#he still carries the chidouins with him...
datastate · 1 year
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sketch for @pidgeon-peas‘ cursed forest au!
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goldyluna · 29 days
For the character ask thingy
Sunset Shimmer and/or Kai Satou?
Kai Satou
First impression: boring. I dont think he was remarkable in any way, just a boring caracter with a lot of kitchen tools?????
Impression now: I like him, he is interesting and had so much potential. I like where Nankidai went with his character, but I sometimes wonder how it would look if he was also later in the game
Favorite moment: spoiler!!! I really liked his death. It was a statement, his way to say that only he controls his life. Very poverful, very miningful. Even if we didn't know him long, he made us respect him and grief. But I also love a lot of moments in ytts, like when kanna tries to find out is he is a man and calls him "mom", or when Kai makes fun of Mishima
Idea for a story: I would love to see the story from his perspective. His interaction with his family, his inner thoughts about them, about Chidouin family and Sara and about whole cast. What he was thinking about Mishima's death? Or what did he talk about with Joe? To see his desperation during his last act. To say it simply: a character study
Unpopular opinion: I should change this question to "opinions" because I don't think I said any unpopular ones for this ask game. But going back to Kai: his pans are ridiculous, why is he carrying all of it? Only because Shin could be hit with it? Damn, that's harsh, buddy
Favorite relationship: I liked his relationship with dolls during ytts. We could not only see him interact more with them (and with others too), but we could see more of his personality and skills. Oh, and I think it is kinda creepy how he is a little obsessed with Sara. I know it was showed as him taking care about her, so he wrote down everything about her and he was "staling her" for her safety, but it still is a little creepy in my opinion
Favorite headcanon: I was stumped with this one but @avopumpkin came with help and did the best headcanon that is now also mine headcanon: Kai Satou participated in Hell's Kitchen. Gordon Ramsey would love him, that would be the only person you would not scream at
Sunset Shimmer
First impression: "wow, she's yellow" was my first thought. I first saw her before I watched Equestria Girls. I think her design is one of the better ones, I really liked her outfits
Impression now: she's cool, I guess. To be honest, I didn't watch all of the Equestria Girls movies so I don't know much about her. I know things from funny compilations and fanart so my answers my not be satisfying, sorry
Favorite moment: when she tried to walk and to do things like a human when she was a pony. She was so fascinated and happy that she had magic, she is so silly
Idea for a story: a diary notes type of story. I know she writes a lot to Princess in her book and we hear a lot of what she writes, but I think it is a cool idea for a Fanfic (I always liked this types of stories)
Unpopular opinion: I think Sunset should have more screentime (I know it is funny coming from me when I said I didn't finish watching everything, but yea), she is really interesting. Different opinion: as much as I lije that she is a good character now, I would love to have her as a more of a villain character. I think she would be a nice villain... Maybe that's another idea for a story lol
Favorite relationship: I think I like her interactions with Rarity the most, idk why
Favorite headcanon: her with dark skin and freckles
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77ngiez-archive · 1 year
i am oh so curious about yteh :0 if you don’t mind me asking, what are some of the roleswaps for the main cast? :)
emiri and sara swap michiru and joe swap sei and kai swap anzu and kanna swap kurumada and kugie swap ranmaru and gin swap hayasaka and mishima swap mai and nao swap real hinako and alice swap sou and shin swap qtaro and reko swap keiji and megumi swap maple and meister swap
i’ll elaborate under the cut so that i. dont clog up ppls dashboards.
emiri and sara swap - woo emiri becomes the protagonist and sara becomes the laughing doll! not too much to say about it (lying)
emiri still has sara’s high survival rate, but sou’s not really that concerned about survival rates as much as he is about candidates/non-candidates, so he has less of a Weird Thing about her than shin does about sara. emiri is a lot grumpier than sara, especially after losing michiru. the main people she directs this grumpiness at are sou and megumi - especially megumi post-chapter one, since she blames her for revealing that michiru had the sacrifice. their relationship finally starts healing up at the end of chapter 2, though. emiri’s reaction to the hallucinations is slightly different from sara’s, but it’s still very unsettling.
as for sara, her floormaster name is gi rinny, a pun on "grinny"! ironically she doesn’t smile or laugh very much - she doesn’t take nearly as much pleasure in the role as miley does. like how in canon emiri was recruited because of her fiance, sara here was recruited because of joe (and to a lesser extent ryoko). asunaro had both of her friends under their thumb, and try as she might the only way to stop asunaro from hurting them was to join them. she’s been with asunaro for a few years now (they got her and joe when they were 15), and helped a lot in creating "kai", so she’s very attached to him! they’re kinda like siblings ehe
michiru and joe swap - michiru pulls the sacrifice card and dies, joe becomes the crying doll.
michiru as a support isn’t too different from joe, all things considered. it’s true that she is a bit more… not weak-willed, but more emotional perhaps? she’s a lot less openly distrusting than joe was, and mostly confides those feelings in emiri. however, while joe was only a little bit suspicious of keiji, michiru DOES NOT trust megumi’s ass. she’s also a lot more earnest in trying to escape with emiri than joe was - both of them are to be honest, they just get attached less easily than joe and sara did. before michiru’s death, she says my own spin on that one line - "i-it’s kind of hard for two girls to say things like this to each other, b-but—! i-i love you, emiri! you’re my best friend!" if you’re thinking this may be gay, you are correct.
joe’s floormastersona is tiad ropp, a pun on "teardrop". he’s even more sympathetic to the participants than safalin, and actively tries to help them out in the most inconspicuous ways possible. he’s still a bit crazy though (cut to the scene with the michiru doll and emiri). like sara, he’s also pretty close to "kai"! they bicker a lot but in the end they care about each other a lot. in this au, joe also manages to salvage "kai"’s consciousness after giving him his positive emotions back, so the floormaster trio can stay a trio! yippee
sei and kai swap - kai died in the assassin battle royale when they were kids instead of sei (also, having been able to grow up and learn about Gender, sei uses they/them)
sei was made to keep an eye on emiri by asunaro! unlike with kai and the chidouins, they don’t really harbor many positive feelings towards her, or so they says hsjsksk . they’ve kinda grown a bit affectionate towards her, but would NEVER admit it. unlike kai, they didn’t fail at being an assassin, and so they’re still an assassin to this day. also, when the dying kai asked sei to kill him instead, sei actually obliged with it! they have been carrying this guilt for a decade! also, being a qkai shipper, i realized that the equivalent to that in this au is sei x reko and i can’t decide if i think it’s cursed or blessed.
kai satou died long ago, but asunaro crafted a replacement for him - ream aster (a pun on "remaster"), the dressup doll. as previously mentioned, aster is close with joe and sara (or ropp and rinny as he knows them), and sees them in a rather familial light. he’s not quite as openly dickish as ranger, but he definitely has his moments hshgshsjksksk. as for the clothes aster wears, they’re kanna’s bucket, kurumada’s bandages, sei’s mask, hayasaka’s tie, and michiru’s glasses! the aster equivalent to rio laizer is ream aker (remaker), and like i said in joe’s section aker actually gets to exist for more than ten seconds! i’m still kinda conflicted on what i want to do with him though.
anzu and kanna swap - kanna and kugie both die in their first trials, anzu and kurumada are siblings
like kanna, anzu’s really torn up by kurumada’s death, and for a while blames herself for it. i’ve said before how emiri is so much gruffer than sara, and how this usually works to her disadvantage - however, anzu ends up associating emiri with kurumada, just like how kanna associated sara with kugie! anzu’s a lot sadder in this au, only just barely becoming the happy clown girl we know and love on the third day of attractions… and, considering her role and the choice we make during the second main game, we all know how that turns out :(
kanna gets to not only be a dummy, but have her sister with her! she does end up dying eventually in the roulette, which is sad, but uh… at least she has kugie there with her? or something? her taking anzu’s role means that she’s the dummy assigned to either q-taro or hinako! if the former, she gets a father figure, if the latter, she gets a close friend. common w in the kanna kizuchi community.
kurumada and kugie swap - kanna and kugie both die in their first trials, kurumada and anzu are siblings
kurumada sadly dies very early on, which i feel bad about since he never got too much screentime in the first place… at least his ass can haunt the narrative?
