#he looks like how people used to make curvy dresses on skins
locksox · 1 year
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rough as fuck pic to help you understand just how hypnos skin looks in my eyes
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buckets-and-trees · 17 days
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I’d like to point out this man’s insane hotness🥵
Also… imagine needing a place to sit and Bucky tells you to sit on his lap😍
I've been sitting on this one for ages, Shannon, I'm sorry! But I was waiting for a storyline that truly swept me away because this look and the potential for this moment couldn't be squandered if I was going to take a stab at it...
Poison Blood from the Wound of the Pricked Hand
Characters/Pairings: Post TFATWS!Bucky x curvy!Millennial Female!Reader Word Count: 3k Summary: You've made a life-altering decision, and even though it feels like the only choice you could have made, you hope it's the right one, and you hope the man you're being forced to rely on tonight will help you accomplish what you need to, or else your life could be at stake - not to mention the safety of so many others.
Content/Warnings: intense physical intimicy, but no actual smut (I know, shocker)
Author Notes: Possibly the last piece for the Deliciously Debauched Labor Day Weekend! And, yes late, but the final piece to complete out my collection for @buckybarnesevents Hot Bucky Summer - week twelve "what should I wear?"
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“How are things going in there?” Bucky called loudly to you.
“Um…” There was a long pause, before you called back, “Fine.”
You glanced at the clock.
You knew at this rate you were going to make the two of you late. But that only ate at you more. You weren’t trying to cause problems.
Or, rather, you weren’t trying to cause more problems. You already felt like a walking liability.
All you had tried to do was get out of the danger of your brother’s organization.
You had finally gone to the authorities, looking to make some kind of deal for safety, maybe witness protection, you didn’t know exactly how these things worked, only that you had to leave.
But evidently things had been even worse and more complicated than you knew, and the price for safety had come with strings.
They needed more information, and they saw you as a means to be able to get it.
And so they’d dangled a deal that required you to play your part as a trusted member of the family one more time.
You had only been gone for just over twenty-four hours, so it wasn’t likely that your brother would suspect your defection yet. But it was so recent that you still felt unsettled over whether you’d made the right decision - especially now that it wasn’t a clean break and you were being used be the people you expected to be the good guys.
“Are you sure?” Bucky’s voice broke through your thoughts again.
You shook your head. Since he was in the other room, there was no danger in him seeing your doubt and uncertainty.
Of all the moving parts in this scheme, Bucky was possibly the only piece you thought you might be able to trust. His reputation preceded him as someone more than capable of handling any dangerous situation, but he also seemed to harbor a question in his mind over working this operation and trusting the government agencies who had a hand in this.
You sighed, then bit your lip. The clock ticked relentlessly, each second a reminder of your indecision. Your eyes darted between two outfits laid out on the bed, both chosen with care but now seeming woefully inadequate for the task ahead.
You sighed, your eyes darting between the two outfits laid out on the bed. One was a sleek black dress, form-fitting and elegant, with a high neckline and long sleeves that would conceal the nervous goosebumps prickling your skin. The other, a tailored pantsuit in deep navy, exuded an air of professionalism and confidence you wished you felt.
Both outfits were carefully chosen to blend in at the high-stakes charity gala where you'd be making your reappearance in your brother's world. But which one would better sell the lie? Which one would make you look like you hadn't just betrayed everything you'd ever known?
You ran your fingers over the cool silk of the dress, then the crisp wool of the suit jacket. The clock's incessant ticking seemed to grow louder with each passing moment, mocking your indecision.
You needed to look like your old self, the trusted sister, and you’d worn clothes just like these a hundred times before. But now?
And with the added caveat of needing to have a brand new man on your arm and sell that he was a valid new part of your life, too?
You grabbed both hangers and went out into the living room of your apartment where Bucky had been patiently waiting for you.
Bucky's eyes widened slightly as you emerged from the bedroom, clothes in hand. He was sitting on the couch, hands in his lap, already dressed in a sharp looking suit with leather lapels - edgy but impressive. For a moment, you were struck by how different he looked from the dangerous operative turned superhero you knew him to be. He looked like he could effortlessly blend into the opulent setting you expected tonight.
"I can't decide," you admitted, your voice hesitant. "Which one do you think would be more… convincing?"
Bucky's gaze flickered between the two outfits, then back to your face. His expression softened, and you saw a glimmer of understanding in his eyes.
"The dress," he said after a moment. "It's more in line with what you'd typically wear to these events, right? We don't want to raise any suspicions by changing your style too drastically."
You nodded, grateful for his insight. "You're right. Thank you."
As you turned to go back to the bedroom, Bucky's voice stopped you. "Hey," he said softly, his blue eyes searching your face. "We don't have to do this if you're not ready."
For a moment, you were tempted to take the out he was offering. To tell him you couldn't go through with it, that you'd made a mistake. But then you thought of your brother, of all the people he'd hurt, and you steeled yourself.
"No, I can do this. Besides,” you thought of all the things you’d learned in different meetings and conversations and reports today, “this is our best chance to get the information we need to bring him and the rest of the organization down.”
“But it doesn’t have to be you,” he insisted.
You tilted your head and smiled sadly. “But it should be.” They had been planning to try and infiltrate tonight’s gala before you had presented yourself, but with you, you were practically a golden ticket into the event and into so many more of the areas once inside.
Bucky nodded, a mix of admiration and concern in his eyes. "Alright. But remember, I'll be right there with you the whole time. If anything feels off, just give me the signal and we're out of there."
You nodded, grateful for his reassurance. As you headed back to the bedroom to change, you couldn't help but wonder how convincing you and Bucky would be as a couple. You'd only known each other for a day, and while he seemed kind and protective, there was still so much mystery surrounding him.
As you undressed, you tried to calm your racing thoughts. You'd been to countless events like this before, schmoozing with the elite and corrupt. But never as a double agent, never with the weight of so many lives hanging in the balance, and certainly not since discovering the secret that had shattered your world and opened up your eyes to the fact that everything your brother was involved in was corrupt and dangerous.
As you slipped into the black dress, you couldn't help but feel like you were putting on armor for battle. The silk clung to your skin, cool and familiar, yet somehow foreign now. You zipped it up, fingered the neckline, then pressed your hand to your heart and took a deep breath.
In the mirror, you saw the woman you used to be—poised, elegant, the perfect sister to a powerful man. But your eyes betrayed you, filled with a storm of emotions you'd have to learn to hide in the next few minutes.
You applied your makeup with practiced precision, each stroke of mascara and swipe of lipstick another layer of protection, of disguise. Once satisfied with your appearance, you squared your shoulders, and put the lipstick in your clutch.
You emerged from the bedroom, smoothing down the fabric of your dress. “I’m ready.”
Bucky’s eyes roamed over you appreciatively, and you felt something pool in your stomach - the attraction to this man you’d been trying to ignore since you’d been introduced to him early this morning. You could not have a crush on this man who was supposed to infiltrate your brother’s organization with you, steal information, and try and get both of you out safely.
It would be too much of a distraction.
Bucky's lips quirked into a small smile.
“What?” you asked, suspicious.
“You forgot your shoes,” he said simply.
You looked down and sighed.
“Nervous?” he asked, his tone kind, soft.
"Bucky," you said, looking back at him, "how are we supposed to explain your presence? Won't my brother be suspicious of a new man in my life?"
"We've got a cover story. I'm a potential new investor in your brother's 'business ventures.' You met me at a networking event last week and thought I'd be a good fit for tonight's gala."
You raised an eyebrow. "And you just happened to sweep me off my feet?”
"Something like that," Bucky replied with a roguish smile. "We'll keep it vague - a whirlwind romance, sparks flying. Your brother will be more focused on the potential investment than on our relationship."
You nodded, trying to quell the butterflies in your stomach. It wasn't just nerves about the mission now; the idea of pretending to be swept off your feet by Bucky wasn't entirely unpleasant.
"Right," you said, forcing yourself to focus. "I'll just go grab those shoes."
You hurried back to the bedroom, slipping on a pair of elegant black heels. As you turned to leave, your eyes fell on a framed photo on the nightstand - you and your brother at last year's gala, both smiling widely. Your stomach churned. How had you been so blind?
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the guilt down and away. You needed to do this. There was no other path in your mind now that you knew the truth. Your eyes flicked from the frame to the luggage packed next to your door. When you’d left yesterday, you hadn’t taken anything with you, not wanting to draw suspicion. With this return to your place and the cover of being swept into something with Bucky, it gave you the cover to pack some of your things - luggage that was being picked up and taken care of for you by one of this “rich investor’s” staff to go with you on a two-week vacation to a private island in the Phillippines. It was a perfect cover, provided you could sell it.
He was so handsome, with his dark hair styled perfectly and his strong jawline. Still sitting on the couch, he radiated confidence and charm, making it easy to see why he was chosen for this mission. You couldn't help but feel slightly nervous under his intense gaze.
Bucky's eyes flicked over your ensemble. "You look beautiful," he said, his voice low and husky.
Your heart skipped a beat at the compliment, feeling self-conscious under his scrutiny. "Thank you," you replied shyly.
You’d been so worried about all the other logistics of tonight, you hadn’t thought about the believability of you and Bucky until now.
“Come here,” he said, holding a hand out to you. You crossed the room and took it, gasping as he pulled you down to sit across his lap.
“Bucky,” you protested, insecure about sitting all of your plus-sized body in his lap. You had never been comfortable with your few previous partners in this situation, but he pressed one cool vibranium finger to your lips, while his other hand moved softly up and down your back.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispered. “You’ll need to look comfortable around me when I touch you, and if your brother is going to believe you’ve agreed to go away with me tonight, I can’t touch you for the first time while we’re there.”
You nodded. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, and you shivered.
You felt a flush creep up your neck as Bucky's lips brushed your cheek. His touch was gentle, almost reverent, but you could feel the strength in his arms as he held you. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself further. He seemed unconcerned, even happy to hold all of you, and the contrast between his warm flesh hand and the cool metal of his other arm sent tingles down your spine.
"Is this okay?" he murmured against your skin, his breath hot on your neck.
You nodded, not trusting your voice. Your heart was racing, and you weren't sure if it was from nerves about the mission or the proximity of this dangerously attractive man.
Bucky's hand traced lazy circles on your back, and you found yourself relaxing into his touch despite your better judgment. "We need to look natural together," he explained softly. "Like we can't keep our hands off each other. It'll sell the whirlwind romance angle."
You swallowed hard, trying keep it together.
Bucky's hand continued its soothing motion up and down your back, and you found yourself leaning into his touch despite your better judgment.
"Tell me more about your brother," Bucky said softly. "What should I expect?"
You tensed slightly at the mention of your brother, but Bucky's steady presence kept you grounded. "He's… charming," you began, choosing your words carefully. "Charismatic. He can make anyone feel like the most important person in the room. But there's always an agenda behind it."
Bucky nodded, his fingers still tracing patterns on your back. "And how does he usually react to you bringing someone new around?"
You sighed, leaning your head against Bucky's shoulder. "He's protective. Suspicious. I haven’t brought many men around. He'll probably try to get you alone, size you up."
"I can handle that," Bucky assured you, his voice low and confident.
You lifted your head to look at him, suddenly struck by how close your faces were. His blue eyes were intense, searching yours. "Bucky," you whispered, "what if I can't pull this off?"
His hand came up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing softly across your skin. "We will," he said firmly. It didn’t escape your notice that he’d said we, not allowing you to feel alone. "You're stronger than you think, and I've got your back.”
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "Underneath that charm, he's calculating. Always looking for an angle, a way to use people. And he's dangerous when he feels threatened."
Before, you hadn’t questioned his cold side, thought it to usually be warranted, protective of you and the family and his organization. But now you knew better, illusion shattered.
Bucky nodded, his expression grave. "I'll be on high alert," he assured you. "We'll have to make sure he sees me as an asset, not a threat. But remember, we're not there to confront him tonight. Just to gather information."
"Right," you said, trying to calm your racing heart. "Just information."
Bucky's hand resumed landed on your thigh, and he squeezed reassuringly. You put your hand over his.
"Good," he murmured, eyes dropping down to your coupled hands. "That's the kind of reaction we need."
You nodded, trying to focus on the mission, on the act you needed to sell. But it was becoming increasingly difficult with Bucky's strong arm around you, his warm breath on your neck.
"We should practice," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "What if... what if we need to kiss?"
Bucky's eyes met yours, a mix of surprise and something darker, more intense. "Are you sure?"
You nodded, your heart racing. "We need to be convincing, right?"
Without another word, Bucky's hand slid to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer. His lips met yours, soft at first, then with growing intensity. You melted into the kiss, your hands instinctively moving to his chest. The stubble on his jaw scratched lightly against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
For a moment, you forgot about the mission, about your brother, about everything except the feel of Bucky's lips on yours. It felt electric, a spark of something real amidst all the deception you were about to undertake. His metal arm tightened around your waist, and you gasped softly into his mouth.
When you finally broke apart, both slightly breathless, Bucky's eyes were dark with desire. "That was..." he started, then cleared his throat. "That should be convincing enough.”
You nodded, unable to form words. The kiss had felt all too real, and you were struggling to remind yourself that this was just part of the act. You couldn't afford to develop real feelings for Bucky, not with everything at stake.
"We should go," you managed to say, glancing at the clock. "We don't want to be late."
Bucky nodded, but neither of you moved.
Then you leaned in and kissed him again. He returned your kiss, metal arm pulling you even closer. Your hands tangled into his hair, and you shifted in his lap so you could press your chest flush against his.
"We really should go," you murmured against Bucky's lips when you had to break off for another breath, but made no move to pull away.
He hummed in agreement, his fingers tangling in your hair as he deepened the kiss. You melted into him, all thoughts of the mission momentarily forgotten. There was only the warmth of his body, the softness of his lips, the gentle scrape of his stubble against your skin.
Your hands roamed over his broad shoulders, feeling the strength coiled beneath his suit jacket. Bucky's flesh hand slid from your hair down your neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps. You gasped softly at the contact, and he took the opportunity to trace your lower lip with his tongue. Heat pooled in your stomach as you parted your lips, allowing him to deepen the kiss further.
His vibrainum hand continued its exploration down your body, while his warm, flesh hand stayed at the small of your back, anchoring you. You lost yourself in the sensation, forgetting for a moment about the dangerous mission ahead. Bucky's kisses were intoxicating, making you dizzy with desire. His metal hand traced the curve of your hip, sending shivers through your body.
Suddenly, the sharp ring of a phone cut through the haze of passion. You jerked away from Bucky, reality crashing back. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a sleek black device.
"It's time," he said, his voice husky. "The car's waiting downstairs."
You nodded, trying to catch your breath and calm your racing heart. As you stood up from his lap, you smoothed down your dress, acutely aware of how close you'd come to losing control.
Bucky rose as well, adjusting his tie and running a hand through his slightly mussed hair. His eyes met yours, filled with…
Filled with what, you weren’t sure.
If you made it out tonight, maybe you might have a chance to find out.
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Read more stories from the Deliciously Debauched Labor Day Weekend!
What do we think? Do we want to see more of them?
I think this could be a post-TFATWS and pre-Thunderbolts kind of thing maybe. idk.
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brujaluas · 10 months
the personality and appearance of your future spouse
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I see a person with a very strong duality, he likes to go out but also prefers to stay at home, he may like BDSM but be extremely traditional. He is a restricted person, he has many colleagues but few friends, he does not trust easily.
guesses? duality here too. likes to follow fashion but hides it, dresses in a basic way but I say that this person supports their looks, knows how to dress, doesn't ask for opinions on clothes or style, regardless, they can have a surfer look or even blonde or light hair , thin body and can be tall, but not too much, can walk hunched over.
this person can be very romantic with yourself and others, or will be more soft with you, you make them change some things.
a smart person, doesn't fall for other people's conversations easily, can be too sensual or use this to his advantage at some point in his life, he has been through a lot of bad things and a great stability that may have made this person become too suspicious and do others feel suspicious, the type of always ready to defend themselves
I don't think this person likes to shave, they could be curvy or fat, but not that much. the brown color is important here, it could be hair color, eyes... I would say he is a man, handsome and tall. Strong masculine energy, knows what he wants and when he wants something.
a jealous person, they may have anger problems that they don't know how to control, they are always ready to fight and defend themselves from a fight or protect someone, they may be possessive but know how to do it all in a passive aggressive way, like, you won't see that person screaming madly and breaking things shows anger with class, if that makes sense.
may be a tall person, weak in health or don't take much care of your health, may have smoking problems, thin, and may have curly hair and fair skin, your appearance changes.
someone who likes to be with yourself, think a lot.
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Please, what are you headcanons about Astarion and human Tav/Durge? There's obviously the angsty issue of humans having one of the shortest life spans of all DnD races but that's only as angsty as you want it to be in this setting (and the stories you can tell about it are what makes it fascinating). Still... What's your take on it? Would that be a disaster for a proud immortal elf?
Since humans are very diverse I decided to take female human Tav who isn't exactly a big girl but would be considered "curvy" by human beauty standarts.
Astarion x F!Human!Tav
You are the third child born into a big family of seven.
Unlike your sisters, you are that girl who is always teased for "eating too much" or "needing too much fabric for a dress."
It would bother you if you had issues with self-esteem. But you don't.
"At least, I have some tits and ass!" you jokingly say to people who decide to comment on your looks.
Besides, your father, a native to Frost North, has always told you that "the bigger a woman is, the more chances she survives a winter".
You inherited from your northern ancestors' red hair, the color of fire.
Freckles dance over your pale skin and, when you laugh, you can be heard in the neighboring village.
Since there's not much for you in life apart from marriage, you sign up to join an adventure party.
Being an adventurer isn't easy. It's dangerous for a lonely woman but you manage to find friends and learn how to protect yourself.
And you are still this jolly human woman who just can't allow herself to stop because your years are so short.
You probably regret this attitude when locked inside the Mindflayer's pod with a nasty tadpole behind your eyes.
You gather this group of traumatized people - it's not like you are the most competent person, but you are, at least, not experiencing the meltdown!
Astarion immediately catches your eye - he is an elf. And it's a common knowledge humans see elves as the most beautiful creatures ever.
Does he think he manipulates you into protecting him? Too bad. You decided you weren't leaving this adventure without this handsome elven man by your side.
A vampire? Even better.
You are much stronger than him and a bit taller.
You can easily pick him since his bones are so light.
And he adores your body.
Your breasts are pretty big and your thighs are soft.
He likes using your boobs as a pillow and you don't mind - because it gives you full access to his hair.
Or putting his head on your soft belly and thighs.
He also adores your body hair - especially the one in private parts.
"You know among humans it's considered ugly unless you are a man"
"No wonder human women prefer elves."
You look adorable in dresses with deep necklines and ribbons in your curly red hair.
And Astarion loves seeing you in the morning, when you, awake from your long human sleep, look at the world with puffy eyes trying to apprehend wtf you saw in your dreams.
"Don't even ask, human's dreams are fucked up."
When Astarion is distressed, you often put him on your knees and lull him like a child.
And it's difficult for him to adapt to your lifestyle.
You are considered a slow type for a human but you are still a human
You are ambitious, loud, and fast. You have so little time left, you want to experience it to the fullest.
You are smart, brave, skilled and unstoppable like a human traveler, who decided they want to reach the edge of the world.
You keep being adventurers until it's too difficult for you.
Your red hair turns white, and you have wrinkles. You aren't a jolly red-haired girl any longer.
You are a jolly old lady who can both bake cookies for neighbor kids and beat someone's abuser with a hammer.
The time passes fast and it's time for you to go.
"You were quite an adventure, Astarion", you whisper to him
"And you were everything", he replies holding his tears back.
Astarion wants to leave the moment you find rest in your grave, but your family, the loud red-haired clan doesn't let him go.
Well, it's not like any of them were ever prepared to have a vampire for an uncle but here they are.
Astarion visits them from time to time, seeing how children grow up, how new things get old, and how the village becomes a town and then a city.
Human lives are so short, they make the most of them
Astarion visits less and less and only some of the oldest residents of the city know about him.
"Oh, yeah… I remember. My grandmother once told me her great-grandfather's sister was married to a vampire."
