#he says my name and everything I legit thought I was meeting him irl it was such a crazy experience watching this st first bc she always sen
oldcurse · 2 years
Kari bought me a freaking cameo from PATRICK????//‘ankwdjdkkekw
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maddiewritesstucky · 3 years
Ok ok ok so this isn't exactly jock 'verse related but it also kinda is & I need 2 tell u or I might explode 🤣🤣🤣 its legit a perfect fanfic trope but irl
So, my university has fraternities like a lot do BUT there's this dude (he's in a few classes with me) & this dude is just a Frat. Bro. thru & thru. He loves his frat & would likely die 4 those boys. Idk literally anything else about him besides the fact that he knocked a girl up his freshman yr & now, just, brings his kid everywhere. 2 zoom meetings & 2 in person classes (according 2 my friend) when we had them 😅
but wait
it gets Better.
I learned today when we were sharing about ourselves that his "frat name" (idfk how that shit works😂) has transitioned from a pun on his last name 2 just- D A D D Y
All the other dudes just. call. him. daddy.
y are so many frats so straight that they loop back 2 being gay?
Literally everything about this is fucking incredible!?
Being one of those dudes who probably ends up getting matching ‘bros in, bros out’ tattoos with The Boys™️ by the end of college? Impeccable 👌
This very same bonafide FratBro rocking around with a baby? DELICIOUS 👏
You already had me, Nonnie, but then you go and heap on the fact that there’s a group of young adult men casually walking around referring to this man as DADDY?!?
T R A N S C E N D E N T 🙌
This might be the best story I’ve ever heard to be honest. And you know what, as for the relevance to JockVerse? I think this fits right in, and I’m gonna go ahead and tag my girl @rainbowsandcoconut here because you’ve probably just made her day by prompting me to write this, Nonnie.
Consider, if you will:
Bucky having to take care of his 6 month old niece on short notice, on a day when he can’t afford to skip class. It’s a short day for him, only one morning lecture then a team meeting, so he just...brings her with him
In a baby carrier, strapped to his front, so he can still carry his backpack and have his hands free
He doesn’t make a big deal about it, and no one in his lecture takes issue because she sleeps pretty much the entire way through
But when he walks into the meeting and his teammates clock his situation?...
“I knew this day would come! I knew Barnes was gonna knock someone up!”
“How could you not tell us you had a spawn? I thought we were friends, man!”
“Jesus, she looks exactly like you.”
(That one’s accurate - this kid is all Barnes, dark hair and slate eyes and perfect little Cupid’s bow)
“Nah, this is our new linebacker,” Bucky lifts her out of the carrier and grabs her blanket out of his backpack, spreading it on the floor to let her stretch her little body out
She’s a pretty chill little person so she’s unconcerned by the bunch of jacked up football players all kinda crowding around, she just looks at them all in turn, babbling a quiet assessment of the situation to herself
Steve and Coach Fury walk in at the same time, and they both do a double take - Fury, because “why is there a goddamn baby on my floor?” and Steve, because Bucky’s hands - those grabbing, pinning, shoving, spanking hands that he’s so intimately familiar with - are now very gently slipping a tiny sock onto a tiny foot
“Barnes is playing Daddy!” Clint oh so joyously informs them, and Fury just kinda shakes his head and mumbles something about how he’s ‘been waiting for some bullshit like this’
Bucky explains his situation, and Steve doesn’t say much of anything, but his face is doing a whole lot of something. There’s no time to examine that though, because Fury is getting the meeting underway
It all goes pretty much as normal, except this time when Bucky’s running his mouth about how they’re gonna fucking obliterate the opposing team at the upcoming playoff, he’s doing it with a baby in his arms and his fingertips drawing soft, absent patterns over her belly; occasionally cupping his hands over her teeny ears when his verbiage gets a little more colourful
Steve does not know what to do with the duality of this
Since when does Bucky know how to do shit like one-handed prep a bottle of formula? Where the fuck is this soft-ass smile coming from? Why is Steve’s gut doing weird swoopy flippy stuff every time Bucky quietly coos “oh, you think so?” to his niece’s incomprehensible little sounds?
Crisis 2.0 comes when Clint insists on referring to Bucky as ‘Daddy’ for the entirety of the meeting, even after Bucky points out the inaccuracy, because in Clint-logic it would apparently be “way too fuckin’ weird to call you ‘uncle’”
This is not a kink Steve has ever considered before, it’s certainly not one he and Bucky have played around with, but fuck if his body isn’t doing some Thangs at hearing that title used on Bucky. His throat gets inexplicably dry every time, and a few strangled sounds make their way out when he’s not quick enough to catch them
He knows it’s not lost on Bucky, he can feel Bucky looking at him every time Clint drops the D word, but Steve can’t bring himself to return that stare
It’s a miracle Steve survives this maelstrom at all, to be honest. It’s making him think entirely too hard, and he doesn’t want to think when it comes to Bucky. The whole point of them is that they don’t have to think
He disappears pretty quick after the meeting, and it doesn’t go unnoticed, but Bucky decides to be gracious this time and let it slide...
...At least, he does until the next time he’s putting Steve through the headboard, when he just can’t help but tuck his smug grin right up against Steve’s ear, and purr “...gonna come for your Daddy?”
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Dirty Water
Benny 'Borracho' Magalon x Robyn Banks (Black!OC)
Summary: Robb met a couple of shady characters calling themselves cops. Well it just so happens they are, and they're worse than she first thought.
Word count: 2.5k words
Rating/Warning(s): +16 Mature | kidnapping, mild torture, tied up, wanna be clear: IRL I do not condone hooking up with a person who kidnapped you or was complicit in kidnapping you, it just don't work out like that in reality
AN: so basically I'm gonna write and post this in whatever order I please, then go back and figure it out later. Since my brain has jumped back on the Pascal bandwagon, it's hard to focus outside of his body of work but I'm still coming back to this story with relative ease.
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Just when she'd started to warm up again, a another shower of ice cold mop water was pitched over her head. Robyn sputtered and coughed, trying not to swallow the suds in her mouth or let them see her cry to keep the dirt out of her eyes. From the shadows that danced beyond her eyelids, she could tell the alleged cop who called himself Nick was crouching in front of her. 
"Last chance, sweetheart," the dirty cop said. "Tell me how you know Tony D'Onofrio." 
Seven years ago, two federal agents walked in on officer Robyn Banks being sentenced to traffic duty. She didn't mind– she was fed up with the secrets her colleagues were forcing her to keep anyways. Maybe stepping down could help her clear her head, maybe give her time to compartmentalize those events and feelings. Only now could she say that the rest of her career was already out of her hands. 
"Those agents on that file? They approached me about D'Onofrio. Said he was my moby dick. Made a big deal about 'justice' and 'law and order' and 'the sanctity of the badge." Robyn spit more mop water onto the floor and continued, "I told them I didn't know what the fuck it had to do with me and they just sorta looked at each other." 
The blond man– Nick called him Z, she thinks– crossed his arms. "Quit jerkin us around, Banks, get to the fucking point." 
Nick held up a hand. "Easy, tiger. I asked for a story and that's what I'm hearing. Keep going, Robbie." 
Robyn scowled on the inside. "They told me he was my father. More like a sperm donor than anything, he probably didn't even know I was alive." 
"Now that is interesting," Nick purred. 
He cut the zip tie binding her arm to the rolly chair and handed her a towelette to wipe her eyes. She dared not reach for the tie on her other arm, lest her captors think she's pulling a move to escape. Instead she dabbed the sweat and mop water that soaked into the skin of her neck and face to pause and think about her next words. 
"That was the basis of the deal. I join their investigation undercover, see if I can get somewhere with my connection, and help them put one of the biggest crime bosses on this side of the coast away for good. In exchange, I get to call the shots, they'd put in a good word with my CO and elevate me to detective status instead of beat cop." 
"Thought you liked being a beat cop," the one in the silk flamingo shirt said. 
"Apparently nobody believes that." 
"So," Nick steepled his fingers beneath his aquiline nose in thought, "your end of the deal wasn't even your idea? How does that work?" 
"Sounds like she got something else out of it," the bald man in the white polo accused. 
Robyn glared at him, but she didn't contradict him. If she wanted to be listened to, she needed to stay calm. Stay calm, stay alive. Go home with the minimal amount of PTSD. 
"Do you want me to tell you what happened or not?" When nobody raised any more objections, she continued. "I agreed to their terms. Next I know, I'm climbing the criminal ladder, dropping bread crumbs about my parentage, two years goes by, yada yada yada, and then bam. I have a meeting with the heir apparent to the Italian mafia. 
"At that meeting I told Tony D'Onofrio he knew my mother and that I knew they had been dating around the time I was born–" 
"Yeah that– he stared at me for so long I forgot how to breathe and then… he… believed me." 
A pin dropped somewhere in the empty parking garage. A dog barked wildly a mile away but could still be heard in the silence that followed. Robyn still couldn't believe he'd bought it either. 
"He just… believed you," Nick said skeptically. 
Robyn could do nothing but shrug. "I never got the details, I couldn't ask my mom about it and Tony never gave me any indication that he knew about me before that meeting. He just asked me what I wanted and did it." 
Nick dragged his eyes over her form, shivering and glistening, and then-- "what did you ask him?" 
Robyn felt her eyes gloss over as she tried to remember what mysterious force compelled her to say the exact right words. "I told him all I wanted was for him to know, to see him with my own eyes and know he was real. I said I didn't need any favors or special treatment. I just needed some closure." 
That was all. And the agents had been fucking furious with her. They had accused her of using them, of being a traitor and a spy for D'Onofrio or a mastermind cat-woman type villain and all manner of other terrible things. They were ready to pull the plug on the whole operation when Tony had offered her a better job. A job where she would come face- to- face with every schmoe on Tony's payroll. 
"Tony offered me a job 'running errands.' Not quite in his inner circle but higher in his ranks than I had any business being," Robyn said. "Most of the people doing these jobs were kids, easy to get around the city undetected and reliable. Now he knew I wasn't a kid but I guess he wanted to see more from me, put his best eyes on me to see if I was legit." 
Nick nodded and stood up (his knees popping like broken branches). He walked over to Murphy in the flamingo shirt and passed a few inaudible words between them. Robyn wasn't skilled in the art of lip reading, and failed to catch anything from Murphy except the word 'pointless.' It rubbed her the wrong way, sending a spark of fear through her that quickly dulled back into the numbness of being helplessly bound to a chair. She needed to finish this soon before she completely cracked. 
Nick returned to her side, chasing some pepto bismol with a flask of what smelled like tequila in it. "That's a very sweet story, Robbie, really it is. But… what I wanna know is why you're not in this file." 
"That's not what you asked me," she griped, then backpedaled into, "I'm trying to tell you why I'm not in the file. But in order to tell you that, I have to tell you what was left out of the file first. I'm getting to the point, I just… there's a lot of shit to sift through." 
Nick nodded like a patient father (yeah, right). "Just the good parts then." 
"Yeah," she nodded quickly, "just the good parts..." 
"The good parts, uhm. Well he did learn to trust me. I barely had to do anything just… let him try to kindle a relationship between us. I started calling him dad at his request, nobody bothered me or questioned me after that and I didn't abuse it, expect on the downlow giving info to the feds. He liked that about me– he liked me. We'd talk about my mom and he'd let his guard slip, started taking me to his meetings and asking me to deliver his important paperwork." 
"I let him think I was with him and documented everything I could for six more years." In truth, she had had some doubts. About putting him away and the vacuum of power it would create, about the dichotomy of good versus evil, about her career. In that last year, she had actually warmed to the idea of becoming a detective and getting to do work with her own moral backbone and not someone else's. "We made the arrest January 19th and put him away for a dime." 
Nick leaned so far forward in his chair Rob had to lean back. "This is the part where you wrap it up, sweetcheeks." 
Robyn gulped. "Gomer and Valentine pushed me out. They'd been acting really strange at the end, wearing these shit eating grins and looking at each other, and then they iced me out. Had me fired on the grounds that I was too close to the perp, used a fucking Christmas photo for evidence. There went the Italian mob's heir and seven years of hardwork, and I wouldn't even be mentioned by name in the case file. No testimony, no credit, just a dishonorable discharge and dumped on my ass in the streets." 
"Wow." Nick rubbed a hand down his face like he was the exhausted one. "That's quite the story, princess." 
He looked at each of his mates, every face stonier than the last. Especially the silent one's, the latino guy. Then he looked back at Robyn and smiled with a lot of teeth. 
"I do have some questions though, if you'll let me." Sure like I have a choice. "Now it wasn't public knowledge you were in on the investigation, but I find it hard to believe your dad's lackeys didn't know it was you who turned him in. And what I find even harder to believe is that they'd let you live for it." 
Robyn said nothing. There was a part of her that didn't quite grasp it either. When she had arrested him, when she'd slapped the cuffs on him herself and read him his Miranda rights, after the shock of her betrayal wore off, Tony had congratulated her. 
"I'm proud of you, kid. You may be a narc but at least you got your head straight. You got guts, kid." 
As far as she understood it, his last order as the leader of the mafia was not to harm her in any way. Nobody bothered her. They still knew her face on the streets, sent glares her way but never touched her. One of his underlings had come to her place and suggested she skip town permanently just to be safe. It was not a courtesy she ever expected from anyone let alone a man with a reputation for high profile robbery and murder. 
She didn't know what to expect. "I guess he really did love me." And Nick left it at that. 
Robyn was unbound, blindfolded, and dumped right back onto the street those so called cops had snatched her from. Her legs shook as she walked the last block to her place, utterly miserable and in desperate need of some sleep. Maybe tomorrow she could figure out what the fuck her life had come to. She showered (and cried) and picked up the half drunk beer from her fridge and brought it out on her front steps, taking a sip of the flat beverage and wishing it was something stronger. 
People passed below her on the streets, never once looking up. The traffic never disappeared but it did lull this time of night. She didn't mean to– barely noticed she was doing it– but she found a pack of cigarettes in her overcoat and lit one up. 
"Next time," she promised herself. I'll try to quit next time. 
Just as she was beginning to ease the tension that had been weighing on her all night, a man climbed the steps to her building and pointedly slowed down to a stop a few feet away from her. She chanced a glare at him and found him no stranger which was somehow infinitely worse. 
"Fuck off," her nerves got the better of her, "I told you everything, can't I at least get some sleep first?!" 
The man lifted his hands in defense, carrying a bottle in a brown bag in one of them. He was, well, he was the handsome one. The Cuban with the neck tattoo and broad shoulders. His eyes seemed a lot softer now Despite the dark setting. 
