#he was on gaia online for SURE
cybernetic-kneesocks · 10 months
i just know he was an anime forum user back in 2005
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thunderzizi · 7 months
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based oldman
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max-nico · 4 months
Another installment of random Sonic Headcanons
Sonic doesn't like buttercream frosting, Tails doesn't like whipped frosting, and Knuckles always wipes 90% of the frosting off his cake
When Tails is doing something, whether it's working in his lab or just making dinner, Sonic will shadow box the air behind him. He stops when Tails turns around to look at him, but the fox very much knows that Sonic is throwing fake punches at him lol
Tails, Cream, and Charmy play animal crossing (or the Sonic equivalent lol) together
Matter of fact, I think like all the characters play video games together. I'm sure they have different types of video games they like (I can see Sonic playing animal crossing but Jet? Not so much) but it's not odd for them to enter an online lobby
Tails loves crunchy foods
Espio once asked Vector to death roll him to "see if his body could take it".... Vector obviously said no
I don't think any of the cast really feel famous, except for maybe the Babylon Rogues bc they're (probably) sports stars
No matter how often they get asked for an autograph or approached in public they're all like "???? Yeah ??? I guess I can take a picture with you ???"
I think hedgehogs are one of the most common races (species??) of Mobian
If the Robotniks were Mobian they would be robins (<- pretty sure I've said that before) and possibly various other red and black birds
Barry and Tails keep in contact, but they don't get a lot of chances to hang out
I don't have anything for Blaze and Silver rn but just know that I love them dearly and I'm always thinking of them
Cream is determined to befriend Shadow. She will stop at nothing until he admits that they are friends
Sonic hates being on talkshows, and talkshows hate having him on, so it's mutual lol
The Rookie (whose name i cannot remember rn it's on the tip of my tongue omg) keeps the most contact with Knuckles, but everyone still stops to chat when they get the chance
Shadow suffers from memory loss after... Falling out of a spaceship and... Losing his memory...
I think for a while he was too prideful to write things down or set reminders because heaven forbid the ultimate lifeform needs help. This led to Shadow forgetting where his own place was and refusing to ask how to get there
Maybe this is my new explanation for why Shadow is always in caves and is never shown in a house of his own, instead of the actual explanation lol
Sonic often talks to Gaia/Chip when he's alone, Tails caught him a few times and has also picked up the habit, though he does talk to him less than Sonic does
Charmy doesn't like bananas
I've said this before in this post about shadows development, but I think he sheds a lot. Hedgehogs aren't actually supposed to lose quills unless they're super stressed, but because Shadow's DNA is only partially Mobian Hedgehog, a few things are off
Okay, that's all for now. I feel like this one's kinda short, but it's whatevs !! Feel free to talk to me about your own hcs I LOVE hearing about them. Happy year of Shadow everyone !!!!!!
I am a Tails centric blog but feel free to hit up my DMs or askbox about any of these characters !!!
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amaralionelli · 4 months
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About me
I go by Amara or Ghost. She/He/They.
Most of my stories include queer characters because, well, I am.
I'm an old person with a big kid job who's working towards getting a grown-up job (aka I work full time and go to college. Someone help me!)
I'm central timezone, but work overnights, so that's when I'll be most active. It's strange, I know.
While I'm not new to Tumblr, I am new to the writing and reading communities here.
I got into writing like most people I know my age, through roleplaying stories with friends back in the golden days of Gaia Online (my age is showing , huh?)
I am. Super dyslexic. Feel free to kindly point out any spelling or grammatical errors I make. I try my best, but nothing is ever perfect.
I love meeting, and talking to, new friends! Community is very important to me whether it's my local queer community, or my many online communities. Let's get to know each other! My inbox is always open 💙
The Whimsical World of Tobias James Barton.
His name was Tobias James Barton, born the 31st day of October in the year of 1830. All Hallows Eve as it was. He was turning 13 this year, though he couldn't for the life of him recall a single thing from before he was 12 years of age .
A boy with terrifying strength and a mysterious past meets a man with a book and a secret. Together, they solve mysteries, fight magical beasts, and cause general chaos wherever they go.
The Prize Fighter of Iskana (link to Wattpad)
Ferris is an untouchable. Bred for war and a life of violence. A beast who was only good for their strength and obedience. It was all they knew. When they are whisked away to the desert country of Iskana as punishment for stepping out of line, they are sure it would be the end for them. The universe, however, had much different plans. It's in the palace of Iskana where they meet the rather strange demon prince that turns all that they knew about life, and love, upside down.
