fiction-fun · 2 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals💖 <3
Ahhh I've been bad about checking this ask box mainly cause I haven't gotten alerts eeeeek
Thank you!!! 🥹🥹💜
Obvi sending it back to you! @skyland2703
But also:
@final-girl-cas @creedtheconquer @hamiltimes @alexanderhamiltonfool @alexander-hamilhoe @rthoney and honestly @ everyone!
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mottomortgageplus · 2 years
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Nobody wants to have a do-over, even on National Mulligan Day. Come to the experts and let us get it right on the first try. https://GoSimpler.com NMLS#1592316 #mulligan #alexanderhamilton #hamilton #lafayette #hamiltonmusical #marquisdelafayette #anthonyramos #elizaschuyler #laurens #daveeddiggs #herculesmulligan #linmanuelmiranda #johnlaurens #hamiltonmemes #frenchman #alexanderhamiltonmemes #laf #hamilsquad #hamiltonbroadway #alexanderhamiltonbroadway #pippasoo #hamiltime #alexhamilton #askhamilsquad #aaronburr #philiphamilton #philliphamilton #phillipasoo #jamesmadison
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batpeggy21 · 4 years
Hey! Tell me your favourite greek myth. -Hamiltimes
Ooh okay hmm I have to choose one...
Before the gods the titans were like the rulers and stuff and then they has children and Khronos, the titan king was afraid they would over power him and stuff so he are them. Now being immortal they didn't die they just grew up in his stomach. Except Zeus was hidden on an island by the titan Rhea and once he grew up he worked at his dads palace as a cup bearer except Khronos didn't know that he was his son and Zeus made him throw up all his siblings and they fought a war and punished the titans eternally (tho they couldn't kill them because...they are immortal) and then he and his brothers Poseidon and Hades decided to split up the world. Hades for the underworld, poseidon for the water, and Zeus for the sky.
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fans-of-the-damned · 4 years
Now I’m curious, why did you get kicked out of your first school? -Hamiltimes
Ok soo this is kind of a long story but also not;
So basically I spent my entire middle school career either in detention, in school suspension, outta school suspension, or lunch detention
I also found out I was insanely (talking highly medicated) depressed and I had (unmedicated and it remained unmedicated) ADHD and anger issues(therapy for that helped)
Our school also had a trooper for a resource officer
So basically, our school would post a list of people who had to go to lunch detention (couldn't go out for recess, had to stay in one classroom for both recess and lunch) well I checked the list and my name wasn't on it (like I checked three times)
So I took my happy geeky ass outside and was reading Shounin Jump (manga magazine if you don't know) I sat myself back against a wall in the shade and was minding my own business
Well my bitchass math teacher who had a legit grudge against me because my BROTHER was friends with her dumbass son and when they went to Mexico he jumped out of a hotel window while drunk (HE SURVIVED NO WORRIES!!!!) But because of that shes hated all of us (even my niece and nephews who have had her) sent the resource officer after me because she claimed I was on this list
And this dude was a lap dog who didn't bother going to check the list just trotted on our to fetch me.
So he's like "you gotta come inside youre on the list" and me being just done with this bs already virtually ignored him except for a bland response of "no, if you checked the list you'd see I wasn't"
So what does this absolute IDIOT of a man do? HE TAKES MY PURSE AND WALKS AWAY WITH IT! so obviously I freaked.
Because like, who takes someone's bag??? Like fuckin wut? Especially the seventh grade need girl who is known to have anger issues like....wut?????
Whelp basically; I chased after him already angry and pissed off and was full on screaching (like youd probably here it from a good distance away) at him to give me my bag back and he refused.
Things escalated and I ended up calling him a little bitch after he slammed me back into the exterior wall of the school (brick wall mind you) and besides trying to get his hands off of me, I hadn't touched him.
It took both middle school counselors and the highschool counselors to get us seperated. During that the middle school principal (who I had issues with and I have a story about that one too if you want to hear it) came out and tried to de-escalate the situation and I... basically told her to get eaten by hyenas.
Well my parents were called, I was suspended, kicked out, made to go to tutoring for a few months before being moved to an alternative school that was WAY better then my original school
Made some friends at the new school, took archery, took college classes, it was cool
Got diagnosed emotionally Disturbed which I mean....makes sense considering but I got therapy and I'm good now (maybe slightly emotionally dead but 🤷🤷🤷)
Anyways that's the story, guess it was a bit longer then I thought! Feel free to ask about the principal story or anything else!
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rthoney · 4 years
Hey -Hamiltimes
1. First impression: i see the h a m i l t o n, i follow the b l o g
2. Truth is: youre really kind and have a great sense of humor
3. How old do you look:  20?
4. Have you ever made me laugh: yes
5. Have you ever made me mad: no
6. Best feature: personality
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: no
8. You’re my: f r o n d
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izzygyrl · 4 years
A Mr. Philip Hamilton “True Love” {Injured!Philip x Female Reader}
Part Four! Last part (or so I think) Be prepared! 
{Mentions of blood, death}
Words: 2,606
It was late in the night when the frantic knocking came at your door. You were in the parlor with your mother and father reading a book, when a sudden bang assaulted your ears, causing you to lose your place in your book. Your father got up at once and hurried to the door concerned, for no man or woman would bang on another man’s door this late in the night, if it wasn’t an emergency. Opening the door he was shocked to see a bedraggled young man he recognized but couldn’t quite place on his doorstep.
“Young man what is the meaning of–.”
“I apologize most sincerely sir but I need your daughter, (Y/N).”
You froze, recognizing the faint voice almost immediately.
At the sound of your name both you and your mother’s heads rose almost at once. You shut the book in your hands with a loud ‘snap’ before jumping up and rushing over to the door, your mother quick to follow.
What you saw nearly made you fall back in horror.
In the entryway stood Stephen Price. However, it wasn’t his sudden late evening appearance that made you gasp–it was his appearance itself.
His hair was a ragged mess, his eyes bloodshot and puffy, and his coat–
His coat was covered in blood.