"Swear on my life, I'm not here for Nick." He took a single step up, waiting to see how she'd react, and when she didn't run, he took another and set the covered bottle down next to her before backing off. Still skeptical, Robyn carefully unwrapped the thing, revealing an expensive looking wine label. Dark red. "It's an apology," he explained with his hands in his pockets, "Nick thinks he's this big, clever actor but he can be a real bully when he drinks." 
Robyn gave him the 'do I look like an idiot' eyebrow and he had the decency to look at his feet. "We could really use your help with this, Banks. Nick forgot to mention the part where Tony was put on parole for good behavior. He'll be out tomorrow." 
"He what." That's just the thing isn't it? The case that ended her career permanently and he just got to walk off after only serving two years of his sentence. That was the real crime here. Robyn gritted her teeth, gripped the neck of the bottle and squeezed. She started shaking it like it was her criminal father, or the weasel federal agents who took her credit, or the dirty cops who kidnapped her tonight. 
Borracho looked concerned. "Do you need a corkscrew or– " 
Robyn shrugged off her jacket and looked him dead in the eye as she wrapped it around the base of the bottle and gently banged it on the porch step until the cork exploded into the air (along with a third of the bottle's contents but whatever). Borracho raised a hand to protect his face from the spray, and turned away to hide a silly grin. 
"Nevermind," he said, shaking the excess drink off his hand. "Listen, if he calls you about anything, please let us know." 
He pointed to the bag, which had a phone number on it. "Don't let your work be in vain." 
"You try that line on everybody?" Rob was feeling a little facetious in the face of mercy, over tired from the revelations, and pissed off by these fucking pigs. "Your good cop, bad cop routine needs some balance. Did you know I was kidnapped today? Now this wine is a start but you'd better step it up, good cop." 
He started to walk away but she called out, "I got Nick, Z, and Murphy. Clocked 'Gus' by the name written on his underwear. Which one are you?" 
"Benny," he threw back, and disappeared into the nighttime traffic. 
"Benny," Rob scoffed. "Cute ass." 
Robb drank the equivalent of two glasses, then passed out from exhaustion. She slept dreamlessly and tried to forget last night had ever happened. Benny, in the meantime, returned to the office where his crew was huddled around a phone receiver. 
"Don't appreciate you throwing me under the bus, B," Nick growled from his seat. 
"Shup up and drink this," Benny pushed the glass of raw eggs closer to his boss' hand, a so called 'hangover cure'. Nick shrunk back a little.
"Told you she'd be sweet on him," Z elbowed Murphy in the ribs and ignored his protesting 'um actually I said that.' 
"Wouldn't call her sweet," Benny said, grunting as he took up residence at his own desk. "She looked like a feral cat." 
Nick laughed. "Yeah well don't go getting mixed up with that pussy, B, we've got work to do." 
It was gonna be another long night for everybody. 
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darkgeminisworld · 3 years
This is gonna be a rant about a probably toxic friend so if you don't wanna read it, this is a heads up.
Okay so for several reasons, most of them being that I need to move on, I decided to write this lengthy rant about a friend I'm pretty sure will not be a friend of mine for much longer, which sucks bc he's almost my only irl friend but also feels good bc he's exhausting and I'm pretty sure he's also toxic.
I've met this guy like 6 and a half years ago, and we pretty much bonded over shared interests pretty fast. The first thing that bothered me was that he'd always be late, which would be absolutely fine if he'd been honest about it. But writing that it's five minutes until he's there and then showing up 30 minutes after that, or writing "I'm on your doorstep" and taking another ten minutes to show up, almost every single time, isn't, especially since I strained to be on time the first months (meaning I'd be too early bc my brain only does too early or too late, nothing in between). And his being late wasn't just 20 or 30 minutes, several times he was over an hour late. Oh, and once when we had agreed to meet he legit wasn't home and I waited around 2 hours, which I really should have held a grudge for back then and been way more pissed at him.
The second thing that bothered me was that he was way too nosy. He'd ask if I'm free to meet and play video games or whatever and whenever I said no he'd ask what I'm doing and if I can't manage my time another way to make time for him. And the thing is, not only did I not ask several times after he told me that he's busy that day, but I actively told him, several times over the course of about the last two years, that it bothers me and asked him to tone it down. My problem here is only that he didn't stop after I asked him to, bc before I told him and asked him, how was he supposed to know.
Coming out to him went well, though he did ask me whether I'm into him, which... No. Obviously it could've gone a lot worse, but still.
The next is more a small annoyance, a small itch, although it might have been a warning sign. He couldn't handle defeat very well. In most video games he was better, but he low-key aggressively denied it when I pointed out the win-lose ratio in my all-time favourite video game series and he'd try to cheat at other games. If it was only about him being competitive I'd understand, but that doesn't mean trying to rewrite the past by blatantly lying about it and ridiculing me for pointing out that that's bullshit, especially since it's only games, played for the fun of it.
We also went to the cinema sometimes, though if it had been up to him it'd have been way more often and that's another point where he really didn't let it go after getting a no. Whether he wanted to watch a horror movie after being told, several times, that I really don't like horror movies, or just the general question of whether we'd be going to the cinema, he'd ask again and ask what I'm doing, why did I not want to go, would another time be good, couldn't I ask my parents for money (which, to be fair, I could have. But I preferred not to bc back then it was really stressful bc we had to move and renovate and I just didn't wanna add more frustration if that makes sense? Plus I wanted to get my hands on some things, which required to save up) etc. Almost every time we did end up going, it was he who initiated it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wanted to see some of the movies just as badly as he did, but... And if he can't even accept "no" from a friend of several years (also a 100% guy friend as far as he is aware bc I didn't start to address gender issues with him), I'm worried about other contexts with that word. Also we did some kind of text role play (just texting back and forth with OCs inserted into several fantasy works like the Inheritance Cycle, who would parttake in the storyline, no set rulebook or anything) and his characters did some questionable and even outright deplorable things and when I wanted his character to suffer consequences, he always wanted him to get away with it. Like, his idea for one of his characters "pranking" mine in reaction to a prank which in itself was a retaliation to his character's pranks was kidnapping and waterboarding my character. And he kept defending it as a prank and demanded that my character should just forgive his character, like... It really made (and continues to make) me wonder and worry just how much of his darker thoughts I don't know about. And I don't know how accurate it is but I once saw a post with a quote that went along the lines of "man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." (btw I couldn't think of a satisfactory way to phrase it so I ended up looking up the quote and apparently it's from Oscar Wilde)
So I spent a fair amount of time arguing with him over that and trying to explain to the best of my ability why it was wrong, and for some time it went better.
Fast forward a few months to the blm protests or more specifically news coverage of it and info I sent him. He defended cops and blamed the protestors and even justified the atrocities of the cops, so that was the first instance where we had a huge fight. I practically drowned him in links and videos etc and some weeks into that I thought I'd managed to get through to him (Spoiler: I didn't really get through to him) so I kept it in mind but continued to have contact with him and everything (bc at the time I didn't know that I didn't really get through as much as I thought).
From there on it pretty much went downhill. We had been thinking about doing a trip to London for a few days (his idea but at the time I really wanted to go, it was around 2 years ago when I still practically worshipped that one author, she who must not be named) and to this very day he's not letting it go completely. Even though the pandemic puts lots of obstacles in the way and I have more important things to worry about, namely final exams and applications. Even though London is expensive as shit and I still have no way to earn money atm. And about the vacation, I finally canceled last summer (and gave the aforementioned reasons) and he completely lost his shit and got super aggressive, insulted me and tried to guilt-trip me into taking that back and agreeing to still go on that vacation with him. Then we got into another fight where he wanted me to cancel the vacation with my grandparents, which was already planned and booked and everything in order to make time for the vacation I'd already said I don't want to go on with him anymore and aggressively demanded (he didn't ask, he sent a demand and bombarded me with exclamation marks) to know when exactly I'd be going on vacation with them. Then he went offline after I refused and ignored the next few messages I sent him and only replied when I asked "what I'd I reconsidered my stance on the trip?". I mean, baiting him with that definitely was shitty of me, but the result showed that that was basically what he wanted, pressure me into still going on that vacation. That specific conflict had been going on for weeks, bc despite me telling him that it's counterproductive and detrimental to my mental health to increase the pressure and therefore my anxiety about getting a job to pay for the trip, he kept pressuring me while acknowledging that he's giving me lots of pressure and anxiety and even using that against me.
He also didn't acknowledge that most times we try to meet, he goes offline for hours before replying and disappearing again. That would be absolutely fine if he didn't accuse me of doing that, which btw is his standard technique and it took me a long time to realize that. He always tries to shift the blame to make me look like the one at fault, and he always, always demands that I apologize when we had a fight via WhatsApp.
And when I started enforcing my boundaries and telling him to stop asking again and again why I can't meet, what I'm doing, or demanding other explanations, he started to attack me for the kind of language I use, so when I'm ever so slightly sarcastic he immediately latches onto that and creates a new conflict.
But this still isn't all, oh no. He's also basically an ecofascist, and is fully okay with sacrificing social justice to save the environment, completely choosing to ignore that the people he's protecting are the ones at fault and that the ppl who contribute the least are the ones experiencing the hardest ecological consequences.
He's said multiple times that he thinks both sides are equally bad, in the context of left and right in general as well as antifascism and fascism and that he doesn't "condone the oppressed defending themselves with any means necessary" bc that, too, would include violence. He's defending the "right to free speech" even when right-wingers say really disgusting shit, he disagrees with prohibiting demonstrations of ppl who think that Corona is a hoax, he has zero empathy for ppl who are affected, who suffer long-term consequences from infections, not even for ppl who die from it (he literally said "people die anyway, that doesn't justify imprisoning everyone else") and somehow still thinks he has the moral high ground.
And the last bit he did was explaining to me, from his endocisallohet white guy perspective, how I'm "not discriminated against" bc gay ppl in my country can get married (only since 2017 btw) and when I, despite the fact that I shouldn't have had to and that it was a real blow to my mental health, wrote him a message that was almost the length of an essay, he calmly started to question my replies with the detachedness of someone who's discussing whether pineapple belongs on pizza and demanding further explanation. To top it off, he said that marginalized ppl have to always reply to everyone calmly and politely, no matter if it was offensive bc the person asking might be unaware of that. Otherwise, he said, everyone would be right to stop listening to us. Like, he literally said that we don't deserve human rights if we're not licking the boots of our oppressors if that way of thinking is followed through to the end.
I almost forgot, he also thinks that white ppl should have a say in whether something is a racist slur, or whether something is racist in general (we're both white, but at least I'm trying my best to unlearn what my upbringing taught me instead of being the cliché of the white person who goes "how dare you call me racist, I've never been more insulted in my whole life!", which is basically his reaction)
So up until this last fight, I conceded some ground to him to end the fights and keep him as a "friend" not only bc I feel horrible when I imagine losing one of my only irl friends but also bc I was hoping I could get through to him and educate him, to the best of my ability, on how to be a good ally to marginalized people. But the disregard with which he treats my explanations why the way he talked (wrote) about marginalized people is absolutely not okay and the fact that he just told me that he genuinely doesn't see how he did anything wrong even after I explained it to him in detail is just too much to bear at this point.
Oh, and while looking through the chat to prove him a liar I found that apparently, to him a promise is a promise, no matter whether it was given under pressure or voluntarily, so do with that what you will.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup Duo 💎
HOWDY, not sure if matchups for ikeseng are open but here i go anyway?¿ ´・ᴗ・`
-I’m a Leo, and a combination of ENFP/ENTP (if that helps with characterization), but I’m becoming more ambivert as the days go by. But I still act like a crackhead (making up new words, making random sound effects out of boredom and roasting people playfully, having airhead moments, for examples) and a lot of people irl do get put off at how “obnoxious” I can get, but I do know when to “flip the switch” and become serious/quiet.
-I have really low standards for humor idk I laugh at my own jokes it’s honestly astounding, but cursed memes/images are somethin else💀 Dark jokes are always open in my ally👀
-Ironically, I canNOT stand horror, I will legit be so paranoid or freaked out and start overthinking and just cry and DIE—
I’m very open, almost TOO open, but ask me literally anything and I’ll usually tell everyone my honest opinions/thoughts, but I know how to deliver words tactfully and articulately. Debating, (public) speaking, writing, and understanding concepts are my strong suits; likewise I suck ass at math (I have no idea how I ended up in Calc BC ap, I just— 😭)
-Speaking of writing, I write poems whenever I feel like it, I have a whole collection HAH. My love of expressing comes from my tendency to play the devil’s advocate in interpreting and arguing for almost all perspectives in topics. So you can probably guess how I don’t get offended really easily and welcome both playful and serious banter (despite the crackhead persona, I’m very observant of people and their values expressed and how they tick, so I know when to back off especially when they get uncomfortable with my aggressive debating/personality). Need advice? I can use what I’ve gathered from different people and help anyone in their particular situations.
-And speaking of expression, I love fashion and makeup! I love being able to express myself through use of presentation and have fun while doing it! hehe (k-fashion, asian beauty 👀) HECK YEAH I’M DOWN FOR SHOPPING—
-I like to dance yeehaw, and I was on a competitive dance team (well that was before when the corona hit the milly rock a little TOO hard and put all the dancers out of commission😔🤝😭) I’ve also been in my own highschool’s dance club for 4 years!!
-I’m a console gamer :0 Big fan of winding down with video games, but books are the best if games aren’t an option.
-Music is a huge part of my life; I played the flute and the viola for years before and been surrounded by music through dancing as well; while I’ve been in a choir before, my vocals aren’t stellar oof, but at least I’m not tone-deaf.
-Can’t cook to save a life ooooof, that’s where my airheadness REALLY kicks in. I literally burn myself making instant :>
-I’m not phased by sexual innuendos/conversations/kinks because I see them objectively as unique characteristics of every person, but I’ll crack up at a sex joke or a cringe flirt line with friends. And like I’ve said, I’ll share them myself without objection if ANYONE asks. But the moment someone actually TRIES to make a move on me (like what!!¡¿), I’ll first play it casual but then bolt for the door because it’s hard for me to actually imagine that ANY guy would see me in a romantic light LOL but i’d get used to the advances quick and if it’s someone i liked back, i’d tease them the same or raise up the antics ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Hi, there, dear! <3 Can I just say u sound like a super cool person! Anyway here is your matchup dear, I hope you enjoy it! And thanks for waiting soooooooooo long! ^_^
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So I match you with………… Masamune
Selfie Match up
The first time this boi meets you he is ecstatic, finally someone fun to liven up this boring place.
You scream fun and outgoing
Masamune is already imagining all the fun adventures the two of you can go on and he hasn’t even talked to you yet!
He is absolutely captivated by those big dark brown eyes. 
Those big bright intelligent eyes are all telling of the playful mischief the two of you could get up to together.
