#he like. starts off with furious denial but is smart enough to get over that quickly
glomscrooge · 7 months
I understand why people carry dt17 scrooge's teasing into glomscrooge content based on the show, but please consider how embarrassing it would be for him to admit that he likes this glomgold. I'd kill myself honestly
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senju-sekhmet · 3 years
'Hot’ is just a matter of definition
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Summary: It felt like any other morning - you surely felt like every other morning - except for a certain kind of warmth. Perhaps some soreness that made your muscles ache? Of course you wouldn't slow down simply for feeling a bit hot - Tobirama strongly disagrees. 5600 words I really wanted to do a funny comfort piece, so this is a little self-indulgent! It sat on my shelf for a while before I was happy with it, smh. Thanks for all the help, @avversiera-writes 🥺 Warnings! Illness, fever talks, and slightly suggestive undertones (SFW though!) Read on AO3!
The first sign should’ve been this awful chill that ran through your bones the moment you opened your eyes. It was an early rise, like usual, but something was different. Blinking slowly, your lazy gaze found the window and the brilliant, red sunrise that was hinted at by how the crimson hues were hitting the buildings you could peek at. 
And unsurprisingly, the man whose arms were wrapped around you, legs intertwined with yours gave a rather disgruntled huff as he registered your movement. Tobirama would fiercely deny being clingy (That’s ridiculous!) but despite the two of you usually falling asleep on each side of the bed (that is, if you went there at the same time or haven’t been down to friskier activities before), he’d  always  find his way around your body during the night somehow to completely enclose it with his. No, he wasn’t just a bit clingy, he was a real cuddler. One time you dared to make a small tease about such being the case, but you were only met with fierce denial, a bright red face and incoherent mumbling (Childish… I do not  cuddle…). It was adorable, really.
Honestly though, you wouldn’t deny loving it, either. To know that in the privacy of your bedroom, one might argue the most private room of a house, he’d become this relaxed was endearing - charming, even - especially considering in public, he was vastly different about physical affection.
Except when you wanted to really rise up; then the complaints started. Unless Tobirama got up before you did, his limbs would tangle yours more and he’d make miffed grunts. All within the time limit the two of you had for the morning, of course.
This morning, though?
You shifted a little bit from your position to lay more on your back, to which Tobirama gave yet another unamused sound. Your muscles ached slightly. Maybe you needed to stretch a bit today. 
“Nnnghn…”, he mumbled, and the arm that was wrapped around your chest to hold your shoulder tightly snuck a little higher to caress your neck.
“Tobi…”, you sweetly began, a whisper. 
“Hm,” came the answer, but this time a lot more conscious - and ponderous. One scarlet eye blinked open and Tobirama’s forehead was worried by fine wrinkles. “Hmmm,” he hummed again, the hand on your neck trailing up even higher, to your cheek.
You chuckled a little bit at the comical embrace he was giving you. “What’s up?”
His other eye opened and out of nowhere - “You’re hot.”
You blinked. “Why, I wasn’t expecting such unabashed, eloquent flattery in the early morning.”
He rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. “Your body temperature is above average. Quite a lot, in fact.” You let your eyebrows tilt up in a rather hurt pout. “That is the least sexy way I’ve ever heard someone say ‘You’re hot’.”
Tobirama gave a low growl then suddenly and you only felt the bed shift - then he was above you, steading himself with an arm on each side of your chest, legs still tangled. If it wasn’t for the deep frown etched into his mien, you’d find this, in fact,  hot  . “That is because I am in no way referring to your looks, Y/n!” Although momentarily - momentarily - his gaze flickered down your body, covered in nothing but a light nightgown.
You raised an eyebrow expectantly. 
His scarlet stare was right back at you, burning in intensity - and yet there was a glint of something in them. “I am, of course, not saying you could not be considered metaphorically ‘hot’,” he began then, his baritone voice low and sultry, clinging to something.  Something that was wiped away in the blink of an eye when it became stern only. “But right now you are also hot  literally.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at him and tell him that has got to be the second worst way of being told you’re hot, but before you could get a word out, the man had plastered his hand on your forehead and you felt his chakra connecting to your network; smoothing over it gently in an inward caress you reciprocate swiftly, tenderly. You’d never grow tired of this. Of course, it lasted only a moment - he intensified the connection to gain a closer look at your body, his presence inside of you growing stronger as he took to examine you briefly in order to ascertain the origin of the ‘hotness’ you chose to flippantly call it.
Except you were not having any of it. “Tobirama, I’m fine, honestly.” Your hand moved to grasp the wrist of his arm to gently remove it from your forehead.
His presence inside you instantly flickered - bristled. “Y/n,” came the prompt, stern answer and you could swear the pressure on your forehead, hips and legs increased slightly.
This was getting ridiculous. “This is absurd. I feel good, so what if I’m  extra hot? Might be getting a cold, there is no need to fuss.”
His eyes flew open again to spare you a furious glare. “For a common cold it’d be very unusual to be burning up as you are,” he began firmly and you had to forcibly bite back on commentary or another eye roll lest his lecture would grow. “Now if you’ll keep your smart mouth closed for a few more moments, I could finish this.”
You jutted your lower jaw forward. “You love my smart mouth.”
His eyebrows rose slowly and for a few seconds, he seemed entirely impassive. Suddenly, you felt his chakra inside of you jolt, zigzagging through your network so abruptly you gasped. It wasn’t unpleasant so much as it was unexpected - and intense. Momentarily his presence within you was so strong, so potent, you felt you could nearly grasp his thoughts and emotions with your own chakra - and yet at the same time, he was so active, so seizing - it felt quite possessive.
“You’re-”, you huffed, ready to retaliate letting your chakra swell to retort.
“Quiet, let me work,” he grunted, closing his eyes again, focusing on the connection you two shared. The smirk in his voice had been unmistakeable, though, as was the slight tilt of the corner of his mouth.
Unfair. He was being unfair. However you weren’t swayed, either. “There’s no need for this. And you need to relax.” Again you felt the connection swell though, much more gentle as he continued the examination and you were given just a low, warning rumble to let him get it done. Only a moment later he gave another disgruntled hum, his scarlet gaze now mustering you now.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Well? Happy now?” you snapped, perfectly miffed. On the one hand the concern was endearing, on the other hand...
His face was scrunched in deep ponder. “I’m unsure. I can’t pinpoint anything for sure, but perhaps there was something about your lungs-”
You felt yourself bristle. “I’m not staying here on some cryptic ‘perhaps’ from my very overprotective husband. May I, now?” Already, you wriggled beneath him to free yourself and get up. Your muscles really did ache a bit - you definitely needed a stretch.
Tobirama’s gaze narrowed again. “I don’t think you should be moving around today, Y/n.”
That did it. Darkly, you articulated every word perfectly clear: “Tobirama, I’m not joking. Move.”
Reluctantly - as you could tell by his stiff body - he shifted to the side to release you. His intense gaze never left you, though you couldn’t spare him more than another roll of your eyes at this point.“This might only be the tip of the iceberg," he warned, you could  hear  the frown in his baritone voice still.
However, you had already gotten up and were standing, staring down at Tobirama with equal sternness. “Or you need to rein it in again.” You shrugged as though that’d ease the soreness in your muscles - it didn’t - and then tilted your head a little. “I feel a bit cold, in fact, so how about that.”
His scarlet eyes widened slightly at that statement. Promptly he scrambled to get out of bed himself. “Y/n-”, he began, downright chastising - but you had already spun around and were heading for the bathroom of your house.
“Enough fussing, dear husband, we have a lot of work to do,” you reminded him in a playful tone. Talking of work was bound to get his focus elsewhere than your imaginary symptoms.
Or so you thought.
Once you finished in the bathroom (admittedly, you did feel a little bit lightheaded) you headed to join him in the living area for a small breakfast (and maybe, just maybe also a bit shaky?). The heady smell of tea hung in the air; you couldn’t help but smile lightly. However the room felt quite cold - had he opened the windows? Tobirama already was sitting cross-legged at the low table, reading documents he had strewn over it last night. When you entered the room, his head snapped up and the scarlet gaze had you pinned, eyes narrowing again.
“Don’t,” you sternly cut him off before he could even say anything like ‘Get back into bed’, shaking your head before sitting down across from him, pouring yourself a cup of tea for yourself.
Tobirama rested his chin on his balled fist. The frown must be etched into his face at this point. “You look pale.” His baritone voice was deceptively smooth.
Your hand clenched around your cup of tea, eyebrows furrowing. “You know, I could say the same about you.”
A single white eyebrow arched up. “Unsurprising, as my complexion is rather pale.” The fine smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth again.
You crossed your arms defensively. A shiver ran down your spine. Since when was the room so cold? “I am very well capable of judging myself to see if I am fit for work. Which I am.”
The smirk faded and he dropped his hand to the table, straightening himself. You had to drag your hand over your face in order to keep yourself from rolling your eyes at him again. As you did so you couldn’t help but notice - your face  did  feel a bit warmer.
“Why are you being so stubborn about this, Y/n?”, Tobirama began, his deep voice stern again. You blinked to find his scarlet eyes staring at you intensely again, his facial features hard as ever. Maybe it was your imagination, but there might have been a tinge of worry to his tone. “I’m not imagining anything. If I had to take a guess, you’re actually not telling me everything.” He tilted his head. “Are you feeling dizzy?”
An exasperated groan escaped your mouth before you could help it, but this time you did roll your eyes. Your hand slapped down on the table. “For the last time, Tobirama - I’m fine. It’s just a little fever - did you open a window or something? It’s so cold in here, I’m shivering.” You ran your palms over your arms, feeling the chill creep into you.
You didn’t think this was possible, but the wrinkles of Tobirama’s frown became even deeper. “I did not, Y/n.” 
You blinked in surprise. “Huh.” As much as you hated to admit it, Tobirama’s fever theory might hold more merit than you wanted to give him credit for. Worse yet, you had to tell him.
Tobirama’s intense stare was wrought with worry at this point, bereft of any of the smugness you might’ve been expecting from him. “Are you ready to believe me now?” he inquired drily, his voice carrying a caustic note.
You sighed and crossed your arms in front of your chest, leaning back slightly. Momentarily you dared to close your eyes - when you did, your eyelids felt weird against your eyes, the ache in your muscles seemed worse - you couldn’t help but sigh. “Maybe.”
Tobirama was rubbing his temples with his thumb and index finger when you were eyeing him again, the fingers of his other palm were drumming impatiently against the table. “A monumental progress, compared to earlier, I’d say,” he commented, still rather drily.
“I’ll just work on what paperwork I’ve left at home, then.”
His palm slammed so swiftly on the table you jolted in shock, concerned for the paper under his cup of tea. Luckily though, he had drunk enough of it already. However his gaze - the scarlet stare was burning from intensity again. He didn’t just look pissed - he was furious. “What is it going to take to make you rest? Lie in bed? Sleep?”
Your mouth hung slightly open at his sudden outburst. Of course, you had guessed he wasn’t  pleased  with your negligence of your symptoms, but this right now seemed rather over the top. “I can… read in bed?”
Tobirama continued to stare as though you had just suggested to strip naked and run through the village.
“It’s just reading, Tobi.”
“What’s so difficult about staying in bed and recovering?” he snapped, perfectly exasperated now. Suddenly he sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, ran a hand through his white, spiky hair and rose to his feet swiftly. “Alright. Let’s get you to bed first.” The tension in his tone was tangible and briefly, you contemplated just… humoring him. For a bit?
He rounded the table to offer you his hand in order to get up, which you gingerly took. With a courageous tug he helped you to your feet - and your vision blackened momentarily. You swayed forward; Tobirama already seized your waist with his free arm pulled you flush against his body to steady you. His deep voice was next to your ear when he spoke; your hand grasped his black shirt for support. “Y/n?”, he was done veiling the concern in his tone with fury.
You shook your head. “Just a brief dizziness.” Already, your vision cleared; though your heart still pounded in your ears. “I’m - I’m okay.”
Tobirama didn’t take time to comment that but rather started guiding you towards your shared bedroom. His frown was etched into his forehead again, his lips a tight line. All the time he’d glance over to you with his sharp glance, but the tension never left the taut muscle of his jaws. His arm remained tight around your waist for the whole way back to bed too; he wasn’t letting go at all. Not that you minded. You did feel a little bit wobbly, and even if it just was to humor him, you wouldn’t take any chances now. Once in the bedroom his grip turned utterly tender; carefully he helped you lie down and pulled the blanket up to your chin. 
You gave a wistful sigh as your sore muscles finally got their rest again and the blanket was warming you. “Maybe… this isn’t such a bad idea, after all,” you mumbled, hopefully quiet enough Tobirama wouldn’t hear you.
He did, of course. With a dry chuckle he was already turning towards the window. “You’d be astonished how many good ideas I have, Y/n,” he quipped, closing the blends of the bedroom to render it a lot darker.
“How am I going to read like this?”, you promptly inquired, propping yourself up on your elbows again to rise in protest.
Tobirama cast a dark glare your way and instantly stalked over to your side again; sitting down on the bedside to push you back down onto the mattress with a certain kind of stern finality that still held a marvellous amount of gentleness to his touch. “You aren’t. Sleep now. I’ll leave you water and tea here and get you your documents later.”
With a sigh and yet another roll of your eyes you allowed him to pull the blanket up again once you were back on your back. “Are you, now.”
Tobirama rose to his feet again and simply regarded you with one quirked up eyebrow. “You are correct. We should wait and see how you are feeling later, actually.”
“You’re impossible. As if you’d be lying in bed just because of a little fever rather than work,” you bit back, perfectly miffed again.
Tobirama was unimpressed, though. “I’m being realistic. And unluckily for you, I’m not the one running a fever. Now, I have to drop off some documents for elder brother and check some other things at the office, then I’ll make sure to stick around,” he announced, but before you had any chance to tell him how truly, utterly, lucky you felt to have him hound your recovery, he was out of the door - which he closed, of course.
He had all but ignored your notion that he, in fact, would never stay in bed.
Well, maybe some sleep really would help you.
 Tobirama’s steps were spurred on by the same urgency that he had coaxed you into bed with earlier in the morning. He despised that out of all the days at the Hokage’s office, today seemed to be tedious and slow going. Naturally, everyone around him was subject to his mood, but right now his patience was thinner than usual. As a result, everyone kept out of his way - which was good, because then he’d work quicker - but also bad, because some of these things he couldn’t finish alone. Did he feel bad for snapping at someone for a simple slip up in the inbox? Absolutely not. Order was vital. Or shouting that some instructions for the training regimens at the academy still had not been finished? Please, these things had been due for one day already. 
If everyone just worked a tad faster -
It was futile.
He had to blame himself in part, really - he had been foolish enough to think he’d be done here swiftly and therefore had not left a shadow clone with you. Better yet, sent a shadow clone here to deal with these  menial tasks as he had dubbed them by now.
But that admission of guilt didn’t exactly do anything to improve his mood. Right now, he was standing in front of his elder brother’s broad desk while he was signing off permits for the growing commercial district of the village. Once that was done - Tobirama could finally use his hiraishin seal to get out of here.
That also most likely was the reason he was staring Hashirama down like a hawk, arms crossed in front of his chest, muscles tense. The scarlet glare was dark enough, bystanders might think he’d go for his brother’s throat any time.
Hashirama wasn’t fazed in the slightest, though. Tobirama’s moods have long since stopped to really impress him. Now, he didn’t make a point of being extra slow, but he made sure to keep track of all these things he was supposed to sign.
Even so - “You seem extra sour today, Tobirama.”
“Really? Whatever made you notice, elder brother?”, he answered drily, physically restraining himself from barking at his brother to just keep reading and not talk to him.
Hashirama raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to tell me, or will you keep spewing sarcasm?”
Tobirama rolled his eyes and gazed at the ceiling momentarily - was there any point in delaying proceedings to tell him? But then again, maybe his brother could help. His gaze swept back to Hashirama. “Y/n is sick. I want to get back home quickly.”
Hashirama sat down the paper he’d been holding and furrowed his eyebrows. “Sick? What’s wrong?”
“She’s running a fever. Now, the quicker we finish, the quicker I’ll be back to check on her.” Tobirama’s grip on his arms tightened. While his brother’s concern was charming - it was just delaying his return to you. He was late anyway. What if you were worse off now? Inadvertently his mien darkened a fair deal, and the glare he regarded Hashirama with was nothing short of lethal now.
Hashirama’s concern wasn’t subsiding, either. “Then go. I can finish this alone. If I have any questions, I’ll ask you later. Do you want me to come by in the evening?”
Tobirama blinked. The suggestion was convenient - too convenient for his liking, almost. His duty towards the village came first. Hashirama’s even more so. You, on the other hand…
He pinched the bridge of his nose, clenching his teeth. Why was nothing ever easy? He hated himself for it right now, he didn’t want to say this - no, he wanted to say, ‘Very well, yes, thank you’ - but no. “The village comes first.”
Hashirama sighed - and then smiled. “Very well. Then I order you to get back home.”
Tobirama’s eyes widened slightly. His brother couldn't seriously be ordering him to - but no, actually he could. He opened his mouth to protest - but with a wave of his hand he dismissed himself. He’d take this gift for what it was. “Thank you, elder brother. It would be good if you visited later.”
He simply nodded. “Give Y/n my well wishes.”
Already, the world lurched around Tobirama as he invoked his hiraishin seal in your shared living room. And in the blink of a second, he was standing in it - heading straight for the bedroom. Finally. He should have been here much sooner.
Before he entered, he could hear it - wheezing sounds. Quiet, but laboured breaths from the room you should be resting in. And by the sounds of it, you had been - a miracle. He frowned. Or, a very bad sign. Your adherence to medical orders was almost as bad as Tobirama’s. He quickened his steps, his heartbeat uncomfortably fast now. “Curses,” he muttered under his breath - why, why had he not left a shadow clone with you? 
With more force than intended he slid open the bedroom’s door. You still were in the bed, tucked in - and a fine sheen of sweat glistened on your skin. Your breaths were sounding rattled.
“Y/n,” Tobirama called, chastised almost, as though somehow it was your fault it had gotten this bad. The truth was he was shocked - utterly shocked - and worried. This wasn’t just a fever anymore; he didn’t need to examine you to know his hunch had been correct this morning: Pneumonia.
“Tobi…?”, came your slurred reply, the sheets rustled as you were sitting up.
