#he then blasts the soundtrack constantly
fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
some CHB headcanons
every cabin has LEDs around the inside, but there’s a constant battle over what color they are
Percy has his rippling back and forth from teal to blue and it looks like light dancing through water all over his walls and floor
the Apollo cabin can usually settle for orange and yellow as a common ground
the Aphrodite kids have a different color for each time of day and sleep with pink on the lowest brightness setting
the Hermes cabin has like ten different strips and they’re all constantly shifting
Demeter cabin’s shifts with the seasons
they have movie nights, which I will talk about in a different post
before everybody goes back to school, the Aphrodite and Hecate cabins have a massive salon at the end of the summer with new haircuts and magic hair dye and outfit recommendations and fake but enchanted sturdy nails and a whole bunch of other stuff and basically it’s a week straight of spilling hot tea between everyone in camp
if someone asks where a camper got their hair done when they get back to school they just go “oh, um… summer camp.” and their friends will snort and be like bro isn’t summer camp the opposite of a makeover?? but they get no argument, just a shrug and a half smile
when I tell you pride month over there is a fucking riot
because Mr. D is in on it, right?? because he’s the god of gender?? and Chiron is aroace and has been raising dumbass gay heroes for literal centuries?? PLUS the sheer fucking amount of queer peeps up in there?? dude yeah
cabins competing for who shows the most pride
Demeter’s roof is covered in rainbow flowers
Hecate’s is enchanted to emit actual light in whatever flag colors of whoever uses the front door, even when they’re straight (it’s just a rainbow)
Percy collects a bunch of shed scales from the hippocampi at the bottom of the lake and then puts them all over his cabin
I could make a whole post about CHB pride but
every single Apollo kid is also a theater kid fight me
Rachel Elizabeth Dare painted a skateboard for Percy’s birthday and he brings it everywhere now, it even sits in his backpack at school
Leo, Annabeth, Percy, and Piper fucking love horror movies. Frank, Hazel, and Jason fucking hate them. They watch through their fingers, if at all
Piper loves the band Surfaces with all her heart, but she also is a die hard Green Day and P!ATD fan
Jake Mason is covered in burn scars up to his neck, just like Deadpool, just not bald lol
Hephaestus and Apollo kids faintly radiate warmth (like more so than a normal person)
the Stolls sometimes stay at camp year-round because their mom is off on international missions that are too high-risk for them to help with
the seven are AVID Smash Bros players
really everyone but
not as many people go to the Athena campers for help with homework as you might think, but whenever anyone does, they’re happy to help
the sun chariot blasts music at a frequency only the Apollo kids can hear, so their life kind of has a shitty soundtrack that consists of a mix of Broadway, Queen, modern stuff, and random bits of Beethoven every now and then
the Romans swear on few occasions
the Greeks know when to swear and when to be polite
the Valhalla peeps swear unbridled and all the time
the Egyptians never swear (in English)
for the longest time, Will Solace thinks the only gift from his dad is his healing prowess— which is obviously great, but he expresses being upset over the fact that he’s not very good at archery
well, considering this is the dumbass who didn’t bring a weapon to actual fucking Tartarus, Nico drags him to the weapon shack thing immediately afterwards and made him pick something out
he's immediately drawn to the Celestial Bronze shotgun.
Nico’s just like “what in the redneck shit did you just pick up” and Will jokingly aims it at his chest and grins and says “you know I’m from Texas, right?”
that’s how they find out Will is one of the damn best marksmen in Greek demigod history
some of the Disney nerds in the Apollo cabin sing What Once Was Mine to the little ones who need bandaids for knee scrapes and give them lollipops afterwards
Percy Jackson absolutely used to make poverty and struggle meal jokes all the time, but he got weird and concerned looks for it at CHB, so he kind of just stopped. But one day, aboard the Argo II, the PERFECT opportunity came up and he just HAD TO and as per usual— everyone else looked at him like he’s crazy— but Leo laughed so hard chocolate milk came out of his nose and that’s the story of how the two of them became Best Friends
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pendragonsgallery · 2 years
So I’m not in the Hetalia fandom
But my best friend @roszabell is.
So that means that I get to use my extremely limited knowledge of the show to make the dumbest headcanons I can think of.
These are the headcanons of someone not in the fandom but cursed with too much knowledge.
- By accident, Alfred once unironically said “innit” in a sentence and his body induced a two day coma on itself in shame.
- Austria probably can and has twerked to eine kleine nachtmusik.
- Whenever Australia does any normal thing he’ll say “I learned that in 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫” and he never specified what war. Just, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫. (It was the Emu war of 1932).
- France acts like he’s super pretentious with perfumes and smells and stuff but goes feral for Bath and Bodywork’s sales. He has so many coupons 47 years past their expiration date that he insists will be useful.
- Denmark’s hairstyle is done every morning by sticking his head out of a moving car on the interstate like a dog.
- Matt has a maple flavored vape and he hissed at Alfred when he touched it once.
- Alfred knows the metric system but constantly acts like he doesn’t get it to watch England lose his shit every time.
- Gil has heelies he installed in his shoes that he’s been waiting to use for decades. One time he was trying to sweep Matt off his feet all romantic like but he accidentally popped out the wheels and they both went flying.
- Norway blasts the Frozen soundtrack in his car so loudly the windowpanes shake. He just sits there with a totally apathetic face and just says “good shit” while all his passengers’ ears are bleeding from the volume.
- Hungary can bench press both Alfred and Matt and does it at any possible opportunity.
- Japan has been making little paper airplanes and getting them to stick in the ceiling for years now and no one has noticed. It’s not until he misses one day and thousands of mini paper airplanes fall from the ceiling onto everyone.
- Germany would take Disney fast passes so seriously. That man would be up at 4 in the morning staring at his undimmed phone screen getting space mountain tickets.
- The countries always do Rock Paper Scissors for whoever has to explain to China that he needs to turn his computer off and on again to get it to work.
- Denmark has not tied his shoelaces since the day he got them. He just slides them off and on again because “I’m too awesome to tie my shoes” the truth is he doesn’t know how to tie his shoes. They came pre tied.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 8 months
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soundtrack to a tooth alignment
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: G Word Count: 967
Summary: It's just a dumb song. It'll end eventually. (But also, what is love?)
If Percy had to explain his quest strategy, he’d say it’s pretty much “attack now, think later”—like, days later—so if this particular quest ever gets commemorated in song, or on an urn or something (do they still do that?), he hopes they include the way he just neutralized the Thrill Ride O’ Love situation by bringing up the orthodontist. Because that was a tactic. Everything is totally not-weird now. Here in this dark tunnel. With Annabeth.
Percy puts his hands on his knees like it’s school picture day and squeezes.
She doesn’t reply to his orthodontist anecdote, and he doesn’t have a follow-up comment. If he opened his mouth right now, he’d probably say something else about the song that’s playing (blasting, honestly—is this torture? Is this a heroic trial? Percy’s trying to remember whether any of Hercules’s labours had this sorta unhinged Valentine’s vibe), and he’d probably borrow words from his mom’s vocabulary when she’s listening to old music on the radio—words like “funky” and “groovy.” Annabeth’s never even seen a movie and she’d probably look at him like he’s the one who’s out of touch. He can’t risk it. Words are overrated anyway, right?
That’s probably why the guy singing keeps using the same ones over and over.
Percy wonders if this is a record for the most times Annabeth’s heard the same question without answering it. Could the singer calm down with the “What is love?” already? Instinctively, Percy starts tapping his foot to the rhythm, but then he realizes Annabeth can probably feel his shoe striking the bottom of the boat and glances at her nervously. Yep, she’s giving him a look.
