#he is absolutely in control of the aux cord and no one is happy about it
Peepaws getting a McDonald's happy meal
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you have no idea how I treasure this picture
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he is that fucker (he then promptly abandons them on the doorstep of a care home)
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letssimptogether · 2 years
Lester Sinclair’s Passenger Seat Prince/Princess/Royalty
a/n: “N/N” just for your preferred nickname; i hope you all enjoy! reader’s pronouns are unspecified!🫶🏻
warnings: none! pure fluff🫶🏻
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Morning came, and Lester woke you up with your preferred beverage and little breakfast sandwiches. When you were done eating, he asked the question.
“Hey, N/N,” His hand made its way to your knee and rubbed small circles, “Would you wanna accompany me on my errands today?”
Before you could even make a decision, he was letting you know you had full control over everything in the car.
So once you sat in the passenger seat, a blanket tucked into your lap, and a handheld game device of your choice, you asked Lester about the AUX cord.
Poor baby was unsure what you meant, but stopped at the first store to grab one for you as well as a phone charger (i’m always here for Lester Sinclair love you guys)
You started playing your favorite/go to music, and asked Lester if he had wanted you to change it or if you should queue some songs.
“S’okay, baby,” He turned to you, smiling, “I’d love to listen to whatever makes you happy.”
Lester will absolutely take you for night drives when you can’t sleep as the both of you talk about anything and everything. (will also definitely buy you whatever snacks/drinks you might need on the trip too)
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Baby, Don’t Kill Him
Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Clint Barton x Step-daughter!Reader
Please, Don’t Go. (Part 2) | 3,651 Words
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"Baby... Wake up..."
You groaned, rolling over in the bed to hide from the light seeping in through the windows.
"Five more minutes..." You mumbled, and Yelena chuckled at your grumpy state, finding you absolutely adorable.
"You said that ten minutes ago moya lyubov'." She laughs out, and uses her immense strength to flip you over and straddle your lap.
"Oh my God! It burns!!!" You shriek, as you dramatically move to block out the sun, and she falls against you in a fit of laughter.
You wrap your arms around her, and smile, more than happy to have been able to brighten your girlfriends mood as she's been rather down in the dumps as of late.
"I love you..." She whispers, an air of vulnerability visible in her features as she now hovers her face above yours.
You move your hands up to her neck, scratching ever so lightly, then pull her face down to yours for a sweet kiss and she sighs against your lips.
"I love you too, my darling girl..." You mumble as her lips eventually release yours.
"I'm going to miss you." She whimpers out, as she finally situates her body atop of yours comfortably, nuzzling her face into your neck.
"Are you sure you can't come with? I'd really love for you to finally meet my family."
"I've got some business to handle, but maybe I can still make it, just depends on how difficult this job ends up being."
"What business? I still have yet to see where you work."
"Freelancing darling, I do whatever I'm offered within my acquired skillset." She quips, winking down at you, then jumps up out of the bed before you can push the issue.
"Yeah, yeah..." You grumble, as she laughs at your irritation.
She then peaks her head back out of the bathroom, as she smirks mischievously your way.
"How about one last shower for the road?" She quips, as she not so subtly drops her towel from her body, and you leap out of the bed, nearly tripping on the blankets on your way to her.
Your girlfriends secretive nature should bother you, but you've spent your life immersed in secrets, so you let it roll off your back with relative ease.
It's not like you don't have secrets too...
Your mom had you young, and the man she created you with was gone as fast as he came...
Due to the nature of your mother, and eventual fathers line of work, your whole history is a jumbled up, fabricated mess. As far as single mothers go, you were blessed with the kind that coveted your existence, no resentment was ever present. Once she'd settled down with Clint, you were about eight years old, and much to her shock you were rather accepting of the man. It didn’t take long for him to take you under his wing, and show you the ropes of archery. He'd eventually entered the Avengers initiative, and your mom retired once the two of them started having kids of their own, Fury was able to help hiding them much better than your mom did you.
You grew up in SHIELD, so really, you are nothing but a vessel of overheard secrets.
Yelena and you had originally planned to spend the next few days together before you headed home, and she got to work. However, your father—well, the man you call dad, had called you to ask you to take your younger siblings home. He'd run into some trouble in the city, and desperately needed them gone. You weren't due home for another week—when it's appropriate to return for the holidays, but you'd be damned if you'd let your younger siblings get caught up in the mess that follows him around.
Lila and Nate were blessed with soundproof earphones in the back, you sadly had to be exposed to the radio your brother controlled by way of aux cord.
"Coop, so help me God, if you play another Green Day song, I will make you walk the next fifty miles home. Maybe then you’ll discover your boulevard of broken dreams, yeah?." You groan out, not entirely thrilled with your brother's newfound Pop Punk phase.
He lightly smirked, as you caught it from your peripherals, then changed over to Linkin Park, you fought the urge to wrench the wheel of the car to pull off onto the shoulder, but you'd decided to plot his demise somehow else.
Once you pulled up, your mom ran out to greet you all, then once the kids went indoors you'd seen the unintentional scowl take over her features.
"I'm sure dad will make it home for Christmas mama, don't you worry." You attempt to quell her obvious thoughts, and then pull her into your arms.
"I'm so grateful to you, you're my rock, and that's just not fair." She sighs against your chest, as you're slightly taller than her, and you move to place a comforting kiss to her temple.
"It's always been you and me mama, I don't mind being your rock."
"I'm supposed to be yours..."
"You are! We're each others." You relay, as you hold her that much tighter, before heading inside with her.
As the lonely days drug on, you'd become painfully aware of the unfolding mess your father found himself in. His actions during the blip seemingly catching up to him, and you can't help but feel saddened for him all over again. He'd gone through five years with no hope of ever seeing his family again, then at the first sign of it, he had lost his best friend in the most brutal way.
Blipping was such a weird concept for you...
You'd been on the phone with your girlfriend of a month at the time, while sitting in your bedroom from your teen years back at the farm. Freelancing had taken your newfound lover across the world, so you decided visiting back home would be a great idea. One second Yelena's telling you about this 'really cool' food she'd just tried, while your dad was showing Lila how to use his trusty bow; then the next second you're coughing harshly as a layer of dust clouds your room, and your greeted with deafening silence.
You'd looked to your phone, finding it beyond dead, so you had plugged it in then raced downstairs in search of clarity. Your moms glossy gaze locked on yours, then yours dropped to the TV hers looked up from.
"All Those Blipped, Suddenly Re-emerging on the Streets After Five Long Years."
Even though you'd only been together for a month, your mind went straight to your girlfriend. You raced up the stairs, sending off a slurry of texts to her, then your dad, then your favorite human—Natasha.
After hours of waiting, your beaten down father had made an appearance at the front door. He was covered in dirt, and blood, and his eyes were swimming with despair. Once he'd gained a semblance of his current reality, he broke down in your mothers arms. His broken sobs were hard to decipher, but you heard 'she's gone' loud and clear.
Finding out that your 'Auntie' Nat, had sacrificed her life for the world broke your heart in two. The same world that did nothing to deserve her sacrifice. The both of you were only six years apart in age, so the bond had always been a bit stronger than with your younger siblings, she was truly your best friend.
Yelena had called you the following day, in tears of her own, and you jumped at the possibility of seeing her. The reunion was intense, and you could tell she'd clearly lost someone in this mess as well. Vulnerability wasn't something you expected from her so early on, as her walls were so clearly built up when you'd met, so you just chose to hold her incredibly close.
Two years later and you two are happier than ever, and she's all but moved into your apartment in New Jersey.
They always tried to leave you out of their messes, but you were always at the ready to help in anyway you could. So when you heard your mom mention that along with his onslaught of enemies past, that Natasha's younger sister is also after your father you couldn't seem to pinpoint why.
When Clint called the next time, you'd tapped into the call, with the skills Natasha had lended to you. He muttered out two words that stopped your heart, your beautiful girlfriend, the absolute love of your life, the one you'd planned to bring home this week, was the same Widow trying to kill your father.
Your mind went into a full blown spiral…
You were dating a 'former' Widow?
Natasha's little sister nonetheless?
God.. If she were alive she'd probably kill you... or her…
Freelancing to her essentially equated to assassinating, and in the grand scheme of things that honestly makes sense because of where she came from. Natasha had told you all about her little sister back in Ohio, the beautiful little blonde girl full of hope, and promise. She also told you their heart wrenching story, and she'd even called you to tell you all about how she was able to find her again. The thing is, she'd never given her full name, only ever speaking in Russian pet names, and a simple mumbling of 'Lena,' so the revealing all comes crashing down on you in the moment.
The only solution, you fear, is for you to find her, and hope that outing yourself as his honorary daughter, and Natasha's best friend, doesn't cost you the love of your life. So, in the middle of the night you'd slipped out of the farmhouse, and set off on your way to NYC, as your mom watched from her bedroom window in absolute horror.
She wasn't stupid, she'd put the puzzle pieces together ages ago on who you were dating, and then she heard your breath hitch on the phone earlier, so she's highly aware of where you're headed. Part of her knows you're right to go, but she just hopes it's not at the cost of your life and or your happiness.
The whole drive to NY, you'd been reliving moments with Yelena over the last two years that could make it all make sense. She'd even talked about Natasha, after finally relinquishing information on the loss she'd dealt with, and you'd never put it together. In retrospect, it all adds up now. Her older sister, the one full of spunk, with a fierce need to protect, and a massive heart.
Your calls to her went straight to voicemail, same to be said with your dad. So, after a little bit of hacking, once again taught to you by Nat, you'd been able to reach his protege—stalker—who was able to fill you in on the plan.
The gala wasn't something you'd prepared for, but you'd used your trusty credit card, and purchased a gorgeous green suit, and just beneath it you wore Natasha's old mission suit. Once you entered, you felt every hair on your body stick up, just knowing deep down you were surrounded by a crap ton of dangerous criminals. Kate had told you everything—that girl really does talk a lot—you chuckle at the thought that your dad's probably turned his hearing aid off when she gets carried away.
So, you definitely knew that though Yelena's to be expected, she's not even their focus. Everything moved rather quickly, and the fight was absolutely brutal. Once the onslaught of arrows had slowed, you got closer, and that's when you saw Yelena fighting with your father.
She'd looked incredible, with her tightly fitting mission suit, and her hair in a tight braided bun. The streetlights had caught her face just right, and your heart absolutely melted. Then you heard your father grunt, and got pulled back to reality, as you saw her punt kick the man across the ice.
"Baby, don't kill him!" You shout, but you can tell she doesn't hear you, or she just doesn't want to, you're not entirely sure.
You carefully ran across the ice, trying to not slip, but that didn't matter as Yelena—without even looking up, had shot off her widow bites.
You couldn't tell if it was the insane amount of electricity coursing through your body, or the slamming of your body into the ice that hurt more, but either way, your body was in an overwhelming amount of pain.
Clint had sparingly glanced up, and his face contorted into obvious angered shock at the sight of your seemingly unconscious body.
"Y/N! What the hell are you doing here?" He shouts through the pain, as he clutched at his obviously broken ribs, and ignores the gun Yelena has pointed at his head to crawl over to you.
The sound of your name threw her off, so she'd looked up to see you laid out cold on the ice. Her pistol holding hand stuttered, as she swiftly holstered it to run over to you.
