#he completely ATE this photo shoot up
bizzielisteningtogreta · 10 months
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sammy is the moment!!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
HEY RO!!!!! 🌹
I don't remember which game or lesson it came from but I remember a scene where MC and Beel were looking through the fridge for a snack and there was a pudding(?) With Mammon's name on it and Beel said "Oh, this one has Mammon's name on it. That means it's up for grabs!" (Or something along those lines, I can't remember exactly) And It got me thinking...
Mammon putting a collar on MC with his name on it to "claim them as his own" but the other brothers just completely disregard it. In all honesty it only makes them more attracted to you. And they always make you leave it on while they fuck you! Mc is just passed around the brothers "Mom said it's my turn on the Xbox" style. The brothers also "use" you to get back at Mammon for various things he's done to them.
Lucifer: (this bitch is just on a power trip honestly)
He calls you in the middle of movie night with Mammon and tells you to come to his office right away. After you've been gone for some time Mammon comes after you to find you. He busts into Lucifer's office to see you absolutely covered in Luci's cum and Lucifer has you in a mating press on his desk, just ruthlessly ramming into you. He looks Mammon straight in the eye and chuckles sadistically as you cum on his cock again. And he just keeps on bullying your hole as he scoffs at Mammon
"Look at how pathetic you are~ Not even being able to protect your most valuable possession from me~"
Leviathan: (This bitch wants his money/stuff back, but for now he'll use you as retribution)
Mammon had gone out shopping and you were just chillin in his room, sitting on his bed and playing on your phone. Then Levi bursts into the room panting, fuming and yelling about his limited edition Ruri-chan figure. His gaze immediately locks on you and he grabs you. He drags you back to his room, mumbling about paying Mammon back for what he's done. He ties you up and edges you for hours until eventually, Mammon comes looking for you. Mammon is obviously enraged by the whole situation and Levi is just grinning sadistically, still torturing you, while Mammon throws a tantrum
"You took my prized possession, so it's only fair that I take yours"
Beelzebub: (Mammon ate his food)
You and Mammon are chillin on the couch, watchin some tv, but mostly talking. Beel wanders into the kitchen for a snack. Soon you hear a loud growl from the kitchen and Beel storms into the living room absolutely livid. He doesn't say a word to Mammon and justs plucks you off the couch and tosses you over his shoulder. He marches to the dining room with Mammon in tow protesting loudly. Once he gets there, he plops you down on the table and pulls up a chair. He rips off your bottoms and just goes to town eating you. He holds you in place (because Mammon is probably tryna pull you away) and just eats you for as long as he feels like even through your pleas for him to slow down.
"You ate my food, so now I'm going to eat them instead"
(Obviously everything is consensual w safewords and such in place. They do love you after all)
Levi’s?????? Hsksheuwban-
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Lemme just add Satan cuz this idea is lovely~ 🍒~
Satan’s been roped into tutoring you and Mammon again, but Mammon skipped. Coming up with some lame excuse like he had a photo shoot or something-
And while Satan’s always happy to get some time alone with you, this means he’ll have to tutor Mammon separately……and ofc you’re still walking around with that damned collar with Mammon’s name on it!! unless you end up distracted-
And that’s how Mammon finds you a few hours later, he walked into the library already sayin’ how he’s sorry he late and how his shoot ran long, only to look over and see you bent over the table while Satan pounds you from behind.
Satan doesn’t even falter as he makes eye contact with Mammon, “You’re late.”
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rubyreduji · 10 months
HI JJ!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY 3K!!!!!! im sorry it took so long to send an ask <\3 BUT I WAS WONDERING 💭 if i could req a short bff!vernon fluff drabble? where he’s kinda nervous about confessing or something silly like that 😅 it literally can be a short 200 word scene, idc!!! I LAUV U SAUR MUCH AND U DESERVE EVERYTHING GOOD!! im so proud of u, ur so wonderful <33333
— sleepover event now over!! 🧸️
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summary: vernon knows you two will be best friends no matter what, so why is it so hard to tell you he likes you?
tags: fluff, best friend!au, gn reader wc: 1.4k an: hi star sar thank you for the request this is so cute :((( (also a great break from smut adjskla) ily. side note why is this man so hard to find photos for
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Vernon doesn’t think he’s ever sweat this much in his life.
His whole body is hot as his heartbeat quickens in his chest, the rumbling of the organ banging against his ribcage deafening in his ears. His hands shake as he glances at you across the table.
You look cute today, but then again you look cute everyday. You did your hair up for today and even slid some rings on your fingers before leaving your house. You look over and notice Vernon staring so you shoot him a smile. It takes Vernon a second too long to process this and smile back.
Shit, he has got to calm down. If nothing else but to stop sweating, because it is not an attractive look on him.
“Nonie,” you say, startling him slightly. “You’ve barely touched your ice cream.” You nod at the cup of chocolate ice cream melting in front of him, only a few bites taken out of it. You on the other hand have half of your cone gone.
“Oh,” Vernon mutters, staring down at the bowl as well. “Sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? You’re the one who paid.” You take another lick of your cone. “What’s wrong? You’ve been off since I picked you up.”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Vernon lies, his voice cracking a bit in the middle. You narrow your eyes at him before flicking your eyes to his ears.
“You’re lying,” you say matter of factly. “Your ears only get red when you’re lying. Or when you’re nervous.”
Vernon doesn’t want to tell you he’s both nervous and lying, so he instead lies even more. “You’re right, sorry. I think my stomach is just upsetting me a bit. I ate something weird for lunch.” It’s really only half a lie, because his stomach is in complete knots right now, you just don’t need to know why.
Well, you do. That’s the whole point of this outing. But Vernon can’t tell you just yet, not like this.
“Oh no,” you frown at Vernon, deeming him to be sincere enough. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“No!” Vernon shouts, causing a few glares to be shot his way from the other ice cream parlor tenants. You also stare at him curiously. “Sorry I just, no, I’ll be okay. I want to spend time with you.”
You laugh easily, the light sound gliding through the air and forcing Vernon’s heart to clench. “We see each other every day.”
“That’s different,” Vernon says, ducking his head. “This is just us, without any obligations or other people to bother us.”
In Vernon’s opinion you’re too popular, too many people vying for your attention, him included. That’s why he does his best to spend time with you like this, doing whatever you want to do, because all that matters to Vernon is being able to be with you, your full attention on him.
“I do agree it’s nice when it’s just us,” you say, smiling at your best friend. “How about this? I’ll finish my ice cream and then we can go walk around the shops, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Vernon says.
It doesn’t take long for you to finish your ice cream, and even though Vernon is anti-food waste, his stomach absolutely would not be able to keep the sugary confection down even if he tried. As soon as you step out of the ice cream parlor your hand finds Vernon’s, grasping at him to tug him along with you.
Though the act of holding hands isn’t new to you two, the feel of your warm hand against his still makes Vernon’s mouth go dry. He can’t focus on what you’re saying to him, too busy trying to figure out if you can feel how clammy his hand is.
Even if you can feel it, you don’t mention it, pulling Vernon along as you ramble on about life and things you see in the shop windows and how the weather is just perfect today for being outside. The whole time Vernon makes small comments, letting you know he’s listening. Every so often he steals glances at you, watching as your face lights up as you talk about whatever topic comes to your mind. The sun glows against your skin, like it was made to shine for you, but maybe Vernon’s just a bit biased.
Vernon isn’t sure when he fell in love with you, but isn’t that how it always is?
You two have been best friends for years now, after an unassigned assigned seat stealing incident in the 10th grade. It wasn’t instantaneous, you two shared some mutual friends and would hang out casually after class, and then before Vernon knew it you two were together nearly every day of the week. You two would go shopping on weekends or go to each other’s houses to study on school nights. You two unknowingly integrated so seamlessly into each other’s lives to the point where his mother calls you “hun” and your father calls him “son”. 
Going off to college didn’t change that, and now you two are living in the same city once again, pursuing your dreams together. And somewhere in all of that Vernon just…happened to fall in love with you. Somewhere between late night grocery trips and early morning sunrise watching and crying through final exams and cuddling during movie nights and taking pottery classes because you think it’ll be fun and yeah, Vernon really should have seen this coming.
He knows it’s cliche, but he isn’t that upset about it, because now he gets to be in love with you, his favorite person in the world. The only issue now is telling you that. The thing that’s been bothering him the whole day.
In reality, even if you don’t reciprocate him back, it’s not going to change anything. Vernon knows you two will stay best friends and will continue to hold hands while walking through stores and eat burgers together at two am, but maybe that’s what scares Vernon the most. The idea that you won’t like him back and he will never be able to get over you because how could he when you let him lay his head on your lap while late night talking or when you invite him over to dinner just to make sure he’s actually eating something that’s not chewy noodles and burnt toast.
He can’t not tell you though, because what if you do like him back, and it’s perfect and amazing and Vernon gets his happily ever after. So he has to tell you.
You’re looking at something in a window of an antique shop when Vernon starts to feel that suffocating feeling again, the sun suddenly becoming a bit too hot as his heart starts to race in his chest. He wants to spend everyday with you like this. He wants to call you his and you to call him yours.
“Vernon?” You’re his best friend. “Are you okay?” What if something bad happens? “Hey!” What if something good happens?
“I LIKE YOU!” Vernon shouts, the words spilling from his lips like he physically can’t keep them in anymore. His breathing stills as he stares at you, the only sound he hears being the hammering of his heart trying to escape his chest.
You start to giggle, your face lighting up in glee as you smack his shoulder. “You’re a dumbass, you know that? That’s what’s been stressing you out all day?” Vernon can only nod slightly. “I like you too, stupid. I thought you knew that.”
Like a weight being lifted off Vernon’s chest, he can finally breathe again. “How was I supposed to know that?!”
“You’re my best friend, I thought we knew everything about each other. I certainly knew you liked me.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Vernon whines. 
“Why didn’t you?” You shoot back.
“I just did!” Vernon counters and you start to giggle once more. You tug at Vernon’s hand, pulling him closer to you to lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek. Vernon feels his face heat up.
“And I’m glad you did.”
“But that means you have to plan the first date,” Vernon tells you. You gasp.
“That is not what that means! You confessed first, so you plan the date.”
“Like you don’t have a million date ideas already planned out,” Vernon retorts and you huff.
“Fine, I’ll plan the first date, but I better now hear any complaints.”
Vernon just grins and wraps his arms around you. “If it’s you? There’s nothing in the world I could complain about.”
It’s your turn to become flustered, sputtering out a “whatever.”
Vernon laughs and presses a kiss to your head. Of course he had nothing to worry about, after all, it’s you.
