#he was a Mary stan I respect him for that
quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
I would take five more seasons of Samuel and his shiny bald head over the men of letters is what I’m saying
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drakaripykiros130ac · 2 months
Basically, the main reason why you find people who stan the Greens:
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At least this guy had the courage to admit it.
I blame the showrunners for this.
They hire someone like Olivia Cooke to portray Alicent and then obsess about her beauty, put her in the spotlight and turn her into a sex symbol. And you see people actually falling for that.
Olivia Cooke is like 30 (younger than Emma D’Arcy even), and she is portraying a character who is supposed to be in her 40s at the time of the Dance.
Not to mention how ridiculous it is that the actress is only two years older than the actor portraying her on-screen son.
The pro-Green agenda of Ryan Condal and Sara Hess looks like this:
1. Get the sexiest possible actress to play a whinier, Virgin Mary version of the real Alicent Hightower (even though in book canon, she was never described as an actual beauty. She remained slim after four pregnancies. That doesn’t make you beautiful), and eliminate any notion that she wanted power, so you can make sure that people sympathize with her.
2. Come up with the idea that Aemond was bullied (even though he was the bully in canon).
3. Instead of respecting canon and making Aegon a lazy and fat drunk, give him daddy issues and attempt to “justify” his harassment of women.
4. Make Helaena a dreamer, so she can be more relevant (but she’s not).
Get the picture?
Rhaenyra Targaryen is clearly described as a very feminine person in the book, who loved dresses and jewels, and she had a very girlish personality (in no way did she want to be a knight, or a boy, LOL). She should have been portrayed as such.
I am tired of showrunners who use their money and connections to make their own fanfic out of a canon story. There are many sites for that where you can write how much you think the Greens are “misunderstood creatures” or how you think they should have won.
If you’re incapable of being non-biased when running a show who is supposed to follow a completed source, then just stay out of it.
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Have you ever noticed that ever since season one of What If introduced Captain Carter, she's been showing up a lot more than Sam Wilson as Captain America? I once queationed it, which pissed off some Peggy stans on this site to the point where I had to alter the tags so I wouldn't have to deal with them.
Oh yeah I did, trust me, you’re not the only one. Many Sam or Steve or Bucky stans and, yk, Peggy antis here on tumblr noticed it, but her stans are just too stubborn to accept it.
In my humble opinion, I think Peggy is simply a better character for marvel to sell as cap (and not for the right reasons), which is why Sam’s cap hasn’t appeared in 2/3 years and all of Steve’s appearances were butchered.
Steve is noble, all about freedom and doing what’s right. He was a disabled son of immigrants who knew struggle and, in his own words, didn’t like bullies no matter where they came from, which means that doing what was right to him was more important than any government, any authority. Civil War is all about this characterization of Steve, and it’s why he was the perfect man for the job.
Sam is like Steve. He is a noble man who knew struggle and suffering growing up, who lost loved ones, his place in the world the moment he chose to follow what was right instead of what was ordered to him. He was ridiculed and beaten down, and risked losing it all multiple times, but that never made him back down. Plus, to add fuel to the fire, the higher powers would have never accepted him as Captain America because he’s black, no matter if Captain America himself passed the mantle to him, they wouldn’t have accepted him and still didn’t right up to the finale of TFATWS. Sam is perfect for the job and mirrors Steve as the perfect Captain America of his time.
Peggy is… well, she’s nothing of these things.
Yes, she’s a woman, and so everyone would be expected to find sympathy for her, to root for her, but aside from her stans no one actually does. Peggy has a support system and respect, like it or not, and she was relevant. She’s arrogant, she’s headstrong, and she doesn’t go against the system because she is the system. She’s not a minority, she never knew struggle, hell, she lived a comfortable life up until the war and after. And marvel can use her more than Sam or Steve because she’s not troublesome like them, she’s not going to rebel the system if not for selfish reasons or plot points. She’s not Steve, she’s not Sam, and she shouldn’t be, but at the same time Peggy should not be a Captain that marvel should enforce in their media over and over again.
As Erskine said, “Because the strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength and knows... compassion.” And while Steve and Sam don’t know strength in the sense that Erskine disregards, Peggy does. And if anything, she resembles John Walker.
Not to mention she is no character of her own, she’s simply the mixture of some characters thrown together in a cauldron, and in addition she’s a Mary Sue. She is a villain masked as hero, one that is convenient as a character and can be thrown from side to side as if she was some Y/N insert in an avengers fanfic.
Not only she has made more appearances than the current Captain America, but she managed to insert herself in the majority of What If…’s storylines, even more than actual main characters. Like, you want to tell me people actually want yet another episode about Peggy or with Peggy being a major character instead of Wanda, Loki or the main six avengers? No one does, not even the stans with a functioning brain. But Marvel will not stop, and whatever chokehold Hayley Atwell has on them will last until she’ll be satisfied with the colonization of all the possible marvel projects.
So ultimately, to answer your question: yes, I did notice Sam is being overshadow by a dusty side character that should have stayed dead back in 2016. You’re not alone, and I’m glad I’m not either. If you scroll on my profile you’ll soon find an old post of mine from last year, during the MoM era, where I was talking about this issue, and a Peggy stan went ballistic and on a rant on how I was using Sam as an excuse to hate on Peggy and justify Stucky. (Btw nice move altering the hashtags, I’ve done it too and it’s been a blessing for me.)
Feel free to check that post and come back in the asks, I’d love to discuss that and maybe share some posts regarding the issue (if I can find them lol)
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Rest in Peace John Romita Senior
And thus passes the third of the three men who laid the foundation for Spider-Man.
A lot of people, rightly, praise Ditko's work but I think it is important to bear in mind how vital Romita Senior was to the mythology of Spider-Man, and his pop cultural success.
Spider-Man went far more mainstream when Romita Senior began working on the title, in part because his style was more conventionally attractive. This is to not frame him as lesser than Ditko, they were both masters of their respective approaches, those approaches were just very different.
Ditko was the only man who could have co-created Spider-Man with Stan Lee, but Romita Sr. was the only man who could have taken Spider-Man to the next step of his place in pop culture and also the character's personal development.
This is the man who not only co-created staples of Spider-Man's mythology like Joe Robertson, the Rhino, the Shocker, or the friggin Kingpin and the Punisher, but who's artwork defined the looks of Peter Parker, Spider-Man, J. Jonah Jameson, the Green Goblin, Norman and Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy and essentially the world of Spider-Man from the mid-1960s-the late 1980s.
This isn't even touching upon the fact that his rendition of Mary Jane (a character he only technically didn't co-create, but might as well have) is the definitive take on the character Every rendition since 1966 has been defined by how similar or how different it is to his take upon her.
So influential was his era on Spider-Man that it became the default setting status quo for virtually every adaptation until the 2000s, and even then aspects of his work were liberally incorporated into what anyone else was doing.
