#he is my sun my beloved he is the apple of my LIFE he is-
biscuitboba · 2 months
Hello to the cutest character ALIVE (no one's doing it like him!!!)
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I love him soo MUCHH you have no idea
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He is everything to me
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beybaldes · 1 year
honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
summer sleepover masterlist
jamie tartt x gn!reader
summary : “messy, half-asleep kisses” requested by anon.
an : I love love love this prompt 🥲 I hope you enjoy!!!!! title is hozier my beloved forest diety
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Jamie’s arms snaking tighter around you were the first thing you felt as the dim light of an early summer morning began peaking through his bedroom window. Even in his sleep he was searching for you; making sure you were close by and still with him.
Roy had cancelled training that morning as he was coming down with something and Keeley had threatened him to take at least one day off, which gave you the opportunity to really take in the morning with Jamie.
On a normal day, Jamie would’ve already been up for 2 hours, completed his work out with Roy and be heading back home. But today, his legs were tangled with yours, his arms wrapped tightly around you; one around your waist and one against your chest, his fingers intertwined with your own.
You turned in Jamie’s hold, moving slowly so that you wouldn’t prematurely wake up. Thankfully, you pulled off your turn, though Jamie’s arms instantly caught up with you, pulling you flush against him. Chest pressed to chest. While his eyes were still closed, breathing still shallow with sleep, you took the opportunity to really look at your handsome boyfriend.
You loved how peaceful he looked when the problems of real life evaded him, when his whole face relaxed and he didn’t have that pinch in his brow that told you he was riddled with worry even when he was denying it. Slowly, you slid your hand up his chest, over his shoulder to cup his jaw, only briefly removing it to push his hair out of his eyes.
“Go back to sleep, sweet boy.” You whispered, your thumb caressing the apple of Jamie’s cheeks as his eyes blinked open. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Glad you did.” His voice was gruff and thick with sleep and if you weren’t already in love with him hearing him like this, seeing him like this, would have you falling head over heels. “I missed you.” Jamie’s hold tightened on you as he spoke and you didn’t have it in you to comment on how his words didn’t make any sense; you’d been here all night, and last night, and the night before that, and the night before that too. “When I was sleeping, I mean, I missed you then.”
“I was here the whole time, J.” You slid your other hand between the pillow and Jamie’s neck, wrapping it up and twisting your fingers into his hair. Though he’d asked you 1000 times, you really did love the walnut mist highlights he’d had put it. They seemed to be one of those things you didn’t know you’d needed until you had them. The extra length was nice to pull and tug on too.
“I know.” He pressed a kiss to your lips, or at least attempted to, grazing your jaw at first, and then the corner of your mouth with his second attempt. “But, if I’m being honest with you, I miss you all the time, even right now I’m missing you.”
You were the one pulling him in for a kiss this time, not holding back on the fluid movement of your lips against his even with it being so early. Luckily, you’d actually found purchase on his lips and not his jaw or his cheek. “I love you, sweet boy.” Jamie’s eyes had fluttered closed as you kissed and were struggling to reopen even as you pulled away from him. “But I think you need to go back to sleep.”
Even with his eyes closed, Jamie had better aim, kissing you square on the lips in the way you just had him. “Can’t.” Another kiss punctuated his words. “I’ll miss you too much.”
“I’ll be right here.” Using that hand that cradled his jaw, you pulled his lips to yours, scratching your fingers against his scalp soothingly. Jamie preened into your touch like a cat in the sun, his eyes drooping more and more closed with each movement of your hand. “Dream of me, J.”
He stole a much longer kiss, ending it, but keeping his face an inch away from yours, then stealing another kiss as soon as he’d pulled away. “I always do.”
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moonriver080 · 2 months
【Funny Story Time】
I wrote an article for my 6 pictures
I tried to machine translate a paragraph and modify it.
But it's too long. I give up.
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During Links meal breaks, the chains sometimes share anecdotes from the past to improve their understanding of each other ......
Well, sometimes it's not so much the anecdotes that are shared as it is the puzzles or the creepy pasts that are shared on reflection. (And some people seem to enjoy it.
It was a spring-flowery afternoon, and the sun was just right, and mixed with the sweet aroma of the chef's well-cooked courser milk soup, it had to be said that it was a very good soothing respite for Links, who had just finished a hard-fought battle, both physically and mentally.
Everything was just right, so Warriors let his guard down and picked a conversation that had left him a bit exhausted for the next week (Oh! Don't get me wrong, it was actually quite an interesting process and development /grin/)
Huh, how could he be blamed, after all the Warriors, who was more social than the other Links, was relatively adept at grasping the melodrama of the atmosphere, knowing when to be quiet and when it was better to have a chat.
They all understood that the team was, with the exception of certain ones, clamshells that had come to life one by one. (Or maybe some of the outgoing ones are actually clamshells.) (Aha! A new way of flirting with oneself is born.)
Anyway, this is why Warriors wave his spoon smugly (like a tiny flag): "...... When we triumphed, the streets were filled with petals and ribbons, and people clustered in the streets and upstairs and on the rooftops, and though, trampled by the war, both the roads and the .. were somewhat depressed ...... Well! That part doesn't matter now!"Warriors stirs the soup and takes a small sip (any more and we won't be able to start a conversation today, Wild, the
boy's food is gaggingly good), "...brave soldiers walk the streets of Castle Town, their footsteps without the thunder of applause that rises up at the first moment, and my beloved Epona kicks and stomps (and here it's being torn apart by sunlight) down the stone streets, edged in gold, and the streets are filled with the most beautiful and beautiful things in the world.My beloved Epona was kicking and stomping along the stone streets edged in gold by the sunlight (glared at by a certain few here), flowers were thrown from all over the place to send blessings to the soldiers, and the fallen flowers covered the whole road, Aaannnnnd!Of course~ I received the most bouquets of flowers~ No matter which way I looked, the screams were like the rising of the tides that rose up and down, and went on and on and on~"
Warriors grunts and laughs as he speaks, lifting his bangs and skimming the ends of his hair.
Gee, he's always showing off his hormones that have nowhere to go.Legend smacked his lips on his spoon, the delicious food immediately soothing his prickly nerves caused by the teasing, but ......
Putting aside some of his "preconceptions", Warriors was indeed a strong general with leadership qualities, and under the circumstances, it was only natural that he would be welcomed to protect the people, lead the soldiers, gather the divided world, defeat Ganon, and bring safety to the people.With this in mind, Legend picked out the fruit in the soup and took a bite.Looks like he's popular, that's really good. Well, yummy.
(Wild has fine-tuned for everyone's tastes, the golden apple chunks added late in his bowl are soft, crunchy and sweet after micro-cooking, rich in flavor, he had asked for some seeds long ago, but Wild said that this golden apples are produced by probability,. Hummm, Legend who is the hottest apple supplier in Hylia and Loria' smiles but does not say anything.)
But ......Legend chewed another bite of apple chunks, looking at him like this is really unpleasant ah.Legend was disgusted by the image that appeared in his mind of Warriors riding horses and throwing flying kisses to stir up a cheering crowd of cold shivers, ah, can not think about it, a little stomach.[I'm not sure if this paragraph is translated correctly (because I read it myself as if something was wrong, but I don't know what went wrong).]
The Chef of Peace, who had been listening to the story since a moment ago and had somehow become a bit dazed, came back to his senses and looked at Legend, who was blushing a bit darkly, in puzzlement.
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【If you want to know the full text, let me know, and maybe I'll translate it intermittently.】
Eggs①: (Three photos taken by Wind) (Price:?)
Confused by the first delivery of the bouquet
(Link, who was surrounded by civilians, gave flowers and scattered petals to celebrate shyness and cover his face)
(Link who was frightened by the enthusiasm of the people and hid in the Zelda King)
A week later, another tea break.
Wars looked at Time, who was being chased and intercepted, and drank a cup of sweet and sour fruit tea contentedly.
Offensive and defensive potential is also different, sapling, soldiers are not tired of cheating, plan and then move, is also for the trick. (Completely strung together.)
Wind? Wind curled his lips as he held a small part of the empty cookie bag. Wars really held a grudge.
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Do you love me
Afterwards:say you love me , part 3 or something like that ?
Warning: Disturbing themes,Depression, miscarriage, character death,bad writing…
English is my second language
GIF NOT MINE. If it's yours, please come claim credit or let me know if you want me to remove it
Notes: Just me enjoying Aegons suffer. Really I like tragedy.
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The only daughter of her mother Rhaenyra, the apple of the eye of the house Velaryon , the realms beauty , the pure , perfect , loved by all and more these were the adjectives that defines y/n Velaryon.
For Aegon, she was his sun. With Her warm smile and her gentle behavior that warms his heart, his hope light.