Laughing self-consciously, he observes, “Sounds like he’s trying to control a bunch of horses.” Annabeth frowns. Percy points vaguely upwards (because this tunnel is creepy and grungy, but no visible speakers? Alexa?) and hears himself singing along in explanation: “Whoa whoa whoa whoa-o-ah…”
Her frown deepens and he cuts himself off with an awkward cough, looking away into the water, his only ally here who won’t judge him for being so embarrassing.
Ok, maybe this guy does have to constantly ask himself “What is love?” because what else is he gonna do, talk about his feelings to another person? Percy’s getting the theme of this theme park now, not so much the devastating rejection part, but definitely how uncomfortable it is to have a crush on somebody. Man, if he liked somebody like that, maybe he’d go build a haunted amusement park about it too. Luckily, he’s—
He’s somehow staring straight at Annabeth.
Swirls of coloured light are reflecting up off the water that’s lapping the sides of their boat, making her glow purple and blue. Percy doesn’t have to be a son of Athena to know Annabeth’s pretty, but it’s never been, like, relevant. She’s super smart and careful and focused and good at planning. Percy was never gonna point out that she had this talent for prettiness unless they were in a situation where somebody needed to have really sparkly brown eyes or a face he’s kinda itching to cup in his (suddenly sweaty) palms, at which point he could save the day and be all, “Hey, Annabeth, you’re pretty! Why don’t you take this one!” And they wouldn’t think he liked her, just that he was resourceful.
But here she is, being pretty when the only crisis is that his heart’s beating a little too quick and he can’t scootch away from her without threatening to capsize the boat. Backup plan: look at his hands.
He’s making it weird, and it’s not, it’s not weird. Two people in an abandoned amusement park isn’t weird. It’s brave, and adventurous, and just because the song just said “love” for the millionth time doesn’t make it romantic! You can love lots of stuff. Hephaestus probably loved building this ride. Percy loves his mom. Loved his mom. Loves his mom. He’s curious what the word makes Annabeth think of, his gaze drifting sideways.
She’s looking at him. Percy’s eyes widen. Panic mode.
“Do you think Ares is really gonna eat all those burgers?” he blurts out.
“At the diner.”
“Well,” Annabeth says thoughtfully, “why else would he order that many?”
Her eyebrows raise.
“Ares is already the god of war.”
“And what’s a meal like that other than a war between a man’s mind and his stomach?” Percy reasons, feeling deep. If they survive this quest and Chiron’s looking for a Camp Philosopher, Percy could do that job. He has insights now. Would he have to wear a toga though? He’s seen that “Death of Socrates” painting at the MET, and those guys were going full bedsheet.
“But why would he bother?” Annabeth wants to know. “I think he’d be expecting us to be intimidated by him anyway.”
“Maybe he’s secretly insecure.”
“Maybe he’s just hungry.”
“Do you think everybody else could see how many burgers he had,” he ponders, narrowing his eyes, “or were they hidden by the Mist?”
“The Hamburger Mist? They were normal burgers, Percy.”
“Then explain why no one seemed surprised!” he demands. “Or impressed!”
“The thought of someone eating a stack of burgers that high doesn’t impress me.” Annabeth’s face scrunches in disgust. “Just makes me a little nauseous.”
“That could be seasickness from the boat.” And because another of his strategies is “speak now, think later,” after a second, Percy asks, “What would impress you?”
Her expression shifts into something like determination but softer. Yeah, with a little bit of a smile.
“Somebody who’d take on the Chimera alone so their friends could get to safety. That’d be pretty cool.”
That’s my story, Percy almost says, but he follows Annabeth’s gaze up the wall to watch Hephaestus’s play out instead.
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demigods-posts · 1 year
headcanon that percy and annabeth are both equally infatuated with the HSM franchise: PJO version
• the obsession started after the sea of monsters when annabeth stayed over at percy's apartment and they argued over which movie to watch
• eventually, they decided on watching HSM together since neither of them had seen it and they ended up loving it
• at karaoke nights at camp half-blood, they often sang Troy/Gabriella duets (The Start of Something New, What I've Been Looking For, Breaking Free)
• admittedly, they sounded terrible, but singing is so much easier and less embarrassing when they do it together, so neither one of them cared
• the implications of their duet were completely lost on them, but it was one of the main reasons the camp ships them
• after The Titan's curse takes place, annabeth continues the tradition of staying over percy's apartment (also because they missed each other since she got kidnapped) and watched HSM 2 and they both fell even more in love with the franchise
• the morning of percy's fourteenth birthday, he and annabeth baked cookies in the kitchen while blasting 'Work This Out' so loud that the neighbors complained
• sally found the loud music annoying too at first but completely forgot about it when she watched percy and annabeth sing 'You Are the Music in Me' while throwing flour at each other, obviously falling for each other
• percy and annabeth completely shut down the idea of them dating when sally not-so-subtly teases them about it, but sally wasn't fooled
• throughout percy's and annabeth's eighth grade year, they frequently email each other (they know demigods and electronics are a bad idea but they don't care when it comes to each other) and constantly sign-off their emails with quotes or song lyrics to hilariously describe their current mood
• "dude, my brothers literally came into my room and spilled water all over my plans for the camp's next prom night. come fix it." - wisegirl12, how did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?
• "no." - seaweedbrain18, i gotta go my own way
• the year HSM 3 came out, percy and annabeth weren't on good terms and didn't speak to each other unless it was about preparing for the upcoming war
• still, they refused to watch HSM 3 without the other
• after the battle of the labyrinth (more importantly, after their kiss), percy iris messages annabeth and apologizes for how distant he's been and admits he been avoiding everyone and everything related to being a demigod because he's scared that he'll die before he'll graduate
• annabeth apologizes for being so rude to him and admits that's she's just scared she'll lose him and is shitty at expressing her emotions
• the two continue to talk about anything and everything and eventually get to the topic of HSM 3
• they admit to each other that they hadn't seen it since it came out, so they make a pact: if they both survive the war, annabeth has to come over and watch the movie with him
• later that week, percy secretly purchases the DVD for the movie and promises to not open it until then
• as we know, the two survive the war and finally get together on percy's birthday
• as sally comes to pick the two up from camp, they run to the car hand-in-hand and sally immediately figures it out and is so happy for them
• sally spends almost the entire car ride to the apartment enforcing the 'door open at all times rule', much to the couple's embarrassment
• later that night when annabeth stays over, she and percy cuddle on the couch and talk and then annabeth reminds him of the pact they made
• percy leaps out of his seat and grabs the DVD, much to annabeth's surprise, and the two cuddle and watch the movie together
• from that point forward, whenever they email each other, percy signs off his email as "seaweedbrain18, troy bolton"
• annabeth thinks it's incredibly corny, but signs off her emails as "wisegirl12, gabriella montez"
I was listening to the soundtrack for HSM 2 and got this headcanon idea. Add to it if you want :)
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Rioux, 1999.
Post-Brentwood was a turning point in my life. The minute I heard Sick Of It All played at Drew’s (♀) graduation party was the very minute my music tastes would change forever. As an Eighties’ kid, I grew up on Duran Duran, Run DMC, Alisha, Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam, Poison, and other chart-toppers. Anything could be ‘pop’ if it becomes popular enough. That’s how it got its name. Pop set me up to be diverse person I am now with stations like New York City’s Z100 where there’s a new market trend manufactured and released every five years to be fed on by the majority.
