#he said hes a junior in college so i guess he could be younger but im pretty sure hes an older student
olliecoded · 1 year
so some guy who looked to be in his mid 30s just started hitting on me repeatedly at WORK so i couldnt tell him to please leave me alone🩷💞
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by-april-march · 5 days
South Park: Warm Blood [01]
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Kenny McCormick knew better than to fall for his friend's ex-girlfriend, the one who spent her nights working for Professor Chaos as a villain... but fooling around a little couldn’t hurt, right? A one time thing that turned into another (& another, & another, &...) will eventually threaten the lives of everyone in South Park.
💖🔞 18+, Cursing, Death, Sex/smut, Angst. 🔞💖
Pretty much every ship (gay or straight) gets a little something throughout the story so I'm not even gonna bother tagging, rofl. I had so much fun writing this, but if it's not your thing I totally get it 😂
You can find every chapter, along with some art and supplemental drabbles in the 🩸 [Warm Blood Masterpost] 🩸
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[Chapter 01. Warm Blood]
It was one of their final lunches as high school students. The whole gang was preparing for college life and young adulthood, but Kenny started early. He got a job as soon as he legally could, and started saving. By junior year he could finally afford a shitty used car, and he was stable enough to do some nice things for Karen once in a while. A movie or a meal here and there. Small shit that most people wouldn’t think twice about, but meant a lot to her. 
  Kenny sat between Cartman and Clyde, with Stan, Kyle and Tolkien across from them. Everyone was making moves and preparing for big changes, but Kyle surprised him the most.
“You really broke up with her? Like you’re really not getting back together again?” Kenny asked, “She was actually hot,”
“Way out of your league,” Stan added.
“Thanks guys,” Kyle sighed, “You know, I could use some support,”
“So you dumped her and you still want us to hold your fucking hand?” Cartman asked.
“You really fumbled a baddie,” Tolkien said.
“She find out you fucked Theresa?” Stan asked.
“Wait – While you were together?” Clyde asked curiously. 
“We were already broken up,” Kyle said plainly.
“For like two days,” Tolkien added.
“I was depressed,” Kyle insisted.
“I know when I'm depressed a random hookup always makes me feel better,” Kenny mused.
“Whatever. The point is, me and Martine, we’re done for good this time,” Kyle asserted.
Kenny looked across the cafeteria. Martine Guede was reading a comic book across from Wendy and Nichole. He always kind of liked her. They worked together at City Wok since sophomore year. He was a line cook and she was a server, although the locals still just called her a waitress. Pretty. Big boobs. Brown skin and long dark hair. Short as fuck, but the tits made up for it. Yeah, she was small, (He was 6’2” and guessed he had 12 inches on her give or take) but he knew there was a lot crammed into that small package. He always wanted to hook up with her, but she and Kyle had been friends a couple years already and he was tutoring her in chemistry. He got there first.
The final few months of high school were hard for everyone, but especially Martine.
Kyle had just broken up with her two weeks ago, and she was devastated. A week after the break up, she found out her dad was sick. Cancer. Treatable, supposedly. He told her he didn’t want anyone to know. Just another secret for her to carry around. The things her father didn’t want people to know about him could fill a tanker truck.
Martine’s alter ego, Pillow Princess stood on the roof of the U-Store-It with Professor Chaos and tried to explain her situation to him. His hands fidgeted anxiously.
“Oh hamburgers!” He exclaimed, “Do you need bereavement leave?”
“Not at all, I really...” She frowned, “I need an assignment,”
He snapped his fingers, “I have just the thing!”
There was a train coming through town, some rare books were on board. They bought some tickets under a fake name with the Chaos Company Card™ and she brought two of the younger Chaos minions to cause a distraction. She stayed in her street clothes to be less conspicuous.
Kinda hard to steal anything in a crowded train with a tinfoil tiara on your head.
Once she had the books secured in her backpack, she got off the train a few stops before South Park, and started walking back to town.
When she made it back to the outskirts of town she stood on the tracks and looked up at the stars. She waited a bit and then she checked the time on her phone. 
The next train should be here any minute. My mother killed herself. Maybe it just runs in the family. Maybe it was always my destiny and I should just get it over with.
She heard the crashing metallic round of the train’s wheels moving towards her on the track.
Time to snap out of it.
Her sneaker was wedged under pieces of old and new track. It wouldn’t come out no matter how hard she yanked. She tried to untie it, but it was triple knotted, and in her panic she was struggling to no avail.
 She was hit. It knocked the air out her lungs. She rolled for what felt like a mile. She immediately pulled herself up and saw Mysterion, her friend Kenny, on the tracks.
He knocked me clear out of the way.
She had looked just in time to see him get completely pulverized by the oncoming train. She froze. She felt small droplets of blood hit the side of her face. She thought some even got into her mouth. Sure enough, she spat on the ground and it was red.
She wasn’t sure how she got home in the throes of shock. The next morning she only remembered crying in the shower and crying again in bed until she finally slept. She called off work the next morning. She couldn’t go there. Not now. 
About a week ago, it was Michael’s birthday. He was another kid they used to go to school with that ended up as a cook at City Wok, just a couple years older. A friend of his worked at Faggoncini’s and “found” a few bottles of the house wine before he quit. The three of them sat on the roof of City Wok after a shift and were drinking and shooting the shit, mostly about work. Michael pretty much shot gunned his bottle, puked off the side of the building and passed out in one of the lawn chairs. She and Kenny sat on the ground next to him catching up. She thought maybe he was really just checking on her since she’d just gotten dumped and word around town was she was a total wreck about the whole thing.
“I dunno, kids are weird,” He said, “I’m pretty sure she has a crush on someone but she won’t fucking talk to me about it,”
She laughed loudly, “Of course not! She’s a newly minted teenage girl and you’re her older brother. I wouldn’t tell you shit either,”
“I want her to make good choices,” He said as he drank from a paper cup he swiped from the restaurant below them.
She leaned over and pointed at him, “Did you make good choices about dating, and sex, and love when you were thirteen?”
He took a big swig of wine from his cup in lieu of an answer and she laughed softly, “That’s what I thought,”
He eyed her as she took a big gulp of wine from the neck of her bottle, “Don’t make me take that away from you,”
“There’s your problem. You need to stop trying to be everyone’s daddy,” She laughed and leaned against his shoulder, “You act like you have to hold up the world on your own and take care of everyone,”
She looked over at him and her smile fell a little bit, “Who’s taking care of you?”
Her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, and when she looked at him he felt a little disarmed, “Me? I am,”
As he looked back at her, she could feel her heart race in her chest. She thought he might kiss her then. She swore he looked like he might. She wished he would.
Now, she wished he was around, even if it was just to scold her for being an idiot.
She sat on her knees and prayed to the fixed candle on the ancestral altar in her father’s study. Hoodoo and Voodoo went way back with her mom’s side of the family. She kept up with her mother's altar after her death and it quickly became her only form of comfort. After all, she was twelve and her father had completely checked out in the wake of her passing. The next couple years, he sent her to stay with different family members for large chunks of time and then the things that happened had happened to her. She didn't talk about it and could count the people who knew on one hand, but the first person she eventually told was Kyle. He started sneaking into her room that night. Her “weird” religion never phased him. Probably because she liked the rituals, but never took it too seriously.
She was desperate now though and wasn’t sure what else to do. It felt like drowning.
“He died for me,” she cried quietly, “He died because for a few minutes I hated myself and I was the one who wanted to die,”
She wiped away some tears and balled her fists up on her thighs, “Now, I have to live with it,”
She spent the rest of day researching root-work, lwa and anything she could find on summoning rituals. The shock and sadness came and went like waves on a beach. One minute she’d be fine with her toes in the warm sand, then later water was forcing itself in her lungs.
When night fell, she slipped on her favorite boots and headed over to Henrietta’s magic shop for supplies. As her boots clicked on the pavement, she thought she heard someone following her. It made her nervous. She turned and walked backwards for a bit and bumped right into someone else.
“I’m so sorry,” She turned and apologized sincerely.
She was now face to face with a man. He was tall, with strong features and a slightly crooked smile.
“Cute girls don’t have to apologize to me,” The Man said, “What’re you doing out so late?”
Something about him made her think of those beautiful frogs that come in vibrant colors. Nice to look at, but toxic. She laughed nervously. She really just wanted to go home.
“Coffee run,” She lied, lifting her nondescript plastic shopping bag.
When she lifted her arm, he grabbed it and pulled her into him. Between the shock and one of her heels snapping, she didn’t stand a chance. He held onto her wrist tightly and trapped her in a bear hug. She stopped fighting.
He pulled her into the nearby alley, and once he reached the back wall with no escape route in sight, he pushed her on the ground and pinned her legs down with his knees. She couldn’t see, but she heard a loud whumph! nearby. Suddenly the man was pulled off of her and thrown into the brick wall. She stared at the stars in the sky as she stayed on her back and listened to sounds of blows landing. It started sounding wet. Brutal. She finally sat up and looked around cautiously.
I must be dissociating, right? I’m seeing what I want to see. They say that happens, right? 
The man was slumped on the ground, and appeared to be worked over pretty well. His face was bloody and she thought his jaw looked broken. Mysterion was zip-tying his hands behind his back. When he was done, he let him fall back down onto the concrete and zip-tied his ankles.
He turned to her. Mysterion. Kenny. Her friend. The one she saw get obliterated at high speeds by iron and steel at a speed she didn’t want to guess. The one who should be nothing more than smeared blood and broken bones on the outskirts of town.
“I should’ve been here sooner,” He clenched his gloved fists, “Are you alright?”
Her bottom lip quivered and tears fell freely from her eyes.
He knelt down and offered her his hand. He glanced at the blood on his knuckles, quickly wiped them on his cloak and held his hand back out to her. She’d been through a lot and he didn’t want to scare her or make her feel like she’d be forced to touch him right now.
She practically tackled him and buried her face in his chest as she cried.
He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. She took a deep breath and he could feel the tension in her muscles ease. She closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling of his heart beating hard and fast.
“How are you alive? I saw– I felt– The train,” She pulled back and looked up at him.
Holy shit. “You remember that?” He glanced down at her dripping eyelashes and flushed cheeks. 
He cupped her face in his palms and gently pushed her tears away with his thumbs. He thought she looked pretty even when she cried. It really wasn’t fair.
“How could I forget?” More tears started swelling in her eyes, “I was– It was devastating,”
I’ve never… This never happens.
Why her?
She’s... Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine,” Mysterion assured her, “Long story,”
“Wha – How?” She asked, trying to stand.
She wobbled, forgetting about her broken heel and he hurriedly grabbed her waist to stabilize her. There was a searing pain in her ankle, and she hoped it wasn’t swelling in what was left of her boot.
“You alright?” He asked, helping her up and changing the subject.
“My ankle,” She said softly, “I think I can make it, but my heel broke and I twisted it trying to–”
He scooped her up, and she looked up at him. Being held by him, she felt safe. Safe for the first time in a long time, maybe since even before she and Kyle broke up. She rested her head against him, her ear pressed against the very top of his chest. Martine could hear his heart was still pounding. Still alive.
He liked the feeling of her weight, and the warmth of her in his arms. She felt good, but he did wonder how such a small girl could radiate so much heat. He carried her all the way to City Wok, and in the alley behind the building where his car was hidden. He helped her in the car and closed the door. He sat in the driver's seat, slammed the door behind him and pulled off his hood. 
She looked at his messy blonde hair and suddenly her face starting feeling hot again, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling anyway, “Thank you,”
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen you smile in about a week,” He said, dropping the hero growl.
“Before– On the tracks– I wasn’t trying to… Whatever. I just kinda zoned out, and then the next thing I knew my shoe was stuck,” She sighed and hid her face in her palms, “I’m so sorry,”
“Hey, I’m fine,” He reassured her.
“It’s just been a rough couple weeks,” She balled her fists up on her thighs and her usually honeyed voice grew thin, “He acts like I don’t even exist anymore,”
“He’s a fucking dumbass. If it were you and me–”  He caught himself and cringed internally, “Sorry. I didn’t mean–”
She searched his face, “Tell me,”
He wanted to lie to her, but her cheeks were red, her eyes were pleading, and once again he felt totally disarmed.
“If it were you and me, I’d follow you anywhere,”
He hated being vulnerable, but he’d grown to hate the idea of refusing her more. By virtue of forced proximity between work and Kyle, he’d gotten to know her pretty well. When she got frustrated or annoyed she made this pouting face that drove him crazy. It wasn’t bratty, it was... kinda hot.  Her already full lips pursed a bit, becoming just a little more full, her brows came together just a little more, her cheeks got a little bit flushed, and she’d tilt her head and look up at him. He was afraid if she did it now, he might kiss her. It was definitely not a great time to make a move like that.
He thought about how well he’d gotten to know her. She only wore dresses and skirts and she loved anything with lace. She’s hyper feminine aesthetically, but she can’t cook and babies freak her out. If she could, she'd eat nothing but cereal for the rest of her life. She likes comics, but she loves music and is a legit pianist. She wants to go to law school so she can help people. Most importantly, Kenny knew that she was meant to be with him.
Unbeknownst to Kenny, he'd said exactly what she wanted to hear. He was the guy who saved her extra fried rice at work to make sure she’d eat something. He gave her advice about Kyle. He went to her for advice about being a teenage girl, so he could help his sister with some problems she was having in school. He figured out what happened to Martine as a kid and kept it to himself until she eventually confided in him about it. She thought maybe if she waited, he’d explain what happened with him and the train in time, too. She never really thought about how close they were before. He was just there. “Do you really mean that?” She asked. 
“I promise,” He said gently. She leaned over and kissed him. The next thing she knew, his hands were pulling her closer, and his tongue was in her mouth. She initiated, so he figured he might as well go for it. He was glad he took the risk. She tasted good. Like honey, maybe? With a touch of pineapple? He thought he’d better keep going until he figured it out.
It paid off even more when she climbed into his lap. They kissed deeper and something about his mouth on hers just felt right. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, and she untied the straps of her black halter dress to get them out of his way. She was willing to give him as much of herself as he wanted, and he felt so good, she didn’t want anything impeding his mouth from her body. He wondered how her skin was so smooth, how she smelled so sweet all over and how far she’d let him go. Once his tongue was back in her mouth with no sign of them stopping soon, she pulled down the whole top of her dress, exposing her breasts to the cold air. She took an uneven breath and waited to see if he’d reject her or not.
The shape, the size for her body, her delicate brown nipples… they were practically perfect. He knew they would be. It wasn’t like he hadn’t noticed them before. He’d even seen them once when Kyle was swiping through shit on his phone a while back. He quickly took one of her tits in his hand and the other in his mouth, assuaging her fears. As his tongue ran over one nipple, his thumb rolled over the other, and he listened to a small, satisfied whimper escape her lips. She ran her hand through his hair, and he knew there was no going back from this. Not that he wanted to go back, because now that he had his mouth on her, he wondered why they hadn’t been doing this the whole fucking time. His hands slid back and held onto her ass. He pulled her into him more and she could feel him grind against her through their clothes.
She pulled off his mask, then cupped his face with both hands and tried her best to read him. He scanned her in return, practically panting in anticipation. She dropped her hands down to his chest and could feel his heart hammering away like crazy. Still alive.
She smiled and swore she could feel him throb underneath her in response.
Her voice seemed uncharacteristically shy, “Do you wanna fuck me?”
Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits. Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits. Pretty. Kyle’s ex. Off limits. 
 Off limits. 
Off limits. 
Off limits.
“Yeah. I do,” He said decisively. 
He kissed her harder and with a lot more confidence as their hands fumbled between each other, tugging and pulling at their clothes in a rush to free what they needed to get in position. When she finally, slowly, sank down on him, he groaned in absolute bliss as he squeezed inside her for the first time.
His head lolled back as her hips rocked over him, he was afraid if he watched her too much he couldn’t control himself, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her very long. The “perfect” tits he’d spent way too much time eroticizing over the past year, were bouncing as she rode him and demanding his attention. She looked so sexy and so delicate at the same time, he wanted to both fuck her senseless and cater to her every whim. As he watched her body move, and experienced the way her body felt, he was almost convinced he was dreaming and he’d wake up in a stain.  
He kissed her again and she wrapped an arm around his shoulders for leverage. When their kiss finally broke, her forehead and his were still pressed together. He thought he saw a smile just before her mouth dropped open, wet with his saliva, and her eyelids fluttered as she came. She pulled him back into her mouth, his tongue happily turning over hers as she gripped him in the waves of her orgasm. Between the sensations, the visuals, and the dulcet noises she made, he couldn’t stop himself. He pulled her hips down while lifting his own, thrusting as deep into her as he could physically go and for just a second, her whole body jumped. He bit her bottom lip and growled low as he finally, after a year of fantasizing about her, pumped her full of warm, sticky spurts.
After they finished, they continued to kiss, panting in each other’s mouths while the smell of sex hung in the air. Neither wanted to make the first move and burst the bubble they created for themselves.
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It was a slow night but Mysterion still felt exhausted. He stood on the roof of City Wok and looked down on his town. She was such a distraction. The worst kind of distraction, the kind he was aware of, but he couldn’t shake off. 
 She’d asked the question like she actually thought he might turn her down.
Do you wanna fuck me?
It had been a week since then. 
He knew he didn’t technically do anything wrong, but they still agreed they’d be keeping that as their little secret. There were plenty of reasons to keep it that way. While it sure as shit made made him feel awkward with Kyle and the guys, aside from the occasional stolen glance, he and Martine carried on pretty normally. They still hung out on their breaks and ate meals together when the work slowed down in the middle of their tiring as hell double shifts. She still teased him about his haphazard hair style, and he still ripped on her for inability to cook. He figured it was probably a one-time thing they’d put behind them. Something fun he’d wanted to do that he could cross off a list. 
Then again, she was pretty vulnerable at the time. He might’ve taken advantage of her. After he bit her lip, there was a tiny tear. He thought he tasted blood. In addition to that, there was that one other thing...
He knew you probably shouldn’t fuck your friend’s exes. Not the ones they were in it for the long haul with. Not the ones you knew they wanted to propose to. For someone who claimed to already be over her, Kyle still talked about her a lot. He always brushed it off when Kenny caught him watching her. 
Tangled up inside him was a little guilt was from finally fucking her, and then a lot of guilt for wanting to do it again.
Just then, he heard the sound of the door to the roof close behind him. He turned quickly to investigate.
Of course, it was Martine. Her hair and the bottom of her short dress fluttered in the wind as she walked the few steps towards him. The difference in the illumination of the moon above and muted street lights below made her look almost ethereal. He realized he’d underestimated how attracted to her he felt just then.
“How’d you know I was up here?” He asked. “Lucky guess,” She shrugged.
She looked down and admired the view as she folded her arms around herself. He looked over her soft skin, she was dotted in goosebumps. He slowly and carefully wrapped his cloak, and incidentally his arm around her.
You already fucked her. Why are you being so cagey about touching her now, asshole?
“Thanks,” She said, “...For everything,”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve always been looking out for me. Taking care of me,” Martine held back a smile as her cheeks started turning red and she looked up at the moon and twinkling stars, “I care about you, too. You have your own cereal box,”
“My own what?”
She laughed, “I like to keep things. Mementos or whatever, I can be a little maudlin… I know it’s fucking lame, but anyway, I have a box for Nichole and Wendy, it’s mostly notes we passed around, concert tickets, that kind of stuff. Kyle has one, that’s... irrelevant,” She took a deep breath and it eased the urge to continue rambling, “And I have one for you,”
“What’s even in it?”
She smiled, “Corks from the wine we drank on Michael’s birthday, some newspaper clippings. A piece of your cape I found on the tracks… Oh! Remember when we were at Tweek’s and you drew me that map on the napkin cause I kept getting confused?”
“It’s Denver to Vegas, it wasn’t that difficult,” He held back another smile.
“Regardless,” She said with a smile as she nudged him playfully with her shoulder.
He stared at her lips. He thought he could still see the mark left from when he bit her as he came and she bled a little bit into his mouth. She had stunning lips. All pouty and full. Bow shaped on top. Soft. They were even better when they were on his skin.
Fuck it.
He kissed her. Everything after that was a hurried blur. He kept pushing up against her and she kept pulling him, until she was backed up against the door. His hand ran up her thigh, beneath her dress and under her ass. He kissed her neck and pulled her into him as he pushed against her just to feel friction. He hooked his thumb in her panties and pulled them down. His hand dropped between her legs and he traced his fingertips along her wet slit before sliding them inside. He went right for her plush little spot, if he didn’t hear her come soon he thought he might not survive the night.
She moaned into his neck when she eventually came and the heat from her breath on his skin felt like it seeped straight into his core. He wanted more. He needed more. She kissed him deep and while his tongue slid over hers, all he could think about was how wet, soft and warm she felt in her pussy and her mouth. It was like a looping drumbeat in his head, Wet. Soft. Warm. Wet. Soft. Warm.
He pulled on her earlobe with his teeth, “God, I wanna fuck you so hard right now,” 
Quickly after that, her leg was draped over his arm as he slid inside her, but she was too damn short for that to be a feasible way to keep going. The angle was all fucked up, it wasn’t gonna work. Not fucking her now wasn’t an option, though. She wreathed her arms around his neck and he picked her up. He held onto her ass, her legs wrapped around his hips as he firmly wedged her between the door and his cock.
They kissed desperately, and she moaned in his mouth as he shifted into her harder and harder. She could feel her orgasm building quickly. She’d never been taken rough like the way he took her. He was new, bold, fun, reckless and all the things she didn’t realize she wanted. He was different, and most importantly, he made her feel different.
The heat inside her was quickly becoming one of his favorite things. He was always cold and she was so fucking warm. She was so warm and so soft, soft everywhere, even her moans in his mouth felt soft. Her body was pure, honest pleasure to him. Driving himself inside her was intoxicating in a way he couldn’t explain at first, but now he'd it figured out. When he was with her it was like the world stopped, and his chronic pain that piled up from a lifetime of mortal wounds was just gone. The endorphins from getting off always eased the pain a little, but never like this. The only things he felt when he was with her were her body and her warmth. 
They had the same thought at almost the same time, I don’t want this to end. 
She moaned low in his ear as he kissed her neck. Her nails dug into his shoulders and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it together much longer. As she fastened up around him, practically purring, he bit down on her shoulder and groaned loud as he filled her narrow little pocket all over again.
Okay, fine, maybe this was just a two-time thing.
Once he’d taken his mouth off of her, he could tell there would be an on-coming bruise around the indents of his teeth on her shoulder.
“Shit. Sorry,”
“It’s okay,” She smiled.
“I didn’t– I got carried away,”
“It’s okay. You didn’t drop me, that’s the important thing,” She reassured him, “You can put me down now, I think,”
He set her down gently and quickly put himself away, while she blinked and looked around curiously.
"Here," He flicked open a pouch on his belt and handed her panties back to her.
They were in a rush and he didn't want to drop them on the ground so did what he always did: made due.
As she slipped her underwear back on, he watched the way the the muted light hit her smooth legs and clenched his jaw. He was already thinking about fucking her again.
She walked back to the edge of the building, and sat down with a smile. She dangled her legs off the side as she looked out at the stars twinkling over the town.
“This is one of my favorite spots,” She said, eyeing the people down below intently.
“Really?” He asked as he crouched down next to her.
“This and Faggoncini’s,” She said.
“You like to watch the drunks leave the bars,” He concluded.
She laughed, “Yeah, exactly,”
“You ever been to the top of City Hall?” He asked with a smirk.
She shook her head, “Never,”
“It’s pretty awesome,” He looked down over at her and admired how her features were illuminated by the soft streetlights below.
She’s beautiful. She stands on train tracks, hangs over ledges. She flirts with death and she remembers. 
Finally, someone could actually, really, know me.
Why did it have to be her?
“I should probably get going,” She said finally.
“Uh, yeah,” He hated it, but she actually made him flustered.
She jumped up and looked him over with a smirk as he stood back up.
“Thanks for the orgasm,” She waved nonchalantly, “We should do it again sometime,”
“Yeah. Maybe, but,” He folded his arms and glanced down at the town below, “I don’t think Kyle would—”
“Oh...”  She opened the door, “Right,”
Besides, if we keep going at this rate, I’ll never want to stop.
She walked out and he watched the door close behind her. When she was on the street, he followed her from the rooftops. It was his way of walking her home.  
If he’d stayed at her house longer, he would’ve caught her alter ego Pillow Princess, jumping out her bedroom window onto the roof of her house and climbing down a trellis.
They met again three hours later.
12 notes · View notes
pastelracha · 1 year
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☾ Title : BUFF BABY 
☾ Pairing: Changbin x fem!reader
☾ Genre: MINORS DNI , smut, friends/idiots to lovers.
☾ Prompt: College smutty Changbin with glasses and yeah I'm weak ok.  
☾ A/N:  the one is on RACHALOG and bin’s look in it still f’ed me up to this point, lovely mention to @kookthief & @baekhyyun for proofreading my messing mind, and the lovely @uwuheeseungie​ asked me to be tagged but I can’t find it so here we go, don’t forget to give me your feed back guys, and please interact with the reactions/ scenarios I post thanks xox
☾ Word Count: ~4.4K
masterlist | ask or request
College life was hard as a musical engineer, thank God someone decided to send you an adorable looking buff junior named Seo Changbin, a scary looking guy whenever he wasn’t smiling, but with a heart of gold.
The man was always wearing black, but his glasses made him look like a small puppy.
Chan was your best friend in college, and he always attracts younger friends in your group and changbin was one of them.
The first time he told you he needed to meet changbin and jisung at the gym you couldn’t say you were shocked, changbin surely got his huge muscular arms from somewhere. But he always seems so shy and uncomfortable with girls asking him about it.
Changbin was a normal guy, loving music and going to the gym. He wasn’t really here to impress people; he was just doing what he loved and lived for a healthy life in college. He was intimidating but also looking really cute with his black glasses almost like he trademarks the boyfriend look. His backpack always hanging on his left shoulder, huge, oversized hoodies in the autumn and nice fitting shirts in summer, and his curly hair falling on his forehead, Seo Changbin was the cliché of college boyfriend.
Your senior year wasn’t going easy on you, exams on exams. And changbin (even if you never wanted to admit it) was the sunshine in your college life, always bringing you iced americano or one of your favorite pastries. Seo Changbin was probably your caffeine getting you through your college life.
“Noona !!!” Jeongin was running straight to you with two iced americanos in his hands. Yang Jeongin was the cutest first-year student, his fennec fox features and his smile always running on his lips. “Noona, here is your daily coffee, and your daily dose of your favorite cutie — aka ME”.
“Well hello mister Yang, thanks for the caffeine I really needed that” you started looking at an unmotivated Kim Seungmin. “Minnie you good?” You asked out of concern.
“If you think having 3 exams on the same day, a failing group project cause people in my philosophy class are rich lazy assholes and the fact Minho won’t stop cooking with ‘Lix until like 3 and half a.m. last night... I guess I’m good y/n”.
Ok... Seungmin was probably in the top 3 of drama queens of the group, Hyunjin having the first place, but Seungmin was running close. “Welcome to college life.”
“And I didn’t even tell you about my shifts at the cafe.” he said, side eyeing the youngest guy. “It’s not my problem that every girl in my classes thinks I’m the cutest kid they've ever seen,” said Jeongin.
You giggle watching the two youngest members of your friend group.
“Speaking of Minho, he said you cost too much of free americano and he thinks he wants to make you pay now,” said a laughing Seungmin.
Lee Minho, you chuckled.
“Well, he needs to remember who feeds his babies when he doesn’t have time.”
Friday nights were the one time everything seems to be relaxing in this life.
Minho closes the cafe at 6pm so the 9 of you could use the space for bad karaoke night, pool games and other stuff.
And here you were sitting at the bar with yet another iced americano watching Hyunjin, Jisung, Minho and Chan playing poker.
“Noona, can you give me a glass of iced ice?” Smirk Minho, his eyes still on his cards.
“Sure for 2000 won, Lee Minho”.
His cards dropped on the pool table, looking you straight in the eyes as if you were still wearing your grudge custom from last Halloween. “I mean that is what you get for making me pay for my coffee addiction.” you retorted, smiling to his Binnie like features.
