#he tried to approach her in my room the last night he was alive but he was bleeding from the mouth and that must have been very scary to her
mabelsguidetolife · 11 months
i need my dad to send me pictures of miles so i can cry again while showing everyone how beautiful and sweet he was
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rotandguts · 1 year
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danny (evil dead rise) x fem!reader
summary: during a quiet lull on that tumultuous night, danny realises this may be one of the last few moments he'll ever spend with his best friend.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: 18+ mdni, nsfw, sexual content, masturbation (fem receiving), mentions of loss of virginity, mentions of panic attacks, possession and death. praise kink if you squint, bittersweet best friends to lovers. mentions of underaged drinking.
A/N: helllooooo, so this is my first ever fic on this blog wowowowowow i'm nervous. i hope you all like it bc i am DOWN BAD for this mfer. pls let me know what you think!! DANNY IS 18 IN THIS.
publishing date ―  may 17th, 2023 |  © rotandguts
Through all the horror and dread that had inevitably arisen from the events of the past few hours, Danny would argue that despite the demonic presence lurking in the hallway - it was the guilt of his own actions that was currently feasting on his soul.
The noises from beyond the bolted door of apartment 85 had grown to a momentary halt, the initial attack keeping everyone still alive on edge. Bridget was in the living room temporarily calming her younger sister Kassie with promises of a doctor coming to help their mother, hesitancy evident within her voice as she struggled to believe the words coming from her own mouth. Her wound on her cheek - as much as she had tried to ignore it - was starting to ache. Beth had been raiding the apartment for something to help her hand that the quick relief of duct tape was unable to provide.
And all this because he found that stupid fucking book.
The thing that was making the empty sick feeling in his gut feel like a stab wound of his own, was your lingering presence in the corner of his room.
You were here because of him. Regardless of the book or not, if he hadn’t insisted you come over that night for pizza you would be sitting across the city in the comfort of your own home right now. You could’ve been with your family when the earthquake happened. Fuck, they don’t even know if you’re alive right now.
Beth could now be heard stomping around all the windows in the apartment, shouting to anyone that could hear her that they needed help.
“What the fuck are we gonna do, Dan?” Your timid voice snapped him from his internal ongoing panic attack. His gaze, still concerned, softened when you turned around to look at him. It had been the first time you’d spoken in a long while, your voice providing an almost immediate comfort to the blonde boy. He began biting his nails with furrowed brows, a habit you’d usually chastise him for.
“I don’t know.” He whispered, eyes still on you. Your hands were trembling. Your hands were fucking trembling because of him, the thought led him unable to look you in the eyes momentarily. Tears began to form as you clenched your fists, trying to fight the breathless in your chest as it began to truly sink in how much shit you were in. Your phone had long been out of battery, with Danny dropping his in the vault where he'd found that book. Neither of you had been able to comprehend the necessity of the devices a mere few hours ago.
You were both essentially isolated from the world as you knew it.
Danny sunk onto the bed, sitting upright with wide eyes and quick breaths. You couldn’t bare to see him like this. Sure, was there a part of you that was totally pissed off at him for tempting fate with that old vinyl? Of course. But hell, the worst thing you’d been expecting was tetanus, not satan herself cooking eggs in the kitchen.
You approached his hunched over figure, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He still can’t look you in the eyes.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You spoke with the same hesitance as Bridget in the connecting room. Danny was grown up enough to know otherwise, and yet still for a brief moment took solace in your words.
The mattress sinks beside him and when he turns you’re looking at him through wide, concerned eyes. Your clasped hands are still shaking, despite your best efforts to stop them.
His own hand hovers over them. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding when he finally clasps your hands with his.
Eyes connect in the moment, his own drop briefly to look at your lips. They’re a little bloody from you biting them. Your tongue skates across them, letting the metallic taste fill your mouth. The smell leaking through the damp walls of the apartment itself after the bloodbath caused by Ellie outside.
You might both die tonight, he thinks. This could be it. All those years of friendship over because of him. In fact, he thinks it might be even worse if he survives and you don’t, because he’d be haunting the earth still searching for you at every corner in his life. He considers it for a brief moment, mentally punishing himself with twisted thoughts for the hundredth time that night.
Danny’s stomach drops at the thought of the immense unsaid in your friendship. Every lingering gaze and hand hold, every hushed secret and late night embrace under covers. He lived for those moments, but it was starting to dawn on him that they may remain just that. Fleeting moments of will-they-won’t-they peppering your decade long friendship, the what ifs of tomorrow darkening overnight.
He thinks about the first time he knew he loved you. It was your tenth birthday, a milestone. Your mom had intended on throwing you a lavish party and inviting all the kids in class with the little money she’d had. You’d never been one for showing off or making a big fuss and insisted you just wanted Danny there. The night was spent huddled together in fancy dress costumes, he was a pirate and you were a princess, telling each other spooky stories from the safety of the pillow fort your parents had helped build. He wished this nightmare they were currently experiencing was just that, a spooky story told under the flashlight lit fort.
He could still remember the close proximity you both sat in. The quiet, different from the buzzing playground, had allowed him the opportunity to see you up close. There was something in your words that made his heart beat faster, and when your bright eyes lingered on him while telling your stories he knew deep down that he wanted you to look at him like that for the rest of his life.
You were looking at him like that now.
“Do you remember that night we got home from Oscar’s party?” Your voice was barely a whisper, he almost thought he had made it up in his head. All of a sudden he was very aware of just how close you now were.
Oscar, a classmate and barely a friend, grew up in the richer part of the city. Everyone jumped for a chance to go to his parties for his large pool and the flowing liquor, you had both jumped at the opportunity.
“Yeah.” Danny responded after a beat, still taking the opportunity to inspect your face.
That night you had partaken in your usual drunk hand holding and cuddling, nothing too different from what you’d do sober but with an added possessiveness. You had danced with him like you wanted everyone to watch you together, to know that you were his and he was yours. In those moments, lips had lingered for moments too long at ears and mouths. But ultimately, the night ended with your usual walk home.
If Ellie, Danny’s mom, had known you both weren’t tucked safely in bed in your house she would’ve called a search party to track you down through every nook and cranny in the city. Luckily, you both ended your night in bed by 4am.
“Do you remember what you asked me?” Danny spoke again after a short moment of silence. You were looking at the floor now, your feet occasionally grazing his.
“Why haven’t you ever kissed me, Danny?” You asked, he thought you were teasing him but you showed no signs of mocking. Pensive, you rolled to face him. He was frozen in place. The lights were out in your room and your bodies, undressed to different extents that you were both familiar with during an after party sleepover, radiating an addictive warmth that made him want to hold on to you skin to skin.
“I didn’t know that was something you wanted.” His fists were clenched, he was still waiting for this to be a big joke.
“I want it.” The light from the moon illuminated some of your face. He licked his lips.
“Why didn’t we like, ever talk about it after?” If tonight was it, he needed to know. He needed to tell her. He’d rather she hate him and be alive and know than be dead and have the wasted opportunity follow him forever.
“I was scared, I guess - I thought you didn’t like it.” You shrugged.
Soft lips on your own, hands gripping your waist under covers. You’re using all of your self control to not grind yourself into him. The only evidence left of your night together were various lilac bruises scattered on your necks. But neither of you spoke about it. So it was never brought up.
“I liked it.” For the first time tonight since the earthquake, Danny softly smiled. Your eyes lit up, returning the smile to him.
“You never said anything-“
“Neither did you!” He countered, the smile giving away that he wasn’t actually angry. You smirked and rolled your eyes, “Touché.”
As much as it embarrassed you to admit at a time like this, your thighs were pressed together at the thought of you and him that night. Both of you had been virgins prior to the encounter
His left hand tangled through your hair as lips danced, you can still remember how you thought you had a temperature from the summer heat and the sweat coating you both. From his gentle, wordless persuasion of a soft push, you were on your back and his frame was on top pressing into you. By instinct, your legs wrap around his waist and pull him in. His hips grinding to your core, it’s so messy and quick but you can barely think because his other hand is traveling to your thigh to pull you in even closer.
He breaks away from the kiss to trace his thumb across your jaw and your swollen lips. Eyes blown out and wide, jaw slack at the sight of him. You’re spread out under him, the material of your crop top and shorts seemingly oh-so thin now that you’re in this position. Your tongue appears to softly lick the digit of his thumb, his eyes almost rolling back at the sensation. He can feel your thighs clench together around him, seeking a temporary relief from the throbbing between them.
He thinks he might die if he can’t feel it, if only for a second.
Removing the thumb from your mouth, your face immediately portrays your disappointment with a slight pout. Danny lightly smirks, lowering himself down again face to face with you. He reaches down to your thigh, trailing the inside of your leg.
“Can I feel you?”
“I think I’ve been thinking of that night every day since it happened.” He admitted, soft smile lingering. You could feel something stir inside you. Here he was, your best friend, in his oversized shirt and silver chain. He ran his hand through his hair. “I dunno. I just know that I can’t stop thinking about it. And you.” Danny continues.
There was a fucking demon outside the apartment door and quite frankly all you could think about was how badly you wanted that silver chain in your mouth.
Your hand reaches for his jaw, which grows slack at your touch, his gaze seemingly possessed by the thought of you. The summer night heat from that encounter stirred inside of you again.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Apprehensive, you continue to trace your thumb over his cheek, until following his jaw and lips just like he had done that night. “I think I’ve been in love with you for a long while.”
He was hypnotised under the touch.
“I love you too. I’ve always loved you. You’re my best friend, man.” Danny felt like fucking crying and you could tell through his voice. Was this a dream? Was that demon back to taunt him for all the time wasted?
He felt consumed by you, like in this moment his purpose was to do anything he could to make it all better. He leaned in to finally press a kiss on your lips, slow and still hesitant. You chase him for another when he pulls away, noses still connected and eyes closed tight.
You wanted to stay like this forever. His fingers laced with the hair behind your ear, grabbing a section and softly pulling. The involuntary moan that left your lips sent a shiver through him, he wanted more, more, more. Your neck was on display for him to reach down and attack with sloppy kisses and light teasing bites. He pressed himself against you, moving your back flat onto the mattress. His lips and tongue messy with your own, clashing to remedy the thirst for each other. Danny’s thigh pressing against your covered core, subconsciously leading you to grind against him.
“Danny, please-” When you were saying things like that, knowing that you didn’t know how much time you even had left together, he had to comply. It had felt so natural, it almost made him feel that guilty feeling again. Why hadn’t they just been doing this all along?
Lifting your skirt to expose the wet lace of your underwear, he asked the same question he did last summer.
“Can I feel you?”
Without hesitation you nodded, guiding his hands through the waistband. “Shit,” He paused for a second, raising his fingers back up to his mouth, spitting on them before returning them to their previous position.
The electric feeling of him on her clit, foreheads pressed together and eyes connected could make anyone forget about the horrors happening beyond the sanctuary of the doors to his room. His fingers filling you, curling and strumming to a syncopated beat, reacting only to your stirring beneath him.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet babe,” He was amazed at the feeling itself, your slick softness. You choked out a gasp, you groping him in an attempt to give him the same ineluctable pleasure he was giving you. He was too preoccupied with you to worry about anything he might be feeling, not when he was the one that got you in this situation. And besides, hovering over you when you looked this fucking good with his fingers stuffed inside you, that was more than enough for him.
“You’re so good, such a good boy.” He quietly whines at your words, pressing rough kisses to your neck again.
You tug his hair back to grant yourself a better look at him. His other hand wrapped around your neck, not restricting your breathing but still lightly grabbing it. When he could tell you were about to make a loud noise, the same hand swiftly moved to cover your mouth. Your eyes wide with his, silently watching each other desperate to moan.
The silver chain resting on your chest, its cold metal grounding you in the moment. “So fuckin’ pretty,” He murmured, still so preoccupied with the feeling of filling you.
“Needed you for so long Dan,” He bites his lip as his pace grows quick, your fingers finally finding their way around the chain that was taunting you all night.
“Thought about you every night. Couldn’t stop thinking about how fuckin’ wet you were.” It was true, in the shame of their last encounter he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. Not when he’d been thinking about it for half his life. “Still so so wet baby.”
Looking at his arms, his tattoos and veins. The way they moved in and out of you, the glint in his eyes as he watched his own work. The overwhelming view and feeling lead to the inescapable wave. “Fuck, Dan, I’m gonna-”
And with that, he holds you tight as you hit your orgasm. Your hands fly to his hair and shoulders, trying to remain grounded as your back arches. “Fuckfuckfuck-” You try your hardest to whisper, but your heart is pounding and all you can feel is the dizzying sweetness of Danny all around you. You have to remind yourself that this is real, you’re real.
He watches you, your heavy breathing providing the soundtrack to the moment. He pressed a light kiss to the top of your breast that was on show from the top you were wearing, before moving back up to place a kiss on your lips. Lying beside you, staring into your eyes with a warmth you’d always thought was unimaginable but realising that it had always been there. It has always been him.
So for that moment, you just lay there. And yeah, there was still so much unsaid regarding their long friendship. But for now, in the uncertainty of the night, they’d managed to say enough. For the first time since finding that book, Danny would feel optimistic about the future, despite all the shit going on with his mom. For a second it felt like they could really do this, they could really be fine. If only they could make it to tomorrow, then everything else could be resolved. He could apologise to Bridget, he could ask you out on a real date. You could let your parents know you were alive, you could fix the mistakes of last summer and go all the way again with Dan instead of pretending it never happened.
Unfortunately, as optimistic as they currently were, tomorrow would not come for either of them.
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mayuichi · 5 months
She wants to trust you. Give her reasons trust you. Give her reasons be happy.
Furina x Reader
Warnings: None beside archon quest spoilers (kinda?? i think)! Fluff fic because I want to give Furina some deserved affection :(
Lys' note: i wrote that during the night (started around 4am it's now 7:30 I guess I won't sleep zbfozjfo), i hope furina isn't too ooc :( I love that cutie sm she deserves love and no one can change my mind. well i've finished rambling eNJOY THE FIC!! 🩷
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Official arts from Genshin Impact!
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Now that the Hydro dragon, Neuvillette, has become the new Archon of Fontaine, he has many things to worry about. Worries for his people, and his new role. He couldn't find time to check on Furina yet. So he falls you to his office. Being someone who already shared many tea parties with her, he humbly requests for you to go see her.
You don't have to be asked twice. Furina and you weren't close friends, yet.. you feel the need to be here for her. After her trial, where everyone has been against her, she couldn't actually be fine.
Of course, knowing no more of fontainians has dissolved makes her happy, but at what cost? You yourself have felt betrayed when the verdict fell upon her. She has never been the true Archon is the end. But she never deserved a death sentence.
Finding her still alive made a weight come off your shoulders, and yet... You felt a knot in your stomach. Why did you felt sorry for her at that time?
Enough questioning.
You are at her doorstep now. Hesitantly knocking, you wait for a potential answer. But no one answers. You could swear she would've been here. Why wasn't she? Panic runs through your veins. You shake your head. It isn't the time to think of the worst, isn't it?
You sigh, crossing your arms. Today has no performance, nor trials. So perhaps... She went to the Opera House? It wouldn't be surprising, but you wonder why would she be there. In any case, there is only one way to figure it out.
It's a long road until there, but you make it anyway. You'd do anything to know how she's doing. Despite not having much of a good.. friend. You haven't visited her or tried to check up on her before Neuvillette's request.
Perhaps she wouldn't even trust you.
Shaky steps, you make your way to the inside of the Opera House. You take in a deep breath before opening the doors leading to the stage. There she stands, oblivious to your presence.
Gracefully dancing alone, in the empty scene. No one to look at her, no one to say anything to her, no one to blame her. Humming to herself a soft, yet melancholic melody, a tune bringing up to the surface all the pain she has always felt.
You can't tear your eyes away from the sight of her. Carefully approaching, cautious to not make any sound. It's like watching a broken puppet putting on her last show. Despite the grace she has, some of her movements were... Hesitant. As if her mind is on fire.
Tripping on her feet, she falls on her hands and knees, quiet sobs filling the silent room. Her shoulders shruddering under each cries, her tears falling from her cheeks to crash onto the wooden stage. She is just a mess, overthinking everything she has done those past hundreds of years.
“What if things could've been different... Have I done my job right...„ she wonders. Such a painful sight for you to witness. You glance away, taking a few more steps. “Lady Furina...„
Her head snaps up, eyes filled with tears as she tries to crawl back. “What... What are you doing here?!„ she croaks out.
The once almighty and theatric Furina is now reduced to be a shadow of herself, in the exact same room where her people has left her. You sigh quietly, climbing onto the stage and kneel at her level.
“You don't need to stay alone, Lady Furina.„ you whisper softly. You know your words might be insignificant, especially considering her state, but if you could just... “No need to keep the lady... After all, now you all know..„
You felt pity for her. For everything that has happened. “You know.. No one hates you. You've never tried to bring bad things. You were just...„ “Lost...„ she mutters under her breath.
“Yeah.. as much as we were.„ you try to reach out and place a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she pushes it away. “I don't need anyone's pity.„ she growls out. Perhaps she doesn't need pity, but she clearly needs someone.
“I don't pity you. I truly want to be here for you.„ you smile, leaning your head closer to her, sitting right in front of her. “... Why?„ she inquires. “Well...„
You chuckle softly as she doesn't seem to remember anything. “Haven't you always listened to my issues back when we would have tea parties?„ you tilt your head on the side, keeping your gaze on her. “Well it-.. it was just a mere formality! Who, as a supposed Archon, wouldn't listen to one of her people's problems?„
You shake your head. You know there is more than that. But pressuring her right now isn't a good idea. Instead, you creep closer, until you could wrap your arm around her shoulder and let her rest her head against you.
“You do not have any reason to tell me what troubles your mind. Yet, I wish you are aware you can share anything to me. Your secrets are safe within those walls.„ you reassure her. It might not work, but at least she now knows she can lean on you if she needs.
Staying in that position for a little while, you gently rub her arm in a comforting way. She looks up at you, and suddenly asks what you feared.
“... Why didn't you came earlier?„ you have no true answers to that. You felt betrayed, lost, unsure. Everything and nothing flooded your mind at that right moment. “I'm sorry. I don't have any answer to give you. I'm to blame. But I do care for you. I never thought we would be friends from tea parties alone, but we can still be close. A confident, someone to share your burdens with. I'd love to be that person to you, if you want me to.„
She doesn't say anything more. She just processes your words in silence. And you don't mind it. If this could give her some peace of mind, you'll gladly stay this way.
“... I have never asked to carry such a burden.„ you snap your head towards her, unsure of what she means. You just wait for her to keep going.
“When she told me I just had to wait until an important and life changing trial, I... I never thought she was speaking of my own. I never felt so lost in my entire existence. My own people, going against me... I now know it was for the best, but...„
Her voice cracks. Tears sting in her eyes again, threatening to fall down. She is trying with all her might to not let them fall as she goes on.
“It hurts. It hurts like hell. I've lived through everything, and even now it still hurts. Will fontainians ever forgive me for lying to them? Does Neuvillette will forgive me? I've tried for so long to find a solution. We've lost so many people.„
You feel a sudden urge to shield her in your arms from all the cruelty. But it's too late, she already felt too much of it to ever forget. Yet it doesn't stop you from wrapping your arms around her petite frame, placing your chin on top of her head.
“I've tried. I've tried everything I could! I never wanted to see anyone dissolve! I spent days and nights searching for a solution, only for.. that...„ she lowers her head, hiding her tears as best as she could.
“Monsieur Neuvillette has never been upset. He is just busy. As for the people... I am sure they understand now. They can't be mad at someone who tried so hard to save them for all those years.„ you try to reassure her, but even yourself don't know how to do. How to comfort someone who had to lie for so long, to hide her true feelings and not even feel capable to share her burdens to the renowned traveler?
You feel helpless. Perhaps you aren't the one made for comforting her. But you want to try. To try no matter what. “You loved us. With all your heart. You have tried everything, at the cost of your own happiness, being eaten day by day.„
Your heart aches for her. You want to be there, to help her. To just... Let her be happy once again. She hides everything behind a facade. But every facade breaks at some point...
“Let me be the one for you. Let me show you how this world can bring many discoveries, how it can still give hopes and joy. Let me... Let me give you the happiness you're craving.„
She tilts her head up. Her eyes... It's empty. Filled with despair and pain. She's aching for love, to finally be happy and carefree. But there's also a tiny... Extremely tiny twinkle. A sparkle of hope igniting at your words. She wants to believe you, to trust you.
She wants to trust you. Give her reasons trust you. Give her reasons be happy.
She cracks a faint and weak smile to you, hesitantly reaching to take your hand in her. “... You promise to not leave me?„ she's scared. Terrified of another pain. But the passion in your eyes, the love your heart holds for her... It couldn't be faked.
“I promise. But you have to live on. Let your past behind. Don't let it haunt you...„ she doesn't know how to do that. She never knew. Placing a hand on her head to gently stroke her hair. “It's okay if you don't do it now. We will go step by step. At your own rhythm.„
You stand up, helping her stand as well, as you snake an arm around her waist to keep her close. “Now, let's go see Neuvillette. He is worried sick he hasn't seen you in days.„
Walking slowly to the aquabus, you sit together in silence. No words need to be spoken. Not when she sees how much love you want to give to her.
You arrive at the Palais Mermonia. Everyone is a little uneasy to see Furina after she excluded herself either in her home or the empty Opera House. Entering the Palais, you let her knock on Neuvillette's office's door. But no one answers.
She is about to grab your hand to tell you you should go, but instead, you knock again, clearing your throat. “Monsieur Neuvillette, it's me.„ recognising your voice, he tells you to enter, and so you do.
Furina hides behind your back, but Neuvillette could see her attire. He sighs in relief upon seeing her, smiling. “I am pleased to see you are doing okay, Lady Furina.„
She doesn't answer. “... Don't mind her silence. She took a while before talking to me. But I can assure you she'll be okay.„ you explain in a hurry, not wanting to offend the new Archon. “I never doubted it. She is in good hands with you. Why would I have asked you to see her otherwise?„
A weak smile spreads on your lips as you look behind to see Furina. You nudge against her, pushing her in front of his desk. “Eeep!„ her eyes widen. She's like an animal caught in a trap. She feels slightly betrayed that you make her face him, but it just makes him laugh.
