#he jamin
buttered-toasty · 9 months
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Yearly obligatory Jamin or whatever. I honestly don’t even think I’ve drawn him since last inktober, which feels crazy since I used to draw him almost daily.
But. He returns 😌
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rottingsam · 1 year
new pfp :]
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ink (2009) dir. jamin winans
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
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Hold My Hand (Crosshair x Reader)
Premise: This is the third installment of...what should have been a one-shot, but here we all are a long while later, so it's probably best to just keep on going down this road to see where it leads. Anyway, Part One was Understanding and Part Two was Red Flags, so if you haven't checked those out yet, feel free to do so now.
Story Notes: One small thing about the tagging system, if I didn't say it already: I hope to make a few more updates for this series, so just in case I am, in fact, keeping the folks who want to read and reblog in the loop, please don't hesitate to do so when you are able. If I'm not...you're welcome to ignore this from here on in, and I'll eventually stop tagging you altogether. Thank you, goodnight, and good luck.
Special Notes: As ever, the header was made by @stars-n-spice. Also, little shout-out to @talesfrommedinastation for inspiring me to use a form of sign language between two characters, one that was originally invented for speaking in deep space when the commlinks didn't work, and also mostly inspired by something similar in "The Expanse".
No-Pressure Tags:
@momojedi @moonstrider9904 @calicos-clones @bigboypantstime @youreababboon
@tink1221 @ms-grassi @galaxyglittering @ah-prick24 @littlefeatherr
@donntmindmejustwandering @housepartyfortwo @beatthisbi @urmomsmattress @mysticalgalaxysalad
@groguandthebadbatch @pendustt @weirdest-lights @flyiingsly @courtney0-0
@emmaflame1336 @briefexpertdeer @shadow-rebel-223 @littlemammoth69 @theosb0rnway
@shazkenobi @reader6898 @maxims-multifandom-corner @monster20045 @darkangel4121
@nevadastarrsworld @thatacefr @crosshair-lover @bennieandthejets-5 @jamine-boi-124
@lani03sstuff @ttzamara @beezez-blog @myeternalsin @sublimeclodkidcolor
@nish-xiii @ash04w3 @clonereeses @lllllmm @melymigo and anybody else looking for a tale that doesn't end in disaster.
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🩶 It's my fault.
🩶 This one simple sentence, this confession, jolts through both you and Omega like a blaster bolt. It's more than enough to make the tears start forming in her eyes, and the questions to build up in yours.
🩶 He doesn't seem to be done talking yet, though, because what spills out of him next speaks volumes.
🩶 "I thought they would--protect us, but they lied. They've been lying this whole time."
🩶 By this point, his hand is shaking so much that you don't think about it, that you don't dare to ask any more questions for fear of making an already painful thing several times worse.
🩶 Rather, you're just moving in to take a gentle hold upon it, if only to offer him whatever comfort that you can.
🩶 To your own comfort, though, he doesn't flinch, pull away, or start telling you off in front of Omega even though you would understand perfectly if he did.
🩶 Instead, whatever's causing all of his ills today eases just a little at the moment of contact with you, because the next thing you both know, his panicked breathing is slowing down and his tense posture starts to loosen up.
🩶 This moment can't last very long, though, because as Omega quietly reminds you, she still has to call home and she thought she heard voices calling in the distance. There is literally no time to lose.
🩶 In turn, you don't mind bringing both of your guests to the old spaceport that used to be your family's business during the war, but since then has had to be converted to a ship repair shop like several more wartime industries have done on your planet. However, there are still a few things you can use here, because you haven't exactly let everything go to rust.
🩶 One of these things is the communication console, a somewhat rusted thing, but still able to access encrypted links like the one on board the Marauder. It's here that Omega hears the voices of her surviving brothers for the first time in what feels like forever, and like any other missing child would do, she's able to let a few relieved sobs out of her system.
🩶 She's also composed herself enough to plan her next few steps, for her next move is to go straight to one of Ryloth's moons for a pick-up...or so she tells the two men on the other end of this line.
🩶 You can only hope that this means she wants to surprise them, guaranteeing two returns of lost family members for the price of one flight, as the old sale slogan goes.
🩶 At this same time, though, Crosshair's got a surprise of his own, for as Omega's busy talking, he's busy signaling to you without saying a word. It's the old spacewalk sign language, the one developed by the first workers within the asteroid belt for when their comms stopped working...and right now, he's telling you that he won't be following Omega down the ramp when the time comes.
🩶 How come, you sign back, a look of confusion upon your face. Don't you want to go with her?
🩶 They'll be looking for two clones traveling together, not separately...and besides, I already know I won't be welcome there.
🩶 Oh...? And where do you plan to go, if not with her?
🩶 I'll improvise. Now...act natural.
🩶 Both of you fall awkwardly silent as Omega finishes her comm; then skips back to you with the most heartbreaking of hopeful grins.
🩶 "They're coming to pick us up," she announces, twirling around in place like a happy little service droid. "We get to go home, home, home!"
🩶  "That's--that's great, Omega," Crosshair manages, forcing out the words as though trying not to choke on them. "Just--don't forget not to leave anything behind, all right?"
🩶  That's your cue to signal to them to go back to the house with you--you definitely have to hide the extra used dishes and utensils until further notice, what decent person wouldn't--but before you do, you're careful to make sure that the shop sign stays upon the word "Closed". The last thing anybody needs right now is some pushy customer demanding service.
🩶  Once you take all of the necessary precautions, though...you have to take just one more look around this little home of yours, if only to reassure yourself that you'll return to it soon, if not eventually.
🩶  After all, just like your mother used to say, the galaxy can be a huge, scary place.
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lordressdragoonbear · 3 months
Lennon Sosa 😍
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Hello, hello! I'm back with another makeover!
So I made over Lennon Sosa because I wanted to and he's dating Colleen so...
Anyway, I think he came out looking a little too good, I genuinely didn't think he would end up looking this good and it kinda makes me mad.