“Wooow burn.” Laughed Chan at his younger friend.
“Shut up Bahng, or you’ll also pay for all the pastries you eat for free here”.
At that Chan stopped laughing, pursing his lips and scratching his nose.
“Sorry I'm late guys ... but Mrs Kim seems to be an ass as spring is coming”.
Changbin came into the cafe, looking like he had been running from the campus to here — a simple 7-minute walk. His hair got fluffier with his run, a sheer layer of sweat making his glasses sliding on his nose. He smiled at you as he put his bag on the floor next to some of yours.
“y/n noona, hi.” He said sweetly and waved at the rest of the guys.
“Yah Seo Changbin, where is my kiss?” Teased Jisung. His only response was the middle finger from the older guy.
He sat at the bar watching you serving a glass of tea for Minho, while talking with Jeongin.
You poured another for him, giving him the drink before going to serve your other friend at the table winning the poker game.
You couldn’t help but eye the muscular friend dressed in full black sitting next to the youngest kid in your group, Changbin seems to look more attractive as the days pass. His muscles getting more defined, his chest getting bigger, and you were sure he could break a watermelon with these thighs. And damn how you wish he could place you a headlock — weird but his arms are screaming how good they would look around your neck.
Every person in the room was totally on the top 10 most attractive people, but there is one thing about Changbin you couldn’t describe.  
But the way his black glasses were framing his face, the way his smile was always creeping on his lips when you were close to his body. Yet how cold his look turned when another male was watching you, and how his aura got menacing in the same second.
Friday nights were also Changbin's favourite time of the week, even if his last lecture finished at 5.30pm because Mister Kim was an asshole and apparently Beethoven was far more interesting than Changbin’s crush on you for the professor. It was his longest lesson, and he was sure of it.
But now that he was playing pool with Minho, Felix and Jeongin, he could flex his skills and muscles just to impress you who’s not sitting so far.
“y/n you should really stop vaping you know it’s not good.” warned Chan looking at you with his disappointing dad look.
“I know Chris but you know, college life isn’t what we all expected and this is my way of coping with it.” you said, taking your vaping pen between your lips... and damn Changbin wished it could be one of his fingers and not that stupid thing laying between your pillowy lips.
“Excuse y’all music thingy future producers and shit but I’ll let you know I have an exhibition in 3 weeks and my teacher is going insane as if it’s her going to expose her paintings ... if she wasn’t already.” Hyunjin sighed, re-doing his bun.
“Sorry your majesty Hwang.” Changbin laughed, looking at his friend.
“How about we don’t talk about our classes and enjoy this night?” Chan stopped everybody. “And I order some food?”
After you all agreed on tteokbokki and fried chicken, the guys started another pool game flexing their skills with cue sticks. Minho tried to distract every one of his friends so he could win the game, crouching next to the table making weird faces to his friends.
You feel so at ease watching them playing, speaking and just doing the usual Friday night activities. “y/n?”
You looked up to find Changbin looking at you with concern in his eyes, his hand on your shoulder. “Food arrived, but you seemed in your own world.” he smiled. You nodded following him to the tables Minho arranged so the 9 of you could fit in.
You watched around you, sitting between Felix and Seungmin with Changbin sitting in front of you, eating his rice cakes. You felt at ease right now, no one was really talking, too focused on food.
Changbin was determined to teach you how to play pool for years and tonight was the night.
“Let me help you noona.” you felt his chest colliding with your back, his arms caging you between his body and the table, his hands covering yours on the stick, and his perfume flowing around you.
You were used to flirting with him but more in a teasing way, having him right here covering your figure with his whole body was something else. You could feel the rush of red and pink running on your cheeks and ears.
His breath was hitting your ear when he was telling you what to do. “Move your back just a little and softly hit the ball.”
It’s almost as if you could touch the tension between your two bodies.
“Bin you're supposed to teach her, not make her a tomato dude!” Seungmin giggled.
He stopped moving, his hard chest hovering on your back. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
You just shook your head, finding an excuse about how bad you were with this game. This moment was surely gonna feed your next wet dreams for weeks. Changbin being the main protagonist.
He moved from your body letting you breathe better, going to sip on his beer. “So, Bin,how is it going with Mi Na?”
Song Mi Na, she shares classes with Changbin, and the boys have been teasing the guy with this girl who has been obsessed with him since they shared a project.
Changbin sighed before looking in your direction, hoping to see a reaction from you.
You know better than to show any signs of jealousy for this girl.
“She signed up to the gym— no Chan, it's not funny! She won’t let me live; I swear she even sent food to the apartment yesterday. Jisung ate it”.
The poor girl has been following Changbin like a lost puppy since that project. Giving you side eyes whenever you sit next to Changbin in the cafeteria.
It was funny to see to be honest, for the rest of the guys it was a comedy show direct live.
The side eyes Changbin gives to any guys trying to flirt with you, putting one hand on your back or shoulder. His dark aura gives them a tough time, and Mi Na tries to do everything to get his attention but fails every time.
“The poor girl seems to really like you though,” laughed Felix.
You listened to the conversation, knowing that Changbin seems to be harder with any other guys that tried to flirt with you. Since that night 3 weeks ago when you two shared a drunken kiss at a Wooyoung party.
You two only had a hot make out session in a bathroom, but nothing more since that day.
You couldn’t help but watch him, holding his glass to his lips, drinking the beverage.
You sighed giving up on playing pool for tonight, if you were honest right now you wanted to lay in your bathtub with cheap soju in a wine glass.
Hearing the boys talking about their last hook up and about Mi Na wasn’t your cup of tea.
“Noona, we're gonna play another round of poker, wanna play?” Jisung offered.
“As much as playing stripped poker tempts me so badly, I don’t know how to play and after pool I decided I’m giving up on playing anything but Mario kart with you.”
“Next week noona, pizza and Mario Kart!” Jeongin said.
“Deal Innie” you smiled looking at the kid, Jeongin was like a baby brother to you, during the first few weeks he seemed so lost in the huge college and you decided to take him under your wing, just like you did with the 2000’s liners last year. Your soft spot for the kid was transparent for everyone, everybody knowing Jeongin was like a teddy bear you kept in your backpack.
Changbin couldn’t take his eyes off you, during that exact same time, watching interact with Jeongin was making you look so soft and adorable. Giving your full attention to the youngest one, as if nobody was around in the room, just giving him your full attention.
A small smile finding home on his lips, he looks at you like you were home to him. Chan was also looking at the two of you wishing any of you would confess to the other if he was asked, he would say he was tired of looking at you both flirting with each other but not doing anything else. He was tired of listening to drunk Changbin rambling about how perfect you were every other weekend.
For the love of God just tell her Seo Changbin - he was thinking.
“y/n sleepover tonight?” Asked Chan, and he saw Changbin eyes sparkling with little stars, hoping you would say yes.
“Only if you promise we work on this project and not watch Deadpool for the hundredth time.” You retorted.
This is how you find yourself in Binchan's apartment at 2 am still working on this music thing with CB97, in full producing mode with a Red Bull next to you.
Wearing one of the old Changbin shirts you left in their home and some shorts you always kept in your bag.
Chan was drinking a milkshake trying to stay awake.
Changbin was sitting on the floor right in front of the couch where the two of you were working, playing Gran Turismo 7.
He was listening to your conversation with his best friend. How you all needed to make a ballad to pass this project and get stuck on lyrics. He also chose a musical course, but as he was the year before, your classes were not really the same.
“How about you write a ballad about a burger instead of a lover?” He asked jokingly.
“Bin we all know food is your number one, but I think Miss Kang will kill us if we do a cheeseburger, you are my loveeer~” said Chan sighing to his best friend.
Changbin raised his shoulders, continuing his game. Mumbling about how cheeseburger wasn’t not his favorite burger and how his friend should have known better.
“Are you sure you guys aren’t married at this point?” You asked giggling.
“Christopher, let's make out to show your friend here, we’re indeed an old married couple with 6 children.” said Changbin, who placed a  hand on Chan’s thigh, making kissing noises.
You were sure none of your friends couldn’t be serious for more than 3 minutes max.
Changbin finally looked in your direction, winking at you, laughing at the same time.
This, ladies and gentlemen, was your crush, and you couldn’t be sure about it. Cause you were the same.
It's been 3 hours since you gave up on working on this project, Chan laying on the carpet sleeping like a baby, a little drool running on his chin, you were laying on the couch, a leg on the back of the said couch. Your hair going crazy on top of your head.
Changbin woke up feeling thirsty, when he saw you, he took the duvet from the loveseat to cover you.
“Bin?” You asked, your voice groggy and full of sleep. “What time is it?”
He ran his hand into your hair, smiling at you “A little past seven love— sleep some more”.
You look at him, his face a bit swollen with sleep, his glasses laying on his nose, and his hair messier than ever. Making him look so beautiful and lovable. “Changbin?” You asked unsure.
He nodded looking at you, his eyes glowing so much behind his glasses, you could feel his breath hitting your cheek. His eyes were moving between your lips and eyes. “Tell me not to kiss you y/n.”
You didn’t say anything, just watching his kissable lips. Your tongue wetting your lips. “Tell me not to—“
You cut him off, taking his lower lip between yours.
Morning breath was one of your biggest turn offs, but Seo Changbin didn’t have any of that. You both totally forgot about your best friend snoring on the ground.
The kiss wasn’t long or anything, it was a soft and timid kiss. “I don’t want you to stop” you mumbled “Have been thinking about this since that night” you confessed.
His hand holding your cheek, his fingers caressing behind your ear. His forehead against yours. “Noona, you can’t do that to my heart.” he said softly.
“Nnnhg!!!” You both jumped at your friend and turned to look at Chan still sleeping peacefully. His arm laying on his face.
You both laughed, thanks Chan for cutting the moment.
“We should not kiss with him sleeping here.” Chuckled Changbin. You nodded, your faces were still close, the tension was still here.
“But I really want to kiss you and do ... other things.'' he confessed. “D-do you want it too?”
You kiss his cheek, jaw, your lips finding home on his collar bone.
Your hand running on his naked chest, feeling every of his muscles under the skin. He took your kisses as a yes, taking your hand into his, leading you to his room to not disturb a sleeping Chan— which was a miracle.
His hands were running your side feeling the skin underneath the skin, you were a little smaller than him.
Changbin couldn’t believe it was happening, right now in his home, you in one of his old shirts, it was screaming ‘HIS, HIS’
He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact you wanted it as much as him, your hand tugging the baby hair at his nape. “Kiss me, Bin.”
His eyes half lidded, turning dark, blown with want.
His body pressed to yours, breathing heavily as his lips collided with yours. You could still taste a little bit of his lip balm, making them soft and a little sticky, but none of it mattered to you at this instant.
His teeth capturing your lower lip, letting his tongue caressed it, asking for entrance.
He tilted his head making the kiss more passionate, a small war between your tongues fighting for dominance. Warmth blossoming in your chest, it felt more personal and passionate than that night. It really felt like you and Changbin, right now. No liquid confidence in the mix, just the two of you. The kiss felt raw and real, his hands holding your hips, making you feel small and fragile in his embrace.
He stopped kissing you, breathless. Changbin suddenly felt shy, pink tones finding a place on his chest. He couldn’t not believe it was happening. He was sure he was still sleeping and dreaming.
“Are you really here?” he asked shyly.
You were laughing and nodding while looking at him. “Yes, Bin and I’m dying to taste you”.
He was sure he was about to explode at your comment. His pyjama shorts started to feel a little uncomfortable and tight now.
“I will let you do anything to me.” he said, running his nose against your neck, smelling your perfume mixing with his liquid detergent.
“Changbin.” you hum, not knowing where to touch him.
“Fuck me.” you begged, breathless.
He let out a breathy moan, feeling breathless and vulnerable under your touch.
He throws your shirt at the other side of his room, looking at you. He felt insane at the instant looking directly at your chest, and he swore he never saw such a perfect chest, your left nipple adoring a piercing and your sternum covered in sweet ink. His hand, hovering over your nipple, silently asking for your permission.
He gently sucks on your breast, caressing the other the same way. He was sure heaven felt like it.
“Let me take you to bed, love.”
You looked so pretty laying on his black sheet, waiting for him to join. Your mouth slightly open breathing hard, watching him taking off his boxer briefs, you knew he was beautiful but now he looked like someone took their sweet time craving him into marble.
He felt you staring, and blush found him again.
He was beautiful, slightly above the normal length and in girth, a small curve at the top. A nice shade of pink and glistening with precum.
He climbed into his bed hovering you, kissing you again, pressing his chest into yours, letting your skin touch his hot one. His hand tracing your chest to your stomach to find its place onto your heat on your short, asking silently for permission once again. “I want you so bad.”
He pulled back, tearing the tissue for your skin finally able to fully watch you, you sure were heaven.
He pressed his hand to your heat once again, finally touching you, making your breath hitch.
“Bin i want to—“
“No, let me first, please let me have you.” he begged heavily.
You sighed in pleasure, letting him have his way. His lips follow the way his hand did first, from your collarbone to your chest, to your hip bone, going to your inner thigh.
“You smell so sweet, love.”
He laid between your thighs, putting both of your legs on his shoulders, diving into your heat. Delicately tasting you, softly kissing your clit just to see your reaction.
Seeing Changbin like this was breathtaking, he looks so good buried in your cunt.
Your breathy moans making him nibble at your bundle of nerves, humming against it teasing you.
His finger teasing your hole until he entered you little by little, his eyes on you assessing your reaction, your eyes closed, and mouth opened in an ‘O’ shape, he started to move softly.
Your nails scratching his scalp, moaning his name and other profanities. Your back arching, he was feeling you were getting close, feeling you clenching around his fingers which were abusing your gummy spot.
“B-bin I’ll cum s-sto—“
“Cum around my finger baby” he cut you, continuing his ministrations to your velvety walls. “Come on cum love, cum for me.”
“God, Bin!” You stopped breathing feeling that knot in your lower stomach about to burst at any second.
His lips taking your clit into his mouth once again, getting you closer to your first orgasm. He felt your legs giving up on his shoulder, trembling and your walls trapping his fingers. His name escapes your lips as a prayer.
He looks at you, smiling, saliva and slick on his chin, his pupils fully blown still. He looked so pretty like this, messy but pretty. His glasses running on the low of nose, glasses weren’t a thing until now, with Changbin laying butt naked on his bed rutting on his shit, looking at you demanding to be ruined.
He got up, looked in his bedside table for a condom, tearing the silvery paper as fast as he could, he couldn’t make you wait.
He pumped his length a few times before putting on the latex onto his erection. He looked so ethereal at the moment, sitting on the side of his bed. The muscles on his back moving with every move.
“Let me ride you.” you asked, looking at him.
Changbin moved on his bed, sitting comfortably, his bed his back laying on his headboard. He leads you onto his body, holding one of your hips while the other guides his length into you, inch by inch.
He kisses your breast, taking your mind off the stretch of his girth. You bite your lip once you were sitting on him, his length hurried into your warm walls.
Changbin groans when you start to move your hips into little circles.
“Fuck— if you do that, I’ll burst in second.” he groaned louder. “You feel so good, love.”
His hands found place on your hips once again, guiding you up and down, whispering sweet words into your chest. It’s slow, perfect for morning sex and your guys' first time together. You couldn’t think straight, thanks to Changbin making you move on top of him.
Your hands laying on his chest, you groan his name over and over. Other words caught in your throat.
“Love, look at me.” he said trying to get you back into reality, trying to ground you.
“Changbin—“ your head feeling so heavy, filled with pleasure. He saw how you couldn’t take it anymore; he laid you on his bed, keeping his dick buried in your wet walls.
He started to push once again, his length kissing your sweet spot, over and over. Settling a strong pace, he pushed hair from your face, and caressed your cheek with his lips.
Your nails digging in his back, you could feel that knot forming into your lower stomach once again, tightening increasingly, you knew your release was coming.
“Bin, I’m—“
He stopped kissing you, catching your eyes with his. “Just a little more. A lil more” he begged starting to fasten the pace, chasing his own release. His hand coming to your clit, making eight figures onto it, and nibbling at your nipple.
You could feel your breaking point coming. “Changbin—“
Changbin became more vocal when he was about to come, his voice going lower, breathy moans mixing with your name.
He closed his eyes, mouth round open, noises falling from his lips, he came a few second after you, filling the condom. His hands, gripping your thighs— “Noona!”
He stayed still for a moment, and you admired his expressions. Taking his features in fully, his hair sticking to his forehead, lower lips trapped between his teeth, chest moving with heavy breath.
He rolled off to lay next to you, taking off the condom, tying it to throw it into his trash next to his desk.
“Man, morning sex is something else.” he chuckled breathlessly. “But sex with you is indescribable.”
He moved to his side, putting his arm around your waist. “What?” You asked shyly.
“It’s just— we had crazy sex, but I’m still shy about asking you to be my girl—“
“YOU FUCKED HER INTO YOUR MATTRESS AND YOU FEEL SHY?” Chan screamed from outside feeling so done with you both.
You never felt as shy as you did in that moment, hiding your face into one of Changbin’s pillows, feeling blood rushing on your cheeks and ears.
“FUCK YOU BAHNG, get out of here, shit!” Changbin shouted back.
“Sorry about him— so about the girlfriend thing?”
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©𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗮 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 
𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁, 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸. 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁, 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁.
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thislovintime · 10 months
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Peter in his high school year book, 1959. Photos from an old auction listing.
“All of my early life was spent feeling out of whack. Physically I matured late and never was very athletic and always found myself on the short end of the stick. I was raised in a liberal family in the middle of the McCarthy era.” - Peter Tork, The Daily Oklahoman, November 7, 1983 (x)
“Peter started school in Germany before he’d turned five and when the family returned to the United States his father refused to allow him to repeat first grade. ‘From that time on, until I got to college, I was always about a year younger than the other kids. A year makes a hell of a difference in school. Kids don’t like getting involved with someone they consider to be their junior. It didn’t make things too easy.’ [...] ‘My life between then [moving to Connecticut] and my senior year of high school was a total disaster. In fifth grade I started going downhill because I was unhappy. I was constantly trying to make friends and trying to be funny but never succeeding because I was so much younger. I did have a small circle of friends but that was at home, it didn’t have much to do with school.’ […] Peter’s adolescence took a turn for the better around the time of his high school senior year, when he was moved to the newly-opened University of Connecticut High School. ‘It was much more comfortable. The age difference ceased to matter and I finally got a chance to make some real friends. This is when I guess you could said I blossomed out. There were all kinds of amateur societies I could join, like drama and rifle shooting. I even started going to football and baseball games. My father and I did a lot of target shooting together. I was very interested in drama but I was a late grower and because I was so short I never got any big romantic leads. My acting debut, at age sixteen and a half, was as a thirteen-year-old paper boy in Our Town. This was a bit degrading; it reminded me of the age problem that had dogged me all through school.’” - Monkeemania (1986)
In connection with high school: from an older post, Peter's advice to a fan, such as: "Think about what I’ve told you and try your very best to be open, cheerful and friendly with everyone. That includes people who have or will try to point you in one way or another. If someone puts you down, letting it roll off your back is not accepting it so much as recognizing the fact that it’s their hangup, not yours! There are going to be people who will become your friends. Some of them you’ll get to know, and others will find you. Your social life will pick up again, but this time you’ll be doing it on your own terms! This much I know is true, because it happened to me! The transition from being one of the crowd to being your own individual self is painful, but the way you feel about yourself is the most important thing that will ever happen to you! Peace and Love, Peter Tork” (read more)
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
thinking abt Society If (Akd As) Taylor Gets To Sing and know you've mentioned thus before but what are a top pick or several for what song could be applied thus. can be attuned to knowing the KoppLevs genre & canon scene tendencies & or not particularly hold to that as a more flexible transformative scenario idea or whatall. plus like especial lyrics that would be the highlight presuming it's not a full song or that some lyrical or musical moments would be extra fun
i think this is best answered in terms of the two scenarios i’ve contemplated wherein Taylor Gets To Sing — not necessarily scenes that would happen Within the show proper, but situations that could still be considered basically canon compliant — as follows:
scenario #1
taylor & philip leave prince cap at the end of a long workday, getting in the same elevator and riding down together, and oops! the power’s gone out and the elevator’s stuck! they can’t easily contact anyone because elevators have terrible cell reception & wifi connectivity! and either there isn’t a backup generator or it isn’t powering the elevator, because the plot demands it! so they’re stuck in the elevator for an unknown amount of time with only one another for company and distraction. they do their best to make conversation, which at one point leads to an impromptu game of truth or dare, which leads to philip daring taylor to sing something, anything, for just ten seconds. after some consideration, taylor sings the first few lines of the chorus of super bass by nicki minaj. (i have to imagine that the one time they referenced nicki minaj says something about their music taste.) naturally, taylor then dares philip to sing something, anything, for twice that long. he goes with all right now by free, which is the unofficial fight song of stanford university. (both the original version and the leland stanford junior university marching band’s version are on my rotation of Songs To Think About Philip To.)
scenario #2
prince cap karaoke! specifically, the younger employees at prince cap (for this purpose, “younger” = under 35 or so) are going to a bar for karaoke under taylor & philip’s leadership, as a bonding exercise, and the understanding is that everyone Must get up and perform at least once. taylor doesn’t really think this should apply to them, though, and they spend a good part of the evening quietly debating this with philip and restating their refusal to sing in front of people while the following performances happen:
winston and peach duet on don’t go breaking my heart by elton john and kiki dee. it’s very fun.
ben kim sings my life would suck without you by kelly clarkson. half the reason behind this choice is that daniel k. isaac said in an interview that he’d once sung a kelly clarkson song at karaoke. the other half is that it probably resonates with how he feels about his coworkers / prince cap in general. sad but true.
sacker sings tears dry on their own by amy winehouse. she kills it, because she canonically was in an a cappella group in college and also canonically is good at literally everything she tries. is she thinking about one or both connerty brothers? maybe!
tuk is reluctant to get on stage; winston convinces him to do a duet of i don’t dance from high school musical 2. it’s a little clunky, but they both have fun. obviously tuk sings chad’s part and winston sings ryan’s part. here’s how winstuk can still win!
philip, who is still trying to convince taylor to sing something, gets up and sings wichita lineman by glen campbell. it’s out of place with what their group (and everyone else at the bar) has been singing, and it takes people by surprise, ultimately in a good way.
rian sings go your own way by fleetwood mac. it feels very pointed, but no one’s completely sure who it’s pointed at. (taylor has the best chance of guessing correctly, though.)
and finally, taylor gets on stage — and brings winston along. when the music starts, it seems that taylor is going to sing common people by pulp. however, it quickly becomes clear that taylor is actually doing william shatner’s version of common people, in which most of the lyrics are spoken rather than sung, and winston is covering the sung lines in that version. most people at the bar think this is kind of a weird move. philip thinks it’s hilarious and is begrudgingly impressed by taylor exploiting the loophole in “everyone must get up and perform at least once.”
since that’s been accomplished, all the prince cappers gradually leave to head home. philip and taylor leave around the same time, and while they’re waiting for rides, he can’t help pointing out that they still haven’t actually sung, which is the point of karaoke. and, with no one around to hear them except philip, taylor sings head over feet by alanis morrisette. not the whole song — they won’t have time for that anyway with their uber arriving soon — but just enough to leave philip wondering.
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antvnger · 2 years
Blood Brothers AU - College HCs
College Headcanons no one asked for
When Scott was in elementary school, he got made fun of some because some stupid kids thought Scott Stark sounded like a dumb name.
Then when Tony jumped to college at age 15, Scott’s peers said there’s a Smart Stark and a Not Smart Stark. All of this really put a big dent in his self esteem, and he begged his parents to let him go to college too. If Tony could do it, he could too, Scott argued. He was crushed when he realized that no he could not do it. “Not now,” his parents would say, “but you will in your own time.” Which wasn’t a good enough answer at the time.
Tony refused to go to college unless his brother was close by, so Charlie and Maria Stark moved closer to MIT, so the boys could spend time together. Weekends were great times for Tony because he was too young to appreciate the college scene, and he felt more comfortable at home with his family. He’d drag big brother Rhodey home too when Rhodey did not go home on weekends, and Rhodey became very protective of the Stark boys.
When Tony got a little older, he definitely started appreciating the college scene more, and he started going home less and pulled Scott into more of the college scenes with him. But Scott’s four years younger, so while all this seemed fun to Tony, Scott felt really out of place. He’d stay for a little while to please his big brother, then he’d go hide in Rhodey and Tony’s apartment. If the party was at Tony’s apartment, he’d walk the 15 minute walk home, discouraged and a little lonely. Rhodey caught on to what Scott was doing, and he made sure he got home safely every time after that.
The first time Tony got drunk was the first time he got into a fight. Alcohol loosens the tongue, and he learned not only were some of his schoolmates really jealous of Tony’s smarts - duh, of course they were - they started poking fun at his family which really got under his skin. Then one guy made some veiled comments towards Scott - seemingly generic comments - but the way they were said had Tony lunging with fists flying before he even knew what he was doing. They sure as hell weren’t good comments; dude was a sicko. Rhodey ended the fight and reported the other guy based on what Tony told him. The other guy wasn’t seen on campus after that anymore.
Scott was offered full rides to many different schools, but CalTech really caught his eye because it had the kind of electrical engineering program he wanted, it boasted California sun, and most importantly, it wasn’t MIT. No offense to Tony’s alma mater, but that was a weird time in Scott’s life, and he’d rather not revisit there again.
Tony bought his Malibu pad to try to stay close to Scott while he stayed in California. Despite how he was more like the Tony we see in Iron Man at this point, he still loves his little brother, so he thought less than an hour’s drive from CalTech would be close enough if he’s needed but far away enough not to be an overbearing big brother.
Scott’s first burglary was in his junior year of college. One of his friends got in a jam with a dude you did not mess with, and the dude started blackmailing her by taking her laptop and flash drives with all her hard work and research. *Do what I want, you get your stuff back*. I’ll give you a couple of guesses what he wanted. She’s a mess, so Scott decides to take matters into his own hands. He successfully breaks into the guy’s place, steals everything back and then some because he could, and he gives his friend her stuff back before reporting the guy to the school. Scott just “happened” upon some incriminating evidence to get the guy expelled.
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simthorium · 1 year
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The hallways at the local high school had changed a lot in the past year. With the older class moved on to college and the younger Zarros just beginning high school, there was a lot of new changes throughout the school.
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A few things remained the same, though. Zuri and Joey were still constantly making out while Ollie and Calia seemed to be attached at the hip.
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Luna had gotten it in her head that she wanted to be the school’s newest “It Girl.” There hadn’t really been an It Girl before, but she was ready to take the throne. She was constantly checking herself out and primping in her handheld mirror. She gave the best fashion and makeup advice, and started a TikTok dedicated to the best and worst dressed kids at school.
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“I think Luna is really going overboard with this best and worst dressed thing,” Miles Jr. complained to his little cousin one day before classes. “I’ve been on the worst list every week since she started it!” “Don’t pay her any mind, Junior,” Jordyn said. “Luna’s just doing the whole ‘finding herself’ nonsense and she’s using this as a way to regain some control. Classic pretty girl syndrome.” “Wow, why are you so wise?” Miles Jr. asked.
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“That’s a really cute sweater,” Asia said to Shea, a bit removed from the rest of the crowd. Shea smiled sweetly. “Thanks,” she said proudly. “Really wanted to settle the gay rumors from day one, ya know?” “Yeah, totally,” Asia said. “Sooooo, you like girls then?” “Yup,” Shea said. “What about you? Do you like girls?” “Oh,” Asia said nervously. “Um, well, I don’t know. I guess so?”
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“You guess so?” Shea repeated with a smile. “Did you ask me if I liked girls because you wanted to know if I like you?” Asia was full on blushing at this point, giggling and hiding her face with her hand. Shea found it absolutely adorable.
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David, however, did not think it was adorable. He’d had a crush on Asia for what felt like forever. And after their one failed date, he was planning a much better one to make it up to her. But it seemed like his little cousin was thwarting his plans.
