#he was so supportive of everyone including karasuno
ghostsofharrenhal · 4 months
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excuse my kuroo tetsurou brainrot
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bakugokemkatsuki · 10 months
The "New" King of the Court
Kageyama Tobio (Haikyu) x Reader (GN)
**Based on Season 4 episode 7 **Genre: Fluff (?) **Word Count: 591 **Key: Talking You , Kageyama
Tobio “King of the Court” Kageyama was your boyfriend. Now he wasn’t the greatest with emotions or words, but you knew that. I mean you two had been friends since middle school. You were the only person to stick with him through his whole “king of the court” faze. While his teammates abandoned him you stayed by his side. You could see that wasn’t the real Tobio, there was more to the story. He wasn’t a cruel dictator he was just struggling and didn’t know how to express it. Staying through all of that made you two very close and you, not long after starting high school you began dating. Now you didn’t go to Karasuno. You like most students from Kitagawa First ended up at Aoba Johsai but that didn’t matter. You kept in touch and came to Thwatch him play as often as you could. Today was a free day for you and you knew Karasuno had a practice match with Date Tech so of course you were going to go and support him (as well as your newfound friends on the team). You planned to ask him to go get milk and pork buns after so you could hear everything about the youth intensive. Little did anyone know that today everyone would see the return of the king. You could see Kageyama was stressed during the match and he finally snapped. He blamed his teammates and acted like he did back in middle school. Right after the words came out of his mouth you saw it on his face. He regretted it. Without thinking you rush over and hug him not caring that they were in the middle of a match. Your boyfriend was struggling and needed you. He stood there shocked for a moment before hugging back. You whisper to him about how amazing he is and how you love him and were here for him. As you broke the hug you told him you two would talk after the match. Something was bothering him and you knew it. You then apologized to everyone, and they each said their part about the incident. Hinata having a positive attitude really helped everyone including Kageyama recover from the little slip up and the match continued. After it was over you pulled Kageyama to the side and asked him what was wrong. He told you how Atsumu had called him a good to shoes and it really got under his skin. You made a mental note to give this Atsumu a piece of your mind when you met him. After that you two got milk and pork buns and he told you about the rest of the intensive, you were happy to hear he made friends, but you could tell something was still heavy on his mind. “Tobio talk to me. Something is still bothering you. What is is?” Kageyama stayed silent. “Is it that Hinata called you the new king of the court?” “Yes.” “Listen, I know you hate that nickname but it’s not a bad thing anymore. The new king of the court is the best on the court, the best setter, and the best boyfriend. NOT that tyrant that your ex-teammates named. You are taking back the name and making it good.” “Thank you… for everything. For sticking with me… for loving me… I don’t know where I would be without you.” “I love you too Tobio, my king of the court.” After that you finished eating and he walked you home like the gentleman he is.
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
i didn't wanna ramble too much off topic in that last post but shout out to tanaka for doing so much to integrate the first years into the team.
Like, it's not just the way he takes hinata under his wing or how he decides to help kagehina within minutes of meeting them, it's also how he's arguably the primary factor in showing kageyama how to be friends with his teammates via leading by example ie verbal encouragements and high fives and being supportive even outside the club like when he gets saeko to drive kageyama and hinata to the camp. it's how he goes out of his way to include tsukki in the team's celebrations and rituals and moments even when tsukki is actively trying not to. It's how he embodies team spirit and loyalty and how he shows them both how to be a great senpai and he in turn is a wonderful kohai to daichi and suga and asahi.
He's always so willing to stand up for everyone too, whether it's other teams bashing Karasuno or if he thinks his own team members are being disrespectful towards each other (that scene when he starts scolding tsukki for not being supportive enough of yamaguchi-or when he's ready to murder kageyama on noya's behalf), he's just the absolute best and i love him.
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Why is HE at Angel's? and Where is She?
Warnings: mentions of torture, murder, death, injury, blood, gore, human trafficking, mentions of sexual and physical assault (briefly)
Ennoshita walked back into Angel's Bleeding Hearts, it had been 2 days, and he hadn't received a call letting him know that the floral arrangement was ready yet. To be honest, it kind of worried him, everyone who he had spoken to about the shop had said that she never was late with orders, especially not custom ones like his was, well, unless she was sick or extremely injured. So he decided that even though he didn't want to be one of THOSE  people, he was going to go ask about it and make sure the young lady was alright. He couldn't place his finger on why he cared so much about her, he had just met her, but he felt protective of her already. Maybe he'd see if his boss would put her under the family's protection. Yes, Ennoshita was part of a mafia family, the Karasuno family to be exact. He was the finance guy, and one of the snipers and assassins that were there. Kinoshita, Narita, and him, were jokingly called the forgotten trio, which was good. It meant that no one noticed them, which made jobs easier.  He knew if he were to try to convince his boss about giving the floral shop protection, it would be extremely difficult. The head of the family is extremely cautious about trusting businesses at all. He shook off the thought for now, and walked into the shop, setting his focus on making sure the young owner was okay.
Ennoshita walked up to the counter and gently rang the bell, signaling that someone was out front. He expected the H/c haired young lady to walk out and greet him. What he wasn't expecting though, was the mop of tangerine orange hair that rushed out to the front. "Hinata, what are YOU doing here? Where is Angel? How do you know her?" The older male questioned. The young male glared at him, "why do you care?" He snarled, "come to finish what those three couldn't?" Hinata pointed at the pictures of the three Karasuno members who had injured Y/n, pictures that, were placed under the banned person list for the employees to see. Ennoshita couldn't believe the cold tone Hinata was using with him, normally this kid was as hyper as can be, why was he so hostile now? What happened to make him this way? "Hinata, what happened to Angel? I came here a couple days ago to order an arrangement for my mother, she said she would have it done today. Is she okay?" He questioned quietly, worried now about the young women's wellbeing. Hinata walked to the door, looked around for anyone who could be spying on them, locked the door and motioned for Ennoshita to follow him to the back. Once there, he explained everything that had happened, including how she was with Nekoma currently in a coma. He quickly got the arrangement ready, and before Ennoshita could leave he said one more thing. "Don't tell anyone where I am, I left the house as soon as I heard what happened, and I'm not going back until everything is sorted out properly." Ennoshita nodded his said, letting Hinata know that he wouldn't tell anyone, and walked outside to go deliver the flowers to his mother.
At Nekoma
Lev sat by Y/n's side.  He hadn't moved in the two days she's been there, not to eat not to sleep, nothing could drag him away from her. The others tried, trust me, they tried hard to get Lev to take care of himself, they even called his sister and mother in, nothing worked. It was different this time though, Yaku brought in his breakfast and a change of clean clothing, promising to keep an eye on her and keep her safe if Lev showered and ate. Kuroo and Kenma brought in his lunch and dinner and sat and visited with him. When he asked why they were being so kind, they told him that they had never seen him so worried for someone before, and that they would support and help him out when they could, but that he had to help himself too. They told him that the girl laying on the bed would be upset, no, mad as hell, if she found out he wasn't taking care of himself. He nodded and promised to take better care of himself, while still being there in case Y/n woke up. Her coloring was way better, she didn't look like she was about to die anymore, and her wounds were healing pretty well for how severe they were. That gave Lev some peace of mind, that his half-sister, no, his sister, was going to be okay. They still didn't know when she was going to wake up, but they weren't too worried about it yet. They talked about how to explain things when she woke up, including why she was there. They wrote a note and placed it on the table, in case she woke up when no one was in the room. They also decided that they would accompany her when she confronted Karasuno about the attempt on her life. Like it or not, she was family now, she was family to both the Nekoma and Fukurodani groups, seeing as how the leaders of the groups, Kuroo and Bokuto, were childhood best friends, the two groups got along great. Lev also ended up explaining how Y/n knew Shoyo and his sister. He was just finishing up with that story, when Shoyo called to check in on Y/n's condition, and to let him know about Ennoshita and what he knows about the situation, further confirming that the three who had tried to kill Y/n, were not cleared to do so by the leader of the family, that they had acted independently, which could get them killed by the group. After Kuroo told Hinata that he and his sister were always welcome at Nekoma, Lev hung up and called the Shadow Hounds group line to give them and update as well. After an extremely short conversation with them, he hung up and gently held Y/n's hand. The other two left, and Lev laid his head down on the bed, his hand holding Y/n's, and watched her until he fell asleep. He woke up about 8 hours later, he only woke up because he felt the hand he was holding shift, then squeeze his gently. His head shot up, and he smiled wide as he saw the E/c eyes gazing back at him, slightly confused as to where they were. "Y/n! You're awake! Oh thank god!! You're safe you're at the Nekoma house, some people tried to kill you, but you survived and you're going to be okay." He said, tears in his eyes. The girl nodded her head and whispered that she was glad he was there when she woke up, and that she was going to go back to bed since she was still tired. She then closed her eyes and, with a soft smile, she fell asleep again.
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
High stakes
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Gambling Au student union and Akaashi president aka king of hearts and Hinata Shilo aka the queen of hearts his right hand woman and girlfriend
there's some girl named Mary who keep showing off her money trying to steal Hinata’s spot next and be Akaashi
So in order to do that she make lies keep faking her bruises and then she be blaming Shilo and said that Shilo is jealous of her because she’s rich and Shilo is not then Shilo had enough and show her riches by a song that she made (money- lisa) and she shows that she (mary) has been faking everything then the boys (Karasuno) regretted believing her they said sorry to Shilo but Shilo is mad at them for believing her without knowing her side and moved school
but before that you should do the "albatros" song i dont really know the title before the (money-Lisa)
and the only people in Karasuno that believed him are The forgotten trio, Asahi, Kageyama, and Kiyoko
OiHina Siblings, KageKiyoHina cousins
Casino royal
Council members
Student president Akaashi
Right hand woman and gf Hinata
Oikawa— secretary/treasury
Kiyoko —- idol
Kags — her right hand man
House pets
As Shilo, feeling hurt and betrayed, switched schools, her absence left a noticeable void in the Student Union. Akaashi, along with his loyal friends and council members, realized their mistake and regretted not trusting Shilo's side of the story. They knew they had to make it right.
