#he had nothing to lose so why not go out with a bang ig
moloch didnt have to go out like that but he did and ive gotta respect it
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maximumkillshot · 8 months
You Earned It!
Warnings: Fluff, of the tooth rotting variety
Pairing: None
Characters: Chan, Felix, Kate, Minho, Yeji
I Can't Lose You Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
A/N: idklols asked:
Hey so my best friends bday is tmrw (Jan 17th) and so I don’t have any money so I’ve resorted to this (no offense I’ve read a story from u and it’s rlly amazing) but my bsf is in love with bang Chan (she also likes Felix) so i was wondering if you could make bangchan give her a surprised bday? (Also her name is Kate!! Tysm ig you get around to it!!)
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Chan POV:
I have been trying to set this up for weeks and finally it’s happening. I hear my phone ring and I answer, balloons in hand. 
“Hey, have you heard from Kate yet?” I heard Felix ask. I could hear the background filled with activity as I loaded the car.
“Nothing aside from a good morning text, Yeji said that they were going on a shopping spree for her birthday, the others in Kate’s group are with them too. All Kate knows is that you, I and the boys are going to have a birthday dinner for her.”
I could hear the smile on his face as he said, “She has no clue this is going to be great,” I laughed with him as he said, “I just called to say the cake and brownies are almost done and Minho is getting started on prepping for dinner. So we are all on track over here.” 
I breathed a sigh of relief as I said, “Ok thanks Lix. I still have a few things to do. Then I’ll head over to decorate with Hannie and Hyunjin.” After I hung up I started the car and went on my way to grab some party favors. Kate has known us for a while. She was very young when we met, Barely past 10 years old. She was an aspiring idol. Just after we debuted, Kate came up to me in the practice room one day and introduced herself. I remember thinking how mature she was. 
She spoke with authority and confidence. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to learn, mature, adapt, and make it in this industry. I have always loved cultivating and teaching idols to do what they love, so when she asked me to mentor her, I was more than eager to help out. I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years. Now she has her own group that she leads. Their group is honestly astounding. The music is positive and uplifting, the moves are addicting, and much like my group, 98% of it is done by the members.
 After I pick up the favors I head to the DanceRacha house. The minute I park I am met with the members opening doors and grabbing items. I make my way in to find the space transformed into party central. The music is on low and Felix is filling a little table to the side with the sweets, including a cake that looked amazing, done by him, of course. Off to the other side of the living room are the beverages, and dead center is the dining table decorated in Kate’s favorite color. 
We also had a giant present pile over to the side. I made sure to put mine a little more forward in the pile. 
After I helped with the balloons I sent out the text to remind everyone that they had to park a little farther away to keep it a surprise. I had no clue why I was nervous. Maybe it had to do with the present. So many gifts were lavish, Louis Viton and Givenchy being bigger names in the pile. I don’t know if what I got was enough. 
Finally, once everyone was in it was time to have Yeji bring Kate back to the dorm. At the five minute mark we all took our positions, hiding well out of the way. The anticipation ramped up, to the point of us giggling every time we heard a car pull up. We get a knock at the door and Minho goes to open it non-chalantly. As soon as Kate walks in everyone pops up yelling “Surprise!!” That part took Kate off guard but she was tearing up and thanking everyone as she walked in. I was so excited for the presents. I really think that she’ll like it. 
After a few hours of food, dancing, and chatting, we got to blowing out the candles on the cake. After everyone got a slice she started opening presents. Some of them were amazing, designer purses, wallets, and glasses to match (Obviously Felix’s), all the way to designer belts, dresses, red bottom heels. The more of these I saw the more I wanted to just put my little envelope of a present back into my pocket and hide in the back. 
Before I could, she opened it. Minho demanded that she read it out loud. She started.. “Happy Birthday Kate!, I remember when I met you 5 years ago. You were a 10 year old promising talent. I remember you asking me if you had what it took to do what I do. I could see immediately that you had it. You work hard, you strive for perfection, and most of all, you always are willing to learn. I am so proud of you. You are a fantastic leader..” At that point I saw tears forming in her eyes as I smiled. 
She kept going, “You have an amazing heart, eye for talent, and not not mention you always are focused. You told me at that time, you wanted to be mentored by me. That you wanted to know if you made it or not from me only…” She looked up at me and I was fighting tears myself.
“That’s why I am happy to tell you that come your legal age, your group will be signed under our label. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Congratulations Kate! You made it! Happy Birthday!-Chan” She started sobbing along with her group. She didn’t know but I saw every move she made, and she’s ready, all of them are. That’s why I was rushing today. I went to my manager yesterday and we found the perfect manager for her group. We drew up the contracts today, which left me not a lot of time to finish the decoration hunt. 
A few seconds later I was taken out of my reminiscing by Kate thumping into my body, wrapping her arms around me as she said thank you… All I could say was “For what? You earned it!” 
It was true, she did earn it. The hours of practice, the drive to succeed. That was all her. Now comes the hard part, I know she’ll be fine though. I’ll always be here for her, I know she’ll be okay. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what you see? TELL ME SO
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
House of Memories - B.C.
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Bang Chan x reader
Best friends to lovers
Song: House of Memories - Panic! At the Disco
Genre: fluff with a little bit of angst ig
Warning: just Chan blaming himself, but nothing too deep.
Summary: you’re Chan’s best friend, and he comes to you after a massive fight with his girlfriend. You just can’t take it anymore and blurt out you love him.
Note: I had some high expectations for this one… I don’t really know if I like it.
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Things happen.
Break up happens.
Fights happens.
But for Chan, everything was his fault, he always was the one to be blamed.
This time he had a major fight with his girlfriend and they were really close to break up.
And how did he always dealt with things? He called you, his best friend.
You were really happy to help him out and spend time with him and see him doing well, do not take it the wrong way, but you were also in love with him, and seeing him talking about a girl he loved, that it wasn’t you, slowly destroyed your heart.
He called you and asked to come over. How could you say no?
And there he was, ten minutes later, with his favorite hoodie, at your door.
“Hey, come in” you said in the softest voice.
He was smiling, but the smile never reached completely the eyes, that were betraying him, showing he cried. Even the marks he had on his cheeks for the dried tears were betraying him.
“I’m sorry if I’m bothering you” he said, sitting on the sofa.
Bothering you?
He never bothered you.
“Your not bothering me, Channie”
He smiled at the nickname.
No matter how many times you called him like that, he always loved it.
“What happened this time?”
“We fought again… I think it’s serious this time” he sniffed.
“Hey it’s alright, come here” you offered your arms, and he shifted closer to you, placing his head on your chest, and you started to play with his hair. You knew that always comforted him.
“You wanna talk about it?” Maybe it wasn’t the right time. It had just happened and the emotions were pretty vivid inside of him.
He whispered a ‘not yet’, and held you closer.
“Channie, you know I’m here for you, right?” He nodded.
“And you can always count on me- you waited for him to answer- and I want to see you happy, always”
He wasn’t able to understand what you were saying, he was hella confused. He moved and faced you, keeping his hands on you, holding you, cause if there was one thing in his life he was madly sure about, was that he never wanted to lose you.
He could have changed partners in his life, but you were his only constant, his only priority.
You hated the way he destroyed himself whenever things went bad, he was the purest soul you ever knew, but he never fully understood that.
“Remember when I said I’d do anything for you? I still would. I always will. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit back and watch you destroy yourself: because I love you!”
He froze.
What did you just said?
You covered your mouth, but it was too late. He heard everything perfectly.
“You’re not really in love, are you?”
God was giving you another chance. But it was a fake one.
Now you just prayed things were going to be bad and awkward.
“Yes- you whispered- I am. A lot”
“Since when?”
“Since always?”
You don’t have any memories of the times where you weren’t in love with him.
You obviously had some ‘side crushes’; some random guys at your school you started to fancy, just for taking your mind off of Chan.
“I- I just need to do something” he woke up from the couch.
“Chan wait. I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have said that” you placed your hand on his shoulder, afraid that he was going to move away.
“No no no, hey listen, I’m glad you said it” he took your hand, and came closer.
“Because I’m so deeply in love with you” he added.
He was what?
“You know why my girlfriend was mad at me? -you motioned a ‘no’ with your head- cause she was so pissed about you and me. She said I spent too much time with you, and I seemed more interested in you, she asked me to end it all. She was just crazy. And then she yelled at me, for being in love with you. That’s funny cause, for once, she said something right”
“Are you being serious right now?”
He smiled, but this time his eyes shined.
“Deadly serious” a little laugh escaped from him.
“Now let me end all of this shit”
He started to move again, closer to the door.
“But Chan- you started to move closer to him, afraid of letting him go.
“I’ll be back home before you know it.” He caressed your cheek and kissed your forehead.
What had jus happened was surreal, and you even thought about having some kind of dream about it, but when he came back (as he promised) and cuddled with you on the sofa for the entire day, you knew everything was just going on the right way.
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
Baby Honey (3)
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in which Y/N is visiting home, Harry is jealous and everyone is confused
(A/N- This chapter was getting too long so I divided it into two part, 3.5 will be up on tuesday)
[Warnings- ANGST, arguing, swearing like a lot, vomiting, nausea, fainting, body shaming, tiny bit slut shaming, insecurities, mommy issues...it's a whole jammed pack chapter]
Masterlist \\ Part 3 ig
Turned out crying your eyes out in the middle of street on a blazing cold night can get you sick. Surprise to no one else but you!
It's had been 4 days or maybe more you didn't know. When you calmed down on Sunday night (or Monday morning) and walked back home it was almost 2 am. You had no energy to do anything so with puffy eyes and numb limbs you took off your shoes and fell on the bed with same clothes and slept.
You slept like a baby until you heard someone banging on the door. You knew who it was but you didn't have any intention to talk to him.
You stayed still in your bed like your movement would tell him you were inside which was dumb cause, of course, he knew that's why he was banging on the door first place. You just laid there under the warm duvet a bit too warm but you felt like you couldn't move. Your body was covered in sweat, your lips were chipped and dry, and your eyes were puffy and burning.
You somehow found enough strength to take off your hoodie and turn to lie on your back. The cold air hitting your naked skin felt like heaven but soon a chill ran down your spine and you were pulling the duvet up to cover yourself.
The knocking on the door went on for 2 days at regular imtervals. It would start in morning around 8 am and would stop half an hour later and then there would a drunk falling of your name in evening probably him coming home from work. You hated seeing him like this but you also had to protect your heart.
Monday was spent by him ringing your phone and leaving message after message to the point you switched off your phone which was not an intelligent move cause you almost passed out while trying to make tea. Tuesday was the same; nothing got better, neither your cold nor broken friendship nor the calling and banging on the door.
You were angry. A lot angry and it was not mainly because he slept with her cause yes, you don't like her and yes, it hurt a lot to see her standing there in his tshirt, with messy hair. Thinking about what they could've been doing moments before made you nauseous. You were used to it though. It was earlier in friendship you realized Harry was beautiful and everyone could see it not only you. He wasn't yours to possess over.
What made you angry was that he lied. He lied about going out with boys to the bar. At first, you thought maybe they found each other at a bar or something, in denial that your best friend could ever hurt you like that but when you opened Instagram and saw a bunch of pictures of them being all touchy in a restaurant, you knew.
You hated being lied to and he knew that. You told him about every moment you were lied to by your parents and how much it hurt and he still did it. He put your friendship at stake to go on a date with her and that broke your heart what broke your heart more was the fact that he loved her so much that he was willing to lose you. The mere thought of losing him bought tears to your eyes.
Every small moment you ever had with him played in your head like a movie. The cuddling during the movies, him putting hands around your shoulder rubbing slightly during sad parts to let you know he was there, calming you down whenever you cried for no reason, telling you that you look pretty even if you're in the oldest rattiest t-shirt with eyebags under your eyes. Was it all a lie?
It was third day you properly tried to get up from bed not just to use toilet or eat plain bread. You got up and took a nice hot shower changed your clothes and it felt a lot better. You tried to make yourself some omelet but ended up with scrambled eggs. You smiled at the thought of how if Harry was there he would've teased you to no end about it but would have never let you eat the half cooked and somehow also burned eggs.
You ate your breakfast but to no gain cause soon enough you were throwing up again and your fever was back. So back to bed it was.
On the fourth day of you being sick and mopping that you decided to call your sister. Your sister was a mother hen much like Harry, she was more of your mother than your actual mother could've been. Before you could call you heard someone open the door to the apartment and only one person had keys to your apartment, Bella.
"Oh poor baby" She dropped her purse and what you could make out was a bag full of groceries and walked towards you pulling you into a hug.
"Fuck off" you grumbled, her strong grip on your body making it hard to breathe. Being sick made you grumpy every since you were a kid. You hated being in one place so, whenever you would catch cold or hurt yourself whole time you would sit around house with pout on face snapping on anyone who came.
Bella was immune to it. She didn't care how snotty your tshirt was or that she could get sick from you no, she would be there next to you cuddling you. It felt nice but you would never tell her that.
She snorts shaking her head. "Come on up" She helped you sit up on bed with pillows behind your back. "Why didn't you call me?" She asked her eyes flicking between yours.
"I'm fine" You mummbled averting your gaze, picking up on skin around your nails. She takes your hand in hers to stop you from ruining your cuticles.
"Y/N" She said using her mom voice making you sigh. "Harry was worried about you. He said you are not picking up his calls for past 3 days" You scoffed rolling your eyes. She took out some medicines from purse and gave them to you. You swallowed the pills with water on your bedside table.
"What's that supposed to be about" Bella asked you pointing towards your attitude. You turned to face her and saw her eyebrows furrowed with piercing gaze on you. It's the first time since she came here that she saw your eyes, they were red like you haven't been sleeping, the bags under your eyes were dark and swollen. Your visions turned blurry as soon as she asked.
Bella quickly scrambled towards you cuddling you into her side. "He lied to me" You said with broken voice. "I have already been lied to so many people, why did he also got to be on that list" You were fully crying now. You told her everything in between hiccups and breaths. By the time you were done your body was exhausted.
Maybe it was cause you finally got everything off your chest or maybe it was medicines effect or maybe it was the comforting warmth of your sister but you fell into deep sleep.
Bella walked out of your room after tucking you in and wiped her eyes. She hated seeing you cry, you were like her little baby. She texted Matt and told him she was staying at yours until you got better. He told her he would be there to visit you after work and would bring some change clothes for her also.
Bella decided to cook some food knowing you would be hungry after waking up. She cleaned the dishes in sink first and then started preparing some soup for you when her phone rang. Thinking it was Matt facetiming she picked it up and perched it up against the toaster and resumed her cooking.
"Hello" Harry's voice rang through the silent apartment. Bella went stiff for a second having all mind to start yelling at him but refrained herself.
"What do you want Harry?" She said without even looking at the phone screen. She heard Harry sigh on the other side of line probably running hand through his hair.
"How is she? Why wasn't she answering me?" He asked, from his coice she could tell he was concerned and a part of her wanted to end call but she couldn't.
"Fine now. She had really bad fever, I think she caught cold" She said turning off the gas to talk to him. "And even if she wasn't sick I don't think she would have answered you anyway"
"She told you?" He asked and she just replied with small 'yes'. "Look I didn't mean to lie and I didn't even knew-"
"Save it Harry" Bella cut him off, "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to" She told him.
"She won't talk to me! How am I supposed to apologize or tell my side of things?" He said increasing his voice earning a glare from her. Even though phone she terrified Harry.
"And you think telling me would solve things? I'm not going to play cupid here, you made your mess now clean it. She will talk to you when she wants to" With that she ended the call.
She knew it was a bullshit lie when she said she wouldn't be playing cupid cause ofcourse she will. She knew her sister loved Harry and Harry loved her sister everyone knew that apart from them or maybe they knew but were too afraid to admit.
Her phone started ringing again just after she put it down flashing the same name with silly picture. "What now H?" She sighed.
"Can I see her please? Don't have to talk just- want to see if she's okay-I" He stubbled over finding right words to say. He just wanted to see you, it felt like dying being ignored by you not seeing your face. He needed his daily dose of Y/N.
Bella gave him a nod and walked towards your room cracking door open a bit. Bella flipped the camera and his screen showed you pretty face smushed against the pillow, lips slightly parted with drool running down your face it made him smile, but then he also saw the puffiness and redness of your face made his smile fall.
If this was you better he didn't want to imagine how you would have looked before. His heart was hurting and he was trying so hard not to cry cause he was at work and his cubicle was made of glass and all the employees would see their boss cry.
He fucked up real bad he knew that. He just hoped you would give him a last chance.
You were lot better the next day. Still a bit weak from little to no eating and throwing up all that did go inside you. Bella went office after making breakfast for you and herself promising to check up on you on her way back.
You took shower, brushed your teeth and did your whole skincare. You were stripping sheets off your bed when your phone rang. For a second you thought it was Harry and thought of talking to him made you sad but when you picked it up and it was your mum, you wished it was Harry.
"Hello" She spoke on the other side of call, "Hello mom" You replied with the most uninterested tone in world.
"Oh such a pleasure to hear the excitement in your voice darling" You mom said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and laid down on bed.
"What do you want mom?" You asked pinching the bridge of your nose. You knew she wouldn't have called you if it isn't something in favour of her. Mostly you get news about your mom from your sister cause 'she thought my sister would tell me so she didn't feel need to tell herself' when in reality she forgot she had two daughters not one.
"Why? I can't call to talk to my daughter?" She asked getting defensive. You laughed a genuine loud laugh left you mouth your hand flew to your mouth muffling the sound.
"Sure mom. When's my birthday?" You asked chuckling.
"I called you cause I want you home by evening" She said ignoring the question. You twisted your head upward to look at the digital clock on bedside table. It was 10 in morning you have to be out of the house by 11 if you wanted to be there on time.
"Why?" You asked sitting up on bed. You leaned forward staring at the brown floorboards making mental lists of things you will need. You could argue all you wanted but there was still fear of her inside you which made you dare not to disobey her.
"Nothing I just want my kids home" She said, "You sister will be here tomorrow morning" And with matter-of-fact statement she said goodbye and ended the call. You cursed your sister, she always got out of this because she had "real job" and you didn't.
It was pain in ass to rent a car last minute but you finally succeeded. You quickly packed up necessary amount of clothes, some makeup and basic skincare. You put on a oversize light blue swearshirt over white highneck and some black flare pants with white sneakers.
Your phone lit up as your alarm went off, you took your purse and you were out of your door before you knew it. It was a little more than 6 hours drive to your mom's house, so on your way you also took some strawberries with you to eat as snack.
You picked up the car and threw you bag in trunk and your purse in backseat. You connected your phone and put spotify on shuffle, Tornado Warning by Sabrina Carpenter started playing and you thought if universe was always like this or being special bitch to you today.
You stopped at red light in front of Harry's apartment building and for reason you hoped the lights would be on but they weren't. He was probably at work. Was he overworking? He had tendency to do that whenever he was stressed or trying to avoid something and seeing as he was drunk you were worried. For a second you thought maybe he was at her place and thought made you want to crawl out of your skin.
You didn't realize you were crying until a car honked behind you and your vision was all blurry. You quickly wiped your eyes and drove.
On other hand Harry was a nervous mess on work. He was helping his father with his buisness until his music carrier becomes stable enough. He had a lot to do so, soo much paperwork but all he could think was you.
Was you fever better? Did you eat? What if you fainted again and cracked you head open who would save you? Random thoughts were going through his brain. He stood up from his chair and decided to take a breather, maybe he will call Bella and ask about you again.
Sun was setting down when you saw the familiar place come nearer and nearer. You saw the park, the houses you went to play. You touched up your makeup a bit before nearing your mom's house. Half an hour later you were taking out your bag from thr trunk of car. You ran up the couple stairs to the familiar brown door.
You knocked on door hoping your mom to open it and atleast greet you but no it was Elvin who you saw, your gardener. Both of you exchanged smiles, he took your bag and brought it up to your old room. Atleast your room was same, same yellow walls filled with posters of various movies and bands, a couple photos with your friends and sister hung up, the same bed you spent half of your life on.
You finally decided to look for your mom. Walking down the stairs brought you a sense of deja vu, remembering how the last time you walked down these stairs 4 years ago, how pissed your mom was that you were moving in with your then boyfriend. Atleast she was right about him and you hated it.
Moving in with Jake was nice at first it was a lot of sex and cuddling just happy moments, two teenagers in love but as the time went by things started to get ugly.
First was you noticed how much he used to lie, even small things like breaking glass he would lie about. You didn't mind at first, when he would say you broke the glass or dishes which you clearly didn't you ignored it. Then that progressed to him cheating on you and then accusing you of cheating on him and not loving him enough that he had to search for it outside, bunch of bullshit. Not to mention his constant drinking you could think of a moment he was sober after 6 month mark of moving in.
You found your mom sitting on back porch talking to someone on phone. "Mom" You called out, getting her attention. She turned around saw you standing in middle of porch, she ended the call and walked near you. Both of you didn't know what to do or say, hug? too much, hand shake? it wasn't a bloody office meeting so, you sticked to small smile.
"How are you?" You asked playing with end of your sleeves, you eyes darted down to it noticing she was doing same.
"Been fine. You?" She asked you returning the small smile. "Good" You replied, "The garden is looking good" you complimented filling the awkward silence.
"Yeah, you know Elvin works his magic" she said chuckling. You hummed letting out a breathy laugh. The silence was awkward again both of you ran out of things to say.
"I will go fresh up" You said pointing your thumb towards the stairs.
"Yeah I will call you for dinner" She said quickly and moved towards kitchen. You sighed and went upstairs.
You were sitting on the bed with your back to the headboard with your phone in hand reading the texts from him. The series of texts different variations of sorry's and pleas to hear him out.
You wanted to hear him out but at the same time, you didn't. You wanted him to suffer but you also loved him. You decided to text him back you wrote and then deleted messages multiple times until you sticked to the smile, 'we need to talk' but before you could you heard your mom call you from downstairs.
Harry on the other side saw the three typing bubble pop up and had a flicker of hope burn in him. You were finally replying to him! He jumped from where he was seated in Mitch's apartment knocking off his guitar but then the bubble disappeared and so did his hope.
"Yeah?" You asked walking down. "Can you go out and get some things from the shop around the corner? I would have told Elvin but he went home and it's the least you could do staying here" She said writing something on a piece of paper.
"Sure" You said rolling your eyes. You took the paper from her hand and put on shoes and a coat. The temperature had dropped from before making it a lot chillier.
You shivered slightly wrapping the coat around you tighter, you still had the effect of fever and maybe it wasn't so smart to get out of the house. With quick steps, you walked down the street and saw the familiar bright sign.
The bell above the door rang when you opened the door. You took the basket near the entry and started to pick up items written on the list. You were in a pickle aisle searching for the one your mom asked for when you heard a gasp behind you. You turned around to see Ashton.
"Y/N!" "Ash" Both of you squealed in a high-pitched voice like high school girls. Ashton and you were best friends since middle school considering you both got bullied badly it became something you bonded over but after you left the connection got lost but you were happy to see him.
"Where have you been?" He asked hugging you tightly as you hugged him back.
"Actually I know what you have been up to, I watch your youtube channel" He said. You laughed lightly and broke the hug.
"What have you been up to?" You asked him seeing him shrug. "Same old helping mom with her bakery"
You talked to him for a few more minutes but it was getting late so, both of you decided to part ways. He walked with you outside after paying for the stuff.
"Listen we're all hanging out at the lake, even Rohan is here you need to come" He said.