“Maladjusted” blasted through her backyard boombox for all of fifty of her closest friends and classmates to hear; the same friends and classmates who laughed at me or ignored me for being a poser. They weren’t laughing or shit-talking behind my back now that they saw me at Drew’s get-together. “How did he get in?” they wondered. That didn’t matter. They didn’t say shit to me. I never saw most of them again after that, nor did I keep tabs, either. I asked Drew who they were and she told me. Boy, did it go down angry and aggressive. I didn’t hear anything like it. So I went to the South Shore Mall’s record store and copped Scratched The Surface on cassette to quickly become my go-to record during senior-year summer. That was my introduction to hardcore and the start of something more personal and relatable than what I listened to before.
Shortly thereafter, Wipeout XL came out for Playstation and my trajectory in taste had changed for a second time. It was one of the first games released that had a major soundtrack thanks to disc capacity. A line-up of Underworld, Fluke, Photek, Future Sound Of London, The Prodigy, and Chemical Brothers gave me a three-month head start before - you guessed it - pop and alternative rock stations jumped on that wagon as the next great profit maker. Even stations changed their formats for a night or two to keep up with the hottest trend of the year, such as when Atari Teenage Riot slipped through the airwaves and literally changed my attitude of music. Another hand would be dealt, and one which was the most fascinating: industrial. Mortal Kombat motion picture soundtracks were the gateway to it after establishing Nine Inch Nails, Filter, and Ministry as my Big Three. I snatched up on three Meat Beat Manifesto tapes, four Skinny Puppy discs, The Wax Trax box set and label mail order, and some Cleopatra label compilations. (Yeah, I know. No need to tell me.) It all goes to show how a lot can happen in one year before heading to community college.
Whether or not I had employment, I still managed to purchase tons of music. It became a beast I constantly had to feed. I had record store visits, radio, magazines, and now the internet (‘world wide web’ they once called it) to keep me updated. Every week I found something new to check out. Oh, look. Alec Empire is on the cover of another magazine! The December 1997 issue of Wire, #166. Have to buy it as his stock was riding high with (once again) Atari Teenage Riot and his DHR label. On the way to Empire’s glow-up were two other artists I came across in their pages: Autechre (who they proclaimed as noise gods) and Merzbow.
When you keep hearing the same names over and over, eventually they’ll get you to check them out. That’s what happened with those two and with expectations - what you shouldn’t have when diving into an artist or album. Autechre’s Tri Repetae++ caught me off guard. They said it was an electronic record and I foolishly thought it was techno instead. I hear the album opener “Dael” expecting a build-up leading to an explosion of sound. Wrong. The minimal structure and complex melodic rhythms of a cold, mechanical, emotionless being started as-is and moved its way to the end. This wasn’t anything to a traditional dance record I was accustomed to. No. These were experiments that Sean Booth and Rob Brown created which were so innovative that they’ve gotten endless praise for them since. A few listens later and I had Tri Repetae++ on constant repeat.
Merzbow? That’s another story. Like Tri Repetae++, I bought Pulse Demon at the Port Jefferson Music Den, once a bastion of everything obscure which hasn’t existed in 20 years. That was my introduction to noise. Fucking Lady Godiva riding on a Sybian did I not know what was in store for me that day. It was the shiniest and sharpest-sounding thing I now had in my collection. I load the disc in, pressed play and - what?! It was one giant maelstrom of harsh white noise, produced and output louder than usual, complete with Bridget Riley-esque op-art and its silvery prismatic sheen. Pulse Demon was devoid of any rhythm, melody, beats, measurements, sound structure, tonality, vocals, or even a sense of time whatsoever. It was a giant endurance test that felt like there was no end in sight. Again, expectations are a foolish thing to ask for.
I didn’t know what to think. I immediately dismissed it and never played it again. I couldn’t say I was actively disappointed or put-off but rather dissuaded. It was nothing what I experienced. Back then, I was a feature writer for the student paperduring my disastrous time at community college’s middle campus. The campus majority consisted mostly of shallow club-goers and superficial people who stood in their safe comfort zone of basic dance music, fashion, and friends who judged and dismissed anyone who were weird or different from them. I always went against the grain and reached for something different and challenging; things that loudmouth belligerent chauvinist Opie & Anthony fans were too stupid to learn from. I had no other albums to review on the backburner, so Pulse Demon was it for the following issue. I was honest about my take on it: it was an unlistenable mess of a joke. I handed in my 1,000 words to our features editor, a long-haired burnout held over from the hippie generation, and it finally saw print in one of our Spring issues.
The day after my review came out, I was called in to the office by my editor-in-chief Phil. Somehow we got word from a professor who read my article and took issue with it. “Really?” I said. But it didn’t stop there. Phil also told me that Professor Rioux wanted me to visit his office to discuss the article with him.
I failed an article for a professor I didn’t even know I had?
Phil had him for English. But not to fear. The overall consensus was that he was friendly, calm, and reasonable with his students. And here was an odd moment he shared with me: Pfr. Rioux played some of his favorite weird music during an end-of-the-semester holiday party for his students to hear. Seriously, not to fear. He sounded like someone I would connect with. Phil assured me that all would be fine and ended up arranging a time and day to meet up with him. That would be next week Wednesday after the publisher’s meeting.
I arrive at Prf. Rioux’ office where he welcomed me in and introduced himself, dressed up in the usual teacher’s attire of blazer and dress pants. So far, so good. I sat down in his office and looked around to notice two rows of tapes sitting on a desk next to his bookshelf. There was a Temple Ov Psychick Youth cross hung up on the wall and also noticed the black shirt he was hearing under his blazer which featured Aube’s Quadrotation on it.
We sat down for a good 45 minutes discussing my article. Not once was Prf. Rioux mean, belittling, or off-handed - unlike others who called themselves ‘professors’. Rather, he gave me constructive criticism. Judging by my article, he told me that I missed the mark on Merzbow and didn’t come into the album open-minded. Clearly I didn’t understand noise music enough for me to write what I did and there was way more to it than I thought. The most important takeaway was that I shouldn’t have compared noise to anything else in a traditional sense. Sure, it was an entirely different animal that can still have value, substance, a structure, a methodology, and a meaning to it all like everything else.
So he kindly offered to make me three cassettes of whatever rang familiar and whom I was curious about to widen my horizons and get a better understanding. All early industrial and / or noise. Wonderful. I obliged. One week later, I returned to his office where he had them all ready for me. I thanked him for the tapes and said goodbye to him.
What was on those tapes? First, Merzbow. Not surprisingly. Three unknown tracks from the Lord of Harsh Noise. On the other side was Masonna, another Japanese noise artist whose Inner Mind Mystique finished up tape #1. Tape #2 was more varied. I heard very little of Coil other than “The Snow” off the Wax Trax compilation. Right after that was Jim G. Thirwell / Foetus whom followed up with three tracks. (Coincidentally, both aforementioned artists remixed Nine Inch Nails). Rioux threw on three tracks from Einsturzende Neubauten’s Kollaps with a small sampling of Clock DVA tracks from Black Souls In White Suits. Our final tape had a good ten tracks of Death In June whom I never heard of, and several versions of Throbbing Gristle’s “Discipline” rounded out all that Prf. Rioux gave me. Never had I received anything like it from any professor.
I was forever grateful. I played those tapes to good use, enough to go back into my usual grind of music and artist reviews with a better understanding and reasoning. I didn’t review any of the artists after that Merzbow debacle, but my stance of him changed for the better and went back to Pulse Demon several more times. I happened to purchase several more of his albums where I could, dove back into Inner Mind Mystique and picked up on Nic Endo’s White Heat when that was released. I pushed more heavily into Einsturzende Neubauten’s chaotic phase, Clock DVA’s experimental era, and the world of Throbbing Gristle. I would be only toes deep with the other artists; checking in from time to time.