His rendition of Spider-Man and his world was so iconic that Marvel essentially enshrined that everyone had to try and adhere to how he drew those characters throughout the 1970s and for most of the 1980s. Indeed, until arguably the 1980s, but definitely the 1990s, whenever you saw Spider-Man merchandise it was always Romita Senior's rendition.
Not to mention his MASSIVE body of work in the Spider-Man newspapers and critical contributions to other Marvel characters, Daredevil perhaps being the most notable example.
Whilst Kirby was the King of comics, Ditko was the Master of his style and niche in the medium, Romita Senior is the undisputed GOD of American Romance comics.
And where Spider-Man is concerned, if Lee and Ditko are Peter's father's then Romita Senior is undeniably his Godfather.
Rest in Peace legend.
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prodigal-explorer · 6 months
so as someone who is only on chapter one of omori and is obsessed with it here are my thoughts as a new member of the fandom
bear in mind that i haven’t finished the game. i only just got to that one creepy forest place? like the one after the spiders? please don’t spoil!!
but spoilers for everything before that below
1) I HATE BASIL. he’s such a stupid little punk. “uwu im so smol and helpless and i always get bullied and i’m so sweet and innocent” I JUST KNOW THAT FUCKER IS HIDING SOMETHING. everytime i end back in that stupid white room it’s because HES DOING SOME SUSSY SHIT. i also just hate him and everything about him and i know for a damn fact that he’s hiding something horrible behind that sweet little smile and he thinks he’s tricking me but he’s NOT I KNOW HIS GAME.
2) i literally cannot decide on a favorite character. i have a least favorite, that’s pretty obvious, but when it comes to a favorite im torn. i LOVE omori, aubrey, kel, and hero all the same! i love mari too but i’m a little salty against her because all her hints for the quests are severely unhelpful 😭 but i still love her tho. i just love the main four so so much and i physically cant choose who i like better. poor little aubrey seems so scared and alone when she has the pink hair and she’s so kind in the little space world thing. hero is a sweetheart and i can’t wait to meet him in the colorful world where i’m moving or whatever. and kel is literally so me 😂 it’s not even funny he just does whatever the fuck he wants and that deserves some respect on his name. and omori is a kickass main character who has a cool thing going for him. but these four characters are sooo well crafted and i love how they work together! it’s a great dynamic balance!
3) i’m either a really bad gamer or the game is super long. i finished the prologue in like seven hours. it took SO LONG. i’m not used to indie games taking that long to play considering that i got through all of undertale in like 10-12 hours my first time. it’s awesome! i love finding all the secrets and talking to all the npcs but DAMNNN.
4) this game has so. much. detail. it’s insane. like the sheer amount of mini games and tiny pockets of lore. it’s like higher than undertale level and i don’t mean to keep going back to undertale but i see a lot of similarities in the game style. i also totally got sucked into playing like 30 rounds of blackjack on omoris computer. it was cool af.
5) the fighting mechanics are super hard. maybe i just suck at strategy but i am so bad at the fights that i just run away whenever i have the opportunity 😭 it’s a problem. i also have no clue how the happy sad angry shit works, i just make omori sad so stab has an attack boost and make aubrey angry so headbutt has an attack boost but other than that i don’t really use it at all and i don’t understand it. maybe that’s why it took me literally 10 tries to get past space ex boyfriend? it’s really fun i just think it’s supposed to be easier than it is and i just missed a memo on strategy.
6) i really love the message so far. the way that mental health is portrayed as something that’s a never ending journey. omori doesn’t just breathe and then everything’s okay, the game highlights realistic coping strategies and makes things like depression, anxiety, and phobias to understandable for any audience through a very creative medium: an indie video game. it’s genius. and i just love how it’s been approached so far, it’s very inspiring!
7) i’m terrified that this fandom is gonna make me mad, i swear to god if i just walk in and see a bunch of basil stan’s i’m turning and walking back out 💀 i mean okay maybe i’ll like basil better later but chances for that seem very low right now. my sister told me that apparently he went through some trauma thing? womp womp don’t care he’s an annoying mf who keeps taking me back to that boring white room where i stab myself, he’s a party pooper and i want a tornado to blow his dumb little flower house down.
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Doctor Octopus unmasking Spider-Man in Web of Death
So here’s something I always found fascinating about the brilliant Web of Death storyline from the otherwise infamous Spider-Man: Clone Saga!
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This was actually the first time since the classic Stan Lee & Steve Ditko Amazing Spider-Man era where Doctor Octopus had unmasked Spider-Man, except Otto had completely different reactions when discovering it was Peter Parker underneath the mask.
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In Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #12, Peter was forced to fight Doc Ock when the latter kidnapped Betty Brant, but his spider-powers were significantly weakened due to him coming down with the flu. Octavius was shocked that he had defeated Spidey so easily considering that the latter put up quite a challenge when they fought in the previous issue. So when Otto unmasked Spider-Man to only discover it was Peter underneath, he simply assumed Peter was a weakling imposter instead of the actual Spider-Man (a misunderstanding which also fooled Betty and even J. Jonah Jameson).
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Conversely in Web of Death, Otto had taken notice of Spider-Man’s drastic change in behavior. He was deeply disturbed by Spidey's grim-&-gritty “I am the Spider” phase, reminiscing on the once good and noble adversary whom over the years Otto had built up a twisted level of respect towards.
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So when Otto confirms that the rumors of Spidey dying of an incurable virus administered by the Vulture during the previous story arc Back From The Edge are indeed true, Octavius unmasks Spidey and takes him back to this lab in order to create an antidote that will save Peter’s life.
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Only this time Otto actually believes that Peter and Spider-Man are one and the same person, even reflecting back on the time he previously unmasked Peter back in Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #12 and questioning to himself why he didn't believe he Peter was Spider-Man back then.
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I really loved this clever nod to the Lee & Ditko era, as it felt like a perfect book-ending at the time to Peter & Otto’s rivalry at the time considering that Peter's clone Kaine would later snap Doctor Octopus’ neck at the very end of the arc.
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While many people complained about Doctor Octopus’s death at the hands of Kaine in the Web of Death being too sudden and poorly thought out, I’ve personally always disagreed with that criticism. Not only because the writers J.M. DeMatteis & Tom DeFalco dedicated 4 entire issues to fleshing out Otto Octavius’ relationship and history with Spider-Man (i.e. having him save Peter from death, because in his own twisted way he believed that continuously fighting someone as noble as Spidey provided him a connection to his own past humanity), but also because from a thematic perspective the narrative repeatedly built up Kaine as this shadowy figure watching all the events from afar, acting like a stalking predator waiting for the opportune moment to strike its prey. In essence Web of Death frames Kaine as the looming shadow of death itself. This framing is further enhanced through Kaine’s inner monologues about wanting to preserve Peter & Mary Jane’s happiness whilst seeing Doctor Octopus and his lover Stunner as a threat to said-happiness.