"Rohan? When did he came back?" You asked.
"Yesterday I think his dad called. All of us are catching up at our old spot, you need to come please" He whined dragging the e. You gave in and said you would be there.
On your way back home your thoughts were all over the place. You, Rohan, Ashton and Serra were all one group, but then Rohan and Serra moved away after their parents got divorced and their mom got custody. Your friend group wasn't the same after that it was one reason you moved away.
You were excited to see everyone though. For a second you forgot about everything with Harry and just thought about how you could have fun like you used to with your childhood friends. Then came nervousness cause what if they had changed? It's been so long people are bound to change but you put that thought aside and slipped your way back home.
Your sister came home in the morning when you were still asleep considering it was six am. You met her when you went downstairs for breakfast, she asked how your fever was and you told her it was good.
"Some guests are coming over I need you both ready before 11" Your mom said. She was already dressed to nine, her hair curled with a long floral dress and makeup a bit up than her regular one.
"Who? You didn't tell us anything?" I asked shoving pancake as fast as you could so you could go and get ready.
"I'm telling you now, be grateful," She said sending you a glare from her spot. "And eat like a human not a pig" She scoffed. Your appetite was last after hearing her so you took your plate and left it outside on the back porch for Charlie to eat (He was an old lady's dog who roams around the neighbourhood asking for pets and food).
You went upstairs and took out the first dress you could find in your bag. Taking a warm shower you put on your dress. It was a short black sundress with red polka dots all over. Doing light makeup you decided to put on some matching lipstick with your dress, it was more of a lip tint.
Your boots clicked on the wooden floor as you walked down. Your sister was wearing a red off-shoulder top with mom jeans.
"Hey we match" You exclaimed looking at her. She laughed and decided to take some pictures. You were looking through the pictures when your mom came out of the kitchen and her eyes went straight at you and she didn't look pleased.
"Seriously?" She said. You looked at her confused, "One day, one day you couldn't wear something appropriate and not slut yourself out" She said, "I have an honourable man gentleman coming over which I wanted you both to meet and my daughter is dressed like a slut"
She was pinching her eyebrows while you stood there taking everything she was saying in. "Can you do one thing right? You were shit at school running around with boys doing lord knows what, then you didn't go to college, hell you can't even find a boyfriend for fuck's sake like make my life easier for a second!"
Your eyes filled up with tears but you didn't let them out. The doorbell rang and your mom scurried towards the door she quickly checked her dress fixing her hair while both you and your sister stood there staring at her like she had four heads.
"What's wrong with her?" Your sister asked. "Lord knows" You replied.
Soon you were seated in the living room, your sister beside you on the loveseat while your mom and the man sat beside each other laughing and talking. You and Bella shifted uncomfortably in your seats not understanding what was going on.
Bella cleared her throat after some time to get mom's attention and it did. She looked between you two and then at the man and smiled.
"Y/N, Bella this is Dev" She introduced him to us. The name was familiar to you like you have seen him somewhere before but you couldn't put your finger on it.
"Nice to finally meet you two your mom talk so much about you," he said smiling friendly.
"I hope it's good things" Bella joked earning laughs from everyone except you. You were adding pieces to your brain and if it was what you think it was you would be pissed.
"And he is here because?" You asked. Your mom glared at you, you knew it was a bit rude but you needed to know.
"He's my fiancé" She said nonchalantly. Your mom hooked her hand around the man's bicep and laid her head on his shoulder and you saw the big ring, how could you miss it?
"You didn't tell us you were dating!" Bella and you said together. Your mom only shrugged like it was no big deal. She always did that, she never cared about anyone but herself. When she and your dad were getting divorced she didn't tell both of you so she could hang it on his head and have things go in her favour but your dad was one step ahead and left you saying she can keep the kids.
It was going to affect your whole life and she just shrugged it off. You didn't care if she dated or not or who she dated but it's the fact she was dating and is now engaged she decided to tell. You will have a stepdad and stepsiblings if he has kids!
"Sorry am I late to the party?" A voice said from the doorway of the living room and your eyes bulged out when you saw him.
"Rohan?" "Y/N?"
How did I write so much? Idk. I think I blacked out writing this. Also I manifested a fever cause I'm burning like I'm in Satan's ass.
Taglist- @ijinii @thatonefangirlbookworm @asmilinghopefullromantic @animeboysdontexist @tiaamberxx @hopefulwastelandcreation @qualitygiantshoepsychic @allabouthappiness @b8bylove @matildasatellite
if your name is in blue I couldn't tag you
I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think or talk to me here
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the-rawr-ster · 4 years
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Title: To Die In Your Arms
Chapter 1: Alone, We’re All Alone.
W/C: 1659
Warnings: Death, violence, mental health, and blood.
A/n: I am sorry if I make you cry with this. Also listen to the video to help like idk feel the mood ig.
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Your mother had sent you out to retrieve the ingredients for her famous rolls. These ingredients are pretty hard to come by so she rarely makes them. But waiting a month to eat them is worth it, well for the customers. She usually sells out, so your family can never manage to get a batch for yourselves.
On your way back, you saw a young boy getting harassed. The kids had taken his bread. It was a whole month's worth of bread. You stood there watching as they scarfed it down. They didn’t leave a single crumb. How could someone do something so cruel? You wanted to say something, anything really. But you were too paralyzed. You just stood there and watched as this boy's meals were stolen from him. Coward. I’m a coward.
You hear feet hitting the ground at a fast past and loud, whiny, screaming. Suddenly, someone’s face was laying flat on the ground. You immediately rushed back to your mother.
Your mother was conversing with a middle-aged woman with brown hair. She greeted you with a warm smile and eyes kinder than any you had ever seen. You hid behind your mother, placing your chin in the crevice of her neck. You let out a tiny smile at the woman and then ducked your head behind your mother.
“I have a son just about your age,” she said, “He’s a little troubled, but all he needs are friends.”
“Oh, that’s perfect. My child is very shy and has a hard time making friends. But they’re very sweet,” your mother replied.
She spoke of you highly, as if you were an angel of sorts. She always made you feel special. She was special like that, she could make even the saddest of souls feel better. Your father on the other hand was too blunt for his own good. He always bad people’s best interest at heart but unlike your mother, he was bad with words. His words hurt, but he would never be able to understand that. Despite his cold demeanor, your mother still fell in love with him. She chipped away at that cold exterior until she could find his heart. She made it her life’s goal to prove that he had a heart, not just to other people but to him too.
“Well, I best be going. I’ll get back to you on what you said Mrs. (L/N).”
You watched as her stoic figure disappeared into the crowd of customers and merchants.
“Would you mind getting those to your father,” your mother pointed to the basket of ingredients still dangling from the crook of your elbow. You nodded and headed home as your mother closed up the stand. You had been walking around all day, so fortunately your house was just around the corner.
Before you could open the door, a loud BOOM filled the confinements of the walls. And soon smoke arose and screams could be heard for miles. You ran inside and yelled for your father, dropping the basket and not giving a rats ass about it.
“Dad, dad, I think something is happening,” you cried, fumbling up the stairs to pull your father out of bed, “Dad, get up.”
“Hm, sweetheart,” your father mumbled, “What’s going on?”
“Dad, please.”
You ran back down the stairs and carried a bucket of water dumping it on your father. He shot straight up, his eyes wide. You could hear the piercing screams and the booms from the footsteps of something monstrous. It was distant but loud.
“What was that? Where’s your mother,” he questioned.
“I don’t know, but we need to go. Mom was still at the stand when I came here to give you the ingredients for the rolls.”
Your father jumped out of bed and put on his shoes. He grabbed your arm and drug you out the door with him. His grip was tight leaving red marks on your arms. The streets were crowded with people running for their lives. Children were crying for their mothers and fathers. Parents frantically searching for their children. It’s was complete and utter chaos. Your heart beating irregularly. Thump! Thump! Thump! It was almost like it was right in front of you, not in your chest, in front of you. When you looked up. That’s when you saw it. An enormous, disgusting, monster, towering over your mother. It’s head was almost too large for its body, and it smelt like rotting flesh.
“M-mom,” you whispered, choked on your tears.
Your fathers eyes darted sporadically, his hands trembling, loosening their grip on your arm. Your mother stood like a statue, staring at the monstrosity of a beast. The beast lowers its arm and snatches your mother off the ground. Your father runs after her, struggling to keep his feet on the ground. No, this can’t be happening, can it? It’s just a nightmare. You’ll wake up any minute now. You’ll wake up to the smell of your mother and fathers baking. You’ll wake up to the sound of children running around in the streets. Now all you hear is the sound of ‘IT’ scarfing down your mothers limp body without any hesitation.
Your father grabs the closest sharp object to him and charges at it.
“Dad, no, please don’t,” you scream, but he doesn’t listen. All he sees is red. The sight of the only woman he ever loved being eaten, brought about a fit of blind rage.
“I love you, I’m sorry I never told you, y/n,” he gently smiled at you as tears built up. And those were the last words he ever spoke to you. The last words he spoke before his body was crushed.
While it was distracted with your father, you ran. You ran like your life depended on it because it did. You didn’t stop, you just kept going. Why? Why us? Why did this have to happen? We lived so peacefully. We did what we were supposed to. Why wasn’t it enough? And where were the garrison gaurds? Why weren’t they protecting us? That’s what you wanted to say, but you had to focus on making it to the boats. There weren’t a lot of spots, so you had to be fast.
The boat was crowded, but you made it just in time before it would leave. Everything was quiet. You could only hear the rushing of the water and the screaming in the distance as the boat rushed down the stream.
All of the thoughts and memories soon came rushing back to you. The sight of your mother and father. The beast. Your father’s last words. It all flooded your mind. There was no room left to think of anything else.
You curled up in a ball, your knees close to your chest, and your arms holding your head between them. You covered your ears, trying to silence the screams in your head...trying to silence the crunch of your parents body’s in it’s hands. You wanted to forget. You wanted to forget that you had nothing left. That everything, everyone you loved was gone.
You watched your tears fall onto the wooden panels beneath you. Drip. Drop. Drip. They wouldn’t stop coming. They wouldn’t obey your commands, they just fell, like they had given up.
“Hey,” a voice whispered.
“Its all in your head. Nobody is talking to you,” you told yourself.
When you had fully convinced yourself that the voice wasn’t real, a soft, dainty, hand tapped on your shoulder.
“Stop it, leave me alone. Please, go away,” you sobbed, covering your ears and banging your head into your knees. Why? Why won’t it go away? I already lost everything. I don’t want to lose my mind. Your breathe became shallow and shaky.
“Armin, I think she just wants to be left alone,” another chided.
“Hey, breathe, you’re gonna make yourself pass out , and give yourself a concussion banging your head around like that.”
The person’s voice was soft and quiet, soothing, in a way. In pure curiosity you slowly lifted your aching head. You looked next you you and saw a frail, blonde boy sitting with a dark haired girl and a green-eyed boy. They all looked drained, but it’s no wonder. You all had been traumatized, and lost someone you cared about.
“Hi, my names Armin,” he said, “Are you h-,”
The girl shook here head and gestures for Armin to stop talking.
“No, I’m not here with anybody. I’m alone,” your voice trembling as you speak.
The trio looked in disbelief but also relieved. They weren’t the only ones to lose someone. You shifted your gaze to the floor. It wasn’t in my head. They were really gone. Its not a bad dream. It’s a reality. It’s my-, no OUR reality. A reality that sucked. No that’s an understatement. This was hell. A hell that I learned I could only get out of if I died.
Do I still want to save people? Can I save anyone? I don’t know. Will I run away like that again? I don’t know. All I know is that I’m alone.
“We’re all alone. Sure, we’re all in the same boat, both figuratively and literally. But we’re all alone. It’s not just me. Look at all the other kids on this boat,” you sighed, “ It’s not just me. So please don’t look at me like that.” Their eyes softened, except for the green-eyed boy. His eyes were filled with darkness. There was an intense, murderous aura about him...something different. Everyone else was scared, trying to survive. But he looked like he was ready to pounce on anything that moved. He eyes reminded you of your father’s in his last moments.
The light rain masked the tears falling down your face as you thought of him. You stared into the sky, searching for him...searching to know if there really was a paradise after leaving this hell.
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Synopsis: You didn’t realize how in love you were with Jean Kirschtein until he decided to join the Survey Corp.
Taglist: n/a
Chapter 2
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daesungindistress · 5 years
Now seungri’s stans are stalking Hyorin’s ig and they’re saying that she’s an OT5 supporter since she keeps posting pictures about flowers, which these people interpret as ‘OT5 Flower Road’. This is both sad and funny. Why involved Hyorin when Seungri himself never bothered to get to know her better anyway?
It is… spring right now… the season of flowers… She’s also married to a guy who we all know loves flowers… he even used one (a daisy) in his White Night promotions and spent time planting flowers outside his home on his episode of I Live Alone. Now she can’t post flower pics without people jumping on it? ffs
This is just like the MADE logos on the dancer’s shirts at Dae & Bae’s military concert earlier this month and the Bang x 3 / Fantastic Baby remix that they’ve used at every military performance to date, even before this shit started with Seungri. God, they’re really reaching. “Sad and funny” is right. I mean, these are the same people who started the Yellow Hearts Project and were dropping their ~secret code of Seungri support~ yellow hearts in people’s inboxes in search of allies. Expecting them to know what it stood for. You can still identify them on Twitter at a glance by those dang yellow hearts. It’s all signs and symbols to them. Ahh, but they are The Cult, after all. To quote Daesung about Seungri (D-Day, 2017)… gotta love ‘em. And of course I mean that sarcastically lol
…by the way, on the subject of believing strongly in signs and symbolic imagery… just… be careful with that. I have a friend who’s schizophrenic. She lived with me for a time as I tried to help her get back on her feet after a series of unfortunate events. Two years ago she relapsed and fled in a paranoid panic. She’s now in jail for murder and doesn’t seem to know why she’s there, even though she herself confessed to it when she was taken into custody (thinks she’s working undercover for the FBI or something last I heard, scoping out the jail, IDK). When we lived together, she shared with me every day about the signs and symbols and messages from the universe that guided her. She’d see a flock of vultures circling in the field out back and ask me, “What do you think it means?”
“It means something died,” I said.
“Yeah… something did die,” she replied sadly, and I knew she was referring to this make-believe clandestine relationship between her and another woman who she had been cyberstalking for months, and who she was in the process of trying to let go of at the time (it hadn’t died, by the way; to this day she still believes, and last I heard, her “wife” is supposedly locked up in the White House basement).
I’ve seen delusion. It’s why I’m so sensitive to this crap and react badly to it. A big part of my friend’s delusions revolved around reading too deeply into what people posted on their SNS and creating a narrative around it that fit her interests. In her mind it was coded imagery, and it was at times impressively intricate. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to talk her out of whatever new fantasy she’d concocted based on some post by someone who didn’t know her, had never met or spoken to her, that had nothing to do with her… but meant everything to her.
It’s fine and normal to observe the world around you and interpret it as you see fit, but all I’m saying is as long as there’s room for misunderstanding, we need to be questioning these connections we’re making rather than accepting them as absolute truth. Be skeptical even of the inner workings of your own mind. It’s called having insight. Sadly, my friend lost hers. Don’t lose yours.
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Big Bro || Lin Yanjun
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Title: Big Bro Pairing: Reader x Yanjun Genre: OlderBrother!AU + slice of life) Word Count: 1483 words Summary: You and your older brother may not always get along, but you know that he’ll always have your back. Warning: mentions of cheating
A/N: This is the first time I’ve ever written a sibling au, so this is exciting! I would love to have Yanjun as an older brother tbh. Happy reading!
oof can you imagine yanjun as your older brother tho
i can only imagine he’d be two things
a blessing
and a headache lmao
onward to the fic
you and yanjun shared the typical sibling relationship 
which means constant fighting and teasing from both parties
the two of you can’t go a day without being at each other’s neck tbh
1 like = 1 prayer for your poor parents who have to go through their kids bs everyday
normal occurrences usually go like this
“yanjun don’t eat the food that’s in the fridge”
“oh, you mean the three slices of pizza on the top shelf? too late lmao”
“lin yanjun istg i will eND YOU”
“yo bro i need $20″
“get lost, loser. why would i give you my hard earned money?”
“oh, ig that’s fine. in that case, you wouldn’t mind if i told mom about how it was you who knocked over her favorite vase but blamed it on the cat instead, right?”
“slide in an extra $10 and i also wont tell her that it ocurred the same night you snuck out to zhangjing’s party”
“i hate you”
also let’s not forget 
ofc things weren’t always so bad
usually when hell freezes over
for example
yanjun and you had this sort of ritual where he drives you both to the nearest fast food place at two in the morning once a week
it was your way of bonding with each other and what better way to bond than over food?
yanjun was also your own personal chauffeur and drove you around his fancy motorcycle whenever you needed to get places
this idiot named his motorcycle angle angel 
in return, you often helped sneak him into the house whenever he was out longer than he was supposed to
you joked that he was going through his rebellious phase
except that it occurred 24/7 365 days a year
one time he tried to climb in through your bedroom window at 4 in the morning
you almost dialed 911 on him bc you thought he was an intruder
ffs yanjun wyd
in short, you both had your moments where you actually got along for once
unfortunately, this was not one of those times
you angrily stormed into your older brother’s room, slamming his door open as it hit the wall with a loud bang
“what the hell is your problem? can’t you knock?” yanjun glared, removing his headphones off his head
“cough it up,” you demanded, holding out your hand impatiently
“what are you even talking about?”
“my watch! the expensive silver one that dad gave me for my birthday”
“look (y/n), sorry to burst your bubble but i don’t have your watch”
you raised your voice in anger, “stop lying! i know you stole it from me after i saw you eyeing it the other day”
annoyed with the accusation, yanjun’s glare intensified and his voice yelled back even louder, “i didn’t steal anything, idiot! maybe if you learn to be more responsible, you’ll stop losing things!”
you groaned in frustration, flipping him the finger and stomping out of his room. you didn’t have time for this.
after the fight, you were running late for your date with your partner who you’ve been seeing recently
when you arrived at the restaurant, you were shocked to see your partner in the arms of another person. you watched as the two of them exchange kisses with their arms wrapped around each other
*insert ‘oh hell no’ vine here*
you marched your way over to them, picked up a glass of water and splashed it all over your partner’s face
they were obviously a v thirsty mofo
the entire restaurant went silent bc oh shiiiiiit
somebody call worldstarhiphop 
“you cheater! you make me absolutely sick. we’re over. i deserve a lot better than your sorry ass” you scowled
yaaaas you go king/queen
the entire restaurant literally broke out into applause and whistles for you
wow where can i get that kind of support
even with the cheers, you were understandably still really pissed
huffing, you walked over to the nearest bus station down the street
you cursed when you realized you had just missed your bus back home and the next one wouldn’t be for another hour
rummaging in your bag for your phone, your fingers grazed against something cool
pulling it out, you realized it was your silver watch that you had accused yanjun of stealing earlier that day
a wave of guilt washed over you
not only did you get cheated on but you felt like the world’s shittiest little sibling ever
scrolling through the contacts on your phone, your thumb hovered over yanjun’s contact name
you debated whether or not you should call him to give you a ride. both of your parents were at work and you knew he was still most likely at home at this time
but would he even pick up your call?
after a few seconds of hesitance, you settled for texting him instead
you: they cheated on me. please take me home.
honestly you didn’t expect him to text you back since he usually needed time to cool down after fighting. you mentally prepared your self for the long walk home.
to your surprise, yanjun immediately texted you back
the adopted sibling 🙄 : stay where you are. i’m coming to get you.
after texting him the details of your location, it didn’t take long for him to show up on his noble steed motorcycle. offering you a small smirk, you returning it with a small smile. he tossed you the spare helmet and you strapped it on before hopping on behind him
the two of your drove in silence but not necessarily an awkward silence. it was more so yanjun not wanting to force you to say anything until you were ready. you were also trying to wrap your mind around how hectic this day was.
“yanjun? are you still mad at me?” you asked when he stopped at a red light
“mad at you? nah. i’m over it. your ex? i’m going to kill them” he replied
you smacked his shoulder, rolling your eyes with a snort as he pretended to wince in pain “if you end up in jail, can i keep all of your things?”
“wow i go through the lengths of getting revenge on your ex for you and all you care about is keeping my things? i’m no star student but i’m pretty sure that’s not how it works”
you grinned, “in my world it does”
once he started driving again, you started to notice you both were going in the wrong direction
“hey, i know i’m not the best at directions but i’m pretty sure we just missed the turn to our house”
“that’s bc we aren’t going home. we’re gonna go to our favorite diner so you can eat your weight in food”
“i do not-- ok you know what, you got me there”
“thought so”
being the awesome older brother he was, he let you order whatever you wanted on the menu and even paid for it all. he saw you were still a little down, so he even tried to make you laugh by telling you more of his lame jokes
which honestly made you want to cry more than your break up bc his jokes were so bad
when will he ever learn tbh
“i’m sorry for accusing you of stealing my watch earlier today. you’re right, i should be more responsible with my things,” you apologized sheepishly, poking at your ice cream sundae
“don’t worry about it, kid, it happens. you’re definitely more responsible than i am. that’s for sure,” he chuckled, leaning forward to steal a scoop of your sundae
“woah buddy, hands off! you have your own!”
“yours looks better than mine!”
“we literally have the same order!”
and so you both went back to being the bickering pair of siblings we all know and love
the next time you saw your ex, you saw them freaking out from their car being towed away
was your eyes deceiving you or did you see slashed tires?
when you went to question yanjun about it, he acted as if he had no idea what you were talking about
“bro, what did you do to my ex’s car?”
“nothing you can prove”
yes you’re big brother was hella annoying
and yes he did drive you absolutely nuts
but you knew that at the end of the day
you knew that you both loved each other
you would always be there for him
and yanjun would always be there for you
i dont have any brothers irl
but if i did
i wouldn’t mind him being yanjun tbh
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jerseydeanne · 7 years
Wink gathered by Anon Part 2 massive please read. Wink goes back further last year, anons named her wink, a most trusted source
I went through archives of JD’s and Skippy’s to find Wink’s posts. If you were to search “Wink,” various posts TALKING about Wink shows up along with her actual posts. I found that it’s much easier to find consistencies in her messages without all the other messages in between. So I tried my best to copy and paste all that I could find. I double-checked, but I’m bound to miss some. Please don’t post my username. I would like to remain as an anon.
