#he’s happy with his height although he tends to overestimate it when he’s
yutaan · 1 year
I can't believe I have to ask this with my own mouth and type this with my own two hands but.... will you ever drop the rita+dio heights 👀?!?!? Honestly I'm jk because they have that mechafiction thing going on so it's nice to leave it up to imagination but I'm just tickled pink the way you refer to him as tiny or 'comparatively' small. Rather than an actual height, is Dio small compared to the average person or just his super cool and adoring, amazing and loving tall gf Rita? From the mash up drawings I've seen, Dio is always the smallest person on the page :3 I love a confident little man in charge so I adore Dio and Rita and their dynamic <3 The caption about him being in distress because his gf was out of shot in distress had me cracking up lolol
Darlingest anon I cackled SO hard when I got this ask; thank you for being interested in my motorcycle kids!! And you are in luck: Even though I usually don’t get too fussed about how tall characters are, this is the one project I have where I did work out out everybody's heights. If you don't want to know exact answers, I'll just say that Dio is, in fact, Tiny specifically when compared to Rita. He's of pretty average height! Even a little taller than average! She's just QUITE tall.
And if you do want the exact measurements, Dio is 5'5 (and a half)! Rita is 6’3 in her bio body and 6’4 in her mechanical proxy body so next to her he simply looks like a bean rather than a beanpole. AND the rest of the main cast actually ALSO skews quite tall so he just… appears short most of the time. He doesn’t mind! It's rad! His girlfriend is tall and amazing and can lift him up with one arm and he is THRILLED about it.
Rita and Dio are in their late teens in the main part of the story, so it’s possible they both could still grow slightly? They’ve pretty much reached their full adult heights, though; it would be a very minor difference.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
💕 for Ru and for Jacob Cromwell?
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💙 Ru is very happy with very little. They are the definition of "low-maintenance" when it comes to a lover -- you don't need to give them presents, coddling, or a lot of intimacy, so long as you're by their side. They also are rather self-sufficient and don't get hurt easily, so you forgetting anniversaries or needing time to yourself won't bother them in the least.
💙 On that note, though, Ru has a perfect lust for life! They'll want to share the whole world with you, every little detail of it, and record every wonderful memory with you.
💙 Ru might not be much of a charmer, but they are sincere and deathly loyal. You never have to doubt their feelings for you. And although Ru isn't a nurturing type at all, they care about you enough that they'll try very hard to work against that shortcoming and protect and take care of you.
💙 They actually are oddly sentimental, in their own weird way. Ru loves recording things through film and photographs because they want the world to remember you, as they do, even long after they die and are forgotten themselves.
💙 Ru is sharp as a whip and sassy as hell, so they'll really enjoy bantering with you. They also may or may not rope you into some good-natured "trouble" like playing a practical joke on someone or sneaking into the rafters of a theater to get a sneak peak at a new moving picture. 😏
💙 If you’re need of quiet time, Ru's got you covered. They don't see the need to "fill the space with worthless words," so they're very content to just lie beside you in bed and enjoy the silence of the early morning.
💙 Don't forget, Ru's a a shapeshifter! Once they get their collar off, you can be sure they'll turn into whatever you need, whether someone tall to help you reach something or a cat to curl up in your lap after a long day at work. Ru will also let you ride on their back in their real form, a privilege few witches and wizards ever experience.
🌊 The biggest one is that Ru, as a Kelpie, will inevitably have a much shorter lifespan than you. You will outlive them, unless you die through unnatural means.
🌊 Ru = blunt and insensitive AF. If you prefer your lovers to be kind over honest, don't choose Ru.
🌊 Ru also can be really condescending and rude toward those people they view as uninteresting or conventional. They will very frequently "stick it to the man" just because they can and might be needlessly antagonistic, if you have friends or family members who disapprove of them or your relationship for whatever reason. They will not pacify or equivocate on their opinion, for just about any reason.
🌊 Ru isn't the most romantic person out there, so don't expect chocolate and flowers on Valentine's Day or love-filled poems and speeches. They might give you gifts now and again, but that will be rare -- gifts aren't second nature to them, and they're not the sort to gush about their partner to others either. They tend to get bored when others gush endlessly about their love lives, and they may not always have the best instincts about how to take care of you emotionally.
🌊 Yeah, on that note, this kiddo gets bored and impatient easily. Don't f*** around and sidestep big issues -- be upfront with Ru and don't waste their time.