Sitting at the seashore, waiting to sail to the Isle of Evermeet, Astarion remembers the words he once heard from an old elf.
"You need to fall in love with a human at least once in your life."
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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vapolis · 9 months
romance options.
intro post. demo.
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your boss and the owner of the Saints & Sinners. Orla has worked hard for everything she has but has lost a lot along the way as well. it's hard for her to trust and even harder to rely on someone but she's been keeping you around long enough for something close to a relationship to develope. as one of the power players of the city, she has gained influence by allowing both the high society and less respected citizens of Vapolis to enter her club in search of secrets she can use for her own gain.
Orla's high stress job has lead her to an attachment to cigarettes she always keeps as close as her signature stiletto knife in case trouble does slip past her tight security.
appearance: 1.82m tall, curvy, black woman aged around 40 with close cropped hair. she has dark brown eyes, a heart-shaped face and wings tattooed across her back. a thin scar runs through the corner of her mouth, only visible from up close and she's rarely not dressed to the nines in gowns, feathers and glitter. anything that makes her stand out as the owner of her beloved club.
[ orla playlist. ]
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the right hand man of Orla and member of Mirage. Jax has been around for as long as you remember, leading the day to day in the club and taking care of any trouble by the door as one of the bouncers on rotation. he's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the club or Orla but has always met the same devotation in you with scorn.
Jax has a weakness for fast cars and shiny guns and has trouble tunring down a bet.
appearance: 34 years old, 1.94m tall, muscular man with brown skin and blue dyed hair that falls in waves to just below his jaw. Jax has dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows and a square jaw that's usually full of stubble he never shaves. both of his arms are tattooed, with one of them depicting the signature eye of the gang he's part of. his style is a point of pride for him and he's never not dressed up in vests or suits when you're around. the colors are rather dark but never plain.
[ jax playlist. ]
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the bartender of the Saints & Sinners and an occasional hacker. their job has them around the high powered of Vapolis more often than not and since knowledge is power -- something Orla has relentlessly drilled into the heads of all her employees -- it makes Royal someone that knows a lot they shouldn't. their loyalty runs as far as their tattoos are deep but as long as they're heard and taken care of, they don't care much for the games Orla and others play to stay relevant. as a native to Vapolis they're used to the fronts people put on to survive but never got a taste for the violence of the city.
Royal is a massive flirt and has trouble toning it down when it really matters.
appearance: of average height at 1.74m with pale skin and an orange mullet. they are quite muscular, with a softer belly and most of their strength lying in their arms from their job. they are 25 years old and have eyes that are blue. they have a septum piercing as well as both ears fully pierced. there's a faded scar running from the corner of their lip to midway of their cheek they never talk about as well as a dark tattoo spanning their throat. their style is quite modern and revealing with colorful make up looks they change up every now and then. when they smile, they have a dimple in each cheek.
[ royal playlist. ]
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the new dancer that has caught not only the eye of Orla. they are a bit of a mystery and a fairly recent addition to the dancers lineup in the club but seem well liked regardless with their easy going attitude and easy charm. Dante/Delilah seems to be someone that knows how to keep a secret if it's Orla of all people that keeps them closer than the others but you recognize their bruised knuckles and barely healed split lip from a mile away as someone just as much in it for the thrill.
appearance: they are slightly above average in height with 1.78m and have an athletic build as most dancers do in the club. their hands are calloused and rough which is unlike the line of work they're in. they have olive skin and dark purple wavy hair with white streaks at the front they wear shorter than the back. it never gets longer than to their jaw before a new cut. they have hooded eyes and one of them is a dark brown that's almost black while the other is a dull silver. their style is quite practical and muted in colors outside of what every dancer wears in the club.
[ dante/delilah playlist. ]
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as the weapons dealer of your choice, echo has been around fairly long and counts amongst the few people you trust with more than just your credits when it comes to outlandish ideas on new weapons you might or might not end up needing. their shop has become somewhat of a safe haven when times got rough or you simply needed a place to duck into to avoid the heat of a job gone wrong. that is, until you ended up blowing up half their shop. since then things have been a bit more tense than usual but doing a job or two or twelve for them could land you back in their good graces.
appearance: echo is above average in height and has tan skin. their nose has a noticeable bump in the middle and they have a fuller bottom lip. their brows are bleached and they have snake bites as well as an uneven scar that goes from their jaw to just below their eye. their eyes are dark purple and their hair shaved at the sides and longer at the top. their hair texture is curly but due to bleach it's heavily damaged and changes color often. their chest and back as well as both arms up to the knuckles are tattooed. both of their ears are pierced, however on the left side they wear a lone earring that dangles down to their throat. they tend to have some stubble across their cheeks. and one of their legs is a prosthetic in silver. their style is oftentimes relaxed, but put together.
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berryhobii · 1 year
My Person(knj x reader)
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x black!female!reader
Word Count: 8K+
Warnings: fluff, established relationship but the first part is how you met, I’m not very good at dialogue but I tried to make them have funny conversations, (18+ but I don’t control what you consume.) Smut, unprotected sex(please stay safe and have conversations with every sexual partner you have!), vaginal sex, slight anal play(he sticks his thumb in readers-), squirting, rough sex, soft dom Namjoon, slight breath play, strength kink(bc look at Namjoon), spanking(he’s obsessed with reader’s ass), reader is dark skinned and curvy, reader also has piercings(ears, belly button) and dark stretch marks, mentions of micro aggressions and discrimination but not much. I didn’t have a specific Namjoon in mind for this except that he’s buff so imagine him as whatever you like!
A/N: Hi! This is my first time posting on tumblr. I don’t know how to work it very well but I’m getting there. If anyone has any tips, please tell me! This story is for all of my black army’s, more specifically my dark skinned ones. I love fan fiction but I hardly see myself in the stories. I don’t blush, my hair is tightly coiled, I wear braids, I have dark stretch marks and I know that’s true of so many army’s out there. No hate to any writers. I hope to be a voice for all of my melanated readers out there. Please enjoy my first attempt! Any criticism is accepted and feel free to pop in to talk! Thank you💜
Namjoon met you at a popular club in downtown Seoul. It was his birthday and his friends wanted to take him out to get “shit faced drunk”. Jimin’s words, not his. He wasn’t much of a drinker. Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t a lightweight or anything, his college years had built his immunity. He just wasn’t very interested in risking his liver every weekend like most of his friends did. It still baffled him how Jimin was in perfect health. He’s seen that guy pound back shots without flinching and he could still stand up straight.
Instead, he enjoyed quiet nights in reading while sipping tea or cultivating his small garden. Call him a nerd or a homebody, he didn’t care. It’s what he enjoyed and that was perfect for him.
Still, he was young so of course he liked going out with his friends. He was turning 26 and not getting any younger. These were his prime years to go out and party like no tomorrow before his mother started pushing him to settle down and get married. Not that he didn’t want to but he wanted to find love naturally, not by some meet up that his mother would arrange. She’s already sent a few young women his way but none of them worked out. They were all nice women but they just didn’t click.
The music was bumping, speakers shaking the ground underneath his feet. The atmosphere didn’t feel like the shoddy bars they used to go to back in college. This one was more sophisticated. Honestly, Namjoon was expecting something more…..unhinged. Considering Jimin and Taehyung planned this, he was fully expecting strippers or maybe tigers in cages.
“Come on, I got us a section upstairs.” Jimin yelled over the music, guiding them through the bodies and past the multiple tables and other sections filled with other club goers. The club was packed with people dressed to the nines; Rolex watches, Gucci purses. And was that someone wearing a Givenchy necklace? He swore he heard Taehyung saying just how expensive that thing was.
“How did you get us a section? Isn’t this place super exclusive?” Jungkook asked as he checked out one of the bottle girls that sauntered past.
They reached the top of the black carpeted staircase—there were multiple sections up on the balcony, most already occupied by other groups. They all seemed to be having fun taking shots, dancing, and snapping videos on their phones.
The section Jimin reserved was behind a black curtain. Hoseok let out an impressed whistle at the decor. “This place is awesome. Nice work, Jimin. Who’d you have to bang to get us here?”
Jimin just winked and held a finger to his lips. “Don’t worry about that. This is about Namjoon. Let’s order some bottles!”
The night was in full swing. A few rounds of “necessary” shots served by scantily clad bottle girls, including the one Jungkook checked out earlier. He made sure to slip her some extra cash along with his phone number just in case.
“Make sure you girls give the birthday boy here some extra attention.” Taehyung said, clapping Namjoon on the shoulder. Those words immediately made Namjoon feel nervous. While it was his birthday, that didn’t mean he wanted all eyes on him, especially from a lot of attractive women.
One of the girls leaned over to pour him a drink, her mascara coated eyelashes fluttering at him and her red stained lips lifting in a flirty smile. He gulped down a block in his throat, suddenly feeling shy. This woman was very beautiful but he doubted she was actually interested in him. It was her job to act this way and he didn’t want to assume anything just because she batted her eyelashes at him.
He threw back a shot of tequila given to him by Hoseok, the liquid burning as it went down and his face turning but he felt himself loosen up a bit.
Hoseok must have noticed his facial expression because he let out a laugh. “Hey, remember last time you had tequila?”
Yoongi, who had been expectedly quiet during this trip, suddenly slammed his hand down on the table. “Don’t bring that up.” He glared, dark eyes staring right into Hoseok’s soul. Hoseok mimed zipping his lips and throwing away the key. He was not about to poke that sleeping bear.
Namjoon laughed at their interaction. They all knew about that and no one ever mentioned it. Being a law major, Yoongi knew a lot of things about the legal system. A lot of things…..which probably meant he knew how to effectively get away with a crime….
He’d never do that though….right?
“Hey! Are you drinking tequila?” Seokjin exclaimed, drunkenly stumbling over to them. He was such a lightweight. Hoseok was too but the difference was that where Hoseok got quiet while drunk, Seokjin got loud.
Loud and loose lipped.
“Remember in college when both of you compared your dicks” a hiccup broke up his words, “took photos, and then accidentally sent them to Ms. Choi? And then she sent a nude back?” He guffawed a laugh, throwing an arm over a fuming Yoongi’s shoulder. If bodies could generate explosive heat from anger, Seokjin would be on fire right now. And if he didn’t die from that, Yoongi’s ice cold glare would surely freeze him.
Yoongi stood up, brushing his hyung off, mumbling something about whiskey before exiting the section.
Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other before bursting in laughter—a confused Seokjin whining for his buddy to return.
All that laughter must have pushed his bladder to its limit. “I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be back.”
He made his way down the stairs, almost bumping into a girl carrying a tray of drinks on the way. Whew, that tequila must be getting to him. Ah, who is he kidding? He would have fully crashed into that girl completely sober. Does alcohol straighten out his normal clumsiness? He could test that theory later.
For now, bathroom.
After relieving himself, quickly since he accidentally walked in on two men incredibly close to penetration, he tried making his way back to the stairs. He passed the dance floor, seeing all of the packed bodies dancing and having a good time. He wasn’t much of a dancer but it looked like fun. Maybe when he got back to his friends, he’d suggest it. He knew Jimin and Hoseok would be down, Jungkook too. Yoongi had probably disappeared to the bar but they all knew he’d be against it.
Seokjin would……
All thoughts about his friend’s willingness to dance were cut off when he caught sight of you.
You were absolutely stunning, a stand out in this overcrowded place full of drunken rich kids. The shiny decorations and strobe lights seemed dim in comparison to your effervescent beauty.
The silky expanse of your golden sepia brown thighs made him clench his fists, fingers tingling to sink into the plush fat. You crossed one knee high boot clad leg over the other, your ass practically smothering the little bar chair under you. Your cheek rested on your palm, deep brown eyes staring listlessly into the fruity drink in front of you. You were scrolling through your phone, manicured finger slowly tapping on the screen. Now that he looked more closely, you seemed…..down.
Were you alone? Why did you seem so upset in a place like this?
You must have felt eyes on you because you turned your head, locking eyes with him. His breath got caught in his throat. Your front profile was even more ethereal than your side; your skin was dewy and glittery, sparkling under the lights. Full lips outlined in black with a clear gloss over them, smokey eyeshadow made your eyes look even more captivating, and your hair was long and in braids he’s only seen in old school hip hop videos he used to watch.
You tossed your braided hair over your shoulder, the tips ending just below your thighs, eyes focused solely on him.
Your staring contest was cut short when someone threw an arm over his shoulders. He startled, quickly whipping his head around. His pounding heart calmed at the sight of Jimin.
Jimin leaned closer to almost yell in his ear. “Why are you just standing here? Let’s go dance!”
Namjoon nodded, about to follow Jimin but he couldn’t help but look back towards where that mysterious person was just sitting. Only to find you gone. He felt a slight pang of disappointment. Where had you gone? Did you leave? His eyes searched the crowd but he didn’t find you. He didn’t have a lot of time to think about it before Hoseok and Jungkook joined them, dragging him to the dance floor, their laughter almost as loud as the music.
Dancing had pretty much made him forget about you. While you were very gorgeous, he doubted you’d ever cross paths again. It was just a small connection in a club, it wouldn’t go anywhere.
He made his way off the dance floor, sweat rolling down the back of his neck and throat dry. He ran his fingers through his sweaty hair, letting out a breath once he made it to the bar.
“Can I get a water please?” He asked the bartender who nodded and moved to take another order.
As he waited, his eyes scanned the other people at the bar—the counter was a large circle that took up a lot of surface area, tall shelves held most of the alcohol, a draft beer tap area just in front of him.
Something moved to the left of him so he innocently looked to the side. And the alluring eyes that stared back at him caught him by surprise.
It was you again.
He almost couldn’t believe you had appeared before him once again, closer and looking directly at him. Now that you were so close, he could appreciate just how absolutely striking you were. Your lashes were long and delicate, a helix piercing in your right ear, a chain hanging from it that connected to the second piercing in your earlobe. He also spotted the cutest little mole under your left eye.
He didn’t even realize he was staring until the bartender placed his water in front of him, the feeling of the cold glass pressing against his hand breaking him from his frozen state. He blinked his eyes frantically, averting his gaze to his glass of water.
How embarrassing. He must have looked like a creep staring at you and the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable.
“Can I get a strawberry virgin margarita please?”
He was surprised at how light and airy your voice was. It didn’t quite match your dark clothes and leather boots but he guessed that was just one surprise about you. He wondered if you had any more.
“Water, huh? You a lightweight?”
He didn’t answer at first. Were you talking to him? You must be. He was the only one with a glass of water across this entire bar.
Chuckling, he shrugged his shoulder, not noticing how her eyes focused on his muscles. “My throat was dry. Alcohol actually dehydrates you.” He instantly regretted saying that. Bore you with random facts, that’ll keep you interested. Clearing his throat, he motioned to the drink the bartender had just placed in front of her. “How about you? Drinking something that looks like alcohol without any actual alcohol seems more like lightweight behavior.”
That made you laugh, the sound hitting his ears and itching his brain in the best of ways. The sight of your sparkling teeth and the way your eyes crinkled at the ends made his heart speed up. You were captivating, he almost couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
It was your turn to shrug, index finger twirling the straw. “I guess I just like to feel adventurous while still keeping my inhibitions. Alcohol affects the prefrontal cortex first, the part of the brain that controls impulse, judgement and reasoning.”
His mouth dropped open in shock. Did you just….?
You bashfully giggled, eyes focusing on the designs on your oval, manicured nails. “Sorry. That was kind of weird to say, huh?”
He shook his head so hard that his neck could have cracked. “No! Not at all. I didn’t even know that. That’s really interesting.”
Your shy smile made you all the more endearing. “Is it? My friends say I’m kind of a bore.”
He smiled back at you. “Mine do too but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a healthy dose of knowledge. Facts like that can save lives.”
“I’m y/n.”
“Namjoon. It’s a pleasure.”
Sitting and talking with you, Namjoon learned a lot about you. You were a 24 year old foreigner who moved here 2 years ago to attend Seoul University, a full ride scholarship under your belt. You taught yourself Korean through books and the nice lady at a grocery store from your hometown. You loved mangoes and hated ketchup, your favorite number was 4—and when you were 5, you accidentally walked followed the dolphin trainers at the aquarium and almost drowned. Now you were afraid of open bodies of water.
Namjoon also found you to be incredibly optimistic, charismatic, and sweet. He was absorbed in every word that passed your glossed lips, falling a little deeper with each shy giggle and tug of your ear that you did whenever you said something embarrassing. You were so adorable and Namjoon found himself wanting to hear more about you.
Currently, you two were laughing about a story Namjoon was telling you.
“No way!”
He nodded his head. “It’s true.“
You wiped a tear from your eye, laughter reducing itself to little giggles. “How do you fail a driver’s test 6 times? There should be a limit.”
“Yeah. The driving instructor knew me by name. My mom even invited him over for dinner when I finally passed. Apparently, he also had a bet going on with his friends on how many tries it would take me.”
Your laughter picked up again. “I’d make that bet too.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad.” He pouted. “I’ve never gotten pulled over or a ticket. I even keep both hands on the wheel.”
You leaned your cheek against your palm, much like how you did when he first laid eyes on you. This time, however, your eyes weren’t bored or sad—they were filled with mirth and light. He wanted to see you like that all the time.
“So what are you doing out tonight? Did you come with friends?”
He noticed how your eyes kind of dimmed, fingers lifting to tug at your ear again. A sense of panic immediately flooded his stomach. Oh no, had he offended you? And the conversation was going so well too.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
Your eyes lifted to his, mouth slightly dropping open. “Oh! No, you didn’t offend me.” You waved your hands around. “It’s a honest question. I did come here with friends but I think they ditched me.”
He didn’t know these so called friends but right now, he wanted nothing more than to give them a piece of his mind for leaving you alone.
“What assholes. They don’t sound like very good friends.”
Your eyes casted to the watch on his wrist and then up to meet his eyes once again. “No. I guess they aren’t.”
“I’d never leave you alone like that. I’d at least have the courtesy to leave a text or something. It’s dangerous to go anywhere alone this late.” He didn’t even realize he was rambling or the frustration that was building in his chest.
A soft hand on his arm stopped him from his rant, his eyes meeting yours. The brown irises sparkled, a gentle smile on your face that made heat rise to the tips of his ears.
“Thank you, Namjoon. You sound like a really good friend. I’d love to have a friend like you looking out for me.”
The sincerity of your words made him feel all warm and dizzy. He didn’t even remember why he was upset anymore, not when you were looking at him that way. Not when you were touching him so softly and definitely not when you were so close.
A sheepish smile crossed his face, dimple indenting his cheek even deeper. His hand rubbed at the back of his neck, gaze going to a random spot on the bar. “Um….yeah. I just….friends should be like family. They should look out for you. I’d…..I’d look out for you like that.”
“Thanks. That means a lot.” Your hand moved from his arm, your warmth leaving at the same time and causing him to feel cold. “But enough about me, how about you? Why are you out to tonight?”
“It’s my birthday. My friends took me out. They thought I needed a night to let loose. I normally prefer to spend my time indoors or out in nature but they thought I needed to go out and party. It is my 26th after all, not getting any younger.”
You hummed. “Well, happy birthday. I hope you’re having a nice time.”
“I am.” He looked deeply into your eyes when he said that. Your eyes widened a little, fingers twitching to rise to your ear but you pushed it the feeling down. After a few seconds of staring, you coughed, reaching for your drink to sip down the remainder of it.
He offered you another smile. “May I buy you another?”
“It’s your birthday. Shouldn’t I be offering you a drink?” That little teasing smile and tone came back. You were too cute.
“You can offer next time.”
“So there will be a next time?”
“If you allow it.”
You bit your lip, trying to force down the smile that threatened at your lips. Damn, he got you.
Namjoon didn’t even realize how much time had passed until his friends came searching for him. Jungkook was balancing a sleeping Hoseok on his shoulder, Seokjin and Taehyung not too far behind and stumbling all over the place.
“We’ve been looking all over for you. Where’d you go? It’s almost 3AM.” Jimin said, the only one who looked normal but judging by that glassy look in his eye, he was wasted too.
“Ah sorry. I was just speaking to someone. Got caught up.”
