#shifter x human
eruden-writes · 4 months
Choosing the Bear - Part 1 (Shifter x Human)
Inspired by the Man or Bear in the Woods question/meme.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (coming soon?)
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If you found yourself at night in a forest – somewhere that made bumfuck nowhere look like New York City – would you choose to be alone with a man or a bear?
Bambi Rose Barker was stuck in the middle of both answers. Literally.
She stood stock still, eyes wide, chest heaving and aching for air while her stomach lurched. Moments earlier – or maybe half an hour ago, she couldn’t tell – she had managed to escape her kidnapper’s cabin with the man hot at her heels. It had been a mad dash through the night, dressed in only a tank top and a pair of daisy duke shorts and choking down pain as her bare feet slammed over rocks, branches, and uneven terrain.
Luckily, a full moon cast light over the world, so Bambi wasn’t exactly stumbling without sight. Fumbling through the forest without shoes was still a bitch on the soles, but she simply gritted her teeth and continued forth.
When she caught sight of the bear a few yards ahead, her racing feet and thoughts froze. She couldn’t really be seeing a bear, right? Under the moonlight and swirling starlight, she squinted. But it was hard to deny that the bright white creature was anything but a bear.
Her adrenaline shifted from fleeing her pursuer as she slowed to calculating whether ursine or man was a larger threat.
Behind her, the man howled as he tromped through the mountainside forest, “Bambi, get back here! I just wanna talk things out!”
It wasn’t the first time she’d had a man chasing her with a shotgun. Growing up in the country, with little to do except get in trouble, Bambi and a group of friends often found themselves running off into the dark, being threatened by an angry elder with a shot gun.
The man tailing at her heels wasn’t crochety Mrs. Jenkins, who was more bark than actual bullet.
No, she was well-acquainted with Duke Walker. They’d grown up in the same town and known each other forever.
There was one key difference between Duke and the other men of Hartwell: his family owned the little town. By and large, he was better off than most people in Barfield and he got away with a whole helluva lot more than the average folk.
Which included stalking, as Bambi had learned over the last two years of their separation. He was about to add kidnapping and possibly murder to the list, as well.
But Duke was a human. A five-foot-eleven-inch human that might have a chance to be reasoned with.
Whereas the bear…
Well to start with, it looked about as tall as the Wicked Warrior from the Monster Truck Derby her pa used to take her to when she was a kid. Which had to be at least ten feet tall, though maybe kid Bambi was coloring her memories. It didn’t help that the bear looked to weigh just about as much as the Wicked Warrior to boot.
To end with, judging from the size and coloration, it looked like a polar bear. As in one of the few creatures that actually saw humans as a viable snack.
While Bambi hadn’t been an ace at high school geography, she was pretty damn sure the Appalachian Mountains were too far south for a polar bear.
Confusion warred with uncertainty, keeping her frozen in place as the bear lowered onto all four paws. A faint part of Bambi’s mind realized it had been rooting around in a tree and, a little hysterically, she wondered if polar bears ate honey.
Just as the bear lumbered closer to Bambi, Duke crashed through the brush behind her. The flaps of his flannel button-up, unbuttoned, flared behind him as his white tank top nearly glowed in the moonlight. “Christ, woman! I told you I just wanted ta’ talk and you gotta go and make a scene—“
Jolting, Bambi spun toward Duke. It would’ve been a lie if she didn’t take some satisfaction in watching awareness dawn on his as he finally saw the bear. He paled to a shade almost as white as the creature, gripping his gun tighter. She watched the knot in his throat bob, fear freezing him momentarily in place.
For some reason, seeing Duke like that sparked something inside Bambi. Balling her fists, she nodded toward the gun in his hands. “If you just wanna talk, Duke, why do you got a gun with you?”
Her words made Duke snap his attention back to her, eyes wide with horror and anger. “Now’s not the time for all that! Do you not see the hulking white beast behind you!?”
“I do, but it ain’t threatening me with a damn gun and it hasn’t been the one stalkin’ me for years and kidnapping me,” she spat back, though she very pointedly shifted so her back wasn’t to the bear or the man.
A chuff from the bear startled her attention back to it, her heart tripping in her chest. She glanced toward it, risking eye contact that could very well end her life. The bear’s head slightly tilted toward her, ears giving a twitch, but it didn’t growl or lift a lip in a snarl. Even without the signs of imminent danger, Bambi’s heart thrummed in her chest.
Albino, she thought. The white bear couldn’t be a polar bear, it had to be albino! But didn’t albino animals have red eyes? And no pigmentation in the rest of their body? She swallowed as her eyes dropped from the creature’s dark eyes to its black nose.