🌊 Ru can't cook. At all. Don't let them near the stove, under any circumstances.
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💙 Unyielding, unquestioning loyalty. To quote a famous Bryan Adams song, this guy would “fight for you,” “lie for you,” “walk the wire for you,” or even “die for you.” 
💙 Jacob will want to be a family with you, whether by having kids with you or not. He’ll want you to know and be very comfortable with his mother and sister, and he’ll want to know and become very comfortable with your family too. Jacob’s always had a very small inner circle, but he loves very strongly and he wants to be close to you by also being close to the people in your life, just as he wants you to be close to the people in his life. 
💙 Jacob’s all about thrill-seeking, trying new things, and traveling to new places...and if you’re ever the least bit scared, he’ll have enough courage for both of you. 
💙 This guy is also a real smart cookie, excelling in just about every branch of magic and having a broad scientific base of knowledge too! If you’re studying just about anything or need someone to look over a paper before you turn it in, he’s got your back. 
💙 Jacob is a total nerd, so when it comes to you nerding out about your interests, he’ll be all over it. He’ll want to know everything about your interests and he’ll want to share all of his with you too. 
💙 Jacob will want to solve all of your problems. If you suffer from severe cramps during your time of the month, or deal with chronic migraines, or are struggling with finding a good binder, no worries -- this guy will use his big brain to do whatever he can to make your life easier. His flair for problem-solving with both magical and Muggle means served him well when he had to help Muggle-borns hide from the Ministry during the Second Wizarding War too. 
💙 Along with a lover, you also get a bodyguard. Jacob will f*** up anybody who messes with you, whether with his rapier wit, his fists, or his extensive knowledge of spells. 
💙 If you like physical intimacy and PDA, Jacob’s your guy. He’s not always smart when it comes to expressing his emotions, but he will make it very clear how much he loves you based on how he’ll flirt with you in public, and he’ll always be up for any cuddling you initiate. 
💙 Jacob’s got a very handsome singing voice. He will serenade you without even being asked, whether a doofy romantic song to make you blush or a more seductive number in bed. If you like singing too, then Jacob will be over the moon at the thought of singing duets with you!!
💙 Jacob is also pretty capable in the kitchen! He’ll be happy to brew you alcoholic drinks and cook you a full breakfast spread. 
🖼 Jacob is a book-smart, people-dumb spaceman -- meaning he is as dense as a ROCK when it comes to picking up on other people’s feelings. His talent for Legilimency (shared with Carewyn) makes it easy for him to predict people’s actions before they happen, but it doesn’t give him any insight about how people tick or ability to place himself in someone else’s shoes. It will take forever for him to even figure out he’s sweet on you, and even when you two get together, you’ll have to be upfront with him, if you want him to pick up on your emotional state.
🖼 Jacob has a really hot temper and a super overprotective streak -- you will sometimes have to hold him back to keep him from starting fights. 
🖼 Considering Jacob is only 5′7″, it’s very possible you will be around his height or taller. If you are taller than him, be careful -- Jacob’s very sensitive about his height, and he’ll get prickly if he’s reminded of that fact too much. Let him be the big spoon in bed most of the time and that might cushion his ego.
🖼 For a Ravenclaw who values wisdom and logic, this guy NEVER looks before he leaps. He’ll constantly be jumping into situations recklessly and you’ll have to play the voice of reason. Jacob’s also kind of arrogant, so it makes him sometimes overestimate his own capabilities and underestimate the problems he faces. This can then result in him getting in way over his head and you having to come to his rescue. 
🖼 Jacob still has nightmares about being trapped in the Portrait Vault. Be ready for some accidental punches and kicks in bed every-so-often when he’s trying to “escape” the nightmare and to cuddle with him for a while until he stops shaking. (He’ll brew you some Healing potion if he hurts you. 💔)
🖼 Jacob’s disorganized as all get-out. Sorry, but you’ll have to deal with this guy falling asleep at his desk at odd hours and not keeping his side of the closet tidy. 
🖼 Jacob’s inner demons can often make him feel like a burden to the people around him, hence why he tries very hard to be useful and all-knowing to the people he cares about. You’ll need to be gentle with him when his demons rear their ugly head, even if he won’t always be very smart about how best to be gentle with you.
send me a “💕 + (an oc)” for the pros and cons of dating that oc!