You gave all of the conscious men a wave, flashing a smile as well. “Hi. Sorry I hogged your friend.”
Jimin and Jungkook’s eyes almost popped out of their heads at the sight of you. They looked at each other and then at you and then at Namjoon.
Namjoon coughed, noticing the looks on their faces. Jimin was the first to smile, shaking his head at you. “No, no. It’s cool. Hog him all you like.” He flashed a look at Namjoon that read “later” before smiling again. “Yoongi hyung’s waiting outside. Can you drive your car or do you feel drunk?”
Seokjin, Taehyung, and Hoseok definitely weren’t driving anywhere. And he’d feel bad if he let the others haul the family drunkies all the way home.
And then there’s you….
He turned to you, your eyes lifting to meet his and instantly smiling.
“Do you need a ride home? Or an Uber? I’d be happy to take you or request one.”
His offer gave you a weird feeling behind your rib cage. Shaking your head, you stood to your feet. “I drove here. I’m not drunk either. I’m pretty sure I can get back.”
“Are you sure? At least let me walk you to your car. The bar’s are emptying out and I want you to be safe.”
“I’m sure. Your friends look like they need you more than I do.” You looked behind him, seeing how the broad shouldered one was trying to lay a kiss on the pierced one who was balancing a sleeping one.
Namjoon waved his hand. “They’re big boys. I’m pretty sure no one would kidnap them. They’d bring Seokjin hyung back for sure. He’d talk their ears off.”
An indignant, “hey!” came from behind Namjoon.
You let out a giggle. “I think I got it. I’m a big girl. I cross the street all the time by myself.”
Namjoon ran a hand through his hair. He was sad you had to go. He really wanted to talk to you more.
“Do you think…..I could have your number? I’d love to see you again.”
You fluttered your eyelashes at him, leaning forward a bit to crowd his space. Like this, he could smell your perfume—fruity and feminine and oh so you.
“I’d like that. Maybe you can show me what helped you succeed on try number 7.”
He playfully rolled his eyes, cheeks hurting from how hard he was smiling. Fuck, you were amazing.
You exchanged numbers, you putting his contact as Namjoon 10 And 2💜. Him putting you down as y/n🐬.
You followed him and the others outside into the breezy Seoul air. Summer was just getting ready to leave but thankfully, it was still pretty nice outside.
“I’ll see you around, Namjoon.” The way you said his name made him want to hear it more and more from your lips.
He gave you a little wave. “Bye. Get home safe.”
“You too.” Tossing your braids over your shoulder, you gave him one final look before bidding his friends goodbye and starting your walk down the street. He watched you until you disappeared from his sight, letting out a dreamy sigh when he could no longer see you.
“Well, look at you, Casanova. Didn’t know you had it in you.” Jimin teased, clapping a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder.
“Yeah. She was…..amazing.“
Taehyung stumbled over, almost falling if not for Namjoon catching him. “Awwwww, our Joonie hyung’s in loveeeeeee…”
Rolling his eyes, he helped Taehyung stand a little straighter, bearing his weight. “Come on. You can crash at my place.”
And as Namjoon laid in bed that night, he thought about just how memorable this night had been. He’d spent time with his friends, celebrated his birthday, and met the most wonderful woman ever.
His phone pinged from his bedside. Leaning over, he grabbed it and unlocked it, a smile rising to his face at the name.
y/n🐬: made it home and in bed. I tried driving with both of my hands on the wheel. I felt lame
He rolled over, arm tucking under his pillow, phone illuminating the doofy smile on his face.
It wasn’t love. Not yet.
Not yet.
“What are you thinking about, baby?”
He looked up from his phone, attention going to your body as you climbed on top of him. You both had finished dinner and having a shower and were now getting ready for bed. He was scrolling through his social media, timeline bringing up memories from 2 years ago. It was a photo Jungkook posted, a candid shot of them—Yoongi and Namjoon were raising their glasses to the camera, Taehyung and Jimin cheering while clinking shots together, Hoseok was staring blankly at nothing and Jungkook was cheesing hard. He doesn’t even remember this picture being taken but he can remember how he felt that night. He felt so free and happy, being with this best friends and partying like there was no tomorrow. It was great.
He connected eyes with you. God, you were just as gorgeous as the first day he met you, maybe even more. Dressed down and barefaced, he thought you were the picture of beauty and allure. Everything you did enchanted him—even something as simple as when you’d put your chopsticks in your hand one by one or the way you’d shake your arms because they’d get tired when you braided your hair.
You were perfect to him. Everything he could ever want and need. You completed him. You gave him what he lacked, supported him wholeheartedly and genuinely, and loved him in a way that he’s never felt before.
You were his person.
He showed you his phone. You observed the picture for a moment. “Isn’t that from your birthday 2 years ago? But your birthday was last week, why is it just now appearing in your memories?”
He placed his phone on the bedside table, hands going to your bare thighs since you hated wearing pants to bed. Weird since you wore socks to bed, only to take them off in your sleep but adorable nonetheless.
“Jungkook posted it a week later. It was that week after he dropped his phone in that pond.” His fingertips lightly grazed over the dark stretch marks that stretched over your thighs and love handles. He loved every inch of you. You were so confident and sure of yourself, never letting anyone’s comments diminish your glow.
You let out an “ah” of recognition. “Oh yeah. He would carry his iPad everywhere.”
Namjoon chuckled. His friend was so silly.
“That was the night we met. Has it been two years already?”
He hummed and exhaled a deep breath. “Yeah. It went by so fast.”
You leaned down to press your foreheads together, one hand coming to rest on his collarbone. Your thumb gently stroked the skin there, playing with the silver chain that sat around his throat. You remembered when he had broken the clasp on one he had before and he was actually really upset about it. He said it was a gift from an old friend that had passed away a while back. While he tried to act like it was fine, you could see just how broken up about it he was so you wanted to do something to make him happy again.
So while he was away, you took the necklace to a jewelry repair store and got the clasp replaced. You surprised him with it the next day and the look of absolute elation on his face was enough to move you. That was the first time you had seen him cry. He hugged you so tightly, his warmth seeping into your bones and tears soaking your shirt. And you held him until he had fallen asleep, the repaired necklace clasped around his neck.
It was also the first time he said he loved you, the three little words sending you to cloud 9. You loved Namjoon too. He was really the first actual friend you made since coming to Seoul. Being a foreigner, people treated you differently. If not by their micro aggressions or blatant rudeness, it was how they ignored you and treated you like you didn’t exist.
The “friends” you went to the bar with that time were classmates of yours. They were nice at the start, always asking questions about your hair and about America. You were just happy to have friends so you didn’t mind. You felt like there was a bit of a gap between you and them. Your Korean wasn’t that good when you arrived so that language barrier often made things a little awkward.
And when they invited you out to a high class bar in the nicer part of Seoul, you were happy to tag along. You didn’t leave your apartment much aside from school and work. Mainly because you were still a little uncomfortable being in a new country despite living here for close to 2 years. It kind of felt like you were just drifting around and biding your time until graduation.
But you didn’t want to do that. You were in a new country! You could make new experiences and learn new things. You should be getting out and having fun.
So you dressed in one of your most adventurous outfits and you met your friends at the bar. At first, everything was going fine. They were taking shots and pictures and you were trying to loosen up. Eventually, your friends went to dance while you went to go to the bathroom. They were gone when you returned and you couldn’t find them in the sea of people.
That’s why you were sitting alone. You were waiting for them to come back but after about an hour and a half with no update, you were getting ready to leave.
That was until you saw Namjoon. Just from across the room, you felt a connection between you both. When you saw his friends come up to him, you sighed and got up to go to the bathroom. At least his friends looked like they wanted to be around him.
A few Korean men had approached you throughout the night while you sat alone and while you tried to be nice, they were much too imposing and forceful. That’s what led you to the bar. You wanted some space and maybe one more mock tail before going home.
Seeing Namjoon again was a complete coincidence. You didn’t even notice he was at the bar until you stood next to him, your eyes instinctively looking over.
And wow….
He was so much more handsome up close—tall, broad, and those biceps looked like he could throw you around a room without breaking a sweat.
Whew…you were repressed.
Those thoughts ceased from your mind the moment you two started talking. Namjoon was wholesome and intelligent, a little bit goofy and very very lovely. Unlike most of the men you’ve encountered so far, Namjoon wasn’t pushy or sleazy—he was a gentleman, he listened to every word you said, and he kept you engaged. It almost felt a little too good to be true.
But it wasn’t. You deserved it. And so did he.
“That’s okay. At least we know we cherished every single day.”
“And I’ll cherish each one after that.”
He reciprocated your wide smile, love and adoration flooding both of your gazes.
“I love you, Namjoon.”
“And I love you.”
Your lips met in a sensual kiss. You melted further into his hold, your chests pressing against one another. His thumbs rubbed at where your panties sank into your plush hips, tilting his chin so that he could kiss you deeper.
It didn’t take long for you to start moving your hips cover his crotch, sweats being your only barrier.
He pulled away from you, both of you panting, gazes locked and stirring with desire.
“You aren’t tired from my birthday weekend? We barely made our reservation.” Namjoon recalled.
You snorted, lifting back up. “If I remember correctly, it was you who couldn’t keep it in your pants right before we walked out of the door.”
“You looked absolutely ravishing in that dress. Did you see your ass?” Delivering a swift smack to one of your cheeks and then squeezing the burning skin. He was obsessed with your ass. It was perfect for your hips and thighs, perfectly round and it rippled in the most delicious of ways whenever he slapped it. Not to mention, it filled out whatever you wore; skirts, dresses, jeans….You in jeans should be considered a world wonder. For his eyes only though.
You didn’t try to fight down your grin. “Me? Did you see your arms in that dress shirt? I was ready to ride you the moment you buttoned it up.”
Biting his lip, his fingers went under the band of your panties. “Why don’t you ride me now? Give me a demonstration.”
Your eyes darkened at the feeling of his hardening cock pressing into your covered heat.
“I’ll give you more than that.”
Leaning forward again, you placed a sweet peck to his lips before trailing down to his throat. You sucked and nipped at the skin there, careful not to leave any marks too high that would show over his collar. Good thing the base of his neck and his collarbone were open and safe for marking.
He let out a sigh at the feeling, body shivering when you ran your lips over his soft spot. Lifting up to study your work and feeling satisfied at the darkening marks across his chest, you began kissing your way down his body. He’s been spending more time in the gym so the flat expanse of his tummy was starting to harden, light abs beginning to form. You loved feeling the hard muscle, your manicured fingertips ghosting over them. He sighed again, stomach seizing up a little at your touch.
Finally, you reached your destination. Eyes hungrily taking in the large bulge in his black briefs. Your hand raised to rub over it, feeling his cock jerk slightly from your touch. Reaching for the band of his underwear, you tugged them down, him lifting his hips to help you. Once the stupid fabric was tossed to the floor, you got to take in the thick and throbbing cock in front of you—a lush pink tip with veins running all over it and precum leaking from the tip. Delicious.
Licking your lips, you ran your tongue over the underside, all the way to the tip where you sucked him into your mouth. His legs tensed up, sighing at the feeling. Finally.
Your tongue flicked under the head of his cock, his most sensitive spot. His hand lifting to rest on your head, making sure to be gentle since he knew your scalp was still a little sore from your new hairstyle. He remembers coming home from work to find you in the bathroom laying down your baby hairs. When he left that morning, you were in your natural hair, the tight coils refreshed and bouncy. He loved any hairstyle you had and he thought it was amazing that you could transform it into so many ways. Throughout the summer, you had been wearing it more naturally and on his birthday weekend, you installed a beautiful honey blonde wig that he really liked.
Now, you were in shoulder blade length boho braids. You had sat in the bathroom for hours following a YouTube tutorial, arms constantly getting tired and a few of the braids turning out a little wonky but in the end, you thought they looked good. It was a good try. And when Namjoon came home, his eyes brightening and compliments flowing, you felt even more beautiful.
And much like right now, you had given him the blowjob of his life that day.
One hand grabbing his shaft, you pursed your lips to drool spit on his tip before sucking him back into your mouth. You did that a few more times to fully slick up his cock, hand pumping up and down his shaft.
“Fuck. Come on, baby. Stop teasing.”
Humming around his cock, you took him all the way down, relaxing your throat to swallow him all the way. His back arched, the warm heat of your mouth feeling absolutely amazing. Lots of practice made you a master at deepthroating his cock. Before, you could barely go down halfway without gagging but now, you could take him to the hilt without flinching.
You bobbed your head up and down his cock, both hands digging into his strong thighs as a balance. You hollowed your cheeks when you came up, cupping your tongue along the underside of his cock. You wanted him to feel absolutely every sensation and god damn, he did.
His eyes he didn’t realize were even closed finally opened, head lifting to look down at you. Breath hitching when he saw you were already staring up at him. If there was one thing you loved, it was eye contact. The way your brown irises stared directly into his made him feel fuzzy all over.
That feeling in the base of his tummy began to form and he knew he had to stop you. “Shit, stop baby. Stop.”
You pulled off his cock with a pop, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Trying to regain your breath, you crawled back up to straddle his stomach, leaning over him again to kiss him. His hands grabbed at your hips, rubbing the skin there before traveling up your sides under your shirt. He tugged at the fabric, you releasing his lips to take it off—your body now revealed to him and it was the picture of perfection.
From your deep brown nipples down to the pudge of your belly where a pink belly button piercing sat to the swell of your hips. You were dazzling, the picture of femininity, goddess like. So many words yet not enough to describe you fully.
You were just perfect.
His hands ran up to your nipples, tweaking the buds and squeezing your breasts. You sighed, eyes fluttering closed at the little sparks of pleasure you felt. That pleasure went right to the space between your thighs, dampening your already soaked panties even further.
“Get up here and sit on my face, baby.” Namjoon’s deep voice ordered and who were you to deny him?
Climbing off his lap and to the side of him, he lifted up to help you out of your panties. The grey fabric was now almost black with how soaked they were. He lifted the clothing to his noise, inhaling deeply.
“Fuck.” He tossed them to the ground, dragon like eyes staring deep into your soul. His gaze sent shivers down your spine. He was so fucking sexy—hair messy and thick lips bitten red. “Get the fuck up here.”
You barely had time to move before he was grabbing your thighs and hauling you up to his face. You moaned from the movement. Okay so maybe you had a bit of a strength kink. Who wouldn’t when your man was 6’1 with biceps bigger than melons and thighs thick enough to crush your head.
And Namjoon knew it.
Now with your glistening pussy right above him, he could show you another part of his body that you loved.
Tongue swiping through your slit, he hummed at the taste. You were dripping, a single strand of wetness dripping down to hit his chin.
You grabbed the headboard once you felt his tongue graze over your clit, a light moan coming from your lips.
His lips wrapped around the bud, sucking it with enough pressure to send you reeling. His fingers dug into the meat of your thighs, one hand on your ass to hold you closer. His tongue lapped over your clit, the little bud pulsing under his ministrations.
“Ahhh, Joon….” You moaned out. He hummed against your pussy, the vibrations striking right through you.
A swift slap to your ass made you squeal. “Ride my face, gorgeous.”
Always a good girl, you adjusted your knees before you started rocking on his tongue. The rough texture stimulated your clit in the best way, the feeling of Namjoon’s hands slapping at your ass fueling you on.
Your mouth was dropped open, head tossed back as hot pleasure sparkled all across your body. That band in your stomach beginning to wind itself tighter and tighter.
Hand coming down to wrap in his hair to pull him closer, you humped against his tongue, clit feeling so sensitive yet so fucking good. Namjoon knew you were close so he moved his head with your hips, hands gripping at your ass hard enough to leave bruises.
“Oh my god! I’m cumming! Fffffff-uhhhhh….”
Your orgasm crashed into your body, pleasurable waves radiating down your spine.
He flicked his tongue against your sensitive clit until you shivered in overstimulation, sitting yourself on his chest. Both of your chests heaved, gazes locked as you came down.
“Ready for more?” You asked, eyes squinting and a teasing smile on your face.
He smirked. “I believe a demonstration was in order?”
Working your way down, you straddled his hips once again, feeling his cock press against your sopping heat. Your lips locked in another kiss, this one a little more desperate.
Reaching under yourself, you grabbed his cock in your hand, stroking him a little.
A hand came down on your ass, the burn making you moan.
“Sit on my fucking cock. Right. Now.”
His voice sent shivers down your spine but you obliged. Lining his cock with your entrance, you slid down his shaft—thick girth stretching you open in the most delicious of ways, your walls constricting around him.
Namjoon’s hands gripped at your ass, feeling like he would float away. Your pussy was so warm and squeezed around him so tightly. He’s had sex in the past but no one would ever compare to you. The way your body reacted to him, how your pretty eyes crossed a little at the feeling of his cock filling you up. He was obsessed with you.
And he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life.
Once he was all the way inside, you let out a breath.
“You feel so good.” He sighed.
You kissed him again, loving the feeling of his lips on yours. “So do you. So big.”
Your hips began moving against him, gaining a comfortable rhythm. His cock rubbed against your walls—you could feel him pulsing inside of you, the head of his cock reaching deeper inside.
His head fell back against the pillows, eyes closing as he focused on the way your pussy felt around him.
“Feel good, baby?” You whispered in his ear, sucking the lobe into your mouth. You moved back and forth against him, your breasts pressed against his chest.
Adjusting yourself, you began bouncing up and down on his cock, the wet slap of your ass against his thighs filling the room.
He slapped your ass again, using his hands to help you move against him. “That’s it. Bounce on that cock, baby.”
You moaned. “Your cock feels s-so good.” Mouth dropping open in pleasure, you began to move faster on his cock. The head was rubbing right up against that soft spot inside of you. That band was starting to tighten again. Only Namjoon could push you to orgasm so quickly. Just as much as you knew his body, he knew yours. You two were perfectly in sync.
“Turn around, baby.”
You whined from having to stop but you did what he asked, secretly loving how he bossed you around. Keeping him inside, you turned around on his cock so he could get a view of your juicy ass.
You started your rhythm back up, ass jiggling as it met his hips. Your back arched, sweat dripping down your spine and making your melanated skin glisten. His eyes were mesmerized by it, cock throbbing at the sight. Namjoon could watch you bounce on his cock forever. If he could frame it, he would. But this was for his eyes only and he liked to keep it that way.
Your hands found stability on his knees, leaning forward to bounce even harder on him. Namjoon’s hands spread your cheeks to get a full view of your pussy. He groaned at the sight of your sweet cunt wrapped around him, your viscous wetness soaking his cock, a ring of cream starting to form at the base.
“Pussy’s so good, baby. So fucking tight.”
You clenched around him at the praise, basking in his attention.
“Mmmmm. M’gonna cum again….baby….” You breathed out, head falling forward as pleasure consumed you. His cock was scrambling your brain, your entire being consumed by him. He made you feel so good, so beautiful, so utterly loved and adored that you could burst.
“Me too. Do it. Cum all over my cock.”
Thumb swiping over your puckered hole, he barely stuck the tip of it in before you were cumming all over his cock.
The feeling of your walls gripping him like vice was enough to push him over too. He spilled into your warm heat, moving you back and forth against him to ride out both of your orgasms.
But it wasn’t enough.
Before you could even come down, you were being tossed onto your back, legs being thrown up until you were folded in half. You could barely react before his lips were wrapped around your clit. His head moved side to side, slurping up all of the juices you offered.
“Ohhhhh f-fff-uhhhh! Namjoon!” Your head kept lifting to watch him and falling back into the pillow. You wanted to watch but just the sight of him between your thighs was enough to propel you to another gut wrenching orgasm. Your hips jumped against his face, his hands holding your thighs to keep you still.
He pulled away from your cunt, juices all over his chin and cheeks. The sight made your pussy clench, more wetness leaking out of you.
Keeping your legs up, Namjoon brought his hard cock back to your opening, pushing inside with no hesitation. You screamed at the intrusion, walls sporadically clenching and unclenching around him. Your lungs burned, trying to suck in air but he was punching it all out of you.
The connections in your brain were going all haywire, all of your thoughts absorbed by him and the feeling of his cock bullying your walls.