Instantly he crossed the room to sit down at your side on the bed, his forehead drawn into a deep frown. You were glancing at him through glazed eyes, blinking a few times just before a coughing fit wrecked your entire body.
“M’sorry… Tobi…,” you whimpered after you were suitably recovered.
He had to blink at that. Were you apologizing? “What?” Tobirama’s hands grasped around your upper arms, he shook his head. “Lie down again, alright?” Your skin was scorching now. You whined uneasily again, tilting your head a little. “Y’sounded so mad right now… you were so mad this morning, too…”, you murmured, but you allowed Tobirama to coax you into lying down again, pulling the blanket over you. If the paleness was anything to go by, your blood pressure was low.
This wasn’t looking good.
“I’m - I’m not mad, love,” he churned out as his hand moved to your forehead to assess your condition again. What nonsense-
But before he could place it there, you had seized it with both palms and pressed it to your chest, your eyes comically wide now. “You’re… not mad? But… you were right… I think… I am a little sick, Tobi. Maybe?”
Tobirama couldn’t have prevented the coarse grunt he gave even if he had wanted to. “Not just a little, Y/n.” Gently, he tried to move his hand out of your grasp, but it only served to tighten it around it.
Your gaze was trained on him, and for a moment, you did nothing but stare. Tobirama’s frown deeped - then suddenly, you shook your head so slowly, he wondered if you even registered the movement. “Nah… You’re right… but I’m not  that  sick. You can be so… smug when you’re right…”, you mumbled - no, you …  giggled?
Tobirama’s gaze widened slightly as you spoke. Had you taken any medicine that didn’t agree with you? Was the focus of your infection perhaps not the lung, but the brain? “... Y/n? May I examine you?”
Your lower lip quivered. “Tobi,” you wantonly moaned now. “I don’t… want you to be mad ‘cause I didn’t… believe you, though,” you gave a sigh - at least that’s what Tobirama thought you wanted to do - but it ended in more coughs.
With a cocked eyebrow he continued to observe the theater that unfolded before him, your grip on his hand was steely. At least your strength seemed to be faring well. The same couldn’t be said for your mind.
“You get so… snappy when you’re pissed,” you continued suddenly, your gaze sweeping down to the hand you clutched like a stuffed animal. Your thumbs started caressing it and your lips formed a small pout. “That’s kinda… exhausting… but also funny sometimes, you know? … your sarcasm, mhm…,” you continued, trailing off into more incoherent mumbling.
Tobirama restrained himself from rolling his eyes at your nonsense and simply opted for using his other hand if you weren’t going to relinquish the one you were  cuddling  now. Softly, he placed it on your cheek and closed his eyes. Already, his chakra began to graze over your network -
Except then you  nuzzled  into his touch, throwing off his focus. His eyes flew open. “Y/n,” he reprimanded sternly, “Let me focus for a moment here, alright?”
You hummed contently, though. “You’re always so… focused, Tobi… Super focused...”
Tobirama really fought to say his next words in the nicest way possible - “Y/n, you aren’t just hot right now, you are burning up, please let me-”
You giggled then suddenly, your face turning so the tip of your nose would brush over his palm. “You said it again.”
Tobirama huffed exasperatedly. “What?”
“I’m hot. You said I’m hot.” More giggles followed - which were interrupted by another coughing fit of yours. Surprisingly, you had the decorum to turn your face to the side Tobirama’s hand wasn’t facing.
However, Tobirama’s patience was running seriously thin - and the last thing he wanted to do was snapping at you of all people. Not to mention in your current state, you probably would not take it well. He didn’t think he could stomach you crying on top of all this.
But then you were nuzzling into his hand again as your hands kept coddling his other to your chest and Tobirama seriously wondered if there was no way to just… gently knock you off whatever trip you were on.
“Y/n,” he began sternly, “You’re seriously ill. I need to examine you now, alright? Will you please let me do that? And stop doing… that?”, he tried to keep his voice even, calm - pleading - but what came out was annoyed.
Your eyes widened instantly. “T-Tobi,” you stuttered, “I’m… s-sorry… you don’t think I’m hot…?”, you asked, as if that was the most important thing in the world right now.
With those doe eyes you were giving him, Tobirama was sure you were convinced it was.
He gritted his teeth.
His dignity didn't want to do this. His logic considered this a stellar idea, though. 
“My love, you are the single, hottest being in the world. Nothing, not even a volcano, compares to your hotness. I see you, I feel you, and every time I’m in awe because of said hotness. I’d never, ever question just how hot you are,” he retorted instantly, with ground teeth, comically tilted up eyebrows and sheer desperation made him fall in line with your utter nonsense if this was what it took to make this work, somehow. 
It did the trick. Your eyes lit up as though he’d just recited a love poem he’d carefully written, no, crafted just for you - in fact, he was surprised you weren’t reaching up to try and kiss him or something like that. Tobirama on the other hand was proud he hadn’t choked on the sheer idiocy he had just uttered.
“Tobirama,” you sobbed happily, grinning broadly. “I knew you do think so…”, you continued, nodding fiercely, “You sometimes give me these… stares… and when we-”
Tobirama’s eyes flew wide open. “Y/n?”
You stopped mid-sentence, your mouth open, eyes wide. “Yes?”
“Can my very hot wife keep still for a moment?”, he inquired, mustering all the pitiful shreds of his patience - and pride - that were left to make his baritone voice sugar-sweet.
Luckily, it worked. You smiled broadly and nodded before stilling completely.
Finally. His hand rested on your cheek more firmly now and once more he closed his eyes. Usually he’d let his chakra caress yours first, but right now he was convinced that’d just do all kinds of  funny  things to you, and before this could get any more embarrassing, he increasing the connection right away to begin examining you. His chakra pelted your network as the workings of your body were revealed to his inner eye: what had been subtle, and easy to miss this morning was a roaring fire now. Undoubtedly the source of your ‘hotness’ - your left lung’s upper lobe was ridden with infection. The whole area was stuffed with mucus. Your heart beat with an elevated frequency, and your blood pressure had dropped.
Surprisingly your brain showed no abnormality at all. It must be the fever talking, literally.
Providing serious medical support in cases of infection went beyond his combat medicine skills. All he could do was support your lung a little by clearing the alveoles a bit - letting his chakra chop away at the stuffed airways that were supposed to be free. Tedious, straining work that wouldn’t help permanently unless the root of the problem was tackled effectively, but it should make breathing easier and lower the burden of infection. 
You on the other hand were making satisfied hums that barely reached his ears as he was sunken in his concentration, entirely wrapped up in the microscopic surgery he was performing, basically.
When he was finished - rather, when the labyrinth of your lungs’ smallest airways was beginning to drive him insane for how his chakra always seeped into yet another corner that was ridden with disease - he retreated.
By the time he opened his eyes, you were sleeping soundly - a fact he was thankful for. He needed to organise some antibiotic medicine for you, and somehow he had a distinct notion you wouldn’t take well to him leaving.
 Luckily, medicine was easily available as was his brother’s aid - Hashirama came swiftly when a shadow clone of Tobirama’s informed him of your state. With his brother’s medical jutsu and the medicine, your recovery was fast. Around evening, your fever had gone down substantially.
By the next morning, the fever’s haze had cleared. Tobirama was sitting on the edge of the bed with a scroll in his lap as you were blinking slowly at him, wiping sleep out of your eyes. You felt uncomfortably warm - too warm. With a sweep of your arm, the pushed the blanket aside.
Tobirama looked up and his scarlet eyes mustered you intently. He raised an eyebrow, but the smirk that was plastered on his lips was reaching his glance. “How’s your hotness feeling?”
You rolled your eyes and groaned. “Too hot.”
The smirk became a sly grin as he bit back on laughter. You could tell by the way the corners of his mouth wrinkled. Already, he began to sit up, setting his scroll aside. “To think such a thing was possible - I’m in  awe,” he supplied ironically, heading for the door.
Your eyebrows shot up. Time to strike back - it was one thing to quip about your silly remarks during your high fever, but he'd get his share, too. "And to think I made the very eloquent Tobirama Senju say things like not even a volcano compares to my hotness." The smirk on your lips grew as you watched the blood rush to your husbands cheeks.
It did the job. Instantly, his jaw was taut. "Y/n you are well aware I only said so because-"
"Everyday you are in awe because of my  hotness. How  lewd, Tobi," you continued, licking your lips.
He balled his fists, his expression darkened. "You were seriously ill and all you were concerned with was cuddling my hand and being complimented on your looks." Slowly, his arms crossed in front of his chest, his own smirk returning to his lips as he raised one eyebrow. "What does that say about your priorities?"
You turn up your palms and grinned boldly. "I'd say my priorities are damn fine. Just like my looks, as you testified," you winked and raised your hand to blow over a kiss at Tobirama. 
Who caught it, entirely unfazed. The fine eyebrow arched even higher. "I'm glad at least one of us is thinking of the important things then," his tone was perfectly sarcastic now. He turned to leave again. "I'll still see what I can do to tame that incredible amount of hotness."
You whistled to call him back quickly. "Can't you come and lie here, use your calm and cool body for that?"
His head tilted to give you a glance from the side again, an eyebrow rising slowly. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
You flashed a grin. "I'd love it."
For a moment, Tobirama was silent. A fine, sly grin spread over his lips as he dipped his head towards you - his baritone voice soft. "Well, too bad for you. A couple of wet towels will do a lot better to lower your temperature than my body, which, by the way, is just a few degrees less, ah, hot than yours." With a wink of his own he was out of the bedroom’s door.
With a dissatisfied grunt, you slumped back into the bed.
Did he just call himself hot?
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secret-engima · 4 years
I concur. The last option is the best. Maybe a few headcanons or snippets on how Angeal got roped into being a Braincell again? (Bonus if he originally refuses the call because *cough* Genesis *cough* but still ends up bundling up Ardyn and giving him some calming tea while in complete denial)
Hmmmm finally up for rambling this ask so buckle up!
-Angeal has no desire to be anyone special. He has had a good childhood this time around, with two loving parents and no scientific experimentation whatsoever. His father is one of the gardeners for the Oracles themselves and Angeal is perfectly content to follow in those footsteps once his father retires. He hopes for a peaceful life and carefully hides his lingering guilt and trauma from another life under the mental carpet, and refuses to admit he still dreams of the people he failed (Sephiroth who he abandoned, Genesis who he couldn’t save, his mother who committed suicide because of her guilt at what he’d become, his son apprentice Zack whom he forced to kill him).
-He is befriended by the young Princess, who smiles at him and is content to talk for hours about the flowers and plants he helps maintain. She follows him around sometimes, both asking for advice and giving it impulsively, and even though she is just a child, she has an impressive green thumb and an even more impressive kind heart. He knows that everyone says the Princess is ... odd. And she is. She is too old for her skin sometimes, too wise and too silly by turns in the way only someone who has seen it all and come out the other side can be.
-Privately, Angeal thinks she might be like him. Someone who remembers another life. But he never asks. He never admits. It doesn’t matter anyway. They are both content in their respective new lives, there is no need to drag up ghosts.
-Then one day Fenestala Manor ... burns. A lot of people are killed. A lot more are terrified and grieving and angry. There are whispers of rebellion, of defiance, but none dare when the late Oracle’s children are within Niflheim’s grasp.
-Angeal (who now wears the name Theseus like a suit he refuses to admit doesn’t fit right) keeps his head down and makes no moves to step out of line. He played hero once and he became the monster instead. He will not make that mistake a second time. He does, however, try to make his garden a sanctuary for the poor Princess. He can’t imagine how she must feel, to lose her mother so young, to be held captive by her mother’s killers, to have a brother who rages and cries and pulls bitterly away because he cannot see that his sister is grieving, just in a different way.
-Then the Chancellor of Niflheim visits for the first time, and Angeal only knows because he spots the Princess leading the bemused, sharp-tongued man around the garden, smiling and gentle and welcoming, like she is speaking to an old friend and not one of the leaders of the nation holding her hostage. Angeal keeps his head down, but the Princess trusts him and seems to think he makes fine company for a princess and an enemy politician, and she drags him over to talk about the flower crown she is making their guest.
-The Chancellor smiles and verbally cuts open Angeal in only the most veiled, politest ways. It’s almost impressive, if it didn’t remind him too much of Genesis. So Angeal pretends to not notice and hopes the man goes away and never comes back.
-He goes away.
-He keeps coming back.
-And Angeal keeps finding them in his garden, the Princess and her dangerous, half-mad guest (and Angeal knows madness, he has seen it in faces of friends and mirrors alike, he knows what the Chancellor hides behind his flowery words and indulgent smiles it is not anything nice), and he keeps getting dragged into the conversation, and somewhere along the way he notices that it’s almost always raining on the days the Chancellor visits. A pleasant, faint sort of rain that is almost as nice to be out in as sunshine. If it’s not raining before he arrives, it is within the hour he appears, and it always leaves within the hour the Chancellor does. And that the rain itself whispers against his skin like magic, like the faintest, most persistent of cure spells that Angeal hasn’t felt since he woke up as Theseus.
-Its a coincidence until it’s not. It’s happenstance until Angeal spots the glimmers of something quieter and saner appearing in the man with each visit and flower crown and long, rainy day conversation with the young Oracle.
-It’s not his problem until he stumbles on the man in question vomiting his guts out behind the gardening shed while the Princess has briefly been called away by nervous servants who make up any excuse to keep her away from the Chancellor she seems set on befriending.
-And Angeal has no desire to take another self-destructive, sharp-tongued, venom-fanged, art-loving, idiot redhead under his wing, but he likes to think he isn’t a horrible person in this life, so he gently rescues the man’s hat before it can fall into the smoking black (???) bile and gently steers the man to the nearby plastic chair Angeal sits on when maintaining his tools. He steps into the shed and comes back out with the thermos of tea he was saving for his own lunch and gently pushes the cup into the man’s hands while gold eyes stare at him and toy with his murder (Angeal has seen this powerful man in a moment of weakness, if Angeal disappears in the next two weeks, he won’t die surprised).
-“You should drink,” Angeal tells him softly, “It will help your stomach settle.”
-“Oh will it now.” Ardyn Izunia drawls even as he takes a slow sip of the herbal blend and makes the tiniest face at the taste. They stay in silence for a while, with the Chancellor recovering his breath on the chair and Angeal debating what to do with the patch of very dead ground where black bile was moments ago and healthy grass had been long before that. In the end he covers it with a piece of old tarp and decides to brave the potential radioactive spot later. Once the man who apparently had that stuff inside him has calmed down and hopefully left.
-“You’re taking this very calmly,” Izunia drawls, and Angeal can feel the barbs on the other man’s tongue, waiting to be unleashed at the slightest provocation.
-“You’re hardly the first man to get an upset stomach,” Angeal deflects calmly, “It’s perfectly normal.”
-A scoff that is startled enough to count as a genuine laugh, “Normal, he says.”
-Angeal ignores the question in there and instead turns around to look thoughtfully at the Chancellor. Without his hat to hide his face and his venomous smiles to discourage scrutiny the man looks ... exhausted. Rung dry. And very, very thin. Like he hasn’t eaten a good meal (or anything at all) in days.
-A workaholic maybe? Or something worse. The Princess is an Oracle after all, her duty will be to heal the sick of the otherwise incurable. It isn’t that much of a jump to say she could sense that Ardyn Izunia was sick and was trying to help even while untrained. Either way it’s not his problem. He’s just a gardener. He has no business interacting with this man beyond the times the Princess insists he does.
-He keeps telling himself that as he disappears back into his shed and comes out with another thermos, this one of soup (it’s a good thing it’s chilly weather, otherwise he would have brought a sandwich and that might be too hard for this man to stomach). He offers a cup of still warm soup to the Chancellor, who stares at it like he doesn’t remember what it is. Angeal keeps holding it out until the man takes it from him, “...You have no idea what is going on do you,” Izunia rasps as he sips almost experimentally on the soup.
-Angeal shrugs, “No. But you look like you could use a sit down, some tea, and some food, and my mother would kill me herself if I refused to share what I had with someone who might need it more.”
-A sneer and a flicker of something furious in gold eyes, “Pity then.”
-Angeal turns back from where he had been about to wander off and resume gardening, because he knows that tone and he knows where it leads and it hurts too much to walk away (this lifetime), “No.” He snaps and the Chancellor blinks in surprise at Angeal’s sudden fire. Angeal picks up the tools he needs for the next hour and says more quietly, “Kindness.”
-“Are they not the same thing?”
-Angeal thinks of a blinding smile from a boy in another life who didn’t know the darkness of the world and made it better in the process, of the Princess who welcomes a leader of the enemy into her home and gives him flowers like he is a long-lost friend. He thinks of another redhead who once said something very similar before the end. He dares to meet golden eyes again, “No,” he tells the Chancellor, “they aren’t. But you’re a smart man. I think you knew that already.”
-Ardyn Izunia stares at him and is, for once, speechless. Angeal turns and hurries away before he can give in to the urge to grab a spare picnic blanket out of the shed and drape it on the man’s shoulders.
-That man is dangerous. He is broken and mad and feral and good at hiding all those things which makes him even more dangerous than he otherwise would be. Angeal cannot (will not) get attached. Not again. He won’t fall into that trap. He isn’t a good friend for anyone, let alone a good moral compass or shoulder to cry on. He’ll just make things worse. He knows that.
-Yet somehow that doesn’t stop him from packing a thermos of soup whenever it starts to lightly rain, and passing out cups of it when the Princess and the Chancellor inevitably wander into his corner of the gardens.
-(And maybe, weeks later, Ardyn Izunia corners Angeal where the Princess cannot see and stares at him for a long time. Maybe Izunia’s face shifts and pales as black blood weeps from his eyes and mouth until he looks not like a man but like a ghoul from a nightmare. Maybe he smiles like a predator looking for a kill and asks “Theseus” if he is frightened. If he is horrified.)
-(Maybe Ardyn is left stunned when the simple gardener looks him in the eye and with painful, gentle honesty says no.)
-(”Why not? I am a monster. You should be afraid.” Ardyn growls, his Scourge on display, his monstrous nature bared for this strange, mild-mannered man to see. And he is stunned when the gardener gently touches his pale, purple-veined hands and guides him down to a familiar plastic chair, as he disappears into the shed and comes back with a familiar thermos of soup and presses the cup into his hands.)
-(He is left speechless when this gardener, this human, this mortal, foolish man, finally answers his question, “This,” the gardener taps one of Ardyn’s deathly pale hands, “doesn’t make you any more or less human, or more or less a monster than me.”)
