#he is my soulmate okay?
gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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yes they are 🥹🫶🏻
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hotluncheddie · 8 months
Memories of somethin' even smoking weed does not replace.
wc: 2.9k | cw: alcohol | rated: M | part: 1/2 | tags: pre s4 au, steve harrington centric, stobin soulmates, raised catholic steve harrington
part 2 | ao3
8:32pm January 3rd: Steve’s car
‘God stop complaining! It’s one party!’ Robin says, her exasperation at Steve finally boiling over.
Steve rolls his eyes, hard, wants to make sure she sees it. He’s stressed and uncomfortable and wants to be petty and petulant and complain because this night is going to end in him embarrassing himself somehow, he just knows it. 
Robin makes just as much of a face back at him but then her eyes are full of concern. ‘You’ve just, been so mopey lately.’ she fiddles with her fingers, bites a nail even though that was her resolution. ‘and I know you say you haven’t been, but you know that I know, that you barely got out of bed on your days off over the holidays and that makes me sad.’ Robin laments, ripping his bitchiness off like a bandaid, seeing whats underneath.  
Steve signs, defeated by her big beautiful brain. She is right, but. ‘Robbie. it was between Christmas and new year, there was nothing going on. What do you expect me to do? it’s literally time made for relaxing.’ Steves own exasperation falling away into something that just sounds tired. He’s so tired. And he hates it when she worries, he’s not, he’s still not used to it. Someone who cares, notices when he spends three days in bed because the thought of getting up when his parents are downstairs makes him want to puke. And, he loves her for it, but, sometimes it makes his skin crawl, makes him feel like he’s not good enough, not hiding well enough. Pitied. 
‘But you don’t relax. You mope. You, like, wallow.’ She pokes his arm a couple times for emphasis, but her voice is softer, still a little sad. ‘And.’ she takes a deep breath. ‘I know you don’t want to talk about it. But I also know this time of year makes you miss Nancy.’ 
‘Oh God, Rob, please.’ Steve whines, desperate now. ‘Don’t start bringing up Nancy.’ He drags a hand down his face, that is the last thing he wants to talk about. Think about. Admit anything to anyone about. 
She’s not, entirely wrong but Steve still hates hearing it. He does miss Nancy, or, well, misses her in theory. He doesn’t really miss her anymore. But, he misses being her boyfriend, a boyfriend. Being needed, and being held, as pathetic as that sounds.
‘I know. Just.’ Robin says, twisting in her seat to look at him looking at the road. ‘I just. I want you to have some fun dingus.’
Steve squeezes the steering wheel. He nods. Glancing at her and giving her enough of a smile that she knows not to feel bad. It’s really not her fault that this time of year makes him want to sink into a hole, makes him think about purgatory and black vines, what he wants for his future if both can exist.
‘It’ll just be some band kids there, a few stragglers, no one’s going to care that you’re there too.’ Robin explains. ‘Plus, if they say anything I’ll be there to defend you.’ And Steve can hear that care again, but its lighter, said through the joke. He lets his shoulders drop and Steve smiles for real. He can’t help it. 
‘Yeah, yeah.’ he says, like she isn’t his everything. Glancing away from the road a second, Steve catches her smile. Happy she’s won but happier that he’s going to at least try and have fun.
‘And, don’t forget you promised to help me with seeing if any of the girls there are even remotely available to me.’ Robin sits back normally in her seat. Talking normally again, worry about her soulmate time over. ‘Plus, who knows, your new favourite customer might just be there too.’ She says into the window, head leaning on her palm. 
‘Robin!’ Steve near shouts, scandalised that she’d bring that up. 
Robin just cackles.
‘Man, you say a guys jeans fit him nice one time and then it’s all you hear about.’ He grumbles, pretending his cheeks aren’t flaming red. He really hopes any discomfort tonight has nothing to do with that. He almost prays on it. But monsters come out of walls so he stops himself. 
Robin wriggles around in her seat, delighted by his suffering. ‘Hey! Hey! No, okay you ragged on me over Tammy! I can make fun of you for making goo goo eyes at Eddie Munson!’
9:00 January 3rd: Kitchen
Steve shivers as the heat from the house mixes with the cold evening air he just walked through. Robin at his side but she’s quickly swept up in a little crowd to say hellos. She looks for him but Steve just waves her on with a scrunch of his eyebrows and a gesture to the beer he wants to find a sport for. 
The kitchen in strewn with bottles and cups and snacks, not a total disaster but people have definitely been helping themselves. Steve is a little laser focused on getting the cans set down so he can start on one, relax his nerves a bit, so he doesn’t even notice Eddie sitting on the counter until he nearly gets kneed in the crotch. 
