#he decides to d!e on his bday bc no one noticed him on that day anyways
siriuslygay1981 · 1 year
Reggie's bday being December 31st, he was born around 11:50 pm. Almost a new year's baby.
He loves that he is the same age as Sirius for a while it makes him feel closer to him.
No one ever celebrated his bday because new years eve seemed more important to everyone though
Even if he did invite friends or family for his bday they usually didn't go.
He spent every year under the stars as the count down was yelled inside his home. He sat in the freezing cold mumbling happy birthday to himself as he cried silently.
There was always something more important to people than regulus.
Whether it was New years eve, Sirius, James, or power.
Every year when his birthday got closer he had hope that his friends, his brother...would spend it with him for his birthday. That the day would be about him, as selfish as it seemed that maybe they'd want to hang out.
And then they'd make plans and he would be so freaking excited only for them to cancel or say they couldn't make it.
After all Barty had his mother, Evan has his sisters, Sirius had James, his parents were preoccupied with entertaining others. Not that they even remembered it was his birthday. So he didn't blame them, a small part of him hated them....a bigger part of him knew it wasn't their fault. He was just never anyone's first choice....and he never would be
It was a stab in the gut everytime without fail that he sat under the stars around 11:50 pm every year on his birthday.
He'd look up at the stars and laugh bitterly. He was only visible around his birthday but only in the sky. He was fucking invisible as he grew just a year older without a single person by his side
How was that fair? He didn't understand....didn't they care for him? Did they even want him ...
So he decided what better time to die?
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But alas, I will relay what I read back in the day to the best of my abilities! Spoilers for the end of Jeanne’s route under the cut, rated E (for everyone) for maximum uwus (and M for angst bc F U C K):
Okay so basically Jeanne’s route goes a lot like most of the routes, and when MC gets attacked (by the rival vampire turned by Vlad) our eyepatched wonder is not happy about it. He storms over to Comte’s room and demands to have his questions answered. Comte notes how deathly serious he is and breezes past the enmity, telling him to go ahead and ask whatever he needs to. Jeanne threatens to kill Comte if it turns out that he’s lying about anything from this point forward. To which Comte (being a little shit), replies that he literally can’t die so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Jeanne tells him he doesn’t care what it takes; he’ll rend him apart to the tiniest shred over and over and over again--even if it takes them both to the other side to accomplish it. Comte concedes and says “very well; if I lie, you’re welcome to try.” Jeanne finally asks if Comte has made a revival pact with anyone new. Comte is genuinely confused and confesses that he hasn’t--that he has no idea who Jeanne is talking about. “What ‘comrade in arms’???” Jeanne seems to sense that Comte is responding in earnest (but is also confused bc like, then who the fuck else turned the guy??? WHO IS THE THREAT I MUST STAB)
Jeanne admits that MC was attacked and you can feel the change in gravity in milliseconds. Comte starts asking where she is and if she’s okay, and Jeanne explains that she’s still in the mansion and she’s fine. Jeanne then asks if Shakespeare has the ability to turn people like he does, and Comte is bewildered to put it mildly. He’s like ??????? Where is this coming from, of course he doesn’t???? I turned him myself, he’s a lesser vampire--he doesn’t have that ability???? In a moment of sheer livid impatience, Jeanne grabs Comte by the lapels and screams “Then who can!?!?!?!” Comte stares at him and admits that there are only two people that he is aware of who can accomplish such a thing, himself and someone else. They hear a loud crash and they run to the dining room, only to find a window smashed, Mozart wounded, and MC gone. Comte’s furious sprite appears, and he asks Jeanne to look after MC, he has something to take care of. Isaac asks him where on earth he’s going, and he reveals that he’s going to Will’s house before storming out.
