info is NOT new. a while ago,it was up on his twitch under the command ’!secrets’- which would give you said link. he invited people to try n figure out what it meant/crack the password. (i remember one time in chat someone said they cracked it n cran mentioned it im not sure if it was for real/if they confirmed it w/ him which cran said he would.) however, it seems to not be up on his nightbot commands page anymore. (also, i swear im not lying w/ this- unfortunately w/ these cryptic things i have no proof to give but im certain it was there. the vods arent in his archive anymore but this is true, i promise.)
in the replies (some can be seen in the post linked @ the beginning) whoever cran is speaking as states they do not know who mark or dark is. this seems to directly contradict the theory that the dark situation n this is related, but 1) they could be lying or trying to avoid, 2) they could be unaware of the relation but still be connected, or 3) it could actually be completely unrelated- but i think this is a bit too much of a coincidence for that to be true. (the messages are just so cryptic n short it just seems unlikely, imo. also, if cran is just doing his own spoopy thing cus its october (which is possible n also cool), it seems odd he’d choose to address those questions b/c if he wanted to keep it separate, why not just ignore stuff abt other dark!egos n keep it his own? or im reading too far into this, but heck.)
(ooc) thinking more irl n literally, mark has worked w/ many artists, animators n fan creators in the past- even more so recently. as well as this, cran has worked w/ mark many times before- and is more closely related to him than other fan artists. (also hes in kinda like an ‘animator squad’ w/ other well-known animators/artists who worked closely w/ youtubers which basically has pixlpit, foolishcptnkia, grittysugar, nattcatt, and some others who are p close w/ mark n jack)
and thats all ive got for theories on that stuff (mostly idk i have bad memory n cant really explain that well w/ text)
and there’s more! wowie zowie. i didnt get a chance to look more at the video he posted cus i didnt get a chance to save it, but someone did reply to his next tweet w/ a pic of the glitched avatar so i tried to fuck around and see what i could get- heres the results.
this is the profile picture, unedited. (sorry if the image insert doesnt work idk if html works in submissions)
<img src=“https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLkuYe6W4AAc86s.jpg”>
this is the profile picture, sharpened slightly. (this one is referenced for most of the other photos n such)
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/xX1D6FC.png”>
this is the profile picture, cross-referenced w/ a front-on pic of oliver from his twitter.
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/7sVKrRB.png”>
this is the profile picture, cross-referenced w/ a pic angled from below of oliver from his twitter. (i know this pic is really ~sketchy~ but it was the best one w/ this angle w/o digging through photos and videos so ye)
<img src=“https://imgur.com/awf6FgH”>
this is the profile picture, cross-referenced w/ both pics. (kinda hard to really make it easier to understand)
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/IWB8D48.png”>
this is the profile picture, w/ a rough sketch of how the combined features would look overlaid the photos.
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/n51oaJ4.png”>
this is the profile picture w/ the rough sketch alone.
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/M3X68tO.png”>
thats enough pic spam- lets talk abt this. it seems p certain that its a glitched photo of oliver- the facial features seem to match up fairly well. his face seems to be tilted weirdly back to the right (our right, shown by the arrows)- this is a p stereotypical menacing pose- its odd and inhuman which makes it look creepy to the audience. this also gives some major anti vibes- hes moving his head in a way thats uncomfortable and almost looks broken- choppy or glitched- not really something youd usually do or see.
but aside from that- its v shadowy n dark. there are some key facial features missing- the eyes n mouth- (the ears n features in the back would be hidden anyway) we associate these features w/ being human. thats why it looks so weird when someones missing an eye or has a 3rd eye or a stitched mouth.
not just that though- cran has something else that is associated w/ him. and its puppets- his stop-motion puppets. if you dont know- cran likes to have self-inserts in his animations and works- he has large self-insert parts in both his most recent mark animation n his cranbersher’s guide series that have large plot points or hidden plots associated w/ them. point is- puppets have a lot to do with his channel n image on the web.
abt a month ago, cran posted a tweet finishing off a month or so old thread that was quite eerie, to say the least. (keep in mind that puppets take a long, long time to make n that he only scraps them when they break, n this is obviously not normal) that ended in this photo:
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/MyiHvDI.png”>
also, he had this photo as his header before and after this change. and what is clearly missing from this puppet thats different than his other puppets? well:
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/DpcusuL.png”>
<img src=“https://i.imgur.com/Ab3b8RR.png”>
thats right fuckers- eyes and a mouth.
and what does that mean? quite frankly, i have no idea. im just rambling about my dumb thoughts.