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“Hey!” David said, unable to take much more of this. “Asia, how’s it going?” “Fine,” she said flatly. He tried to put his arm around her, but she shrugged him off. David tried and failed to play it off coolly, then turned to Shea. “You know, me and Asia dated last year,” David said casually. “Things didn’t work out that good, but I was hoping you’d give me a second chance.”
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“Oh,” Shea said, backing away from the two. “Sorry, I didn’t know.” “What? No we didn’t,” Asia said. “I mean, we went on one date, but--” “I don’t see why it has to just be one date, you know?” David said. “What if we tried again? It’ll be worth your while.”
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Before Asia could definitively turn David down for the umpteenth time, Luna rushed over and started giving Shea a noogie. “HEY!” Shea yelled, struggling against her cousin who was weirdly strong. “Get off of me, dude!”
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By this time, Asia and David had both walked away, leaving Shea and Luna alone. “What the hell was that!?” Shea asked, fixing her hair once Luna released her. “That was me, saving your reputation,” Luna said with a smile. “What are you talking about?” said Shea. “Listen, you can’t just go around flirting with girls, ok?” Luna whispered. “It’s a bad look, everyone’s gonna think you’re a homo.” “I AM a homo!” Shea shouted. Everyone in the hallway turned to look at her. Just then, the bell rang and students began to disperse. “Yeah, good luck with that,” Luna said as she walked away.
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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aereres · 3 years
Professional - Jonathan Toews
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Summary: You were expecting things to become calm after landing the position as Jonathan Toews' PA, as calm as your stressful job could be. Your relationship with your boss, though, makes your life become anything but calm.
A/N: It’s here! It’s out! Wanna thank my bestie @captaindaddies for helping me out with some stuff, ily bby ❤️
Word Count: 14,4k 
Warnings: Lots of swearing, SMUT, maybe even a tip of angst, lots of nervousness and lots of teasing. Mentions of Patrick Kane, if it might bother.
Nervous, that was how you felt. Standing on the front steps of Jonathan Toews’ house was you, your bag nervously pulled close to your side as you mustered the courage to knock, to let him know you were finally ready to work as his personal assistant.
How you landed the job was still unknown to you: you were inexperienced, and everyone could tell by the way you were nervously standing in front of his front door. Still searching for the courage inside of you, you breathed out a sigh. You needed to get your shit together.
Jonathan Toews wasn’t intimidating. Right?
After breathing in a large amount of air and pushing it out of your lungs quickly, you let your knuckles hit the wood of his door, your heart hammering against your ribcage. You waited, for so long you almost thought you had missed him due to his early morning practice. When the door opened, though, you were met with a composed-looking hockey player.
You had seen him only through the screen of your laptop, but you could say that he looked way better in real life. Trying not to get too lost in his dark eyes, you greeted him softly, a nervous smile on your features.
“Y/N! Great to finally meet you in person!” He spoke, his voice deeper than you could remember as he looked at you, a professional smile on his lips. “Come in, I got a few minutes before I have to leave for practice,”
“Thank you, Mr. Toews,” was all you were able to mutter, getting rid of your coat and holding it in your arms as you looked around the rather large mansion. He gave you a small tour, and you found yourself mesmerized by everything he had shown you, from the high ceilings to the large windows that viewed Lincoln Park.
“I left a list of things to do on the kitchen counter,” he said when you found yourselves back in the main hall. “You’ll find everything you might need in that paper,”
“Okay, sir,” you smiled, finally at ease. Rummaging through your purse, you grabbed the stack of papers you had printed out for the occasion, carefully handing it to him. “You asked for my curriculum,”
“Right,” he nodded his head, scanning through the words quickly. “I’ll take a look at it after practice,”
You smiled his way, nodding your head before he could leave the room to grab his bag, leaving you on your own in the large hall. You hesitantly let yourself wander inside the kitchen, where the paper he had talked about was sitting neatly on the isle.
“I’m heading out,” he called from the hallway. “My number is on that paper, if you need help with anything,”
“Thank you, Mr. Toews,”
“Oh, and make yourself at home, Y/N,”
“What are you even reading, man?” Patrick sighed as he dropped his helmet on the bench, looking at an already-showered Jonathan slumped over a bunch of papers.
“My PA’s curriculum,” Jon mumbled, lower lip tugged between his lips.
The teammate snatched the papers from his hands, scanning through the words with a smirk on his face. “Originally from Canada, fresh out of college, worked for a company for a couple of months, ten years younger than you,” he nodded his head. “And she’s even hot,”
“It’s strictly professional,” Jon huffed, jokingly punching his friend’s shoulder as he turned around to grab some clothes, his eyes finding your picture attached to the files as he did so.
“Yeah, sure,” Patrick rolled his eyes as he took off his skates. Jonathan got dressed in silence, his mind wandering back to you and what you could have been doing at the mansion. He had received no call from you, no text, so he was guessing everything was coming along just fine back at his place.
“You aren’t even going to give it a thought?” Patrick asked after a while. “You’ve been single for ages, man,”
“She’s my employee,” Jonathan sighed, sending his teammate a dirty look. “I pay her to work for me, that’s all,”
“Whatever you say, Jon,”
“I’ll see you later, Kaner,” was all Jon said as he grabbed his duffle bag, propping it over his shoulder as he left the room, his mind elsewhere. Entering his Tesla, he took a deep breath and decided to go grab another coffee, something he didn’t do too often.
Patrick was exaggerated, Jon knew it already, but his teasing words impressed themselves into his mind. He wasn’t going to lie to himself, he had taken a liking to you from the first moment you had your call together for your interview. You were kind, a smile constantly on your face as you answered his questions, you were willing to do everything he asked you to do.
He shook his head when that phrase formed itself in his brain, taking a rather different turn from the professional relationship the two of you shared. Hell, he was shocked at his own self when he let his mind even go there just after your first time meeting in real life.
Turning off the car in the coffee shop’s parking lot after grabbing his usual order, he slid his phone out of his pocket. His brain was telling him not to do it, not to get too into your business, but he wasn’t thinking straight anymore.
He couldn’t even remember when the last time he had pressed on that contact’s name was, that was how much time had passed since he had last called that person. He didn’t hesitate, finally starting the call and pressing the device to his ear, his eyes focusing on the steering wheel.
“Mike? Hey, it’s Jon,” was all he said as soon as the old acquaintance picked up. “I need a background check on someone,”
You had graduated at the top of the class, moved away from home for college, to Edmonton. You had an older brother, you weren’t big on sports when you were younger, you liked traveling. All the information was engraved in Jon’s mind.
You didn’t like being late, it was clear from the way you had apologized earlier that morning, Jonathan’s coffee in your hands as you mumbled sorrowful words. You overworked yourself, you weren’t one to leave work undone, and you didn’t like disappointing people.
From his spot in his living room, Jonathan analyzed you, his brows furrowed in concentration and arms folded over his chest. You were interesting, to say the least. There was something about you that had him extremely intoxicated.
Was it your sweet perfume? Was it your laugh? Or the way you spoke? He didn’t know. Less than two months. That was how long it took his thoughts to become anything but professional, that’s how long it took for him to become more than aquaintained with your presence.
Was it your inexperience? Only two boyfriends throughout high school and college, both lasted less than two months. Or was it your innocence?
You kept him awake at night, thinking about you the way a boss shouldn’t think about his employee. You had become a constant distraction at practice, during meetings, during moments he had less expected to even think about you.
He had never felt that weak for a woman ten years his junior, and he truly felt frustrated.
“Mr. Toews? Everything okay?”
Your sweet voice sent jolts through his body, snapping him out of his trance. Mr. Toews, the name kept making his cock strain against his pants, no matter how many times you called him that. “Yeah, I’m fine, Y/N,” he mumbled, voice deeper than usual as he stood up from the couch. He was at your side in just a few seconds, his eyes finding the screen of your laptop to see a schedule. “What are you doing?”
His arms caged you against the kitchen island as his chest slightly touched your back, his eyes still attached to your screen as your heartbeat quickened. “I uh- I’m organizing your schedule,” you stuttered, your body shivering from his closeness. “Player media tour is coming up soon,”
“Right,” he mumbled, a smirk painting itself on his lips as your breath got caught up in your throat when he squeezed your waist before leaving the room. You struggled to stay concentrated after he left, your mind going places it shouldn’t go as you cursed yourself for feeling that way about your boss.
Everything felt so wrong, from the way your heart hammered against your chest every time he stepped close to you, to the way you often found yourself in need of release from his teasing actions.
Working for Jonathan Toews had been unexpectedly hard, it was testing your boundaries. Holding yourself back, acting as if he wasn’t the only person you could think about, as if his name wasn’t the one you had found yourself screaming at night; it was becoming hard.
Two boring months had passed from the day you had started working for him, two boring months of taking care of his stuff and doing what you were told. Two boring months that took a turn and became two hard months when your attraction for your boss had started, two hard months that would soon become three, four, five…
Things needed to change, if you wanted to keep yourself away from any kind of heartbreak. You needed to change.
With a sigh, you unlocked your phone, letting your fingers do their work until a dating app was installed. You stared at its icon for what felt like ages, wondering whether it would be worth it or not, but eventually, you got yourself logged in.
And maybe, it was for the best.
“Fuck-” you breathed out as you skimmed your way through the people crowding the streets of Chicago, some of them even wearing the Blackhawks jerseys. “I’m so late,”
You forgot to pick up his suit. His damn suit. You had been so concentrated on answering emails and getting things settled for him that the task had slipped out of your mind. The city was crowded, almost everyone seemed to be buzzed for the game, and you truly were late.
The familiar banner of the dry and clean was visible from where you were, and it took you less than a few minutes to actually reach their entrance, your breathing heavy. Your phone chimed in your hand, snapping your attention towards the message that you had received. Markus, one of the guys you had matched with on the dating app just a few weeks prior, was asking you out. If you wouldn’t have been as busy as you actually were, maybe you would have squealed in happiness, maybe you would have even called your cousin to let her know you were back in the dating scene. But you were late, your boss was waiting for you, and the text from Markus could be left on delivered for a little more.
Pushing your device inside the back pocket of your jeans, you stepped inside the warm environment of the workplace, picking up the clothing as quickly as you could before making your way back towards the mansion.
You were almost sweating when you finally closed the front door behind yourself, slipping off your coat and looking around the first story of the building for Jonathan, your mind thinking about the text from Markus. “Mr. Toews? I have the suit,”
“Upstairs!” Was all he yelled, lightly scaring you. You were hesitant to walk up the stairs. He hadn’t made it official, but it was pretty clear that he cared about his privacy, so you had taken it upon yourself to stay away from the sleeping area of the house.
You had visited that area twice: on your first day, when he had toured you around the mansion, and a week into your job, to hand him Advil after a pretty rough night at a club. Even then, you never walked past the threshold of his room, too scared to intrude.
Carefully, you started to make your way to the last floor of the house, dragging with you the suit and your nervousness. Shuffling sounds came from the end of the hallway, where the door was peeking open. The warm tones of the lights inside the master bedroom were slightly illuminating the hallway, inviting you to step closer.
“Mr. Toews?” You said, knocking lightly on the door. “I have your suit,”
He was quick to open the door completely, revealing his body to you. He had a white button-up on, his bottom being covered only by a pair of boxers. “Come in, I need your advice on something,”
Jonathan Toews was almost half-naked in front of you, showed no embarrassment from it, and you felt oh so turned on. But it was wrong, you weren’t supposed to feel that way, and that was when you made your decision. You were going on the date.
He walked towards the mirror, turning his back to you as you hesitantly stepped in. You laid the suit on his bed, keeping your eyes to the floor to avoid any kind of discomfort from his side.
“Help me choose my cufflinks?”
He was looking at you, motioning for you to go stand next to him with a small smile. When you obediently made your way towards him, he turned towards the mirror to sort out his tie. Your eyes met his quite big collection of cufflinks, everything looking so shiny and expensive. You weren’t shocked, it wasn’t a secret that you were working for a man with money, you were just surprised to see so much gold in front of your own eyes.
“I was going to go with these ones,” he mumbled, snapping you out of your thoughts and pointing towards the blue pair that was resting on the dresser. “But I’m not too sure. Choose a pair, please,”
With shaky hands, you let yourself pick the ones that had caught your attention from the start. They were golden, probably pure gold, resting cold in the palm of your hand as you inspected them. They stared back at you as the room fell silent, the only sounds coming from Jonathan, who was touching up the look of his tie.
“My grandfather’s,” you heard him say after a while, his deep voice bringing you back to reality. He was closer than you had thought, his warm palms gently holding your arms as he looked down at the pair you had chosen. “Good choice,”
Your cheeks burnt at his praise, your eyes looking up at his mirror reflection for a second. He had you flustered, and it was extremely unprofessional. Everything about your boss seemed to bring you to the edge: from the way he spoke, his voice deep and lustful, to the way his rough hands would randomly graze against yours, their touch so gentle.
“I’ll- I’ll be downstairs, I’ve got some stuff to finish,” you stuttered, biting on your lip as you started to make your way outside, stopping in your tracks when you remembered. “Oh, I had a question, sir,”
“Go on,”
“I was wondering if I could get off earlier, tomorrow night,”
“Anywhere special to be?” Jonathan asked, a smirk painting his lips as he completed the pre-game look.
“I have a date, sir,”
He tried to keep his expression as natural as possible, even though jealousy was truly burning him alive. He didn’t want to see you with someone else, someone who barely even knew you, or who barely even knew how to treat you.
He was pretty confident when it came to knowing you. Maybe the way he found out - thanks to Mike - wasn’t the best way to actually get to know you, but he knew what got you flustered, what had you weak. He knew how to make you feel that way.
How could a guy your age even know anything regarding your pleasure?
“Yeah, it’s not a problem,” he mumbled - his voice fakely uninterested - ending the conversation as quickly as it started. That was your sign to leave the room, confused as to how you were supposed to feel. Happy because you were going to go on a date with Mark? Or sad because Jonathan seemed to not care at all, especially since you had thought he would, after all the teasing he had done on you?
His voice held you back one last time, making you turn around and catch his gaze in the mirror reflection. “Wish me luck?” Was all he said, making you remember just then that he had more important things to do to even care about your date.
“Good luck, Mr. Toews,”
Jon breathed out a long sigh as he let himself fall on one of Patrick’s couches, the glass of whiskey in his hand feeling cold against the warm skin of his palm. They had taken another loss, and that time, Jon was pretty confident when he said it was his fault.
He had tried to push you to the back of his mind, at least for one night, but it had been easier said than done. The jealousy he had felt just hours prior didn’t leave his body, and he wanted nothing more than to show you who you belonged to.
“Another fucking game, man,” Patrick scoffed, letting his body flop down next to him. “That shit gets me so pissed off,”
“Yeah, man,” was all Jonathan mumbled, putting the glass to his lip before taking a drink, the liquid burning his throat.
“How are things with your pretty girl?” Patrick changed the conversation, sending his friend a smirk as he sipped his own drink.
“What pretty girl?” Jon grumbled, looking at the whiskey in the glass with his eyebrows furrowed.
“Your PA, man,”
Jon fought the urge to roll his eyes, the look he sent his friend being enough to answer his question. “I told you, professional,”
“Come on, Jon,” Patrick chuckled. “You haven’t even given it a thought?”
Jonathan stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to gather his thoughts before actually giving his teammate an answer. Oh, he did give it a thought. Multiple times. “She’s going on a date tomorrow, that’s all you need to know,”
“And you’re jealous,”
“Am not,” Jon lied, scoffing as he downed the rest of his drink, pouring himself more.
“Then why are you telling me about this?” Patrick asked, knowing that no matter what, he was right. “Don’t act as if you haven’t been thinking about her, you’ve been weird ever since she started working for you,”
Jon clenched his jaw, his eyes directing towards the skyline of Chicago from Patrick’s windows. “Okay, yeah, maybe I am,” he admitted. “Guys her age will never be able to take care of her,”
“She obviously wanted a reaction from you, man,” Patrick rolled his eyes, so obvious in his point of view. “Why would she even tell you? You’re her boss, as you like to say,”
His thought made sense: why did you even tell him you were going on a date in the first place? “That girl got you fucked up, bud,” Patrick chuckled, shaking his head.
“Fuck, every time she calls me ‘sir’ and ‘Mr. Toews’-” Jon sighed out, rubbing his face with the palms of his hands. “I can’t resist her,”
“Then don’t,”
Sending his friend a dirty glare, he chugged another drink. “I’m serious, Toews. Just get the girl,”
“As if it’s that easy,” he mumbled under his breath, pushing his glass on the coffee table before standing up. “I’m outta here. Thanks, man, I’ll see you tomorrow,”
Heading out of the house, he wanted nothing more than to go home and get some rest. You crowded his mind even in his sleep, but he needed to get some rest and figure himself out.
He wasn’t able to resist you anymore, that he was sure of.
You hadn’t been on many dates before, but it didn’t take much to understand that the one with Markus shouldn’t have even been considered a date. He had charmed you, brought you out to dinner just to get you in his bed, and even fussed when you had made it clear that you didn’t want to see him again.
You were frustrated, to say the least.
You had gotten just a few hours of sleep before having to head in for work, finding the mansion empty, no sign of Jonathan. No call from him was received, when you worked, he had shown no interest in you for the entire day.
Your cousin Laila also seemed to be missing in action: she hadn’t picked up your calls and ignored all your texts. You were pretty sure she had kept her phone off for the day.
The first sound inside the house was unexpected, it almost scared you. It was the front door closing, the sound of footsteps following soon after. You put on a smile, glancing up from your computer to see a tired-looking Jonathan entering the living area.
“Good evening, Mr. Toews,”
“Hi,” he mumbled, pushing himself towards the kitchen to grab a glass and an expensive bottle of wine.
“Can I help you with anything, sir?”
He had to hold himself back from sighing, shaking his head as he poured himself a glass. “Didn’t you have that date, last night?” Was all he asked after a while, twisting his wrist and watching the velvety liquid move around the glass.
“I did,” you sighed. “How was your day, sir?”
“I don’t want to talk about my day,” was all he said, voice stern as he sat next to you on the couch, more than curious to hear about the guy you had gone out with. “Tell me about the date,”
You held back a shocked look, letting your eyes find his for a second. “I-I don’t want to bother you, sir,”
“You’re not bothering me, sweetheart,” the pet name had you weak, your heart beating out of your chest as you struggled to breathe properly. “And please, call me Jon,”
The smile on his lips was enough to send shivers down your spine, a breathy sigh leaving your lips as you shut your laptop. The fact that Jonathan, your own boss, cared to even listen to you ranting about your date made him even hotter, from your point of view. He seemed to be the only one that wanted to hear about it, which spurred you on to actually talk to him about it.
“Well, he brought me out to dinner at this new Indian place, downtown,” you started, fidgeting with your fingers as you let your eyes stay on your lap. “He made us split the check-”
“Hang on-” he mumbled out, his hand finding your knee to stop you. “He split the check?!”
“Yeah,” was all you could whisper, gulping as you looked at his hand on your leg. With your last ounce of courage, you let your eyes focus on his.
“Tell me he at least paid for his shit,” he said, taking a sip of his drink as his hand slowly moved higher.
The shake of your head was enough to get him to groan. “He got the most expensive dish out of the menu and just split the check at the end,”
“That’s bullshit,” he scoffed, sending you a glance. “Hope you went home after that,”
You kept your mouth shut, your silence being enough to make him realize that you had done the opposite. “Y/N-”
Your name sounded so good, coming from his lips, it had you burning for him. Coming back to your senses, you kept explaining your side of the story. “Well, he mentioned going back to his place, and I needed to relieve some stress, Jon,”
“So you fucked,” he tried to keep his bitterness at bait by chugging down part of his wine. “You don’t look too relaxed, though,”
Everything seemed to spill out of you so quickly after that, especially under his gaze that left you more than submissive for him. “There was no foreplay,”
Jon rolled his eyes, hiding a cocky smirk when he realized he was more than correct, the night when you had revealed that you were going on the date: the guy didn’t know how to satisfy you.
“And, you know-” you mumbled, suddenly shy. “I wasn’t- I didn’t-”
“You didn’t cum,” he chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief as his hand slid up even more on your thigh. “It was pretty obvious,”
You looked at him, your body on fire as you tried not to concentrate too much on how his hand felt on your leg, or how much you needed him. “You know, you look cute when you get shy,” he mumbled, smirking as his thumb drew shapes on the tender skin right before your inner thigh, teasing you just right. “You’re so innocent, you don’t even know what you do to me,”
Your head rolled against the back of the couch as you bit back a moan, his eyes holding yours strictly as he let his hand inch closer to your center. “Did he have you so riled up for him?”
You breathed out a sigh, relishing in his touch as his fingers ghosted over the spot you needed him the most. He stopped, though, snapping you out of your lust-induced trance by pulling you over his lap. You were breathing harshly, your hands on his muscled chest as your noses brushed against each other. “Answer my question,” he grumbled, his hands rough on your thighs. “Did he make you feel the way that I make you feel?”
“Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop,” he said, voice firm as his eyes stared deep into yours.
You finally seemed to be back to your senses partially, realizing just then how wrong everything was. But it felt so good, you needed release and Jon seemed to be the one willing to help you with that. As if it wasn’t enough, all the teasing he had done on you seemed to resurface, and it made you more than eager to let him have you.
What was happening, suddenly, didn’t feel wrong anymore. “I want it,”
That was all it took for him to let his lips meet yours in a hungry kiss, your hands subconsciously moving towards his hair, gripping it gently. His mouth ate all your moans, giving him the opportunity to slide his tongue in, leaving you even more at his mercy.
The smell of his cologne had you in a frenzy, kissing him until you were short of breath just to have him press open-mouthed kisses on your neck while you pulled apart for air. His lips were back on yours before you knew it, playing you like the finest violin as the warmth in your chest spread lower.
When his hands found your waist, pulling you even closer and helping you grind on his growing bulge, your mind started working again. It reminded you it was wrong, that Jon was just your boss and your relationship had to be strictly professional. Caving in had already been a big mistake, not stopping would have surpassed every possible line.
You scrambled away from him, pushing yourself off of his lap in a rush, feeling extremely guilty. “Y/N, come back-”
You didn’t listen to his pleas, grabbing your coat before heading out the door, your heart beating out of your chest.
You had fucked up.
You had almost considered calling in sick just to avoid the sight of Jonathan for a little longer. The regret was intense, and you were sure you hadn’t felt anything like that before.
You were essential to his life, though, it was something you had to face. You couldn’t stay home and avoid him, or beat yourself up for what had happened the previous night for months. It had happened, it was unprofessional, but you had to get yourself out of bed and on with your life.
The mansion was silent, when you first entered it. You found your laptop on the couch, on the same spot where you were sitting the previous night, and some of your belongings on the kitchen table.
You left a go-to cup of Jon’s hot coffee on the island, opening your computer to take another look at your boss’ schedule. After morning practice, he had to be headed towards his favorite restaurant to have lunch with his brother, and then, he had a session with his personal trainer later in the afternoon.
Just as you were thinking about the fact that you needed to go pick up a present for his mother’s birthday, you heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. Jonathan was walking behind a blonde-haired woman, his hair messy as she sported a smile.
The sight of him with another woman had you regretting your previous night's reckless decisions even more. She was pretty, he seemed happy, and you felt dumb. Dumb to even have hoped for a small moment that it might have meant something to him, dumb because you were jealous of her, even though you had been the one to run away, after getting your moment with Jon.
His eyes found yours when he finally stepped foot inside the first floor. You held back a fresh set of tears as you looked back down at the computer screen, biting on your bottom lip as you tried to zone out.
“And that’s the door,” you heard him say quickly. “Y/N, I can-”
“Call me later?” The woman interrupted him, voice as sweet as honey as he opened the door for her, trying to get her out of the house as fast as possible.
“Sure. Bye,” the door was shut loudly behind her, the echo of his footsteps impressing itself into your mind as he made his way inside the kitchen.
“Y/N, I can explain,”
“You have lunch after practice with your brother,” you said, voice monotone as you avoided eye contact with him in every possible way. “Then a session with your personal trainer at five. Want me to schedule you a call with that woman, too?”
“Listen, Y/N, she was here because after last night-”
“Last night was totally unprofessional from both of our sides,” you stated, finally sending him a sharp look. “I’d prefer if the matter won’t be discussed anymore, Jonathan,”
“Practice is in five, I’d start leaving the house, if I was you,” you mumbled. “I’ll be out to get your mother her birthday present from you,”
“Fuck, her birthday, yes,” he muttered, grabbing his keys and coat as he settled for leaving the house, knowing just how much he had fucked up. “I thought we could have gone together?”
“Your schedule is pretty packed, but I could see,”
“Please?” He asked, voice soft for the first time. You bit your lip, trying to ignore the tears that were slowly swelling up as you nodded your head. He wanted to talk, it was obvious, and you just couldn’t say no to your boss.
“Thursday afternoon,”
“Thank you,” he sighed out, grabbing his cup of coffee before leaving the house, his mind elsewhere. “I’ll see you later,”
As soon as the door closed behind him, you let the tears fall. As much as you wanted to put up a tough facade, you had been broken, and you felt like your whole world had been dropped. You felt confused, heartbroken, jealous.
You pressed on Laila’s contact, sniffling when she picked up. “Y/N?”
“Oh, Laila,” you sobbed, even surprising yourself. “Why am I so stupid?”
She was confused, to say the least. You hadn’t called her in tears for what felt like ages; hell, work had gotten you so busy you hadn’t called her for months. Everything had come out of your mouth so quickly it had you shocked: you explained to her the teasing, the famous night, and just what had happened minutes prior, tears streaming down your face as if you’d never experienced heartbreak before.
The fact that you even felt heartbroken from your boss, Jonathan Toews, felt unreal. You had pushed your feelings for him aside for so long that you weren’t expecting to feel that hurt over something so small. You were shocking your own self.
“Why am I even crying over him, Lai?” You sniffled, wiping the leftover tears on your cheeks with the back of your hands.
“You clearly have feelings for him, Y/N,”
You closed your mouth shut at her words, shock evident in your voice as you stuttered. “But I barely even know him!”
“I don’t know, Y/N,” Silence came from Laila’s line, a long sigh could only be heard as the two of you stopped talking. “This might sound so cheesy, but listen to your heart, Y/N,”
You sniffled at her words, still unsure of everything going on in your life as your heart still felt quite broken even after venting to your cousin. You needed time to figure things out, time to think.
And time was what you gave yourself.
“Hey, thanks for coming,” Jonathan greeted you softly, his eyes finding yours when you stopped in front of him. “I’m not the greatest at gifts,”
You giggled, shaking your head as you mindlessly let your hand grasp his forearm, sending shivers down his spine. “Of course, Jon,”
“I uh- I got the car out,” he pointed towards his Tesla, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “I know you prefer walking, but I exaggerated at the gym earlier and my legs are pretty sore,”
“It’s fine,” you reassured him, his softness making your heartbeat quicken. “Shall we go?”
As if you had snapped him out of his thoughts, he nodded his head, leading you towards the vehicle and opening the passenger door for you. The car was fancy, but you weren’t expecting anything else from him. He was Jonathan Toews, his wristwatch probably cost more than your old college tuition.
You small talked until you reached your destination, the large mall just out of town that hosted the most expensive stores, the ones you were so used to admiring from the distance. You slipped out of the car on your own, looking at the building with a small ounce of anxiousness as you waited for Jon to reach your side.
“You ready?”
You turned around to face him, nodding your head sharply as you tried not to get lost in his wide smile. “Thought you wanted to stay there and gaze at the mall for the rest of the afternoon,”
“No,” you giggled, starting to walk just when his hand slipped on your lower waist, nudging you. Your heart was fluttering, his touch so gentle against your skin as he helped you towards the door. Why did it feel so good when he touched you? You were supposed to hate him, to be disappointed in him; yet, you couldn’t pull away, keep a safe distance between the two of you. It was as if you were magnets, the attraction too much to actually let go.
Snapping out of your trance, you remembered just why you were there, with him, and what you needed to do. “Uh- have you been thinking about anything?”
“Jewelry,” was all he suggested, his hand dropping back to its place next to his waist when you walked inside the large main hall. “She doesn’t wear it too often, but she secretly loves it,”
“Okay,” you nodded your head. “Any store in mind?”
