#he recovered so there are no worries now thank gawd
shiinapop · 2 years
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The whole world is different from yesterday
LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her 'Serendipity. This song is just timeless, and IMO, one of the most aesthetic BTS MVs! I would draw every single moment from the MV or the accompanying concert VCRs if I had all the time in the world.
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robin374 · 1 year
Oh god, I have this like… forbidden, shameful fantasy of mine to be tag teamed by sniper and spy, but in like a hate-fucking the enemy team kinda way. I get if you don’t wanna write this but if you do, reader has a vagina, please and thank you so much 🫶
STOP I'M GONNA DEVELOP A CRUSH ON SPY AT THIS POINT. Don't worry, I have a similar forbidden fantasy 😳
You can tell that I've never written and threesome
Being tag-teamed by Sniper and Spy:
Good gawd 😍😍😍
It all started because you killed Sniper the moment he was going to kill your team's Medic. Spy saw it while invisible, repressed a laugh because of the kill but when he saw the annoyed face on Sniper's face he got serious.
"It's the 15th time they killed me! Wanker!"
Just as Spy was recovering from his laughter, you appeared behind him, took his own butterfly knife and stabbed him on the back. Now the one laughing was you.
However, you didn't notice Sniper's hand wrapped on your wrist, so when you were going to run away he pulled you to the ground and made sure no one was around.
"When Spy comes back you will see the consequences of messing with us" He whispered in your ear.
He was so close to your face that you could see his greyish eyes through his sunglasses, he licked lips locking his eyes on your trembling lips.
Expecting a kiss, you yelped the moment you felt Sniper sharp teeth touch your neck. Unconsciously, your hands went to his shoulders to separate him from you. However, you felt two other hands lift you from the floor.
"You don't have any idea of how to treat a lady, bushman."
A French accented voice reached your ears from behind, those hands that pinned you to the ground started to caress your sides. At the same time, a gloved hand tilted your head to one side and Spy's experienced lips kissed you neck, biting and sucking while so.
Sniper kissed your cheeks and started to go down, between the two men they laid you on the floor. He lifted you shirt and left a small trail of kisses and bites.
"Don't even think we are going to be good for you, roo." He said between bites.
They took your clothes off until you were with nothing on. Spy took his gloves off with his mouth and pushed Sniper out of the way, he started touching your clit and smirked more and more when he heard your moans.
Sniper bit your neck and kissed your mouth while Spy was doing his job. Whenever you moaned too loud, he bit you harder or kissed roughly your mouth.
After some more foreplay, Sniper was tired of Spy having all the fun, so he decided to force you on four. Spy, knowin what his colleague wanted to do, he let Sniper to be behind you and him in front of you.
The moment you moaned when Sniper pushed his size inside you, Spy took advantage of it and inserted his own size inside you mouth.
The thirsted and pumped inside you without mercy, not hearing your pleas and cries. They blocked you from your orgasm several times until you were crying for mercy.
When you were about to reach your orgasm they stopped and separated from you. You were left all aroused up and turned on.
You three were putting your own clothes on, until you guys heard some footsteps.
"Can I join the next time?" Said a German accented voice.
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msfbgraves · 7 months
Thanks for answering my Mob ask about Luna’s Heat! It was so good, I love these sweet moments between Terry and Daniel, they’re so into each other it’s delicious. 
I do wonder though, why Daniel was so especially lovely during this Heat? Is it because it was his last for the first litter? Because Luna is an Omega? 
(((“I miss you inside me,” Daniel says. “Oh, sweet Alpha, all these years, you were in my body or my arms at all times... I've been so lonely...”)))
What does he mean by this? Surely they’ve been intimate since Anthony was born. Does Daniel mean intimacy during a Heat? Like, have they not shared a Heat together since Anthony’s birth, to give Daniel a break? 
How old is Anthony anyway? He seems to still be really small here. 
Since Daniel’s their “Mama”, none of the Alpha kids are affected by the Heat. But would John, as an unrelated Alpha, be? I didn’t know betas and other omegas could smell Heats too!
Love how amused/smug Lucille and Betsy were  about the whole thing lol. What on earth do Daniel and Terry tell their pups though? Mama is sick and only Daddy can make him better? Lol. 
Thanks a lot! ^.^
Hi Nonnie, I'm glad you enjoyed my fill after all this time!
I think that there were a few things going on with Daniel here, first he's had a growth spurt and lovely glow up into the floppy Chris look (he's always been gorgeous, but this is peak soft omega. I feel that to look at Daniel over all his time from Karate Kid to Cobra Kai, someone has bred the punk energy right out of him. Yes, he still has his temper, as Terry can well attest, but he's grown into some sweet, domestic wet dream, with his house and his cooking and his pups and the way other Alphas just know he moans around Terry's cock. Gawd people are jealous of the Silvers!), and secondly, he's finally recovered his trust in Terry. Daniel also knows his place in the world: he's a good, very at ease omega, which is a credit to his whole family, his pups are strong, beautiful, smart and happy, his Alpha is succesful, his own man but with a place in the larger business dynamics of the family and the mob, and he looks well satisfied, ahem 😈, Michael is more content than anyone has ever seen him with Apollonia (a match everyone knows Daniele had a hand in securing, too). He's doing very well. Daniel has his omega outreach groups, his door is always open to the Irish mob mates (women and omega). Things are good. He feels good, safe. Loved and loving both. And with so much love around, well, the heart and body have space for a pup, don't they? The kind that both needs and gives the most love...
But Anthony is omega too, right? If no one knows at this point? Yes - but with Anthony extra love and softness and laughter was needed to save the family. Anthony is not as soft as Luna, but he's a cheeky little rascal who makes everybody laugh with his antics. There can't be too much tension building with him around. And yeah, he's little here, three years old, not tiny. He simply senses that Mama feels cuddly, he's very comfortable in his lap so this is an excellent time for a snooze. He loves Daddy but Daddy is not important right now. Nonna though is always important! Nonna gives very nice cuddles and, importantly, he's allowed more treats with her than with Mama.