Namjoon set a punishing pace, hips pistoling in and out of you until you could almost feel him in your throat. His eyes found where you were connected, your juices and his cum spilling out in a messy mixture. Everything was so wet. He was slipping in and out of you so easily and it felt so good.
Your eyes crossed, mouth open as screams and chants of his name left you. His right hand came up to wrap around your throat, squeezing slightly—not enough to cut off your already sparse air but just enough for you to feel it. Your hands scratched at his arms, the burn fueling him further.
Namjoon couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You were truly a sight to behold. He almost wanted to tattoo this image on his eyelids. Your pleasurable state was one of his favorite sights, right next to you smiling, your ass, and that confused look you got on your face that first time you saw a pink strawberry. Strawberries were red, right?
He could feel your walls suffocating his cock once again. You were close. Incoherent ramblings fell from your lips, chants of how good he felt and how close you were. His hand released your throat, both coming up to hold onto the headboard and hips slamming into you even harder.
“N-Namjoon!” Tears welled in your eyes, overwhelming pleasure and love filling your veins. You loved him so much. He was everything to you. He was your person.
Your orgasm hit you so hard that your vision went white, ears ringing and toes curling. This orgasm was stronger than your others and it felt slightly different but very familiar.
Your walls forced Namjoon’s cock out of you, a short burst of liquid leaving your pussy. He used his cock to slap at your clit, prolonging your pleasure.
“Good girl! Squirt all over my cock.” He praised, a slightly sadistic smile spread across his face. He loved you like this—when your pleasure absolutely consumed you to the point where your body reacted this way.
A few tugs to his own cock and he came as well, spurts of cum landing on your pussy and dripping down your ass.
He slowly let your legs down, massaging your thighs. Leaning over you, he pressed a few kisses to your temple and cheeks, whispering sweet words to you as you came down.
After a few moments, you let out a hum, lifting your weak arms to wrap around his neck and pull him into a kiss.
“Are you okay?” He asked after pulling away.
“More than okay. I haven’t squirted like that in a while.”
He rubbed his nose against yours. “Mhmm. I love when you do. It’s so hot.” His softening cock rubbed against your ultra sensitive clit, your body jumping and a whine falling from your lips.
“Stop.” You whined. “I feel like my pussy is going to fall off.”
“Well, we can’t have that. Why don’t we go shower and have some cake?”
Your smile was dazzling. “That sounds amazing.”
After you were done using the bathroom and cleaning up, you went to cut the cake, not trusting Namjoon with a knife.
“Don’t want you losing any fingers. I won’t be able to live if you lost those.” You winked, giggling when he gave you a playful slap to your ass.
While you did that, he sat on the couch and went back to his phone. It was still open to the photo of his friends. Liking it, he closed out his social media and went to the page he was looking at before he opened Instagram.
The bright colored logo stared him him in the face, that feeling of anxiousness rising in his chest once again.
“I sliced some strawberries too. All fully red, as they should be.”
At the sight of you, that pressure alleviated, adoration swelling at how adorable you were.
Why was he so nervous in the first place? He couldn’t remember and for now, it didn’t matter.
All that mattered was you.
“Pink strawberries are valid.”
“They’re confusing! It’s like, why are strawberries red but strawberry candy is always pink? Then do they use pink strawberries for candy? It’s ridiculous.”
Yeah. You.
Staring up at the building, Namjoon inhaled a deep breath, palms feeling sweaty. The drive here had been full of nerves. He swore his hands were on 11 and 3 this time.
Calm down. Deep breath. Everything would be fine.
A kind woman greeted him at the door.
“Welcome to Euphoria Jewelers. How can I help you?”
“I want to buy a ring.”
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courtingchaos · 2 years
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Summary: Ooo, aren't you the little viper at Rick's party. Eddie want's to see how hard you bite.
A/N: Look, I'll never write fuckboy!Eddie like @newlips or @carolmunson, and this isn't even truly fuck boy Eddie. This is like hand wavy, vaugly fboy!Eddie. Anyways, I got rip roaringly high last night and busted this out, honestly kind of proud of myself for getting it all out in one go? 3k and I was barely awake for it. Anyways, enjoy!
Warnings: Drug use, alcohol use, blow jobs, general douchbaggery from both reader and Eddie. (18+ NSFW)
The black Audi pulling around the front of Rick’s is thumping loudly, testing the limits of the bass in the trunk. There’s an ever so slight rattle of metal and Eddie hides his laugh behind his cigarette. The car stops with a jerk and the under lighting shifts from purple to white when the driver door opens, deep bass pouring out. 
“Just get out of the fucking car then!” The woman who gets out yells and slaps the roof of her car. Eddie rolls his eyes at the jostling vehicle, the shadow of bodies inside shifting around until the back passenger door opens and two girls spill out laughing. They’re adjusting their dresses where they’ve hiked up high on their thighs and clutching their phones. The driver points at the house, party in full swing inside and makes a face at them. “Get the fuck inside!” 
Eddie would know Lisa’s voice anywhere, the shrill yell a constant out of Rick’s girl. The two that fell out of the Audi keep giggling and flip her off. Lisa looks like murder but her passenger window rolls down and there you are giving the giggle twins a cold stare. It seems to sober them up a little when your long green claw points at them intently, gold rings glinting on your knuckles. “Get in the fucking house and find a fucking seat.”
“Okay red, damn.” 
Eddie watches you slap a hand on the outside of the car door and the two girls scatter inside, rushing past him where he’s partially hidden behind a pillar on the porch. Lisa gets back in and starts to drive off but not before he catches your eye and you wiggle those talons at him. He refuses to admit he's interested.
Danger danger danger
It’s not the fullest Rick’s has ever been but there’s too many people for Eddie to be comfortable. He didn’t even want to come tonight but Steve had some girl here and Rick had asked him if he was coming which meant he was supposed to be there. And now you’ve shown up with Lisa and it’s just feeling like the night could go sideways fast. 
Eddie has seen you around a few times but he’s not even sure what the fuck it is you do here most nights. You’re not one of Rick’s girls, you aren’t pushing and you don’t seem to be with any of the other guys. Watching you walk up the driveway, head buried in your phone while Lisa talks at the side of your head, he thinks you might just be here for moral support.
“-and they’re just gonna start fucking each other in my backseat? I just got that fucking thing cleaned I don’t want pussy all over my fucking leather!” 
“They know to stay out of trouble.”
“They are trouble. Hey Eddie.” Lisa all but purrs at him and it makes his skin crawl. It’s not that she isn’t hot, but the idea of getting caught with her would mean a lot of bad, bad things for him. She’s also too god damn loud for his liking. “You hanging out in the shadows like a ghoul?”
“Waiting on Steve.” He doesn’t move from his post, leaned against the column. Smiles at Lisa and then slides his eyes over to you where you’re still typing furiously on your phone. “Busy night?” That gets you to look up at him, all long lashes and gold liner around big eyes. They look black in the dim light out here and he feels like he’s staring into a viper tank. Your all curvy lines under your tight black dress, gold accents glittering against your hands. Gold hanging from your ears. Gold around your neck. It all feels like a warning to him. 
“You saw those two assholes. Gotta babysit.”
“Is that what you do around here?” He asks, hears Lisa laugh before she walks in, leaving you two in the doorway. 
You shrug. “Not all I do.” You look him up and down, taking in his outfit. He’s tall, lean under his torn jeans and tight black shirt. It’s hot tonight and you can see where the fabric clings to his chest; all his rings and necklaces and bracelet glint under the porch light. His curls hang in the humidity, skin luminous under all the black ink on his arms and neck. 
“What is it you do again?” A sarcastic tilt of your head and now you’re both smirking at each other. You know Eddie, you’ve heard about him, seen him around. You're about to make another jab when a loud commotion kicks off inside followed by the unmistakable sound of Steve’s laugh. 
Eddie pushes off his post to go find out if Steve is in trouble and leaves you to click away at your screen, watching him retreat into the deep thrum of the party inside. 
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Eddie was intending on convincing Steve to leave but he’s been too busy watching you move around the house. Never too far from Lisa and keeping an eye on Brittany and Becca, the troublemakers. One of them has already tried to get at him and he cut her off, doesn’t even look down at her. “Absolutely not.” 
He watched you laugh from across the living room, dark red lips that match your dyed hair, cutting into a smile when you tapped Lisa’s shoulder to tell her. The short black dress you’ve got on clings tight and inches up your thigh when you lean to whisper in her ear. He follows the curve of your thigh up to your hip and over your chest, neckline low where your tits are pushed up and almost over. The thin gold chain hangs low and shimmers against your cleavage, skin glowing with a sheen of sweat in the humid house. 
Eddie rolls his eyes and sighs at himself. His phone has been going off all night, Dani blowing up his notifications and he hasn’t cared. Doesn’t want to give you the time of day, knows you’re just gonna be another pain in his ass like Dani and Kim and Theresa and whoever the fuck else he has saved in his phone. 
Busy trying to scroll through all the ‘wyd?’ texts he doesn’t notice you sneak up beside him until you’re leaning on the same wall, candied almonds and rose rushing up with you. 
“Hey Nosferatu.” The ice in your drink clicks around the plastic cup. You smile at him like you’ve got a really good secret to tell him and he can’t help the little curl of his lip in your direction. 
“You done babysitting?”
“Eh, they’re somewhere around here.” You chase the straw in your drink, pink tongue poking out to pull it between your lips. “I was waiting for a good time to come bother you anyways.”
“Yeah! You’re all broody over here for most of the night. Steve fucked off and it looks like you don’t have any other friends to hang out with.” Another sip. “I can be your friend.” Sharp eyes under sharper eyeliner. He knows better. Should. 
“I have plenty of friends.”
“Aww.” You pout, leaning into him, body pushed fully up against his side. “Who doesn’t need more friends?” Your hand rests on his bicep but you walk your fingers down his arm till you hit his hands holding his phone. Pinching the corner of it you tug once and he relents. You grin up at him quick and open his contacts to ‘add new’. Before you hand it back he watches you scroll through the names. 
“Dani?” A gasp of mock disbelief. You lean closer to whisper, “she’s got a big ol’ boyfriend don’t you know?” He just raises his eyebrows at you. Before he puts his phone away he looks for your contact, ‘Red’ with fire emojis around it; flashes the screen at you. 
“Mhm.” You suck up the rest of your drink and shake the ice around for a second. “I’ve been told I have a very clever mouth. Lotta me is clever.” He knows better. He does but he still keeps his eyes on yours. Still reaches out and takes your cup to set on the table. Still matches his grin to yours when you ask if he wants to smoke. “Let’s go be friends somewhere quieter.”
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The basement is quiet except where the music bleeds through the ceiling. You’d thrown yourself on the worn couch and unbuckled your heels from your ankle. Eddie had watched in rapt fascination while pulling out his pre roll and fishing around for his lighter. 
“You gonna share?” A giggle that doesn’t belong to you, you’re not a giggling woman. 
“You’re really good at this.” Eddie says around the joint. Lights it and gets a deep pull while you sit and have the audacity to look confused. 
“Good at what?”
“Getting what you want.” 
“Oh yeah.” You laugh for real then, pretense dropped for a moment. Holding your hand out for him to pass the joint over, he just takes another drag. Another pout and you sit up ready to snatch it out of his hand when he closes the short distance between the two of you. Grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks, leans down and blows the smoke over your painted lips. He can feel your face pulling into a smile under his fingers. Hears you breathe deep, watches your tongue poke out again to lick your lips and he spots the gold stud. 
“You’re dangerous.”
“I don’t have to be.” An arch of your manicured eyebrow and honestly, fuck it. He’s gotten this far and you haven’t gutted him yet with those claws. In fact he can feel them creeping up into his hair, pulling it back away from his face so you can move up and kiss him hard. He’s stuck kneeling over you, holding out the joint over the back of the couch and balancing himself on the other hand while you hold on to the back of his neck. It’s all tongue and teeth until you bite his bottom lip too hard and he rears back. “What the fuck?” 
“Sorry, just wanted a taste.” 
“Oh come on Eddie.” You surge up into his space making him rock back on his heel. “You look like the type that likes a little pain.” You’re mocking him a bit, but your hands are trailing down the front of him to hook your fingers in his belt. He’s finding it a little hard to care about you being a bitch right now. Staring him down while you slide the buckle open slowly, watching him take another hit that he blows in your face again. 
“Are we fucking or fighting I can’t tell.” His hand is up under your jaw quick. A tight hold that doesn’t quite hurt but he’s keeping you in place while he places the joint gingerly in the middle of your lips. 
“Please shut the fuck up.” A real smile from him when you don’t reply and just suck on the smoke. You get the button on his jeans undone, pull the fly down and he shifts, pulls your face with him when he leans back against the couch. Guides you around and you get what he’s doing when you climb off the couch and kneel between his spread knees on the cold concrete. Eddie let’s go of your face to pluck the joint away and the last puff trails out of your lips after it. He sees you ready to say something and cuts you off. 
“Don’t.” Turns his head away for a moment and you tuck your lips in to your teeth and grin to hold in a laugh. 
He slouches down further when you run your hands up over his thighs and pull down on his open jeans, nails running over the black ink peeking out between his rucked up shirt and the band of his boxers. The weed is starting to settle in, feels it in the droop of his eyelids. He watches you through his lashes while you run your hands over him, squeezing his cock through his jeans. A hiss around a mouthful of smoke and you pull at his boxers so you can get your hands on him. 
His cock springs free and hits his stomach and you’d almost say he’s pretty. Pale like the rest of him except the head, flushed dark pink like his lips. When you run the tip of a finger up the underside his head lolls back and you see his hand flex against his thigh. 
“I’ve heard about your work from Kim.” He lifts his head to stare down his nose at you. “My work.” He says flatly. 
You glance down at his dick. “I’m impressed so far.” 
He huffs a laugh and brings his hand up to your hair that you slap away quick. 
“Don’t fuck up my hair, it took me forever to get it all up.” You scowl at him and that and the slap sets him off. He doesn’t move for a second before reaching up and finding the hair tie in the mess of your bun and pulls it out. Flings it across the basement floor and buries his fingers in at the crown of your head to pull at your hair. There’s a fight in the back of your throat that’s taken over by a gasp. You reach your hand up, lick a long stripe up your palm before grabbing his cock and giving him a few lazy strokes. There’s a rumble in his chest and he pulls your head closer, can hear the wet of your mouth when you open to run your tongue over the flushed head. Your tongue is soft and when the bar catches on the underside ridge he bucks up into your hand. When he drops his head back again you finally wrap your lips around him fully, bobbing your head down to meet your fist. You know he isn’t going to give you the satisfaction of sound, but the flexing of his hand in your hair is enough to tell you everything. 
“Fuck…” he whispers to the ceiling when you roll your tongue around him, sucking hard and pumping your hand. The scratch of your acrylics distracts him with goosebumps, enough he doesn’t hear you pop off of him, letting a line of spit fall onto your fist, wet sound louder than the party upstairs. When you lean down and suck one of his balls in your mouth his leg jumps and he feels the vibration of your laughter in your closed mouth. His hand pulls harder at your hair and you moan, rolling your tongue around his sack and pumping your hand faster along his length. He almost crushes the joint in his hand, moves it to clutch it between his lips, muttering around it while you work him over. 
“If you wanted to suck my dick you just had to ask.” You hum around him before coming up for air, hand still stroking his cock. “Didn’t have to do that whole dance up there.” He lazily points up toward the living room. 
“Where’s the fun in that?” Your mouth is wet, eyes watering slightly but none of your makeup has budged. He’s also impressed. Nudges you forward again and you open wide, sticking your tongue out to tap the fat head of his cock against it. Between the sound and the feeling of that little bearing hitting him the heat creeping up his abdomen moves faster. His hand tightens in your hair again and you speed up your hand, switching between running the pad of your thumb and the tip of your tongue over the sensitive spot just under the head. 
“Don’t fucking move.” He mutters. 
You settle down right up against his thighs, tits pushed up against the cushion under him, free arm thrown over his thigh hugging him close. You flutter your lashes at him and the last few strokes you squeeze him, running your tongue up the underside of his cock and the only warning you get is the impossibly tighter grip on your hair holding you in place. His eyes squeeze shut and he comes in long spurts, hitting the back of your throat, low groan breathed out from deep in his chest. You slow your hand down, pulling at him till he taps the back of your hand; wait until he opens his bleary eyes to close your mouth and run your thumb up along your chin where a dribble of his come leaked out. Eddie watches you suck on your thumb and make a show out of swallowing. You smile at him like a cat that got the canary. 
Danger Danger Danger
“Well,” you stand up slowly and pull your dress down a little, “that was fun.” Lean forward and take the roach out of his mouth and kill it, stubbing whatever is left of the ember out on the side table. You pull his own move on him and the let the last hit trickle out from between your puffy lips across his own bitten ones. 
“I really hope you text me Eddie.” 
He’s quiet for a beat, watching your eyes flick between his own. 
“Depends on when I’m free.”
“Who else is gonna suck your balls, huh?”
He laughs out loud, breaking the weird tension finally. 
“Well then what did Dani do to get a new purse?”
“Not that.” Eddie says while tucking himself back into his underwear and buttoning his jeans. You’re putting your shoes back on and his eyes linger on your ankle where you do up the small buckle there. The search for your hair tie is fruitless and he almost feels bad until you start to shake your hair out and he gets to watch you flip it around, tits bouncing with the movement. You run your fingers through it and lean down to get your phone from between the couch cushions, shooting him a wink before heading back up the stairs to the party. 
“I guess I’ll just have to try harder next time.”
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shadyshaylee114 · 1 month
Orc x minotaur x oc
Zephyr and Vasileios watched the little human female stumble thru their labyrinth her soft brown hair was laced with flowers while they couldn't see her face with her back turn she was dorned with a long white dress. Zephyr looked at Vasileios the minotaur stood atleast a foot taller then the young orc his fur pitch black the only real color on Vasileios being the gold septum piercing he had earned before being placed in the labyrinth.
"They probably threw the poor thing in here as a sacrifice as they have the others before her. We can lead her out as always." Zephyr stated. Vasileios laid his pale blue eyes on the young orc who had sworn loyalty to him ages ago when he still only had two tusk now the forest green orc was alittle over 6ft tall with four tusk and well earned warrior marking dorning his skin. Zephyr's gold eyes looked at him for his guidance and wisdom on what to do with the young woman. But when he looked at the young woman again a sense of longing filled him, the urge to take the female back to their lair and dourn her with the jewels and furs they had earned over there years.
"No, not yet lets see what she does first." Vasileios found himself saying hoping that the longer they watched either his urge would go away or Zephyr would also get the same instinct.
Aria sighed, unaware of the 2 pairs of eyes watching her every move. The village was going to sacrifice one of the children into the labyrinth. Knowing the tales of the monsters who ruled the area and how ruthless they were rumored to be. She couldn't believe they'd do something so awful, but fear made people into fools. Aria knew that better than anyone. Shaking the darker thoughts from her mind Aria smiled brightly she'd made it through worse situations then be stuck in a labyrinth with some beast aslong as she moved and left it alone hopefully it'd return the favor. She quickly picked a direction, hoping it'd lead her to an exit.
Zephyr couldn't believe it. Vasileios had never let a mortal walk the labyrinth this was their home, and he didn't take kindly to strangers being inside. He always got them out as fast as they had entered. Zephyr looked back at the little female who had started to make her way deeper inside she was attractive for a mortal, but they had plenty of pretty females thrown in as sacrifice, which made this one different. Sure, her curvy body was a site to behold, and the way she smiled softly even at the roughest portions of the labyrinth was enough to steal a man or monsters breath. Zephyr cursed in his native tongue, realizing why him and his brother were truly drawn to the female she was there's or at least she would be. A true mate while Zephyr and Vasileios where both honorable and deserving of gifts a true mate was something not given lightly.
This is later on in the story but since this accidently posted I wanted to share a small smut part. At this point Vasileios and Zephyr have decided to collect there female she had fallen asleep and they are talking on there way back to. There home.
"She's so small Vasileios." Zephyr stated as they began to walk towards there lair. Vasileios chuckled understanding what the young orc was thinking. How was she going to take one of them let alone both.