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So when Otto Octavius final does cure Peter of the virus that was killing him and announces his intentions to continue fighting Spidey in an endless loop (to satisfy his own warped vision of the connection that he and Peter now share) as he voluntarily allows himself to be arrested, it only makes sense thematically for Kaine to sweep in and finally eliminate the threat to Peter’s happiness.
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And while I will concede that the brawl between Otto & Kaine is rather quick, I do honestly really love how their fight is contrasted with scenes of Peter & MJ constructing a crib for their soon-to-be-born child (Web of Death was the story that revealed MJ’s pregnancy), conveying that while Peter had escaped the clutches of death and was finally embracing life, Otto’s nihilistic obsession with continuously fighting Spidey resulted in his own demise.
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Plus, having Kaine kill Doc Ock helps to further elevate his threat level as an antagonist to Peter Parker & Ben Reilly, since while the previous villain Kaine killed in the corresponding story Web of Life, the Grim Hunter (aka, the then-late Kraven the Hunter’s son, Vladimir Kravinoff), was a minor d-lister, Octavius was both a heavy-hitter and one of Spidey’s oldest and deadliest enemies!
Overall, Web of Death holds a special place in my heart since this 4-part storyline was actually the very first part of The Clone Saga I ever read in full due to the single issues being available and cheap at the time on ComiXology, and I had heard about Otto’s death in these issues as a little kid through my old Spider-Man character guidebooks and encyclopedias. And reading this arc not only gave me an even greater appreciation for Otto Octavius’s relationship with Spider-Man that I hadn’t experienced in the comics since Dan Slott’s run on Superior Spider-Man (I honestly can't help but wonder if Otto's characterization in Web of Death partially influenced Slott's later portrayal of the character) but the it was also my first official introduction to the writing of J.M. DeMatteis, who’s since become one of my top 5 all-time favorite comic authors!
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pinkboyrc · 1 year
Some LO opinions/thoughts I would like to dump here
DISCLAIMER : I am strictly going to be talking about LO for what it is, I don’t really care what the myths are about because as far as I know there are many versions of every single God/people. You don’t have to agree or disagree with this but that is all.
1 ) Persephone is an interesting character and I don’t think she is a Mary sue, that just comes off as misogynistic when people say it.
2 ) Regarding the Perse-Hades-Minthe love triangle thing, I don’t think Minthe had any right to get jealous over Hades liking Perse considering she was sleeping with Thantanos. From the sounds of it they had an open relationship, she only wanted it closed off when she saw hades could also benefit from that.
3 ) I do not like Minthe’s character arc ending. I think we should have got to see her and perse interact more after she was changed back into a nymph and more of her time in the mortal realm. Her ending should have been her gaining female friendships that were based on respect and not toxic, that way her ending the friendship with Thetis would have felt more impactful.
4 ) Demeter has not acted out of character in her recent chapters. This was built up from the very beginning, and her relationship to perse is very nuanced which is why we see it is such a struggle for them to see eye to eye. Demeter is not an antagonist, she is very clearly morally grey in this, just like most of the characters in the story.
5 ) Apollo raped perse. Simple as, there is no denying this.
6 ) Perse is allowed to have sexuality and not be repulsed by sex.
7 ) The story was always going to be Hades and Perse getting together so coming into the story and complaining about them being together makes no sense. If you want a story that demonises the relationship go look somewhere else, it is annoying at this point.
8 ) The art was more interesting in season 1 and the first half of season 2. Not to say I don’t like it now but I liked the previous style more to the one we have now. I also like the colours better previously.
9 ) Hades backstory and trauma is very looked over by the fandom and almost every critique of him ignores it or treats him as if he does not have trauma. I think can be boiled down to people still not understanding men can be abused (I’m looking at the minthe stans who defend her verbally and physically abusing him).
10 ) Back to minthe, I think she deserved to get turned into the plant. Girlie fucked around and found out.
11 ) I do not think everything about LO is perfect and there are things to be critical about but if you’re making entire accounts dedicated to it and just straight up making fun of, accusing RS of crimes and overall clearly showing feral dislike of the series, please consider stop reading LO, it’s not healthy to obsess over things that clearly make you unhappy.
12) final opinion of the day is :
Demeter deserved to be queen of the mortal realm, hades is a cunt for denying her that.
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angelicyouth · 11 months
Anon era is over guys, rip
Anyways youth omori au stuff im thinking of just because
Okay so I wanna go deeper into the one where Y/N dies and Craig + Kenny r the ones who pulled the Basil and Sunny, so i'll divide it in four parts
The incident - Alright, sohonestly i have NO idea who would be sunny or basil in this case, both of them fit the idea, but for now I'll go with craig just based on how many tiktok omori au creek videos ive seen where craig takes sunny's role. I'd say the argument could be about Y/N's safety, maybe it could be that she decided to hangout with team stan and they got into like a really dangerous situiation, nobody was hurt but craig is freaking out, so he starts arguing about Y/N's safety and stuff
Eventually, push comes to a shove (heh) and awh shit Y/N gets pushed down the stairs, boom rip. ao ofcourse now xraig is probably like having a mental breakdown because HE JUST PUSHED HER DOWN THE FUCKING STARIS and he keepts panicking. around that time Kenny would come inside whoever's house they were in, because if he was at the scene while they were arguing he wouldve definetly steped in
In all honesty, no idea how they came up with the staged suicide, it probably involved a lot of arguing, screaming and crying, but eventually they agree to do so
Dreamworld - So as I stated before, they would both have their own respective headspace
I feel like in both headspaces, basil would be the other, idk how to phrase it honestly. as in, in kenny's headspace, craig would be basil, and in craigs headspace, kenny would be basil yknow??
Kenny's headspace would be pretty much identical to the one ingame, maybe it'd be a bit more similar to a ghetto? idk just a thouht. while craigs nothing would really happen, id think most of the headspace would be in someone's house or at tweek bros (of course in both of them Y/N would take mari's role)
I don't have a lot to say about headspace honestly
Realworld - After the incident, everybody just shut themselves in someway or another. Obviously, Stan would be the most devastated, going into a deep depression that lasts a while like Hero's. I feel as the group just sort of slip apart after that. As in, they went to their respective teams and just didn't talk as much
After the incident, craig and kenny wouldn't even speak to eachother anymore, they can't even bring to do so knowing what they did. Kenny especially, he feels as if its craig's fault Y/N died since he was the one that pushed her.