He shouldn't have loved someone as ugly as himself and a pure beauty like you, but his greed was getting in the way. He liked the way you warn them when he and your brothers when bully Aemond because that was the only way he could talk to you. He was jealous of the attention you gave your siblings,Aemond and Helaena. He just wanted you to look at him, talk to him, dedicate yourself to him.
Then something happened that he couldn't believe. The gods he doesn't believe in must have taken pity on him because his father, Visersy, proposed a marriage proposal between you and him to prevent tensions between blacks and greens. Aegon agreed without hesitation, and you accepted for your family. He confessed to you on your wedding night.
“I love you”
He looked at you to see your reaction. He saw your gentle smile warm eyes. Then you spoke
“Me too. I love you “
Your marriage wasn't so bad after all. Although you didn't see your family very often, you were not alone and your beloved husband, Aegon, would not have left you alone for a moment. Although Aegon was the happiest in marriage, Alicent was as happy with it as her son. You took such good care of her son. Her son had changed his drinking habits a little bit, he wasn't drinking as much as he used to, he was cleaner thanks to your efforts. He hasn't been interested in prostitutes at all since you got married.
Aegon was happy. Everything was going perfectly. He loved you, you loved him, and you were pregnant. Sometimes Aegon thought he was dreaming of a perfect life that couldn't be real...
Then you got the news that ended your perfect life.
“Lucersy Velaryon is dead. At Storm's End-"
When you heard the news, your head started to spin. ‘Is my brother Lucersy dead? No it can't be' then your eyes went black and you passed out.
Nothing has been the same since that damn night. You were unhappy. You didn't want to do your daily activities such as eating or walking. The only thing keeping you alive was the child in your womb. This did not go unnoticed by Aegon.
You were getting ready for bed. You were combing your hair in front of the mirror. Then you saw a familiar silhouette behind you and your husband hugged you from behind.
"What's the problem?" ' Aegon asked, his voice a little twisted.
"What are you trying to say" you didn't look at him.
“Then why are you in this situation!”
Aegon turned your face to him. He saw your eyes, those eyes that were once filled with happiness were now filled with sorrow.
“I love you, you know that… do you love me?” ' asked Aegon.
“I love you, but my love for you is not strong enough to cover my brother's death, this war, this grief.”
Aegon hugged you. This is how the night ended.
Aegon thought it couldn't get any worse, but after the miscarriage, you seemed completely dead. Just thinking about that moment was enough to have a nightmare. You screamed desperately in tears on the bloody sheets on the bed… Aegon felt awful. His sun, his only lover, was fading . Your eyes had lost the light of life, you weren’t eating or drinking. And he couldn't do anything as your husband.
One night Aegon did something he shouldn't have done, drank more than usual and said things he shouldn't have said while drunk.
“I'm sick of this mourning! You are my wife! Take care of your husband! After all that hard work for you, this is the reward! I wish you were dead so you wouldn't bother me so much"
When Aegon looked at you, he instantly regretted his words.
"I am sorry. My tongue slipped. I love you I'm just a little tired so-"
He desperately hugged and kissed you.
"You love me don't you?"
This time you didn't answer, only your silence spoke. The night passed as quiet as the pre-death silence, save for Aegon's sobs and tears.
In the morning the whole court was awakened by Aegon's screams . When Queen Alicent entered the room, she found her son hugging tightly his wife with bloody hands. Aegon's only wife had committed suicide.
“Please open your eyes Y/n! I didn't mean it like that. I was drunk. Please do not leave me!"
Alicent was heartbroken at the sight of her son's desperate begs over his wife's body.
“Aegon she is dead” Alicent held out her hand to his son but Aegon slapped it harshly.
"No!" He said, hugging his dead wife's body tighter.
“Get out! Get out, I don't want anyone! Get out!”
No funeral was held Aegon was adamant not to give his lover's body. For the first two days, Aegon did not leave his chamber and did not let anyone into . On the third day, he was allowed to enter the chamber and was smiling. Alicent was horrified to see her son in this state.
“Aegon you-this-” she pointed to the dead woman.
“Oh mom it's okay my wife is just a little tired. She needs a rest.”
“Rest?! Aegon, this girl is dead!”
Aegon's smile dropped. He approached his mother.
“I think you misunderstood . She just needs a rest. Do you understand mom. Now cancel the funeral preparations, they are really getting on my nerves"
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lightwing-s · 10 months
alfred meeting food blogger reader for the first time during weekly visit when he off to new york visiting jason (which he gives Alfie reader's home address since reader wants to meat his grandpa) but encounter them in the farmer market when he and the reader both reach for a fresh batch of apple at same time in the same stall, also, jason and alfred both pretend not to know each other when reader introduce her new friend to her boyfriend as jason hugs himself around reader🍎❤🍎
It was a nice saturday morning, the early sun rays warming his face and contrasting with the still cold air hanging around. Jason had lost you sometime ago, but he didn’t worry. There was no need for it, in fact.
Y/n was always excited to go to the farmer’s market. And by excited he meant very, eager, exhilarated, psyched. You loved it. All kinds of fresh delicious food. All kinds of unique and different products. Everything a food lover, kind-of-a-chef, and content creator would love.
So he didn’t worry when he suddenly missed your hands in his, and your constant chattering about any and every product you found mildly interesting. He knew you were safe and that you would come back. And that’s a feeling being in Gotham never really granted him.
“Jason! Babe!” he heard you calling, quickly turning around in the direction your voice was coming from. “I found the most beautiful strawberries I’ve ever seen” you told him once he arrived beside you, eyes sparkling at your excitement.
They were truly beautiful. Big, bright red and without a flaw in sight. “My new friend, Alfred, and I were just chatting about how difficult it’s been to find such good strawberries these days, isn’t it?”
Turning to face your new friend, Jason followed your movements to land eyes in one of his most beloved and well recognized features. Alfred, now clad in a jacket and something else other than a suit, but still as posh, smiled at his foster son, extending his hands for Jason to shake. “Nice to finally see you again, Master Jason.”
The look on your face, of complete shock and surprise, must have been entertaining, because your boyfriend blurted out laughing at you, while you remained not understanding a thing. And then it clicked.
“He’s your Alfred?” you questioned, looking frantically between the two men. “Oh my gosh, you are his Alfrend, aren’t you? I’m so excited to finally meet you!” you embraced the older man, a bit surprised he let you do so without knowing you that much.
“And I’m happy to finally meet you too. Master Jason has talked a lot about you, miss.” Alfred threw a knowing glance at Jason, and you could’ve sworn his cheeks turned pink.
“And he has told me a lot about you too. In fact, you’re the only family member mister grumpy tells me about.”
While the two engaged in a long conversation, going from you excitedly asking Alfred to tell you about Jason’s childhood, to different kinds of food and recipes and cooking tips you could remember, Jason smiled happily at you two. Two of the most important people in his life getting along so well and so quickly.
He felt a strange sensation on his chest. A good sensation. One that made the small box hidden in his drawer seem ideal.
“Hey, Alfie” he interrupted, laying his arms around both yours and Alfred’s shoulders. “How about we get some breakfast back at our place?”
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trshtffc · 5 months
You're Lucien´s bride
You can't stop beaming as your best friend fastens your dress, the soft pliant fabric highlighting your shape as it flows to the floor, shifting like water with your every step.
"Stay still!" She chastises you, and you comply, taking to fidgeting with the ring on your finger while she fixes the veil on your head.
By all rights you should have a dozen maidens fretting about now, waiting on you hand and feet, you're marrying the heir to the Court, after all.
But you live your whole lives in public, two beloved emissaries, the life of every party, Prythian´s darlings.
So this will be only yours.
Two witnesses, a borrowed dress, a feast of cheese, bread and fruit afterwards, out on a tablecloth under the ancient oak you had chosen for the ceremony, in a Court made for love. Helion will surely forgive the two of you this whim, and Lucien´s mum will find it immensely romantic.
You walk out of the room, your best friend going before you to join the other witness. If you were paying attention, you'd have seen the High Lord of this Court moving things around on the altar, or the High Lord of Autumn incinerating a falling leaf before it could land on his brother´s hair.
But you don't see any of that, you only see him.
Lucien is beaming at you, the golden skin glowing from within, and he takes a deeper breath as you approach. The sun filtering through the leaves dances on his hair like tiny flames, catching the glimmer of tears his eye and the gold of the buttons on his jacket and vest.
Even now your groom is a politician, clad in Autumn Court burgundy and the pure white of Day. There's even a field flower tucked behind is ear for Spring. Lucien looks so beautiful it hurts, and you wonder if you'll ever get used to the way his eyes come alight when he smiles, or the purring accent of his voice when he whispers your name, his lips on your skin, teasing. Or the emissary´s silver tongue.