-(“Then what does?” Ardyn asks in a whisper, not sure if he is curious or insulted or ... desperate.)
-(The gardener just smiles, and in the expression there is something unnervingly old and sad and knowing for someone who has not lived two thousand years and not seen his own humanity crumble before his eyes, “You’re a smart man, Chancellor” he hums, “you tell me.”)
-(And Ardyn finds that he is, once again, speechless.)
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Sweet Revenge, One shot
Loki is being subjected to some edging torture to try and get information out of him. But the poor OC doesn’t realise he has been playing her all along. Biding his time to break free and give her a taste of her own medicine, only much worse.
WARNINGS: Rape/Non-con. Dom!Loki. Teasing, edging, orgasm denial, forced oral.
 She swallowed hard when she walked into the basement and saw the angry Asgardian/Jotun chained to the wall at the opposite side.
She didn’t particularly like doing what she was doing, but she had no other option. Her boss would have her head if she didn’t get the information out of him that they needed. But the ways in which she was torturing him to get said information was not the most ethical of ways. But she was good at it.
Slowly making her way over, she tried to put on a brave face. He tugged at his chains, snarling at her. He was still in his Asgardian armour, but the flap on his leather trousers was open and his cock was sticking out. Still rock hard from her teasing earlier.
She couldn’t deny he was an absolutely gorgeous specimen. And she had had to deal with rather ugly subjects in the past. So having Loki to work with was a much nicer change of pace.
He was sweating still, panting between his snarls at her. She was impressed so far with how much teasing and edging he had been able to take without telling her the information she needed. In-fact, he had barely said anything since he arrived seventeen hours ago.
Trying not to stare too much at his rather monstrous looking cock, throbbing and in desperate need of some attention… She grabbed the bottle of lube and silicone fleshlight. But as she turned back to him, she could see the desperation in his eyes.
Biting her lower lip, she decided to try something different. Thinking that perhaps, the more intimate use of her bare hands would maybe make him talk quicker.
‘Still not ready to talk?’ She asked as she squirted some lube onto her hands and put the fleshlight back down again.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her, mouth parted. But he didn’t utter a single word. Though he looked absolutely furious.
Rubbing her hands together, she moved in closer to him. She was glad he was chained up, he was incredibly strong looking. Especially in comparison to herself. If he got free, she would have no chance that was for sure. Her boss had left for the night too now, so she wouldn’t even have any back up.
But she wasn’t worried. The chains were on and he was going nowhere.
‘I could do this for days, weeks even if need be.’ She took a firm grip of Loki’s cock, he twitched and groaned as she slid her hand down his shaft. ‘It would be much easier if you just told me what I needed to know.’
She tried not to enjoy the way he felt in her hands. Or the panting and grunting that came from above her while she focused on his cock. She was careful not to give him too much stimulation, she didn’t want him to cum. It would ruin everything.
‘If you tell me, I will make you cum. I will even use my mouth, if you want.’ She tried, glancing up at him.
His nostrils were flaring and his jaw was clenched. But he still said nothing. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment when she rubbed her thumb over the tip of him. But then she suddenly stopped and took a few steps backwards.
‘You are making this so difficult for yourself.’ She sighed and went to the other side of the room, picking up a journal she flipped it open and wrote down an update. Everything that happened in the basement had to be recorded.
Her ears perked when she heard a dark chuckle coming from behind her. It was the first noise she had heard from him that wasn’t whimpers or moans.
‘I think you’ll find, it’s about to become difficult for you.’ He purred, sounding so much closer to her than he should be. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end at his deliciously sinful voice.
She spun around and panicked when he was right there, on front of her, out of his chains. The anger and desperation no longer on his face, instead it was full of mischief, hunger and darkness. Before she could comprehend the situation and do anything, his large hand was wrapped around her neck and she was forced back against the wall, above the ground.
She coughed and spluttered as she tried clawing at his forearm and kicking out at him. He tightened his grip and chuckled wickedly.
Leaning in, he ran the tip of his nose up her cheek and smirked as he saw the life starting to drain from her eyes from lack of oxygen.
‘Oh, cat got your tongue now?’ He chuckled.
To her relief, he loosened his grip around her neck and lowered her down so her feet was firmly back on the floor. But he still kept a hold of her, pinning her to the wall. Her breathing was laboured, he was only allowing her short breaths.
‘Mmm… What to do with you, my little mortal. You thought you could tease and torment me, keeping me chained up in here like some animal. Not only do I have much more stamina than you think, but my powers are beyond what you could even comprehend. No mere chains could keep me restrained.’ He rubbed his thumb up and down the side of her neck while he spoke.
‘P… P… please.’ She whimpered.
‘Ohhh, I think I will rather enjoy hearing you beg.’ He hummed. ‘But I have a better idea.’
He slid his hand down her chest, grabbed her blouse on the way and ripped it clean off her. She cried out and tried pushing against him as he did the same to her bra, tearing it off like it was made of paper. He then clicked his fingers and to her dismay, her trousers and knickers simply vanished into thin air!
She tried covering herself up and attempted to run, but Loki fisted his hand into her hair and yanked her back towards him. He pulled her against his front and clamped his other hand down between her legs, holding her there very firmly.
‘This… Is now mine.’ He growled.
She let out a sob, realising she had no way of getting away from him. She had spent many hours torturing him, thinking he was trapped. But he had been playing her all this time.
And he was certainly going to get his revenge.
‘First. Let’s do what you suggested earlier.’ He let go of her and she attempted to run. Loki just rolled his eyes at her feeble attempt. He grabbed her arm and forced her down onto her knees on front of him.
When she tried to get up again, he pushed her down by her shoulders. She felt a weird tingling around her wrists and they were magically forced behind her back, held in place by his Seidr. No matter how hard she tried to struggle, she wasn’t breaking free of the invisible bonds.
Loki breathed out hard as he looked down at her on her knees, trembling and staring up at him with wide eyes. He slipped his hand back into her hair, taking a tight hold that made her yelp. He moved in closer, so his cock was just inches from her mouth.
‘You will use your mouth to pleasure me. And you will make me cum.’
She opened her mouth, waiting for him to slip into her. But Loki knew her game, he was too smart. He smacked her cheek in warning, hard enough to knock her face to the side. But not hard enough to knock her completely over.
Then he grabbed her cheeks harshly and leaned down to sneer right in her face. ‘You will NOT bite me. Or you will regret it, I promise you that.’
She felt sick, how did he know that was her plan? But she knew that was most definitely a promise she didn’t want him to keep.
Still shaking, she nodded slightly. Knowing there was no other way out of this. She hoped that perhaps once she gave him a blowjob for his release, he would leave her alone and just escape.
Taking control of her head by her hair once more, he forced her down upon his cock. Not giving her any time to get used to him or prepare, he forced himself down her throat, choking her.
‘Take it!’ He snapped, not giving in even when he felt her gagging around him.
She struggled against his Seidr, trying to get her hands free. She couldn’t pull back. All she could do was try to relax her throat, to try and accept him.
Loki made her gag for a while, before pulling out with a pop. She gasped and gulped down air as strings of saliva and pre-cum dribbled from her lips.
‘Now get to work.’ He demanded.
She got herself under control and as he pressed his cock passed her lips again, he allowed her to do the work for a while. She used her tongue to the best of her ability, swirling around him and licking underneath his tip. She hollowed her cheeks and bobbed her head up and down, but not too far down of her own will.
‘Ohhh yes.’ Loki moaned, throwing his head back.
His grip in her hair got tighter and tighter with each minute that passed. He started taking full control again, fucking her mouth roughly. Then, finally, he got his release he had been waiting patiently for.
‘Swallow it. All.’ He forced himself down her throat as he came. She started choking again as she struggled to swallow in time, it was too forceful and fast, a lot dribbled out and down from her chin.
‘Look at the mess you’ve made.’ He pulled out of her mouth and then pushed her down onto the floor. Luckily her breasts took most of the impact, but her face still hit the floor a little harder than she would’ve liked.
‘Clean it up.’ Loki snapped.
She felt so humiliated, used, sore… And he had only fucked her mouth. But she stuck her tongue out and managed to lick his sperm up off the floor, having to move her body like a snake without use of her hands.
Loki folded his arms over his chest and watched with a big grin while she licked the floor. He moved his foot over towards her, into her view. There was some on his boot.
‘And my boot.’
She paused, but she knew better than not to do it. So she closed her eyes and cringed internally as she licked it off.
‘Good girl.’ Loki hummed.
He reached down and gripped her hair, lifting her up to her feet. She swayed as she stood, her legs like jelly. Loki walked her over to the table and bent her over it, making her gasp. She started to plead with him again, begging him to let her go.
Loki put his hand to the back of her neck and held her down firmly. With his free hand, he stroked down her spine and down over her backside.
‘Oh no, pet. I am only getting started with you. I’m going to fuck every hole of yours, over and over.’ He forced his hand between her thighs, stroking her cunt he found her aroused. He slid a finger straight into her with ease, gathering wetness he slipped it out and over her clit, making her mewl and whimper. ‘I will fill you with so much of my cum, I will be dripping out of you for weeks. Or I might make you wear plugs, to keep it all inside.’
She cried out at his words and also at the way his fingers were playing with her so well. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. But his fingers weren’t there for long, he moved behind her and pressed his cock against her entrance instead. With one swift stroke, he forced himself fully into her, making her cry out in shock at the way he filled her right up, forcing her body to accommodate him.
He leaned right down over her, pressing his weight against her back. Her hands crushed between them. She trembled as she felt him twitch inside of her, the size of him hitting every single sweet spot.
‘I’m going to keep you… I’m going to turn you into my own personal fuck doll.’ He pulled his cock back, almost all the way out of her.
His breath tickled against the side of her neck as he nibbled on her earlobe, and then he dropped the final bombshell that made her blood run cold, just as he thrust roughly back in and knocked the wind out of her.
‘And don’t think for one second you are ever going to be allowed to cum again.’
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owlsbride · 4 years
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Icha Icha and Prejudice: The Book Club
Chapter IV: That Inner Voice
Eleven o'clock in the morning and Sakura was already upset. It was her first official vacation day, and it didn't start it as she had hoped. She had planned to sleep late, wake up in the most glorious and easy possible way with the felling of a long needy rested body. After all, she had to realise that Shizune and the Hokage were right, she needed to rest for a while, she was reaching the limits of her strength, and like this, she wasn't going to last long. So even if she was still a bit mad about the resolution, she finally came to terms with it, and it was ok.
What she has not been able to imagine was that after her furious outburst in the Hokage Tower, yesterday night, she would find herself immersed in a crazy game that Kakashi planned in less than a minute just to annoy her, disturb her, and of course, tease her. Dammed, he was smart. God, she hated that man.
'Yeah, tell yourself that till you believe it.'
Suddenly, she repeated Kakashi's recent message in her mind with a highly pitchy tone. It was not her sensei's voice, though.
'Hello there, Sakura.'
So she was back. After years of silence, her bitchy inner Sakura's voice came back to torment her mind and life. She turned on the bed, sinking her head in the pillow ready to grumble, and silent a scream of fury trying to escape from her frustrating throat. Perfect timing for the remarkable comeback. Perfect timing.
After her teen years, Sakura, under the Godaime tutelage, decided that inner Sakura was no longer necessary. She was pretty capable of analysing all the facts in front of her as well as her feelings, thoughts and attitudes, she no longer needed her alter ego to push her to act in this or that way, nor to show her the right path when she was lost. Generally, the correct direction of the inner Sakura was always the wrong one, but that she had only been able to see it after her failed attempt of relationship with Sasuke or any other man in the village.
The inner Sakura was impulsive, arrogant, prejudiced, and without a doubt much more daring than Sakura herself, and that did not suit her.
So, one morning, and just like that, the work, stress and the effort to make her inner voice disappeared went straight to the trash been, cause she was loudly back.
'Don't tell me that you didn't miss me.' the voice in her head said almost sad.
"No, I didn't. Not even a tiny bit." Great, now Sakura was talking to herself out loud.
'You are harsh with both of us, Sakura'
"No, I'm not. I worked hard for you to shut up, so, please..." Sakura pleaded.
'And yet, here I am.'
"What do you want?"
'The question is, what Do You want' annoying or not, inner Sakura's question was accurate and sharp. What was what she wanted?
"Arghh... fine! If you are here to stay, I hope, at least, for you to be useful."
'I'm all yours. Now get up, girl, we have things to do.'
Sakura finally accepted that the voice was back and resolved to went through everything with her in her mind. She didn't have much of an option, cause apparently, inner Sakura was not going to disappear any time soon. It was better to have a good relationship with her mind at this moment. Three weeks off was too much to think on her own. Maybe she had called her back. Perhaps it was a coping mechanism to go through her own personal hell with Icha Icha. Inner Sakura could be much more helpful with her sharp, bold thoughts. She was a natural teaser and a skilful trickster at times. She was the not so innocent part of her mind that incited thoughts that Sakura preferred to suppress. The inner Sakura's silence was what had allowed her not to have sex in all this time, putting all her libido in her work, making her see each man who passed by the hospital as an object of study and not as a possible good laid. Except maybe for Kakashi.
Hatake Kakashi, the Rokudaime, her Lord Sixth, her eternal sensei. The very same, that when he got sick or came back injured from a mission, he just wanted to be cared for by her. The one used to listen to her ramblings every day about new ideas, supporting all her projects. The one that one way or another was always by her side. Kakashi, the man with silver hair who aroused the entire village's curiosity and sighs even though no one, not even her, knew what was under the mask. The same man who could be severe enough to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, but who also read Icha Icha in public and even dared to flirt with her without shame or openness.
'You're so into him.' Inner Sakura spoke again suppressing a laugh.
"Oh please, It's not like that." Sakura dismissed her.
'How long are you going to live in denial, Sakura?'
"What do you mean?"
'Can't you see it for your own?'
'Thank god I'm here then.'
Sakura stopped the conversation with her inner self because she really needed a cup o coffee first. She had spent the first hours of her morning texting with Kakashi and talking to herself, and it was already exhausting. How was she supposed to survive both of them? Passing by her living room to the kitchen, Sakura directed her view to the orange book on the table. Sooner or later, she would have to start reading. But first thing first: Breakfast.
After almost half an hour, Sakura finally was ready to face her destiny and her thoughts.
'Are you ready?' Inner Sakura was jumping all over her mind like a child in a kermesse.
"I guess..." Sakura answered nervously sitting in her couch, crouching her legs and taking the book in her hands.
'Imagine the things he had done with that book' Her mind was torturous libidinous.
"Let's just don't think about it, ok?"
'Oh, come on, don't act as if you were a virgin Sakura... Just imagine, the shower, the couch, the bed...'
"Please, don't be grossed" Sakura answered blushing deeply. Something burning was forming inside of her, and she was sure it wasn't just her chakra.
'You slut, you have already thought about that. You are so hot with him.' Inner Sakura was celebrating.
"Shut up."
Chapter I: The sunset. The light was slowly extinguishing on the cornfields making the shadows that were projected throughout the space even more orange. The summer rain's soft scent had left a persistent sweet aroma mixed with the lavenders that were only a few meters from where she was standing. The heat and humidity created a soft layer of sweat on her body, mixing her own body scent with that of her surroundings. She knew that she must have run away as soon as she saw him arriving at the village. Instead, she only could make it to the cornfield, a familiar place for both of them.
So cliche, Sakura thought with a grin on her face. She was sure that Kakashi was having it way harder than her. Though she had to recognise that even if Jiraiya didn't have Jane Austen's prose, it wasn't that bad. So far, it was an easy, perfectly innocent reading.
'Really Sakura? is that what you are thinking? A neat prose?' Inner Sakura jumped in her mind again a bit upset because up to now Sakura wasn't able to find nothing too thrilling in the first pages. Sakura didn't pay her any attention and kept reading, she was starting to relax about this whole thing of Kakashi's little obsession. It wasn't that bad.
He followed her without hesitation. He knew he would find her staring at the horizon, waiting for the night breeze to cool her feverish skin. She had always liked to feel the summer wind run across her ivory skin, bristling the hair on her arms, making her shiver. Her tousled hair floating freely, like her thoughts. He knew he would find her there, and right there, he would claim her just for himself.
Sakura sighed, the things were already starting to heat up but in a really smooth and slow path. The Sannin knew how to build tension and, what she heard Ino said once, a good slow-burn romance scenario. Inner Sakura was in silence, and she was immensely enjoying the reading. Actually, she was starting to think that she could spend the entire day at home reading. After all, it wasn't that hard.
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
Sakura looked for her cellphone. Inner Sakura was already starting to complain about the interruption, but she suddenly stopped.
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:30 H.Kakashi: Yo!
18:30 H.Kakashi: What are you doing, Sakura?
Sakura didn't know if to answer and play difficult, Inner Sakura was highly excited about those short, silly messages. Of course, Sakura answered, she had to follow the inner lead.
18:32: Hello, Sensei
18:32: Reading, you?
Sakura didn't come back to the book. She just fixed her stare in the device in her hand.
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:35: H.Kakashi: And?
Kakashi wasn't going to answer her, she was sure. She would have to give him something first. She knew her sensei like the palm of her hand.
18:36: It's ok so far
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:36 H.Kakashi: What?
18:36 H.Kakashi: Just ok?
18:37 H.Kakashi: Do you even know how to read, Sakura?
Sakura burst to laugh out loud in her home alone. He was such a spoiled child.
18:40: Yes Hokage Sama, it's ok, I haven't read much yet.
18:40: What about you? Working? Reading?
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:41 H.Kakashi: Actually, both.
18:41: And?
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:42 H.Kakashi: Work, awful, reading, quite interesting.
18:42 H.Kakashi: Tell me, Sakura, is it possible?
Sakura asked herself what was he talking about, Inner Sakura, invited to re questioned him.
18:45: What?
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:46 H.Kakashi: To have five daughters and take care of all of them, in a simple civilian life, plus a wife and listen to them all the time talking without a stop
Sakura laughed again.
18:47: So... You are feeling bad for the poor Mr Benett, right?
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:47 H.Kakashi: Who wouldn't...
18:48 H. Kakashi: Listen Sakura...
And for a moment he didn't say anything more.
18:55: What now?
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
18:55 H.Kakashi: Would you like to have dinner? Unless you already have plans. We don't need to talk about the books, in fact, we don't have to talk at all
Sakura stood frozen. What was wrong with him. Even if it was just a simple text, she could read need in his words.