What were the chances that anyone (who appreciated the genesis of industrial and a knowledgeable noise fan) would notice a specific artist printed in a campus newspaper no less? It was bad enough that I dealt with one disappointment after another interacting with people and trying to find my place on campus; which I eventually did with neutral results. Where reaching out to people with similar tastes in music were few and far between (only one or two people on campus wore Dead Voices On Air, Ant-Zen, and Ras DVA shirts), someone reached out to me instead. Of all the professors I ever had, no one and I mean no one had that kind of knowledge that Prf. Rioux did, with mixtapes to boot, too.
As his tapes played in my Walkman while trekking around campus, everything else around me was happening as usual. Cover bands and boring flavorless local bar acts peppered the Long Island music scene. WBLI continued to pump out more puerile paint-by-number club mixes as usual with Fatboy Slim and Robbie Williams up next. Ska fans hopped out of the woodwork to defend their precious circus music and became overnight know-it-all elitists ready to play the scene-politics card. And free pink PVC cowboy hats came included with Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Spice Girls, and Limp Bizkit worship. Forget it. The late Nineties was clearly a bad era in music and pop culture - and it still had time to get even worse. The only places of solace I had were the few record stores I frequented. Commack’s Cheapo’s, West Babylon’s Looney Tunes, Central Islip’s Mother’s Music, Port Jefferson’s Music Den, and Centereach’s None Of The Above. At least they catered everything to my choosing.
But I never forgot where I came from or lost track of where I headed. By the time I attended Stony Brook, I fell victim to the Mothers Of Noise ‘scandal’ and discovered Prurient from it. I’d be one of the few on campus familiar with Whitehouse, Boyd Rice / NON, and even Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music on top of everything else.Each and every one of these artists were mentioned in my new wave of reviews and I even featured on my radio show. I also never forgot those tapes. I still have them, and they became one of the few shining reminders of an era that was mostly ill to me.
Cassette #1, side A:
Merzbow: “???”, “???”, “???”
Cassette #1, side B:
Masonna: Inner Mind Mystique
Cassette #2, side A:
Coil: ”Panic”, “Tenderness Of Wolves”, “Clay”, The Anal Staircase”
Foetus: “What Have You Been Doing?”, “Today I Started Slogging Again”, “Gums Bleed”
Cassette #2, side B:
Einsturzende Neubauten: “Tanz Debil”, “Steh Auf Berlin”, “Kollaps”
Clock DVA: “Consent”, “Anti-Chance”, “Uncertain”
Cassette #3, side A:
Death In June: “Hello Angel”, “Heaven Street”, “She Said Destroy”, “Fall Apart”, “Leper Lord”, “C’est Un Reve”, “Touch Defiles”, “The Torture Garden”, “Come Before Christ…”
Cassette #3, side B:
Throbbing Gristle: three live “Discipline” performances.
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
I'd like to think that despite Apollo not singing much anymore, the one exception is when My Favorite Things come on.
Leto definitely used to sit Apollo down to watch The Sound of Music with her whenever she has the time and from that point on My Favorite Things became his favorite song from his childhood‼️‼️
I've never seen The Sound of Music but I just like to think that the soundtrack helped (somewhat) to reignite his love for singing (before he met Nico ofc)
this is SO CANON NOW omfg. it’s funny bc the first thing i thought when i saw this was kayla blasting 7 rings all day when it came out and then apollo just constantly humming it but singing it with the favorite things lyrics not the 7 rings ones (or, even better, singing the favorite things verse and then the 7 rings rap portion), and kayla is just like oh my GOD dad please stop
but i absolutely love the hc that he used to watch the sound of music with leto!! i think that’s definitely something she would do, i now imagine her as totally musical obsessed in this fic😭😭 i think that would be so sweet for them esp with how the rest of apollos childhood was :// he definitely listens to the soundtrack to remember her or just when he’s feeling nostalgic
thank u for the ask!
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weirdstuffinthewoods · 3 months
Bride of Chucky
A Review
Ronny Yu made the correct choice working with the one and only father of Chucky, Don Mancini. I feel like Don's seamless continuing control over the Chucky franchise paired with Ronny Yu's absolute lack of knowledge of the Chucky franchise (and his love of the monster) made for a one-of-a-kind franchise installment.
Writing- 5/5
This entire script takes the snark we know Chucky for and dials it up by giving him a dominating sparring partner in Tiffany Valentine. There are some jokes that kinda feel needless (repeating the "what a crock" joke only got an "eeh" out of me), but Voodoo for Dummies?
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And lines like:
"For God's sake Chucky, drag yourself into the 90s"
"Martha Stewart can kiss my shiny plastic butt!"
When Chucky tells Tiffany to "act natural" and this is her response
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The entire weird sex scene conversation that 100% does happen in a film about two sentient dolls? It was only a matter of time before we got here, let's be honest.
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The addition of Tiffany Valentine allows for a totally valid reason to shake things up- creative kills, high-speed freeway chases with two DOLLS holding two whole adult humans hostage, and the film's only gay character (spoiler but RIP David) getting absolutely blasted by an 18-wheeler for no reason other than Don probably just realized the cast needed to shrink real quick.
Special mention-
The honeymoon suite kill scene. Yeah, it looks a little cheesy, but you best believe before I was old enough to watch horror movies, my older cousin was telling me about this scene in vivid, terrifying detail (much scarier than reality, but what can you do?)
Soundtrack- 4.5/5
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Living Dead Girl starts this movie off with a bang and a moment I haven't forgotten for one second of my spooky sapphic life. These are the moments in which horror icons are made.
The soundtrack is mostly upbeat drums and chugging guitar riffs which I loved (it especially added to the freeway chase) I just didn't go full 5 stars because I didn't notice it as much as I'd want to in a party movie like this (because yes, if I ever do host a halloween party I will be popping in this exact VHS to play on repeat).
Also shout out to my boy, Graeme Revell. Been a legend since The Crow in my eyes (but also for so much iconic 80s and 90s horror....and Sharkboy and Lavagirl) and I'll always get excited when I see that name in the credits!
Effects- 4.75/5
First let me say Chucky looks fantastic. Can he emote as well as Tiffany with those pencil-thin eyebrows? Maybe not but this is the opus version of Chucky, so.
The animatronics are still my favorite thing to watch in a Chucky film because you forget that these aren't sentient dolls almost constantly (except when Chucky's body double is crawling on all fours- that's some nightmare fuel). Their faces are so expressive (for rubber doll faces) and there's even a shot of Tiffany walking across the floor of a Winnebago (maybe?) without a wire in sight! Oh, how far we've come.
The effects in some scenes are a little cheesy (the honeymoon suite kill, the gross, fleshy title card, etc) but it's easily overlooked because Chucky and Tiffany are by far the main event of the sfx team.
Extra ratings?
Written by an out gay man, HELLO!
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Alexis Arquette!! Easily the second-hottest person in this movie, I loved seeing her camp it up (in a masc role, but goths love to play with androgyny so I'll take it) as the try-hard Damien.
This also unexpectedly features the gbff trope usually reserved for rom-coms in David, a guy whose queerness isn't painfully exaggerated like some portrayals were at the time, and who's probably the most level-headed of the bunch.
RIP, -2 because David got blasted by a big rig and not in the fun way.