kugie, on the other hand! in comparison to kurumada, she gets a wealth of plot relevancy. instead of hugging maple to stop her from attacking/kill her, like kurumada did, she hugs meister to comfort him… of course, it’s the same end result :( she’s even more stubborn about the whole "don’t charge me if i’m going to die anyway, save it for the others" thing than kurumada is, except unlike him she doesn’t lie about the reason lol
ranmaru and gin swap - ranmaru is the main support character/emiri’s favorite, gin is the dummy assigned to emiri
ranmaru!!! he sees emiri as a big sister/mother figure, but unlike gin he’s not vocal about it since he’s embarrassed. i really want to keep his crush on sara in this au since it’d be funny, but that would mean him seeing the "doll" that’s clearly working with their kidnappers and thinking "ok but she’s kinda hot tho" so idk. unlike gin’s reason for not taking people’s tokens (him seeing it as being too close to gambling), ranmaru views the sub-game as having some kind of nefarious hidden purpose and as such choosing to abstain. which he was right about! just… didn’t go about it in the right way :p
I FELT SO BAD ABOUT THIS SWAP ONCE I REALIZED WHAT IT MEANT FOR GIN IN THE LOGIC ROUTE. GIN BABY BOY I AM SO SORRY. in logic route his motive isn’t ranmaru’s whole one-sided crush thing, but he kind of views emiri as his mother and as such it’s easy for her to manipulate him. im so sorry gin. in emotion route instead of planning to upload michiru’s ai into his body (since that’d be weird considering she’s a thirty-year-old woman and he’s a twelve-year-old boy) he tries to upload it into her doll instead. doesn’t work out though.
hayasaka and mishima swap - hayasaka dies early on, mishima is a dummy
hayasaka is sort of mai’s teacher in this au! he doesn’t teach her officially, but he tutors her in data entry (since that’s his job pretty much). they have a sort of sibling-y dynamic, which is why he wants to protect her. i’m personally of the belief that mishima knows a bit more about the death game than he’s letting on, although i couldn’t give you a reason why lol, so swapping him with the guy who’s been involved with asunaro made sense to me.
mishima and nao don’t survive their first trials, making mishima a dunmy! he’s assigned to ranmaru, and they’re good buddy chum pal friends. his and nao’s relationship is the same as canon in this au. his presence in the story means being able to unlock some additional info in the office - that of sara and joe! when emiri realizes that sara and joe are rinny and ropp, she’s like… oh shit, i’ve been being a dick to these LITERAL SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLDS. also, why the hell are LITERAL SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLDS our floormasters. did asunaro really have no better ideas.
mai and nao swap - mai and hayasaka are friends, nao is a dummy
like i said in the last section, hayasaka tutors mai on data entry! she’s a medical student as well as a baker in this au, for the reason of I Think It’d Be Neat. she also ends up with the sacrifice in chapter two, and begs emiri to tie the votes for her. massacre ending my beloved………..
nao is very silly here. she stabs reko rip. i only realized a bit after making the list that naoreko and qmai swap so thats kinda funny to me. she has shins hands probably (still working out the details but yea)
real hinako and alice swap - hinako lives through their first trial and alice dies, an imposter alice takes his place in chapter 3 (i’m still working out the kinks with this swap)
(trigger warning for suicide discussion.) hinako lives through her first trial yay! however, like alice, she hides in the locker like a dumbass. her fake name is miyado yamada. she takes up the fake name due to not wanting to be recognized - about a year before the death game, she attempted to kill herself. it didn’t work, however, and she became the face of suicide preventation in japan. she also comes from the same orphanage as q-taro!
i’m still back and forth on the fake alice lore tbh. for now, alice had a secret twin who got separated from him at birth, permanently borrowed by asunaro. this secret twin, whom we’ll call arisu because it’s easy, ends up taking alice’s place as a dummy in chapter 3. with the help of the alice ai, he’s able to imitate him almost perfectly. even reko only notices a few discrepancies.
sou and shin swap - Oh Boy.
sou desperately wanted to be a participant in the death game, but asunaro wanted him to be a floormaster. to that, he said fuck you. he called up shin like "hi shin" "HIYORI YOU’RE ALIVE?!" "shinnnnn do u want to steal my identity :3" "CAN WE GO BACK TO THE PART WHERE YOU’RE ALIVE?!" in the end shin agreed to swap places, simply because sou told him about the 0.0 survival rate and he was not having that. sou erased his own memories so that he could go into the death game completely blind. however this had the side effect of him ending up hating the death game and asunaro and wanting to destroy it. him and anzu have that sibling dynamic, which is sweet until you realize that the chapter 2 main game exists. he steals shin’s identity because his first trial told him about the canidate/non-candidate thing, and so he stole shin’s identity because shin was a canidate!
shin is forced to take sou’s role as the fourth/fifth floor’s floormaster. he’s really grumpy and lackluster about it, but he’s really upset that him being the floormaster also means he’s pretty much doomed to die because WHAT THE FUCK HIYORI YOU NEVER TOLD ME THIS?! he’s really one-sidedly grumpy at sou, who doesn’t really get why because as previously mentioned he erased his own memories.
q-taro and reko swap - reko starts selfish and gets development, q-taro may or may not die
like i said in hinako’s section, her and q-taro come from the same orphanage, so they have a sibling relationship like alice and reko but without the "i hate you now because you’re a murderer" thing. q-taro gets replaced with a fake in the room of lies, leading to the route divergence! if he lives and hinako dies, he mourns not being able to protect her more or tell her what she meant to him. if she lives and he dies, it’s pretty much the same, except hinako has it even worse due to being Actively Suicidal and the one person she cares about on this shithole died because of her. fun times
reko acts more like pre-alice-murder-case reko, simply due to not having changed over time like she did in canon. by chapter 3, she acts more like her canon self. when arisu dies in the ch3 roulette, she talks about how she had a feeling that he wasn’t the real alice. she gets pinned to the target with ranmaru, but is much more willing to sacrifice herself than q-taro is in canon, and takes the first dose of venom.
keiji and megumi swap - keiji fucking dies
in this au, their first trial had a hidden gimmick - if the switch is pressed to take off megumi’s chains, the chains switch to keiji instead. there is a way for both of them to survive, by the switch being pressed again… but megumi doesn’t press it again. keiji fucking dies.
megumi is super sus to emiri and michiru, although she puts up a good front to most of the others. she ends up slowly becoming less corrupt as time goes on, though! and in chapter three her and emiri are actually real allies instead of fake allies. hip hip hooray.
maple and meister swap - maple is in charge of the roulettes, meister is the most powerful obstructor
maple is in charge of the roulettes yay! this means she does NOT have to have a crush on sou, and she does NOT have to die tragically. yippee! she feels very bad for everybody but she is simply doing her job
meister also doesn’t have a crush on anybody since he is a grown-ass adult and that’d be weird. instead he’s coded to see shin as a son. he usually acts like regular meister but his emotional state does fluctuates the same way maple’s does in canon.
…that was really long i am SO sorry. autism 💥
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beanieman · 2 years
Idk if you have already made this but how do you think the YTTD cast spend their Christmas? (does anyone spend it alone, commits dumb stuff or just enjoying a cake with a family)
Idk if this is a good time to ask about that since December is still far, but you could answer it later so ig it wouldn't matter :D
Time is an illusion and I'll post holiday headcanon's anytime.
Sara Chidouin - Sara and her parents have gone ice skating every Christmas since she was little. It's a tradition for sure, but Sara's made a new one in the last few years and that's meeting with Joe and Ryoko in the afternoon to hang out.
Joe Tazuna - Joe volunteer's for Christmas. He visits the local dog shelter, helps the elderly carry the groceries into their house, and goes door to door for charity.
Gin Ibushi - Gin and his family usually watch Christmas movies all day after opening gifts in the morning. They have a very lowkey Christmas but a fun one!
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji goes to see his Mom. The have a small dinner but they spend the most of the day talking about...everything. Keiji's childhood, what they're up to these days, and what tv shows they like to watch. It's always a great day.
Alice Yabusame - Alice listens to Christmas music all day. He doesn't do much else to celebrate, but he really enjoys the songs echoing around his walls.
Reko Yabusame - Reko and a few of her bandmates go caroling! They use it almost as promotion for their band, as most people really like Reko's voice. However, even if they don't check out her band Reko just likes to sing.
Nao Egokoro - A town next to Nao's does a tree lighting ceremony. She always goes to watch because she loves the aesthetic and the feeling of togetherness.
Kazumi Mishima - Mishima usually makes crafts that make him smile, such as cut out snowflake papers, a homemade wreath, and snow globes. He leaves them out until February long after everyone is begging him to take them down.
Q-taro Burgerberg - Q-Taro turns up at the orphanage with a Santa outfit. He's their Kris Kringle for the day and even brings them some gifts.
Kai Satou - Kai makes a nice gingerbread house to display in the Chidouin home. The best one he ever made in his opinion was an exact replica of their home.
Kanna Kizuchi - After opening gifts in the morning Kanna and Kugie go to their local park and play on the swings. They talk about life and joke about silly things that make them laugh. Overall, Kanna just spends her day wit her sister.
Shin Tsukimi - Shin is always sent a ton of gifts by his parents. They spoil him to a large degree, but Shin enjoys having more things to go in his apartment. After opening all their gifts he makes a nice homemade pot of soup as a gift to himself.
Ranmaru Kageyama - He has a very average Christmas. Some of his family comes over, some he likes, and some he doesn't, and they all have a big meal. Afterwards everyone leaves and he listens to Christmas music for a bit before bed.