“There should be one just around the corner,” he mumbled, directing you around the quite empty mall with large strides. He was right, one of the largest jewelry you had ever seen was right in front of your eyes, the prettiest diamonds being exposed right next to rings and earrings.
“I know,” was all Jonathan mumbled, dragging you along with him inside the store. You had an employee at your side the moment you walked in, her eyes barely even acknowledging you as she started blabbering about the shop and what they sold, entirely focused on your boss.
“We’re here for a gift, but I think we won’t have trouble looking on our own,” Jon politely said, sending the woman a small smile just as he pulled you close to his side by your waist, making you repress a gasp. The woman left soon after, giving you a once-over right before she went back to walking around the store in search of people to help.
You were struggling to breathe when he released your body, his eyes going to the jewels behind the displays as he kept you close. “I’m sorry about that. She was making me uncomfortable,”
“It’s okay,” was all you were able to mumble, following his gaze on a necklace. “Is she one for necklaces?”
“Not really,”
“Maybe earrings?”
“Yeah, she wears those often,” Jon nodded his head, searching for the displayer with the earrings. “I want something she could wear every day, though,”
“Something simple,” you hummed, your eyes raking around the various pairs of earrings. You came across a pair that looked like white gold in the shape of a flower, tempested with small, white diamonds.
You carefully pointed towards them, your fingers catching Jon’s attention. “Those look pretty,” he mumbled as he called over another shop assistant. “Could we get these out? I want to see them closer,”
The pair was in front of your eyes before you knew it, shining under the warm lights of the store. You had to refrain yourself from letting your eyes widen at the price tag, deciding to let them focus on Jonathan’s expression. “What do you think about them?”
“I think they might be too big to be casual,” was all he mumbled, glancing towards the displayer again to search for something else. “I was also thinking about a bracelet, you know?”
“I’ll go take a look at some of those for you,” you whispered, smiling his way before moving towards the other side of the store, where the bracelets were located. The diamonds and pearls were all staring back at you, begging to be bought as you talked lightly with the shopping assistant.
You didn’t even realize you had been stuck on one specific item until the lady helping you caught your attention. “That’s a Cartier,” she smiled your way. “Simple but classy, they’ve been selling pretty quickly,”
“It’s really beautiful,” you whispered, batting your lashes a few times to push yourself out of your daydream before focusing on the rest of the collections. You were pretty sure Jonathan would like the bracelet you picked out: a small, golden chain with a charm that represented family, also stutted with diamonds.
“Found anything interesting?”
You jumped when you heard Jon’s voice from behind you, his palm finding its place on your smaller back again as he stood by your side. “Thoughts on this one? The charm represents family,”
Jonathan was gentle as he lifted up the jewel, looking at it attentively before smiling your way. “I think we found the one,”
With a smile, you went to take a look at the earrings he had chosen, leaving Jonathan on his own in front of the bracelets. “We’re getting that one,” he mumbled to the shopping assistant, pointing towards the present for his mother. “Was she looking at anything else when she was alone?”
“The young woman?”
Jonathan nodded, hoping the employee could help him out in some ways. He had felt the urge to buy you something from the moment he first saw your eyes sparkle at the sight of the jewels. He knew it was wrong, but he felt like he might have needed it someday: maybe as an apology, or maybe as just a present.
“She was looking at this one,” the woman said, nonchalantly taking out of its displayer the Cartier rose gold bracelet you had been gazing at for minutes.
Just the best way to spoil his girl, he thought. “Add it to the rest, please. And don’t use a separate bag for it,”
“Of course, sir,” the woman smiled, leading him towards the checkout. “I’m sure she’ll love it,”
The two of you left the store soon after he swiped his credit card, heading towards the parking lot in silence. Your time together had come to an end, and you felt weird when the thought of missing him even crossed your mind. He had shown you softness, even regret, throughout the afternoon, and you realized you had gotten to know another part of him. The sensitive part, the part that was in some way asking you to give him another chance.
“I know I fucked up the other day,” Jonathan said when he started the car, the flashbacks of him walking the woman out rising back to life inside your brain. “And I know that you don’t want to talk about it anymore, but I owe you an apology,”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as he kept driving, the city running past your eyes. He was willing to admit his mistakes, but were you going to let him back into your heart?
He seemed surprised when you answered, but snapped back to reality quickly. “Take a day off, tomorrow,” he said, his eyes finding yours quickly before directing them back to the streets.
“But you have the game, Jon,”
“I want you to come to the game, have some fun,” he said, words authoritative as he kept his eyes trained on the road, your panties dampening just at the tone of his voice. “And then go out for drinks with me after it,”
That was anything but professional, if you thought about it, but was your heart going to stop you? There was nothing holding you back anymore. You took a fast glance at his face, not realizing he had caught you until his eyes met with yours. “Y/N?”
You suppressed a smile as he drove towards your apartment complex, playing with your fingers in your lap as you tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. Your usual Friday night was going to take a turn: you weren’t going to watch Jonathan play behind the screen of your TV anymore, and you weren’t going to daydream about him before falling asleep.
Friday night was going to be different, and you knew it.
Friday was calm. The sun was warm on your skin as you read a book on your couch, thankful for a morning off and some time to figure your life out. It had taken you a while to realize just how much you had been ignoring your own mental health, how you really felt, and your day off seemed to be just the perfect way to understand yourself better.
It felt confusing, if you had to be honest. Your heart was more than ready to give itself entirely to Jonathan: to give him your all, to wake up in the morning next to him, to make memories together. Your brain, though, made you feel like it was wrong, almost dirty.
You wanted the two of them to find a solution to all their divergences, to make it easier for you. You couldn’t bear the confusion anymore, staying away from Jon was already hard enough.
Laila’s words replayed themselves in your mind while you took a shower, rinsing the shampoo from your hair. What if you really had feelings for him, though? The way your heartbeat quickened every time he said your name was almost enough to answer your question; the butterflies dancing in your stomach every time you’d feel his touch were so evident you almost laughed at yourself for not realizing it sooner.
The sexual tension, at the same time, was something you clearly couldn’t ignore. You were so sure that it was what it had made you attracted to him in the first place, the warm feeling deep in your stomach, or just the way you were burning for him.
By the time evening rolled around, you felt nervous. You were worried you were dressed correctly for the game, but totally underdressed for drinks; you were worried you were going to make a fool out of yourself, as always, or that you were going to embarrass him.
The doorbell was enough to snap you out of your trance, making you grab your coat and purse in a rush before leaving the apartment building, only to be faced with a black car and a man in a suit. A driver?
“Good evening, Miss Y/L/N,” was all the man said, opening the door for the backseat for you in a quick second. “Mr. Toews wasn’t able to drive you, so I’m here to pick you up,”
“Thank you,” you said, holding back the last remnants of shock in you as you slid inside the car. The lights of the city moved past you as you were driven towards the arena in silence, the city looking busy as red and white jerseys packed the sidewalks.
You felt like you were in a movie. Never in your life had you thought you would have been in the backseat of an expensive car, a driver sent by your boss chaperoning you towards the destination.
“Miss, this is your ticket,”
The car had stopped, and you had realized just then that you had reached the arena, your heart starting to leap out of your chest. “Could I stay here a little more?” You asked, voice small as you hoped for a ‘yes’, suddenly overwhelmed with what was going to happen throughout the night.
“Of course, miss,” the man smiled, almost as if he wanted to reassure you everything was going to be okay, like a guardian angel.
Jonathan wanted to apologize to you, that was what was going to happen, nothing more. What were you even worrying about? Pushing all your worries aside, you grabbed your ticket and thanked the driver, following the mass of people towards the entrance of the arena.
You heard multiple excited conversations about the game, both from Blackhawks fans and from Sabres fans. You felt slightly out of place in the crowd of people dressed in red, already holding beers in their hands as they talked, even chanted their team’s name.
You found out just after getting inside the building that you were reserved a spot with the team’s close family members, a lot calmer than the spots near the rink itself. When you walked inside the room, you were met with who you could only guess were some of the player’s parents, but a group of younger women was by far taking over the room.
They were all sporting the team’s jersey, the players’ last names on their backs never repeating on the other girls’ shirts. You silently took a seat, noticing you had the best view of the rink, from the highest spot of the building.
Your head snapped to the side to meet with a girl slightly older than you, a smile on her face as she sat next to you. “What?” You asked, slightly confused at her word.
“I’ve never seen you around here before,” she explained. “I’m Amanda, Kane’s girlfriend,”
“Oh, I’m- I’m Y/N, I work for Toews,”
“Oh, so you are new here,” she giggled, shaking your hand softly. “I’ve heard about you,”
“You did?” You asked, holding back a giggle.
“I’ve heard Jon talk about you many times,” Amanda confessed, your heart fluttering at what she said. Jonathan talked about you? “You know, other girlfriends and I are just sticking together for the game. Do you want to join us?”
The offer was given to you quickly, you weren’t even able to process the fact that Jonathan’s friends knew about you, in some kind of way. You were a total stranger to them, and yet, they knew you, they wanted you to join them. “That would be awesome,” you smiled her way. “Thank you,”
When she went back to the group, you glanced down at your phone, sending Jonathan a quick text before, eventually, joining your new companions.
Good luck, Jon :)
“Honestly, I’m so happy they won,” Amanda mumbled, looking over the few people in the hallway right before the changing room to see if the team was going to come out soon. “They really deserved it,”
A few noises of agreement came from the rest of the WAGs, the girls you had joined just a few hours prior. “What are your plans tonight, ladies?”
Most of the girls talked about going home, relaxing with their significant other, and enjoying the night; one of the wives mumbled about leaving for a small trip right after being done at the rink, and somebody else talked about going to a club. When you were asked, your cheeks heated up.
“We’re going out for drinks,” you mumbled, nervously playing with your fingers as most of the girls smiled your way.
“And you’re just working for him? Girl, don’t lie to us,” Becca, another girl, pushed your shoulder jokingly.
“What are you ladies mumbling about?” Patrick walked towards your group, wrapping an arm around Amanda’s waist as she giggled. His eyes found yours in a second, scanning your face as a smirk planted itself on his lips. “You’re Y/N, right? Nice to meet you,”
“Hi,” you smiled, your attention quickly snapping towards someone else when a familiar hand settled itself on your smaller back.
“Hey,” Jon said, propping his bag up his shoulder as he looked down at you. “Good evening, ladies,”
The girls barely even answered, too busy with greeting their husbands and boyfriends and congratulating them to actually acknowledge the captain. “Did you have fun?” He asked, his thumb drawing small circles on your back, your stomach filling with butterflies all over again.
“Of course I did,” you smiled.
“You busy tonight, Jon?” Patrick asked, snapping the two of you out of your trance. “Drinks at mine?”
“We’re going out,” Jonathan stated, looking at his teammate with a smile. “Next time, I promise,”
You still couldn’t contain the giddy feeling whenever he referred to the two of you as ‘we’, it was something that had always made you so smitten.
“It’s fine, man. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Patrick winked, leaving you just enough time to say goodbye to Amanda before the two were off on their own.
“Shall we go?” Jon asked, his eyes focused on yours as the hallway cleared out around you. With a nod of your head, the two of you were headed off towards his car, reaching in just a few minutes a fancy bar.
The lights inside were dim, and it wasn’t the usual kind of bar filled with bodies and loud music. There were tables, just a few of them occupied by people enjoying their drinks in silence as soft jazz music set the vibe. It was cozy, in some kind of way, even if the place was extremely out of your reach.
A table was reserved for you near one of the ample windows facing a rainy Chicago, the warmth inside the room making you breathe out a sigh of relief. “I like this place,” you said, looking around the room with a smile on your face.
“I’ve been coming here for years, now,” Jon admitted, taking a seat in front of you. “I don’t like normal bars too much, they’re too messy,”
“This place represents you, in some way,” you mumbled, your eyes finding his.
“I guess it does,” was all he mumbled before ordering your drinks, voice firm as he talked to the waitress. You were sure he couldn’t see the way she was looking at him, heart-eyed as she scribbled down the drinks as best as she could, it was almost funny.
When she left you to yourselves, silence built between you. You were more than nervous, to say the least, and he seemed to be in his thoughts, in his own world. He clearly was snapped out of his trance when your drinks were slipped in front of you.
“Y/N, I just wanted to apologize for everything,” he spoke, looking at the liquid inside his glass quickly before letting his eyes meet yours. “I never thought things would go like that, I even tried to hold myself back, but I didn’t make it,”
“It’s okay, Jon,” you whispered, playing with the rim of your glass as you tried to find some words to say. “I have to apologize too, what I did was anything but professional,”
“Y/N, it’s not your fault,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at you. “If it wasn’t for me, things would have been normal, now,”
You stared at him for a moment, his dark eyes holding yours as you tried to not mutter out what you had been thinking about for ages, your body shaking in anticipation as you played with your fingers.
“I don’t want them to be normal, though,” you whispered with your last ounce of courage, shocking your own self as you bit on your lip. He looked at you in silence, making it hard for you to understand what he was feeling. “I wish you knew how I feel whenever you touch me, or when you say my name, Jon,”
There was a beat before he spoke, his voice firm after taking a sip of his drink. “Tell me what you want, Y/N,”
“I want you to make me yours, even if it’s just for one night,” you breathed out, holding eye contact as you said your next words. “Even if it might not work,”
He adjusted himself on his chair, biting on his bottom lip as his pupils dilated, giving you a once over. “Don’t play with fire, sweetheart,”
“Am not,” your voice was coated with lust as his hand traveled up your thigh with anything but hesitance. “You can take me home if you want me, Captain,”
He held your eyes for another moment, downing his whiskey before standing up, dropping a bill on the table. “Stand up,” was all he said, voice dark as he looked down at you. You fell into your submissive character as soon as his voice became authoritative, automatically jumping to your feet and following him out of the bar, the cold rain falling on your face.
The drive was silent, filled with tension as Jonathan went over the speed limit, the streets empty. His hand was on your thigh, too close to your center to even make you think straight. Everything was going too fast, but you didn’t care anymore.
Were the few sips of alcohol making you intoxicated, or was it Jon? Was it the strong scent of his cologne, the touch of his hand on your skin, his dark eyes?
His grip on your thigh tightened when he parked the car inside his garage, his eyes meeting yours for a long moment before he finally leaned in, over the console, and kissed you.
His lips were softer than you could remember, but there wasn’t anything soft about the way he was kissing you, grabbing you to pull you over his lap. You were eager to see where things were going to head, curious to explore more of him, and he was feeling the same way.
As his tongue caressed yours, his hands found their way towards your ass, pushing your center even closer to his growing bulge. You bit his bottom lip to suppress a moan, your hands dropping to his chest to undo his already messy tie.
He pulled away to breathe in some air, his lips ghosting over the skin of your neck as he grazed your throat with his teeth, shivers running down your spine. “Jon-”
“Say my name, sweetheart,” he said, voice dark as he threw his undone tie in the backseat. His hand dipped inside your jeans, tracing over your panties as he kept eye contact. “Tell the world who makes you feel good,”
“Jon-” you moaned again, head thrown back as he grasped your neck to pull you closer again, letting his lips find yours for another heated kiss, his hips bucking up to meet yours.
“Let’s head inside, baby,” was all he grumbled against your lips, hands on your thighs as he opened the car door. You whined, not wanting the moment to end, which made his voice darken even more. “Don’t be a brat. I’m not fucking you in my car on our first time. I’m better than that,”
You had to hold back a moan as he carefully exited the car, holding your body in his arms as he expertly walked towards the elevator, his mouth on yours. You were so lost in him you barely even registered your back hitting his comforter a few minutes later, his body hovering over yours as he wrapped your legs around his waist.
“You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to have you like this,” he grumbled in your ear, breathing heavily as he pushed your shirt over your head, your bra following along. “Under me, at my mercy,”
His words, followed by his lips on your breasts, made the coil inside your stomach tighten. He felt so close, so real. You realized you weren’t on your own, in your room late at night, taking care of all the pent-up tension anymore. Jonathan Toews - the man who had been the center of your world for months, the man who had kept you up at night ever since he had first laid eyes on you - was on top of you, finally giving life to every fantasy of yours, and probably also of his.
His touch wasn’t as soft as it used to be anymore, his hands roughly moving from your sides to the button of your jeans, opening it in a rush as his lips found your skin again. His fingers ghosted over your heat, making you moan out a curse.
“Jon, don’t stop,” you breathed out, his lips kissing their way down to your navel. He was faced with your heat in a second, his hands pushing your underwear down your legs. You had to suppress a whine when the cold air of his room hit your heated core, your walls contracting around nothing as he let the pad of his index finger trace your slit.
“Look at you,” he whispered, licking his lips as he watched you quiver under his mere touch. “So drenched for me,”
He placed kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you just right as you whimpered under his touch, your fingers grasping his hair just when he finally let his mouth find your center. He was eager to learn what ticked you off, what made you feel good, what you needed to come off the edge. He had wanted to know for so long.
Jonathan sucked your clit in his mouth, the strangled moan that left your lips being enough to make his pants tighten even more. His tongue slid down to your entrance, his strong arms holding your waist down when you tried to follow his movements, to get some relief.
“Don’t make me tie you down, sweetheart,” was all he said, voice deep as his eyes bore deep into yours, sending you into a state of submission. When he dipped down again, he kept eye contact, his humming against your heat almost bringing you over the edge.
His tongue was making you feel stars, touching places you didn’t even know could make you feel so weak. He knew what he was doing, and he took pride in it. By the time one of his fingers slid inside of you, you were a moaning mess, everything inside your body screaming at you to let go.
Jon was attentive, keeping his eyes on you to see just how good he was making you feel, just how easily he could work you over the edge. But, just as you were about to give in and let the orgasm take over you, he stopped his movements, his lips kissing their way up your body again.
“Want to take it slow,” he whispered in your ear teasingly, biting your lobe and letting you know you weren’t going to leave the bed anytime soon. His mouth was on yours again, your taste on his lips making you moan.
Your hands were quick at undoing the buttons of his white, neatly ironed, shirt; your fingers didn’t hesitate when they touched the newfound skin of his chest, so warm and soft it made you melt.
His pants were off in a second, thrown in a corner of the room as his lips stayed on yours. You didn’t think you’d be able to separate after the night, after finally giving in and letting yourselves get close.
You were eagerly palming his cock over his boxers, ready to push yourself to your knees and give him what he had been thinking about for months. His hand gripped your wrists tightly just when you were about to push his undergarments down his thighs, your eyes snapping up to his when he shook his head. “Tonight’s about you, sweet girl,” he whispered, letting his free hand card through your already messy hair before giving it a firm tug. “On your hands and knees,”
His authoritative voice had always made you oh so desperate for him, and that time, it wasn’t any different. You were positioned in the middle of the bed as quickly as you could, your ass up in the air as he explored your body with his eyes.
“So pretty for me,” he muttered, discarding his boxers before making his way towards you. His hands found your waist, pulling you closer to him as he leaned down to kiss your spine. “Beg for it, baby girl,”
“Please, Jon-” you whined, burying your face in his pillows, completely at his mercy. “Please, fuck me,”
The chuckle that left his body was enough to make you clench around air again, the shameless moan that exited your mouth getting muffled by the soft material of his pillows. “So desperate,” he unexpectedly slid his length inside of you, the stretch making chills run down your spine as a string of curses left his lips.
“Fuck- so tight for me, sweetheart,” he breathed out, his hips stuttering for a quick second before he started to thrust into you, the sound of his hips smacking against your ass harshly filling the room.
His thrusts were quick, his skin slapping against yours rhythmically as you moaned loudly. One of his hands gripped your hair, pulling your head away from his pillows, the sting of his pulling sending pleasure to your clit.
“I want to hear every single moan,” he grumbled in your ear, his punishing pace sending you into subspace as your high neared again, your legs struggling to keep the rest of your body up. He could feel your walls constricting around him, making his own pleasure even more evident as he tried to keep his cool.
Your moans became louder again when you started to tip over the edge, but you were denied your orgasm again when Jon pulled his cock out of you, gently handling you around.
You found yourself on your back, legs spread for him as he tapped his cock against your overstimulated entrance, a smirk on his face as he entered you again. “Want you to look at me when I make you cum, sweetheart,”
His words had you whimpering, your eyes closing as he moved inside of you, the new angle making you feel even better. His hand slipped down your body, reaching your clit and teasing it as he kept his bruising pace.
“Jon- Jon I’m going to cum,” you breathed out, your legs wrapping around his middle as they slightly shook, holding him closer to you.
“Look at me,” he said, his fingers on your clit speeding up. “I said, look at me, Y/N,”
You let your eyes meet his as your orgasm made your body shake, a shout of his name leaving your mouth as your walls convulsed around his cock. You were breathing harshly as he helped you ride your high, his hips snapping quickly against yours as he held back groans.
He pulled out quickly, coming all over your stomach with a loud groan as you tried to gain back your breathing, your eyes struggling to stay open. The room sat in silence as he left the bed, only to come back a few minutes later to clean you up.
He took care of the cum on your stomach, gently cleaning it with a wet towel before going back to his position between your thighs. “You did so good for me, tonight,” he whispered, hushing your whines when the towel touched your sensitive skin. “Such a good girl,”
“I probably should go,” you mumbled sleepily, trying to push yourself out of his bed only to be interrupted by his voice.
“Stay the night, Y/N. Please,”
“Please,” he repeated, taking a seat next to your laying body on his bed. His eyes were scanning your face for any kind of discomfort as he let his hand card through your hair, the moment of softness making butterflies erupt in your stomach.
As you looked up at him, you found yourself realizing just where you were, just where you were laying. Your eyes really met his bedroom for the first time at that moment, noticing every single small piece of him that was resting inside the place that he found most personal, the place he barely let people in.
He was sharing it with you, the part of him that most people barely even knew.
He slid with you under the covers, pulling your body close to his as his eyes found yours. He pushed a strand of stray hair away from your face, his other hand drawing shapes on your smaller back.
“What are we doing, Jon?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he whispered, his hand cupping your cheek as he sighed out. Silence settled between you as you tried to figure out what was happening between the two of you, if your relationship had changed, but his voice filled the room again. “You know, I was in need of release after you ran away, that night,” he mumbled, his fingers toying with the ends of your curls. “There wasn’t a moment where I wasn’t thinking about you, when I was with that girl. It was a mistake-”
“Jon, please, stop it,” you whispered, looking up at him with a small smile. “I accept your apology,”
Your words seemed to put him at peace, at least for the night, and he pulled you even closer. “Get some rest, we’ll talk in the morning,” he whispered, tenderly kissing the top of your head as you cuddled on his side. Your body was tired, but your heart was beating quickly against your ribcage at how your night had ended.
Not only did you have the best sex of your life with the man you had been wishing for ever since day one, but you also found yourself cuddling by his side, his warm body pressed against yours. The question that left your lips was slurred by sleep, but you needed to know, you needed to know if it wasn’t going to end just so soon.
“Will you be there when I wake up?”
There was a beat after you said your words, his hand carding your hair one more time as he smiled.
“Of course I will,”
“Good morning,”
The whispered greeting had you slowly waking up, the warmth of Jon’s body close to yours making you breathe out a sigh of fondness. “Hey,”
“How did you sleep?” the man beside you asked, voice still sleepy as he played with your bed hair. You had to repress a giggle at his question, hiding your face in his chest as you mumbled out your answer.
“Like a baby,”
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around you as the other held his phone, his eyes focused on the screen. “Plans for the day?”
“You have to meet up with your coach this afternoon,” you said, your fingers drawing shapes on his naked chest. “What time is it?”
“Jon, you’re late to practice,” you scolded him with a sigh, rolling your eyes when he shrugged.
“Everybody needs a day off,” he said, making a chuckle leave your mouth. “I’ll go grab us breakfast, don’t fall back asleep without me,”
A peck was placed on your lips as Jon left the bed, your body missing his warmth after just a few seconds of being apart. You looked at the ceiling as you took in the events of the previous night, well-accustomed to the butterflies in your stomach.
You had to refrain yourself from clenching your legs at the flashbacks from the late-night activities, instead biting on your bottom lip as you remembered just how good it felt to be touched by Jonathan.
His hands on your skin, his mouth on your body, his eyes locked with yours.
You weren’t ready to leave him, though. You weren’t ready to forget about the night the two of you had spent together, to name it ‘just a one-night stand’. You wanted to wake up every morning next to him, to scold him when he was late, to spend endless nights talking about your lives after some good sex, and to be his. That was what you wanted.
You settled on getting ready as best as you could, taking a quick shower and throwing on his discarded button-up from the previous night, his cologne invading your nostrils as soon as the expensive material slid over your skin.
You heard the front door shutting after you had just made yourself comfortable in the kitchen, your laptop opened in front of your eyes as Jonathan put the coffees on the table. “Got bagels. Is it okay?”
“More than okay,” you smiled, your eyes meeting his as you took a sip from your cup. “I hope me taking a quick shower wasn’t a problem,”
“Not at all,” he smiled, seemingly noticing your outfit just then, as he leaned against the kitchen counter while he took a bite of his food. His eyes roamed your figure for a long while, your cheeks becoming quite heated as you kept your gaze on your computer screen. “You look good in my clothes,”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t find my clothes from last night,” you whispered, biting on your lip as you avoided his eye contact.
“That shirt looks better on you anyway,” he mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist as he peeked at your laptop. “What do you have to do, today?”
“Just picking up some clothes at the dry and clean,” you mumbled, taking a bite out of your bagel. “Oh, I also need to pick up some packages,”
“I’ll come with you,” he mumbled, letting his hands squeeze your waist quickly before going back to stand against the kitchen counter. Your heart was beating against your ribcage as you tried to act unbothered, one of your hands running through your hair.
“You have other stuff to do, Jon,” you sighed, turning around to face him.
“Don’t care,” he smirked, his thumb and index finger grabbing your chin to make you look up at him. His lips ghosted over yours teasingly as you struggled to breathe, the warmth in your stomach invading your entire body. “The world can wait a little more,”
Huffing as you walked around the halls of the United Center, you were trying to hold all your stress under control. It was a stressful day for Jon and you, probably the most stressful day the two of you had ever had, and things had been going okay.
Well, they had been going okay until Jonathan was nowhere to be seen after morning practice, your busy schedule being put on hold as you scanned through every room inside the building anxiously.
He had a meeting, a very important one, in fact. Coaches, PR teams and the most important people of the Blackhawks were all finding themselves in one room to discuss important business, and the captain just couldn’t be late.
His coach had mumbled something about him being extremely distracted during the previous weeks, his head going elsewhere whenever it was possible, and it didn’t take a while for you to realize it was because of you.
It had been a few weeks ever since the night, and you were confused, to say the least. You felt as if you had gone back in time, when all the two of you could share was teasing touches, deep eye contact, and sexual tension. Why were you two playing hard to get?
The large doors of the dressing room snapped you out of your thoughts, your heart hammering against your chest as you wondered whether it was a good idea or not to actually search for him inside. It probably was an invasion of privacy, right?
You almost squealed in fear when the doors opened, revealing one of Jon’s teammates, a beaten-up look on his face as his eyes met yours. “Can I help you?”
“I, uh- is Jonathan in there?” You asked nervously, sighing in relief when the younger guy nodded his head absentmindedly. “Thank you,”
He muttered something under his breath as he walked away, leaving you to open the doors to the changing room in silence. You were faced with emptiness, just the faint sounds of shuffling entering your ears as you looked around the room.
“Ah, just who I wanted to see,”
His face sported a smirk when he walked towards the main hall of the room, dressed in only one of his extremely tight thermal shirts and a pair of boxers. He was hot, and he knew it; hell, he even took pride in it, you were sure.
“Missed you, sweetheart,” he mumbled, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you close to his body. You seemed to snap back to your thoughts - too busy admiring his Adonis-like body - just then, looking up at him with a stern look.
“Jonathan, you’ve got a meeting to attend,” you said, pushing against his chest to get him away from you. “And you’re so fucking late for it,”
“You’re hot when you’re pissed off,” he mumbled, dipping his head to your shoulder to press a line of kisses over your blouse, his fingers playing with the hem of your skirt. “Everyone was looking at your ass, sweetheart. Did you know that?”
