#he says the player is his first friend Ever which tracks but also…. :(
kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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an addendum to the bachelor relationship post because i realized these are the four elements
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diningchairs · 4 months
dewmac thesis? please? for the sake of the people of course
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i am going to be so annoying, so for all the dewmac enjoyers (hi taylor and katie) and dewmac-curious people, let me explain
some people may ask WHY i ship them and the answer is simple: i am a freak enjoyer, delusional and these are my barbie dolls.
first, i’m gonna go over the lore…which is very limited but when had that EVER stopped me from shipping??
October 30, 2021 - nate goes after dewey after dewey lays a dirty hit on bo byram. they’re both bad at fighting, so it’s funny. love the quote, “down he goes, duhaime on top of him”. (x)
now all the way too
March 7th, 2024 - Brandon Duhaime gets traded to the Colorado Avalanche
March 12th, 2024 - Attack Dog. During a game against the Calgary Flames, Dewey goes after a player who was bothering Nate. NOW THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!! That is exactly what you’re supposed to do, Dewey, good boy. Connor McGahey had this say about it in an episode of Peak Access:
“There was a Calgary player who was wacking at Mackinnon and immediately, Duhaime recognized the situation and went to the Flames player and tried to track him down and made sure that he was leaving Nathan Mackinnon alone and then went back on the bench and gave Nathan Mackinnon a little tap on the knee and said, ‘I got you, I got your back’ and that’s the time of player Duhaime is, he’s got you back” (x, 5:53 is the bit about Dewey)
SO FUN, RIGHT?!?!?!!!!
March 30th, 2024 - I have no videos for this but just know that I saw them laughing on the bench together and everything felt right. Now as a Nate supporter first, human being second, I felt very protective over Nate and certain people claiming that he was going to “ruin” Dewey. So when I saw them laughing and having a good time, I was just happy because believe it or not, Nate isn’t some evil person devoid of fun, happiness, and sugar.
April 8th, 2024 - DEWEY’S FIRST GOAL AS AN AV! And guess what… he points to Nate RIGHT after (x)
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Okay so now onto my thesis.
Obviously a big reason for shipping them is seeing two freaks and thinking, “ooo, they should fuck nasty” but there’s a little more to the narrative here.
Dewey was traded away from HIS TEAM, from his team that meant to much to him. He even said in the Peak Access episode I mentioned earlier that he was excited to play for Colorado but sad to leave Minnesota. He was also RIPPED AWAY from his best friend, Connor Dewar, who was then ripped away from Minnesota. Not to mention, Dewey was brought here because we needed a physical player for our playoffs roster.
So. Dewey’s now in Colorado, all alone. (Yes, we’ve all seen the arrival and airport photos where he looks miserable, which i’m not denying he wasn’t but also: That’s Just His Face)
And just a few games after being traded, he becomes an attack dog for Nate. And GOD, it was just hot and kind of unexpected?
Dewey takes all of his anger/frustration/sadness from the trade and puts that into defending his new team—especially Nate—by getting physical and going after other players.
In my mind, they’re friends with benefits. And they absolutely know that they are NOT each other’s first choice. But they still fuck nasty. And Dewey was never intimated by Nate at all. He was so pissed from the trade that he just doesn’t GIVE A FUCK. And then he plays with the Avs and is like, “ohhhh okay, I will lay down my life for Nate I guess. Also I want to fuck him to fuck me.” And so he’s using Nate as someplace to put his emotions again.
And Nate is all for it. Another fun thing is that, *slaps Nate*, you can fit so many terrible love situations into this bad boy! Is he fucking Dewey because his love for Sid is unrequited? Is Cale ignoring his texts? Was he reminded of his thing with Tyson Barrie? Or Burky?
More on their relationship dynamic:
So yeah. In conclusion, dewmac nation NEEDS TO RISE because they are so mean and nasty to each other yet they need each other to balance out their emotions from stupid trades and playoffs and other hockey related problems.
I hope you enjoyed! It’s kind of hard for me to explain ship dynamics sometimes because I will just keep rambling. And ships are always evolving in my head as I get more comfortable with writing them.
Okay, now i’m gonna go write something about these freaks
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The Origins, Ramsay Fiction & The Confusing Mishmash of Everything Before Fix Me - A Marianas Trench Retrospective
Okay, so my post got likes, but I only got one actual response from anyone, agreeing with me on the fact they like things in chronological order. So, I guess it's time to talk about the bands early days, eh?
The truth of the matter is, the band as many know them started in late 2003 and early 2004. Anything before that gets placed in this weird murky middle section with a name change, members leaving, and also a complete and utter mess of when Ramsay Fiction came to an end and where Marianas Trench begins. We have located a demo disk from 2001 with the Marianas name on it, but we also don't have any dates as to when certain things were recorded or uploaded onto MP3.com.
Here's what we do know: Josh Ramsay, a teenager dealing with both an addiction to heroin and an eating disorder, loved music from a young age. His father owned a recording studio, and his mother was a vocal coach. Music was literally in his blood, but even though the two had connections into the industry and everything, he set out to make it into the business on his own. And he knew one thing for certain: He DID NOT want to be a solo act, he wanted to be in a band.
The issue for Josh was getting that band together. At first, it was him and his sister Sara (backup vocals), her then boyfriend and later husband Trevor Spilchen (on bass, even though he was a guitar player), Josh's friend Steve Marshall (on guitar and backup vocals, despite being a BASSIST), and a rotating list of drummers, eventually finding Ian Casselman in a series of classifieds in a newspaper late into the bands life. This lineup didn't last long, as once Sara became pregnant with her and Trevor's first kid, they stepped aside... leading to 2 new members joining: Josh's friend Matt Webb (originally a keyboardist), and Steve's pal Morgan Hempstead (the man who bestowed them the Marianas Trench name). It's tough to say who plays what on a lot of the Ramsay Fiction tracks that make up Cooler Than Me, as I think they come from two different recording sessions, if not more. Same goes for a lot of the self-titled EP work too, as we know at least two tracks from that era, an early recording of Fix Me, and a early recording of Skin & Bones, were both first made public to people in 2004... months after Steve and Morgan left, and Mike Ayley joined the group after getting to know everyone as Ian's roommate.
In fact, for the longest time, a lot of the Ramsay Fiction stuff was lost media, songs that nobody outside of a rare few had ever heard. As of April 1st this year, this is no longer the case, and all the songs have been found and preserved (yes, even PMS... despite it being taken off Youtube, has been saved.)
To talk about these songs is hard. There's definitely a lot of emotion and pain in these tracks, and the overall sound is very 90's, going for more of heavy grunge and alternate rock sound, very reminiscent of Matthew Goode. But you can also hear those other elements creep in from other acts Josh has referenced time and time throughout in small snippets. The biggest thing holding a lot of these songs back is a mix of production (which is still insanely impressive for the time period and the fact it was done by a teen no less), and lyrical ckunkiness, making them semi hard to decipher.
What do I mean by this? Take track 1, the one everyone knows: Primetime. The song's verses speak about how something is this, but the person is the opposite... bu we don't get a clear picture of who the person is.. only that supposedly a hit of heroin will make everything feel better. It's odd that this is the song that's somehow lasted the test of time out of all these tracks. But hey, it did lead to a great callback on End of An Era.
Track 2, Shiny Like Dirt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG-OoIsFbow), is truly a song where Josh took a ton of ideas he had for songs, and threw it against the wall to see if it would stick. And... it does stick, but also doesn't? The chorus is super catchy, basically admitting he's a confusing person, and that nothing he does makes sense... and yet, despite it all, he still has fears of the unknown. The "coming up for air" bridge is probably my favourite part, but it's definitely an earworm I return to occasionally. I've also linked it in case you've yet to hear it.
Track 3: Shallow. The song we've known about for the longest time, the one the fandom cherished like a baby... and honestly, it's probably my least favourite? I've tried to decipher the lyrics on this one for ages, but I can't come up with anything concrete. I do think the song has a good tone, and the guitar solo is totally awesome. In fact, there's a lot of great guitar and bass work throughout a lot of these songs. But there's something missing for me on this one.
Track 4: Playing Dead. This seems to be the earliest recorded song of this bunch, going off Josh's voice here. And honestly, I think it's the closest tonally to a current day Marianas Trench song. There's a bit of a swing sound going on in the drums, the harmonies.... and it's an interesting number overall. Also, it's our clearest sampling of Steve's voice, and just how close it is to Matt's vocals xD... it seems to be a simple love song about a girl and how he's open to roleplaying almost anything with her, using "playing dead" as his main metaphor. It's the black sheep of the CD, but a good one.
Track 5: Hideous. Here we go... the first track Josh ever wrote about his bulimia and depression... and how it was eating him from the inside... and how he was asking for help, even though he wasn't fully ready to accept it at the time. The beginning parts are very slow, and methodical.... only for the song to pick up energy in it's second half and become truly one of the standouts on this album.
Track 6: PMS. Okay... so... this one is tough to talk about. We knew for years it was supposedly very comedic in nature and that it was also politically incorrect, but that was it. For those of you who still have not heard it, there's a copy of it in this Discord server in the links and archive section: https://discord.gg/d5M3xVN9
As for the song itself, I personally really love it. It's a song about Josh being petty to a girl and truthfully telling her off. It's definitely of its time period, but in the best way possible. And once again, the guitar work here is SO GOOD. If you can stomach a song that truly is a time capsule and understand that Josh would never write anything as juvenile today, give it a listen.
Track 7: Don't Touch Me. The song that holds a special place in my heart... as I was the one to LOCATE IT after 18 years in the massive pile of MP3.com links that were given to the Internet Archive in 2021. And it's a ballad all about Josh dealing with both the arguments and turmoil he would feel when coming down from getting high. Truthfully, this might be the most emotional song of this batch, and one that definitely sticks its landing.
So, my overall thoughts here are to give these songs a listen, and understand them for what they are: the start of a musical prodigy finding his footing and his sense of style while getting clean and hoping somebody, anybody, would give him a chance. While the tone might not have influenced Josh’s style fully going forward, there are elements from these songs that were taken and repurposed into later Trench tracks.
Luckily, and also sadly... Jonathan Simkin & Chad Kroeger gave him that chance. And thus, we got ourselves a self titled EP... and a full title debut. But that'll be next time.
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pucktoxicity · 1 month
i had a whole message ready to go and dropped my phone, so this might end up being shorter. first, as context, i went to a massive hockey school and was with my boyfriend who was on the team throughout our time there and after. still talk with him, but i’ll be honest and say that all the sh*t that comes with having a relationship with someone that’s high profile was just too much.
1. the reading stuff is hilarious. obviously they can read—they just don’t HAVE to read. even in college. was at a party at one of his teammate’s places and opened the fridge to grab something and there were textbooks, still in the plastic, sitting on the top shelf. it was a class i was also taking. when I confronted the guy about it as I held said textbooks in hand laughing (it was near midterms) he said “it doesn’t matter. i’ll pass.” he passed and it definitely wasn’t because he understood a damn thing in that course.
2. cliques exist on teams. ill break that down further. my boyfriend hung with like five of his teammates and a handful of athletes from another big sport at my school. those were who we were around on any given day. on weekends after games, or if there was a stretch with a break from some games, the entire team would go out. your ass better be at those team events or if not you better have a good reason why you’re not there. there was an issue off the ice involving the team and there was definitely a rift afterwards because a few of the guys were not there. it made for a really bad season with a team that should have done well.
3. they’re not tagging pics in real-time. they’ll post stuff a few days later with the tags on the locations so people think they know where they are if they post anything at all. that’s equally true for public and private accounts where tracking can be controlled. im sure most people recognize this, but i’ve never seen it stated outright. i was even asked to hold off on posting things until we were somewhere else even though my accounts are private. if they want you to know where they are, you’ll know where they are.
4. for the love of god do not send them nudes. not unless you want that entire team and possibly more to have them. getting nudes was a game to them.
5. which brings me to—they are ALWAYS involved in some sort of game or challenge with one another. the nudes was one, i can’t give anything more specific because i’d likely dox myself. not really feeling up for that blowback. just—they’re always betting each other over something and keeping tabs/score with something likely unrelated to hockey. sometimes it’s funny and sometimes “ew.” but there’s always something.
6. the sh*t they do off ice is hilarious and often unexpected. one of my best friends is the biggest a-hole on the ice, led the team in penalties, etc. off ice he’s the nicest human you will ever meet. he doesn’t read for fun, but he’s a nerd over a specific genre of movies that you wouldn’t expect. video games are pretty constant. they’re psychotically competitive even with those. watching giant man children rage quit video games is hilarious. oh and some of them have the weirdest habits. can’t really elaborate on that one. if anything i’d send it another time.
7. as someone that had a whole school watching my every move and then a whole city watching my every move, i can tell you it gets old fast—for everyone involved. i had people (guys and girls) show up where i lived. 95% of the sh*t i read online that was supposedly about me, him, me and him, etc was not even close to true. take what you see about any of the players or the people involved with them with a grain of salt.
8. sadly some of the worst guys are the ones in the longest relationships, or had families, etc. that was really horrifying to me. strictly anecdotal to my experience with two teams and their circles, but yeah. it was bad.
9. because the question comes up a lot—where? i met my boyfriend at mandatory study hall freshman year because im also an athlete. we never talk hockey. i talk hockey with my other friends and family, never with him or his teammates. he’s in it all day everyday, it’s his job, just like when im done with work i know i don’t want to talk about it, they’re the same way. if he brings it up, sure, but i’m sure as hell not gonna be the one to do that.
and for those keeping score: tall and natural blonde. many of his teammates over the years dated brunettes but they almost always ended up dying their hair blonde. so I don’t know if it’s blondes initially all the time. if anything i would just add that WAGs are their own beast with all the peer pressure and competitiveness of a team. the going blonde thing might be due to the pressures within that group.
way longer message than i intended but hopefully some valuable insight for those who have asked. as you’ve said, they’re humans like anyone else, their job is just different. oh, and summers were mostly working with skills coaches and rehabbing injuries/getting surgeries that are overdue that weren’t publicized. the public doesn’t know half the sh*t these guys are playing through.
everyone thank this anon for her service because this is absolutely perfect, no notes.
the ones i can most agree with / corroborate from my own experiences: she is 100% correct. do not send these guys nudes (i never have & never will, but know that they get them spread around quickly!!), and the same goes for competing over things. good lord, it’ll be the stupidest shit sometimes too but somehow it becomes a competition 😭 it’s crazy! and the same goes for schoolwork. it’s not just hockey. i have a friend who went to an SEC school with a historic football team (and sorority rush, cough cough), and she said the same thing about football players. they’ll pass. no matter what. doesn’t mean they’ll have a 4.0, but they’ll pass enough. i’m sure it’s the same with big hockey schools up here and the midwest as it is in the south with football. that doesn’t surprise me at all, unfortunately.
also, that last line. the public doesn’t know half the shit these guys are playing through. YUP. the things their bodies go through in not just a season, but in one game, are absolutely insane. and she’s very correct about privately-handled, unannounced offseason surgeries. 🙂‍↕️
i think the most interesting thing for you guys to see is her insight that most brunette WAGs end up going blonde & that whole explanation of the blonde WAG stereotype in every level of hockey.
whoever you are, i adore you, this was an amazing read, and if you ever want to talk privately in dms and stuff, i’d love to! if not, no worries, and thank you for stopping by & talking to me 🥰💋❤️
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im-s0rry · 4 months
Secret Boss For My Own Event - Mats!