What Daniel is referring to is simply the feeling of being pregnant or nursing. He's had part of Terry physically growing inside him or nursing nearly continuously. The way omegas and Alphas are about each other's scent... No worries, they've been intimate, but Terry isn't around him 24/7. Even the older puppies are of course not always on his body. So Daniel has been going through a bit of a withdrawal and he's not ready for that yet!
I've mentioned what they tell their pups to people a few times,Nonnie - they're very matter of fact. Sometimes an omega's body wants to make a puppy, and they need their Alpha very close during that time. With the exception of Eli, who has no chill about anything, this doesn't mean much to the pups until they are teenagers, and thus close to presenting, themselves. Parents are weird in many ways, they don't really want details. Sometimes they even leave the bit about puppies out completely. Sometimes Mamas and Daddies need to be very close to one another to show each other how much they love each other. Like, OK, we'll deal, can I show you a cool rock now?
Heat smell is a part of life, then... until, when they're like 12, some of it starts to hit different. When they can sense other people have been close (not Mama and Daddy, that's like so NOT sexy, that just is). Everyone can smell it, yes. But that's no different than how we can smell people, too. That's not unpleasant, if you're clean! And you know how lovers steal each other's clothes? They smell comfortable! But a full on heat is quite potent, especially for Alphas. So no, John is not allowed anywhere near Daniel. He wouldn't want to be, he's a married man!
Thanks for reading, again!
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Sign Me Up For That
There are far worse things than failure...
(Something else I wrote a while ago - dark humour warning)
“I’ve got something you’ll really like,” said Claire’s friend Judie when they were talking on the phone one evening.
“Another knock-off kitchen gadget?” Judie often got stuff from sales or offers in magazines.
“Nope, a way you can go and cuddle babies at the hospital,”
“I can’t do that,” said Claire “I’m not good at that sort of thing!”
“You could be. They’re really short of volunteers,”
“If they’re that desperate for staff, they’d best call Ingeus - another place I have no intention of going to anytime soon!”
Claire had applied for a lot of similar work – both voluntary and paid – a while ago. If she was any good, she would be doing it already. And that had been when she was unemployed and available all the time. She’d now found a fairly reasonable job at an estate agents and this position could well be weekday afternoons anyway.
“Seriously, can you at least Google it? Are you still there?” asked Judie.
“Yes. I’ll Google it later, with the malware scanner on!”
“That’s a great start! Come on, it’ll give you loads of self-esteem!”
“Loads of spam, more likely!” said Claire.
“You aren’t worried about spam when you’re downloading dodgy movies!”
“I know, but I get some satisfaction from watching movies!”
“You don’t get any from holding babies then? Okay…”
“No, I don’t!” Claire was getting annoyed. “I don’t do it because I would never get past the interview! How do you know so much about it anyway? Did you see it on an American documentary?”
“Yes then! Can’t I just come round to yours and play with the kittens?” asked Claire. Her priorities certainly weren’t the same as a couple of years ago. “It would save me a lot of hassle and I could watch a movie at the same time!”
“Not right now, I’m watching Bear Grylls,” said Judie.
“Oh gawd,”
“What’s wrong with him?”
“One, the man is a plonker. Two, I’m not eating anything you’ve cooked now, I have no idea what might be in it!”
Claire decided it was probably a good idea to rustle up an application before Judie suggested any other documentary-inspired ways to spend the evening, such as digging around in the local park for something to eat!
“I’ve got an interview tonight,” Claire said when she went to see Judie after work the next day.
“It’s at ten o’clock at night though. That doesn’t sound remotely dodgy, does it?”
“Sick babies don’t all do office hours,” said Judie. She kind of had a point but you’d think the recruitment office would still be nine to five.
Perhaps they were in there typing rejection letters, Claire thought sarcastically. She’d done some Google searching last night and noticed that some of the baby holding programmes in America had very long waiting lists. If the same applied here, that could be a lot of letters!
“Well, I’m going to get a big fat no anyway,” said Claire.
“How do you know?” asked Judie.
“None of the places I applied to wanted me three years ago, why should they now?”
“I dunno, more experience?”
“From an estate agents!? If they were sitting around cuddling babies all day in the one you went to, how on Earth did you get a flat?” Claire asked jokingly.
“Listen,” said Judie, with her serious face on, “It’s really good for babies and I know you would love it too. Can't you use your imagination? I read about babies who’ve been born on drugs, they need holding all the time so they can recover,”
“I can imagine, I was watching videos of it online last night, while you were watching Bear Grylls making a condom out of stinging nettles or something! That doesn’t change the fact I’ll be getting a big fat no, does it?” argued Claire.
“You might not. My friend’s brother had an interview at night, it was so they could give him a work trial straight away and he got the job!” said Judie. 
“What kind of job?”
“Oh, just supermarket night work,”
“Which doesn’t need a background check or anything,” said Claire “I’ll do my best, but if it’s a Big Fat No you’re paying for us to go somewhere that’ll actually give me some satisfaction. Like a gig! Deal?”
“Deal. Want to watch a film?”
“Not if it’s one of your choices! If the interviewer asks what I’ve done this evening, I can’t tell them I watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or the Centipede or whatever else!” said Claire.
“That could work, they’d certainly know you’re not squeamish!” said Judie, laughing.
“I’m not telling anyone I watched those!! Can I print my CV?”
“Okay, but I’ve only got pink paper left. It’ll be er, baby friendly!”
“You mean it’ll be naff! The babies are not doing the interview, the recruitment people are!”
Judie hadn’t mentioned that she’d run out of black printer ink too. Claire’s CV came out bright pink with purple text. It was starting to look very much like she might be getting this gig!
Claire had a problem with her interview straight away - she couldn’t find the place! Surely a hospital had to be pretty big and clearly signposted? Yet she’d somehow found herself outside a closed-looking office block in the backside of nowhere!
It was 21.49. She knocked on the office block door to ask for directions, hoping like crazy that she wasn’t more than ten minutes’ walk away from the hospital or Judie would have a right laugh hearing that she’d never even found it, in order to get The No.