"Y/N? Detka?! Why are you here? Please say something..."
Clint's eyes widened in shock, but he said nothing, as he realized now that you had some sort of plan. He’d been more concerned by your seemingly unconscious state, seeing as how you have a heart condition that you’re on beta-blockers for.
The pain was debilitating, your heart was fluttering rapidly, but her warm, soft hands on your face, and the vulnerability in her voice was enough motivation to coax you through it.
"Lena... Why are you trying to kill my dad?" You groan out, and her hands still, you slowly open your eyes to see her sullen face.
It hurts when you can clearly see the sheer feelings of betrayal flash across her face, but you expected it. You go to sit up, but the both of them push you back down by your shoulders.
"Stay down Y/N, this fight doesn't concern you." Yelena says, and her gaze slightly hardens.
"No, it doesn't..." Clint seems to agree.
"Please stop, both of you! This is the last thing Natty would ever want." You shout, then groan as a residual shockwave runs through your body.
"Natty?" Yelena questions in bewilderment.
"Yeah, a little birdie told me you're my best friend's sister.."
"I thought Barton was her best friend."
"That's what we let him think, but really it was me." You chuckle out, and your dad playfully nods in agreement.
"You know, she'd talked about you all the time, but she used nicknames so I hadn't put it all together." You groan out, as you move to sit up, and your father scoots behind you to cushion you.
You send him back a grateful smile, that drops in an instant as she lifts her pistol once more.
"Yelena, baby, don't. Just listen to me."
"No! You don't get to call me that, you've been the enemies child all along. He killed her! My sister is dead because of him!"
Her words cut right through you, and you’re not sure if your heart skipping was because of the previous electrical shock, your heart condition, or her sudden anger towards you. Truth be told, it was probably all three, but regardless, you’re going to clean this mess up.
"Okay, fine, Yelena it is." You sigh out dejectedly.
"So… I'm an honorary Barton, that's why I'm assuming your look into my past that you clearly must've made led you nowhere significant. My lineage is fabricated to a deceased elderly couple in Minnesota. I didn't lie to you though, I told you all about my living parents, and I'd had every intention of bringing you home to meet them this week..."
Her hardened gaze didn’t waver, nor did the nausea in your stomach, or the fluttering in your chest.
"Now, Yelena, I guess this is the part where I have to inform you that you got it all wrong. Whoever your source is lied to you, the manipulative bastards used your own loss and pain against you. My father here had no part in killing Nat, she regretfully gave her life of her own free will. It was the only way she could bring back all that was lost. My dad here tried desperately to stop her, he dangled over the side of a cliff, clinging to his hold on her but she never relented. She's stubborn like that, and I know you know I'm right. Natasha was only moving to ensure that the people she loved got to live on, that they got to return... I'm sorry..."
"No! She never would've left me behind... Not again..."
Your metaphorical heart breaks along with your physical at the broken tone, and emergence of tears on her face.
"Lena... Sweet angel, Tasha didn't leave you behind, she's smarter than that, she knew you had someone on your side. Whether that had been Melina, or the widows you saved along the way, hell, maybe she even knew about us. I doubt it though, because she would've scolded both of us if she had." You lightly chuckle out the last bit, imagining the consistent fire behind her gaze whenever she'd been worried for you, being set on you instead for once.
"Either way, Clint here is innocent." You continue.
Your father was looking at you with a quirked brow, not exactly believing your words, and Yelena scoffed venomously. Neither of the two had noticed your physical changes, both rather distracted by their own heightened emotions.
"Innocent?! You call what he's done free of charge?"
"No, what he's done isn't free of sin, but it's not like he was out there killing saints. He killed ruthless thugs, though rather brutally, he was grieving the same way you are now. Spilling blood over your grief is never the answer though, and you should clearly understand him as your guns pointed at his head over Natasha. The same person who pulled him away from the monstrosity's and also in the end gave her life for his... Natasha is honorable, truly, and this is the last thing she’d ever want. She loved you with all her heart Yelena, and all she’d ever wanted was for you to live a prosperous life. So, just go on, and do that for her…"
You could feel your body was weakening by the minute, but if this is how you go, then so be it. At least your mom won't be alone, and your precious siblings will still have their father. A rather large cough, followed by a wheeze leaves your body, and your father stiffens beneath you, as he begins to fear the worst. Yelena has no clue about the long QT Syndrome, as you keep that to yourself, so she’s not all too concerned in the moment.
Yelena’s stance readjusts as she seems dead set on shooting him, but then your father takes over for you, and whistles the tune you’d once heard Natasha do.
“How do you know that?” Yelena chokes out, and you calm at the realization that your dad had it in the bag all along.
“Y/N’s not lying… That’s your secret whistle with Nat, she really did talk about you all the time. All she could think about was that you were safe, and that never changed Yelena. She loved you, she always wanted you safe.”
“I loved her so much…” Yelena sobs out, and you feel a tear flow down your cheek at the same time.
“Me too…” Clint mutters, as he drops his gaze to your distant one, and panic instantly floods his system.
“You guys had so much time with her…” She continues to sob out, not registering your fathers sudden fear ridden face.
“Y/N, sweetheart, can you hear me?” He panics, then lowers your body to the ice, and taps at your cheek as Yelena’s just now registering that something is off with you.
“Papa, I don’t feel so good..” You whimper in confusion.
Clint’s heart skips a beat at the utterance, you hadn’t called him that in nearly a decade, and you only ever did it when you were sick.
“Detka, hey, what’s wrong? Please, tell me what’s wrong, I’m sorry I yelled at you. Nothing’s your fault, I’m—please, what’s going on?! I love you so much, I’m so sorry, please…”
“I love you too, it’s okay Lena, you’ll be okay…” You murmur as your eyes flutter closed, and a heart wrenching scream tumbled passed her lips.
Clint nearly vomits at the words flying out of your mouth, as the deja vu nearly topples him over, and he tells the medical services exactly where to find you.
“No!! I most certainly will not be okay! Fanny, and Gus will not be okay! No… I can’t-I won’t lose you too..” She shouts out, slowly moving into a sob as her teary eyed face hits your chest.
Clint leans down to scoop you up, to get you off the ice for the EMT’s, but Yelena pushes him away. She does it herself since he’d ended up with broken ribs, but more so because she refuses to not be touching you.
Once she lays you in the grass, she looks to Clint for clarity, but your body starts to shake. Clint rolls you to your side, but then you go limp under his hold, and he registers that your heart has stopped.
“No… No, absolutely not!” He cries out, while moving to perform CPR, and Yelena crawls backwards, pulling her knees to her chest, and begins to rock herself in an attempt to calm down.
“Baby… Wake up…” She continues to cry out, with her eyes tightly shut, as the sounds of sirens slightly pours into her pounding ears.
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uwua3 · 4 years
hi parental goose (should I say bunny?) figure I am here to request 😌🤘 can I request some amusement park date hc for kazunari? ♡♡♡♡ I love how you put songs you listened to while writing so I, your goose ally, will suggest a song! I really recommend listening to "She Looks So Perfect" by 5 Seconds of Summer since it gives off summer vibes and specially, kAZOO VIBES ♡♡♡ THANK U ILYYY ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
erisu 🥺 hi baby how are you everyone this is my Daughter my Baby my Other Child (lyd is the other baby) ♡ how r u did you sleep well here is *All My Love* of course you can request!!! i would do anything for you!!! but, thank you for recommending a song~ it is ON REPEAT as we speak!!! i remember being obsessed with this song when it came out! thanks for the nostalgia :D
summary: there was a rumor that couples who went on the ferris wheel together would be in love forever
warnings: multiple mentions of food
word count: 3,562
music: she looks so perfect – 5sos, hey mama! – exo–cbx
all the luck in the world.
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
this was it, the biggest fair in the whole country was this weekend and this weekend only. you guys had to go
“yo~ we gotta go!!!” kazunari practically pushed the flyer in your face, not giving you time to read the colorful, bright font as he excitedly rambled about it being his dream to even attend such an iconic event
it didn’t take much convincing before he had whipped out two admission tickets from his pocket, as if he already knew you’d be on board with such a fun date with the coolest boyfriend ever!
(seriously... if you said no... he might’ve cried by himself, he just wants to check off a bucketlist goal with his favorite person and best friend ever!)
(“wah~ i’m so #cool right? give me a kiss to prove it!!!” when you actually did it, he was quiet for about three seconds before he started cooing and sending an attack of affection your way)
you two planned your outfits ahead of time (the only thing he bothered planning), with kazunari rummaging through your closet and throwing pieces he thought would coordinate behind him (ultimately landing on your face).
he was being your personal fashion consultant (you didn’t question him, he was an art student who knew how to dress!)
throughout the entire process, you strutted out of the bathroom like it was a runway with your ever chaotic and supportive boyfriend clapping. he had a questionable french accent as he complimented you without end
“my chérie, you are absolutely darling!” kazunari flipped the end of a feather boa over his shoulder dramatically as he had on a pair of sunglasses (how he found that in your room was beyond you). he sat at the edge of your bed with his legs crossed, pretending to write critics down on an invisible notepad as he feigned fainting out of shock
kazunari ran over to pull you in a hug as soon as you found one of his options perfect. he blabbered about how cute you were and how he was so lucky
you tried processing how your boyfriend had so much energy. he was so dramatic, but you never felt unconfident or nervous to be yourself around him because kazunari loved you for who you were!
when you collectively agreed on the best outfit, kazunari worked to find something of his own to match you to be that couple at the amusement park (it was hilariously coincidental he almost had the same items)
(the #ootd on instagram that day got him so many likes when he included multiple mirror pictures with you doing ridiculous poses. he captioned the picture with so many happy faces and heart emojis)
(yes, he had his own story category reserved just for your pictures)
(yes, you also were the person behind a majority of his posts online and was credited every single time without fail) (you were known as “kazu’s photo guru”)
“kazu... are you sure you don’t want to plan ahead?” you asked carefully as he just scrolled through his phone, disrupting his rant about having the most iconic date of all time. kazunari just laughed, shrugging without looking up
“don’t worry~ everything will be fine!” kazunari exclaimed as he asked his followers recommendations for rides to check out. you knew he wouldn’t change his mind with his “happy–go–lucky” attitude
you just hoped the drive to the park wouldn’t be a nightmare since it would be so crowded
on the ride up, you two screamed pop lyrics at the top of your lungs no matter how busy the road was (you two never noticed, but at stop lights, you’d be the center of attention as kazunari just had to fail at a whistle note with the windows down)
the moment kazunari took control of the aux cord, you knew it was going to be a party until you arrived. you two sang together so much that you knew which parts were yours and effortlessly bounced off each other, flowing naturally and laughing nonstop
although kazunari went with the flow, he had the luck of the world on his side the day when you guys showed up. he had managed to find parking, got in line fast, and made it into the amusement park like it was second nature
(you knew of horror stories where the lines were way too long in the blazing heat, kids crying about not winning, indifferent employees not caring at all... how did kazunari manage to repel all the bad from your life and make it as easy as possible?)
