#he generates such a cult following automatically
moondogss · 10 months
i have this theory that if you know who david tennant is and you're not british then you're 100% insane about him, i have literally never met someone outside of the uk who casually knows who he is if they know him its always because they went deep down the rabbit hole at some point, this man was made to have a very intense cult following
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
When I was growing up, people used to get all froggy about how many cylinders their car’s engine had. Mine’s a V6. Well, mine’s a V8. Nowadays, that doesn’t matter so much: if you have a V8, that’s cool and all, but technology has moved on. Now, automakers will sell you cars that come with little three-cylinder lawnmower engines. With enormous turbochargers attached.
All these big automakers are finally returning to the glories of turbocharging, after having abandoned it in the 1980s for being “too dangerous” and “kind of crap.” Modern technology has made turbocharged engines more reliable, smoother-driving, and easier to live with in general. Those of us who never abandoned the forced induction lifestyle are wondering: what took you folks so long?
I remember the first time I strapped a turbocharger to an engine. We’d lured in a handful of art-college students and made them create an intricate turbo manifold for a 1993 Plymouth Breeze. The Breeze, as you may remember, was not any good at acceleration. Adding a turbocharger made it really good at acceleration. Eventually, one of the art students defected, becoming a mechanical weirdo like ourselves, having transitioned to the cult of boost from whatever pitiful religion he used to follow. I don’t remember his name. Let’s call him Choo-Choo.
Here’s the problem with a turbocharger: once you get bored of how much power it makes, you can tell it to make a little more power, but then you will get bored again. Then, you realize that since you’ve put in infrastructure to support a turbo, you can pull it and put in a bigger turbo, very easily. Say, one from a semi truck. And then one from a bigger semi truck. And then one from a Komatsu heavy loader that requires you to cut a hole in the hood just so that the compressor housing can fit.
Choo-Choo learned the limits of human enterprise on that day, when the Breeze ejected its pitiful automatic transmission into the heavens while on its way to what we all believed would be a 10.16 pass at 139 miles an hour. He survived, albeit forever changed. The last thing he told me was that he was going to go work for Ford, to spread the gospel of the snail to them, too. We laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and yet here it is. Ford’s greatest performance monster: the base-model 1.0-litre EcoSport.
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So I wanted to explain some stuff for a friend who's not into Battletech so that he knows what I'm talking about.
Pre-Star League
humanity expands out to form the Inner Sphere (basically the closest planets to Earth which is called Terra because sci-fi story) and the periphery (planets further than the Inner Sphere). Then humanity had a big war, like we do, and formed the Star League.
Star League (2570-2780)
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Humanity forms space United Nations but this United Nations has an emperor and 5 great houses, namely House Steiner, House Merik, House Davion, House Kurita, and House Liao (we'll get to them in a second). It was all Star Trek and happiness (except for the fucks at House Kurita who kept trying to samurai duel people with mechs to the point there was an elite organization called the Gunslinger Program specifically trained for dealing with their bullshit). Then this fucker Ameris came along and tried to take it all over. This not fucker called Karensky kicked his ass then took all the Star League Defense Forces (space UN peacekeepers) and fucked off beyond the periphery where nobody heard about them for hundreds of years.
Succession Wars (2781-3049)
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Ok so now we get to the most commonly used era in Battletech, the Succession Wars. Basically, every House wanted to create a new Star League with themselves as the leader. This is followed by two centuries of warfare encouraged by the fucks at Comstar (we'll get to them too don't you worry your pretty little head).
Clan Invasion (3050-3061)
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OH HEY SO YOU REMEMBER KARENSKY AND HIS FUCKERS!?! So they came back but now they're a warrior cult based around fighting in Battlemechs. Whereas the rest of the galaxy was involved in war that destroyed all their tech production bases, the Clans were having a technological renaissance so their shit is better than the Inner Sphere shit. They fight a lot and kill a lot until eventually Comstar challenges them to a Batchal (their version of a duel but on a planetary scale with multiple armies involved). The clans all sent basically 2/3rds of their entire armies to fight Comstar...
and Comstar kicked their fucking asses.
The general who Comstar chose to do so was named Focht and that's exactly what he told the Clans to get. They retreated and could no longer threaten the newly reforged Star League.
Civil War (3062-3067)
So now the newly reforged Star League immediately started infighting and destroying itself. Go figure.
Jihad (3068-3080)
The Word of Blake, a religious cult offshoot of Comstar, starts jihading everybody after Star League 2: Electric Boogaloo falls apart.
Dark Age (3081-3150)
Nobody liked this era and it doesn't matter. Basically, the internet shut down and everyone lost their minds.
IlClan (3151-Present)
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(Credit to KingsofWinter on Deviantart for the map)
The Clans form a massive big clan called the IlClan (pronounced ill-clan) who conquer Terra and form a new Star League but with tech-fetishism and batchals.
Everyone is still fighting.
The Big Factions
There are a couple big factions with a lot of lore to them so I'll get the main ones out of the way just so you know them.
House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth)
Germans with attitude and no sense of stealth. Basically just take the biggest mechs possible and throw them at the enemy.
House Merik (Free Worlds League)
'Murica fuck yeah.
House Kurita (Draconis Combine)
You know japan? Its that but in space.
House Davion (Federated Suns)
Also 'Murica fuck yeah but with a more knightly aesthetic.
House Liao (Capellan Confederation)
China plus Soviet Russia.
A cult that runs all the faster than light telephones. They basically stop technology from progressing and keep everyone at war with stealth operations. They also control Terra and nowhere else. Their plan is basically to blast humanity back to the stone age then everyone will have to follow their cult's teachings. Fun stuff.
Terms and Definitions
Battlemech: Just a mech designed to fight.
Autocannon (AC): An automatic canon. The higher the number after it, the bigger the rounds it fires.
Particle Projector Cannon (PPC): It takes a particle and accelerates it massively. Its the worst weapon you can get hit by in Battletech short of a Gauss Rifle or a Heavy PPC.
Extra Range (ER): Some weapons have extra range variants. It does what it says on the tin.
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thievescanted · 8 months
cal-as-companion questions part 1
this is @omgkalyppso's fault btw
Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
cal can be found on the way to the grove just outside the nautiloid crash region, arguing with a man who, believing her to be dead, had been rifling through her bag. upon your interruption, the man will say he’s sorry for the mistake, but insist to you that he really did think she was dead. passing a DC 22 investigation check will reveal that there is something off about the way she breathes - it seems more deliberate than automatic.
when you realize she’s tadpoled too you can ask her to join you - she will be reluctant about it and tells you she doesnt play well with others. if you take her word for it though she says “Ohh ha that was a joke! No, we should definitely stick together. You could clearly use the help. No offense.”
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
astarion and shadowheart do nottt trust her lol
shadowheart: Are you quite sure we need her company? Far be it from me to question your judgement, but there’s something off about her. Something about her eyes, perhaps - they have this… cornered animal quality about them.
astarion: (looking over tav’s shoulder at cal, squinting - clearly is seeing something you don’t) Hm? Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine picking up another stray. Probably.
(after a long rest you can get the following banters if theyre both in the party:
astarion: you look cold, moretti. do you need a jacket? cal: you offerin’ me yours, sunshine? astarion: ugh. no, the last thing i need is for any of my clothes to come back reeking of cigarette smoke. i was only making an observation.
cal: you’ve got red on your collar there, astarion. what is that, tomato? or maybe - astarion: what? where? i - cal: (cackles) astarion: (sourly) oh, do fuck off.
they are playing undead chicken)
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
of shadowheart: So you're taking this one with us, then. She doesn't exactly seem the friendly sort, but then I suppose neither do I. of astarion: I'd be careful of that one. Just take my word for it, yeah? of wyll: He's coming along, then? No, I don't mean anything by it. He seems... (wrinkles her nose) nice. He seems perfectly nice. of karlach: (clearly not paying attention to you, very clearly trying to see karlach) Sorry, did you say something? I was admiring the view of the, uh. Landscape. Just appreciating nature. of lae'zel: Sorry, did she say she knows how to get these things out of our heads? Why are we following you? No offense. of gale: Gods, but that one can talk, can't he? Can't say I really understood any of it. Ugh, wizard shit.