'Don't you dare to say no' Inner Sakura adverted, forming a fist with her imaginary hand.
19:00: Rough day?
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
19:00 H. Kakashi: You can't imagine.
Sakura smiled.
19:01: Then you'll have to tell me.
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saltywhovian · 4 years
seven minutes in heaven is hard when there’s four people in the closet
Marinette loved Alya. She was her best friend, her confidant, her rock. But Marinette was going to strangle Alya. She was going to murder Alya, ressurect her, and then murder her again. If she made it out of this closet without being suffocated to death. But hey, being suffocated during Seven Minutes in Heaven is such a good way to die. 
“Marinette! I’m having a little sleepover tonight, nothing fancy, just a few friends, some chips, some bad movies, will you pleaaaase come??” 
Marinette glances over at Alya, who is practically down on her knees begging Marinette to come to the sleepover. “Alya, I-” Marinette makes eye contact with Alya, who has become the literal definition of puppy eyes. Marinette sighs, and grabs her phone. “You know what, I deserve a night off. I’ve been working myself too hard. Let me ask my parents.”
After getting a positive answer from her parents, Marinette gives Alya a thumbs up. Alya squeals, and throws her arms around Marinette. “Girl, you won’t regret it!”
“Okay weirdo,” Marinette chuckles. “Let me finish this homework.”
As Alya walks away, she grins to herself. 
She goes up to Nino and Adrien, and after planting a big kiss on Nino’s cheek, she turns to the boys. “Hey, I’m having a sleepover, do you two want to come?”
Nino nods, and Adrien furrows his brow. “I’ll have to clear it up with Nathalie and my father,” 
Alya interrupts him with a grin. “Uh-uh my friend. I already got approval from Nathalie. You can check with her right now.
Adrien, who is even more confused, pulls out his phone, dialing Nathalie. 
“Hey, um, Alya invited me to a sleepover, and-” he stammers.
“Yes, I am aware of Ms. Cesaire’s get together. You already have your father and I’s consent to attend. But of course, it is your choice on whether or not you go.” Nathalie responds.
“No, no, I want to go! Th- Thank you Nathalie.”
“Have fun Adrien.”
Adrien turns to Alya, amazement in his eyes. “How? Just- how??” 
Alya walks away dramatically, calling over her shoulder, “A magician never reveals her secrets.”
After inviting Alix and Rose, Alya goes to Juleka. “Hey girl, I’m having a little sleepover tonight, do you and your brother want to come?”
Juleka smiles, and shoots a text to Luka. “He would love to come.”
Alya smiles slowly. And that makes four.
You see, Alya was smart. And although everyone except for Adrien knew about Marinette’s “little” crush, Alya knew there was more. Because whenever Kagami was around Adrien, Marinette would get jealous whenever they touched each other. Not just if Kagami initiated the touching, but if Adrien did too. And whenever Marinette was with Luka, they were gentle, they were the same in a quiet kind of way.
So Alya dug a little more. She grilled Adrien enough to know that he’s head over heels for Marinette, just in denial.  She then accomplished the harder task, figuring out Kagami’s feelings. It took nearly a month of careful plotting, and finally, finally got Kagami to admit that she wanted to take Marinette into her arms, and.. Alya stopped Kagami there. 
And then she dug more. Kagami and Adrien weren’t hard to figure out. And the moments that Luka and Adrien shared were so sweet, Alya thought she might get diabetes. As for Kagami, and Luka? There was definitely something there. It just needed a little push. 
Alya did such a good job figuring this all out, she was considering a career as a detective. So with all this information, what was she going to do?
Well she was going to scheme. But she couldn’t do this by herself. So she enlisted Nino, and then after some careful thought, she pulled Juleka into the planning.
After another two weeks, they had a plan. Operation Seven Minutes was a go.
Honestly, the hardest part was convincing Kagami and Adriens parents to let their children attend a co-ed sleepover. Alya went to Nathalie first. She explained that Kagami would be there, and that they would be doing meditation, to relax and tame their emotions due to stress of everyday life. She said that it would be beneficial and would allow Adrien to focus more on his duties. Nathalie gave her a smile, and told her that Adrien had her permission to attend the sleepover. For Kagami, it involved simply stating that Adrien Agreste would be in attendance, and Gabriel Agreste approved of the affair. Ms. Tsurugi approved immediately. 
So she invited the four, and a few others to create less awkwardness in the room, so she could trick the idiots into a false sense of security. 
Technically the main objective of Operation Seven Minutes was to get the four idiots together, but the true objective was for Alya to live all her shipping fantasies and be as amused as she can possibly be. 
She sends a text to Operation Seven Minutes.
Red -The birds are in the bush
Purple - What?
Green - Everyone’s coming.
Purple - Why couldn’t Alya just say that?
Red - Code names, Purple!
Purple - They’re kinda dumb
Green - She’s got a point, babe
Red - Whatever, whatever. Time for Phase 3.
Marinette rings the doorbell at Alya’s place, face slightly flushed at her late arrival. Alya opens the door, and pulls Marinette in. “There you are, girl! I got worried for a second that you weren’t coming!”
“I’m so sorry Alya, there was an emergency at the bakery…” Marinette trails off as she takes in the people in the room. Nino and Alix are engaged in fervent conversation that’s no doubt involving some extreme dare, Juleka and Rose cuddling, and…
Adrien, Luka and Kagami all sitting together looking mildly awkward. Scratch that, really awkward. 
Marinette slowly turns to Alya, her face twitching. Before the situation escalates, Alya snatches Marinette’s bag and yeets it into a corner.
“Alright, gather round, gather round!” Alya beckons. “Now that Marinette’s here, we’re going to play Uno!”
Marinette balks at the circle, unsure on where to sit. Kagami tugs at Marinette's sleeve, indicating a spot in between her and Luka. “Sit next to me Marinette.”
Marinette smiles, which the team notices, thanks to a nudge in the ribs from Alya. “O-Okay Kagami.”
Luka makes a small wave at Marinette as she settles in. “I’m glad you’re here, Marinette.”
Adrien leans over from Luka’s other side. “Me too!”
Kagami gently scoots in closer to Marinette, leaning into the conversation. “I as well Marinette. I always seem to enjoy myself when you’re around.”
Marinette is practically speechless, already furiously flushing. Nino, Alya and Juleka fist bump, whispering “Pound it!”
Uno goes better than Alya could ever imagine. Sure Alix is another +4 away from murdering someone, but that was a foreseen circumstance. No, Alya is very pleased because the four have been slowly snuggling closer and closer to each other. And because of how competitive Marinette gets, she is no longer stuttering around anyone. 
Kagami looks at Marinette, her eyes gleaming in regret. “Marinette, I’m so sorry, I have no other card..” She places the +4 card down. “I hope you can find it in your heart to ever forgive me.”
Marinette meets Kagami’s eyes, her own filled with understanding. “It’s okay Kagami, I know you would never willingly betray me. Besides, you’ve given me the perfect opportunity.”
Luka looks at Marinette in alarm, clutching his three card deck to his chest. “Marinette, you couldn’t. You- you wouldn’t!”
Marinette shrugs, looking nonchalant, but a smirk is threatening to break through her casual expression. “I’m sorry Luka, but you are a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“Marinette, it doesn’t have to be like this!”
“Oh but it does.” She slams the +4 card down on top of Kagami's card. “Uno.”
Luka stares at the card, disbelief taking his body. Adrien rubs his back, mourning the defeat.
Marinette tenderly places a hand on Luka’s face. “I’m sorry it had to be like this. Maybe in another lifetime it would work. But it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.” 
Luka gasps at the touch, much to Juleka’s delight. But before he can respond, Alix leaps to her feet, eyes raging, pillow in hand. “I’ve had enough! This means war!” Alix then swings the pillow into Ninos face, knocking him to the floor. 
The room erupts into chaos. Everyone scrambles to grab a pillow, and attack the foes around them. Adrien immediately jumps in front of Marinette, acting as a human shield. “Marinette stay back!” he yells. “I’ll protect you!” 
On the ground, Marinette looks up at Adrien, who is practically glowing in the fluorescent lighting, framed by feathers floating around them. The moment is ruined by Adrien being shunted to the couch by a pillow to the ribs. Marinette rushes to his side and clutches his hand. “Adrien! Are you okay?”
He looks up to her, and hands her his pillow. Marinette nods, determination in her eyes. “I’ll avenge you.” 
She rushes into battle, the power of the past Ladybugs flowing through her veins. Kagami and Luka, who are currently fighting back to back, can only watch in awe as Marinette, crowned with righteous fury, slams her pillow in Ninos stomach, causing him to fall into Alya.
 “Oh girl I’ll get you for that!” she cries, hoisting her pillow into the air.
In a blink, Kagami rushes to block Alya. While engaged in a furious standoff with Alya, she cries “Luka, now!”
Alya looks back to see Luka leaping into the air with his pillow above his head.
From the couch, Adrien yells “Finish her Luka!”
And finish her he does. With one final blow, Alya is struck to the ground. The battle ends with Luka and Kagami flanking Marinette, while their friends lay fallen around them. 
Rose looks up, and starts laughing. “I think that’s a good segway to pajamas, huh?” 
Marinette fidgets with her pajamas, displeased with her selection. She had picked them based on the thought that it was just going to Alya, Rose and Alix, so she’s wearing a silky tank top and short combo that she made herself. The pink tank top sometimes rides up to show a little stomach, and the shorts show way too much leg than she is comfortable letting Luka, Adrien and Kagami see.  “Alya,” Marinette hisses under her breath. “I cannot go out in this!”
Alya tugs a stubborn Marinette into the other room. “Girl, relax. Once you see what everyone else is wearing, you’ll calm down.”
Marinette doesn’t exactly calm down, per say. She doesn’t really notice what Alix and Nino are wearing, but sees that Rose and Juleka are matching. But she stops right in her tracks when she sees her crushes. 
Kagami, who is watching Luka and Adrien squabble, is wearing the prettiest red nightgown Marinette has ever seen. It’s big and billowy, falls right above her knees, and the puffy sleeves give Kagami this innocent yet beautiful look. Kagami rushes to Marinette’s side, clutching her arm. Marinette is trying, and failing to ignore how Kagami's fingers feel against her bare skin. 
“They’re fighting because they’re matching,” Kagami whispers into Marinette’s ear. 
Marinette finally looks at Adrien and Luka, and almost faints. Luka and Adrien are both wearing Ladybug onesies, both with hoods and feet, and are in a heated argument over the matching.
“I’m just saying that you should change because I’m the biggest Ladybug fan.” Adrien argues. “I’m literally Chat Noir- I mean in the animated movie.”
“Any true fan knows that the movie sucked,”  Luka counters. “Just because you are ‘Chat Noir’,” he mocks with air quotes, “Doesn’t entitle you to the title of the biggest Ladybug fan.”
Marinette whispers back to Kagami, “I should probably intervene before this cat fight gets ugly.” Shouldering her way inbetween the onesie clad boys, she gives both of them a stern glare, silencing them. “Boys, you’re both pretty. Besides, I think Chloe wins that title. She literally has an expensive Ladybug cosplay, wig and all.” 
The boys nod in agreement, mostly distracted by Marinette’s choice in pajamas. Luka hates to prove the “boys are distracted by girls shoulders” stereotype, but he cannot stop staring. There’s something about the dip from her next to the shoulder that just makes him…
“Alright, losers, let’s play some truth and dare!” Alix’s challenge breaks the spell. The boys and Marinette sit down where they are, and Kagami joins them at Adrien’s side. “Alright, Rose, truth or dare?”
Rose blinks at the question, weighing the options. “Truth!”
“If you could kiss anyone in this room, who would you kiss?”
Without any hesitation, Rose blurts out “Juleka!” 
Juleka, who is settled in at her side, slowly turns to Rose, her face the same shade as Rose’s pjs. “Um, really?”
Rose, who is also bright pink, nods, and pulls Juleka into the hall. The rest of the room sits in silence until the two come back a few minutes later. 
Juleka breaks the silence. “We’re dating now.” 
The room, once again erupts into chaos. Luka rushes to his sister, crying about how proud he is, Alix to Rose saying that it’s all thanks to her. In the chaos, someone bumps into Marinette, causing her to tumble right smack into Kagami. Thanks to some cruel twist of misfortune, Marinette’s hands… are dangerously close to where they shouldn’t be. Marinette flings herself back, stammering out apologies, but Kagami silences her with a hand and a smile. 
“Marinette, I know you would never purposely do anything to me,” Kagami assures Marinette. “You are pure and true. That’s why..” 
But Kagami never finishes her sentence. With a roar, Alya silences the room. “Okay, we can all agree that we all just witnessed something beautiful. Now let’s get back to Truth or Dare.” She peers around the room, eyes landing on Adrien. “Adrien, truth or dare?”
“Uh… dare?” the blonde answers.
“I dare you to sit in Luka’s lap until dared to move.”
Adrien is practically red. “I, uh, erm…”
Alix whoops, “You’ve got to do, blondie. A dare’s a dare!”
So Adrien makes his way over to Luka. “Are you okay with this, Luka?” Adrien asks, desperate to not be placed in this situation.
Luka, who most definitely wants to be placed in this situation, shrugs, trying to hide his excitement. “Yeah.” he pats his lap, wiggling his eyebrows at Adrien. “Sit down, Monsieur.”
Adrien slowly drops himself into Luka’s lap, gently moving until he’s comfortable. 
Alya sneakily takes a picture. 
After a few more truths and dares, it’s Juleka’s turn to ask. “Marinette, truth or dare?”
After a few seconds of thinking, Marinette answers “Dare.”
“I dare you…” Juleka makes a huge show out of thinking up a dare, but the one she has is one memorized from Alya’s meticulous planning. “To give Luka a kiss on the nose.” 
Adrien looks at the two, who are starting to look like Ladybug’s costume, and asks “Do I have to move?”
Juleka shakes her head. “Stay where you are.”
Marinette sputters, but makes her way over to Luka and Adrien. Leaning past Adrien, who melts at the feeling of Marinette breathing by his ear, Marinette locks eyes with Luka. “I’m going to kiss you now,” she whispers. He nods, and Marinette brushes her lips onto the tip of his nose. Luka cannot control the sigh that escapes him. Marinette pulls back and returns to Kagami’s side, who straightens up, and looks to Adrien.
“Adrien, truth or dare?” Kagami asks him. 
“Uh, dare I guess?” Adrien answers, intimidated by her intensity. 
“I dare you to sit in my lap.”
You can hear a pin drop.
The team was not expecting the operation to go this well. 
“You heard her right, Adrien.” Rose chimes. “Go sit in her lap!”
Luka, who is very reluctant to give up Adrien, watches as he goes, and settles into his second lap of the evening. Kagami leans forward into his back, and whispers into his ear, “I missed you.” 
Adrien thinks he is going to die. 
This time, Nino takes the picture.
After another round that results in Alix reliquenshing her hat to a very delighted Rose, Alya takes the reins. “Luka, Kagami, I dare you two swap pajamas. One of you can change in my bathroom, the other in my bedroom.”
Lukan and Kagami make eye contact, an unspoken message coursing through the room. Kagami taps Adrien’s lower back. “I’ll be back.” 
He stands up, sitting with a very delighted Marinette, allowing Kagami and Luka to go to Alya’s room. Once in the room, Kagami closes the door and turns to Luka. Luka is the first one to break the silence. “What’s your game at?”
“What game?” Kagami drawls, not breaking the stand off. 
“Well, I just found it odd that you dared Adrien to sit in your lap while Marinette was right there, and you’ve been glued to her side all evening.”
“I do not hesitate, Luka. I know what I want, and I get it.”
Luka raises his hands in a sign of peace. “Hey, I’m not trying to start a fight or anything. I’m just trying to figure out if we’re on the same page.”
“What page, Luka?”
“Do I really have to spell it out?”
Kagami’s silence is all the answer he gets.
“Fine, fine. Listen, I’m in love with Adrien and Marinette, and I’m almost positive that you feel the same.”
“You are correct about almost everything.”
“You failed to account that I might be in love with you.”
Kagami raises an eyebrow. “Oh? I confess to you and all you have to say is oh??” 
Luka backtracks, trying to explain himself, but Kagami interrupts. “It’s okay. I’m not going to be selfish.”
“No, no no!  You’ve got me all wrong, Kagami!” Luka slides a hand through his hair. “You’re like, part of my harmony. The four of us, we’re like a four part harmony. I… need all of the chords to sound good.”
Kagami gasps, a blush dusting across her cheeks. “Oh!”
Luka chuckles, and Kagami shoots him a glare. “The irony is not lost on me. However, the main issue at hand here is the fact that we’re being set up.”
“Definitely. But, I’m not mad about it..”
Kagami raises an eyebrow. “Hm?”
“Well, think about it. Do you think we would’ve ever figured it out on our own? I lo-love all of you, and you’re probably the smartest of us all, but we’re kinda dumb. Marinette will figure out if given many many hints, and Adrien…”
Luka falters, not wishing to insult Adrien, but continues. “When it comes to crushes, Adrien’s about as smart as a rock. Not like a cool rock. Just a rock.”
Kagami snorts at the comparison, and turns to Luka, smirking. “I say we play along, and enjoy ourselves. Besides, whatever’s going on,” She laces her fingers into Luka’s, who is smiling, and squeezes her hand back. “It already led me to you.”
“Let’s finally complete the dare, huh?”
Kagami nods, and they split to change, fingers touching until the very last second. 
When Kagami and Luka leave, the sitting arrangements have slightly changed. Alya and Nino are cutely snuggled up. Alix is sprawled on top of their laps, smirking at Adrien and Marinette. Alya sees the pair, and motions to be quiet. Adrien and Marinette are holding hands, red as Adrien’s onesie. Their feet are brushed up against each other, and Marinette is very pointedly not looking at Adrien.  
Marinette would later swear she felt Adrien purring. 
Kagami leans over to Alya, whispering, “Where are Juleka and Rose?”
Alya whispers back, “Alix dared them to play Seven MInutes in Heaven, which should be up right….” A timer beeps off, and Rose and Juleka stumble out of the coat closet, mildly disoriented but both foolishly smiling. 
Luka and Kagami make eye contact, an unspoken thought passing among them. Marinette finally notices Kagami and Luka and squeaks when she sees them. She’s mostly excited about how cute Kagami looks in the ridiculously oversized Ladybug onesie, but her and Adrien quickly notice the nightgown on Luka falls smack in the middle of his thighs. Both Adrien and Marinette fight an urge to touch his legs. 