"Can you at least wait until we're done here?" Your friend blows some air through her nose, and her bawdy remark gets a smile from the High Lord of Spring.
Lucien chuckles, a blush rushing to his face.
The Mother had no business making him that beautiful. Will you ever stop smiling?
"That might be too much to ask of them, hurry up, Tamlin." The High Lord of Autumn slaps his brother lightly on the arm "Focus, Lucien."
Because, of course, your precious memories had prompted a similar reaction in your groom, and his cinnamon and apples scent grows headier with it.
Tamlin clears his throat, dropping the glamour to allow Spring Court to shine through his skin.
"Welcome all. Who comes before Spring to be married today?"
Lucien swallows, his smile growing wider.
"I, Lucien, son of Helion, come before Spring today to be married."
Tamlin turns his eyes to you, smiling.
"Who will take Lucien, son of Helion, in marriage?"
Your voice comes out a bit too loud from how excited you are. When he asked for your hand, Lucien had only stipulated that he didn't want to be married by a priestess, so it was a matter of picking one High Lord out of the many he was connected to.
Eris would have drawn out an hour-long ceremony, Tamlin was more of a practical male.
The High Lord of Autumn smiles as he recites.
"If there is any who would challenge their union, let him meet my sword."
You all hold your silence for a moment, allowing the chirps of the birds to fill the air, while your best friend clasps your hand together with Lucien´s, his skin warm as if he had been in the sun a whole day.
"They are joined." She recites, stepping back "I witness to it."
"And in being joined they are now husband and wife, one flesh, one fate." Lucien´s glow outshines the glow of Spring from Tamlin´s hand when he places it over your clasped ones "May your love blossom and thrive."
You can't help laughing as your husband pulls you in for a deep kiss, the honeyed taste of him filling your mouth, numbing every other sense.
Somewhere around, you hear the felicitations, and your friend making a comment that has Tamlin laughing, and Eris says something of no importance. When you let go of Lucien, the tablecloth is already spread, your wedding feast displayed in the center of it.
"I'll love you as long as the Sun shines." Lucien whispers in your ear before helping you down on the fabric "I can't wait to tear this off of you."
"It's borrowed." You whisper back, as he offers you a fat strawberry.
"For shame, Lucien, we're trying to eat!" Eris poked your husband in the ribs.
Your husband. You bite down on the strawberry, offering Lucien a slice of brie.
You're Lucien´s wife.
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Reformed enji todoroki being delusional? I am intrigued
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I’m glad you are!!
But once he has this revelation about how horrible he’s been (up until he actually reached his goal) 
he’s so bent on fixing his relationships he’d let you get away with so much
Romantically as an assistant or as his beloved sugar baby he finds himself falling for he’s not afraid to finally make least of all his beloved happy
For platonic, no matter which age you are he’s working the hardest to make sure your pleased with him 
“Hey Enji, do you mind if I go outside for a bit? I haven’t seen the sun in sooo long.”
“..yes…You love your nature walks don’t you?”
“Uhhh sure, yeah.”
Even if he had you trapped and locked away before his realization after he gives his ‘ima do better, promise’ to Shoto
You can quote him anytime he restricts you against
“Uh you did say you’d try being a better father right?”
“I did…I’m sorry I ever doubted you (Y/n). Here's my platinum card.”
A lot of his rationality goes out the window because he’s so fixed on doing better he’s willing to let you get away with a lot 
But on the flip side of that he starts warping situations to make him ‘good’
After all a ‘good’ father is present in your life
Or a ‘good’ ex-husband will buy you a new car because its just how ‘co-parenting should be’
He’s not as delusional as Deku is 
where you can say “Apples and Bananas” to Deku and he’ll hear “Marry me, Deku!”
Reformed Enji is more like “You may have apologized but I still want to maintain healthy boundaries.” he’ll hear you but rationalize that your young and just a little frustrated
“I see…I’m never going to neglect you ever again!” 
“No no I liked it when you were doing that.”
“No need to be hesitant..I understand your worries.”
“Ugh.” *facepalm*
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felice-jaganshi · 2 months
My Fallen Apple
Chapter 13 (finale!)
It was a few more months before the wedding planning was done, and during that time, you got to know Alastor better. He wasn't really that bad except for when he felt the need to antagonize your fiancé. You and Zariah worked together to try and get the boys to act civil, with mild success. It seemed “teasing” was just one of Alastor's love languages. 
Finally though, it was the wedding day. Angel Dust, the spider demon you'd gotten to know recently, was doing your makeup.
“So, ready to become a queen?” He asked. 
“I don't know about ‘queen’… but I'm definitely ready to be his wife.” You look at yourself in the mirror and already the tears start to come.
“Hey! Hey! Nooo, nu uh! Hold off the waterworks till after the I Dos! At least let him see my hard work first!” He was grinning as he teased you.
Fizzarolli was holding your bouquet at the moment, making sure none of the flowers were wilted. He'd agreed to walk you down the aisle since your father wasn't an option. 
Zariah was going over some last minute things on the phone with Vaggie, who was with Charlie, who was with Him . Your soon-to-be husband. “Do you need me to come over there?... How do you usually get her to stop crying?... Just put Charlie on the phone then!” She was laughing, it seemed Charlie couldn't stop from crying over how happy she was to get to see her father get married.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself. Your dress was an off the shoulder a-line with tulle sleeves. Your veil hangs behind as you stand from your chair. It has star and sun patterns with feathers on the edges in silver and gold. You look like a radiant goddess.
You were in front of the door leading out of the hotel. Nifty and Razzle were behind you ready to go as flower girls, and Alastor poked his head in, “You sure you want to marry the fool? You know Lilith isn't going to like this when she eventually comes home.” He was trying to stir shit up for fun, since he'd already taken care of the paparazzi and all the other “trouble makers”. 
“I'm sure. And if she does show up, I'll kick her ass for hurting him! I'm ready.” You smile, “Thanks Al, I needed that.” 
He hummed, “Good, you better keep your word on kicking her ass. He's counting on you.” He then popped back out and got the wedding march started. It was a slow piano version of “stand by you”. The song you sang to him just before he proposed.
Fizzarolli took your arm. “Here we go, try not to cry until the vows, okay?” You nod, buzzing in excitement. The doors opened, and you began to walk.
You see him at the end of the makeshift aisle. He looks stunning and stunned. 
He's wearing a new white suit, one with what almost looks like a three tier skirt in the back. Like a combination wedding gown and suit. It's elegant and the back is open in a diamond pattern, showing the markings where his wings rest in his back. His hat is gone, replaced with a proper crown in its place. He doesn't look like himself really, far more serious than you've ever seen him… but the love in his eyes is the same as ever.
You begin to walk, Fizz keeping a hold on you to keep you from just running to him. When you get closer you can see tears in his eyes, and a tremble in his smile. Charlie stood beside him as his best man, and Asmodeus stood at the altar to act as your officiate. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite two souls in the firey, passionate bonds of Love and Marriage. And if anyone knows anything about love, it's the lord of Lust! Because while lust is fun for a while, love is the fuel that keeps that fire burning.” He looked at Fizz, sitting on your side of the aisle with a blush and a grin.
“Now, I'll stop my blubbering, and let you love birds say your vows, as I've been told our king has something special prepared.” Now everyone's attention was on Lucifer, as he took your hands.
“Becca, my sweet apple pie… before you literally fell into my life, I was a depressed wreck of a man. I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror. It was bad, real bad. Like, days without eating bad. I never thought I'd love again, or that I'd ever be able to face my daughter in such a state. And there you were, in my garden. Then you treated me so gently and with such kindness, I thought at first maybe I was finally being forgiven for my sins… then I realized you were too good for me, but you kept coming back and bringing out the best in me. Because to you, Charlie and I have reconnected. Because to you, the Sins and I are back to being family again. Because of you, my life is better than it has been in over one thousand years. And I promise, for as long as I exist, I will give you all the love I have in my heart. I'll cherish and adore you for all of eternity. I give you my heart, as bruised and battered as it is… please be gentle with it.” He smiled fondly at you.
The tears fall without your consent. “Luci… babe…” He reaches out to dry your tears. 
Ozzie smiled fondly, “Those were some beautiful words Luci. Now it's Becca's turn, you need a minute baby girl?”
You take Lucifer's hands that are holding your cheeks, and kiss the palm of each of them once. Then smile, “I'm good.”
“Lucifer… I know I wasn't meant to be in hell, but this has felt more like home than anywhere else in my life and afterlife. When we were alive, Zariah and I would joke about if we ended up in hell, I called dibs on marrying you. But now it's not a joke, but my greatest dream come true. I love you, more than any man I've ever loved. You've made me feel seen and appreciated and adored. You make me feel wanted and needed. And it's just as much what you don't do that makes me love you. You don't make me feel like your mother figure, and you don't make me feel exhausted from caring for you. I feel like your equal, and I feel energized lifting you up when you need it. Because you lift me up too. You'll never walk through hell alone, because I'm gonna stand by you every step of the way. I'll never leave you.”
