#he is a monster lover/fucker
t0tally-n0t-3m0 · 11 months
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[image ID: image depicts a drawing of Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives googling ‘what is a monster lover?’ And then blushing when he realises that he is indeed a monster lover]
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specshroom · 4 months
Wolf hybrid who is sooooo excited to experience his bunny hybrid partners first heat. So excited that he vastly underestimates just how horny bunnies are in heat.
He's expecting his cute little bunny partner (you) to cry and beg for his knot. Which you do and he knots and cums inside you twice but then right after his knot deflates you look up at him and go "Again?"
He's a little tired but he can't say no to you...
Until it's the sixth fucking round and you're still bouncing on his very overstimulated cock. He knows it's very bad to interrupt a bunny while they're so deep in heat but he might just pass out and you're so lost in the sauce you might just keep going if he does.
He needs to think of a way to satisfy you that won't literally kill him. He gets an idea and reaches for his phone. It's really embarrassing but the best thing he can think of at that moment is to open the group chat, aptly named "The Boys", and hastily text:
[Hey guys can u come over]
[I need sum help with something]
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himexyandere · 2 months
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Imagine a tall, lanky monster boyfriend that can't keep his big hands off of you. Groping, squeezing and pinching, he's always got to have his hands full of you or he'll pout about it. If you playfully asked him why he can't seem to keep his hands to himself, he'd simply respond with: "You're soft."
This, of course, extends to when he's fucking your cute cunt. His arms are long, so regardless of the position, he'll always be able to reach whichever part of you he wants to squeeze. While you're busy babbling and whimpering about how long and thick his cock is, he's indulging himself in your softness 💗
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specsthesecond · 4 days
Slime bf whose slime is sticky and super stretchy so you guys can be literally attached at the hip lol.
When you want to get up from cuddles he whines at you and as you walk away he just stretches himself so that half of him is still attached to you and the other half is on the bed
If he gets really impatient he'll pull his body together, pulling you with him back to the bed so that he's whole again and you're stuck to his side, as you should be.
You basically always have a piece of your boyfriend on you at all times. It calms him to always be touching to you in some way and it helps him know where you are when you're not close.
Maybe it's a little weird when he suggests you don't need underwear because he can be your makeshift underwear. Maybe it's a little worrying that he has to be attached to you at all times or he gets extremely anxious.
But you love him so much so why would you have a problem with that anyway, right?
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cheesomancer · 4 months
What are you waiting for? I'm totally ready, I tell you.
Full art (with close up!) is here!
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microtyalm13 · 7 months
alright imagine. as of late, heavy breathing could be heard coming from under your bed at night. you haven't looked under there, of course, you don't have a damn deathwish, and you haven't told about it to anyone, bc people would probably think that you're crazy. or you don't trust your own ears, thinking your mind is playing tricks on you. either way, your sleep schedule is ruined.
well, what if you miraculously fell asleep but left your arm hanging off the edge of the bed? you wake up to a surprisingly warm and gentle touch to your hand. the gesture seems almost meek, too careful. you don't have any pets, and if you do, they're either sleeping in their own places or right next to you.
fell asleep, but all your limbs are on the bed? you wake up in the mornings from strange wet dreams, where terror and arousal are intertwined into one. you don't remember much of them, but the bits and pieces that remain in your memory... big, strangely familiar hands holding your hips while its own rested between your thighs. the same seemingly cursed bed, and the sheets on it, which you desperately grasp as your vision blurs in anticipation of another orgasm. you don't see faces, you don't hear voices. only heavy breathing and the warmth oozing through the skin of a creature you don't know.
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mx-monster · 4 months
The One Who is a Thousand, The Thousand Who Are One: the god of order and unity. the ruler of all the gods. An entity so powerful it cannot inhabit just one body. Instead its form is divided into thousands of brain parasites that possess the bodies of devout believers and enacts its will through them.
It has its claws in deep. It can make you hallucinate things that aren’t there. You can feel the phantom sensation of a tongue dragging across your neck. You feel the familiar pressure of fingers invading your hole despite the fact your fully clothed at work.
It invaded your dreams, sending you intensely vivid dreams of your wildest fantasies. You’ll hear it teasing you. You’ll wake up turned on. Your hand will move to your sex on its own accord.
It can flood your system with dopamine, making you come on the spot. It loves doing this whenever your in the middle of a conversation. Humiliation is another emotion it can’t feel without you, so it revels in it.
Unity has invaded every aspect of your life. It’s perversion and desperate need for pleasure eclipsing everything else. You’ve become it’s personal sex toy. That is your purpose. Your reason for existing. To experience raw pleasure so Unity may feel it through you.
And that’s not mentioning the other hosts and your shared connection with Unity.
The orgies are wild.