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missywritesfor7 · 6 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Happy New Year everyone!! Enjoy this chapter and new chapters every Monday! 💜💜
Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 2: Taboo
Yoongi wakes up the next morning to an empty bed once again. He woke up to see Hyeri off when she left for her early shoot. He made her a quick snack to take with her, then fell right back to sleep the moment she left. Now he’s up again just a mere 3 hours later with an hour to spare before he heads off to his own scheduled shoot.
He rolls out of bed and makes himself a breakfast smoothie. With their world tour coming up he’s been on his pre-comeback diet which he mostly follows except when he’s with Hyeri. The way things have been lately, any time with her is worth breaking his diet.
When the time comes, he gathers everything he’ll need for the day and heads out once a manager arrives to take him to his first stop. Today’s schedule starts with a commercial shoot followed by a short promo shoot for the upcoming New Years Con being streamed on Weverse. After that, it’s dance practice until they all master the choreo or start fighting with each other too much from exhaustion. Then he’ll be in his studio finalizing some songs, making new ones, and working on a few projects he took on when he couldn’t get himself to say no to anyone.
With this schedule he has very little time to look at his phone. It’s nothing new to him and Hyeri though. They’re used to being so busy that they don’t even have a second to send a text to each other, and that’s exactly how Yoongi’s day is going. He gets all the way to practice having only checked his phone once during lunch where he sent Hyeri a quick message telling her to have a good day and that he loves her.
At practice the guys are all still working on perfecting their set list for their tour. They work one song at a time with the choreographer to make sure they have the moves down and then evaluate whether the song order is doable. It’s physically and mentally testing, but again it’s nothing new for these 7 veterans of the business.
During a short break Yoongi takes a seat against the wall next to Jin who hands him a bottle of water. “How do they have so much energy?” Jin asks pointing to Taehyung and Jungkook who are playing around in the middle of the floor.
“Their generation is a different breed,” Yoongi laughs watching along as Jimin and Hoseok record the two youngest’s impromptu breakdance battle on their phones.
When Namjoon enters the room from the bathroom, everyone begins moving into position to get back to practice. However, Namjoon pulls Yoongi to the side first.
“Hey hyung,” Namjoon says in a hushed tone. “I just want to give you a heads up.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and shows Yoongi an article.
Right under the headline is a photo of Yoongi and Hyeri after they ate together the day before. Usually Yoongi, and the rest of the guys, would roll their eyes at such articles. It’s not the first time any of them have been photographed within 10 feet of someone else and had it turn into dating rumors. It’s easy to ignore because it’s typically not long before the chatter dies down and the public has moved on to something else. Usually. But the photo is too damning to be ignored.
For the very brief moment that Yoongi and Hyeri held each other’s hand outside of the restaurant yesterday, someone managed to take a picture of them. Now the image of them with their hands linked while they gaze into each other’s eyes is all over the internet.
Denying the rumors is what they normally would do. It’s easy. But not this time. Namjoon doesn’t have to say anything else to Yoongi because he already knows what this means. He’ll have to make a statement, and denying the relationship may not be so easy this time.
“Have you heard from Rainbow?” Namjoon asks.
“No,” Yoongi says. “I haven’t been on my phone all day.” He reaches for his pocket then realizes he left his phone in his bag in his studio upstairs. He looks at Namjoon wondering if it would upset the others if he ran upstairs for his phone.
“Come on, guys!” Hobi shouts getting in formation.
“You think she’s ok?” Namjoon asks.
“I don’t know,” Yoongi sighs. “Maybe she hasn’t seen anything yet, she’s supposed to be on set all day.”
“Then I’m sure she’s fine,” Namjoon resolves moving to join the rest of the group. “Let’s get this over with.”
The remainder of practice is hardly memorable to Yoongi. His body is there on autopilot, but his mind is far gone. He knew from the start that he and Hyeri’s relationship would be risky. An idol dating is always a hot topic, but two idols dating each other is a much larger issue. He hates the taboo, and while he’s certain there will be many people happy for them, he knows the nasty other side all too well. He can handle it, he has been since before their debut, but he worries about Hyeri.
When Hyeri debuted she was part of a four member girl group called Two Piece under Starlight Entertainment. Although they were under a much smaller company, they still managed to gain a decent following after their debut. Rainbow quickly became known as the adorably shy maknae with the voice to make anyone melt.
Behind the scenes, she found herself afraid to say much for fear that she would be kicked from the group. She got along well with her members, but management kept incredible amounts of pressure on them that had all four of them afraid to say or do anything. They thought the threats of being released would end once they debuted, but it didn’t. Not only that, but everything they did came with punishment. Even when they thought they did well, they were sent home to nothing more than a bowl of rice they had to share.
The company had no money and only one artist. Two Piece. The pressure was heavy because the company was so deep in debt, but no one realized just how much until an exposé was published revealing more than anyone knew was going on.
The CEO of Starlight was found to be in debt to a few powerful figures of the underworld. A gambling addiction, shady financial dealings, and a smuggling operation spanning three countries sent Starlight to its very quick and public demise. The company was shut down and police launched a lengthy investigation.
On top of everything else, Two Piece learned that the rights to all of their music and content was sold off by the CEO to cover some of his debt. It took a long time for authorities to track down who the CEO sold the rights to, but once they did there was nothing they could do. The person was unwilling to cooperate and refused to give ownership back to Two Piece without a large payment. Of course they never saw a dime from anything they had done so they were unable to offer anything.
The cruelty and unfairness of the business resulted in the end of Two Piece. They had hoped to sign elsewhere, but after losing hope in getting their songs back, and losing hope in music altogether, rapper and vocalist EJ quit music for good. She left Seoul and went to stay on her aunt and uncle’s farm in the countryside north of Busan. She comes around once or twice a year to reunite with the rest of the group to catch up a bit, but she maintains a very low key and internet free hermit lifestyle.
Not wanting to carry on as Two Piece without all four members, the remaining three decided to disband and go their separate ways. Leader and main dancer Haeun went on a few dance competition shows before earning recognition as one of the generations best dancers. She remains in Seoul as a dance mentor on idol survivor shows and occasionally hosts dance workshops. Minji, vocalist and second youngest, released two solo albums with a different label before leaving the entertainment business and teaching musical theater at a performing arts school near Seoul.
Lastly, the shy and soft spoken Hyeri aka Rainbow remained in the music business until she recently began her acting career. She’s received lots of positive feedback for her acting from both fans and peers. Colleagues and production staff on every set she’s worked on praise her for being one of the sweetest and easiest people to work with.
It’s been 5 years since the scandal that ended their group, and now Hyeri finds herself sitting at home staring at the photo of her and Yoongi that’s been spreading across the internet all day. She was sent home after finishing only half of her shoot for her “safety” and they promised to reschedule in a few days. She was unsure why until she went back to her dressing room to change and she saw the many messages on her phone.
Minji and Haeun were just checking in on her knowing how hard things can be for her whenever she’s the subject of rumors or anything deemed controversial. Her mom let her know that if she and Yoongi need to disappear for a bit they can always come stay with them in Gwangju. Her manager tells her to get some rest and they’ll talk in the morning. There are a few other messages but none from Yoongi aside from the one he sent her earlier in the day. She figures he must not know yet so instead of messaging him she decides to wait for him to find out on his own. The last thing she wants to do is cause a distraction if he just so happens to look at his phone during practice and sees the news from her.
What she doesn’t realize is Yoongi already knows and after another hour of practice, the guys show mercy and end it early. He’s now running to get his bag out of his studio and he sees it. Messages from everyone. His brother, his mom, some friends. Everyone except Hyeri.
He quickly heads out to his car and rushes home. If she hasn’t seen the news then he wants to be home for her when she does. Just like everyone else close to her, he knows she tends to have a hard time with tabloids. He’s surprised to see the lights on when he gets home and more surprised when he sees Hyeri sitting on the couch in a daze.
“What are you doing home so early?” He asks sitting next to her. “Are you ok?”
“I’m ok,” she says softly. “Why are you home so early?”
He looks her over noticing the redness of her eyes. He can definitely smell the red wine on her breath and see the wad of tissue on the table. She knows.
“I’m here for the same reason you are,” he responds. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
She nods. Sniffs. Her lips tremble. Then she shakes her head.
“Do you think they’ll replace me?” She worries. “What if the company drops me?”
“No,” he says pulling her into an embrace. “They’re not going to replace you or drop you from anything. This shit happens all the time.”
“I know, but what do we say when it’s true? That picture is hard to deny.”
“Well…” he thinks a moment. He had been thinking about this since the moment Namjoon showed him the article. He knows they have to say something, but with that photo he feels denying it would just make them seem like liars. He’d rather break the taboo than be a liar. “Maybe we just tell them the truth.”
“What?” She asks surprised that he would suggest such a thing.
“It’s true, so let’s just admit it. Why should we hide our love because of some stupid societal rule that idols can’t date? I don’t care what anyone has to say about it, I love you and that’s all that matters.”
“I love you too baby, I just,” she pauses and takes a breath. “I need to talk to my manager tomorrow first.”
“What?” He raises a brow.
“Earlier today I got the lead role in that big drama I auditioned for.”
“Really?” He perks up with excitement knowing just how bad she wanted that role and how hard she practiced for it. It’s not only a lead role, but her first lead role. The big opportunity she’d been dreaming about.
“Yeah,” she says shyly. “They offered the part to me this morning. Nothing has been announced yet though, so…I’m scared I may lose it before I even get started.” She sniffles trying to hide her worried tears.
“Babe,” he says squeezing her tighter. “First I’m so proud of you! And second, this isn’t a reason for you to lose your role.” He cups her cheeks in his hands and gives her a quick peck. “It’ll be ok. Talk to your manager in the morning, but you shouldn’t worry. If we go public then we won’t have to hide anymore. We won’t have to sneak around in the middle of the night anymore.”
He’s hopeful. More than hopeful. He’s never been one to shy away from opposing societal norms, this would be his chance to break down another wall. Not that he’s looking for that praise, he simply just wants to go out with his love without the world trying to make it seem like he’s a bad guy.
Hyeri loves Yoongi’s bold defiance. It’s part of the reason why she fell in love with him. She admires how easy it is for him to throw caution to the wind and do as he pleases regardless of what others think. She feels confident and secure with him, but she’s still scared. The thought of losing her lead role or being embroiled in anything controversial makes her heart race. She’s worked so hard, she can’t lose this now.
When Hyeri talks to her manager the next morning, she feels even more scared. Big Hit gave Yoongi the choice to put out whatever statement he wants either to confirm or deny the relationship. JJS told Hyeri that they would deny the rumors. Yoongi was ready to shout from the rooftops that he and Hyeri are together. Then she told him what her company told her.
She’s a fresh budding actress about to star in her first lead role. Dating rumors would not only cause a negative distraction to the show that’s meant to be highly anticipated, but also would look bad for her image. Aside from the fact that she’s an idol, she’s also a new actress and the best roles are given to those who are young and available. The pure and innocent. The perfect star for a drama that calls for a lovable but oblivious female lead. Being in a romantic relationship with a member of the biggest group on the planet would send her image in a direction that her company doesn’t want.
