#he man vs skeletor
castlevaniaskeletor · 2 years
Not sure who is interested but I’ll share this again! I have a Redbubble store now, 6 designs all drawn by me! I have been adding to the store very frequently and I am constantly working on new designs! Be my first customer :3
Here’s some of the designs that I offer thus far!
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Ok went a little crazy on the tags lol don’t hate me for it 🥲🥲😂😂
Alrighty have a good day everyone
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sctvita1988 · 2 years
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Heroic Flying Fist He-Man vs Evil Battle Armor Skeletor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe from Mattel!
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docgold13 · 6 months
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Profiles in Villainy
There have been multiple versions of the malevolent menace known as Hordak.  In the original continuity established in She Ra: Princess of Power (and by extension He-Man and The Masters of Universe), Hordak is an extremely powerful tyrant of mysterious origins who will stop at nothing until he conquers all of both Etheria and the neighboring dimension of Eternia.  Heralding from the shadowy ‘Horde World,’ Hordak’s powers were derived from a strange combination of sorcery and science.  
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Hordak was originally headquartered in Snake Mountain where he had taken on the villainous Skeletor as an apprentice.  When the forces of King Randor were closing in on Hordak, he fled to Ethernia, leaving Skeletor in charge of Snake Mountain (and thus leading to the longstanding conflict between Skeletor and Randor’s son, He-Man).  Reestablishing himself on Etheria, Hordak took over the Fright Zone; and from here he and his Evil Horde began its war against She-Ra The Princes of Power.  
In the 2018 reboot of the narrative, Hordak was shown to be a semi-defective clone of the entity known as Hordak Prime.  This Hordak Prime sent versions of himself to countless worlds to conquer in his stead, all part of an effort to claim absolute dominion over the entirety of the cosmos.  
Hordak’s ‘deficiency’ was his unexpected capacity for independent thought.  This led to feelings of ambivalence that would manifest in malfunctions in his powers and the mechanical aspects of his physical form.  
Although a cruel master who sent the forces of his Evil Horde to conquer Etheria and crush the Princess Rebellion, Hordak also struggled with doubt and was confused by his falling in love with his lieutenant, Entrapta.  His other lieutenant, Catra, surmised these weaknesses in Hordak and used them to her advantage, ultimately unseating Hordak as the new master of the Evil Horde.  
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This ultimately facilitated the mighty Hordak Prime coming to Etheria.  The villain was defeated by She-Ra and her various allies.  In the wake of this, Hordak was free from his former master and he and Entrapta were reunited to forge a life together.  
Actor George DiCenzo provided the voice for Hordak in his original appearances in the 1985 series, She-Ra: Princes of Power; the great Kevin Conroy voiced the villain in the 2002 series Masters of the Universe vs. The Snake Men; and actor Keston John voiced Hordak in the 2018 series, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.  
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enemyoflactose · 1 month
I Finished the Rest of Battle City
@lostsomewhereinthegarden wanted to be tagged
I was honestly getting a little tired of Marik and his problems by this point in the series which is why this took so long.
Voice acting:
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Yami: He's pretty much the same, only he completely forgives normal Marik.
Yugi: pretty much the same only he forgives normal Marik.
Joey: he died and I started crying. He's pretty good as always and was absolutely robbed of that victory.
Téa: she kept getting possessed.
Tristan: nothing new
Duke: nothing new
Ryou: ate all the donuts
Yami Bakura: he giggled and did nothing.
Ishizu: she yells in lowercase and I think that's funny
Odion: Maybe it's just the dub, but he never says he wants Marik to be safe because he loves him. He just says it's his duty and it's how he'll be accepted into his family. Idk. It's a little weird that this may be his and Marik's final moments and he doesn't once say that he loves him.
Marik: I hate you. I hate you so much.
Yami Marik: hype wore off this guy sucks and can't duel without plot armor. He also talks way too much and it gets on my nerves.
Seto Kaiba: he's so angry that Yugi beat him in his own tournament it's kinda funny. He is my savior in these last episodes.
Mokuba: he's here
Serenity: she's also here
Mai: ded
Roland: the MVP
Duel 1: Four Way Duel
In this duel Joey, Kaiba, Yami, and Yami Marik are all dueling each other at the same time. For a little bit, everyone is targeting Joey, but Yami keeps defending him so they move on to attacking Marik.
Every time Yami defends Joey, Kaiba says something snarky and that makes Joey go "Hey man, let me duel on my own for Mai."
And Yami just begrudgingly does it. Like this man does not want Joey dueling Marik.
Marik is just in his own little corner going "AHAHAHAAA I'm so evil" and everyone ignores him.
Kaiba is trying to knock out someone. I forgot who. He wants to get all three Egyptian God Cards and make his deck even brickier.
Yami Marik loses.
Duel 2: Joey vs Yami Marik
This duel is Yami Marik's only good duel, and by God is it Joey's second best (I like Joey vs Valon more).
In this duel, Yami Marik makes it a Shadow Game in which your energy gets drained if your monster is destroyed or loses attack points. Because Joey is a normal guy, he is weaker to this and therefore loses faster.
Some stuff happens and Joey was given Lava Golem. This makes him lose life points faster. Yami Marik is slowly burning him with other cards like nightmare wheel, but lava golem is cooler.