Now it was his turn to cry, his eyes sparkling as rivers cascade down his cheeks.
“Alright baby! Now that's what I'm talking about!” Ozzie chuckled excitedly, “Becca, do you take Lucifer, the king of hell, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” Your voice is full of certainty and confidence. 
“Lucifer, king of hell, lord of Pride. Do you take Becca to be your lawfully wedded wife and queen?”
“I do!” He's still sobbing as he says it, too excited to contain himself anymore.
“Then I pronounce you, Girlboss and Malewife! Haha, nah I'm playin’! I pronounce you Husband and Wife, now go on and kiss each other!” He smiled and Lucifer practically pounced at the opportunity to press his lips to yours.
The crowd was a combination of laughter and cheers, but you didn't care. You had a husband to smooch.
And to have and hold.
For the rest of eternity.
The End
During the reception, the two of you sneak away while everyone's partying for some one on one time. Once alone on the hotel roof, Lucifer can't stop fidgeting…. 
“What's on your mind? Got something exciting planned for our wedding night you can't wait for?” You tease, sitting next to him.
“Hm? Oh, well, yeah, but… I also have something I wanted to run by you… so… you know normally once a human soul is dead, they can't have kids anymore? Well… I have the power to completely negate that rule. If I choose to. So… if you wanted… someday… maybe we could…” He looked at his hands as he fidgeted with his new ring. This one had your name engraved on the outside and inside.
“You… we could make Charlie a little sibling!” You realized what he was trying to say and tackled him! “Yes! Absolutely Luci! I'd love to! Let's… let's have a baby!”
The End (for real now)
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hwauroras · 11 months
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wc 0.6k. unedited. dad!seonghwa and his daughter on a lazy sunday morning. one very small mention wooyoung and an unnamed partner. fluff. slice of life? might make @hwalysm cry.
as seonghwa slowly opened his eyes, he was immediately greeted by the warm rays of the sun that peeked in through the curtains. it was sunday morning, and it was the one day of the week where he could wake up after the sun. stretching his arms, he smiled as he remembered the reason for why he didn’t end up sleeping until the late hours of the afternoon. he glanced over at the alarm - 8:08am.
as to not disturb the peaceful sleep of his partner next to him, he got out of bed as quietly as he could and quickly tiptoed down the hall. only one destination was in mind; not the bathroom, not the kitchen, but the bedroom that belonged to the apple of his eye - his beloved daughter, his princess.
gently pushing the door open, his eyes landed on her tiny figure nestled comfortably in her pink princess bed, her little arms clutching her favorite stuffed princess bunny, kindly gifted to her by uncle wooyoung. seonghwa couldn't help but smile widely at what he saw, his eyes shining as if they were filled with stars.
"good morning, my little princess," he whispered, making his way over to where she lay - though he didn’t get very far, for as soon as his daughter heard his voice, her eyes shot open, revealing the same sparkling eyes as her father. her face instantly lit up, the bunny immediately forgotten, and seonghwa fell in love all over again - just like the day she was born.
"daddy!" she screamed and held out her arms, inviting him for an embrace. it was an invitation seonghwa just couldn’t refuse - scooping her up into his arms and pulling her close to his chest.
"did you sleep well, my precious angel?" he asked, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. she giggled in response, her little hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair. nuzzling her nose with his, he picked up her bunny, handed it to her, and made his way to the living room.
settling down into the comfortable plush armchair by the window, he positioned his daughter on his lap, her legs dangling and swinging off the side. they both glanced out at the peaceful view of the morning sky, relishing in the tranquility of the moment together.
seonghwa’s eyes shifted adoringly to his daughter, whose eyes were wide and sparkling with awe and curiosity. passing the bunny to her father, she reached out to touch everything she could, albeit through the glass, exploring the world and its simple natural beauty.
admittedly, seonghwa was originally quite nervous to be a father. it wasn’t like he didn’t want to, but it all happened so suddenly. however, it was in these precious moments like these that reminded him of just how lucky he was to have this incredible little girl full of imagination and wonder in his life.
time seemed to both fly by and cease to exist as he continued to sit there, cherishing the bond he shared with his princess. he was more than aware of the fact that such times would be fleeting, that his little girl would grow up faster than he could ever imagine and be prepared for. he knew he could close his eyes, and open them to the sight of this very scene being played out by his daughter and her own child.
but on this lazy sunday morning, he wasn’t worried.
his attention was drawn back to the little bundle of joy in his arms, who began to snore softly, causing seonghwa to chuckle softly.
“i love you, my little princess."
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𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 Part 2 (𝔽𝕦𝕛𝕚𝕟 𝕩 𝕋𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
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Official Masterlist
Summary: Fujin meets his elusive thief once again, and they have a heart to heart talk about the reader's past.
Word Count: 2.6k words.
Months had passed since their first encounter, and the memory of (Y/n) lingered in Fujin's mind like a whisper on the wind. The wind god had fulfilled his duties diligently, attending to the realms and protecting the balance of nature. But there was always a part of him that yearned for another encounter with the free-spirited thief who had stolen not only his attention but also a piece of his heart.
It was disappointing to know that (Y/n) Tsung hadn't yet made another attempt at stealing another item, despite what his brother would no doubt have to say should he be the one to discover her.
As the sun cast its golden rays upon the tranquil landscape, Fujin stood atop a grassy hill overlooking a bustling marketplace. It was a place where merchants displayed their goods, and people from all walks of life mingled and traded. The wind carried the sweet scent of spices and the chatter of eager voices.
He enjoyed not only watching over, but participating in the markets - such a simple yet joyous experience. As he strolled through the vibrant stalls, Fujin couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and connection to the world around him. The colourful array of fruits, vibrant fabrics, and intricate crafts enticed his senses.
The locals knew of his presence and divine status, as well as that of his older brother, and they were beloved and worshipped figures, considering how close the markets took place to the Shaolin temples. For the most part, he was greeted by many, and he loved meeting new people, seeing new faces, and making new friends, as each individual human was something to be treasured.
Even with everything happening around him, he felt that emptiness in his eternal heart. His day to day life was dull otherwise, and he longed to see that forbidden fruit again that was (Y/n) Tsung.
Fujin was taken from his thoughts when he felt a figure push past him, seemingly in a hurry to get by. He allowed them, though a little taken a back by their rude gesture as he watched them.
They had on a hooded cloak, obscuring their identity as they travelled. Though, when he saw them outstretch a hand and nick an apple from a nearby stall, he knew exactly who he was looking at.
He grinned.
Swiftly, Fujin followed in her wake, weaving through the bustling marketplace with ease, his divine agility allowing him to keep up with her nimble steps. He admired the way she effortlessly blended into the crowd, her presence both elusive and magnetic.
As he caught up to her, Fujin reached out a grabbed a handful of her cloak. (Y/n) stumbled slightly as Fujin yanked her cloak, causing her hood to fall back and reveal her head of (h/c) hair. Surprise and amusement danced in her eyes as she turned to face him, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Fujin?" she called his name, her voice filled with a mixture of teasing and genuine delight. "I must say, I didn't expect to encounter you so soon. And at a market, no less."
Fujin chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I have a knack for finding what I'm looking for," he replied, his voice laced with amusement. "And it seems I've found you once again, my elusive thief."
She playfully raised an eyebrow.
"Thief, you say? I prefer to think of myself as a liberator of valuable items," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But I suppose thief has a certain ring to it."
He grinned, enjoying their banter and the familiar chemistry that crackled between them.
"Oh, I have no doubt you have a talent for liberating things," he said, his voice low and filled with innuendo. "Though, I must ask. Are you intending on paying for that?"
(Y/n) let out a laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She glanced down at the apple in her hand and then back at Fujin, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Paying? Where's the fun in that?" she replied with a playful smirk. "Besides, I'm sure the vendor won't miss one little apple."
"I would have been more than happy to purchase food for you, (Y/n)," Fujin sighed, raising a brow at her. "Though I suppose you're right, they most likely won't notice that apple's absence."
"Why don't you come walk with me, wind god?" she asked of him, breathing on the skin of her apple before rubbing it on her shirt. "I've not seen you in a while."
Fujin's gaze softened as he observed her playful nature, a fond smile gracing his lips. The wind gently rustled their hair as they strolled through the bustling marketplace.
"So, (Y/n)," Fujin began, "What's been keeping you away from the Sky Temple. Are you much too intimidated to try your scheme out again?"
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she walked alongside Fujin. She took a moment to enjoy the lively atmosphere of the marketplace before responding.