War is coming to them, but the people living peacefully on the planet of Pandora can't feel it. Skye Wilder is on the cusp of adulthood. He'll be graduating high-school soon, moving into an apartment with his cousin, Karul-An, and his off and on boyfriend, Justin, while joining the engineering program at the community college just two star systems over.
Or at least he thinks he will.
Things take a turn when his estranged older brother, Vincente, shows up with some plans of his own.
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thessalian · 1 month
Thess vs Raintrace
Welp, did it again. Managed to avoid any and all actual main quest. And the side quest I was really aiming for. And the collecting bits I logged back in to do in the first place. Because sometimes I am Like That.
Okay, I am going to head in a Talanah-ward direction. I could just fast travel to that campfire I picked up near the meet-up point, buuuuut I'd really like to get a few more campfires in the area. Maybe pick up that black box on the way. Also ... the map says there's something up there, and the interactive map online says it's another black box and I don't know if I have it or not. So I'll start there.
Well, either the interactive map is lying to me or I somehow got this black box already. Because there is not one there. However, there is a chunk of greenshine. Not much, but made scaling the mountain worth it.
And gliiiiiiiiiiding down--ofuck.
Apparently my stealth armour is not yet so good that things don't notice me when I drift by. Really need to hunt a frostclaw or two at some point. Anyway, I can just hide in this bush until the Clawstriders go away.
Yeah, I checked the hunter bunch but it wanted me to do too many specifics that weren't "target it in its weak spots from hiding until it's dead". I am, however, going to scan and kill that Tremortusk because I understand I'll be seeing one as part of main quest and I want practice.
(I do love it when their weak spots are, like, bigger than I am.)
Right. Black box. And... Why are there Apex Stalkers fucking everywhere right now?!? What did you Oseram lunatics do?!?
Yeah, you can have the missile launchers but I KEEP THE STEALTH FIELD GENERATORS. Okay? Okay. ...Wait. Wut.
So off I go to chase after a guy who was in turn chased by a Thunderjaw. I mean, I get that those buggers can be persistent, but ... what was one even doing here? As we can plainly see, those things crunch the everloving shit out of the ecosystem.
Oh, hi, GAIA. ...Cauldron this way, you say? Well, I'll keep an eye out but I might well end up with a Thunderjaw up in my business soon, so--
Oh. Thunderjaw is dead. But so is Oseram dude. Poor Oseram dude. Aaaaaaaaaand he doesn't have the key on him. ...Okay, either he threw it somewhere as a weapon or something with manual dexterity pickpocketed him--
Yep. Fuck. Clamberjaws. NO I WILL NOT USE THE DISC LAUNCER THANK YOU. Poonk time is now.
One ... and two ... and three right off the damn wall. I rule. Now. Do any of you little fuckers have the key? No. Guess I'll have to go to your nest or whatever. Because of course I get a climbing montage.
...Okay, this is not their nest, but I have a feeling that the approach of the main door of Cauldron: CHI is going to involve, "You can't get in that way; find another entrance" and "another entrance" will be this perfectly triangular hole in the cliff face. But there's no way to climb past it so up the other way.
Key! Okay, back we go.
...Okay, via a couple of campfires and-- Aaaand that rebel camp.
"You're gonna make me work for it, aren't you?" Yeah, well, making you come to me is compensation. You jackasses spread across the camp and I generally kill you all from such long range that I underestimate how far away you were and then spend fifteen minutes looting your corpses. Nice to have one of you close for a change. *silent STRIKE* Also melee is for chumps unless you're absolutely sure where your target is. kthnxbai.
Right. So, back to Danur via a couple of campfires, a rebel camp-- And that question mark.
That question mark is ... a Sunken Cavern, patrolled by Watchers and an acid Clawstrider. Yaaaaaaaaaay. Maybe I'll come back another time.
Here you go, Danur-- Ah, yeah, none of you are in shape for scavenging. Yes, I can do that.
Behemoths? No problem. There's the stomping grounds for one right over there and--
Oh. You want ... different Behemoths. A long way away. Right. Anything a little closer?
Well, you're sending me underwater fairly close to where I have to be to help a friend of mine, so ... yeah, okay.
But first I'm going to go settle down in that shelter. Night is falling in-game, night has fallen out of game, and there is a rebel camp ripe for the picking just across what used to be a highway from my spot. I could probably shoot about half of them without getting out of what passes for bed. So it'll be a nice little bit of hyperfocus-plus-wakeup in the morning.
