#he learns how to do different braids n stuff bc he wants to do nice things for him
raptorhoundrune · 2 years
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frenrey for the soul because theyre hilarious and in love and stuff
gordon caves and gets benrey the ackie monitor he’s been begging for ever since they moved in together, plus extra doodles of them just being cute and awesome and domestic
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m00nz-writes · 5 months
The Puppet and his Vampire (Lies of P fic)
Synopsis: The more Pinocchio desires to become human, the more he begins to realize that he has deeper feelings for Emilie than he thought.
Warnings!: OC x character, fluff, comfort, romance, drinking blood (bc vampire), just P being a curious lad, oneshot, not proof-read, mediocre writing
A/N: it is 3 am and i have been working on this fic for hours. i am a lil delusional and i'm certain it's not properly edited. if there's anything a lil funky, i apologize. also this is about my lies of p oc, emilie delisle. i might make some p x reader stuff at some point, because i realize i probably should indulge my fellow lonely hopeless romantics. but tonight is not that night. i'm tired and i'm gonna go to bed once this is out. have a nice night/day/afternoon/whenever y'all.
Their partnership began simply because Emilie had nothing better to do. She'd been stuck in the hotel since the plague broke out, spending all her time making sure Antonia was okay for however long she had left in her twilight years. So traveling with the puppet was a welcome change for the vampire, who initially did not care what Pino's mission was... until she realized what Geppetto had planned for him thanks to Romeo's efforts, at which point she actually began to care more and more about his safety.
To have someone who really cared about him and even fought alongside and for him was... different. He appreciated the way she did everything she could to keep him safe, taking on any enemy that was too strong for him and even learning from Eugenie how to work on him when they were traveling. It was nice to have someone who wanted the best for him, even if he didn't believe her when she claimed that Geppetto wasn't a good guy here.
As Pinocchio became more human, he began to realize that he felt differently about Emilie than he did about the others in the hotel. Whenever they traveled together, or whenever he saw her in the library, he could feel and even hear his mechanical heart beat faster, and he even began to feel nervous around her. Since P had learned to speak, he always spoke clearly and correctly... but he had a habit of stuttering and stumbling over his words, as if he'd forgotten how to speak to the elven vampire. It was embarrassing, an emotion he'd learned from Antonia when he'd asked her about it.
Now he wanted to understand this strange new feeling he had every time he saw the stubborn vampire. He needed to know why he felt this way, and if it was something unique to her, or if it was something he could feel for others as well.
The puppet entered the library and began to search the shelves for a book that would make things clearer for him. As he searched for the right book to shed light on this new emotion, he noticed the familiar vampire lying on the couch, reading a book without a care in the world. Normally at this time Emilie would be looking after Antonia, making sure she was okay and had everything she needed, but Polendina had clearly taken over that role for the day to give the vampire a break.
The woman was reading a book that P had never seen before, a glass of what was so clearly blood sat on the end table that Emilie had moved closer to it so she wouldn't have to twist too much to reach it. There was a lantern next to the glass, providing a dim light for the vampire as she casually read her book. Her usual outfit had been swapped for a loose-fitting black lace-up top and black pants, her hair in a braid to keep it more under control as she took the time to relax.
"Staring isn't very polite, puppet boy." Emilie commented, lowering her book to make eye contact with the puppet who had been staring at her for an inordinate amount of time. The moment her glowing amber eyes met his, his eyes widened slightly in surprise and his heart began to beat faster in response to the sudden eye contact as he stared at her before struggling to speak.
"I... I apologize, Lady Emilie." he said, as soft spoken as ever, as the vampire placed her bookmark in the book before setting it aside to pick up her glass and sit up, sipping from it.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" she asked, keeping her eyes on him, following his every move out of habit. Even though she trusted that he wouldn't do anything to harm her, she was still overly cautious after more than a century of being tormented and hunted by monster hunters and vampire slayers. The puppet fidgeted a bit where he was standing before he walked over to the couch and sat down, keeping a distance between them so he wouldn't accidentally crowd her like he sometimes did unintentionally.