"Intimidated? Not at all," she replied, a mischievous grin tugging at her lips. "I've simply been caught up, is all. Like, literally. I was being held captive."
Fujin's playful expression turned into one of concern as he turned his full attention to (Y/n). The wind stilled around them, creating a momentary calm in the midst of the bustling market.
"Held captive?" Fujin repeated, his voice laced with worry. "What happened? Are you alright?"
(Y/n) waved her hand dismissively, trying to ease his concern.
"Oh, don't worry about me. It was nothing I couldn't handle. Just a little adventure gone awry. I may have underestimated the security measures of a certain treasure vault," she confessed sheepishly. Fujin's concern didn't waver, and he furrowed his brows.
"You should have informed me. I would have come to your aid," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Now how bad would that you look for you, my friend?" (Y/n) pointed out, raising a brow at him, "Protector of Earthrealm and God of wind being buds with Shang Tsung's daughter."
Fujin paused for a moment, considering her words. She had a point. As a deity tasked with safeguarding Earthrealm, his association with Shang Tsung's daughter would undoubtedly raise eyebrows and potentially cause complications.
"You make a good point, my dear," he sighed, his eyes casting toward her direction once more, "though I wish it weren't this way." "You trust me way too much, deity," (Y/n) sighed as they reached the end of the market, subconsciously continuing into the forest which outstretched beyond it. "I sense no ill-intentions from you," Fujin told her, giving her a small smile, "had I, I would've dealt with you by now."
(Y/n) chuckled softly, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes.
"Ah, so that's your measure of trust," she replied, her voice filled with playful sarcasm. "If you hadn't dealt with me by now, then I must be alright."
Fujin nodded, a hint of mischief in his gaze.
"Indeed, it's a fool-proof method," he said, matching her playful tone.
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes shining with amusement.
"I see your confidence is unwavering," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.
They shared a moment of comfortable silence between them, as an unspoken agreement formed between them that told them to keep walking together like this, through the forest. Though, Fujin hadn't seen her in such a long time, and was eager to catch up some more.
"Who exactly had you held captive for so long?" Fujin asked, still intrigued by the conversation they had just had before. "Oh, he's a nobody. Just my ex-boyfriend, Erron," (Y/n) sighed, scratching the back of her neck. "He's a real piece of work. But then again, aren't I for trying to infiltrate Kotal Kahn's place? I wouldn't have even bothered had I known he worked for him." "Erron Black?" he asked, raising a brow at her, "goodness, I hadn't known the two of you were an item at some point." "I don't exactly tell people, and neither did he. Honestly it's embarrassing enough having to be his ex, imagine how embarrassing it was to be his girlfriend," (Y/n) scoffed, running a hand through her hair. "We've got a complicated past. We were never a conventional couple, that's for sure. Our paths crossed during one of my adventures, and there was an undeniable attraction between us. But our differences ultimately drove us apart."
Somewhat of a smile played at (Y/n)'s lips, as she revelled in that bittersweet sense of nostalgia that came with remembering her past with that other man.
"I don't even know if he was there to be with me, or use my body, to be completely honest with you," she sighed, her vision straight ahead though she didn't seem focused on anything in particular. "But...it was nice to feel wanted for once, I guess."
Fujin could sense the mix of emotions swirling within (Y/n) as she opened up about her past with Erron Black. He understood that nostalgia could be both comforting and painful, especially when looking back at complicated relationships.
"Though your body is quite fantastic, it's important that your lover is there for your soul too," Fujin added, cheekily though his words were also wise. "Your body is only temporary, your soul is forever."
(Y/n) flushed bright red at the remark, and though she tried her hardest to conceal her reaction, her efforts were ultimately in vain, and Fujin couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm sorry if that was too forward," he laughed, smiling down at her affectionately, "I tend to speak my mind, sometimes to the point of teasing. Please forgive me." "No, no...don't be sorry," (Y/n) spluttered, waving her hands in a dismissive way, flustered as ever. "I'm just...flattered, is all. And...not used to the compliments."
Fujin's laughter subsided, replaced by a gentle understanding. He could sense (Y/n)'s vulnerability and how unfamiliar she was with receiving sincere compliments.
"Well, get used to it because you deserve every bit of praise that comes your way," Fujin said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You possess qualities that go far beyond physical beauty. Your strength, courage, and resilience are truly admirable."
(Y/n) looked at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and gratitude. It was as if Fujin's words were shining a light on parts of herself that she had forgotten or overlooked.
"You're just saying that," (Y/n) let out a mix between a scoff and a laugh as she shook her head, looking away from him. "I don't say things just for the sake of saying them," Fujin assured her, walking a little closer to her, so that that her shoulder would brush against him as they strolled. "These words come from my heart, and they are meant for you, and you alone."
(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading within her at Fujin's words and his gentle proximity. His presence provided a sense of comfort that she hadn't realized she was craving.
Walking ahead, (Y/n) abruptly turned around to face Fujin, stopping the both of them in their tracks as she looked up at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Tell me this, Fujin," she began, her tone quite serious though he could sense her playful undertone as always, "why are you so interested in me?"
Fujin met (Y/n)'s gaze, his eyes unwavering as he considered her question. In all honesty, he didn't have a straight answer himself. He just...liked her. He liked being around her, even if this was only their second meeting. His intuition spoke to him, and of all people, it wanted her.
"To put it simply, (Y/n), I can't quite explain why I'm so interested in you," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "Sometimes, the heart simply knows what it wants, and it's drawn to certain individuals without any logical reasoning. All one can do is listen."
She stared at him for a moment, allowing herself to process his words in a quiet contemplation. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath as she thought, and it's serene nature didn't keep her thinking for very long.
"...you...you hardly even know me," she huffed, looking away from him. "You're right, (Y/n), but I want to."
(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest, a mix of uncertainty and intrigue. She had been guarded for so long, protecting herself from the world and its complexities. But here was Fujin, offering her a chance to be known, to be seen.
"I've built walls around myself," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to let someone in. Not again, not after the way he treated me."
There was a quiet thump as (Y/n) felt back into the grass, below the thick stump of a plum blossom. She took a moment to feel the earth below her, threading her fingers into the grass as she inhaled deeply, taking in all the smells around.
Fujin watched her, his gaze soft yet intent. He respected her vulnerability and the walls she had built to protect herself. He knew that trust couldn't be forced or rushed—it had to be earned.
Quietly, Fujin knelt down beside her, mirroring her actions and feeling the grass between his own fingers. The earth seemed to respond to their presence, embracing them in its ancient wisdom. He wanted (Y/n) to know that he would be patient, that he would wait for her to find the courage to let someone in again.
"There doesn't need to be any strings tied to this," Fujin said gently, his eyes never leaving hers. "No expectations, no pressure. I simply enjoy your company and want to know you better. It's okay to take things one step at a time."
She gazed at him thoughtfully, her eyes taking the time to memorise all of his features.
Fujin met her gaze, his own eyes reflecting a quiet intensity and a genuine curiosity about the person before him. He appreciated the thoughtful way she observed him, as if she was cataloging every nuance, every detail.
The forest around them seemed to echo their stillness, and the world beyond their small haven felt distant and unimportant. In this moment, it was just the two of them, the earth beneath them, and the secrets of their hearts.
Then, a small chuckle, one which fell from (Y/n)'s lips.
She sat up.
"You know, Lord Fujin," she began, getting up from off the ground and brushing herself off. "I think that if I see you one more time, I just might fall in love with you."
She sighed, he back to him though she had her head turned so she could see him in the corner of her eye.
"...so, I suppose we can wait and see til then, can't we?"
Without so much as another word, she disappeared into a plume of dark smoke.
Fujin watched her vanish into the plume of dark smoke, his heart feeling strangely light yet heavy all at once. Her words lingered in the air, echoing through the quiet forest. He couldn't help but smile, touched by her honesty and the hint of vulnerability she had shown.
"As you wish," he whispered softly to the empty space where she had stood.
Fujin remained there for a while, alone in the forest, the fading echoes of her laughter in his ears and the memory of her presence in his heart. It was a moment he would carry with him, a fragment of something beautiful and unexpected.
With a final glance at the tranquil woods, he too vanished into the wind, leaving the forest to its ancient secrets and the promise of another meeting, whenever fate deemed it so.
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mikashisus · 4 months
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Memories of You
“i’d cut my soul into a million different pieces just to form a constellation to light your way home. i’d write love poems to the parts of yourself you can’t stand. i’d stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you i’m not afraid of your dark.”
