#he is in the gender envy list
danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
i need to steal charles rowland’s gender like i need air to breathe. not even joking. i need it so bad.
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scarefox · 6 months
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randy-jester · 1 year
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I’m calling it right now, my type is Clown(tm). Utter Fool. The Silliest of Men. But also, a little Unhinged. And a little *limp wrist*
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non-un-topo · 8 months
Tag Game: post images of some of your “they’re just like me” characters
Tagged by @materassassino. Thank you, friend! This was a lot of fun, and it's going to be a little long because you enabled me! Fair warning: All of these are white male characters, and upon seeing them all together, I DO see the patterns lol (and idk how it took me so fucking long to notice every single fictional character I saw myself in were guys). This is basically a gender envy compilation.
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Snufkin: Been told he is me, and I totally see it.
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Schmendrick: I mean, look at him. Basically Snufkin but 6 months on T.
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Beast Boy: Basically my entire personality as a kid, and then some.
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Will Turner: My entire personality as a kid/adolescent pt. 2. Also adventurous, sensitive, sort of a Wife Guy.
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Alphonse Elric: I used to pretend to be him every single day to cope with being a little girl. He's a crazy cat guy, he's smart, he's a bookworm, he's a baby, he's a warrior, he's the kindest most purest thing in existence (I'm not the kindest most purest thing in existence, but I learned some things from him).
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Rory Williams/Pond: Don't laugh --- you're laughing, but the gender envy was so strong in high school and I had no idea what it meant because I'm dumb. Also, Wife Guy (I'm a Wife Guy). I tried to find a screenshot of the "Shut up, Hitler" moment lol.
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Joe's Husband: Oh, whaddya know. This man stole my wardrobe btw, I came up with it first. He also has attributes I aspire to have, namely, patience. Attribute I don't aspire to have: his haircut.
Wild card (literally). This guy:
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Open tagging because I'm shy ok!!!!
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linoguy · 1 year
hoooooooly shit you guys. what do you know about this. about HER
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strawbs-screaming · 10 months
more heike kagero headcanons because hes my new favorite
remember that old post about me calling don flamenco "girly pop and slay"? that title goes to heike now, enjoy.
- loves scaring people, not in a evil way but more in a lighthearted way, he just likes to sneak up behind people and say boo for fun
- if he sees a friend in public, he'll give them a "light" tackle that he miscalculates and ends up absolutely rko'ing said friend
- wants to dye his hair but is scared he'll fry it off, hes heard too many horror stories about people wrecking their hair
- part time wrestler, unlike his boxing career he does wrestling for fun, its one of the only times you'll see him with his hair up other than swimming
- actually pretty good friends with most of branch a & b with a few exceptions
- enjoys cold food, he gets scolded to hell & back for it by hoy but he just thinks cold food tastes better
- orders overcomplicated drinks at coffee shops and is pretty fickle about it, you gotta understand it has to have only 2 pinches of sugar or it'll ruin the taste!!
- hates having his hair touched, keep those GRUBBY hands away from his gorgeous hair
- hogs the showers after matches, people just pass it off as long hair taking more time to get fully washed
- has embarrasing pictures of everyone in branch b for him to pull out during arguments or fun, from narcis prince's tracksuit phase, dragon chan's emo phase to when piston hurricane had a shaved head and thought it looked awesome
- every plant he owned has died no matter what he tried
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mitamicah · 1 year
I should sleep but inspired by Alistair's post (@morbid-things ) about short guys I got thinking about some traits I seem drawn to in masc people that might be less common:
Short kings (I already explained this one xD)
Bit of tummy (skinny boys make me afraid i will break them just by looking at them and abs doesnt do a lot for me)
Higher register voices (random observation but yeah I tend to find a higher voice especially singing voice more pleasing for some reason)
Goofballs but theh have a sensitive and genuine side (probably the least controversal one here in the mainstream sense)
Questionable haircuts that somehow work on them (whether it is bright colours, emo hair or i guess a bowl cut)
In touch with feminine side and confident about it (idk if it is controversal or not tbh)
I think that was it for now - maybe I will have more for the list when I wake tomorrow
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casiavium · 1 year
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
babygirl drew parker for the character bingo!
sledge thank you for indulging my grunge babygirl obsession i love you <33
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cursedbygacha · 2 years
I wanna cry on Alhaitham’s tits in a totally platonic way.
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galebrainrot2024 · 7 months
GalexYou Pep-Talk
Summary: Pre-relationship yearn alert! This is a BIG yearn. Thank you @orangekittyenergy for the idea! Gale goes to seek you out (gender neutral) after a long day. Mutual pining, angst, fluff. Word Ct. 1.4 k
Master List | Read on Ao3
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After the merriment and bustle of the night wore away and gave into the doldrums of sleep, Gale flicked his gaze around camp searching for you. You slipped away and although he expected you to return, the emptiness in your absence haunted him. 
He sat outside of his tent, then stood, pacing with book in hand. He wasn’t worried. Not necessarily. You had been traveling for a few weeks together now and you had a certain levels of tenacity it seemed even gods and devils refused to trifle with. 
It was just that he had grown accustomed to your company post-dinner and campfire camaraderie and felt a pang of remorse in your absence. The night air too quiet without the soft hum of your laughter. Sometimes, he would read aloud to you, other times you would both get lost in conversation, and sometimes would sit in utter silence. It intrigued and terrified him, that you sought out his private company despite the others being starved for your attention. 
It was quite flattering and made him want to rip out the persistent thrum in his heart. He couldn’t indulge in such frivolities and would cause far less suffering to not humor the feelings at all. The orb’s ever looming threat didn’t allow Gale to succumb to whatever emotions festered in his gullet. At least, not consciously. 
His mind began down the treacherous path of ‘what ifs.’ It was a game, like lance board, Gale was excellent at. As the moon greeted the stars, Gale’s anxiety intensified, his mind whirling with options. It had to have been a least an hour you’d been gone, longer than you’d take for bathing - not that he knew exactly how long that was! It was just something he happened to notice. Coincidentally. 
The foreign thrum of desire stirred and the thick hair on his arms stood straight up as he wondered if you were bathing. If you allowed the water to kiss your supple skin, to know your secrets. Gale shook his head, embarrassed and felt his face redden. Keep it together. They could be dead and you’re fantasizing over their wet body? You should be ashamed of yourself. 
Gale expected you to traverse through the trees any moment, prepared to feel ridiculous at his worrying. Why did he care? It’s not as if there was anything more than friendship between you two, at least from your end. He had to repeat this to himself to be convinced. 
When he overheard Astarion ask Shadowheart if she’d seen you, Gale felt the whispers of envy touch his heart and decided he spent enough time wasted, musing over your whereabouts when you could be lost, or worse besides. 
He couldn’t tolerate the sudden pain that gripped him with that ‘what if,’ and he walked into the brushes to find you. 
Relief roiled through him at the sight of you, despite your disheveled appearance. Gale’s breath caught in his throat and he stopped, gripped when he looked upon you in the pale moonlight. Your eyes were red and swollen, it seemed like you’d been crying. He felt his knees buckle and he cleared his throat, so not to startle you. 
You whipped your head around and Gale’s lips parted when he saw crimson blossom across your cheeks as you wiped away the streaks with the back of your hand. “Oh, I um.. how long have you been standing there?” 
“Not long, I assure you,” Gale’s voice was tender, quiet. He held up both of his hands at waist level, palms facing up and smiled at you. “May I join you?” 
You hesitated for a moment and Gale panicked that he’d made the wrong move, said the wrong thing and of course he had already messed up any chance he might have because he was so pathetically out of practice. You’d think a man who bedded a goddess would have a bit more self confidence in his seductive prowess, but being shunned and cast out by your former omnipotent lover does a number on one’s self esteem. 
When you nodded, he tumbled off the cliff and the orb revolted as it mingled with the rush of adrenaline and rapture he felt from the simple gesture. One nod. To Gale, it was everything. He felt welcomed into your world, elated you’d allow him to offer support. You didn’t have to, and yet you did. 