it was as if his positive energy about the whole day manifested the universe to give him the easiest entrance ever (or it was his insanely charming charisma that got him off the hook with just about anything)
you two even got a discount on your tickets, believe it or not! somehow, one look at you two and the seller knew you were a couple (the matching outfits definitely didn’t give it away) and gave you extra for “young love”
(kazunari was so ecstatic, you were almost worried he was going to kiss the employee right then and there. you had to drag him away before he got on first–name basis with everyone)
when you two got your wristbands and went to the grounds, kazunari let out the loudest squeal of excitement ever and had to stop himself from jumping up and down (just bouncing on his heels like an impatient child)
“O. M. G!!! we’re gonna have the best date ever!” kazunari shouted, holding onto your hand as he took in the entire view, with so much to do for the entire day
booths were set up with so many fun (but rigged) games with yelling handlers, advertising their set–up to passerbys with infectious energy. crowds of children were rambling in awe about the animal display (like the world’s biggest pig apparently, who knew?). screaming passengers were swinging over your heads from the multitudes of crazy rides only the country’s biggest fair could have
you were so busy taking in the view of kazunari’s excited big eyes and huge grin that you missed the mischevious spark glinting back at you
when he craned his head back at the tallest ride there was, that contraption that somehow brought tens of people in the air just to swing them around in a circle, you suddenly came back to earth
“—wanna bet?” kazunari finished, tilting his head towards you with a competitive edge. you raised an eyebrow, not bothering to question it when you swung your arm around his shoulders and smirked back
suddenly, you were being dragged to the games section, passing by the crowds easily when kazunari was always by your side. it was as if the road parted for him when he reached a display with balloons pinned to the wall
“i know you didn’t hear me, which is why i’m going to win~” kazunari teasingly hip–bumped you, passing the necessary amount of tickets to the game runner which they accepted graciously. you just shrugged, picking up the fake plastic rifle they let players use
(“was i too handsome?!” kazunari joked, missing how you actually agreed)
“yeah, yeah. i don’t need to know, i’m gonna win.” you winked, making kazunari swoon as he lifted his arm to his forehead with a dramatic flair
“my hero!” kazunari called out as you readied yourself to shoot the balloons, knowing the odds were gravely against your favor
“what am i shooting for again?” you asked, putting your cheek against the gun. kazunari just slid up to next to you, his lips brushing your ear with a smile
“if you lose, we’re riding the swings together~” kazunari giggled and you fired, hitting one balloon with satisfaction. kazunari wrapped his arms around your waist, reading his chin on your free shoulder despite you trying to focus
“and if i win?” you asked, not bothering to entertain your clingy boyfriend as you hit another balloon. even the person running the game seemed anxious about your chances at crushing the whole thing
“we can do whatever you want.” kazunari breathed out, placing a gentle kiss on your neck with a laugh when you flinched. you hit your last shot though, exhaling in relief when the attendant begrudgingly gave you a large–sized prize
(it was a super triangle, you definitely knew who you were giving this to when you got to the dorms)
“you know what, i think we’re both winners.” kazunari tried to laugh off, but you didn’t let him get away that easy when you grabbed his hand quickly
“nu–uh! you know where we’re going!” you giddily pulled him towards another game, leaving kazunari holding onto the super triangle with great difficulty as you two played game after game
(you were right; kazunari was an universal favorite as he somehow managed to swindle the toughest of games with sheer luck)
(when a kid began asking him to play a game for them, you knew you had to stop making your boyfriend do outrageous things just for a stuffed animal)
(at least kazunari got a cool boomerang story on his snapchat of him throwing a ring onto a bottle)
“make a deal with me~” kazunari begged, holding way too many prizes to count in between his arms as you looked around for more. he was about to give up but as he caught sight of two double doors with a neon sign, he knew you’d agree immediately
“if i win every game in the arcade, we’re going on the carnival rides.”
when you accepted the deal, you regretted it. somehow, you forgot how kazunari always had everything go his way
it was like you forgot all about the rides outside. you two entered an air–conditioned, hipster arcade and had to play everything despite dropping the coins everywhere (“please keep them in the cup!” “it’s not my fault!!!”)
you name it, kazunari probably won it. fuseball, air hockey, pac–man, nintendo crane machines, zombie shooters, motorcycle/driving simulators, he won it all just for the hell of it. you’d never admit it, but he really was just the best at everything he did
although the games were fun, it was time to fulfill your end of the deal (as deserved since kazunari had no reason to go as hard as he did at the ddr pad inside the arcade)
after storing all the stuffed animals into the cramped back of the car with kazunari apologizing to them profusely (“dad is so sorry! we’ll be back soon~ promise!”), you two returned to have the biggest adrenaline rush of your life
any rollercoaster kazunari saw, he wanted to go on right away. lines felt like nothing when all he did was talk them away and get so excited seeing the ride rush by
kid–specific rollercoasters had to prevent him from going (“i’m sorry, sir, but your height exceeds the maximum” “what???” kazunari would feign shock as if he wasn’t five heads taller than the whole line)
he wanted to try it all since he never had this experience before! he wanted to make all these memories with you even if it meant yelling his head off as long as you were by his side
(seriously, one ride you had squeezed your eyes shut but heard the most high–pitched scream ever. you thought it was someone else, but of course it was your boyfriend)
you didn’t mind that much, since you used the whole ride time to grip kazunari’s hand tightly and make sure his hat stayed on the entire ride (why he wore one was questionable, anything for fashion, you guess)
ironically enough, you had done about ten rides with dizzying effects before ending it with the swings, the tall ride he initially wanted to go on with you. when you looked up at the full height, you gulped after being strapped to the two–person swing (how was this safe?!)
it was the first ride you weren’t exactly comfortable with, but when you looked at your seat partner, kazunari had two thumbs up with a big dumb grin. you instantly calmed down before the ride started
“i love you!” kazunari exclaimed as the ride began pulling you up further from the ground, holding onto your hand and looking up at the blue sky with the giddiest expression ever
it was the first time he had said he loved you out loud before, but before you could process it, all you could do was scream when the ride began rotating you around in a circle
(you had to stop him from taking out his phone, reminding him the post wasn’t worth it)
(though, kazunari did drop his hat this time. he really was lucky to find it again)
“okay, okay,” kazunari stumbled off the ride, exaggerating his lack of balance by holding onto you, his excitement not even decreasing a little after so many hours of fun
“food time! my muse needs a snack!” kazunari had whipped out the crumpled map someone gave him from his pocket, quickly locating the area without being delayed (he was always good at directions, it must’ve been why he was so popular at these types of social events)
somehow, kazunari always knew what you needed at every exact moment. you were thankful he couldn’t hear your stomach growl over the sound of the general atmostphere
when you guys arrived at the food hall, it was definitely the greatest prize of all (sorry to the stuffed animals who were defintely overheating in the parking lot)
all the best chefs and caterers came together for this event with the most outrageous food options of all time. fried oreos, cheese curds, cotton candy, caramel apples, churros, basically anything you imagined, it was most likely 1000x better with some funky twist
you never had to be nervous ordering because kazunari always stepped up and spoke, letting you hold his hand as if to reassure you he had the situation handled. he would somehow form a meaningful friendship with someone within two minutes of ordering and got extras, hurrying over to a table with every option possible
(yes, he took a photo of the whole spread and added ridiculous hashtags only savvy internet users knew) (he also posted on his private an embarrassing candid picture of you drooling at the food)
kazunari liked feeding you whatever he was eating, always encouraging you to try new things but respecting your boundaries at the same time just in case you weren’t up for it
(“oh, you don’t want to? no big deal~ just happy to be with you!” he’d say, wiping your mouth with a napkin regardless and just being content with you not being hungry)
while eating, you noticed a pattern of kids walking by, pointing at kazunari like he was a legend
“is that the guy who won basically every prize back at the games? wow~” they whispered, not realizing kazunari was extremely observant as his ears perked up at his name. he had turned to wave at the children, but they ran off
“you know...” kazunari started, and you already knew what he was gonna say as you rolled your eyes fondly, knowing how big his heart was, especially for innocent children who kept getting scammed by games
“yes, we have no need for most of the giant stuffed animals.” you pretended to sigh, as he quickly got up, giving you a quick kiss as thanks on your cheek as he ran back to the car
for the next hour or so, you and kazunari managed to give out most of your prizes (except anything triangular) to the children who had been staring, all of their parents or guardians thanking you guys profusely for your gift (though, there were some who were staring at kazunari suspiciously)
(as if they should be afraid of a liberal arts college student)
“it’s no big deal~ no problem!” kazunari always said, truly finding it not bothersome at all to share. you always admired that about kazunari, his natural instinct to care for everybody and make people smile. at a distance
you leaned against a light pole with a small smile as you watched kazunari crouch down, ruffling some kid’s hair as he gave them a prize
when he instinctually looked for you, he smiled back like you were the only person at the park
suddenly, you wished you said “i love you, too” before back at the swings
after indulging, you two shared an ice cream cone on the hot summer’s day as the lights began to turn on and the sun set. this was apparently the best part of the fair, where all the colors would pop like fireworks and the night breeze was your friend
you two had basically done everything at this point, even being the amusement park’s robin hoods with your wins. the arcade had both your names at the top of every digital leaderboard, the ride controllers had seen you too many times to count, and you two had digested an unhealthy amount of snacks that you’d regret the next day
what else could you do? it was already the most perfect date, there was nothing else except...
this time, you leaned your head back and saw a circular shape blocking the sunset: the ferris wheel
you turned to kazunari, who was already admiring the way the light hit your face. he wanted to paint you right then and there before you ruined the serene moment by biting your ice cream (why?!)
“i bet i can make it to the ferris wheel the fastest, wanna bet?” you questioned and you never saw kazunari grin even bigger as his eyes lit up with recognition
you two raced to the ferris wheel, much to the chagrin of every carnival–goer ever who dodged your fast advances. you got to the line first, skidding to a stop and nearly bumping into the person ahead of you as kazunari whacked into your back with an “oof!”
“awww, what do i have to do now that i totally lost?” kazunari pouted, but you just giggled and poked his cheek, not noticing how he became slightly flustered from your touch (you could never tell, it was a hot day)
“go on it with me.” you offered and he didn’t even think twice before he agreed, realizing this was the ride he’s been waiting to go on with you this entire time
(kazunari remembered the only other thing he really researched was this ferris wheel, where a rumor around it stated two people who went on it would be together forever)
when you two were allowed into one of the trolleys, you two sat close like always with your head on his shoulder. the orange light made everything feel like a fantasy, like this was a daydream. you didn’t want to wake up as kazunari squeezed your hand the moment the wheel started increasing
slowly but surely, you two were going around in circles as you savored the moment, wanting nothing more than to be here with kazunari forever
“you know... i never thought i’d be here.” kazunari started and you hummed, encouraging him to keep going as his thumb traced circles around your palm
“i didn’t have many friends growing up, so it would’ve been totes not cool to come to these things alone!” kazunari tried to play it off as some joke, but you knew better, just lowering your hand to his lap and waiting for him to talk
“but... now... i have friends? good—no, great friends! and... i have you. i’m living, and i have you.” kazunari trailed off, like this was a revelation he hadn’t realized before. the quietness between you two dragged on too long, you wondered what he was thinking
you opened your eyes and kazunari was already looking at you again with a soft smile, not bothering to notice anything else but you, like he wanted to remember this forever
you two reached the top of the ferris wheel, the wheel stopping to give you two a moment by yourself with the sunset
“i love you.” kazunari said again, and you didn’t hold back this time
“i love you, too.” you whispered, afraid to break the moment. but kazunari laughed, and you were laughing, and it was like the funniest joke ever as you two tried to maintain your composure
even as you two got off, you couldn’t let go of him as he did the same. these were the memories child–kazunari always dreamt of, and they were so much better than he ever imagined
after saying goodbye to all his new friends, kazunari couldn’t stop smiling as he drove home, with you sleeping beside him in the passenger seat
he turned off his music this time and carefully watched the road. taking one hand off the wheel, kazunari took your own and kissed your knuckles again and again with love
“i love you, i love you, i love you.” kazunari said, like he couldn’t say anything else but that
(kazunari posted a shot where he held your hand in front of the sunset on the ferris wheel with the caption: “best date ever”)
kazunari really had luck on his side if he was in love with you, maybe he had the ferris wheel to thank for that!