This Here Package contains: 1 Possible gold digger.
P.S, They should come with some of the CC used.
but if they don’t, here are some links of the stuff I could find.
Hair | Eyes | Eyelashes | Eyelash Slider | Skin | Sliders | Shirt | Formal Top | As usual, his eyebrows are no where to be found.
Anything I missed was due to the fact that I've had some of this CC since 2018 and I cannot find it, or pure laziness 😅
I don’t remember where I got all this CC, but a ton of it should be on my CC reblog account @ohcrapitsccfinds​ so head on over there for some CC!
Thanks to all the CC creators whose CC I used, ya’ll are grand and I love your work!
Video Link: https://youtu.be/3pfQCCF2oBA?feature=shared
Bonus! Here is a picture of Jaminic Santiago and his daughter!
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wormscience · 9 months
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really late night day 2. really struggled actually getting the concept down for this but im really proud of it. here it is; day 2, fav character. had to pick airy obviously and hes jamin out to some fun tunes
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faes-land · 2 years
Day 2: Breasts - Jungwoo
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Pairing: Jungwoo x Female reader
Genre: SMUT
Word count: 1,335
Warnings: Motorboating, riding, nipple play
"Y/N, wait! You heard a voice come from behind you as you were about to put your earphones in. You had an idea of who it belonged to, but you weren’t sure. Was it Jamin? You turned around to see Jungwoo panting and smiling at you; his eyes turning into adorable crescents.
"Hey, Jungwoo. What's up?" You noticed that he had one hand behind his back. You smiled at him; he was really cute. You had always liked Jungwoo, but you suppressed your feelings for him since you were almost positive he didn't feel the same way about you.
"Um, well, I have something for you." He looked down and began to turn red. You were confused as to what he could possibly have for you. Why would he have something for you? It was probably food, he always brought you your favorite snacks.
"Oh...what is it?"
Jungwoo moved his hand to show that he was holding a small Daisy in his hand. "I found this earlier and I thought of you. I remember you telling me that daisies were your favorite flowers."
"Th-thank you, Jungwoo. It's beautiful." You smiled at Jungwoo as you were about to take the flower from his hand. He moved his hand before you could take it and put it behind your ear.
"You look so pretty with flowers in your hair, Y/N." You felt your heart flutter when he said that to you. Could he actually have the same feelings towards you? Were you just imagining things? Jungwoo cleared his throat, taking you from your thoughts. "Uh, do you want to go back to my place and study a little?"
"I'd love to,”
Needless to say, studying did not happen. You wanted to, and so did he, but a few after a few words were exchanged, you ended up studying each other’s bodies instead.
The way Jungwoo’s sweet lips felt against your burning skin felt so good and you wanted him to kiss on your neck forever. His hands were all over your body, but one of his hands soon went lower and into your sopping wet panties.
He pulled away from you and smiled, admiring your body. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” he said before he slipped his fingers in your panties and started to rub your clit. You moaned and looked at the cute boy in front of you; you can’t even think about how many times you’d imagined this happening.
“M-Me too,” you moaned out. You grabbed the nape of his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. It was a sloppy kiss, especially since he soon slipped a finger inside you, making you moan into your kiss.
“God, you’re so beautiful like this.” You really were gorgeous to him, he always thought so. He took in your body, your breasts in his line of vision, your nipples hard and begging to be touched and sucked. Jungwoo leaned down and took one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking on it lightly.
“Jungwoo! Yes, oh my god!” You screamed, feeling the new pleasure on your body. Your body was already super sensitive and feeling his tongue on your nipple only heightened the pleasure you felt between your legs as well. He added a second finger, curling his fingers inside you and finding your spot almost instantly.
Your moans became louder and Jungwoo switched to your other nipple. He never admitted it, but he loved your breasts. He was getting so hard from your moans and having your nipple in his mouth. He can’t wait to touch and rub on them while he fucks you deeply.
“Jungwoo, please. I need you,” He halted his movements at your words. He looked up at you with his sweet eyes that were full of lust. He smiled at you before removing his fingers from inside you and licking them clean.
“Mm, so good,” he breathed out. He got up off your bed and removed his boxers. He laid down next to you, grabbing your hips in his hands. “Ride me. I want to see your beautiful body on top of me.” He sat up against your headboard and your eyes widened at the sight of his hard cock standing at attention. The sight alone was enough to make you cum, but you had to have him inside you first.
You put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as you hovered over his cock. You slowly lowered yourself on him. You gasped as he filled you up. You weren’t expecting Jungwoo to be this big, the way he stretched you out was just what you needed. He felt so good inside you that you had half a mind to not even bother moving.
Jungwoo threw his head back onto the headboard once he was fully inside you. He imagined you on top of him countless times, but nothing could ever come close to how you really felt. Once you started to move your hips up and down on him, his grip on your hips tightened and he started to follow your movements.
Jungwoo’s eyes were watching your tits as they bounced up and down once you started to move faster on his dick. He kissed your chest, feeling himself wanting to fuck into you. He also wanted to prolong this as much as he could, so he held back and decided to give your breasts the attention they deserved.
“Fuck,” he breathed out before he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking lightly as he did earlier. You moaned and he smiled. He looked up at your pleasure-ridden face as he swirled his tongue around your hardened nub. Jungwoo’s face was now buried in your chest as you rode him. The pleasure you were feeling from his tongue on your nipple, and his cock reaching your spot repeatedly. You felt like you were floating.
You looked at Jungwoo, his soft hair was a mess, his cheeks were flushed and he looked like the happiest man ever. He was so fucking cute, but what you were doing was a total contrast to the cute boy fucking into you.
Jungwoo pulled away from your breasts to kiss on your neck as his hips were meeting yours. His sharp thrusts into you were quick and heavenly. He moved one of his hands to your clit, rubbing it in time with your movements.
“Jungwoo!!” You moaned loudly and you could feel yourself getting close to your orgasm. Jungwoo was close as well so he started to move a little faster under you, meeting your exact movements. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer, so he applied a little more pressure to your clit and he went back to your nipple, flicking his tongue against it.
