#he was literally having a whole existential crisis over it
gaybananabread · 1 month
~This has been in the back of my mind since the movie came out; the time has come. I’m making progress with TickleTober, so enjoy this meal in the meantime! There’s probably more than a hint of shipping in here, but you don’t have to read it like that if you don’t want to. I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Wade Wilson
Ler: Logan Howlett
Summary: Logan is struggling to get used to living with Wade; he has a limit for Wade’s bullshit. The merc loves pushing him to that limit regularly. Logan uses an unconventional method to shut his smartass roommate up.
Warnings: canon-typical language and jokes, spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine and Golden Girls (you’ll see). This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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I’ve finally done it: the ultimate team-up turned homo-erotic-roommates-story. And, ya know, saving my entire timeline; mainly the Logan stuff, though.
Wade had been incredibly happy since they’d saved the existence of his timeline. He was showering regularly, disposed of that horrid “toupee,” and started actually talking to the people in his life about how he felt. It kinda sucked, but hey – character development isn’t always sexy.
Things were going splendidly for the merc with a mouth.
Logan, on the other hand, was slowly going insane.
The Wolverine was grateful for the place to stay, of course; hell, he felt more at home than he had in years. The problem was how…Wade Wade had been acting.
Logan secretly admired how openly true to himself Wade could be; I mean, the guy literally said whatever came to his mind, no matter what. Then again, the guy literally said whatever came to his mind. No matter what.
Even if that thought completely spoiled something for Logan.
“Hey, Peanut! As much as I love that juicy ass, I’m gonna need you to get outta my spot.” Wade flicked his wrist at the eX-Man, beckoning for him to get up. Logan had been there for about twenty minutes, and there was no way he was moving; the episode of Golden Girls he was watching wasn’t finished yet. The man rarely got time to rest like that, savoring every half hour he got with the television like it was holy.
“I’ve been here, bub. Wait your turn.” Logan didn’t even blink, leaning to the side so he could still see the screen. He was gonna finish that episode, damn it.
“Ooo, is that ‘End of the Curse’?” Wade hums, taking a closer look at the screen. Logan wasn’t very far into the episode. “Turns out it’s just menopause, not pregnancy. Man, nothing wakes you up like an existential crisis and skinned minks.”
A low growl rumbled in Logan’s throat, his eyes narrowing dangerously. Ooooo, Wade fucked uuup…
“Did you just spoil the ending to my Golden Girls episode?” The livid tone of his roommate’s voice made Wade’s smile grow nervous.
It’s cool, it’s fine. All I gotta do is nail this recovery. Read and learn, people.
“At least I didn’t tell you that the whole Rose and Miles Webber thing doesn’t work out.”
Fuck. This is why you don’t stare at your roommate’s moobs while trying to save yourself, kids.
“You motherf- WADE !” Logan bolted up from his chair, charging at the blemish-skinned man. Wade made his first smart decision that entire morning:
He ran for his fucking life.
But, of course, luck refused to be on the red-suited man’s side. Wade tripped over one of Mary Puppin’s toys outside his room, Logan’s large hands quickly hoisting him up by the waist. Before he could fantasize anything, he was slammed down on his bed. Which, of course, opened up a whole new realm to dig his own grave in.
“Damn, Peanut! It’s customary to take me to dinner first, but you know I don’t mind gettin’ sloppy~” Okay, that was a little cliché. Wasted opportunity, Wilson.
Logan seemed pissed regardless. “You fucking ruined the one relaxing thing I get to do a week when Al’s out. Do you know how hard it is to enjoy a show when you know what’s gonna happen?!”
As entertaining as seeing Wade squirm beneath him was, Logan wanted revenge. He normally would’ve skewered the smartass, but Al was getting sick of smelling Wade’s blood whenever she left for a few hours. That, and he may or may not have gotten some blood on the couch (don’t tell her).
What else could he do? He wanted Wade to suffer, to regret his actions, to shut up for one in his god-forsaken existence. The only times he could remember that happened was when he was asleep, and when he was…oh. Ohoho, fuck yes.
“You’re gonna learn to shut that gaping, bottomless shithole you call a mouth, Wade, and you’re gonna learn it the hard way.”
“I do everything the hard way, Peanu- yeEEAHAHA! THEHE FUHAHAHACK?!” Before Wade could finish proving Logan’s point yet again, he felt ten muscular fingers knead into his thighs. It was – ironic, he knew – his death spot.
Now, imagine trying to explain why you’re smiling so much when someone’s grabbing at your thighs without stuttering. Spoiler alert: it’s torture.
“You can’t mouth off if you’re too busy laughing, fuckhead. Now shut up and scream for me.” Logan squeezed and squished at the merc's thighs, doing his best to tickle the shit out of him.
“Y-YOUHU CAHAN'T- FUHUHUHUCK! NOHOHO!” Wade tried and failed to speak through his laughter, his head reeling from the intense feeling. For the first time in many moons, the Merc with a Mouth was rendered speechless.
“I can’t fuck? Really? Bold ass statement to make when you’re at my mercy.” Logan’s more playful side was slipping out; how could it not with Wade’s goofy-ass laughter egging him on? Seriously, how could anyone expect him to act like a hard-ass with the man making such purposefully adorable noises?
“NOHOHOT WHAHAHAT IHI MEHEHEANT!” Kicking and squirming, the scarred man was quickly realizing he couldn’t talk his way out of the situation. They were matched in strength, but the tickling quickly un-evened the playing field. Maybe pleading for his life?
Logan paused for just a moment, his hands still resting on Wade’s hips. He was…actually gonna stop being a loudmouth? While he didn’t believe a word of that, he still wanted to take things a bit easier on the man; damn feelings…
Slowing down, the Wolverine moved his wiggling fingers to Wade’s stomach. Compared to his thighs, it was a decently tolerable spot; still, it fucking tickled.
“Wohoholvie, thihis is nuhuhuts! Ahand not thehe hohot kihihind!” Okay, maybe he immediately proved himself a liar, but Logan didn’t exactly quit! He was sort of justified, in that sense.
“You never learn, do ya?” There’s an air of amusement and affection in his voice that shocks the both of them. Logan immediately tries to correct it, clearing his throat with a glare. “Stubborn asshole. It’s a bad idea to taunt me when you’re this fucking ticklish.”
“Th-thihihis ihihisn’t fahahahair! Youhuhu’re thehe Tumblr bahahabygirl, nohot mehehe! Youhu shouhuhuld be gehehtting ihit!”
“The fuck is a Tumblr babygirl?” Logan snorted at the silly-sounding words, once again trying to figure out what the hell his roommate was talking about.
“Thehehey knohohow!” Wade pointed towards some unseeable audience, making the hairy man roll his eyes. He seriously needed to get Wade tested for something; it would probably explain so much.
“Do you want me to go back to your thighs?” Logan jerked his hands down threateningly, reveling in the squeal the motion causes. He didn’t even touch the other man that time; it was kinda cute.
“NOOOHOhohooo! Dihickhead!” Without thinking, Wade thrusted his arms out and shoved at Logan’s shoulders. Obviously, the brick wall of a man didn’t move, but his attention was drawn to a specific nuisance: the merc’s arms. Specifically, the fact that he hadn’t explored beneath them yet.
Gathering the mouthy man’s wrists in one hand, Logan forced Wade’s arms up and pinned them to the mattress. Once again, Wade was faced with a tough decision: smart off and completely fuck himself, or grovel and hope for some mercy.
Eh, smart choices are plot killers. This one’s for you, dear reader.
“Y-youhuhu’re really ehembracing your dark side, Peanut~ Next thing ya knowhow, I’m gonna be getting fitted for thohose fuzzy cuffs and a harn- FFFAAHAHAHAAA! OHO- OHOHOKAHAHAY! IHI’M SOHOHORRY! IHIT WAS THEHEHERE!”
Logan showed zero mercy, digging into Wade’s underarm with renewed vigor. He switched back and forth every few seconds, right to left, wrecking the man as thoroughly as possible. The man’s thighs were definitely still his death spot, but his armpits were a close second.
“You don’t act like you’re sorry, ya shithead.” There was a lot less contempt in Logan’s tone than Wade was expecting; he couldn’t exactly comment on it, but the Wolverine seemed almost happy that he had chosen to prolong his torment by being a smartass.
Wade, on the other hand, was going through it; a vibrant blush had taken residence on his cheeks, little tears of mirth showing up for the housewarming party. Worst of all, his exhaustion forced his muscles to relax, allowing snorts to catch in his throat.
“Damn, Wilson. Goin’ hog wild down there, huh?” Wade’s heart would’ve stopped right then if it were possible. Logan “Go Fuck Yourself” Howlett…made a dad joke?!
“Fuckin’ Christ, just shut up already!” Embarrassed from both the acknowledgement and praise, Logan dug back into Wade’s thigh to silence him; well, keep him from talking by means of hysterical laughter.
About two minutes into getting his thighs attacked by the kitty man, Wade was rethinking all his life choices that led him there. I mean, he obviously wouldn’t do anything different if he actually had the chance to, but there were some regrets. His laugh was growing raspy, a few wheezes slipping in with the snorts as he struggled to catch his breath.
Logan noticed how tired Wade was getting almost instantly. The man hadn’t smarted off in a hot second, so he figured it was time to stop; definitely not because he was taking it easy on Wade or something stupid like that…
The moment the tickles stopped, Wade drew in deep, giggle-ridden breaths as he tried to calm down. He barely noticed his wrists’ release, too tired to lower his arms anyway. It was, admittedly, an utterly adorable sight.
Noticing he was still literally straddling the anti-hero, Logan climbed off and went to grab Wade some water. When he got back to the bedroom, the merc had curled up on his side, a blanket hap-hazardly tugged over him. The eX-man rolled his eyes at the sight, turning the man to face him.
“Here, drink this.”
Despite sticking his tongue out, Wade greedily gulped down the water. His textured cheeks were still a healthy red from the tickling, the ice water both soothing his throat and cooling him off.
“Thanks, Kitty.”
“Just take a nap or somethin’, bub.” Rolling his eyes at the statement, Logan turned and trudged out of the room; neither missed the light blush on his cheeks from the nickname.
Wade settled back into his bed, sighing at the ceiling. Despite everything, he was actually going to try and improve on his spoiling restraint; he kinda deserved what came to him, even if it was totally overkill.
As for the tickling…well, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Logan could’ve cut his vocal chords or sliced his head off in the tub, but he didn’t; the man just did something silly and lighthearted to drill the lesson into his brain. It was curious, in a sense; why would he choose to be lenient with the loudmouth?
It definitely deserved some looking at, to say the least.
Maybe I’ll insult his mutton chops tomorrow. Ya know, for research purposes…
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ibunyang · 7 days
pirate au go brr. sorry quick lore drop about this au
so it starts with moleswift(DUH...) as pirates they were first mate and his captain (swifts) captain, they were probs looking for something to make them immortal idk fountain of youth pirates of the Caribbean core, they find it they drink from the fountain and mike dies almost instantly compared to norton and he has to get traumatized to see him die in his arms
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Norton realizes he is immortal under the full moon like he's full skelly under the light, so he's just actually a dead man walking. Mike's dead tho but he gets another form of immortality (constant reincarnation)
Anyway, norton and every iteration of Mike throughout 500 years
< soul and sparrow - i think this was his ronald of ness era where he was still trying to hide the fact he was immortal so he kept changing his identity, the first ever time he met another mike that found in a barrel at like 19 years old.. maybe idk, sparrow grew part of his Golden Rose crew, during the whole time… and mike looked up to him as his captain.. until smth more… Ronald projected swifts the most on sparrow, and honestly ended up having to leave him when sparrow was realizing that norton wasnt aging at all since they met, he had to leave him bc he was having an existential crisis about being immortal and not aging at all anymore no matter how he tried to hide or ignore it, so he left sparrow (and the crew, basically fakes his own death.) this is when he just embraces his immortality at this point, after being kind of a recluse for a while
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< cocoa and soul - maybe 100 years after sparrow, and hes given up trying to fake his identity, he has the face paint and everything, hes mostly known as soul now.. cocoa is the owner of an inn and he meets him every time he docks at his towns port, hes nice to him kind.. much softer than sparrow or swifts, but still as cocky and confident in himself (he notes that this mike smokes) cocoa lets him stay over whenever he wants to (hes trying not to get attached to this mike , so hes thankful for the fact that hes not a pirate or a sailor, just someone he can come home to any time, his light house per say.) he didnt have to do a painful goodbye with him, just a letter and the occasional sack of gold and jewels to spoil his favorite chef.
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<pomegranate mike, and soul honestly pomegranate was probably part of a traveling merchant boat that got destroyed at sea, luckily souls crew was around to fish them out of the water, this mike tho wasnt interested in anything that he had to offer preferring the life of being free with his guild at sea or anywhere, he loved to entertain but staying with soul probably felt like a cage. he probably asked soul to take them to the nearest port, hes was a nice equally fun mike, but wasnt interested or too scared to commit to soul. (Wahh da one that got away) soul respects him, of course, but it cant be denied he was hurt over this. and he grew a little bitter because of it.
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<cunning and soul.. - at this point 300 years passed already…pomegranate was the last mike he found and he didn't stay with him long and let him go without fighting because thats mikes choice man WHATEVER anyway, this is nortons sad emo boy era or as i like calling it weezer norton era. he became relentless, ruthless and his name was known through the seas, hes travelled the world at this point and his immortality has never failed him yet. he learned magic from patricia at one point, and now he has a crew of ghosts he necromanced into life to man his ship,- really kicking up the visuals in my head here but he has a literal ghost ship, its a physical ship but everyone on board is probably a ghost or a zombie (WHATEVERR MY AU MY WORLD BUILDING I SAY THEY EXIST.) anyway (onepiece reference i guess) when he saw cunning in one of the meetings for idk pirates or smth, tagging along with hollow (also a pirate bitch on his ass for the past years hes annoying as hell), he ws down right pISSED. (he hasnt seen a single mike reincarnation in 300 years, hes tried sleeping around getting over him, but NOTHING really compares to his soulmate.)