<October 3rd> JD, there’s time for everything. Sometimes things aren’t clear, that’s were you need to be patient, being hasty only would make things worser. Patience is the key. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. We only can call out his best energy, that he may able to bear the burden. We should use challenges to find our inner strenght. Don’t worry, no storm last forever. ;)
<October 4th> Thank you too vintage ;) “faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the window which hope has opened” ;)
PC, CH, KP do know what they’re doing. There is no need to bang their head against a brick wall. There’s time for everything. ;)
Dear anon, they don’t have a 2 year agreement. But whatever agreement they have\had she still sticks to her tactic and doesn’t talk badly about the BRF in public. She uses her paid supporters for it. So you need to prove firstly they are paid by her. Without proofs it’s legally only a presumption and not a proof ;)
<October 6th> Dear anon, you’re correct. PC and HM support Harry….but not the allegedly “relationship”. You can’t support something that doesn’t exist, can you?. Markle isn’t acknowledged by them, they attach great importance to it. ;)
Dear anon, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’ m neither of the three possibilities you have enumerated. Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life. Have a nice day everyone and God bless ;)
Dear JD and Iamstillskippy, nobody talked badly about Cressida. The comment on her as “nice girl” and M as sociopath should only show the difference in dealing with them. Thank you for your understanding ;)
<October 12th> ;) JD. By the way the Brits are deeply committed to their traditions. In these troubleful times they will do their utmost to maintain their own identity, despite immense pressure from abroad. Changing the state form is not as same as swapping the goverment. Some people should be careful what they are wish for. Even the effects of Brexit aren’t currently estimable ; )
Dear 😇, I would recommend you “The power of your subconscious mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy. It’s a great lecture, available also as free PDF on net. Take a look at it, it’s worth it ;)
Dear anon, I’ m sorry to disappoint you, but “some tricky situations” cannot be fixed in few days. Patience is key, a jug fills drop by drop. Ultimately she plays against herself ;)
<October 14th> Dear (Non) Anon said: “Some people don’t want to hear the truth, bcs they don’t want their illusion destroyed ;)” …….I agree.
Dear anons, who are asking every week for 10 months about engagement. You have to be in a relationship to get engaged. There is no relationship and never will. Notice only the BRF ist entitled to annonce such family affair. By the way whatever Markle plans, I would say, Harry has in the UK home advantage ;)
<October 17th> Only the BRF is entitled to annonce any kind of family affair as first. As long as it doesn’t happen any “news/reports” should be concidered as an unconfirmed rumor.;)
<October 19th> JD, could you please Re/read my ask again about the meaning of the positive aspect of the “tea-party” article? Thank you ;)
<October 28th> Dear anon@ what I meant: no matter who starts the relevations about markle; whatever happens; the Royals just will go on with their daily life and will ignore her existence as until now.;)
Note to the latest ask/repost from Skippy’s blog (not all of the things that are being leaked are a lie) -> As Harry said it in early spring: “you have to be in a relationship for it to be over.. She is old news”…well nothing has changed since then, hence every rumor - except they have split - is made up ;)
<November 1st> “Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason”. Cheer up JD and stay positive. Whatever happens the sun will shine soon ❤❤ ;)
I would suggest we wait till this allegedly storm comes. Will it come at all? We don’t know. Should we also expect markle is preparing herself in these days from the completely downfall? She has much more to lose than Harry. But it was claimed she signed for season 8, although she has “insider knowledge about these dirty weekends”…. So may this is a storm in a teacup? Let’s wait and see. ;)
You’re welcome dear vintage ❤ this case is like in a 4 x 100 metre relay race, one runner starts before the other but in the end it’s the sum of the four runners that determines performance. A great teamwork. As Diana said: “everyone of us needs to show how much we care for others and in the process care for ourselfes.” That is what counts ;)
<November 2nd> Dear anon@ I agree with JD that Marke isn’t in touch with the reality anymore and believes in her fantasy story, otherwise she would have to face the painful reality, where she doesn’t have any future. She would never admit that keeping her illusion alive costs her arm and leg and couldn’t accept the “friends & credibility” she had lost. She will stick to her illusion as long as she can. ;)
<November 3rd> Just wanted to add: Marke doesn’t even can control the happenings in her own life how would she be able control someone to whom she doesn’t have any contact? She doesn’t play any role in Harry’s future ;)
<November 4th> G’ morning JD, hoping you are fine. Dear ‘pr’ anon@ thank you for your effort ❤. I think, carefully calculated appearances of Harry in the following weeks would blow away markle’s plans, whatever they may be. If she lose her way to make money, she will be history in no time. Good times are coming. Life is just a journey. ;)
<November 5th> Thank you for your kind words dear wemariuniverse. God bless❤❤ and dear JD, 'time has a wonderful way to showing us what really matters ’ ❤ ;)
Remember h said in one of his messages, she isn’t in the picture anymore and everyone could notice that in the wedding. If she isn’t in the picture than she wasn’t there. Simple.;)
Don’t worry JD, you got the best supporter (h) and of course us the loyals from all over the world. I don’t care if they listen. You know, the bigger fish eats the smaller ;) i think h is on his way to Felix :)
<November 6th> G’ morning JD. Thank you dear “PR” anon for all your effort. God bless ❤ I’m looking forward to Harry’s coming appearances. Just have faith in your journey Harry. Everything had to happen as it did to get you where you are going next. Keep up the good work, happiness often sneaks in a door you didn’t think was open ;)
<November 14th> Well, after the “prediction”, just wondering what she is going to do when suits “announce” the H+M break up and also the show is over for her. It sounds like the false strategy, isn’t? ;)
<November 15th> Dear anon@ as it was once said, she got a short of agreement bcs of 'her character" that not included “dress codes”. At IG she has shown what she is capable of, but Harry’s reaction was exemplary by didn’t giving her the chance ruining the game of the heroes. I don’t think it will happen again, despite we know what she is capable of. ;)
<November 16th> “God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings to you it, He will bring you through it.” ;) ❤
<November 21st> Dear wthaistd @ nothing unexpected happened. It was said she will be in London, so was she including merc. Would be interesting to know if she is still in London or on the plane to LA for TG ;)
<November 22nd> Dear anon ❤@ I meant it sarcastically. It’s known by all there’s no relationship. She is an ex affair….however the insults began to increase towards Harry again since she missed the Queen’s family dinner ;)
“In life you will realize there’s a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the amazing people who remind you why it’s worth it” ;)
<November 25th> Dear anon@ there’s no comparison. 'Strip poker’ for a single adult man is a 'pleasure’ (even with 'RPO-protection’ in front of the closed door on the floor), marrying some stranger as member of the BRF is another matter ;)
<November 28th> Dear anon@ as I said, I trust him completely that there’s no relationship ;)
Dear JD, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but as I previously said we can’t interfere. The RF has its own PR advisers, so there’s a reason why it happens how it happens. Let’s wait and see what comes next. Surely the 'hollywood script’ is not over yet ;)
Dear anon@ nothing happens concerning the RF in case of 'important decisions’ without thorough consideration. Harry is a senior royal, a family member, hence he is supported by them in all decisions since the break up happened in dec 2016. Now he has to sacrifice for unconditional trust he has given this woman. ;)
<November 30th> Dear JD, if she plans to be a member of the RF she must obey their rules and protocols. All, without exception and she will be controlled by them. She doesn’t have a choice. Soon she will get the 'reality check’ ;)
Dear wemariuniverse, you’re welcome ❤ 'Thanks’ goes also to everyone who helps keeping markle’s gaslighting from this blog away. Have a nice day ;)
Dear 'nice troll’ anon@ I visit JD’s blog since dec. 2016, opened first time in my life a 'public’ account on DM to support Harry and started to comment on JD’s blog in April. Felix and JD knew about me since then and I didn’t mind to be called an 'anon’ for long time, bcs I wasn’t here for 'attention’. A dear 'friend ❤’ 'baptized’ me “winky/wink”, now my asks being more noticed. I have over 300 posts and I never made myself important, bcs I’m not. And I never forced anyone to believe me. ;)
<Dec 3rd> Dear JD, PC is a wise man who is doing what a loving father does, tries to bail Harry out of this difficult, complex situation. The RF is fully aware of the current mood. If this case would be so easily to solve, it would be done already. I’m not giving up the hope, that with the right strategy she will end up in the place she belongs.. in Hm’s pleasure ;)
In some way he is a victim in some way he bears the responsibility for his own fault, bcs he didn’t consider his status and had trusted someone after a short period so easily. As I said before fateful encounters never happen out of the blue, they happen if we have forget paying attention to some of the main values in our life ;) ❤
<Dec 6th> G'morning JD. Dear 'questions’ anon@ As I said previously we can’t interfere. The solution of the 'markle’s problem’ depends on the right strategy by the RF. There’s a reason for everything what happens and it’s up to them (not me..) what they uncover to protect their reputation. JD has 'special’ and support and she is trusted. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Well, after the “prediction”, just wondering what she is going to do when suits “announce” the H+M break up and also the show is over for her. It sounds like the false strategy, isn’t? ;)
<Dec 7th> Dear JD, I don’t think anyone expects her doing the 'right thing’.. She should recall a moment of happiness from her early childhood. She should feel it. Then she should recall a moment from one of her saddest moment in her life. She should feel it. From now the second will be her constant companion… 'If you’re losing your soul and you know it, than you have still got a soul left to lose’. ;)
Dear JD, there’s a reason for everything. Markle’s 'status’ isn’t as same as before the 'engagement’. It seems she is missing it. New status new circumstances.. ;)
<Dec 11th> Dear anon@ I know she doesn’t care about 'love’, that’s why none of her comments including their mutual feelings for each other. Bcs there’s nothing sort of to share. It just proves there’s no relationship.. ;)
Dear JD, we aren’t surprised, are we?.. However she will never be able to bear royal duty, no matter how she tries advertising herself up in 'comments sections’ as 'future Duchess’. She obviously lost the connection to reality.. ;)
G'morning JD. Markle seems to forget that it is the inner bond of mutual love that partners share in a relationship keeps the 'connection’ alive and not empty words. ;)
“what is the difference between 'I like you’ and 'I love you’…. Buddha answered: "When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily. One who understands this, understands life”. ;)❤
<Dec 13th> Dear MAK@ as I said previously we cannot interfere. We all are spectators in this game. The RF has its own PR and I trust HM and PC, no matter how it seems like… ;)
Dear JD, I wouldn’t be worry about Sandringham. It is usually very formal. The members of the RF do know the truth and how she coerced her way into them.. as you know I’m not working for the royal PR. She will get a reality check that her illusions and the reality are worlds apart, if it happens… However I would agree with the Dickie comment, but this is my personal opinion ;)
Dear MAK@ Monday happened her rant.. ;)
Dear JD, as you know any help is highly appreciated. ;) ❤
<Dec 15th> You know JD, whoever is behind the 'wedding date’ has a great sense of humor to lighten this 'most unfortunate’ moment… ;)
Dear JD, no matter what kind of difficulty we may found ourselves in, some opportunity to fight our way out can always be found so let us face the future with courage ;)❤
Dear anon@ if Harry resigns Markle doesn’t get what she longs for. Money and fame…Harry as person doesn’t matter for her, but his status he represents. She would ditch Harry in a second and would sell her 'love-story’ to media for huge amount of money. This is a coerced 'relationship’, not one based on mutual love. ;)
<Dec 18th> Was it really Harry who wrote to you and thanked you on this blog? Did you check IP address? If harry has been here then he would have seen mm’s rants that you posted. : Wink thanked me😀, he would have seen and not happy about the bashing. No more satire. Don’t worry about the IP, it’s done discreetly.
Dear Skippy, you truly have a beautiful colourful blog. I thought it would be appropriate saying thank you for all your support here on your blog. 'No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart’. God bless ❤ ;)
Thank you dear wemariuniverse for your kind words.❤ Sometimes we just need a bit more time and patience to overcome tough times, the challenge is then to silence the mind. The RF is an united front and Harry is supported. We all face up to challenges from time to time in our life, but 'luckily’ those happen privately without being 'accompanied’ by mindful eyes worldwide. Keep the faith ❤ ;)
Dear JD, I’m emotionally not connected with Markle nor her supporters, thus they cannot hurt me, I simply don’t care about them, but thank you for your concern ❤. It’s up to everyone what she/he wants to believe, it’ s okay being doubtful or faithful. Keep up the good work and mold your lovely blog as you like. I have thanked Skippy yesterday for her support on her lovely colourful blog. ;) ❤
G'morning JD, hope you are fine. Dear anons@ why should Harry spend his time on bashing some random blog none ever heard about? He would then have to do that all day long all over the place based on the current mood towards him. Please, just use common sense. ;)
Dear anon ❤@ 'wink’ or ’ lovely’…It’s early morning in Florida ;) yet she had understood the message of the truth. Markle has reached a point in her 'adventure’, where she has to face the state authorities with legal documents, pics, plane tickets, messages, mails.. which she cannot deceive without seriously consequences. She will be captured by her lies. JD + the tumblr team + lot of lovely anons are resistant against her gaslighting, bcs their hearts are pure ;)
Dear anons@ I just wanted to thank everyone who had put a good word for me ❤… 'Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intend of throwing it at someone else, you are the one who gets burned’…. God bless 'team Harry’ ;)❤
“I don’t want expensive gifts, I don’t want to be bought… I have everything I want. I just want someone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure..” Princess Diana ❤ ;)
Dear JD, the chart you posted doesn’t tell me anything, but it seems none of you know about its existence. Or do you? Harry surely knows about the continuously basing on him on these blogs but he only visited one side.. but it’s up to you what you believe in. ;)
Dear JD, some 'big challenge’- periods in our life presupposes more patience and endurance, we should submit ourselves to the will of God. There’s always a reason for their appearance in our life. 'Fear has to meanings: forget everything and run or face everything and rise’ ;)
<Dec 20th> Dear not just Brits but Team-Harry ;)❤… no one should underestimate HM.. The RF knows what the deal is… She surely was welcomed with british courtesy so would say there’s no reason for any insults about the RF’s members on different social media platforms anymore, is it?… ;)
Dear Harry, the answers to life questions is often in people’s face/eyes…. No storm last forever.. Just be natural in showing your true feelings in her company, like today’s pics in the car.. sending positive thoughts to soften your pain. Keep the faith ❤ ;)
Dear anon@ please reread my previously asks on the blog. As it was said it takes time to handle this matter..The RF knows exactly what it is doing, no matter how it appears. The work is done in the background. ;)
<Dec 21st> Harry has faced the reality in Dec. 2016 and nothing has changed since then… He will keep playing 'his part" in this game as long as it is necessary to solve the difficulty… Until this day markle (as 'financee’ is only pictured with Harry.. RF knows what’s the deal is. ;)
Well… A senior british royal sits with his 'financee’ in the official 'engagement’ pictures outside of the palace on the dirty stairs… That’s telling… ;)
G'morning JD. Let’s start the day with a positive thought… “If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others, then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself”… have a blessed day everyone ;) ❤
<Dec 22nd> Dear JD, “only those who care about you, can hear you when you are quiet”… ;)❤
Dear 'part’ anon@ you seem missing a lot of details in this long-term story. He didn’t know until Dec. 2016 about her colourful past . Nobody did…. It was JD who started the investigations.. all relevations about Markle were the result of JD’s+ Tumblr-team+ helpful anons tireless efforts during the entire year. She betrayed his trust based on the scam she imposed on him, she is now taking advantage of her knowledge. Coercion. She had kind of experience ;)
Dear anon @ we are spectators in this game, but I feel certain the RF is aware what Markle is. The outcome for Harry depends on the Royal PR’s strategy, I think it will work out, but surely Harry will take a bad hit. He needs to be seen on work out on daily basis, than the mood may will change sooner than later towards him. The majority of the Brits will be relieved she is gone ;)
Dear JD, bcs the pics aren’t natural, they obviously don’t have chemistry… It’s like watching a fashion magazine commercial ;)
Dear ckob ❤@ there’s a reason for everything what happens. I think he understands what is expected from him in this game, and he has to do it whether he likes it or not, but when he gets the opportunity, he shows everyone clearly his true feelings about her.- 'car pics’ ;)
Dear JD, 'life is just like a sea, we are moving without end. Nothing stays with us, what remains is just the memories of people who touched us as waves’ … Harry will weather the storm. He has a greatness in him. The key is to take it out, he is surely learning to make better choices. ;)
By the way, I don’t think the RF will release any short of 'dirt’ on Markle, it will be the media…. ;)
G'morning JD. Dear anon@ as I said it before, I feel certain he will play 'his part’ as long as it is necessary, don’t worry… ;)
Dear anons@ it’s still december… May is a long way to go.. Let’s feel the Christmas’s spirit of love and hope. As the late Princess of Wales Diana said: “Family is the most important thing in the world. The only reason for marriage is love” ;) ❤
<Dec 23rd> Dear JD, just listen to your heart, as you did when you started this journey ;) whatever the us tabloids have on her it will come out one day, it’s the responsibility of the royal PR how to deal with it. Hope the RF will include in its prayers all those lovely souls who stood up against her gaslighting and fighted for the truth with tireless efforts during the whole year. Keep the faith ;) ♥
Dear JD, could you please reblog 'PR anons’ timeline about Markle’s PR plan after she and Harry had the first 'date’, to contradict the other theory? She posted it at the time my 'Diana-Charles natural pic’ comment. Thank you ;)
Dear JD, it is just a temporary life-experience, not something that will last forever.. fateful encounters never happen out of blue, there’s a reason for their appearance in our life, and that’s good so, bcs we are here to learn and develop our soul. Don’t worry I’m always in a place of peace ;) Life is just a journey, you cannot recognise good times, when you don’t have bad ones. The good times become great memories the bad ones great lessons.. Have a blessed day everyone ;) ❤
Isn’t just interesting that after she understood her mistake and faced criticism for something she alone bears the responsibility the blame is putting on someone else again … ;)
<Dec 24th> Don’t worry JD, God is just ;) Merry Christmas everyone have a blessed day ❤
Dear JD, I also found “MM pr campaign failed to get her jobs…”. Then “ since then it appears she is using JM…” And “ if you have a real relationship you do not need pr…” Thank you ;)
G'day JD. Well in case of an official engagement Markle’s completely past would become an open book to the public, bcs the Brits are entitled to know about it. Long forgotten moments will come to the light. Rather no Cinderella story.. as part 4 anon stated markle still hides many skeletons in the cupboard and likely prefers to keep them there. The media is powerful and has the financial resources to open “archieves’ regardless of their recent 'status’. Nothing can save her tgen ;)
<Dec 25th> May is still a long way to go, let’s wait and see what happens in the coming months. This case must be handled very carefully… Wishing Harry and the RF all the best ;)
Dear JD, considered not 'legal’ bcs HM’s approval + privy are still missing and the engagement is coerced not based on mutual agreement. ;)
Just wanted to add, I think it’s interesting that none of the 'offical engagement’ pictures of H + Markle was chosen, but the one with her strange posture. Snarky… ;)
Good morning JD and Merry Christmas :) I wanted to say very quickly that HM does not choose the images she has out. They are done by her courtiers, and will be done to reflect what they think is best for the nation to know about them. Interestingly, they’ve put their photo next to PC and C’s. They were - up until PH and MM - the most disliked Royal couple. The Queen will have no say in the images, but rather, she will know that she needs to comment in her own subtle way.