"I seem to have... found a new emotion," he admitted as the vampire raised a brow with an affectionate smile and hummed. "I don't know what it means, though. And I was hoping the library would have the answers." he added as she nodded and sipped her drink again.
"Well, maybe I can be of some help." she offered, setting down her glass and resting her hands in her lap as she watched his face to gauge his reaction. He looked at her for a moment before nodding and moving closer to her.
"When I'm around you, my... heart pounds and I get nervous," he explained while the vampire sat up straight, completely intrigued by what he was about to say. "It becomes hard to concentrate on other things and I want to spend every moment with you. It's... extremely confusing." he finished before she chuckled and crossed her arms.
"Sounds like you're in love." she commented, causing his eyebrows to furrow.
"Love...?" he asked quietly and she nodded.
"Love." she confirmed. "It's a hard feeling to really explain, especially since I personally have never felt it." she shrugged as Pinocchio tilted his head.
"You've never felt love?"
"Not like you," she admitted, crossing her arms and picking up her glass again. "It's awfully sweet that you think so highly of me." she added with a smile, sipping her drink again as he stared at her for a long moment before moving closer and speaking again.
"Why have you never been in love?" he asked, causing her to choke slightly as she stared at him in surprise at the question. She shouldn't be so surprised anymore, because ever since he started talking, he asked as many questions as he could. It was both endearing and annoying.
The vampire cleared her throat as she put down her glass, trying to think of the right answer that wouldn't stress him out. She had never been the right person to ask such interesting and often delicate questions, being the extremely brash and reckless woman that she was.
"Because... I find it hard to be vulnerable with others," she began while he tilted his head. "One big factor of love that I have learned through my many years of living is that love requires vulnerability and trust... which is difficult for me because I haven't had many that I trust that much."
"But what about Lady Antonia?" he asked, drawing a laugh from the vampire.
"Antonia is like my sister. The love she and I share is the kind that family members have," she explained. "But take Polendina, for example. He loves Antonia very much, if there's anyone you should talk to about love, it's him."
"Do you... trust me?" Pinocchio asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he were afraid to ask. The vampire blinked a few times in surprise at the question she hadn't seen coming.
"Of course I do." she assured him before she sighed. "Love is a lot more complicated than just trust, Pino." she said as he sulked and huffed.
"Love sounds difficult..." he muttered, earning another laugh from the woman.
"Sounds like you're finally getting the hang of it." she teased playfully, patting his arm. "I wish I could offer more help, P... but I'm not very good at this sort of thing." she said with a shrug as he looked up at her again, studying her closely before closing the distance between them and pressing his lips to hers, surprising her when her eyes widened and she stared at him in shock for a moment. She slowly raised a hand to his face and returned the kiss, closing her eyes as she melted into him.
It had been so long since she'd been kissed that she'd almost forgotten how good it felt to be kissed. Especially when the kiss was as soft and gentle as this one, one that made her feel truly cared for. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck as he moved closer, resting his Legion hand gently on her waist, their lips beginning to move in sync as the kiss began to heat up.
"Lady Emilie." Polendina announced as the couple hurriedly pulled away, both of them looking toward the door to see an exasperated butler standing in the doorway. Emilie smiled nervously at the puppet and moved away from P before standing up and grabbing her glass. "Lady Antonia has requested your presence...but if you are too busy, I can tell her you will visit later." he said sarcastically as the vampire shot the butler an irritated glare.
"Don't start with me." she growled, looking at Pinocchio and noticing how embarrassed he looked at having been caught. She couldn't help but smile at the way he looked, as if he were guilty for just indulging his feelings for her. She leaned over the back of the couch and planted a small kiss on his cheek, surprising the puppet when he looked at her with wide eyes. "I'll see you later, Pino." she said softly before standing up straight and walking towards the exit, leaving the library with the butler as P placed a hand over where she'd kissed him and stared at the exit with an almost dreamy expression.