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marlmckitten · 7 years
Marlene McKinnon did not like Sirius Black. Ever since their first day of meeting, she absolutely hated him. You could ask anyone in their school. They weren’t exactly subtle about it so you could even ask the professors. Never would you even catch them in the same social circles. In class, they would sit opposite sides of the room. (Of course corresponding with their best friends, Lily Evans and James Potter.) They kept distance, the closest they got was when James would try impressing Lily, the two girls would eye him with eyes of ice and then he would be dragged off by Sirius. That was the most interaction that they would bare.
Ironically, they had a lot of the same bad habits. Often, they would lurk around the hallways, late at night, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol oozing off of them. A few times they would get suspicious glances when they shared the smell in class the next day. But no one dared as if they had spent time together. And had they, their responses would be a quick tempered no and fuck off.
There was one evening, where they did run into each other, both a little tipsy, and it was as Filch was patrolling the hallways outside the Gyffindor common room. Not even Sirius had a solution on how to slip past him. When there was a small meow, he panicked and tiptoed as fast as he could into the nearest empty classroom to escape the stalking of Mrs Norris.
But it wasn’t enough, Filch was on her tail and although she couldn’t open classroom doors, he was more than capable, so he looked around, saw a tiny cupboard and opened its doors only to see the shocked eyes of a pretty blonde. “Oh, hey there McKinney,” his eyebrows shot up in judgement. “What are you doing in here?”
Her face dropped at his sarcastic and calm demeanour, whispering back in her snappiest voice she said, “Not getting caught by Filch if you don’t mind,” and went to close the door again.
But Sirius caught it with ease, looking over his shoulder, realizing just how close the caretaker was to the classroom. “Well, I don’t want to get caught either, so move over.”
“Not a chance,” she hissed back.
Filch was at the door and they didn’t have any more time to argue, she pulled him inside so she could shut the door in silence before him and his cat entered the room. Both teenagers stopped breathing as they heard the duo moving into the room, Filch calling out for any students out of bed. There was clear disappointment in his voice when he couldn’t find anyone though. He hobbled around a little bit, before Mrs Norris’ mewed from back at the door and he followed her. “I’m leaving this open and patrolling outside of it. So you’ll have to come out eventually,” the smirk was evident in his voice.
“Fuck you Black,” Marlene sneered to the young pureblood beside her. “I was home free before you stirred up his attention.
“Is that what you were doing in here, Marley?” He retorted back to her.
“Shut up, he’s going to hear us!”
“You started talking first!” He reminded her, attempting to lean back in the closet before realizing how small it really was, They heard Filch pacing from a distance, and Sirius let out a sigh, unsure of what to do next. Especially with this bird beside him, who surely would make everything that much harder. Relaxing a little, and letting his eyes adjust to the dimness of the closet, he looked at the girl standing in front of them. “I think this is the closest I’ve ever been to you,” he joked, attempting to gesture at the fact that their bodies were maybe one inch from each other, but overestimating the room he had and instead accidentally brushed his hand across her chest. Had those always been that big?
She scowled at him, “Touch me again, and I will rip your fingers off.”
He put his hands behind his back and shrugged. “It’s not my fault your tits are out,” his eyebrows raised slightly as he looked down, able to see straight into her shirt.
“Sod. Off. Black.” She pronounced as loudly as she dared.
He sighed heavily. “I can’t right now, or trust me I would not be stuck in here with you! Or stuck in any space this small.” Sirius tried to adjust himself, seeing it there was any way to make himself more comfortable. Keeping his hands behind his back, he leaned against the wall, his feet on either side of hers, against the wall on her side. She glared at him and he looked her straight in the eyes, “I’m taller than you, it’s cramped in here.”
“You’re the same height as me,” she answered him haughtily. “And I’m doing a fine job staying on my side, heels and all,” she looked down to her feet and Sirius’ eyes followed. Although they did stop to admire her legs. No matter how much he disliked her, he always noticed her legs.
“Were you on a date, McKitten?” He asked.
“Making small talk?” She laughed. “I’d rather suffer in silence.
Sirius nodded, “Fine.”
A few minutes passed, and Marlene started shifting. He was right, it was very cramped in here, and to be honest, her heels were very uncomfortable. She groaned, eventually giving in, and trying to kick them off soundlessly, afraid that the click clack of stilettos would give them away. With the little room she had, she pushed one foot forward, attempting to pry them off with her feet. She got one off and in her attempt to get the second ended in her knee grazing Sirius’ crotch. “Oi!” He breathed, almost too loudly.