After a few more sucks on your nipple and his rough circles on your clit, your orgasm came crashing down. The pleasure was so intense that you couldn’t even make a sound, just mouth agape as your orgasm went through your body in waves. When you could make a sound, all you said was his name.
When you came around his cock, Jungwoo came soon after you, spilling his hot seed inside you. He moved his hips a little to ride out both of your orgasms. He pulled away from your nipple and reached up to bring your lips to his.
Your shared kiss was soft, the opposite of what you two had done. “You really like my boobs, don’t you.”
Jungwoo was now turning red, and he averted his gaze from you. “Maybe,”
You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair, making him look at you. You kissed him again, your hips moving slightly at your movement. You then remembered that he was still deep inside you. You pulled away from your kiss. “I want you on top next time,”
He bit his lip, “As long as I can watch your tits bounce, that works for me.”
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dream-cb · 11 months
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This account is solely for entertainment purposes only. It does not represent any members of Dream or their company
How to Activate:
Please read Rules and Admin first
Send a DM with your name, age, pronouns, trigger/limits, muse, plot and safe word.
For anon, please include the following:
An emoji, pronouns, age, name (if applicable), muse and safe word
Please check Anon List of availability
RP will begin after a few questions
Choose A Member:
Please check availability below (ex: 2/2 is two spots available)
Mark Lee (0/2)
Huang Renjun (2/2)
Lee Jeno (2/2)
Lee Haechan (2/2)
Na Jamin (2/2)
Zhong Chenle (2/2)
Park Jisung (2/2)
Package 1: Vampire Au
He was starving. He had been for days. His body was begging, pleading for something to nourish it but his brain was warning against it. He swore he'd never drain blood from a human being but he had a craving for it. He was in bloodlust and he'd stop at nothing to cure it. That was how you found him hovering over you in the dead of night, seconds away from sinking his teeth into your skin.
Package 2 : Werewolf Au
It was raining outside, pouring in fact, and after a long day, all you wanted to do was rest. Yet as you were driving home from work, you noticed something on the road. Your car came to a grinding halt when you saw what it was - a white wolf. Injured and passed out. Well... you couldn't just leave it there, could you?
Package 3: Teacher Au
He didn't like calling children bad but yours was probably one of the worst he's ever taught. Loud, rowdy and a distraction to the class. These were all notes he wrote to you after giving your child detention for the third time that week. Now, enough was enough and he was going to have to meet with you in person.
Package 4: Hybrid Au
Owning a hybrid was nothing revolutionary. They were seen as less than humans, nothing but mere property. Most people had one whether it be as house pets, sex slaves or mere company. He had been all three and now, he had been tossed to you as a gift from a friend.
Package 5: Serial Killer Au
Everyone knew about his family and the way they treated him. You could often hear him screaming, clawing at the doors in search of some sort of escape. You were always curious about just who had been shouting all these years and you finally found out when you found him passed out on your front porch.
Package 6: Single Dad Au
Work was getting rough. Money was tight and he was running out of ideas. He could barely afford to take care of his son and was in desperate need of someone to take care of him. How lucky he was when you moved into his apartment complex. It took a lot of begging but he finally had a babysitter.
Package 7: Mafia Au
He was born an orphan, never knowing his parents. His mom too young to raise a child, his dad nowhere to be found. Jumping from foster-home to foster-home he never knew what love felt like. When he turned eight-teen he was forced into the world with nowhere to go. He had no choice but to turn to a life of illegal dealings of weapons and false documents, but when he met you his whole life turned upside down. Little did he know, you were the child of his biggest buyer, the boss of a Mafia.
Package 8: Build Your Own
How to Deactivate:
Say "This was a mistake" + [safe word] 
Your chat will be deleted after confirmation
Restarting a new chat will depend on availability
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novankenn · 10 days
Jaune 1/2 (v1-13)
Pyrrha reached out and picked her scroll off her nightstand as Jaune crawled out from under her bed. Pyrrha sat there looking at the name and number for the incoming video call.
Pyrrha: My mom? My mom never calls this early.
Jaune having fully emerged from beneath her bed, draped a towel over her shoulders, and frowned.
Jaune: Are you going to answer that?
Pyrrha: Why does it matter to you?
Jaune: One that ring is obnoxious, and two it's rude not to answer calls from your mom.
Pyrrha shot Jaune a look, and hit the accept icon. After a short delay, the image of her mother appeared. The woman bore a striking resemblance to her daughter. The same sharp emerald eyes, though these ones were framed with a set of red-horn glasses, and of course her hair was much shorter than her daughter's.
Pyrrha's Mom: Pyrrha! How are you sweetie?
Pyrrha: I'm good. How are you? Is there something wrong? It's really early in Argus... are you o...
Pyrrha's Mom: I'm fine sweetie, but I'm not in Argus.
Pyrrha: Not in Argus? Where are you?
Pyrrha's Mom: Ansel. I'm visiting with an old friend...
Pyrrha: Ansel?
Pyrrha's Mom: Yes, sweetie. In fact this is the hometown of your husband-to-be!
Pyrrha: Excuse me?
Pyrrha's Mom: Actually I'm calling to let you know he's going to be at Beacon, and I thought it would be nice for you to...
Pyrrha: Already met him.
Pyrrha's Mom: Really? That's wond...
Pyrrha: I refuse, to marry someone like that!
Pyrrha's Mom: Don't be like that honey. As soon as you and Jaune were born, Jasmine and I knew you two belonged together.
Pyrrha's Mom: Pyrrha, honey is there someone there with you?
Pyrrha: Yes... yes in fact...
Pyrrha taps the camera flip icon and instantly Jaune with her chest barely covered by the towel about her neck was front and center.
Jaune: EEP!
Pyrrha: Say hello to my.... FIANCEE, MOM!
Pyrrha's Mom: Oh my gods! You were absolutely right Jasmine! Jaune makes an adorable girl!
