#he tries so hard to be logan or frank castle
billy's the best daddy issues bratty fuckin' tsun tsun baby bitch boi ever
what a dere~<3!
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
The end has arrived, let the darkness take over you
Frank Castle x Male Reader
Request - Okay good i wanna request for a male reader being punisher's sidekick his backstory is that he came from a poor family single mother 2 siblings and a deadbeat dad he wanted to become a doctor to make money for his family and then family got killed during a crossfire between 2 gangs while going shopping so now he wants revenge he gets a knife buys a gun and starts tracking them down and along the way he comes across frank who's badly injured and unconscious so he drags him away to somewhere safe
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All your life you grew up poor. Your mother did everything to have food for you and your two siblings, she worked odd jobs to make sure she can buy clothes and food for everyone. There were moments, that everyone went to bed without eating anything. But your father is a piece of shit, he used to abuse you, mom, and your siblings verbally and physically. You started to fight back. You threw his stuff out then changed the locks. He hasn't come back around for a long time and you want to keep it like that.
You want to be a doctor to help people and provide for your family. Your mom would take you and your siblings to the library, you would start to read medical books old and modern. She knows you want to be a doctor, she wants to help you achieve your dream.
Later, your mother takes you and your sibling's shopping, to buy clothes.
”Y/N, here you can finish reading it at home,” Your mom said.
She gave you the medical book, the library doesn't allow people to check out.
”Mom, you stole it?” You smiled.
”Shh, it's our secret. I know you will be a good doctor and we will always support you. It will be hard but you are strong men and you will make it” She said.
You hugged your mom and she kissed your head. Your siblings hugged you too and you hugged them back.
While walking with them to the store, suddenly there is a shoot out between two gangs on the streets. Bullets start to fly everywhere, people start to run for cover.
You get hit in your arm with a stray bullet, you fall down and hit your head and you passed out.
-At the hospital--
You wake up and your arm is in pain. The IV is in your arm and you look around, the cop walked in.
”Where is my family? My mom-”
”I’m sorry. But you will have to identify your family at the morgue” She said.
Tears start to form and you are stunned.
”W-what happened,” You said.
”There was a shootout between two gang rivals, six people died now we are trying to identify them,” She said.
Your heart starts to race, that's the only thing you can hear is your heart. Later, they take you to the morgue and you see your family. You broke down and start to cry, you kneed down and kept crying.
What happened between the two gangs and six people died, the news kept talking about it non-stop. But the cops are taking too long to arrest anyone.
You want revenge, you collected newspapers, booked marked social media talking about the crime, and Google the videos of the crime. You go back to the crime scene during late hours. You searched for clues. You know about the two gangs and no one got arrested, that made you angry. You want to take the law into your own hand and do something about it.
-The next night-
You want to buy a gun and a knife. You know where you go and you bought the items, without any trouble. You start to stalk the first gang The blue reapers, you look at them, and you are filled with rage. Now, you start to think about how you will lure them and kill them.
You really don't have a plan. You are just going in there with a gun and knife against a gang. You are standing across the street watching them. Before you left, you heard a huge sound towards the dumpster. You walked towards the dumpster and you see a guy badly beaten up. He is conscious, you did try to wake up him but it didn't work, you tried to pick him up. You take him back to your place and you start to clean his wounds.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
-Next Day-
Frank wakes up and his body is feeling sore. He did struggle to get out of bed, he walked out of the room and he sees you.
”Who are you?” Frank asked.
”I found you unconscious in the alley. I took you here, to stitch you up and you don't need major surgery. My name is Y/N” You said.
”Thank you,” Frank said.
”Don’t worry your gear is fine. It's in the living room... I know who you are” You said.
”You know who I am?” Frank asked.
You nod.
”Help me. Train me, I need to get revenge for those who killed my family. Please train me-”
”I won't train you,” Frank said.
”Why not? I want those two gangs to fall apart. If we don't stop them they will kill winning and kill more people” You said.
”You don't want this lifestyle. The answer is no” Frank said.
”Just give me a chance. I saw you do it before you fight them then kill-”
”I said no!” Frank yelled.
Frank puts back on his gear and left. You sighed and start to think about what to do.
A couple of days has passed by, Frank hasbeen thinking about what you said. Frank started to keep an eye on you, but you didn't notice him following you. Later, you found out the first gang’s hideout. You are being reckless, you only have one gun, and there are more than ten people inside the bar.
Frank can see what you are doing. He sighed and called you a dumbass in his mind. Frank moved rapidly, grabbed you by your hoodie, and slammed you hard against the brick wall in the alley.
”What the fuck is wrong with you!?!” Frank growled.
He doesn't let go of you.
”I want them to pay!” You yelled.
”With one gun!? Once you pull out your gun the next you have a bullet in your fucking skull!” Frank growled again.
You and Frank glared at each other.
”Help me stop them. You have the skills and you can be my mentor” You said.
”Go home, before I break your kneecap,” Frank said cold.
He let's go of you and you really want him to train you.
”I work alone,” Frank said.
Frank made sure you walked away. You did go home but the landlord kicked you out because you haven't paid your rent in months. You grabbed your clothes and a family picture and left. You didn't want to go to the homeless shelter so you slept in the park.
Frank knows what you're going through and he changed his mind. It wasn't hard for Frank to find you. He did take you to his small apartment which you're grateful. You do sleep on the floor on air a mattress.
Every day Frank showed you how to properly clean a gun, take it apart then put it back together and how to hold a gun. Next Frank would teach you how to pickpocket and it's not easy for you. Because you have to be silent like the wind but you keep messing up. But Frank starts to teach you how to fight but he is not a nice mentor. He hits you hard and he doesn't take it easy.
”Do you think they will go easy on you? Remember, on their mind, they want to kill you either you kill them first or they will kill you” Frank said.
”I won't forget that” You said.
Frank starts to punch you and you start to block his blows. You punched him in the jaw, he almost fell and he is bleeding.
”Not bad, Y/N. Let's keep going” Frank said.
You couldn't help to smirk.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
Weeks went by you have been killing gang members one by one from both sides. Frank does go along with you for backup, you didn't feel bad for killing them. They killed your family and they must pay. You finished killing two people on your own, you are covered in blood.
”Sloppy but remember don't leave any evidence that belongs to you on the crime scene. Let's go” Frank said.
You and Frank leave the dive bar. Across the street, there are security cameras and it caught you leaving the bar bloody.
The cops found out that you and Frank have been killing gang members. They want to arrest you and Frank, but they can't find your location. Frank has taught you how to live off the grid.
You are ready to kill them. You and Frank did set up a trap to have both gangs in one place at the warehouse. They want revenge because you killed their friends.
”Who the fuck are you?” He asked.
”You don't care about my name. But I’m here to kill all of you” You said.
They just laughed at you and you are glaring at them. You take out your gun and shot one of the guys in the head. His body dropped now everyone stopped laughing.
”You fucking asshole!” He yelled.
Everyone took out their guns but Frank is on the rail, he is using his sniper rifle. Now everyone is starting to shoot, you run and hide behind a shipping crate. You hid your weapon and you take out the Submachine gun.
You come out and you start to kill them. You were going to load but the guy hit you and you dropped the gun. You take out the brass knuckles and put it on. Now you start to fight and you punch him in the face. He killed your family, you got on top of him and you snapped. All the rage you locked inside came out, he is bleeding out fast but you broke his face.
You grabbed your gun and the bullets, you loaded your gun. You start to shoot and more bodies start to drop. Frank run towards you
” Let's go now,” Frank said.