“Oh my lord Stephen are you alright?”‌ You asked and you put a hand on Stephen before quickly pulling back with a gasp of shock--the blood was still fresh. 
“It’s not mine–(Y/N)‌–it’s Philips…he’s hurt. Badly. I need you to come with me.”‌
You stood shocked at the news you were hearing. How was this possible?‌ You had just seen Philip only a few hours ago. 
“Dear god young man who do you think you are to–” Your father began,  but you cut him off as you spun around rushing to a stand in the corner and grabbing your wool cloak. “He’s a friend of Philip and I Papa. His name is Stephen Price and he’s a good man!”‌ You said quickly, pulling on the cloak, your hands fumbling with the ties.
Everything was happening so fast that your father was having a hard time processing the information he was getting. Philip Hamilton, your beloved was hurt. That much he knew. And from what he saw you doing, he was gathering you were planning on going to his side. “Darling it’s late and I don’t like you going out this–.”‌ He started to say but you cut him off.
“Stephen wouldn’t have come to me unless it was an emergency. Philip’s in trouble Papa.”‌ You said, your voice trembling slightly as you gazed at your father. “I have to go to him.”‌
The love and devotion that your sire caught in your tone absolutely moved him as it never had before. It was the first time that it honestly hit him that Philip was the one you loved and the one man that you would always love. And that you were no longer a little girl he had to protect from the big scary world. 
With a deep sigh your father raised a hand and adjusted the cloak, so it sat better on your shoulders.
And with that you were out the door.
There was a carriage waiting and Stephen quickly barked an order as you both hopped in and with a crack of the whip you were roaring down the road.
“What happened?”‌
“A man named Eacker insulted Philip's father and Philip challenged him and there was a duel across the Hudson and Philip raised his pistol in the air but Eacker didn’t and…” His voice faltered and you understood.
“Where did you take him?”‌ You asked.
“His Aunt Angelica’s.”
The ride felt like the longest carriage ride of your life. The streets were nearly deserted. It was so late and you were wringing your hands together tightly the whole way praying that Philip was alright.
When you finally arrived at the house you jumped out of the carriage, Stephen close on your heels.
Philip’s aunt Angelica must have heard you coming because before you could even raise a hand to knock the door flew open and there stood the wide eyed face of Alexander’s sister-in-law, Angelica. She saw you and her eyes softened. The woman who stood before you had known you since you and Philip were children. She was a strong supporter of you and Philip’s relationship.
Reaching out she pulled you inside, and shut the door once Stephen had walked in as well. “How is he?”‌ You asked as you removed your cloak. 
“He’s been very calm and brave.”‌ She said. “The doctor has come and has done all that he can. We can only wait and see. Stephen, I  need you to rush over and bring Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton here at once.”‌ Angelica said, turning to the young man. “Before you go here.”‌ She said, picking up a small glass with an amber liquid in it which you assumed was some type of spirit or liquor. “I thank you for all you’ve done for us tonight.”‌
Downing the shot, Stephen gave the woman a nod before giving you a sympathetic look before he disappeared back out the doorway.
Once he was gone you turned. “Can I see him?”‌
Angelica gazed at you for a second before nodding. “I warn you it’s not a pretty sight.”‌ She said gravely.
You nodded. “I’m prepared.”
She nodded. “Follow me.”‌
Angelica led you to the end of the hall, to the parlor. With a knock she opened the door. You could smell alcohol the moment you walked in and realized the doctor must have been using it to aid Philip in removing some of his pain--or making it worse.
Stepping around Angelica you nearly choked.
Philip was lying on a long mahogany table, his white vest and pale blue jacket soaked with blood. His legs were at an odd angle and his tan pants were wrinkled.  You suspected that he was lying like that because of the pain he must have been in. You saw that his breeches were also covered in blood.
Glancing at Angelica she gave a nod and gazed at her nephew. Stepping inside the room a tad more you noticed the doctor only a few feet away from Philip sitting quietly in the corner. When you entered he raised his head and gave you a nod. As you took another step, you saw Philip stir at the sound of you entering the room. You were at his side in a moment. Opening his eyes slowly, he saw you, and his eyes widened before you saw a faint smile fall upon his lips. “You came.” He said weakly.
You hold back a sob as you bend over him. “Of course I came Philip-oh my darling.”‌ You said and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “Why did you do it?”‌ You asked.
“I had to defend my father’s honor.” He said and even through the strain in his voice you could hear the pride in his tone.
You couldn’t help but let out a weak laugh. “Hamilton’s and their pride.”‌ You said in a gentle chiding tone, and gently placed a hand on his hairline, softly running your fingers through his hair. He always enjoyed when you did this and you thought it would bring him some comfort.
“I’m glad you’re here.”‌ He said. You saw a look of pain cross his face and your heart ached as you felt your throat tighten and tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
You swallowed praying your voice didn’t betray you. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here by your side. Where I belong.”‌ You whispered gently, taking his hand in yours. 
“I put my pistol up in the air and–.” Philip said, trying to explain but you stroked his hair and softly shushed him. “Save your strength my darling.”‌ 
“Do you remember the time when we first met?”‌ He asked.
You were caught off guard by this question, however when you glanced at him he was gazing right back at you, his eyes clear and blue.
“It was at the statehouse in Manhattan.”‌ You said with a nod as you recounted the memory. “Our fathers were having a meeting with President Washington. I ran in and your father told me he wanted me to meet someone. And then you came in a few moments later.”‌ You said to him.
Philip nodded and grinned before grimacing once more. “Wh--when we were in the garden that was the first time I knew that we were going to be together forever.”‌ He said.
You couldn’t help but smile. “And we still will be.”‌ You said not liking the way he was talking.
“I want you to do something for me.”‌ He said.
You nodded. “Anything.”
“Marry me.”‌
You blinked shocked. “What?”‌
“The doctor is also an ordained reverend from Trinity Church. He had to fill in when all the pastors–.”‌ He grunted as he scrunched up his face in pain.
