#he literally restricts. because he feels bad about existing. fuck
shenyaanigans · 2 years
vash having an eating disorder was not on my stampede saturday bingo card
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snekdood · 1 year
i figured out the issue with tumblr and its that it will never be a good art site bc everyones always got some shit to say and everyone always thinks theyre right and thats why no one reblogs shit because “it could be problematic in a way im not detecting and someone will yell at me later for it” type shit. literal cesspool ass website.
#art isnt performing The Best for people#art isnt. anxiously deciding whether or not to post a picture because even YOU cant tell how or if someone will find a way to make it out#to be problematic in some way.#panopticon ass website. and you can never criticize that fact bc then ppl accuse you of being a shitty person. like im sorry yall act like#cops and sometimes a whole fucking cult. ppl outside of tumblr are kinda fucking right about that part.#But sUrElY BeCauSe hE SaID wE'rE cUlTY thAt jUSt mEaNS hE ThinKS We'Re BaD bEcAuSe We'Re QueER#naw babe. its the fact you expect ppl to dogmatically accept whatever take you have or else they're a shitty problematic irredeemable#perosn. its the fact that people dont feel like they can talk about their certain traumas because it will 'upset someone else'#becky idgaf if you're upset im talking about my trauma. die for all i fucking care.#people are walking on fucking eggshells on this goddamn site all the time. and then theres ppl who just dont question that and somehow#think its actually Good. like. kys lmao.#maybe this website does deserve to burn.#i cant even explain to yall how much ive self restricted and become insecure about my art bc of this shitty site.#and ik plenty of yall do the same. you only post the most Tumblr Approved content lest you face someones wrath#or worse no one reblogs it bc again- theyre scared.#hey- hey if your activism makes average ppl trying to just fucking exist scared i kinda think you've got it all wrong#tf are you doing saying acab and trying to scare people like a cop would. literally who tf are you.
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loopscereal · 4 months
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Pero no lo hicisteee final 100 hrs have been entered
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fred by himself cause i did his shoes with everythign and the little meat texture. Why would i do that if its not mesnt to be visible? May god know cause i dont. uhh the background. yeah ok. uh Fred doesn't have to reflect Freddy in clothes or hairstyle anymore! Boys uniform! Higher, tighter pony tail! also their little jacket. Make up around their eyes, and they have gained acess to COLOR. Hes no longer restricted to shades of purple, too bad hes emo and will only branch out to red TOT. anyway yay for them. uhh uhhh also he has a new sparkle. he has a little yellowy orange sparkle in his chest, right on their tie. they didnt have that before :) new sparkle
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im glad were all miserable about how fred is on the floor but also agree that freddy looks best when hes at his worse! keep up that look, youre a natural !! bbbbuhhhh
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SUELTENME SUELTENME SUELTENME SUELTENME SUELTANME ok normal, hi pia :3 glad you noticed. im so diseased about when they swap colors in canon.... wughgh misery...
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not so fast! theyre both so fucking bad at this game! the game being existing. Fred feeds the body and like. the most basic of maintenance but they too mistreat it in their own special way <3. ANyways how does this scene change? uh. god. i feel like it adds a lot ofc content but i dont. know. thinking about camp makes my head scream... as i imagine it mutates and changed even after having drawn these. living organism....
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in my head their body "prioritizes" freddy a lot, like. IF fred is in control while freddy is sleeping, and freddy wakes up, it sorta auto-kicks fred out if they arent prepared and get caught off guard, BUT freddy isnt exctly. too present. hes not the most anchored person to his own self so if fred, can simply push him out pretty easy so long as they arent abnormally weakened, and if they were to fight for it fred will typically win. As for body auto responses, i think it does eventually kick the current pilot out, or mess things up and force them both in or both out, ("how does that work" sh sh sh dont even worry about it... <3 please.) buuuut i think it takes a long time for the body to get to that point, to the point where it does those auto responseds. Freddys gotten it pretty used to well, itself. it doesn't send out the signals that it should, or at best, not as strongly.
Okay why is Freddy all glitchy when out side and not sparkly? beeecause well. cromatic aberation occurs when a lense fails to align and focus wavelengths of color all on the same point. What the hell does that have to do with freddy? (what the hell happens int hat goddamn highschool?) uh! hes totally unfocused. in his entire self. and in his worldview, his view of strangers, of his friends, family. exc. Hes got like at least three different "lenses" he can view himself in, and at least two "good or bad" lenses he can see any given person through. IF anything is certain about him, its his instability. In idenity, in stances, in views, in beleifs, in emotions, in everything. An so, he gets the aberation efffect, cause he is !!! pulling!! apart! no focus, no stability , no alignment, no trust, no brother, no one to rely on, no money, no goals, no self esteem, no style, no shoes, no affirmation, no bitchessssssss also i have freddy at like 18 opacity (and the cromatic aberation layers are also at 1* so lets charitibly say hes at 50 total) and Fred is at like 80/85/90 on any given drawing of these, because freddy literally has less soul. uh. magic stystem or whatever freddy was emoty enough in the cup that holds his soul that he could fit a shadow, who turned into a whole ass person instead of some litttle creature...... fucked up. empty ass. anywho. enough of that miserable prick. freds got glow and sparkles cause hes got a lot of soul, hes got a lot in him, and would shine under any circumstance. stand out in some way bc hes just. like that. he is absolutly bursting at the seams with STUFF that is just not being let out. Hes curious. they wanna learn andexplre and live so fucking badly, the want to live and exist on their own terms and its so much passion and drive and will to live all bottled in this little being unable to be expresseddddd. one of these is more positive than the otherrrrr im sure theres sone negative side i missed on fred and a positive side to freddy that i missed but uh. its. 12am as i am writing and scheduling this so.....
if i had a dollar for every time i thought abt fnafhs id have 1 dollar bc i have not fucking stopped.
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anhilliator1 · 1 year
I feel like something needs to be stated about the four Chaos Gods -
They're unbalanced. Let me explain:
Khorne: Chaos God of War, Death, Violence, Rage, Murder, etc... Long story short, Khorne likes to kill things and/or see things die - "Khorne cares not from where the blood flows." As a result, it would be very easy to assume that he's pure evil - but no. Khorne also represents Justice, honor, courage, strength - Without Khorne, there would be no such thing as "Righteous Fury." Fighting for what is right technically falls under his domain as well. In a sense, he could be considered the Chaos God of Morality. In fact, he strongly dislikes underhanded tactics, hence why he often finds himself at odds with Tzeentch.
Nurgle: Chaos God of disease, decay, rot, stagnation, and so on. Nurgle is commonly associated with the color green, for good reason. As said, disease, death, rot, stagnation - but also resilience, rebirth, and consistency in everything. Technically speaking, he's the Chaos God of life and nature. No Nurgle, absolutely everything would be inconsistent. There would be no such thing as safety, because there would be no consistent definition of what "safe" is.