(please validate me i spent 2 days on this,, fkin)
now for the super amazing end-card tournament!1!!
(holy toledo you really did your research that’s awesome! gg :O)
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if you were around for the pre-end-of-mh days you might remember times i like to talk to myself extensively, pointlessly, and dumbassedly about my own thoughts, which go nowhere and solve nothing. literally ignore me, talking about bring me the spider cup, i wanna prank crimmins natcho. my proclivity towards trying to figure out mysteries is matched only by my total inability to do so.
firstly i was like ok, this doesn’t necessarily mean eno knows who this guy is, which i think is true but unlikely. he’s probably met him before and while i think it would be funny if this is all some roundabout unnecessary revenge scheme by someone who considers eno his rival, i’d think it was more likely eno was kind of in a position like wallace where maybe they just worked in the same place. (sidenote: he is so clearly evil how do people share an office with him. please fix this mess jerry)
becoz the thing is it was a bit strange eno said he couldnt take a client via a social workers request with the reasoning that he’d left that life behind him? because he is a therapist now after all. but it would make more sense if he used to maybe be associated with / work for a company like that. i dont even know anything about privatised versions of social work but maybe it could work like that. and maybe he worked with crimcrom because sure, maybe crimmins just murdered his way into head of a company or other unsavory methods, and/or maybe also he has actual experience in the field. because maybe he was working at the same place as eno?
because honestly if i was going to take a very vague guess of where the social work is involved here, its that if youre going to do terrible dangerous medical experiments on people, you take people who have connections without the wealth/time/stability to investigate or else just people who wont be missed at all. people whose debilitating struggles and unstable situations you actually have documentation of. and it does seem like everyone with someone missing was relying on kent and co. to find them, because they couldnt themselves, because their sibling/whomever had been targeted for that exact reason, that their family/friends wouldnt have the means to find them. probably this has been going on for a while and most people are just killed and those who arent are kinda just chucked out somewhere to be found by whoever
anyways, the thing with eno, the idea he was working with/for a company earlier is a bit confusing too because its confusing that kent and yumi were killed but eno wasnt? theres the chance that the attempt simply failed, but i had thought that maybe because eno wasnt the semi-public face of the effort like kent was or an official worker like yumi, maybe nobody who put the hit out knew he was even involved. but since im guessing we’re guessing crimmins was directly/indirectly involved in the Day Of Murder and he knows about eno, thats not true……but then its a bit fuzzier why eno wasnt killed if he wasnt just helping out as a friend but sort of associated with his work, like yumi was. maybe it was part of a longer con, like as might be made clearer soonish. because unfortunately i really doubt crim would show his hand like this if he wasnt secure in everything favoring his schemes currently
it also makes sense that eno had been in a position like yumi’s because im also assuming eno thinks its his own files that someone had got hold of. cuz if yumi and kent had the same papers, surely eno did too. and if he was just keeping them to himself it would be one thing but if he was using them with his work like yumi was, then maybe it happened like he said it did only with his file/company in place of yumi’s. which makes sense coz of why he is so uncomfortable and why he was so surprised about it. probably he didnt suppose it had happened until kip said it did, and he suspects it was on his end that it happened but doesnt want to say it because its unpleasant and because he doesnt want to say it to kip.
