#he told me my best bet is to save up for surgery and get it rescuplted
fleshadept · 1 year
one of my oldest memories is from when i was about five or six years old. my grandma was visiting that evening, so she was tucking me into bed. now, my parents raised us agnostic with a side of unitarian universalism, so i knew next to nothing about christianity, or that god fellow, or whatever. my grandparents never approved of this, convinced they were damning us kids to hell forever.
so when my grandma was tucking me in and she told me to repeat after her and say “i love you jesus,” i did.
but then she said: “there. and now you’ve let jesus into your heart.” and kissed me and left me to dream sweet child dreams probably of jesus saving my immortal soul or whatever.
except, i didn’t know who the fuck jesus was, and i did not understand metaphor. i certainly had not realized that by saying that, i had apparently invited a small man to take up residence in my heart. my child brain raced with panic: was he in there? what would he do? would i be able to feel him moving around? was he stuck forever now? that seemed mean to him, and felt like my grandma had played a trick on me.
so, sensibly, i decided my best bet to expel this tiny man who i had NOT wanted to move into my heart (aside from surgery, which i discounted as an option when i imagined asking my parents about it) was to do the reverse incantation: i fell asleep that night mumbling and mentally shouting I HATE YOU JESUS I HATE YOU JESUS I HATE YOU JESUS, hoping he would get the message and relocate somewhere that wanted him.
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bil-daddy · 11 months
Hi Bildad. I know this isn't at all what your Tumblr is for, but I don't have anyone IRL to talk to about this, and my husband reads AITA. If you want to just leave this in your inbox unanswered, that is ok.
Today during an argument, my husband told me that he has not been attracted to me since we got married (20 years ago!) Around that time I started on antidepressants and they caused me to gain some weight and then I gained some more weight. Currently I am 5'6" and 190lbs.
He has hinted at this a couple times over the course of our marriage and frequently turns me down for sex (one time we went a whole year without any sexual activity). He said that he has never been completely honest about this before because it would hurt my "fragile ego" and send me into an "emotional spiral".
When we were first married, he was in good shape, but about ten years ago, he started putting on weight, too. He is currently 6'0" and 260lbs. He says that he knows that it's not fair, but he's just being honest about how he feels.
Currently I'm considering getting bariatric surgery, vs trying to do my best to diet and exercise while working full time and raising three kids with him, vs calling it quits and trying to find someone who likes my body the way it is. I have a fairly high sex drive and I'm feeling very frustrated.
Again, sorry for venting here. Not something I'd be willing to admit to family or friends but just needed to get it off my chest and this seems like a safe space.
Hi, anon. Sorry you're going through this.
Now, to paraphrase AITA (and r/relationship_advice, and r/relationships) You don't have a weight problem. You have a husband problem.
It shouldn't take a midwife to know that bodies change after giving birth and it seems you've done that three times. And that's not even getting into the normal weight gain that comes with aging. Nobody looks the same as they looked 20 years ago (well, unless you're an immortal being--which I am definitely not by the way, 100% totally human shoemaker obstetrician right here)
Your husband knows this. He's aged and gained weight, too. And not to get all Freudian, but I'm betting his criticisms of you are actually projection of how he feels about himself. (Especially the "fragile ego" and "emotional spiral" part. Such classic projection it might as well be an old silent film.)
He probably didn't mean what he said about not being attracted to you for your entire twenty-year marriage, if you two were arguing when he said it. It was just something he knew he could say to hurt you in the moment.
That's not an excuse, by the way. Every relationship is gonna have fights (don't ask me how I know), but you shouldn't be fighting dirty against the person you love. Fuck nasty, sure. But not fight dirty.
Speaking of which, sex drives often wax and wane over the course of lifetimes, and relationships, and a group of two's respective shifts don't always line up. Still, if there's an ongoing mismatch then the couple should do their best to figure out a compromise that works for both of them.
Is your husband doing this?
Is he doing half the childcare so you have the free time to exercise?And relax, too, because you won't have the energy to exercise if you're too tired from work and childcare.
Is he doing half the grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking so your whole family can eat a healthy diet?
Is he trying to get back into shape and lose weight himself?
And finally, the hard (pun intended) one--is he cutting back on "pornography!" (to quote Sandalphon) so he can direct the majority of his sexual energy towards you? Has he checked with a doctor about his testosterone levels? Blood flow?
You don't have to tell me, but the answers to these questions might tell you whether your husband is putting enough effort into your marriage to make it worth saving, versus calling it quits and finding someone who will appreciate your body the way it is--and there are many people who will (just ask @mrazfellco about my obsession with his belly and thick thighs)
But the most important person who needs to appreciate your body the way it is isn't your husband or a hypothetical post-divorce boyfriend. The most important person who needs to appreciate your body is you.
And so you need to do whatever it is that will make you feel good about yourself. That might be diet and exercise. That might be bariatric surgery. That might just be losing 260 pounds of husband.
But whatever it is, it needs to be for you.
Hope this helps.
Good luck to you, and have an ox rib (platonic)
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clumsiestgiantess · 4 months
Chapter 25 of The Other-world Universe; let’s hope Erica recovers from last chapter…
all chapters linked here
[The Consequences of Your Actions]
When Ivan returned, I was lying down in the place where I'd slept the week of the tunnels' construction.  My stomach churned awfully, and my thoughts spiraled into regret after regret of things I could’ve done differently — things I could’ve done to protect Erica, or prevent her from being hurt at all.
Ivan cleared his throat slightly to announce his arrival, tearing me away from thought.  "I have good news," he said softly, "Erica's alright."  I sat up immediately. "Where is she?  What happened?"  Ivan flinched away from me at my sudden movement, but quickly righted himself.  "She was out cold when I checked up on her, but the nurses told me what happened.  They said she has to stay a few nights there, maybe longer, depending on how she feels when she wakes up."  My small glimmer of excitement faded, but I was still beyond relieved that Erica was ok.  
"What happened to her?"  "A few of Erica's ribs are broken.  Thankfully they hadn't punctured her lungs or they.. might not have been able to save her.  They put her on some pain medication that makes her tired, but there's really not much else they can do.  The best thing to do is tape it up and just wait for it to heal."
"So there was no.. surgery or anything?"  When Ivan said Erica's ribs were broken, I assumed the doctors would have to go in and put them back in place, but Ivan shook his head.  "Nope, no surgery.  Apparently, the bones will grow back on their own so long as Erica does a good amount of breathing exercises, and avoids doing any fighting for the next month or two."
"Alright," I sighed relievedly, feeling a lot less awful than before.  "Oh, and my mom made you these," Ivan added, pulling out a large bag of cookies.  "I know it's not much for you, though.  You probably won't even taste them."  Regardless, I held out my hand.  "I'll take them.  Tell your mom 'thank you' for me."  He nodded.  "And thank you for staying with me, Ivan.  I don't have many friends in this world other than Erica, so it's nice to have you here."  Ivan smiled, looking slightly embarrassed.  "You're welcome."  
It was rather late, so Ivan left to get some sleep.  I decided to stay in the valley for the night, just in case.  I wasn't the least bit tired, so I ate the cookies.  As Ivan predicted, I didn't taste much at all, but it was the thought that counted.  I fell asleep briefly, but got up after a gorey nightmare involving the military people from earlier.  The rest of the night my heart pounded too quickly for me to shut my eyes longer than a quick blink.
Bright and early the next morning, Ivan came back to see me.  He looked eager to talk with me, so I knew he had good news. Without thinking, I scooped him up similarly to how I casually grabbed Erica. He yelped, fearfully clawing at my fingers wrapped around his torso, gasping for breath. “Wh- What are you doing?!” “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to pick you up like that! I- I just got a little excited,” I apologized hastily, opening my palm and cupping him gently. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Ivan shook his head, “No, I wasn't hurt just.. terrified.”
In the few seconds I had him in my grip, I had felt his little panicked heartbeat. “Sorry.” “It’s alright. I’m okay now.” We were silent for an awkward moment. "Oh! Erica asked me to tell you that she's alright," he told me, remembering why he’d come.  "The doctors want to keep her for two weeks at the physical therapy building, just to make sure she doesn't go off and mess up her healing process."  I gave an unamused huff.  "I bet she didn't take that very well."  Ivan laughed slightly, "No, she didn't.  Erica wanted to come out here and see you, but they wouldn't even let her do that.  I don't think the nurses trust you all that much.  They think you might pull her into another fight before she heals up."  
Though I did think it was rude of them to deny us a visit after everything I'd done for the small city, I had to admit that trouble did seem to follow me wherever I went.  I wanted to see Erica just as badly as she wanted to see me, but if the nurses thought she would be safer in the city, I'd leave her be.  "It's only two weeks, right?" I asked Ivan as I let him back down.  "Yep," he replied, "You two will survive just fine without seeing each other for a few weeks."
That's true, but Ivan doesn't know how abruptly we ended our conversation yesterday.  I'd been so shocked over the bucketload of information Erica had given me, I hadn't really thought through it all.  I planned to unpack what I learned as I made my rounds of the mountains surrounding the city.  Someone stopped me before I left, however.  
At first I thought it was Ivan, coming back to tell me more news — maybe the nurses had changed their minds.  But the man coming towards me was too old to be Ivan, though.  Mr. Stoll, maybe?  No, that was too old.  Once he got about two feet of my measurements away, I realized that it was neither of them.
"I- I know you're probably busy, so I won't stay long.  I don't know if this will even make sense, but.. did you..?"  He stopped short and re-thought about what he was trying to say — lifting his hand to shield the sun as he looked all the way up to see me.  I'd seen that kind of hesitation a few times before.  Almost anyone who met me had stumbled over their words or hesitated trying to talk with someone who they had to look almost directly up to make eye contact with.  Slowly, I sat back down in front of him, keeping a bit of distance between us so I didn't scare him off.
The little man tried again.  "Have you ever saved a mountain climber?  Specifically about five-ish years ago?"  I stared down at him, confused.  It was such a strangely specific question.  "N- Nevermind," he backtracked, "It probably has nothing to do with you."  Just as he turned to leave, I jogged my memory of what I did five years ago.  That was around the time I'd convinced myself to completely control Erica.  Not a great point in my life.  However, the strangeness of his questions caused a forgotten memory to resurface.  
"Wait!  Come a bit closer," I asked before he got too far.  The man hesitantly took a few steps in my direction, unwilling to get any closer to me than that.  I gently bent all the way down from my sitting position, so my eyes were somewhat on his level.  Now that I could properly see him, I gasped, recognizing him.  "You.. You're the guy who was stuck on the side of the mountain!" I realized, dumbstruck.  "I saved you invisibly because I was afraid of how you might react if you saw me."
His eyes went wide and he took a step back.  "So that was you?  You're the invisible being that saved my life?"  I nodded, sitting back up.  "I guess so."  The man chuckled in bewilderment.  "Wow.. I'm..  My name's Evan Felton.  It's an honor to finally meet you.  When I found out that one of your inhuman abilities was to become invisible, I realized my mystery hero might've been you."  Smiling fondly down at him, I nodded to the Cavern City.  "How did you find this place?" I asked, "I hope the apocalypse hasn't affected you too badly."  
He sighed, rubbing the back of his head tiredly.  "I lived in Barideen.  You know, the city the giants captured under that tent?"  "Woah, you lived there?"  "Mhm.  With my family — a wife and two kids," he replied.  "They're all safe now, thanks to you.”  He looked up at me thankfully, then his brows furrowed.  “You know, there are some people who speak ill of you in there," Mr. Felton said, turning towards the city.  "I have no clue why, other than the fact that they're just not used to the concept of a good-at-heart giant."  I turned warily to the city as well.  Through the barrier, I could still see the jagged evidence of my rampage months ago.  "Well," I admitted, "You don't know about my history with this particular city."
Mr. Felton turned back to me, slightly confused.  "You see, when I first came across this place, there was a dome of rock over the entire thing.  See where the rock ledges cut off abruptly around the perimeter of the city?  That all used to be part of the mountain.  It covered up everything so naturally that giants couldn't find it.  There was a bit of a.. misunderstanding.  I ended up tearing down the rock ceiling, exposing the place, and almost getting everyone inside captured.  Thankfully I managed to save them, but they probably still don't like me all that much."
"Huh," Mr. Felton mused after a while, "I guess that explains it.  You did fix everything with the barrier, but I can see why they might not trust you."  I nodded, glancing down the valley.  All this talk of my duties towards the Cavern City made me remember what I'd originally intended to do.  "I have to go survey the mountains now.  I'm sorry to leave like this, but it's my job."  He nodded, "Alright, thanks for talking to me.  I'll have to find some way to pay you back for what you've done for me.  This is the second time you've saved my life, and my family's, now, too."
I shook my head, "Oh!  Mr. Felton, you don't have to do anything for me!  I'm glad I could help."  He disagreed.  "No, I insist!  And please just call me Evan.  Mr. Felton was my father.”  I chuckled, “Evan it is, then.”  “Whenever I think of something I can do for you, I'll let you know."  "Alright," I gave in, "Until then."  The little man headed back into the city, and I began my patrol of the mountains.  My spirits had been lifted some by the unexpected visit.  It was nice to see the results of my hard work fighting to keep everyone safe.
I happily continued along my route, but when I came to the western side, I stopped dead in my tracks.  All the bodies from the day before were gone.  The others from the camp must've come back to reclaim them.  I was hoping to leave some sort of message with them — warning the scientists to stop capturing people or threatening me and the city.  However, the bodies themselves might’ve sent that message just fine without a note.  
Tomorrow I'll have to do a reconnaissance mission over to their campsite to see how they reacted to Erica's little killing spree.  That day just wasn't a good day to do it.  I wanted at least a small break from the scientists and military people.  Also, I was still holding out hope that some doctor might overrule the nurses' decision to keep Erica inside for a whole two weeks.  I had to keep reminding myself that it would be healthier for her to stay in the city, no matter how desperately I wanted to talk to her, or even just see her.
On the following day, Ivan greeted me yet again.  He had no news to report other than Erica was miserable and the doctor had approved her two-week-long stay at the physical therapy center.  Before he left, I asked him if he could find a way to get a message to either Mr. Stoll or Ms. Ashford.  I wanted at least one of the founders to know that I was heading out to the scientists' camp.  I took an extra long time eating breakfast, hoping to stall myself until either of them came to address me.  Finally, Mr. Stoll came strolling out of one of the tunnels leading to the Cavern City.  "I was told you wanted to talk with one of the founders," he said gruffly.  "What is it?"
"I just wanted you to know that I'm heading to the scientists’ camp to see how they reacted to the fight a few days ago."  Marcus raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I was going to ask you to do that yesterday, but Ms. Ashford insisted I give you more time to rest."  "I would like that, actually,” I admitted, “But I'm anxious that they might be planning some kind of nefarious revenge."  "Then by all means, go check it out!  Should I summon that boy to help you?"  "Who, Ivan?" I asked, "No, let him have a break.  I'm just going to scout out the place.  I'm not doing any fighting."  Marcus only shrugged and turned to head back into the city.  
About an hour's walk from the mountains, I came upon the site of the scientists' camp.  I almost hadn't recognized it.  Everything was gone.  The only way I realized I was in the right place was because of the abandoned city at its center.  Was it really that easy to scare them off?
Somehow I doubted the terrifying head scientist from the radio broadcast would've simply given up.  Then again, if they were only regrouping to attack later, why would they give up a perfectly good camp?  Unless, of course, they just changed locations because I knew where this campsite was.  My idea from a few days ago sprang up again.  What if the scientists just moved to a further, unprotected spot to capture innocent people where I couldn’t protect them?
Predicting their strategies was already making my head hurt.  After walking around invisibly and double-checking that the camp really was gone, I made the return trip back to the Cavern City.  My report to Mr. Stoll was quick.  The only thing to say was that the camp was gone.  I gave him a few of my theories as to why, then left him to it.
Every night during those two weeks, I slept in the valley, just in case something happened with Erica that I needed to be there for; also just in case the scientists were planning a sneak attack on the city.  Either way, I would be right there at the ready if anything too out-of-the-ordinary happened.  Ivan came to talk with me at least once a day.  I decided not to say anything to him about the recent battle — only that Erica had been an amazing fighter, but was hit quite violently by one of the military people.  