Bride of Frankenstein retelling 5/5
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It's pretty obvious on rewatch, but this is a whole Bride of Frankenstein retelling. It even follows the title convention (I tell my younger self who completely missed the comparison). I haven't read the dissections of the original that explain why the bride is a metaphor, but in a more literal sense, this Bride has the power unlike her predecessor. Even though she falls in with a toxic ex, she has autonomy and pushes back, eventually sort of kind of helping the two teens (who are not interesting enough to put in this review) stop Chucky. And she gives birth to a weird demon baby while mostly charred through a non-stretch plastic vagina so. That's pretty metal.
Tiffany Valentine 11/5
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But most of all the performance!!!
I may be looking through heart eyes, but I'm not wrong!
Overall, Bride of Chucky will never not be one of my favorites. The addition of Jennifer Tilly allowed the Child's Play series (and all future iterations), to have fun, but to also play with the tone of its installments. Seed of Chucky and the Chucky series tend to focus on Chucky (and friends)'s humanity and personalities, whereas Curse and Cult of Chucky take the franchise back to an exciting, sometimes scary, and eventually openly queer and complicatedly sapphic place. Ignoring the reboot (which he was thankfully not responsible for), Don Mancini's got quite a legacy going, and Ronny Yu had a key part in that.
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notstilinski · 1 year
Beach Read Starters !
Taken from the 2020 novel by Emily Henry, Beach Read! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! 
“How is it? Is there a sex dungeon?”
“So wise. So deep.”
“What will you do if you realize you’ve fallen in love with a ghost?”
“No way. Blow jobs are for major holidays. What you’ve got on your hands is a good old-fashioned foot job pro quo.”
“What’s disturbing about foot jobs as a form of currency?”
“Could you turn off your sad-boy-angsting playlist?”
“Let me guess: Everyone lives happily ever after. Again.”
“Offending you. One syllable. ‘Ah.’ Pretty impressive.”
“My weird ass neighbor was blasting his crying soundtrack all night.”
“Seeing them out in the wild after all this time was horrifying.”
“No, (Name), I’m not talking about sex stuff.”
“The trick to sobering up is… donuts.”
“How do you know your Googling me wouldn’t be even more amusing g to me?”
“How do you know I won’t keep answering your questions with other questions until we both die?”
“You have a hard time… reading happy endings?“
“Are you honestly saying you don’t believe in love?”
“Sure, love happens. But it’s better to be realistic so shit’s not constantly blowing up in your face. And love is way more likely to blow up in your face than to bring eternal happiness. And if it doesn’t hurt you, then you’re the one hurting someone else.”
“I’m not asking you to tell me. I just… I don’t know. It’s weird to see you like this.”
“Oh my God! Are you slightly misquoting A Walk to Remember at me?”
“Life is meaningless, (Name). Gaze into the abyss.”
“Be honest… Did you bring me here to murder me?”
“This one of your murder spots?”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you might take it from me.”
“You just too me on the worlds most depressing date. The least you could do is tell me a single thing about yourself, and why all this stuff matters to you.”
“Why? Part of your dark, mysterious past?”
“But you were in love with him.”
“It’s okay he dumped me in a hot tub.”
“You can just give me three dollars when I take you home, and then if I ever find out I need an organ, we can circle back.”
“I love seeing where you get your admirable qualities from.”
“It didn’t feel like a lie. Maybe a complicated truth, but not a lie.”
“Life is like us like a box of chocolates. You really don’t know what you’re eating and the chocolate map on the lid is fucking always wrong.”
“If you’re a beard, I’m a bird.”
“Do you feel like your mom just dropped us off here before homecoming?”
“It’s shit like this that makes it impossible for me to believe in happy endings. You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.”
“There’s nothing to loathe about your face.”
“I HATE falling in love. It’s always ruining my bad boy reputation.”
“You know, as private as they are, I have to pull a lot from context out of our conversations. But yes, I’ve gathered the clues that you two have formed a friendship.”
“She left them on their birthday?”
“I think some things are… inevitable.”
“I brought these in case you’re taking me to a Texan church service.”
“This has been an exact recurring nightmare I’m only just realizing was actually a premonition.”
“You honestly have to write me into your will for this.”
“Happy endings don’t happen to everyone. There’s nothing you can do to make someone keep loving you.”
“I want to know you.”
“I’ve never thought you were stupid.”
“I thought—think it’s grace to believe in love. I mean, the lasting kind. To try for that, even knowing it can hurt you.”
“Not believing in something doesn’t stop you from wanting it. If you’re not careful.”
“I remember. A historic moment in our friendship.”
“I told you I wanted you to know me. You can ask me anything you want.”
“I saw that with my parents, you know? This black hole and this bright light he was always just trying to swallow while.”
“It didn’t overwhelm you to watch them sleep.”
“Like being right mattered less than being… okay.”
“Really? Because in winter, I’d just prefer to be dead.”
“(Name) likes to say I was never a kid.”
“I am, though. I am angry and messed up, and every time I try to get closer to you, it’s like all these warning bells go off and I try to act like a normal person, but I can’t.”
“I thought you understood that there’s no such thing as a normal person.”
“Stop it. You’re not going to break me, (Name).”
“I do, you know. Care about you.”
“That’s you’re right, as an American citizen.”
And again, I’m seventeen in that picture. Please stop objectifying child me.”
“It seemed too crass to invite you to my aunts house and then bring up your ass.”
“Are you praying to me, (Name).”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, like the sun.”
“I really didn’t show up to your sex dungeon to seduce you.”
“I’ll make my getaway and leave you behind if I have to.”
“What? Fun? Are you afraid it’s contagious?”
“Come here to ponder your own morality?”
“I want to be your perfect fucking Fabio, (Name), but I can’t. I’m not.”
“It just means I also want you to be happy, and I’m scared I could never be the person who could give you that.”
“Then let me be happy with you, (Name).”
“I can’t wait to visit and watch him be completely smitten with you.”
“I mean, I hope it was partially an elaborate ruse to sleep with me.”
“I never wanted you to see the world like I see it.”
“When you love someone… You want to make the world look different for them. To give all the ugly stuff meaning, and to amplify the good. That’s what you do.”
“If you can learn to dance in the rain then I can stare the ugly things down.”
“I don’t care if you’re a complete person.”
“The good news is your skin looks like a newborn baby’s. What have you been eating here?”
“What’s wrong with these pants? These are my official uniform now, on account of I’ve officially given up.”
“I both love and hate falling in love.”
“Are we being ax-murdered?”
“It’s not the promise that matters. It’s that I told you.“
“Fine. I can’t know if. But I believe it. I see it. Let me prove I’m right. Let me prove I can love you forever.”
“What is we don’t get our happy ending, (Name)?”
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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Donna Pinciotti-Forman, in the 80s...
For @that70sshowrocks. :)
-At UW Madison, she majors in journalism and communications, and minors in political science. She's super active in the political scene on campus, and starts to become a budding activist.
-She works as a print journalist in the mid-80s (and beyond), and gets enveloped in whatever political scene she encounters. Coffee is her second husband (after Eric, of course).
-She and Eric get engaged again circa 1980, and have an impromptu courthouse wedding in the mid-1980s (not because Donna got pregnant). For their parents, they make it "official" in the Formans' backyard.
-Eric insists on having The Beatles as their soundtrack for the wedding, and he constantly compares them to Paul and Linda. It's better than being compared to Luke and Leia (he stopped that in '83, anyway, for obvious reasons).