Naomichi Kurumada - Naomichi hangs out at the local ski resort on Christmas. Just because it's the holidays doesn't mean he doesn't find extreme joy in sports.
Anzu Kinashi - It's a tradition in Anzu's family to play board game for Christmas. They usually end with someone rage quitting Monopoly but it's so much fun before that.
Mai Tsurugi - Mai makes Christmas cookies of all kinds! Sugar cookies, chocolate chip, gingerbread, and oatmeal.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Shunsuke just goes into work. He drives around looking at the decorations later, but other then that he's not a big holiday guy.
Hinako Mishuku - Hinako just takes the opportunity to drink eights cups of hot chocolate without judgment.
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
"Wah.. Aha... Ahahaha! Sniff..." yttd (Pt. 1)
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#Your Turn To Die (キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―)
POV ; you have pseudobulbar affect. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a condition that's characterized by episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing or crying. Pseudobulbar affect typically occurs in people with certain neurological conditions or injuries, which might affect the way the brain controls emotion.
CAST: Joe Tazuna, Ranmaru Kageyama, Sara Chidouin, Keiji Shinogi and Reko Yabusame. (Seperate!)
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#Joe Tazuna (The Worried Type)
"Aha....Ahaha..!" You laughed, while your eyes were tearing as you watched Mishima's burnt neck fell down unto the floor.
His warm smile that was always on, even when answering questions despite being busy all the time, was no longer on his face. Instead of his usual grin- it was replaced with a look that could only be described with fear.
"Ahaha..!! Hehe..Ahahha..!!"
Joe watched as you continued giggling as your eyes just stared at the head. He din't know what to say. "...(Name).." He called out.
Why were you laughing? He knew you treasured Professor Mishima from the bottom of your heart.
Truth be told, he was worried for you. This was unlike you. Your laughs kept on getting louder, soon turning into softer and quieter sniffles.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Professor.." He knew about your condition, and tried to help you with therapy sessions, and gave you Antidepressants to lessen it.
It certainly helped reduce it, but now...
It felt as if it would do nothing. You felt an arm on your shoulder, It was the brunette. "...Joe." You acknowledged him.
"Hey (Name).. Are you alright?" He asked, and you were so glad he din't just bash at you while you were mourning.
"..I'm alright."
"Yeah, you look just peachy to me right now."
"Really, I'm fine." You re-assured.
He din't seem to buy that, swiftly holding your hand, he brings you to the bar where he lets you tell your sorrows away. Making dumb (but not offensive) comments about it, makes you chuckle genuinely.
Perhaps, it'll be just alright.
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#Ranmaru Kageyama (Disturbed Type)
"Ahahha...! Hahha....Ahahhaa...!"
His mouth was gaped open, as you were giggling madly at the sight of Anzu's body crushed in the grave.
He was disturbed. Disturbed as hell. He felt like puking up. No 16 year old should see this scene, where a young high-schooler was laughing at their friend's body.
He covered his mouth with his bandaged hands, the only words he can form from his mouth are whimpers of disguist.
"Urgh....urk...What the hell..?" He murmured, face starting to turn green. He saw you slowly go closer to the grave, and you attempting to open it.
You tried. You tried so hard to open it. But your burnt hands from the fire from a while ago wasn't making it better.
It stings, he knows. He knows your pain. He wants to help. But he's frozen in place, and can only watch your giggles turn to loud sniffles.
You could hardly breathe. "Sniff.....A-Anzu...why are...please come out.." You begged her to come out.
But you know. You know she won't come out. And he knows that you know, but you won't believe.
And it will always disturb him on how stubborn you are, even if the answer was obvious and right in front of your face.
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#Sara Chidouin (Speechless Type)
Miss Sara Chidouin, the type to always have something ready to say, was speechless this time.
Utterly terrified.
Was all she could form in her mind. The way she scrunched her eyebrows, and bit back her lip was all you need to know on how she was lost for words.
She wanted to comfort you, she really did. But she couldn't just find the right terms and words. But she was scared. She looked down on her palms, and it was shaking.
Despite it being just a doll, you always pushed forward arguing she still was herself. But she wasn't.
The way you laughed and giggled as if you din't just see you friend fall into the spikes as you pushed her.
And it was all because you din't want her to carry any burdens, and for that she feels like she's guilty.
It's my fault, She repeated in her mind. "Ahahaha....Reko...can you hear me?" You called out to her.
"Reko ..?"
"..! Reko..?!"
She realized it was as of now that you fully processed that she died. And for that, she was truly apologetic for. "....I'm sorry." Was the only thing she can form out of her mouth.
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#Keiji Shinogi (Understanding Type)
He watches you grip the computer's sides tightly, as you watch the brunette with glasses's neck was cut open by an ax.
He really wasn't affected by the video, albit only a bit taken back. Averting his eyes towards you, as he shouts the name of Sara Chidouin.
Is what he shouted. Judging by the man's uniform, he can tell you were co-workers with him.
"Au..Aum..!" Sara stuttered out, and your head immediately snapped towards her. Grabbing her shoulders, you started giggling. He could see the pain in your eyes. He knows exactly that feeling.
"H..Hehe...Sara....What did you do to Hayasaka..?! Hahha...Ahaha..!!"
Hayasaka? so that's his name. He could see Sara's shocked and confused face as you kept on demanding questions on where he was while you were laughing.
He then put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey (Name), Mr. Policeman thinks it's best for you to take a break. Feeling too emotional can-"
He stops, taking a note at your eyebags. You raised an eyebrow, "Rest? Why right now..? Hahha...we.."
Oh. You were already tired. You fell asleep right in his arms. Swiftly carrying you up, he then turns to Sara. "Sara, let's go."
He hopes that nap of yours can help you forget about, whoever this "Hayasaka" is, even just for a little while.
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#Reko Yabusame (Brash Type)
To say Reko was angry at you was an understatement, she was hella pissed off.
"What the hell..!? Why are you laughing right now?!" She shouted, bewildered on why you would be giggling at the sight of Kanna's blood drained by the flowers.
She knew you liked Kanna. She knew you din't hate her. She knew that you treasured her as a little sister.
God damn it, she can't put a finger on it! Why the hell were you laughing..?!
Your laughing din't cease. "Ahaha...Hehe....Haha....Hahaha!!" It only got louder. Your heart-beat increased as well, it felt... lost.
Or broken, as if someone was pounding it with a hammer. Each hit, was with each click. You weren't even pressing it for God's sake!
"Kanna has expired."
Was all that rang in your mind. After the main events, all of you stood there, mourning.
Reko immediately went and slapped you. "(Name), why the hell were you laughing? .. That's so God Damn sick..!"
You were still giggling even looking towards Kanna's body, once filled with life and now .. empty.
Reko was about to slap you again, but she heard quiet and soft snifflings. You were down on your knees, caressing Kanna's body. "Hehe...I'm sorry..Please, wake up..let's get..ice cream.."
She could feel her stomache twist. She only sat down behind you, rubbing circles behind your back. "It's alright now..."
Everything will be alright.
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amaryllisblackthorn · 2 years
so like, contrary to what seems to be the common/popular belief, I don’t think Meister and Mr. Chidouin are actually the literal same person?
i think one is a doll of the other, with Mr. Chidouin *probably* being the doll,
for one i just don’t believe everything we see about and hear from him in the Kai flashback & emails were lies? they portray him as someone who is aware of the Death Game and trying to keep Sara *out* of it, even putting his own life on the line –
...If it comes to it, I’m trusting you with Sara.
That girl’s destiny has so much potential for change that I’ve put my own life on the line…
Hello hellooooo! (^^)/ Feelin kinda in danger lately.... Well ok, its Sara they're after. She's been targeted. I'm attached to this house, but I guess I gotta discard it and run. ...Will you come with, Kai?
i mean, yeah, he doesn’t specifically name the Death Game iirc. and it’s also  possible that Mr. Chidouin’s just completely lying to Kai, but like. I guess I don’t see any real reason to doubt it other than his apparent connection to Meister
also like why would Mr. Chidouin be wearing a different suit&hat/outfit (the flashforward at the end of 2-2) than Meister? i guess anything’s possible but like, i don’t see why he’d be wearing a completely different outfit idk
generally what i think is going on is:
Meister is the man from the Memorandum, the survivor of the Death Game from the ‘Hades Incident’
all of the candidates in the current Death Game are his biological children, and the purpose of this Death Game is to determine a successor
this means all the candidates are related
this also includes Sou ‘Midori’ Hiyori
Shin and Kanna probably have the same biological mother, too; 
Shin is prob also adopted, which makes more sense with him not knowing if his sibling was older or younger than the alternative tbh
Alice and Reko’s situation is admittedly ??, but it’s still  possible 
 I wonder if AI Reko’s comments about her dad are relevant at all ? maybe not but hm
i also wonder if the ‘something’ Megumi was looking for, when Keiji seems to ask about her reason for joining the police, was her father, which led to Asu-Naro? maybe? i’m not like committed to this thought, but I do think she was aware of the relation with her and Keiji but idk
the cult-like aspects of Asu-Naru are interesting and curious, too; it goes beyond just like, a yakuza organization/organized crime syndicate, so i wonder what that’s all about
the reason why Kai was sent to the Chidouins was at least in part bc the organization began to suspect Mr Chidouin’s loyalty [maybe]
Mr Chidouin talked about and acknowledged Kai’s guard work even though Kai was hired to help around the house and with Mr Chidouin’s work, with Kai’s guarding of Sara being originally on the behalf of Asu-Naro
Mr Chidouin says the the apron he gave Kai belonged to his own mother, so there is the question of would a (self aware) doll consider her his/their own mother, which is possible but admittedly something to thing about. the alternative situation, with Mr Chidouin being the human from the Hades Incident and Meister being his doll carries the question of if (male) dolls can reproduce -- which I guess is possible but also pretty weird but I am acknowledging the possibility to cover my bases
there is the question as to why Meister’s doll counterpart would be raising Sara out of all the participants -- there’s no real way they could have known her parallels to the girl from the Memorandum when she was just a baby. I imagine Sara’s mother is her biological one since they share similar hair color based on what we’ve seen. I wonder if maybe she has any connection to the original Memorandum girl? I also wonder if she knows anything at all -- we know she considers Kai family but not if she knows everything. 
