#he is the very model of a scientist salarian
kikithecoconut · 9 months
Doing *that* Tuchanka mission tonight and I am so not prepared to say goodbye to Mordin.
I know it has to be him
I know someone else might get it wrong
He is the very model of a scientist salarian, he’s studied species turian asari and batarian.
Mordin Solus 🫶
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watchmakermori · 2 years
mordin solus most character of all time. blorbo of the century. he is babygirl (he is an old man but also in his 30s). committed so many war crimes (but sees inherent value in all life and will die to preserve it). he is a doctor and a healer (will also fucking kill you). he doesn’t understand romance (but provides enthusiastic sex education for people in cross species relationships). worked in espionage doing unthinkable things (also performed in gilbert and sullivan). he has everything. he is the ultimate. he is the very model of a scientist salarian
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gamequoteshowdown · 9 months
Quote 1: "The way you loved was not my choice, and your death was not my fault" - Jin Sakai, Ghost of Tsushima
Quote 2: "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." - Mordin Solus, Mass Effect 3
Quote 1: Uhhhh I tried searching this quote up and found nothing related to it. I do vaguely remember this being a gut punch when I played Ghost of Tsushima tho - Mod Chaos, seriously please don't search this up it's really sad
Quote 2: Mordin is the very model of a scientist salarian, who has lived unapologetically and even been proud of his work on the genophage that rendered the krogan mostly sterile. But by this point in the game, he has done the rarest thing of all - admitted he made a mistake. You accompany him to the location where he can undo the mistake, to help the krogan be able to have children again, and something goes wrong. It can't be triggered from afar and needs to be done manually. The person going up will not be coming back. And that is when Mordin says "It had to be me. Somebody else might have gotten it wrong." It's a callback to a similar line from ME2, but takes on a whole different meaning when spoken as Mordin's final words. Many a tough gamer has shed tears upon hearing this line. - Submitter
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naiitiel · 2 years
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He really was the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
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sidprescot · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
pick 10 characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people! tagged by @kuwdora and @garaviel thank you both for tagging me 🥰🥰🥰
this was so hard actually omg why is it that as soon as i get asked my favorite (insert thing here) i immediately forget everything i've ever loved. blorbo? i don't know her
cornelius hickey (the terror): who could forget dear rat boy? captain crozier's specialest little princess. gay cannibal thottie with the body. five foot something and he's royalty short king mama ayyy 🎶 killed a man for a free hawaiian vacation and all he got is this lousy t-shirt (sick ass coat he stole from a dead man)
mordin solus (mass effect) - dr war crimes my beloved... he is the very model of a scientist salarian 🥺 only being able to pick one mass effect companion is actually destroying me tho. thane i'm so sorry king
rogue amendiares (cp2077) - LET ME ROMANCE THE HOT MILF CDPR I AM ON MY KNEES
yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher - any/all canon) - that is my WIFE. the love of my life. honorable mention to my side piece cahir i still love you babygirl. and my toxic ex vilgefortz
harry du bois (disco elysium) - the saddest wettest most pathetic man of all time he's just like me fr
frodo baggins (lotr) - the og babygirl ok? he is taking the ring to mordor though he does not know the way!!!!!! second place goes to gandalf and his big naturals
sidney prescott (scream) - thee final girl of all time and the reason for my url enough said
captain spaulding (rob zombie's firefly trilogy) - TUTTI FUCKIN FRUTTI!! that's my fucked up clown dad, babey!!! rip sid haig
dana scully (the x files) - woman of all time tbh. she is the BLUEPRINT. i saw her for the first time when i was like six years old and it altered my brain chemistry forever
astarion (baldur's gate 3) - LISTEN i relate to his story and really appreciate the way his trauma is handled respectfully and the themes of bodily autonomy and consent and reclaiming your power and breaking the cycle and and and- HOWEVER if we are talking thirst there is no question my fave is actually orin 🤪 because i am mentally ill goodbye 💀
tagging: @belgianfry @medalsofgold @margaritalaux-antille @faarkas @chainsawsangel @hannahmationstudios @coconutwaterbending @girlfriendtanjiro @phileilharts @ladyyennefer
absolutely no pressure tho 💕
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sol-consort · 8 months
I was so upset when I thought Grunt died because I was like “I’ve seen him in different cutscenes though what’d I do wrong???” Luckily Grunt is the goat and lived because he’s Grunt. Wish I took him on missions more but you can’t beat the Tali/Shepard/Garrus combo I rocked the entire Trilogy
I love my fatass son even if he blocks 60% of my shots by walking directly in front of my camper Shepard just right after I pull the trigger then yells at me for friendly fire WHEN HE WAS THE ONE TO WALK IN FRONT OF MY SNIPER.
anyway so, I love him so much! I was a few seconds away from opening the task manager and force closing the game bc I thought for sure he died and I didn't want to finish the unskippable cutscene. I would've kill a that rachni queen a thousand times over if it meant Grunt got to live, zero hesitation.