Poor Shakespeare faces the brunt of Comte’s rage--though I get the feeling, knowing now that Shakespeare is Vlad’s puppet--that the threat was meant more for Vlad than for Shakey boy. Comte goes to Shakey’s place and Shakespeare offers to put on tea or wine, says it’s strange for him to appear so late. Comte tells him not to bother, since he isn’t here to exchange pleasantries. Shakespeare seems p shocked given Comte isn’t usually one to be so direct or terse, and when Comte walks in he backs Shakespeare into the wall step. By step. By step. He asks him if he was involved in the harm done to MC, and Shakespeare’s like “Yeah lol what’s it to you.” And when their shoes are nearly touching, Comte grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the ground. He tells Shakespeare that if this goes on, he won’t show any mercy: "To those that would harm a single member of my house, I will hunt them to the ends of the earth. To the very depths of hell." The narration notes that he lets go of whatever dampens his pureblood aura and nearly suffocates Shakespeare with his raw intensity and power, before putting him down again and saying “That’s all I have to say. I have no more questions for you.” Comte walks right back out, slamming the door while Shakespeare is on the floor coughing. 
So, needless to say, things are hella rocky between Comte and Jeanne throughout the better part of the route. But given the odd dichotomy of Comte’s reactions (his complete acceptance of Jeanne’s fury versus his own anger being directed at Vlad), it definitely felt like there was more there. Everything finally comes full circle at the end when Comte gathers everyone inside the dining room to explain precisely what happened (Vlad, etc. I’m assuming) and asks everyone to take proper precautions moving forward: "I'll take steps to make sure this never happens again. But if we are faced with a similar situation, know that I am prepared to protect you all with every fiber of my being." He deems secrecy a moot point given this incident, and just wants everyone to be safe and ask for help should they need it in the future. 
MC notes that he doesn’t have his usual placid demeanor; he’s incredibly serious and grave. She’s like “Oh boy some serious shit went down huh...but if anything, I feel like it’s only made us have more faith in his ability to protect us c:” AND HERE IS WHERE THE BIG HURT HAPPENS KIDS GET YOUR TISSUES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Jeanne: "...Alright. I will trust in your words. But can I ask just one thing?” Comte: “Yes, Jeanne?” Jeanne: "You know I always hated you, I truly believed you revived me against my will for a long time." Comte just sorta deflates, but he doesn’t say anything (MY POOR BABIE) Jeanne: "But, is that really the case? Did I want to live on, away from that pyre...?" [There was a long silence.] Comte: “...That day, when I appeared, you screamed desperately 'Why must I die here. Whether it be God or the devil, someone make use of me!'” Important note: Jeanne tells MC that he is able to recall thinking that, but he has no acute recollection of saying it; this is the moment at which he lost consciousness. MC: [;-; No matter how hard he tried to stifle it, it (his deep wish to live) came out all the same...] I wasn’t able to transcribe it, but Comte essentially tells him that he tried to ask Jeanne, but he was already barely hanging on--there was no way he could get a proper answer. (This is highly plausible given we know that Jeanne was incarcerated by the Inquisition, tortured, and starved before he was tied to that pyre--it was a miracle he lasted that long. He didn’t even have the strength to move/struggle from where he was tied). Comte goes on to say that Jeanne was pissed to shit when he woke up and there was little he could do to alleviate that (I mean given he was waiting for the sweet release of death it makes sense but also N O ;-;). For a while Jeanne just stares at him before asking: Jeanne: “...Why? Why didn’t you tell me after all this time?” Comte: "Because I thought it was okay if you berated me a little." Jeanne (vine voice: AMERICA EXPLAIN): ?????????? Comte: "Despite being alive...you looked dead to the world ever since the day we met. No matter how hard I tried or whatever I did, I couldn't seem to change that. But...the only emotion I seemed to be able to draw out of you was hate. If hatred was the only thing that could move you, I figured I'd take on that role. Better to see you express something than to see you lifeless beyond any glimmer of hope or change." Jeanne: "Why....why would you go that far?? Why did you bother? I don't...understand" BECAUSE HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE AND HE LOVES YOU I’M SOBBING ALL OVER AGAIN OKAY DEEP BREATHS THE SHOW MUST GO ON MINNIE Comte: "Because I'm the one that revived you...because to me, you're all my precious family." Jeanne: "...............................................................I...I'm sorry" AND JEANNE HANGS HIS HEAD WAAAAAAAAAAAH Comte’s brows rise: “...Jeanne?” Jeanne: "I know an apology doesn't forgive everything I did/said. But I don't know how else to make amends"