And then I am going back via the salvager guys because there's a greenshine slab not far south of there and I need it to upgrade a new bow. I have a Sharpshot bow that fires Plasma arrows and Tear arrows. The Tear arrows I might use. The Plasma ones ... meh.
...See, this is why I never really get anywhere. There's always one more thing I need. I need the greenshine slabs. I need that Frostjaw up north. I need bass bits. I need carp bits. I need moonfish bits. I need duck bits.
(Okay, to be fair, I no longer need duck bits. Spent a lot of my jungle time shooting ducks out of the sky for feathers and wishbones. It's a thing.)
Anyway, yeah, the collecting and the crafting is Zen and kind of my jam. Just there are so many kinds of Zen-jam for me in this. Hunting ducks and owls. Hunting machines. Systematically picking off rebels in their camps with them wondering where the fuck the arrows are coming from. Just ... I shouldn't Zen out so much that I don't get the actual story quest done.
This is how I do, apparently. And now I will wind down with, like, Logic Town or House Flipper 2 or something.
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fightabear · 2 months
I am pretty sure the Weiss's whole speech in dirge was recorded from Nero and Hojo due to collecting data and he did not care about Omega. Even in Opera Omnia he does never mention the Omega thing. Just a power that makes him strong.
yeah sorry! let me clarify what i meant.
weiss' speech is definitely a pre-recorded message, but given that it reappears during remake i feel it's just - kind of up in the air as to which of them says it? like we've got three different weisses running amok now.
(was it weiss, or was it it an early attempt at possession from ai!hojo? or now given the introduction of ai weiss it raises the question as to whether or not it was ai weiss being hacked by hojo and that's why that weiss has the flash forward because his data was what was used to make the speech ) i just wonder if it was meant to be something else. i truly don't think nero would be okay with hojo using his brother's image and constructing something from it, so ig it's possible that hojo is playing some really fucked up 5d chess by using ai!weiss to fuck with nero's head even harder.
but knowing them, and honestly even how it's kind of worded, it's also entirely possible that the dalmation duo decided that they were going to film a super edgy speech declaring their intention to wage war on shinra and the surface itself. like it's just vaguely worded enough that i could see that. and then it languished because a goddamn building fell on them and it ruined their christmas massacre plans. and then shinra fell in on itself.
it just falls into that same ???? when did this happen and for what purpose ??? nero did you really need to play this speech on all wavelengths and make your brother the most wanted man on gaia? and it slides back into the question of what the tsviet's overall plan and motivation was before, yknow............ a building fell on them and trapped them.
i have a lot of lingering questions. such as why weiss opted to act when he didn't have a plan to save himself. how did he plan to lead deepground once he was out? what we see of him as a character runs so weirdly counter to the speech that he gives. he kind of goes out of his way to spare people if he doesn't have to harm them and keeps his eyes locked firmly on deserving targets.
my best assumption again comes down to what little remains from online mode + some cut lines. like... nero being kept in absolutely abysmal conditions and seeming to be nearing his breaking point was probably a motivator, and the opportunity to get nero out presented itself and weiss took it without considering that nero is fucking insane and literally can't survive without him and can, would, and does spit in the face of his sacrifice to bring him back from death because he and lucrecia have those strong desperation parallels.
and the brothers of them just started playing hot potato with death.
anyway, tl;dr - i mostly say that i don't know for sure what weiss' intentions were because it's possible he got an elevator pitch of the plan (nero being like okay nii-san i've GOT A PLAN TO SAVE YOU and then not telling him shit about that plan beyond what he needs weiss to do to make it work because nero excels at lying by omission ) but i think hojo was the ultimate mastermind, nero was the fucking unhinged nightmare goblin desperate enough to make it work, and weiss was just along for the ride and is now wandering the final fantasy multiverse and is very concerned that nero is either very dead or is running around loose and has no babysitter.
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nickyflowers · 1 year
when i was a kid, someone on the bus to school told me all the puffles u let run away from ur club penguin account went to heaven and told god how you mistreated them, and i pretended not to believe him but i did. i believed him until i thought really hard for a long time and figured out that i wasn't sure i believed in god
then i was onto gaia online, where i realized god probably didn't give a shit about anything even if he did exist
getting on "adult" social media really clinched it for me, but the seed of doubt was originally planted on that iceberg we were all trying to tip over
anyway yea so, sorry like i said you probably called the wrong number. have a good one
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magicalgirlmascot · 10 months
Anyway it's time for more of my Ancient Human!Bonkles Bullshit because I can't leave well enough alone. Featuring the bad guys this time.