“Well, I suppose she is indeed not talkative anymore...„ Neuvillette teases gently, his eyes gazing back to the papers. “I- I am talkative!„ you raise an eyebrow. Neither of you believe her words. But it just makes you laugh.
You walk closer to her, cupping her cheeks in your hands as your nose almost touch her. “It's okay. I'll show you how it feels to be loved. Let's just give us some time.„
You then proceed to walk away, under Neuvillette's gaze as he watches closely for Furina's reaction. Her cheeks flush bright red as she stares at your back before shouting.
“What do you mean give us some time?! There's no way I'd date someone like you!„ she hears you chuckle, and she knows she is now going to be teased.
“You're assuming things, ma très chère amie. I never said we would become a thing... Did I?„ you smirk, stopping in your track to watch her expression.
“You-! You implied it, imbécile!„ she runs to you, gently punching against your chest as she pouts. And then... You just lead her back home, promising her to come first thing tomorrow to go on a walk with her.
Perhaps you two will truly become something eventually.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not copy, repost or translate without permission.
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moonlightazriel · 1 month
Chapter 15: The plan /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: They go back to the Night Court to form a plan.
Word Count: 2,2K
Warnings: SUMT!
Notes: This was supposed to be released this morning, but your girl over here, overslept duo still being sick and woke up at lunch time! Enjoy the reading kids!
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
“We need to go back to the Night Court.” She spoke again, the cold breeze from the open window making her body shiver. Azriel tried not to look at her pert nipples, as she still stood naked in the middle of the room. 
“Yeah, yeah, we can go tomorrow.” Azriel said, approaching her, his hand cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing the scar on the side of her face that only added to her astonishing beauty. He had never seen someone so beautiful in his life, scars and all. 
“And we need as many Vanserras as we can find.” Her breath hitched as his lips started to wander down, kissing the column of her neck, making her dizzy with lust. 
“I'll get you an army of them.” He said, rubbing his clothed cock against her wet abdomen. 
She whimpered as he bit into the pulsating vein of her neck, pumping life into that wonderful body. He thanked the Mother that she was still alive and that she was still in his life, he would worship the ground she walked on for the rest of eternity without complaining. 
A claw dragged across his left wing, making them twitch and he groaned against her skin, sinking his teeth further without even noticing, a tickle of blood ran down her neck, he licked it back, feeling the metallic taste on his tongue. 
“Did you just drink my blood?” She asked in between the whimpers that left her mouth, her pussy throbbing with excitement to have him inside of her again. Not only arousal coated her thoughts, but the need to taste his blood. She licked her lips thinking about the sweet taste he must have. 
“I'm so sorry…” She interrupted him, pulling his head up and holding his chin, he was at her mercy, completely drunk off her. 
“It's only fair now that you allow me to do the same.” She hissed and Azriel felt his cock painfully restraining against his clothes, he would let her do whatever she wanted with him. So he nodded. 
Her hand wrapped around his neck, making him moan pornographically at the feeling, usually he was the one in charge, but having her pushing him backwards with her hand tightly clutched to his neck made something to him. 
The back of his legs hit the bed and he fell, her glorious naked form hovering over him like a goddess. With an iron claw she slit his neck open, the red substance started to pour and she leaned down, her hips caging him against the bed and her lips attached to his neck. 
His blood was as sweet as she imagined, the taste driving her insane. She grinded her hips against his clothed cock, her clit bumping against him and she moaned against his neck, his fingers dipping in the soft plump skin of her waist. 
He couldn't keep doing it or he would cum in his pants like a teenager. So he forced her to stop her movements, earning a disapproving growl from the female. Her tongue licking one last stripe on his neck before the wound started to close and he manhandled her into the bed. 
Like a hungry male, Azriel spread her legs wide open, his warm tongue licking her clit, making her body jolt with the sudden wave of pleasure that overcame her with that simple move. He kept licking her up and down, feasting on her sweet cunt. 
Y/N moaned, her fingers grabbing his unruly hair and forcing his face further against her pussy. Her hips rocking back and forth, making a glistening mess on his face. He kept lapping at her folds, two fingers pumping inside her, curling upwards to hit that perfect spot inside her.
She felt a knot forming quickly on her belly, all the worries of the day forgotten as she lost herself in the feeling of his tongue against her skin, sucking, kissing and licking her cunt so deliciously that her eyes rolled so hard that she wondered how they got back into their original position. 
Her back formed a perfect arch in the bed, her toes contracting and her walls clenching around his fingers. She was about to cum when Azriel suddenly pulled it all out, stopping his movements and getting up. 
She rested her weight on her elbows, her blue coated cheeks looked adorable that way. She watched as he stripped his clothes off, first his shirt, slowly revealing inches of his tanned, defined abdomen to her hungry gaze. 
He discarded his shirt somewhere, neither of them caring about the mess in the room. After it was his pants, his powerful thighs making her salivate, but her eyes drifted to the bulge in his underwear, the contour of his cock leaving her eager for him, more wetness pooling on her cunt, dripping from her thighs and staining the sheets. 
Azriel revealed his long cock, tip leaking precum, twitching with the air that entered from the window. He was so beautiful, she wanted to learn every little detail of his body, never getting tired of seeing him naked. She needed him like she needed the air in her lungs. 
Azriel pushed her chest down so she was laying again. He positioned himself in the middle of her thighs, coating his cock in her juices, making her shiver with anticipation. 
He sunk his cock down, filling her to the brim with him, she gasped at the feeling. Just so he would slide all the way out, to slam on her again. He set a slow pace, prolonging their moment just a little while longer before he pounded into her hard and fast.
She moaned as his lips attached back to her breasts, playing with her nipples. All the pleasure building up again quicker than before. His hands held her wrists together above her head as he slammed his cock repeatedly against her cunt. 
Squelching sounds filled the room, their bodies fitting perfectly together, like the Mother made them for each other, and as time went on, Azriel was sure that she really sculpted her to be his perfect match. His equal in every form, his mate. 
He removed himself, spinning her until her abdomen was against the bed and her ass was held high in the air for him, with a handful of her hair, he entered her again. Pounding like crazy, the bed started to crack, but that didn't stop him from his brutal pace. 
The orgasm that hit her made her whole body collapse on the bed, squirming and shaking, her walls fluttering around his cock. Azriel wrapped a hand around her neck, pulling her up, with her back flush against his chest. 
He kept fucking her oversensitive walls. She kept her eyes shut as wave after wave of pure bliss consumed her body. Azriel’s movements faltered and he cummed inside her, coating her wall with his slick. 
He turned her head towards him, clashing his lips against hers, as his cock released the last drops of his spent inside her warmth. He let go of her, pulling out and grabbing her bridal style so they could get cleaned up and have their well deserved rest. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
When she woke up the next day, Azriel wasn't in bed, she looked around but the sheets were cold, like he got up hours ago. Her body felt relaxed and a bit sore from their activities yesterday but she got up anyway.
She couldn't find her bags, just a pair of leathers and her toothbrush, maybe Azriel wasn't there cuz he was busy packing. So she did her daily routine, pulling her hair up in a ponytail and strapping her sword against her back and her cloak in place. 
Downstairs she found Jurian having breakfast, he motioned for her to join him and she did, sitting in front of him before starting to fetch things from the table so she could eat.
“Thank you, I was starving.” She said, biting into a piece of bacon. 
“I can imagine, after yesterday.” She felt her cheeks hot in embarrassment at the thought that maybe they had heard them, but Jurian quickly dismissed her concerns. “I would be shitting my pants if I was locked up with Koschei, or Mantyx, whatever his true name is.”
“We're going back to the night court, will you join us?” She didn't want to talk about how she felt inside his lair, at least not this early in the morning.
“I can't, can't leave my wife alone, she would kill me.” Y/N raised an eyebrow, curiosity lacing her features. 
“You and Vassa?” Jurian nodded. 
“You know, she didn't resist my charm.” The female laughed, bowing her head towards him. 
“Where are my manners? I'm in the presence of a King.” Jurian rolled his eyes. 
“Oh shut up!” She suppressed a smile. 
“Yes, your highness.” Jurian flipped her off and in that exact moment Azriel and Lucien appeared, the two very sweaty and with some fading bruises. 
“Good morning.” Azriel said, kissing her forehead and sitting by her side, stealing a piece of pancake from her plate. 
“Good morning, what happened to you?” She looked at the two, smiling at Lucien. 
“Good old training.” The redheaded male replied. The four of them finished their breakfast, cleaning everything afterwards, leaving Y/N to feed Meraxes while Lucien and Azriel got ready. 
This time, they would travel as fast as they could, not having time to waste after her discoveries, they had to prepare and act fast. So thirty minutes later they were ready to leave. 
“I’ll be back soon, this way is faster.” She said, Meraxes pouting at her, she rubbed his leg. “I promise to you, Jurian will take good care of you.” 
The wyvern eyed the male up and down and huffed, prompting him to act offended. Lucien had convinced her that winnowing would be faster than flying, it took her a lot of time and more sheeps than the normal to convince Meraxes to stay behind. She looked at him one more time, feeling her heart clench at the thought of leaving him behind.  
But her thoughts were cut short as Lucien grabbed hers and Azriel's hands, doing his thing and winnowing them back to the Night Court.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
They all sat at the dinner table in the River House, Elain had jumped on Lucien the moment they stepped in the house. Nesta was in a sour mood, finally being let out of that damned cabin. Feyre held Nyx as usual. 
“After a very interesting moment inside Koschei’s cabin, I found some interesting things.” She started. 
“You went inside the cabin?” Rhysand asked with a horrified expression, what the hell was she thinking?
“Yeah, but that's not what matters here.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “Koschei is actually Mantyx, the middle Valg King from the Valg dimension.” 
She then proceeded to tell them the whole story about when he first found Prythian, telling them about Celeste using the cauldron to bound the prince, the princess and the King to their respective cages. She talked about how he wanted Nesta and how only she could help killing Mantyx.
“So you're telling me that the only way to kill him is to free him?” Nesta spoke in disbelief.
“Precisely.” Y/N replied.
“But we managed to take both the Stryga and The Bone Carver out of their prisons without the cauldron, and they're both dead now.” Feyre said. It didn't make any sense to her.
“Just cuz we offered them deals, we bound their lives to ours in the process.” Rhysand explained. 
“And they were killed when Hybern used the cauldron on them.” Cassian added. “We need to plan before we act, get everything we need to make sure we kill him.”
“He probably has his monsters lurking around his island.” Azriel pointed. “We would need to get rid of them because they would definitely attack.” 
“We can prepare some legions, take them with us so they fight while Lucien, Nesta and Y/N fight Koschei.” Rhysand said, the plan starting to form in his head. 
“But how do we prevent him from getting away from the lake, who guarantees that he won't use his army to distract us while he runs away to Ramiel?” Elain asked, her eyes wandering far and her hands clutched to Lucien’s. 
“Celeste knew how.” The male started. “If her powers run in my veins, it also runs in my brother's. Beron isn't a Vanserra, he took after our mother’s family name, she passed down Celeste’s power, not him.” 
“Do you think your brothers would help?” Lucien nodded. 
“I can convince them.” He promised. 
“So we use them for what?” Nesta inquired. 
“They will guarantee that Koschei won't go anywhere, they will keep him trapped, the only part is that we'll be also trapped inside.” Y/N concluded and Nesta looked at her.
“The power of the cauldron and Celeste's power together, we can take that motherfucker down.” 
“I pray to the mother that we are right.” Feyre said, her blue eyes filled with despair. 
“We are going in the right direction, I can feel it.” Elain reassured them. 
“So what do we do now?” Rhys asked. 
“I'll prepare the Illyrians.” Cassian said getting up. 
“I'll finally go home, and I'll be back with my brother's.” Lucien offered a hand to Elain. “Will you go with me?” She nodded in agreement, love filled the gaze she directed him. 
“And I..” Y/N pointed to Nesta. “I'm fulfilling my part of the deal, I'm bringing him Nesta.”
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
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tragedyslut · 1 month
why did ur dad joel work make me cry it’s everything </3 i love dad joel i need him to adopt me
♡ too cold out here ♡
✶ [ j.miller ] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — written especially for you anon, i hope you love this as much as the last one<3 reader is roughly 11-12,ellie doesn't exist in this au(my girl is just poof, never met her or anything), joel lives in jackson with tommy and goes out on parrol one day, its extremely snowy and cold, so when he finds you his heart melts. you remind him of sarah. he adopts you, you're his daughter. even if its not by blood:((<33 ill probably write a part 2 to this soon, just probably not for the next day or two cause im sleepy 🪽
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your family had been eaten by a hoard of walkers. you got out. you didn't know how, in all honesty. you just ran, you ran until you couldn't anymore. you were curled up in your pajamas under a tree around 3 miles away from where you and your parents had been holed up. you weren't even wearing socks. the bottom of your pajamas were wet with snow. so was your back from lying on snow and dirt. you were so cold. your icy tears burned your cheeks as you desperately tried to stay alive.
on the other hand, joel was on patrol. it was calming, or so he thought. he was going down his usual route on his horse, just humming a tune and keeping warm in his jacket. he froze up when he saw you, curled up like that. he thought you were dead until he got closer and heard your weak sniffles and whimpers. and you were clutching a blue teddy bear with one of your hands. it reminded him of sarah. when she got shot, the way she curled up when she knew she was going to die. it broke his heart. he couldn't leave a child like that.
he hopped off his horse, geing careful not to scare you as he approached you.
" hey kid.. what're you doing out here? " he said sweetly. he got on his knees and sat you up, you looked terrified. and freezing. you definitely had hypothermia by now. you were practically going blue.
" you alone? " he said, taking note on how you frantically nodded.
" okay. its alright now. ive got you. you're safe. " he said, tearing off his jacket to put it around you instead. he then reached out to pick you up. you clung onto him like a parasite. it was adorable. he made sure to pick up your stuffed animal too, putting it in his gear back. he hopped back on his horse, putting you infront of him since he doubted you had enough strength to hold him to keep yourself on the horse.
it didn't take long for him to be back in jackson. he soon had a worried tommy running over to him.
" what the fuck- whos that? is she dead?! " the younger man shouted, making you flinch and instinctively curl against joel. whimpering.
" calm the fuck down. you're scaring her. i found her in the woods. theres no way i could've left her. she was freezing. " joel muttered. he hopped down from his horse, taking you straight inside his own house and setting you on the couch. he took out your stuffed animal from his gear back, tucking it in your grasp. tommy had followed him inside, sighing loudly.
" you sigh like that again and ill get Maria to shove her foot up your ass. you know how she feels about kids. no child should get left out in the woods to die like that. so i don't know what you expected from me. " to joels relief, tommy shut up after that.
he found a clean tshirt of his, and decided to let you change into that. it wasn't much, and it would definitely be more like a night gown on you, but it was something. its not like he'd have little girls clothes in your size anyways, he wasn't a creep that kept those sorts of things on hand, especially not during the apocalypse.
" here kiddo, change into this. itll be long on you, like a night gown. nice and warm. just lemme know if you need help, its what im here for. " he said, exiting the room along with tommy to give you some privacy. he kept a listen out in case you didn't have the strength to get changed, he was worried you'd collapse or something. you'd barely moved since he'd found you. though he turned his attention to tommy. who had returned back to sighing loudly.
" what're you gonna do with her? keep her?! adopt her?! " tommy said, seething.
" what if i do? what if I do huh? you don't get to decide what the hell i do. i have a spare room, jackson ain't low on supplies, so whats the issue?! that kid needs someone to take care of her, because she was all alone for god knows how long, and i don't care what you say. im going to take care of her. shes my responsibility now. "
tommy was silent. he just nodded. they both perked up at the sound of pattering feet coming towards them. you soon appeared in the doorway. you had gotten changed, and the tshirt was basically a nightgown just like joel thought. it was adorable. the sight of you just staring up at the two of them. you had your stuffed animal in your hand still.
" hey kid. can you talk now? do you wanna tell me your name? " joel said gently, kneeling down so he was at your level.
" .. y/n. " you mumbled, your voice was weak, like it hadn't been used for a long time. joel smiled.
" thats such a pretty name. what happened to your parents y/n? " he said, trying not to make you too upset, but he had to know.
" there.. was a hoard of.. those clicky things.. and they ate my parents.. and i ran.. but it was really cold.. " you muttered, tearing up. in an instant, you were back in joels arms. he held you tight, letting you just cry.
" listen sweetheart, im gonna protect you okay? ill take care of you. i promise. " he said, stroking your hair. he was so gentle, incase he somehow hurt you. tommy couldn't help but smile at the sight.
that night, we found that you wouldn't let him leave you. you were terrified of being alone. which, wasn't that surpising. he ended up taking you into his room, laying down with you. you clung onto him. he found you adorable.
" get some sleep darling, you're safe here. " he muttered, making sure you went to sleep.
those few weeks after, he spent making sure you were well cared for and protected.
he made you food, scavenged for clothes that would actually fit you, made sure you slept well. it all payed off. you were adorable. you still clung onto him constantly and he didn't mind. you were just a scared kid.
eventually, one night you woke him up.
he felt you tugging on his tshirt, and saying something over and over.
" dad, wake up " you were muttering. it melted his heart. he hadn't been called dad in ages. years. it felt so good. he was your dad, you were his daughter. thats all that mattered.
" yea sweetheart? " he mumbled, pulling you close.
you forgot what you were going to ask. all you wanted was your dad to hold you, forever.
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omgkatherine01 · 9 months
The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You
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Summary: After saving you, Sergei thought it was too dangerous for you to be around him.
Masterlist (requests are currently open for now)
Pairing: Kraven/Sergei x female reader
"I thought I'll find you here," you said as you stepped out from the dark forest, walking closer to Sergei. He didn't move his stare from the lake and just continued even when you walked closer. You rubbed your arm and pulled your coat tightly around your body, as you continued with a little nervous tone, "You've been quiet since we came back."
"You saw what I did, right?" he suddenly asked. "What I can do."
You thought back to the three men he killed with his bare hands and just nodded, "Yes. That's not something new."
"Y/n," he said softly and he finally turned to you, "They tried to kill you, to get to me."
"I know, but I'm alive, I'm here," you said, trying to assure him that you were okay and took a step closer. "I'm here. I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he said, in a soft voice. He placed his hands on your cheeks, and caressed them softly. His expression was natural but you knew him too well, his eyes were sad, and heartbroken.
"As long as you with me, you won't be fine," he said, "You won't be safe."
"I can't let you get hurt again, do you understand?" he said softly. You released a breath as you felt your eyes burning. "You mean too much to me."
"Then let me stay, don't push me away," you said as you placed your hands on his arms.
"I can't," he said, "All that anger in me, every time I hunt, all I think about is what I will do to my father... I didn't care who I'll kill or hurt during that. Look at me." He brushed away a tear that fell down your cheek. "The next time I hurt somebody... it could be you."
"You won't," you said, "I'm on your side, you'll never hurt me, I know you won't."
"Calypso's on my side too, yet, I harmed her too," he reminded softly.
"That was an accident, you didn't knew she was there," you said, "She isn't angry with you, I'm not angry, please, just... don't." He let go of your cheeks. "Don't push me away."
You moved your hands from his arms to his face, this time you held his cheeks. You looked at him in the eyes with a soft expression, "I love you, Sergei."
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. "I love you, too," he said as you let go of his cheeks. He rested his forehead against you, and the both of you closed your eyes for a moment.
He moved his head and kissed your forehead gently as he placed his hand behind your head. You held his shoulders, afraid to let go.
His nose brushed down against yours as he closed his eyes again, inhaling your scent. "That's why, I need to let you leave." He moved his hand to your chin, and lifted your face to look at you. "I need to let you go."
You let another tear slip down your cheek and you took a step back. "If you love me, you wouldn't let me go," you said softly. He let go of you and you gave him one last tearful look before you wiped your tears away. "I'll go to Caly for the night, I'll grab a few things for now."
You quickly turned around and walked to the direction of your cabin. You quickly walked inside and wiped a few more tears from your cheeks. You sniffed silently as you walked to your bedroom and grabbed a bag to put a few clothes.
You heard the door opening and closing.
You placed a few shirts before hearing footsteps approaching the room. You felt him approaching you from behind. You closed your eyes when he wrapped his arms around you from behind.
You felt his lips kissing the side of your neck, inhaling your scent again.
You opened your eyes as he moved away from your neck and he gently turned you around to face him. You looked up at him as he brushed a piece of your hair from your face to your ear.
He stared down at you as he pulled you closer to his body. He didn't say anything, instead he lowered his lips against yours.
His tongue explored your mouth, kissing you hungrily and passionately. After a moment, he threw the bag off of the bed, and lifted you up.
You wrapped your legs around his hips and let him pull you down on the bed with him on top of you.
"God, I love you," he muttered as he moved his lips from yours and trailed them down to your neck, nibbling where your pulse was, making you moan softly.
"I love you, too," you breathed out and he moved from your body. You opened your eyes and saw him pulling his jacket and t-shirt off. You sat up and pulled your coat and shirt off of your body before he helped you with your jeans.
Not a minute after, both of you were completely bare.
And before you knew it, he entered you, rolling his hips as both of you moaned at the feeling of been connected after awhile.
Your fingers curled into fists as you gripped into the sheets, and your thoughts begin to turn fuzzy. His cock pounding again and again against that spot, making you moan out aloud.
"Sergei, please--" you moaned. His head tilted forward, eyes meeting yours. There’s a clench in his jaw that told you he wasn't far off, that he was just as wrapped up in this as you are.
After what felt like forward, you felt him spilling inside you, and you moaned at the feeling, coming as well. He kissed between your neck and shoulder as he stilled.
Both of you panted as he lifted his head and lowered his lips against yours, kissing you softly as you held onto him. "Don't push me away," you said softly.
"I won't," he said, "I can't do it." He brushed your hair from your face and kissed down your cheek and down to your neck.
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
Monsters under the Bed
Summary: when John tells you a ghost story at night, you’re to scared to sleep on your own, so you run to your favourite brother
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A/N: Once upon a time, I showed my youngest sister this interview with Charles Manson and she refused to sleep alone for a few nights. Subtly, she reminded me of this again yesterday, which gave me the idea for this fluffy little fic ☺️
Words: 2056
You were far too old to be scared of monsters.