You closed your eyes as his kisses trailed up your neck, reaching your sweet spot in just a few seconds. You felt in heaven, so deeply pushed into a lust-filled trance by just his mouth as you forgot what was happening outside, what you needed to do. “Had to kick all their asses to get their eyes off of you,”
His possessiveness was sending jolts to your core, his touch so teasing yet so pleasurable as he pressed another coat of kisses down your neck. His hands slid to your ass as he let his body drop down on one of the benches, your legs straddling his waist.
“Jonathan, the meeting starts in ten minutes and you don’t even have a suit on,” you scolded him as best as you could, his fingers undoing the first few buttons of your shirt.
“Just enough time to fuck you,” he whispered against your lips, his mouth on yours a second later as his hands were already pushing your underwear to the side to tease your drenched center. “So wet for me this early in the morning, baby girl?”
You let out a shaky moan as his thumb played with your clit, the pleasure too strong to pull yourself away from him. “We’ve got to be quick, Jon,” Your hands dropped to his bulge, pushing his boxers out of the way as he aligned his cock with your entrance, ignoring your sentence.
“So needy for me,” he muttered, his cock sliding against your walls smoothly as you moaned out his name, your hands tightly gripping his shoulders. To say you were a little surprised to have sex with him for the second time inside the United Center’s dressing room was an understatement, but everything felt just too good to make it end.
“Here we go, sweetheart,” he whispered, nipping on your earlobe as his hands helped you rock your hips against his, a sharp moan leaving your lips at the stretch. A few groans left his mouth when you picked up the pace, one of his hands dropping to your clit as he relished in the pleasure.
“Jon-” you moaned, your head lulling back as he kissed your neck, his teeth leaving a love bite on your skin. He knew it was something he shouldn’t have done, that marking was for kids, but he wanted the world to know you were his, even if he didn’t have the balls to make you his.
He seemed to be pushed in a trance as you speeded up even more, trying to chase your high and bring him to his as quickly as possible, time clicking. “I’m gonna cum,” you whispered, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as the pleasure became too much.
“Cum for me, sweetheart,” he spoke, voice sweet as he let his lips find yours again. “Milk my cock, baby,”
Your eyes locked with his as you came, mouth opened in a silent moan as your cunt clenched around his length, bringing him unbelievably close to his orgasm. You kept moving on top of him as best as you could, your sensitive pussy making you whine.
“I gotta cum, sweetheart,” he groaned in your ear, subtly telling you he needed to pull out. Your cheeks, as heated as they already were, seemed to burn even more as you whispered your next words, hiding your face from him.
“I’m on the pill,”
“Fuck- shit-” he muttered under his breath, the thought of being able to cum inside of you sending him over the edge, his abs clenching as he released against your walls. You caught your breaths together, his forehead leaning against yours after he pecked your lips gently.
Your eyes dropped to your watch, noticing you had just a few minutes before the start of the meeting, another curse leaving your lips. “Jon, you better get yourself ready,” you said, pulling yourself away from his body to fix yourself up.
You were hoping it wasn’t too evident that you had just fucked with your boss inside the dressing rooms as you made your way towards the doors, ready to leave.
You turned around to face Jonathan, who was messily trying to put on the tailored suit you loved on him. “What?”
There was a beat of silence as he pulled on his slacks, sending you a quick look. “The team is hosting this gala, next weekend,” he mumbled, cheeks rosy as he avoided your eye contact. “I was wondering if you wanted to come along?”
“Are you asking me out, Jon?” You giggled, biting on your bottom lip.
“I’m trying to,” he huffed. “You obviously don’t have to, if you-”
“Yes, I’ll be your date,” you giggled, tugging him close to you by the collar of his shirt to kiss him, your body relaxing against his. When you pulled back, a smile was resting on his lips, your heart beating out of your chest. “Now, get ready. There’s a meeting we have to be at,”
You were so fucked.
The Cartier bracelet was on your wrist, shining under the lights of your apartment as you touched up your makeup, stomach churning nervously. You had come home to a couple of boxes on your bed, well-known names printed on top of them, and you were shocked, to say the least.
The material of your dress - a classy, black cocktail dress - was soft against your skin, and you were trying to refrain yourself from looking it up and check the price tag. The bracelet had been your breaking point, your eyes tearing up at the sight of the rose gold accessory you had found yourself admiring more than a month prior.
It felt strange to get spoiled by someone, you were going to be honest.
You heard the faint knock just as you were slipping on a dark pair of stilettos, your lips pulling into a smile as you opened the door, your eyes falling onto your date. He seemed speechless as he gave your body a once-over, his eyes softening at your smile.
“You look stunning, sweetheart,” he said, voice gentle as he tried to tear his eyes off of you. His hand slipped into yours, pushing it up to his lips to leave a lingering kiss on your skin, his eyes finding just later the bracelet he had given you.
“Thank you, Jon,” you whispered, cheeks heating up at his comment. He was looking better than ever in his all-black suit, matching your outfit perfectly, and it was hard for you to keep the butterflies in your stomach at bait.
“We should head out, I know you hate being late,” Jon mumbled, his eyes still not leaving you as you locked the front door behind yourself, his body close to yours. He led you out of the building with a gentle arm around your waist, nothing but warmth filling your chest as he helped you inside the car.
You were in silence as the driver moved the car around the city, directed towards the venue, Jon’s hand staying firmly on your thigh. You had so much on your mind, so much keeping you in your thoughts, and Jon seemed to notice.
“What’s happening in that pretty head of yours, darling?” He whispered, the palm on your thigh moving to grasp your hand.
“You- you bought me all this stuff and-”
“This is my way of saying thank you,” he whispered, smiling your way as the car came to a halt. “I actually bought the Cartier when we were shopping for my mom’s presents,”
Your eyebrows scrunched as you chuckled, giving him a shocked look as he helped you out of the vehicle. “Really?”
“You never told me if your mother liked the gifts,” you whispered as the two of you walked inside the venue, your arms linked together as people smiled your way.
“She did,” he stated, greeting one of his teammates with a nod of his head. “She loved the bracelet more than I thought she would,”
You smiled proudly, waving excitedly towards Amanda when her eyes caught yours. “God, Y/N, you look so beautiful tonight!” She squealed, pulling you in a hug as Patrick and Jon talked, her hands gentle on your skin as she took a good look at you.
You thanked her shyly, leaning against Jon’s side as your attention was pushed towards the center of the room, where they were announcing the start of the gala. You were introduced to various people throughout the night - shaking hands, hugging wives and girlfriends, even waving to some little kids - and you felt quite tired when you found yourself in the middle of a makeshift dance floor, your arms wrapped around Jonathan’s neck.
He seemed to be in his thoughts, his touch warm on your skin as the two of you messily swayed to the music, your eyes closing. “What are you thinking about, Jon?”
“It’s complicated, sweetheart,” he whispered, sighing when your head found its place on his shoulder.
“Tell me about it, I’m willing to listen,”
He chuckled, his thumb drawing shapes on your back as he tried to find the words, the courage, to tell you he was in love with you. He hadn’t felt like that in ages, so whipped for someone, so willing to give them the world, if they asked. It felt scary, he had never fallen in love that quickly for anyone before, but something in him told him you weren’t a mistake. You were the one.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” he mumbled, pressing a small kiss to your shoulder. “And I truly can’t get you out of my mind, in any way I try. You’re my constant thought, no matter where I am or who I am with.
“I wake up every morning, and the first person I see is you. When I come home, you’re there to ask about my day, always smiling,” your body stopped swaying as you listened to his words, the world surrounding you stopping as you focused on the moment. “You’re who I want to see every moment of the day, you’re who I want to wake up next to, and who I want to gift flowers to on Valentine’s day.
“You’re who I want to vent to, and who I want to spend lazy afternoons with. I’ve made mistakes, Y/N, and you’ve always been there to help me through it, to accept my apologies,”
“Jon-” tears were coating your eyes as you realized where he was heading, your heart fluttering.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, his hands cupping your cheeks as his eyes stared deeply into yours, softness in his voice. “I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you, and it’s scary,”
“I love you, too, Jonathan,” you whispered, your forehead resting against his as you bit your lip. “So much,”
He didn’t seem to care that you were in the middle of a room filled with people, his eyes were gentle as he leaned in, his lips finding yours in a kiss you had never experienced before, so full of passion and love.
He pulled you closer to his body as he kissed you again, his gentle hand keeping your face close to his by the jaw as he showed you all his love in just one kiss. When you pulled apart, you didn’t care about the people staring at you and him, or the hushed whispers that they were sharing. You just leaned your forehead against his again, catching your breaths in silence as a giggle erupted from your mouth.
“Be mine, baby,” he whispered, smiling down at you. “My one and only,”
“I’m yours, Jon,”
Taglist: @thirstyybitch @bellaguarneri @boqvistsbabe @trashforbarzal @captaindaddies @keithseabrook27
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Weird Secret Friends" *Chapter 8*
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Chapter 7
Chapter 9
I know, I wait almost 4 days and now you gotta go through this bullshit. I can already hear your cries of anguish and suffering.
I love it so much. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
That being said I promise regular chapters for the rest of the week! Okay I don't promise but I promise to do my best.
Note: Alright it's a fanfic people, alternate universes and all that. So you know what we're saying that all the Carisi sisters are younger, and Sonny was the big bro. Kay? I can't deal with all the continuity stuff.
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Sonny was watching TV with Amanda when his phone went off. He paused the movie and answered the phone:
“Barba it’s kinda late--”
“What's wrong with your cousin?” he flatly said.
“Excuse me?” Sonny asked. “What kind of question is that?”
“Just answer the question, Carisi,” Barba insisted.
“Well it's a loaded question, Barba.” Sonny replied.
“Okay then just answer me this,” Barba sighed. “Why did I come back to my apartment to find her halfway through my once full bottle of vodka and pouting on the couch. Oh, after she had gone through all of my things of course,”
“Aw shit,” Sonny muttered under his breath. “That's kind of on me, Barba,”
“One second babe,” He muttered to Amanda, while he got up and went into his kitchen.
“Babe?” Barba asked.
“It’s just Rollins,” Sonny dismissed it.
“So you have feelings for me, but you’re fucking Rollins?” He asked in a snarky tone.
“What, are you jealous or somethin’ Barba?” Sonny smirked.
“No, don’t be stupid,” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Why is it on you?” He changed the subject.
“I should have never filled her head with doubts and suspicions and then sent her back to your place; when I should have known that you would keep a full bar in your apartment,” Sonny sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Well of course I would keep a stocked bar in my apartment Sonny, I entertain people and I'm a grown man,” Rafael scoffed.
“Yeah, again it's on me,” Sonny repeated.
“Okay so what is wrong with your cousin?” Rafael asked.
“I think that pretty much answers it, don't you think?” Sonny asked in a “duh” tone.
“... I see,” Rafael glanced at his bedroom door wearily.
“Where is she now? Did you send her away? Please tell me you didn't send her away,” Sonny begged.
“No I didn't send her away, she's sleeping it off in my bedroom,” He got up and walked to his bedroom door. “I didn't want to just kick her out because she was upset. I'm not that big of a dick,” He whispered as he watched you sleep. You looked so calm and peaceful, that’s the girl he remembered.
“ You know, this should probably be better explained in person,” Sonny walked back into his living room where Amanda glanced over at him. He motioned for her to get her stuff together.
“Can I come over?”
“Yeah okay, not like I have anything else to do,'' he rolled his eyes as he shut his bedroom door and walked back to his living room.
Sonny showed up to Rafael's apartment with a loaded head and a semi heavy conscience. He knocked on the door and Rafael let him inside.
“Okay so what kind of long story is this,” Rafael asked while he poured himself a glass of scotch. He noticed Sonny giving him a weird look.
“What? It's not like she's in here now,” he rolled his eyes.
“True,” He nodded. “Do you have beer?”
“Yes, dark or light?” Rafael made a disgusted face while he asked. He couldn't stand the taste of beer but he always had it on him just in case he had barbarians over such as Sonny.
“Shiner Bock, if you have it,” Sonny requested. Rafael nodded as he went into his ‘party fridge’ and handed him one before sitting on the couch across from him.
“Alright so where do I start?” Sonny thought out loud.
“Well I guess first of all I wanted to say I don’t wanna say I told you so, but this is exactly why I didn't want you and Y/N to get involved in the first place. It had nothing to do with my feelings for you. It’s because I know that you tend to keep relationships with guys and girls chill and casual, but Y/N is a special case and special to me,”
“Yeah.. I wish you had expressed that before,” Rafael groaned.
Well what was I supposed to say in front of her, Barba? ‘Oh hey by the way, you probably shouldn't get involved with my trainwreck of a cousin? Sonny asked defensively.
“Maybe? I don’t know…” Rafael sighed as he put his head in his hands.
“Look, Rafael,” Sonny put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s not like she’s some kinda degenerate junkie,”
“Oh well, that’s great--” He started to roll his eyes.
“I’m serious Rafael!” He pounded the table.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry Sonny,” He finally used his first name, trying to be as soft with him as possible. He could see how much you meant to him, and it was really endearing. “Go ahead,”
“Alright,” Sonny sighed, ready to tell your life story. You would probably kill him later for it, but there was no hiding your...issues now, he might as well get the whole context.
“Well, first of all-- her dad died before she was born, overdose,” He began. “Then she was stuck with her junkie mother, my auntie. Who by the way at this point, nobody had heard from in years,” He took a sip of beer.
“So anyways,” He began again. “One day, she showed up at my mom’s doorstep with Y/N, and told her that she can’t take care of Y/N, or that she didn’t want to,” He sighed. “She was three years old by then, I don’t even wanna think about what happened before then,”
“Jesus…” Rafael muttered.
“I was eight years old at the time, my sisters were even younger. My mom and dad had enough on their plate with just us. So, I kinda took her under my wing,” He went on.
“We became so close, she wanted to go by “Sunny” just so she could be like me. I told her it would be confusing for the two of us, so I called her Sunshine, Sunny for short. That way if I’m calling her sunny, then obviously it’s not myself,” He chuckled. To this day, he still called you Sunshine.
“But as she grew up, she just...kinda had a rough go. She didn’t really interact with kids her own age, she was really defensive and untrusting with anybody but me. Not even my parents. And then we got the call that her mother died, and it ripped me up inside to see her body at the funeral. It was so fucked up, she was so fucked up. That’s why I-- I think something really bad happened to her when she was with her mother, Rafael. Like-- really, bad.
“Fuck..." Rafael muttered while glancing at his bedroom door. He didn't want to imagine what you had been through at such a young age. He wanted to run in his room right now and just hold you, but he kept his composure.
“So then I went off to college when she was ten years old, just about to start junior high. She begged me to stay, but I told her she had a good family and that my parents and sisters loved her as much as I did, and to stay out of trouble. But...kids are cruel. They made her harder, and harder. Without me there to be her-- I dunno, her guiding light or her-- protector, she just kinda fell into a bad crowd by the time high school rolled around,” He sighed while taking another swig of beer.
“...Right,” Rafael nodded.
“So when i came home from school my mom told me she was going to kick Sunny out. I asked her why, and she went on and on about how she had gotten in with these local girls who were like, I dunno some kinda girl gang, and they’d knock over liquor stores and then get drunk and stoned. She said she was never around anyway, unless it was to steal money out of her purse; And she just didn’t wanna deal with her anymore,”
“...But she was only fifteen at the time,” Rafael was stunned.
“Yeah, and that’s what I told her!” Sonny exclaimed. “Look Barba my mom is the salt of the earth, but like I said she had a lot on her plate and my dad wasn’t around a lot-- and she had three other daughters to watch out for,”
“Three of her OWN daughters,” Rafael clarified with a judgmental tone.
“HEY,” Sonny warned. “I know how it sounds. And maybe-- maybe you’re right, maybe that’s why she washed her hands clean of Sunny. Because she was just a by-product of her fucked up sister. But I-- I’m not gonna condemn her for it. And you sure as hell don’t get to judge her,”
“You’re right,” Rafael nodded while sipping his scotch.
“So I took Sunny in,” Sonny finished his beer as he wrapped up his story. “I took her in while I went through the police academy. I made sure she got sober, quit hangin’ out with those girls, I got her to do well in school, hell I got her to graduate high school!”
“And…?” Rafael pressed.
“...And when I started bouncing around precincts, she was finally a productive member of society so she started living on her own. She had a few jobs, but never really going anywhere. So once I got placed here in SVU and started making better money, I started helping her out with rent and her car, as long as she promised to start going to community college. Which she agreed to because she really does wanna make something of herself,” He half smiled thinking about how far you had come and how proud he was to call you his cousin now. You were so full of life with dreams and ambitions he never saw in you as a scared little kid.
“Okay so-- how does all of this lead to what happened tonight?” Rafael leaned back and crossed his arms.
“Because she’s still an addict, Barba!” Sonny tried not to yell, but didn’t understand why Rafael was still so flippant about you.
“Just because she got her life together-- I got her life together, doesn’t mean that she just got ‘better’. She’s on a daily see-saw of sobriety. I do weekly ‘drop ins’ just to check on her. It’s gotten a lot better as time goes on, and the less and less I worry about her, but--” He took a breath and looked at the floor.
“....Deep down she’s still that little girl with all of her walls and her distrust. She doesn’t have friends, I really don’t think she’s ever had a stable ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend,’ I mean she-- she doesn’t, talk to people,” He paused before looking up and into Rafael’s eyes.
“...Which is why it has been yankin' my chain tryin’ to figure out just why in God’s name she was so-- open, to you,” He finally admitted. “She’s never been that close to anybody else but me, not in her entire life,”
“Wait,” Rafael put a finger up. “So...you haven’t actually been jealous of Y/N this whole time, you’ve been jealous of me?” He half laughed.
“I mean, it’s a little of both,” He shrugged with a small smile, able to joke about his feelings now. “But I meant what I said when I first got here, I know the main thing that Y/N needs in her life right now is stability. And you-- you are not stable, in the least,”
“Oh I’m the unstable one?” Rafael raised an eyebrow.
“Relationship wise, yeah,” Sonny pointed out.
“....Fair point,” Rafael nodded as he finished off his scotch. He knew the longest relationship he had ever had was with the cute barista he saw every morning who knew how to make his coffee just right. And that relationship only took him five minutes a day to maintain.
“So…” Sonny knocked Rafael from his thoughts.
“So...what?” Rafael quirked an eyebrow.
“So, I think that--” Sonny took a deep breath, knowing you might hate him for this. But it was for the best, and it needed to be said.
“I think that if you care anything about her, or me for that matter, that you let me take her home, and forget about this whole weekend,”
“....I mean…” Rafael rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't want to let you go. Well, he didn't want to let go of the girl he had met at Forlini's. The girl who made him laugh, who he could be his true self around, the girl he might---
“Look the bottom line here Barba is that Y/N is-- a lot of work. I should know, I’ve been taking care of her for 19 years. But I don’t mind it, because I love her more than anything else in this world. Well, her and the rest of my family. But still-- I love her,” Sonny now stood up.
“And I get that you like her, but she--- she has gotten way too serious about you way too fast, and way too hard. And this?” He gestured around the room, referring to the whole night. “This ain’t even the tip of the iceberg with her, if she’s really fallen off the wagon,”
“...God dammit,” Rafael stood up and began to pace in his living room. He thought about every single second he had spent with you since he met you; you had never seemed so...broken, as Sonny was describing you.
“What I’m saying is, unless you’re ready to-- ‘deal’ with her, and everything that comes with that, please for the love of God, just walk away now,” Sonny pleaded.
“Because she won’t listen to me if I tell her to stay away from you. And if things get too ‘real’ for you, you’re just gonna freak out or-- or get bored, and throw her away. Her self worth will drop to shit. And if that happens, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get her back from that,”
“I would never just throw her away, Carisi,” Rafael rolled his eyes.
“You can’t say that, Barba,” Sonny debated.
“And why the hell not?” Rafael narrowed his eyes.
“Because you’ve never NOT just ‘thrown away’ someone,” He chuckled. “That front door might as well be a garbage chute,”
“You son of a--” Rafael started to yell at him but Sonny cut him off.
“Tell me I’m wrong, Barba. Look me in the eyes and tell me I have no idea what I’m talking about, and I’ll leave here and let you deal with her the way you want to,” Sonny looked at him pensively. Rafael looked at him for several seconds, then softened his glare into a sad concession.
“....Take her,” He muttered softly while looking at the ground.
“Thank you,” Sonny mumbled softly as he turned to go retrieve your passed out self from the bedroom. However, he was instead met with the most unsettling sight:
You were standing in the doorway of the room, glaring at the two of them.
“...H-Hey, Sunshine--” Sonny tried to appease you with an awkward smile.
“Don’t,” You growled, stomping into the living room and began packing your bag.
“Y/N, what are you--” Rafael went to put a hand on your bag but you snatched it away before you shot fire out of your eyes into his gaze.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I misunderstand what you just said?” You barked at him with tears in your eyes. “Because I’m pretty damn sure I heard ‘take her’. You know like I’m some sort of defective Amazon package,”
“That’s not what I meant---” He softly spoke, the guilt of his words being heard by you was quickly eating him alive.
“No I know what you meant, Rafael,” You zipped your duffel shut angrily.
“I heard the whole god damn spiel. Which, by the way, thank you so much for detailing my entire little sob story, cousin,” You glared at Sonny as you started walking towards the front door, shoulder checking him.
“But neither of you have to worry about anything anymore, okay? You’re released from your ‘duties’. This trainwreck is leaving the station, so you can relax,” You looked at the both of them with pain in your eyes, tears cracking your words.
“Sunshine--” Sonny started after you.
“DON’T,” You glared at him while putting a finger up. “Don’t ever call me that again,”
“At least let me drive you home--”
“No,” You shook your head. “And you know what, cuz? I didn’t realize I was such a financial burden, so you know what? Cut me off. Because I’d rather be homeless again than take any more money from you,”
“What did I do?!” Sonny was now angry. “All I did was come over and try to protect you, that’s it!”
“I don’t need your protection!” You screamed. “This whole time...this whole time, I thought you were proud of me. That you trusted me,”
“I do trust you--”
“You don’t!” You stomped your foot while tears streamed down your face. “Y-You think that if . one single thing like a boy not liking me is gonna set me off, like I’m some kind of bomb you’ve kept from detonating for years. My life is not your responsibility anymore, Sonny! I don’t think it ever was!”
“Well who’s else was it gonna be?!”
“NOBODY’S!!!!” You finally dropped your duffel bag and kicked the wall, leaning your head against it. You were strangely quiet for a long pause before you spoke again in an eerily calm voice.
“...Do you know why my mother “dropped me off’ with your mother?”
“Because she couldn’t take care of you--”
“No I heard what you said,” You sniffled with a sad smile. “Because she didn’t want to,”
“But leaving me with your mother, was her plan b,” You cut him off, still looking at the floor.
“What do you mean?” Sonny asked cautiously while looking at Rafael who had a terrified look in his eyes.
“She didn’t want to ‘burden’ her sister with me, but she had to when I wouldn’t die,”
“...W-What?” Rafael almost choked on the words in disbelief.
“She tried to smother me with a pillow, but I wouldn’t die. I kept screaming and crying, and I guess it touched her strand of humanity, so she stopped,” You rolled your eyes with the same sad smile.
That memory was forever imprinted in your brain. The terror of being woken up in blackness, unable to breathe. The smell of the cigarette smoke covered pillow being shoved into your throat and nostrils. Your mother crying and telling you it would be over soon, just to let go. And finally her sad, pathetic whimpers and sobs when she finally lifted the pillow from you, disappointed in herself that she couldn’t do one good thing in her life. That now she was going to have to pass you, her problem, onto her sister.
“Y/N, baby girl--” Sonny stepped towards you again.
“I wasn’t supposed to be raised by anybody, Sonny. I’m not even supposed to be alive!” You stomped your foot again while tears continued to flow.
“That’s not true!” He ran over and grabbed you in a hug. “You are not a burden,”
“Really?” You laughed sarcastically into his shoulder as you pushed him away from the hug. “You just said your mom didn’t even want to deal with me. Nobody did,”
“I did!” He argued. “I do,”
“Yeah well, maybe I’m my mother’s daughter. I don’t wanna be your burden,” You picked up the duffel and opened the door.
“Okay well you have no choice in that so you’re gonna have to let that go,” Sonny grabbed your hand before you could walk away.
“Fine,” You finally conceded with a blank expression.
“Guess I’ll just have to let a lot of things go, won’t I?” Your voice cracked as you looked at Rafael one more time with the saddest eyes.
He stared back at you with a stone cold face. He wanted so badly just to go and hold you in his arms, telling you how you didn’t deserve any of what happened to you, and that you deserved everything good and all the love in the world. But Sonny’s pleas were still in his head.
He didn’t know if he wanted the responsibility of your entire self worth and happiness, let alone your sobriety on his shoulders. He didn’t even like to get close to clients with that many issues, the pressure was too much. So instead he just stood there, trying not to show how much this was killing him, sending you away like this.
“Come on Sunshine, just-- let’s go, okay?” Sonny pleaded with you softly, pulling at your hand. You didn’t answer, you just nodded and started walking down the hallway towards the elevator, leaving Sonny at the door.
“...Thank you, Barba,” He mumbled softly, nodding at Rafael. Rafael barely nodded back before Sonny closed the door.
As soon as it was closed, Rafael dropped on his knees and began to cry. He didn’t know why exactly, was he crying because he felt horrible for all the shit you had gone through? Was he angry at himself for not being able to get over his own bullshit to actually open up and care about someone for more than a week? Was he really that big of a hypocrite, showing empathy to clients all the time but shutting out the one person he felt he might-- he couldn’t even think it. He wouldn’t let himself think it. He just composed himself and poured another scotch while turning on the TV, trying to forget what just happened.
His NETFLIX menu popped up; it asked him if he wanted to continue watching Bojack Horseman. He closed his eyes and muttered obscenities in spanish while memories of the night before flooded his brain, making him cry angry tears once more. He finally decided just to go to bed, maybe his brain would release him from torture if he could turn it off.
He wasn’t sure he could ever turn it off now.
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polpoka · 3 years
Neighbor Au
Characters- Kim Rok Soo, Alberu Crossman, Lee Soo Hyuk, Choi  Jung Soo, Tasha
Ratings- K+
Shippings- Kimrokberu
Type- (Fluff)
Part 5
((CW. mentioned racism))
The tray made a harsh clink as Alberu set it in front of Taerang, who was sitting on the lignum vitae chair, on the coffee table which formed a complete set with the said chair.
“So, sir, in the end,” Taerang took a pause to sip on the tea the host had provided, though he was the junior, “Did you tell him your name?”
Alberu averted his eyes, before answering in a low voice, “...Yes.”
Taerang sighed. He cared about his employer a lot, especially because of the fact that they had known each other for quite some time, and in that time, he had come to realize rather early on, that Alberu was rather soft on the inside, despite his harsh mannerisms and stern appearance. He cared far too deeply for people and always hesitated to let a connection go. It would be bad in their line of work, but well, sometimes it was necessary. 
He remembered the way the younger college student had always shook his hand rather than barking at him and treating him like a meagre guard. Even though he was one, who had been given to him as a present for his achievements by his former ‘owner’, Angelica and right before Choi Jung Gun, and before that his guardian, Ahn Mon Ran. 
He was always viewed as a tool, almost always at least, Ahn Mon Ran had no other option but to give him to Choi Jung Gun because of the hand the man had on him.
He asked once again, “Did you say anything that even remotely points out the fact that made the person think that you’re part of the elite Crossman family, and not your average joe?”
Alberu still didn’t meet Taerang’s eyes. Taerang knew what that meant and unfortunately Alberu did too. 
Alberu struggled to meet Taerang’s eyes, “I’m sorry, hyung-”
“Don’t call me that right now, sir. You know you’re in trouble. Big time.”
Taerang took a sip of his lavender tea which had been poured til the brim of the teacup, “You were the one who originally asked for these rules to be made, and we can’t break them, since you specifically gave us instructions not to. No matter what you say at the time.”
Taerang looked at the man who was fidgeting anxiously. He knew why these rules were a safety precaution, and he didn’t want Alberu to go through that experience again. Well, technically speaking, he wasn’t there but he was told the story, and he didn’t like it either way, not one bit. 