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This is Mats! Mats is the Secret Boss for Sans and Papyrus's House. This may at first be a bit confusing because of his design but I based him off of the disheveled version of the donation room that's found in the Switch release of Undertale. This is the place where you fight Mad Mew Mew, so I figured that I could base him off of her and make his soul mode the Switch Exclusive Soul Mode. My concept for my version of Sans and Papyrus's home as a Dark World is sort of like a Ren Faire. It'd be based off of Medieval Village with Papyrus or someone similar to him as the main boss, but it's also a bit of a parody of this sort of world, reflecting Sans's personality. You'd find Mats after going through a giant waterfall, which would be the Dark World equivalent of Sans's Sink. Behind the waterfall would be a secret area with an abandoned festival that'd be around the size of the beginning location of Chapter One. The one with the weird eyes and stuff. Anyway, there you'd find Mats!
Mats is a very inviting and warming character, although being a bit zany and wacky from not having contact with anyone in years. You see, he wasn't always such a small Darkner. In fact, he used to be a horrific beast that scared away anyone near them. . . That was until He showed up and allowed him to be his true self and gave him some. . .information about the world he lived in and about his future endeavors. He soon realized that he was only truly here to bring enjoyment to The Player, and decided to make a festival to bring joy to as many people as possible. Many Darkners came. . . And just as many left when, after getting a bit too rowdy, he returned to his beastly forme and terrorized the Darkners who went to the festival. After he returned to his senses, he felt terrible for what he had done. In truth, he found it freeing to bring joy to others. Losing that was terrible, such is the state he's in when you find him.
He's ecstatic to find that someone has finally come back to the Festival Grounds, and uses mini games and food and fun times to let The Fun Gang have the most fun that they possibly could at the Forgotten Festival. . .That is until they try to leave. . .And that's when Mats gets Mad. . . In a fit of desperation, they return to their beastly forme and, in a blind rage, attack The Fun Gang. You fight Mad Mats until you either kick their shins in or return them to their normal forme. . . He was weakened from the fight, and realizes that maybe he was too overzealous and that maybe saying goodbye to this Festival and bring joy to The Fun Gang by giving them strength. . .
So that's Mats! I'm gonna admit, I don't think his story was the best I've ever written, his motivations are a bit strange and I think I didn't really block out his story all to well, but I hope you like him! As for fun facts, Mats is Transmasc. I thought that was something I should mention I guess. His Light World item is a certificate that is found within the ruins of the Dog Room and his Mad forme is loosely based on the wacky inflatable tube Ice-E in that room. His tracks would be:
A Hidden Treasure. . ! (Waterfall Room Theme)
Forgotten Generosity. . . (Forgotten Festival Theme)
Matsuri! (Mats's Theme)
Fun and Games! (Minigame Music)
FORGOTTEN NO MORE (Mat's Battle Theme)
A Friend's Kindness. . . (After-Battle Music)
Cherished Headband (Sparing)
Gemstone Lantern (Fighting)
Anyway, hope you all enjoy him and I hope he doesn't immediately die in the tournament! Good luck to all!
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greetings-inferiors · 5 months
So I absolutely love “want to be close” because it’s probably the most unique school theme in the series. Persona 3 is notable also because it has two school themes, as "want to be close" is replaced by "changing seasons". And while changing seasons is phenomenal in its own right, the reload version especially (imo best glow up from original to reload), it's a lot more normal. I want to discuss what makes want to be close unique, and how it plays into persona 3's themes and even does a little foreshadowing.
So. Persona 3's school themes are most obviously representation of Makoto's outlook on life. He starts the game apathetic, cynical and nihilistic. He’s an orphan who has no friends and life has no point. Want to be close’s lyrics reflect this, describing people who crave affection and connection with others. But then, once Makoto starts connecting with others, he starts to value his own life, and starts to truly enjoy it. This can be seen in the (reload, because it’s the definitive version of it) lyrics for changing seasons, which is unabashedly a celebration of living and being alive. This makes the ending all the more poignant, as the only one who knew life’s true value was the only one who could be willing to let it go.
But I’m getting away from my point. Why am I saying that want to be close is the most unique school theme in the series? Well, it all has to do with how it loops.
Video game music has to be designed around loops. Your player could speed run the game, or could stand around for ten minutes as they eat food and listen to the background music. The only time you are afforded the privilege of not having to loop a track is during cutscenes, but even then, if a player has input on the cutscnes then you’ve got to structure the track so individual parts can loop while they make their decision. Now, how the track loops is very important. The final boss theme for persona 4 is one of my favourite tracks in the series, but it’s a full orchestral piece with a well defined ending. As a boss theme, it’s not the best, as it doesn’t match up to the action at all, because it’s not designed to loop, it’s composed as a standalone piece. A majority of persona tracks similarly just go back to the beginning once they’re done.
But not want to be close. It starts out with its verse, but once the first “want to be close” is sung, that’s it. It will never loop back to the beginning again. You’ll get the odd echo of “…to be close~” but other than that, it’s just a loop of the outro.
I say this is FANTASTIC.
Bear with me for a second as I be a bit pretentious, but the song can represent life and death. The verse, the best part of the song, is splendid and fleeting like the bubbles he conjured (sorry I had to), but once it ends, you only get the lingering memory of the “to be close”. Memories of you perhaps? It’s such a lovely feeling whenever you hear the echo, but then you realise that the verse is never going to play again. Idk it’s just such an effective way of portraying the feeling of remembering someone who used to be a part of your life, distilled into a 2 minute long song. Am I reading into it too much? Absolutely. But ever since I first heard it I’ve been positively captivated by it and I had to put into words what makes it tickle my mind so much.
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myloveforhergoeson · 19 days
ash's august 2024 reading round up
find all the books and fics i read (or didn't read...) this month under the cut with a link to the synopsis and my reviews/ratings attached :)
this is just for fun! i'm not a professional, i just like to read <3
The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey (18+!)
• review: ugh. this book was so bad lmao. which does pain me to say because i historically have really enjoyed bailey's writing. and i was super excited for this one because i love hockey romance too! but something about it just felt... off to me. perhaps it was the mmc, burgess' protectiveness of this woman he met one time months ago or how much he thought about how they weren't right for each other or maybe i just didn't like him as a character in general. i also didn't like the fmc, tallulah all that much either; i just found her kind of... allowing herself to be a product of her own situations throughout the entire book. i am sympathetic to her previous bad experience with her ex boyfriend and how he treated her, but i also believe there are better ways to draw attention to the fact that "burgess is a strong, violent hockey player and she was abused by her ex, how could they ever be right for each other?!?!" like... does every woman in a hockey romance have to experience this in order to make this dichotomy known? i just would have liked some more originality on that front i don't know. i also think there was a huge missed opportunity for lissa, burgess' daughter, to have helped bridge the gap between the two adults. as tallulah becomes her part-time caregiver while burgess is away, the two of them really hit it off - i think they had the best dynamic in the entire book and i wish there was more about them and how seeing his daughter and the woman he liked getting along inspired burgess or something. but overall. just a pretty flat story to me. i didn't feel the chemistry, i didn't like how burgess treated tallulah like he owned her, and i didn't like that sooo many times each of them thought they weren't right for each other. why? because it was fucking true! there's a reason you're both feeling this! the best part of this book was the ending chapters where they attend the wedding of the mc's of the first book in this series. i was very excited to see josephine again, i loved her so much. the barnes + noble exclusive bonus chapter was literally the best thing in the book but doesn't make the book itself better in anyway as not everyone got to read it lmao
• rating: 2/5 hockey skates
fic list:
1. Assorted works of @selangkir <333
• Continuation of their Jo/Lucy fic!
i truly cannot get enough of jo and lucy and your beautiful mind... the dynamic these two have going is already making me giddy and i'm so obsessed with your take on this alternate universe where the boys leave instead of jo! the background you're spinning for lucy has also got my attention in such a grip, the scene at jett's party when she's thinking about her brother and how they used to have these kickbacks with all of his friends. the way we don't learn much about her family in btrtv left so much room for expansion, and i just love the direction you're taking it! AND of course the perfect continuation of our GTR au... god, the kendall and katie scene was so funny to me i love how Sibling they really are. the expansion work on kendall is just fascinating too and running a donation campaign on top of that?? augh! tysm for sharing your work w us <3 (and the private post you sent me with your wips... oh augh i cannot wait for what's in store in the future!!)
2. Assorted works of @ceruleanmusings :))) <3
• Big Time Audition - The Masons
Blood Diamond; Year Three
as always, i ADORED your work this month... lord... i thought about big time audition - the masons for like an entire week. the way each girl is introduced and the way it fits them so perfectly had me feeling like i was there in the house with them, tracking through room to room to see what each of them were doing and how you chose to share them with the world. not only that, but micky watching james' audition literally made me fall out of my chair AHH! i just love them so so so much; the 10-12 blurbs were so wonderful. blood diamond year three was also an incredible work - i loved the direction of choosing to have it be purely conversational but it was still packed with so much raw emotion. the last line also felt like a sucker punch to the face i don't think i'll ever forget it.
3. Assorted works of @partiallypearl / @praetoravila !! <3
hold tight
but we're evergreen
her sense of style, it really rocks
jelisa kiss blurb
cause you got me, and baby, i got you
i tried not to face the truth
be my bad boy (be my man)
oh, i leave quite the impression
our human loneliness
show me your colors
ok.... the way i have been so olivepilled this month is just insane. i'm obsessed with her, i love her, she is my special perfect girl. thank you so much for feeding us with all this good olive content this month - i might die without it. everything about her story, from the introduction with her and her sister (wren... loml) and the first time she meets logan, to their ongoing friendship --> relationship dynamic has me SCREAMING. i love the story you are weaving and i'm so thankful to be able to see it unfolding in real time. she DOES leave quite the impression! the two of them make me illlll. ty for letting me send you a million lolive songs and tiktoks this month and thank you for letting me steal her for the wag au!! it will happen again (affectionately). and your lucy blurb was so captivating as well; your take on her life events leading to her arrival at the palm woods was fascinating. i love her so much! your writing only solidifies this hehe
4. Assorted works of @icegirl2772 <33 !!
• Take A Shot In The Dark Chapter 15!
We Do (But Friends Don't)
girl... you should have seen my jaw DROP at the end of this chapter... oh you got me sooooo so sosoo so good. i was throwing parties in my head... screaming... and then i was crying 😭 A DREAM??? so impactful to my health and wellbeing i stg. i cannot wait for the james and neil show down i am so ready for it... and the new addition of we do (but friends don't) was lovely. god i can't get enough of james and kaelyn!! <333
5. Assorted works of @inkameswetrust :)) !!! <3
The Windowsill
The Windowsill (pt. 2)
The Windowsill (pt. 3)
hiii bestie welcome to the reading round up... your kames fic had me screaming and crying and throwing up (affectionately) even if i accidentally started on the second chapter and not the first hehe. the dynamic between james and kendall is so sweet - james being sooo thoughtful and surprising?? hello?? i a puddle on the floor - and the dynamic you created between kendall and his family in the second edition was so cute. the knights are so special to me and i love that you chose to highlight them (even during kendall's james freak out) :)) the third edition was so cute as well! logan and carlos cutting off their conversation... teasing kendall about what happened... omg. the two of them make me so giddy and this fic is making me collect my own butterflies in my stomach hehe and the classic kendall fumble at the end had me rolling... tysm for sharing! i love your work!!!
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inchidentally · 11 months
'what if the competition between Lando and Oscar turns bad?' between my landoscar post and comments on other SM content it made me want to get weird in notepad again
I'm tagging @481boxboxbaby and @twinkodium who've asked but I'm sorry if someone's asked to be tagged and I missed it! also tagging @huntscunt who's tags put this idea in my little head
(caveat that I'm a casual fan who happens to have been around F1 fans all my life so this is just my not remotely official perspective lol)
just to state I think it's a given that we're all so excited for McLaren's future with these two is that Lando and Oscar feel like generational talents. and they're also very different as drivers and every race is exciting to watch even just for them. also the fact that Oscar was the jolt of competition that Lando needed.
and honestly I'd be more worried about their future harmony if they hadn't already had so many highly competitive and charged moments in their first season together:
Oscar came in at a surprisingly even level with Lando apart from the obvious difference in experience. he's taken risks that have on balance landed decently on the side of ballsy/respectable vs total failure and the time spent as reserve driver hadn't deteriorated any of his ability. so it was fair to worry for a while if Lando would take the competition as motivation or frustration esp after the disparity between him and DR in 2022.
I really liked the sort of respectful if tentative camaraderie Oscar and Lando showed each other when the car was an absolute tractor. but I liked it even more the fact that the turnaround at McLaren by Silverstone saw them both still in such a good place while being very competitive. that was I think the start of us seeing that Oscar wanted to prove himself a real team player and good teammate by starting the habit of showing up consistently for Lando's podiums/qualis.
the pit lane ding-dong in Monza was definitely the biggest test they've had - and that a lot of teammates will ever have - and the whole thing was handled really well all around. Andrea did the right thing of being big bad boss and Lando was quick to say that it was prob down to misjudgement (which is what I always thought) and that they still respect each other the same. I wasn't as active then so I can't remember if Oscar was asked for a response but I do remember my friends/family telling me that it was impressive how that didn't cause any major damage between the drivers since that's a pretty major incident to happen so early in a new partnership.
side note here to say that the ppl around me who've been watching F1 since the 90s overall feel like the hothead in-fighting with teammates seems to be fading/getting less intense with the younger generations. maybe it's because alpha male mentality seems cringe to gen z or because awareness of mental health is way more prevalent. Gasly and Ocon are relatively young drivers but even there the situation is pretty rare and because of hanging onto childhood grudges. I don't get the impression that any of the people around me feel like the Norris/Piastri partnership is likely to blow up or generate bitterness just because they're competing so closely ??
it's fair to say that Oscar has seemed genuinely happy to acknowledge that Lando is the McLaren brand representative and the established fan favorite within the sport as well as the team's fanbase. he's extremely mature for his years and incredibly well-balanced in terms of ambition. he's almost tailor made as a perfect compliment to Lando. EDITED TO ADD: see Oscar's almost lifelong friendship with Logan Sargeant as an example of Oscar having duked it out on track with someone for years while remaining close friends the whole time. and this was Oscar interrupting his own victory radio message to say how awfully he felt for Logan crashing out early. and that this is what Oscar felt about his and Lando's partnership toward the end of the season.