You followed him outside and locked the doors. You and Frank blocked every exit earlier and left bombs inside. You and Frank get away from the warehouse, he gave you the remote.
”When you are ready,” Frank said.
You didn't say anything and you pressed the button. You and Frank watched the warehouse explode.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
You and Frank go to a small diner to eat. You did burn your clothes because it had blood and put on different clothes. You and Frank don't say anything and just kept eating.
”What is your next move, Y/N,” Frank said.
He takes a huge bite from his burger.
”I have nothing else left for me here. We are wanted so I thought maybe I can tag along” You said.
He starts to think and he drinks his soda and you started to eat again.
”Okay, you can come with me to Canada. I have a friend who can help us” Frank said.
You nod.
You met Logan, he has been friends with Frank for years. They trust each other now you're friends with Logan. You told him what happened to your family and he understands the pain and he didn't judge you. Logan told you and Frank that the cops is after you two. But you didn't care, now you want to figure out what you will do with your life.
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
GLOWING IN THE DARK #0 | The Punisher - Billy Russo
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not my gif!
Author’s Note: What is this? A new Billy Russo series? Yes, yes it is and then from someone who has only written Jaskier from 'The Witcher' (if the few lousy fics even count) and one Daredevil drabble. I really enjoyed working my way through multiple Billy Russo fics here on tumblr. And while I do not agree with his character (he's an asshole and definitely not a 'cute' bad boy), I am in love with Ben Barnes (*cough* Prince Caspian, Logan Delos *cough*)… so that's a problem. This is why I wanted to throw my own take into the depths of tumblr. Now, I'm no US citizen so I have no clue how the military, goverment and all these institutions actually work, but thanks to my good friends Internet and Google I might have a chance to not totally… hmpf it. Anyway, there will probably be some MAJOR mistakes, so as this will be an Billy Russo AU anyway, just look at it like an entire AU in general, yeah? But then again: It's the marvel universe so anything's possible. Thank you in advance! However, if you wanna swing by my messages and correct me and/or help me? Yes please, let's chat and bring me up to speed on how everything works! :D Anyway enough rambling, let's start, shall we? I hope you enjoy this prologue! This is more of a warm-up to have some slight context, Billy will make his debut in the next part.
word count: ~ 1.4k
summary:  A conversation on the way to the airport can lead to interesting new insights. (beginning of a Season1!BillyRusso AU)
warnings:  language and there are some sentences that are waaaay to long, punctuation mistakes (in general just a weak English vocabulary) 
| next part | - | series masterlist |
The guy sitting under the tree behind the picnic table you and your friends were sitting at had been playing the same song for the past 20 minutes. Worst thing? 10 minutes into it he even started to sing it out loud, or rather, tried to do so. 'What an Asshole,' you thought groaning, shook your head and started to massage your temples. "That's not how I imagined my first day back in the States to be."
Maria, your best friend, giggled as she threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into her side, patting your head mockingly. "What? Are you telling me the soldier boys over… well, wherever you're stationed don't have such angelic voices?"
"Don't know. Couldn't hear them over the purring of our birds. Though I guess they would have sounded the same. Like plucked chicken waiting for their death sentence."
"That's kinda what they are though…," you heard one of your friends mumble on the other side of the table. From the corner of your eye you saw how another one poked her elbow into her side.
Maria released you, seeing how the other ones had pained expressions on their faces as well and clapped her hands on the table. "Well. That won't work, will it?" She stood up, smiling and walked briskly to the man.
"Hey buddy. You know anything else? Because we're sick of hearing you butcher this one."
Joining your friends in laughing at Maria's comment you turned around and caught a glimpse of the man. Poor thing was turning beet red.
"Sorry ma'am. I'm trying to learn this new song."
"Struggling a bit, aren't we?"
"Yeah well, but I don't do requests. If you want one, it's going to cost you."
Three months. It didn't even take them three months after that first conversation to get pregnant and decide to spend the rest of their lives together. It was a beautiful little ceremony, rushed for sure, but perfect for both of them. It fitted right into their relationship. And what a relationship it was. You hated seeing the uncertainty in Maria's eyes now, but you all knew it would come to this. You liked to think that she was accustomed to this, having brought you to the airport multiple times. Yet, you knew this time would be different. She wasn't just bringing her best friend, she was also bringing her now-husband and soon to be father of her child.
"You know," you said as you heaved your duffel bag into the back of the car, "If any of you dares to make me this kid's godmother, or worse, aunt-"
"We'll have your eternal love and gratitude. We know Y/N, we know."
You jokingly glared at Maria before you opened the back door of the car and sat in the seat behind her. "Not what I was trying to get to, but I let you live in your little fantasy world. This way at least one of us can sleep peacefully at night." You regretted the words almost as soon as you said them. So you quickly added, "And you know what? I'll even add a promise of being the best godmother or aunt this kid could have if you call him Pete."
Maria started the car, her pregnant belly making it harder for her to manoeuvre, and shot you a quick look as she made sure that nobody was in the way while backing out of the driveway. "I am not going to call my baby after a bird."
"You're not going to call our child Sparrow or Robin? That's good to know, after all, it will be a Frank Jr.," Frank said, having only caught the latter part of your conversation as he had checked the door one last time before entering the car the moment it was on the road.
"Goddamn Frank… Old-fashioned are we? You do realize though that it ought to be Francis Jr. right?" You smirked as you leaned over and pinched his ear a little. "You're also going to make him sound like a banker or lawyer with that name. '
He grunted and swatted your hand away, turning to look out of the window. "Oh yeah, god forbid he has a safe job and can go home to his wife and kids every day."
Silence filled the car as you slowly slid back into your seat. There it was again. You leaned your head against the window and saw Maria searching for Frank's hand with her free one, holding on to him like a lifeline. After all, it was. Even the slightest touch counted now, as it would be well over a year until their hands would find each other again.
You sighed and watched the blurry landscape pass you by. You knew that you weren't ready for a relationship. You'd love to have one, envied Maria and Frank many times over the past three months but… You wouldn't be ready to leave it all behind, leave him behind. 'Get yourself a military man,' the people said. 'That would be worse,' you'd answer, 'The possibility of seeing him out there? It's slim.' It was already hard to stay in contact with the people you left behind. You couldn't imagine how it would be trying to catch up with another solider. And not knowing if he was still alive? If you'd be able to hug him as soon as you're back on friendly territory again? You pressed your lips together.
"What's the matter?" You met Maria's eyes in the little front mirror. "You seem lost in your thoughts."
You shook your head and sadly smiled at her. "Just thinking of how strong you both are. Sure there's no possibility of me convincing you to allow Francis Jr. to live as Pete instead?" You added the last part to raise the mood.
"What exactly is it with you and Pete? I don't really fancy to call my son after an amazing ex-lover of yours."
You smirked and turned to Frank. "As you know I'm a gunner on one of the UH-1Y Venoms the Marine acquired recently. Our callsign is Blackbird, but we all call him Pete." You stopped and furrowed your brows. "Not sure why actually. I guess the boys didn't like me having the honour of naming our bird and had to overpower me somehow."
"You choose the callsign Blackbird?"
"Yes sir." You did a little salute as well as you were able to in your seat belt. "Very proud of it. Inspired by me being a little bitch who loves shiny things, especially if those shiny things can cause explosions. The shiny things are the bullets," you added at Frank's confused face. "Because I shoot them at the targets to make them go boom?"
Frank grinned as he looked over to Maria. "You knew. That's why you've been pestering me into introducing her to Billy."
