#he got that short baby rage 😭😭😭
vidawhump · 5 months
Just acknowledged how short Elias actually is 😭😭
Elias is 4’11”, Eden is 5’4”, and Cassidy is a bit taller than Eden
Everyone has to look down at him to look him in the face hes so tiny 😭😭😭😭
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: You and Javi just brought your daughter Lucy home from the hospital. While the two of you couldn't be more in love and excited at the addition of your newest family member, it doesn't mean that you both aren't feeling some of the nerves of being first time parents.
Word Count: 2.4K (She's reasonable, your honor)
Pairing: Dad!Javier Peña x Wife!Reader (no use of y/n, reader's nickname is Osita)
Warnings: This is honestly just pure, sweet, sickening, fluff, mentions of body insecurity postpartum, worry/anxiety about being a first time parent, Javi snuggling a newborn baby skin on skin (it needs a warning fr), Javi being the cutest dad ever to exist, Javi is in full on dad mode, ladies and gents (gn) đŸ«Ą
A/N: This was inspired after reading @kteague adorable post about Frankie carrying his daughter in a baby sling, and I couldn't help but picture sweet Javi as a first time dad cuddling with his baby girl 😭đŸ„ș and to @endlessthxxghts for being a bad influence 💀Y ou know for a fact that Lucy's got Javi wrapped around her finger from the moment she's born, and picturing the adorable bond these two have makes me want to melt into a puddle đŸ«  also I have a raging case of baby fever, but let's pretend that wasn't entirely the motive to write this or that I'm not projecting at all WHOOPS
Part of the Forever and Always Series!!
From the moment you had found out you were pregnant, you had no doubt that Javi was going to be nothing short of the best dad you could have ever hoped for. Before your daughter was even born, Javi had completely flipped the switch into full Dad Mode, spending the past 9 months coming with you to every single doctor’s appointment, baby proofing every square inch of your home, and checking out (and re-checking out) every parenting book he could get his hands on at the library. 
So it was safe to say, that once you brought Lucy home from the hospital to start your life together as a family of 3, if Javi hadn’t already been full force into Dad Mode, he sure as hell was now, and was going to do anything and everything he could to make sure that the two most important girls in his life were showered with every ounce of love and affection he had. 
It was also safe to say that even though he wouldn’t admit it, Javi was also an absolute nervous wreck at the reality that he was now actually a dad to a tiny newborn daughter that had been brought into the world. 
“You think that her diaper is snug enough? Should I get a bottle ready just in case she gets hungry? Different pajamas to sleep in before we put her down?” Javi asked, carefully cradling Lucy against his chest as you passed her off to him, planting a soft kiss on her head, gently bouncing her up and down. 
“Javi,” You laughed leaning in to give your sleepy daughter a kiss on the messy tufts of hair ruffled on her head before looking back up at your husband, “I’m going to take a shower, not leaving for war. I’ll be quick, so that way if she needs me then I’ll-” 
“Hermosa,” he paused, raising an eyebrow at you as he smiled, “take as long as you need, okay? I’m just asking to make sure so I don’t have to bother you. Take an hour, hell, take 3 hours for all I care, you deserve it, Momma. I can’t imagine how exhausted you are. Me and Lucy Goosey will be just fine, won’t we, mi amor (my love)?” 
The two of you smiled as Lucy quietly cooed, your grin spreading even wider watching Javi’s face light up with joy as he looked down at his daughter, your heart practically bursting at the seams with how in love he was with her. But even through the pure bliss in Javi’s eyes, you couldn’t help but sense a nervous twinge in his voice, knowing that in the short day and a half that you’d been home from the hospital, even though you were only a room away, this was the first time that Javi was in charge of Lucy all by himself. And because you knew your husband better than you knew yourself, you knew that despite the fact Javi was probably better prepared for parenting than you were, he was secretly terrified he was going to do something that would hurt his precious baby girl, and the thought of that? That scared the shit out of him. 
“Javi?” You said again, gently rubbing your hand against his arm, forcing his gaze to shift on to you and your tired smile. “Honey, you know you’re an amazing dad right? But, I can guarantee that even though we would do anything and everything for this stinker, we’re gonna mess up at some point. You love her so much, and that’s all that matters, okay? I love you, Jav.” 
You could feel some of the tension begin to ease from Javi’s body, looking back down at Lucy before back to you, taking in a deep breath, and softly nodding his head to himself. 
“I know, it’s just- She’s so perfect. I wanna give her everything. I just, I just wanna be a good dad. I just want her to know that I love her so much.” 
As if you weren’t already an emotional mess, watching the tears well in Javi’s eyes as he gazed down at Lucy, looking at her like she was the only thing the world that existed, had your hormonal heart bursting into a million pieces, now trying to wipe your own wetness streaming down your cheeks. 
“Javi, I don’t think it’s possible for you to love that little girl anymore than you already do.” You sighed, stepping in to press a kiss onto Javi’s lips before another onto Lucy’s head. “Okay, I’m gonna go shower before I become even more of a hot mess than I already am. You sure you’re gonna be okay?” 
“Thanks, Osita. We’ll be just fine. I love you.” 
“I love you too, Jav.” 
“And hey, you’re not a hot mess, just hot.” Javi smirked, making you roll your eyes as you gestured to yourself and the undeniably disheveled state you were in. 
“Javi, I look like I just rolled out of a dumpster. I am literally wearing an adult sized diaper.” 
“And no one’s ever made an adult sized diaper look hotter, Hermosa.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a snort, shaking your head at your husband as you finally turned to head out of the nursery, giving Javi and Lucy one last wave before disappearing out of the door frame and into the bathroom for a much needed shower. 
“Alright, it’s just you and me, pollita (little chicken).” Javi smiled, rocking Lucy against your chest, taking a deep breath of reassuring confidence, feeling more self-assured about his time alone. “Let’s get you into some pajamas, huh?” With another kiss on Lucy’s head, Javi carefully laid her down on her changing table, reaching into one of the drawers to pull out a tiny onesie covered in pink flowers and strawberries. 
He couldn’t help but laugh to himself at how absolutely tiny the pair of pajamas felt in his hands, shaking his head in disbelief at the fact that all of this was real- for so long, Javi had been convinced a family of his own would never be in the cards for him, and for as much as it hurt, he’d come to accept it. But when you had come into his life and given him the second chance that he had so desperately longed for, he still couldn’t quite believe how he had deserved to find himself here with a beautiful family, a wife and daughter he loved more than life itself, and how he couldn’t have been happier to be dressing his newborn baby girl into a pair of tiny pink pajamas. 
Checking Lucy’s diaper and tossing her clothes into the hamper, Javi zipped her up into her pajamas, noticing that she was starting to get squirmy and fussy, he quickly picked her back up, pressed against his chest as he made his way over to the rocking chair in the corner of the nursery. 
Despite the steady movement back and forth and the gentle rocking, Lucy’s cries only started to become louder, Javi trying his best to keep calm despite the fact his heart was racing, thinking he had already done something wrong to upset his daughter in the few short minutes they had been together. 
“Hey, hey, hey, shhhhhhh, it’s okay bebita, it’s okay.” Javi cooed, gently patting Lucy’s back to try and soothe her. “What’s wrong, huh? It’s not your diaper, Momma fed you before she got in the shower, I wonder if it’s-” 
Before Javi could finish the rest of his mental checklist outloud, he was looking down at his shoulder to see the little dribbles of spit-up drooling from Lucy’s mouth onto his shirt, quietly laughing to himself at the mystery that had seemed to solve itself. 
“Alright, well that was easy. Let’s get you cleaned up, messy miss.” 
Standing up to bring Lucy back to the changing table, he laid her down to reach into another drawer to grab one of the many burp cloths that had been stored away to wipe up Lucy’s little face before he was back to the pajama drawer, pulling out another pair to change her into. But as he tossed Lucy’s second outfit in 10 minutes into the laundry, he couldn’t help but notice the giant spit stain drenching his own shoulder. Not wanting to have to lay Lucy back into his damp shirt, he stared down at his daughter in nothing but her diaper, thinking back to the advice from the plethora of parenting books he had consumed and a few days ago after Lucy’s birth, where the nurses had been adamant about making sure both you and Javi spent plenty of skin on skin time with the baby. 
Trying to fight off any self-doubt or need for reassurance, Javi took a deep breath as he stared down at Lucy, still restless and crying on her changing table before stripping his own shirt and tossing it in with the other tiny items of laundry that had quickly accumulated throughout the day. 
“Okay, c’mere mi amorcita (my little love), it’s okay, I’ve got you. Shhhhhh, I’ve got you, baby girl.” Javi cooed, carefully cradling his daughter to his bare chest, feeling the heat of her tiny body pressed against his as he sat back down in the rocking chair, resting her head on his shoulder. “Don’t cry, pollita, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” 
After a few seconds of whispered reassurances and gentle rocks back and forth, Javi let out a quiet sigh of relief as Lucy’s cries began to lessen, slowly fading from wails to muffled tears against Javi’s chest. 
“That’s it, see, it’s okay, baby girl.” Javi softly smiled, pressing a tender kiss into Lucy’s soft hair before reaching over to the small bookshelf next to the rocking chair, pulling a well loved copy of “Goodnight Moon” into his lap, trying his best to maneuver it open to the first page with his one free hand. “You never got to meet your Grandma Lucia, but that’s who you’re named after. A long time ago, this was Daddy’s favorite book to listen to her read. This is his book when he was a little boy, and now I’m so happy it gets to be yours.” Almost as if little Lucy knew, her crying began to calm even more to listen to her dad as he began to read. 
“In the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon and a picture of
As Javi began to read each page, Lucy became quieter and quieter, and by the time they had said goodnight to kittens and mittens, and clocks and socks, Little Lucy was sound asleep on Javi’s chest, her soft snores rumbling on his skin. 
“Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere. And goodnight my sweet Lucy Goosey. Daddy loves you so much.” Javi cooed, gently rubbing his thumb in circles along Lucy’s back as he tilted his head against the back of the rocking chair, the back and forth and weight of his sleeping daughter on his chest slowly just enough to the weight of his eyelids droop to a close right along side Lucy’s. 
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After a long, hot, and much needed shower, you had changed into some new pajamas, throwing your still damp hair into a towel as you headed down the hallway towards the nursery, surprised and slightly concerned by the lack of noise coming from the room. 
“Hey baby, I’m all done with the shower if you want me too- Oh my god.” Before you could even make it all the way through the door, you were stopped in your tracks, covering your mouth with your hand to try and cope with the cuteness overload that was in front of you. 
There, in the corner of the room sat Javi and Lucy in the rocking chair, the pair sound asleep and snoring as Lucy lay against his bare chest, “Goodnight Moon”  half open and slipping out of Javi’s lap from what you assumed had to have been the book he was reading to her before they clonked out. 
Your footsteps down the hallway must have been enough to wake Javi to the point that his eyes began to blink open, scrunching his face in a half awake yawn as he recognized your frame in the doorway, quickly shaking his head to bring himself back to full consciousness, immediately looking down at his chest to make sure Lucy was still there before looking back at you and the lovestruck grin spread between your cheeks. 
“You two having a good nap?” You giggled quietly, making your way over to stand next to the rocking chair, gently running your hand through the dark curls of Javi’s messy, sleep ridden hair, kissing his forehead, admiring your tiny daughter perched on your husband’s chest. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, hermosa. I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.” Javi whispered, steadying his grip around Lucy as he sat up straighter. 