Headcanons I have -
Craig would be the most likely to have the hikikomori route
Stan wouldn't dye hia hair anymore nor paint his nails anymore, because of both reminding him of Y/N and not taking as much care for himself
Kenny wouldn't spend as much time in headspace, since he still takes care of Karen
Stan,Kyle,Clyde and Tweek would be the ones that visit Y/N's room most
Shelley came to visit to attend the funeral
Butters shared an animal crossing island with Y/N, but now he can't even think about it without crying
I'll probably write about this at some point
-mango anon
yaaay now everyone knows who’s behind all of these genius ideas ((except for me because i’ve been knowing who my anon bby is haha))!!♡
oh my god this is so well thought out—i literally loved every single second i spent reading this!! (*´◒`*)
i love how you talk about how the argument is about craig & reader fighting about her safety + well being because that is seriously spot on—despite having a gives-no-fucks attitude i can definitely see craig constantly worried + checking his phone whenever reader is out with her brother & his group of friends because of all the crazy shit that they get up to ((bad things always seem to follow them around & who can blame him? they stole his fucking birthday money + got him stranded in peru haha))
reader eventually has had enough because while craig has his reasons, that’s still her older brother that he’s talking shit about & while they always bicker + fight like no tomorrow, his baby sister’s safety is always stan’s top priority ((has been since they came out of the womb)). so of course, after some time & heated words getting thrown around, she get’s fed up with the conversation & tries to walk away
he quickly grabs onto her wrist because no, you’re not listening Y/N!! we always get into shit about this and i’m so fucking tired of having to worry my ass off whenever you’re with them which leads to them tugging & pulling because she doesn’t want to deal with this right now but craig thinks that they don’t deal with it enough. obviously, he doesn’t want to hurt his baby while he’s blinded by frustration so he loosens his grip. but this unluckily occurs at the same time she does one harsh yank, causing her body to wobble from the force until she loses her footing & suddenly all she can see is craig’s frantic expression + his outstretched arm as she’s falling down the stairs
i love how you added that kenny’s presence would’ve majorly played a role in everything because yes, the overprotective blonde would have definitely stepped in to help mediate the fight if he was at the scene & things would have definitely ended up differently!! you’re absolutely right in the fact that there will be a lot of frantic screaming, disbelieving crying, and frustrated arguing as they try to take in the image of their once lively shared significant lover—her skin ashen + her once expressive eyes looking eerily hollow & empty
i honestly think it would have to be kenny to be the one to come up with the staged suicide because while craig & him aren’t romantically involved, he’s grown to care for the male ravenette during his time with reader and wouldn’t want him to end up in shit with the police. even now, he can’t bring himself to hate the taller teen because while he did ultimately play a hand at accelerating reader’s demise, he’s constantly shown how much he loves & cherishes her in his own way. craig can’t gather his thoughts as he stares at his violently trembling hands because he did this to her while kenny internally panics & curses because someone will come home soon to see what happened
obviously, craig will be violently overcome with guilt that he killed reader whereas kenny’s will be due to the fact that he can’t believe he let everyone believe his wonderful ray of sunshine killed herself. he feels fucking terrible that he disrespected her body by hanging it by the neck at the tree outside of the Marsh’s backyard. the same body he’s gently held in his warm embrace countless of times, the one that has always given him the softest & warmest of affectionate and reassuring kisses
he never gave her a proper closure with her loved ones ((the casket had to be closed due to the hanging)) and in turn, fucked up everyone’s last living image & memory of her
… and he disrespected her like that with a staged suicide in the afterlife, the one he claims to love so much & holds closest to his heart
i love the idea of the other being basil in each of their own headspaces!! the two can’t help but to be scornful towards the other because of obvious reasons which leads to them not talking anymore. and yes, i adore the notion that kenny’s headspace would be like omori’s colorful dreamworld with stan’s group except the surroundings would be more ghetto to reflect his poor upbringing. i firmly stand by the idea that craig’s dreamworld would be similar to omori’s whitespace when he’s just sitting but omori’s blackspace when he’s aimlessly wandering around ((in contrast to kenny getting into all sorts of crazy adventures with the guys)) and he’d drive the knife into his body when he wants to return to whitespace
while reader was the glue that brought craig + kenny together from their nonconventional relationship, she was also the glue holding all of stan’s group & craig’s group together
i love the idea that stan wouldn’t bleach his hair or paint his nails black anymore because those actions remind him of reader—his sister used to do it for him & it was always a source of quality time + getting each other’s undivided attention
i love how kenny wouldn’t be in headspace as much because of karen—he still has all these responsibilities forced onto him because of his parents & he knows how much reader cares for his younger sister. he continues to look out for her in the real world because reader would be so disappointed if he didn’t
yes yes yes!!! stan, kyle, clyde & tweek would definitely be the ones to visit reader’s room the most even when she’s gone ((randy + sharon have left it virtually untouched in memory of their daughter)) and would be the ones to visit her grave the most—to talk to her & update her on things & just to spend time with her even if she can’t reply
but also, butters would be part of the constantly visiting group!!
but then this got me thinking—what if in craig & kenny’s rush, they didn’t properly check reader’s condition + didn’t properly stage the hanging ((they used a jump rope for fuck’s sake))? what if instead, she’s stuck in the hospital and years deep into a coma? then stan, kyle, clyde, butters, & tweek would visit her everyday to replace the flowers in her vase etc.
you literally broke my heart when you said butters doesn’t touch his switch anymore because he cant bring himself to change anything about their shared animal crossing island—it’s the same thing with clyde & reader’s shared minecraft world
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pynkhues · 1 year
Hiii! I absolutely love your meta posts. I hope this is not an annoying ask. You may have answered a similar question before but yet in case you haven’t. I was wondering when do you think that Beth and Rio knew that they had genuine feelings for each other that it wasn’t just attraction. ? When do think they acknowledged that what they had was an understanding/obsession respect maybe?? idk even know what you would call what they had lol but it was something!!! I feel Ike it may have been the 2x09 moment for Rio but what do you think? Who do you think fell first ??
Hi! Thank you so much, anon, and it's not annoying at all. I always love having the opportunity to think about Beth and Rio again, and that question of when they actually fell for each other is such a fun one to think about.
The writing for Good Girls was rarely perfect, but I do think it was underrated, and in particular one of the things I loved and continue to love about it is that it never really told the audience how to feel. 'Bad' characters, whether they be Rio, Turner, Mary Pat, Dean, even Boomer, were never entirely bad, just as 'good' characters like Beth, Annie, Ruby and Stan were never entirely good. That alone isn't anything new on a narrative level, but I think the show played around with what those shades of grey and in-betweens looked like in a way that was genuinely so rich and compelling and more textured than it ever got credit for.
The result of that is everyone's going to have a different answer for when a change in a character, relationship, feeling happened, and there's logical arguments for all of them, and I just - - yes. Love that, haha.