John was the craziest out of all the siblings and everyone knew if. He could imitate madness perfectly, maybe even a little too perfectly. So, when he’d suggested you’d exchange ghost stories, you really should’ve known better.
Sitting up on your bed in the smallest bedroom in Watery Lane, you’d told the first story. And then it was John’s turn, and then yours again. And with a rivalry as old as time, you each tried to trump the other. You told him of the old legends of witches and monsters and he, in turn, told you the most gruesome stories he could tell. You’d spend the better part of the evening sitting together, giggling like children, until he’d told his final story.
“Are you scared?” he’d asked with a smug face. But you had quickly shaken your head and had told him to piss off. But John had smirked again, “You look scared.”
When he’d left your room, you’d quickly buried your head beneath the blankets and tried to get the images out of your head. Because as soon as he started telling you about the mass murderer that used to roam Small Heath, who used to cut off people’s noses and ears and skin them alive, your mind had painted a very vivid image of it all. And in the dark, it haunted you.
You shook your head angrily and tried to sleep, but it wouldn’t come. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see the monster from John’s stories approaching you. “I’m thirteen!” you told yourself angrily, “I’m too old to be scared of monsters!”
The next morning, you slouched down at the table during breakfast for lack of sleep. 
“What’s with you?” Ada asked, not quite full of compassion.
“Nothing,” you grumbled in reply.
Your sister raised an eyebrow and continued eating, obviously not believing you.
John walked into the kitchen, cheerful and very well rested. He called out a “Morning!” but you just glared daggers at him.
Ada looked from John to you and explained to him, “Y/N didn’t sleep very well.”
“I’m fine,” you slouched down some more.
But a grin had started to form on John’s face, “Nightmares about scary big men, coming to cut you up in your sleep, was it?”
“John!” Ada called out, reprimanding him.
“What?” he shrugged, “I just told her a bedtime story, about this famous...”
But again, your sister came to your aid and cut him off, “Leave her alone.”
“Not my fault she’s a baby...” John chuckled, as he walked away.
“What’s this?” a low voice demanded from behind you, which made you jump into the air with fright, “John? Did you do this?”
“It’s nothing!” you called out in exasperation. The last thing you wanted was to attract any attention to yourself or talk about the topic some more. “I just didn’t sleep very well, that is all.”
“John’s been telling her bedtime stories again,” Ada told Tommy.
Tommy sighed and shot his brother a warning look. Then he sat down next to you with a worried expression on his face. “Don’t listen to John. It’s probably all lies, eh sweetheart?”
“I’m not a baby.” It came out a lot more pathetic than you had intended.
Ada commented sarcastically, “You are the baby of the family.” And you knew she was right, much to your own annoyance.
“What did John say to you?” Tommy asked, “Go on. Tell your big brother.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you sulked, “It was nothing anyways. I just couldn’t sleep.”
“If it was nothing, why can’t you talk about it?” Once again, Ada was a little too direct for your liking and you rolled your eyes. Tommy glared at her, noticing it too. Soon after Ada left, mumbling, “Fine. Talk to the big brother who does understand.”
So you were left with Tommy in the kitchen, but there was no way you were willing to admit John actually had managed to scare you. Tommy didn’t press the subject, he hardly ever did thank God. And when you told him you had to go to school, he simply said, “You’ll know where to find me when you need me, alright?”
You managed a smile and nodded. Tommy planted a kiss on your forehead and for a moment, you seriously considered telling him everything.
But you didn’t.
That night, you were laying in bed, determined to get yourself over your silly fears. Angrily, you pulled up the blankets and closed your eyes. But the second you did, some unknown man, covered in blood, appeared before your closed lids and your eyes shot open again.
In the dark, you huffed and turned around to face the wall. But then you thought: what if he’s behind me and I can’t see him coming. Suddenly petrified, you were now convinced he was in the room with you. You were practically shaking with fear, but when you did manage to turn around, the room was empty.
“See,” you whispered to yourself, “no one’s here. Get over it!”
But still, you went over to Tommy’s room.
It was the middle of the night, of that much Tommy was certain. He was still half asleep, but could heard the tell-tale signs of someone sneaking into his room, quietly. Carefully, he opened one eye.
Before his eyes could even adjust to the darkness, he knew who it would be. And there it was: the bed dipped slightly and someone nimbly climbed over him. Then he felt gentle tug on his blankets and the warm body of his youngest sibling next to him in the bed.
“Good night,” you whispered, still believing your brother was asleep.
“Good morning,” a startlingly low reply came.
“Tommy!” you spun around and faced him, “I thought I was being quiet!”  Your brother turned around slowly and replied groggily, “About as quiet as the bombs going off at the Somme.” 
He adjusted himself a little and you waited for the questions to come, but he didn’t say a word. When you were little, you could often be found in one of your brothers’ beds, though it didn’t occur as often anymore. Polly used to say that the Shelby’s weren’t made for sleeping alone, which was true in many ways, but you’d decided a few years back that you were all grown-up now. Your brothers still saw you as a kid, but at thirteen, you no longer felt like a child. Not really.
“Tommy?” you finally asked, “Do you ever have nightmares?”
He cough a short laugh, but didn’t reply. And at once you realised how stupid your question had been, because everyone knew the men never got over the horrors of France. Everyone knew, but no one understood. “I’m sorry,” you apologised quickly.
Tommy looked at you, “You’re having nightmares?”
You thought of John’s story. And you knew it most likely wasn’t true, but you also knew te atrocities men were capable of. That’s what haunted you most of all: the idea that one person could hurt another like that. But instead you just shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Because of what John told you.” It wasn’t a question and there was no need for an answer either, so he continued, “Whatever it was, I’m already awake now, so you might as well tell me, eh?”
“I’m sorry I woke you...” There was no way you were going to burden Tommy with anther blood-covered image.
“You apologise too much,” Tommy locked eyes with you, feigning strictness, “Sorry is now a forbidden word.”
“Sor-... Okay,” you smiled, quickly correcting yourself.
“Good girl,” he smiled back at you. For a gangster, he could be surprisingly soft when it came to his little sister. And when he saw it wasn’t easy for you to talk, he decided to do it for you, “Do you remember when I told you about the witches?”
“The ones that lived in the walls?” you grinned, remembering it well, “Yeah, I do. I used to think I saw them in the mirrors. Scared me to death.”
Tommy nodded for a few seconds, “I really did scare you with those stories.”
You snuggled up a little closer to him. The room was cold, but his bed was warm and familiar. Then you told him, “Yeah, but I was only a baby back then.”
“Is that it, eh?” he asked pointedly, “Being scared makes you a baby?”
“Well, yeah...” you felt yourself getting embarrassed. Tommy was always the easiest to talk to, but at the same time, you wanted to impress him the most as well.
“Well, let me tell you Y/N, those witches or monsters in the walls? I hear them now too. And they give me nightmares every night.”
A few tears started welling up in your eyes. If only you could undo France, that would be your greatest wish. But you couldn’t.
Normally, Tommy took great care not to mention anything about their time in the trenches to you. But right now, it was like his nightmares spilled over into daytime, like an ink stain that seemed to muddy everything. So, he started reminiscing out loud, “In France, I’ve seen grown men cry and call out for their mothers. I’ve seen them go insane with fear and disillusion, all because of those fucking toffs up on top playing toy soldiers with good men. We all cried, Y/N, we cried our fucking eyes out just before going over the top. You’d be an idiot not to be scared.”
You held your breath as he talked and finally said, “Yeah, but that’s different. I never was in any war...”
Tommy wiped away a tear that’d spilled and carefully said, “There’s no shame in being scared, love.”
“Isn’t there?” you sniffled.
“Nope,” Tommy replied decisively, “and I’m right here, eh?”
“But I am too old to be scared of monsters,” you sighed.
A dark expression flitted over Tommy’s face, “Not when they’re real. You do best to remember that: people, real people, are the scariest monsters of them all.”
“You’re not,” you replied at once, sensing what your favourite brother was thinking.
“Some days, I’m not too sure.”
But you emphasised, “But I am. That’s why I came to you. No one comes to see a monster when they’re scared of monsters, right?”
He cleared his throat and nodded slowly. “We don’t deserve you,” he finally said, “and this world we live in, the one we created, is too hard for you.”
“Maybe...” You’d never quite felt at home in Small Heath. In many ways, this world you grew up in was too harsh for you. You were a Shelby and no mistake, but you lacked the cruelty of most people here. But, you weren’t alone: you had your brothers. “I know you’ll protect me.”
“Always,” Tommy confirmed, “Even if it means keeping bloody John away from you.”
You had to laugh at his words, “John’s not so bad.”
“He’s an idiot,” your other brother grumbled, but with some mirth and love in his eyes as well.
Suddenly, you felt tired again, and as you drifted off to sleep, you told Tommy, “I’m glad you’re my brother.”
“So am I, princess,” he confirmed, as he watched over you.
And while you slept, you never noticed John creeping into the room as well. A little anxious, he asked Tommy, “Is she alright?”
“You and your fucking stories. Save them for someone else, eh? Or have you forgotten about France already?”
“I’m sorry, Tom, it was just meant as a joke...”
“Go on,” Tommy urged, remembering when John had been little and scared of monsters as well. Every night, Tommy used to comfort him and they’d developed their own little ritual for it, “Check under the bed.”
John grinned and dipped his head down under the bed. He emerged triumphantly, “All clear, sergeant major.”
“See? Nothing to be scared of.”
John leaned over his brother and looked at you again, “She’s asleep.”
“Let her sleep,” Tommy whispered, “Let her dream of a world without monsters. Without men.”
“But we’ll protect her, right though, Tommy?”
“Yes. We’ll protect each other.”
And for one night only, every Shelby at Watery Lane slept a peaceful and dreamless sleep.
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 27 ~ New Beginnings
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 3
✧ Word Count : 6.1k
In this chapter ~ Months had passed as the group had found no real sanctuary, wandering around aimlessly together and bouncing from place to place just trying to stay alive. Although, just when they were close to losing hope, they found something that was only proven to be some kind of miracle. Their safe haven.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ROSE POV *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Eight months. That's how long we've been trying to find a place to stay. Eight long months.
We had been close to all over the place since we began to travel east, picking apart houses we came across and staying there for only a night or two before we were on the move again. It wasn't easy and ever since Rick's big, ruthless speech; things haven't been the same. Everyone only grew closer with one another as we seemed to spend nearly every waking minute together in close quarters. But it always seemed different whenever Rick was also present in the room. It's as if they were all too uneasy to breathe a word around him, only speaking if it was absolutely necessary.
I continuously tried to talk to him a few times at first after the whole incident, attempting to speak with him like we used to, but he would either get irritable with me or just plain ignore me. There was never an in between. So after a while, I stopped trying. I didn't want to give up the idea that someday he would be okay, but watching him slowly slip away and ignore the people he once cared so much for, it was hard to keep that idea alive.
Winter was rough this year and if I was being completely honest with myself, sometimes I questioned if we would even make it through. You could easily tell just by looking at us just how much of our spirits had crumbled since our time on the farm. Which now seemed like a lifetime ago. But somehow, we always found a way to keep pushing on.
Though throughout the cold and harsh weather, Daryl somehow got very sick at one point and that lasted far much longer than I would've ever liked. But I stayed by his side at all times, getting him anything he needed as he slowly recovered. It nearly made me laugh at how needy he became when he finally admitted he wasn't feeling good, he never seemed to want me to leave. But lucky for him, I never wanted to.
And Lori alone had her many ups and downs through the long season. She was dealing with a pretty rough pregnancy and was constantly feeling tired and sick even now when she's about to pop. I had gotten a little closer with her than I would've guessed in the past, reassuring her that I would be there if she ever needed something, and she was always grateful for that. I also helped her and Rick out by keeping an extra eye on Carl every once in a while, though I knew he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
He had changed a lot more than the rest of us, more than I ever could've imagined. He had gotten colder. He still liked to joke around with me every once and a while, but he was mostly quiet and was in a constant mood.
It was a lot to get comfortable with, the different things we had to adjust to. But again, that's how we managed to get by.
Currently, we were making our way towards a house that he hadn't checked out yet in a somewhat new area, following behind a few of the guys while the rest stayed outside until we gave the okay that it was safe. I pulled out my bow and loaded an arrow in place, aiming it as we approached closer to the door. Oh yeah that's another thing that happened.
Within the first month of being on the road, I had come across a store filled to the brim with weapons, spotting a bow and arrows sitting in the corner and I thanked my lucky stars. I loved my throwing knives, but I thought it was time for a change. Of course, I let Daryl show me how to shoot it and he was a pretty good teacher...well, when we were actually focused on practicing.
We slowly made our way into the house, opening the front door quietly as I started heading upstairs with Carl to check out the bedrooms. He nodded at me, letting me know that he was going to look in the first door on the right as he slowly stepped towards the entrance. I went towards the left, swinging the door open somewhat loudly with my weapon raised and my eyes scanning the space. I was met with only a lone walker in the corner of the room, and I didn't hesitate to pull back and shoot it quickly before it even turned around to face me.
I walked in further and took a glance around for anything that could be useful but was left with nothing as per usual. Sighing quietly to myself, I pulled my arrow out of its head and placed it in the quiver on my back with the others. I slowly made my way back downstairs and by the time I got there, everyone else was gathered in the living room sitting down and getting settled for however long we planned to stay.
I spotted Daryl sitting in the corner of the room, walking over to sit next to him on the floor as he plucked feathers from a dead owl, and my brows furrowed slightly as I eyed the thing. I wasn't going to ask. My eyes simply lingered on the others, watching them talk quietly to themselves even though the house was completely clear. My mind wandered involuntarily when I suddenly felt something fluffy touch my face.
I glanced over and Daryl was smirking at me with feathers flying around my face, tickling my nose as he threw more at me. I gave him a playful glare and pushed his arm lightly as he chuckled to himself, thinking he was absolutely hilarious. He then pulled me closer to him with one hand and kissed the top of my head, before turning back to defeathering the owl.
Carl's fast footsteps rushed back into the room seconds later with an excited look on his face, glancing down in his arms to see that he had found some canned food. I leaned in closer to look at the label, before quickly realizing that it was dog food. My heart sank at the thought of him being that hungry, he was willing to eat practically anything.
Rick noticed this as well from across the room and before Carl could even do anything, he took one of the cans and threw it against the wall without a word. We all stayed silent as we watched the scene in front of us, not muttering a single word like usual.
But T-Dog giving out a single whistle from where he sat by the window, made us all jump up fast, knowing now that there were walkers making their way towards us. We all quickly gathered our things and made our way out of the back door towards the vehicles parked near the trees. I rushed over and placed my stuff in the trunk of one of the cars along with my bow and arrows with Hershel slamming it right behind me.
I then quickly jogged towards Daryl's bike and hopped on behind him, taking his crossbow to slip on my back while I wrapped my arms around his waist. After he knew I was on safely he started it up and took off with the rest of them following close behind, the dead slowly trailing behind us.
After we drove for a few minutes, the house now long gone in the distance, we eventually pulled over to look at our map, planning on where to hit next. It remained quiet as all of us scanned the areas to see where the next best stop was, with Carl and Beth standing watch in front and behind us for anything in the trees around the area. I noticed pretty much right away that there was hardly anything new that we hadn't already been through, but I wasn't going to lose hope. We were all tired of running around, but that didn't mean we were going to give up anytime soon.
"We got no place left to go." Hershel was the first to state out loud.
"When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." Maggie said.
Daryl came up next to me, pointing to the map as he asked, "What would you say? That was about one hundred-fifty head?"
"That was last week," Glenn confirmed, "It could be twice that by now."
"This river could've delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through here."Hershel pointed.
I nodded, "Yeah but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way." I muttered as I drew a line from the nearby herd, to right where we were moving towards.
"So, we're blocked." Maggie concluded.
"The only thing to do is double back at 27 and swing towards Greenville." Rick said.
T-Dog shook his head with a click of his tongue, "Yeah, we picked through that already. It's like we spent the winter going in circles."
My eyes almost rolled to the back of my head in frustration, "We did spend the whole winter going in circles." I said, feeling him place a hand on my shoulder in agreement.
"Yeah, I know, I know. At Newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through there yet. We can't keep going house to house, need to find somewhere to hole up for a couple weeks." Rick said, glancing back at Lori who was still sitting in one of the cars.
"Alright," T-Dog nodded, "Is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? It won't take long, gotta fill up on water we can boil later."
"Knock yourself out." Rick replied.
Everyone dispersed after that to do their own thing while I continued to stare at the map for a few more seconds. We'd be stuck here for a little while as we filled up the waters and searched nearby for some food, I hoped the herd wouldn't catch up to us as we didn't have a choice but to stay here for a few hours at least. With where we were at, we had to think through every decision thoughtfully, otherwise shit could hit the fan.
Pushing myself off the hood of the car after a few seconds, I felt an arm gently wrap around my waist and I looked up to see Daryl smiling down at me sweetly, "Hi." I greeted.
"Hi." he muttered while quickly kissing my cheek, "M' gonna go scope the area quick, you wanna come with?"
I shook my head, "No, I'm going to keep an eye on Lori. But maybe take Rick with you? Maybe it'll help ease his mind."
We both seemed to turn at the same time to see the man anxiously pacing back and forth, unsure of where we had parked ourselves for a little while. "Alright," Daryl agreed quickly, "I'll see ya in a bit." he promised while squeezing my hip lightly.
I nodded and watched him walk off towards Rick, subtly glancing down at his ass for a few seconds before heading over to the car Lori was in. In my defense, it was hard to miss and I'm not a saint.
I walked right up to the passenger side door knocked on the window a few times to bring her attention towards me, glancing up as she rolled down the window so we could talk.
"How're you feeling?" I asked her.
She sighed, "I don't know, physically right now I feel fine. But I'm just-" she stopped for a minute, "What if we don't find a place?"
My eyes softened as soon as I heard the slight crack to her voice, "We will. And anyway, that's for us to worry about. You just worry about keeping you and that little peanut safe."
She smiled at the nickname, rubbing a hand over her stomach before her smile turned sour once again, "I can't help but worry Ro. I'm scared for this baby and what's going to happen if we don't find a safe place before..." she trailed off, not wanting to finish her thought.
"We will," I reassured her, "We'll find it soon, I can feel it."
Just as those final words left my mouth, we heard rustling coming from the bushes in front of us and I instantly took out my knife, only to see it was Daryl and Rick already returning. They carried nothing more in their hands, and I was beyond surprised to see Rick with a huge unreal smile on his face, looking the most hopeful he had in months.
"...What's up?" I asked cautiously.
Daryl smiled small before nodding back to where they had just came from, "Yer gonna want to see this."
Seeing their sudden happiness the two seemed to bring back with them, it caused the others to anxiously gather their things and move to follow them to whatever they seemed to find. I didn't know what to really expect, but I can genuinely say I never in a million years expected this.
Before I knew it, I was standing in front of large gates that led to an overrun prison, instantly seeing why the guys were so excited about this. It needed a lot of work, but this could be the perfect place for Lori to safely have her baby without drawing attention to ourselves. The perfect place where we could actually start building a life behind the safe and sturdy walls. I felt a smile creep onto my face at the possibilities as Rick was cutting the fence so we could easily sneak in. I didn't know what the plan was, but I would do whatever it took to guarantee a safe place for us to stay for a long, long time.
All of us made it through the hole in the gate and were now running down towards another, noting the number of walkers that filled the grassy field just on the other side. I knew someone would have to go in there blindly to kill as many as possible to make it to the other side, leading us one step closer to the main building. We needed to get the farthest gate closed that led to the cell blocks so more walkers wouldn't spill in, leaving us to take one small herd at a time instead of all at once. There were many of them scattered across the land, but in my mind we could easily take them all on. We just had to be careful.
"It's perfect," Rick breathed, "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers and be in the field by tonight."
"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked.
I was about to speak up, but Glenn quickly beat me to it, "I'll do it you guys cover me." he said.
But Maggie shook her head and protested quickly, "No, it's a suicide run."
"I'm the fastest." he argued.
"In your dreams." I stepped in with a scoff, "I'm definitely the fastest and you know it."
An annoyed look crossed his features as he turned towards me, "It's not a competition Ro."
"I never said it was," I replied, "I'm saying if anyone should go in there to close the gate it's me."
"Nah, ya ain't going alone." Daryl protested immediately.
"She's not," Rick stepped in, "I'll go with her."
I glanced up at him with narrowed eyes, "I don't need a babysitter."
"I know Ro, but we'll help cover you. It's the safest way, just let me help you." Rick nearly pleaded in a softer voice than before.
His just his tone by itself made me stop and look at him seriously. This was the first time in a very long time Rick had actually shown that he cared about me, or anything for that matter. Seeing him be so sure of something, the light slowly coming back into his eyes, I felt I couldn't argue further. So I nodded my head once as he quickly began telling the others what to do, while I looked back out to the many walkers, counting how many I would have to take down.
"Be safe." Daryl's voice whispered as he gently turned me around to face him.
I smirked, "Always am." I replied, repeating his own words back to him.
He gave me a small smile before turning around to go back to one of the watchtowers with Carol, having an advantage from higher up. I watched everyone else spread out, heading towards the gates to bang on the metal fence and distract them while Rick and I slowly made our way into the lions den. While others headed up into the watchtowers, taking out their guns to kill the ones in the distance.
"You ready?" Rick asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded my head and pulled my gun out to have at my side. We opened the main gate slowly and tried to quietly make our way up the gravel path without drawing too much attention, though the small rocks crunched heavily under our feet. I ran a little ways ahead of him and shot the walkers that were getting too close to me while he covered me, making sure none of them were sneaking up on us from behind.
I heard gunshots come from the towers where our people were slowly picking them off, but the noise began to draw more their attention towards us faster than I would've liked. I started to notice more of the walkers were making their way over to us, now not caring about the people behind the gates. The two of us then booked it towards the main gate that led to the prison, now not caring about being silent, but wanting to be fast.
I rushed up to it first, attempting to shut it while kicking a walker back in the chest that was trying to make its way out. Rick came up right behind me as I held it shut, taking clamps to hook it onto the fence, bonding them tightly to close it. We then shot at a few more walkers piling up behind us before making a break for it towards the watchtower to our right just before they could reach us as we slammed the door shut.