“Javi, don’t apologize, baby. I’m glad that you were able to get her to sleep for you. Did you read her “Goodnight Moon”? Glad to know it still works like a charm. I think she must already have it memorized at this point.” You smiled, picking the book up off of Javi’s lap, turning through the well worn pages, knowing how excited Javi had been to finally read it to her as he held her, despite all of the times he had read it to your belly while you were pregnant when it was the only ways to bring you some relief from the constant kicking in your last trimester. 
“Yeah we did, didn’t we, sleepy girl? Although I didn’t realize that “Goodnight Dad” was the last page of the book I must have been missing all this time.” Javi laughed, readjusting Lucy as she let out a tiny yawn, stretching her little body against Javi’s. 
“Well, if every time you read “Goodnight Moon” to this little cutie, you end up shirtless with Lucy asleep on your chest, I don’t think that I’ll have anything to ever complain about again, except for the fact I’m gonna die of cuteness. God, you two are so adorable. You have a good time with your Daddy, baby girl? I hope you know that you’ve got him wrapped around your little tiny finger, Little Miss. He loves you so much.” 
“God, you’ve got that right. Have you ever seen anything so perfect? She’s perfect, Osita. I love her more than anything. I love our family so much. Thank you.” Javi whispered, trying to fight back the tears welling in his eyes. 
“Thank me for what, Javi?” 
“For giving me everything I’ve ever wanted.” 
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callsign-dexter · 27 days
Snowy Embrace 18+
Request: We were having a weekend off at a little lake cabin and it was just us. Lots of cuddles (and other things hehe) in front of a fireplace.. long walks in the snow outside and then having him us warming up with more cuddles and hot chocolate 😭
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Wife!Reader
Warnings: fluff, smut (right out of the gate), cursing, tiny bit of angst
A/N: Thank you @talesofreading for requesting this and you and @imagine-all-the-fandoms better prepare yourselves its gonna be a steamy one.
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“You know what I think we should do?” Your husband of 6 years, Kelly Severide, said as he looked up from his spot at the table looking at you at your spot at the counter making lunches for the day. You two had gotten up earlier before your two little ones, 10-year-old twins, one boy and one girl, Zoey Severide and Chase Severide, wanting to spend some time together before the chaos erupted. 
“What would that be?” You answered with a question.
“I think we should leave the kids with your mom and dad and we head up to the cabin for a little get away. We both have a few days off. We need to use up by the end of the year and its already December. Maybe work on baby number 3 and maybe 4, if it’s twins again. It's also our anniversary.” He said and as he talked you thought about it and the more, he talked about it the more it sounded delightful. You were an accountant at a huge accounting firm.
“Ok. Why do we have to work on baby number 3 or 4, if it is twins?  It'll be nice to get away for our anniversary.” You said looking into his stunning blue eyes that you watched light up.
“Yea?” He asked 
“Yea.” You replied and nodded. He smiled and got up and turned you around to where you were pressed against the counter and kissed you. 
“We need to apply for vacation 2 weeks in advance.” He said kissing your neck as his hands roamed your body. 
“Mmmm true but I want to take it with you now.” You moaned quietly especially when his hand came in contact with your clothed core. 
“Then put your 2 weeks notice for vacation today and I'll put mine in.” He said nipping at your neck as his hand traveled up and slid into your sleep shorts and underwear. You always ran hot so it wasn't rare to find you in a tank top and shorts in the dead of winter. He ran his fingers through your slick folds. 
“Kels the kids could walk in at any minute.” You moaned and gripped the counter behind you. You had your eyes closed and head thrown back and wasn't expecting to find him close to your ear and jumped which made his thick digit sink into you.
“We have plenty of time. We have another hour before they have to be up. So, you better be quiet.” He said as he fingered you curling his finger to hit your g-spot. 
“Fuck, Baby.” You moaned out quietly and whimpered when he pulled out but you didn't have to wait long because he was getting on his knees and pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down your legs to where they were at your ankles and you stepped out of on pant leg. He spread your legs and suddenly his mouth was on your heated slick core. It made you jump and you had to throw a hand over your mouth to keep quiet. He tongued fucked you and licked you up and down with an occasional nip at your clit. Your legs were shaking. “Baby, I'm going to cum.” You moaned quietly having taken your hand away and you could feel him smirk and pick up his effort and after one gentle bite to your clit you were coming down and cumming on your husband's face. He didn't stop until you were a shaking flustered mess. He stood up and you looked at him, your juices shining in the light on his lips. 
“You taste great, Baby.” He said and you couldn't speak still coming down finally catching your breath you spoke.
“I think you need some attention.” You said and looked down at his erection. He smirked as you got down on your knees grabbing a hold of his shorts and underwear and pulling them down enough to where his raging erection came up and hit his clothed abs. You knew you had plenty of time and you knew your kids were heavy sleepers so you took your husband in your mouth and got to work. His hand immediately went to the back of your head and he threw his head back. Whatever part of the shaft wasn't in your mouth you had your hand wrapped around. He was thick and girthy. 
“Fuck, Honey. Your mouth was made for me.” He said quietly and so you relaxed your throat and took him further. “Oh, fuck you're taking me so deep. Keep going.” He said as you bobbed your head up and down and jerked him off. Tongue licking and circling his tip every now and then. Then your other hand went to his heavy balls and he jumped. You knew he was close because his cock started jumping and his balls tightened. “I'm close. I wanna finish inside of you.” He said as he withdrew and you stood up. He swiped everything over and you squealed and chuckled when he picked you up and laid you down. His cock went straight to your entrance. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded enthusiastically.
“Please.” You moaned and he smirked and slid in you bottoming out all in go. You threw your head back in pleasure. “That’s right baby fill me up.” You moaned and then he settled letting you adjust. After a minute you nodded and he started to move. At first it was slow and the stretch felt wonderful his head went into your neck and he kissed you and nibbled on your neck as he slowly fucked into you. “Faster, Babe.” You moaned and he smiled.
“You’re in charge.” He said and started to speed up each thrust made you moan out in pleasure to the point where he had to cover your mouth with his hand. “What did I say about being quiet?” He said in a playful warning tone. You clenched around him and he moaned.
“Sorry, but you make me feel so good.” You moaned behind his hand. His rhythm started to become sporadic; he moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. Finally, he stilled and painted your walls white then you were cumming behind him and he stayed there for a minute until you started to hear Chase stir by flushing the toilet. He quickly but slowly pulled out of you and was quickly hurrying to pull his underwear and shorts up as he was quickly helping you pull yours up. Both giggling as you both tried to hurry. 
“Wait.” He said and grabbed some of this sperm that leaked out and put it back in which had you moaning. You heard Chase's footsteps on the stairs.
“Hurry.” You said and he did. He pulled your pants up and helped you down as he pulled them over your hips. You quickly fixed your hair and turned back to the food on the counter getting it back in order and Kelly was beside you helping. You could feel his cum running down your legs but knew the counter would hide it but you looked at Kelly and he looked at you smirking. “I can feel your cum running down my leg.” You whispered and his smirk got bigger and you nudged him but he didn’t say anything because Chase was appearing in front of the counter. “Good morning, Baby Boy.” You said.
“Good morning, Sunshine.” Kelly said at the same time and he looked at you both.
“Morning.” He grumbled and you laughed. He was always the first one up out of your kids even if he was never a morning person just like his father but just like his father, he had an internal alarm clock that made him get up at the time he was supposed to
“Alright, Kelly Jr. what would you like for breakfast?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I don’t know. Waffles?” He asked, now awake a little more.
“Sounds good, Bud. I’ll get them started while your mother goes and gets your sister.” He said and that is what you did. Your daughter was a lot like you wanting to sleep in as much as possible and stay up as late as possible. It really is funny how you both had kids that ended up being the same as you both. You went over and kissed your son’s head and he grunted but you knew he secretly loved you cuddles and kisses. As you started to walk up the stairs you felt more cum escape and you glared and shook your head. 
“Damn you, Kelly.” You whispered as you reached your daughter’s room and you knocked slightly before you were opening the door. “Zoey, honey. It is time to get up.” You said as you walked further into her room.
“No, 5 more minutes.” She groaned and you smiled as you sat on the edge of her bed. 
“Don’t you want waffles? Dad is cooking them.” You said and that perked her up. Both you and Kelly could cook but his waffles were the best and you couldn’t argue with that.
“Yea.” She said as she started to get up out of the bed. You smiled and ran a hand through her hair as she rubbed her eyes as she made her way downstairs. 
“Hey, tell Dad that I’ll be down there in a minute. I’m going to shower and get ready.” You said and she nodded.
“I will.” She said and she disappeared and you sat there for a minute and then you were getting up and heading to your and Kelly’s room to start getting ready for the day. You turned on the shower to the temperature you wanted and then you stripped out of your clothing a glob of cum ran out and onto your underwear and you smiled thinking of the activities that you and your husband were up to before the kids started to get up. Once your clothing was off you stepped in the warm water cascaded down your back and you sighed and titled your head back letting the warm water run down your head. Your hand traveled to your stomach and it stayed there you and Kelly always talked about having more kids but never had the time but now this would be the perfect opportunity and who knows your little rendezvous in the kitchen might’ve just been it but you weren’t ovulating so it might’ve not happened but if your schedule is right, you would be when you and Kelly were at the cabin. You smiled at the thought of being pregnant as you started your shower routine. When you were done you turned off the shower and dried off and then wrapped the towel around your body and stepped out. You brushed your teeth and put on deodorant then got dressed in the clothes for the day which consisted of jeans, a plain blue t-shirt, and then one of Kelly’s sweatshirts. You grabbed socks and sat on the bed to put them on and once they were you walked down the stairs to be greeted with laughter from your husband and kids. You walked into the kitchen and smiled and then your son saw you and smiled at you.
“Hey, Mom.” He said and that caused the other two to look at you and smile.
“Hi, Momma.” Zoey said as she took a bite of her waffle. Kelly got up and grabbed a plate with fresh waffles and walked over to you and kissed you as he handed the plate to you.
“Hi, Baby.” He said 
“Thank you.” He said and then he was turning around and putting his hand on the small of your back leading you to the table.
“Have you told them?” You asked as you drowned your waffle in syrup.
“Told us what?” Zoey and Chase said at the same time.
“I was waiting for you and now that you’re here we can tell them together. Your mom and I are going to be heading up to the cabin in two weeks for our anniversary.” He said 
“Ugh lucky, you two get to go away while we still have to go to school.” Chase said and you both laughed and smiled as you took a bite of your waffle.
“I think that is a wonderful idea. You two deserve some time off.” Zoey said and you smiled.
“Thank you, Z. Also you both will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa while we are gone. I know you both love them.” Kelly said and they both nodded. Your parents were extremely helpful during your pregnancy and when the twins were born. You had a great relationship with them and they loved Kelly and Kelly loved them. 
“Ok that makes it better.” Chase said and everyone chuckled. Kelly reached over and ruffled his hair which he groaned playfully and tried to get away. The rest of breakfast was spent laughing and eating until it was time for the kids to start getting ready for school and you finished putting lunches in lunch boxes. As the kids were getting ready Kelly came up behind you and kissed your neck. 
“What time do you go in?” You asked
“9 AM.” He said kissing your neck and you titled it to the side and before you got too far into the pleasure you stopped him because you knew what he was doing.
“Oh no. We don’t have time for this again. Our kids are awake.” You said and he groaned but stopped pouting and you turned your head and kissed his pouty lips. “I love you.” You added and smiled which made him smile.