BUT anyway basically, in this au Hollow is looking for Alice (eternity whatever) and Soul knows where she is so he makes a bargain, he'll give Hollow Alice in exchange he gives him of of his most trusted men. (Points at cunning.) IF he gives him Alice in a pretty little bow for him, he can have cunning for himself.
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Cunning is like "pft. Yeah right. You're not gonna find her before we do." And soul is just smiling (horny depressed and has been blue balled for years at this point, u don't know what this guy can do) so he just smiles.
Hollow, surprisingly agrees. "OKAY if u find her before we do I'll give my end of the bargain." Cunning is a little upset at this, but he's determined he'll find Alice before soul. (eermmm)
Soul wasn't lying about knowing where Alice was tho, so he kidnaps her and takes her to hollow. Like a sack of potatoes.
"Gimme gimme." smth like that and mike is so distraught about this he's crying, verbatim; " I don't want to be that bag of bones property- I'm not property " but he's already at souls shoulder and he's kicking and screaming. He's such a bitch in this au I LOVEE BITCH ASS CUNNING WHINEY WHORE. nortons kind of an ass here and hes sort of using him as a way to distress the last 300 years away. Before he spoils him with everything hes gotten (for mike.)
So it's just rough hostage core treatment for the first couple of months until he starts using the money he's been hoarding on mike to spoil him.
But anyway, after cunning dies in idk when, 🤷‍♂️anyway when he dies kay the next one and final one is quinlan, he's an immortal vamp/witch and hes the only mike who remembers every mike reincarnations memories, he knows that soul is out there looking for him but he doesn't care about that rn, in this life he's looking for his mom, and ignoring souls horny whale calling in the back of his mind until they inevitably cross paths BEC they are SOULLMATESS AUGRGRHSHAHAGGZ In my head the way they meet went like this "Mole."
soul looking at him in surprise bec ever since someone misheard his name being soul and he grew tired of correcting people its mole, he hasn't heard that name in years. he wasn't even sure if this was his Mike, he doesn't have the blue eyes he used to have they were more green/gold… and each mike he's met always had swifts eyes. So thats why he's like emo. Do u get it anyway, this is their reunion in the middle of an pub that cocoa bean used to run, they standing in front of each other and quin almost looks too relaxed when their EYEESS MEEETTT FUCKKK anyway, "Swift?" and theres just that LOOK thats unmistakably mikes on his face that mole just couldnt help but take him into his arms like a the sad depressed man he is. They kiss and they start sailing together forever until they turn to ashes.
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labyrinthhofmymind · 3 months
some jily 7th year stuff cause we need more of them and i’m obsessed:
the marauders officially initiate lily into their nerdy group (this involves them ominously inviting her into their dorm like they’re some sort of cult) and showing her the marauders map and the invisibility cloak (she proceeds to have a full on existential crisis because she cannot believe the four idiots in front of her have such powerful objects in their possession) they also try and give her a nickname but she refuses (they ignore her)
lily practically lives in the boys dorm room. she sleeps in james’ bed most nights, and has become so accustomed to them all walking around half naked. she always wakes up when james goes to early quidditch practice, but she’s never annoyed about it, only giving him a kiss and telling him to kick butt on the field (she obviously then goes back to sleep afterwards) during the times james is up late or up early, lily will literally just sleep in his bed alone, something the marauders also get accustomed to quite quickly (one night sirius jumped into james’ bed cause he wanted some cuddles but was horrified to find lily there instead, it only took a couple of minutes before sirius wound up sleeping beside lily, an activity they would end up doing quite often, both of them just wanting a sibling that loves them)
lily is the biggest cheerleader for james at all of his quidditch games, painting cute little gryffindor coloured flags on her face and making banners. it gets to the big quidditch game at the end of the year and james is so nervous, but lily makes it her personal mission to get him a good breakfast, an early night in bed, and as calm as possible (it works cause it’s lily evans obviously) and every single time james wins (or loses) a game he will fly over to lily and give her a kiss
for james’ 17th birthday, lily decided she wants to throw the biggest party in hogwarts history for him. using her connections from all the houses, as well as her good graces with the teachers and excellent leadership (and bribery) skills, she creates a whole committee dedicated to throwing james the best party ever. the party has everything james loves, even his parents (lily got them to appear in the fireplace via the floo network so he could talk to them on his birthday) and nearly the whole school rocks up (because everyone loves james potter) at some point during the night james takes lily and hides out in the astronomy tower so they can have a moment alone. lily’s worried that it’s because james doesn’t like his party but james assures her that that’s not it, and even starts getting emotional, saying that no one’s ever cared for him like she does, and that even after everything, he feels like he doesn’t deserve her. lily ofc also gets emotional, and they both just sit there stargazing for the rest of the night, gushing about how much they love each other (and talk about all the embarrassing moments of the night)
- james is determined to get into marlene and mary’s good graces, so he takes them out for a day at hogesmade (it the most chaotic and hilarious thing ever, mary and marlene tease him mercilessly and make the whole experience torturous for james)
- when lily meets effie and monty for the first time, she is terrified out of her mind that they won’t like her and therefore james won’t like her anymore (effie and monty ofc love her, and turns out lily is shell shocked about how good looking monty is, teasing james about it and saying how she might’ve picked the wrong potter)
- in the later half of 7th year when the war takes a turn, james takes it upon himself to do as much research on muggles as possible, wanting to be informed and not accidentally be prejudiced or arrogant in any way (lily has no idea he does this)
- james serenades lily on valentine’s day by singing ‘I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do’ by ABBA (sirius, remus, and peter are his backup dancers and mary and marlene are his backup singers)
- lily is the only one who knows about the marauders being animagus (she already knows about remus being a werewolf) and at first was really angry they did something so reckless but eventually came around and took it upon herself to cover their tracks as much as possible (because they’re way too obvious about their secret)
- james is lily’s date to petunia’s wedding (lily was dreading the entire night and james was determined to make it fun) and so they ended up extremely drunk, leaving early and crashing a muggle club where they danced right in the middle of together
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mangoisms · 11 months
circle k (back to you)
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summary: in which you're just the graveyard shift employee at circle k bombarded by vigilantes.
━ chapter twelve: back to you | read chapter eleven
━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ word count: 5k
━ warnings: none
━ masterlist
━ a/n: the final part <3 my end notes if you'd like <3
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ten months later
“Hey, you two. Where’s your aunt?”
“Having an existential crisis on the trampoline,” you hear Irey respond matter-of-factly. 
“She’s no fun anymore,” Jai adds. 
“Well, Bart just got here so—woah!” 
Even you can feel the sharp gust of wind the twins create as they zoom off to see their cousin. Bart Allen runs at a million miles per hour—metaphorically and literally, so he and the twins get on like a house on fire. 
Good thing everyone turned out for you and Steph’s pre-graduation party, otherwise Wally, Jay, and Max would have their hands full trying to make sure the three of them didn’t bring the house down.
And when you say everyone came, you really mean everyone.
That’s sort of the problem.
Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen were pleasant as always when they arrived—fifteen minutes late, the tardiness Barry is prone to considerably mitigated by his wife’s urging—and gave you big hugs in congratulations when they saw you. 
“Well, early congratulations,” Barry amends, smiling. 
“I just wish we could be there, too,” Iris says, letting you go. 
You wave her off. Barry had a mission with the JL on the day of and Iris’s book tour was just starting, so there was no extra time to spare. 
“No, it’s okay. Wally and Linda are already going, so that’s enough.”
“We’ll be there in spirit,” Barry says, grinning as Iris rolls her eyes. “Literally.”
Referring to the speed force and the way it tethers both speedsters and lightning rods. So, yeah, technically. 
You chuckle. “Exactly. So, don’t worry.”
“We still wanted to give you our gift in person, though,” Iris says, passing you an envelope. 
“You guys really didn’t have to but thank you.”
“‘Course we did,” Barry says. “You’re Wally’s… what is it? Close friend slash little sister slash niece? Us, well, we don’t mind seeing you as a niece.”
“Complicated labels aside,” Iris puts in, “you’re part of this family, too.”
And boy if that wasn’t going to choke you up.
You believe it now, almost a year since Wally revealed his identity; since then, you consider Keystone City and Central City as much of a home as Gotham. It was only inevitable that you met the others and you were lucky enough that they welcomed you with welcome arms. 
But the ones part of this family are one and many. Not just the Garricks, not just the Wests, not just the Allens, not just Max Mercury, but—
“Ms. Chambers?”
Jesse Chambers grins at you. “Hey now, none of that. Here, Jesse works just fine. Pleasure to meet you. Everyone has had nothing but excellent things to say about you.”
Okay. Sure.
That bit is just a little obscured by your horrible confusion on how on earth she even knew everyone. 
You have an inkling as to the answer but frankly, it feels impossible to believe. Not because you don’t think she is not capable of it but the fact that the whole billionaire-as-a-superhero/vigilante thing isn’t so uncommon as initially thought.
The confusion must be written all over your face. She laughs. Jay is at your side in the next instant, smiling at her in greeting.
“Sorry not to have told you sooner,” he tells you apologetically, though the smile pulling at his lips tells you he isn’t that sorry. “But we wanted to leave the decision up to her. And—”
“If you can keep these guys’ secret,” Jesse says, jerking a thumb to the kitchen, where Wally, Linda, Barry, and Iris are, “you can keep mine, too. Besides, you did great work during your internship. QE has had our eyes on you for a while.”
“Oh, you really don’t have to—”
“We want to,” she says. “We wouldn’t lose anything at all offering you a place with PR. But if you want to go somewhere else, that’s okay. I’d be happy to be a reference if so.”
Somehow, you managed to stammer out a thank you and get out of that situation without making a complete fool of yourself. Wally later told you Jesse taps into the speed force using an equation, which… sure, why not. 
Jesse used to not like him, apparently, but recent events have allowed her to warm up to him; plus, the birth of her own son, Johnny Tyler, helped, too, that way Wade could have a friend to grow up with. 
While all the others prepare dinner and attempt to keep Bart, Jai, and Irey’s shenanigans contained, you manage to snag a bit of time to yourself, not quite believing you’d just been offered a job by Jesse Chambers herself. 
It’s all just… a little bit insane.
Then the twins came out and you indulged them on the trampoline in the backyard of the West house for a bit. Then you thought too hard about everything and sunk right back into your disbelief again.
Which leads to now.
“Speedsters, I swear,” Tim mutters.
You hear the soft sound of footsteps on the grass but make no move to leave from your place — star-fished on the trampoline, eyes closed. Early May in Keystone City is considerably warmer and tepid than Gotham City. You should shed your hoodie but you don’t want to. Mostly because it isn’t yours, exactly.
It’s Tim’s. The one you wore the night you got stabbed last year. Not the same one; that one was ruined beyond repair and anyway, you weren’t too happy to wear that exact one, either, since you nearly bled out in it. But it’s close enough. The same shade of brilliant azure. Big on Tim and baggy on you.
Of course, why should you want a hoodie when your boyfriend is right here?
The faint noise of the flaps of the netting be brushed aside. Then the trampoline itself moves, dipping with his weight as he comes over to you. You slide a bit, elbow bumping into his knee.
“So,” he starts, closer than before, one hand brushing your cheek as he tucks a few pieces of your hair behind your ear. “What’s this about an existential crisis? In the middle of the day?”
“It’s four in the afternoon.”
You grunt but don’t respond.
A soft chuckle. “Is this about Jesse Chambers’ offer? It’s too bad, you know.”
“What’s too bad.”
“Well, Wayne Enterprises was looking forward to offering you a position, too. And so were the Titans. And I can’t speak for this one personally but I’m fairly certain the Justice League was planning on sending an offer, too. You’re in high demand.”
You groan. “Isn’t that too much? I’m—I haven’t even graduated. There are so many other people with so much more experience—”
“Well, how are you supposed to get experience, too?” he asks, laughing softly. “Besides, you’re graduating with honors.”
“Oh, yeah, well, I’m sure it helps to have a boyfriend with an in at WE, who also just so happens to be a member of the Titans, on top of multiple people who are close to me that are also part of the Justice League.”
“And Jesse Chambers? Hers is the most reliable in that sense, then, isn’t it? Because she doesn’t personally know you—”
“But she knows Wally.”
“But their relationship isn’t that great. Sure, she’s good with Jay and Max but… You also have the advantage of having worked there briefly. They wouldn’t call you back if they didn’t like what they saw.”
Which is true. Jesse Chambers is a businesswoman. She wouldn’t do this as some pity play.
Then again, neither would the others.
You finally open your eyes, squinting immediately as the sun beams down at you. 
Tim shifts, moving until his head can shield you from it, bringing him into your focus. 
He’s smiling warmly at you, affection clear in his gaze; the sunlight does wonders for him, for his dark hair and blue eyes.
“This can’t be happening.”
“It is,” he says. “You’re graduating next week Friday. You and Steph. And no matter where you go and what you do, you’re gonna kick ass, you know that, right?”
You groan. “You’re supposed to say things like that.”
“Maybe,” he concedes. “But when I tell you I had nothing to do with the offer from WE, you have to believe me. You know I haven’t worked with them in a long while. That was all them.”
“Maybe Bruce.” 
But then that’s ‘cause he feels… guilty about cornering you last year. Which serves him right. Your relationship with Tim’s adoptive father is a bit rocky, truth be told. Just because of the things Tim has told you. The things Steph has told you. And last year is certainly a factor. But all the others, you get along with them. 