Alya wiggles her eyebrows, and nudges Nino, who grabs Juleka’s attention. They all know it’s time for the final phase of Operation Seven Minutes. It’s perfect that Alix already made a segway to having people playing it, really, this is going way too well. “Hey Marinette, you haven’t had a turn in a while. Truth or dare?”
Marinette chuckles, somehow miraculously still holding Adrien’s hand, decides “I’m feeling a dare.”
Time to go for the kill. “I dare you to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with someone of your choice.”
Marinette looked ready to murder Alya. Twitching hands, and a very fake smile. Nino jumps in, as according to plan, in case Marinette couldn’t pick. “C’mon Alya, don’t make her pick! She’ll take so long, that we’ll all be 80. I’ll pick.”
“NO!” Marinette practically screeches. “No. No. Alya dared me to pick, and so I’ll pick.” She doesn’t pick. 
After a minute that felt like an hour, Juleka speaks up. “I have an idea. How about Marinette goes in the closet, and whoever wants to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with her will follow. Anyone opposed?”
When no one speaks, Marinette nods, and shuffles off to the closet. As she sits in there, her mind begins to race. Why is no one coming? It’s because no one likes you, you should’ve just picked Alya and hugged her for 7 minutes..
While Marinette worries outside, her friends sit in silence. Suddenly, Kagami stands up and rushes to the closet. Luka leaps up, hot on her tail. After a few seconds, Adrien jumps up, and scrambles after the two, muttering “Crap, crap, crap!”
Alya, Nino and Juleka just stare in amusement, and Rose and Alix...are going to need a moment.
Before Marinette can spiral any more, Kagami slams the door open, then attempts to lean on the door nonchalantly. “Uh, hey-” she’s promptly interrupted by Luka's body slamming into her, causing both of them to fall in with Marinette. She squeaks as they both fall in, and if it wasn’t awkward already, Adrien also trips and stumbles in. Alya makes no time in quickly shutting the door, and the fours eyes widen hearing the lock click. “Seven minutes starting now, have fun!”
Marinette is the first to speak up. “So, um, all of us are in here. In here, in this closet, for s-seven m-m-minutes in heaven. Hm, hm, so I uh, hm..”
Marinette is so cute that the three might die. 
Kagami smiles. “Marinette, may I?” Marinette cues her with a nod. “I believe that Marinette is pointing out the fact that we all wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with her, a party game for the sole purpose of making out. I know that I would love to make out with Marinette.”
Luka nods in agreement. “Same here.”
Marinette is a squeaky, blushy mess. They all turn to Adrien.
He is blushing just as bad, if not worse than Marinette. “Y-yeah…” 
Marinette almost faints. “I, um, would like to uh, make, make, um up, no out, with all of you too.” 
Kagami, who would later claim that she already knew this and just wanted the others to know, lets out a faint “Yes!”
“Erm.. Continue.”
Marinette nods. “I, um, also, notice, that you guys, all kinda, you know, um, like each, each, other, and  I um, like, want to sugg- suggest,”
Luka tries to rub her back to encourage her, but because of how small the closet is, he ends up being squished a little too close to Marinette, with his face mere inches from Adrien’s.
Adrien is going to give Alya the entire Gabriel fortune. He’s going to give her the entire company. 
“I-” she gulps. “I would like to suggest us, being in like, a poly group. Only, only if everyone's okay with it, and I know we would have to work out all the kinks-”
Marinette is quickly silenced by a swift kiss from Kagami. While the two girls kiss, Luka and Adrien are both trying to decide to get jealous, or kiss each other. Kagami takes her sweet time pulling away, and whispers, “I would love to date you. All of you. If-if you’ll have me.”
Surprisingly, Adrien speaks up. “It would be a dream to date all of you. I, have to admit, I loved Marinette first, deep down, and then Luka and Kagami came into my life, and I’ve, I’ve never been the same.”
Everyone looks to Luka, who lets out a hearty chuckle. “Of course I want to date you guys! All of you are my harmony. My beautiful, beautiful harmony.”
Marinette looks up at all of them,  tears brimming in her eyes. “I love you guys!”
“We love you too Marinette!”
“You know,” Luka mentions, wiggling his eyebrows at Adrien. “Alya shoved us in here to play Seven Minutes, and those seven minutes are ticking by…”
Outside, Alix glances over to Alya. “Did you set the timer?”
“Oh no!” Alya gasps, most definitely insincere. She makes a huge show out of picking up her phone, and pretending to be surprised that the timer isn’t set. “I’ll just set it to seven minutes now. I just hope they don’t mind!”
Nino rolls his eyes, snaking an arm around his girlfriend. “I’m almost positive they won’t babe.”
After the actual seven minutes, Alya finally unlocks and opens the door. “Times up,” she calls, “I hope you guys weren’t too..” All four of them topple out of the closet, tangled and flustered. “Uncomfortable.” she finishes with a smirk.
Marinette smiles, stands up, dusts herself up, and pulls up her girlfriend and boyfriends, kissing each of their cheeks. “We managed.” 
Later that night
“M’lady,” Chat Noir calls, settling next to her on the Eiffel Tower. “It’s 1 am, are you okay?”
“No, yeah! I’m actually great!” she assures him. “I called you here to tell you something. So, you know how I kept rejecting you?”
“Yeah, about that-”
“Wait. Just, let me finish, kitty. I’m dating the boy now, and I’m also dating two other people that I really love, and I thought was a rival for me to the boy, and the other boy the boy thought was his rival and I’m telling you this because you’re my friend and my partner..”
And in that moment, a fog is lifted from his mind. He places his hand on Ladybug’s shoulder, and whispers, “Marinette?”
“How-” and the fog is lifted from her as well. “Adrien?”
He pulls, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. They pull each other into a deep hug, and sob into the night. 
“Of course it’s you,” Adrien cries into Marinette’s shoulder. “It’s always been you.”
They share a tear soaked kiss, weighted down by each other, by their love for each other, by their love for the two still with Alya. 
Marinette stands up, and pulls Adrien to his feet. “Let’s get back before Luka and Kagami notice we’re gone.”
They’ve already noticed, but they will let the duo tell them on their own time. For now, they just let the two snuggle in close, and hold them tight. After all, that’s what love is. Trust. 
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mocha-sim · 4 years
a concept: yandere aoi
between the bad posture, the constant scowl, the eyepatch, and the aggressive attitude, aoi doesn’t really get a whole lot of romantic or sexual attention. in fact, she doesn’t remember anyone ever having a crush on her before shiromi.
she doesn’t know what shiromi sees in her, but she eats up the attention. she loves it when shiromi tries to flirt with her or brings her gifts. she even ends up returning those feelings - but she keeps rejecting shiromi, thinking that pretending she doesn’t care will only make her want to chase after aoi more.
shiromi gets the hint that aoi isn’t interested and moves on.
she sets up a profile on some dating app and meets a nice boy from shisuta town. they hit it off really well: he’s sweet, smart, and she could talk to him for hours. she’s forgotten about aoi.
and then the boy goes missing. they find his body a few days later in a ditch somewhere with his limbs and head bent in all the wrong directions. shiromi is visibly upset by his death, especially after seeing how brutalized his corpse was - it’s only natural that she would turn to her friends for comfort.
but her friends start disappearing, one by one. some turn up dead a few days later, just like the boy. others stay missing forever.
on aoi’s end, she’s furious. her self-esteem plummeted after shiromi moved on, and now she’s desperately trying to pick up the pieces. how could shiromi just give up on her after they’d built such a strong bond? shiromi liked her before and she knows it, so why did she suddenly turn away? what right does she have? aoi is entitled to her, and she’s not going to stop until she gets what she wants.
shiromi finds out who it is soon enough. she walks in and sees aoi, standing over kuroko’s corpse, still stomping on her skull even though she’s already dead. she’s in denial at first - that couldn’t be her former best friend, right? sure, aoi has anger issues, but she wouldn’t kill someone.
aoi spots her. shiromi runs and calls the police, but by the time they arrive aoi is long-gone. 
she starts to notice aoi following her home. first once a week, then a few times, and then every night. usually she messes with people who follow her - vanishes when they turn a corner, then pops up behind them. it’s funny to see their reactions. but she’s too scared to go near aoi. she runs home, locks all the doors and draws the curtains.
shiromi can’t tell anyone. she’s not well-respected at school and she knows it, especially next to aoi. she tries anyway, but nobody believes her - who’s going to believe that a member of the student council is killing people? especially when another council member was the one of the most recent victims? sure, aoi is scary and she’s not exactly a model student, but to believe that she’s a murderer is too far-fetched.
megami needs to appoint a new vice-president. akane is the obvious choice, but she stopped coming to school after kuroko’s death. so megami appoints aoi as the new vice-president, the one who will be in charge of everything until she comes back. shiromi hopes megami comes back soon.
aoi and shiromi are the only two council members now. aoi corners her after a meeting and grabs onto her scarf so she can’t escape. shiromi slips out of the scarf and runs away. others ask her what happened to her scarf; she shrugs and says it was just too hot today. aoi keeps the scarf - shiromi’s gift from megami and one of her most treasured possessions. shiromi never sees it again.
at the next meeting, shiromi suggests with a forced smile that they should recruit more members. megami takes it into consideration.
shiromi knows that aoi isn’t afraid to hurt people. she never has been: she’s quick to resort to violence and threats, even if the situation doesn’t call for it. there’s a reason everyone hates and fears her. aoi will kill anyone she perceives as being in her way, and she’ll even harm shiromi if it means getting what she wants: shiromi may be a master of stealth, but what’s she going to do if both her legs are broken?
uekiya is used to shiromi stopping by the gardening club on her patrol, so she gets worried when shiromi doesn’t show up. she finds her crying in the second-floor washrooms. shiromi doesn’t bother trying to explain it to her - but she takes comfort in uekiya’s presence. uekiya lets her cry it out into her shoulder and then walks her to the guidance counselor.
they find uekiya’s body that evening. most of it, anyway.
sumire is shaken. was it true, what shiromi was trying to tell everyone? shiromi was ridiculed for it, but maybe sumire won’t be. she saw it with her own two eyes, after all: aoi leaving the gardening club, covered in blood from fingertips to elbows.
megami comes home when she hears that aoi was accused. she’s known aoi since they were kids, and there’s no way she’s just going to buy a story like this. aoi was framed - by ayano aishi, no doubt. megami swears on her life that she’s going to prove aoi innocent. she wins, as always.
by this point, shiromi is barely recognizable as her old self: tired-eyed and shaking, retreating into herself instead of talking and laughing with others. she feels trapped. no one will listen to her, and she can’t face aoi in a fight. aoi is going to keep killing everyone she loves until she gets her way, and megami is going to defend her, not knowing the truth. she feels as though she doesn’t have a choice anymore - either she gives herself up, or she keeps drawing this out until aoi catches her. after all, she has to keep running forever, but aoi only has to get lucky once.
in a last-ditch effort, she tells everything to akane. how trapped and scared she feels, how she doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life as aoi’s doll, how selfish she feels for not turning herself in knowing that aoi will only keep on hurting others. against all probability, akane believes her. maybe it’s out of some desperation to find and punish the person who took kuroko from them - but shiromi doesn’t care: she finally has someone who will stand by her.
it’s them against megami and aoi. the numbers may be evenly matched, but at akademi high, megami’s word is worth that of a thousand students. if she says aoi is innocent, then aoi is innocent.
once akane is back at school, shiromi sticks to her like glue. she didn’t want akane to come back to akademi, afraid that aoi would kill her as well, but akane insisted on being there with her. megami’s father withdrew her again after the next death, so it’s just the three of them in the council room.
they stick together, but there’s one factor they didn’t take into account: shiromi knows for a fact that aoi is the murderer, and aoi knows of shiromi’s awareness. there’s no point in hiding it. so aoi has zero problems with killing someone directly in front of shiromi.
aoi stands by the doors as usual. as soon as megami’s laptop shuts off and the meeting is over, she locks the doors. she’s the vice-president now, so she has the keys: shiromi and akane can’t escape. aoi goes for akane’s throat.
tbh i haven’t really thought about where it would go from here, but i have some different ideas for endings:
aoi is about to kill akane, but shiromi stops her and agrees to go with her as long as she spares akane. and that’s it. aoi takes her home, and they both go missing a few days later. no one at akademi sees them again.
the same as #1, but akane and megami don’t give up on searching for them and manage to save shiromi. aoi goes to prison. everyone is traumatized but they’re recovering together
shiromi kills aoi to save akane
akane kills aoi in self-defense
aoi successfully kills akane and goes for shiromi, but shiromi stabs herself with a pair of scissors, preferring to die than to go with aoi. aoi’s goal is gone and there’s no way she’s going to have a good alibi for this, so she kills herself rather than spending the rest of her life in prison
joke ending: it was all a bad dream. akane decides that she will not be drinking wine before bed again
personally i think my favourite is #2
...i might have gotten carried away with this
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sparky-is-spiders · 4 years
More PoT/OotS AU Stuff (The Hollyleaf Favoritism AU)
I’m hereby renaming this AU the “Hollyleaf Favoritism AU”, because that’s what it is now (it wasn’t intentional I promise).
Today I’ma talk about Ivypool, Dovewing (who is Dovedream now because of her powers fight me), Ashfur, Squirrelflight’s lie, and a little bit about Hollyleaf/storm and Lionblaze’s apprenticeships.
Link to Part 1 here
First off, Dovedream!
Dovedream: Dovedream has always had an uncanny ability to understand the emotions of other cats. She’s always been sure of the love her mother and sister hold for her. It’s passed off as a strong sense of empathy, although Firestar has his suspicions that it might be more.
From a young age, Dovekit knew that there was a chance that she would have powers and a place in an important prophecy. However, she was too young to understand what that meant, and nobody was willing to talk openly about it in case they ended up upsetting Lionblaze.
Dovekit can’t read minds, but she gets powerful waves of emotions from the cats around her. She can even get sensations and images, if they’re strong enough. She hates going into the medicine den. She visited it when she was two moons old when she caught a cold, and she was miserable the whole time. Jayfeather’s death visions of the Dark Forest battle had started at around this time, and he was radiating so many negative emotions that she could practically taste them. When she slept, she sometimes slipped into his dreams, and StarClan cats would have to pull her out. The horrors of war and gore and death would be too much for this young cat. She develops a rapport with Snowfur in particular, and the two spend hours talking, playing, and exploring StarClan. When she’s finally well enough to return to the nursury, the visits with Snowfur continue. She also starts to avoid the medicine den and Jayfeather in particular like the plague.
When the time comes for her to be an apprentice, Firestar gives her to Lionblaze. The young warrior is becoming isolated from his clan with the reveal of his parentage and loss of his sister. It’s also becoming more and more obvious that he has no powers, although he’s still in denial. Firestar hopes that young Dovepaw will give Lionblaze new purpose, that she will keep Lionblaze from seperating himself from the whole clan, and that she will remind him that he doesn’t need powers to serve his clan.
It works out, at first. Lionblaze bonds with Dovepaw and with Cinderheart, who is mentoring Ivypaw. It all changes one night, however, when Dovepaw accidently slips into Lionblaze’s dreams. He’s in the middle of a nightmare, and she tries to guide him out of it. He can see her, but she can’t reach him enough to pull him out, and she eventually wakes up at dawn more exhausted then ever. She asks him about it on the dawn patrol, and she feels wave after wave of saddness and fury and shame and, underneath it all, the profound lonliness that she can always sense but never get a full grasp on until now. Lionblaze returns to ThunderClan camp with Dovepaw trailing awkwardly behind. There’s no question who the third cat is, and it isn’t Lionblaze.
After this, Lionblaze tries, he really does, but he fails. He’s grappling with too much, and Cinderheart becomes the unofficial mentor for Dovepaw. To try and make up for his failings, Lionblaze convinces Firestar to let Dovepaw attend her first gathering, although he himself is left behind.
At the gathering, she meets a handsome and charismatic apprentice called Tigerpaw (Tigerheart and his sibs have been de-aged for the sake of the rewrite). Dovepaw and Tigerpaw hit it off immeadiatly. She’s a little attracted to him, but she is very attracted to the idea of him. This ShadowClan apprentice doesn’t care about her powers, and she can feel that he’s at least a little interested. They hit it off and begin a forbidden relationship. They don’t bother with meeting up in secret, as Dovepaw can always visit him in his dreams.
Dovepaw’s other respite from the burden of being a prophecy cat and her strained relationship with her sister and mentor is StarClan. Snowfur still visits her from time to time, and the two hang out and have fun. Her dream meetings with Snowfur and Tigerpaw are the only times that she feels that she is free to be herself.
Dovepaw’s relationship with Ivypool isn’t great, but it’s alright. Because Dovepaw is often being trained more by Cinderheart than by Lionblaze, Dovepaw and Ivypaw are able to spend a lot of time together, and they have roughly equal skill levels (Dovepaw is slightly better at hunting, but Ivypaw is the better fighter) so Ivypaw only has Dovepaw’s powers and place in the prophecy to be jealous of. Still, they bicker a lot and aren’t as close as they were during kithood. Dovepaw begins to sense something... off. Ivypaw is grumpier than usual, and her fighting skill is improving by leaps and bounds. Dovepaw is worried, but her sister won’t tell her anything. She would visit Ivypaw’s dreams to try and figure out what was going on, but Ivypaw had asked her to never, ever do that, and Dovepaw wouldn’t dare intrude on somebody’s privacy like that without their consent (she ended up in Jayfeather and Lionblaze’s dreams by accident, not on purpose)
Eventually, something seems to snap Lionblaze out of his funk. He was visiting with the Dark Forest, and had been for quite some time. He thought that training with Thistleclaw wouldn’t be that bad, but then he saw Ivypaw being involved in a brutal fight that could easily end in her death. He was furious, yelling at Thistleclaw for 50 hours straight for endangering a young apprentice like this. When he hears that it’s a fight to the death (or at least to the serious, life-long injury), he punches Thistleclaw in the face and skedaddles. And he tells Firestar everything.