When I think Beth and Rio fell for each other changes often as a result - I definitely think 2.09 was when they both knew knew. That the goodbye cast their feelings for one another in a really stark light, but more recently I tend to think it was a lot earlier, and maybe surprisingly, I think Beth was actually the one who knew first.
I think for Beth it was when he fired her in 1.09. That exchange outside the storage sheds means a lot to me generally (her throwing the keys is IT!), but Beth's always been the sort of character who exists in survival mode. She doesn't know what she's got or how she feels until she's under threat of losing it, and I really do think the fallout of 1.09, her getting him arrested, her emulating him, her leaning into his touch right before he shot Dean in 2.01, are remarkably telling.
It was the first time she was made to think of life without him, and she didn't know what that meant, but she knew she didn't want it. That's not love, but it's something deeper and more real than attraction, and I think she probably went on to deny it for the first part of s2, but I do think it was the moment she knew whatever was between them was something real.
As for Rio, I think it was probably the 'I'm gonna teach you' exchange at the end of 2.02. It's such a loaded beat, but it's also clear, at least to me, that he was there to kill her, and her frankness in the moment of it touched something in him. He's tried to kill her a lot, and while we (rightfully) talk about the moment in 1.02 as the moment he became interested enough in her to keep her alive, I really think that moment in 2.02 is when he realised he always would.
1.02 was Beth slamming her fist on a table, 2.02 was her letting him sit underneath it with her, and it's this moment I think when curiousity becomes intimacy. He knows, in that moment I think, that he'll never stop finding her interesting, and the discovery of that is what makes all of his feelings real.
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jgroffdaily · 8 months
Merrily We Roll Along review summary Part 2
Robert Hofler, The Wrap
‘Merrily We Roll Along’ Broadway Review: Daniel Radcliffe and Jonathan Groff Lead a Riveting Revival
The troubled Stephen Sondheim musical finally finds its perfect cast
Watching the show on Broadway, I found myself concentrating less on Mendez and Radcliffe’s back-to-back screeds and drawn more to Groff, who almost singlehandedly, and in a very quiet way, makes this revival drive forward while going backward on all eight cylinders. He plays off the over-the-top performances of his two costars — who bring a sly Oliver-and-Hardy chemistry to the stage, Radcliffe being Stan to Mendez’s Ollie. Mendez entertains us with her nasty one-liners and Radcliffe stops the show with his powerful, yet nuanced rendition of “Franklin Shepard, Inc.”
Charley and Mary are telling us in no uncertain terms that Franklin is a major sell-out, but Groff doesn’t play him as a jerk. Instead, he makes the character the quiet eye of the hurricane of resentment (justified or not) swirling around him. For the first time ever, I actually felt the need to protect the guy from his two best friends. After all, there are much, much worse things in life than ending up a successful Hollywood producer of shlock movies. Franklin never sexually harasses anyone, uses the wrong pronoun or votes Republican. By today’s standards, he’d be a pillar of virtue in the film community.
Groff’s portrayal of this unsympathetic character (until well into the second act) recalls the equally inspired casting of Jim Parsons as the bitchy Michael in the first Broadway production of “The Boys in the Band.” Groff and Parsons’ innate likeability gives each actor more than a few minutes of stage time to take an audience by the hand and lead us on their respective character’s journey.
Given a choice to see a show called “Musical Husbands” and “Take a Left,” I’d buy a ticket to “Musical Husbands.” Better yet, I recommend getting a ticket to see this wonderful “Merrily” revival and buy another the following week to enjoy it even more the second time.
Patrick Ryan, USA Today
More than 40 years after notoriously flopping on Broadway, “Merrily We Roll Along” is back with a splendid and shattering revival at the Hudson Theatre starring Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez and Daniel Radcliffe.
Groff, who last appeared on Broadway in the original cast of “Hamilton,” has never been better than he is here, imbuing a tricky character with tearful sincerity and charm.
"It's our time, breathe it in," Frank sings at the end of the show, as he readies to take on the world with Charley and Mary by his side. The same could be said of "Merrily," which four decades later, finally feels right on time.
David Gordon, What’s On Stage
Sitting comfortably in the Hudson Theatre, this Merrily is one of those transcendent productions I’ll look back on fondly forever.
Radcliffe’s Charley is adorably filled with nervous energy, and he continues to blow the roof off the joint with “Franklin Shepard, Inc.”. Groff beautifully grounds Frank in the reality of a man who has gotten everything he wanted, only to realise that the most important things in his life have completely disappeared. Mendez lives and breathes every single emotional beat to its fullest potential, making a meal out of Furth’s sardonic quips. Watching them sing “Old Friends” transported me to a plane of musical-comedy heaven which I have not visited in a long time, and their idealistic “Our Time” is a genuine tearjerker.
Friedman’s production is a theatrical miracle, finding the heart at the center of this story of dreams, regrets, and good things going, going, gone. Somewhere, its creators are bursting with pride to see their vision fully realised, at long last.
Steven Siskin, NY Stage Review
If Mendez and Radcliffe were already perfect downtown—or perhaps even on the first day in the rehearsal room—Jonathan Groff’s Franklin Shephard has taken a different path. To say the role is difficult is an understatement; like Robert (a.k.a. Bobby baby) in the Sondheim-Furth Company, Franklin is trapped. He stands in the precise center of a crowd that his character dominates, unable to break through his walled-off personality to relate to anyone, imploring somebody—anybody—to “make me aware of being alive.” Groff brought an intriguing element to his performance last winter, not shying away from displaying a Franklin who was cold, cruel, and unlikable. He has now found a way to add a core of desperate sadness and a sense of loss, which makes him the most effective Franklin of the half-dozen I’ve seen.
The show plays like wildfire, ignited from that first blast of overture from that band. It’s a win-win, or perhaps a win-win-win-win. A win for Merrily, yes; a win for Radcliffe, Mendez, and Goff; and a win mostly for Maria Friedman, who created this production with significant success back in 2012 and—in three or four steps along the way—has continued to add layers of sheen so that it no longer plays like an excellent production of a troubled musical but an excellent show all around.