You raised your eyebrows and looked at Maria through the little mirror. "Wow hold on. Declaring me aunt of your child and trying to set me up with someone? Someone's gotta show you how to draw a line Maria!"
"Don't worry. I'll be sure to learn it together with my child. And as I recall it you made me the promise to make me sleep soundly at night, so don't start moaning at us. What you reckon Frank? You think you'll be able to meet up? Introduce her to Billy? Somewhere, somehow?"
"Na…," he muttered as he slid deeper into his seat, remembering again that you weren't going on a road trip but to the airport. "We're stationed in different parts of this goddamn mess. It'd be a big surprise if we ever met on the battlefield, right kid?."
"We're the same age Castle, but yeah. However, if we ever fly over your base I'll be sure to wave at you. And, who knows? If we do ever land near your base I'll let you introduce me to your buddy. If you managed to beat me in a friendly round of combat that is. Or else you'll call your son Pete."
"You guys are children," Maria muttered as she set the blinker to turn into the airport, but you and Frank grinned at each other and high-fived.
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I was suddenly struck with the desire to do this. Write your favourite ships, crack, rare pair,popular I don’t care just lemme see your ships. Add a reason why if you want....then tag a few people if you wanna
Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr. (X-men universe) have you seen their interactions in X-men first class, days of future past, apocalypse and dark Phoenix? I think that’s all the explanation needed. Plus with how hard Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy work to make this happen I can’t help but ship it.
Matt Murdock x Electra natchios ( Netflix daredevil and Netflix the defenders) “his is name is Mathew” SHE GOES TO HIS APARTMENT. She defends him even when she has no memories of him
Foggy Nelson x Karen Paige (Netflix daredevil) I’ve seen a lot of Kastle fans and I just can’t get behind that, Frank’s whole thing is avenging his family I think he’s still pretty tied up with them even if burning the house can be symbolic. Karen and Matt never really sat right with me. Especially because she was all “you gotta stop being daredevil.” Karen and foggy however? *chef’s kiss*
Frank castle x Clint Barton (marvel ) yeah....this is the one odd out for Frank ships. Born from an RP and it’s definitely a crack ship, which is probably why I like it. Just the idea of two coffee addicted shooters being like “yeah...I suppose I like you.” Definitely introduced to each other by Matt. He definitely regrets it.
Nasuada x murtagh (the inheritance cycle) excuse me while I scream about these two. HIS LOVE FOR HER WAS STRONG ENOUGH IT CHANGED HIS TRUE NAME AND THORN’S. galby tried to trick her with an illusion of the two of them married with kids. She liked that illusion until she realized something was wrong. They are so cute.
Ororo Munroe x T’challa (marvel comics)
Ororo Munroe x Kurt wager (marvel comics)
Ororo Munroe x thor (marvel comics)
Ororo Munroe x Logan Howlett/wolverine (marvel comics) seeing a pattern yet? Yeah, I love this literal fucking goddess and pretty much every ship with her is great. Plus she brings the Tall in the Tall and Smol ship when it’s her and Logan and that makes it all the better.
Hermione granger x Draco Malloy (marry potter) ooooh boy I can already hear the hate messages over this one. Anyway. Hogwarts them or fresh outta Hogwarts them is not going anywhere obviously. He’s still too caught up in the pureblood teachings of his parents. But give it time, especially because we do see in the movies he’s horrified by what the dark side is bringing and he lies about who Harry is rather than tell everyone “yeah, we got him”. So he has the potential to change and the idea of him going to the trio and saying “hey...listen I know I was an ass and I know what I did was terrible but I want to change and I’d like to learn” is appealing. Especially with hermione giving him hell over his actions and him taking it and just “yeah...I deserve all this” and it ends up developing from there..... now before anyone says anything I extend this same curtesy to all of the death eater kiddos. They were raised in that environment and they have the potential to change their views and learn. (No...I don’t extend this to Snape because as a whole ass adult he bullied children to the point of being a 13 year old’s worst fear over the witch who helped torture his parents to insanity. One of the people who tortured his parents was nicer to him than Snape was. Granted they were disguised but still! )
Blaise Zabini x Ginny Weasley. (Harry potter) I can also hear the hate messages over this one but oh well. According to his wiki page he is possibly half Blood. His mother apparently isn’t a blood purist (just a black widow). And he’s just hoity toity, though his wiki says he’s more withdrawn than anything. I love the idea of Ginny totally fucking with him over something or snapping at him over something and him retaliating and it just ends up going back and forth until whoops....they suddenly find themselves learning more about each other than they wanted and catching feels? Whaaaaat?
@ariminiria @dashingdetectivetimelady
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rogueninja · 4 years
Okay so we all know who your top ships are... who are your unpopular ships? Or obscure ships? What characters from what series do you think about often in either good or bad ways? Who is a character that you hate that others love? If you could rewrite a story or part of a book, what would it be and what would you do differently?
Ok I am digging through my brain right now bc if I’m not able to hyperfixate on something then I tend to forget I even liked it. Ok buckle in bc this is gonna be long af. YOU ASKED FOR THIS, REG.
I’m putting a readmore so as not to torture my followers lol
Thinking about Veronica Mars. About Veronica/Logan. Do they have a ship name?? But I love that show and i was THERE for them. They were kind of a surprise ship for me, in that when they got together I was like, wait, WHAT? Like I was totally caught off guard. But there first kiss is, like, sooo romantic to me haha. It’s my fave scene in the show. But Logan is suck a prick sometimes. And they break up like every five minutes. And every season Logan gets accused of murder which of course he ends up not being the murderer. And they get back together eventually and I’m like really? But deep down I am rooting for them lol. I really enjoyed the new season of Veronica Mars that came out last year, actually. The ending made me SO SAD THO.
I also used to watch Supergirl and I thought Kara and Mon-El were adorable. He was very Carswell Thorne-esque, RH, I *think* you would like him. I never watched past season 3(?) though, and he shoots off into space and I never caught up so a few months ago I actually googled what happens and [spoiler] he ends up marrying someone else in the future or something so I was like, ok I’m not investing any more time in this show lol. (Also I had to google Mon-El’s name just now bc i forgot which is a bad look BUT I WAS REALLY RIDE OR DIE FOR THEM FOR A WHILE lol). Also I loved Martian Manhunter in this show, he was my favorite character. But the CGI for him was awful, omg. He had practical makeup at first, they should have just stuck with that.
Speaking of Martian Manhunter, I also used to watch Young Justice and loved Miss Martian/Superboy. Am I basic??? lol oop. But I love basic love stories. Anyway, I thought they were super cute. In season 3 though they’re kind of on the rocks. I haven’t watched season 4. I also loved Artemis/Wally West, but of course that had to end tragically.
Also, let’s talk about Nightcrawler. Allow me to set the scene. Little Kat is 13 and just rediscovered the cartoon she saw a few times as a kid called X-Men: Evolution. And thus, a weird obsession with the German, blue demon boy began. I loved Kurt Wagner. In the cartoon he starts a relationship with Amanda Sefton and I thought they were a-dor-a-ble. She accepted him for who he was, and they had a really nice healthy relationship. A lot of ppl shipped him with Kitty too which i am honestly all for idec I JUST WANT THE BLUE BOI TO BE HAPPY.
Can we talk about A:TLA too??? Like, obviously Zutara, amiright? Power couple. Like, Kataang is.. fine, but its probably my least favorite part about the ending, haha. Also, consider: Tokka. Toph is bae and can get anyone she wants, and she clearly had kind of a crush on Sokka and I think they could have been awesome. It actually kills me that they never say who Lin and Suyin’s father is in LoK. I had a whole theory that it was that kid The Duke from Jet’s band based on like 2 scenes from the series. There’s a tumblr post I made about it somewhere in the ether lol.