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
cal will act soo annoyed about you choosing to help people (“Listen, I don’t mean to get in the way of your whole… (dismissive hand-wave) hero thing, but I do feel compelled to remind you that the matter of the fucking brain parasites in our heads is kind of time-sensitive. But by all means, let’s stop and help every sorry bastard we come across.”). she then proceeds to approve of it every time. she also approves of you giving people money. fucking with rich people nets huge approval. also she likes if youre kind of mean to people. dont worry about it
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
honestlyyyy i think cal will straight up leave the party if you encourage wyll to sign a new contract with mizora. she really values autonomy, and i think telling him to give up his life for that of his father would make her lose a lot of respect for you. she won't leave the party if you help the cult raid the grove, but it will drastically lower it to the point where if she disapproves further she may leave lol
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed? What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
she uhhhh died when she was 21, and was brought back to life by a woman named teverezhta; the condition for cal's revival was that she carry parcels for teverezhta around faerun. she doesn't know what's in them, or what theyre for (you later find out that one of the things she was delivering was shipments of the tadpoles youve been finding around - she was not aware of this). failure to comply with the terms of the contract would mean that tev could kill her automatically; however, the parasite currently gets in the way of this so cal has significantly more freedom. tev also can't currently track her by magical means
somewhere near ethel's house you can find a crow. if you speak to it it will just caw at you, with a note that the crow seems unusually intelligent (with animal speaking: caw. fuck off. caw.) the next time you long rest, the crow will appear in your camp and reveal itself as an half-elf man named emil, who informs cal that their business is not finished yet - tev may not be able to magically track cal, but if she finds she hasnt been doing her job, she'll find her and kill her herself. fortunately her current job is to continue investigating the cult
after this cal will explain her death and her contract to the best of her ability (she remembers neither, only that they happened). it's clear throughout the conversation that she worries youll see her as a liability
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
YEAH. so you later find out that there's a piece of. someones soul that was inadvertently stiched into cal's heart during her resurrection - the intention had been for her to be a vessel for this soul, but it didnt quite go as planned so the teverezhta family found a different use for her. HOWEVER that piece of soul in her heart does give her the ability to utilize limited necromantic magic. growing that soul would increase her range of abilities, but also make her less herself (she'll eventually develop a second shadow, and her reflection will occasionally be. not her)
the end id define as the "good" end would be one where tav helps free cal from her contract. im not entirely sure how that would happen just yet, but it would mean she would be properly Alive again, albeit with that soul in her still
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp? How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
> I need you to go back to camp. Cal: What, really? Won't you miss me? > I'll find you later - go wait there for the time being. Cal: Fine. I'll go stare at some rocks and wait for you to get back.
> Come with me - there's work to be done. Cal: Thought you'd never ask. Try to keep up.
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
NOT..... really? like cal and astarion realize pretty quickly that theres something Going On with the other in an undead or undead-adjacent kind of way, but will have agreed to keep their noses out of it. they'll allude to it in banter from time to time to get a rise out of the other, but its - mostly - friendly
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
emil will show up from time to time to annoy cal. he will flirt with the pc - to annoy cal - but nothing will ever really come of it. you can ask him about his family, and he'll give some answers. in a way that annoys cal somehow. he'll often show up as a crow, but he's like as not to appear in his genuine form
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
(upon finding the necromancy of thay): (sarcastically) Necromancy. How lovely. Ugh. We're not taking that with us, are we? I think that's real, actual skin on it. (if you give it to astarion): Listen, I like Astarion as much as the next guy, but are we really trusting him to be normal about that?
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king-dra · 2 years
hey so some of yall may have seen the post I made a little bit ago about a parahuman OC organization document that spiraled into something larger, and well, its not quite 100% ready to be posted in full yet, but I've got enough info that I feel like is worth sharing that I'm gonna share it, ill be putting all under a cut because even though this is all truncated from the actual doc, its still pretty damn long and I don't wanna annoy people LOL
feel free to ask questions about anything below and thank you for reading :]
So the general idea that I was following while making this was that Toronto is a city with a fairly large cape population, but doesn't have many "top tier" villains (I.E. Lung, Skitter, Kaiser etc etc,) which made it a breeding ground for corporate teams (ignore the fact that i only have one corpo team put together right now... haha...ha... anyway)
Protectorate/Guild Capes
TAKEAWAY, a Master who creates vaguely bipedal minions who transport any person they touch into an empty pocket dimension before vanishing. Her minions look like they're made of stained glass, and are often malformed in some way, like only having one arm, or non functioning wings instead of arms.
SLUICE, a Breaker who turns into a living waterspout, and can shoot crystals that explode into a thick layer of ice and frost from her hands. Power is altered in high heat or cold, heat reduces overall effectiveness of her ice crystals, but enhances her Breaker state's durability, while cold limits her mobility but powers up her crystals.
WINGMAN, a Tinker who specializes in rocket powered flight. Not great in a straight up fight, but even just flying can be enough to give an advantage. He cannot build explosives or payloads
ASSEMBLY, another Tinker who builds small, single function drones that automatically sync up with each other. Absolute nervous wreck and definitely not ready to take up position of team leader when her colleague graduates
EXOMORPH, a Changer whose altered form receives a random suite of adaptations depending on the environment he's fighting in. Adaptions range from gills and scales, to a prehensile lounge, to numerous independently moveable eyes. Leader of the team and a bit of a hardass.
SERAPHIM, the youngest and newest member of the Wards, a multi-trigger who can nullify a set amount of incoming force, create fragile projection arms from her body, and heat metal to scalding temperature with a touch. A runaway from a rural cult, has trouble opening up to others.
SIDEWINDER, a Mover who gains superspeed coupled with intangibility, but only in 5-7 second bursts. Jokester of the group, harbors a very unsubtle yet somehow unnoticed crush on Assembly.
One of the first teams to set up in Toronto, used to have a strict space/star related theme, but has generally lost that as founding members died and new members came in
STAR STUNNER, leader of the team and the last living founding member, her power lets her shoot thin lasers from her fingertips that bounce off of hard surfaces and numb/paralyze organic targets
GRAVITAS, newest member and second in command, though Star Stunner is the leader of the team, Gravitas is the face, she's charismatic, attractive, smart and courageous. A flying artillery who can charge her blasts to make them stronger. Was a Protectorate member but left after a disagreement about costume design.
APASTRON, a Tinker/Shaker who builds devices that "unfold" existing rooms into larger, labyrinthine forms or shrink multiple rooms into a singular hallway. (in layman's terms, its a portable Backrooms generator) used to be a small time criminal who created hideouts and drug dens, decided to switch sides after realizing he wasn't going to be able to keep track of all the devices he'd set up for people.
ORBITAL, a Shaker who redirects projectiles and drags loose items along with them. Technically semi-retired due to a leg injury but he insists on showing up for work anyway.
HELIOSPHERE, a Blaster who creates columns of light from the sky that gradually intensify in destructive power the longer they're active. As her power causes lots of collateral damage, she doesn't see much action anymore
FORGEHEART, Case 53, regurgitates molten metal, and can shape it at will. A non-combatant unless forced to, he prefers to make elaborate metal sculptures and donate them to public parks, hospitals, and the like. Proportioned like an exaggerated fantasy dwarf, stout arms and legs with broad shoulders and a large potbelly, with onyx black skin and glowing veins.
A multi-provincial group that was formed by a crime lord who saw what the Elite were doing and thought "hey that sounds like a good idea!" got a Cauldron vial and became a Thinker who analyzes the structure of other powers. (sir not appearing in this post, because he does not operate out of Toronto, and this is already way too long)
IRON KRAKEN, the head of the Toronto branch, a Changer who becomes a massive morass of metal tentacles, his power functions almost like a reverse Lung, it starts off incredibly strong, then gradually shrinks and grows weaker, requiring at least a few days before it can be used at full strength. It essentially builds up strength while not in use, then burns through it's stockpile while active. The longer he goes without using it, the stronger and longer lasting it will be
VISCERAL, Brute/Striker who enhances and transforms bladed weapons by coating them in her own blood. Blades that are saturated in her blood become larger and sprout uneven blades from their sides. Her brute power gives her powerful regeneration, but numbs her sense of pain, as a result, she's somewhat a masochist. (I do have a trigger event for her written up, but its a tad... intense so I wont tell it unless someone specifically asks.)
RONIN X, A tinker with a powered weaponry specialization. can build a lot of different things, but with the caveat that anything he builds has to be connected to a battery or generator in order to function. Has support from other Tinkers in the Old Guard. Chose his name because he thought it sounded cool.
KILLSWITCH, time delayed Blaster. Creates spheres that hover in place, before shooting off in a set direction for a set distance. Spheres annihilate all physical matter they touch. Probably the most lethal parahuman in the city.
TURNCOAT, a Master who commands a single, invisible monster minion. The minion is non human in shape, very strong and durable, and can move faster than a car.
Less of a gang and more of a disjointed group of junkies and hedonists. Led by a trio of Masters. Not considered a significant threat, they mostly just make a nuisance of themselves and disrupt the general public
HEART NUKE, the leader of the parahumans in the group, can induce and intensify a specific emotion in someone by touching them. repeated contact intensifies the emotion further. Unbeknownst to anyone other than him, his power has a secondary affect, anyone who's emotion is heightened to a certain point will literally explode, with anyone whose caught in the blast also having the same emotion heightened.
EUPHONIC, an always on power that causes anything she says to sound reasonable to the listener, can be resisted if the suggestion is too out of character or if the listener has strong willpower. Dresses in intentionally shocking and revealing clothing.
IDOLIZER, can force any and all individuals within 12 meters of himself to pay attention to him, to the exclusion of all other tasks. dresses in flamboyant and attention grabbing outfits.
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hoesamo · 6 months
Altar of the Cult [Part 3]
Gordon tells Yuji that if he can’t take on the enemy directly, then to take Fafnir and make a run for it. However, because of his bad legs, he can’t make a break for it with him. Yuji questions if it’s even possible for Gordon to make a sudden opening, but he says not a single day has passed by where he thinks about what he could have done differently back then. He’s ready, and he’s gonna use an explosive he brought with him 🧨 .
We cut to Fafnir, who is still suffering from the torture quite a bit. When the explosive goes off, Yuji charges in, catching Fafnir by surprise to see him. Gordon warns Yuji that he seems to have missed a few enemies, so it’s especially important to kill the enemies quickly before reinforcements can be called and prevent their escape. Gordon also readies his whip for action, and the player is notified that his whip is good as a standard attack that can reach all enemies at once.