“Sorry, accident,” she said earnestly, finally escaping her heels.
Sirius huffed, “You’d better be,” but honestly the brush was so light it turned him on more than anything. It was like a switch for his teenage hormones to really process what was going on. He was locked in a closet, with a, though very bitchy, beautiful blonde with long legs, breasts barely contained by her shirt. Fuck. He thought to himself.
Her next comment didn’t help anything. “Maybe this is karma for the comment you made to me earlier,” she crossed her arms against her chest, which only amplified how much of them he could see.
Unfortunately he knew exactly what she was talking about. Earlier in the day he had received detention for saying something about how Marlene was probably just always bitchy because she never had a proper shag and if she would get off her high horse, Sirius could make her scream louder than a mandrake. A chuckle escaped him, “I still think I could,” And damn right now, he really could.
“Not a chance,” she looked away, as if she could see outside of their wooden prison.
“We have a few minutes right now, I could demonstrate,” he laughed as if it were nothing more than a joke, but honestly if she would let him, they would have miraculous hate sex.
Marlene looked back at him, a smirk on her lips that could rival even his own. Leaning in close to him until he could feel her perky breasts against his chest she whispered into his ear. “You wouldn’t be able to turn me on if you tried.” That was it, his pants muggle tightened around crotch at the gentleness of the breath from her ear and the words coming from her mouth. And it did not go unnoticed. Marlene let her hand fall forward and brushed against his erection, “Yet you can’t control yourself around me.” With more confidence than ever, she leaned back against her side of the closet, a sparkle of mischievous in her eyes.
“Wanna bet?” He asked her, feeling his member twitch in his pants, aching for this to be really about to happen. He licked his lips, her eyes locked on hers.
“Not really,” she shrugged. Such a tease. But as he looked down he grinned at the slight hardness of her nipples showing through her top.
Their eyes were still on each other, both of them barely breathing. Then all at once, they simultaneously closed the gap between them. Their lips were on one another, his hands instantly grabbed for her glorious braless tits, that filled his hands so perfectly, that he was sure he could play with them forever. His hands groped at her, thumb flicking over her already hardened nipples. She made no complaints, as her hands snaked up his shirt, feeling his cool skin underneath. He let go of her, only for the blonde to pull his shirt over his head, then brought his mouth down, suckling on her breasts through her very thin shirt.
Marlene had to bite her lip to stop from moaning, but as his left hand kneaded at her breast and his teeth grazed over her nipple, her own nails dug into his neck, encouraging him to continue. Needing to feel her skin, he moved upwards, hand still working at her breast, teeth sinking lightly onto her neck. This had Marlene finally moan ever so slightly. It was stronger than the firewhisky he had been drinking earlier, and he wanted to hear more. So he bit down harder, electing another sound from her. His lip then kissed the same spot, licked it a few times, and bit again. Sirius repeated the cycle a few times, determined to leave a mark for the world to see tomorrow. When his work was done, his lips moved further up, chewing on her ear and kissing her jawline. Marlene’s blonde locks were thrown backwards as her neck craned giving him all the access he needed. And fuck she was sexy like this. Roughly pulling the shirt off of her and letting it fall to their feet, he took in the sight of the topless Marlene McKinnon standing in front of him. Her chest was heaving heavily, nipples pointed towards him in further need to be tended to.
Of course, he was happy to oblige. This time he took the left one between his teeth, rolling her right one in his hand. He continued until the stubs ached and Marlene pulled him back up to her face, catching his lips in hers.
Pulling him towards her, Marlene surely felt his hardness pressing into her, pleading for release. Her hands felt down his body and played at his hemline. “Fuck Mar,” he growled as her hands traced the outline of his cock. Her tongue fought his for dominance as his entered his mouth. Neither one of them winning, and Sirius instead, biting down hard on her lower lip. “Stop teasing,” he threatened, her hand still working on the outside of his pants.
But this only seemed to please Marlene, she grinned at him, toyed with his zipper, until Sirius had enough and took them off himself. In one swoop he had removed all remaining articles of clothing from his body, his penis long and thick, bouncing against his stomach. “Not to bad,” Marlene sounded almost impressed, and let her fingers dance along his inner thighs.