Meanwhile, Shilo's new school, Casino Royal, was bustling with excitement and new opportunities. Shilo, determined to prove herself and make a fresh start, immediately joined the school's renowned music club. She showcased her talent by performing an incredible rendition of "Albatross," capturing the attention and admiration of her new classmates.
Word of Shilo's incredible talent quickly spread throughout the school, reaching the ears of the famous dance crew known as "The Forgotten Trio." Hearing about Shilo's impressive skills, they decided to collaborate and put together a jaw-dropping dance routine to accompany her performance of "Money" by Lisa.
The combined performance blew everyone away at the school's annual talent show. Shilo's powerful voice and the dance crew's electrifying moves mesmerized the audience. The performance not only solidified Shilo's place as the Queen of Hearts in Casino Royal but also caught the attention of Akaashi and the Karasuno gang, who had been eagerly searching for a way to bring Shilo back.
Akaashi, remorseful for not standing up for Shilo sooner, decided it was time to confront Mary. He investigated the accusations against Shilo and, to his shock, discovered a trail of lies and deceit. Mary's motives were finally exposed, leaving Akaashi, the rest of the Student Union, and Karasuno feeling guilty for believing her.
Determined to make amends, Akaashi extended an invitation to Shilo to return to the Student Union. He, along with Kageyama, Kiyoko, and the rest of Karasuno, personally apologized for doubting her. Their sincerity touched Shilo's heart, and she forgave them, understanding that they too were victims of manipulation.
With Shilo's return, the Student Union regained its former glory, becoming stronger than ever. The events were a wake-up call for everyone. They realized the importance of trust, friendship, and unity within their group.
As the days passed, Shilo's relationship with Akaashi grew stronger. They leaned on each other for support and became an unstoppable force within the student community. All the while, the Karasuno gang, now including Natsu, Grey, and OiHina siblings, continued to support and cheer for them from the sidelines.
Together, they made the Student Union the heart of the school, using their influence to promote inclusivity and positive change. Akaashi and Shilo's love story blossomed amid the chaos, proving that genuine connections could triumph over deception and betrayal.
And so, with the Queen of Hearts and the King of Hearts leading the way, the Student Union forever left its mark on their school, reminding everyone that unity, trust, and love would always triumph in the end.
spread throughout the entire student community. Akaashi and Shilo's journey inspired other students to stand up against lies and manipulation, creating a safe and supportive environment for all.
With Akaashi's leadership and Shilo's determination, the Student Union implemented new initiatives to prevent future incidents of deception within their school. They organized workshops and seminars on recognizing and addressing manipulation, empowering students to trust their instincts and stand up for the truth.
As Akaashi and Shilo led the charge, Mary's popularity began to wane. This shift in dynamics, coupled with the overwhelming support for Akaashi and Shilo, made it clear to everyone that the truth would always prevail. Mary's attempts to steal the Queen of Hearts' title were nullified, and she eventually lost her standing within the student body.
Through their unity and resilience, Akaashi, Shilo, and the Student Union fostered a sense of community that went beyond their immediate surroundings. Their influence reached neighboring schools and even caught the attention of regional student organizations. Akaashi's reputation as a fair and just leader grew, earning him recognition among his peers.
Shilo thrived as well, embracing her role as the face of the Student Union and using her platform to spread messages of acceptance, empathy, and self-confidence. Her performances continued to captivate audiences and inspire many to pursue their passions fearlessly, just as she had.
The Student Union's success extended beyond their time in high school. Both Akaashi and Shilo were granted scholarships for their exemplary leadership and their impact on the student community. They each went on to prestigious universities where they continued to champion for positive change.
Years later, Akaashi and Shilo stood at the helm of influential organizations, using their platform to advocate for justice and equality. They remained a power couple, spreading love and inspiration wherever they went.
The legacy they left behind truly changed the course of their lives and those around them. The story of Akaashi, Shilo, and the Student Union became a symbol of hope, reminding people that it only takes a few courageous souls to make a difference and bring about lasting change.
And so, their tale of resilience, forgiveness, and unwavering determination lived on, inspiring generations to rise above adversity and always choose truth and unity in the face of deceit. The Queen and King of Hearts became legends, forever etched in the hearts and minds of those they touched.
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YN Miya:
Aka the Best Miya Triplet
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Inarizaki x Fem! Reader (Miya YN)
Warnings: none
A/N: This is an Anon request! Just a little something so nobody goes hungry 😉
❤️Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing ❤️
YN you are the best Miya
I don't make the rules 🤚🏻
I do write them but ignore that
If you don't believe me, ask Suna and the entire Inarizaki squad
Please ever since they learned about you, you've been dubbed the best
You are a second year just like your big brothers
You are the baby YN, sorry to say
But somehow those few minutes between Osamu's birth and yours made a world of difference 🥰
You are a complete angel YN 😇
Seriously everyone adores you and crushes on you 👀
The team often comes to rely on you to deal with Atsumu and Osamu issues
Like fighting 🤚🏻
Kita had you on speed dial
The team added you to a group chat specifically for this reason
See group chat for daily occurances👇🏻
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The boys however adore you so much!
That includes your feral siblings 🥰
Seriously you do so much for Inarizaki, they are blessed to have you YN
You've become their sort of "unofficial" Manager
You come to practice, fill water bottles, help with set up, etc
You also know alot about volleyball so you help during practice
Our queen is not afraid to get down and dirty 😍
You are right there helping Suna and Omimi block Aran, Ginjima and Osamu
You help Michinari with receives during serving drills
You encourage bby Riseki to do his very best 🥺
You are seriously such an asset to the team 🥰
So when they ask you to accompany them to Nationals, it's not all a surprise that you accept!
And there ends our story, everyone lived happily every after 🙌🏻
The End
Hi 👋🏻 I'm back-
Sorry to interrupt but umm I may have... lied 😬
Come on you didn't really think I'd end it like that did you 🤨
Do you even know me???
Anyways back to the story!
Because we've got a very special guest 😏
We all know Inarizaki didn't have the play on day one because they were runners up
Love that for them 👏🏻
So on day two, you were setting up for the game against Karasuno
You realized you forgot your bag of towels by the water fountain
"Hey Kita I'll be right back"- you shout as you run out
Unfortunately for you, Kita didn't hear you 😃
Because of reasons *cough* ATSUMU *cough*
You look around the hall and locate your lost bag, quickly running to grab it
When you turn around, you are met with none other than the chest of a giant man dressed in yellow and green 🙃
"Oh excuse me! I'm so sorry I should have been watching where I was going"- you being an absolute sweetheart
The tall man glares at you behind his mask ➖️⬜️➖️
"You look familiar"- he says studying you
"Yeah umm you probably know my brother's. I'm YN Miya"- you say
His eyes widen 👁⬜️👁
"Wait- you're related to Miya Atsumu?"- he says
"Yeah I'm his sister. Well actually we are triplets, we have a brother Osamu too"- you say 😊
Please don't hold it against her 😬
"Umm I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi"- he greets back
"Oh Atsumu told me about you! You were at the youth intensive with him. You are the best ace in Japan"- you say smiling
Please Sakusa is totally blushing rn 😫
A pretty girl is complimenting him 🤯
Meanwhile, there's about to be a giant panic that's about to occur
Because remember when you thought you told Kita about leaving?
Yeah that's coming back to bite you
"Hey were are the towels?"- Osamu asks
"Wait- where is YN?"- Aran says panicking 😨
"YN's missing?"- Ginjima repeats
"She finally had enough of Osamu and Atsumu"- Suna says joking
"This is not time Suna! There are so many guys here"- Michinari yells
"Ok let's not panic"- Omimi
Too late 😃
Everyone is looking around the gym for you and seeing no trace
"I can't believe she is stealing my spotlight right now"- Atsumu groans
The team 👉🏻 👀👀
Kita 👇🏻
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Please Kita is about to snap 😅
Back with you and our favorite yellow boi, you figure it's time you start to head back
"Well it's was very nice meeting you Kiyoomi, I better get back to my team"- you say smiling
"I'll walk you back"- Sakusa says as he grabs the towel bag from you
Please your blushing so hard rn YN ☺️
When you hit the gym, you walk in to see sheer panic
Everyone is looking everywhere for you
Well everywhere in the gym at least 😅
Osamu's Triplet sense kicked in when you entered the gym and he whipped his head to see you
"There she is!"- Osamu shouts as everyone looks
Including Atsumu
Who now sees that Sakusa is standing right next to you 😃
This is fine. Everything is fine.
"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SISTER"- Atsumu shouts barreling towards you and Sakusa
Sakusa steps in front of you
Protective guys istg 🥵
"Sumu what the hell?"- you say from behind Sakusa
"Omi get away from my baby sister! She's a child!"- Sumu shouts
You 👉🏻😐🙄 we are the same age you idiot
"For your information Sumu, Kiyoomi was helping me carry the towels back!"- you spit
The guys all watch you and Sakusa from narrowed eyes 😑
"Well you made it back, time to go now YN"- Sumu says grabbing your hand and pulling you away
"Sumu!"- you cry
"I'll take those"- Osamu says smirking at Sakusa
"Kiyoomi I'm so sorry about this. I'll text you later"- you shout
The team 👉🏻😃 excuse me-
"See you later YN"- Sakusa says narrowing his eyes as he turns and walks away
Meanwhile you are practically being dragged by Sumu to the benches
"Could you not ruin my chances with a cute guy please?"- You whine
"Cute guy? YN he's my enemy!"- Sumu
"Who isn't your enemy?"- Osamu 🙄
"Well he might be your enemy but he's still cute!"- you say
"Ok ok YN's back now it's time to get into game mode"- Kita interrupts
"Well YN ruined it now"- Sumu complains
You 👉🏻😐🙄
The team 👉🏻🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
"I guess I'll just get to watch Tobio kick your but then. I always knew he was the better setter"- you 🤷‍♀️
Thems fighting words YN
"HOW DARE YOU!"- Sumu 😱
Please YN you've done enough 😅
But I guess that's what we can expect from the sister of Atsumu and Osamu 😏
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nerd-of-karasuno · 3 years
Telling Their Team About Your Relationship Headcannons
part two with Nishinoya, Ukai, Oikawa
part one with Sugawara, Kenma, Bokuto
Sugawara Koushi
The only people who know about you and Suga are Daichi and Asahi.