Now Dovepaw knows what’s wrong with her sister and she’s hugely upset. She has a long, tearful conversation with Ivypaw that essentially boils down to: ‘You’re my sister and I love you and you are NOT allowed to die’. Their relationship is still shaky, but it’s much better now. Ivypaw is forbidden from visiting with the Dark Forest, as is Lionblaze. Firestar calls a clan meeting to find out how many cats are in the Dark Forest. The clan comes to a concensus: the only cat allowed to stay in the Dark Forest is Thornclaw, a powerful and loyal senior warrior who can report everything that’s going on in there as long as he’s careful and smart about it. The number of cats revealed to be meeting with Dark Forest cats is concerning, and Firestar is certain that they’re up to something. He warns all the clans about it at the next gathering, but none of them listen (surely it’s just a ThunderClan problem. We’ll all be fine.)
Dovepaw was only a kit when Hollyleaf returned to the clans and joined WindClan, so although she’s heard the stories, she’s never met her fellow prophecy cat. Dovepaw hopes that she’s better than Jayfeather, who realized Dovepaw was in the prophecy before Dovepaw even told him (prophetic dreams and visions) and who doesn’t seem to care about anything anymore. Hollyleaf (now Hollystorm) was a mystery until the day that she shows up in camp with the WindClan deputy, demanding to meet with Firestar. Dovepaw, as a prophecy cat, attends the meeting, although she can’t contribute very much apart from telling everybody that StarClan is pretty sure that something is up but they have no idea what’s going on. Still, Hollystorm’s determination and no-nonsense attitude, as well as her story intrigues Dovepaw, and she follows Hollystorm around like a lost puppy, desperate to talk to the only cat who can truly relate to her struggles.
Hollystorm would like to talk to Dovepaw at some point, but she has more important things to worry about. Like Jayfeather! Who was not present at the meeting at all. Dovepaw can feel the emotions blasting out of the medicine den during Hollystorm’s visit. Ivypaw sneaks her sister out of the camp until it all blows over, and they return to listen to what Jayfeather has to say.
Dovepaw is shocked by all the horrors he must’ve been expiriencing day in and day out. She realizes that he must have been so miserable, and she starts to feel sympathy for him. All her life, she believed that he was just a bitter angry foxheart, but he’s not. Dovepaw feels a little ashamed for the way that she viewed him before.
Nobody is surprised when Firestar decides that it’s time for an emergency gathering. Everybody is very surprised when they hear about the Dark Forest. Everybody has a collective meltdown when they hear about the WindClan civil war (the second one). It is time to unite, with Dovepaw set as the prime messenger between the clans.
The next day, Ivypaw and Dovepaw get their warrior assessments. As the sun sets, they become Ivypool and Dovedream, full warriors of ThunderClan.
Dovedream is a little self-absorbed. It’s not her fault, but it is true. She’s used to feeling the love her parents hold for her, the interest that Tigerheart feels whenever they’re together, and the respect other ThunderClanners have for her as a prophecy cat. It’s made her a little arrogant. And now she’s a warrior with an important duty! She checks in with the other leaders every evening and reports whatever they say to Firestar himself.
It puts a strain on her relationship with Tigerpaw. He’s still an apprentice (even though he’s older than her) and he’s a little jealous. He tries not to be, but it’s so hard! Dovedream has powers and a prophecy all about her and a warrior name even though he’s older than her. Of course he’s jealous.
After sporadic attacks from WindClan over the next two moons, the clans plan the WindClan ambush. Dovedream is left behind, deemed to be too valuable to risk. This makes her feel a little useless and left out. An important thing is happening and she’s not invited and it is VERY annoying. But then she feels a sharp spike of distress from the medicine den. She knows that Jayfeather must be sleeping, so while the warriors prepare to leave for the battle (it’s late evening and they want to get to the WindClan border at around moonhigh), Dovedream goes to sleep and visits Jayfeather’s dreams. She hates the idea, but she wants to make sure that he is okay, and she needs to check on him.
In his dream, he’s standing in the WindClan camp, surrounded by the bodies of his clanmates. Among the dead are Firestar, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Hollystorm, and Lionblaze. Dovedream is shocked and horrified when she sees Ivypool’s lifeless corpse. She leads Jayfeather out of the WindClan camp and over to the peaceful lake and asks him about his dream. He’s angry that she just strolled in without his say-so, until she brings up the WindClan ambush. Then he realizes what he was dreaming about and wakes up. Dovedream awakens to see Jayfeather racing across camp (the other warriors have already left) and she follows him. Dovedream realizes that what Jayfeather saw must be the result of the ambush and is desperate to help him. She can’t let Ivypool die!
They get to the WindClan camp and shout out a warning just as the battle starts and WindClan attacks. Dovedream is about to rush over to Ivypool when she sees a cat leaping at Jayfeather. She realizes that Jayfeather, a medicine cat with minimal battle training, needs her more than Ivypool, who is Very Good at fighting. She sticks with Jayfeather as they battle their way over to Firestar, warning him of Jayfeather’s vision. He calls for ThunderClan to retreat, and the outnumbered clans do the same. Many non-Windclanners have been injured or killed, but it isn’t the bloodbath that Jayfeather foresaw.
With the other clans weakened, they collectivly decide that the best course of action is to group together in a single, easily defendible place. The ThunderClan camp, being a giant hole with few entrances and exits, is chosen. Dovedream helps with shoring up the defences, but she is no longer allowed on patrols just in case WindClan attacks her. She’s very annoyed by this, but she appreciates the chance to spend time with the newly-named Tigerheart.
At around this time Dovedream really starts to understand some stuff. Her power-less, prophecy-less clanmates are out there, risking their lives every day to patrol the borders and feed their clanmates. These cats don’t have any of the things that Dovedream believes make her special, but they’re special anyway, and they’re just as valuable as she is. Her ego is knocked down a peg. Watching Jayfeather’s struggles with his powers and Hollystorm’s struggle to fit in to a place that isn’t really her home anymore and Lionblaze’s struggle to feel that he’s worth anything opens her up to the problems of other cats. She becomes less self-absorbed and less arrogant. She demands to be allowed to go out and hunt. She’s tired of sitting still while everybody else contributes. She may be part of a prophecy, but that doesn’t mean that she can just sit around all day. She isn’t allowed near the WindClan border, but she is allowed to hunt within certain areas. She tries to bring back as much prey as she can and become part of the team effort to save the clans. During this time, she bonds with many background characters from all the clans.
During the battle, she uses her empath powers to find which cats are in the most danger and help them. When Hollystorm is injured, she feels a wave of fear so strong it nearly knocks her off her paws. She rushes over to the medicine den and takes Hollystorm and Lionblaze’s place to gaurd it. Ivypool and Tigerheart join her, and the three fight like lions against WindClan and the Dark Forest.
When the battle is over, Dovedream is hit with so many feelings from so many cats that it overwhelms her. She is exhausted and pretty much keels over as soon as Bramblestar appoints Squirrelflight as his deputy. She regretfully watches the other clans go, promising Tigerheart that she’ll continue to visit him in his dreams.
Ivypool: As a kit, Ivykit was very close with her sister and not really close to anyone else. The two were inseperable, and they did everything together. The week that Dovekit spent in the nursery was the worst week of Ivykit’s short life. When they were both made into apprentices, they were so excited to train and learn together.
Things were going pretty well at first. However, Dovepaw was significantly more outgoing than her younger sister, and she made friends with the other apprentices. Where Ivypaw enjoyed training and talking one-on-one with Dovepaw, she disliked having to have conversations with more than one cat, and she began to feel lonely. The two began to get into little arguements and spats, and they drifted apart.
When it was revealed that Dovepaw had powers, everyone was ecstatic. Well, almost everyone. Lionblaze was bitter even though he tried not to show it, and Ivypaw felt alone. Her sister had new friends and an important job and she was just so special. Ivypaw was afraid that her sister would leave her for bigger and better things. That’s when the Dark Forest drew her in.
The first cat she met was Tigerstar. Ivypaw may be many things (kinda whiny and clingy, among other things), but she wasn’t a moron. Her grandmother had told her the story about the dogs he sent to destroy ThunderClan and all the murders he commited and she wasn’t going to accept anything he offered her! It was so lucky that Thistleclaw saved her, wasn’t it? (IMPORTANT NOTE: In this AU, Spottedleaf’s Heart is NOT CANON. Thistleclaw and Ivypaw show NO interest in each other, because that would honestly be horrifying.)
Thistleclaw starts training her, claiming that he’s only in the Dark Forest because Bluestar chased him out of StarClan (she didn’t, he’s just lying). Ivypaw comes to see Thistleclaw as a big brother/mentor figure. He teaches her how to fight, and she starts improving by leaps and bounds. He becomes her only friend.
Thistleclaw isn’t really trying to help her, of course. He just wants to turn her against the prophecy cats. She’s a talented fighter for her age, and he would love to have her on the side of the Dark Forest. It isn’t too hard, either. He convinces her that Hollystorm is a traitor to ThunderClan (this really turns her against half-clan relationships), that Jayfeather is an dirt bag with no redeeming qualities, and that Dovepaw is too wrapped up in herself and the prophecy and her new friends to care about Ivypaw any more. It works.
Ivypaw and Dovepaw barely get along, and she refuses to tell Dovepaw what’s going on. Terrified that Dovepaw might find out about her Dark Forest visits (although she doesn’t know why that scares her so much), she demands that Dovepaw never visit her dreams, ever. She’s a little surprised when Dovepaw does as Ivypaw asks her to do.
Blossompaw and Ivypaw sometimes talk, and Ivypaw nurses a bit of a crush on the older apprentice, but it doesnt really go anywhere, especially when Ivypaw starts seeing Thistleclaw. Thistleclaw is her new friend and she doesn’t need anyone else. Blossompaw and Ivypaw sometimes talk and train together, but that’s about as far as it goes.
Ivypaw gets along with Lionblaze better than her own mentor, Cinderheart. They’ve both been picked over for the prophecy that their siblings are in, and they both enjoy battle training more than either Cinderheart or Dovepaw do.
Because of how isolated she feels, Ivypaw becomes a bit of a lone wolf. She hates working with others or asking for help. In her eyes, if she can’t do whatever it is she’s trying to do, she either needs to toughen up or give up, and asking for help is weak. It’s an obviosly unhealthy attitude that Thistleclaw encourages. It makes her more antagonistic to cats who would help her and less receptive to the problems of others. It also makes her an isolationist who thinks that the clans should deal with their own problems, which is exactly the attitude the Dark Forest cats are trying to promote.
It all comes to a head a few moons later, when Thistleclaw decides that it’s time to get Lionblaze and Ivypaw to train together. Another Dark Forest cat named Silverhawk is training with Ivypaw, but it’s going badly. Ivypaw may be a good fighter, but she’s an apprentice, and Silverhawk is really strong. She’s getting her tail kicked, and if this fight goes on much longer she might be seriously injured or even killed. Lionblaze sees Ivypaw and is furious that Thistleclaw would dare put a young apprentice in this much danger. He fights Thistleclaw and convinces Ivypaw to come with him. They run through the Dark Forest, away from Thistleclaw and the other cats until they wake up, exhausted.
Ivypaw feels betrayed. Thistleclaw was her friend, and yet he refused to save her from the dangerous situation that she was in. Besides, she trusts Lionblaze. He may not be her friend, but he feels more like her mentor than Cinderheart does, sometimes. If Lionblaze says that this is bad, he may have a point. She starts to second-guess Thistleclaw’s motives as Lionblaze comes to fetch her to talk to Firestar.
The Firestar conversation is a little awkward, especially when Brambleclaw confesses to meeting with Tigerstar in the Dark Forest all those moons ago. Firestar decides that something is up and calls a clan meeting. Apparently, a LOT of cats have recieved Dark Forest training. Most ThunderClanners have been meeting with Thistleclaw and sometimes Silverhawk, but a few of the younger cats apparently thought that training with Tigerstar was a good idea. Every cat confesses that a Dark Forest cat had approached them at some point, generally when they were feeling alone and vunerable.
Clearly, something is up. At the next gathering, Firestar asks the other clans about the Dark Forest, but nobody claims to be meeting with any Dark Forest cats (leaders, deputies, and medicine cats are not approached, and let’s be real here, nobody is gonna tell Firestar about how some dead cats are teaching them how to fight. He’s so meddlesome! The Dark Forest cats seem friendly enough, surely everything is fine). Firestar leaves without telling the other clans the extent of the Dark Forest problem in ThunderClan (because with Onestar in the picture and ShadowClan at their border, that would NOT go well).
Not much happens for the next moon or so. Dark Forest visits are forbidden for everybody except Thornclaw (who volunteered to spy (it had to be a strong senior warrior and it couldn’t be Lionblaze after the way he exploded at Thistleclaw)) and life goes on. And then, in the middle of the night, Hollystorm and Ashfoot show up. They refuse to leave until Firestar meets with them, and they report everything that’s going on with the Dark Forest in WindClan. Ivypaw is mostly there for moral support and to briefly talk about her time in the Dark Forest (Thornclaw is invited to join the discussion later, when he wakes up).
Ivypaw isn’t really there for the Hollystorm and Jayfeather mega-showdown, but she does hear about all the horrible things Jayfeather has been seeing. Suddenly, it’s a lot harder for Ivypaw to see Jayfeather as some lazy jerk who doesn’t care about his clanmates, and although she still considers Hollystorm to be a clan-abandoning traitor, she kinda respects the WindClan warrior for her convictions (even if she is loyal to the wrong clan). But hey, if she was wrong about Jayfeather and kinda maybe sorta a little wrong about Hollystorm, what did she get wrong about Dovepaw?
The two make up after Dovepaw has that freak out about Ivypaw being in the Dark Forest. Their bond is shaky, and they have a lot of issues to get past, but they’re closer now than they have been in moons, which is nice.
There’ll be time to sort that out later, because everything has been thrown into chaos. It’s emergency gathering time! Everybody is waiting for WindClan but only about 6 WindClanners bother to show up and none of them are Onestar (who wants to solve this problem on his own and prove that he doesn’t need Firestar). Everybody is like ‘????’ and then Ashfoot climbs onto the leader tree and goes “So Onestar tried to exile, like, half of WindClan and then Breezepelt exiled him and also us.” And everybody freaks out.
So the gathering happens and the clans decide to team up to stop this threat. Dovepaw is assigned to be a messenger between the three remaining clans while the WindClan exiles hang out in ThunderClan. The day after the gathering, Cinderheart and Lionblaze spring a surprise warrior assessment on their young apprentices and the become Ivypool and Dovedream.
Ivypool goes on multiple patrols and gets into fights with WindClan cats. She ends up defending Blossomfall during these attacks. Blossomfall is impressed with Ivypool’s murder skills and her beautiful blue eyes... and asks Ivypool to train with her. Que the mutual pining!
Ivypool is invited on the WindClan ambush and she isn’t too happy about the retreat. When she hears from Dovedream that she was one of the dead cats she changes her mind.
Ivypool goes on most of the hunting patrols after the clans all move to the ThunderClan camp. Some patrols raid WindClan territory (which now consists of most of the lake territories) also include her due to her fighting capabilities.
At around this time, she starts making and strengthening her conections with other cats in ThunderClan. Most notably: Dovedream, Lionblaze, Cloudtail (they get along super well, actually), Brightheart, Blossomfall, and Dustpelt (they hang out while they work on building up the dens and toughening up ThunderClan’s defenses. They work together to build some really neat/strong defenses, like a bramble maze).
During the final battle she fights alongside Blossomfall. When Blossomfall is injured Ivypool drags her to the medicine den. She then fights alongside Tigerheart and Dovedream to defend it.
When the battle ends, Ivypool goes straight (or NOT straight) to Blossomfall to essentially ask her out. Blossomfall says yes!
Working together with the other clans abates some of Ivypool’s xenophobia. It also forces her to drop her go-it-alone attitude. Sometimes she’s gonna need help, and sometimes she’s gonna have to work with others, and that’s okay.
Ashfur: Ashfur is a bitter dirtbag and that is not gonna change. He’s still pissed with Squirrelflight for rejecting him. The fire scene doesn’t happen because Jayfeather predicts the fire and ThunderClan is able to evacuate the camp. Ashfur is a jerk to Squirrelflight and anybody who is related to her. He tries to kill Brambleclaw during the WindClan ambush (in this AU, they stay mates) until Squirrelflight drags him away. He is killed as the clans attempt to retreat.
Squirrelflight and the Lie: Squirrelflight covers for Leafpool. Jayfeather sees their kithood and several signs about their true parentage, but it takes him a long time to realize what it means because of how many visions he gets swamped with and how little he is able to understand them. He tells his siblings, they confront Squirrelflight, she tells them what happened. Hollyleaf reveals everything at a gathering, and then flees to the Tribe.
Brambleclaw is angry and hurt and confused, but he does choose Squirrelflight. He defends her from the vitreol the other cats hurl at her because he does still love her, even though he’s still hurting from the lie. He has a sibling who he loves, he understands. (I know that this isn’t what happens in canon, but I want a healthy, supportive relationship where the two actually talk through their issues and do their best to help each other, so that’s what you’re getting. It’s my AU and I can do what I want.)
Now then, some mentoring factoids!
Lionpaw: Now, Firestar may be dumb, but he ain’t stupid. He isn’t gonna give Lionpaw to Squirrelflight’s jealous bitter ex. No. Lionpaw is part of a prophecy. He needs a strong, smart, dependable senior warrior who can train him up right and knock his ego down a peg. When Firestar is deciding who will mentor Lionpaw, only one cat comes to mind: Sandstorm.
Sandstorm is the perfect mentor for Lionpaw. She’s a skilled warrior who will support Lionpaw, but she isn’t particularly itimidated or impressed with his prophecyness. She deflates his ego without being mean or cruel, and she helps him develop into a capable and respected warrior. The two are super close, and she helps to knock some sense into him after the reveal of Dovepaw’s powers.
Hollypaw: Hollypaw is a prophecy cat with special powers that are obvious from kithood. Firestar decides to mentor her himself. After all, who better to teach the future savior of the clan than a clan leader? (Well, aside from Sandstorm.) This is where most of Hollypaw’s obsession with the Warrior Code and “doing the right thing, no matter what” comes from. Firestar is busy, so he doesn’t always get to spend as much time mentoring her as he would like, but he does his best to make time for her. He and Sandstorm often end up training their apprentices together, and he’s happy for a chance to spend some extra time with his mate. Young Hollypaw sometimes struggles with hunting and fighting in the forest, and Firestar worries that he’s not doing enough to help her, but she passes her warrior assessment with Lionpaw, so he thinks he did a good job.
