#he is such a slimey dude
scochetheboat · 2 years
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Posting fuckin strange dudes
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thepartyishere · 4 months
typing "dude (gender neutral)" is so much more work than just picking an actually gender neutral word. istg.
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prettyboypistol · 6 months
Slimey horny 16 y/o energy, hides his porn mags under his mattress and likes to talk to the imaginary girl bouncing on his dick this is canon and you can't convince me otherwise.
Again, mutters to himself, even in his wet dreams. Although, in his dreams he usually busts to the idea of fucking another dude on the battlefield to assert his dominance. It's a little cheesy, but he likes the ego boost when he's asleep
When he's awake he megapanics about the gay dreams and convinces himself that it's like- totally straight. A girl he banged a few years ago talked about dream interpretation once- it just means he has a power craving!
Has tried jerking off to men but he was so stressed out it killed his boner.
dick size: nothing to write home about tbh but it's fine i guess.
Jerks off often and needs it pretty bad, amazing recovery time tho. One time he stole Spy's weed stash and was absolutely trashed on horny vibes. Gotta say, jerking off high was almost worth the backstab he got for smoking the weed.
Has a bondage, lingerie, and feminization kink. he wants to have someone pretty all tied up and squirming in something femme for him- doesn't matter the gender presentation. He's got some internalized misogyny that he needs to work out (fuck it out of him fuck it out of him tie him up and fuck it out of him while you're in the lingerie)
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velnna · 1 year
I want to know more about your butterfly bug man so bad im eating DRYWALL 👀👀👀
Name’s Ashton Rose (he adopted that last name from his stage name Crimson Rose bc he’s that extra). Grew up in a broken home, loads of abuse, substances and material struggles. Used music as an escape and was exceptionally good at it but life kept getting in the way of his pursuits.
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For some background, yes he’s technically a bug inspired person. Lives in the outskirts of a vaguely industrialised metropolis that brings together many a fantasy species (we got some good old elves, more bug people, people with horns, wings, you name it). His species in particular isn’t very common or well known, and most of them go under the radar as unremarkable slimey 4-armed cryptids with your average human lifespan and below average consitution score.
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The education system there isn’t too bad and Ash manages to graduate what would be something of a highschool equivalent, all the while trying to make ends meet for himself and his deadbeat parents and getting himself into trouble constantly. His musical talent gets noticed by a specific professor during this time (who also happens to dwell in magic shenanigans and there’s a link to the music there but I’ll leave it at that), and this dude does his best to try and steer Ash in a good direction, covering higher education tuition fees and getting him glasses bc the bug’s eyesight is godawful actually
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Unfortunately he keeps getting into more and bigger trouble + struggles with substances himself and there’s only so much the professor can do. At some point in his late teens he meets Dahlia, who has a different but comparable background, and they become partners (in crime?) pretty quickly. They both harbour a lot of resentment for their own families and the systems they were brought into and it pushes them further and further away from a lawful path.
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In their early 20s Ash reaches a breaking point and then comes into play a thing his species can do but which is regarded as taboo: cocooning lol. Essentially there’s a time slot in their youth when the butterfly ppl can trigger that process, after which that’s no longer possible. It turns them into more beautiful, stronger, better (and sometimes venomous) versions of themselves, with wings that in principle are functional. Not a lot is known about this outside their own communities so after this Ash effectively gets to come back as a different person. He and Dahlia orchestrate a whole heist to take the underground criminal net of the city by storm. His music magic and Dahlia’s venom (she’s a spider hybrid of sorts) play a big role there.
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Now they’ve got a drug empire of sorts amongst other nefarious things and Ash is on a mission to unlock a specific sort of power/formula to address things (spoilers?) that pose a threat to his life and ruling. He’s one of the BBEGs btw in case I haven’t made it clear lol
I love them but they’re the worst make no mistake
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
14:43 HRS | p — CHOI BEOMGYU × FEM!READER | g — crack, atsv!au, spiderman!gyu, spiderman!reader | w — minor character death (?), mention of drugs
🌐 https://www.urmom.com. . . . . ⁰🕸️ミ :::🤍)!!!
