#he wants to know about lysandra as much as calliope wants to know about faye
arleniansdoodles · 1 year
How does Calliope feel about Faye since Faye is technically her step mom?
I shared a couple snippets of Calliope learning about Faye; you can find them here! I think Calliope would initially feel upset because Faye is Kratos' second wife, and it would sound like he's moved on from Lysandra (and Calliope by extension). However, in my fic, she doesn't really focus much on Faye at the start; she focuses more on Atreus because he's actually with her in the flesh, whereas Faye starts off as a faceless entity.
Then Atreus starts telling Calliope stories about his mom, and she sees his portrait of Faye, as in the snippets I shared XDD In Calliope mind, Faye takes on a mystical guardian-like presence: someone who will protect you, but also someone to be in awe of because she's a mysterious figure. After all, she's a Giant! She has a magical axe! And she takes away bad dreams in Calliope's dreams!
I feel like part of why Calliope likes Faye so much is because Calliope loves Atreus XDD If they didn't have such a good sibling bond, she either wouldn't care much or would probably just dislike Faye. But Calliope sees Atreus as a very good person and brother, so knowing that Faye raised him for most of his life really raises her in Calliope's esteem.
Not to mention Calliope hears so many favourable stories of Laufey the Just that it really heightens the mystical guardian image loll like a knight in shining armour! Sindri and the dwarves have their version of Faye, and so do the Giants in Ironwood. Meanwhile, Atreus shares the calm, motherly stories of Faye, and I think Calliope would enjoy those the most <333
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stupidrant · 5 months
I get why the game developers went ahead with the decision to only feature Loki (Atreus) as one of Laufaye's children, because it makes sense in the narrative and it's just how the game is set up. Not only for GOW 2018 but before that time period and for what is to come in the next installments.
Because in the original norse myths, Laufaye is supposed to have three children with Farbauti (in GOW verse that's Kratos name, or rather that's what the Giants called him). Loki's siblings are called Byleistr and Helblindi. But in this game Faye lives alone in the forests of Midgard literally middle of nowhere, maybe exiled, I think she just ghosted everyone after her battle with Thor in vanaheim/her failed coupe against Odin. Or she maybe said "I can't do this anymore, many people died because of me, I'm going away, I want to be alone, don't contact me" to the people she loved and trusted (like Brok and Sindri 🥺). Solitude with the protection stave around the forest so nobody can find her, especially not the Aesir when she's the last living Gianr (or so we thought!).
Having one child with this Greek man she met is enough, but having another one or two? When she knew she's going to die? Also when there's nobody to take care of the first one so lol no privacy at all. You gotta have an eye on him at all times and literally no place for intimacy (and the guy she's with has his own issues. He's already scared for his firstborn son, why scare him even further.)
And imagine if Kratos had to like travel with three of his children to the mountain MAN would that be a nightmare. A gaggle of children getting into trouble. We would have gotten a bunch dialogues reminding me of my parents when I acted out at the store, all tight-lipped and muttering "Put. That. Back." or "That's it, I'm turning this car around. Nobody's going anywhere."
But I wonder if either we will see in the next game Kratos embracing his new role as the All-Father, God of Hope, maybe he'll adopt? I know Atreus would be super happy of course, I feel like deep inside he always wanted siblings. Absolutely understandable since he's been pretty alone until GOW: R! And also it's even a more adorable thought if Atreus named Hel after one of his brothers, Helblindi 🥺
Did Faye have children before meeting Kratos? Just like he did when he lived in Greece with Lysandra and Calliope. Interesting to think about...
There’s a chance that laufaye thought about such things but i think overall she was happy with what she has with kratos. The question you ask about her other potential children is a possibility for sure and that could be an interesting thing for atreus to explore if this actually happens. Atreus now is no longer alone as he once was and while kratos misses atreus very much, i doubt that would really happen unless you mean he seeks out some people that hes grown fond of as a spiritual father towards them (ex: angrboda becoming his Daughter in law and their growing relationship as family, his role as the all-father people look up to him as an actual father figure, thrud/skjoldr becoming close to him, etc) or he has kids with freya (personally, i wouldnt mind this at all but it could be controversial for obvious reasons)
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 years
Another set of God of War thoughts.