G'morning JD. This 'relationship’ is not supported by the RF, bcs there’s no relationship, but coercion..There’s a reason for everything, it’s about 'fraud of trust’, hence this case must be handled very carefully..Markle doesn’t enjoy any short of 'help’ concerning her 'behaviour’ based on her 'role’, bcs her 'financée status’ is not 'legal’. She is on her own, she knows that well, but doesn’t care, bcs she is blinded by her greed and lust of power. Dear ckob@ thank you and Merry Christmas ❤ ;)
Kate is shining on the pictures alongside William you clearly can spot the sparkle of happiness in her eyes.. God bless her and William for all their support and sacrifice for Harry, despite Markle’s maliciously insults on them on different social media forums throughout the entire year. ;)
<Dec 27th> G'day JD, sending you positive energy ❤. Not sure why Harry has to play radio presenter.. But even if, being diplomatic with short bland answers concerning this relationship is always the best way to avoid misunderstandings and makes us supporter easyer doing our work, even it is well-meaning from his side.. Not sure why Markle still pushes this way. After Sandringham even the european Media started questioning her personality. The public is aware of the falseness of this 'relationship’. ;)
<Dec 28th> G'day JD, sending you positive energy ❤. Not sure why Harry has to play radio presenter.. But even if, being diplomatic with short bland answers concerning this relationship is always the best way to avoid misunderstandings and makes us supporter easyer doing our work, even it is well-meaning from his side.. Not sure why Markle still pushes this way. After Sandringham even the european Media started questioning her personality. The public is aware of the falseness of this 'relationship’. ;)
Dear JD, as I said it’s about 'fraud of trust’.. I’m not part of the RPR, thus I still looking for an explanation why it was a good idea giving a british senior royal a 'job’ as a radio presenter. The majority of the British admires HM bcs of her strength keeping the traditional values alive and being strongly neutral concerning politics. I just wondering also about Markle. A narc who wants to harm herself? That’s new. The RF has the long run. Money &fame is in a different direction to find ;)
Dear JD, Markle is heading in the wrong direction. I don’t think she is missing the worldwide reactions on her appearances with the RF. If she wants to lose all her credibility also by those, who really didn’t care until now.. well let’s do it.. she wants fame, money, rich partner, the RF is the wrong 'contact person’. She didn’t like to curtsey. She noticed 'the look’ very well.. Well that’s the world of rules in the Firm.. Florida is full of wealthy men who are looking for a celebrity wife ;)
Dear JD I think you should put away emotions and think reasonably at what’s going on. If PH is truly an honest person he will eventually win and get back a good name. Till than he has to sacrify his popularity. He has to drawn with her, doesn’t he? Maybe I dont see clearly. But whats obvious is that MM sold her soul and her master is dragging her into insanity more and more. She wont stop. Has she attacked Eugiene and Yorks? They’re easy target. Maybe she should try with sb more likeable? :)
Dear anon@ I’m not a part of the royal PR, hence I don’t have to agree on everything they suggest. I’m here to help in the Markle’s case, and when it’s over I will return to my peacefully old life ;) However I appreciate traditional values and admires the Queen for her strictly point of view concerning them. I think considering the current times we should keep maintaining the strategy that worked very well in the past long years. Harry is a 'charity personality’ and should stick to it. ;)
Dear JD, the 'put away emotions’ comment wasn’t me. ;)❤
Dear wemariuniverse, that’s sweet, thank you ❤. 'Every experience no matter how bad it seems, holds within a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it’ ;)❤
<Dec 29th> G’m JD. Dear anons@ we witness Harry’s suffering every time when they are spotted together. No love, no respect for each other from both side..Yet you say he wants to marry her bcs of 'rebellion’. Where is the reason for this allegedly rebellion? HE is backed up by his family and he clearly appreciates the help. We should hold on for a minute.. This man lost within shortest time everything he lived/worked for: his life essence, his reputation, support of people. His mistake was - giving trust ;)
Dear anon@ I feel certain there’s a plan, HM has shown clearly Harry is a trusted member of the RF, regardless of the circumstances. We were asked many times for more confidence & patience regarding to the difficulty of this case. It’s about 'fraud of trust’… I know there is no relationship, nor is an unfounded rebellion, nor is it his wish being married to a woman who he barely knows. It is an attack on the RF, all her moves just proves her motives. I think Harry will escape at the end.. ;)❤
would like to add: There are still people with knowledge out there and follow these blogs, who still keep pondering what is right and what is wrong.. listen to your heart.. How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours… 'betrayal doesn’t only break your heart but also darkens your soul. You will never forget the pain like a fog, that forever lingers in the depths of your mind’.. keep the faith Harry, sending you a lot of positive thoughts and keep in mind, life is a journey ;) ❤
Dear JD, regarding to your last comment on me.. I’m not here bcs I’m 'interested in this dilemma’, I came here to help, not the same…, yet I’m not 'the one’ who can/will solve Harry’s problem.. IMO marriage in case of such kind of human beings like Markle and her actings not the solution, hence why should it happen.. I don’t doubt for one second HM’s wisdom and determination in dealing with her. For an ingenious PR there’s no hopeless case.. May is still a long way to go. All the best JD. ;)
<Dec 31st> Happy new year JD, Skippy, Felix, Tumblr-members and everyone else. ❤ Have a faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come shining through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream you wish will come true. ;)
Dear Skippy, the RF is staying united behind Harry and Harry is doing what he was told to do.. If Markle would be a real seriously girlfriend there were plenty opportunities in the past year showing her around. NEVER happened, instead of we got faked pics. 2 day before the 'engagement’ Markle was described by BP as "love life”. The RF is aware of her. She betrayed his trust more than once. Coercion. Not one pic has shown real feelings btw them. He plays his part as long as it is necessary. ;)
Don’t worry dear Skippy, the RF knows what Markle is. There’s time for everything. They are working on a solution to save their reputation. Be sure your work as well as JD’s, Felix’s are appreciated. Listen to some of your anons ;) Happy new year and God bless for all your efforts. ;) ❤
<Jan 1st> G'morning dear JD. Dear anon@ of course the Firm knows what Markle is, therefore Harry is supported by it all the way along. He is doing what he was told to do.. She betrayed his trust more than once, hence this case must be handled very carefully.. I’m sure Harry is terrible sorry for causing all this happening not just for HM, who he deeply respects, but else for his family & all his supporters. If people have understood it’s about the RF not just about Harry, they’ve understood the game. ;)
Dear anon@ Harry has deepest respect for HM, so I don’t doubt for a moment that any short of advice concerning this matter would be rejected by him, he bears a part of the responsibility in this happening after all. PC loves his sons and will support them come rain or shine.. ;)
Dear 'stubborn’ anon@ 'magic happens when you do not give up, even though you want to. The universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart. ;) ❤ Dear 'playing part’ anon@The RF is a worldwide respected 'institution’, can you imagine the damage if someone like Markle with her very colorful past, obviously shown disrespect for HM & Monarchy & for the British nation would be allowed join them? As Diana said:. 'the only reason for marriage is love’ .. well I don’t see any btw H + M ;)
Dear anon@ God is the universe, thus universe is love, bcs God is love. If you follow my comments you will discover we share the same opinion about love & faith & fate ;) I’m not sure what exactly doesn’t fit with my thesis: not one pics with real feelings of love& tenderness, but strange behaviour, missing respect, she was a 'secret’ for 1 year..why? Harry is allegedly so happy in love. He changed since IG. The difference is very obviously. I never forced anyone to believe me. You’re free ;)
Just wanted to add. Being 'stubborn’ in an opinion for a year (.) in a happening where gaslighting happens on daily basis to destroy an another human being, I don’t see it as negative as you do. It just proves, that no matter what happens there are still people out there who are trying keeping the truth alive. His truth. Even sometimes that means being alone and getting bashed all along. One day else those who are still pondering what’s right or wrong may weave for supporting. Time will tell ;)
<Jan 3rd> G'morning JD. Dear JD I find your efforts extraordinary still being present here on daily basis, despite all the pain you’re suffering. Wishing you speed recovery, God bless for your kindness ❤ dear lily @ if I recall correctly, everyone expected an 'engagement’ on a Friday, but nothing happened, KP/CH declined a comment, except BP, who stated, not interested commenting on Harry’s 'love life’. Then suddenly we got an 'engagement’, with an irritated 'Harry, full of lies, strange gestures/1 ;)
Cont - she merched as usually, inappropriate shoes &behaviour for a future 'royal’, the 'last minute’ ring didn’t fit, they were sent away to the garden, and a confused Harry, who rolled his eyes and were ashamed of all the lies she had put on display. She wasn’t planned for IG. Whatever 'role’ Harry plays in this project, it is his project, his labour of love and his name is used to gather sponsors and get worldwide attention for it. Watch his face on the OC, when he noticed her. Pure despair/2
Cont - his family helped him out, his status was changed, and she was given the 'appearance’ she coerced. She betrayed his trust and it’s up to the RF what they uncover to protect their& Harry’s reputation. Harry is British Senior Royal, therefore this case must be handled very carefully. Harry isn’t alone, there’s a team behind him and he will listen to the advice and will obey it, whether he likes or not. The RF is a worldwide respected 'institution’, they know what they’re doing./3
Cont - there’s no relationship, neither Markle nor Harry try to give the impression there’s any short of except a “deal”, that Harry has to accept (.) whether he likes/not, bcs of 'fraud of trust’, to protect that what he has to protect..I personally don’t care about privy and other things, bcs the RF doesn’t handle things on this way. I also don’t care, whether she gets some more appearances, she screwed all her previous up, she is done in the public, it just can be worser for her.Let’s go ;)
Dear wemariuniverse@ the IG happening was just about her appearance in this military sportevent, she coerced. We shouldn’t mix what short of plans Markle had and how much Harry knew about them. She betrayed in the short time they spent together more than once his trust. He and the RF were caught of guard, they didn’t know about until IG, thus everything happened unexpected and against the RF’s rules & protocols.. she has shown at Sandringham she doesn’t care about him, never did. She used him ;)
Dear vintage@ If we take a look at the public opinion about her concerning before & after 'engagement’ it’s obviously the mood towards her changed dramatically, although the majority of the tabloids readers aren’t common with Tumblr. She doesn’t have any future in the UK/CW countries, no matter which 'status’ she 'enjoys’. She screwed up each one of her appearances, bcs she doesn’t understand the 'royal reality’. Such blunders aren’t tolerated by public & Media, they have a long memory ;)
<Jan 4th> G'morning JD. Dear anon@ after their join appearances we could witness, do you get the impression he wants to marry a woman, who he barely knows, who betrayed his trust more than once, neither loves nor respects but uses him and HM/ RF for money making to make her own screwed up life 'valuable’? He broke up with her in Dec. 2016 and nothing has changed his opinion about her since then. Harry has deepest respect for HM and her dedication to her destiny, but stimes it’s our fate that strikes ;)
Dear ckob@ we cannot force things to happen if the right time has not arrived yet..If we allow being captured in a negatively spiral we would become like her and her supporters. Angry, nervous, insecure, but we are different. We have faith.. We were asked to have more confidence and patience. Harry is the one, who suffers from humiliation and misery in the public eye on daily basis. Do you think he 'enjoys’ it? He suffers terribly. The firm shouldn’t be underestimated ;)
<Jan 6th> G'morning dear JD. Could you please reblog “smoke and mirrors” from 28th Dec. from Skippy’s blog? Thank you. ❤ And dear anons@ I think it’s nice to have lily as 'hearsay’ among us, who knows details concerning a part of this story we don’t ;)
<Jan 7th> G'morning JD. Again the old same warmed up rumors to support Harry’s bashing.. How many times we had the 'gay’, 'abusive’, 'complicit’, 'rebel’, and so on attributes for him? He spent 11 years (.)of his 'adult’ life in long-term relationship(s) without being called out on this way.. Chelsy, Cress and the american girl loved him without putting their shared intimate moments out to the public. He was seemingly happy and had sparkle bcs he was in love. This woman was a short affair, nothing more ;)
Dear anon 'whose ask doesn’t appear on JD’s@ I didn’t say Markle has smth 'bad about H’, but I said it was planned by her before she started her campaign to conquer him. She knew his weakness and used her scam betraying his trust. Whatever she uses to coerce her way into the spotlight, she snatched it by using a scam, hence it’s 'fraud of trust’ and it’s up to the RF to handle this matter, whatever it decides. However her final downfall will be to have underestimated the Firm. ;)
Dear JD, the right decision…even I have a very good understanding of what you’re talking about…;)
Dear lattedah@ the RF didn’t know Markle betrayed Harry’s trust. She kept it till IG hidden from them, like she did with the VF interview in may that was published in sept shortly before IG. Markle was given a fair agreement after she was kicked out of KP in Dec. 2016, therefore everyone had assumed, she will go away as it was appointed. What happened at IG was a shock. She acted then step by step to coercing her way into the RF, now she will learn who is in control.. ;)
<Jan 8th> Dear lattedah@ she got the agreement although KP happening bcs she was an 'ex’ who had access to Harry as British Royal to gather respectability. She got the Jam. invitation before the break up and she wasn’t expected using it. She crashed the wedding hence they were placed far away in order to avoid her interaction with others. She wasn’t expected for Polo either. Dec.2016 split - until sept. they only saw each other in these occasions, hence we got the faked airport pics in august. /1 ;)
Cont - the RF didn’t care about her after the agreement, she was an 'ex’, hence 'out of sight’, all the GC denials during the whole year just prove that she wasn’t acknowledged as someone who is in connection with them. She was underestimated (back then), until JD + Tumblr-team sent them the'file-markle’, but even those who have revealed her true self were caught off guard at IG and are still in shock how treacherous she acted in dealing with Harry. /2
By the way concerning the latest blind/the RF members aren’t allowed holding political offices, but surely all her prev. influential clients follow carefully this happening, bcs she is know who she is in these circles… I think some of them already asked secretly - “will I also be mentioned if her past will hit the headlines in the future?”..well Markle will discover by each day that at the end the RF decides about her future, no rants & lies & rumors will help her to change this fact. ;)
Dear anon@ neither Harry nor the RF are agreeable with all this, but Harry has to agree (.) at the moment regardless of the humiliation and suffering he experiences in the public eye on daily basis.. She was given an agreement that she agreed, but didn’t stick to it. Her 'acceptance’ into the RF will never happen. We all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. Harry is supported by his family and always will be. The RF will not give her what she longs for. Fame & money are to be fetched elsewhere.. ;)
<Jan 9th> Just wanted to add 'dear anon’@ this case is difficult, I appreciate 'trust’ and loyalty, thus I’m fully aware of my limits, therefore whatever happens it’s up to the RF to handle this matter and uncover as much as it finds appropriate to protect its reputation. Markle reads this blogs on daily basis, hence everything is being said concerning the 'plan’ should be considered carefully. So I’m not going to say anything that would harm Harry’s good 'outcome’ of this farce.. ;)
<Jan 10th> Dear JD, just remember 'smoke and mirrors’..;)
<Jan 11th> Voodoo doesn’t have power if you refuse to believe it. If your faith is strong enough no human being can harm you. God is the Almighty. Dear anon@the late Princess of Wales loved her 'job’ and understood her destiny Harry has deepest respect for her, no way he would be keen soiling her memories with s.one like Markle who is missing main values of humanity. Diana was a pure soul, had charisma, warmth, understanding for people’s needs regardless of race, gender, disease. The Queen of the hearts❤;)
Dear anon@ humans have their ups and downs..If you have a good soul and you got far away from the right path, you will get a challenge, calls life-experience. Everyone decides for themselves how is going to deal with it. As single adult man Harry is free to look for pleasures where he thinks it’s okay for him. In relationships he was always faithful.(11 yrs). Based on his respect for his late mother he never would choose s.one he is ashamed as his beloved wife and future royal from free will ;)
<Jan 12th> G'morning JD. Dear 'merching’ anon@ Harry is an adult man with his own taste in clothes. I’m neither his mother not his PR adviser to think about what he is wearing. I personally think it doesn’t matter, after all he doesn’t have the 'Kate effect’, and I didn’t see anyone who cares about. However may someone of the PR is listening and will tell him your concern. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Dear JD, not sure you got my previously ask about privy.. however summed up: I personally don’t care about whether this case is being discussed or delayed or whatsoever…May is still a long way to go ;)
Well whatever the tabloids have on her one day it will come out for money-making reasons… I think she does know that well, but she wants to take the RF with her.. therefore I’m still saying it’s an attack on them.. ;)
Dear JD, did you get my answer? I think there were 4 or five… The good morning, privy long ( you didn’t receive) privy summary, 'well’ and 'sugarpoints’ based on Skippy’s blog. I’m on holiday so perhaps that’s the reason why my asks disappear on the way to you ;)
4th try/dear JD, I think you misunderstood my comment. I just commented on the 'sugar comment about overwhelmed Markle’.. I meant by my comment, that if the 'relationship’ would be serious, Harry would have waited to propose, bcs being a member of the RF/representing the nation requires careful preparation like Kate had, which takes years and Harry understands the responsibility. Markle’s 'overwhelming’ behaviour comes from her insecurity, bcs she tries display everytime a 'new personality’.. ;)
That’s okay JD ❤ surely some people don’t like the truth and trying to discredit us. I’m always answering when I’m 'around’. Interesting NE article… So there is a stuff about Markle out there which is 'valuable’ after an 'amount’ was marked… Whatever happens it won’t be an 'all’s well that ends well’s… Hoping for the best outcome for the RF ;)
Don’t worry dear JD, …'just continue doing what you’re doing’… Harry is his mother’s son, he appreciates the loyal support through thick and thin. I feel certain the memories of his beloved mother will be maintained how she deserves it and the late Princess of Wales will not be polluted by constant companions in the tabloids for years with s.one who imitates her to gather attention for herself and despises HM and the RF. I expect a bad hit, but feel certain he will come out stronger. ;)
There is zero chance Meghan did not plant that blind tiara bit. God, she’s so pathetic. The feminist she claims to be would give a fu@k about tiaras. She is anything butt. ;)
Dear JD, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the 'tiara’ comment wasn’t me. She is 'Markle’ for me.. ;)
Trevor’s TV project: “It is the untitled project’s premise that will get attention on both sides of the Atlantic: Divorce is hard. Sharing custody is harder. Sharing custody with the British Royal family when your wife marries a prince, in the unforgiving spotlight of London’s tabloid media, is next level.” It’s not based on true events, well.. not the kid part, anyway ;)
I don’t visit other blogs except where the truth to be found.. on yours, Skippy’s and Felix’s… therefore I don’t care who entertains herself by imitating me somewhere else, but on this blogs I will surely comment, as I did it previously.. ;)
<Jan 13th> G'morning JD. I don’t think Markle will go near to the Spencer tiara ever.. She does everything on purpose, hence I believe the true reason behind her imitation the late Princess of Wales serves more the intention to hurt Harry, than an 'obsession with the person Diana’, that explains her constantly transformation in different personalities in different occasions. She will never be successful, bcs 'the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched, they’re felt with the heart’ ;)
Dear Skippy, I think her main problem is, she doesn’t want to understand, that nobody counts her PR articles she puts out nor is counted the number of acts she appears with Harry, the public just remember the impression she makes and she screwed up each one of her appearances. Lying is her habit and the public didn’t fall for her 'coverage’, the more 'inside’ stories show up the more she will be rejected. Mistake to believe the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration.. ;)
Dear 'determined’ anon@ no, you’re wrong… there’s a limit, and that ends at the legacy and memories of the late Princess of Wales… Diana respected the Queen, the Monarchy and adored her sons.. She was a fighter and had courage facing painfully downs in her life. There’s still a strong 'bond’ of ❤ btw her and her sons that Markle never will understand. As much as it hurts Harry has to face the storm one day. Pains happen to everyone. We all have flaws, imperfection is part of being human. ;)
Dear anon @ I never changed my 'version’ of this happening… This case is difficult. Harry is a British Royal and not some Hwood VIP or politician… You are free to believe what you want to believe. Everyone is entitled to her/his opinion, and that should be so.. ;)
<Jan 14th> G'morning JD. Yesterday I thought about why such asks like 'determined’s are coming. Should that mean Markle intends to break her current 'agreement’? ( As she did it with her previously..)The 'storm’ is the revelation of her very colorful past the tabloids have on her and not something that concerning 'private matters’ of Harry’s trust while she used a scam to betray him. It seems she still threatens him through social media revealing those although she has an agreement? … Hmmm ;)
Dear anon@ there are different PRs in work we shouldn’t mix them. No PR had said, Harry is making demands based of his 'arrogance’. NYC just stated her personal opinion, and she didn’t have knowledge about the IG happening.. Those who know exactly what is going on don’t talk badly about Harry on the blogs, they just drop hints. But as cheers anon said, not even those who may had a plan could suspect the 'changes’, bcs not everything is being shared with everyone. This is a difficult case… ;)
<Jan 16th> G'day dear JD, hope you are fine. Well I think 'giving’ her a staff means she had to admit to herself she lost control and cannot be 'herself’, but had to obey the rules and protocols concerning her behaviour when she is on 'officially duty as future royal member’ with Harry. She also doesn’t have say on the schedule and has to accept however it turns out.. Meanwhile she had understood who is in control and based on the latest 'fight’ - articles’ her PR pulled out, she doesn’t like it.. ;)
<Jan 17th> G'morning Skippy. Dear anon@ I used for 'future royal member’ a quote mark… I think Harry is underestimated. He has inner strength, deeply respect for HM and his late mother memories and he is loyal to the monarchy.. Can you imagine how it hurt him to say, Diana would have given her approval? Diana always said, the only reason for marriage is love…but there’s no love.. I don’t think the outcome depends on Markle, but the case is difficult. There are more 'players’ in this game.. ;)
G'morning JD, wishing you speed recovery.♡ dear anon@ I agree with you on giving Harry bit more time and having patience. I never would give up on him no matter how this case -may filled with relevations - turns out.. He is a lovely soul. Some of us need more time find their goal, others less. As it says your last mistake is your best teacher… ;)
<Jan 18th> G'morning JD would like to make a note to the CDNA rant. Regardless of the privy’s or whoever else’s decisions (whom I personally don’t give the significance than others may do) there’ s no such as 'stage of no return’ in this case… Markle will never have the respect and public support she longs for, bcs based on her not existent own personality & empathy & charisma she is not able giving the people a reason to like her, she just gives the reason them to watch her (how that then turns out) ;)
Dear JD, we are as strong as our will and a will finds a way… Harry served for his country, saw people die and suffering terrible injuries. The extraordinary sportsmen/women at the IG teached us all, that everything is possible when we deeply believe in our goals, regardless of the though circumstances. Harry has inner strength. Everyone we meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something. When we help one other everyone wins.. ;)
Dear JD, don’t worry. There’s time for everything. If you remember Harry said previously, he was wondering back then how people across the world could love/support his mother without knowing her in person. It was not just her charisma, empathy, naturality in dealing with ppl regardless of race, gender, disease made ppl love her, but also her strength and courage in dealing with painfully challenges in her life. Harry is his mother’s son, he will weather this period in his life. He is strong ;)
<Jan 19th> Dear ckob@ after all months they (still) only captured together on public appearances, so why do you assume he is rooting for her? Bcs he did his job on duty professional? How he really feels? Let me explain briefly: If someone pushes a knife for example in your mother’s back while intructs you 'I want you to smile!’ otherwise you will have hard consequences, what would you do? Would you go away without consideration?… He is coerced and he just 'fulfills’ his part of the agreement.. ;)
G'morning JD. Not sure about your comment on me about the 'assistant.’ If you have time please re-read my last comments carefully, but just in case if you’re still interested in my opinion. Thank you. One day people will understand it’s a difficult case bcs of his status and rushing with things doesn’t bring them nowhere.. ;)
Dear JD, she can have an 'assistant’ to let her believe she is 'supported’, but on the same time to ensure they have as little as possible interaction with each other… I don’t see any short of contradiction… and I also didn’t notice 'romantic’, 'love’ nor 'lust’ in their yesterday’s appearance. They went out, did their appearance as 'engaged couple’ concerning their current 'status’, then returned to the place apart from each other where each of them belongs to.. all the best JD ;)
Dear ckob@ I understand your concern. Harry is on the horns of a dilemma and surely it’s not an easy ride, but perhaps he can take also the difficulty of our work (afterwards) in consideration during his further appearances. (If any).. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Dear JD, would like to make a note regarding to the claims 'he can end it every time he will’. NO he cannot… logically he would already have done that, wouldn’t he?…People agree there’s no relationship, no love, no lust but obviously an agreement btw two parties, yet Harry wants to keep this farce going on by punishing himself for a year from free will in public eye, damages the reputation of his family without any seriously reason? He is still trusted by HM and supported for a reason.. ;)
<Jan 20th> G'morning JD. Dear 'merch’ anon@ I aready answered your question, that I personally don’t care what Harry is wearing and I don’ t know anyone who cares except few people on tumblr. Harry was papped at Zara buying underwear/clotes and I never heard people have stormed the store afterwards to do the same, although anyone could be able afford the prices.. merching with a 'vip’ happens on purpose to increase the profit, but in Harry’s case truly nobody cares about the brand of his clothes… ;)
Dear JD. Why I shouln’t be okay? It’s saturday, so I may a bit later on. Sent you already an ask.. thank you ;)♡
<Jan 21st> G'morning dear JD. Just keep calm and carry on and believe that everything in our life happens for a reason. It’s Harry’s challenge and he himself must walk the path. As for markle. She has underestimated the consequences of the coerced 'engagement’. She lost totally control about her image and has to live with constant criticism, she surely cannot bear. She has underestimated the huge responsibility& work& expectations the 'royal status’ presume. Not a lottery win at all..;)