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everwitch-magiks · 4 years
dance with somebody (ch. 15)
start from ch. 1 | back to ch. 14
Whiskey can't quite keep his hands from shaking as he types out the message. He reads through it once, changes a couple of words and then briefly considers adding some sort of emoji. He doesn’t. Instead, he makes himself hit send before he has the time to lose his nerve.
I'll be driving to Boston on Sunday to take care of a couple things, wanna come with? Figured I might as well make a day out of it.
Within a minute, he gets the notification for a reply.
sounds like fun. do I get to choose the music?
Sure. Pick you up around eight?
Whiskey doesn't let himself reread that message until after he's sent it. God, it almost sounds like he’s making plans for a date. No, actually – it sounds exactly like plans for a date. So much for the whole charade of pretending that some mundane errand is his main reason for their outing.
ugh, so early? I'll be requiring a cappuccino, Annie's or bust.
When Miguel lets himself into the passenger seat of the truck Sunday morning, greeting Whiskey with nothing but a yawn and tired smile, Whiskey merely nods towards him as he silently hands him an Annie's take away cup.
"Oh, thank God." Miguel takes a sip, closing his eyes briefly. "Don’t you sleep in, like, ever?"
"Not really," Whiskey admits. He starts the truck and puts it in reverse. "I was at the gym this morning."
"Of course you were," Miguel mutters. "Man, if I was half as serious as you about anything, I'd… Oh."
Whiskey glances towards him. Miguel has opened his eyes again, and for some reason he seems to have zeroed in on Whiskey's hands.
"Nothing." Miguel looks away abruptly. "Never mind me. Eyes on the road.”
Whiskey does look back ahead, but raises both eyebrows curiously. Miguel clears his throat lightly. He digs his phone out of his pocket.
“I’m loving the retro chick vibe of this truck, but I’m guessing bluetooth’s out of the question? Is there an aux cord?”
“Retro chic,” Whiskey parrots back, amused enough to let whatever just happened slide. “Yeah, you can plug in right there.”
“It’s all about the aesthetic, man.” Miguel grins, tapping merrily on his phone. “Okay. I’ve got no idea what you usually listen to, but this playlist’s got lots of different genres.”
After the first three songs have all been Panic! At The Disco, Whiskey feels the need to make a couple of chirps on the definition of the word different, but then the next three tracks are Billy Joel and Robyn and Blackpink, respectively. It turns out they’re both big fans of The Script and have actually both seen them live on the No Sound Without Silence tour, albeit not at the exact same concert. Miguel waves his hands in excitement as goes off on various tangents about which songs he loves the most and exactly why, almost spilling coffee all over himself at one point, and there’s more than one moment where Whiskey laments the fact that he really must keep his eyes on the road.
By the time Whiskey hits the turn signal for their exit, he’s almost starting to relax a little. So far, so good.
“Hey, I almost forgot,” Miguel says. “You never said where we’re actually going?”
“Boston,” Whiskey supplies ambiguously.
“Ha, ha. Where in Boston?”
“A presently undisclosed location.” Whiskey glances briefly at Miguel. “It’s a surprise.”
He catches Miguel’s soft smile before he has to look back ahead.
“A surprise, huh?”
“Yeah.” Whiskey tries to keep his tone somewhat neutral. “I wanted to… Yeah.”
“I thought you had stuff to do?”
“I mean, surprising you isn’t not doing stuff,” Whiskey argues, even though he knows that’s only a backwards way of admitting that Miguel’s got it right. “It’s just… Other stuff.”
For the first time all morning, he’s glad he doesn’t need to meet Miguel’s eyes.
“Depends on the surprise, doesn’t it?” Miguel teases. He sounds pleased. “Fine, don’t tell me. I’ll just have to figure it all out, anyway.”
“Get ready to figure out the first part.” Whiskey pulls into a parking lot. “Here we are.”
“There’s a second part? You know, I’m almost starting to think… Oh my God. Pancakes!”
Whiskey grins. Miguel actually sounds pretty excited.
“How did you know that I haven’t had breakfast?” Miguel questions eagerly.
“You rolled out of bed with less than a minute to spare and put on the first thing you saw in your closet,” Whiskey says matter of factly. He turns off the ignition. “You’ve literally told me that’s your normal routine.”
“I mean, kind of.” Miguel smiles playfully. “But hey, at least you still get to enjoy these effortlessly good looks. Not everyone can look this cute without even really trying, you know.”
“Well,” Whiskey says quietly. Finally, he gets to look over and meet Miguel’s eyes properly. “Fair point.”
Miguel bites his lower lip. Suddenly, his gaze is intent on Whiskey.
“Is this… Too public? Or can we, um. Y’know.”
Whiskey throws a quick glance outside the truck. The parking lot is empty, thank God – quickly, he leans over. It’s a brief kiss, over almost before it’s begun, but Whiskey still feels Miguel’s soft lips smile against his own.
“Come on,” Whiskey mumbles. There’s two more steps to his carefully crafted plan, and he intends to see them both through. “Pancakes. On me.”
The menu at iHOP is ridiculous, but not more ridiculous than the smile on Miguel’s face when the waiter presents him with his mountain of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and bacon. Unsurprisingly, it’s completely adorable.
The drive over to their second destination is brief. They’re still several blocks away when, suddenly, Miguel goes very quiet.
“Almost there,” Whiskey says, in an attempt to fill out the silence. And just like that, he’s nervous all over again. “You, uh. You good?”
“Are you kidding?” Miguel says incredulously – a good kind of incredulous, if his tone is any indication. “I don’t believe you. Is this really where we’re going?”
“I thought you might like it,” Whiskey says carefully. “They’ve got this new exhibit that’s just opened, it’s the Indo-pacific-”
“Coral reef,” Miguel interrupts eagerly. “Yes, I know, I’ve literally got their tweets on alerts. It sounds amazing. And they’ve got this big ocean tank that’s four storys high, you can walk all around it and see every part from a different angle, plus they do absolutely incredible work with their sea turtle rescue program.” He grins widely. “I love the New England Aquarium.”
“Oh. Well, good.” There’s plenty of available parking space, still, since the aquarium has only just opened. Whiskey gets them a spot close to the entrance. “I’ve actually never been.”
“Then you’re in for a treat.” Miguel is already undoing his seatbelt. “Come on! I can’t wait to show you everything.”
When Miguel said everything, he wasn’t kidding. They spend over half an hour at the first exhibit, since Miguel apparently needs to explain in exact detail why the Amazon rainforest is actually one of the most diverse habitats in the world, and then a whole hour goes by as they watch a pair of sea lions swimming and playing with absolutely stunning control and flexibility. By the time they get to the big ocean tank, Whiskey feels like he’s learned more about marine creatures in a couple of hours than he thought he might in his entire life.
It’s surprisingly interesting. And listening to Miguel ramble about it, his eyes shining with unfiltered excitement, is unsurprisingly captivating.
They sit down on a bench on the third floor, where they have a good view of the tank just below the surface. There’s not a lot of other guests around, probably because of the feeding that’s happening over at the tank with the baby sharks. Whiskey glances to his side just as a surprisingly huge sea turtle swims by them at a leisurely pace, watches Miguel’s lips soften into a perfectly gentle, content smile.
If Whiskey could have orchestrated every detail of his ideal moment to proceed with the third and final step of his plan, it would’ve looked a lot like this.
He clears his throat lightly.
Miguel looks over towards him, a little expectantly.
Whiskey hesitates.
God, he must do this. He must. Even if this is where he fucks it all up, his future self deserves to remember this as a moment in his life when he faced all of his fears head on in pursuit of real happiness. He needs to let himself try, to allow himself this one moment of mortifying vulnerability.
“Do you-”
“Can I-”
Whiskey falls silent abruptly. Miguel blinks, looking equally startled.
They both smile.
“You, first,” Miguel says gently.
“Okay.” Whiskey takes a steadying breath. “I was hoping we could talk about, um. About this. About us?”
He makes an awkward gesture between them that’s probably not at all necessary for Miguel to understand his meaning.
“Sure,” Miguel agrees. He’s still smiling, albeit not quite as softly as before, and there’s an undertone of apprehension as he continues. “Based on the past few hours, I’m guessing I’m not actually about to have my heart broken, here?”
“No. I hope not.” God, Whiskey wishes that he could dare to get his hopes up at those words. Of course, he can’t. He already knows perfectly well that Miguel isn’t indifferent to him, per say. That’s not what he’s been so afraid of finding out. “Miguel, I like you so much. I like being with you, just like this, so much. You’re kind of always on my mind, lately, and it’s all really just so… So great. You’re really, really great.”
“Okay,” Miguel says slowly. His tone is all apprehension, now. “I’m sensing a but, here. You’re not looking to date right now, is that it? Or are you just not looking for a boyfriend at all? Or-”
“No,” Whiskey interrupts hurriedly. “Fuck, no, not at all. Miguel, if you wanted to be my boyfriend, I’d be so happy.”
“Oh.” Miguel blinks. “You… Really?”
“Yes.” Whiskey swallows. “I… Yes. Really.”
“Huh.” Slowly, Miguel’s lips curl into another smile. “Wow. That’s... Okay.”
Whiskey allows himself a moment to smile back. God, what he wouldn’t give for things to actually be that simple.
“Okay,” he says, trying to get back on track. “So, the thing is-”
“Ah, I knew it,” Miguel cuts in, almost playfully. “There is a but, isn’t there?”
Whiskey grimaces.
“I mean. Sort of?”
“Right.” Miguel’s smile dims again. “Sorry, sorry. I’m listening.”
“It’s not too bad,” Whiskey says, even though it honestly absolutely is. “I, um. You see.”
Miguel watches him expectantly.
“I guess I don’t want to come on too strong, here, and start talking about our lives several years from now,” Whiskey begins, testing the waters a bit. 
Miguel raises his eyebrows slightly, but looks otherwise unruffled. So, like, that’s not a terrible reaction.
Whiskey takes the plunge.
“I just need you to know that I’m not sure if I’ll ever actually come out, publicly. Right now, I honestly don’t think so.”
“Ah,” Miguel says. “You mean… Ah. Okay.”
Whiskey waits. Miguel’s expression is infuriatingly unreadable.
“Good to know,” Miguel finally settles on. “That’s not a deal breaker for me, exactly. I’m just not sure if I’d want to keep something like this from absolutely everyone. I honestly don’t think I could.”
“I couldn’t do that, either,” Whiskey says, surprising himself a little bit. Still, it’s the truth. “I’d want to tell my two best friends.”
“You would?” Miguel asks, almost smiling. “Have I met them?”