I also just remembered Tahnorra (Tahno/Korra) from Legend of Korra. It’s hard for me to explain this one. It’s a weird combination of being hyperfixated on the first season of the show when it came out, and I think I stumbled upon some fic or something???? And I thought Tahno was hot or something??? And FUN FACT, he was voice by Rami Malek BEFORE HE WAS COOL. So like before Rami really got big I knew who he was. He also basically played the Avatar in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 and I thought that connection was hilarious. It was kind of a problematic crack pairing but there was one author in particular whom i follow to this day hoping she’ll update her Tahnorra fics…. *sigh*
Okay one last ship…. I used to be ride or die for Outlaw Queen in Once Upon a Time (aka Regina/Robin Hood). Like, before TLC, I had a personal tumblr renaissance for that ship alone. My only existing published fanfic is for that ship. Taylor Swift’s 1989 came out that year and I related every dang song to that ship. I loved Regina so much and I just wanted her to be happy. That show is a dumpster fire, though, and spat all over my hopes and dreams. *sigh*
Also, lightning round for obscure pairings I ship and/or never talk about:
Frank Castle/Karen Page (The Punisher) ok this one isnt that obscure but I never talk about it… but the pining, oh god the pining
Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (GoT) THEIR 5 SECONDS TOGETHER ARE THE ONLY WORTHY PART OF SEASON 8. everything after that never happened
I already listed Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye (FMAB) as a top pairing previously but I feel the need to mention it again bc it was for real my OG OTP… LIKE U WANNA TALK ABOUT PINING…. *sobs*
Percy/Annabeth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) This used to be my fave book series and i loved how their relationship developed over the course of the books
Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) ok can we TALK ABOUT THIS??? They were both badass misfits and they were perfect for each other. But noooo JKR has to announce they marry some nobodies…. this is the only change the last movie did right
Midna/Link (Zelda: Twilight Princess) I honestly have no explanation for this lol
Qui-gon Jinn and Shmi (Star Wars) CAN U IMAGINE if anakin had a proper father figure and didnt have to abandon his mother to slavery
Obi-wan/Satine…. (Star Wars: The clone Wars) we know whats up
OK, to answer some of your other questions: character I hate that others love. HMMMM…….
This one seems too easy/obvious but Professor Snape? Like obviously there’s already a ton of discourse surrounding this but he was gross, mistreated his students for years, committed atrocities, couldn’t get over his high school crush, and we’re supposed to believe he’s a hero in the end and HARRY WOULD NAME HIS SON AFTER HIM….. uh no. “Always” is gross.
I’ve literally been wracking my brain for days and I can’t think of any more characters for this. OK I did some googling and I remembered some LOL.
Ross from friends…. I literally can’t stand him. He’s so entitled and just the worst. He tries to act like he’s the nice, sensitive guy, but really he is so full of himself. Joey on the other hand is portrayed as a womanizer but is actually super sweet and I love him
Archie from Riverdale… I have only seen the first 1.5 seasons ish but he is the worst…. we’re supposed to believe he’s some easygoing musically gifted football player but instead he manages to pull off being bland as heck and actually kind of a terrible garbage person
Nick from chilling adventures of Sabrina. I hate characters that are like hitting on the main character even though she has a bf and are like dark and broody and sexy blah blah blah…. I liked Harvey way better. I never finished season 2 tho
Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time? Idk she was fine she just got old after a while
If you could rewrite a story or part of a book, what would it be and what would you do differently?
HM. First, Harry would name his son Remus Rebeus Potter LOL. Ok but real talk there was a headcanon floating around forever ago that Harry should have become a professor at Hogwarts instead of an auror and I am 100% on board
Ok, ok….. what abouuuttt…… OK, is star wars when Han and Leia get together. I like them as a couple, but the entire first half of the movie Han is being such an ass. And when they kiss the first time, he’s being SOOO creepy. It’s like so quintessentially 80s romance. and HERE’S THE THING. They actually filmed (or maybe just wrote?) a version of that scene that WASNT CREEPY. And i’m like WHY DIDNT YOU USE THAT?!? So I like to pretend that’s the version that actually happened.
This part is way harder than the shipping portion. If I think of anything else i’l dm you. I HOPE YOU ENJOY READING THIS NOVEL LENGTH POST OF ME RAMBLING ABOUT MY FIXATIONS OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS. If anyone actually read this far, you deserve a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket
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majorcdanvers · 5 years
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← prev. |  masterlist PAIRING: Frank Castle x Reader SUMMARY: Frank comes back after storming out the last time, ready to lay everything from his past onto the table for her. WORDS: 1.1k NOTE: Back on those longer chapter grinds. Finally, but I think there’s one short one coming up for filler... uh yeah. I hope you enjoy a double update! 
A MONTH after Frank had stormed out of the Grind and (Y/N) was left behind to over think and over analyze everything she had ever done was shoved out of the window when Frank walked in. (Y/N) had been at her register, legs crossed and staring at her phone to ignore Frank.
Frank stared at her as she scrolled through her phone, typing something in every so often. Her movements were methodical as she did the same thing over and over. He coughed slight to get her attention but she did nothing. He looked past her to see if Logan or Lelani were in the back, which it seemed like there was no one else working with her.
“It’s only me,” she stated, her eyes still focused on her phone.
“I thought you said you weren’t supposed to work alone?” he asked, hoping she’d keep the conversation going.
She didn’t.
Frank sighed, walked behind the counter and grabbed the lukewarm pot of coffee off the machine. He poured himself a cup and walked over to his normal booth without saying anything.
“Come on,” he called to her. “I have a few things I need to... get off my chest,” he whispered, but (Y/N) heard him plain as day.
(Y/N) stayed stock still for a few more minutes, trying to push past the gnawing in her head to walk over to him or to stay seated. She leaned forward, tapping her head against the cool marble before she leaned up quickly, almost giving herself whiplash. She slammed her phone against the counter and got up to make a fresh pot of coffee for herself.
Frank started to scowl at her, but realized this way her way of letting her anger out. (Y/N) didn’t seem like the type to let her rage come out and when she did it was all passive aggressive. She didn’t say hurtful words or tried to hit him. She just wanted to push past the feelings and get back to the good times. He needed to let her be angry without pushing the fact that he was mad too. She just needed to know that this whole problem wasn’t his fault either.
Something about (Y/N) had him coming back to her. When he stormed out a month ago, he told himself he’d never look back, never see her again, but there he was sitting in the same coffee shop and the same booth, watching as the girl that didn’t help his broken heart make coffee while drumming her fingers along her thighs.
He hadn’t spoken to anyone so easily since his wife Maria passed, and she was exactly what he wanted to talk to (Y/N) about.
“(Y/N),” he said softly as she sat down and took a sip of her hot coffee. His hands were resting around the porcelain mug, his fingers mimicking hers as they drummed against the mug out of nervousness.
(Y/N) noticed, her scowl turned into a worried frown. Somehow, she could never stay angry with anyone for long. Her anger was directed only in one direction and it pointed right back at her. She didn’t need to put it out on him.
“Um, Frank, it’s okay. I was just kind of pissed that you walked out and didn’t come back. I don’t really care,” she assured him.
Frank took a deep breath in. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, a hiccup of a chuckle in his voice but his eyes watered again and sat at the brim of his eyes as he stared at her.
(Y/N) felt heart broken as she looked at him and stood up so she could sit beside him. Frank didn’t tell her what he wanted to, the pain of the matter was too hard, too bottled up to come out now. There was still time until he exploded. Even through all that, she had still forgiven him. 