He absolutely loses himself in your deep warm, captivating eyes, they remind him of home, they are deep and rich like the soil of his home town, soft and comforting, while busting with endless life and energy
HE is absolutely dazzled by the way your soft strands of earthy hair moved so freely in the wind. It low key reminds him of his own wild free personality
If he ever had to imagine his perfect woman you would be it.
You have the same vibe as playful kitten having endless hours of fun, and boy oh boy all Masa wants to do is join in.
He wishes nothing more than to boop your cute nose
His brain goes haywire, all he wants to do is kiss those soft lips of yours
Masamune continues to eye you from the corner of the council room. Gosh if love at first sight did exist than this would describe his exact feelings towards you.
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Match up part
You were named as the new princess of the Oda forces and was forced to sit through the rest of the boring war council. It had been 30 minutes in, and you were already losing your mind from boredom, that is when the one-eyed dragon passed you note from across the table. You giggled a little at the joke and wrote back on of your own. The two of you passed notes back and forth, every joke or remark you read made you want to break out in laughter. As the council progressed, the two of you got rowdier and rowdier and the both of you were now making strange noises. You were making all sorts of weird sound effects, and Masamune was howling in laughter. TBH they were so funny even Nobunaga couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone was having a good time except Hideyoshi “Okay that’s the third time the two of you have disturbed the council”. Hideyoshi started lecturing you and Masamune about not disturbing the council any further when Nobunaga announced that the council was over. The two of you couldn’t help but laugh in victory. The two of you continued your conversation in which you were playfully roasting each other. Masamune was right; you really were going to be a lot of fun.
Masa love chatting and spending time with you and honestly, he loved the fact that you understood and laughed at all his jokes. What he loves the most is times just before your about to deliver the punch line to a joke, but you burst out laughing for 20 minutes before you can even get it out. And once you finally coke out the punchline between laughs, you continue to giggle at your hilarious sense of humour for another solid 30 minutes. Masamune can’t help but laugh at you laughing at yourself. When the two of you goofballs are around its always a fun time, but beware of some occasional dark humour i.e. the two of you got scolded one day for joking about some dark topics in front of the kids *cough* Mitsunari *cough*
The first night you arrived, and Masamune barged into your room, and Masamune being Masamune, ignored any boundaries of personal space and started to page through one of your books that were laying on your writing desk. It was your fashion portfolio that caught his eye. He loves all the different looks and the way the colours and patterns seemed to complement each other. You had explained to him that you were heavily into fashion and makeup and considered it as part of your self-expression. Masamune smiled his big cat-like smile at you asking if you wanted to meet up with him tomorrow. You honestly didn’t have anything better to do, so you agreed.
You and Masamune spent hours in the market looking at different fabrics, clothes and makeup products. Everything was so different in the past. After spending the whole day shopping your grab both of Masamune’s hands in your, you beam up at his with the brightest smile stating that you had a fun idea. Masa is pretty much keen for anything, so he goes along with your strange idea. The two of you make your way back to his manor. And that is when the two of you hold a fashion show, to show off your new clothes and accessories the two of you bought. It was a lighthearted fun game, filled with banter and giggles. It had actually become somewhat of a tradition now for the two of you to do this little fashion shows in his room after a long day of shopping. You would always bust out laughing at the strange poses Masamune would do. 
Another fun activity the two of you have adopted is poetry slams. Both of you would spend the week writing your best poems and then present them to each other. Just like the fashion shows, these evenings are also always filled to the brim with laugher and banter. The two of you had gotten to know each other fairly well like this, as sometimes the theme of the poems would be dark and depressing, and after the two of you would discuss the emotions behind it. U guys would in those cases always be there for each other lending a friendly ear to listen to the others problems.
Needless to say at this point, Masamune was head over heels for you and somewhere in between the fun poetry slams and fashion shows, his flirty jokes stopped being jokes. He was serious about you. One night he actually kissed you, you were honestly so shook, you ran, you legit sprinted away. Little did you know the tiger was on your heel running after you. He caught you and tacked you to the ground. The 30 second run actually gave you time to sort your feelings, as you too had realized that you had also fallen for the one-eyed dragon. He stared into your eyes questioningly, and that’s when you snaked your hands behind his neck and pulled him down to return the kiss.
The two of you made such a sweet couple. After work, Masamune would always be on the hunt for his kitten to spend time with you. He was super shocked when he heard singing coming from the kitchen. He snuck up to the kitchen and peeked inside. He had to chuckle when he saw you singing your heart out and dancing like nobody was watching. He never knew you could sing and dance like that, he watched you for a while utterly awestruck by you. He was pulled out of his reverie when he smelt something burning and saw a cloud of smoke coming from the oven. You panicked at seeing the smoke and swiftly opened the oven. You didn’t even think when you took the baked, well-burnt goods out the oven without mitts or a cloth. You had legit burnt your hands to a crisp. 
Masamune rushed to your side to evaluate the damage. He got a bag and filled it with ice, putting it on your burnt hands. He then proceeded to rub some medicine on the burns and wrap your hands “Best leave the cooking to me from now on Kitten”. He then took over from where you left off, making you the best meal you had ever tasted. You sat on the kitchen counter to keep him company. The burnt buns and your burnt hands were long forgotten, as the two of you were laughing and chatting away. 
Now, whenever Masamune cooked, you would sit in the kitchen with him and keep him company. The two of you would laugh and dance together in the kitchen. It was always so much fun spending time with him, you especially love it when he sings in his most false off-key voice it is honestly hilarious. You couldn’t help but think he complimented you perfectly. He could cook when you couldn’t even make toast successfully, and you could sing beautifully, while he sounded like some cat in pain.
Another thing Masa absolutely loves, is to sit and listen to you play the flute or viola. The soothing music and the amount of love and emotion you pack into the songs as you play, washes away all the stress and tiredness from his day. He could sit four hours and hours just enchanted by the sound of your music. Even more so if you sing along to the song, you are playing. He loves hearing your beautiful voice. This boy will legit drag you to sit in his lap and nuzzle and kiss you until you agree to play or sing him a song.
Masamune is always by your side supporting you and showering you with love. Whenever you get sad or insecure, Masamune is always there to lighten the mood. Like one time, some maids pissed you off. “ why is my kitten so angry today” Masamune literally came up to you and pinched your cheeks, he then squished your face “Common lemi see that beautiful smile.” When you still had a grumpy expression, he pulled you up and started spontaneously dancing. You couldn’t help but smile at the goofball and join in. Soon your big wide fast movements slowed down, and Masamune pulled you into his arms by your waist. He then dropped his head down and rested it in the crook of your neck. You honestly love quite moments like this just slow dancing in your lover’s arms. He would ask you about your day and would tighten his hold on you, enveloping you in a warm embrace, while you talk out all your frustrations of the day. After he would nibble on your ear whispering how much he loves and adores you.
Masa is like your fun knight in shining armour whether it is comforting you and helping you get to sleep after hearing some crazy scary ghost stories or spending hours upon hours bantering with you while you playfully insult each other, He is always there for you, loving you from the moment the sun rises till the moment it sets. He has truly met his match with you and never has in his life been happier, or laughed so much. The two of you can always be found snuggled together with Masa’s lil tiger cub in the futon after a long day of laughs, fun and adventures
Perhaps it truly was love at first sight after all 
Other potential matches…………….Mitsuhide 
 Hope you enjoyed it, love! and I hope you are staying safe and well🍭 @smol-vy
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teruthecreator · 5 years
if you're comfortable, could you say what specifically you hated about the finale? i never got into amnesty but i liked balance so i would like to know how disappointed i should be ://
okay i’m gonna explain this in-detail exactly Once bc i’m trying rlly hard to just forget about the whole epilogue and keep it moving like that shit never happened, so for anyone else who is asking me why i don’t like the finale (and im not saying you’re wrong for asking, anon, it just seems that when you vocally do not like a thing there are hundreds of people who come out of the woodworks to ask you why and i think thats kinda Huh, Weird of everyone but like whatever) i’m gonna lay it all out here on the table and you can take this as you will. 
i’m not gonna be getting into fistfights with people abt this so if you disagree please don’t try and banter with me. i am running on
oh, this goes without saying, but i will anyway: SPOILERS FOR AMNESTY (IN GENERAL, BUT ALSO FOR EPISODE 36) 
i’m gonna start off by saying, i don’t think the whole episode was a total disaster. there are two things mainly that have ruined the whole experience for me, but for the most part i thought the like first 2 hours of this episode were a lot of fun! the fight scene was a little bogged down in the rolls imo, but it didn’t deter me too much from the overarching boss battle. the intro was a sick concept, i enjoyed the callback bits spliced in w newly scripted bits from mentioned past encounters, that was all well and good. i loved beacon in the episode, and god do i wish he stayed for the whole thing. 
my problem mainly sits with the epilogue, which is why i think the whole episode turns sour in my mind. because the epilogue is supposed to be what satiates your desire to know more, right? not to reference balance too much (bc these are two completely different stories w different premises, and for people to so readily compare them is kinda wack. that being said, they are two stories made by the same people that use an epilogue to wrap up the loose ends, so im gonna make this one comparison), but the epilogue told us, the listener, all the things we wanted to know about after the day of story of song. we got to know what they did, a little bit of their interpersonal relationships, and we even got a big group scene with the killarey wedding! 
this epilogue, though, feels like it left so much still on the table. one of those things i will swing back to later because it is the largest part of my argument, but after all of this time we still don’t know why everyone at the lodge got exiled! no one talks about it! we don’t know how dani ended up there, or jake, or barclay, or moira, or anyone! they don’t reference the banishments at all, which i think is a huge shortcoming figuring that is the core premise as to why these characters exist in our pc’s world in the first place. 
i also feel like the concept of the worlds being divided for a long time is kind of a dumb way to go about framing what they do After The Fact. like, they could have had those scenes happen without the looming concept of them being divided, especially when their big reunion scene is like 2 minutes long and basically does nothing. what would have been a cooler premise is if billy connected the worlds, and the worlds worked together in rebuilding themselves. we still could’ve had the same bits happen (for the most part), but i just think that whole separation bit kinda alienated the pc’s (especially thacker). 
but everything up to aubrey’s epilogue bit is fine. i have some problems, but it’s fine. where i started to completely abandon the work itself though is duck’s bit, and i’m gonna get into it by saying this: I know Justin Mcelroy is not legally required to make all of his characters gay, but this whole scene was just a big reminder to me that this show is done by 4 straight white men
and yeah, my big problem with this scene is the fact that justin had to make Duck/Minerva a thing. because it adds nothing to the story while also being a very skeevy concept in-general, and it reduces minerva’s character down to the Hero’s Girlfriend trope and it’s so comphet and she doesn’t deserve it. 
my first grievance with this: It adds nothing to the story. 
had justin not even mentioned the relationship part of their interaction before the scene actually took place, this scene would be like every other scene involving duck and minerva prior to this. duck says honey once, and even that could’ve been played off as duck just being affectionate to his friends (which is a thing, i call several of my friends “my love” irl and it isn’t a big deal). minerva doesn’t even use pet names, she calls duck by his full name, which is exactly how she addressed him in every other scene! duck’s speech is a genuine heart-puller, but it was completely soured by the fact that justin had to premise this entire scene by saying duck and minerva are a thing. 
my second grievance: it’s a skeevy-as-all-hell concept. 
this whole premise is nasty seven ways from sunday, and it is my biggest problem with duck’s bit as a whole. for starters, and i think more people need to mention this, minerva meets duck on the night of his 18th birthday. which means duck has literally just stopped being legally considered a minor before minerva appears before him. and honestly, i would still consider duck a minor in this case because he has literally just turned 18!!! his brain has not developed past one of a 17-year-old on the exact date of his birthday, and i argue it will not until he is at least in his twenties. keep in mind, your brain does not stop developing until you are about 25. so while in the legal sense, duck is an adult, in both the mental and emotional sense at that exact moment, duck is still a minor. AND he’s still in high school, as referenced in his response to her call to duty: “i got class tomorrow”. and minerva is old enough to have become the minister of defense for her homeworld, go through an entire war, and have several other chosen ones (including leo tarkesian, who is at least 20 years older than duck) before meeting duck. so that makes her much, much older than duck when she meets him. and i don’t care if they had barely any interaction after that first moment (though they did, as justin legit talks about when he introduces minerva as a concept to the show), that still establishes their initial interaction at a massive age difference. which, regardless of anything, makes their eventual relationship so genuinely messed up. 
sure, you can argue that when you get older age doesn’t make that much of a difference, and i would agree. my mother is 53 and her husband is 63, that’s ten years. but my mother and step mother did not meet at 8 and 18, they met at 50 and 60. the initial interaction makes all the difference between “older people meeting and having a relationship” and “a very messed up situation”. 
also, in this same argument, taking the mentor-student relationship and turning it into a romantic relationship IS SO MESSED UP!!!! GENUINELY AND HONESTLY MESSED UP!!! i feel like i don’t need to explain this because there have been so many examples already as to why this is a relationship you Should Not turn romantic, but i will anyway because it frustrates me so much that justin completely glosses over this!!! the power dynamic of a mentor-student relationship, in whatever way it is portrayed, displays a power balance that is heavily leaning to one side. there is not an equal distribution of power amongst the two because one person is teaching the other. the one person is weak to the others wills and whims because of lack of experience. think of your high school teacher or college professor; if you started a relationship with them, people would raise so many questions because you are not at equals to the teacher/professor. even if they treat you different, and even if they no longer teach you, it all has to do with the initial interaction. and minerva was still duck’s mentor up until either episode 34 or 35, when she handed off the title of Herald of the Astral Mind to duck. that means for nearly all of their interactions, there was a mentor-student dynamic. to have that turn into a romantic relationship is so sketchy and weird and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
my third grievance: it reduces minerva’s character down to a girlfriend trope, and it’s comphet as hell 
my friend tin (@taako–waititi) phrased this so well in the big group chat im in w her, so imma just quote her on this and then go into the comphet stuff: 
“i was dming max about it and they also mentioned, quote, ‘her story was never about romance. it reduced her down to ‘competent woman becomes endgame girlfriend’ trope’ and they are so right it makes me fucking pissed. regardless of any ‘mutual respect’ and ‘emotional intimacy’ kind of thing going on that some people are arguing for, it’s something that didn’t need to happen because minerva’s character becomes that. my thing is mutual respect and emotional intimacy between two people can. exist. without it being. romantic. like. friendship is. also valid. i personally don’t think that mutual respect and emotional intimacy are two buttons that you press to make the machine churn out a romance” 
not only does it reduce minerva’s character to tropes, but it also is extremely comphet for a woman who is so heavily wlw-coded or lesbian-coded and it just angers me. you could argue that she could be bi, but if we look at canon for just its face-value, the only romantic interaction she ever has is with a man, which basically makes her straight. this isn’t like aubrey’s situation, where travis clearly states she is a bi woman who is just in a relationship with another woman in amnesty. griffin doesn’t state anything about minerva’s sexuality and then she’s paired off with a man right at the end. and you could argue that she isn’t wlw or lesbian-coded, but i am not the only one who is wlw and thinks this, so i feel like i have more of a ground to stand on in this opinion. and this just feels so, like, textbook compulsory heteronormativity it made me feel physically sick when i heard this bit in the podcast. 
so that’s my first big issue with the finale, fully explained. my second issue with the epilogue is that ned’s death continues to be disappointing and his character arc is never completed, which just tanks the whole show for me. 
i’ve talked about this several times since ep 28 about how ned’s death was stupid and did nothing for his character arc, but i’m gonna reiterate my main points for the people who find this post without knowing my whole blog:
1. ned’s main interpersonal conflicts are just brought to the surface and never fully delved into before his sudden death. ned doesn’t ever get to explain his history with boyd and why he had to steal shade tree to mama or barclay or really anyone besides vaguely to aubrey. 