Gale joined you on the boulder that was nestled in the thicket, the soft buzz of nighttime harmonizing with his unsteady breath. “Hm… I know that look,” Gale said, gazing at how your lips curved. “And a clear mind does not eviscerate flowers quite like this.” He fingered a petal and gestured at the flowers and stems, all petals plucked intentionally from their root. “A nervous habit, no doubt.” 
You sighed and his heart swelled, “I just don’t know what I’m doing. Every lead ends up in either more unanswered questions or unhelpful ends.” You groan and grip your chest, your breath coming in unevenly. “I’m exhausted,” as your head fell into your hands Gale, without thinking, rested a hand on your upper back and stroked your hair behind your shoulder.  
“Ah, heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Gale felt warmth pulse through him as you laughed, whether genuinely or out of pity he wasn’t to know. He wasn’t sure he cared. “For the record, you have pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes most skillfully. You’ve shown remarkable courage and determination and, I’m confident the others would agree, many of us would not be so fortunate to still be alive if not for you. You must know that.” He rubbed his fingers in small circles along your upper back. When he became conscious of what he was doing he pulled back, ashamed and nervous by the electricity that seemed to flow between his skin and yours although barred by cloth. You whined a little and Gale cocked his brows, “What?” 
You turned and as your gaze locked with Gale he drowned. Oh. He was jolted by the flash of profound need and emotion that coiled through him. Every part of him felt aflame and he worried that it was his end, that the orb was at last collapsing in on itself. Yet, as he remained next to you in the thickening silence, he realized it wasn’t the orb at all. When you spoke, Gale thought surely this was the moment he was becoming a mindflayer, a wicked dream to lull one as they succumbed to the parasite. “I.. .can you do that again?” 
���Gladly.” Gale shyly returned his fingers to your back and as you leaned into his touch, Gale knew it was not longer a matter of if, but when. As you leaned farther, you almost rested in his shoulder and his throat closed. He swallowed hard and tried to steady his body and mind, every cell quaking with anticipation and overstimulation. 
He inhaled. Temptation. You smelled like rain or fresh cut grass. You smelled like home. It was when you leaned into him, he was certain he forgot how to formulate a thought. Your head nestled against his neck and your side pressed into his. He wondered if the quaking was from your body or his. He dared not move, frozen as if Tara had fallen asleep on his lap. 
The pain that coursed from Gale’s chest through his veins was almost enough to send Gale back to camp. The undue excitement made the orb restless. Agitated. He was both grateful and nostalgic when you pulled away and sat up. “Thank you, for that. Let’s get back to camp. I don’t want the others to worry.” You smiled at Gale and it seared into the crevices of his mind, a look he would capture a thousand more times and it would never sate him. You gave his hand a squeeze and then stood, offering your hand to Gale’s with a cheeky grin. “Here, I’d hate for you too put too much strain on those creaky knees of yours.” 
Gale’s hearty laugh took him by surprise and he took your hand and stood with a grunt. “A wizard is useless without his knees, shame on you for poking fun at their fragility.” Gale chased the feeling of you, of this closeness and realized that, even before his isolation he had never met a person quite like you. Gale would have stood there in stunned desire forever had you not taken his hand to guide him forward, the movement breaking the trance and he pulled his sweaty palm from yours, embarrassed. He wiped them on his shirt and followed you back, his heart and head swimming with the idea of kissing you. 
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scarefox · 1 year
Little Thai pronoun lesson by Mek Jirakit
Coincidentally tackles half of a question I recently had about gendering in thai. So if someone is interested as well:
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+ Bonus 🤣
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woniedarlin · 3 months
A Sister's Shadow: Yang Jungwon
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pairing: Jungwon x fem! reader
synopsis: You love your sisters—Yeri, Hana, and Narin—truly, and you’ve learned almost everything from them. But you can never forget the day when Yeri introduced Jungwon to your family. That day changed your life forever. Ever since you were little, you loved Jungwon. However, you couldn’t help but feel envious of the friendship between Jungwon and Yeri. But what will happen when Jungwon decides to propose to Yeri years later?
warnings: This is inspired by the 2019 movie “Little Women” and is set in the 1860s. It includes historical references to the societal roles and limitations placed on women during that period, including themes of gender inequality and the pressures of marriage for security. Reader discretion is advised. It also has mentions of injuries and kissing. Let me know if there is more!
note: Hello darlings, I couldn't help but take inspiration from the ‘’Little Women’’. Please know that it won't follow the exact events. The characters except for you and Jungwon that are mentioned in the story are just something I made up. I haven’t read the novel yet so I really apologize to those who were truly a fan of it. This is inspired by Amy and Laurie’s story, and I really hope you will like it. Happy reading!
permanent tag list: @sol3chu @13tter @chlorinecake
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Growing up as the youngest, you were often shielded by your three older sisters—Narin, Hana, and Yeri—in the home you shared. You were raised in modest circumstances, finding your way through life as you learned and listened from your older sisters.
It was the afternoon when Yeri burst through the door of the home, her cheeks flushed. “Y/n, guess who I’ve brought to meet us!” she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling.
You followed Yeri into the parlor, where a 15-year-old tall boy with a cute smile stood confidently by the doorway. His dark hair was tousled from the wind, and his eyes sparkled as he glanced around the room.
“Everyone, this is Yang Jungwon,” Yeri announced proudly, gesturing towards him. “He’s just moved into the neighborhood, and I thought it would be wonderful for him to meet the family.”
Jungwon gave a smile, his dimples showing, and a nod. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” he said warmly while glancing at you and the rest of your family.
From the moment you laid eyes on him, you felt a strange fluttering in your stomach. At twelve years old, you were used to being seen as the baby of the family..but something about Jungwon’s presence made you want to prove yourself more grown-up.
As Yeri chatted animatedly with your parents, Jungwon’s attention turned to you. “So, Y/n,” he began, his tone friendly “do you enjoy living here?”
You nodded, a small smile forming. “Yes, it’s nice. We’ve lived here for as long as I can remember.”
Jungwon chuckled softly. “That’s great to hear. It must be fun having Yeri as your sister.”
“She’s the best,” you replied with a grin, glancing over at Yeri who was sharing a playful look with Jungwon.
Throughout the gathering, you couldn’t help but notice between Jungwon and Yeri. They kept exchanging glances and shared inside jokes that spoke of a deep friendship. You admired and envied it at the same time.
It was winter, and everything was covered in frost. The air was cold, and the ground was slippery with ice. You walked through the snowy streets, carrying a basket of warm bread. You hurried along, trying to stay warm.
Suddenly, your foot slipped on a patch of hidden ice and you tumbled to the ground, the basket of bread scattering across the snowy path. Pain shot through your knee as you landed hard, and tears welled up in your eyes from the shock and the sting of the fall.
‘’A-ah.. ouch‘’ Clutching your injured knee, you tried to compose yourself, but the pain was unbearable. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you struggled to get up, feeling helpless and alone.
Then, you heard footsteps approaching. Through blurry eyes, you saw Jungwon walking briskly towards you, his brow furrowed.
“Good heavens, are you hurt?” Jungwon asked urgently, kneeling beside you and gently placing a hand on your arm.
You nodded, trying to stifle your sobs. “I-I fell,” you managed to say, your voice trembling with pain.
Jungwon’s expression softened as he examined your knee. “Let me see,” he said softly, carefully lifting your pant leg to inspect the wound. “It appears you’ve taken quite a spill.”
You winced as Jungwon touched the tender skin around the scrape, but his touch was gentle. He reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a clean handkerchief, using snow to dampen it before gently cleaning the wound.
“The cold will help soothe it,” Jungwon reassured you, his voice calm and steady despite the urgency of the situation.
“It hurts terribly,” you admitted, feeling the sting intensify now that the initial shock was wearing off.
“I understand,” Jungwon replied sympathetically. “But you’ve been brave thus far.”