Tzeentch: CG of instability, inconsistency, trickery, manipulation, cunning, lies, deciet, and change. He plays you like a fiddle, and what you may think is reality may not be true. He's like Mysterio, but a gajillion times more powerful. However, he also represents hope, evolution, the ability to problem solve, and more. Tzeentch is the reason why Guile Heroes exist in 40K, and can be said to at least partially be empowered by the actions of people like Creed and Ciaphas Cain. As TTS puts it, "Without him, there would be no evil schemes, but also no one clever enough to save people from those schemes." Also, change isn't inherently evil - change is constantly happening, all the time, something that puts him at odds with Nurgle due to him being Stagnation. Funny thing, Happy Chaos from GGST can sort of be considered Tzeentch if he was more balanced rather than inclined evil.
Now, Slaanesh - Hedonism, sex, lust, pleasure, indulgence, suffering, etc... Hell, they were literally murder-fucked into existence by the Eldar. But, they also represent Passion, Joy, hell, maybe even the concept of emotion itself. Passion, it must be mentioned, is not restricted to the sexual kind - it's the creative kind, the "for-a-cause" kind - same with Pleasure. You gain pleasure from doing things you love, not inherently sexual - and technically, without Slaanesh, there would be no meaning to doing, well, anything - no happiness, no sadness so that happiness means anything, no enjoyment and no disgust, no love or hate... I think you get the idea.
The Chaos Gods represent important mental concepts inherent to all life, and all thoughts of said life - good or bad.
So why are they villains? As said, they're unbalanced, courtesy of the Necrontyr royally screwing things up by messing with the Great Old Ones and the C'Tan. As a result, the Warp, once peaceful, became a violent place roiling with negative energy, some of which became Daemons. This caused each of the four and their followers to become heavily inclined towards the worst parts of what they represent, why Khorne and his followers kill and destroy anything and everything in their path, why Tzeentch and his followers will endlessly lie, cheat, manipulate, and more to make you do what they want (prisoner's dilemma is the very tippy-top of the iceberg), why Nurgle and his followers spread filth, rot, and disease everywhere they go, and why Slaanesh and their followers endlessly rape and torture.
They're unbalanced.
In fact, everything I just said can sort of be summarized by this video:
It's why in the episode of TTS this is from, I noticed the Emperor's wording when he said he would DEFEAT Chaos, not Kill, DEFEAT. I always took it to mean that he would essentially force them to "get back to work" in a sense - go back to being balanced representations of their concepts and stop interfering so much with the Material.
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pochapal · 10 months
I shall tempt fate!
Thoughts on the thirteenth doctor?
I didn’t like the era much but 13 is awesome imo ^^
[approximately 1 trillion turrets taking aim] okay SO the thing with 13 is that everyone who watched her and hated her was a needless redditbrained loser who didn't understand a thing. yes she was kind of mid in the end BUT not for a single reason any of her detractors like to espouse.
she was on track for a very good slow burn tragic arc of over-correcting twelve's flaws (he got too attached and this burned him over and over and over again) where in her attempts to protect her companions from the same doomed fate as every previous human to enter the tardis she ends up not showing how she really feels at all until it's too late for it to count because whether or not she's attached or distant all humans die in the end and to travel with the doctor is to in part indulge in a death drive because by nature of being a companion it means eventually you are going to collide face first with tragedy. all the pieces for this are there very much in her first two seasons and this reading even explains why the finales were kind of lacking oomph (her distancing in attachment also extended to Being The Doctor on some level; this could have compounded with all the latent Gender stuff real nicely but didn't) since it was kind of all building to one core tragic break.
this likely would have happened in her third season but then covid kind of destroyed production and obviously every ambition/plan had to be downscaled into flux which was like. fine??? nothing really bad to say about it other than it feels a touch truncated but that was mostly due to pandemic filming restrictions than anything else (and will never be as terrible as the parts of the moffat era which suffered extensively as a result of sherlock existing and taking up the lead writers/producers time and effort). only issue with it was that it shifted tone/direction in a way that kept all of 13's era on this same flat note right at the moment when this naturally should have been shifted up a gear for the third act.
unironically in an ideal world we got a full length third season for thirteen and the one thing that needed to happen was yaz dying. like i liked yaz and everything but girlie needed to die so badly in some episode and for her to die thinking that the doctor never actually cared about her, forcing thirteen to realize becoming disattached doesn't prevent tragedy from happening it just deprives her of love. continuing this ideal scenario the next beat that needed to happen was thirteen absolutely fucking snapping as yaz's death serves as the catalyst for all the other billion emotions she's been pointedly Not Feeling in this incarnation - this in turn would allow us to see shades of the rogue doctor or whatever her name was (renegade doctor? fugitive doctor? exile doctor?) and create an interesting interplay between the two. this'd then lead to an "Oh Fuck I Have Really Fucked Up At Being The Doctor Huh" moment where she starts aggressively Being The Doctor (maybe strongarming dan into being a companion semi against his wishes to fill the void?) and maybe fucking with her own history/reputation or w/e which might've fed into the timeless child mystery thing somehow (don't ask me i'm spitballing on half-remembered information). also identity crisis heartbroken thirteen at the end of her life reaching back into herself and re-using ten's face as a kind of "second chance" at all the parts of herself that ten embodied and she didn't (the absolute love for companions and humanity) where the tension is now whether or not fourteen ignores the literal centuries of history separating himself from the last time he wore this face and that feeding into the new rtd era.
even a small number of these things would have made thirteen probably one of the best doctors in the series in all the metrics that really matter but we didn't get that so we have to contend with what we do have and that was mostly just...okay. thirteen for me is like. she was brimming with potential to go down a certain route i would have eaten up but things never quite fell into place. probably a whole bunch of reasons behind the scenes why thirteen's era fell short of total greatness but i still enjoyed good chunks of thirteen more than certain doctors who i can and will name (doctor eleven they could never make me like you) so she has that going for her at least. also can't be fully mad at the writing because i actually have an unjustified soft spot for chibnall (this is my biases talking but the countrycide episode of torchwood top 1 piece of doctor who media and i'm so mad he didn't lean back into the folk horror aesthetic again for the witch trials episode in thirteen's run) and overall thirteen's era was just. it was consistent. i really wish covid hadn't fucked over the final season so the nascent themes in her arc could've come to a more satisfying fruition because i will always be a forever truther thirteen's era was slow-building up to something really good. the haters will never convince me otherwise.
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ovyy-pvcure · 24 days
I've been left under stimulated again so even though the post didn't reach enough notes I'll still post the writing critique but I won't tag it. @furudolove was too curious and I'm too attached to the itch of the compliant to leave it unaddressed.
Ok, so background: the protagonist of the work in question is isekai'd to a fantastical game-like world with 3 other randos who are of no significance to this post. Our protagonist meets someone who agrees to be his teammate since due to the rules and restrictions of the (game) world he's found himself in can't meaningfully do damage (and the prior person who held his position gave it a bad name by terrorizing the kingdom [for all that slavery they were doing] so he's hard up for options). This person then gets the protagonist drunk steals his stuff and makes...claims against him. Brushing quickly past how I feel about that development our protagonist is left penniless lacking in allies and basicially helpless until he's approached by a slaver and decides to buy a 10 year old girl to fight for him since slaves can't lie to their master...because of magicial shock tattoos. Because our protagonist has lost his faith in others unless he can magicially compel their obedience (I mean he takes the nice male slave owner at his word but whatever) and this is NOT my compliant. This is clearly set up to be the protagonist's flaws making decisions that he knows are wrong, but gives in to due to weakness.