We rushed towards the top in a flash, hearing Daryl yell, "Light it up!" the second he noticed we were safe.
The group then didn't hesitate to shoot the rest of the walkers scattered across the field, Rick and I aiming our weapons to help out with the side that we had. And before we knew it, the last walker dropped dead to the ground, and we had the whole field cleared. I turned to Rick with a smile on my face and to my surprise, he was smiling too, amazed at what we had just accomplished. I held up my hand to him and he gladly took it in his own, while looking out at the progress we just made.
The two of us then made our way back down as the rest entered through the gates, amazing positive energy filling the entire now empty space.
"We haven't had this much space since the farm!" Carol yelled as she held her arms out running further into the field with a delirious laugh.
I watched slightly further back from everyone as they carried their things tightly to their backs, finding a good place to set up for the night. The gates being built up around us just gave us all this new sense of hope that I couldn't quite describe, a feeling that we would finally be safe after all this time of running constantly. Finally, being able to breathe.
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Darkness now coated the sky as a few hours had passed since we got settled. The group sat around the big fire we had built, having something to eat while Rick and Daryl kept watch on either end of the large field. Small, hushed chatter filled the air around us, the most we had talked in a very long time, and genuine laughter that followed.
Glenn finished eating from beside me and tossed the can to the ground, "Mmm just like mom used to make." he muttered sarcastically.
I laughed quietly to myself before turning towards Lori as if it was a routine, and offered her the rest of the food still on my plate. She immediately declined, like she did every single time, but I didn't budge or move my hand away until she finally took the food away from me with a sigh. I couldn't help but worry that the woman wasn't eating enough along with everyone else, occasionally taking turns in giving her more food each night.
After finally finishing up, I stood to my feet and grabbed a spare plate, piling on the remaining food on it for Daryl who was standing tall on a bus that laid on its side on the far side of the grass. Walking over there was a workout within itself, but the man noticed rather quickly as he placed his weapon down beside him. He held out a hand for me once I was close enough, pulling me up with ease so I could stand with him alone for a while as he ate.
"What's for dinner tonight?" he asked as he glanced down at the food, now looking more like mush.
"Well," I sighed, "The options were either ravioli or ravioli...tough choice but I went with ravioli." I said as I handed him the plate.
"Ah." he muttered as he took it from me, "You eat yet?" he asked before even taking a bite.
I nodded my head, "Yeah."
He narrowed his eyes a little at me, taking a bite silently before muttering, "Yer a liar." I tilted my head in confusion, "I ain't blind, I saw ya give the rest of your food to Lori." he stated.
I rolled my eyes, "Well, she needs it more than I do right now."
He stared at me silently before finishing only half of his food before handing the rest over to me, "No." I immediately declined.
"Yes." he said with a crooked grin on his face.
"Daryl." I warned.
"Rosie." he mocked my tone, "Eat. Ya need it more than I do right now." he repeated back to me with knowing eyes.
I sighed, "Fine. We'll split it." I caved as I ate half of the half and handed it right back over to him.
"Nah." he said immediately.
"Look, it's called a compromise, I know you're not familiar. But everyone wins in this scenario." I stated while placing the plate in his hands.
He scoffed, "I ain't winnin, I wanted ya to eat all of it."
"I ate some of it, now you eat the rest. You're not getting exactly what you want, but kind of at the same time," I explained as if he were a child. Though he didn't respond to me, only giving me a blank stare, "If you want me to eat that you'll have to shove it down my throat." I finished.
He smirked a little, before finally eating what was left on the plate, "Kinky." he muttered.
"Oh my God." I huffed, slightly laughing as I looked down at my shoes, though I could feel his eyes on me. I eventually glanced up and leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, kissing his lips softly and pulled back to watch his cheeks tint a deep red.
"So, how are you feeling, love?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "Hopeful I guess... considerin we found this place. How you doin?"
"I'm good, I'm just kind of worried." he raised an eyebrow at me, so I continued, "What if this place is too good to be true? I just don't want to get my hopes up." I said, looking back towards the small group.
He lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek to get me to look back at him when he spoke, "Ya don't gotta worry bout that. I think this place is safe and if it isn't, I'll protect ya. You know that." he finished, kissing my forehead.
I sighed and took his hand that was holding my face and kissed his palm, before holding it down at my side, "I know you will, I just... can't help but overthink, you know?"
He nodded in response and we both seemed to turn back to look at our group in front of us, huddled close together by the fire. My eyes then wandered up to Rick for a moment who was still pacing back and forth by the fence as if something would suddenly pop out of the woods, and I furrowed my eyebrows in concern. He hadn't stopped by to eat something or even give us an update on how things looked on the north side of the fence that he had been guarding.
He still wasn't okay by any means, but I was hoping since we found this place, it would lift his spirits a bit. Maybe give him some peace of mind for Lori, even if things between them weren't the best. He still loved her more than she even realized.
My shoulder then twitched involuntarily from the pain it was constantly in, causing me to roll it back and forth a little in an attempt to ease the soreness.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Oh, just my shoulder, I don't know it's been hurting recently. Probably from sleeping on hardwood floors for God only knows how long." I joked.
His brows furrowed, "Why didn't ya say somethin?" he asked.
I looked at him confused, "I don't know?"
He chuckled, "Turn around." he muttered with a nod of his head.
I did what he asked and then felt his hands go to my shoulders and rubbed them, not too hard but just the perfect amount of pressure and I sighed in content as my eyes fluttered closed.
"Am I hurtin ya?" he asked softly.
"God no." I said as I let my head lean to the side.
I heard a deep chuckle escape him as he continued to work his fingers into my sore muscles. His hands then slowly moved towards the sides of my neck, traveling his way all the way down my back before landing back up on my shoulders again. I felt chills run down my spine at the feeling of relief washing over me, but then he stopped after only a few minutes much to my dismay. I groaned at the loss of contact the second he took his hands away, hearing him chuckle again to himself.
"Better?" he asked.
"No," I muttered, shaking my head, "I think you need to keep doing that for like...a few hours at least." I said as I turned back around to face him again.
He smiled a bit with a tilt of his head, "Don't worry, we'll get some alone time and then I'll do whatever ya want." he winked.
I raised my eyebrows at him, "Really? Okay, but I am definitely not having sex up against a tree again." I joked.
He smiled and shrugged, "Hey, we can check it off the bucket list."
"You have a bucket list for our sex life?" I asked with furrowed brows.
"Nah but I should." he said, before I felt him reach down to pinch my ass. I gasped and hit him playfully in the chest as he just laughed at his own actions.
I rolled my eyes, though I couldn't help but smile a little at his more positive demeanor. "We should be getting back." I reminded.
"Yeah, yer probably right." he agreed as he turned to grab his crossbow, before cautiously jumping off of the bus.
My eyes followed him before glancing back down to the ground nervously, watching him turn around and see my hesitation, "Don't worry, I'll catch ya." he assured.
"It looks so much higher up from right here." I voiced, and he held out his arms in response.
I felt myself smile before carefully slipping off the bus, feeling him catching me around my waist to bring me back down on my feet slowly. His hands stayed firmly on my waist for a moment, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my cheek before turning around and picking his weapon up off the ground.
We then walked back to the others hand in hand, overhearing Beth say something when we got close enough.
"No one wants to hear." she muttered with a shy shake of her head.
"No one wants to hear what?" I asked her while Daryl and I sat down on the grass.
Glenn looked over at me, "Hershel wants her to sing, set the mood, but she thinks no one wants to listen."
I looked back over at Beth, "That's not true, hon we want to hear, sing us something."
She glanced up at me with a small smile on her face, "I'll sing...if you sing with me." she suggested.
I felt my cheeks get hot from embarrassment as everyone around me looked towards me with a certain glint in their eyes. I couldn't even bring myself to look over at the man next to me as I groaned internally. Why? I swallowed the lump that seemed to form in my throat, waving the girl off as I laughed nervously, the group expecting me to say something.
"I don't know." I muttered.
"I didn't know you could sing." Carol said with a smile on her face.
I shrugged, "I don't really...I haven't much the past few years."
"Oh, are you kidding? You sounded spectacular the last time I heard you." Hershel complimented.
I could feel the anxiety slowly creeping back up as Glenn prodded me again, "Come on, just one song. I've been wanting to hear you sing." he tried to convince.
I closed my eyes momentarily as I tried to keep my cool. None of them realized the severity I had behind this whole thing, they had no idea that singing just brought back horrible memories of the past. To them it was all in good fun, a talent that perhaps I shouldn't keep hidden just for myself, but the truth was it wasn't a talent. It was a coping mechanism. Something to distract me while my mother was on her fifth rampage of the day. Some trauma that was still built up and tucked away from when I was young.
"Ya don't have to if ya don't want to." Daryl said suddenly, whispering close to my ear so only I would hear, "Just say the word and I'll yell at em to stop." he joked, though I knew he was completely serious.
I huffed out a laugh as I shook my head, silently telling him that it was okay. I could tell how much the young girl didn't want to do this alone, and at some point I had to get it through my thick head that these people weren't here to hurt me. They weren't here to degrade me or mistreat me like my mother did, they were here to support me and applaud me for even the smallest accomplishments.
I sighed to myself with almost regret in my tone as I asked, "What song are we singing?"
Beth smiled wide, "You pick." she said in excitement.
I thought to myself for a moment before deciding on a Tom Petty song, Free Fallin. That specific song offered me some type of comfort that I couldn't exactly describe, but I knew it would help at least a little when it came to singing in front of everyone. It felt odd, having all those eyes on you as you tried desperately not to think about it, but I was only really doing it for Beth. With the day that we just had after all those hard months, I felt like I couldn't let her down.
Although it got better towards the end, Beth signaling for everyone to join in at the last part so we would all come in together. Our voices all mixed together softly and quietly, still somewhat aware of the things outside the fences, but laughing softly and enjoying it nonetheless. In the end it turned out to be a sweet moment, and one that we would all surely remember.
As it came to a close, soft applause came from everywhere, "Beautiful." Hershel complimented once we were done.
Everyone else muttered something in agreement, filling the silence with compliments about how great it was, especially hearing it on such a calm quiet night. One that we hadn't had in a long time.
Beth reached over to squeeze my hand as they continued to chat in the background, "I'm proud of you." she whispered with a smile.
I squeezed her hand, "Thanks, hon." I said genuinely, knowing that she had no clue how much those words truly meant to me.
She nodded and opened her mouth to say something else, but Rick's presence suddenly came back to join the rest of us, "Better all turn in, I'll take watch over there. Got a big day tomorrow." he announced.
He then continued when nobody spoke up, "I know we're all exhausted, this was a great win. But we have to push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners, looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies may be intact, they would have an infirmary, a commissary."
"An armory?" Daryl questioned.
"That would be outside the prison itself but not too far away. Warden's office would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine."
Hershel then voiced his worry, "We're dangerously low on ammo. We'd run out before we could make a dent."
"That's why we go in there, hand to hand. After all we've been through, we can handle it. I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance." Rick said with a nod of his head, turning back to check the perimeter one last time.
I sighed quietly to myself before standing up to find my backpack, to try and get some sleep before tomorrow came quicker than I wanted. I laid down flat on my back in the soft grass, resting my arms behind my head as I looked up at the stars, hearing the others get situated as they too got ready to sleep. I felt someone come and lay down slightly next to me, looking over to see Carl resting on his stomach as he sent me a small smile.
"You sounded good." he said quietly.
I playfully rolled my eyes as I scoffed, "Yeah, thanks kid," I muttered before reaching up to tip his hat down so it would cover his eyes, "Try and get some sleep, okay?"
He nodded and laid down on his back, pulling his hat completely over his eyes to block out anything else as he tried to fall asleep. I followed his actions, seeing as I was barely able to keep my eyes open from the exhaustion, before I felt someone's arm wrap around me and pull me in closer. Smiling in content, I leaned in closer to rest my head on his chest, feeling him breathe in and out deeply.
"You amaze me every day, darlin." he suddenly spoke softly.
I peeled my eyes open and looked up at him, "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.
He shook his head, "Had no idea ya could sing like that." he said, tracing circles on my back lightly.
My face flushed as his words left a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach, thinking back to how his gaze was burning into me the whole time I sang softly with Beth. I had noticed it almost instantly, but tried not to let my mind linger too much on it as I focused on the lyrics. Though the feeling rushed back to me in an instant, thinking how no one had ever looked at me like that before him. But I liked it, maybe even a little more than I let on.
But I didn't say anything in response to him as I buried my face in his chest from slight embarrassment, hearing him chuckle before placing his hand on the side of my face to get me to look at him.
"Nah, don't try and escape from it now." he joked, "How come ya never told me?" he asked, lightly rubbing my cheek with his thumb.
"To be fair, I only told Glenn and then his big mouth told everyone else," I said to which he nodded, "And I don't know...it's kind of hard to explain. More like something from my past that I just...want to ignore forever."
His face dropped slightly upon hearing that, somewhat knowing what I meant and didn't say anything else, but only brought me closer to him. I sighed in content as I scooted closer, hearing the steady sound of his heart beating, and feeling him place a kiss on top of my head.
I knew I never needed to explain myself to him, because somehow, he always knew. He always knew without me having to say a single word, and I loved that about him. He didn't pry, he didn't assume, he just held me close as if he wanted to take away the painful memories it brought me.
~ Thanks for reading!
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
warnings: mentions of rape and abuse, no graphic descriptions
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Where You Belong
As Spencer stalks the corridor of prison cells, he cant help but feel a little smug. He really did well in ensuring this monster would end up in the closest place to hell he could find. During one of the six nights of your absence, Spencer looked into the most notoriously brutal prisons in the country, just so he knew exactly where to send the man that had taken you. Usually, the prisons that serial killers end up in isnt up to the BAU, but being close friends with a tech genius like Penelope Garcia meant that it really wasnt difficult to switch the name of the prison the monster was to be sent to, marking it up as a hitch in the prison data systems. Penelope isnt one for revenge, but her along with the entire team adore you as well as Spencer, and they saw how broken he was without you; knowing what was happening to you because you were the thirteenth victim of the unsub meant everyone wanted the scum dead.
Spencer knew that he wanted to visit him at least once, to put him in his place one last time, within the walls he would be trapped in for the rest of his miserable life. Showing the prison guard his ID, the guard nods at him and lets him into the visitation room, where the monster is waiting for him. Spencer gleefully notices the resemblance between this scene and the first time he had met this man, except this time he’s handcuffed to a table and wearing a prison uniform.
“I had hoped you would be bringing the ever so lovely (Y/N) with you.” The scum chirps, far too thrilled by this situation. Spencer will soon put a stop to that.
“You dont deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone see her.” Spencer tells him, his voice controlled and quiet as he stands at the opposite side of the table, staring him down.
“That’s a shame, I would’ve adored seeing her reaction to me smiling at her.” The serial killer grins wickedly.
“You’ll never know, because she’s under my protection.” Spencer declares.
“You mean like she was the night I took her?” The monster smirks, thinking he’s got leverage over Spencer.
Although his words sting, Spencer has far more leverage prepared. “I will regret not going into her home that night for the rest of my life, but the fact that you’re here makes both her and I feel a lot better.”
The scum leans towards him. “She will never recover from what I did.”
Spencer walks to the side of the room to glance out of the small window. “And that is the reason you are here.”
The embodiment of evil scoffs, revealing his narcissism further, as if it wasnt already blindingly obvious. “Im here because I killed twelve women and mercilessly beat your girlfriend.”
Spencer is quick to turn on his heel and lean against the wall with his hands in his suit trouser pockets, meeting those beady eyes with a steely gaze. “No, you are in here because (Y/N) is alive. If you had killed her, I would have killed you myself.”
��Oh, is that so?” The murderer tries to laugh off Spencer’s words, but his fear shines through. Handcuffed to a table in a prison as notoriously brutal as this one, Spencer could do whatever he wanted and the guards would turn a blind eye.
“Do you want to know the reasons behind your failure?”
“Please, do tell!” The subhuman is enthralled by any conversation about himself, which is exactly why Spencer approached this new conversation in the way he did; now the bitch has no choice but to listen to him.
The genius takes very slow, casual steps towards him as he talks, glancing around the room as though the topic has little interest to him, further infuriating the prisoner. “You abandoned your M.O and victim pool, you made it personal and left behind your own methods, meaning you were clumsy and made mistakes. Previously, your abductions were in broad daylight, you kept each woman for a week and then raped them and slit their throats, choosing to dump them outside of the high school where you were first rejected by a girl you liked, isnt that right?” He deliberately meets his gaze again upon asking the question.
The killer shuffles uncomfortably.
Spencer continues. “And at one of those crime scenes, you overheard me figuring out the exact cause of your rage, so you decided to make it personal and take (Y/N). Though that mistake could have been fatal for you, the next mistake you made actually saved your life.”
“How so?” The killer asks, trying to hide his shaking legs beneath the table.
Spencer keeps his hands in his pockets as he stands directly beside the man handcuffed to the table, towering over him with unseen authority. “You underestimated her. You thought that cruel words and beating her would be enough to break her, but you were wrong. Because every second she spent with you, she knew that I was coming to get her, she knew that if she made herself more interesting to you then she could buy herself as much time as possible for me and my team to find her. She played you, and she won.” The monster parts his mouth to retort, but Spencer tilts his head and frowns. “Oh, did you think she wouldnt tell me about her pressing you for information about the girl that rejected you, using the kindness and persuasion only (Y/N) possesses to her own advantage, until you started crying and showing her pictures of the girl who never even knew you existed?” Spencer laughs darkly. “You are absolutely pathetic.” He shakes his head and walks back around the table. “You got more than just the girlfriend of an FBI agent when you took (Y/N), and she broke you. You lost, and the whole world knows.” Spencer stops when he reaches the door of the visitation room. “Especially your fellow inmates, who will most likely enjoy making you cry, over and over again, until you are begging them to stop in the same way those women begged you. And just like you, they dont remember the meaning of mercy.” He holds his gaze just long enough to make him squirm, and then he leaves, without giving the subhuman anytime to respond and reinforce his ego, because Spencer knows that will haunt him for the rest of his days.
The drive home, Spencer is sure his car is powered by his own adrenaline. Despite feeling relieved at getting the closure he needed, it isnt until he sees you sitting up on the couch in a cocoon of blankets, hiding everything except your face as you stare at your laptop screen, that Spencer truly relaxes. The chuckle that leaves his lips is so light and joyous, he feels like he’s spent a lifetime with you experiencing nothing but bliss, and the memories of the past hour feel as though they belonged to an ancestor. Kicking off his shoes, Spencer drops his keys to your house on the table, undoes his tie and places it on the back of the couch, before flopping down next to you.
“Cozy, angel?” He asks quietly.
“Mhmm!” She nods excitedly, unable to tear her gaze from the show she’s binging on Netflix.
Spencer laughs at how adorable you are. “Is there room for two in there?”
Only words that lead to cuddles have the tower to break your concentration, you turn to him with a beaming smile and open up your blanket cocoon. “Of course!”
Spencer grins and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you onto his lap and cradling you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead and cheek, which you thank him for by returning the kisses to his forehead and cheek. The two of you smile and snuggle up under what is now a blanket mountain rather than a cocoon, and you begin explaining to Spencer what he missed in the last episode of the show that you watched while he was gone.
Because you are returning to normal life, you are feeling safe in your home again, and you will ask Spencer about the visit when you feel like you’re ready to hear it. You are exactly where you belong, so is Spencer, and so is he.
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justanamesstuff · 10 months
The intimacy of being understood
Chapter 7
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: I know we have the episode but THIS IS THE END!! Thanks for always being here, for support my fics since the start...I'm so so grateful, my heart is so full ♥♥ Happy reading guyssss!
Warnings: flashbacks in dreams, mention of death, but theeeen fluff and PURE LOVE, typos.
Word count: 1.8 K
Blog Masterlist Series Masterlist
“Open it, Y/n.” she heard Jason said, feeling the cold metal of the car handle against her hand. “Go.” he instead. 
Her head didn’t turn around, her eyes staring down --fixated on her hand-- deciding what to do or not do. Was she going to continue there, trapped by memories? Or instead, she would free herself? 
Y/n pushed the car door open, exiting the small cubicle. 
Standing on the side of the road, she witnessed the car picked speed and in a blink of an eye it crashed against a big truck. The woman gasped, not a single sound reaching her ears. 
Her heart pounding loud in her ears when she reached the car. Y/n didn’t look, she knew it was him.
He was gone. Everything turned black.
Y/n opened her eyes suddenly, staring at the ceiling of her room. She tried to breathe deeply, feeling her beating heart. She was alive and Jason was gone. 
For the past year and a half since Jason passed away, Y/n had been having dreams –sometimes nightmares– about him, about the car crash. Nothing as vividly as the one the night before. Contrary to past times, she didn’t feel her blood turned cold every time she recalled everything she remembered. Y/n felt like a weight was off her shoulders. 
As she said to Matty, Jason would always be part of her and have a portion of her heart. Even though, it was time to finally accept the reality and not fight it. 
Her phone vibrate on her hand, taking Y/n out of her head. She rolled her eyes to a pop-up notification --some celebrity gossip google wanted her to check. Y/n blamed only herself from the disappointment she felt, acknowledging that the chat with Matty would show the same last message Y/n had impregnated on her head if she checked. 
The absence of Matty and his lack of communication was driving her up the walls. She felt hurt, she felt anxious and a big variety of more feelings. ‘Did he forget about me?’, Y/n wondered about. 
Her mind jumped from one topic to the other, meanwhile she observed Kate helping her with the showcase. December was close, Y/n felt the need to get ahead of the game getting all ready for Christmas. 
“No, move it closer.” Y/n complained when her eyes focused on her friend. “No, Kate…left!” she shouted a bit too loud. 
Kate tried, saying, “Okay, sorry!”
“No-” Y/n stopped her. “You’re doing it wrong.”
Kate couldn’t bear with it any more, “Fine, here.” she said, turning around and giving Y/n the decorations she was trying to set. “Do it yourself.” clearly annoyed. 
Y/n watched her friend walk towards the front desk, frowning visibly and not making any type of eye contact with her. Practically ignoring her.
“I’m sorry.” Y/n approached her best friend, shyly. 
“Don’t worry.” Kate said, dry. 