You managed a weak smile. “Thank you,” you murmured, feeling warm despite the icy ground beneath you.
Jungwon finished bandaging your knee with care movements. “There,” he said finally, tying a secure knot in the handkerchief. “That should suffice for now. You must take care to keep it clean and avoid putting too much weight on it.”
“Thank you,” you said sincerely, looking at him with gratitude.
Jungwon smiled warmly, helping you gather the scattered bread, and offered to carry the basket for you. “It was my pleasure, Y/n. Pray, be more cautious in the future, won’t you?” he then patted your head.
That day fully changed what you saw in Jungwon.
As the evening descended softly, you sat by the flickering fireplace, nervously twisting your hands as you watched Yeri and Jungwon prepare for a night at the theater. The thought had been on your mind all day, and you finally gathered the courage to ask.
“Yeri, could I come with you to the theater tonight?” you ventured, your voice marked by hope.
Yeri turned to you, her expression gentle yet firm. “Oh, Y/n, it’s too late for you to be out. The theaters are no place for someone your age at this hour.”
“But I’m not that young,” you protested quietly, trying to hide the disappointment that threatened to surface. “I promise I’ll behave.”
“I know you would,” Yeri replied gently, kneeling beside you and patting your nightgown affectionately. “But mama would be worried, and it’s past your bedtime.”
You nodded sadly, knowing she was right. Despite your best efforts, jealousy crept into your heart as you watched Yeri and Jungwon gather their coats and hats, preparing for an evening of entertainment.
“I understand,” you murmured, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Yeri reached out and squeezed your hand warmly. “I love you, Y/n.”
Tears welled up in your eyes at her words, and you nodded sadly. “I love you too, Yeri,” you whispered. You do love your sister so much…
Jungwon, sensing your disappointment, offered a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, Y/n. We’ll tell you all about it when we return.”
As they left, the door softly closing behind them, you sank back into the chair as you felt envy and guilt.
Summer arrived fast.
The warm sun kissed your cheeks as you sat on the sandy beach, a light breeze carrying the salty scent of the ocean. It was a rare outing with your sisters—Narin, Yeri, and Hana—and Jungwon.
Yeri and Jungwon raced along the shoreline, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. Bursts of gleeful shouts as they chased each other through the sand.
Meanwhile, you sat quietly on the blanket spread out on the beach, a sketchbook resting on your lap. Your eyes followed Jungwon as he ran. With each stroke of your pencil, you drew all the small details that made your heart race.
“He’s quite a sight, isn’t he?” Narin remarked, noticing your focused gaze.
You nodded silently, a faint blush coloring your cheeks. “He’s… he’s fun to draw,” you managed to say, trying to hide what you were feeling inside.
Hana, giggling beside you, leaned over to peer at your sketch. “You’ve captured him perfectly,” she commented with a smile.
You continued sketching as a few hours passed. The sun started to sink, then, Yeri and Jungwon returned with their faces flushed from their games.
Jungwon glanced over your shoulder, catching sight of your sketch. “What’s this?” he asked curiously, crouching down beside you.
You felt your heart skip a beat as he leaned closer to examine your drawing. “Um, just something I was working on,” you murmured shyly, unable to meet his gaze.
Jungwon studied the sketch intently, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You’re talented,” he said sincerely.
“Thank you,” you replied softly.
Yeri, noticing the exchange, chuckled playfully. “Looks like someone has a secret talent,” she teased, giving you a look.
Jungwon laughed, his eyes meeting yours. “You should draw me more often,” he said warmly, his words sending a flutter through your heart…
Years already passing by.
It was a quiet evening, the gas lamps flickering softly as twilight settled over. Yeri returned home with tear-stained cheeks, her usually vibrant spirit subdued. Your heart sank at the sight of her, knowing something had gone awry.
“What happened, Yeri?” you asked softly, your voice full of concern as you approached her.
Yeri turned to you, her eyes brimming with tears. “Oh, Y/n,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “Jungwon… he tried to propose to me today.”
Your heart skipped a beat as her words hung in the air, the weight of their implications sinking in. “But… why are you crying then?” you managed to ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Yeri shook her head, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. “Because I had to refuse him,” she confessed, her voice cracking with sorrow. “I love him, but not in that way… everything would be horrid if we married.”
Your heart shattered at her words, tears welling up in your eyes as you struggled to comprehend the depth of her sacrifice. But more than that, you were crying because you saw how deeply Jungwon loved Yeri,
Enough wanting to marry her.
The realization pierced your heart, knowing that the love you held silently could never be.
“I’m so sorry, Yeri,” you whispered, your voice choked with emotion as you pulled her into a tight embrace.
Yeri buried her face in your shoulder, her sobs mingling with yours as you held each other, sharing the weight of a love that could never be. Through tear-stained eyes, you both grieved for the dreams and hopes that had collided with harsh reality.
It was a scene of quiet sorrow, a moment frozen in time amidst the hustle and bustle of a world in transition.
“I never wanted to hurt him,” Yeri muttered softly. “But I couldn’t bear the thought of a marriage built on anything less than true love.”
“I understand,” you replied gently, your heartache echoing in your voice. “Sometimes, the hardest choices are the ones that break our hearts the most.”
Months had gone since you said goodbye to your family and went to Europe with your grandmother.
Yes, you left, but with a purpose.
There, you learned from skilled artists and improved your painting techniques.
Sitting at your easel with a palette in hand, you focused on painting the colorful spring flowers. The park was lively with other painters, families having picnics, and couples walking together. You didn’t realize that someone familiar was about to reappear in your life.
He approached quietly, a smile tugging at his lips as he observed you in your element. His heart swelled with pride at how far you had come since the last time he saw you.
“Y/n?” Jungwon’s voice broke the peaceful silence, his tone filled with surprise and delight.
You turned at the sound of his voice, eyes widening in disbelief before breaking into a smile. “Jungwon!” you exclaimed, setting aside your paintbrush and palette as you rose to greet him.
He closed the distance between you in quick strides, his grin widening as he reached out to boop your nose playfully—a familiar gesture that you remembered so well.
“You surprised me!” you laughed, your voice filled with genuine joy as you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace.
Jungwon lifted you effortlessly, spinning you around in a whirl. “You’ve grown up,” he remarked with a soft chuckle, his arms still wrapped around you as he gently set you back on your feet.
“I… I didn’t expect to see you here,” you admitted, feeling a rush of happiness and fondness as you looked up at him.
“I wanted to see you,” Jungwon confessed, his gaze tender as he brushed a stray lock of hair from your face. “You look… incredible.”
Heat crept into your cheeks at his compliment, your heart fluttering at the sincerity in his eyes. “Thank you,” you murmured shyly, feeling a surge of gratitude for his presence.
You almost forgot to introduce Jungwon to Minhee. Someone you had been with for a while. ‘’Oh, I want you to meet someone,’’
‘’Jungwon, this is Minhee,” you said warmly, gesturing to the young man standing beside you. “Minhee, meet Jungwon.”
Minhee extended his hand with a smile, his demeanor polite yet reserved. “Nice to meet you,” he greeted Jungwon.
Jungwon shook Minhee’s hand, a polite smile on his lips that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Likewise,” he replied, his tone cordial yet distant.
You sensed a subtle shift in Jungwon’s face before he masked it with a neutral expression.
“Minhee and I were just about to head out,” you explained, breaking the silence that followed the introductions. “It was wonderful seeing you, Jungwon.”
“Yeah, it was great catching up,” Minhee added with a nod, sensing the tension.
Jungwon nodded slightly, his gaze flickering between you and Minhee. “Take care,” he said quietly, with a bit of sadness.
You felt a pang of sympathy as you looked at Jungwon, wishing you could ease the unease that went between you. “We should talk more often while you’re here,” you suggested gently, hoping to bridge the gap that had unexpectedly arisen.
Jungwon nodded again, a faint smile touching his lips. “I’d like that,” he replied, his voice softer now as he met your gaze with gratitude.