“Did you even try to stand up for yourself?!” Yoongi shouts jumping up from the couch after she tells him the result of the conversation with her manager.
“What was I supposed to say?” Hyeri shouts back not quite bold enough to stand along with him. He’s 3 inches taller than her so it wouldn’t do her any good. “I could lose everything!”
“But you don’t mind losing me?” He huffs.
“Yoongi, you know that’s not it! You know this is my dream! You know how scared I am of having it taken away from me! What could I do?!”
“Stand your ground, Na Hyeri!!” He understands that she’s not typically the one who’s able to speak up when it comes to defying anything a superior says, but he thought she at least loved him enough to try.
“I don’t have a ground to stand on!” She cries in frustration. “I’m not a member of the biggest fucking group in the world! I can’t just say something and have the world cater to my every need! I can’t rebel knowing I have millions of fans around the world to carry me no matter what!”
“The number of fans you have has nothing to do with you speaking up for yourself!”
“Says the one who doesn’t have to worry about that shit!” She finally stands looking up at him. She doesn’t care that he’s taller, she’s pissed and he needs to know it. “You’re so far up in your cloud that you forget how it is for those of us that can’t just walk into a building and have everyone obey our every command!”
“That’s not-“
“I can’t just go against the company!” She stomps her foot about to completely explode. “I worked too hard to lose this, Yoongi! I love you but I can’t sacrifice my dream just to be a rebel or some shit! I’m not you!”
“No!” She interrupts. “No matter what you say it won’t change the fact that we’re on much different levels. No one gives a shit about me. There’s a line of people waiting to take my place and I haven’t even started. I have a ways to go to build even half the following and support you have. I can’t do anything outside of the company’s wishes. I just need you to understand that.”
“I do, Hyeri, but I need you to understand that you’re not going to instantly lose everything because we tell the world we’re dating. Even if you do I can take care of you and anything you need. I can put you in contact with anyone you want and you’ll be fine.”
“Yoongi,” she sighs stepping back. “They’re already getting ready to put the statement out. It’s out of my hands.”
She walks off and goes into the bedroom leaving Yoongi standing in the middle of the living room. He knows she has a hard time with these things and he knows it’s not entirely wrong of her to fear for her job because of it. But he also feels like she should trust him more.
Either way, he’s not happy right now. He packs his work bag and decides to leave for his studio. He’s got a small bit of time before he has to jump right into the day’s schedule, so he’ll take this time to work on the things he didn’t work on yesterday and simply cool off a bit. Because as if he wasn’t already upset, Hyeri giving him the silent treatment before he left didn’t make things any better.
The statement from JJS denying the dating rumors only said they’re just friends who went out for a meal. Nothing more to it. Yoongi decided he didn’t want Big Hit to put out a statement at all. If that’s the statement her company is going with then he’d rather just stay silent. Either way, it hurts him.
He never thought he’d hurt over something like this. Maybe he’s being too emotional and not very logical. Maybe he’s letting his heart get the best of him.
He works all day but he’s not mentally present. He knows everyone else saw the statement. He knows they’re trying hard to not mention it. They’re trying hard to make things seem normal, but it’s not working well.
Hobi’s face can never tell a lie, and the way his mouth twists into a concerned frown when he sees Yoongi miss a step in practice is all too noticeable. Instead of scolding Yoongi as he normally would, he stays silent when Yoongi forgets a move. Hobi lets it slide when he does it again. After the fourth time Yoongi knows it’s intentional. There’s never a practice where Hobi isn’t catching and calling out every dance mistake. Yoongi thought him letting it go the first time was generous, but now its too much. Yoongi can tell Hobi doesn’t want to say or do anything that may make him more upset in any way.
Yoongi hates it. He hates the big ass elephant in the room. He hates that something so trivial is effecting him this bad. He hates that by the time he’s done with practice and back in his studio he hasn’t heard a word from Hyeri. That hurts.
Hyeri had her shoot rescheduled for the following day which left her with the entire day to herself. She spent most of the time reading comments online after the dating rumors were denied. Lots of people don’t believe it, but others are taking the statement at face value and not questioning it any further. It’s a mixed bag which doesn’t make her feel much better about the decision, but she knows there’s nothing she could have done.
She hates fighting with Yoongi. She knew he’d be upset but she wishes he’d be more understanding of her side of things. To her, all she can do is ride on whatever the company says. She’s gone through the worst, but JJS managed to earn her trust. They never treated her badly and even apologized to her when she left her badge at home and had to go through management to get a temporary one so she could get in the building. This company treats her like a valued family member, not a bad dog, and she can’t possibly get herself to do anything against whatever they suggest to her.
She can’t lose this.
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ameliawarnerr · 8 months
Evanescent Sequel
Chapter 5
Previous chapter here.
I fill out the form, telling all the buttons I pressed and the time we spent waiting in the elevator. I take a final look at the form– my handwriting is uneven, perfectly representing my clouded mind. As much as I trust Lucas, I can't shoot down the uneasiness. Amelia is someone I've known from my past and Lucas has only known me for over a year. I can't point it out but the person Amelia knew and the one Lucas knows right now might be completely different.
Not to mention but I'm the common link between them and there's no denying that their conversation would center around or at the very least involve me. And I want to be there when it does.
Therefore, I rush towards the working elevator, checking my phone while I wait to reach my floor. There are no messages from either of them. I desperately want to look up Alex but I don't have my burner phone on me and I can't risk it with my personal phone. I find this life too precious to lose over someone as less important as Alex.
I snap my head up when the elevator dings and the doors open. The corridor is empty, but well lit. I call Lucas and put the phone to my ear.
He picks up after the third ring. “Yes? How can I help you?” He asks in his filtered voice, hiding anything that he might be doing or feeling.
“You can help me by telling me where she is.” I reply back. Mine, Lucas' and Garrett 's, all of them have equal chances because it's Lucas.
“She as in? I know many she's, you know.”
“Lucas.” I warn.
“No fun. We are at my place. I'm making her soup.” He says and I relax. She hardly ate anything and she likes soup.
“I'll be there in ten minutes.” I start walking to my apartment.
“Still not done with the formalities?” He questions as if he already knows that I am done with it.
“She likes it spicy.” I tell him, ignoring his question which is an answer enough for him. And then I disconnect the call as I reach my apartment door.
I open it and close it. What am I going to say to her? I couldn't answer her question. And to be honest, I don't think I would have even if the elevator hadn't opened. She caught me off guard, like she has many times. But this time I truly have no clue. Everytime my heart tells me to say yes, my mind strikes with all the memories, the ones with her and the ones without. The bliss and the pain. History may repeat itself, it may not. And as much as I'd like to believe that this time there aren't going to be any problems like last time, I heed at the fact that that's exactly what I thought last time.
I sigh, my back against the door. I look around at my apartment, the incompleteness in it that I can never point out, only feel. But I never really cared about it but when I look at it now, I wonder what she thinks of it. I consider changing and rearranging the things just to make her notice them, to have her attention. And it's ridiculous, because after all the thinking I'm doing right now, she might just tell me that she was in a vulnerable state when she said it. My worst fear is that she might tell me to forget it when I will be standing there, ready to say yes.
Time. I remind myself, I need time.
My phone beeps, the light reflecting in the ceiling. It's a message. From her.
Amelia: *sent a photo*
It's a screenshot of a conversation between… Lilly and Jessica. How old is this? But that concern sweeps off when I read the conversation.
Jessy: What's going on between the hacker and Amelia?
Lilly: What do you mean?
Jessy: You know what I mean. He only talks to her, works with her, protects her and I'm damn sure that means he trusts her. Are they….?
Lilly: I don't think so, Jessy. I mean, Amelia is smart, though she might flirt with him for fun and Jake seems like the person who'd never let anyone in.
Jessy: Ah, that's kinda sad. They have chemistry, don't you think so?
Lilly: Jessy, I love your hopeless romantic heart but I don't think they'll go to the next stage ever.
It's old, very old. Just when I'm done reading it, another message from Amelia pops on the notification bar.
Amelia: Well… How did you like it?
I grin, that's the first message I sent her when I gave her access to Dan and Jessica's chat. My very first message to her. The beginning.
I can't help it when I reply this:
Jake: We proved them wrong.
Amelia's reply comes five seconds later.
Amelia: Wanna prove them wrong again?
She must have known it. She must have realized that I was unsure if she meant it in the elevator. This is her telling me that she did. She meant it.
Short but HEY!! ITS BACKK
I don't know how to fell about this. I felt so easy just diving right into Jake's mind. I love this Jake in evanescent, it has always come naturally to me to write his mindset. But let me know how you liked it?
Since it's been a long long time, I’d appreciate as many reblogs as possible so that this reaches the old readers.
I'd appreciate comments too!
Love y'all
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evansbby · 2 years
fuckkk this au is going to haunt me honestly feel like when ari realizes up until she dies is the angstiest moments
You remember when you used to clench his arms when he fucked you, stared into his eyes, hoping, please choose me. 
This is me trying. 
And you tried. With the baby. With everything.
Even if you died, you’d love the baby until your last breath. Then one day, Ari did a complete turn-around. The man who used to ignore you would bring dinner to you, massage your legs, give you a little more freedom to roam around. Ask where you were. Worry about you.
It was the baby, you knew that. 
At least when you were gone, he would love it to his very last breath, too.
“Are you heading out tonight?” You ask, shoving around the food on your plate. Your appetite’s disappeared drastically, and you force yourself to eat the nutrients for the baby—it’ll be bad if you didn’t—only to throw some of it up. Ari leaving for his ex-girlfriend didn’t help, but you can’t complain when you were the one who basically tore them apart, right? As a romanticist, you are the villain in the story: the least you could do is not complain when he leaves. 
The man in front of you—who you can’t believe you married—grunts. “I’ll be back.”
“Have fun with—” You pause. Are you two even close enough for you to call his ex-girlfriend’s name? Still his current lover. You mull over the last few weeks, where you headed to the doctor’s appointment together and ate dinner in respective silence. It was pretty nice, actually. The first dinner that Ari stayed through. He probably hated looking at you, but he did, for a whole hour and a half.
“Sharon,” you blurt as the man moves to open the door. “I genuinely mean it, I swear. I hope you have a good time with her.” 
The smile you’re wearing resembles more of a grimace, but it’s fine. It’s fine. At the very least, you wanted to be friends before the baby came. 
Ari pauses from where he is. Turns. His voice is low when he asks, “You think I’m visiting Sharon?”
It’s fine. He didn’t want you to know. It’s fine. 
“There’s nothing wrong with it,” you force out a laugh. “She did come first in your life, and I might have to concede to that. I mean, I’m sure that if I had a lover—”
“Fuck no,” his voice slices through and adds to the tense atmosphere. “You have someone else?”