The cock of Duke’s rifle snagged Bambi’s attention back toward him. Finally, a growl burbled up from the bear and she heard it shift, could feel it rising up on its hind feet. Apprehension prickled over her body, finding Duke lining up a shot through the scope, lip curling as he snarled, “You need to back away from that damn thing! Don’t you got any sense?!”
A sudden surge of protectiveness overcame Bambi as she took a step closer to the armed man. “Duke Walker, put down the damned rifle! It wasn’t doing a thing before you started threatening it.”
“Don’t you Duke Walker me! It’s a—“
Before Duke could finish his retort, the huge bear crested the distance faster than Bambi would have guessed. Stunned, she couldn’t even shriek as the bear descended on Duke, huge paw arcing down to swipe at the rifle. She only heard the man give a startled cry before a loud, piercing gunshot rang out. With a clatter, the rifle went flying and Duke stumbled back, bloody gouge marks trickling down his arm and chest. Another growl warbled from the bear as it stood up straighter.
As Duke turned tail and sprinted back the way he came, the bear didn’t pursue. It merely stood, as if watching the man disappear into the woods.
And suddenly, Bambi realized she was alone with the hulking beast. As quick and quiet as she could, she began sidling away from the creature, mentally trying to determine which direction she should run to avoid Duke. However, the bear shifted toward her and she realized, with a start, that red blossomed along its fur.
Duke had shot it.
With a  groan, the bear lowered down to all four, its torso seemingly heaving.
Sense and compassion held Bambi locked in place, part of her wanting to check on the creature while the logical side of her told her to bolt. Besides the fact it could be a polar bear – there’s no fucking way it’s actually a polar bear, Bambi’s logical side snarked – it was injured, meaning it had both a hankering for human and was likely scared while in pain.
Before Bambi could decide what to do, a smaller figure crashed through the tangle of forest. “Dad! Dad! What’s goin’ on? Did you hear that gunshot?”
The little figure paused, eyes widening and voice softening with worry, “What happened to you?”
With a jolt, Bambi realized she recognized the voice. Squinting, she took a step closer. “Mercy? Mercy Clements?”
Startled, the girl turned toward Bambi as she hovered near the bear. The light of the moon caught her wide hazel eyes, casting them with a silver sheen. Like a fish, her mouth opened and closed, obviously trying to come up with something to say.
Wait, she’d said ‘dad’ thought Bambi. And then she had ran toward the bear, asking the creature what happened. Bambi’s gaze flicked from the bear to the girl and back to the bear, a perplexing suspicion taking root. There was no way to confuse a behemoth like that for a human, even in the dark.
“Zeke?” Bambi narrowed her eyes, focusing on the bear. There was no way the bear was Zeke Clements. There was no way the bear was anything other than a bear!
Something in the bear’s demeanor flinched – or so Bambi thought – and her denial wavered.
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authordanielleforrest · 6 months
The Wolf's Freedom
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Within moments, she bumped into the back of the cave, and Ella splayed her hands against the cold stone in a moment of panic.  
She tried to steady her breathing.  
He’s not going to hurt me.  
Please don’t let him hurt me.  
She closed her eyes and braced herself for the worst as the wolf’s claws ticked steadily closer.
Then he nuzzled the side of her leg, and her eyes shot open, looking down to see the gigantic wolf rubbing up against her and making this happy sound she couldn’t quite fathom.  
What the hell?  
Taking a bit of confidence from this non-threatening move, she got down on her knees and ran a hand over his head.  On her knees, his head was at eyelevel, and she figured he had to weigh nearly two hundred pounds, rare for a wolf.
He licked her hand and started sniffing her.  First her hand, then up her arm, her neck, under her hair where he chuffed lightly, then down her back until he reached her ass, where he decided to take up residence with his nose.
“No.  Stop.”  
She swatted at him, but he shook her off, sending her onto hands and knees, then he returned to his treasure.  
This is so embarrassing.  
Sure, dogs seemed to have an inappropriate fascination with crotches, and greeted each other by smelling their butts, but seriously?
And it didn’t help that the rubbing motion against her in a very specific place was starting to turn her on. Talk about inappropriate.  Ella tried to shift away, but the wolf grabbed onto the back of her waistband with his teeth and dragged her back.
Then, with a huff, he started yanking at her pants in earnest, and she squawked as the material started to tear under his teeth and claws.  She tried crawling away again, but this time he growled.  She froze, terrified.  
Then the wolf licked one butt cheek he’d exposed with his efforts as if to say, “Stay put,” and ripped her pants and panties down around her knees.  Every muscle in her body stayed flexed, poised for whatever would come next, though she had no idea what to expect.  Why the hell would a wolf tear off a girl’s pants, for crying out loud?
Then fur came in contact with her clammy exposed skin, and her pussy contracted happily.  