He takes a hasty step back and gives himself a mental shake, get out of his own head. Eddies smile looks amused, his eyes able to look so sharp. Steve swallows, grateful for Eddies silence. 
‘Hey man. You want one?’ Steve offers Eddie a beer and makes a spot for them on the side. 
Eddie takes it, nodding in thanks, their fingers don’t brush, Steve would know. ‘You looking for anything stronger tonight? like King Steve back in the day?’ Eddie asks, taking a drink, hair framing the long line of his neck.
The old name makes bile raise in his throat. Eddie didn’t mean it like that, probably, wouldn’t have said it if he’d known how much that name feels like a brand on Steves skin. Itchy and scarred. Like ‘Harrington’, like ‘Bullshit’, like something that makes people think they know him, like his body and self isn’t his own.  
Steve looks away. ’Uh, nah, I’ll stick to the classics.’ Popping the lid and taking a long gulp, going for casual, slouching against the counter.
Eddie nods like it’s no big deal. ‘I won’t make this awkward by asking you about college. I know you know I’ve seen you at family video.’ 
‘Your late back on ‘Poltergeist’.’ Steve says without thinking. Winces, why is he acting like such a loser? ‘But uh, yeah. Thanks.’ He finishes lamely. No way any colleges wanted him on his concussion grades and zero extra curricular credits. 
‘Shit, so you do actually do your job.’ Eddie shakes his head, like Steve had deeply wounded him, sarcastic and mocking, pretty little glint in his eye. But it still makes some ugly, desperate little part of Steve rear up and want to take it back, beg for forgiveness. 
Steve drowns that thought and chugs the rest of his beer. 
Someone must motion something to Eddie from one of the other rooms because he nods his head up in understanding. But before he goes he leans in closer to Steve, smirking. ‘Oh, and, don’t thank me yet. I also saw you in that sailor get up at the mall.’ 
Steve chokes on his spit, coughing and spluttering like an idiot.
‘Thanks for the beer.’ Eddie says, patting him once on the shoulder before hopping off the counter and into the throws of the party.
Steve watches him go, skin of his shoulder tingling through his sweater. He feels an itch, like he’s being watched and turns his head to find robin staring at him from where she’s still by the door, talking to friends. Her smile wicked. 
Robins parting words from the car float back through his mind and make his stomach twist. ‘Lucky for you, Eddie makes goo good eyes right back.’ She’d said, quiet and teasing, and Steve hates her. her hates her. 
It’s going to be a long night. 
10:54 January 3rd: Staircase
It’s a little quieter at the front of the house.
It had been going pretty well and then someone mentioned Starcourt. A couple pairs of eyes flashed to him in recognition. Someone murmuring to another,  mentioning Hop. And then Steves eyes were prickling and his wrists were tingling and he had to excuse himself. Squeezing Robins shoulder for her not to follow. Just a minute alone to breath. Sip his drink to get the copper to wash from his lips. Get his teeth back where they’re supposed to be.  
Orange streetlights filter through the window of the front door. It catches the dust, makes it sparkle. 
He thinks about midnight mass with his parents, their one Christmas plan that he’s not allowed to get out of. Thinks about how the light filtered through the stained glass, made patches of the floor look red. Thought about the ceiling of Starcourt, the taste of red metal on his tongue as the world spun. 
Went up for communion and crossed himself. Looked up at the crucifix. Thought about how the gash that opened in Joyce’s living room was red. How somethings grow in darkness, in cracks and out of sinew. A nail bat ripping through skin. 
He looks at the drink Robin made him as a joke, its almost wine coloured, a murky, deep red. It makes Steves insides twist, she didn’t mean it, she didn’t. But blood of the lamb is making the back of his eyelids flash red and brown, flash lightning and ash floating through the air. His nose filled with mould. 
‘Yeesh what is that Harrington?’ Steve looks up, Eddie’s blocking some of the orange light, head haloed and face in shadow. 
Steve looks back into the cup, seeing it for what it is again. Remembering how her face lit up with laughter as she dumped in whatever she could find, knowing it would be awful but knowing Steve would still drink it. She made it for him, how could he not? 
He looks back up at Eddie, Steve can smell his cologne. It smells good. ‘Don’t ask, Robin made it.’ He waves his hand and tries to clear his head of red and black. The spirits mix with the beer and now his hands and feet tingle, he focuses on that, it’s nice.
Eddie eyes it warily. ’You wanna trade?’ and he holds up a beer, a different brand that the ones Steve brought, he has two, for some reason. 