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Silverstone is a perfect encapsulation of how Lando has felt about Oscar from the very start and this was so beautiful to say.
Lando has measured himself by Lewis Hamilton-level goals since karting. Oscar wants to qualify well and win races. Lando was brought into F1 extremely young coming off of huge expectations and has placed enormous pressure on himself since as early as his second year in F1. Oscar has taken a business-like approach to his career since he was 14 and his calm sense of focus and determination comes from focusing on the race ahead and not letting much else in.
Lando's emotions being driven by his superstar destiny/status and Oscar's ability to have calm perspective even during a race is as solid a foundation as you can get in an F1 partnership honestly. they'll absolutely have the same conflicts that all teammates do and the media and DTS will explode those out of all proportion (both of which I ignore anyway). but I really can't see Oscar suddenly flying off the handle or holding grudges and I can't see Lando becoming a driver who suddenly wants to sustain a bad relationship with his teammate after all these years. Oscar is very clearly not the type to develop a crazy ego and Lando genuinely has more of an insane high self-expectation complex than that big of an ego.
even setting aside the parasocial widely felt agreement that they seem to genuinely like and respect each other, neither of them are alpha types and they're not both superstars jostling for publicity and they didn't come up together with a ton of existing history. idk it's just not on the F1 cards that they become icy or resentful.
so while I know no one can see the future and they're both relatively young and could change I don't really feel apprehensive?? and it's way too early to know if either of them will split from McLaren or when. especially if the car stays competitive with RB and Merc then it's the best place for both of them for the foreseeable (and prob most likely since competitive openings elsewhere look to be scant for the next 5ish? years but pls correct me if that's wrong!).
side side side note: I personally would not want to see Lando at RB. I know he's itching to try that car but unless RB and Max change drastically before then, Lando would positively shrivel up there. he's a superstar and he needs to be someplace he can be a superstar. it's also why I'm glad Carlos and Daniel moved along bc that's why those friendships are still so strong. we saw what had begun to happen when Lando was eclipsing Daniel and I don't even want to think about Carlos and his family if Carlos was teammates with a dominant Lando.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 8 months
sometimes that's just the way that it goes
or, joel smallishbeans joins the tokyo lift (an mcyt blaseball au fic)
the thing about joel is- well, there's a lot of things about joel, but the most relevant thing, is that he never really got in to blaseball.
he'd gone to few of grian and jimmy's games in college, been brought to an equal number of pearl's minor league games, and mostly paid attention in conversation about it after his entire friend group became obsessed with the splort seemingly overnight.
but then he'd moved out to tokyo after college, where the blaseball scene had yet to expand to a proper minor league; let alone a major league. he got a non-splorts related job. he had non-splorts related hobbies. and he was suddenly in a timezone 17 hours ahead from all his friends who cared about these things.
so maybe he managed to forget basically all the knowledge he had about the game. sue him.
by the time the ILB expanded to tokyo with the lift, joel was certainly more knowledgeable on the splort than he'd ever been. he had basically the entire league's schedule in his calendar at all times, he voted in the elections, he kept a close eye on weather forecasts across the globe. a small side effect of most of your friends playing a splort that started killing people 10 years ago.
but here's the thing- despite joel's expansive knowledge of what's happening the ILB on any given day, despite his stockpile of votes, despite his constant presence as someone's plus one at any given ILB event or party-
despite all of that...
joel doesn't really know how to play.
which is a problem, when, on a whim that he now knows was definitely some divine intervention at play, he decides to actually go to one of his friend's games on a day they happen to be playing in tokyo. and it becomes more of a problem when an umpire goes rogue, and in the blink of an eye, joel finds himself vaulting a railing and picking up a bat that, until two minutes ago, belonged to a toyko lift player.
and now belongs to a new tokyo lift player.
and that is how joel finds himself here, on a stool in stress and false's bathroom, staring at his actively-being-dyed hair in the mirror and considering.
he didn't know stress and false very well before joining the lift. he'd met them, of course, at the aforementioned parties and events he'd been brought to, but they weren't close by any means. but seeing as they were the only members of his new team he'd been properly introduced to prior to becoming their coworker, he found himself following them around like a lost puppy from day one. they seemed mostly endeared by this, so far, which joel was taking as an embarrassing but necessary fact of his new career.
the "sitting in their bathroom getting his hair dyed" part of his current situation had come about a few days prior, when the wild card teams were announced and the lift had officially made their first ever post season. joel's remark that they should do something for the occasion had spiraled into stress lending him her bathroom and hair dye to dye the streak in his hair pink in celebration.
by the time they actually got around to it, the lift had been knocked out of the post season by the wild wings in a two game sweep, but joel hadn't backed out, so here they were.
stress was mixing the pink dye while joel got the green bleached out of his hair, humming along to a song joel wasn't really listening to. the bathroom isn't large enough to fit false as well, with joel on a stool, so she's hovering outside doing... something. joel's kinda lost track of her exact movements due to his aforementioned considering.
joel hasn't actually played a lot with the lift, yet. he'd joined the team in the last 20 days or so of the season, so they've gotten a good 20 games worth of a look at his... let's say, skill, and they've all presumably figured out that he's not very good. no one's said anything, but that doesn't mean they haven't been thinking it. but it's also possible they haven't been thinking it, and if joel brings it up right now, then they'll all realize that he's terrible. but also, joel knows he needs to fix this problem, because he's seen what happens to bad players.
so he's sucking it up.
"stress, can i admit something to you?" joel says, as confident and nonchalant as he can manage. it's not very nonchalant.
"hm?" stress says, looking up from where she's fidgeting about. "sure, i don't see why not."
joel takes a deep breath before he continues. "now, i don't know if any of you have noticed this yet, but... i don't really know how to play blaseball."
this is when false chooses to poke her head in from whatever she'd been doing to comment. "sorry, repeat yourself?"
"well, despite the fact that all of my friends have played this game for years, i haven't been paying much attention to how it actually works. so i don't think i actually know how to play, which wasn't a problem for me until about three weeks ago. and now it's a very big problem."
"oh," false says, looking him up and down. joel tries not to feel scrutinized. "i wouldn't have guessed that from your stats, but yeah, in hindsight, that makes sense."
"you looked at my stats?" joel sputters.
"yeah is that not-" false looks at stress, desperation clear on her face. "do people not usually do that?"
"i mean, i don't, but i don't know what all you other geezers are up to."
joel has yet to move on from the stats thing. "i haven't even looked at my stats. what- are they good? actually, no i don't want to know. or, if they're bad, i don't want to know. if they're good you can tell me."
false laughs. "you're fine, overall. not a good pitcher, but that's not your problem. everything else is pretty average, but your batting is your best stat, and it's pretty up there. not really indicative of someone who doesn't know how to play."
"oh!" joel thinks about this. he doesn't think he's been a particularly special batter thus far, but he's not objecting to whoever's quantifying his skill saying he's good. not at all. "ok, well, i kinda know how to play. i think. i know enough that i've been able to be passable, but i want to be good next season."
"are you asking us to coach you?" stress says as she starts the tap to wash the bleach out of joel's hair.
"uh, if you want to, yeah. you're both good, i think."
false, who is now leaning in the doorway instead of poking her head in, laughs again. "yeah, i'd say we're alright." from her tone, joel suspects they're actually very good, and he once again has no idea what he's talking about.
"but we'd love to!" stress says, lightly pushing joel to put his head into the sink. her next words are slightly drowned out by the running water. "obviously the lift practice in the off season already, but we could spend a bit of time doing one on one stuff with you. show you the ropes, you know?"
joel, still in the sink, answers with a thumbs up. as he sits back up and takes the towel stress offers him, he sees false leave the doorway and go back to whatever she was doing, decision seemingly reached.
joel dries off his hair and stress moves in with the pink dye and a dye brush, humming along to another song he doesn't know. he definitely doesn't need her help dying his hair- he's been doing it on his own for years now. but she'd offered the dye she already had so he didn't have to buy a new color, and apparently that offer came along with her doing most of the work as well.
and for once in his life, joel is going to take the help without a fuss.
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aliliceswonderland · 14 days
The Answer differences - Keys discussion (Part 2)
You can find Part 1 here. I left it in the middle of Yukari and Akihiko's argument so that's where we start here.
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So... There's a new dialogue in the Reload version that expands on Akihiko's point of view. I think it's kind of unneccesary, it just expands on what's already been said, and I don't think anyone ever had trouble understanding Aki's position or relating to him here, unlike with Yukari... It doesn't really matter, though. It doesn't make things worse either. The toning down continues. Omission of "You're just making excuses" makes Akihiko less confrontational. Interestingly, in Reload DLC Yukari rejects Akihiko's point of view (she already had a line on that track earlier too, see Part 1), while her silence in FES implies he hit the blank. Since the part about her feelings on MC's sacrifice was previously omitted, I wonder if they wanted to imply that she doesn't understand his sacrifice rather than that she understands it but still wants to go ahead with going to the past to see him, which is what happens in FES.
This is the point where things start to difer A LOT, so I have to stop doing line-by-line comparisons and think about a way to explain everything in a more or less orderly manner.
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First at all, the sequence where Metis is explained that the main character died is gone. I don't know if maybe the Reload version told her in a different cutscene or if she just was left to deduce it for herself, but it's definitely not here.
Anyway, since Metis' pausing the discussion to ask in FES version, Junpei can start his reasoning pretty calmly. That's no longer the case in Reload's Episode Aigis, where Yukari is still angry from her discussion with Akihiko, and Junpei intervenes to try to scale the situation down. And fails, since she gets angrier.
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Yukari repeats her argument here. She definitely sounds more logical and practical, even if she's still yelling. It's about taking a once in a lifetime chance, not as much about her own feelings. I do find a little disappointing that there's not much nuance in her take, though. She's basically repeating herself.
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Back to side-by-side comparisons! This time, though, it's totally different text. But I think these pieces of dialogue are pointing to similar thought processes in Junpei's mind, so I think they are comparable. The line about Chidori is very, very interestingly missing in the Reload DLC. Kind of sad, given it's like... the only one point at which a party member other than Mitsuru expresses sympathy for Yukari's position. But when Atlus gives a decision to the player, they tend to let the result ambiguous, and this was the one exception... until now. Chidori's no longer canonically dead, but canonically in Schrödinger's box. It's equivalent in Reload is about the MC, of course. The reason I consider it doesn't express sympathy like the FES one, is because he says it without doubts. While FES!Junpei has doubts about Chidori, Reload!Junpei has fully accepted MC's dead, and therefore cannot see things the way she does. Although I kind of get this change (Junpei wouldn't care as much about his best friend as he did for the love of her life... Maybe. Go wild in the tags.), I think this is a bad choice when you'd want to make people understand Yukari. Because that sympathy is the way you'd do that without having to cut on her emotions and nuance. They're all in a similar situation, after all.
The second pair of lines is also interesting to me in that reflection upon Akihiko's words is totally bashed in favor of a "please, don't yell" thing that is not even a point. Why. I think they're trying to present Akihiko's point in a way that feels less objective? But was it needed when Junpei could see both sides here? Anyway, Junpei and Yukari's argument follows a similar structure as in FES for a while:
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So, this is basically Junpei's main argument, which is that they'll have to battle Nyx again. Which Yukari answers by basically calling him a coward. The elimination of the comparison between Junpei's possible death and the MC's is significant. It shows Yukari hasn't fully accepted MC's death. But... no more nuanced feelings for Yukari, I guess. I don't completely understand why they switched Junpei's dialogue from a very compelling argument to basically nothing. They dumbed him down a lot. I think it's because they didn't know how to make Yukari respond to it rationally, but honestly it's very easy: "We can do it again, we've done it before!" Anyway, I'm not complaining about the toning down of Yukari in this particular scene, she really takes things too far here. In fact, she goes on in FES to insult Ken and Akihiko:
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Instead, in Reload Ken interrupts the scene to ask Aigis what she thinks. FES doesn't do that until later, since Yukari suggests taking the keys by force now and Metis intervenes:
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This is only a part of all of Metis' dialogue that was skipped, but the most significant part (I've reached the image limit... again... orz). Honestly, the point of "she might die since mc died and we don't know why" always sounded like BS to me, specially since Ken basically hit the bullseye with his interpretation of the events. Now I get why the previous Metis scene where she's explained the protagonist died is skipped. It's at that point when she arrives to this conclusion. I don't know, I think her becoming aware of a loved one's mortality is something that would add to the narrative, but I think this doesn't exactly accomplish that. You don't need to link the cause to the Journey's protagonist death. Aigis can die in battle! Also I think Metis still deserves to know. She could've had a little arc of herself about understanding what death entails and that would be part of what makes her realize it. Anyway, since I reached image limit again, I need to make a Part 3 now. Well, not now. Tomorrow.........
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rowdyhughesy · 2 years
You’re my home - B.Brisson
“And I tried callin' you a thousand times, You tried tellin' me a thousand lies. There's no need to apologise, It's not your fault again this time. Promise you won't say goodbye right now. Hold on when you have your doubts, tell me the things that I don't know. I'll tell you about tomorrow”
- tell me about tomorrow, jxdn
A/N: I have no memory of Briss saying anything about where he lived when he went to Michigan, bc I know he didn’t live with Bordy, Beniers and Truss? So let’s just imagine he has his own apartment also can’t decide if I hate this or not.
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You knew Brendan had had a hard time, he was doubting himself. Thoughts about how maybe he didn’t fit in the NHL. That he wasn’t good enough. That he would never be good enough and he would be a bust. You knew he would sign at the end of sophomore year but that didn’t stop you from loving him. Sure you weren’t a couple but he was your person. Your best friend.