What the fuck?!  
Her mind screamed at the twistedness of her body’s responses, but even her body’s kinky wantonness couldn’t hold her still as she felt something nudge her, asking for entrance.
Read in full at: https://reamstories.com/page/lgcjnfvhyn/story/ltlv35v84u/chapter/4d6b2092-8c8c-4453-9da0-7eef178905ac
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staciass · 9 months
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I’m a actually super surprised with this book because although I pretty much knew it would be this beautiful written masterpiece I kinda thought it would be an “ok” type book, ya know the type you read a book and even enjoy parts of it but you’re not really interested in reading the next book in a series.
I kinda dig this though. The FMC Perin is cute and adorable but also sensible and smart and the MMC Lukian is great too actually and I’m on the 8th or 9th chapter but the book just sucked me right in and I didn’t even want to stop reading lol !!
Yeah … I’m really enjoying this so far. The writing isn’t the most beautiful or most captivating but it drew me in and I can’t help but love Perin and Lukian !!
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daimere · 1 year
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I released a new book last week! If you want a steamy, human wants this shifter and will tease him till he relents, this is the one hour read for you.
Teasing my Stalker https://books2read.com/u/bxrdlD
It's all in paperback.
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kassoshire · 1 year
Your bed is extremely uncomfortable. In fact, it keeps moving. Cracking an eye, you realize you are laying on top of a very broad, very green chest and while you can feel that your orc is wearing pants, you are very, very naked. You must have shifted out of your rabbit form in your sleep, after he carried you in his coat all day to keep you from the rain.
He opens his eyes wide, mouth moving in panicked silence. You're terrified of what he might say, so you slam your lips into his fiercely, taking what you've dreamed of for years.
Your rabbit instincts agree, fucking is the solution to so many problems. He kisses his way down your neck until he reaches your chest.
“Oh Precious,” he rumbles, “you're a fucking feast. I’ve been imagining you naked since the moment I saw you again.” He presses your breasts together and nestles his face between them. “But these beauties make my mouth water.”
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
I really really like the idea of getting fucked buy a slime girl soooo much, she'd lean down and rub her tits on mine while pounding me and using her dick to press into all the right spots and maybe even make a little nub to rub my clit when she thrusts in
Yessss anon, got me squirming right now.
Slime gf is grinding her body against yours and just drenching you in her slime, making sure her scent is all over you. The softness of your body and your hard nipples against hers stimulates you both till you’re shaking. You can see the tremors of her body with each thrust.
She pounds away inside your dripping pussy, her dick reaching deeper and deeper inside you with every snap of her hips as she can control and lengthen her size to her own will. Furiously torturing you and giving you no relief. Hitting a new spot inside you every time.
You cry out raggedly, being taken to new heights of pleasure. As your pussy contracts around hers she can sense you’re getting close. So as to further torture you she shifts her cock into a pussy that’s as pretty as yours.
Lifting up your leg she grinds her pussy lips against yours, bumping clits savagely as though she’s gone into heat. You whine, your back arching as you desperately rub yourself off, briefly missing her cock before the overwhelming clitoral stimulation sets in that make you see stars.
Slime gf uses her slime as the most tantalizing lube you’ve ever felt. Her slime mixing with both your essences that gush and pool from your leaking cunts. Your mind and body feel like they’re on cloud nine as your orgasm starts to build again from the tight friction of your gf’s sweet cunt.
All you can sense is when she lifts off you and you whine loudly for a moment before she’s shifting her slime and slamming her cock back inside you. That whine immediately turning into a roaring scream.
“Sorry, love. Needed my cock for what I’m about to do to you. Gonna fill this sweet sweet pussy up to the brim,” she whispers in your ear. Reaching a hand down she twists your clit between her fingers as her pace quicks and you begin to shake. So so close. “Go on now, cum f’me and milk my dick for all it’s worth.”
That’s all it takes for the cord in your belly to snap and you burst all over her cock, clenching down your walls on her length. Your orgasm crashes through you in waves that you can’t help but get swept up in it. Loud cries leave your lips, your body convulsing and contorting to get more of her length inside you.
Slime gf doesn’t mind helping you with that. Through clenched teeth she continues to ram her cock inside you, working you through your orgasm. Only when it starts to fade away does she let go herself. With a final thrust she spills her hot cum inside your cunt till she floods your womb with her release. You gasp at the sensation as it sends you into another climax just as she had planned.
Grinding the base her cock into your clit she helps to further stimulate you both. The two of you weakly shaking as the exhaustion settles in. Slime gf slumps on top of you, exhaling in a content relief. Her slime also providing and a nice cooling effect to your overheated body as she snuggles with you and holds you close. Her softening cock staying buried deep inside you to keep you filled up with all of her.