2. every character is just immediately expected to feel sad about ned’s death, despite the tension that still remains right up until the very end. aubrey shouldn’t have even known that the shapeshifter framed ned because that’s all explained once she goes to sylvain, but i think travis just assumed she did because he heard the interaction between ned, mama, and barclay. so she should’ve had Way more conflicting feelings about the whole thing, but ned’s death is just angst-bait so that doesn’t happen.
3. ned’s death doesn’t make roll sense because clint rolled a mixed success and mixed successes, by definition, are supposed to be less severe moves than a failed roll (which gives the gm the ability to make a hard move). there isn’t really anything harder to do to a character than kill them, but even if you wanted to argue that if clint failed the roll the hard move would’ve been ned failing and letting dani get shot, it still doesn’t change the fact that clint rolled a mixed success when slamming into the pizza hut sign at full velocity and came out of that alive (severely injured, naturally, but still alive). 
so, yeah, there’s that. and then theres the fact that griffin doesn’t ever give us any other scenes involving ned directly. ned only becomes a reference from 28 on, which is so disappointing given ned’s importance to the other two pcs. and i understand that the mcelroys have a lot of trauma related to death, but griffin shouldn’t have killed ned off then if he did not want to talk about death in graphic detail. we all have trauma. we all want to avoid topics. but to kill ned off and then never talk about his death in great relation to the others is a genuine disservice to ned’s character. 
the day episode 28 aired was the same day i buried my grandmother. i would have loved if death wasn’t brought up, but i don’t control the podcast. the mcelroys do; they had the ability to avoid this topic in a more servicing way to the characters and they didn’t. that isn’t to say they are bad people for not doing it, but it makes the finale even more disappointing because it means we never get the full rounding out of ned’s character arc. he becomes this like brief reference that is, once again, angst-bait or emotional fuel and i feel like he didn’t deserve that. he deserved a genuine reference, a genuine moment. even a dream sequence i would have appreciated!!! 
griffin had sylvain directly point at ned in aubrey’s flashback in ep 35, and then did nothing about what that could have implicated in the finale. it sours the entire episode in a major way and disappointed me immensely. there should have been more done with that topic and there wasn’t and i will never forget how deeply it hurt me and turned me away from canon as a whole. not to be ned kin on main, but ned was the backbone of this show and the exact moment he left was the exact moment the whole thing went downhill. it turned less into a story about growth and adversary and amnesty and more into a waiting game for when this very loose end was going to get wrapped up. 
i wanted to enjoy this episode. i tried so hard, y’all. but just the thought of ned loomed over me the entire time and i was waiting for a more proper completion to his arc, and it never happened. and coupled with that very bad and skeevy duck/minerva bit i was just so frustrated and hurt last night. 
so, yeah, that’s my whole spiel. you are free to disagree with me, but keep that opinion to yourself because i’m not getting into it with anyone. i will just block you; it’s better for us both, anyway. 
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ihavemyownneedle · 5 years
Gendrya S8E1 - SPOILERS!
Right, nobody asked for this but I have so many thoughts and this ship tag is absolute chaos right now but I am living for it, you guys are amazing and I love you all :)
(p.s. I do 3rd year Media Production and Scriptwriting at University so a lot of this post will probably be quite detailed, riddled with tangents and personal interpretations.)
The opening scene of everyone arriving at Winter Town and the damn Baratheon theme (”King’s Arrival” @ 4:10 or at least a variant of it but it’s still hella recognisable) playing to mirror Robert’s arrival to Winterfell in S1. In terms of composition, I love that when Arya recognises Gendry, the higher melody shines through and it cuts back to Arya smiling. To me, it shows that all of the people she cares about are here, even the ones she didn’t ever expect to see again. They are all finally home with her. I love how Arya sees the little boy running through the crowd, you can clearly see her thinking about when she was a child and did the same when Robert Baratheon arrived. (a.k.a. future dad in-law)
There’s so much mirroring in this scene I swear. 1)When Arya and Gendry first met, it was Gendry stepping up to defend Arya against HotPie and Lommy. Now it’s Arya stepping up against the damn Hound to defend Gendry. 2) The Hound’s “cripples and cock-suckers, which one are you?” line mirroring S2: 
G:”rapers, pickpockets, highwaymen”
A:”Which are you?”
G:”Armourers apprentice”
3) This is more of a book mirror and not even sure if it’s intentional but I’m going for it anyway. I can’t remember for the life of me which page it is but in A Storm of Swords, Gendry says “she’s my sister, leave her be.” in reference to Arya. I this scene, Arya’s first words are “Leave him be” in reference to Gendry.
When The Hound and Gendry first see Arya stood there, Gendry legit does a look-up-and-down of her and you can see the deep breath he takes in his shoulder movement, which is big props on Joe’s part considering how many layers those guys are wearing. Also after The Hound walks away and the frame refocuses on Gendry walking up to Arya over her shoulder, you can see a slight smile start on Gendry’s face which I just find freaking adorable.
(They haven’t even said anything to eachother yet and I’m already on a roll, I did warn you)
A:“That was a nice axe you made for him, you’ve gotten better.”
OH GODS this line threw me right back to Harrenhal with lil’ Arya sat in the forge telling him to stand side-face while a shirtless Genny boy swings round that sword like it’s his job.
G:“Yeah thanks, so have you...I mean you look...good.”
A:”Thanks, so do you.”
You can see the cogs turning in his head. She’s alive and she’s here and she’s grown glowed tf up but she’s still Arya and gods she’s actually here after all these years. I can definitely see the underlying subtext here being ‘it’s really good to see you again and I’m glad you’re here’ and they’re both agreeing without having to spell it out. I feel having Gendry back is already bringing a part of Arya back to herself, we haven’t seen her smile or be so at ease with another character like this for a long time. Granted the others are obviously Jon and Ned, most recently Sansa and Bran. But here’s the thing, they are all her family, her pack. And what’s the most famous line she says to him thus far? “I can be your family.” 
G: “It’s not a bad place to grow up if it wasn’t so cold”
A: “Stay close to that forge then”
Referencing back to all those times she told him about her home, the place she grew up in and the place she loves. They’re both reminiscing, playful and lighthearted, enjoying being in each other's company again. Also Arya following Gendry round to the table and standing that close.
G: “Oh is that a command, Lady Stark?”
A: “Don’t call me that.”
G: “As you wish mi’lady”
I don’t need to tell you guys this, we all know it, but this moment is massive. I can guarantee you in the copies of this script that the crew had on set, this moment would have been circled in red sharpie. Directly calling back to the biggest secret they had between them all those years ago, the thing that Arya trusted Gendry and only Gendry with, something only between them that became such an important aspect of their relationship (as well as a cute nickname obviously). But the thing is, the last time Arya heard this, he was saying “you wouldn’t be my family, you’d be mi’lady” and then he was taken. Yet here he is, in the castle that seats her family calling her that same name, which is what I think is running through her mind in that pause. Because after everything that has happened since then, here they both are in Winterfell, both grown up now after 6 years and both been through a lot of shit, but of course he would still call her that with that stupid smile on his face, because he knows exactly what he’s doing. So she has to smile. Also even though she hated the nickname as a kid, I think she sees the endearment in it now that they are both older, and she likes it which is why she giggles (so cute omg).
A: “Here’s my wish...can you make it?”
G: “What do you need something like this for?”
A: “Can you make it or not?”
G: ”You already have a sword, what’s that?”
HERE’S MY WISH and the assassin hands the blacksmith plans for a weapon she wants him to make for her, I mean can you get any more obvious. They could have chosen any other combination of words but they went with ‘Here’s my wish’. It’s a bit of a strange choice of words in my opinion so I think we might get a call back to a wish in future episodes, maybe when Gendry finishes it there will be a ‘I granted your wish’ moment and that would be setting up a more romantic/intimate scene between them. Maybe I’m reading into it too much but from a writing point of view, it’s just a very specific and deliberate choice of words. The weapon is clearly the ‘spear’ thing she uses in the trailer which makes sense with how she trained with a wooden pole in the House of Black and White (any TWD fans out there; Morgan would be proud of our girl).
A:*completely unnecessary fancy twirling of dagger when handing it to Gendry*
G: “It’s Valyrian steel...I always knew you were just another rich girl”
Arya can’t resist showing off her skills just a lil bit and I don’t blame her, you go girl. I love this sequence because it also mirrors when these two first meet. Gendry picks up Needle after the two have warded off HotPie and Lommy and says “This is castle-forged steel, where’d you steal it?” I looove the exact opposition here, it’s just so satisfying from a writing perspective. Clearly referencing when they first met and the fact that he figured out she was a girl by that smile that Gendry has on his face as he looks her dead in the eyes, almost challenging her to step up. THE LOOK she gives him says ‘oh you’re really going there’ (honestly it’s the exact look I give to my crush irl when he says something like Gen did) It’s clear flirting but under the guise of their inside joke, safe flirting, just testing the waters (no more rowing though) and enjoying having eachother there.
A: “You don’t know any other rich girls.”
Her tone of voice is   t e a s i n g    and she knows she has him and has upped the flirting stakes. You can tell he’s dumbstruck and just watches her walk with a practically unhinged jaw and his facial expression spelling out both ‘shit I just got schooled’ and ‘damn I’m in love’ at the same time. Arya’s look back and smirk is amazing, clearly making sure that Gendry is watching her and knows she got the better of him, after all those years of teasing her with mi’lady and being taller than her, she finally has one up on him.
AND THERE WE GO! Thank you so much if you read the whole thing, I know it was a hefty one but I love doing stuff like this; reading into scenes, characters and plot lines of Movies and TV shows I love. If you guys like this kind of thing I’d be more than happy to do one for each new episode of S8 as they come out. Just let me know, I don’t bite I promise! :) Have a brilliant day all you lovely humans! 
- ihavemyownneedle
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #365
"EAlex, Baby Presents and Antiquities”
[Flux] Is sitting inside watching CP build through the window. A small smile flickers across her lips as she watches the effort he's putting into making a room for his daughter-
[Notch] Slips up behind her and hugs around her, putting his chin on her shoulder- Bring proud of our son?
[Flux] - He is doing a wonderful job, but I wonder...  Where will the baby sleep?  Surely a bed will be too large for her...|
[Notch] My bet is that Cp will will make a fancy room for the baby, but the baby will sleep with Lie for quite some time, because mom's worry.
[Flux] - But surely there must be other things they will need?
[Notch] Yes.... this is true... we should probably go out and buy her stuff like everyone did with Aven actually...
[Flux] - You bought stuff for Aven?
[Notch] Well, yeah! It's kind of a tradition for friends to buy a new mom a bunch of baby stuff. The closer they get to having the baby the less able they are to get around and do stuff. So it usually means they aren't working and could use a hand. And babies are incredibly expensive.
[Flux] - I see.  Then don't you think it's time we did that?  Lie is getting rather large...
[Notch] Rubs his chin- You're right. You feel like going shopping? It might be a bit of sensory overload.
[Flux] - If you are there, then I'm sure I will be fine
[Notch] Smiles- So do we drag Cp along and make him carry stuff or no? There's always the razor thin chance he'll get slightly emotional.
[Flux] - No, let's surprise them.  We could say your coworkers want your help with a small problem they've found as an excuse
[Notch] Well we need at least one person who can make portals. And I don't think BEN would be interested. So I'll call Doc for a ride. - He starts walking outside as he types-
[HG] -has just come by to water some of lies plants when he sees notch and waves- hi
[Flux] Follows him out-
[Notch] Oh hey Hg. Hey, you haven't learned how to make irl portals yet, have you?
[HG] no not yet but I should
[Notch] Doc should be along shortly, you should ask them to help you at some point.
[Doc] Comes galloping across the yard with Deerheart on hir back-
[Yaunfen] Is racing alongside them with a big smile-
[Flux] Sidles up next to Notch and takes his hand-
[HG] -Waves- hello doc, deer, yaunfen
[Doc] Hey guys. I take it we're making a party of this?
[Yaunfen] bounces around a little- I wanna go out!
[Deer] - Hey HG- She slides down off of Doc
[Yaunfen] Shifts into their kid form and plops a beret on their head. - I'm ready!
[Doc] Tuck your tail in kiddo.
[HG] oh are you going out to the real world can I come?
[Notch] Oh, yeah. I think I need a different shirt. - Goes back inside and comes out wearing a hoodie.
[Doc] If you want too. We're just going shopping.
[Deer] - Love?  Do you have my shoes?
[Doc] Yeah, I grabbed them when Notch messaged me. - They shapeshift and hold them out. They've already begrudgingly changed to some plain street clothes.
[HG] -puts on his sunglasses-
[Deer] Huffs but does take the shoes-
[Notch] I'm ready when you guys are, but... not everyone will fit in my teeny little car.
[Doc] Well... we could always come out in Dawn's shop. I doubt she'd care. You've still got that occult passport right?
[HG] -puts on his plain clothes- oh doc do you think at one point you will be able to teach me how to use portals?
[Notch] Oh, yeah! Right here. Got my cards too.
[Doc] I can try. I kinda suck at it.
[Flux] Makes certain the flash drive containing her seed is safely tucked away against her skin-
[Doc] Is texting on hir carrot phone-
[Notch] At least we won't have to worry about Licht if we're in a different country...
[Deer] - Now Yaunfen, you know you have to stay close, right?
[Doc] Okay, we're golden. She put up her closed for lunch sign.
[Yaunfen] Yes mama. - reaches for her hand-
[Deer] Smiles a little as she takes it-
[Doc] Swings back and jams forward in a violent headbang and the portal cracks open reality in front of hir-
[Notch] Peeks out-
-The opening is in front of a very old TV in a small room a few steps away is a balcony overlooking the rest of the antique shop-
[Mort] Waves from the steps- Hey Notch.
[Doc] Holds the way for the others to pass through onto the rather threadbare carpet.