“I love you too.” He said and then Chase and Zoey were coming down the stairs. They grabbed their winter jackets and backpacks and Kelly departed from you. 
“I’ll be late at work so the two of you will have to get a ride to the station and wait with your dad until I get off work.” You said as you turned, handing them their lunches and they put them in their bags.
“Ok.” They both said at the same time a trait that came with being twins. Every time it happened you laughed and smiled and Kelly did the same. 
“Alright, we have to get going or we’ll be late.” You said and they both turned to hug their father and he hugged them back and kissed their heads and told them that he loved them. You walked over and kissed him and hugged him. “I love you.” You said.
“I love you too.” He replied and then you and the two kids were out the door and heading to your Jeep. They argued about getting the front seat and you quickly put an end to that and made them sit in the back of course they both pouted but did as they were told not wanting to get on your bad side. 
It was a quick drive to their school and you were pulling up in the front and saying bye to them and you were heading off to work. When you got there, you sighed and parked your Jeep then got out while grabbing your stuff and heading in after locking your Jeep it was actually not blistering cold but still cold but you knew that could change. As you were walking your friend, coworker, and boss April Jepp “Hey.” She said and you turned to her as you both entered the heated building.
“Hey.” You said smiling at her finally thawing you.
“So, your anniversary is coming up. Any plans?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows and you smiled at her and laughed.
“We were planning to go up to the cabin for a few days.” You said “Which means I need to take a few days off.” You said and she smiled and nodded.
“Of course you can. You’re my best accountant. You both deserve some time together on your special day.” She said as you both walked into her office. She was a really cool boss and everyone loved her and loved working with her. “So which days are you thinking about?” She asked as she sat down at her desk pulling up the scheduling. 
“I’m thinking about the week of the 15th.” You said and she nodded and then smiled. 
“Done. Also thank you for coming to me two weeks in advance.” She said and you smiled.
“Not a problem.” You said and then you were heading out of her office and started your long day of working but smiled at the thought of your time off with your husband.
At the station Kelly had been tied up with calls all day until it was time for the kids to arrive at the station so he hadn’t been able to ask until now. He had just taken his gear off when Chief Wallace Boden walked by. “Hey, Chief! I have a question for you.” He said and Boden stopped and turned to him.
“What’s up?” He asked
“Y/N and I’s wedding anniversary is coming up and we were planning on going to the cabin to spend some time together. I wanted to take off the week of the 15th for it.” He said and Boden smiled.
“Of course you can. I’ll go and schedule you off.” Boden said and Kelly smiled.
“Thank you so much.” He said and Boden patted him on the shoulder and then he was off. Kelly was about to go and do something when Chase and Zoey’s voice caught his attention.
“Dad!” They said at the same time and he turned and smiled as they ran up to him.
“Hey you two.” He said and he hugged them both.
“I will never get used to you having kids.” Stella Kidd said and everyone that was in the garage nodded and agreed.
“Get used to it.” He said “We’re planning for a third one.” He added.
“What?” Chase said 
“You and mom are trying for another kid?” Zoey asked 
“We are. Do you not want that?” He asked 
“We want it!” They yelled and he chuckled and kissed their heads.
“Good. Now go and do your homework before your mom gets here.” He said and ushered them to the kitchen.
“So, you and the wife want more kids?” Matt Casey said coming over to him and Stella.
“We do. We loved raising the twins into the kids they are today and we’re ready for the baby phase again. Also, the kids would be pretty far enough apart in age. We’re just ready.” Kelly answered him and they all smiled. 
“You’re a great dad.” Matt said
“Thank you.” Kelly said and then they got busy with doing things around the firehouse until you came into it around 6 PM and spotted your husband right away.
“Sorry, I had a project that I needed to finish up.” You said as you got to him and kissed him.
“Nonsense. You have to do what you need. The kids finished their homework up and we fed them. There is plenty if you want something.” He said 
“Please.” You said and he was ushering you into the kitchen and you went to your kids, who were sitting on the couch in front of the TV. “Hey you two.” You said as you touched their heads and they turned around with smiles on their faces.
“Hi, Mom.” They said at the same time and you leaned down. 
“What are you watching?” You asked them.
“Parks and Recreation.” Zoey said and you smiled.
“Good show. You two can continue watching while I eat and talk with your dad.” You said and they nodded and again you smiled and turned to your husband who was sitting a plate down for you. 
“They know we are trying for another kid.” Kelly said as you took your first bite.
“Oh?” You asked and he nodded.
“It went well and they want a sibling. Stella mentioned something about not getting used to me being a dad and I told her to get used to it because we are trying for another.” He said 
“I’m glad they are excited.” You said as you ate and he nodded. You two continued to talk for a while before he was being called away and that is when you decided to leave you and the kids said goodbye and gave him hugs and kisses and all three of you were off.
The time for you and Kelly to go up to the cabin had finally come. The good news was that you had your period last week and knew you were ovulating so it would be perfect. You and Kelly had agreed not to drink this week because you were trying to get pregnant. You both dropped the kids off to your parents the night before and went to the store and grabbed the necessities and the stuff that needed to be in the fridge and freezer went into coolers and then the two of you started to head up right after. The ride up there was filled with talking, laughter, music, and some good and bad singing. Then you saw something white fall. “Is it snowing?” You asked leaning forward to get a better view and as more fell you confirmed it but so did Kelly.
“Looks like that.” He said and turned on the windshield wipers. You started to grin wider as you set back; you loved the snow and he knew that. It just made this all the more special. Thankfully his Jeep had all wheel drive and weather prepared. The lake started to come into view and then your cabin came into view and you smiled. Kelly saw you in the corner of his eye and he smiled. He loved it when you were happy. Kelly turned the Jeep and backed it up until he was close to the porch and parked and turned the key off. You got out and walked a little bit to where your favorite tree was. You weren’t standing there long before your felt arms around your waist. 
“Isn't it beautiful?” You asked 
“It sure is.” He said smiling though he wasn’t talking about the view but you didn’t know that.
“I can’t wait to get this week started.” You said and he smiled and kissed your head.
“Me either so let us get to it.” He said and you smiled and nodded and so you both started to unpack the Jeep and you went and unlocked the cabin and turned some lights on. Once the Jeep was unpacked and everything was sitting on the counter and suitcases by the stairs you went over and turned on the heat. “So, what do you want to start with first?” He asked as he started to put food away. 
“Hmmmm first we need to let everyone know we are here safely.” You said and he chuckled and you pulled out your phone to do so, you were glad you had service up here. “Then I think we should get a fire going and a movie queued. Just have a relaxing night in.” You said and he smiled as you walked over to him and leaned on the counter.
“That sounds wonderful, my beautiful wife.” He said and you blushed no matter how long you were with him he knew how to make you blush. 
“I also want you to know that my period was last week and I’m ovulating.” You said smirking as his lips started to turn into a smile.
“Oh really?” He asked
“Really.” You said
“We can get started on the 3rd kid now.” He said and you chuckled.
“First you’re going to build that fire.” You said and he groaned and sighed.
“Fine.” He said and sulked off but you just laughed and followed him grabbing the remote and turning on the TV and once it was on you turned it to Amazon Prime Video. 
“What do you want to watch?” You asked as he stacked the logs and lit them on fire.
“That new Twisters movie is out. How about that?” He asked
“Any chance to look at Glen Powell in a white T-Shirt with rain coming down and him in a cowboy hat I’ll take.” You said and he rolled his eyes but smiled.
“When did you see it?” He asked
“When the kids were in bed and you were at work.” You said and he laughed as he got up and came over and sat down and you snuggled into him. He grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over you as you started the movie. You sat through the movie grinning like an idiot and slightly drooling and when it was over 2 hrs. later you were pouting and Kelly laughed but just kissed you. It was now dark and your stomach was growling. 
“Hungry?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, did the frozen pizza get put up?” You asked
“It did but it won’t take long to thaw and the oven preheats pretty fast.” He said “Is that what you want?” He asked.
“Yes. Did the ranch and hot sauce make it into the food?” You asked
“Of course. I know you can’t live without those two.” He said 
“Awww you really do love me.” You said as he started to get up to start getting the food ready.
“You know I do.” He said and turned to kiss you then he was walking into the kitchen as you started to get the next movie or show ready. You heard the freezer door open and close and the oven start. Soon Kelly was joining you back on the couch.
“What are we watching now?” He asked
“Leverage.” You said as you opened the blanket and he scooted in. You snuggled into his arms. You got 30 minutes into the movie when the oven preheated and he got up and put in the pizza and came back to the couch with drinks, ranch, and hot sauce. 
“20 minutes and we’ll have food ready.” He said and you smiled.
“Perfect.” You said “What do you say about going on a hike tomorrow?” You asked
“That sounds like a perfect plan then we can come in and warm up with activities.” He said wiggling his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes but you weren’t going to say no.
“Perfect.” You said and then he was getting up for the last time but this time he was bringing plates and pizza. He had set the pizza down and put a slice on the plate for you and handed it to you along with your sauce of choice. You spent the rest of the evening cuddled together eating pizza and watching a Leverage marathon. That’s what you ended up doing all night because the next morning you were waking up on the couch wrapped in your husband's arms laying on top of him, he must’ve moved to laying down. The fire had gone out and the warm sun was hitting your face. 
“Good morning.” He said and you looked down at him he still had his eyes closed. 
“You’re awake?” You asked and he opened his eyes and looked at you.
“Been awake for about 20 minutes, you just looked too peaceful to wake up.” He said and you smiled and kissed him and he kissed back. “When do you want to start that hike?” He asked.
“As soon as we get changed and have breakfast.” You said and he smiled and kissed you again.
“Perfect just like you.” He said and you blushed and then you were getting up and he was too. You both took your bag upstairs and got ready for the hike and the day. Once you were ready you helped make breakfast and you both ate while you both talked about anything or everything but mostly crazy calls he had gone on. You really didn’t have any crazy or funny stories so you left all that to him. When you were done you both put on your snow boots and winter coats along with hats and then you ventured out into the chilly air.
“Kels look!” You said looking out at the snow in amazement and all he could look at was the excitement on your face.
“It’s wonderful.” He said, he continued to stare at you until you looked at him.
“Ready?” You asked and he nodded.
“Always.” He said and so you both started to walk. It was wonderful you were huddled up against your husband and gloved hands holding each other. You must’ve walked for a few hours until you got to your favorite place by the lake, the place where your husband proposed and you had pictures of it thanks to Leslie Shay having come up with you. You two stood there and looked over the lake that now had a light layer of ice over it. 
“Remember when you proposed to me up here?” You asked, looking over at him as he looked out over the lake.
“I do. I remember like it was yesterday.” He said looking over at you and you were smiling. “If I could I would do it over again.” He said and you smiled and blushed but you couldn’t tell because your cheeks were pink from the cold and so was your nose. “Ready to head back?” He asked, looking at your rosy nose and cheeks. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, I am. Also ready for those warming up activities that you have planned.” You said smirking and he smirked back.
“So am I.” He said and then you both shared a kiss and then you were heading back to the cabin. An hour later you were back and stepping into the warm cabin. 
“Warmth.” You moaned and he chuckled “I’m going to take a shower. You’re welcome to join me.” You said smirking and winking as you shed your jacket and boots and headed upstairs and he was quickly shedding his boots and jacket and hurrying behind you. When he finally reached you, the shower was already running and there was a pile of your clothes and his quickly joined. He stepped into the bathroom naked and pulled the glass shower door back. You turned to look at him smirking as he stepped in behind you. The shower was plenty big and it was perfect. His hands went to your breasts and massaged them as he kissed your neck and nipped at it your head turned to give him better access. You could feel his erection standing attention against your lower back. You turned around in his arms and threw your arms around his neck and his hands left your breasts and went to your hips.