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teratosfavouritesnack · 4 months
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Your dragon husband is torn by grief when you die in childbirth. He weeps on your lifeless body, his tears washing away the blood from your skin and healing your flesh... but they can't heal you back to life.
No, you're dead. You won't ever come back to him. He knows he should scorch your body, to set your spirit free, to let you to roam forever into the skies.... But he doesn't have the strength to part from his most treasured possession. You were more beautiful and precious to him than the most valuable gem he has ever owned. He must keep you. He's too selfish to let you go.
He covers your bare body with the finest jewels and the richest fabrics so you can shine brighter than any star in the sky. So that his son, the one you were so strong to give birth to before passing away, can see you, marvel at your eternal beauty and grow up strong and resilient and kind and beautiful just like you were.
🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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monster-disaster · 1 year
[orc & bear shifter] Thrak & Rowan
orc!Thrak x human!Reader x bear shifter!Rowan Good to know: smut
Summary: After the guests leave, your boyfriends help you to relax.
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"This is the last round," Rowan says with a few more glasses in his hands. A quiet thud follows his words as he pushes the door close behind himself. "Good," you hum, scrubbing a plate under the water while Thrak waits for it with a towel. He is next to you. Your arm brushes against his every now and again as you move. "Did you enjoy yourself?" The bear shifter breaks the silence again after sitting down in front of you at the other side of the counter. You smile. "Of course. Your families are really nice." "They like you too," Thrak says, putting away the glasses you are done with. "I hope so." "They do," Rowan says with a reassuring smile. "My mother already invited us over for breakfast next Sunday."
You feel relieved as the men continue to talk. Meeting new people is always hard on you, especially when they are important to your boyfriends, but the day truly went amazingly. Rowan and Thrak gathered their families and friends to introduce you as their girlfriend.
You still can't believe how your life changed in a few weeks. You came to Ironridge to get away from the city, and now you live with two men you fell in love with at a terrifying speed. Your house in Meriad is rented out, and your things are in the living room, still in boxes.
"Now," Thrak's voice wakes you up from your thoughts. He is behind you. His broad chest is pressed against your back, and his breath fans over your ear and the curve of your neck. "We can continue unpacking, or we can make you relax a little." "Oh?" You gasp, already feeling the familiar clench in your stomach. Anticipation surges through your veins. "You were so stressed lately," Rowan grins with a knowing glint in his deep green eyes. "I think you deserve a relaxing night." "I think Rowan is right," Thrak hums, his lips brushing over the sensitive part under your ear. His tusks graze the soft skin there. "What do you say?" "Okay," you gasp, pressing yourself even closer to his body. He towers over you easily, slipping his hands on your hips. The squeeze of his fingers goes straight to your pussy. Your panties are already soaked, and they barely touched you. "Then be a good girl and bend over," the big orc grunts behind you, grinding his erection against your ass as you do as he says. You can feel the cold surface of the counter even through your shirt. Your nipples harden into small peaks.
Thrak's fingers slip under the waist of your shorts, and with a quick pull, you find yourself bare in front of his hungry eyes. A gasp leaves your lips when you feel his grip on the flesh of your bottom. He gropes your ass, pulling your cheeks apart to see you better. An approving growl escapes his chest, sending goosebumps all over your body. Heat creeps up your face at the vulnerable position he put you in.
"She is already wet," he says. Your center burns and aches under his heavy gaze. "Yeah," Rowan hums. "I can smell her." You are still not used to Rowan's sensitive smell. He knows whenever you are horny, it makes you excited and humiliated at the same time. "Grab the edge of the counter and pull yourself up a bit, Nora," Thrak orders you again, but you don't even have time to react. Your fingers curl on the edge while he grabs you again to adjust you in front of him. Your legs hang in the air, and the wooden counter digs into your hips. "Please," you groan impatiently. "Thrak?" You know he enjoys the whine in your voice a bit too much to your liking. You can hear the orc moving behind you, kneeling down and moving closer. His touch smoothes over the wet slit of your pussy, opening you up with his fingers. "So pretty," he hums. You can feel his words in your wet center. Your walls flutter around nothing. "Such a pretty pussy." "Thrak," you moan his name again, pushing yourself back to him. "Please." "What do you want, hm?" He teases you mercilessly. "Tell me, Nora, and I will do it." The answer is at the tip of your tongue, but you can't find your voice. The need to feel him throbs inside you, making it impossible to think straight.
Suddenly, Rowan's hand cups your face, making you look up at his tall form in front of you.
He and Thrak are similar in a lot of things. They are sturdy and powerful. They manhandle you with ease, not even feeling your weight in their thick arms. Rowan is barely shorter than his friend, and while Thrak's body is hard muscles everywhere, the bear shifter has a bit of softness.