“Yes, actually. Tango and Ford.”
“So you’re out, to them?”
“Not yet,” Whiskey admits. “But I’ve been thinking about it, and I… I’d want them to know about us.”
“Okay,” Miguel says. He sounds hopeful. “I’d want my best friend to know, too. I’ve known him all my life, so I trust him completely. And I want to tell my closest family.”
“Okay,” Whiskey agrees. It surprises him a little, that the mere thought doesn’t make him panic. “I don’t mind that.”
“I’ll be very clear that they can’t tell anyone else,” Miguel adds gently. “I’m sure they can handle that.”
“If you trust them, I trust you,” Whiskey reassures him. “Actually, it’s sweet. That you’d want them to know.”
“Of course I would.” Miguel smiles briefly. “Are you, uh. Are you close with your family?”
“Not… Not exactly.” It’s not a question Whiskey was expecting. “They’re very, um. Very traditional. I guess I usually go home for holidays and so on, but we don’t really talk a lot in between. I certainly don’t have plans to come out to them. One of my cousins knows, though. Beth. And actually, she’d kind of murder me if I didn’t tell her about you.”
“Well, we can’t have that.” Miguel tilts his head a little. “Are you out to anyone else?”
“A couple of people,” Whiskey admits. “Dex, our team captain, probably knows the most. He even knows about you. It’s actually his truck that I borrowed, today.”
“Yeah?” Miguel says. He sounds oddly pleased. “That’s cool. Anyone else?”
“This guy that I, um. That I hooked up with a few times last semester.” Whiskey clears his throat awkwardly. “And Bitty, our captain last year, although he found out accidentally. Oh, and you. Although I guess that’s completely obvious.”
“I’d say I’m aware, yeah,” Miguel agrees cheerfully. “You know, I actually ended up googling that former captain guy, Bitty, after the hockey party. His fiance is kind of a really big deal in hockey, isn’t he?”
“Yeah,” Whiskey agrees. “He’s the first openly gay male NHL hockey player, and a Stanley Cup champion.”
Miguel hums. “There’s really no one else, in the NHL?”
“Not yet, no.” Whiskey takes a breath. “And I’m honestly not too inclined to be the second.”
“Right,” Miguel says. He sounds less startled than Whiskey expected him to. “You know, that thought actually crossed my mind when you first told me about wanting to go pro. Even though you weren’t actually out to me then. I’ve heard some really questionable things about locker rooms in hockey.”
“I’ve heard my fair share of questionable things in those locker rooms.” Whiskey sighs. “It’s part of why I have so much respect for Bitty and Zimmermann. They’re really important to a lot of queer hockey people out there, and they’ve done so much to make things better. If Zimmermann wasn’t the only out player in the league, that would really change things for both of them. But I’m, I just… I want to play hockey. There’s nothing else I care about as much. But that doesn’t mean that I could do what they do, or that I’m prepared to go through everything they’ve overcome. Maybe that makes me selfish, but it’s just how I feel.”
Miguel hums.
“I get that,” he says. There’s a weight to his words that feels significant, somehow. “If I’m honest, I don’t know if I could do that, either. It’s actually a relief, in a way, that you’re not asking me if I’d be prepared to face that alongside you.”
Whiskey turns to look at Miguel properly. He wasn’t expecting that.
“I’ve never thought of it that way,” he admits. “I was too busy worrying that you’d be against the idea of not being completely open about… About us.”
Miguel meets his eyes steadily.
“It’s really okay, Whiskey. I don’t need to kiss you for all the world to see, so long as I know where we stand.”
“Yeah?” Whiskey asks. And for the first time since they’ve sat down, he finds himself smiling. “That’s, uh. That’s really great. Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Miguel says gently. “So. I guess this means it’s my turn, now?”
Whiskey blinks. Right. Miguel had been trying to say something, too.
“Sure, yeah,” he agrees. “Go ahead.”
“Don’t worry, okay? It’s genuinely nothing bad.”
Miguel takes a breath. Apparently, whatever the not-bad thing is, he’s still nervous to say it. Which isn’t at all alarming.
“So, you know how I’ve been hoping to get a room at the water polo frat?” Miguel begins tentatively. “I’ve kind of changed my mind about that, a little bit. I love my team, but I already see them all the time, and the reason I want to move out of the dorms is so that I can have a space that’s more my own. Somehow, I don't think I'd feel that way with all my idiot teammates around.”
“Good instincts,” Whiskey interjects. “I could tell you stories.”
Miguel smiles.
“I’ve actually found a small apartment just off campus that’s surprisingly affordable. I think it might be because the layout of the kitchen area is, like, so impractical that it’s got to be on purpose, but I could definitely make it work.”
“Well. Sounds like a good option.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna take it,” Miguel says carefully. “It’s, um. It’s actually no more than a ten minute walk from your hockey house. And it’d be, you know. Something a little more private.”
“Oh,” Whiskey says. He frowns slightly. “You really don’t have to do that, for me.”
“I’m not only doing it for you,” Miguel reminds him firmly. “Like I said, I want something that’s more my own place. This seems like my best option.”
“Well,” Whiskey says, considering. “If you’re sure. It, uh. It does actually sound really nice. I think I might visit you quite a lot.”
“You’d be more than welcome to,” Miguel says. He grins. “Hey. Can I say something?”
Whiskey blinks.
“You just did, I think?”
“Yeah, well.” Miguel grins a little wider. “See, I don’t want to come on too strong, here, and start talking about our lives several years from now. Sounds familiar?”
“... Oh.” Whiskey feels startled in the best way possible. “I guess?”
“It’s just… If I had a wishlist, eventual cohabitation would probably be somewhere near the top.” Miguel tilts his head a little. “Just thought I’d put that out there.”
“Yeah?” Whiskey manages, a bit unsteadily. “I, uh. I’d definitely be open to having that conversation. At some point.”
“Okay. Cool.” Miguel averts his gaze for a second, looking back at the ocean tank before them. His smile, Whiskey thinks, is perfectly lovely. “So. Do you... Should we head back?”
Whiskey frowns. He’s more than aware of the fact that there’s several exhibits they haven’t even gone anywhere near, yet. Miguel must know that, too.
“Isn’t there stuff left to see?” he wonders, a little unsurely.
“We can come back,” Miguel says quickly. He turns back towards Whiskey, and there’s a look in his eyes that immediately earns him Whiskey’s full attention. “Right now, I’d rather just be somewhere a bit more... Somewhere we can be alone. And my roommate’s actually gone for the weekend, so. I was thinking…”
Whiskey gets to his feet.
They don’t waste any time making their way back to the truck. Whiskey starts the ignition, his mind occupied with calculating how long the drive might take. As he puts the truck in reverse and starts backing up, Miguel makes some sort of noise next to him.
Whiskey glances over, surprised to find that Miguel’s expression is… Tense. Or something.
“Never mind me,” Miguel mutters through his teeth. “Just, um. Just drive.”
It reminds Whiskey of what Miguel had said to him that same morning, after he’d gone oddly quiet and… Stared at Whiskey’s hand on the gearshift. Huh.
Whiskey pauses after backing up. He raises both eyebrows in question.
“Oh, fuck you,” Miguel says, his weak tone a definite contrast to his choice of words. “Look, it’s really stupid. You’re gonna think I’m an idiot.”
“I mean, maybe,” Whiskey allows. He still doesn’t keep driving. “Does it help if I promise not to take the piss?”
“Persistent, aren’t we?” Miguel mutters. He sighs. “Ugh. Fine. It’s just… You drive stick.”
Whiskey blinks.
“Is that, like… A whole thing for you?”
“Oh, shut it,” Miguel grumbles. “This is hardly my fault, okay, I really can’t be blamed for being stupidly attracted to you.”
Whiskey probably shouldn’t smile as widely as he does – he literally just promised Miguel that he wouldn’t make fun of him. “Stupidly, huh.”
“Well, yes!” Miguel exclaims. And suddenly, it’s like a pair of proverbial floodgates have opened. "Did you know that every time you open your ridiculously hot mouth in class and something highly intelligent spills out, I die a little bit?”
Whiskey blinks. Fuck. If there’s one thing in this world that he didn’t know, it’s definitely that.
Miguel continues before he has the chance to respond.
“And God, you couldn’t warn a guy before making me watch you dominate that hockey game like you single-handedly invented skating? Believe me, I am sincerely, stupidly into you – you with your ridiculous face, and that brain, and those muscles, Jesus. You are quite literally the whole package and it's honestly so completely infuriating.”
Whiskey swallows. He can’t seem to look away from Miguel, who is actually glaring at him, now, and that shouldn’t be the best thing that’s happened to Whiskey all day. And it kind of isn’t better than their pivotal conversation earlier, if Whiskey thinks about it logically and rationally, which he would absolutely do if Miguel wasn’t looking at him like that.
“Right,” Whiskey finally manages in response. “Gotcha.”
Miguel narrows his eyes.
“Listen,” he says. His voice is low, and raw, and determined. Whiskey’s breath hitches. “You’re going to drive us back to campus, and I’m going to take you up to my room, and, if you'll let me, I’m going to spread you out on my bed and make you feel every deliciously bittersweet moment of frustration that I've suffered on your account. God knows you've deserved it."
“Um.” Whiskey swallows, twice, and then attempts a deep breath. His brain might have short-circuited a little bit. “Is this a good time to mention that you talking like that is kind of really doing it for me?”
“No,” Miguel says evenly, despite the fact that Whiskey can see the clearly pleased smile tugging at his lips. “Just, for God’s sake, Whiskey. Drive. Now.”
Whiskey forces himself to look back ahead. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Miguel follow the movements of his hand as he carefully changes gears.
Boston, Whiskey thinks dizzily, is entirely too far away from Samwell.
(ch. 16)
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paperdoll-hearts · 3 years
Flynn and Vera
Gives nose/forehead kisses
They both have their sweet moments of a forehead kiss though Flynn does it more frequently. He also will throw in a nose kiss at times when she is annoyed just for pure entertainment.
Gets jealous the most
Oh yikes... It's a lot more even than Vera likes to admit. While she is better at hiding it at times they both are extremely jealous people over each other. Doesn't help that Flynn flirts all the time.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
They would both do it for each other in a heartbeat. There isn't anything really they wouldn't do for each other no matter the state of their relationship. However, Vera would most likely be insulting him the whole time she drove him home for being an idiot.
Takes care of on sick days
Flynn is very happy to be taken care of when sick. Vera isn't very maternal and will say that he can take care of himself but in the end shows up with his favorite food and stays the night with him. In return, she is so stubborn and will insist she is fine and doesn't need him, but Flynn will all but yell at her to get her to lay down and take care of her anyway.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
No dragging is needed. They both love it there. Some of their best memories are on a beach from the trips they would take when they were younger.
Gives unprompted massages
Flynn definitely has the love language of physical touch so he is more likely to be the one to do so. Plus he tells her she is uptight and could use it.
Drives/rides shotgun
Because of high school and such they just got used to him driving so most of the time he does. And Vera wants control of the aux cord to spare herself from constant musical theater playlists.
Brings the other lunch at work
It surprises him but every once in a while Vera stops by the theater with a lunch. She acts like it is no big deal but it means a lot to him. He loves those small amounts of time they can steal together during the day.
Has the better parental relationship
Hahahahahahahaha... Neither.