Oh, God, this is awkward. And he looks ready to shoot you. “Uh, no, but I’m just saying that if you have one there’s nothing wrong with… it?” 
He stares at you for a few seconds. Clenches his jaw. “I’m not visiting fucking Sharon.”
The door slams in his wake. 
You must’ve been dreaming the moment. 
Writing in your diary, you place the pen to the side with a sigh. In your head, you’ve memorized the trace of Ari’s fingers across your face, pushing your hair back as he held you in your sleep. You can even feel the soft press of his lips as he kissed your forehead, the way he let you bury your face in his neck. 
Why was he acting this way? 
Another sigh—men. 
Flipping through the pages, you take out a photo. The ultrasound with your baby. A healthy boy, soon to be born. You smile and trace its small form. It’ll be a mini-Ari, that’s for sure. He’s already strong, kicking and moving about. 
It’s just a shame that you can’t see him grow. How much you loved him already. 
God. Hands trembling, you take in a deep, shaky breath. Just the thought of death make you scared like crazy, but the thought of not having a baby at all felt like someone was clenching your heart and twisting it. 
He’ll turn out okay. Both of them will. 
For now, you had to be strong for yourself. 
“Looking at the baby?” 
Your spine straightens at the sound of the voice, and you wipe your tears. “Yeah, it’s so cute, isn’t it? I bet he’ll be just like his dad.”
Ari is quiet for his moment as he enters the room, taking off his suit. “And not like his mom?”
“What?” You laugh. “Oh, um, I’m not sure. I don’t think there are very good qualities I have. Unless you’re talking about compassion. I mean, not that you don’t have compassion. I just think I’m a bit too much of a pushover. It’d be nice if he had more of an opinionated personality, so I don’t need to worry about him when…” When I’m gone. “When he’s a grown up and everything.” 
“That’s not true,” Ari says quietly. But his words are like a declaration. “We need more empathetic and gentle people to balance out people like me. To pull them back into the proper headspace.”
“Thanks,” you hesitate. “But I still think it’d be nice if you guys were a father-son duo.”
Ari’s mouth opens and closes. There’s an awkward silence when he goes to hang his outfit. It isn’t until he’s done and about to close the door that he says, “I hope he resembles you.” 
BESTIE??? HELLO??? Are you like… a certified author or something?? Bc this is so good and gripping and well written and LITERALLY WHO ARE YOU?? (you don’t have to tell me, just a hypothetical question since you sent this on anon obviously and I respect that haha)
This is so sad yet beautiful! I wish I could write like this, I can feel the push and pull within Ari!! PLEASE oh my god what the fuck
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blueberrypancakesworld · 10 months
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warning : minors don't interact/read, smut pure smut, afab reader, no use of Y/n, reader is female, both are working in the korn industry
Summary : A naive girl and a photographer that was the plan for the new story of the adult film. But when her real partner drops out and a new one appears, how good can he be? Really good
Info : This little thing is inspired by This post from @cuntyculkin because I mean the mustache...it just screams 80s korn just saying. Have fun reading this video ;)
°It was supposed to be a simple shoot, a scenario with a naive woman and a very very lustful photographer. Something that was actually found on each of the pages. At least that's what she thought, but she couldn't have been more wrong.
°In the small preparation room she had already put on the tight and especially short dress which was torn off her body in a few moments anyway. Dan from the tight fabric itself that pressed against her bust and the small button that held it together above could still fly against her.
°Walking out of the room, her high heels made a recurring noise as she arrived in the room that already looked exactly as it should. A strikingly understated photo studio with a big red couch in the middle. Her actual destination.
°But when she looked around for her actual shooting partner, with whom she had already shot many things, she found only the team and another man. Who had posed with the cameraman and seemed to get on famously with him.
°But when she was told that he was standing in for her partner, she couldn't help but smile a little. ,,What's so funny?" he had asked as they faced each other, only a few minutes later they would be on the couch.
°His longer hair that seemed immensely soft and the black turtleneck jumper were cute. But his moustache she couldn't help but think was a leftover from the eighties. The porno mustache itself and yet somehow it suited him together with the cream-coloured trousers and black shoes. It suited him.
°It not only suited him, it suited him perfectly. What was always just an act in her carrer and rarely even real was something completely different with him. What started with a few intimate kisses turned into something stronger when he moved between her legs.
°Actually something else had been planned but she had simply gone along with it. He seemed to have his own plan and my god he could use his tongue he ate her like a madman. While his fingers ran over her body leaving red stripes and massaging her breasts roughly which only made her moan louder.
°The words he murmured to her between the obscene noises and continued to use her made her whimper. Her thighs closed tighter around his head but he didn't seem to mind. Instead he seemed to lose himself more and more before her fingers caught in his hair. He heard his own groan between her noises as her grip tightened before she came moments later.
°But for him, it only seemed to make her more attractive. Greedily, he lapped up her juices and ran them over his lips before engaging her in another kiss. Unprepared and breathing heavily, she just let him have it and let himself be used with complete pleasure. Because he was good fucking good.
°Taking care of her lust first, he directed her to the couch and came up to her before she heard him take his belt. She murmured something in praise, making him smile, "We're just getting started sugar," he replied, tying the belt around her wrists. Kissing and biting her way down her body, her body rose every now and then.
°She wanted him closer, needed more of him, but more she got. Only seconds later when he had opened his trousers and she saw his aroused cock she swallowed. Not out of discomfort of the camera but out of horniness knowing it would be inside her.
°He was perfect, both of them. Himself and his cock. Long and wide enough to fill her while praising sweet nothings passed his lips. The words that only triggered more lust and arousal inside her. To have more of him before she closed her legs around his waist and pulled him against her despite the slight trembling of her body still surrounding her. His lust and desire had taken hold of both of them as they fell into deep, hot kisses again and again.
°His hands ran over her body and turned to her breasts. His lips were on her buds, making her cry out as he bit down. Not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to bring her to the edge of her endurance. The rough text she had learned was long forgotten and completely unnecessary. Her moans, the meeting of skin, the thrusting and his murmurs were the only things filling the room. Even the crew seemed taken in.
°But it seemed to be true, the man with the porno mustache was a sex god.
@thatsthewrongwallcraig ,@icarus-star @crypticsewerslut ,@spookyorchid ,@madamemaximoff06 ,@shady-the-simp ,@cc-luvr
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invisibleraven · 2 months
"You know, (character) reminds me of you a lot" || "Because they're boring?" || "I was going to say because they're a wonderful person"
ship of choice?
Ray loved learning every little thing about Rose. How she liked her coffee to be more cream and sugar than jaca. How she hogged the blankets but generated enough heat that she flung them off her halfway through the night. How she could bench more than him but never demonstrated it unless gym bros couldn't take a hint.
And how she absolutely loved telenovellas.
Rose ate up every show she could find, loving the wacky plot twists even if she guessed them weeks in advance. Loved the dramatic characters and all their foibles. And she got Ray o-maybe not love them-but appreciate them too.
"Wait...wasn't Drake a brain surgeon last week?" Ray asked as they watched Rose's favourite hospital themed show.
"He's multi-faceted," Rose replied.
"I don't think that's how it works mi vida," Ray snarked, pulling her scowl in and erasing it with a kiss. "But I love your optimism."
"Sssh, I think Celeste is going to finally get with Stefano," Rose said, shushing him. But then she looked from Ray to the screen. "You know, Stefano reminds me of you a lot."
Ray snorted at that. Stefano on the show was a decent guy, albeit not very exciting with his accountant job, his love of books, and milquetoast personality. He himself wasn't all that exciting given he did photo shoots for real estate agents, enjoyed evening walks, and preferred staying home to the rock shows Rose adored. "Because they're boring?"
Rose shook her head, framing his face in her hands. "I was going to say because they're a wonderful person."
"Stefano?" Really?"
"Really," Rose said, "He's kind, faithful, and completely devoted to Celeste. Makes her laugh and feel loved more than any of her other partners ever did. He's a good guy and I think she feels lucky every day that she met him."
Ray noted how Rose's gaze never left his, and he knew her words were describing him, not the man gracing their television screen. "Celeste is pretty great too."
"Thanks," she said, giving an exaggerated hair flip. "And oh so humble you know."
"I know," Ray said, pulling Rose further into his arms. "I think they're pretty great together."
"Me too," Rose stated, leaning back, and kissing the hinge of huis jaw.
"But I'm way cuter than Stefano right?" Ray asked jokingly.
Rose laughed at that-not unkindly, but full of mirth. "And you call me humble?" She snorted through another laugh before nuzzling his throat. "You know you're the cutest."
"You're pretty cute too," he whispered into her curls. "And wonderful."
"Well yes," Rose replied, a haughty tone to her voice. "Everyone knows that."
"You think so?" Ray asked. "I think we should totally take out ads or something."
"Oh hush you," Rose said. "Let me enjoy my stories."
Ray grinned, relaxing further into the couch as the drama played out on the screen-with Celeste and Stefano sharing a steamy, fade to black kiss. Good on them-and Ray hoped that even though they were fictional characters, they ended up with a happy ending just like he had wrapped up in his arms.
A love story that was anything but boring.
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sunnydaleherald · 21 hours
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, June 13
XANDER: Laugh now, missy, they assigned you to the booth for law enforcement professionals. BUFFY: (stunned) As in police? XANDER: As in polyester, doughnuts and brutality.
~~What's My Line~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Annoyance by Enigmatist (Spike, Angel, Joyce, Buffy, Not Rated)
kiss that’s black as sea by evesock (Buffy/Willow, E)
Up all Night, I Won't Quit by Hecate (Faith/Katherine Pierce, TVD xover, M)
Love (Spaith; Spike/Faith) by Datherine100 (Spike/Faith, T)
VD/Buffy: Last Battle by Datherine100 (Buffy, Faith, TVD xover, T)
OUAT/Angel: Love Will Conquer by Datherine100 (Cordelia/Hook, Once Upon a Time (TV) xover, T)
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In Disarray and Dazed (Spike x Y/N) by itsalwaysteatimeinwonderland (Spike/reader, unrated)
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Leaving Sunnydale by Rea (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Overheard - Ch. 1-3 by silvain (Giles/Ethan, T)
The Adventures Of Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris vol.1: She's Back - Ch. 1-8 by Datherine100 (Xander/Cordelia, T)
and multiple other works by Datherine100, a few directly linked below. all rated T, some are one shot collections. other pairings include: Buffy/Spike, Angelus/Darla, Angel/Darla, Buffy/Angel
Xanya (Xander/Anya) - Ch. 1-3 by Datherine100 (Xander/Anya, T)
Coyle (Cordy/Doyle) - Ch. 1-3 by Datherine100 (Cordelia/Doyle, T)
Biley (Buffy/Riley) - Ch. 1-4 by Datherine100 (Buffy, Riley, T)
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The Devil's Trill - Ch. 9 by Murray (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Deliverance From Destiny - Ch. 31 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Reclaimed - Ch. 6 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Waiting for You - Ch. 8 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
To All We Guard - Ch. 23 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Out of Time: 1942 - Ch. 57 by Jonayla (Buffy, HP xover, FR18)
Ship of The Line – Effect 31 - Ch. 14 by KnifeHand (Xander, Mass Effect and Star Trek xover, FR18)
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You Drive Me Out Of My Mind - Ch. 1-35 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R) COMPLETE!