-She loves Fleetwood Mac, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, and Tracy Chapman. And something about Don Henley's "Dirty Laundry" is strangely prophetic, but Eric keeps blasting "The End of the Innocence" instead (*groans*).
-She jokes that Eric is a "dude that looks like a lady."
-She loves shoulder pads and tweed, both of which Jackie hates (something about how it makes women look like fancy linebackers).
-She wears mom jeans before she even becomes a mom (by the end of the decade). In my verse, she has Kate circa '86 and Leah pops out on New Year's Day, '90.
-Eric is traumatized by Luke and Leia being twins. Donna jokes if they ever have twins, she'll name them Luke and Leia. Eric is horrified, and tries to prove that he (Luke) and Donna (Leia) aren't related, by researching their respective family trees. They're thirteenth cousins.
-Eric and Donna travel a lot in the summer, while they're out of school. Eric tries to use Star Wars locations as a travel guide (and it largely works). He's thrilled to visit Tatooine (aka, Tunisia).
-She hates Reagan, but Mondale isn't all that much better (while Eric still has a soft spot for Carter). Meanwhile, Eric doesn't like the Star Wars program, despite its name.
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septembersghost · 2 years
i love your review of elvis. i had previously kind of resisted seeing baz's films, just having the impression that they were going to be Too Much for me, but when i heard he was tackling an elvis film, i thought the energies seemed to fit, even though i didn't know much about either man. but if his other films have that same effect of worming under your skin, i need to watch them all. i saw elvis four times in theaters and haven't stopped thinking about it/elvis for a single day since, it's outrageous. i think it makes so much sense to have an outside narrator of elvis' story drive the film. austin shows us the dynamic complexity of elvis through his every movement, but the film and the colonel and the audience are still crying to cage him into that still-life image, inserting distance between us and him. i think the film is always thinking about whether that distance is necessary to actually "love" a person you don't know, but that is the same question that paralyzed elvis with fear. his deep sense of isolation was always fighting against his love for other people and his longing to be on the ground with them, but he sensed that he couldn't let anyone see how much he was struggling lest they pull away. i keep thinking about how the first lyric we hear is "oh, let our love survive," and the film is like ... how much are you going to suffer to keep it going? and who tricked you into thinking you didn't deserve to be loved without giving so much of yourself away? it definitely works as a reflection on hollywood and culture, but it becomes more deeply personal and compassionate toward elvis the more you know about him. <3
chelsea! first of all, i never did take a moment to say how glad i am to see you again and to have you here <333
baz's signature is doing The Most and giving softly dreamy to intensely spliced energy to The Aesthetic, but he somehow manages this in a way that ends up being emotionally affecting and clings to you after viewing. (i think his only film i haven't seen is Australia.) he has a very specific signature and style influenced by his passion for dance/music/fashion, and it's fun seeing how he decides to express that and utilize it as an essential aspect of the storytelling, plus catherine martin makes such beautiful costumes for everything that are illustrative of character and design in such a rich way. i definitely understand why you might have thought his films would be a lot! but since you did enjoy elvis, i wouldn't hesitate to encourage you to give his others a try! moulin rouge remains a particular nostalgic favorite to me (i used to have a moulin rouge poster on my door as a teenager, i still remember my dad buying it for me in the mall. it was one of thee movies for me in high-school. my ex-best friend and i used to blast the soundtrack on repeat, one time during lunch in the classroom we used to hide out in, he jumped on a table to reenact ewan mcgregor singing your song. when i was first very ill, it was a movie i put on a lot. i'm sure this reveals something about me spiritually lol).
something with baz's style that comes through is the incandescent power of music and its deep connection to us. music is always almost like its own character, and he plays with interjecting those anachronistic pieces to give the stories a modernist edge while still staying rooted in their own times, which is very interesting! i loved the strong mix of elvis' own music with the honor to the gospel/r&b/black artists who influenced and inspired him, further mixed with artists he himself inspired and who are creating work now. it made those threads so potent and alive. you're right that the energies match well.
you described this beautifully, i honestly think reading this helped me sort through some of my thoughts and put parts of the film into better context! we have that distance because we're constantly observing, as an audience even when we do feel that sense of love and admiration/appreciation for an artist, there's also a certain complicity because we can never actually know them, and we do inherently want something from them. we can never be undemanding of them as humans, it's that tension where we cherish the art, but we're also by necessity consumers of it. we can't help but be part of the pressure and the noise, even when we try our best to exercise that with empathy for a person. there is an uncrossable distance.
austin shows us the dynamic complexity of elvis through his every movement, but the film and the colonel and the audience are still crying to cage him into that still-life image !!! exactly, and that's what i was referring to a bit in how the idea of an everlasting image haunts me at times, because that can never be a fully realized acknowledgment of anyone. the indelible iconography of it all becomes so much bigger than life that if we want to find the humanistic reality again, it takes some excavation. that's fascinating and heartbreaking to me.
the predatory nature of that framing device gives a lingering sadness to it too, where we are put both into the perspective of our place as audience members, but we also become emotionally connected to the person elvis was and have that reaction of sorrow. i kept wishing desperately that i could protect him from all the things. the ending as well, when it confronts that concept of "love" between an artist and their fans, and how massive that is, how it's intoxicating and enriching, but can also be corrosive. it's difficult and it's moving and it's complicated to navigate.
i think the film is always thinking about whether that distance is necessary to actually "love" a person you don't know, but that is the same question that paralyzed elvis with fear. his deep sense of isolation was always fighting against his love for other people and his longing to be on the ground with them, but he sensed that he couldn't let anyone see how much he was struggling lest they pull away. yes, VERY much so. he tried so hard to conceal that hurt and those struggles because people depended on him, but also because he depended on them too and understandably feared the loss of that love.
the use of suspicious minds as the film's overarching theme was perfect. it totally reframed its meaning and made it speak to both his inner and outer life, to the weight of that fame and love and need.
the film is like ... how much are you going to suffer to keep it going? and who tricked you into thinking you didn't deserve to be loved without giving so much of yourself away? it definitely works as a reflection on hollywood and culture, but it becomes more deeply personal and compassionate toward elvis the more you know about him. absolutely. it's a big question and often sadly a universal one regarding culture and consumption, the expectations put on famous artists to give and give continuously without breaking or showing the cracks (which is impossible and harmful), the demands when such a bright spotlight becomes searing, the strain that comes even from adoration because it's not wholly real. it also subtly questions our fascination with that suffering without exploiting it for visceral shock value. i really appreciate the way the film handled the ending, for example, giving us enough without ever being cruel or relishing in the tragedy for the sake of it. the compassion there is so central.
i knew a bit about him personally, and was familiar with many of his biggest hits, just by virtue of cultural osmosis and the long-held interest i have in older films/music, but the film made me want to do deeper dives into the personal story and the deeper cuts of the music, and i'm loving exploring that, which makes it even more wonderful to be able to share with you! thank you for posting about him and the film because it's what sparked my interest even further to watch it! i've caught up on a lot of movies over the past couple of weeks, but i think elvis had the biggest impact on me, both in thinking about it and the expanse of its themes, and emotionally in feeling both for him and for the magic that exists in the way music keeps living forever. 💗
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richtercard · 2 years
points you. Opinions on the GBA/DS era of Castlevanias if you've played any of them.
circle of the moon - i put it down after 15 minutes of playtime and never touched it again because of that FUCKING WALK SPEED. it felt like i was walking through molasses with a 40lb backpack on or something. also the protagonist has the exact same name as my dad and that just makes me feel weird.