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“hey, kid, loving the cosplay— but can you get out?”
you shot your wrist at the ceiling and pulled yourself upside down to dangle, so you lay hanging like some spider. you eyed someone— a kid, probably about your age and dressed in the masculine version of your (custom made!!!) suit, holding their hands up and facing the slimey monster you were fighting. “damn,” you chuckled, pulling your back up to crawl on the ceiling, “i didn't know you could summon my lookalikes, villain I wish I knew the name of.”
“me neither,” your arch nemesis of the week responded, a tang of confusion in their own slime muffled voice, “i just thought you cloned yourself.”
“do I look like— nevermind.”
you had crawled up close enough to sling yourself in between your clone and mr. worship-my-calamity-causing-asshole, placing your hands on your hips, “dude, does it look like this town is big enough for the both of us?”
the spiderman you were frowning behind your mask at just tilted their head and shrugged. “i don't think it speaks,” the monster chimed in, before you shot a web at its mouth without glancing at it. ripples of slimey goo echoed in the room, causing a shudder to pass through your spine. “yeah, looks like it.”
then, it scoffed. “you're on my earth, girl.”
“your earth?” you laughed, “dude. are you high? take the kiddy costume off and go home.”
“if this was your earth,” the spiderman just sighed, throwing a beeping device at the monster, “you'd know that the slime cannot be shut up with your webs.”
you scoffed, turning around to face mr slimey, who had your web mouth muffler sliding down it's chin. “dude, he's perfectly silent—” before he blew up in your face. you blinked, turning around to the spiderman with twitching eyes.
“did you just kill him?”
“yeah, not your earth.”
“what the hell, dude!”
the spiderman pulled off his mask to wipe the slime that was covering the eyes, and you thought to yourself, “what the fuck?”
the dude was a god.
you blinked, eyeing him up and down, tingles in your head as he bent below to pick something up, his loose, overgrown hair falling before his eyes. and you shuddered, making him look up towards you. “like I said,” he cracked his fingers, a scowl on his features.
“I'm beomgyu, this earth's one and only spiderman.”
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txt — masterlist
A/N — sorry ik this sucks and its very radnom.... but spiderman!gyu 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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lying-on-floors · 5 months
The Chase
A Hernández twins short fic
(Me and my brother have a very similar dynamic to Taylor and Tyler, so, this is based off of a real experince.)
"No, Taylor!" Tyler runs away from his sister, who was laughing almost maniaclly, "I do not want to wear your girly lotion!"
Taylor retorted, "your hands are so cracked, dude!" She grunts a little as she moves swiftly around their living room, "this doesn't even have a strong scent! It's subtle as hell!"
"Oh, shi--" Tyler fell into the couch and braced himself for his sister's slimey hands, "No, Taylor, eugh!"
His sister laughed triumphantley and declared herself the winner, although there was no actual competition.
"Now I'm gonna smell like you all day!" He rolled his eyes and scoffed at her laughter,
"You love it." Taylor teased and when Tyler protested, she threw a pillow at his head. He grabbed it and stared for a second before moving towards her. Taylor let out a horrified scream and started running away, laughing, and the chase is back on.