Steve looks into his cup, ‘Its honestly not that bad.’ He swirls the contents around a little, there’s something floating in it. 
‘Seriously?’ Eddie asks. Steve looks up at him and his eyebrows have disappeared behind his bangs 
Steve smiles, his lips tingling. ‘No.’ and his smile grows at Eddie laugh, he has dimples.
He looks at Eddie and decides, then, to take. See what he gets given. He can confess later.
The alcohol made a couple of the awkward conversations he had tonight bearable and the couple less awkward conversations he had enjoyable. Maybe it’ll do the same for him now. Steve takes the beer and places his other drink carefully on the stair behind where he’s sitting, makes a mental note to dump it out when he moves. 
He shifts, sitting in a way he hopes looks casual, like he wasn’t just thinking about divine sacrifice. The staircase it wide and the carpet is soft, a nice place to take a break. A nice place to talk to a boy. A boy who makes his heart beat in his throat. Steve can confess later. 
‘You run Hellfire right?’ He asks, sipping his beer and cataloguing again how the orange light shines on eddies hair, over his shoulder. 
Eddie faces him fully, bobbing his head slightly to the music, Steve doesn’t recognise the song, he doesn’t think its one they play on the radio. ‘Yeah?’ 
‘Yeah. like X-men’ Steve says.  
Eddie blinks at him, but then the corners of his mouth curl and his eyelids droop and Steve feels too hot suddenly. ’Okay, I’m gonna need his majesty to explain how he knows about either of those.’ 
Swallowing, Steve goes for honest. ’Well first off you used to put new posters up every, like, two weeks man, kinda hard to ignore.’ Steve says, lifting up a finger. he paid attention, eddies doesn't need to know yet how much. But Steve paid attention. 
Eddie stays silent, looks at him, eyes roaming over his face, lip still curled. Steve feels his adams apple bob. 
‘Second, I babysit some of the dweebs who are current members.’ Steve lifts a second finger, takes another sip of beer. ‘And three, X-men is like super popular. And, like, super good.’ And Steve takes another drink, just because, just to help him be. 
Eddies lips curl into a full smile, all teeth and a little tongue. He sips his own beer, looking away from Steve then back at him a couple times, like he thinks he’ll vanish, change before his very eyes. He shakes his head. ‘What changed with you man? I never expected any of that to ever come out of your mouth, like, ever.’ And eddies sounds kind of delighted, voice musical and tinkling. 
Steve just shrugs, feels hot, Eddies voice too close to happy, words too close to praise. ‘Grew up a little, I guess.’ He crosses his arms, looks down at his shoes. 
‘Yeah? That why no more parties?’ and Eddies voice is soft, Steve can feel his body heat, his knee by eddies hip. 
‘I’m just not so big on, that much attention any more. That much noise.’ Steve says, looking back into Eddies face. Finds him staring, lips quirked in a little smile, softer, then before. Leaning his chin in his hands on the banister, leaning into Steves space.
‘So, you and Buckley, what’s that about?’ Eddies whispering now, like he knows it’s precious. The orange light kisses his cheek.
Steve clears his throat, whispers back. ’Summer job. We scooped ice cream and she, uh, scooped up my heart.’ he smiles, just from talking about her, thinking about them. 
‘Oh.’ Eddie says, drawing away just slightly, eyes hardening in a way Steve hates. 
He almost reaches out, something drastic, desperate. But he pulls back, fiddles with the tab on his can. ‘No, um. Not that kind of oh. I mean in, like, a friend way. Totally platonic oh.’ 
‘Right’ Eddie comes back, but it’s not quite the same, the moment lost. Steve feels a rosary between his knuckles. 
‘Seriously, platonic soulmates. It’s a thing.’ He tries to lighten, tries to make Eddie read his mind the way robin does. It takes a moment, but then Eddie lets his eyes drink in Steves face again. His smile unfurling, sweet and pretty and different than before. He nods once, taking a drink. Looking away, cheekbones flushed pink. 
Steve can confess later. 
Robin comes barrelling down the hall calling out for Steve. But she skids to a halt when she sees Eddie. Then her eyes find Steve and she looks at him with raised eyebrows and barely contained glee bubbling under its surface. ‘Munson.’ She greets, eyes staying on Steve. ‘You’re late back on ‘Poltergeist.’
Eddie laughs, big and delighted. ‘Hey Buckley.’ He says. ‘Looking for your boy?’ but as he said that he’s gone back to the same position, still leaning on his hands, still looking right at Steve. 
Steve feels his cheeks heat. 