Jamine (Off screen) : I told you Athena. Gives a good indication what their daughters will look like doesn't it?
Athena: It does!
Pyrrha: Mom?
Athena: Well I was just calling to let you know, but seeing as you have already met... and gotten a room together... we'll leave you alone. Love you.
With that the call ended.
Pyrrha: Mom?
Seeing the look of utter disbelief on Pyrrha's face Jaune pulled on a pair of running shorts and went for the door...
Jaune: I'm just going to go for a run... HEY!
Jaune dodged to the side as Pyrrha's scrolls shattered against the door frame.
==\ Episode List /==
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alansbakery · 14 days
Names lil:
Ben(jamin)- brown hair dude (he/they)
Charlie- Ginder (They/them)
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nanaloco · 1 year
part 2 of being best friends with jaemin pls ... i cried /pos
More than friends? Pt 2 - Best friends to lovers
Wc: 2.08K
This is a part 2 of the it’s complicated series’ Jaemin part (part one), but this is pretty much stand alone <3
Warnings: none really. Girly pop Jaemin, Kdrama-like-cheesyness, shy Jaemin (at the beginning *lol*), emojis in my writing 😁, although it’s quite short, I’d say it’s slow burn, lots of beating around the bush, one off dick joke, minimal swearing
Genre: bestfriend!Jaemin x Gn!reader, best friends to lovers. Tooth rotting fluff, crack fic kinda (a lot of bickering)
Featuring - 7 dream lol
Tysm anon for requesting 💕
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It was an ordinary day meaning an ordinary hang out at Jaemins place with him and his friends who, a this point were your friends too. Jaemin had been quick to his feet to get some meat for a barbecue (after you had said you were craving ribs) along with Jeno, and Jisung who had tagged along for snacks; leaving you with Chenle, Renjun and Mark as Haechan was arriving later.
“ Y/n, I know that we've kinda asked this question before, but we wanna like reaaally discuss it this time” Mark starts with his hands clasped, thumb rubbing over the back of his hand. “Have you ever like, with Jaemin like, have you ever-“ “seen him as more than a friend?” Chenle cuts him off eagerly, Renjun staring at you with anticipation. “Uhmm, what does that mean?”
Truth is, you hadn't actually really thought about it. It's only at times like these when one of these three slyly ask you these types of questions, only then is when you really think back on your relationship with Jaemin. 'Y/n, really think about it okay.’
He's a really reliable person, call him and he's there for you, whenever you need. When you're hungry, or when you've had a bad day at work, or a bad week, just wherever a pick me up hang out sesh is in order. Even when you don't need him, he's there, invading your personal space or in your kitchen cooking food. In other words, you really trust him and he's someone really special and important to you as you want to be the person he can rely on too. A shoulder to lean on. Someone you can always count on.
How he would always offer to pick you up from work or to just be your chaperone in general. The activities he books for you two, How he put his hands over yours while you were making pottery mugs. Not just your booked activities but things you two do together, buy groceries together, head to the market together he'd even go with you to any cosmetic appointments like nails,a hair cut, being your hair done, no matter how long because he loves you (but you still remain oblivious.)
"Hmm well, he might make a good boyfriend..
They're all almost giving you deathglares at this point a really good boyfriend" "aaaaaaaand?"
"And? We're just friends, I know that how he sees it, he's just that nice to everyone, thats jow jaemin is." "YIn, what are we going to eat today?" Renjun deadpans "who shot up out of their seat and threw their shoes on as soon as you said you were craving Barbecue meat" chenle adds "Be so serious Y/n..
Truthfully, the possibility Jamin ever liked you never crossed your mind, you just thought he was kind to everyone, which is why you refrained from seeing him in that way.
"Would you kiss him?" Mark questions while smirking and raising his eyebrows.
Would you kiss Jaemin? You thought to yourself covering your face out of shyness, Thinking back to the times you'd see his teasingly try to kiss jisung and everyone else when teasing, skipping you (out of respect) only wishing you'd be included too. Thinking back to the vlogs he'd take randomly in the day and send to you where half his face takes up the whole camera when you notice your lips drifting towards his as his soft voice ambiently rambles on in the background of your chaotic thoughts innocently going on about what this old lady said to him in on the way to work.
You uncover your eyes only to be met by Haechan right in your face, lips puckering. "EW HAECHAN GROSS" you say whacking his head to the side. "Everyone THIS is a NORMAL REACTION to thinking about kissing your bestest friend in the world, not that minute long evaluation" haechan goes on to explain after conducting his research. “Ok y/n you're not fooling anyone, it's so obvious you like him" Renjun blurts out. "But it's ok, we're here to help, we're not going to tell him anything, we're here to support you Y/n" Chenle adds. "I'm afraid if you don't take our Jamin off of us, no one will" Haechan says faking tears. "yeah man, that dude hasn't even held hands with anyone before-" Renjuns hands is flying to marks mouth at that pin point "we're supposed to be hyping him up" he says massaging his nose bridge out of stress.
Little do you know, Chenle has been recapping your whole conversation, taking notes of your body language in their groupchat Y/n and Jaemin K-1-S-S-I-N-G' with Chenle, Mark (because he begged to be added), Renjun, Hyuk and Jaemin
*what a liar*. So Jamin knows what's going on, and throughout the conversation, the 4 sitting in-front of you had been slyly messaging in the groupchat, and when Jaemin, Jeno and Jisung get home, it's time for phase two of their self curated plan.
Jaemin sits down on the other side of the couch next to you while Jeno stands over the nearest couch to the door, Jisung sits right im between you two to show you the snacks he got meanwhile the original for audibly sigh, slap their foreheads and roll their eyes (this is why Jisung wasn't added to the g) they all get up, Mark signalling to Jeno to go and Chenle grabbing Jisung by his hoodie and dragging him out.
God, what's going on, what have they done your thought to yourself as you're left in the room with a very nervous Jaemin.
Jeno had gone to start the barbecue, Jisungs probably in the basement playing games and who knows where everyone else is.