Y/n tried interfering with her line of vision, kneeling down in front of the desk, “Katie…” 
“Y/n/n.” Kate said, faking not being angry and failing.
“I’m sorry.”
“You already said that.”
“I’m- It’s…I don’t know.”
The bookshop owner pushed up, letting her arms rest on the wooden surface, making a bed for her head. Y/n was tired, annoyed. 
“Sure, totally. I agree.” Y/n snorted with Kate’s antics. “Spill the beans.”
“Weren’t you mad at me?” 
“Yeah, come on. Talk.”
Y/n pondered telling her all what had been going through her mind the past few weeks. 
“He didn’t come.” she said, cryptic. 
Kate knew exactly who her friend was talking about, although she chose to tease her, “Who?”
“Kate!” Y/n pushed herself all the way up, looking at her friend. 
“Oh, Matty?” the urge to whipped her smug smirk was strong. 
Y/n breathed out, “This is useless….” work was waiting. 
Kate followed her close behind. 
“Amazing how we went from ‘oh, no…Matty is my friend’,” she mimicked Y/n. “To ‘he didn’t come to visit and flirt’.” Kate finished.
“We don’t flirt.”
“Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England!”
“Pretty boy you’re married to.”
“Handsome with his sausage fingers”
Both bursted into a fit of laugher thinking what they just said. 
“Anyway, why does it bother you?” Kate asked. 
“I- I’m not sure.”
“I believe you know.”
“No, I- it’s not like that between us.” Y/n resumed the previous conversation about Matty and her. 
Kate got distracted with a little snowman, and without thinking too much she said, “Do you want to be like that between you?”
“I- Yes. No. Maybe?” Y/n looked visibly unsure. 
“Oh lord, give me strength!” Kate whined dramatically. 
Y/n moved some books and toys around, putting everything like she pictured it. She didn’t turn around to look at her friend when she pronounced the next question.
“Did he performed these days?”
“Are you asking me to stalk him?” Kate was amused by Y/n's request.
“No! You’re a fan of his…”
“Band.” Kate completed the sentence for her.
“Yeah, The 1965.”
“Kate, please.” Y/n hated how desperate she sounded. 
Her best friend checked her phone without complaining, “He’s over the other side of the pond.” 
“That explains part of it.” Y/n mumbled to herself.
Kate wasn’t following her, “Okay?”
“He hasn’t texted either.” she thought out loud, forgetting Kate didn’t know a little fact.
“Wait a minute!” the woman snapped out of her entrance, swiping through the 1975’s Instagram account. ‘Shit’, the word crossed Y/n’s mind. “You have Matty Healy’s phone number, and you didn’t tell me?!” Kate screamed. Y/n felt grateful they were alone that evening. 
“You bitch!”
“I’m sorry, okay? Sorry!”
“Since when?” Kate folded her arms like a mother scolding her children.
“Weeks ago.”
“Oh, you deserve coal this Christmas. Dirty girl!” 
Y/n explained, “It happened!”
“What else?”
“What else you didn’t tell me?”
“Don’t be a toxic friend!”  
“I’m your sister! Tell me!”
“We walked and chat around the park.”
“Did you take him to our park?” Kate gasped, loud. 
Y/n felt little, “Mhm.”
“You bitch!!”
Y/n protested, “Hey! Stop with that!”
“I’m not sorry!”
“And I told him about Jason…”
Kate’s face fell, and her body sank down into the closest chair they had been using like a ladder. 
“You what?” Y/n’s friend asked.
“I know.”
“This is huge.”
“I know.”
“And then the book.”
“And then the book.”
Kate stared at Y/n, “What happened after that?”
“I texted him. He told me to keep the book.”
“This keeps getting better and better.” Y/n’s best friend cheered up a little. 
“I told him it wasn’t fair. ‘I’m going to gift you one’ I said, and he refused.”
Y/n took her phone out, searching with muscle memory the chat with Matty. 
“He sent this.” she showed her the text.
“No more texts, no more coming in. What if he got bored?” 
“That’s a Matty thing.” Kate couldn’t help to say. 
“Sorry, I- Doesn’t make sense.”
“Maybe it does?” Y/n’s face scrunched. 
Both of them went inside their heads, lost in thoughts. 
“I hate this.” Y/n broke the silence, walking, giving Kate her back. “I was fine.” she took a pile of books she had to tidy, absently pushing them towards the shelves. “I- My life was simple, you and the shop…a simple life after Jason passed.” she continued without hearing the door’s bell. “But hell no, Universe, God or whatever can’t see me happy. He, or she, whatever...sent a rock star to mess up with my calculated routine.”
“Y/n-” Kate tried to interrupt her.
“Shut up, Kate. I’m talking here.” Y/n didn’t spare her a glance, continuing tidying angrily. “Okay, so…he or Universe, whoever is in charge…thought it’s funny to mess with this woman,” Y/n pointed a finger to herself. “Let's put a perfect Adonis to spice things up.” she made a weird voice. “Rock star can come and go, talk with her…make her feel things again!! And then dis-”
Matty interrupted her ranting, “Hi, Y/n.”  
Y/n didn’t dare to move a muscle. She stood there, lifting a book midway towards its place. He was there, Matty was there.
“Oh, yes, he’s there.” Kate clarified. 
The woman slowly placed left the book, before turning around slowly. Her eyes meet his. Y/n felt her face on fire and her heart pulsing in her throat.  
“What-” she tried to formulate something coherent to say.
Matty smirked, “Adonis, hm?” 
Y/n shook her head, embarrassed, “I- I’m sorry. You weren’t sup-” 
“Oh, but I did.” Matty stopped her once more, approaching her.
“How much?” Y/n looked up again. 
Matty was close enough to tower over her. He was slightly taller than her, but enough to make her feel tiny. Her hands lifted between them, trying to push Matty without really trying.
“I’m so sor-”
“I missed you too, Y/n.”
“You did?”
“Yes, Aphrodite.” he poked her. 
Y/n pulled a face, remembering all the crap she said minutes before. The singer touched her cheek, caressing it slowly. 
“Mmm, that myth doesn’t end well.” she told him. 
Matty couldn’t stop the smile that refused to leave his face, “Lucky us, we’re not truly Gods…” 
“What are you doin’ here?”
“We haven’t talked in weeks. I was missing you.” the singer admitted. 
“Wasn’t expecting that monologue about me making you feel things.” Y/n groaned, letting her face move forward, resting on his chest, hiding from him. “Do you really hate me showing up in your life?” she heard him ask. 
Y/n shook her head. “No, absolutely no.” 
“I’m happy I heard you say all that.” Matty forced her softly, placing both of his hands at both sides of her face, to look at him. 
“Thought you got tired of me.”
“Shut up!”
“You didn’t reply! Or text after.”
“You brushed me off!”
“No, I didn’t!” Matty scoffed. 
But before they could continue bickering, Kate shouted from the other side of the shop, “Please, shut up and kiss!” which made them laugh. “This is getting boring.” she commented as if the scene was part of a film.
Matty’s face turned serious when he told Y/n, “I can wait all the time you need…” his hands were still touching her face, and Y/n rounded his wrists with her own. “I- Fuck, I like you so much.” the singer confessed. 
“I’m ready, Matty.”
“Are you sure? Because, as I said, I can wai-”
It was Y/n’s time to interrupt Matty, bringing him down to kiss him. She felt how his and her body relaxed, pushing even closer against each other. Y/n closer her eyes, feeling how safe she felt inside his embrace, letting him show her how much he had missed her. 
“Hell yeah! Free tickets now!” Kate celebrated. 
“Okay, yeah, she’s annoying.” Matty pushed his face a few centimetres away from Y/n.
“Rude!” Y/n’s friend booed him. 
Y/n watched them fight like kids, resting her cheek on his chest. Matty let his arms hugged her, keeping Y/n close and leaving a few kisses on her head.
Meanwhile they continued, Y/n thought how ready she was to open her heart again, and couldn’t wait to do it all with Matty. 
Taglist (let me know if you want to be included): @indierockgirrl @x-a-black-winged-dove-x @iregretbeingherewheniwas10 @hswannaknow @thefrontofmymind
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fourthwingfan · 1 month
Madness - Chapter 20
Hi, my dearest readers! I'm alive. The wedding was fantastic, but I'm soo tired. I barely slept the last few days. We decorated for 13 hours on Friday. Then the wedding on Saturday and we packed up everything on Sunday. And for some reason I thought that I didn't need to take a day off on Monday, I'll be fine. Well, I thought wrong. But thank you for your patience! ❤️ Here comes the new chapter. Enjoy! :)
Accusing a wingleader of wrongdoing is the most dangerous of all accusations. If you’re right, then we’ve failed as a quadrant to select the best wingleaders. If you’re wrong, you’re dead.
—My Time as a Cadet: A Memoir by General Augustine Melgren
„Jackson Marlowe.” Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll and closes the scroll as we stand in formation the next morning, our breath creating clouds in the chilled air. “We commend their souls to Malek.”
There’s no room for sorrow in my heart for six of the eight names, not when I’m shifting my weight to soothe the ache of black-and-blue along my ribs and ignoring the way other riders stare at my face.
I went to Nolon this morning, and he mended my nose, but I wanted to keep my bruises. One of those who attacked Violet is alive. I want them to know I will not forgive. Never.
If Xaden won’t do anything about it, then I will. I’m a Melgren after all, I’m allowed to be a little crazy.
The two others on today’s list are third-years from Second Wing, killed on a training operation near the Braevick border, according to breakfast gossip, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s where Xaden had been before coming to our rescue last night.
“I can’t believe they tried to kill you while you were sleeping.” Liam’s still seething, at breakfast we told our table what happened.
“Even worse, I think I’m getting used to it. Either I have kick-ass compartmentalization skills or I really am acclimating to always being a target.” Violet says.
Captain Fitzgibbons makes some minor announcements, and I tune him out as someone strides our way, cutting through the space between the Flame and Tail Sections of our wing.
Just like it always does, my stupid, hormone-driven heart stutters at the first sight of Xaden. Even the most effective poisons come in pretty packages, and Xaden’s exactly that—as beautiful as he is lethal. He looks deceptively calm as he approaches, but I can feel his tension as if it’s my own, like a panther prowling toward his prey. The wind ruffles his hair, and I sigh at the completely unfair advantage he has over every man in this courtyard. He doesn’t even have to try to look sexy…he just is.
Oh shit. This feeling right here—the way my breath catches and my entire body draws tight when he’s near—is why I haven’t taken anyone to bed or celebrated like the rest of my perfectly normal friends. This feeling is why I haven’t wanted anyone…else.
Because I want him.
There aren’t enough curse words in the world for this.
He stops next to us and he looks toward Liam then nods in Violet’s direction.
Oh shit. Violet will be sooo angry when she realizes…
„I do not need a bodyguard!” she snaps at Xaden.
He ignores her, still looking at Liam.
“Switch places with me.” Liam whispers to me.
I look at him questioningly but he doesn’t say another word.
“Fine.” I sigh and now he stands behind Violet.
„I. Do. Not. Need. A. Bodyguard!” she repeats, a little louder this time.
One of the first-years behind me gasps, mortified by her audacity, no doubt.
Imogen snorts. “Good luck with that approach.”
Xaden stands directly in front of Violet, leaning into her space. “You do, though, as we both learned last night. And I can’t be everywhere you are. But Liam here”—he points back to the blond Tyr—“he’s a first-year, so he can be in every class, at every challenge, and I even had him assigned to library duty, so I hope you get used to him, Sorrengail.”
“And what about Aelin?” She asks with a raised eyebrow. “She was with me too.”
“I don’t care about her.” Xaden replies without hesitation.
Ouch. It hurts.
Liam quickly grabs my hand and squeezes it before letting it go.
“And I don’t know if she will protect you at all costs.” Xaden continues.
“Now, that’s just a fucking excuse.” I mutter.
I will protect Violet. She’s one of the most important person in my life. And he knows it too. He’s not stupid.
“You’re overstepping.” Violet hisses at him.
“You haven’t begun to see overstepping,” he warns, his voice dropping low. “Any threat against you is a threat against me, and as we’ve already established, I have more important things to do than sleep on your floor.”
Heat flushes up her neck and stains her cheeks. “He is not sleeping in my room.”
Oh, Vi. I knew it that you like Liam.
“Of course not.” He freaking smirks. “I had him moved into the one next to yours. Wouldn’t want to overstep.” He turns on his heel and walks away, headed back to his place at the front of our formation.
“Fucking mated dragons,” Dain seethes, keeping his eyes forward.
“What? Did you move? When?” I ask Liam in shock.
“This morning. And I won’t be far. Just on the other side of Violet.” He smiles at me with a boyish grin and I can’t help it, I smile back.
“Fiinee. But I warn you, do not replace me with her.” I mock glare at him.
“How could I do it, Snappy? You’re my best friend.” He winks at me.
“Snappy? You didn’t call me that since… I don’t know.” I try to remember when was the last time.
“I call you that because you’re talking nonsense. Now pay attention.”
Fitzgibbons finishes his announcements and steps to the back of the dais, which would usually signal the end of formation, but Commandant Panchek takes the podium. He makes it a habit to avoid morning formation, which means something is up.
“What’s going on with Panchek?” Rhiannon asks at Violet’s side.
“Not sure.” I shrug.
“It has to be something big if he’s fumbling with a Codex up there,” Rhiannon says.
“Quiet,” Dain orders, glancing back over his shoulder at us for the first time this morning. He does a double-take, his eyes flaring wide as he catches sight of Violet’s neck. “Vi?”
„I’m fine,” she assures him, but he’s still staring at her throat, locked in shock. “Squad Leader Aetos, people are staring.” We hold way more than our share of the attention as Commandant Panchek begins to speak at the podium, telling us that there’s another matter to handle this morning, but Dain won’t look away. “Dain!”
He blinks, jerking his gaze to hers. “Is that what Riorson meant by last night?”
She nods.
“I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m fine,” she repeats, nodding toward the dais. “Later.”
He turns, but the motion is reluctant.
“It has been brought to my attention as your commandant that a breach of the Codex has occurred,” Panchek calls out over the courtyard.
“As you know, breaches of our most sacred laws are not to be tolerated,” Panchek continues. “This matter will be addressed here and now. Will the accuser please step forward.”
“Someone’s in trouble,” Rhiannon whispers. “Think Ridoc finally got caught in Tyvon Varen’s bed?”
“That’s hardly against the Codex,” Ridoc murmurs from behind us.
“He’s the executive officer for Second Wing.” I send a pointed look over my shoulder.
“And?” Ridoc shrugs, grinning without a touch of remorse. “Fraternizing with command is frowned upon, not unlawful.”
I sigh, facing forward. “I miss sex.” I really do, and it’s not just the physical gratification, either. There’s a sense of connection in those moments that I crave, a momentary banishment of loneliness.
The first is something I’m sure Xaden would be more than capable of providing, if he ever thought of me that way, but the second? He’s the last person I should be craving, but lust and logic never seem to go hand in hand.
“If you’re looking for a little fun, I’m happy to oblige—” Ridoc starts, shoving his floppy brown hair off his forehead with a wink.
“I miss good sex,” I counter, smothering a smile as someone walks from the front of formation toward the dais, indistinguishable through the rows of the squads ahead of us. “Besides, apparently you’re spoken for.” Have to admit, it feels good to tease a friend about something so trivial. It’s a tiny slice of normalcy in an otherwise macabre environment.
“We’re not exclusive,” Ridoc counters. “It’s like Rhiannon and what’s-her-name…”
“Tara,” Rhiannon offers.
“Will you all shut the hell up?” Dain barks in his superior-officer voice.
Our mouths snap shut, and I roll my eyes.
Mine drops open again when I realize it’s Xaden climbing the steps to the dais. “This is about you,” I whisper to Vi.
Dain glances back at me, confusion furrowing his brow before whipping his attention toward the dais, where Xaden now stands at the podium, somehow managing to fill the entire stage with his presence.
From what I remember reading, his father had that same magnetism, the ability to hold and capture a crowd with nothing but his words…words that led to Brennan’s death.
“Early this morning,” he begins, his deep voice carrying over the formation, “a rider in my wing was brutally, illegally attacked in her sleep with the intent of murder by a group primarily composed of unbondeds. When another rider rushed to her aid after hearing the commotion, she were attacked too.”
A collection of murmurs and gasps fills the air, and Dain’s shoulders stiffen.
“As we all know, the first act is a violation of Article Three, Section Two of the Dragon Rider’s Codex and, in addition to being dishonorable, is a capital offense.”
I feel the weight of a dozen glances, but it’s Xaden’s I feel most of all.
His hands clench the sides of the podium. “Having been alerted by my dragon, I interrupted the attack along with two other Fourth Wing riders.” He dips his chin toward our wing, and two riders—Garrick and Bodhi—break formation, then climb the steps to stand behind Xaden, their hands at their sides. “As it was a matter of life and death, I personally executed six of the would-be murderers, as witnessed by Flame Section Leader Garrick Tavis and Tail Section Executive Officer Bodhi Durran.”
“Both Tyrs. How convenient,” Nadine, one of the new additions to the squad, says from the row behind Ridoc.
I look back over my shoulder and pin her with a glare.
Liam keeps his eyes forward.
“But the attack was orchestrated by a rider who fled before I arrived,” Xaden continues, his voice rising. “A rider who had access to the map of where all first-years are assigned to sleep, and that rider must be brought to swift justice.
Shit. This is about to get ugly.
“I call you to answer for your crime against Cadet Sorrengail, and indirectly against Cadet Melgren.” Xaden’s focus shifts to the center of the formation. “Wingleader Amber Mavis.”
The quadrant draws a collective breath before an uproar rips through the crowd.
“What the hell?” Dain bites out.
Every rider in the courtyard’s attention pivots between Xaden, Amber, me…and Violet.
I squeeze her shoulder. She hates the attention.
“She’s a Tyr, too, Nadine,” Ridoc says over his shoulder. “Or are you only biased against marked ones?”
Amber’s family stayed loyal to Navarre, so she wasn’t forced to watch her parents executed and wasn’t marked by a rebellion relic.
“Amber would never.” Dain shakes his head. “A wingleader would never.” He turns completely to face us. “Get up there and tell everyone that he’s lying, Vi.”
“But he’s not,” I say as gently as I can. I know he cares about her.
“It’s impossible.” His cheeks flush a mottled shade of red.
“I was there, Dain.” Violet confirms it.
„Wingleaders are beyond reproach—”
“Then why are you so quick to call our own wingleader a liar?” My brows rise in challenge, daring him to say what he’s so careful to keep quiet.
Behind him, Amber steps forward, separating herself from the formation. “I have committed no such crime!”
“See?” Dain swings his arm, pointing toward the redhead. “Put a stop to this right now, Violet.”
“She was with them in my room,” she says simply. Shouting won’t convince him. Nothing will.
„That’s impossible.” He lifts his hands, as though ready to cup her face. “Let me see.”
I quickly grab Violet’ shoulder and pull her back toward me, farther away from Dain.
After the Jeremiah incident she told me about Dain’s signet, that he can read memories.
I can’t let him see the memory of Amber’s participation, it will also show him that Violet stopped time.
I can’t let that happen!
“Give me the memory,” he orders.
“Touch me without permission, and you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting it.” She glares at him.
Maybe Violence is a fitting nickname, after all.
Surprise ripples over his features.
“Wingleaders.” Xaden projects his voice over the chaos. “We need a quorum.”
Both Nyra and Septon Izar—the wingleaders for First and Second Wing—climb the stairs to the dais, passing by Amber as she stands utterly exposed in the courtyard.
A familiar chaos fills the air, and we all look toward the ridgeline as seven dragons curve along the mountain, flying straight for us.
In a matter of seconds, they reach the citadel and hover over the courtyard walls. Wind from the strong beats of their wings blasts through the courtyard.
Then, one by one, they land on their perch, Tairn at the center of the grouping, Aon is next to him.
Every line of his frame exudes menace as his talons crush the masonry under his grip, and his narrowed, angry eyes focus on Amber.
Sgaeyl is perched to Tairn’s right, taking her position behind Xaden. She’s just as terrifying as she was that first day, but I still find her beautiful. Nyra’s Red Scorpiontail looms behind her as well, and Septon’s Brown Daggertail mirrors the stance to the left. On the ends, puffing blasts of steam, are Commandant Panchek’s Green Clubtail and Amber’s Orange Daggertail is next to Aon.
“Shit’s about to get real,” Sawyer says, breaking formation to stand at Violet’s side, and I feel Ridoc at my back as he steps closer.
“You can stop this all right now, Violet. You have to,” Dain implores. “I don’t know what you saw last night, but it wasn’t Amber. She cares too much about the rules to break them.”
“You’re using this to get your revenge on my family!” Amber shouts at Xaden. “For not supporting your father’s rebellion!”
That’s a low fucking blow.
Xaden doesn’t even acknowledge it as he turns to the other wingleaders.
He isn’t demanding proof like Dain. He believes her, and he’s ready to execute a wingleader on nothing more than her word. As surely as if they’re a physical structure, I feel my defenses crack on Xaden’s behalf.
Tairn chuffs and every dragon besides Sgaeyl stiffens on the wall, even Amber’s. The riders are quick to follow, silence filling the courtyard.
I know what they see.
Aon showes me what happened last night, in Violet’s point of view.
Amber, the fight before I arrived, and then I see… myself. It’s really strange. I can see myself but in someone else point of view. I was pretty…terrifying. Blood all over my face, my cold gaze.
„That’s why I chose you, little one. You’re ruthless, and you protect those who are weaker than you.”
„Thanks, you know how to compliment someone.” I laugh. Yep, he’s definitely a big softie.
“That spineless wretch,” Rhiannon seethes in front of me.
Dain pales.
“Believe me now?” Vi hurles it like the accusation it is. “You’re supposed to be my oldest friend, Dain. One of my best friends. There’s a reason I didn’t tell you.”
He staggers backward.
“The wingleaders have formed a quorum and are in unanimous agreement,” Xaden announces, flanked by Nyra and Septon while the commandant hangs back. “We find you guilty, Amber Mavis.”
“No!” she shouts. “It is no crime to rid the quadrant of the weakest rider! I did it to protect the integrity of the wings!” She paces in panic, looking to everyone—anyone for help.
As a whole, the formation moves backward.