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(Ironically, Fafnir is the one who can’t fight right now. Wanted to show y’all how the Battle Screen looks!)
OKAY THANKFULLY THAT FIGHT WAS QUICK. After the fight, Yuuji’s ring of life was able to heal him. He says he wants to use it after fights, though he may not be able to in cases of consecutive battles. Now the player is notified that the ring’s power can be activated automatically after battles (with certain exceptions).
Gordon congratulates Yuji for his good work, and is finally able to free Fafnir from his shackles. Fafnir’s breathing heavily, but he’s alive. Overcome with emotion, Yuji tearfully states that he’s glad, and apologizes for taking so long. Fafnir doesn’t understand what he’s talking about, nor why Yuji is concerned for him. He’s able to heal himself, after all. Pissed off, Gordon smacks Fafnir.
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(In my honest opinion, he’s not that threatening when he makes such a cute expression)
Gordon scolds him for putting his friends in danger, and tells him to reflect on that. It was Yuji, fool that he is, who still saved him.
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Fafnir’s still kinda stuck on the “friend” thing. It’s like he’s still trying to process what Gordon said. Before Gordon can delve deeper into his scolding, a hoard of buff mummies arrive. Yuji’s shocked to see the group surrounded, not sure when this ambush even started. Then, their (presumably) leader reveals himself, and Yuji instantly recognizes the individual.
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{The enemy’s response/DeepL translation: What a way to get into the fire, eh? Three very nice sacrifices....}
The leader notices Fafnir’s presence. I can’t tell if he’s wishing Fafnir well (sarcastically), if the fella is say he himself is in a good mood. For Fafnir, it seems that he finally remembers something (as he had mild amnesia when Yuji initially recruited him in his weakened state). He says he’s the guy who claimed to be a priest (named Tlatoani, I believe?). He had been summoned here by him to be offered treasure, but was tricked instead.
According to the ‘priest’, he never tricked him. In fact, he already gifted him the treasure. Plenty of cursed treasure from the Immortal Emperor that can curse even the gods.
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Fafnir demands his (draconic) body back, to which he refuses. After all, the inexhaustible magic power generated from that form is absolutely necessary for their resurrection ceremony. Besides, the Immortal Emperor is furious that Fafnir helped in the murder of The Demon King (DeepL says he’s the young son of the Emperor). Even though treasure was initially given to him to prevent him from touching the Ancestor.
Fafnir tells him to shut up, as all the treasures in the world are his to begin with. Disappointed by his response, the enemy warns Fafnir that he is truly in trouble (or that he is a troubled man), but he’ll continue this conversation for a later time. Gordon shouts for them to run, and explosions follow. He says that he’s gonna blow this place up, so leave him behind and get the hell out of here. Using his whip, he ignites the explosives (I think from a distance?). With that, their enemies’ path is blocked and can’t chase them now.
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Gordon asks the priest if he remembers his face. He does remember those cursed legs. It was only a short while ago, in fact. Gordon says it was a decade ago, and the other says he remembers the foolish adventurer who came here after hearing rumors of treasure.
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(☹️I’m sad that he speaks of himself in such a way. LOVE the angst tho)
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zalrb · 2 years
do you think any of the current actors have the capacity/are on a trajectory of being a Star™️ in the sense of like 90s movie stars? i feel like zendaya gives me that vibe a bit in her offscreen presence and we’ve already talked about her acting’s growth potential. other than that no one immediately comes to mind. i think you know what i mean but to clarify, when i say 90s movie stars, i mean actors who become household names, whose name is automatically makes me people want to go to the theatre, someone who oozes charisma. like do you think that’s possible in this era or are we too far gone? this obviously for younger actors and not like established folks lmao
It's funny because I've thought about this in the past because I'm always aware that stardom looks different to me than it probably does now but in my view, I agree that Zendaya is probably the closest to that but no one else comes to mind and it's also because movies have changed, basically now, there's Marvel and then everything else that hardly gets any play because Marvel/Disney is cannibalizing everything, so it's basically xyz actor has joined the MCU hurrah! which at least to me only warrants a shrug whereas in the 90s, it would be like all the teen stars you know from your favourite tv shows or that other successful teen movie you like are in this one fun, slasher movie
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and you're seeing them everywhere
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and the shows in the 90s were, like, defining a generation and the closest thing you have to that now is Euphoria and it doesn't have the same impact as a show like Dawson's Creek
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and having that kind of hold generates a desire to see them in other things.
and there was the combination power of a teen actor icon and a teen pop icon so I don't know if I would consider Melissa Joan Hart an icon, but Sabrina The Teenage Witch was popular and Britney Spears was popular so you had Drive Me Crazy
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whereas now you wouldn't go to the theatre to see Drive Me Crazy or 10 Things I Hate About You or American Pie or Clueless, you would catch it on Netflix and that just does not generate the same type of star power.
Even the early 00s, the blend of Hollywood and kung fu action movies were having a resurgence in North America because Rush Hour was so successful in '98
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and The Matrix had used martial arts
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which leads to things like Romeo Must Die in 2000, particularly when there is a history of kung fu movies being extremely popular with Black Americans (i.e. Bruce Lee/Bruce Lee movies in the 70s, Kareem Abdul Jabbar even had an appearance in Game of Death) and there were some crossovers of blaxploitation and kung fu movies, so people were flocking to see Aaliyah in her first film role and I remember it being a huge deal that DMX had a cameo
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the closest you kind of get to that now from what I've seen is Megan Thee Stallion twerking in She Hulk and Harry Styles doing whatever the fuck he's doing.
It basically feels like now, actors have, like, cult followings rather than massive appeal? Like for instance, I know that Dylan O'Brien is beloved but it's not like what Leo-mania was in the 90s.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU Post #6
[NOTE: I wish I could have made a more refined version of this, but this is the best I'm gonna post]
You know, the relationship between the Seeds and the Tumultite Distraction Team (Silva (kind of?), Azriel, Alexander Khaos and Nadi Sinclair) is something that gets me chuckling.
Mostly because by how much an outside-context foe the Tumultite inner circle is to the Seeds. Like, really, who could have guessed that this reserved group of business owners who run a diner are kind of unhinged and scary tactical?
At first the Seeds have to deal with Silva, the leader of the Tumultites (arguably, the most important and powerful member, like Joseph), strategically disrupting each regions' operations, with a "controlled chaos" if you will. Converting her to the cause would mean an assured victory against the Resistance after all (since the Tumultites would follow her to Hell and back). Besides, they've had their first meetings by this point (John's been personally tasked by Joseph to ensure she reaches Atonement, Jacob has just begun conditioning her, and Faith just got her to do the Leap). After their first kidnappings meetings with each other, the next time an attack occurs on their regions their automatic thought is "ah she's back for more".
But nope! It's not her at all. In fact, John, Jacob and Faith's regions are getting attacked by Nadi, Alexander and Azriel respectively and simultaneously, throwing the Seeds off with the level of destruction and skill these guys are capable of/have acquired.
And where's Silva at? Well, if Alexander, Azriel or Nadi are captured by the aforementioned Seed siblings, they'll answer along the lines of "she's at an important meeting with the Barons down in the Underworld, don't worry, she'll be back in a few days."
Now, if you think about it, Jacob would probably be the most miffed about it, as he just began conditioning Silva. Now he has to deal with an entirely different person. And unlike Silva, Alexander is almost impossible for Jacob and his Chosen to catch (perks of being a Ranger in the Whitetails and witnessing how the Chosen work). In fact, the only reason Jacob managed to even meet Alexander in the first place wasn't because he finally captured him, but only because Alexander got caught in his own trap that was meant for Jacob while practicing his monologue for the older Seed. Jacob having to deal with this grinning idiot who has the audacity to call him "Jake" and/or "Jakey", somehow breaking into the Veteran's Centre whenever he pleases, eating their rations, leaving notes to let Jacob and his Chosen know it is him eating the rations (I can imagine at one point one of the Chosen, John or even Pratt try leaving a note for Alexander to stop eating the rations, only to get a reply note the next day with that crudely drawn picture of the cartoon character Goofy saying "I'll f***ing do it again"), changing the sound of the Wolf Beacons into the playlist from Shrek (it's Alexander's favourite franchise), hiding so well that Eli "I've got eyes everywhere in the Whitetails" Palmer doesn't even know where the hell he is, leading Chosen onto wild goose chases and just overall testing Jacob's reserved calm and patience. All the while Alexander happily engages in conversation whenever Jacob makes the mistake to call Alexander on the radio. And Alexander is completely genuine, not even bothered by Jacob's curt attitude, just happy he gets to talk to someone from a more decent cult.