Tries to start role-playing in bed
Flynn would only do it for the mere purpose of playing a joke on her and watching her get disgusted by him.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
Flynn definitely isn't afraid to let loose even when sober so while it mostly falls on him Vera has some moments that she is in complete denial about. Good thing Flynn has some video on his phone...
Still cries watching Titanic
Flynn. Absolutely Flynn. He is the one that tears up during movies and she rolls her eyes at him telling him they are both stupid for not trying to fit on the wood properly.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Definitely Flynn. He tries to talk her into it every year and almost every year she says it's stupid but picks out one that she can stand for them.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Money is hardly an issue for them so there is no budget or limit.
Makes the other eat breakfast
They both like sleeping in more. They are more likely to go down to the kitchen after sex and raid the fridge together. But on occasion both have. Though it was probably the hired cook that made it.
Remembers anniversaries
Flynn will play the oblivion game to rustle her feathers but really they both are pretty good at remembering. They have been in each other's lives a long time and have a lot of important things they remember.
Brings up having kids
Flynn would hesitate on bringing them up but would want to. He knows the doubts that she has as a mom since they both have crap examples to look up to but he wants a family with her. Even if it is a small one.
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fluffy-lee · 5 years
Not Alone in London
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Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and swearing.
Y/a = your age
Summary: Y/n is an actress, best known for Marvel/ Avengers movies. While on press tour for the latest movie, she finds herself alone in London, much to her dismay. Enter Tom Holland.
You had arrived in London two days ago, doing press for Marvel. Your jet lag had begun to wear off and you were finished with your interviews for the day. This trip in particular was different. You were alone. Of course, you had your team with you, and you loved them, but it wasn’t the same as having your mom or someone else with you. Being in another county, as much as you loved it, was still pretty intense, no matter how many times you’ve done it. 
  You were walking down the hall on your way to grab a tea when you saw Harry Holland walk out in front of you. 
    “Oh, excuse me. Y/n! Hi! ...Are you alright?” Harry asked. He had a concerned expression on his face.
 “Oh it’s okay, and I’m okay. Thank you, Harry. It’s so nice to see you!” You said giving him a hug.
 It felt so nice to be with someone familiar and you knew what it meant for him to be here. Tom was here as well. You felt excitement bubble up in your chest. You loved Tom and had grown very close to him from Marvel and press tours. You had been told that you were getting the last of the interviews of the tour and everyone else had gone home. This was your last stop before you too could go home. It had been nearly a week since you had seen Sebastian, Evans, Downey, Scarlet, or anyone from the cast. You barely got to say goodbye due to the hectic schedules and it was hard on you to be ripped away from your family so suddenly. You had been experiencing so much anxiety. You thought you had it under control, but it returned toward the end of this tour. 
 “Tom’s in there. He should be wrapping in a bit, if you’d like to wait for him. I have to leave now, but I hope to see you again while you’re in town.” Harry said with a smile. 
You gave him a hug and he hurried off. You awkwardly stood in the hallway waiting for Tom. His interview took longer than you expected, so you slid down the wall and sat on the floor. 
  A bunch of people started to leave the room carrying equipment and stuff. You could hear Tom’s voice, chatting away. You couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying, but you could still tell he was being so polite and funny, like always. Tom finally walked out of the room and gasped when he saw you and you quickly stood up and launched in his arms. He picked you up and hugged you tightly. 
  “Aww, sweet girl! What are you doing here?” Tom asked, still holding you.  
You felt as if you were going to cry right then and there. Your anxiety had been through the roof and you couldn’t stand it much longer. Tom felt you shudder and set you down, observing your teary eyes. 
  “I think you and I should go get some water or something.” He said, pulling you into the catering room and shutting the door. 
 He poured you a glass of water and handed it to you, before pouring one for himself. Tom had seemed to go into a protective mode you hadn’t really seen him in before. He hadn’t had to. Now, he had concern in his eyes, but also determination. 
  “Y/n, do you mind telling me what’s wrong?” He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You proceeded to pour your heart out to him about all that had been going on. You didn’t mean to dump all of your emotions on him, but you just had to get it off your chest.
  “I’m so sorry… I don’t mean to be dramatic. It’s just been hard for me.” You explained, dabbing your eyes with a tissue. You didn’t want your interview makeup to run down your face. 
  “Darling, do not apologize.” Tom scolded, leaning down to your height. 
You nodded. 
  “How long are you in London?” Tom asked.
  “Four more days before I go home. I should ask you the same question, haha. I went to the movies a few weeks ago, and I saw your name on three posters!” You gushed. The tears had stopped flowing. 
  “It is true that I’ve been very busy.” Tom laughed. “I’m home for a few weeks, thankfully. Where are you staying?”
 “In a hotel down the street from here.”
  “With who?” He asked. 
You almost didn’t want to answer. You knew he wasn’t going to like it. 
  “I’m y/a, you know.” You mumbled, looking at your feet.
 “Uhuh, yeah.” Tom smirked, clicking his tongue. He found it endearing how you thought you were so big and bad now. “You mean you like to be grown up and alone?”
“I thought I would...but no, not with my anxiety.” You answered. 
 “Y/n, if I ask your mother, would you like to come stay with me in Kingston? I have a guest room and my parents’ house is literally right down the street.” Tom kindly offered. 
 “Tom, are you serious? You do NOT have to do this.” 
 “Oh hush! It’s you, Y/n! I insist. I’d love to have you. My family loves you as well.” Tom insisted. 
 “Okay.. This is actually really, really great. Thank you so much, Tom.” You hugged him tightly. 
“Of course, darling. I still have to call your mother though.” Tom said, extending his hand for your phone.
  “Tooom. I’m y/a now!” You whined. 
  “Haha! Like that means anything. Yous a baby!” He teased, ruffling your hair, making you blush. 
You let Tom talk to your mom and of course she was okay with it. She felt much better about you staying with people you knew instead of being cooped up in a hotel by yourself. Tom drove you to the hotel to get your stuff. You had to be very quick and sneaky because you did not feel like dealing with paparazzi. You finally got into his car and he made his way to his place. 
  “You want the aux oooor?” Tom asked, handing you the cord. 
   “Nah, I’d rather hear what you listen to.” You said. You didn’t really know what music he liked, or even if he liked American music, so you let him play his own. 
He listened to quite a variety of music. Lots of rap that he knew every word to. You’d giggle at his raping, but his singing… you were blown away. You were surprised he even sang in front of you, because he’s very self conscious about his singing voice. It was really good. His driving is good, but he had a few questionable moments. You weren’t about to try to give him any advice, but almost called him out a few times. You finally did one time and he insisted that’s how they all drove in the UK. 
 “Tom, that some bullshit.” You joked, making Tom laugh and blush. 
  “Here we are!” Tom swung open his door to his apartment and it was very nice, and surprisingly clean. There were a few things tossed about the countertops and what not. It was obvious that he travels a lot and doesn’t get much time to spend at home. You felt a bit awkward, even though you knew Tom really well, and of course trusted him. You wanted him to be able to relax and not worry about entertaining you.
 “Chill, Y/n!” Tom chuckled. “You’re welcome here. I don’t like being by myself either.”
You relaxed a lot and felt very at home with him. You both had such a good friendship. You were very happy to be able to spend some one-on-one time without constant interruptions and time limits due to schedules.
 You and Tom ended up on the couch, watching a movie. You were both tired from the travels over the last few weeks. You laid on one end and he laid on the other. His legs reached over to your side, barely, but yours weren’t long enough to reach to his. You thought of a silly idea, to hopefully bring out some of you two’s shared playfulness. 
  You looked over at Tom, the blanket pulled up to his chest, texting on his phone and glancing up at the movie every once in a while. You then looked back down at his foot that was next to you, with his Spider-Man tattoo on the bottom of it. You smirked before tracing your finger all over the tattoo, causing him to giggle and jerk his foot. 
  “Y/n, no!” Tom giggled, looking over his phone at you. 
  “Oh! Sorry, I was just looking at your tattoo!” You said innocently. You wondered if he’d retaliate and tickle you back, but you didn't think he actually would. 
  “That tickled me.” Tom said quietly, and really cutely, before focusing back on the movie.
You smirked to yourself and went back to “tracing” his tattoo. He laughed and yanked his foot away, sitting up. 
  “Y/n!” Tom exclaimed. He had a goofy smile on his face, like he knew what you were up to.
  “Why do you keep freaking out? I’m just admiring your tattoo!” You said mischievously. You loved playing around with Tom. He really is a sweetheart and likes to joke around quite often. 
  “Oh reaaally? Because I think you're trying to get me to tickle you.” Tom smirked, raising his distinctive fluffy eyebrow that he has never been able to tame. 
You blushed a dark pink, and didn’t really know how to respond. His comment made you very flustered.  
  “Wow, you’re blushing so much! Now I HAVE to tickle you!” He teased, crawling over you. 
You began giggling nervously and pushing at his chest with the blanket. 
   “Tom Holland! D-Don’t tickle!” You squealed. 
He paused for a moment, chuckling, before ripping the blanket away from you and immediately digging all ten digits into your tummy. 
  “Tickletickletickletickletickle!” He teased in his accent. 
You absolutely lost it, thrashing and laughing. 
He mocked your laughter, making you laugh even harder and blush even more. You tried to grab his hands but he was too fast and strong.  
  “Stop trying to fight me!” Tom laughed, now squeezing your hips. 
You were in hysterics. His hands squeezing your hips tickled so bad, and every move you made only made it worse… but you HAD to move! It tickled too much not to. 
  “I think you’re laughing way too much, Y/n! If you keep laughing, I’m going to tickle under your arms!” He threatened with a devious grin. 
You covered your mouth with your hands, trying your hardest to muffle your laughter. Tom began tickling your sides and you broke out into loud laughter, shoving at his hands. 
  “That’s it! I warned you!” He exclaimed, shooting his fingers into your underarms. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy!” 
You laughter fell in and out of silent laughter and you collapsed, unable to move. If you moved, it would tickle even more and you couldn’t stand it. 
Tom looked down at you, chuckling. “You’re super ticklish, Y/n! I mean, it really blows me away.” 
He stopped tickling under your arms, letting you breathe. Then he started squeezing your thighs and you began wiggling around again, your laughter escalating. 
  “Tom, I cahahan’t! Stahahahaaaa!” You exclaimed through your laughter. 
  “Oh alright… I’ll just tickle your ribs. I know you’re super ticklish there! Sebastian tickles you there all the time and you absolutely lose it!’ 
You gasped. “Nonononooo I’m not even ticklish there!” You knew that comment just got you in trouble, but you may have said it on purpose.
   “Not ticklish on your ribs? Are you sure? Because I think I remember that if I do this, you start giggling like mad.” He teased, using his index finger to wiggle the middle of your right ribs. 
You squeaked and began pushing at him again. 
“Oi oi oi.. How dare you push at me when I’m tickling you!” Tom growled. He then grabbed your wrists and pinned your arms above your head. He used his free hand to shake your left ribs. 
 Your laughter turned into adorable squeaky giggles. The way his fingertips vibrated into your ribs tickled like crazy. 
  “Does that tickle?” He asked sweetly, chuckling at you. Of course he knew it tickled bad, but he wanted to make you say it. 
“Okay okay! Hahaha I think you’ve had enough.” Tom said. He could tell because you were about to turn purple.  