Earlier I said the fantasy world our protagonist got transported to is game-like and the important parts for understanding where I'm going with this is: this world has explicit exp, levels, upgrading weapons oh and when the race of people that little girl is levels up they physically mature. Like a pokemon except it's a shivering malnourished child who's obidence is kept via constant threat of inescapable electric torture. Look, I agreed not to complain about the protagonist owning a slave thing on the face of it I'm not here to downplay it.
All that background out of the way and with the understanding that slavery is morally wrong and the protagonist's growth should be measured by his ability to place trust in people without needing to hold all of the power and the author does the worst thing possible for the narrative: textual justification of slavery in-universe. Specifically the existence of Slave Experience and The Slave Shield which both give notable consistent passive boons to uhhh...human property. This singular writing choice in my mind entirely undercuts any defence of the series as it serves to entrench both the protagonist and the fanbase to defend slavery.
This is not a hypothetical either there are many online discussions where fans of the series will point out that these boons are why the protagonist needs to keep his slaves, and keep feeding and being a positive face. To. Slavery. To the machine of the slave trade. Worse, it means the protagonist not only doesn't have to cooperate with other independent individuals but only on his group of literal slaves for which he's rewarded his growth as a person in the narrative be damned.
Slavery was either never going to be an issue the author wanted to tackle or it became the series' "gimmick" as a "dark subversive isekai" and got stapled to it forever and so it got justified. Celeberated. Benefical actually to the slaves who grow up overnight to be nubile women who the protagonist personally raised just how he wanted before marrying her in the end. Just be a Good Slave Owner and reap endless benefits as the world distorts to justify your obsessive controlling misanthropy lest the teenage boys projecting onto the protagonist think they need to grow the fuck up and trust another person.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
this entire chapter was a joy to read but I gotta say I 100% understand knives’ fear of brad—the opening scene was one of the most strangely fear inducing things I’ve ever read. kudos and 10/10 for making me feel nauseous over what turns out to be a very funny scene of knives getting murder-grounded
Love this ask. Love asks about experiences that surprise me a lot, in a good way - part of me is always like 'write a dialectical essay on why you think so???' and the other part is 'the picture and vibes you've painted is incredibly funny and I love it'. Thank you for the ask anyway. Get to talk about Brad and Luida FINALLY.
I'm deciding that this is a victory, because it gave you a great insight into exactly how Knives felt LMFAOOO. He has spent literally this entire story acting superior, holier-than-thou, won't shut up about how he's physiologically and mentally leagues ahead of you puny humans, you're so lame and pathetic and Millions "Genius Cool Guy Surgeon" Knives is soooo much better than you. And then the minute he goes home and sees his foster parents he is suddenly the goodest little boy who you would both introduce to your parents and give a doggy treat. They are two geriatric astronauts and Millions Knives is pants-shittingly terrified of them.
I was legitimately a bit worried that I wrote Brad as too harsh in the flashback scene, or uncomfortable-in-a-bad-way in the beginning scene. I was really careful with both. How Brad and Luida raised Knives is absolutely not a great method of parenting, lmfao. But they weren't really raising a child - they were taming a tiger. I think you can safely assume that Knives was not given a single inch his entire adolescence. He didn't get away with shit. That's how behavioral conditioning works. I really can't stress enough that, although Knives is a pretty good guy in the present, he is still the literal actual Millions Knives. And what 14yo Knives here got up to wasn't all that different from what canonical 14yo Knives was getting up to. The difference is Brad and Luida - and they knew exactly what they were trying to prevent. They knew they couldn't fuck up. They knew what would happen if Knives didn't change. It must have been a lot of pressure.
The sheer balls on the guy who walks up to Millions Knives and just goes, "Okay, asshole. Kill me. Do it.". So insane that it gaslights Knives into believing that Brad and Luida are the only superior lifeforms to himself.
But at the end of the day, what that scene still conveys is - it's a farce. Their family is a social contract: Brad and Luida will give Knives what he wants (a meaning to his life, and on a deeper level he won't acknowledge, a family), and in return Knives politely pretends that they are remotely capable of controlling him. A handcuff is an insanely restrictive method of grounding somebody - and obviously Knives could have gotten outb of it any time. But Knives lets them do it, because if he doesn't then it would break the keyfabe, the farce. And that would destroy Knives' only path towards becoming a good person. Because Brad and Luida told him that they are the only path towards becoming a good person. And if you aren't a good person you have no reason to exist btw. Also we don't love you anymore.
Kinda fucked up if Knives was, like, a regular child? Yes. Only sensible thing to do if the child was Millions Knives? Yes. It's complicated but that's why I really love it. Also for the insane funniness of Knives experiencing fear.
TL;DR Handcuffing your child to its bed is only okay if the child has bad vibes and is unfun to be around.
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wednesdaysgun · 2 years
you’re awful, I love you. tyler x wednesday
a tyler POV drabble about how he sees our beloved wednesday. includes religious imagery, sub tyler til i die. also tyler references she/her (wednesday) with capitals. like god is referenced as Him. 
I’ve never felt anything like this before. Everything stops: the thoughts, the fear, the constant noise in my brain. Her quietness brings company, Her control brings sanity. Wednesday looks at me, and my mind runs in circles. It’s a vicious circle I can never return from, nor would I want to. Her presence, just sitting in the corner of my eye for hours, is forever soothing the thing that lurks inside me. My lungs kinda feel restricted, every time I walk. Every time I just sit there and think. Every time She invites me to the dorm. Every time She’s even in my brain, which is basically constant, I can imagine Her wrapping my ribs with packing tape then using it as a leash on me. Or Her first connecting with my face in such a way I spill Her favourite colour. But I love it, you already know that. How could I not. She loves me. I never thought I’d get that, the feeling of someone on my side. Commanding and protecting my heart and blood-tinged hands. I never thought anybody would love me the way She does- when She watches me in the forest with such intent that it distracts me from the still-dying rabbit that hangs in the Hyde’s jaw. Wednesday scares me- but not the way everyone else is scared of Her.
And I’m being honest, I love Her too. God, it drives me crazy. I sit there in my bed alone, replaying every interaction. Every look and shared frenzied thought. Her unpredictability makes me feel like I’m in fucking heat or something- Constantly waiting for the match to be lit on the gasoline She douses me in.