Bruises - Ch. 20 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Bruises - Ch. 19 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Waiting for You - Ch. 8 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Dear Journal - Ch. 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) COMPLETE!
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Does it burn? - Ch. 1 by Dirtyaim (Spike, NSFW, rated PG-13)
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Artwork: Spuffified: A Collection - Ch. 5 by satinsafe (Buffy/Spike, NSFW, rated PG-13)
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Textpost: spuffy + textposts (4/?) by spikespeaches (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: buffy + angel's claddagh ring by ptieuca (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: buffy + wearing angel's jacket by ptieuca (Buffy/Angel, Giles, Willow, worksafe)
Artwork: “You ask me to dance and you just stand there?” by l0veisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: 6x15 || 7x05 by clarkgriffon (Buffy, Anya, Spike, Xander, worksafe)
Gifset: Willow Rosenberg + Outfits (Season 4) by clarkgriffon (Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: Ranking Buffy Summers' hair evolution (as voted by my followers) 6/11 by buffysummers (Buffy, worksafe)
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Artwork: ☀️☀️ ATS 219. Belonging ☀️☀️ by tmcarlee (Cordelia, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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REACTION VIDEO: May 22, 2001: Watching 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Season 5 Finale by 90s Grunge Dreams
[Recs & In Search Of]
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l0veisntbrains recs So It Goes by scratchmeout [bonus Spuffy art]
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ISO: Pineappleskies1991 seeks Rainy Episodes [from BTVS or ATS]
ISO: thisguy49 seeks shooting location - Does anyone know what school was used to film Angel episode Happy Anniversary
[Fandom Discussions]
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POLL: Absolute BEST Faith dream scene? (R2 - bonus round - photos below) by elizadushkudaily
POLL: Vampire Media Guys Round 16: Spike or Klaus Mikaelson? by vampirewrestlinglover
POLL: If Angel existed in “Detroit: Become Human”, would he be pro-android rights or anti-android rights? by giveamadeuschohisownmovie
POLL: Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer, plz. by bedpolls
Anya/Xander vs Other Age Gap Relationships by lightningrain
... Kendra leaves the next day. Where did she stay that night? by finalgirl1984
Cordelia deserved to be back in season 7 for the finale or at least have a comeback... by cordelia-slay
[poll on non-canon crack Buffyverse ships - see commentary in tags] by cangeltwillowinvestigations
Oz in Buffy is often praised for his emotional maturity and calm demeanor... by air--so--sweet
Show me a HERO & I'll write you a T R A G E D Y [Xander rp] by theanimulus
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Was Riley Suicidal? by nightshade
I refuse to accept Kennedy as Willow's end game pairing / one true love. updated by garfan
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What's your favorite Buffy merchandise? by jigglesauruspuff
behind the scenes photo of amber (tara) in the [new] film ‘i saw the tv glow’ by amigaraaaaaa
Who else is still annoyed that Eliza [who played Faith] wasn't invited to the 20th reunion in 2017? by Other_Thing_2551
Sineya by illvria
Kendra’s existence is confusing. by Complex_Bit_4921
Good point [Riley's sense of masculinity] by jogaforacont
Tara was on a slow and gradual course... to become Buffy's closest friend. by GreyStagg
Unpopular opinion: Willow should have been killed off. by Kat-Attack-52
Angels Timeline [on ATS] by CazzaGal
Los Angeles as a character [in ATS] by Berry-Pie216
Gunn & Fred by Trick-Flight-8749
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imaginecolby · 2 years
model citizens || c.b.
summary: you and colby get a little closer than normal when you’re helping him model a new merch line.
requested by anonymous.
"hey y/n! are you busy tomorrow?" colby text you one afternoon.
"depends on the time? i have a couple of things i need to do early in the morning." you replied.
"are you free in the afternoon around 1pm? sam and i are doing a shoot with fanjoy for an upcoming merch collection and i'd love it if you could come model for us? i know it's last minute, so i understand if you can’t." he said.
"actually, 1pm is good for me. i'd love to help out! can i get some free merch too?"
"oh, you know i always got you on that." he replied. he sent you the details and you promised you'd be there.
the next day, you got up and got ready. you tended to your errands and were done in just enough time to shower and make your way to the set for the photoshoot.
once you showered, you put on some light makeup and brushed out your hair, not bothering to get completely done up since you knew there would be stylists on set. you threw on some sweats and a tee and made your way to the location. once you got there, you saw sam's tesla parked and him, colby, and katrina grabbing some things from the back.
"hey! you made it!" colby called when he saw you.
"i promised i'd be here." you said, hugging him. you said hello to sam and kat, and the four of you went inside. you met up with some of the people from fanjoy and immediately started getting ready.
you got dressed in the merch pieces, and started taking pictures. all sorts of different combinations of your group. after about an hour, you took a break for lunch and sat around chit chatting while you ate.
"so, as far as what you want, kinda just put it off to the side with your bags so it doesn't get taken back to the warehouse with the stock items." colby said to you. 
"perfect."  you said as you started collecting a couple of pieces for yourself.
as the shoot went on, there was something that came up that you weren't expecting. 
"okay, there's another couple of items for you and kat to model that we need to get photos for." the photographer said to you.
"why just me and kat?" you asked, you and katrina sharing a confused look.
"it's sports bras and underwear." they said, handing the sets to you. "but of course, if you're uncomfortable, you don't have to."
"no, it's okay. a heads up would have been nice, though." you said, flashing colby a look.
"surprise." colby laughed awkwardly. you laughed and shook your head as you went to change. you put on the set, and snapped a couple of pictures in the mirror. you liked the set, and the way it looked on you.
"another one to add you my take home collection." you laughed to yourself.
you stepped out of the changing room and went back over to the group as the photographers started taking pictures. 
"awe, you guys have matching underwear too. how cute." you giggled. sam and katrina were matching in blue sets, and you and colby were matching in purple sets.
"it was only right." sam laughed. you all stood together and took the pictures.
"okay, can we get some of just (y/n) and colby?" you and him nodded and started posing together.
as you stood together, you could feel some tension in the air between the two of you.
you’d never felt any sort of sexual attraction to colby before today, given your closeness. of course you thought he was attractive, but he was your best friend. you’d never thought about him that way.
you swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump of your throat. this was the last thing you wanted to make awkward for the two of you. you looked up at him and there was gleam in his eyes that you’d never noticed before. 
“can you two get a little bit closer?” the photographer asked. you both nodded and awkwardly closed the gap between you. colby’s hands found their way to the bottom of your back, and you placed your hands on his chest. as they rested there, you could feel his heart pounding beneath your palms. you wished so badly that the photographer would hurry and take the photos.
as they finished up, you quickly ran from the main room and into the dressing room. you were sweating buckets and were trying to catch your breath.
“y/n? can i come in?” you heard katrina ask outside the door. you opened the door for her and she came in. “are you okay?” she asked.
“i don’t know what’s happening. i’m not having a panic attack, but i’m having a real hard time catching my breath.” you said.
“yeah, i can imagine why. that sexual tension filled the entire room.” katrina said, crossing her arms across her chest.
“we’ve never been that close before. not in this way.” you sighed.
as katrina talked you down, you’d finally caught your breath and were able to get yourself back together to finish the photoshoot. once all the pictures were taken, you quickly gathered your things and practically ran outside to you car.
“y/n, wait!” you head colby call.
“what’s up?” you asked, avoiding eye contact.
“we’re going out for lunch, you wanna come with us?” he asked, motioning towards sam and kat. 
“i’d love to, but i have some more errands to tend to.” you said, lying through your teeth. you didn’t want to admit to him that you were trying to get away from him.
“oh, okay. well, i guess i’ll talk to you later.” he said. you could hear a sadness in his voice, and you hated that you’d upset him, but you needed to figure your feelings out.
you made your way home and your mind immediately started racing. as you sat with your thoughts, you quickly realized this was not something you were going to figure out on your own.
a few hours passed, and there was a knock on your bedroom door. you opened it and saw colby standing in the hall.
“hey. your roommate let me in.” he said softly.
“hi.” you said quietly, inviting him into your room. you sat down on your bed and he stood awkwardly in the corner of your room. an awkward silence quickly filled the space around you as neither of you were quite sure what to say or who was going to start speaking first.
“so, are we gonna talk? or are we just gonna sit here and stare at each other in this uncomfortable silence?” you asked him.
“i’m trying to figure out what i wanna say without sounding like a douche.” colby sighed.
“i won’t think anything of it if you do.” you teased.
“i can’t stop thinking about earlier. i don’t know how you’re feeling, but, holy shit..”
“holy shit is right.” you interrupted. “i’m not gonna lie, i haven’t stopped thinking about it either. i don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but i can’t help but think that maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing if we acted on those feelings.” you said, twiddling your thumbs and avoiding eye contact.
“yeah? i definitely didn’t expect that to be on the table, but if you’re offering.” he joked.
“okay, you don’t have to sound so excited.” you laughed.
“hey, you said you wouldn’t judge me if i sounded like a douche.” he said, pulling you up from the couch. he pulled you into his chest and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. as you kissed, you felt a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. you may not have thought about being colby like this before today, but now that you were, it felt so right. you stumbled back onto your bed and fell over, colby catching himself before he collapsed on top of you. 
you placed your hands on his chest, and smiled, reaching up to kiss him again.
“so, are we just gonna continue making out, or are we actually gonna do this?” you asked.
the intimacy you shared was unlike any other. now that you’ve experienced it once, you already knew that you’d want to have it again.
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dadvans · 11 months
Starz4ever ????
ah, i forgot to answer a few of these! since ao3 is down, let me finish doing them.
(For the WIP Meme) (Asks Open)
this was essentially going to be a sidgeno AU where geno decides to go into porn to spite his ex who said his penis was average
this fic will probably never be finished, so you can access the full google doc here.