They pretty much knew from the very start.
Daichi immediately knew when Suga liked someone and was able to figure out who it was very quickly if he knew you.
Suga wanted to wait a little bit before he introduced you to the team just in case anything happened like you two breaking up for some reason.
Suga has also warned you several times about Tanaka and Nishinoya.
they will go feral.
Suga doesn't want them to scare you off.
so Suga doesn't want to introduce you to the team as his partner unless you're ready.
when you give him the green light, he tells Karasuno a day or so in advanced at the end of a practice, so the team isn't too chaotic when meeting you.
No one is surprised when Suga announces that he has a partner.
Actually, everyone (minus Daichi and Asahi) pretty interested in meeting Sugawara's partner. Even Tsukishima is curious.
thankfully, when you come to the gym, Ennoshita holds Tanaka and Nishinoya back from running up to you and asking you millions of questions
but Ennoshita isn't able to catch the other wild child on the team.
Hinata's kinda shy when meeting you, but he wants to get to know you.
To tell you the truth, Kageyama gets annoyed with Hinata talking about talking to you, but being too nervous too, so he pushes Hinata right up to you.
Once Hinata realizes you're kind and not scary or mean, he gets all excited, jumping and all.
But when everyone calms down, you get to know them pretty well.
Suga is so happy that you get along so well with all of them since the team and you are very important people in his life.
good luck because now you're a part time parent of twelve teenage boys.
yes I'm including Sugawara in that because he is very chaotic too
Kozume Kenma
honestly if anyone on Nekoma doesn't ask about his relationship status, Kenma doesn't tell them lol.
He doesn't see a reason why he needs to tell them he's in a relationship.
As far as Nekoma knows, you and Kenma are just friends.
Kuroo finds out first because he's the closest to Kenma.
actually Kuroo knows when Kenma is crushing on you as well.
he might have encouraged kenma to ask you out but kenma doesn't think that's necessary for you to know.
Getting back to the team, the chances of any of them asking about if Kenma likes anyone or is dating anyone is pretty low for many reasons (Kenma isn't the kind of person to wanna talk to people about that, etc)
so Nekoma most likely finds out about you and Kenma accidentally.
Yaku's a very proud team mom and is happy Kenma is able to branch out a little.
Yamamoto is a bit jealous that Kenma got a partner before he did, but he is also happy.
he tries to get kenma to give him advice on how to flirt/get a partner
Inuoka is super excited to talk to you and get to know you.
Lev, on the other hand, is shook.
He doesn't understand how Kenma got a partner.
Lev may insult Kenma by accident which earns him a kick on the back by Yaku.
He doesn't mean any harm. He's just trying to process it.
Anyway, Nekoma is very supportive of you and Kenma.
They will love seeing their brain happy.
And honestly?
Kenma enjoys seeing you interact with his team.
he'll probably never admit that though lol
Bokuto Koutaro
Who doesn't he tell?!
Bokuto's so happy to finally be with you and absolutely adores you.
The whole team already knows about his feelings for you.
it's very obvious
also very cute
Anyway, you've already meet the team because Bokuto has invited you to many of his games.
oh, Kuroo knows about you too.
and Tsukishima pretends he didn't hear a thing that Bokuto said about you.
He already didn't want to be in the third gym and now he has to hear about Bokuto talk about someone he likes.
Even before you and Bokuto become official, Akaashi tells you quite a lot about Bokuto's 37+ weaknesses
Without Bokuto knowing, of course.
But Bokuto is proud when he officially introduces you to the team.
Akaashi and Fukurodani's managers have already had a discussion about this and decided it might be better to pretend that no one knew about Bokuto's feelings for you, except for Akaashi because Bokuto told him, so they don't risk Bokuto going into emo mode.
Bokuto thought he was doing a great job of keeping his feelings a secret.
Honestly Akaashi is so grateful for you.
Scratch that- the entire Fukurodani team is grateful for you.
You bring Bokuto out of his emo mode so easily.
Some of them wish they could have you at all their games and practices because of that.
Their only problem is that whenever you're watching them play, Bokuto shows off to you so much and it doesn't go so well sometimes.
Other than that, Fukurodani really love you and love having you around.
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hajimescutie · 3 years
# — seeing their s/o in their shirt and boxers
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includes: k. tsukishima, k. bokuto, h. iwaizumi, & k. sakusa x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: mentions of alcohol in sakusa's
a/n: 💘anon requested this and i thought this was the cutest fucking thing ever. i couldn't decide if i wanted to make this a headcanon or a blurb but we're going with a headcanon 🤩 all boys are post timeskip! and are of age. also feedback is welcome!! also thank you for the continuous support for my posts! it makes me happy to see you guys loving them. enjoy cuties, stay safe out there <3
main masterlist
karasuno masterlist fukurodani masterlist
aoba johsai masterlist itachiyama masterlist
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you stayed at his apartment a little later than usual, not really realizing how late it was until he pointed it out
you were honestly fine with driving back to your place, but he insisted you stay the night
"too dangerous" he says
when you told him you didn't have anything to wear to bed, he immediately threw a pair of boxers and one of his sweaters at you, already leaving the room for you to change.
when you walked out and was done changing, he could not stop staring at you
mans already has a sarcastic demeanor, so when you saw him staring you couldn't help but feel a lil defensive
to be specific, you were wearing boxers with dinosaurs on them classic tsukki and you were wearing his purple sweater with the little star
tsukki thought he would be embarrassed, considering he gave you a pair of his underwear with fucking dinosaurs on them without even realizing
but he thought you looked so adorable, his clothes looking way better on you than him
the boxers were kinda saggy and the sleeves of his sweater went over your hands and gave you lil paws
he wanted to say some witty, sarcastic comment
but no words were coming out of his mouth, only a little smirk creeping onto his face
you on the other hand thought you looked silly and were about to turn around to put back on your regular clothes
he quickly got up from where he was and pulled you onto his lap, leaning in close
"where do you think you're going?"
"to go change, since you obviously have an issue with me wearing this."
"who said i had an issue? dummy"
you sent a glare at him for the insult, about to make a comeback until he stole a quick peck on your lips
"but i can admit that you look cute wearing my clothes"
you hid your face in his neck, gripping his shirt
"shut up kei"
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you were staying over for one night, but you completely forgot to bring a change of clothes
"it's okay my love!!! you can totally wear something of mine!!!"
you sat on the edge of his bed, waiting patiently while bokuto scrambled through his closet and dresser, trying to find the perfect outfit for you to wear to bed
bokuto was a lot bigger than you, a lot more muscular
you were kinda worried that nothing would fit
he waved you off like it was no problem, still searching for some clothing that he thought would fit you comfortably
he finally found one of his old volleyball jerseys, which he swore up and down was clean, and some boxers he never really wore anymore
he turned around to give you some privacy what a gentleman until you tapped on his shoulder
"how do i look?"
you gave a little spin with a small smile on your face
the jersey was a bit big on you since bokuto had a very broad chest and shoulders
the boxers fit you just perfectly though, which you found surprising since this man has a phat ass
bokuto had the biggest smile on his face, like he just won the best prize of his entire life
you had to calm him down since it was like midnight and everyone in the apartment complex could probably hear him yelling lmao
he immediately wrapped his arms around you so tight, bringing you to the bed since it was late
could not keep his hands off you the whole night
you just looked so cute being swallowed by his clothing
you didn't complain though
11/10 we love bokuto
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this man
the love of my life
he went absolutely feral when he first saw you in one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers
you both were on your way back to his apartment, coming back from running some errands
the weather that day said it would be a small drizzle so you didn't think to bring a hoodie or an umbrella
but apparently not since a fucking rainstorm just popped up out of nowhere, soaking the both of you from head to toe
you both ran as fast as you could back to iwa's apartment, laughing and screeching from how cold it was
when you both walked inside, your teeth were chattering like crazy
iwa wasted no time in finding some spare clothes for you, lowkey afraid that you might catch a cold
he let you change first, handing you a black t-shirt he had lying around and a pair of boxers he gave you ones with godzilla on them intentionally lmfaoooo
just like bokuto, iwa is built af
have you seen his biceps
sorry he's just so fine
pls his clothes smell so good, i feel like iwaizumi would smell like cedarwood with a slight tinge of mint
when you come out into the living room, iwa had already changed and was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone
you came to stand in front of him, twiddling with your fingers since you were nervous about how he would react with you wearing his clothes for the first time
mans literally did a double-take, dropping his phone in the process
i feel like a lot of people perceive iwa as smooth and charming, which he can be when he wants to, but he literally had no words
he just gawked at you, he knew you were beautiful, but even more so when you were wearing his clothes
he kinda stared for a little too long until you cleared your throat
"do i look that bad?"