Thankfully his bloodied limbing body emerged eventually and I have never felt happier in my life.
I wish him and Eve had an interaction since the two of them were in the medbay during the same time but oh well. She would've definitely fell hard for my glorious beloved son and forgot about dusty crusty Wrex!
Also his email after he recovers is so
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it is super adorable that both the animals he is obsessed with are from earth just like Shepard, dinosaurs and sharks.
Wait are turians dinosaurs who survived their own meteor radiation-
Anyway! Here is more on the game report so far. I am falling asleep as I type.
Story plot
So far enjoying everything, the story writing is amazing and the dialogue is pretty hard hitting at times. Sometimes bloated but oh well. Tuchanka felt like such a big pay off to a huge build up since the first game, the quest delivered a full course meal.
Especially the reaper fight oh god, you get to feel powerless for once with a brute after brute after brute being thrown at you and no obvious spare ammo laying around. You just have to gun it (Ha) to the controls and avoid getting sqaushed like a bug by the reaper or charged by the brutes like a football.
Cloaking is a god sent gift that spared me so many times, I pray the brutes never develop thermal vision or the braincells to employ technology that uses it.
Mordin's death hit hard man, it was so right tho. It felt like it was meant to be, I wouldn't have cared for a random salarian. But Mordin? Oh no.
The fact he sings the model of a salarian scientist during it is the knife twisting in the back after the stab.
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It's so clear he is doing it to calm himself down, to not mess this up.
It's a reminder of how much he has given to science, his whole life, identity and hobbies. His music, youth and great mind. So many of his beloved students too.
And he dies correcting the mistakes of superiors playing politics who let fear cloud their judgement.
Wrex calls Shepard his sister in it, Wrex has not hit on me once, I am unbelievably thankful for his writers and so overjoyed with this lovely platonic relationship between them.
Because yes they do feel like siblings!
Still, ME1 Wrex now feels like a different person in comparison to ME3 and I am not talking about believes.
I mean he used to be less open with us, less animated and more shut on himself and brooding. Now he laughs, makes jokes and gets excited, I'm really happy for him! It's like he found his true purpose and passion in life.
I forgot how sappy and adorable he is, when sorrounded by badass characters with edges so sharp it could cut a paper, you get so used to them and someone awkward like Kaidan easily stands out.
He's unsure, confused and just so very human. He's still trying to do the right thing while looking at Shepard for guidance. The fact he doesn't think twice before refusing Hackett's offer to have his own ship just to be with us again.
I don't think Kaidan feels complete without Shepard. In his romance he is so sappy and adorable too, earnest and speaking from the heart. Since the first game he was one for romantics and rarely relied on sexy flirting but rather love confessions are more his forte.
I mean look at this man my heart
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I he is just so fjkwkcbaoxjs <3333333 he is the softest person in this whole trilogy, even Tali and Liara are more jaded than him at times. But he still acts as if we were his first love, as if he is a schoolyard boy giving his crush flowers and asking their favourite color.
You mentioned only playing as maleshep so I'm not sure how different our experiences are, so I will mention the things I think are exclusive to femshep here.
In the reconcile scene in ME3 where your ME1 romance takes you back after you romanced someone in the second game, they accuse you of cheating.
Apparently maleshep can say it isn't cheating because they broke up with you on Horizon. But femshape has to apologise for cheating??? It's very weird idk dude.
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I installed a mod that just let me have the maleshep dialogue instead.
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You can also hit on Joker when he asks you about EDI.
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And have a full conversation on him being with you instead.
He rejects you and says he's not Kaidan (ouch) and doesn't date crew, he will follow you into hell but not into your quarters.
EDI doesn't wear a uniform so he feels okay dating her.
Can you hit on EDI as maleshep?
Talking about EDI, it's making me really uncomfortable how openly the game is being inappropriate about her. I get she has a hot body and that's perfectly okay, but why does every other person feel the need to comment on it and sexualise her? Like she's an object or something.
ME1 had this problem with femshep where antagonists would hit on you to show them being trashy or whatever and the paragon option is to swallow it down and keep talking while the renegade option is to call them out on it.
And in ME2, someone calls you a stripper, and a turian npc asks about your boobs.
I thought they fixed it in ME3, and true, so far, femshep doesn't get these weird comments.
But instead everything was turned on EDI and the game keeps bringing it up and it's just gross my dude. At least Shepard could tell them to fuck off but EDI can't.