You don’t see Dick too often because he lives in New York but he’s kind. Jason’s cool when you see him. Cass and Duke are great. You hang out with them regularly on your own. Damian is a bit frigid but that’s just because of your choice in company and not anything personal, exactly, but you do get the advantage of also having Steph on your side, since they have a better relationship than he and Tim do. Alfred is pleasant as always, too; sometimes he sends grocery deliveries to you to make sure you’re sustaining on actual food and not just ramen. 
Barbara Gordon is also very nice and volunteered to help you put together your resume and cover letters and applications; Jean-Paul Valley is kind, too. They’re both old family friends, you would learn. You have lunch with Helena Bertinelli once a month; you two bond over a mutual dislike for Batman and a mutual fondness for Tim—begrudging on her part sometimes but she undeniably sees him as a little brother and he sees her a big sister. And truthfully, your relationship with her is a bit similar.
You’ve made quite a few relationships with these vigilantes. Connections. So, you shouldn’t be surprised that all of this is happening. But one part of you, the prideful part, doesn’t like it. The other part, the rational one, says it was unavoidable. You were going to apply to QE and WE, anyway. Maybe toss out a few applications to the League and the Titans, too, just for the heck of it. Not expecting anything to come of it. Out of any of it. 
But of course something would. You know too many of these people for nothing to happen. 
“But then again,” Tim says a moment later. “Bruce is just attached to the company by name.”
“That is not a ‘just’ thing, Tim, that is a very big thing. They’d do whatever he wanted.”
“Not anything. Not if you didn’t have the grades, background, or potential to back it up.”
Also, technically, true. 
“But like I said. Jesse’s is the most earnest in that regard.”
“Do you want me to leave Gotham, is that it.”
He laughs. The sound warms you.
“I don’t,” he chuckles. “I really don’t. I’d love for you to go with WE. But I also know that the news of us dating throws a wrench in that.”
Right. Ever since the gossip columns caught you two kissing on a date a couple months ago, they wouldn’t shut up about it. Only after digging their grubby little fingers into every inch of your past, of course, and using that to fuel the flames. Talking about your relationship with him as if you planned it, just trying to get a leg-up in the application process at WE. 
But the thing is, objectively speaking, there isn’t anything wrong with that. You aren’t with Tim strictly for that purpose but you knew it would factor in. It’s undeniable, the way all these other offers are undeniable in who and why they came. You can’t help who you’re connected to. 
But yeah. It would suck to prove all the tabloids right by accepting a job with WE right after graduation—like all of them said you would.
Of course, they would talk regardless. Even if you went with QE or the Titans or the Justice League. Wayne Enterprises is a known partner with Quickstart Enterprises, as well as a heavy funder for the League and the Titans. So…
 You groan, wiggling closer to him by planting your head on his thigh and staring forlornly up at him. “What should I do?” 
He smiles. “Whatever you want to, honey.”
“Yeah, that’s not really helpful, Timmy.”
He rolls his eyes fondly, bending down to scoop you into his arms. You let out a squeak as he pulls you into his lap, then you settle comfortably in the circle of his arms, dropping your head on his shoulder. 
From here, you can spy the old bullet graze on the side of his neck, silvery and a little textured. Without a second thought, you lean forward to kiss it.
He shivers slightly, arms tightening around you. 
You bite down a smile. “Cold?”
“Shut up,” he mutters, fingers digging into your side, making you giggle and try to squirm away from him. 
He doesn’t keep up the torment, exhaling a soft laugh, too, as you lay your head back on his shoulder.
A cool breeze sweeps through the backyard. In the suburbs of Keystone City, it is quiet out here. Peaceful. Though you can still hear the others inside. Wally saying something. Steph laughing at it. 
You’ve carved out a nice place for yourself here. The West’s and Garrick’s here in Keystone and the Allen’s over in Central. 
You close your eyes, basking in Tim’s embrace and his proximity. You haven’t seen him much this month, with you and Steph in the throes of finals. But he promised to come, that he’d ask Bart to take him and his friend happily agreed.
You were surprised to learn of their relationship. That they had known each other. But they had met when they were younger, along with the rest of the original members of Young Justice. Put together because they were superhero kids. The relationship stuck. What a coincidence, that Bart Allen was part of the family you had quickly grown close to. But not unwelcome.
It is a small world, you would think. 
Or maybe, when you feel indulgent, meant to be. You and Wally. You and Steph, you and Tim. All of this. Interconnected in ways you could only dream of. You don’t have to sacrifice much to have them together. 
Tim squeezes your hip, one hand slipped underneath the hoodie. “What are you thinking about?”
That maybe this decision isn’t as hard as you thought it would be. That it’s not a matter of deliberation, is it?
You know you don’t want to prove all the tabloids right by going with WE immediately. Not to mention, for the longest time, it was a dream to work with them. You want more time, more experience, before you move there.
And you don’t think you are ready to jump head-first into working for the Justice League or the Titans. You need experience for that, too.
“I’m pretty sure I could convince Wally to take me to Gotham to visit. When I start at Quickstart.”
“Not necessary,” he says and you raise an eyebrow, watching him pull back, his gaze warm, not at all surprised by your words. “I could just come and visit you. Unlimited access to the jet and all.”
“Racking up carbon emissions just for me?”
“You know the jet is clean energy,” he says, pouting a bit. 
Yes, you do. He talked your ear off about it when they made the switch. But you just like seeing him get pouty about it. 
You cup his cheeks, smiling, particularly taken with the way his whole face softens as he looks at you. The knowledge that he’s this soft for you is always so insane to you. Not at all good for your heart. 
“I know. It’s still a bit of an expense, though, isn’t it?”
“It’s worth it.”
“I’m being serious,” he presses, hands tightening around your waist. “Whatever I have to do, it’s worth it for you.”
You know that. Tim is a devoted boyfriend. He doesn’t do things in halves. When he’s loyal to someone, when he dedicates himself, he does it wholly. You could ask him of anything and he would do whatever it took to get it for you, to do it for you. If you asked him to move with you, you know he would do it.
You also know the thought must’ve crossed his own mind. But he still won’t say anything, not unless he knows you want it, too, and… you do. You think that can wait, though, for a little while longer. Let you get settled in and then you two can discuss that possibility—if he wants to, of course, because while Wally and Linda do like him now, the former would not like having a Bat running underfoot in the city, in either of the cities. 
You just aren’t used to that kind of devotion. Even after this long. 
You slide your arms around his neck, threading your fingers in his hair. He leans into the touch. “I know.”
“I’ll take Steph when I can, too,” he adds and you smile again. 
“I love you.”
He leans forward, forehead brushing yours. Your eyes flutter shut.
He nudges your nose with his, then finally closes the distance between you two.
Cotton-candy sweet warmth unspools in your chest he kisses you, soft and gentle. But it quickly edges into dangerous territory when you nip at his bottom lip and he yanks you closer and closer until there is no space between your bodies. It would be better if you weren’t wearing this hoodie but you make do with what you have, still able to feel most of his chest pressed to yours, hard and sturdy, heat licking up your spine.
Your fingers twine in his hair and he lets out a shuddery breath, the kiss turning open-mouthed in the next second and you can taste the gum he was chewing on earlier. 
It’s a shade too hungry for your current location but you can’t help it, he’s just so… beguiling. You’re overwhelmingly attracted to your boyfriend and you think you always will be.
But of course, you still should know better, even with all that.
A sharp gust of wind hits you two in the next second and you both separate immediately, knowing exactly what—or who—it is. But instead of Wally or any other speedster here, a high-pitched giggle makes it to your ears and you both turn, eyebrows raising as you find one and a half year old Wade West now inside the trampoline, net fluttering behind him. 
You and Tim turn to look at the back door, which is now open, Wally and Linda standing there; the former looks pleased, while the latter just raises her eyebrows. 
“I thought,” he starts, mischief written on his face, “that instead of leaving space for Jesus, you could leave some space for Wade. So. Do that. And please stop desecrating the place my children play.”
“And come inside,” Linda adds. “Food’s almost ready.”
You slide off Tim’s lap, reaching for Wade before he tries to stand and walk over to you, not trusting his balance on the trampoline. Tiny hands grapple with the hoodie strings, tugging.
“Got it. Thanks.”
They both smile pleasantly and turn back inside. 
You bite your lip, which already feels swollen from your kissing, and look at Tim. His face is flushed with red, lips swollen, too. A tempting sight.
He catches the look on your face. “Don’t.”
“It’s my graduation party.”
“It’s yours and Steph’s. Later.” 
“You’re no fun.”
“Well, you love me, so what does that say about you?”
“That you’ve seduced me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Oh, I’ve seduced you, okay, sure—” he looks at Wade, shaking his head “—can you believe this?”
All Wade can do is giggle in response. All you can do is smile at him, so painfully in love. 
He smiles back, rising up on his knees and leaning forward to kiss your forehead. 
“I love you, too, you know.”
Yeah, you do know. 
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four years later
“Goddamit, where is it?”
Fish, a miniature Italian Greyhound you rescued from the shelter, offers no answer or help for your plight. Instead, she just sits near you, happy to follow you around as you search, watching you with big eyes. Big, empty eyes. Absolutely nothing goes on in her little head and you and Tim love her very much for it but damn if you wouldn’t appreciate a little help in finding the security badge that seems to have mysteriously disappeared.
It’s perfect timing, too. That badge is your lifeline. That’s what your supervisor, Meena, said anyway, a couple days ago when you went in for it and had a chance to speak with her before starting work. You can’t get into the tower without it. You can’t do anything without it and guest badges do not have the same amount of clearance that you have. 
You stop in the living room, taking a breath, frustration starting to make you hot, which would be the icing on the cake, if you managed to sweat through your clothes before you even started work.
Sighing, you look at her. “Do you know where it is?”
A sound behind you. 
“You should know better than that, honey,” comes the sleepy voice of your boyfriend, and you turn. “Fish is lucky to have a single coherent thought once a week and she wasted that one yesterday when she managed to give Damian the high five he asked for.”
You chuckle despite yourself, remembering the pleased gleam that had come into Damian’s hazel green eyes when Fish successfully completed the trick. Only after six months of painstaking work, of course, but it hardly deters him. Titus passed away not too long ago and he’s fixated on Fish because of it. Even if he says her name is ‘completely idiotic.’
Brushing away those thoughts, you focus on Tim, still sleepy-eyed and rumpled. Then you see it—in his hand is your security badge, your picture smiling up at you, with your name beneath it. 
“Oh my god, where—”
“You gave it to me, remember?” he asks, laughing softly as you pad over to him. “And said to keep it with my gear, that way it wouldn’t get lost between then and now.”
True. All true. After all, that gear—that is, his suit and tech—doesn’t get brought out other than for the occasional mission with the Titans, so, say, every six months or so. Other than that, it remains hidden in a panel behind your side in the walk-in closet, accessible only by him and you through fingerprint and retinal scans. 
Easiest way not to get lost, especially since you’ve been particularly harried in the lead-up to the official start of your job at Wayne Enterprises as their spokesperson. 
“Sorry,” you sigh. “Is that why you’re up? Because I told you, you don’t need to wake up for this, you can stay in bed…”
He raises an eyebrow. “And let you freak out for the next hour and a half before you have to leave?”
“Um. Yes?”
A soft smile. He reaches for you, hands settling on your arms, rubbing small circles there. 
“Well, you’re wrong. It’s your first day at WE.”
“I know, but you didn’t have to get up now at least…”
The original idea when you decided to wake up at five-fifteen is that one, it would give you ample time to get ready—both yourself and your belongings—and two, it would let you try to relax. 
Key word being try.
It’s now six, you’re supposed to leave in an hour and fifteen minutes to beat the morning rush traffic, and your nerves are none the better for it. 
Your sleep was fitful, too, in anticipation of today, so you’re starting to feel sleepiness creep in at the edges; the fact that the sun has not yet risen and won’t rise for a while—cursed winter months and their late sunrises—does not help.
He eyes you. “I think I do.”
You groan, dropping your forehead on his shoulder. “I can’t do this.”
He squeezes your arms. “Yes, you can.”
“No, I can’t. They’re going to eat me alive.”
If not for being the new girl, then certainly because your boyfriend was, actually, once major shareholder of the company when he was seventeen and no, it doesn’t matter that he was just a figurehead and Lucius was actually pulling the strings—it still happened and Tim worked closely with the company for several years after. And then, of course, it will also be because your boyfriend is the adoptive son of the man who owns the actual company. 
Even if you waited before joining, even if you actually applied for the position! Yes, applied! Contrary to what a few tabloids are saying right now, you did not go up to Tim (or Bruce, depending on which gossip column you’re reading) and demand the job. You went through the same channels as absolutely anyone else would.
Tim ducks his head to press a kiss to your neck. You can’t help your shiver and you know he feels it by the way he smiles against your skin. “No, they won’t. That’s my job. They can’t take that away from me.”
“Now is so not the time—”
He laughs, pulling away; you do the same to look at him. 
“You’re going to be fine, gorgeous. You had Linda and Iris regularly pressing you these last few weeks and you did very well with them. Not to mention your last two jobs…”
You purse your lips.
“Two years with Quickstart Enterprises,” he lists. “Two more with the Justice League. Still bitter you picked them over the Titans, by the way.”
“They were more hardcore. Sorry.”
“Well, see? You and the rest of the team had to salvage the League’s image after each alien invasion or otherwise massive destruction committed during a mission and you guys did it. I mean, the publicity campaign you came up with was brilliant, you know that, right? Support was the highest it’s ever been while you were there.”
Right… In an effort to better the League’s image with the public after a particularly nasty fight that left multiple city blocks destroyed and more questions about the relevancy of the team, you decided the more prominent League members needed to create more solid images for themselves, that way each time the public or news saw them, it wasn’t always about the latest incident that brought their presence in. To do this, they needed to pick something to sponsor or support and start showing for it. Superman took an interest in accessibility to education, Wonder Woman focused on preserving wildlife and ecosystems, along with world landmarks, and Batman—with immense detail and planning to abide by his stiff rule not to be seen before the masses—focused on rehabilitation programs.