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digital999placebo · 2 years
This is out of the blue and I apologize but how do you think the nations act differently when they are drunk vs sober (if you don't mind me asking). Idk how to word this but like ... We see Germany as super serious but easy to bother usually but the one time we see him drink he's all :-D :-D :-D in that one photo. Meanwhile I'm pretty sure a drunk Italy would just be more chatty and flirty i.e. an exaggeration of his usual self.
i wanted 2 answer this with a drawing but ive had so little time 2 just sit down n draw lately so you get a wall of text. im sorry.
I do think Ludwig loosens up when he's drunk, loses the stick in his ass for once, n he's v easily entertained n physical touch becomes his number one love language when actual language fails him. He has learned from his past black out drunk mistakes to not speak so much bc he always says some unhinged shit that every1 remembers n brings up (nobody actually cares they only bring it up bc he gets so embarrassed over it), so the entire time he's drunk he's like "ok i only speak when necessary. the less words the better". And also he only really cuddles up to Feli when drunk, before he would do it to just anybody who didn't mind, but some night he put his head in Alice's lap n she braided his hair or whatever n Vene n Francoise wont stop bringing it up (again not that they care but its funny how embarrassed he gets) so yeah, he sticks to Feliciano now bc they're dating so it's easier to explain away. ALSO he’s the best dancer ever thanks to his extreme muscle control, he does the split on beat he can jump he can spin he can do it all, it’s an amazing sight to see.
Feliciano when drunk just wants to dance or fuck. He's either dragging his partner to the dance floor or to the toilet for a quick blowie, whichever is most convenient at that point. or he n Francoise lock themselves inside the bathroom n talk shit while fixing their hair or Francoise is touching up her makeup. Francoise n Feli tgether drunk is the loudest most obnoxious annoying thing ever, they talk loud and fast and with their hands n third parties can never ever keep up with their convo bc they switch subject all the time, n they go out to smoke like 15 times in one sentence. They’re like the *talks shit about a person for 2 hours* “but in the end….. if that’s what they wanna do then it’s like their body” “yeah we’re so open minded and nice” meme. Vene n Françoise r also like “I would literally eat u out if u asked<3” “omgggg<3 I would blow u if u asked<3”
Lovino is the drunk guy at the party sitting at the couch when he's not dancing, he's just trying to enjoy his buzz. He gets in fight with Gilbert over the aux cord.
Alice has never been at the perfect stage of drunkness, she always go above n beyond. Impressively tho she has never thrown up n she takes great pride in this. She’s not much for dancing but if Baxter Dury or some 90s britpop comes on?? She might…. she might…. she WILL
All ends with Ludwig having to carry home Lovino, Feliciano, Alice n Francoise.
Lukas, Matthias n Berwald r the type of drunks who leaves the group to go explore the neighbourhood or the city or just wherever they feel like. They go onto the subway and take whatever train comes first n just rides. They're also kinda like kids when drunk, in the aspect that if they're entirely quiet they're up 2 something they shouldnt b up to, and most likely Netherlands is there to watch the entire thing go down. Mattias is the annoying dude at a houseparty who goes through ur fridge n freeze; he'll start cooking shit at like 12pm n not even edible stuff. he just begins frying ur frozen hamburger patties in rum n coke, explaining why it's a superior dish that everyone should eat to Lukas, Berwald, n Lars (Netherlands). Berwald begins pouring leftover drinks into the frying pan to see what happens.
Berwald also teaches everyone the dirtiest pre-drink melodies (snapsvisor / shotvisor) ever n then mistranslates the lyrics like "uh yeah fitta means uh...... trees in swedish yeah its a song about nature" fitta means pussy smh
Gilbert is either traumadumping or screaming that he needs to queue EPIC songs for the dance floor, but they're all protestant psalms or like teutonic knights hymns. He's alone on the dance floor losing his shit to Psalm 148.
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