Thinking about the difference in Kratos's relationships with his kids. For spoilers, I'm hiding it under the cut.
Because of Ares, Calliope was born with a skin disease. As the wiki says, "Spartan law dictated that all diseased or weak infants shall be hurled into the chasm of Mount Taygetos and left there to their demise." Kratos was willing to fight his fellow Spartans and kill them to keep his daughter safe, stopped only by being informed of the existence of ambrosia which would heal Calliope. (This whole scenario was set up by gods having a contest where they chose champions to pursue ambrosia for different reasons, by the way. Calliope's suffering is fairly minor compared to some of the other maladies inflicted upon the gods' champions' people, but I won't go into detail about that here.) In his journey for the ambrosia, Kratos was forced to confront others who needed it just as much as he did, but there was only enough for one person's cause. He cut through each and every one of them with the sole exception of the future Barbarian King. He sacrificed many fellow Spartan lives as well, and in the end, he managed to save his daughter from a grisly Spartan-dictated fate.
Atreus was also born with a sickness caused by a god, though it's different in that it was his own godhood that made him ill. He didn't know he was a god, of course, and he was healthy enough by the time his mother died to travel in order to fulfill her final request. His illness flared up again when he got very angry and accidentally activated his "Spartan Rage," forcing Kratos to travel to Helheim in order to kill a guy and take its heart so it could be used to save his life. May as well call this heart ambrosia, for it serves a similar purpose for his poor kid. (He also had to tell Atreus about his godhood to keep this from happening again. But that has its own strings that I won't entangle in the point I'm trying to make in this post.) Aside from the living being whose heart he takes, no life is taken in this quest to save Atreus. (Hel-Walkers and draugr don't count since they're undead.) He didn't kill anyone he didn't have to, nor did he put more lives at risk even though he could've by accepting Brok's offer to accompany him to Hel.
Kratos only had Calliope in his life for 8 years before she died. Most of it, he was away from home because of Spartan life and all that. When he was home, he showed her affection openly through touch (hugs/arm around shoulders, kiss on the cheek while sleeping [implied by interaction with the Furies' deceptive illusions in Ascension]) and he made her the flute she plays. Then he was tricked into murdering her and his wife/her mother Lysandra, because Ares is a manipulative bitch. He had a chance to be with her again, willing to give up everything in order to spend the rest of time with her in the Elysium Fields, but because of another manipulative bitch god in the form of Persephone, he had to forgo that chance forever and scar Calliope in the process. If he hadn't, she and all of existence (at least in the Grecian realm) would be destroyed, so it was for her own good, but still.
Kratos has Atreus for at least 14, as of the end of Ragnarok. He stayed away from his son for most of the first 11 years of his life (out of fear and guilt over Calliope/Calliope's fate imo). He was emotionally distant, afraid to show affection in the same ways he did for Calliope as seen in the many times he reaches out to Atreus but doesn't allow his hand to touch the boy. This changes over the course of their journey and in the time between the first Norse title and Ragnarok, as well as during Ragnarok of course. Ragnarok gives us the father-son hugs we were wanting in the previous title, and more! Atreus brings out the emotion in his papa, in the best way, aka not just rage/bloodlust. (And! Kratos didn't murder his son's mother Faye, which is a good thing to note when comparing his son and his daughter's lives.)
With Atreus, Kratos begins to help others not for gain, but because it's the right thing to do. He rarely did selfless actions in Greece. In the Nordic realms, especially in Ragnarok, he does things selflessly even when Atreus is not with him. He's also saved lives more than once in Ragnarok, something he didn't do in his past before Faye, or if he did he did so for a self-serving reason. The only exception I can think of is some nameless man in Ascension (I think) he pushes out of the way of an incoming spear and obviously when he saved Calliope prior to the game lore. You could argue he saved Deimos selflessly in Ghost of Sparta as well, but considering he doesn't live long after...Well, the nameless dude could've died shortly after being spared and almost certainly didn't make it beyond the fall of Olympus, so that point is moot, I guess.