Yami Marik uses some worm things to make Joey lose more energy. Joey sacrifices them so he can summon Geilfried (idk how to spell it).
Yami Marik summons Ra Phoenix mode and destroys all of Joey's monsters. But my boy still stands.
Joey summons Gearfried and almost attacks, but then he dies.
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Duel 3: Kaiba vs Yami
I kept dozing off during this duel because I was worried about Joey, soooooo I kinda have no clue what happened other than like a few things.
Kaiba and Yami are dueling in a coliseum because Kaiba is crazy.
Kaiba gives Yami Change of Heart sometime during this duel. Which makes me wonder if he always had that on hand, or if he yoinked it from Bakura. Did Bakura ever get it back?
Kaiba so summons his blue eyes at some point in this duel. And Yami summons red eyes. And that Dark Magician Paladin thing.
During this duel Kaiba and Yami attack each other with their god cards and it takes them to a vision of the past in which the gods are turned to stone and the two of them are fighting.
Yami Marik is stuck in a wall. One time I read a fic where Yami Bakura stopped time and butt fucked him there. Wild.
Yami wins by means I don't remember and Mokuba and Kaiba fight about something.
Téa gets possessed again and goes to fight Yami Marik.
Kaiba gets annoyed at Ishizu and then Joey.
Mokuba is annoyed at Kaiba.
Yami Marik and Marik are fighting during Kaiba and Joey's duel.
TéaMarik does some sick flips and then Ishizu and Yami intervene and make Yami Marik go away.
Turns out Marik is a little regretful about being the absolute worst and wants to make things right by doing not much at all because he sucks and can't do shit without help.
Téa is back.
Duel 4: Kaiba vs Joey
Joey was pissing off Kaiba and that convinced a duel for third place.
Kaiba is winning.
Joey summons Blue Eyes White Dragon from Kaiba's graveyard and this makes Kaiba so angry.
Uuuuhhhh.... Joey told Mokuba that Kaiba doesn't care about him and that made me really upset.
Some stuff happens idk I wasn't paying attention I don't really care about this rivalry.
Kaiba won and Joey got made fun of.
Final duel: Yami Marik vs Yami Yugi
Shadow game
I don't remember the first part of this duel other than Marik and Yugi are at risk of death and like I get caring about Yugi dying, but Marik kinda deserves it.
So um... Every time Yami loses life points Yugi's body starts to disappear. Same thing with Marik.
Yami summons his poker knights and then summons Slifer.
Marik Summons Ra.
Yami destroys Ra and then Summons Obelisk with A card Kaiba gave him.
Marik summons Egyptian God slime and Yami never asks what it does despite the fact that he can.
Some stuff happens and Yami uses Ragnarok and destroys everything and Marik surrenders.
While this duel is happening, Normal Marik is talking to Odion's dead body and says that everything that happened was his (Marik's) fault, and that he's sorry.
A while later, Odion wakes up and goes to save Marik. And by save I mean give him a pep talk.
He goes on and on about how Marik is good and can beat the darkness inside of him.
Marik is given a new found strength and tells Yami to attack him.
Yami attacks him and Marik has one life point left. Marik surrenders and Yami Marik dies while begging.
Marik is forgiven and I still don't think he did much to deserve it.
After that duel, Marik apologizes again, and then takes his shirt off to show Yami the scriptures on his back.
Yami can't read it tho so it was kinda pointless.
Marik then gives him the millennium rod and ring and Yami Bakura's lame ass who was playing spin the bottle with Dark Magician said "Thank you" because he's polite and we love him.
Kaiba says he's going to blow up the island.
Joey and the gang go check on Mai and Serenity says she ain't wake up yet, but then she wakes up because Joey juST GOT PRANKED LMAO
The Gang then find Bakura eating food because there isn't much to eat in the Shadow Realm. That makes me think that the Shadow Realm is biased towards the Bakurae because they always only get a slap on the wrist for losing.
We don't see Bakura or the Ishtar's for the rest of the episode so I'm choosing to believe they were busy adopting Bakura into their family as Marik's husband.
It takes the gang way too long to realize that they can just take the helicopter and don't have to ride in the broken aircraft.
The island explodes and the Kaibas come out in a Blue Eyes jet (there is a card of it).
This makes Joey upset.
The squad get back to Domino and Marik apologizes again, and his siblings thank Yugi and his friends for helping them.
The End
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Saw an image of Flug as Skeletor.
So...does that make GoldHeart He-Man?
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Cause it would be absolutely hilarious if they made an episode about Flug and GoldHeart with a Skeletor vs. He-Man dynamics and have 80s He-Man references like they did with Jojo’s Bizzare Circus. 😂
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Sorry, I've been on a Bobby buzz all morning. I legitimately can't decide whether or not I hate him.
As a character? Wonderful. So much dissonance between the image he projects of himself and his actual actions. His existential crisis over doing the right thing. His belief in rehabilitation, yet cruel methods of punishment.
His powerful sense of right and wrong is a sharp double-edged sword. He does look after the welfare of the people he arrests, as seen with Sasha Buckler, and he does take the time to (very dramatically) re-evaluate his ideas of justice - sometimes even going against what the Police Department considers "just" in favour of giving people (and orcas) a fair shot. But it does mean that anything that falls outside his views of what is just is fair-game. Those people are obstructing justice & so deserve what's coming to them.