‘Ugh, not my boy. You are definitely not getting out your late fee for that.’ And she shoves him out of the way to get to Steve and grab his hand. ‘They want me to play beer pong, you’re on my team.’ And she’s pulling him up and away. 
Steve cranes his neck back to give Eddie a little wave goodbye but he’s pushing off the banister, he’s following. 
He walks slow, lazy, almost sauntering. Looking right at Steve still, with that little smirk. He knows. He knows. Steve feels the eucharist on his tongue. ‘What?’ Eddie asks, innocent but his smile isn’t. ‘I wanna watch.’ And Steve just squeezes Robins hand tighter, lets her pull him into the kitchen. 
11:45 January 3rd: Kitchen
People cheer as Steve neatly sinks the ping pong ball into the final cup, Robin nearly jumping onto his back she’s so exited. The first couple games with Robin and some of her random band friends really weren't great, he drank a few times, helped Robin get through her shares, they barely won. But by the third game he basically played alone and won pretty easily. The crowd seem entertained, cheering for him and random people kept patting him on the shoulder. it’s weird, a little stale on his skin to be congratulated like that, over something like this again. But he’ll be that guy again for one night, if just to make Robin smile. 
He downs a cup someone offers him in celebration. Accepting a couple high fives from Robins band friends. Tries to not be weird, to not show how the praise makes him itch. 
Steve lifts his wrist up to wipe at his mouth. His eyes drawn to the far side of the room. Eddie is leaning against the wall, black jacket against stark white. He claps slowly once, twice, his eyes shining with something. Like Steve is something funny, something interesting. 
Steve’s hands and feet tingle, his lips a little numb. Feels warm. Doesn't think about churches or blood or monsters. Just lifts his eyebrows, sucks some of the sticky beer from the pad of his thumb, and winks. 
Eddie rolls his eyes and rolls off the wall, disappearing into another room. 
But Steve saw his smile. 
part 2 | ao3
written for Lex’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge! run by @thefreakandthehair and using the prompt: 'spiked eggnog'. ty for putting this on always!! sorry im posting on the last day again lol xoxo
title from 'stick season' by noah kahan (edited slightly to fit better)
@pearynice and @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx ty for the kind words and guidance getting me unstuck with this fic <3 its alive now
lmk if you would like a tag for part two :)
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shima-draws · 6 months
Currently in the middle of reading a Lawlu soulmate fic and it’s SUPER cute so far but the best thing is that Law is also Cora’s (platonic) soulmate, and Cora’s got the ‘You won’t see in color until you meet your soulmate’ kind of bond. Except it fluctuates depending on Law’s health, and Law runs purely on caffeine and spite, so Cora will text him being like “Hey. For some strange reason I currently cannot see the color red. Would you happen to know anything about that” and Law is just like “Uhhh. No??” and Cora’s like “Law I swear to GOD you’d better stop pulling all nighters do not make me come over there” LMAO
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flowersdiceandlove · 3 months
Okay so soulmate AUs are one of my favorite troupes in fanfiction, but. But! I don’t like it when it comes to hualian.
Now hear me out! I’m not saying they’re not soulmates, I just don’t like the au troupe when it’s used in fanfiction about them. There’s just something about Xie Lian being so kind and caring to little Honghong-er just because. Everyone else was ready to throw that little boy out, but XL was like “no. You can’t do that. He’s just a little kid. Be nice.” He did that not because he had any sort of connection to the little boy, but just because it’s the right thing to do. It really showed XL’s character, his principles, and his kindness. Those were the reasons that HC fell in love with him.
I feel like if by putting them in a soulmate au where they’re soulmates that are tied together and have a predestined bond, that that takes away from XL’s choice to protect Honghong-er even if it caused problems. It becomes like “of course, XL would save him and fight so fiercely to protect him, they are soulmates after all.” Instead of Xie Lian doing it because that’s the type of person he is.
Soulmate aus are fun, and I really do love them, but for hualian, I just don’t. I love their choice in each other. I love that they chose to be tied by the red thread. Who knows, maybe they’ve been soulmates all along, but I love that they had no bonds or connections when they met and XL, despite all the bad stuff that happened around Honghong-er, chose to keep him safe and comfort him when he was upset.
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mars-ax · 1 month
so I don't usually post doodles because I'm very self-conscious about their quality, but just for you harper
So that doodle was actually in a series of other doodles all in the theme of "literal sleeping together" because that's one of my favorite things ever, so I might as well put them all here then
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stiffyck · 5 months
Okay what if the winners got to meet previous versions of themselves through the life games.