[Context: Alexander came from an isolated cult that were severely traumatised by some events during WW2 and enslaved themselves to a pill called "Joy", with the trauma passing down to the next few generations as it got taken advantaged of by Klaus Crawford into becoming a free testing ground for many pharmaceutical companies. Once Alexander left that cult (after being subjected to trauma and a new drug called "Glee" that never makes him stop smiling/looking happy because of the mass dopamine/serotonin production/overload), he was shortly found by Silva who happily gave him a place amongst the Tumultites. By comparison, Alexander believes Eden's Gate is far tamer than Wellington ever was (at the very least Eden's Gate doesn't kill their children or pregnant women)]
I'd guess John would be mildly pissed. Considering Joseph told him "ensure Silva atones, or the gates are shut to you", John would take it personally that Silva just up and left while leaving one of her lackeys to deal with him. So now he's got to focus on this new sinner causing him problems. However, how Nadi deals with his region isn't really... destructive. In fact, she's rather merciful to John and his region than Azriel and Silva had been. Instead of destroying the "YES" sign, she secretly painted on it, depicting some coral, incomplete jellyfish, and what is clearly underwater in the ocean. Then she starts filling the gaps between the words with blank canvases, until it's no longer a "YES" sign and is actually a painting of the ocean, jellyfish, coral and a whale's tail. And while breathtakingly beautiful to anyone else who sees it, it's doubtful that would be John's immediate reaction. Instead of destroying silos, Nadi and some other Tumultites decide to steal the fertiliser in the silos and transfer it to their own silo trucks, and any bliss canisters found are then driven out of the Valley and somehow disappear at the bridge to the Henbane, never actually confirmed to have entered that region (until Silva takes the Jessop Conservatory, which is a private affair that none of the Cougars nor Resistance know of, instead becoming a lab of sorts for Kamski Neon to do his experiments, especially with Bliss). When captured for Confession, Nadi doesn't tell John anything about her life nor her fears and secrets and sins and is rather unimpressed when he demands of it while pointing a sharp utensil at her, but vocally disapproves so casually whenever John tries to reach for one of the tools/knives/torture equipment in his tool kit and makes suggestions for which type is most effective or suitable for this type of torture and how to use those instruments in a way that doesn't kill the receiver but still leaves them uncomfortable and/or in enough pain to get the receiver to probably talk, both an indication to John that Nadi is intimately knowledgeable in the arts of torture, whether she's received it or inflicted it (likely both), and a subtle (heavily implied to be the case since Nadi has seen the dead bodies casted in funeral shrouds cast in the dark) nudge from Nadi in guiding John on how to shape out of his sloppy treatment of his confessors so he doesn't go too far and accidently kill them. Even if he does follow her advice, she still doesn't break a word but does encourage him to try this less risky (though still painful) technique on others to see how quickly they'll confess to him than before, while also giving him kudos for trying to use her own technique against her. Nadi mostly leaves John's ranch alone. Unless he's over there and its dinner time, then she sneaks in and strikes a sort of deal with him. On nights he's home, he allows her to join him for dinner without drugging, kidnapping or shooting her beforehand or afterwards and she'll let him ask his questions about her life, sins and secrets (with her being free to do the same, and their conversation must stay between them otherwise deal's off) until she's finished her plate, then questions are over, and John will have to wait another night till she freely confesses again. Whenever he calls her on the radio, she's as cheerful as she is in person, and still calm all the same, often engaging in some light-hearted banter with him. Always ending with a tender, "Talk to you later, John." Because she genuinely likes talking to him, and any threat he throws doesn't faze her, and never falls for his barbs that would cause her to stoop down to his level, while being patient when he wants to have a proper discussion without the unnecessary threats and wrath.
Faith, though? God bless her soul, because she'll need it. She's not dealing with an uncatchable chatterbox troll. Nor is she dealing with a reasonably mellow cheerful artist with a sniper rifle and a scary amount of knowledge on torture. No, Faith has to deal with Azriel. The daughter of the woman that Faith would rather be dealing with, since the worst Faith got from Silva was a suspicious glance/glare, and sarcasm, but often times the woman at least gave Faith the time of day. But Azriel really puts Faith's maternal role to the test. Azriel is the unruly chaotic demon-child to Faith's disciplinary, stern yet playful adult. Azriel is exactly like a game of Russian Roulette; you never know where the bullet is, and whether or not it's real or just a blank. Or in this case, Faith doesn't know what mood to expect from Azriel, whether her emotions are genuine or not, and the mood swings between "thinking Faith is the most badass woman ever (on par with her Mamá, Silva) and someone she kind of respects" to "a decent if annoying religious bother figure that she mostly ignores" and to most commonly "the worst person she's ever met in the county". To summarise: Azriel is kind of like Faith in a way; Faith is either a sweet, free-spirited loving figure who wants the best for you or she's a vindicative and terrifying goddess of spite with powers that will give those most tethered to reality a literal mind-screw, while Azriel can either be a cheeky, playfully rebellious teenager or the literal foulmouthed goddess of chaos incarnate. Difference is that Faith is keeping by Eden's Gate rules and her violence is a) carefully constructed in an orderly fashion, and b) benefits only the Project, while Azriel's is painfully (for the Peggies and Resistance) keeping by her own questionable morals, values and beliefs that directly tie to a romanticised and simplified version of the Tumultite ideals, and her violence is a) unpredictable and frequent, and b) does not benefit her enemies (Peggies) nor allies (Resistance) in the slightest, with Silva and the Tumultites generally being spared from harm (while gaining little benefit from it depending on what Azriel's task was in the first place). Azriel's focus on the present also hinders any effort Faith can try to attempt at converting Azriel with, since Azriel's so focused on the now that she honestly could not care less worrying about the future, and therefore, the Collapse as well. And the level of chaos and destruction she causes is also the bare minimum of what she is actually capable of doing. And if this small level of destructive power is as detrimental to the Resistance as it is to Eden's Gate, then it's really best not to think about if Azriel was given free reign to do as she pleases (and the only authority Azriel respects is Silva, Grandpa Paul and Gavin Turquoise, two currently aren't in the county and the other is in the county but is only focused on being lookout for any Adam's Guard activity). Another fun comparison between the two is that Faith and Azriel are both embodiments of certain concepts (faith and chaos/tumult in this case), loved by majority of Eden's Gate and the Tumultites respectively, adored by their groups leaders (Joseph and Silva) and are hated and feared by everyone outside of their respective communities (Faith by the Resistance, Azriel also by the Resistance and majority of the Peggies, as well as Omar's Guard. Strangely the Tumultites don't feel any contempt towards Faith, and by their standards, her methods and achievements are impressive to them, with Silva often lamenting that she would have made a great Chem Baroness in the Underworld if things were different).
Plot relevant: Faith notices that Azriel's eyes are a familiar blue and that her voice has a mix of two accents; mostly Spanish (like her Mamá's) but with a subtle and familiar southern drawl. Not to mention, Azriel's gazes are as intense as Joseph's is.
Things get worse when the trio decide to switch regions regularly, with the siblings having to deal with what the other complained about.
(Nadi deals Jacob with more caution than she does with John, since John strangely enough (as she's freely admitted to him) feels far safer than Jacob and opts to take a far more militaristic approach with the eldest Seed, while with Faith, Nadi loses a bit of grip on reality often but bounces back rather quickly. Honestly tries to build a kind of 'gossip girl' dynamic with Faith. Alexander is still a chatterbox of useless information to John (Khaos tells John all about the Shrek franchise and how much John needs to just chill out, while at the same time eating the Baptist's snacks at Seed Ranch that Alexander snuck in because lets be honest, that place has the worst security) and Faith (Khaos talks to Faith about medicine and pharmaceutical properties... and Shrek), but he doesn't find them as endearing as Jacob is to him. John despises Azriel, who is a brat to him, and an absolute nightmare whose actions encourage John's worst impulses. Jacob on the other hand is increasingly weary around her, especially when, later on, she storms into the Veteran's Centre herself, leaving one-third of it on fire, numerous bodies left behind, just to only get Silva out, completely forgetting about Pratt).
And then when Silva makes a return, there's a collective sigh of relief from both the Resistance and Eden's Gate, and if captured, Silva would ask if they enjoyed the company of her companions.
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nyaruelle-oc-archives · 11 months
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"Everild, so bold and brash, success his only game, he's always ready to clash."
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Name: Everild Mikaela Emoji: 👺 Age: 29 Birthday: 8th of Porttember Pronouns: he/him Species: Phantom Profession: Greyhman Corp. Chief Operating Officer Orientation: Graysexual Aromantic Residence: Eleysall Capital MBTI: ENTJ Role: Main Story (Antagonist) Status: Alive Goal: Be noticed by his mother and have power over Greyhman Corp. Flaws: Arrogant and lacks compassion for everyone except his mother. Would use people as pawns in his mission to ascend higher in power Playlist: Jemaine Clement - Shiny
The second son of Greyhman CEO, Claudia Greyhman, Everild always felt a looming shadow overcasted on him by his half older brother in regards to his mother's affections that he deeply craved. Everild's entitled disposition and his evident indifference towards his peers marked him as an individual who viewed the world as his personal playground. He garnered a complex mixture of adoration and fear from those around him, leveraging a web of influential connections that he wouldn't hesitate to enlist when seeking vengeance against those who provoked him.
Compounding his advantageous position was the fact that his mother wielded significant influence in Lestania's economy. Any hint of scandal involving Everild was promptly swept under the rug. With his older half-brother's departure from home, Everild saw an opportune moment to finally win his mother's favor and took every chance to devise ways to continually torment his half-sibling. He took the Edmund-Infatuated Rubarae Tormys as his subordinate in his dealings.
- Everild is originally from a separate OC Universe of mine that I brainstormed but decided to repurpose him here in this current one. He was originally a vampire part of his mother's cult working as her sidekick.
Edmund Lawerence [half-brother/enemy]
Edmund is Everild's half brother. The two of them don’t get along well due to Everild’s arrogant nature causing them to each other's rivals since childhood. Everild is also incredibly envious of his brother who received the more attention from their mother. This fuels his motivations to find ways to ruin his brother's life and earn his mother’s notice.