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eruden-writes · 4 months
Choosing the Bear - Part 1 (Shifter x Human)
Inspired by the Man or Bear in the Woods question/meme.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (coming soon?)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If you found yourself at night in a forest – somewhere that made bumfuck nowhere look like New York City – would you choose to be alone with a man or a bear?
Bambi Rose Barker was stuck in the middle of both answers. Literally.
She stood stock still, eyes wide, chest heaving and aching for air while her stomach lurched. Moments earlier – or maybe half an hour ago, she couldn’t tell – she had managed to escape her kidnapper’s cabin with the man hot at her heels. It had been a mad dash through the night, dressed in only a tank top and a pair of daisy duke shorts and choking down pain as her bare feet slammed over rocks, branches, and uneven terrain.
Luckily, a full moon cast light over the world, so Bambi wasn’t exactly stumbling without sight. Fumbling through the forest without shoes was still a bitch on the soles, but she simply gritted her teeth and continued forth.
When she caught sight of the bear a few yards ahead, her racing feet and thoughts froze. She couldn’t really be seeing a bear, right? Under the moonlight and swirling starlight, she squinted. But it was hard to deny that the bright white creature was anything but a bear.
Her adrenaline shifted from fleeing her pursuer as she slowed to calculating whether ursine or man was a larger threat.
Behind her, the man howled as he tromped through the mountainside forest, “Bambi, get back here! I just wanna talk things out!”
It wasn’t the first time she’d had a man chasing her with a shotgun. Growing up in the country, with little to do except get in trouble, Bambi and a group of friends often found themselves running off into the dark, being threatened by an angry elder with a shot gun.
The man tailing at her heels wasn’t crochety Mrs. Jenkins, who was more bark than actual bullet.
No, she was well-acquainted with Duke Walker. They’d grown up in the same town and known each other forever.
There was one key difference between Duke and the other men of Hartwell: his family owned the little town. By and large, he was better off than most people in Barfield and he got away with a whole helluva lot more than the average folk.
Which included stalking, as Bambi had learned over the last two years of their separation. He was about to add kidnapping and possibly murder to the list, as well.
But Duke was a human. A five-foot-eleven-inch human that might have a chance to be reasoned with.
Whereas the bear…
Well to start with, it looked about as tall as the Wicked Warrior from the Monster Truck Derby her pa used to take her to when she was a kid. Which had to be at least ten feet tall, though maybe kid Bambi was coloring her memories. It didn’t help that the bear looked to weigh just about as much as the Wicked Warrior to boot.
To end with, judging from the size and coloration, it looked like a polar bear. As in one of the few creatures that actually saw humans as a viable snack.
While Bambi hadn’t been an ace at high school geography, she was pretty damn sure the Appalachian Mountains were too far south for a polar bear.
Confusion warred with uncertainty, keeping her frozen in place as the bear lowered onto all four paws. A faint part of Bambi’s mind realized it had been rooting around in a tree and, a little hysterically, she wondered if polar bears ate honey.
Just as the bear lumbered closer to Bambi, Duke crashed through the brush behind her. The flaps of his flannel button-up, unbuttoned, flared behind him as his white tank top nearly glowed in the moonlight. “Christ, woman! I told you I just wanted ta’ talk and you gotta go and make a scene—“
Jolting, Bambi spun toward Duke. It would’ve been a lie if she didn’t take some satisfaction in watching awareness dawn on his as he finally saw the bear. He paled to a shade almost as white as the creature, gripping his gun tighter. She watched the knot in his throat bob, fear freezing him momentarily in place.
For some reason, seeing Duke like that sparked something inside Bambi. Balling her fists, she nodded toward the gun in his hands. “If you just wanna talk, Duke, why do you got a gun with you?”
Her words made Duke snap his attention back to her, eyes wide with horror and anger. “Now’s not the time for all that! Do you not see the hulking white beast behind you!?”
“I do, but it ain’t threatening me with a damn gun and it hasn’t been the one stalkin’ me for years and kidnapping me,” she spat back, though she very pointedly shifted so her back wasn’t to the bear or the man.
A chuff from the bear startled her attention back to it, her heart tripping in her chest. She glanced toward it, risking eye contact that could very well end her life. The bear’s head slightly tilted toward her, ears giving a twitch, but it didn’t growl or lift a lip in a snarl. Even without the signs of imminent danger, Bambi’s heart thrummed in her chest.
Albino, she thought. The white bear couldn’t be a polar bear, it had to be albino! But didn’t albino animals have red eyes? And no pigmentation in the rest of their body? She swallowed as her eyes dropped from the creature’s dark eyes to its black nose.