I have a lot more thoughts that I’ll probably use another post for instead of going on here. but basically I just wanted to express that I do not think Mr Chidouin and Meister are the same person -- or rather that I do think Mr Chidouin and Meister are separate people, with one being the doll of the other. also that all the candidates are related through Meister and the Death Game’s purpose is one of succession -- which is super messed up ?? but i’ll guess we’ll see how everything plays out
i could be wrong of course but i just wanted to put my thoughts out there
also obligatory 🟦🟨  Слава Україні / Slava Ukraini ! 💙💛
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sillyguyhotline · 3 years
not related to any ask games or anything but,, do you have any joesara headcanons,, just in general (also thank you for the birthday wishes as i am lesbian)
happy day of visibility again :D i am going to try to come up with headcanons on the spot and i hope these suffice !!
- so i’ve headcanoned for awhile that joe’s love languages are receiving gifts and quality time, while sara’s is probably words of affirmation. i’d like to imagine that the two of them go to the thrift store together as often as they can to buy new accessories for joe. sara isn’t as big on receiving gifts, but joe has become very good at picking up on the things that she likes so he gets her little things like plushies whenever they go out. 
- they probably have a lot of sleepovers; i think they would’ve had sleepovers as friends and the sleepovers continued into their relationship. they watch cheesy old horror flicks that still manage to make joe jump (and then immediately pester sara about whether or not she’s scared to draw attention away from himself). joe strikes me as the kind of dude to paint his nails (and he clearly already puts a lot of work into styling his hair) so i think that he would practice painting pretty designs on sara’s nails and would put her hair into fancy styles. every time he does her hair, it usually works out fine, but that doesn’t stop her from teasing him about not wanting her haircut to go as wrong as his did and him jokingly holding up the scissors and threatening to cut her hair off. sara isn’t as good at styling hair, but she still does her best to comb his very gently once he’s finished with hers. 
- kai quickly took a liking to joe and a lot of joesara dates are spent in the kitchen with kai teaching them how to cook. sara tends to prefer sweet things so she likes to experiment with desserts, while joe likes to try cooking more savory main course meals. the chidouins were fully won over by him after he cooked dinner for them. 
- joe gets very physically affectionate when he’s sleepy, so it’s not all that out of the ordinary to see him clinging to sara early in the morning or falling asleep on her shoulder. sometimes he falls asleep in her lap during lunch if they’re eating lunch outside. sara doesn’t mind; she’s a little bit more awkward about asking for hugs, so she appreciates joe being more cheerful about it.
angst hc time: if sara ends up escaping the death game, the keychain becomes her most prized possession. she never lets go of joe’s promise to carry it to graduation. even after graduation, it never leaves her pocket. she loses it around the house at some point and that causes her to break down. she’s an emotional mess until she finally recovers it, and then clings to it even tighter.
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strawberryjamsara · 4 years
hmm... some sort of roleswap? if you need specifics, feel free to ask, but I'll leave it up to you.
-Kai Satou is a floormaster who has been working as a mole to the kidnappers and is shot by his creator for his interference. Meanwhile, Gashus biological son Ranger is a bitter, rude, asshole who hates everyone and has basically been raised to play the game and be asunaros information supplier on the participants activity and die nobley for asunaros goal.
-Qtaro is a 12 year old orphan boy who can be a really selfish little brat at times, despite his love for Sara like a sister, and Gin is a grown up who works as an animal breeder, and he’s a pretty sweet and comforting dad to the group.
-Kugie Kizuchi has been devastated by the fact she let her beloved little sister Kanna die in the first trial.
-Anzu Kinashi is the high school girl, destined to gain victory in this death game, and Sara Chidouin died in her first trial, leaving Joe and Kugie with similar traumas
-Reko is a murderer. She’s told Alice this a million times, and keeps refusing to have a real conversation with him, but he still comes. So one day she makes a selfish request. For him to carry on as the bands lead singer... and he agrees.
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sternbilder · 4 years
#yttd spoilers
ok so I talked about this briefly with @jageunyeoujari but we were discussing the possibility of either Joe or Sara being the child of the policeman from Keiji’s backstory and this theory has been living rent-free in my head as I’ve been watching this LP so here is an incoherent dump of evidence wild speculation that I’m recording for future me 
evidence that points to Mr. Policeman being Joe’s dad:
they have exactly the same vibe. like, come on.
they look kind of similar to me? they have similar looking eyes at least
assuming Keiji was around 10 when he met Mr. Policeman and he's in his late 20s now, the timeline lines up since Joe is 17 and Mr. Policeman was expecting his first child then
in the manga, one of Joe's classmates mentions that Joe’s family is struggling financially--something that would be likely if he grew up in a single parent household, which could have either happened because of Keiji’s murder of Mr. Policeman, or if Mr. Policeman had left his family after losing his job
speaking of Mr. Policeman being estranged from his family, this could actually apply to both Sara or Joe’s cases, but I actually don’t think this is too wild of a guess. first, it’s likely that Mr. Policeman’s death was only in the last 3 years, i.e., after the last AI personality update, judging from what Sara says when examining Keiji’s AI in the monitor room (he “seems different somehow,” i.e., before his traumatic accidental murder). if not dead, then IMO it’s likely that Mr. Policeman was missing for all this time. we know that Keiji had not had contact with Mr. Policeman before joining the police force from his conversation with Megumi, and he also seemed shocked to see him as the “criminal” in that incident where he ended up shooting him. from what we know of Keiji wouldn’t it make more sense that he couldn’t contact him rather than didn’t? and if this is the case, it doesn’t seem like a wild possibility that the reason he couldn’t reach him is that he had deliberately cut ties with the people he knew and tried to start a life elsewhere--after all, depending on the “official” reasons for his dismissal from the police, this could have carried social stigma, which may have caused a rift with his family, perhaps even so much that he would have had to distance himself from them?
during introductions, Joe brings up the possibility of the death game being tied to organized crime, and suggests that someone among the group could be a traitor. Keiji bursts out laughing, and this is never explained, but what if he was thinking something along the lines of "like father, like son" wrt his amateur detective-ing?
during the first discussion, Joe initially distrusts everyone, including Keiji, but is immediately more friendly to Keiji as soon as he reveals out he's a policeman. this could just be a normal response to being stuck in a hostage situation, but none of the other characters seem to have as strong of a reaction as Joe, one possible explanation for which could be that he has a personal connection to the police?
when searching for the doll parts, Joe decides to pair up with Keiji for seemingly no reason, even if Sara asks him if he wants to pair up. later, as they’re leaving the blue room, Joe stops Keiji again hoping to speak to him--what if he knew something about Keiji and was trying to suss out information? for example, what if he knew that Mr. Policeman/his dad had a connection to someone named Keiji who was hoping to be a policeman and was trying to determine if this Keiji was that same person?
later, when you talk to Joe again in the bar, Joe is suspicious of Keiji again, even wondering if he's a cop at all. he then asks Sara to look more into him. it reads as though he was trying to question Keiji about his past but Keiji wasn't opening up for some reason, which could be because Keiji doesn’t want Joe to find out about his involvement in Mr. Policeman/his dad’s death
when investigating the bar, Gin mentions his drunkard dad at one point and Joe goes uncharacteristically quiet. this might be a stretch but Keiji mentions later that Mr. Policeman had lost his job while investigating corruption inside the police force. what if Mr. Policeman/Joe's dad started drinking after losing his job as a police officer? alternatively, what if Gin’s comment made Joe sad because he also never got to be close to his own father on account of his being dead or missing?