Simon did a good job of convincing everyone that he's an irredeemable wretch and actively assaults people in court. Handcuffs don't stop him, either. It's inhumane and even distressing for Simon, but since he's pushed himself outside what Bobby deems just, getting shocked is deserved in his eyes. He even cracks jokes about it like He-Man giving Skeletor what-for because he sees it as unjust actions getting their dues.
Given that he thought other people's lives were on the line, he was pushed pretty far to do that. But his attitude after the fact doesn't exactly track if he wanted Simon to be better. Unless you assume he doesn't mean "better as a person", but rather someone who follows the path of justice. Obedience, in other words, to the law and those who uphold it. That can be taught with cruelty as well as kindness. And yet they do seem to value each other as partners (in what form I'll leave as an exercise to you).
It's a complicated relationship with a lot of scuffs is what I'm saying.
Of course, this DOES track if you consider the phantom, but given how well he imitated someone he likely only observed for over half a year (Phoenix) vs someone he could have been studying for A LOT longer (Bobby), the fact it passes as nothing strange at all (even to Simon) speaks volumes about Fulbright as a person and how stark a difference there is between how he treats just and unjust people.
Specifically, he treats like a comic book super-hero would (or manga, because AA is a Japanese franchise); cheerful and uplifting to friends but outright cruel and mocking to enemies (or friends doing unjust things). Perhaps that's just how he sees the world. Maybe it's a persona to help deal with his job. Either way, it holds a lot of weight over how he treats people for better and for worse. Up to and including the people who trust him. Bit of a contrast to Apollo "I really really really don't want to think my co-worker is a bad person" Justice, who has a more expected reaction to the idea of having to punish a friend under the law.
Ok I think I'll stop, I'm all Bobby'd out!
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weclassybouquetfun · 26 days
UK actors are having a moment!
-Hero Fiennes Tiffin late of Guy Ritchie's THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE
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is reporting back to Ritchie for the direct to series order for Amazon Prime's YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES.
Will Fiennes Tiffin's Holmes be the young version of Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes that Ritchie famously directed? By Ritchie's comments, I'm thinking the two are unrelated. "In ‘Young Sherlock’ we’re going to see an exhilarating new version of the detective everyone thinks they know in a way they’ve never imagined before,” said Ritchie. “We’re going to crack open this enigmatic character, find out what makes him tick, and learn how he becomes the genius we all love.”
The Fiennes' family are no stranger to the Holmes universe. Hero's uncle Ralph Fiennes played Moriarty in the 2018 comedy HOLMES & WATSON starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.
-Nicholas Galitzine has a hit Amazon film, hit songs on the chart, he's in FYC campaigns for both Amazon's RED WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE and Starz/Sky Atlantic's MARY & GEORGE and now he can put action hero under his belt. Galitzine has been tapped for the role they have seemingly been unable to give away - He-Man, Master of the Universe!
I know. Shocking.
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It has been a hard road getting this property back into the live-action realm. Previously cast was Noah Centineo,
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then bewildering Kyle Allen (WEST SIDE STORY, A HAUNTING IN VENICE)
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and just slightly less bewildering Galitzine.
Thicc Nick. Get those muscles back up, Prince Adam, the People's Princess.
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While the articles I've seen announcing Galitzine's casting say that the plot details are unknown, the film is still being directed by Travis Knight (BUMBLEBEE, KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS) and when he was announced as director the synopsis was: “10-year-old Prince Adam who crashed to Earth in a spaceship and was separated from his magical Power Sword—the only link to his home on Eternia. After tracking it down almost two decades later, Prince Adam is whisked back across space to defend his home planet against the evil forces of Skeletor. But to defeat such a powerful villain, Prince Adam will first need to uncover the mysteries of his past and become He-Man: the most powerful man in the Universe!”
Until then, you can see Galitzine in Variety's ACTORS ON ACTORS (in support of MARY & GEORGE) where he is paired with Leo Woodall, (ONE DAY) and who will be in the next BRIDGET JONES film, BRIDGET JONES: MAD ABOUT THE BOY.
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Galitzine's RED, WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE costar Taylor Zakhar Perez will also be in ACTORS ON ACTORS and is paired with his friend and THE KISSING BOOTH costar Joey King (WE WERE THE LUCKY ONES).
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The rest of the lineup
Quinta Brunson (“Abbott Elementary”) & Jennifer Aniston (“The Morning Show”) 
Jodie Foster (“True Detective: Night Country”) & Robert Downey Jr. (“The Sympathizer”) 
Jon Hamm (“Fargo,” “The Morning Show”) & Kristen Wiig (“Palm Royale”) 
Tyler James Williams (“Abbott Elementary”) & Anthony Mackie (“Twisted Metal”) 
Anna Sawai (“Shōgun “) & Tom Hiddleston (“Loki”) 
Brie Larson (“Lessons in Chemistry”) & Andrew Scott (“Ripley”) 
Hannah Einbinder (“Hacks”) & Chloe Fineman (“Saturday Night Live”) 
Elizabeth Debicki (“The Crown”) & Emma Corrin (“A Murder at the End of the World”) 
Chloë Sevigny (“Feud: Capote vs. The Swans”) & Kim Kardashian (“American Horror Story: Delicate”) 
Naomi Watts (“Feud: Capote vs. The Swans”) & Jonathan Bailey (“Fellow Travelers”) 
-As Travis Knight has directed a TRANSFORMERS film, I move on to a TRANSFORMERS alum - Jack Reynor who was in the panned TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION. Dear Jack has been cast in series two of AppleTV+s CITADEL opposite Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden.