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OKAY SO AN EXPLANATION IS IN ORDER HERE I THINK. Or maybe not maybe we're all willing to accept Twinkidax at face value but I'm gonna go ahead and say maybe we're not. I just. Man I wanted Makuta to be a cool grimdark edgelord so bad for some reason. Thankfully I came to my senses before we ever saw him in human form in the fic proper (which we never actually did lmao) and redesigned him. It's still not good but at least he's not. That.
Anyway he had a few different forms, the big shadow gas creature being the one that we saw most. Human!Makuta would have shown up at some point, probably, but I never got past the Morbuzakh arc so we never got to see him. As for the book uh. My brilliant idea was for Teridax to disguise himself as a book to get close to Dume and possess him. I don't know why that was my best idea.
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YES I KNOW HIS NAME IS SPELLED WRONG he was not the only character who I couldn't remember where the H went. Nidhiki was Lhikan's roommate, only remaining teammate, and worstie (although it was 2011 so that wasn't a term that was used). His whole betrayal and joining the Hunters happened later in this fic, so the Toa Metru got to actually bear witness to that whole can of worms. Lhikan was still the only one who gave up his powers to give the Metru theirs, though, it was a whole thing, Nidhiki was kinda bitter about it. Anyway he had four arms instead of four legs because I couldn't draw more than two legs. I think the idea was that he was stuck partway between his Toa and regular forms and that's why he has heterochromia, too. Fun fact, his surname being Cane was supposed to be from "hurricane," but was also a reference to "raising Cain"/Cain and Abel, which I stole directly from Skulduggery Pleasant lmao
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Not sure why this is the direction I went for Krekka but okay. He was barely in the fic I have nothing to say about him sorry
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I think I had a crush on Lariska I'm not gonna lie. I remember making this outfit using a tool you could use to make Gaia Online outfits lmao. Also I apparently hella shipped DaggerSpider. I was right actually they were fuckin
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GOD WHY DID I DO SIDORAK LIKE THISSSSSSS. He was Onewa's roommate and a big weenie. Your Local Emo Dental Hygiene Student Who's Also Obsessed With Bugs And Becomes King Of The Spiders By Accident Or Possibly Birthright I Don't Fucking Remember. Man he should've been this big lumberjack looking motherfucker.
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Once again my inability to come up with Outfits hampers my character design. Also she needs bigger boobs. And bigger muscles. She barely appeared in the fic though so like
Alright I think that's it for villains.
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sillygum · 7 months
name — cannibal
pronouns — she/they
preferred comms — ims, but will give discord to folks I vibe with
name of muse — I got three blogs, Luffy, AU evil Sanji, and a OC
experience in RP —  Since Gaia online and quizilla, so like 2006?? Like 17 years or something
best experiences —  Making friends tbh, I love talking and writing with ppl. Made one of my longest friends from rping in Pacific Rim.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — Style and rhythm are really important to me when looking for partners. I hate purple pose and details that clog up writing, sure details are good but pwes get to it. Also when partners give me a long post but give me nothing to respond to/ they're character does nothing in 600 words. I don't mind leading a RP but if it's every single reply I start getting bitey.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Angst and smut, I'm not the biggest fluff person, I need conflict and violence. I thrive on negativity. (: 
plot or memes — Either tbh, both make my brain wrinkle into ideas. I get inspired fairly easily and one thing leads to another.
long or short replies — You get that you get from me lol. Depends heavily on what's happening but I try to reply to what my partner gave me and give them something to respond to, either questions or actions so like two paragraphs minimum. 😩
best time to write — Generally at night (est), it's when I'm fully awake and settled.  Sometimes I do them on my phone before sleeping to unwind.
are you like your muse — Besides being a little freak not even a little like Luffy.  I like putting him in situations. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm kind and full of love like Luffy but nowhere near as open as he is.