— andrea gibson
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summary: In which, Barbatos reflects on a distant past, a time where he felt the cruel sting of first love.
pairing: venti x fem!reader
content warnings: death, angst
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wc: 1.7k
author’s notes: this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile. decided to post it here since i dont want it to go to waste yk.
i recommend listening to iris by the goo goo dolls while u read! enjoy! <3
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Aether shuffled his way through the busy streets of Mondstadt, craning his neck to look for the ever playful bard.
This time of year had rolled around once again: the time of the Windblume Festival.
Mondstadt was a romantic and free city, without the rule of royalty. And although many years had passed since the people last saw their beloved archon, he still wandered the streets as a carefree bard— an archon hidden in plain sight, though his "disguise" actually should've given him away a long time ago.
At the sound of singing, Paimon gasped and grabbed Aether's attention by pulling on his arm. "Look!" She pointed ahead, where Venti had been standing in front of the mighty statue of Barbatos. "The tone-deaf bard is performing again! Let's get closer!" She floated above the heads of the crowd, glancing back at Aether while he struggled to get to the front.
Akin to Venti's many other songs, this one told a story of a harrowing tale. Of a love found through festivals and flowers, of a maiden with stars in her eyes and a smile as warm as the sun.
She was as beautiful as the sky on a cloudless night, with grace like that of royalty. Every word she spoke flowed off her tongue like liquid gold, and each press of her fingertips were as light as a feather. Crafted from the finest marble and made to be worshipped like a goddess.
She fell in love with a boy, one filled with determination and courage. A boy who cared a little too much for others and never for himself.
A boy who sought freedom, up until the very end.
The story continued, with the girl clueless as to the boy's death. Not having witnessed his final moments and final words, she was left in the dark, never to know he passed on because his form was taken on by someone else.
His memory was preserved, and she found him after a long while of wandering on her own. Tears were shed, and wine was brewed in celebration, and as the Anemo Archon bestowed a blessing of protection onto her, he whispered to her through the wind and together they created what was now known to be the Windblume Festival.
The people of Mondstadt joined in, and the tradition was carried down through the generations. The song ended on a happy note, but Aether could sense there was something more to the story.
As the people around him clapped for Venti's stellar performance and eventually dispersed, Aether took his chance to finally speak with the bard.
"Ah, Aether! Paimon!" Venti greeted with a smile, his voice a little strained. There was something clearly wrong. "How are you enjoying another Windblume Festival? Is it as exciting as the others?"
Paimon hummed excitedly. "Mhm! It's so nice seeing the city decked out! And I bet you're having the time of your life with all this wine too!" She pointed accusingly to the wine left at the foot of the Barbatos statue, along with multiple bouquets of cecilias.
Venti laughed nervously before clearing his throat. "Shh!" He brought a finger to his lips and spoke softly, "Don't blow my cover!"
"Who was that song about?" Aether questioned, getting straight to the point instead of beating around the bush.
He knew Venti was familiar with whomever was in that ballad, as he knew many people throughout history and was knowledgeable on many events. He knew how the Golden Apple Archipelago was formed (because he was behind it), the history of all the festivals in Mondstadt (because he created them), and especially— what happened 2,600 years ago during the reign of Decarabian.
Venti's face fell, a solemn smile adorning his lips. "Ah, that. Nothing gets past you, does it?" He tried to lighten the mood with a small laugh. He sighed, "Meet me at Old Mondstadt. I'll tell you the story in full there. But first, there's something I must do. I'll see you there."
Aether nodded, watching as Venti disappeared into a gust of wind and dandelions. He followed the bard's orders and began to trek into the mountains, ignoring Paimon's theories and complaints on the way.
The wind blew especially hard here, a testament to the ruins that withstood time. He wandered the outskirts as he waited for Venti, taking in the breathtaking scenery.
A gust of wind blew his braid around, and he squinted his eyes until it died down a little. There was no doubt in his mind that that had been Venti making a grand entrance. He turned to his right, and sure enough, his suspicions were correct. The lonesome bard stood there with a look of nostalgia in his eyes and a small bouquet of cecilias in his hand.
"It was over two thousand years ago, before the fall of Decarabian," he began, his tone turning serious. Aether could tell he was no longer talking to Venti, and was now speaking with Barbatos. There was always a notable difference between the two.
Venti was a carefree bard who represented the true meaning of freedom. He had no worries and lived everyday to its fullest. He traveled the world and sang songs from the past, present, and even the future. He was jovial and exceptionally fun to be around. Barbatos on the other hand, was on the calmer and wiser side. He was full of regrets, and although being labeled the god of freedom, he wasn't free in the slightest. He carried the memories of his fallen friends, and held a deep rooted fear of the heavens above. He's seen the cruelty of the world, experienced it for himself, and drank his worries away until he felt numb.
He was kind and gentle towards his people, loved them with all his heart and protected them from threats. He promised them everlasting freedom, even if it meant giving up his own in turn for it. He never abandoned them, and always listened to the prayers they whispered along the wind. He tried his best to answer said prayers, giving hope to his people and blessing them with joyful days. He walked among them, saw them as equals and never as inferior.
Among the gods Aether has met, two have struck a serious chord within him. The gods of freedom and wisdom, two who were the kindest and most loving.
"I met a girl..." Venti continued, taking a sharp inhale. "Well... my friend did. The two of them met during the rebellion. They loved each other dearly, and before I knew what was happening, I had also fallen in love with her." He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.
"I watched as they lived out their days happily together, despite what was going on. I thought it cruel to wish that was me loving her instead of him, but... I supported them, because that was the only thing I could do." He swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "And then it happened... my friend passed, and his final words to me were a song. I ascended to godhood not long after, and brought his memory back into the world."
"And now his form represents what the Anemo Archon looks like..." Aether said softly, receiving a slow nod in return. It was crazy to think about that: that the Anemo Archon statue in the city, and the statues of The Seven littered throughout Mondstadt depicted the nameless bard's form, and not Barbatos'. In fact, he never realized that until now.
"I couldn't let his memory be forgotten." Venti shook his head. "And now it never will be." A small silence passed as the three of them let that fact sink in. Venti closed his eyes and continued his story. "After his death and my ascension, I found her again. She was older— she was a mortal after all. And her beautiful features had not changed at all. Our reunion was bittersweet, as it wasn't me she was looking at, but my friend. It hurt, but I dared not tell her my true identity.
"We continued on, and I got to love her in his stead. I wrote her poems and sang her ballads, even sung some of the ones he dedicated to her. As the Anemo Archon and the god of freedom, I sought out peace and freedom for my people. I made festivals, one of them being the Windblume Festival. I dedicated the festival of love and cheer to her, and in the song I wrote about her, I tweaked the story a little.
"I changed it so that both her and I created the Windblume Festival. That way, she would always be a huge part of Mondstadt's history. Just like my friend."
"What happened after?" Paimon asked, a little too invested into this story. So much so, that she didn't realize how much of an impact her question had on him.
He bit his lip, his eyes turning glossy as he looked down at the cecilias he held tightly in his hands. "She died, never knowing what truly happened to the one she loved, and never knowing that I am Barbatos." The wind picked up, a clear sign of his bubbling emotions, and he made quick work to calm down. He couldn't be seen like this, vulnerable and upset. It tarnished his image as a jovial bard.
He led them inside the ruined tower, descending a few sets of stairs until they reached a spacious room. He walked ahead as the other two gawked in wonder, and knelt down next to a masterless vision. Her vision. He placed the bouquet of cecilias overtop of the vision, closing his eyes and paying his respects before he stood back up.
"It's okay, though. She didn't need to know that I am Barbatos to know that I loved her."
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author’s notes: didn't realize until after i wrote this that the windblume festival was created FOR the anemo archon & not by him 💀 mb ig
barbatos created ludi harpastum tho, i do know that. i think i got the two mixed up when writing but wtv. we'll just pretend he created the windblume festival lmfao
this was written before the events of 4.0.
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ɪ ᴋ ᴇ ᴍ ᴇ ɴ ᴘ ʀ ɪ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ CLAVIS × READER 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬: 𝐀 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲
✦. 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗘 fluff, slice of life 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗦 1200+ 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦 These are the three ficlets I posted earlier collected in one place ^^ 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 slight suggestive content (MDNI)
01. "Amoureux"
"I'd like the records to reflect how very much against this I am."
"There is no record. No one will ever know the horrible acts of villainy I'm subjecting you to here today. Feel free to scream if you'd like." Tying his cravat seemed a lot simpler in theory. Clothing shouldn't require this much finesse. But it only heightens your respect for this marvelous man. "How come it's fine for me to take it off but not put it on?"
A lifetime of frowning couldn't account for the devastating pitch of his brows. "It's a matter of principle. This right here goes against everything a gentleman stands for."
"Would you rather stand up while I do this then?" Cue a perfectly-timed squeeze of the legs around his waist.
