#he would also wear the box to go outside during day time so protect him from sunlight
kquil · 1 year
🧁 : cupcake
tell me about yourself, as much or as little as possible and i will ship you with whichever marauder i think you will go well with!
I've never done this before so I apologize if this is bad haha
ok so i am 5'9, i hate summer (i am suffering lol), i love to bake, i am currently learning how to crochet, I like to read, I love musicals and will sing along to them, I am a jeans and a hoodie/plaid person and its all I wear lol, I love cozy games like stardew valley and animal crossing
I think thats it I don't know what else to say
don't worry darling, you did great requesting this -^7^-
you sound like an absolute cutiepie and since im a sucker for opposites attract, i'm shipping you with regulus black
i. regulus doesn't like summer too and adores whenever you get all bundled up to go outside during the colder months; he thinks you look adorable. he also likes the fact that winter gives him a lot of excuses to be close to you i.e to hold your hand and keep them warm, cuddle you to keep you warm and offer you his jacket...to keep you warm XD
ii. you spoil regulus with your baking, he was never really one for sweets but he gives all your baking creations a try and now he's grown quite the sweet tooth, he'll only admit it around you though
iii. you also spoil him with your crochet creations. you're still learning so you focus on small little trinkets first and he adores all of them, even the ones that don't quite look right or turn out lopsided. he doesn't openly fawn over them but shows his silent adoration by keeping every single one in a small treasure trove he's created using a box.
iv. you both love reading and it always ends in the two of you cuddled against each other. the peaceful silence is welcome but you'll occasionally come across a scene in your book that draws a reaction from you that you instantly have to explain to regulus. throughout your entire explanation, he's looking at you with love eyes. he loves listening to you and seeing your passions about something
v. regulus never really had a chance to watch musicals, he was mostly subjected to suffocating operas and ballets. when you heard this, you made sure to take him out to watch several of your favourite musicals, which were a good change of pace. he doesn't know how to feel about them other than he likes how excited and passionate you get about them; you're just always so adorable to him
vi. one day, he asks why you always wear simple jeans and a hoodie and you explain 'they're just so comfortable to wear', his upbringing has robbed him of such experiences so when you let him borrow your plaids/hoodies and buy him a pair of jeans, he feels as though he owes you so much - until he gets his own hoodies and plaid shirts, he's borrowing yours
vii. you make him get his own nintendo switch so he can start animal crossing and work on his own island as well. he doesn't take it seriously at first but when you offer to go to his island to help him, he seriously steps up his game to impress you and so that he doesn't look lazy - his island is immaculate as well! omg! you're jealous but impressed
viii. honourable mention : i also, lowkey ship you with Remus Lupin, you two cinnamon rolls would be cute together. he's the calmest out of the marauders but he's stressed all the time; you are the only person who can make him feel at ease, especially when you pull him into your relaxing and cosy hobbies to do together. he also thinks your adorable and feels a protectiveness over you so i feel as though he would be very hesitant to tell you about his lycanthropy
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hungerun · 11 months
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under the cut will be my general hc about the timeline of the general story, and my six's canon divergence.
>the nest happened about a year before the main game, six was a curious and adventurous little girl, which often got her into some trouble, the nest was no different. but what was different, was the friend she found in such a scary place, raincoat girl. unfortunately, while six made it out alive, raincoat girl did not, despite six’s best efforts. she now wears the girl’s old raincoat in remembrance.
>six is taken from the beaches surrounding her home, and dumped into the depths of the maw. when she awakes with a start, due to the maw’s effects, she doesn’t remember much about who she is, or how exactly she got there. >though she was terrified, a strange vision compels her forward, but she isn’t sure what, or why. her journey on the maw from bottom to top, took about a months time. she meets the campfire kids, (the ones from the old comics), at some point while trying to hide from the chefs. the group doesn’t remember their names either. instead, they go by nicknames. they give her name, ‘six’. >she has to move on, eventually, but hopes she’ll see them again, someday.
>six unknowingly completes the ritual, gaining her mother’s powers, along with all of her memories, and her knowledge. six knew she was supposed to become the next lady of the maw, but. uh, not a chance. >instead? she tore through the maw, wrecking havoc in her wake, no one could get in her way. she threw open the doors, and she escaped into the day, leaving the now empty, powerless ship to simply rot away. >once outside, she was lucky enough to be able to hijack’s fate’s little row-boat, left near by from his most recent trip to the maw. >though, unfortunely, her trip back to the mainlands, isn’t exactly a smooth one. it’s just her luck, isn’t it? as six got closer and closer to shore, the signal tower began to effect her, and her new powers.
>the people running the show weren’t ever a big fan of the fujioka family, due to their little ‘safehouse’ idea. so, part of the signal acts as a sort of ‘jammer’, supposed to keep her from ever coming ashore. >and when six began to suffer from it’s effect, her powers, the thing that’d been attached to her… sort of freaked out, panicked, trying to protect itself. after a short struggle to regain control which. didn’t go so well, her boat flipped, and the next thing she remembers is waking up, washed up on forest’s beach. >(she also lost her raincoat and lighter at some point, washing up without either one. she finds both things again later on in the pale though, much to six’s relief, considering their personal value.)
>and, that’s when the hunter found her and took her in. six didn’t have much choice in the matter, considering how weak she was. >she had a few escape attempts, though unfortunely none were especially successful, only causing the hunter to become more and more strict. (during one of these attempts, she saw mono.) >eventually, mono came to help her, and though six is. like, vaguely suspicious/distrustful of him at first, they end up escaping together. >their journey continues. though the school, the hospital, the city streets, but. the signal tower’s effect on mono gets worse and worse, it beacons him closer, and closer, until!– the thinman is set free once more, and quickly sets his sights on the kid responsible, and his little friend, too. the thinman kidnaps six, both to use her as bait, and to get her outta the way, considering what’s next.
>during their final encounter, the thinman willingly gives up his powers to mono, and fades away. he assumed mono would go and defeat six, and then, in the end, become the new thinman, leaving no loose ends behind. >but, mono actually found a different way, and managed to revert the changes the signal-infused music box had on six, which. yay! >what’s less ‘yay’ though, is. how the signal reacts, considering it no longer has its puppeteer. it lashes out, manifesting within the tower, and doing everything in it’s power to get to mono. >the two try to escape, mono jumps the gap across a broken bridge, and six catches him. but, struggles to pull him up against the aggressive pull of the signal. try as she might, his hand eventually slips out of her grasp, and mono falls into the darkness below. >she hesitates, wanting to go after him… somehow, but as the tower threatens to collapse around her, she’s forced to leave him behind, unless she wants to go down with him.
>mono does what the signal wants, he becomes the new thinman, but with this newfound power, he doesn’t go quietly. he refuses to believe this is the end, the real end, and… well. then it’s not. >time itself rewinds, starting again at the beginning. six escapes the maw again, mono escapes whatever he had been dealing with before as well. then, they meet in the hunter’s cabin, and the rest of their story plays out, repeated. >they go through this loop five times in total, they escape, they meet, they have their adventure, and it ends with the two of them unceremoniously separated.
>neither remember anything once the loop restarts again, but. who does remember, is the phantom kids they save throughout each of their journeys. so, after the third go-around, that group of kids step in last minute and help six and mono escape the tower together, finally breaking the loop, and taking the signal tower down with it. >the destruction of the signal tower doesn’t mean everything’s alright now, of course. the world they live in is still a scary one, and it can’t be fixed over night. >but, hey. it’s a start, and. at least now, they have each other again.
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hungerun-a · 1 year
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under the cut will be my general hc abt the timeline of the general story.
>the nest happened about a year before the main game, six was a curious and adventurous little girl, which often got her into some trouble, the nest was no different. but what was different, was the friend she found in such a scary place, raincoat girl. unfortunately, while six made it out alive, raincoat girl did not, despite six’s best efforts. she now wears the girl’s old raincoat in remembrance.
>six is taken from the beaches surrounding her home, and dumped into the depths of the maw. when she awakes with a start, due to the maw’s effects, she doesn’t remember much about who she is, or how exactly she got there. >though she was terrified, a strange vision compels her forward, but she isn’t sure what, or why. her journey on the maw from bottom to top, took about a months time. she meets the campfire kids, (the ones from the old comics), at some point while trying to hide from the chefs. the group doesn’t remember their names either. instead, they go by nicknames. they give her name, ‘six’. >she has to move on, eventually, but hopes she’ll see them again, someday.
>six unknowingly completes the ritual, gaining her mother’s powers, along with all of her memories, and her knowledge. six knew she was supposed to become the next lady of the maw, but. uh, not a chance. >instead? she tore through the maw, wrecking havoc in her wake, no one could get in her way. she threw open the doors, and she escaped into the day, leaving the now empty, powerless ship to simply rot away.
>once outside, she was lucky enough to be able to hijack’s fate’s little row-boat, left near by from his most recent trip to the maw. >though, unfortunely, her trip back to the mainlands, isn’t exactly a smooth one. it’s just her luck, isn’t it? as six got closer and closer to shore, the signal tower began to effect her, and her new powers.
>the people running the show weren’t ever a big fan of the fujioka family, due to their little ‘safehouse’ idea. so, part of the signal acts as a sort of ‘jammer’, supposed to keep her from ever coming ashore. >and when six began to suffer from it’s effect, her powers, the thing that’d been attached to her… sort of freaked out, panicked, trying to protect itself. after a short struggle to regain control which. didn’t go so well, her boat flipped, and the next thing she remembers is waking up, washed up on forest’s beach.
>(she also lost her raincoat and lighter at some point, washing up without either one. she finds both things again later on in the pale though, much to six’s relief, considering their personal value.)
>and, that’s when the hunter found her and took her in. six didn’t have much choice in the matter, considering how weak she was. >she had a few escape attempts, though unfortunely none were especially successful, only causing the hunter to become more and more strict. (during one of these attempts, she saw mono.) >eventually, mono came to help her, and though six is. like, vaguely suspicious/distrustful of him at first, they end up escaping together.
>their journey continues. though the school, the hospital, the city streets, but. the signal tower’s effect on mono gets worse and worse, it beacons him closer, and closer, until!– the thinman is set free once more, and quickly sets his sights on the kid responsible, and his little friend, too. the thinman kidnaps six, both to use her as bait, and to get her outta the way, considering what’s next.
>during their final encounter, the thinman willingly gives up his powers to mono, and fades away. he assumed mono would go and defeat six, and then, in the end, become the new thinman, leaving no loose ends behind. >but, mono actually found a different way, and managed to revert the changes the signal-infused music box had on six, which. yay! >what’s less ‘yay’ though, is. how the signal reacts, considering it no longer has its puppeteer. it lashes out, manifesting within the tower, and doing everything in it’s power to get to mono.
>the two try to escape, mono jumps the gap across a broken bridge, and six catches him. but, struggles to pull him up against the aggressive pull of the signal. try as she might, his hand eventually slips out of her grasp, and mono falls into the darkness below. >she hesitates, wanting to go after him… somehow, but as the tower threatens to collapse around her, she’s forced to leave him behind, unless she wants to go down with him.
>mono does what the signal wants, he becomes the new thinman, but with this newfound power, he doesn’t go quietly. he refuses to believe this is the end, the real end, and… well. then it’s not.
>time itself rewinds, starting again at the beginning. six escapes the maw again, mono escapes whatever he had been dealing with before as well. then, they meet in the hunter’s cabin, and the rest of their story plays out, repeated. >they go through this loop five times in total, they escape, they meet, they have their adventure, and it ends with the two of them unceremoniously separated.
>neither remember anything once the loop restarts again, but. who does remember, is the phantom kids they save throughout each of their journeys. so, after the third go-around, that group of kids step in last minute and help six and mono escape the tower together, finally breaking the loop, and taking the signal tower down with it.
>the destruction of the signal tower doesn’t mean everything’s alright now, of course. the world they live in is still a scary one, and it can’t be fixed over night. >but, hey. it’s a start, and. at least now, they have each other again.
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
havent stopped thinking about vampire!kip since yesterday oof
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iyumeu · 3 years
i can be your angle or yuor demon
summary: [takes place right after the angelic demons event] in front of you stands an angel and a demon. which would you choose?
characters featured: lucifer, mammon, leviathan (aka older brother trio)
It had been a few days since the party that had taken place in the celestial realm. Your demonic housemates were now back to their normal, devilish selves but you notice that they seemed a little... odd. Subdued, even.
Today was no different; the brothers had been quiet during dinner, either picking at their food or simply straight up not attending dinner. You had gone to bed feeling off-kilter and worried. That was it, you decided, it was time to stage an intervention. You were going to confront your demonic housemates tomorrow and they weren't going to be able to do anything about it!
With determination in your heart, you closed your eyes... and then immediately found yourself in a strange white room with...
After the party
> He had immediately thrown himself back into a mountain of paperwork.
> You knew that Lucifer was the embodiment of overworking but even this was too much. He hadn't been present for dinner since all of you had returned to the Devildom and if it weren't for the incredibly rare times you caught him out in the hallway, you would have come to the conclusion that he simply decided to start living in his study room
> Alas, even when he was outside he was short-tempered, snapping at anyone who was around him and was generally just a little more forceful than usual.
> There was a moment where you brushed past him in the hallway and he had grabbed your wrist, tugging you towards him. You had jumped and whirled around, startled at the sudden action, and you weren't quite sure what your expression had been like but you knew that it prompted Lucifer to immediately let go of your wrist as if he had been burnt. He then retreated back into his office, slamming the door shut without even saying a word to you.
> He had kept his distance after that and the two of you hadn't spoken to each other since.
In the white space
Two Lucifers stood before you, one clad in his angelic costume while the other wearing his demonic form.
> They seemed to be talking to one another, the Lucifer you were familiar with getting more and more agitated by the second while the Lucifer dressed in angelic garb was crossing his arms, looking at the demonic Lucifer with a placid expression on his face.
> When you step closer to them, they turn to look at you in tandem.
> "MC."
> It's strange how your name can be spoken in such different ways. Lucifer spoke your name in his usual commanding tone while the angel said it with such gentleness and cheer it gave you goosebumps.
> "Luci... fer?"
> "Yes?"
> The both of them answered together once again. It was seriously freaking you out. Were they both really Lucifer? Or was one of them a clone?
> You quickly made your way closer to them.
> Once you were closer you could see that Lucifer looked tenser than usual.
> "Where are we?" You couldn't help but glance at angel Lucifer too when you asked that question. From the corner of your eye, you see Lucifer's hand clench into a fist.
> "It doesn't matter where we are," Lucifer replied brusquely. You hadn't seen him this upset before, not even when he tried to kill you for harboring Luke in the House of Lamentation.
> "Is this how he talks to you all the time?" Instead of answering you, angel Lucifer asked you another question. It was a question that confused you. What did that have to do with anything?
> "Um... not really? He's just a little bit frustrated," you reply, eyeing the angel Lucifer warily. Something about him made you feel... something. It was a negative something. You didn't like him one bit.
> "I see." Angel Lucifer reaches out towards you. Before you can flinch back, Lucifer's hand was already painfully gripping your shoulder, tugging you to his side in an almost violent manner.
> "You are not to touch them," he said. Angel Lucifer's gaze slowly slid from you to him and you were able to see it frost over in real time.
> "Neither are you," he said, "if you're going to be so forceful. Look at them, they're hurt."
> Lucifer turned to look at you. You were frozen in the middle of rubbing at your shoulder and his eyes darkened.
> He stepped away from you.
> "You believe that everyone around you will bend to your whim," the angel said. "And if you don't, you force them to. You carry out your actions uncaring about the way it affects others and how they may think... Tell me," the angel was looking at you now, "how does it feel to live with someone so full of themselves?"
> Beside you, you can tell that Lucifer has stopped breathing. His red gaze was boring a hole through you, his wings twitching as he fought the urge to block your view of his angelic doppelganger.
> You lick your lips, gathering your thoughts. The angel too your silence as agreement and a smile spread across his face.
> "Don't you see, demon? They're afraid of you. Your overbearing, domineering treatment of them has rendered them too afraid to dare speak up in your presence."
> Lucifer flinched at the angel's words. You suddenly had a very vivid fantasy of pouncing forward and violently ripping handfuls of feathers out of the angel's wings.
> "They'll be much happier with me, don't you think?" the angel asked. You glanced at Lucifer and was absolutely shocked to see him considering the angel's words.
> "No!" The word was out of your mouth before you could even think.
> The angel raised an eyebrow. "No?"
> "No." You dug in your heels, glaring at this... oversized avian who dared to don the face of your beloved demon. Who dared to make him doubt himself like that. "No, I'm not scared of him. No, I do dare to speak up. No, I absolutely would not be happier with you!"
> You turned to Lucifer, not wanting to look at that... thing for even a second longer. He was staring at you, a rare look of surprise on his face. You stepped towards him, poking a finger at his chest.
> "You!" you started, "You may be absolutely full of yourself, but you do care! You care for Diavolo! You're always taking care of him even when it comes at the cost of your own health! You care for your brothers! You protected them when all of you first entered the Devildom and you protect them even now, even if you try to hide it. You care for me! You give me food when you notice I've been staying up late to study and you constantly ensure that my time at R.A.D. is safe and enjoyable! Do you think I don't notice this? Do you think no one notices this? Why are you believing that thing's lies?!"
> With every jab of your finger, Lucifer's eyes grow wider.
> "And you!" You whirled around to glare at the angel. "You're sitting there running your mouth when you're the one who's acting so full of yourself! I'm sick of your holier than thou attitude! Lucifer is caring, he is thoughtful, and he is so much more than what you accuse him of!” You pause for a moment to take a breath. The angel is examining you like you were a particularly interesting specimen slotted under a microscope. You’ve reached your limit. It was time to resort to violence.
> You were stopped before your feet left the ground by a pair of arms wrapping around your shoulders. It was soon followed by a curtain of dark feathers, blocking the angel from your sight, and you from his.
> “That’s enough,” Lucifer said. His voice was filled with the same confidence and pride that you know and love. “That thing is not worth your time.” A pause and then, softly, almost inaudibly, “Thank you.”
> And then,
> You wake up.
After the dream
> You were happy to see that Lucifer was no longer locking himself up his office again.
> He was also, strangely, a little more affectionate to you?
> He was also around a lot more often; not hovering per se, but just... there. A comforting presence, him by your side.
> His texts to you are more often now too.
> You start receiving gifts from him, packaged and pretty hanging on your doorknob, charmed with a powerful spell that curses everyone but you if they touch it. He still pretends he doesn't send them but you know and he knows you know.
> One day, over a dinner at the Ristorante Six, he'll finally tell you, in words, that he wants you to stay by his side; but until then, you enjoy his non-verbal affirmations of love.
After the party
> He became a shut in on par with Leviathan.
> However you notice that he has a lot of akuzon deliveries brought to his door, definitely more than what he could afford.
> When you try to talk to him he only shouts at you from behind his door. When you try to enter, you almost get squashed by the amount of piled up akuzon boxes and haphazardly piled up items.
> You knew Mammon was inside but you couldn't see him at all. You'd genuinely think that he got suffocated under the mess of his purchases if he hadn't been talking to you through the mess.
> But he still refused to come out to see you and you didn't know how to navigate his room, so you decided to leave him be for now.
In the white space
> There were two Mammons in front of you, one dressed in his angelic costume and the other in his demonic form. They seemed to be discussing something but you paid them no mind.
> Mammon had been your reliable protector since the start of your time in the Devildom and hence you had grown to associate safety with his presence.
> That was why you literally all but teleported to his side when you caught sight of him.
> However, the words coming out of the angel made you freeze in your tracks.
> "Shameless, greedy scum," the angel said. Mammon's body language finally registered in your head. Slightly hunched over, head turned to a side, wings curling in on himself, fists clenched and shaking... You hadn't seen him this bad before.
> "You know that they're too good for you, but you can't let them go. You'd rather chain them to you forever rather than allow them happiness. Your greed truly knows no bounds, even for someone you lo—"
> You skitter to a stop between the two. It was unnerving how much he looked like Mammon. Apart from the attire, the only difference you could tell was his eyes; Mammon's eyes were open and expressive while the angel's eyes did not give away his emotions at all. Controlled, you would call them.
> "MC," the angel greeted you with a smile.
> "MC, what're you doing here?!" In contrast to the angel, Mammon seemed aghast to see you here.