A man answered the door. Claire heard bleeping and saw someone go past behind him. They were walking around with a drip stand, so this presumably was the right place! It just looked a bit rough on the outside, likely because of Conservative party budget cuts and it being late at night.
“I’m here for the volunteering interview,” said Claire.
The man checked his watch. “Ah. Wait upstairs,”
“Thank you. Which floor…”
He went back inside and and Claire had to kind of run after him into the lift. His voice had sounded all wrong – should he be around sick people with a sore throat like that? Not to mention his attitude!
On an upstairs floor, a woman came in and asked for Claire’s CV then walked off, leaving her in a waiting room with several inside windows. Some of the rooms were definitely staff offices. Others had the shutters down so behind there could have been anything, although the bleeping seemed to be coming from that direction so she assumed it was a hospital ward.
On and off, Claire could hear drilling and what generally sounded like building renovations. Damn, no wonder they couldn’t get the babies to sleep with that racket! She smelled burning plastic and had a terrifying mental image of the block catching fire. Sensibly, she knew it was probably just the paper laminator or whatever the builders were doing.
Where was the interviewer or anyone else? She doubted they were planning to trial people straight away because if nothing else, the background checks would have taken ages. It was Friday night, even something ridiculously fast-tracked would surely have to be done at nine o' clock on Monday morning?
Maybe they’d done it early this morning, after she applied last night? Maybe they could trial her with supervision? Maybe they were just going to give her The No straight away? Although someone actually getting around to interviewing her would be a good start for any of those.
On the upside, she had at least one requirement sorted thanks to their brilliant scheduling – the ability to sit still for a very long time!
Claire remembered one of the videos she’d seen online of a woman snuggling a baby who woke up and looked around at her. He had really big lovely eyes and it had made Claire feel funny inside. Although that was probably just because she had the sense of a Big Fat No heading in her direction.
She was just going to think about that sort of thing, unlikely though it was for her, and not some of the other things she’d read about online recently – about perverts and financial scammers and high-rise fires. That hot plastic smell was making her feel funny inside and not in a good way, maybe she should go and tell someone?
“Yeah, and that’ll make me look brilliant,” Claire thought sarcastically. It would almost certainly be the office document laminator she was freaking out over. Then when this volunteer position inevitably turned out to be admin, she still wouldn’t be getting it!
Claire wasn’t exactly sure how long she’d been waiting. Fifteen minutes or so? One of her interviews was pretty late before, wasn’t it? Although that one was in the morning at a cash & carry, which was just a bit different from this.
She started walking around the place looking for someone to ask. She’d been waiting longer than fifteen minutes - the clock in the staff office said 22.30. Did the interviewer forget about her? If the hospital was that busy, how come she’d barely seen anyone? She found a pile of documents next to the shredder with something pink in it that looked rather like her CV. This was a big fat no alright!
She picked up the pile to check whether the pink thing was actually her CV. It was, and there was something worse underneath – exam certificates! Why would anyone be shredding those? She had suspected from the beginning that there was an admin assistant here who needed replacing but that was ridiculous.
She was going to find someone to moan to, and to hell with The No. She probably would have gotten it anyway and she was now kind of looking forward to getting out of here. She was just glad she didn’t bring her exam certificates! She spotted something else that made her feel funny inside, and certainly not in a good way.
The clock wasn’t on 22.37, it was 02.37! Where the hell had she been for over four hours? Asleep? She must have been totally forgotten about.
There was a corridor at the back with more small offices, but there was nothing in them. She got the feeling that the place wasn’t even finished. What if the entire thing turned out to be some kind of horrible joke? Judie had seemed very encouraging, hadn’t she? Not to mention the weird suggestions of getting useful experience from an office job and the dodgy CV.
Judie certainly wouldn’t have had a problem with frightening her – lover of disgusting horror movies that she was. But she surely wouldn’t be mean enough to disappoint someone with a fake job interview? And how did she rustle up the keys to an empty block? Claire wouldn’t have easily been able to arrange that late at night just for a joke, and she worked for an estate agents! Judie worked in a shop.
Claire remembered something else about the interview at the cash & carry – their offices had been on intermediate floors at the sides and she could see down into the main warehouse from there. Maybe the same thing could work here? It surely wouldn’t hurt to look, if only to find out where everyone had gone and make sure the place wasn’t on fire. She found the controls to the window shutters, opened them so that she could see down onto the next floor and screamed.
There were people in there with their entire bodies covered in bandages, as if they’d been burned in some sort of terrible accident. Far worse than that, one was laying on an operating table and a worker was covering parts of his body with something that looked horribly like plastic laminator sheets. That must have been what she could smell earlier!
The sound that she’d assumed to be building renovations started up again - they were screw-drilling things into his chest. He twisted around - he was awake for this - and she saw metal bars screwed into his head and just kind of…holes for the eyes and mouth. 
She turned round and started running, only to find all of the waiting room doors firmly locked. Even if she could have forced them, she could see that someone who must have impossible strength had moved several heavy filing cabinets in front of the hallway exit doors. She couldn’t get to any outside windows either, so screaming for help or even jumping off the block weren’t going to be an option. The staff had only told people that this floor was the baby nursery because it was a lot easier to make people turn up than if they told them it was the cyber-conversion theatres. Claire realised she was about to lose a hell of a lot more than her self-esteem...
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619: "Running Wild! Invincible General Franky!"
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Pirate King, eh?
You know what? I’m almost apprehensive to leave Punk Hazard behind.
It was such a fun arc and ticked lots of my personal boxes (Caesar is absolutely awful and a treasure of a villain, I have decided). This apprehension is only because I don’t know what’s coming next. Judging by the plot threads Oda has set up so far, it’s fingers crossed I’ll enjoy Dressrosa as much as Punk Hazard.
This episode seemed to be split in two: the fond farewell to the arc and looking forward to the next. In one particular scene, both merged very effectively.
And Now, We Wait.
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The Strawhats waiting for Usopp, Chopper and Brook was definitely a tying up of loose ends. The final piece of the puzzle of Punk Hazard is complete. Now, they only need to escape.