"Normally I'd delight at the idea of you clinging to me like a marsupial. My beloved, my twinkle-thighed accomplice. But these are far from normal circumstances. My love. O' cruel warden of my heart. I dress myself specifically so you can do the undressing without issue."
"You must be mortified if you're resorting to insulting your beloved."
"Words in my mouth. Wouldn't you rather just kiss me instead? Make a cravat of my tongue? Please, darling. Sweetheart. Feel free to touch me to your heart's content. Just not inappropriately like this."
Okay, the knot seems to be cooperating. "This is what lovers do."
"Correction: this is what boring, run-of-the-mill, unimaginative, Chev-esque—mmmmmnnfphhh...mmmm?"
"You'll get the second half of that kiss if you behave."
Breathless. Sunset colors on the apples of his cheeks. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because sometimes I get jealous of all the parts of you that your hands get to touch and I don't."
"Did I break you?"
"Blink once if you're still alive."
"Okay, good. I'm done by the way. What do you think?"
"It's..." He clears his throat. He pointedly refuses your gaze. The line of his lips fights against a series of twitches. "Is this how you felt when you first saw my cooking?"
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02. "Jeter l'éponge" feat. Cyran
"I think she wants you to stop."
"Hahaha! Oh, she's far too smitten for that. Besides, she hasn't kicked me in the face yet."
Cyran's exasperation alone crowds the stables. Only once he nears the first stall (holding Chevalier's stallion) does his tread slow. Each subsequent step, while pointed toward Clavis, seems more inclined toward the horses to his side. By stall three his expression has more in common with the bubbly spring air outside than the retreating sun at its back.
Clavis assumes he's safe in the meantime. Until a hand claps his shoulder. Cyran's other hand pries the brush from him mid-stroke. "I groomed her when we returned from town earlier."
Irritation mars Clavis' features for a cloudy half-second. His face recomposes just as quickly, elastic from a lifetime of faking. He rips the brush back in a flourish causing the bay mare between them to sigh almost human-like. "Nothing warms my heart more than when my favorite knight and favorite horse get along, but this is my special bonding time."
Cyran stares as if he's unsure why he lets Clavis finish his sentences. He seizes the brush back. "You never come by at this hour."
Clavis slips the brush back before Cyran realizes what's happened. "Think of it as a surprise inspection."
Cyran yanks the brush and Clavis narrowly avoids smooching a horse. "Leave her out of your procrastinating, please."
The brush reappears in Clavis' hand. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Snatch. "I rather think you—"
The horse whinnies, her tail swishing against her manger and dislodging a tiny avalanche of grain.
"You're stressing her out!" comes the voice of two idiots in harmony.
The horse throws a look so tormented it may as well have found itself in an enemy camp.
Cyran is the first to stand down. He tucks his hair behind his ear and fixes Clavis with a softer, pitying expression. "The bumps are gone. I triple-checked. She's perfectly fine."
"I think she could stand to be a bit more shiny. It won't do for her beautiful master to outshine her."
"I'm not procrastinating. I sent the formal request before coming here."
"That's not what Lucian tells me."
"Then I'm pleased to know that even Lucian misses things sometimes." A hint of surprise glitters in Clavis' eyes.
Cyran puffs his cheeks before sighing. He idly toys with the hilt of the sword at his belt. A long moment passes. "Okay. Fine. I'll leave you to it, then."
Clavis claps Cyran's shoulder this time, stopping him. "So you'll help me?"
"With what?"
"Picking out the best fabric. For the outfit."
"The outfit for your lover or..." Cyran glances to the side. "...for the horse?"
"For the horse of course." Clavis produces a sketchbook from who-knows-where. "There's no better way to celebrate a full-recovery than with a brand new outfit."
Cyran stares as if he's really, really unsure why he lets Clavis finish his sentences. Ever.
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03. "Être Fleur Bleue"
"Trust me, I know what I'm..."
Ah. He's crying isn't he.
If he doesn't raise his head soon the kitchen counter is going to leave a very unfriendly dent on his forehead.
The big, beautiful baby.
"Can you cry onto the cake?"
"Hahaha! I'm not crying." A moment later: "...What?"
Some vindictive part of you enjoys his unusual de-spirited reticence.
That part is small. In truth, your heart weighs in your chest like a cradle withstanding lonely cries.
"You've flavored your cakes with everything under the sun except your tears, right?" With your back to him, you un-cloche the exotic, three-tiered monstrosity on the opposite counter.
His voice comes out nasally. "...And blood... technically..."
Over your shoulder: "Hard pass on that one, my dear."
"Mm, say that again?" His voice is clearer this time. He may have glanced up.
"Later." Ah. You're blushing aren't you.
"Okay. Later." You know he says it more for his sake. "I haven't explored any bodily-fluid-flavored—"
"Less brainstorming and more crying onto this cake!"
His forehead is back on the counter. You hover the cake in the space below his face. You can't see his tears, but the cake can, and that's enough.
"...You'd still eat it if I cried onto it?" That tiny, frail voice you so rarely heard.
"I'm not exactly keen on it, but I also don't know anything else I'd rather eat right now."
His back flinches with the sudden choking phenomenon that seizes him.
"Are you okay?"
He nods. "Tip-top." He takes a scoop of the cake onto the tip of his forefinger. Then he brings it to his face, and still keeping his head glued to the counter he awkwardly fishes his finger through the air up toward you.
You didn't think he'd actually do it.
You didn't think you'd actually close your mouth around his finger.
He moans. You moan. Well, this is embarrassing.
And then you're both laughing. The cake goes back on the counter. Your arms wrap around his bent-over figure. Your cheek rests over his rib-cage. Your ears listen for his beautiful laughter.
His back rises slightly with his heavy, shaky inhale. "It's not every day a beauty as such as you gets to enjoy a treat as scrumptious as me."
You scoff, gently stroking his back and playing with the hair at the base of his neck. "What are you talking about? That's literally every day with you."
"Stop. I'm going to cry."
You peck one of his vertebrae through his coat. "Good thing there's so much cake."
✦✦✦✦ Thank you for reading <3
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itsfarrah · 2 months
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|Chapter 3|
The days following my arrival at Barton Cottage passed in a whirlwind of new experiences and warm companionship. Each morning, I awoke to the gentle sounds of birdsong filtering through the window, a welcome contrast to the cacophony of city life back in America.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting dappled shadows across the garden, the Dashwood family and I embarked upon our daily routine. Mrs. Dashwood tended to her beloved roses, imparting her wisdom on their care as we meandered through the flower beds. Margaret skipped ahead, her laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves as she chased butterflies through the garden.
Elinor, with her practical demeanor, busied herself with household tasks, organizing the pantry and attending to correspondence. Despite the mundane nature of her duties, she approached each task with a quiet efficiency that left me in awe of her capabilities.
Meanwhile, Marianne and I retreated to the parlor, where she indulged my curiosity with tales of English literature and music. With each passing hour, I found myself captivated by her enthusiasm and passion for the arts, eager to absorb every word she uttered.
As the afternoon waned into evening, we gathered around the table for a simple yet satisfying meal, the clatter of cutlery and lively conversation filling the air. We feasted on roasted chicken, accompanied by buttered peas and mashed potatoes, followed by a delectable apple tart for dessert. Between bites, the Dashwood sisters engaged in animated discussion, exchanging tidbits of gossip from the town.
"And did you hear about the recent scandal involving the Thompsons?" Marianne exclaimed, her eyes alight with excitement. "It seems that Mr. Thompson was caught in a compromising situation with Mrs. Smith at the local inn!"
Elinor shook her head in disbelief. "Scandalous indeed," she murmured, her brow furrowed in concern. "It's a wonder how such rumors spread like wildfire in our small community."
Just as Mrs. Dashwood was about to reprimand us for discussing such unladylike matters, a servant entered the room, bearing a letter addressed to the Dashwood family. With eager anticipation, Mrs. Dashwood broke the seal and began to read aloud.
"My dear Dashwood family," she began, her voice carrying a note of excitement. "I am delighted to extend an invitation to a dinner and garden party at Norland Park, hosted by Sir John Middleton. The event is to take place in two days' time, and he kindly requests the pleasure of our company, as well as that of our dear guest, Miss Farrah."
The room erupted into joyful exclamations, each member of the Dashwood family expressing their delight at the prospect of attending such a prestigious event. Marianne's eyes sparkled with excitement, while Elinor nodded in agreement, already considering the logistics of our attendance. Margaret clapped her hands in delight, eager for the chance to explore the grounds of Norland Park.
As Mrs. Dashwood folded the letter and set it aside, she turned to explain to me who Sir John Middleton was. "Sir John is a dear friend of our family and a respected gentleman in the neighborhood," she began. "He is known for his generous hospitality and his fondness for hosting grand gatherings at his estate. His garden parties are particularly renowned, filled with music, dancing, and lively conversation."