The man says nothing as he leans down to kiss you. His lips brush over yours, his beard tickles your face, and his tongue slides into your mouth when you sigh at the feeling. "Tell him what you want," he encourages you after breaking away to let you breathe. "Use your words, love." You don't know how much you can bear between these men. "I want your tongue, Thrak," you force the words out. Your voice is breathless and impatient. "I want your mouth on my pussy." Your confession draws a satisfied growl out of them, and you almost scream when Thrak buries his face in your glistening pussy.
The orc uses his hands to keep you open for him. Flattening his tongue, he licks a long, wet line across your slit. His tusks dig into the sensitive part where your thighs meet your center. They graze your skin with every move he makes. His lush lips close around your clit. His tongue flicks and teases the small bud.
"Ohgodohgodohgod," you chant breathlessly. You whine and wiggle in his hold, trying to grind yourself against his face some more. Thrak's chin is soaked in your wetness. His senses are filled with your taste and smell. His cock twitches in his pants, throbbing with the need to pound into your warm channel.
"Open up for me, love," Rowan's voice straightens your thoughts for a second. When you lift your head to look up at the man in front of you, he stands with his cock in his hand. He jerks himself off lazily, watching the curve of your ass and the delirious heat in your eyes. Your lips fall open on their own accord, waiting for the bear shifter to step closer. Rowan draws the line of your lips with the swollen head of his erection. Your ragged breathing fans over the sensitive skin of his shaft.
You can almost hear the bear in him when he growls as he pushes himself into your mouth. He grabs a good chunk of your hair to keep you in position while Thrak is still busy with your seeping cunt. Your muffled groan resonates through Rowan's length up to his spine when you feel the orc pushing his tongue into your hole.
Both of them fuck you in sync while you lay on the counter, letting them do whatever they want. The wet sound of Thrak devouring you and the mixed moans and groans fill the otherwise quiet house.
"Don't!" Rowan grunts out, pulling himself out of your mouth at the last second. His free hand squeezes around the base of his cock. "I don't want to cum yet. I want my seed in your pussy." Your walls flutter around Thrak's tongue at Rowan's words. You can almost feel him stretching you out and filling you up. But instead, you feel the orc's thick fingers inside you. He thrusts into you while his mouth goes back to your clit. "She is almost there," he growls. "I can feel her gripping my fingers. Fuck!"
The hot coil inside you snaps with such force you can't even breathe. Your hole squeezes around Thrak while your body shakes and jerks without your control. Your blood burns in your veins, and still, you want to beg for more.
Rowan smirks at the mess they made out of you. Satisfaction stretches his chest as his gaze meets with Thrak's. They don't have to say anything to agree that with your arrival, they have everything they ever wanted. "Come on, love," Thrak grunts, scooping you up from the counter. "We are not done with you yet."
- Masterlist Ironridge Masterlist Patreon
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sivyera · 7 months
Heyy do you accept requests? If you're taking requests can you write Paul Lahote and the imprint female reader? They have been together for a long time and are even thinking of getting married. But one day, while returning from work, the reader is attacked by a vampire and is forced to turn into a vampire... thanks in advance if you write. I love your works~
hope you like it!
undying love
paul lahote x fem!reader (later x vampire!reader)
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song - Everlong by Foo Fighters
a/n: e/y = eye color (your eye color btw), Paul's nickname for you is 'dollface'
Paul thought nothing could surprise him.
He though that after James was killed, it will get better, but oh how he was wrong...
He's running as fast as he could. He felt how the cold air was stabbing his lungs but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was... you.
It was supposed to be a normal day. You were on your way from work with your noon coffee you always bought in the coffee shop near your work. You got into your car and started driving home with your favourite song playing in the background.
As you were drinking your coffee while driving, you were thinking about the love of your life, Paul.
It was still pretty new to you, I mean that vampires and werewolves existed- sorry shape-shifters how Paul always corrected you. For you he was a big puppy, that's it.
Also the imprint thing was new. But honestly this was kinda heart warming, knowing that you are Paul's world.
You were thinking about all the memories you two had. How much fun you had on the beach. How he carried you on his back in his wolf form. All of this and many more crossed your mind which made a smile crawl up your face.
As you were thinking you, you drank your coffee. So you pulled over to the first bin you saw near the road. As you got out of the car you knew something was wrong. You felt weird, like someone was watching you.
You shook off the feeling, telling yourself it was nothing. As you throwed the empty cup into the bin, you turned to go back to your car but you stopped as two crimson red eyes were staring into your soul.
You could recognize those ginger curls everywhere. It was Victoria.