After trying for the past two hours to get in contact with said hockey player you figured he either had turned his phone off or it was hidden somewhere and he was hibernating under at least ten blankets on his bed. It wasn’t the first time this happened. The last time he didn’t answer your calls or text he was holed up in his room and when you got there he tried lying his way out of talking. He wasn’t one to talk about his feelings, however he had no problem showing his emotions. Always wearing his heart on his sleeve. He was a emotional person by nature he just didn’t see the point in talking about them. Usually you were the only one he ever opened up about those things to. So when he shut you out last time it stung because he may be your person but what if you aren’t his? The thought scared you. The worry about the end of the year simmering in the back of your mind, what if he doesn’t need you when he signs and moves to Vegas?
Most of the time you could push those thoughts away but now that he yet again isn’t answering his phone they crawl their way back.
You had texted Bordy after you knew their practice was over to see if Brendan had shown up or if he had heard anything but nothing. The blonde just told you that Brendan wasn’t at practice, something about how he was sick or had a test coming up. You knew both explanations were lies. Having 90% of your classes with Brendan you surely would have known if there was a test coming up and when you saw him yesterday he was the same as always. Energetic and talkative, which he isn’t when he is sick.
Huffing in frustration you grab the nearest jacket and slipping on the pair of custom crocs Brendan had given you for Christmas last year. Deciding to walk since he doesn’t live far away you try calling him one last time. It goes to voicemail, again. “Damn it Briss answer your phone.” Running a frustrated hand through your hair you continue walking, placing your phone back in the pocket of your sweatpants.
The walk is over quickly and you practically run up the stairs of his apartment building to the third floor. Thank god Briss have you a key at the beginning of the year. Slowing down your running/power walking you reach his door. You can’t hear the usual music, video game or TV playing from inside so you have two options. He possibly isn’t home or he’s as you suspect hiding in his bedroom.
Using your key you unlock the door, none of the lights are turned on and nothing seems out of the ordinary. Except for the faint cries you can hear from his bedroom. Shedding your jackets and shoes you quietly walk down the hall toward his room. The sound of Brendan’s sniffling getting louder the closer you get.
“Bren?” Peeking your head in from behind the door you’re greeted by the sight of your best friend. He’s curled up on the bed, the hood of his sweatshirt covering his face and he’s cradling a pillow to his chest. The sight making your heart crack. At the sound of your voice Brendan lifts his head up from the bed. His eyes are bloodshot, tear tracks are on his flushed cheeks. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that you’ve caught him crying, he only lifts one of his arms from the pillow. A silent request that he wants cuddles.
Climbing on the bed beside him you tug the taller boy into your chest, by reflex pulling his hood down so that you can run your fingers through his hair. The two of you lay there for a while in silence, Brendan’s still crying but you know he has to let it out before you try to get him to talk.
“I’m just scared. What if I disappoint everyone? What if I one day just wake up and I suck at Hockey. Everything I worked for, everything dad worked for just gone to waste.” Brendan has scooted up on the bed so he now has his face pressed against your neck. “You will never be a disappointment Brendan. You’re fucking Brendan Brisson. One of the most talented hockey players I know, sure hockey has been your whole life but you are so much more than some hockey player. You’re funny, you get peoples attention without even trying, you care so much about everyone around you. You’re my favourite human on this entire planet.”
Brendan hugs you tighter, his breath hot on your skin. “You’re my favourite too.” Silence settles over the room again after that. You figure he doesn’t want to talk about why he was crying so you let it go. That is until he opens his mouth again. “I don’t want to say goodbye at the end of the season. I wanna pack you up with me to vegas.” His words makes your breath hitch and you stay quiet for a couple of seconds. Trying to figure out if you heard him wrong or not. “Say goodbye? Brendan I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be here and I’ll travel to vegas as often as possible.”
Untangling himself from you Brendan sits up on the bed making you do the same. His gaze is intense and you know he’s serious, more then he usually is. “No you don’t get it. I don’t want to say goodbye because I can’t breath without you. Like everything just makes sense when you’re with me and I can’t loose that. I can’t loose you. I love you, I just wanna be with you all the time and you’re my home. God I sound so mushy.” Brendan rubs his face in his hands, posture slouching in defeat at not being able to word his feelings out loud. “Brendan Brisson, I love you too. So fucking much.” Taking a leap of faith you lean in, cautiously pressing your lips to his.
Brendan leans into the kiss, one hand finding it’s way to your cheek and the other to your waist pulling you closer so that you’re almost straddling his lap. Pulling away you’re both flushed and trying to catch your breath. Brendan’s hair is sticking up in all directions from where you tugged on the brown strands. Eyes blown and lips parted. “We don’t have to worry about those things right now. I just want to enjoy the time we have left so tell me. What are you doing tomorrow?”
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kaiowut99 · 8 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 106-107 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episode 105 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-106: Judai and Johan of the Gem Beast Deck
A new school term has started at the Duel Academia. Invited to the Academia as transfer students and becoming new friends are the Academy Champions known as Amon, O'Brien, Crocodile, and a mysterious boy--along with one Professor Cobra. Meanwhile, atop the school building rooftop, Judai meets a boy who can see Spirits--who turns out to be the "mysterious boy," Johan. Cobra proposes an Exhibition Match, pitting Judai against Johan. Johan turns out to be a duelist in control of the rare Monsters known as the Gem Beasts.
TURN-107: The Neo-Spacians VS the Gem Beasts
Johan summons one Gem Beast after another, from his Amethyst Cat to his Topaz Tiger. Judai also has Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab and Neos perform a Contact Fusion to take them on with his Flare Neos. Then, Johan destroys Judai's Field Magic and activates a new Field Magic, Ancient City of Rainbows -- Rainbow Ruins, sending his Neo-Spacian back to his deck. Seeing these skillful attacks, Ed begins to speak of the unknown relationship between Johan and his Gem Beasts.
...so, didn't mean to let these take about a month and a half since 105 was all finalized, but heremst we be *sips indie coffee*
Season 3 gets into full swing with these two episodes as it starts us off with a hint of our upcoming big bad right off the jump (RIP Hiromi Tsuru, your Yubel is still fantastic), then introduces us to the big foreign players we'll be seeing quite a bit of going forward. Judai has a nightmare taking place in an area similar to his vision with Saiou--which I'm sure is unrelated to anything--and then opening ceremonies ensue before we're introduced properly to our new transfer students, and the Ancient Roman lore around Johan's Gem Beasts which was pretty cool to include; Judai and Johan then have a fun duel together as we see the Gem Beasts in action facing Judai's Neo-Spacians. These episodes also see the debut of some of my favorite OST tracks from Season 3, like Fervent Duel (used really well in 107) and A Pinch here. Ed coming in for 107 and giving us the background on Johan from Pegasus, featuring cameos of Dark Yugi, Kaiba, and Jounouchi (from the Warriors and Unstopping Overflowing Feelings OP/EN in DM--these nods were kept in the dub, so it was the first time those particular shots of Kaiba and Jou were used in the West), as we learn that he gifted the Gem Beasts to Johan during a tournament in Europe was good, and I still love Johan's little fakeout at the end with the Rainbow Dragon he doesn't actually have yet. A fun duo of episodes with a fun, low-stakes duel that we should enjoy while we can.
Quick side-notes for the dub, but want to take a sec to shout out Jim's dub VA who perfectly nailed his Australian voice for the guy, and who I hope comes back if we're ever lucky enough to get a more accurate GX redub (though I think he was recast in DL? But still sounded pretty good). Dub!Yubel, though... I'm still baffled by the decision made with that voice, and I'm glad they eventually went with a better voice in BBT. 107 also saw them make a bunch of--I assume--time cuts, including most of the cold open which featured our first in-series look at Martin, and other shots as Cobra set up his evil lair in the old SAL lab (continuity!), but also the ending shot as Cobra looks at the duel energy he collected and comments on their impressive duel--most of those are fair as far as time cuts go, though I think the ending scene should've been kept. It's also interesting that, with Johan's southern accent being a thing in the dub (which has grown on me, though I like his later no-accent voice more), that they had Pegasus say the tournament he went to with him happened "down south;" according to a comment on the Crunchyroll upload, the venue's the "All-England Lawn Tennis Club where the Grand Slam Wimbledon" happens in the UK? lol
Animation error-wise, there were just over a handful that I picked up on in each episode that I went ahead and fixed up--mostly quality-of-watching ones along with a couple of card errors, and I also translated the bio on Amon that O'Brien hands to Cobra early in episode 106. As always, details below the cut if interested, along with Translation Notes for the bio.
Anywho, enjoy! The next two-parter features our fiery boy O'Brien, and with some really nice art/animation in 109 that I always love to revisit; I'll begin work on that once I finalize some special side work that I should hopefully get to post about soon, too, though I'll also be going back to episode 1 to fix up a card error I forgot to tackle, lol. Stay tuned!
Fixes/Edits! (106)
Early in the episode, Professor Cobra enters O'Brien's room on the ship and asks who else would be visiting him; he hands him a bio pointing to one Amon Garam. As detailed here, I translated Amon's bio in this shot, first compiling a full image to edit from its later appearances in 111 and 121, then keyframing it into the rotating zooming-out shot that happens here with AfterEffects and Sony Vegas. (The full text of the bio is in that detailed post)
In the next shot, Cobra asks if Amon came to see O'Brien, noting that he seems to be a meddler but suggests that he doesn't pay him any mind, turning to pass the bio back to him--as he does so, a few quick animation errors happen: 1) Cobra's face/mouth glitch for a few quick frames as he shifts his face into a smile (likely his current face being left over his moving face behind it); 2) the bio page in his hand jitters a bit in the frames leading up to his turning towards O'Brien; and 3) once O'Brien's holding the paper and moves it down, there are a quick few frames where a small part of his hair (the one bang on his left) is missing before it comes back. As detailed here, I edited in my translation to the bio while Cobra's holding it and as he passes it back, masking in Cobra and the rest of the frame over it for blending, while also fixing those errors for the Japanese scene by holding Cobra's face pre-glitch over the glitched frames, editing the Amon bio so it's steady throughout, and masking in O'Brien's full hair bang over the frames where it's cut short.
Later, as the Judai/Johan duel gets underway, Judai and Johan give their "Duel!" shouts and draw their hands, but a few things happen as they jump into a split-screen for it: 1) Judai moves a frame before Johan starts to slide in on his split; 2) once the screen pans down to their decks as they draw, the split-screen border seems to have been drawn in oddly, as part of Judai's side ends up just on top of the border (also seems to be slightly cut off in width halfway down); and 3) as they split apart, more of Judai seems to have made it to the left of his split's border. I fixed each one in Vegas by first sliding in Johan a frame earlier as Judai moves, then enhancing the split-screen border a bit to cover up what ends up on top of it and to its left as they split out (I generally try to avoid making redone borders that much bigger, but thought it was the only way to cleanly/consistently fix that).
After Johan plays Gem Beast Emerald Turtle, we cut to the Overseas Champions watching on, with Jim whistling before Amon expresses his surprise at the Gem Beasts--but a coloring error happens in the rapid pan from Jim to Amon, with both having odd coloring spots. A quick fix in Vegas by redoing the panning using a frame of Jim post-whistle and a frame of Amon before his mouth moves.
After Judai summons Neos, Johan laments that he can't ask for his autograph while they're dueling, but notes that he was waiting for him to summon a new Monster--Judai slides in on a split-screen to question that, but a few things happen: 1) Johan starts moving to make room for his split a frame before he does so; 2) a coloring error happens as Judai and Johan then split apart before Johan activates Triggered Summon (more noticeable on Johan), and 3) Judai's uneven slide-out leads to it taking a frame longer than Johan's to get offscreen. Fixed each one in Vegas by sliding Judai in a frame earlier as Johan moves, masking in Judai and Johan's pre-slide-out splits over the frames as they slide out to fix the coloring error, and making Judai's slide-out match Johan's by masking one frame in earlier.
[continued below, just split thanks to stupid text-block character limits]
(6) A bit later, after Johan talks about not having any destruction cards in his deck so he can see his opponents going all-out, Judai notes how neat he finds him; as they split apart and Johan tells him to bring out his new Monster (due to Triggered Summon's effect), there's a quick frame where the border is missing on Judai's split. Quick fix in Vegas as I just added it back on by duplicating the one on Johan's and touching it up as needed.
(7) As Judai then summons Neo-Spacian Gran Mole, we see it pop up in front of him, but Judai has black rectangles on his Disk where Gran Mole, Neos, and Aqua Dolphin should be. Fixed using AfterEffects to slap on proxies for each in one frame, which I then took into Sony Vegas and shook around position-wise frame by frame to add it to the full shot (thankfully, this was just shaking around and not zooming in or out lol).
(8) During the preview for 107, we see Judai on a split-screen jumping as Johan declares an attack with his Amethyst Cat, but as they slide apart, two quick things happen: 1) there's a quick frame where there's just black behind them (and Johan's split's border isn't as glowy as Judai's), and 2) some of Johan's split's border hangs on for two frames after he and Judai slide offscreen. Fixed each in Vegas for 107 proper first, then applied the fixes here, masking in Amethyst Cat behind Judai and Johan as they split apart, then masking in some of the whooshing background behind Amethyst Cat to cover up the remaining bit of Johan's split border for those two frames.
Fixes/Edits! (107)
After Judai summons Flare Scarab, he has it do a Contact Fusion with Neos for Flare Neos, but as he declares Flare Scarab's name for it, we see that the cards on his Disk--for Gran Mole, Neos, and Flare Scarab--are flipped upside-down. Fixed in AfterEffects first by applying proxies as Judai swings his Disk around, then on one frame during the zoom-out on Flare Scarab after he moves--I then took the latter frame into Sony Vegas, where I redid the zoomout on it for the whole shot, masking in Flare Scarab on top of it.
After Johan plays Rainbow Ruins and Judai's Battle Phase ends, we see his Disk as Flare Neos returns to his field, but not only are his cards upside-down again--he also has regular ol' Neos where Flare Neos should be. Fixed both in AfterEffects by applying the Mole and Flare Neos proxies correctly, masking in the orb part of Judai's Disk over the Gran Mole one.
A bit after the eyecatch, as Judai realizes that Johan hasn't played his ace yet, he starts to ask about it, startling Johan as he slides into a split-screen with him to ask as much, but Johan starts to move for it a frame early. Fixed in Sony Vegas by sliding Judai in a frame earlier there.