Mr. Felton..  Well, Evan, also came by a second time to offer me thank you letters that his family, and many others, had made for me.  It was touching to know so many people saw me as a hero, not just some mistake-prone giant. Even if they were too afraid to deliver the letters themselves.  
As well as continuing my surveillance, I also continued healing up my bruises.  I brought re-freezable ice packs into the other-world to ease them away.  Between those letters and the occasional visits from other-worldian friends, life was starting to feel comfortable again.  The only thing missing — the biggest thing missing — was Erica.
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voskhozhdeniye · 3 months
I also said in 2020. If the country could not handle the dangers of Covid, something that was killing people left and right here in America without fucking it up, and I'm talking about citizens co-opting the government's do whatever policy.
How were they going to handle the existential crisis of what's happening now?
The same way they handled Covid, denial.
Early in the pandemic I saw a post from someone that said, America is a very masculine country. If you tell them someone needs to be saved, they run for a gun. (The Aaron Bushnell video.....) Obsessed with appearing strong, they only learn lessons the hard way.
Which means many people have to die before change ever occurs, if it occurs at all.
I have been wanting to write a long work shit post for a while. I'm noticing something there that I'm seeing everywhere.
Coworker has been having shoulder pain for a year now. She probably needs surgery. I don't think she can afford it, plus I don't think she has the support around her to care for her in recovery like she would need. She lives with her BFF, our old boss, but I'd rather hang out with T Swizzle.
So she does nothing.
And the shoulder pain is just getting worse.
Her inaction, whether from her inability to afford the surgery, or whatever is leading to a bigger more rigorous obstacle in the future, possibly permanent damage.
She's calling out every week because of the pain, which is fucking her money up. She's afraid of the cost, but is losing money not doing anything.
I do what I can to help her, but I am being physically destroyed by the job too. I have also reached the point where I have realized many of my coworkers.........
In a Souls game, the point is to reach from checkpoint to checkpoint. When you reach a checkpoint and unlock it, all of the enemies you fought your way through to get there are revived in their original positions. The point is to remember enemy position and tactics. If you're having trouble fighting an enemy, practice, spar with it to learn how it attacks you. I like to imagine it's Groundhogs Day for enemies when I go farming in the game. ( I know that knight by the Artist's Shack in the lakes hates me!)
There is a checkpoint somewhere at work, because these people have no memory, and make the same mistakes everyday. People who have been with the company for 20, 30, 40, and some 50 years. I have coworkers in their '60s who started here in high school.
Watching people in their '50s and '60s running around at a job they've had for decades unsure how to do something they're suppose to do everyday is killing me more than anything. Gaza, I get that, that's colonialism.
A lot of these people, nobody's home. I feel like for a lot of them, making it to adulthood, finishing high school was the accomplishment of their lives. They're an adult, a finished product. They're nothing more to learn, that's how they act.
We have a coworker, who cannot read or write, but bosses everyone. Will ask you to read something for him, and then disrespect you.
A special needs employee who calls female employees cunts to their face.
Rape coworker is deteriorating physically and mentally. He refuses to take care of himself and is paying for it. He brought a water gun to work the other day and was shooting people.........................................
And coworker called out last night, Thursday is a holiday, we get holiday pay. I bet she thought she would call out last night and make up the money Thursday. Management took her off the schedule for Thursday
Fucking up her money even more.
This inaction, this denial of what's happening. On an earthly, country and for some personal level, no object permanence.
As Dark Souls coworker told me a few months back, he does his best to not know what's going on. I think he's lying though. This man used to read every bill that went through congress. I think he's having trouble swallowing the lie.
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
The way I screamed when I saw you had uploaded the second part. I was so excited I stayed up all night reading it and writing this and I don't regret anything at all. Also, this part was in Ben’s pov which I absolutely loved, he's such a fun character to read about.
WANT AND FACILIER, YES!!!! You truly did an amazing job with these two. I love the backstories you gave them and how much they expand the lore despite the fact that Want was not more than ten minutes in her original film, you used her full potential and made her an extremely interesting character.
I didn't know how you would get them through the barrier but that was completely amazing.
“ The second the van passed through the mouth of the cave, the world outside the windows changed. The midday sun went out, replaced by some torchlit nighttime. [...] The two other people were replaced by at least a dozen. And those dozen people didn't look happy. ” Oh, this is so good, it embodies the depressive vibe the Isle has perfectly and also intensifies the feeling of anticipation just fine. It's great.
“ This, Ben was willing to bet, was Mara. ” fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck omg I can't do this fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
“ None of them had the chance to answer before Mara spoke. "Of course you can, Chaos. If they have a problem with you doing something to save lives," she levelled a glare directly into Ben's soul, "They can take it up with me. ” I'm obsessed with this part. I love both Mara and Chaos.
Something I forgot to mention last time is that I love the fact that you pointed out (if you did, because my mind might be making this up) a vague similitude between Riah and Maverick in the first part. But you made it so much bigger in this, not only with Riah and his family but also with the other characters and their families, highlighting what their similarities and differences are. I’m just a huge fan of it.
“ He didn't understand why they needed to. The hospital had been left fully stocked and it got plenty of supplies, so why did they need to learn how to make a ventilator? Shouldn't they already have some? “ Ben, I have shocking news for you…
“ The longer Ben looked at her, the more she looked like Anxelin Fitzherbert. ” I'm so unwell right now.
“ "So," Molly turned cos attention to Ben, grinning. "Are you Riah's boyfriend?" ” OMG??? This just confirmed my love for Molly.
Mara it's finally here and i'm enjoying it like you have no idea.
Ben's great, Mara not only told him but SHOWED him The Horrors™ and the best things he finds to say are "I like your tattoos" and "That's incredible". Also, wtf? Mara's life is horrible, hope she gets to stab Beast MINIMUM.
"This one's not very bright." She's so funny but like, I didn't understand either.
Did I mention that I hate Beast? Because I hate him. Ben deserves a better father, hope he gets to stab his current one.
I hate Maleficent too.
I've only had Molly for a third of a chapter but if anything happens to cos I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
The sound I made when I saw this- thank you thank you thank you thank you. I love long reviews like this, where someone tells me exactly what they like.
Want once used her telekinesis to rip one of Bill Sykes's warehouses to tiny pieces and proceeded to beat him with the pieces for a solid four hours and only stopped because she got the news that Agony was out of surgery and would be okay. Maleficent is kind of scared of her and so help her gods, she will fight Maleficent, Bill Sykes, or even Thanatos himself to protect her kids. Like... look, I love her and I'm really glad you like what I did with her and Facilier (Gonzalo is Facilier's first name, just in case it wasn't clear to everyone reading this)
Yesss that's exactly what I was going for!
It took a lot of restraint for Mara to not open those doors, grab Ben by the shoulders, and judo flip him. If Riah weren't actively dying, she would have. She was pissed.
I'm so glad you love them. I love them, too.
All of the Mim kids just have the same vibe. Except for Malcolm. Malcolm is the prep member of the family.
"Plenty of supplies" I can't wait for him to figure out that they were given two (2) supplies and get one expired/broken thing every few years
You're about to be so much more unwell because there's a reason the full family is there
Molly, like all seven-year-olds, thrives on chaos.
Mara is pretty sure she likes Ben now after that response. There's just one last test- she's going to tell Ben about her plan to beat his father with her Stygian iron femur and see how he reacts. If he reacts well, he has her permission to date her brother.
Gods you have no idea how bad I want to say it. You have no idea
Eventually, Ben is going to get new parents. Hades and Persephone are going to go "Is anyone going to give this child a real family" and they aren't gonna wait for an answer.
Maverick gets one day off and, in only two hours, she has to ask Desire to come to the Isle and help her because Maleficent went and did all that. She is so tired.
I am so, so glad you also love Molly. Don't worry, Molly can't die because co sold cos soul to Maverick and is immortal. And if someone tries to kill cos, Maverick will conjure The Book just to beat that person to death with it.
I can't wait to see how you react to the final part. You have no idea
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sincelastsession · 4 months
Idk if I'm having autistic Meltdowns or what.
Sometimes I don't remember any of it. It doesn't feel like a psychosis or mania.
I go back and read what I wrote and I'm shocked and embarrassed and ashamed that things were said.
I've had a headache for hours. It feels like a migraine. It's pressure. I wish I could pop it like a balloon.
I don't understand what other people don't understand about the fact that I have had no break from traumas.
I save the dog from being put down and I've fallen short of him and I quit smoking cold Turkey and I took care of an elected cat that my father and sister promised to care for and I was stupid and I believed them and I kept her alive and gave her the best life I had to put her down in December It was horrific and I will never forget it because she had a reaction to the satitude and she did not have a peaceful death. This was followed by my sister's boyfriend asking me for my permission to marry her even though he was going to ask her Anyway. I thought it was incredibly trashley but he was going to ask anyways so I made it says she would have the nicest engagement surprise she could and I pretended that I was getting married and I fooled everyone and I did a good job. My parents were not thrilled with me or the entire situation and then not too long after my sister's birthday and January right after she's gotten engaged she decided to attack me over a fucking candle and then my father who I had just brought home from surgery decided to also attack me and it has been 5 months since I have spoken directly To either of them and I have still Not gotten an apology or any sign of regret or anything from either of them.
It's really easy to see that they don't care.
My dad bitches about a house that he never cleaned. If it was clean he would still be unhappy. Because it's not the house.
My sister is deeply insecure and full of potential but she's probably never going to reach that because she holds herself back and won't get help for the things she needs help for and I've tried to help her and I've done what I could and I tried to be a good big sister but I've wiped my hands clean up it for now at least I haven't decided because she's manipulative and a liar and I know that she hates the entire family And does not consider herself to be part of the family because she was adopted but she also just hates the family. I know this because she has told me many times that she does not want to be part of the family nor does she care about anyone. I have seen her break down and cry and throw tantrums and trick my parents in to thinking that I hurt her for laughs as a child into adult hood. She is sick and fucked up in the head and a scared little child that turned out quite a bit different than me but it's doing the same idiot things that I did even though I warned her not to and it just sucks that I even care that she's going to have to learn the hard way. I have a gut feeling that since she is engaged and her fiancé is a fucking idiot that when they do get married which they probably will but no one is betting on it they think it won't last but my sister thinks she owns the family house because she cleaned it but no 1 asked her to do that it wasn't her responsibility and she got into things that were not hers she stole things from me and my mother and my father And I have found those things and I have caught her in lies after lies. I feel like she's been consumed by the same narcissistic crap like my parents brain washed her and conditioned her to abuse me and lash out just like they do at the people around them and I'm sure I do that to an extent as well I can't say that I don't.
And then I think I'm going to date around and I find that People don't know how to behave.
I miss my ex. I miss my boyfriend even though I speak to him almost every damn day. I still talk to my ex and he heart reacts the things I send him and the things I say. I brought Justin around him at a show and I think I hurt him and I did not mean to however he has brought many girlfriends around me at shows. I think it's wild how he was absolutely wasted the entire time we dated. I think it's weird that when I would pick him up from bars after closing that he would ask to go home but he did not mean his home. Is it weird that I miss when he would come over and ask to be held and cry? Is it weird that I miss his incredibly terrible sleep apnea sleep disorder and him thrashing around in bed and me not getting a wink of sleep because of it. Is it weird that I don't like other men to touch me because it doesn't feel like him. Is it weird that I cannot get over him even though I know about awful things he has done. Is it weird that even when he was drunk and I pulled away or was uncomfortable or did not give an enthusiastic yes he would just tell me we could cuddle or go to sleep and never pressured me that I can recall. Is it weird that I miss him holding me like I'm a stuffed animal.
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therowan · 2 years
So I felt the need to post in pride month about and why I resonate with the characters of Buck and Eddie so much. I’m what you’d call a late bloomer when it comes to relationships being something of an introvert, having serious self image/body dimorphism so bad that I had to stop modeling in my twenties because I was making myself ill with self loathing and depression at not meeting the standards of others around me. I had a lot of opportunities to ‘hook’ up with both men and women but never really synched with the whole surfacey vibe of the people around me. Never a hit it or quit it type. During my sojourn into modeling I made a friend who was in retail sales and she was my perfect Yang she was outgoing loud dynamic and fun. We ended up being friends for years until her finance cheated on her and she needed a place to live and I became her safe haven. Long story short our friendship bloomed in love and the love evolved into desire and the rest of what I always thought everyone was looking so hard for…a friend that you love mind body and soul. We married saved up bought a house and within a few months were the proud parents of a beautiful daughter. I finished college changed my career into psychology and she opened a boutique. Then 18 months after our daughter was born she was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma and after three years of surgeries/chemo/treatments she died. Leaving me a widower at the age of 29 with a three year old daughter. After my wife died I fell into the role I had. Father, homeowner provider. I didn’t date or even think about finding anyone else. Simply worked and took care of my house and my child. As part of my work I took part in counseling and discovered a great therapist who helped me navigate my grief and pervasive depression. He challenged me to strike out and try something that frightened me to shake me up a bit. So I chose weight lifting/MMA classes. I suddenly was out in the world and discovered myself a bit more as I gained more confidence I began making new friends.
And here’s where the Eddie/Buck thing comes into play. I made a friend with a guy a bit younger than me. We’d hang, he’d help me with fixing up house or yard when able. He was great with my daughter like a member of my family. Our hangouts were consistent usually when he wasn’t on a date with some random girl he’d be over my house cooking dinner with us, playing video games having drinks playing music etc. it all changed one night we were invited to a mutual friends wedding and had to travel a distance to get there. We figured a hotel room would be the safest bet since it was so far away and knew both of us would be drinking. After a long and fun night we stumbled back to hotel showered collapsed on bed and we both lay there in the silence. When suddenly my friend sat up and said “I can’t lay here without saying this.” He edged over to the side of his bed and put his head I. His hands. Concerned I got up and went over to sit next to him worried that maybe something had happened either to his family or with his health so I told him. “ you can always talk to me…you can tell me anything.” And he did…he told me that he’d been in love with me for years, but didn’t want to be “gay” he said he just could t find a woman he felt the same way towards and it was eating him up inside. He began crying and apologizing for ruining our friendship and begged me not to stop being his friend. I embraced him and holding him in my arms and wiping away his tears it hit me how much I was in love with this blubbering mess of insecurities. We didn’t do anything that night but fell asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning with clearer heads we walked down the shoreline and slowly talked it out. Two straight men in their thirties who had been best friends realized on that weird May morning that they both loved each other. We started slow. Kisses holding until finally about a week later it just evolved and we both came to the realization that “yeah…not straight” since then I’ve realized and processed that I’m demisexual I need emotional love he’s realized that he’s more on the bisexual spectrum. The reason that Buck/Eddie resonate with me is that I lived that. I never expected to find my soul mate in my best friend. But it was something we had been making all along. Thanks for listening and being here along with me.
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Who’s better? II
a/n: sooo harry was a nasty bitter b*&%@ in the first part buuuuuuuuut (:
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mentions of surgery
(Y/N) knew Harry could be mean, but this? This beat everything he’s ever done or said to her. Her chest was heaving with anger, her purse and car keys falling from her hands onto the ground before she stepped closer to Harry. “You are fucking unbelievable. I can’t believe that you are so insecure and pathetic to think something so undermining of me. Accept the fact that I’m a great fucking doctor and worked just as hard if not harder than you did!” (Y/N) kept shoving her finger against his chest with every emphasis of her argument. She was furious, livid at the man in front of her. And all Harry could do was take it.
“I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you but don’t you ever, and I mean ever, insult me of something so disgusting and low again. If there’s anything you should fucking know about me, is that I work hard for what I want, and you should know this better than anybody.” (Y/N) had tears pooling at the waterline of her eyes from the fury lacing with her blood, now taking a step away from Harry. “I highly suggest you keep your distance from me, doctor. Remember I’m your boss now.” And just like that, she turned around and picked up her stuff from the ground before finishing her walk to her car and slamming the door shut once she entered.
Harry stood there, feeling sheepish and although it was well deserved for his cruel words, it hurt to watch the anger fill her like if she were about to explode.
It wasn’t his intention to say something so nasty. Truly… Harry didn’t even know what he wanted to say but his anger got the best of him, and Harry had no control.
Like an embarrassed dog with its tail between its legs, Harry went home feeling like an asshole. It’s all he’s ever been to (Y/N) and now he’s starting to regret it. It only made him think of how angry he’d get if he’d catch another soul speak to her that way, but he was the one at fault. His hand was the one on the gun and those words shot right through her when his trigger-happy finger went berserk. Not his best moment.