After an unusably long moment of silence, Jaemin takes a breath and goes "do you want to go out to the patio dining area?" You agree and the two of you are now outside, on your backs opposite each other on his garden chairs, staring at the stars.
The sky is clear, with the faint smell of the barbecue and smoke in the distance, and the crickets chirping. It's a good day today, what a relaxing way to end it. "Hey" he says, "hey" you say turning to look at him who's already looking at you. You guys are never this awkward. What's going on.
"Let's finish this conversation another time" he says swiftly getting up, heat rushing to his cheeks.
You get up following suit "let me see what Jenos doing" he exclaims preparing to run away; but before he can you grab his wrist, spinning him back around. "Why should we continue it later?"
You ask.
"Because." "Because what" "it's too
hard" "what's too hard?" You say in disgust, taking a step back "NOT LIKE THAT GOD Y/N" he screams swinging his hands to his head gripping his hair while crouching down. "I'm joking" you say giggling to yourself. Shooting back up "it's that" he says pointing at your smiling mouth. You just look up at him confused and he does a little 360 spin of frustration. " listen, let's talk another time he says turning back around to go to Jeno, which you only grab his wrist and spin him back round. "Don't want to" you tease as he covers his face.
“You're too much for me, I don't know how much longer I can do this" he sighs "DO WHAT!?" « CAN'T SAY!" "WHY NOT" "BECAUSE | SAID SO!???"
"Na jaemin you drive me crazy"
" DRIVE YOU CRAZY!?" he laughs pointing to himself and you as he says each pronoun, wiping his forehead and turning around, laughing at what you just said.
*You can't even imagine what I'm going through" he says as he runs his hands through his hair
"THEN JUST TELL ME!!???" "NEVER" you push him onto the couch and get on top of him, holding him by his collars "Na Jaemin I swear to god" *if you don't tell me right now I'm going to lose my mind" you say holding up your fist at him who's shielding his face.
"OH MY GOD THEY'RE GOING TO KILL HIM I CAN'T WATCH" Haechan exclaims covering his eyes yet peeking through the gaps *SHUSH THEY'RE GONNA HEAR YOU" Renjun whisper shouts. I can't believe he only lived until 22" he says wiping his fake tears *if I knew this was how it would turn out I wouldn't have said the things I said" Mark cries, with genuine tears "dude are you seriously crying?" "SHUT UP LOOK LOOK LOOK"
". fine.. I'll tell you..... if you get off of me"
You agree, releasing him, standing with your arms crossed "shoot'
"So I-* he runs away before he finishes, instinctively you run after him, tackling him to the ground when you catch up to him.
Both breathing frantically, hearts beating fast as you land on top of him, hovering over him, just staring into each others eyes.
"What is it" you whisper, curiosity eating you alive
"Fine, l'lI tell you" he whispers matching your tone, looking down at your lips and then back to your eyes.
“Y/n" he pauses, looking back at your lips then to your eyes, “I think, I like you" he says in his low whisper voice, his voice sounding like honey dripping down your ears.
Everything about this is perfect wow. Your heart has been beating abnormally fast for too long to blame it on the running you did moments before.
You two just stare at each other for a while, your elbows now reaching the floor, your hands delicately above his head grazing his silk strands, his hands on either side of his head.
"Am I being rejected?" He smiles responding to your silence.
"do you like me as much as I like you?" "maybe."
"Can I kiss you?"
His hand delicately holds your jaw, your eyes fluttering closed as he brings his head up off the ground to join your lips together, in a short, sweet kiss. He draws back slowly opining his eyes, and you follow suit. His lips form into a wide grin, and you pinch his cheeks,he just stares back at you, with joy filled eyes.
"So can you get off of me now?" "Hm?" "I said can you get off of me now?”
He repeats again in a teasing way, tickling your sides, you roll over squealing to lay on your back next to him, staring up at the sky, heart swelling with happiness. I can't believe he likes me.
Your sweet moment is soon interrupted by Jamins balcony door opening to see Renjun, Chenle, Haechan and Mark come out cheering 📣📣
"JAEMIN YOU'RE SO COOL!!!!" You hide your face in the crook of Jamins neck. *Jaemin what are we Haechan screams cooing, imitating your voice to which you put your fist up and he hides behind Renjun. "Man I wish Jeno was here to see this" mark sighs " who said I wasn't he comes out of the barbecue section on the side of the house with his phone on record mode. Only making the situation ten times worse.
"Jisungs too stupid to understand this, leave him out of this" Chenle grimaces. "RIGHT, EVERYONE ASSEMBLE ON THE PATIO FOR A CELEBRATORY BARBECUE" Haechan shouts from the balcony while Chenle messages Jisung that there's food.
You're now all seated at the outside seating area, enjoying the barbecue that you so rightfully suggested, noticing Jamins eyes constantly on you, which you chose to ignore. But every time your eyes meet, you just feel more and more queasy, lovesick and you need a break. His smile only grows more and more from ever dirty look and action you make trying to get him to stop looking.
You're now all seated at the outside seating area, enjoying the barbecue that you so rightfully suggested, noticing Jamins eyes constantly on you, which you chose to ignore. But every time your eyes meet, you just feel more and more queasy, lovesick and you need a break. His smile only grows more and more from ever dirty look and action you make trying to get him to stop looking.
"So can I be your boyfriend?" Jaemin blurts out across the table, Jisung in shock.
"OOOUUU JAEMINNN" everyone but Jisung coos
"Yeah,I guess" you say looking down at your lap, Haechan beginning a group applause.
"Damn, she stole my bitch" Jisung sighs
"Jisung you're actually so cringe" Renjun sighs
"Never say that ever again" Chenle adds.
Thank you so much for reading!!! This is my first full length fic and I have to admit I got a bit carried away, but I hope you enjoyed
As always, love you guys 💕
Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list as I want to make one at some point.