> "You want their attention and affection but you are reluctant to give yours," the angel said. "Greedy, greedy, greedy. The Avatar of Greed, do you really think you're worthy enough to stand by their side?"
> Oh, the angel was talking about you.
> Well if you weren't already angry before, you were now.
> You turn to look at Mammon only to see him shaking slightly. He refused to meet your eyes.
> "You actually hate it, don't you?" the angel said. The angel was looking at you now. "How unreliable he is. How selfish he is, always putting his own desires and needs above others. A nightmare to live with, much less be with."
> With every word out of the angel's mouth, you see Mammon flinch. You reach out to soothe him but he flinches away from you. He looked like he regretted it the moment he did it, but he had no chance to apologize before the stupid angel was opening their mouth to yap on.
> "How can anyone love something like him, much less you?" the angel asked and. Boy.
> You whirled around and threw a punch at the angel's face. It barely injured the angel and left you with a hurting fist, but the shock on the angel's face was worth it.
> "I love him," you declared loudly. "And so do his brothers."
> Mammon was staring at you with wide eyes and an open mouth.
> "And the things you've said? Utter horseshit. Mammon is one of most selfless demons I know." No one as powerful as him would allow himself to be a punching bag for his entire family without retaliation, no one but him. Mammon was the demon with the highest control, with the softest heart, and it showed with the interactions he had with his brothers... and you.
> He rarely said anything affectionate towards you, and the times he did were often rushed and unintelligible, but he didn't have to. Not when his love and affection shone through with every action he made.
> He was always giving love, only rarely ever receiving, And he never complained about it.
> And so hearing this angel spout such bullshit about Mammon, and Mammon believing it, really made you experience something.
> That something was an attempt to beat up the angel in front of you.
> You were quickly pulled off the angel, Mammon holding you tightly and firmly in his arms and you tried to continue with your punches and kicks.
> "That's enough." It was a rare occasion that his voice was so serious and it immediately calmed you down. Mammon shifted you to a more comfortable hold but did not let you go. "Ya ain't gonna hurt me with those dumb words," he told the angel, puffing out his chest. "I'm the great Mammon! I ain't gonna listen to your bullshit!"
> Warmth blossomed in your heart as you hear Mammon regain his confidence.
> "And MC is mine! No one's worthy of them but that doesn't mean I won't—"
> You wake up.
After the dream
> Mammon finally exited his room and the first person he went to was you.
> He swooped you up in a big hug, abruptly waking you from your slumber.
> He started becoming more honest and less shy as well, no longer putting on airs. His affection for you was as clear as day. It's a work in progress but Mammon is still able to convey his affection even if he ends up screaming it with a red face.
> You notice that he's been taking up more responsibility lately, even getting a steady part time job. He uses the money to take you out on nice dates and buy you nice gifts.
> Also has become even clingier, but it's not like you're going to complain. ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━⸜₍๑•⌔•๑ ₎⸝━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
After the party
> Leviathan had been making some headway in getting more comfortable in his own skin, cutting down on insults to himself. This party set him back a thousand years.
> Every word out of his mouth was self-derogatory and full of hate.
> He refused to answer your texts.
> He never left his room, even for mealtimes.
> In fact he didn't eat at all? Which was concerning. You even tried to bribe him with Ruri-chan, but all it resulted was a crash and a faint sob.
> It was after that that you decided to leave him be for a while.
In the white space
> There was nothing in the white space except a pond and Leviathan in his angel costume.
> Recalling Leviathan's reaction to you before, you carefully approached him and called out his name. To your surprise, he turned to look at you with a smile on his face.
> You were delighted at first but the delight quickly drained away when you recognized the bright but bland smile on his face, along with his calm, placid eyes.
> It was the Leviathan from the party looking at you now, not the Leviathan you were missing.
> "MC!" he said cheerily. "I'm so glad you're here!"
> "...hello." He didn't seem to noticed that you were being subdued, quickly stepping forward to grab your hands. You tried to suppress your flinch, fearing that Leviathan was actually in there somewhere. You scanned his body for the brainwash bangle but did not find it. Worry started to gnaw at your heart. How were you going to break this curse if you couldn't find its anchor?
> "I missed you," angel Leviathan continued. "Sorry for avoiding you, I was just throwing a temper tantrum. I won't be doing that again. As I've said before, I'll be giving up on anime, manga, and the like to forge closer connections with my brothers... and of course with you."
> You step back. The angel follows.
> "I was weak before, a no-good shut-in loser who'd rather lose himself in the 2D world rather than face reality." Unlike before, the words were spoken without an ounce of shame or even emotion. It was like angel Leviathan was stating facts rather than belittling himself. Somehow, that bothered you more.
> "You're not weak," you spoke. "You're not any of those at all. You've been putting in a lot of effort lately, and besides being interested in anime isn't a weakness. You're passionate about what you like and unafraid of showing it. Isn't that a strength?"
> Angel Leviathan shrugged, brushing your words aside. It was incredibly uncharacteristic of him.
> "I suppose," he said. "Either way, don't you prefer me like this? Outspoken, confident, unafraid? I can tell you how I feel. I love you, MC. Don't you love me?"
> There was something wrong. A nagging feeling in your heart had been present ever since you entered this strange place and right now it merely grew stronger.
> "Not like this," you said, pulling your hand away from his. "There's something wrong with you right now, Levi, you're not in your right mind."
> "I'm in my right mind. In fact, I can safely say that I've never been better. Say you love me, MC."
> Leviathan would never push you like this. He had always respected your boundaries, knowing how unpleasant it was like to have his own constantly prodded and pushed.
> "You're not Levi," you realized. Immediately you looked around, quickly moving away from angel Leviathan. "Where is he? What have you done to him?"
> Angel Leviathan looked so confused for a moment that you almost believed him. But then his expression turned to derision and your blood ran cold.
> "Why do you care about that disgusting otaku anyway? Aren't I better? Why don't you choose me?"
> The angel must have been out of his fucking mind if he thought that you were going to choose him after all this.
> You took another step back and—
> You plunge into the lake, the breath knocked out of you by the impact. Just as you started to panic, your eyes catch sight of something that made you freeze.
> There was Leviathan, the Leviathan you knew and loved, in his demon form staring back at you with wide eyes.
> What the fuck.
> Had he been here the entire time?!
> Instead of you, now Leviathan was the one panicking. He grabbed you and swam quickly to the surface, bringing you out of the lake. You gasped for air once you breached the surface, Leviathan's arm supporting you and keeping you upright.
> "Levi!" you said once you caught your breath. "Where were you? Why didn't you come up?"
> Leviathan was not looking at you. Once he had placed you back onto the shore, he suck back down into the water until only his eyes and the top of his head were visible. You put the pieces together.
> "...were you hiding?"
> "Of course that coward was hiding." Oh god. The angel was still not done. Now that you knew for a fact that he wasn't Leviathan, you felt an incandescent rage start boiling within you. You tamp it down. For now. "He didn't want to face the idea that you might choose me over him."
> Choosing again. It seemed important.
> "It's okay if you choose him instead," Leviathan was clearly lying through his teeth. "If... If it makes you happy. Who would want to be with a loser otaku like me who can't even tell the person he loves that he wants to hold their hand? Much less that he loves them?"
> Your heart was breaking and you pushed yourself into the water again. Leviathan yelped in surprise and quickly swam forward to catch you. You took the opportunity to put your hands on either side of his face.
> "Levi, there's no way I'd choose anyone over you," you told him. "You are my Lord of the Shadows and no one else can take your place."
> You feel Leviathan's cheeks heat up under your palms.
> "Do you mean it?" It was said in a whisper but you managed to catch it. You nod and a brilliant smile spread across his face.
> He looked up at the angel and maneuvered you around so that he was in between you and the angel. His tail had found its way to you and it was now curling around you in a possessive manner you had long grown familiar with.
> "MC is m... MC is my Henry! Not yours!" Leviathan declared. His tail squeezed a little tighter but you still felt no discomfort. "And I am their Lord of the Shadows. I'll protect them, so there's no way you'll ever get your hands on them!"
> You tried to cheer Leviathan on but then,
> You wake up.
After the dream
> Leviathan sent you a message to meet him in his room and you went there immediately. There, he apologized for ignoring you, saying that he hadn't been feeling well but was better now.
> The tip of his tail was subconsciously curled around your ankle but you didn't point it out to him, not wanting him to be self-conscious.
> After that you notice that Leviathan was a lot more open with his words. He still stuttered and turned red, but he was trying. Even if he ended up running away afterwards sometimes.
> Soon, he even grew brave enough to ask you to h*ld his h*nd! Once the first barrier had been breached, however, the two of you started holding hands all the time.
> If his hands were busy with gaming, expect his tail to seek you out.
> One day, he'll muster up the courage to tell you how he feels. But until then, you're happy to wait. ⭒☆━━━━━━~>º˵)ニニニニ>━━━━━━☆⭒
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lavenderrayze · 2 years
Preps <3
headcanons + thoughts I have about the preps <33
Also some sexuality / pronoun headcanons bc it’s pride 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Warning; none, this post is just really gay :D
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Derby Harrington
Does, in fact, not want to marry Pinky and is not in support of the whole cousin marrying situation
He and Bif both know full well about the rumor that they’re gay for each other
They don’t care (because it’s true)
He may act like he just uses Bif but he really is grateful Bif fights for him the way he does
It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy
He’s unlabeled (me too king 👑)
He’s proud to be with the champion boxer <33
When he’s alone and he thinks of Bif he starts getting all giddy and happy kicking his feet and shi 😭
Bif Taylor
I love the whole leader/henchman thing he and Derby have going on <33
Definitely has a thing for Derby but didn’t know if it was mutual (it was and now they’re gay)
Sometimes I think he would’ve been genuinely hurt by the insults Derby threw at him when he was beaten by Jimmy during the boxing match
He knew Derby had to act like he was disappointed but he kept thinking ‘What if he really is disappointed in me?’
All the other preps are so mean and intimidating and then there’s Bif
He’s one of the preps that doesn’t necessarily like having the uppity snobby attitude
A pansexual icon 💖💛💙
A lot of the time he thinks about how glad he is to be Derby’s right hand man
It’s an excuse to be with him all the time
A very protective person especially when it comes to his friends
Will absolutely fight anyone for his friends
He’s always the first to step up to anyone who threatens the preps
Pinky Gauthier
Has the same views as Derby when it comes to her marriage
She also likes women and isn’t interested at all in Derby was interested in Christy at one point
Lesbian queen ❤️🧡💖🤍
She really wants to get a girlfriend in secret that she would have to hide from her parents
She just likes thinking of the thrill of it all
Derby and Tad have tried to get her a girlfriend but she always decides not to strike up conversation with anyone
She always says the right person “will come to her”
She’s almost the mom friend, but she’s not at the same time
She’s really good at giving advice, whether it’s life advice, dating advice, etc.
Gord and her are best friends
They drink tea and sit outside on the patio of the Harrington house and just talk
Sometimes abt who they’re into 😏
Sometimes it’s serious stuff
Sometimes it’s random shit
Who knows with those two
Gord Vendome
I don’t like the fact that none of the preps have blue eyes
So I like to think Gord does
And that Justin once called them “Aquaberry blue”
Gay for Jimmy
He’s gay but isn’t out get bc he’s too nervous to do it and isn’t ready yet
Also asexual
People refer to him as he but he always likes they pronouns <33
He takes Pinky shopping when she’s upset, because they both love shopping when they’re feeling down
She always encourages him to ask out Jimmy but he never does
One day though, one day
Tad Spencer
I think he’s really good at comforting people
He 100% gives the best hugs out of everyone
Like if any one of the preps needs a hug they go to Tad
He would give you a hoodie to wear and make you your favorite drink/food to make you feel better
The bestest listener for when anyone needs to vent
Unlabeled <33
Tad knows how it feels to be ignored and makes sure everyone feels included
He seems like an asshole to anyone else (like most preps do) but he’s really sweet to his friends and people he’s close with
Justin and Tad do duets whenever Justin sings and Chad plays guitar
Chad Morris
Would sacrifice himself for his dog Chester
However Derby hates Chester
He favors cats
He would never tell Chad that though
Chad and Bryce are 🏳️‍🌈 (for each other)
Has decided on the Bisexual label for himself even though he thinks it might be more than that
Bryce is really protective considering Chad is a gay black man and faces a lot of predjudice or however u spell it
Bryce asked Bif to train him so he could get better at boxing so he could protect Chad
As previously mentioned, he can play guitar really well
Justin VanderVelde
Literally in love with Ted
In love
He goes to all the football games just to see him play
He commonly sneaks out to go see him late at night
They sit on his roof and watch the stars
They/Them but is used to He/him
He’s also too nervous to correct people so someone else speaks up for him (Ted Thompson) :p
Non-binary royalty <33
He’s a great singer
Chad plays the guitar while he sings to the song he plays
Bryce Montrose
This poor boy
He just wants to be accepted by the preps even though he doesn’t have much money anymore :((
The only person who knows all the details about his financial situation is Justin and Chad
Justin always consoles him though and says he won’t let them kick him out of the clique if it comes to it
Bryce trusts in him in that sense, plus he knows he might be able to sway Chad into defending him if it came to him being kicked out
He’s Omnisexual
The preps love Chad and Bryce’s relationship
They swear they’re the cutest
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Feel free to point out any grammar / spelling errors, I type fast <33
- Z
EDIT ; I realized I forgot Parker <\3 oops
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kokomiin · 3 years
I want to talk a little about how whitespace mari (not going to call her spiritmari don’t believe the wiki’s lies) and stranger seem to be the parts of mari and basil that sunny wants to ignore
The post got way too long so
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about stranger that I wanted to get into for a long time, but I started thinking about this in particular because of playing today and going through the part in deep well where omori has to start confronting the truth. the voice in deep well talks about how sunny confined mari to the picnic blanket because he can’t bear to see her get hurt again, but that she will always leave to protect him because it’s in her nature. she and basil are the only two who know the truth, and omori can’t make them forget like he makes aubrey, kel and hero forget about basil. since omori himself also can’t truly forget that it exists, and that mari and basil know, they both always end up gravitating towards the truth.
when I say they represent parts of these characters that sunny wants to ignore, in stranger’s case i believe he is connected directly to the day that mari died, when sunny was in a dazed state, blacked out and created whitespace after it sank in that mari was dead.
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In the unused blackspace album text, sunny hears a voice telling him what to do and leading him, it’s familiar but he doesn’t put a name to it. basil is the only character whose eyes glow in the dark from sunny’s perspective. I think that the stranger was created in sunny’s mind combining all of these things, around the same time that he’d created whitespace.
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in his dialogue in blackspace it’s pretty clear that the stranger holds some contempt for omori for leaving him behind and to be forgotten, sunny feels guilty for leaving basil in the real world and as they were so close he can definitely imagine how he probably feels after all that time. but just like how he has a hard time saving basil in the real world, he pushes stranger down into the depths because he doesn’t want to acknowledge him, he’s angry at him for leading him to do what they did to mari’s body and for knowing the truth. stranger is jealous of the idealised dreamspace basil, made up of the parts of basil that sunny likes, and who omori comes to save every time. as a whole i would say stranger is a manifestation of both the guilt sunny has for abandoning basil, and the hate he has for him that holds him back from saving him.
sunny definitely has similarly dark thoughts about mari, but in whitespace mari’s case it’s not about hate. 
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I believe sunny represses this version of mari because she directly conflicts with his intense self hatred and forces him to acknowledge the truth. like stranger she is coloured similarly to the blackspace photos, and wears the same clothes as when mari died.
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whitespace mari isn’t a part of mari that sunny dislikes, but the parts of her that he knows would forgive him for what he did. she guides him to the truth only in the true route when sunny is already being forced to acknowledge the outside world and to remember that mari is dead, and to reminisce about the old days. she isn’t ignorant to the truth like dreamspace mari, but isn’t as disconnected from her as stranger is from dreamspace basil.
the reason sunny represses her so deeply is because as we know, he doesn’t want to and cannot forgive himself, he doesn’t believe or want to believe that mari would forgive him because he doesn’t think he deserves it. it doesn’t take that long of a look into redspace (things like the room with the mirror in blackspace and the red maze, omori’s dialogue during the final boss) to see how heavily ingrained his self hatred is. 
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even in the deeper blackspace it’s much more blatant with things like a box saying “it’s all my fault” over and over, and the distorted playground full of fucked up mutilated versions of himself.
and well, that’s my point. I love omori (the game and character) very much, and I love the connections between basil and mari and how they run deep even into sunny’s consciousness. the only image in this post that i didn’t get myself is the red maze pic because i was too scared to go to it, but honestly i’m feeling like i might on my next hikki route playthrough. ok that’s it. thanks if you made it this far!
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Ik your request is off, but when your request is open can u write dating headcanons with Kazuha ? I like your works so much which is y i send u a request hehe
No rush please take care author-nim :'D
This is a long time coming, but I’m glad to know that you’re still a Kazuha simp even after all this time ahahha thank you for your kind words and I hope you like this!!
Kazuha Dating Headcanons
How it’s like “being with” the fugitive wandering samurai. (masterlist)
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The whole dating thing is entirely dependent on when you met or known Kazuha. So for this one, we establish that you and Kazuha are friends even before he became a fugitive.
Your clan and the Kaedahara clan are known to be close, and that’s how you’ve known your childhood friend. You’re always together during the peace time of Inazuma, sometimes getting into trouble due to his wayfaring nature.
Your family tried desperately to help the Kaedahara clan with their financial issues but it wasn’t exactly enough to maintain such a large clan. Soon enough the samurai clan lost its power, and what remains of their abode became foreign as a more powerful clan reclaimed it.
But despite all of that, Kazuha’s happiness is your main priority and you’re relieved that despite the misfortune the young master felt more freer than ever. He leaves the sheltered life behind with the promise to visit you as frequent as he could.
And that he does, even when the vision hunt decree was enacted, even when it’s unsafe to be near the area where many eyes can identify him, Kazuha always kept his promises to visit and spend time with. And thankfully, with the history of your clans, your family are still ever so welcoming to his presence.
You even met his newfound friend (and his adorable cat!) during one of his visits, and Kazuha felt all the heaviness on his shoulders disappear when you two hit it off instantly! And after that visit he received a pat on the back and a thumbs up from his friend, telling him that he got his blessing.
This caused said friend to get smacked over the head by a flustered Anemo boy.
So when the news that he perished after issuing a duel before the throne came to you, the pain was just as bad as Kazuha’s anguish. That night you huddled together in the comforts of your room, weeping over your friend and the danger Kazuha now faces. Somehow all the peaceful times blurred into nothingness, the period of darker times and complications marked that day.
But you despite it all, Kazuha is still the honest man that he is, and he will fulfill his promises to the end: for you, for him, and for his slumbering friend.
Kazuha is a man of words and custom. Sometimes you think that his passion for poetry and wit were the things that made you fall for him, and he thought it was the best method to confess to someone as honorable as you.
So, yes, it was Kazuha who first confessed through a lengthy, poetic love letter that he left after sleeping over one night, something that he had planned many weeks ago yet kept to himself. Why would you want to be with someone who has nothing to his name? A person that you can’t spend time with freely, who prioritizes his selfish desire to be a vagabond than stay longer with you?
These thoughts stayed with him throughout the week that he avoided coming to your house and still lingered as he begrudgingly trudged up the hill to where your estate is, expecting the rejection at the sight of you waiting for him at the balcony of your room, his usual point of entry.
“YOU!” Kazuha was taken aback by the angry finger pointed at him, he was expecting something else, something sadder or guilty perhaps. Anger isn’t one of them - oh yeah, he did avoid you for a week, didn’t he? “You have the guts to drop this-” the sight of the letter in your hand made him physically recoil, “and then disappear for a week like nothing happened?! Come up here right now or I’m dropkicking your ass!”
Hurriedly, in main concern of your well-being, Kazuha used his elemental skill to jump up to the balcony - where he was met by a tight hug and you reciprocating his feelings. He hugs back in relief, before being smacked over the head for what he did.
Kazuha carries his hobby with him when you started dating, when you told him how nice it was and how you always feel flustered when it’s directed at you. Poetry, haikus, letters complimenting everything he loves about you when he knows it will take a while for him to come back. You have a special box filled with all his notes. And your favorite one:
My love is a butterfly Flies from hither to stay here forever In love and true perfection
On worse days when he’s there, at night he brings comfort by playing with his leaf, a skill of leaf-blowing he picked up from his travels and perfected for your sake. When there are times when you couldn’t sleep properly, he’s always there to pluck a leaf from the trees outside, playing a tune until you find the right comfort to rest. Usually in the company of his arms.