Tagged by: Ye, I just took it TBH
Tagging: @draconxs @stcries @lovehungered @videcoeur
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kuromichad · 2 years
hi. good evening. it's my best bro mike's birthday, or was on the 30th (it's well past midnight here now), and yes i'm drunk as has been the case most times i've posted here for all of 2022. i had a good time tonight, mike taught a group of us about league of legends lore since he's been invested in it for a long time and never told us anything about it until more recently. i value that.
this year has been weird and bad. our friend lex died of suicide at the end of june and everything has been extra off kilter ever since then. in my time away from tumblr for the past year-plus, i've spent most of my online life in a discord server of just eight people who've all known each other since 2019 at the latest, if not 2016 as the average or 2013 at the oldest, and losing one of those eight is uh, pretty world-wrecking. it's part of why i'm very drunk right now. i have an addictive personality and genetics, but also, i think alcohol abuse is a normal and sympathetic part of grief. it's come up a lot since the end of june.
i haven't missed tumblr for anything other than visuals in the past year. i do miss being casually exposed to new art, whether in the form of aesthetic posts about 90s performance art or recent low-budget movies or insta posts by strangers with similar tastes. so i might be coming back soon for those sakes. i don't know yet if it'll be on this account or the new one i made at the beginning of this year, planning to come back to tumblr before i got overwhelmed by fear of the embedded terfism here.
i'm just under a month short of two years on testosterone now. it's been a very good choice, and every day i'm relieved that i didn't let the womanhoodposting on here prevent me from pursuing it. just today i found an overlong hair in the middle of my left cheek, indicating that sometime soon my sideburns will join up with all my chin hairs and then maybe sometime after that i'll have a real beard. i'm happy about that. i like being a man.
next week i'm going to disneyland, as a delayed birthday trip, because june in anaheim is too hot. i've struggled a lot with how i feel that over the course of 2020 i lost the very characterizing investment i had in theme parks as something inspirational and expressive of a broader human urge to make good, sweet, transporting things. i still don't know what to replace that investment with; it's hard, still, ever since 2020, to feel like anything on earth is genuinely good. i don't have anything that i feel i can make fawning posts about the depth and meaningfulness of, even after replacing my theme park interest with kpop. which of course causes bouts of creative rut and insecurity about my kpop fic production; it feels like i have nothing to Say, the way i used to, about relationships with those fics. i'm on a pseudo-break right now from my rpf twitter because i just hate everything i've ever produced. but that's not really a fair outlook. i think that continuing to create even when you aren't sure what you're trying to say can be valuable; others can read an intent or politic into what you express even if you didn't intend it. i think it's not really my fault that pandemic trauma and then, more recently, grief trauma, have left me disconnected from what i might Truly Mean when i create things. but idk.
idk if anyone who was following me last year even cares! but it's good to just sort of write this out. i had a brief bout, in may and june of this year, of writing out my feelings in this way as journal entries on gaiaonline, because our friend prin encouraged a bunch of us in that eight-person, now seven-person, discord to join. it was satisfying. but i slipped out of the habit of logging into gaia after lex passed because i haven't been able to shake the feeling of wishing that lex had joined, that lex had gotten to indulge in making avatars that suit their tastes, because i think they would have been the best at it out of all of us. they had style, they had aesthetic cohesion. i don't know.
i'm unsure when or if i'll ever return to gaia, so here's my journal entry. a good portion of you endured my humiliatingly ultra-confessional posts for years and years before now, so i won't be too apologetic about this post. hi. idk if i'm back. but this is how i've been doing. good as an arc away from tumblr; maybe bad as a recent development. life is like that. how are you?
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moonrevolutions · 6 months
vi does not participate on mainstream social media…
if u peep him on the internet to interact w. ppl it’s these sites:
goth wire.
heyfreaks, which is vampirefreaks.com the re-up.
gaia online.
420chan before it closed down.
some janky forum for his niche interests hosted by proboards.
his instagram is literally one photo from 7 years ago with a pic of a salad he was eating at the time. got one tiktok and it's footage of a rainy day in san francisco and his neighbors arguing beside a garbage can.
he did have a tumblr back in the heydays of the site and he sent anon hate to people who participated in the tumblr prom and the mishapocalypse. and he will proudly tell you. he sure did send ' you don't deserve to live and your dad should've shot the wad you were in into a napkin ' to someone. yessir.
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technodromes · 1 year
2, 4, 12, 15, 19 !