"That's where we get to enjoy ourselves the most Zeph we get to make sure she's stretched, wet, and needy enough for use that no other thought then taking us will consume her." Vasileios groaned out the images flashing thru his thoughts. Wondering what color her closed eyes hid and what they would look like brimming with tears as she begged for more even though she was much to sensitive, from cumming on both his and zephyr's fingers and tongues.
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tommysversion · 1 year
What about a reader x joel fic where reader is insecure of her body but joel doesn't care what her body looks like cause he loves her, and shows her how much he loves her with loads of fluff and maybe smut?
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CWs: body image issues / insecurity / mild hints of internalised fatphobia / fatphobic language & insinuation
Notes: I went down the fluff route for this one, Anon, I hope that's okay.
It's not that you don't like how you look. In fact, you've spent a lot of time over the years actively fighting the impulse not to.
You've always been bigger. Curvy. Hell, as an adult, you have no problem labelling yourself as fat, because it's not a dirty word. Sure, there are people who would use it as a slur, but you've long since come to the conclusion that that's their problem, not yours.
You've fought tooth and nail to be comfortable in your own skin, in a world that valued your complete opposite.
It seems like nowadays, most people are on the slim side. That, or they're walls of solid muscle from hard labour. Being stocky is an asset; it means you can survive.
Unfortunately, the tendency towards bitchiness that runs in some people didn't get the memo that the world ended almost twenty two years ago.
You're not blind to the looks some of the people in town give you. The sly suggestion that putting you on kitchen duty was a terrible idea, surely you must be sneaking extra.
You know it's bullshit, know that the words are just hateful remarks from people who have never once lived in your skin - either through luck of genetics, or simply from being young enough to have been born into a world on the constant precipice of hunger.
Still. Sometimes the words sting. Remind you of middle school. Of self imposed small portions and your mother's worried expression as you refused cakes, refused sweet teas, refused anything bigger than a fist sized helping, until your aunt had pointed out all of the happy, beautiful women with your body type on the internet, on TV, in magazines and on Broadway.
It had been the start of a long journey of self acceptance, of riotous body positivity, of wearing t-shirts with slogans proclaiming fat positivity, of punching a boy who called you a slur in the balls and getting suspended for a week. That same aunt had taken you to see a musical while you were suspended, had bought you a journal to write in.
You like to think you're a strong person. You've lived through that, lived through the literal fucking apocalypse. But you're only human, and sometimes words sting.
Leave you standing in front of the full length mirror in your shared bedroom, poking and jiggling at yourself with a critical eye that you know is distinctly un-feminist, so unlike you.
Your gaze is critical as you inspect stretch marks. On a good day, those are your stripes. You make jokes about being a zebra whenever Joel touches them, never remotely critical himself.
Joel. He was... something else. He'd come into town with his adopted daughter, remained cold and closed off to almost everyone except her and his brother for months, until he'd seen you make Ellie laugh. Until he'd heard her ask you how to make cookies, heard you promise to show her.
Then he'd started, slowly, to come out of his shell. To spend more time with you. Brought you flowers. Now you lived together, with Ellie just down the hallway, because there was no way in hell a sixteen year old was going to live by herself, even in Jackson.
You're confident in yourself enough to know that you're well matched, but when you get like this? Sometimes it's easy to think differently. To worry that maybe he might prefer someone younger, with a more traditionally, socially accepted standard of beauty.
You're just getting lost in that spiral when Joel comes in from the shower, already dressed for the day in jeans, flannel shirt, and jacket over the top.
"What're you doing, darlin'? You'll catch a cold."
He snags a spare shirt from the edge of the bed, comes to wrap it around you. He's broad as hell, so you can wear his shirts without feeling self conscious. Not that you ever would, anyway, stealing his clothes is your favourite pastime.
"Honestly?" You've always prided yourself on being truthful with him. "I'm feeling kind of crappy."
You let him wrap the shirt around you, put your arms into the sleeves and exhale at the scent of him still lingering in the fabric.
"You think you're getting sick?" His hand moves to your forehead, and in spite of yourself, you smile.
"No, it's not that, it's just..." You sigh. "You don't mind how I look, right?"
Joel stares at you as if you've just spoken a foreign language, grown a second head, and told him you're giving up baking, all in one go.
"Of course I don't mind. What's that even s'posed to mean, do I mind?"
"Because I'm fat, Joel. Because there aren't exactly many women who look like me in town, and people talk, and -"
"Don't call yourself fat." Joel means well, and god he loves you, but he's still got that mindset that older people have where fat is a dirty word, even though you've explained the concept of reclaiming a slur to him.
"I mean. You can. But don't... say it to put yourself down."
The fact that he's listened to your rambles about body positivity makes you feel better.
"People still talk..."
"Fuck 'em. Let them talk. See if I give a shit." He says gruffly, wraps his arms around you then squeezes gently. "Don't care that there aren't many girls who look like you. Makes you special."
Another hug, before his hands rub over your stretch marks, over the softness of your tummy, of your thighs.
"You're perfect as you are. Absolutely perfect. I don't want you to change. I love how you're confident in yourself, and I wouldn't change a damn thing. Ellie needs that sort of role model."
You offer him a watery smile. How is it that someone so stoic can be so sweet when he wants to?
"C'mon. Push those bad thoughts away, lets get you dressed before you freeze. Didn't you promise Ellie a baking day?"
You smile again, lean in to kiss him lightly on the cheek before you glance once more at your reflection; the shadow of your earlier mood gone when you look at yourself, wrapped in Joel's arms, safe and loved and perfect, just as you are.
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
How to Spot an AI-Generated Tai in the Wild!
Because I am insanely obsessed with the blorbo and AI art is a hot-button topic right now, here's a silly thing. I'm sure most artists can tell the difference between real and AI art. But my autistic brain wants to pick apart Tai's character design a bit so here you go. This applies to all seasons, touching on basic traits Tai has between them. So I won't go too much into clothing here (people like to dress him up in different cool outfits anyway- keep doing that).
Note that this isn't true to all models, but works 90% of the time. AI art is advancing so quickly that this may be obsolete by tomorrow. Also, real art might "fail" these little tests simply due to lack of experience drawing the character. If you suspect someone is posting AI art, just block and move on. Report if you want, but you know how Tumblr feels about AI. Most importantly? Don't use this post to be a dick.
WARNING: This post uses AI-generative images found from around the Internet for demonstrative purposes. No credit is given because if the "creators" wanted credit, they should've learned how to actually draw. :)
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Tai has this nice, tanned skin tone that the rest of the Adventure DigiDestined do not have. While he keeps it in 02 and tri, he loses his color in Kizuna. A real fanart piece is most likely to reflect this, or even add color to his paler designs.
Most AI models have a generic pasty white skin tone for anime characters. This applies to any anime character, not just Tai. I believe this model might have gobbled up his Kizuna skin tone. But I've seen fake Tais even paler than this.
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There are some AI models that combat this. But the standard AI identification tricks apply. Here, the tongue is mushy, and the highlights on his goggles make no sense.
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Ah yes- my point of expertise. Tai's hair is a difficult thing to draw. I don't blame anyone for dropping the ball here. But AI does have some notable, repetitive failings.
A "legit" Tai tends to have fluff, rather than spikes. The bangs consist of one stripe over the forehead. The few spikes present designate messiness, but the general shape is actually curvy (look at the top right side of the head for the most wavy lines). The size of the floof ranges between adaptions and even storyboard artists.
AI-generators are convinced that all "anime hair" is spiky. Notice this AI Tai has more spikes and less curved lines.
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Then, there's this one, which drops the ball on Tai and Matt so bad that both characters resemble Bakugou from My Hero Academia.
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Eye shape and color has some leeway depending on the artist's style. Adventure/02, tri., and Kizuna supply three different eye styles. However, there are still some dead giveaways.
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Revisiting this AI-generated image, the eyes look...familiar. No?
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How about now? The modern Pokemon anime style has been completely absorbed by AI models. Sometimes, Digimon and Pokemon will be confused for each other, resulting in similar eye shapes and other traits (look at the noses, too).
There's some times you can look at an art and know with confidence it was human-made, such as-
MS Paint blobs/sketches on lined paper/anything showing layers/etc. They're too unrefined for an AI image creator to want to profit off of, so why would they make them?
Some fetish art. A lot of kinksters are using AI, which is why deviantArt made good ammunition for this post. But many have distinct art styles that AI has not copied yet.
Western-cartoony art with hard or thick lines. AI is allergic to these traits atm. Notice the softer, thinner outlines on all three fakes.
Clearly attempting to master Tai's unique traits, even if they don't translate well (e.g.- a dome vaguely shaped like his hair is more credible than a "perfect" hairdo with too many spikes).
All of this could change tomorrow, at the rate at which AI advances. I'm fairly good at deducing AI art from human-made art. But a recent piece almost tricked me (interestingly, it was Davis- not Tai- who looked off). These things are constantly evolving. But in addition to the usual tricks, knowing your blorbos can help identify AI images so you can freely block (or, when applicable, report) the idiots who made them.
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bugs1nmybrain · 8 months
Give Your Heart a Break - Chapter 3: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!reader series
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Notes: This series is going to be released slowly due to my workload from school and jobs. That said, it may be sloppy and inconsistent. I will try my best to make it all mesh together! I reread Chapter 2 and will admit it was weak, but I was kind of just trying to gear up for them to meet in person.
ALSO! I am going to try to include songs that inspire my fics at the top of them! I hope it helps convey the mood of my stories.
Summary: Tomura and the reader finally meet in person after their discord call from last chapter.
Warnings: 18+ content (minors don't interact), shigaraki has a psychotic disorder and his voices act up violently when he's stressed, substance use (weed), POV swings, repressed Tenko Shimura themes, Dabi shows up but doesn't do much, long chapter, reader and Tomura are moving fast tbh, not fully proofread
Word Count: 4568
Notes About Y/N?:
anything from ch 1 and 2 applies here
she's a stoner
reader is actually hella shy
autistic coded
she has an interesting quirk<3
reader is the child of people who use substances, but she herself doesn't use anything past the holy trinity of "okay" substances: alcohol, weed, and nicotine
she's a virgin
Shigaraki was about to jump out of his skin. He could see your silhouette through your window as he stood outside your house. Even through the window, he could see how curvy you were. It made his mouth water. Fuck, you aren't even out the door and he's already being a pervert.
He was so anxious yet very excited. He was confident that you somewhat liked him, too. You wouldn't have agreed to come out with him at almost midnight if you didn't. His mission tonight was to be as not-scary as he could be, which he didn't think he'd ever want to do.
The sound of your front door opening made his heart pound viciously, and he stood where he was across the road with a shit-eating grin on his face and a fruit punch rockstar (pinky up!). You looked at him with a blushy smile and began stepping close to him, stomping heavily in your platform-heeled black boots. When you got up close to him, he couldn't help but laugh softly when he realized that you were still so short even with the shoes, though you didn't seem to pick up on his laughter.
"Hey," Tomura said with a crack in his voice, as if his voice couldn't get any more raspy.
"Heyy," you replied nervously, but forcing a smile.
"I had a long day at work before we started talking."
"Sounds like shit. I got you this," he looked at you like an excited puppy and held you the energy drink. "This is the kind you like, right?"
"Yeah," you smile kindly, taking the can. "Thank you for getting this."
"Of course, hehe. Have you been dressed like that all day?"
"No, I only got dressed like, 20 minutes ago?"
"You look pretty," Tomura smiled, looking visibly turned on by your fitting clothes, though he tried very hard to keep eye contact. He noticed you look down at yourself briefly whenever he snuck a look and you were clearly uncomfortable. Fuck, that's the last thing he wanted. Has he already fucked this up?
You fucking monster
Take her
Tomura began itching his neck in frustration, though he took a deep inhale through his nose and tried to pay attention to you instead.
"Whatcha wanna do?" He asked, huffing out his words anxiously.
"I don't know. To be honest, I don't hang out with people often," she shared.
"That's good, it means you realize how shitty most people are, right?" he laughs.
"Yea, that's true. I'm also new around here."
"It's my pleasure to be your new best friend, then," Shigaraki chuckled. "Or no?"
"You move fast."
"What's moving, exactly?" He retorted with a cocky face.
Your laughter was like bubbles popping to him when he heard you giggle in response. He's got you, he knows it. You kept holding your head down at your feet, a habit Tomura noticed while you were talking. It frustrated him because he wanted to see your pretty face and the spooky makeup you put on it.
On the other hand, he understood what it was like to not want to flaunt your face. If you didn't happen to be a normal civilian he would've shown up with father on his face and maybe some of the others. Instead, he wore a hoodie, though his hood was up. He hardly ever left it down in public.
Now that he thought of it, he remembered you saying you liked his hair. Tomura let his hoodie down, falling to his shoulders and exposing his dry, tangled blue hair. Your face froze as you admired his baby-blue pigment. You also began to take in his ruby-red eyes and dehydrated appearance, with scars on his neck and face. He looked like a beaten-up kitten and a strange part of you instantly wanted to take care of him.
Shigaraki took your appearance in as well because now he could properly see your face. You looked at him with curious eyes, perky and alert. At the top of your shoulder, though, he saw what looked like an animated red heart beside you. Then it faded away.
Was he hallucinating again?
He shook the thought off and started noticing your face, instead. Your black eyeliner smudged your eyes, making them look intimidating, though to him you were no threat whatsoever. He admired your lips, as well. They looked softer than his, and he wondered how they'd feel. Even at 20, he had never kissed anyone. He had gotten one blowjob, but it was a hooker that he had paid for, and he couldn't shake the thought that the one sucking his cock was only doing it for money. Not that there was anything wrong with that at all, Tomura was just more romantic than he thought. They never kissed, and it felt empty for him.
"We could just take a walk," y/n suggested. He noticed your face back down facing your feet.
"Do you want to come to my place?" Tomura suggested back. Though bringing you around his roommates might be a challenge. You're cute.
He saw your hesitant face, a little offended by your quick distrust, at least from what he could tell. "I promise, I don't bite." Oh, the irony. The only thing roaming around in your head was what his intentions were. Tomura didn't exactly know himself.
"Where's your place? I'm not sure if I can stay the night."
"When did I say you could?" He retorted sarcastically.
"Oh, sorry."
"I'm teasing. I live about a 15 minute walk from here, is that okay?"
On your way to his place, you took in the fresh air and calming night scenery. There was a strange nostalgic feeling, though for no particular reason that you could think of. There were moments between you two when you wouldn't talk at all, but when you did, you came to notice that Tenko was a geeky, yet feisty guy. He had an interest in games, and had admitted to playing League of Legends, DOOM, some shit on the Switch, and occasionally GTA but he said that "the fun stopped years ago."
The two of you fumbled a bit, more you than him. Your socially awkward composure made it hard for you to not be jittery, but he seemed like a harmless guy thus far (haha, you had no idea). He was awkward, too, but had more guts to speak up.
Tomura would discover how truly shy you were. Your body shook when you talked, and your voice cracked in sheepish fear (he knew well what that looked like). He could tell you were socially anxious and that it probably wasn't just because he was scary, but he had a deep feeling that you thought he was. However, when he managed to get you to talk, you were quite funny and unique. It was cute to him, freakily enough, turning him on a little. He's had a semi for a bit, but the hoodie covered his crotch, thankfully.
His libido got the best of him sometimes, because the ass on you was a distraction. You were walking a little in front of him, so he could get a look without feeling like too much of a pervert. You looked cozy and huggable.
"fuck," Shigaraki thought abruptly.
He thankfully had a pair of gloves from Dr. Ujiko, ones that combated his quirk. He only really used them when he was sleeping or when he couldn't possibly avoid disintegrating something. He'd been careless, not even realizing how his quirk could easily fuck this up until now. Maybe he was being a bit entitled to already think that you'll automatically let him get close enough to touch you.
Still, explaining his quirk to you was going to be interesting. It would probably break his heart if you didn't want him, fuck, even want to be friends with him because of his quirk.
grab her, she is yours
Tomura ignored his aggravating voices and you and him continued to walk, laugh together, and drink your energy drinks like punkass kids. You finally came up on an apartment complex. It looked run down from the outside, most of the nearby apartments did, too.
His place was a few floors up. As soon as Tenko opened the doors, there was a whiff of a musky, dusty smell. A linger of cigarette smoke, maybe a little weed. For you, there was some level of familiarity with the smell because of your upbringing. The time was about 12:11am, so the apartment wasn't loud, although there was a faint sound of rap music playing in someone's room, and they were clearly smoking, based on how fresh the odor was.
"So, let me address this now," Tenko began. "Are you comfortable being in my room?"
You cocked an eyebrow.
"I mean, like, I know it's awkward being in a guy's room. We can hang out in the living room, if ya want," he pressed his lips together, sort of wishing you said yes to his room.
"Can we hang out-out here?"
"Nooo," Tomura thought internally.
"Aight," he said aloud.
Tomura plopped down on the couch, looking in your direction to indicate that you could sit there too. You sat some space away from him, making him a bit sad.
Shigaraki had never had a girl in his place before, not one that wasn't Toga or Magne. Not one he wanted. He was kind of nervous, but excited! He saw this as a good opportunity to try to get to know you, and maybe rizz you up a lil. Though, he'd never done that to anyone who wasn't a person on Discord, so he wasn't sure how to establish a bond.
Honestly, he was taking a bit of a chance with you. You didn't really do much to impress him yet, but your warmness to him made him feel important. In a different way than being his master's successor.
"Do you want to play video games? That's kind of the only thing we have to do here. And smoke weed, but I don't know if you do drugs."
"That's kind of an intense way to refer to weed," you comment.
"Then you smoke?"
"Awesome. Let me grab some shit and we can smoke. Maybe game at the same time??"
You laugh softly, "sure, sounds fun."
He could see a restless tremor in you, though, he felt that you liked him. That you enjoyed him, thus far. You were probably just shy because you had a crush on him :)
You had taken note at his neck when Tenko took off his hoodie, noticing how slender he was under it. You only saw him with his sweatshirt on so far. He was kind of...sexy? Your body radiated a few small hearts, dark red in color. Tenko was already out of the room before he could see, you thanked.
Little did Tenko know, you were also an inexperienced person when it came to girl and guy interaction. You were attracted to him, definitely. You were a virgin, though, and were worried to get too close to the "wrong person." You didn't know much about him yet. You sat patiently in the living room, tired from the day behind you. Thanks to Tenko, you now had caffeine, helping you fight the eepy.
It didn't take Tenko long before he reemerged with a pipe and a bag of pot. You got an instant waff of the flower when he opened the bag and took some out. He sat down, close beside you. You were a little nervous and startled, but you now got to smell his scent. He was a little smelly, but in a way that you hadn't known before. It was masculine and acted as pheromones for you right now.
Your hearts started popping out, this time colored a tangerine orange shade.
Tenko swung his head in your direction, instantly seeing them. He squinted at you and looked confused. You recalled that he heard voices, so maybe he thought that he was seeing things. You averted eye contact very quick and started mumbling.
"Uh..I'm sorry.."
"Huh? I can't hear you."
"My quirk."
Tenko began picking out the stems in the weed, and you noticed he was wearing black gloves, but they were only covering he ring finger, pinky, and thumbs. You hadn't seen them on him before. Did he have a germ phobia? He didn't smell like he did.
He turned to face you every now and then, "I'm listening."
"You sure stutter a lot."
"Yea, I do."
"Are..the hearts your quirk? Or am I seeing things. In that case, this must be confusing as fuck to hear. Sorry."
"No! It's okay. No, you're not seeing things."
"Huh..What does it mea-."
Separate foot steps came up to the living room. You and Tenko looked up to see an average height man with black hair and burn marks all over him, staples keeping himself in place. He had piercings on his ears and his nose, and he had a cocky demeanor to him. You recognized this guy, you thought, but were having trouble thinking where from.
"You smoking?" He drawn out in a tired yawn.
"Uh..yea," Tomura replied.
"Who's this?" Dabi said, eyeing you down. Tomura had a millisecond instinct of possession. If Dabi swooned you, which wouldn't be a surprise, he'd be very pissed. Furious, even. He shot Dabi a look of "don't try anything," and Dabi knew full well what his face was telling him.