Dear JD, the RF does know exactly whom it is dealing with, hence we were asked for patience and confidence.. ;)
Dear JD, any short of the Tumblr-team’s advice that helps to solve this case is taken seriously, but it should be also considered that rushing things which presume a certain amount of time to be solved, won’t achieve the same result with impatience. This emotionally case must be handled cool headed, regardless of the circumstandes. Don’t worry… Thank you ;) ♥
<Jan 22nd> Lovely news today dear JD. Congratulation and best wishes to Eugenie ♡ Jack + delighted parents. Have a blessed day everyone ;) ♥
<Jan 23rd> G'morning JD. Dear anon@ this is not my blog but JD’s hence I don’t have to comment on every comment JD shares with her readers. I comment when I was asked or would like to express my opinion. Time to time I’m also on skippy’s blog. We are living in different time zones, thus I’m not here 24 hours. I usually comment on Harry’s part rarely in markle’s bcs I don’t care about her. Today is 23th january and the allegedly 'wedding’ should happen in the 19th may. Long way to go.. ;)
I sent this ask also to skippy bcs I thought you didn’t get it. Would like to add to dear anons, that I don’t know lily’s whereabouts nor what markle suppose to do. I already expressed my opinion about privy & the 'wedding’. We are still in January. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
<Jan 24th> G'morning JD. I don’t see Harry as 'puppet’ rather someone who is coerced on a brutally way disrespect his family’s traditions and his beloved Granny the british Queen who served the Crown for over 65 years with all her heart. How it feels? Well after 1 year apprenticeship Harry surely understood his lesson. How it feels being coerced by a woman (after split) who still tries using his beloved mother’s memories to hurt & to use & to punish him for money making reasons?.. keep the faith Harry ;) ♥
Dear JD, when the right time has arrived Harry will leave this case behind him..He is correct and sticks to the 'agreement’, to protect what he has to protect..Just because we don’t see 'actions’ it doesn’t mean nothing happens behind the scenes..The Firm shouldn’ t be underestimated.. ;)
Dear JD, she doesn’t have own personality, inside she is insecure, hence she tries having the 'overhand’ about people she is connected with. She imitates the late princess bcs she wants to hurt him. She recalls 'roast chicken’ by any opportunity to hurt her ex partner Cory. I don’t think they talk to each other privately much except during their public appearances.However when she recall her imaginated pic of her 'dream’ and 'reality’, would she mind there’re any similarities?rather nothing ;)
Dear JD, if the right person feels addressed by your question she/he will answer..however if markle would have the influence on him some claim, why we only got since the official 'engagement’ 3 (.) rushed public appearances of them as 'couple’ until now. Is she still a 'secret’?…;)
Dear JD, well she surely has her reasons sticking to these for her unfavorable course. Despite all her PR moves & gaslighting she still not going to happen. The reality she experiences on daily basis doesn’t match with her 'dreams’ yet she still clings to it. She is still a 'secret’ and no one wants her.. doesn’t make sense for someone like her who loves controlling her way.. well she has to admit herself she lost it and never again will get back as long as she continues this game ;)
Dear JD, if I’m correct Harry’s appearance was annonced by KP. I didn’t read anything else ;)
Dear JD, it’s your blog, you’re free to shape it how you like. I’m just a visitor here. A lot of people came and went away..I’m still around regardless of the circumstances ;) ♡
<Jan 25th> Wishing you speed recovery JD. God bless for all your effort. It was you who started 'our’ 'journey’. ;) ♡
Dear anons@ 'status’ changes always have a reason.. I would mean if he is on officially duty he is 'on’, if he attends/ or continues as private person he is out.. IG has given us 'insight’ how fast it can happen… Wishing Harry a peacefully time in the beautiful African nature ;) ❤
Dear soooo anon@ what I said was -> there’s always a reason for a status change.. KP declined to further comment, so this is my opinion… If he finished his official duty he is a private person who is free to make his own decisions as long as he pays the bill, and after he was removed from CC, he can do what he likes as private person. If he would be so keen to see her, he would have returned.. just wondering when she has time to apply for visa when she travels across the world.. ;)
<Jan 26th> Good morning Skippy. I don’t think we have the same situation as IG. They have now an 'agreement’, she has to stick it. I also don’t think there’s a 'dramatically’ reason behind the current status change, but it’s up to them how much is revealed of it. Thank you ;)
G'morning JD. Hope you are doing well. Take care and wishing you speed recovery. Sending you a lot of positive energy. Have a wonderful day everyone. ;) ❤
Dear JD, if you have time please re-read my previously comments.. I’m not the right person to answer your question at this time. Thank you for your understanding.. ;)
Dear anon@ I would say she has to stick to the current 'agreement’, based on the different 'regulations’.. However I personally don’t see any reason for her keeping this farce going on, she cannot fulfill people’s expectations, had made too much blunders in this short time, she will be remembered as the 'one’ with the most inappropriate behaviour/mistakes not as the 'right one’. Being a 'local star’ or dealing with worldwide attention on daily basis is not the same. She may had understood.. ;)
<Jan 27th> Dear JD, I think we have currently different circumstances than before.. The RF doesn’t do things on this way.. Rumours belong to this happening as long as she is in the picture… and no, they aren’t married… ;)
Dear anon@ I’m not part of the 'agreement’ hence I’m not entitled annoncing certain details of it..There’s time for everything.. We were asked for patience and confidence. I have both.. ;)
Dear JD@ she relies on rumours keeping herself in this happening, bcs nobody truly cares. With each of her upcoming appearances she just gives the tabloids more opportunity for criticism and they will surely use anything for their clickbaits. The coerced 'engagement’ was her main mistake… ;)
Dear anon@ we were asked for patience and confidence.. If you have doubts I would recommend you reading carefully “smoke and mirrors” on Skippy’s archive that was submitted by a lovely anon ;) ❤
Dear Skippy, we should stay calm and focussing on the main point. What short of real preparations were made in case of an upcoming 'royal’ wedding except 'blinds/ rumours/’ claims? Do you see something?.. ;)
Good morning Skippy. Just wondering about some asks. What is exactly by a 'poorly agreement’ meant he should leave? Do some people never had legally contract with strict regulations? It sounds as if he enjoys punishing himself and his family? The agreement (also incl. appearances) will be over at the time as it was agreed regardless of the upcoming rumours or whatsoever. Thank you ;)
<Jan 28th> Dear WO@ a coerced human doesn’t have that much choice..Harry would never disrespect HM and the memories of his late mother regardless whatever view people have about him..I feel certain the circumstances which force him bringing both highly respected women in this happening make him very sad. But where darkness is there’s also light.. The sincere support of his family ( who knows the truth regardless of all the gaslighting) gives him inner strength to master this challenge..;)
Dear anon@ I don’t need a script to express my own opinion. Everyone is entitled to her/his opinion. I commented on JD’s blog for long months as no name anon, until I was baptized by someone else. You are free to believe what you want to believe.. this case is difficult and so is the solution.. you can listen or ignore.. we all are free ..;)
G'morning dear JD, hope you’re well. We know from experience what that means when she has to fake certain things, don’t we… have a blessed day ;) ❤
Dear anon@ he was coerced to conclude an 'agreement’ with a woman who he barely knows to protect what he has to protect… She used a well planned romantic scam back in the early period in their affair 2016 to obtain his trust.. you’ll find all the relevant informations about it on JD’s blog. She cannot have a scam on him now after they lead different lives in different places regardless of the gaslighting on her part..The coerced 'engagement’ was a mistake.. look before you leap.. ;)
Dear vintage @ life is just a journey. ’ If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside.’ ;) ♥
<Jan 29th> Dear 'leak’ anon@He broke up with her in Dec. 2016 and she was given the opportunity gathering credibility, but instead of we got endless rumours and faked pics during the whole year those were denied by using GC. We talked about with JD last year and I think she was underestimated. They thought she will go away as it was agreed. They were caught off guard at IG. It’s up to them how they react to her 'hidden leak-activities’. It’s known by all she is the string-puller, but she acts ill-advised;)
Good morning Skippy. Dear anon@ you misunderstood me. The coerced 'engagement’ was HER mistake, bcs the exposure of her colourful past will get much bigger coverage based on her 'new status’. Dear 'let her do’ anon@ the regulations are stated in an 'agreement’ that both parties has to obey. Breaching the contractual arrangements would have consequences. Dear anon@ I’m here to help and not breaking the trust that was given me.. hence I’m not entitled answering some questions. Thank you ;)
G'morning JD. I’m sorry lattedah I overlooked that the 'mistake’ ask was you and answered to 'anon’ on Skippy’s blog in the morning. You misunderstood me. It was markle’s mistake bcs the exposure of her colourful past will get much bigger coverage based on her new 'status’. ;) ❤
Dear Skippy I feel certain that the 'Tumblr-team’ blogs are very much appreciated and supported by certain 'circles’.. JD’s 'instinct’ started this journey and she was right all along concerning Markle’s true self ;) ❤
<Jan 30th> Dear anon@ it’s may the calm before the storm. I don’t know when and how the media will start its 'show’, but one day it will.. she will be exposed and will suffer the same fate to be used for profit relentless as she did it with the RF and Harry in the past year. She could have gone away before the storm hits her, but she had decided sticking to her game.. That’s her fate and she alone is responsible for whatever happens to her.. Harry can weather the storm with the right PR strategy. ;)
<Jan 31st> Good morning Skippy. After he discovered her true self he broke up with her and hadn’t made the impression for over 10 months he would care about her, despite the rushed statement she 'remained’ a 'secret’ until she coerced him 'noticing’ her again in a military sporting event. The current situation is a bit difficult, but where is a will there is a way.. I would mean the right PR strategy can aid and abet Harry’s good outcome of this farce and it has already been planned.. ;)
Dear JD, good morning ❤. It depends on Harry’s consideration regarding on the different 'aspects’ during/after their join appearance, as I had noted in my previously answer to ckob after their last appearance … ;)
Dear Skippy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Those we love don’t go away, they are always connected with us through shared touching memories in our hearts… I have recommended you earlier MD. Eben Alexander’s extraordinary book - proof of heaven - and will do it again. Also avaiable as free PDF on net. Wishing you finding the inner peace after a painfully suffering. ;) ❤
Dear anon@ I think the current 'Marklegate’ has given Harry painfully insight how he should deal with this 'company’ in the future, hasn’t ? ;)
Dear Skippy, could you please repost the ask from your archive/ 20th January “MM PR is being paid by the SOHO folks, that’s why she has the best….” Submitted by a lovely anon. Thank you ❤ ;)
<Feburary 1st> Second try/G'morning JD. Dear doubtful anons@ you are free to believe what you want to believe in… Not sure when I 'changed my tune’ and what means 'she said they doing fake engagement rumors’. I didn’t know an 'engagement’ will happen. Nobody did. We all were caught off guard..I said: the rushed 'engagement’ was coerced, we cannot claim he bought the ring, it was scripted by her and full of lies, there’s no relationship but an 'agreement’ he is forced to comply for a certain amount of time ;
Dear anon@ I said she was underestimated, bcs she was given an NDA last year that she agreed but didn’t stick to it. They were caught off guard at IG. She coerced the 'engagement’. There’s an 'agreement’ with contractual arrangements for a certain amount of time. We were asked for confidence & patience based on her gaslighting. I’m not part of the RPR. The media is still playing the waiting game. I would say she may got 1-2 more appearances but nothing is predictable at these days. Let’s wait ;)
Dear WO@ he deserves being there…He served for his country. He is loved and appreciated by all his comrades..He is the 'face’ of the IG that brought the worldwide focus to this extraordinary heroes…He is the last one who wishes her presence there.. we shouldn’t prejudging situations we don’t have exactly knowledge about..I’m sure it takes him an immense inner strength to endure her at this event. Thank you for your understanding.. ;)
Dear Skippy, I’m not part of the PR. It was known for a while she will appear, so we have to accept it. I don’t see any reason for ranting and getting nervous shortly before the beginning. I feel certain Harry will ensure the veterans will get the appreciation they deserve, he is a comrade after all. We know she enjoys it hurting people around her. Veterans and IG are Harry’s labour of love. I’m sure Harry’s heart is shedding in tears…. ;)
<February 2nd> G'morning JD. Hope you’re well. I don’t see how Harry would try 'selling’ her with max. 2 appearances per month.. She also doesn’t seem interested in such kind of events, bcs the focus lies on the projects and not exclusively on her. Sending Harry positive thoughts, keep the faith.. ;)❤
Good morning Skippy. Dear 'events’ anon@ As I said in one of my comments yesterday, I would say she may got 1-2 more appearances, but based on the circumstances nothing is predictable in these days.. so let’s wait and see. Thank you for your understanding. ;)
Read the blog. You say that like reading comprehension is strong point of trolls. ;)
Dear JD, the 'read the blog’ ask wasn’t me…We know what happens when someone is 'angry’.. ;)
Dear JD, thank you for the interesting information. I feel certain it was noted.. ;) ❤
Thank you dear Skippy. ❤ Well probably she is afraid of something so she wanted to 'clarify’ she is still in the 'picture’… ;)
Dear anon@ just wanted to clarify, I didn’t say she is not going to have more appearances… Not sure Skippy you got my first ask ;)
<February 3rd> Dear Skippy, I understand your concern. Security is an important matter at these unsecure times, by announcing their upcoming appearance 'inofficially’ through an outsider she just has proven again, that she is 'not in’… the announcement of official appearances/events of RF members (in this case Harry) belongs to the area of authority of one of the associated palaces. I think Harry’s team understands the 'provocation’…;)
Dear anon@ Harry broke up with her in Dec. 2016, hence all the following join appearances can be considered as 'coerced interaction’ between them.. Dear Skippy, I’m not part of the RPR.. would stick to 'she got more appearances’, but as we know nothing is predictable in these days.. thank you for your understanding. ;)
<February 4th> G'morning JD, I would say sometimes small details make a big difference… At this stage she 'allegedly’ is, she would have obeyed the protocol and would have waited until KP annonces their upcoming appearance officially regarding to Harry’s current (and her 'future’) status.. Harry is a British Royal hence security issues have high priority… however the latest pictures of them speak volumes.. Rumours belong to this happening as long as she is in the 'picture’…;)
Dear JD, I don’t think the York family cares about Markle, she cannot take the focus away from E+J wedding, her fervor burning all bridges in the UK and in certain circles worldwide is astonishing and doesn’t match with her future plans… Aristocracy has its own rules Markle will never understand.. Her ongoing actions just don’t fit in her 'future royal’ narrative, otherwise she would have understood meanwhile that the British protocol is insurmountable - without exception…;)
Dear JD, I personally don’t believe she has a future anywhere except may as 'trophy wife’ which can be 'prancing’ around. She had exaggerated this game… In certain circles - incl. business- relevant people are connected with each other and her name has been noticed in an unfavourable way. She and her supporter lost their credibility.. Time will tell.. Human’s memory shouldn’t be underestimated.. ;)
<February 5th> Dear vintage, thank you for your kind words, but the Thank goes also to you all for being here and helping in this difficult case.❤ “Beginn each day with optimism and end each day with forgiveness. Happiness in life begins and ends within your heart”..;) ❤
Dear anon@ He was never 'proud of her’, rather the other way around…. She was a secret until she called the paps in autumn 2016.. although there’s an 'engagement’ in place, they’re only seen together on rare public appearances.. Making mistakes belongs to our life. Sometimes we realise and correct our mistakes immediately, big challenges usually need more time to overcome the difficulties… Every new beginning comes from other beginning’s end.. You know the truth by the way it feels.. ;)
Dear JD, Markle should have of opted out long time ago seeing the negativity it’s caused her reputation.. In the age of social media she should have known better. By using Harry she wanted to get a platform from which she can make a fortune, but even her current 'status’ doesn’t help her boosting her 'career’. She lost her credibility completely. Being the wife of a senior BR member requires the willingness of sacrifice. She would never be able to bear the responsibility the 'job’ brings.. ;)
<February 6th> Dear Skippy, as it was said she got more appearances…. I didn’t say it was postponed or deleted bcs of her behaviour by announcing it herself with help of a stranger. There’s an agreement in place with contractual arrangements for a certain amount of time. Nothing had changed. I said if her 'current status’ would be 'real’, she would have followed the Royal protocol.. but she didn’t.. ;)
Dear anon@ not the council decides about whether the wedding takes place or not…. The last word has Harry…;)
Dear 'a lot of questions’ anon@ could you please search on JD’s archive 'wink’?… You will find all the answers you are looking for. Thank you. ;)
Dear vintage, thank you for your kind words, but the Thank goes also to you all for being here and helping in this difficult case.❤ “Beginn each day with optimism and end each day with forgiveness. Happiness in life begins and ends within your heart”..;) ❤
Dear JD, sending you positive thoughts. Take care and wishing you speed recovery. Virtual hug ;) ❤
Dear Skippy, I feel certain Harry appreciates all the support and trust he is given by people across the world. Some things cannot be changed over night, there are rules that must to be followed.. obviously Markle doesn’t like this appearances, bcs she doesn’t want to care about 'common’ people’s concerns, talking about 'problems’, she cannot fulfill people’s expectations and she knows that. She is in hiding again, than she has to follow rules and protocols during the appearance…;)
Dear Skippy, don’t worry… I do know a person who wishes the end of this farce more than anyone else… This case is difficult, hence there’s time for everything… you know.. we were asked for confidence and patience.. ;)❤
Dear JD, well I personally don’t see any reason being nervous… We knew she got some more appearances and will appear. KP ignored her 'leak’ and just followed the 'royal way’ regarding to Harry’s status …She longed for a luxuriously lifestyle by his side, now she gets a 'reality check’s what that means being a 'part’ of the RF..work, protocols, rules, never explain never complain’ and always smiling… dear anon@ don’t worry.. WE are a strong team together.. we have faith.. ;)❤
Dear 'council’ anon@ I already answered this question. ;)
Thank you dear JD. Seemingly Markle starts to understand the tough reality. Harry is senior Royal, according to his order of rank he will take over more charities/appearances in the upcoming period. That means sometimes he will be on duty on daily basis. His partner has to understand the case they attend, follow protocol and showing interest not just by pulling 'sadly’ faces. A lot of work is done in the background and it’s not a 'hide and seek’ game. The affected people deserve respect.. ;)
G'morning JD. Just would like to ask you, was the “please don’t jump ship” addressed to me? I personally don’t see any reason for giving up what I’m doing.. I believe in Harry, no IG, no 'engagement’, no unexpected appearances could change that… Harry is underestimated. He is loyal and despite all the circumstances he has great inner strength. I’m here to help and will stay until this case is over.. don’t worry..have a blessed day ;)❤
Dear JD, KP just announced Harry’s upcoming solo appearances. Keep going Harry ;)❤
Dear Skippy, I just answered to anon’s comment. He hasn’t chosen her from free will… She coerced herself on him. I would say, that’s not the same… Plus she isn’t a team-player. She doesn’t care about others, it’s all about herself. The BRF serves the nation, visits charities, handles with affected people’s problems & issues & concerns’ on daily b. Rules, protocols are a main part of them, I think meanwhile Markle had understood. She never could bear the responsibility the 'job’ requires. ;)
Second try/ Dear vintage@ .. you know.. everyone is entitled to her opinion.. also CT. Have a blessed day ;)❤
I’m sorry dear JD, I thought Tumblr lost it again. Wishing you speed recovery. Keep strong. Sending you positive energy and virtual hug. ❤ ;)
-On Skippy Dear ckob@ why should Harry be sidelined so suddenly? Which obscurity do you mean? He officially will take over some of HM’s or PP’s charities in the near future. I don’t see any changes, where do you see it? I think his family has shown clearly, HE is supported… ;)
Dear ckob@ I’ve understood your ask. I just pointed out that Harry is senior Royal who just has taken over more patronages and became representative of some of HM’s and PP charities despite this 'engagement’… He is still trusted. In case of doubts concerning Harry’s future role he would have been blindsided and the charities patronage would have been given to other members. Royal patronages are taken seriously, hence there’s a reason why Harry is planned as future representative. ;)
-On Skippy Dear anons@ Harry didn’t get patronages bcs no one else wanted to take them over. He got more representative 'jobs’ bcs he is trusted and will have (.) a relevante role in the monarchy’s future. Difference.. He hasn’t chosen the 'wrong playmate’ , bcs she isn’t any of short. She only attended 3 'events’, all of them were linked to Harry’s patronages only. I don’t see any relevante preparations except rumours 'could be, would be’.. Harry is loyal to the Crown and to his late mother’s memories ;)
Dear Skippy, I just answered to anon’s comment. He hasn’t chosen her from free will… She coerced herself on him. I would say, that’s not the same… Plus she isn’t a team-player. She doesn’t care about others, it’s all about herself. The BRF serves the nation, visits charities, handles with affected people’s problems & issues & concerns’ on daily b. Rules, protocols are a main part of them, I think meanwhile Markle had understood. She never could bear the responsibility the 'job’ requires. ;)
Dear anon@ Harry was given a huge honor by 'handling’ him the patronage of the RM over. I think he knows that well. Royals don’t pass on their own charities & partronages to each other without seriously reasons.. Each issue is taken in the RPs seriously. Just recall the Obama summit with Chantal in case of Harry. Harry got more representative 'jobs’, bcs HE is trusted. ;)
Dear anon@ I said the engagement was coerced and he was forced to agree to protect what he has to protect… ;)
Dear anon@ he broke up with her in Dec. 2016 after she was caught by taking pictures of a prohibited area at KP in his home. They saw each other btw January-IG (10 months) 2 times. If you’re interested in the 'background-story’, you can find everything about incl. romantic scam on JD’s blog. Thank you dear Skippy for all your efforts. ;)❤
Dear anon@ markle is an actress, hence she depends on lucrative income for living that she earns mainly by merchandising. For getting contracts with fashion labels/being covered on product pl. in magazines it is credibility required. GC is well known by the showbiz industry. Hollywood is watching carefully what happens. Once her credibility is gone, her future is destroyed. With each “debunked” H+M rumor she approaches her end. She has exaggerated, thus she will lose everything at the end ;)
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youngbloodseavey · 7 years
close as strangers // daniel seavey
request: none but i was inspired by the song “close as strangers” by 5 seconds of summer
sorry this is so sad? this song came on in my playlist and i was like wow this could make a banging imagine so here this is ig. i didn’t want to publish something so sad so soon after the tragedy that struck our nation and stuff but i love this imagine so yup. hope you guys enjoy it as much as i love it!
triggers: cursing, overall just sadness (i’m really sorry bout this guys)
six weeks since i’ve been away, now you’re saying everything has changed, and i’m afraid that i might be losing you,
it was the beginning of why don’t we’s first ever international tour. they were traveling across the world, playing to fans across each and every continent. it was a dream come true. well, it was a dream that included leaving every single person they loved for a whole six months.
and one of those people was daniel’s girlfriend, y/n.
“i miss you babe,” she mumbled into the phone that was pressed up against her ear. she laid on her bed, holding a pillow tightly to her body.
“i miss you more baby, but we’re almost done with the first leg of the tour, which means i’ll be on a break,” he told her, staring up at the ceiling of his bunk in the tour bus. they were somewhere in the uk, daniel had lost track. it had only been six weeks of touring, but his mind had already gone on haywire.
“i know, but we won’t even be able to see each other during your break because you have to do a bunch of interviews and shit in new york, and i’ll be here in la,” she trailed off, voice breaking slightly as tears began to well up in her eyes.
“baby, please don’t cry. i’ll be home sooner than you’ll know,” he pleaded, the image of his girlfriend crying making him impossibly sad.
“i know, i-it’s just that it’s only been six weeks of you being away and it feels like it’s been a lifetime, i-i don’t know anymore,” she managed to choke out, making daniel’s heart ache.
“please baby, only four and a half more months until i can hold you in my arms. just hold on baby, i love you so much,”
“i love you too dani.”
and every night that we spend alone, it kills me thinking of you on your own, and i wish i was back home next to you,
it had been two months. two whole months since daniel had seen the love of his life in person, and not over the phone.
he had just gotten off the phone with y/n, who had sounded more solemn than ever during their exchange. it seemed as if each day he was away she was losing more of herself, each phone call becoming more and more dismal.
he stared at the ceiling of his bunk, thinking about y/n.
how was she doing on her own? was she taking care of herself?
it had been forever since she had been completely on her own, since she was always surrounded by either daniel or the boys. how was she coping?
he almost started to cry at the thought of his baby alone. god, he wished the tour could go by in a flash just so he could kiss her, hold her, to be with her once again.
but it was a whole four months until he could. and those four months could not go by any slower.
oh, every day, you feel a little bit further away, and i don’t know what to say,
“hey babe,” she muttered into the phone, sounding tired and broken as ever. daniel’s heart broke at the sound of her shattered voice.
“hi baby, i miss you,” he said, being met with a sigh.
“i miss you too babe. how are you? how is the tour?” she said, trying to put a faux happy tone in her voice, but daniel saw right through it.
“it’s going great, it’s amazing to see all the fans and play to them. but we always talk about me. be honest, how are you doing?” he asked her gently.
“i-i’m doing great. how are the boys?” she answered vaguely, trying to divert the conversation. daniel’s heart ached at her response.
“they’re all doing fine, a bit homesick but we all are. but for real baby, how are you?” he heard her suck in a breath.
“i-i have to go now. my class starts in twenty minutes. i love you dani, forever and always,” she managed to rush out, but daniel didn’t fail to take notice of how her voice began to crack at the end of her sentence.
“i love you too y/n, forever and always,” the moment the words stopped flowing out of his mouth the phone beeped, signaling she hung up. daniel nearly threw his phone into the wall in frustration. he ran a hand through his hair, tugging at it in dissatisfaction. tears began to prick at the corner of his bright blue eyes, which he hastily wiped away.
what was happening to his girlfriend?
are we wasting time, talking on a broken line?
“i-i don’t know anymore daniel,” she cried over the phone, voice crackling.
“baby, please, we can work this out,” he pleaded, tears beginning to well up in his own baby blues.
“i haven’t seen you in months dani. months. all we have are these stupid fucking phones keeping us together. i miss you so much it’s painful. i can’t keep going on like this,” she trailed off, whimpering into the phone.