“Hi.” He said in a whisper.
“Hi.” You replied in the same tone. You then leaned in and kissed him and he squeezed your hips and that was a signal for you to jump and you did. He backed you up into the wall under the water. He held onto you as one hand went to his cock and slowly slid it into you and you moaned in his mouth. You thrusted in you nice and slow taking his time with you and since there was no need to worry about hurrying or any kids possibly interrupting you. 
“Always so tight for me.” He moaned as he broke the kiss.
“That’s because I was made for you.” You moaned and he thrusted up into you.
“Damn right.” He said kissing the side of your neck. 
“You always know how to hit all the right spots.” You moaned and you tightened around him. 
“Keep doing that and I won’t last long.” He moaned and you smirked and did it again. “Oh, fuck I’m close.” He moaned.
“So am I baby. So am I.” You moaned and just about that time his thrusts became erratic and you both came hard. He stayed in you until you both came down and he was putting you down on shaky legs. You two eventually did get cleaned and he turned the shower off and then grabbed the towels. First, he dried you off and wrapped it around your body and then dried off and wrapped his towel around his waist. He helped you out of the shower and then followed right behind you. You put on your bra and underwear and then his Chicago Fire Department long sleeved shirt that you might’ve stolen from him. Your hair was wet and down and to him you looked sexy as hell. He pulled on his underwear and threw a shirt on and then the both of you were heading down the stairs. 
“Want some hot chocolate, Babe?” He asked as he reached the kitchen and turned to you as you tended to the fire. You turned and smiled at him and nodded.
“With-” You began
“With whip cream and extra marshmallows.” He said and you smiled.
“You get me so well.” You said 
“Of course I do, Baby.” He said and brought over two mugs as you took a seat on the couch. He waited until you got settled before giving you your hot chocolate and then he sat down and you settled into him. 
“If we do end up pregnant, what are you hoping for?” You asked as you took a sip of your hot chocolate.
“Another girl would be nice but also another boy.” He said and you chuckled.
“What if it is twins again?” You asked and he smiled.
“That would be even more perfect.” He said and you smiled and snuggled further into him. Whatever you had or how many you had they would be equally loved and given attention. As the week came to an end and you were packing up and feeling refreshed during your stay you both had several more intimate moments and each time it was sweet and not rushed. 
The next week was Christmas and you were excited for Kelly to open his present. When you had gotten back into town Sunday you dropped Kelly off at home and made a quick trip to the store before going to get the kids. You got a pregnancy test and some baby clothes, two sets. If you knew your body then it would be throwing twins, you just had a feeling. The baby clothes were all firefighter themed and you were thankful for keeping the baby clothes from the twins. Then you picked the twins up and headed home. They talked nonstop about what they did with their grandparents and you smiled as you listened glad, they always had a good time with them. By the time you got into the house they were already rushing off to tackle their father and you laughed.
When you had gone back to work for the one day before Christmas Eve you were greeted back with open arms and everyone said you were glowing which you blushed but thanked them. You went through work happy and ready to be back home. The time for you to go home came quickly and you were saying bye to your coworkers and heading home. When you got there Kelly’s Jeep was gone still which meant that he was picking up the kids after his 24-hr. shift which meant that you had 20 minutes to take the test. You parked and then got out grabbing your stuff and rushing in. You quickly threw your jacket off and shoes and rushed to the bathroom. You went into the bathroom and grabbed the test which was hidden in your tampons. You pulled your pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet and took the test then capped it you set your timer for 5 minutes, you wiped and pulled up your underwear and pants. You were nervous but excited as you washed your hands. The timer went off and you took a breath and looked at it and melted in relief and excitement. Two pink lines. You were pregnant. 
You exited the bathroom and grabbed the gift bag and gift box. You quickly put the test in the box and the baby clothes in the bag. You went downstairs and put them under the tree just as soon as the door opened. The tree and decorations were put up and set up before you had left for your little vacation. “Honey, we’re home!” Kelly shouted and you chuckled.
“In the living room!” You shouted and they all came rushing in.
“Mom!” Zoey and Chase shouted and came and almost tackled you.
“Easy.” Kelly said and they listened and they hugged you and then sat down beside you. You smiled as they talked about their day and the gifts that were exchanged. You were invested in what they were saying and listened to them happily and so did Kelly. Soon it was time for dinner and then they were heading off to bed leaving you and Kelly alone cuddled up on the couch looking at the multi-colored lights on the Christmas tree. Neither of you spoke and as his hand rested on your stomach you smiled you couldn’t wait to share the news with him.
Christmas Eve came and went and family dinners were eaten and now it was Christmas. You both were woken up early and being ushered downstairs to the tree as your parents knocked on the door and Kelly went and opened the door. Everyone was gathered, gifts were open and thank you’s and I love you’s along with hugs were passed around. Finally, you decided to give Kelly his gift. “I have one last gift for you.” You told him as you reached over and grabbed the bag and box. You gave him the bag first and he opened it. He read it and things started to click and it seemed like everyone had gotten it already and they were smiling and squealing. 
“Are you?” He asked and you gestured to the box.
“Open it.” You said and he did and there sat the test with the two pink lines.
“Holy shit. Really?” He asked and you smiled and nodded tears coming to his eyes.
“Really.” You said and he practically lunged at you and hugged you and kissed you as everyone cheered and your parents congratulated you.
“We’re going to be grandparents again!” Your father cheered.
“Oh, I can’t wait to spoil them.” Your mother said. 
“Finally, another sibling!” Zoey and Chase said and you chuckled and nodded. Everything was great. 
9 months later you were welcoming your twins. Yup twins. One boy, Sam Severide, and one girl, Olivia Severide. The numbers were even and Kelly was excited that they were and so were you. Both healthy and strong just like their daddy and you if you asked Kelly and others. Twins just meant twice the love that went around. 
Everything was perfect.
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sturnlova · 7 months
Busy ( M.S )
(Matt Sturniolo x Female reader)
( Warning : Smut, F receiving, new to writing, not proof read all the way, pet names, fluff, angst, i don’t know what else 😭 )
Matt : Blue
Y/N : Pink
Chris : Orange
Nick : Purple
( Word count : 900)
It had been a whole week, 7 days, 168 hours since Matt has been busy with work and ignoring me. Every time i confronted him Matt would always tell me that everything was well and that he was just tired and wanted to go to sleep. I became so enraged with him that I even questioned Chris and Nick, his own fucking brothers, why he was acting so "busy." All they said was that work has been difficult, Matt will get the entire day off on Friday, which is tomorrow. I had no idea that information even existed.
After taking off their shoes and entering the kitchen to meet me, Matt, Nick, and Chris came via the front door. I ignored Matt and waved to Chris and Nick, striking up a conversation with them. I truly couldn't talk to Matt, even though I hated ignoring him.
"Y/N, why are you ignoring me? What's wrong?" exclaimed Matt. I could feel the rage building inside of me; I was on the verge of losing it. “Why do I ignore you? WHY DO YOU DISRESPECT ME? Matt, I haven't spent more than ten minutes with you in the entire week.” Matt attempted to engage, but I interrupted him. “You don't even understand that I've asked your brothers why. I'm sorry, but you don't even realize how much I'm desperate for you. Why do you no longer give a damn? I didn't start dating this person at all. What happened Matt.” i spoke with tears now falling from my eyes. Chris spoke up, "Me and Nick are going to go for a walk, we will be back later.” “ Yeah” as they continued to move toward the front for.
“ Baby “ he knew i loved when he called me baby. “ I never want to see you cry over me. You are aware of my work schedule, but I should do a better job of juggling it with my personal life. Im sorry for being so busy; I really am. I simply got really wrapped up in my own thoughts, and I know it's not an excuse, so I had no idea that it upset you this much. I apologize. Let me make it up to you.”
He grabbed me the waist and patted me by the thighs to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. As i did what i was told he walked us to his room closing the door and ensuring he locked it. He laid me on my bed on top of his silk covers, as i laid on my back he slowly took off my deinem shorts and black Lacey thong, he took of my ( his ) hoodie leaving me fully naked.
He pulled me closer to the edge of the bed as he kneeled on floor face to face with my glistening wet pussy waiting to get touched. He kissed my clit, then slowly started licking a strip up and down my pussy. “ Gonna make you feel so good princess, just lay there and look pretty.” the dirty talk could’ve just made cum there on the spot.
Soon as Matt’s tongue touched you an unsteady breath flew from your lips, your eyes squeezed closed due to the amount of pleasure you felt. He licked from your leaking hole to your clit once again,tongue flat to taste as much of you as possible. he repeated his actions multiple times, Matt moaned at the taste of you, he was pussy drunk at this point. “ You enjoying it so far?” i breathed heavy and moaned “ yes i am baby, feels so good” i’m so close to finishing at this point, he always worked magic with his tongue.
My hips were bucking of the bed bringing my lips closer to his. He started using his tongue and fingers adding the insane amount of pleasure i was already feeling. I tugged on my bed sheets and when i did that he took his fingers out of me and used his hands to guide my hands to his hair. I quickly grabbed his hair and gently tugged.
He started going insanely fast which made me lose it, he instructed me to grab my boobs and play with them, who was i to deny it. “ fuck Matt i’m so close, can i cum, please” he nodded his head against me. The knot in my stomach snapped and i finished all of his fingers and face.
Matt slowly pulled his fingers out of me and sucked them clean. “ are you ok? you did so good sweetheart” i nodded my head in response to tired to move or speak. Matt walked to get a hand towel to clean his face and me. Not too long after we had a shower and changed clothes to walk downstairs to end the night with a movie.
As we sat on the couch Chris and Matt walked in asking if we were ok i responded back with “ more than ok “ Matt giggled at me words and brought his attention back to the movie.
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iplayghoul · 1 year
hot tub sex wit ony ? drabble ?? oneshot ?? this longer than i thought it wld be i just cant stop talkin... its 11 am bruh
its soooo obvious that im more into a soft sex kinda vibe, always or rough sex written in the most gentle and soft way possible 🙈
so i cant help but constantly imagine hot tub sex wit ony. in my head at the start of the relationship he constantly gravitates towards our apartment. in his mind he felt it was safer for his partners always, not wanting you to feel yk at danger in a man's house despite how safe he made you feel BUT ofc you have a jacuzzi.
in this universe, like in my head, i imagine both ony and reader have jobs in the medical feild likkee maybe ony is a surgeon and reader is a private psychiatrist who sometimes picks up shifts at the hospital onyankopon works at ???