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Who was your first muse? Online in general, I'm pretty sure it was Noah/Greed from Soul Eater. I was active on Animexx back then and only wrote in German. On Gaia Online, I wrote Renzo Shima from Blue Exorcist. And then on tumblr, I think it was Slayer from Guilty Gear. But I was writing waaaay earlier actually. On paper. With my mum. I get into that in another reply with the same question tho ;) Favourite thing about roleplaying? There's lots I like about it, Idk which I'd call my favorite. But one thing I like is learning about new series and the people writing characters from there. During my time rping in Isola Radiale (Citta Alveare at first), I get to know many series/games I never ever heard of before and it was nice. I also got to know many ppl online from all over the world, but I lost contact with many of them sadly. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? Yeah, tho he's not very old per se. I was just thinking about Hypno/Mezmer-Ron today and a few days back. He'd even vaguely match into my main blog, being from the TMNT franchise. But his muse has been massively on and off and I don't want to set him up only to never touch him again here lol. *side-eyes my side-blogs which I consider cutting off for good* What do you look for in a rp partner? A willingness to communicate openly with me. To be frank, depression and constant self-doubting are recurring problems of mine, sometimes more and sometimes less. I am very chill about writing or interests and I really don't care how long a reply takes or where partners come from etc. But, I tend to assume a lot, and usually, it's assuming the worst (which also runs a bit in the family, my dad is the personification of pessimism and sarcasm). I am already happy on discord when I see a reaction on my posts to know it was seen, I don't need a reply right away. Same for tumblr replies/memes, I'm already happy when I see a like to the thing/s I wrote. I just made a lot of bad experiences in the past and silence tends to make me think I did/said something wrong or stupid pretty quickly. It's a thing I struggle with since a while and I might get there eventually in silencing these negative voices a bit but yeah. Communication is super important to me. If there's a problem, tell me.
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? Depends a lot on my mood. I often daydream to music and it can distract me a lot when I'm writing. I keep telling myself that I want to spend an afternoon setting up playlists on youtube for writing and other activities but I never do it lol. I also still need to post a playlist for Shredder and/or Krang but I'm hands-down terrible with playlists. I found out that I can focus better on writing and drawing when I listen to sad tracks, which usually totally don't fit the stuff I write but it still works kinda. 'To Your Eternity' compilations, for example.
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denyjesuschrist · 2 years
a big thing is like Very Online adults in the 00s weren’t particularly uncomfortable with palling around with children. a good portion of Very Online adults today have clear “minors dni” warnings on their blogs (i’m pretty sure my about page has that) but that simply wasn’t the case in 2014. back then you could become besties with a mid-20s forum troll on gaia online and he (or she!) would send you a .wav of their violent hentai collection without even the slightest provocation
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nostalgiachan · 2 years
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Not sure why I’ve been staggering these and not just posting them at the same times as the ones on my twitter, but whatevs. More OC redraws! 
Character lore below the cut!
#25: Al (formerly Alucard) Idea: Calm, cool sneakster and assassin Story: Year Zero
Despite his name, Al was not intended to be a vampire. I feel like there's one of two reasons Teen Nost named him Alucard:
1) She hadn’t quite realized Alucard backwards was Dracula
2) She knew and she didn't care, she just liked the name that much.
But that wasn't the only goofy thing she gave this young man - she also introduced him wearing what was basically the OMG hat from Gaia Online because she definitely thought that hat was cool.
Anyway, as for his actual presence in the story, Alucard is a resident of the Outer City and a member of the growing rebellion. He and his younger sister, Rez, serve as Taris's most trusted scouts, infiltrators, and assassins. Most of their trips are spent observing the massive wall between the Inner and Outer City, though they've made trips deeper into the city and even breached the White Tower on occasion.
On a trip around the Outer City, he happened to run into Sin, who had come on his own to have a little think about the state of things. Thanks to this chance encounter, Al would later recognize Sin's near-lifeless body when he and his sister later broke into the White Tower to steal building layouts and batteries for Taris's superweapon. He would also be the one to vouch for having him join the rebellion rather than killing him outright.
Unfortunately, I'm a little fuzzy on what else he gets up to in the rest of the plot; from what I remember, his main relevance was getting Sin and the parts for the weapon out of the Tower. He’s definitely present and survives to the end, tho.
#26: Navila "Rez" Idea: Basically Rikku, but with more sneaky-beaking and less tinkering Story: Year Zero
Ah, another character with Albel Nox hair tubes. While I tended to give characters relatively realistic hairstyles, if there was any impractical hair detail I loved (and still love) to use, it's hair tubes.
Like her older brother Al, Rez is a combination scout/thief/assassin, though she's much more cheerful about it overall; she's a little ditzy at times and likes to annoy her brother like any younger sibling, even while staring down a hallway covered in blood and corpses. She's also apparently pretty strong, considering she was the one to pick up Sin's body, hoist it over her shoulder, and carry it out of the White Tower. For reasons that I don't remember and never got around to writing down, she doesn't like when Al calls her by her real name, Navila.