The man tried to think of ways he could apologize, knowing this would take quite some time because (Y/N) made it very clear that she wanted him well out of her way.
Flowers? No. Wine? No. Surgeries? No. She can have all of them if she wants because she controls that now. All his best cases? No. Nothing made sense. Harry figured it could only be fixed with time and him having to start cleaning up his act. After all, she was right. She is his boss now and the man didn’t want to lose his job.
“Are you kidding me? Dr. Clarke, I respect you and all your choices, but I don’t want anyone else to assist me on this surgery. Please, reconsider. We’d save a young woman, and we’d make the hospital look good.” (Y/N) begged the doctor, “Again, Dr. (Y/L/N), I believe this surgery’s risk outweigh the benefits and it’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
(Y/N) was left alone in her office, groaning in frustration. A young woman came from across the country for a second opinion since her previous neurologist told her the tumor in her brain was inoperable. She went online and found (Y/N) was a prestigious neurologist and she had to see her. (Y/N) ran some more imaging and sure, the tumor was in a part of her brain that could risk losing mobility at a high percentage, but she wasn’t afraid. She knew she could do it, but she couldn’t do it alone.
Originally, Harry would surely be her first choice, but after the shit he pulled the previous night, her next best bet was Dr. Clarke. Now leaving her planted, she had no choice. She opened her laptop to send Harry an email to meet her as soon as possible.
Meet me in my office. STAT. – Dr. (Y/L/N). Chief, Neurology.
Harry was walking into the hospital when he got the email. He swore he was about to be told to grab his things and leave. This was terrible. This is the moment where Harry had to deal with the consequences of his messy actions, and he was in disbelief that it got him this bad.
He went up the stairs up to the neurology floor, walking towards her office with his heart hammering in his ribcage. His knuckles met the door briefly before opening, finding (Y/N) sat on her desk with a frustrated look on her face as she pointed at the chair parallel from hers for him to sit.
“Dr. (Y/L/N).” He said in a manner of a respectful greeting.
(Y/N) had no time for games and bullshit, cutting straight to the point. “I have a 23-year-old woman here to see me with an inoperable tumor.” She handed him the tablet that showed her CT’s and MRI. “That looks operable to me and you’re assisting today at 3. I already cleared your schedule after your Craniectomy at 2.” Harry looked over the imaging as she spoke, agreeing that it did look operable and albeit it looked like it was going to be one long and hard surgery, if there were two people that could do it, it would be Harry and (Y/N).
“I’ll see you at 3.”
(Y/N) was scrubbing in, washing her hands attentively when she heard the door whip open, Harry coming in and beginning to scrub in beside her.
She hated how her body and mind worked in such synchrony. (Y/N) physically felt the air she was breathing heavier, as if it were a sin to inhale the oxygen around her. Her chest felt tight, and her heart was now beating hard. Harry angered her so much that the mere thought of him had her body immediately almost as if she were shutting down.
Harry was quiet while he scrubbed, lasting a few seconds longer than (Y/N) since she was done before him. The surgical nurses prepped and gowned them, (Y/N) standing by the head of her patient with Harry soon joining her.
(Y/N) had no doubt in mind that the surgery was going to be a success. Harry and (Y/N) stood there for 13 hours, through cramps and burning eyes but they removed the tumor without damaging any nerves. It was amazing really.
It was nearly midnight, (Y/N) standing at her locker while she checked her phone for a few moments before she was grabbing all her things to go. Harry walked into the lounge, eyeing her quickly before sighing. “Can we talk?” She looked to the side, eyes meeting his. “Did I not make myself clear when I said to leave me alone? Because I can tell you in another language if it’ll help you understand better.” Harry frowned, daring to step just a little bit closer to her. “I understand but please, let me apologize. I didn’t mean what I said, and I was incredibly harsh to you. I really don’t want this animosity between us anymore. Really (Y/N), I’m sorry.��
She looked at him with no change in her expression, part of her wanting to accept his apology, but a bigger part of her was still hurt by his words. “You have no idea how hard I’ve worked to be where I am today, constantly being undermined by men the whole way. Your words didn’t taint me, but they were a reminder of all the men I had to shit on to prove that I’m a great doctor. Believe me when I tell you I’ll add you to the list if you ever try me again, Harry.” Her voice was mellow and soft, yet clear in contrast to her harsh and loud tone from the previous night.
(Y/N) didn’t let Harry say another word before she was on her way out the door, Harry now a foot away from her to stop her, “Wait... um… it’s late. Let me walk you to your car.” Any other day, she would’ve bitched him off and walked by herself but after that long surgery that left her lower back and calves in pain, she had no energy.
They walked in silence to her car, Harry standing a few feet away as he watched her pull away from the parking lot and go home.
For the next week or so, (Y/N) and Harry barely crossed paths but he was being different and weird towards her. At least for the Harry she knew, this was someone else. He always arrived before her so when she’d stop by the lounge to drop off her purse and grab her coat, there would be a muffin and a shot of espresso by the table near her locker. Any emails he’d sent weren’t as bitter as before, he’d add a signature instead of simply sending something as if he was demanding an order from her, and what stood out the most to her, the smiles he’d send her way the few times they would walk by each other in the hallway.
It was now Thursday of the following week, and they have another surgery together. Harry was first to scrub in this time, (Y/N) following behind only a minute after. Usually, they’d keep silence between them but today, Harry broke the barrier. “There’s karaoke night at this bar that I go to every Thursday.” (Y/N) looked up from the head she was currently working in, just looking at him confused for a second before her attention diverted back to the open skull. “Okay?”
“Well, I was thinking that maybe we should go tonight after our shifts end. We’re both free of surgeries after this one. No patients that might hold us back for longer. Maybe try and make amends?” Harry sounded genuine and (Y/N) wished she’d be bitter enough to say no. But she was too nice and too sweet despite their past hatred for one another. It was draining and maybe that was what they needed to end antipathy between them. “As long as they serve lemon drop martinis.” She said in turn of saying yes, but he’d definitely catch the hint.
They both headed to the bar in their own separate cars, Harry arriving first and opening a tab for them with a scotch for him and her requested lemon drop martini. (Y/N) walked into the bar, her gaze curiously looking around and she already loved the vibe. It didn’t look gross, people weren’t terribly loud, the music was at the perfect volume, it was great. She spotted Harry by the bar, making her way to him, and quickly noticing he’d started them on the drinks.
“Thanks.” She sighed as she sat beside him, craning her neck around from the pain on her cervical spine due to looking down the whole surgery.
“S’no problem.” Harry stated before taking a sip of his strong scotch. “Before anything, I just want to say that you are a great doctor and I admire your work. You were right, I was insecure, and I felt threatened and I have a bad habit of saying things I don’t mean when I’m angry although it doesn’t excuse my behavior.” (Y/N) turned her body to face him, a small frown on her face. “Look Harry, I know it may not seem like it because this is the first time we have a civil conversation but I’m not a mean person. Let’s forget that ever happened and let start from scratch. Yeah?”
Harry nodded and the corner of his lips perked up, (Y/N) reciprocating as she sighed in relief because she just couldn’t deal with the whole back and forth anymore. “Let’s toast on your new position and I want to properly congratulate you for being a badass doctor and now my boss.” She giggled and raised her glass to his as a small clink filled the air between them. “Alright, Dr. Styles. Tell me who you really are. I know there’s more than that cocky little act you’ve got going on.”
They spoke for about 30 minutes and were a couple of drinks in before Harry was up on the small makeshift stage belting out the lyrics to My Way by Frank Sinatra. (Y/N) laughed the whole while, Harry putting on an extremely dramatic show the whole while he sang.
It was proven to (Y/N) that this was what they needed. Damn Harry for having a good idea for once.
After his performance was over, he made his way back to (Y/N) in a fit of chuckles and seemingly out of breath. “Fuck, they took every bit of energy from me.” She shook her head with a small laugh, taking a sip of her martini. “Great performance, though. Think you should quit the whole doctor thing and pursue music.” Harry started to laugh, grabbing his glass. “Great idea, but no.”
The pair decided they call it a night at about 12:30 at midnight, not wanting to get too inebriated since they both worked early shifts the next day. Harry walked her to her car while she explained why she thought the gall bladder was the most useless organ in the body. “I mean, seriously! It does nothing important and it just pains you until it’s out. Why even have it in us? We barely need it to survive.” Harry nodded in agreement, “Mhm. You make a valid point.:
They reached her car, (Y/N) digging through her purse to find her keys, looking up at Harry once she had them in her hand.
Harry had a look in his eyes that she couldn’t explain. It almost looked endearing, but she didn’t want to think of something that was literally fucking impossible because a week ago, they wanted each other’s heads on silver platters. She stayed looking at him, Harry’s eyes not daring to break their gaze from hers. The air around them felt thick, his eyes glistening so nicely and (Y/N) could imagine herself getting lost in them.
“Um, well, good night, Harry. Thank you for tonight. See you tomorrow.” She broke the silence, Harry seeming like he was broken from a trance as a sigh escaped his lips. “Yeah. G’night. Please text me when you get home, so I know you arrived safely.”
They had exchanged numbers some time during the night, so she nodded with a small smile adorning her lips. “Will do. Let me know when you get home too.”
Home. x
(Y/N) saw flash on the screen in the middle section of the dashboard of her car from Harry. She was about two minutes away from home, quickly responding once she did arrive and was in the safe confine of the walls of her home.
I’m home. Thank you, again.
Harry was quick to reply.
No need to thank me, love. The least I can do.
(Y/N) felt her heart speed up at the endearment at the end of his first statement. This could not be happening. Not when she hated him less than a month ago. Not when he accused her of fucking her way to the top. There was no way she could have a crush bubbling inside her for the doctor that was dying to see her demise not too long ago. Sure, there were many occasions in which she’d imagine her thighs wrapped around his face to shut him up and gain some pleasure herself but that was the extent of it, or so she thought.
And as for Harry? He felt it happening inside his chest and he allowed it. Would she allow it too?
taglist: @mouthfulloftoothpastehs
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Time travel and heartbreak
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Request: Could you do an fic, about Steve and the reader where they are together and neither one of them gets snapped, but Steve gets a chance to go back to Peggy in the time jump And he does, leaving the reader behind. However, you think is best!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter (mentioned/brief), Bucky Barnes x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader (platonic)
Characters: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Ofc’s
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, unrequited love, abandonment, accidents, coma, medical procedures (I am not a doctor), pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage (nothing graphic), sadness, hurt reader, soft Bucky, language, did I mention angst?, Steve being the Russo brothers asshole (I still hate you for pulling that shit!), comforting, fluff
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Two months earlier,
“I am always honest,“ ocean blue eyes looked down at you while his large hands cradled your face to bring you close to his lips. “I’ll be back soon,” he said knowing it would be the last time he will see you.
“Steve, please be careful,” you pressed your lips to his, desperate, almost crying as he seemed to want to get away from you as fast as possible. “I love you, Steve.”
“Love you too, doll,” that he used the pet name was an indication something is wrong. Steve always used your name when he said those three meaningful words but back then, he said ‘doll’ and your heart sank.
One look at Bucky, the guilt too prominent on your friend's face and you knew, just knew this was the last kiss you shared with Steve for a lifetime. 
“Lying bastard,” you screamed at Steve before he disappeared, leaving you numb, heartbroken, and all alone.
“Y/N, doll,” Bucky tried to stop you but one look into your eyes told him to take a step away, give you time and space. “He told me this morning; I swear.”
“You’ve got a fine friend, Buck,” you huffed, wiping a single tear away. “Didn’t he promise to you till the end of the line?”
“He did,” your friend choked out, giving you a sad smile before he replaced it with a frown. “I am sorry, Y/N, please believe me.”
“I do, Bucky but,” sniffling you squeezed Bucky’s flesh hand, not wanting to cry in front of your friends. “I need time to overthink a few things. I’ll be back soon.”
“You know, he left me for a better version of me, doll. What does this make me?” Bucky was left in a world he was still strange to by his only friend. “The broken toy?”
“We are the same, Bucky,” you whispered, gently caressing Bucky’s cheek. “We both are not enough for him. He will always dream of glorious times with his original friend and her. We were only substitutes, my friend.”
Bucky let you go, not wanting to drag you into the hole he will hide in for weeks, months, or maybe forever. 
“She’s one in a million. Steve will be happy when he comes back,” Sam said, unbeknownst of the heartbreak Bucky and you felt at that moment.
“Sure, he will Sam. If you excuse me, I got places to be or not,” Bucky ran off, not wanting to witness your friend’s reaction when Steve does not return.
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“Please, doll you got to wake up,” sniffling Bucky holds your hand while his eyes are glued to the machines keeping you alive. “You can’t just leave me too.”
“Mr. Barnes, she’s in an artificial coma to help her body recover and give the baby a chance,” the doctor explains and Bucky inhales sharply. 
“How’s the baby? I haven’t seen her for like two months,” choking on his words his grip on your hand tightens. “Will the baby survive?”
“All we can say for now is that Ms. Y/L/N has a subdural hematoma. It is not unusual after a car accident, Mr. Barnes,” opening your file the doctor swallows thickly. 
“A subdural hematoma develops if there's bleeding into the space between the skull and the brain caused by damage to the blood vessels of the brain or the brain itself,” Bucky nods, not understanding everything the doctor said. 
“We hope it won’t add too much pressure on the brain to cause brain damage. I need to interfere before this happens.”
“A surgery,” the doctor nods, giving Bucky a sympathetic look. “Can she and the baby survive surgery?”
“I hope for the best, Mr. Barnes. All we can do now is wait, pray, and hope for the best. If not, we will have to take the pressure off her brain as fast as possible.”
Leaving Bucky alone the doctor looks at Sam who silently enters the room.
“How is she holding up, James?”
“Not good,” Bucky wipes a few tears away, looking at Sam who cannot find the right words. It is not as if he and Bucky were friends before they got dusted but somehow, he feels responsible for the man holding your hand. 
“Doc said she needs surgery if the pressure gets too much. He didn’t answer my question about the baby, though.”
“Baby,” Sam shakes his head, sitting opposite Bucky to take your other hand. “Listen, girl, we are here, okay. Even if Cap left you, Bucky, me, and the others are still here to help you. All you must do is to fight, for you, the baby, and the old man holding your hand. He’s alone too, you know.”
“I’m used to being alone,” Bucky murmurs, not letting go of your hand. “How could he leave her knowing about the baby?”
“You think he knew?” quirking a brow Sam searches Bucky’s face. 
“I don’t know him anymore, okay. He spent almost five years trying to bring you, me, and the others back only to leave us without saying goodbye. 
Steve lied straight to Y/N’s face before he stepped onto the platform. So yes, I fucking believe he left her knowing about the baby,” Bucky’s voice cracks hearing Sam calling your name when your blood pressure falls. 
“Get the doctor!”
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“The pressure is back to normal, the surgery was a success but we will monitor her and the baby day and night,” Bucky is pacing in front of the intense care while Sam tries to get as much information out of the doctor as possible.
“Buck, please calm. You are making me damn nervous,” Sam sighs, not able to stop Bucky from pacing. He is wildly gesturing toward your room, not liking the way the doctor tries to keep him away from you.
“Mr. Barnes, I am sorry but right now Ms. Y/L/N is in a critical state. No visitors but the nurses and my team. We will do anything to save her and the baby’s life,” Sam nods, shaking the doctor's hand before he joins Bucky.
“I’ll wait here all day and night, Sam,” stubbornly crossing his arms over his chest Bucky will not move an inch. 
“Same, Buck.”
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One month later,
“She looks better, doesn’t she,” Bucky tries while Wanda carefully touches your cheek. She smiles softly at your dreams, the ones she will never tell anyone about.
Silly dreams of you dancing with Steve barefoot in your kitchen while an old song he loved, the one he wanted to dance to with Peggy, plays in the background. Your child plays in the backyard while all your friends call the faceless child’s name.
It is a pleasant dream, helping your mind heal, just like your body but Wanda can’t stop the tears running down her face. 
“Wanda, what’s wrong? Is she in pain?” Bucky desperately grasps for your hand.
“No, Bucky she is at peace in her dreams,” Wanda sniffles, giving Bucky a sad smile. “She dreamed of her child and I just…”
“I don’t know what to tell her when she wakes up either, Wanda. How can I tell her she lost the baby, the only thing left of Steve in her life?” Bucky chokes out.