ANYWHO becuzz of this they sometimes work hard ass shifts, whether theyre long or short, its hard as fuckk and they come home tired. ony gets home first, maybe an hour earlier and he has a key card to your apartment so he can let himself in, feeds your pets and relaxes on the couch, thinking of if he should make you two dinner or order sumn.
then he thinks of the jacuzzi, a nice relaxing hot soak after a hard shift is all he needs so he stops petting your cat or roughhousing with the dog and orders sushi, grabbing a drink of his choice whether it be wine, a light alcohol or sum shit for yall to sip when the sushi comes.
i think you get home not long after the sushi is delivered. maybe 10 minutes later and its still fresh and warm OUU shit i need sum sushi rn 😭 and ony fine ass is in some black swim shorts with the sushi all out on a platter wit the sauces on it, and hes got his feet in the water while he jus sits on the side of the jacuzzi and calls out to let yk where he is
you take a quick rinse off before donning a bikini, a black one to match his b4 putting up your braids and joining him on the edge wit a kiss. i like to think ony loooves kissing. he loves stimulatin his mouth n his lips. its a long, soft kiss and u cant help but lean into each other its like ugghh at last i can relax and let my gaurd down and just be vulnerable after being in this big position at work yk? đŸ€­
so you share several long kissing before both getting waist deep into the hot tub, letting the bubbling heated fun engulf you both as you down pieces of sushi, feeding each other while staying connected at the hip. i think he cant help but put his hands on u, always letting it rest on ur hip. sometimes i tink he jus likes to be touching you at all times its like a safety thing, sometimes jus resting his hand on your shoulder, ankle, tummy, dont matterrr he wants to kno ur there.
its only a matter of time before talking about each others day becomes nothing more than a whisper of a conversation. and ur eyes cant leave each others lips... necks, chests... and then ur kissin again :) hehee and kissin all over each other so tenderly and meek.
just then hes slipping his hands under ur peachy squishy ass n lifting u to the edge of the tub, kickin ur feet in the air and he sees ur toes are done. pretty pink polish with a baby pink french tip, and baby pink flower designs dancing across a few toes ... hes not one to have a raging foot fetish but it entices him,,, sooo he puts ur toes in his mouth and it tickles a bit ! but feeling his hot tongue caress ur little toes carelessly makes u feel all warm, especially ur cheeks.
eeeeek and then he jus cant help but continue to lick , suck n kiss all about your ankle, i imagine ur gold/silver lil anklet has his name awn it cuz he doesnt want u to tattoo his name :<< , but his lips smooth there way up to your inner thighs and hes pullin ur panties to the side so his thick lips can sink into ur thick lips as he slowly jus... makes out wit ur cunt idk if i can even call it 'eating out' anymore, hes in luv with ur pussy. obsessed wit the way u smell down there actually. fuck a roses and flowers smell bitch he is stealin yo panties after a LONG day at work tf 😭 he jus like me fr ok ok.
i jus luv a soft sex moment, his tongue mixes wit u sooo well and ur whines are of no use to him cuz he's havin fun and everythings jus so... slow and relaxed. ur grindin up into his face slow too cuz what else can u do but relax and just let your man do his thing. hes laying his upper body into you, drinkin ur squirt when u cum and mushin his face all in ur cream when u do orgasm, its long and drawn out and so. good.
then he pulls u back in the water wit him, slippin his dick in u fluidly, connecting u both and honestly yall sit there for a good minute. just basking in each others immaculate warmth. the fuck is dragging , sloww and aching but neither of u care to move faster. ur holdin the edge of the tub and hes holdin ur legs up to your shoulders , usin each other as leverage to fuck into the other slow and deep. low moans r harmonizing wit each other and its just... perfect :(
all thruought the fuck n i cannawwt stress this enuf he is kissin on u , he cant help it. he revels in kissin all over ur face and lips even if ur too far gone to kiss him back , kissin on ur neck and ur tits that are all squished together cuz of the position annnnd kissin on ur thighs and ur legss as theyre so far up he can reach em wit his mouth. he presses kisses on ur head too . u deserve it :(( ohh u deserve it so bad and its moments like these that i luv always.
even when u guys cum , ur lips are locked and ur swallowing each others moans, and breathin hot in each others mouths when ur done.
why is this so long notice how i cant shut tf up ab soft sex ???? bye yall !
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 9 months
Why Didn't Peter Mentor Gwen?
Back at it again with my biweekly anti-Peter B hate post :) 💗 I'm full of rage - MEDIUM length post
If Peter wanted to be a mentor so badly I don't understand why he didn't just mentor Gwen.
Like... Logically speaking there had to be a time where Gwen DIDN'T know Hobie yet and was staying on Campus.
And we already know he was in the Society when she got there - cause he was there to see Gabbie die.
Like he's always talking about wanting to be a mentor.
And then Gwen pulls up to HQ homeless, emotionally wrecked, and in need of a mentor and suddenly he's like 'You got this one Jess 😃'
'I know I literally know Gwen almost as much as I know Miles and I know you're 8 1/2 months pregnant but you got this one Jess'
Like I don't understand 😭😭 the WHOLE movie that's all he talks about wanting to be a mentor so so badly and how sad it makes him that he can't be a Good Mentor
meanwhile Gwen is literally standing there homeless in need of a mentor ten thousand times more than Miles
Why not just mentor her????? She's literally right there
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Like.... Do you only wanna mentor Miles or..
And I've heard people say he couldn't have mentored or housed her because he just had MayDay and like-
Cause there are hundreds of millions of families that somehow can raise a baby and a teenager at the same time.
That's not even a difficult feat. That's not even uncommon???? 😭 Chances are a lot of our parents did the exact same thing - looking after a baby and a fairly independent teenager isn't that bizarre
And also - Peter can go home and put down MayDay.
Jessica can't go home and take off her pregnant stomach. If anything, Jessica would be the one MORE busy and more in needing of rest.
Yet Peter still left it to her.
But sure let Peter walk around in a robe while Jessica gotta play backup for Miguel - must black women do everything in this house.
And even if we say that Jessica is there because she wants to be, which she probably is, EVENTUALLY she's gonna have to take off to have her baby. That's inevitable.
So... What were they gonna do with Gwen then???? Wouldn't it make sense to give it to Peter, knowing Jess is probably gonna be on a short or extended leave soon....
And then there's the excuse that Gwen might not have wanted Peter as a mentor, which ????? Cause what makes you think she'd want a random stranger to be her mentor or a random stranger to try to befriend her or house her.
Gwen won't even talk to her own friends. Chances are Hobie had to do MONUMENTAL work to get Gwen to open up.
So it's not like Gwen just chose to run to people who weren't Peter. Jessica and Hobie most likely would have had to approach Gwen purposefully to build those relationships with her.
Which Peter could have done as well. But he didn't.
Jessica wasn't even running and eager to mentor Gwen, but she still did her best and gave it her all.
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Meanwhile Peter B is crying and whining the whole movie about how much he missed Miles and he wants to be a good mentor and father
Meanwhile there is a homeless teenager he personally knows in need of a mentor and he pretends he does not see it
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Okay dude. Sure. You totally wanna be a mentor for the purpose of helping kids. Yeah sure, you totally aren't doing this for your own self validation bro.
I even heard someone say 'Yeah well Peter only knew Gwen one day at this point-'
umm umm umm
THE SAME IS TRUE FOR MILES??!!! Which makes this WEIRDER!!!
He's known Gwen and Miles for about the same time, and have shared a lot of the same experiences together but Peter only seems to be interested in mentoring or helping out Miles.
Is that not bizarre?????
Like realistically speaking - Hobie did not meet Gwen day one. Or maybe even week one.
There had to be period in time where - at first - only Miguel, Jess, and Lyla know about Gwen.
And we see that Peter and Miguel are together a lot -or comfortable around each other. So it's not like Peter wouldn't know that Gwen is there now.
So like ??????
Peter were the fuck were you between the dates of Gwen arriving and Hobie meeting her?
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That shit not adding up.
Peter wants to be father of the year with his daughter but he be having his daughter in the face of Miguel, who lost his own daughter, and be ignoring Gwen who lost her own father.
Like, dude read the mfing room!!!!
If Peter really wanted to be a mentor he would've begged Miguel to help Gwen.
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Instead he wanna monologue about his goddamn baby. Don't nobody wanna hear about your baby.
Matter of fact Hobie should adopt your baby too. Give him MayDay. You don't deserve no children. Actually Hobie runs a foster home now sorry. Rename her to MayDay Brown. It sounds better anyway.
Buti will never understand it
Like how the whole movie he's crying about being a good mentor and letting down Miles meanwhile I'm here like .. gwen,.. gwens crying peter. turn around shes literally about to cry maybe you should Do Something
ESPECIALLY since Gwen needs EMOTIONAL mentoring, not TECHNICAL mentoring.
She's been Spiderwoman years. She does not need Jessica's mentoring style. She needs someone who is going to make an effort to connect with her emotionally despite her difficulties opening up.
But I guess that someone wasn't Peter!!!!!
'I wanna be a good mentor'
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Well you're not trying hard enough. You might not even be trying at all. What is Miguel paying you for. He better not be paying you 😭😭
Idk what the hell they're gonna do with Peter in BTSV cause idc what he says or does every time he comes on screen im gonna be looking at him like
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'die. sacrifice yourself. dive under the rubble. save gwens life. your only value to me is the relief i will feel seeing you die.'
You don't know how much it bothers me knowing that I have to rewatch this series with him as a character in it. It's like having a shit stain on your wedding dress.
Mentor. Mentor my ass. Hobie is a better mentor to Gwen AND Miles. The dude who speaks in rhymes and riddles can somehow open Gwens Pandora's box of emotional trauma meanwhile Peter b Parker 'forgets' he's wearing a tracking watch.
I am on a war path against this man. I will not be silenced
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eletricheart · 8 months
Hello, I really like your stories especially with Donna Beneviento. Can you do a Donna Beneviento x daughter reader again but the daughter died because Ethan Winters killed her when he's in the village. I wanna see Donna's reaction to the whole thing.
Withered flowers
(Donna Beneviento x daughter!reader)
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*spotify lyrics
Word count: 753
TW: death, blood, grief
ps: i tried my best to give details of what grief feels like but it sort of feels like nothing so its a bit hard😭
ps2: sorry if this is too short, i hope u like it😔✌
ps3: there is literally no happiness in this
ps4: spotify song at the end
You knew something was wrong the moment Donna returned from the Lords meeting with Mother Miranda. You could see her hands shaking while holding a flask and Angie unusually quiet walking by her side.
You knew better than asking, so you silently prepared some tea while Donna stored the flask. Angie stayed beside you, hugging your head but not making the usual jokes.
The dollmaker was grateful for not having to talk, she was aware that would have to eventually tell you what happened, but for one moment she wanted to pretend all was well. She wanted to pretend there wasn't a possibility you’d hate her or be disappointed. You were all she had. So for this one day, Donna wanted to be normal.
And that's what you did, you drank some tea and got into knitting. You followed your routine perfectly, not once questioning since she isolated often when wishing to protect you. You trusted her, she was your family.
It all changed when Mother Miranda called to tell about Ethan’s predicament at the Dimitrescu’s.
It happened so fast, one moment Donna was rushing you to hide, the other you had a scissor on your chest.
Ethan regretted it the moment he actually saw you, but it was too late, when the illusion faded he could hear rushed steps towards him, so he apologized and ran out with the flask.
You could barely feel the wound, your head was foggy enough to not hear Donna’s scream. The dollmaker was terrified when she saw him attacking you through a doll’s eye. She wanted to kill him, to make him suffer, but her mind cleared once noticing your bloodied form falling to the ground.
She cradled you gently in her arms, with one hand trying to stop the blood and the other caressing your face.
The woman, with her veil dropped beside her, tried to hold her tears unsuccessfully. “It’s gonna be okay, I’m gonna fix you, I promise, I can fix this, I can, I-”. She was cut off with a painful cough coming out of you.
You tried to speak but every breath was not only hurtful but tiring. You didn't want to leave her alone, you were trying so hard to stay awake you didn't even notice the tears streaming down. “Mom, I-I-.”