“And as is our law, your sentence will be carried out by fire,” Nyra states.
“No!” Amber looks to her dragon. “Claidh!”
Amber’s Orange Daggertail snarls at the other dragons and lifts a claw.
Aon swivels his massive head toward Claidh, his roar shaking the ground beneath my feet. Then he snaps his teeth at the smaller orange, and she retreats, her head hanging as she grips the wall again.
“Please don’t,” I hear Violet as she begs.
I can feel the sadness inside me. She’s too merciful.
She turns to Xaden and begs again, her voice breaking by the end. “Please give her a chance.”
He holds her gaze but doesn’t so much as show a flicker of emotion.
Justice is not always merciful.
„Claidh,” Amber whimpers, the courtyard so unbelievably silent that the sound carries.
The formation splits at the center.
Tairn leans low, extending his head and neck past the dais toward where Amber stands. Then his teeth part, he curls his tongue, and he incinerates her with a blast of fire so hot, I can feel it from here. It’s over in a heartbeat.
A gruesome scream rends the air, shattering a window in the academic wing, and every rider slams their hands over their ears as Claidh mourns.
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acourtofthought · 9 months
Because I follow the "Elain Archeron" tag, Tumblr will occasionally make recommendations on my feed and some of those happen to end up being posts written by E/riels.
One of these suggestions mentioned that Elain and Az are well suited to one another due to their quiet and reserved natures and I had to shake my head because, what?!
The Elain in the Night Court who talks softly, has hands that shake around Az, is quiet and reserved is the Elain still experiencing the effects of trauma which we know she still has because she herself confirmed it in SF.
The Elain from before:
She had come alive here, and her joy was infectious. There wasn’t a servant or gardener who didn’t smile at her, and even the brusque head cook found excuses to bring her plates of cookies and tarts at various points in the day
Elain had taken charge of planning and finding me a last-minute dress, and … it would only be for an evening.
But I tried to smile, if only for Elain, who flitted about the room, personally greeting each guest and dancing with all their important sons.
Two in the morning, and yet the party was showing no signs of slowing. / Elain was laughing among a circle of beautiful friends, flushed and brilliant. Nesta had silently left at midnight, and I didn’t bother to say good-bye as I finally slipped upstairs.
Elain, to my surprise, had a horse, a satchel of food, and supplies ready when I hurried down the stairs. My father was nowhere in sight. But Elain threw her arms around me, and, holding tightly, said, “I remember—I remember all of it now.”
“We keep it secret—we send the servants away. With the spring approaching, they’ll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she’ll send word ahead, and we’ll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays.
Order them to leave now.” “I’ll do it,” Elain said, taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders. She didn’t wait for either of us before she strode out, graceful as a doe.
“My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles.”
Does that seem like a reserved and quiet female or does that seem like someone who, while kind, takes charge and is the life of the party? Someone who comes alive when in the right place?
Does the Elain of the Night Court seem to be the center of everything that's going on or does she seem to fade in the presence of the others?
And if that's not convincing enough:
“Elain is overwhelmed by crowds.” “SHE DIDN'T USE TO BE THAT WAY". Nesta swirled her glass of amber liquid. “She loved balls and parties.” The words hung unspoken. But you and your court dragged us into this world. Took that joy away from her.
Feyre then tells Nesta she's "readjusting" and sure, Elain isn't a total shell, she's doing her best to make a life for herself but she's definitely not the vibrant person she once was.
We are told point blank that the Elain in the Night Court is different and it's clearly not a good thing.
Show me a scene where Az ever happily wandered around from person to person making conversation in a social setting outside of the IC. Show me a scene where he's happily chatting up even a single person outside the IC.
Show me a scene where people are eager to do things for Az because he's such a pleasure to be around.
Feyre wonders if Az gets some of his information from "stone cold manners" but there's never any proof of it happening and even if it had, having manners in order to spy on someone isn't the same as actually enjoying the interaction.
The fact is that Az and Elain do not have similar personalities and any connections people are trying to make is based off Elain as she is after very recent and extreme traumas.
It's a problem in this fandom that I often notice with certain groups and something they seem to do with both Gwyn and Elain.
They think Gwyn can't be interested in Az because she started SF in a low place. They look at Elain as she is in the NC and have based their entire opinion of who she is off that.
They fail to realize that ACOWAR, ACOFAS and SF are poor representations of who these two females actually are (as who they are in those books are who they are because of trauma). They fail to consider who they'll be once they've fully overcome their traumas.
Gwyn isn't going to shy away from males forever.
We've already seen growth from her in SF and she's only going to continue healing. Thinking that it's going to take too long for her to overcome what happened to her and therefore can not go on to have a happy relationship before the series ends is a disturbing mentality.
And thinking that we're not going to eventually see the return of the Elain who took charge and convinced others what to do with smiles alone, who thrived when surrounded by friends and non friends (just people in general), who loved balls and parties is a bit odd because that's the Elain who is canonically the happiest we've ever seen her to be.
And if there is the acknowledgement that we will see the return of that Elain but someone still believes she'd be well matched with Az who Cassian tells us "likes his space", it's possibly the strangest thing of all.
Sure Elain and Az are physically attracted to one another, that can not be disputed.
However what also cannot be disputed is that the Lucien who easily makes friends wherever he goes and enjoys parties, who prefers to avoid violence is an exact match for the happy version of Elain who easily makes friends, enjoys parties, and is bothered by cruelty.
Someone can prefer the opposites attract trope but it's completely false to claim that Elain and Az are similar in personality.
But regardless of what tropes we prefer, in the end what someone wants to see won't matter because SJM doesn't seem to prefer opposites attract and she's the one calling the shots.
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actual-bill-potts · 10 months
TRIGGER WARNING: violence (not particularly graphic) and minor suicidal ideation
When the first hoarse sob echoed through the house, Finarfin was out of his bed and halfway across the room before he realized what was happening. Then he stopped. He was not in Beleriand. There were no freed thralls to comfort, no injured members of his guard to soothe, nothing to be wary of if a strange noise came in the night.
Then what - ?
Knowledge struck him at the same time as another dry sob, followed by a terrible coughing, choking sound. Finduilas and Eärwen were away visiting Finrod, whose ever-wandering mind had led him to build a tower by the Sea upon Tol Eressëa, and that only left -
Artaresto had begun to weep in earnest as Finarfin reached his door: terrible heaving cries that sounded as if they must be tearing blood out of his throat. Artaresto was curled up in bed, shivering, and Finarfin approached cautiously, slowing his breathing, straightening his bearing. As he sat carefully beside his son, his heart clenched at the reminder of how Artaresto had been as a small child. So easily hurt, so slow to heal, reluctant to confide - but often reaching out impulsively for comfort all the same. So when Finarfin felt the flailing of Artaresto’s mind, tendrils of thought seeking warmth, he opened his own mind, unthinking, and -
Finduilas is safe, alive, breathing still in the back of his mind, and Adanedhel has gone after her. He will keep her safe, Artaresto repeats to himself, he will keep her safe, he will keep them all safe, they will not fall in vain - in this at least he will not fail -
Finarfin tried to pull away but the dirt has churned to reddish mud under his feet, he is holding a thin line of his warriors with the force of his will alone, blood is dripping into his eyes, he does not see the spear until it is too late and his chest hurts, it hurts -
“Artaresto, please, be calm,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady under the onslaught of pain in his lungs, he keeps coughing and coughing but he cannot draw a clear breath. Amathil kneels over him, mouth drawn tight. Her face is blurry. He tries to take her hand but he keeps missing it. Why is she moving so fast?
“Aran,” she says, “Orodreth, let me - I will try to help -” but she cuts off with a cry and slumps over onto his chest and it twists something past the breaking but Finduilas in his mind is bright alive alive -
“Artaresto,” Finarfin said, trying not to cry, “you are safe. Artaranya, you are safe.” His hands were his own, not sticky with blood. His breath came clear and easy. He was warm, and alive, and so was Artaresto beside him. Breathe, he told himself, breathe.
Artaresto reached out and clutched his sleep tunic, fists twining in the fabric as they had done when he was just a babe.
“My daughter,” he wept. “My daughter. Finduilas. Where is my daughter?”
Finarfin pulled him closer, rubbing slow circles into his back, ignoring the trembling in his hands and the pressure behind his eyes. “She lives, Artaranya. She lives. She is happy. She is visiting your brother on Tol Eressëa.”
Artaresto did not seem to hear him. “She died,” he said bleakly. “She died in torment, she - I was not there. My life did not help her, my death could not save her. The things she - she died. She died - she is dead - she is dead - she is dead!” His voice rose to almost a scream by the last word and he ripped himself away from Finarfin’s side, curling into himself and rocking back and forth. He was trembling so violently Finarfin could hear the clattering of his teeth against each other.
For a moment he could not move. She died in torment. So too had all his children, save one. There was no easing that pain, that grief, for Aikanáro who would dwell forever in the Halls, for Angaráto who spoke little and worked much, for the hollows of loss under Finrod’s eyes and the lines of pain about his mouth, for Artaresto who wept and would not be comforted.
“Litsemir…” he said at last. “Hinya. She is not dead. She lives. She laughs again. You will see her soon, I promise.”
Artaresto’s head whipped up. His eyes were wild. “And what are your promises worth? You left - you left us! You left me - alone - and I could not - and Finduilas - how can you sit so calmly when she - she died so? You are heartless - faithless - and I cannot -” he dissolved into sobs again. They must be hurting his throat, Finarfin thought absently, feeling strangely distant. He is hurting. He is hurting, and -
What right has he to say such? What does he know of loss? another part of him raged. He lost only one child, and she did not part from him in anger and bitter grief -
Another part of him simply screamed and screamed.
He stood abruptly. “I will - I will be back,” he said, as calmly as he could, and fled to the kitchen.
It was dark and cool there, and smelled faintly of herbs. Finarfin sank to his knees and pressed his forehead against the solid coolness of the wall. His heartbeat thundered in his ears. Where are my children? he thought despairingly. Where are my children? Where is Artaresto who was kind? How could they leave me?
How could I leave them?
He knelt for long minutes upon the stone floor, feeling the coldness seep into his legs, wishing he could just - freeze. Stay still and solid upon the floor, until all his family came back and laid their hands upon his heart.
This is so hard, he thought. Why is it so hard? I comforted Artaresto when he had not yet learned to speak - when he could scarcely open his eyes! Why can I not now find the words?
And then again, This is so hard.
He breathed in once more. The smell of the stone wall flooded his nose, at once sharp and earthy. He wanted to cry. He wanted to slam his head upon the floor until there was nothing left of him.
Then he breathed out, and lit a fire in the hearth to warm a cup of milk.
Long minutes later, during which he stirred the milk and thought carefully of nothing at all, he walked steadily back to Artaresto’s room. Artaresto was lying now perfectly still upon his bed, almost frozen.
“Litsemir,” said Finarfin into the quiet of the night, “I love you. I loved you at your first hour and I love you in this one. And I have brought you milk.”
Artaresto uncurled slowly and sat up. He looked down, pain clearly visible upon his features.
“Thank you, Atar,” he said, very softly.
“May I sit?” said Finarfin in answer; and Artaresto patted the bed.
Finarfin eased himself down next to his son and held out the cup. Artaresto’s fingers trembled so as they curled about the handle that Finarfin did not let go, but cupped his son’s hands in his. He helped Artaresto raise the cup to his mouth, once, twice, three times: and gradually the trembling eased, and the tense form beside him softened.
“I am sorry,” said Artaresto at last.
Finarfin breathed in slowly. Breathed out. “I grieve with thee, for your daughter who died so terribly. And I grieve for my son who suffered so, far away from me. But I rejoice in Finduilas and Artaresto, who are alive.”
Artaresto inclined his head. “I am sorry,” he said again, voice shaking, "for all you have lost. All we have lost. I grieve with thee.”
Suddenly he set the mug down and buried his head in his hands. “Too much is gone,” he said. “How do you bear it?”
Finarfin blinked. Blinked again. Felt tears running down his cheeks. Too much is gone. Salt in his mouth. How do you bear it? Dampness in his hair.
“I do not know,” he said. “Artaresto, I do not know.”
He wrapped an arm about his son. Rested his cheek upon the silvery head. Felt Artaresto hesitate, then relax into his hold.
Alive, he thought. Alive.
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itmeblog · 8 months
(Maybe because I created this world it's canon now? But that is 1001% not my concern nor my problem)
Nova was alive. The pulse that ripped between her temples and settled angrily behind her eyes informed her as much.
She groaned, reaching in vain for memories from the night before. There were flashes: a bar, a party, another bar, a man, possibly a third bar and then…nothing. The rest of the night was ash and dust. She reached out for the glass SAWA should have left on her night stand and knocked something over sending shards of pain dancing in the space between her eyes.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” She ground her face into the pillow. It smelled of something sweet, herbs the people on this planet used to keep pests away.
Please be a hotel.
She couldn’t take another morning of awkwardly running into the members of a family of someone she could only vaguely remember.
Nova gathered what pieces of herself she could manage. Her mouth was dry, her head was attempting a revolt from her neck, and spending the morning retching in whatever passed for a toilet here seemed a half-decent idea. It only got worse as she sat up.
The room was sparse, just a bed really. Her clothes were strewn across the floor, mixed with an outfit Nova didn’t recognize, all sequins and scarves. A screen sat nestled into the far wall and flickered silently through a morning report, a perky looking reporter sang the GU’s praises in the subtitles that scrolled across the bottom.
A hotel room.
Thank God.
Nova’s attention landed wearily on the woman sleeping beside her. What had happened to the guy she’d been with? Had she ditched him? Wandered off and found better company? She tried to remember but all she could recall was him pinning her to a wall, the heat of his body pressed against hers and the fleeting thought, hazed by brandy and something bitter she’d been offered to smoke, that he wasn’t enough to silence the thoughts in her head.  
Maybe the woman had succeeded where he’d failed. Nova wasn’t sure. She couldn’t remember this woman at all.
That was supposed to worry her. Lulu would be concerned.
Nova shut the thought away with a viciousness that made her stomach pitch.
As it turned out, there was a proper restroom, though a prerequisite for puking was actually having eaten something in the first place, so it was really more about form than efficacy. Nova sent prayers to a porcelain alter, a thought that teased a near hysterical laugh from her throat.
God, she was tired.
She picked up her clothes, showered, and left her companion to sleep off whatever had happened the night before.
“Hey.” Nova leaned heavily against the front desk she only half-remembered approaching, rubbing her fingers against her temples as she reached for words.
“Yes?” The person behind the counter, some alien with six eyes that blinked asynchronously in a way that made the impossible task of focusing on where to look, harder still.
“I—, uh, shit, I don’t even know the fucking room.” She turned around like that might somehow make it clearer, but she distinctly remembered taking a lift. She was fucking this up. Breathe. New tactic. “I’m Nova. Did a Nova sign in a room yesterday?”
The receptionist typed something, every key stroke hit like an axe between Nova’s brows.
“Last name?” Thunder.
“Don’t have one,” except the art of opening her mouth properly had escaped her and everything had come out in a continuous nearly indecipherable donaveone. Which after receiving several blinks Nova repeated to marginal success.
“Mmm, there was a Nova NoStar.”
She cringed. “NoStar?”
The clerk nodded, well, sort of nodded. Bobbed. They had no neck or equivalent thereof.
“Goddammit,” her hands returned to her temples, her elbows to the counter, the effort of keeping herself upright just a bit too much when she had to deal with this shit. “Yeah, NoStar. I’d like to pay, yesterday and today.”
She’d have to burn this planet off the list. How fucking stupid did she have to be to give her real name? Sure, there were probably millions of Nova NoStars out there but Jeanne would find a way. Fuck.
Nova paid, the blaring of the screen as her transaction went through made her want to dash her head against the wall.
“Is there anything else you need?”
Nova blinked, waiting for the words to settle in her head and mean something. “Need? Oh, uh, yeah, fuck, is there someplace to get breakfast around here?” She glanced at the sun that filtered in through the small window by the receptionist’s desk. “Or lunch?”
The directions she’d received sent Nova to a small food stand that smelled of grease and the promise of revival. She couldn’t read the menu and simply pointed and was handed something that might have been bread and some sort of meat, along with a bottle of water. The man who ran the stand was some flavor of human, though Nova could hardly be bothered to parse his existence. Modified, maybe?
She tried not to look too hard at what he’d given her. It undulated a bit if she stared at it too long, like it wasn’t quite dead despite the steam wafting from it. The first bite reminded her that she hadn’t really eaten the day before and the thing was gone before she knew it. She licked the oil from her fingers and set on the water.
Thank god for small miracles. She felt halfway human.
The traffic of the world sang through the air above her, in large ships belching black into the skies and buffeted her from all sides in lower forms of travel, things with wheels and rails and low flying capabilities. Galactic Union banners waved high overhead. Somewhere a commercial played calling for people to sign up for positions at their embassies.
The Galactic Union: Be part of something bigger.
Nova didn’t recognize this part of the city. It was cramped and crowded, two things Nova actually liked while she was working, but now that she was simply eating and drinking her way through her savings, was simply another obstacle that teased the remainder of her headache from the corners of her mind.
That and with food and water sustaining her, what little of her mind that was able to rouse for non-essential activities busied itself chiding her for her stupidity or cycling through all the things she could have done to save Lulu.
If only she’d been faster.
If only she’d noticed sooner.
If only she wasn’t such a fucking idiot.
If only she hadn’t listened.
Nova, stay put. The words rang clear as a bell between her ears. And then she was there again, frozen. Watching.
Lulu smiled. The skin at the corner of her eyes crinkled in concern, for Nova or herself, Nova didn’t know.
Then Lulu was gone.
The air around Nova was too thin, her pulse was a thready hum. She walked faster as if that might somehow put some distance between herself and the memory. A horn blared and the world rocketed into focus as a vehicle stopped just short of ramming her full speed and settled instead for banging into her leg just enough that her palms slammed into the hood to keep her steady.
Nova stared, wide eyed at the driver, her breaths coming in pants.
Wasn’t this what she’d wanted?
Why hadn’t they been driving faster?
Why did they stop?
The curses that filtered in through her translator were colorful and fantastical. Her bottom lip quivered as tears pricked the back of her eyes.
Lulu wouldn’t want this for me.
Her hands flew away from the hood as if she’d been burned. “Sorry,” was all she offered as she hurried away, her leg protesting at her speed after enduring that abuse. The driver’s curses followed her until she turned a corner and pressed her back against the wall of some towering building. The stone dug into her back, rough and painful, and real.
Her hands shook with leftover adrenaline.
She was going to cry. She couldn’t keep doing this.
“Lulu wanted you to live, you fucking idiot,” she whispered. “How could you forget how to do the one goddamn thing she wanted you to do?”
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anabdaniels · 5 months
Piece by piece- Chapter 2
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Chapter summary: Getting out on a date to know each other better, Ana and Jack realize they may work well together.
Word counting: 5.4k
Warnings: Alcohol, cursing, very questionable pick-up lines, brief mention of unpleasant male behaviors (not related to our cowboy, of course), slight self-body shaming.
A/N: Our girl is described as having curled bleached hair (I'm sorry, bleached hair has become my personality after I bleached mine after years of craving for it.), but you can just replace it for any other color/type of hair.
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Once the daylight hit her face, Ana had no choice but to wake up. Took her a moment to realize where she was and the memories of the last night were still a little blurred. She sat on the bed, running her hands over her face and hair, grateful for not having the monstrous headache she was expecting. After a few moments, everything became clearer, and if she could choose, Ana would rather have the worst headache of her life instead of her crystal-clear memories of the whole terrible scene in the bathroom.
“Fucking great, Ana. How will you ever face this man again?” letting out a frustrated sigh, she got out of bed.
A few minutes later, she went downstairs and followed to the kitchen when she heard voices coming from there. If she still believed that, Ana would’ve thanked the heavens for the fact that Jack wasn’t with the others.
“Seems we won’t need to go to check if our dear friend is still alive.” Tequila joked when Ana passed through the door.
“I wouldn’t say that I’m totally alive.” Ana answered while sitting on one of the stools on the kitchen island.
“Don’t be so dramatic. Based on what I’ve heard from last night, you’ve been in worst situations.” Lisa stated in a playful tone.
“As someone who witnessed everything, I can confirm that was not even close to being the most disastrous thing that happened in one of our reunions.” Ginger affirmed with a tender smile and handed a mug of coffee to Ana.
“You’re the only one here that I believe.” Ana held the mug between her hands and thanked Ginger for it.
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Jack stayed in bed for a couple of minutes after waking up, thinking about the last events; had been a while since the last time he was on that kind of date. Since that last terrible breakup, he tried to convince himself that a life of commitment was not for him anymore, even if he knew it was a lie. Wearing the womanizer disguise made things easier; Jack could appreciate the company of a beautiful woman for a few hours and follow his life the next morning, without concern about the complicated sentimental field, he just didn’t expect things to change so fast because now he found himself wondering what would be the best place in Louisville to take Ana for a real date.
Finally, he decided to get up, going downstairs a couple of minutes later. Safe to say it was a pleasant surprise to hear Ana’s voice coming from the kitchen, then he walked over there and entered the room. She was too focused on the chat to notice him approaching and felt her heart skip a beat when his hands gently leaned on her shoulders.
“Looks like you’re recovered from the night, Ana.” She turned her head to look at him, feeling her cheeks warming a little bit up.
“Not hundred percent yet, but yes, I’m recovered.” Ana affirmed with a slight smile.
“Still progress.” Jack said with a smirk, pressing her shoulders for a second before releasing them and walking around to get some coffee. Ana turned her attention to the opposite side when she listened to a ringtone.
“Shit.” Lisa whispered while typing on her phone “I have to go. I promised to take my little sister for ice cream and she’s already flooding me with messages. As much as I’m enjoying watching the two sweethearts interacting,” she said alternating her gaze between Ana and Jack “the last thing I want is a pissed off nine-year-old.” Lisa took the last sip of her coffee and stood up, looking at Ana “Since I’m the one who kidnaped you, I can drive you home.”
“I have no condition to go anywhere before finishing this coffee.” Ana admitted, “Tell little Barbara that I didn’t forget about her cake.”
“As if she would let you forget.” Lisa raised her eyebrows and gave her friend a quick hug, then looked at Jack “And you better behave yourself with my friend.”