You reached for his hand and slipped yours into his. “Squeeze my hand Philip.”‌
“I want you to be my wife. I’ve loved you since the day we met (Y/N). I’m sorry I didn’t ask sooner.”‌
You couldn’t believe what he was asking of you. You loved Philip. But you knew your answer long before it came out of your mouth. 
You turned to gaze at the doctor. “Will you do it?” You asked him. 
The doctor who had been silently praying with a bible in hand stared at you over his spectacles, then glanced at Philip until turning back to you. “We’ll need a witness.” Was all he said. 
You nodded, gently putting Philips hand down and going to the door. “Angelica!” You called out. Philips' aunt appeared around the corner, her eyes wide with fear. She hurried over to you, her skirts in her hands. “He is--?” 
You shook your head. “He’s alive. But...the doctor is a minister. Philip asked me to marry him and...I said yes.” You said softly. You then met her eyes. “We need a witness.”
Angelica let out a little sound that resembled a gasp and a sob. Then realizing the situation she nodded. “Of course I’ll do it.” She said. 
You went back and settled on Philip’s left and Angelica on his right off to the side. The doctor, now turned minister, was standing up in front of the three of you back to the door. You took Philip’s hand once more and watched as he cast a glance and nodded in thanks to his aunt. 
The ceremony started and the doctor was nice enough to give you a short version of it. 
In the middle of the ceremony suddenly you heard footsteps. Turning you saw Philip’s father Alexander Hamilton burst through the room. He took in the room and then saw his son. “Philip!” He began to rush over but Angelica rushed forward and stopped him with a hand.  She whispered in his ear for a moment and his eyes widened and he opened and closed his mouth in shock like a fish gasping for air.
“Papa hold that thought please.” Philip said and you felt him squeeze your hand. You stroked his hairline softly. 
“I assume you don’t have rings so--.” The doctor began, before Philip cut him off. 
“(Y/N), reach into my coat on the right side.” He said weakly. 
You did as you were told and as you did, careful not to hurt him, you froze as you felt a soft tissue in the pocket. However you felt a hard object within the tissue. Pulling it out you slowly opened the wrapping and gasped. 
Inside were two plain golden wedding bands. You felt tears fall as you gazed at them and then looked at Philip. He gave a weak smile. “I’ve had them for a while.” He said. 
Wiping away a tear you gazed back at the doctor who nodded and then proceeded with the ceremony. 
“Philip do you take (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better and for worse, in-.” The doctor paused and you both looked at him and you saw Philip give a nod urging him to continue. 
“In sickness and in health so long as you both shall live?” 
Philip took a ragged breath but replied in a strong tone, “I do.” 
“And do you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) take Philip Hamilton to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?” 
You didn’t know it at the time, for you and Philip were so in the moment, but Philip’s mother, Eliza had arrived with Stephen right behind her. Thankfully Alexander and Angelica stopped them and quickly explained in hushed tones what was taking place.
“I do.” You said taking Philips' hand once more. 
“Please place the rings on each other's hands.”
Taking Philip’s left hand gently you slipped the larger of the two rings onto his ring finger. Then he took the smaller ring, and with your help supporting his wrist, he slipped the ring onto your own left hand. You then clasped hands together.
“Then by the power vested in me by the Trinity Church in Manhattan I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The doctor said closing the bible. 
Bending down, you placed a kiss on your husband's lips. A tear fell on his cheek and he gently wiped it away whispering. “I love you Mrs. (Y/N)  Hamilton.” 
You laughed through the tears. “And I you, Mr. Philip Hamilton.”
Sharing another kiss you squeezed his hand gently before you turned to thank the doctor only to remember that the Hamilton’s and Stephen were there. You let go of Philip’s hand and stepped away letting his mother run to his side, which she did almost instantly. Alexander followed behind her but stopped next to you, leaned over and kissed your forehead before going to his son’s side. 
You stepped back letting the family have their moment. You walked over to Stephen and he gave you a hug,  Angelica gave you a hug as well, her eyes puffy from the tears. 
You couldn’t hear what they were saying but it sounded like Eliza was singing. “Let’s give them some privacy.” You said as you quietly went out into the hall.
Just as you began to leave you heard the most heart wrenching scream come from Eliza Hamilton. You spun around and looked. 
Philip lay on the table, his head slumped, his eyes closed and his chest-.
His chest-.
His chest had gone still. 
You let out a wail of horror and you grabbed onto Stephens sleeve. “No-!” You gasped and you felt your knees go weak. Stephen realized you were going down and he caught you and you fell to the floor together. You grabbed his coat in your fists and let out a gut-wrenching sob. You felt drops on your head and realized that Stephen was also crying. 
Your whole body felt numb. You  sobbed into Stephens chest clinging onto him as if your life depended on it. His coat was hard from the dirt grime and blood that he had gathered up over the evening. 
In the background you heard the doctor murmuring a prayer.
(When I say I cried writing this-I CRIED WRITING THIS SO MANY TIMES OMG. I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! My inbox is open for feedback, requests and questions! Have a great day!)
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Incorrect IT Crowd quotes #27
Moss: *screaming into a pillow*
Moss: Oops, my bad.
Moss: *removes glasses*
Moss: I don’t want smudgy glasses.
Moss: *continues screaming into the pillow*
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witchywill0w · 4 years
Une Histoire D'Amour
Chapter 2 of ?
Chapter title: Bonjour
Ship: Lafayette X Reader
"Please stay just a little longer, Y/N? I'm so bored here." Peggy begged, holding onto my arm gently.
"Fine. You get five more minutes, then I'm leaving. You know I don't care for parties." I gave in.
Five minutes passed, and just before I turned to leave, I saw the ballroom doors open. Five men walked in. They were led by General Washington, so I assumed the other four were members of his regiment. One of them was Hercules. There was also a curly-haired, freckled man, a shorter man with dark hair, and a very tall, very attractive man with dark curly hair.
"Y/N? Are you still there?" Peggy took my arm and softly shook me.
"Oh, yes I'm here. I was... Distracted."
"By him?" She asked, nodding towards the taller man who had just walked in.