Alberu also knew the reasons, and the repercussions, and yet it felt horrible. He knew why this had happened, and he didn’t want it to happen again but still. He looked at the table silently for a moment, thinking about the various possibilities which seemed to end with his heartbreak. 
Kim Rok Soo didn’t seem like the guy who would take advantage of him, he just didn’t. Not to mention, the connection- the connection felt as if he was a gust of wind that had finally found his tree, but he knew that in the end, this was the best move he could play. If he stayed, he had no idea what to do. 
Would he confront Kim Rok Soo? 
Would he pretend never to see him again, despite knowing that his heart longed for the other? 
That would just be running away, but Alberu wasn’t even sure what Kim Rok Soo would want. He thought that Kim Rok Soo was free, and that he, a caged bird could never compare, even if he liquidised all his assets he couldn’t compare with that man, and so, he might as well not trouble the other. 
Alberu was determined, yet this time he felt like he couldn’t win. A feeling he hadn’t felt for a long time. It reminded him of the time he had to deal with his dad, and those were memories he would rather not recall, but he was sure a broken person like him didn’t deserve Kim Rok Soo. 
After this short exchange with himself, he looked at Taerang, his eyes looked soulless, and his voice was brittle as he spoke, “So let’s go through with it.”
Taerang felt something inside of him break, he couldn’t do anything but agree, “...Yes, let’s go through, sir.”
Alberu took a short sip of the liquid that had been sitting in front of him untouched, “Ah look, it’s gone cold.”
Kim Rok Soo’s apartment was in an overly pristine condition, despite it normally being clean, Choi Jung Soo could tell that he had cleaned the place intensely a couple of hours earlier. The yellow evening lights had been switched on a few hours ago and the three men were sitting on the floor on a neatly maintained rug, with more than an average number of bottles that three men should consume in a single night being kept on the table. It seemed that they had all acknowledged that the only function of the table right now was to act as storage. 
“Rok Soo-ya?” Choi Jung Soo asked, waving his hand over the other’s face.
“Ah,” Kim Rok Soo blinked, adjusting his eyes to the light, before replying to the call of this man, “Yes?”
Choi Jung Soo took a seat next to him and could easily notice a couple of things that were odd off the bat. For example, the eyebags were deeper, he wasn’t paying attention at all, which even when separated from these discrepancies was odd. Not to mention he was drinking a lot, almost as if he was trying to get drunk. Even though Choi Jung Soo knew that Kim Rok Soo was aware of his own tolerance, which was inhumanly high, something must have happened and it was definitely not a good thing, seeing as the way Kim Rok Soo looked and acted. 
Choi Jung Soo patted the other’s head gently, you could hear the tease in his tone, “What’s wrong?” 
“Don’t really want to talk about it…Could you pour another one?” the other responded with a burnt out tone, letting the hand rest there. 
‘I guess it didn’t go well.’ Choi Jung Soo poured another cup for himself, using the nearest half filled bottle, before filling Kim Rok Soo’s cup. 
Lee Soo Hyuk on the other hand, was drinking a little too much than what a forty year old liver could take. He’d drunk two bottles. Downing them like they’re soup, well not like his dongsaeng hadn’t drunk about three bottles of the same type of strong alcohol in one sitting. 
‘Really, the people around me really don’t take care of themselves,’ thought Choi Jung Soo drinking down his seventh cup of scotch. He sighed and looked at Kim Rok Soo, he was sure it was a rejection. 
Kim Rok Soo felt like throwing up. He wanted to throw up all his feelings related to his former neighbor. It had only been a day, he wasn’t that close- So it wouldn’t be hard at all, if that was the case, right? 
“Who am I kidding, of course not.” he murmured. 
“Hmm?” the one beside him asked, “Is something wron-” Before Choi Jung Soo could finish his question, he was tackled with  a hug from the one he had presumed to be on the other end of the table. 
“Rok Soo yaaaaa~ Don’t worry, these kinds of things will always happen.” 
Choi Jung Soo struggled to escape the bear hug he had, without his knowledge, stepped into. “Hyung- Kim Rok Soo is there- There-” he tried to point to the clearly dispirited Kim Rok Soo, failing and being pinned to the floor, while Lee Soo Hyuk fell asleep on him. 
Gradually, Choi Jung Soo too, started losing consciousness, albeit something he did not sign up for, and drifting to sleep, while Kim Rok Soo was sitting in the end of the line of drunkards, well two pass outs and one drunk. 
Kim Rok Soo shuffled to get the two blankets to cover his hyungs before getting his own to join in on the pile of corpses. He shifted the table a bit, and tucked himself to make the rug a little more comfortable to lie on.  He tried to close his eyes, but he simply couldn’t. His mind was haunted by the brunette, and not in a good way. He turned to a couch, which brought back the incident that occured day before yesterday. He shifted once more, this time to look at the faces of his hyungs, this again reminded him of the time they were so excited about the whole soulmate jamboree. 
Everything reminded Kim Rok Soo of Alberu, and he didn’t like it. No matter how hard he tried he could simply not forget the man. He had a striking appearance and a discernable mark on his life, despite them knowing each other for a day. 
They hadn’t met each other since Kim Rok Soo had moved here, which was 6 years ago. Well, that was partly Kim Rok Soo’s fault for thinking that it was too much work to meet his neighbours, and he just ended it with seeing his then 24-year-old neighbour, who was too busy with his work once. 
Now, he regretted his decision. If only he had met him earlier. If only he hadn’t ignored his neighbour. These thoughts were the only ones going through his head that night, as he kept on twisting and turning, before finally finding a comfortable position to sleep in.
Alberu got up to an undesired nostalgia of mahogany furniture and neatly lined bookshelves along with the scent of cookies permeating the room. It wasn’t dense but rather a soft scent, being accompanied by a denser scent of black coffee. 
What was strange, was the fact that there was no coffee in the vicinity, and he knew his aunt, much like him, leaned towards tea. He was a bit curious about the fragrance but didn’t want to give it much thought as his brain was more preoccupied with other means- Kim Rok Soo. 
How would he deal with him? 
Alberu was fully aware of what a jerk he was being. He knew that it had been very unfair of him to just straight up leave.
“Aunt Tasha-” he called out to the similar looking black haired woman, her eyes glistened. Her hair was cut short which gave her a gentle look. 
“Yes?” she answered with a hum.
“So…” he couldn’t help but fidget in worry, was he allowed to ask such a thing in the first place? He knew fully well that what his aunt was doing was for his best interests, for his sake. 
Yet, it bugged him. 
He wanted to see the other man desperately. 
It nagged at him. 
Like a gnawing frostbite that never seemed to go away. 
“Speak up, Alberu. You know I’m willing to listen so take your time.” 
Alberu looked at her, always supportive of him no matter what he wanted to do. Always watching, and he felt guilty about that.
Alberu gripped his arm, he told himself that he had to remain firm. This was just a simple and easy task, so what was he getting all anxious about?
“I think I found my soulmate,” Alberu blurted out, wanting to get it over with. It made him feel a bit too bizarre, a feeling he didn't enjoy. He thought a little about the man, his calming, and sarcastic attitude. It made him smile lovingly and softly, it was almost invisible.
When he saw Tasha’s eyes, his smile fell apart, she didn’t meet his eyes with the same gaze he did. Her face was instead painted with a base of shock, and another which was an even more unfavourable expression on it; outrage. 
One glance is all it took for Tasha to assess the situation. She had already been informed by Taerang about his leaked identity, which in itself had been surprising. Tasha could smell the coffee and cookies off her nephew. She didn’t know how it got there since they had no coffee at home, and she knew her nephew didn’t drink coffee, and buttered chocolate cookies. It would have been plausible if he hadn’t come out of the bedroom.
She knew what this meant, the boy had found his soulmate, but she also knew one thing– you could have problems with your past lover. It was like any relationship, simply adding in the strong connection. It wasn’t that big of a deal as people made it up to be.
After all, her sister had also been in a similar kind of relationship and she easily got replaced. Zed had simply thrown her away when he realized that his soul mark had appeared again. It was plausible that the bad luck might have carried from the mother to the son. Even though deep down, she was sure that wasn’t the case. She was worried, and terribly, terribly protective of her nephew, for he was the only one part of her sister that had remained in the world of the living. Being a soulmate had led to her sister’s heartbreak and eventual death, and perhaps it wouldn’t be as severe in Alberu’s case, but he had suffered enough after his mother’s death, she concluded. 
“You found a soulmate?” she asked, her expression now a bit less animated than her previous one, but Alberu could tell that she was not pleased one bit. 
He had a rough idea why but he wasn’t all that into the details. He was young when his mother and ‘father’ divorced, and he knew how his mother had committed suicide after a weeks of the unusual event. After that, he knew how his life had spiralled down to. She died without gaining custody of her child because Alberu’s talents had been noteworthy and rather eye-catching and Zed thought the boy would fetch a pretty price as a showpiece. 
He wasn’t wrong per se, but the exposure to the life of adults had dimmed his young eyes that had been previously filled with life. He had gotten used to going days without proper food and water, and that he wasn’t allowed anything as an emotional support. He wasn’t allowed to have a weakness, if he wanted to stay with his worth.
He had been locked, neglected, even abused if his scores or position went a bit under than perfect. Well, that was at first, then it escalated to him being the outsider of the ‘family’. 
Alberu had noted at the ripe age of eighteen, the people he lived with were hypocrites. In private they would always say the opposite of what they said under the public eye.
‘The shame of this house.’
‘The joy of our family.’
‘You dirty leech. Shouldn’t you be working non-stop? You live here rent free anyway.’
‘He’s always such a darling brother of mine. I simply worry that he works too hard for his own good.’
‘Disgusting. That skin of yours looks so ugly, maybe it’d be better if we got rid of it’
‘He looks so handsome too! He looks just like father, well his skin tone doesn’t matter.’
‘Don’t you get it? You don’t have a place here.’
‘Even though he looks different, he fits right in. Exactly, it's petty to not care about someone who shares the same blood as your sons just because they have a different skin tone.’
They weren’t memories he would want to remember at all, even though they constantly played on his mind like a broken record player. Constantly. 
That’s why he trusted his Aunt’s judgement, for she was the only one who had helped him get out of that hellhole. It was her acceptance that Alberu wanted the most.
Alberu nodded, in return to which Tasha’s unamusement became even more apparent with a long sigh. She was very reluctant to entrust her nephew in anyone’s hand, and the thought of him getting used made her boil over with rage, and so she simply cut off the communication between the two, by a few words, “Alberu, I don’t approve.”
Kim Rok Soo grumbled at the white noise that was playing on repeat in the background. He could hear the chattering that was going on between the two other men in the house. He laid on the makeshift bed until he heard a ringtone. A particular ringtone which made him sure of the person on the other line. 
He stretched his hand out to reach his phone, still remaining tucked in his blanket and refusing to move. By the third ring of the phone, he had successfully maneuvered himself in a way that he could stay comfortable and pick up the phone. He finally received it.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end greeted Kim Rok Soo. 
Kim Rok Soo, still groggy and voice still unsettled, spoke in a lower tone than his usual. It sounded synonymous to the croak of a frog, “Good morning Basen. What makes you call this early?”
Basen knew that tone belonged to his uncle, and he also knew that this was the tone of voice he had in the morning before he had even gotten up from bed. He’d found out so from the several sleepovers he had with him. Still it was odd to hear his voice this deep. Had his Ahjussi been drinking? “Uncle Rok Soo, how much did you drink last night?”
“Why do you ask?” Kim Rok Soo said, shuffling in the sheets, shifting his movements ever so slightly to stay within the warmth of the blanket that covered him up completely like a cocoon.
“Have you still not gotten up?” Basen asked, his tone a bit shocked.
Kim Rok Soo hummed to give an affirmative response.
Basen sighed, “Do you know what time it is?”
“It’s...” He slurred while reordering his position to face the clock. “Three.”
Basen sighed, his voice then went low as he turned his face away from his phone “Haaaa... What’s that Pen?” 
Kim Rok Soo’s ears perked up, “Pen’s there?”
He could hear Basen crack up a bit, “Uncle Rok Soo, you attended the wedding, didn’t you? We’re married, so of course we’re living together.”
Kim Rok Soo relaxed again remembering the joyous event that had taken place a month ago, “Ah, yeah yeah.”
Basen slid the phone between his ear and shoulder, “Uncle, are you still out of it?”
Kim Rok Soo twisted his head, cocking it out of the blanket. “Maybe,” he yawned. 
“Rok Soo-ya? You’re finally up?” Kim Rok Soo saw Lee Soo Hyuk standing in front of him. 
“Um, yeah.” Kim Rok Soo lazily replied. 
“Ah,” Basen said from the other end, “If Lee Soo Hyuk Ahjussi is there, why not give him the phone, and probably freshen up.”
Kim Rok Soo nodded and handed the phone to Lee Soo Hyuk, while informing the other person about his nephew, “It’s Basen, he wants to talk to you.”
Lee Soo Hyuk’s face quirked up to form a grin, “It’s been a long time since he’s talked to me, has he been busy with his lover?”
Kim Rok Soo looked over and casually answered,“Their honeymoon did get over a few weeks earlier. So it is a  possibility.”
Lee Soo Hyuk sighed while taking the phone from Kim Rok Soo, “Aiya, I really am getting old. Everyone around me is getting married or starting to date someone. Ah, the woes of an old man.”
He heard an annoyed voice from the far side of the kitchen, “Did you forget that you’ve been with your lover for over 15 years, Mr. old man?”
The mention of Lee Soo Hyuk’s lover made Kim Rok Soo think about his friend, “Ah, I need to talk about the details about the meeting with Beacrox.”
Lee Soo Hyuk turned to him, his head tilted to the right, “He has been talking about that too. Do you have something in mind for the day?”
Kim Rok Soo could feel the headache rushing over him like a tidal wave, “I'll talk later, I need to wash my face and brush.” 
“Oh wait, before you go-” Lee Soo Hyuk stopped him, causing Kim Rok Soo to turn, “You kinda smell like aloe vera? I didn’t know you kept any plants here?”
Kim Rok Soo pulled his t-shirt to sniff it, indeed, it smelled like the said succulent. He furrowed his eyebrows. It was odd, but it was too much for his woozy head to think about. 
He pulled himself out of the mattress and walked to the bathroom, lazily scratching his hay-like hair. His eyes lazily lolled around, scanning the surroundings of his own apartment as if it was something foreign. He sighed, standing there for a moment facing his reflection in the mirror. 
He ran his fingers through the messy strands that gently lay on the shoulder, remembering Alberu’s fingers cold touch. They were hardened and felt like they had been holding a pen their entire life, never wanting to try anything else, though Kim Rok Soo thought that Alberu merely never got the time to engage in hobbies. 
‘That’s not how hair gel works, hyung.’ 
He remembered the annoyed tone the man could endlessly fill his voice with. He splashed some water on his eyes, still wondering where the other had gone. It would be quite foolish to disappear if he were fearing rejection, if that is the reason the dark man had disappeared, he would think of the said man to be quite dense to not recognize Kim Rok Soo’s feelings towards himself.
Alberu tried to keep the volume down as he washed the dishes in the empty and eerily huge villa’s secluded kitchen. To be fair, it wasn’t empty, there were servants and Aunt Tasha was lounging in the living room. 
His mind was currently occupied with his aunt’s reaction.
He didn’t expect such a strong rejection since he believed his aunt would be a little more liberal towards this aspect. 
However, Alberu knew the reason why his aunt was overprotective since he was well aware of what happened to his mother. Sure, he understood why she didn’t want him to date Kim Rok Soo, but she also refused to acknowledge that his soulmate was different than his mother’s and it wasn’t fair to not give him a chance. Or at least give him the benefit of the doubt.
‘Bitten once, twice as shy, I guess.’ He thought, sighing. 
He simply wanted to meet Kim Rok Soo, simply wanted to check something, a simple gut feeling. 
An instinct. 
Normally, he would have ignored it, but it was a sensation that he couldn’t help but dwell upon. It wasn’t gripping, more like a mild fever that had come over him. He thought that it was something that would easily go away and not bother him anymore, yet it stuck persistently, that it can’t help but get noticed no matter how much he tried to look the other way. 
It felt real and that scared Alberu. 
He didn’t hate the feeling of love. 
It was just that, he was so scared of being involved with it, that it felt like he couldn’t breathe. 
The so-called love he knew was only based on the last sole affection he’s gotten from his mother. 
He believed that Kim Rok Soo wouldn’t be the kind of person to ‘love’ him. Alberu wasn’t the type to have gotten everything in his life in a neatly packaged bow, and that included his relationships all the more. 
Love? He couldn't trust it nor did he have the guts to risk letting the feeling take over him.
Any relationship he tried to maintain didn’t end on a good note, for numerous reasons. Even though his face wasn’t shown and he had a fake surname, his previous partners always knew he was rich. His arranged marriage partners thought of him as a mere money milking tool or someone who would just settle for just a crumb of bread. 
The idea of that appalled Alberu. Somehow he couldn’t think of it in a good light. He didn’t want to be the sort of person who would force someone to be with him just for his money.
If that was the case he was better off without anyone. 
But why was it that he couldn’t forget about him?
That man, who had seen him in his most vulnerable state had simply accepted it. Had waved off the thought that he was odd or unbelonging. He had given him the chance to feel these new sets of emotions he thought he would never experience in his lifetime.
Unbeknownst to Alberu, his hands were working fast and intensely out of all the stress. Only when he heard a loud clang was he snapped back to reality. His eyes immediately darted to the cause of the noise, which was a plate that had slipped from his hands and had fallen into the sink. 
Alberu stared at it for a bit, sighed and washed it. 
It was a good thing it didn’t break.
After neatly placing it in the dryer, he walked out of the kitchen and took a seat in the hall on the coach facing his aunt’s. 
She tore her eyes away from the book she was reading to face him. Tasha noticed the lost look in his eyes, and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Alberu blinked, turning his gaze away from the table and meeting his aunt’s, “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” He said, picking up a book lying on the Pacini e Cappellini coffee table to read. 
Tasha sighed, sticking a bookmark between her copy of ‘War and Peace’, marking her progress in rereading the classic, “Are you still bothered by it?”
Alberu tried to feign ignorance, “By what?”
“We both know what you’re thinking about.” Tasha knew that he wouldn’t outright address the topic. He was far too self constricted with her for that.
Alberu met her eyes, but still had his eyes glazed over, it was as if he actually had no idea of what his aunt was talking about, “Like I said, what?”
Tasha however, was having none of that, she knew Alberu since he was a baby albeit she was young during those turbulent times. She motioned her hand as if she was pointing to the person in question, “Your soulmate, whoever that may be.” 
“Huh.” Alberu mused, making it painfully obvious for Tasha to tell he was unimpressed, “What about my soulmate?” 
Tasha, also aware of his current ‘yearnings’ spoke without batting an eye, “You want to meet them.”
“I sure do, but there’s someone who's preventing that, isn’t there?” He said, finally keeping his book down and sending his aunt a glare that was trying very hard not to reveal its true intentions.
Tasha got annoyed at the misconception Alberu had of her. She was doing this for him. How couldn’t he not get it?“ You know that I’m doing this for your sake. Your mother died because–”
“–Of her soulmate.” Alberu completed her sentence. He had heard it for so many times he was sure that was what the next few words entailed. He sighed.
“Aunt,” He said in a chilling voice, he was the closest to his aunt but there was definitely a line that shouldn’t be crossed. 
Not everything was about his mother. He was well aware how his mother’s death had unfolded but not everyone was like his father, not everyone was as egregious as that man. 
“I understand your concerns but do remember.” He paused to take a good look at his aunt, “I am not my mother,” he took another pause “and I never will be.” 
Alberu could never be his mother. His mother was pure, and charismatic, not to mention she was the incarnation of beauty itself. Never attempting any foul means, she tried hard. She died protecting him. 
And he could never be, not even an inch close to being as great as her. Or so he believed.
Tasha looked the other way, “I know that…but it still scares me. What if they lose interest in you and desert you–”
Alberu sighed again. The next few words he had said out of the simple motivation to prove Tasha wrong about soulmates, and snag a lover in one quick move. “Alright, since you are so bothered by the fact that they’ll cheat on me or lose interest. Let me put forward the idea of a bet. I’ll not visit my soulmate for two months and after those two months, let’s see whether they get over me in that period of time.” ‘–well formally, I won’t be meeting him.’
Alberu thought about it for a moment. He would use himself and Kim Rok Soo as an experiment. He set a bet like that out of impulse to prove her wrong. Even though he wouldn’t mind if he had really moved on, a part of him wanted to know the outcome to all this as well.
If fate would really allow them to be together, or would it be another curse that had befallen since his mother’s time? 
Would things be different?
He didn’t know the answer to that. That was why he did this. That was why he made this stupid bet to at least convince himself that it was alright for him to love, or just have believed in his Aunt’s words in the first place.
Alberu was not the type to easily trust people but this time he wanted to try.
He wanted to try and place a bit of his faith on that man.  
Tasha, who was also right at the end of her wits from this conversation, agreed in a fit of confusion and annoyance with the flow of the conversation, wanting it to end, “Ok, fine. Let’s do just that. When should we start?”
Alberu asked, also getting riled up, “How about right this second?”
Tasha leaned back, “Alright then. For 2 months which start at 5pm December 8th, 2XXX until 5pm February 8th, 2XXX(+1). Deal?”
“Ok then. Taerang, write this down.” Tasha crossed her arms together, her eyes still lingering at her nephew who broke eye contact.
“Yes ma’am.” The mostly stationary man, who had been sitting on the chair beside Alberu finally spoke.
‘Now that this was sorted,’ thought Alberu, ‘I have to contact him, I guess. Hoo boy, this is gonna be a whole different game to play.’
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Majid’s School Uniform Story (R)
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aka riddle gets to tutor another unfortunate soul
“The library is an ideal place to nap… Just don’t tell Senior Jamil about this, okay?!”
[Location:NRC Library]
Majid: *yawns* Seems like I’ve studied enough Magic History for today. Haah… If only Mr. Trein would lighten up on the homework. So what if that essay had to be 4 pages front AND back? He should’ve been more clear about that in his lecture.
Majid: …Well, not like I was listening in the first place. *yawns* The sunlight there is always so nice in the afternoons… I can’t help but sleep a little while I’m there.
*rustle* *rustle*
Majid: Ah, and the next subject I have to work on is…Math? What a pain of a class. *yawns* If only… if only I could juusst-
Majid: *snoring*
Riddle: Is that…
*footsteps* *THUD*
Majid: !!!
Riddle: I thought so. You’re a freshman from Scarabia, correct? The one who’s always getting pulled along by your vice dorm leader because you keep dozing off?
Majid: …Sure.
Riddle: The library is not an appropriate place to sleep. If you wanted to take a nap, then hurry back to your dorm room, and do it there.
Majid: Yeah, okay.
Riddle: You… you’ve been acting rather impudent for a while now. I’m a 2nd year, you know? You should speak to your seniors with more respect. AND no one should be using the library as a place to procrastinate like this. Not to mention the way you present yourself in your uniform… You leave me no other choice. State your name.
Majid: What for?
Riddle: Your actions have been deplorable. I need your name to report them to your dorm leader.
Majid: Haha… It’s not like the dorm leader’s gonna care much about something as small as napping. Can’t you just let this slide?
Riddle: Alright, then I’ll talk to your vice dorm leader instead.
Majid: Ah, it’s Sebek Zigvolt, sir.
Riddle: Don’t mess with me!! Sebek Zigvolt is a Diasmonia student!
Majid: Well, I never said that was my name. I was just pointing out that he was walking right behind you at that moment.
Riddle: …Ah, so he was- HOLD ON A MINUTE.
Majid: Tch. And I thought this would be the perfect time to escape too.
Riddle: *sighs* So, Majid then. Good.
Majid: ‘What the hell’s ‘off with your head’ supposed to mean??? Is it some kind of decapitation spell???? Was I about to die a couple seconds ago??? Do the library workers have to clean up my splattered remains after this guy’s done with me??? Surely that kind of thing wouldn’t be allowed- No… our headmaster is plenty screwed up; he wouldn’t do anything to help me-’
Riddle: Majid.
Majid: !!! Yes.
Riddle: *tap* *tap* Is this a worksheet from your math class? I saw a couple of my underclassmen trying to finish it in our dorm… You should really get started on it. The deadline is tomorrow, correct?
Majid: Uh, yea- yes. I’ll go ahead and do that… sir.
Riddle: Well?
Majid: Wait, right now?
Riddle: Why not? The library is a valuable spot for information, so you could always use as many reference books as you see fit. Besides, I’m pretty sure the second you step foot in your dorm, you’ll collapse onto your bed and leave your work unfinished until the last minute.
Majid: …Are you sure we haven’t met before?
Riddle: *sighs* I was just generalizing based on what I’ve seen some of your peers do… Don’t tell me that the rest of the underclassmen are this prone to procrastination too… *rustle* Here. Start with question 1.
Majid: Fine, fine. *scribble* *scribble*
Riddle: …
Majid: *scribble* *scribble*
Riddle: Ah, that’s wrong.
Majid: Excuse me?
Riddle: That step you took right there. You forgot to distribute the negative sign to both variables.
Majid: Right… okay. Thanks.
Riddle: And on number 3, you graphed the wrong system of equations. A slope of 3/4 should be less steeper than that.
Majid: Gotcha.
Riddle: And number 2-
Majid: OKAY, okay! I get it! I did everything wrong! I’ll just erase all my answers, okay?! Jeez, you lecture as much as Jamil…
Riddle: This won’t do… At this rate… Alright.
Majid: And why are you sitting across from me now?
Riddle: It seemed like you were struggling on your own. And I have a few minutes of free time. Don’t worry; I’m at the top of my class in all of my subjects. Teaching algebra is hardly a daunting task.
Majid: But I don’t need any help. And should you really be letting your guard down to tutor someone from another dorm? Scarabia’s test scores are known for rivaling Octavinelle’s, y’know?
Riddle: Well, judging from how you answered those questions, it would be foolish to consider you a threat in the first place. Besides, what’s the point of defeating an opponent if they’re not at their best? Just consider this as a kind offer from your upperclassman to unlock your full potential.
Majid: …I can’t help but feel like I was insulted multiple times in those first two sentences, but thank you.
Riddle: Of course. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you don’t tarnish this school’s good name.
[Location: NRC Library (Late Afternoon)]
Majid: …
Majid: …….
Riddle: Ah… No, wait… I apologize. I didn’t mean to raise my voice… *sighs* But Majid, it’s been well over an hour now, and we’re not even halfway through your homework. Are you sure you’ve been taking this serio-
Riddle: !!!!!
Majid: The teachers, hell, even my own classmates always end up asking me that same question! “If only you put a bit more effort into your studying”,; “You have a lot of potential… if only you could put a little more effort too”! As if I didn’t spend a ton of time already on my homework!! I had a shitty education when I was younger and sometimes I fall asleep in class, so I get that I won’t be as smart as everyone else, but…
Riddle: Majid…
Majid: I thought that I at least had the basics down… I guess no matter how hard I try, it’ll never be enough, huh?
Riddle: That’s not true.
Majid: Are you-
Riddle: I’m not lying to you. We can set aside your homework for now, but in the meantime, let me help you plan out some personalized study techniques. I can’t guarantee you’ll be in the top percentage of your class, but I can definitely save you from hearing those hateful words ever again. We’ll make sure your efforts don’t go to waste.
Majid: Aah… Thank you… Seriously, thank you so much…sir.
Riddle: Heh. Don’t worry about it. This is just another part of my duty as a fellow student of Night Raven College. Also make sure not to yell like that in the library ever again.
Majid: But weren’t you also just… Never mind, I understand.
Riddle: Good.
Majid: ‘This guy… what was his name again?’
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canarygirl1017 · 3 years
Ghosted - Chapter 3 (Teaser)
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Pairing: Reader / Jungkook, Reader / Taehyung (past relationship, friends to lovers to friends)
Genre:  College!au, fluff, angst, supernatural drama, smut, friends to lovers, emotional trauma, hurt/comfort
Length:  2, 933k words (partial chapter)
Warnings:  language, episodes of anxiety, panic attacks, sexual themes in later chapters.
