#he is gonna snap at some point
i have been trying to write a little something of a fic where dark!harry maybe grey!harry ?! is a thing after sirius dies. i want to write a story where the grief affects harry in such a way that he changes very radically and becomes very avenge full to the world. here is a little snippet of it !! (i maybe want to make y’all cry)
“A red spell hit Sirius in the chest, he turned to Harry one last time, his eyes were screaming proud, his smile intact and he was falling into the veil, “Harry” he mouthed, the last word of Sirius Black being directed to the one he loved the most, the one he had died to protect, the one he would give everything to in the world and the one who was going to mourn him the most.”
“Instant rage consumed Harry. He was gonna make everyone who had taken something from him pay, he was going to get his revenge, for he forsake happiness for the greater good but who was gonna sacrifice themselves for Harry? The only person who did that was dead, killed by the enemy and who was gonna mourn him if not him? Who was gonna avenge him if not him? He was tired of being everyone’s chess piece and he was gonna take matters into his own hands now. He was gonna burn the whole world for taking Sirius away from him and they were going to regret it.
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nonsensefromtheabyss · 8 months
Alastor Analysis
(Throwing my hat into the ring because the smiley fucker has me in a headlock. Warning; long and potentially insane. God I hope the cut works.)
I think something significant is gonna go down with Alastor in the next few episodes. I think the man is slipping.
Something that sticks out to me on rewatch is that Husk isn’t worried by the lights flickering or Alastor’s voice changing (the usual signs of him getting vicious.) He doesn’t look scared when the collar appears; his initial order of reactions actually goes ‘surprised’, ‘bitch please’, and then he starts doing damage control. It takes Alastor pulling on the chain to make him stop and actually look at how angry the overlord actually is. It says a lot to me that Husk’s first reaction is to be pissed off. He looks like he’s recognising that his bitchy demon master isn’t going to take any advice and he’s gonna be made to back off—and he’s angry about that. 
To detail, the fact that he approaches Alastor directly with his concerns and not Charlie (you know; the all-powerful, hotel owning, hell princess whose daddy’s in town), and puts the focus on him possibly getting into trouble means that Husk did all this out of a sense of concern or compassion. Husk isn’t acting purely in the interests of the hotel here, he’s trying to protect Alastor. This is a genuine offer of advice being thrown in Husk’s face for no apparent reason beyond arrogance; he has every right to be pissed off, and he is. He’s angry with Alastor and he shows that even as he’s shutting up. Angry, not scared.
Husk bitching about Alastor isn’t unusual. He cares enough to try and help the bastard out. The way he interacts with the conversation initially indicates to me that means he normally feels safe enough to do things like this. He’s comfortable calling his master out. He’s doing his best to stop Alastor making some kind of mistake. He is trusted with the information that Alastor isn’t a free man himself. When the chain appears, he’s frustrated, he cedes ground… but he isn’t scared. 
I don’t think Alastor manifesting Husk’s chains is unheard of in their relationship—Alastor’s a mean bitch who only tolerates a little bit of poking before he snaps—but I do think that the pulling of that chain is usually as bad as it gets. That’s the point where Husk stops talking but hasn’t started looking worried yet. Husk was probably fully expecting that being knocked to the floor would be the end of the matter. 
He’s scared—the most scared we’ve ever seen him—only after Alastor goes Radio Demon on him, and that’s why I think it’s something he’s never had happen before. Husk wasn’t expecting that degree of reaction at all. And I think it’s a sign that Alastor is starting to lose it.
We know the smile is fake. We know it’s a form of self-imposed self-discipline that’s as rigid as it is insane. And we now have it confirmed that Alastor has some pretty aggressive insecurities that are eating away at him behind the facade. Last time he was seen as ‘less than’ he slaughtered hide way to the top of the Pride Ring
Going episode by episode, there’s a subtle pattern of Alastor getting progressively more snubbed, which isn’t really what you expect when you’re introduced to the character in the Pilot. Vaggie describes him as someone of almost mythic power and, even with Angel’s levity and irreverence, that’s the impression that sticks, cemented by the way he takes out Sir Pentious. You get an immediate impression of what Alastor was like at the very top of his game.
You know: before the Seven Year Absence.
In the first episode, there’s the advert. The video advert. It’s all played for jokes (as it should be) but if you look at it as a first domino it makes sense. It’s our reintroduction to Alastor as a character: he’s made a terrible, unhelpful tv commercial and the ‘good’ one (we never get to see) was made with significant help. He clearly loathes having to do it, and he’s clearly got no real skill in it (if he did, he’d be showing off because he’s unbearably vain, you all know this is true.) He’s out of his element and he’s not adjusting quickly enough; people don’t know him from the radio anymore because Vox has the monopoly in entertainment.