(Y/N) sat with him. His arm on the back of the booth, resting behind her head and landing on the shoulder opposite of him. She leaned her head back against his bicep, comforting him as the night rolled on. No other customers came in that night but him, and Frank was thankful as her breaths started to deepen.
Lelani had come in to cover whoever hadn’t shown up, turning to (Y/N) and Frank sitting in the back booth, Kate asleep against him.
Lelani smiled softly, “She’s been worried you hated her.”
Frank took that information in as he turned to (Y/N)’s slack face, mouth slightly open.
“I’m here to take the next shift, you guys stay as long as you need to,” Lelani said fondly, waving her hand at him.
Frank nodded, another hour passed as he sat there. Lelani kindly pouring him a cup as soon as his was empty. After (Y/N) stayed asleep and Logan came in to take over her shift, Frank sighed and did his best to lift her out of the booth.
“I’m gonna take her home since Logan’s here now,” he told Lelani, and the young cashier realized that he had stayed since she would have been alone when (Y/N) left. Frank had somehow become the Grind’s own personal guard dog and they hadn’t even realized.
“Goodnight, Frank,” Lelani whispered. “Thank you.”
“Goodnight Lelani, Logan,” he waved, walking out of the shop with Kate held bridal style.
Frank made it up to her apartments and pressed the button to (Y/N)’s apartment to contact her roommate, Claudia.
The radio crackled to life and Claudia shouted, “Get the fuck out, Thorne. I told you I can’t just get you a new heart. Now get out of here before I sick Daredevil on you myself!”
Frank smiled lightly at Claudia’s brash tone, a stark difference form (Y/N)’s. He leaned over to the button, pushing it so he can reply.
“Sorry, this is Frank. I was at the coffee shop when (Y/N) fell asleep,” he explained.
Claudia didn’t respond, but the door clicked open and Frank took that as his invitation up. He pushed the door open with (Y/N)’s feet and kicked it back with his own boot. He climbed up the steps to (Y/N)’s apartment.
Claudia stood at the door, her black hair cropped close to her head where only the curls were able to start to form. 
“Through here,” she nodded, walking inside and led him to (Y/N)’s room. “On the bed, she likes her head near the door,” Claudia explained.
Frank nodded, laying (Y/N) on her bed backwards, her feet towards the wall and her head towards the door. He pushed the hair out of her face, taking a moment to look at her sleeping before the prickling of Claudia’s piercing blue eyes tingled on his eyes.
“A’right,” Claudia stated, hitching her thumb to the door. “Bye.”
next → DEATH BEFORE DECAF TAGS: @disgustingpatdstan ; @pettyprocrastination ; @roblivionsugdendingle ; @sundownridge  please message me or send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in this series or forever !
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Captivated (MC Series) 24
Pairing: Biker!Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanov, Merlin, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Michelle Unwin, Frank Castle, Roxy, (Mentions of) Harry Hart, OFC Logan and Markus, Tony Stark, Charlie Hesketh.
Warnings: Swearing, creepy boss, a girl who can handle her own, stalking, creepy guy, law breaking, random hook ups mentioned, angst, sass, drama, cops involved, sexual harassment (nothing happens tho promise), melt downs, and allegations of abuse.
Y’all second to last part and I finished the Sequel last night!!!
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Hanna scuffs at you, rolling her eyes as she goes back to looking out the window. Her face is bruised, hand prints around her neck set deep purple, bruises trail down her arms, and across her legs.
“Jesus Christ.” You blink, your heart ached a little for her. Clearly whoever knocked her the fuck around, didn’t hold back at all.
“Your boyfriend did some really good work.” She snarks at you, still looking out the window.
“Bullshit Hanna.” You snap, not willing to play her little game anymore. “I’m the one who slapped you around out of the two of us. Now start telling me the truth or I’ll make sure you’re sitting in a cell too. Two can make up stories and I’m so much smarter than you.” You lean against the little dresser against the wall, across from the hospital bed. She snorts, running a hand through her hair as she looks over at you.
“You have nothing.” She watches you. You shrug, she was right, but you had to two extremely reliable brothers who didn’t mind spinning tales.
“You really think I can’t make some shit up?” You stare back at her. She mauls this over for a moment, before she looks you over, irritation flaring in her storm colored eyes.
“God, what the fuck is it about you, that has men tripping over themselves to get between your legs?” She scuffs, shaking her head. “You a witch? Put a spell on them or something?” She leans back into the window seal.
“Them?” You blink at her, pieces of the puzzle starting to piece together.
“That cop, Charlie. Think he’s worse off than Eggsy.” She drops your gaze at the mention of Charlie’s name, looking down at the hospital room floor.
“How do you know about Charlie?” You take a step towards her. “Did he do this to you?” Your eyes look her over. Holy fuck he was capable of a lot more than stalking.
“What are you Nancy Drew?” She looks at you with dislike.
“Seriously, you want to be a smart ass?” You close the distance between the two of you, she stiffens, blink wide, nervous eyes at you. “You were so obsessed with Eggsy, ready to fight me over him.” You stare down at her.
“Till you smacked me around in front of everyone.” She grumbles, as if the words taste bad.
“So, what the fuck changed?” You snap.
“Charlie.” Her voice shakes slightly.
“Hanna, Charlie has been stalking me, for some time now. Before me and Eggsy. He trapped me in his car and tried to assault me.” Your tongue taste sour at those words, you’d yet to explain to Eggsy.
“I know.” She blinks at you. “It’s only the beginning of what he plans to do with you.” Her words make your blood run cold, your stomach twists up. Flashbacks of the night trapped in Charlies car, his words like nails on a chalkboard in your ears, the things he wanted to do, would do to you and your body. You blink trying to focus.
“How did he convince you to lie? To pin this on Eggsy?” You swallow.
“Gave me a choice, I help him, or he can pay a visit to my little sister.” She looks away from you. “She’s in high school in the county over.” She mumbles shamefully.
“So you agreed to let him put you in the hospital?” You blink at him. “You didn’t think to ask the Club for help?” You stare at her.
“Club can’t watch her all the time, he’s a cop. He has more pull than the club. It wasn’t supposed to be this bad. He got worked up.” She explains looking out the window.
“Worked up?” You sit down on the other side of the window seat, watching her.
“He was just supposed to slap me around, I was supposed to file a report. But after a few hits, he started talking, and instead of slapping he started punching me.” Her voice trembles as it plays in her head.
“What did he say Hanna?” You were tempted to reach out to hold her hand, to comfort her, instead you put your hands between your thighs, crossing your legs to keep them in place.
“Talked about you, talked like I was you.” She swallows. “Told me I was a club slut, but unlike you, I couldn’t be fixed, and he was going to fix you. That you would regret picking a Biker over him, he would make sure of it. You belonged to him, and he was going to take what was his.” She finally looks at you. You didn’t realize you were holding your breath, your heart slamming in your chest.
“Hanna you need to take back what you told the cops. You need to tell Chester what happened, the real story.” You swallow hard. “If you continue to press charges on Eggsy for false abuse, I’ll beat your ass next Hanna.” You stare at her for a moment. She blinks.
“Charlie.” She croaks.
“Club is handling Charlie now.” You explain standing up. You pull your phone out, too many missed phone calls and unread text messages. You breeze past them, calling your brothers.
“Where the fuck are you?!” Logan growls.
“Can you meet me at the hospital?” You ask, leaving Hanna’s room.
“Are you okay?” Logan softens.