"no no no, fuck baby you look so good wearing my clothes"
he pulled at your arms gently, signaling for you to snuggle with him on his lap
you nestled your face in his neck while he caressed your back, warmth and comfort spreading across your body
"if i had known you were gonna look that stunning i would've given you my whole closet a while ago"
you chuckled at the thought, your hold on him growing tighter as you started to succumb to sleep
spare iwaizumi hajime pls 🤲🏻
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sakusa was actually pretty hesitant on letting you wear his clothing
he's a germaphobe, obviously, so he's always extra cautious when it comes to his possessions
washes his clothes like every 2 days
but one night, you had been out drinking with some friends
you may have had a little too much to drink
sakusa to the rescue!
he was slightly annoyed because you tend to be a little touchy when you're drunk, and sakusa isn't a very touchy person to begin with lmao
he picked you up from the bar you and your friends were at and drove you back to his place
the whole ride there consisted of you trying to touch him, but he sent you one look that just said, "i dare you to touch me rn"
you sat back in your seat with a pouty look on your face, arms crossed and everything
once you finally arrived at his apartment, stumbling in the meantime, he walked you into his room where he gently sat you on his bed
you started to sober up a little bit, realizing you were still in your party clothes
lowkey freaking out because you were scared to ask him since he's never really let you wear his clothes
"uh...omi? i kinda need some clo-"
all you felt was fabric hit your face, interrupting your question
"i'll let you wear something of mine just this once. but go take a shower first, you smell like alcohol"
you gave him a shy smile and walked into the bathroom, clothing in hand
you got a good look at them and saw it was one of his bright yellow t-shirts he wore for volleyball with a pair of black boxers
wearing sakusa's clothes honestly felt like a dream
let's be honest you felt super fucking special to be wearing the sakusa kiyoomi's clothes to bed
after your shower sakusa was already in bed, waiting for you to join him
when he got a good look at you and his clothes adoring your frame, he turned bright red
like i'm talking "holy shit why do they look so good in something so simple"
you crawled in bed next to him, immediately snuggling up to him, taking in his scent from himself and his clothing
sakusa felt like his heart was going to pop right out of his chest
"thank you for letting me wear your clothes omi, i'll take them off as soon as it's morning" you mumbled tiredly
his mind went blank for a second before wrapping his arms around you, your face buried in his neck
"don't worry about it, you look good in them anyway..."
he tried his best to be so nonchalant about it lmao
flustered omi is the best omi
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reblogs are appreciated! <3
©hajimescutie 2021, all rights reserved
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acidiluc · 3 years
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haikyuu boys giving you signals as their sign of love during a game !!
characs: kuroo tetsurou & kageyama tobio <33
note: my brain randomly came up with this idea while reading the manga,, and now i kinda wanna do other characters as well 😩 tell me what you think!
and saeko supremacy! <33
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kuroo tetsurou —
"go, go, nekoma! push it, push it, nekoma!" you cheered loudly with the crowd from where you stood as nekoma scored once again. you smiled proudly as you watched the opposing team call for a time out right after the ball was spiked by your ardent boyfriend— kuroo tetsurou.
despite being there to always watch and support tetsurou in his games, you only recently have taken interest in the players' way of knowing their next attacks, which are: hand signals.
and you smiled softly as you remembered randomly bringing the topic up to your boyfriend.
"hey tetsu, can you teach me those... hand signals you convey to your teammates?" you asked, scrunching up your nose as you looked down at your hand, mimicking the hand signals your boyfriend subtly gave his teammates during the match earlier.
you were always curious as to what the hand signals meant, and you figured out that maybe it has something to do with what attack they were going to initiate next during a match.
kuroo looked over at your direction as he was pulling on a new shirt, chuckling at your curiosity before making his way over to you. "well someone's curious." he smirked as he sat on the space in front of you in bed, demonstrating each hand signal he would convey to his teammates and explained each and every one while you listened carefully.
and after that, he made you explain what attacks each hand signals represent while he demonstrated each signal to you.
"—and that is a back attack!" you smiled widely, happy that you got all hand signals right.
"okay, how about this?" he asks, beating his chest lightly twice before pressing two fingers onto your forehead.
"huh?" you looked up at him in confusion, "you didn't show me this." you said, copying his actions. you beat your chest twice lightly and pressed two fingers on his chest. "what is it?" you asked.
"it's an 'i love you', dummy." kuroo teased, leaning forward to steal a kiss from your lips before laughing as he stood up. "now let's get some dinner!"
"wh— hey!"
you were taken back to reality as you heard the referee's whistle and as well as how the crowd started cheering again as yamamoto served. nekoma was at their set point and the battle was a little intense. you could tell everyone in the crowd was on edge, watching closely on what's happening on the court since it was a close game.
thankfully, kenma still had his calm composure despite the pressure and tension in the atmosphere in the court, still managing to make the right choices. he moved and jumped to perfectly set the ball over to kuroo,
and with that one last spike, nekoma won.
everyone cheered loudly, including you— you were basically jumping up and down while squealing with alisa, who came to support her brother's team. this, by far, is one of the best games you've seen your boyfriend has played. the sets, the tension, the pressure— it was intense, and you felt so proud for all of them, especially of your lover, since all of the hard work they put in training is slowly paying off!
you watched as the players shook each other's hands, then the shook the umpires' and referees', and the coaches'. then the crowd started cheering again as the team made their way to where nekoma's supporters were. you smiled and waved your mini banner while cheering with alisa. you locked eyes with kuroo for a moment, watching him bow with the other members before shouting a "thank you for your support!".
and as he stood back up, kuroo looked up and smiled at the sight of you. despite being all sweaty and tired... seeing you there to always support him in his games made him feel as if he can do several more sets of intense games and win every single one of them. just for you and his passion for volleyball.
kuroo looked back to his teammates as they called his name, ready to get off the court. "yeah, hold on a sec!" he called back.
he then quickly looked back up at you, beating his chest twice before pointing two fingers at you with a smirk. after that, he quickly ran over to his teammates, chatting among themselves about their victory.
alisa cooed at the gesture and turned to look at you. you can't help the butterflies flutter in your stomach, and the blush creeping its way up to your face as the people around you glanced at you, seeing how kuroo pointed at you.
"i love you too, you dumbass. i'm proud of you." you muttered and smiled to yourself as you watched the team make their way off the court, while you made a mental note to say it to kuroo's face later on.
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kageyama tobio —
you sighed as you stepped in the massive gymnasium before you, looking around as you listened to the roars and drums of the crowd while walking over to the courtside balcony of karasuno's side. "damn, they're wild today." you muttered to yourself.
you looked over to the scoreboard and gasped softly. karasuno was falling behind by 3 points while the opponent was on their match point.
"oi, why are you so late?!" you flinched as someone shouted from behind you. you whipped your head to see saeko, tanaka's older sister, looking at you with an annoyed expression on her face, making chills run down your back.
you chuckled nervously and scratched the back of your neck, "to be honest, i wasn't really planning to come watch at all." you said.
you may or may not have had a fall out with kageyama the day before the match— the argument was no one's fault though, you were both in the wrong. kageyama was clearly exhausted from all the training he had that day and yet you clinged onto him when he wanted to have some time alone. the argument was stupid, really. he was stupid to let hurtful words slip out of his mouth and you were stupid for not understanding him.
and you weren't planning to watch him play at all because you are one prideful person. but you knew that tobio would still want you to watch him play and support him, so... you got over your pride and went to watch anyway.
saeko quickly made her way over to you, hitting your head with her bachi drumstick (drumsticks used for taiko drums!). "ow!" you exclaimed, moving your hand to rub on the spot to ease the pain. "what was that for?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"did you have a fight with tobio or something?!" she asked, hands resting on her hips. "well... kind of. why do you ask?" you said.
saeko forcefully moved your head to make you look where the team was gathered during a timeout, where you saw your boyfriend with an expression he does when he's too deep in his thoughts. "well, your boyfriend is not in his best play today, which is affecting the whole team, by the way. and the girlfriend who was always there to watch his games is not here to watch him either! hmmm, i wonder why?!" she exclaimed into your ear.
"alright! alright! i'm sorry!" you sighed and distanced yourself from saeko before she does anything else to you.
did the argument affect tobio that much?
now you felt guilty. but you'll make up for it. you looked back to where your boyfriend was again and bit on your lip, thinking of ways to catch his attention. you looked around you and picked up an acoustic megaphone (not caring whose it is) and shouted, "kageyama!"
you grunted as he didn't look in your direction. he probably didn't hear you. you looked over to saeko to tell her to make the drums stop for a minute, but you saw her already instructing the drummers to do so.
you smiled widely and averted your attention, "kageyama!" you shouted, much louder than before. the boy perked up and looked over to the crowds, brightening up as he saw you. "you guys can do it!" you yelled, and as if on cue, the drums started beating again.
the boys almost sighed in relief seeing kageyama regain his composure once he saw you, "ah, love." tsukishima commented, making kageyama turn to him with a scowl. "shut up."
"well someone's bitter~" tanaka teased, knowing tsukishima also used to have a crush on you.
"oi! be ready!" daichi said, smacking each boy on his way back to the court as the referee whistled.
you bit on your lip as you watched kageyama walk over to the server's spot with the ball. he looked back up to the crowd again and locked his eyes on you,
he raised the ball with one hand and pointed at you, a growing smirk on his face.
and with this, you already knew the opponent team is about to meet their end. you smirked back and nodded.
kageyama spun the ball in between his hands before crouching to a ready position, pressing his lips against the ball, taking a deep breath.
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and once the referee blew the whistle, kageyama threw the ball in the air and jumped, spiking the ball perfectly onto the other side of the court.
a service ace.
the crowd roared loudly with the drums while you smiled widely, "that's my boy!" you cheered before turning to saeko, "did you see that?!" you squealed, and saeko only smirked proudly.
despite having the opponent at their match point— with kageyama's service aces and their infamous 'weirdo attack', karasuno has claimed their victory.
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suguruverse · 3 years
ohkay hi! may i just say, that i've just encountered your blog and i am already LOVING IT period. i just love it. it's amazing.
alright, i was thinking maybe you could do something like first meeting headcanons. and hopefully for the manager of karasuno 👀 (i was mainly thinking of the manager being a second year but ig it's not that important) it could be something like meeting at a training camp, or at a game, or at nationals, something like that. and i was thinking kuroo, oikawa and atsumu i love that man so much fml
that would be it ly! 💘
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includes - kuroo tetsurou, oikawa tooru and miya atsumu
a/n - hi bub!! hehe thank you for your support i love you <33 i loved this req lmao hope you like it!