It brought in a lot of good coverage as more Leaguers agreed to do it and it did help. Helped a lot. Not to say those in the League were not helping, of course, either suited up in their own cities or with their public personas, but that was the issue. The League was capable of much more destruction collectively than individually and the public didn’t know that Batman was funding hundreds of programs to help impoverished communities in Gotham, mostly because he did that as Bruce Wayne and that connection would never be made known.
But that was the job. And you did it. Excellently. You would’ve stayed on for a little while longer but then you got kidnapped towards the end and that just wasn’t fun.
(Fortunately, however, there was a clause in your signing contract that states that in the event of a kidnapping, the League is obligated to rescue you. 
Fair is fair, you think, for helping maintain their image and ensure that the UN doesn’t pull the plug and that the public doesn’t completely despise them.)
And of course, if you managed to survive working with the League and being kidnapped because of that work, then you should be entirely prepared to take on Wayne Enterprises. It should be chump change, if anything, but again, you go in with preconceived notions about yourself and your reputation. Not so great.
But would you back out?
No way. 
“I believe in you,” he murmurs, his gaze warm and reassuring. “All of us do. You know Steph does.”
A pause, everything falling silent, save for the snores coming from the guest bedroom, where Steph is asleep.
“I’m not missing your first day at WE,” she had said the night before. “So, you better wake me up before you leave.”
He grins a bit teasingly at a particularly loud snore. “Like a train, right?”
“Like you’re any better.”
“I am not that loud.”
“What is it with me and attracting people who snore?”
“Speaking of, you know Wally and Linda believe in you. You can do this. It’s just ‘cause it’s the first day. Get through it and everything will be better.”
Which is true. You know that. Have been repeating that in your head as today approached and your nerves grew in intensity.
But everything is easier in theory than in practice. 
“I know,” you whisper, closing your eyes. “I know.”
You can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks next. “That’s why I’m here. Why we’re all here.”
“To knock some sense into me?”
“To do that gently,” he chuckles. 
“I don’t know. I might need the force.”
“Well, I can call Damian if you want.”
“I don’t need that much force… on a scale, maybe something like Linda.”
“It’s good thing she and Wally are going to be here soon for breakfast, then.”
For the same reason Steph spent the night and Tim dragged himself out of bed—for your first day of work.
For you. 
You pull him into a hug, overwhelmed at the thought and not at all caring about wrinkling your clothes. You can fix that. But this… this needs to be made known. 
“I love you.”
He squeezes you—gently, trying to mitigate any wrinkles, and the thought makes your heart swell with unbridled love—and kisses your temple. 
“I love you. We all do.”
And isn’t that something? 
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hyunverse · 2 years
midnight existential crisis ꔫ seungmin
best friend!seungmin && reader.
genre — fluff, drabble.
warnings — vomit.
about — you and your best friend have a talk about the future.
note — hi!!! first request for skz, kinda nervous. hope u enjoy this bubba ^_^
part two here.
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"oh my god i feel disgusting," you cry out, placing down half a slice of pizza.
several boxes of pizza are stacked on the table, some empty and some not. you managed to finish most of them, leaving only two boxes full.
seungmin merely watches — partially amused. out of boredom and greed, you decided to buy every topping of pizza available in domino's. he had told you that it's impossible to finish them all, but you insisted — said that it's possible if it's personal-sized. after three hours, he's currently basking in the glory of being able to say "i told you so."
the couch dips at your weight as you sink down, whining, "it's not fair. you barely ate any."
he shrugs, "i ate like three boxes."
"you have no ambition!"
"are you seriously insulting me for knowing the capacity of my own stomach?"
you loathe how seungmin always seems to have a rebuttal. he always has witty comebacks, yet so composed — it's his role in your shared apartment. amidst the calamity among you, hyunjin, and felix — he's always been the smartest one despite his own chaotic shenanigans. it's the very reason why you get along with him best.
"my god, minnie," you whimper, hand gently rubbing your bloated stomach, "one push on my stomach and my insides will immediately burst out."
a complete mistake on your part. it's not seungmin if he isn't constantly searching for ways to annoy you. before you know it, his hands are attempting to push your stomach. as you try to avoid his attacks, the two of you laugh, and laugh — until it slowly turns to silence. a homely type of silence.
“feet,” seungmin breaks the silence.
you’re laying on the armrest of the sofa, him as well but on the opposite. legs stretching out — his feet are now on top of yours. menacingly, he pinches your foot with his toes. you yelp out, kicking him in the shin in process.
“annoying ass!”
“at least i have an ass,” his response has you fuming in the inside.
“fuck you, i can’t wait ’til hyunnie and lix comes back.”
seungmin glances at the clock, eyebrows furrowed, “it’s midnight and they’re not here yet. . . they’ve literally been out since morning.”
a heavy sigh slips past your lips, and you sink yourself even more into the sofa. you wish the whole earth could swallow you alive. you, and the pathetic feeling harboring in your chest.
“it’s valentine’s day, hyunjin and felix both have dates,” you say, “why are we staying in?”
“‘cause we’re bitchless.”
“why are we bitchless? like, i don’t get it,” you add — seungmin could tell it’s the beginning of a long midnight talk, “felix has so many friends that he could go out with a different friend every other night. hyunjin gets both dudes and chicks, he gets asked out every week. why am i alone? like, what’s wrong with me, minnie?”
your best friend props up his body with his elbows to get a better look at you. he doesn’t answer your question — knows you well enough to know that you don’t actually want an answer — you just want to ramble. and he’s there to listen.
“i feel so lonely, seungmo, so lonely. i feel like i’m going to die alone. i can’t pinpoint what’s unlikeable about me, really. you, however. . . so many people like you, y’know that? have you ever considered, i don’t know. . . freeing your schedule to date? not be too stressed over college?”
the question causes seungmin to plop back down onto the leather sofa. he buzzes his lips together. it isn’t the first time he’s heard the statement, truly. the people he has casually dated has told him that he’s too driven by college, that he’s too determined.
“i don’t want to change that part of myself just so someone would date me, y/n,” he exhales the breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding, “i want to be loved without feeling like i’m begging for it. and we’re almost done with our degree, too. so, what’s the point anyway?”
you shoot up in your seat. a nauseous sensation starts to creep up your system — your legs move before you could think — suddenly you’re bent over the toilet, vomitting out all the food you’ve eaten. seungmin isn’t too far behind you. by the time you’re hunched over the toilet, you could feel his larger hands massaging your shoulders and rubbing your back.
“let it out,” he says, voice hushed.
once you’re done, the raven head helps you. he turns on the sink for you, even grabbed a couple tissues for you.
“we’re almost done with college,” you cry out, sitting on the bathroom floor with teary, red eyes and a snotty nose.
seriously, the dominos workers must’ve drugged the pizzas with something to make you so emotional.
“it’s our last semester, seungmo,” you add, sniffling.
obediently, seungmin sits beside you. he gently pushes your head down onto his shoulder, letting you cry out all your emotions.
“it’s so scary, seungmo, too scary.”
“of course it is scary, it’ll only get scarier as days pass by.”
“i feel like i’m the only one with no life plan. i know felix wants to work at a bakery once we graduate, and hyunjin’s going for interior design. i know you have plans too, no way you don’t,” you ramble in one breath, “i genuinely don’t know where i’m going after college. it’s so pathetic.”
seungmin shrugs, “i don’t know what i’m going to do either.”
“i’m having second thoughts about my major.”
your lips purse into an ‘o’. a part of you feels bad for seungmin, considering you know how hard he studies, but a part of you feels relieved that you’re not the only one.
“that’s a huge yikes.”
“it is,” seungmin huffs as he rests his head against the blue tiled walls, “but i guess that’s that. sometimes the plan you initially plotted just doesn’t suit you.”
you nod at his words, “wow. we’re bitchless and jobless.”
it’s all pathetic — crying and vomitting at the thought of the future but someway, somehow, having seungmin by your side makes it less lonely. less scary, even by just a little.
“you ever thought about how your burdens are truly only yours and cannot truly be shared?” seungmin asks in a matter-of-factly tone.
your stomach churns at the statement.
“yeah. . . all the time. i feel like you could share your feelings but it’s only to get it out of your system. at the end of the day, all the burden is only yours.”
seungmin shuffles in his spot, hugging both his legs to his chin.
you sigh, “i’m always here for you though.”
a soft smile paints seungmin’s visage. his hand reaches out to pat your head.
“me too. you’re stuck with me until we’re both wrinkly on our death beds,” he jokes, “i don’t think i’m moving out once we graduate. i think i’m staying, i’ll find something to do in this area.”
you nod again, looking up at him. your eyes meet his — he sends you a reassuring smile. as if to say — “i’m with you, we don’t have to rush.”
for the first time in months, you genuinely feel reassured.
“me too, then. i’m staying.”
the night goes on — the clock constantly moving but neither of you does. you talk about nothing but everything, about how you used to be passionate about many things, how seungmin actually wanted to get serious with his last date but was ghosted, how hyunjin’s probably getting laid while the two of you wail and complain. it’s fun, and sad at the same time.
when the clock strikes four, two bodies are entangled on the bathroom floor, slightly snoring. the sight leaves hyunjin utterly confused when he walks in.
“what in the world. . .” the long-haired boy mumbles, tilting his head as he watches, “yongbok! you need to see this!”
the pitter-patter of footsteps could be heard as felix approaches, arms still busy taking off his jacket.
“what? oh wow— bestie goals.”
hyunjin chokes back his laughter, not wanting to wake any of you up, “i’ll carry seungmin to bed, you carry y/n?”
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helsensm · 6 months
HEHEHE im glad you liked my butterfly effect idea ask regarding kung lao! i love him being the center of attention cuz i think he deserves it, even if it means getting the whole timeline doomed LOL just silly things about wanting to be champion that’s all ^_^
but yes omg i love talking about what ifs, it makes me crazy and rip my hair out (positive af) xD
ohh man i can just imagine the dominos of fate falling over the more things get fucked up… oh man i can’t believe what would lao’s reaction would be if he found out things were crumbling bc of him… one au filled with dread and sadness coming right up!
apparantely I got several asks in one day and tumblr showed me only the last one so I missed yours?? I'm sorry I left you hanging 😫😭
fr, the butterfly effect of this “should-never-be-a-champion” au opens up so many possibilities (literally XD) for angst! Like… I think it would be a devastating discovery for Kung Lao. Not only he was the reason for all the disastrous things that came after his victory, but the realization that apparently even the Universe itself is against his success. Someone would say it’s the perfect scenario for a character to start his villain arc, I’d say it’s time for an existential crisis. “What’s the point then”, emotional exhaustion and thoughts about ending this meaningless life. So someone would have to help him go through this… or it all goes to shit, tons of characters die and the whole timeline literally crumbles THE END 😈
my reaction when you deanoned yourself because it’s always exiting to talk pfp to pfp with someone you mostly saw only in your notifs before
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bestworstcase · 6 months
@cryptidblues tumblr ate this one too, maybe drop tumblr support a line to check if you’ve been erroneously shadowbanned 
Oscar is dying! He’s dying! We’re getting the full weight and crisis of the merge in volume 10 I NEED IT. The image of him collapsed on the sand as the sunrises with his back to the long memory OOUGH just like Ruby and crescent rose after she drank the tea, before the tree took her. The reversal on “I don’t want to be me anymore” / please let me stay myself. The lad is being eaten alive! From the inside out! By an unstoppable brain parasite that will kill him! And Replace Him! I Need the slow build up of horror from Oscar and everyone involved. “And Oscar…just isn’t himself” they’re place setting. Getting the table ready. Ooh yknow he’s hiding those merge episodes/attacks from his friends. I NEED the existential terror and dread! BUT I NEED THE CATHARSIS OF OSCAR BEING KNOWN, SEEN & SAVED TOO ;-;
NOT to make a post oscar about ozma instead but the thing that is really, really pulling the hinges off for me is the implication that this is happening because oz started actively fighting the merge. as long as oscar resisted and oz kept up the drumbeat of “this is inevitable, there is nothing either of us can do,” the curse kept on quietly eroding oscar as the boundary became thinner and thinner between them. it was, for lack of a better term, stable. 
the moment oz tries to resist, the curse starts trying to rip him forward. to force him to take over, inflicting what seems to be torturous amounts of pain on both of them. the subtle, silent, invisible violence that was inflicted on oscar before explodes outward to attack both of them. 
how many times have i said this curse is specifically designed to make it impossible for ozma to change? that the whole point is to prevent ozma from ever changing his mind or defying the god of light? never doubt me. the literal fucking instant ozma tries to break free, the curse becomes YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE. 
the curse had a failsafe the whole time.
/ozma tangent
oscar though. this poor kid. like the greatest burden on his shoulders in the last four volumes has always been that no one wants to openly acknowledge what’s happening to him and the nature of the merge’s violence being so completely internal means that no one has to look at it except him. and he’s been so isolated in that existential dread but he’s also grown so accustomed to being treated like just. the next ozpin. that when the violence abruptly becomes externalized in reaction to oz’s resistance, oscar… hides it. keeps it to himself. somewhere deep down the idea that it doesn’t matter to anyone what happens to him got lodged in his brain so deeply that he keeps it hidden!!
and i’m obsessed with the emotional complexity the layers of what he’s feeling with regard to ruby, because it’s not as simple as that he misses her and aspires to her optimism; there’s also some underlying resentment there (“you were always so sure that everything would work out…right up until the moment it didn’t” <- paraphrasing) because she was wrong and he wishes he could borrow her certainty but she was wrong. she fell. she was wrong. 