With a final wave, you and Minhee turned to leave. As you walked away, you couldn't shake the bittersweet feeling—a reunion with Jungwon, colored with unspoken words and a connection that spanned time and distance.
The room felt heavy as you carefully packed away your painting supplies, the scent of oil paint lingering in the air. Jungwon leaned against the doorway, his eyes studying you with curiosity and concern.
“Why are you giving this up?” he asked gently, breaking the silence that hung between you.
You paused, turning to face him with a small, sad smile. “It’s not about giving up,” you began, your voice marked by resignation. “It’s about practicality. There are things in life we must consider.”
Jungwon furrowed his brow, sensing the weight of your words. “But you love painting,” he insisted softly.
“I do,” you admitted, nodding slightly. “But loving something doesn’t always mean it’s the path we can afford to take.”
He stepped closer, his gaze searching yours. “What do you mean?”
You sighed, setting down a brush with deliberate care. “You see, Jungwon,” you started, choosing your words carefully, “Women here are often powerless unless they marry. Even then, everything they have belongs to their husbands.”
Jungwon frowned, his expression pained as he took in the implications of your words. “That’s… unfair,” he muttered, his voice laced with sympathy.
“It’s reality,” you replied quietly. “And Minhee… Minhee is different. He’s wealthy, and he can provide security. I’ve always known I would marry a rich man.”
Jungwon’s eyes widened slightly, a flicker of hurt crossing his features. “So, if Minhee went down on one knee to you, would you say yes?”
You met his gaze squarely, the weight of your decision hanging heavy in the air. “Yes,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “Because marrying Minhee means security, stability… a future I can’t achieve on my own.”
His shoulders slumped slightly, the reality of your words sinking in. “I understand,” he said softly, though you detected a hint of disappointment in his tone.
As you resumed packing, the room hung heavy with silence.
The park felt peaceful as you and Jungwon sat, you had just finished drawing him, the lines on the paper capturing him with careful detail.
“You have a remarkable talent,” Jungwon remarked with genuine admiration as he studied the sketch, his eyes flickering between the paper and your face.
“Thank you,” you replied softly. The air around you felt charged with unspoken words.
As you both stood up and began to walk, having a lighthearted conversation. Yet, amidst the ease of your exchange, Jungwon’s demeanor turned thoughtful, his gaze distant for a moment.
“How is Minhee?” he finally asked, his voice betraying a hint of concern.
“He’s busy with business,” you replied casually, though the words carried a weight you couldn’t ignore.
Jungwon nodded silently, his expression unreadable as he turned away slightly, staring into the distance. The silence stretched between you, punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves overhead.
“You deserve more than just security,” Jungwon said suddenly, his voice low yet with earnestness. “You deserve happiness, love… a future where your heart is truly fulfilled.”
You paused, taken aback by his heartfelt words. “Why are you telling me this?” you asked gently, a mix of confusion and vulnerability in your voice. “You know the reality of life.”
Jungwon met your gaze, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion. “Because you deserve to hear it,” he replied softly, his voice trembling with sincerity. “Because… I love you.”
Those three words hung in the air, stirring emotions within you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to touch his hand, your heart overflowing with unspoken longing.
“I’ve loved you, I’ve always had,” you confessed softly, your voice trembling with raw honesty. “Every moment, every sketch… it was you.”
Jungwon’s breath caught, his eyes glistening with tears as he held you close. “I never knew,” he murmured, his voice filled with regret. “I should have told you sooner.”
With the weight of years of unspoken love and missed chances hanging between you, you leaned into his embrace.
But you knew that despite the tender moment, the reality of your circumstances remained unchanged. With a heavy heart and tears streaming down your cheeks, you gently pulled away from Jungwon.
“I can’t,” you whispered brokenly, your voice cracking with emotion. “Not when… not when Yeri didn't choose you. I won’t settle for being someone’s second choice. I won’t allow myself to be that’’
"Love, please listen-" Jungwon pleaded, trying to hug you, but you interrupted him right away.
“You are being mean Jungwon...” you muttered to him as you felt your tears running down to your cheeks.
Jungwon’s expression softened, his tears mingling with yours as he watched you walk away, each step echoing the ache in your heart...
Returning to your hometown brings a lot of memories and emotions. The sights and sounds welcomed you back into the embrace of your family and home. Amongst the laughter and chatter, there was a quiet moment when you found yourself alone with Jungwon after a while.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” you admitted, your voice soft with surprise as you looked at him, feeling a rush of emotions at seeing him again.
Jungwon’s eyes searched yours, his gaze with longing. “I had to see you,” he confessed quietly.
As you both walked through the old familiar streets, the conversation turned to recent events. The mention of Minhee brought a pause, a hesitation crossing your face.
“You didn’t say yes,” Jungwon observed gently, his voice barely above a whisper. “Why?”
Taking a deep breath, you looked down in shame, your heart laid bare in that vulnerable moment. “Because I don’t love him that way….the way that I should,” you admitted, your voice tinged with emotion. “Not like… like I love you.”
Jungwon’s expression softened, his eyes shining with tears of joy and relief. Your eyes met him as tears slowly went down. “You don't have to say anything-’’
But without a word, he moved closer and gently held your face before kissing you...
Years had passed since that reunion when love had finally found its way back to you and Jungwon. Now, you were sitting while painting the beauty of the park.
Beside you, Jungwon watched with a tender smile, his gaze brimming with admiration and love.
“You’ve captured it perfectly,” he murmured, his voice soft with pride as he knelt beside you, gently placing a hand on your growing belly.
You glanced down at the swell of your abdomen, a smile gracing your face. “Our little one,” you whispered. “Can you believe it?”
Jungwon’s eyes sparkled as he leaned in to press a kiss against your forehead. “I can’t wait to meet our baby,” he replied softly, his hand resting protectively over yours.
In that moment, you knew that you had found love that had grown against all odds...
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aretheyqueer · 9 days
List of Canonically Trans/gnc Characters
My own list in this post is anime, manga, games mostly but in the spreadsheet you can add anything.
Following my tierlist of them, I realized I should make a public list so theyre not just kept in my head, since I spent quite a while finding these characters. If you want to watch/play anything with trans or gnc characters, you can use this list.
They range from good rep to bad, characters viewed as "traps" or not taken seriously to ones that the whole fandom understands is trans. I've added trigger warnings to the characters and fandoms I know can be triggering. I've also put certain names in bold to show that they're a main character, but i've only watched a few on this list so some are missing.
I would add trigger warnings for "bury your gays" and similar tropes, but I want to avoid spoilers. Maybe you can look it up first if you're worried. I've tried to exclude characters that are referred to as hermaphrodites.
The "crossdressers" section obviously includes some spoilers.
Enjoy :D
Alice Arisuin from Chivalry of a Failed Knight (Prefers feminine name and terms but doesn't care too much).
Arachne from Angel Sanctuary
Arashi Narukami from Ensemble Stars
Astolfo from the Fate/Grand series
Leonardo Da Vinci from the Fate/Grand series (unsure)
Cassandra Igarashi from The Wicked + The Divine
Dahlia Carpenter from Carole & Tuesday
Victoria October from Batman
Elendira the Crimsonnail from Trigun Stampede
Giselle Gewelle from Bleach (The fandom is very transphobic)
Grell from Black Butler (Unnecessarily debated)
Hana from Tokyo Godfathers
Okasan from Tokyo Godfathers (Could be a drag queen)
Hibari Oozora from Stop!! Hibari-kun!