Later, after Johan explains that Ruby Special-Summons itself and the other Gems in his Magic/Trap Zone when placed there (rude of the OCG to remove that part of its effect), we split out of the split-screen there as Ruby's summoned, but the border on Johan's split hangs on for an extra frame. Fixed in Vegas by just masking in part of the whooshing background over it.
A bit later, Johan declares a direct attack with Amethyst Cat, and Judai jumps as their split-screen splits apart to show Amethyst Cat pouncing at him, but as they slide apart, 1) there's a quick frame where there's just black behind them (and Johan's split's border isn't as glowy as Judai's), and 2) some of Johan's split's border hangs on for two frames after he and Judai slide offscreen. As noted for the preview version of this shot in 106's list, I fixed these here first before applying the fix there, masking in Amethyst Cat behind Judai and Johan as they split apart, then masking in some of the whooshing background behind Amethyst Cat to cover up the remaining bit of Johan's split border for those two frames.
Later, after summoning Air Neos (who), Judai slides into a split-screen to explain his ATK-gain-per-LP-difference effect; as they slide apart, Judai's uneven slide-out causes his side to take a frame longer than Johan's to slide offscreen. Fixed in Vegas by just masking part of Judai's slide-out a frame earlier to even up the slide-out.
A bit later, after Johan hypes up Rainbow Dragon only to end in a "just kiddin'," Judai clicks in for a split-screen in confusion before they split apart to show Air Neos's attack connecting with Amber Mammoth--as they split apart, parts of the border on Johan and Judai's splits hang on for an extra frame. I fixed this by just using the touched-up version of this shot from the recap in 108, which had Judai and Johan's splits slide out more naturally.
After the duel, Cobra walks out to congratulate the two on a duel well fought; he beckons them towards him, but as he walks up to the center of the arena to do so, his still feet jitter as Judai and Johan start to walk over. Fixed in Vegas by masking in his feet from the frame as Judai and Johan start to walk over over the 2-3 earlier frames as he gets to the center of the arena to keep it consistent.
16 notes · View notes
reptil-enjoyer · 1 year
Everything that Heath has ever done in all of the G1, including webisodes, movies, videogames and comics
This is a VERY long post, a 20 page long document, containing 9400 words of information, kinda like a masterpost but it doesnt have links to other posts
also this can and probably is weirdly writen, english is my second lenguage (Spanish version here)
(Blinkie taken from here)
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Heath Burns
The document (Because i am insane)
Wiki and extra facts
Heath Burns is a 2010-introduced and all-around character. Being a young fire elemental, Heath still is in the process of learning to control his powers and he suffers no less for it than his environment. Fear, excitement, or just a moment of absentmindedness is enough to pass his flames on to where he no longer controls them. It does not help that Heath himself is impulsive and impatient and has limited regard for others' wellbeing, meaning that his fire isn't even required for him to be the cause of chaos. Students and teachers alike are on guard if Heath is involved, which is necessary, but nonetheless hurts him because it means any effort to grow out of his habits is met with demoralizing skepticism. Heath likes to think of himself as the "guys want to be me, girls want to date me"-type, neither of which he actually is.
Age: 15 years olds
The following things are wrote in first person as if Heath had written it
Freaky Flaw: I have a slight self-control issue, causing me to accidentally burst into flames at the worst possible times. My dad also says that my attention span is so short that, Hey! What was that?
Favorite Activity: I love playing video games because I always get to be the hero, and if I make a mistake, I can hit the reset button.
Favorite subject: Physical Deaducation. I can show my crazy athletic skills in front of the ghouls. But in another bit of info he says that his favourite subject is Music, since he’s an “avid guitar player” (He isn’t)
Least Favorite Subject: Mad Science. It's not that I don't like the subject, but there are many distractions in the classroom. But he also says that “Any class when I don’t get to sit next to a scary-cute ghoul” in another bit of info
Favorite color: Red and Yellow
Best Friends: Clawd Wolf & Deuce Gorgon
Extra-scare-icular activities: Track team
He also considers as friends, and therefore spends time with them: Manny Taur, Slo Mo, Gil Webber, Hoodude Voodoo and Kjersti Trollson (online).
Despite the fact that Heath is a pain magnet and Hoodude(15) is the same, except that he transmits pain to other people close to him, Hoodude and Heath get together from time to time and get along well.
Kjersti Trollson(14), met Heath online, through the internet and through video games, and the two have been close ever since, despite Heath's surprise to discover that she was a girl, which is a delicate matter for Kjersti. Despite this, he respects his loudmouth personality and recognizes him as a skilled player. She considers him one of her best friends during her time at Monster High.
Slo Mo (17) doesn't seem to have much of a problem with Heath's antics
Manny (16) had no friends during his bully days, but today he considers Heath his best friend.
Deuce (16): Best Friends (below is when they first met, written from Heath's perspective)
Buddies for Life
Mom’s always telling me to clean up the mess in my room, and I always answer that there’s a place for everything, and everything’s in its place. She says it’s only true when the said place is the floor. While tidying up, I found an old picture of summer camp. I don’t remember these holidays being exactly fun until Deuce came along. I guess it’s because I only ran into trouble. It was harder back then than it is today to control my flames. I don’t if it was being expelled from archery practice for setting the arrows on fire (I still shot the target with them) or maybe because I set the rope on fire while practicing knots, but I manage to scare away the instructors as well as the other campers from day one. I was wondering what to expect from the rest of my stay. That’s when the new guy walked into the cabin. He had snakes instead of hair and weird sunglasses attached to his head, so they didn’t fall off. He said, “Hey dude! Wanna give me a tour?”. From that moment on, Deuce and I became best buds. I did run into more trouble after that, but Deuce was still there once the smoke cleared out.
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Jackson (16) doesn't have him as a friend, neither does Holt, just as a family member (I mean, Heath doesn't have them as friends either, but come on man)
Clawd (17) says that he doesn't have best friends directly, but he does mention that he usually spends more time with Heath because of different sports activities since they're both on most of the school teams
In the Monster High books, Heath is not related to the Jekylls/Hydes at all; however he does have an older sister, Harmony Burns.
In 2020, it was confirmed that Heath may be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community as Garrett on his Instagram account stated that he likes/flirts with anyone (HE’S PAN I SWEAR TO GOD) (I am projecting there)
Heath usually prefers to dress in a way that isn't too showy, thinking he might envy the other boys and students at Monster High, but he still likes to look cool (Even if that means using the same outfit in the entire series lmao)
“Attention Chaperones!
Thank you for volunteering your Valentine's Day to watch over our student body ball. While our students are known for displaying exemplary behavior, select monsters should be given an extra caring eye to prevent any mischief.
Watch List
Heath Burns – known for heating up. Chaperones will be issued a fire extinguisher in the form of a corsage to help douse any situations that flame up.”
During a recent Creative Conjuring Class, we were challenged with writing a personal essay exploring inner thoughts of self. Heads turned towards me instantly. No one thinks I can be serious; Ghouls laugh at me when I try and ask them out; teachers always blame me for pranks. Well, the truth is I am a very serious monster, with a lot of deep feelings. To set the record straight, so to speak, I decided to publish my essay (which got an A by the way). Breathe fire all you want, because I'm proud of who I am.
WHO AM I? The Monster Inside.
By Heath Burns
It's hard out there for a mildly funny prankster. Most monsters deal with the same questions of self – who am I? What do I want in un-life? Even some of my closest monsters wonder who I am, and to be honest, many times so do I. It leads me to ask, can one ever truly know the real monster inside? Or is un-life just a continuous hunt to find purpose to feed the soul? I know that one thing that truly feeds me is my passion for fun, but no one seems to get the humor in my punch lines. The hardest part is being tormented by the feeling that no monster will ever truly understand me.
Most times, I just feel completely misunderstood. On the outside, I'm Heath Burns – class clown and UHHHn-defeated prankster! It's an external personae – everyone has one. Don't get me wrong, I love to laugh and practical jokes really are my forte, but occasionally a monster just wants to mellow out and have a serious convo with the pretty ghoul from Biteology class. Unfortunately, most monsters don't let me express my sensitive side, because they expect a joke at every turn. Since I’m a pro, I always give my audience what they expect – but sometimes it can be a total buzz kill.
That being said, the Heath Burns lifestyle is one awesome ride! I am who I am, and that's all I want or need to be. Monsters may think they have my personality pegged, but they're dead wrong. I am strong, unique and totally the beast guy to have around when you’re in need of a gut busting laugh. But I'm also caring and creative – so don't forget you should never judge a clown by his worst joke.
I am myself, I am unique and I am a freakishly awesome monster!
Abbey and Heath to Slice Out the Competition
December 03, 2012
Winter sports season is finally in full swing now that the Monster X-Games championship is set to take place in less than a month's time. With student bodies Abbey Bominable and Heath Burns preparing to freeze out their opposition as a fierce duo this year, the competition is bound to heat up quickly.
Given Abbey's fervor for snowboarding, we imagine we'll see some wickedly good tricks on the monster pipe while Heath is expected to melt the ice during the Beast Trick round. Rumors are also spreading about a synchronized ski competition for the pair. How did the two get wrangled into sharing the competition? Gil says Heath practically burst into flames at the chance to spend a little one-on-one time with Abbey.
No matter what the reason for their matchup, monsters everywhere are screaming in excitement over the possibilities. These super athletes are sure to put on a creeperific show this winter.
Heath Burns: I have a burning crush on the coolest ghoul in school, but I'm not sure she knows I'm alive. I don't want to declare my love if she doesn't feel the same way. How can I get her to notice me?
C.A. Cupid: Love is worth the risk. You must tell her how you feel. Even if her initial response is icy, your re-hot feeling may melt her heart
Volume 1           
This would be the first time we see him (I think his actual presentation would be New Ghoual @ School, the first movie). He´s shown talking to background characters mostly, first year in high school maybe? Or second year of highchool but he just moved to Monster High, I say this because Draculaura calls him “new guy”.
He’s trying to give a good impression, but in a “hey guys I’m cool” way
He´s immature, at least compared to the other manster, he´s a year younger than the rest
He´s shown trying to flirt with Frankie one time (This does not work for him btw)
Draculaura flirts with him first, I would guess they have a date that went really wrong off camera, because in later episodes Draculaura is shown to really dislike him lol
He has a really big ego when it comes to sports, like, he truly believes he´s the best in them (I like to think that this because they´re one of the only things he´s always been good at, compared to his other classes). He even says that some sports shouldn’t be for girls (BY THE WAY, WHAT THE FUCK WITH THAT?? LIKE??? HUH??? THIS IS LITERALLY THE ONLY SUBJECT HE ACTS LIKE THIS)
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Volume 2
He really wants to go with Draculaura to that prom, dance?? (I don’t know what’s it’s called honestly), but Draculaura doesn´t want to go with him. If you think about it, this may be because she was the only person who first approached him in a good way; so maybe Heath thought Draculaura wouldn't turn him down. The way he insists her isn't cool tho, and it takes calling Clawd to threaten him so he stops.
He isn´t angry with Clawd afterwards tho, Heath actually doesn´t appear in the “prom” later in the episode, so he really didn´t have anyone else to go with
He´s good friends with Gil! He helps him get the courage to tell his parents what he has with Lagoona.
He doesn't have the best relationship with Jackson?, he doesn't treat him badly in front of him, and he even is shown to repeatedly spend time with him, but it's quite clear that for some reason he doesn't want Jackson to be in Monster High (Heath only acts like this during this volume tho)
He’s included in the friend group of the ghouls, but I think this is mostly because he´s spends time with Deuce, Gil and Jackson, since the ghouls constantly don’t want to spend time with him
By the way, this is important to me, but Heath has only been shown to be attracted to the physical appearance of people, and tends to act quickly on those feelings, trying to flirt with the background girls (They don’t like him tho). I like to think he’s in some part of the aromantic spectrum because of this (Demiro maybe?)
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Volume 3
He’s shown spending waaaayy more time with Manny ( :/ )
The times he's rude with others it’s really because he's like really honest. This guy does not realize that what he is saying is rude to others and may hurt them
He flirts with Abbey like a lot, and Abbey is shown to at least find him funny
Saying this again, but every time he develops a short crush with a girl its purely a physical attraction and not a romantic one, I think the fisrt time he actually wants to be in a more serious thing is whith Abbey, but he also takes  a lot of time to even realize this
All of his friends would blame him for any type of fire related accident, like they wouldn’t even think about it
He really helps Frankie in that New Year episode where she stops time, like totally platonic, friend helping another friend thing
He really cares about his friends lives (yes, I am talking about the ghouls in this), and he tries to warn them thay they could be in danger, but literally nobody takes him seriously
He’s scared by Jhonny Spirit lol
Talking about Hoodude he’s shown to be rude with him in a singular episode, but I suppose he apologized afterwards. Since later in the volume they’re shown to be on good terms and Heath does not get angry with him if he accidentally hurts him
HE’S SCARED OF AN OLD TYPREWRITER???? I DON’T KNOW (Yes this was funny enough for me to type it)
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Volume 4
He’s shown way less
He’s a fan of Catty Noir lol
He tends to get lunch with Hoodude x)
He’s in more sports than before, Maybe he just signs up for every sport in the school (except swimming)
He spends more time with Manny :(
He helps or is in the art club as a model!
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Volume 5
He almost never appears in this volume
He’s speaking with Manny in the interchange episode and he doesn’t appear much during that arc, so I guess went to Greece with Manny?? Completely guessing here
He wants to be a vampire in the Casta Frierce episode lol
When he goes to that party he doesn’t go with a formal outfit or anything, he just shows up with his normal everyday outfit, this thing he does it in almost every single party episode btw. He’s shown dancing with Jinafire btw!
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Volume 6
He appears three times literally
In the arc of the circus thingy, he appears in the background with a different t-shirt and cooking some sausages with a stick, he literally doesn’t do anything more
And the other time he appears it’s when he some books fall on top of him when he’s searching for something in his locker
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Extra episodes
He’s actually cheering on the casketball team instead of playing with them
And he went to the beach, he’s shown to spend time with Hoodude talking together, and he also plays with Clawd a bit.
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New Ghoul at School
Appears using his cellphone in the background
When Deuce tells him to stop he ignores him and keeps trying to flirt with Frankie
Deuce Stones him for not stopping and he takes his statue with him as he leaves
And the end he appears dancing with Draculaura
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Fright On:
He's at the mall with this half-goat guy, those from Greek mythology, I think they’re called satyr?? Faun Boy??? Whatever
He likes Iris and Scarah for their appearances
He sits beside Jackson in one scene, I think he waves hello to Manny
He doesn´t like the science class, maybe because it’s more of a wait around class than anything, He invoked a small version of a Cthulhu thingy
He tried to flirt with two different vampire girls
He was looking at the fight between the werewolves and vampires, HE FAINTED???