when Keiji is investigating Mishima's body, Joe is the one who first asks Keiji if he has someone he respects. this could just be him making small talk, but it could also be that he has a hunch that he’s trying to confirm and he’s looking for opportunities to connect the dots
there’s a part during chapter 1 when investigating with Keiji where you ask him who he’s got on his mind. Keiji answers that Joe has been on his mind, but then immediately changes the subject. this could just be because Joe is suspicious of Keiji still, but I have to wonder if they have some kind of connection, after all
this isn’t actual evidence but it’s strongly implied that Keiji has been suffering from hallucinations of Mr. Policeman ever since his accidental murder (very similar to Sara’s hallucinations of Joe) and boy wouldn’t it be Sinnoh Matic Parallels if they were father and son
evidence that points to Mr. Policeman being Sara’s (biological) dad:
I mean, if Keiji knew that Mr. Policeman’s daughter was a girl around her age named Sara, then this would explain everything about why Keiji trusts Sara immediately and tries so hard to protect her at all costs,
Sara and Mr. Policeman both have orange hair, though to be fair, so does Sara's mom (who we have no reason to believe isn’t her biological mother)
we know that Mr. Chidouin isn't Sara’s real dad, but she isn’t aware of this, meaning she was either adopted, or her mother remarried when she was very young. the timeline is unclear, but it is theoretically possible that this is around the same time that Mr. Policeman had been laid off by the police, which could have been a factor for divorce, especially if, like mentioned earlier, the police coverup painted his behavior as somehow unsavory or socially unacceptable (which could also explain why her mother never told Sara). for example, say this was around 15 years ago--Keiji would have been around 12, and Sara would only have been 2 (making her very possibly too young to remember). since Megumi is the one who fired him, I can’t see how she could have been any younger than around 25 at this time, so this presumes that she’s around 40 now, but it wouldn’t be the wildest thing to assume she’s older than she looks  
we know that, for whatever reason, 1) Sara is central to the death game, 2) Mr. Chidouin is at least involved if not the mastermind, and 3) Mr. Chidouin was not Sara's biological father. this might also be a reach, but what if Sara's mother’s remarriage and Mr. Policeman’s losing his job (and/or his death) were all part of Mr. Chidouin’s plans to eventually have Sara participate in the death game? this goes along with another theory I had where I have a feeling that for some reason the winner of the Hades Incident/the author of the Memorandum (which I suspect is Mr. Chidouin) is trying to recreate that incident with, if not exact clones of the participants, people who are very close to fitting their profiles. it’s implied that the organization running the game has been at least closely monitoring, if not engineering specific events/circumstances in the lives of the participants, so it’s possible that Sara was being “groomed” for this event, specifically to play the role of leader-girl-who-died-in-the-Hades-incident. if this is the case, then it could also be true that 1) the choice of Sara to fill this role could have been deliberate, and Mr. Chidouin meddled in Mr. Policeman’s life with the intention of getting custody of Sara specifically, or 2) Mr. Chidouin just happened to be looking for a child around Sara’s age to fill the role at the time and Mr. Policeman’s dismissal made her a convenient target due to the timing
if Mr. Chidouin was part of the Hades Incident and was somehow involved in Mr. Policeman’s/Sara’s biological father’s death, this may even explain why Keiji knew about that specific case. after all, it sounds like it was something that happened decades ago, that was likely to be hushed up, or at least not talked about anymore (maybe it was even the thing Mr. Policeman was looking into and got him fired?). it is a bit out of place that Keiji would know so much about it, unless he happened to find a lead while looking into the circumstances around Mr. Policeman’s expulsion/death. maybe he somehow found a connection between Mr. Policeman’s family and the Chidouins/Hades Incident?
evidence that points to Mr. Policeman being both of their dads:
none but hey they could be twins and what Japanese mystery visual novel that has AI clones and shit doesn’t also have a plot point involving twins
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yabusamez · 4 years
Injuries - Alicenao
another alicenao fic, because i love them and i want them to have all the content in the world! this fic takes place before the end of CH.2 PT.1 @velveeta-mac
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Alice held Nao's hand tightly, staring down at their intertwined hands as his thumb brushed lightly against her hand. Her skin was smooth, and soft, and it made his hand warm as he lifted their hands up to kiss the back of her knuckles.
Her face tinted red as embarrassment painted her features, and she looked away with a soft giggle, her eyes closed as he laughed, pulling her closer and walking towards the attractions.
He sighed softly, and looked down at her, turning her towards him. " Cherub...? " He said, the questioning tone lacing his voice as she tilted her head slightly.
" Yes, prince...? " She replied, her free hand brushing the hair out of his eyes affectionately. The artist laid her hand against his cheek, her palm warm as he leaned and melted into her touch.
" I'm gonna give you all the Clear Chips we earn this time. Okay? " said Alice, watching as his girlfriend's face contorted into one of confusion, then shock.
" No- You're taking them. " She said, frowning slightly as he pulled her closer, letting her forehead rest on his chest. Her free hand now laid against the ball and chain he had looped up his leg and around his waist.
" We'll decide who takes what when we finish, alright? " He said, kissing the top of her head and then walking towards the entrance to the attraction.
He held her tightly, his arm now wrapped around her waist as they walked silently. They passed Keiji and Sara, who watched them pass by with small smiles.
The pair murmured to themselves, walking off as they passed their Clear Chips to eachother. Nao walked in first, the arm-wrestling table brightened by the singular light that didn't quite reach the corners of the darkened room.
Alice sighed softly, brushing hair out of her face with an adoring look on his face. " Stay safe. I don't want to have to kill a doll. " He joked, his deep voice ringing in her ears. Nao giggled, and nodded as she turned around, cracking her knuckles lightly and setting her arm on the table.
The tall dolls formed a line behind her opponent, her boyfriend sitting directly behind her and glaring directly at the aforementioned doll, his blue hair falling in his eyes and giving him a very intimidating look. It wouldn't matter, as the dolls didn't feel anything and couldn't care less, but it gave Nao a feeling of security knowing he'd save her if necessary.
She grabbed onto the hand of the doll, staring it in the eyes as the round began. She began to push down, constantly pushing and starting to strain as the hand finally slammed against the table. Alice let out a 'whoop', grinning. His teeth were bared, the sharpened canines making him even more intimidating as Nao got ready for the next doll.
The next one was more muscly. Nao could feel her heart sink a little as doubt filled her chest. Behind her, she could hear Alice let out a small growl as he saw her opponent. She grabbed onto the dolls hand, her breathing a little shake as she strained to put his hand down.
She let out a shout, forcing the hand down and panting, sweat forming on her brow as she leaned over the table, her arm beginning to ache as the doll disintegrated in front of her.
Alice watched, his eyes filled with panic as he noticed the forming bruises on Nao's hand, her fingers twitching slightly as she got ready for the last one.
The difficult one.
She let out a breath, trying to steady herself as Alice yelled out words of encouragement, hoping to urge her to victory. The artist smiled softly at her boyfriend's aforementioned shouts, and latched hef hand onto the dolls.
It was almost too fast.
It shocked Alice to the core, watching her hand get slammed down onto the edge of the table. The snap that rang out into the otherwise silent room filled his chest with both panic and rage as his girlfriend let out a scream of pain.
Nao fell to the floor, whimpering as tears poured from her eyes, her hand limp as Alice dropped to his knees, holding her close. She let out mumbles of despair, pain on her face as he picked her up and set her on the chair he once sat on.
He turned to the doll, fury burning in his eyes as he grabbed the hand. " Fuck you. " He snarled, before slamming the hand down onto the table with little to no restraint. He turned quickly, grabbing the Clear Chips quickly and picking up his girlfriend.
" It's okay, Nao- Shshsh- " He shushed her sweetly, her cries breaking his heart as her adrenaline started to drain from her body, the excruciating pain spreading to her arms.
She let out whimpers and whines as he carried her quickly through the Lobby. Sara looked away from Reko for a split second to look at him, her eyes widening as Reko let out a gasp.
He set Nao down on the couch in the Medical Office, Sara and Reko following behind him asking numerous questions as he kissed her forehead. He rummaged through the medical supplies, Safalin walking in after being alerted by the wails Nao had been producing.
Alice glared at her, the intimidating look in his eyes scaring the pair and Safalin, bending down to sit on his knees so he could start working on the broken hand.
His girlfriend made a few whimpers as he delicately worked on her hand, wincing at her cries. Alice kissed her cheek, and quickly slipped a tissue in her mouth.
" This is gonna hurt, Nao... " He said, his voice laced with guilt as he quickly grabbed her hand. Nao's eyes widened, her scream muffled behind the tissue as he tried to fix it, trying to ignore the hatred forming in his chest as he thought of the doll that had done this to her.
He looked towards Safalin, then back at his girlfriend, noticing her closed eyes. Panic spread through his chest as he pressed his fingers against the side of her neck, his panic dying out as he felt her pulse.
" Tia Safalin. Fix her hand- please. Please. " He said, the begging tone in his voice contrasting the look he gave her earlier. Reko and Sara looked shocked, his eyes filled with despair as Safalin walked over, beginning to fix her hand.