Donna gently silenced you, wiping your tears with her fingers. “Save your strengths, I know, I know. Angie is bringing a first aid kit, and you’re gonna be good in no time. You’re my baby, I’m not losing you too, I'm not.”
The dollmaker could hear the clock ticking, she didn't even know if she truly asked Angie to bring the aid, in fact there was a chance all her friends stopped functioning. She felt as if she was underwater, where everything is quiet and loud at the same time. She couldn't breathe even though air was reaching her lungs.
Donna kept holding you, saying it was gonna be okay. A part of her noticed when you stopped breathing, the logical side of her brain begging her to wake up, to do something. But she couldn't think, she couldn't feel, everything simply ceased to exist.
Donna was fully sobbing and yet not processing what was happening. She felt empty, as if all air had been sucked out, as if all light had been erased.
It hurt.
She kept saying it was gonna be okay, she kept crying and she kept begging to wake up.
She did not even remember her rage against Ethan anymore, nor what she was supposed to protect. Every plant around and inside her Manor withered in just a few minutes, all her defenses were gone, nothing was worth keeping anymore.
The distant gunshots felt like hope, the end to this soul crushing suffering.
At one point she was also laying on the floor, still holding you, still saying it was gonna be okay.
Donn knew grief too well, she knew the headache that came from crying too much, she knew the moment where the crying stopped and only a shell stayed in this world, she knew the ringing in her ears, she knew it all.
And she let it consume her, like all those past times. The dollmaker allowed the time to go by, allowed her mind to shut down while she waited for it to be over.
The woman did not care for the explosions, for the phone ringing or the banging on her door. All she saw was you, and you were gone.
requests are open: masterlist
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aeriaeri · 3 months
→ (⁠≧⁠▜⁠≊⁠) sore loser !! , cg!haechan x little!reader ıllı ✧ nsfw dni , this exact instance happened to me and was like why not.. write it. so i did! can be read as platonic!cg or otherwise, use of a pet names (angel + baby) tag : @swee7dream
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you'd never admit it, but you tend to rage a lot when playing competitive games.
whether you're chucking the game controller onto your bed (before worriedly running over to it to make sure you didn't break it), slamming your fists onto the keyboard in front of you, or yelling at the screen in front of you, loudly claiming that the enemy team is cheating, your rage passes as sudden as it came. until it comes back once more.
now when you're regressed, obviously the frustrations are a bit harder to handle. which is why you're not allowed on the pc or xbox alone when little.
however, haechan can't stop you if he's not home, can he?
now he'll surely find out when he does get home to see you on his console, with an empty bag of animal crackers next to you, and you're kicking your feet while mumbling angrily. haechan stands next to the tv with his arms on his hips, peering up at you over his glasses with a "really?" look.
"couldn't wait for me to get home, hm?"
you let out a huff, "got bored, channie.", while mashing buttons, you learn in further as if that'd help you win the game. he rolls his eyes and amusedly watches you play. and inevitably lose.
"channie, they cheated." you whine, hitting the controller on your leg. haechan takes it out of your hand before brushing invisible dust off of it. "of course they did angel. they had to cheat if they wanted to beat you, 'cause you're so good." he chuckles as he rubs your back.
he knows he probably shouldn't feed into your already inflated ego, but he can't help but love the look of pride on your face.
"hey baby, how about you go grab another controller from my room. i'll play with you, yeah?" haechan squishes your cheek before you excitedly run off.
of course he went easy on you and let you win, because he knows how it'd end if he didn't.
IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT :/ things have been hectic and i rewrote this SO MANY TIMES i just cant make myself happy w it 😭 i just wanted this out of my drafts already... hope it feeds u guys until i get some longer stuff done! (to the anon who requested aespa, i got u :3)
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bittersweet-nothingss · 1 year
“I was only falling in love”
This line gets me every. single. time. I always associate it with Theo because if you really think about it, Theo's story is heartbreaking.
His whole life, even before the dread doctors, was so sad, with him having his heart condition and probably having shitty parents who couldn't do much, which led to Theo listening and going with the dread doctors for help. For that to only turn out to him being made into a killer, ripped off of any humanity or innocence, and molded into whatever they wanted (along with having to survive and endure all the pain, torture, and experiments, + being alone throughout his entire time with them),
Then he goes through all of the stuff, trying to become the Alpha and kill Scott, take his power, kill Tracy and Josh, and get sent to hell by Kira. Then his entire time in hell itself, which was the turning point for him in his story, all the trauma and pain he had to endure by getting his heart ripped out again and again by his sister, is the one thing he truly regrets and will forever haunt him.
Then along comes Liam Dunbar. Liam Liam Liam—the blue-eyed beta— who changed everything for Theo. This boy, "the beta with anger issues," turned Theo's whole world upside down, first by releasing him from his own personal hell and then sticking up for him, keeping him by his side throughout the war, and saving him. Theo found comfort in Liam in a way he had never found in anyone else. Because he never got the chance to. Theo's humanity and emotions came back after his time in hell and after being brought back.
There was an understanding between Theo and Liam and a level of connection that wasn't with anyone else or one that they had with anyone else. I think it hit harder for Theo because of his past, but when he finally realizes the extent of his feelings, it stops because we never see what happens next.
The last scene we have with them directly speaking is so raw and beautiful; it's the last time we see Theo being vulnerable in Liam's presence alone considering the fact that he normally has a facade in front of everyone else since the beginning, yet the look and smile he gives Liam in the elevator is so bittersweet.
It seems as though he knows that this may be the last time he's ever going to get this close to or even just be alone with Liam at all. The boy who was his savior and who he couldn't help but love for being so kind and courageous—a boy who has rage living inside of him, running through him almost the same way his blood is—yet he's so selfless and brave, and he's trying his hardest in a world that forced him to grow up too fast.
The scene in the elevator will forever remind me that Theo was in fact only falling in love with Liam. He fell hard, yet he's reminding himself that for him, happy endings don't exist. His happiness ends here. The one thing he wants nothing more than in that moment is to have Liam; however, with the way his luck is and who he is, it's not enough. He was only falling in love, an act that was outside of his control and power—two things he's longed for his whole life, but his story ends here.
Something so pure and beautiful that was cut short too fast.
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Sorry for the whole essay I had to get this off my chest and my head was hurting from thinking about this all day.
My baby deserved so much better and this is not even half of what I wanna say, I could go on for hours. 😭
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swamiiyasssss · 1 year
General HCs: Simon 'Ghost' Riley 😘
M/F dynamics. Reader is Female. No GN, sorry!
NSFW/SFW ( mostly NSFW ngl 💀)
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Starting off strong, man is a chronic pussy slapper. Like, he can't get enough of it, the way your clit is so puffy and soft, and loves the way your eyes roll back at the slight sting from his fingers 😼‍💹
Has about two pet names for you: 'love' and 'princess'. Ik brits call each other 'love' platonically as well, so if he sees any of the 141 calling u that as well..... let's just say looks can kill.....
I think he'd actually like to get with someone who's in the military with him, and shares the same experiences. That doesn't mean hes not scolding you, or worried about you getting in harms way.
Also i'd like to imagine both of you are lieutenants.
The power struggle...The sexual tension, it can cut steel. Everyone at briefing is always confused.
" 10 quid they're gonna fuck by next week." Soap whispers to Gaz.
"20 quid they're gonna kill eachother." Gaz rolls his eyes.
But when you lovebirds do get past the initial disagreement, you're all over eachother.
Simon loves marking you, especially between your thighs. Sucking on the supple flesh, leaving hickies, bitemarks of different purple shades, so that only he can see it.
You got a bit of a blood kink ngl. Simon's the type of fella who gets nosebleeds every two minutes, so you're always straddling him, cleaning his nose with a tissue, doting over him.
"You look so hot right now.." You admit. He smirks. "You're sick."
He's still fit, don't get me wrong, still all muscle and ab's, but he just has a bit of glorious pudge on his stomach, and way his thighs are so thick, it leave an ache between your thighs after every time you two fuck.
You got a raging voice kink too. His gruff, sultry, deep voice can get you off in a minute. Senior Citizen Simon is definitely oblivious tho.
But he....im imagining an ethnic reader...He definitely has a voice kink too. The wonders your native tongue does to him, oh, he could listen to you talk for hours.
Although Simon's is a true bred Englishman who needs his cup of classic English tea, he actually prefers your homecountry's special type of tea( if you have one.) Call it Chai, Po Cha, Cha Yen, Matcha, Bubble tea, Teh Tarik, Touareg/Maghrebi Tea, anything!!!! ( My man is Welsh, and he adores chai, so a bit of inspiration from there đŸ„°)
Is unsure about the whole kids thing at first, but that's all over when he finds out you want him to put a whole baby in you. No, seriously, he short-circuits one day when you whispered into his ear. "Wanna help make me a mommy, Simon?" Immediately ditches the stupid condoms, and straight up breeds you. Retirement never looked so promising.
"Can't wait to see you swollen and full of me, darling." He grips onto your thighs. "Waiting for the mini-you's running around the house. God I hope they get your stubborn heart."
It's hard for the both of you to leave your military habits at the door, so the bedroom becomes a warzone. Both of you are raging switches, constantly fighting, and giving in to each other's dominations. Ugh, it's a beautiful struggle.
Definitely a Motorcycle guy. And with your obv mask kink, he likes to sometimes fuck you in his Motorcycle helmet. Usually his ghost mask, but sometimes one needs a change.
But it's an unspoken agreement to never put his mask on around you when you two are alone. Its his way of showing his affection, his vulnerability towards you and only you. He's already insecure as it is, but when you're with him, all his problems disappear.
That's all! Please leave comments, reposts, and likes. Love you pookies 😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋
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ambrosialdesire · 6 months
God it’s my favourite thing when an author just builds their AUs by answering a bunch of discrete little asks cacoethes Reiner is on ‌ my ‌ mind‌ 24/7‌
Would Reiner control readers social groups? What would happen if reader cheated on him would he go apeshit or just do the good ol baby trap
AW TYSM FOR YOUR SUPPORT ANON đŸ„°đŸ„° i just love talking about cacoĂ«thes, it’s my absolute bread and butter (and probably the first series that i finished in the ~10+ years i've been writing lol)
reiner definitely controls reader's social groups when he can. before bonding with porco, she was only really allowed to speak with the warriors and his family. anyone else either doesn't pay any mind to her or was too afraid of her (since she originated from paradis and is well-known to be married to the armored titan holder), but very select few like the fisherman that helped her can hold a conversation with her and ignore the status she has. tbh reiner really can't control who she talks to since he's out and about a lot but i think in another ask, i've mentioned that he hired some people to keep watch of her if she's doing anything suspicious or behind his back but they don't really keep complete watch on her bc wtf else is a housewife gonna do (this is literally their undoing bc she got away with a lot before the escape attempt happened 💀💀).
but like after the whole porco shit and the escaping, he never leaves her side and literally goes with her everywhere. groceries, shopping, even a simple stroll to stretch her legs, he's coming with her. conversations with any stranger are cut short and if the warriors are nearby, they'll only get a brief hello and a wave from them. reiner's so smothering that it's even more unbearable and reader never gets the chance for some peace until he leaves for more fighting. BUTTTT when he leaves and the house becomes all quiet, reader can't admit it aloud but she started hating the silence and starts missing his presence, as clingy as he is hehe
I LITERALLLLLYYYYY HAD THIS IDEA BACK WHEN I STARTED THE 2ND PART OF CACOETHES AND WHEN I WAS WRITING THE PORCO PARTS ABOUT LIKE A DIVERGENCE OF THE PLOT WHERE IT'S PORCO'S POV AND HE AND READER GET TOGETHER BEHIND REINER'S BACK. i kinda did wanted to originally add an implication that reader was sleeping with porco but since i was trying to go about this by how the characters were in the actual plot of aot (even tho when i started this blog and posted the first part, i hadn't watched the series since like 2013-2014 so i was extremely rusty when i came back to it), i felt like porco would never try sleeping with his vice captain's wife; maybe he would cause he'd prolly do it out of spite or get on reiner's nerves or has this cocky attitude about being able to get away with it, something to that extent. however, i think he's too prideful to be sleeping with an "island devil" he kinda likes and sorta has a slight amount of respect towards reiner (just bc he's a higher rank and that's about it).
i'm still going to actually make a fic about that plot eventually so everyone can see how reiner acts like in a jealous rage (i also sorta talked about it in a kink ask with the blog's most frequent asking anon, bow anon ( aka 🎀 anon (shoutout to you, you absolute horndog đŸ«¶) if you look around in my answered posts or the love-message tag), and i have another request that's in the works about reiner's jealousy in more detail).
i heavily enjoy talking about cacoĂ«thes and like you said, building upon its silly little fic-verse. sorry to my other fics due to my outspoken favoritism 😭😭 now that i think about it, out of all of them, bounded/boundless and cacoĂ«thes gets asks the most and down boy, down and inamorato gets the least lmfao
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stardust-sunset · 8 months
I remembered a while ago @butters-flower-mom asked for a sickfic with Butters? I wasn’t sure who to make the caretaker so I went for Kenny.