Like grian meets no one. He didn't have any previous "versions".
Scott meets 3rd life Scott.
Pearl meets 3rd life and last life pearl.
Martyn meets 3rd life, last life and double life Martyn.
Scar meets 3rd life, last life, double life and lim life him-
This whole thing was an idea that I got just because I was thinking about ll and sl scar because they were both so lonely like wtf and I just though about a scene that would be so. Grips chair.
Ll: "We won?"
Sl: "Yeah"
Ll: "Did we have allies? Friends?"
Ll scar probably thinks sl scar won only because he had allies to support him. He knows what its like being lonely and he hopes no one has to go through that loneliness. And he wants to be optimistic for once that sl scar, future him, gets allies, gets friends.
He tries to hope and then he sees the look on sl scars face. Or maybe sl scar tries to lie- maybe he tries to say they had allies.
Ll scar sees right through him. He's him after all. Maybe he's always gonna he lonely anyway
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chronicowboy · 4 months
can someone please put ryan guzman back in pr jail. please. what do you MEAN eddie gave buck his soul...
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satorisoup · 2 months
people will think im ordinary until they say one (1) thing about tmnt and all of a sudden im explaining the entire lore starting from the 1990’s movie & why donatello is the best turtle i fear… T^T
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tag limit fights me… i must yap… please listen… SOB </3
#tmnt yap in the taggies !!#would you believe me if i said my cat is named after donnie… teehee !! ^_^#i have been a tmnt lover since i was the ripe age of 6 years old SOBSOB#i used to write bf headcanons on wattpad way long ago… thats where my love for writing started i fear…#i probably have more tmnt merch than i do anime merch which is soso crazy to think about PHEW !!!#notebooks cups plushies legos shirts pajamas stickers tins action figs keychains name something and i have it… is that weird… SOB#im not joking when i say i know the entire lore and could explain everything from start to finish… FOR EACH AND EVERY REBOOT EVER…. wowza…#other than rottmnt because i’ve never been a fan of that reboot sigh…#the only reason donatello hamato isnt on my blorbie list is because i do not want to seem out of touch… he used to be there though !! :3#also i love raph too sigh#i fear donnie was my start to my love for nerdy men… raph was for the mean ones… cough cough akaashi and bakugo#tall lanky men… yeah hes a turtle… i know… let me speak… pls… i beg… T^T#tmnt 2012 will always be my star my light my beloved#i can recite every single episode </3 ALSO THE 2014 & 2017 MOVIES DONT GET ME STARTED i have them on dvd :3#i also have the 1990’s movies on dvd teehee theyre sososososoo good T^T my comfort franchise forever and always#i may always speak of anime but just know tmnt will always be the start of it all and my most beloved <3 its everything to me#also i was and still am an avid tmnt 2012 april oneil hater someone get her out of there i loathe her >:/#was never a supa big fan of leo im very sorry… idk who im sorry to… where are my tmnt fans… am i alone in this world… hello… tmnt fans…#omigosh im back after looking at my old wattpad story IM GIGGLING why was the writing kinda good… it was first person though sigh… goodness#i should create my own tmnt yap tag i fear… i will never shut up about it EVER SOBSOBSOB !! i even had a tmnt party when i was younger </3#donnie ( & mikey ) are so misunderstood UGH i could yap about the lore all day. donnie deserved more recognition he was always doing so muc#FOR ALL of his brothers and they never appreciated it… ill cry right now. donnie you will always be famous to me. april doesnt deserve you.#raph and his temper are so misunderstood too like please. always making him the bad guy HE JUST WANTS TO BE A GOOD BROTHER HES JUST AWKWARD#remembering when i had a crush on a guy names joseph in first grade and he liked tmnt too… joseph just know we were soulmates… i promise </#i used to go up to the tv and kiss the screen when donnie showed up. i was like 6 years old tho its okay… still sleep with my stuffie tho.#thank you to my yaya for buying me that when i had the flu hes still in perfect condition SOB donatello i love you so much UGH im crying#‘thats a mutant turtle ew !!’ HE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND LOVEABLE TO ME. YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND EVERYPONY </3 nia reference woah hi nia :3#whos in favor of tmnt. raise your hands up high so i can see them. im giggling. tmnt lovers rise we sha’ll prosper… WE RIDE AT DAWN 🦅🦅🦅#is this like totally crazy of me… has anyone read this far… if you have jusy know i love you. i cherish you. you are my everything <3#₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ — lene’s latest gossip .ᐟ
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greenerteacups · 6 months
he dos whatever Ron wants to do to hang out with him - bestie, so TRUE!!!