He stood, swallowing hard as he bit onto his finger. Sara looked him in the eyes, as Reko watched on to make sure Safalin didn't do anything shady.
" Alice? Hey- are you okay? " asked Sara, noticing the far away look in his eye. Alice looked down at her, sighing softly as he ran his hands through his hair.
" I really love her, Sara Chidouin. " He said, his voice cracking very softly as Sara watched him. He covered his face, sighing as Safalin stood up. He stood straight, taking a deep breath as Safalin cowered a little.
" Her hand will be fine. Give it a few days and she should go back to normal- U- Unless you want me to use my special- "
Alice cut her off with a harsh glare. " Thank you, Tia Safalin. That'll be all. " He snapped. Safalin quickly made her way out of the room, whimpering as Alice watched to make sure she truly left, before running to Nao's bedside and dropping to his knees beside her.
Sara and Reko silently watched, before slipping out of the room to give them some privacy, not wanting to intrude. Alice kissed her uninjured hand, his eyes filled with adoration as he climbed onto the couch, pulling her into his lap.
Nao smiled, her eyes fluttering open as she adjusted a little, grimacing as her hand brushed against his chain. He moved her into a more comfortable position, signing softly as he kissed the top of her head.
He let his head rest on her shoulder, sighing as his hands shook. " I love you, Nao Egokoro. " He said, his voice a little shaky as his hands ran through her hair.
Nao let out a soft laugh, and kissed him. The kiss was sweet, and long as it got more and more passionate the longer their lips pressed against eachother.
The artist pulled away, her forehead resting on his as her eyes filled with warmth. " I love you more, Alice Yabusame. "
" I love you best. " He repeated, his heart still slightly sunken with guilt as he looked down to her broken hand. She used her other hand to make him look her in the eyes.
" I love you most. "
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datastate · 5 months
steeples my hands. hello all. i'm thinking about asunaro's perception of maple again
...& it's honestly a bit funny how hiyori's supremely fucked up the majority of his relationships with the other asu-agents simply through his manipulation of maple - especially as, within asunaro, artificial intelligence is commonly seen as a reflection of humanity, if not human in their own right (which they try to prove through the death game)
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LISTEN... mr. chidouin's generally shown to be very loving and affectionate (arguably overly so) with sara (and even kai!), i cannot believe he doesn't feel similarly with mrs. chidouin. whatever issues they share, i'm firmly of the belief that he insists on the idea he's doing the best for his family because he so openly and genuinely loves them and wishes for their success, or to otherwise mean something in the grand scheme of asunaro. seeing one's love be programmed in and repeatedly manipulated/discarded like this, beyond that of its intended gimmick, is an immensely uncomfortable situation. don't get me wrong, mr. chidouin has indubitably manipulated kai and imposes on sara. however, he imagines for kai that it is worth the harm because it's cultivated a better life for him on the whole. he's groomed them into these set roles out of care, with the thought they have the strength to carry these mantles in this recreation of the hades incident - but hiyori does not care for maple's place in the death game. the only reason hiyori interacts with maple at all, this outdated iteration of dolls, is due to his own fear. mr. chidouin cannot sympathize with this. he had accepted kai into the family fully-aware of the fact that if kai discovered his true identity, he would surely resent or kill him - he's an assassin still! - but he was more than willing to put his life on the line if it meant he could provide a better ending for the satous who had survived the assassin's trial... and, eventually, he wanted to know kai on a much more personal level. kai, like maple, was built for the ultimatum - but kai was granted love where maple was continuously denied it. what love she held was utilized as a barrier rather than an emotion worth actually fostering. there would be no betrayal in 'crossing that line' of killing hiyori, nothing in it to make it a fault of hers. unlike mr. chidouin's peace with the knowledge his leverage over kai is fragile, hiyori would die an uneventful death at maple's hand if she finally wrangled free of his control. there is nothing honorable in that, and his selfishness brings only disgrace to the ultimatum.
seeing how easily someone's emotions can be toyed with on a surface level, enough so to dissuade their original personality, does not inspire confidence, to say the least! & definitely not after being faced with grieving her lover. if she did join asunaro in the hopes of reviving him, the sight of this completely destroys that hope; she bears firsthand the proof that love is only something to be manipulated by those in power in asunaro. she doesn't even have the work she was once so proud of - what she has left of herself are... these scattered pieces that were incompatible when moving from civilian life into asunaro's clutches. where, if you peer too close, you'd inevitably find a weakness; which is implied to be the cause of this persona of hers. never allowing anyone near enough to recognize what lays beneath, otherwise she'll be discarded just the same because... she, like mr. chidouin, did have a loving relationship. and seeing the destruction of her own reflected in another innocent person who is unable/unaware of the utter grasp asunaro has on her is repulsive; regardless of her personal beliefs on whether or not AIs are "human enough" - to program one is to put in faith that they are. to then go so far as to rid the choices crucial to being human... hits a bit too close to home, aha.
as one who is evidently very firm in her belief that her creations are perfect & that AIs are practically interchangeable with humans, i'm sure her opinions on hiyori's treatment of maple are. less than ideal for Workplace Civilty. to say nothing of the implied idea that they work closely together with AI development (hiyori specifically crediting any of ranger's success to michiru's ability alone) and thus michiru has had personal contact with maple to see the effects of hiyori's treatment... michiru's already spent much of her life feeling suppressed. asunaro recognized she was unable to fully flourish in her previous workplace and offered her a place where she could do away with ethics in the chase of something larger than her, in the name of humanity - but seeing what hiyori's imposed upon maple just drags back all of those unwelcome feelings. it's horrifying - though she knows she can't speak on it because she doesn't have seniority on the maple project, nor does she have a place on floors four/five where this gimmick would take place. the most she can do in the meanwhile is comfort maple. indulge that humanity where hiyori refutes it. but even if she comforts maple, she cannot remove that tie to hiyori keeping her subdued. she feels terribly complicit. michiru particularly loves the AI creations because they resemble the best of humanity in her eyes; for hiyori to discard maple like this begs the question of his dedication to asunaro's projects at all, not to mention it seems needlessly cruel. he's neglecting her without even taking interest in the pain she endures at his behest - there's hardly any reason. and that's the worst of it. michiru, as most asunaro does, believes in the idea of 'the ends must justify the means' -- and in maple's case, hiyori lacks that vital rule.
it's... complicated. gashu resents the hiyoris on the idea that their methodology is reprehensible, having been victim to it himself, and yet recognizes the necessity of having a department of asunaro dedicated to extortion to keep public relations stable. of course, this means their pride is unfortunately not without basis. for their work, they are rewarded, and maple is the piteous pinnacle of that. gashu has created ranger in the hopes of replicating the children he wished to save, whereas maple's creation has no such purpose beyond the implied "let's see how incorporating emotions will work for future artificial intelligence" - a stepping stone in something larger, rather than a project in its own right. but while she could've been laid to rest once their technology moved forward, sou hiyori had the power to deny her that. he forces a role upon her for the death game without accepting the burden that entails - it's irresponsible and a clear indication of his assumption that the world must fall in line with his every whim. hiyori demands maple accept her fate in the ultimatum so he needn't accept his own death; never need experience that utter lack of control he exercises freely over others. to gashu, hiyori does present the worst vices of his family. he almost pities him. almost.
ranger and maple have fought over their respective favored person. i know this to be true. maple points out that gashu's intentions aren't entirely in rio's favor, instead the shadows lingering in his creation. maple recognizes the emotional weight behind some of the things he says to ranger where rio is quite literally unable to comprehend them. she will critique gashu's desire to constantly have rio 'prove' himself to his creator (...even as she attempts to 'prove' herself to hiyori, it's easier to recognize in another) -- meanwhile, rio gets annoyed with maple and how content she appears with her current programming, with letting hiyori crush her personality in favor of giving her something tantalizingly out of reach: a new feeling. the dolls endure a monochrome world unless they have something to incite those feelings. maple is more fortunate than ranger in this sense, but is still left with the high that only hiyori can grant her. ...and rio gets angry. it's aggravation on her behalf, but he doesn't have the capacity to understand that, instead blaming it on the idea she's incompetent and far too reliant on humanity. but even if he doesn't share the appeal of humanity, he doesn't only use that as a point in their arguments - rather demanding to know that if that's what she wants, then why the fuck are you letting that asshole stifle who you are? letting him control your every move? but of course, sometimes after an argument with maple, he's left irritated with hiyori. even if he can't recognize why, the reality of the matter is that maple wasn't the true source of his anger. hiyori also shares a fascination with humanity which ranger feels he's infected maple with, to flaunt the unachievable to her as justification for why she'll never be enough for him. ranger initiates these loaded conversations to try to get maple to learn to fight back for herself instead of his sake. and sure, rio doesn't fight gashu, but that's out of respect. instead, maple's become so... blasé about her treatment, and is far too hopeful that there's anything she can do to have hiyori's eyes on her alone. maple's already proven herself to ranger and earned some semblance of respect (in physical capability + rio's... somewhat envious of her larger range of emotion, though he mostly mirrors the curiosity he knows michiru & gashu use when he asks). but, to rio, she'll never be 'enough' to anyone if she's not allowed to accept that she's a doll who is capable of so much more than he's limited her program to; she doesn't have to remain stagnant and subservient to be something worthwhile. rio's changed, and his father still praises him. if hiyori's worth half the shit he spits, he'll do the same for her. the majority of this is speculation, admittedly. but i like to think rio's always felt defensive over the dolls; it's just that the ways he does are. difficult to recognize. with the limiter on his emotions. there's an inherent understanding there.