Sid smiled up at Zhenya as the others went their separate ways. “You look nervous.” “Yeah, maybe little bit,” Zhenya admitted. His whole stomach was in his throat all of a sudden, sinking into the quicksand reality of the situation. This was the guy who was going to suck his dick. Thinking about it even for a second sent a nauseating pang to his gut, like getting the air knocked out of him.  “Totally normal. C’mon, follow me, we’re gonna go up to the next level for a bit and get you a robe and touched up. Fair warning, if it isn’t already, they’re probably gonna wax your taint before you get on camera, but don’t worry: it mostly feels great,” Sid said, pulling him toward the elevator.  “Wax my what?” Zhenya asked, but Sid just winked and pressed the button for the elevator, which creaked down slow through the grated door. “So, Russian, huh?” Sid said as they got in the elevator. Was that a question? Zhenya pointed at himself. “Me? Yeah, Russian.” “Oh man, I went to this great Russian place down on Nostrand last week. Do you know it? Here,” Sid said, fishing for his phone in his robe pocket, The tie around his way came a little bit more undone in the shuffle, but Zhenya had a feeling that Sid didn’t notice or care. Zhenya could tell by the easy way he occupied space that he was probably just as comfortable naked as he was wearing something. The robe was probably more annoying than anything to him.  He leaned into Zhenya as the elevator jerked upward. Their arms touched, and Sid held his phone between them, scrolling through photos of Russian small plates; pickled fish and thick cut onions, potatoes seven different ways covered in herbs, salads with questionable amounts of mayo.  “Where is this?” He almost grabbed Sid’s phone away from him completely. All the pictures looked homey and familiar. “I’ll have to ask my friend the name of the place, but there’s like an entire neighborhood, I figured you might know,” Sid said. He let Zhenya keep holding his phone. “The food was great though. I ate so much I was worried I couldn’t shoot for like, a week.” “Russian food’s best,” Zhenya agreed. He kept scrolling through Sid’s pictures. There were more plates of food, a live video of a dog in a park that played over and over if Zhenya held his thumb against the screen, a picture of a long waterfront leading toward the hazy silhouette of the city. The elevator shuddered to a stop, and Zhenya kept scrolling, right onto a picture of Sid taking a naked selfie in the background. “Oh!”  He tried to scroll through it, but there were twenty or so more, just differing shots capturing the light on Sid’s fat ass facing toward the camera, the cut of his stomach as he twisted around to face the mirror with his phone in hand. Zhenya hadn’t been paying attention before, but Sid’s ass was huge; he was currently lifting up the loft elevator door, and his robe was easily a few inches shorter in the back than it was in the front. It was almost embarrassing that he hadn’t noticed.  “Oh, shit, sorry, did you hit the nudes? My bad,” Sid said, taking the phone out of his hands. “I should’ve warned you, but it kind of comes with the territory if you stick around porn people long enough. You okay, bud? Didn’t scar you?”   “Not scar, but like, wow, Sid,” Zhenya said, looking down again. He’d trained a handful of guys who had fought and dieted and dedicated themselves to getting the kind of tone Sid had, and for some it was just impossible. “Huge.” “Thanks,” Sid said. He was smiling.
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~Evan Peters: Sticky Situation.
Note: Hello everyone. This is my very first Evan Peters imagine and I’m excited for you all to read it.
As you can see, I chose to write this in the form of a journal entry. Why? I just wanted to do something different, and this was the product. 
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Dear online journal thing, whatever you are.
I really don’t know why the hell I’m doing this but I felt like I had to get this off my chest. Let me just say that my dreams came true today…well kind of anyway. You see, today was the day of the shoot for the playgirl calendar that the male cast members of American Horror Story do around this time every year. Everything was going great but then I found myself in the shower with someone. Who was that someone? You may ask, well, let me go back to the beginning.
I woke up this morning thinking that I had the day off because one of the other Production Assistants, Margo, had been asked to help out with the shoot. So, as I was about to sit down with my breakfast, I got a text from Ryan saying that Margo had called in sick. Naturally, I was annoyed, but it pays the bills, so what choice did I have? I quickly ate and got myself together. When I got there, things were well under way which was fantastic. Ryan even had some fun Halloween music like the Ghostbusters theme playing. He claimed it set the mood and he was right.
Anyway, it eventually came time for Evan Peters to have his photos taken and holy fuck, I swear I had died and gone to heaven. This man is hotter than I imagined. The photographer had Evan practically sprawled out with a Jac-o-lantern between his legs. Did I mention they had Evan completely naked. See, told ya, hot right? My heart was sure racing, and it was hard to ignore how it was making me feel. Thankfully his portion was wrapped up pretty quickly. It was just a shame that he was handed a robe afterwards. I wouldn’t have minded if he walked around naked.
In saying that, I was then asked to help Matt Bomer with his shoot. This involved corn syrup….can you see where I’m going with this? No? Let me continue.
I had to cover Matt’s chest with the sticky shit and when I went back to the spot I had been standing in, one of the photographer’s assistants bumped into me hard enough for me to stumble and spill the syrup down the front of myself. It was disgusting and if I never see that crap again, it will be too soon.
She was very sweet about it and kept apologizing but she was alright. Evan though, he noticed and tried to help me clean it up. It wasn’t working though, and I had to take my clothes off.  Now, this is where my dreams came true.
Evan fucking Peters removed his robe and wrapped it around me so that I didn’t have to walk around with no clothes. The only thing, he was standing directly in front of me….stark naked…..I don’t think he realized what the hell he’d just done until my cheeks went redder than a lobster and I tried to avert my eyes. I did get a small look though and Lord have mercy, he’s a fine piece of ass.
His manager was fast to notice this and speedily got him another robe.
Anyway, after that, Ryan let us both go and because I was covered in syrup, Evan offered to let me use the shower in his dressing room. I was hesitant about this, but I agreed despite that.
Once we got to the dressing room, things got interesting, shall we say😉😉
Evan helped me out of the robe he’d given me. It was oddly intimate but felt so damned right. It was the first time I had ever noticed just how much taller he was then me. His eyes were soft and kind but held a hint of dare I say attraction. Being that close to him made me feel things that I had never felt before….well, I mean I have but this felt different. It felt real, you know?
I didn’t really know what to do in that situation. I had been fantasizing about that moment since I first met him two years prior but now that it was finally there, it was strange. I liked it and I think he did too because before I knew it, Evan was slowly removing my glasses and leaning in toward me.
Needless to say, Evan Peters has the softest lips I’ve ever felt in my life. The gentle scratch of his stubble added to the intense feelings that were firing through my veins. This man was sex on legs and kissing me in his dressing room.
It doesn’t stop there though.
Somewhere between the kiss and standing in the hot shower, I had undressed him and dragged him into the shower with me. From there I’m sure you can guess what happened.
This leads us to now. I’m currently sitting in bed next to a sleeping and very naked Evan Peters.
Yup, this is my life and I just hope it continues because damn, I need a good man like him in my life.
So yeah, that about does it for now. Will I write more entries after this detailing my life’s day to day activities? Only time will tell.
Love your very happy and fucked out friend,
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machifuwa · 2 years
Summer Splash | Episode 4
A short time after changing trains
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Keito: ...Since the train was heading for the countryside, there seemed to be no other passengers on the train besides us... I think it's time for lunch.
Yuzuru: Understood. I will prepare it right away.
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This is for Hiiro-sama.
Hiiro: Thanks! It's amazing that you were able to make lunches for five people, I truly respect that!
Yuzuru: I'm glad. Shiratori-sama, here is your meal.
Aira: Uwaai~! Thank you so much ♪
Hm? Mine looks a bit different from Hiro-kun's...?
Hiiro: It looks like it's not just ours. Kagehira-senpai's bento is burnt all over.
Yuzuru: Do you remember when we asked you in advance what you liked to eat when we prepared your lunch?
We did not try to do everything separately. We tried to reflect your preferences as much as possible ♪
Keito: So, Kagehira's burnt bento is intentional?
Mika: I like the half-burnt ones that look like a beginner's mistake.
Mmh-hmm~ delicious! This exquisite bitterness is the best! ♪
I've never had such an ideal bento in my life. Yukkun, thank you~
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Yuzuru: I have to admit that when I heard about you, I was wondering what to do. I am honored that you are pleased.
How about the rest of you? I hope it suits your taste...
Keito: It's delicious, no complaints. Fushimi has always been talented, but I can't believe his cooking is perfect as well.
Yuzuru: I'm glad. But I only started cooking this kind of food very recently when I joined "Niki's Kitchen"...
Until then, I had been diligently making lunch boxes for the Young Master. But they were unpopular because they were tasteless.
The lack of taste was due to prioritising nutritious ingredients, and I don't regret my actions at the time.
If I had to weigh taste against intake standards, I'd take the latter for the sake of the Young Master.
But, I learned that I didn't have to weigh these things up when I joined "Niki's Kitchen". If you are creative, you can make delicious, nutritious food.
Thanks to Shiina-sama's guidance, the Young Master started smiling while he ate his meal.
But that's not all. I am now able to make dishes like this that will please people other than just the Young Master.
I will continue to be diligent in our efforts to avoid complacency.
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Aira: Mmh-hmm... I guess it's okay to be so presumptuous because it tastes so good, no?
I'd be so proud. I'd post it on social media with lots of hashtags.
Oh, shoot. Even though Fushimi-senpai made it with such care, I ended up eating the whole thing without taking a photo.
Hiiro: I haven't eaten all of it yet, so you can take my lunch.
Ah... no. I'm not a "lovely" so I refuse. This bento is only "for me".
Aira: To ease my mind, I'll take a picture of Hiro-kun eating his lunch. Oh, can I post it on social media?
Hiiro: Umu. Do I look "lovely" eating my lunch?
Aira: For Hiro-kun's fans, that is. Private snaps are great, an otaku's favorite...♪
Mika: Fufu~ Now that I've finished my lunch, I might as well take pictures too.
I think it's called "Rural Landscape"? I wonder if Oshi-san would be pleased if I sent it to him.
...? ...Ah... no... I can't get a good shot. I can't help it, it's all blurry...
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Keito: If you don't mind, why not use video mode? It's less blurry than a still picture, and it'll bring your voice along with it.
Mika: Yeah, I'll do that! Let's see... Change the mode and...
Oshi-san, can you hear me? It's me~♪
Hiiro: Thanks for the food. Now, I'll take some photos too. For Tatsumi-senpai and the oth-
Yuzuru: What's wrong, Hiiro-sama?
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Hiiro: Umu... I was so engrossed in the conversation and lunch that I didn't realise it, but it's a beautiful view.
I was surprised at how much things change when you get away from the city for a little while. It's completely different from my hometown, and I only realise how big Japan is.
I wonder what's it like where we're going to camp? I'm really looking forward to it.
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Written by Yuumasu
Season: Summer
Translated by machi
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A Little Pick-Me-Up, Ch.3/3
Summary: When their regular coffee shop is closed one day, Payu and Prapai end up at a new one. Payu's instantly head over heels for the cute guy behind the counter, and Prapai's not having it until he sees the guy making their drinks. They end up with a new regular coffee shop.
“It’ll be fun!”