Tw: Sickness, throwing up
(I’m so sorry this is so late, I also think I deleted the req by accident because I was clearing my inbox and must’ve done so by accident I’m sorry 😭 also this can be whatever age you interpret it to be)
Butters had awoken that morning feeling a bit sick. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Mainly just a sniffly nose and scratchy throat, but it was winter time. The air tended to get pretty dry, so he assumed it wasn’t anything a nice glass of fresh orange juice couldn’t fix.
He got up, and as soon as the warm blankets left his body, Jack Frost might as well have given him a big old hug, because the sudden chills were no joke. He groaned a bit.
does this room hafta be so chilly..?” he murmured to himself as he got his clothes. The blonde boy felt a small scratch in his throat as he talked, which caused him to rub at his vocal cords. He left the bedroom and was immediately bombarded by his father.
“Butters?! Butters! Are you seriously just getting up?!”
Normally he would’ve answered right away. Spine straight, constant eye contact (even though that proved to be uncomfortable for him, his parents didn’t care. They demanded respect.) and with his chin up. But he was a bit bleary this morning.
“Yes sir
” he mumbled.
“You’re gonna be late for school now! Go hurry up and get ready. If you’re not out in ten minutes, you’ll be grounded, mister!”
Butters sighed. Sometimes he hated the way his parents were. He figured he deserved it; why else would they treat him so bad? He needed to pull himself together. It was just a little cold. He was tougher than this! He wasn’t a baby!
So with a subdued, “Yes, sir
” he walked off to the bathroom. He got ready for the school day, brushed his teeth (while trying to ignore how awful the toothbrush felt in his mouth) and put on his clothes. He had gone so fast that his head was spinning. Literally. He couldn’t see straight.
He rubbed his eyes, his fingers digging into his tufty, blonde hair. He felt his stomach rumble a little. And it definitely wasn’t hunger. He could feel a small headache coming on. The lights suddenly seemed too bright. The sound of the fan in the bathroom penetrated his skull. The inside of his mouth was suddenly filmy and slick as he tried to keep himself calm. His hands were shaky and sweaty.
This episode was cut short by a loud bang on the door. His mother’s voice sounded on the other end.
“Butters! Get out of the bathroom! We need to go!”
Butters but his lip. He really wasn’t in the mood. He knew if he snapped back at his mom it would be an immediate grounding, and he couldn’t risk that. So he just shook his head and ignored the sudden feeling of the thick, acidic-tasting substance that was slowly creeping up his throat.

Butters honestly didn’t know what was worse. Being at home with his psycho parents, or being at school with a raging headache and an even worse stomachache. He was sitting in class, listening to the teacher drone on about something or other. Probably his relationship issues. Butters wasn’t paying attention though. To be fair, nobody was. When the teacher got into talks like that everyone seemed to drone off. The only thing Butters could pay attention to was the growing nausea in his belly. He hadn’t eaten anything that morning, but he had managed to guzzle down a glass of orange juice, which temporarily chased away the throat pains. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach and moved his hand to his stomach with a quiet whimper of pain. The people around him noticed.
“Butters, you sick or something? You look like shit.”Cartman glanced over, a small smirk playing on his face. He was obviously being sarcastic, but it wasn’t the worst Butters had heard. He knew how mean Cartman could be to other people, mainly Kyle and the girls, but with Butters he seemed at least a little bit nicer. Just a little bit. He was still an asshole though.
Butters didn’t respond right away. He swallowed down the sudden lump in his throat.
“Fuck off, Cartman.” he heard Kyle mutter. Him and Kyle weren’t the greatest of friends, but Kyle tended to stick up for him more than anyone else, other than Kenny.
“I’m doin’ fine.” Butters muttered, putting his head down on the desk. He shut his eyes, trying to drown out the sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his stomach trying to rip itself out. Suddenly, he felt a poke on his arm.
He shot up, his gaze glossy and unfocused. He looked over at the person who poked him. Kenny was beside him, the butt of his pen facing Butters.
“Dude, are you okay?” Kenny asked, muffled by his parka. “Do you want to go to the nurse?”
Butters would’ve said yes. He wanted nothing more than to just go back to sleep in a pile of warm blankets and be fed chicken soup. But that’s not what would’ve happened. What probably would’ve happened if he went to the nurse was, his parents would be called and either one of two things would happen.
Either A. His parents refused to get him and he was doomed to stay in school or with the nurse all day, or B. His parents would’ve gotten him but they would’ve taken turns yelling at him for making them get him, and he would be grounded. So he lied.
“I’m fine.” He mumbled. Kenny raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. He put his head down as he felt something jab his arm. He shit up, sending his belly into an uproar. He swallowed down a gag and looked over at the culprit. It was Heidi.
“Butters, are you sure you’re okay?”
Butters was on the verge of snapping. He just wanted to be left alone. He knew he wasn’t being fair. People were concerned for him and he was getting angry. But he couldn’t help it. Anyone would be a bit cranky if they were trying to rest off a sickness. He just nodded.
“Are you sure?”
Kenny had turned around again.
“Gosh darn it, I said I’m fine! Wouldja quit botherin’ me?!”
Kenny held his hands up and Heidi’s eyes went wide as she pursed her lips. Suddenly, Mr. Garrison turned around.
“Boys, is there a problem?” he asked, folding his arms. Kenny shook his head, and Buters followed suit.
“Okay then. Butters. Answer the question I just asked.”
“Oh, biscuits.” he uttered. He hadn’t been paying attention!
He tried to rack his brain for anything-anything he could use for context of what was being asked of him. His stomach decided to pick that moment to squeeze inside him. He groaned and curled into himself.
Mr. Harrison didn’t seem to notice. He raised an eyebrow.
As soon as Butters opened his mouth, a rush of air surged up his throat. A warning. He burped loudly, covering his mouth with his hand. “O-oh
Suddenly, all eyes were on him. A few people were snickering. Some seemed genuinely concerned. The only one who seemed to have enough sense to do anything was Kenny. Kenny immediately know what to do as Butters’ stomach gurgled inside him.Kenny immediately ran to the garbage can but was too late. Butters tried to talk again, but his shoulders heaved with a hefty gag. He covered his mouth with his hand before a surge of vomit escaped his mouth, and got all over the ground.
There was a collective silence as everyone stared, wide eyed. Butters felt his cheeks redden. Oh, hamburgers
he hadn’t meant to do that

Kenny snapped him out of his daze by putting a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re going to the nurse.” he said.
And with that, they were in the nurse’s office. A janitor had been called to clean up the mess Butters made in the classroom. The nurse approached him with a thermometer.
“102.3. I’m gonna call your parents.”
Butters’ eyes went wide. He immediately went to shake his head. He didn’t want to go back to his place, especially if his parents were gonna be called

Kenny lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He acted quickly. When the nurse’s back was turned, he quickly stuffed his fingers down his throat, causing him to throw up a bit. Butters stared at him.
“Kenny?! You can’t do that!” he hissed. Kenny just shook his head.
“I’m not lettin’ you go back to your place like this. Especially with your parents.”
Well damn. Butters wasn’t expecting that. He had always considered Kenny a best friend but he didn’t think he would do anything like this
he honestly felt like he could cry.
Before he could say anything, the nurse turned around. She saw the puddle of vomit beneath Kenny and immediately looked at him.
“Are you sick too, young man?”
Kenny put a hand to his stomach. He whined a bit to make it sound more convincing. The nurse nodded.
“Okay. Let me check your temperature.”
Kenny pulled his hood down. He hoped the heat inside his parka would grant him temperature that was “leading to a fever.” Which surprisingly, it had.
“99.5. You’re technically fine
but would you like to go home?”
Kenny nodded.
“Okay. What are your names?”
Butters was about to answer before Kenny answered for him.
“Kenny and Leo McCormick.”
Butters nearly felt his jaw drop. He was lying to cover for him? Butters felt flattered, but also bad. What if Kenny was caught? He couldn’t bear. But he also didn’t really want to go home with his parents. They would ground him for sure. Sometimes, he considered jail to be an upgrade from his own home.
In the end, Kenny had helped Butters home. He had give n the poor, shivering boy his parka while insisting he ‘never got cold’, but Butters could see the clear goosebumps on his friend’s skin. So he opened up the hoodie before the purple-eyed boy snuggled in beside him, providing warmth for the both of them.
When he got to his house, Kenny sat Butters down. He knew his home wasn’t much, but it was hopefully better than going to the hellhole Butters called his home. He just had to make sure that he got home before the end of the school day so his parents didn’t suspect anything. Butters’ cheeks were red with fever, his skin was waxy and his eyes were glassy. But he glanced at Kennybthrough half lidded eyes.
“I’m sorry for hollerin’ at you in class.” he said, clenching and unclenching his fist in his lap. Kenny waved him off with a shrug and a wave of his hand.
“It’s alright. I don’t blame you.” Kenny told him. Butters still felt bad, but he didn’t really feel well enough to argue.
“You’re a good friend Kenny.” Butters told him sleepily. He yawned. Kenny smiled a bit and stood up, grabbing a blanket. It was dirty and had some holes, but it was still warm. He put it over Butters’ shoulders. He sat beside his friend as he fell asleep next to Kenny, feeling safe and loved for the first time in nine years.

I know the ending was kinda rushed but I wanted to get this out for you guys-working on the CAH and other fic yall wanted but this one was almost done, anyway, hope you enjoyed!! feel free to leave reqs in my inbox ^^
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Finale part one!!! This feels like it has flown by, I can’t believe we’re coming to the end of fhjy <3
I am home, I am cozy, let’s do this!
We’ve got a deaths of minors warning throughout idk if they’re sparing the ratgrinders guys 😅
Your humble dungeon master Everybody!