Sam hides his face in the palms of his hands. “Steve doesn’t even know what he lost a month ago.”
Silence fills the room when Bucky gets up to look out of the window. He barely found the time to think about his lost friend, or rather he did not allow himself to think about him.
“I bet he wouldn’t care, Sam,” Bucky’s words are final, and he does not hide the bitterness behind his statement. “I wanted to visit him, the old Steve, but I can’t. Not yet.”
Again, silence weighs heavy on the friends, only watching your chest rise and fall, rise and fall until Wanda can’t stop the sob leaving her lips.
“How could he leave us behind? I believed in him, lost my brother, my home and still, I followed him,” her voice cracks looking at Sam who joined Bucky to look out of the window.
“I don’t know, Wanda,” Sam tries to calm the angry redhead, but she stomps out of the room, silently closing the door. “She’s hurt like everyone else. I guess it’s on me to tell him about his loss.”
“I can’t face him yet, Sam,” Bucky turns to look at you, a soft smile tugging on his lips. “If he would’ve stayed there could be a smile on her lips and a baby under her heart.”
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Another month later,
“I am worried Y/N,” Bucky gently strokes your hair while the physical therapist tries to help you lift your leg. “You shouldn’t look so good after four months at a hospital.” 
You giggle lightly, even raise your fist to weakly punch Bucky’s upper arm. “Y…you,” searching for the right word you sigh, “look good. Short hair.”
Bucky nods, taking your hand to press a soft kiss to your skin. “I know I look dapper with short hair doll but do not fall for me,” giving you a wink Bucky smirks as the therapist chuckles lightly.
“We are done for today, Ms. Y/L/N,” the therapist says. “I’ll leave you in your visitors’ capable hands, ma’am.” Nodding you watch the young man leave the room, rolling your eyes.
“I get it, you are pissed it wasn’t me touching your legs,” Bucky teases, covering your lower half with a blanket. “You have to be patient, Y/N. The doctor said your brain and body still need time to recover.
“…know,” sighing you clumsily turn to your left side, “Bucky…” sniffling you touch your belly, looking up at your friend. “…gone.”
“I know and I am so sorry, sweetheart,” whispering the words he sits onto the bed, helping you to cry into his chest. “I am here, Sam and the others too. You’ll never be alone, Y/N.”
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Two months later,
“Look at our champion, Sam,” cheering you on, a big smile plastered on his face Bucky watches you walk toward them without any help. “I knew you will make it, doll.”
You do not say anything, just walk toward Bucky, the only person keeping you going as his heartbreak matches your own. 
“You’re a good trainer, Barnes,” his smile grows when you peck his cheek before you let him help you back into the wheelchair you still need.
“She’s getting better and I think, it’s time to show her the new tower. Stark would be proud,” Sam stumbles over his words, smiling sadly as silence fills the room. 
“Tony, he always liked to make you smile, you know. He was,” Sam’s voice cracks now and you nod, wiping a few tears away.
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Two weeks later,
“Whoa, Pepper did a great job,” looking up at the tower, you smile as Bucky wraps his arm tightly around your waist to steady your body. “She’s as impressive as Tony.”
“He would be proud of her,” your eyes shine remembering your lost friends as their features look down at you, adorning the towers façade. 
“I got the feeling Stark’s eyes follow me,” Bucky jokes, breaking the awkward moment. “I mean, he had a huge ego and now there is a huge picture of him painted onto the façade.”
“It’s a hologram according to Bruce,” Sam corrects, and you chuckle at the bitchface Bucky throws at Sam. “I mean, that’s a difference, Barnes.”
“Smartass,” grunting the word Bucky leads you toward the tower. Wanda is already waving at you pointing at Morgan who runs toward you a smile on her face.
“Auntie Y/N,” the girl sniffles holding out her hands. “I am glad you are no longer sleeping beauty.” 
Bucky laughs at her words, still, his heart hurts as you lost months of your life and your baby only for Steve being happy in another lifetime.
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Three months later,
“It’s been a while,” whispering the words you look at Bucky who nods silently. 
There is comfort only he can give you. Maybe as you are two wounded souls, hurt by the very same man. “I feel like I cheated on him.”
The kiss was short, sweet and all you could ask for but there is this feeling in your guts as if you betrayed Steve. 
Your brain knows you are wrong as said man left your months ago for another woman, but your heart was not able to catch up, as it missed the chance to process that you got left behind.
“That’s normal. You were in a coma, could not cry, scream, or throw things around as the accident took this from you,” Bucky understands you, tries to pull away but you shake your head, pressing your lips to his warm pillows again.
“We won’t let him take this away from us too, Buck. He can go and rot in hell or dance all his life with that woman he left us for,” voice trembling you touch Bucky’s cheek.
“I will not give you up.”
“Same, doll,” Bucky stammers before he feels your arms wrap around his neck. “I loved you since I met you.”
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Two years later,
“I know it took me long to come here,” whispering the words you lean back, watching a squirrel run toward a tree.
“Will you ever forgive me,” Steve or rather his aged version rasps, glancing at you folding your hands.
You slowly get up, looking into the distance. “I forgive you for being a selfish bastard and I have to thank you at the same time,” you smile as Steve wrinkles his forehead.
“I don’t understand,” Steve whispers.
“You gave me the chance to be free again. I had the chance to find the love of my life thanks to you,” you look at Bucky waiting at the end of the park, your baby boy in his arms.
“I got my husband, my son and a baby girl on her way,” you peck Steve’s cheek, turning to leave.
“The only thing I'll never forgive you is that due to the heartbreak you willingly caused I had an accident, lost months of my life, and,” you sniffle silently, “our baby.”
“Baby!” Steve chokes out, feeling his heart break at the thought he could’ve had it all - with you. 
“I hope she was worth it, Steve. I hope, from the depths of my heart, you had a wonderful life with her.”
One last time you look at Steve before you are the one walking away, leaving him behind...
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All works Tags
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Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
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soobintoyou · 3 years
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by the way (you saved me) - chapter seven
“it’s been a while,” yeonjun says, smiling at his old friend from all of those years ago.
“so it has,” sunny replies. “how have you been? busy, i suppose?”
yeonjun chuckles and nods. “the academy really took off after i came back from the states.”
“i’ve heard from taehyun,” she replies. “he really loves that place. always talking about how the academy made him a much better dancer than i ever will be,” she rolls her eyes.
“little does he know that we have the same background,” yeonjun chuckles. “i taught him everything i know. he’s an amazing dancer.”
her eyes dim. “yeah. he’s gonna miss it, i bet.”
yeonjun presses his lips into a tight line, placing his hand over her’s. “hey. he’ll be okay. as long as i’m here, i’ll make sure he gets the best treatment korea can offer.”
“why are you doing this?” she asks.
yeonjun smiles at her. he can’t help but think that she hasn’t changed a bit.
they were teenagers when they met. the both of them not older than 16 when they got accepted to an elite summer dance camp in LA. they bonded over having roots in seoul and a heart that beat for dance.
perhaps it was the magic of being away from home for the first time or maybe it was just fate but yeonjun actually fell in love that summer.
but all it took was one phone call from soobin to remind him why he worked so hard to get accepted to this dance camp.
soobin, crying over the phone because dad was out working late, trying to make ends meet all while him and beomgyu were alone and scared.
yeonjun knew that once the summer ended, he had to resume his duties as a big brother.
but sitting across from her like this after all those years…this had to be fate, right?
her eyes are sad as she waits for his answer. “i’m doing thing because…” because? why was he doing this? for all he knows, taehyun hates yeonjun as much as beomgyu does.
but he also knows that taehyun doesn’t want to hurt beomgyu.
“i’m doing this because taehyun is able to do something i can’t.”
her face twists in confusion. “and that is?”
“he’s able to look after the ones he loves despite hurting the most.” sunny stares at him, not understanding. “yn, i know you’re close with beomgyu.” she nods. “but there’s something you should know.”
he takes a deep breath, thinking back to the day taehyun approached him in the office.
“i’m not coming back for the next season.”
“taehyun, you’re my best dancer. are you out of your mind?” the younger shakes his head. “then why are you leaving? i got you a full scholarship to college! what? were you waiting to finish school before you decided to jump ship? have you been using beomgyu this entire time-“
“what? no!”
yeonjun scoffs and pushes his hair back, gesturing for him to go on with the other.
“i’m asking you for a favor. i’ll beg if i have to.” his eyes are piercing, serious and fiery. “do everything in your power to keep beomgyu from finding out.”
“finding out about what?”
“about the tumour behind my eye.”
he looks at sunny and frowns. “everyone knows. huening kai knew first, soobin knew second and i was the last to find out. and i’d like to respect your brother’s wish by keeping this a secret from beomgyu.”
“what? beomgyu doesn’t know? why-“
“it’s taehyun’s wish, yn. like i told you. taehyun looks after his loved ones despite being hurt the most.”
“that still doesn’t explain why you’re paying for his medical expenses. he needs chemo and surgery-“
“we should probably look into transportation too considering the guy travels on skateboard. probably needs to have some rent covered too.”
“no. you can’t. i won’t let you.”
“i don’t like to be in debt to people, yn,” he says, knowing she won’t understand. “a life for a life.”
“just eat up. tomorrow, i’ll open an account under his name.” she’s still stunned, causing yeonjun to laugh. “just accept it, yn. nothing you can say will change my mind. taehyun and i have already agreed on it.” she’s still staring, making the boy roll his eyes. “yah. you really can’t let this go, huh?”
“i can’t.”
“fine. pay for our next date then and we’ll call it even.”
yeonjun clears his voice and raises his pitch, fist pressed to his cheek. “oh danny choi! if i ever see you again i’m gonna kiss you-“
“shut up!” she covers his mouth. “do you have to be so loud?!”
he nods, “yup.”
she groans, a bit annoyed but nothing new to yeonjun. “fine. next date is on me.”
and he smiles.
chapter six | chapter eight | master list
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pastelxmelx · 3 years
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✰︎ endless time ~ S.R.
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⤷ a/n: here’s my very first attempt at Spencer Reid angst haha
- working on part 2 as we speak
⤷ pairing: spencer reid x reader
⤷ word count: 1.5k
⤷ summary: your past is gone and your future is with Spencer. oh how nice it is to have endless time with the one you love. until you don’t.
⤷ genre: angst
⤷ warnings: stabbing, gun shots, life-threatening injury, let me know if i missed anything!
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     Everything was great with Spencer. You’d never been happier. Your life wasn’t the most joyful before, but joining the BAU and meeting him? It was exactly what you needed. Your relationship wasn’t perfect, no one’s was. But, it was as close as it was going to get. You didn’t fight often, and when you did you were quick to make up. You stuck by each other no matter what you were put through. Whether it be Spencer’s substance abuse, or the death of one of your close friends. Your relationship was truly a partnership, as you were able to work together so in sync that it only helped you while at work, instead of causing problems.
     On your weekends you’d have Star Trek or Doctor Who marathons. He’d make the popcorn and you’d run out to buy soda, then you’d both spend the next several hours cuddled up next to each other on the couch. After one of your cases, Spencer had grown a liking for pianos, so you took the chance to teach him what you knew, it was yet another hobby the two of you had together. Of course, working for the BAU didn’t leave much freetime for the two of you to indulge in your hobbies. But that would never put much of a strain on your relationship.
     When you were at work, the both of you were always sure to separate your relationship from the task at hand. While working on cases, you were more of a team than a couple. With Spencer, everything flowed so smoothly, time included. We’re always told that we never truly appreciate what we have until we lose it. When you were with Spencer, you both couldn’t help but feel like you truly had all the time in the world, like you had endless time. That was what made it hurt the worst.
     The team had been called out to Arizona to work on a fairly routine case. The unsub was abducting young women, and the profile suggested that he was a white man in his late thirties. You, Emily, and Spencer were at the station, he had finished working the geographic profile and was helping the two of you sort through leads with Penelope. Derek and JJ had gone to talk to the family of the latest victim, and Hotch and Rossi were talking to a potential witness to one of the abductions
     “Talk to me sugar,” Penelope said as she picked up the phone. “My brilliance is at your service.”
     You smiled, “Hey love, can you find out how many gyms there are within a 20 mile radius of the first abduction site? We think that may be where the unsub is finding his victims.”
     “Sure thing! There are three, anything you want me to look for to narrow that down?” she asked.
     “Can you check to see if any of them had programs designed to get people in shape for an event of some sort?”, Emily added.
     “Mhm! Oh, that only got rid of one,” Penelope said in a slightly dejected tone. “Anything else?”
     “Do either of the gyms have high drop-out rates? We think the unsub might be choosing from them,” Spencer said.
     “Hm, they’re both about the same. But! ForeverFitness is known for having a much rigorous program,” she answered.
     “Could you pull up a list of their employees?” you ask her, already knowing the answer she’d give you.
     “Can I? Don’t tell me you’re starting to doubt my magical abilities. It’s already pulled up, sweet sauce.”
     “Narrow it down to only the males,” Spencer told her. “We’re looking for someone in his late thirties who’d have access to a list of everyone who signed up for those programs.”
     “Got it! Hm, I still have a list of about 30 employees,” Penelope said after only a few moments.
     “That many? Do any of them have any complaints filed against them? Maybe something like harassing a gym member, or lashing out at a co-worker, or such?” you specified.
     “Also try looking for anyone who might’ve been suspended, or even someone who’s almost been fired,” Emily added.
     “Aha! I think I’ve got the guy you’re looking for! One Thomas Iverson, he has three complaints filed against him, all from different patrons, and one from a female co-worker. The work related one is for sexual harassment, though it was dropped soon after, and the other three were for aggression. He’s been suspended twice in the past year, but hasn’t been fired, probably because his boss is a family friend,” she explained.
     “Penny you’re a genius, do you have an address?” you asked, glad that you might have finally found the killer after such a tough week.
     “Tell me something I don’t know,” she said proudly, “and you bet I do, it’s already been sent to all of your phones!”
     “You’re the best,” Emily said, getting an ‘i know’ in response. You hung up and called Hotch to let him know what the three of you had found out. He told you to go check it out, and that he’d call Derek and JJ and that they’d all meet you there if Iverson turned out to be the unsub.
     The three of you arrived at the house, only to find that it was empty. You were looking through all of the rooms, and everything was going normally. If you didn’t find him, you’d try a different angle. And if you did, you’d take him in to hopefully close the case. If you found him, though. None of you were prepared for what would happen if he found you. None of you had even considered it. And yet, he did. The three of you had separated as you searched the house, and once you’d made it upstairs you’d spotted a moving figure.
     Before heading towards it you called out, “Guys, I think I have something.” You wanted to alert Spencer and Emily to get them to come upstairs, but you didn’t want Iverson to know that you’d spotted him specifically. You heard footsteps coming from downstairs, and knew they were on their way, so you slowly began to approach the room with your gun pointed ahead. “Iverson?” you said. “I’m with the FBI, put your hands up and step out where I can see you.”
     You entered the room, but before you had the time to process what was happening, you felt something sharp in your abdomen. Then the same pain appeared a few inches above, and a few inches to the side from that. You’d been stabbed three times. The next thing you heard before collapsing was a single gunshot, and your teammates calling out for you. You were conscious, but just barely. Not to mention the incredible pain that you were in. Iverson was dead, and you were soon to be next.
     You weren’t sure who it was, but one of them was trying to put pressure over your wounds. Was it working? That was something else that you weren’t sure of. You were teetering on the edge of consciousness, and whoever was with you was urging you to keep your eyes open. The ambulance was here, that’s what you were told. But, did that mean that everything was going to be okay? The ambulance was here, but did that mean that you were saved? Or was it too late? Maybe you’d find out, or maybe you wouldn’t.
     You couldn’t tell exactly what was happening, though you could tell that you were being moved around so you guessed that you were being placed into the ambulance. Someone was holding your hand, it must’ve been Spencer. Your eyes had closed, and you couldn’t find the strength to open them again. That didn’t have to be a bad sign though, you could still make it out of this alive. You were as calm as you could be. Maybe it wasn’t too late after all.
     Spencer, on the other hand, was in a full on panic. He was sure he wouldn’t be able to handle losing you. Not like this, not in any way. As Emily was trying to keep you from bleeding out, he was on the phone with Hotch who had assured him that paramedics were on their way. Sitting in the ambulance with you gave him some relief, as he was able to hold onto the hope that you’d live.