Kazuha absolutely loves cooking for you! When rare days comes that he is able to visit during daytime he likes to demonstrate his cooking skills, always assuring that he gets the freshest ingredients for you to eat. They’re barely a miss, like he knows your taste more than you. He takes a mental note of your favorites, your reactions and of course, your honest feedback.
The next time he comes over, he has enough to feed your family. Sometimes you feel your clan loves him more than you did.
When there are interesting things he’d encountered during his travels, he’s sure to tell you the best of them! These moments are like subtle nudges of him to convince you to join him on his adventures, enticing you with his stories to a life full of meaning and excitement out there.
More often than not at the end of his story sessions, despite knowing that it isn’t safe for you to go out (with or without him) he’ll always have this soft look in his eyes as he looks at you, smile so soft as he looks at you like a daydream, “I can’t wait to be with you out there.”
Kazuha loves it when he gets a reaction from you, whether it be your happiness or relief as he ascends to your home, genuine curiosity over his tales, the embarrassment when he makes a move, or even the worry when he comes back looking a little worse for wear.
Traveling with Kazuha
You’ve always lived a semi-sheltered life in Inazuma due to your protective clan, with your interaction mostly focused with the villagers of your area and the people in your estate. When the decree started, you barely go out now, your people feared that your Vision would be taken away if the Tenryou Commission were to see you.
It was also the main reason why despite Kazuha’s desire to show you a whole new world out there, he couldn’t ever prioritize his own feelings over your safety. It was also one of the main reasons he joined the Resistance: to make a better world for you so that he can be with you in a free world.
However, one day, a clan that’s in the favor of the Vision Hunt Decree snitched on you to the Tenryou Commission. And you were almost captured (as the only Vision holder in your clan) if not for Kazuha arriving at the last minute, fighting them off before escaping with you.
Your family was able to contact him before everything escalated, and decided that it was far more safer for you to be with him than stay at your clan. And so became your current life with Kazuha.
With a favor, Kazuha managed to get you to join the Crux Fleet. And it took a whole month before everyone (including Beidou) to find out about your relationship. This quiet boy? In a relationship with you?! Everyone calmly lost their shit, and there was a drinking party on board (for the rowdy adults).
It was warm, carefree and exciting. Despite your previous worries about the life you left behind, next to Kazuha in the middle of the ocean, somehow things ended up alright. Better even.
You jive with everyone quite well, especially with Beidou - the woman loves you to bits! Teasing you, pulling you around after finding out your backstory, as Kazuha awkwardly follows from behind in silence.
Whenever you’re around, Kazuha’s demure demeanor completely vanishes, from the mysterious kid that the crew didn’t know the name of for weeks turns into a rambunctious teen that’s only purpose is to make you crack a smile or laugh.
He is so down bad, everyone but you notices this, and soon he too became a huge target for teasing.
You’ve realized too that Kazuha smells a lot like the nature around him, sometimes the sea salt from the sea that you spend most of your days on, to the maple leaves of the forest near the docks of the cities you land in, or the musky, earthly scent of the mountains that you both trek.
Kazuha likes to be by your side every second of the day, as long as possible. And oh does he love teaching you things about the outside world, like how to tell the weather, the constellations in the sky, the inner workings of the ship.
He’s like a lovesick puppy trailing behind you. Sometimes he had to be physically removed away from you to help out on the ship, and the unlucky crew member who drags him away during a particularly bad mood gets the worst glare in their life. If they try to tell it to the others, the crew won’t believe him.
Kazuha Kaedahara had always been fascinated by you, and now that you’re here with him, he wouldn’t pass up to spend every second together. Anywhere in the world, with him you’ll be safe.
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@zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @coka-cala @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @gojos-baby @volleybloop @tartuu @sassyglassesbunny @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @blissmal​ @upsetpotatoo​
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Spreading Wings Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 展翼之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
It is very important to read his birthday R&S before this!
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[ This was released on 24 July 2021 ]
While heading home after work, I receive a call from Eli.
I’m guessing there’s information regarding the matter I asked of him from before.
MC: Hello? Captain Eli? Since you suddenly called, does this mean there’s a solution to what I asked about the other time?
Eli: That’s right. I personally made a trip to the municipal administration last week and retrieved the item for you. I’ve already asked City Express to send it over to you.
MC: That’s great! Thanks, Captain Eli!
Eli: It’s no problem. Although it took a little effort, it was retrieved eventually.
MC: I really have to thank Captain Eli. This item is pretty important to me, so you’ve helped me out big time.
Eli: Ah, it’s nothing. Oh yes, the STF is leaving tonight. Gavin just left the bureau and should be heading towards your place now. I shan’t disturb the both of you. I’ll hang up now. Watch out for the delivery.
MC: Mm, I’ve got it. I’ve troubled Captain Eli this time. When our TV station has a matchmaking show in the future, I’ll definitely recommend you!
I hang up. Sure enough, I receive a parcel from the STF not long after reaching home.
Tearing open the packaging, I see a dark coloured square box with the municipal administration’s logo engraved on it.
After removing the cover, a badge sits quietly among the flannel.
A cold light glints on the surface of the coiled design. The flag and peace dove clearly declare the rules of justice and protection.
It silently conveys a certain dignity that can make one hold their breath.
During an awards ceremony organised by the municipal government a few months ago, Gavin wasn’t able to attend in person. As a result, they didn’t manage to give him an honorary badge.
Although the municipal administration made several calls, the STF has been busy with missions, and Gavin hasn’t had the time to collect it.
This matter is something which I’ve always kept in my heart.
I feel that this honour, which represents an “acknowledgement”, shouldn’t be treated so flippantly and hastily.
Hence, while preparing for Gavin’s birthday, I asked Eli way in advance to retrieve this from the municipal administration using the name of STF.
This is an “acknowledgement” which belongs to him, and I wish to hand it to him personally.
All of a sudden, there are knocks at the door. Knowing that the person outside is Gavin, I quickly hide the badge and the box into a cupboard before opening the door.
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Then, the person outside wraps me in a full embrace. His scent overtakes my senses.
MC: Are you leaving tonight?
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Gavin responds with a “mm”. After nuzzling his head gently in the crook of my neck, he releases his hold on me.
In the short span of half a minute, he seems to have already derived all the strength he needs, and the light in his eyes is very bright.
MC: There’s no need to worry about me, but you have to take care of your safety.
Gavin: I’ll do my best to rush back. Don't worry.
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The both of us speak at the same time. Gavin can’t help but laugh. Taking my hand, he pulls me outside.
Gavin: Let’s go and have dinner. We’ll eat outside today.
MC: Okay!
Walking along the street, I look at Gavin’s calm and resolute figure. Recalling the badge which is sitting quietly at home, I secretly purse my lips into a smile.
This year, my birthday plan is a secret which Gavin doesn’t know about. I’m looking forward to the day the secret is revealed, along with his reactions.
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[ DATE ]
The faraway snow-capped mountains are reminiscent of a fog coloured outline. They stand at the end of the horizon, faraway and reticent.
On a road not too far from the border, I disembark from the car, standing underneath a street sign while staring ahead.
Approximately half a month ago, Gavin was sent to this city for a mission. Today is the day he wraps up the mission.
It’s also his birthday.
At this moment, my phone rings. I answer it quickly.
Eli: MC, have you reached the location I gave you?
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MC: Mm, I’ve reached. Captain Eli, when will you guys be dismissed?
Eli: We’ve already been dismissed and are heading your way. Just stay where you are, and you’ll definitely cross paths with Gavin. Don’t worry.
MC: That’s great. I’ll thank Captain Eli in advance then~
After hanging up, I tap open my memo and verify its contents once more.
MC: The aviation park, guesthouse, cake, and presents. Mm, no problem at all!
I turn my phone off, thinking about how aside from celebrating Gavin’s birthday, I’m also shouldering a very “heavy responsibility”.
Since Gavin wasn’t personally present for the awards ceremony conducted by the municipal government, there’s a medal which has yet to be given to him.
After learning about this piece of news not too long ago, I’ve remembered it in my heart, and specially asked Eli to retrieve this medal from the municipal government in the name of STF.
With a really huge and hidden personal motive, I wish to personally hand this important honour to Gavin on this most special day.
The sudden chirping of birds pulls my train of thought back to reality.
I look at the time. It’s still very early, and the first glimmer of light has just appeared in the sky.
After waiting for a while longer, I spot a group of uniformed men appearing at the end of the road. My heart, which had been dangling in the air, immediately settles.
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The person leading the group is wearing a combat uniform. Strands of brown hair curl up in the breeze, and he currently has his head turned towards a squad mate behind him as he says something.
Although they appear to have experienced a fierce battle, the atmosphere is very light-hearted.
Looks like this mission successfully reached its end.
Likely sensing my gaze, he suddenly turns his head, staring afar off towards my direction.
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After he getting a clear view of my figure, those amber eyes suddenly freeze. The strands atop his head curl up in a silly manner, as though he doesn’t know how to react.
The early morning mist has not yet dissipated. The world is enveloped in a tender and pale greenish blue, and the chirping of birds occasionally grows faint and near.
The whirring of a helicopter drifts from overhead as it circles in the sky. It’s the aircraft which is here to send them back.
Seeing that Gavin is slightly at a loss, I can’t help but chuckle, waving at him.
Gavin immediately walks over to me, his pace much faster than before. The squad mates follow behind him in a leisurely manner, not planning to disrupt this early morning meeting.
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Gavin stands in front of me. He sweeps a glance over my white denim jacket, his gaze a little astonished.
MC: How is it? Does it look good?
Gavin nods, responding in a straightforward manner.
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Gavin: Looks good.
MC: I specially prepared a matching set~
While speaking, I pass him the bag in my hands. Gavin receives it and takes a look. With a chuckle, he puts on the exact same jacket deftly. 
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Although it’s just a simple white demin jacket, it makes him look refreshed and cool.
The early morning mist dyes his eyes, giving them a tender coolness. When his eyes meet mine, they instantly melt into a warm gaze.
At this point, Eli and other squad mates walk over as well. A rope ladder descends from the helicopter, and Eli arches a brow at us.
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Eli: This rascal was so anxious to see you that he almost flew back to Loveland City directly. This is good. He doesn't have to fly now.
He pats Gavin on the shoulder.
Eli: Captain Gavin, enjoy your birthday vacation. We brothers will head off first.
One by one, they climb up the rope ladder and board the helicopter. Tang Chao whistles, and he’s grabbed through the hatch by Eli.
Gavin doesn’t bother about them. He removes his half finger gloves, revealing his dry yet soft finger pads. He entwines all ten fingers with mine.
He lifts his eyes to look at me, and they are filled with an insuppressible brightness. He asks a question that he clearly knows the answer to.
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Gavin: Why did you come here?
The helicopter circles into the distance, accompanied by a deafening roar. I grin while bringing my left hand to my mouth, curving it into the shape of a trumpet.
MC: It’s clearly to... wish you a happy birthday!
The public bus brings us to the entrance of a park in the outskirts of the city. I pull Gavin off the bus, and we stand at the entrance of the park together.
Turning my head, I scrape Gavin’s palm.
MC: May I know if Mr Birthday Boy is ready to spend a day of surprises with me?
The hand that’s intertwined with Gavin’s moves forward decisively. The smile in his voice is unambiguously clear.
Gavin: Of course.
When I was planning the birthday route a few days ago, I unintentionally chanced upon information pertaining to this park.
As compared to other parks, there doesn’t seem to be anything special about this aviation park.
It’s just another slow-paced venue to relax in within the city. It has a pond which can’t be considered large, and a few willow trees grow along it.
Magazines are displayed on the counter of a small stall, and a child is standing on his tiptoes, selecting a popsicle from the freezer beside it.
If I had to mention the biggest difference, it would be that this park was transformed from an airbase.
In order to remember that it was once an airbase, there’s a white statute of an aircraft in the middle of the park.
Similarly, in order to be in line with the theme of “aviation”, all the shops in the park display miniature aircraft models.
Akin to colourful birds, they carry a yearning for the unconstrained sky.
Perhaps due to it being the summer vacation, a teacher has brought children to visit this ex-airbase.
The children wear yellow hats while chattering away. They surround the aircraft models, debating on which one looks the best.
Gavin and I walk along the shade of trees unhurriedly. When passing by the aircraft statue, he suddenly asks me a question.
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Gavin: Did you bring me here because this used to be an airbase?
His gaze flits past the aircraft statue, then pauses on my face.
I nod in acknowledgement.
MC: I heard that this used to be one of the first airbases. In the past, many aircrafts were studied here. It’s a place with lots of commemorative value, and bears the weight of the years when people headed into the sky. Since I’m celebrating your birthday in this city, I felt that I should pick a location which is slightly more special. Otherwise, it wouldn’t leave much of an impression when we recollect it in the future.
Gavin chuckles, then reaches out to pinch my face.
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Gavin: Seeing you appear early in the morning while dismissing the squad was already enough to leave a deep impression on me.
I laugh in embarrassment, then continue the earlier topic.
MC: But the airbase is only half of the reason.
I pause, my sentence ending on an upward lilt.
MC: There’s another half.
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Gavin arches his brows, as though wondering what other surprises I could have hidden in this small park.
Tugging on his hand, we turn into a small path on the left, a confident smile on my face.
MC: Come with me.
The small path extends forward, and the sound of our footsteps mingles with the rustling of leaves.
After making a turn, everything becomes clear.
Before us, there’s a spacious and empty patch of land. Green grass grows wildly, covering the runway which was once used for aircrafts.
The wreckage of a plane remains on the ground, the rust on its body akin to a brown coloured decorative pattern.
Everything reveals the creases of time, but certain lingering aspirations can still be felt from it.
Gavin: Is this the other half of the reason?
He looks at me, his brows arched slightly.
MC: This was the original location of the airbase. I heard that this abandoned plane used to have the most excellent workmanship. I felt that if you knew about such a place, you’d want to take a look. Also, this is quite a nice place for a hidden scenery~
Gavin suddenly reaches out to brush dust off the body of the aircraft, revealing a series of numbers.
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Gavin: Y2251. This used to be an air freighter.
Gavin pauses for a moment. As though he grasped at a fragment from his memories, his eyelashes stir gently in slight disbelief.
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Gavin: A very long time ago, I made an aircraft model. This was the aircraft I referenced and modelled it after.
MC: ?!
I’m stunned for half a second. When I see myself in Gavin’s calm and composed eyes, I can’t help but chuckle.
MC: I suddenly feel as though this world might actually operate in a circle. We might move and turn around, but there will come a day when we become part of the circle.
Gavin responds with a “mm”. He gazes fixedly at the set of numbers, as though patching up fragments of memories bit by bit.
Gavin: I used it to participate in a competition and won a prize. Back then, the officer who gave out the award came from this base.
MC: What kind of a competition was it?
Gavin: An aeromodelling competition. The prize was a small aviator badge.
We walk past the propeller of the aircraft wreckage with very light footsteps.
In my mind, a face even younger than the one right now surfaces before my eyes, along with a pair of clear amber eyes.
MC: Wow, that sounds really incredible!
I suddenly see the introductory plate next to the plane, which has a picture of how it formally looked like.
Smooth contours, blue wings, floating cloud patterns on its tail... just like a beautiful flying bird.
MC: How pretty. When you referenced this plane, did you make an exact replica?
Gavin nods. He looks at the plate, his gaze very serious.
Gavin: It was more or less the same as this.
He hesitates slightly, then adds on.
Gavin: Erm... it didn’t look as good. But it was very practical and could fly.
He gestures with his hands, pointing towards a faraway ginkgo tree.
Gavin: Around here to over there - the distance of half a field.
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We walk over to that ginkgo tree. Its leaves are luxuriant as it stands next to the side gate of the park.
Since it’s summer, the leaves are lush and green.
A swing is swaying gently and quietly under the tree, and a few ginkgo leaves have fallen onto the wooden seat.
Tugging Gavin over to the swing, we continue our earlier conversation.
MC: We probably walked around 500 metres to get here. An aircraft model which is able to fly 500 metres is so incredible! You must have really liked it in the past in order to do such an amazing job.
Gavin holds the rope of the swing. He nods after hearing this, and his voice is certain.
Gavin: I did like it very much.
Seeing from my expression that I’m about to burst from curiosity, he can’t help but chuckle before going along with me and speaking.
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Gavin: Back then, I bought many atlases related to planes. While studying them slowly, I conducted test flights too. I spent almost half of my summer vacation on this. Although the process was very fulfilling, there were times when I faced setbacks. Once, I got into a huff and tossed all the spare parts into my drawer and went to bed. 
MC: What happened next?
A nostalgic smile flashes in Gavin’s eyes.
Gavin: I couldn’t fall asleep, so I got up and took all of them out of the drawer. I fumbled around and managed to construct the extending and retracting mechanism of the wings. The next day, I slept till late in the afternoon... My mom didn’t wake me up.
MC: Pfft.
I can almost envision a youth who is sound asleep under the covers, a prototype plane laying quietly on the table.
A breeze enters through the curtains. It’s tender and light-hearted.
MC: Looks like it really isn’t easy to construct an aircraft model successfully.
I’m a little awed.
MC: I remember when we were doing handicrafts in school, the teacher would always say that the final step is to engrave our names as a marker. If I were you, I’d definitely paint my own name at the most conspicuous spot, and tell everyone how incredible I am.
Gavin gives this some thought before he shakes his head.
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Gavin: I didn’t engrave my name back then. It was on the small aviator badge, but it got lost after I sent it to my father’s squad.
The way he says this so naturally causes my slightly flinched expression to reveal complicated emotions.
Gavin: Now that I think about it, it wasn’t anything special.
He chuckles, his tone as light as a breeze.
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Gavin: They’re all in the past.
He narrates this calmly, as though these memories have long since been shut behind a dusty door.
I think of a 14 year old Gavin. I think of that aircraft model he made personally. I think of the past he had to experience...
A sense of discontent rises from my heart, and I wish to smoothen these regrets.
I stand up, and Gavin lifts his head towards me in slight puzzlement.
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Gavin: What’s wrong?
MC: How could we not eat popsicles in a park during summer? I saw a stall selling popsicles earlier. I’ll buy two sticks.
Gavin nods. Just as he’s about to stand up and follow me, I press him back onto the swing.
MC: I’ll buy it. You can just wait for me here.
Gavin arches his brows slightly as he looks at me. As though seeing through my thoughts, he nods.
MC: What flavour do you want?
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Gavin: I’ll go with whatever you like.
I nod. Just as I prepare to leave, someone grips my fingers.
I turn around to see that Gavin is looking at me.
Gavin: Be safe.
After a pause, he continues.
Gavin: I’ll be waiting for you here.
MC: Mm, I’ve got it.
I nod, giving him a smile.
I’m standing at a shop near the entrance of the park. Numerous aircraft models of various styles are displayed on the counter.
However, I instantly spot one particular style exhibited in the middle. With its white body and blue wings, it looks exactly like the plane in the original picture from earlier.
When the boss sees me staring at it, he enthusiastically introduces it to me from the side.
Boss: This is a bestseller from our shop. It’s a replica of the plane in the park, built in a 1:400 ratio. This is the only piece left today.
Without hesitation, I purchase it.
Even before waiting for the boss to package it in a box, I pick up the miniature plane and store it into my bag. Then, I quickly jog into the park.
When I hurriedly weave through the crowd and make a turn at the small path, I suddenly halt in my footsteps when I spot Gavin.
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He’s sitting on the swing in the park, sunlight from the summer afternoon filtering through the crevices of leaves and descending on him in specks.
A few ginkgo leaves have fallen, scattering at his feet. A few bellflowers are suddenly blown by the wind, releasing a clear and rippling sound.
Gavin watches the bellflowers quietly, and all his sharpness has been retracted.
In an instant, along with the descending ginkgo leaves, I think I see the youth who is encased and hidden by layers of solid armour.
It’s as though he has found a wound which has yet to heal completely but was forgotten with time. When he faces that scar, he waits in quiet solitude.
Akin to an instinctive reaction, I sprint towards him and take his hand.
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The moment Gavin lifts his head and looks at me, I see brilliant rays lighting up his eyes.
It seems that he has grown accustomed to waiting. But this time, the person he’s waiting for has arrived as planned.