Summary:  Living in a world full of things only you have the ability to see, growing up with Jungkook has been your island amidst the chaos. But when your best friend makes an impossible request, your friendship is fractured, and your sudden decision to cut ties and move abroad changes everything. Three years later, Jungkook is thriving at university as he begins his junior year. He’s a star athlete, member of a popular fraternity, and every girl’s ideal boyfriend. He tells himself that he’s long forgotten you and the friendship he never had a chance to mend – that is, until you show up on campus as a transfer student with new friends in tow. It’s been three years, and everything has changed, but the biggest change is you. Your new found determination to use your abilities to help the ghosts you used to live in fear of, no matter how dangerous it might be, makes Jungkook fear he’ll lose you before he has a chance to fix what he broke. College AU.
Disclaimer: Just for funsies, I don’t believe in real-life shipping. But I like to write, and I like fandom, so here we are. Please do not duplicate this work or repost anywhere else without permission.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ghosted Playlist
Chapter 3
“You ready to go?”
You turned to see Taehyung leaning in your doorway. He was wearing flared jeans and a green paisley silk button-down shirt. The open butterfly collar revealed a vintage Chanel gold medallion, and he’d added light green sunglasses to complete his retro look.
Taehyung had picked out your outfit – a short, cream colored wrap dress with an abstract floral design and long flared sleeves. Knee high rust red boots and pin straight hair completed the look, and for once you felt like a match to his fashionable appearance.
You held up a finger as you opened your jewelry box, looking for the vintage garnet drop earrings you’d found to complement the outfit. You slid them in, moving your hair back to admire how they dangled and caught the light.
“Okay, I’m ready,” you said, turning to find him behind you.
“Almost,” he said, pulling a small box out of his pocket.
“Tae,” you said reprovingly as he opened the box and took out a ring. The antique gold setting was beautiful – an oval opal surrounded by a halo of garnets – and it looked perfect when he slid it onto your right ring finger.
“Now you’re ready,” he said, looking pleased as he stood back to check your appearance.
You raised a brow. “When did you even have time to shop for this?” Taehyung’s little surprise gifts were something to which you’d become accustomed over the last few years, and your attempts to discourage him were usually ignored.
He shrugged and as always, his sheepish grin disarmed you. You reached up and adjusted his collar.
“You look like you’re ready for a Vogue shoot,” you said, smiling back. “The poor girls at this party won’t know what hit them.”
“That’s why I have you to protect me,” he replied.
It was Friday, the final weekend before classes started, and the welcoming activities had ramped up in the last week. You and Taehyung had attended some of them and declined others, but you’d committed to the biggest events of the weekend – tonight’s Musical Eras mixer and tomorrow’s Movie Night on the Quad.
The mixer was being held at the Kappa fraternity house, something that had almost made you reconsider attending because you were certain to run into Jungkook again as you had for the last week. While your anger had cooled, you still felt that knot of anxiety in your stomach whenever you saw him, wondering if he’d still be angry or if he’d just pretend you didn’t exist.
So far, his attitude fell somewhere in the middle – when he saw you and Taehyung together at the supermarket, he tried to hide his reaction, but the little muscle ticking away in his jaw was a dead giveaway. A couple of days later, you saw him in the park while you were walking Yeontan and for once, he didn’t look big mad at the sight of you. You were alone and had considered trying to talk to him, but he was with friends. Not wanting to invite public rejection, you waved at the group and hurried away, noticing the little wrinkle between his brows as he watched you go.
Jin, Jimin and Jimin’s girlfriend, Ayeong, had all been by the house a couple of times. Sera had also visited with her mother, accepting Taehyung’s offer of a house tour since Sera’s mother was interested in how the historical home had been renovated. Jungkook was noticeably absent, though Jin seemed certain that he’d eventually come around.
You weren’t so certain of that. In all the years you’d been friends with Jungkook, you’d never seen him so deeply upset with another person. If someone upset him, he might avoid that person for a while, but he always got over it, and you’d never seen him blow up at anyone the way he had with you.
You always thought you knew him better than anyone, and he you, but now you had to acknowledge the reality of this situation – three years had passed, and the truth was, you didn’t know this Jungkook. Worse, he didn’t know you either and you had no one to blame for that but yourself.
Stepping into the Kappa house was like stepping back in time. The large house had several rooms downstairs, each of which reflected a different decade of music, and everyone had taken their costumes just as seriously. You laughed when Jimin and Ayeong met you out front dressed as Sonny and Cher.
“Very nice,” you said, gesturing to Ayeong’s dress.
“Thanks, I love yours too.”
Thought it was still early, the party was already a crush of people circulating between the rooms. Younger guys, probably freshmen, circulated with drinks on trays which they offered to guests.
“Pledges?” Taehyung asked Jimin as he took a beer.
Jimin nodded. “They have to put in an hour according to a schedule and then they’re free to party. That’s as close to hazing as we get here.”
When Jimin offered you a glass of wine, you shook your head. “I don’t really drink much when I’m…” you paused, unsure how to finish the sentence without being weird. “When I’m out.”
You could see that Jimin understood what you meant. “Got it. We have a dry bar too if you want to call it that.”
Ayeong linked arms with you. “I’ll show her. I’m not really in the mood to drink either.”
The dry bar turned out to be pretty impressive, with lots of juice, sparkling water, club soda, and even fruits you could add. You settled for club soda with a splash of raspberry juice and slices of lemon, while Ayeong created a tropical drink.
“I know Jungkook is being… well, difficult. But I just want you to know that Jimin is so happy you’re back,” Ayeong said. “He said you were all friends since kindergarten.”
“Jimin was always one of the sweetest people at our school,” you replied. “It was really easy to be his friend.”
“Not much has changed then,” Ayeong laughed. “What about Jungkook? Jimin says he wasn’t always such a fuckboy.”
You choked on a sip of your drink. “Jungkook is a fuckboy?”
“Well, a nice one? I think he only hooks up with girls who want the same kind of no-strings fun, so there’s never any drama related to it. He’s not the type to get serious though, which is why I’ve told Erin she needs to move on from her crush.”
Fuckboy Jungkook wasn’t something you could really imagine, nor did you want to. You chose not to think too closely about why it bothered you so much.
But once you spotted him across the room talking to a group of girls, you couldn’t shake that image from your mind. He looked good. Really, really good. He was dressed in tight red pants, a black silk button down, and he’d completed his Michael Jackson Thriller homage with a red leather jacket trimmed in black. When he laughed at something one of the girls said, his dimples appeared.
“I’m surprised Jungkook is wearing a costume – he almost never does,” Ayeong commented.
“He kind of stopped wearing them by the time we were in high school,” you said. “But this kind of party, plus a Thriller homage, is pretty on brand for him.”
“Oh, that’s who he’s supposed to be! I’m really bad at guessing all of these costumes.”
You and Taehyung stuck with Jimin and Ayeong, who introduced you to people you hadn’t met yet. Everyone was welcoming, but two hours in you were starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the crowds and the noise. There was also the fact that ever since Jungkook became aware of your presence, you’d felt his eyes on you. You’d hoped his neutral response to you at the park was progress, but you could feel his judgmental stare like a brand.
Every time you glanced over at him, his impassive expression was contradicted by some blazing emotion in his eyes. You reminded yourself that you’d known this would probably be a struggle – that Jungkook would likely be angry with you for leaving. Emmie had even said that no one mentioned your name to him anymore.
You’d just underestimated how much it would hurt.
Jungkook almost skipped Movie Night on the Quad because he was in a foul mood after the Musical Eras mixer. Seeing you there with Taehyung in your matching costumes had made him inexplicably angry, something Jin called him out on.
“Shouldn’t we be glad that she has good people in her life?” Jin asked him when he stomped around the kitchen the next day, slamming cabinets as he fixed a late breakfast.
“He’s right,” Jimin said. “Plus you know that she and Taehyung aren’t together, right?”
That made him pause. “They look like they’re together.” Fucking matching costumes and all, he thought viciously.
“They dated, but Ayeong said y/n told her it’s been a while since they were together like that. At least six months or so.”
“Who the hell follows their ex-girlfriend to another country? And buys a house?”
“If you took the time to get to know Taehyung, you’d understand that he feels like y/n saved his life. He’s committed to helping her with the ghost hunting because of that, but he also genuinely cares about her. So do Namjoon and Chloe,” Jin said. “They’re all good people.”
“Whatever,” Jungkook muttered, shoving cereal into his mouth.
“Forget it, Jin. He won’t admit the real problem, and we all know his anger default setting when it comes to y/n is because of that.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jungkook demanded.
“You’re jealous. You’ve always been jealous of anyone that got close to y/n,” Jimin replied calmly. He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.
Jungkook grit his teeth. “I’m not jealous.”
“Really? So every time a guy expressed interest in dating her back in high school, and you very pointedly warned them all off, that was you just being what? A good friend?” Jimin rolled his eyes.
“Who? Like Lucas? You’re damn right I warned him off. He didn’t deserve her.”
“What about me?” Jimin asked, a challenge in his tone. “I told you that I liked her our sophomore year, and you shot down that idea so fast I was afraid if I pursued it, it would actually ruin our friendship.”
Jungkook stared at him, shifting uncomfortably. “Because you weren’t serious about it.”
“Says who? I was dead serious, Jungkook, and you know it. For that matter, I think even Lucas was serious about liking her. He never said a word about her that wasn’t totally respectful.”
“Yeah, because he knew I would beat his ass,” Jungkook said.
“You’re right – everybody knew that. Why do you think people steered clear of her? Why do you think Grace hated her so much? I told you that Grace wasn’t as nice as you thought she was. Yet you still held tight to y/n with one hand while you chased after Grace. And I figured it was just a matter of time until you realized how you really felt about y/n, so I let it go. But damn, Jungkook, you need to stop taking out your anger on y/n. Let her explain why she left.”
No one spoke for a moment. Then Jungkook asked, “Has she told you why?”
“I asked her,” Jin said. “But I think she’s waiting to talk to you first.”
Jungkook tried not to think about what Jimin said, but now that he was here on the quad, and you were just a few feet away, it was all he could think about. Jealousy.
He couldn’t deny he hated seeing how close you were to Taehyung. The way the other man touched you, or kept a protective arm around you, pissed him off. The way you smiled at him made him even angrier. Still, beneath the anger was something else – a yearning for the way things had been. No one had ever understood him the way you did, and he missed that connection with you.
It was his fault you left. That little voice in the back of his head kept reminding him that you weren’t the only one to blame for this vast distance between you now. He kind of understood why you’d left, but he didn’t know why it had taken you so long to return.
He kept stealing glances at you rather than watching the movie playing on the large screen set up on the quad. You’d been to the concession stand, and he wasn’t surprised to see you eating gummy bears since that had always been your favorite movie snack.
You looked pretty. Your hair was a little longer now than it had been in high school and fell in gentle waves around your shoulders. You wore another floaty little summer dress, the kind you had always liked, small feet encased in comfortable flat sandals. You and Taehyung had joined Jimin, Ayeong, Erin and Jin on a large blanket towards the front of the crowd.
Stubbornly, Jungkook had opted to sit with some of his friends from the baseball team. He was still close enough to watch you – to hear your voice – to just observe you while his mind sorted through his confusing thoughts and emotions. You had glanced over at him a few times, as if feeling his eyes on you, a silent question in your own. And somehow, he knew that you understood that he needed some time.
At the intermission between films, you went with Ayeong and Erin to the bathroom. Jungkook got tacos from a nearby food truck and when he returned, he noticed that you were the only one missing from the group. A few minutes later, Taehyung was frowning at his phone after making a call that had gone unanswered.
“I’m going to go check on her,” he heard the other man say as he stood up.
Jungkook hesitated for a few seconds before following him. Taehyung had his phone to his ear again, though again there seemed to be no answer.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked as he caught up to him.
Taehyung turned and scowled at him. Then he sighed. “Ayeong said she stayed back because she got a call from her mom that she needed to answer. Maybe it’s nothing, but she’s been gone for almost twenty minutes, so I just want to make sure nothing happened.”
Jungkook nodded and then they were silent as they walked around the buildings that were still open. The campus was well lit, so it was easy to see the faces of people walking to the dorms or back to the quad. When they didn’t see you anywhere, Taehyung made another call.
“Chloe, I need you to ping y/n’s location and send it to my phone.” He listened for a minute. “Maybe nothing but I can’t find her and I don’t know – I’m getting a weird feeling. Okay, thanks.”
Taehyung’s unease was contagious, and Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other as they waited. Then Taehyung’s phone vibrated, and he studied his screen for a moment before gesturing for Jungkook to follow him. After walking for a few minutes, Jungkook realized they were heading towards a park where students often had lunch or relaxed between classes.
And there you were, a silent, ghostly figure swaying in the moonlight as you hummed a strange tune.
“Fuck.” Taehyung started running.
Jungkook was right behind him. When he reached you, he tried to take your arm to turn you towards them, but Taehyung stopped him.
“Don’t touch her,” he said, a note of warning in his tone. “She’s in a sort of fugue state, and it’s safer if she comes out of it herself.”
Rather than argue, Jungkook walked around to face you, but froze when he saw that your eyes were unfocused, and almost… glowing? It was clear that you didn’t see him, though he was standing right in front of you.
Jungkook’s heart was pounding now. “How do we make her do that?”
“There’s something else here,” Taehyung explained. “It probably tried to communicate with her. Sometimes, if she lets her guard down, or if the spirit is especially powerful, she gets sort of… pulled to the other side. It’s usually because they’re trying to show her something.”
Swallowing hard, Jungkook nodded. “Okay. How do we make her come out of it?”
“We can’t make her, and if we try, it can cause severe shock. She’ll already be in a state of shock when she comes to on her own, so we have to be careful. I’m going to go get the car. You wait here with her and just keep talking to her, okay?”
“Can I touch her hands?”
“Carefully,” Taehyung said. “Don’t pull her or shake her, and don’t try to make her move.”
“Okay.” Jungkook pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Jin, I need you to come to the park right now. The one behind the science building.”
You were still humming and swaying when Jungkook reached out to touch your hand. There was no response, so he carefully took both your hands in his.
“Jesus, your hands are freezing,” he said quietly. “You never dress right for being out at night. You know that you get cold even when it’s not that cold, right?”
He squeezed your hands carefully in an attempt to warm them up. There was no response from you, your eyes still fixed on something he couldn’t see.
A/N: I know it's been a long time since I posted, and I'm sorry about that. If you're still reading, I'll get the rest of the chapter up this week, and there is some fluff in the future as Jungkook and y/n start repairing their relationship. I hope I remembered all the people who asked to be tagged (and got the tags right.) If you’d like to be tagged for updates, let me know.
Tag list: @ggukkieland @jikooksgirl19 @waves-and-woods @kookiesbreaky @koochiekoo @monvieesdaebak
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
older girlfriend. {pt.1}
synopsis: You as older Karasuno’s boys girlfriend.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; older!y/n; romance; lil bit of comedy; fluff; some kisses and hugs; sometimes reader is smol or has a babyface and because of this she doesn’t seems to be on 3rd year or studies; sfw
includes: female reader ft. daichi sawamura, koushi sugawara, asahi azumane, yuu nishinoya, ryuunosuke tanaka & chikara ennoshita {hq!!}
part two {click}
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�� You looked at Google Maps again on your phone and then entered Karasuno High School, looking around carefully.
↘ You literally never were here, so you felt lost, but you decided to go into the school and ask someone for directions to the gym if it will be necessary.
↘ Thank God, you noticed three first years who were just leaving the big building. You greeted them and asked where you should go to meet the Karasuno volleyball team. You even corrected your hair, smiling sweetly.
↘ Needless to say, one of the boys got a nosebleed when he saw you and the other two blushed, pointing only to the direction of the side exit. After moving away from the three high school teenagers, you only managed to hear the quiet ‘Wasn’t she a student or something?’, but you didn’t have time to react to that apt remark.
↘ You finally got to the large gym, so you decided to go inside. You noticed that the team was in training, so the black-haired girl noticed you as first. She was a bit taller than you, but she also looked super lovely, so you smiled at her and greeted her, asking if you could wait for Daichi. The team manager nodded at you, blushing furiously as she realized you were a bit older than she was. (Kiyoko immediately recognized the school coat of arms on your jacket from the Women’s College she wanted to go too.)
↘ “OOOOH. WELCOME, WELCOME.” A low voice echoed in the gymnasium and you glanced at the boy with a shaved head who was running towards you with another a bit small teen. “ARE YOU A KIYOKO-SAN’S FRIEND?!”
↘ You didn’t know what was going on right now, so you said ‘No’ and immediately started looking for your boyfriend. Thank God, Daichi was already walking towards you, blushing as much as Kiyoko before.
↘ “Y/N? What are you doing here?” He smiled, scratching his neck and you shrugged.
↘ “I wanted to see your training. Surprise? I think.” You laughed softly as you walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “After your training we can go get some food, my treat, Captain.”
↘ The rest of the team was shocked because a) Daichi had a girlfriend; b) An older girl; c) Super cute and tiny girlfriend who dominated him in two freaking seconds.
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↘ Only the third years knew about Suga’s relationship with you, so the rest of the team didn’t know who you are when you approached to them during the Spring High National Tournament, asking they were are Karasuno High School team.
↘ Tanaka and Nishinoya had a nosebleed and fell in love with you at first sight, and the first years didn't know what to say. You literally couldn't get along with them. You were lost and you missed your lovely babyboy.
↘ “Umm, so... I guess I mistook the High Schools, I’m sorry.” You muttered awkwardly and was about to leave when the libero denied it and stopped you.
↘ “You’re not wrong, angel. How can we help you?” You laughed under your breath at his words, nodding.
↘ “So, thanks. I’m looking for Koushi. He’s on this team, right?”
↘ “Are you his little sister? Aww, you can call me Ryuu-senpai. I’ll be glad.” You literally saw little hearts flying above his head.
↘ “No. Not really.” You replied amused and suddenly felt a gentle tapping on your shoulder. You turned, look up and instantaneously smiled when you saw your two years younger boyfriend. You hug him tightly. “Koushi, baby.”
↘ “You didn’t have to come. After all, you have a lot of exams at the university.” He muttered, though his voice was so happy and he was so relieved that you are here with him.
↘ “U-university...” Tanaka began, feeling his cheeks turn redder and redder.
↘ “Hey, guys. She’s my girlfriend. Be nice to her! And show her some respect! She’s in the second year of studies.”
↘ The whole team (except for the whole third year) was impressed.
↘ On the other hand, you hugged the gray-haired boy even closely and informed him that he had to come to your house after the game because you wanted pizza and some kisses.
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↘ You’ve just escorted your boyfriend to his high school and you were going to say goodbye to him.
↘ Of course, you couldn’t leave him with the usual ‘bye-bye’, on the contrary. You gave him a full, literally public make-out session right outside the school gate. Your red-wine lipstick made a little mess on the tall volleyball player’s lips. Nothing new.
↘ “... I-I didn’t know that Azumane-san has a girlfriend.” Kageyama said softly and blushed hard, looking at orange-haired friend who looked at you closely.
↘ “She attend to our school? Hmm...” Hinata asked under his breath, but the lack of a Karasuno High School uniform was misleading. “I don’t think so...”
↘ “I didn’t think that senpai liked first years.” Tsukishima laughed as he walked past the two shorter boys with Yamaguchi. “It’s almost illegal, don’t y’all think? I don’t want to believe that any girl has likes someone who looks like a criminal.”
↘ “Hey, kids.” Daichi’s voice made the four juniors turn to him and Sugawara. “Y/N-san is older than all of us and actually is in her first year of college. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.” He smiled heartily as he patted them on the back. “Now go to school and better prepare yourself for a solid warm-up after your lessons thanks to this gossips.”
↘ “What? Captain, no!”
↘ At the same time, you informed your boyfriend that you would come to his training because your classes at the university that day were supposed to end sooner. (What an awkward situation for firsts years who apologized to you on knees for things who you literally don’t mind...)
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↘ It’s been a while since it became known that Nishinoya’s dating a girl. Of course, it was a shock to the whole Karasuno team, because no one suspected that... Noya would ever... have... a partner... 
↘ Anyway, yes. You’ve been with the boy for three months now, and the age difference between the two of you wasn’t a problem for you or him. Yuu thought that it’s was super hot and sexy, by the way. He also liked the fact that you are older than him and you can help him with his studies sometimes.
↘ But he loved even more the fact that you were three centimeters shorter than him anyway and your face was so sweet that he wanted to kiss you 24 hours per day. Through your babyface, the rest of the second years who first met you thought you were younger than all of them. What a surprise, you’re not.
↘ As I mentioned, you often helped Noya in math, contemporary literature and physic, especially when the sports competitions coincided with the exams. You wanted to prepare your boyfriend as much as possible so that he could continue playing with the team and be the best libero for them.
↘ Additionally, Yuu had the luxury of bringing him food or snacks often, and taking him to the roof to talk and cuddle with you.
↘ The boy literally lives his best life thanks to you.
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↘ Literally your biggest and the most crazy fan.
↘ You thought he was a fanboy for Kiyoko? Girl... He could create a new religion for you, and I’m not kidding at this point.
↘ He didn’t have to hide you for a long time, because you two barely started dating, and he already told the whole team that he was date with a third year who makes the best bentos in whole school and who has the most beautiful smile in the world. #SIMP.
↘ Tanaka is by far the most protective boy you’ve ever met. The seventeen-year-old just feels the need to protect you all the time because he’s afraid of some third years will take you away from him. Spoiler: you’re not going anywhere.
↘ He loves to hold your hands and you always have to give him a ‘good luck kiss’ before training or a match.
↘ First years and Noya literally hate you two and are jealous like no one else.
↘ Nevertheless, Ryuunosuke isn’t going to calm down and he’s bragging about your photos and what you did on dates with him (leaving the spicy details to himself, of course).
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↘ Your relationship with Ennoshita was very relaxed and full of love and support, especially when his tournament or your own college exams were coming.
↘ As a girl two years older, you often felt the need to spoil him and buy him various things; books, clothes, ties, new volleyball balls... Literally everything you associated with Chikara was bought and given to the boy shortly after.
↘ I don’t think I need to mention that you came to his every match, as long as it didn't interfere with your studies.
↘ The entire Karasuno team knew who you are and they literally called you the team mascot because of your pocket size, cute face and banners that you held on every game for your boyfriend.
↘ You’re a very hyped person who also feels like a seventeen-year-old’s biggest fangirl.
↘ Chikara is so beaming and thanks to you he smiles much more than normal.
↘ Anyway, brunet likes the fact that he has an older girlfriend who always attracts attention and is self-sufficient. On top of that, his biggest weak point is that he sees you in a jacket and high-heeled shoes.
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truthteller-lumen · 4 years
Nox (cynicallyinkless, fiveminutemeal, lorimer-no, etc) is an internet predator, a scammer, and a chronic liar. Here’s what you need to know.
He always made it seem like I had a choice and free will but... he manipulated me so bad that leaving wasn’t an option because I felt so bad for him. It’s so insidious. - one of Nox’s many ex-partners
Nox (Noximillian, Noxim Raven, Cynicallyinkless, @SirAlthair, @SirAlthairx,  fiveminutemeal, onehalfdime, lorimer-no) is an internet predator.
He has pursued teenagers and young women nearly 10 years his junior. He is 32 and his latest partner was 19.
He has emotionally abused his numerous partners via gaslighting, emotionally manipulative language, and negging, as well as other abusive tactics.
He has cheated on his partners with multiple other women_. _Though he claims to be in happily polyamorous relationships, many of the partners he was dating were not happy about the situation. He often kept the truth about his other partners from them.
He has lied about his entire identity to his partners, up to and including faking his own voice and sending pictures and nudes that were not of him. He also lied about other details of his life, such as his family structure (claiming his mother was dead and that he had adopted a daughter) and his educational status (claiming he had finished his degree), which leads to: 
He has accepted nearly $3500 from his friends in order to fund his education, then did not finish his degree. What the money was used for is unclear, but he took multiple expensive trips with his friends after receiving the cash.
Be aware. Know the facts. Protect yourself. If you’re in a relationship like this, seek help immediately. If you see the warning signs of a relationship like this, get out as fast as you can.
More information is below the cut.
Nox’s accounts and handles are listed at the bottom of the article. Want more details? Read on.
There was one girl, first. Then more, younger and younger. More trusting, more accepting, more susceptible to his abuse. He had them compete for his attention, let them fight among themselves. And he lied to them, over and over again. He let them throw their whole lives away, their finances, their hearts, for someone who didn’t really exist.
This is a story of abuse, lies, and manipulation. This is a story that we never want to see repeated again.
Names have been censored. Labels may not be consistent between conversations to protect the identities of those speaking.
Nox met us when we were all teenagers. Young adults. - one of Nox’s many ex-partners
Nox has pursued girls over 10 years his junior.
Over the years, the ages of the partners Nox has taken has trended downwards dramatically. When the people his age began to reject him for his behavior, he wandered until he found a group he was accepted by.
First, she was 28. Then, 22. Then, 19. And that’s not even the complete list. 
Though she was 13 years his junior, Nox would often talk to his youngest partner in disturbing ways, including the topic of pregnancy, to the point where she had already rewritten her entire life plan after college just to accommodate having a child with him.
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Even those who were not romantically involved with him were subject to sexual talk, including minors:
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He cased these girls. He approached the most vulnerable, easily isolated ones.
He went after me after prodding around and kinda guessing I wasn't too close with people that didn't like him. - one of Nox’s many ex-partners
These girls were not only subject to romantic advances, but gaslighting, abuse, and controlling behavior, as well.
If I did anything he didn’t like or if I offered that I didn’t like something, he would just stop communicating and talking to me for days on end. - one of Nox’s many ex-partners
Nox has emotionally abused his partners.
The common thread in the swathe of abuse he has cut over the past 10+ years is control. Don’t drink, he’d say. Don’t cut your hair. Don’t leave me, or I’ll kill myself. Every action he’d take - from punishing his partners with the silent treatment to ranting and raving at them when something didn’t go his way - was taken with the intent to control their actions.
Below is an account from his longest partner of 9 years.
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After breaking up with this partner, he posted to Tumblr, implying that they were the one who had broken up with him:
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But the breakup was anything but shitty. In fact, he was the one who had initiated it:
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A benign breakup, initiated by him, over increasing distance.
His posts on Tumblr were no more than sharpened knives, directed at his ex of 9 years. Look at how much you’ve hurt me. Look, this is all your fault.
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At the time he posted these posts, he had already been dating his 19-year-old partner for several months.
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Not even his youngest partners were safe from his controlling behavior.
He used them against each other:
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He isolated them from their real-world communities:
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He isolated them from online friends whom he knew would expose his abuse for what it was:
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And he tried to control what they did in their free time:
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He would fly off the rails if he thought they disobeyed him, in this case for drinking when he didn’t want them to:
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And if he didn’t get his way, he would threaten suicide:
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He said he was poly... but he couldn’t tell his other girlfriends about me yet. Not until we were fully fully official... I didn’t know when he could say we were official, though. So I believed him about it. Only then I realized that he was hiding me from his other flings and partners. - one of Nox’s many ex-partners
Nox has cheated on his partners.
He justifies it under the guise of polyamory. The girls, a decade his junior, would often be led to believe that they were the most special girlfriend, and he made no attempt to communicate otherwise. Despite this, he would often claim that he was “single” while telling his younger flings that they were still dating.
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His ex of 9 years didn’t know about any of these girls. He never told her.
The way he talks is so smooth and persuasive, it's so easy to be manipulated. I’m just crying so hard because it was a lie. I gave myself up to a liar and a fraud and my heart can't accept it yet. - one of Nox’s many ex-partners
Nox lied about his entire identity to his partners and friends. He is a chronic liar.
To his close friends, his mother was dead, and he’d adopted a daughter. His family had abandoned him, he was living alone, and he needed help financially. These were all things they were told, and they believed him.
His mother is alive. There is no daughter. He lives with his family.
Fake dead mom.
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Fake adopted daughter.
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To his partners, he portrayed himself as a charming, handsome man. He sent nudes that were not his own. The selfies he sent didn’t match up with his real life appearance. He used a voice modulator to fool them into thinking he was someone he wasn’t. His web of lies is so deep that no one is sure what the truth is.