Isabella Yamamoto from Paradise Kiss
Kanamori from Heaven's Design Team
Kano Ienaga from Golden Kamuy
Kaoru Anesagi from IDOLiSH7
Kaoru Hanase from Tamako Market (Speculated to be a trans woman)
Kenji Hikiishi from My Hero Academia
Kikinojo from One Piece
Mariandale/Marian from Ixion Saga DT
Mizuki Akiyama from Project Sekai (Heavily implied)
Momoko from Shangri-La
Kikyou Motoki from Itazura Na Kiss
Nao from Skip and Loafer
Nathan Seymour from Tiger & Bunny
Perfuma from She-Ra and the Princesses of power
Petrichor from Saga
Ruka Urushibara from Steins;Gate (Transphobic fandom)
Saber from the Fate/Grand series
Stephanie from Majutsushi Orphen
Ushiyama from All Worlds Alliance
Hiroyuki Yoshida from Wandering Son
Shuuichi Nitori from Wandering Son
Yuujirou Shiratori from The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi
Hachiro from Gintama
Kite from Japan Sinks: 2020
Kusuo Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (Turned himself into a boy when he was in the womb, otherwise never mentioned)
Ryo Watari from Boys Run the Riot
Shou Fujita from Stars Align (Very minor character)
Tooru Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul:re
Yamato from One Piece
Yawara Chatora from My Hero Academia
Yoshino Takatsuki from Wandering Son
Anne Faulkner from Paradox Live
Asra from The Arcana
Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate (genderfluid)
Chaos from Hades
Berg Katze from Gatchaman Crowds (androgynous)
O. D. from Gatchaman Crowds
Daishikyou from Gintama
Chevalier D'Eon from Fate/Grand series
Enkidu/Lancer from Fate/Grand series (Inherently no gender/sex)
Double Trouble from She-Ra and the Princesses of power
Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist (can transform into any gender)
Francois from Dr. Stone
Halara Nightmare from Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
Hange from Attack on titan (Fandom mostly refers to them as female)
Ivankov Emporio from One Piece (i'm not sure what they identify as)
Juniper from Xenoblade Chronicles
Kaoruko Someya from Okane ga Nai (Okama)
Kimera from Kimera (nb or transfem)
Kyuubei Yagyuu (Born female, raised male so has an unconventional relationship with gender)
Vanitas of the Blue Moon from The Case Study of Vanitas
Milo Belladonna from Monster Prom
Mogumo from Love Me For Who I Am
Najimi Osana from Komi can't communicate (Unknown gender)
Nakuru Akizuki from Cardcaptor Sakura (Sexless, identifies as female)
Nico from Tokyo Ghoul (Okama)
Opera from Marimashita! Iruma-kun
Orochimaru from Naruto
Ryuuji Ayukawa from Blue Period (Unsure, can be gnc/transfem/nonbinary)
Satan from Devilman
Shion Zaiden from RWBY
Someone (yes thats their name) from Shimanami Tasogare
Xanthe Zhou from Prime Earth
Yuuta Asuka from Stars Align
Asuka Ran from Devilman Lady
Luca Esposito from Asra Lost in Space (identifies as male)
Desmond from Carole & Tuesday (Became intersex due to universe stuff but is at peace with this)
Megumi Yoshikawa from Princess Princess (Raised male before she found out she was genetically female, decides to live as a girl)
Richard III from Requiem of the Rose King (Struggles with his intersexuality, feels his body and him are unloveable)
Yoite from Nabari no Ou (Lives as male but they're unsure of their gender)
Aki from Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Azumi Agonoske from Gintama
Buzam A. Calessa from Vandread
Ferris from Re:Zero (I've heard that the novel version is transfem)
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran high school host club (Nonbinary coded)
Ranka/Ryouji Fujioka from Ouran high school host club (Drag queen)
Hatsuka Suzushiro from Call of the Night
Hazumu Osaragi from Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
Kurako from Kuragehime
Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 (The reveal can be triggering)
Chihiro Fujisaki from Danganronpa (The reveal can be very triggering - I recommend looking it up first if you're worried.)
Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi (Unsure)
Rui Ninomiya from Gatchaman (May be transfem)
Cis characters that are gnc
Haruka Tenou from Sailor Moon
Kaoru Orihara from Oniisama e... (not sure what gender)
Kashima Yuu from Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun
Angela from Black Butler (Changes form)
Berg Katse from Gatchaman (Changes form)
Fushi from To Your Eternity (Can change into female but presents masc)
Ginshu from Amatsuki (Raised male, turned genderless, dressed feminine. Idk their gender identity)
Inazuma from One Piece (Can present as both male and female, okama)
Izana Shinatose from Knights of Sidonia (Genderless to female due to universe rules)
Kou Seiya from Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars (Has a male and female form, I think)
Mahiro Oyama from Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! (Was turned into a girl against his will)
Mermaid Sisters from Carole & Tuesday (I don't know, man...)
Natsuru Senou from Kämpfer (Transformed into a woman)
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Officials Blessing (Can transform)
Ranma Saotome from Ranma (Changes between them)
Hinata Tachibana from Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout (Gets transformed into a girl, goes on a quest to get their original body back)
If you see anyone missing, feel free to let me know if I should add them. Input on who is a main character, triggering themes and offensive characters can be commented or sent to me.
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Phase Four; The Bigger Bed
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
wc: 4.2k
Synopsis: Whoever said patience is a virtue never met Jisung and Minho.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, poly!minsung, mxfxm, mxm, barely switch!jisung, sub!minho, barely softdom!fem reader, oral (m), gender envy?, cumming untouched, cum swapping, minho is rich rich fr
☆゚can be read as stand alone
Phase Three ☆゚.*・。゚ Phase Four ☆゚.*・。゚ Phase Five
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“Will you sit down? We all have to agree or else I’ll be silently wallowing in self consciousness for all of eternity.” You pull out the seat next to you for Jisung to fill, Minho on your other side with his arm slung over the backrest.
“I’m fine with anything you pick out for the room, I just want a bigger bed.”
“Same,” Minho combed his long hair back, gently caressing the back of your neck. “Pick out any decorations you like.”
“No, because if I pick out, like, a throw pillow neither of you like then you’ll be forced to look at it all day every day, then hating the throw pillow will turn into bottled up emotions. Bottled up emotions turn into hatred, hatred towards me for picking ugly pillows. Hating me will turn into kicking me out and making me sleep on the cold, hard ground with nothing but the throw pillow that caused you years of hidden resentment that could’ve been avoided if you’d only helped me pick out room decorations.” Your boyfriends were silent, looking at each other behind your head with raised eyebrows and unconvinced grins.
The laptop in front of you has had pages of home shopping sites open for the past week and making your engines run slower because of how many items were in each of their carts. “So please,” you pulled up the first item in the first webpage, “tell me if you like it or not.”
Jisung leaned in and rested his chin on your shoulder, “...it’s a pretty ugly throw pillow, babe.”
You scoffed and pushed his forehead back with your finger. “This is why I need you both here! I don’t wanna lay outside with an ugly throw pillow to keep me company.”
Minho massaged the nape of your neck with nimble fingers, doing little to soothe you. But he leaned in closer to the computer as well, squinting his eyes and using his free hand to move your hand away to take control of the cursor and look around the page. He’d only scrolled down two or three times to find the recommended items and clicked the first one he saw. “I like blue.”
You turned to face him slowly with a raised brow. He seemed to be objective in the matter, then quirked the corners of his mouth for a light smile and quickly pecked your lips. Although you weren’t entirely convinced they were taking this seriously, it was a start. “Blue… I can work with that. But do you prefer navy blue? Cyan? Royal? Aqua? Baby blue? Maybe more of a cobalt–”
“Oooh, they have sapphire blue!” Jisung stole the laptop entirely and began clicking around, adding things to the cart without consultation.
The three of you were sat at the dining room table for about an hour and a half. You let Jisung pick out stuff he liked, then passed the computer to Minho so he could do the same. Of all the things they chose, you narrowed it down to a final list and figured that it could wait one more day as you all grew too hungry to enjoy online shopping anymore. Minho had suggested he cook something quick, though it wouldn’t be filling. That was when Jisung begged for a cheat night and to order takeout, the both of them looked at you for an opinion.
“I kinda want pizza,” made the younger of your boyfriends jump up and let out a hooray and move to the couch.