MC: Sorry, I had to queue for a long time to get the popsicles.
Gavin shakes his head, his brows arched into a smile.
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Gavin: It wasn’t very long.
I stretch out my hand, waving the two popsicle sticks in my hand.
MC: Here. The other flavours were sold out, so there’s only lychee left. Give it a try.
Gavin takes one stick. I sit beside him and take a bite of the popsicle, the clear and sweet taste spreading from the tip of my tongue.
I turn my head and ask Gavin a question.
MC: Why aren’t you asking me about what gifts I prepared for you this year?
Gavin: If I said that your appearance here is already the best gift, you definitely wouldn’t be satisfied with this response.
He pauses, his tone bringing with it an unhurried upward lilt.
Gavin: So... what did you prepare for me this year?
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Heading out of the park via the side gate, we make a turn at a sloping path. In front, there’s a pretty large lake.
The source of water from this lake comes from the faraway snow-capped mountains. Since there aren’t many tourists, the water in the lake is clean and pure blue.
This patch of blue is reminiscent of a gigantic jewel. It’s deep and tender, adding radiance and beauty to the snow-capped mountain, as though extending to the horizon.
There’s a tranquil guesthouse next to the lake. Gavin and I push open the gate of the courtyard together.
There’s a gigantic tree in the courtyard. July happens to be its flowering season, and the tree is layered with cloud-like petals.
I guide Gavin to the second storey. After lifting the portiere made of colourful cloth, a meticulously decorated room appears before our eyes.
Sprigs of a blossoming plant have been inserted into a vase, and a simple and unsophisticated wind chime hangs by the window.
A birthday cake stored in a transparent box is displayed on the table, and there’s a blue ribbon on it which has been tied into a bow.
Ever since we entered, I've been secretly observing Gavin’s reaction, wanting to know if he fancies such a surprise.
He doesn’t say anything. He simply looks at everything quietly, as though he doesn’t want to miss out on anything.
Then, he walks over to the window, fiddling with the wind chime gently. He sits at the edge of the window casually, and stretches out his hand towards me.
Understanding this immediately, I walk over, placing my hand in his unfurled palm. Sunlight from outside the window envelops this square inch world, and it is tender and tranquil.
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Gavin: A very long time ago, somebody told me that I can’t be unhappy on my birthday. 
Gavin: Because this day doesn’t just belong to me. It also belongs to everyone who loves me, and the people who have prepared and looked forward to this day for a very long time. 
Gavin: Celebrating my birthday with you for the fourth time, I think I truly understand the meaning in those words.
He lifts his eyes, looking at me quietly.
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Gavin: I’m very happy. Not because it’s my birthday, but because there’s someone who wishes for me to be happy.
The wind chime that I hung up at the window jingles, akin to a song with an unknown melody.
I had prepared many, many things that I wanted to tell him at this moment. But right now, I swallow these words back.
MC: The person who told you that must have been looking forward to this day very much, just like me. Looking forward to giving you well wishes, and looking forward to you being happy because of the surprises I prepared.
I wink.
MC: Since the atmosphere is just right, it’s time to unwrap your gift.
Very carefully, I retrieve the miniature plane that I purchased earlier from my bag, handing it to Gavin under his watchful gaze.
MC: This aircraft model is a belated gift from MC to 14 year old Gavin. I hope he remembers to engrave his name on it when he receives the gift.
Gavin brushes the body of the plane with a finger pad. He suddenly releases a muffled chuckle, then reaches out to draw me into his arms.
His voice enters my ear, mingling with the rustling of leaves outside the window. It’s very soft, and very close by.
Gavin: If 14 year old Gavin received this gift, he’d have definitely remembered to say thank you on that day.
I wrap my arms around his waist, feeling our overlapping breaths in this moment. After a long time passes, I speak up.
MC: Each time I celebrated my birthday when I was small, I always loved to make many wishes. 
MC: Thinking back, many of those wishes were really childish and even greedy. 
MC: After growing up, I experienced many regrets, and faced many situations where I had to compromise and give up. 
MC: Gradually, my birthday wishes became smaller and simpler. It’s as if I no longer had the same courage as before. 
MC: But you’re different. No matter what I want, you’ve always been willing to fulfil them all. 
MC: You made me realise that if I’m properly loved by someone, my wishes can be fulfilled no matter how childish they are.
MC: So no matter what Little Gav’s wishes are, I want to fulfil them for him.
Gavin embraces me, and he doesn’t say anything for a long time.
I pat him on the back gently, chuckling as I continue speaking.
MC: Okay, since Little Gav’s present has already been received, it’s time for yours.
I leave from Gavin’s arms, reaching out to cover his eyes. His eyelashes flutter in my palm, and it’s ticklish.
MC: You’re not allowed to open your eyes in secret.
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With the greatest of care, I retrieve the honorary badge belonging to the Commander of STF from my breast pocket, putting it in front of his chest personally.
Gavin doesn’t open his eyes. Rays of sunlight outline his face and figure, immersing his entire self in brightness.
Sunlight lands on the badge, and the golden rays reflected off it give a brief summary of the storms and severe winters in this person’s past.
MC: You didn’t participate in the awards ceremony the previous time, so this medal couldn’t be passed to you. Now, I can finally hand it to its owner.
I observe how it looks on Gavin’s chest, and my voice is very soft.
MC: This is also the most important gift of today.
Gavin: The most important gift?
The entire room is filled with a tender glow. Lifting my head, I meet Gavin’s quiet gaze as he stares at me.
MC: Because I’m a witness to every single reason that resulted in you obtaining it.
I’ve personally witnessed how he has used his own body to block off all sorts of dangers, and can clearly remember how many injuries he has sustained.
But he also experiences pain. When he doesn’t sleep for several days and nights, he also gets fatigued.
It’s only today that I vaguely surmise that the reason why he never mentions anything is because since a very long time ago, he learnt that he shouldn’t anticipate any reciprocation from others.
That aviation badge which was forgotten in a corner had once sustained the weight of a youth’s pure gaze.
Afterwards, it was covered by a thick layer of dust. Nobody held it with a heart filled with anticipation ever again. Just like that, it vanished into the depths of time.
Later on, the youth grew up and decided on a correct flight path. He stepped on dark shadows, walking on the path of justice.
He saved so many people, but the only thing he didn’t know how to do was to allow himself to receive a little reciprocation.
Fortunately, I can now stand before him and take his hand. I can tell him that he has done very well, and that he’s the Gavin I like the most.
I wish to give him the most resolute response.
MC: Gavin, you’re worthy of all the honour. You’re worthy of all the recognition. I... am extremely convinced about this.
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After hearing this, Gavin blinks slowly. He lifts his hand and touches the badge on his chest.
I lean forward slightly to take his hand. Looking directly into his eyes, I recite the words that I’ve drafted multiple times in my mind.
MC: There’s someone I’ve known for a really long time.
MC: I’ve seen his valiant and heroic side, and have also seen his fierce and decisive side.
MC: He always doesn’t care about how many injuries he sustains, but gets anxious and blames himself whenever I get hurt.
MC: He has brought me to see many magnificent sights, and enabled me to appreciate many stories that I wouldn’t have been able to experience on my own.
MC: He has handed his gentlest side to me without holding anything back. But he doesn’t ask for me to reciprocate in any way.
MC: I wish to keep looking at him like this.
And I also wish to... have him forever and ever.
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A breeze from outside the window brings with it a floral fragrance. I watch as Gavin stares at me without blinking, his gaze blooming with tenderness.
Gavin: MC, I remember everything that we’ve experienced together. These experiences are so wonderful, and they’ve filled this space.
He points at his heart.
Gavin: Because this space is full, I can continue to walk on the path that I want to with resoluteness, and do the things that I want.
He pauses, his tone wilful.
Gavin: I’ve decided on today’s wish.
He draws closer to me, and I'm able to catch a whiff of his breath.
Gavin: MC, you are the one who gave 14 year old me a gift. You are also the one who grabbed the hands of both Gavin from the past and the Gavin of right now.
Gavin: You’re the person I was waiting for.
Gavin: So your wishes are also my wishes.
Gavin: From now onwards, keep looking at me. 
A floral fragrance fills the room. I stare into his bright eyes, as feel as though I’m embracing the warmth of an entire midsummer.
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✈️ Phone call: here
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 11
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Nick Fury and Maria Hill
Summary: Fury comes for another weekly check-in and Reader gets in trouble. He also brings along a doctor, will he have good or bad news for Rocket?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: A -l o n g b o i- of a chapter. Also, for my records, this is day 14 of the Guardians living with reader.
Word Count: 7,756
You wake up early, partially due to the pain in your arm, but mostly because you knew Fury would likely be coming today and you wanted to try and get to town and back before he arrived.
After a light breakfast you start to go out back door to retrieve the box the raccoon corpse was in, but Peter, who had also just finished eating and who suspected exactly what you're doing, jumped up and said he'll help you get the box.
You roll your eyes, and you're about to tell him you are fine to do it yourself when you hear knock at door. You assume it's Fury, but you want to be careful. You look out window, prepared to tell Peter to keep the others out of sight, when you notice two SHIELD vehicles behind your own, and that they hadn't been cloaked like Fury's was last time.
"It's Fury," you tell Peter, and he goes to fetch a few of the others who weren't already in the kitchen, mostly Rocket, because he expected they would want to see him after you said you'd be contacting SHIELD about the raccoon fight and whether Rocket had his shots.
Feeling slightly relieved that it was just Fury and that he hadn't decided to test you this time, you answer the door to see not only Fury and Agent Hill, but another man.
Fury gives a quick greeting and introduces the man as a doctor they brought along to test the dead raccoon. Apparently they came prepared after your message to Maria the previous night. You offer to go unlock shed but Fury says he needs you to stay there, and to give the doctor the keys. You are surprised, but obey, assuming he just wants briefed on what happened last night.
You hand the doctor the keys and he disappears back out the front door while you lead Fury and Maria into the kitchen where the others are just as Peter comes back down the stairs with Drax and Rocket.
As suspected, Fury asks first about what happened with the raccoon incident.
Rocket rolls his eyes and grumbles, "Nothing."
Drax speaks up. He tells Fury that he and you heard the commotion outside, saw Rocket getting attacked, and then you shot the offending animal.
Fury nods. "I see. I trust you've already looked him over, but our doctor will be doing so again before he administers the booster. According to our records Rocket was given a rabies vaccination, but you can never be too careful."
"Good." you reply, nodding your head in relief.
Rocket just hopped up on the counter to sit with his arms crossed indignantly, not looking forward to being examined for something he had already been checked for, but surprisingly he chose not to be a child about it.
"How long before we know if the raccoon was infected or not?" asked Kraglin.
Agent Hill answered. "The test takes about two hours. We brought a lab van so the test could be preformed on site that way we'd know as soon as possible."
Leave it to SHIELD to come prepared for literally everything.
"We also brought another couple weeks worth of rations. NOVA expects you all to be here for awhile more." This earned unhappy muttered grumblings from Rocket, but the others kept their mouth shut. They were never under the impression the negotiations would be done quickly. Maria continued, "So if a few of you want to help carry the boxes in..." she gestured towards the kitchen door. She said it politely, but it wasn't exactly a request. She wasn't a maid.
You nodded and started to head toward the door when Fury said. "Agent, stop."
You stopped, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Sir?"
Peter, Drax, and Kraglin, who had stood and were also about to follow Agent Hill (and tell you specifically not to go, for obvious reasons), also stopped, surprised by Fury's tone. He almost sounded a bit like he was scolding you despite his tone being even.
"Please remove your sweater."
The sweater he was referring to was actually an old knit cardigan. You had taken to wearing it the past few days due both to a string of overcast and therefore chillier days, and well, for said obvious reasons. "I'm sorry, what?" you ask.
"Your jacket. Take it off."
You swallow. You had a sneaking suspicion why he would ask you that. He had an annoying habit of somehow knowing everything. "If it's all the same, I'd rather not-"
"Remove your jacket, agent. Or do you need Agent Hill to assist you?" It was clear that he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
You try to hide a grimace as you did what you were told, doing your best not to wince as you pulled your sweater off your good arm first and then the injured arm. Silently you wondered who had squealed on you. A small gasp from Mantis was heard when she saw what your sweater had been hiding, and you could feel the eyes of the others also on you as Fury gave you an unamused look and Agent Hill's eyes widened sightly. Even Rocket looked a bit surprised. He wasn't expecting it to look that bad.
Purple and green bruising stained your arm, radiating out from your elbow and stretching from your bicep to maybe 5 inches shy of your wrist.
"The doctor is also here to check over your injury as well." Fury said. Looking to Gamora he thanked her for informing them of your injury before turning back to scold you for not having mentioned it to them or having seen a doctor for it. He also threw in that you should be wearing a sling and resting your arm instead of 'acting like a dumbass who thinks they don't need to take care of themselves.'
"Sir, it's fine. I-"
"I'm trusting you to protect these people. How are you going to do that if you cripple yourself by neglecting injuries?" he scolded.
You shot an unhappy look to Gamora, but you could tell she wasn't sorry. You also caught almost smug looks from Yondu and Peter before turning back to Fury.
"How did it happen?" asked Maria. Gamora had told her that it had happened, that you refused help, and that you put it back in place yourself, but she hadn't told her how it happened. Seeing the aftermath of the injury now herself had made her curious.
"Slipped," you say before anyone can speak up for you. "Clumsy me," you add sarcastically.
Peter raised an eyebrow and shared glances with Kraglin and Yondu, surprised that you seemed to be covering for him. However, he didn't correct you, assuming you gave that answer for a reason, and after all, it wasn't totally a lie, more just... not the whole truth.
That explanation was apparently good enough for Fury and Maria because she nodded at the guys for them to follow as Fury laid into you again.
Maria opened the back hatch of the SUV, revealing crates of rations to be taken inside.
Lifting up one of the crates, Peter tried to make conversation, mentioning how Fury seemed surprisingly mad at you for not seeking out a doctor for your injury.
Sure, he could understand your boss telling you that you were dumb for neglecting an injury and scolding you for being stupid, but Fury's anger seemed different than he would have expected. Almost like he genuinely cared that you had gotten hurt. He couldn't remember any of his mother's bosses caring that much. If anything, if she had gotten hurt or sick, they would have preferred that she pretended she hadn't and just worked through it. Then again, he always did think most of her bosses were mean. Maybe she just had bad luck?
"Yeah, well, this wouldn't be the first time she's hidden an injury." Maria admitted. "I imagine he's getting a bit tired of it."
Kraglin took a crate from Maria. "She do that often?" he asked, surprised that anyone would just routinely hide when they've been hurt for seemingly no reason.
"It's not a super frequent occurrence, but she does have a bad habit of not saying when she's hurt. Once she got stabbed on the job in Hong Kong... we only found out when another agent walked in on her trying to stitch herself up in the hotel afterwards." She stacked a crate on top of the one Drax was already holding and shut the hatch before bending down to pick up the last crate she had set on the ground for herself. "Then there was a time when we were on a job together in Romania. We had been captured and held hostage for two days. I noticed she started looking worse and worse as time went on. I thought she was just getting sick, but then she passed out during the last interrogation attempt before SHEILD busted in the door with backup." She started walking back towards the house with the men. "I found out after they got her to medical that the day after we got sent out she came down with appendicitis and instead of telling someone that something was wrong and getting medical treatment, she apparently decided it was better to just cut out her own appendix- still don't know how she managed that without anyone noticing." Maria sounded like she clearly disapproved of your prior actions. "Anyway, with no way to keep it clean while we were being held prisoner, she had developed an infection. She was put on suspension for that one. I've got more, but I think you get the drift."
The three men's eyes were wide as they followed Agent Hill back to the house.
"That's insane." Peter said. "Why would anyone do that?"
"Beats me. She didn't always used to be that way, but now we use her as an example for what you shouldn't do with the new recruits."
"What do you think changed? Could she have suffered a brain injury that made her dumb?" Drax asked.
Peter shifted his crate so he could open the door and scolded Drax for being rude. As they walked into the hall Maria said, "No head injury that I'm aware of, she just kinda changed after-"
She never got to finish that sentence, for they entered the kitchen to hear you angrily say to Fury, "You can't be serious."
The four made their way towards the pantry with their crates, cautiously eyeing the situation so as to not appear nosy. Well, except for Drax, who was just flat out staring.
You were staring angrily at a stern-faced Fury while Gamora looked at the two of you, uneasiness in her eyes. Yondu and Rocket had looks of almost smug satisfaction playing on their faces, while Mantis and Groot appeared confused and intrigued.
"Serious as a heart attack." Fury answered. "After the doctor examines you and gives his orders, she-" he pointed to Gamora, "is going to report back to me if you break them, since clearly she has more sense than you."
"Sir, I don't need a babysitter-"
"Act like a baby, you get a sitter." Fury responded, cutting you off. "Adults know better than to just ignore serious injuries, Agent. Or do I need to remind you of the stunt you pulled in Romania?"
Gamora looked uncomfortable, and she wasn't even the one being scolded, though now she did wonder what you had done in Romania, wherever that was. Yondu was also curious, as Fury's statement confirmed you had done this more than once.
You sighed indignantly, "Sir I-"
"Enough. Unless you want to tell me you intend to defy orders, I suggest you keep any excuses to yourself. If I hear anything about you neglecting the doctor's orders, your ass will be assigned to a desk so fast your head will spin. Are we clear?"
Your eyes widened. Desk duty?! He couldn't do that to you. "What? Sir?! You can't do that-" you say, your voice almost pleading with a hint of indignation.
He says again, more firmly, "Are we clear?" Not only could he, he most definitely would. You thought being assigned to stay home was bad? Try being stuck in a cubicle for the next foreseeable future.
"Yes, sir." you say begrudgingly.
Rocket started chuckling, pleased to see you get dressed down by your boss. In your own home, no less. Then he got an idea. "Hey, Agent." he said in a mocking tone.
You turn to glare at him. "What?" you respond irritably.
"Why don't you tell me where that new bed in my room came from?" He was wearing a shit eating grin, and you weren't sure why he'd bring it up right now.
You roll your eyes. "How should I know? Bed faeries? Piss off."
Rocket grinned wider. "Really? 'Cause I've got a feeling you aren't allowed to lie to your director, so if he were to ask..."
Fury, not in the mood, flatly repeated what he had said on the last visit, "I'm not here to get involved with your petty squabbles." adding, "I couldn't care less what this was about."
Rocket almost looked disappointed, and you relieved, before Agent Hill said, "Well, he might not care, but we'll be here for the next two hours waiting on results anyway... and technically I do outrank you..." Her smile wasn't malicious, it was clear that her intent was only some good-natured ribbing to her fellow agent who seemingly didn't like to admit that she'd done something nice for the asshole raccoon. Trying to lighten the mood.
You give Maria a look that says, 'Are you fucking kidding?'
Rocket looked delighted, and a few of the others looked pleasantly intrigued by your expression. By now everyone had pretty much gathered that you had made Rocket the bed, but you never would say as much. It'd be interesting if you'd actually admit it, or suffer whatever consequence lying to a superior might entail if they would choose to enforce it.
Fury, however, rolled his eye and told Maria he was going to have a word with the doctor. His way of saying that this issue wasn't worth his time, but he also wasn't going to stop whatever happened next.
Maria didn't force you to come clean about the bed. Not at first anyway. She did, however, exercise her power to keep you in line. Meaning, if you didn't do like you were told and just sit and wait for the doctor while the guys finished emptying the crates into the pantry and returned the crates to the vehicle, she'd make veiled threats to ask where the bed came from.
You knew she was only having a bit of fun, but you still stared daggers at her.
After a bit Fury returned with the doctor, who greeted you again by handing you the keys to your shed, stating that he locked it back up. He also informed that part of the the rabies test involved freezing the samples for 45 minutes, so he would examine you and Rocket in the meantime.
You went to motion for Rocket to go first, but Fury prodded the doctor in your direction, giving you a look that you knew better than to argue with. Rocket stuck his tongue out at you and remained sitting, satisfied, on the counter. Out of most everyone's sight, though, his tail twitched.
You were tense, but on your best behavior the whole time the doctor examined your injured arm, not wishing for Fury to come up with another punishment for your disobedience.
The doctor pulled a device out of a briefcase that turned out to be a fancy portable X-ray device to make sure there were no fractures. Luckily there weren't any.