i was hoping that gayness would be the wrench in the gears aka kip wasnt supposed to learn of the link between kents files and wallaces, but maybe he actually absolutely was? it would make sense why crimmins was so keen to make sure wallace got kip to work with him. because unless it is remarkably nuanced i doubt part of his plan involves trying to get wallace to directly harm anyone, cuz obvs he wouldnt, he is just motivated to not get fired and hopefully do good work. but it seems like a safe guess that kip would see wallaces papers even though kip really should be getting paid for this, and maybe crimmins was assuming that kip had already seen kents file? because if he had worked with eno and gotten his files, he would basically know what must be in kents files. and it apparently wasnt a secret that the files had made it out of the fire with kip
but its a hell of a con because its like, it seemed like a bonus that kip realized the coincidence, because why would crimmins want kip to suspect that wallace is somehow connected with the scheme that kent was investigating / his family and yumi were killed for? but apparently he could guess that kip would meet with eno about it, because i guess he’s tracking one or both of them. speaking of, im hoping that kip hasnt just gotten jumped. im sure its a concern on the best of days that eno told him to be safe, but it seems ominous
just like it seemed ominous when kip told wallace he trusts eno more than anyone. wallace sure learned a lot in those couple of days, namely: he already knows where kip lives exactly and who with and that they are good friends (not sure how coincidental it is that they live in the exact same building, maybe its just convenient), who kip’s ex-boyfriend is and where he works and who he works with and that he and kip have Strong Feelings for each other, who kip’s therapist is and that he sees him once a week and is a old and close friend whom kip trusts above all others, and i’m sure wallace has been able to pick up that kip has a dead brother and theres a story behind it and its a touchy subject. i mean, that’s mostly completely irrelevant info to put into a report, but maybe not if it was relevant to mention that he was working with kip since after all his boss had told him to. but probably crimmins was guessing that if wallace was making headway at all, he had got hold of kip. and since apparently he has eyes on people, that helps too. fix it jerry
im not thinking that its ominous that kip trusts eno so much because he shouldnt or because eno has been lying all along or something—like, if eno suspects himself for being involved in something now, im supposing he hadnt thought so before or hadnt considered it mattered because everything about how everything happened was moot because nobody was going to be continuing the matter and everyone was leading totally different lives. and as for currently, its not like i think eno is like, having the past catch up with him aka he’s betrayed kip or anyones trust before. i mean maybe eno has some totally unrelated dark secret that can be held over him, but even then i doubt that it would be anything where he would be forced to do something to endanger kip to protect himself. rather, i’d guess he might be given more of a non-choice in which he has to do something that will endanger kip because the threat is of causing kip immediate harm. what seems worst is that crimmins is really showing his hand early here maybe, or anyways, he thinks that theres no possible way for eno to prevent whatever crim wants to have happen. which is like, bad
and if he knows how much kip trusts eno, which he probably does, thats bad too…
if wallaces only purpose though was to show kip the files he had, that also has to mean rousing kip’s suspicion…..also, if kip had known about kents files before he’d seen wallace’s, wouldnt he potentially be immediately suspicious enough of wallace to cut off ties with him? maybe that doesn’t matter idk. b/c tbh it seems like theres only so much you can do w/ wallace while preserving his “unwitting involvement in an evil scheme” status, you cant ask him to do anything non-job related. unless his reports are doubling as surveillance or something. but he wouldnt do anything he thought was harmful or over his bounds. even asking him to get kip involved was weird, but at least crim seemed to accurately count on wallace caring too much abt his job to object with stuff rather than simply doing what he had to to keep it
like, clearly something about kip is important to crim’s schemes but how could i guess what. because im guessing we dont have enough information yet, but even if you gave me the info we have now and told me to fill in the blanks however i wanted, i couldnt come up with anything. im really really dumb as hell and not creative enough to take the ventures required to come up with accurate theories. but ok, medical experiments, it could just be anti-monster, but it could also be pro-human which happens to be anti-monster aka more exploitative. cuz it doesnt seem like theyre “Kill All Monsters” as much as “its fine if monsters die but if theyre alive we’ll just dump them somewhere because we just literally assign them no value unless somehow they’re useful towards whatever’s going on here.”
coz kip has two powers: 1) he’s a beloved semipublic figure, and 2) ice and he’s cold
and he has one majorly exploitable weakness in that he’s very afraid for his surrogate family, generally more scared than the average person of being murdered horribly, and knows he has good reasons for that and also trauma
but it seems like if crim wanted to get hold of kip by threatening his loved ones, he could do that at any time? why would wallace need to be involved at all; he wouldnt. why does he need to tip kip off about his own schemes. why did he need to wait five years? why has there been this five year gap? simply development of the mystery scheme? or is it because kip has moved back to c and/or because kip is a semi-public figure again
coz reading between the lines but im supposing that kip had earnestly and strongly intended to follow in kent’s footsteps but was presumably discouraged from this when his family was murdered. but even tho he only told wallace about moving back to c because roy and molly missed it, in the intervention that gets sprung on him and other hints, it sounds like kip still considers himself dedicated to helping people like kent did, which is what his sjw blog is, but he’s majorly aware of the danger of that and unwilling to get anyone killed this time, which is a major limitation, seeing as that happened to him before and everyone is disappeared all the time w/o repercussion. except the repercussion of one tiny group of people who look into it and get murdered, except for eno
but also kip must not have been doing any Helping The Public stuff before he moved to C, because when he says he has to help wallace to justify having thrown so much away, and considering how he’d lost so much in the fire, presumably what he’s thrown away is his life with pascal. im guessing he couldnt have made roy and molly split from him even if he tried, but pascal apparently could be parted from. for like a week, but whatever. he’d been dating pascal before the fire, but if he hadnt been involved in any position of openly helping monsters before the fire and hadnt before moving back to C, that explains why he tried to convince pascal not to go with them.