It goes on to show them all making amends, and while Jeanne can sometimes be like “ughghhghgh d a d stop nagging I’m fINE” he secretly really loves the guy. In Jeanne’s third bday story he’s literally like [Comte’s a weirdo but I see now that that's just how he cares abt me. He's not just worldly, he's a good guy. c: I just don’t care abt whatever he’s going on abt rn]
So like full disclosure before Jeanne’s route I still loved Comte but I really didn’t know much about him beyond the “eccentric nobleman persona.” Granted we definitely get glimpses into who he really is, but this was a sizeable breakthrough. (And probably a strong allusion to the release of Comte’s MS soon after.) That being said, there were so many things said here that just absolutely shattered my heart. 
Because here’s the thing. I have no qualms with Comte’s wish to be a dad--or even to revive the men, for that matter. If it makes him happy and he intends to take care of them reasonably well, then who am I to criticize him? (Fun fact: Leonardo essentially says the same exact thing; he’s more against it than I am because of the whole turning humans, but he doesn’t necessarily vilify Comte because he knows his intentions are good. And if everyone’s happy with it, what can he say?) But the fact that Comte handles their issues with so much patience and maturity...I’m in love???? There is sincerely nothing sexier than this for me. He’s fully aware that Jeanne was treated like absolute shit by the people he tried to protect, that he never really got to live for himself a single day in his life--never knew a moment’s peace, joy, or appreciation. He tries everything he can think of to get Jeanne to maybe not hate being alive as much, but fails at every turn. He still refuses to give up on the guy despite the less than ideal state of things, and decides that if Jeanne needs an enemy to survive--he will be that enemy. He doesn’t care that the guy he’s trying to help would skewer him the second he had his back turned (Jeanne pls this was a new suit couldn’t this wait). He takes full responsibility for deciding to turn him; knows that since he erred on the side of caution, it’s up to him to offer a life that’s worth keeping/staying alive for. He doesn’t belittle Jeanne’s plight for a moment, never deems him stupid or shortsighted. He’s able to understand that in the wake of so much pain and loss, of course Jeanne might not notice the finer points of Comte’s attempts to cheer him up. Even if it pains him to be on negative terms (HE LOVES HIS BOY HE DOESN’T WANT TO FIGHT) he will fully accept it if it brings Jeanne peace, if it helps Jeanne get to a place where he can begin to accept the affection he wants to offer.
And THAT’S what kills me, kids. Four hundred years, and Comte fucking LEARNED something. He is perceptive to uncanny degrees, and never fails to read a room in milliseconds; not only does he pick up on how people feel, he responds with appropriate, gentle measures. What I love so much about Comte is that he knows full well that genius does not come without its price. You could be the smartest person on earth, the most talented, whatever you choose to call it, but it will invite no shortage of hatred from other people, no shortage of misunderstanding and disdain and violence. If people don’t go mad with power, they are destroyed by the very places that birthed them. As such, the last thing he wants to do is put them under more pressure, or force them to do things against their will; he just wants to give them a chance to live beyond such fickle and hostile circumstances. And he takes this seriously, this isn’t remotely a whim for him despite all evidence to the contrary. He gets that healing takes time, and as much as he wants everyone to be happy he’s more than willing to give them space/resources to figure it out. Like. He is the father everybody DREAMS they had (if they didn’t already have a good one) and the fact that I can’t tell him what a wonderful job he’s doing is killing me on all levels INCLUDING physical.