The outcome was determined that you were very lucky. Somehow you had managed to set the bones back in place well enough on your own without accidentally breaking the radial heads in the 're-entry' process, something the doctor said he'd wouldn't have expected for a self-reset, but then again, most don't attempt to reset this type of injury on their own either. You were given a mild scolding by the doctor for not putting the arm in a sling so the ligaments could heal, however, and he said you were very lucky it didn't re-dislocate. You internally groaned as "I told you so's" peeped from behind you.
The doctor placed your arm in a strange hinged brace with a strap that made it sort of like a sling with the instructions that you were required to wear it with the strap for a week. Afterwards you could remove the strap, but you would still need to wear the brace for at least another two or three weeks. You were also placed on a weight restriction of only 5 pounds for your injured arm. Great...
You didn't say anything, only nodded, having gotten the message that it wasn't in your best interest to argue if you didn't want another tongue-lashing from Fury.
When the doctor was done with you he moved onto Rocket, who's ears momentarily flattened when he saw the doctor was now approaching him, but he quickly recovered, begrudgingly allowing himself to be examined.
As expected, the doctor found nothing of concern, barely even a scratch, which he was sure to clarify that Rocket likely wouldn't have contracted rabies from even if the animal does test positive.
The doctor turned to his coat pocket and pulled out a pre-loaded syringe of pinkish liquid, declaring to Rocket that it was the vaccine booster as he pulled off the cap.
Peter saw Rocket stiffen and finally noticed the twitching of his tail, and decided to be merciful and distract him. "Hey, Trash Panda,"
Rocket turned his head to Peter as the doctor grabbed his arm. "I don't answer to that, Star-Munch."
"You just did." Peter laughed.
Rocket growled at him before turning back to the doctor and asking him to hurry up so he could bite a chunk out of Peter's face.
"Already done," stated the doctor, capping the now empty needle and slipping it into a plastic bag before returning it to his pocket.
Rocket raised his eyebrows, forgetting his previous anger towards Peter. "Oh." His tail ceased its twitching. He hadn't felt a thing.
Peter didn't return to taunting and just let him forget. Mission accomplished.
Now done, the doctor announced he'd be going back to the lab-van to check on the samples, leaving you to sit awkwardly with your boss, co-worker, and the rest of the Guardians.
You look to the ceiling and sigh before saying, "Well I suppose I should offer you some tea if you're going to be here awhile."
Maria nodded that she'd take some and no sooner than you go to stand does Peter speak up and say, "Let me help-"
You give him a seething look that actually makes him recoil. "Unless you know how to make tea, fuck off. And even if you do, still fuck off. I don't need both arms to make fecking tea and I don't need your help. I'm not an infant." Your tone was even, but the venom was still there. A bit harsh, perhaps, but it sent the desired message. The whole situation was making you very cranky and maybe they shouldn't push it. At least for awhile until you had a chance to decompress.
Fury, however, shot you a disapproving look before you turned to put the kettle on, though he didn't say anything. He had pretty much expected this is how you might react.
The next half hour was mostly sipping tea and awkward attempts at conversation as everyone waited for the doctor to finish the test.
Yondu wasn't much interested in trying to make conversation, though he was surprised to find he didn't mind the tea. He was watching as you fiddled with your cup. You were quiet, and he thought you seemed nervous. Could you be nervous about the test results on that animal? Why? All evidence pointed to Rocket being completely fine, he hadn't been bitten, and that's what you said they had to worry about, right?
When the doctor finally returned he had good news. The raccoon had tested negative.
Yondu watched you visibly relax and it made him wonder if there was something you hadn't told them.
He was right. You were worried about the possibility of the raccoon's blood or saliva having found its way into one of the scratches or, more grossly, Rocket's mouth or eyes. If the raccoon had been infected, you knew those would be other possible ways Rocket still could have contracted the virus. You hadn't told the others because you hadn't wanted them to worry, but doing this only then made you worry. Not just because you didn't want to see even an asshole like Rocket die like that, but because you had told the others he'd be fine if he wasn't bitten, and that hadn't fully been the truth. It was a weight off your shoulders to hear that the test came back negative.
With that news Fury, Agent Hill, and the doctor were finally all able to leave. Fury stood and made eye-contact with Gamora. "Remember what I said, she steps out of line, disobeys the doctor's orders, you report back to us. Understood?"
Gamora nodded uneasily. She hadn't expected to be put on the spot and honestly wasn't looking forward to her assigned task, sure that it would only serve to piss you off.
Fury looked at you now. "Understood, Agent?"
You exhale irritably and say, "Yes, sir."
"Good. We'll be seeing you again next week."
You led them to the front door to let them out, but right before she walked out Maria turned to you with a smile and said, "Oh, almost forgot. Where did that new bed in Rocket's room come from?" She said it louder than necessary, no doubt to make sure that the others could hear the question being asked.
"Dammit, Maria!" you scold.
Fury now turned with a smirk, seemingly finally finding humor in the situation. "You know what. I changed my mind. I'd also like to know. Agent?"
You look to the ceiling with a pitiful look. Maria had only been joking, there wouldn't be any real consequences for refusing to tell her. Fury, however, was your boss, and if he wanted to be a dick about it, he could. Apparently your recent stunt with your injury had pressed his 'asshole' button. "I built it." you mutter.
Fury spoke in a tone louder than necessary, just to mess with you. "Sorry, Agent, I didn't catch that."
You glare at him and only speak up a little bit. "Said I built it, sir."
Fury chuckled, and spoke again in the louder-than-necessary voice, "Ah, you built the bed! What a nice thing to do, Agent!"
Rocket could be heard from the kitchen cheering, "I frickin knew it!"
You glared at your boss and coworker. "I hate you both so much."
Fury chuckled. "Goodbye, Agent."
"Goodbye, sir." you reply, promptly shutting the door.
You turn to see Rocket standing smugly in the kitchen doorway. Peter and Kraglin were standing behind him, appearing amused.
"Not a word." you say, barely looking at them as you made for the stairs.
Rocket laughed. "Oh, I was just going to ask if I should give my regards to you, or the faeries."
"Can't hear you!" you call back as you walk up the stairs.
"Come on now, that was a nice thing ya did!" Kraglin said, his tone teasing.
"Not listening!" you cry back as you climb higher, fully aware you were acting a bit like a child, but not caring in your pursuit to get away.
They heard your door shut and Kraglin turned to Peter to say, "She's an odd one, ain't she?"
Gamora felt uneasy. After conversing with the others about you, she had contacted Agent Hill on the communication device SHIELD had given them in case any issues arose. They were naturally concerned with how you kept to your room after the injury, and a few therefore worried that the injury was worse than you let on.
They could have just let you be, after you made it clear that you wouldn't accept their help, but after they saw you risk further injury to save their friend, she and Peter collectively decided they'd risk overstepping and contact SHIELD. You helped one of them, they'd help you. Even if you didn't want it, they felt you needed it.
What they hadn't expected was for Fury to be angry about it and, as a result, assign Gamora as your warden.
She talked with Peter in private, discussing what she should do about the situation. She didn't see the situation going well. You barely knew each other and you could be... well, stubborn might be an understatement. Eventually they agreed there was only one thing to be done. Just do it.
Or, at least make it look like she had every intention of carrying through without pissing you off to much. Sometimes people needed a little tough love for their own good, but Gamora knew if they crossed the line into overbearing things could go south real quick, and she didn't want to risk finding the tipping point that would make you make them leave. Being assigned someone to report back on you if you misbehaved was probably humiliating enough without them pushing it.
Now if they could only get Rocket on board.
You stayed in your room most of the day, but when you did come out to eat or to stretch your legs Rocket would throw teases at you, saying that you better stay in line if you didn't want Gamora to tell on you, and throwing taunts about the punishment Fury had threatened you with if you disobeyed the doctor's orders.
To their surprise, however, you just ignored him. You literally just didn't acknowledge him. Just walked about your business, and returned to your room without even a glance in his direction.
Then they realized it was only because you couldn't hear him. You had your earbuds in. Probably for the best, really.
Gamora's uneasiness eventually turned into relief when it became clear that you didn't hold a major grudge against her for squealing on you or her assignment from Fury. Based on your reaction earlier she had been worried that you'd focus your ire on her, but for whatever reason, you didn't seem to.
It was true, you didn't hold a grudge against her. Well, not after you had a chance to cool down about the situation, that is. Listening to music always made you feel better, so it helped your mood that you had kept your earbuds in for most of the day, (and let's be honest, it saved Rocket's ass too.) You took some time to reflect. Except for a period when you went for a walk to decompress, you stayed in your room and just thought about the situation. From what you had seen of Gamora, she probably only thought she was helping. Why she wanted to, you couldn't guess, but you just assumed she did. Fury was probably just trying to teach you a lesson, and you resolved to not let it get to you. You'd play the game, be good, and then he'd eventually get off your back. Easy.
After spending most of the day reflecting, you didn't feel as cranky as you had that morning. Yup, good old music and walking had done it's job to help your mood...
You hadn't made the connection that each of the three times Mantis came to your shared room to check on you, and would take your hand or place hers on your arm to ask how you were feeling, you felt a little more contented. You just assumed she was feeling affectionate and that you enjoyed her company.
Both of those were true, but Mantis had also been working her magic a little, wanting to see you cheer up but doing it in tiny doses so as to not ruin the practical joke Yondu had said would be real funny later if she didn't tell you about her abilities. She didn't know when the joke would be over, but she also didn't want to ruin it and disappoint her new friend.
Later that night you decided to break out a bottle of whiskey from the cellar. Try to get a buzz going. You brought it into the kitchen, asking those already at the table if they wanted any. Well, it was more like telling them that they knew where the glasses were if they wanted some, but still, an offer is an offer.
You sat down and poured yourself a glass as Peter grabbed a glass each for him and Gamora, and Kraglin fetched one for himself and Yondu.
Gamora was the first to speak. "I just wanted to aplogi-"
"It's awkward enough without the apology. It's done. I'm sure you thought you were being helpful or something, but it's done."
Gamora raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well I-"
You sigh. "Look, if it makes you feel better, you're forgiven or whatever, but I don't want to talk about it. 'Kay?" you down your glass and pour another. "Don't kill my buzz before it's even started."
Peter started to speak up. "Well I feel Krags and I at least-"
You cut him off as well. "Same goes for you. We're not going to talk about it right now. It's done."
"Oh...kay..." Peter said, taking a sip. He attempted small talk after a bit. "So... how did you come about working for SHIELD?"
You sipped and shrugged before setting your glass down. "My dad was an agent, and I guess I followed in his footsteps." you say, toying with your glass. Eager to turn the conversation away from you, you asked, "How'd you lot go about becoming 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?"
That question had the desired effect. Peter started off the story by telling you how it actually all started with them getting thrown in prison over a stone and then breaking out of said prison together to locate said powerful stone that some dick called Ronan was going to use to wipe out an entire planet.
About a quarter the way through the story the rest of the Guardians came and the same offer was extended to them before you stood up and announced you should probably grab another bottle as the one you brought up was nearly empty.
Rocket piped up, "So where ya hide it anyway?"
You looked at him, confused and a little tipsy. Cocking your head you asked, "What?"
"The booze. You always seem to pull it out of thin air. Figured you were hiding it."
You blink at him while Peter scolded him for being dumb, a sentiment you now currently shared. You laugh and look at Gamora, who looked embarrassed by her friend. "Is he always this dumb?" Not waiting for an answer you turn back to Rocket. "It ain't hidden. Dipshit." You turn away to resume your task.
Rocket, offended that you would call him dumb, said, "If you ain't hiding it, why haven't we ever seen where you keep it."
Now Kraglin was giving him looks. Even if you were hiding it, it was your shit. You were already giving them a place to stay, you didn't owe them booze too. The rest were sure Rocket was just trying to get a rise from you, but the secondhand embarrassment was real.
You rolled your eyes but kept walking. It was most likely the alcohol, but you were actually finding humor in his stupidity. "It's in the cellar, space case. I won't stop you from tagging along. Make sure your mother signs the permission slip." With that you slipped out the kitchen door.
The guardians exchanged glances at your comment and Peter, who remembered school and field trips, said, "That was a joke. You wouldn't get it." He then stood up and said, "Might as well take the chance to see something new since we don't know how long we'll be stuck here." He then looked to Rocket and asked if he was coming, since technically the invitation had been extended to him.
Rocket, who had been clearly hoping for, or at least expecting, a fight, awkwardly followed in the direction you had left. Mantis and Groot stated they wanted to go see the cellar too, but the others opted to stay behind.
Seeing that four of them had actually decided to take up your mock-offer to come to the cellar, you waited for them to catch up. You honestly didn't care if they went into the cellar, as long as Groot didn't go down there to play, and you made a point to ask Peter to tell him that you didn't mind him coming down with the rest of you tonight, but he was under no circumstances to come down there to play as he could get hurt.
Rocket translated instead, seeming irritated that you had given the message to Peter instead of him, and you open the door start to walking down the stairs, the others trailing behind.
The cellar wasn't anything spectacular. The stairs were a bit creaky with age, and it was dusty and dim even with the light on. The walls were stone strung with cobwebs and the floor was made up of old red brick.
You reached the ground and led them to some shelves on the wall across from the boiler, to grab the whiskey. On the other wall next to the shelves was an old wooden door, but other than that, a few cans of paint, and another set of shelves on the far end of the cellar, it was largely empty. You didn't keep much down there due to the damp.
You turned back to face them once you grabbed a bottle and asked if Rocket was satisfied. You didn't recieve an answer, not like you had expected one anyway. Gesturing back to the whiskey you said to Peter that it was down here if they wanted it. You didn't care as long as they didn't get sloppy drunk and start wrecking shit on the regular.
Peter nodded and the four took in the sight of the cellar. Mantis looked like she regretted her decision to come down, and said it was a little creepy, and Groot seemed to share her opinion. Good. Would mean he wouldn't care to come play down there. Peter and Rocket, however, looked at the shelf behind you in surprise. There was... more whiskey than they had anticipated. A lot more.
"Not that it's any of my business, but why do you have so much whiskey down here?"
You turned back to the shelf. Remembering the reason combined with your tipsy state made you giggle as you answered honestly. "Decided to order a small case awhile back just to have a bit around. Might have ordered it drunk and messed up the size of the order... just a bit..."
'A bit' was an understatement. The whiskey didn't sit on just one shelf, but rather the whiskey took up a whole shelving unit. You had only meant to order one case. A case would have been maybe six bottles. Somehow you ended up ordering six cases, and of course there were no refunds. So, into the cellar with a few other assorted bottles it went. You didn't do any online shopping while drunk after that again.
Peter chuckled at your honesty and noticed the wooden door for the first time. He debated asking about it, it seemed oddly placed considering the layout of the house above, but Mantis beat him to it.
"Where does that door go?" she asked, pointing to it.
You look to the door and then back to them. "Closet," you say, before widening your eyes in mock realization to tease Rocket. "Oh right, better prove it before that one gets all suspicious again!"
Rocket narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, not thrilled with you making him the butt of a joke as you opened the door to reveal a small, dark closet, maybe a meter deep and just as wide. Pipe wrenches hung on hooks off the door, and inside was a bucket, a broom, and a shovel resting against a wall of shallow shelves which were empty aside from a few random tools and a couple lanterns.
You closed the door after a moment and to Peter's surprise you handed him the whiskey bottle you had retrieved and grabbed another. "Might as well grab two, save me a trip if we run out again," you explain before shooing them all up the stairs.
Once back in the kitchen you re-took your seat and poured yourself another glass before sliding the bottle towards the middle of the table for someone else to grab. "Alright, I believe you were telling a story now?" you say to Peter as he also sat down, seeming surprised you were still interested.
And you were. It was quite an interesting story and you had to admit it captured your attention quite well.
Before you knew it an hour had passed and the second bottle was finished between seven of you when they'd finished telling it. Mantis didn't like the taste and Groot wasn't permitted to have any, though fortunately he didn't seem to mind. Just sipped on some juice you had gotten up to pour for him and Mantis and played about on the table adorably as Peter told the story.
The Ronan guy had gotten the stone, but Peter and his team still won anyway, having managed to get the stone away from him. You had giggled when you realized that Peter had more or less described that they had used 'the power of friendship' to hold onto the stone, though he didn't seem as keen on that comparison. You were also surprised to learn that the little Groot before you wasn't the original Groot, but rather more like the original's son, and that Kraglin and Yondu weren't part of the team yet in this story, but actually the leaders of an almost adversary group of space pirates that had agreed to work with Peter with the promise of obtaining the stone for themselves. You wanted to ask about that, how they came about joining Peter's team and where the rest of their crew was, Ravagers you believed they were called, but before you could Yondu interjected.
"Yeah, I'd almost forgot about that switcharoo ya pulled with the stone, boy." Yondu said to Peter, who, now several drinks in, included that bit of the story despite the former captain and first mate sitting right at the table with him.
Peter chuckled nervously in response, and said in jest, "Well, you got a cool troll doll out of it, that's something, right?"
You snorted a short laugh out your nose at that, making the others turn to you in surprise. Aside from a few questions, you had been more or less quiet the whole time until now. "Troll doll?" you say, clearly tipsy, behind your hand. The thought was ludicrous to you. Of all the things, a troll doll.
Peter grinned, pleased to see you found it funny. "It was the only thing I had on hand that would fit in the orb." He admitted, giggling.
Gamora's eyes crinkled as she looked at Peter. She hadn't had nearly as much drink as him, but she still found his giggly nature and his ability to tell a story to be endearing. This was probably the most she had let herself relax since they arrived.
Kraglin lightheartedly punched Peter in the shoulder. He'd been angry when the "switcharoo" incident happened, but he'd since been given enough reason to get over it.
"You goofy cunt," you chuckled at Peter, standing from the table and grabbing the empty bottle to bin it.
Peter raised an eyebrow and cocked his head at you as you walked toward the bin. Had you just called him a 'cunt'?
The others shared surprised contemplative looks and Kraglin said, "I think that was a compliment?" He was unsure, but you hadn't exactly said it in a derogatory way, so perhaps it was?
You overheard him and said from the bin, "Eh. Close enough." You spared one final giggly glance towards the group before leaving the kitchen to use the bathroom.
Peter shrugged, correctly assuming that he shouldn't be offended and stood to put his now-empty glass in the sink before re-joining the table with the others.
They sat chatting for a bit longer, before they thought they heard the soft sounds of singing coming from the sitting room. Exchanging glances, Peter and Gamora decided to go check it out.
You didn't return to the kitchen after you finished your business. The story was finished and you were in a better mood than you had been that morning so you just made your way to the sitting room to relax in your rocking chair before your buzz could wear off.
You had been there just a few minutes with your eyes falling closed when the sensation of something crawling up your leg startled you. You jump slightly only to see it was Groot crawling into your lap. You then relaxed. Cute little bugger looked sleepy, and for whatever reason, decided he would crawl up into the rocking chair with you. You didn't mind, and even if you did, you were getting a little too sleepy to feel like wasting energy making him move.
He climbed up on your slinged arm, too light for the action to cause you any pain, and curled up as you rocked away.
You weren't sure what possessed you, likely the whiskey, but you started to softy sing him a lullaby. One you remembered your grandmother singing you to sleep with when you were little.
Gamora peeked in the doorway and stopped, seeing you in the rocking chair, though you didn't see her. The rocking chair faced the bookshelf on the opposite wall, putting your gaze perpendicular to her own.
You were the source of the singing, and it didn't take long for her to notice Groot curled up sleeping against you and to deduce that what you were singing was a lullaby.
The others had come to see as well, but Gamora motioned for them to be quiet and didn't let them get past the doorway, afraid that you would stop if you knew you had an audience.
"What is it?" Drax asked.
"I think she's singing a lullaby to Groot." Peter answered, turning to peek back through the doorway for a moment before stepping aside to let Drax see. Drax smiled warmly at the sight and motioned Mantis to take his spot.
Kraglin chuckled and whispered over to an equally amused Yondu, "Well ain't that precious."
"So what?" asked Rocket, annoyed that everyone was gathered by the doorway instead of entering. He was, however, definitely not jealous that Groot would have taken to you well enough to let you sing a lullaby to him. He was also definitely not irritated about the fact that Groot had aparently just fallen right asleep in your lap, when he had been having to deal with Groot fitting to go to sleep most nights due to being someplace new.
Gamora looked to him. "It's sweet."