It was a moment and your vision turned black. The last thing you heard was your own cry of pain.
Your cry of pain was also heard by Sam who was checking his territory, he smelled a vampire near by earlier, so he went to check. You were lucky he did.
He ran to help you, but after he arrived, Victoria was god and the venom was spreading fast through your veins. Sam picked you up on his back and started running towards the Cullens.
Why? Because Carlisle was the only one who could help you. As he was getting closer and closer to the Cullens, he howled. To let them know he's coming, also to let know... Paul.
And now we're at the start. Paul is running as fast as he could. He felt how the cold air was stabbing him from the inside of his lungs but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was to get to you.
As Paul arrived to the Cullens, Sam stopped him right before he entered the front door.
"Let me go!" Paul barked.
Sam gave Paul a look that said 'calm down cowboy, don't forget who I am' and stopped him in his tracks once more. "She's gonna need you now" Sam said. That was all he said!
It took Paul's breath away. Was it that bad? Was he late? he rushed into the house while these thoughts were filling his mind.
Carlisle walked towards Paul the minute he pushed the door open. He gave him a assuring smile that you survived. "How is she?" Paul asked impatienly.
His eyes twitched everywhere around the room, looking for you but you weren't there. Carlisle was probably having you in his tentative doctor's office he had in the house.
"She survived but it was too late even for me... the venom spread through her veins before even Sam found her, she's gonna be a vampire" Carlisle answered to Paul.
Paul was speechless. You were what?! You gonna be a vampire?!
"That's not possible! She's my imprint!" Paul argued.
Carlisle smiled and placed a comfort hand on his shoulder. He understood why Paul was so angry. He had a problem with controling his anger and vampires with shape-shifters were long time enemies.
"That doesn't change anything. She's still your imprint, she can be as a vampire." Carlisle said as he point at the door of the room you were in.
This was all Paul needed to hear. Without another word he rushed into that room and closed the door behind him.
He then turned and saw you laying on a beautifully made bed. He walked closer to you, he noticed how your skin was pale and you looked bit underweight.
It was horrifying to see you like this. He took your now cold hand and stroked it with his fingers.
He then sat down, next to you and he wasn't going to leave you until you woke up.
Two days passed and you finally opened your eyes. You felt something warm wrapped around your left hand, When you opened your eyes and looked down to see what that warm thing is, you saw sleeping Paul holding your hand in his.
You smiled as you saw this, he really was a sweetheart inside. He cared for you deeply and he loved you more then anyone else in this world.
Paul noticed how you moved which made his head shoot up in the air. He then saw your smiling face looking at him, but instead your beautiful e/c, his brown eye met your blood red ones.
But he had to admit you looked really hot with them. After all he was happy that you are alive.
"I missed you dollface." He said as he placed a deep kiss on your cold lips.
It sent a cold chill down through his spine as your lips touched his. It was somehow a rush of adrenaline, he loved it. He waited few extra seconds in that kiss before you broke it.
"I missed you too." You answered with a smile.
Paul laughed as he saw you smile. He helped you slowly sit up so you won't get dizzy as he was looking at your new appearance. He then smirked to himself as he quickly went back to his normal flirty self.
"You look hot." He said as he was looking up and down at you.
You didn't look that sick anymore, not so underweight. The two days really did good on you. You skin was like glass, cold and fragile.
You rolled your eyes and smacked his biceps as you heard him say that. He just laughed, finding this more and more funny. After few seconds of laughing, he took your chin into his hand and kissed you.
"I love you." He said as he broke the kiss.
This kiss made you melt into his touch. He was so warm, so cozy, he felt like home. You smiled into the kiss and after few seconds, you answered.
"I love you too" You said as you pulled him into another, now more messier kiss.
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that1nerd-20 · 3 months
🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️Hey yall, I need someone to write a 'monster fucker werewolf fluffy/smutty/angst/whatever floats your boat' piece, preferably many people write many pieces about the van helsing werewolf. 🤭🤭🤭👀👀I don't even want Hugh Jackman as van helsing as a human I just want like the design of this hunky beast man to put a reader into a mating press and have a go at her/him/them all night🤩🤩 or have a cuddle session.🥺🥺🥺😙 Or maybe both who knows.👀 Because goodness gracious the directors/writers/creators of that movie knew what they were doing. 😩😩I would write it myself but honestly I don't trust myself enough to do it justice.🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️😭😭 Also maybe he doesn't shift/have a human form and just is permanently like this 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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I mean look at the way his muscles move!! 🥵🥵🥵
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Or even this pretty boy, like I just wanna cuddle all of them. They all look so soft and fluffy!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he could knot me all day long
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Just look at him, hes such a pretty puppy!! They all are, they just need some luvin!😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺
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Cuz fr this is me-^
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But like this is also me - ^
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eruden-writes · 3 months
Choosing the Bear - Part 3 - PREVIEW
Shifter Paranormal Romance Supernatural is a Secret 2 of ???