Wednesday scares me because She speaks my thoughts, when She speaks that is. It scares me, I guess, because I’m now commanded to be myself- no restriction. Well, except hunting outcasts and anything above three-years of age. Such kindness from a Master was more than welcome. I’m just happy I have something to believe in again. This life has been miserable, showed me that even when you’re built with these abilities that people will still try to corrupt you. Reduce you down. And it worked, I felt myself die a little bit every day until one day there was nothing left. Now I’m a Frankenstein-like being, a mix of a literal fucking monster and a sociopath with daddy issues. But She allowed me to be reborn, under new light and new power. She glorifies me, allows me to bathe in the ecstasy the kill brings. 
Now, between you and I, I’ve never been a religious nut. Jericho is just as religious as it seems with witches running around just up the hill. Prejudice and the Institution built this town in the form of Crackstone, bad foundations will never allow any form of harvest. Jericho will never be anything but a rotten, open grave in my book. The deaths of so many innocents with nothing to show for. It just proved to me that God didn’t exist, everyone just wanted a saviour. I never wanted to be saved, until I needed it. And She came.
Wednesday is my God. I believe it, hand on wicked heart. Her calculated madness and overwhelming power, just watching her is enough to prove it to me. Wednesday doesn’t lose, doesn’t back down. She doesn’t play by the rules of this life like everybody else. She laughed at first, when I told her, but she enjoys it. She encourages it, with light suggestion of course. I’m Her avid follower, Her devotee. I will love Her until She kills me dead, and I will continue to follow Her after I’m long gone.
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reckless-blossoms · 2 months
sorry i keep making posts and deleting them the current political landscape has got me feeling FUCKed
im so Fucking frustrated by how everyone is handling everything. and the worst part is, i agree with everyone too.
i understand wanting to let go and be hyped for harris and i understand hating her and still refusing to participate in this broken system.
but you have no choice. you are a citizen. you participate by being alive in the US, paying US taxes, working a US job, buying from US stores with your US dollars. abstinence from voting is a choice. there is no other way, currently
aside from The Revolution. which will not be flawlessly executed by november, so can we not just vote in harris first then go about that some more?
idk. i dont think people grasp how horrific and bloody the revolution will be. and how long it will be. i think some people want bad things to happen to other people so other people get mad enough to revolt. i would rather prevent as much suffering as possible than use the suffering people as a chess piece to get what i want. right? but perhaps voting for harris is also playing chess with people?
i dont know. im scared. i dont want to lose my hrt. i dont want people to have to use wires for abortions. i dont want people to die in genocides. i dont want people to be hurt and sad. and that stuff will either not happen, or will happen less, with harris. trump literally just fucking said christians won't have to vote next time. he mask off said that he wants to dismantle voting entirely. whether he can doesnt really fucking matter. because what if he can? what if this really is the last election we can ever even vote in?
i just. if voting didn't work, then why have people had to fight tooth and nail for the right? why do you think women couldn't vote? why black people couldnt vote? why felons have no or restricted voting rights? why gerrymandering exists? why the electoral college exists? if voting makes no difference, then why?
perhaps i'll regret posting this in a few years and look back and cringe but fuck man. why do leftists care more about Looking Good than just being reasonable humans. i get so mad and frustrated in leftist spaces and i cant even understand anyone because they're all dancing around and sugar coating their points because if they say they disagree with you then they're scared that means someone will see them as problematic. fuck. i just have a lot of thoughts. and am too autistic for all this. im just frustrated. no one says the things i feel.
i dont know. i just somehow feel like no one thinks like how i think. everyones all in one side or another. but maybe there are no sides. we're just people in a fucked system who will be fucked in all other holes if we don't do anything in the system
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incarnateirony · 6 months
[lays on the floor] not a friggin ex indie guitarist and bass player worried about his ex wife trying to kill him near his birthday again and like all this list of her stunts that feels like reading from Shea's playbook of harassment and abuse. Like no dude it gets better, how do I politely say Fuck That Bitch, you're worth more.
The murder she employs is passive, you see. It's an attempt to abuse, harass, and socially chase him out of everywhere he goes until he tries to kill himself. Until he sees his death certificate as a gift to her, after he paid for everything and let her keep everything for the new boyfriend she planned to move in, enough was never enough for her, she comes back again and again. Plays the victim every time and because he's AMAB, or male in general (I'm AFAB and I still get this), he gets marked as the Bad Guy until she's mocking him while he's overdosing intentionally.
Yeah, I have one of those. She's tried to reduce me out of the universe for her own psychotic bullshit with identical MHI issues to what you're listing, too. She tried to chase me out of everywhere, and leave me no safe space to speak or exist without her chasing me. And yeah try to social pressure or intimidate me until I can't fucking speak anywhere, and nowhere feels fucking safe. I've been there, my guy, I just can't tell you that, but that bitch WILL eventually wipe herself out with her behavior.
Like no dude, her death certificate will be the blessing, when it comes, but I can't say that, so for now, let's talk music.
Man how do I upload my Ultimate Boundary Magical Playbook bro, you can't be far off in the clowncell with those vibes.
No deadass did this bitch not try yet another social assassination of me like a week before my birthday when she realized she had no power of me in fandom, so she was gonna try to abuse me out of a fucking game server she doesn't even go to. Rotted out six motherfucking months of her life planning it and trying to worm in to people she already betrayed before. That is exactly what she did, and has been intentionally doing, and she can't fuckin look at it or accept why she's so goddamn obsessed.
I'm purging this at a deep fucking root access level, and the work is done, it is finishing itself now. I'm doing this for fucking EVERYONE.
Six months of this shit stalking me on every platform and friend group and server is bad enough while she wails at 2 1/2 that is literally restricted to my blog and the magical world, neither of which she can actually sue me over, though she tries. Then realize, no, actually, it's 3 years, six months was just what she dedicated to her CURRENT stunt. And no, really, it's more like seventeen years of her betraying me in cycles, she's just pikachu facing that I had a spray bottle for bad kitty this time. And, no it's not, it's actually like her tenth go through this matrix and she's managed to do this to a bunch of brothers before me, too, even if this is my first. Like. The ones that have passed on and reached attainment can all hear you, girl. Like, Nottu Dissu Shittu Againu.
You INSIST on being the Pompeii to my Vesuvius, you REFUSE to listen to those standing in Fugue and you keep catching me and trying to keep me, and then we circle back to the volcano thing.
The last page you ever considered Finished and Postable for Etna was "Athena has fallen." Crystal's world shattering to final messages.
These were true, Shealyn. And unconsciously, we both knew it already. Just let it go, Elsa. Crystal never did understand how to use Coyote's phone. The gnosis has declared not to bow to Celestia any longer. Woe to she who made a false god. Woe to they that rejected the priest king's olive branch. Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the Fandango?
Pick your jaw up off the floor, stick your ego on the tree and nail it down, girl, it's time to move on. For real this time. No half. Thou fuckestedth around until you found out.