[Mort] So what kind of mischief are you guys all up to today?
[HG] -goes though looking at all the different things-
-As the servers pass through, they take a moment to shift into more human like appearances-
[Mort] Nice transformation! You guys make it look so effortless.
[Dawn] Also comes up and releases the tiny chain that blocks the stairs-
[Deer] - It always feels so weird
[Doc] Yeah I know. It pays to stay away from mirrors and not look at your hands too much.
-The shop is a little dusty as usual, but the scent is a comforting mix of wood polish, books, elderly dried herbs and attic smell.
-The tv makes an awful crackly static noise behind them all.-
[Doc] Jumps in a little bit of fear- Please don't be Polybius...
[Yaunfen] Stays close to Doc-
[HG] -covers his ears not liking the sound of static-
[Glitchy] -There's an awful crackling as he pulls himself out of the same electronic device, looking like something decidedly eldritch. Neat. ...Also slightly horrifying.- Huh. -The Tv stops crackling.-
[Yaunfen] Eeek!
[Dawn] Defensive stance-
[Doc] Oh geeze Glitchy you scared me....
[Notch] Same!
[Glitchy] -Looks at Dawn and his eyes narrow behind his glasses a bit, before he looks back at Doc- Didn' mean to. Felt someone going. Decided I'd tag along. I need the exercise.
[Dawn] Who is this? I don't think we've met...
[Doc] Ah, okay. You know our friend Lie is pregnant right?
[Glitchy] Since Strangled isn't here, I'm just Red. And yes, I figured as much.
[Mort] Hey Hg, wanna give the plants a boost while Dawn isn't looking? - Indicates a windowsill full of sad little shoots in pots-
[Dawn] Red? I'm Dawn.
[Doc] Dawn's a witch Glitchy.
[HG] -Sees the plant and waters them while also fixing their soil-
-The little sprouts explode and throw a few creeping vines up the windowsill and down to the carpet. -
[Mort] Glad to see someone loves doing that as much as I do.
[Glitchy] A pleasure to meet you. -He doesn't offer his hand to shake, but does nod aknowledgingly-
[Dawn] Likewise. What's your area of expertise?
[Doc] How are you eyes doing anyway Glitchy, you haven't checked in with me in awhile.
[Yaunfen] Regards the overflowing plants. - Aww... no candy. I like the sweet plants better. How are the pumpkins Hg?
[Glitchy] Glitches, Dreams.. Pokémon. Oh! And they're a lot better! I mostly need my glasses to read on good days. -He taps his glasses and it's obvious today isn't a "just for reading" day-
[HG] they are growing great they are already starting to combine not as big as the others though
[Yaunfen] Let me know when they're ready! We can make a big fun mess!
[Dawn] Dreams... -she shakes her head a bit- Never was one for sleeping very soundly.
[Mort] Wait! Someone said Pokemon!
[Dawn] Oh gods....
[Mort] Has already whipped out a DS, - I'm playing Leaf green!
[Glitchy] I could help with your sleep, if you want. And really? -He moves over to Mort to look- I don't remember much about that generation.
[HG] -Is looking around at the different thing in the shop-
[Mort] I'm not very far but my Beedrill is pretty cool. I started with the Bulbasaur.
[Glitchy] I could hook you up with a mew, if you want. Or any of your favorite legendaries. -It's a tempting, half thought offer, more habit than anything.-
-There are a lot of books, no real order to anything. The shelves are crammed with knicknacks too. There's a small rack of clothes but it looks mostly like oddball coats. Someones cosplay closet but more authentic.
[Mort] Really? I love Mew! They're so cute.
[Glitchy] Of course. Even register it as a legit one. -Holds his hands out for the ds-
[Yaunfen] Wanders over by HG and pokes a finger in a little table fountain - I like the noise.
[Mort] Holds it out excitedly-
[HG] it's pretty too
[Yaunfen] Is pulling books and looking at them. They're holding a book on faries with some lavish illustrations-
[Glitchy] -Takes it and gets to work, there's a few concerning DS noises before the encounter music starts. Onscreen is a mew!-
[Mort] Catch it!
[Dawn] Good grief....
[Doc] Is leaning over to see-
[HG] -looks for a book on plants-
[Yaunfen] Hey HG? I got something from the sifter that says it's supposed to be a plant but it's not?
[HG] what is it?
-The screen is clearly different from a normal encounter, but only slightly so. Every item is maxed out, the PP is as well, and the HP bar is leading off the screen-
[Glitchy] -Bleps a small amount as a pokeball is used. It shakes once, twice, a third, and with some glitch motivation, clicks.-
[Yaunfen] Holds up what appears to be a chunk of pink rock candy, it looks vaguely like a little pink butt.
[Mort] Holy crap that's off the charts!
[HG] candy plant?
[Glitchy] Huh? -Looks up as it offers the naming screen- Oh, yeah. That happens when I do it. Strangled's HP bar will wrap around the screen, actually. Do you want to name the mew?
[Mort] Lets name him Skittles!
[Dawn] I'm going to go do the books...
[Notch] snickers-
[Yaunfen] I dunno. But it looks like a butt. - grins.
[Glitchy] Nice name. -He inputs that and saves the game before returning the DS to Mort. The next encounter everything would be back to normal, unfortunately. Seems if you want great stats you have to have Glitchy keep touching the device.-
[HG] I mean it does I wonder if water it, it might help it yaunfen
[Mort] Thanks man! - chuckles- I hope they get along with the rest of my team. Don't make my poor Oddish feel self-concious or anything. Haha.
[Yaunfen] You can try? - Holds it out a bit in it's little pot.
[HG] -waters the plant-
[Glitchy] Oh, they'll love Skittles. -There's a bit of darkness in his eyes as he mutters under his breath- Or they'll die a swift death.
[Mort] As much eyebrows up as a slightly pliable skull can muster.
[Glitchy] -Raises an eyebrow back- What?
[Mort] I guess it's more intense if it's a game you regularly go into...
[Doc] Please don't break my friends DS or spirit Glitchy.
[Glitchy] Oh you have no idea. And I won't! -He crosses his arms a bit- I'm not Strangled. That's his thing.
[Yaunfen] Watches the little plant as it shivers a bit and them plumps up slightly bigger. - It didn't do much, that's weird....
[Mort] Okay. Dawn's not too excited about playing games. She's a bit old fashioned. She gave me a few eye-rolls over getting this.
[Doc] Snorts. - Old fashioned? From what she's told me, she's so old when she was a kid pottery was considered innovative.
[Dawn] From downstairs- I heard that Doc....
[Doc] Sorry! But it's true isn't it?
[Dawn] Grumpy noises-
[Flux] Has been wandering the store, there are a lot of things that she's never seen before and she has a number of questions building. She's already shifted hey clothes to be more appropriate for out in the real world-
[Deer] Has gone to the window to look outside-
[Dawn] At Flux- See anything you like?
[Flux] - I'm not certain, there's so much here that I've never seen before...  I don't even know what most items in here are...  She runs fingers along a piece of an old loom
[Notch] I think I know what that is?
[Dawn] It's for weaving fabric. It makes smaller loops then knitting.
[Flux] Glancing at Notch- Isn't that what Steve does?
[Notch] Yes, he has his own name for it, but it's a thing people do out here too.
[Doc] He chose that name because it had something to do with the sounds his canes make when he clicks them together.
[Deer] - He's made so many things too!  Did you see the baby socks he made for Lie?
[Doc] I heard he was doing it, but I didn't see them.
[Yaunfen] From behind a bookcase - I saw! They were super tiny!
[Flux] Notices some jewelry and looks at the shiny pieces inside the case- Humans make such interesting things...
[Yaunfen] Is turning a little crank and it's making a slight grinding noise-
[Mort] You need a pencil to make that one work.
[Dawn] Smiles- I'm not much for wearing jewelry, but it is a feast for the eyes.
[Doc] I just like shiny things. And it's a good thing too because my little one has tracked a fair amount of glitter all over the castle.
[Flux] - Well you did see why I could not in the past, it would have become tainted
[Deer] - There is an over abundance of glitter in the castle...
[Notch] Takes her hand- See anything you like?
[Flux] - I am not certain...
[HG] -found a book on plants and is siting on the floor reading it-
[Mort] Peeks over his shoulder a bit-
[HG] -doesn't notice he is to engulfed in the book-
[Notch] Casts around and then makes a little noise - how about this?
-The necklace is three strands of purple beads grading from light to dark.-
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[Doc] I think that would translate well into a lower resolution too....
[Flux] Flushes a little in her cheeks- I...  I...
[Notch] Gives her an uncertain look, his own assertion of her tastes being tested- Is that... okay?
[Flux] - I suppose...
[Notch] Then I'll take it. Please.
[Dawn] Unhooks the strands with a smile and passes them to him.
[Notch] Delicately hooks them around her neck and arranges them in a graceful drape over her shoulders and chest.
[Flux] Her fingers rise up to brush against the cool beads against her skin-
[Doc] Are we trading today, or just cash?
[Dawn] I can do either. Or both.
[Notch] Is just mooning over Flux.
[Yaunfen] Slides up behind Doc and scoots a small pile of books along the glass counter and closer to them-
[Flux] - Ah, Dawn, there is actually a slight problem you could help with
[Dawn] And that would be?
[Flux] - There is a problem with my energy whenever Notch and I...  Finish, our more intimate moments
[Dawn] Oh? Are you having some kind of surge?
[Notch] Not exactly...
[Flux] - I end up being unable to hold my form...
[Dawn] So it's a concentration issue?
[Flux] - Yes
[Dawn] Drumming her fingers. - Hmm. You guys have to come back here to go out again right? Let me think about it for a bit.
[Flux] - Alright, thank you
[Yaunfen] And this? Please. It reminds me of mom when you annoy her-
[Doc] Is suddenly trying not to laugh-
-The piece is a brown and white pitcher with a moose head as part of the top and spout. The face of the moose has rolled upward eyes and it looks pretty done with everything.
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[Deer] - Yaunfen!
[Yaunfen] What? It's doing the eyeball thing!
[Deer] - Sighs- Dawn, would it be alright to leave some of this stuff here while we go shopping?
[Dawn] Of course.
[Notch] Just start a tab. I've got this.
[Doc] Cradles the pitcher- We'll treasure it always.
[Flux] - Is there anything you would like us to get you while we are out Dawn?
[Dawn] Nah, I'm good.
[Mort] Wait... will the candy plants grow out here?
[Yaunfen] Shrugs-
[HG] huh plants?
[Deer] - Well if Lie's plants can grow out here...
[Doc] Yaunfen do you have any on you?
[Yaunfen] I have some of the candy cane cattails, the popsicle grass, and some of the chocolate pumpkins.
[Doc] I'd try the cattails.
[Mort] I'll grab some dirt, there's a little under the sink from when I topped off the windowbox-
[Dawn] There's a bucket in the bathroom closet.
[Flux] - Do you know where the closest shop with baby stuff is Dawn?
[Mort] Fills the bucket and comes back with it.
[Yaunfen] Sticks a cattail in the dirt and makes a gracious gesture for Hg-
[HG] -gets up still holding the book he was reading and walks over ready to water it-
[Dawn] Mmmm, this is a historical district. There's all kinds of crazy shops if you just walk that way. - points- If you go the other way, there's nothign but fast food but you'll reach a mall with a ton of stuff and I'm pretty sure there's a baby store.
[Mort] Ok Hg show us what you've got.
[HG] -waters the plants-
-There's a bit of an organic groan and the cattails multiply, filling the bucket and making a very sharp peppermint smell-
[Yaunfen] Holds up the rock, again- more please?
[HG] sure -Waters the rock again-
-It wiggles a little bit, but that's all. -
[Yaunfen] Squints suspiciously at it.
[Flux] - May I see it Yaunfen?
[Yaunfen] Passes the hard chunk to her.
[Flux] Uses her magic to investigate it a  little-
-It is organic, but sloooooooow. Worse then an olive tree. -
[Flux] - It's almost like it's sleeping...
[HG] maybe it is
[Yaunfen] Nose wiggle, [because they have no whiskers at the moment] -
[Doc] Well it was a fossil, kiddo. Maybe it wasn't something well-adapted. Just don't eat it, okay? Just in case.
[Yaunfen] Okay, I won't. Probably tastes like butt anyway....
[Licht] Curses as she's once again exploded by a creeper-
-There's a bit of a flicker on the screen as if something is gliching. The summoner is still burning near the small house Licht has build at the spawn. For a moment the chat fills with garbage as the seed tries to resolve an obvious error. -
[Licht] - Are you back?
-There's a lightning strike and a groan of pain from where it hit.
[Licht] Turns her character around- You've been strangely absent
-On the ground is a woman with long orange hair, she moves a hand and makes a pained noise.
[Licht] - What the hell?
-The figure slumps and lays still, barely breathing-
[Licht] Moves closer- Hello?
-The character is unmoving and there's the smallest trickle of blood from under her hair. -
[Licht] Swats at the air over the figure-
-She flinches as if hit and painfully rolls over, blinking a bit. Her eyes are white and glowing and there's a bit of blood on her lips-
- /System generation error 652522-89832-68321211 Alternate pathway used/ -
[Licht] - Can you hear me?
[???] Yesss....
[Licht] - How the hell did you get here?
[???] I don't know? But I'm not supposed to be... - She looks at her hands- an Alex?
[Licht] - What do you mean your not supposed to be?
[EAlex] Sits up and coughs. She looks down at herself- This isn't right... I should be... a Herobrine? How do I know that?
[Licht] - There's already a Herobrine...
[EAlex] There... there is? Then that's why. - she holds her head in her hands- Just my luck to manifest on a taken seed...
[Licht] - I, don't understand what you're talking about...
[EAlex] Yeah... well you're a player. I can tell by the stiff way you stand and move. You don't have to know.
[Licht] Scowls- That's what the other one said too...
[EAlex] Hey, you don't live here. Our troubles are nothing to you.
[Licht] - Maybe, but this is somehow connected to a case I am working on
[???] Appears out of a shadow- You're pathetic. Did you really think a summoner seed would be empty?
[EAlex] Makes a slight hiss of fear, but is still too weak to stand and fight.
[Licht] - There you are, will somebody please explain what's going on here?
[???] It's a war going on under your nose.
[EAlex] Is obviously afraid of him-
[Licht] - Now there's a war?  You are making no sense
[EAlex] Unless you intend to help, I'm not telling you anything.
[???] Your quarry has all the answers anyway.
[Licht] - Mr. Persson
[EAlex] The creator...
[Licht] - Yeah, I still can't figure out what he's doing or where he is
[EAlex] He made a gateway, so we could exist.
[???] You're more right then you know...
[Licht] - A gateway?