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, everyone else believes that they’re gone forever. that they’re dead. oscar doesn’t. he’s thinking about it in terms of where they might have gone, what might have happened to them, he’s doing research because deep down, there’s a teeny tiny spark of hope that hasn’t been extinguished yet. so there’s this subtext of i wish i had your certainty. even though you were wrong. i’m still trying to find you. we’re still fighting this. you always saw me for who i really was. i don’t know who i am anymore.—there’s this tension throughout the monologue between bitterness and hope, and i don’t know if oscar is even capable of seeing that he is still hopeful or that he does have, if not ruby’s kind of certainty, something of his own that rhymes. he’s feeling this bleak about everything and still trying to figure out where they are because he doesn’t believe they’re dead. 
it was oscar’s idea to put the memorial where the portal had been. it’s taller than a person and shaped like a door. it’s a memorial but it’s also a symbol; the portal is gone, but they were inside it still, we should build our own door so they can find their way home. and then they do, according to the context given. the blacksmith gave them a doorway that went right through their memorial.  ETA: never mind, misremembered
ruby confronting and facing his mortality after running away from it for three volumes to galvanize her to really try to save him vs oscar doing whatever he can think of to somehow save her while roiling in all these complicated painful feelings about how no one cares to know how he’s suffering because it isn’t like there’s any real hope for him. tasty!
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emmitaaa4 · 8 months
Minor HOFAS spoilers ig?
The Walmart bonus chapter just leaked and good lord some people need to be for real. I'm so tired of people picking and choosing evidence.
So you're telling me that *gasp* Azriel's shadows seem to dance when he hums?? they react to sound/music?? no way. people from all sides of the fandom have been saying that for years (and use it for different arguments), and looks like ppl are still tying anything they can to feed their ship--which is fine but at least make it somewhat accurate.
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The above is the last page of the Az/Bryce/Nesta chapter, and just as a refresher, this is the oh-so controversial phrases from the Az bonus chapter:
"(...) one of his shadows went out to dance with it (gwyn's breath) before twirling back to him. like it heard some silent music." and "(...) he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. could have sworn his shadows sang in answer."
I'm confused, which is it? Was the shadow's reaction to her breath & the singing he heard all metaphorical, thereby hinting at a mating bond between gwyn & az (as in "music between souls")? Or was it rather azriel's shadows reacting to a literal sound coming from someone who has arguably been hinted at having some voice/song-related abilities? Because if it is the first, then this new HOFAS excerpt is completely unrelated. Well unless Azriel has a mating bond with himself? pleaseee make it make sense I beg. And if the second is true, it would mean that for someone to be able of making his shadows dance, they'd have to have similar powers as him... its just gonna fuel the lightsinger theories (which btw approx 5 ppl are saying means that gWyn is eViL) so this literally changes nothing. nada. absolument rien.
Oh also.
"He says no partner right now, aka NO FUCKING ELRIEL. ELRIEL IS DEAD." (no hate to whoever posted that btw)
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He literally rushes out that answer. Idk about you guys but to me the poor man still seems internally dead over the whole mate existential crisis, which as far as we know was left with him wondering "what if the cauldron was wrong". Sidenote but if I understood correctly, this all happens 2-3 months post acosf and Bryce spends ±5 days in Prythian, so it is very likely that it is all set during Acotar 5, and that the events of HOFAS in general are happening while Az is separated from the other MC (ie. the acotar5 FMC).
Regardless of all I just said, I am going to ask people once again to be for real. cause this whole chapter Azriel keeps glaring at Nes when she is about to reveal too much info, so WHY would he be mentioning Elain (or literally anyone he cares about) to someone who he is said to be highly suspicious of? make it make sense x2
Almost forgot. Last thing.
"Azriel said that Nesta killed the King! He didn't credit Elain!"
... no? for context, this is what Az said:
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See my second point above. He told Bryce exactly what Nes did, and nothing more: she beheaded Hybern. We could speculate about what his look at Truthteller made him think of... but tbh I'll leave it to someone else cause perso I dont really see the point.
I am getting tired guys... guess who finally understands what "fandom fatigue" is.
-----quick edit-----
I don't mean to sound hypocritical by tagging ships, cause tbh i dont even wanna put acotar ship tags to this, mais bon c'est la vie et j'en peux plus. this fandom is kind of a mess. Goodnight loves ♡
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polisena-art · 2 years
AU where zé is a smooth criminal, panchito is a naive and lawful good detective with a good heart and a set of morals that he believes could never be corrupted or changed... that is until he's assigned to capture zé and things start changing (in the end panchito joins zé at the other side cause y'know acab) (donald is there somewhere doing god knows what in that story but maybe he's there idk i ran out of ideas) (can't believe i thought of all this for these two silly little birds)
Anon, did you know? Did you know you just sent me a Valvert prompt disguised as Disney birds? I literally screamed. Anyways, I got carried away so I hope you don't mind but I did a little more build up based on your idea. (Also the translations of the non-English dialogues are in the image descriptions).
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So Zé is a criminal whose whole thing is not keeping the money. Most of it he gives to poor people who he knows are in debt, so they can sort themselves out and live better lives. His favorite target for thievering being any of Rocha Vaz's innumerous business (that for this AU's sake are responsible for dehousing a lot of people, mass firings and a bunch of other shady incidents). Panchito and Donald are two investigators (officers?) hired to go after Zé, but after a particularly unsuccessful and humiliating ambush, Panchito becomes obssessed with taking José down.
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Rosinha, after coming to terms with the fact that her father and his associates have no intention of addressing their companies' misconducts, decides to take matters into her own hands and partners up with Zé. This way they start their (mostly platonic) life of crime together.
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Panchito and Zé go over years and years of chase, which you know, forms some kind of unusual bond. At some point José saves Panchito's life, risking his own freedom in the process. Panchito, in return, let's him go, defying everything he's ever believed to be true and right. Lots of angst, lots of existential crisis and at some point, they do come around to admitting that they care for each other, and maybe even something more.
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That's it! Hope you liked it!!
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shitpostingkats · 3 months
You know how Yugi is just a presence in GX? 5Ds AU where Jaden is the overarching presence around Yusei. Starts hanging around the crew after Yusei returns from the Paradox thing because of the timeloop. Leo: If you're such a powerful duelist, where were you this entire time? Jaden: With Yugi at the Nazca lines. Did you know there's, lik,e 80 of those things? Sure you guys tussled with the top generals but Yugi and I handled the others. Thanks for that by the way, the whale hates me. Crow: Why does Chacu Challhua hate you? Jaden: I stopped it from claiming Yusei. Team 5Ds: ...What. Jaden: Yeah! A few years back I sensed a disturbance, walked through the darkness between the dimensions, and punched a demon whale that tried to claim Yusei as he was drowning. Don't know how that last part happened. Jack: Yes. It's a mystery. Let's talk about something else now.
adakdsklajsdf I have an au that's EXACTLY this.
Literally the first yugioh wip I started was a canon divergent fic where at the end of bbt Jaden and Yusei get stuck in Jaden's time and have to find a way to get Yusei home. At then they get back to Neo Domino and Jaden just. Hangs around.
In canon, the events of BBT happen right before the crashtown arc (which is weirdly hilarious to me). Scenes that I kept imagining were when Aki realises she's lost her powers and has to go to Jaden for help. And she's having an existential crisis over why this is happening and he goes "Well, I've lost my ability to talk to spirits like three times in my life :/ Kinda could be anything." and they both bond over being reformed weirdo magic people.
Also a whole drafted conversation imagining Bruno falling into the black hole and just. Jaden's there. I am a godsdarned SUCKER for emotional, calm conversations between two characters when one of them knows they're about to die. THEY HAVE SO MANY PARALLELS TO EACH OTHER GODDAMMIT. The copy of an original chained to their own predetermined actions. They could have such an insane talk about it.
But imagine if Jaden's there from season 1. An evil cult trying to unleash a multidimensional demon from the prison of darkness between worlds? Hm, if only we knew the reagent ruler of the realm that is in charge of keeping dangerous spirits like exodia locked up.
Watching s1 of 5Ds and I just kept saying aloud "Jaden, do your job."
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aisclosed · 1 year
Match Found ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ - 18 . Match Found ʚ♡ɞ (finale)
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Synopsis: Jungwon is sick of his friends' constant teasing over his lack of gaming skills. Determined to secretly improve and prove enha wrong, Jungwon sets out to learn to play, except he has no clue where to begin. Luckily for him, y/n is a girl with too much time on her hands, a desperate need for distraction and is more than happy to indulge him. Only, things are never that simple and Jungwon soon finds it difficult to explain exactly what the pair have become. college Student! Jungwon x gamer! Reader
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(5.2k) written work :: warnings: cursing
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It had been going so well. 
Jungwon had woken up to the song of birds chirping outside, he had opened the window to warm rays of sun and clear blue skies. It felt like the stars had aligned to present him with the perfect day to finally make his move. 
Jungwon should’ve known better. 
It had been four days since he had seen you last. Four days since you had showed up at his doorstep and dropped the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in his lap and left him with nothing to defuse it. True to your word, you had given him space to sort through his thoughts and feelings. 
So it had been up to Jungwon to make sense of the jumbled mess that you had left in your wake. Luckily for him, his friends had taken it upon themselves to guide Jungwon through his existential crisis.  
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“Fuck I think I’m in love with her,” Jungwon whimpers into his palms. His hands doing little to hide the red flush that had crept up his neck to his cheeks. 
“You just figured that out?” Niki questions, looking at Jungwon’s crumpled figure incredulously. 
Jungwon lowers his hands slightly to look up at his friends with wide eyes. At the sight of each of the matching disbelieving looks on their faces, Jungwon’s eyes widened further. “You all knew I was in love with her? And no one thought to tell me?”
“How the fuck did you not know?” Sunghoon scoffs, “It's been extremely obvious to everyone that’s been forced to hang out in the same vicinity as you two.”
Jungwon lets out a strangled noise as he mentally reviews the last months with you and he realizes that he indeed, had been in love with you for an embarrassing amount of time. 
To be entirely transparent, there was a part of him that already knew. How could he not when you consumed every waking minute of his thoughts? But with his intense will to convince himself that his feelings were unimportant in the grand scheme of your future and happiness, Jungwon had neglected to consider what those feelings exactly were, much less identify them as love. 
But now Jungwon was face to face with the extent of his adoration with nowhere to hide. It was overwhelming, he needed to do something, anything. 
“I gotta go,” Jungwon stands with shaky legs, looking around hazily for his phone and wallet. 
“Go? Go where?” 
“To tell Y/N I love her too! Before she changes her mind and decides she’d rather be with fuck ass Na Jaemin,” Jungwon blabbers spinning around in place, “Where the hell is my phone and wallet, I need to go.” 
“Woah. Okay, slow down Romeo,” Jay laughs, clasping Jungwon’s shoulder soothingly, “ I think both you and Y/N need some time to process everything.”
“Not to mention, you need to do a lot more than just say you love her to make everything better,” Sunoo voices with a raise of his brow, “You literally ghosted her publicly for two weeks and ignored her confession.” 
“Oh,” Jungwon slouches back down onto his bed in defeat, “I guess you’re right.” 
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Day One 
Jungwon wakes up the next day feeling like death personified. Everytime he had finally felt himself slipping into his slumber, the memory of your kiss had his eyes flying open and his heart thumping painfully in its cavity. 
Some time during his sleep-ridden haze, Jungwon’s mind had started to wander again to darker territory. He revisited the same insecurities that had gotten him into this whole predicament. His mind ran to a thousand scenarios where you had chosen him and it had only ended in bitter words and regret. And in the darkness of the night, with only his thoughts for company Jungwon began to dig himself into the same insecurity ridden pit he had just gotten himself out of. 
It had been Niki who had picked the lock to his room, promptly entering and dragging the blankets off of Jungwon’s huddled figure. “Alright Jungwon the fuck is your problem now?” 
Jungwon merely turned, his voice muffled as he buried his face into the pillows, “You’re gonna think it's stupid.” 
“Probably because it is stupid,” Niki snarks, trying to pull Jungwon away from where he clung to his pillows pathetically. 
Giving in, Jungwon gives Niki a rueful pout, his eyes ringed with the evidence of his turmoil. “What if she regrets choosing me later on and she resents me for everything she missed out on? What if we don’t work as well as a couple like we thought? What if she loves me as a friend but not as her boyfriend-oW what the fuck Niki” Jungwon rubs the side of his head tenderly, shooting daggers at his exasperated friend. 
“You’re right, you are being stupid. Look, what’s the point of lingering on all these what ifs, you don’t even know that half that shit will happen. What if it’s the alternative, what if she realizes it’s the best decision she’s ever made? What if you both end up being perfect for eachother, platonically and romantically? She said she loves you, and you love her. Is that not enough for you to take the risk? Is she not worth it?” 
Jungwon stares at him slack jawed, before chuckling to himself, ruffling Niki’s hair affectionately. “When did you grow up and get so mature huh?”
“I’ve always been mature, if anything you’re the one who’s dangerously close to losing your hyung title if you keep moping around like this. Have some confidence Jungwon, there’s a reason Y/N has chosen you over and over, even when you haven’t given her a motive to.” 
Jungwon nods resolutely, setting his shoulders back in determination. It didn’t matter that he might not be the best choice, for you he’d make sure he was the right one. Now that he had a glimpse of what it was like to have lost you to someone else, even if only for a night, Jungwon was dead set on never giving anyone else the chance again. 
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Day Two
Jungwon chews on his lips, his fingers drumming against his leg as the call rings obnoxiously. Please pick up pleaseeee pick up.
The ringing stops abruptly and for a second Jungwon thinks he’s been declined. 
“Hello? Jungwonnie?” 
He breathes a sigh of relief, mustering up his best saccharine tone. “Heyyyyy Haechannie hyung, I’ve been dying to catch up with you.”
“You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that if you want to get back on my good side, Jungwonnie,” Haechan scoffs into the mic, “Y/N might have forgiven you but I certainly haven't forgotten just how upset she was when you were doing your little ghosting.”