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
i aint no southerner but even in the fields of northern midwest, the small town-type councils are getting full of weird bible humpers and trump fuckers. theyre seeping into the reservations too; and its turning the councils, the white councils of some small towns, and the indigenous councils of some reservations, into greedy and ignorant little shitholes with predators and/or liars with dogwhistles. a rez near me has a really slimey and creepy chairhead, he turns his cheek the other way for predators. the small town i live in has a gas station with an LED sign thats pitting its townsfolk against its shitty council with trump fucker buzzwords. if you dont vote for the shitty democrat party, the whole country is gonna turn into even shittier republicans. some of these northerners, theyre just mad theyre being told what to do by southerners, bc they dont even LIVE in bumfuck nowhere. they live in cushy cities thatre falling apart behind the scenes, but they wouldnt even know since they dont pay attention closely enough; they ignore the south and the fucked shit down there anyways. id come off anon but theyd probably be even more pissed that its some native dude whos saying this, too. these northerners thatre bitching about the south? more like, racists 2.0, they dont pay attention anyways even to their own surroundings.
literally man. i fucking hate these people
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insomniaruler · 1 year
I just had this thought,
This image:
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But it’s my goopie silly slimey boys
Doc knew he hadn’t been sleeping enough, between the prank war with the newly dubbed ‘Buttercups’ and working day and night on the Perimeter. So he still isn’t quite sure what he saw the night he dropped by Jevin’s castle.
It was dark in the cathedral when he entered, searching for his fellow hermit. “Jevin?” He called, after a pause there was no answer. Walking deeper into the dark cathedral there was no sign of the slime hybrid. Doc paused a moment to look around, Jevin had truely done an impressive job on the build. Sighing Doc turned to start the long flight home when he heard a crash from the more work focused area of the castle.
Worried for his friend Doc rushed towards the noise he paused as one of his feet squelched into something. Quickly striking a torch he lifted above his head, hoping he didn’t just step on/in his friend. But as the torch bloomed with light in the shadows three pairs of eyes gleamed out at him, far too large to be anything human.
Then they came into focus, one vaguely skin toned leaking slime from all orifices and down its front. Another teal with eyes like the void as it squelched and slowly started towards him. And finally one he half recognized, a sky blue slime inter mixed with bones of small rodents and human. Doc, often thinking himself the wisest of the hermits turned on his heels and ran out of there.
The next morning in the dawn light he returned with Ren jogging behind. “Doc, dude i don’t see why you need full netherite to visit jevi…” Ren petered off when Doc whirled at him, eyes wide. “Alright.” Ren surrendered, following his friend into the towering cathedral.
Doc creeped towards the work area convinced he was going to see the monsters from the night before. But there was nothing. “Wha-“ “hello you two? Need anything?” And then Jevin was there Doc froze up but Ren smiled brightly. “Doc just thought he saw something a while back and wanted my superior nose to help sniff it out!” Ren said. “Ah okay.” Later Doc would swear Jevin’s smile grew larger then what should fit on anyone’s face.
*What doc didn’t see*
Jevin reformed into a human shape frowning. “I hope we didn’t scare him too badly.” “He shouldn’t’ve been snooping I say.” Pete said as he squished his hat back onto his head. “A terrible awful snoop!” Charlie agreed taking a cloth from Jevin to wipe off his face.
“Charlie are you sure we can’t have meetings on your server.” Jevin asked frowning. “Nah we have too many admins they’d notice something for sure.”
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 083 - Vulcan Corruption Undone
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4 Episode 9 - Kir'Shara
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We open with the Vulcan High Command preparing to Invade Andoria. Their leader is claiming that the Andorians have the Xindi prototype weapon, from Season 3. Of Course, we know that Archer destroyed that Prototype when the Andorians tried to take it, so these are just lies for the Vulcans to justify a war.
Meanwhile, Archer is on his way to the Vulcan Capital with the Kir'Shara, and Enterprise is heading to Andoria. Trip's plan is to meet Shran, because of course he's the only Andorian who would trust Enterprise without evidence. Apparently, if the Kir'Shara is revealed to the public, it will prove that the Syrranites are correct about Surak's teachings, and will remove most of the Vulcan High Command's support.
Apparently the Syrranites also know a cure for Panar Syndrome, from way back in the episode Stigma. This doesn't feel like as big a revelation as it should be though, because we haven't really seen how T'Pol's Panar Syndrome has effected her since that episode. If we had been shown its effects throughout, say switched out her Trellium Addiction for the effects of Panar Syndrome, I feel like the revelation would feel more important.