“i’ll be home in two months baby, i’ll be back before you know it,” he tried to assure her, but to no avail.
telling you i haven’t seen your face in ages, it feels like we’re as close as strangers,
“i know you’ll be home in two months, but what about the next time you have to go on tour? and from the way you guys are growing, the next hundred times you tour?” she exclaimed. “i-i can’t do it! i’m going insane without you dani, and it’s only been four months. what about when you guys start touring for eight months? ten months? i-i just don’t know anymore dani,” she cried out.
“baby, please,” he said. “we can stick it out together. we’ll get through this, and i want nothing more than to kiss you and hug you and just be with you. only two more months baby,”
“i don’t know if i can wait two more months. i just want to see your handsome face in real life, not through some stupid phone screen. every time we talk it feels like the distance is farther apart than it actually is,” y/n exclaimed, leaving daniel in silence
won’t give up, even though it hurts so much,
“i love you too much to let you go. we love each other too much to let each other go. i’m hurting just as much as you are from being away. but we can make it through this, and we can make it through the next time. and the time after that. our relationship it too strong to be cut apart by distance, please baby,“
“i-it feels like i’ve been talking to a stranger lately.” she mumbled, quiet tears streaming down her face as she sat in her dark bedroom. she hugged her pillow tightly, her eyes fixed on a picture of her and daniel on her nightstand. they looked happy, in love. completely unaware of the disaster that was yet to come.
every night i’m losing you in a thousand faces,
daniel’s heart shattered with each word she uttered. she was getting farther and farther out of his grasp with each second. no, he could not lose on of the most important things in his life. but it seemed like she was losing herself even faster than he could hold on.
she was disappearing into a sea of millions of faces, drowning in a dark abyss.
“baby, please, i love you,” he whispered, as his own tears began trailing down his face. and this time, he let them fall.
“i love you too daniel, but it just doesn’t feel right anymore,” and with that she hung up, immediately beginning to sob heavily the moment she went offline.
and daniel laid in his bunk, halfway across the world, doing the exact same.
now it feels we’re as close as strangers.
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The Nightmare pt1
AN: This is for my 1500 Follower and Halloween Challenge A two parter. Both prompts are in the second half. I wanna be fully upfront now and say I’ve taken both quotes from two wonderful ladies that had to drop out of my challenge for reasons. And I stole one of the monsters as well. Word Count: 3485 Prompts: “Don’t be afraid, YN. We’ll slow this down together. Feel my chest. Feel it moving in and out. Breathe like me. Breathe like me. Come on.” -Signs “Which would be worse - to live like a monster? Or to die as a good man?” -Shutter Island Monsters: Baku & Human Serial Killer Warnings: Horror elements, supernatural violence, maybe a little fluff, nightmares. More vivid warnings are in the tags (if you must). This is UNEDITED and unbeta’d - I apologise in advance! Characters: YN (reader), Dean and Sam, with a few OC’s and mentions along the way.
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My feet smacked hard against the pavement. I gulped for air. My heart hammered in my chest, pumping adrenaline around and around my body. “Not fast enough!” The voice sounded from close behind me. I screamed, a blood-curdling noise that erupted from deeper than I knew possible. I ran faster, passing shop after shop. Lights on, shutters down, closed signs swinging. Why were all these stores closed? I reached out and caught myself on a sign-pole, propelling myself around the corner. There, at the end of the row, a restaurant. Open. “Help! Fire!” I screamed, hoping to gain anyone’s attention. The breath on the back of my neck made my whole body jerk forward. An uncontrollable shiver ran down my spine. I was so close, but so was he. I sprinted harder, willing myself to go faster. I burst through the door. Finally safe. “Help me!” I pleaded. I’d startled the man with the broom, but he straightened, walking towards me, arms outstretched, trying to hold my shoulders, calm me. “He’s coming!” I warned, fighting him to get back, away from the glass. If I stayed here he’d see me. He’d come for me. “Help me!” I screamed again. The man finally opened his mouth, “I’ve been waiting.”
I sat bolt upright, waking with a start. Sweat soaked my pajama shirt and the couch beneath me, while my heart hammered in my chest. “You okay?” Sam questioned from above me, his hands in the air, showing no harm. He was wearing his running gear and had clearly not just returned. “Nightmare.” I breathed, hand on my chest trying to steady the beating beneath it. “You need to talk?” Sam asked, dropping his hands to his side. I shook my head and pushed off the inches of blanket that remained over me before standing. “Go run, I’ll shower and find Dean.” I announced, looking at the empty bed, that I could’ve slept on. Sam waited a beat, giving me the option to change my mind. “Sam, I’m fine. Go.” I pushed, stepping toward him to physically push him through the door. “Alright, alright.” He said, finally leaving. I sighed when the door closed, sinking down to a crouch and covering my face with my hands. The nightmare always took a toll, never changing, never evolving, always terrifying.
“Where are you? We got another case. Sam and I have checked out, we’ll meet you at the diner.” I hung up from leaving Dean his third voicemail of the morning and shrugged at Sam when he raised his eyebrows. “Breakfast?” I suggested, hefting the bag further over my shoulder and watching as Sam did the same. “So, this morning, I was thinking, and, could it be a Chimera?” Sam asked, looking over his shoulder at me. “Uhh, remind what they are again.” I said, after having realised the name meant nothing to me. “They’re a mixture of different animals, depending on what you read, and an omen for disaster.” Sam said, looking down at me, a look of concern on his face when I shook my head. “The Iliad?” He asked, I feigned an oh of recognition and pushed on. “Yeah. Maybe. These people killed themselves, though.” I nodded my thanks when Sam pulled the door to the diner open for me, “Do Chimera’s cause suicide?” “I’ll keep reading.” Sam said, more to himself than me. We sat down in a booth towards the back of the diner, Sam taking out the tablet while I reached for the menu. The words blurred together when I tried to read it. I rubbed at my eyes and placed the menu back, already settled on what I’d have. “Storms, shipwrecks and natural disasters…” Sam muttered as he read. “Is suicide a natural disaster?” I tried, getting a frown from Sam without him averting his gaze from the website in front of him. "No … they--” “Morning darlin’s, may I take your order?” An older waitress asked, looking between the two of us. “Yeah, can I please get banana pancakes with bacon and maple syrup. He’ll have the omelette with a fruit salad--” “No, just--” Sam tried to correct, drawing the waitresses attention. “He’ll have the fruit salad.” I repeated, gaining a knowing smile from the waitress and a look of annoyance from Sam. “And we’re waiting on one more, but he’ll have the Special Fry Up, extra bacon.” I nodded, the lady tucked her notepad back into her apron. “Coffee?” She asked, looking between the two of us. “God, yes.” I exhaled, slouching in the booth. “Yes, please.” Sam said with a smile. “Alright then, I’ll be right back.” She said warmly before shuffling towards the coffee pots. “Why do you do that? You just steal the best bits of fruit, why don’t you just let me order what I actually want?” He asked, sinking down in the booth like a petulant child. I just shrugged and leant my elbows on the table. “So, Chimera? No?” I changed the subject, getting Sam back on track. “No. They infect and mutate with a dose of super strength.” He explained, handing me the tablet and pulling out the case notes he’d printed before we got on the road. “Back to the drawing board.” I muttered, closing that research tab after not reading it. “You guys investigating the suicides?” The waitress was back, pouring coffees but looking at the police notes Sam had. “Oh, uhh,” Sam turned them over, hiding the contents, “Yeah, in a way.” He said. “Can you tell us anything about them?” I asked, sitting up a little straighter, waiting eagerly for her to finish pouring my coffee. “Emma worked here for a week, she always looked so exhausted.” The waitress sighed, remembering her co-worker. A bang and an eruption of laughter broke her out of her memories and all of us turned towards the noise. “Stop!” The woman squealed, making both Sam and I groan. We watched Dean pull the young blonde closer to him and kiss her affectionately before letting her go. “You’re late, Stacey!” Our waitress called across the mostly empty diner, stalking after the young woman. “Hey.” Dean greeted, sliding into the booth next to me, bumping against my shoulder, jostling me as he got comfy. “Hey yourself.” I countered. Dean shrugged and smiled over at his brother instead. Sam blinked slowly, an annoyed look sat upon his features. “Life’s short.” Dean defended, “Whatcha got?” He asked, pulling the case notes out of Sam’s hands. “Not herpes.” I murmured under my breath, making the younger Winchester snicker. “Chimera.” Dean said confidently, nodding and looking at us both. “Already thought of that, not a Chimera.” Sam said, snatching the paper from Dean when he saw the older waitress heading towards us with three balanced plates. “Here we go, banana pancakes,” She slid the plate across the table to me, “Omelette,” She placed the dish down in front of Sam, “which means, Special.” She said, planting the plate with everything on it, in front of Dean. “Coming back with your salad.” She winked at Sam before leaving. “You ordered for me?” Dean asked, pulling me under his arm and locking me in a headlock, “Ain’t she the best?” Dean joked, holding me firmly in place. I didn’t have the energy to put up much of a fight, instead weakly clawing at his arm. “Ahem.” Came the small cough. Dean quickly let go of me, shoving me back to the corner of the booth. “Thanks.” Sam said, unnoticed by the not-too-impressed blonde who slammed the fruit salad down on the table and stalked off. “No, she’s a …” Dean called after the waitress before letting it go with a shrug. “Wanna finish that sentence?” I asked, turning on Dean, holding the end of my gun against the side of his kneecap. The older Winchester gulped as his brother laughed.
“And they have a lack of any happy hormone?” I asked, struggling to concentrate on what the coroner was saying. “Yeah...” She said, eyeing me from across the metal slab, “So did the others.” She added. “Any reason for that?” I asked. The woman in the white coat looked at Dean. “Is she okay?” She asked as I swayed, rubbing at my eyes and yawning. “Yeah, she’s … drove all night.” He lied, nudging me with his elbow when the woman turned around.   “So you were saying exhaustion and depression?” Dean continued, moving away, hoping to draw attention off me. “Yes, the chemicals the brain makes to make us dream, that essentially keep us going and striving for better, they’re non existent in these people. Like they were sucked dry.” The doctor explained, handing Dean a file. “Thanks, we’ll let you know if there’s anything else we need.” Dean wrapped, planting a firm hand in the small of my back and giving me a light shove towards the doors. “Wait,” The cororner called, making us both turn, one slightly faster than the other, “Do you have problems sleeping?” She asked me. “Not so much sleeping,” I mumbled, “Just the dreaming.” I couldn’t help the yawn that escaped. “There’s a, this is so unprofessional of me but…” She said, turning to her handbag at her desk. Dean looked between her and I, taking a minute step forward, I didn’t miss how he’d moved closer, just in case. “There’s this guy in town, he helped me with this recurring nightmare.” She handed me a card that had an address scribbled on it, “Don’t ask me how it worked, it just did. What’s to lose, huh?” She said with a smile and a shrug. “Thanks.” I said, waking up a little at the idea of a soundless sleep, “And what was your name again?” I asked, ignoring Dean’s eyeroll and moving closer to her, holding out my hand. “Amelia,” She said, taking my hand and batting her eyelashes. “What a beautiful na-” “Alright, let’s go.” Dean said, pulling me by my elbow out the doors. “Thanks!” Dean called over his shoulder to the confused, sexy, coroner.
“What’s wrong with you? Comatose one minute, flirting away the next.” Dean grumbled as we approached the Impala. “It’s these nightmares, they exhaust me more than being around you, does.” I earned myself one of Dean’s infamous annoyed glares before I slid into the front seat. “Well, I’ll drop you at this place, and catch up with Sam. Meet you back at the motel.” Dean said. Both brothers knew what the dream was, it was how I got my start in the hunting world. And even though I’d dealt with bigger and badder, that night still haunted me. “Thanks.” I said, settling further into the seat and closing my eyes. “So, you think the… You’re asleep aren’t you?” Dean glanced over at me. Mouth open, drool ready to spill over, eyes closed and a snore building.
“Watch out!” I yelled, waking up quickly as Dean slammed on the breaks and started laughing. “Never fails.” He chuckled, I punched his arm, hard and swung the door open. “Asshole.” I muttered, picking up my bag and climbing out of the front seat. “See you later.” He called out the window, muffler already growling as he pulled away. I looked up and down the street, cafes were spotted up and down, between boutiques and Bohemia themed stores, and in front of me, the address on the card. Sadi’s Psychic Solutions, I closed my eyes and rubbed the sleep from them, of course this is where a small town, outside New Orleans, would send me. I sighed heavily and took a step up, pushing the door open. “Welcome YN, I’ll be out in a moment.” A soft male’s voice called from the back somewhere. “Uhh, hi.” I called back, looking around at the dark room. It was what I expected from a place like this; beads over the doors, scented candles and incense sticks, crystals and statue like objects sitting on painted-black shelves. “Please, take a seat, I’m putting something together for your dreams.” He called again. This was creepy to say the least, he knew my name, he knew what I was there for. I hadn’t met a psychic before, but Sam and Dean said they once had a friend that was one, maybe this guy… “Hi there, I’m Sadi,” He greeted when he came out, holding a wooden bowl with, what looked like, potpourri inside. “Hey there, I was sent by--” “Amelia, yes, she had a similar problem with nightmares,” He began to explain, “She’s doing better now.” I couldn’t help but shake the feeling he was hiding something when he looked away and moved me into the other room, like maybe I wasn’t getting the whole truth. But I was so tired, and needed a full night’s rest without that damned nightmare, so I shook the thought from my head. “Do you mind if I ask, what the nightmare’s about?” He said, gesturing to the seat across from him. We’d walked into a back room, dark, lit only by candles, the bowl sitting in the middle of the table, between us. “You don’t know?” I said, raising an eyebrow at him. He smiled and nodded. “Of course,” He warmed his hands, waiting for my nod of consent before he placed them on either side of my head. “If you could close your eyes.” He said, closing his own. I closed them briefly but opened them again as soon as he started muttering under his breath. “You’re being followed, chased.” He said, I was impressed, but didn’t nod or acknowledge the guess, watching as his eyes scrunched and he rubbed a circle into my temples. I frowned, but let him. “You reach safety, but then that turns out to be the evil you’re running from.” He said, his eyes fluttered under his lashes and I quickly closed my eyes. His hands slowly lowered from my head and I blinked across at him. “Wow.” I said, it wasn’t a lie. I was a little taken by how accurate he was. It would’ve been more impressive if he had described the scene, but I didn’t know how he read or saw my dream. He might’ve just been reading feelings and not seeing it in front of him.
“So, here we have a mixture of ingredients. I can sense you believe in the paranormal world?” He inquired, watching me as I smiled. “Uhh, yep! It’s a hobby of mine.” I said, trying to contain how amused I was by myself. “So you’ll trust me when I say, this will only work if you believe it will?” He reached to the space beside him and procured a knife, not missing when I flinched. “Your blood will focus this spell to your specific dream.” He explained. I took a deep breath, taking the knife from him. “Fuck it.” I muttered, and in a practiced move, I cut along my palm and dropped blood into the bowl. He handed me a white rag. I wiped the blood from the knife and then wrapped my hand, watching him. “Give me your hands and we’ll begin.” He held his hands out, resting palm up on the table, either side of the bowl. I took a deep breath and reached out. “Let’s get me some solid sleep.” I breathed, joining my hands with his. “Watashi wa Baku o yobidasu. Kanojo no yume o toru tame ni koete kita. Gisei-sha ni sōgū suru mono o ubau.” He chanted, the bowl sparked and erupted in green flames, dying out as quickly as they started, my blood gone but the ingredients seemed untouched by fire. He loosened his grip on my hands and looked across at me. “All done?” I asked, tightening the cloth around my palm. “You will have uninterrupted sleep.” He sounded much like a fortune cookie. “How much is that?” I asked after an awkward beat of silence. “That’s one twenty-five.” He said, standing, suddenly no longer interested in being friendly and mysterious. He stood from the table and walked to the front room, leaving me gawking after him. That price was … if it didn’t work, I’d be back with my gun.
“So?” Sam asked, clearly clued in by the older Winchester as to where I’d just been. “We’ll see.” I huffed, sitting down on the couch, reaching for my heeled boots that accompanied today’s professional look. “What about you? Find anything?” I asked, missing the glance that passed between the two men. “Uhh, well… I was speaking to the families of the victims and seems they all had nightmares.” Sam explained, his tone was cautious, as if he was hoping I wasn’t hearing what he was saying. “What?” I asked, sitting back up, peeling off my blouse to relax in my tank top. “That’s not the worst part.” Dean said, somehow he found this humorous. I was gonna whoop his ass later. “Care to share?” I asked when it was obvious they were doing that annoying silent conversation thing. “Well, umm…” Sam began, swallowing thickly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. I looked to Dean who shrugged and quickly picked up his beer bottle, holding it to his lips in an unending sip. “Sam.” I cautioned. “They all went to Sadi’s Psychic Solutions.” He said, his expression already pained, as if I’d already blasted them. I clenched my jaw, closed my eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten. “This is no different to being bait for another case. And if I get eight, uninterrupted hours out of it…” I tried to reason. The brothers were surprised at how easy I was taking this, so was I. But a solid sleep was something I daydreamed about, an unattainable desire. Of course I was willing to be the guinea pig in this instance. “Dinner?” I asked, breaking the silence. “Uhh, sure.” Dean said, having finally lowered the bottle from his mouth. “Let me change and then we can head to the bar.”
“I’ll take first shift, five hours should—” Sam said to his brother. “Whoa!” I said, opening the bathroom door after just closing it. “Shifts? I don’t need you doing a Cas, I don’t need you lurking over me while I sleep.” I informed. “But, what if this guy has-” Sam tried, no help from Dean who was too busy smirking. “Sam! Quit it. The vics offed themselves. I’m not about to do that. I feel fine.” I didn’t, I was close to snapping and killing the both of them, anything to get closer to sleep. Sam finally shrugged, looking down at his hands. I took that as a victory and headed back to the bathroom. “Give your gun to Sam and we’ll take the knife from under your pillow.” Dean suggested, sometimes he surprised me with just how good a mediator he could be. Sometimes. “Whatever. You’re just not watching me sleep.” I called back, changing into a ratty old shirt and someone’s stolen boxers.
When i got back into the room, I made a beeline for the bed, ignoring the two odd looks from the brothers that were now sitting at the small table. “Hey, that’s-” Dean tried, “Don’t.” Sam said, glancing over at me as I was already crawling onto the bed. “It was yours last night. Not my fault you spent it in a different bed.” I said over my shoulder, getting settled under the covers. “Actually, it wasn’t in a bed.” “Dean.” Sam groaned. I heard a light thump as Sam must’ve smacked at his older brother. “Night.” I yawned, pulling a pillow over my head. The boys kept murmuring between themselves, but once I closed my eyes…
“YNN.” Dean grumbled sleepily, he rubbed a knuckle into his eye as he awkwardly shifted on the couch. YN was whimpering in her sleep, something that happened often enough to not worry either of the boys, normally they wouldn’t wake to them. “Help,” She whined, Dean frowned and opened his eyes. She’d never spoken in her sleep before. “YN?” Dean called into the dark, louder than before. She was still whimpering, pleading for help. Dean looked over the arm of the lounge, and what he saw froze him to the lumpy cushions of the couch. YN was thrashing about in the bed, tossing and turning from the nightmare. But a dark figure loomed over her, what Dean suspected was the snout, was close to her head, a white stream flowing from her temple and through it’s open jaws. “YN!” Dean yelled, effectively waking Sam, who sat bolt upright. Sam’s arms were extended, gun held steadily out in front of him. A directing finger from Dean and Sam turned to face the spirit, firing a witch-killing bullet into the spirit. A high-pitched snarl ripped from the figure, a scream erupting from YN, as it disappeared, like a heavy fog clearing.
Part 2
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ooc-but-stylish · 7 years
EP Ignis ‘liveblog’
There’s an alternate ending for this, apparently. The video is going to go through both playthroughs, not sure about there being a “bad ending”. I’ll watch that later probably.
according to comments on the video, the king that usurped Ardyn was confirmed to be his brother? I’ll just keep watching and see where this comes up.
Regis: "as his friend, and as his brother" Ig/Noct shippers: *will pointedly ignore the brother comment*
Iggy's fighting style is nice and fluid. I like.
Being able to see and influence which faction controls a part of the town is more like what I was suggesting for the whole game in an alternate scenario I posited. I dunno, maybe I should repost that sometime, since it was a reply to someone else originally.
Did Iggy just pull a Aranea? *Ignea shipping intensifies* ( I don’t know what the official ship name for Ignis and Aranea is, sorry )
Everything does look more epic than the main game.
Archives: Photos and Documents? I feel like they shouldve had this in the main game to get notes and stuff and some backstory. Did they? IDK. 
The way Ignis uses magic on his daggers is exactly how Noctis should have fought, I mean, considering his bloodline has magic by birthright, the fact that he can cast spells should affect how he thinks of things, solves problems, and essentially lives his life-- instead of this unimaginative "ah lemme just make some grenades in a flask".
I love how Ignis is just selling/buying things to NO ONE. He’s such a good guy putting down gil that no one will come back to retrieve. I mean, that’s what I think is happening with this shop mechanic.
the more I watch this, the more I think that if they lasted a year+ longer with this game in development they couldve just given us Versus XIII, with how fluidly Ignis fights and the Altissia scenes.
"We can't go losing our heads," says Gladio, yelling out of nowhere like a jackass to Ignis who is actually doing shit.
did they ever confirm that Caligo killed Jared? I’m surprised they still keep mentioning that guy.
Ravus calling Iggy "Boy" when theyre less than a decade apart. What even is this dialogue, he’s just so patronizing.
The soundstrack is pretty good, real talk.
Yeah... it honestly looks like Luna never ever told Ravus about the fact that she chose to let Regis's hand go. She just weakly protested in KG that "Regis did not kill our mother" or something.
This is ugly. I don’t ship NoctLuna because of the violation of trust and general shittiness needed to know that someone is going to die as part of a role that was thrust on them. Regis and Luna are both fucked up and Square is like “Ah yes I know the solution, let’s add Ignis to the list” fuck off. This means Ignis knew damn well what was in store for Noctis and he a) didn’t tell him, b) let Gladio shittalk Noctis on the train and even further c) still let Noctis go and die for a world that didn’t give an iota of a fuck about him. 
Okay. Ravus got me feeling feels. He had more of a vision for Luna’s future than Luna did. I’m dying over here. Luna continues to be an object and not a person, with 0 speaking lines as a ghostly apparition that people pine for.
WHAT? ARDYN? WHAT A JACKASS! Although I wouldn’t have put it past canon Gladio to attack Ravus out of nowhere, that’s how badly they butchered him throughout this series. 
So Ravus can tell Gladio is Ardyn off of basically nothing, but then couldn’t tell it was him later in Chapter 13 Verse 2? Sounds legit!
Ignis’s “Noooooct!” doesn’t sound as heartwrenching as when he shouts it during Noctis suffering a mere KO out in the field. 
They made Ignis's eyes look larger just to show how pretty they are I swear.
"but if a Glaive can harness its power, then so can I!" HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE KNOW THAT? NO ONE TOLD HIM
Ultra Instinct Ignis *muffled Ultimate Battle theme in the distance*
Prompto helping Ignis and keeping a hand at his back <3
so, Noctis knows he has to keep moving forward, and he does keep moving forward even against Ignis’s wishes, proving he knows what’s at stake, and Gladio apparently still yells at him for what IS effectively "no reason". Good going, writers.
