#he is traumatized sad boi
fairly-linked · 1 year
If you’re after ideas, I’ve been playing TOTK and all this Korok hatred is devastating to me.
I love the little guys!
I would die for them!
So how about a Reader who meets the Koroks and is immediate in love to the point they have to be pryed away?
( or just some koroks. I love them so much!)
Oh my god??? I just looked them up and they're so cute????? Why do people hate them? Are they annoying or sumn? 😭
Anyway, here. I made this a bit of a jealous Wild x reader (bc it just makes sense lmao) with slight yandere themes
I'm sorry if anything's a bit off, I have never and probably will never play Totk (nothing against it, I'm just a bit broke and have bills n shit... adulting sucks dammit). So if I misinterpret anything, I'm sorry 😭😭😭
So here! Enjoy! (Also sorry this is super short.)
Attention (Jealous!Yandere!Wild x Reader)
Wild sighed for what had to be the hundredth time that day. They'd landed in his Hyrule recently, and on the way to Hateno, some Koroks had appeared.
The Koroks themselves weren't the problem; they were harmless. The problem was that no one could seem to get the little guys away from you.
"Oh my god, they're so cute!" Wild hears you coo, kneeling down in front of one of them. The little guy lets you pick him up, and you swear your heart is melting.
"Aww... Wild, look! He's letting me hold him..." Your blonde boyfriend hears you say. He loves the look on your face, damn near heart-eyed and pouty lipped as you hold the little Korok in your arms.
Oh, how he loved that face. He just wishes it was over him and not some little creature. He does his best to keep his cool.
"I know, daffodil, they're cute, aren't they?" he smiles. He's called you daffodil since you started dating; he's not sure how or why, it just seemed to suit you. Your bright, beautiful smile and your happy personality...
He wishes you'd pay a bit more attention to him, though.
"They're so cute, oh my god..." You whine, your heart melting.
Wild hears you whimper in delight as the little Korok nuzzles your cheek. You have the most adorable expression on your face, and he can practically see your heart melting through your eyes.
"Daffodil, we should maybe let them go now, yeah? They need to go home. It's getting late." Wild says, coming up to place his hand on your back.
"Aww... but I wanna keep him, he's so cute... and look! He likes me too...." you say as the Korok nuzzles you once more.
"I know, sweetheart, but I need you to let him go now, okay?"
He sighs; but then, he gets an idea as you reluctantly put down the Korok. The little creature hugs your leg, not letting go. Wild looks over your shoulder, pretending something is behind you. "Daffodil, there's more over there, see?" He says, nodding once in that direction.
As you excitedly whip around with a happy "Really?!", Wild takes that opportunity to pull the little shit off your leg and punt it into the bushes as hard as he can. You were his, dammit.
You turn back around with a sad expression. "I didn't see anything... Where'd--...?" You question, looking around for the little one that was just here.
Wild only gives you an innocent smile.
"I think he had to go home, sweetheart..." He says, walking up to you and placing a hand on your back again. He pulls you close, kissing the top of your head as you sigh.
"C'mon, daffodil, let's get back to camp, okay?" he says with a smile.
Your shoulders droop, and you nod, walking with him. Someday, he thinks.
Someday, it'll be your own little one your coo over, a perfect mix of you and him.
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nabtime · 4 months
Okay hear me out. Fenton parenting “i support my son being trans but i draw the line at him being a ghost” type situation yeah? Yeah. So like.
They still vivisect him and all that. But also give him top surgery. Since they’re already there and all.
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Do you see my vision
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hibiscussoupbowl · 5 months
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martyrbat · 1 year
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detective comics #833
[ID: a party for Bruce Wayne's ninth birthday! It's his first birthday after his parents were brutally murdered in front of him. For the very special day, a magician is standing on a platform stage and performing a card trick as a crowd watches him. The magician announces, “And as we see, Tommy's card has risen to the top of the deck.” Collections of red, white, and blue party balloons decorate the scene and the number nine is written on one of them. For more environmental storytelling, behind the magician, Zatara, is a vibrant yellow banner that says ‘happy birthday Bruce!’ as Bruce is no where to be seen.
Bruce, as an adult, reflects on the memory and of his relationship with the magician's daughter, Zatanna: ‘I have a checkered history with Zatanna and her family. Before we were born, our fathers worked together on many children's charities. After Zatara became a father himself, he was always willing to do benefit performances to help children in need. Any child.’
At the party, Alfred is talking to Zatara after his performance is over and as the crowd disperses. Alfred tells him, “My thanks again, Mr. Zatara, for entertaining the children.” Zatara warmly responds, “Anything for Thomas and Martha. I was so fond of them. This first year must be terrible for poor Bruce.” The butler-turnt-guardian sighs and agrees, “Indeed. I thought a party might cheer him up, but it appears he's moved beyond childhood diversions.”
He continues to express his concerns and says, “I doubt he'll ever be a child again.” But oblivious to him, a young girl attending the party has overheard him and is now walking off to go find the birthday boy! She finds Bruce sitting with his knees drawn up amongst a small strip of woods next to a river. He stares into the water remorseful before looking over his shoulder with a scowl at the approaching girl. He tells her, “The party's back there.” But she doesn't leave. Bruce starts to sharply repeat himself but she holds up a single finger to stop him. Silently, Zatanna presents a shiny quarter in her concerningly small palm.