The great joke of Harry Potter is that Ron is known for being Harry's sidekick when the reality of the situation is eleven-year-old Harry Potter made one (1) friend and immediately decided to spend the rest of his life with him. And then he did.
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More stuff about my Merlin soulmate au:
Something I think I forgot to mention last time is that soulmates take comfort in the presence and physical contact of each other, feeling safe and content with them by their side.
The other kingdoms view Uther's policies on soulmates to be barbaric and cruel, and is a contributing factor to the tension and conflicts Camelot faces with the surrounding kingdoms.
Morgana still goes evil in this one lads, but with an important change of her anger being exclusively directed at Uther, Arthur, and Merlin. Gwen is her soulmate and she loves her, she wants Gwen at HER side. Her rage at getting a vision of Gwen becoming queen isn't because she is queen, but because she's ARTHURS queen (I do want to clarify that Gwen and Morgana's relationship in this au is platonic, but it only makes sense for Morgana to want one of her soulmates to rule beside her, and her other soulmates are her sister and a child)
So all the attempts on Gwen's life are gone (though both the shade plot and the dark tower might still be in play, but with the intention to get Gwen back all to herself, not to harm her)
(Merlin does not know Morgana is one of Gwen's other soulmates until after he poisoned her and Gwen let's slipped that she's really worried about Morgana, but at least she knows she's alive.)
(Gwen being Morgana's soulmate is a treasure trove of angst that I do plan on exploring fully)
The Coming of Arthur is going to be fun in regards to Morgana and Gwen (and Leon)
Morgana promising Gwen that no harm will come to her, not with her by her side.
"I know it's not fair of me to make you choose between soulmates, but Gwen, I can bring peace back to Camelot. Magic can be free again, soulmates cherished as they are supposed to be. Please, join me."
But the thing is, Morgana isn't just asking Gwen to choose between two halves of her soul. She knows both Leon and Merlin would never forsake Arthur, and if she chose Morgana, she would also lose both of them, not just Arthur. It's an unfair position to be in, an impossible situation (she chooses anyway. The Morgana she knew never would have ordered the death of innocent civilians to punish those who would not obey her. Something happened to the girl she loves, shes having trouble recognizing the holder of a piece of her soul)
(Gwen still goes to the dungeon to bring Leon food, though it goes a little differently, with Leon learning that Morgana is her soulmate. More on that in another post)
Arthur is going to repeal the laws against soulmates and magic as soon as he becomes king (he has been aware of Merlin’s status as a sorcerer for years and is unable to see how magic can be evil and corrupting when Merlin is one of the best people he knows and his soulmate to boot)
Due to most of them growing up under laws that prohibit talking about soulmates, it takes everybody far too fucking long to realize that they are all soulmates with each other cause no one says anything or compares notes.
I know its mean, but they finally figure it all out following Lancelot's death
(I have tried to figure out a way for him to survive but I really don't think he can)
(Poor Gwen all alone in Camelot breaking down while helping care for people because she feels Lancelot *die* with only Gaius to help her. No other soulmates available to hold her and help her feel a little less empty, a little less alone.)
Everyone experiencing the same pain and all knowing they just lost Lancelot leads to conversation.
Because while everyone in the group had been bonded with Lancelot, not everyone is bound together, which is totally possible, but Arthur knows he's soul bound to half this group, it would make sense to check if there's others in the group.
I will make a separate post about the events of the darkest hour cause I think this would get very long if I had it in here
Now, something I haven't gotten into yet is the magic part of soulmates (so far it's mainly been the destiny and social ramifications and interpersonal details)
Soulmarks are magic, and in some cases, an individual can develop a soulmate ability, a single ability that can be used in regards to exclusively one's bonded soulmates
Now these abilities vary in strength and specificity, some are dictated by touch, others apply no matter where they are in the world
Some soulmate abilities I've come up with thus far are:
The ability to always know what direction their soulmate is in relation to themself
The ability to know when their soulmate is lying to them, and a more broad varient of always knowing when they are lying period
The ability to always instinctually know what it is their soulmate truly means when they speak (I'm very tempted to give this to Gwen because I think it would make things interesting with Morgana, but I am worried it might break things a bit)
The ability to know what their soulmate is feeling emotionally by looking at them or touching them (I think I'm going to give this one to Leon?)