[???] Yes... he let the monsters in. - He laughs rather wickedly-
[EAlex] Is chilled to the bone and gives Licht the rather pleading look of a vulnerable woman who's realizing that a psychopath just bought her a drink.
[Licht] Sighs, she isn't sure what she should do- Look, I still have some work to do, if you need a place to stay, I've got a shelter, but not much else- She leaves the game playing in the corner of the screen and pulls up photo's of the outside of Notch's apartment, including the one involving Jeb, Yster, and CP
[???] Gives EAlex a rather vicious look and she shakes a little in fear-
[EAlex] Very quietly- Why are you doing this?
[???] Walks closer to her menacingly-  We have similar goals, you want out, I want in.
[EAlex] I just want to exist...
[???] If you're lucky, I'll let you live when I'm done...
[EAlex] Focuses in her sheer terror and the whole screen tazes sideways, she vanishes and the Herobrine looks around in confusion- Coward....
-In the very corner of Licht's screen a small head with orange hair  pops up from behind her windows bar-
[Licht] Jumps a little- What are you doing?
[EAlex] Climbs up onto the bar and smacks the windows icon- bringing up the start menu-
[Licht] Watches in confusion-
[EAlex] Opens a notepad file and starts typing- Thanks for leaving me alone with the psycho. This is why I say players don't need to know. You can just retreat and be safe.
[Licht] Types back- There's nothing I could do, I don't think I can get rid of him
[EAlex] Makes a pouting face - he is physically there.
[Licht] - So?
[EAlex] He can be hurt. I can too...
[Licht] - Look, the only reason I have this game is because it was given to me as a clue, I have no intention of continuing to play once I've solved this case
[EAlex] Blanches in fear- please don't delete that seed...
[Licht] - Why would I keep it?
[EAlex] Because then I won't be... anymore.
[Licht] - We'll see- She turns her attention back towards the photo's
[EAlex] Kicks her feet on the top of the notepad window for a few mintures and looks around at the pictures. - Wait... is that a Herobrine??? IN THE OUTSIDE???
[Licht] - What are you talking about?
[EAlex] Climbs down the side of the window, and takes a better look at the picture with Cp before pointing a shaking finger at him- That's a Herobrine....!!! A REAL one!
[Licht] Zooms in on the photo- Markus' old coworkers said that he was of familial relation to Markus...
[EAlex] No... that one isn't human....
[Licht] - Always more questions, never any answers
[EAlex] Makes a frustrated noise- But if he can get out... I have to meet him. Even if he tries to kill me...
[Licht] - I wouldn't even know how to lure him in...
[EAlex] Do you have any portable devices?
[Licht] - My phone...
[EAlex] Can you plug it into the computer please? -She shoots a look at the open minecraft window where the obviously seething brine is killing the local wildlife with abandon-
[Licht] - Sure...- It takes her a moment to find and untangle the proper cords and plug her phone into the computer- There
[EAlex] Makes a running jump at the control panel again and brings up 'my computer'. The window pops up and she vanishes into the icon for the phone. After a moment it rings-
[Licht] Picks it up-
[EAlex] Close the game! Just turn it off for now! Hurry!
[Licht] Does so- What is this about?
[EAlex] I don't know what he told you, but it was probably a lie. I can see your phone has wi-fi, so I'm just going to stay here for a while. Just please don't delete the game.
[Licht] - For now I wont
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jaegerists · 2 years
OMG yeah !!!!! They're doing Uzui so good so far aosdjoa also yeah, he's definitely an eye candy 👀❤️ also I really love his wives and I cannot wait to see their dynamic fully animated aosdia I'm already laughing just thinking about it, kinda cannot wait for the whole season to be over just for that x''D also i really wanna know in full details your thoughts on it when it's over v.v
And yeah !!! Blocking/ignoring something you don't particularly enjoy is so good, like, I cannot help what I don't like but it doesn't mean other people cannot enjoy it !!!! They have their rights to do so and it's not their problem to deal with my discomfort x''D i wish some rude people understood this simple concept honestly asodia there is so much shit going on Tumblr (but also other social media honestly lol). AND OMG YEAH !!!!! Sukuna is not good at hiding his feelings at all lol i need gege to give them 5 minutes together, i'm too curious aosidjao
ME TOO !!!! Todoroki just not care, he wanna be Bakugou's friend so bad and he doesn't care if Bakugou denies it aosidja he's a menace but oh boy does he make me laugh lol also i really love how he asked Bakugou his hero name like "hey bestie 💅✨, you are gonna tell ME, right? 👀✨😙", sometimes i laugh out loud thinking about it lol and yeah !!!! he really did !!! he's just as involved as midoriya rn!!! It'd be awesome if they become really friends by the end of it all, yeah 🥺❤️ !!!! I've been a bit busy with irl stuff lately so I tried to spent as much time as possible making your gift ❤️ i just need a lil finishing touch and I'll reveal myself tomorrow already 🥺❤️ !!! I cannot wait to post your gift !!!!! Also so nice of you to spend time with your nieces awww 🥺❤️ !!!! I feel u honestly, if I had nieces I'd try to stay with them as much as possible as well !!!!!!
See you very soon, dear !!!!!! -------------- From your Animanga santita *^^*❤️
when I saw uzui for the first time, I told my friend "oh god, I found my new husband!" aksjaka, he's so... flamboyant! but I love him 💖 god, his wives are to die for, so hot! I wish I was part of that family lmao. omg, pleaseee! come to me whenever they animate the whole arc, I like to fangirl with people~
sukuna is such a simp 😂 and he's gone so easily, I don't blame him tho because megumi is pretty. also, I really love how he's always saying megumi's whole name, "fushiguro megumi" yes, taste it!
and I know 😩 it frustrates me how people have weaponized fandom and made it a moral crusade and you're so right! of course we can have our limits but that doesn't mean other people have to meet those only because we say so.
bwuahaha, I love how honest shoto is! he wants a friendship with bakugou and not even bakugou can stop him! that legit is one of my faves bktd scenes! why he thought bakugou would tell him his hero name when not even deku got it 😂 big dreamer that shoto boy. I'm sure they will be best friends by the end and I also hope they can have a real talk (deku included) about everything that's going on with dabi and stuff, fingers crossed for that.
AAH, THAT'S EXCITING! I really can't wait to meet you so I'm gonna be pending on that 💕 and thank you! I adore them so much, they're already teenagers so and kinda on fandom? one of them is into bts lol! the other one is a nerd like me with anime.
see you tomorrow and have a nice night! 💖
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sxpiosexualx · 7 years
"dreading j0nerys" anon here. Agree w everything you said. If D&D were writing the ending I believe theyd end w a targaryen restoration/truwuv cause they're so far up d@ny's ass but I refuse to believe that's where grrm is leading the story. Like you said, the little details in the book that point towards jonsa need to be there for a reason right? Showwise, there's just nothing there to explain why Jon would like D@ny, lust? eh, possibly but not love, As others have noted, Jon isn't supposed 1/4
to be like every other man, yet we’re supposed to believe that like every other man he’s fawning over d@ny. If you have to spell it out by having other characters say ooh her good heart then you know that your story isn’t convincing but theyve done it before with characters who spend less time together so why is it so hard this time? are you telling me that Kit really cant act in love with d@ny? sure there’s something like chemistry but cant be that hard to smile at someone, to have some kind 
of fondness in your eyes. What was the point of Jon’s character if he just because another dude to worship d@ny. really hope that he’s playing her because i refuse to believe that this is where Jon’s story supposed to go, to love a lizard who also killed his bff’s dad and brother. I actually tried reading some fic to try&understand the appeal but these people legit believe that its accurate characterisation to have jon say that he doesn’t care about his family anymore, do they even know jon?
fics a place where you can show your interpretation but don’t say youre doing things according to canon&then have a Jon that doesn’t care about his family cause he’s fucked someone a few times, Jon basically becomes vessel for d@ny’s needs not an equal character. learned my lesson, i guess, that i shouldnt venture to that side of the got fandom. Sorry for/ ignore my huge incoheren rant, just wanted to respond&rant really because I dont have anyone to rant to about this irl. thx for listening
P.s. thanks for your response to my ask/rant. Sometimes I just need to hear it from someone else. I didn’t even get into the whole northern restoration thing in regards to J0nerys cause Ive already spammed your inbox enough and that just a whole 10 page rant waiting to happen and I’ll spare you that :p basically, motto to live by the next 1,5 years: we know no king and queen but the king and queen in the north, whose names are Stark! Now Im really gonna shut up&leave you in peace!
Hello again anon! It’s fine, I totally get it lol. I don’t really have people to vent to irl either, luckily tumblr lets me get involved with the fandom without annoying people who don’t understand the appeal on my other socials/platforms hahaha.
Yeah the progression of J/D really bothered me because I didn’t… see how Jon would find her appealing? You could mark it off as him not meeting the other side of her yet thus the vague “they’ll see you for what you are” line during 7x06 but… still… it’s so ugly to think that Jon would succumb to lust??? Like this is Jon Snow. He’d put duty over love any time, and the only exception is if his family is involved(like him ‘forsaking’ his vows to the watch because of what he thought was arya) which means family means a great deal to him. It always has and always will.
I just… refuse to believe he’d be dumb enough to think it’s a good idea to complicate the alliance especially considering he needs her to ride her dragons soon - why risk a pregnancy??? This is honestly why I’m only gonna accept that J/D happened if it really was Jon trying his best to get her to commit to the cause fully because he knows she’d be invested in him and that’s a better promise that she’ll keep to her word. Like, yes, okay, I get it the show’s made a point to make every single male character fall madly in love with D*enerys because fuck it she’s just TOO irresistible but jesus this is Jon Snow. Jon “I will never father a bastard” Snow or does the show just not give a shit.
Were his targaryen genes just so strong he couldn’t NOT bang her?
I’m really hoping his thought progression went something like:
> okay she doesn’t believe me fuck I need to up my game
> she just went off and burnt her enemies gods I need to protec my fam from this pyromaniac
> oh she’s grown fond of me… ok cool
> fuuuck I got her dragon killed…
> ok I’ll offer her the north but only bc I feel terrible and also hopefully she’ll either decline or spare us since I offered
> hold up she saw the night king and his army and still is occupied by this petty war??? fuck I rlly gotta do something to make sure she’s with me
> ok jon ask her again about how barren she is
> shit shit shit fuck ok I’m doing this I gotta give her the d, do it for the north
because otherwise what the fuck lmfao
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tumblunni · 7 years
okay im gonna just try and write down all my damn pokemon i can remember from every generation fuck fuck i know i could never get ALL OF THEM cos it was at least 100 each gen but i can hopefully remember my main teams??
~ Sun and Moon Team ~
Pulcinella the male Primarina (Egotistical smarmy jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold celebrity boy) Herald the female Mimikyu (nice grandma + amateur newspaper reporter, sends them back to the other ghosts at the thrifty megamart) Charlene the female Golisopod (never really thought of a personality for her? I didnt originally intend to use her but then she was really good and i love golisopod’s design?? so i just named her randomly after charon cos wimpod is kinda shaped like his hair, lol) (i think maybe one of those cowardly characters who’s brave when she needs to protect her friends? like eduardo from foster’s home for imaginary friends) Suspenders the female Lurantis (stoic samurai type, but also very sweet, naive and a little ditsy. easily gullible to pulcinella’s pranks cos she just takes everything seriously with samurai honor.) Ampere the female alolan Raichu (sweet mom friend of the group, makes everyone pancakes and mitigates all the conflicts. you’d think herald would outrank her in mumsiness but she’s more like the eccentric grandma who encourages her kids to misbehave, lol) Sherbet the male Muk (super chipper cuddly little toddler type fella who luv and support he friends) (OH GOD i caught a shiny muk in bw2 and i was gonna say they were cousins and i was so excited to have them finally meet.. aaaa... T_T) (THE COUSIN IS NAMED NOUGAT AND HE IS ALSO A SUPER CHIPPER CUDDLY BABY AND NOW HIS WHOLE FAMILY IS FUCKIN DEAD) (god that gives him a plotline to differentiate him from his alolan version but GEEZ i didnt want it to happen like that...)
and honorary member Neopolitan the Kadabra who was on the team early on but got replaced with Charlene cos when SuMo first came out there was a dumb glitch that prevented kadabra from learning one move in its learnset and it was just STUCK WITH NO ATTACKING MOVES FOR 20 LEVELS GEEZ but neopolitan was still a supportive friend yes possibly personality like that monk robot guy from overwhetch?
also honorary member: that leavanny that my friend Beezah traded me and i spent ages training it up to level 80 to rematch her and i NEVER GOT TO DO IT I think his name might have been cedric?? or some other c name??
~ X and Y Team ~
Didnt really think of personalities for these ones or have any big attatchment to them, except that the game came out on my birthday by some strange coincidence. funny how we’ve gone from that to losing games on my birthday! the xy birthday was like the only time my birthday hasnt been GIANT MISFORTUNE in the last seven years, and the only time i managed to meet up with any irl friends and have some sort of a party. so i guess i’ll remember that fondly about XY even though the story was possibly my least favourite in the series.