At the end he tries to flirt with Gory, but a zombie ends up splashing him with water
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Why do ghouls fall in love?:
They invited him to Draculaura's birthday, he was dancing with these vampires from the previous movie (it's a dream from Draculaura btw)
Trying to pay attention to Mr. Rotter's class as far as it seems (he's struggling with the book)
Ok this doesn't make sense, but Ghoulia's computer bug makes her "perfect match" appear as Heath
HE IS SO HAPPY THAT GHOULIA IS SUPPOSEDLY HIS PERFECT MATCH; he goes and tells some friends at lunch, Gil and Lagoona tell him not to be crazy and to take the date more calmly and Heath tells them "but I'm her perfect partner, right? I should act like always". Deuce seems interested in seeing how Heath treats this situation, but more in a way of waiting for Heath to fuck up
He accidentally burned a book while trying to flirt Ghoulia :(
He went to look for Ghoulia to hang out with her I guess (inconvenient at the moment but it's not his fault)
Heath made a song for her :3
Heath listens to the radio show of Cupid thing but it’s because they are throwing more “hard” tips because Abbey is the one who is talking. He was in the library with Ghoulia to accompany her, he accidentally burned a book again for wanting to give it to Ghoulia
Ghoulia wasn't very happy with the things they tried so she wants to tell him to stop this thing they were doing later
Heath ends their thingy with Ghoulia first, seeing that a serious relationship is not for him (and that it wasn't working out), but he still asks Ghoulia if she doesn't get mad about this or anything, because she still worries about their friendship. Ghoulia tells him that there is no problem, Heath then goes to go with flirt again with the girls
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Escape from skull shores:
He’s back in those water tanks from attraction parks
Why is he so egocentric in this?? He just told this skeleton guy to use the muscles when he clearly doesn't have them (mocking him) and telling Howleen that girls can't throw? What the hell? He didn’t act like since Volume 1
He deserved that Howleen threw him inside the water, but why the hell did the water had piranhas inside of it????
Heath laughs at the destruction of public space (arson win) lol
Heath runs off to recess along with Manny
He is afraid of the circus performer
He’s standing there watching each other kill each other on the roof lol
I think he was talking to operetta??? On the island at the end
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Friday Night Frights
He's on the skating team
previous season of the sport as of now
Substitute for the team along with Manny, calls the gargoyles fools
Makes fun of the other team as he skates too
They lost the thing? I don’t remember right now. Manny almost kills him because he pushes him. Heath is really sad about their team losing. He's disappointed when Clawd says he's canceling the next season of the sport
He’s watching at that thing to see who could make the new players for the team
He doesn't pay much attention when a werewolf says that a girl shouldn't be teaching guys about the sport, but he does laugh at another's guy joke about the same thing
Surprised by Lagoona's abilities!
He doesn't say anything to Lagoona when she says he wants to join the team, but he seems confused. When Frankie asks why Manny doesn't want to play with girls, Heath replies "because it's a man's sport, it's sacred! It's tradition."
Manny says that they are not going to make the team then, Heath goes along with the idea, and he says "well see ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!" And then if  tells them good luck putting together a team without men
He went to see (along with Clawd and Manny) the first tournament of the season, obviously to make fun of the ghouls; he’s carrying a camera to record them lol
He laughs at the Ghouls the next day (along with literally all the other guys)
Do I have to keep saying that he continues to make fun of the girls along with Manny? He’s still carrying the camera by the way. Operetta tells them to like, get lost or something
He went to watch the games together with Manny, obviously to record when the girls lost, but when he sees that the girls are using other strategies and are going ahead pf the other team, he is surprised and applauds them (puts the camera down)
He doesn’t appear in the next game
In the next game he’s cheering them on with the rest of the school
Heath and Manny apologize to the girls, admitting they were jerks
He’s was talking to Rochelle about the matches I guess :3
Next game/final game he’s on the cheer squad to cheer them on :3 (He accidentally burns the pompom)
He was about to kill the gargoyles for/because of the shield (I don’t remember what this refers to)
He was going to record them when they were celebrating, Manny then pushes him and Heath ends up crashing into Clawd
Passage of time to the next season of the sport this (aka the time when the movie starts)
He’s playing in the team again <3
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Ghouls rule:
He fell asleep in the movie that they’re playing in class for Halloween :3
He said he failed history once, saying it was because he accidentally burned the book and couldn't study. When he says this he accidentally burns his book, Abbey puts out the burned book before anything else catches fire (for some reason everyone laughs at him?)
He was going to laugh at the pumpkins set as a threat, inadvertently activating the trap. Abbey shields him from being hurt and Heath thanks her.
They make fun of him (Manny and the rest of random guys) because Abbey saved him??? He gets really sad about this. Especially because the first one who laughs at him is Manny
In the Ms. Bloodgood room he sits next to Frankie, separated from Manny
He seems happy or interested with the meeting for Halloween that Cleo organizes
He tries to help Abbey not to drop a book on her head, it goes wrong and he ends up colliding with the locker, the book falls on his head and he sets it on fire. ABBEY AND LAGGONA DON'T EVEN ASK HIM IF IHE’S OKAY?? UH????? I GUESS??????
He takes some time to even recognize the secret greeting for the thing that Cleo is organizing, frustrating (I think) Clawd and ending up saying out loud what the greeting was for. He ends up crashing into another locker
He’s really interested in like, pulling a prank on the humans
He looks confused/concerned at Jackson when he shows up
Follow the rest with the idea that Holt should go instead of Jackson :(
He's super interested in pulling this prank on the humans (repeating myself here), He’s even carrying one rotten egg for the prank, I think he's the only one who took something like that? I have to say that he's probably good with basketball tricks because he does those kinds of tricks with this egg and he does it really well.
Manny gets mad at him for this?
Clawd tells him to be careful and Heath looks at him somewhat disappointed, telling him to have some confidence in him.
Holt bumps into him and makes Heath drop the egg, he tries to catch it but trips over a stone and can’t, he gets really sad about this
Holt flashes a flashlight into Heath eyes/face to get him to hurry up
Disappointed that someone already did a graffiti in the human school before them, but says it's a much better job than what they were going to do
He runs fast! (Although it is obvious, in the series he was part of the track team)
He hides with Manny in a place of dishes/pots, when he sees that they weren't caught he gets excited and sets himself on fire, I think it's Manny who ends up breaking the place because Heath doesn't move from where he was sitting
Confused when he joins the rest to see that they are accusing Holt
He does not put up much resistance for this human party idea, he seems surprised actually
He wants to dance with Abbey at the party but he couldn’t.
He doesn't even want to be close to that blonde girl, he makes a scared face when she talks to him
When eating a spicy food (Abbey stops him before, telling him that they are too spicy, but he eats it anyway, saying that he was going to resist) he doesn't resist?? I guess?? For comedy factor?? He sets himself on fire, revealing that he is indeed a monster and inadvertently so are his friends. Abbey tries to put it out but Heath keeps running until he can put out the fire with a bucket of water.
Seems ready to fight with the humans when discovered
He tries to "protect" Abbey when they have to escape from the police, but while running he slips on a puddle and Abbey ends up helping him
He’s biting his nails when the Ms. Bloodgood is scolding them, maybe he does it when he is nervous?
He’s laying on the desk during detention until Frankie talks. He replies that he thinks it's cool that Holt had done the graffiti.
Has a “the fuck” face as he listens to Cleo complaining
I think he was talking to Toralei?
I think he's saying "awesome" when Cleo lies about Holt pulling those pranks
Tells Cleo the she should tell Holt everyone has his back
Tries to get Abbey out of detention, obviously doesn't do anything of what he says when the professor swings a dagger at his face, saying he has to go (Abbey seeing this says that Heath is "obviously" not part of the plan)
I'm saying it now, but Heath has no reaction when Holt takes the punishment of being killed. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE BECAUSE HE'S HIS FUCKING COUSIN MAYBE HE SHOULD REACT??? LIKE DUDE
Help with the plan to get the humans into the hall, to get their attention he taunts them and makes sure he's set on fire to light the way for the humans; I think he laughs nervously
He's really happy about the things that Abbey can do. When he sees that the ice statue is going to fall on top of him, he throws a ball of fire at it to melt it (I think it's one of the few times he does something like that?) He ends up going out dancing with Abbey thanks to this
After dancing with Abbey help the bullies (those blonde guys that look like jocks) to roast some marshmallows in his heads, I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT HE'S SITTING IN A BABYGIRL  POSE OK I DON'T KNOW (gay?!¡?????!?!!!)
He’s good at sliding down rails?? With only his feet?? Cool??
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Scaris City of frights:
Had a turn at the fashion show that Clawdeen organized at school, He’s so excited to participate (along with Deuce and Clawd)
Toralei's (fucking asshole) wants to humiliate Clawdeen (and Heath) changing the outfit he had to wear for the show
He is quite nervous about going out with the dress, he still does what he can (as he himself says) to wear it
Heath helps Ghoulia carry her scooter, which he has a hard time carrying, but manages in the end. Clawd and Deuce laugh at him for this??
He is so happy to be able to spend time with Deuce and Clawd! He literally says that "there is no better fun than with friends" and wants to high-five Deuce and Clawd, they look at him confused/disgusted and leave him standing there. Heath is confused as to why they left him hanging/ignored.
Heath tells Clawd that well, Draculaura is in the city of love, and in his case he would be jealous (Heath is always this very sincere without really wanting to hurt his friends feelings) he asks for a high five back to Clawd, and Deuce freeze him for this (Since Clawd gets sad and Heath doesn’t notices)
He’s so glad that for once he’s told that he was right about something. He literally tells Clawd not to worry, that it's not going to happen like last time (Valentine) and that Draculaura wouldn't left him for another dude.
He doesn't seem very convinced that Clawd is going to ask Cupid for help.
Clawd just says thanks to Deuce for going with him to Scaris. He then SARCASTICALLY says thanks to Heath for coming, literally telling him afterwards "I didn't want you to come though" (I think at least that what he says in Spanish)
Heath tells him that he wouldn't miss an opportunity to skip school. I KNOW HE’S IGNORING THE OTHER COMMENT I KNOW; that or he doesn’t understand sarcasm?
He was almost killed by a gargoyle on the airplane
Says "I miss girls who speak my language" when he arrives in Scaris lmao (in difference as Deuce and Clawd say that their miss Cleo and Draculaura)
I think he stopped for a second to see the mural that Ghoulia was doing
Doesn't stop Clawd from talking to a mime lmao
Gives money to Ghoulia's monkey!!!
He’s tired of looking for the ghouls; He does not seem very convinced to go to the catacombs to look for them as indicated by Clawd
Heath is lighting up the way for the boys to go through the catacombs
He's not like, very happy to see/find the girls compared to Clawd and Deuce
He kicks down a door!! He took it out from melting the sides from where it is connected to the wall; and did this only using one finger like a blowtorch!!
Clawdeen slams the door on him AND DOES NOT APOLOGIZE
He doesn't even complain about being squashed with the door :(
He asks sadly if anyone missed him, no one answers him, except Abbey with a "maybe me, very little" AND HEATH GETS TOO HAPPY ABOUT THIS; respects Abbey when she tells him not to push
I don't know why but when he goes with Abbey on a scooter he cannot accommodate/sit well on it
He is so proud I adore him
He tells Clawdeen that the speech she made was beautiful, and asks for a high-five, Clawdeen is the only one who returns it, when he does, he says "about time! :D"
He falls off the catwalk again and they laugh at him
In the photos he accidentally burns a bird lol
Uh that weird end part of the movie
He says that girls do magic to fit all the clothes they wear in their baggage
He was talking to Deuce when Frankie gives him a bag. He says "I don't want to be seen carrying this girly bag like this" Which ok doesn't make sense because he says this after walking a fashion runway in a skirt??
He wants to flirt with Jinafire??
In Heath's defense, he didn't know the book was alive.
He asks Deuce if Jinafire is interested in him and Deuce literally replies that "you're imagining things" and he's goes to flirt with her anyway
In the hot air balloons, he accidentally burns the rope for trying to flirt with Jinafire
He is not used to cold places and is shown to be almost freezing, unlike dragons like Jinafire he is capable of generating fire at any altitude/temperature
He says "that's amazing" when the book goes away again lmao
He is the only one helping to move the car
He’s also not good in desert places? He’s itchy
Help Ghoulia flee in Transylvania
Is he the only one paddling????? In the middle of the ocean?? They were eaten by a sea serpent
He has a confused face with what Jinafire says about the book.
(I just realized that he is wearing flip flops lmao)
He accidentally set the balloon on fire but it worked anyway
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13 wishes:
He wants to participate in "Die Trying" along with Clawd and Manny; Right now he's recording what Clawd was doing. The camera breaks because water fell on it but it's not his fault
The next time he accidentally burns the camera because he got excited
Seems confused that he's being put on the show because of Howleen's wish but doesn't complain or anything
He presents himself as flirtatious in the show
Happy/excited to be able to participate!
The next time you see him, he's already half worried about the feat they have to do, but he's still happy
He's the first to notice and tell Manny and Clawd that he's tired of the show (he seems nervous that they'll call him a coward for this but they don't).
He doesn't even want to participate anymore but he is obliged by the one host of the show
He gets to the point of hiding in garbage cans so he doesn't have to participate, saying it's humiliating; although he says "no, I swear I'm not afraid of the contest" although he is literally hiding so as not to participate, just like Manny and Clawd
Deuce asks them what the hell they are doing in the garbage cans, when he answers Deuce he ends up being found by the host of the show
In the next feat he doesn't even want to be there anymore, half-jokingly says that "we could do it with our hands tied behind our backs" to encourage Clawd and Manny but the host takes this as recommendation and does exactly that to them
The next time he is seen, he looks like shit, with a broken or sprained foot and using a medical crutch and a bruised right eye. He slips on garbage, catches fire and accidentally throws Manny and Clawd on top of him, with this he says "I should be used to this by now".
He looks surprised and confused at the host of the show, I repeat again that he doesn't want to participate anymore; Manny helps him get up btw
The next time he is seen is in the last feat, they were going to be the first to complete it until Howleen refunds (?) the wish. He was excited to be the first to win (this time they are seen they’re no longer hurt)
When they fall they end up in Monster High again, since they were shown to be almost in the middle of the ocean or something similar
He’s seen again at the party
Spectra asks them how the show went and like little assholes they lie that it wasn't a problem, Heath specifically says that "I fell asleep for most of it". Although when they see the light that illuminated them throughout the competition, they hide again
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Frights camera action:
He went to the movies with Hoodude (and Jackson I think)
He likes the protagonist of the movie hehe. When Draculaura stops to complain about the movie, Heath tells her to sit down because it's blocking his view.