And I just?????? Jeanne’s palpable remorse when he finds out????? And Comte’s surprise???????? Like Comte wasn’t necessarily expecting that level of apology, he knew he was taking a gamble and he was ready to do whatever he had to, he wasn’t intending to hold it against his boy. But Jeanne just has such a tender and well-meaning heart (no matter how much he struggles to express it) that regret was inevitable. There’s just so much love in that moment, in Comte’s capacity to forgive and take on so much of poor Jeanne’s unhappiness, and Jeanne’s fully ability to admit he was misguided, lower his head, and apologize. THEY JUST GET ME BLUBBERING LIKE A THREE YEAR OLD OKAY THEY ARE BOTH SO IMPORTANT TO ME AND I HURT
Also a bonus, because it only just occurred to me (spoilers from the end of Comte’s route):
THEY HAVE A LEGIT REVERSAL AT THE END OF COMTE’S ROUTE???? Comte once again gathers everyone to reveal Vlad’s identity and intentions, and he apologizes for keeping it from everyone, lowering his head. He’s more than ready to face everyone’s ire for keeping secrets, but everyone’s just like “dad pls lift your head it’s okay, we’re just glad we can help you now--you don’t have to carry it all on your own.” AND IT IS IN FACT, JEANNE, THAT ALSO SAYS “No need to bow like that Comte, aren't you the one always saying we're family?" AND WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS IN A PUDDLE OF TEARS?????? I WILL NEVER BE OKAY. POOR COMTE WAS SO MOVED AND MY HEART CAN’T TAKE HAVING THIS KNOWLEDGE WHERE’S MY HANKIE. JEANNE. BEING THE ONE. TO SAY. “Aren’t we family?” WHEN HEARING HOW HARD COMTE WAS WORKING TO PROTECT THEM, BC HE 100% IDENTIFIES WITH THE STRUGGLE OF LOOKING AFTER PEOPLE THAT DON’T KNOW/CARE THAT SOMEBODY ELSE IS THE SACRIFICE FOR THEIR PEACE OF MIND. I--
I’m crying rn I just: Comte: !!!!!!! Somebody who gets it!!! :DDD Jeanne: die. Comte:  Comte: ;-; understandable have a nice day
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp spoilers#ikevamp jeanne#ikevamp comte#ikevamp saint germain#comte propaganda#ikevamp fangdad#fangdad propaganda#god who would have thought that the one thing jeanne and comte have in common is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY#deadass i was just writing and i was like hold up#but if jeanne doesnt know what he said in this route then why would he do a 180 like that????#and then i remembered that the focal point of comte's rt is learning that EVERYTHING that we knew from the getgo was a charade#he wasnt just turning ppl for funsies this was all a deliberate attempt to protect them from vlad#he was just using the dumbass noble persona to keep everyone from digging too deep (bc vlad would be waiting in the wings)#i still dont know what went wrong with shakespeare but im willing to bet that part of his whole keeping the truth surface level#might have been a direct consequence of that situation being mishandled#and as such everyone's living in a kind of ignorant bliss#the price of their peace is comte's carrying the knowledge of vlad's intentions and protecting them from an unwavering threat#and if there is ANYTHING jeanne can understand#it's wanting to bear the burden of violence or danger for the sake of protecting precious life#how could jeanne possibly remain angry with him? their hearts are undeniably aligned#GOD THIS JUST MAKES ME SO EMOTIONAL ITS A GOOD THING I HAVE SOME ROSÉ LEFT#ikevamp really goes above and fuckin beyond huh#how DARE they make me have feelings#**grumble**#i hope this answered your curiosity!!#if you need me ill be swimming in my feels good lordt im not okay
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 1
Requested by anon: Can please request a seungcheol mafia au with angst and fluff 💘 
hi lil anon i was actually already planning on writing this au right before you requested! I hope this was something along the lines of what you were looking for!! happy bday to papa cheols he is sUCH A BIAS WRECKER!! AND IM SORRY I WROTE SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! THIS ALMOST SURPASSED WOLF!WONWOO’S LENGTH JLSDJFDLS I WILL DO A PART 2 IF PEOPLE WANT IT!!!