"Um... Isn't that Hercules? The man from the tailor shop? How about you go dance with him?" I said, feeling my face heat up. I opened my white lace fan, gently fanning myself to try and cool off.
"Yes, it is. This conversation isn't over, Y/N!" Peggy said as she walked away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and turned, so I could escape to a balcony.
After finding somewhere I could rest away from the party, I let myself breathe in the night air. I stepped to the edge of the balcony, crossing my arms and resting them on the balustrade. I closed my eyes, humming along to the music I could faintly hear.
"Bonjour, madamoiselle. What are you doing out here, instead of at the ball?" I snapped my eyes open upon hearing a French accent speak beside me. I saw the very tall man who had walked in a few minutes ago.
"O-oh, I'm not one for parties. They're far too noisy for my taste. My father insists on me attending." I covered my face with my fan to hide the blush that was rising.
"Beautiful girls shouldn't cover their faces, in my opinion." He said softly, moving my fan away from my face.
"I don't believe you told me your name, sir." I said, trying to change the subject.
"My name is far too long for anyone to hear. Please, call me Lafayette. What might your name be, ma chérie?" He said, taking my hand and pressing a delicate kiss to the back.
"Y-Y/N Schuyler." I blushed lightly at his gentle touch.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"Oh, thank you. Although I'm afraid I have to disagree."
"Why would that be, ma chérie? I see nothing that would put someone off."
"Then I'm afraid you're looking at a different girl than the one I see in the mirror, Monsieur Lafayette."
"And who do you see in the mirror?"
"I see a girl who certainly doesn't deserve to have a handsome Frenchman speaking to her. I see a girl who looks nothing like her sisters, who are beautiful beyond comparison. I see a girl who is too quiet to even try and stay at a party for more than fifteen minutes."
"Would you like to know what I see? I see a girl who is far too beautiful to ever compare to her sisters, a girl of such beauty she doesn't deserve to be speaking to a lowly Frenchman. I see a girl who is so beautifully quiet, she jumps at a small greeting. That is what I see." I smiled softly, gazing into his eyes.
We talked for a long time, getting to know each other. In the distance, I heard the clock strike midnight. The ball had ended.
"I'm afraid I'll have to get going now, my sisters will worry if I'm not with them soon." I said, standing to leave. Lafayette stood, gently taking hold of my elbow.
"Let me walk you down, madamoiselle. I would love to meet your sisters." He said. I blushed lightly and nodded, hooking my arm through his as we walked.
"Y/N! There you are! And who is this you've brought with you?" Angelica said, glancing at Lafayette.
"This is Lafayette. He saw me out on the balcony and decided to stay and talk with me. After the ball ended, he graciously offered to escort me back downstairs."
"Then I shall say thank you, Monsieur Lafayette, for keeping my sister company. She's usually very lonely during these kinds of events."
"It was no trouble, Madamoiselle. She is a wonderful woman to have a conversation with." Lafayette said, making me blush.
"Thank you for walking me down. I hope to see you again soon, Lafayette." I said softly, keeping my face pointed at the ground so he wouldn't see me blush.
"Of course, mon petit souris (my little mouse). But, I'll be returning to the front after tonight, so we likely will not see each other again." I blushed at the nickname.
"Then, will you write?" I asked.
Lafayette smiled lovingly at me, and tilted my chin up so he could gaze into my eyes.
"Of course I will."
Taglist (if your name has a strikethrough, I couldn't tag you): @youreallytatermytot @assassin-in-a-hoodie @ballerinafairyprincess
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I would like to acknowledge the incredible control necessary for "Stay Alive (Reprise)" because goddamn. He managed to create a slow-mo action shot. Of the highest quality. In Live Theatre.
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rock-n-roll-refugee · 5 years
Watch Your Hands
Philip Hamilton x Reader
Era: Hamiltime!
A/N: lol this is really long sorry. Hamilton movie is coming out so perfect time if for this I guess?
Edit: Hey guys! I have a plot for this that I really want to continue on, but I’d really love it if y’all tell me if you actually want a part 2 because why write it if no ones gonna read it right!
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“God you’re a fox!” Dolly sighed, eyes locked on him as her knees buckled
“And y’all look pretty good in ya’ frocks. How ‘bout when I get back, we all strip down to our socks?” The Hamilton boy said into the flustered girl’s ears.
“Okaaaayyyy!” They both timidly screamed as the looked at each other in excitement. You rolled your eyes at the sound of the girls giggling loudly, not that it was their fault... it was Philip’s. You knew he would see them once and forget about them and he’ll just move on and on and the cycle repeats and no one tells him otherwise because he’s a fucking Hamilton.
You sigh and close your book and walk across the courtyard to find another quiet spot away from him. Finding a shady spot under a tree, you start to head that way to claim your spot when you feel a shoulder bump you, making you drop your book.
“Hey watch where you’re going you-” you start to say when you realize who you collided with, “George! Oh sorry I didn’t see you there...” you said changing your demeanor as you shuffled to flatten your dress.
“Oh, Y/N...” he said not looking at you directly, “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“Well, I was just out getting some fresh air I suppose... I thought you told me you were going out of town? You were suppose to meet my father tonight, he was so excited to finally meet you!” You said grabbing onto his bicep and resting your head on his chest.
He shuffled awkwardly, “yeah, sorry change of plans...”
“Well, since you’re here, would you be escorting me to the ball tonight? We haven’t spent much time together recently.” You said looking up at him.
“I’m sorry, I can’t tonight. I have...arrangements that I made a while ago.” He said coughing awkwardly as he lightly shrugs you off. You look down at the ground disappointed.
Suddenly, you both hear a familiar voice behind you speak, “Well if you’re not taking her, you surely wouldn’t mind if I take her? Make sure she gets there and back safely?” Philip Hamilton... You roll your eyes as he continues, smirking, “make sure she has some fun... I could take care of her if you can’t, Eacker”
George narrows his eyes and grabs your hand, “I have to leave now, but I will see you soon, my love.” He kisses your knuckles, keeping eye contact with Philip, and quickly walks away before you get to question him further.