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and another dear Jack, this time Jack "The Lad" O'Connell, who was recently seen in Michael Mann's FERRARI and Sam Taylor Johnson's Amy Winehouse biopic BACK TO BLACK has been cast in the next Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan collaboration (which is said to be a vampire film) and he's been cast in the upcoming 28 DAYS LATER sequel with Cillian Murphy, Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor Johnson and Ralph Fiennes.
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we-do-bones-bracket · 4 months
Who did bones the best?
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here are the finalized brackets! the tournament will be split into two brackets. the finalists of both will go up against each other to determine the winner. characters who were the most popular during submissions will join in round 2
rules & guidelines
about spoilers
matches under cut!
Abraham "Brom Bones" van Brunt (Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story) vs. Skull (One Piece)
Laudna (Critical Role) vs. Sese Kitsugai (Len'en Project)
Benny (Halloweentown) vs. Enki Ankarian (Fear & Hunger)
Stalhorse (The Legend of Zelda) vs. Skeleton Horse (Minecraft)
Skeleton Mob (Minecraft) vs. Stallord (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Ryuk (Death Note) vs. Sam Day Break (Paradise Killer)
Adalman (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) vs. Hero's Shade/Hero's Spirit (The Legend of Zelda)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil) vs. Skeletor (He-Man)
The Forgotten (Binding of Isaac) vs. Countess Ariadne de Winter (Til Death Do Us Bard)
Kel'thuzad (Warcraft) vs. Christopher Flores (Wayward Children)
The Lich King/Arthas Menethil (Warcraft) vs. Bones (Johannes Cabal the Necromancer)
Toro Muerto (The Book of Life) vs. Yodomi Arakawa (Skeleton Double)
Immortan Joe (Mad Max Fury Road) vs. Laika (Laika: Aged Through Blood)
Clinkz (DOTA 2) vs. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (Bleach)
Ianthe Tridantarius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Zenon Zogratis (Black Clover)
Palamedes Sextus (The Locked Tomb) vs. Ketheric Thorm (Baldur's Gate 3)
Ruth Fleming (Nerdy Prudes Must Die) vs. Dr. Bones Cookie (Cookie Run)
Misetani Box (Dai Dark) vs. Frank (Generation Loss)
Shimada Death (Dai Dark) vs. Bone (Warriors)
Kurloz Makara (Homestuck) vs. Mamà Imelda (Coco)
Jake English (Homestuck) vs. Hector (Coco)
SkullBaluchimon (Digimon) vs. Skullgreymon (Digimon)
SkullKnightmon (Digimon) vs. Jolly Roger
Cubone (Pokémon) vs. Ryme (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
Skeletal Dragon (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) vs. Boneknapper (How to Train Your Dragon)
Shinnok (Mortal Kombat) vs. Hector (Castlevania)
Lady Micte (Maya and the Three) vs. Conway (Kentucky Route Zero)
Veralidaine "Daine" Sarrasi (The Immortal Quartet) vs. Pious Augustus (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)
Zélie Adebola (Children of Blood and Bone) vs. SkekMal the Hunter (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
The Hound (RWBY) vs. Nuckelavee (RWBY)
Nina Zenik (Six of Crows) vs. Undertaker (Black Butler)
Yorick (Hamlet) vs. Pale Rider (Persona)
Skelita Calaveras (Monster High) vs. Hell Biker (Persona)
Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson) vs. Bone Ravage (Fortnite)
Death (Discworld) vs. Mort (Hello from the Hallowoods)
Acererak (Dungeons & Dragons) vs. Skid (Spooky Month)
Boneyard (Dungeons & Dragons) vs. Lord Hater (Wonder Over Yonder)
Necrodeus (Kirby Mass Attack) vs. Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Skelly (Hades) vs. Nagash (Warhammer Fantasy Battle)
Lady Bone Demon (Lego Monkie Kid) vs. Dry Bowser (Mario)
King (The Owl House) vs. Dry Bones (Mario)
Dyre Ode/Dyre Owed (Friends at the Table) vs. The Children of the Hydra's Teeth (Jason and the Argonauts (1963))
Qiu Congxue (Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know) vs. Death (The Arcana)
Kimimaro Kaguya (Naruto) vs. Gold Skull (The Sexy Brutale)
Death the Kid (Soul Eater) vs. Keyes (Fairy Tail)
Skull Knight (Berserk) vs. Director Bones (DC Comics) Bone (One Punch Man)
Lord Death Man (DC Comics) vs. Mister Bones (DC Comics)
Death (Horrible Histories) vs. Ebisu (Dorohedoro)
Skeleton (I Spy Spooky Mansion) vs. Skullomania/Saburo Nishikoyama (Street Fighter EX)
Skull Man (Mega Man) vs. SkullMan.exe (Mega Man)
A Real Magic Skeleton (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) vs. Skully (Scary Godmother)
Marquis (Parahumans) vs. Morgo (Little Misfortune)
Señor Huseo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. Brian Laborn/Grue (Parahumans)
Grim (The Grim Adventures) vs. Pluto (Library of Ruina)
Queen Rohaan (Watermelon) vs. Kamen Raider Genm/Kuroto Dan (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Fone Bone (Bone) vs. Smiley Bone (Bone) vs. Phonciple P. "Phoney" Bone (Bone)
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SIDE 2D: ROUND 1: Bowser (Super Mario)/Dr. Eggman (Sonic) VS Beastman (Masters of the Universe)/Lifeweaver (Overwatch 2)
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Propaganda for Bowser/Dr. Eggman:
I support single villain dads dating https://www.tumblr.com/egg-emperor/713984787597164544/perfect-diabolical-dilf-duo-and-theyre-together