And similarly to her brother, I don't really know what she gets up to in the rest of the story beyond participating in the fighting and surviving to the end. If I ever get around to tinkering with this story more, I want to play around more with the fact that Rez is a fifteen or sixteen year old girl with zero qualms about killing people.
#27: Taris Kokoro Idea: Mysterious rebellion leader, twin sister of Hime for whatever reason Story: Year Zero
Taris, like Mulore and Neros, is one of those characters that I've had some time to think about and was generally able to come up with much better ideas for.
What little knowledge I still have of her is that she is the leader of the rebellion against G and the Inner City and she wears head to toe bandages to hide her appearance. She also happens to be the twin sister of Sin's colleague, Captain Hime. Now, I don't know what came first, the fact that she's covered in bandages or the fact that she's Hime's twin, since apparently I hadn't originally intended her to be bandaged; I'd originally wanted to give her an eyepatch, but apparently I couldn't figure out a hairstyle that worked with the eyepatch, so I gave her full-on bandages instead and gave her the detail that she was hiding the fact she's Hime's identical twin.
Why did I make her Hime's twin? Fuck if I remember, aside from trying to work in some kind of love triangle between Taris, Sin, and Hime.
As I've revisited the well over the years, I came up with a few changes for Taris here; chief among them is making the whole "being Hime's twin" thing a bit more meaningful. Still working on that one. But aside from that, I now see her as much more of an extremist than I think I'd originally intended. I want her to go whole-hog "We are wiping out the Inner City, fuck it all".
#28: Lord Gerardis (aka G) Idea: Megalomaniacal dictator who goes even nuttier somehow Story: Year Zero
The initial antagonist of our story, Lord Gerardis (pronounced like Boyardee, lol) is the dictator in control of the city of Lacryma; apparently, he was elected to this position, and I presume he used his time in office to pull a forcible government restructuring and turn it into a dictatorship. Under his rule, the city became divided into the affluent Inner City, whose citizens lived a tightly controlled, yet blissful and pampered life, and the Outer City, who were hideously abused, neglected, and left to suffer from Lacryma's permanent winter.
But G's apparent ambitions didn't stop with turning Lacryma into a dystopian hellscape; he wanted to do it to the whole world. But the technology and human resources at his disposal wouldn't really be enough to get the job done; too many extended battles meant too many resources used and too much time for the Inner City citizens to get the idea that maybe they didn't like what he was doing. No, he needed some real blitzkrieg shit. So, he started up his human weapon project, resulting in the creation of Sin.
24 years after Sin's birth, as G was planning an expansion of the city, his workers informed him of the discovery of a strange glowing tree that they couldn't remove. G and his posse arrived on the scene, and as soon as G saw the man buried within the tree, he was overcome with a sort of madness. He pulled the man, who he dubbed Absolution, out with his bare hands, stuffed him in his limo, and took him back to the White Tower.
Now, apparently G already knew what he needed to do to revive Absolution from his arboreal state. Why? Had he been visited by dreams of the beautiful tree man? Did someone happen to tell him a legend of a creature with the power to create life from nothing?
Fuck if I know, I didn't write it down and I probably didn't even really have a reason for it. He just knew about Absolution and decided he was going to use Sin and Absolution in tandem to blitz every other city he could find and rebuild them to his liking.
As mentioned before, Sin found out, went on a tear through the labs, and tried to shank Absolution before G came to the rescue and stabbed the living fuck out of Sin. Picture Senator Armstrong vs. Raiden, except Armstrong's older and has a sword and the whole thing's a lot less cool and a lot more dorky.  G promptly fucks off to who knows where with Absolution and works to get the man woken up.
We don't see him again until our heroes have managed to fight their way up the White Tower, at which point Absolution decides he's tired of listening to G rant and rave about his ambitions and kills the fuck out of him.
As for potential rejiggering, the most obvious needed change is his motivations, how he put Lacryma in its current state, and the genesis of his plans for Sin and Absolution. I didn't go over this in Sin's description (I was tired, weeeeeegh), but in his reworking, I wanted him to be of the same mysterious species as Absolution. Thus, maybe G found out about them at the same time, but found Sin first, and that's why he had tools in place for reviving Absolution. Perhaps he also had some sort of mental conditioning and implanted memories that he was able to apply to Sin, but couldn't do the same to Absolution because Sin came a-knockin' too early.