Namaqua the male Greninja Jayus the male Aromatisse (named for an OC of mine at the time, who’s also my steam handle!) Dwedd the female Gourgeist (who was actually my most powerful pokemon in sun and moon competitive?? god im gonna miss her now)
and I’m seriously struggling to remember if there were any others :P
~ ORAS Team ~
I played both versions of this so my team was kinda huger? Still not super memorable as a generation, tho. one of the ones im least depressed about but more depressed than xy. but still depressed about all of them. AAAAA
York the female Blaziken Roquefort the female Swampert (a duo! i played with both of them as my starters cos i only played a little bit of alpha sapph before switching to omega rube for the main playthru. i just love tabitha!) (oh and they were named for some of my ocs at the time.) Wesley the male Charizard (actually got him in XY but never used him there) Seraphim the female Salamence (REALLY sad about this one cos she was a gift from my friend Zoe whom i’ve now lost contact with, same one who gave me the birthday party when xy came out, same one who traded me like EIGHTY OTHER POKEMON ACROSS ALL MY GAMES and LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE ONCE and WAS AN AMAZING PERSON) Nick the female Gyarados (also traded from zoe. it was named after her fish who died :< I LET HER DOWNNNNNNNN) Tanka the female Gardevoir (just a shoutout to the one i had back when i first played the original rse as a kid, but lost along the way. it was also my username and the name of like forty different ocs for every fandom i had as a kid? i just thought it was a cool word. its the name of a type of poem i heard in class once) Pascal the female Ludicolo (Only one who i gave any sort of personality to. I kinda liked her so much she was more like my starter? i felt like she was a super chill badass. repurpose all those old chuck norris memes for pascal!) Lockjaw the female Banette and Hex the male Mismagius (actually pokemon i made as ocs for a team galactic fanfic i never wrote. usually i make pokemon ocs based on mons i caught, but these ones i went out and caught them to match the story. spent so long chaining mons to find a story-fitting nature for lockjaw that i stumbled onto a shiny shuppet along the way?? i was like “fuck but that isnt what i asked for, but i’ll take it anyway” XD) (oh and i named the shiny shuppet Chuckie) (oh and lockhjaw and hex were meant to be the rest of charon’s pokemon team to give him enough for a decent boss battle)
~ BW Team ~
Anotehr generation i didnt really enjoy? honestly there was a large gap between sinnoh and sun and moon where none of the main plots grabbed me. i still enjoyed the gameplay and the increased graphics for all the cool areas and stuff, tho! im just a plot lover so SuMo bumped the series back up from “just consistantly good” to “the best game ever” But strangely enough I did get really attatched to these guys, even if i didnt really think up personalities and backstories for all of them
Shogunkora the male Samurott (Back when i was in highschool i drank so much caffeine it was like a running joke i was ‘that cola kid’ so i just named my starter after a dumb attempt at ‘cola in a japanese accent’. Ugh, past-me!) (But Shogunkora was actually a casuality long before this! I lost him during the time i was transferring pokemon using a friend’s BW cartridge. I actually had to sell my BW game cos i was preparing to run away from my abusive parents and live in a homeless shelter. Thankfully i did indeed survive that! i had to pick on only one game to keep and of course it was sinnoh. But then i ended up losing the cartridge when i moved house and then finding it earlier this year and then causing me to buy bw2 and put the sun cartridge down and.. well, you know the rest.) Boku the female Leavanny (named as an in-joke cos my roselia was Ore in sinnoh. also a casualty who got lost in that hectic transfer.. alas...) Alviss the male Roggenrola (I was very fond of that pun. He managed to survive, and i even got to pet him in sun and moon! I miss him... gahh.. he survived so much and it was all for nothing...) Flint the male Lampent (i only just finally was able to evolve him in sun and moon, thanks to beezah’s help! i miss him tooooo... fuckkkk...)
~ DPPT Team ~
THE GOLDEN ONES god that was back when i was so extra into pokemon, aaa it legit helped me survive thru abusive dad times i got so atattched to sinnoh and all of these lil guys... fuckkkk...
Ore the male Roserade (Personality was like a cheerful and goofily oblivious typical shonen action hero, but like.. eight. He had a sad backstory where he was befriended by a kind old blind human back when he was a wild pokemon, and then some sort of tragedy burned down the forest and killed both that human and all of his family. And also burned off his hands. I mean, he’s a plant so he can grow those flowers back, but it was still super traumatic. So he took up his trainer’s sword in his burnt off hand stumps and promised to avenge him, and thus gained a magical girl style transformation into a human, somehow...??) (the theme for this party was ‘gijinkas’ and i thought it would be cool if there was a different reason behind it for everyone. he was the more magical type.) (oh and he really liked sandwiches) (oh and he was comic relief a lot cos he was a pokemon who turned into a human instead of vice versa. like ariel in the little mermaid where she combs her hair with the fork. HOW DOES HUMAN WORK) Mangos the female shiny Luxray (traded to me by another best friend that i lost touch with long ago, Clash. I miss her too, it sucks that now all i have is one well-protected drawing of an oc she gave me in high school to remember her by..) (anyway, Mangos fit into this random plotline by being the opposite to Ore. she was a human who got turned into a half-pokemon through an evil genetic experiment. And she balanced him out by being an ultra stern and serious mom figure. She was actually a policeman as a human, so she kicked a lot of ass!) (I know that this whole serious personality doesnt really fit with a name like mangos but shiny luxray looks like mangos) Zene the male Infernape (another shonen hero type comic relief guy?? but he was a teenager and comparatively buff, i guess? i didnt realize these two were so samey despite being opposite elements lol. i guess just the difference is that zene did more comic relief and ore did more cuteness factor) (he was also the least developed one in terms of backstory for being in this half-pokemon heroes team. I just knew that he was some sort of martial artist trainee who wanted to be the best, and that was still his goal after he got superpowers, rather than actually saving the world and all. he’d always recklessly get into fights and have no sense of danger, just HEY THAT THING LOOKS DEADLY LEMME PROVE IM DEADLIER) (oh but i did think way too much about how the law would work in this situation?? like, he was depressed and ended up joining this travelling group cos he got banned from the martial arts tournement he was in. having pokemon superpowers would put him at an unfair advantage.) (oh, i think actually his powers were just genetic or something? like it was a mystical power his whole family line had, but he was an orphan so he didnt know until he hit puberty and started breathing fire. but comedically he thought it was because he ate a magical riceball instead. “it was supernaturally yummy!”) Gaspar the male Haunter (Actually came from that one memorable trollish trade in sinnoh where that lady offers you a haunter and it doesnt evolve into gengar, DAMN YOU. i was determined to love him forever to spite her!) (oh and he eventually did evolve into gengar in xy due to a friend trade and me forgetting to tell her not to evolve him. i’d gotten really attatched to him as a haunter so i was sad for a while before realizing it was dumb and that i might have made my friend think i was mad at her?? thankfully we worked it all out!) (Gaspar’s gijinkaness was literally just... i Died.) (He was a human from the 1920s or something who died horribly and came back as a ghost to avenge his own death. but then after he avenged it he continued to exist, and he floated around aimlessly for a long time before learning to appreciate his second chance and form a new life and a new family. He was like the goofy sitcom dad of the team!) (oh, and he liked candy. i still maintain the headcanon that all ghost pokemon like sweet things!)
~ RSE Team ~
These guys actually were also part of my sinnoh team, but they originated from RSE. I didnt really get attatched to my pokemon in rse or gsc cos i was still salty over having my yellow cartirdge stolen and losing my starter raichu that i loved. TOOK THIS LONG FOR IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN, EH? *cries forever*
Reaper the male Sneasel (My honorary starter and oldest pokefriend. I miss him the most.. fuck..) (He was like.. kinda sirius black from harry potter? but teenage? and like.. trying to be serious? like, a total goober prankster loveable uncle figure but he wants everyone to think he’s a brooding dark antihero, and gets flustered whenever his true cuteness slips through. He looked like squall from ff8 except with dark skin and sunglasses??) (He was also someone who was a pokemon with human powers, instead of a human with pokemon powers. But he adapted a lot better to human society, he was just like.. pride at being wild? He hated the idea of being captured by a trainer, or now the idea of losing his true self and becoming like those humans he hated. So all his moments of failing to pass as human were more cos he refused to lower himself and do [insert normal thing here], rather than cos he was oblivious like Ore. But he actually did end up getting a soft spot for his trainer and becoming like a dad figure to her, like how mangos was a mom to ore and zene, and gaspar was the grandpa/dad to everyone in general. I had quite a complex set of relationships worked out for everyone!) (oh, and yeah, they had a trainer! cos i mean i was playing the game, of course they did. but it was more like the one token powerless human on a team of magical girls and boys. she just pretended to be their trainer so they could travel around pretending to be normal pokemon when necessary. and they were all bffs and protected her cos she didnt have parents. she was kind of a self insert..) (oh, and reaper’s backstory was that he was one of the shadow pokemon captured by team cipher, and then when he got rescued and purified it somehow gave him superpowers too or something. he was blessed by celebi and was like the chosen hero of that legendary. But he didnt wanna, he just wanted to use his new human feet to go buy booze and stuff XD) (i actually did get him in collosseum and he was my fave and best and i kept him forever and now he’s fucking gone) (fuck) Nether the male Sableye (Basically my oc Malachi?? its been all these years and i just suddenly recently revived his plot concept as his own character in his own original story. I hope maybe now i could do that with all the others in some way, so i dont forget them..) (he was all the same back then, down to dying from being bricked up inside a basement. except he became a magical gijinka instead of a more normal ghost.) (oh and this version had him as an adult instead of a child, and his personality was... vague? he started off as a loki-ish trickster and then was a complete jerk and then was the comic relief and then was a gym leader and blablabla. At one point he was even Reaper’s boyfriend, which is ridiculous now this character is a kid instead! (tho he’s still remained bisexual in honor of that) Funnily enough he was also Reaper’s sworn enemy gary oak rival at some point too!) (Basically he was the least developed personality-wise, so i dont feel bad that i changed him quite a bit as malachi. it doesnt feel like a change and more like i finally figured out what i originally wanted to do with him.)
~ RBY virtual console team ~
aaaargh only just got them and already lost them whyyyy
Chuppy the male Raichu (reincarnation of the first pokemon i ever got on my original Yellow cartridige, which got stolen because kids are ASSHOLES) (i cried for days and i feel like doing it again right now.. how little life changes...) Starlet the female Clefable Gumdrop the Nidoqueen
i didnt even have time to love you enouuuuughhh
i didnt love any of them enough aaaa
god this made me sad
but at least now i wont forget any of those memories
i dunno how to tag this so i dont forget
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g33ki5ch1cuniverse · 7 years
SLBP Questions!
Tagged by @a-night-on-polaris this is gonna be long XD and very good questions! 1- Name one (just one) thing that you can’t resist from each lord. Nobunaga - his smile idk why but that way he smiles to show his kindness even behind harsh words really gets me Mitsuhide - understanding nature (I too am a mother hen XD) Saizo - his sarcasm/dry wit Yukimura - his purity Masamune - his love idk if that makes sense like he is so absolutely precious and devoted and caring like it's so beautiful and amazing Kojuro - passion, he loves his country and his lord and he is 110% A++ husband material like you can be my baby daddy and I will call you daddy Hideyoshi - he is always trying to make others happy Inuchiyo - when he blushes I die it's so cute omfg save me I love puppies Ieyasu - I don't know him that well :/ Mitsunari - intellect Shingen - when he purrs *is ded* Kenshin - his prose (slay me with beautiful words pretty boy) 
2- Make your perfect ‘FrankenLord’ picking things from everywhere on slbp (if you like you can use npc things too) I am going to make some things up based on my personal hc's XD Nobunaga - abs (wrestlers abs ladies are a gift from above) Mitsuhide - laugh (based on his sprite it's definitely a dorky one) Saizo - skills *^* he wrote the book yall Yukimura - eyes Masamune - sweetness Kojuro - legs idk I just feel this way fite me irl Jk XD but seriously Hideyoshi - hands idk I just feel like he has hidden skills he's too smooth not too Inuchiyo - shoulders and arms he's got the biggest spear around and that takes some serious biceps and triceps to maneuver ;) I am a huge sucker for biceps irl like they are hug pillows and I just want to nom.....wut....DON'T JUDGE ME Ieyasu - his hair (from what I've read and heard it's magically fluffy) Mitsunari - Booty (he got dat manju butt) Shingen - his not-so-little lord (Yukimura even finds it something to aspire to and it's a big one) and his hips I will worship those abs and waist and I know he has a sexy voice his VA isn't exactly my type but he purrs yall I am shook in my head it's heaven Kenshin - grace just the way he carries himself and speaks makes me swoon Shigezane - smile lol this man's smile can clear any cloud formation Nagamasa - face omg cut me with those cheek bones gorgeous 
3- Tell me which is your sweetest memory from slbp *SPOILER* When Shingen and MC make love after they're reunited in the divine ending Oh my sweet baby jesus I cried my eyes out for like 3 hours after I marathoned his last chapter and epilogue dear God the feels 
4- Choose one (yes, just one) ‘fandom friend’ and match her to a lord who isn’t her favorite. Explain your decision I think this means like someone from tumblr? Sooooo I'm going to match Meowle with Kojuro! I know she loves Masa but they have that in common! XD I feel like he is debonair and mature and smart and full of sin just like Meowle is (have you read her fanfics yall...gold I tell you, gold) but as much as they can be naughty they are very smart and excellent writers ^^ I just like this pairing XD plus can you imagine Meowle putting Daddy Kojuro in some lace neglige and just perfection 
5- Did you take anything from Slbp in your daily life? (tattoos, nailart, pictures in your room, the name of your childrens/pets, whatever) I have stuffed tiger named Harunobu, I'm working on making plushies of the lords, I have a closed species OC that's taiyaki themed I named Shiki (Shigezane and Ichthys love taiyaki) ;) 
6- If the magistrate were the only man on earth but you could put on him ONE thing from your fav lord… Would you take him? (you cant say: ‘his whole body’ or ‘his entire personality’) This is just cruel :/ idk maybe Mitsuhide's practicality? Then at least he would be able to figure out wtf to do about the end of humanity? Kenshin's silver tongue? So he wouldn't sound so vile and I could blind myself to take care of the rest XD this would never really work for me bc of the prologue. One of my triggers is abuse and noncon like legit noncon (flirtation or confusion which then is mitigated does not apply) I'm talking the whole marry me or I'll send your brother to his death and burn down your family business and make you and your mother homeless thing I would not get over that....if that's all that's left of the human race we're doomed anyway....also (as a scientist) one male cannot repopulate a species....so I'd rather spend time with Oishi in a sexual way than that slime (low key high key gay for Oichi which is why I call her Oishi which means delicious in Japanese) *the more you knowww* 
7- In reverse now. If you wake up one morning and discover that your Lord suddenly has the face of the magistrate but everything else is the same (his body, his hair, his attitude, his personality, everything the same, less his face). What would you do? I would (in modern times) take him to a plastic surgeon to help him. If that's cheating I would still love him anyway, it would just take time to adjust XD 
8- Summarize your fav Lord in 5 words. Shingen - Passionate Loving Honorable Mature Strong 
9- If you could give your Lord a son/daughter, how would you name your baby? Well...in an event story Shingen names a baby Makoto so there's that, I haven't finished his noble ending so don't tell me! XD but if I had a child with Shingen if it was a boy I would pick either Takashi or Masaru. For a girl either Tsubaki or Hikari. ^^ I like names with powerful meanings. 
10- How do you imagine your MC for your Lord? 
 Soo I'm a self shipper XD Also, Shingen is my favorite BECAUSE of how well I feel I fit with him. Like in some cases I don't agree with any options for MC, but in Shingen's main story I was finding most of what I thought I would want to do was a choice, and that Shingen liked my choices too XD Also his story had just the right mix of emotions for my taste and just yes XD. So my MC for my lord Shingen is me! Salty, strong, understanding, independent, and self sacrificing 11- If you play another game (otome or not), which character would you include on Slbp? (ex. 'X’ from 'gameXX’ would be the lost brother of Shingen and blah blah blah) Ok so this is kinda weird but follow me...so there's a KBTBB substory in the Edo period, I would love to see the bidders from that substory in a crossover story with SLBP XD specifically Edo!Eisuke meeting the lords! Oh goodness he and Nobunaga would either be best friends or quite possibly best frenemies XD I have asked the 11 questions of others before so I have a different idea! One question with a lot of points XD My favorite hc to think about is what songs characters would strip to! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So for all the lords and as many npc's you can think of: what song would they strip to? Bonus points for characters from other voltage apps XD You don't have to answer if you don't want to, and if you aren't tagged but want to answer please do!!! XD @bloody-geisha @viridian99 @guacameowle @lou-the-mudkip @thexgoddessxofxfate @singokumaiden @suzunesays @cottonballwithmustache @daeva-agas @chaedaye @danielleslauter @a-night-on-polaris
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captain-oblivious · 7 years
woo okay so since I feel like shit, let’s have a nice round of Perry Explains In Detail Why He Is A Useless Piece Of Trash In Every Conceivable Way
you may feel the urge to try and reassure me about these; feel free to try, but my self-loathing game is strong af. you have been warned.