Solomon Grim [enemy]
Solomon and Everild have a longstanding enmity that dates back to their family's business partnership. Despite their initial introduction through this partnership, Everild initially aspired to befriend Solomon, but his off-putting personality didn't spark his interest. However, when Everild discovered that Solomon had assisted his older half-brother in leaving home, he seized the opportunity to target him for being nosy in their family's private affairs.
Kaindephr Keyynore [enemy]
Kain is one of Everild's enemies. When it was revealed that Kain was the long-lost prince of Lestania, Everild made an effort to persuade him to align with the faction of rogues seeking to restore Lestania to its former royal splendor. However, Kain's rejection marked a turning point, leading to Everild's escalating hostility towards him.
Emerauda Florenzia [enemy]
Emera is one of Everild's enemies. Despite not having been directly provoked by her, Emera's siding with his own enemies made him automatically label her as another enemy of his own.
Claudia Greyhman [mother]
Claudia is Everild's biological mother. Although Claudia never showed any animosity towards Everild, he could still feel that his mother preferred Edmund more then him. This inferiority complex made him determined to outdo his brother to win his mother's attentions.
Rubarae Tormys [subordinate]
Ruby serves as a pawn in the hands of Everild, who has recently been using her to inflict emotional distress upon his older half-brother, Edmund. Everild was well aware of Ruby's fixation on Edmund, and after witnessing her failed arranged proposal, he devised a scheme to leverage her obsession for his own purposes.
General Velkov [Superior]
Shortly following the revelation of Kain's presence and partnership with the Rogue Factions Resistance, Everild allied with General Velkov to assist in locating Kain. In exchange for his aid, General Velkov promised Everild the authority he had long desired.
Alignment: Ranger
✦ [Shield Casting]
Able to summon protective wall which act as shields to block attacks. However the wall can not be sustained for too long and can only be held up for a short amount of time
✦ [Fog Clones]
Able to project smokey fog clones to assist him in fighting. Only 12 clones are able to be projected at once and would need to be slashed over the neck in order to dismantle them
✦ [Witch Amulet]
Able to use the power of the witch amulet (originating from the Perinome Dial) to manipulate the emotions of others around him and combine the amulet's power with his power to amplify them
✦ [Void Realm Usage]
Ability all Phantoms have that allow them access to use the void realm for storage and teleportation
Headcanon Voice: Jason LaShea
Design Reference:
Design History:
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
John Marks exposes Gary Jarmin Again as a deceiver!
Originally submitted to WIOTM as a post by “Don Diligent” on January 27, 2017
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▲ Pictured: John D. Marks
Chicago Tribune - November 10, 1974 - Shadows on Rev. Moon’s beams by John D. Marks - Pages 17-18
John D. Marks is an associate of the Center for National Security Studies in Washington and co-author of “The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence.” This article is excerpted with permission from The Washington Monthly magazine.
. . . in South Korea . . . Moon operates a training school to which the government annually sends hundreds of thousands of civil servants, local officials, and military men for a course in militant anti-Communism…Even as other Korean religious leaders have turned increasingly against President Park Chung Hee’s authoritarian rule, Moon has stayed an enthusiastic backer of the regime…as F.L.F., Secretary General Gary Jarmin asserts, “Even if Park got more dictatorial, we would support him.”
. . . the sect’s Freedom Leadership Foundation opposes detente and works to “roll back the Iron Curtain.”…its three main areas of activity are:
*The World Freedom Institute” . . .  The group plans an “international training center” in Washington and is already active on more than 20 campuses.*The Rising Tide*Lobbying. According to Jarmin, the F.L.F. is “already spending a lot of time” on the Hill trying to influence" congressmen and senators on national security issues.
. . . Since the F.L.F. [as well as the Unification Church] is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Service’s rules, it is forbidden to actually lobby for specific legislation, but Jarmin states it carries on “educational” programs especially for legislative aides…And soon, according to Jarmin, the F.L.F.
. . . intends to spin off a separate new organization which will carry on direct lobbying and support selected political candidates.
The F.L.F. spends about $50,000 to $60,000 a year, not including the labor costs of its eight full-time employes [who receive no salary and who, as “core” membere of the Family, live together in their own communal center, with Jarmin serving as their spiritual as well as temporal leader].
Jarmin maintains that most of the F.L.F.’s funds come from private donations and contributions from the parent Unification Church. He says there are 5,000 F.L.F. members, including the 2,000 hard-core Moonies whose names were automatically inscribed on the organization’s rolls when they joined the Unification Church.
Several rank-and-file Family members with whom I talked had no idea that they also belonged to the F.L.F., and indeed were almost totally ignorant of the movement’s political side. In listening to roughly 12 hours of religious lectures at a weekend workshop designed to attract new recruits, I heard no mention of any of the group’s political activities.
When I questioned Jarmin on why the political aspect of the movement was not mentioned, he admitted the omission was no accident: “People who attend the workshops, have more concrete ideas about politics than about religion, ” he said. “We try to avoid politics. If we came on strong about Viet Nam, it would chase people away. Our anti-Communism is religious, so until we convince people of a belief in God, it is to our disadvantage to politicize.”
. . . the sect’s 25-year-old financial adviser, William Torrey . . . 
Where does all this money come from? Well, until recently, Torrey claims the main source of income has been the hawking of decorative candles, followed by the contributions of about 2,500 sympathizers but not “Family members” who live and work outside the church.
Lee Jai Hyon, who was a top diplomat in South Korea’s Washington embassy until opposition to the Park regime caused him to defect to the U. S. in June, 1973, equates Moon with another Korean messianic leader, Park Tae Sun, who, Lee says, also raised large sums of money from fanatic believers and grew rich from his business holdings.
The Park regime of course welcomes the backing offered by Moon, but its interest in his movement may well extend into the murky world of espionage.
According to both Lee and State Department sources, the Korean government is actively concerned about improving its dictatorial image in this country, and they do not doubt that its intelligence organization, the Korean Central Intelligence Agency [KCIA], has on occasion secretly subsidized ostensibly private organizations for this purpose just as the American CIA has done for the last 26 years.
If there is any intelligence connection between Moon and the Park regime, it is almost certainly limited to the very top level of the Moon organization in lobbying or public relations work for the Korean governmentand not intelligence collection.
IT WOULD be wrong to take the Family too seriously as a political movement, but the ease with which its young members have overlooked or accepted the group’s political aims may have its importance.
Related articles on Gary Jarmin linked below
What kind of members were Michael Warder and Gary Jarmin?
The Curious Case of Gary Jarmin
David Keene, Gary Jarmin, Sean Moon & the Second Amendment Foundation
More on Gary Jarmin
The Unification Church and KCIA: Some Notes on Bud Han, Steve Kim, and Bo Hi Pak
Watergate, Contragate, and Foreign Campaign Contributions
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First criminal trial of a front company of the Unification Church of Japan to be held – for doing ‘Spiritual Sales’
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This is an edited automatic translation
Red Flag newspaper
Trial of the Fortune Telling fraud to be held
Part ①
First criminal trial of a front company of the Unification Church of Japan to be held – for doing ‘Spiritual Sales’
September 1, 2009 (Tuesday)  [Society]  Edition B (14)
The first criminal trial (“Shinsei” case) to judge spiritual sales will be held at the Tokyo District Court on the 10th. The defendants are Shinsei, a limited company that sells seals, and two executives. It is a front group of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Unification Association). The Unification Church’s method is to hide their true identities and approach people. Health foods, Buddhist altar fittings, jewelry stores, and even volunteers. How far can the court dig into that scheme? (Mutsuo Kakita)
“Shinsei” is mainly active around JR Shibuya Station. He called out to passers-by, invited them to his office under the guise of a fortune telling, and threatened them by saying, “You are at a turning point,” or “You have a connection with your ancestors, and you will be unhappy if you continue like this.” I was made to buy a set of 3 for 160,000 to 1,200,000 yen.
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There are cases where people say, “That’s God’s advice. You have no choice but to donate,” when you lose your key. Since 2000, it is believed that about 2,000 cases and 670 million yen have been earned.
The investigation also revealed that Shinsei was the collection department of the Unification Association, and that the president, Naoki Tanaka, reported business to the cult leaders.
“Shinsei” is a branch organization of a cult called a sales company. Under the headquarters of the Unification Association of Japan (Shoto, Shibuya-ku), there are “regions” that divide the country into more than 10 regions. “Shinsei” belongs to the “South Tokyo Parish”.
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▲ National Federation of Bar Associations called for “the clarification of the full extent of the incident” at a press conference held on July 28.
The Nationwide Spiritual Sales Countermeasures Lawyers Liaison Association (National Federation of Lawyers) has over 240 sales companies nationwide through damage consultations. Seals, medicines, jewelry, paintings, Japanese clothes, and many other signboards, all of which are disguised (dummy) organizations of the Unification Association. Even if the products we deal with at the entrance are different, from there onwards we will follow the same course as Shinsei.
So far, criminal cases of spiritual sales have been limited to informal fines. This is the first time he has been tried in public court. In order to avoid clarification of the organized nature of the crime and the flow of money, the defendant’s side seems to be aiming to admit all the facts of the indictment and bring it to an early conclusion. Attorney Hiroshi Yamaguchi, secretary-general of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, points out, “It is the responsibility of the judiciary to clarify the background of the case.”