Propaganda for Beastman/Lifeweaver:
Okay, this crossover ship is brand spanking new because Lifeweaver's character was only released 6 days ago, but- Okay, so, Lifeweaver used to attend the Academy owned by the Vishkra Corporation until he went backpacking around the world and saw all the damage to the planet that was being done in the name of corporate greed and global control. Lifeweaver left Vishkra and joined Overwatch to "heal the world". He is a support character with healing abilities and a floral/plant-based aesthetic. Beastman used to be Skeletor's most loyal minion until Skeletor died in the first episode of Revelation. Beastman then made it his life's mission to protect Evil-Lyn whom had been Skeletor's lover and second-in-command. He is loyal to Lyn to a fault and at the end of Revelation, Beastman allows Lyn to turn him into a more animal-like beast, then he's almost immediately flung off a cliff and assumed dead. Beastman was done dirty by the narrative and is in need of physical and spiritual healing. Lifeweaver is a healer who wants to personally save everything. Lifeweaver could show Beastman that life is worth living without having to submit his service to a master, he could live for himself according to his own will. Beastman can teach Lifeweaver the follies of devoting too much of yourself to a singular purpose or ideal and that he needs to set aside time for himself and his own needs. They complete each other. Also, Lifeweaver/Beastman would be plant-animal solidarity.
Animal/plant solidarity, beauty and the beast aesthetic, they just complete each other, okay???
mutual support's the name of the game, my friend! Beastman is fiercely loyal even to the point of his own destruction. In MotU:R he's so loyal to Evil-Lyn that he allows her to turn him into a were-creature to fight for her, then he died. But at every step and beat of their relationship, Beastman was always supportive of Lyn, both physically in battle and also emotionally when they were both putting up with Skeletor's abuse. He even calls Lyn out when she continues the cycle of abuse after Skeletor is deposed. He is an emotionally strong man who's not afraid to show his vulnerable side. Lifeweaver is a new character from Overwatch 2 and we don't technically know a lot about him just yet. The canon facts we do know are that he used to attend the Vishkar Academy, but dropped out. He then went backpacking around the world and witnessed first hand how the corporate greed of the Vishkar corporation was killing the planet. He used his Academy training to develop the bio-light technique he uses to be a healer and support fighting in battle. But he's also a Thai Buddhist who believes in healing over destruction and believes that anyone can change, and learn, and grown if given the opportunity. Beastman and Lifeweaver are soulmates, places in different franchises because they would be too powerful together.
first of all, look at this adorable art of them: https://www.tumblr.com/kawehi-the-squigs/714344228724129792/commission-for-beastweaver-had-fun-with-this-one?source=share , and if you're still not convinced, then let me tell you about Beastman's character arch in MotU:R. When Beastman makes his first appearance in the series, he charges on the scene to protect Evil-Lyn (whom is a mage with long white hair). Over the course of the series it becomes apparent that his loyalty to Lyn is more than just simple friendship, but she's obviously not into him so Beastman is content to stay by her side as her friend and protector. When Evil-Lyn goes back to Skeletor, Beastman follows her. When Skeletor resume manipulating and abusing Lyn, Beastman is there to remind her of her value as a person and tell her that she's deserves better than Skeletor. When Evil-Lyn defeats Skeletor and takes over Caste Grayskull from him, Beastman is the voice of reason that calls Lyn out on continuing Skeletor's cycle of abuse. Beastman truly loved Lyn and wanted her to be happy, healthy, alive, and the best version of herself even if she wasn't with him. But, Evil-Lyn turned him into some kinda even more beastly beast-monster and sends him out to die in battle for her. Now, enter Lifeweaver from Overwatch 2. Lifeweaver is a scientist who created a kind of living light technique to heal his comrades in battle. To Beastman, this technology would appear like magic. Lifeweaver would appear like a mage, and he has long white hair. Lifeweaver would remind Beastman of all the good things about Lyn, but Lifeweaver doesn't have any of her flaws or failings (Lifeweaver's got his own flaws, but this post ain't about that). AND Lifeweaver has never perpetuated the cycle of abuse and, in fact, one of his voice lines is "grow into who you truly are". Lifeweaver would encourage Beastman to grow in ways he never could have on Eternia with Lyn and Skeletor. Lifeweaver could help Beastman to become the best version of himself. Beastman in turn could keep Lifeweaver grounded and not let him become so carried away by his ideals that he forgets where he is in the present. They compete each other.
(There is so much more; but I actually don't think I'll be able to fit ALL of it in here; this might be the ship in the tournament with the MOST propaganda! Mega props to the submitters, I adore your passion!)