"I'm y/n," you said.
"Ah. I've never seen you. Are you and Shigaraki together?"
Tomura froze.
Not this quick, he thought. He thought he could pull some Aladdin shit and roll with a fake identity for a bit.
DABI YOU FUCKING IDIOT he thought, starting to panic internally.
K-kill he-
"Jesuss..." Tomura groaned, trying to drown out his voices. He held his hands at the back of his neck and leaned back.
Destroy her, destroy, kill
You furrowed your brows and now it was coming together on your end.
The League of Villains were infamous, of course you knew the name "Shigaraki." The most wanted criminal around and notorious for rather..inhumane crimes. You tried telling yourself that he could be a different Shigaraki, but you now figured out the guy with patches on himself. Dabi, who stood out like a sore thumb in the photos that were taken of their gang. Shigaraki did, too. But he had a dead hand on his face whenever you saw pictures, so you didn't recognize him.
Tomura could sense your own panic from planets away. He saw you trembling, and he was trying to come up with a quick lie in his head, but you were already speaking.
"Are you Dabi?" you said in a neutral tone.
"Yeuh. How'd you know?"
"Uh.Ten...Tomura?" you said his name as if you were asking him a question, but continued. "He's talked about you."
He was confused now. Were you playing along? The fuck? Or did you feel like you had to? You could've felt in danger, he considered.
"Good things, I hope," Dabi slurred.
Tomura wanted to question you, but didn't want to cause tension about the fact that you now both knew he was manipulating you into thinking he was some ordinary guy. He also didn't want to have this conversation around Dabi. You didn't say anything else.
Dabi crouched on the floor. "Give me some."
"Invite Spinner, too, I don't want to look at only your ugly face."
"He's sleeping. Don't you have eye candy next to you?"
Oh right. He thinks you and Tomura are dating. And he called you "eye candy." So many angry thoughts were racing through Tomura's head. You were probably terrified right now, and he knew this whole situation was fucked. He had no idea what to say.
But he tried, turning to you shamefully and mumbled out, "do you still wanna smoke?"
You paused, unsure what the answer should be. You should be trying to find a way to leave and soon. These guys are...well. The League of Villains. Though, you found yourself agreeing with their mission, even if murder, abducting a high schooler, and assaulting people weren't anything you necessarily felt comfortable with.
Tenko- or Tomura, had made you feel seen up to this point. You didn't feel that way, ever. He took interest in you while also wanting to listen to you. You shared interests, and personality traits even if yours were more sheltered away. When you knew someone closely, you were talkative and feisty, too. You felt understood, somehow. And maybe that shouldn't excuse him being a horrible person, but your need for validation and attention took over you.
"Light that shit up," you declared.
You saw a smile crack on his face, which was admittedly very cute. He was scary looking, but not to you. He looked run down and scrunkly, with his pale skin and tinted sharp teeth. Itch marks all over him and dry wrinkles at his forehead and eyes. He also had a beauty mark below the edge of his dry lips.
But he looked adorable, and you had a desire to just have him hold you. You knew of his quirk, of course. But you were guessing that his gloves were because of his quirk. He was protecting you.
Your hearts fluttered rapidly, and Dabi raised an eyebrow. He didn't care to ask anything, figuring it was your quirk. He could tell it was in response to Shigaraki, which was easy to deduce. Tomura started to get it, too.
Tomura, you and Dabi all passed around the bowl, not saying much. You'd cough viciously, trying to hold it back. Shigaraki saw your eyeliner mess up from the tears you made from coughing. He wanted to snatch you up, absolutely infatuated with your girlish charm.
"You alive?" He asked.
"What strain is this??" You asked with slurred speech and dozed off red eyes.
"Uh, weed. I don't know. Dabi, what's this shit?" He asked, as Dabi usually was the one who acquired the League's stash of pot.
"Probably GMO."
"Probably? If you lace my company I'll knock you out."
You giggled out. Tomura's sense of humor was one of your favorite things about him so far. And maybe you should be scared, but you felt comfortable around him whenever he cracked jokes and smiled at you.
"Jesus, it's not laced. If I wanted to do coke or something, I'd do the actual thing," Dabi joked.
"It's okay. I'm just really stoned," you laughed.
"A lightweight, huh?" Tomura snickered. "It's cuz you're so little."
"Am not."
"You're like, 5 foot nothing."
"I'm (your height)!" You retaliated.
"Uh-huh. I could put you in my pocket, if I wanted. Do you wanna game?"
Tomura turned on his console, giving you the option to pick a game. You chose your favorite video game, as it was already owned by Shigaraki. He and Dabi watched you play badly, with Dabi chuckling and Tomura groaning at the sight.
"Let me try," he said.
"You'll just steal it from me," you assumed.
"Well, you've tried this mission like 6 times," he pointed out.
"Oooo okay smart ass," Tomura said in a flirty tone. "Let me show you then, hm?"
Tomura scooched closer to you, holding his controller with his hands perched on against the top of your thigh. He was trying to show you what moves to play, telling you all his strategies. He was also testing you and paid close attention to how you responded to his close proximity. You had to now know what his quirk was. You didn't pull back from him to his satisfaction, but he was still confused.
"Here, you see how I'm doing this? Now you try."
Every time he talked to you, he had a sort of softness to his voice. A raspy yet nurturing tone, even when you messed up your game repeatedly. And you'd respond with a blushy and embarrassed tone, but obviously swooned by Tomura's charisma.
Dabi could sense the horny from Tomura and got up, not wanting to see this shit. "You two have fun."
Shiggy felt like he could breathe with Dabi leaving. Now he had you all to himself, which might work in his favor. You still seemed uneasy, but at the same time he saw that your body had relaxed more. He was a little shocked, and wondered what the ulterior meaning was for it.
"So.."y/n started. "You're..not Tenko? Or is that a nickname?"
"Uh..jesus," He sighed, cupping his forehead anxiously. "No. No, I'm not. You know who I am, right? I'm sorry."
"I, um. Yea, I think so. I knew who he was, too. You're Tomura Shigaraki?"
"That's meee. Are you gonna leave? Tell someone?" He sad in a worried and sharp voice.
What? No. I won't, it's just, I guess I'm taken aback."
"I couldn't just tell you who I was that quick, d'ya get it? Especially online."
"Yea, I know."
You and him turned and faced each other, both of you breathing hard. Your hearts turned blue, but appeared in slow succession. Tomura cocked a brow, and finally was able to inquire about your quirk now that Dabi was gone.
"What are those hearts about? I have a guess, but.."
"mmmnNN," you grunted in embarrassment. "It's nothing.."
"Liar," he chuckled. "Is it cuz you like me?"
He was taking a bold risk to ask that, but so much was already on the table. Asking you if you wanted him wasn't much more intimidating, unless it added to the mess. His eyes were lidded and he smirked when he questioned you. You could tell he liked you, himself. There was a hint of desire and arousal that you could sense from him, as well.
You blushed a deep rose color and looked away from him. "K-kind of..."
"Mm, and is the Shigaraki thing a dealbreaker?"
"I..I don't want it to be," you smiled, and he saw your eyes shine at him.
"I promise I'll be nice to you," he joked, leaning closer to you.
"I...okay. I trust that, and honestly, I kind of don't care? That you're Shigaraki, that is. Well! Of course I care. But I like you, and you've made me feel like my company is wanted. People see me as weird, and offputting. You don't, at least I don't think. Why me, though? I mean, why do you like me?"
"Uh, cuz you're cute?" wow Tomura. "Shit, that was creepy. Uh, you're nice. Nicer to me than most people, and you like my hair and stuff. You also seem to find me quite funny, yea? You're also unique, and you dress spooky. You're a funny girl, and you play games with me!! I can tell you're an anxious mess, but you seem to want to be around me, and even when you found out about me being who I am, you didn't try to leave or treat me differently. I don't know, I just think you and I would be good together. And what's not to like? You're kind of my dream girl."
You laugh, flustered and feeling undeserving of all the praise. "You don't know me much."
"Can I get to know you, then?"
"I mean..yes..can I get to know you too? I don't know if what I hear on the news is all that you are,"you smiled widely while looking away from him. It pissed him off a little when you'd avoid him. He brought his gloved fingers to hold your jaw, and gently turned you to look at him.
"I can see you better when you look at me," he said in a seductive tone. He stroked the side of your jaw with his thumb while he ran his tongue along the roof of his mouth. The risk of decay scared you, but you trusted the gloves would be okay, and if your quirk did the right thing, you two may not need them soon...The hearts you produced had many colors now, all red, dark red, and white.
He snickered. "Do the different colors mean different things?" Tomura asked.
"Y-yea..The standard color is red, but different colors mean different emotions."
"So," Tomura rang his hand to pet your hair for a brief moment before setting it at your side. Rapid dark red, white, and red hearts continued to flutter out of you. "What do those ones mean?"
You tensed up, knowing full well the meanings, but admitting to two of them was embarrassing. Vulnerable, even. Was this all going too quick? Frankly, the adrenaline and attraction were entirely operating you at the moment.
"Spit it out," he jabbed.
"The red ones..they're standard hearts that say, "I think you're attractive.""
"Thanks. I think I'm ugly as shit, but-"
"You aren't. I think you're very cute, hehehe!!"
"Oh really?" He teased. "Ehah..what do the burgandy colors mean? And..the white ones?"
"What?" He laughed, getting the feeling that they had a not-so-innocent meaning to them.
"They, uh..they mean that-that I'm..that I'm turned on."
Satisfaction grew in Shiggy's eyes, his eyes the color of a scorching fire. He clenched his grin into an excited and relieved expression.
"So I turn you on?"
You nodded your head bashfully.
"And the white ones?" Shigaraki pestered.
"urrrnnnnn, I can't say it!!"
"Come on! Out! I wanna know..."he said with a yearn in his voice.
"They, they mean my body is responding. You know..that I'm wet, and that my horny-ness is spiking."
"Cum colored, haha. That's not surprising."
You and Tomura sat in a quiet tension for a bit, and he looked like he was hungry and trying to hunt his prey silently. His lips parted a little, and you saw his tongue run against his teeth as he leaned his face closer to you discreetly. You pressed your lips together tight and tilted your head up slowly, your eyes darting all across Tomura's handsome face and instinctively moved closer, as well. Your body knew exactly what it wanted and what was natural. Tomura became daring, and pressed his lips on yours without much warning, wrapping his lips in between yours.
You instantly hummed, unsure what to do. You moved your lips to dance with his as well as you could, and you started with passionate and sweet kisses. The whole act was uncoordinated, and you both weren't sure how to keep going. He kissed you for a long time, holding your neck while he leaned closer than you thought possible. His smell clouded your thinking, and built your arousal little by little.
He finally pulled away, taking a deep breathe and looked at you with a seduced flushed face. "Do you wanna go to my room now?" He scoffed, knowing his intentions, and you did too. He wanted you. It was fast, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to claim you, and make you his.
"Mhmm," you mumbled in approval.
Taking your hand in his protected ones, he guided you off the couch.
"Lets do that then, yea? I want to get to know you, like we talked about. I gotta know all about you."
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lcvemiyuki · 4 months
hey hey could i be 🎀 anon get a matchup, please! i'm a virgo intp and i adore watching movies, the color pink, cats, music and makeup. i dislike people who make me cry, and are better than me at things i'm passionate about. i've been told that i'm a competitive person and that i can be very fun-loving and sweet. however, i always take drastic steps to fit in and make people like me, or push myself way too hard to be number one. i'm also rather quiet and cold-looking at first glance, however when i warm up to someone, i throw around puns every two seconds. my hobbies are swimming, playing the guitar, writing and watching movies. my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch! my ideal type is a guy who poses as a challenge for me, someone practically unattainable, who has people fighting over him (i love a challenge sorry). he must be witty and know how to banter, as well as be compassionate. bonus points if he likes cats. i'm assuming that by appearance you mean my appearance so i'm 5'0 foot tall with wavy brown shoulder length hair, i have fair skin and almond-shaped brown eyes. i've got a pretty curvy figure (a neat hourglass) and often wear dresses and coquette clothes. thank you and have a nice day!
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𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
a message in a bottle washes ashore with your name written in bold...
𓇢𓆸 "🎀" anon your match is. . .
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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tooru oikawa!
𓇼 oikawa is definitely the golden boy of aoba johsai and loved by many admiring fans, but what caught his eye was you!
𓇼 your cold and seemingly intimidating nature does pique his interest with curiosity and would want to approach you with persistence
𓇼 he is very observant so noticing your true nature would come very easily for him and make you more attractive to him. your kindness only makes him fall for you even more
𓇼 your drive and ambition to be the best at what you do is admired by him and ultimately the reason why he fell for you. he respects you as someone who aligns with the same values; he would 100% support you through the ups and down
𓇼 i think he would be interested in you first, but during your relationship, he would keep you on your toes. in a sense that he would always make every interaction memorable; there’s never a dull moment with him
𓇼 oikawa loves that you are competitive and won’t back down from a challenge; he has the same mindset. be prepared to make everything a competition lol
𓇼 expect beach dates and volleyball on the sand! after an exhausting match of rallying he would playfully throw you in the water to cool off
𓇼 since he is quite confident, you like to knock him down a few levels when joking around
𓇼 “why are you being so mean to me?” he whines while dramatically being taken aback
𓇼 he would take the jabs for you and probably bite back haha
𓇼 i hate to say it, but since the guy got a whole foot of height over you he would use that with every jab
𓇼 he loves to rest his arm on your head or purposely crouch to match your level with a smug smirk (he’s an ass for that lolol)
𓇼 while it’s all in good fun and he can be cocky, that doesn’t expose his personality fully
𓇼 if someone seriously hurts you in any way, i pray for that person. i honestly pray for anyone who makes oikawa dead serious…he is scary im ngl. at the end of the day he would never, ever want to see you cry
𓇼 he is not afraid to be vulnerable with you and express it to you verbally and physically
𓇼 words of affirmation are his main love language and always knows what to say and when to say it. it's like he knows you like the back of his hand
𓇼 he hates to see you beat yourself up about something because he knows the feeling all too well. encouraging you is his #1 goal and reminding you that he’s always here for you
𓇼 the most pda he would do is hand holding, hair ruffling, or an affectionate kiss on your forehead (just enough to remind everyone you guys are very well in a relationship)
𓇼 he loves to take you shopping and buy everything you set your eye on. he would honestly be your tester when testing makeup
𓇼 “how do i look sweetheart?” he puckers his lips with some lip gloss you put on him
𓇼 if you offered to do his makeup, he wouldn't mind honestly. he would want you to make him look prettier than everyone else on his team actually
𓇼 for a more relaxed day, he would put on your favorite movie and cuddle. he just loves any chance he gets to be close to you
𓇼 he remembers everything about you. including all your favorite artists and songs
𓇼 i just know he would make a playlist with all of it on there and be quite proud of himself for making it. he’d show it off to you and always ask you for more recommendations
𓇼 oikawa is a cat lover. idc. he probably gushes over any stray that walks by you guys and takes you to every cat cafe he can find. it won’t be long before he adopts one with you
𓇼 any piece of your work he would be in awe of. whether it would be playing the guitar or asking for him to proofread a piece of literature you have written, you always amaze him; he makes sure you are reminded of how talented you are as well!
𓇼 his profile is just filled with you.
𓇼 one of his posted would probably be some pink-themed flowers he got you; the caption being “i’m the best bf in the world actually”
𓇼 ohhh his devoted fans would be so jealous i just know it. everyone wants what you have
𓇼 you don’t have to worry though, the only person oikawa wants is you and every bit of banter you bring into his life
𓇼 oikawa is a cancer, so this pairing just makes sense honestly. cancers and virgos are upfront and honest with each other; therefore, there is trust and loyalty in the relationship
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
a/n: i hope you like it! <3
art creds for oikawa fanart: @/sunfluff on ig! pls check them out
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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unprompted / always accepting / @acoldsovereign
"Oh, SPOUSE of mine." (She's taunting him). "It seems as if my legs are not working. Why don't you slave yourself for me and carry me around. . .? If you do a satisfactory job of it, I may kiss you." She expertly "wobbled" on one leg for emphasis, her hands grasping her right thigh-- exposed to the weather and elements due to the black knee-length dress she wore. (She seemed to have an aversion to pants, but upon closer notice, that may simply just be because her thick and muscular thighs and wide, curvy hips don't exactly allow them to FIT, hence her custom made Battle Armor and bodysuits that resembled Earthly leotards). Despite his small and occasional acts of kindness towards her, she remained a prickly and demanding woman, or more accurately, hell in white and yellow heels-- adorned with a complex close to that of a Goddess's, but not quite. Perhaps it was the fact she was an actual Queen, an Empress of twelve planets-- but if he was capable of reading past this, he'd see her true intentions: she was asking him to show his devotion to her. She had nothing but audacity. (If he was smart and observant of her, Trunks would see her leg wasn't hurt or broken. She just wanted to trigger his protective instincts only to see what would happen. To see what he would do for HER. WHAT A SICK, SICK WOMAN. . . and yet here he was, entertaining it). When she 'hobbled' over to him, she made a show of leaning on his STRONG frame, one of her hands gliding over his surprisingly smooth and soft skin. Her palm found his right shoulder and stopped there. Her tail swayed back and forth and then found the base of his spine, going under his shirt without permission, just feeling the muscles of his lower back. A slight movement of her upper body earned the woman the feel of hardened rock that was his left shoulder against her soft, round chest-- as well as decreased space between him and his left ear, "Won't you help your so-called wife?" (With how she planned to use his good-natured against him, she was the CRUELEST SAIYAN, indeed... possibly in the entire universe, if not multiverse).
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‘Spouse’..huh, he’d never thought he would have taken his proposal serious, however, he found it rather difficult to marry a woman such as herself. This bond of marriage was solely made because he refuses to be the type of man that would bed a woman for simple carnal desires, not to mention whilst he wouldn’t admit it there was a part of him that saw something others wouldn’t. Trunks saw a ‘lonely woman’. Maybe this was something he’d pick up from his own mother, the way she saw something in his father than no one else saw.
Ugh..either way, thinking about it would only make him red in the face so he shuts his mind and then took a look at her, one long and hard look. There was definitely something up..she wouldn’t allow herself to look this ‘weak’ in front of him. To ADMIT she had an injury? Didn’t she think he would use that in an attempt to finish her off? Perhaps not. Trunks could also admit that he was not the cold individual that she had met two years prior from today. 
Trunks unlike his father had no ‘pride’ or ‘code of honor’ when it came to his enemies. He’s lived in a world that faced threats that were given the time to linger so his tactics were to always neutralize under any means necessary..but now? He’s gotten soft..the vixen found a way to hypnotize him with not just her body but her voice as well. However, Trunks had the faith that maybe some day he can change her…or at least make her less of a tyrant and more like a queen. After all, there was a reason why his father never hunted down the dragon balls himself and wished the revival of his race.
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Sad to say, that even without King Cold’s interference his father’s people were cold, they were ruthless. They simply had done what they’ve always done under ‘new management’. BUT maybe through her can start something new..or whatever. He was sure his mind was thinking too much over the situation soo without even questioning her or mentioning the fact she could simply fly Trunks approaches her and scoops her into his arms. “Don’t strain yourself then, I’ll put you to bed and then I’ll heal you.” The boy was too trusting whenever someone needed ‘aid’.
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karatecaulfield · 2 years
Hi, could I please have a male ship from Stranger Things?
I’m a woman, short, in fairly good shape but a little curvy. I have long dark wavy hair, pale skin, and green eyes. I love dressing up and most of my wardrobe and makeup is vintage inspired (50’s, 60’s & 70s). I’m a Ravenclaw, Capricorn, and ISTJ. I’m neurodivergent and have social anxiety, but can be outgoing and have grown to enjoy going out, going to parties, and meeting new people. I had a traumatic childhood and struggle with trust issues, self esteem, and cynicism because of it, but I’m trying to be a more positive person. I’ve been called smart, sassy, stubborn, independent, opinionated, and am slow to open up to and trust people, but once I do, I’m ride or die. I’m pretty organized and hardworking in my day to day life and don’t like to give up on things, but I’m also very guilty of being a procrastinator. I love daydreaming and can have a hard time focusing. I work as a writer and love traveling, reading, barre and dancing, true crime, fashion, classic rock music, movies, baking, going out to eat, dogs, art, and spending time with my friends. Thank you!