What is the point of this post?
Kratos loved both his kids, with all his heart. He lived for them. He would absolutely die for them. He's admitted it to Atreus at the end of (2018) and he more than proved it in Ragnarok.
He has killed to protect their lives. For Calliope, he killed all the gods' champions (eventually, for the last one didn't die until years later) in the hunt for the ambrosia. Many other lives were sacrificed along the way, even his fellow Spartans. He also killed Persephone when she tried to erase herself and everyone else (including dead people like Calliope) from existence, Ares for tricking him into murdering her, and so many other Greek gods/demigods/titans when they failed/betrayed him. And he killed himself, or at least tried to, once his vengeance on Ares was complete as well as at the end of the original trilogy, albeit for more reasons than just reuniting with his fallen loved ones. For Atreus, he killed Magni and Heimdall and would've killed Modi if he didn't run away the two times they fought. He killed Baldur, but not for Atreus. Most of the rest of his casualties are undead or typical monsters. He avoids killing people/gods as much as he can. He helped far more people in the Nordic realms than he killed, and saved more, too. Growth, particularly in Ragnarok. Look at the second fight against Thor, for example.
He killed people for Calliope. He saves people for Atreus.
(dammit this took me way too long to write lmao)
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neechees · 2 years
Faye what your headcanon about her
Thank you for giving me an excuse to ppst these, here are my Faye headcanons:
She's bisexual 💖💜💙
LOVES being picked up by Kratos, she'll find any excuse to get him to do it
She can also pick him up easily but he's a little less psyched about it ccdfhcrct
Actually isn't very good at weaving or spinning, she can't produce her own textiles via loom & instead she'd get it by trading with other people or buying them. She IS pretty good at sewing, though. I imagine she's lived the warrior lifestyle her whole life & never found the time to properly learn how to weave, & she'd just rather be doing other things
Tattoos, she has lots of tattoos. U just can't see em bc they're under her clothes ok
Speaking of, she has one on her ass that she got when she was drunk. She didn't know what it was or what it looked like until Kratos saw & explained it to her (it's a nonsense, gibberish rune)
She has a scar from being hit by lightning (a la encounter with Thor), its on her back
Her mother's name is Nál (not the wife of Bergelmir), & she used this as an alias for a while
She's afraid of thunder. & she's embarassed by it. Best case scenario she gets anxious & nervous during thunderstorms, worst case she has a panic attack
Has frost powers. Of course. When she so much as touches her axe, it frosts up at the handle & responds to her, but Kratos has to manually freeze it himself via runes & such
Her arms are fuckin RIPPED idc what anyone says she's shredded, you need muscles to use a bow & to use it often
Takes forever to fuckin do her hair. She usually wakes up super early before Kratos to get ready. This woman has never had her hair up in a simple style once in her life
Has this thing about pomegranates. Kratos once told her about what a pomegranate was & she's been obsessed & wanted to try one ever since. (Sadly, she did not get her pomegranate 🥺)
She's hangin out with Lysandra & Calliope in the afterlife rn. She's taking care of them 💕 she falls in love with Lysandra, too, to make the fayetosandra ploycule
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Atreus - Has your father ever told you of his first wife? What of his daughter?
Send My Muse Anons About Their Relationships // Accepting!
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The question comes as something of a surprise.  He thought back to the time after they had scattered Mother's ashes, after the two of them had finally started to figure out how to be a FAMILY without her. His father had told him that he was a god, the first time he had really said much about his past.
Atreus knew that it was......painful for his dad to talk about his time in his homeland, but there had been one night, when they'd been staying warm around the fire, enjoying a moment of companionable silence, that his father had spoken first, telling him more about what had happened to bring him to this land.  He wasn't naïve enough to believe his dad had told him everything about his past, but he had mentioned, at least briefly, that he had had a family before, that it was their deaths had started the killing spree that had led him to kill his own father.