“Your boyfriend sucks” Philip says making you snap you neck at him.
“What the hell is your deal?!” You say hitting him on to shoulder, “Why do you feel the need to constantly involve yourself in everything? Do you realize the world doesn’t revolve around you or is your head too fucking big?”
He only chuckles at your frustration. You groan at him and start to walk away.
“See you tonight beautiful” he shouts as you, “and wear something pretty... Ms. Jefferson.”
“You’re going tonight. End of story.” Your father states not looking up from his work.
“But daaad!” You said stomping, “George isn’t going and the Hamilton boy is going to be there. God knows what stunt he’s going to pull and I really don’t want to deal with that tonight.”
“Quit whining and suck it up. You’ve dealt with him fine enough up until now.” He says getting up from his desk. He was wearing a velvety violet robe that was gifted to him from a lady he met in France. You father walks up to you and gives you a little noogie, he chuckles at your pouting face, “I know you hate him... I hate his dad, but I have learned to deal with him at least in the office. It’s very important to me that you go tonight, the Monroe’s are expecting a Jefferson to attend and since I have a meeting, you’re my last hope, so we can’t disappoint, right?” He gives you a puppy dog look as you roll your eyes.
“Fine. But you owe me... big time!” You said as he smiled widely.
“Good. Now go get ready my dear, there’s a surprise up in your room and Sally will be up there soon to help you tidy up.” He said scruffling your hair before he went back to his desk.
You opened the door to your room, revealing the extravagant pink dress laid out in your bed. You recognized it as your mother’s. You’ve never seen her wear it, but there was a painting in the library of her and your dad when they were young where she was wearing that dress. You’ve always looked at the painting and imagined yourself in the dress. It had a very wide neckline that was almost off the shoulders with the whole upper chest part covered with white lace with faux rose accents here and there. The rest of the dress was silky pink with another rose on your hip. You noticed a small paper resting on the dress. It read:
“Y/N I’ve seen how you admire this dress your mother wore in the painting in the library. It was one of my favorite gowns that she wore... she always looked so beautiful in it and I know she would have most definitely loved to see you in it. I always argued you were too young to wear her gowns, but now I wish that you would have, so she could have seen you in one of her dresses before she passed. Well, I found this dress in one of her trunks so maybe that’ll be an incentive for you to go to the ball.
P.S. we need to make sure we get a painting of you in the dress with Mr. Eacker when I finally meet him.”
You chuckle at his added note and put the letter on your vanity. You heard a soft knock at your door.
“Come in” you said sitting down in front of your mirror. Sally walked in with two other girls, “Oh, Sally! You can take a break, I think I can manage”
You never liked that your family owned slaves. For some reason it always made you feel uneasy when you saw them, but you didn’t understand why, you were born with it being normal in your household so you didn’t get why the idea of buying and selling people to work for you didn’t sit well with you, but nevertheless, you treated them courteously when they helped you unlike many other slave owning families. 
“Your father asked me to make you up for tonight. I can’t go back on my word.” She said smiling at you in the mirror, holding your shoulders. You have always been the closest to Sally, seeing that she almost became a mother figure to you since your own mother passed (and your father may or may not have had an affair with her), but you always looked up to her and didn’t see her at all as a slave, “...I also heard the Hamilton boy is going to attend... everyone in this town knows he envies you and Mr. Eacker.”
You shot straight up at what she whispered in your ear, “Sally!” You said with wide eyes, the other two girls giggled lightly, “he is the reason for my hesitation to attend. The last thing that I want is to interact with that fool tonight.”
“Alright, whatever you say m’lady” she said with a small smile on her face. She starts brushing your hair
“What are you smiling at, Sally?” You said chuckling
“Oh you wouldn’t want to hear it.”
“Now I want to hear it more! Do tell...” you said facing her like you were two little girls about to gossip.
“Well, don’t get mad but, I think you and Philip would look very good together.” She said nonchalantly, “I have always had my doubts about Mr. Eacker, but you and Philip have suprisingly a lot more in common than you think...”
“Ugh I know if I think about me and him for one second longer I might just vomit!” You said turning back and making a face. Sally laughed at you and continued to fix your hair.
Sally and the girls finished you off with a cloud of perfume, making you cough as you inhaled. You picked up the long amulet necklace your parents gave you when you were young from your vanity and slipped on long white silk gloves as Sally ushered you to the large mirror on your wall. You clipped on your necklace as you looked at yourself for the first time tonight.
“You’re really going to be the center of attention tonight ma’am” one of the girls said, flattening the silk on your dress. You chuckled at her and rolled your eyes, grabbing her hand.
“You did too good, my intention was to lay low.” You said admiring their work.
“Thank us later,” Sally said nudging you a little, “your carriage is waiting outside and I’m sure your father wants to see you before he leaves... and say hi to Mr. Hamilton to me.” She winks and you respond with a fake gasp.
“There she is!” Your dad says as you walk down the staircase, “Wow, your mom would have loved to see you right now. To think you were once half the size of this dress! Aw... you just look so, grown up now... my little baby is growing up into a beautiful woman and I’m getting so old and-”
“Dad! Don’t do this again,” you said interrupting his mini breakdown, “you act like I’m not going to see you in 5 hours”
“Yeah, whatever. Let me have my moment sometimes!”
You laugh at him as Sally hands you a thick coat and purse.
“Don’t have too much fun!” Your dad yells as the door of the carriage closes once you’re completely inside.
“I promise you I won’t!”
The carriage ride was quiet and you wished George was here with you. Not for conversation, no he was never good at holding one, but to show off. You hated the fact that you had to walk into the ball alone knowing Philip was there. Having George on your side was an extra layer of security against him.
Scanning through the plethora of silk dresses and velvet suits, you attempted to find any sort of familiar face. Being all alone in a ball like this was beyond embarrassing so you rushed to the first person you recognized.