I love this shot. While the others were clambering onto Law’s truck, desperate to escape the lab caving in about them, Luffy and the other Strawhats calmly sat facing the door, unwilling to give up hope until all hope was lost. Because Luffy waited, they all stood by him and did the same. ;_;
The Strawhats definitely have Usopp to thank for guiding Chopper and Brook to safety. “50 meters to go! The Gate is closing. Slide in!” The gas really was gaining at that point but Brook kept everyone’s spirits up. “It’s only over when you give up.”
Chopper, Mocha and the G5 guys burst through first, followed by a very narrow scrape through by Brook and (frozen) Kinemon! Luffy was relieved. You could see the sweat beads on his forehead. But he never gave up hope and his faith in his crew paid off. (But it always helps to have someone like Usopp around, so credit where it is due.)
Another clue that the Strawhats might actually capture Caesar is that Usopp retrieved the cuffs from the Minions. They were so grateful for what Usopp had done for them that they fought to hand over their cuffs. 
The only slightly bad thing was that Brook accidentally let slip that Kinemon had been caught by the gas right in front of his kid.
Don’t think Momonosuke will be happy his dad is dead.
Is he dead, though? The other minions and G5 guys were left behind but why would Brook bother to bring Kinemon, if he couldn’t be revived? Unless it’ll be an honourable samurai funeral situation... ;_;
Actual Knife Energy
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Meanwhile, outside at the Sunny, the Mega Mecha Air Battle between Franky and the Baby 5/Buffalo team was definitely looking to the future (specifically, the future battles and rivalries between Doflamingo and the Strawhat pirates).
As Baby 5 and Buffalo retreated from Franky’s firestorm of laser bullets, they hovered at a safe distance and had a “wtf is that?” moment. An old kung-fu movie style sequence of increasing close ups followed (I laughed). Then, without warning, Franky unleashed a General Left.
Baby 5 and Buffalo were sent reeling again. It was interesting they recognised Franky’s “pacifista” weapons straight away, and that they briefly considered Franky was one of Caesar’s inventions before realising Caesar has no interest in “human” weapons. I guess Caesar’s more a biochem kind of guy.
Well, whatever Franky was, Baby 5 said, if it wanted a fight...
She fired a ton of bullets in Franky’s general direction and thought she’d got him until the smoke cleared and a flash of glowing yellow cyborg eyes said, “Nope. Not even close.”
Then Franky injected a bit of humour into the firefight. Dat General Shield that was way too small. Dat Boomerang! xD
His dumb delaying tactics annoyed Baby 5 into changing form. Now, I am guessing Baby 5 and Buffalo have eaten those types of fruits that let you transform into objects (kind of the opposite of Funkfreed). Would those be Zoan fruits, or something else?
At any rate, their teamwork is pretty good. Buffalo knows how to support Baby 5 and set up her attacks. She transformed into a blade first (Espada Girl), then a missile (Missile Girl). It’s just a shame they’re up against Franky because he is armed to the teeth. Literally. Like, I would not be surprised if Franky has weaponised his teeth.
What probably threw Baby 5 and Buffalo was when they accused Franky of not letting them recover Caesar. Buffalo reminded Baby 5 that Doflamingo said “immediately” regarding Caesar’s recovery. (That itself is interesting. It shows Doflamingo’s orders are not to be defied.) Baby 5 transformed into a missile and yelled, “We’ll take Caesar with us!” and Franky was like, “Wtf are you talking about Caesar?”
I had an “uh oh” moment. Franky just wants to defend Sunny. Baby 5 and Buffalo want to recover Caesar. There is a tiny danger that all three will have a chat and agree to let everyone get what they want with no further conflict. Then Caesar will have escaped. Franky knows what Caesar did to the Strawhats, so I don’t think it’ll happen. But there is always a chance!
And speaking of Caesar...
The Centre of Alllllll the Trouble
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I wonder if this guy knows just how much trouble he’s caused? I wonder if he knows his knowledge alone can turn the OPverse upside down? That Doflamingo sent two members of his team to retrieve him and was willing to sacrifice Monet and Vergo to do so makes it blindingly obvious.
Considering how egotistical Caesar is, he probably knows fine well and absolutely loves it.
Well, I say that. As of 619, he has no idea Doflamingo has sent anyone to rescue him. He’s currently flat out and convinced he’s going to die. 
But, Caesar cannot stop being Caesar. He felt about in his coat pockets, found Smoker’s heart in a box and decided to enact some scorched earth, nuclear revenge. I mean, if he’s gonna die, right?
The scary thing about Caesar is the sheer glee he feels whenever he does something awful. “I’ll take Smoker to hell with me!” he whispered. “It’s a shame I can’t watch him die. He’ll open his eyes, vomit blood and suffocate in no time. I’m excited just imagining it!”
Okay, Caesar. You do you.
He’s also the kind of guy who keeps shanks on his person. Holding it above the heart, he grinned and said, “It’ll cause fear and panic in all those he’s with.”
That’s Caesar in a nutshell. He develops biochem weapons. He’s a serial killer. He loves causing fear and panic. Punk Hazard really was a paradise for him and he manipulated everyone else around him into believing it too.
I don’t think Smoker will die. Mostly because Law is around and he might be able to fix any heart-stabbin’ antics with his Room Plus Medical Powers.
Still, I wonder what will be next for Caesar? If he goes back to Doflamingo, it’ll be business as usual, I guess. If Luffy and Law succeed... what the hell will they do with him? Luffy hates him. Will Law take him on?
I have no idea. It could go any way, really. I suppose it depends on how devoted Caesar is to Doflamingo. Whether Caesar is willing to go down with Doflamingo (I’m assuming this’ll happen because Doflamingo is a villain and Whole Cake Island comes after Dressrosa.)
RIP, Monet and Vergo
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This sequence of scenes was very cool. Lots of beautiful art too.  The most interesting thing here was Monet and Vergo’s devotion to Doflamingo. That they were willing to die to help accomplish his goals. Doflamingo must either have some hellish power, hellish charisma or a hellish combination of both.