"He didn't tell me much, but I know that his first wife's name was Lysandra....., and that I had a sister named Calliope."  His father had sounded so sad when he talked about them, and Atreus had been able to FEEL his regret.  The sadness and pain that had washed over him as his dad had talked...., it was different than how he felt when Kratos talked about Faye.  
"I hope he'll tell me more someday."  He didn't want to make his father sad, or force him to relive his past if he didn't want to....., but he wanted to know more about his dad, so he could TALK to him, the way they'd finally started to be able to.
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howler518 · 6 years
The Deal (Kratos x Faye Ch 5)
Faye pulled her stool from the bedside to the center of her home. Her feet dragged across the floor and ache pulled at her every step. She clutched her ribs, gritting her teeth through pain as she slumped down. Dark bruises had already blossomed at her cheek, under her eyes, and along her throat.  
Faye dabbed her broken, bloodied lip with a cloth.  
“Let’s talk.”  
Across from Faye was the pale god. Kratos knelt with his arms chained behind his back, keeping him bound to a large timber beam. He said nothing. Only looked up at her miserably.
“Who taught you the language of these lands, foreigner?” Faye asked. Kratos gave the chains one hard tug, testing them.  
“Speak,” Faye ordered. She could see the muscles in his jaw work, his glare evermore enflamed.  She seemed like nothing more than a mild annoyance to him. She expected nothing less of a god.
“Why did you not kill me?” his voice was gravelly, like a low roll of thunder.  
Faye reach out and called her axe. The Leviathan heaved from its implantation in her wall and came spiraling through the air.  
She caught the axe, then used it to point menacingly at Kratos.  
“Unfortunately, you are worth more to me alive.”  
Faye grit her teeth through the sharp pain in her side. She could barely lift her own axe with the wounds Kratos had given her. Still, Faye felt lucky to still be breathing after taking a direct hit from the god. Fay planted the axe hard in the floor beside her with a scowl on her face.  
“You are not a man easily fought.”  
“Nor am I a man easily bound by chains,” Kratos growled back. Faye smirked, showing no fear in the face of the god.
“It is true. You could free yourself and kill me,” she paused and narrowed her icy glare, “But then you’d never find where I’ve hidden them.”  
Kratos stiffened at the mention of the blades.  
“I take it they’re precious to you.”  
“Yes.” was all the stranger offered.  
“Who sent you here?”  
“No one,” he said, his voice gruff.  
“Why are you here?”  
“You talk more in your sleep, Fárbauti ,” she chuckled. Her laughs quickly sputtered, and Faye began coughing. Kratos continued to glower at her as she struggled to catch her breath.
She doubled over and heaved, spitting blood into her hand. Faye met his eyes for a moment and cursed to herself. Her lungs were injured. If she upset the injuries more, she could risk drowning in her own blood.  
“What is that name you call me?” Kratos asked.
“One that I saw fit until you provide me with another,” she snapped, wiping her mouth with the back of her palm.  
Faye thought hard for a moment. She knew the chains would not hold him. When he freed himself, she wouldn’t be able to fight back. She was at his mercy, and he knew it.  He would entertain he questions until grew bored of them, or until she struck a nerve. And Fárbauti wasn't exactly a conversationalist.
“Do you attack many people in the woodlands?” She asked.
“Only those who give me reason.”  
Faye chuckled at that, then immediately grabbed her side in pain.  
“Ah,” she wheezed, “So you’ve met the reavers, then?”  
“The nasty folk that hunt in packs like wolves,” she shot him a look, “Attacking innocent travelers.”  
Kratos grunted and offered a curt nod.  
Faye sighed. This conversation going nowhere. Farbauti wasn’t going to respond to simple questions and talk. She had the thread to tug that would unravel him. Yet, there was something that still unnerved her. If he could free himself so easily, why had he not attacked? Perhaps there was a part of him, however small, that did not want to fight.  