Planning on making a direction page but idk if I should make it now or later ;/
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vergilthelibrarian · 2 years
In Another World (Puppy)
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So like this is just lil somethingsomething that I thought about writing. It’s hella short. I remember getting an ask where an anon said that I should delve more into the Romeo and Juliet aspect of Puppy and I’m going to do that since I’m back from the dead lol but anywho, here’s a little oneshot ^^
JaeminxMale!Reader ft.Jeno
You blink, startled as you heard a voice whisper from the rose bush.
Looking to where you believe the voice came from, your breathing hitched as a handsome man looked up at you.
"Who are you?" you asked.
A gentle smile grew on the man's lips.
"A familiar stranger."
Your eyes squinted slightly from his cheeky answer.
"'Well familiar stranger, if you don't tell me who you are, you'll become familiar with my guards." you told him which caused the man to chuckle, your heart fluttering slightly.
“Well how about this? I'll recite a poem to help you remember me.”
You eyed the handsome stranger suspiciously.
The stranger looked up at the sky, searching in his head for just the right poem to say.
Once he found one, his eyes went back to you.
“Believe me, I wasn't always like this. Lacking common sense or looking insane. Like you, I use to be clever in my days. Never like this. Totally enraptured. Totally gone. Like sharp shooters, I use to be a hunter of hearts... not like today with my own heart drowning in its blood. Nonstop asking and searching for answers... that was then, but now so deeply enchanted, so deeply enthralled, always pushing to be ahead and above since I was not yet hunted down by this ever-increasing love.”
You gasped, your hand slightly covering your mouth before you placed it back on the stone balcony railing.
Your mouth formed into a small smile.
"Ah! Now I remember you. Na Jaemin. The man who stole my heart at the masquerade." you sighed slightly, looking behind you quickly to make sure you were alone. "You shouldn't be here. If the guards find you, they'll kill you."
Jaemin chuckled.
"And if they kill me, all you need to do is kiss my lips and I'll surely come back to life."
"You and that sliver tongue of yours." you shook your head, smiling again before sighing once more.
“I just wanted to see you. I know our families are enemies. If I could, I'd be a Na no more but... life isn't that easy."
Jaemin's ears perked up as he heard a voice.
"Hey loverboy, you should probably hurry it up before we get caught."
He looked behind him to see Jeno who in turn looked around.
Jamin nodded, his attention going back to you.
"Meet me by the river at midnight tomorrow." he said before running off, not giving you a chance to reply.
Jaemin and Jeno ran off, climbing over the gates that protected your family's castle.
As the two walked, Jeno notice how happy his friend seemed.
In fact, he seemed more like his normal self now since seeing you.
Jeno was worried about his friend.
Jaemin was a flirty smooth talker.
He can have anyone wrapped around his finger just from one word but it seems as though he was no finally wrapped around someone's finger.
The only thing Jaemin could even talk about after that night at the ball was you.
Jeno didn't think much of it at first until it just became too much.
Every time his friend talked to him, it was only about you and this began to worry Jeno because he knew this wasn't healthy.
After convincing him to just visit you somehow so he can actually talk to you instead of talking about your hypothetical relationship, Jeno thought that it would knock some sense into Jaemin.
It's wonderful to be in love.
But if love is making you lose your own sanity, is it truly wonderful in the end?
Jeno looked at his friend as they walked, a huge smile on his lips.
Jeno did get why Jaemin fell for you at first sight.
You were beautiful.
The most beautiful man Jeno has ever seen honestly…
He felt his heart ping.
Biting his lip, he swallowed down his slight jealously before congratulating his friend for having the courage to ask you out.
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ranchberrycrunch · 2 years
you know the drill, futurama comic #13 panels cause they are nice
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bender is gone and fry is having a terrible time, also leela looks cute w her hair down
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oh no how did this happen oOooOOooo this one in general just is super nice, bender is pretty cool and i am not biased
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hes just trying his hardest to have the people of hell like him leave him alone
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they are jamin and groovin and having a good time todays post was kinda short but tomorrows will be long oh ho ho and it will also have CALCULON DRIP and ofc more bender being gay
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lala1267 · 1 year
Bow down bitches (last part)
Summary: Just Elvis and the reader being in love.
Note: it's a small chapter, ngl.
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Elvis had ended his show early just to stop Jerry from pursuing his evil antics. He loved me and my baby. Even though Jasmime was a different colour, race, and ethnicity, he still did everything to protect her.
Whilst Jerry was on the floor, unconscious. Elvis was comforting me, who had a baby in my arms. I was still in a state of shock and fear, but Elvis's sweet voice grounded me.
"Calm down, honey, I'm here." He said whilst he took Jasmine out of my arms. He held her tight and bounced up and down. She began to fall asleep in his large arms. He let go of her with one hand and grabbed my shaky hand. He led me out of the building and into his car. He said to the driver.
"Garceland." The driver started the car, and we were off. Elvis had Jasmine in his lap whilst one of his hands held onto my thigh. I loved him dearly even though we weren't even dating. I was just wishing for the day where he would ask me to be his wife. I had dreams about how romantic our wedding would be. I was snapped out of my fantasy when the car door opened, we were here. I held onto Elvis's hand as I stepped out of the vehicle. We made our way inside and into the bedroom. He placed Jasmine on the bed and began to change her clothes. He put her in a lovely pink onsie. She looked so cute and adorable. He picked her up and turned to me.
"Close your eyes, honey. I have a surprise for you." I instantly complied with a smile on my face. I felt his hand wrap around mine before he led me to the corner of the room. I didn't even see that there was a whole corner dedicated to Jasmine since the lights were turned off. It had pink unicorn stickers on the walls, a large pink crib sat there with fairy lights wrapped around it yet to be turned on. Even though it was just the corner it was still a lot of space. My eyes widened as they landed on the suprise. A large smile appeared on my face as I looked up to Elvis.
"Oh my god, Jasmine will love this!" I said excitedly. I took Jamine out of Elvis's arms and held onto her before walking over to the crib. I pointed to the crib so that she could take a look. A bright smile rose on her cute face, followed by small giggles. I placed a kiss on her forehead before turning around to Elvis.