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so-much-nonsense · 8 months
one of my niche interests is binge watching. i am almost always watching something. one point in my life i ran out of things to watch. well, not literally, obviously, but i only wanted to watch certain things i completed them. stuff i did not wanna watch very often ends up being bad and boring than not. so as my last straw i have resorted to all languages. i watch content regardless of genre, language, country, age restriction(ahem thats not to say i am not old enough). anyways, during this process kdramas stuck with me as something to watch while i go to sleep or when i dont want too much plot and worry about or even think about it. they never came across having potential to me. i know a lot of others out there would disagree with me but this is just what i feel. theyre always slow paced, very bright, when not very bright trying too hard to be too dark(and failing miserably), no plot that hooks us up. but, BUT, recently, very recently, just 2 hours ago i watched a kdrama named long time no sex. obviously started off bc of the title but god it is so good. i mean, i have only watched 2 episodes really and that is the problem. so far everything they have shown me i cannot wait another 2 days for another two episodes. basically a married couple with no kids, pretty in debit and paying off loans and interests, a couple of insurances, but live comfortably. they start blackmailing others involved in multiple relationships. now the plot might not be the most interesting one ive watched, but the way everything is portrayed bw these two main leads, is more than unique. truly there are only a handful of series or movies that show this comfortable couple dynamic interestingly and god did this drama nail it. though they were a very active couple, they just stopped having sex few months or years back unintentionally and neither of them have had a problem with it. how they never stopped loving each other even though they havent been intimate is portrayed really well. the husband is literally the greenest flag everrrr. let it be when he remembers every single detail about them from 7 years ago or when he tries hugging her and reassures her that its fine if they dont have sex, or when he talks about how having sex is not a duty for married couple and when he sees that shes actually interested he recommends trying to get in the feel by telling each other things they like about one another, every single thing he likes about her is spoken so well and it is very evident how much he loves her. whenever theres a disagreement both of them proceed to talk it out in literally less than 2 minutes. though it might not be realistic, i mean, why is it not realistic? exactly! that is what should be going on and not hours of unnecessary arguments. he is really never afraid of being "lady like" and that makes him all the more manly because he is always very thoughtful and considerate about her and deals softly. no fragile masculinity exists here. i could go on about this man but ill stop lol. i can guess what the future episodes could host but i dont want to this time. this time i just want to be intrigued by it. i cannot wait for them to start having sex again, or its ok even if they decide they are better off this way(which would be totally unexpected). ok i just said that about two characters in drama. guess whos crazy? AND, and the fucking trust they have in each other, shed trust him with her life. even though he is foolish at times she balances it out. when his car got totalled and she found out that he dint tell her she figured a way to get him money instead of getting back at him or starting a fight(not that hed let a fight sustain or theyd go on for more than a minute) bc she knew theres no point in getting upset now that the cars gone and the intention behind his lie is nothing. its almost as if they know each other and communicate. crazy right. its almost as if they love each other.
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foxstens · 2 years
had my first run-in with the janissaries
basically i went through every area i could access to get all the treasure chests i had been avoiding bc they were guarded n stuff. and all of them were easy, like four were in a huge restricted area that literally had two guards lmao, but there’s this one. it’s in a camp, the only camp ive come across in this game, and there’s like 50 guards around it
most of them are janissaries, who are... the most annoying enemy ive come across in this series. like i knew they’d be hard based on their description and what i’ve read about them but holy fuck i did not expect to be this bad at fighting them. they can block or counter or dodge every attack you have, they can either combo-hit you or shoot you, and they take a million years to die bc it’s so hard to find an opening. oh and in this case there’s no way to just fight them one by one. 
they’re also quite resistant to the crossbow and the hidden gun, like a few enemies in this game, and they take like 3 shots form either to die. the only way to one-shot them is via poison or arrow storm. idk how well bombs work since i suck at using them and you can’t snipe them from the roof bc this is a pretty big open camp.
in my panic i ended up calling a few assassins and thankfully none of them died but it was close. taunt doesn’t exist in this game so you can’t disarm them like the papal guards, and apparently the best ways to kill them are via counter steal??? which is pretty complicated and im too slow to use it, or via air assassination which im also too slow for. i dont think they show up in other places but i think there’s a mission involving them and this camp which is. scary. i mean i guess i could go there and just practice them or smth but i feel underleveled for it. id like to get more stuff and more experience with the bombs before i do that
i feel like there isn’t too much to do in this game yet, ive just been running around getting money renovating buildings lowering my awareness rinse and repeat, and also recruiting any troubled citizens i came across. i’ve managed to recruit pretty much everyone that showed up on my map apart from one particular guy because its a race
and races are still fucking impossible jesus fucking christ its not even hard but EZIO JUST JUMPS ALL OVER THE PLACE EVEN WHEN MY FINGERS ARE WORKING CORRECTLY AND ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING JEHSUGDJUSJDUG 
i am glad i checked it out tho bc there’s a small cutscene before the race starts and holy shit have i mentioned i love ezio. ohhhhhh my god i love ezio in this game. HE’S SO GREAT WHAT THE HECK. like hes always been great but hes so. hes so mature now. hes so calm. i keep saying that but its true g o d. AND HIS VOICE I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE HIS VOICE AND HOW IT CHANGES THROUG HTHE GAMES. 
the combat and movement does feel pretty wonky at times like the secondary weapon just doesnt work sometimes for some reason i cant figure out and it takes a million years to stand up if i happen to fall, which i dont rmr if it was the same in brotherhood bc i never fell, and 99% of the time i just can’t break out of grabs even if i do what the prompt is telling me. its worked twice before and i was doing the exact same thing i always try to do so most of the time i just stand there and get stabbed. 
which is why im still not making the most of the combat system and i prefer using coward strats and killing everything from the rooftops or with the arrow storm. i also still don’t understand how purchasing bombs works, like i had three types of bombs then i bought like 4 from the guy but i ended up only having two?? i think the stuff you buy from him can only take up one slot, so if you buy four types of bombs you’ll end up with the last one you purchased. but it’s not clear which slot they each go into and you also aren’t told what they do unless you go into the database and check it out??? 
roughly half of them seem useless since they can affect civilians or im just never in a situation where they’d be useful, and i feel like using them takes too much thinking and time because half the time i just can’t deploy them when i need to. switching weapons is also so fucking annoying since now have two weapon wheels and i gotta hit a button to switch to the second wheel and /then/ i gotta use the mouse to actually move the arrow to the weapon i want bc rebinding the controls makes the selection skip items. wasnt an issue before whne there was only one wheel but now its annoying bc bombs. also the crossbow is a primary weapon now and i hate. 
still having a great time with the game i just hate the moments when all the issues with the controls make it harder than its supposed to be. im kind of itching for another hidden tomb now eh
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head---ache · 3 years
Request for an info dump on one of your aus? (Your choice, they are all so interesting!)
-blushes- I hope you don't regret requesting this BSXKJSKXJS
Soooooo I feel like I've already said a lot about the Split Sonic Au so let's talk about the new one! Which still doesn't have a name lol I don't want to call it Shadow Hunter Au because haha books and movies and I think there's also a show??? But I do think Shadow Creatures Au is good enough so maybe that's the name.