________________________ The “Shinsei” Incident In June, the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department searched the Tokai Kyokai Shibuya Church (Shibuya Ward, Tokyo) and the Gotokuji Church (Setagaya Ward), etc., and found the president Naoki Tanaka, director Junichiro Furusawa, and a female salesperson of the seal sales company Shinsei. Three people were arrested on suspicion of violating the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (intimidation, embarrassment). In July, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office indicted both Tanaka and Furusawa as Shinsei. The remaining three have been sentenced to fines.
(to be continued) ________________________
September 2, 2009 (Wednesday)  [Society]  Edition B (14)
Trial of the Fortune Telling fraud to be held
Part ②
The true aim is “faith” education
There is compelling physical evidence that proves that the spiritual sales of the defendants Naoki Tanaka, who is responsible for the seal sales “Shinsei”, are organized activities of the Unification Association, and what their real intentions are.
From the end of 2002 to around January 2003, I took notes from an internal study session held at the East Tokyo District of the Unification Church. Obtained by Kinkoku Spiritual Sales Attorney Association (National Federation of Bar Associations).
Approximately 30 young women (middle-aged female believers) from Edogawa Church in Tokyo attended. The lecturer was defendant Tanaka. Defendant Tanaka belongs to the South Tokyo Parish, which has jurisdiction over Shibuya Ward and other districts. Kim Kokubenren believes that the reason why he was a lecturer in the East Tokyo Diocese was that his achievements in the “Shinsei” were highly evaluated.
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According to the notes from the lecture, Tanaka emphasized that “before we sell (seals), we are religious people and evangelists.” It is “seed planting” that makes people buy seals, and teaches that “how to plant good seeds, and if you plant seeds of good motives, faith education. There is no need for difficult things.”
Grab a person’s heart with a fate appraisal, make them buy something, and put them in a video center (often disguised as a power lecture center), a brainwashing educational facility. They are made to make donations under various pretexts, experience the restoration of their husbands (making their husbands join the faith), the restoration of all things, the blessing, and so on, and are transferred to the “frontline forces”. This is a curriculum that turns spiritual sales “victims” into new “perpetrators.”
The “restoration of all things” that appears in the curriculum is an important doctrine of the Unification Church. The Spiritual sales is also rationalized in that any method can be an act of salvation because it “returns” property that belongs to Satan (devil = ordinary citizens) to the original owner, God (ie Reverend Sun Myung Moon).
Similarly, “blessing” refers to group marriages (mass weddings) that symbolize “sex” with the guru. Married people will be sent to the “ready-made blessing”.
Spiritual sales are “activities to restore all things”, and “part of religious activities or missionary activities” (September 1999, Hiroshima High Court Okayama Branch) have given such judgments many times.
“The ‘Shinsei’ who was indicted was not that conspicuous,” said Hiroshi Yamaguchi, a lawyer at the Kim Guo Bar Association. In 2008, 43.55 million yen was reported to the National Federation of Bar Associations, and in June of 2009, 36.73 million yen had already reached 36.73 million yen at sales companies in Tokyo alone, including Shinsei.
not proofed: Chart caption: Spiritual sales damage consultation window by a sales company in Tokyo. Most of the victims are sent to video centers for brainwashing education.
(to be continued)
September 3, 2009   [Society]  Edition A  page 14  
Trial of the Fortune Telling fraud to be held
Part ③
Infiltrating civil society in disguise
The Unification Association is a “disguised (dummy) group”. Camouflage is not limited to sales companies (stores) of spiritual sales. They are infiltrating civil society under various disguises.
“Tanpopo”. We are a volunteer circle in Adachi Ward, Tokyo. Fundraising activities under the guise of supporting elementary school students in China and the Philippines, cleaning up the Arakawa riverbed, and cooperation with festivals and events in the ward. Some ward council members participate in the activity.
The office of “Tanpopo” is located in an apartment in Senju, the same district. The structure allows access to the 2nd floor and the 1st basement floor from the outside stairs, and on the 2nd floor is the Unification Church “Adachi Church”. The salon-style basement floor is a brainwashing educational facility called a video center. There are also related facilities on the 3rd and 10th floors.
Adachi Church is the base of the North Tokyo Diocese. There is a women’s section, a youth section, and a sales company, and “Tanpopo” is one of them.
“I’ve even received a letter of appreciation from the organizers of the event in which Tanpopo cooperated,” said a woman who joined the church in 2004 and was a member of the church’s commuter organization “Bigin” until she left the church in 2006.
160 people belong to “Bigin”, which means that they continue to work in the Unification Association while living a citizen life even after joining the faith. It seems that there were beauticians, nursery teachers, doctors, nurses, and teachers.
“Please show me your palm for a reading,” solicited on the street. Participated in local festivals under the name of “True Family Federation”. It is said that she once stood at the station as a campaigner for the Liberal Democratic Party and Democratic Party candidates in elections.
Holding a jewelry exhibition and a kimono exhibition in cooperation with a spiritual sales company. It seems that the jewelry exhibition has achieved the sales target of 7 million yen.
General youth and housewives groups who saw the event information sometimes joined the “Tanpopo” volunteer activities. One of my activities was to expand my sympathy with these people and invite them to seminars held by the Unification Association.
National organizations disguised as volunteers are “Nonohanakai” and “Shinzen.” A few people sleep in a van and go door-to-door to sell delicacies and donate fakes. According to people involved, daily sales are around 40,000 to 50,000 yen. It seems that it will be 1 million yen per month for one person.
The Principle Study Group (CARP), which is active in the name of a university circle, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, the International Relief and Friendship Foundation, the Little Angels, and the Universal Ballet... They are all camouflage organizations of the Unification Church.
(to be continued)
September 4, 2009   [Society]  Edition A page 14  
Trial of the Fortune Telling fraud to be held
Part ④
“Fate” that attracts believers
“Back talk”. It is a talk manual that draws the target person into spiritual sales and further tailors it to a believer. Also known as “fate talk”.
“First, we will make you feel the “spirit world” in the video center. Spiritual shows on TV can also be props. On top of that, the talk is as follows.
▽ Life consists of life in the womb in the mother’s body, life on earth, and life in the spirit world that continues forever. Life on earth around 80 years is a preparation period for going to the spirit world.
▽ The spirit world has heaven, intermediate spirit world, and hell, and which spirit world you go to depends on how you live on earth. Heaven means “the country of two,” and “couples who have completed true love” (those who have participated in a mass marriage under Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han) can go there on earth.
▽ Those who have gone to hell cannot go to the upper spirit world on their own. This is because “sins committed on earth must be atoned for on earth,” and the spirits of hell “seek salvation from their descendants on earth.”
If you go back two or three generations, you have many ancestors. If you do not accept the teachings of the Unification Church during your lifetime and release (rescue) the spirit world of your ancestors who went to hell, you and your family will be miserable. Buddhism’s “ancestor memorial service” is nothing more than comfort. Then a psychic from the Unification Church appears and tells them, “You, the tribal messiah, should offer all your blood, sweat, and tears to God (the holy Sun Myung Moon).”
The story is that believers who are in a state of mind control save their ancestors in hell, earnestly donate to avoid their own hell, and work hard at the spiritual sales.
The Unification Church will issue providences (instructions) for donations to believers under various pretexts.
A collection of Sun Myung Moon’s sermons, called the “scripture,” costs 30 million yen per volume. Getting them to buy this is also a task of “amnesty” to get God’s special permission.
In a civil lawsuit (Sapporo District Court) in which a former member sought compensation for damages, among the evidence submitted by the plaintiff, there is an internal document called “Seihon Aikoku Amnesty Course” (February 27-April 20, 2000).
As of April 14th, there are 11 “Sacred Book Victory Counts” in the three parishes of Hokkaido. According to the plaintiff’s attorney, Seiji Goji, this is the sales record. It is 330 million yen for 11 books.
The internal document “Significance of the Scriptures” reads as follows.
“This ‘40-Day Amnesty Course’ and the ‘Holy Book’ providence is that we must win even if we sell the entire Japanese archipelago.”
(to be continued)
September 5, 2009   [Society]  Edition A page 14  
Trial of the Fortune Telling fraud to be held
Part ⑤
Damage of 1 trillion yen when it sprouts
In July, immediately after the prosecution of the “Shinsei” group, the National Network of Lawyers Against the Spiritual Sales (National Federation of Lawyers) established the “Spiritual Sales Code 110”. Four phones keep ringing. In three hours, 39 consultations were received, and the amount of damage was 200 million yen (including 26 cases of Unification Association, 170 million yen).
Attorney Hiroshi Yamaguchi said, “It was more than I expected. I was keenly aware of the amount of potential damage.”
In 2008, the National Network of Bar Associations compiled a total of 1510 cases of 3.7 billion yen in damage consultations nationwide. Since 1987, the total number of valve consolidation has reached 30,000 cases and amounted to 106 billion yen.
“This is the number of people who realized they had been deceived and brought in for advice.” It’s just the tip of the iceberg. What is the actual damage?
There is an internal document of the Unification Association dated May 1, 2007. This is a list of the amounts paid to the headquarters from 72 parishes nationwide on this day.
Nishi-Hiroshima parish was ranked first nationwide with 98 million yen. 76 million yen in West Tokyo, 67.8 million yen in Hyogo, and 2.6 million yen in the Iwate parish, which is the lowest. It is unknown how many days it took to collect this.