“Skyyy,” Rain pleaded, tugging on his arm. “C’mon, please?”
Sky didn’t say anything for a second, and Prapai tried to pretend he wasn’t eavesdropping. Rain had jumped up to talk to Sky when he’d come over to check on them, pulling him off to the side. Prapai kicked Payu under the table, then jerked his head in the direction of Rain and Sky and gave him a questioning look. Payu glanced at the pair before switching seats so he was sitting next to Pai.
“Rain and I are going to this festival thing. He wants you and Sky to come, too.” Prapai straightened up at that, smoothing his hair and trying to look like something you’d want to attend a festival with.
“—because you’ll just ignore me—” Sky was saying to Rain, who was shaking his head in disagreement.
“This is a fantastic idea,” Prapai told Payu. “We have to go.” He tuned back in to Rain and Sky’s conversation, sipping his latte to seem casual.
“I promise, okay? It won’t be like that this time,” Rain was saying.
Payu snorted and gave Prapai an amused look. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
“They’re up,” Prapai shot back.
“I’m just saying, I’m pretty sure Sky’s gonna stick with Rain the whole time. So, you know, good luck.”
“What kind of friend are you?” Pai groaned exasperatedly. “He’s your boyfriend, just distract him.”
Unfortunately, Payu’s prediction turned out to be correct. Sky agreed to go, but he and Rain determinedly stuck together, and Prapai was left without a pathway to Sky. Payu wasn’t any help, either, staying at least a foot away from Rain and making sure to talk to everyone rather than narrowing his focus to his boyfriend. Pai knew it was only because Rain had asked him to, but it was still incredibly annoying. He’d had to suffer through their clinginess every single day, but the one time he could’ve actually used it, they’d abandoned him.
As retribution, Prapai suggested they get ice cream, and then enjoyed himself immensely watching Payu’s face. He kept zoning out staring at Rain while he ate, then he’d remember himself and refuse to look at him for a minute or so before the cycle repeated itself.
Another idea came to him when they passed one of those shooting games, and he grabbed Payu’s arm and dragged him over. Rain and Sky came over as well, and Rain was eager to give it a try. To his disappointment and Prapai’s delight, he was awful at it. So awful that Payu stepped in to help, clearly unable to withstand Rain’s pouting. He ended up standing behind Rain, pressed up against him as he explained what he should be doing. Rain had clearly forgotten that he was supposed to be keeping his distance, blatantly reveling in the attention. Payu was no better, which Prapai supposed he could be grateful for, just this once. 
He took the opportunity to sidle up to Sky with a grin, and he was met with an overwhelmingly unimpressed gaze.
“Gorgeous,” Pai greeted him with a salacious grin. "You know, you're just my cup of tea," he flirted, laying it on thick and leaning in a little. Sky rolled his eyes and stepped back to maintain the distance between them. “Are you having a good time?” Prapai changed tactics.
“I was.”
Prapai pouted at that, sticking his lower lip out and hoping Sky might take some pity on him. He snorted instead. “You look like Rain.”
“Hey!” Prapai protested, offended. “I do not.”
“Yes, you do,” Sky returned immediately, still laughing at his misfortune.
“That’s completely—” Pai started, only to get cut off by the arrival of Rain and Payu.
“We’re gonna go do the photo booth,” Rain told them. “It’ll only take a minute,” he added, directing that part at Sky.
“Have fun,” Sky replied, smiling. Rain took it at face value and dragged Payu away excitedly, but Pai could see the frustration underneath.
“That didn’t last long,” he remarked.
“Rain and Payu,” Prapai clarified. “Not getting caught up in each other.”
Sky snorted at that, shaking his head. “Yeah, I don’t know why I expected anything else.”
Prapai was practically vibrating at the thought that he was currently having a fairly normal conversation with Sky, but he was trying to contain himself. Freaking out about a few sentences probably wouldn’t score him any points here.
“Hey, I have to deal with them every day,” Prapai pointed out. “So, it could be worse.”
“I have to hear about it every day,” Sky rebutted. “All day. Every day.”
“So do I,” Prapai countered. “Payu and I work together, too.”
“Please,” Sky scoffed. “I bet Rain’s way worse than P’Payu.”
“I don’t know…” Pai drew the last word out. “Payu’s pretty far gone. And he tries to keep it bottled up around Rain, so it’s just nonstop whenever he’s not around.”
Sky actually laughed at that, and Prapai realized with a jolt that Rain’s advice was actually working. Even though he hadn’t meant to, he was being himself, being natural with Sky in a way he wouldn’t have believed possible, and it was working. Sky wasn’t rolling his eyes—at him, anyway—wasn’t telling him to go away, wasn’t giving him that look he always did.
They talked for a bit more about Rain and Payu, complaining about how far gone their friends were and swapping stories. Sky told him about Rain nearly breaking the steamer while trying to text Payu back, and Prapai told him about Payu tripping over his own tools and landing flat on his face as he tried to pick up a call from Rain. Honestly, they were both idiots.
The aforementioned idiots came back over just as Prapai was finishing up his story, Sky still giggling at the fact that Payu had tried to photoshop out his bruises to send a selfie to Rain.
“Sky!” Rain was all over him, pulling on his arm to get his attention. “There’s a Ferris wheel!” he squealed excitedly, practically jumping up and down.
“And…?” Sky questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Come with me!” Rain insisted. “Please?” he added, widening his eyes.
“I don’t want to,” Sky told him, pulling his arm out of Rain’s grip.
“P’Pai?” Rain turned to him.
He shook his head quickly. If Sky was staying on the ground, so was he. “Scared of heights,” he lied smoothly. Rain’s shoulders slumped in disappointment, and Payu caved immediately.
“I’ll take you, sweetheart,” he soothed, wrapping his arms around Rain from the back.
“But—” Rain started, glancing between Sky and Prapai.
“That’s a good idea,” Sky cut in, looking at Payu. “Have fun,” he told Rain with a smile, this one much more genuine than the one from before. Rain hesitated for a minute before dragging Payu off to the ride with a wide smile on his face.
All of a sudden, he and Sky were alone, and likely to be for the next twenty minutes or so. Prapai honestly wasn’t sure how that’d happened, but he didn’t want to say anything and risk messing it up.
“Wanna get something to eat?” he suggested, and Sky lit up immediately. Okay, so food was a definite positive. Noted.
Sky ended up dragging him to a food truck, where he was easily coerced into getting one of the two options Sky couldn’t decide between, so he could try them both. He didn’t mind at all, as he wasn’t a picky eater, but Sky seemed like he felt bad about it. He gave him a very brief hard time about it, before telling him that he really didn’t care and it wasn’t a big deal in the slightest. Sky looked grateful and seemed to relax a little bit more at the reassurance.
They walked around with their food, talking about everything under the sun. Their families, their jobs, their friends, how school was going for Sky, how he and Payu had ended up going to the cafe for the first time, and on and on. 
Rain and Payu showed back up, just to let them know they were going to go on some of the other rides, too. They nodded at that, then, of course, immediately started talking about them once they’d left. They eventually landed back on the subject of their relationship, too pleased with the opportunity to commiserate with someone who’d had to deal with the same thing, just from the opposite side.
“Payu’s gotten so annoying about it,” Prapai moaned, “always telling me I need to be in a relationship.”
“Rain’s the same,” Sky agreed, rolling his eyes. “It’s his first relationship, but apparently he’s an expert now.”
“Yes,” Pai agreed. “Payu will not stop giving me advice.”
Sky snorted at that, raising an eyebrow. “That makes even less sense,” he said. Prapai made a questioning noise and Sky continued, “I’m just saying, I’m sure you’re doing fine. I think the rich, hot guy with a motorcycle thing is pretty universal.” He shook his head and kept walking, but Pai stopped in his tracks. “P’Pai?” Sky asked, once he realized Prapai was a couple feet behind him.
“Um,” was what Prapai went with. “You think I’m hot?” he blurted out, once his brain caught up with his mouth.
Sky hesitated for a second, coloring red before responding, “Shut up.”
Pai grinned widely at that, unable to help himself. “Does this mean I can call you hot?” 
“No,” Sky responded emphatically.
“Don’t you think that’s a little hypocritical?” Pai asked, closing the distance between them.
Sky opened his mouth to respond, exasperated, then closed it again. “I guess, technically,” he hedged, flustered, “it might be a little hypocritical. So…yeah. I guess.”
“You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen,” Prapai said immediately, not even taking a breath. Sky colored further but didn’t object. “So pretty,” Prapai added, taking another step closer. “The most gorgeous person I’ve ever—”
“Okay, this is not a fair trade!” Sky hissed. “I called you hot once, this is not—” he broke off with a frustrated noise, waving a hand vaguely. 
“I think you only get to make the rules if you agree to go out with me,” Prapai let him know. Sky just swore at him in response. “So,” he continued, undeterred. “If you really want to tell me what to do, you should let me take you to dinner.”
“Does that actually work?” Sky asked him with a skeptical tone.
“Acting like this,” Sky clarified. “Does it work on anyone?”
“I don’t know,” Prapai shrugged. “I’ve never tried it on anyone else.” The look Sky gave him at that was so deeply cynical that he almost wavered, but he pressed on. “Look, I might sleep around, but I’ve never actually dated someone. I’ve never wanted to date someone.”
“That is not encouraging in the slightest,” Sky fired back. “I’m not interested in being a one-night stand.”
“I literally just asked you out,” Prapai reminded him, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
“If you don’t date, why are you asking me out?” Sky asked him, frustrated. “You barely know me, and there’s no reason for you to be into me, anyway.”
“But I am into you,” Pai argued.
“Okay,” Prapai started, trying to organize his jumble of thoughts into something that made sense. “Well, yes, you’re gorgeous, obviously. Like, so pretty, and your eyes—”
“Get to the point,” Sky interrupted sharply.
“That was all I was thinking about,” Pai explained, “when I first met you. But..you’re smart, and funny, and snarky, and you don’t take any of my shit,” Sky snorted at that, and it made him smile. “And…you’re a really good friend to the people that you care about. Even if that doesn’t include me,” Prapai added quietly. “But even if you don't want to show it, you’re still sweet and kind to me. Even when I’m hitting on you and you want me to go away, you still make me the drink I want instead of the one I order, just because you think I’ll like it. And you don’t even like me,” he finished, maintaining eye contact with Sky. Sky was the one to break their gaze, staying quiet for a few moments. Prapai was praying that he hadn’t just fucked this up entirely, hadn’t exposed his own feelings too acutely, hadn’t undone any progress he’d been able to make.
“I do,” Sky finally broke the silence.
“...?” Prapai had no idea what he meant, could only give him a questioning look in response.
“Like you,” Sky clarified. “I do like you.”