Fuck. He thought again, “Dammit woman, I’ve had enough of your teasing, get to it,” he repeated, but she made no act to do any such thing. Fine, if she wanted to play, he could too. His hands slipped under her skirt, grabbing tightly onto her firm arse. Damn. How did he never notice how nice it was. Aggressively, squeezing again, one of his hands strayed away and slowly traced her knickers. A smile grew broad across his face when she felt how wet she already was for him. “Guess I can turn you on after all, eh McKinney?”
“Shut it,” she retorted, although it was less than convincing since she had to gasp for breath right after, when his finger grazed her inner thigh.
He didn’t say anything else, he would make her beg for him later, but not yet. His one hand continued all the way up, palming at her engorged nipples once more, the second hand, pushing up against her wetness, rubbing tiny circles against her panties. She whimpered and it became much easier for him to withstand her attempted tease. Although, she wasn’t moving her hand nearly as much anymore, too busy enjoying the pleasure she was receiving instead. Her eyes shut and she was biting her lower lip hard clearly in vain of stoping any more noises from escaping her. Taking the opportunity of her not paying attention, Sirius awkwardly slipped down onto his knees, and let his face fall under her skirt. “Oh,” she replied in breathy surprise as his tongue licked the sides of her panties.
Letting him slide them and her skirt off her body, his lips now moved to part her folds. She was quickly loosing control of the noises she was making. Quiet moans of pleasure filled their closet, as his tongue worked expertly at her core. It would flick over her clit every so often and her whole body would shutter. “Fuck,” she said eventually, his stubble teasing her legs as his tongue reached as far into her as it would.
“Say my name,” he demanded from between her legs.
But she refused. “Fuck you.”
“Hmm, darling, actually I’m fucking you,” the smile was audible in his words as he licked her clit one last time, feeling her hands ball fists of his hair, pushing him further into her. But he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted just yet. Returning to his standing position, his fingers just so lightly touched her core and he grinned down at her, seeing pieces of her blonde hair sticking to her sweaty forehead. “Remember when you said I wouldn’t be able to turn you on?”
She whined, at his fingers constant presence but not giving her what she wanted, attempting to push into them, he held her hips against the wood, so she was powerless until she replied to him. “Stop talking.”
“I want an apology,” he shrugged easily.
But he should have known Marlene wasn’t going to be that easy to win over. She still had her own hands and she latched one onto his cock, making a circle and stroking against his erection. A growl left his throat, as her second hand played at his balls, massaging them. The thumb from her first hand lightly flicked over his tip. Shit. This girl knew how to use her hands.
He forgot that he was suppose to be teasing her and stuck two fingers inside of her, moving them in and out, slowly at first. But as she quickened the pace of her hands at his throbbing member, he hurried his fingers inside of her, using his thumb to press against her clit. It wasn’t until he realized how close he was to coming into her hands that he stopped her. This wasn’t how it was suppose to go. Keeping his fingers inside of her, he took her hands and pinned them abode her head. He removed his fingers from her heat, only to add a third and continued vigorously fucking her with them. “Tell me you’re going to come for me,” he demanded, but she still refused.
It didn’t matter whether she said it or not though, her insides tightened around his fingers, body ready to climax, when he heartlessly tore them away from her. “No,” she whined, her whole body shaking, not caring that it was Sirius who was getting her off.
“You’re not getting anything until you do as I say,” he reminded her, pressing his body close against hers. They both felt how his prick jerked at her wetness. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to scream just like I said.”
“Try all you want, that’s not going to happen,” she came back stubbornly, but the whimper in her throat was saying otherwise.
His fingers drew circles at her cunt again, and he felt her warmth so desperately wanting him inside of her. “Tell me you want me.”
“No,” she shook her head.
“Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
“Sod off,” she retorted.
“Come on, Marls,” he said cheekily, nipping at her neck again, letting his finger just barely go inside of her.
Somehow, he found her weakness, it was at her neck. Because as soon as his lips touched her neck she groaned desperately, “Just do it,” she complained.
“What was that?” He repeated softly into her ear, licking it slightly, before sucking on her collar bone.
Marlene finally gave in, it was all too much for her, “Please Sirius.”
“There’s a good girl,” he said with a grin, straightening out, lining himself up with her hole and thrusting himself into her as hard as they both needed.
He tried a few different angles, still holding her hands above her head, until he found one that had a high pitched moan coming from Marlene. Sirius, dropped her wrists and moved his hand instead to be gently at her throat.