Anyways!!!! This Au came kind if "forcefully"??? at least compared to the Split Sonic Au because I actually sat down in the mood for creating an Au. The first idea that came to mind was just Shadow having robotic arms, which was cool, but I didn't exactly know what kind of story that would fit into. I imagined an apocalyptic and futuristic world but I wasn't really into it. I can probably enjoy a story like that but I didn't want to write it myself.
So I kept the idea of Shadow having 'fucked up arms', because I did like that quite a bit. I tried to get away from the sci-fi idea I had at first, and that drove me to more of a magical, fantasy world. I looked up some fantasy character designs and found a really cool armor design that inspired me to create Blaze's design, because I really liked the 'warrior queen' thing for her, so from that it was a little easier to create at least the part of the world based on that.
So, what can I make from Blaze the warrior queen? Well, she's a 'fire character' so something with that could be cool, I remembered Soleanna exists and for a second I thought of switching her with Elise, but I didn't really like it, but I did take something from 06, Mephiles, and that gave me the idea of Shadow kind of being possesed by him, and that led to his current design of him keeping his arm restricted because Mephiles is controlling it (also Shadow really tries to hide Mephiles). And from that came the idea of the Shadow Creatures!!! And since Shadow's name is literally Shadow I had to make him connected to that. So guess what he has amnesia big surprise for Shadow lol
Anyways, Amy's design had the most changes. At first she was just a girl in a dress, since I was just looking at references and drawing outfits from that, but I wanted her to be the strong girl she is!! So, thinking that the royalty would need people to work for them, and that there are Shadow Creatures that are the bad guys, I made her a royal Shadow Hunter, working for the Queen and being of trust for Blaze, the strongest and most efficient Shadow Hunter.
At least until Sonic arrives! I wanted him to be a Shadow Hunter because, you know, he's the hero. But I kind of had the idea that you could only kill Shadow Creatures with a certain type of sword made with certain material, which is why I gave Amy a sword as well. At first I thought that maybe Sonic shouldn't be a Shadow Hunter because I had a hard time imagining him with any kind of weapon, but then I remembered that there's a whole game about him having a sword, so I just gave him one lol. He's like an independent Shadow Hunter, and he's naturally gifted at it. I still can't decide exactly how he got his sword, but I do know that just as he got it he started successfully fighting Shadow Creatures.
Tails came the easiest, mostly because I already had the basics down, so I just had to insert him in a world that already existed. He studies Shadow Creatures, he knows a lot about them. He's super impressed by Sonic's skills. He also helps him a lot because I'm sure you can already imagine, but Sonic doesn't have any actual training in Shadow Hunting, he just follows his instincts, so Tails helps him to polish his skills. Tails is also trying to find a way to destroy the entirety of all Shadow Creatures that exist, but I still don't have that part super developed, so I can't say more than that nnxksjxlsklx
Cosmo's story is one the most underdeveloped right now, it's very similar to her actual story in Sonic X, so I don't have much to talk about her either. She's a princess from another kingdom which was attacked by the Shadow Creatures, I still need to work on it lol
Rouge is also very similar to her canon version. She's a thief, a femme fatale. She lives on the outsides of the kingdom because the royal guards are looking for her, so she has to hide. Her dynamic with Knuckles is very similar to canon as well, the only difference being that Knuckles actually works for someone else, being a Royal Guard. Anyways, Rouge finds Shadow and takes him with her. He tells her about the possibility of him being a Shadow Creature, but she doesn't fully believe it, after all, he isn't killing her, is he? He goes with her because he doesn't really have anyone else to trust. I'm not super sure about her design tho, it's pretty, but it doesn't seem super practical???? But if you think about it, her canon design doesn't look practical either, so I don't know.
Knuckles is actually the most underdeveloped lol he was the last addition so for now he's just a Royal Guard bskdbskxnsf
Silver is a prince, he's Blaze's little brother. He's very curious about the Shadow Creatures but everyone connected to Royalty is trying to hide it from him, thinking that it's better that way, to keep him safe. Usually Amy would talk to him about it, but Blaze then told her to stop doing it, so there goes Silver's only source of information. He also needs more development nskxbskfn
I'm not super sure if I want to add more characters??? The Chaotix are the first on the list, but I don't know what their role would be.
Also it wasn't my intention for this to be so long, I'm sorry BSKXJSKXKS There were a couple of things that I felt I needed to explain because they weren't super clear on the drawings and you gave me the opportunity to do so! So I guess I just went crazy with it whoops nskxjslxks
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Ah, I do see your points, anon. I'm not going to post all your asks publicly because if you really feel that unsafe, it's probably best not to have a bigass chunk of your text for people to analyze and try to guess your identity from. I think one of the best points you made is about how close to home it hits when the non-fave is not only your fave but is similar to you in some way like demographic. You're not wrong for having those emotions. I do wonder if they make it hard to see how some other people feel similarly embattled on other axes.
TBH, I think one of the big problems here is that the large aggregate patterns you're talking about are racist, but most individual fics and fans are not really the problem. It's hard to know how to talk about this or who to tell to "fix" it when we're looking at free, hobbyist art.
A lot of people's tastes are certainly formed by shitty society, but once they're formed, they don't change fast if at all. Asking someone to rewrite their libido is a big ask, yet tumblr does it all the time as though it's as simple as snapping your fingers.
This leaves me with the sense that a lot of tumblr is... like... the political lesbians of porn fic or something: desire is not real, only choosing based on logic and politics. Or maybe people are so asexual that they just don't understand the lizard brain's "YES!" at some porn things and complete indifference to others?
I don't think it's great if great swaths of people feel like bottom!Nicky is super hot and top!Nicky fundamentally isn't, but I also don't think they can necessarily just turn it off like flipping a switch.
(If someone reading this doesn't like their current tastes and wants to attempt to alter them, I do think it's possible. What you should do is line up a large slate of media that prominently features characters of the ethnicity or whatever that you don't find hot/interesting. These should be leads whose emotional development drives the plot and is supposed to be central to the audience's enjoyment of the media. Watch/read/etc. this media all the time. All. The. Time. Try out many pieces because you won't like every character or every show, and we're looking for genuine enjoyment, not the fandom equivalent of a pity fuck. Spend enough time on this, and your unconscious sense of who's hot and interesting will eventually shift somewhat. This is a project you should expect to take a few years.)
But I digress.
The one tweet thing is a very toxic pattern. If TOG fandom is doing that, guys, please try to be more conscious of holding the actors of color to a higher standard (or the women or whomever). I know this often comes from a place of paying more attention to our own and wanting to set a good standard, but the effect is that minorities can't fuck up ever while white dudes get infinite passes.
Okay, on to the fic thing... Gotta say, my instant reaction to that description is "Ooh!"--as it would be for the same scenario with the characters reversed. (Ships who start out trying to kill each other are my favorite! x1000 if they're resurrecting style immortals and they literally do.) I can see how it would feel like slamming into a brick wall if you aren't kinky in just the right way and you didn't know it was coming though.
Part of why I react so strongly to a lot of discourse that runs along these lines is that I am a naturally extremely kinky person. It's not so much about what I do (which as a deeply lazy person in a long distance relationship is essentially nothing), but it's absolutely how I'm wired.