"She ain't sweet, it's all an act. She don't really care."
"So it was an act when she shot that raccoon and saved your ass?" asked Peter, rolling his eyes at his furry friend.
Rocket threw up his arms in frustration, unwilling to admit the possibility of being wrong. "Probably! She don't really care about us. We're just an assignment to her. And I didn't need her help anyway."
Peter rolled his eyes again, and that's when they noticed the singing had stopped. They were too busy arguing to notice it had been getting softer and softer. Gamora peeked in again and saw that you had fallen asleep, and she whispered back to the group as such.
"Good. I'm putting Groot to bed." Rocket said, pushing through the others before they could say anything.
"Rocket!" Gamora hissed, finally entering the room herself along with Peter.
Rocket ignored her as he approached the rocking chair. Who did you think you were anyway, singing lullabies to Groot? You weren't his mother. He was the one raising Groot, he didn't need some Terran dickhead stepping in and playing 'mommy.' Rocket let his frustration get the better of his sense and instead of gently climbing to retrieve Groot, or asking someone else once he realized he wouldn't quite be able to reach, he decided to be an asshole and jump right into your lap, startling both you and Groot awake in the process.
"Ow! The hell?" you said groggily, rubbing your eyes.
"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" Rocket said mockingly before walking off with a confused and groggy Groot.
The others gave him disapproving looks as they dispersed, not wanting to crowd the doorway any longer.
"You're a real asshole, ya know that?" Kraglin said before heading towards the stairs with Yondu. Rocket just ignored him.
Mantis, who also decided she would go to bed, said to Rocket as they climbed, "You're wrong, you know. She does care. I've felt it."
Rocket just rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever," before bounding up the rest of the stairs and to his room to put Groot down to sleep.
Peter and Gamora had decided to head back into the kitchen with Drax to clean up the forgotten empty glasses on the table, so by the time you got up and decided to head to bed yourself the hall was empty.
Too tired to do anything else, you decided to just go to bed. As you made your way up the stairs you remembered taking the others to the cellar and showing them what was behind the door, and wondered if you should consider getting a lock, just in case Groot disobeyed and decided to go play down there anyway.
They didn't need to find out what was behind the back wall of that closet.
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Never Again || Thomas Shelby x reader
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credits to @saralou23​ for the gif
Anon requested/summary: “can I request a fic where the reader is found unconscious or faints in the shop or something and tommy freaks out? I just find protective tommy so ❤️💓💟!! Thank you, your writing is absolutely INCREDIBLE” (Thank you so much honeybun, you’re making me blush, pls, forgive me for being late ❤️)
Warnings: swearing, bossy Tommy, basically Tommy freaking out and being overprotective, me always loving him with all of my mangled soul
Author’s notes:
I hope you are okay darlings, I love you, please stay safe ♡
I’m so sorry for being this late, I have no excuses, forgive me. Also the end sucks, but I’m struggling with my writing lately, so, sorry again.
I love protective Thomas so much, he’s an ass, but he’s a softie, and I’m gonna lose my mind some day.
Behind each one of these works there are sleepless nights and something really close to multiple mental breakdowns, so, please, take a minute to send me a message about it, I need actual actual feedbacks to understand how to improve my skills and grow ♡
If you want to be added to my tag list, please, directly message me
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also, please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
Birmingham’s gelid air hit your sensitive skin with no mercy as soon as your red mary-janes crossed the doorway of the Garrison, only to disgracefully sink into the greyish muddy loam in which the whole of Small Heath seemed to be covered.
Your fingers felt like rigid appendages burdening your already wearied arms, while you tried your best to wrap them around your coat’s edges, in a disperate effort to keep that warm tissue on your bulging clavicles left exposed by the woollen dress you were wearing. No matter how many heavy clothes you decided to put on, that implacable cold still succeeded in making you feel constantly out of forces, debilitated to the core; it had always been that way, since you were nothing more than a little girl obliged to spend one every two months confined in your bedroom, afflicted by incredibly high fever and sometimes even bronchitis.
Truth was that your body had never got used to England’s humid weather, yet, even though you poor healt had previously put you in danger, for your sake, thanks to the enormous progresses made by medicine in the past fifteen years, it was now easy to fight against the ruthless chill of those endless winters. Plus, since the earliest days of your attendence, your wardrobe had been perpetually refreshed with high-quality pieces perfectly in step with the times, for your fiancée had been literally covering you in furs and duvets of all kinds, concerned as he was that you could’ve eventually caught another bad fever, whose deathly consequences he had already experienced on his own thick skin. And for no reason in the world he would’ve even risked to lose you too.
So, as everybody could’ve easily predicted, Thomas was perennially paying attention to your wellbeing: the most famous specialists from inside and outside the United Kingdom had come directly to your country house; if one thing could be taken for granted, it was that your medications would always be settled on your side cabinet, together with a glass of fresh water, every day and every night; and, come hell or high water, he would accompany you during your routine visits to the hospital, even when it meant leaving all of his business without any prior warning.
Needless to say, you were perfectly able to do those things on your own -pheraps except for getting a crowd of world renowned doctors in your living room- and you sure as hell had tried to persuade him that there was no need at all for being so preoccupied all the time; still, he was Tommy Shelby, he simply couldn’t help it. 
The concern for his loved ones’ lives kept stealing his sleep, even on those nights when there was no trace of imminent dangers on the horizon, it kept excoriating the insides of his drained brains, to the point that, more than once, you’d had to sleep alone in your immense king-size bed or reach for him in his study, curling up on one of his uncomfortable armchairs, ready to appease his fears as best you could. In short, for as much as you needed him to relax, you were still able to understand his protective behavior, against which, as a matter of fact, no one could do much; thus you at least tried not to give him more reasons to be worried by paying some extra attention to all those small things you could solve without Tommy even knowing about it. Regularly taking your iron tablets, for example. Nonetheless, it had now been already a week since the Peaky Blinders had started a brand new business involving in effect every metalworking factory in and around Birmingham, and the whole family, you and Tom included, had been so turbulently tied up with work to let every other thought and need slither on the back burner. As a direct consequence, your doctor’s latest prescription was unfortunately left lying on the bottom of your drawer, that being the fourth day in a row you’d spent without taking those pills, and, even though everything appeared to be going well until then, that one Thursday morning your period eventually came and stroke the fatal blow, having you feel so faint and aching that, all of a sudden, the few metres separating your side of the street from the betting shop seemed to implausibly dilate right under your blurred vision, a vexing sense of nausea assaulting your empty stomach led you to lean against a lamppost, your skin still crawling beneath all those heavy tissues.  Dizziness and lethargy almost took over your sore mind, before you shook your head with an abrupt move in a bid to dispel those unpleasent sensations; clients would’ve arrived in less than a hour, Esme had taken John’s kids on a brief fieldtrip, Michael was already in his office, the boys were making their usual rounds of the mills, Finn and Isaiah were dealing with a couple folks in need back at the Garrison and Polly was nowhere in sight, which made you the only available blinder for the opening and, with Friday’s race approaching, there was no way the box-office could remain shut. Hence, more determined than ever, you chocked down the knot forming in your throat due to queasiness and just forced youself to put one foot in front of the other onto the dusty road, until you reached the shop door, not without the risk of tripping over multiple times in the process. Your frozen fingers clutched to the small side-wall now carring all of your weight, whilst your lungs tried to let in as much air as possible. And it worked, each plodding breath seemed to fight your sickness, also your heartbeat was gradually slowing down, thus you shut your eyelids and continued to inhale deeply for a full minute, before your trembilng hand managed to finally turn the key in the lock, giving you free access to the place. 
However, the small click produced by the latch closing again did not live to reach your ears, for they were already brimful of ominous hisses, in a scant moment a bulk of hypnotic grey worms prevented you from seeing anything else, they relentlessly squirmed in front of your dilated pupils, that repulsing view sending brutal shooks straight to your clenched stomach, again. And, before you even had a chance to realize what was going on, your brain completely blacked out.
                                                    ~ ~ ~
Words would not be sufficient to describe the fright taking over Arthur’s features the second your inert silhouette entered his line of sight. Just returned from their daily patrol, he had indeed noticed a small crowd waiting outside the office, cursing and fussing because of the lacked opening, and that alone had been weird enough for him to punch and kick his way up to the entrance, profanities spilling from his mustached mouth every time somebody’s elbow digged into his ribcage, inducing him to hit back so to stand his ground, only to eventually find himself powerless in front of that ghastly scene. It took him a while to recover from the shock, yet the eldest Shelby eventually regained control of his limbs and moved towards your shape with a single step.
“Polly! Pol, come here, for God’s sake!” Those hoarse yells filled the room, reverberating through the brickwalls, so loud that they could’ve been heard from the other side of the city, Arthur fell on his knees right beside you, gently placing a hand under your nape in order to lift your head. Blind panic streaming in his veins kept him for thinking clearly, he didn’t know what to do, thus he simply shook you from your shoulders, hoping in vain to see your eyes fly back open, but your neck just bent backwards.
“Where the hell is that bloody woman when I need her?!” he grunted those words in between his teeth while tigthening his grip on you, then his chest raised in a sharp move: “Jesus Christ, Polly!” He shouted once more, this time conveying all of his breath and blood towards his larynx, his abrasive voice shriveled and insisted on the last letters of his aunt’s name, until swift strides frantically hit the creaking steps, announcing Polly’s arrive. Her eyes struggled to remain open, her left palm was pressed against her forehead in a silly attempt to soothe the tremendous headache resulted from the previous night’s booze, she didn’t even have the time to put proper clothing on, since her mad niece was apparentely going berserk. “You, son of a bastard-” cursed words died underneath her tongue when she understood what was going on, soon her feet took on a life of their own, as they picked up their peace, leading her next to your body now held in Arthur’s arms.
“She’s freezing, Pol, she’s a fucking chunk of ice!” Hiccoughs shattered his worried cries, he almost whined, shifting his gaze from yours to Polly’s face over and over again, she, on the other hand, used the whole lenght of her right arm to clear in one smooth motion the closest desk. “Quick, lay her here” The deafening noise produced by those items colliding with the pavement barely grazed her hears, whilst she nodded to herself in the effort to impose some order on her obfuscated head, searching for a prompt solution that was late in coming, to the point that Finn beat it to the draw and stormed in, pointing a loaded gun to each corner of the room with fear in his cerulean irises. “What the hell’s going on?” That hysterical question echoed through the place, even though the young boy was finding it hard to get his breath, due to the crazy run he had made to reach the shop immediately after hearing that insane screaming. Nonetheless, in the space of an instant, he saw you as well and fell utterly silent, violent dismay caught him off guard, his wide eyes hesitated on your motionless figure; all of a sudden he didn’t know what to think, nor he could get the thought of your death out of his brains.
“My God, she’s as pale as death” Finn let his mind talk through that throttled murmur, regretting it right away, for silty goosebumps crawled on his skin under the pungent pressure of his brother’s instantaneous lethal glare. “Don’t talk shit, kid! Just fucking go and get Tom!”
The redhead didn’t waste any time, he somehow managed to recollect his guts and steadily disappeared behind the door previously left open. While struggling for air and internally searching for the right words to say in front of Thomas, Finn covered the whole distance between the office and the Garrison. Labored gasps coming out of his slightly parted lips in louder groans as he slammed the heavy pub’s doors open, using only his strongest shoulder; both Harry and Isaiah watched him run towards the back room where Tommy was going through the books, they did not dare spill a word and, after all, the boy didn’t even look in their direction, such was his concentration. Still, once he reached the place, all of a sudden his tongue felt dry, his well-organised speech faded away.
“Finn?! What’s wrong?” Tom’s icy eyes were now staring at him through his round glasses, the paper he’d been reading was instantly dropped, although his tone remained steady. “Y-you need to come, now! She... she’s-” A frown formed upon Tommy’s marble face at his little brother’s furious rambling, something wasn’t right, that was crystal clear, yet he wasn’t able to keep up with those hasty and stuttered sentences, so he approached him, putting both his hands on Finn’s shoulders in order to give him a little shove and maybe get some decent information. “Breathe, kid, and tell me what’s going on” That deep, adamant tone somehow sounded scarier than usual roaring inside the boy’s head, hence anxiety definitively won him over, gaining complete control of his mouth too. “It’s Y/n! I don’t fucking know, Tom, s-she looks dead!” All at once, time and space seemed to collapse around him, one single second dilated, covering the space of a whole lifetime beyond his vacant blue irises now fixed on an undetermined spot of the white wall behind Finn’s back.   A gruesome, yet familiar sensation raided his petrified body, it felt like having a beast’s fangs gnawing his throat off, lacerating his flesh to the bone, he could sense every little laceration, his chest being plundered, till even his sable heart was eradicated and then mauled. A strangled wheeze barely lived through his plump lips, that being the only sound he uttered, then his black pupils shrinked and immediately twitched, nailing his sibiling’s gaze. Without receiving an order from his brain, his fists violently gripped Finn’s jacket at the height of his biceps, bringing him a span away from his gnashed teeth with a sharp pull. “Where?” He snarled liked a rabid dog, striking, if possible, geater terror in the young man who struggled to spit an almost inaudible “The shop”, before being shoved against the doorframe as Tommy dodged him and rushed out.
                                                     ~ ~ ~
Polly held the bottle of her almond parfume she’d just put under your nostrils as if her life depended on it, Arthur’s rough palm, instead, began to pat your pasty cheek. “C’mon, love, wake up! Don’t play games, c’mon!” The dorsum of that same hand now poking the left side of your face, and then going back to the other, at incredible speed. You started to feel your face again when his nudges grew in intensity, until he was practically slapping you; soon a tremendous metallic taste invaded your mouth, or rather, you finally sensed it, whilst your eyelids battled against gravity to get back up. Arthur noticed it, he detected that brief flinch and it felt like being pampered with a fresh breeze after days of unsustainable heat. “Oh, fuck, I think I’m having a stroke” His tone held extreme urgency as he grasped for air, tugging with two fingers at his shirt collar; sure, he was great at knocking people off, maybe the best, yet, unfortunately, after that he’d never tried to bring somenody back with the living.
Blinding light rended your shrouded eyes, everything appeared blurred to the point that you couldn’t distinguish Polly’s features, although she was right beside you; nor your hearing was working, since the loud thud produced by the wooden door hitting the brickwall, and then your name barked by your fiancée’s coarse voice, sounded muffled to your ears. With a superhuman effort you succeeded in tilting your face towards the entrance, you recognized the navy-blue suit Thomas had chosen to wear earlier in the moring, still those nebulous images reached your brains with extreme delay, it was like watching vague movie scenes stream in slow motion. Your eyelids blinked as if a plumbeous burden was anchored to them, each flutter seemed to last a full minute, so that you perceived Tom coming to you in multiple shattered motions, while he kept calling you. The moment Tommy furiously jostled against Arthur, in order to take his place by the desk, you gradually went back to see and hear clearly, now being able to seize pure dread sailing those mesmerizing ocean eyes. “Thank goodness, y/n” His big palms envelopped both your cheeks, slightly squeezing them as he lift your neck, revealing all of his hidden delicacy that you, and you only, were able to bring out. “Y/n, love, talk to me” That order came out like a prayer, his voice betraying him once too often, his fingers shaking with worry, while one of his hands held your chin and the other went to caress your locks. Those loving strokes brushed against your skin, slowly infusing a little warmth into your gelid body, he touched you with the unbearable fear of watching you pass away in between his arms, having him struggle to breathe properly. “Do you hear me?” a single, salty drop fell from his long eyelashes and poured your lower lip, you heard his voice crack, distorting, until it became nothing more than a faint whine: “Please, love, talk to me” When his forehead pressed against yours, he finally gave in to the tears that had been held back with drastic ostination, shutting his eyes for a few instants he allowed brutal sobs to trounce his already aching chest. However, that moment of raw weakness was soon restrained, so that you returned to stare into his blue irises. Then, a small grin crossed your pale mouth and, even though your throat felt like gasoline on fire, preventing you from pronouncing a single syllable, you managed to guide your tiny hand to cup his sharp cheekbone. A burning kiss was pressed on its dorsum, before Tommy completely leant into your touch, giving you a look halfway between relief and disperation, he covered your hand with his own, holding it tight. “You’re okay, you’re safe” Those soft murmurs escaped his lips, probably aimed to placate the axphyziating terror still intoxicating his veins. Indeed, as hard as it was to conceive for everybody in that room, although you were the one just recovering from a sudden collapse, Tommy was now the one trembling like a fallen leaf, his arms rested on each side of your shape, sustaining his weight, as he barely stood on his own two feet. Slowly, you regained the necessary strenght to lift your bust, leading him to flutter in your direction, promptly enlacing his forearms around your waist in order to support your movements. “Hold onto me, darling, take it slow” His raspy voice was still unsteady and full of concern, he was holding his breath out of fear, gazing at you with wide eyes and tightening the grip on your hips as if to make sure that you wouldn’t vanish in his palms. You, on the other hand, gave him a rassuring smile, caressing his face mutliple times and placing a brief kiss on his mouth. “I’m fine, Tommy, I’m here with you” you eventually spoke close to his ear so to keep that conversation between the two of you “Let go, my love, I’m here” Your lips accidentally brushed against his forehead once he listened to you and abandoned himself to your tender embrace, gradually drowning into your soft chest while his arms clung on to your figure, his fingertips almost piercing the thick material of your dress as your cheek covered his head, totally annihilating the distance. “Don’t you ever do that to me again. Never again”.
tag list: @spidey-pal​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @stassaurus​​, @peachlle​, @livvtheangel​, @myjbphase​, @namelesslosers, @crazyonesarethebest​, @vxxn128​, @keithseabrook27​, @spaghettirogers​​, @writingstudent​​, @hp-hogwartsexpress , @eggingamazinglove​, @geeksareunique​, @cailoleaf​, @simonsbluee​ , @hereforsmutandfluff​, @starxtt​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @staygold-bebold​, @marvelschriss​, @captivatedbycillianmurphy​
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hungerun-a · 1 year
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under the cut will be my general hc abt the timeline of the general story.
>the nest happened about a year before the main game, six was a curious and adventurous little girl, which often got her into some trouble, the nest was no different. but what was different, was the friend she found in such a scary place, raincoat girl. unfortunately, while six made it out alive, raincoat girl did not, despite six’s best efforts. she now wears the girl’s old raincoat in remembrance.
>six is taken from the beaches surrounding her home, and dumped into the depths of the maw. when she awakes with a start, due to the maw’s effects, she doesn’t remember much about who she is, or how exactly she got there. >though she was terrified, a strange vision compels her forward, but she isn’t sure what, or why. her journey on the maw from bottom to top, took about a months time. she meets the campfire kids, (the ones from the old comics), at some point while trying to hide from the chefs. the group doesn’t remember their names either. instead, they go by nicknames. they give her name, ‘six’. >she has to move on, eventually, but hopes she’ll see them again, someday.
>six unknowingly completes the ritual, gaining her mother’s powers, along with all of her memories, and her knowledge. six knew she was supposed to become the next lady of the maw, but. uh, not a chance. >instead? she tore through the maw, wrecking havoc in her wake, no one could get in her way. she threw open the doors, and she escaped into the day, leaving the now empty, powerless ship to simply rot away.
>once outside, she was lucky enough to be able to hijack’s fate’s little row-boat, left near by from his most recent trip to the maw. >though, unfortunely, her trip back to the mainlands, isn’t exactly a smooth one. it’s just her luck, isn’t it? as six got closer and closer to shore, the signal tower began to effect her, and her new powers.
>the people running the show weren’t ever a big fan of the fujioka family, due to their little ‘safehouse’ idea. so, part of the signal acts as a sort of ‘jammer’, supposed to keep her from ever coming ashore. >and when six began to suffer from it’s effect, her powers, the thing that’d been attached to her… sort of freaked out, panicked, trying to protect itself. after a short struggle to regain control which. didn’t go so well, her boat flipped, and the next thing she remembers is waking up, washed up on forest’s beach.
>(she also lost her raincoat and lighter at some point, washing up without either one. she finds both things again later on in the pale though, much to six’s relief, considering their personal value.)
>and, that’s when the hunter found her and took her in. six didn’t have much choice in the matter, considering how weak she was. >she had a few escape attempts, though unfortunely none were especially successful, only causing the hunter to become more and more strict. (during one of these attempts, she saw dolly.) >eventually, dolly came to help her, and though six is. like, vaguely suspicious/distrustful of him at first, they end up escaping together.