Her own hands impulsively wrapped around him, one grabbing chunks of his hair and the other ones nails scratching down his back. Neither of them cared how many marks they would be adorning the next day. “Say my name again, McKinnon,” he ordered her.
This time, there was no argument, “Harder Black,” she chocked out.
“Was I right?” He managed to grunt in response, increasing his speed, not sure if he could go any harder without breaking the closet walls.
“Just keep fucking me Sirius,” she retorted, done with talking as she neared her completion.
His hand let go of her throat and worked down, pressing against her clit, wanting to ensure she orgasmed hard for him. Her walls were closing on him again, but he wasn’t quite there. “You’d better not come until I say,” he breathed into her ear, taking her mouth in his again. His tongue sliding easily past her lips, there was no fight this time, he had already won.
His thrusts for more irregular as they both began to lose control. He pulled his lips off of hers and demanded, “Come for me, Marlene.”
And she did as she was told. Her orgasm consumed her whole body as the warmth was so intense that she couldn’t see anything, all she felt was the pulsing at her core that rippled through her whole body. “Fuck Sirius, yes!” The blonde screamed out loudly.
Sirius followed straight after, forcing himself to pull out just in time for him to spill onto those thighs that he loved so much.
He was panting, leaned against her in their tiny hiding spot, while she moaned against his chest. “Holy fuck,” he managed to barely breath.
“You called me Marlene,” she replied dumbly. Out of everything that just happened he couldn’t help but laugh that she noticed that.
“Hm yes, is that going to change our not-so-friendly rivalry?” He joked in return, but before she had time to come back with anything, the closer doors sung open and there was a very upset looking Professor McGonagall. her lips were so thin, they almost disappeared and the scowl on her face could almost rival that of Walburga’s when she saw Sirius doing absolutely anything.
“Clothes, now!” She barked at the two, flicking her wand so they didn’t have a choice in the matter. Instantly their clothes flew up to their bodies and they both stood stunned, starring the Gryffindor witch.
“Detention. One month. 100 points from Gryffindor. Each.” This was possibly the most angry the young Black had ever seen his professor. But she usually had a soft spot for him so he smiled to her, running his hand through his hair.
“Shouldn’t you be glad we’re not cursing each other, prof-”
She cut him off. “Two months for you Black! Now get to bed, I don’t want to see either of you for another second tonight!”
In the corner they saw Fitch holding onto his cat, clearly he had gone to fetch Professor McGonagall, the git. Although, Sirius thought to himself, if he hadn’t have left to find her first, they wouldn’t have finished. And hearing Marlene McKinnon beg for him was worth a whole year of detentions.
The next day a lot of gossip arose about why Black and McKinnon had matching detentions. And if anyone had noticed the hickies covering her neck. Or the scratch marks against his back and shoulders. But no one dared ask. Even James and Lily ended up talking, just to see if either of them had heard about anything. But if anyone could keep a secret, it was Marlene and Sirius. And they kept it well. Every night, after detention, all over the school.
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thinkingagain · 4 years
Unlike Beasts, all the animals participated in the whole variety of tasks they could perform. Everyone gladly took turns at the smaller or more laborious tasks, knowing they would be wanted soon enough for more dangerous and skillful jobs. Every task, small or large, contributed equally to the life of the Demesne.
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Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest (A Novel of the Revolution) Book Three: The Be Attitudes Chapter One
At times like now, when Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest was away, and frequently even when he wasn’t, Little Sy, that faithful koala, coordinated daily activities at the Demesne.
Life on the famous grounds dedicated to the protection of all animals was more lively than it had ever been. The morning greetings, early meetings and discussion groups, the gathering of outside news; all had their own independent animal actors.
Sy’s role was to make sure no activities disrupted others. He was often first to suggest which Demesne animals might be best suited for whatever action was crucial that day. He also made sure that other, less risky maintenance details were rotated properly among whoever was available and willing.
Unlike Beasts, all the animals participated in the whole variety of tasks they could perform. Everyone gladly took turns at the smaller or more laborious tasks, knowing they would be wanted soon enough for more dangerous and skillful jobs. Every task, small or large, contributed equally to the life of the Demesne.
After a busy start to the day, Sy was taking his usual late morning stroll. Walking with him was his friend Frank, that forthright and thoughtful polar bear. No one on the Demesne believed that constant work was good for any animal. Sy sometimes strolled alone, but often went with Frank, whose conversation provided Sy with essential insights.