The action briefly cut to Dressrosa, where Doflamingo was taking a call from Monet. He couldn’t believe she was alive. (Neither could I. How she recovered from being halved is still a mystery.) She told him Vergo had been beaten. Caesar too. Doflamingo said not to worry. Baby 5 and Buffalo had been sent to retrieve Caesar.
Notice the lack of “and also retrieve you and Vergo.” Monet did notice... and she was fine with it.
“Oh, that’s good to hear,” she said.
Doflamingo apologised. “It’s all because of my misjudgement. I feel bad for you all but I want to make sure to wipe out all those squirts now.” 
Translated: I feel bad that you and Vergo are gonna die but I need this thing done.
He wanted Monet to push Caesar’s Big Red Button, the Big Damned Bomb that was also responsible for leveling Punk Hazard. “With just the push of a button, there will be only one survivor on that island and that is Caesar.”
Jeez. That’s harsh. He just straight up told her.
“You don’t have to say anything, Joker,” Monet answered. “I was just going to do that, anyway. I’m right in front of the triggering device. The explosion will ruin the tanker. You’re gonna lose a tanker. Is that okay?”
“I need you to perish along with everything else.”
“Yes, Young Master.”
What the actual? Monet, this is your LIFE and you are worried about this guy’s TANKER? Doflamingo has crazy control over these people. The scariest thing is that it is not just fear. These people admire him as much as the Strawhats admire Luffy. 
And the weirdest thing? Doflamingo seems to want to claim the Pirate King title.
That’s only Monet’s word, but why would she lie about something like that?
I always thought Doflamingo was dismissive about all the Old/New Era stuff. Now I’m wondering what his deal is.
Doflamingo at least had the grace to call Vergo for one last chat. Vergo was still in bits strung along the railing (it’s kinda gruesome, when you think about it.) He apologised to Vergo, said he had known him for the longest time and thanked him for all his work. Vergo smiled (in fractions). Like Monet, he was totally fine about dying, as long as Doflamingo said the right words.
Then, just before the island went KABOOM, Toei inserted a quick series of flashbacks. The G5 guys who sacrificed themselves with the thumbs up, the kids, the minions, Vergo, Monet, all the Strawhats, Law, Smoker, Tashigi, even Doflamingo perched on his window seat in Dressrosa pinching the bridge of his nose like, “Gawd this was a disaster...”
Now I think about it, it really was. Punk Hazard was a proper death-fest. Caesar gleefully murdered minions left, right and centre, he experimented on kids and nuked an entire island. Doflamingo is asking people to die for him. G5s sacrificed themselves. Though no one on the level of Whitebeard and Ace died, a lot of people bit the big one on Punk Hazard and it was worse in a way because at least in Marineford, they were all fighting for something. In Punk Hazard, people just died because Caesar/Doflamingo’s business.
Everyone’s fighting to survive right now.
Except Luffy. He’s riding a truck through a rapidly collapsing tunnel.
That’s his idea of a great day out.
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Bye, Punk Hazard! It’s been an absolute pleasure.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
(1) Hi, you fluffiest raccoon on planet earth! *snuggles* So Zelda is your favorite game? I haven‘t played a single one of them sadly but my big brother lets me play Breath of the Wild soon on his switch because it really really interests me. I always saw Link in other Games like Smash Bros and all the stuff I saw around the internet made me curious. So I will definitely play Breath of the Wild soon. And about the Witcher. Well, it wouldn‘t hurt if you played the first two games first,
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Edit: Ahahahahha, either Tumblr messed up with new settings and buttons or this extension that I added to have the old blue back but added more buttons too and I accidentally posted before answering lol
You come back after the log off protest so you can read it no worries, Peridot!! Because I may finish this but rather late for you so you go to bed, aye? Talk to you in a week! :3
(this may look like a full answer but it’s just in process buddy. Imma tell you above the keep reading when it’s finished. Gods, sorry for wrong posting hahaha!!)
You most WONDERFUL MUFFIN, I’m happy to get to be answering to you again!! How have you been? I hope you’ve been doing better regarding that other issue. It’s not easy or light so you take your time recovering and making your peace with it, aye buddy? I’m still sending you my good vibes and wishes, standing with you even if only from far away. You can do it, buddy. Take your time. *pets you*
And yes, Zelda must be my fave! Sometimes I feel shy saying it because there’s always the idiot that says that if you haven’t played all the games in the franchise you’re not a fan and that’s stupid to me lol. But yeh, I really love all the Zelda universe aksljdfadlkjg :3
Link is one of my absolute FAVES and babies and I protecc. I think that you’ll like him and the games. Did you know his name is Link because when they were planning the first games, the creator wanted you to see yourself reflected in the character? So that’s why he has no voice (other than his yelps and yells) and is mostly named ‘Link’, because he’s supposed to be a link between the player and the game, it’s supposed to be someone you channel yourself into even if just slightly. Also explains a bit of his physical looks; they say they wanted Link to look like a girl with boy attributes or like a boy with feminine attributes so anyone could feel related to him :3
BUT ENOUGH OF MY RANT, it’s just my love for this boy and everything of the Zelda universe is MY LOVE KLASDJKLADGJ 
Ooooooh, I see what you mean with the whole thing about the Witcher and whether I need to play the first 2 first. I’m catching that it’s sorta like Dragon Age? Like, there’s a kaload of books and info and the other 2 games that come first, but I’m not missing anything like...I can make sense to it. Still, however, it would be more...rich if I could play the first 2 games. I’d understand the story and the lore better, I’d have a better comprehension of the world and the history, and I’d know characters better and deeper.