An ability confined to touch that brings to the soulmate's attention what their body most needs at that moment. (It's requires intent to be put into use, and it doesn't necessarily make the soulmate do that thing? It's not compulsory. It's more "Hey you're fucking exhausted you need sleep," or "Crying sounds so nice right now," or "Dude, EAT," and they can still fight these things, if they choose to, but those things are now at the forefront of their attention (making them more likely to be heeded))
Now, an ability I've thought EXTENSIVELY about:
A very rare and (before Uther nuked everything having to do with magic and soulmates) coveted ability that allows someone to, through constant touch, share their life force with their dying soulmate in order to keep then alive.
So say, for example, somebody (Soulmate A) is actively bleeding out from a fatal wound. The soulmate with the ability (Soulmate B) would have to touch soulmate A, skin to skin contact, and have this desperation, determination that soulmate A will not die, they won't let them.
Now, a couple things would happen.
One: Soulmate B's soulmark on Soulmate A's skin would move in some way to the point of injury (the method may vary depending on what their mark looks like. Like if the mark was a flower, the stem may extend and the mark itself stays stationary, or if it's something that's alive it would just fully move) and start "healing" the wound
Healing being in quotes because
Two: The injury is really being transferred partially to Soulmate B, enough so that the injury to Soulmate A is no longer immediately fatal, for the duration that they keep contact with Soulmate A. This buys Soulmate A time to be healed properly, but if the underlying injury is not healed in a timely manner, both Soulmate A and B could die.
Healing Soulmate A would also heal Soulmate B, as it was never truly their injury (though it sure feels and acts like it, and can be just as deadly if help isn't gotten in time.)
Because this ability is so inherently magic and is considered a spell, Soulmate B, even if they have the capacity to use other magic, can not cast a healing spell while using this spell, as it's only possible to cast one spell at a time.
I am naturally giving this ability to Merlin.
But the thing about abilities like this one is that it's impossible to know if you have it or not until the situation calls for it for the first time. It's impossible to know until your soulmate is dying right in front of you. Until you reach out and wish with every fiber in your being that they survive and they DO
The other thing about this ability? It can only be used once per soulmate. One get out of death free card and that's it
I haven't fully figured out if the dark tower would still happen, but if it does, Merlin would discover this ability saving Elyan's life (with the help of the knights who have to on the fly learn healing magic or else lose *both* of them)
That's going to be it for this post as it's starting to get long, but I have other posts I'm already working on. Also, if anyone has any questions, ideas, or suggestions in regards to this au, please feel free to send them my way!
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gregoftom · 1 year
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what do you mean you don’t think you’re gonna be buried at my side
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sparky-is-spiders · 2 months
Y'know normally I don't feel especially strongly about soulmate aus one way or another but I think Jonsasha and Jonelias are the only times where I think it's genuinely interesting enough to consider or seek out.
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emlos · 2 years
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[id: digital illustration from the fisheye perspective of misfire, he is leaning towards the middle of the viewpoint and grinning, while his hands are folded behind his back. in the background is a blue sky and a few rooftops.]
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someshipshouldnotexist · 10 months
Merthur is one of my all-time favourite ships, for very good reason, and should absolutely exist in canon.
It will forever irk me that they're not canon, because they are like, absolutely soulmates??? canonically too??? like this whole "two sides of the same coin" and "other half" bullshit sounds a lot like a soulmate situation to me so??? why no canon???
I'm sorry but they also just stare longingly into each others way too much for them to be totally platonic bffs.
And some of the lines they've said??? To quote some of my favourites, "do you know how to walk on your knees" (literally their first meeting lmao) and "is your little bottom sore" (both said by Arthur btw) like...it looks a bit suspicious...
Also that one scene in s04e12 where Arthur walks out with no pants...and Merlin's eyes instantly glance down...there...
Also Merlin's depth of devotion of Arthur??? This man is willing to slaughter entire armies for his king, that is a very strong bond they have. Not just that but in The Disir, Merlin gives up the opportunity to free magic, to have everything he should want, for a chance to save Arthur from a potential threat who hasn't yet proved himself to be anything but a loyal knight. That is love and you cannot tell me otherwise.
And Arthur? For me one of the most compelling scenes showing his love for Merlin - not just his attraction (because they really do flirt a lot) - is in s04e06. His fear over losing Merlin, the grief he feels when he thinks he has, his refusal to give up, his desperation and denial - Arthur was going through it. And when he finds Merlin, the smile that blooms on his face? The look in his eyes? That's love. It was a soul-crushing relief with swallowed Arthur in that moment, Arthur who thought he lost Merlin, his other half, the man which made him whole, as he found the man he loved again.
I also really just have to mention Freya's episode when Arthur is trying to cheer Merlin up, like he notices Merlin is down and tries to help in the only way he knows how (he's so proud of himself when Merlin laughs and he succeeds my god), and then HIS SMILE??? THAT SOFT SMILE HE GIVES MERLIN??? so not platonic at all. There is no way. Anyway I look at it, all I can see in that smile is Arthur's love for Merlin.