Art Credit:
Bowser/Eggman art by @/kannra-orhara Beastman/Lifeweaver by @/kawehi-the-squigs, commissioned by @/beastweaver
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jedivoodoochile · 11 months
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He-Man vs. Skeletor by Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell.
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Round one (part 1)
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Adam (He-Man): Fanon asexual "coward" who becomes He-Man, a guy with less clothes and more strength! Also, he's a meme, just search "Heyeyeyeya" and have a good time. Skeletor (often compared to Papyrus) is from this show, my father used to watch it as a kid.
Percival King (Epithet Erased): Canon asexual androgenous character who is a police detective with no social skills! The creator leaves fans to interpret her as autistic and non-binary/trans.
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enemyoflactose · 3 months
I finished Battle City
So for my redemption arc, I have finished both Duelist Kingdom and Battle City.
I think I may have gotten worse.
I'll start by talking about voice acting and which one I prefer:
Bakurae: I like both Ted Lewis and Rica Matsumoto's performances. They both did amazing and I am so bi for their voices.
Marik: His goofy ass skeletor voice is not it. It's funny as hell, but he just sounds better in the sub.
Odion: I like both
Ishizu: I like both
Everyone else: could go either way
Yugi didn't really do a lot at the start, and everything I want to say about him happens in his duel with Joey. Honestly, I don't like how in the anime he doesn't play much of a role.
Yami Yugi: this man... This man.
Téa: I love her. Honestly. She gave like zero friendship speeches this season and didn't really do much except help Yami find Ishizu.
Tristan: he's there. I don't like how he treats Serenity.
Serenity: I actually really like her. She's not the most realistic sister character, but I still like her.
Duke: my guy, leave the girl alone.
Marik: I can't take him seriously. I just can't. He sounds like Skeletor, his plans are stupid, he can barely duel, he's a coward, he dresses ugly, mother fucker uses Revival Jam, this happened
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How am I supposed to take him seriously?! Also, his backstory didn't do anything for me. Like, yeah what he went through was awful, but it just feels like an excuse. It felt like Ishizu and Odion were trying to justify Marik's behavior and say he did nothing wrong and should be forgiven. (Also, I saw a post about how Joey should have showed Marik sympathy. They blocked me when I said that was stupid)
Ishizu: she's such a great character. Her love for her siblings feels real, she's a snarky dork, her duel with Kaiba is fantastic, and she's pretty.
Odion: Am I supposed to feel bad for him? Not because he was horrifically abused I do feel bad about that, but with the way he was treating Marik... My guy was an enabler. Of course Marik is still evil under your care, you haven't done anything to help him be good. He just rolls over and lets Marik do what he wants because he doesn't want to betray his oath or something.
Mai: literally so cool. I'll actually get to talking about her in a bit.
Kaiba: iconic.
Mokuba: he takes his duel commissioner job so seriously it's adorable. He just pops up out of nowhere to catch people cheating and then Kaiba comes along to scare the cheater when they don't listen to Mokuba.
Regular Bakura: B-baby boy???
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Yami Bakura: I'd literally bend over for him. He can have all of my possessions. Anyway I feel like he went through some character assassination this season. He just doesn't seem like a threat, but I guess that's how abusers get ya because he stabs Regular Bakura.
Arkana: I've said it once and I'll say it again, I am a sap. I felt so bad for this guy. First his magic show goes wrong, then his face gets mangled, then his wife leaves him, then he gets indoctrinated into Marik's cult, then he almost dies by saw blade, then he actually dies.
Lumis and Umbra: these two are gay and dating.
Strings: there is nothing there.
Mako and Weevil are pretty much the same.
Espa Roba: he's a cheater.
Bandit Keith vs Yugi Moto (Duel 1)
The first duel of the season introduces us to Marik. We learn that he wants the puzzle and has a magic rod that can mind control people.
This duel shows off that Yugi is not yet as good a duelist as Yami because this loser gets fucking cooked.
Yami Bakura shows up and breaks Keith free. This makes Marik a little annoyed.
Marik makes Keith break the puzzle.
Bakura comes in and helps Yugi fix it, but he puts a little piece of his soul in the puzzle because of reasons that are never explained.
Bakura leaves and Keith burns the building down.
Joey and Tristan save Keith and Yugi.
Yami Yugi vs Jonny Steps (Duel 2)
I am not talking about the duel you suckers. I'm talking about what happened before the duel!
Yami and Téa go on a date. During this date they go on wacky high jinks and Yami gets Light Force Sword.
After dueling Jonny Steps, they go to the museum and meet Ishizu. She tells them that Yami is actually an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and he needs to save the world by joining Kaiba's tournament and winning it. Also he needs three Egyptian God Cards.
Joey vs That one guy (duel 3)
Joey gets Exodiad and feels so bad that he doesn't go and visit his sister in the hospital.
He also lost his Red Eyes Black Dragon.
Tristan finds him on the beach and shows Yugi and Téa who he found (fuck you 4kids)
Kaiba vs the machine (duel 4)
Yami vs the one guy(duel 5)
Yami beats Exodia and wins back Joey's Red Eyes.
Joey declined it.
Joey vs Espa Roba (duel 6)
In this duel Joey faces an alleged psychic who had already defeated Rex Raptor.
Rex tries to help Joey for a little bit, but stops like half way through the duel.