When she goes to WindClan and becomes Hollystorm, she doesn’t really get a mentor. Ashfoot is wary about her, but decides that Onestar made his choice and that she should go along with that choice. She takes Hollystorm under her wing and teaches her about how to hunt and fight on the moor when she has the time. Hollystorm is a natural at it. During one of these sessions, Hollystorm confesses her real reason for coming to WindClan, which is what earns her Ashfoot’s respect and brings the two closer together.
Alright. That’s all I got for now. Next up: What happens with Onestar? Breezepelt, more about the relationship between the three and both sets of parents, the reason StarClan struggles to understand what is happening in the Dark Forest, and the Dark Forest cat’s evil plan!
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vernonfielding · 5 years
Life Writes Its Own Stories
Chapter 7 (AO3!)
AN: The next update won't be for another week. I'm going to be off in the wilderness for a few days with no access to internet. Assuming I don't fall off a cliff, Chapter 8 should be up next Sunday. 
Jake found out the story had published when he was woken up far too early on Sunday by an explosion of text messages. There were a dozen from Gina alone, mostly demanding to know why he had gone on the record with Amy when Gina was his lifelong best friend, damnit. There were two texts from Rosa; the first read “what the hell, Jake” and the second “WHAT THE HELL.” The Vulture had also texted but Jake didn’t bother opening that one.
There was nothing from Amy.
Jake let that particular gut-punch sink in. He hadn’t heard from her since he’d lost his damned mind and kissed her, and he thought it was possible he’d never hear from her again.
When his phone dinged again, he picked it up to find another text from Gina (“srsly man wtf”) and wrote back with a shrug emoji and a heart-kiss emoji and three fruit emojis. He ignored the Vulture. He took a deep breath and called Rosa.
“What the hell, man?”
“On a scale from no-one-reads-the-Bulletin-anyway to maybe-the-FBI-is-hiring, how much trouble do you think I’m in?” Jake said.
“A lot.”
Jake pressed his hand to his eyes and groaned.
On the other end of the line he could hear Rosa rustling around, doing god knew whatever she did on her weekends, but she didn’t speak for a long time and the silence was unnerving. Finally, she said, “Did you know?”
“About the story? Or about my name being in it?” Jake said.
“Either. Both.”
More dead air, and then Rosa said, “You’re a moron, you know that.”
Rosa sighed, said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, dummy,” and ended the call.
Jake stared at the dark screen for a while, then he stuffed the phone under his pillow, rolled over, pulled his blanket up over his head and went back to sleep.
The professional fallout wasn’t as bad as he expected. The Vulture was furious, of course. When Jake finally called him Pembroke screamed for a while and told him his pasty white ass would be glued to his desk chair for the foreseeable future but he didn’t actually make any formal threats. The Vulture did demand to know why Amy had contacted Jake of all possible detectives in the NYPD – something that Jake realized he should have anticipated and prepared an answer for – and he panicked and said Gina must have offered him up. That set off a whole new round of yelling about Jake having friends in the media, but he mostly zoned out on that part.
Around noon, Scully called to tell Jake that officially, the brass did not approve of him talking to a reporter without permission. But unofficially, they were pleased that Jake’s quote gave the NYPD some protection from a story that was destroying the corrections department.
“You didn’t hear it from me,” Scully said, “but you got us more positive press with that quote than I have all year.”
Scully giggled then and asked if Jake wanted to join him for chicken wings.
The personal fallout was far worse.
Jake had been swinging widely between shame and confusion in the immediate aftermath of being soundly rejected by Amy. He couldn’t figure out how he’d misread the situation so badly, to have thought that she might be interested.
But he realized after the story came out that the mood swings were really just denial, because as soon as he saw her name in cold, black print on top of her article, a depression washed over him. The sadness came in waves, at times so dense he felt like he couldn’t breathe, and others like a gray mist that muted the world around him. He stayed in bed for most of the day and only left the apartment to pad down to the corner bodega – in pajama pants and a T-shirt and slippers – so he could buy an actual copy of the Bulletin and further torture himself.
He couldn’t decide if it made things better or so much worse that he hadn’t even noticed that he was falling for Amy. The past few weeks, as he’d felt them becoming close, he’d been intrigued and bemused by the friendship developing between them. He’d certainly noticed that Amy was beautiful, and that she was smart and funny and kind. But it was only standing with her in front of her apartment, her eyes reflecting the light of the streetlamp, the stress and the excitement about her story practically making her glow from within, that he’d realized he wanted to kiss her.
Or maybe his feelings had started to boil over a little before that, when he was walking her home in the dark and the idea had come to him, out of nowhere, that he wanted to hold her hand. Or maybe it had started at the diner, when Amy had said she liked typing his name and Jake hadn’t actually thought she was a big nerd – he’d thought about her fingers tapping out the letters of his name, and he’d felt chills on the back of his neck.
Or maybe it had been a dozen times before that one night, moments like droplets collecting over the past several weeks until he was drowning in them.
Jake wondered if he should call Amy – ask her to reconsider, or even to explain to him how this could have happened. She was smart. She would probably have some ideas. But then he remembered the guilt and the horror on her face at having committed an ethical crime, and he knew he couldn’t call. Her moral code was something he’d admired in her from the first time he’d read a story of hers, when he’d given her the tip about the cop who killed his ex-girlfriend. He wasn’t going to be the one to compromise that, not any more than he already had. And even if he did call, nothing could happen between them, not anymore. He would never ask her to put her professional ethics aside for him. Not for some cop.
He still hoped she might call or text. Just to let him know.
It was getting close to midnight and he was already back in bed with the lights out when he couldn’t take it anymore and wrote a text. It said: “Congrats.” He added an explosion emoji, deleted the emoji, then hit send.
He was sliding the phone under his pillow when it vibrated in his hand.
The text from Eldora Senegal said: “Can we meet?”
Jake sat on a swing in the playground, wishing he hadn’t forgotten his jacket before ducking out to meet her. He was sure the only reason he’d gotten there first was because he lived nearby, but he still couldn’t help the nerves in his stomach – the worry that she was going to text him any minute to say she’d changed her mind. Or maybe she just wouldn’t show up.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting from her. He just knew he wanted to see her.
He kicked his feet in the sand, pushing himself back a few inches, and buried his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. The swing seat was damp and the chill of it was soaking into his jeans, making him shiver. He startled when he caught movement in his peripheral vision, and planted his feet to stop the swing. Amy stood at the edge of sand, almost entirely in shadow, but he knew her profile, recognized the curve of her cheek. She walked over silently and sat in the swing beside his.
They drifted a little in their swings, not talking. Then Amy said, not much louder than a whisper, “Did you get in any trouble?”
“Not really,” Jake said, eyes on the ground. “The Vulture yelled a bunch, but that’s kind of his thing. Honestly? I think you made a lot of people in the NYPD pretty happy today.”
“But not you.”
“No,” Jake said, carefully. “Proud. Impressed. But no, not happy.”
Amy dug the toes of her shoes into the sand, rocking on her swing. He felt bad telling her the truth, but he would have felt worse if he’d lied.
“Today was amazing,” Amy said, after a few minutes of silence. Jake glanced at her, but she was staring at her feet, and her voice hadn’t actually reflected her words. “All of these politicians were on Twitter condemning the corrections department. The mayor himself said he’s going to open an investigation. The New York Times actually had a story online today quoting my article. And tomorrow I’m going on NPR to talk about it. The Brian Lehrer Show, Jake!”
She took a deep breath, and when she glanced up, Jake could see that her eyes were too bright. “A bunch of my coworkers took me out tonight to celebrate, and even Holt came out with us, and I was so proud of myself. But all I could think about was how much it sucked that I couldn’t talk to you.”
Jake felt dizzy with uncertainty and relief and longing, and a dozen other emotions he couldn’t pin down. He opened his mouth but had no idea what to say.
Amy said, “So from there I sort of spiraled and just kept thinking, what if I never talk to you again, or never see you again? And I know that’s dumb because I’d probably see you around even if I was trying to avoid you, but what if you didn’t ever want to see me, because of- what happened. I would hate that. I don’t want that.”
“Amy, if you want to be friends-”
“No,” Amy said. “I don’t want that.”
“Then-” Jake stopped, swallowing his words, suddenly afraid of the hope swelling in his chest.
But Amy was getting up from her swing, and she stood in front of him, so his knees bumped against her legs. She grabbed the chains of his swing in her fists and held him steady. He looked up at her face, his heart hammering, his palms sweaty.
“I like you, Jake,” Amy said. “And I don’t want you to be my source, and I don’t want us to be professional or- transactional. I just want you.”
She pulled his swing toward her and dipped her head down to his and kissed him. There was no doubt in her kiss, no hesitation, and he kissed her back fiercely, planting his hands on her hips to hold her closer. She moved her hands to cup his face and her fingers were freezing from holding the cold chains, and the feeling against his flushed cheeks was electric. He groaned into her mouth and she kissed him harder, tongue diving between his lips. She kissed like she couldn’t get enough, like she needed something from him, something only he had.
But eventually they did slow down, kisses evolving into nips and tastes. By then they were both shivering from the cold. Jake kissed her closed mouth and pulled back just enough to meet her eyes, and she smiled coyly at him. She stood over him, her cheeks pink and her lips swollen,  her hair falling out of its ponytail in wisps all around her face, and she was breathtaking.
He kissed her again, felt her lips curl into another smile against his, then stood up and wrapped his arms around her, tucking her in close.
“What do we do now?” he said, pressing his face into her hair.
“Your place?” Amy said. “It’s closer.”
Jake laughed and squeezed her tight, then stepped back and took her hand, and led her across the sand and out of the park. It had to be getting close to 1 a.m., and they both had work in the morning, and apparently Amy had an important radio thing, but he couldn’t imagine sleeping any time soon – not when she was here with him, when she’d come back to him, and there was so much to talk about and he just wanted to make out with her all night.
He was the one spiraling now, in the best way. The relief and euphoria were almost overwhelming. He let go of her hand and looped his arm around her shoulders instead, drawing her into his side, and she slipped an arm around his waist.
“Are you sure about this?” he said, after they’d walked a bit in silence. He wasn’t sure what he meant by ‘this’ – the kissing and holding, or that they were going back to his apartment possibly to have sex, or that they were maybe dating, if not now sometime very soon.
“Yes,” Amy said, the certainty in her voice reassuring. “I actually did some research.”
“Research on what?” Jake said, smiling at her profile.
“Journalism ethics,” Amy said. “There are a ton of thought pieces on dating sources – which is never appropriate, by the way. But the consensus seems to be that sometimes you can’t help who you fall for, and there are best practices for transitioning from a professional reporter-source relationship to a personal one.”
“Best practices, huh? Sounds romantic,” Jake said. He paused at an intersection and nuzzled her ear.
Amy laughed and pulled her head away. “First, I meant what I said – you can’t be my source anymore.”
“That’s okay, I’ll just find someone else to tell all my secrets to,” Jake said, pulling her along as they started walking again.
Amy slapped his arm. “You will not!” He shot her a look, surprised by the intensity of her response, and she just shrugged. “I know, ‘democracy dies in darkness,’ the Fourth Estate, freedom of speech, whatever – if I don’t get your secrets, no one does.”
“Okay, honestly, your possessive side is pretty hot,” Jake said.
She shot him a smile with a bit of an edge to it, and Jake felt a chill run up his spine. Then she said, “But seriously, no more tips, no more leads, no more quoting you.”
“All right,” Jake said, but he slowed down as they approached his building, and he thought over what her words meant. “Except, this is sounding a lot like my Gina arrangement, and I don’t think I can do that with you. Are you saying I can’t talk about my job at all?”
“No, of course not.” Amy stopped them and turned to face him, wrapping both arms loosely around his shoulders. “You can tell me anything, it’s just all off the record. If you say something that I think is newsworthy then I might ask you if I can pass it on to another reporter, but I won’t ever write about it myself.”
Jake considered that and nodded. “And you think that’ll work?”
“Sure,” Amy said with a grin. “It’s not like most of what you say is very interesting anyway.”
“Interesting as in newsworthy,” Amy said, chuckling. “Like, when you talk about the Vulture – that’s great gossip. And you know I want to hear all about whatever’s going on in the cold war between Rosa and the IT guy.”
“Heidi,” Jake said.
“Right, Heidi from IT who is a man who is either in love with Rosa or wants to murder her with the internet,” Amy said. “See? That’s great stuff. But not anything I’d ever write about. So you keep that coming.”
Jake nodded along, and he thought they could do this – they could be together and maybe both of their careers could survive and neither of them would have to do anything horribly unethical that would be a betrayal to their very soul.
“You’re really sure,” Jake said anyway.
“I am,” Amy said. “Now please, can we go upstairs and get in your bed? It’s stupid cold out here.”
He kissed her, hard and fast on the lips, and grabbed her hand and tugged her inside.
And they had sex, and it was incredible.
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itheriosarendi-blog · 6 years
A Lesson in Madness.
(( Warning - vivid and violent imagery below the break line. ))
“How much of our time together do you remember? Truly? Accurately?”
“Please… please leave me alone. LEAVE ME ALONE!”
“Alone? No. You don’t want to be alone. You want me to go away. A targeted desire. But you think you can settle with absolute isolation. You’re wrong, of course. But you don’t know that.”
“K-k-kill me. END ME! End THIS!”
“That thought had crossed my mind. And others’. They think it would be a mercy. But I say you haven’t earned mercy. Nor the enlightenment I have offered you, but I don’t think you’re smart enough to grasp the latter. Even now you try to block it all out. Shall we remember? You and I? Together?”
“Alfred, come on, stop with that we’re trying to sleep here!”
Alfred craned his neck to look backwards, grinning ear to ear. Light flickered from his grizzled features. It was cast from a trio of flaming orbs moving swiftly between his hands. Despite being magically gifted, the man had his hobbies. Juggling was one of them.
“You know that’s not true. You two won’t be sleeping a wink tonight.”
“Fuck off! You’re gonna burn this whole forest down. Or bring the guards down on us!”
“Patrollers don’t come out this far, you know that. We’re clear until the next job.”
“And I want to stay that way.”
This voice was new. It belonged to another man, younger than Alfred or the pair he was arguing with. But it held confidence. Arrogance, most would say, but it was thus far proven. He took a seat across from Alfred, signalling a cutting motion across his throat. With an irritated grunt the orbs were extinguished. Now, only a dimly glowing pile of embers cast any light at all.
“You’re paranoid Nate.”
“How long have we known each other? Nate. You’re paranoid.”
“Careful. There’s a difference. The work we do, I don’t want anyone knowing us. Guard or otherwise. You should want the same thing.”
“Goblins, trolls, ogres, gnolls, they’re all gonna need warm bodies. Long as they do, we, AND OTHERS, are in work. No reason to be singled out.”
“And yet.”
Silence reigned. All present exchanged looks. None recognized this voice. Nathaniel was up first, a handaxe and blade now in hand.
“Mary, John, up and out. Game faces on. Alfred, light them.”
Growling and rustling heralded the once-humans leaving their tent, now each standing taller than their comrades. Bristling fur, claws the length of daggers, and bared teeth marked each clearly as curse-ridden Worgen. Alfred made a sweeping gesture with his arms, again manifesting flaming orbs which circled wide around the camp. Each one collided with an unlit torch posted in the dirt. Visibility was now an easy feat within the light, but Nathaniel had the irrational thought that the ring of light was smaller than he planned. That the darkness of night pressed in against it not as a passive nature, but with agency all its own.
“You have your considerations backwards, Alfred. Because you are not unique, does not mean you are not recognized. Merely that you weren’t a priority. Now, you are.”
All four of them flinched as a sharp whistle split the night air. At the same instant, a torch went out.
“People have noticed others missing. They’ve found out where they’re going. Funny, how they don’t take kindly to the abduction of strangers, let alone loved ones. Security of the group, I imagine. If they let it stand, it means their civilized ways mean nothing. Afford no security.”
Another whistle. Another torch snuffed.
“What is it? Where is it? What the hell good are you dogs if you can’t even see or smell like them!”
“Fuck off Nate! There’s nothing!”
“Denial? Adorable.”
Two more whistles. Three torches, set in a triangle about the four slavers, were all that remained. Nathaniel noticed just how close they’d all gotten to each other.
“Fuck it. Alfred, burn it down. We’re getting out of here.”
A maniacal smile split Alfred’s features.
“My pleasure. Enjoy fulmination, assho-URK!”
Nathaniel flinched as he turned. The sight was far more grizzly than the sound, though he had recognized it and its implications. Alfred wavered on unsteady legs. His tunic had a swiftly growing crimson stain. Blood poured from tears in the fabric in spurts timed to his heartbeat.
“John and Mary can hear it. I don’t think you can, Nathaniel. It’s slowing. Bum bum. Bum bum. Bum… bum. Bum… bum. Bum.”
A sharpened length of blackened material jutted from the mage’s chest. It appeared to be a spear, but not one of any make any of the remaining three recognized. As Alfred dropped to his knees, they realized that the situation was for more severe than it had first appeared. Glowing violet streaks strobed across his body, moving from all extremities to the spear. The man’s features began to sink into himself. No more breaths sputtered from bloodstained lips, as instead it seemed Alfred throat and jaw were collapsing in upon themselves.
“A bad death. Here, let me spare at least one of you from seeing it.”
Three sharp whistles, and utter blackness consumed the camp. Nathaniel whirled around, heart pounding in his chest.
“John can still see. So can Mary. How depressing. Or do they even care enough about him? Maybe this is simply a selfish fear for self-preservation. Let’s find out.”
Mary’s shrieking broke the silence. Nathaniel turned toward it, but some instinct made him step away rather than see to her. John’s furious howl followed.
“Oooh, that one stung. Self-preservation it was. THIS is more.”
Another howl and the telltale heavy thump of a Worgen’s charge. Nathaniel couldn’t see where John had gone. He didn’t even know where Alfred’s body was anymore. Feeling around in the dark, he eventually made his way to his pack. Nearby, he knew, were provisions. Taking as much as he could carry, the man fled. He knew it was the right choice when another whistle and a high-pitched whine reached his ears. Equally, Nathaniel knew it was too late when he heard the voice again.
“Just you and I now, Nate. I think I’ve earned the right to call you that. I know you as well as they did, after all. Better than you know yourself, perhaps. I can teach you if you like. Show you the parts of yourself you hide from. The truths you don’t want to face.”
“I imagine if you found me you would try, yes. But you will find that more difficult than even before. You couldn’t hear Alfred’s heart slow, but you can hear yours speed up. The adrenaline. It’s not alone in your veins, you know. Not just it, and blood. A gift from me.”