     But, his fear was still there, and it was still overwhelming. Sitting in the waiting room didn’t help his feeling of helplessness. You were rushed into surgery as soon as you got into the building, and there was nothing left for him to do. Nothing other than sitting down, waiting, and hoping you were alright.
     And you had to be alright. You just had to. After all, the two of you were supposed to have endless time.
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
S/o Loses Memory and Quirk
Kaminari Denki HCs
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions broken bones, a panic attack, panic attack symptoms, sad Denki
A/N: Ngl writing angst for Denki did something to my little heart. He only deserves happiness and I’m mad at myself for giving him sadness lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! I’ll be writing one like this for All Might next so keep your eyes peeled for that one!
Shinsou, Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi
Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima
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Kaminari Denki | Chargebolt
You are his partner in crime
You’re the one who is always there to take care of him when he goes dumb
You’re the one who is always there to comfort him when he feels like an idiot
You’re always the one who is there for him
And he’s always the one who is there for you
It’s been that way for years
Ever since you transferred to UA your second year of high school
The two of you became fast friends
Best friends even
And his flirty nature made it so it wasn’t too long before the two of you entered a real relationship
The two of you EXUDE the most chaotic good energy that even Bakugou finds it kind of endearing
But unbeknownst to his friends
Denki can get really fucking serious when it comes to you
It lowkey shocked you the first time you saw him act like that
And it was all because you were sparring with him and you tripped over your own damn foot and face planted 
You figured he’d just point and laugh at you but he ran over and checked you EVERYWHERE to make sure you weren’t hurt
mans even SCOLDED you
But you lowkey LOVED it because like
He does like me !!!
Of course that was in your final year at UA
The two of you are now pro-heroes at separate agencies
And boy oh boy does Denki worry about you
He can’t help it
He has seen you run into a wall because you were trying to rely on scent instead of sight “in case you get stuck in a dark room with a villain”
He worries
But he also knows you are strong
And also a hot badass who can take on anyone
Almost anyone
Midoriya could probably kick your ass but that’s just because it’s Midoriya
But in all seriousness
He isn’t even patrolling today
He has the day off actually
And Denki has never baked anything before in his life
He knows that there’s been this mysterious villain giving your agency some trouble recently
So he wants to make you some of your favorite cookies
Or at least try to
And then have a lil movie night
He’s a clingy little shit
And he wants to destress you so
He will refuse to let go of you for the rest of the night goddamnit!
So there he is
Taking the semi-burnt but still edible cookies out of the oven
His favorite program on in the background
When suddenly
His show gets interrupted
And the hero scanner the two of you have goes off in your living room
He immediately turns his attention to the television
Stopping in the middle of the kitchen 
Still holding the cookies
When he sees live footage of you falling from a 3 story building
Onto concrete
He drops the pan
And literally sprints out of the door
He doesn’t even have shoes on
But he doesn’t give a single Fuck™
He rushes down the stairs of the apartment building the two of you live in
And gets to his car in record time
Mans be speeding to the hospital he knows you’re gonna be at
You two had a plan in place with each other and your agencies that if anything would happen to either of you
You would both go to this specific hospital so you two could know where the other was at all times
Of course he was crying while speeding
And his heart rate was way too fast for him to be functioning
But he had to get to you
He had to
And he did
He pulled into a parking spot reserved for pro-heroes and ran inside the emergency room
When he asked about you the nurse told him you were currently in surgery for some severe bone breaks
He got a nasty taste in his mouth
But he just nodded
She told him he could wait in the waiting room
And he did
He sat down in a chair
And he was trying so hard to keep it together
But eventually Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and even Bakugou showed up
To be fair
Mina and you did work at the same agency
So she saw everything that happened
They immediately went over to him
And he looked up at Mina
And deadass this is the first time any of them see how genuinely serious Denki can get
He asks Mina what happened
And she hesitates
But his face is dead serious
There are obviously tears leaking out of his eyes
But his stare is wildly intense
And Mina knows that if she says no he’ll just keep asking or ask someone else at the agency
So she tells him
“Well… we were patrolling, like usual, when that villain that’s been keeping us on our toes showed up. They’ve never… done anything other than rob people and knock them out so we thought hey this should be easy. Especially since (Y/n) was there. When they saw us they ran into a building and we chased after them and when we had them cornered on the roof they did this weird… sneak attack? But not really? I don’t know it was… odd, they had this like patterned fight technique and they hit (Y/n) in a few different places, and she went to use her quirk to fight back but… nothing happened… and then they hit her like at the bottom of her skull and she just… fell down unconscious. And then they… threw her… off…”
She started trailing off at the end because a sob tore through Denki’s throat
And then he started hyperventilating
Luckily Bakugou and Kirishima were there to help him out
They get panic attacks frequently, so they managed to calm him down and get him to breathe again
And they stayed with him for as long as they had to
Eventually after hours 
A doctor came out and approached Denki
“Pro Hero Chargebolt?”
He stands up very fast
He’s informed that you are out of surgery
And that the surgery went well
However they noticed something odd in your MRI results
It seemed that a portion of your brain was damaged?
But not quite 
It was still functioning
But something about it was off
And they had never seen anything like it before
It was like certain parts of your brain were blocked but everything else was fine
Upon hearing this Denki’s heart broke
And then after hearing the part of your brain that was impacted was the part that contained long term memories
His heart shattered
“We’re afraid she may have severe amnesia. We’re going to keep running tests to see just what is going on, we think it’s the quirk of that villain. A lot of the victims of their crimes have blockages in their muscle groups, but we’ve never seen a blockage in the brain from them.”
Denki is quiet
He literally doesn’t say anything
Until he whispers
“Can i see her?”
The doctor nods
And he leads him to your room
You’re still asleep 
And you’re covered in bandages and casts
It breaks his heart
His friends texted him to tell him they went home but if he needs them at any minute that they will be on their way to the hospital in ten seconds flat
He appreciates it
But right now he really just wanted to be alone with you
He just sat next to you
Holding your hand
He was even moving your pointer finger to trace the Lichtenberg Figures trailing up and down his arms
You always do it when the two of you are cuddling at night 
It helps him sleep
And reminds him that you love him regardless of his faults
And right now he just
He really needs you
This goes on for an hour before he feels you start to move
And he freezes
You open your eyes
And squint at him
“Uh… h-hi… aren’t you that guy in my new class…?”
He stares at you
Completely deadpan
Before laughing a bit
But it isn’t a happy laugh
It’s very much a sad laugh
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“Cool, but um… how did you know my name already?… Are you crying?”
He was
He was laughing and crying at the same time
He probably looked like he was losing his mind
But he really did just lose his whole world so
It’s a prompted reaction
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
His voice was more strained this time
“Are you… are you okay?”
“Yeah, but you’re not. And I didn’t save you, and now you don’t know who I am, and I’m just… I’m so sorry, babe. I’m so sorry.”
The laughing stopped
Now he’s just sobbing
In your mind
You’d seen him a few times while touring the school
And he was always laughing and smiling
So this was shocking
And you’d be lying if you said it didn’t tug on your heart strings
You instinctively reach out to grab his hand
And he grips onto it so tight
Almost like he’s afraid of letting go
“…You called me babe?”
He tries to even his breathing
But he nods
“I don’t… I don’t even know you, I-”
“You do. You do, but… you don’t. It’s… it’s complicated and I’m a literal dumbass so… I’ll call a doctor. They’ll explain.”
And that he does
And the doctor does in fact explain
And after the doctor leaves
You ask him to tell you about your relationship
And he does
He tells you even the smallest details
From the time that you painted the nail on his right hand middle finger pink because he lost a bet and he ended up liking it and buying nail polish for himself
To the time that you two told everyone you break danced all night to break in your new apartment when in reality he turned on Lover by Taylor Swift and the two of you slow danced in your living room
All of it
And he even managed to slip in the fact that you’d remember all of this after he caught the villain who did this to you
And he will catch them.
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ohholyfanfics · 3 years
Ten Stages: Stage One| Tom Holland
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Stage One: Realization, the stage where they slowly start to realize that they are falling for someone. Where Tom has a sudden realization thanks to his best mate Harrison Osterfield.
She was running late, a bit later than usual. Checking his watch once more, Tom found himself humming along to the slightly over-played tone filling the car. The hot Virginia sun causes sweat to form on his forehead; reaching over, he quickly switched the AC settings knowing she'd complain the moment she got inside the car. Biting his bottom lip, he felt a wave of relief wash through him as he watched her walk out of the building. Hair in a neat ponytail, her figure hugged by a dress that looked way too good on her. Her light pink blazer rested on her arm as she waved goodbye to a colleague before making her way over to his car.
"Ah always a gentleman.." she hummed in approval watching as he swiftly got out of the car and opening her door.
Giving her his signature boyish grin, he leaned close to her, placing a soft kiss onto her cheek. Closing her door, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, watching as he climbed back in. Tom watched as she fiddled with the climate control on her side from the corner of his eyes.
"You sure you aren't going through menopause or something.." he mumbled, backing out of the spot and soon driving them towards their weekly lunch date.
"Isn't that your job to know.." she hummed, pulling her phone out from her bag. "Plus, I think I'm a bit to young for that Thomas.." she mumbled.
"Well aren't you a doctor.." he huffed out as she took this chance to slap him across the head. The loud groan that escaped his lips was enough the have a satisfied sigh escaping her own.
"Besides the point Holland, how was the first half of work? Any life saving surgery?"
He shrugged, he loved what he did, and every day, he was thankful for it. Sure it was hard work to get where he was now, but here he stood. Now three years into residency, he had somewhat of an idea of what he wanted to do. After learning that a position would be opening up at the hospital, he knew this is where he was meant to be.
"Not really, pretty slow today.."
She nodded her head; Tom was a bit further along than she was. He was nearing the end of his term and now had a whole different set of pressure resting on his shoulders.
"A spot is opening up at the hospital though.." he mumbled once they were seated at the country club—the same country club where they had first been introduced.
"Wow Tom, are you gonna apply?" She asked with wide eyes. They hadn't talked much about his plans after med school; she knew he had some sort of idea of staying local. "Is it in the department you're in now?"
"Um it's actually in the trauma department.." he stated as she nodded her head. This was the first time he was actually voicing his future plans with her. It wasn't that he kept her in the dark or that she felt entitled in being informed. Tom was her best friend, and she just wanted to support him in any way possible.
"Wow that's huge.." she stated as he nodded his head. He knew she had been seeing or talking to some guy from the hospital. It was possibly the first time since March that she had actually gone out on a date. Tom doesn't know if she went on a date or if they even still talked.
"Not sure if it's something I want though."
Y/N knew that was a code for closing that conversation, so she did just that. In an instant, their discussion switched to the fact that she will be gone for a few days. Tom had promised to look after her place along with being on dog sitter duties for Layla. He hummed softly as she basically gave him a tiny little run down of her short weekend trip and promising takeout the moment she's back. He knew it was a code word for debriefing after spending a few days confined with her family members.
"Harrison's coming down right?" She asked once they were seated at their usual table. "He texted me asking if I'll be around.."
"Yeah, he's staying a couple days.." he mumbled, eyes scanning the menu though it was kinda pointless. He already knew both their words.
"Hmm, it'll be good for you." She mumbled, clearing her throat. As much as y/n hated to admit, she knew this time was difficult for any medical student. The ending was nearing, and the sudden pressure to have everything set in stone was terrifying. However, she knew as much as anyone that Tom was in a much different mindset than when they first met.
The Tom Holland sitting before her was different; he had a future planned out for himself. Sure, he didn't plan ahead like she had, but the small amount he did was a great start. She also knew that pushing him into making decisions was never an intelligent choice; Tom knew what he wanted and had all the necessary tools to pursue whatever it was he wanted in life. One thing she was clear on was that he was staying in Virginia.
"Can I ask you something.."
She looked up at him nodding her head. His tone was slightly different, closer to the one he used the morning after their last candle and wine night. The same night where she may have cried a bit too much in his guest room.
"That night at the beach, when when we made the bet, where you in a sense preparing yourself? You know, for like the breakup?" He asked softly, thanking the waiter as they set their drinks down.
She looked at him a little dumbfounded, not really knowing what to say. She knew what she had to say, but the words couldn't seem to come out. She looked at him for a few seconds, mind racing before finally speaking.
"No, I wasn't. If I'm being completely and utterly honest with you Tom, I thought Marc was maybe the one. We were together for so long and everything was so close to perfect. I don't think I really ever saw us ending.."
He nodded his head, ignore the slight sting upon hearing those words, not that he was surprised. It hurt him to know that something that she believed in so desperately ended without any explanation. He couldn't even begin to imagine what she was feeling or what she thought the moment everything sunk in. However, Tom also knew y/n was a lot stronger than everyone gave her credit for.
"Have you talked to him?"
"No, he didn't answer the first couple of texts I sent. So I guess I kinda got the hint you know. I'm not necessarily bothered by it, I mean I was in the beginning but now it kind feels numb."
"Shouldn't you like talk to a professional love.." he mumbled as she smiled at him softly. "I know it's in a sense traumatizing.."
"Don't worry doctor, I talk to my shrink about it. Im kinda coming to terms with the fact that maybe we weren't meant to be.." she mumbled as he nodded her head. "I just, I'm focusing on myself and getting through all this. If love comes my way it comes my way..."
"How knows darling, the one might be right under your nose." He chuckled, leaning over to bop her on the nose. He couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips, watching her nose scrunch up and eyes crinkle up.
"God I hate you sometimes.."
It's been two days since Y/N had left for New Hampshire on a small family getaway. As much as she wanted to drag him along, and as much as Tom hated to admit it, a weekend with the Y/L/N sounded pretty amazing; Harrison finally got some time off and was coming to visit. He was had just finished stocking his fridge with a few essential items the two would need before the door open and the sound of barking welcomed the blond inside the townhouse.
He couldn't help the sense of familiarity that washed over him seeing his best friend come into view. Tom hated to admit it, but he needed to see him, more than he could like to admit. After a hug that might have lasted a few seconds longer, they were both drowning in beer and one of Harrison's favorite dishes made by y/n.
"Where is our own personal pyschatrists anyways?" he asked before taking a sip of his beer.
"Went up north to visit family, something about get together or whatever.."
Harrison nodded his head, picking at the label on his beer. The two had done a decent amount of catch-up, but he couldn't seem to notice the lack of mention of his neighbor.
"Marc must be happy to see her.." Harrison mumbled as Tom tensed up at the name. He wasn't sure what Harrison did and didn't know. "I actually ran into him a few days ago."
Tom choked slightly on his beer as he looked back at him at a loss. He wrecked his brain on what he could say but kept coming out short. The one thing coming to mind was just blurring out how Marc suddenly stopped responding without an explanation. How he suddenly can't stop thinking about their stupid bet, and how every day the chances of becoming a reality increase.
"Mate, they aren't together anymore..."
"Stop bullshitting me Holland, Marc looked very much in love with her when I asked him how things were between them.."
Tom couldn't help but scoff, thinking back to the night she had shown up with too many bottles of wine and a broken heart.
"Mate he ghosted it, thats a pretty funny way of showing your love."
"Fuck, I had no idea."
"No one did mate."
The past few days were pleasant and relaxing; the two spent time together. Harrison was just what time needed, and within the short few days Harrison was there, Tom realized a couple of things:
One that he couldn't possibly live without both Y/N and Harrison in his life.
Two that he was going to take the position at the Trauma Department.
"Thomas Stanley did you miss me..." she giggled softly as he brought her into a bone-crushing embrace. The sigh that escaped his lips was overwhelming.
Maybe, you don't see her as just a friend, mate. I don't do half of the shit you do with her, with Jessica.."
"Shut up, Y/N.." he mumbled, slightly pushing her away while shaking Harrison's voice out of his head. "I got that wine you told me about.."
"Yum, it's good." she stated as she took a seat at the island. He couldn't help but smile as she leaned over, smelling the candle he had picked out. "Cactus Bloom?"
"Its a good debriefing scent, not too intesne.."
I don't bother to memorize small insignificant facts about just some random girl, not even if we're close. I'd understand a few minor details, but not all.
She watched as he poured them both a glass before handing her a plastic spoon and pushing a carton of takeout towards her. She hummed in appreciation, sending him a wink.