Melissa Rose Bernardo, NY Stage Review
Thankfully, Friedman has found three actors whose charm and genuine connection overrides their characters’ most unpalatable qualities. And since the NYTW production, their performances have only deepened. Groff (Spring Awakening, Hamilton) is perfection as the successful but hollow composer-turned-corporation Frank
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alrightsnaps · 1 year
The beef you have with Anthony on twitter is very pathetic and also the fact that you PRETEND Violet has haters when all that happened is that maybe a couple of kanthony shippers have said she was a bit too harsh with him cause god forbids audience members feel more connected with the protagonist and not his mom. Also the fact you want Kate to share screentime with Mary and Edwina again when she was treated like crap by them is not it for someone who claims to love Kate. But I guess it's not surprising when you're buddy buddy with that selcouth account who not so secretly hates Kanthony and Kate and has polite convo with the bloggers who call Kate a homewrecking whore. You know your friend writes fic in which Anthony is beaten up and Kate continues to be miserable post wedding for the sake of poor innocent Edwina?And thinks Anthony should give a fuck about Edwina doesn't let him call her by her first name? Tell your friend he eyefucked Kate at the altar in front of her, let me assure you edwina lovers he doesn't give a fuck about her brattiness the majesty. Leave Kate and Kanthony out of your mouth.
aww how sweet of you that you think y'all are the first people to dickride for anthony at the expense of female characters! i can assure you that i've been beefing with his stans since before kate's casting announcement. kathonies are not the first to drag violet to defend him, or even the first stans to demonise their male fave's mother while excusing his own behaviour. sienna/anthony shippers did the exact same thing long ago painting violet as the evil hag who wouldn't let poor little anthony run off into the sunset with sienna in s1.
also why the fuck wouldn't i want kate to fix her relationships with edwina and mary? i've criticised edwina repeatedly for never apologising to kate since day 1. that's something we never saw in s2 so yeah, i definitely want to see that and i consider necessary for them to rebuild their relationship on better terms after the wedding fiasco.
what i consider hypocritical as fuck is being totally ok with kate forgiving anthony when he hardly did enough to deserve her forgiveness after all the pain he put her through, but drawing the line at her stepmother and sister.
anthony literally ruined kate in 2x04 and not only didn't assume his responsibilities as he forced simon to do with daphne in s1, but had the nerve to propose to her sister the very next morning. so yeah, if i can support kate being with anthony in the s2 finale when he was calling her "the thorn easily removed" from his and edwina's lives just two episodes back, because that makes her happy, i can sure as hell root for her making up with the women that have been her entire world for the past 26 years as well.
as far as i'm concerned neither anthony nor edwina did right by kate in s2. edwina because she blamed her for anthony's actions and was ungrateful, when all kate had done was sacrifice after sacrifice for her to be happy. and anthony because he never showed kate the respect he demanded men to show to his sisters and chose to go after her baby sister only to publicly humiliate both sharma girls in front of anyone when they were at the altar.
i'm old enought to be able to form my own opinion about characters instead of joining fandom groupthink or liking/disliking them based on how their fanbase behaves. if that was my criterion i don't think there's a single ship i'd support in the bridgerton fandom, considering that i disagree with most kathony and benophie stans on twitter for always coddling anthony and benedict and excusing their misogyny.
and frankly, i'm extremely uncomfortable with the way you and many kathony stans talk about edwina. y'all are literally victim blaming an 18yo child for falling for a grownass man who went after her and ruined her in the eyes of society. you constanly infantilise anthony when he has more privilege than 99% of men in england, while spending your time talking shit about a teenage girl.
that's not holding edwina responsible for her behaviour towards kate, it's misogyny, plain and simple. she has every right to treat anthony like filth for the rest of her life after what he did to her and be protective of kate, like kate was of edwina when anthony was courting her, after his abhorrent treatment of both sisters.
a 30yo man not giving a fuck about a teenager he strung along and ruined isn't the gotcha that you think it is. except you clearly have such a sexist worldview that you consider him to be the "prize" edwina lost and kate won, rather than a man who hurt them both deeply and took advantage of his privilege over them.
if i should keep kate out of my mouth for wanting to see her have a healthy and wholesome relationship with her family, so should you people for being ok with anthony doing the bare minimum to win her after the hell he put her through.
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Hello, I've recently started reading your blog and am enjoying it so far. I'm curious on your thoughts about a few things. What is your overall opinion on Jared? I've been noticing lately that Jared has been looking more miserable lately and looks a good bit thinner than he did a couple years ago. I also noticed his hair doesn't look as soft and shiny as it used to.
I watched the Mens Health video of an interview with him on what he eats and his workout routine. I noticed there was relatively little protein outside of him mentioning chicken, cheese and sometimes eggs and bacon. I also recall him mentioning he doesn't really eat carbs either. Do you think Gen is perhaps trying to control his diet and that it's possibly impacting his health mentally and physically? I know of people who do keto right and are healthy but I'm wondering if Jared is really doing that right, especially with what I've noticed and also tends to get sick a lot. I'm also wondering why he had to use a hyperbaric chamber to get more oxygen to his brain at one point.
Also, I saw a post of yours where you mentioned your first disdain of Gen is much stronger than it is towards Danneel. Would you be kind enough to tell me why you hate Gen a lot more than Danneel?
Thank you for your time in reading and hopefully answering this all.
Oh man, I’ve been super busy for the past several weeks, then sick, and haven’t gotten around to responding to asks in any particular order. But I’ve also been hesitant to touch this one because anyone that comes anywhere close to Jared critical content is immediately chased with pitchforks around here. It is so divided and therefore people are defending their faves to the death. Especially since Prequelgate, Jared, and thus Gen, are the current Prom King and Queen in the areas of fandom I most often see. And let me be clear that I’m not a Heller nor am I anti-Jared but I’m just also not a stan…of anyone. Honestly, I’m an “eat the rich” leftist at heart who believes anyone’s choices can be looked at with a critical eye.
(Long post under the cut)
To answer the easy stuff first, I don’t feel as strongly about Danneel because, except for a few appearances here and there, she keeps to herself lately and doesn’t give me a reason to really analyze her behaviors. I wasn’t deep into fandom during the early days of her and Jensen getting married and all of her territorial behaviors, so I don’t bring all of that with me to the present day. I do hate the way Danneel panders to Hellers and I did pick up on some irritating comments in her most recent OTH podcast appearance. The response from a fan question at HonCon about how Jensen can never impress her makes me roll my eyes and is part of their schtick that feels very tired. I don’t think we would be friends, but Danneel doesn’t get under my skin quite the same way Gen does. I think in some ways, Danneel has been more openly who she is (even if it was bitchy and unlikeable) whereas Gen has hidden behind a Mary Sue persona of golly-gee-whiz perfection…and I just respect that authenticity more.
Describing why I am anti Gen is…honestly difficult to summarize. I will link some of my other posts to help. Right away, it’s not because I’m jealous and she gets to be married to Jared. Overall, it lies in all the inconsistencies and hypocrisies which, honestly, I wouldn’t even be aware of if she wasn’t so set on proving her worth to herself by building a platform to manipulate her fans with sales pitches. She preaches sustainability while also jet-setting constantly. And she’s more of a flip-flopper than a preacher, so understanding what she even stands for is difficult. She wants to sell you 6 different supplements for the almighty gut health while also being seen drinking alcohol regularly. And when she laments about being stressed I lose my entire mind because most of us could only dream of having her version of stress. In one of her most recent IG story ads she complained that 2 trips out of the country (and away from her children) were just SO HARD to deal with! To me, instead of the relatable vibe she’s going for, she regularly comes off as entirely ungrateful and unaware of all of her privileges.