“Fine. But I don’t want to be alone and Eggsy’s going to be pissed.” You explain.
“I’m coming. Don’t move Y/N, I’m serious.” He sighs.
“I won’t.” You shiver as you step off the elevator, hanging up.
“You find her?” Eggsy snaps answering his phone at a stop sign.
“No Boss, you should get to Charlies. You’re going to need to see this.” Frank explains.
“Fuck.” Eggsy hangs up, hitting the throttle.
They step up on the curb, his phone ringing again. As they stop in front of the front porch.
“Yeah?” He sighs, answering the phone again.
“Where are you?” Her voice fills him with a moment of warmth and calm.
“Charlies. Frank and Clint called, something I need to see.” He looks around.
“We’ll meet you there.” She explains.
“Where did you go?” He asks, looking around again. The guys standing on the porch, waiting for him.
“I spoke to Hanna. Eggsy we have to talk, I think you should know how bad this really is.” She sighs, sounding tired, shaken up and drained.
“Meet me here.” He agrees and with that she hangs up the phone. “What are you fuckers showing me?” He jogs up the steps, stepping into the house, he knew what they were showing him. Clear as daylight in the dark night.
Captivated: @mo320    @rileyloves5   @irepeldirt   @travelwithwords   @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked   @elle88531   @lesmiserablememelovingfuck   @taylorjacksonandtheolympians   @lovemarvelousfics   @mrskokitztelford   @live-for-the-avengers   @shamptainshmerica   @misspygmypie   @mariekoukie6661   @bluebird214   @allyp1023   @sarahp879   @nerdyandexhausted   @i-love-superhero   @supernatural-girl97   @petersunderroos   @kazuha159   @sweet-honey15   @ingridsigne     @red-writer13   @nessy-bearxb   @cece-daughter-of-pitch-black   @thedarklightwithinus   @itsemmyb   @debbienewnes84   @captain-princess-smash  @eggsy-unwinnn   @paranoiadestroyah   @mellxander1993   @crazyblonde124   @pcterpvrker  
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 3 September 2018
Quick Bits:
Ant Man & The Wasp #5 concludes what has been a fun series from Mark Waid, Javier Garrón, Israel Silva, and Joe Caramagna. The artwork from Garrón and Silva has been excellent and this final issue allows them to show off some more incredible and strange ideas.
| Published by Marvel
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Asgardians of the Galaxy #1 adds another fun little wrinkle to the current expansion and exploration of Marvel’s Asgardian characters, spinning out of the current Thor series, the Infinity Wars crossover, and other reclaimed threads from the past few years. You needn’t have read any of that, though, as this still serves as a good introduction on its own, the rest just adds flavour. Cullen Bunn adds some nice touches of humour to the story, while a large part of this story rests in the action depicted by Matteo Lolli and Federico Blee. This is off to a good start.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers #7 is a single issue story expanding upon the first Ghost Rider from Jason Aaron, Sara Pichelli, Elisabetta D’Amico, Justin Ponsor, and Cory Petit. I like the 1 Million BC Avengers, so this is a welcome exploration, especially when coupled with this beautiful art.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Science #38 gives a very interesting perspective on the book’s reality, and the purpose of all of the different realities, as we reach the prime reality. Phenomenal art as always from Matteo Scalera and Moreno Dinisio.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Bully Wars #1 isn’t a bad debut, filling in a similar-but not quite as extreme-humour place as Skottie Young’s recently concluded I Hate Fairyland. Nice art from Aaron Conley and Jean-Francois Beaulieu.
| Published by Image
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Call of Duty: Zombies 2 #1 serves as a prequel to the forthcoming co-op portion of Activision/Treyarch’s Black Ops 4 video game, introducing some of the characters who will be featured in that story. It’s very much a kind of Indiana Jones pseudoarchaeology type story so far, but it’s good. Nice work from Justin Jordan, Andres Ponce, Mauro Vargas, Dan Jackson, and Nate Piekos. 
| Published by Dark Horse
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Captain America #3 teases out a bit more of the conspiracy of a group behind the Nuke terrorists and an attempt to take control of America in the void left by Hydra’s demise. It continues to be a slowburn, with Ta-Nehisi Coates leaving a lot of the moral and ethical decisions up to the readers themselves as to whether or not what’s occurring is a “good” thing, even if being a byproduct of potentially nefarious ends.
| Published by Marvel
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Clankillers #3 is more gorgeous artwork from Antonio Fuso and Stefano Simeone as they bring the darker aspects of Irish mythology to life. I quite enjoy how Sean Lewis is constructing how incredibly messed up this family has become.
| Published by AfterShock
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Cloak & Dagger #4 starts pushing us closer towards the endgame as Ty goes on the offensive to find and rescue Tandy. Marvel’s digital originals have really been delivering some high quality stories lately and this one from Dennis Hopeless, David Messina, Elisabetta D’Amico, Giada Marchisio, and Travis Lanham has helped lead the charge. I know this one’s only supposed to be a limited series, with a couple more issue left, but the story and art have been top notch and I’d really like to see more.
| Published by Marvel
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Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 brings the ultraviolence as Donny Cates, Dylan Burnett, Antonio Fabela, and Clayton Cowles give us what amounts to an issue long battle between our time-spun, deranged Frank Castle and a seemingly infinite army of Guardians of the Galaxy led by Cable. It’s fun. 
| Published by Marvel
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Dark Ark #10 concludes this arc in fairly spectacular fashion, including a very impressive double-page spread from Juan Doe of the confrontation with Echidna.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Dead Hand #6 is the conclusion to the first arc in this series and it is rather good. It ties up the events throughout the series so far and gives us a very interesting change to what happens next. I can’t say it’s unexpected because pretty much every issue has given us a surprise revelation or twist in the story, but it’s very well done. Kyle Higgins, Stephen Mooney, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles have told a very compelling story of intrigue and spycraft here.
| Published by Image
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Deadpool #4 is a fun single issue story dropping Deadpool into Weirdworld and just kind of running wild with it. It allows Scott Hepburn (with colours by Ian Herring) to really cut loose with some of the designs and layouts, and taps into the zany, bizarre humour and fantasy that Skottie Young has become known for.
| Published by Marvel
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Death of the Inhumans #3 continues the slow, surgical excision of the Inhumans and much of their supporting cast from the cosmic Marvel scene. There’s some fight left in them, but I wonder if Donny Cates is setting us up for disappointment. I really quite like what he’s carving out for himself with this, Cosmic Ghost Rider, and Thanos Legacy. Also, beautiful artwork from Ariel Olivetti and Jordie Bellaire.
| Published by Marvel
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Eclipse #10 makes me really quite appreciate Giovanni Timpano’s artwork more, especially finding out that he’s developing the layouts and panel progressions himself. Not only are they visually interesting, but it elevates the level of collaborative storytelling that he and Zack Kaplan are accomplishing here.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Giant Days #42 complicates things a bit between Ed and Esther, continuing to navigate the tricky relationships between the characters. The humour and heart are at an all time high this issue.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Boom! Box
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Immortal Hulk #5 gets pretty heavy as the issue drops a few bombs in regards to Sasquatch and on whatever it is that keeps bringing the Hulk back to life. Five issues in and this is already on part to me with much of Peter David’s run, particularly the Dale Keown, Liam Sharp, and Gary Frank eras that I greatly cherish. Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy José, Paul Mounts, and Cory Petit are crafting an enthralling horror story, while greatly developing and embellishing upon Banner’s history. This is damn good.