Naturally, you and Minho followed and crowded into the tight space. The seating arrangement was always the same, Minho on the left, Jisung in the middle, you on the right. As Jisung placed the order for dinner, you rested your back against the armrest and threw your legs onto his lap. He kept your knees against his abdomen as Minho let his head fall to Jisung’s shoulder. Minho absentmindedly played with your sock-covered toes, tugging and twiddling them while watching Jisung’s phone. The sight itself was cute, you just had to pull out your phone and take a quick photo of them.
Three slices each and thirty minutes later, you’d let out a long, content sigh and moved to the floor so you could lay out. The other two were still going at the pizza, Minho took the opportunity to slip his feet under your shirt and rub your belly. “Cold feet,” you shooed him off and he frowned.
Mouth full of crust, Jisung suggested, “let's go mattress shopping tomorrow.”
“Y’know what?” Your hands coming to rest behind your head made your shirt rise and Minho snuck his feet under it again with a mischievous giggle. “Neither of you asked me to move in.”
“What? Yes we did,” Jisung mumbled at you and joined in playing footsies with the brunette on your belly.
“No you didn’t. I still have my apartment.”
“You can’t afford that,” Minho interjected, frowning.
“I know. So ask me to move in. Or find a new foot warmer.”
“Do I need to?”
“Yeah, it’s not official. I’m a freeloader. Not a penny paid in rent.”
“You don’t pay rent either,” Minho turned to Jisung, staring at the blank television across the room. He didn’t respond, poked in the cheek by the brunette.
“Hm? What’re we talking about?”
“The musical?”
You and Minho shared a knowing look as he twisted on the couch to lay his head in Minho’s lap. Silence fell over the three of you as conversation died down while comfort took over. Delicate fingers ran through his blonde hair, massaging lightly and making Jisung’s head fall towards you, seeing his eyes slowly close with contentment.
Both you and Minho watched with soft gazes as his snores filled the room, eyes eventually meeting with one another and lazily, happily smiling at one another. Unnoticed to either, but your breaths came to time with the sleeping blonde’s, chests rising and falling in a rhythm similar to that of a sleeping baby’s, not a care in the world.
Except maybe one care in the world.
Labels aren’t everything, having one doesn’t mean you are more or less to either Minho or Jisung and they love you regardless. It didn’t feel one sided— or in this case, three sided, however there was a lingering feeling that told you you just wanted reassurance. Being on the same page with Minho was the one thing that always needed to be obvious, it had to be one of the things you always knew you were on because he was already cautious and tip-toed every step he took.
His facial expressions don’t get easier to read, but body language always gives him away. Minho is a master masker, though that only ever applied to carefully chosen words and intonation. The way he busied his fingers twisting Jisung’s hair, lovingly caressed your belly and sides with his feet, but his shoulders were tense and kept his knees pressed together in such a way that couldn’t have been comfortable despite how hard he tried to present as such.
Breaking him from his thoughts in a manner that made him feel at ease or in control, you felt rather confident in doing. You silently point at a pillow at his side and he hands it to you wordlessly to place beneath your head. With hands free you could place one on top of his foot to stop his twiddling, his eyes softened and knew you were there if he needed.
You weren’t sure if he was thinking the same thing you were, but in a half whisper, spoke anyway. “There’s something else you haven’t asked me.”
Minho bit his lip and slowed his twiddling fingers, looking down briefly at the sleeping boy in his lap. “Did he ask?”
You nod, “you don’t have to, I don’t need it. But I wanna be at the same step as you, wherever you are, if you know what I mean.”
“I do,” the corner of his mouth twitched upward, “why don’t you ask me instead?”
“I’m an intruder, give me permission to enter.”
“Baby, you’re our girlfriend, not a vampire.”
“Keep tossing that word around lightly ‘nd I’ll be allergic to garlic and holy water.”
“So you do need it.” He got you there, caught you tongue tied with that sly smirk and triumphant stare of his.
With a deep sigh, you reasoned, “I don’t need it. Like I said… just wanna be wherever you are.”
Minho’s eyes crinkled with his slanted smile, “come here and ask me.” He raised his feet up so you could stand, patting the little bit of couch space on his other side. As you sat as carefully as possible to avoid waking Jisung, Minho intertwined his fingers in your hair at the back of your neck, where he always tended to end up being.
Your body faced his and Jisung’s sleeping form, tops of your thighs pressed to his side and joining in pushing the blonde’s bangs from his face to admire. Minho could see the light flush across your cheeks as you thought of what you wanted to say, gently stealing away from Jisung to tip your chin in his direction. He waited, not verbally rushing you but also too giddy within his skin to not plead with his big, round eyes to hurry you up.
“Min,” he nodded rapidly, “will you—“
“Yes,” Minho pulled you by the chin to crash his lips against yours for a few electrically charged kisses. You pull away to giggle against him, “I didn’t finish the ques—“
“Ask me again,” he didn’t stop placing supple pecks to your lips, all the while smiling and keeping you close.
“Will you,” peck, “be my,” smooch, “boyfriend?”
“Yes,” press, “yes,” kiss, “yes,” a deep inhale to breathe in the happiness that radiated off of you. Minho obviously enjoyed how flustered the question made you, in particular loving how you smiled against his lips, as well. 
The snoozing boy below stirred, flipping to look up at where you and Minho were sharing the kiss. “What about meee?”
You couldn’t help but giggle against the brunette’s plump puckers before leaning down to kiss sleepy Jisung, Minho following as well, then deciding to turn in for the night. 
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Somehow, the three of you managed to wrangle together to do as Jisung wanted, which was to go mattress shopping. He wanted the full experience, sheets, duvets, variety of pillows with different hardness and shape. Jumping from mattress to mattress, you had to hold his hand just to keep him nearby so as to not get lost. Aside from the mattress itself, the sheet thread count, and silk pillowcases, Jisung also requested a bed frame with sturdy posts. What that meant for you and Minho, the two of you shared a half worried, half excited look.
“Ours is a Queen, so King sized should be good enough. Nicee leg room,” Minho suggested as the three of you came closer and closer to the back of the store. Your arm was getting tugged in another direction as you tried to follow Minho, Jisung wanting to run off towards the accent blankets.
“Stay,” you instruct as you tug him back to your side. Turning back to the brunette, “is a California King too much to ask for?”
“Ooh, I want a California King,” Jisung held onto your arm to join in the conversation.
Minho only rolled his eyes at the pair of you, looking back at the row of king sized beds and sitting on the edge of one. He pressed his hand into it and examined the feeling, then suddenly hopped up and threw his entire body back into the center of the bed. You expected that from Jisung, but not Minho, and definitely not in public. Then he did it again, harder to the point that the flimsy display it was on shook beneath it.
Jisung let go of your hand and jumped onto the mattress next to him with Minho’s arms wide open to catch. “I like this one. However,” Jisung giggled as they both looked at you and made the littlest bit of room for you to join them. Minho wiggled his eyebrows and presented his hand over the little space. “You know you wanna,” he enticed further, and you just couldn’t help it, running the few steps forward and literally lept into their arms. The three of you were a fit of giggles as you maneuvered into your respective sleeping arrangements to make sure you all managed well.
The commotion caught the attention of a salesman and he strolled over with confusion, “can I… help you lot?”
With laughter in his voice, Jisung sat up, “yeah! We’ll take this one.”
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Same day delivery came in clutch purely because the three of you were out $1,000 for the king sized mattress, plus the bedframe and whatever little things Jisung added to the cart at the last minute. You were surprised Minho’s card didn’t decline at the check out, the look on his face screamed that he was just as shocked.
It was nearly midnight when the three of you had finally worked together to finish tossing out the old mattress and frame, building the new one, and adding the finishing touches to your new ambiance. 
Stood at the foot of the bed, you all looked at it proudly. “Good job everyone. Good team work,” you nod your head and cross your arms over your shoulders, hearing your boyfriends high five behind your back.
Jisung yawned, “fuck, I’m fucking tired,” and hopped into the middle of the bed.