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datastate · 2 years
the intense faith both kai and gashu hold toward the chidouins gets to me... in gashu’s case, it’s more of the ideal ‘asunaro’ that meister presents, but :’]
kai trusts the chidouins completely. they have final judgement, and he will accept what they ask of him.
through mr. chidouin's request to refrain from direct contact with sara (though, with the simultaneous order to keep her in good health, there are still ways in which kai (and mrs. chidouin...?) must try to levy this out and ensure it doesn't lean into something more possessive - kai only reasons it with himself that he's 'of darkness', so it’s understandable he should never interact with them anyhow...)
& when sara finally reveals that he is the sage... he just folds. to kai, there's no choice but to reveal what he can about the situation. it doesn't matter what other accusations strangers throw his way - sou's words, keiji, even the benefit of the doubt q-taro or reko may offer, it doesn't matter. sara found him out, and he has no defense.
she's always been smart; she's always earned her parents' praise... jou has no shot at saving her now, the least kai can do is make sure sara survives as a key asset to the group. if they dispose of her, they are all as good as dead. it is through his words to sara he tries to inspire them to rebel against asunaro; only sara can open the laptop and its key contents (including a program that would shut down asunaro’s security); and, best case scenario, they would rid the person who's been splintering the group in his purposeful (and selfish, throwing sara under the bus as a liar & causing confusion just to survive) deceit - sou hiyori.
(adjacently related, this is how ranger treats his 'dad'. gashu has final say; ranger will always, always defer to him. even if his programming is reactionary, he chooses to follow gashu's word foremost. asunaro is always second, and an inconvenience.)
gashu understanding the "true" intentions of the death game and taking initiative to rid any non-candidates - those who would interfere with the results of the ultimatum far more than they had any right to.
although he has 'selfish' aspirations (particularly regarding family... as seen most through ranger), he values asunaro's success the most. whether it's because he feels he has nothing else, he's indebted to them, or simply prideful in the work they've accomplished and doesn't wish to see it wasted... it all comes down to their decision, and the most efficient way to keep what gashu believes achieves what they need/want - whether it's something they've outright expressed or something he deems will be useful for them. at the end of the day, yet another servant... it's only right to use the power they gave him to its advantage. that's all that matters anymore, regardless of reason (not that his reason would much matter... even kai cannot make sense of his father's intense dedication here, claiming he’s instead ‘been driven mad’)
both gashu and kai take active efforts to protect or let [what is dear to them] thrive, but whereas kai will end up deferring to what the chidouins command of him (because he's got it into his brain that they're always righteous and more reasonable than he is (albeit on the side of ignorance - unaware of asunaro's full breach besides what they must know for safety once the death game begins... he doesn't wish to scare them, but they need to know to be wary and safe, once he’s gone.)) ... well, gashu ends up taking it into his own hands, even entirely unprompted. partly with experience/age, that he can do this in confidence but... it's interesting to me...
kai and gashu’s deaths mirror one another as well. i know i Know i've mentioned it before but it haunts me. 'i entrust them to you! our regrets, our hopes...!!' / 'he easily... shot down our hope! who could be capable of such a thing? he's a demon! a demon!!'  narrative parallels forever and always. when kai's story ends, it's carried on by his father, who has destroyed every last trace of the non-candidates, which leads well into chapter three - which is centered only around the candidates and their relation to asunaro... not to mention gashu being the one to directly counteract the programming kai set up that was meant to disable the security and give them a genuine chance at escape.... but it was physically barred off because asunaro's influence is just so much larger as it backs up gashu. even those currently alive being able to band together to make this work, it seemingly doesn't matter... it's meant to fully stamp out kai's mindset of how to survive asunaro - defying their expectation.
however, it’s this same viewpoint that is how midori is killed in ch3... with how he speaks of kai, it is fitting (and saddening) that q-taro was the one who caused this confusion and gave them a chance at saving gin. it’s still a true method, even as asunaro tries to keep that hope from reaching the rest. ahhh this post is a mess of thoughts, but it’s always so interesting to me digging into how they contrast while still being based in serving a familiar purpose or holding similar values.
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datastate · 2 years
kai just makes my heart hurt so much TT_TT not just for the whole tragedy that is 'growing up under asunaro's ruling' but more so the ways in which he reclaimed life for himself. he always regarded life highly enough such that he found killing or otherwise manipulating it to be cruelty, but he never found himself a personal connection to it until the chidouins - where even then, he was so accustomed to asunaro's appearances (with ulterior motives) and his own self-loathing (though he'd done it to survive) that he couldn't imagine the affection they put forth as genuine. but as he began to recognize that and question why they thought of him this way, he found parts of himself that cared and still starved for connection and purpose. for those first few months/year, being cast out of asunaro was worse punishment than being executed because he was not only witness to normal lives while he felt aimless and isolated from the constants he once had, but these people trusted him and he knew he would be ordered to betray them when the time came. but as years passed, he began to feel more comfortable with them. it was easier to slip into that front built from what good they had identified in him, and it. began to feel less as if he was forcing it... he genuinely began to care about them and it was evident in how he went out of his way to help them or comfort them - even if he didn't have all the words, he could listen. he found small passions and hobbies and creative endeavors which he no longer had to justify with practical reasons to indulge. he began to realize who he is and although he grieved the fact he was never given the chance to truly have a life of normalcy, this is the closest he will ever get and he can cherish it on most days. he knows he'll trade it all if it meant protecting the chidouins, shielding them from the darkness that asunaro carries, but as it is... he began to recover.
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beanieman · 3 years
What I Think The Participants Would Be Like As A Floormaster In An AU
Sara Chidouin 
Sara at first comes off as kind and helpful. She offers the group help whenever they need it, when someone gets emotional she’s the first person to console them and encourage them to move forward. She comes off as a warm person, and quite a few participants come to view her as an ally. 
This changes in the main game however. Where Sara’s attitude changes from caring to cold. She speaks nonchalant about the idea of one of the participants dying, and boldly claims that having an ally in this game would only make her tired. She’s a floormaster, while everyone but one is destined to die. She carries out the execution's without remorse, and everyone is left shaken both by the deaths and Sara’s sudden change. 
Joe Tazuna 
Joe has a very cheerful personality. He greets the group with a big smile, and acts as if everyone were hanging out instead of being in a death game. When any of the group try to get information out of him, he redirects by telling a meaningless story.
 Despite his upbeat attitude, most of the contestants don’t like him, as his never-ending positivity is almost unnerving. He uses the fact that his joyousness unsettles people to his advantage during the main game. He excitedly asks who’s going to get chosen, and encourages the sacrifice to not give up if they want to escape with the person they love most. 
Gin Ibushi 
Gin at first comes off as just a kid mixed up in a bad situation. He swears to the group that he isn’t sure what’s going on, and he just woke up in the death game with the rest of them being told to be a floormaster, but he drops hints every now and then that he knows more than what it seems.
He finally admits to knowing more than he first said during the main game. He encourages everyone, but also admits that he can’t help and all he can do is watch how things play out. 
Keiji Shinogi 
Keiji comes off as dangerous with one look. An aura of mystery surrounds him, and it makes him distrusted. Despite everyone being uneasy around him, Keiji likes to leave little clues about ASU-NARO. He likes to see the gears turning into the contestants heads as they try to piece his hints together. Sometimes these clues are genuinely helpful, sometimes they’re just a red herring. 
During the main game, he’d give the group “hints” both real and fake. If he wanted to take it far, he might accuses the group’s leader of being the sacrifice...maybe it’s true maybe it’s not. One thing is for sure, Floormaster Keiji sure doesn’t like authority. 
Alice Yabusame 
Alice comes off as an almost cartoonish floormaster. He’s very overdramatic, and turns every little thing that happens into a big ordeal. No one even bothers to question him about the ordeal they’re stuck in because they know they’ll get an story time instead of an answer.
During the main game Alice surprises everyone by being mostly quiet. Despite his best efforts he has empathy for the participants and isn’t looking forward to doing an execution. The only times he says more than necessary is when he yells out in surprise with the group when something surprising is revealed. 