Enterprise arrives at Andoria and tell Shran about the invasion. His anger in this scene is really well performed. Instead of believing their plans however, they transport Savol onto their ship for a torture session. I love that their way of torturing Vulcans is to just forcibly lower their emotional inhibitions, I thought it was a little bit funny. Savol also got a few good lines while being tortured, specifically about his story about the Soldier who's name now means fool in the Vulcan Language. Eventually Shran and the Andorians do come around though, and even invite Enterprise to join them in the battle
A few Vulcans working for the High Command intercept Archer's group, and we get a pretty cool Melee fight scene. T'Pol also lying about where they're taking the Kir'Shara was also great. Archer and T'Pau's various guerrilla tactics in the desert make for some great action.
Meanwhile T'Pol is taken to Vulcan Command, and I just love how slimey V'las sounds when he talks about executing her, like he's just so delighted to have an excuse for an execution. Sent a shiver down my spine. However, his plans are interrupted by the Andorian fleet intercepting the Vulcan fleet. Plus, scans aren't showing the Xindi tech, because it doesn't exist. A Firefight breaks out between the fleets just as Archer arrives at High Command to present the Kir'Shara, and the fleet is called off.
Apparently, also T'Pol's husband has annulled the Marriage, which is a nice conclusion to that particular conflict, I just wish he was more directly involved in the arc for him to come to that conclusion. It looks like Vulcan is going to go through a huge reformation now.
The episode also ends off on a really weird note of revealing that V'Las was working for some other Vulcan dude, and the episode acts like it's a big reveal, but I've never seen this guy before.
This was definitely the political intrigue focus episode I've been looking for since the start of this arc. The Vulcan religion and Worldbuilding stuff is fun, but I'm glad we're really digging into the political corruption themes. I find it really interesting that the Religious sect of the Vulcans seem to become the dominant force on Vulcan after this arc. Is that what they're like going forward? I'm here for it, it's just weird that what I thought about the Vulcans before starting these posts was more akin to how they've been so far.
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eldest-of-katts · 1 year
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hey howdy!! is there any chance I could get c!slime? :DD
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one gooey guy!! a slimey dude!! he is 100% made of flesh (meat flesh)(and bones)(just like people are)(because he's people)(100%)
I headcanon that slime learned what people are made of via those old anatomy textbooks that overexaggerate every muscle so he looks super buff when he first appears. Then he realizes over time that human people tend to not look like they spend 90% of their waking hours lifting and slims down.
also I think dress pants are not conducive to espionage via goo so I gave him some nice shorts instead. and bones!! in roughly the right places.
anyways I hope you like him! If you haven't yet and you're seeing this vote for Eret, ranboo, dipper, hiccup, and Connor in the trans swag polls, send in a screenshot, and I'll draw you a character!
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sluttyten · 1 year
dude I totally relate to your comment about weird male regulars.
used to work in a high end restaurant and this one dude would try to hit on me and give crazy tips thinking I’d go home with him. I thought it was a joke at first but it kept happening and it was so uncomfortable. ended up asking one of my male coworkers to wait his table.
then there was another dude who would show us his vacation pictures all the time but it would just be him with topless women. had slimey smile and everything, he knew what he was doing.
Men are just gross 🤢
We had this one regular, a really old guy who would slip us a little cash tip when we brought his food out to him, but then he started getting creepy imo because he would like hold onto my hand a little too long when he slipped me the money, so I stopped taking it out to him and had someone else do it, and then I found out that he was hugging some of the girls (because we’re pretty much only a female staff here) and would kiss some of them on the cheek, and one of my coworkers even said if she sat down at his table just to chat with him he would like put his hand on her thigh (and she let him, like she thought it was perfectly fine and funny, like wtf no it’s not okay)
Just in general we have some gross and entitled male customers here that I just can’t stand. And the regulars just get a little too comfortable after a while I think, but I did decide yesterday that I just need to not let them bother me. Like if they want to ask for my number or whatever I can tell them no lol
I’m just glad I’ve never had anyone show me pictures like you were talking about. That’s just too weird.