When I look at Gen, don’t see the same “goofy, light-hearted mom who is altruistically trying gosh darn hard to save the world with recycling and kindness” that her fans see. I see an uptight yet insecure grifter who skates by in this fandom by doing the bare minimum while being praised like a saint. And I think that it is her connection to Jared that affords her all the fandom grace. When people still refer to this grown man as one of their “boys” and liken him to “literal sunshine,” puppies, and sunflowers…well, imagine the positive assumptions we make about a partner that person chooses.
(I hate referring to either J as a boy, don’t come for me…and I’ve seen Jensen receiving the same stanning that also makes me gag lol)
While I hope Jared is not struggling with any other underlying health issue, his frame has appeared to change in recent years. But I’m definitely not here to say that this is due to Gen “controlling” him in any way. I do think Gen has/has had her own issues with eating (she admitted to having history of an eating disorder in a podcast once) and excessive exercise, but Jared is a grown man who makes his own decisions. Jared himself has alluded to insecurities in his body image over the years, praised what I would call disordered eating practices like fasting, and his bulked up frame as Soulless Sam was suspected of having anabolic help at the time. I do think he dabbles in manipulating diet and exercise in different ways like every one else in The Biz and I think he has a naturally lanky frame. So if he doesn’t want to work out constantly in order to stay swole, then I fully respect that. There is also the issue of his knee that no doubt impacts his capabilities as well.
As for the hyperbaric chamber (mentioned during Jared’s appearance on the Inside of You podcast on 5/24/22): he didn’t need it and the evidence that it even fixes anything just isn’t there. That doctor is a known quack, and he sucked Jared right in. At these clinics they take specialized (and not widely accepted in the field of actual neuroscience) scans of your brain and present you with scary results in order to sell these expensive chambers and their own supplements. It’s a racket. Now, how did he find his way to an Amen Clinic in Costa Mesa, CA? I really couldn’t tell you, but it does sound like the shifty, woo woo alternative medicine that Gen has also been pursuing for her “brain fog.” But then again, his supposed buddy and co-star Keegan Allen is also a health and wellness wackadoo, and we’ve seen Jared get sucked in by the likes of that young lady with the boutique IV drip clinic too. Jared has also shouted out Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s got multiple influences.
If Gen and/or Jared is concerned about their cognitive functioning, as a person with connection to the world of eating disorders, my opinion is that they invest in less oxygen chambers and instead at least consider more carbohydrates and overall calories. You’d be amazed at how much less foggy your brain feels when it’s properly nourished. And no, I’m not diagnosing anyone here, but I am saying that people with access to these expensive specialists are sometimes overlooking an answer that is right in front of their faces simply because eating a wider variety of nutrients would betray their brand. And sometimes people are scared to eat more when they can no longer workout like they use to and have an image to maintain.
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manikas-whims · 1 year
Tumblr media
VinMary as Kpop Idol Headcanons
Vin Jin would become a well-known rapper (ofc not as famous as Duke 😝)
Mary seems like she'd be a great dancer and singer but dancing is her forte. She can do amazing hiphop, jazz, pole dancing, with a little ballroom and a good amount of contemporary.
Both of them are solo artists but have definitely collabed more than once. They do alot TikTok dance trends too. Its a well-known fact in the industry and to their fans that the two have been friends since a long time.
They've definitely collabed on a track paying homage to their hometown Cheonliang.
Mary goes viral alot for her dancing, one of the most iconic one being a fancam of her pole dancing in one of her songs' choreo.
Vin's rap verses also go viral alot. They are widely used by his fans on IG and TikTok to make those “badass edits for their fav fictional characters”
In the future too, Vin never takes off his glasses (he isn't insecure about them anymore; he just doesn't want them to be the highlight about him). Yet still, there's discussions about his mysterious eyes on websites like TheQoo, Quora, pannchoa, etc.
Everytime he's on an interview or a variety show, the question is brought up to Vin but he always shrugs it off.
Interviewers also try to pry about his eyes from Mary but she always says, “You'd be surprised by how lame they actually are.”
Mary feels like the person who'd write songs about body positivity and learning self-love and healing. She'll be an inspiration to her fans and called an “Unbothered Queen”.
There are times when Mary's hair goes back to its original black color and at such times, fans find it hard to recognize her. This is advantageous to her as she can easily head out without being followed by sasaengs (stalkers).
Mary's fandom is divided into Black Haired Mary stans Vs Blonde Haired Mary stans 😂 Many believe she should've been a natural blonde.
Vin's fans would be more interested in (and dare I say: thirst over) his muscular physique. He's been offered several sponsorships for sports modeling as well as underwear brands.
There's an interview Mary absolutely despises, where the interviewer asked Vin about his physique. Vin laughed (like the idiot he is) and said, “This is nothing. You should've seen me at my prime 😌”
One time some antis find out and spread pics of Vin Jin from highschool, sharing with the world how he used to be a bully, the famous rapper Duke being one of his major victims.
Soon there's videos and posts on sites like reddit and pannchoa, discussing the controversial matter. Many fans of Duke start speculating if some of his diss tracks are about bullying he suffered from Vin.
Media outlets try to reach out to Duke for a comment on the matter but he is respectful enough to not say anything.
Media also tries to get to Mary but this isn't something she can or wants to defend her friend for. She says, “I have no right to speak on this matter.”
Finally after lots of thinking and talking it over with Mary, Vin decides to meet Duke in person and properly apologize.
Surprisingly Duke simply smiles at him and accepts his apology. BUT HE DOESN'T FORGIVE VIN. (If you are mature enough and choose to apologize to your victim, then good for you. But your victim is NOT OBLIGATED to forgive you.)
Forgiveness is far from Vin's reach for now but inspite of that Duke suggests a collab between the two. Vin agrees.
The collab is very well-received by both of their fans and the next time Vin is asked about the bullying allegations, he admits to them being true but also officially informs the world, “I have felt sorry for my actions and apologised to Duke. But forgiving me is upto him. For now, I'm satisfied with the truce we've made through our song.”
i think these are enough for now, hope y'all like them ♡
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I'll never understand why Freddie stans hate Brian. As someone who's been ever so slightly insane about FM for years, Brian is my second favorite out of the four bc he's basically the founder of the Freddie Mercury fan club. (It's actually an in joke amongst my friends that he's the only one who talks about Freddie more than I do- but that's not really important). Like how dense do you have to beto actually think that Brian doesn't care about him and never did. I'm convinced the only people who buy into that narrative are either very new to the fandom or just Really want Mary's version of Freddie to be real.