also I was in the middle of writing this when all of a sudden i got a notification that @cheollies posted one and i was like oMG ARE U SERIOUS HERS IS SO MUCH BETTER!! go check hers out IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER WRITING OMG SHE GIVES ME INSPIRATION!!! my au takes a different direction bUT I FIND IT FUNNY HOW WE BOTH DID IT LMAO
warnings: fluff and a whole lotta angst, mention of some violence
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Yes another one
I apparently really like assassin and vigilante aus bc,,,, just look at wonwoo’s
anyways birthday boi papa cheols can run me over with this au bye
Seungcheol had always been involved in the shady realm of business
His father was a politician and,,,, well he wasn’t bad but he wasn’t good either
Seungcheol, however, thought his father did some questionable things
His suspicions were confirmed one day
“You’re gonna need to protect me”
And lil cheollie was like ???? what do you mean dad????
“Son, I have a lot of enemies, and that’s inevitable when you have this type of job. I don’t trust anyone else to do this job,,, so,,,,,,”
Poor smol cheols is still really confused like dad im still not understanding
“I need you to,,,,, take care,,,,,, of some people for me”
“Take care?? Like help them when they’re sick???”
“Sure…. Sick…. Let’s go with that”
And from then on, seungcheol started this dirty job his father brainwashed him into doing
He was only in middle school when he had to do his first “mission”
Since his dad didn’t want him to do anything big just yet, he only had cheols start off by dropping in poison discreetly in drinks
His missions slowly started to grow larger and next thing you know Seungcheol is taking up self defense classes
He’s now in his early 20’s and,,,,
His heart has completely hardened
I’m sad now
All he thinks about is how his father will be proud for completing whatever current mission he needs to do
The reassuring words of “i’m proud” always made him feel overjoyed,,,, his father had never once said that to him even when Seungcheol had good grades or brought his team to first place in the football championships,,,,
No. His father only congratulated him every time he took care of an “inconvenience.”
“If this is what I have to do to get him to notice me,,,,, then I’ll do it.”
His father is in the middle of negotiating with another distinguished political figure,,, but things aren’t going very well
Being the manipulative person he is, cheol’s father is blackmailing the man to give in
“You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your daughter,,,,, do you?”
“,,,,,You wouldn’t. Leave her out of this and settle this like a real man.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would, Park. Do not test me.”
The man mulls it over in thought before caving in
Ofc,,, seungcheol doesn't know about the dirty work his father does himself
He only thinks there's a reason for why his father has a need to get rid of bad men, and he just goes along with it
At this point he’s completely void of warmth and nurture
Whatever his father orders him to do, he does it without hesitation whatsoever
Until,,,, he meets,,,,
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you apologize for running into someone
He doesn’t have time to deal with this since he’s on his way to meet his father but he takes one look at your face and he is star!! struck!!
“A-ah,,,, it’s alright; I wasn’t looking either,” he says with a dazed look
And you’re like oh good sorry about that again!! And you rush off to wherever you’re going
He watches you leave but then he’s like o right i gotta meet dad
The rest of the day he just has thoughts on the stranger he bumped into
His next mission is to get rid of the man’s daughter, but he can’t immediately kill her just quite yet
His father tells him to wait it out if the man pulls any tricks on him
But as for now, the father is holding off any missions for cheols bc the other politician is his main concern rn, and there doesn’t seem to be anything shady just yet
Cheols is like welp ok guess i’ll just,,,,,,chill or smth,,,,,,
And cheols hasn’t had free time in a loooong time so he’s kinda unsure what to exactly do
He decides to just go to the gym and hang out around a mall or smth like he literally does not know what to do
He’s at a nearby mall one day just chilling on a bench and sipping his smoothie he bought from the food court when he suddenly sits upright
A few shops down is the same person he bumped into!!!