"So how was your few days with Harrison?" she asked, swirling the pasta around. "How's he doing?"
"He's doing, says the kids say he speaks funny.."
"He does speak funny, you both do.." she hummed, locking eyes with him and a wide grin. "But its a cute funny.."
She hummed, sending him a wink before taking a few more sips of her wine. He sighed, leaning back in his seat as he took a good look at her. She looked different; she was happier, lighter even. It was clear these few days away did good on her, and he was glad.
You notice the little things about her Tom, from the color of her nails to when her mood shifts. No one reads that deep unless they fancy someone.
"I'm gonna take the spot in the truma department.."
Her lips formed an 'O' before launching herself into his arms. Her lips lightly brushing the skin against his neck, causing his arms to hold her a little tighter.
Now tell me, Holland, how does she make you feel? Don't hold back anything Tom, it's me. You can be honest, mate. Do you fancy Y/N?
"God, Tommy I'm so happy for you.."
The way her eyes sparkled caused a storm to awaken within him. His heart was beating a bit too fast, the sudden urge to pull her into a kiss. The feeling was overwhelming as she started to ramble still in his embrace.
It was at that moment that the realization kicked in. Tom Holland was starting to fall for his best friend, and he wasn't sure how to deal with it.
@thenoddingbunny-blog @blueberrynonnie @bi-lmg
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.55
Word Count: 2,067
Characters: Derek Hale, Lydia Martin, Stiles Stilinski, Rafael McCall, Noah Stilinski, Scott McCall, Jordan Parrish, Braeden, Liam Dunbar (mentioned), Reader
Pairings: Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, slight TW: getting sick, small fluff
A/N: ---
Masterlist       Series Masterlist
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“Where’s Braeden?” you ran into the hospital anxiously, looking around in a state of panic.
You saw Derek, running towards him as he put his hands on your shoulder.
“Where is she?” you asked again.
“She’s going to be okay. She’s in surgery right now and Melissa said that she’s going to make it,” he explained.
You let out a breath of relief, before running your fingers through your hair.
“What happened?” 
“I don't know yet. Me and Malia were looking for Satomi’s pack. They’re all dead. Braeden was about to die too, looks like I made it in time,” he replied.
After a long time of waiting, the two of you were finally led to her room, where she laid on the bed, resting.
“Do you know when she’s gonna wake up?” you turned to Melissa.
“No, I don't. But she needs rest.” she gave you a small smile before walking out of the room.
You rested your head on Derek’s shoulder as the two of you sat silently on the floor.
“Are you bleeding?” he asked softly.
You forgot about your earlier wounds as you frowned softly. You couldn’t even feel it.
“No,” you lied.
“Are you lying to me?” you felt him reach for your shirt as you slapped his hand away.
“Okay, fine. But, honestly, I can hardly feel it, like at all,” you sighed.
“Let me see how bad it is?” he asked softly.
You nodded, before lifting up your shirt, while your face dropped. There was barely a mark left.
You could see a confused look on Derek’s face, as well as on yours.
“I probably just over imagined it,” you shrugged.
You could feel yourself panicking slightly as you gave Derek a small smile.
“Yeah… maybe,” you knew he was getting suspicious too, while you tried to ignore it, focusing back on Braeden.
You put your phone in your pocket, standing in front of Lydia’s lake house as she opened the door.
“Hey,” you smiled softly, walking in beside her.
The rest of the pack was at Beacon Hills High, taking their PSATs. Lydia decided not to take it that year, which left the two of you to work together. Lydia and Stiles had cracked the last third of the Deadpool, leaving you a little worried.
You already knew who was going to be on it, but you suspected they were hiding something from you.
You followed her up silently, leading you into a nearly empty white room, with a box on the floor, labeled Meredith. You put your arm around her shoulder, pulling her in slightly.
She gave you a sad smile, before sitting on the floor in front of you, while you grabbed the box, opening it up.
“Lydia. What is it?” you could see a look on her face, as she sniffled.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she shrugged.
“Lydia,” you put a hand on her shoulder.
You saw her eyes watered instantly. She sat in front of an old record player, picking at it.
“The only other banshee I’ve ever met, and I killed her,” she whimpered.
You turned her head slightly to face you.
“Lydia… what happened was not your fault,” she scoffed, shaking her head.
“No, I’m serious. What happened to Meredith was terrible, but it wasn’t your fault,” you started.
“I was the one who basically drove her off the edge. I kept pushing and pushing her for a name. You can't tell me it wasn't my fault.”
You knew Lydia would never change her mind, as you let out a small sigh, wrapping your arms around her.
“That’s not all…” you could feel your head buzzing slightly as you took a deep breath, nodding.
She began to talk about how they cracked the first two parts of the Deadpool while you tried to focus on her.
“We tried someone who’s going to die, instead of someone who’s already dead. (Y/N), Derek was the password,” tears came to your eyes in an instant as you shook your head.
“No,” you said softly.
“We should've told you before, but,” she started.
“No,” you shook your head once more, standing up as you took a shaky breath.
Saying he was going to die was one thing, you already knew something was wrong. But, Lydia’s predictions were never wrong.
You ran your hair through your fingers, frustrated as you felt a wave of sickness hit you.
“(Y/N),” Lydia started.
“I just need the bathroom,” you pulled open the door, running across the hallway.
You closed the door, letting out a small cry as your tears rushed down your face.
You put your hand on the table, taking a deep breath. You could feel your stomach aching as you took a deep breath, closing your eyes.
Getting or feeling sick was something you never experienced before. Even as a kid, you never got sick. 
Your vision blurred slightly as you splashed some water on your face, trying to calm yourself down.
It’s gonna be okay 
You could hear your phone ringing in the distance as you poked your head up, seeing a call from Parrish. You took a few breaths before picking up.
“Hey, what’s up?” you answered.
“There’s something happening at the school,” he replied.
“What? W-What is it?” you asked.
“Is that (Y/N)?” you heard Noah talking in the background, before taking the phone.
“(Y/N), the entire school’s being sealed off right now. It’s some outbreak of some thing, Melissa called and said it was going to be more severe for Scott and Malia,” he explained.
“Oh my god,” you said softly, feeling panic in your chest.
“I need your help,” he said.
“Me and Lydia are on our way,” you hung up the call, running back to Lydia.
“Lydia! We need to get to Beacon Hills High, now,” you said.
She nodded her head, grabbing her purse before the two of you ran out of the house.
You picked up the call from Derek as the two of you drove in your car, rushing to the school.
“Yeah?” you answered.
“Braeden’s awake,” he said.
“Okay,” you replied.
“Where are you?” he asked.
“We’re on our way to the school. T-There’s some-” you started.
“I know. That virus is the one that killed Satomi’s pack. It’s going to kill Scott and Malia, maybe even Kira,” he explained.
You took a deep breath, shaking your head.
“What about everyone else,” you asked.
“They should be fine sooner or later,” he said.
“Well, what do we do about the rest of them?” you asked.
“I-I don’t know. We’re with Satomi right now to find a cure…” you heard his drift off while you frowned.
“Derek?” you asked.
“(Y/N), in the vault, there’s a rare type of mushrooms. They’re called Reishi mushroom, it can save-”
You heard a loud noise, like a gunshot, as you felt your heart jump.
What the hell was that?!
“Derek?!” you yelled frantically, before hearing the call drop.
“Oh my god,” you gasped softly, tears rushing to your eyes.
“(Y/N),” Lydia put her hand on your shoulder.
You could feel your heart aching as you took a shaky breath.
“We need to get to the school,” you sniffled.
“Maybe you should go to the hospital,” she started.
“No, we need to get to the school,” your voice broke as your grip on the steering wheel tightened, stepping on the gas harder.
“Sheriff, I need to get in there or S-Scott and Malia are gonna die,” you clenched your jaw, holding back all your tears and pain while you worried about Derek.
“I can’t let anyone in, (Y/N),” he shook his head.
You groaned softly, before Rafael walked to you.
“(Y/N),” he started.
“Agent, I really, don't have time to deal with you right now, so if you could just-” 
“I have an idea to get us both in, okay?” he said.
You frowned slightly, before nodding your head. You watched as he walked away from you, finding two of the hazmat suits left from the CDC. He motioned for you to come aside, before handing you one.
“You need to keep your head down,” he said.
“Pretty illegal for an FBI agent,” you muttered, starting to put the suit on.
“Well, since my son’s in danger, all bets are off,” he replied.
You nodded your head, following him into the school, before taking a shaky breath. Your mind kept thinking back to Derek, while you kept trying to ignore it.
You heard some voices, instantly recognizing Stiles as one as you tensed up. You looked to Rafael, who motioned for you to stay quiet, taking his gun out of his pocket.
The two of you walked into Coach’s office, hearing the voice.
“Where the hell are they? I need proof that they’re dead,” you saw a man with his gun towards Stiles’ head, Stiles looking pale and sick, reminding you of Void.
Rafael aimed at the man’s head, while you heard the gunshot echo, seeing the blood splatter on Stiles.
“Stiles,” you ran to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
He buried his face in your arms before gasping.
“Scott and everyone else are in the vault,” he explained.
The two of you ran down the hallway, running to the basement to get to the vault.
“Scott!” you pounded on the door, yelling out for him.
“Scott! You need to open the door! Scott!” Stiles yelled.
You couldn't hear anything on the other end.
“Can’t you open the door somehow?” you could hear the fear in Stiles’ voice as you shook your head.
“Scott, listen to us. Y-You’re stronger than this virus. You need to fight it. Look, there’s a jar, it's on one of the top shelves, it has rare mushrooms in them. Scott, I need you to hear me and I need you to save yourself and Malia and Kira,” you closed your eyes, feeling your emotions getting the best of you.
“Scott, please hear us. You can do this,” Stiles begged.
You heard the door open as Scott gasped for air, falling onto you and Stiles.
“Oh my god,” he coughed softly, taking a deep breath.
“We’re okay,” he exhaled.
“C’mon,” you helped him up, while Stiles ran to Malia.
You noticed the broken jar on the floor, while Kira walked to the two of you.
“Malia…” you watched as she walked past the three of you coldly, not looking back.
“Stiles?” you asked.
“She found the list,” he said softly.
His eyes watered slightly as he looked up at you three.
“She knows she’s a Hale.”
You wrapped your arms around Derek tightly, before smacking his arm.
“You coulda called, you know?!” you scoffed.
“That hunger broke my phone. For what it's worth, everyone’s alive,” he replied.
He put his arm around your shoulder as the two of you walked into the loft, walking to your room.
“Yeah, for now,” you sighed.
“Well, focus on the now,” Derek said.
He crawled onto the bed while you began getting ready for bed. 
You heard your phone go off, while you frowned, looking at your texts.
You smiled softly, before turning off your phone.
“Who was it?” Derek asked.
“Liam. He got my number from Scott,” you explained, laying down next to him.
“According to Scott, you really baby Liam,” Derek shook his head.
You shrugged, looking up at him.
“He is a baby, he’s like 13 or something,” you started.
“He’s 14,” Derek corrected.
“Same thing.”
“Not really,” there was a small smile on your face as you rolled your eyes.
You laid back in his arms before you heard knocking at the front door.
“People really shouldn't be doing that at night,” you groaned.
“Here, I'll get it,” Derek began to get up before you shook your head.
“No, it’s fine, I’ll get it. It's probably Scott or Stiles or Lydia,” you replied.
You go to out of bed, forcing yourself to walk to the door as you slid it open, taking by shock to see Stiles standing in front of you. He looked like he had been crying.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?” you asked softly, frowning as you pulled him into the loft.
“Can I talk to you?” his voice broke as you felt your heart ache slightly.
You nodded your head, walking him towards the couches.
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iamwhoami · 4 years
To The Moon and Back (Chicago Med)
Chicago Med
   Y/N, Connor’s girlfriend, gets into a car accident and is brought to Chicago Med in critical condition.
Warnings: Car Accident, Serious Injuries
Requested = No
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   The whole thing was an accident. A fluke. 
   The driver who ran the red light and ended up smashing into your car only did that because he was having a seizure and had absolutely no control over the vehicle.
   The only thing you remembered was driving before something crashed into the driver’s door.
“Female...a car crashed into the driver’s side of the car she was in,” The paramedics told Maggie as they rolled you in, “BP 75 over 50, GCS 13.”
   With the words “Dr. Rhodes” on her tongue, Maggie stopped short when she saw your face.
“Where do you want us?” The paramedic asked Maggie.
“Trauma Two,” Maggie snapped back to reality, “Dr. Halstead, Dr. Choi, get your asses over here!”
“Y/N?” Dr. Halstead had gotten to you first and was staring at you.
   Dr. Choi didn’t waste any time, helping the paramedics move you off the stretcher and onto the hospital bed.
“Does Connor know?” Dr. Halstead’s doctor instincts had pushed him into action.
“Not yet,” Maggie replied and started scanning the ER, knowing that your boyfriend was in the ER today.
   When Maggie spotted him talking to a family, she took a deep breath, trying not to sound as shaken as she felt before walking over to him.
“Dr. Rhodes, a word please,” Maggie said once the doctor had finished giving an update on the family.
“Sure,” He said, clearly unbeknownst to the news he was about to receive.
Maggie led him to the doctor’s lounge and shut the door behind her.
“They just brought Y/N in,” Maggie said, trying to stay calm.
   The colour drained out of Connor’s face and before Maggie could stop him, he burst out of the doctor’s lounge and raced from room to room in the ER, before finally getting to the one you were in.
“She’s in hypotensive,” Dr. Halstead said while the monitors started going crazy.
“What happened?” Connor was about to burst into the room but Maggie held him back, knowing that though he legally wasn’t allowed to treat you, Connor would have totally jumped over that fact.
   Dr. Choi, who was performing a fast scan was the one who responded.
“It looks like she’s bleeding into her abdomen,” Dr. Choi said, “Let’s get her prepped for surgery.”
“I’m scrubbing in,” Connor announced.
“No you’re not,” Maggie said firmly, placing a hand on Connor’s shoulder, “She’s in good hands.”
Connor put a hand on his head, “What am I supposed to do Maggie? Just sit here and wait? She could die!”
“And you think that you scrubbing in on her surgery is going to help her?” Maggie reasoned, “You’re a good surgeon, but what kind of state is your mind in right now?”
Connor didn’t say anything for a moment. 
“I can’t lose her,” Connor said, his voice cracking, “I can’t lose Y/N.”
“They’re going to do everything they can to save her,” Maggie told him, “You know she’s in good hands.”
   Maggie led him to the doctor’s lounge again and pushed him onto the couch, forcing him to take a seat.
“I was going to propose to her,” Connor choked out, “Tonight. I had everything planned out. I was going to take her out to dinner, then we were going to go on a walk in Millennium Park.”
“Y/N’s strong,” Maggie told him, “She’s going to fight, you know that.”
   Connor didn’t say anything but he nodded because he knew you were a fighter. He knew how strong you were.
Hours later, Will and Ethan walked into the doctor’s lounge with an update.
“How is she?” Connor leapt to his feet when he saw the doctors.
“She’s currently stable,” Dr. Choi told Connor, “Y/N’s lost a lot of blood but everything went as it should.”
   Connor let out a breath of relief, “Oh thank god.”
“She’s in the ICU right now,” Dr. Halstead went on to say, “We can take you to see her.”
   Connor was a surgeon. He had done these kind of talks a million times, but now he knew how it truly felt to be on the opposite end of the conversation.
   Dr. Halstead led him up to the ICU floor and to the room where you were currently resting.
“The anesthesia should wear off soon,” The redhead said and left to give Connor some privacy.
   Connor slowly made his way over to your bed before taking a seat in the chair next to it.
   He reached out and took your hand into his, intertwining his fingers around yours.
“You really scared me Y/N,” Connor whispered, “I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in my life.”
   You were so still and looked so frail that Connor was afraid you were already gone. It was only the steady beeping of the heart monitor that provided a little bit of consolation.
“I love you so much Y/N,” Conner went on talking since it wasn’t like you were going to cut in, “I don’t think it’s measurable, how much I love you.”
   Connor inched closer and leaned his head down next to your hand which he was still holding on.
   You two stayed liked that for a few minutes before Connor felt your hand moving away from his and onto his head, your fingers brushing through his hair.
“Hey,” You whispered, your voice hoarse, “What happened?”