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Steve Harrington! Since he’s developed as a person since the first time we met him, I think his taste has changed when it comes to looking for a significant other. I think you fit the bill quite nicely. You aren’t superficial like the old crowd he ran with. You’re very real and intelligent and that’s something that draws him in immediately. He’s used to cynicism since most of his friends have that trait, but he admires you for trying to be more positive. He’s just about the best person to have around if your goal is to see the silver lining more often. No matter how bleak things may be, he always has a joke to crack or advice to give. He would love to help you with your goals and aspirations, given that you make sure he stays on the right path as well. It’s a fear of his that he’ll derail into his old self and end up too similar to his parents. You two would be so dependent on each other (in the healthiest kind of way). Meaning, you two would support each other to no end. You’d be each other’s lifelines, which is a bond that he’s never had with any of of his other relationships in the past.
A/N - thank you so much for the request! I’m sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoyed this<3 feel free to request again if it isn’t what you were hoping for!
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sopebubbles · 2 years
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Chapter One
Summary: How many men will it take to save you? To be honest, you've gotten pretty used to saving yourself. Even though you're far from a delicate thing, Los Angeles is a dangerous place you can't seem to escape no matter how hard you try. The top 7 members of Bangtan should never have crossed your path, but they soon find they'd do just about anything to help you escape your past and make it safe for you to stay. But will you?
Genre: mafia au, poly ot7, angst, some smut, honestly a lot more fluff than i expected, POC reader/oc
A/N [very important please read]: This story takes place in LA. Reader (AKA Val) is a Mexican national. The members are part of a Korean gang operating in LA known as Bangtan. There's some Spanish thrown in here or there but I think context explains most of it. Dialogue in italics indicates that the speaker is using either Spanish or Korean in order to exclude some of those present while talking to others. Another important thing to note about the reader is that although I typically try to describe the character's body as little as possible to be inclusive, this character has very specific physical traits related to her biography, so just be aware of that. I reall hope you enjoy reading it. I LOVE interacting with the readers so please let me know what you think about the characters, theories, my use of commas, whatever. 💜
Chapter warnings: cursing (as always, but this time in Spanish, too!), mentions of sex, jimin's a hoe, both Tae and reader are orphans so yeah, alcohol
Word count: 6.6k
Masterlist | next->
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Taehyung left Namjoon's office feeling rather satisfied. Tonight had been an easy night, smooth and according to plan. He received the shipment at the docks, everything in order and two grand to pad his pockets. After reporting to his boss,  the rest of the summer night was wide open and hot with possibilities. 
There wasn't a thing Taehyung didn't love about his life. And why should he? He had it all. Incredible good looks, money, and power. And if he had to commit a few crimes to keep it that way, what did he care? It was the only life he'd ever known or wanted, to be part of the Bangtan gang that ran LA's Koreatown, among other things. 
Taehyung walked away from the back office, out to the public space on the second floor. Jimin was waiting for him, but they'd both agreed they were looking for something—or someone—else tonight, though a threesome didn't sound like a bad idea, if they agreed on someone. Taehyung met him at the edge of the second story that only extended through half of the club, giving him a view of the large dance floor in the main room below. He gripped the railing and scanned the space below, waiting for something unknown to catch his eye.
And that something was you. 
In the center of the dance floor you were almost impossible to miss. The light beige of your dress contrasted beautifully where it clung against your warm tawny skin. The fringe of your short skirt danced in time with your long black hair as you moved your body to the loud club music. Even from far away, Taehyung could tell your body was fit, but curvy in all the best ways, giving you a beautiful figure. The thought of what you might feel like, how you would fit in his hands transfixed him for an immeasurable amount of time. The only thing that jogged him from his fantasies was your eyes when they looked up and met his. An intoxicating smile spread across your lips before you looked down shyly and giggled. He needed to know what that sounded like.
The song you were dancing to ended and he watched your friend grab you by the hand, pulling you off the dance floor. If you were planning to leave, Taehyung needed to talk to you first, and that instinct got his feet moving quickly. He bumped into a few people on his way down the stairs because his eyes refused to leave you, and he only slowed when he realized you were just going to the bar and not out of Club Seoul. With Jimin following, an amused laugh on his lips, Taehyung made a beeline for the bar. 
"Hello," he greeted with a smile when he sidled up beside you at the bar. 
Your dark chocolate eyes flashed wide for a moment before you returned his smile. "Hi."
"I saw you dancing." Taehyung leaned his elbow on the bar in front of you. 
"I saw you see me," you replied. You turned to your friend, and cringed, but if you were awkward he didn't notice, desperate just to have you looking at him again. Taehyung was used to having girls be shy in front of him, frequently stunned into spontaneous mutism by his uncommon good looks, but right now all he was thinking about was you. 
"Can I get you a drink?" He asked when you looked back up at his face.
You pointed to the bar, where a bartender was pouring out two shots for you and the other girl. "We already have some."
"Two more, please, Doyun. And leave the bottle." The man behind the bar did as Taehyung instructed and then went to get the waters you had asked for.
"You come here a lot?" You asked, noticing the familiar way he spoke with Doyun.
"I practically live here," Taehyung replied as he passed one of the tequila shots to Jimin. He leaned in closer as the music seemed to get louder. "Maybe you'd like to come up to our VIP room." His eyes shifted from you up to the second floor and you felt your cheeks heat. You hadn't even taken your shot yet. 
"I don't even know your name!" You yelled back over the music. 
"I'm Tae!" He flashed you his beautiful smile. "It's nice to meet you-?"
Taehyung clinked his shot glass against yours. "Cheers, Val!" He lifted the glass to his lips and the three of you did the same.
"So, Val, what do you say?" His offer still hung in the air around you.
You looked nervously between Tae and your friend, but she nudged your back. "Can I bring my friend?"
Taehyung nodded happily. "Of course! Follow Jimin!" He pointed to the smaller man beside him, and he led the way toward the stairs while Taehyung grabbed the bottle of tequila off the counter and walked behind you. He shamelessly kept his eyes glued to your round ass as you walked up the stairs behind your two friends. 
Jimin led you into a comfortably furnished room with glass tables and soft red couches. You were taller than Jimin with your wedges on, but your smaller friend looked just the right size beside him when they sat together on one of the couches, leaving you to sit next to Taehyung.
Jimin smiled at her and then looked over at Taehyung. "They're pretty. Good choice."
"I'm not sharing." Taehyung scowled at Jimin as you shared a confused look with your friend, neither of you understanding their Korean. "That's Jimin. He speaks English. He just forgot his manners," the taller man explained with a pointed look.
Jimin chuckled beautifully, a stunning smile lighting up his face. "I'm sorry."
Taehyung turned his eyes from the other man to study your face. "So, Val, where are you from?"
Jimin's accent was thicker than Taehyung's, which was barely there. It was little more than something slightly off about the way his mouth wrapped around certain sounds, the sort of accent one gained when learning a second language as a young child. Jimin's was more like your own, one gained in adolescence.
You looked around as if you were cautious about speaking, but decided it was okay. "I'm from Mexico."
"That's cool!" Taehyung responded with an enthusiastic smile and threw his arm over the back of the couch, moving a few inches closer to you. "I went to Cancun last year with my boss. Have you been?"
You shook your head, holding back a smile. "I bet it's beautiful."
"It is. You'd look even more beautiful there," Taehyung mused, making Jimin's chest bubble with his musical laughter.
"I think we need more shots if we're going to listen to this…"
"Mariana," the girl by Jimin's side told him.
"Mariana," Jimin repeated with a playful tap of his finger under her chin, then he turned to pour out four more shots. You all took them before Taehyung drew your attention back to him, firing off another question before you had the chance.
"Are you just visiting?"
Mariana answered for you, but she was clearly talking to Jimin while the two of them eye fucked each other. "No, we live close by." Jimin hummed as she touched his arm. You rolled your eyes and looked back at Tae.
"You live in Koreatown?"
"Yeah, we both work at Little Bar." You looked over at your roommate but she was fully ignoring the two of you now, talking in whispers with Jimin before he poured them each another shot. 
"That little hole in the wall?" You nodded. "Damn. You should get a job here. You'd get much better tips." He winked and you giggled, a happy sound to his ears. 
"We do alright. It's lowkey but we don't get that many tourists. The pay is alright and the hours aren't bad." 
Taehyung nodded. "Are you a student?" He asked, thinking you couldn't be much more than twenty-one. 
You hummed and continued answering Taehyung's barrage of questions while Jimin and Mariana got closer and closer. Less than fifteen minutes later, the two of them were making out on the couch, and you and Tae were trying your best to ignore them. 
"So, you live close?" Jimin asked when he broke apart for air, perhaps a bit louder than he really intended.
"Yeah, let's get out of here. Val?" Mariana stood and looked down at you.
"Yeah, sure," you agreed a little reluctantly. "Tae, it was–"
"I can drive you," he offered hopefully. 
"Oh it's really not that far, just a few blocks."
"That's okay. It will save me the walk back." He beamed his smile down at you.
It seemed to take you a moment to respond and Taehyung wondered if it was the shots or his smile that dazed you. "Um, you've been drinking."
"Just what I had with you. I'll be fine. And it's not far right?" He pushed. 
"Aish. Just let him show you his car," Jimin smirked and began walking from the room, putting the conversation to rest. 
Taehyung had gone home after finishing his job for the night to get Jimin and switch his company car for his personal one, a sleek 1966 red mustang convertible in perfect condition. He was thrilled to see that you looked at least somewhat impressed when he led you to see his prized possession. 
"Hop in," he encouraged you. You glanced back at the other couple, already clinging to each other. "Let them take the back seat and ignore them," he shrugged. 
You smiled and slipped into the passenger seat while Jimin helped Mariana into the back by lifting her over the side of the car, making her squeal gleefully before he jumped in with her. Once everyone was settled, Tae pulled out of his spot right in front of the club and followed your directions to your apartment complex. It really was so close you didn't have time for any more conversation than that, but you could hear kissing sounds from behind you and it made you a little red. Taehyung had barely come to a stop before Jimin was jumping out of the car and bringing Mariana with him. 
"Quédate, Valentina," your roommate said firmly just as you were reaching for the door handle. You stopped your movement and tried not to sigh. 
"I'll call you to come get me later," Jimin told Tae at the same time, sending him a wink. Then the two rushed toward the gate to the courtyard. 
"What did she say?" Taehyung asked as you fidgeted in your seat while you watched them go up the stairs to your apartment. 
"She told me to stay, but don't worry once they get inside I'll just go sit in the courtyard."
"Or you can stay with me," he offered, just as shyly as you had spoken. He wasn't sure why you made him nervous, maybe he was just feeding off the energy you were giving him. He wasn't usually this shy and awkward with women. 
"Oh, you don't have to entertain me."
He blew you off, pushing air through his teeth. "It would be my pleasure. Besides, they're gonna be a while."
"How do you know?" You followed his gaze up to your apartment door where they were finally walking in.
"Because Jimin makes it last forever."
"How do you know?" You repeated innocently. 
"Jimin and I are kind of together. I mean, we sleep together. Sometimes," he admitted but wished he'd kept his mouth shut, in case it freaked you out. 
You sputtered for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to that information. "But he—are you upset?" You finally asked, brown cheeks turning red, although it was hard to tell in the darkness. 
"No. I mean, it's not a big deal. We're both bi and we're open. We agreed to look for other partners tonight, and he only found Mariana because I picked you so…" he trailed off as your eyes went wide.
"You picked me?" Your voice rose an octave.
"I–no–I…wait!" He stumbled frantically over his thoughts trying to find the right thing to say.
"I'm not-" you were clearly equally at a loss for words.
"I didn't mean like that. Just, I noticed you first and it just so happened that Jimin is the one getting laid but-"
"I'm not gonna fuck you!" You interrupted. 
Taehyung chuckled. "You sure? The back seat is very spacious."
You stared at him for a moment before laughing genuinely and he sighed in relief that you knew he was joking. 
"I'm sorry. I'm just not that…casual," you said timidly. "I know it's weird but…"
"No. It's fine. Honestly. I shouldn't have assumed." His voice is gentler than it had been earlier in the evening, soft and deep now that he wasn't trying to talk over music. It allowed him to feel more open.
Letting the information sink in, Taehyung found he liked your innocence, how soft and shy you were. It was a change from the women he usually met, and the men too. Maybe it was just a corruption kink but he wanted to know what it would be like to break you out of that shell and make you his.
"Are you a virgin?" He asked abruptly. You choked on your spit, too surprised by the question to be able to give an answer before Taehyung tried to fix things. "I'm sorry. That was a stupid question. Forget that I asked! Forget I said anything. Um…are you hungry?"
You took a deep breath before answering. "I am a little. But you don't–"
"Do you like arcades?" 
"I- I've never been to one," you shrugged. 
Taehyung smiled and shifted into drive, pulling away from the curb. "I know just the place. I think you'll like it."
He turned up the radio and you leaned on your elbow against the car door, letting the wind flow through your hair as he drove you through familiar streets. He looked over at you frequently, catching glimpses of your face when you passed under street lights. He couldn't tell at all what you were thinking, and that only made him want to know more. 
Taehyung parked outside a pub with arcade games inside. He didn't make it to your side in time to open your car door but he held the door of the restaurant open for you like a gentleman. 
"You like burgers?" He asked when you were both inside. And you nodded quietly. "This place has the best. Go pick a table and I'll order for us. You want a beer?" You nodded again, watching his smile grow boxy before he turned to step up to the counter and then you went to find a table near the back wall.
Taehyung placed your order and found you once he had your beers. He sat at a ninety degree angle to you at the four top table and sipped his beer in a comfortable silence while he tried to think of something to say. He'd been carrying the conversation for most of the night and you were both starting to feel a little self-conscious about it.
"Are you from LA?" You finally asked, after a couple of minutes had passed.
"I've lived here most of my life. But I was born in Singapore."
"Like crazy rich Asians," you blurted out before you slapped a hand over your mouth and mumbled 'sorry.'
Taehyung laughed loudly. "Yeah, just like that. My parents were Korean, though," Tae explained.
"Were?" You repeated softly, and he nodded.
"They died when I was five, so I moved here to live with my godfather."
You gave him a weak smile under your wide sympathetic eyes and touched your fingertips gently to the back of his hand on the table. "I– I lost my parents when I was young too. I don't remember my mother. And my dad died when I was fifteen."
"Before or after you came here?" He wondered. 
"Then you came all alone, just like me?" You nodded. A heavy silence hung in the air for a moment while you both drank.  "Your roommate called you Valentina?"
"That's pretty. Sweet. It suits you." Your cheeks darkened at his compliment and your eyes flashed with a strange emotion, something close to satisfaction before it disappeared. 
"Is Tae short for something?"
He licked the beer off his lip before he answered with a smile. "Taehyung." He kept smiling as you did your best to get your mouth the syllables. He broke it down for you bit by bit, but the nuance eluded you. "I like Tae just fine," he assured you.
You continued to share mundane details about your lives until the food came, taking a little less once you started eating. Taehyung watched each of your features shift as you talked, trying to parse out the signature of each emotion as they crossed your face. He listened patiently, trying to decipher some of your words or waiting for you to find the right one, amused even when your Spanish slipped into a phrase uninvited. 
"Do you know how to drive?" Taehyung asked once you'd both finished eating. 
"No," you admitted, and he noted the little bit of terror in your eyes.
"That's okay. Let's see how much stuff you can hit," he suggested cheekily, pointing to the game in the arcade room next door. You agreed eagerly and followed him.
It turned out you could hit a lot of stuff. But those games were always much harder than actual driving and in your second race you beat Taehyung by a hair. He got more and more excited as the competitive nature he shared with you came out of you more and more with each game you played. You were both good sports about it though, evenly matched, both winning and losing until you'd played every game in the arcade and it was closing time. Just as you were leaving the bar with light heads and lighter hearts, Taehyung's phone rang. 
"Come get me!" Jimin started before Taehyung even said hello. 
"Yah! I'll be there in a little bit," he replied and hung up. "Let's get you home," he said to you, opening the door this time. 
He knew Jimin would be annoyed if he took a long time, but he could walk to Club Seoul and get a ride from someone there if he was really in a rush. Taehyung wasn't in a hurry for his night with you to end and he drove deliberately slowly back to your part of town. Halfway there, he got the courage to reach one long arm over, just brushing his thin fingers against yours where they rested on the bench before yours twiched toward him, and he laced them with a blissful smile. When he finally pulled up in front of your building, Jimin was standing with his arms crossed, tapping his foot in annoyance. You placed your hand on the handle, but Taehyung tugged on the one he still held. 
"Wait. Um–" You looked at him with your big eyes and he almost lost his words. "Are you free tomorrow? I'd like to take you out again."
You frowned at him. "I work every night this week. Maybe next week," you added when his face fell. 
"What time do you work tomorrow?" He pushed. 
"I start at 5."
"Then I'll pick you up at noon, and we'll go have some fun. Dress comfortably," he instructed without bothering to wait for your response.  
"Okay," you smiled, and he finally released you. You left the door open so that Jimin could take your spot, and Taehyung waited until you were inside the gate to pull away. 
"Was she good? What do you have that dopey grin on your face for?" Jimin teased.
"No. We didn't have sex," Taehyung admitted.
Jimin let out a disbelieving laugh. "What?"
"Jimin, I think I'm falling in love."
Jimin wove his fingers into the hair at the back of Taehyung's head and tugged gently. "Aish, Taehyung-ah. Just drive." No sooner had Taehyung pulled away from the curb than Jimin's phone began to ring. "It's Namjoon hyung," Jimin informed the driver after fishing his phone out of his pocket. "Bet you twenty bucks he needs us to drive him home," Jimin quipped just before answering and putting the phone on speaker. "Hey, boss."
"Are you with Taehyung?"
"Yeah, we're just-"
"Come pick me up at the club." Namjoon's voice was firm, an angry edge in his tone, not a drunken lilt like they had expected. 
"What's going on?" Taehyung asked as he sped up. 
"There was a break-in at the warehouse."
"We're right around the corner," Tae told him as he made the turn. He didn't even have time to put the car in park before Namjoon got in and they were driving again.
"A bit ostentatious for business, Taehyung," Namjoon commented as he settled into the back seat. 
"Sorry, hyung. I thought I was off the clock."
Namjoon made a deep, dissatisfied sound in his chest. "It's fine. Just drive carefully. Don't need to draw any attention to ourselves."
"Triads?" Jimin asked, turning over his shoulder. The boss hummed an affirmation.
"Getting pretty fucking bold," Taehyung grumbled as he scanned the streets, making sure he wasn't breaking any traffic laws.
Namjoon's jaw flexed as he ran his thumb over the cool steel of his handgun. "We'll just have to teach them a lesson they'll remember."
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Normally your mind was empty while you worked out, lifting weights in an almost meditative state, but today your mind was filled with Taehyung. His perfect dark hair you were sure would be angel soft if you ran your fingers through it. His goofy, boxy grin you would try anything just to see. It was just a shame that practically everything you told him was a lie.
It wasn't him. You lied to everyone. It was just second nature now, the way the name Valentina rolled off your tongue as if it had always been yours and not just for the last two years. There were three Valentinas in your class in elementary school. You thought it sounded like the name of someone who nice things happened to. Not someone like you.
Someone like Taehyung, or so you thought. Maybe it was the fact that you were so wrapped up in your own little lies that you missed the obvious signs of who he really was. But those would come later. Today he was just the cute boy you'd met yesterday, who was going to pick you up in—oh shit you were going to be late.
You rushed home from the gym to shower and clean your body of sweat, to make sure you smelled fresh and perfect, the way Taehyung should see you. When you got out of the shower you dried off and dressed quickly in a pair of jean shorts and a loose t-shirt. You stuck your head out the front door to see him leaning against his car in light slacks and thin, silky, flower patterned shirt, sunglasses covering his eyes. You tiptoes onto the landing to call out to him.