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did you knwo? nickolas cage isnt actually real! some might say hes an alien eith horns but he's actually secretly several billion ants in a dude costume.
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even if he was an ugly, slimey, gross worm..i’d still probably love him.
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redactedwriting · 2 months
Omg yes please kink headcanons too!! (for mcr)
YEAHHHH WOOOOOO (also. in reality i think these dudes are vanilla mfs. but In My Heart and On My Blog, this is the truth)
gerard….im gonna get it out of the way: he has a piss kink. he also likes to tie ppl up but not a big fan of being tied up, but he does love being pinned down. kitty kink fr. he loooves being edged within an inch of his life, being overstimmed to tears, orgasm denial. i think he’d rly like getting spanked (his fave is with a flogger but he doesn’t rly play w that too much bc It Hurts). i think he’d be a little into knives, def into blood. he likes being on display…like, having his legs held open or jerking off for someone to see, sending them pics and vids, just generally being pretty <3 i think he’d have a Fat sir/miss kink. both as the bottom and the top. daddy/mommy not toooo much but he fucks with it sometimes, esp if he wants to be cutesy bratty <3 he likes talking back and getting gagged or his face slapped about it. hair pulling. SIZE QUEEN.
franks a fuckin masochist dude i cannot put into words how true this is. yall know that one shoot of him bloody gagged and bound in the fridge? yeah. rougher sex the better tbh, i think he likes dirty messy sex a lot, and he’d love getting tied with rope and hit, BIG FAN OF CBT……big fan of denial and edging and overstim and his brain says if he’s not crying by the end then he’s not done <3 (all of this is heavily consented to!!!). but also he rly likes soft goopy lovey sex where he gets pampered and loved on and called a sweet pretty boy <3 he loves being good too!! it’s just he’s a fuckin brat so often!!! he loves the sweet degradation too, gets him off so fuckin hard. mmm and of course it isn’t frank without puppy kink :) he loves being a soft sweet pup but he also fucking Loves when he’s called a dirty fucking dog and he’s made to howl and whine in misery (pleasure, but he’s being edged for the billionth time in a night). also scent kink. and piss but only if his partner wants it.
mikey isn’t a masochist but he is a bit of a sadist i think. when he’s bottoming, he likes being choked <3 he also likes forced eye contact and when his jaw gets grabbed so they move his head around. hair pulling. siiiiizeeee queeeeeeen he Loves big dicks. he loves being a good boy but he also likes acting up some <3 and when he’s topping, ugh lord. i think he likes to. like, okay. yknow how korse is like? the bad guy, and there’s the ray guns and he’s just generally Mean to the killjoys? but in that lowkey really fucking sexy way? yeah. mikey likes to top in the ways that make the villains sexy. he’s kinda slimey but in a good way, and he’s always got that holier than thou smirk, and smug voice. and he’d like to slap his partner around a bit, only rarely using something stronger than his hand, and he’d like to watch their eyes roll back when he fucks them hard. he likes pinning them down more than tying them up. big fan of making his partner cry (consensually and not in bad ways etc etc). lowkey i think as both top and bottom he would have a breeding kink. mmm but also sweetie mikey <3 he’d be so into taking care of youuuu and loving on uuuuu and calling you good and sweet and perfect. ugh mikeyway we r in it now
ray has a kink for making his partner come a billion times. overstimulated or just multiple orgasms or whatever? he loves watching them fall apart over and over for him. he loves making them feel good. he’s a soft dom <3 he likes to pin them down and sometimes tie them up. ugh he would be such a fan of shibari but not in a bondage kink way??? like, he just adores seeing his partner tied like that. mmm i think he’d like using fun lubes just to see what it’s like (flavored, warming, etc) and he’d giggle when they’d moan or when he’d moan. it’s so sweet. when he’s bottoming i think he’d lowkey rly like being stepped on. he’d like his hair pulled, he’d rly like scratching. not so much being spanked or giving spanks. he does love a little teasing slap though <3 he’d be into collars on his partner but not on himself i think. ray very much reads as one who is into whatever his partners into yk? and he’s so sexy for it
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slimeylee · 2 years
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this picture practically summarizes this whole thing
dream, sapnap, george, yadda yadda yadda, yeah
"Poor George over there, the sun is just beaming him straight in the face-" Dream commented, nodding his head in the direction of a napping George with the sun pointed directly at his face. Sapnap looked over, laughing. "Dude, how is he still sleeping?" "I do- I don't know, genuinely." Dream replied, picking up the two remotes on the cushion and scooting over to sit closer to his sleeping friend. He gently played with George's hair as him and Sapnap went back to watching television.