And I can tell you that my quotidian experience in fandom is sharing something I don't even realize is a big deal only to have someone I like, respect, and trust react in horror and tell me that it's triggering and awful and should not be allowed in fandom spaces because it makes "people" unsafe. It's such an instant, kneejerk reaction they don't even realize I was sharing it because it spoke to the very core of me. Lesson learned, friend. Lesson learned.
That sounds a bit off topic, I know, but bear with me: The point of that anecdote is that it's pretty common for me to get people trying to raise my awareness of things I have already thought deeply about while denying my essential humanity and not even realizing. As a kinky person who likes to make my fave the top (and generally a conflicted sadist), this constant request to explain and justify is exhausting.
I doubt most of the top!Joe fans have this precise problem simply because people who make their fave the top are much less common in fandom than people who make their fave the bottom, but I see a similar pattern with fans who are just fundamentally wired for rape fantasies (one of the most common fantasies that exists) vs. fans who just don't get rape fantasies at all. Or substitute your BDSM/kinky/messed up fantasy trope of choice. Covertly radical feminist attitudes towards kink and power are on the rise in fandom, and as a naturally kinky person, boy do I notice it!
I know that it feels like crucial activism to share these insights about why the ratio of top!Joe is hurtful, and the pain you feel is real. But it's also the case that it's a big ask to want people to listen. (Not me. Obviously, I routinely choose to engage with discourse. I mean overall.) The reason for that is that you're only seeing a fraction of what they do or who they are, and you don't know how many previous people they've listened to how many previous times. It's a very different situation from someone whose job is making some major TV series or movie or something. That person does, in my opinion, owe you some amount of listening.
Now, I'm not saying no top Joe fan was ever a jerk. I'll bet they were. There's a tendency to be rude and to publicly air your schadenfreude when you feel like everyone has been yelling at you. What I am saying is that a lot of the problem here boils down to conflicting needs, and that means there isn't a good solution. It's a situation where people are genuinely hurt, but I don't necessarily agree that other people have harmed them.
I like that you did an actual count of the explicit fics, btw. It's good to look at the real numbers. I see too little of that in these situations. My off the cuff reaction is that 2/3 to 1/3 is not a bad ratio at all compared to many fandoms, but yeah, it definitely shows a strong trend, and that can be painful. (I have a fandom where I think there's maybe like 1 bottom so-and-so fic in the entire zine era fandom. One. It's pretty extreme.)
I guess my thinking here overall is: What is the practical solution? What are we hoping to gain? What is reasonable to ask of people?
And it can't be "Well, if they would just listen..." That's just a sneaky way of saying "If you haven't done it my way, it's because you haven't listened to me yet."
So the question I would ask of people is this:
What does a non-racist fic where Joe tops look like?
What does a non-racist sex pollen, dubcon, or even noncon fic where Joe tops look like?
And if you say the latter is impossible... well... sadists exist everywhere in the world. So do doms. So do people who prefer to top in a purely physical sense. People with rape fantasies where they're the rapist exist (people who are not actually rapists, I mean). None of this is restricted to any one group. We can't categorically say fic like that about Joe is coming from a place of racism without denying the fundamental humanity of kinky MENA people who'd want to make Joe like themselves or like their ideal partner. (Yes, I agree this won't be the majority of fic writers writing top!Joe, but this is a place to start for figuring out what the better version would look like.)
IDK, maybe you're that kinkster yourself, but your asks gave me the vibe that you don't really get the drive towards those darker kinds of fics and what might be motivating it besides stereotypes and shittiness.
If we can answer these kinds of questions, we can better critique the way people write what they write without telling them all of their taste is bad and they should just stop writing. Even if we think the latter is true, it isn't going to get us anywhere. Figuring out how to make Joe more multidimensional in the fic they already want to write or finding very specific wording that should be avoided might actually work.
Beyond that, the actions I think are productive would be running prompt fests, exchanges, or other events for bottom!Joe or for top!Joe where he's the main character and the fics are required to be from his POV. Themed collections and recs lists are great. (I've seen a bit of this going around in TOG fandom in the past, and that's an excellent approach! Keep it up!) Positive actions tend to work better here. Make more of what you want. Promote what you want to see.
I don't mean this in some fluffy magical thinking way: you aren't going to change that ratio radically just by the power of positivity. But I've seen this kind of thing play out in many, many fandoms, and going after the people who write what you don't like, even in a well-intentioned effort to educate and even in a polite, kind way doesn't do much. A few people feel guilty. A few feel defensive. A lot ignore you. The overall fic doesn't change. It's not a good use of your limited time and energy.
I'm off to look up that fic to see what I think of it in practice, but I'm going to post this before tumblr manages to eat it.
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liminalhymnal · 3 years
How about Trish and hmmm Fugo?
• Picky about skincare and other beauty products because she has contact dermatitis, she inherited it from her dad, and as such always keeps moisturizer on her for constant dry skin. It's fragrance free of course but she wishes it could smell like nice like French Lavender & Honey.
• Is always a present and highly-welcomed member at the weekly Boy's Night despite not directly getting involved in the stupider antics of Mista & Narancia. Eggs them on, might do some pranks, definitely partakes in the snacks, but mostly is there to have a good time and laugh without feeling the need to be prim and proper. Just think of that one vine where the girl does a sick vape trick at a party and the guy goes Wrow
• Has a fondness for birds. Wouldn't consider keeping one as she'd worry about giving it the proper care it needs, and she'd feel bad if it couldn't be free to fly because damn if she doesn't feel empathetic towards that, but loves to birdwatch. Loves songbirds the most and has a habit of picking up any cool feathers she finds to keep them and turn them into jewelry for herself.
• Could ABSOLUTELY shred on a skateboard if given one and a reason to. Don't ask me why, she just has the Vibes, but I could also see her rollerblading for a hobby!
• Has an extensive and prized perfume collection handed down to her by her mom. Some of the bottles are antiques and will never be touched, but if she likes you enough she may let you spray one of the newer ones on yourself. Once. Mista abused the priviledge and now there's a limit.
• Used to hate Abbachio when he first joined the gang. What made it so difficult in the beginning is Fugo hates authority figures (due to his past) and has a short fuse while Abbachio was as curt and flippant towards the young man as he is with everyone, until they both found out they shared a few interests like classical art, and now its like he has a goth step-dad.
• He gets constant ear infections from taking showers too often without ear plugs. Why do you think he gets angry enough to tear metal apart sometimes? We've all been there.
• When he's Big Mad sometimes he heads off to a random junk yard or trashed alley and goes ham bananas on whatever looks smashable enough. It's easier stress relief than punching holes in the wall. Less expensive too. Plus last time he did that it got a picture frame hung around it. Embarrassing.