“Harriet? Hey it’s me Y/N!” You said trying to grab her attention. You didn’t know Harriet very much, nor did you like her... at all, but she seemed to be the only person you recognized.
“Y/N?” She paused. “Oh! Y/N! I can’t believe it’s you! I haven’t seen you in forever!” She engulfs you in a smothering hug, both of your gowns squishing together. You knew she was lying, she didn’t recognize you, but you were insanely greatful that she was playing along whether it was for her sake or yours.
“You look amazing Y/N! Wow and that dress! Don’t you try to steal the spotlight from me tonight!” She jokes.
“And look at you! I love your dress, where did you-”
“Oh my god...” she inturrupted, looking across the main room. Walking in from the hall is none other than Philip Hamilton, with two young ladies on each of his elbows, “shit... those are some lucky girls. What would I give to be them!”
Philip confidently walks in grabbing the attention of half the girls who see him, you seethe with anger watching his cocky stride. How could anyone be attracted to that?!
“He’s just so perfect...” she sighs eyeing him as he attempts to charm every person in the room.
“He’s a scoundrel, like his dad.”
“Dangerous... that’s hot! But I bet that’s not where the resemblance stops” she says smirking back at you. You knew what she was talking about, there was a rumor going around when you all were in boarding school about his dad having a huge... well, penis. Harriet bites her lip and grabs your hand, walking away.
“Wait, where are we going?” You asked as you were being dragged through the crowd.
“To Philip, duh!” Your eyes widen, “I’m going to shoot my shot.”
Before you can respond, Philip is already in view. And he’s already noticed you. His eyes widen as he scans you from head to toe making your face redden like a tomato. His face brightens as he realized you’re headed his way and starts towards the two of you.
“Hey um, Harriet?” You ask anxiously pulling her back into the crowd a little, “it’s getting stuffy in here I think I’m going to step outside for a second. But I’ll catch up with you later!” You release from her grasp and rush out before she can respond.
You step out into the balcony, farthest from the main ballroom. Breathing in the crisp night air, you take a deep breath and sigh. You look out at the garden below you try to clear your head. When you caught sight of Philip you had the worst feeling you had ever had. Attraction. You couldn’t tell earlier, but the sick to the stomach feeling you felt around him, for the first time, wasn’t pure hatred. He just looked so good in his suit, it complemented him so well... and his hair, he always wore his stupid school hat and his hair was always so greasy, but when you saw him, you couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to run your hands through his hair. And his smile. The way his face lightened you when he saw you made your heart soar. You groaned shaking your head. You rubbed your temples thinking, why? Why now? Why are all these emotions being thrown at me now? It has to be the fault of your cycle. You plop yourself down on the stone bench and run your hands through your hair muttering,
“Stupid Hamilton boy...”
You swore that was in your head, but it couldn’t be. That voice was too real. You freeze, trying not to make sudden movements, hoping that he wouldn’t see you in the dark.
“Just cause you’re not moving, doesn’t mean I can’t see you.”
“How long have been standing there?” You say quietly, breaking the short silence.
“Long enough to know that you, of all people, are thinking about me.” He says walking towards you figure. Without even looking at him you can already tell he’s smirking. What a cocky bastard.
“Of course you jump straight to that. Why are you following me around anyways?” You growl, glaring at him only making him laugh.
“Because you look beautiful...” as he says that you feel your stomach do flips. His stare is pouring down on you and you try your hardest to not to make it obvious that he is the only thing on your mind, “Glad you took my advice to heart, that dress is smokin’...”
You roll your eyes and stand up intending on walking away when he grabs your wrist pulling you back.
“I came out here to ask a pretty girl for a dance,” he smiles at your scowling face and you can’t help but relax, “please don’t make my trip all the way out here worthless”
He gives you a pouty face, making you chuckle a little.
“Fine. Only so I can keep an eye on you. Make sure you don’t do anything stupid, like you usually are.” You joke, glad the mood is light. He leaves a kiss to your knuckle and links your arms, leading you back to the ballroom.
“I like your smile. You should smile more.” he says, looking forward.
“What? Don’t tell me what to do.” You say scoffing.
“No, that’s not what I meant I- I just wish I could see you smile more. You have a beautiful smile Y/N, that’s all. No need to get all defensive” he says as he stands in front of you. He places his hand on the small of your back and you hold his shoulder as your opposite hands intertwine. The two of you begin to join the dance. You smirk and purposely step on his toe.
“Ouch, Hey! What was that for?” He says lightly hopping on one foot.
“Oh, my bad. It was only an accident, no need to get all defensive” you say mocking him.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty, little girl. I wouldn’t accept this unladylike behavior from anyone else.” He jokes making you snort a little.
“Yeah right, you’d take any damsel who would throw themselves at you.”
“Oh yeah?” He says giving you a challenging look. You suddenly realize how close his face is to yours making you notice the small details of his face. His sharp cheekbones, his deep brown eyes, his long black eyelashes, his stupid toothy smile that somehow manages to make your knees go weak, and God, those little freckles that sprinkled his smooth skin, you couldn’t stop your mind from wondering where else he had freckles. You are lost in the trance of his face until you feel his hand that was on your back, slither too far down for your liking.
“Watch your hand there, Hamilton. Before I break them off myself.” you snap, making him hold both his hands up in surrender, shrugging.
“Sorry, I thought you would be too distracted by my face to notice- Ow!” You stepped on his foot again to shut him up, “okay okay... at least I’m willing to admit that I’m hypnotized by yours anyways.”
By now your noses are practically touching. You feel the blush rise up to your cheeks when you feel his hot breath, but you bite your lip to keep a neutral face.
“Hey don’t bite your lip...” he says making your gaze rise up into his eyes, “...that’s my job”
Suddenly you turn your head to the side, feeling the urge to close the space between you two. Philip holds back not wanting to force a kiss, and your lips almost reach his until...
To be continued!
A/N: I’m super late to the Hamilton fandom, but it just so happened that the Hamilton movie was announced today so I guess I’m early and late... part 2?
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fiction-fun · 2 years
🥹🥹🥹🥹you're to sweet!!!