As if by some incantation, Nathaniel froze. He had full control. He knew it. But something compelled him to stop. Eyes raked the darkness, picking out the vague shapes of tree trunks. But there was something else. Something…. There! A pair of eyes, dimly glowing in the dark.
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“There’s a sense of satisfaction to telling someone they’ve ingested a hallucinogen. Some prefer to let it work in secrecy. Let their targets develop a growing sense of distrust for all they see. But I ask, why wait? First, you’ll think I’ve lied. Convince yourself you are the master of your mind and body.”
The eyes winked out, appearing again thirty paces to the left. But then... the right. Another set. And the original reappeared.
“A part of you will question if it could be true, however. It will doubt your every decision and perception. And over time, that part of you will grow.”
Suddenly the forest was alight. Dozens upon dozens of sets of eyes watched Nathaniel from all angles. He felt sweaty. His chest ached. His eyes stung. With a frustrated cry he charged forwards, blade and axe swinging wildly. But no matter how far he ran the eyes watched. Never closer. Never farther. He collapsed to his hands and knees after what felt like an hour, eyes screwed shut as he pressed his forehead against the forest floor. At that point, a realization struck him. The voice had been silent. An hour of peace. Slowly, Nathaniel dared to crane his neck upwards and open his eyes.
Blissful. Quiet. Dark. He’d escaped. He was free. Nathaniel began to laugh, though it quickly became a sputtering cough. He rose unsteadily, lurching a handful of steps forward to sit on a nearby tree stump. When he put his weight on it, however, the stump gave way. It was… soft. And wet? And… warm. The hairs of Nathaniel’s neck rose. He leaned closer, weapons falling free as he fumbled along the ground. Dread became horror as Alfred’s sunken, expressionless sockets, blood still trickling from their edges, stared back at Nathaniel. A rickety breath escaped the mages body. He was still alive. But how? That was…
“How long did you think had passed, Nate? Our time together has only just started. Moments to dispatch your friends. Just as long to watch you prance about. And I still have so many lessons to teach you. We’ve nearly seven hours before the sun rises. I imagine each might stretch as far as a day for you.”
Marshal Dughan looked down the cobbled road, a mug of coffee clutched in ungloved hands, just as he did every morning. He’d been awake for three hours already. Trouble sleeping. So he’d taken the post of the night watchmen early. A good thing, for if he hadn’t then the Marshal wouldn’t have seen the stumbling, jarring movements of an apparent drunkard approaching Goldshire. Setting the mug down on a fence post, Dughan stepped forward.
“Hold, friend! Having trouble?”
Curiosity became concern as the man looked his way. Dughan hadn’t seen an expression such as that before. An amalgamation of relief, betrayal, and desperation. The man all but sprinted toward Dughan. His approach was cause for alarm, but it was his appearance rather than pace which did so. Torn clothing, countless bleeding cuts and scratches, three missing fingers between both hands which he would later find out were chewed off, and a missing eye. Behind it all, though, he recognized the man. Dughan called out for other patrollmen. They intercepted the man.
“Take him in to the smithy. Make sure he’s stable, then clap him in irons and get him to Stormwond. Nate here is destined for the Stocks.”
Satisfied, the Marshal turned to reclaim his morning drink. It was no longer alone, however. Beside the post stood a tall, slender form. Clad in hues of purple trimmed in dull gold, skin ashen, eyes unblinking. Dughan didn’t think he’d ever really get used elvenkind, but the Void Elves were something else entirely. This one, however, he recognized. The Marshal approached as he thumbed behind his back.
“Wouldn’t believe who just walked into our hands.”
“Nathaniel Dumont. Wanted for counts of abduction and human trafficking, and complicit in the deaths of numerous Stormwind City Guardsmen, Darkshire Night Watchmen, and Westfall Brigadesmen.”
Dughan stopped several feet from the fence post, a mixture of suspicion and nervousness written across his features.
“This… was you?”
Itherios smiled, though the expression did not reach his glowing eyes.
“You put up a notice, Marshal. Offered reward. I’m here to collect. Doubled if alive, yes?”
Dughan looked back over his shoulder, just catching the patrollmen push Nathaniel through the doorway.
“Aye, doubled if alive. But the way he looks… I think I’d rather him dead.”
Itherios held his smile, head tilting to the side.
“That, Marshal, would be a new contract.”
“Is he still hollering?”
“Yeah. Hasn’t stopped screaming since we put him in a cell.”
“Anyone else in there?”
“None of the others will get anyone near him. Say they’d rather be overcrowded, pissin’ on each other than within spitting distance of him.”
“Shame. For all the trouble Dumont’s caused, seems his mind ain’t all there at the end of it.”
“Neither will mine be, if I have to spend another three days listening to him screaming. At this rate he’ll be dead before spending a week behind bars.”
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rom-e-o · 6 years
“Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
((Aaaand finished! Thanks to the lovely @treya-barton for the fantastic suggestion! I love doting, sweet prompts like this, so I had a lot of fun writing the dialogue for this one. I hope you enjoy! You can also read the fic on AO3.))
The sound of pain erupted from Yosuke’s mouth as Yu placed a cotton pad soaked in disinfectant on his swollen cheek. Just the brief contact alone was enough to make the orange-haired boy yelp in distress.
The sound was severe enough to concern Yu, who retracted his hand immediately and reexamined his partner’s face for any obvious injuries.
“Sorry, was that too much?” he asked.
“Hell yeah, it was!” Yosuke replied. “Can’t you just use regular soap? Whatever fancy first-aid stuff you’re using hurts like hell.”
“It’s just rubbing alcohol,” Yu offered simply.
“Well, that rubbing alcohol hurts like hell,” Yosuke reiterated.
The sassiness of his statement didn’t evade Yu’s attention. Instead of offering another sympathetic reply, Yu offered him a half-lidded stare. His expression was not one of amusement.
“I’m sorry it hurts Yosuke, but I have to clean your injuries,” he said with his usual, deadpan logic. 
Carefully, Yu reached back out and caressed his partner’s lightly freckled cheek with the wetted cotton. Adding pressure back onto the sore area elicited a hiss from Yosuke the second time around.
The odor coming off the sterile liquid was nauseatingly string. If given enough time, Yosuke thought it could probably peel the paint off the ceiling. He didn’t even want to think of what the concoction would do to his skin.
“It’s just killing the germs,” Yu replied, answering Yosuke’s silent inquiry as if he could read his friend’s mind. “Just a little more. Then I’ll patch you up.”
Yosuke heaved a sigh of relief. The injury to his face hadn’t been the only injury Yu had dressed for him. In the past half hour.
His swollen cheek was merely the last and most painful destination on Yu’s list.
“Hey, I have to ask you a question,” Yu said as he reached back into the nearby kit to open a box of bandages.
Yosuke groaned loudly.
“I think I know what you’re going to ask,” he confessed with a moan. “But go ahead. Shoot.”
Yu paused for a moment to peel open a large, flesh-colored bandage. He held up the patch to see if it would be adequate for the cut on his friend’s face. 
He continued slowly, “I have to know. It’s weird enough that the first time we met, that you were rolling around in a trash can. I kind of just accepted it as a freak accident, you know? Sometimes weird things just happen.”
“We have seen worse,” Yosuke said with a laugh.
The humor wasn’t reciprocated.
“I can understand it happening once, Yosuke,” Yu said as he placed the patch over his friend’s cheek and pressed. He tried to ignore how his fingertips were just gentle brushing the velvety skin near Yosuke’s jaw. “But, twice?”
Earlier that day, Yu had left school after opting to take a few minutes after class to ask the teachers some questions about upcoming midterms. The entire affair had probably taken less than ten minutes. When Yu had emerged from the school gate and started home, he’d spied a very familiar bicycle discarded on the sidewalk and had heard an even more familiar voice, albeit muffled, yelling for help.
Upon rounding the corner, an even more familiar pair of skinny legs was writhing from atop a trash can on the street corner.
“It could have happened to anyone!” Yosuke cried in his meager defense. “I’m serious, partner. Something must be up with my spokes or tires or…something! I was just riding along and, before I knew it, ‘wham!’”
After retrieving his friend from the toppled trash can and discovering that he had multiple cuts all over his body, including his face, Yu hadn’t hesitated to pull him back to his house and patch him up in his room.
Even in the background while they spoke, they could hear the faint hum of the house’s television and the familiar bumps and clangs of Nanako helping with the household chores outside his bedroom door.
“You are the only human being I know who has ever gotten stuck in a trash can,” Yu said. “Again, twice.”
“So, you…do know someone else who’s only gotten stuck in a trash can only once?” Yosuke asked with a hesitant but hopeful smile. The expression was completely dashed when Yu shook his head in denial.
“No, I was just trying to make you feel better,” Yu admitted. “Did it work?”
“Not after you just admitted it like that!” Yosuke cried. His hand flew up to cover his eyes as he sank against the wall into a defeated heap. “Ugh. Man, I’m such a freakin’ failure, aren’t I?”
“I’d hardly say that,” Yu replied with a tilt of the head. “You’re not great at writing a bike, but hey, that hardly makes you a failure.”
The puff of air Yosuke exhaled between his fingertips let Yu know his friend wasn’t convinced.
“You’re not a failure,” Yu said, his sympathetic tone returning at the sight of his friend’s obvious low esteem. “Don’t forget that the Investigation Team wouldn’t even exist if it hadn’t been for your suggestion.”
A slightly more interesting sound came from Yosuke’s still-burrowed face. It was something between a ‘hm’ and an ‘eh.’ Yu knew his best friend, his partner, well enough to know that he was getting somewhere.
Rather than trying to convince Yosuke from his cross-legged position on the floor, he decided to stand up and take the open seat next to Yosuke on his bed.
He sat down beside his friend, who was still pressed his face into his hands and wrapped an arm on his shoulder. With a light tug, he pulled their bodies close together until their shoulders bumped. The act elicited another sound for Yosuke, but this time, Yu couldn’t immediately discern the meaning.
“Also, if I remember correctly, you were one of the first people to connect the murders in Inaba to people’s appearances on the Midnight Channel,” Yu said, offering his friend another playful nudge. “Am I wrong?”
Yosuke hesitated for only a moment before shaking his head. He spoke in a lethargic drone, “Yeah, but that was nothing special. Anyone could have figured that out. It was just a lucky guess.”
Yu’s silver brow lofted in doubt.
“You mean to tell me that you made an entire series of lucky guesses, all of which just happened to be the exact answers that we had been searching before?” Yu asked, his tone one of mock confusion as he pretended to muse aloud. “That doesn’t seem to add up, Yosuke. It sounds to me like you actually figured a big part of all the murder cases out before anyone else did. Including me.”
Yosuke lifted his head a little bit but remained silent.
“You’re smart, Yosuke,” Yu told him seriously. He tightened his hold on his friend just a little bit, bringing him a little closer for a slightly tighter embrace. “You’re also courageous and so fiercely loyal that it boggles my mind. You’re an incredible person. My only complaint is that I hate seeing you get hurt. It doesn’t matter if it’s from a trash can or a Shadow.”
Following Yu’s admission, Yosuke let out a light laugh. It was a sound of exasperation, but Yu also noticed the very evident smile on Yosuke’s face. The coral-colored blush on his uncovered cheek and the bridge of his nose didn’t go unnoticed either.
“You’re, like, the only guy who can tease me one second and them make me feel better the next,” he said. “I don’t know how you do it, but I feel better.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Yu reminded up, reaching up to playfully pinch his friend’s uninjured cheek. “I just reminded you of all the great things you’re already done.”
The little tweak caused Yosuke to purse his lips. He did end up shaking his face free from Yu’s touch, but not as quickly as Yu had anticipated. With a laugh, Yu released his friend and dropped his hand back down onto the mattress, right next to Yosuke’s.
“Just please be more careful next time,” Yu said, taking Yosuke’s hand into his. “I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“I will,” Yosuke promised with a sigh. “I’ll try to be more careful.”
Yu gave him a stern look.
“Okay, I will be more careful,” Yosuke back-tracked with a laugh. “Thanks again, partner. For what it’s worth, it’s nice to know that you’re handy with a first-aid kit. Good to know.”
The comment got a rise out of Yu. In a second, his expression changed from serious to mischievous.
“I’m glad to know you enjoy my nursing skills,” Yu remarked. “I’m honored to hear that from someone as knowledgeable as you. You flatter me.”
The comment, as expected, only enhanced the redness on his friend’s visage.
“Bro, you know that’s not what I meant!” Yosuke said with furious embarrassment. Unfortunately, fuel had already been added to the teasing fire that always burned in Yu’s chest for his most treasured companion.
“Maybe if you’re good, I’ll dress up as a nurse next time,” Yu replied with a devilish smirk.
“Stop!” Yosuke said, burying his face back into the sleeve of his blazer.
The act only had Yu laughing even harder than before, much to Yosuke’s chagrin.
“I didn’t even say anything about nurses!” Yosuke whined against his sleeve. “Ugh, Teddie is rubbing off n you too much. C’mon, partner! If you don’t stop laughing, I’m going to march right out of here! Hell, I’d rather roll out of here in another trash can!”
“Not yet,” Yu said. “I haven’t bought the costume yet. I’d be unprepared to treat you.”
“You are such an ass!”
Perhaps Yosuke’s embarrassed cried would have been more convincing he’d actually tried to let go of Yu’s hand.
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scarlyd · 7 years
An ode to my former self; How to accept emotional abuse.
I am a strong person. I was raised by extremely independent people, who always told me I was fully capable of taking care of myself and not to take any shit from anybody.  I am a feminist. I believe in squashing archaic opinions and take pride in being a 21st century woman.  I am smart and educated. I read Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf and find Twilight highly offensive.  I’m not an idiot, and I will never compromise who I am to please someone else.
None of that stopped me from falling into an abusive relationship, and staying in it for years.
The relationship had been toxic from the moment it had started. Everything was on his terms. Every argument ended in me apologising. Never in my life had anyone infuriated me so much. I mistook the differences between us as passion and despite a constant thought whispering over and over again to run away run away run away, I never did.  
I made constant excuses. He was struggling with mental illness. He has a terrible past. He didn’t have anyone else. We didn’t have any money. He was just stressed out.
These were manipulations,  thought up to twist me into believing he wasn’t accountable for his actions.
I should have left the first time he forced me to lock myself in my bathroom, crying uncontrollably as I tried to call my friends to come get me. I couldn’t call my family. It was late and I didn’t want to bother them. I couldn’t ring any of my male friends, they would make him confrontational and I didn’t want the evening to end in more violence.  I ended up making the tragic miscalculation of calling an ex. My best friend later pointed out this was extremely telling, that I trusted someone I hadn’t spoken to in years to protect me more than the person I was sharing a bed with every evening.
When  my partner at the time had found out I had called an ex boyfriend, he was beyond furious. He never forgave me. And he threw it in my face every single time he accused me of being unfaithful or looking at someone else in a romantic way.
Even though a week before this happened, he had emailed his ex girlfriend. He told her he still loved her and wished more than anything he was still with her.
But that is classic emotional abuse. He never saw fault with anything he did, instead I was the root of all our problems and had to be punished for it.
But I didn’t leave, and I wouldn’t allow myself to fully comprehend what had happened to me.
A part of me knew the real reason I hadn’t called my family that night, and why I eventually stopped telling them what was really happening for the months following. I knew there would be no going back. Once I had explained to them what he was like and what he was capable of,  no amount of explanations and excuses would make them give him another chance.
And he knew it too. He would beg me not to tell my parents when we’d have a fight, his reasoning being that he knew I’d blame it all on him and that they’d hate him for it. I didn’t dare argue that he was to blame. I couldn’t cope with the hell it would unleash.  
So I became isolated from those who cared about me the most. He would compose texts to my friends off of my phone after we’d argued, making out that I had overreacted and everything was fine now.
Every single person  I loved told me it wouldn’t work. They all begged me to listen. And I always knew they were right. But I blocked out their reasoning.
Because I was a strong, independent woman. And I had been raised by  incredibly strong people who would never take any shit from anybody.  I would NEVER allow myself to fall in love with someone so cruel. I was not some battered woman. I knew better than that.
That’s the denial part. And when you allow yourself to accept for a moment that actually, it’s not normal for someone to never accept blame, and actually, you’re not crazy for getting upset over the fact your boyfriend called you a psychotic Cunt the day after your grandmother died, and actually, the word abuse has been on the tip of your tongue for months now. It’s at this point that you begin to feel ashamed. What would my mother think? She raised me so much better than this. I was so much better than this.
So you feel ashamed, and categorically deny that it is as bad as it is, because you’re just overreacting. You’re just a drama queen. He’s just really going through some things right now. Because it’s impossible. You are not in an abusive relationship. How could that possibly, ever happen to you?
The reality that he is a narcissist, and you are a victim, is just too painful to accept.
And even when you both eventually decide to call it a day, knowing that the relationship has just been drained to its very core, you still don’t accept at first what has happened to you. The trauma of spending months being accused, lied to and manipulated still entirely too heavy for you to comprehend.
And coming to that realisation months later that he wasn’t a good person after all, and it had all been excuses and lies, is the most difficult part of all. Accepting that is wasn’t just a ‘toxic’ relationship, that it had been ABUSE, feels so unnatural to say.
Because I don’t want pity.  I don’t want attention. I don’t want people to look at me and think ‘oh poor her, she must be so damaged now’.
I want people to realise that if you’re arguing more times than you’re not, and if you are lying on the floor, nearly catatonic in depression and your partner can sit idly by and ignore you through that, then there is something wrong.  If they kick you when you approach them, and later blame you for going near them in a ‘threatening way’, then there is something wrong. If you feel like you have to constantly walk on eggshells, afraid of your true feelings, then there is something wrong. If they  tell you they hate you and you make them suicidal, then there is something very, very wrong.  If they shove, push, or touch you in any way and you tell them you’re not comfortable with it and they tell you to stop being pathetic, there is something wrong.
And it does not make you weak, and it does not make you a victim.
People like that can’t change, and I was unfortunate enough to think I could help someone out of a dark period of their life and change them for the better. I was wrong. I got involved with the wrong person. But it happens.  And people shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it.
I maybe would have felt more comfortable talking about my own experiences whilst they were happening if emotional abuse was more talked about.  But in my head, if they weren’t physically beating you, then it wasn’t abuse. But that’s not right. There are lots of different types of abuse.
And my story is just one of them.
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