Just as he stopped tickling your ribs, he used his free hand to pin your wrists down more securely. “I almost forgot!” He said, pushing your shirt up a bit so he could blow a raspberry on your tummy.
 He blew a huge raspberry, shaking his head, making you scream and then fall into silent laughter. He stopped and looked up at your red face.
“I think you can take one more. What do you think?”
   “I cahahan’t!” You squealed. 
  “Y/n.. You can do anything!” He said with a squinty smile. He then blew another fat raspberry that tickled even more than the first one, your belly laughter filling the room. 
He ceased his tickle attack and fell back to his side of the couch. You caught your breath and drank some water while he focused on the movie with a sly smirk. You rolled your eyes at him and smiled, butterflies swarming around in your stomach. 
“Yes, darling?”
  “Um, I think I actually really needed that, so thank you.. And thank you again for rescuing me from having to be alone.” You said quietly, blushing because you actually just thanked him for tickling you. 
“Aww haha, anytime Y/n/n. I love you, darling! I’d never let you have to be alone.” He said, sitting up and ruffling your hair, making you smile. 
“I love you more!”
“Oh no way! Not possible!”
  You both fell asleep on the couch during the movie a few minutes later. You were both tired from hysterical laughing as well as interviews and jet lag. You both related to each other, being young people in the industry, and you especially looked up to him. You spent the rest of your time in London with Tom and his family. He and his brothers absolutely loved showing you around real London culture. You had an amazing trip after all, and you and Tom became even closer than before.
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captainkippen · 6 years
Escaping the Rain • A Tyrus Oneshot
Having to repost this! The original prompt was #4 and #25 of the KISSING PROMPTS. I don’t know what tumblr did with the original post, but shout out to the anon who let me know it was gone.
It starts tipping it down while they're out running errands for Cyrus' mom. There's little to no warning, neither of them even notice the sky growing darker until it's too late, there's just a loud clap of thunder and the heavens open up above them. Rain pounds into the sidewalk and they quickly abandon their trip to the florist in favour of sprinting back to TJ's car. "You think your mom can control the weather now?" TJ asks as he slams the driver's seat door behind him. "And this was her way of telling us to hurry up?" They'd only been out in the rain for a minute at most, but that hasn't stopped them from getting absolutely soaked. Cyrus lets his head flop back against the passenger seat, wheezing slightly from the surprise exercise, and tries to ignore the unpleasant sensation of cold water dripping down the back of his neck. "You know what? At this point, I'd say that's entirely possible. She may just be getting us back for this morning," he says, making TJ laugh. They'd spent the morning in the basement of Cyrus' house playing ping-pong, but evidently, their loud trash talk had started to irritate Mrs Goodman. She'd told them to keep it down three times before Cyrus managed to accidentally knock a glass from the table and smash it (not an uncommon occurrence) and that had been her breaking point. She'd hurried them out of the house telling them to make themselves useful and help pick things up for her sister's upcoming wedding. They'd actually made their way through quite a lot of the chores on the list she'd given them, up until the rain started. When Cyrus turns his head to look at TJ he can't help but stare at the way water clings to the end of his hair and eyelashes. His t-shirt is drenched, clinging to his torso and arms in a way that makes Cyrus' mouth go dry. It's unfair how good TJ looks all the time. Everything about TJ is unfair. "You wanna wait this out?" Cyrus suggests, tearing his eyes away from TJ and peering out at the street. It's nearly impossible to see anything through the sheets of water coming down. "Yeah, no fucking way am I driving in this," TJ says. "Let's put some music on while we wait. You want the AUX cord? It's in the glove compartment." Cyrus rummages around in the glove compartment for a few moments before coming up empty. TJ has a habit of insisting that things are where they should be when they aren't because he's also got a habit of putting things down in random places and forgetting to pick them up again. "It's not in here." "It totally is." "I swear it's not!" TJ sighs dramatically and leans over to search himself. It takes him a moment, but eventually he does dig out the cord. He makes a loud 'AHA' noise and turns to grin at Cyrus triumphantly. In doing this, he accidentally brings their faces together, and their lips brush softly. They both freeze. "Sorry," TJ whispers, not moving. Cyrus can feel the hot air of TJ's breath mingling with his own in the space between them. "It's fine," Cyrus murmurs back. He means to pull away, he really does, but instead, he finds himself leaning in. The first kiss is soft and barely there, and there's a lingering moment where he thinks TJ might pull back. He doesn't. He pushes back against Cyrus' mouth suddenly, crushing their lips together. The second kiss is nothing like the first. It's messy, enthusiastic and a lot wetter than it should be, but somehow it's perfect. Cyrus knots his hands in the front of TJ's hoodie and pulls him as close as he can, TJ's hands tighten on his shoulders. Finally, they have to break away for air. They come up gasping, grinning at one another. Sunlight starts to creep through the clouds again, a beam of it sliding through the car window. "I think the rain's letting up," Says Cyrus. They both look outside. Puddles dot the street and there's still droplets falling sporadically from the sky, but the sun is breaking through and making everything around them glisten. "Let's stay here a little longer," TJ suggests. Cyrus is only too happy to agree.
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runaway-horses · 5 years
The Missing Soulmate: Chapter Three
<<Previous Next>>
Word Count: 1,353
Warnings: Slight angst? Mostly fluff. I think. Let me know if I need to add/remove anything.
A/N: I like this chapter more than I thought I would! It feels short? For some reason? Comments + reblogs add years to my life span. (Today is the 29th and...I’m too tired/stupid to remember if I already posted today. I don’t think I did. Who the hell cares. Double update. Bless all of y’all who reblogged the last chapter.)
Tags: @avocados26 @a-cure-for-sentience
Roman sighed as he watched Virgil pace anxiously across his room. “Virgil,” He said softly. “Will you please come sit down?” Virgil glanced over at him before returning his gaze to the carpet. “Virgil. Love, everything is going to be fine.”
This time, Virgil looked at Roman and held his gaze. “We’re registering at the Soulmates Office in the morning Roman! That’s a huge deal! What if they say no, say that we should have one soulmate per person, what if I have to choose between you and Patton, what if something bad happens and their computer system crashes after we register and our status is lost and then we’ll never be officially recognized as soulmates in the government’s eyes-”
His rambling was cut off by the sudden presence of Roman in front of him. “Breathe, Hot Topic. Everything will be absolutely fine.” Virgil didn’t even realize how fast his breathing had gotten, and he took a moment to settle himself. “There you go,” Roman murmured. “None of that will happen, they have to recognize us, the writing's on our skin. We aren’t the first poly soulmates, and we won’t be the last. Their computers have backups, so our status wouldn’t be lost. And even if it did,” Here he paused to press a gentle kiss to Virgil’s lips. “We wouldn’t love each other any less. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me who my soulmates are.”
Virgil took a shuddering breath and then fell forward into Roman’s embrace. “Thank you Roman,” He whispered quietly. “Anytime my dear,” He kissed his boyfriend on the top of his head.
They stood there for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence when the door opened, signaling Patton’s return.
“Roman? Virge?”
“Up here Padre,” Roman called, not letting go of Virgil. Patton opened the door to the bedroom and saw his two boyfriends standing in the middle of the room, arms wrapped securely around each other. “Hey guys,” He greeted, much quieter this time, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence.
What happened? He mouthed to Roman from behind Virgil. Roman responded with the facial equivalent of a shrug, then mouthed soulmate registry back at him. An emotion flickered across Patton’s face, too quick for him to decipher.
Patton walked over to them and ran a hand through Virgil’s hair. “Hello sweetie,” Virgil pulled back from Roman so he could face Patton properly. He studied Virgil’s face before reaching forward and pulling him into his own hug.
“Are you thinking about Logan?” Virgil nodded his head from where it was buried in Pat’s shoulder.
Roman wanted to kick himself. Of course that was what got Virgil so worked up. He shifted uncomfortably and looked out the window. He had never received any messages from their fourth soulmate, him being the last one to turn eighteen. And according to Patton and Virgil, he had already stopped writing by then.
His feelings about this Logan were mixed, Patton and Virgil spoke of how kind he was, but all Roman knew was that he had abandoned his soulmates and that he was a source of great distress for his two boyfriends.
Patton led Virgil to the bed and rubbed circles in his back, trying to sooth him. He felt just as lost, and was just as upset that tomorrow they would register as soulmates, but not all his soulmates would be there. And of course, he’s beyond thrilled and excited about doing this with Virgil and Roman, he loves them both and can’t wait for tomorrow.
But it almost felt like a betrayal to the boy with the blue pen who hadn’t written in months.
They all fell asleep piled on top of each other, a tangle of limbs and blankets.
In an attempt to cheer up his boyfriends, Roman has suggested a movie marathon. Patton had jumped at the idea, and Virgil had said that it “wouldn’t be horrible.” But he was smiling when he said it.
They didn’t even make it three movies.
Roman and Patton fell asleep first with Virgil in between them, and Virgil had gently climbed out of the pile of limbs, turned off the tv, and grabbed some blankets.
He covered them with blankets and turned to leave, planning to get some work done, but a hand reached out and latched onto his wrist.
“Stay an’ cuddle wi’ us Virge,” A very sleepy Patton mumbled, gently tugging on his arm.
And, well. Virgil could never say no to Patton.
In hindsight, three people sleeping on a couch that definitely wasn’t meant for sleeping (or more then one very tiny person) was not their greatest idea.
“Ouch, Princey, watch your elbows,”
“It doesn’t help that you’re completely on top of me, how about you roll over so I can more without crushing you?”
“Kiddo that’s my- OW-”
“Sorry Patton!”
“Oh God my neck hurts,”
They eventually got themselves un-tangled (perhaps four blankets was a bit much?) and vertical. Roman glanced at his watch and let out a shocked gasp. “It’s so late! We’re gonna have to move quickly if we wanna make it to the registry on time.”
Virgil pulled out his phone and let out a similar gasp, quickly turning and jogging up the stairs two at a time. They heard him yell “Dibs on first shower!” And Patton chuckled as Roman made an offended sound and ran after him.
It was Patton’s apartment, he and his parents had worked it out that he would return to the States for college while they stayed in Côte d'Ivoire, and his soulmates had spent the entire summer here. They hadn’t moved in, partly because Patton’s apartment was much too small for them, and partly because it simply wasn’t practical, all three of them were going to different colleges.
However, during their shared summer they had established a routine, and the way they all just flowed filled Patton with a type of happiness that comes with being content, a type of happiness that comes from being home.
These feelings oftentimes left a somewhat bitter taste in his mouth when he thought on them, because as well as they flowed, and as much as he felt at home with Roman and Virgil, he couldn’t help but feel that they were missing something, that the flow wasn’t quite complete, that he shouldn’t feel happy when they were missing a piece.
He felt guilty for being happy without Logan.
He frowned and tried to shake away the thoughts as he mixed pancake batter. Today was a day for happiness, and he wouldn’t let negative thoughts pull him down.
By the time Roman and Virgil made it downstairs, affectionately shouldering each other, the figurative black cloud over his head was almost gone.
“Who wants Registration Day Pancakes? They’re Patton-pending!”
The affectionate groan and quiet chuckle from his soulmates had the remaining negative thoughts disappear like smoke.