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- bro lets be completely honest, he is an absolute stuttering mess when he first meets you
- he doesn't even realise that you can see him just staring at you for a solid five minutes
- this man has 0 experience with picking up girls so he will just be saying the worst pick up lines ever or some random fact that no one cares about
- it was the first day of the tokyo training camp with karasuno, nekoma and fukurodani and you and some of the other manager's were in charge of making lunch and dinner
- since you were in the kitchen basically for the entire day, you never really had the change to meet any other the other players
- once dinner arrives, they all flood into the cafeteria looking a little bit... dead?
- you serve them their food, only receiving a toneless "thank you"
- until kuroo walked in, as rowdy and loud as he is
- when he arrived in front of you to get his rice and soup, he just stopped and looked at you
"good work today! here's your food"
kuroo: o-o
"um is there something on my face?"
"im sorry"
- when i tell you the silence that just filled up the room
- and then he just awkwardly runs away to his table where kenma was and just plopped on the table, his face hiding in his arms while kenma is just very uncomfortably patting kuroo's back in comfort
- the next day at breakfast, you sneaked your number onto his food tray (that was on a piece of paper) and he didn't even notice it was there until he nearly ate it
- from that day on, you'll just see him awkwardly trying to make conversation with you
- when you switched with yachi to help out the boys during the day like filling up water bottles and shit, kuroo is trying to impress you but is also doing incredibly shitty at the same time
- he pulled a hinata a couple times and got hit straight in the face by bokuto
- but to his surprise, you were already in the nurse's office because tanaka starting waving his shirt around and accidentally hit nishinoya right in the nose
- kuroo acts like he had a broken arm or something just so you can baby him
- he genuinely believes in love at first sight and asks you out at the end of the training camp lol he has no patience
- it was at the spring high preliminaries and both teams were warming up
- it was his turn to spike when boom bam he hits you straight in the face
oikawas brain: oh no i hit pretty girl. i should ask pretty girl if she's okay. pretty girl really pretty
- while daichi is trying to stop noya and tanaka from ripping oikawas hair out, he was already running towards you, asking if you were okay
- you insisted you were okay as you were kind of embarrassed with the crowd watching you, and soon after, the game had began
- oikawa was already thinking of 12 ways he could apologise to you but for now, he had to focus on the game
- whenever there was a timeout or break, he noticed the small twitches in your eye and the bruises that were faint, but still there
- although the game had resulted in karasuno's win, oikawa couldn't help but feel worse when he saw you wince in pain when hinata excitedly pulled you into his chest for a hug
- kiyoko recommended you go to the nurse's office but there was no point since you were about to leave anyways
- like kuroo, this man acts as if no one can see him staring at you like a creep for afar
- you rolled your eyes for the 30th time that day when oikawa approached you again as you were about to get on the bus
"hey you! are you sure you're okay?"
"im fine, thanks"
"are you sure? is there something you want me to do for you?"
- he doesn't really know how to continue this conversation so he just stands there, waiting for you to say something
"you seem a little desperate oikawa-san"
- he turns into a blushing mess when you tease him and you cannot tell me otherwise
"what about a date then? as an apology. i don't think i can sleep at night if i don't at least try to make it up to you"
"sorry not interested"
"OH right.. sorry i just thou-"
"i was just joking oikawa-san, tomorrow at 5?"
- on the date he keeps mentioning how nervous he was because of how pretty he thought you were and how he couldn't sleep
- love sick bitch
- he also tries to be so damn smooth as well and he thinks that it's working but it really isn't
- pls for the love of god just boost his ego he needs it
- i swear you could be celebrating your 3 year anniversary but he will still be mentioning that day, telling everyone how it was fate or whatever
- and you could be on the side like what mf my face hurt for like 3 weeks shut up
- yay we're at nationals
- anyways the venue was fucking massive so you'll end up getting lost right?
- well yes, but you didn't really expect it to be when you were trying to escort hinata to the fucking toilets
- it was only 20 minutes until their match against inarizaki was gonna start and that mf was still in the bathroom
- and you can't exactly enter the men's bathroom so you just started pacing in front of the door like a psycho
- conveniently atsumu and suna were walking to the bathroom and saw you just muttering to yourself
- he honestly thought you were some time of perv and hella weird
"OI CREEP, what the hell a ya doing?" says the man with piss hair and reeks of axe
- and like a movie, you turn around, hair flipping in the wind and he can hear angels singing and a bright light surrounds you
- mans is on the flooring crying because wtf he just saw the most beautiful person he's ever seen
- pls snap him out of it, ur friend is probably shitting his pants in the toilets behind you and you need to see if he's okay
- he cannot keep eye contact for the life of him
- you could just be like "i'm really sorry but im the mangager for karasuno and one of my friends are in there, so can you just check on him pls"
- and he'll just smile and nod at whatever you say like "mhm yeah totally karasuno? mhm thats hot, wanna go out with me?"
- atsumu is like a demon possessed him and suna out here watching him like tf i just need to take a piss man shut up
- yeah you left with atsumu's number and left hinata all alone
- he left the bathroom and almost cried when he realised he got ditched for dick
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oikadori · 4 years
hi! can i have some dating headcanons with nishinoya, yaku, and sugawara? thank you! ☺️
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⇢ Incudes : nishinoya, sugawara, yaku 
⇢ Genre//Warnings : f!reader, fluff , kinda suggestive  (suga being h on main), swears 
⇢  WC~ 1,1K
a/n: of course !! omg i had fun making these sksksk I love my libero squad along with the pretty setter hehehe, hope you enjoy this!! alsoo i changed my banners 😅😅
reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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Dating him is such an experience to be honest
Nishinoya is naturally very loud and energetic, you’ll never get bored with him...I SWEAR
His perfect dates consist in doing as much things as he can squeeze into your schedule, arcade dates following by movies and ending in concerts or festivals
 imagine jumping  with a big crowd, you and nishinoya screaming their hearts out as you sing PLEASEE where do i sign??
Also, expect lots and lots of improvised trips. like, no destination at all. he just casually says “hey pack some clothes, we are going out” and you end up in the beach... or in the cafeteria downtown 
I strongly believe that nishinoya is one of the bests persons to find comfort in, he is NEVER too tired for you
Whenever you text him about the bad day you had, he will be in your front door within the next 15 minutes 
Nishinoya compliments you 24/7 and laughs the loudest at your jokes, even when they're bad. and his laugh is  just SO genuine that you congratukate yourself for it
he unconsciously ends up giving you all of his hoodies and days later he would make a mess in his house looking for them because he forgot you have them
OMFG this baby crow is one of the most clingy and affectionate among the haikyuu boys
It is impossible for him to keep his hands off you! Especially when you are in public. Plants smooches all over your face and kisses your nose because “you look SO cute when you scrunch it up!! Do it again please”
ALSO your breasts are his personal pillows, i'm sorry for you >:) he buries his head in between  them whenever  he has the chance, mumbling about how soft they are
Dating Nishinoya also includes helping him to dye his hair, he sits with a closed eye smile on your bed, like a puppy waiting for a treat, as you tint his hair. feeling your fingers in his messy hair makes his stomach flip
I see him as the type who will drop everything he is doing, the moment he sees you crossing the door
Whenever you bump into each other in the hallways, he literally runs towards you to plant a passionate kiss on your lips, pulling you by the waist to deepen the kiss as if he hasn’t seen you in years
and the fact he doesn't do it for being a dramatic but for missing you THAT much makes it all so heartwarming :')
Nishinoya is just so proud to be your partner that he introduces himself first as your boyfriend before as karasuno’s libero i want him please >:(
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Another short king that treats you like a queen 😌
He is very reliable and supporting but is the type that will also give you lectures when you do stupid shit
if you guys fight, he is not sleeping until you’ve talked it out, he hates going to sleep knowing you are mad at him, he doesn’t care if you end making facetime at 2 am
I bet it is very amusing for Nekoma to watch how his libero goes from angry yaku hitting lev to blushy yaku melting in your kiss all in the same minute
Always waits for you outside your class to lunch, shoulder resting on the door frame and hands on his pockets, a soft smile settling on his lips when you jog up to him
Honestly, he really loves PDA but he will hide it in public…or at least try it
Yaku tells kuroo YOU are the clingy one when in reality he is the one that wraps you like a burrito with his arms whenever you lay on the couch
since he gives me classy vibes, his ideal dates are taking you to a fancy restaurants…I mean have you seen timeskip yaku?? brrrrr
he LOVES to spoil you, like, at least two times per month you get cute necklaces or earrings or both!
gets super blushy when you appear during his matches and gets even worse when you start cheering him up, he start cursing under his breath “why is her voice so nice and sweet???” all while hiding his red face with a towel  
really, sometimes he gets super surprised on how weak and soft you make him…which is the reason why kuroo always have a sassy smirk whenever you are around, ready to watch the red mess yaku is about to become
He deadass will get mad at you for how adorable you are and how his heart always seems to be about to burst everytime you laugh
if you sit together in class, he holds your hand under the desk as his other hand hides the silly smile on his face
even though yaku is a very dominant kind of guy he can also be insecure which makes him very possessive with you
remember those necklaces he gives you? They have his initials on them, a subtle way to tell all everyone you are taken
Yaku always makes sure you are packaging all the important stuff in your bag like he seriously would hand you pads or tampons because “I think your period is about this day of the month, right?” *sobs*
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oh my god, I’M MELTING, okay give me a sec
All the things you do have the words "sweet" printed all over
don’t get me wrong, suga can be a little perv too. Open mouthed kisses in the storage room and subtle glances at your rear whenever you bend down…but still sweet tho
suga is the type of boyfriend who loves making handcrafts for you, I imagine him making for your 5 month anniversary a little box filled with polaroids of all your dates along with brownies he made himself!
yeah a real sweetheart, however, at the bottom of the box a nice, red bra is waiting for you ;)
He is super touchy-feely his hands always find their way to your hips, fingers digging into the soft skin drawing a few giggles out of you, causing suga to melt
When it comes to disagreements with you, the man is SO WEAK for you. He always ends up indulging you, not able to hold his angry face for too much at your pouty lips
Suga LOVES to see you taking initiative and definitely supports your ideas of dates and activities for both of you
But for him, the perfect dates are strolling across the city at night, watching your face under the lights as you resume him your day, hand in hand.