"Thankyou so much, Elvis." He just giggled.
"I'm planning on making the store room into her own little room. This is just temporary."
"Oh, I love you so much." I said as i placed Jasmine in her crib before running into Elvis's arms like an excited child.
"I love you too, girlfriend." He said as he looked down at me. I pulled away before making a sarcastic comment.
"Oh, so after all of these months now you wanna be my boyfriend?"
"Oh shush." He said sarcastically as he giggled. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me like his life depended on it. It was romantic and meaningful. He pulled away to tuck a stray hair behind my ear.
"You've always been my girl, and you always will." He said.
"And you will always be my boy, my sweet boy." I said as I brushed my fingers against his pink soft lips.
It was time for bed. I was in the bathroom, taking my makeup off whilst Elvis was in the shower. The room was steamy and hot. Elvis's head poked out of the top of the shower curtain.
"Honey, will ya pass me the sponge." He asked politely.
"Ok." I replied as I grabbed it off the counter. I walked over to him. He stook his hand out of the side of the curtain. I was about to pass it to him when I had an idea. I put on my best puppy eyes and looked at him innocently. He rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"What now?"
"Can I shower with you?" He smiled before replying.
"Hmm, let me think." He spent a couple seconds in silence as he was 'thinking'. I was growing impatient so I rolled my eyes and stripped off.
"I take that as a yes." I said once I was fully naked. He just giggled as I stepped in the hot shower.
"Why the hell do you have it this hot?!" I said, slightly raising my voice as the hot water met my skin. He bent down next to me to adjust the temperature. The water cooled slightly. I smiled as I finally passed him the sponge.
"Can you scrub my back for me, doll?" He said as he passed the sponge back to me.
"Hmm, let me think." I said as I tried to hide my laughter. He handed me a bar of soap. I rubbed the soap onto the sponge until it was bubbly in my hand. He turned away from me so that I could wash him. I gently scrubbed his back. Once his back was all bubbly, I began to draw a flower onto his back.
"What are ya doing?" He asked.
"Guess what I'm drawing." I said as I continued to draw.
"Hmm, a flower?"
"What. How did you get it so fast?"
"A magician never tells his secrets." He said as he turned to face me.
"Oh please, you, a magician?" I said as I rolled my eyes. He laughed as he took the sponge put of my hands.
"Your turn." He said as he urged me to turn around. He rubbed the bubbles onto my back and began to draw. I had no idea what he was drawing, so I just guessed.
"Uhm, a leaf?"
"You're bad at this game." He said. I quickly turned around with an offended look on my face.
"Don't be rude."
"I was just saying." He said whilst giggling.
"Anyway, it's my turn to be in the water. Excuse me." I said as I tried to get past him to reach the shower head. He stopped me.
"Let me wash you first."
"You just did." I said with a confused expression.
"Not your whole body." A smirk appeared on both of our faces. He took the sponge and rubbed it all other my perfect body. He scrubbed all of my tender curves. He moved up to my hair to wash it. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo and squeezed it into my black hair. Little did I know that this was a strong shampoo. He rubbed it into my long hair and massaged my scalp. I closed my eyes as it felt so good. I felt his hands wrap around my wet body. He hugged me from behind whilst placing kisses along my shoulder.
"Ok, you can wash it off now." He said as I opened my eyes. I just nodded as I stepped into the waterfall. The drops of water hit my body, making it shimmer and glisten. I opened my eyelids to see Elvis's eyes wide In shock.
"What." I said.
"Uhm, your hair." I instantly lifted my hand up to feel my hair. It didn't feel any different. I removed my hand and it was covered in black hair die. I looked down to see the water wich was now a dark grey/black. I looked back up at Elvis.
"What shampoo did you use?"
"I don't know, It said that it was strong."
"That's the thing, it's too strong." I said as I touched my now blonde hair. This blonde hair held so many memories. It was beautiful, though. Elvis's hand travelled to my long golden hair.
"I like it blonde, it looks so pretty." A smile rose on my face when I heard his kind words. If Elvis liked it, then it was staying that way. I turned around to turn the shower off. Elvis opened the shower curtains and stepped out. He took a towel and wrapped it around my body. He also got one for himself. He carried me into the bedroom, bridal style. He playfully threw me onto the lavish bed as giggles escaped my mouth.
"Shhhh, Jasmine is sleeping." He said as he looked at baby Jasmine. He walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed one of his shirts and and some panties. He handed them to me.
"Your pidgamas." He said as he dried off. I slipped them on. His t-shirt smelt of his cologne. I got into the bed whilst he put his underwear on. He got into the bed next to me and wrapped his big arms around me. I felt cosy and warm. He whispered into my ear.
"I will always love you, honey."
"I will forever love you too." I said as I felt his lips place kissed on my neck and face. From that day forward, I was madly in love.
2 years later
Jasmine was two years old, and I was back in the modelling business. I was slim and pretty again. Me and Elvis were still happier than ever. I had gotten everything I wanted in life. I was making thousands of dollars a week and was living my best life with Elvis, my fiancé.
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months
The Mayday Game (Part 1 of 2)
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◾"How come it's always cold on this floor...?"
◾Ensign Kallus asks this question of Ensign Gorn one summer afternoon, the outside temperature measuring almost into the 90-degree range.
◾Inside this dormitory, however...the thermostat appears to be "frozen" around the mid-thirties range, and almost always dropping.
◾Add to that the other strange occurrence of the lights occasionally flickering blue, and a second question is almost posed out loud--why is it just our room? Why do none of the other cadets have the same problem?
◾To his credit, Ensign Gorn doesn't dwell too long on the unfairness of this situation, as it won't exactly fix whatever's wrong with the temperature controls. That is, perhaps, a situation best brought up with their instructors in between classes.
◾In the meantime, though...it's here that he suggests a pause in their studies, because he would like to try playing a little game instead.
◾"What sort of game...?" Kallus asks, not knowing whether to feel interested or nervous.