She swipes her open hand over the coin to reveal it's disappeared! She mimes a shrug as Bruce watches with disgruntlement before he tries to swat her hands away as Zatanna reaches for his ear! “Yeah, I know. The coin is behind...” But his exasperation is replaced with a small, surprised laugh as Zatanna suddenly blows large bubbles instead! He smiles and closes his eyes as he asks her how did she do that — but when he opens his eyes, she's suddenly gone!
Bruce returns to the party, now having a small smile as he stands alone and looks at Zatanna. Behind him a bunch of kids are playing as she sits in the foreground of the panel – unaware of Bruce's enamored stare. In present time, Bruce thinks to himself, ‘Years later Zatara trained me to become an escape artist, and I came to know Zatanna better through The Justice League. There are times I think we should be closer than we are, but...’ END ID]
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[ID: Zatanna, now an adult, is bleeding out after The Joker shot her in her throat. She's underwater and is staring out to a restrained Batman, who can only watch in anguish as yet another person he loves dies in front of him. In front of her, blood mixes into the water as oxygen bubbles float in front of her dying face. Bruce has a flashback to the above scene of when they were kids and how she performed the bubble magic trick to make him laugh. END ID]
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the-storyteller78 · 4 months
Listened to the Circe Saga of EPIC the musical and guys—
My soft little gremlin Odypen heart is so full of gooey feelingsssssss
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merminns · 9 days
Alright I realize I might be late to the scene and all that but I honestly think ken kaneki is not appreciated enough as a character.
Like really, the complexity of his character keeps increasing the more you get into the story and the so innocent boy we had at the very beginning is getting more and more out of sight yet you can see hints of him with every action he takes.
He was overall portrayed so beautifully and it gives me so many mixed feelings but I just love it all
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mncxbe · 6 months
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the people who (in my opinion) CARRIED Season 5??
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I will not take criticism on this/hj
totally agree!! i raise a toast to them♡🥂
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cologona · 7 months
Fics where Tim or Dick wear Jason down until he comes back to the manor (and inevitably there is a tearful reconciliation with Bruce) just strike me as flying monkey love-bombing now. I can’t unsee it.
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quasieli · 3 months
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[ID copied from alt text: A waist up drawing of Jassin (he/him) and Nita (she/her), set against a wavy patterned orange and pink background. Jassin is a young, thin, dark purple Drow boy with bright purple eyes, long curly white hair pulled up in two puffy pigtails, and white freckles on his cheeks. He is wearing a green t shirt and blue pants. He is looking towards the viewer with a soft smile as he holds Nita in his arms. Nita is an old, crunchy-looking calico cat with paled orange eyes. Her fur is very ruffled and she looks almost like a well loved teddy bear. Her tongue is slightly blepping out of her mouth as she lays close to Jassin. End description.]
My players are headed to help my boy Nam's family out of a tough situation, so ofc I had to draw baby boy brother and the inspiration behind familiar!Nita! Love this crunchy old lady cat ❤️
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greenapel · 1 year
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oh here he is again .. sad detective man ... :)
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cartwheelapple · 1 year
everything i learn about how the dnddads kids turned out when they grew up makes me so sad, taking so much emotional damage listening to s2
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master-of-the-railway · 4 months
Fucks me up that Diesel 10 is in the cgi series. When that's a continuation of the model series, like you can't do this to me!! You cannot just have him there and then never bring back people like Lady or her human pals. Or the goofy little conductor guys!!
anyways the magic railroad is canon 2 me. How exactly? Haven't decided that yet. I would like to include them in my au somehow tho because I do really like Lady and her little family (yes I do consider the humans from the "real world" her family).
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chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
hitler may have died but nazism lives on through israel and america
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doctor-loboto · 1 year
tbh I will never get enough of fanwork where Loboto’s partner(s) express their love by helping him wash in the bathtub especially in a whump or hurt/comfort context because like oh my god you guys the bathtub is his happy place bathing is his love language he just wants to be in warm water with bubbles and floaty toys and have someone gently wash his back you guys
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s1llycilantro · 2 years
i think we need to talk abt the sonic movie book more because it's so similar but different from the movie?? like Tails is more sassy, but it also expands upon her feelings more since we get an inside look on her thoughts. Also Sonic??? BRO ☹️☹️ LEMME PULL UP A QUOTE: okay so after he richoes a missle at knuckles, that he dodges and it hits the statue therefore destroying it, it says. "A thousand years of history gone. And it was all his fault." I DON'T KNOW WHY I TOTALLY SLIPPED MY BRAIN THAT OF COURSE HE'D FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THAT IT WAS PROOF OF LONGCLAWS EXISTENCE AND CULTURE.
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Also, more on Tails (i haven't really gotten to Knuckles' part yet) lemme show u guys some shit that permanently broke me,,
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Literally i cannot shut up enough about how sad Tails Pov chapters make me
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toshidou · 7 months
just binge watched all 4 hunger games movies and 2014 me has ripped its way to the surface to scream about how much she loves peeta mellark
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