Inspired by the Man or Bear in the Woods question/meme.
Bambi Barker never anticipated having to run for her life from her ex, Duke Walker, through an Appalachian forest. She also never thought she'd run into a white (polar?) bear in the middle of the god-dang forest, either.
Being stuck between a bear and a man, Bambi is about to get answers to questions she didn't even know she had.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Masterlist
Zeke took a step toward Bambi, closing the space between them. His fists balled at his sides and seriousness pinched between his brows. “You can’t tell no one, y’hear?”
For a breath, Bambi stared up at him, surprised. Did he think she was so vapid as to go blabbing about this to the town?
“What would I tell them? Who would believe me?” Bambi shook her head, giving a bitter snort. She noticed how Zeke still held his shoulders, stiff with tension. Levelling a look at him, she bit out, “Most people didn’t even believe me about Duke.”
Though still wary, Zeke’s shoulders sagged a little bit. He cocked an eyebrow, tilting his head toward her. “What’s goin’ on there, anyhow?”
“I split up with him a couple years back, got custody of the kids, but he’s not lettin’ it go.” Averting her gaze, staring off into the darkness of the forest, Bambi sighed, “This time, he took it another step farther.”
“What are you gonna do about it?”
Her attention snapped back to Zeke, a frown creased at her lips. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, head cocked and that infuriating masked expression she couldn’t even read back in high school. “What can I do? He’s a Walker.”
Under his beard, Zeke’s lips thinned before he gave a nod. “And the Walkers got the Barfield cops on their payroll, so reporting the harassment and stalkin’ and kidnapping ain’t doing much.”
“Pretty much.” Bambi rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air, frustration making her movements sharp. Silence fell after her short rejoinder. Heaving a sigh, she shook her head and crossed her own arms as she leaned against a tree. “Enough of my sob story. What’s going on with you?”
“Same old, same old.” He mirrored her body language, still facing her but also leaning back against a tree.
“I think I would’ve noticed a hulking white bear trawling through Barfield High, Zeke.” Her nose scrunched as she shot him a cheeky smile. A part of her realized how strange it was to be joking about this supernatural happening, but she couldn’t find the energy to care.
The familiar sour expression pinched at his face, bringing further amusement to Bambi’s lips. Her smile faded away when Zeke growled, “Drop it. Forget that happened.”
“Fine, whatever.” A familiar little ache shot through her, a frown overtaking her lips. Of course, he wouldn’t trust her. He didn’t trust her back in high school either. Hell, he didn’t seem to trust anyone. How in the world he ended up with a kid, she didn’t know. But she supposed one didn’t need to trust someone they fucked.
Full part 3 is available on my Patreon!
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staciass · 9 months
So I don’t normally rate/review the Paranormal books I read but since I’ve had trouble getting into my next read here we go!
I’m currently reading/listening to Beautiful Mistake By Nancy Corrigan / Gary Furlong.
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I was strolling Audible and it’s free with their “Plus Catalog” and it looked pretty interesting so figured I’d try it as I’m still deciding which book to buy next and … I was pleasantly surprised actually. I mean I wasn’t expecting a 5🌟 book but I’m also super fussy about books I read or listen to and I was hooked in straight away.
I mean it’s not super complex but I actually really like our MMC.
So the book starts out in our MMC’s pov which I’m always super picky about because I rarely ever like the male pov but his voice/words are the first I hear and he’s like this big strong alpha kitty but he’s such a teddy bear it’s just really interesting, his world view and we learn pretty much immediately that he’s like jaded and damaged but in a sort of way that doesn’t overtake his pov. It’s there and you feel it but it’s not too otp or overpowering. I actually really like him and his pride-mate/best friend Kade or Kaden (will have to check this back).
So I’m on chapter 4 and we’ve just been introduced to the FMC pov and she’s tough but vulnerable in a very human way that’s just yeah. I can already tell they will balance each other out really well.
I’m guessing we will find out more about her family and foster sister as her pov continues but I’m here for it.
The only thing that maybe isn’t perfect or the best thing is we have the ye ol’ thing we call “insta-lust” it could border on creepy but I hope it doesn’t because he’s tough, hot & sweet and she’s cool, strong & sarcastic in the best possible way lmao. It’s yeah.
The spice, yeah.
So like I said I am only 4 chapters into this book and because of the “insta-lust” (on both sides btw!!) there is already steam and they sort of kissed? Idk. It’s weird I don’t think she kissed him back? Maybe idk. I just hope it doesn’t go into the creepy rape-y territory or almost-rape because that shit is not sexy, it’s not hot to force yourself on a person because you are horny. I cannot get with it if consent is wonky or not given.