◾"The Mayday Game," Gorn replies, tugging the regulation blanket a bit tighter around his shoulders.
◾"How do you play it?"
◾"Simple--all you have to do is light a candle, stand in front of a mirror with all the lights off, and say the name 'Mayday' three times. After that, Mayday himself will come and whisper your future to you."
◾"And...who exactly is this...'Mayday'?"
◾Well...I guess you'll just have to play the game to find out, won't you?
◾It's probably just a prank, Kallus tells himself, not wanting to look like a coward in front of his roommate. Just some test to see if I'm brave or not. I can handle pranks--
◾"--I'll do it."
◾"I'll get the candle."
◾And so, about a minute or so later...the two cadets are standing together before their dorm's small mirror, with Gorn holding the candle while Kallus has temporary custody of the blankets.
◾On the count of three, they chant the name of the lost Commander three times exactly as the game requires.
◾"Mayday. Mayday. Mayday."
◾Kallus is staring hard at his own reflection at this point, and naturally assumes that Gorn is doing the same thing...until he happens to turn to his left side, and sees nothing but empty space, endless drifts of snow, and cold.
◾There is very little else here besides this, although he thinks he sees something still and pale lying just out of the corner of his eye. No sounds come to him, other than the slow, shaky sound of his own breathing.
◾And strangest of all, the feeling of the cold is sinking into his clothing within seconds, even before he can do so much as take a step in any direction.
◾Right as he thinks to call out for Ensign Gorn, or the nearest teacher, or anyone else at all, however...that pale something suddenly jolts to life, and now the only thought Ensign Kallus has in his head is this.
writer's notes: I wrote this as a bit of horror story practice, as well as to turn the most random of SW timeline connections into a somewhat living tale of the past. Also, Kallus' appearance fits his voice actor rather than the tall ginger guy we got in the animation. Finally, the divider was made by @djarrex.
no pressure tags: @nimata-beroya @intrepidmare @ilovecatsandbaking @mayawakening @heart-of-a-rebel16 @mystical-salamander @lost-in-derry @sapphic-loser16 @astralalmighty @archaicsymbols @imabeautifulbutterfly @jamine-boi-124 and anybody else who might like a story today.
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konomoreextra · 6 months
she still the same but she's younger like 10 or 11
she favors U instead of N because they swap roles
She's scared of her parents.
U, T, L & DO-LL are assigned as caretakers of Tessa.
Tessa loves 'U' she thinks she is a badass caretaker because she protects Tessa from her parents and always brings her food when her parents lock her in her room.
Tessa thinks DO-LL's pretty but creepy.
Tessa likes 'L' but thinks she's bossy and nosey but she's nice.
Tessa loves 'T' for the same reason she loves 'U' but he's more subtle about it.
she considers U and T like second parents.
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[Uzi & N]
SD-U + Maid U
U is a pessimist
U is overprotective of things she cares about
U still has her solver it just never activated
U still loves anime
U is an engineer
U knows how to play the harp
U is a great listener
U is like a therapist when she's not being pessimistic
U feels like something is wrong
U is a great liar
Nix thinks U is beautiful but is too shy too tell her
Nix is also an engineer
Nix misses his mom
Nix is good at writing story's
Nix does not have a 'sick as hell railgun'
Nix does have light saber claws
Nix still loves dogs
Nix was named after one of Pluto's moons
Nix is a great storyteller
Nix knows how to voice act
Nix made Cynthias NEW VOICE
Nix has the Absolute solver
Nix is a bad liar
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[Doll & CYN]
DO-LL and U are like sisters they have the same relationship as CYN and N
doll calls U moonbeam or "Младшая сестра Лунный Луч" [little sister moonbeam]
DO-LL knows ballet
DO-LL only smiles around 'U' and in solver form
D̵̗̝̻̱̥̟͚̘̽̌́͋̾̊ȯ̶̦͊̍͌̕͠l̵̡̟̥̠͛̀̾̊̈́̅̌̂̇͆̒͒ͅl̸͔̃͑̿̏̓̏͂͂͛̽ ̸̼̻͑̊̇͐̚f̶̧̫͍̳̺̾̈́̇̊̓̌͘͠e̶̻̞͇̒̒͆̍̐̈́̓̃̾͆̊̕͠ę̵̛̞̪͙͖̳̹̦̲̼͇̖̿̍̏́l̶̡͇͙̬͉̈́̈́̅̽͆̌̌͜͝s̴̡̺̺͓̗̻͖̙̺̀̿͒͘͠ ̸̧̧̲̗̟̗̙̯͉̩̪̤̈̓̑̇̕͜b̴̡̢̖͖̦̱̯̮̻̰͎̳̩̆̈́͌̅̅a̴̢̧̧̛̛̤͍̦̹̝͚̗͓̪̦͑̈́̓͗̇͑͑̎͒̐̚̕͜ͅd̸̥͈͇͉͖̟̠̩̑̊̈́̈́̒́̄͗̒́̽͘
Cynthia and Nix's parents are dead
Cynthia is calmer then Nix
Cynthia knows French
Cynthia's voice box was destroyed when they're parents were killed
she has a device attached to her throat via choker that acts as a voice box
Cynthias NEW VOICE looks like a flower
Cynthia has the absolute solver
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[Thad & V]
SD-T+ butler T
T and U used to date but are still friends
T doesn't have thads hat
T has a hard time remembering things
T lacks empathy
T has PTSD from the manor
T is a sociopathic
T is a great at knitting
T knows how to play violin
Valeri is nicknamed Eri
Valeri is a sculptor
Valeri has a weird talent for sneaking up on people.
Valeri knows how to shoot bows and crossbows
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SD-L + maid L
L is narcissistic and a bit of a psychopath
L is a great actor
L is a fashionesta
L has to led hearts just below her visor
L loved DOLL
Jasmine is also a narcissist
Jasmine has OCD
Jamine loves Cynthia like a little sister
Jasmine is nicknamed Jami
Jasmine is a good artist
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