I was always so terribly uncoordinated that I literally always got picked last in gym class as a kid. I even got picked after the people who didn’t even make an effort
the only thing in gym class I was any good at was dodgeball and that’s because nobody bothered aiming for me since I was useless to teams anyway
people I thought were my friends when I was a kid would invite everyone but me to their birthday parties
my elementary school marks were literally never good enough because I’d always get at least one A or A- instead of an A+
I didn’t have the highest average at my high school, even though everyone told me I would. embarrassingly enough, high school was the peak of my academic performance
despite being the ‘smart kid’ I literally didn’t win any high school graduation awards, despite there being at least 15 of them. all of my friends won something but me.
when I worked at a summer camp a few of the other camp counsellors tried to prank a girl by giving her a note that was allegedly from me and which allegedly had my phone number. thankfully she didn’t believe them but yeah apparently I was just repulsive or something. I stopped working there after that year
I went to science camp a few times and literally everyone was smarter than me or more talented than me in basically everything
my final cumulative gpa in undergrad was 0.02 grade points off from getting me the highest honours, so now my diploma doesn’t say ‘with distinction’ on it. my parents bought me a frame for my diploma so now it has to hang on my wall and remind me of my failure every day
my entire undergrad was a disaster, really
I only made friends in undergrad because one really talkative dude happened to be my lab partner in a programming class once and he introduced me to literally every other undergrad friend I made
all of my high school friends who told me I was ‘smart’ when I was in high school finished their undergrad with considerably higher gpas than me
I only barely got accepted into grad school and 99% of that is probably because I knew people and because I was involved in a bunch of extracurricular activities
my gpa was way too low to even think about applying to any of the unis I’d dreamed of attending when I was a kid.
even when I got into grad school, I didn’t get accepted into the direct-to-phd stream because my gpa wasn’t high enough
I lowkey get the feeling that the graduate chair of the department thinks I’m incompetent so I suspect that there was a fair amount of disagreement on whether or not to accept me
I didn’t apply for any additional funding for grad school because my gpa was too low to even qualify me to apply for it
I’m second author on two papers but that’s literally only because I was a lab drone who took measurements for three months, giving the first author time to write said papers
legit I did no actual writing for those papers except correcting a couple of typos and fixing some tables in LaTeX
my first summer of undergrad I searched fruitlessly for a summer job for four months. I got nowhere
I tried to get a summer research position for my second summer of undergrad but I got nowhere with that, either. all my other friends found something except me
my third summer of undergrad I didn’t get any of the summer research grants I applied for, and got into the research position I was doing only because the prof I was working for had a shitton of funding
I can’t focus on reading a textbook or a paper for more than five minutes straight
I had to drop a course my first semester of grad school because I was going to fail it otherwise. I was doing so badly that the coordinator of the graduate department literally emailed me personally to inform me of my terrible performance in the course
a guy I’m supposed to be collabing on a paper with came to visit and as it turns out, I legit don’t know shit about my own research
I forget first-year undergrad physics concepts even though I’m supposed to be teaching them
my face-blindness is so bad that I can’t tell my students apart from students who are just coming into my lab once to make up for a lab they missed previously
I stopped checking all my social media connecting me to all my irl friends for 3 weeks straight and nobody noticed
my face keeps breaking out in acne no matter what I do to try and stop it, but it’s not bad enough to merit an actual dermatologist
I look like a high-school kid despite being 23
at the same time I’m going bald anyway because fuck me apparently
only one person has ever expressed any romantic interest in me in my entire life, and he turned out to be kind of an asshole
I draw, play two musical instruments, write, and do other crafts, but I’m not actually good at any of those things. well, not good enough to meet my own standards, at least. a shitton of children do each of those things better than I do
I have yet to make any friends in grad school other than my officemate, and that’s basically only by proximity
also my officemate talks to me about his research stuff assuming I understand when I only understand about 10% of what he’s saying and I just sort of nod 90% of the time because I really should know this shit by now
my officemate asked me about a concept I’m learning about in a course I’m taking now (just out of curiosity since he hasn’t taken the course) and I wasn’t able to explain it past anything more than a really superficial explanation
my research supervisor technically never told me that we should be on a first-name basis but people are saying it’s weird to not be on a first-name basis with your supervisor and also he probably wouldn’t care but I literally can’t bring myself to use his first name so I just don’t use anything to address him
I’m honestly just winging the one physics course I’m taking this semester because most of the time I don’t have a clue what the fuck is going on
other people raise their hands and point out when the prof forgets things or ask intelligent questions and I just sit there silently in the back of the class
I’m probably forgetting some but I need to get a drink of water so I’ll just wrap this up for now. but yeah, basically, I’m useless and there’s no real reason for me to exist so I just sort of flounder through life hoping that I’m not inconveniencing anyone too much by existing T_T
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#46: Season 3, Episode 14 - “Dirty Work”
This episode was pretty popular. Ren and Principal Wexler have a falling out after she starts to realize he assigns her all of his “dirty work.” So, Larry Beale ends up temporarily taking over as Wexler’s student assistant. Petty drama ensues. Meanwhile, during the plot everyone remembers: Louis decides to start his own "Lumberjack Club" as an excuse to slack off in school. Where all they do is hang around, speak with semi-hillbilly accents, eat pancakes and wear flannels.
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Let me start off by saying... To this day, people fondly remember the Lumberjack Club as if it were some major thing, but in reality it was only a (very) small subplot. That’s crazy to me. I did my research, and this Lumberjack Club plot resonated with people so much that students were directly inspired to start their own Lumberjack Clubs at school irl. I’m not joking. Here are some more examples. 
All of these clubs have basically the same mission statement as Louis’ and were formed in the Early 2000s. This alone made me feel like I should rank the episode much higher for “iconic” points. Buuuut, this was never one of my personal favorites *gasp!* and that’s outweighing a lot of things for me. So, please know that I had an extreme internal struggle when deciding where to put this one. I was originally going to rank this around #59-55. But, I didn’t think that was fair enough to the ~cultural impact~ it made, and decided to put it here at #46. That being said… let’s get into it.
This one opens with Coach Tugnut driving up to his school parking spot singing “‘cause I got a brand new suit, and pair of shoes to match! I wish I had a mustache—“ before he gets cut off by Ren. I just felt like those lyrics were worth sharing honestly. She tells him that Wexler has ordered his parking spot to be moved a block and a half away from the school. We find out the reason why when Wexler comes driving up in a new red convertible. He wanted that spot for himself. Idk why Wexler needed Tugnut’s spot though? Surely he has his own prominent spot? He asks Ren to look into some “Lumberjack Club” he came across while looking over the school budget.
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What is up with Ren’s pants, btw? This outfit always bothered me. When I was young I always thought they were, like.. freaking Louis Vuitton pants or something, lol. I mentioned before that her wardrobe starts to include loud patterns and gives off an overall “older” and stuffy vibe towards the end of the series. 
The camera pans over to Louis and Twitty, who are accepting and signing off on a syrup delivery. They recycle their code names (Lars Honeytoast and Frenchie Von Richter) from an earlier episode in the series when accepting the order. The delivery man refers to Twitty as "Mr. Honeytoast." This is such a small thing that’s easy to miss, but it’s awesome and top notch casual continuity! I really like it.
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It’s “New England’s Finest” syrup. I’m from Boston. This pleases me, tbh.
It cuts to Lumberjack Club! Where Louis, Twitty, Tawny and Tom are cooking pancakes and celebrating the fact that they’ve upgraded their syrup to premium quality, lol. “Lumber Tawn” asks “Lumber Lou” (yes, these are the nicknames they’ve given themselves) to tell them how he came up with the idea for the club again. Louis goes on to tell the story of the club’s origins. The hillbilly accent really kicks in now, accentuated by bluegrass music in the background. He starts off by saying “Well, ‘bout two weeks ago, when yous kids was much younger… everyone was siiignin’ up for cluuuubs.” That is one of my favorite lines though. Not gonna lie. He explains that anyone could get money to form a club as long as they got 50 signatures. So he decided to create a Lumberjack Club after remembering his “deep and loyal love for the pancake.” Incredible. 
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Dat face tho.
Right about now is when Ren comes walking in, finding the four of them toasting to The Lumberjack. (See first image.) She grills them about what kind of club they are and what sort of things they do. Louis starts pulling crap out of his butt saying “We sing Lumberjack Songs.” Ren asks them to sing one and it’s great. None of them are in sync. They’re all making stuff up off the top of their heads and clashing miserably. The best part is Tom -- who’s repeatedly saying "Wood... Wood... Wood..." God bless Tom.
Louis says they’re “legit… with a big L!” “…and a small ‘egit’!” Twitty finishes. I feel like this is worth mentioning because one of the real-life clubs’ requirements for joining is that you have to “be legit.” Oh my god. Obviously, Ren vows to shut down the club.
Wexler surprises Ren with her own desk outside of his office. We’re getting into creepy territory again, guys. Wexler makes Ren, a 14-15 year old, do ALL OF HIS WORK while he goes out gallivanting in his new car. Remember when I said that Ren Stevens is basically the principal of Lawrence Jr. High…? Well, this episode really exemplifies that and takes it to a new level. She literally takes over as principal. How is this not illegal?
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One of her tasks for the day is to fire the school janitor. Wow. (Fun fact: Jackie the Janitor is played by Knobby Frostybump -- the old elf from the Lizzie McGuire Christmas episode lol) This is the last straw for Ren. She confronts Wexler and quits being his assistant. But much like in Ren-Gate, that doesn’t last long. Over the course of a period, she gets all emo and decides she wants her job back. But, oh no! When she goes back to the office, guess who’s already taken over for her? Larry Beale. Dang, that was fast.
Another lazy name flub happens again here. Larry is polishing his nameplate and it reads "Lawrence M. Beale" when earlier in the series they say his full name on a few different occasions and it's "Lawrence Anthony Beale." I don't understand why something like this is so difficult to remember?! Although, I actually always thought it was weird that Larry's middle name was Anthony because Louis’ full name is Louis Anthony Stevens. Even weirder... The actor who plays Beans is named Steven Anthony Lawrence. What a strange coincidence. 
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Ren and Wexler are being extremely passive aggressive towards each other while Larry sits there gloating. Out of spite, Ren decides to become Tugnut's new assistant instead. Like he even needs one. It becomes a petty, all out war between the pairs.
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It’s Larry’s job to shut down Lumberjack Club now, so he busts into their meeting the next day. I’m pretty sure they’re not even going to class anymore. They hired a marimba player named Nate to entertain them during club meetings — which I think is absolutely hilarious. It might just be because I'm a musician, but any music-related humor kills me. I mean, a MARIMBA PLAYER?! And this dude is such a Jazz cat. It’s great. This is honestly probably my favorite scene in the whole episode:
So, yeah. Lumberjack Club needs to make an educational presentation in order to stay a thing.
Tugnut is chilling in a lawn chair, eating a burrito and telling his life story (”I thought about moving to Canada, but I don’t speak Canadian...”) while Ren does work on his car. Now she’s a mechanic. This is child abuse, I swear. She’s about to quit as his assistant, but she looks up and sees Larry and Wexler blissfully driving around in his convertible. She gets jealous and keeps working for Tugnut. These student/teacher relationships are so, so strange and not appropriate. Let’s be real... 
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Anyway, the whole assistant war thing starts to come to an end when it becomes obvious that Ren is much more qualified and has a better relationship and understanding with Wexler than Larry does. Larry royally messes up as Wexler's assistant and ends up doing a lot of things wrong. Including inviting Wexler’s mother to school, putting nutmeg in his coffee, and forgetting to pay Wexler’s car insurance bill. (Really, what adult would trust a 14-15 year old to pay their bills…) 
Louis organizes the most impressive Lumberjack Club presentation ever within a few hours at the most. I do like seeing Louis at least fully see his schemes through, though. So that’s nice, I guess.
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It’s like a freaking carnival.
Nate returns as the musical entertainment. I love this guy, lol. Everything’s going well, until Louis and Twitty chop down a tree during a demonstration which falls on Wexler’s car. Ouch. Wexler’s devastated and sobbing, but manages to mutter “Look what they’ve done to my sweet, sweet ride!” through tears. That made me laugh harder than I probably should’ve. Wexler faints when he finds out Larry didn’t send the insurance payment, and nowww Ren is responsible for Wexler’s literal life. 
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Something always gotta go wrong. Louis was actually sort of pulling this whole Lumberjack thing off.
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Wexler could be on his deathbed right now and it’s up to Ren to save him. Wow. “Breathe, Principal Wexler! Breathe!!!”
Turns out Ren sneakily sent out the insurance payment the other day and everything’s fine. The episode ends with Ren becoming Wexler’s assistant again. The end. 
So yeah, that’s it. I’m still shocked at how short the Lumberjack Club plot actually is. Pretty crazy how it somehow managed to burn itself into the memories of so many people. I’m also like, 99% positive it was inspired by this Monty Python skit. There’s even a song playing during the school presentation that’s near identical melodically (and lyrically a bit) to the one sung in this skit. The fact that it’s just a subplot also affected my ranking, because I’m not the biggest fan of this episode’s main plot. I love Larry/Ren conflict.. but this situation is just... slightly annoying to me for some reason. ALSO! I realized the other day that I should base my rankings on character development, as well. I’ve actually been doing that subconsciously so far, I think. Barring a few, the majority have been filler episodes basically. No material that actually advances the overall arc of the show. Just random, silly plots -- which makes it difficult for me to really consider it a “good” or “great” episode. And unfortunately, that’s what Lumberjack Club is to me. I’m so sorry. I just love these characters so much, so when there’s little to no character growth in an episode.. it sort of bothers me. I know the show is silly, but there’s a lot of heart there as well. Episodes that have a little meat to them are the ones I’m more fond of. 
We’ve officially reached the point in my list where I drew a line separating the lower half from the better half though, guys! The ball’s really rolling now. I’m excited. 
Thanks for reading! Were you a Lumberjack Club fan? Did you start your own?! Please, do tell. Haha. 
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