You’re on a lonely shopping spree that consists of just window shopping and going around to stores that seem to have cute clothes
And he’s just like ,,,,,,,,what are the chances of meeting her again,,,,,,,,
He casually walks over at a reasonable distance where he’s far enough to not seem like a stalker but close enough to have you in sight
When he sees you heading out of the store he just casually bumps into you
“Oh sorry -- omg it’s you!” you say pointing your finger at him
And he’s like lmao :) yes :) it is me :) totally coincidental :)
“It’s alright,,, i’m already used to it ;)”
And you’re like l m a o,,, k then
“Are you by yourself?”
“Well,,, just having some me time” you raise your hands to gesture to the bags in your hand
“You look like you can use some company ;)” cheols pls
And you’re like ahhaahaha,,,,,, well not realllllly LOL but,,,,, you can join if you’d like,,,,,,, or smth,,,,,
And that’s how you got Seungcheol to spontaneously join you in what you originally intended to be your me time
When you had to get going, he was like you wanna,, exchange numbers so we can do this again??
And you’re like ,,,,,,,,sure
Smooth cheol not really bye
You guys keep this up for the next few weeks, either you hitting him up to “have someone accompany you,” or him seeing what you’re up to and joining you regardless bc “you need someone to protect you”
I mean you lowkey do tho
You grow closer to Seungcheol but you’re utterly oblivious to what he does behind the scenes
And quite frankly, he wants it to stay that way
For once, he was not shunned bc of his work and he wants to keep it that way
He’s finally met someone who’s overlooked everything he’s ever wanted to hide and he doesn’t ever want that to be taken away from him
You and seungcheol have grown so close that you guys don’t even bother to use an excuse to see each other like how you did the first week or so of meeting each other
“Hey let’s go down to the new cafe down the street”
“Be there in 10”
Seungcheol didn’t realize how deep he fell until he saw you with another guy
Once the person leaves, he sidles up next to you and starts badgering you
“Who was that guy”
“What did he want”
“I think he was standing a little too close to you”
“He didn’t try anything funny, did he?”
And he’s like i don’t like it when guys get too close to you
And you’re like why do you even care so much?????
“Bc,,,,,,,,,,i like you you don’t know self-defense”
And you’re like uM IM NOT WEAK
“Try throwing me over”
“You’re like twice my size wtf”
“dO IT”
And you’re like ,,,,,,,,ok fine i’m weak
And the way you’re pouting and playfully hitting his arm
It’s all it takes for him to laugh with a twinkle in his eyes and he realizes
He’s in love
The curve of your lips, the crinkle of your eyes,,,, it’s enough to set him off
He only stands there staring at you and you’re like ????
“Earth to cheols???” you wave your hand in front of his face thinking he spaced out
You have a very perplexed look on your face and he’s like okAY I CAN’T TAKE THIS
He grabs your face and you’re like uH????????????
“You need to stop”
“Stop,,,, what? What do i need to stop????”
“Being so vulnerable. You only make yourself more irresistible”
And before you can even ask him what he means by that, he juST PULLS YOU IN AND KISSES YOU
And you’re like o H MY GO D WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT
But the warmth emitting from his body and the softness of his lips make you wanna dIE and you both soon engage in a passionate kiss
You hadn’t realized you liked him until that moment
You,,,, love him
You both break away, completely breathless
“You’re too irresistible, I couldn’t handle it”
“Shut up and kiss me again”
Soon enough you have to part ways and call it a day and both of you are essentially floating back home on cloud 9
You close your door and lean against it, bringing your hand up to your lips
You,,, had your first kiss,,,,,,
Meanwhile back at home, Seungcheol is trying to keep his heart and thoughts from racing
He can still feel your body under his and just merely thinking about it makes him break out into a gigantic foolish grin
The next day, you text him to see if he wants to go check out the ice cream parlor
But,,,,,, you never get a response
You’re thinking he’s probably busy doing something but,,, he doesn’t respond the entire day
Nor does he respond the entire week after that
And you’re just,,,,,,, really hurt and confused
“Where,,, did i go wrong???”