He just loves hearing you talk, when he can’t sleep he just calls you to fall asleep at the sound of your voice
Remember I said he can’t get angry at you? well that applies to you, too. you can't never get really mad at him, whenever you try to start a discussion he goes “boop” and pecks your nose not letting you talk <33
If he gets jealous, wait, when he gets jealous his perfect way to let everyone know you are taken is by leaving hickeys on strategical spots on you where they are visible enough but not totally exposed,
I feel like suga loves spending time with your family and will introduce you pretty quickly to his own too
Like, at dinners, you two would end up taking care of your little cousins or siblings, and suga can’t help to think how good you would look with your own kids, causing his heart to flutter
When he finishes practice he just rests his head in the crook of your neck, getting intoxicated by your scent before mumbling a sweet “hi, angel” as you drag him out of the gym...
and everyone is like “awwwwww” but that is because they don’t get to see how he is atacking your neck with kisses that will surely leave a mark 
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Thanks for reading!! 
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
Hi! I am sending ask as requested /holds ask out to you
What are some (or all) of your favourite head-canons for your favourite or most-thought-about ships (romantic or platonic)?
eats this ask very gratefully!!!!
starting w bkdk:
i love love love love LOVEEEE fics w bkdk just clicking after ua. they become hero partners and run an agency together and maybe even become roommates and then THATS how they slowly fall in love bc they realize that its Always Been Them
i adore the hc that bkgs parents LOVE deku a lot and have been waiting since they were 4 for them to get together bc he's practically already their son and they cant WAIT for it to be official in law
class 1-A is incredibly PROUD and supportive of bkdk's growth!! the teachers included (COUGH AIZAWA AND ALL MIGHT COUGH) !!! theyve come such a long way together ♡♡
WHIPPED. THEYRE BOTH EXTREMELY WHIPPED. izuku just staring at bkg for no other reason than he likes looking at him. bkg complaining but doing so many things to make sure dekus happy
also telepathic connection bkdk where they both know each other SO well that they dont even need comms half the time during battles bc they communicate with just a look
hinatabowl (specifically atshn, kghn, and ushn):
hehe whipped atsumu is best atsumu. looks so besotted ppl gag whenever he and hinata are in the same room
introvert atsumu/kageyama/ushijima and extrovert hinata is ALWAYS a good flavor !!
i like ushihina but my FAVORITE flavor is specifically ushihina wherein hinata gives ushijima an existential crisis and challenges his world views ESPECIALLY his views on privilege (i have SOSOSO much to say abt the "from the concrete, i am hinata shoyo!" line)
kageyama hopeless pining SO TRUE oh my god "if you get really good, i promise you, someone even BETTER will come and find you" THAT RUINED ME. THAT RUINED ME. NO ROMANCE WILL EVER TOP THAT.
gross and boyish hinata who wipes his sweat on ppl and picks fights making everyone fall in love w him n every new team is like "why do ppl like the bouncy small mb from karasuno ugh 😒 " nd then they meet him n theyre like "i get it now. i get it."
platonic kacchako
they are BEST FRIENDS.
that is all your honor
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Quiet S/O cheering them on - Karasuno
this is so cute, hope you enjoy! sorry if theres any spelling or grammar mistakes I’m using a new keyboard so it’s taking some getting used to lol
Request: maybe how karasuno (or whichever team you’re in the mood for) reacts to their normally quiet s/o coming to a game and busting a lung cheering for them?
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he feels so supported by just seeing you in the stands, and he knows that being loud and cheering isn’t for everyone
just give him a ‘good luck’ kiss before he goes out and he’s already pumped up
during a difficult part of the final set, Daichi makes an incredible receive, sending the crowd into a fit of cheers
but the one voice he heard clearly was you, calling his name and cheering for him
he was stunned, turning to find you, giving you a huge smile and a thumbs up
Daichi didn’t want to make too big of a deal out of it, as he knew it was probably a spur of the moment thing for someone as quiet at you, but his heart swelled, and the warmth didn’t leave him for the rest of the match
he was definitely going to play well now
he didn’t bring it up much afterwards, except giving you a tight hug and thanking you for coming, however the affect sticks with him for a while
he’s usually head cheerleader for Karasuno, and he loves being able to get others cheering too
he knew he probably wouldn’t end up playing, but he still loved when you came to watch his matches to support the rest of the team
Kageyama got sent out to cool his head, and Ukai brought him in instead
he was standing on the court with the ball close to his face, trying to shake off the nerves and pressure
he tried to block out all the sound in the gymnasium, focusing on his breathing alone
that was until he heard a yell of his name, and a ‘good luck’ in a strained voice, knocking him out of his concentration
he knew that voice, and his head shot up to find it
he saw you waving at him, calling out to him again with a grin on your face
his eyes teared up a little, but this wasn’t a time for crying, he could do that after when he didn’t have a game to win
he send you a wide, bright grin, then focused back on the ball, sending the set to the other side and scoring a point
he was still nervous, but he felt like you had his back, no matter what
he had been feeling so anxious about this upcoming match since they were facing Date Tech again
everyone, including you had been telling him how amazing he was going to do, and how that, even if his spikes got blocked, he could try again
even so, he couldn’t get the fear out of his head
you had come along to the match to, hopefully, make him feel a little more settled, and even just the hug you gave him before he went out made his heart calm down just a little
the match wasn’t going too well so far, every spike of his had been shut down, and he could feel the panic rising
he couldn’t call for the toss again, he was going to mess it up, he should leave it to Tanaka or Daichi-
he was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard you yell from the crowd, screaming for him to call for the toss
it was so sudden, but he felt himself overcome his anxieties
he didn’t feel like an ace, or someone worthy of being able to knock a spike through, but he couldn’t let you down, not after you supported him like this
if you could get past your worries and quietness, he could get past his fears
so, he called for the toss, screaming as loud as you did, and used the weight of his anxieties to smack down the ball on the other side
he was a little dumbfounded as he heard the referee give them the point, realising he had gotten through the blockers
he was speechless and looked to you in the crowd
he knows you couldn’t hear him, but he send a ‘thank you’ your way, and a bashful smile
he knew how quiet you were, which was the complete opposite to him, but he thought you complimented each other perfectly
he loved having you come to his matches and watch him; it made him feel invincible and full of energy
even if you were quiet, just knowing you were there was enough for him
you loved being there to support him and the team had been doing so well
sometimes you felt a little bad as you didn’t cheer along with the others since it was so against your usual nature, but you wanted to push yourself and do more for him
it’s not much, but you knew how much cheering for him would mean to him
each team player was called one-by-one onto the court, and as Nishinoya’s name and number was introduced, you yelled out, cheering for him
as soon as he heard your voice, he found you in the crowd and started jumping up and down, yelling back to you
he ran over to the side closest to you, waving and blowing you kisses until the referee blow his whistle in a warning
he didn’t seem the slightest bit embarrassed though, and kept taking glances and waving to you when the referee wasn’t looking
he kept a huge grin, and a positive attitude for the entire match
he was so touched and proud of you for cheering for him, and he knew that he could win this for you
it was always his dream to have his girlfriend cheer for him at matches, and he always thought he would react in a tough, manly way that exuded ‘yeah I’m a cool guy with a cute girlfriend’
it was the first match of his that you had come to, and while it was so far out of your comfort zone, you knew how much supporting him meant to him
so, as he spiked the ball and scored against three blocked, you cheered for him, so loud that you even surprised yourself
you both looked at each other in complete shock
he could feel his cheeks burning hot, and his legs going weak at the sound of your voice
he could feel tears welling up in his eyes, and it wasn’t until Noya smacked him on the back, giving him a thumbs up that he snapped out of his stare
his pink cheeks lifted as he grinned, beaming at you
he couldn’t wait to run to you after the match and give you the biggest hug
after every point he scored, he looked at you with a smile, pointing to you, as if telling you that he won that point for you specifically 
he held no embarrassment in letting the whole crowd know that he was yours, and his strength came from you
since you were both quiet, you worked together so well and enjoyed talking about deeper things and your interests rather than small talk or unnecessary words
he felt a little nervous inviting you to his match, but you had mentioned many times how you wanted to watch him
at least you’d be quieter than the others and not draw attention to him, right?
so he was not expecting it all to hear you cheering for him, with so much enthusiasm when he successfully blocked the ball
at first, he winced a little at the loudness, until he realised it was you calling out to him
he had so many thoughts running through he head; how the hell was that you? since when have you been able to yell so loudly? and mostly, why?