Speaking of, in the Second Episode, we get Vox, aka the first and only person who gives a damn where deer boy went. Vox gives this shit by playing dress up and writing a diss track which Alastor immediately co-opts to make him rage quit. The song slaps—Alastor’s part in the song slaps… but it’s worth pointing out that Vox is the only person shown caring that The Radio Demon is back; the other two V’s are mildly entertained because they have renewed lease to absolutely dunk on Vox, and, while the crowds are drawn to the radio, they don’t look… bothered. There’s no big reaction of ‘dear god, it’s him (the deer god)’. Granted, we don’t see their response to the threat, but tbh if any radio threatens you with a return to The Bad Old Days the only honest reaction is to be a little scared, you don’t need to be in Hell for that.
In any case, regardless of how much he sucked at it, Vox still felt confident enough to make his little coping track public in the first place. He felt certain enough about Alastor’s lack of standing to make his own insecurities into a musical. The cultural idea of Alastor and his mythos has degraded enough for people to take potshots and then broadcast those potshots for funnsies. It’s pretty far from where we started in the Pilot with Vaggie not even wanting him past the door.
Third Episode… people of the conference room, please raise your right hand if you care why this staticky twink has been gone for seven years. *cue the deafening silence of no hands being raised*
Alastor is shut down and dismissed entirely in front of every other overlord at once, and it happens without consequence. He can’t do dick. He can’t play up the mystery, or draw them in to his narrative, or do anything to take control of the room. No one asked, no one cares. The meeting (which, if Carmine’s surprise at seeing him there is any indicator, he might not have even been directly invited to) moves on. I’m almost certain that the only reason he played coy with Zestial was because he thought he could have that Moment with everyone there and listening. He wants so desperately to be listened to.
We know that the hierarchies in Hell are less about who could actually make you eat concrete and more a popularity contest. That’s made explicitly clear in the first episode with low level sinners tearing strips off of Charlie, and clearer still in Helluva Boss where Stolas gets disrespected by the whole club for his messy personal business—in song form. And what I’ve not actually seen anyone else talking much about is how Alastor may be a very physically powerful demon but he’s getting no respect from any of his old peers. Sure, maybe the masses are spooked, but it’s not to the point where it’s making anyone else lose their chokehold. The people huddled around his radio still flick their eyes back to Vox’s screens when he talks. The egg boys ask him inane personal questions the same way they would anyone else. His own peers neither respect him nor care that he’s come back. Nobody has shown (positive) interest in the hotel now that it’s his personal enterprise.
We’re told the time skip was five months. We have no idea if things have changed in those five months, but Alastor starts Episode 5 palpably agitated. I’m guessing things didn’t go up for him. I’m guessing that it’s setting in for him that this is the vibe now, and the only person who actually thinks him untouchable is, well, him.
Add Lucifer. Suddenly, his business partner might not actually need him at all, either as help or an emotional connection, because she can replace them with her father, the actual king of Hell, who doesn’t like him; there’s an infinitely more powerful and capable demon in what is functionally Alastor’s home; said powerful demon has no fucking clue who Alastor even is, the role he plays, or the effort he’s invested (regardless of reason) into Charlie’s project, and there is no Alastor Approved way of making any respect happen on that front. As far as he’s concerned, he’s looking at a brick wall with FUCK YOU PERSONALLY graffitied on it.
Regarding the songs with Alastor in them, both of them are serving two purposes; the first is to piss off someone who slighted him, but I think the second is to reassert to everyone present his importance specifically after an instance of them forgetting. With Vox the primary objective is roasting the other overlord into shut down and the secondary is warning everyone listening that he’s still a viable threat despite what they just heard. With Lucifer, the first goal is to piss harder than the devil, but the second is reminding Charlie that he’s important and he has a place with them. Little as he’d like to admit it, it’s two cases of Alastor demanding a return to the way things usedto be. He wants to be the most terrifying thing on the wavelengths by default, and is willing to short out the power supply to all Hell to get that; he wants to be valued so much by the people around him that the most important man in Hell can’t just supplant him by being there. Obviously it doesn’t work out like that, but a self-absorbed nightmare man can dream.