Sending it back to you @skyland2703
@final-girl-cas @creedtheconquer @rthoney @alexander-hamilhoe @alexanderhamiltonfool @hamiltimes @ everyone!
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kenny-power · 4 years
Sir, yes sir. G. Wash x OC
Pairing: George Washington x OC
Setting: Hamiltime
Warnings: descriptions of violence, injury, war
Smoke was the first thing that I smelled. Quickly followed by the stench of human filth. Scrunching my face up, I blearily opened my eyes, only to me met by the frantic face of a young man. He looked terrified. His face was absolutely covered in dirt and grime, which only seemed to continue all the way down his outfit. Speaking of which, was a total fashion faux pas. He was wearing a triangular hat, a dirty brown jacket, a shirt that may have once been white, knee-high trousers, and scuffed black boots. He looked like a poor imitation of a Revolutionary War soldier, or something.
Looking around, I realize that I'm in a tent of sorts, and, to my utter horror, I'm wearing an outfit very similar to his, just less dirty. My curly brown hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, giving my appearance a more masculine look. But all appearances aside, where the hell am I?
I voice my question to the dude who was tugging on my arm trying to get me up from the cot I was currently lying in. He stopped yanking me and looked at me as if it was a stupid question, which it was not because I'm not stupid.
"Did you hit your head or something? We're in the middle of a bloody war, for God's sake!" A large boom sounded nearby, followed by horrific screams. Oh God, what is happening? This is not my living room. This is some weird nightmare. Yet, I have to admit, it's the most realistic nightmare I've ever had. "C'mon man, time to buck up. The general needs us." I didn't have time to ask who "the general" was before I was yanked up roughly, and a heavy rifle was shoved into my arms. "Follow me." The soldier beckoned and stepped out of the tent. I followed.
It looked like I stepped straight into Hell. The smells and sounds were muffled from the thick canvas of the tent, but on the outside, it was full-blast. It reeked of pure death. Bullets were zinging everywhere, smoke rising from everywhere to give the atmosphere a green-gray look. And not to mention the screaming. God the screaming. Men and boys alike were being shot down in their paths, a mixture of brown and blue coats against a sharp red.
I stood and stared, stuck in my own fear. Someone bumped into me, blood pouring out of his shoulder, and snapped me out of it. Looking around, I tried to find the guy who was in the tent with me, but he disappeared among the crowd. The general needs us, he had said, so I guess I'm gonna go find the general, whoever that may be. Okay, deep breaths, I can do this. I take off running.
Where to? Heck if I know. I'm just trying to find someone who would be in charge and who would be able to tell me what the hell is happening right now.
As I run, shouldering past people, I hear snippets of phrases from the soldiers.
"Filthy rebel scum!"
"To the revolution!"
"For the king!"
"America! Heck yeah!"
I pull up short, dodging the business end of a sword. The pieces slowly coming together in my mind. Revolution? Rebel scum? America? Oh no, oh no, oh no. I know exactly where I am. Smack-dab in the middle of the American Revolutionary War. But how?
I didn't have much time to ponder this when I hear a shout of "Hey you!" and am tackled into the ground. I turn over, attempting to throw off whoever just football tackled me. "Stop! Stop! I'm trying to help!" I stop wrestling with the guy and get a good look at him. Oh my, he's cute. He is a young man, with curly brown hair pulled back by a ribbon and a freckled face. "Are you stupid?" He asks.
"Am I . . . what?" I ask dumbly.
"Stupid? Are. You. Stupid? You just about got shish-kebabed by a Brit!" I blink at him. This is the second time I've been taken for as stupid. I'm not stupid. Scowling I get up to my feet, ignoring the hand he offered to help me up.
"Listen pal," I say, attempting to dust myself off, "I haven't had the greatest of days, so if you could just tell me what the hell is going on here, that'd be dandy!" He looked confused.
"We – we're at war. You know, with the British?" I sighed, rolling my eyes, preparing to rip him a new one for literally throwing me on the ground when I hear a distant "Men! Advance!" That sounds like a person in charge.
"Okay, well thanks for saving my life, I guess." I pat the kid on his shoulder and start off towards the new voice, ignoring his cry of "Hey!"
Making it to the top of a hill, that's when I see him. A man of large stature, wearing a blue and white uniform, directing the group of soldiers surrounding him. If I thought that one guy was cute, this man was even more so. Even through the dusty fray of the battle, I could see how attractive he was. Caramel skin, strong brows, broad shoulders, and legs that went on for ages. Oh boy, am I drooling? I think I might be. I have never seen a man quite so composed and imposing before. I'd follow him into battle any day.
This has to be the general, or else I'd eat my own hat. Which, quite honestly, is something that I'd rather not do. I started making my way down towards him and his group of men when I saw something that made me pick up my pace.
A soldier in a red coat, which I have deducted is the 'bad guy' in this scenario, was crouched down, aiming his rifle at the back of the general. I start running. If this is who I think it is, he cannot die in battle. I'm running at full speed now, straight to the general.
"Sir!" I yell, "Get down!" Then, taking a page out of that one guy's book, I tackle the general. Was that the smartest thing to do? Probably not, but it was the only thing I could think of in the 5 seconds of time I had here.
As I'm tackling the general, white-hot pain rips through my left forearm, making me screech in pain. The general hit the ground with a resounding thud, me on top of him.
Were this scenario any different, I would've been blushing up a storm for being in a compromising position with this god of a man, however, I had different priorities at the moment. For example, my am was bleeding out.
At first, the general looked as though he was going to reprimand me, but, once seeing my bloody arm and the enemy soldier holding his gun to where he was moments before, what I had done for him clicked in his head.
Me still on top of him, the general pulled out a pistol and shot down the enemy soldier before turning his attention to me. He rolled over and softly placed me on the dusty ground. For such a beefy man, he has such a tender touch. The edges of my vision started to get dark and blurry, like someone was turning down the brightness of the world.
Ouch my arm hurts.
The general was saying something. I had to strain myself to concentrate on what he was saying.