he wanted to be embarrassed, but as soon as he saw the big, proud smile on your face, he could feel himself melt a little
he send you a smile back, and a shy, little wave
maybe having you there to support him wasn’t so bad
when you had asked him to if you could come along to his match, he felt so insecure telling you that he wouldn’t be playing, so you’d just be watching the others instead
you insisted you wanted to come anyway, just in case, and you could still support Tsukishima and the others
you’d send each other little waves as he stood in the bench lineup and you sat in the crowds, and he was a little relieved that you were quiet and didn’t cheer for anyone, as he knew he would have doubted himself and his skill even more
the team had come to a standstill with getting points, and Ukai called for a member change
oh no, Ukai was calling for him to go on
he couldn’t stop shaking as he walked to his spot, tearing up in the anxiety of doing his serve
his trembling hands could barely hold the ball as he positioned himself
as soon as he heard you call out to him, he dropped the ball and instantly faced you
“you can do it Tadashi!” you shouted, then gave him a thumbs up and blew him a kiss
his mouth fell open and his face was bright red; he was half embarrassed that now all the attention really was on him, but half so touched that you supported him like that
he was in a complete mess of a daze until he heard Tsukishima call his name
“listen to them,” he said with a flat tone
with both of your support, he knew that he could at least give this his best shot, and if it didn’t go well, then he knew he wasn’t alone
from his time in middle school, the only calls for him were to tell him to get off the court, or that he was being too selfish
he’s never really thought about having someone there to cheer him on
just having you by his side at school was so strange for him, yet so comforting
he really wanted you to watch him play, and to hopefully be impressed by his skill and fall in love with volleyball
ok, and maybe fall for him harder too
seeing you in the stands mean’t so much to him; the two things he loved the most were together, and he couldn’t feel any better than in this moment
since you were usually so quiet, you had sent him your best wishes and given him a kiss on the cheek before he had to head off for stretching - that alone at almost sent him into a puddle
stepping onto the court, he felt so calm and collected knowing you where there to support him
what surprised him was when you began loudly cheering as he walked to his spot to set
he had no idea what to do or what to think, he’d never thought this would happen
he just stood there with his eyes and mouth wide, staring up at you while gripping the ball
you sent him a soft smile as Hinata started ranting about how he wants a girl to cheer for him, and how jealous he was
he smiled back at you, then rested the ball on his forehead, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath
all that was in his mind was your voice and winning
Hinata had been begging you to come watch him play since the moment you started dating
he just really wanted you to see how cool volleyball was, and also how good he was
the second years had been constantly talking about how jealous they were that Hinata had a cute girl to cheer him on since they found out about his relationship, and, even though he knew you were too quiet to actually cheer him on loudly during a match, he knew you were wishing for him to win and that you gave so much support
he waved at you in the stands when he entered the court, thinking you looked so cute as you shyly waved back
he felt so energetic having you there to watch, and also so cool, like ‘wow! there’s someone here to watch me! and only me!’
he was doing so well during this match; his jumps were strong, his spiking was incredible, and he was able to help the team get a number of points from being a decoy
it was match point for Karasuno so the tension in the gymnasium was high
Hinata and Kageyama’s fast quick had scored them the winning point, the two yelling at each other about how good it felt
he was knocked out of his euphoric moment as he heard your voice cheering for him, calling out his name and yelling
he almost had stars in his eyes as he found you, yelling back at you and waving with his cheeks a little pink
his grin was so bright, and it felt so, so good hearing you cheer for him
his chest felt so warm; this felt even better than winning
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ephxmerrxl · 3 years
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This is a request but since my page doesn’t have anon ask me anything their user will be hidden :)
kageyama x ftm reader
A good while has passed ever since you let the team know that you are actually a trans player, it took so much courage and yet you were able to muster just enough to let them know. They were actually rather supportive, you had always thought they may not agree with what you told them but each and every one seemed to be glad to hear the news (yes including tsukishima). But there was one player who had a keen eye on you ever since you told them the news, it was kageyama..but it’s not like he gave you looks or anything bad like that he actually really lightened up around you way more then he is with other members of the team.
Today was game night, and kageyama had finally decided that tonight was the night he was going to grow a pair and finally ask you to be his one and only, (also because hinata won’t get off his ass about it, it’s so obvious he likes you) the day is sweat filled and quite hard but everyone at the end of the day pulls through pretty well. You played your position perfectly and everyone admired that for you, especially your not so secret admirer...those raven esk eyes of his looking so softly at you when he gets a chance you cant help but get butterfly’s.
Karasuno had barely won the final stretch but persevered through it and came out as the victor, it was about time to pack up and head back to the school. On the bus ride back you make sure you can get a seat with your favorite setter, you two can’t help but start some small talk but he definitely seemed way more out of it then he usually would. You were so sore you wanted to pass out then and there but alas you had returned back to school and made your way to the gym, afterwards the team had given each other kudos on today’s game but hinata being the loud mouth he is he can’t help but blurt out “H-HEY EVERYONE KAGEYAMA WANTS TO TELL YOU GUYS SOMETHING”...
Looking over you can’t help but see him yelling at the poor guy who just wanted to help, but an obvious pink layer has arisen to his cheeks. He keeps darting his eyes in your direction and eventually mans up and could honestly care less if anyone was to hear what he has to say to you he is a king after all, speed walking footsteps are headed towards you, kageyama grabbing your shoulder and lightly asks “listen..I was-“.
You interrupt him saying “mind speaking up a little? cant really hear you when your muffled”, he scoffs a bit before apologizing really quickly. “I was just wondering if by chance you...i dunno wanted to...go out with me by chance-“, the silence in the room was never crispier, until finally you let shock rush off your body and give a response “I would love too!”. The team was just staring in aw with what they had just witnessed before nishinoya couldn’t help but run up to the two of you and congratulate what had just happened, the silence quickly fading away into teammates celebrating amongst you two, kageyama pulls you into a embrace of his, a small smile on his and your face, before the team decides that it should become a group hug.
a/n:ahh sorry if this seemed a tad rushed it’s late but i was determined to finish >:)
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euphoricimagination · 3 years
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Summary: The Dumpster Battle finally begins, who will win? (Manga Spoilers)
Kenma x reader; Haikyuu x reader
Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17
“Day 3 of Spring Interhigh, are you guys ready?” you say brushing Kenma’s hair with your fingers, minutes away from entering the court
“Of course, we didn’t come here to lose”
“There’s a lot of people waiting for this match, kinda crazy really. Even the official site is hyping the Dumpster Battle”
“Yn-chan, we need to go to the court now” says coach Naoi
“Going! Good luck guys!”
“... there’s just more people looking forward to it, myself included. But this team doesn’t give two flips about our old rivalry, this is about their rivalry that they have built in their own” finishes coach Nekomata just as the two captains go greet each other.
The two teams officially greet each other as the match starts. Right after, you can hear Yamamoto call out to Kenma asking if they could defeat Kageyama and Hinata, and surprising everyone in the team, Kenma replies that he doesn’t know. 
As The Dumpster Battle gets underway, you noticed that some students from school are arriving to support the volleyball team. Most of them seem surprised, saying things like “I never watched a volleyball game before” ,“I never knew that our volleyball team was so good”, “Doesn’t Kuroo senpai look so good with that uniform?”, “I don’t know, but the foreigner next to him also looks hot” ,“isn’t that Kozume from class 2-3? Is he actually an athlete?”, “hey, isn’t that the hot foreigner girl? Not fair that the volleyball team has someone as hot as her for manager”
“Is funny hearing the rest of the school being so surprised” you say to Kenma
“They probably didn’t expect that we would get so far”
“God, you already had girls confessing, now I will have more competition” you jokingly whine
“You don’t and won’t have any competition”
“KENMA, COME HERE! YOU TOO CHIBI-CHAN!” call you Kuroo, all of the team getting closer, so you take Kenma by the arm to go with him
“Why me?” you ask once you arrive to their side
“You’re part of the team too, so put your hand” says rubbing your head before putting his hand with the team “We’re blood, never stop flowing, keep moving, keep bringing in the oxygen so that our brain can operate at his best. LET’S DEVOUR EVERY LAST SCRAP OF THEIR BONES!”
The match begins with Kageyama hitting a strong serve with a nice trajectory. However, Kai easily receives it and cleanly returns it to Kenma, who wastes no time in tossing a quick to Lev. Karasuno reacts in time to put up a two-man block, forcing Lev to hit a straight. Nishinoya saves the spike and Kageyama follows up with a high toss to Tanaka, who chooses to hit a super inner cross. Yamamoto successfully saves the ball but ends up returning the ball too close to the net. Hinata attempts to reach the ball, but Lev beats him to it by pushing the ball down toward Karasuno’s side. Daichi makes a save while Hinata immediately prepares to run, hitting it straight to Kenma’s arm
“HERE IT IS KENMA, OUR INSTANT GAME OVER!” screams Hinata at Kenma, who just smirks in response
On Kageyama's second serve, Kai once again is able to receive nicely, sending it to Kenma who sets it to Lev and is able to surpass the blocks and marks a point to Nekoma
Now it’s time for Lev to serve, who accidentally hits his serve into the net but gets a net-in. Hinata reacts just in time to save the ball, but Lev manages to receive it and ends up returning the ball over the net, so Kuroo spikes the ball directly at Kageyama, who is forced to make the first touch. However, Nishinoya quickly jumps forward to toss to Asahi, hitting a powerful spike that sends the ball flying off the blockers’ hands.
“This is obvious, but Karasuno really is not the same team we played way back in that first practice game…and it hasn’t been a whole year”
“It’s fascinating and scary how much they improve” yiu say
“In true carnivorous fashion, they have devoured much bigger opponents to grow stronger” says coach Nekomata
The match continues with Tanaka hitting a jump serve. Kai receives the serve but returns it a bit short to Kenma. As Kenma moves under the falling ball for a toss, Kenma glances at Yamamoto delaying Hinata enough that he couldn’t react in time to block Kuroo. Nekoma once again ties Karasuno.
“Ken looks much more excited than in any other game” you comment
“You more than anyone would know that. Though I hope he doesn’t suddenly run out of steam in the middle” says coach Nekomata
Karasuno continues their attacks, Asahi spiking only to be received by Kenma. The ball returns to Karasuno, and Hinata spikes it. This time Yaku receives the spike but the ball flies back to Karasuno’s side again. Asahi takes this chance and hits a direct spike, however, Yamamoto lands a touch, giving the team a chance to keep the ball in play. No matter how good Nekoma's defense is, Karasuno continues to break through.