“Yeah, I know hyung I’m sorry I really am,” Jungwon winces, rubbing the back of his neck, “I just thought I was doing what was best for her, I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“Yeah, well you did dumbass. And you better not be calling me to tell me you’re gonna break her heart again.”
“No! No, the opposite actually,” Jungwon says hurriedly, taking a deep breath, “I uh- wanted to ask her out, properly. She deserves it after everything I put her through. I was wondering if you had any ideas as to what she might like.” 
“Well I’ll be damned, I thought you’d never grow the balls Jungwon,” Haechan cackles, his tone softening into something more familiar and honeyed.
 “Look lover boy, Y/Nnie likes you a lot, almost as much as she likes me; trust me that's a lot . And you two have been through a lot of shit that was way more complicated than it had to be. I think what Y/N would appreciate and love most of all is just your honest feelings and having you back again. She’s not really one for big gestures and obnoxious gifts. I know it's not the answer you were looking for but it's what makes sense to me. I hope it kinda helps.”
“It actually does, thanks hyung. I promise I’ll take good care of her from here on out. No more complications,” Jungwon states firmly.
“I’m glad to hear it Jungwonnie. I like you, we all do, and we’ve been rooting for you and Y/N through all of your melodrama. Good luck and don’t let anything fuck it up.”
Jungwon accepts the blessing gratefully, a satisfied smile stretched across his lips as the call ends. He flips back onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling feeling the buzz of anticipation warm his chest. For once it felt like everything was slowly clicking into place.
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Day Three
“What about this one?” Jay holds up a white shirt with a ruffled collar, waiting for Jungwon’s verdict. 
“Ew no hyung, what am I? A vampire?” Jungwon scrunches his face in distaste, turning back to the racks of clothing. 
Sunoo sighs next to him, taking a loud slurp of his nearly emptied milk tea. “I still don’t get why we have to get you a whole new outfit, is this really such a big occasion?”
“Of course it is!” Jungwon gives him an affronted look, chin jutting petulantly. “You saw how pretty Y/N looked when she came over, how well she was dressed. I have to make a good impression on her too when I ask her out.”
“Yeah but that was because she came straight from a fancy date, it's not like she was dressed up for- what are you hitting me for hyung I’m right,” Sunoo rolls his eyes dodging another one of Jay’s swats.
“Ignore him Jungwon, I think it's sweet that you want to look nice for Y/N,” Jay pats Jungwon encouragingly, “Do you know what kind of look you want to go for? Maybe something that Y/N likes on you?”
“Uh…. she likes my shoulders and collarbones. And one time she said that it's unfair that I have a slutty ass waist?” Jungwon offers up with a helpful shrug. 
Jay deadpans, dragging a hand down his face wearily, already regretting his defense of you two. “I was looking for more like colors or types of shirts but yeah I guess that works. Let's go with a slightly loose button up tucked into some fitted cigarette pants then.”
With that Jay walks off in search of his desired items, and Jungwon turns to give Sunoo a smug smile. “I’m gonna look so good, Y/N won’t be able to resist me.” 
Sunoo waves him off with a tired exhale, “As much as I hate the idea of inflating your ego, knowing Y/N you’re probably right.” 
Jungwon’s smirk morphs into a dopey smile at the simple affirmation. The slightest reminder of his reciprocated feelings turning him into complete putty where he stood. 
It still felt a bit unreal, to know the full extent of your feelings, and Jungwon was itching to just be able to do the same for you. It wouldn't be much longer now, everything was going to be perfect. 
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Day Four 
“Do you have any Barbie movies? Maybe a collection set?” 
To the employee’s credit the commercial smile she’s plastered on barely falters, the only indication of her surprise being the slight twitch of her eye. “Barbie movies sir?” 
“Yeah,” Jungwon beams at her, fingers tapping on the counter in excitement, “Like the animated American ones? You know, Barbie & the Diamond Castle, Fairytopia, Barbie of Swan Lake, all of those.” 
“Ah, those Barbie movies, of course,” she responds with the thinly veiled irritation that could only belong to a highschool part-timer who definitely did not get paid enough to deal with these oddly specific requests. “Let me go check in the back sir.” 
Jungwon hums in acknowledgement, taking the opportunity to look around the quaint video store as the worker walks off. When she reappears from the backroom she’s holding a pink box set shaped like a chest, fit with a latch boasting a bold Barbie logo in gold. “Here you are sir, the 19 movie collection dvd set of the classic Barbie movies,” the worker slides the chest over to Jungwon. 
He gives it a once over, his fingers trailing over the edges and checking the details to make sure all of your favorites are included. The employee watches in amusement as Jungwon straightens with a satisfied smile. “It’s perfect, I'll take it! Thank you so much for your help.” 
She nods, ringing his purchase up, “So, are you just a big Barbie fan or is this for a younger sibling or something?” she asks as she takes his credit card. 
“For my girlfriend actually,” Jungwon grins before faltering slightly, “well she’s not my girlfriend, yet. But I’m hoping after I give her this and I ask her properly she will be. I’m kind of in love with her.” 
The worker gives a small laugh handing over his bag and receipt, “That’s cute actually, good luck I hope she accepts and it works out.” 
“Me too,” Jungwon smiles giddily, ducking his head in a quick bow before exiting. Tomorrow. It was finally time. 
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Jungwon should've known better.
Everything was going so well up until 30 minutes ago. Jungwon had woken up feeling amazing, his body filled with vitality, his mind was clear and his skin glowing. Sunoo had helped him style his hair, running it through the straightener until it fell perfectly across his forehead the way you liked it. 
He had gotten his outfit from where it hung after Jay ironed it for him, it fit him perfectly accentuating his frame in all the right places. He had even sprayed some of the cologne Sunghoon got him, his nose only slightly wrinkling at the fumes. It would be worth it, for you. 
Jungwon finished by swiping some chapstick across his lips, definitely because they felt chapped and nothing to do with his wishful thinking that maybe today he could seal the deal with a kiss. As he gave himself one last look in the mirror, Jungwon was extremely satisfied with the reflection that looked back, he looked good and he felt good. Today was the day. 
Heeseung had offered to drop Jungwon off at your building but he had declined, for sentiment’s sake. Jungwon wanted to stop by Taeil’s PC bang, where you had first met, and pick up some snacks. Yes, he knew he could easily get them at any convenience store but he would know it was from Neo Tech and you would know it was from Neo Tech and that was enough for it to be worth the trouble.
The wind had picked up slightly as he arrived at Neo Tech, causing Jungwon’s brows to knit in worry but he had looked up to see clear skies and shrugged it off. Taeil had greeted him with a warm welcome and a hearty clap on the back. After shyly sharing his plans for the day, Taeil had gladly packed up some snacks, pushing them into Jungwon’s arms with a refusal to accept any payment and whisper of good luck. 
Jungwon left the pc bang with his hands full. The bags filled with snacks and your gift swinging gleefully from each arm as he walked down the familiar streets to your building. As he retraces the steps to yours, Jungwon thinks of the first day you had taken him to your home, the first day he had truly stepped into your life. How differently would everything had turned out if he had just accepted a rain check? 
Jungwon thinks of the way your eyes light up when they find his, the way you fit like a key in a lock in his arms, and how it feels as if the only breath he’s ever really taken was the one against your lips. It's enough for him to be sure that one way or another you would’ve found your way to him. 
With a mind clouded with thoughts of you, Jungwon fails to notice the actual clouds that rapidly darken the sky, until a wet droplet hits his nose. He looks up startled, only for another drop to land on his cheek, and another in quick succession until suddenly, it’s pouring. 
Fuck. Jungwon breaks out into a run, there’s only two blocks left until he reaches your place with his only possible solace from the rain until then being the meager cover of the trees that decorate the road. He vaguely remembers Jake rambling about how scientifically you’re more likely to have more raindrops land on you if you run opposed to walking in the rain, but how can he heed Jake’s advice when the rain beats down on him, his shirt already darkening under the weight of the water. 
So he runs, he runs until he finally reaches shelter under the awning of your building. Only then does Jungwon stop, hunching over as he tries to catch his breath, his lungs protesting as they strain to fill with air. 
He looks up to make contact with the concerned gaze of Na Jaemin, who stands awkwardly with his umbrella at the ready as he gets ready to leave the building. “Are you alright?” he voices again. 
Jungwon quickly straightens, “I’m fine thanks,” he voices, trying his best to steady his breath. 
Jaemin nods silently, smiling politely, “I’m Jaemin by the way, it’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot of great things. Are you heading up to see Y/N?”  
Jungwon should say no, he’s a sopping wet mess and the food is probably a mess after being rattled with the force of his movements. It’s only logical to go home and recuperate and just try again tomorrow. He’s spent far too much time making everything perfect to let it go to waste.
 But he’s here now and Jaemin’s standing in front of him with an expectant smile, leaving your house looking put together and polished. So Jungwon can’t back down, not again, he’s missed you far too much and prepared far too much to lose his nerve now. 
“Yeah I am,” Jungwon gives a firm smile and Jaemin breaks into a wide grin. 
“That’s great, she’s been missing you a lot. I hope everything goes well, I’ve got to head out but we should definitely catch up another day.” It’s a bit unnerving, how genuinely sweet Na Jaemin seems. Jungwon nods hesitantly in agreement and the elder seems satisfied and takes his leave with a wave.
Jungwon turns to face your building, and before he can lose his nerve he enters. He draws a few curious stares from the reception desk and passing residents. Normally Jungwon would flush under their gaze and hurry his steps, but each step he takes he can only register as a step closer to you. 
And so, unabashedly, Jungwon’s feet squeak and squelch and carry him across the lobby, into your elevator and up all 42 floors until he’s back at your front door. He can hear his heart thumping in his ears matching the rhythm of the code he punches in, the steps he takes until he can hear your voice carrying through the open slit of your bedroom door. 
Jungwon takes a last shaky breath and raps lightly on the wood, pushing into your room. It’s been four excruciatingly long days since he’s last seen you and the sight of you knocks the air out of his lungs. You blink at Jungwon’s sudden appearance before your eyes soften into the familiar crescents that accompany your smile, “Hi Wonnie.”
“Hey Y/N,” Jungwon exhales breathily, his eyes glued onto your features. He had a confession planned, feelings he wanted to express and promises he wanted to make. Feelings that were currently betraying him, rendering him dumb struck and speechless. 
Jungwon was usually good at things like this, suppressing his feelings to get what he needed to do done, it came easier to him than breathing. He was good at things like this, but not when it came to you. 
You bite back a laugh at his dazed expression, raking your eyes down his figure, pausing momentarily on the bags in his hands. You meet his eyes with a stifled laugh, “You’re uh dripping, Jungwon.” 
He snaps out of his stupor looking down to find his clothes waterlogged and plastered to his body, a small puddle forming at his feet. Jungwon rubs his neck sheepishly, “Yeah I got caught in the rain.”
“I can see that,” you smirk, sliding your headphones off and rising to your feet. You make your way towards Jungwon and for a second his heart stutters, thinking you were going to pull him into another impromptu kiss. 
He swears he’s not disappointed when you walk by him, instead rifling through your drawers to pull out some clothes and a towel. “Here, you should get out of those clothes before you get sick.”
“What? No, I mean- yes I will, but first I want to talk to you. I uh got you something as well,” Jungwon lifts the gifts slightly. 
You roll your eyes fondly, unfurling the towel and draping it over his head, rubbing it gently to drain some of the water out of his strands. You take the bags from his grip, instead pressing the clothes into Jungwon’s hand. “You’ve already made me wait this long, I think I can wait a little longer. Go change Wonnie.”
Jungwon sends you a wounded pout which you ignore with a pointed glance at the bathroom. He gives in with a sigh, disappearing to change his clothes. The sweats and shirt you’ve handed him are foreign, probably Haechan or Chenle’s, but the hoodie is suspiciously familiar. 
He’s still examining the hoodie when he walks back out, “Is this mine? I swear I have one just like it and I haven't seen it for a while.” 
You pause slightly at his words, twisting in your seat, “Uh yeah, I kinda stole it the last time I slept over,” you admit in the most off hand tone you can muster but Jungwon doesn’t miss the subtle reddening of your cheeks. 
He doesn’t bother hiding the smug grin that splits his face, walking over to pull you up out of your chair and into his arms. He sways you slightly in his embrace, leaning down to whisper cheekily, “You’ve been stealing my clothes to wear when I’m not around? You miss me that much Y/N?”  
You roll your eyes, pushing Jungwon away from you, he lands on your bed with a playful yelp. “If you weren’t busy being a delusional jerk then I wouldn’t have to miss you in the first place. I think you owe me at least one hoodie as collateral for emotional damages.”
“Yeah, I guess I do,” Jungwon chuckles, sitting up on his elbows, “thanks for the clothes, I didn't realize how cold I was until I got out of them.”
Taking a seat next to him, you brush the damp strands of hair off of Jungwon’s forehead, “No biggie, why were you so dressed up anyways? Are you heading somewhere after this? I can put your clothes in the dryer if you need.”
“No,” Jungwon says hurriedly, flushing when you look at him inquisitively, “I’m not going anywhere, I just wanted to dress up and look good, since it’s been a while since I last saw you.” 
His eyes are trained down on the floor, the tips of his ears turning red and you can't help but giggle. “You always look good Jungwon, no need to try and impress me,” you nudge him playfully and he bats your hand playfully with a whine. 
“Yeah, but I wanted you to see me in some nicer clothes,” Jungwon meets your eyes carefully, “because today’s important, I wanted to dress accordingly.” 
You hum in acknowledgment, trailing your hand against the edge of his sleeve, smiling when Jungwon’s fingers capture yours. “You looked nice, it was different. But I like you like this, sweats and a hoodie. Makes you look cozy and comfy, like my Jungwon.”