Even so, when she tried the way of peace, he returned the favor by nearly snapping her in half. It was possible that all this god understood was war, conflict, and threats. So, Faye would return in kind.  
“But you’re no innocent traveler, are you?”  
His eyes burned when she said that.  
“You know nothing about me,” Kratos growled back.  
“I know enough, Fárbauti” Faye paused, her jaw tight. “In my language it means ‘cruel striker’.”  
She’d give him a war alright.  
“Or would you prefer I called you god-child ? ”  
Kratos said nothing in response but his face revealed everything.  
“Yes, I know what you are.”  
They glowered each other for a long moment. His nostrils flared with his heavy breaths.
“You would be wise to release me. Now.”  
Faye stood up, strengthening her resolve.  
“I have one more question.” She could hear the chains clatter together as Kratos strained against them.
Faye took a step forward and crouched, meeting eye-to-eye with the god. Faye noticed for the first time a long scar that ran from his forehead to his check, cutting over his right eye. How had she not seen that before? It was thick and knotted, an old wound. Something received as a child.  
She searched Kratos’ eyes to find anything redeeming but only fire glared back. Faye leaned close to his ear, reaching to tug that tender thread.  
“Who is Lysandra?”  
Kratos was on top of Faye before her brain had even processed that he had broken the chains. The floorboards scraped her cheek as he wrestled her to the floor. In an instant, Kratos had one knee on Faye’s back and his other on her arm. She swung at him with her free-arm but Kratos snatched her wrist and pinned it at her spine. She struggled for a moment, but it was useless.  
“You know nothing of which you speak.”  
“Did you kill her?” she panted. “Did you kill Calliope too?”  
Kratos dug his first into her injured ribs. The pain was blinding. Faye gasped and choked down a scream.  
���Where are the blades, woman?”  
“Fuck you.”  
“Where. Are. They?”  
When she did not answer, Kratos dug in further. He might as well have stuck a white-hot poker into her side. Faye bit down on her tongue to keep the scream in.  
“Tell me and the pain stops.”  
Faye tasted blood. Tears threatened at her eyes. He wouldn’t risk killing her, she knew that. Not until he knew where the blades were.  
“You won’t find them.” she ground out. “I’ve hidden them. With magic.”  
A lie, but one that he seemed to believe.  
With a roar of anger, Kratos backed off Faye. She remained on the floor for a moment, coughing and recovering. She could hear the metallic twang of the Leviathan as the god took it in his grip.  
Faye rolled on her back and faced Kratos as he loomed over her, leveling the axe with her forehead.  
“I will tear this house apart if I have to.”  
“I imagine you’re very good at tearing things apart,” she spat, her breathing growing hard. Kratos only grunted in reply.  
“You’re so desperate to find them,” Faye took a deep, watery breath, “Tell me god, what do the blades mean to you?”  
“More to me than your life,” he warned. Faye cracked a bitter smile. Blood showed in her teeth and gums.
“You won’t kill me.”  
“I would not be so sure,” Kratos snarled.  
Faye groaned as she stood, holding her side. The pain was going to rip her in two.  
“If you wanted to kill me,” she huffed, “You would have done it already.” Faye pushed past him and limped toward her bed. He did not stop her.  
“Tell you what,” she said, easing herself down into the bed, “I’ll make a deal with you.”  
Kratos held fast where he stood, still holding the axe.
“You are in no position to be making deals,” he grumbled.  
“Aren’t I?”  
Faye adjusted herself with a cry of pain. She rid herself of her hide jerkin and constricting belt, then pulled up her tunic. An incredible blotch of blackened skin stretched over her side. She cursed again then glared at Kratos.  
“It is getting cold and very soon winter will be upon us,” Faye said. Kratos scowled and nodded.  
“I imagine it will be very difficult,” he said.  