| Published by Marvel
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James Bond: Origin #1 is quite good, spotlighting a young James Bond, still in school, set during World War 2. It’s pretty straightforward in its action, but the artwork from Bob Q is quite a draw. He’s got a style that reminds me a bit of Peter Gross and Patrick Olliffe and it works really well for this kind of story.
| Published by Dynamite
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The Last Siege #4 attempts to shift fates again this issue as Lady Cathryn and the stranger try to free themselves from Feist. The intrigue and shifting tension to the story are palpable, with Landry Q. Walker and Justin Greenwood keeping us on the edge of our seat with the action. 
| Published by Image
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Leviathan #2 is not quite as over-the-top insane as the first issue, as it starts to fill in the details of what’s going on, but it still tries really hard to throw as many crazy ideas at you at once. Especially Hollow Earth dinosaurs in addition to the rest of the madness going on. Another satisfying outing from John Layman, Nick Pitarra, and Michael Garland.
| Published by Image
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Old Man Logan Annual #1 introduces us to the Punisher of the wastelands, with two stories centring around Old Man Frank. The lead from Ed Brisson, Simone Di Meo, Dono Sánchez-Almara, and Cory Petit is an interesting story about legacy, actions and consequences, as interpreted through the lens of this destroyed and crumbling world. After the start of the new Hillbilly mini, it’s nice to see Di Meo’s art again here.
The back-up goes further in to developing Old Man Frank himself with a “Punisher Wastelands Journal” story from Ryan Cady, Hayden Sherman,  Dono Sánchez-Almara, and Cory Petit. I want more of this story.
| Published by Marvel
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Optimus Prime #23 is a bit scattered, delivering overlapping narrative points of view, while a larger conflict erupts on Earth between two factions of Cybertronians and a contingent of GI Joe operatives. It’s chaotic, which is part of the point, but it’s made more so in that you’re probably going to need to read it a couple of times to get the most out of who’s presenting what at any given time.
| Published by IDW
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Outpost Zero #3 really starts to turn things up as interpersonal conflicts start coming to the fore and the colonists being politicking amongst themselves in the face of oncoming doom. I quite like it. Sean McKeever has really fleshed out the characters’ motivations and voices, engaging you to see how the pieces fit into the overall narrative.
| Published Image / Skybound
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Paradiso #7 gives more insight into the dwellers underground, Jack, and the city itself, but as it does so more and more questions are raised. It’s very interesting how this story is being constructed and embellished, the world-building doesn’t ever seem to stop in favour of just following a singular narrative path.
| Published by Image
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Pestilence: A Story of Satan #4 delivers a few revelations and some more nasty twists for our valiant knights. As usual, the artwork from Oleg Okunev (with colours this issue by Guy Major) really makes the series shine. The designs for the advanced stages of the plague are very impressive. 
| Published by AfterShock
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Predator: Hunters II #2 has some really nice artwork from Agustin Padilla and Neeraj Menon. It’s interesting how Chris Warner is weaving some of the geopolitical strife in Afghanistan into the story and how it colours the Hunters’ hunt.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Project Superpowers #2 is good. I’m sure that if I had read more than the original Alex Ross/Jim Krueger series, I’d get more depth out of this, but Rob Williams is making this story enjoyable for those of us that haven’t been following the broader story all along. Great art from Sergio Davila and Felideus.  
| Published by Dynamite
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Quicksilver: No Surrender #5 leaves us a fairly interesting place after this character study, and quasi-redemption arc, of Pietro. While I’m really interested to see where this goes next, this has been an excellent series from Saladin Ahmed, Eric Nguyen, Rico Renzi, and Clayton Cowles. I’ve really enjoyed how this series has used colour to enhance the storytelling and this issue is no different.
| Published by Marvel
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Relay #3 gets weirder. I’m getting even more David Cronenberg and Philip K. Dick vibes off of the story now, as it shifts even further into the mystery of the nature of the Relay and what exactly is going on with reality. There are some very interesting sci-fi ideas being played with here.
| Published by AfterShock
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Shadow Roads #3 is another wonderful issue, giving us a bit of Henry’s history, and a lot of action. AC & Carlos Zamudio are really doing a great job with the artwork.
| Published by Oni Press
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Silver Surfer Annual #1 is a pretty straightforward morality tale about the conflict the Surfer has with fulfilling his role as Galactus’ herald and the hidden beauty and value of worlds that he’s serving up to his master. It’s a decent story, but what really elevates it is the beautiful artwork from André Lima Araújo and Chris O’Halloran. It’s unsurprising that this issue was dedicated to Moebius, because that who I immediately thought of when I saw this book.
| Published by Marvel
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Spawn #289 lays out some of the steps in Spawn’s plans to stop the shadowy evil elements seeking to control humanity, incorporating some old characters and plot ideas back into the overall story. It’s kind of what you’d expect from a Todd McFarlane-penned story and it is fairly entertaining, especially for longtime readers, even if a bit stilted at times. What takes it a peg above the norm, though, is still the artwork from Jason Shawn Alexander (with colours from McFarlane, Brian Haberlin, and Lee Loughridge).
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual #2 is easily one of the best Star Wars stories I’ve read this year, telling a humorous and exciting archaeological adventure story of Winloss and Nokk attempting to capture a legendary beast. Si Spurrier is great at humour, subtle winks to deadpan black humour, and it comes off in spades throughout the dialogue here. Winloss and Nokk’s banter is just perfect. To add to that, we’ve got Caspar Wijngaard’s first interiors for Marvel and he just knocks it out of the park. His creator owned work is phenomenal, beautiful, atmospheric art and he brings all that care, attention, and wonder to Star Wars. This is a great comic.
| Published by Marvel
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Thanos Legacy #1 serves as a capstone to the recent Thanos series from Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw, while also being a companion piece to Cosmic Ghost Rider and being enmeshed in the current goings-on with Infinity Wars. The lead story written by Cates, with great art from Brian Level and Jordan Boyd gives Thanos’ perspective for the Infinity Wars events and is fairly essential in what looks like is coming next in Marvel’s cosmic realm. Like his work on the recent Avengers: Back to Basics digital original series, Level’s panel compositions, transitions, and page layouts are phenomenal. The craft that goes into his storytelling is impeccable. 
There’s also a silent back-up from Gerry Duggan, Cory Smith, and Ruth Redmond of Thanos training Gamora that highlights his sadism.
| Published by Marvel
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Transformers: Lost Light #23 continues to tie up threads and drop huge revelations as we approach the end. James Roberts, Jack Lawrence, Joana Lafuente, and Tom B. Long are going out on a high note.
| Published by IDW
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Transformers: Unicron #4 continues the systematic destruction of IDW’s Hasbroverse. It’s never looked so good with stunning art from Alex Milne, Sebastian Cheng, and David Garcia Cruz.
| Published by IDW
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War Bears #1 is an interesting comic from Margaret Atwood and Ken Steacy, blending World War 2 working conditions, Canadian comics history, and propaganda comics into this tale. Great art from Steacy, especially as he incorporates the in-story comics pages into the work. I love when comics do that.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Other Highlights: Aphrodite IX: Ares #1, Astonishing X-Men #15, Breathless #4, Come Into Me #3, Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #6, Invader Zim #34, The Long Con #2, Noble #11, Paper Girls #24, Secret Agent Deadpool #1, Spider-Man/Deadpool #38, Star Wars #53, Thief of Thieves #40, TMNT: Urban Legends #5, Unnatural #3, Vampironica #3, Venom: First Host #2, Weapon X #23
Recommended Collections: Brigands - Volume 2: Ruin of Thieves, Fear Agent - Volume 3, The Fix - Volume 3, The Further Adventures of Nick Wilson - Volume 1, Monstress - Volume 3, Monstro Mechanica - Volume 1, Old Man Logan - Volume 8: To Kill For, Prism Stalker, TMNT - Volume 20: Kingdom of Rats, Twisted Romance, X-Men Red - Volume 1: Hate Machine
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d. emerson eddy does not have a brain slug attached to his skull. Why do you ask?