And then Husk brings up the idea that he might be vulnerable on top of All That. It’s the final straw. He has spent the last few episodes very subtly scrabbling for a shred of acknowledgement and his bitch ass is getting none. 
Mimzy, if I’m allowed to speculate a little, is deliberately thrown into the mix at this juncture because of how she relates to Alastor in juxtaposition to the damage his seven year absence and unspecified deal has done to his reputation; she wants to hide behind his coattails because he’s the big, scary Radio Demon who can protect her from anything, because who in their right mind would cross him? She’s literally a part of his old life. She’s reacting to him the way everyone did seven years ago—with complete and total faith in his ability to be an unholy monster at a moment’s notice.
Being told ‘hey, maybe she’s in deeper shit than you can shovel because someone’s tying your hands’ is, to Alastor, just another snub in a long, illustrious line, and this time it’s personal because it’s coming from Husk. It’s not just a newly popular medium he’s no good with, or Vox with his haterection, or a meeting he can’t derail with his personal life, or a boardroom full of equals he newly means nothing to—it’s his own people thinking he’s not capable anymore. And Husk is happy to say that with literally the most powerful man in Hell right there for comparisons in inadequacy. Going full dial eyes on him isn’t just an over-vicious retaliation, it’s a demonstration and reminder of what Alastor is capable of… and it’s probably done for himself as much as it’s about putting Husk back in his place. 
Because that’s what Alastor used to be able to do; make all the other overlords cower on their knees at his feet while he regaled them with all the ways in which they could fuck off. 
Seven years of possibly not entirely voluntary absence… and this is the closest to that he can get. A guy whose soul he owns, who will be back to snarking in a few days time, having to be dragged into prostrating himself on the carpet. One of the few people who inexplicably give a shit about him promising to shut up only on pain of death.
And at the end of the episode everything he’s done means nothing and he has to tell Mimzy to leave anyway… and he’s subdued and uncomfortable about it. She’s his friend, one of the few people willing to tolerate him, and apparently one of the last people to share the perception he has of himself… and he has to tell her to go because the reality is that he, for whatever reason, is not making choices which are entirely his own. The reality is that Husk may be right; Alastor’s grip on everything and everyone around him is, for a variety of reasons, not as strong as it used to be. The guy is unravelling behind the mask; he’s insufferably proud and it’s starting to strangle him.
The point of all this is, there’s a pattern of escalation here. I think Alastor is out of his depth and it’s going to start showing. I think he’s going to make some sort of desperate bid for control to get his standing back. I think he’s going to have to reckon with his own disappearance. And… I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty.
TLDR: My Beloved is a time bomb and him dominating Husk was just the alarm going off. I believe this with my whole heart because of Reasons.
(Side note: I think it’s been sidelined and/or cut due to season constraints and the show being rushed to shit by production, but I do believe Charlie and Al must have some kind of bond. It’s been five months of living together and she doesn’t turn around and refute his claims or even look surprised by them, which implies to me that the events are true if not the presentation. Obviously the girl’s got daddy issues and Al doesn’t actually see her as a daughter, but I really don’t think that equals ‘there’s no fond feelings here at all.’ Plus everyone else is there watching their nonsense; while Alastor has 0% shame, I’m pretty sure someone else (Vaggie) would have something to say if him claiming affection for Charlie was as left field for them as it was for us. Really wish we had more time for relaxed character interactions to let dynamics breathe, there was such potential in HH’s concepts but I feel like we’re skipping whole chunks. I want the dumb beach episode, you know?) 
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girlwiththegreenhat · 6 months
i genuinely love when you can tell an older show was Not made with high quality video viewing in mind. i am watching knight rider and constantly seeing all the little mistakes they surely brushed under the rug thinking nobody would see them on their crunchy little CRTs back in the 80s, that are huge attention grabbers now in HD fullscreen on my 3 foot computer monitor
the biggest one of course is all the drivers/controllers for the (in-universe) self driving car, kitt. there's guys tucked down in the footwells who can't always stay out of the shot. there's a guy who has a Car Seat Suit to blend in and look like the drivers seat from a distance, but you can always tell when that's the method they're using for a particular shot because its so much thicker than the passenger seat next to it and the headrest is missing it's cutout section. in at least one instance he starts taking the suit off too early, on a focus shot of the damn car, so its REAL visible.
all the extremely obvious stunt drivers or performers who look nothing like the character they're supposed to be
props, such as animals, vanishing from the car interior for stunt/race sequences.