And let's not lie, Arthur is not comfortable with physical intimacy. Like at all. (let's blame Uther) But with Merlin? he's constantly ruffling his hair, punching him, clapping his shoulder. I absolutely believe that Arthur is an Emotionally Repressed Man-Child and these are the only ways he knows how to convey his care/love for Merlin.
Merthur have hands down the most tension-filled sexual chemistry in the entire show. Arthur and Gwen were nowhere near as good together as what Arthur and Merlin could have been, if bbc had let it happen.
I will absolutely die on this hill, I am, to the end, a merthur defender.
(Let's be honest they were basically flirting the entire show).
Merthur is, without a doubt, an 11/10 ship. You cannot change my mind these two are my entire personality atp.
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phantombmoll · 2 years
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Greg x Reader - A little appetiser Summary - Greg's messed up, your teasing is justified but he still gets cocky. Rating T/M - Mature themes, sexiness but no explicitness Author Note; There was no prompt for this I just really like writing domestic Greg all happy and in love.
"Your arse in that dress is sinful." Greg pressed close as he passed by watching you as you pulled the wineglasses out of the dishwasher.
"Well don't get any ideas because your friends will be here soon." You could feel his eyes on you as you straightened up and it would be a lie to say you hadn't chosen the dress for the purposes of torturing him. He deserved it though. He was the one who'd invited everyone round after too many beers the week before and then he was the one who'd offered to cook, then had to stay late at work leaving everything to you.
"They're your friends too." Greg said his lips pressing gentle kisses with intent along your neck his arms sliding around your waist. You loved him and warmth radiated through you, the delicious slow burn of arousal starting low in your belly.
You weren't going to give in to him though.
"Hmm but I didn't invite them round-" You replied as Greg persisted at your neck, you stopped the groan about to leave you and tensed your legs to stop them from going to jelly as he hit that spot. "-and I wasn't the one who forgot he'd invited everyone around until someone at work reminded him. I also wasn't the one who promised to cook and then stayed late at work leaving my better half to do all the prep, shopping and organising."
Greg's hands skimmed your shoulders, pausing to slip a finger under your bra strap and admire it. He knew it was his favourite, the one with the lacey trim that fit just right, made your chest look like something from a thoroughly indecent 50's blue movie.
"I did apologise about that." Greg said against your shoulder. "And I get the feeling you might be getting your own back." His hands skimmed over your waist and started to scrunch the base of the dress, letting out a groan when his fingers found the top of the suspenders. "You're definitely punishing me."
"I don't know what you're talking about, I simply got ready for the dinner you organised and now I'm trying to carry on with the prep." You turned into his arms before pushing past him, heading for the stove. You dipped the tip of a teaspoon into the pan and tasted it to check then turned it down to a low simmer.
"I really am sorry." Greg said sliding his hands back around your waist. You turned into him, allowing him to kiss you. His lips soft and warm and wanting. The pressure seemed to slip straight between your thighs and if you carried on the battle would be lost. You'd give into him easily. Greg pushed his luck hooking his hands under your thighs and lifting you onto the counter. His hands slid up your stocking covered thighs and up under your dress.
You groaned, cursing yourself for letting the sound escape and Greg pressed himself between your thighs.
"Let me taste you." He grinned against your lips. "Just a little appetiser."
Your heaving chest is enough of a giveaway that you don't want him to stop. Not really. Especially not when he talks like that and especially when you know how good he is with his mouth.
"You're a very bad man." You say fingers raking the hair at the base of his skull. He moans and grins at you. Sliding his hands further up your thighs, inching the dress up higher. It's tight but the fabric has a stretch that means it gives you some leeway.
"And you are a very bad girl." He says, fingers skimming the dampness of the lacey black knickers he loves so much. Your hips react to him and the grin comes back.
He's cocky.
Too cocky.
"Ready and waiting for-"
The door bell buzzes. His head drops to your chest and he makes a noise of disappointment that makes you laugh quietly.
"We could ignore it." He says into your chest.
"You invited them." You say scrunching your hands in the base of his hair again, just the way he likes, knowing it will do nothing to abate his arousal and now he'll have to answer the door with it and have it hanging over him all night. You press on his chest and jump down off the counter adjusting your dress. "Go answer the door." You say pressing a kiss to his cheek and patting his chest.
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rosysins · 7 months
alice without iruma
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alice with iruma (and stupid clara)
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