#he’s bound to know something
rainbow-wolf120 · 8 months
This again 😒😒
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Okay, imagine if they did each others makeup. And after the whole series is over, Rayman still entertains but it’s for fun rather then, well, Eden. Bullfrog is super good with makeup and just looking nice while Rayman struggles to use a hair brush lmao.
Oh, and here’s actually threading Ramon
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And a tad angst lol. He’s an angry fella, good thing that his partner is a licensed therapist /j. My sister complained that Ramon looked too baby girl so I made him mad lmao.
Rayfrog is going to be my whole page now ig /hj
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keikakudom · 2 months
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i am not above objectifying my own design to get past creative blocks
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much2bright · 11 months
every time i see a pic of ray toro playing the guitar (a thing he does often) while wearing a tight black t shirt (another thing he does often) i feel like i need to chew on a block of concrete
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canisalbus · 6 months
About the accents: if someone has a very "proper" Italian they are either foreigners or politicians/dignitaries/etc. So that fits perfectly for Machete, but I think it would be so funny if he sometimes slipped up and used a Nepalese word bc he forgot one in "proper" Italian lol
(Funny to me cause Naples has its own language in addition to accent, and most people don't actually know those words)
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Can we all appreciate Ian Cardoni's voice acting in the new cold open? It's very impressive how he can do not only Rick's but also Jerry's speech patterns so well and convincingly, especially after having such a short time to re-record all the voice lines. He sounds exactly like Jerry's manner of speech while still doing Rick's voice, which is a famously difficult thing to do anyway, but even more so considering that he hasn't worked closely with Chris Parnell to get his Jerry impression down?
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foxcort · 10 months
sometimes i think about how the acotar books could've been a great way to show that "love doesn't heal trauma" rather than whatever points sjm was trying to make about abusive relationships and sa. instead of tamlin being abusive, she could've written that feylin's individual traumas kept them from reaching out to each other. or that feyre felt suffocated by the perfect, idyllic and alive spring court when she felt the opposite on the inside. or that tamlin felt overwhelmed by the sudden influx of responsibilities as he's trying to rid himself of the nightmares from utm. they try to make it work. they try to replicate some of the dates and dances from book #1 but there's an almost tangible shadow over their relationship now. and maybe one day feyre sees a memorial for andras or a likeness to one of the high fae living in the spring court to one of the high fae she killed utm, and has a panic attack. and this serves as the catalyst that severs feylin's relationship and reveals that yes, their love broke a curse, their love saved prythian but it couldn't (and shouldn't) heal them.
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buckttommy · 3 months
Buck and Eddie are going to be pissed at each other/one of them is going to be pissed at the other, but not for the reasons you think.
Before anyone asks, I'm not being shady and I don't know how the season is going to unfold, but I do know that in all the years of Buck and Eddie being BuckandEddie, we've seen them survive a lawsuit (essentially: Buck at his most selfish), a kidnapping, a nervous breakdown (essentially: Eddie at his most destructive), a shooting, and so many other things that have yet to actually rock the core of their relationship. I think this—whatever this is—is going to strike at the heart of who they are together and that? That fascinates me.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
it mentslly hurts me to talk about certain characters I just loovrve them sissosoo much and I care for them and I can’t stop doodling them and I can’t stop talking about them I could go on for hours and hours and hours but it hurts too because I’m like “ i looovoeee them !! “ then remember like their backstory or character motivations and I immediately die out of love and devastation .
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pinkmirth · 7 days
broke up with my bf for the second time . . . i think i’m gonna put this all this relationship stuff to rest for now
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ronanlynchbf · 2 months
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storfulsten · 8 months
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my silly viera wol alt bc reasons uwu
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carefulfears · 9 months
omg rm9 was kinda fun To Me. i enjoyed mulder and scully going on a sushi date, scully being SOOOOO embarrassingly down bad for a man she’s known over 20 years, and of course the restaurant attacking them because mulder is a bad tipper. it’s also just nice to see them living life, you know??