>their journey continues. though the school, the hospital, the city streets, but. the signal tower’s effect on dolly gets worse and worse, it beacons him closer, and closer, until!– the thinman is set free once more, and quickly sets his sights on the kid responsible, and his little friend, too. the thinman kidnaps six, both to use her as bait, and to get her outta the way, considering what’s next.
>during their final encounter, the thinman willingly gives up his powers to dolly, and fades away. he assumed dolly would go and defeat six, and then, in the end, become the new thinman, leaving no loose ends behind. >but, dolly actually found a different way, and managed to revert the changes the signal-infused music box had on six, which. yay! >what’s less ‘yay’ though, is. how the signal reacts, considering it no longer has its puppeteer. it lashes out, manifesting within the tower, and doing everything in it’s power to get to dolly.
>the two try to escape, dolly jumps the gap across a broken bridge, and ruko catches him. but, struggles to pull him up against the aggressive pull of the signal. try as she might, his hand eventually slips out of her grasp, and dolly falls into the darkness below. >she hesitates, wanting to go after him… somehow, but as the tower threatens to collapse around her, she’s forced to leave him behind, unless she wants to go down with him.
>dolly does what the signal wants, he becomes the new thinman, but with this newfound power, he doesn’t go quietly. he refuses to believe this is the end, the real end, and… well. then it’s not.
>time itself rewinds, starting again at the beginning. ruko escapes the maw again, dolly escapes whatever he had been dealing with before as well. then, they meet in the hunter’s cabin, and the rest of their story plays out, repeated. >they go through this loop five times in total, they escape, they meet, they have their adventure, and it ends with the two of them unceremoniously separated.
>neither remember anything once the loop restarts again, but. who does remember, is the phantom kids they save throughout each of their journeys. so, after the third go-around, that group of kids step in last minute and help ruko and dolly escape the tower together, finally breaking the loop, and taking the signal tower down with it.
>the destruction of the signal tower doesn’t mean everything’s alright now, of course. the world they live in is still a scary one, and it can’t be fixed over night. >but, hey. it’s a start, and. at least now, they have eachother again.
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bluefirewrites · 4 years
Juke headcanon please 🥰
Alright folks, here you go:
Luke stands guard outside of Julie’s room every night. 
She doesn’t know he does this, but ever since the stamps disappeared and the boys were free, Luke is terrified that Caleb is going to come back and do something horrible. 
Especially since Caleb has come to the studio before and knows where Julie lives, it’s Luke’s greatest fear is that Caleb would sneak up on them when they least expect it and harm Julie to get his way. 
Ghost don’t sleep, so every time Julie tucks in for the night, Luke sits outside on the porch ledge right under her window, eyes peeled for anything suspicious. 
He doesn’t even listen to music, his ears sensitive to hear the telltale sign of a ghost poofing just in case... 
He always has a can of salt with him. He knows it’s practically useless, but Carlos has promised him that he’s still looking into a more viable source of protection. 
He just... feels better having it on him. It makes him feel like there’s something he could do. He already feels so powerless...  
(The guys eventually figure out where he goes to every night, but instead of telling him to quit it outright, they end up taking turns to watch over Julie- all of them afraid for what Caleb might do.)
Julie eventually finds this out when she tries to sneak out of the house to meet up with Flynn ( she had sent a ‘911′). She climbs down the lower level roof and scares both her and Luke who had been sitting on the porch while on watch. 
She asks him what he’s doing there, and he couldn’t come up with a good enough excuse. 
And she sees the can of salt and she puts two to two together. 
She doesn’t call him out on it because she likes knowing that he’s close by. 
And if Julie does ever need him all she has to do is whisper out her window and he’ll poof by her side. 
Julie studies up on ‘90s culture and history to better connect with Luke
I see a lot of instances where Julie catches the boys up on what they missed out in the past 25 years, helping them acclimate to 2020′s culture. 
But I’d like to think that Julie wants to make it more like home for them, knowing that all these changes could be so overwhelming and hard to take in. 
Especially for Luke, who she catches appearing self-conscious with how slow he’s getting it. 
She goes to the library during her free time and pores over magazines from the ‘80s and ‘90s to get a feel for the time, maybe see what TV shows Luke might have liked or the celebrities he might recognize, and maybe the language he uses. 
Julie often goes thrift shopping anyway with Flynn, but she spends more time around the electronics section and she ends up coming home with tapes and toys from the ‘90s. 
She gets her dad to dig through their stuff for one of those TV’s with the built in VCR and she plays him the movies he liked to watch and also reruns of ‘Double Dare’ and ‘Beavis and Butthead’
She gets so caught up in ‘90s mode though, that she doesn’t realize that she’s using ‘90s slang casually around him: 
“Hey Jules, how was your day?” 
“Ugh. Got in trouble today in history which was totally bogus,” 
“’Bogus’, huh?” he smirks. 
“Like Mr. Johnson went postal today for like no reason,” 
Luke is trying so hard not to smile real big hearing her say stuff like that, but then she says she’s “totally ‘buggin’” with a straight face and he just... 
He just loves hearing her talk like that and is moved that she would go through all this trouble just to make him feel more at ease. 
Quick ones: 
Luke makes cutoffs for Julie to not only wear but also design. He purposely finds old T-shirts of his that are blank or have plenty of space for her doodles. They share and Luke wears Julie’s works of art with pride. 
Julie gets ‘music history’ lessons from Luke, where he schools her in bands that he likes. Only fitting since he’s the one to have originally introduced her to rock. 
Julie gets them a dual headphone adapter so they could listen together. They often lay down on the ground right next to each other, just vibing with the music. 
Luke doesn’t like it when other people mess with his hair. Julie’s the only who can run her fingers through his hair. He learns that he loves getting his hair played with. 
She hums or sings songs quietly when she does play with his hair. He closes his eyes and it’s the closest thing to sleep he could get as a ghost. 
Julie finds random hair ties in her hoodie pockets that she definitely doesn’t remember putting in there. But what she does remember is complaining to Luke about never having any hair ties on hand when she goes to dance class. 
Luke has terrible handwriting, so before letting the rest of the band run a song, Julie would rewrite the lyrics and copies for the boys. She may have left some cute heart drawings on Luke’s copy, and Luke secretly loves it. 
Julie runs her essays by Luke, who is insanely good in English. He proofreads it and leaves good notes. 
Luke likes to bike, and Julie lets him use the one in the garage at night in the park (so no one can see a bike pedaling by itself). She goes with him sometimes and she gets to ride on the handlebars. 
They both cry during movies. They make sure to have a box of tissues for them to share. 
Although Luke’s Spanish is terrible, Julie loves hearing him try to say things. 
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ahockeywrites · 4 years
Next Top Model
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A/N: I had this idea and ran with it!
Warnings: mentions of sex
Pairing: Joel Farabee x fem!OC
Annalise had been dating Joel for about four months when he suggested bringing her along to a game. She wanted to go but knew that as she had a large online following and she would easily be spotted by someone who knew who she was. So, she opted to watch all the games he had played in so far either at her apartment or in the dressing room of a shoot she was taking part in.
Joel had been experiencing some teasing from the boys in the locker room relating to the fact that he hadn’t even told them her name, let alone that he had a girlfriend. Kevin was the first to put two and two together, Joel was coming to practice happier, leaving after a game earlier and had some scratch marks on his back. Travis and Carter just chirped him for getting laid more than once during a week, but Kevin knew better. It was the way that anyone would react to getting into a relationship. He asked Joel about it privately but he never admitted it. All Joel said was that he was happier at the moment and that was all. There was nothing to speculate about.
“Lads, look at this new photoshoot that some of the models around Philly did,” Carter announced to no one in particular and some of the guys walked over to see what he was showing them. Joel also walked over, even though he had already seen the photos as Annalise was one of the models. Kevin pushed Joel away, telling him to get lost as he already had a girl who was probably waiting at home for him after practice.
Gasps and wide eyes filled the dressing room and suddenly everyone had forgotten about the photoshoot Carter wanted to show everyone. Questions were being flung at the youngster from left, right and centre. Who was she? How old was she? How long had they been together? Was she the reason why it looked like his back had been attacked by a cat? Joel had to laugh at them, all he said about her was that they’d meet her when she was ready, not before.
The boys tried hard to try and accidentally meet her. Lads night at Joel’s? Everyone showed up an hour early, but alas, he was alone in his room. Joel was on a late-night FaceTime with someone? Travis had to accidentally barge into his room, pretending that he thought that Morgan was in there. It didn’t work either, turns out he was talking to his mother, not his girlfriend. Even a peek over his shoulder to see who Joel was texting on the bus didn’t give anything away as he wasn’t even texting her, he was texting one of his college friends. Eventually, the boys had given up and just accepted that he wanted to keep his relationship private to make sure he was comfortable and that they were both in it for the long haul.
“Joel,” Annalise called through his apartment, hoping he was the only one home.
“Yeah, Anna?” Joel replied as he rounded the corner, with a glass of water in his hand. He was shirtless, as he seemed to be every time she visited, and had a pair of his team USA sweats hanging low on his hips. Annalise could see every ridge of his body and could easily get distracted, but she came over for a reason.
“This is gonna sound like a stupid question, I should have just bought one like the other girls,” she groaned as Joel pulled her into a hug and pressed a few kisses to her hairline.
“Should have bought what?” Joel was confused now, what did she need to buy?
“Have you got a spare Farabee jersey I can wear to the game tonight?” She nuzzled her head into his chest, trying to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.
“That’s it?” he asked, not even sure if she could be serious. “If you want one of my jerseys, you don’t even need to ask, I’ve got loads in my wardrobe.” Joel pulled Annalise towards his bedroom and began rummaging through his many clothes. He chucked a few different Flyers jerseys with his name on the back onto his bed and allowed her to choose her favourite one.
“I think,” she started, “the alternate is the one I’m gonna wear tonight.” She emphasised tonight because she didn’t think that he had realised that she would be going to one of his games.
“Wait,” Joel stopped looking through his wardrobe and turned to face his girlfriend. He brought one of his hands up to caress the side of her face as he asked, “you’re coming tonight? Like, to the game?” Annalise nodded in confirmation and Joel picked her up, spinning her around a few times to show his excitement.
“Well, our agency wants us to attend some sports games. And they picked the Flyers game tonight to be our first one,” she explained. Joel couldn’t believe it, his girlfriend was coming to one of his games.
“As long as you meet me after the game, I’ll be happy,” Joel wiggled his eyebrows, clearly suggesting that he wanted the end of the night to go a certain way.
“Farabee, you’ve gotta work hard so you can play hard later,” Annalise chirped back with a wink. “I’ll see you after the game, yeah?” she cocked her head to the side, and Joel nodded. She rose onto her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. As she left, Joel sat down on his bed to take in the fact that his actual girlfriend was going to be at the Wells Fargo Center that night.
Joel walked into the dressing room to see Kevin looking over Carter’s shoulder at an Instagram post. Now, Joel wasn’t the most inquisitive person on the planet, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to see what they were looking at.
“You know those girls from the other day?” Carter asked. Of course, Joel knew, his girlfriend was one of them. Joel nodded and Carter continued, “they’re here tonight!” Carter almost jumped out of his protective gear with excitement.
“Woah there,” Claude had to calm down his young goaltender as he walked past. “It’s not the first or last time that there are hot girls at a game, keep your head screwed on right and focus on the game.” Joel had to stifle a laugh at their captain’s words, however true they were.
“If you didn’t already have a girl, I’d point out the one wearing your jersey, Beezer,” Kevin explained. “Annalise Cousins, she’s an up and coming model from Philly. But you’ve already got your girl.” Joel had to pretend like the girl they were on about wasn’t his girlfriend. He blocked them out as he got ready and headed out to warm-ups.
Annalise hadn’t been to a hockey game before, so she went down to ice level to try and get a view of Joel. She knew that people would be taking photos of her, especially because of the jersey she was wearing. But she knew she couldn’t distract him too much so she shot him a quick smile and headed up to the box they had reserved for them.
A hattrick. Joel Farabee had scored three goals. Three goals at the first game his girlfriend had come to. How was any other game meant to live up to that? Joel was pulled out of his thoughts to go and do media, however much he hated the media that came with being a hockey player, he knew it was part of his job and that he needed to do it.
Annalise tapped her manicured nails on her jeans as she waited for the Flyers to come out of the dressing room. She really hoped that he would be out soon and as soon as she thought that Kevin Hayes and Carter Hart exited the room. Carter was shocked, why was she waiting outside their dressing room?
“Is Joel almost done?” she asked the two dumbfounded boys.
“Yeah,” Kevin stuttered out, “he should be out any minute now.”
As soon as Joel rounded the corner and Annalise spotted him, she ran towards him. In a split second, she moved from standing in front of him to having her legs and arms wrapped around his waist and neck respectively. Annalise nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck and whispered congratulations to him. He looked over her shoulder to see Kevin and Carter staring with their jaws almost touching the floor.
“Thanks for telling me which one was wearing my jersey,” Joel shot across to his teammates, “not like I helped her pick it out of my wardrobe this morning.”
If it was even possible, their jaws dropped even more.
“Beezer, dating a model?” Kevin asked when he regained his senses.
“What about it,” Annalise replied, still hugging Joel. “He’s doing better than you two are. Now, if you two don’t mind, I am going to celebrate with the first star of the night, preferably in a bed which I won’t leave until lunchtime tomorrow.”
Annalise had jumped out of Joel’s grasp and offered him her hand. Their fingers interlaced as she almost pulled him out of the stadium.
“Wait, Joel’s dating a model?”
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ohplagg · 3 years
Normal Girl
Also read at AO3
Summary: Nora is living her best life by being the normal middle school student that she always longed to be with her new friends and her two parents that love her so much.
WARNING: This story makes mention of abuse, suicide and suicidal thoughts. Individuals suffering from anxiety, depression and/or suicidal thoughts may not have a safe experience reading this. Viewer discretion is advised.
Thank you @noragamibigbang for organizing this.
See my partner’s ( @maybemacdc ) wonderful artwork that goes along with this!
Get up.
I hear the faint sound of an alarm clock, its signals the start of my day. I know I need to get up but the warmth of my bed and the peace in my bedroom cuddles me in a soundless lullaby.
Get up now.
The cold morning air hits my skin as I reach my arm out of my covers to turn off the alarm making me a bit more aware of myself than before but not enough. I decide to curl up in my bed once more, savoring the cozy air that my blankets trapped during the night.
You’re going to be late.
As I finish rubbing off the sleep from my eyes and brushing off the black hair strand stuck in my mouth I peak my head out of the covers. While staring into the celling, waiting for the moment I have enough courage to leave my warm bed, I hear two calm knocks on my doorframe like there were right on cue.
“Good morning love, come help me with breakfast when you’re ready~” I hear my mom call out as she walks away from the doorframe.
I sit up on my bed and I admire the sunrays peak through my window. Little particles of dust dancing in the stationary air as they bathe in the sunlight.
I walk over to my closet and change into my freshly clean school uniform. It’s your typical sailor middle school uniform with the red bow tie, white shirt with a blue collar and a matching blue skit to go with it. I make sure I wash it every night so it dries overnight. I briefly enjoy the softness of the fabric as I straighten the skirt with my hands, getting rid of any wrinkles that were created when I put it on.
Now that I’m dressed, I head over to the mirror. I stare back at my reflection, my messy from sleep black hair begging to be brushed.
My hair has always been pretty boring. It has no color and no texture, not to mention that its so short that I can’t do any fun hair styles with it. Not that I have tried any. Maybe I can try something today?
As I think that, I open a box of ribbons I’ve been collecting for years but never worn. I first try on a big red bow, I then try a blue one, and then a bright pink ribbon but they all make me look stupid. This is stupid.
You’re stupid.
I finish trying on my last ribbon which is a white thin ribbon. This one I put it across my head like a hair band. It looks okay I guess but what would people say? I bet they wouldn’t stop pointing it out and making fun of me.
“That looks cute! Are you wearing that?” I get startled by my dad’s voice. I turn around to see him frozen in his tracks as he was walking pass my bedroom door.
“I’m not sure…?” I tried to say no but something about his loving and warming smile told me that I wanted to hear his reply to my hesitation.
“You should” he simply said and then left.
Dad would never lie to me and if he thinks that I look cute with it then I guess the ribbon isn’t that stupid.
Maybe I should wear it.
I think I will.
After deciding to leave the ribbon on and finish getting reading for school, I head downstairs and help my mom by setting the table while she prepares breakfast. I see my dad sitting on the TV-couch with his laptop and a bunch of work documents scattered all over the coffee table. We all are busy with our morning tasks while the morning local news is playing on the background.
First it was politics news but I’m too young to care and stress about that yet so I don’t really pay attention to it. Then it’s the bad story news which this time was something about how the police just arrested an abusive father who hurt his kids physically and mentally.
What a way to start the morning. Did the news anchors really need to say such graphic and gruesome details?
As always a feel-good story gets told right after, this time is about some rescued stray-kitty-siblings that were adopted by this high school girl or something, I honestly didn’t pay enough attention to it, I couldn’t stop thinking about the prior story.
I try to picture it but I can’t imagine my dad turning violent on me and doing me harm, how could any dad do that to his kids? The idea of not only not having my mom but also getting physically harmed by my dad made me feel nauseous.
“Darling. Stop playing with your food, you’re going to be late.” My mom snaps me out of my dark train of thought.
That’s right, my parents are both here and they will never hurt me no matter what. They love me and will protect me. I don’t have to worry about any of that. But I actually do worry because I’m about to be late if I don’t hurry up and eat. And with that I devour my food as fast as I can without getting a stomach ache.
“Ittekimasu!” I yell at my mom as I close the front door feeling the cool but not cold spring air hit my skin.
“Itterasshai!” I hear my mom faintly yell back to me.
I head down the streets on my way to school. As I walk I take in my surroundings; I hear some birds singing, some cars driving by, some other kids heading to school and some old lady gossip. I pay extra close attention to the gossip. Ever since I started walking to school on my own I realized that I didn’t know much about the world outside of my notebooks so this is the only way I keep up with the world beside the morning news my dad puts every other day.
Today’s gossip isn’t the usual though. The ladies are also talking about that horrible gruesome story the local morning news covered, I hear them talk among themselves how they actually knew the wife before she committed suicide.
“I don’t think she did” one of them comments while looking over her shoulder as if she was about to say her most guarded secret, “and with the most recent news I’m pretty sure he killed her.” She finishes while nodding her head as a matter of fact.
Gasps roar among the ladies and I find myself gawking at the possibility as well.
“He wouldn’t do that” one interrupts the buzzing gossiping that had been unleashed. “The husband was really in love. She was his whole world. I wouldn’t be surprise if he went crazy with grief because of her death.” She tries to defend the man from the accusation of killing his own wife.
The ladies continue their gossiping but by now I’m too far to hear it anymore. My thoughts remain stuck in that conversation while I make my way to school. A husband so overwhelmed with grief that he took it out on his own flesh and blood that he raised since they were babies.
Imagine being the kids, they were around my age if I recall correctly. Just thinking about how I could be living that nightmare makes me feel sick to my stomach. Not only were they dealing with the loss of their mother, but also the loss of their father. The pain and the fear they must have felt while seeing their dad turn into that monster as the days went by. The uncertainty of being chosen as the punching bag that day. The hopelessness and loneliness they must have felt.
Thinking about it almost feels too real. I feel my palms become sweaty and my heartbeat drowning any noise from the outside world. I urge myself to take in deep breaths and to remember that that is not my life. That my dad is not like that.
Thank the gods that my dad is not like that.
I arrive to school and I see Nana and her group waving at me, waiting for me at the front gate. They tell me to call them my friends but I’m not used to having those yet. You see, I’ve always focused on school and academics first and I never gave the idea of having friends even a consideration so this is all really new to me.
Nana is my favorite of the 3, she’s the one I can easily talk to. Turns out she and I are pretty similar in the sense that we both like to be right and get in fights because of it. Of course, she gets into physical ones while I only do intellectual ones…. for the most part. Look, it wasn’t my fault that one time with Yukine.
Sure, I did throw in the first punch but he started it when he said I copied from him. Well, he really didn’t said it, but he insinuated it and if you ask me that’s more than enough reason to get punched. Besides I would never copy him. I don’t need his second-best-in-school answers because I have my own first-best-in-school answers, so ha!