the production crew (or their shadows) being visible in the background. only at a glance, but its especially hilarious in shots where nobody else is supposed to be around
the camera panning out from a sound stage set far enough that you can actually see over the edges of the set and into the stage they were filming in. mostly this happens with their truck trailer mobile unit thing.
this one isn't a mistake but every time the car "turbo jumps" they CLEARLY hide the ramp behind another car, a prop, the environment, and its just. so charming. sometimes its blatantly on screen just for a moment. like... of Course in real life this car isn't magically leaping 20 feet, of course its a ramp, but it's still so silly and fun to be reminded of how they were doing those stunts to begin with.
also not really a mistake but related, the bracket they keep on the front of the car for stunt work.... is just left on half the time. cuz it's a pain to take on and off.
and there are more examples that are more unique that haven't cemented themselves in my head well yet, but these are the more notable or common things i see and it's really charming. if i'm not giggling to myself noticing the "seams" and flaws and so human imperfections of your show or movie what EVEN is the point. hollywood is too flashy these days i think!
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
do you guys think daigo had to make an apology video after his company got called out or whatever
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just-some-brainrot · 2 years
time: hey twilight?
twilight: oh hylia, not the bad jokes again
time: no, it’s good this time i swear! ready?
time: so what did the serial killer say before—
wild, getting up and leaving: please don’t joke about murder you guys. i was murdered once and it offends me
time: h
time: h he
time: he’s joking right
twilight: ………i don’t know
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
The Resistance has PTSD of AFO using Cynthia's piano theme
#the resistance (kudo and bruce) would be around our year so. they definitely know about cynthia#many a men: [PTSD]#thought of this cuz i was reminded of volo forcing me to actually use my brain#running around so easily and BAM heres a theme warning you that ☆it's time to die!☆#i stalled that battle so hard for over half an hour#anyway i think that cynthias theme should play whenever the resistance encountered afo#bruce (the only one with common sense): *in the sewers* Why do I hear piano#AFO: *right behind them*#i think cynthias theme matches. i still have a bundled knot of feelings over fighting volo and hes not even as bad as cynthia apparently#*a century later* *kudo sleeping in the void* *Midoriya plays cynthias theme* *kudo's eyes snap open*#AFO absolutely wouldve used the natural terror of cynthias theme for his own Demon Lord aesthetic#the ingrained terror of begging for mercy against cynthia? yeah AFO is just gonna snatch that to make everyone cower before him#can u imagine being in the resistance and AFO frickin. plays cynthias theme throughout a barren wasteland. you dont know why.#all you know is that your nerves are rising. and All For One [The Demon Lord] floats down to ruin your last few seconds of life#kudo: (terrified) THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE.#some resistance member with a record of trolling people with sound effects and background music: Leader I swear it's not me this time-#afo#all for one#kudo#bruce#spoilers#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#AFO to cynthias theme already being ingrained as a terror response to everyone: It's Free Real Estate!#whos gonna stop him the government? there IS no government. /HE/ is the god of Japan at this point#alright everyone i think this is something that can absolutely be used in resistance fics or resistance-recollections of AFO#the darn terror.#i didnt elaborate but i mean cynthia as in PKMN champion cynthia (tag limit)
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Is post ma euros as touch starved as he was pre ma? Is he going to be very cuddly with tarrows or not as much?