Virgil shot his parents a quick text to let them know they were leaving for the registry, and then dragged his boyfriends out the door. (“We’re going to be late!” “Virge, we have plenty of time/” “Not with highway traffic!” “My hair is not done-Virgil!” “Shut it Princey, you always look gorgeous.” Roman blushed to his ears and followed without further comment while Patton cooed.)
The ride consisted of Roman and Virgil fighting over control of the aux cord and Patton eventually taking away their music privileges. Virgil got quiet when they were almost there, and Roman climbed in the back to reassure him with his presence.
When the building came into sight, the yellow and purple words printed on the side naming it as the Soulmate Registration Office, Patton felt the full force of what was going to happen, and how monumental it was, hit him.
He parked and slowly stepped out of the car, his movements uncoordinated and jerky.
“Hey babe, you ready?” Patton turned his head to see Virgil and Roman holding hands, waiting expectantly.
He swallowed his nerves and smiled, feeling butterflies in his stomach accompanied by the warmth he always felt looking at his loves.
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Hello! I wanna say this first: YOUR BLOG MADE MY PAST FEW DAYS INCREDIBLE! It brought thousands of smiles on my face and I am grateful. So, can you please, make a scenario with gom+kagami preapring for their first trip with their s/o? Thank you :D
Aaah, thank you somuch for the kind words!!! You’re so sweet and that brought many smiles to myface. And I’m glad this blog has made you happy.
(Also, pleasepunch me for taking forever with this, and also kick me because these are probably not what you were looking for, like at all. Tbh I took artisticliberties and may have had a lot more fun than I should have while writingthese, lmao.)
Akashi: You were a bit nervousas you stepped onto the private jet.
“Don’t worry, ____, everything’s alright,” Akashi assuredyou, his hand on the small of your back.
“Yeah, you keep saying that, but I’m still freaking out alittle bit, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
He breathed out a chuckle. “I had noticed, which is why Ifelt the need to remind you that I have everything under control.”
“I appreciate it, Sei, but…” you sighed. “I’m still scared.I’ve never flown before, after all…”
He led you over to the seats and gestured for you to relax.It was luxurious and you almost couldn’t believe this was actually the interiorof a plane. It looked more like a fancy restaurant.
Your stomach dropped again at the thought that you were goingto fly.
Akashi took your hand and laced your fingers together,squeezing them gently. “I’m right here, ____,” he said softly.
“Ok,” you nodded.
Maybe with him holding your hand it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybeyou’d be able to survive the plane ride and get to your actual destination andenjoy the vacation together.
The warmth of his hand was soothing and you were soon takenwith the view outside the window.
Aomine: “Babe… Baaaabe,come on!”
“No, you’re such a jerk!” you yelled from the dressing room.
“But I bet you look super sexy right now!” he whined.
“That’s beside the point, Ahomine!”
“If you’re looking for an apology, you’re not gonna get one,____,” he chuckled.
“I’m waiting for you to give me my clothes, Daiki! I don’teven want to know how you got them in the first place…”
“But I wanna see you in the swimsuit I picked out for you,____. Please? Just once?”
His tone was taking on that of a whiny three-year-old, but itwas almost cute.
“Ugh, fine!” you finally gave in.
You came out of the dressing room wearing the swimsuit he’d picked out. You had to admit that he had great taste in swimwear, thoughthe way he obtained that knowledge was less than desirable.
He stared at you for a few moments before breaking out into agenuine smile that made your heart do a backflip.
“You look great!”
“Th-thanks,” you grinned bashfully. Everything was worth itto see him smile like that.
“Now we’re all ready to go to the beach!”
“Yep,” you nodded. Honestly his enthusiasm was contagious andyou couldn’t help but get excited about it with him.
Kise: You glared atKise, unimpressed. “You have the literal worst taste in music, Ryouta.”
“What are you talking about, ____-cchi? This is my road tripmix!”
“Yeah, and it’s awful.”
You’d listened to nothing but meme songs since you got in thecar. Honestly, you weren’t sure how much more you could take before youmurdered Kise.
“Will you pull into the next rest stop?” you asked tersely.
“Oh, good idea!” he nodded, not seeming to pick up on your foul mood.
A few minutes later, Kise pulled off the highway. As soon asthe car was in park, you were out.
You’d consumed far more than enough junk food and caffeinatedbeverage than needed. But mostly you just wanted to get away from Kise’sridiculous music.
Sure, it’d been fun the first time, but it got old reallyquick. After x amount of hours, youwere about to lose your mind.
Once finished in the restroom, you made your way back to thecar. Stretching your legs felt good and it was nice to be out for a bit.
Kise was leaning against the passenger door, a sheepish smileon his face. “I’m sorry I upset you, ____-cchi,” he said when you walked up tohim. He pressed a gentle kiss on your cheek. “I just wanted us to have a funtime together. I guess I got a little carried away…” he laughed awkwardly.
You sighed. You really couldn’t stay mad at him. He was sucha sweetie. “I know, and I’m sorry too. Long car rides can make me a littlegrouchy…”
“How about you pick out a playlist and we’ll listen to it therest of the drive? Whatever you want.”
“Really?” you smiled.
“Of course, my dear,” he grinned, opening the door like atrue escort.
“Why thank you, kind gentleman,” you accepted his gesture,climbing into the car.
You plugged your phone into the aux cord and selected yourfavorite playlist.
You’d thought about picking one you knew he’d hate, but thenfigured it’d probably be a better idea to not hold a grudge.
Plus, it was a lot more fun when you could both sing alongraucously to the songs you knew.
Midorima: “____, you are aterrible driver, and I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Midorimagrumbled from the seat next to you.
It was kind of hilarious, actually. Your boyfriend had hisarms crossed and he pouted like a toddler. He also checked his seatbelt atleast every thirty seconds. It wasn’t your fault that he didn’t have a license.
“Come on, Shin, I’m not thatbad of a driver,” you rolled your eyes at him. “And it’s not like you haven’thad plenty of opportunities to go and get your own license. So quit yourgrousing and just navigate for me.”
He glanced down at the GPS and then back at you. “I don’tthink this counts as me navigating if the GPS tells you exactly where you needto go.” He sighed and looked out the window, pouting again.
He cocked his head to the side and glanced over at thedisplay panel in front of you. “____, you’re speeding,” he noted.
“I have acknowledged the sign’s recommendation,” you nodded,seeing the numbered sign.
“What?! It’s not a recommendation!!!” he yelled.
You scoffed and laughed as his eyes darted around wildly.
“You’re like a paranoid squirrel, Shin, chill. We’ll beabsolutely – oh, shit.”
A quick glance in the rear view mirror made you aware of theflashing lights behind you.
“I’m not usually one to gloat, but… I told you so,” Midorimasmirked.
“Oh, wipe that smug look off your face, you jerk,” you snappedas you pulled over to the side of the road.
From that day onward, Midorima never let you drive on roadtrips again.
Kuroko: You bounced inyour seat on the train, looking out the window with sparkling eyes.
“____, we haven’t even left the station yet,” Kurokochuckled.
“I know, I’m just so excited,” you grinned at him. “We’regoing on a trip, just the two of us!”
He smiled warmly and it made your heart flutter.
“I’m glad you’re excited, ____. I am, too,” he said.
The train started to move out of the station and you pressedyour face to the glass to watch the scenery go by.
“Finally!!” you sighed. “It felt like we might never leavethe station!”
Kuroko gently took your hand in his and raised it to hislips, pressing light kisses on your knuckles. “Trips aren’t always about thedestination, ____. You can enjoy the journey as well,” he said softly, lookingyou in the eyes.
You blushed at his sweet gesture and words and looked down atyour feet.
“Oh yeah!” You wrenched your hand out of Kuroko’s and grabbedyour bag. “Tetsu, I made us bentos for the train ride!
“How thoughtful of you, ____,” he said, looking at thebentos. “But perhaps we should wait; we just left the station after all.”
“Oh, you’re right,” you laughed. “Sorry, I’m just a littlejittery I guess. I didn’t really sleep last night because I was too excited.”
“If you’d like, I’ll lend you my shoulder.”
“Ok,” you blushed, leaning towards him.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gently led yourhead to rest on him. He stroked your arm lightly, as if to lull you to sleep.
It definitely worked, as you felt your eyelids start to growheavy. The white noise of the train was like a lullaby and you soon fellasleep, dreams filled with happy thoughts.
Murasakibara: Honestly it wasa miracle you’d been able to convince Murasaibara to go on a trip with you. Heusually didn’t ever want to move more than three feet unless it was absolutely necessary. But you’d promisedhim the most delicious treats awaited you both, so he’d agreed.
You hummed to yourself as you packed your bags and promisedyourself you’d let Mura plan your next trip together.
When your phone rang with a familiar song, you immediatelyanswered.
“Atsushi, do you think I should wear shorts or a sundress onour trip? Which would you prefer?”
“…Actually, that’s why I’m calling, ____-chin…” he sounded sosad.
You clutched your phone tighter. “What’s going on? What’swrong?”
“I’ve gotten some kind of bug… I know you’ve been lookingforward to this trip, ____-chin, and I’m so sorry…”
“No, Atsushi, don’t apologize! Your health comes first! Isthere anything you need? Can I help you with anything?!”
“If you could come over…?” he asked hesitantly.
“Of course! I’ll be right there!” You hung up and made yourway to Mura’s house without a second thought.
When you got there and rang the doorbell, no one answered.You got a text from Mura, though, to just come up to his room.
The poor boy was pale as a ghost, shivering like a leaf, andhis room was thick with the stench of sickness.
“Oh, Atsushi…” you muttered, running your fingers through hismatted locks.
“I’m sorry I ruined our plans, ____-chin,” he mumbled,looking up at you with weary eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, really. I’ll help you get better. I’llgo make some broth for you, ok? You think you can stomach it?”
He nodded weakly and closed his eyes.
The couple days you were supposed to be on vacation werespent nursing Mura back to health, but honestly you were just glad you couldspend that precious time with him.
Kagami: You smiled atKagami across the table as he stuffed his cheeks full. The look on his face waspure happiness and seeing him like this was one of your favorite things.
“What? Somethin on my face?” he wondered around the food inhis mouth.
“Actually, yeah,” you snickered. Sauce was all over his lipsand smeared on his cheeks. Some had even somehow gotten into his eyebrow.“You’ve kinda got it all over you. You’re like a child, Taiga, I can’t take youanywhere.”
“Oh, leave me alone,” he grumbled, his cheeks turning red. “Ijust enjoy my food, ok? And this stuff is really, really good!”
“Yeah, it is,” you nodded. “But really, you should slow downa little.”
He pouted and stubbornly shoveled more food into his mouthwhile maintaining eye contact with you. He really was like an unruly child.
“Ok, ok, I get it. But we still have tourist spots to see,remember? We didn’t come here just forthe food.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes. “Anywhere specific youwanna go?”
“Well, since you asked…” you pulled out a list of placesyou’d been dying to go since you reached the area.
As you talked about them, you caught Kagami staring at youwith a small smile on his face and a tender look in his eyes.
“Wh-what? There can’t be anything on my face, it’s all on yours!” you quickly tried to hide yourembarrassment.
“Nah, you’re just cute when you get all passionate aboutthings,” he grinned.
“Shut up!” you threw napkins at his face. “And clean up yourface so we can actually go to the touristy spots before it gets dark.”
“Roger that.”
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