"Tae!" He looked up at you from whatever thoughts he was lost in. "I'm sorry, I'm running a little late. Give me five minutes?" 
You couldn't see his eyes, but his lips spread into a giddy smile. "Take your time, baby. I'll wait all day."
You smiled back at him and skipped back into the apartment. You would invite him in, but the place you shared with Mariana was really a one bedroom apartment she had shared with her ex and was desperately seeking a roommate for when you showed up, equally desperate for a place to live, so you'd accepted the living room that served as your bedroom. You changed your t-shirt to one that was a little nicer and tried to get as much water as possible from your hair with a towel since the blow dryer would just make you hot on an already hot day. After dragging a brush through your damp strands and slipping into sandals you were ready to go.
"I'm so sorry," you apologized as you skipped down the metal steps toward the gate. "I was at the gym and I completely lost track of time."
Taehyung smiled as he scanned your body up and down. "That's okay. You're worth the wait." Your cheeks darkened as you waited for him to move away from the car so you could get in, but he was still admiring your body. Although you were slightly more covered than the night before, he was taking advantage of the daylight to get a good look at your body. After a moment you cleared your throat to get his attention.
"Shit." Some mixture of a cough and a laugh came through his throat as he realized he was caught. "Sorry, you just look so good." He got off the car and opened your door. 
You whispered a thank you as you sat in the passenger seat and waited for him to walk to his side. "When are we going?" You asked after he started the engine. 
"Santa Monica pier. I wanna see what other games I can beat you at." He smirked as he pulled into the street. 
"In your dreams," you laughed as he drove away too fast. 
"As long as you're there, it will be," he grinned and you both laughed at his cheesiness.
At the pier, Taehyung bought you both wristbands so you could go on every ride after you assured him you weren't scared. In between, you stopped at practically every carnival game, trying to best each other as much as you tried to win the prizes. Taehyung was better than you at shooting games, but you beat him at darts. You could both throw balls and bean bags equally well, but neither of you were good at basketball, and you agreed no one could win ring toss games. Between the two of you, you won too many prizes for you to carry, and when you insisted to Tae that you couldn’t take them all home, you watched with a warm heart as he handed out your smaller toys to little kids as you walked up and down the pier. You only kept the large teddy bear that he won for you and held it close to your chest. 
You saved the ferris wheel for last, and as you stood in line to get on, you knew exactly what you liked best about Taehyung. His carefree spirit brought out your inner child, one you would've sworn you didn't have, since you'd barely had a childhood at all. He allowed her to walk in the golden sunlight that danced in his tan skin and feel the breeze that whipped up his thick, dark hair. Taehyung made you feel what you'd always wanted: an unquestionable freedom.
As you first approached the top you both sat quietly, though Taehyung slipped his hand into yours as he had grown more and more comfortable doing throughout the afternoon. He watched your face as you looked out at the ocean. 
"Qué hermosa," you whispered and he didn't need to know what you said to know what you meant. He brushed back the strands of hair that the wind whipped across your face and left his hand cupping your cheek. 
"It's prettier in the evening, but I think it's still pretty romantic now," he murmured, his thumb stroking across your cheek. You watched his eyes flicker to your lips and found yourself doing the same. Closing your eyes as he leaned in, you waited for his kiss. It was chaste, soft and gentle, everything Taehyung was to you. It only lasted a moment but your heart swelled so much you couldn't help feeling satisfied, with the hope you'd do it many more times. He kissed you a couple more times before you settled into his side and rested your head against his shoulder until your ride ended. 
"Oh, I guess we better go," he sighed when he looked at his phone. You'd be cutting it close for work. 
"It's alright, just take me straight to the bar," you told him as he took your hand and hurried you to the car. 
You couldn't seem to get the smile off your face as he drove too fast through the city streets, arriving outside your bar with a couple minutes to spare—minutes he would fill with more kisses after he dragged you closer to him on the bench. He started off softly at first before his teeth gently pulled at your bottom lip, prying them apart so he could slip between your lips, catching just the tip of your tongue with his own. You gripped the back of his neck with both hands and kissed him deeper, pushing your tongue against his as you melted into his arms. 
"I could kiss you all night," he mumbled against your mouth. You smiled as you pulled away. 
"Not this night," you reminded him, trying to create a little distance between you, but he just tightened his arms around your waist and pecked your lips again before he released you. 
"What about your new friend?" He asked, tilting his head toward the oversized bear in the back seat. 
"Maybe you can keep him for a little while, and give him back to me later."
"I'll bring him back to you tonight, when I come pick you up. What time do you get off?"
"Two a.m., but…" You looked at him dubiously and he shook his head.
"I'm not trying to sleep with you. But he should. I just want to make sure you get home safe." After a moment of thought, you nodded. It wasn't like you could stop him from showing up if he wanted to anyway. You pecked his lips one more time before getting out of the car. "One last thing," he pleaded, leaning dramatically over the front seat. 
"Give me your number," he asked, handing you his phone. You put your number in quickly before tossing it back to him. 
"I gotta go!" You called before you disappeared inside the bar.
"How was Prince Charming?" Mariana asked sarcastically as you slipped behind the counter, hurrying into the back room to put away your purse and change into the tank top you wore for work. You adjusted your bra to push up your breasts so they showed better in the low cut top. You slid on some lip gloss and put your hair up before checking yourself out in the mirror to go out. 
You'd give you a tip if you had any cash to spare. 
You did your best to avoid your friend's gaze as you started moving around behind the bar. But of course she wouldn't let you off that easily. There weren't very many people in right now, just a few tables and one regular sitting at the bar. 
"You let him fuck you yet?" Mariana grinned. 
"Oh my god, no!" You hissed back.
"Why not?"
"Because maybe he doesn't just want me to warm his cock."
Mariana scoffed. "Why would I want a man to do anything other than warm his cock in me? What else would I need him for."
"Tae just isn't like that, okay?"
She made another dismissive sound. "If he's anything like his friend Jimin, I doubt it."
"Well, then maybe I'm just not like that. And maybe he's being respectful." 
Mariana looked at you doubtfully and clicked her tongue. "You need to lighten up and live a little. It's just sex."
You snatched a towel from her to dry the glasses you'd just rinsed. "I had the time of my life today, so I think I'm doing just fine." And the easy smile you wore was hard to argue with.
It wasn't as if you were intentionally lying about being a virgin. You hadn't actually answered Taehyung's question before he walked it back. And any assumptions Mariana made based on the fact that you hadn't slept with anyone since you'd known her were made up in her own head. But just because you weren't a virgin didn't mean it wasn't a delicate issue for you. One that you didn't have to explain to anyone. At least that's how you justified it to yourself. 
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Taehyung knew that, to some extent, what he was doing with you was dangerous. A man in his position would put anyone in danger if others saw his affection. But he couldn't stay away from you, so his only choice was to make sure you were safe himself. That's why, after he dropped you off at work, he went to pick up Jungkook and took him back to your building to case the place—see what weaknesses and dangers he could find, if any of your neighbors were suspicious. After looking around your block for a little while he seemed satisfied enough. 
Next was meeting you after work, when you found him much the same way you had in the afternoon, although he had changed his clothes. When he saw you this time his expression tightened. You hadn't bothered to change since your shirt needed to be washed after having beer spilled in you earlier. He made a disgruntled noise when he saw the way your tits pushed out of your shirt and he could see a sliver of your tummy.
Tae didn't know he had a possessive streak. He never had before with any other partners, not even really with Jimin, who was his most serious relationship. But it was different with you. The idea that other men had been looking at you like that all night unsettled something in his stomach. He groaned as he hooked a finger into your belt loop and pulled you between his legs. 
"Do you have to dress like that for work?" He pouted before kissing your lips softly. 
You giggled, and it was almost enough to make him smile. Almost. "Yes. Gotta get those tips somehow." He groaned. "Shh. At least I'm not taking anything off."
"Don't even think about it." He squeezed your hips in his hands. 
"Oh. You wouldn't like that?" You teased. 
He pushed you away an inch. "I am trying to be a gentleman here. Please don't test me."
You smiled as you put a piece of his hair back in place off his forehead and then kissed his lips. "Okay, gentleman. Take me home then?"
Taehyung smiled and swept you off your feet to set you inside the car, appreciating your squeal when he did so. Your apartment was even closer to the bar than it was to the club, but in the opposite direction. On other nights, Taehyung would park at your apartment and walk you home, holding your hand. One way or another, a night never passed where you walked home alone again. 
When he parked in front of your apartment that night he followed you to the gate, where he pressed you against the bars and kissed you breathless. He rested his hands on your hips, and it took all his self control not to let them slip any lower. But he couldn't stop himself from exploring the little patch of skin between your shorts and your tank top with his thumbs. You moaned into his mouth at the feeling of just a little skin on yours, and your body felt alert and gooey all at once. Your free hand twisted into the front of his shirt, pulling him against you while your other held the bear he had won for you. After a few minutes he pushed your hips away, against the gate, making the metal clang. 
"You should go before I lose my self control," he breathes, only an inch away from your face.
"Okay," you responded in a daze. He stood in front of you a minute longer, making it impossible for you to move, even if you wanted to. Then finally he sighed and took a step back so that you could unlock the gate and get inside. He didn't follow you in, even though you half hoped he would. You took a few steps toward the stairs before you turned back and put your face between the bars, gripping one like your life depended on it. "Tae?"
He hadn't moved until you called his name and then he stepped forward until he was standing right in front of you again, but didn't say a word.
"I had a really good time today. Thank you for everything. It felt really…nice to be with you." Your eyes started on his face but slowly drifted to the ground as you got shy. 
Taehyung lifted your chin with his hand so he could look into your eyes. 
"We can have so many more days like that," he promised. 
"Of course. I loved it, too." Then he bent his face to yours and kissed you through the bars. This time you didn't let it linger so long, and you pulled away before he could get lost in you again. 
"Goodnight," you whispered before you turned away and hurried noisily up the steps. Taehyung watched you go with his face pressed against the bars, until you gave him one last smile over your shoulder and entered your apartment.
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Thank you for reading. When you reblog a random member of bts has an orgasm, probably.
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sheadre · 2 years
I know this isn't very good
But can I get a curvy [black] female reader smut x Xie Lian please 🙏💕🙏 I hope you find time to do this
Hi there!
Usually, I try to stay away from using any kind of characteristics for the xReader fics I write, so I hope this turned out the way you wanted in the end. I probably still do not use much description of Reader-chan but I hope you will enjoy!
Summary: Reader was brought to Xian Le as a slave by an explorer when Xie Lian was still the Crown Prince. However, life was cruel to both of them until they learned their lessons and now maybe they have a new chance for a better life.
(Guys, I have to add this little bit: I did not mean to offend anyone. I only tried to stay historically and culturally accurate that is one of my most important rules for myself when it comes to historic things in fanfics for Chinese danmei and wuxia novels.)
Word count: 2182
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Days spent alone on Mount Taicang was strange after all the time he shared his home with San Lang at Puqi shrine. The Crown Prince sighed as he wiped his brow after straightening up to his full height. Resting his fists on his hips, he decided that the pile of chopped wood should be enough for the next two weeks. Suddenly, leaves rustled behind him then everything went unusually still. He slowly turned around and smiled at the tree that helped little in hiding the figure standing behind it.
“I knew you were the one leaving all the clues in Tonglu Mountain.” he called out, making the intruder peek out from behind the tree. Her face was just as he remembered, her skin reminded him of black cardamom while her deep brown eyes shined like black jade as she stared back at him. Of course, now she looked different due to her being a ghost, her attire quite revealing.
“Your highness…” she mumbled quietly but stayed behind the tree trunk.
“It has been long since we last met.” Xie Lian smiled at her gently.
“Is Crimson Rain Sought Flower here?” she asked while looking around. His highness shook his head with a troubled smile then asked:
“Were you hoping to meet him here?”
“I wished to avoid him here of all places.” she replied.
“Then come, let me treat you to a meal.” Xie Lian nodded toward the temple. His guest hesitated before she nodded slowly and stepped out from behind the tree. The crown prince couldn’t help but notice her curves hugged by the revealing attire but he tried to hide his blush by quickly turning around and leading her towards his home.
Your PoV.
The tight rope was hurting your wrists as you were forcefully pulled by the man walking ahead of you. His wide frame was hugged by heavy layers of expensive looking robes with patterns you’ve only seen on him ever since he stepped foot on your homeland. How far that was now. You wished you could run back but the ship that took you from your home left you guessing in what direction your home was. The sea was so never ending.
You refused to cry or feel bad after forced into slavery. You knew what that rope around your wrists meant. You just couldn’t let it get you down, not now if you wanted to survive. That was your only goal so you could go home.
The strange and repulsed looks you were given by the citizens of this kingdom made you feel awkward. You had no idea why they were staring at you like you were some spectacle. Maybe you were, you were quite different from them to be honest, you noticed it too. Their skin was all shades of white marble while yours was similar to ebony. Their eyes were all small and almond shaped while yours shined brightly, staring at them wide open.
Then you spotted the largest building you could see from the docks. The merchant was leading you towards that exquisite building. The closer you got, the more people were dressed in rich fabrics, wearing pearls and other jewelry. The merchant gave some papers to the guards standing at the gates who let you in. Soon you stood in the most beautiful hall you’ve seen in your life, silk and other beautiful fabrics decorated the walls. You stood silently while the merchant spoke the difficult language of this kingdom, probably telling all about his journey to the king and queen.
“Lai ba*!” the merchant harshly pulled on your rope as he called out to you, his tone angry and impatient. You almost fell to your knees as you tripped over your own feet. Averting your eyes, you tried to ignore the humiliating feeling at the way the foreign king and queen inspected you.
You only noticed that the merchant left when you were taken away by the guards. They left you in a room full of young girls. Looking around you tried to find out why you were there but had little time to do so when a strict looking woman pushed clothes into your arms and spoke to you angrily. Days went the same way after that: you were tasked with something to do, barely understanding the language, you almost always messed up your task, got beaten and punished with worse tasks. They barely gave you anything to eat and never tried to teach you their language.
Then one day, the Crown Prince came back to the palace. You had no idea why he was not in the palace all the time but when he came back, everything went crazy. That was the first time he noticed you. You’ve never seen anyone more handsome, his soft features were gentle and his waist lean and narrow. You only remembered him towering over you for some reason, you had no idea why you were on the ground or how you ended up there. He pulled you to your feet then.
His words were lost to your ears because another servant quickly pulled you away from him. The next thing you knew was the pain due to the beating you got. You tried to blink your eyes open while some people were still kicking you while you were curled in on yourself on the ground then everything went black.
When you woke again you stood in the middle of a large and strange city. There were monsters walking around on the streets, animal headed people or people with a beast’s body but a human’s face. You quickly checked yourself over to make sure that you were your old self which made you let out a sigh of relief. Then a strange lady turned to you and offered her hand.
End of flashback~
Many years have passed since you became one of the most powerful ghosts. Being the fifth calamity came with its perks but one thing you missed immensely. The crown prince. You had no idea why you were so hung up on him but the thought of him made your heart beat fast in your chest. Then you spotted him in Ghost City one day. He was strolling around with Crimson Rain Sought Flower casually. The two seemed close but you couldn’t help but follow the Crown Prince from then on.
You stood in the middle of the temple on Taicang Mountain and sighed heavily. Just as you expect. The place was a dump.
“Your highness, how do you find anything in this place?” you asked as you lifted a probably used piece of clothing.
“Well… I got a little behind on house chores these days…” he shrugged with a shy smile. You chuckled at him then started picking up the things thrown all over the place. It took you quite some time to clean up but you were satisfied with your work.
Then a putrid smell hit your nose.
“What is that smell????!!!!!” you shrieked.
“It is dinner!” Xie Lian called out with a large smile on his face as he put the large pot down on the table. You peeked inside carefully just to see large globs of meat (?) floating inside some strange gooey substance that smelled like someone not only died in it but cooked for many many hours. You sat down and accepted the plate his highness gave you then lifted the spoon to your mouth with a trembling hand.
Your eyes widened at the taste. Even though it smelled horribly, it was quite delicious. Night fell on you two so Xie Lian offered you to stay over. Then you stayed another night and another and another until you both fell into a peaceful routine. Your servants called you away to take care of some issues once in a while but you loved to stay with His Highness. Then one day, you noticed your servants lurking around Xie Lian. You tried to shoo them away but they were quicker. Poisonous gas filled the air around him and before you could stop yourself, you stepped into it yourself.
You were immune to it mostly because of your powers but you were still affected enough so you felt your body warming up and your cheeks feeling hot. Xie Lian turned to you, his pale skin flushed and sweaty as he backed up from you.
“It is quite embarrassing…” he chuckled awkwardly.
“Um… we should get you back inside. Cold water would help.” you replied.
The way back up the mountain was not only extremely awkward but quite unnerving as well. A small voice in your mind kept telling you to use the opportunity while you tried to keep your distance from him as much as possible. Even though you were a ghost and now feasted off of the blood of men, you would never do such a thing to him.
Once inside, you sat down next to him with a bowl of cold water in your lap and patted his forehead with a wet cloth. Then lowered it to his lean neck and exposed chest as his robes opened up when he loosened them to be able to breathe. You gulped nervously, want throbbing inside you as you stared. Then his pale slender fingers circled around your wrist gaining your attention. Your eyes met his honey brown ones, his gaze staring back at you pleadingly.
“You are their queen, please, could you do something with their poison?” he whined.
“I-I… It even affects me, your highness…” you averted your gaze from him. Xie Lian suddenly pulled on your wrist making you drop the bowl out of your lap. You landed on his hot chest, your faces so close that your lips were almost touching as he stared into your eyes.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered before he closed the gap between your lips. He almost devoured you. It both frightened you because you’ve never thought he could be so passionate and aroused you. Your positions were quickly reversed as he turned yourselves around, opening your knees with his thighs. His hands quickly found your breasts, snaking under your robes as he leaned down to kiss you again.
You had no idea how he could be so quick but you barely blinked and he was already only wearing his pants, boots and outerwear all discarded and scattered around the floor. You were soon exposed as well, his hands pulling down your robes while his lips left kisses down your jawline and throat. He nipped at your collarbone before he latched onto your left nipple making you squeal in surprise. Every other man you used for your benefit was rough with you until you killed them but your prince, even though being forceful and determined, was gentle and caring. His touch ignited a hot raging fire of desire inside your heart and mind that it filled everything.
His slender fingers found your mound cupping it gently as he pushed your thighs farther apart. Your palms pressed against his chest sliding up around his neck pulling him closer as you kissed him. You pulled his lower lip between yours, sucking on it, biting it hungrily. Your nipples brushed his skin as you pressed up against him closer and closer. His slender fingers parted your soft lower lips and one of them carefully dived in between the folds. Your core was throbbing with need as he pumped his finger in and out of you. After all those years you could finally hold him in your arms and feel his skin on yours. You’ve been imagining it on lonely nights, your fantasies filled the night with an empty pleasure back then. But now. You could have him now. You wanted him now.
Moving your hips into his hand, you moaned into his mouth then he added another finger stretching you. Then another. You grew impatient and grabbed his cock, gripping it in your palm making him gasp and pull his fingers out of you as he leaned back.
“I need you…” you moaned.
He pulled your hand away from his member before he lined himself up with your entrance and slowly slid inside your awaiting heat. Your juices coated his shaft as he moved in and out of you at a slow and steady pace. His dick dragging along your plush walls that gripped him needily.
You gripped his long hair as he suckled on your breast, his pace getting faster, your pants and moans filled the room. You gasped from pleasure as he rocked the two of you.
“Y-Your highness…. I-I… I’m about to-” then pleasure exploded inside you, your walls tightening on his dick, trapping him inside. You barely felt him tense and his seed fill you before both of you went limp in each other’s arms. You gasped for breaths as you came down from your high.
“I love you…” you cuddled closer to his chest, burying your face in his soft skin.
“I love you too.” Xie Lian mumbled with a light chuckle before he fell asleep in your arms.
*Come here/over here!
A/N: Sorry if the smut was bad, I am bad at smut writing I know that. >﹏<
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