“Get off, you’re still in your outside clothes!” Minho scolded him but made no effort to remove the blonde.
“Make me,” Jisung smirked and raised an eyebrow, tucking his arms beneath his head.
You and Minho look at each other, reading each other's mind scarily in sync before coming after Jisung together. The blonde laughed as the two of you helped one another strip him, not bothering being gentle, “hey! This isn’t what I meant! I thought– ouch, Y/N! Watch the balls! Why are you always crushing my nuts?!”
Soon enough, you had Jisung with his naked back pressed to your chest with your other boyfriend kissing his way down. Your only job was to hold him down– for now. He shivered in your grasp with goosebumps covering the expanse of his skin. Minho looked up at the two of you through his bangs, big dark eyes starry and eager to please. It was a miracle Jisung wasn’t fighting back and was taking every command you gave, a nice change of pace. You enjoyed how well he listened, and Minho didn’t seem to mind taking orders from you, either.
“Sit still, baby. You asked for this. Take it like a champ. Or pussy out, it doesn’t matter to me. But,” Jisung whined before you could finish, clearly not liking your passive attitude. “I think our Min would be so disappointed if you didn’t let him play. After all, he did just buy you such an expensive gift. Isn’t that right, pretty kitty?”
The older smiled into the honey skin of Jisung’s inner thigh, paying no attention to how hard and twitching his cock was just centimeters away. “Mhm, it’d make me so sad,” Minho said softly as he paid as much attention to the other limb. Jisung fought your hold to thread through the brunette’s hair, not very hard, but enough to have to wrap your hand around his throat from behind.
“What’d I say? He hasn’t even touched you yet, don’t be a brat.”
As your fingers gripped tighter, “nah, that’s your job, pup.”
You squeezed tightly and tugged him slightly side ways so you cold peer over his shoulder, “that’s fucking right. You couldn’t handle what I could put you through if things were the other way around.”
Both of them were shocked at what was coming out of your mouth, Jisung’s jaw dropping into a stutter and Minho teething his pelvis to keep from laughing obnoxiously for doing what he never could– speak back.
“T– that’s not true,” his tone was already willing to give up that fight.
“You can’t even do this one thing, baby. Trust me, take what’s in front of you while you’ve got it,” the whisper of your voice made him shiver again and fall pliant against your body.
Spreading your legs, Jisung sat back more comfortably, visibly succumbing to the new role he was playing. Minho continued to watch your eyes as he touched the blonde everywhere but his cock, pinching his calves, biting his lower belly, licking stripes up and down his thighs until you finally nodded and singled for him to continue further.
Minho only stuck the tip of his tongue out to nudge at Jisung’s leaking red tip and the blonde threw his head back against your shoulder. One hand around his neck, you slithered the other to his nipple, hardly brushing over the already pebbled nub. Minho kept going, licking fatter and wetter strides of the muscle against the underside of Jisung’s dick, not caring for how much the younger mewled for more.
Minho was only listening to you tonight, and you had to admit the power was kinda getting to  your head. You let him do nothing but lick at the other like a popsicle until he was drooling to have something heavier in his mouth. Only when he reached out to place a hand on your shin did you nod again, and Minho took the entire length in one go.
Jisung struggled to not buck his hips up, tummy contracting and muscles flexing so tight you thought he wasn’t breathing.
“Watch him, baby. Watch him make you feel good. You want to repay him, don’t you? I thought you said you weren’t a brat. It’d be the kind thing to do.” Jisung grabbed onto your forearm that held his throat and continued to moan.
You’d always heard of phantom limb and how it was a true medical diagnosis, however you have all your home-grown appendages. Watching the way Minho slurped and sucked Jisung’s cock made your own core painfully throb like you could feel him taking you in his mouth, as well. You just knew it must be so warm, so slick and plush, you couldn’t even blame Jisung for not being able to do as you asked as you were having a hard time not touching yourself, too.
God, Minho looked so sexy with a dick in his mouth, more specifically Jisung’s pretty, pretty dick. The younger’s wonderfully built body was a sight for sore eyes, well defined abs on display like a washboard you imagined to be like your own. In no way are you displeased with your body, but it never hurts to fantasize. After all, you’re the only part of this throuple without a third leg, and you know Jisung would find it flattering that you used him to get off like this. You weren’t even really getting off, more like storing away some spank bank for later.
Your finger circled Jisung’s nipple a little harder, pinching when he got too rowdy and threatened to toss Minho off. The brunette took every instruction with a sly smirk, doing some of his best work without an inkling of punishment lingering over his shoulder.
Don’t get him wrong, Minho does things on purpose to get punished, you figured that out pretty quickly. But with you holding the reigns, he had no worries whatsoever. He was slobbering like a dog on Jisung’s cock, so messy you could see the glistening of mixed saliva and precum all over the lower half of his face. He used both hands to hold the other down as he deepthroated him, gagging and holding for as long as he could. Fuck, you felt that one right in your clit, sending shocks all throughout your body.
“Doesn’t he look so hot? Be polite, baby, tell him how he’s making you feel,” you say loud enough for them to hear you, simultaneously switching hands to play with his other nipple.
“Good– so good, fuck– wanna cum. Can I? Can I cum?” He was so whiney and voice so small, like he was scared you’d say no.
You looked to Minho, “what do you think kitty? Is baby allowed to cum?”
The brunette released his cock with a pop and a deep breath, “hmm… No.”
Jisung let out a loud, pained sob. “Y– you’re gonna regret that when I–”
“When you what? When we let you go? What makes you so sure we’re ever gonna do that?” Another whimper from Jisung and an approving nod, a muffled chuckle from a mouth full of cock from Minho. “Where did your manners go, baby? You haven’t even thanked our kitty for treating you like the little whore you are. You’re gonna make him think you just want his money.” Jisung quickly shook his head no in protest.
“Right, kitty? Is he just your sugar baby? Taking your money like you owe it to him?” Your stare down at Minho made him groan as well, grinding his hips into your brand new and freshly washed comforter.
“I don’t know, he hasn’t even thanked me.”
You all knew what you were saying wasn’t true, but it got both Jisung and Minho worked even further up. You had to tighten your grip on Jisung’s neck to the point where he was digging his nails into your skin to make him sit still. “You’re being rude, baby. I didn’t teach you that. Thank kitty for treating you so well.”
He tried, he really did, but could emit nothing but louder, more unfiltered moans. Honestly it made you proud, Minho was doing such a good job. But Jisung’s lesson was prioritized over the other’s praise for the time being, you’ll make sure to tell him after.
Minho worked faster taking him in deeper, bobbing up and down at a pace that would’ve strained your neck. But fuck was it making you so close to cumming just being able to watch, you weren’t even sure how Jisung has lasted this long. If you had a cock, you would’ve blown the second he took you in his mouth.
“It’s just three words, you can do it. ‘Thank you, kitty.’ Say it and maybe you can cum.”
You and Minho made eye contact again and he nodded briefly in agreement. Jisung was getting antsier and less responsive,you tweaked his nipple to get him to open his mouth.
“Th– thank you, kitty.” He said it like he was learning to speak for the first time.
Minho moaned onto Jisung’s cock as the younger turned his head towards you, “kiss! Kiss me– Fuck, ‘m gonna cum– kiss–”
Jisung reached back to lock his fingers in your hair and tug you into a breathless kiss, absorbing every one of his whimpers as he bucked into the brunette’s mouth. It felt like it was you who was cumming hearing and feeling Jisung writhe in your arms, like you could feel yourself shooting hot white cum down Minho’s throat and feeling him attempt to swallow it with you still stuffing his mouth full. You needed the kiss just as badly, the only thing that could possibly ground you after another intense case of phantom dick.
Jisung let you go once he calmed down, falling entirely limp against your chest. Minho sat up, a clear wet stain at the front of his pants making you smile as he shuffled over to you and took your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He opened his mouth and showed you the pool of white fluid, pulling you in for a more graceful, just as sloppy kiss. His tongue pushed the cum past your lips and you could feel it drip down the corners of your mouth, running down your chin and neck. Tangy, salty, but somehow hints of sweet in the aftertaste as you broke the kiss and swallowed.