You thought the feelings were mutual that night,,,, now suddenly he got cold feet and left you like this????
Two weeks pass and you still hadn’t heard of anything from him
You text and call him but to no avail
You’re just about to give up contacting him after calling him for the fifth time but you suddenly hear a voice that you’ve been waiting for
“Cheol what happened to you! I thought,,,, i thought,,,, you didn’t wanna see me anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,,”
And there’s silence on the other end
“Cheol, are you still there?”
“Look,,,,,,, y/n,,,,,, we can’t do this”
Your heart sinks
“W-what can’t we do?”
“This was never gonna work out,,, we should just end it here”
“Cheol, i don’t understand, let’s just meet up and talk--”
“No! Y/N, forget it! Forget everything we did. Forget about us. Forget,,, forget about me.”
“Cheol, stop talking nonsense--”
And the line cuts.
Your arm limply falls and drops the phone
You can’t eat or sleep for the next few days
A week later you return to the same cafe you bumped him at and a small inkling of you wants to meet him but at the same time you don’t know what would happen if you did
You end up going to the cafe every day because of that stupid little small spark of hope inside of you,,,, you keep telling yourself you’ll never see him again but,,,, your feet keep taking you there
Just around the corner of a building across the street, Seungcheol sees you desperately trying to find any signs of him
He grips his gun
“I’m sorry dad,,,, i can’t do it this time”
Might make part 2 if there’s a good response!!!!
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lolbtsaus · 8 years
Reverse Idol (Jungkook)
Before I start this, I gotta say a happy birthday to Jung Hoseok, I hope he’s having/had (depending on the time zone) an amazing bday I’m watching the vlive rn but I’ve seen some gifs and it seems like he was really happy and that makes me s o happy also his new hair is so beyond cute I’m in love!! Last but certainly not least is the second half of the Busan line, the final part to the maknae line, our golden maknae who is continuing to prove he’s talented, the first time I heard the whole “chong, jojun, balsa" bit I thought it was hobi but the fact that it’s kook is so amazing bc this kid can really contort his voice and I can’t wait for the MV, Jeon Jungkook aka kookie
This AU is gonna be about what I think would happen if the reader was the idol and BTS were the fans, you can also think about this like a general celebrity post, I’m gonna be basing this off of kpop idols bc it’s easier for me to write with just one focus instead of being all the over place with it but if you wanted to see this as an actor!reader or a non-kpop singer!reader post, you could easily do that (and of course this is all still gender neutral)
Another series with idol!reader is my idol couple series (kook’s post is here) where both the reader and BTS are idols
This AU is gonna feature some youtuber!Jungkook (here) to sum it up, he’s a gamer on youtube 
Jungkook is another huge fanboy but he’s the O.O fanboy like chim’s the :) fanboy tae’s the :D fanboy but kook is just wide eyed “oh my god oh my god”
When he loves an artist, he seems to really just look up to them like him and GD, we all know that boy loves GD I mean wasn’t it him that made kook wanna become a singer/idol that alone says a l o t about how much kook respects him
In public he tries to be -_- (it doesn’t last long but he does try) but at home he loses it
He’ll hear your song in public and his eyes get really big and Yoongi’s mentally starting the ten second countdown before Jungkook starts  dancing along to it 
It starts off with just a bit of foot tapping around the three second mark, at the five second mark, his head starts bobbing, at the seven second mark, he starts swaying until he breaks into the full choreography
Whenever he plays your music, everyone just knows he’s about to come running into the room dressed head to toe in your merch and start screaming the songs so they just all prepare themselves, vmin start stretching so they don’t pull anything 
Sure enough, kook slides into the room with a hairbrush to use as a mic and start singing as loudly as he possibly can, not caring if he goes off key and he starts doing the dance to the song