Yeah, it was a big point of contention among me and the other Freddie fans/jimercury fans on insta back like 3 years ago when I had a fan account on there. They hated him and thought he hated and disrespected Freddie no matter how much I tried to point them to reality. I've talked about this from time to time, but there are three main reasons why Freddie stans tend to hate Brian, in my view: Brian says things about Freddie that they don't want to hear, specifically things which contradict their headcanons of him, they think Brian's love for Adam means he doesn't care about Freddie anymore, and it's because of Brian's defense of the movie. With the first one, it's usually people who are angry that Brian says Freddie was gay, vulnerable to being used by fake friends, and got fucked up on the club scene. Those three things apparently trigger people lmao. With the second thing, people are just idiots and can't fathom that Brian can love and respect more than one singer at the same time.
With the last one, people think that Brian can't actually care about Freddie if he so vehemently defended the film which portrayed him in such a shitty way. I get where those people are coming from initially, I used to think the same thing in my very early days of the fandom tbh, but then I actually heard Brian talk about Freddie and quickly saw how genuine his love for him was. It was Brian's clear fondness for Freddie that made me pause and listen to the things he actually had to say, and prevented me from becoming a Brian hater tbh. I read more and realized that Brian became very protective of the movie because he sees it as part of Queen and as a net positive for the band and Freddie, and Brian becomes very defensive of anything related to the band and Freddie. I guess I still wish he understood the criticism of the film more, but ultimately, I just decided it wasn't worth being mad at him over tbh when there was this tidal wave of quotes from him which proved that he did, in fact, care about Freddie, so I let it go. But there are people online who won't do that, they stop at his defense of the movie and don't listen to anything else he has to say because they hate the movie so much. I loathe that film, but it doesn't negate everything Brian has said about Freddie, and you really do have to be incredibly uninformed or straight-up deny reality at this point to think Brian doesn't care about him. Like you said, Brian was basically the founder of the Freddie Mercury Fan Club lol and has said some stan-like things about him
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enneamage · 9 months
That last ask almost had me completely with the nuances of not being able to judge a CCS grief and how they portray it. I agree, and I think it's something that a lot of people on twitter struggle to handle in a respectful manner, but the last part I just don't get.
Tommy no longer speaking positively on Dream without the promise of a server and the implications of using him doesn't feel based in anything bar from the timeline of it all, it's the worse faith read you could get of his character in this situation and doesn't match up with anything he's done before. I agree its highly likely that Dream ghosted a ton of people, Tommy included, so that's at least one aspect.
And while I'm sure there was an element of getting caught up in people cheering on his 'messiness' and it probably encouraged Tommy speaking negatively about Dream, there's undeniably something much more personal having gone on to generate that emotion. The Hypnosis video, joke as it was, Tommy mentions specific stuff speaking as Dream, specifically him and Tubbo as a pair, and then a part entirely about Phil. It's possible that rather than it being about Techno it's someone else Tommy's getting upset on the behalf of. Either way this missing factor or series of events that we can debate over is not something I think we're gonna get any time soon. It's not 'cancellable' as Tommy said post Hypnosis video, but it's definitely something.
Tommy held out 'hope' for Dream for around a year even when everyone was pulling back, I agree that his behavior was more than just tactical / clout namedropping. There was a time when he seemed to be actively defying the people who were trying to freeze Dream out, and while I could never interpret that in full I do think it meant something at the time. His feelings seem to have turned in a way that really bothers him.
Oh wow, you brought me back to the Dream Introject moment from that video. I didn't post about that since there wasn't anything real to say but I was really struck by how surreal that whole situation was. I remember thinking that it was incredibly fascinating that he was seemingly able to launch into a long, seeminly unbroken, intense speech from 'Dream's POV' seemingly not even focusing on jokes, just analyzing Youtube, fame dynamics and what Tommy thinks he thinks. If I were to do a complete hail mary I would bet that uncensored footage would be him venting a lot of insecurities / things stans have said about who blew up and why. That moment stuck out to me because just going on theme, those are also things that Tommy himself thinks about a lot, and probably has a decent number of insecurities about.
I agree that Tommy probably doesn't have a secret ingredient that would magically 'get rid of' Dream like some people seem to hope. I can see Tommy being cyncial about Dream being overly tactical about how he moves and having some behind the scenes quotes in that direction, since he seemed to be like that before as well. For now things are in a stalemate and we're probably not going to get more information for a long while, or maybe ever.
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alarrytale · 9 months
Yesssssss please do a rwrb/nick sideblog. It can just sit there for when you want to use it. I love your opinions
I don't assume people's sexualities at all, but the way Nicholas Galitzine talks about Henry of RWRB (from interviews) is the exact same way Kit Connor used to talk about his character Nick Nelson from Heartstopper before he forcibly had to out himself online. He's said he enjoys playing characters that have an internal struggle though (which are most of his characters, including his queer ones) so... Just throwing some food for thought.
The funniest thing is that Nick plays Harry in a film of the Harry fan fic The Idea of You where the Harry character is 19 and falls in love with a 39 year old woman, who in the film is played by Anne Hathaway. All very het but it was filmed last year so should be out soon on Amazon.
Hi, fellow Nick stans!
It's good to know that if i were to make a sideblog i would have at least one follower! Noted. I think i'm going to hold off a bit for now (ask me again when bottoms starts streaming i need an outlet that is not this blog). He might still turn out to be problematic (i highly doubt it), so i'm just a casual fan for now (at least that's what i'm telling myself lol).
Thank you for the food for thought. I've thought this too. There are many small things here and there he's said and done, or how he reacts to things and so forth that made me go 'huh...'. At the same time he's talked openly about ex gf several times, but never about a bf. He might be bi or pan and/or it's a simple case of closeting for career purposes. He might still be straight, but the more i see and the more information comes forth the less likely i think it is. If he's actually straight i think he must be very secure in himself and his sexuality. The way he sees and talks about queer things, feminism and toxic masculinity is very mature and he's very informed on these topics. His respect for women, his respect for others boundaries and his refusal to keep to stereotypical gender roles is more than i've seen from any other celebrity. It's also very unusual to see in a straight man.
Anon about tioy. I know, check out my anne hathaway tag for my reaction to the news. I was so disappointed in her. I have very strong opinions on the het harry fan fics made into film. These films are enforcing his het womaniser image and helping to closet him. And it's so wrong when you know he's (most likely) forcibly closeted. He can't do anything about these movies, since it's based on fan fic and not him. And people are going to see Nick as playing Harry even if the character has another name. When i went to see barbie i got the trailer for the next aft*r movie. The urge to boo in that full theater was strong. It makes me so god damn angry at the world (also larry fics are objectivly so much better than het fics, why aren't we getting a movie based on that?).
As i've said before, i hope tioy comes out before george and mary so people quickly forget about tioy. I think some part of nicks fandom will treat tioy as they did purple hearts. I'm grateful for that. I hope when he gets more known he'll get offered better and less problematic roles, still as diverse, but less controversial and fandom splitting.
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