Dream instinctively lifted his hand when he heard George prompt a noise. He lowered his hand slightly to see where it hovered before realizing somehow his hand went from being at George's head to George's neck and shoulder. Sapnap looked over and Dream gave a weak smile before lightly grazing a finger over George's collarbone. George grunted quietly, a smile forming on his face.
"mmmh.. stohop.." George mumbled under his breath, scrunching up his shoulders. Sapnap snickered. "Is he?-" "It makes so much sense, doesn't it?!" Dream took advantage of George's arm being slightly raised up and dashing his hand into his armpit. George yelped, his eyes shooting open in surprise. "DrEHEam! Gehehet ohout!" George swatted at Dream's hand, using his other hand to block the blinding sun from his eyes; he was already colourblind, he didn't need to be blind-blind. "Good morning," Dream smiled.
"It's 2 PM, actually," Sapnap mentioned, taking a sip of his water. Dream removed his hand from it's placing, and George let out a few sharp breaths before covering his pink face with a pillow. "Well it's morning time for this british fuck." Dream grinned, jabbing George in the side. A few giggles poured out of George's mouth as he rolled onto his side and brought his knees up to his chest.
Sapnap looked back at the television, as did Dream. Dream's grin turned into a larger smile as he had looked back down at George--only moving his eyes, not his full head. I'm telling you now, you wouldn't believe the scream and flurry of hysterical laughter that George emitted, throwing his head back as Dream dug his fingers evilly--one pair of fingers into George's hip, the other into his left inner thigh.
i kinda suck writing dteam xD i sort of based the way they're talking off of other events (british fuck is what dream called george once, etc.)
hope it was ok tho :p/pos
aaand slimey out ^-^
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passionesolja · 1 year
My thoughts on Astarion and The Deal
Spoilers for Act 2 so readmore if you wanna see em
So before you get into Shar’s Temple, you run into Raphael who offers y’all something in exchange for helping him. Astarion wants to know what the scars on his back mean, so we’re like “yeah we’ll kill this demon for you if you do that”
We get there and I’m like “fuck it let’s fight” only to realize that my team is not able to fight this dude. We have one cleric, two rogues, and a wizard. We is not fighting 10 demons and a big devil boss. I reload the save and try my favorite approach “talking and lying” and as this dude is describing how fuxked over he’s gotten by Raphael’s deal, I’m like “damn. Astarion, my mans, we do not need to fuxking with this Raphael guy” like up until this point I’ve been actually wanting to accept when the offer happens but Raphael is slimey.
And we end up fighting like 50 rats (one of the most difficult fights in the game btw lmao) and after we win and report back, Raphael’s grimey ass pops up and is like “I didn’t say in the deal that subcontractors were allowed” and sends this man to hell. My dawg you don’t have a paper contract you literally do all your contracts in music numbers.