“If there’s a thing you don’t need to be concerned about, is this.” He sounded jokingly as always, but it was the truth.
“The best for your health.” She answered trying to sound serious and turned to look at Ginger and Tequila “And you two, we need to combine the visit you promised to my mother, ‘cause she’s about to drive me insane asking about you.”
“Just drop a date and I’ll be there.” Tequila said without flinching “I never waste the opportunity to have a coffee with a lady.”
“I forgot to mention that hitting on my mother isn’t an available option.” Lisa retorted with narrowed eyes.
“Did you get surprised after he and my aunt spent a whole afternoon flirting?” This time Ginger was the one remembering a questionable event.
“I’ve never been so happy that my mother doesn’t live around here.” Ana stated after taking a sip of her coffee.
“Don’t be so relieved.” Jack said right after “My mother is happily married living in Bardstown and it didn’t stop him from trying.”
“Y’all so dramatic. I was just sympathetically entertaining the ladies.” Tequila said with a crooked smile “And you’re too emotional for someone that used to have a lot of problems with furious husbands, Whiskey.” Jack narrowed his eyes, staring at his friend like he was about to kill him; definitely, the best thing he could’ve said in front of the woman his fella was interested in. Once again shocking Jack by how her sense of humor could be so terrible as his friends’, Ana burst into laughter before being honest with him.
“It suits you.” Not even Ginger could keep a straight face and laugh with the others, the perplexing expression on Jack’s face didn’t help much.
“Excuse me?” Jack landed his gaze on Ana while waited for an explanation, unable to close his mouth.
“I’ve said what I’ve said. Interpret as you wish.” This coming from anyone else would probably have pissed him off, but she had that strange talent to say something that could start a war with such a beautiful smile that Jack couldn’t help but get more fascinated.
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“I know is the third time I say this in the last two hours, but now I really need to go home.” Ana said after they concluded another section of commentaries about some event involving someone they knew.
“Ana, what’s so interesting in your goddamn house for you to want to spend so much time in it?” Ginger complained openly, had been a while since the last time Ana joined them just to chat bullshit with none of them worrying about anything else.
“I promise I’ll not disappear for so long again, but I have a mountain of paperwork to take care of.”
“Considering that you managed the feat of going home after Lisa and Tequila, I had to admit that you’re redeeming yourself for the absence.” Ginger concluded, leaning her head slightly to the side.
“Good to know that I’m not doing that bad.” Ana smiled and turned her attention to her phone, letting out a sigh when a last warning of low battery flashed on the screen before the device turned down “That’s great. Now I’ll have to call my Uber with the power of my mind.”
“Or you could just take a ride home with a cowboy.” Jack said leaning at the door frame, a smug smirk on his lips. Ana looked at him with a slight smile.
“I’ll spare you from insisting because I’m accepting the suggestion.”
They talked for a couple of minutes more before Ana and Jack decided to leave, not surprisingly the three of them stood at the front door talking for a little longer. When they got in the car, Ana started to ponder if it had been a good idea; being alone with him after the incident of the last night wasn’t the scenario she expected, but then she decided to proceed like one would do with a band-aid: straight to the point without hesitation.
“Jack, I want to apologize for last night.” She started to talk without looking at him, for the first time her voice didn’t sound confident and firm “For everything that I remember doing and saying to you and for anything that I may not remember that I did.” Safe to say it caught Jack off guard, not the apology itself, but how she sounded slightly guilty.
“Don’t worry about that, darlin’.” He said sincerely with a warm voice, alternating his attention between her and the street “Those things happen all the time, it’s okay. And, at all, I found your declaration pretty romantic.” Jack smiled broadly when she laughed.
 “I think it’s relevant to remark that I was telling the truth and that your shoulder is an amazing pillow.” She pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh.
“Considering that you still talking to me and that you collapsed fast, I’ll believe in both things.” He affirmed in a solemn tone, even though he still smiling “But actually, you caused me a problem.”
“What problem?” She frowned, staring at him with full attention.
“It’s a very specifical problem. You see, it makes me upset every time I unlock my phone and remember that your number is not on it.” Took Ana a few seconds to process what she just heard and was impossible to hold the hearty laugh.
“You’re not making things easy for me, because I love questionable pick-up lines.” She said with a wide smile “Give me this phone, Daniels.”
“Don’t blame me if I go too far with that.” He didn’t hesitate to grab his phone and hand it to her.
“If you knew the atrocities that I found reasonable to be used in flirting situations, you wouldn’t tell me this.” Ana answered while typing her number on his phone.
“Can’t be that bad, give me an example.” Jack turned his look at her once he stopped at the traffic light. She stopped typing and bit her lip, thinking for a moment.
“You see, being a history teacher demands me to use a lot of books which is very good, ‘cause I have my library card always handy. And it ended up truly useful because I’m certainly checking you out.” It was supposed to be just a joke, but if he were to judge by her glance at him, he wouldn’t be so sure that she wasn’t serious. 
“You’ll steal my heart speaking like this.” Jack had a smirk on his face.
“Maybe that’s my goal.” She said while turning her attention back to save her contact on his phone, handing it back to him right after.
“You won’t need much effort.” He admitted before looking back to the street, making her smile sideways.
No more than fifteen minutes later they arrived at her address; once more he didn’t miss the chance to open the car door for her with that almost silly smile on his face. Since he had to park a few meters away from the front door, he wouldn’t waste the opportunity to enjoy her company for a little longer while they walked towards her house.
“Safe and sound at home.” He said while she unlocked the door.
“And away from alcohol for a while.” She answered frowning slightly and smiled right after “Well, thank you for the ride, for the nursing services, and for allowing me to use you as a pillow.” Ana smiled a little more when he chuckled.
“I’m at your disposal anytime if you need any of the three things.” Jack affirmed with a nod of his head.
“I appreciate this information really much.”
“Good to know that.” He held the brim of his hat to straighten it before proceeding to his next move “I’ll take this opportunity to ask if you’re free tomorrow night.” Jack could see the slight surprise on her face and hoped this was a good thing.
“I am.” Ana didn’t think much before saying it.
“So, would you be up for dinner?” His voice came out calm and confident, would be impossible to know he had butterflies in his stomach.
“Yes. As long it isn’t sushi, I’d be delighted.” She sounded playful and had a discreet smile on her lips, ignoring the little racing of her heart with all her strength.
“Perfect.” Jack was smiling openly “No raw fish and I’ll pick you up at 8 pm.” Jack grabbed his Stetson by the crown and took it out of his head, then held one of her hands “Have a good afternoon, darlin’.” Without looking away from her eyes, Jack kissed the back of her hand.
“Thank you.” Ana smiled a bit more while observing him let go of her hand “I see you tomorrow, then.”
“I’ll be counting the seconds.” He said putting his hat back on and smiling at her one last time before descending the three steps at the front door and following the sidewalk to his car, unable to avoid his thoughts.
The last time Jack went on a real date with someone was more than two years ago when he met Sylvia, the girlfriend who made him give up on a life of commitment. But now, less than 24 hours after meeting Ana he was reconsidering deeply this decision. Of course, he still didn’t know enough about her, but he couldn’t ignore that they had chemistry, not the sexual kind, even that they had shared some desirous glances, it wasn’t just that. She genuinely liked a lot of things that he liked too; he didn’t need to take care about his dubious jokes because she was into the same type of jokes; despite the little flirting games, she was pretty much sincere about important stuff, like let him know that she had no intent of waste time in something casual. Most people might think it would be an exaggeration to discuss these things even before engaging in anything serious, but Jack appreciated that. In his middle twenties maybe, he wouldn’t care about these details at the very beginning of a romantic involvement, but now, being forty years old, he liked to know in which waters he was diving. Jack shook his head as he started the car, looking at her house one last time before he started to drive, hoping things went as well as he was expecting.
With her back resting on the door, Ana was still assimilating everything. The last thing she expected of that night was to end up having a date. She started to flirt with Jack mostly as a joke, with no intent to take it seriously, but he had too many characteristics she appreciated in a man to not catch her attention. Despite having hit on her openly, he really could keep a conversation without acting like a predator and he seemed truly interested in what she had to say. As if all this wasn’t enough, his passion for animals, especially dogs and horses just made him even more attractive to her. And for sure she couldn’t ignore the respectful gentleman he was; only her behavioral language was more than enough for him to get her boundaries and strictly respect them. The straight rational part of her mind insisted that not trying to kiss her after less than five minutes of conversation was the bare minimum, but, at the same time, she remembered that one of the principal reasons why she had been out of the romantic field for three years was exactly because any time a guy approached her, the whole situation was mediocre: no more than two minutes off tasteless talk till they started to look at her in the wrong way or tried to do something they certainly didn’t had the liberty to. Ana had no idea what course the dinner would follow, but even if they ended up not being romantically compatible, at least she would have a pleasant time with a handsome man; there was not much that could go wrong.
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It was already 7:55 pm and Ana was doubtful about her outfit for the fourth time in the last ten minutes. Not that she thought that could have anything wrong with the emerald gabardine dress or with her matching emerald necklace and earrings, the problem for sure wasn’t them, but her. Growing up with the feeling of being the DUFF in her social circle had its consequences. She considered changing, fearing to be overdressed for dinner, but at the same time, that annoying voice in the back of her mind insisted on saying that she wasn’t skinny enough to dress more simply than that. Given the time and the fact that, despite the doubts, she liked the result of the whole picture, Ana decided not to change anything and stepped away from the mirror to put on her heels. One last check to make sure all the necessary was in her purse before she led downstairs and sat on the couch, ready to wait at least twenty more minutes, but she didn’t even have the time to get comfortable at the upholstery before listening to the doorbell.
Stood in front of the door, Jack aligned his blazer one last time while waiting. He felt his heart beating faster as heard her steps getting louder and couldn’t help a wide smile at the moment that Ana opened the door; when he thought she couldn’t look more stunning, there she was, easily the most beautiful creature he ever had the privilege to look at.
“Good evening, Jack.” She greeted softly with a smile, still processing how this man looked so gorgeous. He was not wearing his Stetson this time and his hair was millimetrically aligned, a good match with his well-fitted black blazer.
“It’s a wonderful evening having the most stunning lady of this city by my side.” Jack held her hand while speaking and planted a kiss on its dorsum “Shall we?”
“Of course.” Ana closed and locked the door behind her, walking side by side with him to the car, frowning for a second when he opened the door of an Audi “I seem to have unlocked your urban cowboy version.” She tilted her head slightly, looking at him.
“Kind of.” Jack affirmed with a smirk, holding out a hand to her “I would never risk letting the wind ruin your beautiful blonde curls in an open car.”
“Very insightful of you.” Ana smiled, holding his hand and getting into the car. After turning around and getting into the car, Jack raised one eyebrow and smiled at the scene of her focused on the onboard computer. “Don’t mind me, I’m just connecting my phone to the radio to provide you with an amazing soundtrack.” Ana joked looking at him.
“I’m deeply curious to know what you listen to.” He admitted, starting the car.
“Well, my playlist can go from Beyoncé to Mozart faster than a blink.” Once her phone was connected, she pressed the play button without checking which song it was and felt instant regret at the moment she heard the first note of the melody, followed by the chorus: “And the girls say; Save a horse, ride a cowboy”. Jack couldn’t hold back his laughter and looked at her just to find Ana staring at her phone with a perplexed smile and red cheeks. “I swear I have an explanation for this.” She said, finally looking at him.
“Go ahead with it, darlin’. I have a feeling it will be interesting.” He answered before looking back to the street, still smiling. 
“Ok, maybe I don’t have a real explanation, I just like this song.” At that point, she knew that trying to make up a story wouldn’t help much.
“Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me.” Jack was serious, despite his goofy smile “I just wonder if all our dates will be chaotic like this.” He glanced at her, resting his hand on his thigh.
“I can easily be more chaotic than this.” She hesitated for a moment before grabbing his free hand and intertwining their fingers “So I suppose you’ll have to get used.”
“Certainly not a thing I’ll complain ‘bout.” He stated, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb “I just can’t assure you that I’ll not be shocked by your playlist occasionally.” Jack sounded the more serious he could, despite the involuntary smile.
“I promise it gets more cultured.” Even with his eyes focused on the avenue, Jack had no doubt she was smiling.
“I’m afraid of the answer, but now I need to know what’s your favorite song.”
“Luckily for you, is a half-cultured one.” Ana said while scrolling through her playlist to find her favorite; once the song started to play, took no more than a few seconds for Jack to recognize it.
“Considering all the possibilities, ‘Death of a Bachelor’ was the last song I expected to be your favorite.” She couldn’t help but smile broadly at his statement.
“And I didn’t expect you to know this song.” Of course, Ana didn’t think he listened only to Willie Nelson 24/7, but her expectations for their music tastes to be aligned weren’t the highest.
“You’re not the only one that listens to a lot of everything.” He shrugged and pulled her hand closer to his face, kissing her wrist.
“But let me guess, your favorite is something between ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ and ‘Islands in the Stream’.”
“Is ‘50 Ways to Leave Your Lover’, so your guess was pretty accurate.” Jack admitted with a smile.
“‘Just slip out the back, Jack’” Ana quoted a line from the song “Surely more sentimental than I was expecting, but a very enjoyable surprise.”
Amidst some more discussions about popular culture, they arrived at the restaurant. Once settled at the table, after the waiter left, they resumed their briefly interrupted conversation, which was not a difficult thing since they were two talkers.
“I know it doesn’t suit me, but I have a serious question to ask you.” Ana declared after one more sip of wine.
“Fine, now I’m scared.” He joked “Go on, darlin’. I’m all yours to interrogate.”
“Very well.” She pressed her lips together for a second before going ahead “Do intend to have kids?” Ana knew that, depending on what his answer was, any chance of this turning into something more would be dead and buried, but better now than after she became more involved.
“Not really.” Jack chose honesty, fully aware that there’s a possibility of ruining everything. 
“We’re talking about ‘not for now’ or ‘not at all’?” Ana took a sip of her wine, trying to contain her anxiety about his answer.
“Well, I had a vasectomy when I was 23, so ‘not at all’.” Ana didn’t even notice that she let out a sigh of relief, smiling openly.
“I don’t wanna sound indelicate, but those were undoubtedly the best words that came out of your mouth in this whole evening.” Her declaration caught Jack off guard and he couldn’t hide his excitement with her positive reaction.
“So, this won’t be a problem?” Even though he already assumed the answer, he couldn’t help but ask.
“You’re talking to the person who gave herself a sterilization surgery as a 25th birthday present.” She raised her eyebrows slightly.
“This being the case, I have a serious question too.” Jack leaned back in his chair, keeping his attention on her “Supposing we got married, how much persuasion I’d need to convince you to move to the countryside?”
“I grew up in the country and always wanted to go back, so you’d need no effort.” Jack couldn’t say if he was more fascinated by how she always sounded certain of what she wanted or how she seemed truly unbothered by the mention of something like marriage when they were still in the process to know each other.
“I hope you know that every word you say just makes you more fascinating to me.” His radiant smile only proved he was telling the truth “But I’m curious ‘bout this part of your past. Yesterday you mentioned you’re Brazilian; how did you end up in Louisville?”
“Well, I was born in Brazil and lived there ‘till I was nine years old when my family moved to Maine. Once I finished high school, I moved to New York to go to college, and right after I graduated, thanks to one of my professors I got the opportunity to get my master’s in London and I stayed there for twelve years. Then, three years ago I decided to move back to the United States. Through some acquittances, I got the job at the school and that’s how I ended up here.” She was calm while speaking and didn’t notice the soft smile growing on her face since Jack looked more interested with every word she said.
“Be aware that I’ll want to know the specific details about several parts of this.” Jack had a soft smile on his face “But what intrigues me more is that a woman with your qualifications, charisma, and eloquence could be working at the best universities in this country. Why the high school?” Judging by her excited expression and the breath she took before answering, Jack was aware that Ana was about to talk excitedly about the whole thing, and he couldn’t be more delighted.
“I worked at the UCL for a few years in fact, and it was frustrating.” She leaned her forearms at the board of the table, considering for a second what would be the best way to explain it “Adults are too comfortable in just listening to the information and absorb it unquestioningly, conversely the kids are always questioning the reason for everything; they go into heavy argumentations to defend their points and sometimes they end up noticing their contradictions in the middle of the process. It’s almost a magical thing to see them understanding why some things are the way they are and have the most variated reactions about it; there’s not a single world conflict they didn’t come up with a solution and most of them make sense. You don’t have much of this when teaching adults, but is exactly this chaotic atmosphere of the young ones that gives me satisfaction to be teaching; seeing that my work is effectively making some difference in their perceptions is undoubtedly the most amazing reward I can get from all of this.” Just when she finished her explanation, Ana realized she had been talking for a while and got excited enough to start with her vicious habit of moving her hands while speaking without even noticing. “I’m sorry, I got a little carried away.” She excused herself with a slightly embarrassed smile.
“Don’t you dare apologize for making me reflect on the condescension with which I’ve accepted information throughout my whole life using such a beautiful speech.” Jack’s eyes were slightly narrowed, accompanied by a crooked grin was more than enough to convince her about how real was his satisfaction in listening to her.
“Your ears will be the victims of my non-stop talking, then whatever you say goes.” Ana leaned in her chair, still smiling “But, since I’ve talked enough for a night and we’re talking about work, I have some questions too.”
“I can’t promise to talk so passionately as you about this subject, but I can guarantee honest answers.” Jack tried to sound solemn, but his smile betrayed him.
“And I appreciate this, ‘cause my curiosity is killing me.” He could see a little crease between Ana’s eyebrows while she formulated her next sentence “I know what I’m gonna say may sound a little stereotyped and I’m already apologizing for this, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t find the sense in someone who enjoy the things you do working at the corporate business. If I had to guess what you do for life, I’d say veterinary or something of this nature.” 
As if he wasn’t already enchanted enough for her, now she was admitting being intrigued about his job because it didn’t match his tastes and not because “He didn’t look like someone that would work in a big corporation.” like everyone always told him. And yet she feared she might’ve been rude in her remark. If Jack’s expectations were high before, now they were almost in the sky.
“Academically speaking, I’m a zootechnician, so you’re not wrong at all.” He answered with a wide smile “You see, I got a job at Statesman when I was nineteen and I found out that work at an office is not that bad. I always had the intention to retire to the countryside someday and the corporate job ended up being a good profit source for me to buy the ranch I always wanted and adjust it to the animals I intended to have. Even with some inconveniences, such as having to stay in New York longer than I’d like to, I learned to enjoy what I do and my schedule it’s flexible enough for me to spend almost all my weekends at the ranch.” This time Ana was the one listening with attention and amusement, appreciating his line of thought.
“I like your way of thinking, always considering the long-term situation, and I have to say that your concern about ensuring the ranch was fit for the animals got me by the heart.” Ana admitted with a discreet smile “And all this talk about country life is making me crave for a horse ride; it’s been so many years since the last time.”
“I can’t believe that someone that got so excited while listening ‘bout the life of all of my horses doesn’t ride often.” The expression on his face made it clear that he was genuinely surprised.
“The last time I rode a horse I still lived in Brazil.” Ana raised her eyebrows dramatically, leaving Jack more perplexed.
“We need to solve this, darlin’.” Jack leaned his crossed arms on the table “I’m going to the ranch this weekend and, if you would like to and feel comfortable ‘bout it, you can come with me. There’s a lot of other animals you can pet, the house has all the amenities you have in the city and, of course, you’d have a suite just for you.”
Throughout a good part of her life, Ana had received some good proposals for work or trips, but this one, for sure was among the best; not just because the idea of spending a weekend surrounded by animals sounded amazing, but because of his concern to clarify that it was not the kind of invitation with hidden second intentions.
“Sincerely, I’d love to spend a whole weekend disturbing your poor horses, but I have a serious question.” Despite being soft, her tone was neutral enough to not let him have any clue where this was leading “There’s any calf that I could pet? ‘Cause it has also been a long time since I was close to one.” Ana dismantled her straight face when he smiled broadly and nodded.
“There’s a couple of them and they’re used to being around people since they were born, so you’ll probably be running away from them at the end of the day.”
“That being the case, you can start to prepare your spirit to spend the whole weekend with me.” She said with a smile, tilting slightly her head.
“I’ll have to prepare myself to deal with the days after the weekend, ‘cause I’m aware that will be hard to be away from you.” Once her response to his remark was a sideways smile and a look that would make Jack tremble if he wasn’t so self-confident, he was sure that it would be an interesting weekend.
Two hours later, they were once again stood at her front door, arranging the main details of their trip to his ranch, already making plans. As was becoming usual, Jack didn’t waste the chance to plant a kiss on the back of her hand, as always sending a wave of heat over her skin and Ana wouldn’t be able to say if it was the warm touch of his lips or the gentle scratch of his mustache that gave her that amazing chills. One last glance exchanged and Jack went his way back to his car, as Ana closed the door of her house, the two wondering if things were really going so well between them.
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Tagging: @missladym1981 (In case you want to be tagged, lemme know)
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chantsdemarins · 1 year
⭐️The Mischief of a Familiar Legend (Loki X Female Reader) ⭐️
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Okay, this story just happened! So I am late posting updates to everything else because this solstice tale seemed to take over! It might be truly terrible! I’m sorry!!
It features Jötun Loki!
A lot of mischief and chaos, things Loki specializes in…
Summary: A winter solstice celebration on Asgard is crashed by a returning Loki, and you are faced with an ensuing identity crisis of epic proportions.
Smut Scale: Minors do not read! 18+ Old horny folks have at it! 🔥🔥🔥
Tags for people who might be interested?? (Please forgive if you aren’t!!)
@lokisgoodgirl @coldnique @holdmytesseract @simplyholl @huntress-artemiss @goblingirlsarah @kats72 @carlym @i-stand-with-loki @gigglingtigger @fictive-sl0th @kikster606 @michelleleewise @lady-rose-moon @eleniblue @peaches1958 @lokischambermaid @mochie85 @xorpsbane @sheris532 @cakesandtom @mjsthrillernp @lovelysizzlingbluebird @muddyorbsblr @mischief2sarawr
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The gilded participants of the royal winter solstice court collectively held their breath as the thick wooden door swung open, blowing in the longest night of the year-and a face no one had seen in a very long time.