oh gods, yeah he will be... NAE comes to fetch him from his structure and like. he will have to carry Euros basically the whole way to the Root, because Euros is infected by the Rot and everything, he's weak, right? and so NAE somehow hefts him up on his back and tells him to hold on (can't fucking hold Euros himself, no goddamn arms) and Euros gets to hug someone for the first time since Tink left and cuddle up to someone the whole way. NAE bitches about it Constantly
anyway, Tarrows. i have two questions that will be answered with a comic that will address the state of their relationship then. tldr of it, for the sake of keeping at least Some suspension- it's going to be complicated and not yet all that open like when Sparrows was originally alive. there will have to be some... Spacing between them. for Tarrows' sake
so while he doesn't want anything more than to lie down with his wife and hold her through the whole night, keep her safe in his arms and look at her every other minute to confirm that *yes.. yes she is really here, she is really back*, he respects her need for space while she tries to get a grip on everything. it sort of hurts. a lot. and he thinks a good long passionate hug would actually help her a lot. but she says no, so no it is. he'll try and respect it
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stinkbeck · 4 months
why did a guy take a pic of me in the grocery store 😭😭😭 i fucking HATE IT HERE
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thatnerdydino · 8 months
finished watching desconjuração
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#SPOILERS AHEAD#i cried for the entirety of the last 30min#i know gal's one of the bad guys#but during the battle with him i couldnt help but root for him a bit. he has an Aura that's for sure#also bc i accidentally glanced at some screenshots from the next season and knew which characters were gonna make it#so i wasnt that worried#though i did have a mini heart attack when gal almost killed arthur#bro i fucking JUMPED out of my bed when veríssimo blocked that shit. WITH ARNALDO FRITZ'S FUCKIN SWORD. LIKE BRO#also the SHOCK when cellbit did the grand reveal abt who kian really was#my jaw was left hanging open#erin's death had me feeling equal parts sad and happy#sad that she got turned into a human shishkebab by gal but happy that she went out in her own terms. in a way#plus the damage her grenades did was nothing to scoff at#i didnt even have time to process fe getting fucking thanos-snapped out of existence#then the masked guys came#and thats when everything started going downhill (emotionally)#I FUCKING KNEW from the moment cellbit mentioned the fog dissipating and kaiser was standing in front of kian. i knew what he was gonna do#and yet i broke down completely when he spoke his final words#from that point onward it was nonstop crying til the end of the episode man#'always the three of us' my ass THEY TOOK MY BOY'S HOMIES. BOTH OF THEM#and then the post credits scene#i had to muffle my fucking sobbing cause 1) my roommate was studying for an exam they had in the morning#and 2) it was 1 in the fucking morning and my neighbour's bedroom is on the other side of the wall#holy fuckign shit cellbit what the fuck man#i shouldve known better after witnessing the finale of osnf. but you know how it is with hope#its gonna be another sleepless night after taking all that in#the feeling of loss and mourning is unreal#no tv series or movies have ever made me cheer or sob or feel like these made-on-the-fly stories have. not one#i hope that one day I'll be fluent enough in portuguese so i can rewatch and understand these series in their entirety#its 3:51am. goodnight
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eskawrites · 2 years
ALSO speaking of AUs it’s halloween weekend so i’m contractually obligated to think about night in the woods idek how niche this is but i’m writing it out anyway bc i’m suddenly obsessed okay
NitW au where Nancy is Mae and Robin is Bea
Nancy finally gets out of Hawkins and goes to college, where she quickly finds out that she can’t for the life of her move on from her trauma
Nancy, who is haunted by what happened to Barb. everyone knows she was there the night Barb died. there are whispers that she did it. the only reason no one says anything is because her family is nice, and it’s a small town. people don’t say those kinds of things to your face
Nancy who is angry, and hurt, and lonely, and scared, and so, so, so lost. And she can’t keep it together anymore. She has a breakdown at school. She drops out and drives all the way back to Hawkins, alone
Meanwhile, Robin has always wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins. She did everything right: good grades, extracurriculars, worked as much as possible to save up money. But then her mom died, and her dad is no help at all, and she gets stuck working a dead end job in a dead end town for the rest of her dead end life
Robin who tries to be polite when she sees Nancy again, but mostly she’s just tired. She looks at Nancy and all she sees is the girl who had everything she ever dreamed of, then just threw it all away
Nancy trying to adjust to life back home. What has changed and what never will. the guy who owned the diner died. there’s a new grocery store out by the highway. a few people have moved. most of them have stayed.
She learns that Jonathan and his little brother disappeared one night, finally running away like they always said they would. Neither of them have been in contact with anyone since.
cue weird shit starting to happen in Hawkins. kids go missing. Nancy sees something she’s not supposed to on Halloween. 
she starts investigating, and she drags her friends into it, too--Steve volunteering, Eddie going where Steve goes, and Robin tagging along because she has nothing else to do in this shitty town
the kids are there too! Max as Lori, just a lost, lonely, vaguely angry teenager who clings to Nancy the instant Nancy turns out to be nice to her
Dustin as Germ, just a weird, lovable guy who’s been hanging out around Steve and Eddie lately. somehow the only vaguely well-adjusted person in town
something-something the Upside Down instead of a weird cult, and no one in town is listening to them as they keep investigating
Nancy having horrible nightmares and gradually deteriorating as she gets closer and closer to uncovering the truth
Reconnecting with Steve, the only one who seems genuinely excited to see her. Building a friendship with Eddie.