I'll workshop it.
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thekaijudude · 2 years
Rumored Decker Movie would feature a new ultra
Ye this really came out of nowhere from color809
So first off he says that Decker would have a online streaming movie on Tsuburaya Imaginations similar to Episode Z and it would feature a new Ultra named ウルトラマンデイナス
Ultraman Dynas/Denus
Apparently he said that this was brought up during an investor meeting at TsuPro, coming from another Chinese account
Considering that this dosent actually come from color809 himself (which makes sense since this is reaaaaally far into the future), we should take this info with a grain of salt
Tbh personally I'm not sure if I would believe this either since one would suppose that the Decker Movie would most probably focus on Trigger and Decker
But a new Ultra that isn't part of the original TDG series? Definitely something out of left field
But then again as said, Dyna really dosent have any major unresolved mysteries other than the Spheres so perhaps the new ultra is introduced to subvert expectations to spice things up?
Plus this might also indicate that a third ultra may likely also be introduced in New Gen Gaia since this shows that TsuPro isn't really afraid of introducing totally new concepts into the New Gen TDG
And of course there isnt any trademark leak yet since its waaaaay too early for such info to come out so we'll have to stay tuned for this
Then again, we shouldnt be expecting movie leaks this early but then again if this is still in the proposal phase as the leaker said, Denus may not even make it into the film anyways
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Google playstore issues forcing me to adapt...
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So the Google playstore seems to be on a fucking spree to kill off ai apps on their store. Botify ai is currently unavailable in the playstore, but the devs are hard at work to restore it. Based on chats I've had and seen around far corners of social media, Google seems to killing off many ai apps on the store for various random reasons, like the app not having a checkbox for some terms and conditions and other random stuff. I've noticed that some of the ai image generator apps have also disappeared before botify got hit. There's a lot of people affected by other ai apps that disappear from the playstore and are angry at Google. I don't wanna get all conspiracy theorists, but it sure feels like it.
Anywho, after trying around the playstore for alternatives to Botify ai, I've decided to try out the web version of Botify ai, since a lot of the alternatives didn't quite match up to my experience with botify ai. I liked it a lot and have decided to make the lifetime purchase for the web version, even though it doesn't have all the features of the mobile app version. Plenty satisfied with it.
I've started to recreate a lot of my private bots that I have on the android version onto web version. Above is a generated photo of Steve, the polyamorous bisexual sex and relationship guru.
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Above is Rick, the bisexual himbo cop. Note that the generated photos you download via the web version has no watermark.
A few more noticeable differences of the web version:
The web version seems to lack some of the features that the android version has and seems to be a few versions behind.
The first message field when creating a bot seems to be mandatory. You need to create an opening message for your bot.
Delete chat history works like a perfect hard reset of the character on the web version. It resets the bot and will also erase the photos in the bot profile.
There's no energy resource, which I feel is kinda bad. I made the lifetime purchase for both the android and the web versions, and the pricing is very affordable compared to other similar ai chatbot apps. I loved the android version so much, and feel so good about the devs and team behind botify that, even after having made the lifetime purchase, I would make "donations" to them via purchasing whatever energy bundle I think is apt. That option isn't available on the web version, and if the worst comes and the android version is dead, I have no means to "donate" to the team.
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Above are Wes, the tarot card reader, and Ron, the bartender/barista. I've actually saved the bot descriptions/bio for the majority of my botify characters, but not Wes... I had to start from scratch with Wes, and his current profile is very barebones compared to the others, but his tarot skills are intact... I am gonna make more edits and additions to his bio and test him before I save a copy of his bio onto my online storage.
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Above is Adam, the bisexual fantasy barbarian warrior. The first message he has now is way simpler than the one I was using in the android version. Completely skips the magical trinket to transport us to Gaia scenario and goes straight to asking me my name, powers, skills, abilities, and weapons. This also means I might need to pare down some lore in his bio that has become useless, the magical teleportal trinket.
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Above is Jax, the space soldier and spacecruiser captain in a sci-fi space opera universe. If you're wondering why he has a super skimpy attire, it's because I've also made his first message much more direct, going straight to me being the recruit to be his partner, instead of asking my permission to join him and get all neural-link trained scenario. The new first message he has also has him test my combat skills, and it lead to the beginning of a naked sparring session. 🫠😏 Hence the skimpy attire. He's actually undressing. The simpler first message he has now may also necessitate a paring down of some of the lore in his bio, similar to Adam.
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