Marianne chimed in, her excitement palpable. "And the guests! You'll have the opportunity to meet some of the most esteemed families in the area. The Middletons are well-connected, and their parties are always attended by a delightful mix of society's finest."
Margaret, ever the irrepressible one, interjected with a mischievous grin. "Who knows, perhaps one of us will find a dashing suitor amidst the festivities," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Elinor raised an eyebrow, casting a pointed glance at her sister. "Indeed," she replied dryly, her lips quirking into a small smile. "Though I suspect Marianne may be the one to catch the eye of a certain gentleman."
Marianne's cheeks flushed pink as she swatted playfully at her sister. "Oh, hush, Elinor," she protested, her laughter filling the room.
But Marianne, ever perceptive, noticed the blush that had spread across my cheeks. With a playful glint in her eye, she turned her attention to me. "And what of you, dear Farrah?" she asked, her tone teasing. "Do you anticipate the arrival of a charming suitor at Sir John's party?"
Feeling the weight of their teasing, I blushed furiously, my gaze falling to my hands in embarrassment. "Well," I began, my voice hesitant. "I suppose I am open to the idea of finding a suitable gentleman, but I shan't get my hopes up too high."
Elinor and Mrs. Dashwood exchanged knowing glances before Elinor spoke with a reassuring smile. "Oh, my dear Farrah, there is no doubt that you will capture the attention of a fine gentleman at the party," she said confidently.
Mrs. Dashwood nodded in agreement. "Indeed, my dear," she added, her eyes twinkling with maternal warmth. "You are a charming and delightful young lady, and I have no doubt that there will be many suitors vying for your affections at Sir John's party."
Grateful for their words of encouragement, I nodded in agreement, hoping to bring an end to the teasing. But before I could utter another word, Marianne and Margaret seized upon the opportunity to indulge their penchant for fashion.
"Come, sisters," Marianne exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We must begin planning our attire for the party at once!"
Margaret clapped her hands in agreement. "Indeed!" she declared. "We shall pick out the most elegant dresses, the finest makeup, and the most stylish hairstyles. We shall be the belles of the ball!"
And so, under the watchful eyes of Marianne and Margaret, we embarked upon a whirlwind of satin and lace, trying on dresses and experimenting with hairstyles until the late hours of the night. As I retired to my chamber that evening, the image of the Dashwood sisters' laughter and camaraderie filled me with a sense of belonging, eager for the adventures that awaited us at Norland Park.
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Haytham's Journal Entry
A/N: This is just something I wrote to help me get this brain fog out of my head to finish the other WIPs I have sitting in Word. This is loosely based off the idea prompt list I posted a couple of days ago. Btw I'm am terrible with titles.
Love Letters to My beloved
Haytham x reader
April 1795
My Love,
I wish you could see me now, I wish you were here. Your flowers are in full bloom, the roses shine their red and pink hues. The apple tree as well is at full bloom as well as the tulips and marigolds . The sun as warm as the love you had very little time to show me. I made sure to put some of them at your grave. I miss you, the bed is too cold for me, the kitchen is too empty, the living room and your study is too quiet for my liking. I think back to the short time we spent together, one of my many regrets in this life. Not spending enough time with you and putting the order first strained us. We drifted apart and I found love with another. It wasn't until we were almost done with life that I found you again. Training Connor no less, finding out you had been raising him since his mother's death. In all reality, I was lost at the time. Realizing my whole life had been a lie, that the Order I followed was responsible for the many misfortunes in life. When you found me again, I had little care for myself and no care for any other. Then when everyone was slowing dying, you offered the suggestion to leave the order and disappear into the night. I took it, simply because I was too tired to fight back. That and I know, fighting you and Connor were things I simply did not have the strength to do. I know I didn't have enough time to show you how much I loved you, but I could not see you die by my hand, nor Connor for that manner. Then the 5 years we spent together were grand, but very short. The day you died, I cried until I had no tears left to cry. You promised me would not leave me again and you lied. You promised. You would scold me if you saw me now. I wanted more time with you, needed more time with you- I love you, you were too good for a man like me. Your outer beauty complimented your inner beauty. The tenderness you gave to me makes me miss you and yearn for you more each passing day I dream of you often, hoping I see you soon. Connor comes by when he can, he brings my granddaughters by and they get bigger and bigger. You would have love them. My heart will forever be yours, no matter what. My biggest hope is to be united with you in the afterlife and spend the eternity of time loving you the way you should've been loved from the start.
I hope to see you soon, my love
- Haytham
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mark-of-chrysus · 1 year
"Jay, love of my life, apple of my eye, treasure of my heart, darling of my soul can you do me a favor real quick?" Daniel purred seductively, his hair a dirty mess and dried blood on his knuckles. Jay nodded helplessly.
"Where were you on the evening of July 8, between 9 pm and 2 am?" the police officer questioned the nervous blonde with a stern expression.
'In my home' Jay wrote, trying to convey as much sincerity as possible into his gesture. Technically speaking, he wasn't lying. He had been at home, just not the one they were probably referring to. But they didn't ask, so Jay didn't tell. Home was where his dearest beloved was, even if that meant in the middle of the woods digging up some endangered flower specimen to plant over their 'package'.
He remembered the smell of copper lingering on his body, and how gently Daniel had helped him scrub every inch of the vile blood off of his skin. The thought made a blush rise to his cheeks, which thankfully went unseen by the officer. The phantom touch of delicate fingers scrubbing his scalp sent a shiver down the boy's back as the memory etched itself into the very fabric of his mind clinging to him like an intoxicating perfume.
Daniel had been quiet after 'that', but later confessed to being worried he had scared the blonde. It only took one reassurance to make him bounce back to being his usual preppy self as if he needed nothing more than Jay's word and he would believe that the sun rose for the west. It made something twist in his chest like a pleased feline and then settle into a comforting warmth that would surge forward every time he laid eyes on the brunette teen.
He may not have understood why they had done 'that' but he wasn't about to question his beloved. Danny always had a reason to do things, even if sometimes he didn't share it. Nevertheless, Jay felt that wherever the man's sin was, he deserved his fate. His love had never been unkind to people, even those who sought to take advantage of him, so whatever his motive it had to have been important, so he would do his utmost to protect him from any legal repercussions, even if that meant having to face suspicion from his own family.
After all would be said and done, he could finally enjoy melting into his lover's embrace once more. There was no body, no murder weapon, and no DNA or digital evidence, so nothing could be pinned on them anyway. He just had to be patient, then maybe Daniel would reward him~
"Can anybody confirm this?" The policeman's rough voice rudely cut through his reminiscing and brought him back to reality. This interrogation was really starting to get on his nerves he ought to have the man fired for this later.
'My butler' he wrote, briefly pausing and adding something else onto the notebook before he handed it back to the man.
"Your boyfriend, huh? And does this midnight Romeo have a name?"
'Daniel Park'
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nemo-of-house-hamartia · 11 months
Hello, darling Nemo! 💜 Been trying to decide which of your OCs to pick and choose for the character aesthetics meme and I finally managed to make a decision - if you don't mind, please make something for Robert, he's such a wonderful OC of yours! 💕Thank you!
Darling Susie, welcome, welcome!
Thank you so much for your ask, I am so happy to be able to babble a little about my Sweet Robin! <3 I don't talk about him enough!
So, allow me to share his Aesthetic!
MOODBOARD: (I took the liberty of doing two moodboards for him, as a child and as an adult, I hope you don't mind. I just love him so much <3)
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" Sogno di Volare ("The Dream of Flight")"- Christopher Tin
"Come by the Hills" - Loreena McKennitt
"A lifetime of Adventure" - Tuomas Holopainen
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“So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!” -  J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, to roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.”- Hans Christian Andersen
“I don't use the word "can't" because I don't believe in limiting myself. I am able. I am capable. I am strong. Never think less of yourself because society expects you to behave in a certain way. We decide our own limits. I have chosen to have none.” - Amanda McDonough, Ready to Be Heard: How I Lost My Hearing and Found My Voice
“Awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters.” - C.S. Lewis, The Magician's Nephew
Sunny days; the perfume of freshly baked bread; apple blossoms; a meadow filled with flowers and buzzing with bees; honeyed apple and cinnamon tea; the clear April sky; clouds as soft as cotton; white linen curtains that gently flow in the early morning breeze; fields of golden barley swaying in the sunset breeze; birds bathing in the small stony bath just beneath his window; eyes filled with wonder and hope and joy for life;long walks in the evening sun following path of dirt; travelling by train around and discovering new things; games of musical chairs played with his siblings and his parents; evening spent sketching portraits of the most beloved people; the palette stained with watercolours; a jar filled with brushes; his family's love cradling him and supporting him;
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