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Captivated (MC Series) 10
Pairing: Biker!Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanov, Merlin, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Michelle Unwin, Frank Castle, Roxy, (Mentions of) Harry Hart, OFC Logan and Markus, Tony Stark, Charlie Hesketh.
Warnings: Swearing, creepy boss, a girl who can handle her own, stalking, creepy guy, law breaking, random hook ups mentioned, angst, sass, drama, cops involved, sexual harassment (nothing happens tho promise), melt downs, and allegations of abuse.
In your town there is a Biker club Called Kings Rebels, you weren’t a good girl and you surely weren’t a biker girl, or were you? One night changes everything in your life. You started that night out as a hostel waitress who works in Stark Tavern, one ass grab and a sucker punch later, did you just slip the Pres of a Biker Club, Eggsy Unwin, your work hours? But is MC life for you, being an old lady? When your faith is tested for the club, they follow through with everything Eggsy promised you. Will your world stay upside down since walking into the Clubhouse, or do you fit into their lifestyle more than you ever thought possible??
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“Nat deal with that shit.” Eggsy growls, turning to you.
“Thanks for the warning on the wet T-shirt contest.” You wipe your face with the towel.
“I’m so fucking sorry.” He shakes his head. “Let me get you a new T-shirt, please?” He grabs your hand.
“Fair enough.” You nod, tossing the towel to Peter, as Eggsy pulls you from behind the bar. He leads you up a flight of stairs, and to the far back of the hallway. He digs keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door, he swings it open ushering you in. A bedroom, simple and clean surprisingly, he closes the door behind him before strolling over to the dresser, he pulls out a drawer.
“Black or white?” He smirks over at you.
“White.” Your teeth grazing your bottom lip.
“I’ll take the black one then.” He tosses the shirt to you, before he pulls his kutte off tossing it on the bed. “Bathroom is right through there if you want to wash your face or anything.” He points to the door to your left.
“Thanks.” You nod, heading for the door, you don’t close the door as you step in.
You pull your T-shirt off hanging it over his tub side, and flipping the sink water on. You wash of your face and rinse some of your beer soaked hair. You wiped the beer from your cleavage and tried to dry your bra best you could. Pulling your hair up into a ponytail, hands hand you a towel, Eggsy is leaning on the frame of the door watching you. It wasn’t the first time you’d been in your bra in front of him, and he didn’t make you feel like a piece of meat.
“Sorry about your hair.” He gives you a crooked smile, his shirt changed and his kutte back on.
“The one time I don’t wear a ball cap.” You snort, pulling the shirt he had given you on, it hangs far down on your frame. “Mind if I tie this?” You ask peeking up at him.
“Keep it. It looks good on you.” He smirks, pushing off the frame he walks back into his room. You pull the bottom of the shirt up around your hips, managing to get the fabric to tie into a knot at your side. The shirt was white with two black letters, a K and R over lapping each other. Kings Rebels. You were wearing their MC name, if this didn’t scream Old Lady, you weren’t sure what else would, you snort to yourself as you step out of the bathroom.
“Thanks by the way.” You smile as he walks towards you, a black plain ball cap in his hand. You remember it from the night you first saw him.
“Here, hide the beer ruined hair.” He chuckles, taking the hat, you pull your ponytail through the opening in the back of the hat, settling it on your head. “You handled that better than most girls would have.” He watches you.
“Who said I handled it yet?” You cock an eyebrow at him, a grin on your lips. He laughs, nodding, he leans in quickly, pressing his lips to yours. It’s soft, not hesitant, not heated, just a simple, polite kiss. He pulls back before you were honestly ready.
“Come on, before your brother’s start wondering what I’m doing to their sister.” He chuckles, grabbing your hand and pulling you from the room with him.
“Boss.” Frank stops Eggsy as he and Y/N return from upstairs. “What do you want us to do with her?” He sighs, his deep voice annoyed.
“Let her stay.” Y/N speaks up making the two of them turn looking at her in surprise.
“You sure?” Eggsy’s brow snaps up.
“I don’t need your guys to protect me.” She nods, her eyes told him she wasn’t scared, and she wasn’t playing games.
“I’ve seen that right hook, she wouldn’t stand a chance.” Frank chuckles.
“I know.” Y/N grins, lacing her fingers with his, she pulls Eggsy with her. He looks at Frank as he follows, eyebrows raised a small smile on his lips.
“Good luck boss.” Frank laughs.
“You’re not having her tossed?” Nat stops the two of you.
“No. She can do her best. I don’t need this club to protect me from some girl.” Y/N smirks. “But I do need a drink.” She grins, letting go of his hand she walks to the bar, bikers part like the red sea, allowing her to get to Peter. They joke, before he pours her a drink, some of the other guys drinking with her.
“You’re fucking smitten.” Nat laughs looking at him.
“You know, I love you like a sister Nat,” He throws his arm over her shoulders. “but fuck off.” He laughs, as she slaps him in the chest.
You stood outside, Markus and Logan a few feet from you as you smoked. You take one last drag off the smoke between your fingers, your eyes moving slowly over the people outside. Something just outside the gate catches your attention. A person, leaning against the stop sign across the street, is that a camera in their hand? You squint, without realization you take a step forward hoping to see them better.
“Hey,” A hand lands on your arm, making you jump. You hadn’t realized how tense you’d been. “you good?” Clint is looking down at you.
“God.” You laugh, putting a hand on your chest as you try to breath normal. You look back out; the person was walking away. “Yeah, I just. Never mind.” You shake your head, you had to have made it up in your head. They weren’t watching you, you snort.
“You sure?” He looks like he doesn’t believe you, you see your brothers paying close attention to you.
“It’s going to sound,” you shake your head, the well built, dirty blonde watches you intensely, “silly I’m sure. But I could have sworn I saw someone, taking pictures of me.” You snort. How much had you had to drink? You must be drunk, right?
“Where?” Clint shifts you, blocking you from the road, his body suddenly covering yours. His shift in demeanor, made your heart start pumping quick. Your brothers suddenly appearing one at each side, you look from them to Clint.
“Just across the road. Standing by the stop sign.” You swallow hard.
“Get Eggsy.” Clint grabs the front of a prospect, forcing him to stop, before he shoves him away. He turns running, back into the clubhouse.
“I thought you were in law bikers, Clint. Who would be watching me?” You blink up at him.
“Doesn’t mean we don’t have enemies Y/N.” Clint sighs, the four of you turning to look as Eggsy comes jogging out of the clubhouse towards you.
Captivated: @mo320    @rileyloves5   @irepeldirt   @travelwithwords   @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked   @elle88531   @lesmiserablememelovingfuck   @taylorjacksonandtheolympians   @lovemarvelousfics   @mrskokitztelford   @live-for-the-avengers   @shamptainshmerica   @misspygmypie   @mariekoukie6661   @bluebird214   @allyp1023   @sarahp879   @nerdyandexhausted   @i-love-superhero   @supernatural-girl97   @petersunderroos   @kazuha159   @sweet-honey15   @ingridsigne     @red-writer13   @nessy-bearxb   @cece-daughter-of-pitch-black   @thedarklightwithinus   @itsemmyb   @debbienewnes84   @captain-princess-smash  
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