". . . thank you soldier, I am indebted to you." I blinked for a long time. A nap sounds really nice right about now. Something hits me sharply in the face. Did this dude just slap me? "Hey! Keep your eyes open soldier! That's an order from your commander!" He was really concerned about me, a "soldier" he's never met before.
"Sir, yes sir." I mumble before my eyelids get too heavy and everything goes dark.
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batpeggy21 · 4 years
Hey! -Hamiltimes
1. First impression: awesome!
2. Truth is: you are amazing
3. How old do you look: idk how old you look but you act like every other person on here so 5
4. Have you ever made me laugh: yup
5. Have you ever made me mad: nope 
6. Best feature: I can talk to you and you listen
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: no
8. You’re my: close friend
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fans-of-the-damned · 4 years
I've never heard of yo yo hackysack before, what's it about -Hamiltimes
Yu yu hakusho....
And it's basically about this kid who dies but doesn't die teams up with a couple of ex cons to save a toddler from his dad and has to reunite a sister and brother without letting the sister know the brother is one of the people who saved her. And that's just season 1 it gets wild and insane and I legit HIGHLY RECOMMEND
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sisforsammi · 4 years
I’m not sobbing!!!!
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izzygyrl · 4 years
A Mr. Philip Hamilton {Part 3/4}  “Admissions” {Philip Hamilton x Female!Reader}
Words: 1,043
It had been a few weeks after your father and mother had sat you down to tell you that you couldn’t see Philip. However with the help of Steven Price you were able to communicate with your beloved in secret in writing. This had continued in secret for several weeks, and it was becoming harder to keep it a secret from your parents.
 Or so you thought.
What you didn’t know was that both Philip and your parents knew about the letters. At a party one evening, they had discussed the matter with one another and had agreed that the letters seemed harmless and that as long as it didn’t turn into a public scandal and it remained private, both parental parties didn’t see the harm in your communication.
“Well that and I don’t think that anything would stop those two from communicating.”‌ Philip’s mother, Eliza had said, watching from the corner along with her husband, Alexander. They stood next to your parents, all watching out of the corner of their eyes as you and Philip danced a beautiful minuet to one of George Fredric Handel’s compositions. You were one of the very few couples on the floor and most of the eyes of the crowd were on Philip who had grown tall and handsome in his recent years. But many gasped at how graceful you danced as Philip led you around the ballroom, your moves perfectly in sync.
It was the first time your mother and father had seen you beaming with a smile in weeks-since they gave you the news.
“They really do care for each other, don't they?”‌ Eliza Hamilton asked softly. The others hummed in agreement watching the young lovebirds.
Meanwhile you were dancing with Philip. You hadn’t been this close to him in forever and you were so happy. You felt like you were flying above them all as you gazed up at Philip’s face. He gazed down at you lovingly, his freckled face so comforting and familiar that you felt safer than you ever had in a long time.
“Your last letter made my heart soar.”‌ Philip whispered into your ear as you came together for a step in the dance before stepping back.
As you stepped back in you reached out a hand and grabbed his shoulder pulling yourself back to him, “I meant every word.”‌ You whispered back, meeting his eyes. His own were shining with emotion.
You spun in a circle, hands clasped, you continued. “Why must we go on like this Philip?‌ Pardon my tongue but to hell with what the public thinks!‌ Let’s run away!”‌
 The words came out before you could stop them. For a few moments Philip switched partners as did you, staying silent and smiling politely the whole time to your temporary partner who was not as skilled a dancer, until you came together, once more with Philip.
“I would love to but think of the scandal that would befall our parents! You know my father would lose everything!” He said as you switched partners for the final time before your were returned to each other’s company and the song ended. You stood for a moment clapping, before Philip bowed to you and you curtsied low to him. The you rose and took his arm which he offered. You walked off the dance floor and let Philip lead you across the room heading to the balcony that lead to the gardens. As you did, you passed your parents and the Hamilton’s. You stopped and curtsied and Philip bowed.
“You two looked wonderful out there!” Eliza said softly, gazing at her son proudly before letting her gaze fall on you, her eyes filled with tenderness.
Philip nodded. “Thank you mother. I’m just going to escort (Y/N) outside for some fresh air.”
Your mother tensed and your father took a small step towards you. “Are you alright dear?” He asked. Concern grew over the party. You opened your mouth to reply in denial but Philip spoke first. “Nothing to worry about. I believe the dance was a bit more vigorous than she expected.” And you felt Philip squeeze your hand and you realized what he was doing.
“Philip’s right. I’ll be fine once I get outside. Philip will see to it.” You said taking his arm with both hands trying to look as if you were leaning on him.
Your father nodded and without saying anything else let Philip lead you on, outside onto the stone balcony. It was empty for everyone was inside dancing. There was a cool breeze in the air as Philip helped you sit down on one of the stone benches.
“You think they believed that?” You asked pulling your shawl tighter around you.
Philip was still standing as he looked out into the gardens. He smirked slightly glancing at you. “Probably not.” He said going to you and joining you on the bench. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“I haven’t been this happy ever since we were separated.” He continued taking your hand in his. His hands were warm and a shiver went down your spine.
“I know what you mean.” You said leaning your head on his shoulder. “Life hasn’t been the same since we’ve been separated. But now here with you, I feel like I could take on the whole British army and win without a scratch.” You said.
Philip didn’t answer and after a few moments of silence you looked up to see Philip silently staring at you. “What?”
He shook his head. “I love you.”
And he leaned forward and placed his lips upon yours.
You froze shocked but quickly recovered and reached out and grabbed his waistcoat in your hands as you deepened the kiss. One of his hands fell on your cheek while the other wrapped around your waist.
When you both pulled apart your whole body was buzzing.
You sat there in silence for a few moments, Philip clearly waiting for your response. When you finally caught your breath, you couldn’t help but smirk as you once again took his hand in yours.
“What took you so long?” You asked with a giggle.
And you captured his lips with yours once more.
(One more part to go!!!} 
Tags: @lespaceboi
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