Anyways I also like the sort of soul-mate/fated-mate system we are introduced to like straight away it’s a bit complicated I think but it will more than likely make more sense later on. So imma store that info for later but I love a good “fated-mates” trope. I know it’s not for everyone but I love it sfm. That and “Touch her and die” trope are my favs.
I’ll add more later I gtg listen to some more because I am LOVING this right now. ❤️😂
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pocket-ozwynn · 9 months
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kassoshire · 1 year
As often happens, you wake to the hard bar of your monster's cock at your back, his hand groping for your breast. You're never sure who started it, but you grind back against him regardless. He groans, deep in your ear as his other hand glides under your nightgown. His fingers slip easily over your clit, pressing and circling as growls in your ear. You wiggle against him wishing he was filling you instead. He chuckles darkly, his tusks grazing your neck as the hand from your breast shifts to pin to you him.
"please, I need your cock," you beg, only for his arm to grip harder.
"ah, ah, ah, precious. I like you like this, caught and squirming against me, such good, sweet little prey. I want you to come for me, previous, and then I want you to run."
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foxyanon · 2 months
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Thank you @zaldritzosrose for the quote that named this series and @sihtricfedaraaahvicius for her Sihtric edits.
This is a Sihtric and Dragon Shifter!Reader series, takes place between seasons 2 and 3. While I don’t describe what readers dragon form looks like, I do picture a 4 leg, 2 wing dragon for her (like book!Saphira from Eragorn meets Syrax from HoTD). Please note this is a supernatural AU, meaning it will not be historically accurate (i.e. I know the amount of precious metals and gemstones would not be as abundant in a medieval society, but I suspend belief because she’s a dragon who has a hoard). Also, her age isn’t stated, but I imagine her to be ~450 years old.
Part 1: Sihtric moves to Coocham and meets and interesting woman with a secret.
Part 2: Tension comes to a head and conversations are had.
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ilikeyoualive · 6 months
A snippet for the next fic in our Primeval series, keep in mind that snippets could be is subject to change, so what you're reading now may be different in the final product. If any of you are interested in exploring this AU further, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Missions Gone Wrong, Canon-Typical Violence
Word Count: 529
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Soap jerked awake with a strangled shout, sluggishly lurching upright as his wild eyes raked over the familiar layout of his personal sleeping quarters, his frantic search for a nonexistent threat coming to an abrupt halt when his brain finally kicked out of survival mode. Even so, residual adrenaline hummed through his veins as he bonelessly fell back onto the mattress, rubbing his hands over his weary face with a deep sigh, desperately trying to shake off the vestiges of the dream that had cruelly torn him from sleep.
Every time he closed his eyes he heard the low hiss of a large predator echo in his ears, the sound sending a bolt of ice down his spine, his hands holding a minute tremble as he resisted the urge to reach for the green and black throwing knife that he stashed under his pillow at night. He could still feel the warm water slogging down his legs, trapping him in place as those red-brown eyes peeked out at him from water so black it reflected like the surface of a mirror, the creature’s gaze boring into him with an intensity that made his hind brain scream ‘run’ in a desperate mantra.
He pressed the heel of his palms into his eye sockets until he could see spots dance across the backs of his closed eyelids, goosebumps erupting across his body as he tried in vain to ignore the fact that the flat stare of the animal felt akin to the cold touch of death lingering on his clammy skin. His hands trembled as he held the pressure for a few seconds before letting up with a shaky exhale, his palms reluctantly lifting away from his eyes so he could aim his frustrated stare at the ceiling.
Inevitably, Soap gave up on staying in bed since he wouldn’t be able to find sleep with the ominous dream still stubbornly lurking at the edge of his awareness. So he begrudgingly sat up, carelessly throwing his covers back and swinging his legs off the edge of the bed, shivering as the cool air of the room eagerly bled the warmth from his skin. He was in nothing but a simple pair of black boxer briefs since he ran hot, though he really only wore them for the sake of modesty because people –namely his Lieutenant– have barged into his room on more than one occasion.
Soap pushed out of bed with a grunt of effort, the sensitive scar tissue on his lower back pulling uncomfortably with the motion, and he paused in order to allow the sharp twinge to ease into something a little more manageable. It had been approximately six days since he’d found Price rummaging around in the fridge in the common room as a six-hundred pound grizzly bear in the middle of the night and fourteen days since he’d been impaled by a wayward piece of shrapnel so, while he had already been cleared for active duty and was thankfully able to get away from his desk –and the endless paperwork– in order return to his usual schedule, the scar was still a little tender if he moved wrong.
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