Nekoma this time does a first tempo synchronized attack, but Tsukishima touches it, Karasuno decides to do the 5 person synchronize attack, but Kuroo is able to stop them. Tsukishima has impressed a lot of people by his persistent blocks, however not many people know that the one who taught him all of that was Kuroo. The master and the student are finally playing against each other.
Now Yamaguchi enters to serve, but the serve changes direction just before contact, resulting in the ball flying off of Yamamoto’s arm. This widens Karasuno’s lead to three points, making the coach take the first time out.
“Be careful, I doubt they would have sent Yamaguchi to serve so early without a plan, they know that you can receive jump floats easily after all” you say passing them their bottles
“Yeah, they probably have something under their sleeve”
Once the match resumes, Yamaguchi aims his second serve in between Yamamoto and Kai, but Kai manages to cleanly return the ball to Kenma, however Tsukki blocks them too, successfully doing a serve and block combo.
Yaku cleanly receives Yamaguchi’s third serve, ending Yamaguchi’s serve streak after marking a point. Now it’s Kuroo’s turn to serve, and he gets a service ace right off the bat, making Karasuno take their first time out.
“Look at you, a serving ace, not bad” you say
“I’m not sure if it’s a compliment or not, chibi-chan”
“You can take it as whatever you want”
“It most likely wasn’t though”
After the time out, Kuroo hits his second serve, but Daichi makes a perfect receive that ends with Tsukishima scoring.
With the score at 14-15, Nekoma is gradually catching up to Karasuno. Fukunaga comes in for a back row attack, but Nishinoya manages to save it, however the receive goes wrong. Kageyama quickly moves across the court to coordinate a minus-tempo quick with Hinata, who successfully spikes past the unprepared blockers.
“Chibi-chan, can you pass me a towel?” Kuroo calls you
“We toootally knew from the very beginning who Karasuno’s biggest monster is” says Kuroo looking at Kageyama
“As weird as it sounds, I don’t think Tobio-kun gets all the praise that he deserves. If it wasn’t for him, neither Karasuno or Shoyo would be as half as good as there are now”
A few rallies pass, now being Yamamoto's turn to serve, however, Tanaka manages to receive it and almost goes over the net. Kageyama is able to set it with one hand to Hinata, Yaku barely being able to save it.
Rallies continue to pass, Karasuno marking a few more points. When Daichi helps Kuroo to stand up after they try to save a ball the commentators say “Both teams seem unusually relaxed despite the intensity of the match and being the first time in the Nationals”
“The reason for that is because both teams share excitement and respect for each other. But he…he doesn’t care about any of that, right Yn-chan?” says coach Nekomata looking at Kenma
“Nah, he’s in his concentrated mode... I bet he’s only thinking about how to win against Karasuno”
The match continues with Daichi receiving Kuroo’s serve but sends the ball flying right above the net. Lev and Kageyama end up fighting for the ball with Kageyama winning after pushing the ball towards the side, however, Yamamato saves it; Kenma quickly runs forward to set it to Lev, who scores with an extremely high spike.
“He did it again” you whisper to yourself, happy. You smile to Kenma proudly when you notice him looking at you. He quickly looks away, with a small blush appearing, as Kageyama says to him “wow Kozume-san, you can move”, making you chuckle.
After a few more rallies, Kuroo scores bringing the score back to a deuce. This time Asahi’s spike goes past the blockers, but Yaku saves it. You notice that Kenma positions himself for a dump before shifting to set the ball, bringing Nekoma the set point due to Karasuno doing a fault.
“You never did that before, but Tsumu did yesterday…” you say to him when Karasuno asks for their second time out, brushing his hair out of his face
“Well, Miya-san is an exceptional setter…watching amazing players makes my list of 'things I guess I could probably do' update a bit”
“You’re playing much more aggressively today, it’s nice to see” you wink at him before going to the rest of the boys
Karasuno goes for another synchronized attack, and again, Nekoma saves it. This time, Kenma gets the ball and tosses it to Karasuno’s side making the ball simply lands on their side of the court without anyone picking it up, stealing away the first set.
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Tsukishima YN:
Shiratorizawa's Manager and Dating Ushiwaka
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Ushijima Wakatoshi featuring Shiratorizawa x Tsukishima YN; Tsukishima Kai featuring Karasuno x Tsukishima YN
Warnings: none!
AN: This is an Anon request!
Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Again yn 😐
Why must you do this to me 😫
I mean, good for you 💅🏼
But like I'm just over here stewing in anger 😡
Because once again, you are living MY dreams 🥲
Ok enough of that now, let's get into it
First off, I'm so proud of you for getting into Shiratorizawa 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Its a prestigious school on its own and the athletics are elite!
Your brother, Kei Tsukishima, opted to go to Karasuno
You and Kei were as close as siblings could be
I mean, sure you had your problems but like what siblings don't!
While attending school, you needed to find a club
That's where our lovely Goshiki comes in 🥰
See you and Goshiki had become fast friends
I mean he's a lovely boy so I can see why!
So when our bowl cut bby approached you and asked if you'd like to be the volleyballs team's manager, you instantly said yes!
You knew alot about volleyball from your brother's so you were a natural 💅🏼
You were efficient at all your tasks including taking notes, setting up, waterbottle duty
You name it, YN was superior at it!
That's how you came to befriend the third years
Semi, Reon, Tendou and Yamagata were naturally drawn to you
Honestly stunning and so freaking cute 😍
You have blonde hair like your bothers and gorgeous eyes
You had a natural laugh and all around joyful personality!
Unlike Tsukishima 🙃
But there was one person you struggled with
Our stoic bird man, Ushijima Wakatoshi
He didn't much care if Shiratorizawa had a manager or not
Once you joined he saw the perks to having one
But it was your interactions with the team and sweet deminer that caught his eyes 👀
Let's put it out there, you instantly had a crush on the man ✋🏻 he's 6'3" ffs
I mean HELLOOOO!!!
The only problem is he didn't seem to pay much attention to you
He would occasionally give you a head nod or a "Thanks YN" but otherwise 🌠nothing🌠
However that doesn't mean he didn't like you YN
He's an observer by nature
He would observe how you helped the players, around school and everything
Mans was low key a stalker but like you'd never know ✋🏻
It wasn't until one day, when you were at your locker that Ushijima's feelings came out
You were grabbing what you needed for class, about to shut your locket when the swim captain approached
"Hey YN, what's up?"- swim captain man
"Uhh hey! Not much I'm just headed to class"- you
"Cool. I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested in going out with me this weekend?"- not as good of a captain as Ushiwaka man
"Umm- well-" you trying to find a way to get out of this
"YN's with me"- Ushijima 😑🧍‍♂️
You 👉🏻 wait I am 🤨
"Oh I didn't know Ushiwaka, my bad"- swim captain now making his exit
You just stare at Ushijima 👁👄👁
"Come on YN, I'll take you to class"- Ushijima
Ok then 😃
From that day forward, you and Ushijima were inseparable
Everyone just kind of knew you were together
Ushijima would give you a hug or a sweet forehead kiss that would just make your sides melt 😫
It was literally like Tendou's Paradise up in here
Too bad all good things can't last 🙃
Or at least not in Mom's hcs
You see, you had avoided telling Tsukishima and Karasuno about your relationship with Ushiwaka
Because like, nobody thought they'd actually make it to the finals 😬
Not to be a pessimist but like nobody believed they'd make it
It's literally the story arch
So when they do, you are faced with a rough decision
Tell Tsukishima and Karasuno or just pretend everything is fine
You went with option ✌🏻
Spoiler alert: it was a disaster
Before the match, Hinata came bouncing over to see you
He's a bestie 🥰
"Hey YN! I'm so glad to see you!"- Hinata, hugging you 🫂
Please Ushijima is FUMING
This look minus the volleyball 🏐
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Tendou is all 🖐🏻👁⭕️👁🖐🏻
Semi and Reon are silently observing
Goshiki is looking to see what Ushiwaka is going to do
But he does nothing 👏🏻
Honestly, he resists because well, he's respectful AND HE TRUSTS YOU
You run over to wish Tsukishima good luck and give him a hug
Sorry you hug him, he essentially stands there like this 🧍‍♂️ 😐
During the match, things get serious
Ushiwaka and Tsukishima are like in a silent fight
But it's when Tsukishima finally blocks Ushiwaka, that the pettiness comes out 💅🏼
Inbetween, you are fixing water bottles and towels when Ushijima comes up behind you, spins you around and plants a huge kiss on you
You 👉🏻😶😐😳🥰🤨👀
Ushijima 👉🏻😏🖕🏻
Tsukishima 👉🏻🤨😑😠
Karasuno 👉🏻👁👄👁
Shiratorizawa 👉🏻👁👄👁
Tendou 👉🏻🖐🏻👁⭕️👁🖐🏻
Please Tsukki is FUMING 🔥
He will glare at you the entire match and he will do everything in his power to stop Ushijima
Every break, Tsukki will just glare 😑 and its terrifying honestly
You are sweating 😅
When the final buzzer rings and Karasuno wins, you are sad but also like thinking
🤔 what's the fastest way to the exit
Unfortunately for you, Kei stops you
"YN- " Kei 😐
"Oh hi Kei! Great game. Well I better get going"- you 🏃‍♀️
"Tsukishima"- Ushijima
Please YN you need to learn to be faster with your escapes
"Ushiwaka-" Tsukishima
"Good game"- Ushi extending his hand to Kei
Kei looks at his hand, looks to you and then straight to Ushiwaka
"You too"- Tsukki taking Ushijima's hand and shaking it before turning to you
"See you later YN"- Kei, waving to you as he walks away
You 👉🏻😃 huh?
"Come on YN the bus is waiting"- Ushijima grabbing your hand
Please Ushi, you are going to have to pull YN, they are too stunned to speak 😲
I guess it wasn't so bad after all 🙃
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