But it’s actually really cute but all of the other boys get these huge smiles and they gotta join in
Okay but kook gets s o fucking into lip syncing or just goofing around and singing like we all remember the Linkin Park video that’s about all the proof I need and the fact that no one was really reacting to it tells me that he’s doing that shit at home too
The boys all know your music since I have this head canon that if one member knows an artist, they all know that artist just bc they’re all so close it’s easy to assume they’re sharing their favorite music with each other
Him reacting to performances is super cute too bc he gets so into it and he’s singing along and dancing and you can tell he’s genuinely enjoying it and what I love about kook is that he gives the performances his full attention
I was watching him react to one of Astro’s performances and his eyes are just glued to the stage and it’s so sweet
Of course I gotta bring up his reaction to the Rainism performance he literally started performing in the crowd and it was so fucking funny and cute you could just see how excited he got
His fans all know about his crush on you even though he tries to play it cool it’s pretty damn obvious
In the background of a lot of his videos, you can see some of your posters and some albums and he just giggles when he gets questions about it which totally gives away the whole crush thing bc your face lighting up at the mention of someone is normally a pretty good indicator that you have some sort of emotion towards them, whether it’s platonic or romantic
Plus in his live streams, he’s always got one of your albums playing in the background
And Vmin may have just maybe totally told everyone about his crush on you during one of their Q&As and Jungkook may have screamed when he saw them do it he m a y b e chased Jimin with a shoe and threw a banana at Tae’s head
Okay so an a m azing anon suggested this and it has become my head canon entirely
Jungkook has a tumblr right and it’s mainly art and gaming shit, those are the main focuses
He uploads his art a lot, they’re normally drawings of characters or musicians he likes and one day he uploads a drawing of you and everyone flips
Not only is it s o realistic, it’s also getting all of the shippers fired up and ready to scream bc it’s obvious it took some time to draw and Tae uploads a few videos of kook on snapchat like two weeks ago where he’s staring really intently at the screen of his phone and no one knows what kook’s drawing so everyone’s excited
And then the excitement doubles when it’s revealed that he was drawing you and then Jimin adds onto the excitement by stating it’s not the first time kook has drawn you 
You notice the drawing bc everyone sends it to you, even the people who don’t follow kookie send it to you bc it’s rea ll y good we all know how talented kook is especially when he puts his mind to something and he’s not about to half ass a drawing of his crush
You tweet out about it bc you don’t know who did it so you’re just like hey this is really good, whoever drew it and then everyone immediately starts telling you it’s Jungkook’s (the boys also help out by tagging you on instagram in kook’s pictures bc they’re wingmen all of them)
Kook decides in honor of your birthday, he’s gonna release a cover of his favorite song by you bc he’s released a few covers here and there already so why not do one for you and that does n o t help the shippers’ poor lil hearts at all
He doesn’t know that you know who he is yet so he doesn’t even think you’re gonna see it but little does he know, you’re following him on all the social medias bc he’s super cute in all the ways
It’s a more laid back version of your song, it’s just piano and kook’s voice which is s o nice and you can’t believe that this is the same kid you just watched dance around in a Pikachu onesie during one of his celebration videos
After that, you just h a v e to contact him bc he’s so sweet in his bday wishes to you and he’s just so cute and precious you gotta do it
“Your drawing was really cute and your cover was amazing, I’d love to meet you”
Ight but to announce your relationship to the public, he releases all of the other drawings he’s done of you
“Thnx for being my muse but no, I’m not gonna stop texting you pictures of puppies at three in the morning, they’re important”
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