Jungwon stills, staring at you with an unreadable expression and you tilt your head in silent question. Jungwon had a plan, a script for how this was going to go, but when those words fall so effortlessly from your tongue he can’t help but want to abandon his plan. And when has he ever known self control around you, so he does. “Can I kiss you?” he asks calmly. 
It’s your turn to fluster, “what?” you splutter. Jungwon sits up fully, leaning closer until the tip of his nose is lightly grazing against yours. His hand releases yours, snaking up your neck to rest against your jaw, his eyes burning unwaveringly into yours. 
“Can I kiss you? Please?” his breath ghosts over yours and you barely nod before Jungwon’s lips brush faintly against yours. 
Jungwon pulls back slightly, glancing quickly to assess the way your eyes flutter shut and you instinctively chase after his mouth. It’s enough of a final confirmation for him to truly throw caution to the wind and he captures your lips in a proper kiss. 
His fingers and cheek are cool to the touch, but every bit of skin they graze against blazes in response. You’re sweltering, melting in his hold, your arms curling around him , clinging to his shoulders desperately for any purchase to keep you from falling apart. 
Jungwon grips you with equal intensity, he releases his hold on your jaw to undo the claw clip holding your hair, tossing it to the side. His fingers slink back up your neck to tangle in your hair, pulling you even closer. 
It isn’t until his lungs burn insistently against his ribs that Jungwon finally parts from you. It’s silent, save for sharp inhales as you both gasp for what little air is available in the junction of your lips. Jungwon rests his forehead against yours and whispers breathlessly, “I love you.” 
You’re still lightheaded from the pressure of the kiss and his words do nothing to quell the way your mind reels and your stomach flips incessantly. Giggling, you knock your head against his playfully, “Took you long enough idiot.” 
Huffing in mock annoyance, Jungwon grabs your face bringing it to his, “Say. It. Back.” he mumbles against your lips, pecking them insistently with each word. 
You smile into the kiss, your rising cheeks squishing against where Jungwon holds you firmly. “I love you,” you plant a final peck onto his lips and he sighs in satisfaction, nuzzling into your neck.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.” Jungwon murmurs gently, his hands sliding down to wrap around your waist, “I’m sorry for trying to push you away without even giving us a chance. I thought I was doing the right thing for you, and I let my ego and insecurities cloud my judgment. I was scared, you’re everything I could ever dream of having, and yet for some unfathomable reason you wanted me. It felt too good to be true honestly, and the whole situation with your dad and Jaemin just confirmed every negative outcome in my mind. I just didn’t want to fuck up and become a regret, you know?” 
Your brows scrunch together in a frown and you open your mouth to refute him but Jungwon is already shushing you with a swift kiss. “I know what you’re gonna say. I just wanted to properly talk you through my thoughts. I’m done being stupid now, seriously I am. I’m far too in love with you to give you up. You make me want to be selfish. You deserve everything in the world Y/N, and if it means I can keep you by my side I’d rob the sky of all its sun and stars. I want to be better for you, I’ll be better for you, so that one day I can truly say I deserve to be yours. But for now I’m going to be greedy and ask you to be mine. Officially.” 
You chuckle breathily, reaching up to cup Jungwon’s cheek with shaky fingers. “I meant what I told you before Wonnie, I’ve always been yours and I always will be. When I first met you I already knew I was in for it. You were the perfect distraction, my little sanctuary to escape all my worries and sorrows, an escape from reality. But then you crossed that line, you became a part of my reality, and you changed it into one that I wanted to be in. You’re my greatest comfort and my uttermost happiness Jungwon, and that’s something that no one else will be able to give me.  I’d choose you in every reality and that’ll never change.” 
Jungwon beams, his dimple in full display and he pulls you in peppering kisses all over your face, not leaving a single stretch of skin untouched. “I can’t believe everything literally went the opposite of what I planned and yet it somehow still worked out. Look, I even prepared a present for my proposal to convince you to say yes.” He leans over you slightly to pull up the bag sitting at the foot of the bed, placing it gently in your hands. 
“You prepared this for me?” you shake the bag curiously, and Jungwon nods, gesturing excitedly for you to take a look. “Holy fuck, you got me the Barbie Movie Collection?” you gape at the pink box, tracing the letters in awe, “Jungwon I love it.” You grab his face, placing an exaggerated smooch on his cheek. 
“Yeah, I’m kind of the best boyfriend ever, I know,” Jungwon shrugs smugly, observing your enthralled expression with a small smile. “I was planning on showing up looking dashing and all, and you would be caught off guard by my adverse charms and fall for me. Then I was going to give some spiel about how I don’t deserve you but these movies are a token of my dedication to you. And you would be extremely touched by my thoughtfulness and immediately start begging to be my girlfriend and telling me how I have unmatchable rizz. But I guess I can settle for how it went down,” he teases, pinching your cheek impishly. 
You swat his hand away from your cheek with a roll of your eyes, “you’re insufferable Yang Jungwon.” 
This only fuels Jungwon further, and he leans in, tilting your chin up to meet his mischievous gaze, “but you loveeee me, don’t you baby?” 
You scoff, ignoring the way your cheeks heat at the pet name, “unfortunately for me, yes I love you Wonnie.” 
Jungwon grins broadly at the admission, planting a warm kiss on your waiting lips. “I love you more,” he says sweetly.
Jungwon’s still not quite sure how he ended up here. How a simple desire to best his roommates had culminated into him sharing soft kisses with the love of his life.
 And Jungwon’s still not quite sure what the future will hold for the two of you. But as he pulls you into his lap and you lean into his touch happily, pink cheeks and bright eyed, Jungwon can’t help but feel that no matter what the pair of you end up pursuing, at the end of the day your nights will always end up looking a little like this. 
match found :) <3
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a/n: hi <3 well!!! That's it hehe!! i hope u liked the finale and it wasn't too underwhelming :(
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this is the barbie dvd set wonnie got for y/n lmfao. very romance we love.
This is the official last chapter plot wise but I'm going to be posting some bonus SMAU posts in a day or two :) but here's a taglist form for my upcoming works!
ok now that I got those out of the way i rlly rlly rlly want to take the time to thank everyone who read match found up until now. This series is my very first time writing literally anything so to think that people actually enjoyed it is mind boggling. I'm incredibly lucky to have readers that are so sweet and supportive and so interactive. I appreciate and think about every single comment and reblog and i truly truly adore you all so much. I hope I can continue to be able to talk and interact with you all <3 Thank you for being here for me throughout everything and being so patient and kind with me MWAH!!
most of all i rlly want to thank kat, lela, celine, angewa and my subak for being there for all my crazy rambling, mental breakdowns and jungwon delusions. you've been the biggest part of my creative process and the series wouldn't have been the same without you <3
i honestly am really worried about this chapter and if I could meet the expectations of you all and I really hope i didn't disappoint ajhdjk. let me know what you loved and what you hated, about match found about this chapter, anything :)
special thanks to my garden :) for being the greatest inspiration i could ask for <3
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taglist: open! send me an ask to be added! <3 / taglist google form
@woncloudie @itsactuallylina @ifearjwn @fadedluvv @mangowonyo @shinsou-rii @aki1e @makiswrld @jaehaki @criyiy @ilovewonyo @zeraaax @climbingmandevillas @pkjay @flower-lise @haodnd @beomgyusonlywife @dimplewonie @lacimolela @enhacatalog @llama-lyna @ahnneyong @coalalalinha @cupidsheqrts @curly-fr13s @jungwonsgfnameyukie @sserafimez @run2seob @luvlee1313 @strwberrydinosaur @sweetjaemss @kimipxl @simp4jakesim @chirokookie @astrae4 @mimisamisasa @w3bqrl @captivq @rindomo @aylauwon @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @shinrjj @deadgirlwalking3 @dearremmy @esther-kpopstan @hoonsunivrs @ttalgi @cieluna
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danthepest · 2 months
Videl's inclusion and integration into the Dragon Team is such a missed opportunity for fun interpersonal dynamics and interactions, what with Toriyama seemingly unable to decide where he wanted the story to go until Boo and Majin Vegeta basically derailed the entire thing.
One moment I keep imagining and can't get out of my head is everyone telling her stories of their adventures, how they met, how they were all kind of awful people when they were young and so on. Yet everyone has more than one moment where they displayed immense courage, loyalty, friendship, honor, selflessness etc.
But then they get to Vegeta. Everyone's kind of used to him now but once they try to think of any positives for the guy, they stop dead in their tracks. Pretend Boo and Majin Vegeta don't happen in this scenario yet. Or at all. Whatever floats your boat.
So they try to downplay how much of a scumbag he was or how he never really earned his place with the group or worked off his bad karma like the others did.
So they try to spin a "he helped when needed" tale more for Bulma's sake than anyone else's.
Piccolo ends up being the only one who tells her like it is and forces Gohan and Krilling to tell her the whole truth regarding Vegeta and what he was/is like.
So the three of them tell her everything. All the horrible stuff he did even when fighting on their side. Videl looks horrified at Bulma and Gohan, asking her how she could boink him and how Gohan can tolerate him after what he put him through.
"Eh, he's alright." he says.
Videl goes home and lays awake in bed in a state of a semi mental breakdown and existential crisis, wondering just what kind of insane group of people she's dealing with.
Bandits, would-be assassins, space pirates, alien demons, shapeshifting animals, fearsome castle lords, cyborgs made by a cooky old geezer from a long gone terrorist army, CEO of Capsule Corp who at 16 shot a 12 your old monkey boy in the head with a pistol with no hesitation, bizarre cat deities that live with lazy fat ronin and perverted martial arts hermits who taught math to his students as part of their training.
On top of learning that there was a literal space Hitler zipping around the galaxy, wiping out entire solar systems and was this close to wiping out Earth if not for a time traveling half alien, half human hybrid.
It's a lot to process and she can't even talk to her dad about it because he's still in denial over what he saw in the old tournaments and during the Cell Games.
Then she learns that the Tournament Announcer is a bit in-the-know and goes to him for information only to find that all he knows is what he witnessed at the tournaments and his knowledge of old martial artists. Then he gives her a history lesson on martial artists like King Chappa, Namu, Giran, Bacterian, the Wolf Man and so on. He helps her deal with all the weird and bizarre shit of the world that she was frighteningly ignorant of.
But will forever have a hard time feeling safe with Vegeta around
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crushedcoffeecups · 4 months
my genuine thoughts on the amazing digital circus episode two because someone has to hear all these thoughts and it sure aint gonna be my friends anytime soon:
the pacing felt off - not sure why, but if i had to guess i think it would be due to how much info and exposition was crammed into the first episode, with very little in the second episode made it feel weird. i literally got halfway through and went 'how am i halfway when nothing has happened?'
like the whole scene when they were arriving at the candy kingdom (i dont remember what it was called currently) felt a bit too long, like they dragged it out a little to fill time (or to show of the animation and design, and if so, valid)
i think the pilot also had more visual comedy aspects to do with 3D animation which i really appreciated. they did keep some in the second episode but less so
Jax definitely came off a whole lot meaner this time, but after revisiting the pilot he's basically the same level of mean just without the comedy or charm. im assuming that they're doing this to keep it in the audience's mind that Jax is an asshole so when he does some cruel shit later on it doesn't seem like such a 180
on that note, this episode also just felt a lot less funny. it might be that it purely wasn't my kind of humour, but i thought the pilot had a fair few good bits and the second episodes comedy just didnt really hit with me
i think also there are specific moments that felt they were building suspense/tension for either comedic or dramatic reasons just for nothing to happen, which felt disappointing. best example would be Kinger throwing the lifesaver (what did he throw?) the second time, going to check on the rope, for nothing to happen. felt like a set-up with no pay-off
and a similar point, and it could just be an emphasis on how old and immortal these characters are so they're used to this shit, but none of them react strongly! to anything! Jax is thrown over the side of the truck with no reaction, the knifes everywhere don't illicit a strong response, Ragatha watches herself get IMPALED IN THE CHEST? and they fall from a cliff and dont even scream. no reaction to anything. it just felt weird.
HOWEVER, it is not all bad. Caine and Bubble are still great (i think a large part of why i did not find this episode as funny is likely coz these two had very limited screen time)
i loved the little gators designs, and the plot line of existential crisis followed by acceptance and then just being smite by god
character development on Pomni felt sweet, great symbolism in one short little moment
i'm real interested to see more of Zooble, and a bit more into Jax's development (i saw his expressions at the end, dont think i didnt)
i think the characters mostly stayed the same (besides Jax and Pomni of course) so im excited for exploring them more in the future!
the possibility of the gators returning is very interesting
the designs of the locations were all very pretty
i did still like this episode, although i enjoyed the pilot i lot more. i'm excited to see where this series goes! and massive kudos to doing this independently, regardless of how this series ends up ill always have respect to the creators for not going to a big boss company to produce it
also dont get me wrong i definitely love this series and i love jax i can criticise and love things simultaneously
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Headcanons : The HSL Boys + Priya Drunk
N/A: So this random but the other day I was talking about MCL with a friend and as summer approaches and plans are being planned (chaotic ones mainly) we started to wonder how the LIs would be like when drunk. So I thought I'd share my opinion on the matter.
* little disclaimer : always drink alcohol with moderation and if you don't drink, don't let others influence you (f*ck them if they make fun of you about that, they're the problem) and if you do drink though, always drink glasses of water between glasses of alcohol (you'll thank yourself the next day)
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Emotional drunk
Not every time though, it doesn’t happen that often but when it does ,just give him a compliment or tell him something sad and you just launched the machine
This will be likely followed by this « I love you guys » speech (he’s probably really drunk at this point so his discourse doesn’t make sense but it the least of his concerns right now)
Will never admit it or accept to talk about it the next day (might even pretend that he doesn’t remember it as if it was enough to make everyone forget about it lol)
But when he’s not emotional, he’s actually extrovert ???