“Difficult?!” Faye barked. “When I found you, you were smashing animals like a mad troll and nearly dead yourself.”  
“I was weak,” Kratos said.  
“And weak still,” Fay countered. “Stay, rest, heal, and wait out the winter. Come spring, I will return the blades.”  
“I decline the offer.”  
“I wasn’t offering ,” Faye hissed, “I can’t lift my axe, nor pull a bow-string like this.” She nodded to the Leviathan in Kratos’ hands.  
“I’ll need a hunter.”  She remembered the vision she had of the child and of this god wielding her axe. Seeing the axe now in his grip made her stomach twist. Faye did not anticipate that it would be she who gave it to him. But she didn't exactly have a choice at the moment. A small piece of the puzzle fit together in her mind, but one still remained. Who was the child?
“I could take the axe then leave you to starve," Kratos threatened.
“And the location of your blades would die with me. So, do we have a deal, Fárbauti?”  
Kratos seethed for a moment, contemplating his options. Though, Faye didn’t give him much of a choice. With a grumble of frustration, Kratos slammed the axe into her table. Faye smiled to herself, listening to Kratos pace angrily around her hearth and then finally settle himself on her stool.  At least now, she would have time to pry him open and find out why he was really here.
“You might as well tell me your name,” Faye called from the bedside.
He seemed to ignore her. His attention was on the embers and she could see the same fire glowing in his eyes. Beyond the rage, Faye could see sorrow etched deep into his features. She truly wondered who Lysandra and Calliope were. Faye regretted invoking the names that caused the stranger pain. It was a sadness that Faye knew all too well.  
“Kratos,” he grumbled. Faye craned her neck to look at him as he slumped at the hearth. He met her eyes for a moment then tore them away.  
“Faye,” she replied, settling back into her bed.  
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akashadarkblade · 6 years
Tagged by @elizaxspears
Not gonna tag anyone, because I don’t like doing that, but if this inspires you to do this meme, feel free to tag me so I can see your answers!
List 10 of your favorite ships, in no particular order. Don’t cheat by scrolling down to see the questions yet, either!
Gonna leave out the poly ships because the questions are probably meant for two-person ships so lol btw, I first listed them as they came to mind, then put them in a randomizer to spice it up a bit. 1. Prompto x Cor 2. Sebastian x Joseph 3. Prompto x Gladio 4. Corvo x Prompto 5. Corvo x Jessamine 6. Kratos x Pandora 7. Kratos x Lysandra 8. Ignis x Noctis 9. Kratos x Faye 10. Corvo x Hypatia
(yes Corvo x Prompto is a crack ship, leave me alone and #BLAMEELIZA)
Answers to questions will be under the cut to avoid a long post.
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Before watching a walkthrough of GOW3, I watched a compilation of GOW3 bosses and when I got to Zeus, my brain was like ‘hey… yo… PandoraxKratos would make a cute couple’ and I was like ‘BUT I DON’T EVEN KNOW PANDORA.’ Of course… my brain didn’t listen… and I started shipping them xD thankfully, watching GOW3 just made me ship them harder. 2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2? …I mean… do I really even NEED to answer that? If course I’ve read Joseb fanfic xD
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile picture/tumblr screensaver? Considering it’s a crack ship, I’m pretty sure there isn’t any fanart of them out there.  So no.  BUT IF THERE WAS, I totally would.
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? I’d be torn.  On one side, it’d make me sad.  On the other, depending on when in their lives it happened… I’d understand why. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the hell outta Kratos.  But he’s… done some shit… and even though he was never abusive to Lysandra or Calliope, I’d understand Lysandra wanting to leave at that point in his life.  Maybe that would have woke Kratos up to his mistakes before Ares tricked him into killing Lysandra and Calliope.