Oh god all the election stuff ages so poorly the minute it’s said
Is he actually letting them potentially keep her
Oh my god is k2 coming back
Fig misses Gilear 😭
Gorgug x Unit
Oh my GOD
We have started here. I’m gonna start crying.
Yeesh that’s a lot
Yayyy short rest in the tiny hut
I do a little dance :D
Ice feast real and confirmed <3 please tell me what it does
They’re all back up to full! Yay!
Sorry you Wear The Vultures Like Epaulets???
They can’t not smile at that
Fight me in the sky!!
Behold the ice feast guvna!!
I’ve never looked weirder
Rat worldddd
When’s the campaign in rat world
Zac is in rare form tonight
Officer Kristen is in fact canon. The fact that Kristen is still carrying those handcuffs on her is. Interesting.
Congratulations to everyone who called Squeem coming back for the finale
‘Why are you so yoked?’ ‘I’m a wizard’
Oh did you guys forget that you did that. Because you did.
God that set is cool
Magical ambush baby!!
Love Murph immediately doing the math for Emily
Holy shit Fabian Jesus Christ
(Unhinged cackling)
Oooh I love that they can go under the floorboards
Horrifying. Horrifying!
I love the d20 art department so much but I gotta be honest some of the choices have not been it for me personally lately. The rain animation last episode and all the blinking red lights in this set are really distracting and I keep losing my train of thought.
The fact that they keep specifying that the ice was unseasoned
Oh my god
Murph’s rage about them grinding is fantastic
So glad that real teenagers get some rep in Mary Ann. Everybody in high school is going through it all the time and very few people wear a full face of makeup to school every day
I’m loving the camera angles on the minis as they rp these confrontations
Holy Shit Siobhan that spell is incredible
He has four concentrations going at once???
Goddamn that set is so fucking sick
Oh god
Remember when we thought they might spare them.
He didn’t even get a TURN
This is unrelated to anything but I love being home for this. I’ve traveled more in the past five months while this has been airing than I ever really have before and I’ve enjoyed watching fhjy from everywhere I’ve been but it really is very lovely and comfortable to be able to be home and exist in my own space while watching the show. I’m glad I’m home for the finales <3
Goddamn that’s great
Fight me in the lava
Oh that’s such a bad energy
Fuck bodies count as objects
Fuck Gorgug keeps going down end it’s stressing me out so much
The set is SO cool
Oh godddddd
This is so brutal oh my god
It would be so nice if my afterlife was just being a sound tech. I miss doing sound tech I’d be fine with that being my afterlife.
OOOOOH oh god okay
Hey what’s going on with those outfits guys
How is Brennan keeping a straight face when they all look like that
Ally with the ONE elf ear
And the bubble wand????
Well. Next week looks fun.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Oh I just read your BSD collab! Fantastic! Just adorable😭✌. That awakened my lee! Dazai craving. Seeing as headcanons are open, can I please request some for lee! Dazai?
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Oo, BSD! I don’t think I’ve written headcanons yet for these two, so this will be fun! I’ve gotcha covered, anons! :D And thank you so much for the kind words!
Below the cut for length!
Lee!Dazai Osamu
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- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- if you ask this man directly if he wants to be tickled, he’ll get all sorts of flustered and shy. For a man who’s pride and joy is messing with people, he cannot take what he dishes out.
- Worst spots are his neck, lower back, and armpits. Any of those spots will guarantee a reaction! His neck especially is pretty bad- even something as gentle as taking a pulse there will make him scrunch up and giggle. He’s got a real nice and pretty laugh.
- He’s squirmy- not so much in the “will hit someone” kind of way but in the “if you don’t hold him down right he’ll escape within seconds” way. He’s quick too- the moment he catches on that you’re gonna tickle him, he’s GONE! It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy tickling or tickle fights- he just likes to make his lers work for it.
- Speaking of- unless you go for an especially ticklish spot on him, he’ll taunt you to do better. Even when he’s giggling like mad, he’ll say things like “Nohohohot quite thehehere!” or “Cohoohhome on, is thahahhat the best you cahahahan do?” Go for one of his bad spots and he’ll change his tune.
- Can’t handle teasing at all- not so much baby talk or counting, but direct things like “Oh? Didn’t you want this? You asked me to tickle you, no?” “Don’t start complaining now, you asked me to tickle you!” “Aww, can’t handle a few neck tickles, can you Dazai?” Anything like that and he’s puddy in your hands. You might even get a few soft wheezes!
Lee!Chuuya Nakahara
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- Short king- Gravity man! He’s so freaking ticklish it’s not even funny. Just the threat of them will make him spazz out. Be prepared to get zero gravitated, kicked, or run an impromptu mile ala chasing him down if you want to tickle him.
- His worst spot is his belly. I don’t know why, he gives me ticklish tum energy? Really he’s ridiculously ticklish everywhere, but his belly, thighs and feet are killer spots.
- Has a loud, squeaky, manic laugh that’s full of curses and death threats. He’s also a big squirmer- only not only will he be trying to escape but he’ll also attack you with every limb and joint on his body and even sometimes his teeth. Yes- he will bite you.ïżœïżœ(how do you think Dazai got all those bandages?) It’s not uncommon for his lers to walk away with bruises and aches somewhere. If he likes you and feels bad, he’ll buy you whatever you want in apology.
- Poking him in the belly will both disarm him and set him off. It’s kinda like a super angry Pillsbury dough boy moment- first he squeaks out a giggle, then he’s raging at you for doing it. If you keep doing it it’s like a never ending cycle.
- Instant revenge type. He’ll immediately retaliate if you tickle him, going for all your bad spots and teasing you to the point of mirthful tears. He’s rather good at tickle fights- he has lots of experience growing up with Sheep and- of course- Dazai. He’s mastered his craft and is not afraid to bust it out at any given time.
Thanks for reading!
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little-lazuli · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
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@risingsoleil WHY AM I ONLY SEEING THIS NOW 😭😭😭😭😭 Mahalo nui loa titah đŸ«¶đŸœđŸ©” and apologies for the long wait, for some reason I don’t get notifications about submissions from tumblr mobile.
Okie dokie, so I write for some K-pop groups I listen to, Asoiaf and Harry Potter. And going down the line from 1 to 5 my favorite fics I have written include:
1. Son || “Her family was shattered. And it was all her fault. She did it. She lost her baby boy. Her little Ronnie
 her son was dead. Molly could only scream louder as that truth nestled into her soul.” ||
My baby, my jewel, my favor, my child. This fic was a result of my rabbit hole dive into Ronald Weasley fics that did his character justice cause wtf was that movie portrayal. They did Rupert dirty. So with this one, I built my own Slytherin Ron au (yes this was inspired by the icon themselves “Fate” by TheTrueSpartan) and the oneshot details a brief overview of moments in Ron’s life shared by Molly Weasley after she is led to believe that her son is dead. Son is part 1 of my Hiraeth series that details moments and other background notes following Ron’s sorting into Slytherin. Molly’s perspective for me was a critical aspect because I don’t think there anyone better that could convey the range of emotions one could feel without it ever being said/described. I mainly wanted readers to have a quick dive into Molly’s perspective to the whole dilemma and show a bit of how unconditional love may not be enough to sustain a relationship, I guess. But yes, by far my most cherished work to date.
2. Intruder || “His soul alone would have never forgiven himself if he didn’t exact the justice he deemed fit upon those that threatened or harmed what was his. And this home—the other members, Jongho—all of it was his.” ||
Ahhhhh! Thank you so much to a person going by the alias Inoxy on Ao3 for the motivation to do this one. Intruder was a sequel to my brief little oneshot called Alone, where Hongjoong realizes someone broke into their dorm where Jongho is alone and sick. Intruder follows up immediately with Jongho’s pov before jumping to Hongjoong’s and seeing how he reacts to what is left. This one was so difficult not in the sense that angst is hard to put from mind to paper, but rather I struggled to write certain actions scenes and instead opted to go another route. As the first work to be written out of complete motivation from such a kind and thoughtful reader, Intruder remains one of my babies forever and always.
3. Leave || “All of it was culminating, Donghyuck knew that for sure. Bound to rupture and ensnare both his heart and theirs. And Donghyuck was terrified of which way the coin was going to land.” ||
EEEEEEEE!! Where do I start with this one? Well, Leave follows the journey of Donghyuck who finds himself a portal between his world and the second dimension and let’s just say, it isn’t always bright where the sun shines. His members’ doppelgĂ€ngers are not so okay on letting him go and things might just take a turn for the worst. I got this idea from a typical genre where I love watching my biases suffer and watching the world be served justice prior to the happy ending they deserve. And it was the first nct fic I ever wrote and loved the semi-open ending.
4. Verdict || “Daphne promised him something in those short and bitter moments before he was led away like some damn game waiting to be slaughtered. Promised she wouldn’t rage over him. Promised she wouldn’t exact some form of petty revenge on Dawlish, or Head Auror Robards or even that blasted excuse of a minister, Kingsley Shacklebolt for not stepping in sooner. Of course she didn’t keep that damned promise.” ||
Part six of my Hiraeth series, (my Slytherin Ron au) Verdict was a tough one for me because it was the first time I was writing for
 essentially one of the npc’s of a major franchise. I wanted to find a set balance between a true canon character and a OC who’s life is forever changed because of my au. And I think achieved that with Daphne’s pov in this one as she awaits Ron’s verdict. It was also really fun to create the scene where Molly finally sees Ron again after believing him to be dead in this au and for that, Verdict holds a special place in my heart.
5. Sing || “Taeyong hated the mere thought of death having their way with his son. It was a cruel twist of fate on both ends.” ||
And finally Sing. This oneshot was originally a Deckerstar fic that I rewrote and revamped to be a nct vampire au. I enjoy a quick sucker punch of angst every now and again so I made this au where Taeyong has to say goodbye to his childe/son and his only spawn Haechannie :)) the original long au followed the basis of Taeyong being too dependent and passive of the things he has in his very long life and how all of that comes to an end after another magical being takes revenge on Taeyong through Hyuck. And yuppers, that was that.
Thank you for attending my Ted talk yall and lemme just say, this was so fun. I’m going to tag my next five, please don’t feel pressured at all and I hope y’all have a beautiful rest of you day đŸ©”
Tagging @atiny-piratequeen @jacksons-goddess-gaia @kimnamshiks @atiny-dazzlinglight @thelargefrye
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prototypeunit01 · 1 year
NOOOOOOOOOO I WAS D Y I N G IT STILL FEELS FUNNY AND IT WAS A WEEK AGO NOW met a dude who graduated last year he's pretty chill gave me a ride home from McDonalds and his lore was WHOOH but he's sweet and chill but as a precaution when I got in his car (it was just me and him) I go "Listen man, I assume you're chill, but just to let you know I have (insert year of age) years of unbridled rage and trauma, a younger brother, a short temper and a rare will to live so" and he clicks his tongue and goes "s w e e t" LMAOOOO but we chill he's chill love him PRAYING HE'LL COME TO OPEN MIC NEXT YEAR speaking of open mic I CRIED HARD A LOT SENIOR SENDOFF made theater mom cry YEAHHHHHHHHH BABY Almost There from The Princess and the Frog cried when reese sung and got it ALL RECORDED BABY YEAHHHHHHHH Not to mention the LOOKS when I glanced in his direction the EYE CONTACT UGH MY HEART IS SO CONFUSED ASSHOLE but man I haven't had the chance to try any and that's f i n e LMAO I like them in moderation but not TWO POUNDS OF THEM
HE SINGS??? dang bro what CANT get do 😭
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