Still, playing straight from the 3rd game is fine. I’m just missing things in that sort of way but it’s understandable and fine. That’s how I catch it, at least! :)
Well, if that’s the case, I may give a thought to getting the Witcher 3 one day. I do have heard it’s like a classic or a very dear game to many, many people, so I sure should try it out. Thanks for filling me in on whether it was fine to play the third alone or not!! Imma search for the books, as well. Reading is quite a passion for me and if I can complement reading with gaming...gawds, that sounds like HEAVEN
One of the many reasons I’m so intimate with XV is that it’s got a deep and intimate deal with father-son subjects, which makes me sort of weak. And knowing this about the Witcher makes it even more interesting!! Because it sounds like such a complex character with a complex purpose. One looks at him and it’s easy to think that he’s just a tough guy that, I don’t know, is a mercenary and looks for prizes and fame or something, or like he’s defending his dead wife’s memory and taking revenge, something savage and brutal like a Tough Guy, you know?
But the fact that he’s actually looking for his daughter? FUCK, THIS FUCKS ME UP INT HE BEST WAY POSSIBLE *SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK*
I’m SO in love with storyes that don’t revolve around romance. Like, side romance is FANTASTIC, but when it’s like....the center itself, the core? BORING. But family or friend bonds? Siblings? F A T H E R  A N D  D A U G H T E R???????
PERFECT. BRILLIANT. There’s no better character arc/construnction than that of a tough guy fighting for the reasons that can come off as “not rough”. Looking for a daughter is SAVAGE AND BRUTAL AF but it’s not that common ya know. It’s usually revenge,t he love of his life, or something like that. But a tough guy looking for his baby girl? YAS. FAHK. I NEED I NEED I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED
Hahaha, don’t worry about ranting to me about the game!! I understand your joy and excitement, and it’s okay to keep talking about it. It DOES sound like a PHENOMENAL game so of course you’d love to talk more and more about it!! :D
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
A Way Back Into Love - Chapter 6
Camila had been staying at the hospital for three days now. There wasn’t much she could do, but at least she felt better. Although the shallow pain would strike once in a while, but it wasn’t as severe as it was before. Lauren was there with her for the whole three days. Instead of have a rest at home, she insisted to stay at the hospital with her girlfriend. Luckily she didn’t have any appearance or activity scheduled for those three days.
On that morning, the doctor allowed Camila to take a walk and she decided to stroll around the hospital’s small garden. She was happy to go out and get some fresh air, but she was happier because Lauren was with her. They walked hand-in-hand, talked and laughed like they used to. After spending the whole morning together, the couple walked back to the room to get some rest.
Then later in the afternoon, she was alone as she sat back on her bed, reading a book Lauren had brought yesterday. Lauren got a call from her manager, wanted to discuss some important business. Though Lauren was reluctant to leave at first, she managed to ‘kick’ her out. Lauren’s insistence could be hard to deal with sometimes, but she knew a way. So Lauren left the hospital around 11am with a not-so-happy look on her face, leaving her spending half of the day without Lauren.
As time passed, Camila had fallen asleep after lunch and then back to reading once she woke up. She glanced out the window, looking at the peaceful bluish sky. She didn’t know what time it was exactly, but assumed it was probably a few hours to sundown. Her mind started wander of Lauren’s whereabouts. She missed her already. She wanted to call her, but she didn’t want to make her worry. She knew Lauren would freak out and leave everything she was doing the second the saw her name appear on her phone screen. As much as she loved being pampered by her girlfriend, it was selfish of her to take advantage of it. So she decided to just wait and continued reading.
An hour later, she heard a soft knock on the door. Camila looked up from her book and her eyes were on the door. Her smile grew when she recognized the voice. “Hey, Chancho!” Dinah called for her best friend. Dinah pushed the door and ran to her friend, wrapping her arms around the petite girl and rained her face with kisses.
“Cheecheeeeee…” Camila shrieked.
Ally followed behind her and Lauren was the last one to enter the room. “Hi, Mila.” Ally greeted her. They hugged and both of the girls gather on one side of the bed while Lauren stood at the other side as she observed the two ladies showering Camila with love and care. She can’t help but smiled at the view.
Camila moved her sight to the dark-haired girl standing next to her. “Hi, Lauren.” She smiled to her.
“Hey, baby.” Lauren kissed Camila’s cheek as she whispered to her ear. “I missed you, badly.”
Camila’s bit her lower lip when she gazed at her girlfriend. She then moved her sight to other two girls. “I’m glad you guys are here. Where’s Mani?” She asked when she realized there was a missing member.
“She’s having a rehearsal of her musical play and she couldn’t escape. But she’ll be here once she’s done.” Dinah explained. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. Lauser right there aka your girlfriend was being super possessive for not letting me come to see you last night.” She raised an eyebrow in annoyance as she glanced at Lauren.
“Oh, shut up DJ. She needs a good rest without any distraction or disturbance.” Lauren raised her eyebrow to the Polynesian girl while Dinah responded with rolling her eyes.
“Ignore these two.” Ally shook her head as she took a seat on the edge of the bed across Camila. “So how are you?” She flashed her infamous smile.
“I’m good, Ally. Thanks for coming by the way. I haven’t seen you guys in a while. I miss you all though. ” Camila’s eyes gleamed with joy. She did miss her friends.
“We missed you too, Mila. I was worried about you when Lauren told us you’re sick.” Dinah chimed in as she placed her hand on Camila’s shoulder.
All four ladies spent most of the evening with chatting and catching up. Camila explained to them about her condition and it took both of them by surprise. But despite that, they showed their support and prayed for her recovery.While they were occupied in their chatting, the knock on the door stopped them as Dr. Reynolds entered the room. Dinah, Ally and Lauren stood up upon seeing him approaching the bed.
“Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you ladies.” He nodded to the three standing girls and flashed a row of nice white teeth to them. “I need to do a brief checkup on Camila, if you don’t mind.” Dr. Reynolds moved closer to Camila and put on his stethoscope as he examined her thoroughly. “Any pain so far?” He asked, but Camila only shook her head.
Dinah who was standing a few feet behind the doctor was smiling while watching the doctor did the examination on Camila. She was checking on him; eyeing him from head to toe. But the eyes mostly stayed on his ass. She found his backside was incredibly fascinating. Not to mention his athletic build and the height that makes him looked more like a model than a doctor. His trimmed dark-blonde hair that combed nicely and his clean shaved face makes him not only easy on the eyes, but super hot too. Ally and Lauren only managed to roll their eyes upon noticing the blonde’s enjoyment.