Jackson gets worried when Heath sets himself on fire for saying he likes the star of the movie lmao
He doesn't seem very interested in hearing Draculaura tell the story of vampire royalty and is currently leading the way along with Clawd and Gil
When Hoodude falls it hurts Heath, this is interesting because it indicates that Hoodude must have something from Heath (I discard the idea that it was because he was closer to him, since the girls were closer to Hoodude). Heath doesn't get mad at him anyway
The next time he appears he is waving goodbye to Draculaura from the balcony along with the rest of her friends who didn't go with her
I guess when Hoodude leaves he returns what he had from Heath; or before it directly hurt only Heath for comedy factor
He's at the opening of the second movie (In universe)!! I think he was supposed to go and see it with Abbey (he's mad that Abbey sat with an actor)
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Freaky fusion:
He appears the first time at minute 53 how do you feel about that huh
He’s watching this uh theatre show, greets Frankie happily
btw his hair is on fire during the whole scene
He gets scared when this monster of Victor appears alongside the rest
Just when something gets thrown at his head is that he runs away and his hair burns off
He’s the first one to think "save frankie??". then he does say "lets save frankie"
in the last theathre show his fair is on fire again and he is very happy at the history/performance and :3
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He went to see the swimming team, apparently he says something to Clawd while they cheer
He celebrates much less than the rest of the group/school
He appears way more excited to cheer on Lagoona
When the opponent's team fails, he celebrate
He’s one of the calmest if nothing is happening
Is he sitting next to Hoodude?
He sat down next to Clawd again, he seems bored
He has Spectra blog notifications turned on
He asks Clawd if the rumor/thing it's true and goes away with Deuce before hearing an answer
He is talking to Manny and Deuce the next time he appears
He almost falls asleep on the stairs with Manny and Deuce, Manny kicks him to get him to listen to him
He kept a 😦 face when he saw the ghostly boat
He disappears I don’t know bro, runned too fast or something
He’s dancing  at the end :33
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Boo York Boo York:
He likes Catty Noir as an artist! When he hears that she is going to compose another song he tells her that it’s going to be great
He’s  in the background talking to Manny
Somehow he found Ghoulia's lab in the catacombs?? Along with Manny
Think that what Ghoulia is doing is a video game, he is playing with whatever progam Ghoulia was using
He is afraid that Professor Rotter will punish him for playing videogames but he doesn't and he ends up giving him a high five lmao
When Ghoulia needs the big screen Heath doesn't interrupt her or anything, he seems worried until Ghoulia plays the piano, where he starts to dance a little bit
When the meteorite is about to fall, he has a confused and worried face
Celebrates because Ghoulia made it
HE’S DANCING ABOVE A TABLE WITH CLAWD AND MANNY???? Supporting Astranova (this is at the very end)
Great scarrier reef:
He looks worried at Lagoona :(
He was talking to Slo Mo and a mantis kid when Lagoona takes the phone from him, says "hey wait!" When she takes it and Heath then seems to complain
He's dancing with Clawd hehe
HE’S CHASING CLAWD??? I think they were playing something with throwing the stick?? Since Clawd was running with a stick in his mouth
Then he was talking to Clawd while they were eating the cupcakes.
HE SEEMS HAPPY WHEN LAGOONA SAYS HE DISINVITED TORALEI, he is literally the only one happy in this lmaooo
Eating the cupcakes with Clawd when Toralei and Lagoona start fighting, he seems excited at the idea of ​​them fighting with each other.
He got more worried because he dropped a cupcake lol
Helps so they don't all fall into the whirlwind, surely he did it desperate since he's lying grabbing Abbey's legs
He has a 😥 face when the girls fall into the whirlwind
He’s having lunch with Clawd when the Kraken comes to school, he had already finished lunch. He’s confused when he sees the Kraken
Has no problem fighting someone when the ghouls ask him to
Says "she doesn't look so tough haha" when Cala appears,  but he gets scared when he sees the Kraken and runs
Helps or wants to help in the plan
Does not appear after??? I don't know what he was supposed to do????
He’s dancing later hehe
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Lost Movie
Apparently the first time he would appear he would be talking to Clawd and Deuce
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Hopes and Screams
the first thing that appears about him is "Heath is a good-hearted boy, but he is very clumsy and irresponsible, and always tends to cause chaos when things get a little heated"
He’s helping/supporting Clawdeen with her trendy monster segment at Monster High :3
How can I explain that he only wanted to dress fashionable to impress Abbey, BY THE WAY WHEN ABBEY APPEARS, HE GETS EXCITED AND STARTS BURNING THE POSTER BY ACCIDENT, but just a little bit
Funnily enough, these comics is the only time Heath wears another outfit outside of the circus and beach episodes and the happy 2014 one I think, he's always in his school jacket
BTW, he asks Howleen for help with the outfits so Clawdeen puts him on the blog!
This comic makes me angry against Clawdeen by the way, like she tells him he ia a “fashion disaster” AND THAT’S NOT TRUE HE LOOKS GOOD (that or I don’t have a fashion sense at all) AND HEATH REACTS LIKE IN A “:(“ WAY. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THAT HE TRIED 4 MORE TIMES WITH DIFFERENT OUTFITS EACH TIME
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“I don't want to have this kind of rejection Howleen!” AUAUUAGHHHHHH By the way he's having some soda I guess with Howleeen at I guess where Clawdeeen leaves the clothes
On top of that, obviously, later he's upset because what they were drinking I don't know what the hell it is but it was something thick and green and everything stuck to him and his clothes
"You and Heath should stay away from fashion for a while!" SHUT UP CLAWDEEN SHUT UP I BEG YOU
At the end Clawdeen actually gives him a spot on the fashion blog
In the end he goes out with Abbey
Also appears in “These Boots were made for Rolling”, the story centered on Robecca
Why the fuck the skating team don't wear a uniform, how the hell do people know they're on the same team, dude???
He is surprised with the skates that the zombies have, saying "I can't believe I'm actually jealous of zombie's moves!"
Says that in general the school team should buy new skates because the ones they have are falling apart.
He goes “:0 :(“ when the zombies are so fast that they beat them before they even leave the starting line lol
They have a fair to earn money to buy the skates, and Heath asks Draculaura if she didn't make any of the food, and Draculaura replies “you put a spell on someone once and they mark you for life!” DRACULAURA??? DID YOU PUT A SPELL ON HEATH OR ANOTHER RANDOM???
SAYS THE PHRASE “with our player’s HOT skills and these scary-cool new skates, we can’t lose!” As a mean of cheering on the team/Rochelle
Spoilers! The gargoyle passes them and automatically his reaction is to go to catch up with him.
Robecca hits him
He obviously helps carry Robecca off the track after they crash with Rochelle's help, he gives her a worried look when Robecca half-snaps out of his grip and leaves all frustrated.
Apparently what happens is that a part of Robecca's boots/legs/skates broke and to buy a replacement it cost A LOT, and Heath stays as “:0” when he sees how much it cost but more worried. When Clawd proposes to sell the new skates to pay for Robecca's replacement, Heath thinks it's a great idea.
He’s literally like this “:D” When Robecca gets really happy and auaughsi
I Only Have Eye For You 
In a Flashback it is shown that he went to the beach with Slo-Mo and Gil and they were playing Frisbee :3 (He accidentally hits Slo-Mo and apologizes) (End flashabsck)
Goes to greet Abbey and asks her what she is doing. he literally just wanted to spend some time with Abbey, he makes a joke and Abbey, who is busy, tells him that she doesn't have time right now (completely understandable) and Heaths stays like "wow, I don't understand women"
I swear that this kid has autism (Like me!)
I don't know how to explain it but, in the 3 panels between when Abbey leaves and Manny and Gil come to talk to him, he changes his mood three times, first he is “:(” because Abbey doesn't want to spend time with him, then he goes like “heeeyy guys how ya’ doin’” like super confident in himself, and then he's back :( when he notices the thingy is in his head
"It would be pathetic if I'm the only one that no girl asks him to the dance!" Spoiler, no one invited him yet, ​​followed by "No way, I'm a loser!" when Manny and Gil tell him they've already been invited
He REALLY wants Abbey to invite him or something, on top of that he says "The only thing that would make her invite me is if I were as cute as these things are" (My life noooo :( ) And with that he has the idea of ​​making himself cute as those thingies by changing his minds with one
The machine tickles lol. I hadn't noticed before, but as he transforms into this thing I guess he gets excited, because his eyes go blank like when he catches on fire
While Heath is literally transformed, he just wants to give hugs and kisses to his friends <3. HIS PUPILS ARE A HEART OH MY GOD
He kisses Manny and Gil on the forehead, who respond with "How humiliating!" and “Uuuhhhggg”
When he notices Abbey he goes to give a kissy too, but immediately stop when Abbey tells him to sit. Then they go to revert Heath back to normal
He gives Ghoulia a little kiss on the forehead when they are going to return him to normal <3
Automatically apologizes to Ghoulia, telling a joke when Ghoulia tells him that she should put up a security system.
When Ghoulia leaves, Heath asks Abbey how she knew it was him, and Abbey tells her that she knows how to recognize monsters by the kindness they have (auaughh <3)
Abbey ends up inviting him to the party!!
Later (or before???) when he is seen with Clawd, Heath is just accompanying him, Clawd asks him if he saw the tickets he just had and Heath tells him that "no idea, didn't pay attention to that" (he’s just like me…)
when Clawd doesn't have the reservation he had put, Clawd asks Heath if he's being pranked or something, and Heath quite defensively tells him "don't blame us (me) for the fact that you forgot  today"
When Clawd leaves angrily Heath says "Luckily his howl is stronger than his bite!" but I don't know if it's like a wish or if it's an affirmation
when Valentine comes in and says what he's been doing (which was helping everyone but things went wrong for him) Heath is upset but not directly angry at him, I don't know, like, literally 2 panels later he's really happy so
“And I kissed everyone!” Yeah Heath, yeah
He is one of the first to support Valentine telling him that they will be his friends
I THINK, I THINK HEATH TELLS VALENTINE ABOUT "Rest assured that we are all enjoying this, everything worked out in the end" Since he is the last one he spoke to and it does not appear on the panel so
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Who Are The Fright-Mares?
I mean, technically he appears because he’s where Flara Blaze comes from, one of these centaurs combined with a random monster nightmare, that she just comes from Heath's nightmares, which I don't even know how to take because she is represented as super chaotic because she likes to be, saying that this is how she represents the element of fire, but Heath isn't chaotic because he likes to be, he is unintentionally chaotic. On top of that, Flara actively gives him bad dreams if it seems funny to her at the moment
Monster High: Ghoul Spirit
Omg heath hi, he is standing next to a locker
Clawdeen asks you to meet Heath (the kid has been standing in the middle of the hall for about an hour) saying that he has a plan to distract Mr.Where
Apparently they also ask you to get Clawd's cell number from Heath lol
Obviously he flirts with you when you ask him for the phone number
I think he does that I'm assuming, it's not like the game is very understandable anyway
Apparently Heath has a hair curler lol
Ok maybe I got lost because I was like 1 hour without paying attention to the lore of this game but, Heath is helping Draculaura :3
I think it’s cute that Heath specifically knows Clawd's favorite color
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Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze
COCKY ASS “After I win- You want me to autograph your skates?”
“Of course! The Heathster is the only choice!” when you pick him
Monster High: 13 Wishes.
Doesnt appear
 Monster High: New Ghoul in School
The first time he appears he’s at the robotics club, He has shown that he has mechanical skills before (the kid repaired a whole car) but I don't know, maybe he helps to make the external type parts of the robots
When the robot's legs light up, he says “Aw Man, that's so scary-cool!”
You understand that Heath would rather be in a robotics club with Clawd, Robecca and Catty than be playing CasketBall (something we know he likes to do) with Deuce, Manny and Slo-Mo???
On top of that, he is super interested in the subject
Basically he is more in the robotics club to learn than anything else, at least on the subject of how a robot works, maybe he would say something more if the one who makes the videos spoke to him outside of the missions but hey what do I know
He doesn't seem so enthusiastic when they finally finish the robot, since the robots has to learn things from scratch, and I suppose that half disappoints his expectations??? Idk, Heath seems way more serious in this game than in any other content from G1
Or is he talking to Skellita, Sirena and Manny in the foyer?????? DOES NOT SUPPORT MANNY WITH HIS STUPID JOKE
After talking with them he goes back to dancing with Holt
Now that the robot does speak, he seems much more excited.
HE IS AT THE AUDITORIUM?? LOL??? Ok I know it's for one of the missions from Elissabat. Is to see as a solo performance of Elissabat that Heath  goes to the auditorium. When she finishes giving his mini speech Heath goes to Elissabat to tell her that it was really good and that for him these issues (Reason for existing and life itself) are important issues for him too
I don't know if Heath is cursed (the plot of the game) or not when they're in the meeting since he doesn't appear, or if it's because the writers didn't care about him, lol
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46 notes · View notes
roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Let's talk about Yoongi and Taeyang
My thoughts and impressions of this episode are below the cut to avoid spoilers for folks.
Okay so first of all, let's all agree that our Lil Meow Meow was going THROUGH IT. He started fanboying before he could even get to the introduction and he was consistently twitterpated throughout the entire show. Adorbs.
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I won't recap everything, but a few things stood out to me as significant insights into character.
Taeyang mentioned he used to eat only one meal a day. (As someone recovering from disordered eating, I have VIEWS about this but let me hush up and stay on topic.) Then he said when he served in the military, he had to eat three meals a day and do physical labor, so he gained 10kgs (22lbs). Which by the way is still a healthy weight. And he said he had to "work hard" to lose it again. I hate this. I hope all our boys come back from their time in the military used to regular meals, regular sleeping hours, a regular BMI and stick to it. They will have the power to reshape the standards of the industry if they refuse to make themselves fit into a smaller space. Just my opinion and I doubt I'll be changing it any time ever.
Taeyang said Jimin re-recorded their song 15 times. As far as I know based on the documentaries and Masterclasses I've watched from other famous musicians, singers, and songwriters, studio time is precious, even if you own the studio. Recording is expensive. A great deal of time is spent after recording on mixing the best takes to get to one master track. But our Jimin seems to have wanted to get it perfect all in one. He really does hold himself to a standard higher than most Grammy winners; I'm not kidding.