The cock of Duke’s rifle snagged Bambi’s attention back toward him. Finally, a growl burbled up from the bear and she heard it shift, could feel it rising up on its hind feet. Apprehension prickled over her body, finding Duke lining up a shot through the scope, lip curling as he snarled, “You need to back away from that damn thing! Don’t you got any sense?!”
A sudden surge of protectiveness overcame Bambi as she took a step closer to the armed man. “Duke Walker, put down the damned rifle! It wasn’t doing a thing before you started threatening it.”
“Don’t you Duke Walker me! It’s a—“
Before Duke could finish his retort, the huge bear crested the distance faster than Bambi would have guessed. Stunned, she couldn’t even shriek as the bear descended on Duke, huge paw arcing down to swipe at the rifle. She only heard the man give a startled cry before a loud, piercing gunshot rang out. With a clatter, the rifle went flying and Duke stumbled back, bloody gouge marks trickling down his arm and chest. Another growl warbled from the bear as it stood up straighter.
As Duke turned tail and sprinted back the way he came, the bear didn’t pursue. It merely stood, as if watching the man disappear into the woods.
And suddenly, Bambi realized she was alone with the hulking beast. As quick and quiet as she could, she began sidling away from the creature, mentally trying to determine which direction she should run to avoid Duke. However, the bear shifted toward her and she realized, with a start, that red blossomed along its fur.
Duke had shot it.
With a  groan, the bear lowered down to all four, its torso seemingly heaving.
Sense and compassion held Bambi locked in place, part of her wanting to check on the creature while the logical side of her told her to bolt. Besides the fact it could be a polar bear – there’s no fucking way it’s actually a polar bear, Bambi’s logical side snarked – it was injured, meaning it had both a hankering for human and was likely scared while in pain.
Before Bambi could decide what to do, a smaller figure crashed through the tangle of forest. “Dad! Dad! What’s goin’ on? Did you hear that gunshot?”
The little figure paused, eyes widening and voice softening with worry, “What happened to you?”
With a jolt, Bambi realized she recognized the voice. Squinting, she took a step closer. “Mercy? Mercy Clements?”
Startled, the girl turned toward Bambi as she hovered near the bear. The light of the moon caught her wide hazel eyes, casting them with a silver sheen. Like a fish, her mouth opened and closed, obviously trying to come up with something to say.
Wait, she’d said ‘dad’ thought Bambi. And then she had ran toward the bear, asking the creature what happened. Bambi’s gaze flicked from the bear to the girl and back to the bear, a perplexing suspicion taking root. There was no way to confuse a behemoth like that for a human, even in the dark.
“Zeke?” Bambi narrowed her eyes, focusing on the bear. There was no way the bear was Zeke Clements. There was no way the bear was anything other than a bear!
Something in the bear’s demeanor flinched – or so Bambi thought – and her denial wavered.
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specshroom · 4 months
I imagine elves would think that humans are pretty masculine no matter their gender like the way we think elves look feminine and dainty no matter their gender.
So imagine an elf guy who assumes that humans like to be told how big and strong they are just cus they're usually more muscular than elves. He ends up flirting with a pretty feminine looking woman the same way you would a masculine man like,
"Oh wow~ Your so stroong~ "
He touches her arm, which is not at all muscular by human standards,
"Do you work out?"
And the woman's just like “...😐 Are u making fun of me?“
And the poor elf guy is trying to figure out where he went wrong 😭😭 He just thought all humans liked being complemented on their comparatively more masculine body types.😭
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valorieravenchild · 4 months
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I think his name is Mathias, roughly 700 years old absolute goblin of a guy. He was rich until he missed the currency switch because he was sleeping and now all his treasure is useless. He gets by on switching sugar-daddies every 10 years or so when they remark on that fact that he still looks so young.
He is currently waiting for his wealth to be so old that he can exchange it as national treasure. It's already happened, he could exchange it by now but he has no reference of time anymore.
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monstrousdesirestudy · 2 months
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Imagine: after humanity is gone, somehow our digital footprint remains. Aliens dig it up to anthropologically understand humans and they use posts like this to understand just who we were at the end of the day 🫶 beautiful
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cheesomancer · 4 months
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🐍 Cheeseless version's hereeeeee!
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microtyalm13 · 4 months
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yaay i did it. sillies for mermay! 🦞xiao is the prettiest merman out there who could've guessed....
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gavriil, orca.
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derzena, carpet shark.
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and xiao, fimbriated moray!
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somequeeralien · 26 days
Hey, I'm here again! Say hi to Amaliel! He's shy, so pardon him for not showing much of his face
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He's saying "I love you" in ASL
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Watch your tone when talking to him. He's sensitive and will cry.
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crewtawn · 6 months
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Tasteful nudity here.
Those new to my blog wont know but I have a Rule34! NSFW drawing requests and commissions are TOTALLY allowed!
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furrbbyx · 1 year
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