i had a blast with rm9 tbh, a classic s11 well! have no idea what happened there! but i enjoyed myself! episode. just talked about it a bit but yes!! just seeing them living life!! literally the majority of s11 isn't even them going on cases they're just like. existing. and falling into Situations. in rm9 all they wanted to do was go to this sushi place. scully is of course always embarrassing as hell but what i loved loved loved loved about her in rm9 (and consequently throughout s11) is that last moment at the diner when they're both on their phones, and she puts hers away and just kinda leans over to his shoulder and takes his hand, and he puts his phone down.
i was so floored to see her do that, to ask for his attention like that. so much of the original series is scully...almost quietly suffocating, sometimes? being on the edge of his myopia and focus? wanting him to see her so bad, and then lashing out (READ: fucking serial killers) to either rebel, or get him to notice? but it's been a long time and he has been many more things to her since and now she just grabs his hand and makes him turn to her. in forehead sweat when she whines that he needs to feed her or she's leaving!! and then she does leave!!! in plus one when they aren't even "back together" yet, and she sneaks into his motel room and asks him to hold her.
scully in the revival has left him. she has struck out on her own, had her own career, lived on her own, been a doctor. and she's back and they're back because there's work to be done, and because, as james wong says: "She’s in love with him that way. She had a different career as a doctor, but she came back, because this is so important to him—she’s coming back to be there for him."
she's back, and they're back, because they're always choosing each other, and they've proven it, and they've done the work. she complains about his stakeouts. she cracks jokes about being sure he's on his meds!! she knows that their son is "guiding" them both, somehow. she doesn't question it.
she's embarrassingly down bad even after 25 years because she's never anything but adored him, but there's so much more availability now. she can openly check him out and invite him back into her room and giggle at him and sleep on his jacket in bars. she used to cry, every single time that he was present with her. she used to be so overwhelmed that she couldn't speak, when he was focused on her. this is the inverse reaction of the stability and peace that mulder has found, there's a steady foundation for scully to grow on.
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theloveinc · 7 months
yandere!bakugo, essentially, TO ME, is just: "If you're good to someone, there's no reason they wouldn't love you. So i'll be good to them, even if it's by force."
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pureanonofficial · 7 months
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Why you're nuthin' but a mangy dog and somebody orta shoot you.
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cccc-aus · 20 days
Umum its still super new in my head so things may be subject to change, but I present: C4 + GWOTNLH crossover AU
Tw // Death, Alcohol mention
It starts with Whole - a relatively normal guy just trying to live his life. He really wants to be an actor - after being inspired by a performance he saw once - but there aren't many opportunities at the moment so he volunteers at an animal sanctuary for the experience. Things start happening when one of the chickens - the one with the red tag - keeps acting weird; like it can see something that's not actually there.
One day, he decides to investigate the woods the chicken is staring at and comes across ghost!Soul - a spirit bound to the mortal plane by his inability to let go of searching for how he died: he can't remember because he was drunk at the time. This is also how he meets vampire!Heart and werewolf!Mind - who Soul has even less control over because of the ghost phases through objects thing.
Whole is obviously very confused - and more than a bit scared - so he tries looking for help but he doesn't exactly know who to go to: his friends and family probably wouldn't believe him, and he doesn't want to call a paranormal exterminator because he's a decent guy, he doesn't want to hurt HMS.
So: idk exactly how but Whole ends up going to the gw's for help. He finally gets to meet the people that inspired him, but instead of getting to say "You're so cool, can I get an autograph?" he like "Help, the people in my head are monsters and also out of my head."
Awkward silence.
(Insert a comment from one of the older GWs about how "they're still traumatizing today's kids" here.)
And that's all I got sorry this is a bit all over the place :')
Oh and also Heart has burn scars on his palms because he tried to shoot Mind with a silver bullet which is dangerous to both of them
First of all, Soul not remembering how he died because he was drunk at the time and thus has been condemned to a state of perpetual blackout drunk-ness is the most Soul thing ever.
Secondly… I’ve barely heard anything about this but I just like that we have wolfboy Mind.
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electoons · 3 months
guys this "keeping myself busy with distractions so I don't get sad" thing isn't working
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