Prince Loki stood in the doorway.
His tall form-foreboding. Freshly fallen snow lay in the gray fur trim of his coat and eyelashes, which covered his muted vermillion eyes.
His skin was not the pallor moon color of the other Asgardian partygoers. Or anything like what you might have assumed it to be. The words “Blár himinn” escaped your mouth in a haunted whisper. You’d been studying Old Norse, and it was the first thing that came to mind as you tried to take him in.
He was one of the most exciting beings you’d ever seen in your entire life. You were so thoroughly shocked, much like the rest of the attendees. You scanned the room, waiting for someone from the royal family to speak up as you clutched your wine glass, still almost full to the rim.
Then a deep voice edged with emotion came from the back of the large banquet hall.
He brushed a few errant snowflakes from himself that had yet to melt. He cleared his throat. Perhaps he had not spoken in a while, you puzzled.
“Father,” was his simple reply.
Somehow the palace became even quieter with the two words spoken by father and son. They seemed to absorb all the ambient noise further. Even the logs on the fire ceased to crackle. Frigga was the next to speak, but she had made her way towards Loki, leaving Odin standing near the silent roaring fire.
“My son,” she collapsed her arms around him, holding him tightly. She looked tiny, her crown diminutive.
“Queen Frigga, let’s not pretend with pleasantries. You know very well I am not your son.”
“Loki, you will always be my son. I am so glad you are still alive. I am so thankful you survived whatever recent toils you have encumbered.”
“I am not sure I did, mother.”
“I am not the man you last saw.”
“I see that, Loki,” Frigga said, scanning her son’s appearance. She had never seen him in his fully Jötun form. He was remarkable and frightening all at once.
“Do you prefer to be Jötun now, son?” Frigga’s words slowly escaped from her mouth as she touched his hair.
Loki scoffed. He could not believe his mother’s gall—her supposition.
“If you believe that is true, then you are a worse fool than I imagined, mother, like every last one of you.”
Loki’s callous tone was consuming.
By now, Thor, Odin, and the rest of the einherjar had gained the confidence to approach the returned prince.
With caution, they encircled him. Unsure if he was hostile, they were ready to take Odin’s orders should Loki be deemed a clear threat.
A thousand different possibilities merged in the minds of his family. Where had Loki been all these years? He had returned briefly when he could break free of the Chitari. The damage he had incurred in New York had been minimized, thankfully. Still, Loki felt deep remorse and embarrassment for being at the mercy of such a demented race of beings who capitalized on his weakness. He left Asgard as soon as possible and would not have returned tonight had he not needed their help.
He had run out of options.
Loki didn’t like the extra attention he was getting now. He didn’t want to stop his family's lavish event on his account. He had hoped for a less dramatic entrance. His timing was off.
“I am not a feral monster. Even though I may look it father, you can call off the einherjar.”
Odin waved his hand.
“Stand down.”
The royal guards nodded briefly and left the hall.  Odin turned to the stunned crowd and addressed them.
“Please keep the music going. My son has been gone for quite a while. We will take a brief leave as a family and shortly return,” he turned to Frigga and Thor and ushered them all to the adjacent serving room.
As Odin’s orders to recommence the party filtered through the crowd, chatter could be slowly heard again, along with the gentle sound of the ceremonial harp and drums sending rhythm into the air.
Thor’s normally steady appearance was dimmed. He looked like he encountered a ghost, judging by his startled expression as they all filtered into the busy room full of servants.
When they closed the door, you lost sight of them but moved closer across the room, hoping to hear something.
You were a mere Midgardian healer, but you were intrigued by the possibility of talking to Loki.
Someone you had wondered about since you were granted a research position in the court. You put your ear to the door as you’d seen on old sitcoms, and just like in a sitcom-the door soon swung open, hitting you in the side.
Loki filed out with his entire family trailing loosely behind him, trying to get him to slow down and listen.
He stopped briefly and looked in your direction as you rubbed your arm.
Laughing, he strutted further into the hall and said, “As the saying goes, you get what you deserve for being nosy."
You raced after Loki and joined the line his family was forming behind him. He stopped at the large food table and grabbed what looked like a croissant filled with brie and figs. He took a large bite and stood chewing while staring at you.
Something about his tone to you supposed a familiarity. It was disorienting.
You interjected and spoke, “Sir, I am sorry for listening in. I just was worried you were going to leave.”
“Now why would that worry you, pet?”
Pet? Again, a familiarity that was flummoxing.
You tried to speak quickly while you had his audience, “because I am here from Midgard, I am what you would know as a healer. I am looking for an element on Asgard that I feel, will help my fellow humans…I want to….”
Loki interrupted you mid-sentence.
“You wouldn’t be the first weakling human seeking the help of the gods, and surely not the last,” Loki sighed and moved on to pour himself a large goblet of wine from a crystal decanter.
You were somewhat taken aback. Perhaps you’d mistaken this god for someone benevolent…
“Weakling? I beg your pardon?” you said, feeling confused. Sure, he was in another form and looked very intimidating, but wasn’t he ultimately supposed to be at the mercy of humans?
Thor stood between you and Loki. Absentmindedly he continued the conversation they were having in the serving room.
“Loki, you can’t just show back up like this! We thought you were dead this time, for real. You must tell us why you have reappeared!”
Loki ignored Thor and returned his gaze to you.
“I think you might have mistaken the god of mischief for what you humans now call Santa Claus. I am not here to give you what is on your ‘wish list,’ especially if it is some ‘cure,’ and I do not care if you’ve been naughty or nice,” Loki laughed to himself.
He continued pointily speaking, “I hope you’ve been naughty. I’d more likely grant you one of your wishes if that were the case.”
“Naughty?” you mumbled nervously under your breath. Was he reading your mind!?
It was true. As you watched him devour food from the buffet table, a stray thought appeared like a singular meteor streaking through the sky. One could miss it if you weren’t incredibly fast.
But he was just that fast.
You had paid too much attention to the tight fit of his long coat. The way his dark hair fell across his shoulders. The lithe blue of his body seemed to be barely contained by the black leather he wore. No. You shouldn’t look at him like that, and you shouldn’t think these things. You had stopped yourself-but. It was enough for him to know. He turned his attention back to Thor, Odin, and his mother, who seemed on the verge of frantic.
He sighed to himself. Loki knew he must explain something soon.
“Fine. If I must explain, I am here because, for every god-forsaken year since the Chitauri intercepted me, I seem unable to keep my Æsir form during the winter solstice,” Loki explained with tinges of pain and relief for having explained himself a little.
As a doctor from Earth, you were now an invested part of this discussion, seeing as no one so far seemed to have the ability to shoo you off. And the fact remained, there was a familiarity. His casual tone with you, your peaked interest in him. The fact you were still standing alongside the royal family when other mortals would have fled.
Your mind raced with possible reasons for Loki's new problem keeping his Æsir form. Why did this problem only occur during the winter solstice? Had this alien race, which you only knew a small amount about, done something to him? Or was this a natural process now happening to him? Would it have happened whether he knew his true origin or not?
Odin spoke first. “You come back to your family for help. I see. This is where you belong.  I am glad you finally see the error in your ways….” Frigga moved closer between her son and king.  She quickly cut him off before he could perhaps anger Loki further.
Changing the subject, she said, “Loki, why don’t we bring you to soul forge and Eir? I wish you would have come sooner than continue to stay away like this,” her face crestfallen.
Loki went on, “Being in my Jötun form was not the only reason I stayed away, mother. Lies, deceit, and general malice inflicted upon me by my family might rise to the top of my reasons.” His smile was icy.  
Your next words were careful, continuing to feel the strange compulsion to stay in this obvious family-only situation.
But your time was quickly evaporating.
“Who is this woman again?” Loki said, stepping so close you could feel his hot breath on your head. His attention was so focused on you. You had trouble blinking your eyes.
Frigga grabbed your arm and spoke to you both, “son, she’s here researching….”
“Yes, yes, she told me. Some boring cure. Well, it seems, pet, we both need some leiðr. Perhaps we have business together after all.” He was smug and even more casual, with possibly more licentious double meaning between his words.  You tried to remain centered. Calm.
“Loki, yes, I think I could perhaps help you if you let me-and maybe yes, perhaps you can help me with what I am looking for,” you said timidly.
Loki continued to keep his ruby eyes on you. “Hmm, you do look rather familiar. Is this your first time on Asgard? Do we possibly know one another?”
You answered him quickly, nervously, tugging at your dress. “This is my first time on Asgard. I understand not many humans come here. There is no way we could know one another, sir.
Loki looked disgusted. “Please stop calling me, sir. Master might be more befitting, but we need to get to know one another just a tad more.”
Your flushed face was impossibly hot. You held your hand against it. You were both intrigued and offended, it was enjoyably distasteful.
Frigga seemed to agree that adding you to the royal entourage of healers was a good idea, even though she was not sure of her son’s true motivation. Surely enough, he did seem to recognize you from somewhere, from some place or time.
The winter solstice festivities continued, but Odin had moved you and Loki to the healer Eir’s compound. Thor had begrudgingly agreed to stay behind, entertain the guests, and receive the various offerings while his brother was being tended to.
Once Loki was situated with the healers he was throughly examined and placed in the soul forge.
You noticed Loki barely fit in while in his Jötun form. His long legs trundled off the bed of the quantum molecular device. He had stripped down to nothing but his black leather pants. The distinctive lacing at the front was very distracting. No belt was required, just a solid arm to pull the laces taut against his stomach.
You were careful to conceal your thoughts in an overarching mental picture of your Hippocratic discernment. He turned his gaze to you once or twice, and you quickly looked away.
“Loki, you can get up now,” Eir said as she held her soft, delicate hands to him. Eir and Frigga had carefully done all they could to try and understand the waning seiðr.
He sat up and ran his hands through his hair which was curling slightly. He then held on to his own body strangely. Was he possibly in pain, you thought to yourself?
Eir and Frigga closed their notebooks and asked the rest of the healing staff to leave. Frigga sat down next to her son.
“Loki, it seems that the stress of being under the mind control of the Chitauri broke our spell in a particular way associated with the calendar cycle of Jötun biology.”
“What does that mean, mother? Am I to continue to go through this year after year?”
“Son, I think so, until….”
Eir sat on the other side of Loki, placing her hand on his shoulder. She had practically raised Loki along with his parents. Having first held him when he was a tiny baby stolen for Jötunheim.
“Come out with it, mother, just tell me plainly,” Loki was perplexed and wondered why the long preamble to any discoveries that had been made.
You already knew what they meant, as likely did Loki. Jötun must have a cyclical reproductive cycle associated with the absence of the sun and the longest night during the winter solstice. They must become most fertile during this time away from the sun. That made sense, given the star, had any power over them at all.
It was just one of many suns that filled the nine realms, you marveled at the significance it could have. Your eyes averted to the still-dark night outside. You imagined there were perhaps a few hours left before dawn.
You walked over to Loki, watching his sullen face in the candlelight of the healer’s small quarters.
You finally spoke as tenderly as possible, “How long do you usually stay in your Jötun form when this happens?”
He looked at you with his usual caviler and shrugged his shoulders.
“It has never been the same once. That is why I am forced to come here now. I cannot live a proper life with this looming. I do not want to stay as a monster for any length of time.”
You couldn’t believe how he again referred to himself as a monster. He seemed the furthest thing. Except for his crass mouth, he was handsome. He was more than handsome in his Jötun body.
“Loki, I suspect perhaps if you, how do I say this, if you found a lover, perhaps that would shorten the time you spend in your Jötun form,” Eir suggested while looking at Frigga nervously.
She responded tentatively, “Son, we know you’ve never had a problem finding a lover. I am certain it should not be a problem now. This is worth a try if you haven’t already, um…tried this remedy.”
Loki responded quickly, hopping off the soul forge and magicking his clothes back on. He quickly walked towards the healer’s doorway and almost left before pausing briefly.
“Who would want me like this, mother? You continue to slay my already broken heart with your willful ignorance of the turmoil you and father have perpetuated. I am better off returning to Jötunheim to reclaim my rightful throne and leaving this world of lies behind me.”
With that final cutting remark, Loki left.
You felt you had no choice but to chase after him, leaving both Frigga and Eir flustered and saddened. Frigga’s delicate hands covered her face, fighting back her tears of regret. Eir was more curious about you and what would transpire next.  
“LOKI!” you screamed his name as you plowed through what felt like feet of snow. So much you could barely see the tops of your boots. You followed his snow steps and quickened your pace, calling his name repeatedly into the snowy solstice night.
“LOKI PLEASE!” you were breathless. The wanton desperation and lust of a woman had replaced the righteous doctor from Midgard. The thought of Loki finding himself repulsive in his Jötun form was so painful you could barely stand it. You wanted to help him, and you were painfully attracted to him. There was a certainty to it you couldn’t understand.
Finally, you made it back to the palace grounds, having traced every one of his steps until you arrived at the tower where his old room was likely located. You spotted a soft orange glow from the tallest window. He must be up there.
Contemplating the likely 400 steps, it would take to climb was another matter. Again, you called him, “LOKI, LOKI, it’s me. Can I come up? Or can you help me come up? I’m freezing down here.” It was true. You were almost frostbitten. You only had your thin coat over your gown, not a hat or gloves. The wind whipped around you and the palace. Just as you were about to leave, truly saddened and crazed that your curiosity had gotten you involved in such a mess-you heard the baritone of his voice cascade seemingly brick by brick down to you.
“Human, you are truly mad. You’re not coming up here.”
“Loki, were you not the one who was shamelessly suggesting I call you master just hours earlier?” your query blasted back at him.
“You found me attractive, or there was something you recognized, something familiar…I recognize it, too, or I wouldn’t be here freezing! Now please, can you bring me up? Just to talk even.”
Loki had indeed had enough of his Rapunzel moment. He snapped his blue fingers, and you were in his room.
You both looked at one another for a brief moment before speaking more intimately.
Loki continued his protest at the thought of you helping him break this strange curse. He went on.
“We simply can’t...for one thing, human, I am twice your size.”
You laughed and sat on the bed, immediately grabbing his blankets around your shoulders. Loki saw you struggling and placed the white reynir fur around you. His hands lingering in a delicate slow motion, it seemed he was contemplating the possibility that neither of you might be clothed and blanketed for long…
“I am a doctor, Loki, and I am bound to heal no matter what by decree of an oath.”
“That oath does not count when you are visiting another realm.”
“It should!” you exclaimed as you patted the space next to you, seemingly inviting him to sit.
Loki did sit. There was barely enough room for the two of you. Suddenly both of your eyes were lost in the same thought. The bed was too narrow.
“The only way this is going to work love is if you get on top and ride me, if you can, that is. This bed won’t due.” He was sinfully smirking.
His mischievousness was resurfacing at a rapid pace. He had shifted his demeanor exceedingly fast.
Was he always so mercurial, you thought?
You took a deep breath. Both relieved he was not feeling so sorry for himself, but now that he was easier than you expected to convince, you had to make good on your offer. There seemed to be no way to go back. Not that you really wanted to rejoin the party. Not after this.
He leaned closer to you and grabbed your hair, pulling it out of your face enough for his lips to land squarely on yours. He didn’t take his time. His tongue plunged into your mouth, searching. His hands roamed your gown.
One palm took the back hooks and began unfastening so quickly your mind was buzzing. You pulled away for a moment and tried to think. You had wanted to talk to him before he was all over you…
“Loki, we don’t know if this will work. I don’t want you to be alarmed if you are still in your frost giant form after we, after you….���
“After I put my seed inside you lovely pet? Is that what you are trying to say?” his hands cupped your entire face as he stared into your eyes, laughing.
“I had wondered if you needed to or could just, you know, come on my stomach or something miserably quotidian like that.”
“Dear I think we both know how to break the spell. I must fill you with so much seed there will be no way you won’t leave my bedroom not pregnant with my child.”
You were now a little scared. His voice was harsh and raspy, crazed a little. He was hiding this carefully since he arrived at the winter solstice event. He was not entirely in control of any of this. This was why he was seeking his family's help. He was desperate.
You pondered the chances you’d get pregnant. You were responsible, you were a doctor. You could have a family. An Interspecies one seemed more daunting.
You considered if it was even possible for a human and a Jötun to mate? Your mind kept searching for examples in history. Had this ever happened before? While you were thinking and not thinking, in your haze, Loki removed the rest of his clothes.
You might have looked hesitant as he spun you around and loosened the rest of your fastenings. You stepped out of your gown, leaving the satin dress pooled at your feet for a moment before he lifted you into his arms. With a snap of his fingers, Loki lit the fire in the ancient-looking eldhús before laying you back down on a pile of furs beside it.
“What about the bed...?” you looked at him, slightly confused. You thought you had it all worked out.
Loki looked amused, “Dear, after more consideration I thought we might end up breaking it.”
You were smiling at his forethought into the impact of his Jötun virility.
“I want you. Will you have me? Even if I am a frost giant?” he mumbled into your ear, gently running his fingers over your nipples and down your stomach to your sex.  
“Yes, I will have you,” you whispered back to Loki, closing your eyes.
This was ridiculous but somehow you were following your instincts as antithetical to your best interests as they were at the moment.
Loki’s long fingers quickly pushed inside your wanting body. When he pulled them out again, he delicately held a single digit to his lips, tasting you, he seemed to let go of all decorum and niceties in his euphoria.
He was going to fuck you…now.
With acrobatic ease, he pulled you on top of him, your legs strained to straddle him properly.
Loki’s cock was bewildering. As it touched your stomach, you leaned forward to grab it. Loki’s head fell backward, and he arched upwards with every stroke and flick of your wrist, winding around its massive size. Loki’s eyes met yours before he quietly spoke.
“Are you ready?”
You smiled and gulped audibly.
“Ready as I will ever be,” you leaned down over him and kissed him passionately, with no reserve. This wild adventure pulsed through your veins with enough adrenaline to jump-start a tow truck. You lifted yourself and placed his cock inside you. You could do nothing but wince for a moment, but he gave you no choice to linger. His hips quickly bucked up, you yelped, and his arms came and wrapped around you, pulling you impossibly close.
“Min kærleik,” Loki seemed to repeat endlessly into your ear as he placed his head into the crook of your neck.
“Min kærleik, not long now,” he said as you continued to ride him with all your energy.
He was slightly aware that in this heightened state, he would not be the harbinger of endless hours of pleasure, at least not at this delicate moment.
You looked down at his cock inside you, wet, gliding effortlessly. How could this man have believed he was not beautiful in this form?
“You can fill me, Loki, do it, please,” you were truly lost in the moment, a little crazy.
Then he did.
It was like when he first stepped into the hall, the silence his presence afforded, the absence of sound. The same phenomena was occurring now.
You might have only closed your eyes for a second, but that was all it took.
You looked down again at the man beneath your spent body, and suddenly he was his normal pale, tall, wiry Loki.
“What, min ást,” his eyes were still closed.
Loki’s now pale blue eyes opened, a sly smile etched across his face.
“I see. Well, thank you, my dove, for your contribution to both ‘science,’ as you say on Midgard, and the hopeful continuation of the royal lineage,” his hands found your stomach and stayed there rubbing small circles.
He was suddenly a little too calm perhaps for your liking.
“Loki, aren’t you relieved that you are no longer bound to continue transforming into your Jötun form every solstice? We did it! We broke the spell!”
“Oh, we sure did, pet,” Loki said as he rolled over on his elbow.
“Now, lay back down. I’m sure there are other curses and maledictions we could eliminate,” he said as he gently pushed you under him, kissing your neck.
It was as if you had awoken from a daze.
“LOKI, you need to stop for a moment,” you looked straight into his flashing eyes.
“Whatever is it, dove?” Loki looked aghast.
“Were you lying this whole time? Was there ever a curse on you?!” you said as you pushed him off you with a thud.
Dear lord. You looked down at your still naked body. You felt his come between your legs and shivered—that bastard.
You knew it wouldn’t hurt him, but you slapped him hard enough that he winced slightly.
“You didn’t have to make an elaborate lie just to sleep with me or breed me whatever it is we’ve done! This is more monstrous behavior than being a Jötun will ever be!” Loki held your arm back from possibly slapping him again, “I didn’t lie to sleep with you! I saw you right away. We know one another, dove. You aren’t the Midgardian doctor you claim to be either.”
“Yes, I am Loki! What in the hell are you talking about!”
“Come now. You were a part of this whole diversion. You were just playing along!”
“Playing along? Loki, you came inside me!”
He was getting a little miffed. He had recognized her. When she followed him to his tower, he knew their game was on. But what if she did not know who she was? It occurred to Loki, by the distressed look on her face, that she might have no idea.
Was she the one truly under a spell? She spoke of needing a cure but didn’t say it was possibly for herself.
“Dear, please calm down. I can conjure a contraceptive potion if you do not wish to have my child finally and for this mistaken identity or amnesia situation. Pet, I think you might not know who you truly are.”
“Loki, finally have your child? We only just met.” Tears were streaming down your face.
“If it was only that simple,” Loki mused.
With a wave of his hand, he produced a large book, which must have been over a thousand pages. He thumbed through each chapter carefully while simultaneously producing a tissue for your nose.
“Ah, here.” He placed the book in your lap and pointed with his long finger at a portrait on the left page.
“See, it’s you pet.”
You wiped your eyes and scrutinized the book before looking back at Loki.
“Loki am I this Valkyrie?” your voice so shaky you could barely speak, your eyes transfixed on the image before you.
“Yes, you are none other than Brynhildr.”
Thankfully, you read the accompanying text, which happened to be in English and not Old Norse.
“It says my love was Sigurd, not you, Loki.”
“The texts were all Christianized,” Loki scoffed.
“My dear, you had many lovers. The early Christians would have tossed themselves into the fire if they had even penned half the truth of how we were back then.”
“I’m sorry you don’t remember how this happened, and I am sorrier, I don’t remember either, dove. I lost track of you. You are back, though. That much is clear.”
You closed the book with a hard slam and looked at Loki. Some part of you remembered the familiar mischief. Some part of you knew he’d tricked you before, possibly endless times.
Something was just at the cusp of your memory but was unreachable. You felt your back, perhaps for the phantom wings that should be there or once were. You looked up at Loki, still crying, eyes wide with wonder and confusion.
In between your sobs, you said quietly, “Loki, what do we do now?”
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