There is a statement submitted to the court by a man who joined in 1995 and left in 2007, as well as internal documents. Since 1998, he has been in charge of general affairs in a prefecture in Kyushu (one parish in the prefecture as a whole). He was in charge of distributing the amount of money instructed by the headquarters through the region (area headquarters) to the affiliated areas and transferring the collected money to the headquarters.
The remittance was made to a related building near the headquarters of the Unification Association, and the recipient name at the time was “○○ Bank Hideo Oyamada”. He served twice as chairman of the Japan Unification Association from 1994-95 and 2001-06. It is said that he once packed a bundle of 50 million yen in bills in a rucksack and carried it to headquarters.
Among the documents submitted to the court, there is a monthly summary table collected by this prefecture through donations and spiritual sales from 2004 to 2006. In 2004, 1,314 million yen was sent to headquarters. 1.2 billion yen in 2005, 770 million yen in 2006. According to another source, this prefecture’s remittance record is about one-fifth of all parishes. That’s the amount.
It’s been nearly 30 years since spiritual sales became a social problem. “Actual damage will exceed 1 trillion yen,” said Masaki Kito, a lawyer at the Zenkoku Barren. At a press conference ahead of his first criminal trial, he pointed out:
“It’s too late to investigate, but we have to stop the damage in the bud here. We’re at the stage where the government is responsible for neglecting it.”
Head of the Unification Church of Japan to step down after losing a CRIMINAL case (2009)
裁かれる霊感商法 統一協会ダミー初公判ヘ
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abdullahpendsdown · 2 years
Week 1 - Artists Essay
The two content creators that I chose for this essay are ‘Hamza’ and ‘Casey Zander’. Most of their content is based around fitness and helping modern men with their problems. However, I would say that Hamza has cracked the code of making engaging content, Casey still lacks a bit in the quality department. Hamza hailing from the British Isles, by default has conviction in his speech, anything that man says seems legitimate. Casey has a Midwestern American accent, but he tries to make an impact by slowing his pace down. Hamza incorporates humor into his content, this enables his viewers not to lose interest while watching his videos. Casey’s videos might come off as vanilla and is difficult to follow as the video progresses. Hamza and Casey both preach fitness for men but Hamza is seen doing calisthenics, whereas Casey, choses the more traditional workout methods. Casey emphasizes the fact that in order for a man to attract a high value woman, he would need to become a ‘one percenter’, these are the men that strive towards strength. They need to have hunger for physical, mental and financial strength in order for them to achieve greatness. Hamza’s philosophy is a little different as he isn’t as harsh and strict with his cult following. Hamza believes that any man can be a man of value as long as they’re putting in the work, he doesn’t seem to specify a niche, which eventually leads a larger number of men to follow their passions, and still not lose hope. Hamza talks to you directly in his videos, and makes it seem as if it’s a one on one conversation. Casey uses a whiteboard and watching his teaching style, you automatically respect his method, disciplinary but still unique.
I like Hamza and Casey’s content since in this age where masculinity is demonized, they’re one of the very few people who are trying to show modern men, why it is an indispensable part of their nature. Their prime objectives are to revive masculinity in today’s day and age where the extreme left, through propaganda, is trying to emasculate men. Men have become weak and lack purpose in their lives. This is the reason why suicide rates in men are at an all-time high. Slowly inducing drive for passion through their stories and examples, has led to them to positively influence lives of countless men, that would’ve been wasted otherwise. Hamza focuses on being a role model for teenagers and the younger generation, whereas, Casey tries to teach men in their twenties. Both of them give relevant information on female nature and preach against living a degenerative lifestyle. Casey and Hamza have also capitalized on their ability to preach by selling their respective courses in which you can get access to them directly, and talk your personal problems through.
Content Creator’s like them have had a positive influence on my life, the media and pop culture tells a man to suppress his masculinity, that is definitely not their ideology. In their opinion, masculinity is like a knife, it can either be used to cut fruit and nourish people, or if, in the wrong hands, it can be used to harm others. If I ever were to become a creator myself, I’d preach their knowledge to further amplify the butterfly effect, the responsibility on me as a man. I’m forever in debt to their priceless advice.
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jeannereames · 2 years
Did Alexander, post Siwah, really think himself a son of Zeus/Ammon? What about Phillip then? Did he start thinking that Philip wasn't his dad? Or you could have two fathers - human and non-human? How did that work in the ancient mind?
How to Become a Hero
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First, we must address what “son of a god” meant to the Greeks.
Not sure what part of the globe the asker is from, but if its where the dominant religions are Islam or Christianity (or Judaism)—monotheistic religions with an emphasis on canon—that introduces automatic bias both about What Religion is For, and What It Means to Be Divine.
Even if you’re not personally religious, doesn’t matter. One doesn’t have to be religious to define “god” after the fashion of one’s larger culture.
Ancient Greek religion constructed divinity hierarchically, with levels ranging from the Great Gods down to nature spirits and “little divine things” or “personal spirits” (daimonēs…yes, the root word borrowed by the Early Church later for demons).
Within that hierarchy—or really between it and mortal humans—existed one category of the “special dead,” called an hērōs: literally “protector.” Yes, you guessed it; that means “hero.” Herakles is the quintessential hero: protector and civilizer.
But he DIED. That’s important. Yeah, yeah, he got made into a godlet later. He still DIED.
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In myth, heroes are the demi-god children of mortal and immortal, but mortal themselves. A few, notably Herakles, later apotheosized, but most were immortalized as constellations (if at all). The rest went to that Great Consolation Prize Place: the Elysian Fields. It wasn’t boring like Hades, and they remembered their lives, but they’re still dead.
It’s critical to understand that when Alexander claims to be the son of Ammon-Zeus, that’s what he’s claiming. He both venerates and competes with Herakles, but it’s one thing to compete with Herakles—quite another to pretend to be on a level with Ouranic Olympians such as Zeus.
By the 4th century BCE (Alexander’s day), a progression in thinking about human access to heroic status had occurred. This came in concert with the rise of Mystery Cults that granted regular mortals access to the Elysian Fields, once reserved only for heroes.
As the name hērōs suggests, hero cult emerged to commemorate local figures believed to be progenitors and protectors of a community. Stories were told about them and their larger-than-life feats.* The local basileus (chieftain) usually claimed descent from them, just as they were believed to be the spawn of this or that deity. This connection to divinity justified the chieftain clan’s rule, and also conferred on them critical religious duties for protection of their people (continuing the role of hērōs). Some of these heroes, like Herakles and Theseus, became panhellenic, but it took time and often owed to military dominance and/or quirks of fate. All Greek city-states had shrines (heroöns) for dead heroes important to their community…but not necessarily important to other city-states.
With the rise of colonization, where, by definition, new colonies (apoikia) lacked a mythical founder, heroic cult was given instead to the new city’s founder (oikistēs), after his death. This follows from the notion of hērōs as protector and progenitor—except now it’s an historical person. While the Greeks certainly believed their heroes were real people, they belonged to the mists of time. City founders were a different matter, and so a little bridge was built between hero cult for mythic figures, and hero cult for real people.
Then in 422 BCE, something astonishing happened: a city’s oikistēs got booted in favor of a new city hero.
Specifically, the colony of Amphipolis replaced cult for their founder Hagnon with that for the Spartan general Brasidas, who’d fought with and for Amphipolis against their mother city’s desire to dominate them politically. Their mother city? Athens.
So yes, the battle was part of the Peloponnesian War, and Sparta’s grand strategy to deny timber to Athens for her fleets. Yet it served Amphipolis well, and Brasidas had been their protector. So, he became the city’s new hērōs, replacing Hagnon, and given cult--games and sacrifices--yearly. (Below: silver ossuary of Brasidas from Amphipolis Archaeological Museum)
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But Brasidas was dead first. He (quite famously) was one of only seven Spartans to fall there, in contrast to c. 600 Athenians. (It was a pretty decisive Spartan victory.)
The next step involved heroic cult for a living person. Another Spartan received it: Lysandros (Lysander). Lysandros was an interesting guy, opportunistic and pretty full of himself. Plutarch would have us believe he intended to replace the traditional dual kingship of Sparta with one king elected on merit: himself, of course. He certainly had the ego, but we may doubt the scheme as convenient to defame his memory. In any case, after the Peloponnesian War, he returned Samos to its citizens, largely to spite Athens. But again, the Samians were grateful and took a remarkable step, awarding him hero cult during his lifetime, according to Duris. We might see this as the nascent emergence of ruler cult. Ironically, Lysandros may have got the idea from areas in the north, such as Macedon.
Macedon (like Sparta) still had kings, but their kings retained more political and military agency, not unlike their Late Iron Age counterparts, the basileis descended from mythic heroes. And indeed, the Argeads claimed descent from Herakles. The king also had important religious functions. Bill Greenwalt has written some interesting things on the roles of Argead kings pre-Philip, and I’ve talked a little about it prior in a couple entries on Alexander “playing the god”:
Initial Entry ... Further Explanation
In any case, regardless of whether Lysandros was inspired by Macedon, Philip II of Macedon was apparently inspired by Lysandros. He had a 13th statue of himself carted into the Aigai theatre, along with the Olympian twelve, on the very morning of his murder. WOW. And depending on who you think is buried in Royal Tomb I at Vergina…well, there’s a big-ass hero shrine (heroön) contructed above almost on top of it (below). I think it difficult to know how much Philip’s divine performance was influenced by Argead tradition already in place, but claiming that sort of status while alive almost certainly had some precedent in Lysandros of Sparta.