He pretended to be a cis man to his partner, and made sexual advances on her without disclosing otherwise. He is not a cis man, and the terms of his partner’s consent were violated.
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The explicit picture he sent to her to further the lie of being a cis man was pulled from PornHub.
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No one is really sure who the person in his selfies is.
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He used a voice modulator to pretend he was someone he was not. (Full disclosure: getting closer to being someone you’re comfortable with is totally fine, and if using a voice modulator does that for you, then go for it. The chronic lying to partners that deserved full disclosure before intimacy is the issue here.)
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He kept everything from his partners.
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He mostly came to me for money because I helped pay his tuition for 3 years on my own. Thinking that I was helping to support him when his family wouldn’t... But turns out I was just being used. - one of Nox’s ex-friends
Nox accepted a large sum of money from his friends in goodwill to pay for his tuition. It’s unclear where the money went.
He lied to them, saying that his family had abandoned him and that he was living alone, unable to pay for his tuition. Despite struggling financially themselves, his friend and ex contributed $3500 to his education.
First, his friend contributed nearly a grand to his education while living on minimum wage.
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Then, his ex contributed a whopping 2.4 grand.
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He accepted this money happily, and recently informed the first friend, who had not kept up with him in a while, that he had graduated medical school.
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But other friends with more recent experience thought otherwise. Below is a quote from yet another ex who knew him closely and recently.
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And very recently, he contacted his ex of 9 years - the one who had contributed 2.4 grand - to tell her that he had not, in fact, used the money towards his schooling, or finished his schooling at all. He lied.
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A poor, ailing young brother who needed money for his future. He spun his use of their generous aid as a good deed.
But was it even used that way at all?
He would often go on lavish and expensive trips with one of his younger partners at the same time that he was receiving money from his friends. Below is a receipt from a trip he took together with that partner, correlated with the timing of the money he received.
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This happened while he was still dating the first ex who had donated 2.4 grand to his tuition. 
If he was strapped for money, why was he taking expensive trips with his side flings? If he needed to fund his brother’s future, why was he paying for lavish accommodations for him and his friends?
And why was he buying expensive gifts for them, too? Below is a quote from another younger partner (different from the one above).
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If even one more girl reads this and realizes she’s in danger, then it was worth it. - an anonymous contributor
Know what abuse looks like. It could happen to you.
If your relationship looks even remotely like this, heavily consider whether or not you feel happy being there. If you’re working to escape a relationship like this, we see you. We believe in you.
If you are in a relationship with Nox and want to seek help, or have an experience you want to share, our ask box is open. Your personal information will not be published.
The following are some resources on what abuse looks like and how to escape it:
What are the signs of emotional abuse?
5 signs of emotional abuse
5 ways to escape an abusive relationship
Be wary of who you speak to online. There are more people like this out there. It is not a crime to be loving, trustful and kind, but it is unforgivable for someone to abuse that trust, to lie and to manipulate their way into receiving kindness.
And all abusers get their due. Nox, this is yours.
Get some fucking help. Stop abusing young women.
Nox’s handles and accounts
Nox has been known as:
Nox, Noximillian, Noxim Raven, Cynicallyinkless, @SirAlthair, @SirAlthairx,  fiveminutemeal, onehalfdime, lorimer-no
On the online game Final Fantasy XIV, he is Balthier Strahll on Mateus at the time of writing. His character ID is 20282710. He is active in the RP community on Crystal datacenter and frequents player-run RP establishments such as “The Gilded Knob” on Malboro.
This blog will be updated with any other handles or accounts as they become known to us. Have an account that isn’t listed here? Send us a message.
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sleeperswakewriting · 3 years
First time smut? Could be both or one inexperienced with a dose of comedy ^^
Summary: Childhood friends to lovers, Levi finally works up the nerve to ask Petra to go to prom with him. After years of pining, they decide to lose their virginity to each other on prom night.
Rated: M
Word Count: 5.4k
Prom outfits based on this!
now playing inevitable by anberlin and I think we're alone now by tiffany
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If you told Levi Ackerman that the best night of his life would include loud music, drunk teenagers, and a broken air conditioner, then he would have called you crazy and told you to piss off.
Except, of course, unless you mentioned one small detail.
He would be attending prom with his childhood crush, Petra Ral.
Friends since they were babies, neighbors both raised by single parents, they were the best of friends.
Even if they were polar opposites.
Petra was on the cheerleading team, doing cartwheels and somersaults by the time she could walk and was a social butterfly with a heart of gold.
Levi had exactly five friends, not including Petra—Erwin, Hange, Mike, Eld, and Gunther. He met them when they were in elementary school and his friend group had stayed the same ever since.
Throughout the years, their friendship faced trials and tribulations, mostly due to the fact Levi had been in love with her for as long as he could remember, and Petra was absolutely oblivious to the fact.
So much so, that she would dance around the room while they did homework, clad in booty shorts and a loose t-shirt with no bra on. He knew she saw him as a brother, going as far as to kiss him on the cheek in times when she was feeling particularly affectionate, and allowing him to wrap his arms around her with each heartbreak she faced.
"Levi, why don't you ever date? You could get any girl you want!"
He didn't dare tell her why. Even though Petra would never actually leave him, he enjoyed their affable candor, her free touches, and smugly, their Friday night movie nights, a ritual they had since they were children.
Which was also the point of contention between her and her current boyfriend.
He had a bit of a reputation as being a hard ass, also Petra's silent bodyguard even though she didn't need it, and one guy in particular—Oluo, had the nerve to come between their sacred time.
And Petra being Petra, invited him to their movie night, to Levi's chagrin, but miraculously, Oluo had taken a liking to him and the three had a few more movie nights together.
Eventually, they broke up amicably, with Petra teasing Levi that it was because Oluo had a bigger crush on him than her.
It was their senior year, which meant college applications were rolling out, and for the first time in Levi's life, he faced the reality that he might be alone.
Petra had gotten a full scholarship as a cheerleader, Erwin was going to business school, Hange to a STEM school, which left him...
"Directionless!" His mother called him. "I've worked so hard raising an intelligent young man and you can't pick a school?! Application times are ticking, Levi, you need to choose something—-a major, a school, something!"
He asked Petra what she thought about him going to school across the country, and in her infuriating smile, she patted him on the shoulder and said whatever made him happy.
I want to make you happy, he wanted to say.
The summer of their junior year was filled as it always was; late nights talking around the bonfire, camping, and summer jobs.
Petra had gotten him a gig as a camp counselor, a job he wouldn't have gotten if it weren't for her since he had "the personality of a boar," as Hange aptly put it. But, with her sweet persuasion and way with people, she had convinced the manager that Levi would be a fine addition to the team.
And he could lead the children's soccer league!
As luck would have it, he was pretty good with kids, and they latched on to Levi's stoic personality with glee.
It was a sleep-away camp, and while the girls and boys slept in separate cabins, counselors included, Levi knew Petra had a rule-breaking streak (that she got from him) and snuck out after curfew so they could watch the stars.
"The night sky is easier to see than in our hometown!" She exclaimed, leaning against his shoulder.
There was no way she would be able to hear how fast his heart was beating, how his cheeks were heated from how close she was, but all of that seemed to change when she took his hand in hers.
"This is our last summer like this, isn't it?" She whispered, and he dared to wrap an arm around her, even though it was far from the first time.
"Yeah," he agreed gruffly, not wanting the cruel reminder. Would they stay friends? Would she leave him? Did he fuck up all his chances to be with her?
Erwin and Hange kept telling him to tell her how he feels—they weren't getting any younger, and Levi morosely pointed out that she's dated several people, with none of them like him at all.
Well, there's a reason why none of them worked out, they observed.
Petra leaned in closer, burying her face into his shoulder as she sniffed. "I'm not ready for senior year. So many choices to make. I mean, I'm glad to be more independent, but I like living with my dad, you being right next door, and our friends all being in one place. Everything is going to change."
Levi swallowed, her words like bile in his throat, but choosing to placate her.
"Well, not everything."
She looked at him, eyes watering with hope.
"I'm not going anywhere," he said, looking away from her, not being able to tolerate her steady laugh, her playful friendly shove, and an "Oh, you!"
But she did neither of those things, and he looked back cautiously, noticing a different look in her eyes.
Maybe it was the moonlight, but her gaze was tender, her lips puckering in a way that he'd never seen before, and before he knew it, she was leaning in to kiss him.
Levi had his first kiss when he was 13 years old in a game of spin the bottle, with Petra in attendance. She had been making eyes at a boy all night, and in a fit of frustration, he spun the bottle furiously, hoping it would land on her, but instead, on another girl who he was fairly sure had a crush on him.
Petra walloped with the rest of their friends, cheering and loudly goading, and it was over before he could blink twice.
Hange took pity on him later, locking them in a closet for 7 minutes in heaven, but it turned into Petra crying over the boy who wasn't paying attention to her, with him consoling her as best friends do.
She was bliss, her sweet pea body spray engulfing his senses, as he tentatively kissed her back, wondering if this was some delirious dream he was having.
Petra was moaning in a way that he thought was only in fantasy, at night when he dared imagined himself as her boyfriend, and when she pressed her body against his, breasts deliciously folding against his chest, he groaned in return, releasing them from the kiss to catch his breath.
"Petra, what's going on?" He asked, caressing his forehead to hers, begging that this wasn't some mistake.
She kissed his cheek, then his nose, as she giggled, "I love you, Levi. You've always been there for me, I guess what I've been looking for has been here the whole time. You...You feel the same way about me, right?"
Nifa and Nanaba had teased her relentlessly that she was building a harem since, for every guy she dated, Levi was very much a part of her life, even accompanying her on some group dates.
"I don't want him to be lonely!" She argued, putting on her watermelon lipgloss. "You know how he is, all by his lonesome. Everyone knows he's like my brother."
Nanaba laughed, giving her a look, "Well someone better call the cops because brothers shouldn't be looking at you like that. I can't believe you wear this around him," she said, pinching Petra's thigh that cut off just at her ass by her extra-large PJ shirt.
Rolling her eyes, "Please, we've seen each other in diapers. And in cringey Halloween costumes. I think we're past feeling embarrassed."
"Whatever you say," Nanaba said, noticing the pink hue on Petra's cheeks as she talked about him.
Levi thought he would be caught dead before he said I love you to anyone but his mother, and even then, it was given in brief, stilted tones.
But with Petra, he said it as quickly as he could, pulling her in for another kiss, wanting to hold on to her for as long as she would allow him.
His mother was thrilled, always having a feeling that her son harbored feelings for their ginger neighbor, and her father awkwardly patted him on the back.
"Glad it's you, son. I'm tired of all the jocks she brings around," and with a crane of the neck and a stern look, he said, "By the way, Petra, same rules apply, door stays open at all times!"
Petra groaned, stomping up the stairs. "Daddy, it's Levi! We used to listen to music on my boombox when we were 10, remember? We'd keep the door closed so you couldn't hear the CDs we bought from the thrift store."
Her father gave her a cautionary glance to her, then to Levi, who for the first time in his life, felt scared of the serene man.
"Door. Open." Her dad said with a final word, and Petra huffed, dragging Levi into her bedroom as she bemoaned how much she wanted to kiss him, earning a cough from downstairs.
Their relationship was "going steady" as some would call, with it being Levi's first relationship (he hoped his only), and Petra getting used to the idea that he was now her boyfriend.
He got jealous quite often, to the extent where he would hold her hand in the hallway or would walk with one arm wrapped around her shoulders. If he was feeling particularly whipped, he'd hold her books, but he wasn't sure if the snickers from Erwin and Hange were worth it. Not the one for PDA, Petra was surprised when he asked to hold hands, and she was more so endeared at his exuberant affections.
So far, these were the happiest days of Levi's life.
When springtime came around, with the seniors abuzz with the promise of graduation and more importantly, prom, he came to the dreaded realization that Petra was expecting a "promposal," something he had seen throughout his four years of high school but always wrote it off as annoying.
He supposed he didn't think he'd be lucky enough to go with the girl of his dreams.
It started with Nifa, who received a promposal from Gunther in the most saccharine way possible, a candy gram.
Then Nanaba and Mike, the latter coordinating a flash mob with their friends. (Levi didn't dance, but Petra told him all about it and showed them the final video they recorded).
It was a given that Eld and his long-time girlfriend would be going together.
Hange dropped on Levi that she and Erwin were also going as a pair, but it was nothing serious, and decided to go together just so they wouldn't have to deal with the headache of finding an actual date.
Which left Petra, waiting for Levi, and not being the one for grand gestures, he sat himself down to work on a promposal in the only way he knew how to.
Coding a video game.
Petra may be a cheerleader, but she was also a huge nerd thanks to Levi, where they spent most of their childhood playing every video game between his Gamecube, her PS2, and subsequently, their Nintendo DS's, and trading and exchanging games throughout their adolescence.
Their personal favorite was Zelda, with Petra often handing the controller off to him for the harder dungeons, and he knew just what to do when they had their usual Friday night movie, this time at his house.
Cuddled up on the sofa, they were kissing, barely paying attention to the movie as the white of the TV illuminated their bodies. A half-eaten box of pizza was open and cups of soda were on the table in front of them.
It was getting late, and he knew Petra had to be home soon, and he tried to focus on not losing his nerve. Hands at her waist, her plush body against his, he told himself there was nothing to worry about since this was Petra and she chose him when she could have any guy in the school. Eight months of dating should have said so.
Petra seemed to catch his hesitancy as she broke the kiss, but suckled at his lower lip in a way that he adored before she whispered, "Something wrong?"
She knew him so well.
Pulling her in for one more kiss, he reached for the remote to shut the TV off. "I coded a game," he said seriously, wondering if his face gave away his nervousness. "I was wondering if you could try it."
Eyes sparkling, Petra nodded excitedly. "It's been a while since you've made something!"
He ran to get his laptop, already having the file ready while he opened his computer, sliding it in front of her.
"It's, uh, standard WASD to walk, and you can use the numbers to click on objects," he explained as a black screen opened, showcasing a pixelated version of Petra. She held a magic wand with some fire at the end, and she was smiling, wearing her cheerleading outfit.
"Is this me?" She asked, giggling as she went through the dungeon, shooting fire bolts from her wand.
He nodded, staring at the screen in apprehension.
"Not to be a critic, but it's a little easy. Maybe add some mazes so it's not as linear?" She suggested, blasting through a monster.
"Sure, yeah, I'll keep it in mind," he said absently, chewing at his lip as she made it to the final room.
A dragon with a letterman jacket appeared, and Petra easily dodged his fire while she gave more flicks of her wand. The dragon poofed away in a cloud of smoke, revealing a chest, and as she clicked to open it, the chest opening sound from Zelda played, making Petra squeal.
"Oh boy, what am I gonna get?" She asked with an excited clap, and the screen enlarged, a picture of a blue rose and a question in pixelated letters asking,
Mouth gaping, Petra looked to Levi, who was nearly squirming out of his skin in panic, clasping his hands together firmly.
Petra smiled, moving the cursor over to "YES" and clicked on it, playing the item received sound from Zelda, and confetti popped on the screen.
Crashing into Levi, Petra kissed him, wondering why it took her so long to see that she had been adored her entire life.
"You're so romantic," she sighed, tugging at his hair and running her fingers down his undercut.
Levi wanted to nearly cry from relief but quickly forgot about his distress as Petra flicked her tongue down his earlobe. She whispered she had five minutes until curfew, and it was a good thing they were neighbors so she wouldn't have to hurry home.
It's too damn hot, Levi thought to himself, tugging at his cravat that contrasted with his black button-down and white suit. A chain tied the two ends of the jacket together, also accompanied by a white pocket square, and even though he liked his ensemble when his mother first helped him pick it out, it was starting to feel too tight as sweat clung to his skin, the layers of the fabric suffocating him in the mid-spring weather.
Maybe it wasn't the only reason he was hot, he entertained, seeing Petra dance with their friends, dressed in a spaghetti strap orange dress and matching cream ribbon. Around her wrist was a blue rose corsage, the one he gifted her when he picked her up from her house in his mom's beat-up minivan.
She looked radiant, and perhaps what made her even more attractive was the fact that she was dressed for him. He had seen her in dozens of outfits ranging from sweat pants to middle school formals, but tonight, this was just about the two of them.
Blushing, she accepted his flowers and corsage, posing for pictures by the stairwell he used to climb with her, pretending monsters were chasing them.
Wrapping his arms around her had never felt so right as they slow danced, the dim light and rainbow disco ball illuminating their touch starved bodies. Levi Ackerman didn't dance, but for her, he would do anything as long as she was by his side.
Pressing her cheek to his chest, happy she chose only an inch for her heels so he was still taller, she whispered to him, "Are you nervous about tonight?"
Petra had agreed to go as fast or slow as Levi wanted, especially with it being his first relationship, but there was one request she had after he had asked her to prom.
"I want to have sex with you if you're ready," she said after a heated make-out session.
"Here?!" He asked, looking at his childhood bedroom, the same navy walls he had known for 18 years staring back at him.
"No, not here!" She giggled, flopping down onto his body.
"Prom night," she said quietly. "I've been saving myself for someone special and I want it to be you. I've never gone all the way with a guy...."
"Really?" He asked in wonderment, assuming Petra had sex, a thought he kept firmly shut off at the back of his mind.
"It just never felt right before. Until you." Scooting up to meet his lips, he groaned, evidence of his arousal for her apparent from the first time they kissed and then after. Sometimes she palmed his pants, sometimes he took care of himself right after she left, but he never wanted to push too far, or come across as inexperienced to Petra.
"We're both 18, I was thinking we can rent a hotel room. I can tell my dad I'm sleeping at Nifa's. You can say you're at Erwin's."
A million thoughts and images flashed through Levi's mind, but the only thing he could hear was I'm going to have sex.
"Prom night, then," he agreed.
He had stayed up hours the night before reading up on sex, the technical side of things, the intimate parts, and discussing protection with Petra the weeks leading up to it. They agreed on condoms, so he went to the store in the middle of the night to get a box, and stuffed them in the back of his underwear drawer so his mother wouldn't find them.
Before he left for Petra's, his mother embraced him, giving him the speech that he was growing up so fast, how proud she was of him, and that she was so happy he and Petra were dating.
It was then she pulled out a plastic shopping bag of condoms and started putting them in his pockets, both his jacket and pants, and Levi nearly pushed her to the ground, face flaming.
"What the hell, mom?!"
She gave him a stern look. "I know what kids do on prom night, Levi. I just want you and Petra to be careful—Don't make me a grandmother just yet! Look, I got you different sizes and flavors—"
They were not having this conversation, and Levi haphazardly unlocked the front door, barely sliding his shoes on, "Stop. Just stop. We're, uh, we're fine. We have everything we need."
Kuchel breathed a sigh of relief, placing three more condoms into Levi's hand, accompanied by forty dollars. "Good. Just be safe. Tell me if you need anything, and have fun at the hotel," she winked, and Levi gaped at her.
"What?" She asked innocently. "I know you guys are 18. And I might have heard Petra in the grocery store gossiping with her friends."
He facepalmed, groaning. Of course, Petra would be broadcasting losing her virginity.
To you, he reminded himself.
Levi stepped back into the house, kissing his mom swiftly on the cheek, muttering I love you as he took the car keys and drove down the half a block to Petra's house. Kuchel waved as she closed the door, happy her son was finally with Petra.
"A little," he admitted to Petra, back in the present. He kissed the crown of her head, holding her close. "Are you?"
Nodding, she raised her head to look at him, though they were nearly at eye level.
"But I'm happy it's with you."
A more upbeat song began, causing the numerous couples on the dance floor to break away and spin onto the dance floor. Petra let him go, but grasping his hand as she guided them back to their friends, encouraging them all to hold hands.
"To senior year!" They shouted, and as much Levi wanted to say he hated crowds, the sweat, and the lack of personal space, he found himself not caring, savoring the last tendrils of adolescence.
Petra was talking nonstop as they drove to the hotel, only 15 minutes away from the prom venue, and while she was usually a chatterbox, she found it was more from nerves than actually having anything significant to say.
Levi had one of their mixtapes in the CD player, burned during their middle school years written in sharpie Levi and Petra's mixtape, volume 5. Stolen songs from the internet, coupled with tracks from both of their iTunes libraries, Petra always marveled at how opposite they could be, and yet shared similar interests.
The songs were so familiar to her that she involuntarily sang along, reminiscing how often she played their shared songs and rolling over in excitement on her bed when she found a track she knew Levi would like.
Levi parked, hand still resting at the clutch as he looked to her with a steady breath. "We're here," he said quietly and Petra nodded sweetly in return.
Both brought two small duffles to change out of their prom clothes, and shuffled into the hotel, checking in, trying not to look like two teenagers about to have sex for the first time, but ultimately failing as Levi's hands shook as he slid the key card in.
Booking the cheapest room they could find that wasn't a motel, there was little space to walk other than the perimeter around the king-sized bed, a TV with a dresser, and a door leading to the bathroom where Petra excused herself to.
Levi switched the lights on, checking for anything unsavory, and dropped his duffel bag to the floor, checking himself in the door mirror.
Should he change? He didn't want to look too casual, not having the faintest idea of what "sexy" pajamas looked like for men, and he awkwardly paced, debating to at least take his jacket off, unhooking the chain to let his lapels break free.
He hung the jacket over the nearby loveseat, then fiddled with his cravat, wondering if he should take that off too since Petra may find it to be a nuisance, and before he could debate with himself any longer, he heard the bathroom door open up, revealing Petra in a pink baby doll outfit.
Blinking at him with doe eyes, she blushed furiously, not meeting his wandering eyes.
She was definitely not wearing that before they got in, so she must have changed, and suddenly, Levi felt very overdressed as his mouth went dry.
Licking his lips, he hurriedly got the "sex stuff" from his bag, throwing the box of condoms onto the nightstand, followed by lube, and Petra started giggling as he undid the condoms from his pockets as well.
"How many times do you think we're going to have sex tonight? 50?" She joked, eyes raking at the varieties.
"My mom insisted," he grumbled, heat creeping up his neck and Petra's eyes widened in embarrassment and fear.
"You told her?!"
"No!" He blurted defensively. "She figured it out. You know how perceptive she is."
Petra hummed in agreement, scooping up the condoms and putting them back into his duffel.
"I think it's safe to say we can just use that box," she said, pointing to the Trojan extra-large, then running her hands down his arms.
Levi shuddered, unsure if he wanted to keep staring at her or rip the lingerie off, but found himself unable to speak as Petra kissed him heatedly, tongue diving in, and placed his hands on her breasts.
"You can touch them, you know," she whispered, and Levi could have come alone from the contact, his hands touching the silken mounds he had fantasized about ever since they hit puberty.
He backed them into the bed, with Petra's back falling against the plush sheets, and she moaned as Levi pressed his weight against her, gently rocking against her body. She reached for his cravat, tugging it off so that it hung around his neck, and began unbuttoning his dress shirt.
"Have I told you how handsome you look tonight?" she purred, her pearl earrings catching the light in the room.
"Yes, but I can stand to hear it a bit more," he replied, daring himself to touch her legs, each graze of his fingertips like electricity down her spine.
The babydoll deliciously pushed her breasts together as a cute little ribbon sat in between her breasts. The material was nearly opaque, and his mouth watered, thinking of Petra in a thong, despite the number of times he'd seen her in a bathing suit.
"And you look, uh, amazing," he breathed above her.
"Really?" Petra exclaimed in relief. "Nanaba helped me pick it out, said that you're probably more into cute-sexy than sexy-sexy."
Gently sliding the straps down so he could kiss her bare shoulders where her freckles met, he said, "Anything you wear for me is sexy."
"Mmm," Petra sighed as he continued working at her top, finding the ribbon in the back and letting it fall off her arms until she was left in her bare breasts.
Instinctively, she went to cover then, but at Levi's eager and furtive look, she released them, guiding his hands back onto her chest, encouraging him to knead and caress her.
He was clumsy, but in an endearing way, fascinated that he was able to elicit such sounds from her, and when he realized she was only wearing her underwear, and he was wearing too much, he immediately discarded his shirt, then moved to unbuckle his pants.
"Let me help you with that," Petra said, sliding onto her knees to unzip his fly, then eagerly sliding them down his legs as he kicked it off.
"Wow," she breathed at the tent in his boxers, and he had the urge to cover himself as well until Petra reached for him, stroking his length and he moaned loudly.
"Y-you can't do that, I'm gonna come," he coaxed himself to say despite how magnificent it felt.
Blushing, happy she was able to make him feel so much with so little, Petra removed her hand and embraced him as they fell back onto the mattress.
They kissed again, feeling each other's bodies for the first time in this state, hands needy but asking for permission, Levi skimmed the tips of his fingers over Petra's ass, earning a hiss of pleasure.
"I need you," she whined, and unsure of how to proceed, Levi detached himself and grabbed a condom, hands shaking as he undid the wrapper.
"You know how to put it on?" Petra asked out of concern and fascination.
He nodded, slipping it down while pulling the tip. "I've done a test run just to make sure. I, uh, was thinking of you the entire time—-" Fuck, this was not romantic in the slightest, Levi chastised to himself. Petra didn't want to hear how he tested the physics of it, how to avoid using it incorrectly which led to him snapping it against his fingers.
But practice makes perfect, and he felt confident as he hovered above Petra, kissing her neck softly while feeling awkward from the latex between them. She hooked her thumbs over her panties, taking them off, and spread her legs for him, her expression yearning and hopeful.
"I've heard it might hurt," Levi said, breath heady at the sight of her womanhood, a cute ginger patch of curls.
"It's okay. You can't hurt me, it's you," she said gently, resting her hands against his shoulder blades, egging him forward.
Levi placed the tip at her entrance, holding his breath as Petra wriggled beneath him, gasping from the friction and he slid in very slowly, both moaning from the contact.
Petra was slick with arousal, and as he continued to push in, they gasped in time, and Levi had to keep himself from moving too firmly because she felt absolutely wonderful, all warm and tight.
"You okay?" He asked, noticing her wrinkled expression, and Petra gasped, opening one eye.
"Y-yeah, you're just really big. But I feel okay."
Pride swelled within him, kissing her gently as he throbbed with desire, and asked her permission to move.
Lifting her hips, he groaned, pumping into her once, then twice, then on the third—-
"Argh!" He gasped, already coming, not being to restrain himself because that's how good she felt.
Shame washed over him as Petra realized what was happening, and she held him gently as goosebumps danced across his skin.
He immediately removed himself from her, hobbling to the bathroom, and Petra looked worried as she processed what had just happened, but pleased that nothing unsafe occurred.
She squeezed her legs together, disappointment and frustration throbbing between her legs, but Levi reappeared, looking thoroughly abashed as he tucked his underwear back on.
"Petra, I'm so sorry about that. Let me make it up to you—"
And before Petra could protest, he crawled to her on all fours at the base of the bed, and placed his hands on her knees, opening them slightly.
"I read that most girls like this better away," he began, kissing her inner thigh, and Petra rolled her head back, happy he was tending to her, but squeaking as he immediately dove his head between her legs, then licking her core with an unpracticed tongue.
"Eek!" She screeched, kicking him in the chest out of reflex from the surprising sensation.
"Ow!" Levi exclaimed, falling back and looking like a mixture of pissed off and fear.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked, inching back to her, and Petra plopped her head against the pillow, laughing hard to herself.
"I should be asking you that, I'm sorry I kicked you," she said, giggling into the popcorn ceiling, then turning to face him. "I think for that, we need to warm up a bit. But...I don't want that tonight. Another time," she added with a hopeful look and Levi smiled sadly, hanging his head.
"I'm shit in bed."
Petra weaved a hand through his hair, realizing how much pressure he was under. "No, you're not, Levi. You were just excited. If anything, it's flattering," she said, an adorable pink blush filling her cheeks.
"We'll get better with time and practice. While we wait for you to reset, I brought something for me. I figured something like this would happen."
She padded to her duffel bag, taking out a pink dildo, and clicked it on. It vibrated, and Levi looked at her with a dumbstruck face as she smirked in response.
"Maybe we'll need all those condoms anyway."
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