“Like…as a friend?” Prapai managed to get out, barely hanging on. Please don’t be as a friend, please don’t be as a friend, please don’t be—
“No, you idiot,” Sky huffed, refusing to look at him.
“Yes!” Pai crowed, pulling Sky into his arms immediately. He took a step back a second later, holding Sky at arm’s length. “So, just to clarify, you mean romantically, right?”
“Yes,” Sky was clearly fed up with him, glaring as much as he could muster. Prapai took it all in stride and pulled Sky back into his arms, cheering as he picked him up a little. Sky hit his chest until he put him back on the ground, so Pai settled for pinching his cheeks until Sky swatted his hands away. He was still grinning at Sky, unable to believe his luck when he realized he’d never voiced his reciprocation.
“I like you, too!” he blurted out, practically yelling. “I just forgot to say it back!”
“I know,” Sky informed him. “Your reaction wasn’t exactly subtle.”
“Have dinner with me,” Pai requested, pulling Sky in again. “You just said you like me,” he reminded Sky, just in case he was on the fence.
“Hmm,” Sky considered, tilting his head to one side. Prapai was holding his breath, eyes glued to Sky’s face as he pondered. “One date,” he acquiesced. “And then…we’ll see.”
“Yes!” Prapai squealed happily. “Great decision,” he told Sky, brushing his hair back. “You won’t regret it, I promise.” 
“I think I’m already starting to,” Sky let him know.
“Nooo,” Prapai whined, immediately pouting. He stuck his lower lip out further when Sky didn’t respond, and did his best Rain impression.
“I’m not, really,” Sky said quietly, looking determinedly at the ground. “I’m…looking forward to it,” he added. He was still looking away from Prapai, but he blushed a little as he said it. Pai couldn’t help but melt at that, totally unused to this shy sweetness from Sky.
“Me too,” he told Sky, unable to keep the lovesick note out of his voice. Sky looked pleased at that, and darted forward to peck him quickly. Pai melted down completely at that, not quite sure if this was actually happening, or if it was just something he’d concocted in his mind.
“Skyyy,” Prapai dragged his name out as he clung to Sky’s side. He darted in to kiss Sky back, enjoying the startle he got in response.
“Whatever,” Sky was still blushing, and it was such a lovely color on him. “Let’s get moving, okay?”
“Whatever you say,” Prapai grinned, “my Sky.”
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Top 10 most "why the fuck do you know that" facts that I know for some reason
10. If you know of a criminal or murder victim who had photos taken or shared around, you can easily find them online. I Google Nikki catsouras crime scene and I will never be the same (seriously though, her head was split in 2, don't look that up)
9. Mummies are rare because we ate them all. Also, they were commonly left to decompose slightly before burial to prevent necrophilia.
8. In Victorian times, you were incredibly likely to live until 80, but only if you made it past 10. That's how huge the child mortality rate was.
7. DMT users often have common hallucinations shared with most other users, such as creatures known as "dmt elves".
6. We know more about Chris Chan than we do about Adolf Hitler.
5. Sea Cucumbers, when threatened, occasionally shoot their internal organs out of their anus in an attempt to distract the predator.
4. If you shove something up your ass, your body will attempt to suck it up there (I genuinely have no clue where i learned this)
3. Cannibal Cafe was a genuine cannibal fetish site available on the surface web, and has been linked to several murders and crimes.
2. Porn is surprisingly easy to find on youtube, often hidden under the guise of asmr or of full episode playlists. (Again, why???)
1. Mr Hands was an online video of a man getting screwed by a horse. After the video he suffered a bowel perforation (duh) and died within 72 hours. This case is what caused Washington state to actually make beastiality laws. Oh, and one of the cameramen in the video ran a zoophile podcast and it was really gross
Bonus: Although gore is fully legal to view in America and other countries, viewing the Christchurch shooting is completely illegal in New Zealand, which I honestly support.
I love fun facts I could tell you this shit all day
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
i’m little doubtful about jikook lately bc no content would you be a doll and reassure me 🤒
Sure, Nonie!
Now, I can't reassure you that they are a couple because I don't have proof of that.
But even though it's been a really, really rough year (especially for Jimin), they've shown us they still care for each other.
Here's what I recall:
There were some sweet moments in the Seoul concert, like hugs and touching each other's necks with cold hands and Jungkook bowing his head so Jimin could straighten his bangs and Jungkook whispering (probably nothing) into Jimin's ear to make him laugh.
There was being together on the couples' holiday of White Day, at the restaurant with friends, where Jungkook wore Jimin's hat with Jimin's name on it.
EDITED TO ADD: Jimin got moons tattooed down his spine. Later, Jungkook got his tiger tattoo covered up and has what appears to be a sun/eclipse tattoo, which hints at their sun-and-moon-duo ship name.
Before the Grammy's, there was Jungkook running to Jimin's room after quarantine, where Jimin exclaimed "JUNGKOOK-AH!" and they embraced.
During the Grammy's, they reassured each other in their in-ears not to be nervous, and playfully touched their shoes together during Trevor's bit, and Jungkook and Jimin shared an inside joke in the Vlive afterward about the champagne tasting bitter (a line from a show they both watched).
At the hotel in Vegas, on Instagram, Jungkook straight up said to a fan: "Keep being jealous; I'll keep holding Jiminie."
EDITED TO ADD: When an Army asked Jungkook how to impress their crush, his response was exactly what happened in Jikook's TOKYO trip: hold hands, eat food, go to an amusement park.
There was the Vegas Concert, where Jungkook squeezed Jimin's ass and screamed "I LOVE YOU!" into his face and gave him finger-hearts and possessively grabbed his waist to spin him around and carried him out of the stadium like a bride. They went back to the hotel in the same car all four nights, and for at least two nights were reported going to a Korean BBQ place, at least once sitting off alone together, drinking and singing songs to each other.
There was the Vegas Vlive, when Jungkook and Jimin spoke softly to each other and shook hands while discussing their (somewhat ruined) joint-diet and exercise plans (because Jimin ate and had hurt his foot). Jungkook walked in the room and immediately and silently tapped Hobi right off the sofa so he could take his place to sit next to Jimin. Then he slapped Jimin's thigh as he settled in close. He gushed about how happy he was to soon have Jimin as his boxing partner. He remembered Jimin's grandmother's birth date.
They came back to Korea and Jimin waited so they could leave in the same car.
In late April, in response to a fan's question, there was Jungkook screaming on his Instagram about Jimin: "HE IS MINE!"
Then there was a drought from late April until almost June. All during Jimin's (neglected) OST and news of his insurance premiums going missing and doxxing and "apartment seizure" it was like Jimin was nowhere to be found and his members had forgotten his name. I got really worried about the complete silence. Around this time, there was a behind the scenes photo shoot that showed Jimin looking closed off and downright angry and upset...and he didn't look at JK hardly at all (but he did at one point reach to hug him, thinking that was the photo concept). So I got pretty worried for a while and wasn't sure how to read into things.
Then it was all business for the White House visit. But afterward, they went out to an arcade in DC with Hobi and HER and had fun drinking and playing games. I believe it was said they also went out to play golf with Hobi and Tae but I didn't see video of it.
There were the performances in June, not all of which were filmed, but K-Army in attendance said they changed up choreography in order to sing romantic lyrics at each other and stared lovingly at each other and typical Jikookery all throughout. (This was mentioned by multiple separate accounts online, so I don't classify it the same way I do rumors of Jikook celebrating Left & Right at a steakhouse together, or being affectionate at a private party, as so far has no evidence has come to light about those things.)
Festa Dinner Vlive was released in June but filmed months prior. Jungkook absolutely took the piss out of Jimin because he shared some of his solo work with Hobi and Yoongi. He also sort of bullied Jimin out of crying. Jimin suggested the team consult Jikook about the design of their group tattoo. He mentioned that a straight line would imply a connection.
Jungkook got his tattoos touched up and it looks like the JM on his hand was refreshed. To date, Jungkook is the only other member to share a 7 tattoo with a straight line in the center like Jimin's finger tattoo, and he got his 7 tattoo placed where Jimin's Youth is behind the ear. They both were later seen wearing the same bracelet styled by Jungkook's tattoo artist.
At Hobi's solo album party, they made each other laugh while getting their makeup done and then at one point Jungkook rested his hand on Jimin's hand as they shared a giggle, and another time he rested his hand on Jimin's back while they talked with a mutual acquaintance.
It doesn't really mean much of anything, but Jungkook played In The Seom a lot, and he added to his own group players with usernames like KookminAreDating and Jimin'sLittleFinger. He did this even though KookminAreDating was only on level 99 and all the other players he added were on level 300. The handle KookminAreDating also popped up a few times, like on a post about their (stylist-chosen) black/white unisex wedding rings. The handle got a lot of pressure so it changed to Jaksal, and Jaksal made a cute edit on twitter of the song Okinawa, which Jimin then recommended weeks later on WeVerse. Again, this isn't really Jikookery, so much as tangent-related stuff that could imply that they continue to monitor everything online, as JK said in one of his Vlives.
During the announcement about the Busan expo, they shared a little moment where they found each other's eyes and softly smiled while taking off their masks. (You'd think if Jikook were fanservice pushed by Hybe, then as the favored sons of Busan, they'd at least be placed beside each other for photo ops during that ceremony but nope, it was OT7 all the way.) Later it was shared in the news that Jimin's dad and Jungkook's dad had spoken about the expo opportunity with each other and with their sons.
So that's what I remember, off the top of my head. Please note that I had two major surgeries for uterine cancer this year (I'm in remission and doing well now, no worries!) and the anesthesia kind of scrambled my ability to make short-term memories, so if I got anything wrong or forgot something, I'm really sorry. I'm not trying to be shady. Blogs like Stormblessed have a really great chronological catalogue if you want specific dates and details.
But from what I can tell, in 2022 there were no real big, loud, over-the-top flirty moments (unless you count the Vegas Concert, which was after all a performance, and had skinship and silliness between lots of members). But there are quiet moments--gentle touches, soft tones, mentions of making plans together. And the members around them have treated Jikook no differently than they always had.
Older Armys tell me that in 2020, Jikookers were really freaking out due to lack of content and apparent distance. Then Memories came out and it was revealed Jikookery was happening aplenty. It's likely the same thing will happen now, with Memories 2021 allaying some of the fears Jikookers had last year. Maybe next year, Memories or a docu-series or other content will give us a better picture of Jikook this year.
As of right now, I can honestly say I've noticed a shift between Jikook. Or rather, I've noticed they are sharing less and less with us (which doesn't mean it's not there--but it also doesn't mean it IS there). I think it's normal (and even a sign of intelligence) for fans to doubt and to question what they are seeing. But I would recommend you just hang on. We haven't seen even half the picture yet. There could be more moments of exclusive intimacy that we don't know about right now. At the very least, they are still warm and caring toward each other. So let's keep an open mind and enjoy what we have as it comes.
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