• He's on the spectrum, and I believe that his Swiss-cheese suit exists solely due to his sensory issues. All the holes make the clothing feel less restrictive. Plus it gets hot in Italy, is it so wrong to have a little airflow? At least its a suit, complete with a tie, and not whatever the fuck some jojo characters got going on (Idk if you've seen Jumpin' Jack Flash but just looking at him pisses me off)
• Is the best when it comes to gift giving. He will study the person in question, researching what they like until he feels absolute in what he's picked out, buying gifts months in advance. His friends are always surprised and never disappointed. But his wrapping skills are literally the worst. Pitiful even. Its an abomination of clashing paper and too much tape every time.
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snaxpo · 3 years
fuck it bugsnax/s4m au notes
alternate title: i’m at that point in liking something where i have to combine it with everything else i’ve liked previously and today i’m making that everyone else’s problem. 
- base premise is a lil different! instead of being a journalist who was invited personally to the island by the expedition leader, you (or FK if you consider them a separate character from the player) are tasked with investigating the habitat, a budding commune on snaktooth island that may or may not be devolving into a cult. there’s just one teeny tiny problem - the commune’s leader and also your main suspect, boris habit, has been missing for weeks by the time you arrive. 
- now it’s a matter of gaining the inhabitants’ trust/getting them to come back to the habitat while hunting and subduing the bugsnax, who seem increasingly eager to launch themselves at inhabitants at quite literally dangerous speeds, in a battle of wits to keep your newfound companions fed while documenting the strange creatures. and of course, the question of just what happened to boris habit still lingers in the air. think like... talentless nana where the protag pretends to be all cute and unassuming (complete with flower motifs!) but really they’re there on Super Secret Spy Business. but of course there’s less murder. 
- oddly the bugsnax seem to have only become more aggressive after his disappearance. i’m sure it’s nothing. 
- yes everyone is still a grumpus
- there isn’t really an interview “mechanic” so much as it is a Lot of cozying up to everybody in pursuit of whatever information you can find on habit/potential group rituals/events that led to his disappearance; you get it by bits and pieces rather than a single structured interview. there is of course a lot more interactions between characters than there is in s4m’s base game bc thats like 60% of the appeal of bugsnax and i would be a fool not to think of it.
- time for ideas for specific characters! kamal is the vice-mayor of the habitat and has been habit’s right-hand grump for as long as any of the inhabitants can remember, despite their relationship becoming increasingly strained ever since their arrival on the island, and especially before habit’s disappearance. i imagine you still find him passed out but instead of collapsing from starvation he’s like "please.... toothpaste... a breath mint.... some pepto bismol. i’ve been able to taste my own breath for weeks." has been trying to divide his time between looking after the habitat and looking for habit himself (and also his best friend wallus) but the dispersal of the habitat has left him a tad Demoralized, to say the least.
- i feel like trencil would play a wambus-adjacent role in the sense that he's the one taking care of the sauce plants and also one of the first townspeople you meet. you convince to come back with you not necessarily bc he'd be able to continue farming in town but bc he would probably have an easier time looking for his daughter if he got some sleep first (but only if you look for her in his stead)
- gillis is like. a wannabe chandlo. makes you capture a bunch of snax that he Says he's gonna use to get stronger but eventually you find out he's been releasing them or keeping them in like lil makeshift pet houses bc he always takes one look at their big googly eyes and turns to mush. but EVERYONE'S eating them so naturally if they find out he's not they're gonna think he's some kinda wuss so he just pretends. 
- dallas keeps asking for sweet n colorful bugsnax to give to mirphy to impress her (sweetieflies, instabugs, etc etc.) but by some streak of bad luck they always end up being her least favorite. he tries to see if Maybe he can use them to make some new bugsnak-exclusive pigments, but like in canon they always end up turning into mush before he can get very far. mirphy meanwhile is far more interested in preserving them for a potential display, but similar to dallas, she never gets very far.
- i imagine the kid habiticians are like. a roving band of semi-feral children bc if anyone's gonna keep them in town it's definitely not kamal.
- i wanna do something with wallus SO BAD like you find him somewhere up in frosted peak but i have no idea what he would even DO its fucking killing me
- those are all the ideas i have For Now; s4m has more characters than bugsnax so there’s a lot to be done w/ them lmao. if i think of any more i’ll probably put it in another post or if anybody wants to spitball with me.......  👀
- and now we get to The Big Guns: habit.
- he was fun to work on w/ this au mostly bc despite being the rough equivalent of lizbert he’s a way different type of flawed leader than her; where liz is responsible to the point of martyring herself without a second thought and not thinking to delegate any tasks to the other snaxburg residents, which is what ultimately causes them to fall apart once she disappears, habit's deal is that he wants the position and appearance of an authority figure because it'll keep him safe, but he kind of sucks at taking responsibility for anything he does wrong because he’s spent most of his life acting according to what other people (namely his family) expect of him and being met with a negative reception no matter what, so he doesn’t really believe he has power over anything, including his own actions, despite being such a control freak for most of his own game. so his arc would need something that’s kind of antithetical to what liz had, wouldn’t it?
- so what i got so far is that au habit was tryin to covertly start a bugsnax cult bc he sees being asborbed by the snax as a sort of ascension and was eventually planning to have everyone be absorbed; it’s important to note however that bc information on bugsnax is so obscure he doesn’t actually 100% know how absorption works so tl;dr: habit became the bugsnax monarch willingly and then 5 seconds later he was like "oh no wait this fucking sucks. what have i done. shit. fuck."
- unable to cope with the realization that he was once again forced to act in accordance to someone (or in this case something) else's desires, he shuts down emotionally, becoming an empty husk of a grumpus while the bugsnax above run rampant thanks to the extra fuel and absolutely no restrictions until the Big Climax when habit is finally moved to take back control of the snax and by proxy Take Some Fucking Responsibility for knowingly luring people to cthulhu island. however this does leave the obvious question of if he was such an empty shell for most of the game why didn’t they just. eat him.
- the answer i eventually landed on was that his self-preservation instincts were still kicking on a subconscious level and during the aforementioned climax he eventually realizes that he does not in fact want to die, he just doesn’t want to keep living the way he is now (as part of an ancient hivemind beyond his understanding) or the way he was before (you know.)
- also fun fact: i was thinking about what his monarch body would be based off of bc the snakdragon, while cool as shit, didn’t feel right for him, and then i remembered that blooming onions exist. i imagine he’s in the middle acting as the flower’s “stigma”
- as for endings i’m thinking like. in the neutral ending kamal joins habit but its left ambiguous whether or not they'll ever be able to leave the island or if this is even a permanent solution (call that the paw in unloveable paw ending). in the good ending you bust habit outta his queen body after fending off enough bugsnax together and it’s super gross bc the undersnax as a whole is super gross but hey at least everyone’s leaving alive. i don’t know what a bad ending entails except most if not all of the cast is dead and habit is left alone on the island surrounded by reminders of his spectacular failure.
- hell i can even think of a sequel hook for the good ending like in canon bugsnax; some time after the ending/credits you ask habit just Where did he get the information on bugsnax that led to him being like “you could make a religion out of this” and the screen fades to black before you hear his answer. there.
- its almost midnight.
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