Frank, of small stature for a polar bear but very much a bear, enjoyed responding to everything on the little koala’s mind. Frank’s belief in listening was crucial to his philosophy. “I can’t learn as much telling others what I already think,” he said when asked about it. “Learning depends on listening, whether it’s to other animals or to any relevant sound.” Still, with Sy, Frank talked more, confident that with that chatty koala he would never dominate a discussion.
It was a crisp fall morning, the ground still soggy after rain the day before. Frank preferred these cool days and spent much of the summer in or near the Demesne lake. They were talking of many things: anecdotes from their Magic Animal past; recent news in animal struggles against Beasts; yesterday’s strong rains. Frank loved rain and would stand in it, soaking up the water. Sy preferred more shelter, especially if winds were fierce.
“I once rescued several Beasts from drowning during a heavy rain just south of the Polar ice cap,” Frank said. “The ice had gotten thin. Several young adult Beasts had been fishing recklessly and fell through an unexpected hole.”
Sy had known his friend was unwilling to define himself too rigidly but nonetheless looked surprised. “A polar bear saving Beasts? That can’t be common. Beasts never mention it.”
“There are Beast mythologies about Beast children raised by female bears,” Frank said, “although I’ve never heard of it really happening. Still, I admit it was out of the ordinary. They were Beasts desperate for food, and not experienced, and I was there. When animals are in trouble—even when those animals are Beasts—I don’t feel it’s proper to ask whether they ‘deserve’ to be saved. Polar Beasts are respectful of animals and resources, even if extremely dangerous in defense of our needs. We live within reasonable boundaries in our environment. Not saving them seemed to insist on too fine a line regarding Beasts.”
“I see what you’re saying.” Sy scratched the back of his koala head. “I’m glad you like to listen, Frank. But I learn a lot from listening to you.”
Frank swayed his head from side to side, stretching his neck. “I’m always happy to chat.”
They were walking through a field bordered on one side by trees, on the other by a lower set of bushes and hedges. Sy looked out over the hedges and stopped walking. A pair of small eyes was peering above one hedge. Sy focused on the eyes and nudged Frank. Two more pairs of eyes appeared above the hedge.
“You might as well come out,” Sy said. “You want us to see you, and we do.”
Three koala heads poked above the hedge, then three koalas stepped out between the branches. The one on the left was roughly Sy’s height, the one in the middle taller, and the one on the right a koala much tinier than the others. They had a scraggly, scrawny look that suggested a difficult journey. Still, their roughened fur was shiny, their claws well-groomed.
“Welcome to the Demesne.” Sy bowed.
“He gave the bow, Ma!” the tiny koala said in an excited voice. “You’re Little Sy, aren’t you? I’ve heard all about you. You coordinated the famous defense of the Demesne against the invasion of the Commandant.”
“Well, uh,” Sy stammered, not knowing what to say. He remembered how, some time back, he had greeted Sir Sleepy for the first time in nearly the same way.
“Don’t embarrass him,” the tallest koala said in a feminine voice. “We don’t want to presume on his hospitality.”
“I’m not embarrassing him, Ma,” the little koala said excitedly. “He likes it, really.” The little koala looked at Sy. “Don’t you?”
“Uh….” Sy fell silent. Why resist though? “Yes. I do.”
The tall koala spoke again. “I’m Koala Lampur. And my son here is Little Lampur.”
“Just like you’re Little Sy!” Little Lampur said.
“And our friend here,” Koala Lampur gestured to the third koala, “is Stanley.”
Stanley’s koala paws moved rapidly through a series of pointing and twirling gestures that suggested he was pleased to be at the Demesne and appreciated Little Sy’s welcome. Koalas were typically slow and measured in body language. Sy had never seen one move this fast in an unthreatening situation. “I am but a humble amanuensis,” Stanley said. “Pleased to meet you, and at your service.”
“Am-a-nu…?” Sy stumbled over the odd word. He decided he could figure it out later. “This is my friend Frank the polar bear.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Frank swayed his head in greeting. “I take it from your introduction that you’re not all one family?”
“Stanley isn’t Little Sy’s father, if that’s what you mean,” Koala Lampur said. “We’re a family in our way though. Many different concepts of family are possible. One is that those who travel together and help each other are a kind of family.”
“Here at the Demesne, we believe that also,” Sy said.
“We’ve traveled all the way from Malaysia!” Little Lampur nearly jumped off the ground with excitement. “Do you know how far that is?”