He took off the stethoscope and draped it around his neck, then took the file and scribbled something on it. “According to your chart here, everything is fine.” He nodded a couple of times. “So I guess you can go home tomorrow.”
“Really?” Camila asked as her eyes widened a little.
“Yes. I’m sure you’re bored here. I can see it on your face in past few days. It’s good to see you smile more, especially with the visit of your beautiful friends here.” He turned around and gave Dinah and Ally a warm smile. Dinah looked like she was about to faint from the small remark.
“So it that mean she’s recovered?” Dinah asked.
“Not yet, Miss…?” The doctor paused with a question in his tone, sort of asking for her name. He was obviously being nice, trying his best not to sound like he was flirting with his patient’s friend. If he was sending a different signal, then so be it. The blonde lady was indeed stunning.
“Dinah Jane.” She answered with her eyes twinkled with excitement.
“Miss Dinah Jane.” He smiled to her. “Her body was in stress for the past couple of days, her blood pressure was below stable and it would be risky to perform a surgery unless there’s certain critical condition like bleeding. Thankfully, the condition wasn’t that bad so I slow down the symptoms with drug and let her body rest more.” He explained as he looked back and forth from Dinah to Camila. Dinah on the other hand gave her full attention to the doctor as if he was telling the most interesting story while the truth she was clueless of what he was saying.
Except for Dinah, the rest of the ladies nodded at the explanation. Now it make sense to them of why Camila need to be in the hospital for a few days.
“The symptoms could come back so I’ll prescribe some pain reliever for you and take it when needed. We’ll schedule the surgery in a week, if that’s okay with you?” He asked as he looked at Camila.
Camila glanced at Lauren, kind of asking for an approval from her. Although she was well aware that she didn’t need anyone’s consent for the surgery, she felt a bit agitated to give the answer. If she said yes, it meant she will be cut open in a week and the thought of it was somehow frightening. Lauren noticed the hesitancy in her girlfriend’s eyes, so she wrapped her hand around Camila’s shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. “You’ll be fine. I’m here with you.” She whispered in Camila’s ears.
Camila looked to the doctor and answered. “A week would be fine.”
He wrote something on the file and moved backhis attention to Camila. “Just to remind you that you’re not yet recover so please take it easy on yourself. Don’t put any pressure to your body, especially to your abdomen for the whole week which means no exertion, no sport or dancing or any physical activity. Sexual intercourse included…doesn’t matter if it’s solo or slow, still no.” He said matter-of-factly that gave Camila a slight blush on her face while Lauren looked on the floor, trying to hide the blush.
Dinah and Ally were trying their best to hold their laughter upon seeing the blush on the lovebirds’ faces.
“Alright then, I’ll see you in a week Ms. Cabello. Nice meeting you, ladies. Good evening.” He flashed his glorious smile to the ladies before exited the room. Lauren thanked the doctor as she smiled to him and then hugged Camila.
“Thank you, Dr. Reynolds.” Camila said.
“Thank you, Dr. Reynolds.” Dinah repeated and beamed to him as he smiled back to her. Once the doctor disappeared from the room, Dinah jumped on her feet as she put both of her hands on her chest. “Oh my gawd! He’s one hell of a fine doctor. With the killing jawline, nice ass and the model height, I rather get sick. If I have to take Mila’s place here, I won’t mind in the slightest. He can do all the examinations needed to me. I would be the luckiest patient. Gosh, how you handle that hotness every day, Mila?” She said while fanning herself with her hand.
Camila rolled her eyes at her best friend. “Glad I’m gay.” She said smugly as she glanced up at her girlfriend, causing laughter to Ally and Lauren.
“That’s my girl!” Lauren exclaimed in delight, feeling proud in her heart. She then leaned in and kissed Camila’s temple, causing Dinah’s lips twitched in disgust and rolled her eyes even harder.
All four ladies spent the evening chatting more until the visiting hour ended. Dinah and Ally left the hospital with relief in their heart to know Camila was alright. Lauren in other hand was smiling all night as she was excited to take Camila home. She wanted to take care of her girl and make sure she feel loved again.
Lauren held Camila’s hand as they both entered their apartment. She motioned her girlfriend to the living room and let her settle in the couch while she placed the duffle bag on the floor. She then plopped onto the couch next to Camila.
“It’s good to be home.” Camila sighed with a smile on her face. “I miss it so much.”
Lauren glanced at her. “Just home?”
Camila looked at the older Latina with a confuse look on her face. “What else should I miss?”
“The owner of the house? Your housemate aka your roommate aka your girl…” Lauren voice trailed off as she grinned.
“Oh yea, the beautiful brunette with sparkling green eyes.” Camila nodded with a sheepish smile, playing along with her girlfriend as she leaned in to kiss her on the lips. “I think I miss her more than she knows.” She said softly in between the kiss then rested her forehead on Lauren’s. “Even though she’s with every day at the hospital, I still miss her. I think I’m crazy.” Camila let out a small laugh and shook her head as if she was saying something illogical.
“Hey, you missed your girlfriend and there’s nothing crazy about it. And knowing that makes me happy.” Lauren cooed, putting a hand to the side of her face. Her heart warmed with happiness. “I miss you too…more than you know.” She closed the gap between them and kissed her.
The kiss got Camila hot and excited. She slowly pushed Lauren down on the couch as she leaned on top of her girlfriend.
“Camz…” Lauren said in between the kiss. Camila only responded with a hum as she deepened the kiss. “The doctor said no physical activity…” Her voice trailed off in between the shallow breath.
“So?” Camila asked while her hands started to roam all over Lauren’s body. “I can kiss you whenever I want.”
Lauren can’t help but let herself wrapped up in the intimacy she’d been longing from her girlfriend. She put her hand on Camila’s neck to deepen the kiss. She enjoyed the kiss and got a little excited. She then realized where make out session would lead them and she immediately pulled away. “Sorry, baby. As much as I love kissing you, we have to stop. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She said with quiet voice.