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Yoongi then of course praises Jimin for his work ethic. The praise, THE PRAISE, Y'ALL. I LIVE. Jimin keeps working even when he cramps up in pain, our dear artist... Remember when he couldn't go to Jin's birthday party because he was recovering from muscle cramps? We called it; it was because of choreo.
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Interesting how in the same breath, Yoongi compared Jungkook's organic genius to Jimin's effortful genius. I'm a huge Jikook fan but I don't want to make this out to be a shipping moment, because honestly it's just about styles of approach to work. And this isn't the first time we've heard this about Jikook as a unit. We hear it from members, producers, friends, choreographers, collaborators...
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Yoongi also is sure to rat Jimin out about how much he mimicked and idolized Taeyang as a teen and it's like... you're saying this while admitting to doing the exact same thing and knowing all his songs, but still, it's super sweet. It reminds me of when Yoongi admitted to writing fanfic, lol. Even better is how Taeyang mentions several times he knows all of BTS' work. That's a discography of 200+, my friends.
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But seeing Yoongi praise both Jimin and Taeyang so highly makes me wish that this episode came out before VIBE released. Maybe his trusted perspective would have softened the resistance many people felt toward supporting the project.
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Especially because Taeyang really comes across as a good guy. He seems humble, considerate, grounded, a team-player, sensible, deep-thinking, and kind. He also seems to be focused on being a family man, making good music, and becoming a role model for the next generation. Now yes, both times I've seen him this way, he's appearing on TV to promote his single. But as far as we can know a celebrity while they are in front of a hot camera, I feel like his character is genuine enough, and I trust the tannies when they say they ALL admire and respect him deeply.
BTS has been around in the industry long enough to know when people are full of shit. And yeah, there are some seriously problematic assholes in Big Bang. There were legit scandals involving drugs and sex trafficking. I won't be rushing out to consume their products. But they did play a part in shaping BTS and Taeyang shouldn't be painted with the same brush just because he landed in the same group. He seems like someone who might have matured out of a lot of mistakes, like appropriating hairstyles or speaking on subjects outside his lived experience. I'm willing to give him a chance, here, in 2023, to get it right.
I also appreciate how honest and vulnerable Yoongi was and continues to be the moment he gets a few drinks in him. Talking about being so nervous without his members for That, That that he wanted to throw up. Mentioning the fear and disappointment when news of their hiatus caused all hell to break loose. Stating openly and without any qualifiers that he loves his members. To me, this is healing.
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Yoongi was also adorable as fuck, let's face it. Giggly, blushing, toe-tapping, squirming, gushing, flirting Min Yoongi managed to ask Taeyang if he could produce a song for him (as if anyone in the world would say no thanks). And Taeyang is like "come over to my house and eat dinner with Jimin, I'll cook kimchi jiggae for you guys."
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Oh and by the way, Taeyang and Joon apparently go to dinner and hang out and go to museums? AND WE WOULD NEVER KNOW. Do you know why? Because unless they choose to share aspects of their personal lives with us, WE DON'T ACTUALLY SEE THE MAJORITY OF THEIR PERSONAL LIVES. So just because you don't see evidence of members hanging out doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Everyone needs to chill about this with regards to Jikook. They went to ground around the same time that bullshit insurance premiums "scandal" broke and they've been to ground since. That's all.
Side note: Considering the shitstorm online earlier this week because Taehyung followed T-Top for a few hours on Instagram, I'm wondering if 2023 is the year most of the tannies stick to work-only promotions for their social media. You get burned enough, there's no payoff in sharing your vulnerable sides with strangers. It's such a shame, because we had a window to their inner landscapes, a glimpse at their real personalities and their real lives, but ruiners ruin everything. So a special Fuck You to people sending them hate for following or working with people you don't like. Know your place as a fan. Feel free to protest with your pocketbook but don't you dare talk shit and spread hate.
I digress. Back to Suchwita.
Taeyang advised Yoongi to surround himself with good people (members, staff, friends)... people who can tell him no. They had a great talk about staying realistic and humble, reminding themselves all things come to an end, being normal and grounded.
THIS is what makes BTS so easy to champion. They are uniquely talented, clearly the most hardworking, and even have streaks of artistic genius. But they forever remain set in a beginner's mind. They are the top dogs in their industry with an underdog mindset. I love this about them enough to set alarms to vote for awards and buy multiple copies of their work so they chart. I, Roo, who has never been to a popular music concert in all her 43 years; never been a groupie of anyone; never owned a piece of merch--I want them to succeed because I know they will never take it for granted.
And they keep it simple, even when it comes to how they work. Now, as someone who writes for a living and does bullet journaling every day as part of my therapy, I cannot tell you how delighted I was to learn that Yoongi writes with a pen and Taeyang with a typewriter. I am exactly the same. There's something intimate about it. I type more than 95 words a minute for work but it's not the same when crafting something personal. I also write original works better away from a designated work space--it's too much pressure to sit in a sterile environment and try to create. Real, meaningful words come from real, messy, organic moments in life. I just loved this level of detail in their conversation.
All in all, this was just such a great episode. I feel like I got to know both men better, was shown real insight into their mindsets, learned about their lives and work, and so I felt excited about VIBE.
Speaking of VIBE, we still need lots more sales to help Jimin get to Hot 100. Please contact accounts on twitter to get a gift card, make another itunes or amazon account, and buy it again, if you cannot persuade others to buy-in. Jimin worked so hard and wanted this so badly. I'm deeply troubled that ARMY couldn't cough up a buck-twenty-nine for him. It's like With You all over again. Unacceptable.
We are up against Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and Sam Smith. We need the sales to get the points. We have a day and a half to get it right. PLEASE buy it.
We also only need 1.2 million more views on YouTube to get it to 50 million in its first week, so please stream today and tomorrow!
Consider it practice for next month, when PJM1 drops. Because by all accounts--from everyone who has ever worked with Jimin--he deserves it.
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If you got this far, thanks for reading. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
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utilitycaster · 2 years
The Beaujester/Widojest stuff actually reminds me of why I almost wasn't on board with Fjord/Jester at first - I really don't like ships where it feels like one party has to wear down the other, and at first, I thought that was the vibe. So I get really stumped on why people are pushing for closure here. It reminds me of that wild d&d court case. Why would they needlessly burden their friend (Jester) with this information? What do fans think would happen after???
Hi anon,
You are 100% right in that I also think of that D&D Court Case (for those wondering, it's the one that starts here and basically, a couple is playing in a D&D game together and the DM some time ago confessed drunkenly to the player who is writing in that he has feelings for the player's girlfriend...and is now romancing her in-game as an NPC). Like, for real, keep that to yourself! It's so awkward and for what! Tell your therapist! Tell other friends outside this social circle! Do some weird art about it! Have weird feelings! But do not say that to the actual couple involved, holy fuck.
It would require someone with far more knowledge of fandom history to back up my hunch here, so I am presenting it as just a hunch, but it feels like there has been a very heavy drive in the past maybe five or six years towards, rather than "oh man, I wish this ship had happened instead, and here are my AUs and fics in which it did" to "here's why the story is BAD and UNRESOLVED and WRONG." And I don't quite know how it came to be, since internet forums have been around for quite some time, and maybe I'm just clueless because I have come relatively late to every social media ever and it was always like this and the volume has just increased. My personal theory is that people saw all those quirky letter writing campaigns of the 2000s and didn't realize that mailing potato chips or whatever to an NBC exec who was cutting the show because it wasn't getting enough viewers by metrics that were well behind current technology and who would see this and say "oh, shit, this has fans, maybe we can make money off it" is very different than writing hate mail to actual creators, but I could be totally wrong.
But anyway, it is pretty apparent that Uk'otoa was left unresolved! Travis actually had laid the groundwork in-character as Fjord (the bounty hunter hire for Sabian, telling Jester in 2x117 he wanted to deal with Uk'otoa before other things) to return, but it made sense for the show to end after Aeor. Meanwhile, it's not unresolved for someone to quietly nurse a crush, and I'd argue, actually, that both Beau and Caleb's feelings were largely resolved in show. Beau outright told Fjord that she'd had a crush on Jester, but her feelings for Yasha were deeper and more real (and in general this tracks with Beau's repeated self-sabotage when things felt too good to be true). And if you take off the Widojest shipping goggles, it's hard to see Caleb's actions following the party's return from Rumblecusp as anything but quietly admitting that this is not going to happen, as he pushes Jester to dance with Fjord and finally tells her about his past. The goal post of "resolved" secretly means "the preferred ship happens instead."
And then no one ever has an answer for what happens after. Does Beau break up with Yasha? Does the entire scene in Aeor with Essek in 141 - absolutely pivotal, despite coming so late, to Caleb's arc - just not happen, because you really cannot read that as anything but romantic? Does Jester break up with Fjord? How do we reconcile that Jester does not wish to live in Rexxentrum as a housewife, and does want to continue to see the world and be able to regularly spend lots of time in Nicodranas? Do Caleb or Beau make even the slightest concession to Jester's wants and needs, in this fantasy?
I guess I'll wrap this up with this thought: I think that Beau and Caleb's romantic feelings for Jester and how they deal with them are very well played by Marisha and Liam and are incredibly important - indeed, crucial - to understanding their respective character development. But that's the thing in the end. The romantic feelings are deeply important to the stories of Beau and Caleb. They are a footnote on the story of the Mighty Nein. And they are utterly irrelevant to the story of Jester.
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I’ve had Miami Vice on the brain again, and I’ve finally decided to articulate how the pilot of this 1980s cop show perfectly illustrates WHY Hans betrayal in Frozen just does not work as a story-telling component. Bear with me. There will be spoilers (obviously) for Brother’s Keeper and Frozen. I’m going to make a guess that the Venn diagram between Vice fans and Frozen fans does not have a huge overlap, so a brief summary of the former. The pilot of Miami Vice focuses on two cops, Detective Sonny Crockett, a Vice detective in Miami, and Detective Ricardo Tubbs from Brooklyn, who are separately tracking the same mysterious cartel lord. Crockett wants to bust him because he’s in Miami fueling the drug wars, and Tubbs wants to get him because he orchestrated the murder of Tubbs’s older brother in New York. Hence a partnership is born. (as of August 2023, the whole show is free on Tubi if you want to track it down). A DEA agent named Scotty Wheeler wanders in and out of the pilot. Wheeler is Crockett’s former partner, before he went to work for the Federal government, and his wife and kids are still very good friends with Crockett’s estranged wife and son. Wheeler is also selling information to the drug lord, in return for cash. By the time Crockett learns that Wheeler is the department leak, he has already spent six months on the case, his latest partner was murdered in a car bombing meant for a drug dealer who went rogue from the cartel, the informant he has been working on for a long time gets murdered before he can talk, and Crockett’s professional world and case is on thin, thin ice. (The chaos in his personal life is Crockett’s own doing). When Crockett learns the truth, he goes to confront his friend. I’ve linked the scene for anyone who wants to see it, but let’s just say that it is one of the best ‘betrayal’ scenes I’ve ever watched.  No real spoilers for this part because it’s bloody brilliant. Mind you, this all develops over the course of a roughly 100-minute pilot episode which is about the same as Frozen’s running time. It also highlights the main reason why Hans’s betrayal, thematically, flops beyond the *gasp* moment it provides for first time viewers. In fact, Wheeler’s betrayal gets more and more brutal every time a person watches the pilot, while the Hans one just kind of goes flat after a viewing or two. The key word here is investment. Wheeler is not an active player in much of the pilot. He’s there, doing his job, and he’s clearly friends with Sonny, and the other guys in the Vice department. These relationships are the key. We’re told that Wheeler and Crockett have known each other about ten years, that they were partners, and that Wheeler took a bullet for Crockett at some point. The casual camaraderie between them is what sells it though, and digs the knife in deeper. The first time we meet Wheeler, he’s at Crockett’s house with his family, helping Crockett’s estranged wife throw a birthday party for Billy Crockett… a party that Crockett misses because he is dealing with the car bombing that killed his partner.
Throughout the episode, the two guys joke about old times, make bets on the Miami Dolphins games, and share an easy-going friendship that has already stood a lot of trials. Then, when Crockett confronts Wheeler, he cannot help bringing up all the Christmases and Thanksgivings they have shared, and the family dinners where they brought their wives and kids to each other’s houses. They were friends, and Crockett trusted Wheeler implicitly. When Crockett learns the truth, he hates his friend for what he did. In contrast, there is no history between the Arendelle sisters, and Hans. That is perfectly fine for the kind of story Disney is telling… until you realize that they intend to use this theme of the sisters being angry at Hans as a reoccurring note throughout the shorts and the sequel that occurs three years after the event of the original. When you look at it bluntly, the relationship supporting this reaction involved a cumulative… twelve hours of interaction between Hans and either sister? If that? Anna ran into him before the coronation, and they spent part of the evening together. Then she runs off to find Elsa. Elsa meets him at the party, freaks out, freezes everything, and runs off… then meets him briefly in her ice palace and again in the dungeon. She’s probably only spent an hour with the dude while Anna spent a few hours tops. Elsa being mad at him for almost killing her sister and her is understandable, as is booting his butt back to his own country. Still vehemently loathing this guy three years later, to the point she won’t even look at a random snow sculpture of him, but destroys it instantly is… a bit excessive. What he did was horrible… but to be that angry three years later at a guy she has barely even spoken too indicates that Elsa has some extreme grudge holding powers that really seems to be a lot in the grand scheme of things. She spent a handful of minutes with this guy… and has then spent multiple years loathing him. That kind of seems like Hans is winning the mind games here when he really shouldn’t be. If they had given Hans some kind of backstory with the sisters, this reaction would make more sense. If he had been their friend before everything went sour, then sure. If he had been Anna’s pen pal while she was locked up in the castle, and then he betrayed her, a bit of loathing would be justified. If he had had any kind of actual, real relationship with the sisters that would give some weight to his betrayal, besides just the shock value, maintaining this story thread would make sense. With what they give us though, it just looks bizarrely obsessive on Elsa’s part, and grudges are a good look for no one. (It’s also what happens when a lot of writers are using a fictional character as a stand-in for high school dating drama that they’re still upset about, instead of crafting a character who has a place and purpose in the overall story-telling arc… but that’s beside the point.) (For kicks and grins, here's the scene that follows the betrayal scene. Probably the most iconic use of Phil Collin's In the Air Tonight EVER.
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