“In fact I do,” Sy said. “I traveled a long way myself to reach the Demesne.”
“See, Ma, see,” Little Lampur said. “He’s the greatest!”
“I do see.” Koala Lampur smiled kindly. Not only tall for a koala, she had a stately bearing. Sy could tell she would make a formidable opponent both intellectually and physically. “Lampy has been so eager to meet you. You’re a hero to him. I hope his excitement won’t be too much to take.”
Sy smiled shyly. He had never been someone’s hero before. “Will you tell us why you’re here, and what your journey has been like?” He made sure to look at all three koalas. Frank nodded encouragement.
“I was born in what the Beasts called Malaysia, not Australia,” said Koala Lampur, “in the Beast city from which my magic name is derived. I took that name as acknowledgement of my birth, a sign that I don’t reject where and how I happened to be born. Still I’ve always been committed to changing circumstances when necessary. I was born in captivity and escaped early in life. No cage has been made that I can’t break out of. I moved with a roving band of Magic Animals up through what the Beasts call Thailand and into their so-named China, where eventually I joined the great revolutionary panda Mei Xeing. I know she visits here at times when her busy schedule allows. I’ve fought in many skirmishes and pitched battles, in one of which Little Lampur’s father was lost. We miss him every day.”
“My dad was a hero too,” Little Lampur said. “Ma is my biggest hero of all though.”
“I see that clearly,” Sy said. It was Koala Lampur’s turn to look shy.
“I’ve even fought a few Beasts myself.” Little Lampur tittered. “Ma doesn’t let me take down the full-sized Beasts yet, but she says I’m plenty ready for the young and growing mean ones. I’ve got more kick than it seems.”
Sy laughed a big-hearted koala laugh. “You and your Ma make quite a team.”
Koama Lampur smiled. “We met Stanley on one of our more dangerous expeditions. His literary skills helped dissuade some local Beasts from participating in the deadly practices of their Beast government. He proved that sometimes, Beasts can be persuaded to turn against Beasts in ways that might be helpful.”
Stanley moved his koala paws back and forth rapidly in front of his face in a way that requested that no one overestimate his role. “Sometimes, a bit of well-deployed Beast language can have a small effect. I can’t say that the long term value of such language is clear.” He made a pointing gesture with one of his koala claws. “There have been examples, but not many. We should be wary of drawing overly general conclusions. If Beast language can be deployed for good ends, it has been used more commonly for bad ones.”
Koala Lampur patted Stanley’s shoulder. “Stanley’s caution and understatement in speech is matched only by his eloquence in written Beast language. I tend to be a knock-them-out-right-away kind of koala, myself. Beasts have what I call a ‘first thought, worst thought’ mentality. The best way to eliminate them is during their initial un-nuanced enthusiasm for their worst intentions, though time to think can also help them behave badly. Stanley showed a lot of us that language can be effective in leading Beasts to question their worst tendencies.
“After we saw that, a number of us koalas got to talking and had an idea. We approached Mei Xeing with it. She told us, with many ‘silks’ and ‘roads,’ that your Sir, and the Demesne, might provide an excellent opportunity to test it out. The three of us have journeyed here to find you all, learning about you as we go.”
Sy looked curiously at his koala visitors. “What idea is that?”
Stanley made an elaborate swirling motion with his hands. “If the Sir would be so gracious to tell it, I would like to write his story.”
Shocked, Sy stared. “Write it in Beast language?”
“We might find that the Sir’s story persuades more than a few Beasts about the value of our cause,” Koala Lampur said.
Sy looked around, thinking. He turned questioningly to Frank.
“Unconventional,” Frank said, “and nearly unprecedented, except by Stanley himself. Which means risky, but maybe also effective.”
“We do not expect our little suggestion to be agreed with immediately,” Stanley spun his claws in a circle, “or at all. We just humbly request a small amount of the Sir’s no-doubt-important time.”
 “I’m sure that the Sir would love to hear your idea,” Little Sy said. He hesitated. “I’m afraid he’s away from the Demesne right now.”
“The struggle against Beasts is time-consuming, I’m sure,” Koala Lampur nodded. “When is he expected back?”
Sy swallowed, and scratched one of his koala shoulders. “I’m afraid I don’t know.” He looked at Frank. “I don’t think anybody does.”
“Oh?” Koala Lampur looked surprised and concerned.
“In fact none of us even know where he is,” said Little Sy.
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