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All that sets Alexander in a properly Greek context. Not a Judeo-Christian one. By claiming to be the son of Ammon-Zeus, he isn’t some Macedonian Jesus. He’s not even displacing Philip as his father. He’s claiming—by dint of out-doing his father, and even his ancestor Herakles—to be worthy of heroic honors. Yes, in his own lifetime.
To complicate it further, all our surviving sources are late Hellenistic or Roman imperial, well after ruler cult had become entrenched. So, our sources talk about him from the perspective of semi-ossified divine pretentions of Hellenistic and Roman rulers…ideas that Alexander started. Where things begin and where they end up are rarely identical.
So yeah, I’m pretty sure Alexander did think he was a son of Zeus, but probably not literally so. Adoptionism and descent from are better ways of thinking of it. His own tychē (great fortune) and success indicated, in turn, great divine favor.
Arrian may say it best in his final lines of the Anabasis. Although not critical of divination and dreams (as the Latin Curtius, who calls them superstitio), Arrian tends to be rather sober. Yet he says:
For this reason, I do not believe that a man peerless among humankind would have been born without divine agency (7.30.2, trans. Brunt)
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myuni-moon · 3 years
I've been brain rotting over this
In the cult AU i imagine spiral abyss to be major event. Like the stars the followers earn are worn with pride, in game too the our spiral abyss teams have characters which are the strongest. The more stars the followers has, automatically means that they are closer to their God, The Chosen few champions.
I feel like Childe would especially enjoy this and would be the one to boast about stars he has gained, haha I can imagine Xiao being passive aggressive too sure he won't boast around but he too wants to be your champion. This would lead to intresting team compositions as well, hehe the smug look on Zhongli's face, he knows that he is irreplaceable * until we get rift hounds in abyss Bennett being wanted in every team 🥺 🥺I want him to be appreciated, and the healers finally getting a chance to shine with the corrosion status.
Not a cut throat competition that they go crazy over it, but your acknowledgement when you praise them for their strength surely has them checking over the abyssal rotation and layline effect every two weeks.
And who knows you might reward the champions too, if you feel generous.
it maybe a side competition, but a competition no less where their battle prowess shines the best. all kinds of characters team up to get as many stars as they can, and some even go in alone to prove just how strong they are. dps, supports, and healers all gather around with their own strategies of taking down the most enemies in the smallest amount of time.
the top of the leaderboard usually consists of childe, bennett, sucrose, kazuha, and venti.
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vaguely-smart · 2 years
The show doesn't really expand on Ally's recruitment tactics other than 'drug em during the first meeting' but it really does seem like she tries to work herself into a parental role to her followers.
Like with Lucy. Her mum left when she was young, her dad was absent and work obsessed for her entire childhood and she hard core resents her sister who tried to raise her because she believes that she's the reason their mum left. Ally then came in and filled that motherly role that she was missing and then it builds on the abandonment issues so if anyone tries to get Lucy away from Ally it automatically places them as the enemy in her mind because she finally got the parental figure she wanted. This works especially in Lucy's case because the person who's trying to separate them is Lois, the person who she already blames for the loss of a mum.
It's a similar case with Jon-El. His father seemed like an absent and just generally useless parent. It also comes across that his mother didn't really make many strong stands against his father until she finally hits her breaking point when she and Jordan leave him. This is after Jon has already left, though, and his leaving is one of the prime reasons for her to speak up against Kal so it really seems like she didn't do it before. He and his brother were shunted to the side for fame and media attention and were kinda just told to suck it up.
Ally Alston preys on the emotionally neglected and uses their abandonment issues and resentment of their families to her advantage. It's actually a quite interesting portrayal of cults and emotional abuse and I wish it didn't get quite so sidelined for the weekly showing of aliens and people on space drugs throwing hands and yeeting each other into the sky.
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canmom · 3 years
pls make a post abt how textual trans girl zuko is, it's everything to me but i haven had the strength to write it out for years 🙇‍♀️
lol i deleted that post bc i didn't want to get in a fight with the friend who reblogged that post about transmasc zuko but sure, ok
it's not super complicated really. like i don't think when it comes to 'trans headcanon' there is like, a 'reality' out there, zuko isn't a real person who can be definitely 'trans' or not, he's a symbol who we fill with our own ideas of personhood when we encounter the story. rather it's whether a reading is resonant or not, which is going to depend on the reader and what they can project on a character. I expect my reading will be more sympathetic with trans girls ;p
all the same... zuko is portrayed as being raised in a fascist society (seemingly most modelled on Imperial Japan, as interpreted by a couple of American liberals writing for a kids' TV network) which values military bravado and individual displays of skill, and exercises corporal punishment for 'dishonourable' behaviour; all of these are part of the construction of masculinity in our world. and we watch Zuko try very hard to live up to the values of this society (despite being, well, very bad at it, to the point he increasingly becomes an ineffectual joke villain), since he has been cut off from all kinds of affection outside of Iroh since his mother was exiled. Zuko is pressured to believe that this will earn the love denied by his evil father who very publicly and sadistically scarred his face. this is all pretty straightforwardly textual.
now these values aren't necessarily portrayed as intrinsically masculine in what we can 'learn' about the fictional Fire Nation, at least insofar as Azula is able to embody them. but it's not out of the question for fascist and nationalistic societies to provisionally accept cafab gender nonconformity in a limited number of cases, as examples like Violette Morris indicate; if we look further back we get things like the medieval 'one sex' model and occasionally beliefs that like, sexual anatomy would somehow follow behaviour. so we could say Azula is probably an exceptional case - the footloose-pastiche and beach episodes illustrate that the Fire Nation definitely has some pretty conventional gendering going on, and the vast majority of authority figures in the Fire Nation are men. iirc they establish that descent is not rigidly patrilineal but the Fire Lord can name an heir; that said all the Fire Lords we see have been men.
so. it's not automatically that Zuko's arc of struggling to reject the values of the imperialist Fire Nation must be read as a struggle with gender given the text; however it is obviously quite resonant insofar as like, the common egg experience of like, trying desperately to live up to the hell of death cult masculinity before eventually it breaks you and you have to figure out another way to be. zuko's 'crime' in his father's eyes, the thing that dishonours him, is not merely speaking out of turn but doing so to advocate for something other than "maximum death all the time"; essentially, acting too effeminate! Fire Lord Ozai has to very publicly burn his 'son' because otherwise the generals would be like, wow boss, your son is such a fag, must be something up with the royal line.
(meanwhile Azula succeeds on the terms of the 'male' power structure, she's a prodigy girlboss etc.; but perhaps part of her issue is that she knows her power is fraught, she's aware of the abyss if she ever steps out of line especially after seeing what happened to Zuko (with her willing assistance). we could easily imagine the suspicion that would exist if military authority is considered men's domain; that's why she works so hard to terrify everybody around her. she's also desperate for recognition; as much as it's not fully convincing, her breakdown in the final episode comes when she's named Fire Lord only for her dad to put himself on a new higher rank of 'Phoenix King', leaving her out of the big showy genocide he's about to perform, and she realises she's just a tool to him rather than someone he truly sees as a successor.)
now let's go to the first season, when zuko is chasing the gaang all around the map and failing to catch them constantly, and dressing up at night to do things that his society wouldn't sanction (ok it's a ninja outfit not like a dress or something but still, i'll take what i can get), while getting in fights with a big buff guy like Zhao for whom living up to the standard masculinity is assured and easy. the idea of trying to express femininity in some tentative way and having the door viciously slammed shut on your fingers and like, flinching back and going for tryhard masculinity in the wake of that traumatic experience is one that's gonna be viciously familiar for too many camab gender variant people.
later we see zuko's arc in the tea shop in Ba Sing Se - ok, it is on one level just like, learning to be a decent person and there's a somewhat unconvincing hetero romance subplot in there, but you can absolutely read zuko's struggle there in gender terms. like. it would be so easy to imagine him trying out a maid outfit during that arc, right? ...no? oh huh.
later still, you have his failed relationship with Mai while living in the Fire Nation in s3... Zuko's trying so hard to do a heterosexuality bless him, and he just has no idea. it's like, papering over the 'break' from society that has developed, so obviously doomed to failure.
but it's also kind of the case that i just see an angsty bishie-adjacent (tbf zuko is merely anime, not especially bishie) 'male' character and i'm like mmhmm, nice egg you got there. ultimately it doesn't really matter whether you read Zuko as trans woman or a gay femboy or just an angsty sorta guy; it's a narrative that simply resonates with like, stuff we experience around the crazy contradictory construction of gender we have to live under - it's material that's very easy to pick up and run with if you're in the mood.
so the impetus for the deleted post was like, if (in my reading) zuko's arc is so obviously about rejecting the values we associate with masculinity at great personal cost to define a narrative on 'his' own terms; sure, that's totally something the transmascs gotta struggle too with from their own particular zone and with its own difficulties, i can't speak to that, and ultimately these gender categories are totally incoherent and fake; but like, 'zuko is a trans guy' is not the obvious reading that suggests itself to me! and i think if Korra had the guts to just be like oh yeah and Zuko's a girl now that would be based as hell, but bryke would never be that cool in a million years, so it's just something you gotta insert yourself if you're in the mood.
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