More Undercut
Reko Yabusame 
Reko comes off as very scary at first. She’s very aggressive and doesn’t mind getting in anyone's face despite their appearance, though she does seem to go easier on the weaker members then the tougher ones. She brushes off any questions she gets, with smart comments and brushing people off, until the main game.
During the main game Reko surprises everyone by being more sympathetic. She wishes everyone well, and mentions if someone can find a fault in the game she’ll be forced to give the group a 24 hour extension. It becomes apparent that despite her harsh personality Reko still doesn’t want anyone to die. She’s willing to work with the group to avoid that possibility. 
Nao Egokoro (I went really dark with this one. Oops.) 
Nao is a terrifying floormaster in the way she’s very...creative. I could see her doing something really out there to introduce herself. Like announcing herself and showing off her gory paintings of how she guesses the participants will die. This mixed with her quirky personality makes her unsettling. 
During the main game Nao stays mostly quiet other than making disturbing remarks about using the sacrifices blood as paint. Her remarks really get under peoples skin and make them more paranoid then they already were. 
Kazumi Mishima 
Mishima acts as a teacher floormaster. He guides the participants carefully through each floor, and lays out the rules clearly and with thought. He answers all questions he gets with a smile, and some of the participants even come to rely on him.  
This kind teacherly persona is shattered during the main game as Mishima comes undone and reveals his real personality under the surface, distrusting towards people and serves under Gashu Satou. I’m inspiring his floormaster personality off of his evil AI personality. 
Q-taro Burgerberg 
Q-Taro would introduce himself to the contestants as a hype man. He’d come out with a grin, telling everyone that he can’t change this death game so everyone should try their best and work together as a team. Despite his words however, Q-Taro tells stories about his teammates letting him down, setting stones in the participants mind to distrust each other.
During the main game Q-Taro would start by asking the group who’s the least useful, steering everyone to think of each other in terms of value. However, he would start protesting and trying to change the groups mind if they tried to vote out someone young. 
Kai Satou  
Kai would be a very silent floormaster. He would only speak a few words, coming off as more of a strange cryptid than a man. Much like Mishima the few words he would speak would be guiding. He would try to push the participants to certain outcomes, like Nao hitting Shin with a frying pan, if it could benefit him. Kai would be quite the fearsome floormaster. 
During the main games, Kai would surprises the group with a riveting speech about determination before they began. The big plot twist would be that  Kai had stalked all of the participants from afar to study their daily routine so ASU-NARO could be at the right place at the right time. 
Kanna Kizuchi 
Kanna would play up her age a lot. She’d used the fact that many people would have trouble distrusting a young girl to her advantage. She’d hand out flowers to the contestants as a moral booster while being in tears about how cruel and unfair the death game is, her act would be so convicting maybe a few participants would fall for it and become protective of her. 
That wouldn’t really change in the main game, Kanna would act tearfully and gently until the end. Leaving everyone to wonder if they just met a traumatized child or an agent of ASU-NARO that was playing them all. Or maybe something in the middle. 
Shin Tsukimi 
Shin’s in game Sou persona would be pretty good as a floormaster I think! During his introduction Shin comes off as strangely normal. He speaks timidly and well mannered. Not once does he raise his voice, and he seems to get frightened by any of the participants getting in his face.  
But during the main game, Shin seems to get giddy. He starts laughing and calling everyone a riff raff destined for death. His sudden change is frightening, and the participants start to get just as worried about their unstable floormaster as they are about the death game itself.
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datastate · 2 years
kai would be unspeakably distraught to witness sara pushed to the extent of what gave her that 15.5%. although it's a difficult choice to make, if he sees her light, her innocence, broken by asu-naro to the point she takes pride in deceit and manipulation, her spirit's already been killed. it's horrifying, to him, to see that even she has been destroyed for asu-naro's means - but she becomes his only target. and, no, he cannot keep his resolve (his bleeding heart, her careful lies) but, if he is presented the opportunity, her death is preferable than living life as a puppet of asu-naro that will never return to the compassion which first saved him. he was raised in darkness, undeserving of that kindness and forever indebted - he returns that now, once he understands she has steeled her own heart to the bloodshed. she's gone. the least he can do is save her from the misery asu-naro manifests.
but if she's clever, sara waits to reveal this mask at all. and it's only as he lies there, bleeding, filled with a sickening mix of horror and unbridled comfort as he realizes he's been forsaken by the person he trusts the most. again. he fails, again. and the husk that carries the chidouin name uses him as the willing sacrifice. asu-naro made him to be used, and the chidouins have learned just how to puppeteer him for their means. the tears are false and bitter as they fall on him. but he loves her still. if he was wrong as he so desperately wished he was, if she could ever begin to recover, if there truly was a chance she could escape and respark that hope she granted him then, even if it's but a shadow of who she once was... it's an irrational prayer, but it brings enough solace as he dies off.
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beanieman · 3 years
What I Think The YTTD Characters Would Look Like After Escaping The Death Game
Sara in the Logic Route - In the logic route, Sara has very prominent eye bags. She has more difficulty sleeping at night and it shows. She cuts her hair to neck length so it’s easier to take care of while she’s recovering from the death game. She wears a lot of stylish sweaters or plain t shirts matched with leggings that are comfortable but fashionable. Sara doesn’t care about her style quite as much on this route, but she still puts effort in to her clothing. 
Sara Chidouin In The Emotion Route - In the emotion route, Sara has a low pony tail that’s similar to her in game hairstyle. In her hair is a bright yellow hairclip worn once by her best friend. Her school uniform is replaced by brightly colored blouses with skirts. In the pockets of her skirts, because if anyone could find a skirt with pockets it’s Sara, she carries around a dog keychain and a shuriken-shaped pendant. This is the route with the least amount of change to her clothing. 
Sara in the Massacre Route - In the massacre route, Sara’s hair is very long and messy. She no longer cares enough to mess with it, and now often leaves her hair down. Her eye bags are very prominent, and light doesn’t quite seem to reach her eyes. Much like her hair her outfits don’t hold much care to them. Each item of clothing she wears is picked up from the floor and decently clean. Sometimes her clothes match, sometimes they don’t. It just depends on the day. 
Gin Ibushi - Gin keeps his clothing similar to before the death game. While the death game has changed him a lot, his style stays pretty consistent. 
Keiji Shinogi - After the death game Keiji attempts to come to terms with the demons from his past. His eye bags, while still present, are slightly better than they are in game. His brown roots are starting to show through the blonde dye. To show symbolism and change, his once dark shirt has been replaced with lighter options. Keiji now often wears white button downs along with black pants.
Alice Yabusame - Alice is relived to be out of the death game, and goes back to an old style similar to the one he had before the death games. He wears clothing much like those in his 3B flashback, but now a notable clothing item has been added to his outfit. On his right hand he wears a grey glove with red stripes. The same glove Nao gave to him the day Reko passed. 
Reko Yabusame - For the most part, Reko keeps her style similar to how it was before the death game. She enjoys her punk rock attire, but she does have a few changes. Stripes have become a more usual part of her apparel, escpessally when on stage, as a means to honor her brother. Her long dark coat now has even darker stripes on it. As for her hair, she dyes it a vibrant color for a change of pace.
Nao Egokoro In The Massacre Route - In the massacre route, Nao starts keeping her hair in a ponytail as she finds it easier to take care of that way. She wears overalls with a dark black shirt similar to something Reko would wear underneath. She has eye bags, but attempts to cover them with make up so Sara doesn’t worry about her. 
Kanna Kizuchi - After the games ended, Sara taught Kanna how to pull her hair up so it’s out of her face. As a result an older teen Kanna keeps her hair in a low bun. She still wears the bucket that means so much to her. She dresses very casually wearing t-shirts with flower on them and jeans, and as a jacket she wears a familiar purple coat that her brother once dawned. 
Shin Tsukimi - After the death game, Shin has a hard time caring about his appearance. His hair has gotten longer with time, it’s only a few inches off from touching his shoulders. On his face are deep eye bags that are so noticeable they are often commented on. He’s discarded off the scarf Sou wore, now wearing a purple scarf in it’s place. What he does keep similar is his beanie, as he still wears it everywhere. As for his clothing, Shin wears old t shirts that he covers with a red hoodie. Hoodie’s have become a default in his fashion as they are an easy way to avoid having to put much effort into your outfit. 
Naomichi Kurumada - He tries to keep a normal to his old life by keeping his style similar. He keeps wearing a tank top and short pants as he tries to move on with his boxing career. The only big difference in style he has is Naomichi always wears shirts now, even when working out or sleeping. He has scars from where Maple exploded his stomach, and he doesn’t want anyone to notice and ask him about them. 
Mai Tsurugi - Mai goes home and takes off her work uniform immediately. She still wears a lot of dresses and such, but she can’t wear what she was in the death game because it reminds her of what she did to Q-Taro. She wears gloves almost everyday to hide her hands. 
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Shunsuke goes home never wanting to wear another suit ever again. Despite this he doesn’t like to dress down, so he wears a lot of grey polo shirts and jeans. 
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