James Vega is a character I really like! I loved his bro relationship with Shepard so much. Even as femshep he still says "hey man" or things like that.
But it is weird when he hits on you out of the blue without any prior interest indications. I envy the platonic bro relationship he has with maleshep, really wish femshep could have the same one.
He isn't even a romantic interest, you don't flirt with him or anything. He just hits on you sometimes. Because. Woman. Ig.
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Eve opens up to you more as femshep, that was nice and made me feel better. She is one of my favs too, I love everything about her.
The Thane romance broke me oh my god.
He calls you Siha when he warns you about the citidal attack. In his romanced ending, his last ever act before dying is to literally pray for you, not for himself but for you. For his goddess to forgive you and grant you eternal love and peace, his son even joins him.
He says your heart is pure despite all, that's the goddess should keep you by her side and make you a companion to her much like you were to Thane. The moment is so touching and genuinely emotional I actually cried.
The voice actor for femshep is phenomenal in this too. You get used to Shepard's harsh and commander voice tones and suddenly it's all soft and quiet, whispery and on the blink of tears and it literally cracks your heart open and makes you realise how this big strong commander is crumbling watching the love of her life die in front of her.
And the dress looks so out of theme i know but the context to it just makes the scene even more sad.
I didn't know the citidal mission would start, I didn't know about any of this when I finished tuchanka. I just picked the prettiest red dress I could find because I was excited to see Thane again and wondering if he'll kiss Shepard again because he mentions he can't do it much bc of his sickness and would need some rest so I assume a mission or two will reset it.
So in my mind, I'm getting ready for this cute date with Thane, dolling my Shepard and all excited and happy walking to the citidal. Thinking about him and looking forward to his dialogue and make I'll take some pics with him in this pretty outfit.
But it's...he doesn't get to see it. He doesn't get to see Shepard in her pretty dress that she wore for him because she had to change into armour for the mission. Then he gets stabbed and you can't even stay by his side after he saved you from an assassin.
Btw that assassin scene was so fucking cool, it's easy to forget how badass Thane is and how deadly he can be even while dying.
By the time it's all over, Shepard had to go see him in the same red dress for their date because If I went to the Normady to change he would've already died. There is no time. This outfit that was supposed to celebrate their love has become the dress for his funeral instead, the date on his deathbed and it's squeezing my heart painfully.
Like that is the oufit of someone who thought they had more time, of someone who didn't realise how close tragedy came by.
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maybe i’m getting older and my tastes are changing but i’m not sure legion is my top mass effect husbando anymore.
considering one of the general themes of this blog (ie, robot husbandos and my fixation on them), this may surprise you.  i mean, yes, he’s still top-tier robot husband.  but i might have a top-tier alien husbando who might be stirring heartstrings a bit more frantically than legion did.
is it garrus?  no.
is it thane?  nope.
is it wrex?  nah.
it is
just don’t tell my youngest niece, she had a crush on him when she was very little and i dont want to start a fight
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roughentumble · 2 years
he is the very model of a scientist salarian 😭
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nabesimart · 4 years
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Because I needed a happy salarian scientist today.
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magiclikeacharlie · 3 years
A line from a video game that absolutely guts you every time, with no context:
"Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong."
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shepardyke · 4 years
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Replaying the mass effect legendary edition Mordin Solus has me SOBBING!!!!
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illusivesoul · 7 years
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“Try Omega”
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gamequoteshowdown · 8 months
Quote 1: "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." - Mordin Solus, Mass Effect 3
Quote 2: "Wait, which one is the one where you hear your tie talk to you?" "Mental illness." "Because I have that." - Kim Kitsuragi & Harry du Bois, Disco Elysium
Quote 1: Mordin is the very model of a scientist salarian, who has lived unapologetically and even been proud of his work on the genophage that rendered the krogan mostly sterile. But by this point in the game, he has done the rarest thing of all - admitted he made a mistake. You accompany him to the location where he can undo the mistake, to help the krogan be able to have children again, and something goes wrong. It can't be triggered from afar and needs to be done manually. The person going up will not be coming back. And that is when Mordin says "It had to be me. Somebody else might have gotten it wrong." It's a callback to a similar line from ME2, but takes on a whole different meaning when spoken as Mordin's final words. Many a tough gamer has shed tears upon hearing this line. - Submitter
Quote 2: I vibe with this so hard. I should play DE - Mod Chaos
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artsywarden · 3 years
Citadel souvenirs sale!
society6 is having a sale  20% off prints and things in general (50% off phone cases). I just uploaded Mordin at the beach, and ✨ I have other mass effect pieces available as well ✨
Come check the sale! Feel like a spectre for a day
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tinyrogue · 3 years
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“Would have liked to run tests on the sea shells.”
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