Slowly breaking through Robin’s walls after Robin seems to effortlessly knock down hers. Between getting trashed at a party in the woods and sitting quietly together in a graveyard, they’re reminded of all the reasons why they fell apart, and all the reasons why it’s so easy to come back together again
(idk man, the ‘is this just proximity?’ conversation lives rent free in my mind. and give me messed up Nancy, traumatized Nancy, sometimes completely unhinged Nancy next to a world-weary Robin who eventually learns to bask in all the love and care and passion--good and bad--that Nancy puts into the world)
Robin running away from a party in the city. Nancy sprinting through the rain, panicked, trying to find her again.
Robin losing her mind when Nancy gets hurt; Robin becoming clingy and tender and not letting Nancy out of her sight after that
i’m gonna go replay nitw and think about this now, byeee
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
What do you think Mine’s reaction to Masato / Aoki be like?
tbh they'd probably be. amicable. at the very least.
#snap chats#like they have similar values its just that mine's more openly depressed about his belief system and doesn't take pride in it like aoki#i talked about this before omg thats so funny... but yeah no aoki's more proud of 'how the world is'. prob cause he's 'on top' of it#mine begrudges the fact he needs material goods to be useful to people#meanwhile aoki's happy to exploit others if it means he advances. for the most part anyway#he only really starts to show some regret when confronted by ichi. and get the shit kicked out of him for twenty minutes#wait i was rewatching the cutscene and started to throw up cause i got reminded of me in high school again aoki you're 42 stop this#Back On Track Though. mine and aoki had similar pursuits: attain power to be loved thats the core of it in simple terms#they went about it differently ofc: for mine money was power and for aoki popularity was power. Both Very True TBH but anyway#mine realized that even with money his person wasnt valued#and aoki realized that even with recognition people didn't value his character. sins the arakawas. fcukin dummy#i mean aokis a jackass so no wonder but thats not the point of this. fuckfest of tags#they wouldnt be friends. aoki's incapable of friendship and mine would probably quickly recognize aoki as being power hungry#i think mine's been in enough business meetings And Knows Enough About Politics to recognize Professional Fakerism when he sees it#actually do you think mine'd be swindled by any 'kindness' aoki expressed like when kanda left him and he thought he just went to get help.#that shit was wack LMAO BUT REGARDLESS idk i have to go to class soon so im not gonna spend too much time thinking of this#if they needed to they'd just use each other for whatever purpose they needed the other for. idk why mine would need aoki tho#TLDR mine probably wouldnt think too differently of aoki compared to any other power-hungry freak#we can revisit this topic when. im not learning about JP history vjERJALKJ
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fakeblue · 1 year
waters of mars goes crazy still! by the time you get to that one character death about halfway through you know you’re in for an alltimer
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badgertablet · 1 year
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shaykai · 2 years
What if. I gave Soraan stupidly long hair for DA4
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Hi bestie !! 📃, 😚 and🌾for the ask game ?
eee hi Lee!! thank youuu for sending questions <3 <3
📃 Ever written anything inspired by someone else's fic? Yes!! My fic, "I Told You So," was inspired by @ghosthunterbuck's fic, "the implications of observation," which has a similar premise (and is so good!!). I think that's the only one though
😚 A fic you liked writing more than other fics? both of the works in (and probably all of the ones that are going to be in) my "Buck and Eddie Don't Understand Snapchat" series (which I am realizing needs a better title), wherein (took this straight from ao3 because I'm lazy lmao) Buck and Eddie are new to Snapchat. It takes a week for them both to fuck up: Buck by accidentally posting a dick pic to his story without realizing it, Eddie by taking a screenshot of Buck's dick pic. Currently, the series only has 2 works in it, both of Buck and Eddie's POVs, but I want to add more! The premise is so funny, and I love getting together fics (especially with a splash of embarrassment or silliness thrown in). I have at least 2 more works to write for the series, and I am so excited about them!! (no clue when I'll actually write them though, js....)
🌾 A fic you really want to write but haven't (yet)? i have so many prompts and ideas for myself, but I have this idea for a crackfic where Eddie is secretly a Twilight fan, and one day after a brief period of not seeing Buck, he comes in only for Eddie to ask, "Buck, where the hell have you been, loca?" I can't remember what sparked this idea, and Twihard!Eddie may be ooc but I love him :') I'm not sure when I'll get around to writing it tbh, but it's one of my favorites in my 11-page prompts doc :)
fanfic writer ask game
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derelicti · 15 days
didn't realize building a case for ash being written as a genuine 13-year-old in AG involved learning about audio balancing just to figure out if veronica taylor was pitching her voice down on purpose or if the dub audio wasn't normalized properly
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