According to him he caught me “starring” at him “several” times which is not true. Why would I stare? Maybe he was in my field of vision but that doesn’t even make sense because just the sight of him is annoying, it always has been. Ever since we were 6 with his “I’m going to one-up you” attitude he always had with me. Ugh, so annoying!
And there’s nothing about him worth looking at either. There’s nothing eye-catching about physique like his unusual golden locks. And why on earth would I stare at someone who is so focused in whatever test question he’s answering that you can’t help but admire his soft expression as he solves the math problem? It doesn’t make sense.
It kind of does.
But all that is in the past now and if I’m being honest I’m really happy I fought with Yukine. Because of that fight I met Nana and her fraternal twin brother Shiigun and I’m also closer to Yukine now than before. My life has definitely become a lot more fun than before.
Thanks to Yukine’s better social skills I get better along with everyone in school including teachers and staff. I really like that about him. I think that’s the main reason why he is so nice to me too. I really admire him for it.
Yukine and I are still rivals though, don’t get me wrong. We are still argue and fight but now we know each other a little bit better so we know that we don’t have to be better than the other at everything. Even though I will always better than him in academics even he says otherwise. I’ll let him have his spotlight with social stuff.
The lunch bell rings and I immediately take out my study notebook and start studying for history, the exams are next week and I need to be the best. I would prefer to do homework right now but there isn’t enough time to properly do it so a quick overview of history will do for now. I can always do homework in the comfort of my home where no one can bother or distract me.
“-chan you need to give it a rest. It’s not good for you.” Nana interrupts my study time as she rests her hand over my notes to take my attention.
“Both you and Yukine are overkills, I swear you guys are the biggest nerds in the whole school- no, the whole world!” Shiihgun has a talent to sting me where it hurts. I know he doesn’t mean it in a mean way but I’ve always been insecure about how I’m perceived by others and he doesn’t help one bit.
I try to laugh it off as I’ve seen Yukine do it before since I’m guessing that’s what I’m supposed to do. I hope my laugh seems genuine and not painful or forced. Please, don’t let my discomfort show.
Yukine turns my way as we’re laughing off Shiigun’s mean joke. I guess acting isn’t my thing because as soon as our eye meet he casually makes his way to my desk, leans in (invading my personal space if you ask me) and in a whispers tells me that he thinks it’s pretty cool of us to be the biggest nerds of the whole world. If the coolest kid in school says so then I guess we are pretty cool.
I realize that I’m too distracted to focus back on studying and Nana has a point I need the break, so I guess I’ll take her advice and rest during lunch time. As I start putting my notebooks away I realize that I forgot to pack my bento box. I guess I was too distracted when I left home this morning.
“Eeh?! You forgot your bento?” I wanted to pretend that I didn’t forget my bento, that I wasn’t looking for it and that I wasn’t hungry but apparently once again my acting skills failed me because now Nana saw right through me.
“I didn’t forget it. I’m trying to eat less.” I poorly try to act casually. Maybe I should stop acting.
“Here. Have one.” Yukine offers me one of his onigiri. “I always bring enough to share.” He reassures me as he notice my hesitation.
I reach my hand out to take the onigiri, as I do I start smelling a scent. A scent with the smell of… toothpaste? That’s weird.
I take a bite of the onigiri and I’m reminded of that winter afternoon where Yukine sneaked freshly made onigiri from his home to share with me. I remember how we ate them under a bridge while I did paper boats out of leaves and trash that I found under the bridge. I remember that I was feeling upset for some reason, what was the reason? Something to do with my dad? But…. I wasn’t even friends with Yukine in winter.
This doesn’t make sense.
I shake off the confusion and decide to focus on the argument Nana is having with Yukine about who would win in a physical fight. I would bet this onigiri that Nana would beat Yukine.
After a long day in school where I couldn’t study as much as I would have wanted I thought I would have gone straight home to study everything that I couldn’t during the day but instead I’m walking in the direction of the river bank on my way to play badminton with Nana, her brother and Yukine. As I was getting ready to head home Nana stopped me and asked me to come with them.
I wasn’t sure at first if I should go but Yukine told me that if second best in school was taking some time to have fun then the best could also do the same.
On our way to the river bank I try to make some casual conversation with Yukine so I ask him what made them invite me to come along with them.
“We always wanted to invite you- well, I always insisted on inviting you. But you always seems busy.” Yukine explains.
“I was also busy today.” I challenged his logic.
“But not busy enough to say no.” he retorted with a cheeky attitude. After I gave him a look with an eyebrow raised he continued “But also last week this homeless creepy dude approached us asking if he could be our fourth player so we want to avoid him getting any ideas.”
“Was the dude in his twenties, had black hair, bright blue eyes, and wore a smelly sweaty dark track suit?” the image of the dude suddenly popped in my head with such a clarity that I had to ask.
Yukine looked at me with an extremely puzzled look. “No… Where did you get that from? Is there someone like that where you live?”
Now that I think about it, the man I just describe isn’t anyone that I know or seen. I wonder where did I get that mental image in my head. I must have seen him on TV.
“I don’t know..”
As we’re approaching the river bank we make a quick stop for snacks. The store where we stopped by is owned by a very lovely and young married couple. Yukine tells us that he sometimes works here on weekends helping move the heavy stuff and because of that he gets free snacks whenever he comes by.
“Yuki! You came!” A young lady with bright pink hair yells out in excitement as she rushes to bear-hug Yukine. I’m guessing that’s one of the owners.
“Yuki! Great timing! Can you help out this Saturday? The roof needs to be repaired.” A scary looking man asks while he gets the young lady off Yukine.
It seems that Nana and Shiigun also know this odd couple because it takes them no time to start chatting amongst themselves. Because of that I start doing what I usually do and entertain myself with whatever catches my eye.
I first focus on the discount signs they have scattered in different parts of the background, I then notice how they have some fresh fruit as well but what really catches my eye is the magazine and newspaper shelf they have, one usually doesn’t see those anymore and even less in a small store such as this one.
I start reading the magazine covers and I eventually drift to the headlines. As soon as I do I feel my heart drop.
It’s that news again.
To be fair, it’s to be expected. It was in the morning news after all. But that doesn’t make it any better. While I read that particular newspaper I notice that there’s more details about that story than what I had already heard in the street gossip and in the morning news. Now I’m learning that the man actually killed the daughter who was my age and the older brother manage to run away and he was the one that call the authorities.
Props to the journalist that wrote this thought because it feels so real that it feels like I’m actually that girl that got killed. Good thing that my father is a sane person, that my mother is alive and well and that I don’t actually have a brother.
“-chan, they are talking to you.” For the third time today I get startle back into reality. I turn around to see Nana who grabbed my shoulder to get my attention.
“What?” I asked confused turning to look at the pink hair lady who I guess was the one that talked to me.
“Say hi to Yato-chan for me!” She excitedly and with confidence said as she waved us goodbye.
“Bye Kofuku! Bye Daikoku! Thanks for the football!” Yukine yells back as we leave the store owners flirting to each other.
I try to question Kofuku’s comment but between everyone else already walking away, the already said goodbyes and my confusion I couldn’t say anything. Why did she talk to me like she knew me? Why did no one else think that was weird? And who is Yato-chan?
We arrive at the river bank and Shiigun and Yukine start playing with the football apparently Daikoku gave Yukine while Nana and I set up the badminton net. Nana instructs me where to stand with the other side of the net and then teaches me how to anchor the net on the grass.
“Come on, guys. We’re ready.” Nana calls out as she goes to the bags she and Shiigun carried out here to take out the rackets and the bird so we could start playing a match. As she calls out I finish anchoring the net to the grass. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t having fun being out here with my friends, just hanging out. I might even say that this is more fun that history homework.
I approach Nana and Yukine who were already tossing a coin to choose who got what side of the net. Shiigun had gone to retrieve the ball that had been accidentally kicked far.
“Look out!” I hear Shiigun panic at the top of his lungs followed by a hit to my head that knocked me down so hard and fast that I didn’t get a chance to do anything other than fall like a wood plank. My vision went black, my consciousness faded as I heard Nana and Yukine faintly scream my name.
Get up.
I hear a high pitched ring in my ear, the throbbing headache bringing me back to my senses. I know I need to get up but a piercing pain in my back freezes all my movements. The hard cold floor isn’t doing any favors either.
Get up now.
The cold wind hits my skin as I reach my arm up to feel my head.  I feel a warm liquid gushing through somewhere in my skull but I can’t really feel exactly where. I wish I could become more aware of myself than before but between the sharp pain in my back and the dizziness this headache is giving me I decide that I should probably go back to sleep and not think about the pain.
You’re going to die.
A jolt of electricity rushes through my spine. My eyes shoot open as if I were to die if I kept them close for a second longer. My body is screaming in pain as I try to sit upright.
Between the grunts and cries of pain that scape my mouth my eyes start noticing things that… I’m pretty sure they weren’t there before.
There’s a man standing over me. He looks like he’s in his late teens even though he feels older. As he’s wiping his sweat and what it looks like blood from his jaw with the back of his left hand I notice that his hair resembles a lot to an almond.
He doesn’t look injured where he’s wiping the blood so… whose blood is it?
I glance at his right hand and I see him holding a long black staff-looking thing. The staff is thin and black with a spiral form on one of its ends. It looks very rigid even though it feels like it can be bend and molded if it so desired. I notice that the same end that looks alive was dripping with blood.
My blood?
I turn back to this man’s face and I realize that he’s been looking directly at me this all time. His eyes move to focus on the different parts where I feel the most pain as if he were looking at something worth admiring. He then turns his eyes and looks directly at mine. His expression turns into what an angry but disappointed father would look like. As he did that I felt disgusted at myself. Is he upset that I got injured? But he did this to me!
That’s right. Father did this. I started recalling everything that happened before I lost conciseness. Memories come flooding back increasing the pain that I feel from the headache. After I had arrived with Hiyori to where Father and Yato were fighting- Father was so angry. He was so… ready to kill Yato. It felt terrifying but also familiar. It felt like those times where Father punished me for Yato’s behavior but somehow this time it was worse.
I don’t know what came over me when I rushed in and pushed Yato out of the way. Maybe I just wanted to return the favor of all those times he took the bullet for me or maybe I didn’t want to see him get hurt again at the hands of Father. Maybe I just didn’t want to deal with Hiyori after the fight, maybe I just wanted someone to get the life that they wish to have.
But now look at me. I don’t even know if Yato is even alive, I left Hiyori’s side and now I’m even wishing the end of this endless torture. Everything I do, everything I am is a waste.
Hiyori said I’m allowed to make mistakes, that I’m human. I’m not and I never was. The bare thought of making a mistake and being looked down upon eats me up inside until my outer shell breaks leaving me no other place else to hide.
I wish I could let myself believe that excuse, I wish I could believe in myself, believe that it’s okay to not be perfect, that its okay to fail, that its okay to not be okay. But the fact that I fail at even accepting the reality that I can’t be perfect goes to show how big of a failure I truly am.
I wish I could blame him for making me think this way but this is all on me and that would have never changed.
I did try to change, that’s why I’m here right now dying at the hands of the one I once called father. I did try to be the person Hiyori wanted me to be. Be myself. I really liked her because of that. That’s why I here instead of her.
Ironic isn’t it? The person I hate the most, the person I fear the most, is the very person I never want to let down. Maybe that’s why I’m always so scared whenever he's near. Scared to be asked, scared of a conversation, scared of not doing what’s expected of me, scared of not being enough, scared of my own shadow, scared of myself.
Maybe I don’t hate him, maybe I just hate me.
I feel whatever this life I’ve had vanishing from existence, not even leaving a dead corpse behind. It’s pretty unfair right? I got two shots at life. Two opportunities. Most don’t even get one. But not me, I got two chances at live and in both I was unwanted, despised and casted aside. Maybe third time’s the charm? If there’s even a third time.
“If only” right? Those are the famous words. If only there was a third chance at life. If only I needed just the first one. If only I didn’t die so young. If only Sakura didn’t showed up. If only she didn’t succumb to god’s greatest secret. If only I had instead.
If only the gods treated me better, if only I didn’t become a nora. If only someone wanted me. If only Yato didn’t rebel. If only I was a better sister to Yato. If only Yato didn’t replace me with Yukine. If only I was less judgmental of Yukine. If only Yukine and I had met while we were both still alive. If only I had friends. If only I went to school. If only I had met my parents. If only father didn’t take me in. If only father accomplished his revenge sooner.
If only I was allowed to live like a normal girl. If only I was born.
But I wasn’t.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
🎄First Times🎄
A/N : This is an extra for my first ever series I Forgot That You Existed. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing :  Dad! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : Your and Tom's first Christmas with your baby girl.
Warnings : fluff
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There's something about first times. The first time riding a bicycle, first love, going on your first date, first kiss. There's an unknown excitement in it, a thrill, a feeling of adventure. Those first times will always be special. Just like your first Christmas with your baby girl. 
After 3 years of marriage you and Tom are proud parents of your one and only daughter Vienna. She was the apple of your eye after all she's your first born. The first time you got to know that you were pregnant was during one of your recording sessions when you suddenly felt nauseous and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. You knew this wasn't mere food poisoning from your past experience and to be honest you and Tom had been trying for a baby for quite some time after you finally decided that you are ready to embrace motherhood again. 
You were rather thrilled than scared this time while you took the test and seeing the two pink lines made your heart swell as a few tears of joy slipped your eyes. When Tom returned home you just ran into his arms to reveal the news that you were expecting and joy knew no bounds for him. He immediately lifted you up and spinned you around in the living room in excitement. 
The first time you went for your check up and saw your baby girl on the monitor Tom was literally sobbing. You were being very careful this time. During the last trimester Tom didn't want to leave your side at all. You had to literally throw him out of the house (pun intended) to go for his shoots. 
You couldn't believe how time flew so fast that the little human you both brought to this earth is almost a year old now. It felt like yesterday you brought her from the hospital wrapped in a blanket in your arms and now she crawls around the house as well as has learnt to stand on her little feet. You never get tired of listening to her continuous babbles with some broken words she has learnt eventually. 
And not to be surprised her first word was obviously ‘Dada’ ofcourse she was daddy's girl because the way Tom has spoiled her rotten since the day she was born you really are gonna have a hard time in future saying no to her and hearing that Tom went on a shopping spree that day, if he could he would have bought the whole toy shop you thought. 
Christmas was around the corner and everyone was in their festive mood. You were in the kitchen baking cookies when your husband came down the stairs hastily. 
"Honey where is my Christmas jumper?" he asks from across the living room. 
"Tom, what is your obsession with that old jumper? Now even the jumper also says let me go Thomas." You joke from the kitchen. Tom huffs rolling his eyes. 
"That jumper carries a lot of sentimental value for me. C'mon now tell me where is it?" he whines. 
"It's in the left bottom shelf of the cupboard." You yell from the kitchen. 
"I already looked there."
"Then look hard it's there only." Sometimes you really feel that you are actually looking after two babies.
Tom ran upstairs again to your bedroom where your 12 months old daughter was sleeping peacefully. He searched through the cupboard and finally found his jumper but the noise he made while doing it woke Vienna up. Tom turned to see his little princess sitting up on the bed with sleepy eyes. 
"Oh did I wake you up bubs? So sorry peanut. Daddy was looking for his jumper." He went and sat beside her on the bed. She instantly got up on his lap, her little hands clutching onto his t-shirt as support and standing up. Tom forgot about everything and began playing with her, her little giggles making his heart melt. After a while she started to get a little fussy and Tom knew that his baby girl was hungry. 
"I know baby it's time for you to have some brekkie, let's see what mommy is doing eh." 
"Look who’s up." Tom announces cheerfully walking down the stairs. You turned around and your face instantly lit up seeing your morning sunshine resting her head on her daddy's shoulder suckling her thumb. 
"Aww you are up my little pumpkin wait a moment mommy is almost done" Tom strolled around the house with her. He went and stood near the glass doors overlooking his snow covered lawn. 
"Look at that peanut, it's snowing isn't it beautiful." He cooed, rocking her gently in his arms making her giggle. Tom was about to slide the door open to the lawn to take her out. 
"Tom it's freezing outside, V isn't wearing enough warm clothes. She will catch a cold" You stopped him. 
"Your mommy is way too paranoid." Tom says rolling his eyes dramatically looking at your daughter.
"I can hear you." You say in a sing-song manner from the kitchen. Tom makes his way to you in the kitchen. 
"Here I can do the rest of the batch" he offers, taking the tray from your hand."My little princess needs to be fed first." He says and you take Vienna from his arms. Tom continued with preparing the rest of the batch of cookies as you fed your daughter. 
Later in the evening you were busy decorating the christmas tree with Tom when you noticed Vienna playing and tugging on to some wires. You panicked out of your motherly instinct.
"Baby no don't touch it, you'll get hurt." You came rushing, taking away the lights from her small hands. She stared at you with her doe eyes for a while before crawling away to get the other decorating stuff from the box.
"God, she's such an active baby, never sits in one place." You shake your head smiling. 
"Well she's my daughter." Tom says proudly.
"Okay Billy Elliot, now go and put Billy Elliot Jr in the crib or else she will not let us set up the tree." Tom did as you said as he placed Vienna in the crib when your attention went to the lights you were holding in your hands and you frowned.
"Tom, why did you bring the bigger lights?" 
"Why what's the problem with the big one?" He asks casually.
"Tom the big ones are for the lawn and the small ones are for the tree. It has always been like that." you state in disappointment.
"For a change let's put the big ones on the tree this year." He suggests.
"No way! it will look odd." you say annoyed. 
"Gosh you're such a control freak." he huffs. 
"No I'm not, it's just my tastes are better than yours." You retort. Soon you both began arguing and seeing the tension between her parents Vienna started crying. Both of you stopped arguing as your full attention turned to your one year old and you both felt guilty of arguing in front of her.
"Aww baby did we scare you? We are so sorry honey." You rushed to her picking her in your arms, rocking her gently pacifying her. She stopped crying after sometime. You sat down on the couch with Tom beside you.
"We shouldn’t have fought like that on such a petty issue I’m sorry I over reacted." You felt sorry.
"No it’s my fault that I messed up the lights, I’m sorry Y/N" Tom apologises
"Hey it’s ok we can put the big ones this year." Tom and you leaned in for a reconciliation kiss but was interrupted by your little munchkin’s hand as if she didn’t want you to kiss Tom.
"Someone seems to be a little possessive." You pout scrunching your nose.
"Well what can I say my little girl loves her dad more, isn’t it princess?" He boops her nose gently to which she giggles.
"Don’t flatter yourself mister." you snicker.
"Aww don’t get disheartened, love." you slap his chest playfully.
"Shut up and do the rest of the decoration I need to put her to sleep, it’s almost her nap time." 
"Okay mam." You took Vienna with you to the bedroom to put her to sleep while Tom carried on with the rest of the decorations. After finishing he went upstairs to call you for watching a movie together.
"Hey Y/N" Tom popped his head through the door.
"Shh!" You hush him immediately. "She just fell asleep". You whisper.
"Sorry." He mouths. I have set up everything. He whispers.
"Okay I’ll be down in a minute." You whisper back. You went down to the living room to find two cups of tea and snacks kept on the coffee table while Tom was lounging on the couch busy choosing a christmas movie to watch for tonight. You went and sat on the couch snuggling close to him resting your head on his broad chest, he smiled wrapping his arm around you. Even though you were totally enjoying parenthood, you also cherished these alone times with your husband. Just two of you cuddled close into each other’s warm embrace. The intimacy of the moment is so soothing and relaxing after a long day. You wondered what you did to get this perfect man as your husband with whom you brought an angel in your lives. You felt you have everything you could have asked for and you are grateful. Tom noticed you lost in deep thought.
"What’s going on in this little mind?" He taps on your head lightly.
"Just can't imagine she's already one. Soon she will go to school then college and a few years later she might bring a boy for the Christmas Dinner to meet with us and then get married and have her own children" you went on as Tom perked up.
"Woah woah slow down, love. You are going way too fast forward. And moreover she isn't dating until she turns 30." He says like a protective father, you let out an airy laugh.
"Look now who's been paranoid huh?" you raise a sly brow.
"Well you know there’s a lot of no good sons of bit.." 
"Uh uh language." You interrupt.
"Sons of butterflies out there." He corrected his dialogue as you both chuckle softly turning your attention back to the movie playing in front of you. 
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