5. Why is 1 so important? …Honestly don’t know how to answer this one. Because I like the idea of them together?  It’s cute? I’m horribly weak for rays of sunshine with mature/laid back/grumpy partners?  Plus like… did you see how much this kid looks up to Cor?  It’s fucking adorable… 6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? Do you mean for me? Or as in the characters in the ship being funny or serious?  Because for me, this ship is serious business.  For them, how they act with each other, it’d probably be a mix of both.  I mean, Kratos has a very dry sense of humor, but he’s still got SOME capacity to be funny. And if anyone can bring that out of him, it’s Faye. (don’t argue with me, this man can be fucking hilarious when he wants to be)
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? The most chemistry?  Uhhh… I’ll come back to this one and think about it.
Coming back to this one, I’d have to say probably – honestly – Faye and Kratos.  Because despite never meeting Faye, you can just TELL how much Kratos loved her and hear how much he misses her when he opens up. (like when he’s wounded after the Baldur fight and calling out to Faye for guidance, or the way his eyes widen out of his perpetual scowl when he’s in the Light of Alfheim and the bag of ashes detaches from his hip and floats away, and other things I can’t say because a certain SOMEBODY hasn’t gotten that far in the game. SOMEBODY, you need to STREAM AGAIN. NUDGENUDGE.) There’s just so much between them despite one of them never being shown in the game.  And that’s so DIFFICULT to do.
Under them would either be Ignis and Noctis, or Corvo and Jessamine when you play Low Chaos Corvo in DH2. Just… the way Corvo’s voice goes all soft and sad when he speaks to her… HELP. 8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond? Strongest bond would probably be Jessamine and Corvo. I mean, to make a secret relationship work – especially with a child – and to have all love and no hint of bitterness, even fifteen years after one’s death, they’ve gotta have a really strong bond.  Under them would honestly be Kratos and Lysandra.  No matter how crazy that sounds, it takes a strong bond and trust to not only stay with a man who is going power-hungry, but to fearlessly STAND UP to him?  And attempt to persuade him to change his ways?  That takes a lot.  Too bad Ares had to be a dick…
 9. How many times have your read/played/watched 10’s fandom? I’ve played through DH2 fully once, and have a second, High Chaos playthrough that I have yet to play through.  Both as Corvo, and I haven’t killed Hypatia.  I can’t lol.  I’ve watched only one person playthrough on Youtube, because they’re the only Youtuber I know who has done a playthrough, but I’ve watched it at least three times.  Do I regret those decisions?  NOPE.  Though I DO need to get back into that High Chaos playthrough at some point… HECK. 10. Which ship has lasted the longest? Probably Corvo and Jessamine, because I’ve known them the longest out of all in the list. 11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Canonically?  Never, since they were never together xD in my head… also never lol
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Joseph and Sebastian or Ignis and Noctis? Heck, that’s tough.  Because they’re all very skilled fighters and Sebastian and Joseph have already been through what could be considered a zombie apocalypse together.  So my answer is they join forces and obliterate the shit out of the zombies. 13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? Nope.
14. Is 4 still together? In my mind, they will be until Corvo dies. 15. Is 10 canon? Nope… 16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Uhh… any of the ones with Kratos, tbh.  Cuz like… no one can beat Kratos.  Not even Corvo can beat Kratos.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? I mean… if you count assassination and defamation as sabotage… then yes lol 18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? Um…?  Pretty much all of them I would defend, even the ones that I don’t dive that in depth with.  Because I love all these ships, no matter how much ‘thought’ or time I put into them.
But if I REALLY have to choose one, it’d probably be Jessamine and Corvo.  Love my greasy crow dad and his heart girlfriend so much. 19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? I mean? If I found one dedicated to them, I would.  But I have yet to.  Unless you mean looking through the tags, then no.  I don’t usually do that for ships, mainly because I’m scared of it being filled with ship hate or arguing and other bullshit and I just wanna enjoy my ships.  So I don’t go into the tags and just… am very picky with who I follow. 20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink? UH?!  Um… oh god… I guess I’d have to go with Corvo x Hypatia?  Because as much as I love the two together, they’re the two I’ve done the least with shipping wise.  It’ll hurt, but I could… possibly… live without it… HECK.
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