“Hey,” Connor smiled at you before leaning over to kiss you on the forehead, “You’re back.”
“What happened?” You repeated your previous question.
   Connor took your hand back into his, “You were in a car accident, but don’t worry, everybody’s okay. It was a fluke, the guy in front of you had a stroke.”
   You opened your mouth but Connor knew what you were going to ask and answered your question before you even spoke.
“He’s okay,” Connor told you.
“I love you,” You gave him a lopsided grin.
   Connor grinned back, “I was just telling you how much I loved you, right before you woke up.”
“Oh yeah?” You tiredly raised your eyebrows, “How much?”
   Connor pretended to think about it for a moment.
“To the moon and back,” Connor finally replied, “And then all the way around the perimeter of space.”
   You chuckled, “Oh yeah?”
“You bet,” Connor responded and gave you another kiss, this time on the lips.
“Well, I love you even more,” You smirked, “If that’s even possible, because isn’t space infinite?”
   Connor laughed, “That’s the point.”
   You giggled as well before shifting, trying to find a more comfortable position.
“Look, I was going to do this tonight anyways,” Connor said out of the blue, “And I don’t have the ring with me, but Y/N, will you marry me?”
   You paused with your shifting, “What?”
“Marry me,” Connor said, sounding breathless.
“Connor, I’m in a hospital bed, in a hospital,” You gestured around you.
   Connor nodded, “I know, but I almost lost you Y/N. I almost lost you and I almost didn’t get the chance to ask that question.”
“Connor...” You whispered.
“I love you so much Y/N,” Connor went on, “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Connor was blabbering at this point, “I realized that I can’t lose you, I mean, I already knew that, but today just really pushed that in front of my face-”
“Connor shut up!” You finally burst out, “Of course I’ll marry you!”
“Really?” Connor looked almost quizzical. 
   You rolled your eyes, “Yes, yes, yes, yes. Now come here you dweeb, lay with me.”
   You scooched over to give Connor enough space to lay next to you on the hospital bed.
“I love you,” Connor said, turning to face you.
   Instead of replying, you connected your lips with his and wrapped the arm that didn’t have wired sticking out of it around Connor.
“I take it that you love me too,” Connor joked when your lips parted.
“No duh.”
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
The Best Bad Idea
Three-part CS AU where Emma and Killian are doctors working at the same hospital (world without pandemic). They’ve yet to meet, but Emma has definitely seen the sexy Dr. Jones in her travels at Mist Haven Medical. It’s generally a bad idea to get involved with a colleague, but a little fantasizing never hurt… right? Inspired by the song ‘Bad Idea’ by Ariana Grande and a TV couple who set the bar for true love stories. 
Available on FF Here and AO3 Here. 
A/N: Hey all! Here is a little something I made instead of being a responsible writer and finishing my other projects. I’ll be back to my other WIPs soon (God willing), but in the meantime here’s my 1000th attempt at writing a Captain Swan meet cute. I needed to get some words on the page, and this is the result. Hope you all enjoy, and thanks for reading!
Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, Thump. Steady, sure, and even. A solid pulsing sound with no inconsistencies and no delays or false starts.
In this particular patient, that fourth set of beats was the most important. Prior to his recent operation, Earl MacDonald’s heart had been weak and skipping needed pulses, then constricting far too harshly on every fourth measure. That type of arrhythmia had potentially disastrous consequences, but those worrying beats were seemingly behind them. The rhythm Emma heard through the stethoscope was a regularly circulating drumline, the tell-tale song of a heart that was working, and working well. Her surgical intervention had been successful.
She gently released the breath she was holding, a sign of the stress that she carried while waiting for patients to recuperate. Emma never let the patients see her sweat, but she had been worried on multiple levels in this case. Earl was going on 80, and not a logical contender for intensive cardiac mediation, but Emma’s gut had told her he could handle it, and she was rarely ever wrong. Earl forged through the surgery like a much younger man, and his outputs post-operation had all been extremely encouraging. It was shaping up to be another win, another life saved thanks to the power of medicine, and that filled Emma with real joy. She always did her absolute best to create good outcomes, and this time there was so much more on the line than one life. This was a man who was loved and cherished by the people closest to him, and who would be sorely missed if something were to happen.
“Anything you want me to note for the chart, Doctor Swan?” 
Emma bit back a witty retort at the pointed use of the word ‘Doctor.’ She was one of the few surgeons in this hospital who didn’t care what people called her, as long as they called on her early enough to actually save the patient’s life. But with Belle, a person Emma considered a dear and true friend, there was an added lilt of sass when using her title. Her friend was one of the nurse practitioners that Emma had been working with for years, since the day she landed here as a medical intern, but despite their differences in degrees, Belle was easily the most well-read and brilliant resource when it came to medical literature in this hospital.
“Just that Mr. MacDonald is healing nicely.”
“Did you hear that Lorraine?” Earl asked, with a Cheshire cat smile on his face, and the glint of true pride in his eyes. “Doctor Emma says I’m healing nicely.”
“Hard not to hear, seeing as I’m right beside you,” Loraine quipped, but she squeezed his hand affectionately, and offered a warm smile to her husband all the same.
“You know, usually being dubbed ‘nice’ is the kiss of death for a man.”
“Earl!” Loraine chastised, clearly not liking his word choice. Earl smiled wider, looking almost boyish in his delight.
“Well, so to speak. But I was going to say that I think we can make an exception this time. I’ve never been so happy to be referred to as ‘nice’ in my life.”
“Technically Doctor Swan was referring to your vital signs, Earl,” Belle taunted from across the room, holding back a smile Emma knew she was bound to let loose soon enough.
“Aw come on, you both know I am your favorite patient. I mean I’m not exactly pressed for competition. Have you seen the people on this floor? Good grief.”
“Ignore him, ladies. He’s all talk. He hasn’t left this room since we got here,” Loraine said, rolling her eyes, as if these antics were a constant occurrence. Based on her small window of experience with Earl, Emma would believe it. “Every meal, every visit, every moment has been within these four walls. Even his PT has been in here.”
“His PT has been here?” Emma asked, surprised that Mary Margaret, their head Occupational Therapist, had allowed for that. She was normally a by-the-book professional, and Emma never knew her friend to provide rehab consults outside of her studio.
“Yup. I told Miss Mary Margaret that I had a wife to keep an eye on and she relented.”
“No, actually what you said was, ‘Excuse me, Ms. Blanchard? You probably heard I just had heart surgery. Well, the thing is, my heart is sitting in this room. I’d like to be with her. Doesn’t seem right to be separated so soon, given what we’ve been through.’ Then you pointed at me, and used your puppy dog eyes on her. Next thing I knew, she had lugged enough equipment to fill the room here. No questions, just action.”
“I bet she ate that right up,” Belle said with a wink. “Mary Margaret loves nothing more than love itself.”
Belle and Mrs. MacDonald discussed Mary Margaret’s love of love, and Earl’s improved mobility, for a few more minutes while Emma continued checking his stats, but ultimately Earl’s patience was wearing thin. He really only had one thing on his mind, and he was now determined to ask about it. Emma was honestly shocked that he managed to wait this long. She knew it was only a matter of time and she was ready for the showdown.
“So, what do you think, Doc? Am I making it home in time for the party?”
“The one for your grandson on Sunday?” she asked, noting the three-day window between now and then. She had heard about this party non-stop, since the moment Earl woke up from the procedure. It was a central fixation for the old man, a celebration that would host his entire family, and a goal he had been carrying for over a week. Earl nodded and Emma hesitated for a few seconds, before smiling and giving the good news away. “Yes, I am confident that Jayden’s ‘Pop Pops’ will be in attendance when he turns four. But you know the rules…”
“I know, I know: no good food, no strenuous exercise, no having fun.”
“Earl.” Just the utterance of the old man’s name from his wife was enough to have him looking like a kid with his hand caught in the candy jar. Emma and Belle both chuckled at that child-like expression. It was hard not to; the old married couple was just too sweet.
“I’m sorry. I know this is serious, but what is life if you can’t have a little fun?”
“Fun comes in all shapes and sizes, Mr. MacDonald, and despite what you may think about your prescribed lifestyle changes, you’re forgetting two things. First, most of these less-alluring prescriptions will be temporary, and second, you’re a man who clearly loves a challenge.”
“Oh yeah? And how do you know that, Doc?” 
“Well for one thing, you somehow landed a lady as remarkable as Loraine. There’s no way she came easy with these corny jokes of yours. You must have worked harder than you ever worked in your life to persuade her to give you a chance.”
The laughter from the older couple was boisterous and heartwarming, and Emma knew she was right on the money. At this point, she had the ability to sniff out true affection, and these two had it in spades. Many couples she saw facing emergency room disasters together didn’t have the same good luck.
“You got that right, Doc. You know the first time we met was at the -,”
Earl’s story was unceremoniously interrupted by the crackling of the PA system specific to this room. It buzzed for a few moments before a message was delivered in a saccharine sweet voice that sounded nothing like the announcer’s normal tone.
“Paging Doctor Swan to the Nurse’s station. Doctor Swan to the Nurse’s station, code 741.”
Emma waited for the feed to cut off and began to tell Earl to please go on with the story, but the call came out again.
“Paging Doctor Swan to the Nurse’s station. Doctor Swan, code 741.”
“You know she’s just going to keep doing that until she gets her way,” Belle murmured. Emma nodded. It was no use. What Ruby Lucas wanted, Ruby Lucas got. That just seemed to be the way of the world.
“Belle, would you mind telling Ruby I’m with a patient at the moment? I will be there when I can. She can always proceed without me.”
Belle snorted out a laugh, knowing that last part would never happen, but gave a swift affirmation that she would relay the message before waving goodbye to the MacDonald’s and promising to see them soon. As her friend headed out, Emma sighed, knowing there was no way Ruby was going to give things up that easily. She had a matter of moments before some new tactic would be deployed.
“I’m sorry about that. You were saying?”
“Eh it’s kind of a long story, and you’ve got places to be, Doc. Just know, true love won out in the end with me and my Loraine. It always does.”
Emma couldn’t deny that their love appeared true even after their fifty plus years together. She personally had never experienced a love like that, but she was wondering more and more if maybe it was out there, somewhere in the later chapters of her story. For years she thought herself above that kind of need. She found validation in herself and in her work. She dedicated herself to helping others, and that had always been enough. But the loneliness that became a constant when she was growing up in foster care still lingered, and she wondered if someone might ever come along who could inspire her to take a chance and risk her heart.
“You know, I actually worked as a nurse before my kids were born,” Loraine commented easily. Emma nodded and smiled as she checked the last of Mr. MacDonald’s IV drips. Emma was aware of the older woman’s solid medical understanding. Loraine had continued to demonstrate it the entire time her husband was admitted in this ward. “I’m trying to remember if I ever ran into a code 741.”
“Oh, uh, I think – well, erm, I mean you probably didn’t,” Emma said, hoping she didn’t turn beet red at the passing comment from the older woman. She was already stuttering, which was completely out of character and eighty shades of embarrassing. Loraine’s words feigned ignorance, but her eyes told a different story. Still Emma tried to play it off. “It’s really not a big deal. Just a non-emergent protocol.”
Another alert sounded, but this time it came through the ceiling unit reserved for announcements to the wider reaches of the hospital. “Attention to all surgical ward personnel. We are paging Doctor Swan to the nurse’s station. Doctor Swan, you are needed at the nurse’s station immediately for a code 741.” The talking stopped, but the air crackled signaling that the line was still live. “Immediately.”
“Sounds pretty urgent to me,” Loraine replied. The curiosity in her gaze told Emma that the older woman was onto them, but it was Earl’s comment that cut too close for comfort.
“When I was in the war, all of our numeric codes corresponded to letters. So 7 was H, 4 was D, 1 was A. H – D – A. HDA, now what could that be….?” Uh oh. Now Emma really had to get out of here before she accidentally admitted Ruby’s code’s meaning – Hot Doctor Alert. That would be the cherry on top of a full-blown mortification sundae.
“All righty, well like I told Belle, all your scans look good. Doctor Whale is on shift this evening during the next series of rounds, so I’ll make sure your file is ready for him.”
“Of course, dear, and good luck with your doctor, er – I mean – code.”
Emma stammered out something like an ‘okay thanks,’ while leaving. She tried to get her bearings once she was out of sight of the room, but she had nowhere to go. Everyone on this floor had just heard her page, and there were bound to be at least a few who understood the meaning. She was so embarrassed, and more than a little ticked at Ruby. She was supposed to be her best friend, but she was always pulling these crazy stunts. They were mostly harmless, but for Emma, who hated being the subject of hospital gossip, it was anxiety inducing to say the least.
“Please tell me that you did not just broadcast that to the entire hospital,” Emma said, arriving at the nurse’s station with a sense of urgency, and watching some of the other nurses scurry off to avoid the confrontation. Ruby, however, was unfazed. Actually, the nurse manager just rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag and phone from her cubby, as if Emma was the one who was annoying and not the other way around.
“And here I was thinking we were the best of friends. Soul sisters, kindred spirits, friends for life. But no, ye of little faith, you actually believe I would broadcast the hot doc alert to all of Mist Haven? What kind of friend would do that?”
“But if you didn’t… then how did you…?” Emma’s questions trailed off, but her arms flailed towards the ceiling and the look on her face spoke for itself – how had Ruby used the hospital wide PA system without actually broadcasting to the entire hospital?
“You know Tink up in nuero?” Emma nodded, well acquainted with the nurse manager who had Ruby’s job on the fifth floor but with a specialization of the brain and nervous system. She was a tiny woman, but she ruled that ward with more than capable hands. “She and I bribed the IT guys to make the nurse managers an override. Now we can circumvent the PA software whenever we want. Bring some of you more stubborn Doctors to heal when it comes to answering our pages.”
“That’s… well, actually that’s genius,” Emma admitted.
“I like to think so,” Ruby teased, offering a genuine smile. The two friends laughed at all of this, and Emma felt so much better knowing that their secret was still relatively secure. The last thing she wanted was everyone knowing how she was spending her lunch breaks these days.  
“Gus, you’re holding down the fort while I’m gone, right?” Ruby asked, her smile turning slightly wicked with the purposeful jest aimed at the new nursing aid sitting behind the desk.
“Me?” The new hire replied, suddenly white as a sheet. Emma had never seen the man so stricken, and as a new nurse he had plenty of high-stress moments to look alarmed during. “I – uh – well – I -,”
“It’s called comedic relief, Gus. Commonly referred to as joking. Do me a favor, learn about it by the end of shift, kay?” Ruby pivoted to the person she actually trusted to man the fort. “Thirty minutes work for you, Belle?”
“I’ve got it handled.”
“Excellent. We’ll return with a full report,” Ruby said, grabbing Emma’s arm and moving them down the hallway before Emma could even say goodbye. “Newbies – can’t live with them, can’t pawn off scut work without them.”
“You are terrible. And yet… the look on his face just now…? Priceless,” Emma acquiesced. “But seriously, Ruby, can we PLEASE find another way to page me for this? My patients are not stupid, and the code isn’t exactly original. It’s kind of…” Ruby’s grin was so big that it stopped Emma in her tracks. She was currently trying to hold her friend to account, but Ruby looked like she’d won the lottery. “What?”
“You are so totally into him! I mean listen to you right now.”
“I didn’t say anything!” Emma said, feeling her cheeks flush against her will. 
“Exactly,” Ruby said. “You’re telling me to be more discreet when I send the bat signal, but you still want me to send it. Do you realize how unlike you that is?”
“Despite what you may think, Ruby. I’m a doctor, I’m not dead. I can appreciate a hot guy now and again.”
“Doubtful. Remember last month when all those pro hockey players were here after Ocheski collapsed on the ice? You had a room full of crazy sexy men. Like virile, hot, muscled men who get paid big money to beat each other up on the ice. Most women would die for that chance, and to make it even better, most of them were hitting on you. And what did you do? Nothing. You didn’t even blink.”
“They were not hitting on me,” Emma affirmed, but the words were hollow. They had been trying to flirt with her. A few had even attempted to get her number.
“They were hitting on you,” Ruby said adamantly.  
“He was a patient, and the rest of them were essentially his family. You know I’d never cross that line. Doesn’t count.”
“Fine, then what about Dr. King? When he came for that conjoined twins case last year, you had no interest. Zero. Zilch.”