Awww, the smile!
[ ‘Alternate’ Scenario ]
Play along? What could go wrong?
Zegnautus Keep? Ignis got kidnapped to chapter 13? We’d have to get every other character’s reaction off of this. I mean is this Chapter 13, or would Ignis have been kidnapped to Gralea before Prompto got pushed off the train?
This Mysterious Voice doesnt sound like Bahamut. It’s like Luna run through random voice modifier three times straight. Or it could be “Eos” or whatever people want to headcanon. So if this is Luna... even post-mortem and crystallized does she never stop talking about Noctis and his role. Hers is not an existence I envy.
Ardyn: *Nightmare Face* Ardyn Fans: *probably wanna bang him even more than they previously did*
Okay so it was Ardyn’s brother that snatched the throne from him, just like people theorized.... a whole goddamn year ago. Watch the other language versions of this playthrough come up with different subtitles/dialogue or some shit. It’s like a puzzle but half the pieces are missing and the other half is scattered every which way and the corner parts ended up in someone’s breakfast cereal.
Dancing Mad will start playing aaaaany second now.
Okay so we get the same situation, different context.
Ardyn’s fight with Ignis is 1000x more impressive than the random scrolling green screen looking effect they had in the original game.
JESUS FUCK IGGY also can we get that as a new outfit?
This soundtrack is godly!
Ignis could beat Ardyn enough that he wouldnt come back for a long time but Nyx had to die from Glauca? Fuck Nyx, apparently.
Damn, ouch. Feels. Also: Yay, Gladio is allowed to have feelings other than “angry”.
Noctis can put on the Ring and not feel excruciating pain, meaning the only reason why it did in the first place was because Tabata loves tragedy and causing pain to the main character for some shitass reason. I mean they could easily have written it being a painful experience uniformly across all scenarios but they didn’t.
Is the Crystal’s light healing Ignis? ... he still looks hurt eyewise...
Oh, finally, Noct being proactive on some measure.
It looks like Iggy can still see.
OLD RAVUS who looks vaguely like Iedolas. Glad to see they didn’t shaft him this time. I like.
Noctis lives~! and it sounds like Ignis said “Your Majesty”. 
So if this happened as the legitimate ending, I wouldn’t even have blinked or called foul, which says a lot about the original ending. I mean they even keep in with the theme of Brotherhood and have them all face Ardyn together instead of Noctis shouldering everything by himself because some scaly asshole said so.
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abnormal-angel · 7 years
The U.S. Open Papping Train Wreck:
Okay, I felt I had to post something publicly about the train wreck that was the papping of Norman and queen of bitch yesterday, since so many of you are wondering what is going on. 
1.The Papping of Norman (Again): Most people agree looking at the papping pictures that they look staged af. The more she does this to him the more, the more it looks like one desperate attempt after another to to try and prove they are a “loving couple.” Too bad she has resting bitch face in most of the pictures and he looks awkward as fuck being papped, like he wants to run. Funny the staged “happy” smile she put on for the jumbotron was not seen the rest of the day. 
2. The Gross Staged Kiss: Man, it is like pap walk of shame all over again and I know you are all feeling it. The first “kissing” pic that came out was legit fake, they were staging it. Their lips weren’t even touching and he was hiding that by his sweatshirt. The other two that came out that showed their lips touching, reminded me of the pap walk. He legit is just standing there awkwardly while she does all the work. And please, she is forcing herself to kiss him, it looks so awkward and not anything like a loving kiss. I mean jesus is that how you would kiss him? Hell no! Staged af.
3. The AMC Handler: Today more pics come out and we see that Norman arrived with Jill, the AMC handler he took to the same open last year. She sat with him and dk, as if it were just a friendly outing. I am hearing the staged PDA didn’t start till Jill left. I guess dk knew that AMC was watching her ass and she pulled her shit when she was gone only. Otherwise, all the pap pics till then legit looked like two friends, near strangers, watching the game. She of course smiled directly at the camera because she is the one who paid them to be there, you can tell when she knows her paps are taking her pic vs when legit press is. The one with his arm awkwardly around her i think was legit press and they looked miserable together, because that is how they really are together. But, when she is spinning her rag /pap bullshit she is acting so “in love.” It is so fake it is so obvious. I again, really worry for Daryl in this shit storm she has created because we know the network hates her papping shit. So another hit at his career for her! Yep, totally something you do to someone you “love.” -_- What is she going to do if he gets kicked off? She will lose his name recognition. Which, let’s be honest is all she wants out of him.
4. It Doesn’t Add Up: He didn’t walk the carpet with her, he went in with the handler. Why? If he was using this to out them publicly why not pose with your supposed gf and not meet inside? I doesn’t add up. Why does she always have to pap him every time she is seen with him? I legit am starting to think this entire thing is a show they are putting on or she is for press. We know her Cannes win got her delusional enough to thinking she has a chance at an Oscar nod. I think hell would have to freeze over for that, from what I hear elite Hollywood thinks of her, she is a laughing stock and dragging Norman’s name down with her. 
None of his behavior up till Costa was saying he was remotely interested in her. She kept showing up unannounced, knowing she wasn’t supposed to be in GA, doing it anyway. Most every weekend he told her to fuck off, only a couple he let her ass stick around (Memorial Day/Moth Gate - Cookie Gate he drove her ass out of state, and road trip fro awkward af “you call that love” hell). The rest he has consistently told her to stay away from him and out of GA. We know he told her to fuck off on the 4th of July weekend and ran away from her to upstate. The facetime papping, well Shadi seemed to prove that was surely a papping he didn’t know about and on set, which again got him in a shit ton of hot water. But, she doesn’t care she got her pic.
She was hella pissed no one believed her facetime shit and I hear it effected her Leroy job, getting her part cut down. She was fucking pissed he didn’t answer his phone and that she had to fake a facetime with him and it looked fake af too. Guess she doesn’t have a graphic artist on her payroll lol. Then after that she begged to go to Costa. He told her to be good. What did she do? Out their location day one and out andy and greg’s location. I hear another argument over that. Then they were barely seen together except the charity thing and her papping bullshit. Where she proceeded to pap Andy and his family, driving a huge wedge between the two. Andy hates paps and never wants his kids papped, I hear he is beyond pissed. Again, something a “loving” gf does? Nope. Norman walked off when he saw her bring her paps back, pissed, and another fight ensued. 
Then we have him ghosting her, aside from ig likes here and there, in real life since costa until now. I am hearing she skipped out on her movie premiere Thursday and flew to NYC instead. Probably, hoping to go to Mingus’s show. But, nope. She wasn’t there. Wouldn’t that be something he would bring his “loving gf” too? But, nope she didn’t go and was probably hella pissed he wouldn’t let her go and then the open happened.
There are two ways this could have gone down.
#1 - Norman wasn’t in on the papping at the open:
We know she has papped him several times before without his permission, so him not knowing she was bringing her paps is a possibility. If this is the case again she fucked him over. He could have said, sure come but as friends and nothing in the spotlight. And bang, she paps him again. She has a tendency not to give a fuck about his wants or wishes, she walks all over him and his friends and acts like she has done nothing wrong. Meanwhile, she is tanking his career and health.
#2 - Norman was in on the papping at the open:
The staged af kissing has me believing he might have agreed to the papping. If so. Why? They legit look miserable nearly all the time together. the Costa papping was painful, he looked miserable as fuck and then the bitch papped Andy and Greg.
So why would he be in on it?
This is the question no one knows yet. But, it could be they have an agreement to look like a “couple” in the public eye as she can’t admit she threw away JJ just to be a fuck buddy, a very casual one at that. Funny, how we know Norman has been with plenty of other women throughout the three years since Sky. Yet he hasn’t been seen with anyone female since the pap walk. Almost like it was agreed upon to make this thing look legit. We all remember the pap walk, it also was staged af. He was only happy coming out of the bar.
An agreement for her Oscar bullshit seems to make the most sense to me at this point. Because that is not love at all and they both know it, don’t tell me they don’t. She is miserable. He is miserable. But, they have to sell this image that they started in March. I think he really regrets that pap walk. Without it no one would ever have thought they were anything official. Again, she had to make it look like they hadn’t been already sneaking around for two years and that Norman was exclusive to her now, which I don’t believe is the case according to things I have heard. But, that is the illusion she is selling. 
Why Norman would go along I don’t know. I hear his depression is at a all time high. He is losing friends and family support left and right because of her shit and he has to hit the bottle every time she is around. He has aged 10 years in 1 because of her bullshit. I would hope that Norman sees that she wants him isolated so she can get away with bullshit just like this. She papped Andy to get him pissed at Norman, because she hated that Andy didn’t like her and knew she was bad news for him. She has brought his castmates into her bullshit for far too long and now everyone is shying away from him. Which I fear only pushed him further toward her and back to his toxic habits and life. You know she encouraged his heavy drinking and who knows what other toxic behaviors. Because, she gets her way, probably because she threatens to out those same behaviors to the public if he doesn’t play along.
5. Just Worried At This Point: At the end of the day, after all of this information we know, I am just really, really worried for him. She has fucked his career so bad, just by being associated with him and the cheating. He hasn’t gotten any offers since her bullshit. Daryl could very well be on the table right now with the network just done with her papping and rag bullshit. Notice she mentioned TWD in the latest daily mail article after the open last night, bet they will LOVE that. -_-
On top of all that his health has just nose dived with all the drinking he has to do to just be around her. It looked like he was yesterday too. And he is losing his close friends and family, who were there to help him cleanse his toxic before her. I believe he has fallen into a depression trap and legit doesn’t know how to get out. Everyone is shunning him, his twd family has lost respect and that has to kill him inside, and she just keeps showing up and won’t leave. 
I am wondering knowing all of this if, (if) he did make an agreement, maybe this is the only way she would leave. I mean you have to be spotted together and be seen to be a “couple,” and we know till recently he has hidden her and told her off (aside from the pap walk). Now this open thing when the media is actually talking about her for once. They legit aren’t seen much together and she keeps putting out articles about their “long distance relationship.” She is trying so hard to make them look like they are a couple, when in reality they do nothing a couple does. Does a couple need to pay paps to take their pic when they could have just posed out front? Nope. Does a bf not invite his gf to his son’s runway show? Nope. Does a gf pap her bf’s best friend, knowing he would blow his lid about it? Nope. Does a happy couple look miserable af when their own pap cam isn’t on them? Nope. 
It could also be dk made him feel guilty for being part of the reason JJ kicked her. Most people agree that Norman was just something on the side she did to try and make JJ jealous. That didn’t work. JJ ran. Probably, relieved someone else she had to leech on. She really hates that JJ didn’t take her back you can see this in all her rag shit. She just using Norman to get back at JJ and save face in Hollywood, imo.
What worries me in the end is his physical and mental health. He is an amazing man with a great heart, but he isn’t good at sticking up for himself. He needs to see what he is doing is hurting not only others, but more importantly, himself! I feel like he is in a pit of despair and for whatever reason can’t get out of her shit.
This is all for show. I am damn certain of that at this point. The reasons why he might go along with it? I am not sure. But an agreement of some kind seems to make the most sense at this time. We know she is the type to leak shit on people, so who knows if she has something on him or like I said, this is the only way she will let him go without dragging him through the mud after he leaves. His behavior has screamed he is done with her since May. This doesn’t add up to anything more than an agreement to me. Their behavior says it all. 
That ain’t love. Not even close.
[EDIT]: And sadly, her career only rises because of this and his will fall. Not that she cares. Because all she cares about is herself and whatever image she is selling this week. He needs to cut and run. She will do nothing but bad things for him, his relationships and friendships, and career.
I think that is all I have on the subject lol. Sorry it was long, but I have been fielding questions all night and day, so I wanted to just lay it out there for you all to read. At the end of the day we agree her papping shit since costa came out of nowhere, as his behavior before that was showing he wasn’t with her and she was just showing up unannounced. So here are my thoughts. 
My advice to anyone who needs to step away, do it. I had to with JJ. I completely understand and it will save your sanity not to see her spinning her bullshit. But, at the end of the day that is all it ever is. Bullshit.
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Alliance Part 3 (Gibson x Reader)
Summary: It was wishful thinking on Y/N’s and Gibson’s behalf to hope they would remain completely undetected.
AN: I love my angry boi Alex – even after what he did to Gibson and Tommy - but when he said frog I just broke out of the film. I was nudging and side-eyeing my pal @hie-mal for the next five minutes. She slapped my arm. It was great. I love her and now I'm rambling. Also, I made the reader even angrier so that’s gonna be a good combo.
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
 Trading sleeping on the beach for sleeping in a grounded trawler, Y/N and Gibson curled into the corner of the boat away from the highlanders that had joined their group. It’d been that way for their walk over to the trawler; Y/N had held back and whispered brief translations to Gibson whenever she could but due to her limited French and more limited time without the watchful stares of the others, Gibson was guessing what was happening and shaking his head or staring blankly whenever one of the soldiers spoke to him.
 The names of his other allies – Tommy and Alex – were learnt after Y/N had overheard their exchanged pleasantries while she was “sleeping”.
 He was jolted from his pathetic attempt at sleep by footsteps on the deck above him. The others were poised and one of the highlanders gestured with his rifle for Tommy to check the door. Giving into peer pressure, Tommy quietly stepped forward. A shadow passed over the ladder and Tommy pounced.
 “Nee, nee!”
 His bleated begs confused the soldiers. Tommy grabbed him and pulled him down the ladder where he landed ungracefully amongst the trawler’s new found crew.
 “Kraut?” interrogated the more suspicious of Gibson’s allies. He knew what that mean. Evidently the man did not as he looked disorientated at his captors. Alex dropped the slang and the man’s face lit up with recognition.
 “Dutch! Dutch! Merchant navy. Here to pick you up. To help you,” His broken English informed the soldiers.
 Gibson relaxed as everyone else did and Y/N pushed him gently back into their corner. The Seaman was sat up and his interrogation – albeit without the violence – was continued. Y/N learnt that it would be more hours until the boat would float, which Gibson also gathered from Alex’s annoyed expression – tied to his earlier outburst.
 BANG! A hollow gunshot sounded followed by the clatter of the bullet. The hull had a hole, letting in a stream of light. There was silence in the trawler as everyone held their breath.
 BANG! Another shot punched through the hull, two feet from the first thus it was two feet closer to the soldiers. The Highlanders scrambled to get away from it, squeezing against the others without removing their stare from holes. Gibson looked over to Y/N who was cowering away.
 BANG! A third shot appeared directly above the first. The rule of three was applied and the group were at their wit’s end. Two highlanders grabbed their rifles and went for the ladder. Tommy lifted his head and spoke in a hushed voice.
 “No! Then they’ll know we’re in here.”
 “Why else are they shooting at us?!” One of the highlanders hissed with a tight grip on his rifle.
 Tommy nodded at the hole, “Look at the grouping... Target practice.” The group looked as another hole, near the others, appeared. This confirmed Tommy’s theory but it didn’t help their situation.
 A few minutes gone, water began to slop into the lowest hole and L/N fought back a whimper. She’d left her lifejacket on the beach. But it wouldn’t help her anyway; all that would happen was that she would float to the ceiling and drown last, stuck inside the trawler.
 With a nod at his comrades, a highlander crept towards the holes to plug them. BANG! The man screamed, falling back as he clutched his face; his friends leapt forward and smothered his cries. Water still flowed in through the holes and crawled towards the group.
 Alex hissed the obvious, “We have to plug it!”
 “After you, mate!” The same highlander as before shifted away from the holes, still clinging to his rifle like it was his final lifeline. Everyone shared the same mindset and as the tide came in more water slipped into the boat.
 Another slang mix-up later, the Seaman gasped out that, even if all the holes were plugged, the trawler would need to lose weight if they wanted to float. There was no way of getting rid of the water without drawing attention to the rest of the soldiers.
 “Somebody needs to get off,” Alex said.
 “Well volunteered,” A highlander replied with heavy sarcasm.
 “We don’t need a volunteer. I know someone who ought to get off.” Y/N tensed up and nudged Gibson as Alex pointed at them.
 “They’re German spies.”
 Tommy gawked at the accusation, “Don’t be daft.”
 Alex continued to stare down Gibson, who was looking away with discomfort. Knowing that Gibson didn’t understand what was happening, Y/N settled for staring back at her accuser.
 “They’re bloody Jerrys,” Alex looked at the others with a finger still pointed at the two, “You might not’ve noticed that they haven’t said a word, but I have. They don’t speak English - or if they do it’s with an accent thicker than sauerkraut sauce-”
 “You’re daft. Tell him,” Tommy looked at the pair. Unsure of what to do, Gibson stood up against the ladder. He looked down helplessly at Y/N.
 “Yeah, tell me. Oh wait, I was wrong. They do speak. Don’t think I missed you two whispering to each other and no one else,” Alex started to get in Y/N’s face so instinctively she knelt up and shoved him back. He landed on his backside amidst the highlanders.
 “See that?” Alex pointed at her again as he took one of the highlander’s guns. Gibson impulsively pulled Y/N closer to the ladder as Alex pressed the barrel of his new weapon against his chest, hooking his stolen dog tags.
 “Tell me… Gibson and... Y/N.” The other highlanders had joined in, their rifles ganging up on Gibson and Y/N with only one other person on their side.
 “Tell him, for God’s sake!” Tommy was far past panicking at this point, praying that Alex wasn’t right as his companion’s silence stacked up the doubt. Alex’s rifle was getting dangerously close to Gibson’s face and he was starting to panic; in a quick movement, Y/N slapped it away. Immediately, one of the highlanders smacked her with the butt of his gun and Gibson cracked.
 “FRANÇAIS!” He burst, “Je suis français!”
 Tommy stared in shock as Y/N sighed, holding her cheek. A thought niggled its way into her mind: Gibson’s cover was blown but hers was not. She could leave him; she could stay on the boat while he left to let it float. Except…
 A burst of gun fire ricocheted through the trawler. With everyone’s attention on the fire, Gibson took Y/N’s face into the light and surveyed the damage: a small cut trickling blood.
 “It’s ok,” He said but he didn’t sound convinced. He didn’t even know what he was saying.
 The gunshots in the back of his mind, Alex turned on them, “A Frog. Bloody Frogs. Cowardly little queue-jumping Frogs. Who’s Gibson, eh? Y/N? More naked dead Englishmen lying out on that sand. Or did you at least have the decency to bury them?”
 “They did,” Tommy defended, “I helped them. I thought it was their mate. They were burying him together.”
 “Maybe they killed him-”
 “They didn’t kill him.”
 “How do we know?!”
 Y/N glared at Alex so fiercely that some of the highlanders were tempted to back off. She was slowly getting pissed off at their lack of logic.
 “They were looking for a way off the damned sand like the rest of us!”
 More bullets thudded into the boat, ramping up the tension and ensuring that the boat wasn’t going to get far across the Channel.
 A highlander looked desperately at the Seaman, who had been a bystander to the whole situation, “Will she still float?!”
 “Float, yes. With less weight, yes,” The Seaman confirmed again.
 “And we know who’s getting off-”
 “You can’t do that. We’re on the same side,” Tommy begged. Ignoring his comrade, Alex nudged Gibson with the rifle; hearing his breathing speed up, Y/N stepped in the way.
 “Go on, up you go,” He dragged the gun up Y/N’s chest, nearly blowing her cover too, “Both of you.”
 “As soon as they poke their head out they’ll slaughter ‘em.”
 “Better him than me,” Alex scoffed.
 “It’s not fair,” Tommy said softly.
 “Survival’s not fair!”
 “No, it’s shit,” A highlander spat, “It’s fear and greed. Fate squeezed through the bowels of men. Shit.”
 “He saved our lives. They both did!”
 “And they’re about to do it again – Go on.” Y/N and Gibson were officially cornered as Tommy was pushed aside towards the Seaman.
 “No! Just stop!” He pleaded.
 Getting more annoyed with Tommy’s relentless defending, “We need someone to get off so the rest of us can live. You want to volunteer?”
 For the first time, Tommy backed down as he came under fire, “No. I’m going home.” Y/N’s will broke. Yeah, he was a bit pathetic without a rifle but Tommy was her friend.
 “We’re not going anywhere,” She said, her voice scratchy from lack of use but low enough to pass as a bloke. In an attempt to cover up any suspicion, she licked the blood stream that had made its way to her mouth before spitting it back out. She’d seen men do it plenty of times.
 Alex’s head shot around, “You’re English?”
 Alex re-adjusted the grip on his rifle, “Don’t change nothing. You knew he was a Frog and you helped him. Go on!”
 “I will fucking shoot you.
 “Go on then,” said Y/N with a stronger glare.
 Alex paused, his finger brushing against the trigger. Preparing to grab the gun, Gibson slowly moved but Y/N, behind her back, took his hand and hoped he would understand that she was prolonging their time on the ship – and thus the chance of survival. In an attempt to aid translation but also for comfort, she squeezed it. He shakily squeezed back.
 “None of you can do it,” She spoke a little louder over the water sloshing outside.
 “I will shoot you if you don’t get up that ladder!” Alex matched her volume.
 “But then what?” Y/N thought before continuing, “You think the Germans won’t think to check the boat for you if they hear two gun shots in it?”
 Mulling over their long-term existence, the Highlanders look doubtful but keep their stance. So Y/N continued, releasing Gibson’s hand.
 “Water’s fucking heavy in case you didn’t notice. We aren’t going to make the difference. Even if we all got off, the boat’d still sink.”
 Alex saw the weakening will of his side, “I will-”
 “I know, shoot us,” Y/N interrupted, more annoyed, “You keep saying. But which of you is gonna volunteer to drag our corpses off to make this float? ‘Cause I don’t know about you but I don’t think we’ll be up for climbing out when we’re dead.”
 “I’ll shoot you in the foot,” Alex replied after a pause, lowering his rifle to the floor.
 “Still gonna need our feet to get up the ladder,” L/N snarked, taking another sly step forward.
 Meeting her annoyance, Alex pressed the rifle back into her chest, “Aren’t you a smart one?” He prodded her again, this time on the cut on her cheek.
 Gibson grabbed her shoulder, “Arrêtez! Ne la pousse pas!”
 “Shut up, Frog!”
 “Laisse la tranquille! Elle m’aide!” Gibson cried again, only to be silenced by Y/N holding her hand up to him.
 “It’s ok,” She assured him with a quick glance over her shoulder.
 “Ok,” He repeated, still unconvinced. Y/N looked back at her accusers but Alex’s appearance of annoyance had shifted into one of disbelief.
 “You’re a girl.”
 With calm anger, Y/N said in a semi-believable tone of disbelief, “What?”
 “Froggy here said “elle”. You’re a girl.”
 “Fuck,” Y/N let slip and Alex’s expression hardened.
 “So what? You his girlfriend?” He prodded her again with his rifle on both sides of the chest in an obscene gesture. Y/N slapped the gun away again and raised her fist at the soldier who’d hit her before to block any more attacks. Instead, the highlander looked nervous and was fidgeting with his rifle.
 “Alex, mate,” He said nervously, “I don’t know how I feel about sending a girl out there.”
 Alex wasn’t listening, “You blackmail him into keeping your dirty little secret so you don’t rat him out?”