During this duel, Espa is talking about the universe and how he can't lose and shit like that and Joey's just clowning on him.
Espa Roba has his brothers up on a building helping him win duels.
Joey figures this out.
Joey wins the duel.
Some guy in the audience says "Espa couldn't predict he'd be a loser", and I think that's funny.
Joey got a Jinzo!! The only good card he'll get this whole tournament.
Yami vs Arkana (duel 7)
Yami faces a magician who's all like "Aren't you SO sad that your precious Dark Magician is in the deck of another duelist???!"
Some bullshit happens, Dark Magician is sentient and saves Yami, Dark Magician Girl is summoned by Dark Magic Curtain, there's shadow blades, guillotine-chan is here, apparently there's no service in the tent.
Yami wins.
Arkana dies or something it was really unclear.
Joey vs Weevil Underwood (duel 8)
Joey got his deck and Duel Disk stolen by some mustache and had a card put In it.
Joey and Weevil duel ata fountain.
During this duel Weevil calls out to the Parasite Paracide card in Joey's deck and turns all of Joey's monsters into insect cards.
Weevil brings out Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. Joey destroys it.
Weevil brings out his Insect Queen and talks about how much he wants to fuck it. Joey destroys the Insect Queen and wins it.
Joey gained the worst card of the season.
Yami and Kaiba vs some guys (duel 10)
Kaiba uses Lord of D and two Flute of Summoning Dragon to summon three dragons and then he summons Obelisk and then he wins the duel and takes some locator cards.
Joey Wheeler vs Mako (duel 11) ft. Marik falling for the Bakura sham.
Joey and Mako duel.
Joey is putting on the world's greatest show, and is told to stop because it's "embarrassing and taking to long"
Joey tries to use Parasite Paracide, but flip monsters haven't been invented yet.
Marik almost runs over Bakura.
Mako is telling a son story about his dad and how Legendary Fisherman is his dad and he loves his dad so he has to win the duel for his dad because he loves him ever so much.
Yami Bakura is talking mad shit and Marik's all like "This idiot has NO idea that to open the door to darkness he needs the Egyptian God Cards."
What if my guy was talking 'bout Kingdom Hearts?
Mako used a ritual card 🤮
Now Joey has to find the fisherman and attack.
Joey finds the fisherman and attacks. Mako gets sad. Loser deserved it tho for using rituals.
Joey uses some gambling cards and oh no
Bakura puts his scam into action and says he's a strong duelist (He's aight.)
Marik doesn't even fact check this and makes a deal with him.
The rod for a god card.
Joey uses Panther Warrior to wipe out the ritual card 🤮, and wins the duel.
Joey has gained Legendary Fisherman! Not as bad as the last card, but Joey you have a shitty deck how do you keep winning???
Seto and Yami vs Lumis and Umbra (duel 12)
It's awful, it sucks, it's worthless, they should have just used level cards
This duel is not worth my time.
Yami and Seto win.
We interrupt this essay to talk about important stuff that happened out of duels:
Bakura got stabbed
Mokuba, Téa, and Joey got kidnapped
Tristan ran for an hour with a teenage girl on his back
Duke hit some guy with dice
Mai met Serenity
Joey got mind controlled
Téa girl mind controlled
Joey vs Yugi/Yami (duel 13)
I cried during this duel
Joey got mind controlled by Marik and is evil and dueling Yugi for the puzzle and they're also strapped to this anchor that's gonna drag them to the bottom of the ocean in an hour and oh my God this duel
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Téa's life is also being threatened but she's a badass who doesn't care.
Kaiba can't help because then Téa will die.
Joey was given all these rare cards and is using them against Yugi.
Yugi is so scared to attack because he doesn't wanna hurt Joey.
Yugi is so fucking sweet I love him so much.
Yami is just in the corner like "you good Yugi?" And "Oh no!!! Joey!!" I love them so much
Yugi ends up giving the puzzle to Joey so he can fight Marik better, he summons R d eyes black dragon to get through to him, this shit is just barely working I HATE THIS DUEL
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Marik is being a whiny little bitch ass loser because his mind control is failing
Joey breaks free after attacking Yugi then he uses the effect of some mirror card to attack himsefl
Joey and Yugi both plummet to the ocean, Yugi is saved by Joey and Joey is saved by serenity.
Meanwhile at the hospital
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Yami Bakura vs Bonz (duel 14)
This episode is so fucking good. The animation, the duel, BONZ IS HERE
This duel starts off with Yami Bakura already being kinda annoyed. He just got jumped so it makes sense.
He summons a headless knight and it gets destroyed.
He destroys Bonz's cards.
Bonz fuses Medusa and crawling dragon to get... An elephant?
Then Bonz activates that one card that makes you lose life points for every card sent to the graveyard. Yami Bakura responded by fucking cheating and just tossing his hand to the graveyard.
Then he summons Earl of Demise and Bonz puts him in a cage.
Then Yami Bakura uses ectoplasmer and wipes out Bonz's life points and sends him to hell the Shadow Realm.