“King was an asshole, you know that,” Emma said, belatedly catching her use of profanity and checking that no patients were around. Luckily the coast was clear.
“So? You didn’t have to marry the guy. Hot is hot, honey. That’s just how things are.” 
Emma barked out a laugh at even the thought of marrying someone like that. Arthur King was just about the worst person she could fathom to spend a life with. He was narcissistic and carrying around one of the biggest god-complexes she’d ever seen, and she was a surgeon, so she was an expert on god-complexes. 
“Your face really says it all, Emma. I mean honestly, poker would be a terrible game for you to take up. Your contempt for King is obvious, but, meanwhile, as soon as I mention Doctor Jones… aha! See, totally shifted.”
Emma didn’t know what to say to that. She could try and protest, but her friend knew her too well for that. The best thing to do was say nothing, and she was saved by their arrival at their destination. The coffee cart in the center of the action, near the entrance of Mist Haven. Here was where the wards crossed paths. Her surgical wing met up with the specialties departments, the ER, the community clinic, and more. It was also swarmed with both hospital workers and visitors. Typically, this was the last place she wanted to be, but recently it had become a highlight of her day.
“Emma? Ruby? What’s brought you out here?” a voice asked. It was Mary Margaret, and given her street clothes and jacket, Emma would guess she was just starting her shift.
“Haven’t you heard? There’s fresh meat from the ER. Two showings a day, but we favor the afternoon delight.”
“Oh right,” Mary Margaret said, nodding, like Ruby’s words were totally normal, and for Ruby they were. “I heard about the new ER Chief. Doctor Nolan? I meant to get down there and bring him something to welcome him, but I’ve been so swamped this week. My caseload is crazy at the moment. I hope he won’t think too badly of me for being a bit late.”
“Mary Margaret, literally no one in a hospital brings people cupcakes as a welcome gift, especially not new guys in other departments.” Ruby was not wrong. Hospitals were hardly the most happy-go-lucky of places. At least not usually. “Believe me, the man will be grateful whenever they come. If he even eats them. He’s fit – like fit, fit. Keto diet and a personal trainer fit. The kind of fit that makes you -,”
“Careful, Ruby,” Emma teased. “What if Graham heard you saying that?”
“God, I wish. You know how worked up he gets, and how he works out his frustrations.” Ruby’s tone was dripping in suggestion. “It’s one of the many reasons I live to drive him crazy.”
Emma and Mary Margaret laughed at Ruby’s apt assessment of her relationship with her boyfriend. Ruby had been dating the fireman for almost a year now, since he came in on one of the ambulance bays with a victim he’d rescued from a fire, but Ruby was hardly the predictable type, and Graham seemed to love that about her. They were still going strong despite her willful, wild child nature, and Emma suspected they may be built to last.
“Doctor Nolan must really be something to get you out here, Emma,” Mary Margaret said, moving forward in the line, inching ever closer to the mediocre coffee the cart promised.  
“Ha! Hardly. Emma’s not here for Nolan. She’s here for Jones.”
“Jones?” Mary Margaret asked.
“Girl, where have you been? Doctor Killian Jones, trauma surgeon extraordinaire. Chief Mills brought him here for a ‘collaboration’ with the ER, but she’s totally trying to recruit him for head of his own department. Turns out he and David Nolan are old friends. Same medical school maybe? I don’t know, no one’s gotten me those details yet. Anyway, Regina hardly leaves him alone. She only misses this little window because she’s hooking up with Doctor Locksley in the supply room on the 2nd floor.”
“She’s WHAT?!” Emma and Mary Margaret yelled at the same time and Ruby looked aghast for the first time today. Some other hospital staff in the area glanced over, but no one paid much mind beyond a head nod. Everyone was absorbed in their own need for caffeine, and no one was the wiser of the bombshell Ruby had just dropped.
“Oh shoot, I wasn’t supposed to say that. I promised Ella, damn it!”
“Ella, her assistant? I thought she quit,” Mary Margaret stage whispered.
“Oh she did. Made it a whole two months, which, you know, makes sense given the fact that Regina is a nightmare. But the last week she was here, she learned a crucial secret regarding her Majesty. She spilled last week at The White Rabbit, but I promised her I wouldn’t tell until she’s settled at her new job at GMH. So you did not hear this from me, and I did not hear this from her, capische?”
“I can’t believe the Evil Queen is dating someone,” Mary Margaret said, deeply disturbed by the idea. She shuddered at the thought, and this was someone who loved love. But love and Regina Mills didn’t really feel like concepts that belonged in the same sentence. Scratch that, they didn’t really even belong in the same book. “She’s just so…”
“Evil?” Emma responded. The nickname worked for a reason, after all. The hospital Chief was downright tyrannical.
“Well dating is a stretch. She’s screwing someone. But then again, who knows. Ella said she actually saw her smiling in those final days. And not that evil one she’s famous for. Like a real, genuine, I have a heart, smile.”
“No way,” Emma said at the same time Mary Margaret murmured, “Well would you look at that.”
“Don’t worry. I’m on the case. The temp is a totally easy mark – Sydney something. I’m buying him lunch tomorrow. I’ll have the whole story before you know it.”
“Won’t Graham be proud,” Emma chuckled, but her joke fell on deaf ears as something caught Ruby’s attention across the way. Her friend’s countenance changed immediately, putting Emma on alert.
“Ooh, they’re coming! Act normal.”
Normally, Emma would have laughed at that command, but she was too busy feeling the spike of adrenaline at the impending arrival of one Doctor Killian Jones. He really was a world-renowned trauma surgeon, who was working on a number of cutting-edge techniques that saved lives and gave critical care patients better chances to recover. She had actually heard of him a few years ago when reading about a new procedure to treat arrhythmia in patients with traumatic injury. He engineered it in the field, while serving in the British naval forces, and his paper had been circulating in cardiac wings around the country, but she never saw the man before last week when he arrived in Boston.  Suffice it to say she could not have imagined that this marvel of modern medicine would also be so roguishly handsome.
Spotting him today across the great hall, Emma was struck again by just how attractive this man was. She couldn’t even comprehend it really. All she knew was that she had yet to find a fault in him. Every day she’d stolen secret glances, and every time he proved better than her memory. It was crazy, and very reminiscent of schoolgirl crushes and teenage day dreams, but she couldn’t help the way she felt. It was intoxicating, and despite her best efforts, she was powerless to turn Ruby’s invites to the show down when she could witness this each and every day.
The first thing that she’d noticed about him was his general presence. His posture was strong and straight and assured. He looked ready for anything, but somehow laid back, like he was totally in control. People naturally parted when he walked by, as if he silently willed the flow of the hospital traffic. Ruby called it swagger. Emma called it… well something not quite safe for work. Couple that general aura of authority with the classically gorgeous features of his face, and Emma was lost. On that first day (and okay, maybe on the others as well), she actually felt her knees get weak. She always thought that was a bogus cliché, but nope, it was real, and she was the proof of it. From there she was hooked, and over time she’d chronicled more and more things to like about him.
Yesterday it had been his hair. As she watched him across the atrium, she noticed that the shade shone bright in the sun, but that it was nearer to midnight than any color brown. It was slightly longer than most of the other male doctors wore theirs, but not so long that it looked unkempt or unprofessional, at least not yet. She knew for a fact that the military never would allow for such a style, and it felt like a bit of rebellion, or maybe a lack of care for what others thought. Both sent a delicious thrill through Emma, even though she had no real confirmation one way or another. Maybe he was just lazy, but that wasn’t how she imagined him…
And oh boy did she imagine him. At first she hadn’t meant to. She just had these flashbacks to seeing him that she carried through the day. These visceral visions always started the same: he would walk by, looking downright delicious and impossible to resist, then he would turn his eyes her way here in the middle of the hospital hustle and bustle. She’d feel caught in his stare, sense the hunger even from the distance, and her heart would quicken to a maddening crescendo as he walked her way. The rest of the world would fade from view, and it would feel like they were the only two people alive. Her gaze would stay transfixed on his almost cocky composure and the hard line of his bearded jaw. The attraction in his blue eyes would light a fire in her, and then, without so much as a word like ‘hello’ or ‘nice to meet you,’ he’d pull her into his embrace and kiss her senseless. She could practically taste him on her tongue, and yet she’d never even heard him speak. People who had, who were later interrogated by Ruby, mentioned that he had an accent. British or Irish, or something along those lines. That tidbit had played oh so sweetly in Emma’s mind this week. God, she’d love to hear him say her name -,
“Emma,” a voice beside her said, but it didn’t pull her out of the fog. “Oh my God, Emma, he’s looking right at you.”
“He’s what?” Emma said, blinking back to reality before finding that Doctor Jones was looking this way. She’d been so busy fantasizing, she stopped paying attention to what was right in front of her.
In the middle of the room, the man who had intrigued her for over a week was standing totally still, disregarding the swarm of people on all sides. His entire attention had shifted from the task ahead of him, and he was looking at her, staring with a blend of intrigue and something Emma couldn’t describe. Doctor Nolan had stopped as well, but he was clearly confused as to the delay. He seemed to ask his friend what was wrong, and Emma watched spell bound, as the lips she’d envisioned kissing her moved in some kind of unheard reply. She couldn’t make out his words, but she shivered at the passion and determination etched across his being. David then looked their way, and Emma knew that Doctor Jones – Killian - had asked about them. No, forget that, he had asked about her. He was looking right at her, and that spark of heat and desire she’d always imagined was nowhere near as tantalizing as the real thing. He was looking at her with the same hunger she’d reserved for her wildest imaginings. Holy crap, what was she going to do?
“Ruby?” she asked, her voice squeaked out in alarm. She tore her gaze from the approaching object of her desire and looked to her best friend with overt confusion and mild panic.
“Took him long enough to spot you. It’s been almost a week. I thought I was going to have to hire a marching band or one of those giant arrow guys they have at outlet malls.”
Emma didn’t understand, and then it dawned on her – her friend had planned this. Emma looked at Mary Margaret, but she was still staring in the distance. Only when Emma followed her gaze did she realize that Mary Margaret wasn’t looking at Killian. She was looking at David.
“Hey, ladies, you looking to order, or what? I ain’t got all day!”
The three of them jumped at the barista’s interruption and Mary Margaret surged ahead to the line. She rattled off an order, giving way too much money to the attendant while grabbing her cup with shaky hands. Then she looked at David and back to Emma with an expression that said Mary Margaret may just bolt. Ok, what the actual hell was going on?
Before she could begin to answer that internal question, Doctor Jones and Doctor Nolan were within ear shot. Emma wracked her brain for something to say when they finally got here, but was spared when David broke the ice.
“Doctor Swan,” he said with a head nod and a polite smile. They knew each other peripherally at this point. Emma had consulted on numerous ER cases since Doctor Nolan started his new position. But she wouldn’t call them friends. They were very much acquaintances. “I heard Earl MacDonald is recovering nicely. He most definitely has you to thank for that.”
“And you too,” she said, offering credit where it was due. “A quick diagnosis makes all the difference. I’ve noticed the ER is filled with them since you started.”
“That’s kind of you. I don’t believe you’ve met my friend, Doctor Jones.”
“Killian,” Doctor Jones said immediately, before offering a heart stopping smile of his own. Emma had yet to see the man smile, and her heart skipped a beat, the rhythm of her pulse skittering in an almost blissful way. “A pleasure to meet you, Swan.”
He offered his hand to her, and Emma took it, shaking in greeting even though it was uncommon for doctors or nursing staff to do so. Chief Mills stressed that germ management was a top priority at Mist Haven, and she’d come as close to banning the practice as was legal in the state of Massachusetts. Usually Emma didn’t mind, but germs were the farthest thing from her radar when their fingers touched. Instead, Emma was filled with the zapping sense of promise and a thrill of warmth that made her head swim.
“Emma,” she whispered. A beat passed between them, and Emma lost herself for too long. Only the clearing of a throat beside them brought her back to the moment. She let go of his hand, but tracked the slight disappointment on his face when she did. It filled her with a rush of something long forgotten. A sense of peace and elation she hadn’t tasted in years. “Um these are my friends, Ruby Lucas and Mary Margaret Blanchard. Ruby’s the head nurse in the cardiac unit. And Mary Margaret runs OT for the surgical division.”
Emma tore her gaze from Killian, watching her friends make their greetings. Ruby handled her own completely, and Mary Margaret seemed to have gathered her courage, but now it was David who looked shocked and spell bound. Everyone appeared to be thrown off kilter, and it was only Ruby in control of herself. To say her friend was positively delighted with these new developments would be an understatement. That glee rang out clear as day in her invite to both the attending doctors.
“So… Doctor Nolan, Doctor Jones, any way we could convince you to join us? The coffee’s just all right, but the company’s not half bad.”
Both men agreed immediately, and Emma fought her hardest not to blush. It was hard though, and her pulse was racing in the face of this development. Killian came to stand by her, the space between them so small but still too much to bear. She tried to get her bearings as the cranky barista handed her a latte. She struggled to think of something – anything – to say, but she was tongue tied. Instead, she looked at Killian, finding an openness in his expression that said he felt the same exact way. That gave her comfort and removed some of the tension from the moment.
“The hospital’s been buzzing since you got here,” Emma offered, waiting with him while he ordered a no nonsense coffee of his own. “A lot of people are hoping you’ll stay on past the month.”
“And you, love? Have you such hopes?” his words were earnest but laced with an almost cocky easiness that sent Emma’s mind humming in delight. Still, she played it cool. At least she hoped she did.
“Jury’s still out,” she replied, smiling when he looked a little crestfallen. “Well can you blame me? I hardly even know you. Still haven’t seen what you’re capable of.”
“Only a matter of time, Swan. You can trust in that.”
His words may seem benign, but they were loaded with hidden meaning, and Emma knew he meant each one. She swallowed harshly, thinking of the things he might be capable of. Damn, was it hot in here? Or was it just the devil on her shoulder spinning another one of those dirty dreams of hers?
When they’d all gotten a coffee, the five of them moved off to the patio just outside, reserved for hospital staff. The grounds were manicured beautifully, maintaining an oasis that seemed totally disconnected from the hectic nature of the hospital. This was one of Emma’s favorite places here, and she was surprised to hear that neither David nor Killian had been here yet. They all spent a few minutes making non-threatening small talk, with mostly Ruby moving the conversations along. But despite the fluttering feeling she was grappling with, Emma couldn’t say she hated this building anticipation. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so much. She was seated next to Killian, fully aware that all of his attention was devoted to her, and she reveled in it. At one point, while the others were talking about something with the OT department, Killian whispered to her and her alone.
“This might be presumptuous of me, love, but I find I’m helpless to resist. I was wondering – that is, I was hoping that perhaps, you and I, we could…” His eyes looked from hers down to her lips, and Emma wet them absentmindedly. She heard a low growl, and realized it was coming from him. She shifted in her seat, turned on in a way she had never been before. Instinctively she moved closer, sensing the sinfully sweet current between them, like lightning just before it cracked across the summer sky.
“We could…” she continued, hoping he would elaborate and put into words what she herself was wishing for.
“That we could -,”
“Paging all staff to the ER. All staff to the ER for an incoming trauma, category 4.”
This time the PA was most definitely broadcasting a hospital wide announcement, and the irony wasn’t lost on Emma. Ruby looked positively forlorn at the interruption, but it was somewhat poetic after how they’d gotten here.
“Category four,” David repeated, standing immediately, prompting all of them to do the same. “We haven’t had a four since I started. We’re gonna need all hands on deck. Killian?”
“Aye, mate. I’m with you.” He looked back to Emma, and only had time for the swiftest goodbye. “Until next time, love.”
Emma and her friends watched them go, running towards the ER. Belatedly, they realized that if a trauma of that magnitude was coming into the hospital, there were bound to be surgical cases flooding their ward soon enough. They hustled back to their wing, focused once more on their jobs and the lives on the line that they were sworn to help heal and make better. But Emma still carried that moment with her for the rest of the day, and when the shift was over and done, and she’d done all she could to help the people in her care, she was left wondering what exactly Doctor Jones was hoping to ask, and when, oh when, he may try to do so again.
Post-Note: So there we have it. This was originally going to be a oneshot for my CS mixtape series, but alas, the muse wants what she wants, and this time that’s a three part mini-story for all of us to share. Hope that you guys have enjoyed so far and I would love to hear what you think! As always, thanks so much for reading, and I hope you are all staying well in this crazy time! xE
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