When you looked back at the blonde, he was watching the two of you with another longing gaze, he wanted in on the action. Minho placed a chaste, cum smeared kiss to his lips, then you bent over for one as well. Despite the sliminess, it was a heartfelt kiss, one that made the three of you giggle as you realized that Jisung was the only one naked but not the only one that came.
“What a way to christen the new bed,” you joked softly, nodding your head at the stain on Minho’s pants.
Minho simply laughed and swiped the tiniest bit of cum still on the corner of his lip, licking it off his finger like lingering dessert. “I think I like the new bed,” he hummed delightedly.
“All this newfound leg room and you both still decide on pinning me down in one spot.”
“Don’t be mad. You said make you, and we made you.” You reach for the box of tissues on the bedside table, handing one to them and wiping your faces semi clean.
Jisung shifted, rubbing his back against your pants and sitting up. “Wait… You’re both in outside clothes on the new bed.”
It was silent for a moment as you and Minho made eye contact. He beat you to the punch with a valid excuse, “I paid for it.”
Jisung narrowed his gaze up at you and you blanked. “I… I got nothing.”
The blonde sat up, scooting next to Minho and leaning his head on his shoulder. “Pretty kitty, I think our puppy got ahead of herself, and I don’t think we’ve broken in the bed enough yet. What were you saying about manners?”
A/M: god this took me so fucking long to update i’m so sorry
tags: @sensitiveandhungry @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @hamburgers101 @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @lvrhyuk @alexis-reads-fics @linaliskz @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @goblinracha @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut
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updatingranboo · 1 year
tips and tricks for ranboo fans to make chat (and the community) a better place!
hello! since the rebrand is coming up i decided i wanted to make a list of certain things ranboo fans should be discouraged from saying/doing, to keep chat/the community fun and keep from pushing ranboo back into the box of a streamer they no longer are. i personally don’t believe in cringe culture, i think everyone should be able to have fun, but at this point certain jokes and comments restrict ranboo from growing as a person and do reflect on the community. this got a lot longer than i was expecting, apologies! lets begin.
gender jokes (“genderman”, you stole my gender etc)
a super obvious one. getting gender envy from ranboo is normal and super awesome! nothing wrong with that. but the jokes have been overused. the genderman one specifically has ties to minecraft which, while ranboo doesn’t care about being associated with minecraft, it’s still a tie to their past content they would prefer to leave behind. this is the same level as calling them an “mcyt”, while there’s no harm in it and ranboo really doesn’t care, it’s also just.. not really true anymore and hasn’t been for years. let them grow!
2. *blank*boo/general spam
*blank*boo is nothing but spammy. all it does is fill up chats and replies and brings no substance to anything. spamming “tiredboo” when they yawn, “madboo” when they yell etc. is not contributing anything meaningful to a chat. it’s annoying and drowns out actually fun and interesting comments. as for general spam, you can use a few emotes here and there! but when all you do is spam emotes it again just floods the chat. when ranboo tells chat to stop spamming, you stop. don’t take it as a challenge, you will just get banned. yes there is delay, but you can see what other people in chat are saying too. spamming lag, telling them they missed a dono, anything where you find yourself repeating what other people are saying to either get their attention or just because (except for using bttv emotes) just don’t. i know most people are used to speaking in a fast chat, but the truth is chat doesn’t have to be fast! if you don’t have anything to say, you can just stay quiet. even spamming the PETTHEMODS emote defeats the purpose !!
3. telling off chat
slightly related, you don’t have to tell off chat either. going “chat stop” “oh my god chat” just adds to the spam. change the subject! ignore the spam and let the mods take care of it. focus on reacting to the stream and being silly, not being backseat mods.
4. the swearing obsession
ranboo is almost 20. they make so many innuendos every stream. they are heavily considering adding a mature warning to most streams from here on out, and as we have seen they no longer are the “family friendly” kid who they used to be. he can say shit and fuck and people can be normal about it. you don’t have to say LANGUAGE or go THEY SWORE ?????? he’s an adult and can swear. all of his friends swear and a huge portion of us in the community do too. it is not a big deal
5. telling ranboo what to do
back seating in video games, as well as in other situations when it’s NOT ASKED FOR is not fun. let ranboo do what they want. this applies to just general things too- you don’t need to tell ranboo to go to sleep. they can make that decision themself. again, he’s almost 20.
6. assuming ranboo is uncomfortable with something
it’s always good to be careful about respecting boundaries! but don’t confuse your own boundaries for theirs. ranboo has said many times that if something bothers him, he’ll talk about it! it’s safe to say they are more uncomfortable with you harassing an artist for drawing something you personally don’t like, over the actual art itself.
7. the chat hopping/mentioning ranboo unnecessarily
we all love ranboo. that is very obvious. their friends love them too! but when you go into one of ranboos friends chats or comment sections and start either asking about ranboo, telling his friends to play with them, or making unnecessary references to their content, it makes their friends want to do things with them less! streamers are their own people. there’s nothing wrong with watching one of ranboo’s friends streams because ranboo is there, i do it all the time. a lot of us do. the biggest thing is to be RESPECTFUL to the person who’s stream you are watching. if you chat, chat to the streamer! you don’t have to mention ranboo. or, just stay out of chat if you don’t think you’ll be able to stay on topic. you don’t have to speak in chat! there is the flip side of this, don’t bring up other streamers in ranboos chat unnecessarily either! no one cares if you saw two colors and it made you think of something unrelated. it’s so disrespectful to the streamer to do this.
8a. unnecessary negativity
the internet can be a very negative, reactionary place. seeking out negativity just for the sake of an argument is unhealthy and can also expose others to arguments that they wouldn’t have had to see. bait, obvious unchanging bigots, and also people who just don’t like ranboo (which is valid!) don’t need to be engaged. in the case of trolls, bait and bigots, they only bring negativity and are there to cause arguments. don’t give them the attention they want. As for people who just don’t like ranboo, you can leave them be too! Not everyone has to like ranboo. he can handle it, you don’t need to defend him or try and change someone’s mind. now, unnecessary negativity does not equal call outs/criticism!
8b. please criticize !
if something happens in the community, or from ranboo directly that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say something and help make us all better people! ranboo wants criticism. if it’s purely in the community, try reaching out to the other person first! often things can be settled privately so as to not hurt others by dragging them into the conversation or making things heated and causing people to attack each other. on the other side of this, if you see criticism from someone and feel the need to defend ranboo: don’t. if you are affected by something (ie. you are a person of color and the topic is racism) feel free to add to the conversation! if you do not have an opinion on something (ie lesbians call out lesbiphobia, and you are straight) keep it to yourself. let the people actually affected by something talk and have an opinion, and support them. it may feel like people are “attacking” ranboo (or you!) but they are not. they are real people with real, valid feelings, who want to feel safe in a community when in real life, they may be constantly victims of horrible things. listen first. if you still have your own opinions, reflect on them and why you feel the way you do, and dissect any implicit bias you may have. these are all important things that keep a community safe, happy, and mutually respectful!
ranboo encourages everyone to be good people and use common sense. remember when you say something, people other than ranboo see it too! every account has a person behind it, so treat each other with respect and help make the community a more fun and safe place for everyone to be in. ranboo has no tolerance for bigotry, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, ableism, and so on. remember to be aware of the things you are saying, and if you don’t know why something is wrong, look it up or try asking someone politely!
thank you for taking the time to read all of this! this list is non exhaustive. there are plenty of other things you can do in the community to make this a better place, from uplifting the minorities in the community more, to supporting artists by reblogging/sharing and commenting on their art, and more. at the end of the day though we are here because we love ranboo, so by following guidelines like these and putting in the effort, you show ranboo and the other people in the community you care and make everyone proud.
that’s all for now! keep boobing!
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