anyways, uh, see ive lost track of what i was saying. that, while kip is so afraid for the safety of those too close to him, he can also be pressured into a riskier position. but thats by his friends and himself. but maybe if he’s going to be given false information he thinks is from eno, he could do other risky things too. cuz i doubt theres any real protection, as if kent and yumi and eno werent trying to be safe. im guessing kip’s just trying to keep his head down and his cards close to his chest. its frustrating because technically he was right to be immediately suspicious of wallace to the point of associating him with the death of his family and being afraid of helping wallace, but not because wallace’s personal intentions arent good. but still its going to be really awkward if kip gets an idea of what wallace is associated with. cuz its an extremely delicate process that would allow wallace to figure out what was going on and break the news to kip and have kip trust him, so delicate that i doubt it exists and anyways the odds are not in its favor. but its frustrating because i want people to not be friends and not feel betrayed by their bosses and each other and even better, to be friends working together to resolve murders and an evil scheme
anyways. what does crim need from kip. stuff he knows? i doubt he’s trying to corrupt kip’s blog, or otherwise exploit the fact that kip’s probably a trusted community figure. for starters, crim’s already been getting away completely with abduction, murder, arson, etc, for years. unless theres some new Phase of the plan that requires something new. but again, it seems like a big ol coincidence that kip and co moved to C five months before wallace was moved into their exact building with the goal of getting involved with kip, tho wallace obviously doesnt know about all that stuff yet. why does it matter that kips in C. did crim not know where he was prior? did he need kip to be involved in the public sphere so that he could catch hold of him by sending out a social worker too naive and earnest to focus on the suspicious evilness of his new boss? did he just not need kip yet???
it seems strange to consider that crim could like, blackmail or threaten either kip or eno longterm. like, is he about to make a move here. because yeah they both have reasons to be extremely protective of people, which can be leveraged. but like wallace, i dunno how far they could be pushed with doing anything obviously harmful, or doing anything for anyone so obviously evilly motivated. or how long such a chokehold could be maintained. eno being threatened with kip’s wellbeing and being pressured into manipulating kip in one way or another is one thing, and even then how could he be threatened more than once. how could he be expected not to do something to warn someone if the pressing is let up for even a moment? is the point to abduct eno maybe and make kip feel even more afraid, because that would probably admittedly be super effective, but i imagine kip would just withdraw completely from things like being involved with wallace, blogging, etc. but to try to coerce kip into doing something by threatening multiple people is trickier, and what could kip do?
the thing is that i could see kip as being targeted for the ice thing, because thats another coincidence, that he has a really strong ability that seems pretty unusual even for monsters. like, freezing freshly brewed hot tea in a few seconds is really something. and i’m supposing he survived the fire by freezing himself / ice protection, which is really really something. and maybe the fact that he’s also an sjw who’s always scared that someones going to get hurt or killed is just a way to get to him. coz maybe, even probably, kip wasnt supposed to survive the fire, but just be another casualty because crim and co do not give a shit about bothering to spare any monsters life. but the fact that he did, using ice, and that he had his brothers files, all probably wasnt a secret. i mean, the surviving and the files part definitely wasnt, but just knowing the place was on fire and he survived ok probs implies that he had the ability to protect himself somehow, and thats a really impressive ability
so like maybe whatever traits theyre looking for makes kip the ideal target. maybe for once they felt like they couldnt just steal him away normally, but idk why they wouldnt. for example if crim just wanted to kidnap kip, maybe he just has. but that seems like wallace wouldnt need to be involved and eno wouldnt need to be involved and why wait til he’s in C? he doesnt need flushing out to be stolen off the street; he travels to B at least once a week on a schedule and he walks to work.
again, probably theres necessary info we dont even have that will fill in a missing piece here, but even now im too stupid to expand on the stuff we know to imagine up something that would fill in that blank. im too horrible at reading/understanding peoples motivations to even fully Get basic interactions sometimes, and im too uncreative to even come up with stuff like say, guess what crim’s trying to develop over there. maybe theres something about moving from development to initiation that needs kip’s particular involvement (??how??). but why has there been five years of them having been left alone in D, maybe, although how do we even know that
idk all i know is im stupid and i dont like that everyone is going to be even more miserable and endangered and mysteries are a trial for me because i want to die and dont want to have to deal with dying on a cliffhanger, i’ll be an angry ghost. ive probably forgotten a tangent or two i wanted to touch on and that makes me an angry pre-ghost. w/e
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