 “Think you’re forgetting that our priority is we’re in a sinking ship and you have a gun on us,” Y/N kept her voice low then made a grab for the rifle. Alex tackled her and attempted to pry his rifle back as he sat on Y/N’s stomach, her head almost completely underwater. To the rescue, Tommy jumped at Alex to pull him off Y/N. Gibson, in turn, wrestled with the highlanders, tugging them away from his friends. The scuffle landed against the hull of the ship. In time with their collision to the floor, the ship levelled out in the water.
 “FLOAT! WE FLOAT!” The Seaman cried, leaping out of his corner.
 “START THE BLOODY ENGINE!” cried a highlander, still trying to get to Y/N. The Seaman was already crawling out of the hatch. The engine roared into life and instantly drew attention.
 Machine-gun fire spread across the hull of the boat. Y/N ducked under the water, grabbing Alex by the shirt to pull him under next to her. Sea water bit at her cut and air burned her lungs as the bullets pierced the hull nearby. Releasing the gun, Y/N covered her ears with her eyes screwed up.
 The water level rose faster with the new holes in the hull. Pushing Alex away, Y/N popped her head over the surface once the shooting had stopped, gasping for air. The rest of the soldiers were looking around at the holes.
 She felt a tug on her shoulder and saw Gibson was floating next to her, spluttering in the rising water. His hand was still touching her shoulder so she took it again to help him stand. Ignoring his anger from moments ago,  Alex crawled over to the stairs and climbed out into the well, his head poking out to talk to the Seaman.
 “You ok?” Y/N asked Gibson then spat out some water she’d accidentally swallowed.
 “Ok,” Gibson spoke over the sound of rushing water.
 “I’m good!” He called from the other end of the boat. More gunfire hit the cabin above their heads; the soldiers ducked back under the water which was up to their waists by this point.
 “Yeah, we’re fine, thanks!” The closest highlander yelled sarcastically.
 “Fuck off, you hit me with your gun!” Alex took this opportunity to crawl back down, slipping at the bottom of the ladder.
 Scrabbling for the rags she’d spotted earlier, Y/N pressed them into the holes. The water was too strong though, destroying their futile attempts to keep the boat afloat. The lack of light made it impossible to find anything else to solve their problem.
 In one final go at saving their boat, all the soldiers pressed their fingers and palms against the hull. Water continued to seep through. It sloshed from above and down the trapdoor, nearly blocking their only way out. They weren’t going to make it.
  AN: Yeah, I meant what I said when I referenced the final section being split unnecessarily into two parts. And it’s gonna take a while to write it because it’s gonna be even more unnecessarily long. Sorry @firaemsen and @hufflepuff-and-feminist 
Arrêtez la tranquille!! Ne la pousse pas! Stop ! Don’t push her!
Laisse la tranquille! Elle m’aide! Leave her alone! She’s helping me!
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rocky-alex · 7 years
Motels Won’t Cut It Anymore
Word count: 1066
Warnings: Nothing here
Pairing: Reader x Sam
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Chapter nine: If You’re Going To Ride My Baby
You hated yourself. And Dean. Especially Dean. This was all his fault. You’d started the whole thing, you knew that, but he kept it going. So yeah, blaming him sounded pretty good right about now. You didn’t dare crack your eyes open just yet, settling for just listening to what was going on around you. Turned out, Sam had gotten you your own room, which you really appreciated at the moment. You heard groaning coming from the room next to yours, and the fact that Dean was suffering right along with you filled you with glee. It was what he deserved, the not so little shit.
You weren’t allowed to stay in bed for long. A few minutes later there was an obnoxious knock on your door.
“Go away!” you groaned. Instead of going away, whoever was at the door had the nerve to open it and come inside. You blearily turned your head toward your intruder and saw Sam standing in the doorway.
“Wow,” he said. “You look even worse than Dean, I didn’t think that was possible.”
“Could you not shout?” You slowly sat up, holding your pounding head in your hands. Sam just laughed. “Just please stop with the loud noises,” you begged. To your relief he did. You heard him walk to the bathroom and then the tap running. His footsteps returned and you saw a glass appear under your eyes.
“Drink up.”
You took the glass from his hand and held it up in front of you. You thought about drinking the water and your stomach started roiling. Sam looked expectantly at you.
“Nope. Nope, nope, nope,” you said. You put the glass on the floor and ran to the bathroom and got to the toilet just in time. Never again would you consume that much alcohol that fast. You’d actually woken up in the middle of the night, feeling completely fine. You’d known something was wrong, your hangovers were usually legendary. Now you knew why.
“Uughhh…” you groaned and lay your head gently against the cool porcelain of the toilet. Sam dared to peek around the corner. You looked up at him.
“Can I please just have until lunchtime?” He frowned. Geez, what was the hurry? You’d get wherever you were going eventually. “Please, Sam,” you begged. “I can’t drive like this, and there’s no way I’m letting one of you jumbo’s drive my baby.” Sam sighed.
“Just as well, I guess. I don’t think Dean’s good to drive either, despite what he says.”
“Great,” you said thankfully.
You’d passed out again after losing everything in your stomach. Sam had made you swallow a couple glasses of water and an advil before letting you sleep. You woke up a couple hours later, just before midday. Feeling much better you stretched before getting up. You gathered your things and left the room. Sam and Dean were already standing by the car, tossing their things in the trunk. You walked over and put yours in as well.
“Feeling better, Y/N?”
“Much,” you answered Sam, looking at Dean. He looked like shit, eyes saggy and squinting in the sunlight. Your one victory seemed to be that your hangover passed quicker than his.
“How you doing over there, Tay tay?”
“Bite me, Dorothy.” You cackled, watching him wince. “Let’s go, I need coffee.”
The diner wasn’t anything special, but they had hot, strong coffee and bacon, both things you craved at the moment. To your slight disappointment, Dean recovered fast once he got his hands on a cup of joe. Sam interrupted your thoughts.
“So we can talk to you while you’re driving?” You shook your head and looked at his phone.
“Yeah, my helmet has speakers and a microphone, hooked up to my phone through a cord. It also works over bluetooth,” you explained. “This way I can listen to music, and take calls when I need to. I have a controller on the handlebar so I don’t have to move or lift my hands. That one is connected to both the speakers and my phone through bluetooth.” Sam looked kind of impressed and you gave a small laugh.
“I used to travel a lot before settling down in Oregon, and I love music.”
“Yeah? What do you listen to?” His interest caught you off guard, but made you smile.
“A lot of different things. At the moment it’s a mixlist with mostly random classic rock songs.” Dean raised his head.
“Really?” Oh it’s on.
“Try me”
“Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door.”
“Pfft, please. Bob Dylan.” Dean pursed his lips and nodded.
“You’re good,” he said. He looked at the clock on the wall. “Time to hit the road,” he continued and got up from his seat, leaving a few bills on the table. You saw him catch the waitress’ eye across the room and wink, smiling at her. Ugh.
Just like yesterday, you followed behind Dean until you got to the highway. Before you started driving you’d asked Sam which directions to follow, and finally found out your more exact destination. Lebanon, Kansas. Now able to just follow road directions you could relax a bit. Dean drove like a maniac, and while you had had no problem keeping up with him the day before, it was nice to know that if you lost track of them in heavier traffic you’d still know where to go.
The highway was deserted, so you drove up next to the chevy again. Dean honked the horn, so you glanced to the side, seeing him giving a slight wave before stepping on it. No way. You revved the engine, easily catching up. You didn’t slow down but instead flipped Dean the bird and drove past, going in front of him. You smirked under the visor of your helmet. Reckless you may be, but Dean was annoying. It was worth it. The next song on the list came on and you smiled at the familiar guitar sound.
“I took my baby on a saturday bang,
Boy is that girl with you
Yes, we’re one and the same
Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle has happened tonight
But if you’re thinkin’ about my baby
It don’t matter if you’re black or white”
The sun was shining high in the sky, you had your baby, and the chevy behind you couldn’t keep up. Life was good, considering your circumstances.
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blood-of-fandoms · 8 years
Subject 28
Request by madithemagicalfangirl : I wondering if I could get a aos imagine where the team rescue the reader who is a teen off a hydra base where they were training her to be a weapon and didn’t even give them a proper name just like subject 28 or something. The reader has telekinesis (kinda like eleven from stranger things) and they find a family in the team they never had and they teach her about the world and everything since she never got to with hydra and it’s all fluffy and cute in the ending? Thanks!
Of course you can! Sorry for the delay!
The whole room was painted red as alarms flashed, and all you could hear was a conglomeration of sirens, gunshots and shouting. In an instant you were up against the metal bars of your cell, unable to escape but still wanting to know what was happening. You had gathered from fragments of passing conversations that someone had broken into the base but that was all you knew.
“GET BACK!” a voice shouted and you turned towards the source of the noise just as a flashing device was attached to the door of your cell. Your eyes widened as you realised what was happening and you pushed yourself off the bars as hard as you could, sending your body to the floor at the back of the small room.
You heard a bang before your vision was filled with smoke, then suddenly a pair of hands emerged from the smoke and grabbed onto your arms which you had raised above your head. The sudden contact caught you off guard, allowing your instincts and training to kick in as you ripped your arms out of the mysterious person’s hands and placed a kick where you thought their torso was, causing them to fall to the floor and giving you an opportunity to bolt out of the room.
You ran around the compound which was both familiar and unfamiliar, as you had spent most of your life there but had rarely been outside your cell, only for medical tests and training. You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew you had to run. As you rounded a corner, you heard something like a gunshot but somehow gentler and before you could register that it was you who had been shot, you were falling to the ground, your vision going black.
You forced your eyes open and blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light which illuminated the small room you were in.
‘Oh great’, you thought, ‘I escape from one cell just to be thrown into another.’
You sat up and glanced around the room. It was mostly empty, just the bed which you were lying on, but outside the cell was a chair and some stairs leading to what you presumed was the only way out.
You had started walking around the cell, getting a feel for the space and checking for any possible escape routes when you heard a door open at the top of the stairs, followed by the sound of footsteps. You sat back down on the bed and watched as three people approached the cell. The first was a male with a stern yet kind face and a lack of hair on the top of his head, dressed in a suit. Next was a female with dark hair, more serious than the first, not showing any emotions on her face and dressed all in black. Lastly was a girl in her early twenties with long brown hair and obviously more relaxed than the other two, dressed in casual clothes and holding a tablet of some sort.
“Hello,” the man said, affirming your guess that he was the one in charge, “how are you feeling?” You didn’t answer and kept staring at the wall directly ahead of you.
“Are you hurt?” He tried, eliciting only a brief shake of the head from you which almost went unnoticed.
“Good, I’m glad. Now, what’s your name?”
“Subject 28.” You replied instantaneously, being used to being asked this on a regular basis.
“I mean, what’s your real name? The one you had before you were taken.” He asked, only gaining a blank stare in reply.
“You do have a name, right? Everyone has a name.” The younger girl said, a look of mild confusion appearing on her face.
“My name is Subject 28.” You repeated.
“Okay, how about this.” The man started, trying to bring an end to the cycle, “What would you like us to call you?” This shocked you as you couldn’t remember the last time in your life when anyone asked you what you wanted. You thought for a moment, remembering your time at the Hydra base. You couldn’t recall ever seeing another name for you on any documentation, but one memory did spring to mind. You remembered a scientist, the only one who ever treated you as something more than an asset. You remembered asking what her name was and thought of her response.
“Y/N,” she had said, smiling kindly at you, “My name is Y/N.”
“Y/N.” You said after a moment. The man smiled gently at your reply.
“Alright then Y/N. We just have a few questions for you. First, do you know where you are?” You shook your head, unable to remember how you ended up in the room. “Next question, do you know where you were before?”
“In a Hydra base.” You replied, remembering the symbol printed all over the walls and the constant repetition of the phrase ‘Hail Hydra’.
“Good. Last one, do you know why you were being kept there?” You felt all eyes on you as they waited for your answer.
“They wanted to use my ability against their enemies.” You said, eliciting a shocked sound from the girl.
“What? But she’s not a weapon, she’s a kid!” She cried.
“You think Hydra cares about age?” The other woman responded.
“Sorry, one more question.” The man interjected. “What exactly is your ‘ability’ that Hydra wanted to harness?”
“I can move things by thinking about it.” You said simply.
“You’re telekinetic? No way! That’s so cool!” The girl squealed, earning a look from the other two.
“Would you mind showing us?” The man asked kindly, his tone being one you weren’t used to. You glanced at the group for a moment before nodding, deciding you had nothing to lose, they couldn’t be worse than Hydra was. You stared at the tablet in the girl’s hand and imagined it moving up towards the ceiling. You heard the girl give out a startled yelp as the tablet started floating up until you stopped, allowing it to fall back down.
“Well, Y/N. I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Phil Coulson, this is Melinda May and Skye. We work for SHIELD, you’re currently on one of our jets. Now it seems to me that you’re not used to being in the outside world, right? What do you say to us letting you out and showing you around a bit, help you to familiarise yourself with your new home?” You were shocked, you barely knew these people and they were offering you a home, something you hadn’t had in a very long time. You looked at them, wary of their unexpected kindness but you couldn’t see any hidden emotions in them, they seemed sincere in their offer.
Slowly you nodded. “I’d like that.”
“In that case, welcome to the team Y/N.” Coulson said. Skye pressed a button on her tablet and whatever was keeping you trapped before disappeared, allowing you to take your first steps out of the cell and into your new life.
So I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided that if enough people want it, I’ll write a second part to this where the reader meets the rest of the team and bonds with them as they teach her about life. If you guys want to see that, let me know.
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amberlynnmurdock · 8 years
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Genre: mostly angst
Words: 2161
Summary: based off this drabble i wrote from this request. you confess your feelings to daryl who rejects you but it’s not why you think. he does love you, but he’s afraid of making a mistake. something happens to you, and he reconsiders his actions. the answer becomes much more clear. 
Notes: i polished it up, changed a few things… i’m not really sure i’m entirely satisfied but i feel like it’s been a while since i posted. i hope you enjoy it! 
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Daryl thought you and he had something special. He’s never connected with another human being more than he has with you. For God’s sake, you’ve been through everything together: from Atlanta, all the way to fucking Terminus, and now, Alexandria. He cared about you more than anything. Daryl Dixon would die for you. Of course, that last part could be a minor issue, since you were pretty goddamn sure that you would die for him, too.
It was easy for Daryl to admit to himself that he would do anything for you. But why was it so hard for him to accept the feelings you had for him? Well, the answer to that was clear too: Daryl wasn’t used to love. Certainly not this kind of love, for sure.
So, when you stood there before him, with your heart out on your sleeve and said those words, “I have feelings for you.” Daryl didn’t know what to do. He looked at you and let your words sink into his skin. He etched them deep into his heart and leak into his soul; he just stood there. Daryl looked away from your eyes and let out an angry grunt. You flinched at his reaction, unsure of what to do yourself.
Why did it have to come to this? Why was it so hard? Those questions echoed in Daryl’s mind. He could feel his heart grow heavy in his chest. He did love you. Why was it so hard for him to say it? The one thing he would not let himself do was hurt you, to not love you the right way, to not be the person you wanted him to be. He wasn’t sure if he could handle it. Daryl wanted to make no mistakes in a relationship with you and he felt as if he would make all of them. Nothing scared Daryl Dixon except for love.
To avoid all of that, he had to let you down. Even if it hurt his heart to see you cry, to see you upset in any way, he had to to avoid the bigger outcome.
“I don’t feel the same way,” the words tasted like metal as they left his lips. Daryl turns his hands into fists and waits for your reply. Should he wait? Does he have to leave first? Was it you who had to leave first? Wait, leaving? Daryl didn’t want you to leave. But he made the possibility very likely.
Your face contorts the slightest, but you bite your lip and look away from those goddamn sky blue eyes. You feel your eyes begin to water. You bite your lip harder to keep it from trembling.
Daryl knows you’re upset, despite your attempts at covering your feelings. He’s always been able to read you. And to know that this was all because of him just killed him even more. He’s never had his heart feel so heavy in his chest. You nod curtly and walk away from him, down the streets in Alexandria. Daryl watches you walk away, wondering to himself where the two of you stood now. Things would never be the same, he knew that much.
That night, in the house he shared with you and Carol, he heard you crying in your room. He lay there awake, hand resting behind his head, eyes glued to the ceiling. Hearing you cry. Oh, how much he wanted to go into your room and hold you against him and tell you the truth but, oh, how much he couldn’t do any of that. A single tear falls down the side of Daryl’s face, and he finally lets himself fall asleep.
Two Weeks Later
The silence kills the both of you, yet neither of you do anything about it.
Daryl watches you from afar. He absolutely hates the distance.
The two of you share quick glances with one another. Daryl looks at you when you’re talking to someone else, and you still look at him when he’s listening to what Rick or Glenn has to say. It hurts to even look at him. He feels a jab to his heart every time he looks at you. No one knows what happened between you and Daryl, but everyone can feel the tension. When you and Daryl stopped going on runs together, Rick knew something was wrong. When he asked Daryl in private, Daryl dismissed the thought.
Carol knew the next morning after that night. She knew something was wrong because Daryl was up and out of bed before anyone else; hell, maybe even before the sun rose. You shrugged when she asked if something was up. She thought it was strange because you always knew when something was bothering Daryl Dixon.
This new world has prepared Daryl for the worst of things, but nothing could prepare him for the thought of losing you.
Even though the two of you weren’t talking, he still paid attention to Rick’s instructions for you, Glenn, Michonne, and Eugene. The four of you would be going a little farther than usual for a run for Alexandria. Daryl didn’t like it, but there was nothing he could do to voice his opposition. He was worried about you, despite knowing that you’ve handled more complicated runs. Especially since he almost always accompanied you on a run, whether it was a group or just the two of you.
The moment he heard the truck pull to the gates, Daryl finally let himself breathe a sigh of relief. He paused working on his motorcycle and walked up with Rick to see what had been found.
“Open the gates! Quick!” Glenn shouted as he banged on the gates. Daryl exchanged a nervous look with Rick. They both bolted down the streets and met up with everyone at the gate. Abraham pushed the gates open as Michonne drove the truck in. Glenn ran to the side of the truck and opened the door.
“Y/N’s been shot!” Eugene shrieked, “We need to take her to the infirmary!”
“Who shot her?” Rick asked Glenn, his voice deep with anger and concern. Daryl’s heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach. Shot?
“Is she alright?!” Daryl asked in a mix of fury and anguish. He tried to get a look at you in the truck.
Glenn shrugged, “These… guys. They found us. Took the stuff we were going to take. She tried to fight them, but one of the guys shot her. She’s smart, she played dead until they left.”
Daryl was shaking with anger. Abraham helped Eugene carry you out of the truck. He made his way towards you and helped the two men carry you out. Daryl took a glance at your wound. Your left shoulder was bloody and a hole to where the bullet hit you ripped your shirt. The sight made Daryl’s blood run cold. He took you away from Abraham’s hold and carried you, running towards the infirmary in Alexandria. You were unconscious, you had lost a lot of blood, and Daryl was scared more than anything. He could not lose you. He wouldn’t. He placed your head against his chest to protect you from further harm.
Busting through the doors, Daryl yelled, “She’s been shot!”
“Set her down on the table,” Denise ordered, immediately washing her hands at the sink station. Daryl gently laid you down on the operating table, his hand resting on the back of your neck. He looked at you breathless–suddenly, you stirred awake. Your eyes fluttered and you gasped.
“Shh,” Daryl whispered as you began to hyperventilate. He gently ran his fingers over the side of your face and into your hair, not breaking eye contact with you. Daryl continued, “Shh, just look at me. Just look at me.” You nodded and tried to keep your eyes open, before blacking out. Daryl’s heart dropped.
“Denise, she has been shot in her left shoulder. Blood loss is plenty. She may not–” Eugene started to go off in a nervous frenzy. Daryl backed up into him and pushed his chest against his forcefully,
“Shut up!” Daryl roared. Tears escaped Eugene’s eyes as he ran out the room. Daryl went over to your motionless body and looked at you. Your eyes fluttered open and Daryl placed his hand on your cheek,
“Stay with me, Y/N. I’m here, alright? Stay with me,” Daryl soothed before you blacked out once again.
“Daryl,” Denise said as calm as she could, “I need you to back away,” she said slowly. Daryl nodded, his heart pounding against his chest. He stepped away and let Denise operate on you.
Daryl stayed in the room as everyone else stood outside the door. He could hear Glenn go over the details with Rick. Michonne was talking to Carol. Eugene had gone off with Abraham. But Daryl stayed in the room. He watched as Denise operated. He needed you. He really, really needed you.
After the surgery was done to get the bullet out of your shoulder, Denise came over to Daryl.
“She’ll be fine. I suggest you go home and rest; it’ll probably be a while until she wakes up,” Denise said softly. Daryl kept his eyes on your sleeping form and shook his head,
“No. No, I’m stayin’,” He said. Denise nodded,
As Daryl sat in the chair next to where you lay, he thought an awful lot about the mistake he made that night. He lied. He lied about his feelings, he knew that. Daryl realized he shouldn’t be afraid of love. What was the point in it? He almost lost you today. If anything worse had happened, Daryl would never forgive himself for not being honest with you. He loved you so, so much. He really did. There wasn’t time for being afraid of it. He’s loved you for a while. Even when he didn’t realize it was happening, he was sure he fell in love with you a long time ago. He just didn’t know what to call it. He wasn’t going to hold back his feelings any longer–no, not anymore. You didn’t deserve that.
He took your hand in his and waited for you to wake up.
You woke with a throbbing pain in your left shoulder. You tried to move but fuck, it hurt like a bitch. You steadily lifted your head up and immediately rested it back on the pillow. Your entire body ached. You felt a soft blanket over you.
Daryl perched up immediately in his seat as he saw you move. You looked at him; there was no one else you were more relieved to see. Daryl cupped your face in the palm of his hand and broke down into tears immediately, so relieved to see you awake. His tears fell to your face and soon, you were crying, too. Daryl buries his head in the crook of your neck and you run your right hand through his hair. He pulls back and returns his hand to the side of your face.
“Are you alright? How do you feel?” Daryl asks in a throaty voice.
“Much better than before,” You smiled through your tears, “My shoulder hurts, but I’m fine.”
“I’m sorry,” He rasped, caressing your cheek with his thumb. You placed your hand on top of his, “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“For what?” You ask him in confusion.
Daryl looked at you incredulously. He sniffled and took your hand in his, “I’m sorry for not bein’ open with ya. I do care about ya. I do love ya. I couldn’t–I shouldn’t have said the words I said ‘cause I didn’t mean any of it. I was just afraid of it–love. I don’t want to mess up and I ain’t ever gonna forgive myself if I did.”
You took in his words. You felt dazed from being unconscious for a couple of hours but his words hit you clear as day. “Daryl–was that what you were afraid of? Of messing up with me?”
He nodded.
“You know how much shit we’ve been through? You know how much shit I would go through with you again?” You reached up and wiped his tears away, “All of it. Don’t worry about messing up. I’m just as scared as you are,” Your words comforted Daryl, “I’m willing to take that risk with you.”
“I am, too,” Daryl said, “I’m sorry for not being honest. You know I’d never lie to ya.”
“I understand. It doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re here now.”
Daryl smiled softly. You smiled up at him through bleary eyes and pulled him down to meet your lips. You kissed him. The kiss was soft, and it was clear Daryl was nervous, but he let himself feel it. He let himself melt into it.
Daryl pulled back.
“I’m so grateful you’re here,” He tells you, “I love ya.”
You look into his sky blue eyes and smile, “I love you, too, Daryl.”
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