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Mai vs Jean Clawed Magnum (duel 19)
I am not talking about this duel other than
Joey x Mai supremacy
We love polarshipping
Stuff that happens before the finals
The gang is shocked at the idea of Regular Bakura dueling (rude)
Tristan can't flirt
The gang raid Joey's pantry
A bingo machine
Yami Bakura pretends to be Regular Bakura and messes with Joey by saying shit like "Cheerio" and "fellows"
Marik does stuff
Odion gets threatened a few times
Ishizu shows up late
Mai drinks censored wine
Yami Bakura vs Yami (duel 15)
This shit is so hype
It starts off with Yami Bakura being dog shit and summoning weak cards (it's for a plan), and Yami and the gang just ragging on him and insulting him.
Then Bakura summons Dark Necrofear, but he doesn't attack because he's scared that Yami's face down card is a trap (reasonable)
Dark Necrofear gets destroyed by a buffed Dark Magician Girl, but this was all part of the an because now Yami Bakura can use not only his Destiny Board (worst win strat ever), but he can also use Dark Sanctuary.
At this point in the duel, Yami Bakura is cooking. He is dominating.
He got out his Dark door, Yami can't attack more than once. He got his spirit redirecting attacks at Yami. He's cooking something delicious.
Then Yami special summons Dark Necrofear and now Yami Bakura can't use his strategy.
Unless he summons Jougen the Spiritualist!
Now the sanctuary is back and he can keep up with his shitty win strat.
Then Yami summons Slifer and he contemplates death.
Marik makes Odion walk over and go "I release Bakura from the spirit" and Bakura starts dying and at this point my shipping senses start going nuts.
This duel has become a love triangle between Regular Bakura, Yami Bakura, And Yami Yugi.
But that's not important.
Bakura doesn't like this strategy because it's for cowards and he's worried Yami will attack his host. (Reasonable. The Yami he knows probably would've)
Yami meanwhile doesn't wanna attack Regular Bakura because that's his friend.
No one has told this boy to just surrender.
Yami Bakura takes control of Regular Bakura again and tells Yami to attack him
Then Yugi tells Yami that he did that because he needs Bakura, not because he liked him. (This is untrue if I believe hard enough)
Regular Bakura is knocked out and the ring is gone.
Joey vs Odion (duel 16)
Joey is talking shit.
Odion keeps setting and passing
And oh what's this?? FLASHBACK
Odion was abandoned on the door step of Marik's and Ishizu's parents. He was raised by them but never truly accepted.
He wanted the tomb keeper initiation to become accepted, but he was adopted. So that didn't happen.
Joey's losing
Odion was Marik's best friend and watched their mother die immediately after Marik was born.
He vowed to protect Marik.
Odion has trap monsters and Joey is surprised by this.
A massive scorpion monster thing is summoned and Joey says
"Are you really Marik?"
Then Marik has a temper tantrum and tells Odion to summon Ra. Odion summons Ra and fucking dies.
Then Joey dies.
Odion watched as Marik got his tomb keeper initiation and afterwards he did his own initiation.
Odion tries to get up, but he doesn't.
Joey is having a dream about his friends helping him get ready for a tournament and he can't get up.
Joey gets up and wins the duel.
Marik is having a migraine and then becomes Yami Marik.
Mai vs Marik (duel whatever I don't wanna check)
Marik got a fashion upgrade and looks better!!
During this duel Kaiba is edging himself waiting for Ra to be summoned.
Marik makes the duel a shadow duel and starts to erase Mai's mind.
Mai loses one memory and almost gives up immediately.
Marik continues his mind games while Joey and the gang try to help Mai out.
Mai is having non of this.
Mai steals Ra
Marik is cooking
Mai summons Ra, but Marik broke a rule because Ra is written in a foreign language without a translation.
Mai loses because she can't summon Ra and Marik attacked her, Joey, and Yami.
Final duel, Kaiba vs Ishizu
Ishizu should have won
Kaiba and Ishizu keep milling each other's deck.
Ishizu has a plan though. She saw it in her visions
Kaiba defys those visions tho and instead of summoning Obelisk, he summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon and wipes out Ishizu.
I forgot to talk about the Yami vs Strings duel
Marik is a pussy so he uses some murderer to duel
During this duel Marik is using cards like Revival Jam and Jam Breeding Machine.
He uses them to summon Slifer.
Yami is trapped in a cage.
Yami uses Revival Jam against Marik and uses it to cause Marik to lose by DECK OUT.
That's embarrassing.
So yeah, I think this journey of redemption is becoming a journey of derailment instead. Wish me luck and health.
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Group H, Round 2, Poll 2:
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Propaganda under the cut
Evil Lyn
Vibes, mostly. Is constantly betraying everyone and working for her own interests. In Revelation she steals the power sword and becomes buff and effectively usurps skeletor as the main villain. Her name is Evil Lyn.
literally the EPITOME of these. ive read the odyssey and i will tell u it is literally just him making up a new elaborate fake identity for like every single person he meets. even his own father and wife 😭😭 just for funsies or what idek. he literally does not tell anyone anything gatekeeping any and every gifts + knowledge the gods are given. im not joking his story is basically 90% this malewife just gaslighting people and gatekeeping stuff the gods tell him AND FINALLY FOR THE GIRLBOSS he sees the guys whove been essentially harassing his wife for like 10 years and just??? shoots all of them with arrows?? and he does it in STYLE too he comes as a beggar then the suitors r all trying to use odysseus's bow (they cant) and hes like oh i may just be a beggar but. let me try. and then uses it and instantly shoots someone in the head GIRLBOSS
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