harmony of dissonance - i find it to be a kind of middling game but at the same time i think it's way overhated by some people. it's got its flaws, sure, but the castlevania series has put some real stinkers out there and to put it on the same level as, say, haunted castle or the gameboy games is a bit unfair. also i unironically love the soundtrack and can't be trusted with the aux cord because i WILL start blasting offense and defense.
aria of sorrow - it's a great game, what more is there to say? it's fun, the music and art direction are great, the characters are lovable, and i adore how the castlevania series now comes with a pre-built modern au (well, i guess it's more of a near future au since it takes place in 2035, but it definitely feels closer to modern)
dawn of sorrow - i have. complicated feelings about this game. dawn's version of the soul system focuses way more on the grinding aspect than aria, and the luck stat is fucking broken, meaning the only way to actually increase the drop rate of souls is to get the $300,000 soul eater ring, so either you're spending hours grinding souls or hours grinding money with no real in-between. also i don't like the story and feel like it took away a lot of the impact that the ending of the first game had. in aria, soma rejecting his role as the dark lord felt like it had weight, like he was effectively putting an end to the thousand-year cycle of death and violence that dracula started. but in dawn of sorrow, it turns out that no, the cycle didn't end, soma's actions just meant that someone else will become the dark lord. it's something that's always left a sour taste in my mouth. but at the same time.......... i think the game's kind of fun?? for all of my gripes, i had a blast playing it (especially julius mode) and i think it's really charming. i know everyone constantly gives this game and portrait of ruin shit for their budget anime art style, but i've always thought that at least the in-game sprites are pretty cute. idk. i hate dawn of sorrow but i love it but i hate it.
portrait of ruin - THEE best game of this era!!!!! it's SO fun and plays SO well i love the dual character system so fucking much. the music and overworld design are on POINT it's such a perfect jaunty vampire movie pastiche of a game. i've gotten 1000% completion in every bonus character mode (or at least the closest i can get) because it's just so fucking good and replayable. in terms of raw enjoyment it's probably my absolute favorite castlevania game of all time (in terms of true favorites it's only beaten out by symphony of the night, purely for emotional attachment reasons) it's the goat!!!!!!!! THE GOAT!!!!!!!!!!
order of ecclesia - UNDERRATED AF!!! i really really love the first half of the game and how it strikes a happy medium between linear progression and non-linear exploration, and i think it's nice to see other locations in a castlevania game beyond dracula's castle itself. also shanoa is hot.
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philcollinsenjoyer · 1 year
Thank you for the recommendation!!!!! The full monty was so good i had such an absolute blast. Also between this and billy elliot I'm sensing a theme (men can do a little dance and maybe even get a bit gay with it cinematic universe)
i'm soosososo glad you liked it!!!!!! always makes me feel so good and has the craziest soundtrack when gaz dances in the car shop and he takes off his flannel and your hear his change going everywhere it has me in hysterics constantly YOU NEED A DOCTOR. also what are you talking about omgggg my favorite movies are soooo different what do you meannnnn
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renedemarie82 · 2 years
List your top 5 albums! What do you love about them? When did you first listen to them?
Ah! A very hard question but I will see what I come up with! (In no particular order)
- Exit by Tangerine Dream
An album I have on vinyl and thought I should mention since I think it’s the one I put on the most. I found this album while looking for the soundtrack to Risky Business which they also did. (I loooooove Love on A Real Train from that soundtrack)
- No Geography by the Chemical Brothers
I found this album during a time when I was obsessed with the movie Logans Run so it’s always been the alternative soundtrack in my head. The night I went through a breakup I listened to the album twice or more through the night while I was drawing, and I’ve found it’s my favorite album to listen to while I draw.
- Please Please Me by The Beatles
My sister and I know the words to every song on the album. The first time I drove on a long trip we blasted it via my car CD player (rip to that car) and it just kind of made an imprint on me as my favorite album by The Beatles
- Strawberry Switchblade by Strawberry Switchblade
It’s their only album so if you ever want to get into their discography that’s basically it. (Besides some unofficial stuff) I love their John Peel sessions that you can find on YouTube, but overall their songs really hit me with their anxious lyrics which I don’t usually grab onto. I discovered them on New Year’s Day nearly a year ago now when I found a sticker of them on Redbubble. Also their sense of style influences me constantly 🖤🤍
- Electric Café by Kraftwerk
Boing Boom Tschak is my constant internal dialogue. A blessing and a curse. I love old 3D animation (because Tron) so the music video by Rebecca Allen really resonated with me. I know the album doesn’t have a theme unlike most of Kraftwerk’s albums but I like the craziness of it all. I think I discovered this album because of someone on Twitter saying that the album came out when he was in middle school.
If anyone else wants to do some soul searching and pick their top five I highly recommend it! I call upon thee.
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silentiumlitwicks · 2 years
1-5 music asks ඞ
1 Song i like with a Color in the title:
Vanilla Twilight- Owl City
The ULTIMATE YEARNING SONG songs that make you feel the entire scope of human emotion in 3 minutes.
2 song i like with a number in the title: I have 3 actually
21 Guns- Green Day
I don’t fucking Care how edgy it is sometimes I just really fucking feel it man. “Put up your arms, give up the fight” yeah, felt.
The five of us are dying - my chemical romance
This is like a early demo of welcome to the black parade with completely different lyrics but similar music and it’s good on its own.
The Magic 8 - Set it off
“so shake the magic 8 until it breaks breaks breaks. And close you eyes and take a leap of faith faith faith. Don’t be afraid of going your own way way way, shake the magic 8 until it breaks” just…. Yeah man Cody Carson was so right.
3 A song that reminds you of summertime:
Summertime-My Chemical Romance
Ha I’m funny
Forever Stuck in our Youth - Set it Off
“I’m on a permanent vacation, we’re young we’re young we’re dumb and we don’t care. And I don’t owe an explanation we’re young we’re young we’re dumb and we don’t care. FOREVER STUCK IN OUR YOUTH”
Just has that vibe of a song you’d hear at a end of High school year party.
4 A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget about:
There’s a few and they’re mostly from Emmet
I don’t love you- my chemical romance
enough said
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing - Set It Off
Yeah the edgy song in every anime villain amv. When emmet heard it the first time he was out in the driveway at our old apartment singing his heart out to it and the neighbor called over and said he had a beautiful voice.
“maybe you’ll change? Abandon all your wicked ways and start all over start all over”
Hum Hallelujah- Fall Out Boy
“A teenage vow in a parking lot until tonight do us part i sing the blues and you swallow them too”
“I love you in the same way there’s a chapel in the hospital, one foot in your bedroom and out the door.”
Lyrics in this one are something that’s for damn sure.
5 a song that needs to be played LOUD:
Disloyal Order of Water Buffalos- Fall Out Boy
This song is our anthem, I may be the one who made it our top song of 2022 in only two months time but this is just a song for the whole system.
The World we Knew- sayonara wild hearts soundtrack
“I’ll treasure any fragments left behind”
Yeah man …. Yeah. Cannot put into words the emotions this song inflicts on me. Both the game version and the demo version have a Vice grip on my brain and I constantly find myself belting out “they say begin again, they say begin again, I’ll take any fragments I can find.” Man.jpeg minato family guy death pose emoji and I know you get it, dear asker you feel this song in your soul like I do.
This is Gospel - Panic! at the disco
When you’re going the fuck through you will Blast this song and not give a flying fuck. I hate Brendan urine as much as the next guy but this song just fucking HITS.
Ancient History- Set it Off
Even if you don’t have a clingy ex that you can’t seem to shake this song fucks hard and is AMAZING preformed live.