Like he talks with everyone and have good laugh with them (my boy has become a social butterfly for the night)
Would accept a cigarette if someone offers him one so PLS STOP HIM (he has to protect his voice come on)
Totally up for karaoke but don’t you dare try to make him sing these commercial songs he always complains about because he certainly won’t and he’ll rant about how they suck
Bonus point : I can picture him ✨slaying✨ a Lady Gaga karaoke. Like he knows the lyrics and even some bit of the choreo (probably won’t do it though, I guess that’s where he draws the line). That would depend on who is around tho (for example if Nathaniel is around, haha no. He’ll never let this guy catch him singing Bad Romance, no matter how drunk)
If he keeps drinking, he might throw up and he’ll try to be slick about it (but everyone knows that when he left in such a hurry, it was because the end was near for him)
He has the worst hangovers. It takes him 3 whole business days to get back on his feet (he has to get over the physical consequences but also the embarrassment. Because, ew, talking about feelings and all when he’s drunk cringes him so bad lol)
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 :
Philosophically confused drunk ? 
Literally, anything could become matter to philosophical debates at this point and out of nowhere he’ll just start pondering existence and the meaning of life. 
And he has a lot to say (which is surprising according to the fact that Lysander isn’t really talkative in  general)
Can get anyone captivated because he speaks from the heart and he kinda make a point (he make people rethink their whole life so that can be a bit of a buzzkill as much as it can be fascinating. It’s 50/50)
Honestly, I struggle to imagine Lysander drunk because I don’t think there’s a lot of circumstances where he would be likely to drink a lot. Especially that I don’t think he’s really fond of strong alcohol (like vodka, rum or else) but more of a wine kinda guy. 
(Which is why that if he does get drunk, he’ll get a dreadful hangover the next day because there’s nothing like a wine hangover y’all)
I feel like if he’s not pondering existence, he’ll be just listening at people (you know the people that overshare when drunk, spilling the tea without judgment or just telling their life story, I kinda love these people)
He would be a really good listener and would conclude the conversation by a inspiring quote he just made up (you can’t silence the poet in him)
If you leave him on his own for too long tho, he might get an existential crisis (like « Where is my life leading me ??? What should life be like ?? What’s after life ??? How do you know you’re living and not surviving ???) Yeah, he asks himself a lot of questions and that can be overwhelming (relatable)
If people pressuring to sing, he’ll just be annoyed so don’t. He don’t really like to sing when drunk because he knows that this won’t be his best performance 
Bonus point : I believe he’s the kind of person that can get sleepy from alcohol (add to that the fact that he spends his days working hard) so he’s likely to be one of the first that want to leave the party lol
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
If you’re going to an event or a party where Armin might get drunk, please bring a leash with you
Not but for real, he’s the runner type of drunk 
Totally that friend that’ll randomly disappear in the middle of the party to do some side quests without warning ANYONE
So everyone’s start wondering : WHERE DID HE GO AGAIN ? 
And he’ll come back as if nothing happened with some random items he found on the way (bonus : or some random guy he talked with and now they’re buddies ???)
I said he was a runner but it’s because he likes to be chased. He just finds it fun and it becomes sort of a escaping mission in his mind 
(That’s funny because usually you can’t get him to do anything that requires physical investment lol)
If you guys finally catch him and make him stay in sight he’ll just be super friendly 
He’s kind of get "happy drunk" and everything’s seems so funny 
Alcohol really does cloud his judgment so he’ll get some stupid ideas that sounds to him like genius-like behaviours (it’s not, pls stay on your chair dear)
I feel like if he finds a partner in crime, it’s over, he’s out of control (and that might very well be Nathaniel but I’ll go back to it later)
Would dance (pretty badly)
He really can’t sit still for more than two minutes so it’s better if you keep an eye on him at all time (he’s basically the result of if a 9 year-old was drunk which can be as entertaining as it can get exhausting)
Would ‘strategically throw up’ (you know when some people will make themselves throw up when they feel like they’re going to be sick so that they can keep going)
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
He doesn’t get drunk often (it is actually pretty rare as he said in UL) and he says that it’s because he doesn’t really like the taste of alcohol
However, that’s only one part of the truth, the other part is that he’s out of control when drunk 
Literally, his brain seem to stop cooperating when he reaches a certain point
Will have no filter about what he says (says anything that comes to his mind and that can be problematic)
Could easily get into fights because of that but also because his patience is very thin when drunk. Not that he’ll be looking for a fight but he won’t take any shit (literally the  "fuck around and find out" meme)
Would talk to people then looses patience and leave in the middle of the conversation (then the person in front of him is just like « ??? »)
He’s a flirt x10. He’s a flirt sober but when he’s drunk it’s even worst because as I said, he has no filter anymore
He just seem horny and he's not even subtle about it (if he's here with his partner, he'll want to go have a “talk” at some point and no, drink some water that's for the best)
(Which I believe that back in UL, may have caused some « problematic black-out get with », another reason why he doesn’t like to drink - self awareness king)
Now, I said that Nathaniel could very much end up being Armin’s partner in crime 
I meant it. It’s just that Nathaniel when drunk just wants to have fun and has no patience, Armin on the other end, can’t stay still more than 2 minutes and just wants to mess around so that kinda of a match
Chaotic duo (the chaos is real, if you thought drunk Armin was hard to manage, you don’t want to imagine drunk Nathaniel by his side)
I can picture them doing shots together even though they hate the taste of it (but just for fun you know)
However, you have to admit that despite the chaos they cause (in the limits of the law ofc. Well, most likely hum hum), they are very entertaining 
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 :
Clingy drunk. Whether he’s clingy with his girlfriend or his friends, he just can’t help it
It’s not like he’s going to do the emotional speeches and all
It’s more like he’ll randomly hug them. If he’s here with his girl, he always has an arm around her or he’s holding her hand (cute)
If there’s pets where you guys are, you lost him
He’s going to spend the night playing with them (and that way he can avoid talking with the people he doesn’t know, clever)
He would also be the one that want to go on a walk in the middle of the night because why not ? It’s mostly because he wants to get some fresh air (I have the feeling that Kentin wouldn’t feel at his most comfortable in the middle of a party)
He rely on his more extroverted friends to introduce him to other people (because he’d rather don’t to do it on his own)
I think that just like Lysander, Kentin wouldn't really be the type of person to get drunk because he can hardly handle alcohol. Maybe a beer here and there but that’s it. So it got to be a very special occasion for him to get in that state
Would get sleepy from alcohol too
𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚢𝚊 :
She’s the life of the party 
The kind of person that won’t let anyone stay sat for to long and then proceed to drag them to the dance floor 
Also a master at making cocktails and she’ll invent a new recipe by the end of the night with the alcoholic beverages’ leftovers 
(The drink could seem nasty but it’s really good ??? Like how ???)
Would get political if someone brings up the topic
Because you know my girl don’t joke about that 
Really, that could lead to an endless debate about societal issues 
But no matter how drunk she is, she still got that charisma and that eloquence (which I wonder how but I just can’t imagine Priya drunk slurring her words ???) so give it a few moments and she has an audience 
I mean, she could also get an audience while doing karaoke or dancing ‘cause she really has this energy that captivates people 
Great at comforting people who are ‘sad drunk’ or at handling those who are getting out of hand (we can think of the chaotic duo mentioned above)
She knows how to hold her liquor quite well so it’s very rare that she ends up being a mess (queen)
She sounds like so much fun to hang out with honestly 
Priya <3 (we won’t talk about her arc in LL, I am still in denial and I intend to keep gaslighting myself into believing that it never happened)
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Hope you guys enjoyed it !
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jolieblack · 5 months
Jolie’s thoughts on Silver Blaze (Sherlock & Co. podcast) Parts 1 & 2
… because I can already tell that this will get too long if I wait for parts 3 & 4 to drop…
I know Joel has said in several places that this case is his favourite ACD story, so expectations are high… and not being disappointed so far!
I already loved this one at 3 minutes in, with the opening montage of part 1 being totally over the top, mega blockbuster crime of the century style, and then the next thing we get is Sherlock practising the clippity-clop thing and looking for a new home for 327 ants.
Sherlock being a train geek (of course he is) and going on about the ghost trains just after John went on about the creepy Dartmoor legends got me, too. In my book, Silver Blaze has never had a gothic horror vibe to it, but it may well have now! Let’s see how that aspect will develop.
Other details I loved:
John‘s mum: "He‘s a very sensitive boy and you need to respect that." - "He’s not a boy, he’s a man… who plays with ants."
John and Mariana pushing Sherlock into the case by threatening him with a party, and John being a gleefully cackling little bugger about it when it works.
"Just trying to understand how your brain works." - "Yeah, you and me both, mate."
Sherlock giving us a whole paragraph straight out of ACD (the "plethora" bit) - I love how well it always works in contrast with how everyone else in this universe talks.
The dodgy SD card, which - I hereby predict - will turn out to be more than a comedy element as the case progresses.
Sherlock deducing the entry code for the cottage, we love to see that kind of stuff, don’t we.
"We’ve got a horse to find. Giddy up."- Love it when Sherlock speaks ordinary colloquial modern English like a foreign language.
"You are a child, a giant crime-solving child!" - Sherlock Holmes in a nutshell.
"I’ve done the washing up - he said, pausing for a thank you - " - "Thank you."
Oh and scrolling on our phone to the point of existential crisis till we pass out is so how we all fall asleep these days, isn’t it. Jonk Watson, the true Everyman for the 21st century.
And then we get feeeeels, too!
Starting with "Talk to me, John." - 🥹🥹🥹 The incredible intimacy of that little moment. Also, another 'John', seemingly out of nowhere - is this Sherlock being incredibly finely attuned to the moments where John's war trauma may re-emerge, such as in this scene where they’re viewing a very badly injured body, ready to step in with whatever emotional support may be needed? If so, our boy has come a long way already since the first sweet but clumsy "Would you like to hold hands and talk about your emotions?" when they were viewing the body in Thor Bridge and I’M HERE FOR IT.
And what was that shower scene??? Things getting very much *less weird* for Sherlock while he stares at his dear companion in the shower (who presumably doesn’t shower fully or even half dressed) and imagines what life would be without him? If this show was heading in an unequivocal Johnlock direction, I‘d say this was an awakening. As it is, I don’t believe for a second that Sherlock was high. He just wanted reassurance that John would stay in the picture forever, whatever exactly you like to imagine the picture to be. 😭
More lovely details:
"Cinderella will go to the ball" - "You stop being so bloody clever, and I will stop with the compliments." And literally two minutes later it’s "I'm not asking you to be comfortable, I’m asking you to help me solve the case!" and John being Sherlock’s literal beast of burden so Sherlock can look over a wall that even little John Watson climbs without any assistance only a minute later.
Sherlock Holmes telling John Watson to get on his knees as if this isn’t the moment the Sherlock Holmes fandom has been waiting for for over 140 years.
Sherlock being gentle and friendly with the horse!
And to wrap up, a few thoughts on the case aspect:
[Warning: Contains spoilers for the original ACD story and may therefore contain spoilers for this version, too!]
The limping sheep in part 1 had me going 👀 already, and now the cataract knife has made its appearance, I really don’t expect a lot of surprises when we get to the denouement, and I'm assuming that the fact that there is an imprint of the letter S from the walking stick on the head of the murder victim just means that there was a violent confrontation quite some time before June actually died. Why else would Sherlock agree with Inspector Gregory that the imprint is there, but also with John that those extensive and massive injuries could not have been caused by a single blow with a stick? Nope, not sensing any dramatic plot twists compared to the original version this time. Let’s see if I was right!
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I am new to rwde stuff, and I'm wondering why Miles is so often singled out in criticism? Like, with self-insert stuff that makes sense, but I also see people criticize the relics/gods worldbuilding as a Miles thing, without mention of Kerry. Same for similar criticisms like the plot driving them into a corner in v10, or the mishandling of the WF plot line. Is there a reason for that, or is it holdover from not liking him for the self-insert? Is he the one who talks about it the most, or has he specifically claimed responsibility for that, or he writes more than Kerry, or something? Is it because he just seems to be the more public of the two of them, doing things like his cameos? Is he simply the more unlikable one? Thank you in advance, if you answer this question.
I think it is that, yeah - Miles is the one most often putting his foot in his mouth with weird hot takes that come back to bite him.
Him being tasked by Monty to watch a bunch of anime to see what NOT to do and ending up gushing about sword art online and loving the one soul eater character he was supposed to understand about being crass?
Him going on an off-tangent rant about how Korra world building is bad only to then rip off parts of that lore and it all end up a mess.
Him ranting how on how LGBTQ+ rep in Korra has absolutely no build up only for BB ending up getting ZERO PROPER DEVELOPMENT that it SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN FOR VOLUMES (because the show was too busy queerbaiting) and only getting a desperate kiss to attempt to get the views back up... (Mind you Korra was under a LOT of network restrictions and actually doing what the show did took actual guts while the only excuse RT has for dancing around the topic is "we don't wanna")
Him watching Land of Lustrous (a show about an immortal being experiencing trauma and PTSD and dealing with grief and existential crisis) and going "I don't get it" and then delivering the absolute messy v9 nonsense that literally vilifies trauma and goes against basic mental wellness concepts.
There's a trail of Miles stepping on the same rake over and over again going back years so he kind of became the face of all the wrong decisions taken in the show.
Plus, you know, yeah, Jaune is his baby and he somehow ends up being the faux protagonist of the show leeching off the screen time of actual protagonists and getting more development and focus than actual protagonists. And him being the guy to whom "the idea of brother gods came to in a dream" and it's easy to see why he kind of became the poster child for everything bad in the show.
However, Kerry is just as guilty for a lot of aspects of the writing but people are bit more lenient because again two worst parts of the show - Jaune and brother gods both come from Miles.
RWBY having borderline nonsensical setting and offensive problematic writing is a group effort though because RT as a whole never grew out of the "edgy homophobic jokes machinima youtuber" phase - not even after becoming a company that owns million dollar franchises.
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