So it falls through and Astarion gets all mad at me like I’m not letting him suck my blood every other mf night. He’s all angry at me and I’m like “chill dawg there’s other people out there who aren’t a slimey devil who will enslave you that can give you answers” and he’s like “fine”
At first I was like “Astarion, dawg, you getting mad at me for not letting you make an even worst decision” and then it hit me like Astarion just is dealing with 2 centuries of hell and trauma by Cazador that he isn’t able to see how fuxked he’d be if he did some shit with Raphael. He wants relief from whatever tf he be going through quick, even if that means doing some shit that will negatively impact him potentially even more. Now im like “I gotta make sure this man don’t do anything self destructive even though I know he gon hate me”
It’s crazy and the game doesn’t even explain that underlying reason to you, you just gotta read between the lines
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Reach Out and Touch
For @mungroveweek Day 2
"Well, great, Munson. Thanks to you, we're going to starve to death down here."
"Me? You're the one that stepped on the vine!"
"Well, this wouldn't have stepped on it if you weren't distracting me!" Billy sniped at the other teen tied to his back, trying to face him only to get a mouthful of Eddie's hair. Billy spat the strands of hair out as he pulled at the gross slimey tentacles that bound the two together. This seemed to anger the appendages as they tightened their grip. The blonde grunted as Eddie's back slammed into his. It had been almost a year since he "died" and ended up in wherever the hell this place was, Billy wasn't exactly sure. At first, he thought it was hell. It had to be, he thought. After all those things that creature who stole his body made him do, Billy figured it was divine punishment. But then he found out that he was very much alive and if he wasn't careful, the creatures that roamed the land he was stuck in could very easily kill him. He learned to survive and he adjusted.
Then he ran into the idiot pinned to his back. Eddie freaking Munson. His former drug dealer and the only other human in the upside down (apparently, that's what his sister and her shit rat friends called it) . He remembered finding the guy half dead near the trailer park. He spent weeks taking care of the other teen, making sure he didn't die. The guy was kind of annoying, but he had pretty good taste in music. And while he wouldn't let Eddie know it, Billy had been desperate for any human contact since he woke up here.
Billy wasn't exactly sure how long it had been now. A few weeks? Or maybe a few months. It was kind of hard to keep track of time here. Eddie was still learning how to survive this place and, as a result, often messed up. They'd had a lot of close calls. But this? While not as deadly (so far, at least), the grabby tentacles were far more annoying. Billy's axe had been tossed to the side by another vine, leaving the two unarmed in the middle of the woods by Lover's Lake.
"Come on, dude, don't worry." Eddie assured Billy as he rolled his shoulders. "Listen, I can't reach it, but I have a knife in my back pocket. You can use it to cut us free."
"This better not be a ploy to get me to grab your ass."
"If I wanted that, I'd just ask." Billy couldn't see it, but he knew Eddie winked as he said this. The younger teen sighed with a roll of his eyes before maneuvering the arm bound to his right side behind him. Running his palm along Eddie's jeans to which the metalhead let out a laugh. "Oh yeah, get a feel for it-"
"Shut up, I'm trying to focus." Billy grunted as he dug into the first pocket. Nothing.
"Wrong pocket~," Eddie called out in his sing-song phone. Billy's hand retracted and reached for the other pocket. His fingers found the blade's handle and quickly pulled it out. Lifting his arm as much as physically possible and using it to slice at the viscous vine wrapped around his chest. It took a few minutes of sawing before slicing the vines down the middle. They fell in a pile, allowing the two boys to stand up as Billy caught his breath. "Hey, are you okay?" Billy turned to face Eddie. Despite the earlier teasing, the metalhead looked genuinely concerned.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Billy shrugged as he tossed the knife back to Eddie. "Just be more careful next time."
"But I-whatever." Eddie threw his hands in the air, and it was Billy's turn to laugh. There were worse people to be stuck with down here.
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