“I have no control when it comes to you.” A small chuckle left Camila’s mouth once she pulled away and moved away from Lauren and they both sat comfortably on the couch. “Sometimes I don’t understand how you put up with a silly girl like me. One day we were fighting and you left. I was bawling because I thought you’re breaking up with me. The next thing I know I was in the hospital and begging for you not to leave me. Now I’m kissing you like there’s no tomorrow.”
Lauren lowered down her head while heaving a sigh. “Camz, I know we haven’t talked through about our argument before. I’m really sorry for what I’ve said to you on that day, but I was upset. And you know how rash I can be when I’m upset. I can be thoughtless and say stupid thing.”
“I don’t really blame you. You were upset anyway. But there’s one thing I kept wondering.”
“What is that?” Lauren glanced up to her.
“Do you really mean what you said?” Camila asked.
“About what?”
Camila swallowed the lump in her throat as she remembered the fight they had that day. “That we shouldn’t get back together in the first place.” Her eyes were full on anticipation as she felt the tears stinging in the back of her eyes.
Lauren said no word. She tried to form the best answer in her head, but failed. Her thought was taken back to the day where she and Camila had a fight. Whatever she said on that day was mostly coming from the anger and her judgement was clouded by the feeling of distrust.
Looking at the silence of the older brunette, Camila nodded repeatedly as tears began to form in her eyes and leaned back on the couch. “So you really thought we shouldn’t get back together.”
“It’s not like that, Camz.” Lauren shook her head and groaned of frustration. She shut her eyes when she felt a pang of disappointment and sadness. It was the same feeling she felt on the day she had a fight with Camila. She leaned her elbows on her knees, tried to speak but nothing came out. She didn’t mean what she said to her that day, but remembering the words written in the note, she felt like she was deceived by her girlfriend. “I don’t want to talk about this. I’ll get upset especially when I remember about that note. I can’t stop thinking why you have such thought about us.” She huffed and stood up. “I don’t think this conversation would take us anywhere.”
Camila said as she grabbed Lauren’s hand. “Why are you always avoiding talking about it? How long do you plan to keep your feeling inside? We need to talk about it, Lauren. Open up to me.” Annoyance was evident in her voice.
Lauren turned around to face the younger Latina and rolled her eyes. “If you want to open up your feeling, you would’ve done it since the beginning of our relationship. You would’ve talked to me about how you feel instead of bottled up your feeling this whole time.”
“I told you I wrote that note a long time ago, probably before we’re officially back together. When I meet you again after so many years, I have so many questions in my head. That’s why I wrote that note. And you are not supposed to read my journal anyway.” Camila stood up with her voice slightly raised. “I don’t understand why you have to be so upset.”
“I didn’t read your journal. The note slipped out.” Lauren said matter-of-factly with her hands on her hips. “We’re in a relationship and I expect nothing more than honesty and trust from you. Then suddenly I found a note full of your doubts…about me and our relationship. How am I supposed to feel then? Be happy about it?” The manner of her voice was full of irritation.
“Forgive me if what I said in that fucking note hurts you, but every time I bring it up, you always avoiding talking about it as if you caught me cheating. You’re so dramatic.”
“Oh, so I’m the one to blame now?” Lauren rolled her eyes and let out a sarcastic laugh.
“I don’t understand why you have to be so upset about it. It was just a fucking old note.”
Lauren scoffed. “Yea, it was a fucking old note, but I can’t help but wondering how sincere you were with me this whole time? I’m trying to be as expressive as I can be to you, but I don’t get the same thing from you and that upsets me! Who am I to you, really? Am I here for a show? If you don’t want to be with me in the first place, you should’ve said it so we don’t have to waste two fucking years together.”
Camila gasped at the statement as another set of tears fell. “So our two years together is a fucking waste to you? If I don’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t bother saying yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend, Lauren. Yet I’m here as your girlfriend. What else do you want?” She wasn’t holding her anger anymore.
At this point, they were yelling at each other. Lauren ran her fingers through her hair as she groaned in frustration, trying her best not to cry. Camila on the other hand was letting out her emotion with crying.
Lauren glared at her girlfriend with gritted teeth. “I just want a fucking communication between us. Is that too much to ask? I don’t understand why it is so hard for you to open up to me. You can talk your other friends about your doubts and worries, but not to me. WHY? I’m your girlfriend, Camila.”
“Yes, I have doubts about us, but that’s because to think that our history might repeat itself and our relationship may not work scares me. I love you so damn much and I don’t want to lose you again, Lauren. THAT’S WHY!” Camila shouted as she sat down on the couch and buried her face in her hand, crying hard. She was overwhelmed by heartache and anger at the same time. “If I lose you again, I wouldn’t survive the heartbreak.” She said in between the sob.
Upon hearing the answer, Lauren only managed to sigh as she sat down on the armrest of the couch. She lost of words. She didn’t know what to say to make things better between them right now. All she knew, she was frustrated with the whole situation.
There was a long silence as both of them calm down from the intense conversation. As the tension fading, Lauren took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I told you, this conversation wouldn’t take us anywhere. How are we supposed to talk if we will always end up fighting like this?”
“I don’t understand what have happened to us, but I feel like there’s still insecurity in us about each other. I never meant to hurt you, I swear. But if one stupid note could cause a hell of distrust in your heart, then I don’t know how we’re going to go through more trials in our relationship.” Camila gazed at Lauren with frustration was evident in her look. “I’m tired. I think we should call it a day.” She turned around, walked to the bedroom and slammed the door.
Lauren shut her eyes tightly as she let out a soft groan when she heard the slam of the door. She tried to wrap her mind upon what just happened between them. Why it was so hard for them to talk it through? What just happened was nothing like them. They argued before, but not to the extent where they were yelling at each other. Today was supposed to be the day where they enjoy being at home, in each other’s arm like a happy couple they were especially after unwholesome days they spent in the hospital. Unexpectedly, things turned out differently and none of them had any idea how to fix it.
A/N:  Thanks for reading. You can visit my Wattpad @mistxz to hit the star button and feel free to leave a comment.
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