Backside of the Tv- Persona 4
Just yeah man yeah.
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
Hello, I saw you were doing BoB ships and I was wondering if you could do one for me too🙈.
I'm 5'4, brown eyes and dark hair. I'm studying computer science at uni and work as a research engineer in the automotive industry, but I'm also bookworm and a hopeless romantic. I love journaling, reading historical fiction and watching WW2 movies (and also Disney) ,figure skating and I mostly listen to classical music, movie/games soundtracks and Taylor Swift. I'm an introvert and perfectionist with really low self-esteem and I really enjoy taking long walks in nature and late-night/early-morning car rides.
Thank you for your request!! <3
I ship you with… Don Malarkey!!
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Listen as soon as you said hopeless romantic idk why I thought of Malarkey??
like just that scene where he goes to pick his uniform up from the women in England and he’s all shy and polite- it’s so cute.
I feel like Makarkey would adore your height, purely because can poke fun at you?
looks wise I don’t think he’d have a type but I always think brown hair and brown eyes can look so mysterious and cute so lets say he thinks that too.
No but seriously he’d think of you as the most beautiful person on earth. Like a literal Angel.
wouldn't swear around you. He’s a respectful KING.
Deffo would be a little shy and quieter, I feel like he’d soften his tone whilst speaking to you and the other men point this out and causes him to blush like crazy omg.
I think this would deffo spur him on to just ask you out on a whim, his palms would be sweating and he’d be so nervous for absolutely nooo reason at all cos it all goes so well for him and he’s so cute omg.
I feel like because you like early morning/ late night drives Malarkey would steal army jeeps and take you for spins.
he’d be so fun, omfg, lke whatever music you like he’d deffo end up blasting and enjoying himself.
any of the books / songs you’re into he’d deffo pretend to hate but one day you’d probably sneak up on him either humming along to the track or with his nose deep in the book.
you’d get so much satisfaction of telling him ‘I told you so’ and he’d probably get a little embarrassed and try to start play fighting with you.
loves play fighting, gets a little carried away/ excited, probs forgets his strength cos have you seen those biceps? Hello.
When Malarkey found out what you’d do for work omg he’d be soooo invested.
he’d do his best to understand it I’m sure, and support you every step of the way.
reading up on it now, Malarkey was/ is such an educated man, so I feel like sometimes you’d tell him something and he’d hit back with something super intelligent that you’re shocked at???
Like you- he’s a hopeless romantic omg, can literally not do enough for you?
Has a crush on you immediately, loves you pretty quickly too, gets a little worried others might steal you away, especially in the early days.
During harder times he still does everything and anything to spoil you. Like even if you don’t need anything Malarkey will find you something, a hat, a flower, a snowball? Like literally, needs you to be happy so he can be happy.
Would be terrible at figure skating omg, would fall on his butt every single time.
But he’d find it so sexy to watch you on the ice rink. Whilst he’s sat fallen on his bum watching you fly around he thinks he’s died and seen an angel.
bad at flirting but it’s super funny and dorky.
I feel like you’d have such a strong connection that you’d tell when he’s not feeling the best and vice versa?
alike you, I think taking him out into nature on a long walk would be sooo relaxing and peaceful for him. Like I don’t think he’d particularly want to talk about anything, but with you he’d just feel more at peace.
Would worry about you, especially after losing his good friends, he’s a little on edge, so just hold onto his hand anytime you’re in public pls.
if you were unwell he’d pace around you so anxiously. Constantly checking your temperature and trying to feed you medicine. Omg he’d be so so ontop of everything it would be so cute.
even though Malarkey is extroverted I think it would balance out your introverted side so much.
Would deffo look out for you in any kind of situation you find nerve wracking.
has to be touching you in some form.
If your self esteem is low I don’t think he’d understand at first because omg you’re beautiful and intelligent and just fucking amazing in general, what’s there to be self conscious about?
once you explain it a little more he’d understand (or try to) as much as possible. Like he’d compliment you as you were getting ready in front of a mirror and kiss your forehead- ugh he’d just be too sweet.
platonically, I ship you with… Lewis Nixon!
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Somebody would deffo get some classical musician mixed up (probs Liebgott) and you and Nix would correct him in sync.
Lewis would deffo raise a brow in amusement. He would be so impressed that somebody finally enjoys the same music genre as him.
after Lewis’s divorce maybe you two would just go on therapeutic drives? Like he probably won’t want to speak about it, but just enjoying company and somebody who just wants to drive around for hours on end.
Would deffo stand up for you if anybody messed with you.
like Malarkey, thinks you’re absolutely perfect so cant understand why your self-esteem is so low.
would probably give super good, casual compliments? Like he’d just randomly drop them in conversation.
super respectful of yours and Malarkey’s relationship, would deffo tease him for it.
smirks A LOT.
Would probs try to give you relationship advice lmao.
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About the things Paul writes feeling true - that was what I meant, you put in into better words. It's relatable. My dad had the Sounds of Silence album too! I remember going through his records and seeing that one. I might have listened to it, but it's been so long since I've been able to listen to any vinyl. (And the marrying thing ... I might not have honestly thought I would marry him but my friend and I were still super into The Monkees and dreamed about being with Peter and Mike, so ... I feel that, haha.) As far as Beatles albums ... my favorites are Revolver, Magical Mystery Tour, Abbey Road & Let It Be. I have good memories of all of them. Abbey Road & Let It Be were on the same tape someone made for our family when I was growing up, and we played it a lot when we were doing chores, so whenever I hear those albums I feel like I want to clean up ... do you have any music like that? Albums or songs that make you feel like you have to do something in particular?
Do you have any favorite holiday albums/songs or films? My mom was obsessed with Christmas stuff growing up so I'm kind of burnt out on a lot of it. I like chill instrumental holiday music for the most part, but I also like some of the rock/oldies songs. My stepmom used to do a thing where everyone in the house picked a movie that would get packed away with the Christmas decorations, so we could only watch it at that time of year. She and my dad even put their own movies in there. Mine was Yellow Submarine! They even put a yellow sub ornament on their tree for me every year.
Hope you've had a good Thursday! 🌼
I love that your family had Sounds of Silence on vinyl when you were growing up! Do you feel like your musical taste was very influenced by your parents? I feel like there are threads of my parents’ preferences in my taste, like my dad loves The Who and The Beach Boys and we had the soundtrack to American Graffiti playing on the record player constantly. My mom is a big classical/classical adjacent fan and I still listen to that music a lot and grew up doing violin and piano and singing in chorus.
Abbey Road and Rubber Soul i think are my favorite Beatles albums but I also really love A Hard Day’s Night and Help! I definitely have albums that remind me of doing specific things - when one of my friends from growing up got her drivers license we drove around blasting REM and so I always feel like i should go on a drive when i hear them.
I like holiday music a lot and particularly holiday music that’s on the more classical side. Pop holiday music is fun but i don’t really choose to listen to it - do the holiday songs that Simon & Garfunkel did count here? I really love listening to them and their songs Comfort and Joy and Star Carol, and their Silent Night layered over the news clips. My favorite holiday album is probably one called Songs of Joy and Peace by Yo-Yo Ma. He plays the cello with some popular artists like James Taylor and does several versions of Dona Nobis Pacem with the various instrumentalists that are all unique and pretty. I also like listening to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons a lot during the holidays for some reason! I like your holiday movie tradition! I think we watched The Sound of Music a lot at the holidays while growing up? I am not sure if it was just playing or whether my parents picked this!
Thanks for chatting - hope you had a good weekend!
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